Boral Bricks
Boral Bricks
creatingbetterliving N E W S O U T H W A L E S & A C T Boral Bricks Boral Bricks InspIred by nature Resilient, reliable and safe, the natural make-up of Boral bricks Choose from the following seven brick styles creates strong and beautiful homes that breathe. Each brick is formed from select clays and kiln-fired to lock in superior thermal qualities and strength. Added to that, they’re termite and 2 fire resistant. All to ensure the protection, comfort, and health of your family. Escura® S m o o t h Fa c e dry preSSed Velour 6 8 9 N u vo ® FashIoned wIth style Our expertise is our passion. We’ve channelled this energy into creating refreshing new colours, textures and sizes that sit along side the classics. In NSW these are grouped into seven distinct FuSion aSpire ElaN® Gallery F l o r e n t i n e l i m e Sto n e brick styles to help make selection easy. Within each range, Woodstock® there are size and textural varieties that, in combination with harcourt pioneer arcadia ranch different patterns and mortars, provide a myriad of options to excite and inspire. buIlt For tomorrow New generation shades and textures make for endless design flexibility. Boral bricks are resistant to the extremes of the Australian climate with many specified as exposure grade for coastal, saline soils and harsh environments. With no other material showing so few signs of ageing, Boral bricks will maintain their natural beauty wherever you choose to build. 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 18 oasis c oaSt Villa Shore 20 22 23 HorizoN® SandS claSSicS riVerSide n at u r a lS antiQueS 24 25 26 27 28 rEvivE® 30 h andc raf ted textures chi c, contemp or ary l ine s . F ro m w ar m, to sl eek, Woodstock Arcadia: Sandstone gold DH Woodstock Arcadia: Winter gold DH Give yourself a head start and create a lasting impression by choosing Boral Bricks. Why BriCKs? When it comes to walls, today’s natural clay brick is unrivalled in performance, looks and long-term value. STRONg AND SAFE DESIgN FLExIBILITy Bricks are tough. They won’t twist or warp, rot or decay, erode or dent. They are resistant to the extremes of the Australian climate and can be specified as exposure grade for coastal environments and areas classified as having harsh soils. Today’s new generation bricks mean the variety is now vast, and so are the uses. Unlike pre-fabricated panels, their compact size, colours, textures and shapes provide infinite design options. RESALE vALUE NATURAL CHARACTER Made from natural clay and shale, no two bricks are identical. This gives each home its own distinct personality, to reflect yours. Their natural make-up also means that bricks have no toxic emissions, ensuring a healthier home. Reliable performance over the long term makes brick a solid return on investment. When it’s time to sell, brick rates well because it is trusted over newer cladding materials that haven’t stood the test of time. vIRTUALLy mAINTENANCE-FREE ENDURINg COLOUR Boral bricks are kiln-fired at temperatures of up to 1130°C, resulting in colour that is locked in for the life of the brick. With no superficial surface coat applied, there is no risk of blistering or peeling that comes with other materials. TEmPERATURE CONTROL Brick homes even out temperature fluctuations better than lighter weight materials because of their mass. Homes made from brick are slow to warm up in summer and slow to lose heat in winter, so it’s good news for reducing heating and cooling costs. ACOUSTIC PERFORmANCE The density of brick makes for a quiet home, with dramatically reduced external sound such as aircraft and road noise. Regain your weekends and avoid ongoing costs because bricks have negligible routine maintenance. This is an important factor to consider when looking at the “whole-of-life” cost of your home. LONg LASTINg Made to the highest international standards from kilns across Australia, Boral bricks are made to last. For hundreds of years, no other material shows so few signs of ageing. ENERgy CONFIDENCE See the National Housing Energy Rating Scheme (NatHERS) thermal values for each brick to assist in enhancing the energy efficiency of your home. The NatHERS value for this brick is Light. The NatHERS value for this brick is Medium. The NatHERS default value for this brick is Medium. 