IMMULITE® Tumor Marker Assays
IMMULITE® Tumor Marker Assays
D P C T e c h n i c a l R e p o r t ® IMMULITE Tumor Marker Assays Multicenter Reference Range Data for Diagnostic Products Corporation Kits Paul E. C. Sibley, Ph.D. International Marketing Manager, Tumor Markers IMMULITE® Tumor Marker Assays: Multicenter Reference Range Data for Diagnostic Products Corporation Kits Preface Table of Contents In keeping with our commitment to provide ongoing support for the clinical application of DPC’s cancerrelated assays, through establishing, verifying and updating reference range information, the fourth edition of this technical report has been enhanced in several respects. Introduction............................................................. 3 The content has been updated to reflect additional results, notably for IMMULITE® AFP, a sequential immunometric assay which received FDA clearance for use as an aid in the management of nonseminomatous testicular cancer. Disclaimers ............................................................. 9 New to this edition is a direct, graphical comparison of IMMULITE PSA and IMMULITE Third Generation PSA results for 563 normal adult male serum samples. The centile curves testify to the excellent agreement between these two assays. (Though optimized for the very low levels of interest after radical prostatectomy, IMMULITE Third Generation PSA has a working range extending beyond the 4–10 µg/L “gray zone” up to 20 µg/L, making it appropriate for routine use in other contexts as well.) PSA...................................................................... 10 By way of introduction, we have added an overview of the significance of normal range studies, which figure prominently in the validation of tumor marker assays as well as (directly or indirectly) in the interpretation of patient results. With specific examples drawn from AFP, CEA, OM-MA (CA125) and PSA, the discussion herein supplements the tables and graphs in the document’s analyte-specific reference sections. CEA...................................................................... 17 Subjects.................................................................. 7 Methods.................................................................. 8 Data Analysis.......................................................... 9 References ........................................................... 22 Analytes Third Generation PSA........................................... 11 Nomograms ........................................................ 12 Free PSA.............................................................. 13 PAP...................................................................... 14 AFP ...................................................................... 15 Beta-2 Microglobulin ............................................. 16 BR-MA (CA15-3).................................................. 19 GI-MA (CA19-9).................................................... 20 OM-MA (CA125) ................................................... 21 In addition, this document has been substantially reorganized to make it a still more convenient and comprehensive (printed or electronic) reference on normal ranges and related information for DPC’s automated tumor marker assays. It is being made available, along with other data and discussions of clinical interest, on DPC’s Web site, — under Technical Documents, Technical Reports — in Adobe Acrobat PDF format. The document features detailed analyses of normal reference range data obtained with IMMULITE tumor marker assays for the following analytes: alphafetoprotein (AFP), beta-2 microglobulin, BR-MA (CA153), carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA), GI-MA (CA19-9), OM-MA (CA125), prostatic acid phosphatase (PAP), and prostate-specific antigen (PSA). We have aimed throughout at characterizing — as definitively as possible — the distribution of values to be expected for the IMMULITE assays used to generate the data and, by implication, for the corresponding IMMULITE® 2000 assays as well, which are highly similar to their IMMULITE counterparts in both design and performance. — Paul E. C. Sibley, Ph.D. 2 Results reported to the physician should therefore be accompanied by a characterization of normal limits applicable to the assay in use. Laboratory report forms usually supply this as a centile (either the 95th or 97.5th for most tumor marker assays) indexing the upper limit of normal for adults, or for each of several relevant subgroups. Introduction The Significance of Normal Range Studies for Tumor Marker Assays Normal range studies serve two main purposes. First, they help to characterize an assay’s performance in a fundamental way (method verification), and may prove a valuable source of clinically relevant insights. Second, they provide one basis for making sense of individual patient results (interpretation), even in certain contexts where adopting the upper limit of normal as a decision level would be inappropriate. Method