Charles D. Martin


Charles D. Martin
Charles D. Martin
Author of the Provocateur series
Book 1: “Provocateur”
August 2012
Book 2: “Nadia’s Obsession”
August 27, 2013
Provocateur Book
Charles D. Martin . Marissa Curnutte . 347-574-3136 .
A literary publicity firm
Marissa Curnutte
Author Charles D. Martin returns with second book in ‘Provocateur’ series this August
NEWPORT BEACH, Calif. – Rich and powerful men, beware – the sexy heroine who notoriously
preyed on alpha males in writer Charles D. Martin’s “Provocateur” is back and more daring than ever
in his newest release, “Nadia’s Obsession” (Aug. 27, 2013, Chaney-Hall Publishing).
Following Martin’s enthralling debut novel, “Nadia’s Obsession” marks the return of Nadia Borodina,
a cleverly seductive leading lady who uses her superior feline assets to succeed with alpha males and
get exactly what she wants. Nadia grew up in a Russian orphanage and made her way to America as a
mail-order bride. After meeting an ex-CIA agent, Nadia’s life changes forever as she is propelled into
the high life with powerful men. In Martin’s second book, the battle of the sexes continues between
Nadia and a wealthy Russian oligarch.
“Martin has crafted another engrossing tale of seduction, cyber mischief and international intrigue,
featuring Nadia Borodina of ‘Provocateur’ fame, a woman other women want to be, and all men want
to have, but only the reader truly wins,” says David Ward, Academy Award-winning screenwriter for
“The Sting” and nominee for “Sleepless in Seattle.”
In “Nadia’s Obsession,” Martin once again explores the power that audacious women hold over men.
The book is brimming with intrigue, sexual tension and brilliant dialogue.
“I love writing about strong, intelligent, independent women… they are sexy and fun,” says Martin.
Martin grew up in a small Ohio town and later established a pair of successful investment firms. He
now runs a hedge fund, Mont Pelerin Capital LLC, and serves on investment boards for prominent
universities. Martin and his wife live in southern California.
### . Marissa Curnutte . 347-574-3136 .
Biography of Charles D. Martin
Last summer, author Charles D. Martin seduced readers with
his debut novel “Provocateur,” and this August he will
mesmerize fans again with the sequel “Nadia’s Obsession.”
Martin grew up in a small town in Ohio. His parents were
poor, but he was able to put himself through college by
working two jobs. Martin later had a highly successful career
in venture capital and private equity. He founded a pair of
investment firms that he managed for two decades.
He runs a thriving hedge fund, Mont Pelerin Capital LLC,
and serves on investment committees for prominent
universities. His wealth of knowledge about people, finance
and technology translates well in his novels.
Martin’s first book, “Provocateur” (August 2012, Chaney-Hall Publishing), invited
readers into the intriguing world of Nadia Borodina, a Russian orphan who comes to
America, is thrust into the high life of powerful men and transforms into a crafty femme
fatale. “Nadia’s Obsession” (August 2013) continues her story with bold twists and
Martin and his wife, Twyla, live in Newport Beach, a picturesque coastal town south of
Los Angeles. . Marissa Curnutte . 347-574-3136 .
Critcial Acclaim for “Provocateur”
“A first-rate thriller with something on its mind. Sexy, smart and topical.”
– David Ward, Academy Award-winning screenwriter for “The Sting” and nominee for “Sleepless in
“Nadia, a breathtakingly beautiful computer genius, will be an instant hit with educated women –
astonishing us as she fearlessly uses sex and brains to outmaneuver every male she meets.”
– Alex Rose, Academy Award-winning producer
“This story about a woman outsmarting dominant males is sure to be a hit with educated women. Your
lead character, Nadia, gets the best of them and leaves them wondering what happened.”
– Betty Mower Potalivo, founder, Orange County Literary Society
“Wow! ‘Provocateur’ sizzles! Fiction? Perhaps, but this taut thriller shoots you right into today’s highwire world of global intrigue, collapsing financial markets and the pushing tension between brilliant,
sensuous women and cunning, powerful men.”
– Harvey Karp, M.D., best-selling author of “The Happiest Baby” series
Advanced Praise for “Nadia’s Obsession”
“Martin has crafted another engrossing tale of seduction, cyber mischief and international intrigue,
featuring Nadia Borodina of ‘Provocateur’ fame, a woman other women want to be, and all men want
to have, but only the reader truly wins.”
– David Ward, Academy Award-winning screenwriter for “The Sting” and nominee for “Sleepless in
“Pounding suspense strikes again in Chuck Martin’s new thriller! I got totally pulled into ‘Nadia’s
Obsession’…and you will, too. Great for your summer escape!”
– Harvey Karp, M.D. best-selling author of “The Happiest Baby” series
“Charles Martin has created a contemporary version of Lilith. His new novel sizzles with intrigue and
sexual tension.”
– Nancy Nigrosh, consulting editor,
“‘Nadia’s Obsession’ creates a journey that follows her through many worlds of danger as she moves
like a tornado through a maze of intrigue…Nadia’s journey involves emotional development even as it
revolves around intrigue, dangerous wealthy men, and high-stakes international schemes.”
– Diane Donovan, Midwest Book Review
“…a fast-paced plot packed with twists, turns and international intrigue, ‘Nadia’s Obsession’ lies in not
just the protagonist, but a host of powerful female women.”
– Midwest Book Review . Marissa Curnutte . 347-574-3136 .
