- CURE Childhood Cancer


- CURE Childhood Cancer
Imagine The Day
When Childhood Cancer Is History.
Because We Made It History.
Scientists are turning up
even as we turn these pages
Letter From The Executive Director . . . . . 4
Our Story Begins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
2013 – 2014 Donors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
Financial Highlights . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
Organization Information . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
thank you
We are extremely grateful to our partners who made this Annual Report possible.
Our sincere thanks to Lynn Crow Photography and Standard Press for their
generous donations of photography services and printing, allowing us to report
to you, our donors, the impact of your support.
let ter from the e x ecu t iv e dir ector
D ea r F r ie nd s ,
It is with great pride and humility that we present to you CURE Childhood Cancer’s 2013-2014
Annual Report. We are eager to share with you the incredible difference you made over the past
12 months for children with cancer and their families.
With your help, we awarded nearly $2.5 million in grants to support research initiatives all with the
goal of improving survival for those battling childhood cancer. Funding was awarded to scientists at
the Af lac Cancer and Blood Disorders Center of Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta, Winship Cancer
Institute, MD Anderson Cancer Center, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center and St. Jude
Children’s Research Hospital. With our funds, the talented team of researchers tackled everything
ranging from genetic testing and analysis to new drug therapies to survivorship issues. We funded
clinical trials that are literally saving lives today.
Supporting patients and their families is paramount to us, and you enabled us to do this well. In
total, our busy patient and family services team-with the help of dedicated volunteers-served lunch
and dinner to more than 8,000 hospitalized patients, parents, siblings and nurses. They delivered
1847 brown bag lunches-more than twice as many as last year!-to parents of hospitalized children
in Atlanta and Savannah, more than 476 snack bags to patients and families in Atlanta, Savannah,
Augusta and Macon and more than 210 toiletry bags. We distributed 236 CURE totes at diagnosis
full of practical items and tips from other families who have walked the childhood cancer journey.
We awarded 188 families more than $90,000 in emergency financial assistance, and 46 families
$15,000 in transportation assistance. We distributed an additional $21,950 in gas, grocery and
pharmacy cards to families in need.
Families let us know the difference this support made to them. One mother wrote, “Many times
I am still amazed at just how many tiny little connections we have with other families who have
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experienced this same journey as we have... Then right there in the middle of all of it is CURE and
you super awesome folks who have become our family as well.”
A father shared with us, “The day we got to the Af lac Cancer Center f loor, a volunteer from
CURE dished up a good Italian meal for me. I’m not sure I could have done it myself – my hands
were shaky and I don’t think I had eaten in at least two days. Serving meals seems like such a little
thing and it is such a big thing, in reality. I know CURE is much more than that, but it is a great
hands-on service to the patients and family.”
We also hosted spectacular holiday parties in both Atlanta and Savannah and matched 66 donors
with families needing holiday assistance. In February, we held our largest ever Weekend of Hope
and Healing for families who have lost children to cancer, and last August, we held a marriage
enrichment workshop for parents who have lost children to cancer. We launched a new counseling
program, enabling families to receive professional counseling at minimal to no cost.
Through all of our efforts, our ultimate goal is to cure a cruel disease and help our families through
one of life’s most difficult trials. We can only do our work with the support of many, many people,
organizations, groups and businesses. We are grateful you enable our work and grateful for the
opportunity to be the instruments through which this important work is done. Thank you, from the
bottom of our hearts for giving so much to CURE.
W it h hop e ,
K r is t i n C on nor
E xe c ut iv e D i re c tor
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The research for a cure is working
Not long ago, a cancer diagnosis was a death sentence for a child. Today,
nearly 80 % of children with cancer survive.
The scientific progress is dramatic, considering the complex science of
childhood cancers. There are many types and subtypes, each requiring
specific research to develop the most effective treatment.
Still, the relentless passion of scientists and their continuing breakthroughs
aren’t just encouraging — they are creating new medical realities. More
effective drug therapies. More clinical trials. More collaborative research
by oncologists and scientists exploring different avenues to a cure.
Cancer in a child is ferocious. But today’s growing scientific intelligence and
better treatments can detect and kill cancer cells faster and more effectively.
Without killing a child’s healthy cells. Scientists are outthinking the cancers
in children. As always, this research is driven by funding.
Your investment in CURE over the past year has funded the work and
scientific advances of the brilliant, persevering researchers you will read
about in this report.
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ANDREW’S story
“ We Ha d to Tu r n O u r Fea r of thi s C ance r into Fighting it ,
W ith All We Ha d .”
— Andrew’s Mom
A child’s health is always top-of-mind to parents. The
usual suspects-ear aches, tummy trouble and feversound the alarm. But in June 2013, over the course of
a long weekend, Andrew Hall’s health took a nosedive
beyond that of a normal 11-month-old. He couldn’t
hold a sitting position in the bathtub without toppling
over. When Andrew crawled, his legs dragged behind
him. His spunky little body went limp from the waist
down. For Andrew’s parents, the terrible fear of the
unknown set in.
At the ER, x-rays of Andrew’s hips and legs ruled
out injury. But Andrew’s dad, Jon, asked for another
x-ray because of a “bump” he saw on his son’s back.
The x-ray starkly revealed a solid tumor growing
around and into Andrew’s spinal cord. The pressure
on the spinal cord had finally, secretly, stopped any
movement of Andrew’s legs from the waist down.
Andrew, barely into his brand new life, was diagnosed
with stage IV neuroblastoma. The boy’s mom and dad
were numbed by the raw reality that cancer had come
out of nowhere and now had a horrible grip on their
tiny son. As his mom says, “Andrew trusted us with
his life. So now we had to stiffen and trust the doctors
and God. We told Andrew’s two sisters that their little
brother had cancer. The six-year-old asked if Andrew
would lose his hair. The three-year-old asked for a
popsicle. And, with that, we went forward.”
Andrew underwent a four-hour surgery to save him
from paralysis. Eight rounds of chemotherapy and
another critically delicate surgery to remove 90%
of the tumor followed. Like so many kids dealing
with cancer in the hospital, Andrew’s spunk inspired
everyone every day. Lying on his back, stationary for
ten days, Andrew’s response was to smile and wave in
his belief that he was winning. Affirming that, tshirts
reading “Andrew’s Waves of Courage” were printed
for friends and family.
Andrew is now two years old. He goes through
frequent scans as his parents wait and watch to see if
the tumor that remains in his little body is cancerous.
Andrew’s mom adds, “The support from our friends
and family was amazing. CURE came into our lives
as soon as Andrew was diagnosed. They took care of
us and graciously fed us in the hospital. They are an
amazing organization. We’ve already volunteered at
CURE and helped raise money to help other families
cope with a child with cancer.”
Yes, we’re all in this together.
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research projects
T he Lifesaving R esea rch CU R E F u nded in 2 013-2 014
CURE Childhood Cancer funded nearly $2.5 million in pediatric cancer research initiatives, representing
the largest annual investment in the organization’s history. The grants supported 17 research projects
at the Aflac Cancer and Blood Disorders Center of Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta; MD Anderson
Cancer Center; Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center; St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital; and the
Winship Cancer Institute of Emory University. The grants also bought imaging equipment and supported
two research fellowships and a third, newly endowed fellowship at the Aflac Cancer Center.
“Bench to bedside” our funding and clinical trials were a crucial focus of our funding. This type of
research is imperative because most of the current drug therapies are designed for adult patients.
Research is needed to understand the efficacy and safety for children.
CUR E’s 2013-2014 Research Initiative Included Support for the Following Research Projects:
A therapy trial study of
PEG-interferon in pediatric
patients with refractory and
low-grade glioma (LGG).
This study will be the first
of its kind in pediatric
Dr. Dolly Aguilera, Aflac
Cancer and Blood Disorders
Center of Children’s
Healthcare of Atlanta
A renewed grant for
work with combined
drug therapies involving
the combination of
natural killers (NK)
cells with an inhaled
immunologic molecule,
interleukin-2 (IL-2) in
the treatment of pediatric
osteosarcoma patients
suffering a relapse.
Dr. Eugenie Kleinerman,
MD Anderson Cancer
A first-in-the-world
project testing the
therapeutic potential
of NK (natural killer)
cells in pediatric brain
Dr. David Sandberg
and Dr. Dean Lee, MD
Anderson Cancer Center
A continuing Phase II
clinical trial using the drug
Abatacept to prevent acute
(GvHD) in pediatric
leukemia patients.
Dr. Leslie Kean, Aflac
Cancer and Blood Disorders
Center of Children’s
Healthcare of Atlanta
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A study to evaluate
the effectiveness of the
tumor suppressor BAII in
blocking medulloblastoma
(brain tumor), for testing
on pediatric patients.
Dr. Erwin G. Van Meir,
Winship Cancer Institute of
Emory University
A study to test drugs
that block the function
of the WIP1 gene
and their effects on
medulloblastoma growth
and metastasis.
Dr. Robert Craig Castellino,
Aflac Cancer and Blood
Disorders Center of
Children’s Healthcare
of Atlanta
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Development of
drug therapies for
medulloblastoma to
block a protein called
Arll3b that causes many
medulloblastoma tumors.
A study to isolate
Shh and related
proteins which allow
tumors to thrive and
survive, for therapeutic
approaches in treating
medulloblastoma in
future human trials.
Dr. Tamara Caspary,
in conjunction with
Aflac Cancer Center
and Emory University’s
Genetics Department
Dr. Anna Kenny,
Aflac Cancer and Blood
Disorders Center of
Children’s Healthcare
of Atlanta
“We are so proud of the work we
are funding with the help of our
donors. We are encouraged by the
results achieved over the course of
the year and feel conf ident the work
we are funding will yield more
ef fective and less toxic treatments
for children with cancer.”
- Kristin Connor Executive Director, CURE Childhood Cancer
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research projects
A study to identify the
biomarkers that determine
high-risk neuroblastoma
tumors and their
response to therapies,
particularly retinoic acid
(RA) in pediatric cancer
Dr. Kelly Goldsmith,
Aflac Cancer and Blood
Disorders Center of
Children’s Healthcare
of Atlanta
A study to investigate the
potential development
of MX69 as an effective
anti-tumor drug for
treating children suffering
from neuroblastoma.
Dr. Lubing Gu,
Aflac Cancer and Blood
Disorders Center of
Children’s Healthcare
of Atlanta
A research study to
assess the feasibility
of developing drug
compounds into anticancer treatment drugs
for pediatric cancer
patients with acute
lymphoblastic leukemia
Dr. Muxiang Zhou,
Aflac Cancer and Blood
Disorders Center of
Children’s Healthcare
of Atlanta
A continuing study
targeting aberrant
survival signaling in
high risk leukemia in
order to treat chemoresistant tumors and
prevent future relapses.
Dr. Kevin Bunting,
Aflac Cancer and Blood
Disorders Center of
Children’s Healthcare
of Atlanta
CU R E ’s resea rch de ci sion s a re g uided b y ou r S cie ntif ic Advi so r y C ou ncil
CURE’s Scientific Advisory Council (SAC) is a group of experts who review research proposals for
scientific merit and against the goals set by CURE’s Board of Directors. The SAC then makes funding
recommendations to the Board. Members include: Kevin L. Karem, PhD – Microbiologist, Council Chair;
Terry Ades, DNP, FNP-BC, AOCN – Director, Cancer Information, American Cancer Society; Carlos
Alvarado, MD – Emeritus Professor, Emory University; John D. Bergsagel, MD – Oncologist, Children’s
Healthcare of Atlanta and Assistant Professor of Pediatrics, Department of Pediatrics, Emory University
School of Medicine; Leon Bernal-Mizrachi, MD – Assistant Professor of Hematology and Medical
Oncology, Winship Cancer Institute of Emory University; William H. Chambers, PhD – Director, Clinical
Cancer Research and Immunology, American Cancer Society; Harry Findley, PhD – Emeritus Professor,
Emory University; Richard J. Woodcock, MD – Neuro-radiologist, MRI & Imaging of Georgia.
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“CUR E’s faithful support and belief
in our research team means so much to
our faculty and our patients’ families.
It says we are partners in taking
care of our children.”
- Dr. William Woods Director of the Aflac Cancer and Blood Disorders
Center of Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta
A tumor-cataloging study
of pediatric renal tumors
for common genetic
markers, an important
first step in understanding
the genetic basis of
childhood kidney cancers
and developing the best
treatments to target them.
Dr. Bahig Shehata,
Aflac Cancer and Blood
Disorders Center of Children’s
Healthcare of Atlanta
A study to determine if
telemedicine is effective
in improving access
to pediatric cancer
survivorship care that is
closer to home, to better
serve and reach pediatric
cancer survivors.
Drs. Betsy Record and
Ann Mertens, Cancer
Survivorship Program,
of Children’s Healthcare
of Atlanta.
A feasibility study
to determine the
likelihood of adolescent
and young adult
survivors utilizing an
electronic personal
health record (ePHR)
as they transition to
adult care.
Dr. Jordan Gilleland,
Cancer Survivorship
Program of Children’s
Healthcare of Atlanta.
research entitled,
“Hemotopoietic Cell
Transplantation and
Natural Killer therapy
in Neuroblastoma.”
Via The Press On
Fund, at St. Jude
Children’s Research
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F unding Fellowships
Because the future for children with cancer rests on the doctors and researchers who are training
today, CURE fully funds two pediatric oncology fellows at the Emory University School of Medicine
each year. This year, CURE continued to fund two outstanding fellows, Dr. Jonathan Metts and
Dr. David Siegel. We also funded a third, newly-endowed fellowship.
D r . J o n a t h a n M e t t s ( Th e S a m R o b b F e l l o w )
“Besides the extensive training, I have been inspired by
relationships with patients and families. I hope to continue
to see and treat patients in the clinic, focusing mainly on
leukemia and lymphoma and novel therapies to improve
patient outcomes.”
D r . D av i d S i e g e l
“I enjoy this collaborative and educational workplace.
After this training, I hope to apply my skills to a career in
oncology, both taking care of patients and researching how to
improve the quality of care of cancer patients and survivors.”
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ANA’S story
“ Telling You r Child She C an L et G o i s the Ha rdest T hing
We Have Eve r D one .”
— Ana’s parents
No one tells the story of Ana Hardt better than her
mother, Diana. She shares, “Ana was seven and had
just started second grade. It was September 2010. I had
started to notice Ana’s inability to run, falling down
more and more, a weakness on her left side, heavy, loud
breathing. I thought she was possibly experiencing a
stroke. Our doctor told us to rush to Scottish Rite in
Atlanta immediately. We knew it was serious.
Ana would go on with a normal life. She would
have a graduation, go to college, and even have a
wedding. But in October 2011, my husband Chuck
and I noticed a few issues creeping back — the
slurring, falling down, declining stamina, even the
horrible heavy/loud breathing. The terror was back,
and it cut our hearts like a knife. Ana was at month
thirteen since her diagnosis.
Then a CT scan. The doctor told us that Ana had a
brain tumor. We were in shock. A bomb had been
dropped on us, our emotions were crushed, the crying
was nonstop. The doctor informed us there would
be no surgery; this type of cancer isn’t curable. Most
children don’t make it past 12 to 18 months. But he
informed us of a clinical trial going on that he wanted
Ana to participate in. The pain, fear, anger, guilt and
confusion set in. Our minds were going 100 miles an
hour. Why is this happening? Surely something can be
done. Tell us this.
November 2011 and another MRI. Our fingers were
crossed. Then the sinking news — there was no more
hope. A month later, we were told that Ana may only
last a few more months. We cried until there were no
more tears. We asked over and over: ‘What did we
do to deserve this?’ We pulled it together to break
the news to Ana’s brother and sister, Nick and Abby.
We relayed their messages to Ana and it seemed to
comfort her. We talked of heaven and being together
there. Then cancer took our baby girl. And we cursed
the horror of it.
By December 2010, Ana was barely able to walk;
she barely smiled or talked. She was so depressed.
It was heartbreaking. We would no more catch our
breath when another issue would start. And another
and another. No matter how sick she became, Ana
would smile and say, ‘I’m good.’ In January 2011, we
started double chemo. Ana started to walk again,
even run. She could use her arm and leg again. The
feeling of being normal was so comforting to her.
Ana would be the first child to beat this strain of
disease. That’s what we forced ourselves to think.
We walked in a fog for weeks. The ache follows us
everywhere. But we go on, as does the world. We
eventually found a new norm. We see things a little
differently. We accept more flaws. We help those in
need more quickly. We think of the good memories.
Ana was brave, she was strong, she was happy. And
she was loved and is missed by everyone. And to those,
Ana is saying with that smile, ‘I’m good’.”
Some children are destined to be stars. Some are called
higher — to be angels.
support progr ams
No Family Should Walk This Difficult Journey Alone
When a child is stricken with cancer, a family is overwhelmed by shock, fear and sadness. CURE’s Patient
and Family Services programs are crisis-oriented. We respond quickly and appropriately to each family’s
pressing and ongoing needs with compassionate, practical and tangible help.
CURE recognizes the difficulties a childhood cancer diagnosis can present, which is why we believe so
strongly in early outreach. Families facing a diagnosis need to know they are not alone. We reach families as
soon after diagnosis as possible. CURE Totes are given to families at diagnosis, marking the beginning of our
relationship with, and our commitment to the patients and their families throughout this difficult journey.
The CURE Tote includes items which families will find particularly useful, such as a resource booklet written
by parents who have experienced diagnosis and treatment. In 2013-2014, we delivered 236 CURE Totes
to families facing a new diagnosis. We followed up with families thoughtfully and strategically by sending
“touches” or handwritten notes to let them know we are a resource for them. CURE staff made hospital
and clinic visits several times a week to connect with newly diagnosed patients and families, and those
further along in treatment. Our volunteers were there to serve lunches and dinners weekly. The constant and
reassuring presence of our CURE team is a healing comfort in a most trying time.
In order to ease some of the devastating financial burdens a diagnosis of childhood cancer can cause,
CURE provides emergency financial assistance to families in need. CURE staff work with hospital social
workers to determine a family’s eligibility for assistance and pay vendors and service providers directly to
help with such things as housing, utilities, out of pocket medical expenses and transportation costs.
In 2013-2014, CURE assisted:
• 127 families at Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta — $58,624
• 14 families at Children’s Hospital at Memorial in Savannah — $8,615
• 9 families at Georgia Regent Medical Center in Augusta — $3,540
• 4 families at Medical Center of Central Georgia in Macon — $1,965
• 33 families in states outside of Georgia — $16,357
• Additional gas, grocery and pharmacy cards distributed to families — $19,150
The Ramie A. Tritt Family Foundation has been a generous supporter of CURE for years, making annual
gifts to research. After hearing CURE Executive Director Kristin Connor relate story after story of
families’ struggles with transporting their children to the hospital for treatment, the Tritt family steered
their generosity to help this situation. “We wanted to alleviate transportation concerns for families and
allow them to focus on the most important part, the health of their child,” explains Lorne Tritt. The fund
provided help with car payments, gas cards, taxi vouchers, airfare and parking vouchers for families in need.
fifty-seven families received more than $15,000 in transportation assistance.
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support progr ams
To help defray the overwhelming out-of-pocket expenses that come with lengthy hospital stays, and to
provide families with much needed one on one support and fellowship, CURE staff and volunteers serve
dinner each Thursday night and lunch each Tuesday at the Scottish Rite and Egleston campuses of the
Aflac Cancer and Blood Disorders Center of Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta. CURE staff also provide
weekly lunches to inpatient families at Children’s Memorial in Savannah. The dinners give families
welcomed opportunities to connect with other families sharing a similar journey. CURE staff and
volunteers serve not only meals, but smiles, hugs, words of encouragement. And hope.
CURE served 104 Open Arms dinners to nearly 9,000 patients, family members and hospital staff. 64
Open Arms lunches were served to 2,560 patients, family members and hospital staff. 1,847 Brown Bag
lunches, an extension of our Open Arms program, were delivered to Scottish Rite and Egleston campuses
for patient caregivers. Also, as part of our Open Arms programs, we deliver snack bags for families who
may have unexpectedly long outpatient clinic visits or unexpected hospital admissions. Or perhaps when
siblings have to come along and need a snack. In 2013-2014, we delivered 476 snack bags to families. We
also delivered toiletry bags to 210 families.
“I just want to say thank you. Sometimes we have little to no food in our room and no money to go to the
cafeteria. As a stepmother of a child with cancer, thank you so much for all you do.”
In August 2013, CURE launched a very significant new program as a pilot, our Partners in Caring
Counseling Program. A needs assessment revealed that families were suffering emotionally from issues
arising from childhood cancer hitting their households, and many were unable to receive the professional
help they need because of the cost of counseling. CURE partnered with the Summit Counseling Center to
offer families professional counseling at little to no cost. Families were able to use the allotted counseling
sessions according to their needs — whether grief support, family counseling or individual counseling.
During our 2013-2014 pilot year, the Summit provided 38 counseling sessions. We are looking forward to
broadly expanding this program next year.
“I should have been there for my son on the night of his death. After counseling sessions, my depression
lifted completely. For two years, I knew I was stuck, and this got me moving forward again.”
We grieve the loss of each and every child who does not survive cancer. Our hearts ache to comfort our
families when the unthinkable happens. Each year, we host a Weekend of Hope and Healing, providing
families who have lost children the opportunity to come together to remember their children and receive
tools to help them through their grief journeys. In February 2014, 121 parents attended the weekend. In
one parent’s words, “CURE was with me in the days gripped with fear and disbelief. Thank you for your
friendship, fellowship, hugs, smiles and tears.”
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In August 2013, CURE hosted a pilot Marriage Enrichment Workshop program for bereaved couples.
Our first six couples attended the workshop to strengthen and deepen their relationship through effective
communication strategies. We plan to build on this successful workshop in future years.
We know that many parents who lose children to cancer fear their children will be forgotten. On the
anniversary of a child’s death, CURE sends personal cards to families, reminding them that their child
will never be forgotten by CURE. In 2013-2014, we mailed 294 handwritten cards. We often hear from
families saying how this small gesture is so impactful to them.
When a child is nearing end of life, families sit in constant vigil at the child’s bedside, unwilling or
unable to leave the room. While we know we cannot ease the pain of these families, we do want to offer
loving comfort. In these circumstances, we deliver CURE Comfort Baskets, filled with fresh fruit,
snacks, gum, peppermints, coffee, tea, hot chocolate, coffee mugs, chapstick, lotions, tissues and other
items which hopefully offer a small but caring comfort to the families. In 2013-2014, we delivered 10
Comfort Baskets to families.
The holidays are typically a time of joy, gifts and fellowship. But for families battling cancer, time and
finances are constrained. For them, holidays take a back seat. This year, CURE hosted two holiday
parties, in Atlanta and Savannah, for families of children who were diagnosed with cancer. Also, through
the Holiday Angels program, generous individuals and companies “adopted” a CURE family and donated
gifts for the family’s children. On Thanksgiving, Christmas Eve and Christmas, children and families
at Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta at Scottish Rite and Egleston were treated to festive meals donated
by Copeland’s of New Orleans, Whole Foods of Briarcliff and Church’s Chicken. CURE staff, board
members and volunteers graciously spent holiday time in the hospital, serving families.
named funds
T he St rong , Stea dy Sup po r t of Nam ed F u nd s .
Named Funds offer a way for friends, family members, neighbors, colleagues and others to commemorate a
child who has battled cancer or an individual who has demonstrated a dedication to the field of childhood
cancer. In 2013-2014, CURE’s Named Funds raised an astounding $632,610.
T h e C a r l o s S . A lva r a d o , M . D. P e d i a t r i c C a n c e r R e s e a r c h F u n d
This fund is named in honor of Dr. Carlos Alvarado, a dedicated pediatric oncologist who
retired in 2009 after nearly three decades of service at Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta.
Dr. Alvarado skillfully and compassionately cared for children with cancer while also
contributing signif icantly to a search for a cure through his research efforts. The Carlos
S. Alvarado, M.D. Pediatric Research Fund has continued his work into the future by
funding lifesaving research at the Af lac Cancer and Blood Disorders Center of Children’s
Healthcare of Atlanta.
T h e Tr e n t o n W. K i n d r e d R e s e a r c h F u n d
This fund is named in honor of Trenton Kindred, diagnosed with stage IV neuroblastoma
just after his first birthday. Trenton is a survivor, now 11, playing football and living life to
the fullest, notwithstanding health challenges from the extensive treatment he received to
save his life. Believing a cure for neuroblastoma is possible in our lifetime, the Kindred family
is dedicated to furthering research for other children. In 2013-2014, the Trenton Kindred
Research Fund raised more than $43,000 to support neuroblastoma research spearheaded
by Dr. Kelly Goldsmith at the Aflac Cancer and Blood Disorders Center of Children’s
Healthcare of Atlanta.
P r e s s O n To C u r e C h i l d h o o d C a n c e r
The Press On Fund was formed in June 2006, by Stephen and Erin Chance after their threeyear-old son, Patrick, was diagnosed with stage IV neuroblastoma. Three years later, the
Simkins family — lifelong friends of the Chances — had their own run-in with childhood
cancer, when Brennan Simkins was diagnosed with acute myeloid leukemia (AML) on the
eve of his 7th birthday. While the source of Brennan’s AML is a chromosomal abnormality,
Brennan is at high risk for developing treatment-related AML. With both boys battling cancer,
the Simkins and Chance families banded together and expanded the mission of the Press On
Fund to include research for AML. Tragically but heroically, Patrick Chance passed away on his
9th birthday — January 9, 2012. The Press On Fund provides grants to scientists conducting
research aimed at developing novel, targeted therapies for neuroblastoma and AML. Through
generous individual gifts and events, Press On raised $372,595 for novel neuroblastoma research
at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center and St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital.
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Th e S a m R o b b F u n d
The Sam Robb Fund was created in 2007 to honor the life and legacy of Sam Robb, who lost
his valiant fight with cancer on June 25, 2007. The fund has raised more than $430,000 to
train young pediatric oncologists through the funding of the Sam Robb Fellow at the Aflac
Cancer and Blood Disorders Center of Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta and Emory University
School of Medicine. Sam’s bravery, spirit and determination live on, and he continues to inspire
other childhood cancer patients with his mantra, “Fightin Till the Last Breath.” Proceeds from
The Sam Robb Fund were used to fund the Sam Robb Fellow at Emory University School of
Medicine. The Fund also supports CURE’s Open Arms Program, which was very meaningful
when Sam was battling cancer. The Sam Robb Fund hosted golf and basketball tournaments,
fun runs and other events to raise more than $82,000.