Verification/Validation Precision and accuracy represent the two fundamental dimensions of assay performance which can be assessed via analytical studies — “analytical” in the sense of requiring no special attention to the clinical status of the samples employed. Reference range studies make a third basic contribution towards validating the assay, usually by exploring the assay’s ability to reproduce well-established, clinically relevant, group-based distinctions or trends. Examples are given below for IMMULITE CEA, IMMULITE Third Generation PSA, and IMMULITE OM-MA. These two benefits are especially evident for tumor marker assays — though only if the normal range studies are carefully designed and executed. (The value of such studies depends critically on the quality of the assays involved, on the character and size of the study population, and on proper data analysis.) Accuracy is typically assessed via recovery studies, based on a reference preparation, and/or by comparison studies against a reference method. For several tumor markers including CA15-3, CA19-9 and CA125, however, neither reference methods (“gold standards”) nor reference preparations exist. These assays report in “arbitrary” units, making it imperative to generate assay-specific normal range limits as a guide for the physician faced with interpreting patient results. Moreover, the significance of the usual analytical approach to assessing accuracy is substantially reduced in this context, forcing method verification to rely more heavily on a combination of precision and reference range studies. Accordingly, DPC has undertaken extensive multicenter, multivariate reference range studies for several IMMULITE® tumor marker assays. The main results established thus far are summarized in this technical report, while this introduction focuses on the nature and significance of normal range studies in the context of tumor marker assays, drawing on the IMMULITE-based study for illustrations. Interpretation It is widely accepted that tumor marker assays are generally inappropriate for population screening, due to inadequate clinical sensitivity and/or specificity. Many such assays have more firmly established applications in the monitoring and follow-up of various types of treatment. Validation: AFP Alpha-fetoprotein (AFP) assays provide an excellent example of how normal range studies can be essential even when analytical studies of accuracy do apply. Thus, for AFP, there exists a well-established reference preparation,4 with a well-defined conversion between mass and International Units; and major collaborative efforts have aimed at improving and standardizing various aspects of AFP immunoassay design.5 Consequently, some authorities have advocated that upper reference limits be established for certain groups other than normals, e.g. for curative prostatectomies,2 where an upper limit for PSA on the order of 0.10 µg/L or less is expected. (This is well below the upper limit for normal men and underscores the need for exceptional, low-end precision — “third generation” sensitivity — if an assay for PSA is to yield precise and meaningful results when monitoring a subject’s progress after radical prostatectomy and other therapies.3) Even so, a 1996 survey of laboratory practice in the United Kingdom revealed a surprisingly broad range of variation in the upper limits of normal quoted for AFP results.6 Evidently, the same limits cannot be assumed to apply to all assays for this tumor marker in spite of a common approach to standardization — even if some of the highest values in the survey are dismissed as the legacy of an older technology. (We expect an evolution towards lower AFP reference limits as assays become more sensitive and specific, and less susceptible to socalled matrix effects.) Nevertheless, normal range studies for tumor markers are also relevant to the interpretation of individual patient results. The upper limit of normal often represents a major landmark, even when not serving as a cutoff. Thus, successful treatment for a cancer is often followed by the return of relevant tumor markers to normal circulating levels, as with CEA. Likewise, for most prostate cancer treatments, a urologist would look for PSA levels to drop to well below normal. The survey also stands as a reminder of how difficult it can be to disentangle the impact of genuine demographic 3 Table 1. Population-based IMMULITE® CEA centiles, µg/L differences from differences attributable to variation in the design and quality of reference range studies, or to variation in data analysis and presentation; for the survey also showed considerable variation across laboratories in the limits quoted for the same assay. Group n 5% 50% 95% 97.5% Smoking 166 0.52 1.8 6.3 8.9 Nonsmoking 312 0.37 1.9 3.3 4.3 Smoking 98 0.42 1.3 4.8 5.4 Nonsmoking 346 0.21 0.73 2.5 3.0 Adult Males No doubt this can be explained largely by decisions to establish, retain or adapt in-house reference limits, instead of relying on “expected values” claims from the manufacturer. Some variation in outcome from one reference range study to another is inevitable; but too small a sample size and/or too casual a selection of subjects can aggravate the problem. Hence, rather than attempting to establish their own normal values, laboratories with limited resources may be better off adopting the limits from a large, well-designed reference range study, after verifying their applicability through suitable review and experimentation.7 Adult Females Because these differences tally with well-established expectations in the literature, the statistics provide clinical evidence that IMMULITE CEA has the accuracy and precision needed to yield appropriate results under conditions known to affect baseline CEA levels. Competing Conventions Where tumor markers are concerned, we are faced with two competing conventions for characterizing the distribution of results for normal subjects.8 Many laboratories prefer to quote the observed 95th centile, partly because the lower limit of normal for most tumor markers is either below the detection limit of current assays, or of no apparent clinical interest, or both; and partly to buffer against “contamination” (the presence of abnormal subjects) in the reference group. Others prefer to quote the 97.5th centile, as is customary for many analytes commonly measured by immunoassay. Indeed, it would be a source of concern if a study were unable to reproduce the expected male-female, smokernonsmoker differences in CEA levels. Assuming that demographic factors could be ruled out, such a failure might be due to the assay (inadequate specificity or precision); to the study design (too small a data set, or too weak a criterion for distinguishing smoker from nonsmoker); or to the data analysis (transcription errors, genuine outliers, or inappropriate statistics). The population-based information encapsulated in Table 1 is clearly also relevant to the interpretation of individual results. Thus, for example, given these range limits, a physician would be likely to evaluate a CEA result of 6.0 µg/L for an otherwise apparently normal male subject in the light of his smoking status. In effect, the first approach characterizes the distribution of values in terms of the lower 95%, the second in terms of the central 95%; so both aim at the same degree of coverage. Figures 1 and 2 show, however, that for distributions skewed towards higher values, there can be a considerable difference between the concentration levels associated with these two centiles. (Given the competing conventions in this field, DPC has opted to tabulate both centiles in this technical report.) Visual representations of the study results and statistical analysis can serve both as a valuable safeguard against faulty or overly simplistic data reduction and as a source of insights into the distribution of real-world data that cannot be adequately captured in a simple tabulation. Validation: CEA Carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) levels for normal adults cannot be adequately characterized by a single set of reference limits. Men tend to have higher levels than women; smokers tend to have higher levels than nonsmokers. The differences due to sex and smoking status observed in a multicenter study based on the IMMULITE CEA assay are summarized in Table 1, in terms of selected centiles. 4 Figure 1. In this matter, the article published in JAMA 1993 by Oesterling et al. was a major landmark.11 The authors succeeded in characterizing the age-related distribution of PSA values in normal men — both graphically, in a “nomogram” conveying the apparently continuous variation in PSA levels as a function of age, and in a table, based on a manageable number of age brackets and suitable for laboratory report forms. Figure 2. Figure 2 displays a comparable nomogram based on IMMULITE Third Generation PSA results from a study conducted by Dr. A. Semjonow (Münster, Germany) in 1997. The 563 subjects included (a) men with PSA values less than 4.0 µg/L and no evidence of disease by digital rectal examination, and (b) men who failed to qualify under the first criterion but showed no evidence of a tumor on transrectal ultrasound-guided sextant biopsy. (These PSA results were subsequently combined with data from other sources for tabulation in this technical report. See pages 10, 11 and 13.) Thus, in Figure 1, the “ladders” show precisely how the centile estimates relate to the mass of data points in the study. (The horizontal lines correspond to the centiles in Table 1.) Moreover, the figure suggests one additional factor of possible relevance: there appears to be an upward, age-related trend for CEA in both male and female smokers. If genuine, this trend might be due to the duration of smoking or the amount of tobacco consumed; but this aspect of the data has not been pursued. In the analysis summarized in Figure 2, contour lines representing the 50th, 95th and 97.5th centiles were fitted globally to the