02-23-1973 - Flyer News
02-23-1973 - Flyer News
Interest f,ut, rerampzn{{; ,oeiall)· oriented ,u,,ices stressed ., s..tv llaloaky fN Staff Writer • Ill • 'Greeks' on the rise pose." Alpha Ka ppa Psi sees t he need to unify the pledges t hrough orga nized projects. Eac h class has t o plan a professiona l project, a socia l service project a nd a fu nd raising pr oject. J oe R acosky, p r esid ent o f Epsilon Delta Tau (e ngi neering fra ter nity), agrees with Harris's idea of incor por ati ng a purpose in t he dema nds placed on pled ges. "Pledges are expected to take par t in service pr ojects that deal wit h t he Dayton com munity," said Racosky. In t he past yea r t he brother s a nd pledges of E psilon Delta Tau built a playground wit h d onated land a nd equip me nt in Dayton's inner city. T heir efforts wer e commended with a n award from the Dayton City Beautifu l Council. Ot her UD fraternities also devote time to aiding t he Dayton community such as Chi Sigma Alpha's accomplishment of raising the most money for t he Dayton's "March On Poverty" campaign last December . With most physical har assment now taboo, is t here a r ise in fr aternity popularity? "Interes t is on the increase," explained Harris , "and it s hows in the add ed number of pled ges. A few years ago me n we re a nti frat. Now they be lie ve th e need to ge t in vo lved in t he s ocia l a tmos pher e of a fr a ternity." Ma ny fra ternities a ttribute th~ increase to th e cha nges in the pledge period . Yet oth ers a ltri bute the incr ease to th e cooling of ca mpus unres t. "Two year s ago stud e nts wer e mor e individua lis tic in th e ir ideas," said Racos ky. "Now with things settling down, people are asserting t heir indi vid ua lis m in a socia l group." Wit h th e pledge ave rage u p to 10 per fra terinty, ma ny groups fou nd it necessar y to rus h in t he spring as we ll as the fa ll. Interviews with Ohio S tate Univer s ity, U ni versi ty of Cinci n nati a nd Wright State U niversity showed t ha t in t he last year their pledge nu mbers have also in creased. Mi k e Ku rma n, OSU inter frate rn ity president, explained t hat OSU's 41 national fra ter nities tripled in t he num ber of pledges. He linked t he r ise to (Continued on - 4) flYERNEINB SlTDE'\T VOL. XIX, NO. 38 PlBLJ C\Tio'i FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 1973 Criticizes nation's priorities Abernathy calls for unity ly Mike Clarl<e cry. Emphasizing the fact that he Utilizing phrases and state- could have presented a lesson on the historical contributions of llfDts from the Declaration of Independence and the Pledge of black Am erica n s, Abernat h y Allegiance in the context of his stated his prefer ence to discuss !fetth, The Reverend Dr. Ralph national problems a nd to point D. Abernathy spoke to a biracial out solutions. "HUNGER .. .ILLEGAL" crowd of about 500 in the Fed e ral spe ndin g pr iori t ies lennedy Union Ballroom on wer e questio ned by Abernathy. hesday, Feb. 13. Dr. Abernathy, president of the Instead of paying "five billion Southern Christian Leadership dollars" to farmers not to grow Conference, discussed inter- food, the money s hould be used Jlfal relations and criticized "to produce food so hunger can Weral government policies. be wiped out." TOGETHER "In a nation that pr oduces Abernathy is not an advocate of enough grain to feed two-thirds l ipearate state for blacks. Reof the world's population, hunger . the slogan "Black is beau- should be declared illegal." t," Abernathy said that The allocation of $92 billion t o · can also be beautiful. But put man on the moon so t hat "Mr. most beautiful color in the Agnew can go to NASA and pass is black and white to- out moon rocks" was questioned. REV. RALPH ABERNATHY Abernathy commented: "If Mr. Agnew does not have anything Abernat hy comme nted upon else to do, he should be in Missis- t he Vietna m peace tr ea ty, resippi, Alabama , Georgia, or calling the misery the war Watts, Harlem, and Bedford- brought to Am er icans a nd InStuyvesant passing out loaves of dochinese. He thanked t he youn g bread to hungry children." people of America for the ir r ole Calling for an end to discrimi- in caus ing a U.S. wi t hdrawal, nating subsidies, Abernathy re- complimenting the m for " teach · commended the use of tax money ing America a great lesson." do his constitutional duty to feed the hungry. He reminded young people to lf!iold the civil rights laws." EDUCATION "never let this happen again. Qlng for a representative - "Inadequate, dehumanized, un- - Protect your future or there will • nt "by, for, and of the equal education" was discussed. be no America for you or your A~rnathy stated that Abernathy mentioned that jails children." tld white men must begin to were overun with young black "One thing you can say about the power with women, people while schools like Har- Martin Luther King -- he kept his 111d you.ng people." vard, Yale, and Duke were feet on the ground and never thy beheves,,that A~er- overunning with young white forgot where he came from or his be_ma~e one nation, people. people," Abernathy reflected God. with liberty and jus- He urged that something "re- fondly. : . . /~van.t" be done about education. After the speech, Abernathy ~ do.ne, there will be White students should be accepted a loving cup from 111d J:::tice for ?o one." taught about black history, like Kappa Alpha Psi, black campus ~ ged white an.d t~e blacks ar~ taught about the fraternity, as a token of their ap .....,... to rally around this history of white people." preciation and respect. FN Staff Writer "NOW , LET me tell you what sororities ar e all about.. " [UDPS foto by F e rrari ] learning that the oronty systtm is not the steno- typNJ life they thought it was," said Anne Salimbene, Pan-Hellemc Council President and member of Alpha Phi Omega. RUS HES I~CREASI 'G Here at UD all five social soro rities have had bigger pledge classes. Carol Rogers, Pre ident of the Pan-Hellenic Council at UD noted, "The last three year saw the rush classes reduced from 250 to ome 56 women la t semester. This semester the number of women rushing has jumped up to 100." Many of the women attribute this to the de· emphasis on hazi ng a a part of the pledge period . The proce of becoming a ister of a greek sorority has two di tinct pha e . Ru hing is the first tep. At thi. time the wom n intere tcd in joirung a sorority make the round of th formal ru .h. At CD, 0 l'. and Wright tale Unh·er 1ty th formal ru ·h tak plac m th fall. In the la two year , C ha changed their formal ru h to th winter quart r . w fan~ girl not re dy in the fall to ma romm1tm nt of time and mon ) that ru hing inv olv .