Th e C a t i e W i l k i n s M e m o r i a l F u n d
The Catie Wilkins Memorial Fund continues in memory of Catie Wilkins, who was diagnosed
on her first birthday with pediatric brain cancer. She fought courageously until a virus took
her life at age four. The Fund’s primary purpose is to support clinical research which evaluates
and treats the side effects of treatment for childhood cancers, as well as other research for more
effective and less toxic treatments. The Catie Wilkins Fund raised money through two sold out
“Sisters on a Journey” dinners held in remembrance of Catie’s loving spirit and determination.
With the $98,000 raised, the Fund supported brain tumor research conducted at the Aflac
Cancer and Blood Disorders Center of Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta.
Th e M a d d i e B r i s c o e R e s e a r c h F u n d
In honor of Maddie Briscoe, this fund supports neuroblastoma research. In 2010, Maddie was
diagnosed with stage IV, high-risk neuroblastoma, at age seven. Maddie’s fighting spirit and
courage inspired her. Maddie’s fight rallied the Briscoe family to create this fund to raise money
and hope for the many children and families who will encounter their own difficult journey
with cancer. Hopefully inspired by Maddie’s determined survival. And the power of research.
Th e W i l l A b e r n a t h y M e m o r i a l F u n d
This fund honors the beautifully brave life of Will Abernathy, who lost his battle with stage
IV neuroblastoma in July 2013, at age five. Will was two and one-half years when he was
diagnosed. His playful, perfect little life was starkly interrupted by emergency trips around the
country for grueling treatments to save his life. Through it all, it was Will’s beautiful spirit and
winning attitude that could not be taken away by this disease. It is the spirit of Will, and his
new fund, that will live on. Supporting the life-saving research that will help give futures to
other children.
cur e childhood ca ncer
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a n n ua l r ep or t
“I will never forget getting the doctor’s call. I was speechless with disbelief.
— Will ’s and John’s mom
The Jenkins Family was living a quiet,
in Will and John was a rare and serious immune
unsuspecting life in Columbus, Georgia in
disorder known as XLP. Mathew Jenkins, the
2008, when the avalanche of health problems
youngest son, was tested and diagnosed with XLP
came crashing upon them. First, it was Will. He
also. It had not yet developed into cancer, but now
was two and a half when a full body rash and
all three boys needed bone marrow transplants to
growing lymph node led to a diagnosis of Burkitt’s
survive the onslaught of the deadly XLP.
Lymphoma. The cancer spread to Will’s kidney.
The boy’s young body underwent and endured
The boys’ older sister, Julia, was a bone marrow
aggressive, toxic chemotherapy for 18 months.
match for two of her brothers. Another donor was
found, and the transplants took place in Cincinnati,
The Jenkins family — mom, three sons and a
where they were grueling but successful for all three
daughter — huddled in the blessing of little Will’s
Jenkins boys. Their sister, Julia, fittingly became
survival. Their relief was brief. Two years later,
part of this remarkable, unreal journey. A true hero,
Will’s older brother, John, began having problems
like her brothers.
keeping food down and having sudden lethargy.
Unbelievably, John was diagnosed with the same
CURE, who had met the Jenkins family at
Burkitt’s Lymphoma in his abdomen at age six.
Egleston, found out about their ordeal in
The children’s mom, Christy, remembers, “I
Cincinnati and arranged to pay for their lodging
will never forget getting the doctor’s call. I was
until they found long-term housing for the duration
speechless with disbelief. My worst nightmare was
of treatment and recovery.
repeating itself. My instincts told me I had to get
John from school and to Children’s Healthcare of
Instead of asking “Why us?” Christy Jenkins
Atlanta at Egleston immediately.”
embraced the courageous outcomes of the story that
wouldn’t end for her family. “My boys and Julia
John’s chemo was even more aggressive. Although
were incredibly brave, for my sake. CURE stepped
he lost 1/3 of his kidney, John survived. But the
in with much needed care and support in the midst
avalanche wasn’t over. Genetic testing revealed
of the horror after horror that tried to take our
that the underlying cause of Burkitt’s Lymphoma
family apart. We will be thankful forever.”
special events
CU R E Childh o od C ance r’s Sig nat u re Eve nts
Th e I n a u g u r a l B e l i e v e B a l l
This first-time event, a quick sell out, was spectacular as we
honored Chris and Tom Glavine for their tireless efforts on
behalf of CURE and celebrated Tom Glavine’s induction
into the Major League Baseball Hall of Fame. On Saturday,
May 3, 2014, 600 guests gathered at the St. Regis Atlanta
for the elegant, black-tie event chaired by Sylvia and Pat
Tylka, with honorary chairs Atlanta Braves President John
Schuerholz and his wife, Karen. With its spectacular live
and silent auctions and thanks to many generous sponsors,
the Believe Ball raised more than $750,000 to support
childhood cancer research.
A Tr i b u t e
O u r Q u ie t H eroes
“I cannot thank you enough for doing all that you do
and giving us moms such a special day. It is a day that
I cherish and look forward to every year. When your
child is diagnosed with cancer, you join a sisterhood that
no one would willingly pledge, but one that provides
immeasurable strength and support.” These words of
thanks were written by a grateful mom who attended
the 2013 A Tribute to Our Quiet Heroes. Her son died
from a rare cancer just before his fifth birthday.
On September 28, 2013, more than 500 people gathered
to honor the strength and courage of this mother and
200 others. For the honored moms, it was a family
reunion of sisters who have walked in the trenches of the
war against childhood cancer. For the other guests, it
was an inspirational day to lift up others and to support
finding a cure by bidding on incredible silent auction
items, buying raff le tickets and purchasing Pillow Pets
for hospitalized children. Guests dug deep, contributing
to the more than $360,000 raised for childhood cancer
research on a single, sunny September afternoon.
cur e childhood ca ncer
L a u r e n ’s R u n
and the
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a n n ua l r ep or t
A n n u a l CURE P i c n i c
On Sunday, April 27, 2014, the event that started as a small family affair to
honor the life of one child celebrated its 20th year with more than 2,300 runners,
walkers and supporters in attendance. In the 20 years since its inception, Lauren’s
Run has raised nearly $3.5 million for childhood cancer research.
The 20th anniversary event, presented by NCR Corporation, which included the
addition of a 10K, also resulted in nearly double the number of attendees. With
the race course lined with photographs and tributes of children who have been
impacted by pediatric cancers and families and friends showing their support with
team t-shirts, balloons and plenty of hugs, the day is always an important one for
healing and fellowship.
The fun and camaraderie continued at the CURE Annual Picnic. The fun was
nonstop with contests, competitive games, game booths hosted by National
Charity League moms and daughters, and inflatables donated by Amusement
Masters. Former NFL player, Gary Guyton, played flag football with the kids,
and Princesses with a Purpose made every little girl’s dream come true! Radio
stations 94.9 The Bull and Power 96.1 “adopted” two children, formed race teams
and — along with their listeners — ran beside the kids on race day. Children and
teens scaled an awesome climbing wall and Gamer vs. Gamer donated its video
gaming truck and brought it on-site. Perfect picnic food, donated by Joey D’s
Oak Room and Folks Southern Kitchen, the fresh air of spring and the inspired,
connected support of this very special gathering showed why Lauren’s Run and the
CURE Annual Picnic is a runaway success year after year.
annual events
CURE ’ s K i d s C o n q u e r C a n c e r O n e D a y
at a
Ti m e
“CURE’s Kids” is a special program in furtherance of National Childhood Cancer Awareness Month.
Through “CURE’s Kids,” we give our young cancer patients a voice, tell their stories and honor and
remember them. Each day in September 2013, we shared the stories of two or three featured children and
asked the community to honor these brave warriors with their donations. More than $251,000 was raised
as a result of the month-long initiative to help fund research for a cure of childhood cancer in our lifetime.
Our brave and beautiful warriors touched hearts and inspired people to get involved and make a difference
in the progress against this terrible disease.
cur e childhood ca ncer
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a n n ua l r ep or t
cur e childhood ca ncer
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a n n ua l r ep or t
Than Helping to Save a Child ’s Life.
Just the idea of a child — the carefree innocence — uplifts our complicated,
grown-up lives like nothing else. Children are our optimism, our hope. And
the future needs every one of them.
Yet cancer will invade more than 14,000 unsuspecting children in the next
12 months. Ravishing their little lives. And ending some forever.
Yes, CURE Childhood Cancer is a powerful influence in ending this disease.
Our dedicated funding for lifesaving research increases every year. Four out
of five children diagnosed with cancer are surviving. Yes, it is working.
But childhood cancer is still with us, still devastating too many. To end it, we
need every individual, every community, business and organization to believe
just how essential you are to joining our crusade.
When you care enough to believe that your heartfelt donation will help
save a child’s life, a child you don’t even know, that kind of belief is
contagious. It spreads. To more awareness. More donations. More research.
Ultimately a cure.
We owe that to the children who teach us their optimism. Believing until it
comes true.
2 01 3 -2 014
CURE Childhood Cancer is grateful for all of our donors and we strive to list your names clearly and accurately. Please forgive any unintended errors.
To correct your listing, please email Paula Collins at paula@curechildhoodcancer.org.
C ompa ny D o n at io n s
$50,000 and higher
NCR Charity Corporation
$25,000 - $49,999
Delta Air Lines Inc.
Saint Vintage Designs
$10,000 - $24,999
Atlanta Hawks
Balentine LLC
Richard Bowers and Company
Brown & Co. Jewelers
Church’s Chicken
Classic Cadillac
Comcast Cable
Copelands Famous New Orleans Restaurant and Bar
DPR Construction Southeast
Incredible Southern Poundcakes
Jones Lang LaSalle Americas
MedAssets Inc.
Mercedes-Benz of Buckhead
Morris, Manning & Martin LLP
Muse Salon and Spa
Solutionreach Inc.
Wells Fargo Wealth Management
NC-Philanthropic South
$5,000 - $9,999
BB&T Stephens & Company
Belle de Jour Salon
Collins Cooper Carusi Architects Inc.
Cost & Compliance Associates LLC
CresaPartners LLC
Eaglehead Group at Morgan Stanley
Family Events LLC
Ferrari Maserati of Atlanta
Frontier Management Group
Home South Communities LLC
Insurance Office of America
Jackson Lewis PC
Jet Linx - Atlanta
Lacefield Designs
Paper Affair
Raymond James & Associates
Savannah Christian Preparatory School
Silvercrest Asset Management Group
Taco Mac Sports Grill
The Westminster Schools
WXIA-TV 11 Alive
$2,500 - $4,999
1 Source International LLC
10-1 Foundation Inc.
The Atlanta Academy Inc.
Automationdirect.com Inc.
BCD Travel
Caren Products LLC
Ce-De T Boutique
Cintas - The Uniform People
Credit Suisse Americas Foundation
Croft and Associates PC
Evansdale Elementary School
First Citizens
Flowery Branch High School
D. Geller & Son
Grace 1720
Headbands of Hope
Homrich Berg Inc.
Jordan Trotter Commercial Realty
King & Spalding LLP
Marist School
Matt’s Roofing and Gutters
New Vision Television
Partitions Contracting
Pilot Travel Centers LLC
Riverwatch Middle School
RMB Consulting
Simply Buckhead
Slutzky, Wolfe and Bailey LLP
SOHO Augusta Inc.
VeriStor Systems Inc.
Womble Carlyle Sandridge & Rice LLP
$1,000 - $2,499
50 Floor
Affinity Bank
Alexander Investment Group of Wells Fargo
Advisors LLC
Arc Angel Electric Corporation
Atlanta Fine Homes Sothebys
AutoNation Ford Lincoln Union City
Bar Game Promotions Inc.
Big Deal Pawn
Botsford Financial Group
Burr & Forman LLP
Cambridge High School
Capgemini USA
Caring for a Cause
Cathedral of Christ the King
Centennial Arts Academy
Chicken of the Sea
Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta
Classic Fundraising Inc.
Coldwell Banker Alpharetta
Comcast Corporation
Commercial Finance Association
Atlanta Chapter Inc.
Creek View Elementary PTA Inc.
CS Truck & Trailer Repair Services Inc.
Dutchtown Middle School
Effingham County Chamber of Commerce
Effingham County Middle School
Enterprise Holdings Foundation
eSecuritel Holdings LLC
Evangel Classical Christian School
Fluid Power South
Folks Restaurant Mgt. Group
General Motors Corporation
Georgia Commerce Bank
Georgia Eye Partners LLC
Gigi’s Cupcakes
Golsen Family Dentistry
Granite and Marble Solutions Inc.
Harry Norman Realtors
John Milledge Academy Inc.
The Kaufmann Clinic Inc.
Kell High School
Kerns Truck Parts
Larry’s Giant Subs
John LeRoy M.D., F.A.C.S. PC
Lisa Hill Photography
The Lovett School
Lyons First Baptist Church
Mill Creek High School
Montag & Caldwell Inc.
Monterey Media Concepts LLC
Moody Williams Orthodondics
Morgan & Morgan
Morgan Stanley
Morgan Stanley Smith Barney
Mr. Vacuum and Mrs. Sew
New Providence Asset Management
Oglethorpe Mall
OJK Enterprises LLC
OrthoSolutions Inc.
Patriot Pools Inc.
Pridgen Brothers Company
Production Tool and Techology Inc.
Ragland & Jones LLP
Raising the Bar
Rollins & Associates PC
Roswell Pediatric Center PC
S&S Contractors
Sassy Sisters Dance Studio and Party Store
Scallions Childcare Management LLC
Seko Worldwide
Smith Gambrell & Russell LLP
South Forsyth Middle School
Southern Dental Transitions Inc.
Spoon Exhibits and Events
St. Martin’s Episcopal School
Stone’s Inc.
Teramore Development LLC
Terra Firma Financial LLC
TNT Parts Inc.
Top Water LLC
Wadley Financial Group LLC
Xorbia Tickets
21 South Mini Storage LLC
Abatix Corp.
ACG Security Solutions
Active Network
Acworth Automotive
Adams and Reece LLP
AG Copters Inc.
AGCO Corporation
Ahavath Achim Synagogue & Religious School
Aleph Bet Jewish Day School
The Alford Group Inc.
All Inspired LLC
Allen Pool Service
Alpharetta Children’s Dentistry & Orthodontics
Alpharetta Christian Academy
American Eagle
American Jetway Corporation Germann
AmericanHome Inspection Prof LLC
Ananchel Fine Art Photography
Anonymous (3)
Arnall Golden Gregory LLP
Atlanta Capital Group Inc.
Atlanta Dog Trainer Pet Resort
Atlanta MD Services LLC
Atlanta Movie Tours
Atlanta Silverbacks
Atlantic Capital Bank
Attorney Investigative Services Inc.
AutoNation Hyundai Mall of Georgia
Barnwell Elementary School
Barrel and Barley LLC
Beauty Nails
BenchMark Physical Therapy
Berry Mango’s of Atlanta LLC
Bethesda Walk Dental Care LLC
Bethlehem Elementary School
Big Bend Agri-Services Inc.
Blazej & Associates
Blessed Trinity Catholic High School
Boomerang Transport
Bravelets LLC
Brookwood School
BTR Farms
Buckhead Dental Associates PC
Buckhead Periodontics PC
Buckley Brown PC
less than
cur e childhood ca ncer
2 01 3 -2 014
a n n ua l r ep or t
C ompa ny D o n at io n s (co nt inu ed )
Emily Burton Designs
Capstone Bank
Cardeaux & Associates Ltd.
Carpentry Services Inc.
Carrollton High School
Cary Academy - MS Student
Casa de Tontos
Catlickfever Art - The Gilded Butterfly
Center Stage
Charles Black & Associates Inc.
Chelan Healthcare Ventures
Chipper LLC
Clayton Dental
Clear Channel Media and
Entertainment Atlanta
Clear Creek Church of Christ
Collegium Charter School
Colonial Group Inc.
Commercial Bank
COMMplements Media
Condition Kettlebell Gym
Cooley’s Pizza
Cornerstone School
Creekside Dentistry
Crescent Elementary School
Croushore Marine Engineering Inc.
Cumming Dental Center PC
Darst Investigative Services Inc.
C.W. Davis Middle School
DEKA Athletics Inc.
Delta TechOps Dept. 420
Dentistry at Vinings PC
DMC Home Improvement Inc.
Dos Lagos Vineyards
Dowdy’s Office Equipment LLC
Dr. Michael Hackman
Dr. Nelson Yang
Druid Hills Golf Club
Dudley’s Food & Spirits
Dwayne Edde Inc.
Earthtone Solutions Inc.
East Hall Middle School
Eastside Commercial Bank
Ebenezer Elementary School
Ebenezer Middle School
Effingham County Board of Education
Endodontics Associates
Environmental 360 Inc.
Episcopal Day School
Equifax Inc.
ERA All Points Realty.com
Eskimo Advertising
Exceptional Interiors
Exchange Bank
Ezell’s Catfish Cabin of Cols, GA Inc.
F & D Productions Inc.
F.G.W.J. Food Corp.
Family Eyecare of Roswell
FASTMAX Fastener Supply
Fellers, Schewe & Scott Inc.
Ferrari & Associates Inc.
Robert E. Fitch High School
Fire Systems Inc.
The First Baptist Church
First Capital
First Congregational Church of
West Brookfield
Fish & Richardson
Flippen Elementary School
FNB South
Forensic Medical Reviewers Inc.
Foresman LLC
Fulghum Fibres Inc.
GEM Research Solutions
George Washington University
Department of Counseling and
Human Development
Georgia MLS
Georgia Motor Trucking Association
Dr. Darrell J. Gilbert
Glenn School for Young Children
Golden Services & Pine Straw
Good Deed Beads
Goodman-Gable-Gould Adjusters
Great Dane Trailers
Greg Elwell, D.M.D.
Greene Ford Co.
Guest Relations Marketing
Guyton Elementary School
Gwinnett Gladiators
Gwinnett Neonatology PC
Hall’s Minit Mart
Hampton Elementary School
Hampton Middle School
Hand-In-Hand Primary School
Hardline Production LLC
Haverty’s Furniture
Henderson Brady LLP
Henry County Tax Commissioner
Heritage Commercial Realty Inc.
Hickory Flat Elementary
Hilco Inc.
Hinesville Ford
Holy Redeemer Chinese Catholic School
The Home Depot
Insurance Associates
International Community School
Ippolito’s Inc. Sandy Springs
Ipp’s Pastaria & Bar 1 Inc.
J & P Installations Inc.
J. Crew
Jabian Consulting
Johns Creek Diagnostic Center LLC
Just Baked
Karafotias Realty
Karen’s Fine Apparel
Dr. Wendy Katz
KCH Trucking
Kentec Inc.
Kevin Little Ins. Agency Inc.
The KGK Group Inc.
Kids ‘R’ Kids
Kids R Kids, No. 8
Kid’s Spot
Kitchens Kelley Gaynes PC
KooKoo Bear Baby and Kids
Kreitner Enterprises LLC
Kroger Community Rewards
Landmark Builders Group LLC
Lane Landscape Inc.
Leapley Construction Group of
Atlanta LLC
Liberty Baptist Church
Lighthouse Anesthesia
Lighthouse Family Retreat
Lily’s Pharmacy
Lisa Lisa’s Gift Closet LLC
Live Nation
Li-Way Transfer & Storage
Locust Grove Elementary School
Lucky’s Burger & Brew
Luella Elementary School
Luella Middle School
Lula Elementary School
The Lyons Den Concepts Inc.
M&P Shopping Centers
Magnolia Defense Enterprises LLC
Magnolia Lane Monogramming &
Boutique LLC
Mahx F. Linster Inc.
The Manton Law Firm LLC
Manuel’s Bread Cafe LLC
McCullough & Swindell PC
McDonough Elementary School
Med-Lab Supply
Medlock Bridge Elementary School
Members Give Powered by JustGive
Merle Land & Associates Inc.
Merry Lumber Company
Michael J. Chalef, D.D.S.
Micro Mix Concrete LLC
Mid-South Builders Inc.
Milk and Honey Home LLC
Morgan County Elementary School
Morningstar Coding and
Nanuet Fire Engine Company
New Hope Elementary School
New South Construction Supply
Nick Smith PC
Nordson Corporation
North Atlanta Dermatology Inc.
North Georgia State Fair
Northwest Periodontics
Oak Road Dentistry
Oakview Elementary School
OCI Chemical Corporation
Ola Elementary
Ola High School
OnCourse Learning Corporation
Owen, Gleaton, Egan, Jones &
Sweeney LLP
The Pampered Chef
Paperstyle.com Inc.
The Paradies Shops
Parsons Pointe Dental Care
Pate’s Creek Elementary School
Peach State Corvette
Peterbilt of Atlanta
Piedmont Operating Partnership, LP
Pine Hill Baptist Church
The Plastic Card Company
Ponier Sanders LLC
PowerPlan Inc.
Pro Care Emergency Medical Services
ProCoaters Inc.
QVS Software Inc.
Racquet Club of the South
Northwest Radiology Consultants PC
Ray Baptist Church
Ray-Thomas Memorial
Presbyterian Church
RE/MAX of Thomasville Inc.
Red Pepper Taqueria
Renasant Bank
Rich’s of Louisiana Inc.
Ridgeline Counseling LLC
Ridgeline Exteriors LLC
Rincon Elementary School
Ripon Middle School
RJR Technologies Inc.
Rock Spring Elementary School
Royal Baptist Church Inc.
Royal Cup Inc.
Rucker Pet and Wildbird LLC
RuMM Color Studio LLC
Sand Hill Elementary School
Sandy Plains Pediatrics
Savannah Christian Preparatory
Middle School
SCF Design Company LLC
Sellers Corp.
Shapes & More LLC
The Sharon School
Skytop Lodge
Ronda Smith Designs
Snellville United Methodist Church
Sonesta International Hotels
South Coast Commercial LLC
South Effingham Elementary School
South Effingham Middle School
Southern Crescent Baptist Church
Southern Touch Interiors LLC
Southern Wall Systems Inc.
Spout Springs Elementary
St. John Neumann Church
St. Luke’s Episcopal Church
State Metals Inc.
Stepping Stones Educational
Therapy Center Inc.
Sterimed Inc.
Sunshine House #73
Suwanee Elementary School
Sweet Monkey Frozen Yogurt
& Cupcakes
Tam Enterprises Inc.
Tattnall County High School
Taylor Auto Group
Texas Roadhouse
Thomas University
Thomasville National Bank
Tim Stewart Funeral Home
Timber Ridge Elementary School
Tippins-Polk Construction Inc.
Tissura, Gregory & Shapiro PC
Todd Organization Specialty
Services LLC
Robert Toombs Christian Academy
Toombs General Medicine LLC
Total Learning Concepts, Inc
Tracy Brown Designs
TranSouth Logistics
Tussahaw Elementary School
Twentysix2 Marketing
UB4Me Apparel LLC
Ultratech Inc.
Union Grove Middle School
Unique Ultrasound
Unity Grove Elementary School
US1 Logistics
Vickery Chiropractic LLC
Dr. John C. Vilece
Wages & Sons Funeral Home Inc. /
Gwinnett Chapel
Walnut Creek Elementary School
Walnut Grove Elementary School
Wavell Robinson Farms
Wescara Ventures
West Atlanta Endodontics PC
Williams, Benator & Libby LLP
Pete Winkel Photography Ltd.
Wood Real Estate Investors LLC
Woodcock & Associates Inc.
Woodward Academy
World of Windows
2 01 3 -2 014
Matching G if ts and Wo rk pl a ce D o n at ion s
Acuity Brands Inc.
ADP Foundation
AIG Matching Grants Program
Allstate - The Giving Campaign
Ally Financial
Altria Matching Gifts Program
American Express Co. Employee Giving Program
AmeriHealth Insurancy Company of New Jersey
AT&T United Way/Employee Giving Campaign
Axis US Services
Bank of America Matching Gifts
Bank of America United Way Campaign
C.R. Bard Foundation Matching Gifts
CA Inc. Matching Gifts Program
The Clorox Company Foundation - Employee Giving Campaign
The Club of Hearts Inc.
E*Trade Financial Corporation
Equifax Foundation
Gannett Foundation
GE Foundation Matching Gifts Program
GE United Way Campaign
Geico Philanthropic Foundation
Give with Liberty
Goldman, Sachs & Co. Matching Gift Program
Grainger Matching Charitable Gifts Program
Home Depot Foundation Matching Gift Program
Homrich Berg Matching Gifts
Honeywell International
IBM Employee Services Center
John Hancock Financial Services Inc. Matching
Gifts Program
Johnson and Johnson Matching Gifts
JP Morgan Chase Foundation
KeyBank Foundation Matching Gifts
Kimberly Clark Foundation
KPMG Community Giving Campaign
L. Brown Agency Inc.
Macy’s Foundation
MARTA Employees Charity Club
Matrix Resources Inc.
McKesson Foundation Matching Foundation
Merck Partnership for Giving
Microsoft Giving Campaign Matching Gifts
Morgan Stanley Foundation
NCR Corporation
Network for Good
Pacific Gas & Electric Company
J.C. Penney Corporation Inc.
PepsiCo Foundation Employee Giving Program
Pfizer Foundation Matching Gifts Program
Price WaterHouse Coopers
C. H. Robinson Worldwide Foundation
SAP Matching Gift Program
Charles Schwab Foundation
State Charitable Contributions Program
SunTrust United Way Campaign
UBS Matching Gift Program
United Way California Capital Region
United Way of Central Indiana Inc.
United Way of Greater Atlanta Inc.
United Way of Greater Kansas City
The University Financing Foundation Inc.
Verizon Foundation
ViaSat Inc.
Visa Inc. PAC Match
Wells Fargo Community Support Campaign
YourCause LLC
G ro u ps a nd A sso ci at io n s D o n at io n s
$50,000 and above
Delta Delta Delta, Atlanta Alumnae Chapter
Friends of Catie Wilkins
Lake Country Twirlers Square Dance Club
Troutman Sanders Denim & Donation Day
Viper Football Booster Club
$25,000 - $49,999
Country Club of the South Charity Guild
Less Than $1,000
Ally Bank
Brownie Troop #12495
Centennial Knights Baseball
Council of Catholic Women St. James
Catholic Church
Designing Grandmothers Club of Snellville
Dunwoody Prep
ECI - Emanuel County Institute Bulldog Club
Freedom Middle School - First Priority Club
Friends of Lauren’s Run
Friends of Sam Robb
Georgia Basketball Officials Association
Georgia Trial Lawyer’s Association New Lawyer Division
Girl Scouts of Historic Ga. Inc. - Troop 30197
GSU Athletics
Hall County Optimist Club Inc.
