Flying Adventures Averill`s Flathead Lake Lodge


Flying Adventures Averill`s Flathead Lake Lodge
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Flying Adventures
Dude Ranch - Montana Fly-In
Averill’s Flathead Lake Lodge
September 29-October 3, 2011
Flying Adventures has put together a spectacular Dude Ranch Fly-In at one of the most
amazing lodges where dignitaries, celebrities and families from all over the world have stayed
for three generations, Averill’s Flathead Lake Lodge in Montana. Tucked away next to Glacier
National Park in ‘Big Sky Country’ Averill’s Lodge is nestled in 2,000 acres of the Rocky
Mountains on the shores of the pristine Flathead Lake.
Pack your boots and spurs for an over-the-top four night and five days adventure to horseback
ride across the pine forest plains, sail on a historic racing sloop, fish for trout in the crystal clear
waters, unwind with a hot stone massage and barn dance with your partner. Experience the
life of a cowboy/girl in the ‘Land of the Shining Mountains’ all with fellow aviators.
The Averill family will show us true Western hospitality in their special Montana hideaway
where elk and bears still grace their land. Morning, evening and half-day horseback rides are
a part of the journey for the beginning rider to the advanced. Lessons are offered at all levels.
Known for its long list of recreational activities, especially water sports, the sailing, boating,
hiking, tennis are all a part of the trip. Plus, this is an authentic working dude ranch, so you
can even try your hand at managing a herd, cattle roping and lots of other typical daily ranch
chores. Join us for a true adventure to the old west.
Averill’s Flathead Lake Lodge
After returning home from WWII in 1945, pilot Les Averill fulfilled his lifelong dream of owning a
Dude Ranch and purchased what is now known as Averill’s Flathead Lake Lodge. He wanted
others to see what real ranch life was like in the West and that he did. In 1971 his son Doug,
also a pilot, took over the ranch and has carried on the same traditions with his son Chase.
Averill’s Lodge is a
historic Dude Ranch in
operated by family for
three generations. Best
known for their true
horse adventures and
lake activities, Averill’s
Lodge will give us an
experience of cowboy
ranch life to remember
for a lifetime.
Nested in the bay of Flathead Lake, surrounded by blankets of pine and fir trees with Bald
Eagles and Osprey circling the sky, Averill’s Lodge has welcomed us as house guests to their
historic resort. With over 100 horses at the ranch we will partake in plenty of trail rides and
lessons. Plus, lots of great activities are planned including sailing and leisure time to relax and
enjoy the long list of amenities.
Thursday, September 29
Arrival - 1:00pm
Arrive at Glacier Park International Airport in Kalispell, Montana and prepare for departure to
Averill’s Flathead Lake Lodge. The Lodge is providing us transportation to their resort.
Glacier Park International Airport, Kalispell, Montana (GPI)
FBO Services
Glacier Jet Center
406.755.5362, Unicom – 122.95
We have made special arrangements with Glacier Jet Center to take very good care of our
airplanes and us.
Glacier Jet Center will provide us with personalized services:
• Welcome us at our airplanes upon arrival and provide red carpet treatment
• Greet us and escort us to their lounge for refreshments and appetizers
• Tie-down our airplanes in a secure environment
• Take care of our luggage for departure from the airport
• Provide a special re-arranged discount on both 100LL and Jet A
Project Suitcase Ceremony at Glacier Jet Center (1:15pm-2:00pm)
Flying Adventures philanthropic wing, Project Suitcase partners with local charities to ʻshare
the loveʼ and bring suitcases filled with items to those in need. One of the local charities dear
to the hearts of Averillʼs Lodge is the Intermountain Providence Home. They provide shelter
and care for young children from abused homes. We will let you know their greatest needs for
our future ʻspecial deliveryʼ of suitcases to their organization.
Averill’s Flathead Lake Lodge (2:30pm) Check-In
Relax, Leisure Time (2:30-5:00pm)
Hike, play tennis, canoe, kayak,
sail or just relax in the heated
swimming pool – there are endless
activities to explore. Like to sail on
your own? The sailboats range in
size from 14’ to the 27’ Olympic
Class Solings.
Looking for a
serene 1-2 hour tour with the
sailing staff? Relax or crew on one
of the historic 51’ Q-Class racing
sloops built in 1928 and 1929 as
prototypes for Americas Cup. Or
cruise the pristine lake on one of
their two classic cruisers.