~ xplain Wonu>n dis,·ard ster<>otyp<' S for .i,;ororit_y rushP."i By Susan llroc:ken FN Staff Writer In t hese days of women's liber ation, one of the traditional bastions of female chauvinism is alive a nd t hriving. T he social sororities found on all major college campuses are experiencing a sudden rise in interest from the student community. Pledge classes have grown considerably dur ing the present academic school year. Spokeswomen for the sororities account for the upswing in interest in different ways. Jean Tuerck, Pan Hellenic Advi or at the University of incinnati explains it in this way, "~any tu dents are looking for differing, alternative lifestvle. and ororities can offer a· viable alterna tive." UC boasts 14 sororitie involving 590 women. At Ohio tale niversity, there are 22 social sororitie. . all nationally affiliated. Eightt•en of those sororities have their own houses. In all, 1200 women ar greek member . "\\'omen an• . . Mailer to s r 1ti11iz national affair ta lyAI F....-i FN Staff Wri ter The caustic wit and b1tin rcasm of • 'orman ~1 iler will in· vade the Ballroom on March 6. Mailer will speak on th,· ,:tate of national affair . His talk is ,ponsor ed by Student Governmt•nt. Mailer has been writing sint·t• the age of 9 (and is now 50). Ont• of his most widely read book. is "Armies of t he Night". This book, wh ic h won the Pulitizer Prize a nd t he P olk and .. 'ational Bood Awards for 196 , is a per sona l account of t ht• fo ur day a nti-war protes t in Was hing-to~. D .C. in 1967. Ma iler was arrested during tha t protest . In 1951 , Mailer co-founded the "Village Voice". T his Greenw ich Village based paper was the fir s t publication for altt•rnative journalism. For two vears after it was founded Mail;r wrote a column for the 'Voice'. He expounded his ideas which were clas ified as "American Existentialism." In 1968, Mailer campaigned un successfully for Mayor of New York, against, among others, John Lindsay, the present mayor. Together with Jimmy Breslin, (writer and columnist) he preached successionism, call- L his n p,·r onal. c- unt prt , id , nti:11 nornin tin ,·,,nn•ntions. In ddition to "' ritin ha s also writt n an d pr od uC'ed n ot'f, Hroa dw. y play nd writt n t hn•,• moYit•s. T he moY ie~ "Wild 90" (about th Cosa • ' str ), "R,•Yond the l w" ( bout the poli~el • nd "'.\laidstone" (about a moYit• dirt' ctor trying for the pn•sidcnc~ ), st rrtd himself. his family • nd his friends. His· most rt ,·ent book is ".:'t. Gt•orge and the Godfather", a novel about the 1972 Pre. idential Com.·t•ntion. Acrording to SG Vice President for Public Relations, Thersa Nt'usuan, Mailer will peak at 7:30 in the Ballroom. H was obtained through an agency in the Roston area for $2500 plus airfan• and hotel expenses. l'V- l~li y T HE UD F L n PAGE 2 ~&~~:.:i::::. •::::.•••~: ~... (,G • •• • :-. ...... ..... . . ....... ........••••.•..............•.••••.•• ••.•.•.•.•.•.•.•.•.•.•.•.•:•.•.•-•-•-•.•.•.•.•.•.•-•.•.•-•.•. •-•-• •. . :u . . ·• ..-.-.-. -.-:·.-.·.::~ IFLYER NEWBfi l Ed. . l { 1111 ztor za s J i~i •••••••••••••••••••••.•.•.•,••••••.•.•'.•.•'.•.•.•.•.•.<.:•••::••••.•'.•.•.•.•.•.•.•,:..:.:•••.•••.•.•.•.•.•.•'.•.•.•.•,•.•.•.•.•.•.•.•.•.•.•.•.•.•.•.•.•.·-·-•-•.•••··-··································· ••.,,. •••••••••••• •-.-.-••·.·t.= : On Blacks & UD Watching yesterday's 7 o'clock news we learned t hat t here is a debate over President Nixon's cutback in the area of social assistance. This space will not be used to discuss Mr Nixon. It will be used to discuss the appearance of Ralph Abernathy on campus last Tuesday in the Ballroom. Mr Abernathy spoke of poverty in America, especially among blacks. President of t he Southern Christian Leaders hip Confer- Policy Box EDITORIAL .+.II edltortoh ,......,., • -jorlty op1n1ot, of t1M Ft.YU HIWS ..t!f«lel -rd. Other - . . . •• c e - . . -11 loitten ta tfN editor .,. tll• . . . . of their - - authors. _.. 4o - r i l y reflect the opinions of editorial - r d. LETTERS The FLYER HEWS • - • - tributlon1 ta Box I: Lettw, to tfM Editor. Lettws lhould not • • - 250 words. The FM tfN rltlht ta Nit i.tten not mNting tt,11 -dard. All . - . . . . - ... ba 11-4. Deadline for lattwl ta 1,e pul,lilhed Frtllay lo J P·"'· T - y for T - y, J P·"'· tba _ - . , F.W.-,. ence, Abernathy is known in some circles as Dr Martin Luther King's successor in the non-violen t civil right movement . Speaking before approximately 500 students and professors, Abernathy noted the seriousness of the Nixon cutbacks. Now, whether Walter Cronkite is to be believed or not, he mentioned that if mass lobbying does not work, the people will take to the streets. That has happened before. Ralph Abernathy's group would initiate one form of "taking to the streets." If so, UD's black students will no doubt be affected more than other members of our communit y. So then, where were UD's administrators when Abt•rna th y spoke? We noticed t he sca rcity of adm ini s trators prese n t. We wonder how this opportunity could be passt>d up by t he planners of the seventies. UD is supposedly inh•rt>sh•d in America's black situation . . .in the status of its poor. It is i;up· posedly interested in booi,ting UD's black enrollment. We think something profitablt> might have been gained by listening to a man like Abernathy. So then, these are the time!, when blacks may once again take to the streets as the white liberals take to their pens. Where will it all end, and, better yet, where will UD fit in? R iffraff reactions----- - - Spaceage Report By Ed -..ffw1y ,...,.,n University of Dayton Flyer News Tha opinions expn,ssecl In this publkatlon tt-a af the acllton. Thay do not express tha official opinions af tha administration. Any matters af an official nature appeG"ing In the FLYER NEWS will be sa claolgnated. Member, lnten:olleglata "'-"· Ohio College -paper Association. Offlc• Second floor, JFK ""'--ial Un1orc malling ...W...S: Box 7'S7, unishy of Dayton. Dayton. Ohio 4$469. " ' 229-3226, 3227. 3221,. Edltar• ••• •••• • •••••• •••• ••. Arw1 Gaaka ASlhtantEcltor• • •• • . .• •• Kevin MaorlAssaclata Ecltor•••• ••• •••••••Ed Aafferty Ecltor.. . .... . . . .. . . .... .Jim Dody ASlt. Edltar• • •• • • • • • Unda F Sports Ecltor... ... . ... ... ... K8n Paxson ASlt. Sports Ecltor•• • •••• • ••• Phll Laclura Sports Wrltws. • •••••••• T. Lupla. IC. Vogl. p Wickham Staff Wrltws. ••. •• S. llaloalcy, J . logrm5lcl. S. lnlck-. J. ltyma. J. Canella. S. Clart<e, A. Fam,ri. C. C.0-, IC. Grayml, D. KJm. brough. E. Mardaga, D. Mastrklano, J. Mol.