5,- € | 292010 HYLAinternational march 2010
5,- € | 292010 HYLAinternational march 2010
5,- € | 292010 HYLAinternational march 2010 trend 02 HYLAindex HYLAindex index HYLA international 04 »From the desk of the presidenT« 05HYLA AWARDS Tops of the Year 2009 10HYLA PUBLIC RELATIONS Press Releases 12HYLA PORTRAIT Otto Braun - HYLA Austria 14HYLA HIGHLIGHTS InterActive Conference 2009 HYLA europe 20HYLA GERMANY Monthly Meeting 10-2009 22 Christmas Party 12-2009 24HYLA SERBIA Meeting 12-2009 25HYLA SWITZERLAND Office Opening 26HYLA AUSTRIA & HYLA SWITZERLAND Visit to Slovenia 27HYLA AUSTRIA Monthly Meeting 09-2009 28 Yearly Opening Meeting 01-2010 30HYLA CZECH REPUBLIC Meeting 11-2009 31HYLA KOSOVO 1st Official Meeting 09-2009 32 Sales Force Meeting 01-2010 34HYLA RUSSIA Picnic July 2009 | Conference September 2009 36 Conference in Siberia January 2010 | Conference in Moscow January 2010 38HYLA UKRAINE Annual Conference 2010 40HYLA PORTUGAL Office Opening & Meeting 09-2009 42HYLA SPAIN Meeting 02-2010 HYLA Latin america 43HYLA COLOMBIA Trade Fair 09-2009 44 Sales Force Meeting 07-2009 46HYLA HIGHLIGHTS HYLA Convention Latin America 2009 48HYLA GUATEMALA Product Launch 07-2009 49HYLA EL SALVADOR Sales Force Meeting 07-2009 50HYLA COSTA RICA & HYLA NICARAGUA Visit to Germany & Slovenia 09-2009 HYLA america 52HYLA USA National Distributor & Key Man Meeting 2009 54 Importer Month Contest 2009 HYLA asia & middle east 56HYLA KOREA Meeting 01-2010 58HYLA PHILIPPINES 3rd Convention & Annual Awards 60HYLA MALAYSIA Office Opening & Presentation HYLA GST 62HYLA INDONESIA 10th Anniversary & Presentation HYLA GST Editor HYLA International GmbH & Co. KG Hornbergstrasse 49 70794 Filderstadt, Germany Tel.+49 (0) 711 / 77 05 95 0 Fax+49 (0) 711 / 77 05 95 40 info@hyla-international.de Editorship design & Production Manuela Dahlmann Alexandra Knupfer www.hyla.net HYLA basics 64HYLA NEWS HYLA Annual Meeting - Winners 2010 | Abu Dhabi 65HYLA@HOTEL Villarrica Park Lake Hotel | Chile 66HYLA INTERNAL HYLA AWARDS 2010 67HYLA AWARDS Guidelines 68HYLA CHAMPIONS 70HYLA PRIME CLUB 72HYLA AWARDS 76HYLA COMPANY PRESENTATION 03 04 HYLAbusiness from the desk of the president HYLAhighlights tops of the year 2009 05 From the desk of the President dear HYLA associates, Liebe HYLA-Mitarbeiter/-innen, Today you have the first HYLA TREND issue of 2010 in your hands. On the cover picture of this issue Otto Braun, our HYLA Importer in Austria, can be seen. A small country with great achievements – that´s Otto Braun´s merit. Despite the worldwide economic difficulties, Otto Braun and his team succeeded in achieving in 2009 the biggest percentual growth. I would like to congratulate Otto and his team for this great achievement! And I would also like to thank all other yearly winners. Own sales as well as group sales secure HYLA´s worldwide success. The year 2010 will bring another special event: 20 years of HYLA! Who would have thought that an idea can be turned into a success story?! I would like to thank Janez Pogacar and Doro Erjavec – they had the courage 20 years ago to set up HYLA. And I would like to thank them that they trusted in me to set up worldwide sales and marketing and that we have grown together to an unbeatable team within the past years. Heute halten Sie die erste HYLA TREND Ausgabe in 2010 in Ihren Händen. Im Titelbild dieser Ausgabe ist Otto Braun zu sehen, unser HYLA-Importeur in Österreich. Ein kleines Land mit großen Leistungen, das ist der Verdienst von Otto Braun. Trotz der weltweiten wirtschaftlichen Schwierigkeiten ist es Otto Braun und seinen Mitarbeitern gelungen, in 2009 das prozentual größte Wachstum bei HYLA zu erzielen. Ich gratuliere an dieser Stelle Otto und seinem Team recht herzlich! Aber auch allen anderen Jahressiegern möchte ich an dieser Stelle danken. Einzelumsatz wie auch der Umsatz einer Gruppe sorgen für den weltweiten Erfolg von HYLA. Das Jahr 2010 bringt noch etwas ganz Besonderes mit sich: 20 Jahre HYLA! Wer hätte gedacht, dass aus einer Idee eine Erfolgsstory wird?! Danke an Janez Pogacar und Doro Erjavec, dass sie vor 20 Jahren den Mut hatten, HYLA ins Leben zu rufen und vielen Dank, dass sie mir das Vertrauen für den Aufbau des weltweiten Vertriebs entgegengebracht haben und wir bis heute zu einem unschlagbaren Team zusammengewachsen sind. Wilfried Metzger President Wilfried metzger President HYLA International “Define your future by your Dreams, not by your memories” tops of the year 2009 06 HYLAhighlights tops 2009 tops of the year 2009 | top importer - otto braun, HYLA Austria HYLAhighlights tops of the year 2009 | top organisation - t & t cleaning systems, inc., HYLA USA 07 Top importer Top organisation of the year Z I u Beginn des Geschäftsjahres 2009 gab es in Österreich nur negative Meldungen. Wirtschaftskrise, steigende Arbeitslosenzahlen, Kurzarbeit, Entlassungen, Firmenschließungen, Pleiten, … Leider waren alle meine Vertriebspartner aufgrund der vielen negativen Meldungen und Nachrichten Anfang des Jahres, ebenfalls negativ eingestellt. Es gab Aussagen wie: »Alle haben kein Geld mehr, HYLA kann sich keiner mehr leisten ...« usw. Ich habe jedoch die Wirtschaftkrise als Chance für den Direktvertrieb und für HYLA Österreich gesehen. Es liegt auf der Hand: wenn viele arbeitende Menschen ihr Einkommen verlieren oder durch Kurzarbeit weniger verdienen, dann benötigen sie ein Zusatzeinkommen. Auch in wirtschaftlich schlechten Zeiten gibt es in Österreich schätzungsweise eine Million Menschen oder mehr, die sich jeden Monat einen HYLA leisten könnten. Das war und ist meine Einstellung und ich habe Anfang des Jahres 2009 begonnen, jeden Tag mit meinen Vertriebspartnern zu sprechen und habe ihnen meine Theorie vermittelt. Nach drei Monaten, also im März, haben sich die ersten Erfolge gezeigt. Nun waren auch alle Vertriebspartner davon überzeugt und sind mit positiver Einstellung zu den Demos gefahren und haben viele HYLA verkauft. Dies hat uns ein Otto braun HYLA austria Umsatzwachstum von 111 Prozent gebracht! Die Wirtschaftskrise war und ist unsere Chance, schneller in den Markt zu kommen und noch mehr Vertriebspartner zu finden. Ich bedanke mich bei allen meinen Vertriebspartnern für ihren unermüdlichen Einsatz, für ihren Glauben an das Produkt HYLA und dafür, dass sie diesen Weg der positiven Einstellung und Gedanken gemeinsam mit mir gegangen sind! Ich wünsche allen meinen Vertriebspartnern sowie meinen Importeurskollegen und -kolleginnen weltweit weiterhin viel Freude und Erfolg mit HYLA – dem wahrscheinlich besten Luft- und Raumreinigungssystem der Welt! A t the beginning of the business year 2009 only negative news circulated in the Austrian media – economic crisis, increasing unemployment, shorttime work, lay-offs, closing down of companies, bankruptcies, … Due to these negative reports at the beginning of the year, all of my business partners have unfortunately had a negative mental attitude, too. They made statements like this: »No one has money any more; no one can afford a HYLA any more …« etc. etc. I, however, considered the economic crisis as a chance for Direct Selling and for HYLA Austria. It´s obvious: if many working people are going to lose their income or earn less money due to short-time work, they need an additional income. Even in economic difficult times, there are approximately one million people or more each month who could afford a HYLA. This has been my attitude and I have begun at the beginning of 2009 to speak very intensely with my business partners and to communicate my theory to them. After three months, i.e. in March 2009, first positive results could be seen. Now, all of my business partners have been convinced about this. They went to their HYLA demos with a positive mental attitude and – they have sold many HYLA. This has resulted in a growth in sales of 111 percent! The economic crisis was and has been our chance to penetrate the market even faster and to recruit more business partners. I would like to thank all of my business partners for their tireless commitment, for their trust into the product HYLA and for sharing with me this way of positive attitude and positive thinking! And I wish all my business partners and all of my Importer colleagues worldwide a lot of fun and a lot of success with HYLA – the presumably best Air and Room Cleaning System in the world! Otto Braun HYLA Austria would like to start by thanking Hartmut and Filiz Gassmann for providing us with the opportunity to sell one of the finest products in the world. That being said, an opportunity is only as good as the man or woman pursuing it. Growing up, my brother Tim was known as the salesman of the family, while I was known as the quieter, less outgoing brother. So when Tim started with HYLA in 1999, it took him two years of pursuing me before I decided to take a chance with HYLA. Looking back, the biggest mistake I made was waiting so long, because when I started with HYLA in October of 2001, I took to it like a fish to water. I started out as a Dealer like everyone else and I achieved top U.S. and regional awards. I then moved up to Training Manager where I was taught the fundamentals and given the resources to run my own HYLA office. Later I became Sales Manager over my own office in Lawrence, KS and again won many U.S. and regional awards for my office. In late 2003, I was promoted to General Manager of T&T Cleaning Systems where I traveled around the Midwest Region setting up and maintaining the stores in our organization. This was a great experience where I learned many of the tools that I still use today. However, in 2005 I was blessed with the greatest gift of my life, my beautiful daughter Emma, and decided to settle down at the T&T office in Union, MO. My success with HYLA grew even more, when in 2009 I accepted the opportunity to take over T&T, assuming total responsibility and charge of the entire organization. Like everything I have done with the HYLA opportunity, I will continue to strive to be the best not only in the United States but the world. In closing, I am where I am today because I have always surrounded myself with people who make plans, not excuses. In the 2008/2009 economic crisis, T&T flourished because of two simple reasons. First we have a mentality that failure is not an option. Second we have a belief that in business, if you are not growing you are dying. These philosophies have propelled us towards top organization in the world. I thank everyone in my professional and personal life for my success and can truthfully say I am living the American dream! Jim Sperry T&T Cleaning Systems, Inc. jim sperry T & t cleaning systems, inc. HYLA usa “I thank everyone in my professional and personal life for my success and can truthfully say I am living the American dream!” 