3 The energy life cycle Never before have new homes been built so responsively to our landscape, climate and lifestyles. 4 The introduction of minimum standards and energy reduction targets for new houses across most Australian states is aiding this change. And the good news is that armed with the right advice and information, it doesn't have to be difficult. An energy-wise home will use the best combination of sustainable building considerations such as site orientation, wall and ceiling insulation, ventilation and materials to reduce energy consumption and in turn greenhouse gas emissions. it's all about taking a long-term view on our impact on the environment. From the initial sourcing and manufacture of materials to the need for ongoing maintenance and temperature control, it's the efficient use of energy over the lifespan of a building that counts. That's why as the 'whole-of-life' benefits of brick are uncovered, architects, designers and builders in the know are recognising its green credentials. Once bricks are made, the embodied energy consumption ends there, because there is no need to add a coating to maintain its finish. Bricks made from clay and shale allow homes to breathe - unlike man-made products such as metal and fibre cement cladding. Similarly paints can release volatile organic compounds like formaldehyde, providing another reason not to coat bricks. Together with good design principles, bricks can help you take advantage of the weather when it's hot, and give you the best protection when it's not. When around 38 per cent of end energy use in Australian homes is directed toward artificial heating and cooling1, this is serious long-term value. ✔ Clay bricks are virtually age-proof and are totally reusable and recyclable. ✔ Clay bricks provide the thermal mass so essential for naturally comfortable indoor temperatures. ✔ Clay bricks are natural and safe, with no toxic emissions. ✔ Clay bricks help you save on heating and cooling costs. tiP Conserve energy over the long term by using a strong, long-lasting and non-toxic material. 1 Home Energy Use, Baseline Energy Estimates 2008 tiP Brick is a good natural insulator but double brick is the best. energy efficient design There are four factors crucial to the energy performance of your home: ORIENTATION Site orientation or the position of a house relative to the sun provides the best opportunity to take advantage of its natural energy with minimum of fuss. With the goal of northerly living areas (where exposure to the sun is best controlled) the use of extended eaves will block the higher summer sun, while allowing the low winter sun to enter your home. INSULATION Ceiling insulation acts as a barrier to heat flow and is essential to providing year-round comfort. in regards to walls, this is where high thermal mass double brick cavity wall construction comes to the fore. it’s so effective that in some climate zones, the Building Code of Australia allows an exemption to reduce or remove the usually required layer of wall insulation material. B r i ck S i z e s Different brick sizes are available and can be used for the whole house, patterns, window sills, internal features, facades, formal areas, fireplaces and other architectural details. S TA N DA R D H E i G H T Brick size: 76mm high x 230mm long x 110mm wide SLiMLiNE For that elongated profile vENTILATION Cross-ventilation, with openings on both sides of a home, is the best way of cooling naturally. Fresh breezes will circulate better in open plan