PSA results as a function of age, that is, using methods which avoid the initial partitioning of results into bins by age.12,13 (See also page 12.) Validation: PSA Several similar studies have made it clear that age is a critical factor in PSA normal range studies for adult males. Indeed, for many years, there has been no justification for believing in a single concentration level representing the (age-independent) upper limit of normal. For prostate-specific antigen (PSA), as for CEA, there are relevant categorical variables. Sex, obviously, is one such factor, and race is emerging as another;9 but age, a continuous variable, is an even more fundamental determinant of PSA reference limits in normal men. It does not follow, however, that an age-related analysis should be utilized for interpretation of results. It is widely understood that the upper limit of normal should not automatically serve as a cutoff in screening programs, though the distribution of normal values is highly relevant. A PSA value of 4.0 µg/L continues to have a great deal of support when considered as a decision limit applicable in certain contexts to adult men irrespective of age.14 The traditional decision limit of 4.0 µg/L had its origin as the upper limit of normal determined in a reference range study supporting the introduction of Hybritech’s immunoradiometric assay for PSA. The age distribution of the subjects included in this study has been questioned;10 but the deeper issue concerns the analysis of results. 5 Moreover, an analysis of IMMULITE OM-MA results for samples collected during the latter half of the follicular phase or during the luteal phase in the multicenter ovulatory cycle study — i.e. excluding just the early days of the follicular phase — yielded an upper reference limit comparable to the upper limit observed for the older women in a large cross-sectional study based on the same assay. Sampling Conditions: OM-MA (CA125) Some studies of the ovarian marker CA125 have yielded upper limits of normal for postmenopausal women which are lower than the limits established for adult women generally; moreover, it has been suggested that this postmenopausal reference limit might serve as a better decision level even for younger women in certain contexts, e.g. after ovariectomy.15 This raises the possibility that the quality of reference limits determined in population studies of CA125 may depend more on certain aspects of study design than on the choice of subgroups during the data analysis stage. In particular, it argues for closer attention to the conditions for proper sample collection in women of reproductive age. Setting aside issues relating to decision limits, one assumption here is that either age or reproductive status is a factor which must be taken into account in determining CA125 reference ranges for women. However, results generated with the IMMULITE OM-MA assay for CA125 underscore the need for further examination of this matter. A multicenter study of several IMMULITE assays followed normally cycling women on a daily basis throughout one complete menstrual cycle and showed that many such women have distinctly higher CA125 levels during menstruation and the days immediately thereafter than in the remainder of the cycle.16,17 (See page 21.) Conclusion Substantial, carefully designed, appropriately analyzed normal range studies for an assay can greatly enhance the value of individual results reported by the laboratory, as well as provide evidence for the validity and clinical usefulness of the assay. These results confirm and extend other studies in the literature,18 providing a somewhat more precise delineation of the magnitude and frequency of menstruation-induced CA125 elevations than was previously available. The multicenter studies summarized in this technical report reflect DPC’s commitment to generating and supporting extensive clinical studies for its automated tumor marker assays; and to regularly updating its library of reference materials dealing with the studies, enhancing the content, presentation and availability of these essential resources. Like age in studies of PSA in adult men or gestational age in studies of HCG in pregnant women, ovulatory cycle position could be treated as a continuous covariate, and is naturally treated as such in studies of several reproductive hormones. For CA125, however, it is more natural to regard the early days of the cycle as a transient phase to be avoided when collecting samples for determinations of this ovarian tumor marker. In this manner, DPC continues to strive for improvements in its service to laboratories using the IMMULITE and IMMULITE 2000 systems, and thus also to the physicians who rely on these laboratories for precise and accurate patient results and for the basic orientation needed in their interpretation. From the clinician’s point of view, an appreciation for the sharp, transient increases in CA125 levels which can be induced by menstruation has an obvious bearing on individual patient results, no matter whether these are interpreted longitudinally, in terms of within-subject trajectories, or against population-based limits. 