08 HYLAhighlights tops of the year 2009 tops of the year 2009 | Top distributor - Armin & Beate Lelleck, HYLA Germany HYLAhighlights tops of the year 2009 | top consultant - Armin Lelleck, HYLA Germany Top distributor Top consultant “The secret of his success is a combination of discipline, diligence and the sophisticated sales system of HYLA Germany.” “Das Geheimnis seines Erfolges ist eine Kombination aus Disziplin, FleiSS und das ausgereifte Vertriebssystem von HYLA Germany.” i n 2009 Armin Lelleck sold totally 300 HYLA (own sales) and thus succeeded not only to become best HYLA Consultant in Germany but also to become best HYLA Consultant worldwide in HYLA´s history! In 2008 he was the No. 1 – nationwide as well as internationally! Armin Lelleck also succeeded to become the top team leader in volume – worldwide! Armin & beate lelleck HYLA germany The secret of his success is a combination of discipline, diligence and the sophisticated sales system of HYLA Germany. This sales system allows him to build up a group without affecting his own sales in a negative way. His wife Beate coordinates all demo appointments which result solely from referrals. Thus his closing rate is almost 1 : 1. His goals for 2010: He wants to achieve 200 machines (group sales) and he wants to remain the absolute No. 1 worldwide concerning own sales. In every respect an excellent performance – cordial congratulations, Armin! a 09 rmin Lelleck hat 2009 insgesamt 300 HYLA selbst verkauft und ist nicht nur bester HYLA-Berater in Deutschland sondern auch bester HYLA-Berater weltweit – und bis jetzt bester Verkäufer in der Historie von HYLA! Bereits 2008 war er sowohl national als auch international die Nr. 1 bei HYLA. Gleichzeitig hat es Armin Lelleck geschafft, auch stärkster Gruppenleiter bezüglich Volumen zu werden – weltweit! Das Geheimnis seines Erfolges ist eine Kombination aus Disziplin, Fleiß und das ausgereifte Vertriebssystem von HYLA Germany. Dieses System ermöglicht ihm eine Gruppe aufzubauen, ohne dass sein Eigenumsatz darunter leidet. Seine Frau Beate koordiniert Termine, die ausschließlich aus Empfehlungen entstehen; somit ist seine Abschlussquote nahezu 1 : 1. Seine Ziele für 2010: Seinen Gruppenumsatz will er auf 200 Geräte monatlich bringen und im Einzelumsatz möchte er die absolute Nr. 1 weltweit bleiben. Eine starke Leistung in jeder Hinsicht, herzlichen Glückwunsch, Armin! Armin lelleck HYLA germany 10 HYLApublic relations »PRESS RELEASES« HYLApublic relations »PRESS RELEASES« “press rele ases” WORLDWIDE OHLIAD Cardiology Domestic allergens elimination as an efficient method of prevention and treatment of allergic diseases in children S.V. Zaikov, Vinnitsa National Pirogov Memorial Medical University S.V. Zaikov, M.D. Professor A ccording to recommendations of the World Health Organization (1997), the main directions in treatment of children and adults who suffer from allergic diseases (AD) include: education of ill people; 2) elimination therapy; 3) pharmacotherapy; 4) allergic vaccination. It is quite logical to combine educational programs for ill people and their family members with elimination therapy as they are closely related. In the sense of AD, elimination is called a removal of various factors from ill person’s environment, above all causal allergens that are capable of causing acute diseases and aggravating seriousness of its clinical implications. Due to this fact, allergen elimination is an extremely important pathogenetic method of AD treatment and prevention; particularly it is true for inhalational, food, drug, insect, and latex allergy. Within the framework of this article we turn our attention to elimination of domestic allergens as they are frequent etiological factors in development and progress of such widely spread and serious AD in children as bronchial asthma, allergic rhinitis, and atopic dermatitis. It is well known that pathogenic risk and seriousness of AD clinical course are related to presence and concentration of allergens in environment. AD can develop in patients who have atopy, especially in childhood, even with minimal concentration of allergen; for other children this state is enabled by abundance of allergens in environment [2, 4, 6]. As housing is a main environment for children, it is hardly surprising that domestic allergens are basic etiological factors in AD development, among which house dust has a leading role [3]. In 1994, B. Guerin separated domestic allergens according to their role in developing sensitization to them into the following allergens: 1) house dust mites; 2) domestic animals; 3) mold fungi; 4) insects. In addition, domestic allergens HYLA gERMANY Dytiachyi Likar 2 (2) HYLA gERMANY HYLA gERMANY may include also various products of household chemicals and human life activity (cosmetics, cleaning agents, varnishes, paints, means for animal and plant care, aquarium fish food, components of kitchen smut, flour and library dust, tobacco smoke, various sprays, deodorants, particles of epidermis and human hair), plant pollen in indoor environment, etc. The majority of authors point out that allergenic combativeness of house dust depends largely on the number and species composition of mites inhabiting it, which belong mainly to genus Dermatophagoides of Pyroglyphidae family. The micromites D. pteronissinus and D. farinae make up 90 % of such acarofauna in indoor environment although by now about 150 species of various mites have been found in house dust [5, 11]. It is necessary to emphasize that even 1 gram of house dust can accommodate up to several thousand mites. However, even 100-150 of their species are capable of causing sensitization to their allergens. It has been established that house mite life cycle lasts for 10 weeks. Females lay anything from 40 to 80 eggs during this period. Taking into account that mites defecate 20 times per day, one female and her offspring will defecate up to 8 mln times during their life cycle. The huge number of mites (up to 100,000 per one cubic meter) is also contained in indoor air, especially in unaired environment where their concentration may increase thousand times more. Taking into consideration that humans breathe in about 2 table spoons of dust with the air per day, it is easy to imagine how its particles (particularly, the smallest ones) harm alveoli, immune barriers of mucus membrane of air passages and pulmonary tissue leading to forming AD and infectious pathology [5]. Today it has been proven that allergy to domestic allergens is responsible for 85 % of cases of bronchial asthma case development. Very often this disease originates in children of tender age [3, 4]. Animal allergens play important role in development of AD in children and adults. In addition to protein component HYLA ukraine Pr 1 HYLA philippines 11 12 HYLAportrait HYLA austria | otto braun HYLAportrait HYLA austria | otto braun AUST RIA »The first meeting was for me like “love at first sight”...« Otto braun HYLA austria i n my younger days I started in electric engineering at the company Siemens. In 1980 I successfully completed my apprenticeship as a communication engineer. 1986 I founded my own computer system company with its main focus on automation engineering. My customers were big manufacturing and production companies. That meant for me: to work day and night, 7 days per week, and to be at any time available for my customers. In 2003, out of curiosity, I came across Direct Selling and started selling sleeping systems. After big concerns in the beginning, this business began to fascinate me. I wanted more and sought another company. I found this company – but unfortunately it was a deceiver company with fatal economic consequences for me. In May 2006 I read an ad in a newspaper placed by the company HYLA. They were looking for an exclusive Importer for Austria. At this time I did not sense that this would be the decisive turning point in my life. The first meeting was for me like »love at first sight« and I decided to drive to Slovenia with my friend Jürgen and my last money in cash (2,500 Euro). There I purchased my first 3 HYLA machines; one for me, one for Jürgen and one for selling. My goal was to build up a new company without any credit capital and without the support of a bank. The first 6 months were very difficult. I had no experience at all in this business. Nevertheless, the upturn came slowly in 2007. And in 2009, together with my dear business partners, I could even close the year as the »Best Importer of the Year« – an incredible success!! And everything financed by money from the earnings out of my HYLA business! I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to my business partners for their great commitment and their loyalty! A big thank you also goes to the management of HYLA International and HYLA d.o.o. – thank you for this unique product and the honest and sincere business relationship. Special thanks to Mr. Andreas K. Luckner – for his patience and his untiring commitment. THANK YOU, HYLA has given back my life to me! i n jungen Jahren habe ich Elektromaschinenbau bei der Firma Siemens gelernt. 1980 absolvierte ich eine zweite Ausbildung als Nachrichtentechniker. Meine eigene EDVFirma mit Schwerpunkt Automatisierungstechnik gründete ich 1986. Meine Kunden waren große Industriebetriebe und Produktionen. Das bedeutete für mich, Tag und Nacht zu arbeiten, 7 Tage die Woche, und jederzeit für die Kunden verfügbar zu sein. 2003 stieß ich aus Neugier auf den Direktvertrieb und habe begonnen, Schlafsysteme zu verkaufen. Nach anfänglich großer Skepsis hat mich dieses Geschäft fasziniert. Ich wollte mehr und habe mich auf die Suche nach einer anderen Firma gemacht. Diese Firma habe ich auch gefunden – leider war dies eine Betrügerfirma mit fatalen wirtschaftlichen Folgen für mich. Im Mai 2006 las ich dann ein Inserat der Firma HYLA in der Zeitung. Sie suchten einen Generalimporteur für Österreich. Ich ahnte zu diesem Zeitpunkt noch nicht, dass dies ein entscheidender Wendepunkt in meinem Leben sein würde. Das erste Kennenlernen Otto Braun, HYLA Austria otto braun with his daughters bettina & carina 13 war wie Liebe auf den ersten Blick. Ich entschloss mich, zusammen mit meinem Freund Jürgen und meinem letzten Bargeld (2.500 Euro) nach Slowenien zu fahren. Dort habe ich die ersten drei HYLA-Geräte eingekauft. Ein Gerät für mich, eins für Jürgen und eins zum Verkaufen. Mein Ziel war, ohne Fremdkapital und ohne Banken eine neue Firma aufzubauen. Die ersten 6 Monate waren sehr schwierig. Ich hatte von diesem Geschäft keine Ahnung. Aber 2007 kam schön langsam der Aufschwung. Und 2009 durfte ich nun mit meinen Vertriebspartnern das Jahr als »Jahresbester Importeur« abschließen – ein unglaublicher Erfolg!!! Und das Ganze finanziert mit erwirtschaftetem Geld! Ich möchte mich bei meinen Vertriebspartnern für ihren Einsatz und ihre Treue von ganzem Herzen bedanken! Ein großer Dank auch an die Geschäftsleitung der Firma HYLA International und HYLA d.o.o. für dieses einmalige Produkt und die ehrliche und seriöse Geschäftsbeziehung. Einen besonderen Dank an Herrn Andreas K. Luckner – für seine Geduld und seinen unermüdlichen Einsatz. DANKE, HYLA hat mir mein Leben wieder zurückgegeben! Otto Braun, HYLA Österreich 14 HYLAhighlights interactive conference | 2009 interactive conference Our guests: Otto Braun, Austria Marjan & Yasmina Solenicki, Cyprus Jaroslav Richter, Czech Republic Tamara & Stojan Hribar, Dubai Jari Janetzko, Finland Michael Hausenblas, Germany Alexandra Hohluka & Maksims Hohluks, Latvia Paulo & Francisco Barria, Portugal Mariano & Nimfa Gamez with their brother Gerry Gamez, Philippines Tatyana Golitsyna, Russia Anita Krepcarova & Stefan Safarik, Slovakia Murat Gürbüz, Switzerland Fernando Horcajo & Jacobo Eljarrat, Spain Olena Kondratenko, Ukraine Filiz Gassmann, USA HYLAhighlights interactive conference | 2009 20 09 @kempinski palace welcome evening We were pleased that we were able to welcome HYLA Importers from 15 countries to our InterActive Conference 2009 in Portoroz/ Slovenia! 