Heart of Georgia Square Dance Federation
$10,000 - $24,999
Delta Clipped Wings Inc.
Friends of CURE
National Federation of Grandmother Clubs of America
$5,000 - $9,999
Heather Moore Memorial Fund
$2,500 - $4,999
Cobb County Employees Friendship Club
Gold Bows for CURE-Thomasville
$1,000 - $2,499
Alpha Omega Dental Fraternity Atlanta Chapter
Eagle Watch Golf Club
Fire & Iron MC Station 61
Flowery Branch Volleyball Booster
Irish Reelers Square Dance Club
Hospitality Sales & Marketing Association
Kentucky Justice Association
Kingdom Kids
The Kiwanis Club Inc.
Kouncil Club of Thomasville Inc.
KSU Management 3100 Group
Marist 7th Grade Girls Basketball
Marist 8th Grade Boys Basketball
Master’s Miata Club
McGinnis Woods Country Day School Denim Day
Oak Grove Elementary School PTA
Oconee River Buskers Square Dance Club
Pairs and Spares Square Dance Club
Powerplant Employee Club
Robins Ramblers Square Dance Club
Saint Matthew Catholic Church Women’s Club
Smyrna Optimist Club
Swinging Ramblers Square Dance Camping Club
Vickery Creek Middle School FCA
WASP Woodward Academy Parent Community
Western Square Dancers Club
Westwood Women’s Golf Association 18 Holers
Xi Epsilon Iota Chapter of Beta Sigma Phi
Fo u nd at ion s , F u nd s and Tr u sts D on at ion s
$25,000 - $49,999
The Luther and Susie Harrison Foundation Inc.
The Imlay Foundation Inc.
The Stahl Family Charitable Foundation
$10,000 - $24,999
AEL Family Foundation
Mary Allen Lindsey Branan Foundation
EZ Agape Foundation
The Roderick Seward, Flossie Ratcliff and
Helen M. Galloway Foundation Inc.
Charles and Catherine B. Rice Foundation
Ida Alice Ryan Charitable Trust
Sadler Family Foundation
Ramie A. Tritt Family Foundation
$2,500 - $4,999
Anne Gordon Harper Blanchard Foundation Inc.
The Dale Jr. Foundation
Hudson Family Foundation
David and Jennifer Kahn Family Foundation
M. Winnifred O’Dell Fund
Wells Fargo Foundation
$1,000 - $2,499
Blonder Family Foundation Inc.
Bright Wings Foundation
The Charles D. Burnett Foundation Inc.
Lane and Richard Courts Family Fund
Linda K. and Harold Z. Friedman Family
Philanthropic Fund
Brad Gambrell Memorial Foundation
$5,000 - $9,999
Gannett Foundation
American Endowment Foundation
Graciecam Foundation Inc.
Edward N. Ziegler and Gladys P. Ziegler Private Foundation Inc. The Dot and Lam Hardman Family
The Ella Marie Foundation
Foundation Inc.
Connor O’Keefe Landis Foundation
Majestic Realty Foundation
Massey Charitable Trust
Menard Charitable Lead Annuity Trust
The Milton M. Meyer, Jr. and Mildred B. Meyer Foundation The Pistone Family Foundation
The National Children’s Cancer Foundation
The Tripp and Blair Rackley Family Foundation
Publix Super Markets Charities Inc.
Jessie Rees Foundation
Speedway Children’s Charities
Sands Family Charitable Fund
Gertrude and William C. Wardlaw Fund
Smiles for Life Foundation
Weber Family Foundation
less than $1,000
Brady Family Charitable Fund
The Bridges Family Fund
Byrne Family Foundation
The Viren Chandrasoma Charitable Fund
The Chin, Hastings and Remey Fund
Gadsden Cultural Arts Foundation Inc.
The Leonard and Jerry Greenbaum Family
Foundation Inc.
Gulf Coast Community Foundation Inc.
Michael & Rose Haber Philanthropic Fund
Lanier-Goodman Foundation
Mary R. Martinelli Family Trust
National Philanthropic Trust
Susan Arnovitz Saltz Philanthropic Fund of the
Jewish Federation of Greater Atlanta
The Small Foundation
The Steven W. and Deborah R. Smith Benevolent Fund
The Kaye B. Smith Foundation
The Snodgrass Foundation
Strunsky Family Fund
Patricia Bowman Terwilliger Family Foundation
Charitable Trust
The John Thurlow Charitable Fund
Under Fischer Charitable Trust
Michael and Charity Whitney Family Charitable Fund
cur e childhood ca ncer
2 01 3 -2 014
a n n ua l r ep or t
Indiv i d u a l D o n at io n s
$350,000 and higher
Mr. Sam Fouche
Mr. and Mrs. J. Lawrence Connolly Mr. Patrick Fourteau
Mr. Adam Ghetti
$50,000 - $99,999
Dr. and Mrs. Seth Gibree
Mr. and Mrs. J. Michael Gearon, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan T. Hall
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Glavine Mr. and Mrs. Keith Harris
Mr. and Mrs. John M. Kennedy
Ms. Leigh Ann Herrin
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Tylka
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Jordan, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Mike P. Krouskos
$25,000 - $49,999
Mr. Johnny Ladson
Mr. and Mrs. Brad Foster
Mr. Stanton Lanier
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Robitaille
Ms. Kathryn Lynn
Mr. and Mrs. John C. Yates
Mr. David Marlow
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph N. Miller
$10,000 - $24,999
Mr. and Mrs. Denver Mims
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Eichelberger Mr. and Mrs. William R. New, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Fowler
Mr. and Mrs. Joel Vernon O’Neal, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Norman E. Gertz
Mr. Steven Parker
Mr. and Mrs. D.R. Grimes
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Phelps, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Marty Howard
Mr. and Mrs. Shawl Pryor
Mr. and Mrs. Cecil A. Jones
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Robb
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Nelson
Mr. and Mrs. Jody Sikes
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd D. Netherton
Mr. and Mrs. Kirk Somers
Mr. and Mrs. John Schuerholz
Mr. Matthew J. Sours
Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Whitcomb Mr. and Mrs. Andrew G. Stevens
Mr. and Mrs. Rhys T. Wilson
Mr. David P. Stockert and
Ms. Cameron P. Ives
$5,000 - $9,999
Mr. James Veres
Mr. and Mrs. Jerel W. Verner
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Berman
Mr. Christopher Vick
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew D. Block
Mr. King Brainard
$1,000 - $2,499
Mr. and Mrs. Tommy H. Bridges, Jr. Ms. Melody Abernathy
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Carter
Mr. and Mrs. F. Duane Ackerman
Dr. Kristin Cooney and
Mr. and Mrs. Russell Ackerman
Mr. Edward J. Cooney
Mr. Sanjay Agrawala
Mr. John H. Daves
Dr. and Mrs. Gregory Andriate
Mr. and Mrs. Neil H. Dickson
Anonymous (8)
Mr. Michael Domenicone and
Mr. Graham Anthony
Mrs. Osjha Anderson
Mr. and Mrs. Alan S. Arnold
Dr. Matthey Harris and
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Ascari
Mr. Robert Harris
Mr. Bryan J. Bain
Mr. Joshua P. Itzoe
Mr. and Mrs. David L. Barnhart
Mr. and Mrs. Justin P. Jones
Ms. Carol Bartz
Dr. and Mrs. Benjamin Kelly
Mr. John M. Bauer
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin J. Kennedy
Mr. and Mrs. Michael G. Bisciotti
Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Kerns
Mr. and Ms. Keith Biumi
Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. Last
Mr. Bert Blackburn
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Lewark
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Blank
Mr. Steve McCoy and
Mr. Jeffrey B. Bogart
Mrs. Linda Terrana
Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Boustead
Mr. Candler Meadors
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis M. Branch
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Rossino
Ms. Laura S. Bridges
Ms. Lisa Sheppard-Davenport
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey A. Brooks
Mr. and Mrs. John A. Smoltz
Ms. Donna Broom
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Stanzione
Mrs. Lou Brown-Jewell
Mr. and Mrs. Thibault Christian
Mr. and Mrs. William D. Bryan, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. David Buckel
Mr. and Mrs. Nat S. Turner
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Campana
Dr. Brooks A. Whitney
Ms. Paula Caray
Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Wilkins, III Ms. Lee Ann Cartwright
Mr. Jeffrey D. Williams
Ms. Debra T. Cate
Mr. and Mrs. Leslie B. Zacks
Mr. and Mrs. Miceal G.
Chamberlain, Jr.
$2,500 - $4,999
Ms. Cathy Chappelle
Mr. and Mrs. Gary A. Andriate
Mr. and Mrs. William Cheek
Ms. Judith R. Atkins
Mr. Pavlo Cherkashyn
Mr. and Mrs. James A. Boone
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew B. Clark, III
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Burkett
Mr. Hank Cleare
Col (Ret.) and Mrs. Terry E. Cawley Mr. and Mrs. Timothy J. Connolly
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph L. Coleman
Ms. Kristin R. Connor
Ms. Cindy A. Custard
Mr. Paul Cramer
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Davenport
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Davis
Mr. and Mrs. Chad Deakins
Mr. and Mrs. Sonny Deavours
Ms. Ginger Diamond
Mr. and Mrs. David Deckebach
Mr. Frank Dinucci
Mr. and Mrs. Peter W. Delin
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew S. Dufresne Mr. and Mrs. John Deushane
Mr. and Mrs. Paul O. Elizondo
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dixon
Ms. Lisa M. Formaro
Mr. Ronald P. Draker
Mr. Jeffrey W. Dworetz and
Ms. Regina N. Kane
Mrs. Elizabeth Edge
Mr. and Mrs. Charles P. Edmond
Mr. and Mrs. Todd Eischeid
Dr. and Mrs. Robert E. Ellis
Ms. Christina Faine
Mr. Benjamin Falchuk
Mr. and Mrs. John Featherston
Mr. Steve Fee
Ms. Christine M. Ferrise
Mr. Evan Fertig
Ms. Tracy Field
Dr. and Mrs. Harry W. Findley, Jr.
Mr. Patrick R. Foley
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Foxworthy
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Funk
Ms. Debra Bass Geist
Ms. Kathy Gloer
Ms. Patrice Gordon
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Greenberg
Mr. and Mrs. John A. Griffith, IV
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Grimaldi
Mr. and Mrs. Clint Gruwell
Manik Gupta
Mr. Jeremy Richard Hall
Ms. Anne M. Haltiwanger
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey L. Hamilton, Sr.
Mr. Michael Hampton
Mr. and Mrs. Philip Hennessy
Ms. Lisa Heskett
Ms. Shawn Hickly
Mr. Daniel Hilferty
Mr. and Mrs. Scott A. Hill
Mr. Oliver Holmes
Ms. Linda Horras
Ms. Rachel L. Huenefeld
Dr. and Mrs. John G. Hunter
Mr. and Mrs. George Ippolito
Mr. Paul Jasinkiewicz
Dr. and Mrs. Clifford Johnson
Mr. David S. Johnson
Mr. Terrell Johnson
Mr. Athanasios Karras
Mr. and Mrs. William Katherman
Ms. Barbara Kennedy
Mr. Gary D. Kennedy
Mr. Lawrence Kenny
Mr. Stuart Kent and
Mrs. Laura E. Skidmore
Mr. Corey Kilkelly and
Ms. Lori Kilkelly
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory L. Kindred
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Kistulinec
Mr. and Mrs. John Land
Ms. Ann M. Lassiter
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin C. Latty
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Ledbetter
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Lee
Mr. Michael J. Levin
Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell B. Lewis
Mr. Manit Limlamai
Mr. and Mrs. Eric J. Lindberg, Sr.
Dannis Livingston
Mr. Timothy Long and
Mrs. Laura B. Scholz
Ms. Leslie Luck
Mr. Clinton Maddox
Mr. Daren Mallard
Mr. and Mrs. Jon S. Martin
Mr. James A. Mason
Mr. John McAleer
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew S. McKenna
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph McLure
Mr. John Menna and Ms. Linda
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Miller
Ms. Mary Lou Monaghan
Mr. Shan W. Morris
Mr. and Mrs. James H. Nelems
Mr. Joseph W. Northington
Mr. and Mrs. Richard D. Nuckols
Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Ohmstede
Mr. and Mrs. Donnie J. O’Neal
Mr. and Mrs. Wade T. Overgaard
Mr. and Mrs. John E. Parker
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Parkhurst
Mr. and Mrs. Cody Partin
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy P. Passons
Mr. and Mrs. John Patneau
Mr. and Mrs. John Pearson
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald G. Pearson
Mr. and Mrs. J. David Penson
Mr. Phil Phillips and Ms. Judy Atkins
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph R. Pinotti
Ms. Kristine Pinto
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy S. Pollock
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory S. Pope
Dr. Abdel Ragab
Mr. and Mrs. John Rasper
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Rhoades
Mr. and Mrs. Eric P. Richards
Mr. and Mrs. Brent Rivers
Mr. and Mrs. Jason P. Rogers
Mr. David A. Roush
Mr. and Mrs. Scott C. Ruoff
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas G. Savini
Mr. Greg Schultz
Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Schutter
Mr. and Mrs. David W. Seckinger
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Sellers
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew B. Shearer
Mr. and Mrs. F. Tim Shepherd
Pat Sheridan
Mr. and Mrs. Leroy H. Simkins, Jr.
Marcel Simonette
Dr. and Mrs. Paul Smith
Dr. Karin L. Smithson
Ms. Diane M. Smurlo
Mr. Clay Snellings
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Harris Sorrell
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen H. Sparwath
Mr. and Mrs. Steven W. Spires
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Stevens
Mr. and Mrs. Gene H. Stewart
Mr. and Mrs. George G. Stokes, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Talbot
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas T. Tate
Ms. Cindy Tchorni
Ms. Rachel Teslenko
Mr. and Mrs. Ted Thranhardt
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Threlkeld
Mr. John Tricoli
Ms. Anna Tucker
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel E. Turner
Mr. and Mrs. Michael D. Tyre
Mrs. Rebecca Vaughn
Mr. and Mrs. Searle Videlefsky
Ms. Eileen Villoutreix
Mr. and Mrs. Alex Voris
Mr. Todd Walker
Mr. Jeffrey D. Wall
Mr. John Walls
Mr. Michael Walsh
Mr. and Mrs. David Webb
Mr. and Mrs. Roger T. Weitkamp
Mr. and Mrs. Brian M. Wiles
Mr. and Mrs. William G. Wilkie
Mr. Isaac Willis
Mr. Anthony L. Wilson
Ms. Elizabeth N. Wilson
Ms. Rhonda J. Wolf
Dr. and Mrs. Richard J. Woodcock, Jr.
Mr. Thomas Weldon Wyatt
Mr. Zev Yanovich
Mr. Jeffrey A. Yost and
Mrs. Susannah W. Frost
Mr. Christopher Young
2 01 3 -2 014
Indiv i d u a l D o n at io n s (co nt inu ed )
$500 - $999
Mr. and Mrs. Gary P. Alexander
Mr. and Mrs. Victor A. Allums
Dr. Carlos S. and Dr. Luisa A. Alvarado
Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Amon
Mr. and Mrs. Robb Andersen
Mr. and Mrs. Erik Anderson
Anonymous (9)
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Aquino
Ms. Kristy Armstrong
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Assenmacher
Mr. and Mrs. Dean Athanassiades
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Bagan
Mr. and Mrs. David Barr
Ms. Joanne Bauer
Mr. Brian J. Belanger
Ms. Kathleen Riley Belton
Mr. and Mrs. John Bender
Mr. and Mrs. Jack M. Berutich, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Jason Beshers
Ms. Jennifer Bisig
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph E. Bowles
Mrs. Mary Bowmaster
Mr. and Mrs. James Bozman
Mr. James Bradley
Mr. Mark R. Bradley
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond B. Brady
Ms. Beverly Braunsdorf
Dr. and Mrs. Michael A. Briones
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Bromberger
Mr. Daniel Burger
Mr. and Mrs. John E. Burgess
Ms. Mary V. Burgess
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Burns
Mr. and Mrs. Colin D. Caldwell
Ms. Shay Campbell
Ms. Carmine Capossela
Ms. Margaret Cardiel
Mr. Sergio Cartagena
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Cerone
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew C. Chance
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Ciaffoni
Mr. Nicholas Ciccarelli
Ene Coffey
Mr. and Mrs. Gene Cofield
Mr. Domenick R. Colanero
Mr. and Mrs. Michael L. Collins
Ms. Sandra Collins
Mr. and Mrs. Reginald D. Cook
Mr. and Mrs. Rob Cordes
Mr. Tony Cornett
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Cornille
Mr. and Mrs. Armand Cortina
Ms. Jeanne Craft
Mr. and Mrs. Jesse C. Crawford
Mr. and Mrs. Chris Creech
Mr. Mark Daker
Mr. Paul Daniels
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Davis
Mr. Joshua I. Davis
Ms. Sabrina Davis
Mr. and Mrs. Enrico De Maio
Mr. and Mrs. Antonio del Valle
Mr. James Deming
Mr. and Mrs. Tyler B. Dempsey
Ms. Tammy Denney
Mr. and Mrs. James Devaney
Mr. and Mrs. John F. Dever
Jamie Dickey
Mr. William F. Donahue
Mr. Keith Dorminey
Mr. Trevor Dorton
Dr. Marco Dotti
Ms. Shaun Drewes
Ms. Kristin Duclos
Mr. and Mrs. Peter F. Dufresne
Ms. Jennie Duke
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Eckard
Ms. Sarah J. Edwards
Dr. and Mrs. James Ellison
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Enloe
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Esrey
Mr. Noah Estroff
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph I. Ferguson, III
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Fisher
Mr. and Mrs. Evan S. Fishman
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Flores
Ms. Jodi Ford
Dr. and Mrs. David Fowler
Mr. and Mrs. Joe D. Franklin
Ms. Stacy Gaggero
Mrs. Terry B. Gardner
Mr. and Mrs. Greg Gates
Mr. Michael Gebo
Dr. and Mrs. Bradley George
Mr. and Mrs. Marc S. Geraci
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Giovinazzo
Mr. and Mrs. Vincent J. Giovinazzo
Mr. Michael Glennon
Mr. Ray Goff and Ms. Mary Harrison
Mr. Eric Goldklang
Ms. Magda R. Gonzalez
Mr. Anthony Gough
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Gregor
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel P. Griffin
Mr. and Mrs. James A. Haight
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Hanger
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Harris
Mr. Matthew Hartman
Ms. Joanne Hayes
Ms. Suzanne Heinen
Mr. Mitsuhiko Hikichi
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey T. Hill
Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Hirokawa
Mr. and Mrs. Bradley G. Hochman
Mr. Christian L. Hoempler
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Hoke
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Holder
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Arthur Holler, Jr.
Mr. John T. Hroncich
Mr. Adam Mark Huber
Mr. and Mrs. Tim Hudson
Mr. and Mrs. R. Plenn Hunnicutt
Ms. Jacquelyn Hutton
Mr. and Mrs. W. Austen Jackson
Ms. April Jaeger
Mr. Eric Jensen
Ms. Judy Johnson
Billy R. Jones
Mr. Daniel Jones and
Mr. Joseph Mason
Ms. Jacqueline Jurkiewicz
Ms. Angela Kaliban
Mrs. Kacyn Kapreilian
Dr. and Mrs. Howard M. Katzenstein
Mr. Joe Kennedy
Ms. Kimberley Kennedy
Mr. and Mrs. David Kesterton
Mr. David Kinard
Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Kingsfield
Mr. Craig Kitchin
Mr. and Mrs. Todd Sommers Klumok
Mr. and Mrs. Hardman Knox
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Koch
Mr. and Mrs. Gilad Kochman
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Kochman
Dr. and Mrs. Paul M. Korb DMD
Ms. Amy Koriwchak
Mr. and Mrs. David Krugler
Mr. and Mrs. Howard La Kier
Mr. Alan Landis
Mr. Justin Landis
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew I. Lasky
Mrs. Carolyn M. Lawman
Mr. Phillip E. Lazenby
Mr. David Lechner
Mr. Todd Loden
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey D. Long
Mr. James Lullie
Mr. Andy Lupo
Ms. Deborah D. MacDonald
Mr. Brendon Mackay
Mr. and Mrs. Ken Madren
Mr. Kevin Maki
Gianfranco Marmolino
Dr. Marie Marquardt and
Mr. Christopher Marquardt
Ms. Merrilee Martin
Ms. Stephany Mason
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony J. Massanelli
Mr. and Mrs. Adam Matteo
Ms. Deborah McBee
Ms. Bonnie McBroon
Mr. Chris McCabe
Mr. and Mrs. Brian McCann
Mr. Jay McDonald
Ms. Frances Mellon-Banakas
Mr. and Mrs. Champ Meyercord
Mr. Jeffrey D. Miller
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Moody
Mr. and Mrs. Mark H. Moreland
Mr. and Mrs. George W. Morgan
Mr. and Mrs. J. Kenneth Morgan
Mrs. Gayle P. Morris
Mr. William R. Morrison and
Mrs. Elizabeth R. Clark-Morrison
Mr. Robert Murray
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Murray
Mr. Carl L. Nale
Mr. Matt Neet
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Newlin
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Newton
Ms. Annie Nord
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel S. O’Dwyer
Ms. Melissa Page
Mrs. Andria S. Parker
Mr. John L. Patterson
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Paul
Mr. John Paulson
Mr. and Mrs. Lane Perrins
Mr. Edward Phillipp
Mr. and Mrs. Hank Phillips
Mr. and Mrs. Marc Pickard
Mr. and Mrs. Chuck Pitts
Mr. Cortland Plichta
Mrs. Stephanie Powell
Dr. Frank and Dr. Suzanne Pratt
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce D. Prescott
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Price
Mr. and Mrs. Shawn Rafferty
Mr. Joseph Ramion
Mr. Donald Ramon
Ms. Evelyn Randolph
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Rice
Mr. and Mrs. Tony Rich
Mr. John Ridings
Ms. Lois Rigwood
Ms. Patricia Roach
Mr. Stephen J. Robinson
Ms. Abbie Rucker
Mr. and Mrs. Jason C. Russell
Mr. and Mrs. Randy Rutherford
Mr. and Mrs. Shell Rutledge
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Samsury
Mr. Jared Sapp
Cami Sazama
Mr. and Mrs. William C. Schneeloch
Mr. Marc Schneider and
Mrs. Dawn M. Eagen-Schneider
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Schnell
Mr. and Mrs. William Schwanebeck
Rev. and Mrs. Mark Scott
Ms. Lynda Seaman
Mr. Nachum Shamir
Mr. Gannon Shepherd
Mr. Clark Shields
Dr. Chris Sholota
Mr. and Mrs. Andy Shuping
Dr. and Mrs. Melvin Shuter
Mr. Jason D. Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Michael L. Spears
Mr. Dan Spohrer
Mr. Kevin Standard
Ms. Angela Stansell
Mrs. Renee Stanton
Mr. and Mrs. Dick Steed
Mr. and Mrs. Howard S. Stein
Gregg Strellis
Dr. Christa Sullins
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Sullivan
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen B. Sullivan
Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Swain
Ms. Ashley Patrice Tatum
Mr. Tony Teixeira
P. Thomas
Senator Bruce A. Thompson
Ms. Sandy Thompson
Mr. and Mrs. Alan D. Thomson
Mr. and Mrs. Terry Thomson
Ms. Laura Toole
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Tracy
Mr. and Mrs. James M. Travers
Mrs. Diana W. Treadway
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Trino
Ms. Kim Tucker
Mr. and Mrs. Charles B. Turner
Mr. Dean Turner
Ms. Kathleen Shawn Tylka
Mr. and Mrs. Shaikh Wahid
Mr. Jennings E. Watkins
Mr. John A. Watson, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. William D. Wernecke
Mr. Davin W. Williams and
Ms. Lisa A. Beall
Ms. Margaret K. Williams
Mr. Michael T. Williams
Mr. and Mrs. William B. Williams
Mr. Jay Wolverton
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Yantis, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. John Young
Mr. and Mrs. David M. Zacks
$100 - $499
Mr. and Mrs. Bradley Abbott
Mr. Yahya Abdulsada
Mr. Thomas Abernathy
Ms. Kathleen E. Acrey
Mr. Brent C. Adams
Ms. Denise M. Adams
Mr. Kurt Adams
Dr. Chris Adkins
Mr. Jonathan Adler
Dr. Eugene Agichtein and
Dr. Shoshana Dayanim Agichtein
Mr. Robert B. Ahdieh and
Ms. Krista Forsgren
Ms. Adelina D. Alberghini
Mr. Jacob D. Albert
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen A. Albigese
Mr. Frank Allen
Mr. Peter M. Allen
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond L. Allen
Mr. and Mrs. Scott I. Allen
Mr. and Mrs. Steve M. Allen
Mr. Edward John Allera
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Alonso
Mr. Michael Alston
Ms. Patricia M. Anagnostakis
Mr. Peter Anastasio
Mr. Bart Andersen
Mr. Charles Anderson
cur e childhood ca ncer
2 01 3 -2 014
a n n ua l r ep or t
Indiv i d u a l D o n at io n s (co nt inu ed )
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Randolph
Mr. and Mrs. David E. Anderson
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas K. Anderson
Ms. Nancy W. Anderson
Mr. Scott Anderson
Ms. Grace Andrade
Mr. Barschall Andrews
Mrs. Kim M. Andrews
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Angrisani
Mr. Jeff Annis
Anonymous (74)
Ms. Esther Anusiem
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Arne
Mr. Ivan Arneson
Mr. and Mrs. Alan K. Arnold
Dr. and Mrs. Hal N. Arnold
Mr. Stephen Arnold
Mr. Robert B. Arnone
Mr. Melvin Arnum
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Arogeti
Ms. Jacqueline Arwood
Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan S. Asher
Mr. Ken Ashley
Mr. and Mrs. Lorenzo Asia
Mr. Jason Assenmacher
Chris Aszmus
Ms. Sharon Atkins
Mr. Larry A. Auerbach and
Ms. Janet Bernstein
Mr. Rohan Matthew Augustus
Ms. Allison Ausband
Mr. Facundo L. Bacardi
Dr. and Mrs. Jefferson T. Baer
Ms. Marjorie Baidal
Mr. and Mrs. Ethan A. Bailey
Mr. and Mrs. James L. Bailey
Mr. Jerry Bailey
Ms. Melissa Bailey
Mr. Stuart Bailey
Mr. James R. Baity and
Ms. Regina McDermott
Mr. Michael Baker
Mr. Paul Baker
Mr. and Mrs. Ron Baker
Mr. Charles R. Baldwin, III
Ms. Cindy E. Balint
Ms. Margaret Ballard
Mr. Matt Ballinger
Mr. and Mrs. David Balos
Aparna A. Banka
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Thomas Banks
Mr. John Bannevans
Mr. and Mrs. Sam H. Banov
Ms. Marci Barag
Ms. Nancy Barbary
Mr. and Mrs. Richard H. Barbe
Mr. and Mrs. L.A. Barber
Mr. Michael Bardwell
Mr. and Mrs. Scott A. Barker
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Barksdale
Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Barnard
Mrs. Lanier Barnes
Mr. and Mrs. William Brook Barnes
Mr. Eric Barnum
Mr. Wael Ayad Girgis Barsoum
Mr. Jay Bass
Mr. and Mrs. Scott F. Bass
Mr. and Mrs. Jason J. Bastow
Ms. Sally Bates
Mr. Matthew J. Batteh
Mr. and Mrs. John Baudry
Ms. Christine Baum
Ms. Elida Baverman
Ms. Lauren Baylin
Mr. Marc Baylin
Mr. Bruce Beasley
Mr. and Mrs. Jere L. Beasley
Mr. Charles R. Beaudrot
Mr. Timothy Bechtel
Dr. Darren Becker
Mr. Kenneth L. Becker
Mr. and Mrs. Warren E. Becker
Ms. Ann Beckham
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy B. Beckstein
Ms. Eloise Behrends
Ms. Jenna Beigel
Mr. Michael Belk
Mr. and Mrs. Richard E. Belk
Ms. Heather Bell
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff G. Belyea
Mrs. Linda P. Bembry
Mr. and Mrs. Todd Bender
Ms. Laurie Ben-Moshe
Ms. Amy Katherine Bennett
Ms. Pamela Bennett
Mr. Scott Bennett
Mr. and Mrs. Steve G. Bennett
Mr. Trey Bennett
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth J. Benson
Ms. Sally Berenzweig
Ms. Nancy Bergamini
Mr. and Mrs. Justin Berman
Mr. and Mrs. Neil Berman
Ms. Vicki Berman
Mr. Jay A. Bernath
Ms. Rebecca Bernath
Mr. and Mrs. Terry Bernath
Ms. Katherine Bernhardt
Mr. and Mrs. David Beverly
Mr. Raheem Beyah
Mr. R. Michael Biggs
Ms. Lisa Bisenius
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bishop
Ms. Lauren Bittick
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Bland
Mr. and Mrs. David S. Blass
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey M. Blauser
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin M. Blazina
Mr. Brad Blettner
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Blitzer
Mr. Derek Blocher
Mr. John F. Blount and
Mrs. Amy M. Power
Ms. Lisa Blume
Mr. Jonathon Blumenthal
Mr. and Mrs. Braye Boardman
Mr. and Mrs. Randy Boatner
Mrs. Angie Boggs
Ms. Debbie Boling
Mr. Edward Bolt
Mr. Steve Bombart
Ms. Christine M. Bonatz
Mr. and Mrs. David Bone
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Bone
Ms. Thelma McKinney Bongartz
Ms. Kelly Bonner
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Mac Booth
Terry Booth
Ms. Carol Borger
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Bormel
Mr. and Mrs. Darrell E. Borne
Ms. Eileen Bostwick
Mr. Jim Boswell
Ms. Carolyn Bouchard
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Bouck
Dr. Jeanne Boudreaux
Mr. Brian Bove
Mr. Bennett Bowers
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Boxer
Mr. Wayne R. Boyce
Mr. and Mrs. David L. Boyd
Ms. Deborah Boyle
Ms. Sheila Bozeman
Ms. Sharon Bozman
Ms. Stephanie Braatz
Ms. Judith A. Bracken
Ms. Tracy Bracken
Mr. Buck Bradberry
Ms. Barbara Bradley
Ms. Mary Bradley
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne D. Bradley
Mrs. Lee Bradshaw
Mr. and Mrs. E. Fred Brady
Dr. Jennifer Bragg
Mr. Nicholas Branca
Mr. and Mrs. William L. Branch
Mr. Tim Brand
Mr. Joseph Bravate
Ms. Anne Lanctot Breedlove
Mr. Rich Breitkopf
Mr. and Mrs. Alvin L. Bridges
Mr. and Mrs. Jason Bring
Mr. Ryan Brinson
Mr. and Mrs. Darren Briscoe
Ms. Michele Britt
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Brochin
Mr. Daniel Broder
Mr. Nicholas Brogan
Ms. Cynthia Brooks
Mr. and Mrs. David A. Brooks
Mrs. Donna C. Brooks
Mr. Gerald Brooks
Mr. and Mrs. Darcel M. Brown
Ms. Jany A. Brown
Mrs. JoAnne Brown
Mr. and Mrs. Michael L. Brown
Mr. Purcell Brown, Sr.