6 good health. This was part of a larger investigation — DPC’s Multicenter Ovulatory Cycle Study — designed to establish detailed reference ranges for several reproductive hormones in normally ovulating women throughout the menstrual cycle.16,17 The results, presented graphically, corroborate the reference limits determined from the Multicenter Tumor Marker Reference Range Study, and provide some additional insights. (See pages 19 and 21.) Subjects Much of the data presented here derives from the Multicenter Tumor Marker Reference Range Study which involved DPC assays in several formats (double antibody and antibody-coated tube RIAs and IRMAs, as well as IMMULITE assays).19 Blood samples were collected in France, Germany, The Netherlands and Portugal; an independent laboratory in The Netherlands generated results. Additional samples were collected and assayed in the UK at a later date. The subjects included men and nonpregnant women, approximately 20 to 70 years of age, all in apparent good health based on a questionnaire. Samples were collected in plain glass tubes without anticoagulants, gel barriers or clot-promoting additives, and assayed in singlicate. AFP For AFP, the tabulated statistics are based on results generated with the sequential IMMULITE AFP assay (LKAP) on serum samples from a total of 178 men and 204 women. The data set consisted of results from the UK site in the study described above, combined with results obtained on samples from apparently normal adults in the US. (Not enough was known about the latter to allow for plotting concentration against subject age for this analyte. See page 15.) PSA Contributing to the data sets for free and total immunoreactive PSA were additional results from Germany and the US obtained by IMMULITE assays on serum samples from apparently healthy men with normal prostates by various criteria. The samples collected in Germany — as part of a study conducted by Dr. A. Semjonow (Münster) — were analyzed by all three assays; those collected in the US were processed by the IMMULITE PSA assay only. (See pages 10, 11 and 13.) To allow for comparing the IMMULITE PSA and IMMULITE Third Generation PSA on a single population, the page devoted to an age-related analysis of results by these two assays was limited to data from the Semjonow study: the 563 subjects in this study included (a) men with PSA values less than 4.0 ng/mL and no evidence of disease by digital rectal examination, and (b) men who failed to qualify under the first criterion but showed no evidence of a tumor on transrectal ultrasoundguided sextant biopsy. (See page 12.) BR-MA, OM-MA For BR-MA (CA15-3) and OM-MA (CA125), this technical report also summarizes pertinent results from a study carried out at laboratories in four countries (Belgium, Germany, The Netherlands and the UK) where daily serum samples were collected throughout one complete cycle from each of 27 volunteers in apparent 7 IMMULITE® 2000 Tumor Marker Kits Methods All results presented in this document were obtained with IMMULITE® tumor marker assays. Kit Catalog Detection Number Limit Calibration Range Based on the close similarity of their performance characteristics, the corresponding IMMULITE® 2000 assays can be expected to have comparable ranges. AFP L2KAP 0.2 kIU/L Up to 300 kIU/L Beta-2 Microglobulin L2KBM 0.3 µg/L Up to 500 µg/L Listed below are the principal “tumor marker” assays available for the IMMULITE and IMMULITE 2000 platforms. (Other assays are under development.) BR-MA* (CA15-3) L2KBR 0.2 kU/L Up to 300 kU/L CEA L2KCE 0.15 µg/L Up to 550 µg/L Not all of the IMMULITE and IMMULITE 2000 assays mentioned here are available in the US. Kit status is clarified, where relevant, in the following tables and in the analyte-specific reference sections of this document. For detailed information on the assays, refer to the package inserts. OM-MA (CA125) L2KOP 0.3 kU/L Up to 500 kU/L PSA L2KPS 0.04 µg/L 0.04 – 150 µg/L Free PSA* L2KPF 0.02 µg/L Up to 25 µg/L Third Generation PSA L2KUP 0.003 µg/L Up to 20 µg/L Thyroglobulin L2KTY 0.2 µg/L Up to 300 µg/L ® IMMULITE Tumor Marker Kits Kit Catalog Detection Number Limit Calibration Range AFP LKAP 0.2 kIU/L Up to 300 kIU/L Anti-TG Ab LKTG 1 kIU/L Up to 3000 kIU/L Beta-2 Microglobulin LKBM 0.3 µg/L Up to 500 µg/L BR-MA* (CA15-3) LKBR 0.5 kU/L Up to 300 kU/L CEA LKCE 0.2 µg/L Up to 550 µg/L GI-MA* (CA19-9) LKGI 2.0 kU/L Up to 1000 kU/L OM-MA (CA125) LKOP 0.2 kU/L Up to 500 kU/L PAP LKPA 0.02 µg/L Up to 100 µg/L PSA LKPS 0.03 µg/L 0.04 – 150 µg/L Free PSA* LKPF 0.02 µg/L Up to 25 µg/L Third Generation PSA LKUP 0.003 µg/L Up to 20 µg/L Thyroglobulin LKTY 0.2 µg/L Up to 300 µg/L TPS* LKTP 6 U/L Up to 2400 U/L * Available outside the US * Available outside the US 8 what age spectrum any such relationship holds;21 and of course quite a variety of mathematical models (curve shapes) are compatible