15 16 HYLAhighlights interactive conference | 2009 HYLAhighlights interactive conference | 2009 t first day andreas k .luckner - int. sales director hyla int. he conference was opened and moderated by Int. Sales Director Andreas K. Luckner. First of all, Mr. Luckner welcomed and introduced all IAC participants. Then President Wilfried Metzger gave a short retrospective on the past months. wilfried metzger president hyla int. alexandra knupfer graphic designer hyla int. After that the conference was proceeded by a training module, led by Presidents Janez Pogacar and Doro Erjavec. By a live comparison between the HYLA NST and the HYLA GST they explained the differences of both products, outlining the advantages and improvements of the HYLA GST. Furthermore, Doro Erjavec explained the sophisticated new Geyser Technology and what »GST« stands for. roof terrace After lunch graphic designer Alexandra Knupfer presented the new HYLA marketing tools. She also presented the newly designed HYLA internet page which is almost finished. After this presentation all HYLA Importers could report their experiences with this new HYLA GST model. In the evening the first conference day was ended by a beautiful candle light dinner on the roof terrace of the Kempinski Palace Hotel while having a spectacular view on the bay of Portoroz. janez pogacar & doro erjavec presidents hyla d.o.o. awards The first conference day was closed by handing over Awards to the individual winners as well as to the winners of the »HYLA Importer´s Month« of May 2009. monthly awards michael hausenblas, hyla germany monthly awards filiz gassmann, hyla usa importer‘s month 2009 - winners 17 shooting star - otto braun hyla austria monthly awards - otto braun, hyla austria & Michael hausenblas, hyla germany +10-YEar Pin - Anita krepcarova-safaricova hyla slovakia +5-YEar Pin - hyla spain & hyla czech republic dinner 18 HYLAhighlights interactive conference | 2009 HYLAhighlights interactive conference | 2009 19 second day t he second conference day was held in the HYLA Production in Ljubljana. Here, President Wilfried Metzger first gave a marketing training to the Importers. He pointed out that the HYLA Demo in each country might have to be modified in some points. After that, all Importers were divided into four groups and got a detailed and thorough service training in the HYLA production hall. Technicians and engineers of HYLA d.o.o. showed the Importers how to dismantle and assemble the HYLA GST. andreas k .luckner - int. sales director hyla int. wilfried metzger president hyla int. 10-years hyla tatyana golitsyna 10-years hyla manuela dahlmann dinner On the last evening of the IAC all participants could enjoy a delicious Slovenian dinner in an ancient building near Ljbubljana. The mood was very good and all participants confirmed that they received very valuable information about the HYLA GST during this IAC. We are looking forward to our next IAC in 2010! hyla production 20 HYLAEurope HYLA germany | monthly meeting 10-2009 HYLAeurope HYLA germany | monthly meeting 10-2009 21 Germa ny monthly meeting 10-2009 HYLA Germany starts with a world novelty The HYLA GST was launched on October 08, 2009 by Michael Hausenblas (CEO & President) at a big meeting which attended around 300 business partners. International business partners from Russia, the Ukraine as well as President Janez Pogacar, HYLA d.o.o. also came to celebrate this event in Germany. Everybody agreed: the new generation is unique on the market! Hyla Germany startet mit Weltneuheit Der Hyla GST wurde am 08.10.2009 bei einem großen Meeting mit ca. 300 Geschäftspartnern von Michael Hausenblas (CEO & President) eingeführt. Internationale Hyla-Geschäftspartner aus Russland, der Ukraine sowie Pesident Janez Pogacar Hyla d.o.o sind ebenfalls angereist, um den Erfolg in Deutschland zu feiern. Alle waren sich einig, die neue Produktgeneration ist einzigartig am Markt! Michael hausenblas Importer hyla germany hyla germany 22 HYLAEurope HYLA germany | christmas party 12-2009 HYLAeurope HYLA germany | christmas party 12-2009 23 Germa ny weihnachtsfeier 12-2009 Already at the Christmas party of HYLA Germany the first sales successes of the HYLA GST could be celebrated. The mood of this party was very positive since the HYLA business partners had to present a lot of things. Many surprises and special effects made this evening a very special one – far into the night. Bei der diesjährigen Weihnachtsfeier von Hyla Germany konnten schon die ersten Erfolge des Hyla GST gefeiert werden. Die Stimmung war überaus positiv, denn die Hyla Geschäftspartner hatten einiges vor zu zeigen. Für Überraschungen und special effects war natürlich bestens gesorgt, bis in die Nacht hinein. christmas party 12-2009 24 HYLAeurope HYLA serbia | meeting 12-2009 HYLAeurope HYLA switzerland | office opening serbia In December 2009 Importers Sasa & Dubravka Filipovic organized a meeting and Andreas K. Luckner (Int. Sales Director) participated at this meeting, too. Besides the main topic »HYLA GST« also other interesting news were exchanged. Afterwards the whole team celebrated far into the night – just a fantastic meeting! U decembru 2009. godine, uvoznici za Srbiju G-din i G-đa Filipović su organizovali sastanak na kome je učestvovao G-din Andreas K. Lukner (međunarodni direktor prodaje). Glavna tema sastanka je bio novi model, HYLA GST i druge interesantne novosti. Posle toga je organizovano druženje do kasnih noćnih sati – zaista fantastičan sastanak! meeting 12-2009 SASTANAK 12.2009 office opening switzerland I I n October 2009 Wilfried Metzger (President) and Andreas K. Luckner (Int. Sales Director) accepted Importer Murat Gürbüz´ invitation. They both traveled to Switzerland to attend the successful opening celebration of Mr. Gürbüz´ new HYLA Sales Headquarters. Mr. Gürbüz had spared no efforts to bestow his guests an unforgettable day. We wish him and his team much success with these fantastic new premises! m Oktober 2009 folgten Wilfried Metzger (President) und Andreas K. Luckner (Int. Sales Director) der Einladung von HYLA-Importeur Murat Gürbüz und reisten gemeinsam in die Schweiz, um dort an der gelungenen Eröffnungsfeier seines neuen HYLA Hauptbüros teilzunehmen. Herr Gürbüz hatte keine Kosten und Mühen gescheut, um seinen Gästen einen unvergesslichen Tag zu bescheren. Wir wünschen ihm und seinem gesamten Team viel Erfolg mit diesen fantastischen neuen Räumlichkeiten! murat & fatma gürbüz Importer Sasa filipovic - importer hyla switzerland Sasa filipovic Importer hyla serbia Andreas K. luckner int. sales director office opening hyla team serbia 25 26 HYLAeurope HYLA austria & hyla switzerland | visit to slovenia HYLAeurope HYLA austria | monthly meeting 09-2009 AUSTRIA & 27 monthly MEETING 09-2009 switzerland visit to slovenia AUSTRIA In September 2009 Andreas K. Luckner (Int. Sales Director) traveled to Austria to participate at a very special Monthly Meeting. HYLA Importer Otto Braun assigned prizes amounting to EUR 10,000. The consultants of HYLA Austria had won these prizes due to the yearly award competion for their extraordinary sales success. Furthermore Mr. Luckner and Mr. Braun awarded FREE HYLA which were won due to a cooperation contest. Cordial congratulations to all winners!!! In August 2009 HYLA invited HYLA Austria & HYLA Switzerland to an incentive trip – due to a jointly organized contest. Besides a production tour, all winners could enjoy the lovely coastline of Slovenia. A special surprise was the one-day trip to the city of gondola – Venice! A fantastic trip for each winner – with many unforgettable moments! Andreas K. Luckner (Int. Sales Director) reiste im September 2009 nach Österreich, um dort an einem ganz besonderen Monatsmeeting teilzunehmen. HYLA-Importeur Otto Braun vergab an diesem Monatsmeeting Sachpreise im Wert von über EUR 10.000, welche die Mitarbeiter von HYLA Österreich – im Zuge des jährlichen Prämienwettbewerbes – für außergewöhnliche Verkaufserfolge gewonnen haben. Des Weiteren vergaben Herr Luckner und Herr Braun FREE HYLA, welche anlässlich eines Kooperationswettbewerbes gewonnen wurden. Herzlichen Glückwunsch an alle Gewinner!!! hyla production tour otto braun - importer visit to venice Andreas K. luckner int. sales director Fachberater/-in 1. Juli – 31. Augu st 2009 Punktevergabe: Im August 2009 war es mal wieder soweit – HYLA lud HYLA Österreich & HYLA Schweiz im Zuge eines gemeinsamen Wettbewerbs zu einer Incentivereise ein. Die Besten durften neben einer Produktionsbesichtigung auch die Küste Sloweniens genießen. Als zusätzliche Überraschung ging es dann noch für einen Tag in die Stadt der Gondeln – Venedig! Eine fantastische Reise für jeden, der daran teilnehmen durfte – mit vielen unvergesslichen Momenten. INFRAROT HEIZPA NEEL GLAS Farbe, 1000 W INFRAROT HEIZPA NEEL GLAS Farbe, 500 W PHILIPS Dampfbügeleisen 250°P SENNHEISER Kopfhörer AEG Toaster 230°P 250°P LACOR Digitaler Bilderrahmen 250°P APPLE iPod Classic 120 GB KENWOOD Brotbackautomat 180°P REMINGTON Haartrockner SONY tragbarer DVD Player 100°P 580°P 750°P 180°P 700°P hyla team austria Erreichte Punkte Zeitraum Juli/Au gust 2009 Teilnahmeberechtigt sind alle Fachbe rater/-innen die 500 Punkte erreich mind. en. Es zählen alle Verkäufe, die in Zeitraum getätig diesem t und bis spätest ens 15.09.2009 ausgel werden. iefert ERGOMETER X-Fakt Premium 8.1 PANASONIC Epiliere r ACER Notebook 2 x 1.66 GHz, 3 MB RAM, 500 GB HD 1750°P sponsored by HYLA portoroz 25 900°P 450°P venice 75 60 HYLA W.A.F. JURA Impressa C5 1500°P NIKON Coolpix 7,1 Megapix. 