Ms. Sara Brown
Mr. Ryan Browne
Mr. Roger Brunell
Mr. and Mrs. Glen A. Bruno
Ms. Kimberly Brunson
Ms. Kitty Bryan
Mr. and Mrs. Lucian Bryan
Ms. Lauren Bryant
Ms. Susan Bryja
Mr. and Mrs. Eric J. Bryk
Mr. and Mrs. Ira P. Buchwald
Mr. Andrew Buckel, Jr.
Mr. Timothy Buckel
Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Buddenberg
Mr. Thomas A. Budnik
Ms. Jodi Buhay
Mr. Daniel Bullard
Mr. and Mrs. William Bundy
Dr. Kevin Bunting
Mr. and Mrs. John Banks Burgess
Mr. and Mrs. William R. Burkett
Mr. and Mrs. Brian D. Burks
Mr. and Mrs. R. Lee Burleson
Mr. Brian Burn
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Burnell
Mr. Herbert Burns
Mr. and Mrs. John E. Burns
Mr. Ken Burns
Ms. Anne Burris
Mr. and Mrs. Don Burton
Mr. Gerald E. Busbee
Mr. George D. Bush
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Butler
Mr. Keith Butler
Mr. and Mrs. William E. Butler
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Byars
Mr. Roman Byczek
Mr. Chris Caffrey
Ms. Jennifer Call
Mr. and Mrs. Chip Callaway
Mr. and Mrs. Milton E. Callaway
Mr. and Mrs. Jack W. Callicutt
Ms. Sally Caltabiano
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Calvario
Ms. Christie Dickinson Camp
Ms. Nichelle Campanile
Ms. Amy Campbell
Ms. Ann Campbell
Mr. Claude Campbell
Ms. Debi Campbell
Ms. Maureen Candib
Mr. and Mrs. William Ralph Canine
Ms. Jackie Cannizzo
Mr. Michael R. Canova
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Caplan
Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Capone
Ms. Jackie Carden
Mr. and Mrs. John Cardillo
Ms. Helen S. Carlos
Mrs. Margaret W. Carlson
Mr. David Carlton
Mr. Mark V. Carpenter
Ms. Christy Carr
Mrs. Shelley Carr
Mr. and Mrs. John Carroll
Ms. Robyn Carroll
Ms. Ann Carstarphen
Mr. and Mrs. Jason Cartenuto
Ms. Betsy Carter
Mr. and Mrs. Gaines P. Carter
Mr. John E. Carter
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Carter
Ms. Daceta Carty
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Carvotta
Ms. Wendy Carvotta
Mr. Alex Casado
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Casal
Ms. Ashley Casey
Ms. Donna Castle
Mr. and Mrs. C. Todd Castleberry
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Caton
Ms. Marilyn Cattanach
Mr. Michael Caudill
Dr. and Mrs. David M. Cearley
Mr. Brett Cenkus
Mr. Christopher Cera
Ms. Ann Chakales
Mr. David W. Chamblee
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Chance
Mr. and Mrs. John T. Chandler, Jr.
Mrs. Ann King Chapman
Ms. Jean Chapman
Mr. Steven M. Chatman
Peijun Chen
Ms. Tina Chen
Mr. and Mrs. Mark E. Cheney
Mr. John Childs
Mr. and Mrs. Doug Chipman
Ms. Sharon M. Cho
Mr. and Mrs. Mark G. Christensen
Mr. and Mrs. Alan Christian
Mr. Bryan S. Christopher
Ms. Elen Christopher
Ms. Loretta Christopher
Mr. and Mrs. David Christopherson
Ms. Lori Chunn
Ms. Lauren Claridge
Ms. Crystal Clark
Mr. Gerald Clark
Ms. Gail Clarke
Ms. Lori Clarke
Ms. Margaret B. Clay
Ms. Kortney Clayton
Mr. Michael Cleary
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Clements
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Clifford
Mr. Don Cline
Ms. Kaye Clinkscales
Mrs. Sue Clontz
Mrs. Virginia Close
Mrs. Louise B. Cobb
Ms. Linda Coble
Mr. Chris Cochran
Ms. Judith L. Coe
2 01 3 -2 014
Indiv i d u a l D o n at io n s (co nt inu ed )
Mr. and Mrs. Barry P. Cohen
Ms. Lisa S. Cohen
Ms. Shelley Colberg
Mr. Curtis Cole
Ms. Sheri Cole
Jamie Coleman
Mr. and Mrs. Humberto Colin
Ms. Lynne Colley
Ms. Sherrill A. Collings
Mr. Brian Collins
Mr. Clayton Collins
Mr. James Collins
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph D. Collins
Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Collins
Mr. Timothy Collins
Mr. Will Collins
Mr. Jack G. Comer
Ms. Elizabeth Conboy
Ms. Catherine Connelly
Mrs. Leota C. Connor
Mr. and Mrs. David A. Conrad
Ms. Sofie Convey
Mr. Steven W. Cook and
Ms. Sheryl S. Dickman
Mr. and Mrs. Tracey Cooper
Ms. Kimberly Coordes
Ms. Lisa Copeland
Mr. William Corbin
Mrs. Fran Corbitt
Ms. Linda Cordovana
Mr. Frank Corker
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cornett
Mr. John Cornille
Ms. Mindy Cornille
Mr. Robert Cortelyou
Ms. Sandra Cosgrove
Ms. Carri Cossais
Ms. Sylvia Costin
Mr. Thomas Cotto, Jr.
Mr. Charles P. Couch
Ms. Taylor R. Courtnay
Mrs. Beth B. Couter
Ms. Nancy Coveny
Mr. and Mrs. Joshua W. Cox
Mr. and Mrs. David Craig
Mr. Kevin Cranman
Mr. and Mrs. John M. Crawford
Mr. and Mrs. Julius L. Crawford
Ms. Machelle Crawford
Ms. Myria Crawford
Ms. Caroline Croft
Ms. Yvette Crooke
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Arthur Crooks
Mr. Bryan Crowell
Ms. Trina Csaszar
Mr. Jason Cuevas
Mr. Trent Culbertson
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Cully
Ms. Janis Cummiskey
Mr. Patrick Cummiskey
Ms. Rebecca Cummiskey
Mr. and Mrs. Greg Cunningham
Mr. and Mrs. Gianfranco M. Curotto
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Curran
Mr. and Mrs. David W. Currie
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Curry
Ms. Lisette Cushing
Mr. Luther Cutchins
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher L. Cynkar
Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Czajkoski
Mrs. Patricia Czarick
Ms. Tara Daigle
Mr. Andrew Dames
Mr. David Damiani
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Danbury
Ms. Anna Dane
Mr. William Daniel
Mr. Kevin Daniell
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Danish
Ms. Mary C. Danison
Mr. Anthony J. Dante
Ms. Nancy Dantzler
Mr. and Mrs. Jeremy Darr
Ms. Nannette Dasher
Terry Daughtrey
Ms. Susan Daves
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Davey
Mr. and Mrs. Brian N. David
Mr. and Mrs. Ken David
Mr. Luca Davidorf
Ms. Allison Davis
Ms. Biscuit Davis
Mr. Gregory R. Davis
Mr. James Davis
Mr. Larry Davis
Ms. Mary F. Davis
Ms. Michele Davis
Ms. Stephanie Davis
Mr. and Mrs. Vandy T. Davis
Mr. Layne Davlin
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Dawson
Mr. Steven Dawson
Dr. and Mrs. Behrooz Dayanim
Mr. Chris de Freitas
Mr. Ricardo de La Guardia
Mr. Dustin Dean
Ms. Sandy Dean
Mr. Steven Dean
Mrs. Ashely M. DeBerry
Mr. Frank Debo
Ms. Amanda DeBord
Mr. Rodney Deese
Mr. and Mrs. Paul DeGance
Mr. Alex Dekker
Ms. Geraldine Delaney
Mr. Daniel Dempsey
Mr. Thomas Dempsey
Mr. Steve Deneke
Mrs. Katherine Denny
Mr. Walter Deriso
Ms. Kathy Derosa
Mr. and Mrs. Michael L. Devaney
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Devito
Mr. Peter Diatelevi
Mr. and Mrs. George Dick
Mr. J. Richard Dickens
Ms. Michelle Dickson
Ms. Paula Dickson
Ms. Nancy Dieber
Ms. Judith A. Dietz
Ms. Frances Digeronimo
Ms. Jamie Digeronimo
Ms. Carolyn K. Diles
Carrie and Ashley Dillard
Mr. and Mrs. Chad Dixon
Mr. Jeff Dobkins
Ms. Debbie Dodd
Kerry Dodd
Jamie Dollinger
Ms. Kimberly Dollinger
Mr. Toby Donar
Ms. Betty L. Donato
Qinglin Dong
Mr. Michael Donnelly
Mr. Sheldon J. Donner
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick F. Dooher
Ms. Lisa Dooling
Ms. Anna Dorrien
Mrs. Melanie J. Doucet
Mr. and Mrs. Chuck Doughty
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Doughty
Mrs. Jennifer Dowd
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy D. Downes
Ms. Britni Grace Doyle
R. L. and S. A. Doyle
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dranginis
Mr. Matt Dranove
Mr. and Mrs. Todd A. Dreesman
Mr. Michael Drobnik
Mr. and Mrs. Elliott Dubin
Mr. and Mrs. John F. Duffy, Jr.
Mr. Thomas Duke
Ms. Lexi Dukes
Ms. Nicole Dumpit
Mr. and Mrs. Vince Dumpit
Mr. Scotty Duncan
Ms. Jean Dunn
Ms. Stacey Dunn
Ms. Katie C. Dupslaff
Ms. Denise Durham
Mr. and Mrs. William H. Durham, Jr.
Ms. Lisa Dwyer
Ms. Karen Dyer
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Earnest, Jr.
Ms. Elizabeth Easterly
Ms. Meredith Eble
Mr. Mark Eckrote
Ms. Altha Edgren
Ms. Lisa Edmond
Mr. Jon Edwards
Ms. Linda Edwards
Ms. Maxine Egbert
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Eidbo
Mr. Kenneth Eisenberg
Ms. Lisa L. Eisenhart
Ms. Kate Eldridge
Mr. Nyles Ellefson
Mr. William Elliott
Ms. Katherine Ellis
Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Ellison
Mr. Jeffrey Ellman
Ms. Kathy Elmore
Ms. Brooke Elowe
Mr. Kevin Elrod
Mrs. Michelle Elsenbeck
Ms. Julie Elster
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Emory
Mr. and Mrs. David M. Eppsteiner
Mr. Steve Erickson
Ms. Trisha Erickson
Mr. and Mrs. Philippe M. Erramuzpe
Ms. Brendy Esmond
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Esser
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Esslinger
Mr. Jeff Estes
Mr. and Mrs. John C. Ethridge, Jr.
Ms. Alice M.S. Evans
Mr. and Mrs. Charles N. Evans
Ms. Heather Evans
Mr. James Evans
Mr. Michael Evans
Mr. Tommy Evans
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Ewing
Mr. and Mrs. James W. Exley, IV
Ms. Carolyn A. Ezzell
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis L. Faber
Mr. Fair
Ms. Gail Fargason
Ms. Debbie Farias
Mrs. Teresa L. Farr
Ms. Rose Farrell
Mr. and Mrs. Scott L. Farrell
Ms. Carrie Farris
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Farrugia
Mr. and Mrs. David Faucett
Mr. and Mrs. John E. Faulkner
Mr. and Mrs. Phil Fauver
Mr. John Fay
Mr. Greg Fedio
Ms. Mindy Feinstein
Ms. Patricia Felt
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory J. Feltes
Dr. and Mrs. Christopher G. Fenchak
Mr. and Mrs. George Fenchak
Mr. and Mrs. Michael P. Fenlon
Glennii Ferguson
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald P. Ferrara
Ms. Julie Fesefeldt
Mr. and Mrs. David D. Fessenden
Mr. Philip Findlay
Mr. and Mrs. Philip Finkle
Chris Fisher
Mr. and Mrs. Jordan Fladell
Ms. Therese F. Flanagan
Shawn Flannery
Mr. J. Britt Fleck
Mr. Dustin Fleishman
Ms. Erika Fleming
Ms. Terry Fleming
Mr. A. Bryan Fletcher
Ms. Caterina Flores
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Foley
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Foley
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen V. Fontanelli
Mr. and Mrs. Gianpiero Forcina
Ms. Mary Ford
Mr. Gordon J. Fore
Mr. Charles Forman
Ms. Jennifer Forman
Ms. Jody Forman
Jordan Forman
Ms. Marlyn Forman
Ms. Donna Fortner
Ms. Marilyn Foshee
Mr. Bart Foster
Ms. Candace Fowler
Mr. and Mrs. Craig A. Foy
Ms. Debbie Frady
Mr. Stuart N. Francis
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Franco
Mr. Michael Frank
Mr. and Mrs. Donald R. Franklin
Mr. and Mrs. John H. Franklin
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth A. Franz
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne R. Freedman
Dr. Chris Freer
Mr. William L. Freihofer
Mr. and Mrs. Don Michael Frew
Ms. Beth R. Friedman
Mr. Steven M. Friedman
Mr. and Mrs. Darrin L. Friedrich
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Frierson, III
Ms. Kristen Froehlich
Mr. and Mrs. Kim Fulkerson
Mr. and Mrs. Adam Fuller
Mr. and Mrs. Donald R. Fuller
Ms. Gwen Fuller
Ms. Meagan Fulmer
Mr. Yoshi Funabashi
Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Edwin Funsch
Mr. Garlan Furin
Mr. and Mrs. Ron Gabbai
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin M. Gaffney
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Gainous
Ms. Colleen Gallagher
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Galloway
Mr. Jordy Gamson
Ms. Melody Gandolfi
Mr. and Mrs. Michael D. Garcia
Ms. Tania Garcia
Ms. Kathy Gardner
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Gardner
Ms. Michelle Gardner
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Reid Garner
Mr. and Mrs. Twiman Garrason
Mr. William Garvis
Ms. Mary Gaudet
Mr. J. Michael Gearon, Sr.
Mrs. Ken Fisher Gearon
Dr. Amy Elizabeth Geer
Ms. Katherine Genovese
Ms. Mindy Gentry
cur e childhood ca ncer
2 01 3 -2 014
a n n ua l r ep or t
Indiv i d u a l D o n at io n s (co nt inu ed )
Mr. Joseph Genzano
Ms. Amber Gerkin
Mr. John Gerstner
Mr. David Gevertz
Mr. and Mrs. George Gfroerer
Mr. Andrew L. Ghertner
Mr. John Gholson
Mrs. Margaret Gibree
Ms. Carla Gibson
Mrs. Ayelet Gilad
Mr. Clay Gilbert
Mr. and Mrs. James V. Gilberto
Ms. Rebecca Gillespie
Mr. George Gimpelson
Dr. Raife Giovinazzo
Ms. Maria Gitman
Ms. Jene Gladstone
Mr. Lawrence M. Gleason and
Mrs. Judy J. Candler
Mr. Paul Glickstein
Mr. Jason Glithero
Mr. Thomas Edward Godfrey, III
Ms. Irene Goetze
Mr. and Mrs. James Goff
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Goginsky
Ms. John Gohde
Dr. Gladys Goldberg
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Goldberg
Ms. Tina Goldberg
Dr. and Mrs. Gerald A. Goldklang
Mr. and Mrs. Steven J. Goldstein
Mr. Carlos A. Gomez
Mrs. Ellen Gomez
Ms. Veronica Gonzales
Mr. and Mrs. Ricardo Gonzalo
Mr. Andrew Goode
Mr. Joshua Goodling
Mr. William Goodson
Ms. Melissa Goodwin
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Goodwin
Mr. Ajay Gopal
Ms. Susan R. Gordon
Ms. Caroline Gordy
Ms. Leeann Gordy
Ms. Nancy Gordy
C. Graham
Ms. Christina Graham
Mr. Daniel Graham
Mr. Ken Graham
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Graham
Ms. Kimberly Gralapp
Mr. and Mrs. Dawson Granade
Mr. Brannon Graybill
Mr. Jerry L. Greenberg
Mr. and Mrs. Robert N. Greenberger
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Greene
Ms. Emileigh Greene
Ms. Nancy Greenwood
Ms. Mary Margaret Gregg
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher E. Griffin
Ms. Sue Griffin
Mrs. Lee Denny Griffith
Mr. and Mrs. John F. Griner
Mr. Ronald Grosse
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Grosswald
Mr. Brandon Guin
Mr. and Mrs. J. Marc Guitton
Mr. Navneet Gupta
Ms. Darlene Guttery
Ms. Heidy Guzman
Mr. Richard Hackney
Ms. Heather Haddad
Ms. Susan Haddon
Kerry Haertel
Mr. Bill Hague
Mr. Gary W. Hahn
Mrs. Cynthia Hale
Mr. Porter Hale
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Hall
Ms. Deborah Hall
Mr. and Mrs. John G. Hall
Mr. and Mrs. Julius G. Haller, III
Mr. Gerry Halphen
Ms. Deirdre Ham
Mr. William Ham
Mr. Wes Hammerschmidt
Mr. Terry Hampel
Mr. Edward Handelman
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce W. Hanft
Mr. David M. Hanger
Mr. and Mrs. Howard S. Hanger
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen P. Hanger
Mr. Lucas Hankins
Ms. Debbie Hankish
Mr. and Mrs. Francis Hansen
Mr. Gary Harden
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hardt
Mr. Jeremiah Harmon
Mr. Robert Harn
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Harnesberger
Ms. Kristina E. Harper
Ms. Elaine P. Harris
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey S. Harris
Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy L. Harris
JK Harris
Ms. Joan Harris
Ms. Melody Harris
Mr. William Harris
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Hart
Ms. Ann G. Hartley
Mrs. Sara M. Hartley
Ms. Natalie Harvey
Ms. Margaret Haskell
Mr. Randy Hatcher
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel T. Hawkins
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Hay
Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Hayes
Mr. John Haynie
Mr. Kelwin Heard
Mr. Andy Hearn
Mr. Robert W. Hearn, Jr.