-, T. Mramor. J. Nkholas, A. Nlaclo, •II<. M. L P9cfak, S. Porpara. J . Raparelll, S. Spada, L Spyl<w, D. z.i-. Columnists and ll9vlewws. •• • • M. Clart.e, J. Dody, D. Feltw, P. Martini, M. Paolarclo, E. aatfwty, S. Wandell CopyEcltor• • •• •• •• • • •• • Mory Lau P9cfak CopyStaf,: . •••••• • ••••• C. Artiac-ld, J. ayn., P. Cashnelll, R. Joyce, J. Klnkw, J . Nlcholas, IC. O'Gorman. G. Plarca, L Spyl<w. G. Steinbrink. J. Wandllng. D. caa. san Teclrical Dl,..tor• • ••••• • • • Lloyd Trlbley Staff Pl,otog, opi•s. • • •••• .J. Englehardt, M. Harris, M. Hart, L Hayas, D. Laurash. T. McC.......,, R. Melllngar, N. Ulman. F. Young. J . Wallet I.ID Photo Sarvke Director•• Brian Corrigan ASlt. Photo Sarvka Dl,_ton. • • Al f.,.,..,t, David l.auralh Makeup Ecltor•••••••••• • ••• Mike Clart.e ASlt. Makeup Ecltor.. •••• •.• Paul Gryglar Makeup Staff•••••••••• • ••• M. Wrlghtson Ccwtoonlst. •• .. • • • . •••• •WIiiie Gallaghw . .. _ . Manager•••••••• R. Kevin Manin Adww11slng. ••••••• ••• •• • •• Dellble Haas Adwar11slngStaff••••••••••• • • L K.at..st, L .........._ C. Spl1I, D. St,ol,-, J. Supple, R. .............. SuloKrlptlan Staff• ••••• Mory Lau Alllrlght Clrculootlon Staff••• • ••••••• •• •• L Garcia, I . ....... LToth Aolwloar• •• •• •• • • • • • • •• •••• .Misy Dewtn. l<' IUUA Y, l<'f,IUUJAKY 23, 1973 NEWS THE DARK CREEPING shadows of a pollu ted s unset ar e s plit by the screech of a flaming projectile from space. The lone occupant grimaces in horror as he imagines over a nd over how he and hi. vehicle will end in a fiery splash. As eart h r aces up war d, he sees an apartment building--too late. Inside, ou t of nowhere, comes an orange flash permanently ending th e typical 6 o'clock pre-frozen suburban meal. All-- bam!-- nothing. (A disabled Air Force plane crashed into an apartment building in California tonight, killing at least 20 people. An Air Force spokesman . . .) Imagine this once: You're slee ping peacefully at ar ou nd 4 am, just like you were last night. A Nat ional Guardsma n in a bug-faced gas mask wakes you to curtly proclaim that you have been ordered to evacuate this sector. You numbly fold into the near est coat and fol low. You gather from fellow victims of s lumbe r evict ion that a train wreck has emptied tons of poisonous s ulphuric acid into t he air a nd water where you live. Oh well, it's just th e progress of civilization. (And in surburban Philadelphia a train derailment caused a tank car to split open, dumping 20,000 gallons of sulphuric acid. Residents fo r four square miles had to evacuate . . .) TH E VOICE changes from concerned impatie nce to grave ce r · tainty. The Federal Aviation Agency announced today that it has ordered the posting of armed guards at all commercial airports. T he order was another measure to stem the series of skyjackings wh ich have ... armed guards! Are they keeping some alien evil out, or keep· ing us in? No, just eliminating the disruption of a vii.al sys tem in t he organism of civilization. Protection. ... bringing you live color coverage of the prisoner of war return. The transport has landed and is taxiing to the welcome area. Her e it is, the door is open and now we can see the first released man. He descends the ramp, curtly salutes the flag and catches his scurryi ng wife. (Cameras zoom in on the two.) Yes, they a re e mbracing, folk s, and now, yes, kissing. There, if you look closely you can see tear · on Mrs Donaldson's face . . . T H E A MERI CAN Schizophrenia Society reports t hat schizophrenia is more effectively cured through electro-physical therapy and nutritional supplements. Further, these methods have proven to be significantly cheaper and more efficient in curing mental deviation than traditional talking therapy. Support these programs in your community. A public service message of... In emotional engineering news, Mick Jagger and th e S tones rec~rded a ~ew album, to be released as soon as th e las t one s tops selhng. ABC s In Concert program has achievt>d phenom e nal SUl'l'Css. The concept of experiencing a concert without. being rippcd off, pushed, etc. seems to have become a valuable marketable modicum. AND THE F E DE RAL Drug Administration has announced plans to s la p t he wrists of citizens who consume more than their ration of pot, t uinals, seconals, sopors and other assorted drugs. A spokesman explained t hat this is in no way an attempt to eliminate drug use, but merely a move to keep consumption within the industry's productiv ity capacity. ••••• "We do not r ide on t he ra ilroad: it r ides upon." -Thorcau Frorn th e Editor'" df!i,,k Wl,,,~r,~'s t.ht> g lor.r'I - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ltyAnnG-. ldlta, ll on1<·<·orn ing! And l11< • fi rst tr,w·h d11 wr1 ,,1·,·1irr••d al ~:27. t,' p l, l!i S<'<·nis an odd dal r• for a Jl <irr1<·1·r,m.lng, but t his wa11 no ordinary Il orn<·<·orn J11K. It_was not. ,1}umr11 n•lurr1111g l<1 t. h1•j,- alma mater. It was two rn<•n rr•tu r111ng lo Wngltt l'itll< r 1111 Air h 1r1·1• Hase· it was "Op,•ralion Jl orne<"orning," two fr,rrrwr 11r1 ,,nr•r ,,f war n:tu;ning to I lwi r farnili«•s. Col. Itona ld Byrn,., IJSAP, and Ca pt. Hurt,,n Ca rnJ>bell, USAF wt•n· th,. first r<'patriatl'd rrwn t,, arriv, at Wright- l'atters,,n rrOO: Hanoi, via Clark AFB in th1• l'h1li)lpin, sand 'J ravi AJ, H in California It was a 10111,1 trip, and a Cr,J Byrn• aid as hr: ad dressed th~ wailing <"rowd, " After !P/z ye11r,;, the last hour w,•re the most fruslraling." Y1·s, it was "110111< 1·orni11g" and lh•• m••n'l'l w1v, s were there. And I h<•n• wPrr ign whi<'h expr« ed th,• feel,ng of the crowd of 150 rno tly Air For,·, p..r onn •I; "Oh, happy day," MAmen," "Ron, w~ missl'd you." And I hl'n' wPn' flag and happy face and applau e. Yt'l Col. Byrm• ugg,. t •d that the rol •s hould be reversed. "I feel sornPhow II littl<' out. of plnn•, for in way I f •p) that we hould be giving you lhe applau t•. Be1·au ,. it _i you that have k1•pt faith with u , faith through thP long y<'nr . It t you who have stood by us and have l'ffel'lt•d our rf'l1•a ,•. I ow<• you th,. dPht of gratitud,: to you and to our l'rt•sid<'nl. Thank you v,•ry much." Ye , it wa ''llom,•comm ' Mand a tim • for happy reunions. And at th1i has,• th, ri• wa a relaxed, friendly atmo phere. There was no talk of war; no talk of the r·,•a e-fire or the withdrawal of US troop from Vit•tnam. 'o t.alk of the 1tuat.1on that made this MHome1·oming" nece ary. B per onnel wer concerned only with the orderly reception of th,• repatriate and with their well-being. Thi n•portPr could not ht•lp thinking of her la t experience at Wright Patter on durin th • d dication of the Air Force museum. Then there were placard reading" 'o more war," "Bring the troops home now." Then there w re narling fac and bayonc • and the attitude "no freaks allowed." Tht• war i ovtr, and our boy arc coming hom . The re is reason to smile. There i rca on to applaud th men who cri!iced so much. And tht>ir familic . But I wondert d a I watched. What of th maimed? What of the c.a kets? Where were th color guard. and the TV cameras, t.hen? Hi tory mu t judge whet.her it · indeed our Pre ident. as Col. Byrne ugge , who hould be thanked and applauded-or the people who heliPved what they 1d when they l'hanted, ". o more warr Thi ri•porter, lik the p ta tor . w happy that our POW's were coming home. But till h wa not content. Will the men and other_ like them havl: to face th pr pect of pr· on camp in the fut ure? Will there have to be more Homecomin like th ? Or maimed bodies? Or flag-drapp d ask t ·? Box 8: Lett er s to tl1e Editor M,•di"',1 ,•thic.