100 Die Fachberater/-i nnen dürfen sich in Höhe Ihrer erreich Gesamtpunktzahl ten – Prämien aus neben stehender Auflistung auswählen. Abbildungen und Produktbeschreibun gen unter Vorbeh alt! MEDION Go Pal Navi Europakarten BRAUN Oral-B Professional Care 3D 300°P EBK 340L ngen: BRAUN Bartschneider 200°P KENWOOD Chef HYLA NST inkl. HYLA NST HYLA Basic Teilnahmebedingu 800°P AEG Wasserkocher 2800°P 1100°P SONY DCR-SX30 Camcorder digital 250°P APPLE MacBook, weiß 13“, 2.4 GHz, 160 GB Festplatte APPLE iPod Touch 32 GB 800°P 2000°P 1200°P 700°P JVC MX-KC68E Stereoanlage SAMSUNG LCD-TV 32“, HDready 1600°P Österreich 28 HYLAeurope HYLA austria | yearly opening meeting 01-2010 HYLAeurope HYLA austria | yearly opening meeting 01-2010 29 AUSTRIA YEARLY OPENING MEETING 01-2010 otto braun - importer In January 2010 Importer Otto Braun invited Doro Erjavec (President) and Andreas K. Luckner (Int. Sales Director) to participate at HYLA Austria´s biggest yearly event – the Yearly Opening Meeting! Besides the official product launch of the HYLA GST, a lot of new tools to increase and support sales were introduced. Many high-quality prizes were awarded by Importer Otto Braun. Certainly one of the most exciting moments was the announcement of the title »HYLA Top Importer 2009« and the hand-over of the trophy as well as of the Rolex to the value of EUR 5,000! Our cordial congratulations to Mr. Braun and his entire team for this outstanding achievement in 2009 .... keep it up!!! Im Januar 2010 folgten Doro Erjavec (President) und Andreas K. Luckner (Int. Sales Director) der Einladung von HYLA-Importeur Otto Braun und reisten nach Österreich, um dort an der jährlich größten Veranstaltung teilzunehmen – das Jahresauftaktmeeting! Neben der offiziellen Produkteinführung HYLA GST, wurden viele Neuerungen zur Vertriebsunterstützung und Absatzsteigerung vorgestellt. Des Weiteren wurden eine ganze Menge hochwertiger Sachpreise vergeben und – sicher einer der spannendsten und aufregendsten Momente – war die für Herrn Braun überraschende Bekanntgabe des »HYLA Top Importer 2009« Titels und die Überreichung der Trophy wie auch der Rolex im Wert von EUR 5.000! Herzlichen Glückwunsch an Herrn Braun und sein gesamtes Team für diese herausragenden Leistungen in 2009 ... weiter so!!! hyla gst launch Otto braun - importer hyla austria top importer of the year 2009 dinner doro erjavec (president) & andreas K. luckner (int. sales director) 30 HYLAeurope HYLA czech republic | meeting 11-2009 HYLAeurope HYLA kosovo | 1st official meeting 09-2009 czech republic meeting 11-2009 On the occasion of the HYLA GST launch, HYLA Importers Jaroslav Richter & Zuzana Klecková invited all their consultants to a meeting in Prague in November 2009. At this meeting Andreas K. Luckner (Int. Sales Director) presented the HYLA GST together with Mr. Richter. The atmosphere of the meeting was absolutely euphoric and several consultants received amazing awards and prizes. After the meeting, during a joint dinner, all participants shared their experiences. Jaroslav richter importer 31 1st official meeting 09-2009 Kosovo In summer 2009 we were able to further expand the HYLA business with our new HYLA-Importers Baki & Safete Kllokoqi and to introduce HYLA in Kosovo. Baki and Safete Kllokoqi have many years of experience in direct selling of air and room cleaning systems. Therefore it was just a question of time when the first official meeting with the first consultants in the first HYLA Head Office in Kosovo would take place. In September 2009 HYLA Kosovo gave the starting signal in the recently moved in Head Office in Prishtina! Ne veren e vitit 2009 ne kemi qene ne gjendje te hapim biznesin HYLA me importuesin e ri te HYLA’S BAKI DHE SAFETE KLLOKOQI, dhe ne kete menyre ta paraqesim sistemin HYLA ne Kosove. Baki dhe Safete KLLOKOQI kane pervoje shumevjeqare ne shitjen e sistemeve per mirembajtjen e hapesirave te brendshme dhe pastrimit te ajrit. Prandaj ishe vetem qeshtje kohe kur do te realizohej takimi I pare me keshilluesit e pare te HYLA’s ne qendren kryesore. Ne shtator te vitit 2009 HYLA ne KOSOVE dha sinjalin startues duke levizur kohet e fundit ne zyren qendrore ne Prishtine. baki kllokoqi - importer Andreas K. luckner int. sales director hyla czech republic baki & safete kllokoqi new office prishtina jaroslav richter & zuzana klecková - importer importer hyla kosovo hyla team czech republic administration & telemarketing hyla team kosovo 32 HYLAeurope HYLA kosovo | sales force meeting 01-2010 HYLAeurope HYLA kosovo | sales force meeting 01-2010 Kosovo sales force meeting 01-2010 O nly four months after the official opening of HYLA Kosovo, Baki & Safete Kllokoqi invited their sales people again to Prishtina for another sales office opening. The reason for this was that HYLA Kosovo had increased within four months its consultants from 10 to 50. Therefore the first office was already too small and they needed a bigger office. Andreas K. Luckner (Int. Sales Director) accepted with great pleasure this invitation and used the opportunity to present the new HYLA GST and to award many awards and prizes. This was a fantastic meeting with highly motivated consultants in very representative premises! Cordial congratulations and – keep the ball running, HYLA Kosovo!!! By the way: In March 2010 the quantity of consultants has been increased to 75 and a second HYLA sales office was opened in Prishtina! baki kllokoqi - importer HYLA team kosovo awards free hyla free w.a.f. top consultants hyla pins andreas k. luckner int. sales director 33 Vetem kater muaj nga hapja zyrtare e HYLA Kosovo, Baki dhe Safete KLLOKOQI I ftuan perseri personat shites ne Prishtine per nje zyre shitese te re.Arsyeja kryesore per hapjen e kesaj zyre-je ka qene sepse HYLA ne Kosove eshte ngritur brenda kater muajsh numrin e konsultanteve nga 10 ne 50. Prandaj zyrja e pare ishte shume e vogel keshtu qe ata kane pasur nevoje per zyre me te madhe. Zoti Andreas K. Luckner (drejtor I shitjeve nderkombetare) e pranoi me kenaqesi kete ftese dhe shfrytezoi mundesine e prezentimit te sistemit te ri HYLA GST dhe te dhuroje shume shperblime dhe qmime.Ishte nje takim shume I mire me konsultantet qe ishin mjaft te motivuar. Pergezime te ngrohta – mbajeni kete vrap HYLA KOSOVA. Ne mars 2010 numri I konsultanteve eshte rritur ne 75 dhe eshte hapur zyra e dyte ne Prishtine. top distributor 34 HYLAeurope HYLA russia | picnic july 2009 picnic july 2009 The most successful, the most active, the most enthusiastic employees of the company HYLA RUSSIA gathered together for a traditional annual picnic. What can be better than to spend a warm sunny summer day with friends? Everyone had been waiting for this meeting impatiently in order to gladden again everybody with his/her achievements, to share experience, to receive merited awards. Everyone could take part in numerous competitions, swim in a warm pool, taste delicious shashlik. This was one more wonderful reason to say that HYLA is a company where dreams come true! HYLAeurope HYLA russia | conference september 2009 35 ru ssia conference september 2009 The annual conference is an important event for everyone at the company HYLA RUSSIA since all regions of Russia gather together. This is a unique opportunity to enrich one’s knowledge and listen to advices of professionals. This involves obligatory presentations of new products. So was this time. A remarkable mini electrobrush was demonstrated in work and surprised with its efficiency! The conference gave a huge charge with energy and enthusiasm. Numerous professionals took the scene to pass on their methods of sales and their achievements. Everybody of them proved once again that at the company HYLA everyone can achieve an unprecedented success, everyone can make his/her dream come true. You only should wish! Cамые успешные, самые активные, самые жизнерадостные сотрудники компании «HYLA RUSSIA» собрались вместе на традиционный ежегодный пикник. Что может быть лучше провести теплый солнечный летний день в компании друзей? Все с нетерпением ждали этой встречи, чтобы снова порадовать всех своими достижениями, поделиться опытом, получить заслуженные награды. Каждый смог поучаствовать в многочисленных конкурсах, искупаться в теплом бассейне, отведать вкусного шашлыка. Это еще один прекрасный повод, чтобы сказать, что ХЬЮЛЯ – это компания, где сбываются мечты! tatyana golitsyna importer hyla russia Ежегодная конференция – это важное событие для каждого в компании «HYLA RUSSIA», ведь вместе собираются все регионы России. Это уникальная возможность обогатить свои знания и услышать советы профессионалов. Это обязательные презентации новинок продукции. Так было и в этот раз. Замечательная миниэлектровыбивалка была продемонстрирована в действии и удивила своей эффективностью! Конференция подарила огромный заряд энергии и энтузиазма. Множество профессионалов вышло на сцену, чтобы рассказать о своих техниках продаж, о своих достижениях. Каждый из них, в очередной раз, доказал, что в компании ХЬЮЛЯ каждый может добиться небывалого успеха, каждый может превратить свою мечту в реальность, стоит только захотеть! HYLA team russia 36 HYLAeurope HYLA russia | conference in siberia january 2010 conference in siberia The presentation of the new HYLA-GST model On January 12, 2010, KORSTON Hotel welcomed members of the HYLA family that had gathered from all parts of big Russia to hold the long-awaited presentation of the new HYLA model. The conference was full of surprises. At first, there was the very popular procedure of awarding winners of many competitions. The next part of the conference enchanted and surprised everyone, even those who had been with the company for over 10 years! HYLA GST presented the mysterious and exciting dance of girls from another planet. The whole HYLA RUSSIA greeted the new HYLA model with unending applause. This new page of our business opened the way to perfection of advanced technologies, ergonomic and stylish design and immaculate quality. HYLAeurope HYLA russia | conference in moscow january 2010 rus sia january It took everyone’s breath away as they touched the perfection! During the break, several HYLA GST units were made available for careful examination by anybody willing. In order to improve sales techniques, the following situations were acted out during the conference: how to sell HYLA GST, HYLA NST and HYLA BASIC, how to invite new business members, and how to arrange subsequent demonstrations. Eventually, everybody received a lot of valuable and useful information. The atmosphere of success and positive thinking strengthened the people’s self-confidence, and the new interesting competitions set new targets. The arrival of the HYLA GST has started the new era of success for HYLA RUSSIA! hyla team russia 2010 37 conference in moscow Презентация новой модели HYLA-GST 12 января 2010 года отель KORSTON гостеприимно распахнул двери семье HYLA, члены которой собрались со всех уголков огромной России, для проведения долгожданной презентации новой модели аппарата HYLA. Конференция была полна сюрпризов. В начале – всеми любимые награждения победителей многочисленных конкурсов. Продолжение конференции заворожило и удивило всех, даже тех, кто работает в компании больше 10 лет! Загадочный увлекательный танец инопланетных