Mr. Ted Heath and
Ms. Beatriz Alvarado
Ms. Deborrah Hebert
Mr. and Mrs. Barry Hegwood
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Heidt
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hein
Mr. Steven Hein
Mr. William Heitz and
Ms. Leslie Brown
Mr. Richard Heller
Ms. Heather Hellwig
Ms. Eileen Hemingway
Mr. Chris Henderson
Ms. Asa Hendrick
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C. Hennelly
Dr. Richard Henneman and
Dr. Janet Fath
Mr. and Mrs. James Hennessey
Ms. Crystal Henry
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hensley
Mr. and Mrs. Bobby Herman
Ms. Laura Herrin
Mr. Rodney Herring
Mr. Joseph F. Hetz
Mrs. Sandy Heuer
Ms. Amy E. Hewitt
Mr. and Mrs. Gary L. Hickerson
Ms. Karen Hicks
Mr. Stephen D. Higgins
Mr. Al B. Hill
Ms. Anita Hill
Ms. Lisa Hill
Ms. Sheri Hill
Chris Hillis
Nageen Himayat
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Hinman
Mr. and Mrs. Chris Hitchcock
Mr. and Mrs. David Hitchcock
Mr. and Mrs. Ellis H. Hobbs, III
Ms. Tedra Hobson
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald W. Hodges
Mr. and Mrs. Norman H. Hoechstetter
Mr. and Mrs. Graham E. Hogan
Mr. and Mrs. John L. Hogshead
Mrs. Dale Hohlstein
Ms. Trudy Holden
Mr. and Mrs. Wes Holder
Mr. and Mrs. Rick Holecek
Mr. Chris Holland
Ms. Fran Holland
Mr. Greg Holland
Ms. Sheila Holland
Mr. Sherman Holland
Ms. Milly Holliday
Mr. Michael Hollingsworth
Mr. and Mrs. William Hollingsworth
Dr. Alexzandra Hollingworth
Ms. Amy R. Holloway
Ms. Judy Holloway
Toni Holman
Ms. Shelba J. Holmes
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence J. Holtzman
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Holzgrefe
Mr. Justin Honaman
Ms. Jacqueline Honeycutt
Ms. Mary Hook
Mr. and Mrs. John Hopkins
Ms. Dianna Hopson
Mr. Billy Horne
Mr. and Mrs. Don Horne
Mr. and Mrs. Robert T. Horne
Mr. and Mrs. James Horstman
Mr. and Mrs. D. Kevin Houlihan
Ms. Susan Hovis
Ms. Andrea G. Howard
Mr. Jason Howard and
Ms. Heather L. Munday
Ms. Joan P. Howard
Ms. Kirsten Howard
Mr. Mark Howard
Mr. Matthew Howard
Mr. William Huang
Ms. Margie Hubbell
Ms. Amy Huckaby
Ms. Kitty Hudalla
Ms. Kimberly Hudson
Mrs. Kimberly S. Hudson
Mr. Daniel J. Huff
Ms. Kelly Huggins
Mr. Jonathan Hughes
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Hughes
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn D. Hulett
Ms. Candace Hull
Ms. Gwendolyn K. Hulsey
Ms. Breanne Humphries
Mr. and Mrs. David Hupp
Mr. and Mrs. Gerry Hurley
Mr. Douglas Hutchison
Mr. and Mrs. James R. Hylton
Ms. Kimberly B. Ingleheart
Mr. Kevin Innes
Ms. Jessica Inskeep
Mr. and Mrs. John B. Irby
Ms. Nicole Iroff
Mr. Bryant Isaacs
Mr. Jonathan Isler
Ms. Paula Isler
Mr. Dan Israel
Miss Caitlin Ivie
Mr. and Mrs. D. Bailey Izard
Ms. Arielle Jachman
Chris Jackson
Mrs. Irene Jackson
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey S. Jackson
Mr. Samuel M. Jackson
Mr. and Mrs. W. Mark Jackson
Mr. and Mrs. William Jackson
Mr. and Mrs. J. Scott Jacobson
Ms. Keri Jager
Mr. Robert Jain
Ms. Catherine James
Mr. Larry James and
Ms. Georgianne R. Fenchak
Mr. Macon Jamieson
Mr. Christopher Janda
Mr. Steven Jansen
Mrs. Stephanie Jaouen
Mr. Roger Jeanson
Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Jefferson, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Jenco
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Jenkins
Ms. Christina Jenkins
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey K. Jenkins
Ms. Rebecca Lynn Jenkins
Ms. Em Jennings
Mrs. Jennifer Jessel
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew J. Jewell
Ms. Allison Johnson
Ms. Christina L. Johnson
Mr. David A. Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Johnson
Mr. Jeffrey W. Johnson
Ms. Kathleen L. Johnson
Mr. Kevin L. Johnson
Ms. Kim W. Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Kyle H. Johnson
Ms. Patricia A. Johnson
Mr. Paul Johnson
Mr. William Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. William A. Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. William L. Johnson
Mr. John Johnstone
Ms. Elaine Jones
Mr. and Mrs. Kenley Jones
Ms. Linda W. Jones
Mr. and Mrs. Russell H. Jones
Ms. Sandra D. Jones
Ms. Sarah Jones
Mr. Chad Jordan
Mr. Chad Juettner
Ms. Rhonda Julian
Mr. David Kagno
Ms. Jessica Kain
Ms. Carla Kalil
Mr. and Mrs. Duane Kalinowski
Mr. Jeff Kammerer
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher M. Kane
Mr. and Mrs. Phil Kaplan
Dr. Kevin L. Karem and
Dr. Karen S. Weldon
Mr. and Mrs. Victor M. Karem
Ms. Ali Kashefi
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond H. Kasten
Mr. Gaylord Kavlie
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Kavouras
Mr. and Mrs. David J. Kaye
Ms. Brenda L. Kearney
Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Keator
Mrs. Mary Shannon Keckler
Ms. Hollie Keeter
Mr. Elliot Keim
Mrs. Sandra W. Kellam
Ms. Florrie Anderson Kelley
Mr. and Mrs. John Kelley
Mr. Cole Kelly
Mr. and Mrs. James E. Kelly
Ms. Meri Kelly
Mr. and Mrs. Phillip M. Kelly
Mr. Ross Kelly
Ms. Sheila Kelly
Mr. and Mrs. James Kennedy
2 01 3 -2 014
Indiv i d u a l D o n at io n s (co nt inu ed )
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Kenworthy
Ms. Carri McBride Kern
Ms. Karen M. Kerr and
Ms. Colleen Amy Cox
Ms. Anne Key
Ms. Stacey Key
Mr. and Mrs. James W. Keys
Mahsheed Khajavi
Ms. Helen Kidd
Mr. Asim Kidwai and
Mrs. Evangelina Rodriguez-Kidwai
Ms. Lisa Kiel
Mr. Kwang Kim
Mr. Constantine Kimbaris
Mr. Pete Kimbell
Ms. Melanie Kinard
Mr. and Mrs. Randall Kindred
Ms. Carrie R. King
Mr. and Mrs. Charles T. King, Jr.
Jaime King
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. King
Mr. Bryan Kinsley
Mrs. Laura Kirby
Ms. Susan Kirchhausen
Ms. Barbara Kirk
Mr. David Kirk
Ms. Kristi Kirkland
Ms. Heather Kisner
Ms. Marie Klaer
Mr. and Mrs. Constantine J. Klakis
Mrs. Cindy E. Klavohn
Ms. Dori Kleber
Ms. Rhonda Klein
Mr. Thomas P. Klemm and
Mrs. Joanne G. Korothy
Ms. Kelly Klenk
Mr. Michael Klindt
Ms. Kim Klumok
Mr. and Mrs. Louis G. Knezevich
Kim Knight
Mr. and Mrs. Scott R. Knight
Ms. Kimberly Steel Koehle
Mr. Carl Koehler
Ms. Allison J. Koenig
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Kohne
Mr. Ross Kolko
Mr. and Mrs. Dale Kolosna
Ms. Debra Kopec
Mr. and Mrs. Kal E. Koplin
Ms. Martha Koplin
Mr. Randy Koporc
Ms. Denice Kovalsky
Mr. Richard Kowalick
Mr. Michael Krachon
Mr. and Mrs. David Kralovich
Mr. and Mrs. John Krieg
Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan I. Krieger
Mr. and Mrs. Mike P. Krouskos
Ms. Gretchen Krumdieck
Mr. Robert L. Kruse
Mr. and Mrs. Rolland Kuhr
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Kullmann
Ms. Sonjui Kumar
Mr. Victor Kunakowsky
Mr. Lawrence Kunin
Mr. Ray Kurey
Ms. Julie Kutchin
Ms. Sandra Kuth
Mr. Chang Kymm
Ms. Amber la Form
Ms. Carrie Lackey
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Lager
Ms. Nancy J. Laible
Mr. Wilbur Lam
Ms. Carol S. Lamberton
Mr. and Mrs. Claude Lamour
Ms. Heather Lance
Mr. and Mrs. Kerry Landis
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Lane, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne M. Langford
Ms. Tamara Langham
Ms. Candice Lanier
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick H. Lanier
Mrs. Ellen Lark
Ms. Denise M. Larkin
Ms. Cathy Larocca
Mr. Trevor LaRocque
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Larosa
Ms. Bethany Lasky
Mrs. Christy Lassiter-Bennett
Mr. and Mrs. Dick Latting
Ms. Jennifer Laubach
Ms. Robbyn Laufer
Ms. Colette Lauria
Mr. Patrick J. Lavery
JN Lawler
Mr. Justin Lawrence
Mr. Lloyd Lay
Ms. Valarie Leach
Mrs. Aimee League
Mr. and Mrs. Alan Leake
Ms. Debbie Leavenworth
Ms. Susan Lecraw
Mr. Steven V. Ledbetter
Mr. Anthony A. Ledonne
Mr. Bud Lee
Mr. and Mrs. James Lee
Ms. Kathryn Lee
Ms. Kelley Lee
Ms. Pam Taffar Lee
Mr. and Mrs. Philip E. Lee
Mr. and Mrs. Scott P. Lee
Mr. Gary Leeds
Dr. and Mrs. Darcy R. Leerssen
Ms. Helen Lefkoff
Mr. David Lefkovits
Ms. Camille Lefkowitz
Mrs. G. L. Leglue
Mr. and Mrs. David P. Legried
Ms. Michelle Lehmann
Mr. and Mrs. James W. Leibach
Mr. Alex Leibold
Ms. Emma Leigh
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Lemanowicz
Ms. Kristen Lemley
Ms. Gwen Leonard
Mr. Leon Leonard
Ms. Kathleen Anne Lescher
Ms. Helen H. Lester
Mr. Alan C. Levin
Mr. Andrew Levin
Mr. H. Robert Levin
Ms. Simone Levingston
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Levinson
Ms. Sharon Levison
Ms. Karen Levy
Mr. and Mrs. Robert K. Levy
Ms. Deborah Lewis
Ms. Lisa Liang
Mr. Joseph Licata
Mr. and Mrs. Mark J. Lichtenstein
Mr. and Mrs. Dave Liddell
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Light
Manida Limlamai
Naitnaphit Limlamai
Mr. and Mrs. Todd Lindley
Ms. Danielle Lindsay
Ms. Camille Lindsey
Ms. Linda J. Link
Ms. Laurel Linneman
Ms. Eva Lipman
Mr. Daniel S. Lipson
Mr. Norman Litwack
Mr. and Mrs. Ryan B. Livezey
Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Livingston
Ms. Colleen Lizardi
Mr. Frank B. Lockridge, III
Mr. Frank B. Lockridge, Jr.
Mr. Eric C. Lohr
Ms. Lorelie Lombardo
Mr. Louis Long
Mr. Steven D. Long
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Lorenzo
Ms. Kathleen Loun
Mr. Robert Loushine
Mr. David Love
Mr. Tim Love
Ms. Alice Lovin
Ms. Catherine Lowe
Mr. Christopher Lowell
Ms. Charlotte Lowry
Mr. Mitchell W. Loy
Mr. Thomas W. Lubatti
Ms. Joanne Luckett
Ms. Stephanie Luke
Mr. and Mrs. A. Porter Lummus
Ms. April L. Luna
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth J. Lyle
Mr. and Mrs. Steven T. Lyman
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Lynch
Mr. and Mrs. Chris Lynn
Mr. Karl Lyon, II
Mr. and Mrs. James A. Lysaker
Ms. Lillian Maalawy
Ms. Diane Macaluso
Ms. Angela MacDonald
Mr. and Mrs. Chip MacDonald
Mr. and Mrs. Doug MacGinnitie
Mr. Christopher Mack
Mr. and Mrs. Tim F. MacKesey
Mr. John MacNaughton
Valli Maddux
Mr. Collin Madore
Ms. Phyllis R. Madren
Mr. Guerry Magidson
Ms. Tanya Magill
Ms. Gina Maglio
Mr. Steven Magner
Mr. Michael J. Magnifico, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Sean P. Maguire
Mr. and Mrs. Willie A. Maise
Mr. and Mrs. John Makarewicz
Mr. Andrew Maki
Mr. Craig Malcolm
Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Todd Mallard
Mr. and Mrs. Eric Malmberg
Ms. Alissa C. Malone
Mr. Richard Maloney
Mrs. Vimala Mandala
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Mankin
Mr. Charles S. Mann
Mrs. Elaine Mann
Mr. Michael Mannheimer
Ms. Cindy Manning
Mr. and Mrs. Scott B. Manning
Ms. Nancy March
Mr. and Mrs. William W. Marder
Mr. Joey Marietta
Mr. and Mrs. Mark L. Marine
Mr. Dennis E. Marley
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Marmet
Mr. Robert Marsh
Mr. Ryan Marsh
Mr. Gerard Martel
Mr. Kevin Martin
Ms. Lisa Martin
Ms. Patti Martin
Ms. Therese Martin
Mr. Tim Martin
Mr. Daniel Martinez
Mr. and Mrs. Jason Martter
Ms. Jessie Mashburn
Mr. Christopher Masi
Ms. Sara Mason
Ms. Corinne Mateyak
Ms. Mary Anne Mathis
Ms. Sarah Matl
Mr. Chris Matthies
Mr. and Mrs. David Matz
Mr. Gary V. Mauldin
Mr. and Mrs. Rusty Mauldin
Ms. Marci Maurer-Nunnery
Miss L. Elder Maxwell
Ms. Cynthia May
Mr. Randall Corey May
Ms. Alyce Mayo
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Maziar
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Mazziotti
Mr. Eric McCartney
Ms. Jenna McCauley
Ms. Leah McClamon
Mr. J. Patrick McCloud
Mr. James McConnell
Mr. Richard McConville
Mr. and Mrs. James McCormick
Mr. and Mrs. Michael McCourt
Mrs. Melanie J. McDaniel
Mr. Charles E. McDonald, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. James A. McDonald
Miss Kelly McDuffie
Mr. and Mrs. John W. McElderry
Mr. Frank McElroy, Jr.
Mr. Charles P. McElveen, Jr.
Mr. Peter McFarlane
Mr. and Mrs. Radford A. McGee, Jr.
Mr. Kevin McGowan
Mr. George E. McInnis
Ms. Marlene McKee
Mr. Brian W. McKenney
Mr. John McKenney
Mr. William McKinnell
Ms. Ellen McKinnis
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher D. McLatcher
Mr. John McLean
Mr. Timothy McLemore
Ms. Joann McNally
Mr. Ritchie McNally and
Ms. Casey Cornell
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew R. McNeal
Mr. W. M. McNeill
Ms. Sabrina McNerney
Mr. Frederick McOmber
Mr. Tim McVay
Ms. Addie Meeks
Mr. Heinrich Meermann
Mr. and Mrs. Parul Mehta
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Meister
Mrs. Sue E. Menhorn
Mr. and Mrs. Troy Mercado
Mr. Frank Mercer
Mr. Jay Mercer
Ms. Stephanie Merchant
Mr. and Mrs. Addison H. Meriwether
Mr. and Mrs. Luke M. Merriam
Dr. Ann C. Mertens and
Ms. Sharon R. Remaly
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Methvin
Mr. and Mrs. Albert V. Metz, III
Ms. Alyson H. Metzler
Ms. Ann Meyer
Ms. Jackie Meyer
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth V. Meyer
Ms. Cece Meyers
Mr. and Mrs. Rex Mhiripiri
Mr. Joseph Michaels
Mr. Curt Mickle
Andi Milens
Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Miller
Mr. Allan Miller
Ms. Angelia C. Miller
Mr. Bill Miller
Ms. Catherine Miller
cur e childhood ca ncer
2 01 3 -2 014
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Indiv i d u a l D o n at io n s (co nt inu ed )
Mr. Clifford Miller
Mr. David M. Miller
Mr. and Mrs. Duncan Miller
Mr. Dutton Miller, Sr.
Mrs. Gale Miller
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Miller
Mr. and Mrs. James Leo Miller
Mr. and Mrs. Jason Miller
Dr. and Mrs. Jay Miller
Ms. Joanna Miller
Ms. Maura Miller
Ms. Paige Miller
Ms. Steffi Miller
Ms. Pamela C. Milling
Ms. Jane Mingey
Mr. and Mrs. Tony Minicucci
Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Minsk
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Minsk
Ms. Elizabeth Miraldi
Mrs. Geraldine Mirando
Ms. Kelley Mobley
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew G. Moffett
Mr. Michael A. Mohr
Mr. and Mrs. William Mark Moir
Ms. Michele Molden
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Monahan
Mrs. Elizabeth Moncrief
Ms. Catherine Montague
Mr. Al Montanino
Mr. Larry Montgomery
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Monusky
Mrs. Ann C. Moore
Mr. Damien Moore
Ms. Dorothy E. Moore
Ms. Jacqueline Moore
Ms. Joyce Moore
Ms. M. Kay Moore
Mr. Richard Moore
Mr. Robert E. Moore
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Moore
Ms. Karen Morakis
Mr. Roger Morales
Mr. Brian R. Moran
Mrs. Jeri Moran
Mr. and Mrs. Josh Moreland
Mr. DeMarco Morgan
Ms. Vicki Morgan
Mr. and Mrs. W. David Morgan, III
Mr. and Mrs. William Morlan
Ms. Karen Morning
Ms. Allyson Morris
Mr. Dwight Morris
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry W. Morris, Sr.
Ms. Sheryl Morris
Mr. and Mrs. William S. Morris, IV
Chris J. Morrison
Mr. Peter Morrissey
Mr. Scott Morrow
Ms. Suzanne A. Morton
Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Mosley, Jr.
Mrs. Marla Moulder
Ms. Deanna L. Moultry
Mr. John Muenchen
Mr. Michael Muir
Mr. and Mrs. Darren Muise
Mr. Bradley H. Murphey
Mr. Fred Murphy
Mrs. Jean M. Murphy
Mr. Paul D. Murphy
Mr. Dennis Murray
Ms. Meghan A. Murray
Mr. and Mrs. Miles Murray
Mr. Timothy Murray
Mr. Ray Myers
Mr. David Nadler
Ms. Narges Naghipouragdam
Dr. Sukhvinder K. Nagi
Dr. and Mrs. Stephen Nagler
Robin Nance
Ms. Angela Sarullo Naples
Ms. Cynthia Nash
Mr. and Mrs. Paul E. Nauert
Mr. Jeff Neal
Mr. and Mrs. J. Clark Neaves, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Wesley D. Neece
Ms. Kathy Neel
Mr. C. Robert Nelms
Mr. and Mrs. Clark N. Nelson
Mr. and Mrs. Scott W. Nelson
Ms. Susan Nethero
Ms. Jodi Newbern
Jerry Newcomer
Dr. and Mrs. William R. Newell
Ms. Christine Newlin
Mr. and Mrs. Mickey Newsom
Mr. Timothy L. Newton
Alex Nice
Mr. and Mrs. Connor Nicholls
Ms. Elizabeth Nichols
Mr. and Mrs. Greg Nichols
Ms. Margaret Beverly Nichols
Mr. and Mrs. William Nichols
Ms. Mary Nickolaus
Mr. Frank Nicolini
Mr. and Mrs. Mohammad Nikkhah
Mr. James B. Niven
Mr. James R. Nobles
Mrs. Virginia M. Noel
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Alan Nord
Dr. Aileen M. Norden and
Mr. David F. Norden
Mr. Peter Norley
Ms. Amanda Nottke
Mr. Richard Novack
Mr. Daniel Noyd
Mr. and Mrs. Brooks K. Nunnally
Ms. Lynn Nygaard
Mr. Alex Obbard
Mr. Thomas O’Connell
Mr. and Mrs. Edward O’Connor
Ms. Rebecca O’Connor
Robert J. O’Donnell, D.D.S.
Ms. Sarah O’Grady
Mr. and Mrs. Jack O’Hanlon
Mr. and Mrs. Olof Ohberg
Mr. and Mrs. Nils Okeson, Jr.
Mr. Joseph Olaughlin
Mr. and Mrs. Kent Oldenburg
Ms. Cathy S. Oliver
Mr. and Mrs. Keith Olmert
Ms. Karen T. O’Neill
Mr. Sean O’Neill
Mr. James O’Quinn
Mrs. Kristin Oren
Mr. and Mrs. Sanford H. Orkin
Mrs. Lene Ormstrup
Kim Orth
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey D. Osborne
Ms. Anitria Otey
Mr. and Mrs. Darryl Outlaw
Mr. Roy Ovesen
Mr. Richard Owen
Mrs. Harriette H. Oxman
Dr. and Mrs. Paul E. Pafford
Ms. Karen Pagoaga
Mr. and Mrs. Colin T. Pajot
Mr. Michael Palgon
Ms. Alina M. Palmer
Ms. Dena Palmer
Mrs. Jill Paltrowitz
Mr. Derik Pannek
Mrs. Lisa Paras
Ms. Sharon Pardue
Mr. Sanjay Parekh
Mr. and Mrs. David Park
Mr. Jun Park
Mr. and Mrs. Ashley Parker
Ms. Jennifer C. Parker
Ms. Linda Parker
Ms. Mary Jane Parker
Ms. Miriam Parker
Mr. and Mrs. Ryan E. Parker
Ms. Tracy Parker
Mr. Christopher Parman
Del and Connie Parmer
Mr. Lawrence Parrish
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Parsons
Anu Parvatiyar
Ms. Lynn Pasqualetti
Mr. and Mrs. John H. Pate
Ms. Kristin Pate
Ms. Anjana Patel
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy J. Patterson
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Patton
Mr. Michael Paul
Mr. and Mrs. Dale M. Pavlovich
Ms. Rina E. Pedretti
Mr. William J. Peltier
Ms. Mary Peluso
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Pendergrass
Mr. David Pendley
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Pendley
Mr. Adaire Pennington
Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Pepe
Mr. and Mrs. Santiago A. Perez
Mrs. Wendy W. Perreault
Mr. Dan Perry
Mr. and Mrs. Garland D. Perry
Ms. Julie Perry
Mr. William Person
Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Peters
Ms. Gloria W. Peters
Mr. Ronald Peters
Mr. James Peterson
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Petruska
Mr. and Mrs. William R. Pettitt
Ms. Kara Pfau
Mr. Charles Phillips
Mr. Daniel Phillips
Ms. Jennifer Phillips
Ms. Jimmie Phillips
Mrs. Sue Phillips
Ms. Tamara L. Phillips
Mr. and Mrs. Terry Phillips
Ms. Carolyn C. Phinizy
Mr. Gregory Pierce
Ms. Michelle Pierce
Mr. Timothy Pierson
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Pille
Mr. and Mrs. Alan Pilzer
Mr. and Mrs. David L. Pinamonti
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Pinotti
Ms. Anne Pinyan
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Pischke
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Pittman
Mrs. Michelle H. Plott
Mr. Hans Plug
Ms. Lynn S. Podber
Mr. and Mrs. Morris P. Podber
Mr. Joshua Pointer
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen P. Poitevint
Ms. Lynn Pokrefke
Ms. Barbara Polk
Mr. Chad Polk
Mr. and Mrs. Everett Polk
Ms. Rose Ann Polk
Mr. Frank Pollard
Mr. John Pond
Mr. and Mrs. James M. Pope
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Popka
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Popowski
Mr. Steve Popper
Ms. Deborah Porcelli
Ms. Amy Porch
Ms. Karen Porter
M. J. Porter
Mr. Roger Posacki
Mr. Walker Posey
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Possert
Mr. Quinn Postero
Mr. Thomas Poteet
Mr. Robert Poticny
Ms. Jennifer Poulos
Mr. Thomas O. Powell
Ms. Grace Powers
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Powers
Mr. and Mrs. James W. Prescott
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Prevost
Ms. Allison Price
Ms. Evelyn Price
Mr. Steven R. Price
Mr. and Mrs. Harvard P. Prickett, Jr.
Mr. Jarrad Principe
Shawn Prine
Mr. and Mrs. Roger Lee Pritchard
Mr. Salvatore Privitera
Mrs. Jacqueline M. Procaccini
Jerzy Procinski
Mr. and Mrs. Michael D. Profit
Mr. Dayne Pryor
Dr. and Mrs. Eric Pryor
Ms. Jill Pryor
Ms. Stephanie Pucci
Ms. Bonnie Puckett
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Puckett
Mr. David H. Purcell
Mr. Stephen Puster
Ms. Tayla Quarterman
Mr. and Mrs. Bret Quigley
Ms. Lourdes Quinones
Ms. Elizabeth Quirk
Ms. Natalie Quirk
Mr. Jerome L. Racioppi and
Ms. Amy M. Iroff
Ms. Nancy Rafuse
Mr. Deepak Raghavan
Mr. and Mrs. Philip Raistrick
Mr. Kannan Rajappa
Ms. Susy Ralston
Mr. Kartik Ramakrishnan
Ms. Karrie Ramel
Mr. Seth Ramesh
Ms. Marilyn Ramey
Mr. Michael B. Randall
Mr. Girishsanthosh Ranganathan
Mr. and Mrs. Warren H. Rary
Mr. Abhijit Rashingkar
Mr. Humphrey Rast
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Rawlins
Shaun Rawls
Ms. Marlena Rayburn
Ms. Julia Bradley Rayfield
Mr. Christopher Reagin
Mr. and Mrs. David E. Reardon
Mr. Jack Rebeiz
Ms. Meredith Redwine
Mr. Terrence Reed
Mr. Mitchell T. Reese
Mr. Ryan Reethof
Mr. and Mrs. Brandon Register
Ms. Susan Reichman
Ms. Barbara Reid
Mr. and Mrs. Joe W. Reinkemeyer
Ms. Mary E. Reynolds
Ms. Penelope Reynolds
Ms. Seah Rhie
Ms. Alice M. Rhodie
Mr. Eddie Rice
Mr. and Mrs. Craig I. Rich
Ms. Joann Rich
Mr. David P. Richards
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Richey
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Mr. Jack Richey
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Richie
Dr. and Mrs. Colin S. Richman
Ms. Linda Ricklef
Mr. and Mrs. Michael S. Rickman
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Ridenour
Mrs. Heidi Riechel
Mr. Douglas L. Rieder
Ms. Rebecca Rieder
Mr. and Mrs. Hank Riedl
Mr. Thomas Riester
Mr. and Mrs. John D. Rigby
Mr. and Mrs. John K. Rigby
Mr. Stephen Riha
Ms. Kathy Riley
Mr. Rob Riley
Ms. Stephanie M. Riley
Ms. Cherise Rino
Mr. and Mrs. Felix Rioja
Ms. Jodi Riseberg
Jamie Ritter
Mr. and Mrs. William H. Rives
Mr. and Mrs. Julian Roberts
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Roberts
Mr. and Mrs. Ryan G. Roberts
Terry Roberts
Ms. Yvonne Robertson
Ms. Patti Robinson
Mr. and Mrs. W. Douglas Robinson
Mr. Scott Robirds
Mr. and Mrs. Hansell W. Roddenbery
Ms. Joyce Rodgers
Ms. Rosanne Rodilosso
Mr. and Mrs. Oskar H. Rogg
Mr. David Roher
Ms. Barbara Rohmann
Mr. Michael Rolla
Ms. Merrill Romanik
Mr. and Mrs. Philip Romm
Mr. Tim Rooney
Mr. Josh Roper
Mr. and Mrs. John Roscoe
Mr. and Mrs. Greg Roseberry
Mr. Howard E. Rosenberg
Ms. Kellee Rosenberg
Mr. and Mrs. Mark D. Rosenberg
Mr. Benjamin Rosenbluth
Ms. Sarah Ross
Mr. and Mrs. Alan T. Rosselot
Ms. Martha D. Rosselot
Ms. Robyn Roth
Ms. Beth Rousseau
Ms. Michelle Routh
Mrs. Maria Rowell
Ms. Ashley Rowland
Mrs. Deborah Royer
Mrs. Leslie Rubin
Mr. and Mrs. David Rubinger
Mr. Carlos Rubio
Ms. Patricia B. Rudi
Mr. John Ruef
Mr. and Mrs. Richard M. Rufolo
Mr. Randy Rumble
Mrs. Shayla Rumely
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Runge
Mrs. Ruth B. Russ
Mr. John C. Rust
Mr. Ryan A. Rutherford
Mr. Thomas Rutsch
Mr. John Rutte
Mr. and Mrs. Michael D. Ryan
Mr. Sidney V. Sack and Ms. Jill Tuner
Ms. Kimberly Salamone
Mrs. Barbara Salisbury
Mrs. Robin Z. Salley
Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Salzberg
Mr. Sanford Salzinger
Mr. Daniel Samber
Mr. Matt Samuelson
Mr. and Mrs. John B. Sanders, Jr.
