Vatican Museums Report Winter 2009
Vatican Museums Report Winter 2009
VATICAN MUSEUMS REPORT a publication of the patrons of the arts • winter 2009 • volume xxxI F rom July 1 – 5, 2009, generous Patron benefactors from II in the Vatican Museums in order to celebrate the continued around the world gathered together to experience the efforts and dedication of the Patrons in preserving artwork. unveiling of the Pauline Chapel by His Holiness, Pope At the dinner, Prof. Antonio Paolucci, Director of the Vatican Benedict XVI. The ve year period of restoration, sustained Museums, praised the work and generosity of the Patrons as by the generosity of these particular Patrons, revealed the glo- well as Fr. Allen Duston, OP, who began this adventure many rious work of Michelangelo found in his last two frescoes: The years ago. The evening will be treasured as a wonderful moConversion of St. Paul ment caught in time. and The Crucixion of On the concluding St. Peter. day, Cardinal GiovanThe Pauline Chani Lajolo, President pel holds great sigof the Vatican City nicance inside the State, celebrated a Vatican walls. Despite private mass in the its small size and rePauline Chapel. Afmote location, a long ter the ceremony the succession of Popes Cardinal distributed have used it for liturrecognitions and hongical purposes since ours to those Patrons whose generosity made 1540. It was the origithe restoration of the nal location of Papal Pauline Chapel possiconclaves before the ble. The Patrons and eventual move to the their families were Sistine Chapel. To welcomed inside the this day, the Cardinal Papal Sacristy to view electors still gather in The restored Pauline Chapel (Photo Service – L’Osservatore Romano 2009) a beautiful white marprayer inside the Pauline Chapel before they proceed to the Sistine Chapel to elect a ble benefactor plaque. The Cardinal also personally thanked new pope. A combination of its rich history and artistic beauty all the restorers of the Pauline Chapel who were present at makes it one of the most breathtaking jewels in the Vatican the Mass and the Patrons joined the Cardinal in gratitude with City State. This private papal chapel continues to reserve the their prolonged applause. The Patrons and guests were then brought to the Casina di Blessed Sacrament and remains a place of prayer. Saturday, July 4th brought together the various Patrons, their Macchia Madama for a brunch in the gardens overlooking the guests, and members of the Vatican Curia to the Unveiling of skyline of Rome. It was a wonderful conclusion of the Pauline the Pauline Chapel by Pope Benedict XVI. A beautiful dedica- Event. tion ceremony with Vespers and Benediction took place in the The Patrons ofce would like to thank the Patrons who restored Papal Chapel. The Holy Father expressed his profound sponsored the restoration to the Pauline Chapel through their gratitude to the Patrons for their undertaking of this most im- generosity. The time spent together is a memory that we will portant project. The glories of the chapel were revealed and all all share as a common bond. The Patrons Ofce sends its best were struck by its sheer beauty. A cocktail reception and gala wishes for a blessed winter and a wonderful Christmas. We dinner followed in the glorious Octagonal Courtyard of Julius look forward to seeing and hearing from everyone soon. 2 • VATICAN MUSEUMS REPORT • W I N T E R 2009 Patrons marble plaque and awards O n Sunday, July 5th, after Holy Mass celebrated by Giovanni Cardinal Lajolo in the Pauline Chapel, the benefactors were able to see the marble plaque bearing their names displayed in the Sacristy of the Papal Chapel. In addition to the plaque, the Patrons of the Arts in the Vatican Museums have created a series of medallions to recognize the spirit of giving of the individual donors. These medallions were bestowed for the rst time by Cardinal Lajolo upon benefactors of the Pauline Chapel. They will continue to be awarded to recognize Patrons who make an exceptional donation to the Vatican Museums. The Michelangelo Award is the highest honor represented by a solid gold medallion. The face of Michelangelo is on one side and on the other is the coat of arms of the Vatican City State. This honor is bestowed on those who give one million dollars to a Museum project. The Raphael Award, bearing