Happy Hour At Saddle Sore Saloon - Doug & Chase Averill (5:00pm-6:00pm)
We have made special arrangements for
owner and pilot Doug Averill and his son
Chase to greet us for a drink and hearty
appetizers at their lake view saloon. Listen
to their ‘cowboy tales,’ personal overview
and 66 years of history of their special ranch
Dinner (6:30pm) & Barn Dancing (9:00pm-11:00pm)
Western cuisine is served in the Main Lodge
with Bison Tenderloin, Roasted Buffalo, Lake
Trout and many more guest favorites
including homemade breads and desserts
that are baked daily.
Then shine up your boots and belt buckle for
a night of line and swing dancing in their
‘Barn.’ A local favorite band plays a variety of
Western music including oldies and modern
country tunes.
Friday, September 30
Breakfast (8:30am-9:45am)
A few favorites served are Huckleberry Pancakes, Eggs Benedict and Cowboy Coffee Cake,
plus more specials of authentic Montana cuisine. The menu changes daily.
Western Horsemanship Training & Demonstration (10:00am-12noon)
We have arranged for Averill’s expert
Wranglers to give us a behind-the-scene look
at how they train their horses with lessons to
teach us the techniques of horsemanship and
showing horses. This ranges from beginner
to novice as a hands-on learning experience
from the best tricks to great riding skills.
Lunch (12:30pm)
Lunch is served outside on the deck of the Main Lodge, overlooking Flathead Lake. Relax, Leisure Time (1:30pm-5:00pm)
Enjoy a leisure afternoon lake tour on one of their two classic cruisers or one of the many other
Mountain Ride & Steak BBQ Cookout (5:00pm-8:00pm)
This is truly a special treat, as we will horseback ride through their 500-acre Elk Preserve of
rolling fir and pine trees in the forested canyon for a real chuck wagon cookout. The local
steaks are cooked on a large outdoor mesquite grill and served with famous cowboy beans,
cheesy bread, potato salad, fruit salad and their favorite un-done brownies. The cowboy
beans and brownies are made from a long-time family recipe. Even a local guitarist comes
along to serenade us during dinner and entertain us in true western hospitality.
Saturday, October 1
Breakfast (8:30am-9:30am)
Rodeo Event Lessons
with In-Depth Instruction
We have coordinated private
lessons especially for our
group. Wrangles will teach us
actual rodeo skills from team
roping to steer penning and
even how to relate to horses.
They will instruct you on any
rodeo skills you are up for –
barrel racing too. Just ask and
they will lead you in the right
Remote Cabin Ride & Lunch
Saddle up the horses for a special ride
to Trappers Cabin. The Averill’s will
take us to their favorite spot for lunch
and remote trail ride to the highest peak
of the mountain overlooking Swan
Valley. And try your hand at Sporting
Clays – they have a course that we can
test out on the way back from lunch.
Dinner (6:30pm)
& Campfire
Enjoy more Montana cuisine in the Main
Lodge then star gaze after dinner with a
traditional campfire.
Sunday, October 2
Breakfast Camp Cookout
& Horseback Ride
An early morning horseback
ride with spectacular mountain
views to a down home cowboy
breakfast. The Breakfast Camp
includes bacon, eggs, and
country style hot cakes. Plus,
more cowboy tales.
Lunch (12:30pm)
Sailing Races (3:00pm)
Put up the sails and get ready for a
little sailing competition with your
fellow aviators. We will spend the
afternoon on Flathead Lake racing
across the crystal clear waters.
Test your skills and crew on four of
their 27’ Olympic Solings – may the
best team win! These boats were
used to race in the Olympics.
Private racing/sailing lessons are
available throughout your stay.
Dinner (6:30pm)
Dinner in the Main Lodge.
Monday, October 3
Breakfast (8:30am-9:45am)
Relax, Leisure Time (9:45am-1:00pm)
Check-Out (1:00pm)
Depart for airport. Averill’s Lodge is providing us transportation to the airport.