Ms. Holly Sanderson
Mr. Scott Sandler
Mr. Justin Sandomir
Mr. and Mrs. David Sands
Mr. Uppender Saraon
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth G. Saren, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Saul, III
Ms. Sherry Saurini
Mr. Michael Savell
Mr. Mike Sawicki
Mr. Michael F. Scali
Mr. James Scarborough
Mr. Ray Scarbrough
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Schaffer
Mr. and Mrs. Rob Schenck
Ms. Becki Schmidt
Marty Schmidt
Ms. Melissa Schmoker
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin M. Schneider
Mr. and Mrs. Chris Schorr
Ms. Grenee Schramm
Mr. Brannon Schroerlucke
Mr. Don Schroerlucke
Mrs. Elizabeth Schue
Mr. and Mrs. John L. Schuhr, Jr.
Mr. Robert E. Schultz, III
Ms. Christine Schwartz
Ms. Gail Schwartz
Ashley P. Scott
Mr. John Scott
Ms. Monica Scott
Mr. Ferrell Scruggs, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Donald A. Seaman
Mr. Russell Sears
Dr. Jeff F. and Dr. Jennifer Seebach
Ms. Jennifer Seebach
Mr. and Mrs. Rolf Seiferheld
Ms. Melissa T. Seiler
Mr. Jeff Seitz
Ms. Jerrie Self
Ms. Kathy K. Serrano
Mr. Todd Seth
Ms. Morgan Shallcross
Mr. and Mrs. L. Glenn Shanholtzer
Ms. Melanie Shanks
Miss Jennifer Shannon
Rabih Shanshiry
Mr. David I. Shapiro
Ms. Kaewta Shapiro
Ms. Rosemary M. Sharp
Ms. Marla C. Shavin
Mr. and Mrs. Alan Shaw
Ms. Dana Shaw
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Sheintal
Mr. Ryan Shelton
Ms. Amanda Sheppard
Mr. Stephen Sherman
Dr. Fritzie Sheumaker
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Shiptenko
Mrs. Patricia Shiver
Ms. Abby Shlesinger
Ms. Michelle Shlimon
Ms. Renee Shoaf
Ms. Donnie Shockley
Dr. and Mrs. David Shonkoff
Mrs. Anna D. Shugart
Mr. and Mrs. Scott M. Shuman
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Shunick
Ms. Kaitlyn Sichau
Mr. Mark A. Sifuentes and
Ms. Sharon L. Fenchak
Ms. Cheryl Sileo
Mr. and Mrs. Todd Silliman
Ms. Elaine Silver
Mr. and Mrs. Ross Silver
Mr. Lawrence Silverman
Mr. and Mrs. Barry J. Simon
Ms. Daniel Simon
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen F. Simoneaux
Mrs. Julie A. Simons
Ms. Cindy Sims
Mr. Craig Sims
Mr. and Mrs. Paul C. Sims
Gurkirpal Singh
Mr. and Mrs. Tim W. Singletary
Mr. Jonathon L. Sisson
Mr. Keith Slater
Mr. Brett Slattery
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Slaughter
Ms. Cynthia Oxendine Sluder
Ms. Carolyn Smart
Mr. Michael Smit
Mr. Allan Smith
Ms. Christine D. Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher B. Smith
Mr. Colin L. Smith
Mr. David Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Glen P. Smith
Mr. Greg Smith
Mr. and Mrs. J. David Smith, Jr.
Ms. Julie Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Gerald Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Michael D. Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Peter A. Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Richard B. Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Richard S. Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Warren K. Smith
Mr. George Smither
Mr. Jeff Smither
Ms. Valerie Smithey
Mr. Paul Snedic
Mr. and Mrs. Brian G. Snitker
Ms. Dorothy Snowden
Mr. Jonathan Snyder
Mr. Stuart Snyder and
Mrs. Susan Beallor-Snyder
Mrs. Deborah O. Sole
Ms. Lisa Songer
Ms. Elizabeth A. Soporowski
Ms. Lisa Soranno
Mr. Rick Sossaman
Ms. Ruth Sours
Ms. Stephanie Southerton
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Spaeth
Mr. Jim Spangler
Mr. John Spartz
Ms. Natalie Springfield
Mr. and Mrs. Robert St. Onge
Mr. Scott Stafford
Mrs. Julie Staley
Mr. and Mrs. Jay Stallman
Ms. Corliss A. Stallworth
Mr. Gary Stalvey
Mr. Michael Stanford
Ms. Anne Marie Stanley
Shonn Stanley
Mr. Ivan Stanojevic
Ms. Julie Starks
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew G. Stead
Mr. Robert Palmer Steel and
Ms. Zahara Saleh Mohammed
Ms. Rosa Stein
Ms. Patricia Steinour
Mr. William Stenger
Ms. Lisa Stephens
Mr. Parker Stephens
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence C. Stevens
Mr. and Mrs. Quinten C. Stevens
Mr. James Timothy Stewart
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Stewart
Ms. Nancy Stewart
Mr. Paul Stewart
Mrs. Paola Steyling
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Stinger
Ms. Katie Stinner
Ms. Julie Stobbe
Ms. Susan Stoecker
Mr. Daniel Stonaker
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Stone
Mr. and Mrs. Graham Stovall
Ms. Pamela Strain
Mrs. Nancy Strawn
Mr. James Straza
Mr. and Mrs. Randall H. Street
Mr. and Mrs. Karl J. Streissguth
Mr. and Mrs. Randy Stricklin
Ms. Jennifer Stucky
Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Sturgill
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Sturgis
Wen Fei Su
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Sugg
Mr. and Mrs. Darren Suggs
Ms. Amy Sullins
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Sullivan
Ms. Ann Summer
Ms. Susan Sundberg
Ms. Tracy Suppiah
Mr. John Sutthoff
Mr. and Mrs. Victor W. Svetlay
Mrs. Alexandra Svoboda
Mr. and Mrs. Todd Swanson
Ms. Josette Swatchick
Mr. Brendan Sweeney
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Sweeney
Mrs. Edith Swint
Mr. William Swislow
Mr. and Mrs. Jason Switzer
Ms. Alyssa Syribeys
Mr. Peter Tarantino
Ms. Lisa Tarver
Mrs. Victoria B. Tate
Ms. Elizabeth Tatum
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Tatum
Ms. Amy Denise Taylor
Ms. Francine Taylor
Mr. and Mrs. John E. Taylor, Sr.
Mr. Kenneth W. Taylor
Mr. Larry S. Taylor
Mr. and Mrs. Matt Taylor
Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Taylor
Mrs. Susan M. Taylor
Mr. Gary Teague
Mr. and Mrs. John Tedford
Mrs. Linda Teetz
Mr. and Mrs. David Theobald
Mr. and Mrs. Matt Thibadeau
Mr. Jibin Thomas
Mr. and Mrs. Rocky Thomas
Ms. Sarah Thomas
Mrs. Ann M. Thompson
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Thompson
Ms. Gale Thompson
Mrs. Jane F. Thompson
Mr. Jon Thompson and
Mrs. Suzanne Gilchrist Thompson
Mrs. Laura Thompson
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Thomson
Ms. Patricia A. Thomson
Mr. and Mrs. William Thomson
Mr. Brad Thornton
Ms. Jill Thornton
Ms. Katherine P. Thym
Ms. Elizabeth Tidmore
Mr. and Mrs. Charles N. Timberlake
Mr. Charlie Timberlake
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas R. Timmerman
Mr. and Mrs. Cyrus L. Timmons, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Tipton
Ms. Joy Tirado
Mr. and Mrs. Marvin L. Todd
Mr. James N. Tola
Ms. Patricia Tolbert
cur e childhood ca ncer
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Indiv i d u a l D o n at io n s (co nt inu ed )
Mr. William Tomkins
Ms. Tammi Tommy
Mr. and Mrs. Richard H. Tooke
Mr. and Mrs. Evan Toporek
Mr. and Mrs. William F. Torrey, III
Mr. and Mrs. John H. Tosh
Mr. and Mrs. Sidney R. Tourial
Ms. Dena Towells
Ms. Hanh Tran
Mr. and Mrs. Scott F. Trask
Mr. Mercer Treadwell
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher J. Treanor
Ms. Lorena Trendle
Mr. Dennis Tribble
Mr. and Mrs. James B. Trotter
Mr. Bob Truhe
Ms. Elizabeth Truter
Ms. Logan Truter
Mr. Clifford Tsao
Ms. Michelle C. Tubbs
Ms. Sarita Tuders
Mrs. Virginia H. Tuggey
Mr. C. Sigman Tumlin
Kaan Tunceli
Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Turbe
Mr. Paul Turk
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Turner
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffery E. Turner
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry M. Turner
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Turner
Mr. and Mrs. William A. Turner
Mr. Kevin Tweedle
Mr. and Mrs. Paul A. Uber
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Uhlich
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Ulich
Mr. James Underwood
Mr. and Mrs. William E. Underwood
Ms. Mary Ung
Ms. Julie Untener
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Upchurch
Mr. Michael D. Upshaw
Ms. Meridith Ussery
Mr. and Mrs. Rob Vaka
Ms. Maria Divina Valera
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Van Buren
Mr. Dan Van Dresser
Dr. Victor Van Greuningen
Mr. Richard Van Sant
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Vandegrift
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew M. Vander Velde
Mr. and Mrs. Richard S. Vann
Ms. Carrie Vaughn
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Veach
Mr. and Mrs. Louie Veal
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Vena
Mr. James Viani
Mr. and Mrs. Frederic Victor
Mr. Stephen Viguerie
Shiva Vishnubatla
Mr. Carl Vitale
Mr. Alex Volpe
Ms. Anne Vorheis
Mr. and Mrs. Nicolas S. Voris
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew G. Waddell
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Wages
Mr. and Mrs. Jay Waggoner
Mr. and Mrs. David Wagner
Mr. and Mrs. Steven M. Wagner
Ms. Lesley Wainwright
Mr. Wesley Wainwright
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Waldrop
Foster Walker
Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy L. Walker
Mr. and Mrs. Johnnie P. Walker, III
Ms. Melissa Daniel Walker
Ms. Nancy J. Walker
Ms. Rachel B. Walker
Mr. and Mrs. Brandon J. Wallace
Mr. Richard A. Waller
Mr. and Mrs. William Waller
Ms. Cheryl Walters
Ms. Kathleen Walters
Ms. Vicki Walters
Mr. Tim Walz
Ms. Ruth Wampler
Ms. Caitlyn Wanalista
Jess S. Ward
Mr. John W. Ward
Ms. Lisa Wargo
Dr. J. Patrick Waring
Mr. Scott Wark
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Warner
Mr. Robert Warnock
Mr. and Mrs. James J. Wascher, Jr.
Mr. Anthony Wasno
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert E. Waterhouse
Mr. John D. Watkins
Ms. Nicole Watkins
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Y. Watkins
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Watry
Mr. and Mrs. J. Andrew Watson, III
Mr. and Mrs. Mark K. Watson
Ms. Nancy F. Watson
Mr. Danny Watts
Mr. Lewis W. Way, III
Mr. Paul Wayne
Mrs. Georganna H. Weatherholtz
Ms. Betty Webb
Ms. Doreen Webb
Mr. Tom Webb
Mr. and Mrs. Donald W. Weber
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Weismann
Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Wellman
Mr. Stephanie Wells
Mr. John E. Welsh
Ms. Emily Weltlich
Mr. Leslie Wendt
Mr. William Wernecke
Mr. C. Mulkey West
Mr. John West
Ms. Dana Westbrook
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Weston
Ms. Laura P. Wetherly
Mr. and Mrs. Robert T. Wheatley
Ms. Kelly Wheeles
Ms. Donna Whitacre
Mr. and Mrs. Nate Whitaker
Ms. Gail White
Mr. and Mrs. Johnny E. White
Mr. Scott J. White
Mr. and Mrs. Alan Whitehouse
Mr. Louis Whiteman
Ms. Cheri C. Whitfield
Mr. and Mrs. Andy Whitford
Ms. Alexis Whitman
Mr. Larry Whitman
Ms. Madison N. Whitten
Mr. and Mrs. Paul D. Wickes
Mr. Michael S. Wien
Ms. Cindy Wilder
Ms. Jacqueline Wiley
Mr. and Mrs. Melvyn M. Wilinsky
Ms. Lisa Wilkinson
Mr. Colter Willhoite
Ms. Diane C. Williams
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Williams, Jr.
Ms. Kim Williams
Mr. Matt Williams
Mr. and Mrs. Robert N. Williams
Mr. and Mrs. W. Loren Williams
Mr. Jim Williamson
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Williamson
Mr. Brian Willis
Mr. W. Anthony Willoughby
Ms. Kim Wilson
Ms. Linda L. Wilson
Mr. Robert Windham
Mr. and Mrs. Rucks Winkeljohn
Ms. De Aun Winkelman
Mrs. Marie Winters
Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Wirshba
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel P. Wirtz
Mr. John D. Wise, II
Mr. Sean Wise
Ms. Paula H. Wolf
Mr. Robert Wolff
Ms. Wendy Wong
Mr. Christopher Wood
Ms. Karen W. Wood
Mr. and Mrs. Marshall R. Wood
Mr. and Mrs. Steven A. Wood
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Wooddy
Mr. and Mrs. David Woodrow
Mr. Chris Woodruff
Dr. and Mrs. William G. Woods
Mr. and Mrs. Butch Woodyard
Ms. Lori Woolfson
Mr. Scott Wottrich
Ms. Ashley Wright
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Wright
Ms. Holly A. Wright
Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Wright, III
Ms. Sherri Wright
Ms. Lauranne H. Wyatt
Mr. James Wynn, Jr.
Mr. James Yager
Mr. and Mrs. James Jay Yanke
Mr. and Mrs. Craig D. Yardley
Ms. Bianca York
Ms. Alice V. Youmans
Mr. Kim Young
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Young
Mr. and Mrs. Dave Yuhasz
Ms. Haley Zagoria
Mr. and Mrs. Marvin J. Zagoria
Mr. David J. Zakin and
Mrs. Andrea L. Allyn
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Zamuel
Mrs. Patricia Zanetti
Mr. and Mrs. Matt Zarch
Ms. Danielle Zeifman
Chris Zervis
Li Zheng
Mr. and Mrs. James Zielinski
Ms. Jacqueline Ziemba
Mr. Asaph Zimmerman
Mr. Steve Zoeller
Ms. Bonnie Zundel
Ms. Eden Aanstoos
Ms. Britt Aarestad
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey L. Able
Mr. Charles Abraham
Ms. Vickie Abram
Ms. Mary Abreu-Cristy
Mr. and Mrs. Moshe Abudarham
Mr. Manar Abu-Joudeh
Mr. and Mrs. Nara Acharya
Mr. and Mrs. Freddy A. Achecar, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Brick S. Acosta
Ms. Danielle Adair
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Adair, Jr.
Ms. Barbara A. Adams
Ms. Caryn Adams
Ms. Donna Adams
Ms. Elizabeth Adams
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph D. Adams, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth F. Adams
Mr. Pace Adams
Mr. Willie Adams
Mr. Jonathan Adel
Ms. Soraya Adish
Mr. Chris Agard
less than
Ms. Lori Agin
Ms. Linda Agnello
Ms. Magda Aguiar
Mrs. Rosemarie Aguirre
Ms. Rilla Ahern
Ms. Merrill Ahlzadeh
Mr. Ian Aitken
Ms. Roya Akbarshahi
Ms. Heather Akers
Mr. and Mrs. Chris Alain
Kim Albanese
Mr. and Mrs. Roger K. Albee
Ms. Shannon Nicole Albert
Mr. Bob Albertini
Ms. Andrea Albertson
Ms. Mildred E. Albright
Ms. Emily Alderman
Ms. Colleen Aldridge
Ms. Liana Aleman
Mr. and Mrs. Luis G. Alemany
Mr. and Mrs. Chris Alexander
Ms. Debbie Alexander
Ms. Kelli Alfreds
Mr. C. Patrick Allen
Mr. Carey Allen
Mr. Dennis Allen
Mr. and Mrs. Henry J. Allen
Mr. James W. Allen and
Ms. Jennifer J. Commins
Mr. Jonathan E. Allen
Ms. Judy Allen
Ms. Kathleen Allen
Ms. Nyree Allen
Mr. Richard Allen
Ms. Tiffany Allen
Mr. Justin Allred
Mr. Ken Almon
Mr. Joshua Almond
Ms. Sara Almstedt
Ms. Suzy Alpert
Ms. Ghina Al-Soufi
Ms. Maya Al-Soufi
Ms. Julie Altenbach
Ms. Jennifer Altmeyer
Mr. Steve Alvarado
Ms. Rebecca Alvin
Ms. Rosa Amica-Terra
Mr. and Mrs. Barry Anderson
Mr. Daniel Anderson
Ms. Gretchen Anderson
Ms. Joanne Anderson
Mrs. Joanne T. Anderson
Ms. Margaret Anderson
Ms. Page Anderson
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Anderson
Mr. Walter Anderson
Mrs. Helan R. Andrews
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth J. Andrews
Mr. and Mrs. Quint Andrews
Ms. Taylor Andriate
Ms. Jenny Andrioff
Ms. Vickie Andros
Mrs. Kim Angle
Mr. Frederick Anochie
Anonymous (147)
Ms. Beth Anthony
Miss Charmaine Anthony
Dely K. and Gail Anthony
Ms. Judy Kidd Antonio
Mr. and Mrs. David Appert
Ms. Linda Arcangeli
Ms. Dawn Armstrong
Ms. Grace Arneson
Mr. Steven M. Arneson
Ms. Judith Arnold
Ms. June Borg Arnold
Ms. Lisa R. Arnold
Ms. Deborah L. Arocho
2 01 3 -2 014
Indiv i d u a l D o n at io n s (co nt inu ed )
Ms. Dana Aronson
Ms. Marjorie Barnes
Miss Edie Arrowood
Ms. Paulette R. Barnes
Ms. Kristin L. Arrowsmith
Mr. and Mrs. Rusty Barnes
Mr. and Mrs. John Arroyo
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Barnes
Mrs. Rita Arsenault
Mrs. Claire H. Barnett
Ms. Brittany Arthur
Mr. Glen Barnett
Ms. Ellen Arzt
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey L. Barnett
Mr. Steve Asbell
Ms. Liz Ann Barnett
Mrs. Margaret Ashe
Ms. Nicole Barnhill
Ms. Mitzi Assing
Mr. David Barnwell
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Atchison
Ms. Deborah Barnwell
Ms. Michele Atkins
Mr. and Mrs. Ben Barr
Mr. Jeff Atkinson
Mr. Patrick Barr
Mr. Wai Y. Au and Ms. Nellie B. Silva Ms. Sarah Barr
Mr. Ethan Austin
Mr. and Mrs. Bobby R. Barrett
Ms. Jennifer Austin
Mr. David Barrett
Ms. Lisa Austin
Mr. and Mrs. Broughton Barry
Ms. Jane Autry
Mr. Chris Barry
Ms. Katrina Avey
Ms. Amanda Bass
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Aviv
Ms. Julie Bassett
Ms. Nancy Axon
Ms. Katherine Bates
Ms. Daonapa Babbar
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F. Bath
Mr. and Mrs. Luigi R. Baccala
Ms. Pauline Battaglia
Ms. Lee Bachouros
Ms. Teresa Bau
Mr. Daniel Backman
Ms. Ashley Baughman
Mr. Christopher Bacon
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Bauman
Ms. Ruth Badertscher
Mr. and Mrs. Ron Bauman
Ms. Jean Bae
Ms. Rebecca Baun
Ms. Petra Baer
Ms. Michelle Bautz
Dr. Eric Baffour-Addo
Ms. Catherine Baxter
Ms. Becky Baggett
Ms. Kelsy Baxter
Ms. Maud G. Baggett
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Bayne
Ms. Josephine P. Bagley
Mr. and Mrs. Sezai Bayram
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Bagnasco
Ms. Beth Beach
Mr. Keith M. Bagwell
Mr. and Mrs. Geoffrey Beakley
Mr. Clayte Bailey
Mr. and Mrs. John H. Beall
Mr. James Bailey
Mrs. Gail G. Beard
Ms. Kristen Bailey
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Bearden
Mr. and Mrs. Randal Bailey
Mrs. April Beauchamp
Ms. Grace Bain
Ms. Catherine D. Beaver
Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Bain
Ms. Sanela Becirhodzic
Ms. Felicia Baisden
Ms. Heather Beck
Ms. Anne Marie Baker
Ms. Lesley Beck
Ms. Brittany Baker
Ms. Mary Beck
Ms. Monique L. Baker
Mr. Chris Becker
Mr. and Mrs. Nelson C. Baker
Mrs. Kimberly Becker
Mr. and Mrs. Steven T. Baker, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Claude D. Beeco
Ms. Susan Baker
Mr. William B. Beeson
Mr. Thomas R. Baker
Ms. Mary Beigel
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Baker
Ms. Melinda Beisel
Ms. Laura J. Zauderer Baldwin
Ms. Charity Bektesi
Mr. and Mrs. H. Allen Ballenger
Mr. and Mrs. Benton Belk
Ms. Trisha N. Ballentine
Ms. Jennifer Belk
Ms. Doris Ballew
Ms. Beth Bell
Mr. and Mrs. Sean Ballisty
Mr. Brian M. Bell
Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Balser
Ms. Donna C. Bell
Mr. and Mrs. Brent T. Bamburowski Ms. Donna L. Bell
Ms. Lorraine H. Banker
Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Bell
Pat Bankes
Ms. Hailie Bell
Ms. Anne Banks
Ms. Martha Bell
Ms. Jan Banks
Mr. and Mrs. Reed T. Bell
Caylin and Debbie Bankston
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Belling
Mr. Stewart M. Banner
Ms. Julie Bellue
Ms. Virginia G. Barabino
Ms. Joelly Belman
Ms. Dana Barag
Mr. Kevin Belote
Ms. Stacy Barauskas
Mr. Edgar Beltran
Ms. Jennifer Barbe
Mr. and Mrs. Eyal Ben-Arie
Ms. Wynema Barber
Ms. Erika Bender
Ms. Zonda Barber
Mr. Dave Bendetti
Mr. Brett Bardele
Mrs. Carey Benedetto
Mr. and Mrs. James E. Bareis
Mrs. Danielle Benner
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bargeron
Ms. Andrea G. Bennett
Ms. Marcella Barker
Mr. and Mrs. Ches Bennett
Ms. Laura Elise Barlow
Ms. Mary Benton
Mr. Bearden Barnes
Mr. and Mrs. Donald M. Bentz
Mr. Elias Barnes
Mr. Louis J. Benzie, Jr.