living spaces however internal walls are still required for their thermal mass, helping moderate temperatures. Vents should also be installed in the roof space to help regulate air flow year-round. THERmAL mASS More and more, energy experts are recognising why mass is good. Materials with high thermal mass, or ability to absorb and store heat energy, are important in most Australian climates where there is a need to average out temperature extremes. The density of clay bricks creates more even temperature control compared to lightweight materials like fibre cement and weatherboard because of this energy storing ability. it effectively delays the flow of heat through a wall by as much as 8 to 10 hours, producing a warmer house in winter and a cooler house in summer1. in NSW, where new homes require a BASiX (Building Sustainability index) certificate, consideration should be given to solar absorption accumulated through brick colour. Refer to our NSW brick brochure for the relevant National Housing Energy Rating Scheme (NatHERS) value for each of our bricks. Brick size: 50mm high x 230mm long x 110mm wide DOUBLE HEiGHT For a fresh take on traditional brick work Brick size: 162mm high x 230mm long x 110mm wide MODULAR Add a touch of European elegance with the large format Modular size Brick size: 162mm high x 290mm long x 90mm wide 1 Think Brick Australia 5 When only the best will do Smooth Face: Brown ■ Aesthetically superior bricks, exuding today’s contemporary style ■ Achieve strong, clean lines and uniform colours ■ Sharp edges and a refined texture ■ Outstanding quality and consistency 6 Smooth face NEVADA CREAM S TA N DA R D CREAM ALBURY TAUPE PEARL GREY CiNNAMON ALBURY/SYDNEY ALBURY E S C U R A® Smooth Face: Brown Smooth Face: Choc Tan Carry through the clean crisp look of Escura ® by using white mortar and ironed (or rolled) joints. 7 JUTE BROWN ALBURY FLAME RED CHOC TAN ALBURY RED TERRACOTTA ALBURY These products are ‘Exposure Grade’ and ideal for building in coastal areas or harsh soils. Refer to page 3 for NatHERS value description. Smooth face CREAM 50MM SLiMLiNE BROWN 50MM RED 50MM Smooth Face Slimline: Red 50mm 8 Dr y Pressed TiNTO CREAM RED RUM Smooth Face Slimline: Brown 50mm BY REQUEST SiLVER SHADOW BY REQUEST BLACK BEAUTY BY REQUEST Dry Pressed bricks are available in small quantities. Please check for availability. E S C U R A® Providing an understated warmth to man-made building materials, Escura ® is the number one choice for composite building design. velour: Pearl grey Ve l o u r NEVADA CREAM CREAM PEARL GREY 9 ALBURY ALBURY GREY TAUPE RED TERRACOTTA These products are ‘Exposure Grade’ and ideal for building in coastal areas or harsh soils. BROWN Refer to page 3 for NatHERS value description. Fusion: victorian Blue (laid in vertical stretcher pattern) NEW ■ G E N E R AT I O N STYLE Distinctly different finishes for the latest looks Fusion: Blue Rio in brick ■ Be confident with exceptional solid colour ■ Design-focused and infinitely adaptable making first impressions last 10 Fu s i o n S TA N DA R D BLUE RiO ViCTORiAN BLUE MERLOT DOMiNO SLiMLiNE ViCTORiAN BLUE 50MM Bold design and a bolder palette will ensure your home is brewing with original ideas. Aspire: moss & vanilla N U VO ® Freshness that awakens; familiarity that warms. Aspire VANiLLA Aspire: mist SOFT SUEDE CHiNO 11 MOSS COCO MiST BOULDER MANGROVE STORM These products are ‘Exposure Grade’ and ideal for building in coastal areas or harsh soils. Refer to page 3 for NatHERS value description. Everyday is a special occasion gallery: Labassa ■ A distinctive collection celebrating classic architecture ■ Elegant, formal and sophisticated ■ Rich, earthy tones in straight lines and a torn or rolled surface 12 Gallery AMBER BLAZE CLEVELAND SLiMLiNE CLEVELAND 50MM LABASSA 50MM LABASSA WiTH FLUSH MORTAR WiTH CLEAN iRONED MORTAR ELAN® Florentine Limestone WiTH ROUGH PARGET MORTAR ASHLAR PATTERN WiTH LiNED PARGET MORTAR Replicate the look of limestone with Modular bricks in soft creamy tones. Florentine Limestone 13 Shapes FRACTiON SNAP 240x90x162mm FRACTiON SNAP 190X90X162mm FRACTiON SNAP 140X90X162mm CORED 290x90x76mm These products are ‘Exposure Grade’ and ideal for building in coastal areas or harsh soils. 