-. Rt•garding Medical Ethi (P hi 315), Pre,m d tud n bcwar • This cour ha a very mi. le ding title. It might bc mor appropriately dubbed "Theology of Medici ne." Ta ught by Mr. J . G. Thomp. on, a par agon of Ca tholic devotion. thi · cour ' i. ba .. d on Catholic dogma and in no w y presen t s a !rut' re pre. l' nt:ltion of th problem _ of ba ic ethics ia mode rn med ici ne. ir. Thom i. till wa \·ing his banner for u ~ abortion in one hand, with a of t ht' recent ,upreme Comt ded: ion cl utched tightly in !Iii ot her hand. perhaps in svmbolic effort to smother it long awaited reprieve for di,;t r ught mother-to-be. No ,sll)AY, FEBRUARY 23, 1973 THE UD FL YER NEWS PAGE 3 Que Pasa? Faculty workshop notes: Innovation '73 d e buts tougher evaluation needed 1y Ginny Piere• FNStaffWri• arxl JlmDacfy News Editor The faculty in-serv~ce worksh?P noted the increase m the admission acceptance rate over the last five years and affirme? _the id~a o( tougher grading policies at its student evaluation workshop last Friday. Bruce Taylor, of the History department, noted that the jump in acceptances from 65 to 90 percent over the last five years and noted that "students are expecting higher grades than they used to." Mr. Alan Kimbrough, of the English department, agreed, noting that "students expect a B !or average work, when they really should receive a C." Taylor said that "the amount of students on deans' lists has gone up 2'/z times in 8 years and that the rate of drops (flunk-outs) has remained constant. We ar e ~ving grades," he said. Mr. Tc!d Frederick of the Language department asked if student performance had improved in the last few years. Kimbrough and Taylor replied with examples of a growing laxity in grading policies at Fairmong East and Alter high schools. The consensus of the twenty [acuity members present was that evaluation procedures should be made tougher despite the leniency in the administration's admissions policy. At the workshop on Taxonomy and Writing Course Objectives, Acting Dean of t he School of Education, Dr. Ellis J oseph, suggested that professors adjust teaching methods from concentration on presenting quantified amounts of material in limited amounts of time, to a greater concern for the development of Tuition rate hike of three percent OK'd by Board Athree percent increase in t ui. rate has been approved by Board of Trustees for t he 74 school year. Tuition rates increase by $25.00 for the lember and January terms, the existing $840 per term $865 per term. 'l\ese figures apply only to students ta king 12-18 ·1 hours. For those taking 11 credit hours, t uition will rise $630 to $649. However, the hour rate for students taking eight hours remains at lpecial reduction in the third has been established for ts having full academic s for the first two semesSuch students may take up aeven credits in each half of Wrd term for $40 a credit , They may also register ••Lneously for both halves of Wrd term and pay only one · y fee of $15. adjustments in tuition and board rates include elimination of the seven-day ticket. A five-day meal hr $247 must be purby freshmen, and is op• uperclassmen in dorms. students' ability to perform complex mental processes such as extrapolation. Joseph recognized the need for Students ready to participate in Monopoly match Four UD students will try to stay out of jail when they compete in Dayton Personality Bob Batz's Open Monopoly Tournament to be held on March 10 at the Dayton Convention and Exhibition Center. Bill Kish (Ed-2), Teresa Bailey (A&S-1), and Cindy Tercek (Bus3) have been selected along with 48 other Dayton residents to participate in the tournament. Sally Boettcher (Bus-2) was picked as one of six alternates. The winner of the tournament will r eceive the Batz Cup and the title of Greater Dayton Grand Champion Monopoly Player for 1973. Kish sees it as a "challenge." His girlfriend and "some of the guys on my floor (Founder Hall) will be t her e to watch me play. Ms . Ter cek is going into training for t he tourna ment by playing as many games of Monopoly with friends as possible. "It's really great because I've never won anything so far in my life. This isn't the tournament, but it's a start," she said. Innovation '73 is an attempt to expose the perspective student to the community of the University. The scheduled activities for the recruitment weekend are students to grasp specifics before united under the central themes attempting to extrapolate from of involvement, innovation, and them and recommend that inspiration. instructors use specific material Scheduled activites are not into induce students to perform tended solely for the benefit and complex mental processes. enjoyment of the visitor. All proLater, the instructor explains to grams are open to the University the student the mental processes community. Students and faculty he had performed. are encouraged to attend. What is the image of a UniverAt the audio-visual aid center, sity without the presence of its Dr Simon Chavez of the Educa- members? FRIDA y FEBRUARY 23 tion dept and Prof Edwin King (~istory) dem?nstrated several _ Movie--"Kl~te": 7-9:30-12 pm. pieces ?f e~mpment and gave Theatre-Restaurant: "Marriage s~ggest.10ns 1~ the area of tech- -Go-Round": 8 pm. Art Series: "Fisk Jubilee Singmques m their use. 1 TERESA BAILEY, (left to right), Cindy Tercek and Bill Kish. :.50ccashReIUDJ d 59 . (' secret 49'-' 69 1 By mail with special certificate and $ 1 net weight statement from one : Secret I A I 1 ·p · t Spray nt1- ersp1ran . A ny S1ze ers": 8:15 pm . Josh Whi te , Jr --Nationally known folk singer: 8:30-9:30 pm. Coffee Houses: " Hot Mud Family", Folk Sounds, "Theatre Pieces", improvisations and "Bald Soprano", a one act play: 8:30-12:00 pm. SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 24 College of Arts and Sciences: Opportunities in Physical, Life, and Mathematical Sciences, Being in Society -The Social Sciences, Human Service Through The Humanities: 10 am5 pm. School of Education: Experience With Learners: 10 am-5 pm. School of Engineering: A Better Environment Through Technology: 11 am-4 pm. Student Life Open House: 10 am-5 pm. Expo '73: A Look At Student Involvement at UD: 10 am-5 pm. Assistant Provost: Alternative Learning Programs--"The Second Story": 10 am-5 pm. Special Sessions: Short Courses For The Whole Community: 10 am-5 pm. Research Institute: The Improvement Of The Lot Of Mankind Through Research: 10 am5 pm. Basketball Game: UD v Davidson: 8: 15 pm. Rock Concerts: "Pendorric" and "Eclipse": 8:30-12 pm. Lithuanian Cultural Evening: 8 pm. Gene Maui's Dixieland Rhythm Kngs: 10 pm-1 am. Dance: Center For Afro-American Affairs: 10 pm-1 am. SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 25 Science Fiction Film Festival: 3-7-9 pm. Ice Hockey--UD v Oberlin: 4:30 pm. SAVEVALUABLE60eCOUPON with t his coupon Size Dry Formula Anti-Perspirant Spray .