the image of Raphael, is given to those whose generosity is beyond $500,000.00. This sterling silver medal is engraved with the relief of the self-portrait of Raphael; the Bramante Award is bestowed on donors whose gift is beyond $250,000.00 while the Bernini Award, a gold plated medallion, is given to gifts of over $100,000. Each medallion, sculpted and engraved by Italian artists, is accompanied by an elegant calligraphy scroll of thanks and recognition. During Vespers with the Holy Father in the Pauline Chapel, I felt a deeper understanding of the loving grace of God. God inspired Saint Paul on the road to Damascus to become a follower of Jesus. This moment in the Divine Plan is movingly rendered in Michelangelo’s fresco. Similarly, the artistry of the fresco reAndrew, Linda and Richard Daines with Judith and minds us that such superior talent is God-given. William Bollinger Michelangelo received his talent from God and to God he looked for inspiration. The second fresco is more sombre, as it depicts the moment of Saint Peter’s crucifixion. It is fitting that the image of Saint Peter appears in the Pauline Chapel, as Saint Peter was the first Pope of the Roman Catholic Church. To pray next to this Papal image together with the modern-day successor to Saint Peter was deeply moving. I experienced profound tranquillity and joy knowing that my spiritual needs have the Holy Father and Saint Peter as watchful guardians. Judith Bollinger There are certain occasions that remain in our minds with vivid clarity; a collective memory chest of the most important or enjoyable times of our lives. The beginning of July offered an occasion that for me ranks among the very best of these. On Sunday 5th, my family and I had the privilege of celebrating Vespers with the Holy Father in the newly restored Pauline Chapel of the Micheal and Dorothy Hintze with their children, Jhon, Vatican’s Apostolic PalaEdward, David and Mary ce. The time we spent in that place was at the same time humbling, uplifting and joyous. what the final result would produce. With the Holy Father celebrating his first ever Vespers in the Chapel, the visual and spiritual scene was breathtaking. Here, we were seeing for the first time the astoundingly vibrant colours and rare beauty that an aged Michelangelo himself would have seen on completion of these great works over 450 years ago. Though humbling, the chapel in its entirety is a visual testimony to the way man can achieve extraordinary things through the nspiration of the Holy Spirit. The Hintze Family As a patron’s daughter, I went to Rome with my dad, John Brogan, who has been very active in the group for 30 years. He was so excited to see the Pauline chapel completed and that made the trip with him mean so much to me. The patrons did a wonderful job preparing us for what we would see. Nothing prepared me Anne Segerson with her son, Richard for the actual moment, the pope walking into the chapel, a few feet from us, praying with him as he blessed us . Moved to tears by the beauty of the frescos and the history of the chapel, I was thrilled to participate. Thank you, and Father Haydu and the Patrons’ Ofce for all your work. Anne Segerson Seeing the restored Pauline Chapel was an extremely emotional moment for us, partly because of the Chapel’s own essence and splendor, partly because of the transcendence and historical signicance of Michelangelo’s last frescoes, partly because of the glory and majesty of the ceremony, partly because of the august presence and proxiMaria del Pilar, Giovanni Card. Lajolo and Jaime Davila mity of the Holy Father. But perhaps we were most moved by a sense of humility and gratitude to God, to have blessed us with the means and opportunity to contribute to our Church, to art and to posterity. Jamie and Pilar Davila V O L U M E XXXI • VATICAN MUSEUMS REPORT • 3 Letter from the International Director Thy Kingdom Come! Dear Patrons and Friends, A s I script this letter, thousands of people are gathered in St. Peter’s Square for the weekly papal audience with His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI. Neither the cold nor the rain of the season seems to deter our perpetual mass of pilgrims both in the piazza and the ever-winding line of the Vatican Museums. By the end of this year, our museums would have had approximately four