both with the PSA data presented here and with other published data. Data Analysis S-PLUS 2000 ( was used for calculations and data visualization, and for the graphs themselves. Lucas Plots Centiles The BR-MA (CA15-3) and OM-MA (CA125) results from the Multicenter Ovulatory Cycle Study are shown in Lucas plots, with the trajectories for two representative subjects highlighted. This method of depicting menstrual cycle data forces alignment of results not only at midcycle, but also at the start of follicular phase and the end of luteal phase, by rescaling the days before and after each subject’s observed lutropin (LH) peak to a common phase length.16,17 The tables provide estimates for relevant centiles, including the concentration at the 97.5th centile as well as at the 95th centile. These correspond to the upper limits for central 95% and lower 95% intervals, respectively, both of which are frequently encountered in the literature on tumor marker assays.8 The centiles were calculated using a robust, nonparametric technique, because most of the distributions were highly skewed rather than Gaussian or even symmetric, and in order to accommodate the presence of possible outliers. (Specifically, they were calculated using an S-PLUS implementation of the Harrell-Davis function,20 which is considered the nonparametric method of choice for univariate reference range analysis in clinical chemistry.12) Disclaimers The tabulated centiles represent guidelines only. Each laboratory should establish or verify the appropriateness of adopting reference range limits suggested by this document.7 In general, results for samples from subjects 20 to 70 years of age were subgrouped by sex and/or smoking status, when appropriate, prior to analysis. PSA results were further partitioned by age into “bins” corresponding (in accord with convention) to successive decades. Appropriate decision (or "action") limits cannot be automatically identified with upper (or lower) reference range limits, no matter how defined.8 The manner of data presentation adopted here should not be construed as suggesting for any analyte either that a significant relationship exists between concentration and age or that age-related clinical decision limits are appropriate. (For a brief discussion of this matter, see the Introduction.) Scatterplots In cases where subject ages were available for most samples, graphs are included. These graphs are intended merely to convey demographic information (age distributions of the subjects figuring in the study) and a sense of the uncertainties associated with the highest centiles tabulated. For uniformity, the graphs show concentration on a linear scale plotted against subject age, typically across the entire 20- to 70-year age spectrum used in the analysis. Limits for the vertical concentration axes have been regimented, so far as possible, to facilitate comparisons. Trend lines, where present, are based on local regression analysis (as implemented by the S-PLUS loess functions). Nomograms In constructing the pair of graphs intended as a direct comparison of IMMULITE PSA and IMMULITE Third Generation PSA, contour lines representing the 50th, 90th, 95th, 97.5th and 99th centiles were fitted to the PSA results as a function of age using parametric methods — manually implemented in S-PLUS and similar to those recommended in the modern literature12,13 — which avoid the initial partitioning of results into bins by age. The results are comparable to the “nomogram” published in the seminal paper by Oesterling et al.3 which likewise sought to represent PSA concentration levels as a continuous function of age. It must be understood, however, that even for PSA, it is not fully established over 9 PSA IMMULITE PSA Results from the Multicenter Tumor Marker Reference Range Study, combined with results obtained on serum samples from men with normal prostates in Germany, and from apparently healthy men in the US. (See also pages 5 and 12.) IMMULITE PSA: Males PSA, µg/L 8 Catalog Numbers LKPS1 (100 tests) LKPS5 (500 tests) Methodology Chemiluminescent enzyme immunometric assay Sample 10 µL serum Incubation 30 min Calibration Range Up to 150 µg/L (ng/mL) Detection Limit 0.03 µg/L Hook None up to 20,000 µg/L 6 IMMULITE 2000 PSA 4 Catalog Numbers L2KPS2 (200 tests) L2KPS6 (600 tests) Methodology Chemiluminescent enzyme immunometric assay Sample 10 µL serum Incubation 30 min Calibration Range Up to 150 µg/L (ng/mL) Detection Limit 0.04 µg/L Hook None up to 22,500 µg/L 2 0 20 30 40 50 60 70 Age, years IMMULITE PSA, µg/L Males n 5% 50% 95% 97.5% Combined (20–70) 1486 0.20 0.75 2.9 3.7 20–40 years 297 0.16 0.57 1.5 1.8 40–50 years 471 0.16 0.70 1.7 2.2 50–60 years 418 0.24 0.86 3.0 3.9 60–70 years 300 0.27 1.2 4.8 6.9 10 Third Generation PSA IMMULITE Third Generation PSA Results from the Multicenter Tumor Marker Reference Range Study, combined with results obtained on serum samples from men with normal prostates in Germany. (See also pages 3, 5 and 12.) Catalog Numbers LKUP1 (100 