45º SQUiNT 240x90x162mm ONE COURSE SiLL 162x90x162mm Refer to page 3 for NatHERS value description. Arcadia: Potters gold ■ A tumbled texture for a handcrafted look ■ Bring timeless charm to modern styles ■ Offset edgy designs with informality and warmth Warm, rustic appeal that never fades Harcourt LEXiNGTON MOWBRAY BENTLEY ROSE KiNGSLEY LATROBE WiCKHAM BLEND BARWEAVE BLEND MT COTTON BLEND 14 These products are ‘Exposure Grade’ and ideal for building in coastal areas or harsh soils. Refer to page 3 for NatHERS value description. LEXiNGTON Double Height WOO D STO C K ® Harcourt DOU B L E H E i G HT ROSE Double Height Pioneer PORT PHiLLiP SYDNEY TOWN 15 Pioneer: Port Phillip Through naturally wistful hues, Woodstock® lends a genuine and gentle beauty. Arcadia: Sandstone gold DH Arcadia: Sandstone gold DH 16 Arcadia WiNTER GOLD SANDSTONE GOLD POTTERS GOLD HOMESTEAD GOLD BLEND DiGGERS GOLD BLEND BAKEHOUSE GOLD BLEND These products are ‘Exposure Grade’ and ideal for building in coastal areas or harsh soils. Refer to page 3 for NatHERS value description. DOU B L E H E i G HT WiNTER GOLD Double Height WOO D STO C K ® Arcadia SANDSTONE GOLD Double Height Arcadia: Sandstone gold DH POTTERS GOLD Double Height Arcadia: Winter gold DH Woodstock® will unlock an authentic ambience to create your perfect haven. 17 Ranch: Drysdale 18 R a n ch SANDHURST HONEYCOMBE CASCADE CRESTWOOD DUSK DRYSDALE These products are ‘Exposure Grade’ and ideal for building in coastal areas or harsh soils. Refer to page 3 for NatHERS value description. HiLLViEW GLENAYR BLEND WOODLAND BLEND DAiNTREE BLEND APSLEY BLEND STOCKMANS BLEND WOO STO C K ® COUNTRY ROSE 19 Ranch: Drysdale Coast: Bianca Weekends are for living ■ Light, airy and natural ■ Subtle tones and textures ■ Warm, cool and neutral hues for relaxed living 20 Coast S TA N DA R D BiANCA STONEWASH BiSQUE BEACH Shore: Bantry Cove (in afternoon sunlight) OAS i S Faded creams and pale terracottas make for true-blue sun-drenched appeal. Villa: Cameo C O B B L E S TO N E DOUBLE PAT T E R N H E i G HT STONEWASH Cobblestone Pattern STONEWASH Double Height 21 BEACH Double Height These products are ‘Exposure Grade’ and ideal for building in coastal areas or harsh soils. Refer to page 3 for NatHERS value description. villa: Limestone Hue Imagine a world of different colours and finishes using only bricks and mortar. Villa LiMESTONE HUE DESERT SAGE CAMEO CORAL MiST SANDSTONE BLUSH BLEND HAZE TUNDRA 22 OAS I S Shore OPAL COVE BANTRy COVE NELSON COVE ROSE COVE SIRIuS COVE 23 Shore: Blend of Nelson Cove and Bantry Cove These products are ‘Exposure Grade’ and ideal for building in coastal areas or harsh soils. Refer to page 3 for NatHERS value description. ■ Each brick is as individual as you are ■ Textures, colours and blends for every family and budget ■ Distinctive textures in brown and red tones Sands LiNDEN Classics: Leura Your home is your sanctuary 24 CORAL SANDS DELTA SANDS PEWTER SANDS BRiGHTON SANDS BLEND REEF BLEND ARNHEM SANDS These products are ‘Exposure Grade’ and ideal for building in coastal areas or harsh soils. Refer to page 3 for NatHERS value description. HORiZON® Soothe the soul with colours inspired by nature. Classics: Leura Classics: Leura 25 Classics LEURA BLACKHEATH ALABASTER LiNDEMAN Riverside: Sandy Bay 26 Riverside SANDY BAY MURRAY RiVER RED COVE ECHO POiNT BLEND CAPES LAGOON BLEND GEORGES BASiN BLEND HORiZON® Naturals JAROSiTE GRAPHiTE AMETHYST RUBELLiTE CHALCEDONY BLEND GALENA BLEND 27 Distinguish your home with bright white mortar that highlights the tonal diversity of Horizon®. Refer to page 3 for NatHERS