девушек, представил HYLA-GST. Вся ХЬЮЛЯРОССИЯ восторженно приветствовала новую модель HYLA несмолкаемыми аплодисментами. Это новая страница в нашем бизнесе, открыла совершенство передовых технологий, эргономичный и стильный дизайн, безукоризненное качество. Каждый, с замиранием сердца, смог прикоснуться к совершенству! Несколько аппаратов HYLA-GST были доступны для внимательного изучения во время перерыва всем желающим. Совершенствуя технику продаж, на конференции были разыграны сценки: продажа HYLA-GST, HYLA-NST, HYLA-BASIC, как приглашать в бизнес, как договариваться с демо на демо. В итоге, каждый подчерпнул для себя много ценного и полезного. Атмосфера успеха и позитива укрепила веру в себя, а новые интересные конкурсы поставили новые цели. С приходом модели HYLA-GST началась новая эра успеха в компании ХЬЮЛЯ-РОССИЯ! hyla team russia 38 HYLAeurope HYLA ukraine | annual conference 2010 annual conference 2010 HYLAeurope HYLA ukraine | annual conference 2010 uk raine The annual conference of HYLA Ukraine took place on January 16, 2010 in Kiev. This conference was special because in its first part Wilfried Metzger, President of HYLA International, and Tatyana Golitsyna, HYLA Russia Importer, presented a new model of HYLA GST to HYLA Ukraine staff. Everybody came to a single conclusion that such a device as we saw HYLA GST could have been created only by genius. In the second part, according to an old tradition, awards to the company‘s best employees and winners of the contests were given. The second part of the conference is always very warm and sincere with the whole HYLA Ukraine staff. Eight hours of Saturday passed in a second. 16 января 2010 в Киеве состоялась ежегодная конференция компании HYLA-Украина. Эта конференция была особенная тем, что в первой ее части президент компании HYLA-International Вильфред Мецгер и импортер HYLA-Россия Татьяна Голицына презентовали коллективу HYLA-Украина новую модель HYLA-GST. Все пришли к единому мнению о том, что создать такой аппарат, каким мы увидели HYLA-GST, могли только гениальные люди. Во второй части, согласно нашей давней традиции мы награждали лучших сотрудников компании и победителей конкурсов. В нашем коллективе вторая часть конференции всегда очень теплая и откровенная. Восемь часов субботнего дня пролетели как одно мгновение. Olena Kondratenko importer hyla Ukraine 39 40 HYLAeurope HYLA portugal | office opening & meeting 09-2009 HYLAeurope HYLA portugal | office opening & meeting 09-2009 41 portug al office opening & meeting 09-2009 i E n September 2009 President Wilfried Metzger visited HYLA Importer Paulo Barria in his new sales offices in Lisbon/Portugal. After the new offices have been opened, the first official meeting with consultants was held now. President Wilfried Metzger gave a training concerning referrals and recruiting and Paulo Barria closed the day by announcing an interesting sales competition for his consultants. The meeting was followed by an open-air dinner at pleasant temperatures. We are confident that we will hear many positive things from Paulo in 2010! paulo Barria importer hyla Portugal m Setembro de 2009 o Presidente da HYLA Internacional, Sr. Wilfried Metzger, visitou o Importador Exclusivo de HYLA Portugal, Sr. Paulo Bárria, inaugurando assim a novas instalações de HYLA Portugal. Este foi o primeiro »meeting« oficial, no qual se contou também com a presença de Distribuidores. No decurso deste »meeting«, o Presidente Sr. Wilfried Metzger, transmitiu-nos algumas ideias sobre como conseguir mais Referências e como Recrutar. O Importador, Sr. Paulo Bárria, encerrou o »meeting« anunciando um interessante concurso para os seus Distribuidores. Depois de encerrados os trabalhos foi oferecido um jantar em lugar aprazivel, ao ar livre e com uma temperatura ambiente muito agradável. Estamos convencidos de que no próximo ano, em 2010, vamos ouvir muitas coisas positivas àcerca de Paulo Bárria. HYLA Portugal 42 HYLAeurope hyla spain | meeting 02-2010 HYLAlatin america hyla colombia | trade fair 09-2009 SPain meeting 02-2009 Together with Fernando Horcajo and Jacobo Eljarrat President Wilfried Metzger presented the new HYLA GST in the HYLA Sales Offices in Barcelona/Spain. All participants of the meeting were highly impressed by the innovative and numerous new functions of the HYLA GST. Ferran and Jacobo are sure that the new HYLA GST will soon result in increasing sales numbers and that recruiting new consultants will become even easier now! Junto con Fernando Horcajo y Jacobo Eljarrat el Presidente Wilfried Metzger presentaron la nueva HYLA GST en la sede central de ventas en Barcelona / España. Todos los participantes en la reunión quedaron muy impresionados por las numerosas innovaciones tecnológicas y la mejora de las prestaciones del sistema GST. Fernando y Jacobo están seguros que con la nueva HYLA GST sus resultados se van a ver incrementados tanto en número de ventas como en el reclutamiento de nuevos vendedores. 43 trade fair 09-2009 colombia Last September HYLA Colombia participated in the »La Feria del Hogar«, the most important fair in Colombia. With 1,350,000 visitors and 9,000 exhibitors this fair provides a great platform for our product. Once again our brand has been positioned as the leader of our entire industry. El pasado mes de septiembre HYLA Colombia participó en »La Feria del Hogar«, el evento Ferial mas importante del país. Con más de 1’350.000 visitantes y 9.000 expositores esta feria sirvió como una gran vitrina de nuestro producto. Una vez mas nuestra marca se posicionó como la compañía líder de toda nuestra industria. fernando horcajo & jacobo eljarrat importer hyla spain hyla team colombia 44 HYLAlatin america hyla colombia | sales force meeting 07-2009 HYLAlatin america hyla colombia | sales force meeting 07-2009 sales force meeting 07-2009 co lombia e federico echeverri - importer i adriana duarte - importer rené muÑoz - distributor n July 2009 HYLA Importers Federico Echeverri and his wife Adriana Duarte organized a Sales Force Meeting. All business partners of HYLA Colombia participated at this meeting. Federico and Adriana were also proud to welcome Fernando López (HYLA Importer Chile) and Andreas K. Luckner (Int. Sales Director) who contributed a lot to this successful meeting – besides many other professional speakers. 45 fernando lópez - importer hyla chile & Andreas K. Luckner - Int. Sales director n Julio del 2009 los Importadores de HYLA Sr. Federico Echeverri y su esposa Sra. Adriana Duarte organizaron una reunión con su equipo de ventas. Todos los integrantes de HYLA Colombia participaron en esta reunión. Federico y Adriana se sintieron orgullosos de darles la bienvenida al Sr. Fernando López (Importador de HYLA Chile) y al Sr. Andreas K. Luckner (Director Int. de ventas) quienes prestaron su apoyo para el éxito de esta reunión. Además de otros participantes. francisco frias business consultant federico echeverri & adriana duarte importer hyla colombia hyla team colombia 46 HYLAhighlights hyla convention latin america | 2009 HYLAhighlihgts hyla convention latin america | 2009 hyla convention latin america t E he yearly event »HYLA Convention Latin America« took place in October 2009 in the wonderful Santiago de Chile. HYLA organized this meeting by the great support of HYLA Chile. Besides Importers from Colombia, Ecuador and Austria also consultants of these countries took place. Thus this event was not just an unforgettable day, but was also a unique platform for an international exchange of experiences! l evento del año »La convención de HYLA Latinoamérica« se realizo en Octubre del 2009 en la bella ciudad de Santiago de Chile. Hyla organizo esta reunión con el apoyo de HYLA Chile. Contando con la participación de Importadores de Colombia, Ecuador y Austria, así como vendedores de estos países, quienes también se hicieron presentes. El día del evento será algo inolvidable el cual también sirvió como plataforma para un intercambio de experiencias internacionales. 20 09 47 hyla gst presentation Andreas K. luckner int. sales director fernando lópez importer hyla chile participants 48 HYLAlatin america hyla guatemala | product launch 07-2009 HYLAlatin america hyla el salvador | sales force meeting 07-2009 guatemala product launch 07-2009 Due to the successful development in Central America and the excellent cooperation with our business partners there, it was just a question of time when the starting signal for HYLA in Guatemala would be given. In July 2009 Andreas K. Luckner (Int. Sales Director) traveled to Guatemala City in order to present HYLA together with HYLA Importer Víctor García Ruiz to the existing sales team. After the successful company and product presentation the entire sales team was very enthusiastic and could not wait to start with HYLA. We are very pleased about this expansion in Latin America and we wish HYLA Guatemala much success! Víctor García Ruiz importer Debido al éxito desarrollado en Centroamérica y la excelente cooperación de nuestros socios en el negocio allá, era solo cuestión de tiempo que la señal de comienzo para HYLA Guatemala fuera dada. En Julio del 2009 el Sr. Andreas K. Luckner (Director Int. de ventas) viajo a la ciudad de Guatemala para presentar HYLA en conjunto con el Importador de HYLA Sr. Víctor García Ruiz a su ya existente equipo de ventas. Después de la presentación de la compañía y del producto todo el equipo de ventas quedo muy entusiasmado y querían comenzar de inmediato con HYLA. Estamos muy complacidos con esta expansión en Latinoamérica y le deseamos a HYLA Guatemala mucho éxito! 