and a half million visitors from all over the world touring the various galleries and collections. Yet, as another year draws to a close, the Eternal City remains timeless. Thanks to the generosity of the Patrons, 2009 has been a success in recapturing the beauty of several projects, rendering them ageless. We have made a particular effort to simplify the steps surrounding the restoration process and are happy to see the results. Thanks to this effort, we have nished the projects you will nd listed in the newsletter – among these – the beautiful Pauline Chapel. Thank you, Patrons, for your generosity and support in making this happen! Since the last newsletter, I have nished my degree in Moral Theology at the Pontical Athenaeum Regina Apostolorum. I now have more time to benet the Patrons, and have used it visiting several Chapters this fall. My goal, as always, is to support our local chapters. On this journey, I focused on individuals and smaller, more intimate events. Mid-September brought me to Boston, where we had a private viewing of the Civil War era drawings from the Becker Collection at the McMullen Museum of Boston College, and discussed future restoration projects with the chapter. I also had interesting visits with the Development Ofce at the Boston Museum of Fine Arts as well as with Cardinal O’Malley. From there, I headed to New York City and met with a variety of small groups organized by different patrons eager to share the news on our organization with their friends. Happily, I was able to direct them to local leadership: Lee Romanelli, Lucy McGrath and the new chaplain of our New York Patrons, Fr. Boniface Ramsey. I also had a chance to concelebrate Mass with the ever joyful Archbishop Dolan. His Excellency gave us his encouragement to keep forging ahead with the New York Patrons. En route north, I had a wonderful time in Canada with Patrons Paul and Carol Hill, who outdid themselves with their kind generosity. In ve days we visited Montreal, Toronto, Edmonton and Calgary. It was a memorable and successful stay and I am so grateful to them. A highlight of my trip was in Calgary. I was able to speak to some 100 potential patrons at a Ferrari Dealership, thanks to Tom and Debra Mauro. I had the chance to take a spin in a 599 California Spyder, and luckily managed to avoid any accidents and did not need to impoverish The Shaw Family, California any patron accounts! Tom and Debra Mauro, Fr. Mark, Carol and Paul Hill at a Patrons’ event in Calgary, Canada. My last stop was in California. I participated in their board meeting at the de Young Fine Arts Museum in San Francisco which was followed by a private visit to the amazing Tutankhamen exhibit. From there, I drove down to visit and pray with the rst United States Ambassador to the Holy See, Mr. Bill Wilson. It was a pleasure and a duty to recognize all the good done by this Patron of patrons. My North American trip concluded in Los Angeles with Bill and Debra Shaw, California patrons, who facilitated a number of interesting activities, not least was a wonderful cocktail and talk at the Los Angeles Country Club. In all, my trip was a great joy as I spent time with individuals, chapters and helped spread the word to potential patrons. I worked together with local patrons and chapters to create a synergy and enthusiasm for our mission. We have a remarkable network in place and can work together to cultivate potential patrons and friends. Please do not hesitate to reach out to me, share contacts in cities where the patrons are present or in new cities where we want to be such as Atlanta, Charleston, Denver and Santa Fe! As the Christmas season fast approaches, I am grateful to all of you that have made 2009 a successful year for the Patrons. Nearly all the current year’s projects were pledged and our overall numbers have grown in spite of this difcult economic times. This is thanks to all of you! May God bless each one of you with a safe and happy holiday, and a prosperous New Year. As always, I will remember you in my prayers. Yours in Christ, Fr. Mark Haydu, LC 4 • VATICAN MUSEUMS REPORT • W I N T E R 2009 Minnesota – North Dakota Chapter visit T he 2009 trip of the MN/ND Chapter of the Patrons of the Arts in the Vatican Museums, September 28th to October 2nd, was a great success. The weather was picture perfect, every