A parish of the Diocese of Charlotte
A parish of the Diocese of Charlotte
Fourth Sunday of Advent December 20, 2015 St. Michael Catholic Church & School Gastonia, North Carolina STAFF CONTACT INFORMATION Pastor Rev. Fr. Matthew Buettner mrbuettner@charlottediocese.org In Residence Rev. Fr. James Ebright jaebright@charlottediocese.org Hispanic Priest Rev. Fr Jose Antonio Juya jajuya@charlottediocese.org Deacon Rev. Mr. John Weisenhorn yourdeak@gmail.com Pastoral Care Sr. Carolyn Mary Coll, RSM mercy1827.9@gmail.com Facilities Manager Mr. Tim Mueller tmueller@stmichaelsgastonia.org Parish Bookkeeper Mrs. Beverly Shepard bashepard@stmichaelsgastonia.org Parish Secretary Mrs. Debbie Davis dgdavis@stmichaelsgastonia.org School Principal Mrs. Sheila Levesque salevesque@stmichaelsgastonia.org School Secretary Mrs. Theresa Bookout stmichaelschool@stmichaelsgastonia.org Religious Education English Mrs. Theresa Webster tmwebster@stmichaelsgastonia.org Spanish Ms. Carmen Vazquez cmvazquez001@bellsouth.net Adult Mrs. Toni Keating tmkeating@stmichaelsgastonia.org Children Mrs. Andrea Stroot andrea.1121@att.net Ms Kristy Brown Latin kristylynnbrown@gmail.com Thrift Store Manager Ms. Amy Pruitt appruitt@stmichaelsgastonia.org Choir Parish Nurse Mrs Maureen Halek A parish of the Diocese of Charlotte www.charlottediocese.org PARISH OFFICE 708 St Michael’s Lane Gastonia NC 28052 Website: www.stmichaelsgastonia.org Phone: 704-867-6212 -- Fax 704-867-6379 Anointing of the Sick (Last Rites): 704-867-6212, Ext 9 Office Hours: Monday 1 PM - 5 PM Tuesday - Friday 8:30 AM - 5 PM Sunday Masses Saturday/Sabado 5:00 PM Vigil English Sunday/Domingo 7:30 AM English 10:00 AM English 12:00 PM en Español Holy Day Masses: (See inside of bulletin) Daily Masses: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday & Friday, at 8:15 AM Wednesday at 6:15 PM, Saturday at 8:15 AM (Check inside for changes) Confessions Saturday: 3:30 - 4:45 PM; Monday & Friday: 9 - 10 AM Wednesday: 5:00—5:45 PM (or by appointment) St Michael Thrift Store Tuesday - Friday: 10 - 5, Saturday: 10 - 4 704-864-8646 ST MICHAEL CATHOLIC SCHOOL 704 St Michael’s Lane - Gastonia, NC 28052 Phone: 704-865-4382 This Week at St Michael’s black Sunday, December 20 4th Sunday of Advent Mass Intentions Meetings & Events 7:30 AM Mass - For the People 8:45 AM Donuts & Dogma 8:45 AM English Faith Formation 10 AM Spanish Faith Formation 1 PM Spanish Social:PCH 3 PM Spanish Study Group:C-Hall 7:00 PM SAA:Church Hall 10:00 AM Mass - †Katie Perez 12:00 PM Mass—Priest Intention Monday December 21 St Peter Canisius 8:00 AM Morning Prayer 8:15 AM Mass - †Miriam H Gibson 9 - 10 AM Confession Tuesday December 22 8:00 AM Morning Prayer Wednesday December 23 5-6 PM Holy Hour 5 -5:45 PM Confessions 5:45 PM Evening Prayer 6 PM Benediction 6:15 PM Mass - †Larry Carpenter Thursday December 24 Holy Day of Obligation 6 PM Mass Vigil of Christmas †James & Eunice Cherry Friday December 25 Holy Day of Obligation 9 AM Nativity of the Lord - Christmas Novena St John of Kanty Saturday December 26 St Stephen Sunday, December 27 Feast of the Holy Family 9 AM Home School Group:RR 9 AM Latin Class - Church Hall 3:15 PM Childrens Choir Prac:Church 6 PM RCIA: Rectory 6:30 PM K of C 4th Degree:PCH 7 PM Fidelis:Gym 7 PM Spanish Mtg - C-Hall/PCH 8:15 AM Latin Mass(EF) - Barbara Kenley 9 AM Basic Latin Class:C-Hall 7:15 PM English Choir Practice 12 AM Nativity of the Lord - For the People 8 PM AA Meeting:C-Hall 3:30 - 4:45 PM Confessions 5:00 PM Mass - †Kaley Falls 7:30 AM Mass - For the People 10:00 AM Mass - Christmas Novena 12 PM - Spanish Mass - Priest Intention 3 PM Spanish Study Group:C-Hall 4 PM Youth Group Social:PCH/Gym 7:00 PM SAA:Church Hall Please Remember in your Prayers Parish Members & Friends: Rich Bidoglio, Sophia Chadwick, Gordon Cook, Michael Dalley, Chuck Deal, Betty Dow, Peggy Duffy, Elizabeth Eddie, Logan Escandon, Pete & Rebecca Files, Connie Frey, Julia Gause, Paul Grenier, Jim Hodgkiss, Connie Hutter, Buddy & Rita James, Debbie Kurtiak, Sarah Langevin, Michael Matyisin, Katie Meseroll, Jason Milam, Edward Miller, Janice Moffitt, Tom Monger, Steve Murray, Duane & Mary Neely, Gerald & Pat Orazem, Charles Pasour, Danielle Peeples, Mary Pierce, Jessie Pilieci, Millie Purvis, Sue Ruocco, Pat Splawn, Al Santoro, Chen Santoro, Judy Sowersby, Charlotte Stenzel, Laura Van Allen, Paul & Marion Yager For all in service to our country: Stefan Zapata, William Freeman, Jonathan Nelson, Derrick Dobbins, Matthew Barker, Kevin Haskins, Jacob Haskins, Kevin Tiddy Pastor’s Prayer Intention - As parish & school families, let us keep these intentions in our prayers this week: For our homebound parishioners, those on our Prayer List, our Military