tests) LKUP5 (500 tests) Methodology Chemiluminescent enzyme immunometric assay (sequential) Sample 50 µL serum Incubation 60 min Calibration Range Up to 20 µg/L (ng/mL) Detection Limit 0.003 µg/L Hook None up to 90,000 µg/L IMMULITE Third Generation PSA: Males PSA, µg/L 8 6 4 IMMULITE 2000 Third Generation PSA 2 0 20 30 40 50 60 70 Catalog Numbers L2KUP2 (200 tests) Methodology Chemiluminescent enzyme immunometric assay (sequential) Sample 50 µL serum Incubation 60 min Calibration Range Up to 20 µg/L (ng/mL) Detection Limit 0.003 µg/L Hook None up to 112,000 µg/L Age, years IMMULITE Third Generation PSA, µg/L Males n 5% 50% 95% 97.5% Combined (20–70) 1075 0.23 0.67 2.6 3.7 20–40 years 253 0.19 0.52 1.3 1.5 40–50 years 328 0.22 0.65 1.6 1.9 50–60 years 306 0.25 0.80 2.6 3.6 60–70 years 188 0.29 1.2 5.6 6.9 11 IMMULITE Third Generation PSA (LKUP) 99% 97.5% 95% 8 Total Immunoreactive PSA, µg/L 7 6 90% 5 4 3 2 50% 1 0 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 Age, years (563 Normal Males) IMMULITE PSA (LKPS) 99% 97.5% 8 95% Total Immunoreactive PSA, µg/L 7 6 90% 5 4 3 2 50% 1 0 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 Age, years (563 Normal Males) 12 70 75 80 Free PSA Results from the Multicenter Tumor Marker Reference Range Study, combined with results obtained on serum samples from men with normal prostates in Germany. IMMULITE Free PSA* Catalog Numbers LKPF1 (100 tests) LKPF5 (500 tests) Methodology Chemiluminescent enzyme immunometric assay (sequential) Sample 25 µL serum Incubation 60 min Calibration Range Up to 25 µg/L (ng/mL) Detection Limit 0.02 µg/L Hook None up to 10,500 µg/L IMMULITE Free PSA: Males Free PSA, µg/L 2.0 1.5 1.0 *Available outside the US 0.5 IMMULITE 2000 Free PSA* 0 20 30 40 50 60 70 Age, years IMMULITE Free PSA, µg/L Catalog Numbers L2KPF2 (200 tests) Methodology Chemiluminescent enzyme immunometric assay (sequential) Sample 25 µL serum 50% 95% 97.5% Incubation 60 min Combined (20-70) 1072 0.038 0.17 0.50 0.66 Calibration Range Up to 25 µg/L (ng/mL) 20–40 years 252 0.13 0.33 0.37 Detection Limit 0.02 µg/L 40–50 years 328 0.041 0.16 0.39 0.45 Hook None up to 10,000 µg/L Males n 5% ND 50–60 years 305 0.058 0.19 0.49 0.58 60–70 years 187 0.084 0.25 0.87 1.1 *Available outside the US 13 PAP IMMULITE PAP Results from the Multicenter Tumor Marker Reference Range Study. IMMULITE PAP: Males 5 PAP, µg/L 4 3 2 1 0 20 30 40 50 60 70 Age, years IMMULITE PAP, µg/L Males n 5% 50% 95% 97.5% 525 0.89 1.4 2.3 2.7 14 Catalog Numbers LKPA1 (100 tests) LKPA5 (500 tests) Methodology Chemiluminescent enzyme immunometric assay Sample 50 µL serum Incubation 30 min Calibration Range Up to 100 µg/L (ng/mL) Detection Limit 0.02 µg/L Hook None up to 15,000 µg/L AFP IMMULITE AFP Results from the Multicenter Tumor Marker Reference Range Study (UK site), combined with results obtained on serum samples from apparently normal adults in the US. (Not enough detailed information was available on these samples to allow for plotting analyte concentration against subject age.) IMMULITE AFP, kIU/L n Males and Females 382 5% 50% 95% 97.5% 0.56 1.21 2.64 Catalog Numbers LKAP1 (100 tests) LKAP5 (500 tests) Methodology Chemiluminescent enzyme immunometric assay (sequential) Sample 10 µL serum Incubation 60 min Calibration Range Up to 300 kIU/L (IU/mL) (WHO 1st IS 72/225) Detection Limit 0.2 kIU/L Hook None up to 450,000 kIU/L Conversion to Alternate Units kIU/L x 1.21 → µg/L (ng/mL) 2.97 IMMULITE 2000 AFP 15 Catalog Numbers L2KAP2 (200 tests) Methodology Chemiluminescent enzyme immunometric assay (sequential) Sample 10 µL serum Incubation 60 min Calibration Range Up to 300 kIU/L (IU/mL) (WHO 1st IS 72/225) Detection Limit 0.2 kIU/L Hook None up to 534,000 kIU/L Conversion to Alternate Units kIU/L x 1.21 → µg/L (ng/mL) Beta-2 Microglobulin Results from the Multicenter Tumor Marker Reference Range Study. IMMULITE Beta-2 Microglobulin IMMULITE Beta-2 Microglobulin: Males and Females Beta-2 Microglobulin, µg/L 3000 Catalog Numbers LKBM1 (100 tests) LKBM5 (500 tests) Methodology Chemiluminescent enzyme immunometric assay Sample 5 µL serum (diluted) or urine Incubation 30 min Calibration Range Up to 500 µg/L (ng/mL) Detection Limit 0.3 µg/L Hook None up to 10,000 µg/L 2000 1000 IMMULITE 2000 Beta-2 Microglobulin 0 20 30 40 50 60 70 Age, years Catalog Numbers L2KBM2 (200 tests) Methodology Chemiluminescent enzyme immunometric assay Sample 5 µL serum (diluted) or urine Incubation 30 min Calibration Range Up to 500 µg/L (ng/mL) Detection Limit 0.3 µg/L Hook None up to 10,000 µg/L zb148-b, lkbm-fm, 19-feb-99 IMMULITE Beta-2 Microglobulin, µg/L n Males and Females 878 5% 50% 95% 97.5% 670 1,496 2,143 2,329 16 CEA Results from the Multicenter Tumor Marker Reference Range Study. (See also pages 4–5.) IMMULITE CEA: Female Nonsmokers IMMULITE CEA: Female Smokers 6 CEA, µg/L CEA, µg/L 6 4 2 4 2 0 0 20 30 40 50 60 70 20 30 40 50 60 70 Age, years Age, years IMMULITE CEA, µg/L Females n 5% 50% 95% 97.5% Nonsmoking 346 0.21 0.73 2.5 3.0 Smoking 98 0.42 1.3 4.8 