Here are the details to join us on this trip…
Here is everything that is Included:
 Four-nights and five days stay at Averill’s historic working Dude Ranch
 Cuisine – all breakfasts, lunches and dinner (additional alcoholic beverages are not included)
 Transportation to and from the airport
 Happy Hour with Owners Doug and Chase Averill With Their ‘Cowboy Tales’
 Western Horsemanship Training and Demonstration
 Horseback Trail Ride to Steak BBQ With Guitar Serenade
 Rodeo Event Lessons with In-Depth Instruction
 Remote Horseback Ride for Lunch at Trappers Cabin
 Horseback Ride to Breakfast Camp Cookout
 Sailing Race and Lessons
 All water activities – sailing, boat rides, kayaks, canoes
This is what is available by outside outfitters for additional costs:
 Fly-Fishing
 Lake Fishing
 Spa Treatments
We have a limited amount of space available so if you would like to go, please contact us right
eMail us at:
Or call us at: 626-618-4000
More Information:
Visit our websites and facebook pages for more information on Project Suitcase and previous
Websites: &
Project Suitcase: FA Fan Club:
Project Suitcase
PROJECT SUITCASE is a very special initiative that is about two very simple things: a
suitcase and a conscience. Fill one with something like medical supplies, shoes, books, a
computer, whatever someone needs and you have excess baggage that really makes a
difference. Make that suitcase your extra bag and personally transport it to somewhere across
the world and you have completely redefined baggage claim. We have seen it for ourselves; in
the smiles, the tears and the hugs. Lots of them! And they’re contagious.
The initial response we received with our first Project
Suitcase was contagious enough that it developed into
the philanthropic wing of the National Aviation Society.
In 2007, we filled a suitcase with art supplies for an
innovative school in South Africa. They were ecstatic.
And so were we because it made us realize that there
are a lot of empty suitcases hanging around in attics.
The National Aviation Society conducts unforgettable
expeditions, exploring and discovering the world using
private airplanes. Put simply, it is an experience. And
that’s our mission! Right now we cannot take you to the
moon, but our vision is the same; it is about being on
top of the world. And we invite you to be a connoisseur
of that experience. We are designers of luxury
expeditions that make a difference in every sense of the
word. From the aerial exploration of uncharted
territories of natural and made-made wonders, to the
moment our feet touch the earth, it is a journey.
Through our uniquely innovative Project Suitcase, we offer each of our discerning participants the
opportunity to go the extra mile. Exclusive to each and every one of our expeditions is a
philanthropic initiative, through which we endeavor to give back to the communities that touch us.
The National Aviation Society (Project Suitcase)
is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization.
For More Information
Previous Suitcase Ceremony
Follow us on facebook
Project Suitcase:
Living Life
with Flying Adventures
“We brag to all our flying (and non-flying) friends about the incredible experiences we enjoy on
these ‘Flying Adventures Fly-In’ trips.”
The best part about Flying Adventures organizing our tour: all the hard
work was already accomplished, the best locations were chosen. There
was nothing left to do but enjoy. Being on a tour with other aviators was
extra enjoyable because we already had something in common with
everyone else and could share stories of other trips and flying experiences.
- Lee and Carolyn Jones, Anchorage, AK
We have been on six Fly-Ins’ with Flying Adventures (including an
African flying safari). It doesn't get any better or easier than just
arriving! We sit back and relaxed while they take us on amazing and
magical fun filled tours of the very best wine country has to offer. The
wines were superb, the food incredible and the people 'behind the
labels' shared their unique stories to make our experiences extra
The Calistoga Fly-In… we will always remember that
Valentine's Day! Can't wait to see what's in store for the next fly-in~
- Rodger and Lori Parker, Camarillo, CA
You really put together a first class experience, at a modest price. What
makes it so enjoyable is everything is a little surprise, because we did not
have the headaches of planning all the little details. It’s the little details that
make the difference. Meeting everyone in the group was very rewarding.
The hosts and winemakers could not have been friendlier, so I hope to see
some of them again on a future trip, which will happen, because you did
such a nice job on this one!
- Brian and Robin Cahill, Valley Center, CA
Thank you for the amazing Calistoga Fly-in Adventure. We have often
looked to your magazine to decide on destinations for our own trips so
we were excited by the opportunity to be a part of one of your fantastic
excursions. We so enjoyed every aspect of the Valentine trip: the food
and wine pairings, the behind the scenes tours, meeting the
winemakers, the wonderful accommodations and even getting to blend
our own wine. It was a great experience with so many of the events
being arranged exclusively for us. We enjoyed meeting so many friendly
people with similar interests (food, wine, and planes) and we’re looking
forward to the next time we can join you for a Fly-in Adventure!
- Glen and Sharon, Ukiah, CA