Book 1: “Provocateur”
Hardcover, $23.95
ISBN: 978-0-9851984-0-4
eBook, $9.95
ISBN: 978-0-9851984-2-8
246 pages
Chaney-Hall Publishing
August 2012
“Provocateur” explores that aspect of the human experience that surrounds the age-old
contest between men and women. It is the story of Nadia, a young Russian woman who
comes to America through a mail-order-bride program. She becomes employed in an
enterprise operated by an ex-CIA agent named Olga, whose agency, through clever
missions, extracts large amounts of money from wealthy men.
In her “assignments” Nadia must get the best of powerful men that are at the top of the
male order.
Nadia, born an orphan, rises out of a life of poverty and despair, where she had no
experience with affection, to face her struggles and take on the challenges of her
“profession.” She is a complex, enigmatic woman of superior intelligence who must
“win” through her finesse and feminine prowess. . Marissa Curnutte . 347-574-3136 .
Book 2: “Nadia’s Obsession”
Hardcover, $23.95; eBook, $8.97
ISBN: 978-0-9851984-3-5
245 pages
Chaney-Hall Publishing
August 27, 2013
“Nadia’s Obsession” continues the story of a young Russian woman as told in Charles
Martin’s first novel, “Provocateur.” A brief prologue enables readers to jump right into
this second novel, if they have not read the first.
Martin’s fascinating protagonist was born an orphan and had a troubled, desperate early
life, but was blessed with superior intelligence and beauty. She escaped her
impoverished circumstances, coming to America through a mail-order-bride program. In
America she became involved with an ex-CIA agent named Olga and, as part of her
unique enterprise, is catapulted into a thrilling and dangerous life filled with suspense,
intrigue and sexual tension.
This second novel steps up the pace of intrigue and sexual tension as Nadia and Russoff,
the Russian oligarch, clash again in a battle of wits. A new romance emerges and takes
its twists and turns and the reader experiences new aspects of the gamesmanship
between the sexes. Charles Martin once again holds us spellbound and leaves us wanting
more. . Marissa Curnutte . 347-574-3136 .
Q&A with author Charles D. Martin
In 2012, “Provocateur” attracted both female and male readers. Were you expecting that?
I wrote it thinking of both audiences, so I’m happy to see the crossover appeal. It seems women
vicariously enjoy seeing a woman outsmart and get the best of alpha males. Men love Provocateur for
the suspense and adventure. Both seem to like the sexual tension between Nadia and the men she
The confident and beautiful Nadia Borodina is back in the second book of the series, “Nadia’s
Obsession.” What inspired you to write this unique character?
A “Nadia-like” incident occurred to a friend at the Pelican Hill Resort. It was somewhat similar
to the first chapter in the first book, although I made the story a little more interesting. The character
for Olga was inspired by the life story of a real operative in the British SOS, Nancy Wake, during
WWII. A fascinating bio on her is on the book’s website.
Nadia is such a strong, intelligent, independent female character. What kind of message are you
hoping to convey to readers?
Women will have more confidence and pride in their powers; their role verses men, the
dynamics between the sexes and the power of finesse and feline prowess over the male gender.
Most men are secretly aware of the stealth nature of a woman’s powers. But they always enjoy
adventure and the gamesmanship.
Both will enjoy the fun of it and interesting sex is always an attraction.
Who are some real women in society you think embody Nadia’s audacious, independent spirit?
Nadia is an idealized character. Many women will see a piece of her in them. In the end, she is a
composite of many attributes of outstanding women.
The books focus on a highly interesting daily occurrence – the contest/rivalry between men and
women. How does a type-A business guy write such fascinating, compelling fiction about gender
and relationship issues?
In order to write about relationships, one must have experienced much in life, as I have. A
writer must be an acute observer of the human condition and the human experience. No young person
could write with insights about the dynamics between men and women without a lot of life experience.
You’ve had a successful career in investment strategy. How does your big business background
help shape the stories you tell?
The story background for the encounters between my lead female character and powerful men
is a series of sophisticated sting operations that involve complex financial issues and technology (the
cyber-attack on the US Treasury auction by a Russian oligarch). These are areas that I know through
my business experience.
Also, I have travelled to the many high life venues featured in the book and have substantial
experience with large private yachts, featured in the novel. . Marissa Curnutte . 347-574-3136 .
Can you give us some personal insight into some of these exotic locales, and especially the
exclusive yacht life?
I want readers to enjoy learning about interesting places and experiences as part of the story
backdrop. In addition to enjoying a fascinating encounter between a superior woman and strong men, I
want readers to come away with some new knowledge about places they probably did not know and
world events that are important to understand.
In addition to the remarkable character study of your heroine Nadia, readers learn about the
emerging threat of cyber warfare. How real is that, and how would it affect the nation?
The threat of cyber warfare between nations is an extremely serious emerging threat. It comes
up in the news now and then, but perhaps this book can shed more focus on it. Also, as my books point
out, it is not just the province of a battle between sovereigns; it can also come from private insurgency
groups. In coming years this will be a very big issue on the world stage.
Readers compared Provocateur to movies like The Thomas Crown Affair for its suspense and
cleverness, and Body Heat for its sexual tension. Did either of those influence the book at all?
Absolutely! I have been an admirer of the story of Body Heat since I first saw the movie. It is
filled with suspense and sexual tension. The poor guy (William Hurt) is a somewhat above average
man who does not understand until the end that he is completely outsmarted by a superior woman
(Kathleen Turner) that “plays him” like a piano.
In the Thomas Crown Affair, I loved the suspense and sexual tension…but it reverted to the
typical story pattern of the man outsmarting the woman. He was superior; she was outdone. That’s not
the real world.
Can we expect to hear from Nadia again?
I have begun the third book in this series. It will have some fascinating new characters. . Marissa Curnutte . 347-574-3136 .