«n .,,, ~ • 109 . U·,w,...,11"",Pi.,, er expires ·' Size LIMIT 1 COUPON PE R PU RCHASE ooooooooooo VALUABLE COUPON Mail in by May 5, 1973 Set our d1sp1ay Good only at Ott ~ tor spec1a1 cer11nca1e WI t------------------------r------------------------4 : LIQUID PRELL : PRELL CONCENTRATE : i sAVET 99c 00 : 16oz$2.15size i 1 SAVff 00 99c : 7oz- $1.99size 1 r-----------------------..... , mun~ : -----------------------~: lGET!!:!!u!~J!1!!~¢~AIL l SAVE ! :--- · 77c 1 I 59c 7 ozSIZE s1,13 Get required certificate at our store. Ma il in by Ap ril 7, 1973. : 1 I ~[ft · ~·"£$ 2oe : 1I ·------------------------~------------------------· UNIVERSITY DRUG 1918 BROWN ST ( near Irving) Sun 12-5 "Al WA VS SAVE $ AT DISCOUNT PRICES" Store Hours 10 a.m. - 9 p.m. M-S, FREE RX DELIVERY PHONE 223-4293 TIIE lJI) l•'l,YEH NEWS PAGE 4 P ledging accents sensitjvity (Continued fTom page 1) Jean Tuerck. An open rush is held by the sororities in the alternating quarters or semesters. The pledge period has changed to meet the new attitudes and interests of the sisters and pledges. In the past, hazing was a big part of the pledge period. Betsy Fish, President of the Pan-Hellenic Council at Wright State University and a member of Kappa Delta Chi, explains, "Individual groups decide on the pledging routines, but there is a definite trend towards getting to know the girls through sol'ial gatherings. There is no hazing at Wright State." In the past many girls d1•rid1•d not to rush b1•1·aus1• or tht• rigor· ous aspel'ls or plt<dging. 'l'oda y the st•nsitivity st>ssion is r!'pla1· ing th1• "shit rails'' in many soro rity traditions. INSPIRATIONAL CHANGES Anne Salimbene notes thl' sanw changes on the OSU campus. "The stereotype or ha zing as a part of pledging is gone com pletely. We have more of an in · spirational experience. We lt•arn about t ht • girls. Tl1t hu111 ih11 I 1111: asp1 •1·t is go111•, <:irl w1111' 1 put up with it any mon •. Tht •y ,·ould 1oi 11 othPr orga11i zatio11 s th at w1111't makt• t h1 •111 do it." llt·rt' 11t \I ll , somt • ha 1.i 11 g t ill grn•s on . Mary Sul hofl , sis ter 111 Kappa (' hi, rwtt •d that "S l11 t 1•11 11 an· s t ill a pa rt or pl1 ·d gi11g, h ut t ht•rt• is mt>rt ' of n n t•m ph a I on s1•nsitiv1t y and run l{, lllJt ," " II, II Night ," a not ht •r t r a d it ion a l part of ph•d1-:in1-: , is s t ill l1P i11g lw l, I. "It puts a strain on t ht plPd gt , it' an 1•motional thin!{ to go throu •h to b1•t·om1• a sistt•r. Wlwn it' ov1•r, tht•rt• is a 1-:n·at rt>li, f u nd you an• a sistPr." ENUGHTED A'l"ITl'lll>E The fall of the Roman Empire 1931 -1972 I I I "FELLINI'S ROMX' Story ind Scrcc:npl1y by FEDERICO FELLINI and ·rH rniti ..... BERNARDINO ZAPPONI An ULTRA FILM P,oducuon A Co-Producuon of ITALO FRANCESE ULTRA FILM LES PRODUCTIONS ARTISTES ASSOCJES SA Now thru Tues CASINO ROYALE BUS to the UD - Oberlin Game HOCKEY Leaves St. Mary's at 3:45 p.m. Sunday, Feb. 25 MARCH 2, 1973 - 8:30 to 12:30 KU BALLROOM Gambling, Jazz Music, Refreshments Sponsored by: University Activilies Dorm Councils, ,;1,, 11 o,.;,.,, ,,.,.,.;,," ACADEMY AWARD WINNER JANE FONDA IN "KLUTE" FRI, FEB. 23 - WOHL 7 - 9:30 - 12 ADMISSION 11.25 1\4\~ PRESENTATIONS PAGE 5 THE UD FLYER NEWS fllDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 1973 National Engineers Weelc Students exhibit proj ects Tudor Troupers in "Marriage-Go-Round." Theatre/Restaurant to serve 'Marriage.' "The Marriage-Go-Round," a play by Leslie Stevens, will be ~nted by the Tudor Troupers from Indianapolis in the "El Granada" Theatre Restaurant in KU's cafeteria tonight. The play is a sophisticated to!!ledY concerning Dr. Paul Delville, a professor of cultural anthropology at a suburban New York college, and his wife, Dr. ('j)ntent, the Dean of Women at Letters ... (Continued from page 2) ly Mary Lou Pecjak FN Staff Writer w to have an abortion, Mr Thompson! But today (Feb 14) was the prombial straw that broke my mind. Self-assured that we should plunge head-on into the hackneyed subject of abortion, l(r. Thompson blithely brought IP the question of the value of lift and dignity. "Which is more ierious," he asks, "taking a Wlll&n life, or willful blasphemy i God with true hate in your ?" Murder, right? Wrong! · God is more important, on scale of one to infinity, a small ct.able (if indeed, He is all~ving) offense against Him is disastrous a crime t han urder! At this point, I could no r contain myself, and rather become involved in an endunresolvable argument, I led the premises; therefore I not aware of how the dis. n ended, although I have reason to believe God and . Thompson won. I must finish this course in er to graduate in April, but y l be forever scourged for · ly believing a philosophy at UD, even one in MediEthics (sic) could be purely, even predominately secular. the same school. The comedy arises when the daughter of a Swedish colleague, Katrin Sveg, whom both professors met ten years ago, comes to pay them a visit. When Miss Sveg arrives, however, Mr. and Mrs. Delville soon realize that Katrin is no longer the ten-year-old brat in pigtails as they remember her. Miss Sveg has blossomed into an Amazon of a woman -- a beautiful siren with the brain power to match. For anthropological reasons of her own, Miss Sveg decides that she must mate with Dr. Delville. From this premise, the rest of the play follows, leading to a battle of the sexes and ending with a fantastic twist of fate. Dinner will be served at 8 p.m. tonight, and the play will follow immediately after at 9:30 p.m. For reservations and ticket information, call 229-2619. "A Be ti.er Environment Through Technology" is the focal point of Engineers Week, observed nationally from Feb. 18 through Feb. 24. The School of Engineering is marking the event with an open house, project competition for cash prizes, and a banquet and dance for Engineering students. Last night, faculty, professional engineers from the Dayton area and 20 Engineering students and their dates attended the Four teenth Annual Joint Engineering Banquet, sponsored by the Ohio Society of Professional Engineers (OSPE). The