Personnel and those separated from family at Christmas For the financial needs of our parish and school and for blessings upon our benefactors Daily Mass Readings From Sacred Scripture Monday: Sg 2:8-14 or Zep 3:14-18a; Ps 33:2-3, 11-12, 20-21; Lk 1:39-45 Tuesday: 1 Sm 1:24-28; 1 Sm 2:1, 4-8abcd; Lk 1:46-56 Wednesday: Mal 3:1-4, 23-34; Ps 25:4-5ab, 8-10, 14; Lk 1:57-66 Thursday: 2 Sm 7:1-5, 8b-12, 14a, 16; Ps 89:2-5, 27, 29; Lk 1:67-79 Friday: Is 52:7-10; Ps 98:1-6; Heb 1:1-6; Jn 1:1-18 [1-5, 9-14] Saturday: Acts 6:8-10; 7:54-59; Ps 31:3cd-4, 6, 8ab, 16bc, 17; Mt 10:17-22 Sunday: Sir 3:2-6, 12-14 or 1 Sm 1:20-22, 24-28; Ps 128:1-5 or Ps 84:2-3, 5-6, 9-10; Col 3:12-21 [12-17] or 1 Jn 3:1-2, 21-24; Lk 2:41-52 SERVERS OF THE SACRED LITURGY Saturday, December 26, 5:00 PM Mass EMHC: Jeff Templeton, Lectors: John Welsh, Lauretta Boccio Greeters: Sam & Marie Calouche Gifts: John Murawski Sunday, December 27, 7:30 AM Mass EMHC: Tim Mueller Lectors: Phyllis Mueller, Tim Mueller Greeters: LeeAnn MacMillan Gifts: Tom Riley Sunday, December 27, 10:00 AM Mass EMHC: Roger Shepard, Laetitia Sery, John O’Daly Lectors: Randy Stevens, Carol McCaughtry Greeters: Gifts: NEW YEAR’S EVE FESTIVITIES December 31: 11 pm Vigil Mass - Mary, Mother of God followed by Holy Hour from 12 AM - 1 AM. Spend your last hour of 2015 in Thanksgiving to God and your first hour of 2016 adoring the Lord. January 1: 10 AM Mass - Mary Mother of God OUR LADY OF FATIMA PILGRIM VIRGIN STATUE - This program is designed for the statue to visit the host family for a week of prayer and intercession to Our Blessed Mother. Special devotional booklets are available to accompany the statue. For additional information, please contact Anne Tinsdale at 540-497-1781 or atinsdale@netzero.net. ST MICHAEL CHOIRS Adult: meet on Wednesday evenings at 7 PM in the church. Contact Toni Keating: tonisands@hotmail.com/ (704) 747-5654. Children: Practice 2nd & 4th Monday in the church from 3:15 - 4 PM. (Oct 26, Nov 9 & 23, Dec 7. Contact Andrea Stroot: andrea.1121@att.net / (772) 3326277 Latin Schola: Meets on Thursday evenings at 7pm in the church. Contact Kristy Brown: kristylynnbrown@gmail.com / (704) 466-6577 THE LEGION OF MARY - We meet on Friday evenings at 6pm in the Rose Room. For additional information please contact Anne Tinsdale, at 540-4971781 or atinsdale@ netzero.net BELMONT ABBEY ADORATION CHAPEL— Please give prayerful consideration to spend one hour with Our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament. Open hours are available every day. Call Lynn Brosnan at 704-517-1188 to see how you can help on a regular basis or as a sub. FIRST SATURDAY MASS: All are welcome for First Saturday Mass at 8 AM at the Missionaries of Charity, 1625 Glenn St, Charlotte; and prayers at the abortion clinic on Latrobe Drive following Mass. For more info please contact Mitch and Jean Foreman at 704-685-1423 or mjforeman@gmail.com . St Michaels Boys & Girls Basketball teams, and the Cheerleaders in action! Go Tigers!!! St. Michaels Youth Group invites you to our HS Teen Christmas Ceili Date: Sunday December 27, 2015 Time: 5:00pm - 8:00pm Admission: $5.00 Dress: Collared shirts for the gents and slacks. Skirts or dress pants for the ladies. Please wear a shoe that will slide across the floor. Shoes with smooth leather bottoms work best. No flip flops or high heels! Location: St. Michaels Gym RSVP: smccyouthgroup@gmail.com 6th Annual Joe McClane Fr. Chris Alar, MIC Speaker, Author, Evangelist Catholichack.com Director of the Associa on of Marian Helpers Chancellor Abbot Placid Solari Bishop William Curlin Saint Matthew’s Catholic Church- Brian Pusateri Broken Door Ministries brokendoorministries.com 6TH ANNUAL CHARLOTTE CATHOLIC MEN’S CONFERECE Saturday, February 27th, 2016 Saint Ma hew’s Catholic Church Saturday, February 27th 2016 Charlo e Catholic Men’s Conference New endowment fund memorializes Late seminarian Michael Kitson CHARLOTTE — The Kitson family suffered a terrible loss when their son Michael died on April 27, 2014, at the age of 20. Kitson was a seminarian for the Diocese of Charlotte, and his unexpected death on Divine Mercy Sunday shocked fellow seminarians, parishioners at St. Ann Church and everyone else who knew the outgoing young man. His parents, Michael Sr. and Nancy, and his sisters Kelly and Courtney lost their beloved son and brother. The diocese lost a seminarian for the first time in its history. Now, the Seminarian Michael G. Kitson Memorial Endowment Fund is being established to benefit other collegeaged seminarians in the diocese. The endowment will be used to fund seminarians' education. On average, it costs $30,000 to house and educate each seminarian annually. This