49 sales force meeting 07-2009 el salvador Directed by HYLA Importer Víctor García Ruiz, HYLA El Salvador organized in July 2009 a special HYLA Sales Force Meeting. The goal of this meeting was to increase sales. For this reason Andreas K. Luckner (Int. Sales Director) participated at this meeting and used this opportunity to train all consultants especially in »HYLA demo«. At this meeting also a fantastic competition was announced and all consultants were excited about this great competition! Dirigida por el Importador de HYLA Sr. Víctor García Ruiz, HYLA El Salvador organizo en Julio del 2009 una reunión especial con el equipó de ventas. El objetivo principal de esta reunión fue como aumentar las ventas. Por esta razón el Sr. Andreas K. Luckner (Director Int. de ventas) participo en esta reunión y aprovecho la oportunidad para entrenar a todos los vendedores, especialmente en la »Demo HYLA«. Aprovechando esta reunión se anuncio una competencia y todos los participantes estuvieron muy motivados con este nuevo concurso. moderator hyla guatemala Andreas K. luckner int. sales director Andreas K. luckner int. sales director HYLA team guatemala hyla demo hyla demo HYLA team el salvador 50 HYLAlatin america HYLA Costa rica & hyla Nicaragua | visit to germany & Slovenia 09-2009 HYLAlatin america HYLA Costa rica & hyla Nicaragua | visit to germany & Slovenia 09-2009 51 costa rica & nicaragua VISIT TO GERMANY & SLOVENIA 09-2009 l os Vendedores de Costa Rica y Nicaragua, quienes ganaron el concurso del viaje – Promocionado por HYLA – disfrutaron juntos con el Importador de HYLA Sr. Francisco Mack Durini un maravilloso e inolvidable viaje a Europa en Septiembre del 2009. La planta de producción en Eslovenia, el museo de Mercedes Benz en Alemania y Venecia en Italia fueron los lugares más destacados de este viaje. filderstadt portoroz mercedes-benz museum production tour venice ljubljana S ales consultants from Costa Rica and Nicaragua who had won a competition trip – initiated by HYLA – enjoyed together with HYLA Importer Francisco Mack Durini a wonderful and unforgettable trip to Europe in September 2009. The HYLA Production in Slovenia, the Mercedes-Benz Museum in Germany and Venice in Italy were just the highlights of this trip! HYLA team costa rica & nicaragua 52 HYLAamerica HYLA u.s. | National Distributor & Key Man Meeting 2009 National Distributor & Key Man Meeting 09 Introduction of the HYLA GST HYLAamerica HYLA u.s. | 3rd Quarter 2009 Midwest Regional Banquet Third quarter’s Midwest Regional Meeting was particularly special because HYLA U.S. Distributors from outside the Midwest Region were given the opportunity to join in the Banquet. Over 200 members of the HYLA U.S. Family from across the United States joined together to celebrate their accomplishments, reminisce in the memories of 2009 with a slideshow of photographs, and share constructive ideas for their future. Everyone in attendance exuded a positive energy and spirits were kept high throughout upbeat music. We are confident that all of the Regional Meetings to come in the future will continue to be this dynamic and productive! Special thanks to Mr. Troy Baier for being a great host! 3rd Quarter 2009 Midwest Regional Banquet hartmut & filiz gassmann importer hyla U.S. The last National Distributor and Key Man Meeting took place in October 2009 and exceeded our expectations! We heard informative and motivational speeches from the new members of our National Sales Team, Tim Sperry and Travis Burch, as well as from one of our most successful Distributors, Jim Sperry. National meetings are extremely important for everyone in attendance. Distributors from different regions come together because of new ideas, lessons learned and success stories shared openly in a productive environment that is not often an option for Distributors living hundreds of miles away. The highlight of the meeting was the presentation of the new HYLA model – HYLA GST (Geyser Separator Technology). 53 54 HYLAamerica HYLA u.s. | importer month contest 2009 HYLAamerica HYLA u.s. | importer month contest 2009 55 Importer Month Contest 2009 usa HYLA contest winners are always appreciated! HYLA U.S. likes to show their gratitude by going the extra mile to make their experiences memorable. Guests were accommodated at the Westin Fort Lauderdale Beach Resort, which is located right in the heart of the Fort Lauderdale Beach Strip. Everything’s conveniently situated right along Ocean Drive from savory restaurants, sidewalk cafes, bars and clubs for nightlife that entice not just the tourists but locals as well! On Sunday evening, HYLA U.S. hosted a welcome dinner at the Mai-Kai Restaurant where everyone had the opportunity to enjoy an amazing dinner followed by a show. The Mai-Kai resembles a Polynesian village with palm thatched roofs, flaming torches, waterfalls, lagoons, and orchid collections. Beautiful maidens and agile warriors perform native songs and dances during the nationally renowned Mai-Kai Islander Revue. What a beautiful way to start an amazing adventure! Monday was a day for the contest winners to enjoy pure relaxation and exploration. Hartmut Gassmann invited a few gentlemen for tea time at the Heron Bay Golf & Country Club. Tim Sperry, Jim Slagle and Josh Brock showed off their golfing skills and certainly impressed Mr. Gassmann especially by how prepared these pros traveled to Florida with their own personal golf clubs and gear! Some visited Butterfly World while others decided to treasure the waters and bake in the beautiful Florida sun or explore South Beach on a rented Harley Davidson. Everyone had a different perspective with what their day consisted of and enjoyed it to the fullest. The moment that many had waited for finally arrived the visit to HYLA U.S. Corporate Headquarters. Many have not had the opportunity to visit the office and expressed excitement. As the momentum built and adrenalin rushed through everyone, Jim Slagle won the grand prize, the »Swarovski HYLA«! After spending quality time in the office, the group shared a luncheon to prepare for the next event, Airboat Ride! Everyone felt the excitement and learned the history of Florida’s most remarkable treasure, the Everglades. As one of the rare subtropical ecosystems, the Everglades holds spectacular mysteries. This once in a lifetime adventure created lasting memories. A wonderful evening was concluded by a superb dinner at Chima’s Brazilian Steakhouse on Las Olas Boulevard nestled in a cozy ambiance. The final day was enjoyed by parasailing and relaxation by the pool. This vacation was the true epitome of relaxation! It was HYLA U.S.‘ greatest honor to host this outstanding event for their special business associates. winners 56 HYLAasia & middle east HYLA korea | meeting 01-2010 HYLAasia & middle east HYLA korea | meeting 01-2010 korea meeting 01-2010 p resident Wilfried Metzger visited HYLA Importer Wan-Kyu Paik in January 2010 in his sales offices in Seoul/South Korea where a meeting was held. All participants (Wan-Kyu Paik - CEO, G.B. Kwak CFO, J.H. Kim - Sales Assistant Manager, Y.H. Han - Marketing Assistant Manager, H.W. Kim - Administration Manager) were deeply impressed by the new HYLA GST. The HYLA GST will be introduced in Korea in March 2010. wan-kyu paik importer hyla korea 57 58 HYLAasia & middle east HYLA philippines | 3rd convention & annual awards HYLAasia & middle east HYLA philippines | 3rd convention & annual awards 59 philipp ines 3rd convention & annual awards john & nimfa gamez importer hyla philippines o n February 21, 2010 the new HYLA GST was presented to all HYLA consultants in Manila/Philippines. HYLA Importer John Gamez, supported by his brother Gerry, presented the new machine during a perfectly organized meeting. President Wilfried Metzger used this opportunity to award HYLA consultants of HYLA Philippines for their special achievements. We wish HYLA Philippines much success with the new HYLA GST! hyla team philippines 60 HYLAasia & middle east HYLA Malaysia | office opening & presentation HYLA gst HYLAasia & middle east HYLA Malaysia | office opening & presentation HYLA gst mal aysia office opening & presentation t here were two reasons for the big meeting which was held in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia – the opening of the new HYLA Malaysia Corporate Office and the presentation of the new HYLA GST. HYLA Importer Albert Ng organized together with his wife Emily a very professional meeting where the new HYLA GST was presented to all consultants of HYLA Malaysia. On the same day the new (and second) sales office in Kuala Lumpur was opened. We wish Albert & Emily much success and good luck for the future! albert & emily ng importer hyla malaysia hyla gst 61 62 HYLAasia & middle east HYLA indonesia | 10th anniversary & presentation hyla gst 10th anniversary & presentation hyla gst p indo nesia resident Wilfried Metzger celebrated together with the team of HYLA Indonesia and HYLA Importers Youngky Widjaja and Cicilia Carolusa 10 years of successful selling in Indonesia. Indonesia was one of the first countries in Asia, where HYLA was sold. Today we are able to look back to successful times and to start a new era – the introduction of the HYLA GST! We are looking forward to a continued successful business relationship with all consultants of HYLA Indonesia and with our HYLA Importers there! youngky widjaja & cicilia Carolusa importer hyla indonesia HYLA indonesia | 10th anniversary & presentation hyla gst 63 64 HYLAnews hyla annual meeting - winners 2010 | abu dhabi HYLA@hotel villarrica park lake hotel | chile 65 villarrica park lake hotel t he Villarrica Park Lake Hotel is located between volcanos covered with snow, lakes, crystalline rivers and thermal baths. To enter the hotel means to discover a world of luxury and elegance between spacious areas and spectacular landscapes in the south of Chile. It means to discover a world of flavors with international and local specialities accompanied with the best cocktails and Chilean wines in the hotel´s different restaurant and bars. To relax and to be kept in form, Aquarius Spa offers 1600 m² of modern and exclusive dependences: interior swimming pool tempered with included hydro massage, exterior swimming pool surrounded with beautiful gardens, sauna tepidarium, Finnish sauna, steam baths, tempered bankings, solarium, jacuzzi, rooms for facial and body treatments and totally equipped gym and beauty lounge. The rooms are finely decorated and have an impressive view on the lake. When opening the closet there are comfortable dressing-gowns and slippers and every night chocolates or handcrafted sweets of the region lie on the pillows to enjoy them. Every corner of this hotel invites the visitor to sit down, to relax and to enjoy. In addition, each employee of the hotel is always at the guest´s service. An invitation to live maximum excellence in service and to enjoy incomparable moments! The Villarrica Park Lake Hotel cleans its rooms and suites by the support of HYLA Air & Room Cleaning Systems! 