single day. Our small group of travelers was interested, knowledgeable and extraordinarily diverse. As always, our Vatican hosts were gracious, knowledgeable and hospitable, and our program was intriguing and intense. As the thread tying our artistic adventure loosely together we opted to study the technique and history of mosaics in Christian Italy, starting in Venice with San Marco and ending in Rome with the Mater Redemptoris Chapel. The rst day was marked by a visit to the restoration laboratories for explanations on the most recent restorations and discoveries by the different departments. The next day, after visiting the Scavi under Saint Peter, we enjoyed lunch at the Casina of Pius IV. Following the lunch Maestro De Luca gave a power point presentation on the restoration of the Michelangelo frescoes in the Cappella Paolina. In the evening we paid a visit to the US Ambassador to the Holy See, Dr. Miguel Díaz. It was especially nice for us because he is a fellow Minnesotan and we had a lovely time at Villa Rchardson. On Wednesday we were lucky enough to have rst row seats at the Papal Audience. This was a special treat for some of our patrons who had never been to Rome. In the Evening Cardinal Lajolo celebrated Mass for us and we enjoyed a magnicent dinner in HE Amb. Miguel and Mrs. Diaz with the group of Patrons at Villa Richardson the Borgia Apartments near the chimney which was restored with funds provided by our chapter. Our last day was marked by a return to the mosaics. We started with a visit to the Mosaic studios. From there we visited the Redemptoris Mater Chapel accompanied by Fr. Pavel Benedik, O.S.A from the Papal Sacristy. Our visit ended with a wonderful lunch on the most beautiful terrace in Rome. Our chapter is most grateful to Father Haydu who together with Gabriella, Sara and Romina put another spectacular trip together. We are also most grateful to Prof. Paolucci, Dr. Devreux, Maestro De Luca and all the members of the marvelous team of the Vatican museums for making our visit so memorable. The Patron’s Group in the Redemptoris Mater Chapel with Fr. Pavel Benedik in the center Dr. Johan van Parys Michigan – Ohio Chapter visit B envenuti da Roma! 2009 has brought many changes, the most recent of which includes myself and Elizabeth Kenny, the two newest additions to the Patrons’ team. I speak on behalf of both of us when I say, it is an absolute pleasure working for all of you! From November 3rd to the 6th we had the unique privilege of hosting Fr. Mark’s hometown chapter from Ohio, and my hometown chapter from Michigan. Thank you to the hard work and preparation of Sara Savoldello (Patrons Ofce), John Hale (Board Member, Michigan Chapter) and Denise Jasko (Ohio Chapter Co-Founder), the week was lled with many special events. I would like to briey convey some of my experiences and reections. We shared a special, con-celebrated Mass led by Cardinal Lajolo. After, Gabriella Lalatta and Romina Cometti (Patrons Ofce) led a tour through the dimly lit museum after hours. In a stroke of luck (and skillful manoeuvring by Fr. Mark) we were permitted to enter the Room of Tears, the room the newly elected pope enters from the Sistine Chapel to pray and don his white papal cassock for the rst time. Our nal gala event was in the Pinacoteca among the Guido Reni and Caravaggio paintings. Only one word can describe it: magical. We shared a candlelit dinner while enjoying reections from Fr. Mark. Rosemary Bannon and Suzanne Rea (Michigan Chapter Co-Founders) graciously thanked the Patrons Ofce Staff and gave us gorgeous owers. I would like to extend my gratitude to the incredible group of Michigan and Ohio patrons who made my rst experience beyond expectation. You are what this organization is about and I feel so honored to be volunteering for the Patrons. The Michigan Patrons in the Pauline Chapel Carolina Rea Sara, Mary Ann Warha with Denise and Kaitlin Jasko, Ohio Patrons John, Kristan and Anne Hale, Michigan Patrons V O L U M E XXXI • VATICAN MUSEUMS REPORT • 5 Some of the projects finished in the year 2009... St. Philip Baptizing a Moor, restored thanks to the generosity of Mr. and Mrs. Dominic Di Maggio, Florida Chapter Crucix and six golden candlesticks restored thanks to the Michigan Patrons The Sacred Conversation: Madonna with Child Adored by St. Pius V with