year, the diocese has 16 seminarians studying for the priesthood. “To have that title (for the endowment) ties in to what and who Michael was,” said his father. Kitson had been studying for the priesthood at the Pontifical College Josephinum in Columbus, Ohio, and priests who mentored him said after his death that Kitson “had a priestly heart” after only two years of formation. His death on Divine Mercy Sunday was “providential,” his family and friends say, as he had a devotion to the Divine Mercy even before he entered seminary. His gravesite at Belmont Abbey's cemetery features an image of the Divine Mercy, and a Divine Mercy statue was also recently dedicated at his home parish of St. Ann. As the Church prepares for Pope Francis' call for a Jubilee Year of Mercy starting on Dec. 8, mother Nancy Kitson noted the beautiful connection of her son's life and death to the Divine Mercy – a “local thread in the tapestry” of God's plan, she called it. “Michael also brought back to the forefront the devotion to the Divine Mercy Chaplet and Our Lord's promises of His Divine Mercy. He brought it to the forefront during a time of great need given today's reality,” she said. “People had forgotten, I think. We just need reminders sometimes that God's mercy is always present and there is no sin or anything we can do that is bigger than His mercy.” She added, “To have somebody like that in your midst – who could play and enjoy all sports, play tuba and piano, watch TV, have a good time and yet study hard and pray harder and die on this special day – God's fingerprints are all over this. I think the guys (at the seminary) are all witnesses to that.” As a community, the seminarians at the Pontifical College Josephinum are now praying the Chaplet together, and Kitson's influence is credited. An assistant dean at the seminary told Kitson's parents, “There have been changes in the student body itself, in the young men. The changes that I have seen in the young men in the spiritual direction I am giving to them, it is not human. It is divine.” The Pontifical College Josephinum has also installed a seven-foot image of the Divine Mercy in the stairwell leading to the pub dedicated in Kitson's name. Another image of the Divine Mercy was added to the Pope Pius X Chapel there. Father Timothy Reid, pastor of St. Ann Church, knew Kitson since early childhood and served as one of his mentors. “I am so pleased that an endowment for our seminarians has been established under Michael’s name,” Father Reid said. “Michael loved being a seminarian for our diocese, and he embodied so many of the qualities we want our future priests to have. Having an endowment named for Michael Kitson is a wonderful and fitting way for us to remember him.” Jim Kelley, director of development for the Diocese of Charlotte, is thankful that the endowment fund has been established. “Having this endowment fund will accomplish two things: Michael will be remembered in a special way for many generations, and the distributions from the endowment over time will literally impact dozens of future seminarians by helping to pay for their education. Those future priests will impact thousands of our parishioners.” Michael Sr. recalled, “Father (Matthew) Kauth, in his eulogy at Michael’s wake, called him ‘the complete package,’ saying, ‘That’s the kind of young man we need.’” Article reprinted from Catholic News Herald with permission. ~SueAnn Howell, senior reporter Donations should be made to Foundation of the Diocese of Charlotte, write “Kitson Endowment” in the memo line. Send checks to Foundation of the Diocese, 1123 South Church Street, Charlotte, NC 28203-4003 For more information please contact Judy Smith, diocesan director of gift planning at 704-370-3320 or jmsmith@charlottediocese.org You are invited to the official After Party Here is the answer to your New Year’s Resolution: Wholy Well! Wholy Well, is a free 8 week wellness program focused on lifestyle modification and behavior change to achieve and maintain a healthy weight. It is not a weight loss program, but participants who follow the recommendations often times will lose weight, report a better sense of self, better sleep, etc! The best part is that this program is both free and available at St. Michael’s beginning on Tuesday, January 26 (location to be announced). To register, please contact Debbie Davis in the parish office at 704867-6212, ext. 101. Invite a friend! Everyone is welcome! V{Ü|áàÅtá YÄÉãxÜ WÉÇtà|ÉÇá Packard, Ramirez & Robleto Families requested by Myrna Packard Deceased Members of the Mooney & Mekolites Families requested by M/M Vincent Mooney George, Margaret & Andrea Balog, Sr Teresa Benedicta OCD requested by Noelle Balog