students, attending by invitation from Dr. David Kraft, dean of the School of Engineering and OSPE President, and guests heard featured speaker J. T. Hamilton, director of the Technology Utilization Office of NASA. His speech "tried to relate what we do in space to what we do on earth," according to Jerry Fuschetto (E-4), chairman of the Joint Council of Engineers. Fuschetto and Dennis Walsh (E-3), chairman of Engineers Week, are coordinating the week's events. Today, high school and UD Engineering students will be setting up and testing their project displays from 2 to 8 p.m. Up to 10 groups representative of various campus Engineering clubs, are participating. Tonight, Engineers' Night Out, a dance at the Dayton Liederkranz Turner Hall, 1400 E. 5th Street, begins at 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. Music will be by "The Thrio," and mixes will be pro- vided. Cost is $6 pPr <'Ouplc• and tickl'ls are availabl!' from any Joint Council Member or at the door. Saturday's event is an open house of the 1'~ugene W. Kettering Engineering and Research Laboratories. Guided tours of the building will be conducted by Epsilon Delta Tau fraternity from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. At 2:15 p.m., essays by the finalists in the Joint Council of Engineers Creative Essay Con test will be judged. Two weeks ago, fre s hman Engin1·1:ring s tu dents w1:re ask1:d to writ,: an es• say dealing with th1: thnm1; 1,f En gineers Week. Fiv<: professional engirn:ers will judg1· th1, student proj1:c:ts <m display on thf' set<,nd floor of t he Engin<:Pring building, from 1 to a p.m. Projects will be judged on their conformity with the W1wk 's theme, the in presentation, and how well each functions. Cash prizes of $50 for first prize, $25 for second, and $15 for third will be awarded in Room 221 at 3 p.m . S2,500 RICHER -- Fred Ramos, of UD's Central Service Organization, receives a $2,500 check from Bob Rice, as member of CSO look on. Mr Rice's organization, the Knights of Columbus (Downtown Branch) donated the money to C O for work in their various community projects. T GI F Intereste d in Being at Homecoming Cha irman? TIMO THY'S sponsored Come to the meeting Tuesday Night Feb. 27, at 8:00 in KU - 253 If not able to attend: Co ntact Mark Flemin g in SG Office Barry Steineman (A&S - 4) SCIENCE FICTION 2CIEll1CE l:IC!IOl/1 $ 1 oo Girls c6. I by s 1 2s Guys COME TO FLOR IDA WITH 5 Days 6 Nights b. T O V ER EASTER s93 Meeting Feb. 26 - KU 222 - 7:30 THE CELLAR TONIGHT WILL BE AT FILM FESTIVAL Sunday, Jan. 25 3 - 7 - 9 p.m. Boll Theater - Kennedy Union U. D. Director's Dozen Film Series THE PIT Featuring THE HOT MUD FAMILY SAT: - Back at 974 Irving St T HE UD f'I, YEil NEWS PAGE 6 J.D. sinks 24 as Flyers f lash by Kent St., 74-66 By Ken Paxson Sports Editor A spark called J.D. Grigsby ignited Dayton's on-again, offagain Flyers to a 74-66 win over Kent State Wednesday night. Grigsby was the story in the opening period as he literally carried the Daytonians. But his big moment came at 14:43 of the second half with UD trailing the Golden Flashes by one. At this point KSU's Mike Lovenguth went downcourt on a fast break with only J.D. between him and two points. J .D. played him perfectly and as he tried to lay it up Grigsby leaped for the rafters and swept t he ball away. Mike Sylvester picked up the loose ball, dribbled downcourt and fed John VonLehman a picture pass. Vonner layed it up for the bucket and was fouled in the process. He converted for the three point play giving Dayton a 48-46 lead. Frank Truitt called the play the game's turning point. "That was HOCKEY The Flyer Hockey team rounds out it's regular season schedule this weekend, with a pair of home games at Winterland. Saturday, at 4:30, Cleveland State invades. While Oberlin comes to town on Sunday for another 4:30 contest. If Dayton is to make the post-season playoffs, they must defeat Oberlin by two or more goals. A Flyer victory would tie the teams for second place. A two goal win would give Dayton t he playoff spot on the basis of total goals in the two games with Oberlin. the big play of the game. No doubt about it." Asked if he though tht' offil'ials should have called goal tending he just praised Grigsby. "Ik jumps pretty high and he did it so quickly that all I know is that it (the ball) didn't go in the bucket. GRIGSBY GREAT "Grigsby was just sensational. He was just too much," he con eluded. J.D. said in the locker room, "I knew it wouldn't be goal tending but I was hesitant about what the ref would say. I jumped before (Sheil) shot it, and it was still going up when I blocked it." "I let him think he beat me," he grinned, "then before he can change his mind I turn on my strength and it's too late for him." Donald Smith had another cold night, facing a zone defense for much of the evening, but the Flyer offense picked up for him. Grigsby led all scorers with 24 points. Sylvester had 18, Smith 16, and VonLehman 14 to give the Flyers a balanced attack. Dayton played very well in the first half. In their first ten pos sessions the Flvers scored 18 points. Unfortuantely KSU scored 14 in that same timl' span. Despite the fairly good play the half was boring and threatened to put the fans to sleep. Only some last minute scoring by the Golden Flashes put life into the period as KSU cut a nine point deficit to three. Kent State came out strong at the start of the second half but after gaining the lead momentarily J.D. played the hero and the game wasn't in doubt from there on in. Flyer mentor Don Donoher agreed that J.D. played the hero and the game wasn't in doubt from there on in. Donoher agreed that J.D.'s J, a blm•k was l'rtH'ial. "II <·am<• at kt•y timt• and iwem<•d lo <'l<'<·lrily t•vprybody . But l<'l's fa<·<• it h1• just t·arri1•d us, husl ling 1•v1•ry thing. 8in<·t• h<•'s h<·<·n playing ht•'s only had two so.so gam1•s." Grigsby had ht•1•n tn a slur_np sin<·1· tht• 8t. John's garn1· with two poor pradi<-t•s hut WPdnl'S · day night h1• was m1dy. "I felt lik1• I f1•<•l <·v1•ry gam<•," he smil1•d. "I just go out and do what I do bPst. 8oml!lim<•s though 1t doesn't turn out so good." TwPnty -four points and 15 rebounds mad1• this gam1• turn out very wdl. Donoht•r was salisfi<·d with th<' offens<' that Pnablt•d tht• squad to climb ovc•r .500 at 12-11. " W<·'Vl' no machint• but our offpns<· has been pretty darn good all s!'ason. This game was no ex<·Pption. It's just our dpfpnsc' is killing us." The• Flyt•rs' m•xt ganl('S i Saturday night in th<• Arena against Davidson. ( JU UA Y, H ,HIUJA lt Y 2:J, 1973 l ,. ' 2 J. D. Grigsby, W,•tlnc day' hero, blocks a hot by Kent State's !Joug hPil (hid.-lPn}. Grig by I d the Flyer with 24 points and lfi r,•houn.