5.4 IMMULITE CEA: Male Smokers IMMULITE CEA: Male Nonsmokers 12 12 10 10 CEA, µg/L 14 CEA, µg/L 14 8 6 8 6 4 4 2 2 0 0 20 30 40 50 60 20 70 30 40 50 60 70 Age, years Age, years zb148-b, lkce_ms, 19-feb-99 IMMULITE CEA, µg/L Males n 5% 50% 95% 97.5% Nonsmoking 312 0.37 1.9 3.3 4.3 Smoking 166 0.52 1.8 6.3 8.9 17 IMMULITE CEA IMMULITE 2000 CEA Catalog Numbers LKCE1 (100 tests) LKCE5 (500 tests) Catalog Numbers L2KCE2 (200 tests) L2KCE6 (600 tests) Methodology Chemiluminescent enzyme immunometric assay Methodology Chemiluminescent enzyme immunometric assay Sample 15 µL serum Sample 15 µL serum Incubation 60 min Incubation 60 min Calibration Range Up to 550 ng/mL Calibration Range Up to 550 µg/L (ng/mL) Detection Limit 0.2 ng/mL Detection Limit 0.15 µg/L Hook None up to 300,000 ng/mL Hook None up to 250,000 µg/L 18 BR-MA (CA15-3) Results from the Multicenter Tumor Marker Reference Range Study. IMMULITE BR-MA* Catalog Numbers LKBRZ (50 tests) LKBR1 (100 tests) LKBR5 (500 tests) Methodology Chemiluminescent enzyme immunometric assay (sequential) Sample 5 µL serum Incubation 60 min Calibration Range Up to 300 kU/L (U/mL) Detection Limit 1.0 kU/L Hook None up to 23,500 kU/L IMMULITE BR-MA: Females BR-MA (CA15-3), kU/L 50 40 30 20 10 *Available outside the US 0 20 30 40 50 60 70 IMMULITE 2000 BR-MA* Age, years IMMULITE BR-MA, kU/L Females n 5% 50% 477 9.2 22 38 42 BR-MA (CA15-3), kU/L 50 40 30 20 10 0 0% Methodology Chemiluminescent enzyme immunometric assay (sequential) Sample 5 µL serum Incubation 60 min Calibration Range Up to 300 kU/L (U/mL) Detection Limit 0.2 kU/L Hook None up to 30,000 kU/L *Available outside the US IMMULITE BR-MA: Ovulatory Cycles -50% L2KBR2 (200 tests) 95% 97.5% Results from the Multicenter Ovulatory Cycle Study (27 subjects), with the trajectories for two representative subjects highlighted. In contrast to the situation for OMMA (CA125), cycle position has no apparent impact on BR-MA (CA15-3) levels.16,17 -100% Catalog Numbers 50% 100% Percent of Follicular or Luteal Phase zb148-b, lkbr_cyc, 19-feb-99 19 GI-MA (CA19-9) Results from the Multicenter Tumor Marker Reference Range Study. IMMULITE GI-MA* Catalog Numbers LKGIZ (50 tests) LKGI1 (100 tests) LKGI5 (500 tests) 50 Methodology Chemiluminescent enzyme immunometric assay 40 Sample 50 µL serum Incubation 60 min Calibration Range Up to 1,000 kU/L (U/mL) Detection Limit 2.0 kU/L Hook None up to 34,000 kU/L GI-MA (CA19-9), kU/L IMMULITE GI-MA: Females 30 20 10 *Available outside the US 0 20 30 40 50 60 70 60 70 Age, years IMMULITE GI-MA: Males GI-MA (CA19-9), kU/L 50 40 30 20 10 0 20 30 40 50 Age, years IMMULITE GI-MA, kU/L n 5% 50% 95% 97.5% Males 470 2.5 3.1 19 24 Females 435 2.6 4.1 19 25 Combined 905 2.5 3.5 19 24 20 Results from the Multicenter Ovulatory Cycle Study (27 subjects), with the trajectories for two representative subjects highlighted. The graph indicates that cycle position can have a significant impact on the interpretation of OM-MA (CA125) results — whereas no comparable effect is evident for BR-MA (CA15-3). In this study of 27 normal cycles, several showed moderate or even striking OM-MA (CA125) elevations during the early follicular phase. In a clinical situation, such a result could be mistaken for an abnormal level, or a clinically significant departure from baseline, if the sample collection date is not collated against the woman’s menstrual cycle calendar.16,17 (See also page 6.) OM-MA (CA125) Results from the Multicenter Tumor Marker Reference Range Study. IMMULITE OM-MA: Females 40 30 IMMULITE OM-MA: Ovulatory Cycles 20 50 10 0 20 30 40 50 60 70 Age, years zb148-b, lkom-f, 19-feb-99 IMMULITE OM-MA, kU/L Females n 5% 50% 474 2.6 6.1 95% 97.5% 18 24 OM-MA (CA125), kU/L OM-MA (CA125), kU/L 50 40 30 20 10 0 -100% -50% 0% 50% 100% Percent of Follicular or Luteal Phase During the course of the Multicenter Tumor Marker Reference Range Study, the IMMULITE OM-MA kit was reformulated: the fifth (UK) site used the newer version. The data sets were combined because the reformulation had no apparent impact on the distribution of results, as shown in the following graph. zb148-b, lkop_cyc, 19-feb-99 IMMULITE OM-MA IMMULITE OM-MA: Two Formulations OM-MA (CA125), kU/L 50 40 30 Catalog Numbers LKOPZ (50 tests) LKOP1 (100 tests) LKOP5 (500 tests) Methodology Chemiluminescent enzyme immunometric assay Sample 50 µL serum Incubation 60 min Calibration Range Up to 500 kU/L (U/mL) Detection Limit 0.2 kU/L Hook None up to 84,500 kU/L IMMULITE 2000 OM-MA 20 10 Catalog Numbers L2KOP2 (200 tests) Methodology Chemiluminescent enzyme immunometric assay Sample 50 µL serum Incubation 60 min Calibration Range Up to 500 kU/L (U/mL) Detection Limit 0.30 kU/L Hook None up to 80,000 kU/L 0 20 30 40 50 60 70 Age, years zb148-b, lkop_uk, 19-feb-99 21 14. Dalkin BL, Ahmann FR, Kopp JB, et al. Derivation and application of upper limits for prostate specific antigen in men aged 50-74 years with no clinical evidence of prostatic carcinoma. 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