Burr & Dow Families & Friends requested by M/M Robert Burr Jack Martin requested by Joan Cassada Kathleen & Victor Stianchi, Christina & Fred Halek requested by M/M Fred Halek Our Lady of Guadalupe, Family & Friends of Candido Cruz & Isabel Trujillo Family & Friends of M/M Russell Garruto Sara Moore & Joseph Moore requested by M/M Peter Hildenbrand Lutz & Chmura Families, Ursula Lutz, Renate Kitchen requested by Bob Lutz James, Eunice & Kevin Cherry requested by M/M Joe Deaton Deceased Members of Santoro & Murgiano Families requested by M/M Al Santoro Anthony Kenny Osemeka requested by Dr & Mrs Austin Osemeka Beverly & Isaac Hornbeck, Virgil & Marie Hughlett Family & friends requested by Dr & Mrs Keigh Hughlett Our Parents requested by M/M John O’Daly Christopher, Zac, Jackie, Joseph, Matthew & Adam requested by M/M George Davis Suzanne Schmidlin, Jacqueline Risch requested by M/M Mike Schmidlin Arlene Robinson requested by M/M Michael Robinson Dr Tolbert W. Lowry, William Grad Jr. requested by Dr/Mrs. Keith Lowry Gerard Anderson requested by Jeannine Anderson Rose & Michael Petruccelli requested by M/M John Gaeto Our Lady of Guadalupe Requested by Betsy Johnson Salvatore & Theresa Tranchina requested by Lauretta Boccio Josef Horvath, Georg Betz Family, Hungarien Oma requested by Julia Horvath Nick Caruso, Bea Hurst, Lee Dobbs, Mildred Caruso, Marcia Bila requested by M/M John Dobbs The Shirley & Mann Families requested by Betty Shirley Brian Anthony requested by Ellen Roberts Michael Freeman requested by M/M Larry Davis Peter Hoe Bui, Anton Mai Vinh requested by Fantasy Nails The Correa & Gomez Families Requested by M/M Christopher Albanese Jane Kaps Hager requested by Paulette & Jerry Elmore Harvey Osborn requested by Kathy Osborn Bob & Ursula Lutz, Odell & Louise Messer, Renate Kitchen, Onkel Achim requested by Tommy & Marylou Messer Carswell Family requested by Brenda Sosebee Irene Edward Charcut, Lottie Sieka Requested by M/M Philip Charcut Roger McQuage requested by Elaine Salotti Helen & Art Waligura, Rose & David Spalding Requested by M/M Kevin Spalding George Oscar Stoute Requested by M/M Michael Stoute Family & Friends of M/M George Dow Matt & Vera Glavach requested by Pat Skinner Linda & Robert Helton Sr, Leigh Green, Mildred Hummel requested by Lureen Helton Lillie Fagala Requeasted by M/M Chip Watson Gary MacMillan requeated by LeeAnn MacMillan Sarah & Thomas O’Keefe 68th Wedding Anniversary Requested by Maureen O’Keefe Deceased Eskridge, Farris, Nichol & Moses Family Requested by M/M John Farris Ann Matovic requested by Mary Ann Albaugh Bill Horton requested by Judy Horton Michael Denny & Alice Carothers requested by Susan Denny Blanca Herrera, Jesus Herrera, Carlote Correa, Heriberto Carrea, Jose Correa requested by M/M John Herrera Lynn Crockett, Mary Jo Gammon requested by Corrinne Crockett Ernest Dow, Philip Psomadakis, Dow & Howard families requested by Betty Dow Anthony & Florence Franco requested by M/M Thomas Lynn Helena Stevens, John & Isabel DeVane requested by M/M Russell Stevens Florence Franco, Joel Henry, Mr & Mrs Sark, Katie Meserol, Deceased Family & Friends requested by Dr Julia Saluke My Parents requested by Carolyn Stabach Joseph Gallant requested by Lois Gallant Josefa Cheverez requested by Carmen Vazquez The Murawski Family requested by John Murawski Mr & Mrs J. I. Okwudiafor, Henriette Zobo requested by M/M Patrick Sery Joe & Helen Long requested by Mary Jane Garver Archie & Opal Bourque requested by M/M Grady Williams Family & Friends of the Stauch & Dubisky Families Requested by Dr/Mrs Gary Dubisky The Barker & Carrellas Families Requested by Dr/Mrs David Barker Mary Puma requested by M/M Edward Carey Family & Friends of the Fornecker Family Requested by M/M Joseph Fornecker Joseph Voltek, Mr/Mrs Gamble Requested by M/M Mark Gamble William P Thierfelder Requested by M /M William Thierfelder M/M William Tomko, M/M Philip Desmarais Requested by M/M Michael Desmarais Mercedes Torres, Zoila Ma. Rodriguez Requested by M/M Hector Pichardo Al & Jo Santoro requested by Reine Smirz M/M John Kurtiak requested by M/M Ray Kurtiak Bill & Amy Tinsdale, Sue & Jim McCormack, Pat Minihan requested by Anne Tinsdale Monetary Donations Also Received From M/M Andre Younan M/M Jaime Montealegre M/M James Belmont M/M Chris Dobbins M/M Jeff Templeton M/M William Tomko M/M Aries Catindig Mario & Maribel Ortiz Charles Jenkins Mr /Dr Peter Magennis M/M Jesus Alvarez M/M Thomas Riley M/M Paulino Vasquez Dr/Mrs George Bell Jim Hicks M/M Steve Buckley Margaret Vogt Dr/Mrs Jim McGrath M/M Bruce Urban Rita Genao M/M Buddy James Elvia Cedeno Geer M/M John Mehanna M/M Alexis Betancourth Dr/Dr Lennart Kullberg M/M Tommy Buckman M/M