-l . (UIJP foto by Ferrari) ;llJ) It II·(>,.,. Ii If<, Hoefler headed for Vegas ,.::, ~~~;:,,. . . How would you hk<• lo wm an al expl'nse paid wel'kl'nd m La~ V<'gas'! Well all you have to do i· beat out 90 other worm·n. and captun• the rc•gional Association ol College Unions Gamps Tourna ment. Ms. Hol'fll'r who earlil'r in the year becaml' the first women lo competl' in male intprcollegiate sports at UD, averaged an amazing 186 for ninl' games to win . The tournament was composed of the best women college bowlers in Michigan and Ohio. It wa one of 16 rl'gionals held la t weekend with all the winners meeting in Las V!'gas to roll for 565, 592. But through 1t all the oph more blond wa n't very impre c "Reallv I experted to "'m th( till :: aid \'icky. Actuallv J expected to bowl a lot better."· he c m qually confident aboutth April5-imatchinLas \'cga . '"Actually I don't expert to hav too much of a problem in wmnmg at Las \'egas," \'icky tated confident.Iv. "The competition w:ill be· wea er than what I faced at Michigan." \'icky L, o ill actively in\"Ohed ·ith the \ar ity bowling t am. Thi ~aturdav sbe11 be among the member· who will j urney to Ohio ~late for 1 le gue match agamst Cincinnatj 'niv r ity. INTR O DUCI NG Study in Europe Vienna, Austria Louvain, Belgium London, England Earn up to 18 credits enJoy1ng courses related to the sites VD Professors offer courses 1n: English literature & Drama Political Science German Lit. & Ldnguage Music History Western Civilization Theology and Art Modern British Philosophers Propaganda Analysis and morel Independent Study Possible Course-related tours and excursions with Free Time to explore Europe on your own with a Rail Pass. $1690 covers round-trip from NYC, room, 2 meals/day, tui- tion, and more. F-0r details and registration materials: call 229-2449 or any participating departments. Miles Docherty TWA CAMPUS REPRESENTATIVE 1 Un1vers1ty of Dayton Interdepartmental Summer Study Abroad-. . ..... Program ~~~?~~~~~gb~ngeer~~~I"~~t~: ~gTT~~~itt~g~e~~~~· ...,,,,,,- .,,,,. Youth Cards I Ski Programs I Group Programs t Getaway Credit Cards I Travel Films & Presentation 1 Charters 1 Individual Travel Plans (International or Domestic) • Group Travel Plans (International or Domestic) Theology, History, Languages, Philosophy and Englis • ./ '' • • f I 4 I • . . . t 4 • I ' " .. • r r • • t t ' • I 1' 1. , • • • • • • , •• • • • • • • • • • • t,t\t4t-., ..... • For Information or Reservations 256-6305 PAGE 7 THE UD FLYER NEWS Campus All-Stars slashed 82-42, by Flyer reserves By Phll Laclura Asst Sports Editor It wasn't poetry in motion, but it was a lot of fun. That's the only way to accurately describe Wednesday's preliminary basketball match between the Intramural AllStars and Flyer JV's. The score wasn't close, reserves winning 82-42, but it really wasn't supposed to be. T.he all-stars went into the game with the attitude of just enjoying themselves, and possibly pulling ~ an upset. As all·star Doc Ellis said after tbe game, "I really fe(t good playing in the A;ena aga!n.st the ,JV's. It was fun.' Doc anticipated the outcome, but added, "If we bad more time to practice and a little more height, we might have won." It was a surprisingly close first hall with the Flyers holding only a32·18 lead at half-time. But the reserves outscored the all-stars 25-5 in the first eight minutes of the second half to put the game away. As intramural head coach Tony Lupia said, "We really thou~ht we could win even after the first half, but they tore us apart in the beginning of the second-half. "I think the main reason for the loss was that we just didn't shoot well. We could practice for the next six months but still wouldn't e close with shooting like L" Lupia was actually putting their poor shooting performance · dly. For the game the all-stars ot an horrendous 18 percent mthe field, making just 14 of 4shots. The all-stars high scorer was ity reject Mike Rix who had I points. Rix however made just oof 18 shots from the field, but GET IN STYLE •••••••• Dayton's JVs controlled this jump ball and just about everything else as they clobbered the Intramural All-Stars, 82-42. The JV's were led by a 31 point still enjoyed himself. "It was nice performance by Leighton Moulplaying against the guys I played ton, and another guard Qunicy varsity ball with last year," Marshall chipped in with 12 expressed Rix. "It was really a points. lot of fun." CLASSIFIED ADS 30c a fine, five words to a fine, 60c minimum. Mall prepaid to: Flyer 737, Campus Mall. lt'1 been a long time coming. Wekome back DGO. DGO has returned. Houses for rent. 6 man occupancy. Reserve now for Fall tern,. 119().3875. Haggle Jeans with cuffs In denim. and the newest plaids and patterns, 58.95 and up. Corduroy or velvet blazen, $19.95. Dayton's Grea-t Values. Price Stores-4th & ~on. Long Hair Trims LLOYD'S BARBER SERVICE Tonight, Jane Fanda In ''Klute" Wohl Aud. 7:00, 9:30, 12:00. Admission $1.25. 1049 BROWN S'T. Kitchen helper, $1.60/hr. 351-n per week. 276-9191, at.- 3 ~ Dr Zhivago Is coming March 4th. DU Ne-. Box Attention Men: Are you afraid to have your long hair cut? We're 1peclallsts In long hair styling. We are featuring "Shag. Buffalo and Layer Cut. Call M, World Hair De1lg.-s, 27S.2101. Friday, March 2. 1973. Watch for Dr Zhivago, March 4. "Klute", Friday, Feb 23 In Wohl Aud. EARN TOP MONEYI Part-time promoting student travel. Call or write (Include your phone number): (212) 831-9057, Ti. American Student Travel 330 Emt 91st S - t . Suite 3F, New Yori<, N Y 10028. c-. Kennedy Union Ballroom. 8:30. Meeting for DU Florlda trip, Mori, Feb 26, 7:30. KU 222. J T Thank you for " - happiest, malt fulfilling year of my life. Love,JS Jan Band featured. Puppy found In off Campul - , between Lowes and Irving. Call 224-3T10. Skating Party, kelandla. Free Beer & F,Ska-. Sat, Feb 24, 10:30, $1.00. Casino Royale. Gamble for all your worthl Open 6 Daya a Week ~ n- Req ..red for Under ~1 Dayton Biological, Inc. Pick up a copy of the Birth Contra! Ha,. book In tt. Student G - Office. 165 E. Helena 224-1973 Coll For An Apptointrn.,t A three -week conditioning course will be offered by the athletic department beginning Feb 26 in the fieldhouse parking lot. The sessions, which will be held Monday through Saturday between 3:30 and 4:45 until March 17, will be run by head football coach Ron Marciniak. All male students are eligible for the program. April 14 has been set as the date for the annual UD spring Alpha Kappa Psi ~ Executive Ex~hange Day. March 6 & 7. For Information call 223-5948. L1yer, Shag, Razor Cuts --Sports Briefs-- Inventory clearance sale on high perfonn. ance speaker system5. 30 percent off. ERM Sound. 