Mr. Geoffrey W. Barnes
Ms. Lynette Berelowitz
Ms. Jennie Barnes
Ms. Rachel Berenthal
Chris Berg
Ms. Elsie Bergamini
Mr. and Mrs. John E. Berger
Ms. Susanne Bergman
Mr. Matt Berke
Ms. Paige Berkey
Ms. Natalie Berkman
Ms. Eve Berkower
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy A. Bernardez
Ms. Jose Bernier
A.C. Bernstein
Ms. Lisa Bernstein
Ms. Mary Ann Bernstein
Ms. Pamela Bernstein
Ms. Frances Berry
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bessey
Ms. Mary Betancourt
Mr. Tim Bethune
Mr. and Mrs. Gabriel I. Betsill
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Betz
Ms. Mary Bicek
Mr. and Mrs. Ken Biggerstaff
Ms. Rona Binenbaum
Ms. Alanna Bird
Mrs. Kelly Birdwell
Ms. Amy Birnbaum
Ms. Knox Bishop
Mr. Murphy Bishop
Mr. Kevin Bismack
Ms. Denise Bixler
Ms. Mitzie Black
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Black
Ms. Deborah Blackburn
Mr. Jesse Blacksher
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Blair
Mr. and Mrs. Alan Blaisdell
Mr. and Mrs. Allen Blake
Mr. Michael Blake
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph R. Blakemore
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Blanchard, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Blanchard, III
Ms. Caroline Blanco
Ms. Trish Bleau
Ms. Ann Bledsoe
Ms. Lisa D. Blevins
Ms. Stephanie Blockston
Dr. and Mrs. Jerome Blumenthal
Mr. Richard Bocchinfuso
Mr. Steven Bocchinfuso
Ms. Ellen Boecker
Ms. Christie Boelman
Ms. Patricia Bogen
Ms. Lori Bohrer
Ms. Lisa Bojko
Ms. Cynthia Bolden
Mr. Johnny Boleyn and
Mrs. Kimberly Engle
Mr. Larry Bollinger
Ms. Lisa Bolton
Ms. Linda Bomar
Ms. Michele Bomar
Ms. Omesha Bonaparte
Ms. Sandra Bonaparte
Ms. Taria Bonaparte
Mr. Kurt Bonatz
Ms. Heather Bond
Ms. Nina Bonds-Glenn
Ms. Emily Bone
Ms. Cartha Bonner
Mr. Justin Bonnett and
Ms. Nicole Sudduth
Mr. William Booker
Ms. Leighann Boone
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Boozer
Mr. and Mrs. Martin D. Borak
Ms. Suzanne Borden
Ms. Alla Borisovna
Ms. Marie Bornemann
Ms. Maureen Bornstein
Mr. and Mrs. Victor Borod
Ms. Teesha Borum
Ms. Patty Boss
Mr. Sudhir Botcha
Ms. Vilia A. Bouilly
Ms. Judy C. Bourgeois
Ms. Anna Boutzalis
Ms. Duval Bowen
Ms. Judy Bower
Ms. Karen Bowlin
Mr. and Mrs. David Boyd
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher M. Boyles
Ms. Jean Boynton
Mr. and Mrs. David Bradley
Ms. Denise Bradley
Ms. Theresa Bradley
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher D. Bradshaw
Ms. Elina Brager
Ms. Camryn Bragg
Ms. Julie Braley
Ms. Andrea Bramlett
Ms. Joan O. Brandeis
Ms. Tricia Braniff
Mr. and Mrs. Adam Brannan
Ms. Amanda G. Brannon
Ms. Claire Brannon
Mr. and Mrs. Hayne Brant
Ms. Linda Brantley
Mr. John Brasch
Ms. Candace Brasfield
Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin A. Brasher
Ms. Sabrina Brautigan
Alex Brekken
Ms. Betsy Brennan
Ms. Lynn Brennan
Ms. Diane Breslow
Mr. Adam Bressler
Mr. Alex Brewer
Ms. Connie Brewer
Mr. Matthew Brewer
Mr. Mike Brewington
Mr. Troy Brhely and Ms. Elizabeth Moore
Ms. Vega Brhely
Mr. and Mrs. Lew R.C. Bricker
Ms. Krista Bridges
Mrs. Marissa H. Briggs
Mr. and Mrs. Yaron Brill
Mr. Jonathan Brinson
Mr. John Britt
Mr. Tyler Britton
Ms. Valerie Britton
Mr. and Mrs. Marvin N. Brock
Ms. Harriet Brodsky
Ms. Julie M. Brody
Mr. and Mrs. Hilary James Brook
Ms. Marla Brooks
Mr. Terrence Brooks
Ms. Alicia Broth
Mr. Kendall Brothers
Mr. Matt Brothers
Ms. Sharon Broussard
Ms. Andrea Brown
Ms. Brenda K. Brown
Ms. Cheryl Brown
Ms. Christa Brown
Mr. and Mrs. Danny L. Brown
Mr. David Brown
Mr. David M. Brown
Mr. Don Brown and
Mrs. Rosa Trapani-Brown
Mr. Elton Brown
Ms. Erica Brown
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Brown
Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Brown
Mr. Jack Brown and
Mrs. Elaine Beauchamp
Mr. Jeremy Brown
cur e childhood ca ncer
2 01 3 -2 014
a n n ua l r ep or t
Indiv i d u a l D o n at io n s (co nt inu ed )
Ms. Katy Brown
Ms. Kristal Brown
Mr. Lewis Brown
Mr. Mark Brown
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Brown
Mr. Purcell N. Brown
Ms. Renee Brown
Mr. Robert C. Brown
Mr. Robert D. Brown
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen C. Brown
Mr. Steven D. Brown and
Ms. Maritza Perez
Ms. Virginia W. Brown
Ms. Stacie Brownell
Ms. Suzi Brozman
Ms. Caroline Brubaker
Mr. and Mrs. Jason Brubaker
Mr. and Mrs. Michael G. Brubaker
Mr. Clifton B. Bruce
Marty Bruce
Mr. Mark Bruhn
Ms. Stacey Brumer
Mr. Michael Brunner
Ms. Nancy Brunner
Ms. Amanda Bruno
Mrs. Kathryn Bryan
Mr. and Mrs. Kyle Bryan
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Bryan
Mr. and Mrs. Brandon Bryant
Ms. Tamara L. Bryant
Ms. Tayla H. Bryce
Ms. Stacy Bubelis
Ms. Pam Buchalter
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew M. Buchholz
Ms. Melissa Buckel
Mrs. Deborah Buckley
Mr. Paul Buckley
Rev. Will Buckley
Mr. and Mrs. Donald C. Buckner
Mr. and Mrs. Keith Buczko
Mr. David Budge
Ms. Selina A. Buell
Ms. Ashley Buero
Ms. Amy Buesing
Ms. Claire Buffington
Ms. Tessa Buffington
Ms. Leigh Ann Buice
Ms. Joanna Buleje
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Bullard
Mr. William S. Bulloch
Ms. Alysia Bullock
Ms. Benita Bunch
Mr. and Mrs. Donald E. Bunch
Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Burak
Mr. Alfred Burch
Ms. Angela Burch
Mr. R. Scott Burch
Ms. Nicole Burgess
Mr. David C. Burghardt and
Ms. Elizabeth C. Pendergrast
Mr. Michael Burks
Ms. Amy Burleigh
Ms. Grace Burley
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Burnett
Mr. Andrew and Dr. Melanie Burns
Ms. Christy Burns
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Burns
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Burns
Mrs. Cindy Burstiner
Mr. and Mrs. Ryan Burton
Ms. Ruth M. Busby
Ms. Linda Bush
Mr. and Mrs. D. Michael Butler
Ms. Mary Beth Byerly
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Byerly
Ms. Cathy Byers
Ms. Dale Byers
Dr. and Mrs. Victor M. Caceres
Mrs. Jennifer S. Cackett
Mr. Richard Cafferty
Ms. Paige Caffrey
V. Cagwin
Mr. Wesley Cain
Mr. Roy Caisse
Mr. and Mrs. Broughton A. Caldwell
Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Calhoun, Jr.
Ms. Christine Callinan
Ms. Donna Camet
Mr. and Mrs. Jack T. Camp, Jr.
Ms. Courtney Campbell
Mr. and Mrs. David S. Campbell
Ms. Donna Campbell
Mr. Jeremy Campbell
Ms. Laura Campbell
Ms. Margaret Campbell
Ms. Nancy L. Campbell
Mr. and Mrs. C. Todd Canale
Ms. Kelly Candler
Mr. and Mrs. Jared M. Cannady
Ms. Sandra W. Cannella
Mr. Chad Capellman
Ms. Alyssa Capik
Ms. Sibyl Capozza
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald T. Carden
Ms. Robin Cardwell
Mr. Terry McDonald Cardwell
Mr. and Mrs. Ryan E. Carlin
Mr. Jordan Carlos
Ms. Debra J. Carlson
Mrs. Holly Carlson
Ms. Karen Carlson
Ms. Megan Carlson
Ms. Vickie D. Carlton
Ms. Julie E. Carnes
Mr. and Mrs. Kilvin Lee Carrier
Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Carroll
Ms. Holly Carson
Mr. Bobbie Nell Carter and
Ms. Judy Rushing
Ms. Cassandra M. Carter
Ms. LaDana Carter
Ms. Linda Carter
Ms. Taylor S. Carter
Mr. David Cartledge
Ms. Heather Cartwright
Mrs. Joy Cartwright
Mr. and Mrs. Jack L. Carver
Mr. Patrick H. Casey
Ms. Ann Marie Cassidy
Mr. and Mrs. Justo Castillo
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony D. Castleberry
Ms. Gayle Castleberry
Jamie Castro
Ms. Patricia Catarrinho
Mr. Rick Caudill
Mr. Stephen Caudill
Ms. Christy Causey
Ms. Theresa Cecere
Ms. Lisbeth Cepeda
Mr. Dan Cercone
Mr. Paul Chaffee
Mr. Howard Chalmers
Ms. Melissa Chambers
Ms. Stefanie Chambers
Mr. Steven Chambliss
Mr. Jeff Chambrello
Ms. Kathi Chandler
Mr. Michael Chandler
Ms. Kristina Chapell
Ms. Margi Chapman
Mr. and Mrs. Pat J. Chapman
Ms. Christina Charles
Ms. Celia Chase
Ms. Heather Chase
Miss Michaela Chase
Mr. and Mrs. David Chasen
Ms. Christina Chastain
Ms. Kayla Chastain
Mr. and Mrs. Neal Chatigny
Mr. and Mrs. Jackson A. Cheatham
Ms. Tedra Cheatham
Ms. Kathryn Cheer
Ms. Andrea Cheetham
Ms. Carol Chenette
Mr. Stedman Chenette
Mr. Aaron E. Cheney
Ms. Meghan Cherfoli
Mr. Lawrence Chesbrough
Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Chesnutt
Mr. Matthew Chestnut
Ms. Janet Chew
Dr. Kuang-Yueh Chiang
Ms. Kimberly Chicola
Mr. Prabhakar R. Chiduruppa and
Ms. Archana Ghanta
Ms. Sandra Norris Chinn
Ms. Jo Ann Chitty
Ms. Heather Chlup
Ms. Alice Chow
Ms. Marilyn Christen
Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. Christensen
Ms. Penny Christensen
Ms. Grace Christian
Ms. Sheryl Chromek
Ms. Cynthia Chu
Mrs. Lois Chukoian
Mr. and Mrs. Jamie Chumley
Ms. Pam Chumley
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew John Church
Ms. Jennifer Ciccone
Ms. Ellen Cifreo
Mrs. Lisa Ciletti
Ms. Hannah Cioban
Ms. Ashley Clark
Mr. and Mrs. Barry W. Clark
Ms. Betsy Clark
Mr. and Mrs. Bret J. Clark
Ms. Jessica Clark
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd D. Clark, Jr.
Ms. Sherrie Clark
Ms. Luanne Clarke
Ms. Danna G. Clary
Mr. and Mrs. Steen G. Clausen
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Clay
Ms. Jill Clay
Ms. Denise Clayton
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Cleary
Mr. Jeff Clegg
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Cleveland
Mr. and Mrs. Henry R. Clevenger
Mr. and Mrs. Briggs Cline
Dr. Cecil Clontz
Ms. Karen Clupper
Ms. Karen Coats
Ms. Ellen Cobb
Ms. Melinda Cobb
Ms. Stephanie Cobb
Ms. Michelle B. Coburn
Mrs. Marianne D. Cochran
Mr. and Mrs. Randall J. Cochran
Mr. and Mrs. William N. Coffey
Mr. Charles Lloyd Coffin
Ms. Danielle Cohen
Ms. Deborah Cohen
Ms. Faye Cohen
Ms. Justine Cohen
Ms. Lisa R. Cohen
Ms. Marci Cohen
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Cohen
Ms. Sharon Cohen
Ms. Lisa W. Cohn
Ms. Amanda Colbert
Ms. Cecille Rivera Cole
Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Coleman
Ms. Sarah Coley
Ms. Rebecca Colin
Mr. Eduardo Coll
Ms. Amy Collett
Ms. Allison Collier
Mr. Bradley George Collins
Ms. Donna T. Collins
Ms. Gail A. Collins
Mr. Greg Collins
Ms. Lillian Collins
Ms. Monica Collins
Ms. Sharon L. Collins
Ms. LaDonna Collins-Cox
Ms. Janelle Colon
Mr. Josh Colwell
Ms. Michelle Comissiong
Mr. and Mrs. Guy Comparetta
Ms. Barbara S. Compton
Mr. Keith Compton
Ms. Noi Compton
Mr. and Mrs. Terry D. Conklin
Ms. Erin Connelly
Ms. Megan D. Connelly
Ms. Vicki Connelly
Ms. Margaret Conrad
Ms. Janet Conti
Ms. Audrey Conti-Levine
Ms. Ashley Contin
Ms. Laurie Contrera
Ms. Bonnie Feig Cook
Ms. Carol Crowe Cook
Mr. and Mrs. Henry M. Cook
Mr. and Mrs. John Cook
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Cook
Ms. Evette Cooper
Mr. and Mrs. Jason Cooper
Ms. Liz Cooper
Mr. and Mrs. Phil Cooper
Ms. Angie Copeland
Mr. Darrell Copeland
Ms. Elizabeth Copeland
Ms. Lauren Copeland
Mr. Kareem Corbin
Ms. Sherry Corbin
Mr. Chance Corbitt
Ms. Elizabeth Cordero
Mr. Tom Coriale
Maj (RET) Curtneil Corke
Ms. Elizabeth H. Cornelius
Ms. Agnes Correia
Mr. Steve Corsivo
Mr. and Mrs. Graham Cossick
Mr. and Mrs. Tony Costanzo
Ms. Michele Costenbader
Mr. and Mrs. Roger D. Costner
Ms. April Cote
Ms. Wendy Cotter
Ms. Gary Cottrell
Ms. Lisa Couch
Mr. and Mrs. Alan Coursey
Ms. Shannon Courtney
Ms. Karen Courts
Ms. Melinda Covert
Ms. Suzanne Cowan
Mr. David Cowart
Mr. and Mrs. Everett Cowart
Ms. Judy M. Cowart
Ms. Cynthia H. Cox
Mr. and Mrs. Harold T. Cox
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Cox
Ms. Lisa Cox
Ms. Susan Cox
Ms. Jen Craft
Mr. Scott Craig
Mr. Robert Cramer
Mr. and Mrs. Keith Crandall
Ms. Jennifer Crapse
Ms. Emily Crawford
2 01 3 -2 014
Indiv i d u a l D o n at io n s (co nt inu ed )
Ms. Kathy Crawford
Ms. Laura D. Creasman
Ms. Rebecca Creighton
Mr. and Mrs. Greg Crenshaw
Mr. and Mrs. E. Douglas Crew, Jr.
Ms. Carmen Cribbs
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy F. Crimmins
Mr. Frank Crisafi
Ms. Blyth Crissman
Ms. Julie Cristal
Ms. Roxann Criswell
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Crites
Mr. and Mrs. John D. Crofton
Ms. Crystal Crook
Mr. and Mrs. Greg Crosby
Mr. and Mrs. Jason M. Crosby
Ms. Laura Crouch
Ms. Susan Crumbley
Mr. Charles C. Crutchfield and
Ms. Margaret A. Breen
Mrs. Leslie Cuccia
Mr. Chris Culberson
Ms. Emily Culbertson
Ms. Elizabeth F. Culler
Ms. Carol J. Cullin
Kim Cully
Mr. William Cully
Ms. Sabrina Cummings
Ms. Lisa Cunningham
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Cunningham
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Cunningham
Ms. Carol M. Curran
Ms. Jennifer K. Curry
Ms. Barbara Curtis
Ms. Leshia Curtis
Mr. William F. Cushist
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Custer
Ms. Amber Cutler
Mr. Hannes Daepp
Ms. Ann D’Agostino
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas L. Dahlberg
Ms. Gralyn Daily
Ms. Vivian Daily
Mr. and Mrs. Debasis Dalapati
Ms. Melissa Dalberg
Ms. Marineli Dalcerro
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Dale
Ms. Bea Dallas
Mrs. Michele Dallas
Ms. Amy Dalton
Ms. Vickie Dalton
Ms. Dorian Daniels
Ms. Jodi Daniels
Mr. and Mrs. Kelsie Daniels
Courtney Danner
Ms. Elizabeth Dantzier
Ms. Margaret Dantzier
Mr. Michael Danziger
Ms. Anna Darke
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Darnell
Mr. Vivek Das
Dr. and Mrs. George A. Dasher
Ms. Lisa Davella
Ms. Elena Davenport
Ms. Amy Davidson
Ms. Bonnie Davidson
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel H. Davidson
Mr. and Mrs. Justin Davidson
Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Davidson
Mr. and Mrs. James S. Davie
Ms. Penelope Davies
Mr. Blake Davis
Ms. D’Lani Davis
Mr. and Mrs. Don Davis
Mr. John Davis
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth E. Davis
Keri Davis
Lane Davis
Ms. Lorie Davis
Ms. Merle Davis
Mr. and Mrs. Ricky Davis
Tracey Davis
Ms. Lakesha Davison
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Davol
Ms. Sharon L. Day
Mr. Behnam Dayanim
Mr. and Mrs. Michael C. De Padro
Mrs. Annette Deadwyler
Ms. Jennifer Dean
Ms. Jennifer N. Dean
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph M. Dean
Ms. Linda K. Dean
Mr. Logan Dean
Ms. Nancy Dean
Mrs. P. Jayne Dean
Ms. Tracy Dean
Ms. Anke Deason
Ms. Gina DeBona
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Debord
Ms. Caroline Deborde
Ms. Mary Helen Decelles
Ms. Bettyjo Decker
Mr. Dennis Deehan
Ms. Catherine Deering
Mr. and Mrs. William L. Defee
Lindsay B. Defelice
Ms. Karen Deffler
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Delano
Ms. Patricia Delk
Ms. Phyllis Dell
Mr. and Mrs. Eric Delman
Mr. Scott DeNobile
Mr. and Mrs. William H. Dent, Jr.
Mrs. Victoria Cheek Derifield
Dr. and Mrs. Benjamin DeShetler
Ms. Meiying Deshetler
Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Despriet
Ms. Barbara Dessommes
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Detlefs
Mr. Nicholas Deutsch
Miss Colleen Dever
Ms. Jackie Deverell
Ms. Brooke Devon
Ms. Nedra DeVries
Mr. Ben Dewberry
Mr. Krish Dhokia
Mr. Sandeep Dhokia
Ms. Kadi Dial
Mr. and Mrs. James R. DiAndreth
Ms. Diane Dicke
Mr. and Mrs. Craig Dickinson
Ms. Joy D. Dickinson
Mr. Joshua Martin Dickman
Mr. Dan Diehl
Ms. Kasey Diep
Jonathon and Kay Dietz
Mr. Anthony Digeronimo
Mr. Michael Digeronimo
Jaimee Diggins
Mr. David D. Dillard
Mr. James Dillon
Mr. and Mrs. Sean D. Dillon
Ms. Tanya Dillon
Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Dingler
Mr. James Diorio
Ms. Lisa Diorio
Mr. Todd D. Dipaula
Ms. Elisa Diriego-Lewin
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin C. Disalvo
Ms. Natalie Z. Disantis
Mr. Robert Diskin
Ms. Melinda M. Dismuke
Ms. Patricia Dixon
Mr. Wilson Dobbs
Mr. Ronald Dobelstein
Ms. Barbara Dockett
Mr. Roy Jackson Dodd
Ms. Mary Doggett
Ms. Tajma Doglod
Ms. Jean Doliber
Ms. Victoria E. Donato
Mr. and Mrs. John Donkar
Mr. and Mrs. Clint Donley
Ms. Laura Donnelly
Mr. John Donohue
Mr. and Mrs. Michael P. Donovan
Ms. Susan Donovan
Ms. Diane Dooley
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Doss
Mr. and Mrs. Gary D. Dotson
Ms. Alyssa Douglas
Ms. Diane Douse
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Dowd
Ms. Marcella J. Downey
Ms. Carol Downing
Ms. Cat Downs
Ms. Joanna Doxey
Mr. Erik Doyle and Ms. Paula Hoke
Ms. Lois Doyle
Ms. Karen Droze
Mr. Anthony Drummer
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Dryburgh
Mr. and Mrs. James Duckworth
Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Dudley
Ms. Karen Duffy
Mr. G. Leonard Duggan
Ms. April Duke
Mr. and Mrs. Walter H. Duke, Jr.
Ms. Lizette Dunay
Ms. Heather F. Duncan
Ms. Melanie Duncan
Mr. and Mrs. Ricky L. Duncan
Ms. Natalie Dunlap
Ms. Susan A. Dunlap
Ms. Susan D. Dunlap
Mr. Joseph J. Dunn
Mr. Joseph S. Dunn
Ms. Lisa Dunn
Ms. Alejandra Dunphy
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Dupuis
Ms. Laura Duran
Ms. Raleigh Duran
Ms. Joan Durbin
Ms. Amy Durden
Arijana Durmic
Ms. Tammy Dutremble
Mr. and Mrs. William E. Duvall, III
Ms. Linda Dyer
Mr. Kirby Dykstra
Ms. Ali Dyson
Ms. Devon Dziedzic
Mr. David Eames
Ms. Kathy Earnest-Koons
Ms. Ann Easley
Mr. and Mrs. Richard B. Eason, III
Mr. and Mrs. David A. Eastman
Mr. Stanley Eastman
Mr. and Mrs. Nevil Eastwood
Ms. Danice Eaton
Ms. Kim Eaton
Mr. and Mrs. Dwayne Eavenson
Ms. Kiran Ebrahim
Ms. Erica Eby
Mr. Kevin Echols
Ms. Jennifer Ecker
Mr. Phil Eckert
Ms. Lee Edelman
Ms. Marleen D. Edelman
Ms. Morgan Edger
Mr. Neal Edmondson
Mr. and Mrs. Darrell Edquist
Mr. David Edwards
Ms. Kelly A. Edwards
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph G. Edwards
Tracey Edwards
Ms. Lori Eggleston
Mr. and Mrs. Cesar A. Egoavil
Ms. Paula Ehlers
Mr. Michael Ehmann
Ms. Rachel Ehrlich
Ms. Cynthia Ehrnstein
Ms. Nicole Eichenberger
Mr. Daniel Eidson
Ms. Heidi Einhorn
Mr. and Mrs. William G. Eisenhardt, Jr.
Ms. Lynne Eisenstein
Ms. Elizabeth E. Eisnitz
Ms. Ashley Elkins
Mr. Benjamin Elliott
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Elliott
Mr. Daniel Ellis
Ms. Amanda Elmore
Ms. Amanda L. Elmore
Ms. Janet Elrod
Ms. Shulamit Elsner
Ms. Angela Emery
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Emery
Mr. Philip Engelhart
Ms. Lesli Ann Engelman
Ms. Tamar England
Mr. and Mrs. Jon K. Engle
Ms. Sheila Elaine English
Ms. Shirley Enz
Ms. Mila Epshteyn
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory L. Erbs
Ms. Nichole Erickson
Mrs. Rebecca Erickson
Ms. Ryan Ernstes
Mr. Marc Ershler
Mr. and Mrs. Michael D. Erskine
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Ervin
Ms. Rebecca Erwin
Ms. Tracey Erwin
Mr. Gary Escoto
Dr. Natia Esiashvili
Ms. Ashli Eskew
Ms. Janet H. Estes
Mr. and Mrs. Brian D. Estle
Ms. Eileen Esworthy
Ms. Cathy R. Etheredge
Ms. Karine Etieve
Ms. Brittany Eubanks
Ms. Stephanie Eubanks
Ms. Amy Evans
Ms. Sandi Evers
Mrs. Sandra Ewanowski
Ms. Terri Ewing
Mr. Joe Ezernack
Ms. Kelly Faber
Mr. and Mrs. Stefan M. Faerber
Mr. Craig L. Fagin and
Mrs. Abigail K. Auer
Mr. Joseph Fallin
Mrs. Kimberly C. Fallona
Mr. and Mrs. Albert A. Farber
Ms. Anna Farber
Ms. Dawn Farley
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin A. Farr
Ms. Kacie Farrar
Mr. Paul Farrell
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Farrell
Ms. Cindy Farrington
Mrs. Marilyn D. Faulkner
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Faust
Mrs. Jennifer Fawley
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin G. Feckoury
Mr. and Mrs. Stuart L. Feddersen
Mr. Peter Federowicz
Ms. Lendy Fedors
Mr. Jeffrey Fee
Mr. and Mrs. James B. Feeley
Mr. and Mrs. Sean E. Feeney
cur e childhood ca ncer
2 01 3 -2 014
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Indiv i d u a l D o n at io n s (co nt inu ed )
Ms. Heather Forrester-Hall
Ms. Frances Feiner
Alex Forte
Mr. and Mrs. Nolan A. Feintuck
Ms. Andrea Fosler
Ms. Alison Feldman
Ms. Ellen Foster
Ms. Beth Feldstein
Ms. Mindy Fountain
Mr. Kevin Felt
Mr. Dan Foust
Mr. and Mrs. Tim Fenbert
Mr. and Mrs. Ocie O. Fowler
Mr. Gary Fenton
Ms. Melissa Fox
Mr. and Mrs. Barry L. Ferguson
Ms. Barbara Fox-Barber
Mr. David M. Ferguson
Mr. Eric C. Fraine
Mr. and Mrs. Harold L. Ferguson
Mr. and Mrs. Luis T. Franco
Mr. Steve Ferguson
Ms. Jana Frank
Ms. Mauvaree H. Ferland
Ms. Wendy A. Frank
Ms. Amy Ferman-Slakman
Ms. Diane Franssen
Ms. Jenna J. Ferrara
Mr. and Mrs. Laurence Franzman
Mr. Ray Ferreira
Ms. Dominique Frascino
Ms. Carla Ferrell
Mr. Douglas Fratt
Ms. Elizabeth Ferrell
Mr. and Mrs. Eric S. Fratter
Mr. Jacob Ferro
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas S. Fravel
Mr. Sam Feuer
Mr. Anthony Fredriksson
Dr. and Mrs. Jonathan Field
Ms. Lisa Freedman
Mrs. Judy S. Field
Ms. Alysa Freeman
Mrs. Jack Fields
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Freeman
Ms. Laurie Fields
Mr. and Mrs. Franklin K. Freeman
Mr. Stuart Fierman
Mr. George Freeman
Ms. Ruthann Figlestahler
Ms. Robin Freeman
Ms. Anne Filce
Mr. Doug Freese
Ms. Sanja Filipovic
Ms. Cynthia Freitag
Mr. Michael Fillak
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew G. Fried
Ms. Michelle A. Filush
Ms. Laura Friedel
Mrs. Linwood Findley
Ms. Arlene Friedman
Mr. Alex Fineman
Dr. and Mrs. Mark Friedman
Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Fink
Ms. Suzanne Friedman
Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Fink, Jr.
A. Friend
Ms. Anne Finkelman
Ms. Christi Friend
Ms. Alice Firebaugh
Ms. Synthia Frizzell
Mr. Robert P. Fiscella
Ms. Carol M. Front
Ms. Karina Fischer
Ms. Khyalynn R. Fryar
Ms. Alise M. Fish
Mr. and Mrs. Gene R. Frye
Ms. Cathy Fish
Ms. Katie Frykman
Mr. and Mrs. Grosvenor W. Fish
Mr. and Mrs. Gary A. Fudge
Ms. Denisse Fisher
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Fuerst
Ms. Janet Fisher
Ms. Leah Fuhr
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald E. Fisher
Mr. Adam Fuhrman
Ms. Sharon Fisher
Ms. Kim Fullerton
Ms. Myesha Fitch
Mrs. Jennifer M. Fuqua
Mrs. Kathryn Fitzgerald
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy W. Fitzgerald Mr. and Mrs. Rodney N. Gabol
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Gagliardo
Mr. Joseph Fitzpatrick
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce L. Gailes
Mr. and Mrs. Vernon A. Fjelstad
Ms. Karen Gainey
Ms. Krisztina Flanagan
Ms. Charlene Galanti
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Flanagan
Mr. and Mrs. David S. Gale
Ms. Tamara Flax
Ms. Laura Galindo
Ms. Joan B. Fleetwood
Mr. and Mrs. Howard M. Fleming Ms. Diane D. Gallagher
Ms. Tinna Gallagher
Ms. Jeanette Fleming
Mr. Wade Gallagher
Mr. Stephen Fleming
Ms. Kathy Gallman
Ms. Daundra Fletcher
Mr. Abraham Galvan
Mr. Dave Fletcher
Mr. Willie Fred Gamble, Jr.