Michael Potuto M/M Bruce Rangel M/M Samir Gomez M/M Jack Steiner M/M Joshua Faller Mrs Elisa Ogle M/M Ariel Salazar M/M Gerald Gagnon Susan Colbert M/M Paul Gerhard Mario Rivera Elpidia Hernandez Nora Marrero Dr/Mrs Jim McGrath Christopher Hall M/M David Petro Roman Villafuerte Joaquin Escobedo Maria Vargas Belen Falcon M/M Thomas Peterson Marybel Gonzalez Garcia Dear Friends: Thank you all for your generous donations. Every effort has been made to enter your intentions correctly and I apologize for any errors made reading the many styles of handwriting or for any erroneous assumptions I was forced to make. Frangi Marin Paulina Dominguez M/M Jose Ayala Augusto Alvarez Digna Cabrera M/M Orlando Rodriguez Martin Avalos Angelica Cruz M/M Sam Calouche M/M Robert Gustashaw Benito Perez Angela Nicolas M/M Dino Dimeo Ms Riguey Gomez ML/M Santos Villafuerte BACK BY POPULAR DEMAND: MARRIAGE RETREAT 2.0 Mark your calendars for Saturday, February 6, 2016, 8 AM - 1PM at St. Michael's with Father Matthew Kauth, Retreat Leader. $10 per couple to cover breakfast costs. (See the parish website for more information) MEN’S BASKETBALL – If you are interested in playing basketball in a men’s league please contact Mark Gamble at 704-284-4988. We typically play one time a week with game start times ranging from 6pm to 9pm. The season lasts January – March and you must be at least 16 years of age to play. “IGNORANCE OF SCRIPTURE IS IGNORANCE OF CHRIST” – St. Jerome – St Michael’s wants to make sure every parishioner has access to the Holy Bible and needs your help in raising funds to provide our Parish and our School with at least 100 Bibles. Beginning in January, we will launch a Bible Drive after every Sunday Mass. Each donation of at least $10 will allow us to purchase one RSV Bible. Donations of any amount are welcome, but with a $10 donation, you will also be offered the opportunity to dedicate your bible to a particular person with a “Dedication Sticker” that will be affixed to the Bible. When you make your donation, just give us the name of the individual you are honoring and it will be added to the sticker. The first 10 Bibles will be donated to those in need, and the remaining will be housed in the Rose Room for use by the school and parish groups. For additional information or to make a donation, please refer to our Facebook Page or St. Michael’s website www.stmichaelsgastonia.org. OUR STEWARDSHIP OF TREASURE Needed each week December 13 Online Immaculate Conception $ 13,200 $ 13,108 $ 1,282 $ 2,403 2015 DSA Goal Pledged to date (174 families) $ 68,844 $ 58,243 Debt Reduction December to date $ Priest Retirement to date $ 12,260 7,520 Give Electronically at www.stmichaelsgastonia.org FOR THE GLORY OF GOD & FOR THE GOOD OF OUR PARISH: Won't you prayerfully consider giving at least one hour's wage per week to the Lord? Recycling Fundraising - Items accepted: cell phones (no charges or accessories); laptop computers, iPads & Tablets; inkjet cartridges that fit in your hand; MP3 players; digital cameras, handheld game systems, portable GPS, range finders & sky caddies; radar detectors; e-book readers; graphing calculators; gold, silver and platinum jewelry. Bring them to the parish office or the Thrift Store. Thank You for Recycling DIRECTORIO DE MINISTERIOS FINANZAS Se Necesita cada Semana December 13 Immaculate Conception $ 13,200 $ 14,390 $ 2,403 Párroco Reverendo Matthew Buettner 2015 DSA Meta To Date $ 68,844 $ 58,243 Vicaría de Gastonia - Ministerio Hispano Padre José Antonio Juya — 704- 860-3826 Colecta fundos retiro Sacerdotes $ 12,260 Coordinador General de Liturgia John Herrera — 704-616-5422 POR LA GLORIA DE DIOS PARA EL BIEN DE NUESTRA PARROQUIA: No consideraria el salario de una hora a la semana al Senor? INFORMACION PARA LOS SACRAMENTOS DEL BAUTISMO y MATRIMONIO: Hable con la Sra. Juliana para Bautizos y con Sra. María Luna para Matrimonios cuando termina la Misa. Ellas le indicará las fechas próximas de charlas para estos sacramento, así como un folleto con la información de los requisitos. BENDICION NIÑOS (AS) POR SUS 3 AÑOS O PRESENTACION POR SUS 40 DIAS: A partir del mes de septiembre, estas bendiciones especiales se llevarán a cabo el primer domingo de cada mes. Anótese con anticipación con Stephanie al terminar la Misa. CONSEJERIA ESPIRITUAL: Jueves y viernes. Llame al Padre José para que haga su cita 704-860-3826 CELEBRACION DE XV AÑOS Comunicarse con Luzmar Gómez 704-747-1770 MISA PARA BODA O XV AÑOS: Antes de los preparativos para la fiesta, debe hablar con el Padre para ver si la Iglesia está disponible para la fecha deseada. DECORACION DE LA IGLESIA PARA BODA O XV AÑOS – Hable con la Sra. Nora al 704-689-1199. CORO PARA BODA O XV AÑOS: Ya que haya acordado con el Padre la fecha, debe hablar con Rolando Espinosa 704-675-4030 al terminar la Misa para que le de información sobre el coro. Encargados de Ministros Extraordinarios de la Sagrada Comunión John Herrera — 704-616-5422 Encargado de Lectores: Luzmar Gómez — 704-869-8026 704-747-1770 Encargado de Hospitalidad Ariel y Diana Salazar—704-674-4875 Preparación Pre- Bautismal Mauricio y Juliana Betancourth — 980-329-9770 Catequesis para Niños & Jóvenes Carmen Vázquez — 813-541-3977 Catequesis para Adultos John Herrera — 704-616-5422 Ministerio de Jóvenes Ivonne Segura — 704-530-3011 Stephanie Salazar— 704-648-5056 Ministerio de Ofrendas Ariel y Diana Salazar — 704-674-4875 Ministerio de Monaguillos Mireya Rico — 704-868-6347 Charla para el Sacramento del Matrimonio María y Dioney — 704-240-8290 Ministerio del Coro Fatima Brenz — 704-862-9963 Rolando Espinoza — 704-675-4030 Comité Pastoral Hispano Reina Granadino — Coordinadora — 704-488-5976 VISITA A LOS ENFERMOS: Si tiene un familiar o amigo enfermo y desea la comunión comunicarse con Juliana Betancourth al 704-460-2411 o que el Padre José lo visite en casa o en el hospital , puede llamarlo al 704-8603826. ARTICULOS RELIGIOSOS.- Biblia, Catecismo de la MISA PARA DIFUNTOS : Todos los primeros viernes de cada mes durante la Misa de Iglesia Católica, Rosarios, Decenarios, etc. Llamar a Nora Sanación. Debe anotarse con Stephanie Salazar 704-648- 704-689-1199. 5056 una semanas antes. La Visita de la Virgen a su prima Isabel Lucas 1, 39-45. Adviento. Estas dos mujeres viven y comparten el mayor secreto que pueda Dios comunicar a los hombres. Oración introductoria «Dichosa tú, que has creído». María fue llamada dichosa, no por el hecho de ser Madre de Dios, sino por su fe. Ven, Espíritu Santo, para que esta oración aumente mi fe en el amor y en el poder de Dios, y sepa entregarme con amor y sin reservas a mi misión. Petición María, Madre mía, ayúdame a imitarte hoy en el servicio a los demás. Meditación del Papa La fidelidad del salmista nace de la escucha de la Palabra, de custodiarla en lo más íntimo, meditándola y amándola, como María, que "custodiaba, meditándolas en su corazón" las palabras que le habían sido dirigidas y los sucesos maravillosos en los que Dios se revelaba, pidiendo su sí. Y si nuestro salmo comienza con los primeros versos proclamando "beato" a "quien camina en la Ley del Señor" y a "quien custodia sus enseñanzas", es también la Virgen María la que lleva a cumplimiento la perfecta figura del creyente descrito por el salmista. Es Ella, de hecho, la verdadera "beata", proclamada como tal por Isabel por "haber creído que se cumplirá lo que te fue anunciado de parte del Señor", y es de Ella y de su fe de quien el mismo Jesús da testimonio cuando, a la mujer que gritaba "Bendito el seno que te ha llevado", responde: "Felices más bien los que escuchan la Palabra de Dios y la practican". Cierto, María es bendita porque en su seno llevó al Salvador, pero sobre todo porque acogió el anuncio de Dios, porque fue una guardiana atenta y amorosa de su Palabra. Benedicto XVI, 9 de noviembre de 2011.. Reflexión El evangelio de San Lucas nos narra el Anuncio del ángel a María como "de puntillas", con gran respeto, venerando a los protagonistas de este diálogo único. Hoy, sin embargo, asistimos a aquella "segunda anunciación". La que el Espíritu Santo revela a santa Isabel en el momento de reconocer en María a la Madre de su Señor. Estas dos mujeres viven y comparten el mayor secreto que pueda Dios comunicar a los hombres, y lo hacen con una naturalidad sorprendente. Por su parte, María, la llena de gracia, no sólo no se queda ociosa en su casa. Ser Madre de Dios no desdice un ápice de su condición de mujer humilde, de modo que va en ayuda de su prima. Isabel, por su parte, anuncia, inspirada por el Espíritu, una gran verdad: la felicidad está en el creer al Señor. Cuando alguien se profesa cristiano, su fe y su vida; lo que cree y cómo lo vive, son dos esferas que están íntimamente unidas. Quien piense que "creer" es sólo profesar un credo religioso, adherir a una religión o a unos dogmas, quizás tiene una pobre visión del término. Porque cuando se cree de verdad se empieza a gustar las delicias con que Dios regala a las almas que le buscan con sinceridad. La pedagogía de Dios es tan sabia que sabe impulsarnos, dándonos a saborear su felicidad, -que es inmensa e incomparable-, cuando somos fieles. Es un gozo que, sin casi quererlo, nos lleva a más, nos invita a entregarnos con más generosidad a la realización de un plan que va más allá de nuestra visión humana. Isabel reconoce en su prima esa felicidad porque ha creído, pero además porque en consecuencia, su vida ya no