1204 E 3rd St. 224-5695. Birth Control Ha......... are now available In tt. Student Goveo ,.,...,, Offlee. Hit tt. tables! DELTA GAMMA OMEGA Formally Announces That We Are No Longer Affiliated with Delta Kappa Epsilon DGO Has Returned football game, which will conclude the Flyers spring workouts. Wrestling UD's wrestling Flyers lost the season's finale 4212 to Anderson College. The loss, the third in a row for the Red and Blue, dropped their record to 4-7-1 for the '73 campaign. Phase1 Close•Out. $100Moves You in NOW! NORTH LAKE HILLS COOPERATIVE 4 Bedrooms as little as $153.00* per month 3 " " " " $139.00* " " 2 " $126.00* *If your income and family size meet FHA 236 requirements, you can have a brand-new apartment or townhouse right now. No landlord, no lease, no mortgage. Low monthly payment includes gas heat, all new kitchen appliances, snow removal, yardwork, exterior building maintenance and membership in our community activity building ... overlooking the fountain in our lake. Ideal location near shopping and schools. Only minutes from WPAFB, 1-75 and Route 4 expressways. 2 miles south of Needmore Road on Old Troy Pike ( Route 202). J<'IUUAY, H.HJUJAKY 2:J, 1971 THE UD J,'I, YER NEWS PAGE 8 The Peace Studies Institute is sponsoring a mini-course on nonviolence. One credit, T-Th, 7:258:40. Anyone interested in this mini-course should contact the Assistant Provost's office immediately (St. Mary's 213A, 2292013). •••••••• Checks for National Direct Student Loan, Educational Opportunity Grant, and Ohio Instructional Grant must be endorsed by the students awarded this type of aid. Please report immediately to Room 111, St. Mary's Hall from 9 a.m. thru 3:30 p.m. (except 12 to 1). •••••••• News Brie_fs UD Cultural Ethnic Program: Lithuanian Cultural Evening will be held Sat., Feb. 24, in the KU Ballroom at 8 p.m. There will be a display of Lithuanian memen tos, art, amber and woven items and demonstrations of intricate easter egg designing, straw Christmas ornaments and Lithu anina-style weaving. During the course of the evening, there will be folk dancing and folk singing by professional folk groups. Lithuanian refreshments will be served . This ypar, thn•p c·un t•nt holdt•rs of unfundf'd (l'n•sidcnl's, Dayton Area) UD st•holarships may par licipatc in thl' Intc•rdPpartnwntal Summt•r Study Abroad Program at a cost to tht•m of $020 plus personal t•xpt•nsl'. Applicants should contact Mr. Hoover, Office of Studt•nt Aid, in Hoorn 112, St. Mary's prior to Marrh I. Details of the program arP avail able in Wohllebt•n 217. •••••••• Thcrf' will be a dis<'ussion on lhP knowl1•dg1• of Uu• l'l11igbl.1•111 d rna'!lt•r, (;uru Maharaj ,Ji, lli11 dc•volc·l'II will IIJH·nk ;1h111Jt th1• path l111•y arc• following. It will IH• hl'ld Mon., l"l'h. iii al 7::JO p.rn. in K lJ ir;a. •••••••• All A&S 111•111or11 who plan to graduate• in Apl'il and wlu, hav • not filll'd out a 117 nml s l11,uld d,, so irnrru:diatc•ly in the• A&S offi,·e. inl,.n•11lcd in lra11~forri11g into U11, 8r1,,,,,I 1,f I•.ducati,in 1houlcl 111'111 1·1i /Jt:an Whit,,. •••••••• A ny1111e i11terc11l1·d in llf'IJ,ing to pa1111 111 w la11dl,,rd tena11t legit. lat i1111, 1·urr1•1,tly pc•n,Jing in the 8 ta 1,, 8 1• 11:i tc, pl1:11 ,. N111ta1't l'alll K11hl111ill•·r at ~~J 4444. •••••••• •••••••• Studc•nls in t h1 8d11,ol ,,r J·.du ration who want lhl'ir 1·r1·d11.8 c•valualc·d prior lo 1·heduling should make an nppoi11lm1•nl with J>c•an ,Jo~l'ph K While, C-104, f>t'for,• Marrh I. Stud,•nt Any U!J tutJ,.nt who work for thr- t: 111v11rsity during t 1•al1•/l(lar Y"ar 1972 wh,, has n :r,•1·1"iv1·d a W ~ (1•arning sta Hll'nt) pica , N1ntact the payrof ,1ffii-e imm• diatcly. FREE WITH TWA. WE'LL GIVE YOU 24 HRS TO COLLECT. This spring recess, when you land in any of these cities, if you show your TWA Youth Passport and present your boarding pass to any TWA ticket office within 24 hours of your arrival, you'll get a nice, fat coupon book full of discounts, two-for-ones, and free things. (If, by the way, you don't own a TWA Youth Passport, we'll be happy to accept your other airline youth card for an even trade, at the ticket office or airport before you depart. Then you too can cash in on the coupon book. l So, if you're off acros the country thL pring recets, take a look at what you'll get if you fly TWA. Youth l'a port i o 'IVlC mark ov.'Tlcd cxclu ively by 1WA. FREE IN SAN FRANCISCO Buy one "Son-of-a-bitch" stew, get one free at :\lot her Lexie. Buy four hours, get 20 free hours of motorbike rental at the Cycle Pit Buy one dinner, get one free at Crouchons homemade-cooking restaurant. FREE IN LOS ANGELES Free boat ride around Marina del Re\'. Free hour of surfboard rental in Santa Monica. Buy one meal, get one free at the Bratskellar re~taurant. Free hourofbike rental in ~lanna del Rey. FREE IN DENVER Free tour of Denver by Gray Line. Free beer at Tulagi's in Boulder. Buy one admission, get one free to Wheeler Opera House Aspen's twin movie house. Fourth day oflift tickets free at Vail. Free ski guide tour from Vail ... ki ~hool. Fourth day of lift ticker,-, free at A--pen. Free hour ofhor::;eback riding nt ;\iahaney'..; Stable:. Free admission (and di::- ounl, on drink::-) at n ,,n-er Folk Ion" Center FREE IN BOSTON Buy one admission to The Jazz Workshop, get one free. Free quiche lorraine and cup of cofle at La repe. Free spaghetti dinner at the Spaghetti Emporium, Inc. Free Indian soup and n'getable curry at Free breakfast in the Pewter Pot Muffin House. the India Sweet House rt:~iaurant in Cambridge. Free admission to the Prudential Center Skywalk. Free pair of earrings or pendant (and watch it being made) Free combination health food platter at Whaler·s Wharf. from Corners of the Mouth restaurant. Free admission or be\'erage and dessert at Passim Coffeehouse. FREE IN WASHINGTON~ Buy one admission to Biograph Cinema, get one free. Free pizza at Anna Maria restaurant. Free sandwich at Piccadilly restaurant. Buy one sandwich, get one free at Blimpie Sandwich Shop. Free package of incense at Earth Works Boutique. Buy one meal, get one free at Mykonos Greek restaurant. FREE IN PHILADELPHIA Free tacos for two at Tippy's Taco House. Free roast beef sandwich at Dr. Watson's Pub. Free cheese & tomato pizza for two. Free quiche lorraine and coffee at La Crepe. Buy one steer sandwich, get one free at Pat's King of Steak. Buy one sundae, get one free at Just Ice Cream. Free membership for two at Walnut Street Theatre. Buy one ticket for Blazers Hockey game, get one free. Three hours of bike rental free at Simba Bike Shop. Free package of cone incense from Cohn Candle Co. Free admission to flea market. Buy one admission to Perelman Ant ique Car Museum, get one fn'e. For more information see your Campus Rep or call TWA. MILES DOCHERTY *Sta rting March 15. 256-6305 WITH TWA IT PAYS TO BE YOUNG.
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