St. Joseph, St. Lawrence and St. Vincent Ferrer, restored thanks to the generosity of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dickson, California Chapter Twenty-two Painted Statuettes Ushabti of the Faraon Sethi I, restored thanks to Gene Ceccotti, California Chapter Guanyin (Avalokites Vara), goddess of maternity and life, restored thanks to the Illinois Chapter Japanese Armor restored thanks to Robert Wigley, Texas Chapter One of the Seventeen Painted Statuettes of the God Sokari, restored thanks to Mr. Bruce L. Ludwig, California Chapter ...and some projects under restoration The Cleaning of all the marble Satues in the Braccio Nuovo, undergoing restoration thanks to the residuals of many US chapter The Santa Rosa Excavations, udergoing restoration thanks to the Canadian Patrons St. Paul’s Sermon in Athens, Tapestry from the School of Raphael, undergoing restoration thanks to the Great Britain, Ireland and Scotland chapter The Statues of Ocean and Hercules, restored thanks to the Pennsylvania Chapter Altar Front for the Sistine Chapel restored thanks to Mrs. Florence B. D’Urso, NY Decorative Display in Stucco and Marble, undergoing restoration thanks to the Ohio Chapter 6 • VATICAN MUSEUMS REPORT • W I N T E R 2009 News from the Vatican D uring the month of July, Don Roberto Zagnoli retired from his position as Curator of the Missionary Ethnological Museum. Many of you have known Don Zagnoli during your visits here and when he travelled to the United States with the Vatican exhibitions. We thank him for all his precious help in organizing these exhibitions together with the Patrons, and for his friendship over the years. Father Nicola Mapelli, Don Zagnoli’s successor, is now in charge of this interesting and vast area of the Vatican Museums. Fr. Mapelli, from the PIME (Pontical Institute for Foreign Missions) degree in Religious Historical Sciences (Università La Sapienza) and in Theology (Università Urbaniana) and has lived and worked for ten years in the Isle of Mindanao (Philippines). We welcome Fr. Mapelli and wish him every success! During the month of July, the Holy Father nominated a new General Secretary of the Governorship, His Excellency Carlo Maria Viganò, former Delegate for the Pontical Representatives in the Secretariat of State. Bishop Renato Boccardo, our previous General Secretary, was elevated to Archbishop of Spoleto-Norcia. Bishop Boccrado was always very supportive of the Patrons’ Ofce with the many practical aspects of our organization. Also, on July 16th Cardinal Giovanni Lajolo announced that Msgr. Giorgio Corbellini, until now Vice General Secretary of the Governorship, was nominated Titular Bishop of Abula and thus President of the Labor Ofce of the Holy See (ULSA). His Episcopal Ordination was celebrated in St. Peters’ Basilica on September 12th. Our special thanks and prayers to Bishop Boccardo and Bishop Corbellini who have always helped the Patrons and the ofces’ needs during these years and a warm “benvenuto” to Archbishop Viganò! In other news, the Secretary of the Vatican Museums, Dr. Edith Cicerchia has retired after a long illustrious career in the Vatican Museums. The employees and ofcials of the Museums found in her a dedicated supporter and constant beacon over her many years of service. She is considered by many as a kind of “aunt” with her wise counsel and guidance. She supported the Patrons’ activities (see previous number Vol. XXX) with enthusiasm and discretion, often behind the scenes, to guarantee smooth operations and a true sense of welcome for our Patrons when they visited the Vatican. Fr. Mark, Don Zagnoli and Msgr. Hogan at the Exhibition Inauguration in Ohio Fr. Nicola Mapelli, new Curator of the Missionary Ethnological Museum H.E. Mons. Carlo Maria Viganò, new General Secretary of the Governorship H.E Bishop Renato Boccardo His Holiness greets H.E. Bishop Giorgio Corbellini during the Episcopal Ordination Dr. Edith Cicerchia with Pope John Paul II V O L U M E XXXI • VATICAN MUSEUMS REPORT • 7 Thanks for your visit! T he Patrons who arrange a visit through the Patrons’ Office receive a confirmation via e-mail. This e-mail gives all the information about where and when to meet the guide on the day of their visit. Usually the appointment is at 8:00 a.m. at the Exit Door of the Vatican Museums, which is just opposite