respondía a un plan trazado por ella, sino por su Señor. Ella estaba también encinta ¿por qué era necesario un viaje en las condiciones de aquel tiempo...? Preguntémonos, si hoy queremos ser felices, ¿cómo va mi fe en la presencia de Dios en mi vida? Si lucho por aceptarla y vivirla ya tengo el primer requisito para mi felicidad. Aunque tenga que trabajar y sufrir, sabré en todo momento que Dios está a mi lado, como lo estuvo de María y de Isabel. Propósito Vivir hoy con la resolución de servir, por amor, a las personas con las que convivo. Diálogo con Cristo María, gracias por enseñarme a entregar mi voluntad a Dios, a no querer cumplir todos mis deseos, por muy importantes que me puedan parecer, a saber dejar todo en manos de nuestro Padre y Señor. Quiero imitar tu bondad y disposición para ayudar a los demás. Intercede por mí para que sepa imitar esas virtudes que más agradan a tu Hijo, nuestro Señor. La Navidad, su verdadero significado 1.- LA FIESTA DE LA NAVIDAD: La fiesta de Navidad fue instituida por la Iglesia en el siglo IV y es originaria de la Iglesia latina y mas propiamente de la Sede Apostólica de Roma. Por falta de documentos exactos sobre el nacimiento de nuestro Señor, no existe una certeza absoluta acerca del año, que algunos escritores sagrados y profanos señalan entre el 747 y 749 de la fundación de Roma (del 7 al 5 A.C.), y del día, que han hecho oscilar entre el 25 de marzo y el 17 de diciembre. Hay pruebas del este griego y del oeste latino donde los cristianos intentaban averiguar la fecha del nacimiento de Cristo mucho antes de que lo empezaran a celebrar de una forma litúrgica, incluso en los siglos II y III. De hecho, las pruebas indican que la atribución a la fecha de 25 de diciembre fue una consecuencia de los intentos por determinar cuándo se debía celebrar su muerte y resurrección. 2.- EL 25 DE DICIEMBRE Y LA NAVIDAD: La Navidad se celebra el 25 de diciembre, (visitar el enlace del párrafo anterior para más información sobre el tema). Navidad no es el 24 de diciembre, es TODO el 25 de diciembre. Eso sí: Navidad NO ES LA CELEBRACION DE UNA FECHA, SINO DE UN HECHO, el nacimiento del Salvador, evento absolutamente decisivo en la historia de la salvación. Es entonces una conmemoración del significado de ese hecho. Se lee en las profecías: Porque un niño nos ha nacido, un hijo se nos ha dado; le ponen en el hombro el distintivo del rey y proclaman su nombre: "Consejero admirable, Dios fuerte, Padre que no muere, príncipe de la Paz." (Is 9, 5) Ese hecho fue de tal magnitud que todo el cielo lo celebró: De pronto una multitud de seres celestiales aparecieron junto al ángel, y alababan a Dios con estas palabras: "Gloria a Dios en lo más alto del cielo y en la tierra paz a los hombres: ésta es la hora de su gracia". (Lc 2, 13-14) Nosotros, los beneficiados con este hecho, tenemos no solamente motivos sino una verdadera obligación de celebrarlo. Como lo importante es el significado, todo lo anterior se resume en que debemos ser conscientes de que hubo un día en el que Dios encarnado llegó a nuestras vidas, las cuales deben estar listas para fructificar bajo su luz ("Yo soy la luz del mundo" dijo Jesús en Jn 8, 12), de aquí que la temporada de adviento sea de penitencia y reflexión (ese es el sentido del color morado en los trajes de los sacerdotes en las misas, el mismo color de la cuaresma). Como dijo el Santo Padre Juan Pablo II: "Jesús nace para la humanidad que busca libertad y paz; nace para todo hombre oprimido por el pecado, necesitado de salvación y sediento de esperanza." 3.- LA NAVIDAD CRISTIANA Y LA NAVIDAD CONSUMISTA: Navidad es una fiesta que está bajo un ataque tremendo en estos últimos tiempos. Santa Claus ha tomado el lugar de Jesús-niño y el mall o el centro comercial ha tomado el lugar del templo. Que triste que el Domingo antes de Navidad los estacionamientos de las Iglesias estén vacíos y en los centros comerciales sea una hazaña encontrar un lugar donde estacionar el automovil. Dice la Palabra de Dios:"Donde está tu tesoro, allí esta tu corazón" (Mat.6:21) ¿Dónde está tu corazón? ¿En un centro comercial?