value description. Classics: Alabaster 28 Antiques ANTiQUE CREAM ANTiQUE NATURAL CARRiNGTON BLEND ANTiQUE GREY ANTiQUE PiNK HAWKESBURY BLEND Classics: Alabaster HORiZON® Classics: Alabaster 29 COPELAND BLEND CASTLEMAiNE BLEND MANNiNG BLEND HUNTER BLEND Refer to page 3 for NatHERS value description. PATTERSON BLEND RECREATE THE LOOK Bring your home to life Revive: Red Texture Smooth Arris 30 ■ Match the old with the new ■ Stylishly overcome challenging renovations or extensions ■ Textured bricks ideal for maintaining authenticity of your home revive FLiCKER CREAM ROCKFACE CREAM TEXTURE Revive: Red Texture Smooth Arris REViVE® 31 Evoking memories of good times gone, Revive® is priceless for a seamless alteration. RED TEXTURE NO ARRiS RED TEXTURE SMOOTH ARRiS These products are ‘Exposure Grade’ and ideal for building in coastal areas or harsh soils. Refer to page 3 for NatHERS value description. BoralVision® Create your dream home with a click of a button! Mix and match your bricks, tiles and pavers with a huge range of windows, fascia, gutter and paint colours – under the careful guidance of your Boral consultant. Call to make an appointment now. For more information about Boral bricks and clay pavers: call us on 13 30 35 visit our website at drop into a Boral Selection Centre or Reseller at the following locations: Boral Centres Boral CoUntrY resellers neW soUtH Wales neW soUtH Wales revesby albion Park rail Boral select Hiland Building Centre 49 Durgadin Drive, Albion Park Rail 7 The River Road, Revesby Goulburn Bathurst Tilstons Building Exhibition Centre Southern Tablelands Bricks 24 Braidwood Road, Goulburn 369 Stewart Street, Bathurst Badgerys Creek Martin Road, Badgerys Creek tamworth 49 Gunnedah Road, Tamworth Greg Bayliss Brick Supplies 14 Vale Road, Bathurst Castle Hill Boral select 6 Hoyle Avenue, Castle Hill taree Byrnes Transport Lansdowne Road, Taree Bega Two Dogs Hardware 564 Tathra Road, Kalaru Kempsey South Street, Kempsey Wyong Boral select 154 Pacific Highway, Wyong Bomaderry Bolong Bricks 25 Bolong Road, Bolong aCt Cowra Cowra Concrete Products Pty Ltd Greg Bayliss Brick Supplies Cnr Young Road & Ranken Street, 370 Piesley Street, Orange Cowra Pambula South Coast Brick and Roofing Dubbo Cnr Toalla Street & Arthur Kane Brennan's Mitre 10 Drive, Pambula 64-70 Macquarie Street, Dubbo Port Macquarie 209 Lake Road, Port Macquarie Boral Select Fyshwick 16 Whyalla Street, Fyshwick Moruya Coastal Brick and Tile Lot 15 Shelley Road, Moruya scone Hunter Valley Bricks & Pavers 54-56 Muffet Street, Scone Mudgee Petries Mitre 10 144-148 Church Street, Mudgee tumut Tumut Brick & Pavers Lot 6 Boundary Street, Tumut Ulladulla orange Tilstons Building Exhibition Centre Premier Linings 10 Little Brunswick Street, Orange 263a Princess Hwy, Ulladulla BRICK, ROOF TILE AND LANDSCAPE SOLUTIONS Centres open at Castle Hill, Wyong & Albion Park Rail Calls charged at local rates. Shade variations can occur from batch to batch. Please ask to see a sample of your colour/texture choice before ordering. Variation in colour, texture and size is a natural characteristic of clay products. Displays, examples and brochures are intended as an indication only. Colours shown are indicative only and should not be used for final selection. Products Yass H.H. Pollack & Sons 2 Meehan Street, Yass Young Young Building Supplies 306 Boorowa Street, Young Industry memberships: BRBROCHNSW 09/09 newcastle 21 Pendlebury Road, Cardiff Parkes Parkes Brick & Tiles 1 Forster Street, Parkes ordered should be chosen from actual examples current at time of order. © Copyright Boral Bricks Pty Ltd – all rights reserved 2009. Elan, Escura, Horizon, Nuvo, Revive and Woodstock are registered trademarks of Boral Bricks Pty Ltd. ®BoralVision is a registered trademark of Boral Ltd. Boral Bricks Pty Ltd ABN 66 082 448 342. creatingbetter betterliving better
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