66 HYLAInternal hyla awards 2010 HYLA AWARDS 2010 for the Tops of the Year DEFINITION OF QUALIFICATIONS TOP CONSULTANT personal sales per month/year. Only personal sales are considered! TOP DISTRIBUTOR has consultants recruited by him-/herself. Sales of the total group are considered. He/she can qualify for “Distributor of the Month/Year“. Provided that he/she has once achieved “Prime Club 25“! ... TOP ORGANISATION further distributors with own office beneath. If a distributor promotes further consultants (with own office) to distributors and these distributors qualify for the “Prime Club 25“. *TOP IMPORTER OF THE YEAR (Int. Premium Race) – is awarded a ROLEX watch up to an amount of 5000,- € *TOP ORGANISATION OF THE YEAR (quantity) – is awarded a ROLEX watch up to an amount of 5000,- € *TOP DISTRIBUTOR OF THE YEAR (quota) – is awarded a ROLEX watch up to an amount of 5000,- € *TOP CONSULTANT OF THE YEAR (quantity) – is awarded a ROLEX watch up to an amount of 5000,- € In all categories: Sales increase compared to previous year! PARTICPANTS Conditions: For one win one watch is awarded. HYLA International defines the watch. HYLA AWARDS 68 HYLAchampions 2009 | 2010 HYLAchampions 2009 | 2010 69 CHA mpions for sales within a month 10-15 ‚Wes‘ Lewi, Charles - June 2009 - HYLA U.S.A. Allen, Michael - August 2009 - HYLA U.S.A. Allen, Michael - July 2009 - HYLA U.S.A. Ashley, Anthony - August 2009 - HYLA U.S.A. Babaoglu, Sevki - December 2009 - HYLA Germany Beiler, Karen - January 2009 - HYLA U.S.A. Bernazzoli, Roberto - February 2009 - HYLA Switzerland Bernazzoli, Roberto - October 2009 - HYLA Switzerland Blankenship, Bryan - October 2009 - HYLA U.S.A. Blanquicett Carlos & Thaiz Colina - February 2009 - HYLA Colombia Botvinyeva, Lyudmila - September 2009 - HYLA Russia Botvinyeva, Lyudmila - February 2009 - HYLA Russia Botvinyeva, Lyudmila - July 2009 - HYLA Russia Botvinyeva, Lyudmila - May 2009 - HYLA Russia Braun, Andreas - April 2009 - HYLA Germany Braun, Andreas - January 2009 - HYLA Germany Braun, Andreas - January 2010 - HYLA Germany Braun, Andreas - March 2009 - HYLA Germany Brewer, Cathy - March 2009 - HYLA U.S.A. Brewer, Cathy - October 2009 - HYLA U.S.A. Brocato, Jessie - October 2009 - HYLA U.S.A. Brock, Josh - September 2009 - HYLA U.S.A. Brock, Josh - December 2009 - HYLA U.S.A. Brock, Josh - February 2009 - HYLA U.S.A. Brock, Josh - January 2010 - HYLA U.S.A. Burton, Tiffany - February 2010 - HYLA U.S.A. Burton, Tiffany - January 2010 - HYLA U.S.A. Bytyqi, Driton - November 2009 - HYLA Kosovo Cardona, Sarai - May 2009 - HYLA Spain Carr, Chris - February 2009 - HYLA U.S.A. Choon Kit, Lau - September 2009 - HYLA Malaysia Cottingham, Vincent - January 2010 - HYLA U.S.A. Crouch, Corey - September 2009 - HYLA U.S.A. Crouch, Corey - March 2009 - HYLA U.S.A. Crouch, Corey - October 2009 - HYLA U.S.A. Davidson, Dustin - May 2009 - HYLA U.S.A. Davidson, Jerry - July 2009 - HYLA U.S.A. Davis, Allan - February 2010 - HYLA U.S.A. Dickerson, Ron - July 2009 - HYLA U.S.A. Dickreuter, Harry - August 2009 - HYLA Germany Dickreuter, Harry - February 2010 - HYLA Germany Dickreuter, Harry - July 2009 - HYLA Germany Dickreuter, Harry - March 2009 - HYLA Germany Dickreuter, Harry - May 2009 - HYLA Germany Dickreuter, Horst - August 2009 - HYLA Germany Dickreuter, Horst - November 2009 - HYLA Germany Dickreuter, Horst - December 2009 - HYLA Germany Dickreuter, Horst - February 2010 - HYLA Germany Dickreuter, Horst - January 2010 - HYLA Germany Dow, Rex - February 2010 - HYLA U.S.A. Elliott, Kristy - February 2009 - HYLA U.S.A. Freisleben, Ernst - November 2009 - HYLA Austria Freisleben, Ernst - December 2009 - HYLA Austria Freisleben, Ernst - February 2010 - HYLA Austria Freisleben, Ernst - January 2010 - HYLA Austria Freisleben, Ernst - July 2009 - HYLA Austria Freisleben, Ernst - May 2009 - HYLA Austria Fürschuß, Stefan - August 2009 - HYLA Austria Fürschuß, Stefan - November 2009 - HYLA Austria Fürschuß, Stefan - October 2009 - HYLA Austria Gamez, Michael - May 2009 - HYLA Phillipines Gartner, Karl Heinz - May 2009 - HYLA Austria Gashi, Nora - February 2010 - HYLA Kosovo Guerrero, Julius - September 2009 - HYLA Phillipines Guerrero, Julius - May 2009 - HYLA Phillipines HYLA Phillipines Hajrudin, Velic - September 2009 - HYLA Switzerland Hajrudin, Velic - October 2009 - HYLA Switzerland Hanl, Carmen - August 2009 - HYLA Austria Hayes, Loretta - August 2009 - HYLA U.S.A. Hayes, Loretta - September 2009 - HYLA U.S.A. Hayes, Loretta - February 2009 - HYLA U.S.A. Hoggard, James - September 2009 - HYLA U.S.A. Holson, Robert - February 2009 - HYLA U.S.A. Holzweber, Elisabeth - November 2009 - HYLA Austria Holzweber, Elisabeth - October 2009 - HYLA Austria Jedlička, Milan - May 2009 - HYLA Czech Republic Johnson, William - August 2009 - HYLA U.S.A. Johnson, William - September 2009 - HYLA U.S.A. Johnson, William - July 2009 - HYLA U.S.A. Johnson, William - October 2009 - HYLA U.S.A. Jurgens, Charlie - April 2009 - HYLA U.S.A. Jurgens, Charlie - March 2009 - HYLA U.S.A. Jurgens, Charlie - May 2009 - HYLA U.S.A. Jusufi, Ardit - November 2009 - HYLA Kosovo Kaiser, Jörg - March 2009 - HYLA Germany Kamper, Harald - April 2009 - HYLA Austria Kamper, Harald - November 2009 - HYLA Austria Kamper, Harald - June 2009 - HYLA Austria Kamper, Harald - March 2009 - HYLA Austria Kamper, Harald - May 2009 - HYLA Austria Kamper, Harald - October 2009 - HYLA Austria Keithley, Julia - June 2009 - HYLA U.S.A. Keithley, Julia - March 2009 - HYLA U.S.A. Kiefer, Andreas - January 2010 - HYLA Germany Kilgore, Pat - February 2010 - HYLA U.S.A. Kilogore, Pat - April 2009 - HYLA U.S.A. Kosakovskiy, Oleg - May 2009 - HYLA Ukraine Krepcárova, Anita - February 2009 - HYLA Slowakia Krepcárova, Anita - January 2009 - HYLA Slowakia Lau Choon Kit - March 2009 - HYLA Malaysia Livers, Alexander - April 2009 - HYLA U.S.A. Malle, Jürgen - November 2009 - HYLA Austria Martin, Angelita - September 2009 - HYLA U.S.A. Maxwell, Jentry - May 2009 - HYLA U.S.A. May, Christian - November 2009 - HYLA Germany Moell, Liz - May 2009 - HYLA U.S.A. Morris, Elisabeth - October 2009 - HYLA U.S.A. Mottas, Edgar - April 2009 - HYLA Austria Mottas, Edgar - August 2009 - HYLA Austria Mottas, Edgar - September 2009 - HYLA Austria Mottas, Edgar - December 2009 - HYLA Austria Mottas, Edgar - July 2009 - HYLA Austria Mottas, Edgar - June 2009 - HYLA Austria Mottas, Edgar - March 2009 - HYLA Austria Mottas, Edgar - October 2009 - HYLA Austria Nadejkina, Oleysa - December 2009 - HYLA Russia Nichols, Tracy - August 2009 - HYLA U.S.A. Omayon, Mataua - October 2009 - HYLA Spain Ooi Siew Ping, Gib - August 2009 - HYLA Malaysia Osick, John - January 2010 - HYLA U.S.A. Osthoff, Ed - December 2009 - HYLA U.S.A. Osthoff, Ed - July 2009 - HYLA U.S.A. Osthoff, Ed - May 2009 - HYLA U.S.A. Otto, Patrick - April 2009 - HYLA U.S.A. Otto, Patrick - January 2010 - HYLA U.S.A. Palmer, Terry - July 2009 - HYLA U.S.A. Perry, Tyrone - February 2009 - HYLA U.S.A. Perry, Tyrone (SD) - June 2009 - HYLA U.S.A. Pertseva, Marina - March 2009 - HYLA Russia Petkovic, Leijla - January 2010 - HYLA Kosovo Pischel, Sabine - February 2009 - HYLA Austria Pischel, Sabine - January 2009 - HYLA Austria Pringle, Jacqueline - January 2009 - HYLA U.S.A. Reece, Dan - August 2009 - HYLA U.S.A. Reece, Dan - July 2009 - HYLA U.S.A. Reed, Scotty - February 2009 - HYLA U.S.A. Richey, Chris - June 2009 - HYLA U.S.A. Rojas Viquez, Marielos - July 2009 - HYLA Costa Rica Sanchez, Juan - February 2009 - HYLA U.S.A. Semper, Jürgen - July 2009 - HYLA Austria Semper, Jürgen - June 2009 - HYLA Austria Short, David - April 2009 - HYLA U.S.A. Short, David - February 2009 - HYLA U.S.A. Stenquist, Lynn - September 2009 - HYLA U.S.A. Stenquist, Lynn - July 2009 - HYLA U.S.A. Stodghill, Forrest - March 2009 - HYLA U.S.A. Taylor, Julie - February 2009 - HYLA U.S.A. Taylor, Julie - March 2009 - HYLA U.S.A. Terzic, Radovan - February 2010 - HYLA Serbia Tkachenko, Volodymyr - November 2009 - HYLA Germany Tkachenko, Volodymyr - February 2009 - HYLA Germany Tkachenko, Volodymyr - January 2009 - HYLA Germany Tkachenko, Volodymyr - January 2010 - HYLA Germany Tkachenko, Volodymyr - July 2009 - HYLA Germany Trip, Bobby - January 2009 - HYLA U.S.A. Trusilin, Valery - April 2009 - HYLA Russia Vallasaliu, Xhevahire - February 2010 - HYLA Kosovo Velic, Hajrudin - March 2009 - HYLA Switzerland Voyels, Johnathan - May 2009 - HYLA U.S.A. Voyles, Johnathan - March 2009 - HYLA U.S.A. 16-20 Brocato, Jessie - July 2009 - HYLA U.S.A. Brock, Josh - March 2009 - HYLA U.S.A. Curtner, Doug - January 2009 - HYLA U.S.A. Dickreuter, Harry - April 2009 - HYLA Germany Dickreuter, Harry - November 2009 - HYLA Germany Dickreuter, Harry - December 2009 - HYLA Germany Genc, Etrhemi - February 2010 - HYLA Kosovo Hayes, Loretta - December 2009 - HYLA U.S.A. Kiefer, Andreas - November 2009 - HYLA Germany Lelleck, Armin - February 2009 - HYLA Germany Lelleck, Armin - May 2009 - HYLA Germany Morris, Elizabeth - September 2009 - HYLA U.S.A. Nichols, Traci - June 2009 - HYLA U.S.A. Osthoff, Ed - November 2009 - HYLA U.S.A. 21-25 Otto, Patrick Richey, Chris Richey, Chris Short, David Velic, Hajrudin Ethemi, Genc - December 2009 - HYLA Kosovo Jusufi, Ardit - October 2009 - HYLA Kosovo Jusufi, Ardit - December 2009 - HYLA Kosovo Kamper, Harald - July 2009 - HYLA Austria Lelleck, Armin - March 2009 - HYLA Germany Lelleck, Armin - May 2009 - HYLA Germany Lelleck, Armin Lelleck, Armin Lelleck, Armin Lelleck, Armin Lelleck, Armin 26-35 40 Belyaeva, Natalya - January 2008 - HYLA Russia Lelleck, Armin - February 2008 - HYLA Germany Lelleck, Armin - April 2008 - HYLA Germany Lelleck, Armin - August 2008 - HYLA Germany Lelleck, Armin - April 2009 - HYLA Germany Lelleck, Armin - June 2009 - HYLA Germany Lelleck, Armin - July 2009 - HYLA Germany Lelleck, Armin - September 2009 - HYLA Germany Lelleck, Armin - October 2009 - HYLA Germany Lelleck, Armin - November 2009 - HYLA Germany 50 Sándor, Judit HYLA Hungary September 2009 - HYLA U.S.A. July 2009 - HYLA U.S.A. October 2009 - HYLA U.S.A. March 2009 - HYLA U.S.A. - February 2009 - HYLA Switzerland - June 2009 - HYLA Germany - August 2009 - HYLA Germany - December 2009 - HYLA Germany - February 2010 - HYLA Germany - January 2010 - HYLA Germany Belyaeva, Natalya HYLA Russia 56 Seböck, Attila HYLA Hungary 44 Seböck, Attila HYLA Hungary 58 Lelleck, Armin HYLA Germany 70 HYLAprime club HYLAprime club 2009 | 2010 2009 | 2010 71 prime club for sales within a month 25 A & A Associates - HYLA U.S.A. A & A Associates (Tupela) - HYLA U.S.A. Air by Design, Inc. - HYLA U.S.A. Air Plus, Inc. - HYLA U.S.A. Air Solution Inc. - HYLA U.S.A. Air Solution Inc. (Joplin) - HYLA U.S.A. Aquatic Air - HYLA U.S.A. ASP HYLA Inc. - HYLA U.S.A. ASP HYLA Inc., Rogers - HYLA U.S.A. ASP HYLA Inc., Tecumseh - HYLA U.S.A. ASP HYLA Inc., Tupelo - HYLA U.S.A. B & J Distributing - HYLA U.S.A. B.A.S. & Associates, Inc. - HYLA U.S.A. Blue Ridge HYLA, LLC - HYLA U.S.A. Botvinyeva, Lydmila - HYLA Russia Brigardin, Alexandra & Juri - HYLA Germany Byakchov, Sergey - HYLA Russia Christiansen Distributing - HYLA U.S.A. Complete Quality Air Solutions, Inc. - HYLA U.S.A. Creative Air - HYLA U.S.A. D.A.M.M. s.a.s. - HYLA Italy Danilov Victor & Olga Jouravleva - HYLA Russia Delzer, Waldemar & Olga - HYLA Germany Demkina, Olga - HYLA Russia Dickreuter, Harry - HYLA Germany Dickreuter, Horst & Tatjana - HYLA Germany Eastcoast Air, LLC - HYLA U.S.A. Excellence, Inc. - HYLA U.S.A. Fekete Tamás - HYLA Hungary Feketené M. Noémi - HYLA Hungary Fresh Start Distribution, Inc. - HYLA U.S.A. Green Country HYLA, Inc. - HYLA U.S.A. Gürbüz, Murat - HYLA Switzerland Hölle, Siegfried - HYLA Germany Hydro Air Inc. - HYLA U.S.A. Hydro Industries, Inc. - HYLA U.S.A. Hydro Tech Cleaning Systems - HYLA U.S.A. Hydro Tech. Ltd - HYLA U.S.A. HYLA Absolute - HYLA U.S.A. HYLA Air, Inc. - HYLA U.S.A. HYLA Barcelona - Jacobo y Fernando - HYLA Spain HYLA Connection Inc. - HYLA U.S.A. HYLA Connection, Inc. Conway - HYLA U.S.A. HYLA Connection, Inc. Heber Springs - HYLA U.S.A. HYLA Connection, Inc. Searcy - HYLA U.S.A. HYLA Connection, Inc.Benton - HYLA U.S.A. HYLA Dreams - HYLA U.S.A. HYLA Extreme, Inc. - HYLA U.S.A. HYLA Extreme, Inc. Paragould - HYLA U.S.A. HYLA Extreme, Inc. Pocahontas - HYLA U.S.A. HYLA Hospitalet - HYLA Spain HYLA Import GmbH - HYLA Switzerland HYLA Központ - HYLA Hungary HYLA Llobregat - HYLA Spain HYLA Pacific - HYLA U.S.A. HYLA Possibilities - HYLA U.S.A. HYLA Pure - HYLA U.S.A. HYLA Pure (White Hall) - HYLA U.S.A. HYLA Systems, Inc. - HYLA U.S.A. HYLA Systems, Inc. Batesville - HYLA U.S.A. HYLA Systems, Inc. Conway - HYLA U.S.A. HYLA Systems, Inc. Heber Springs - HYLA U.S.A. HYLA Systems, Inc. Jacksonville - HYLA U.S.A. HYLA Tech - HYLA U.S.A. HYLA Tech, Inc. - HYLA U.S.A. HYLA Unlimited - HYLA U.S.A. HYLA Viladecans - HYLA Spain HYLA Works - HYLA U.S.A. HYLA World - HYLA U.S.A. HYLA World, Mountain Home - HYLA U.S.A. Ivleva Valentina & Efimov Alexander - HYLA Russia J & D Distributing - HYLA U.S.A. J & L Enterprises, Inc - HYLA U.S.A. Juelle HYLA, Inc. - HYLA U.S.A. Jung Hoon Kim - HYLA Korea Jusufi, Ardit - HYLA Kosovo Kauhanen, Markus - HYLA Finland Kesztyüs, Sándor - HYLA Hungary KIC Distributing - HYLA U.S.A. Kirchgeßler, Anton - HYLA Germany Kiss, Eva - HYLA Hungary Klassen, Alexander - HYLA Germany Konstantinova, Yulia - HYLA Russia Korhonen, Inkki - HYLA Finland Kornienko, Vladimir - HYLA Germany Kovács, Zoltánné - HYLA Hungary Kravtsov, Aleksandr & Tyukalova Tatyana - HYLA Russia Kreivi, Anna-Maija - HYLA Finland Kromac GmbH - HYLA Germany Kutuzova, Svetlana & Vorobyeva, Elena - HYLA Russia Lange, Marc - HYLA Germany Lau Choon Kit - HYLA Malaysia Lelleck Armin & Beate - HYLA Germany Lone Star Distributing - HYLA U.S.A. Markelova, Nadezshda - HYLA Russia Melnik, Rosa - HYLA Germany Midwest HYLA ,Inc. Sedalia - HYLA U.S.A. Midwest HYLA Inc. - HYLA U.S.A. Midwest HYLA, Inc. Joplin - HYLA U.S.A. Midwest HYLA, Inc. Muskogee - HYLA U.S.A. Midwest HYLA, Inc. Springfield - HYLA U.S.A. Milton Distributors - HYLA U.S.A. Mironenko, Alexandr - HYLA Ukraine Moser, Alexander - HYLA Germany Munoz René y Vasquez Lorena - HYLA Colombia Mystic Air, Inc. - HYLA U.S.A. Naturclean GmbH - HYLA Switzerland Nature‘s Intentions - HYLA U.S.A. Nature‘s Method, Inc - HYLA U.S.A. NSTC - HYLA U.S.A. Ohio Thura Clean - HYLA U.S.A. Péczely, Zita - HYLA Hungary Perilla Gaviria, Jorge Alirio - HYLA Colombia Perry‘s Clean Air - HYLA U.S.A. Pertseva, Marina & Glazunova, Marina - HYLA Russia Polischuk Anna & Gryshyn Ilya - HYLA Ukraine Prince Distributors, Inc. - HYLA U.S.A. Pure Solutions, Inc - HYLA U.S.A. Quality Air, Inc. - HYLA U.S.A. Rain Air - HYLA U.S.A. Rainforest Air - HYLA U.S.A. Rainforest Air, Fort Smith - HYLA U.S.A. Rainforest Air, Loves Park - HYLA U.S.A. Rainforest Air, Rockford - HYLA U.S.A. Rantakokko, Pasi - HYLA Finland Refine Air - HYLA U.S.A. Rocky Mountain HYLA, Inc. - HYLA U.S.A. Rocky Mountain HYLA, Inc. (Colorado Springs) - HYLA U.S.A. Rusakov Andrey & Arsenieva Natalia - HYLA Russia Sándor, Judit - HYLA Hungary Sashara, Safak - HYLA Switzerland Sharifah Suraya & Binti Syed Mestaddin - HYLA Malaysia Shasta HYLA - HYLA U.S.A. Spa-City Cleaning Systems - HYLA U.S.A. Szilvási, Szilvia - HYLA Hungary T&T Cleaning System, Inc. - HYLA U.S.A. T&T Cleaning System, Inc. Lawrence - HYLA U.S.A. T&T Cleaning System, Inc. Sedalia - HYLA U.S.A. T&T Cleaning System, Inc. Springfield - HYLA U.S.A. T&T Cleaning System, Inc. Union - HYLA U.S.A. Tkachenko, Volodymyr - HYLA Germany Toadally Clean - HYLA U.S.A. Top Notch Cleaning Solutions, Inc. - HYLA U.S.A. Tri-County Distributors, Inc. - HYLA U.S.A. Tyranova, Irina - HYLA Russia Vasvári, Gyula - HYLA Hungary Waterfalls Unlimited - HYLA U.S.A. Wiest, Elena & Rudolf - HYLA Germany WTL Distributing, Inc. (Pocahontas) - HYLA U.S.A. WTL Distributing, Inc. (West Plains) - HYLA U.S.A. Zóna Iroda Kft - HYLA Hungary 50 A & A Associates - HYLA U.S.A. Air by Design - HYLA U.S.A. ASP HYLA Inc. (Colorado Springs) - HYLA U.S.A. ASP HYLA Inc. (Rogers) - HYLA U.S.A. Brigardin, Alexandra & Juri - HYLA Germany Byakchov, Sergey - HYLA Russia Christiansen Distributing - HYLA U.S.A. D.A.M.M. s.a.s. - HYLA Italy Danilov Victor & Jouravleva Olga - HYLA Russia Delzer, Waldemar & Olga - HYLA Germany Demkina, Olga - HYLA Russia Dickreuter, Horst - HYLA Germany Fekete M. Noémi - HYLA Hungary Gürbitz, Murat - HYLA Switzerland HYLA BCN - HYLA Spain HYLA Connection - HYLA U.S.A. HYLA Connection Inc. Searcy - HYLA U.S.A. HYLA Connection, Inc. Conway - HYLA U.S.A. HYLA Extreme Inc. - HYLA U.S.A. 75 HYLA Extreme Inc., Parogould - HYLA U.S.A. HYLA Extreme Inc., Pocahontas - HYLA U.S.A. HYLA Import GmbH - HYLA Switzerland HYLA Pure - HYLA U.S.A. HYLA Systems - HYLA U.S.A. HYLA Systems, Conway - HYLA U.S.A. HYLA Systems, Jacksonville - HYLA U.S.A. HYLA Tech, Inc. - HYLA U.S.A. HYLA World - HYLA U.S.A. Ivleva Valentina & Efimov Alexander - HYLA Russia Kesztyüs, Sándor - HYLA Hungary KIC Distributing - HYLA U.S.A. Kiss, Eva - HYLA Hungary Korhonen, Inkki - HYLA Finland Lelleck, Armin & Beate - HYLA Germany Melnik, Rosa - HYLA Germany Midwest HYLA Inc. - HYLA U.S.A. Midwest HYLA Inc. Joplin - HYLA U.S.A. Midwest HYLA Inc. Sedalia - HYLA U.S.A. Byakchov, Sergey D.A.M.M. s.a.s. Delzer, Olga Dickreuter, Horst Dyomkina, Olga Feketené, Noémi M. HYLA Connection HYLA Extreme, Inc. HYLA Systems HYLA Tech, Inc. Midwest HYLA Inc. Springfield - HYLA U.S.A. Myronenko, Aleksandr - HYLA Ukraine Mystic Air, Inc. - HYLA U.S.A. Nature‘s Intentions - HYLA U.S.A. Popov, Aleksandr - HYLA Ukraine Rainforest Air - HYLA U.S.A. Rainforest Air (Fort Smith) - HYLA U.S.A. Rainforest Air (Loves Park) - HYLA U.S.A. Rantakokko, Pasi - HYLA Finland Rocky Mountain HYLA, Inc. - HYLA U.S.A. Sándor, Judit - HYLA Hungary T&T Cleaning Sys. Inc. (Lawrence) - HYLA U.S.A. T&T Cleaning Sys. Inc. (Sedalia) - HYLA U.S.A. T&T Cleaning Sys. Inc. (Springfield) - HYLA U.S.A. T&T Cleaning System Inc. - HYLA U.S.A. T&T Cleaning System, Inc. (Union) - HYLA U.S.A. Waterfalls Unlimited - HYLA U.S.A. HYLA World Korhonen, Inkki Lelleck, Armin & Beate Midwest HYLA Inc. Rainforest Air Rocky Mountain Air T&T Cleaning System, Inc. Zóna Iroda Kft 72 HYLAawards 2009 | 2010 HYLAawards award S 2008 - 2010 73 top consultant GERMANY * * * * * * * * * * * kosovo * finland * top distributor by quota Germany * * * Kosovo * * Malaysia * Spain * * usa * * * December 2009 January 2010 February 2010 Armin lelleck Armin lelleck Germany, 23 HYLA Germany, 24 HYLA ardit jusufi Kosovo, 24 HYLA November 2009 Kosovo, 24 HYLA Germany, 31 HYLA Ethemi Genc August 2009 October 2009 armin lelleck Germany, 28 HYLA armin lelleck September 2009 armin lelleck armin lelleck Germany, 23 HYLA January 2010 Ardit jusufi Kosovo July 2009 August 2009 armin lelleck Germany, 28 HYLA Germany, 29 HYLA September 2009 December 2009 October 2009 hyla condal armin & beate lelleck Kosovo Spain Germany ardit jusufi July 2009 sharifah suraya Horst & Tatjana Dickreuter Malaysia Germany June 2009 May 2009 USA Spain hyla world April 2009 June 2009 armin lelleck Germany, 26 HYLA May 2009 armin lelleck Germany, 21 HYLA April 2009 armin lelleck Germany, 28 HYLA March 2009 midwest hyla, inc. Germany, 24 HYLA USA armin lelleck January 2009 Armin & Beate Lelleck Germany October 2008 KIC Distributing USA HYLA Llobregat August 2008 pasi rantakokko Finland 74 HYLAawards 2007 - 2010 HYLAawards award S 2009 | 2010 75 top organisation by quota germany * RUSSIA * * usa * * * * * * * * * top importer international premium race Austria * * * Colombia * ukraine * * usa * Germany * * * kosovo * russia * * spain * January 2010 April 2009 October 2009 armin & beate lelleck July 2009 t & T cleaning systems, inc. Germany Michael hausenblas March 2009 t & T cleaning systems, inc. t & T cleaning systems, inc. USA USA USA February 2010 baki & safete kllokoqi Germany otto braun Austria November 2009 December 2009 olena kondratenko Ukraine Kosovo Michael hausenblas Germany olena kondratenko Ukraine October 2009 October 2008 February 2009 HYLA world USA December 2008 sergey byakchov HYLA world USA July 2008 t & T cleaning systems, inc. USA Michael hausenblas Germany fernando horcajo & jacobo eljarrat Spain Russia September 2009 Tatyana Golitsyna Russia August 2009 Tatyana Golitsyna Russia July 2009 otto braun Austria January 2008 June 2008 HYLA world USA February 2008 Rocky mountain HYLA, inc. USA HYLA extreme, inc. USA December 2007 sergey byakchov Russia June 2009 federico echeverri & adriana duarte Colombia May 2009 otto braun Austria March 2009 April 2009 Hartmut & Filiz gassmann USA otto braun Austria 76 HYLAcompany presentation HYLAproduct presentation Germany Filderstadt Already in 1990 the founders of HYLA had the ambition to produce a worldwide unique Air and Room Cleaning System. Already at that time we were aware that environmental impacts would increase for people and that those impacts would not stop outside the people´s homes. Of course, environmental impacts and pollution outside should be regulated by politcs and economy, but the environmental pollution in our homes is clearly our own responsibility. This was the beginning of a great success story! Each company needs a management. At HYLA the tasks are clearly divided. For Sales & Marketing worldwide, HYLA International, Wilfried Metzger is responsible. Wilfried Metzger has been active in Direct Selling for more than 20 years and once started his career as a dealer. With his dynamic team in Filderstadt/Germany he looks after HYLA business partners all over the world. wilfried mETZGER President | HYLA International GmbH & Co. KG For development and production, our two Slovenian engineers, Janez Pogacar and Doro Erjavec, Presidents of HYLA d.o.o. in Ljubljana, Slovenia are responsible. With a lot of courage and self-confidence they both started 1991 with their ingenious invention. Own patents, awards like »Entrepreneur of the Year«, and the obligation to meet all requirements necessary to sell HYLA into various countries have evoked many valuable certificates within the past years. HYLA was granted the highest possible security and quality standard: the ISO 9001 certificate. Quality ranks first at HYLA and this is undoubtedly the reason why HYLA is currently sold in almost 50 countries worldwide! 77 Our product, the HYLA HYLA is a unique water-bath filtration system, which uses only water as a filter. Its prime feature is its method of trapping dirt, dust and allergens in water. The system forces the air through a water-bath. A specially designed stateof-the-art separator separates the air from water so only clean, fresh and »water-washed« air is returned back in the room. HYLA combines future-oriented technology, top quality, environment-friendly and product safety based on our worldwide, unique patented separator technology. Slovenia Ljubljana Application: Doro erjavec President | HYLA d.o.o. janez pogacar President | HYLA d.o.o. Vacuuming Deep Cleaning Room Cleaning Air Purification Desinfecting Wet Cleaning & more... www.hyla.net