the Main Entrance on Viale Vaticano. Although it is sometimes difcult to be awake and alert at 8:00 a.m., the early hour is necessary in order to enjoy the spectacle of the Sistine Chapel without the jostling crowds getting in the way. When you’re inside the chapel, admiring the incredible ceiling and the impressive Last Judgement, time is nothing. There is just peace, quiet, awe-inspiring artwork – and a remarkably intricate oor! Richard and Susan Aberle, CA Mark and Randy Belnick, NY Dr. Lubomir and Maria Alexov, Patrons from Canada, with Elizabeth and Carolina Kim and Michael Moore, IL In order to simplify your entrance and to facilitate your appointment with the Vatican guide, from now on there will be a sign that has been created specically for the Patrons. This will be the meeting point at which the Patrons and their guide can easily nd each other. At the Information Booth at the exit you will also nd English-speaking staff who have been advised of your arrival and will be very happy to help you. Also new in the Vatican Museums is the Special Events Ofce. This ofce is coordinated by Orietta Robino with Ivano Salvatori, and they arrange special paid evening visits. The Public Relations and Services’ Ofce has been recently reorganized by Mons. Paolo Nicolini and is coordinated by Luciano Gagliano. It has 30 people working in all the “welcoming” steps: from the security Giampaolo Cartoni, Orietta Robino and Luciano Gagliano control and metal detectors at the entrance to the nal stage when you leave the Vatican Museums. Without their help, the patrons’ ofce could not arrange the visits and special events in the Vatican. We thank them for their efforts and continuous help. Patrons Meeting Point 8 • VATICAN MUSEUMS REPORT • W I N T E R 2009 We invite you to join The Patrons of the Arts A Patrons of the Arts Vatican Ofce Staff with our volunteers: Carolina Rea (on the left) and Elizabeth Kenny (on the right) s a member of the patrons of the arts in the Vatican Museums, you are an honored guest of the museums. Not only is your admission to the museums complimentary, but you will be accompained by your own guide who will deepen and enrich your visit. Patrons are also invited to tour sections of the museums closed to other visitors, including the restoration laboratories, to see rsthand the conservation efforts they have made possible. Membership includes a personale subscription to the Vatican Museums Report wich will enhance your visit and keep you informed of activities and special projects, as well as invitations to social events in the Vatican and elsewhere that keep you in touch with your fellow patrons. More importantly, your annual membership fee of $500.00 (or Euro 500) per person, $1,000.00 per couple and their children under 18, will help to preserve the cultural and historical treasures that make up the collections of the Vatican Museums. Our e Newsletter is coming soon To be sure you receive it, please send your name and email address to Dr. Guy Devreux restoring a Marble Bust Patrons in our Painting Restoration Laboratory Read our 2010 Wishbook with all the restoration projects on line The 2010 wishbook is online! To view, go to VATICAN CITY Rev. Fr. Mark Haydu, LC Patrons of the Arts in the Vatican Museums Vatican City State V-00120 Phone +39 06-698 81814 Fax +39 06-698 82147 CANADA Mr. James P. Magee, 65 Queen St. West, Suite 700 Toronto, Ontario M5H 2M5, Canada Phone: (416) 367-2463 x 2840 GREAT BRITAIN, IRELAND AND SCOTLAND Mr. John McCaffrey Phone: +44 7900888812 NORTH AMERICAN OFFICE Msgr. Terence Hogan, SL.D. North American Chaplain c/o Cathedral of St. Mary 7525 N. W. Second Avenue Miami, FL 33150 Phone (305) 759-4531 ext. 105 Fax (305) 759-4535 For contacts: Mrs. Lorna Richardson North American Secretary 43430 E. Florida Avenue Ste “F”, PMB 322 Hemet, CA 92544 Phone: (951) 658-9834 Fax (951) 658-9546 PORTUGAL Mr. Carlos Evaristo Apartado 133 2496 Fátima, Codex, Portugal Phone: (00351) 249 - 544808 MONACO CHAPTER Mrs. Liana Marabini 29, rue du Portier Monte-Carlo 98000 Monaco, Principality of Monaco Phone: + 337-607 937163 Published by the Patrons of the Arts in the Vatican Museums’ Editorial Staff: Fr. Mark Haydu, L.C., Mons. Terence Hogan, SL. D., Sara O. Savoldello and Romina Cometti. A Special Thank you to Carolina Rea and Elizabeth Kenny VATICAN PRESS