…. ¿Cuando llegue la tribulación a tu vida, a donde vas a ir a buscar consuelo y paz? ¿Al centro comercial? Navidad es una fiesta de cumpleaños donde se le compran regalos a todos menos al niño que se festeja. Donde se hace una fiesta y no se invita al homenajeado, donde hoy -tristemente- se trata de que no se mencione el nombre del niño que nació, su nombre es Jesús. El Apóstol Pablo, un hombre que un día fue su enemigo y que se rindió a El, dice que: frente a ese nombre se doblará toda rodilla en el cielo, en la tierra, y hasta en el infierno y a este "nombre sobre todo nombre" lo queremos borrar de nuestras vidas. Que esta Navidad sea otra ocasión para el nacimiento de Jesús pero en nuestro corazón, lo que supone que nazcamos a la nueva vida como El mismo nos lo enseñó: "En verdad te digo que nadie puede ver el Reino de Dios si no nace de nuevo desde arriba". Nicodemo le dijo: "¿Cómo renacerá el hombre ya viejo? ¿Quién volverá al vientre de su madre para nacer otra vez?" Jesús le contestó: "En verdad te digo: El que no renace del agua y del Espíritu no puede entrar en el Reino de Dios. Lo que nace de la carne es carne, y lo que nace del Espíritu es espíritu". (Jn 3, 4-6) PRÓXIMAS ACTIVIDADES Y REUNIONES Diciembre Diciembre 22 Martes 24 Jueves 7:00 PM Emaus Diciembre 25 Viernes FELIZ NAVIDAD! Diciembre 26 Sábado MINISTERIO DE AYUDA SOCIAL-CARIDAD Si sabe de alguna familia que esté en necesidad y desee recibir una despensa, puede contactar al Señor Gaudencio Alvarado (980) 320-5587 A LA COMUNIDAD EN GENERAL Si desean contribuir con algún producto como: aceite para cocinar, sal, papel higiénico, champú, pasta dental, o aporte económico etc., llame a Gaudencio Alvarado para hacer su donación. De antemano le damos las gracias en nombre de todas las familias a las cuales se entregarán los productos recibidos. G R A C I A S SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM Baptisms are held at 2 pm on Saturdays. Baptism is the most important moment of our life. Infants should be baptized in the first few weeks. Parents AND godparents must attend the preparation class (held every 2nd Saturday) preferably before the child is born. Parents need to be registered in the parish, pledge to raise the child as a practicing Catholic, and must also be practicing the faith by attending Holy Mass every Sunday. Godparents are considered Catholic role models. Therefore, they must have received all sacraments, including Confirmation, and must be attending Holy Mass every Sunday. If they are married, they must have received the sacrament of Holy Matrimony in the Catholic Church. Please come to the parish office to register for the class and bring a copy of the child’s birth certificate when it becomes available. SACRAMENT OF HOLY MATRIMONY Couples should make an appointment with the priest at the time of engagement, and at least six months before any proposed wedding date to begin preparations. The couple should be registered, active members of our parish, which means that all Catholic parties are attending Holy Mass every Sunday, contributing to the financial needs of the parish, and are engaged in the spiritual and social life of our parish family. All Weddings are celebrated inside the Church on Saturday at 10 AM or 12 PM. MARRIAGE TRIBUNAL ADVOCATE Call Mrs. Rita Kincaid at 704-907-3607 or rkincaid@carolina.rr.com SACRAMENT OF ANOINTING OF THE SICK Please call to set a time before serious surgery (after Sunday or daily Mass is good) or any time in an emergency. DEVOTIONS Wednesday: 5:00 PM Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament 5:50 PM Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament First Fridays: 10 PM Thursday – 8 AM Friday: Nocturnal Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament 9 AM - 7 PM All Day Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament Saturdays: 8:15 AM Miraculous Medal Novena 8:15 AM Mass in Latin (not 1st Sat) Fridays of Lent: 6 PM Stations of the Cross PARISH PASTORAL & FINANCE COUNCIL MEMBERS Pastoral Council Fr Matthew Buettner Linda Mooney Reine Smirz Margaret Vogt David Barker Brian Gawronski Sheila Levesque Tim Mueller Theresa Ostendorf Fr Jose A Juya Lonikay Templeton Anne Tinsdale Johanna Pichardo Mitch Foreman Theresa Webster John Herrera Liz Baechel Finance Council Maureen O’Keefe, Vince Mooney Juliana Betancourt, John Guglielmetti, Riguey Gomez, Dawn Nielson HOLY COMMUNION AT HOME Please contact Sr. Carolyn Mary Coll at 704-813-1425 or mercy1827.9@gmail.comto make arrangements. ATTENTION NEWCOMERS Have you completed a parish registration form? CATECHISM, 1ST PENANCE, 1ST COMMUNION, CONFIRMATION , YOUTH MINISTRY BECOMING A CATHOLIC/RCIA Contact the Director of Religious Ed. Theresa Webster tmwebster@stmichaelsgastonia.org / 704-867-6212 ext 114 THRIFT STORE 1111 S. York Rd, 704-864-8646. Open Tuesday through Friday 10 AM - 5 PM & Saturday from 10 AM until 4 PM. ST VINCENT DE PAUL MINISTRY If you have a financial or material emergency, please call the parish office. If not, please see a Greeter after Mass for a registration form today! 620950 St. Michael Church 708 Saint Michael’s Lane Gastonia, NC 28052 704-867-6212 Contact: Debbie Davis dgdavis@charlottediocese.org Software Using: Win XP Publisher 2007 Adobe 9.0 Transmit @ Tuesday, 11 am Special Instructions: Thank You.