Mrs. Natalie Fletcher
Mr. Luis Gamez
Mrs. Veronica Fletcher
Mr. Andrew Gan
Mrs. Michelle Fletcher-Williams
Mr. Sivakumar Ganapriya Amma
Mr. and Mrs. David Flick
Mrs. Dawn Ganes
Mr. Brandon Flood
Ms. Susan Gannaway
Ms. Dorothy Flood
Mr. Barry Garber
Mr. Donald Flora
Ms. Bonnie Garber
Mr. Justin R. Florence
Mr. Gerardo Flores and Ms. Norma Cruz Mr. Judy G. Garber
Ms. Nikkole Flowers
Mr. Julio Corro Garcia
Mr. and Mrs. Brandon Floyd
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Garland
Mr. and Mrs. Brian S. Flynn
Ms. Lisa Garmon
Mr. Sean Foley
Ms. Regina Garnto
Ms. Gail Foorman
Ms. Julia Garr
Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Ford
Ms. Michelle Garr
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher M. Ford Ms. Brooke Garrett
Ms. Melanie Ford
Ms. Loraine Garrett
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Forkey
Ms. Elizabeth Gartman
Ms. Danielle Forlaw
Mr. and Mrs. James A. Garvey
Machel Forney
Ms. Glenda Garwood
Ms. Sundae Gaspari
Ms. Susan Gatehouse
Ms. Kristen Gates
Ms. Kate Gaustad
Mr. William Noah Gay
Ms. Alison Geare
Ms. Charlette L. Geer
Mr. and Mrs. James Geeter
Mr. and Mrs. John M. Gehl
Ms. Barbara Gehring
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Geiger
Mr. and Mrs. Evan Gekas
Mr. Chris Genther
Mr. Christopher D. George
Mr. Michael Gephart
Ms. Sheri Geraghty
Ms. Natacha Gerard
Ms. Louisa Gerber
Ms. Ingrid Gero
Mrs. Tina Geter
Mr. Ken Geyer
Ms. Jonnie Ghetti
Ms. Monica Gianette
Ms. Kimberly Gibbs
Ms. Jessica Giese
Ms. Tanya Giglio
Ms. Marissa Gilbert
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen M. Gilbert
Ms. Wendy Gilenson
Ms. Jan Giles
Ms. Elizabeth Gilger
Mr. Matt Gillentine
Ms. Jennifer Gillespie
Mr. and Mrs. Dauyle Gilliam
Ms. Jessica Gillis
Ms. Jody Gillis
Mr. and Mrs. Brad Gillman
Mr. Brian Gilmore
Mr. Dewayne Gilmore
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry J. Gilstrap
Ms. Theresa Gines
Mr. Victor Gipson and Ms. Vonda
Ms. Kelly Giraldo
Ms. Jocelyne Givens
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Gizzi
Ms. Beverly Gladin
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Glenn
Mr. Bob Glickman
Ms. Deirdra Glover
Mr. Kirkland Glover
Ms. Janette Glynn
Ms. Karen Glynn
Mr. Rusty Godwin
Mr. and Mrs. Edward B. Goines
Mr. and Mrs. Barry Gold
Ms. Angela Goldberg
Ms. Nancy Golde
Mr. Mark Golden
Ms. Melanie Goldish
Mr. Ronald Goldman
Ms. Stacey Goldsamt
Ms. Elizabeth Goldsby
Dr. Kelly C. Goldsmith
Mr. and Mrs. Richard T. Goldsmith
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Alan Goldt
Mr. Michael A. Gomez
Ms. Mary Jane Gommel
Ms. Constance Gong
Ms. Kelly S. Gonter
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gonzales
Mr. Joseph Gonzalez, Jr.
Ms. Viviana Gonzalez
Ms. Becky Good
Mr. Nicholas B. Goodson
Ms. Christine Gordon
Mr. and Mrs. David L. Gordon, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Neil Gordon
Mrs. Pamela J. Gordon
Mr. George Gordy
Mr. Jon Gordy
Ms. Irene Gorevitz
Ms. Kathy Goss
Ms. Denise Goudie
Ms. Marchelle Gouvin
Mr. David Graham
Mr. Forrest Graham
Ms. Kimberly Graham
Simcha Gralla
Mr. and Mrs. Damon A. Gran
Mrs. Courtney M. Grassi
Mr. James Graves
Mr. Nick Graves
Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Graves, Jr.
Ms. Christy Gravitt
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Gray
Ms. Carol A. Gray
Mrs. Kelli Gray
Ms. Michelle C. Green
Ms. Sherri M. Green
Ms. Tali Green
Lesli Greenberg
Ms. Laura Greenblatt
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher B. Greene, Jr.
Ms. Cindy Greene
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Greene
Mr. Mike Greenhaw
Ms. Sandy Greenstein
Mr. and Mrs. Brett J. Greenway
Mr. David Greer
Ms. Michelle Greer
Ms. Susan Gregor
Mr. and Mrs. Brian F. Gregory
Mr. Dwayne Gregory
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald W. Gregory
Ms. Jennifer Gregory
Ms. Nan Gregory
Ms. Lanna Greifzu
Ms. Jonnice Grentz
Mr. Eric M. Grieger and
Ms. Maria I. Malo
Mr. and Mrs. Allon G. Griffin
Mr. Dan Griffin
Ms. Lavinia Griffin
Ms. Leslie Griffin
Ms. Lana Griffith
Ms. Gwenette Grigsby
Ms. Marcia Grimsley
Ms. Allison Griner
Ms. Bretta Grocer
Mr. Cory Grode
Ms. Christie Groover
Ms. Donna Becker Grossman
Mr. Archie Grubb
Mr. Benzion Grunfeld
Ms. Sharon Grutman
Ms. Nicole Gue
Ms. Diane Gueringer
Ms. Meredith Guffey
Ms. Jacequene Gunn
Ms. Judy Gurevitch
Ms. Wendy Gurevitch
Ms. Jennifer Gusz
Ms. Jennifer Gutknecht
Ms. Jennifer Gutmann
Ms. Janice Guttery
Mr. and Mrs. Greg Guy
Mrs. Suzanne Gwynn
Jaime Haas
Ms. Debra Habanek
Mr. and Mrs. Isaac N. Habif
Ms. Jessica Hachat
Mr. Cullen Hackler
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Hackney
Mr. Don Haff
Mr. and Mrs. Eric A. Haglund
2 01 3 -2 014
Indiv i d u a l D o n at io n s (co nt inu ed )
Ms. Kelle Hahn
Ms. Helen Haight
Mr. Scott Hale
Ms. Jennifer Haley
Ms. Danae Hall
Ms. Heather Hall
Mr. and Mrs. J. Jack Hall, III
Mr. and Mrs. James J. Hall, Jr.
Mr. Jeff Hall
Ms. Jenny L. Hall
Mr. John Hall
Ms. Julia Hall
Ms. Lynn P. Hall
Mr. and Mrs. Michael W. Hall
Mr. and Mrs. S. Wayne Hall
Mr. Wesley Hall
Ms. Tish Halle
Mr. Matthew Hamby and
Ms. Hannah Miller
Ms. Carolyn Hamilton
Mr. Charles Hamilton
Mr. and Mrs. Chris Hamilton
Mr. Hunter Hamilton
Ms. Lee A. Hamilton
Ms. Sara G. Hamilton
Mr. James Hamlin
Mr. Jonathan Hammer
Ms. Karen Hammer
Ms. Lanore Hammond
Mr. and Mrs. Richard D. Hammond
Ms. Stephanie Hammond
Ms. Amanda Hammons
Ms. Cindy Hammontree
Ms. Debbie Hamrick
Ms. Mary L. Hamrick
Ms. Marie Hand
Ms. Kimberly Haney
Ms. Kathleen Hankish
Mr. and Mrs. Niles E. Hanna
Ms. Angela J. Hannah
Ms. Madison Hannah
Ms. LaDonna Hansen
Ms. Mary Hanson
Mr. Thorsten Hanssmann
Ms. Kathy Hard
Mr. Tim Hardee
Ms. Jessica Hardie
Mr. John D. Hardin
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Hardin
Ms. Susan Harding
Ms. Abby Hardt
Blair Hardy
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hardy
Ms. Mita Harkness
Mrs. Manda Harley
Terri Harmeyer
Mr. Christopher Harney
Mr. Clint Harper
Mr. and Mrs. Gary L. Harper
Ms. Lynne Harper
Mr. Todd Harper
Ms. Twylah Harper
Mr. and Mrs. Jack E. Harrington
Mr. and Mrs. Craig Harris
Ms. Deanna Harris
Mrs. Kimberly Harris
Mr. and Mrs. Paul A. Harris
Ms. Philisa Harris
Rekashator Harris
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Harris, Jr.
Ms. Tyneisha Harris
Mr. Bryan Harrison
Ms. Lori Harrison
Ms. Colleen Harron
Ms. Brooke Harshbarger
Mr. and Mrs. Larry E. Hart
Mr. Levi Hart
Ms. Meredith Hart
Mr. and Mrs. Terrence P. Hartigan
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry W. Hartley
Ms. Barbara Hartman
Mr. Matthew D. Hartman
Ms. Claudia Hartshorn
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Hartzell
Ms. Hilda F. Hartzog
Ms. Terri Harvard
Ms. Cynthia Harvey
Ms. Holly Haseltine
Ms. Martha Hashimoto
Ms. Stacey L. Haskins
Ms. Heather Haslam
Ms. Michelle Hassanali
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Hatch
Ms. Vanessa Hatfield
Ms. Jessica Hattaway
Mr. David Hauser
Ms. Miriam Haviv
Ms. Janice C. Hawkins
Mrs. Susan Hayden
Ms. Sue Haynes
Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Haynie, Sr.
Mr. Alvin Hazan
Ms. Amanda Hazen
Mr. Brian Hazen
Mr. Tyson Lee Heath
Ms. Teresa Hedger
Ms. Patricia Hedrick
Ms. Mary T. Heffernan
Ms. Lauren Heidler
Ms. Amy Heil
Ms. Sandra Heilman
Mr. Justin Heineman
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Heins
Ms. Michelle Heinzmann
Mr. Joe Hellrung
Mr. Alan Helmer
Ms. Sandy Helmly
Ms. Pepper R. Helms
Ms. Sherry Helms
Ms. Aura L. Hemby
Ms. Jessica Hemphill
Mr. and Mrs. Carlos Henao
Mr. and Mrs. Ian Y. Henderson, Jr.
Ms. Pamela Henderson
Ms. Kay T. Hendrick
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Hendricks
Mr. Matthew R. Hendricks
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A.
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Hene
Ms. Chelsie Hennick
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Henning
Taylor Henning
Dr. J. Michael Henry and
Ms. Barbara A. Leasure
Ms. Pati Hensley
Mr. and Mrs. David P. Henson, Jr.
Ms. Leticia Hernandez
Ms. Margarita Hernandez
Ms. Patricia Hernandez
Mr. and Mrs. Joey Herndon
Miss Alma Herrera
Mr. Julio Mimenze Herrera
Mr. Larry Herz
Mr. Joey Hester and
Mrs. Felicia Chadwick
Ms. Lauren Hester
Ms. Joyce W. Hewitt
Ms. Kathy H. Hice
Ms. Janie H. Hickey
Ms. Tiffany Hickman
Ms. Annette Hicks
Mr. Kevin Hicks
Ms. Colleen Higgins
Mr. and Mrs. Thad Higgins
Mr. Kevin Hilinski
Ms. Beth Hill
Ms. Chauntina Hill
Dr. Chip Hill
Mr. Ed Hill
Ms. Elizabeth Elrod Hill
Ms. Holly A. Hill
Ms. Katherine Hill
Ms. Nicole C. Hill
Ms. Vicki Hill
Ms. Riann Hillier
Mr. and Mrs. Morris Hillsman
Ms. Allison Hilyer
Ms. Jacqueline Himelfarb
Mr. Marvin Himmel
Mr. and Mrs. Gerard Hinckley
Mr. Jeff Hindman
Ms. Carrie Hines-Jeffers
Ms. Jen Hinkle
Ms. Miriam Hirsch
Mr. Jordan Hirschfield
Mr. and Mrs. Burl Matthew Hitch
Ms. Stacy Hitsky
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher G. Hobbs
Ms. Donna Hobbs
Ms. Erin Hobbs
Mr. and Mrs. Jeremy A. Hoch
Ms. Felicia Hodge
Mr. and Mrs. Philip R. Hodges
Ms. Marcia Hoechstetter
Ms. Diane B. Hoffman
Ms. Jane Hoffmann
Mr. William Hoffmann
Ms. Jenna Hogan
Ms. Lori Holbrook
Ms. Jessica Holcombe
Ms. Rachel Holderfield
Ms. Nancy Hollenbeck
Mr. and Mrs. Brian M. Holliday
Ms. Jeannene Holliday
Ms. Norma Holliday
Ms. Teresa Hollingsworth
Mr. and Mrs. Allen L. Hollis
Mr. Brett Holloway
Mr. and Mrs. Jason Holloway
Ms. Rhonda Holloway
Mr. and Mrs. Lee G. Holman
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Holmes
Mr. and Mrs. Tim Holston
Ms. Christine Holt
Mr. and Mrs. Ken Holt
Ms. Talya Holzer
Ms. Cathryn Holzschuher
Ms. Carolyn Homs
Mr. and Mrs. Scot Honer
Ms. Courtney Hood
Mrs. Jennifer L. Hooper
Mrs. Gina Hoots
Ms. Charise Hope
Mr. Kevin T. Hope
Chris Horn
Mr. Jeff Horn
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew S. Horne
Ms. Ashley B. Hornsby
Mr. Kip Hornsby
Ms. Marsha Hornstein
Mr. Steven Hornstein
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Horowitz
Mr. Jordan Horowitz
Ms. Amy Horrell
Mr. George Houghtaling
Ms. Angela Houghton
Ms. Danielle Houghton
Ms. Amy M. House
Ms. Elizabeth O. Howard
Mr. and Mrs. Hubert H. Howard
Ms. Jill E. Howard
Ms. Joy Howard
Mr. and Mrs. Lee S. Howard
Ms. Linda Howard
Ms. Sharon Howard
Ms. Shelley Howard
Ms. Kelly Howe
Ms. Heather Nicole Howell
Mr. and Mrs. Will Howell
Ms. Terry Lynn Hubany
Ms. Anna Hubbell
Ms. Ruth Hubner
Ms. Jacqualyn Huckabey
Ms. René Huckaby
Ms. Amanda Hudgins
Mrs. Shirley Hudgins
Mr. and Mrs. Dexter D. Hudson, Jr.
Ms. Margo Hudson
Ms. Sherry Hudson
Mr. James A. Huff, Jr.
Mr. Philip Huff
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel L. Huffaker
Ms. Amelia Huggins
Mr. and Mrs. Kenny Huggins
Ms. Deborah Hughes
Mr. and Mrs. James A. Hughes
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Hughes
Ms. Anna Hull
Ms. Debra L. Hull
Ms. Evelyn Hull
Mr. James M. Hull and
Ms. Martha M. Gibson
Ms. Rebecca Hull
Mr. Richard Hull
Mr. G. Scott Hulsey
Mr. and Mrs. Terry G. Hulsey
Mr. and Mrs. James Allen Humphrey
Mr. Scott Humphrey
Ms. Colleen Humphries
Mr. Daniel Webster Humphries
Ms. Tonya Humphries
Ms. Diane Humphrys
Ms. Tina Hunsicker
Domonique Hunt
Ms. Martha H. Hunt
Ms. Miriam Hunt
Mr. Ryan A. Hunt
Mr. and Mrs. Adrian Hunter
Ms. Tawanda Hunter
Ms. Angela Hurley
Mrs. Belinda G. Hurst
Ms. Kathryn L. Hurst
Ms. Cheri Husney
Mr. and Mrs. Trey Hussey
Ms. Jeanie S. Hutchinson
Ms. Cara Hutchison
Mr. Jim Hutmacher
Ms. Lien Huynh
Mr. Dave Hyatt and
Mrs. Cheryl Dean-Hyatt
Ms. Shannon K. Hyland
Ms. Jean S. Hyman
Mr. Craig Hymowitz
Ms. Sarah Clark Hyser
Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Ilse
Ms. Valerie J. Imholz
Ms. Elizabeth Ingwersen
Ms. Jessica Ingwersen
Mr. John Innes
Mr. Jim Iredale
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew R. Irwin
Mr. John Irwin and
Ms. Lori A. Leonardos
Ms. Bernice Isaac
Mr. Lawrence Isbell
Mr. and Mrs. Glen Issacs
Mr. Simon Italiaander
Ms. Julia Itzkovitz
Ms. Joy Ivemeyer
Ms. Askia Jackson
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Jackson
cur e childhood ca ncer
2 01 3 -2 014
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Indiv i d u a l D o n at io n s (co nt inu ed )
Ms. Lisa R. Jones
Mr. and Mrs. Jesse L. Jackson
Ms. Mary Jones
Dr. and Mrs. Joseph Jackson
Ms. Maryann Jones
Ms. Kesa Jackson
Ms. Meghan Jones
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Jackson
Ms. Melanie H. Jones
Mr. Robert Jackson
Mr. and Mrs. Michael L. Jones
Dr. and Mrs. Sidney J. Jackson
Mr. and Mrs. Pat Jones
Ms. Terri Sue Jackson
Mr. Peter Jones
Ms. Stacy Jacobo
Ms. Reba Jones
Dr. and Mrs. Sol Jacobs
Mr. and Mrs. Richard D. Jones
Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Jacobson
Mr. Ricky Jones
Mr. Scot Jacobson
Ms. Starla Jones
Ms. Cheryl Jacoby
Ms. Brandi S. Jordan
Ms. Tammie Hendricks Jakes
Mr. and Mrs. James L. Jordan, Jr.
Mr. Halvor James, Jr.
Mr. Tommy Jordan
Mr. and Mrs. Rick James, Jr.
Ms. Victoria Joseph
Tessy James
Mr. Patrick Josephson
Mr. Hugh Jamieson
Ms. Kelly Joslyn
Ms. Elsa Jaquint
Ms. Mary Joy
Mr. and Mrs. Derick Jaros
Mr. Tom Joy
Mr. Gregory D. Jay
Ms. India Joye
Jaya Jayaraman
Mr. and Mrs. David J. Jungkunz
Ms. Catherine Jefferson
Ms. Rachel Kabat
Ms. Tricia Jeffs
Chambless Kalka
Ms. Cheryl K. Jenkins
Ms. Jen Kambies
Ms. Donna A. Jenkins
Ms. Jackie Kaminski
Mr. and Mrs. Greg A. Jenkins
Mr. and Mrs. Matt Kamp
Mr. and Mrs. Jay K. Jenkins
Ms. Lori Kangas
Ms. Amanda Jennings
Mr. Mark Kanov
Mr. and Mrs. Brian F. Jennings
Ms. Jennifer Kantanen
Mr. Jack Jennings
Dr. Larry D. Kaplan
Ms. Tracey Jennings
Ms. Peri Kaplan
Ms. Rebecca Ann Jense
Ms. Rebecca Kaplan
Ms. Katie Jensen
Mr. Jay Kapp
J. Jobe
Ms. Kate Kapusta
Mr. David Joffe
Ms. Dianne Karampelas
Ms. Gabriela Johansson
Ms. Kelly Kardian
Mr. and Mrs. Darrel L. Johndro
Mr. Jason Kase
Mr. Aaron Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Dwayne E. Kasper
Mr. Adam Johnson
Ms. Shelly Katz
Ms. Ashley Johnson
Rev. and Mrs. Charles T. Johnson, Sr. Ms. Jennifer L. Kaufman
Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan S. Kaufthal
Mr. and Mrs. Clint Johnson
Ms. Jacqueline Kavege
Mr. and Mrs. Clinton B. Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Kavesh
Ms. Connie Johnson
Ms. Marie Kavetsky
Ms. Cora A. Johnson
Ms. Stacey Kaye
Mr. and Mrs. David D. Johnson
Ms. Kimberly Kayes
Mr. David M. Johnson
Ms. Wanda Kearney
Mr. Erin Johnson
Ms. Georganna Keenum
Mr. Justin M. Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Keith-Lucas
Ms. Kara W. Johnson
Ms. Amber Keller
Mrs. Kathy D. Johnson
Mr. Anthony Keller
Mr. Keith Johnson
Mr. Benjamin Keller
Ms. Laurie Johnson
Mrs. Holly F. Keller
Ms. Lisette Johnson
Ms. Lisa Kellermeyer
Ms. Lois Walfrid Johnson
Ms. Ashley Kelley
Ms. Luanne E. Johnson
Mrs. Janice Kelley
Ms. Marie Johnson
Ms. Leigh Anne Kelley
Mr. Mitchell B. Johnson and
Ms. Carey Kelly
Mrs. Dawn Savitski
Ms. Diane E. Kelly
Mr. Scott A. Johnson
Ms. Margaret Z. Kelly
Ms. Traci Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Walter T. Kelly
Ms. Wanda Johnson
Ms. Deborah Kemp
Mr. Nicholas O. Johnston
Mr. and Mrs. Owen T. Kenan
Ms. Amber C. Jones
Ms. DeBrae Kennedy
Ms. Andrea M. Jones
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth L. Kennedy
Ms. April Jones
Ms. Lori Kennedy
Ms. Dorothy Jones
Ms. Michelle Kennedy
Mr. Edward L. Jones
Mr. Gary Kent
Ms. Elizabeth Jones
Ms. Jean Kent
Mr. and Mrs. Evan W. Jones
Ms. Natalie N. Kent
Mr. and Mrs. Harold B. Jones
Mr. Steven Kent
Mr. J. David Jones
Mrs. Jennifer Kenyon
Mr. John Raymond Jones, Jr.
Ms. Christina Keown
Mr. Keith R. Jones
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Keown
Mrs. Kelley Jones
Mr. Keoni Kepner
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Jones
Ms. Karen Kern
Dr. Lauren E. Jones
Ms. Lynn Kersh
Ms. Linley Jones
Ms. Cynthia Kezele
Mr. Hassan Khan and
Mrs. Alaina A. Mitchell
Gl Khoo
Mr. and Mrs. Adam Kieda
Mr. and Mrs. Butch Kieffer
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Kieffer
Ms. Virginia Kieffer
Ms. Nancy Kiley
Ms. Wendy Kilheffer
Chung Kim
Ms. Jinsol Kim
Mr. Paul Kim
Mr. and Mrs. Ryan H. Kim
Ms. Nancy Kimble
Mrs. Laurie Kimbrell
Mr. and Mrs. Bob J. Kindred
Mr. and Mrs. David T. King
Ms. Hadiya King
Ms. Hilie King
Ms. Kelly King
Ms. Nicolee King
Mr. Roger King
Ms. Summer King
Ms. Susan King
Ms. Frances E. Kinneberg
Ms. Patty Kinsey
Ms. Candie Kirby
Mr. Kyle Kirby
Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. Kirby
Ms. Amanda R. Kirkland
Mr. Sammy Kirkland
Mr. Anthony Kirkpatrick
Ms. Beth Kirkpatrick
Ms. Jill L. Kirkwood
Mr. and Mrs. Horst Kisch
Ms. Valerie W. Kiser
Ms. Katherine Kissick
Mr. Ricki Kitchner
Mr. Johannes Klaasen
Mr. Ken Klaer
Mrs. Annsley Klehr
Mr. Owen Klicker
Ms. Lisa Klimenko
Mr. Nathan Kloos
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Klump
Mr. Eugene V. Kment
Mr. John Knapp
Ms. Josefina Knapp
Mr. Patrick Knebusch
Ms. Lindsay Knepper
Ms. Molly Knerl
Alexis Kniaz
Ms. Rhonda C. Knoeck
Ms. Sheri McCurdy Knox
Ms. Dion Knudtson
Mr. and Mrs. Kurt Knull
Ms. Pam Koch
Ms. Pamela C. Koehler
Ms. Amy Koenning
Mr. Lori Kogoy
Ms. Rachel Kogul
Mr. Al Charles Kohl
Jami Kohn
Mr. David Kolb
Ms. Dorothy G. Kolb
Mrs. Colleen Komisarow
Ms. Stephe T. Koontz
Mr. and Mrs. Beryl Koplin
Ms. Rennette Kopman
Mr. Jeffrey Korman
Mr. Jacob Korth
Dr. Peter Kottke
Ms. Juliann Kovan
Ms. Martha Kozisek
Mr. Mike Kozub
Mr. Arnold Kraby
Ms. Melissa Krakow
Ms. Dana Kralovich
Ms. Kelly Krammes
Mr. Barry Krasner
Mr. Lukas Kratochvil
Ms. Helen Kraus
Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas A. Kray
Ms. Catherine Kriske
Darki Kriskovic
Ms. Jeanette Krueger
Mr. Kevin Krull
Ms. Maria Kubitz
Mr. and Mrs. Steven R. Kuhlman
Ms. Angela Kunkel
Mrs. Kim Kuntz
Mr. Eric Kunzinger
Ms. Ami Kurtz
Ms. Linda Kuryloski
Ms. Miriam Kuta
Mrs. Renee Kutner
Ms. Chantal Labrie
Ms. Jan Labriola
Ms. Muken Ladva
Ms. Leigh Lafalce
Ms. Patricia Laform
Ms. Amy Lahey
Ms. Dawn E. Laine
Mr. and Mrs. Brandon Lairsen
Ms. Kayla Lallerstedt
Mr. and Mrs. James H. Lamb
Ms. Julie Lamb
Dr. Melissa J. Lamberson
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Lamberth
Ms. Erin Lambo
Mr. and Mrs. John Lambremont
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel G. Lametti
Mr. Tom Lamond
Mr. and Mrs. Frank H. Lamons
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Lampp
Ms. Lori Landis
Ms. Rhona K. Landis
Billie Landman
Mr. and Mrs. Brandon P. Landrum
Ms. Kimberly M. Landsman
Mr. David Lang
Ms. May Lanier
Mr. and Mrs. William S. Lanier, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew P. Lanza
Ms. Alyson Lapes
Ms. Cindy Larkin
Ms. Kathy Larkin
Ms. Rosanne Larkins
Mr. Raymond J. Larsen
Ms. Lindsay Larson
Ms. Vicki Larson
Ms. Lynette Laser
Mr. and Mrs. R. Craig Lashley
Mr. Ben Lassbeck
Ms. Cheryl M. Lassiter
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory W. Latham
Ms. Teresa Latham
Mrs. Michele A. Laughlin
Ms. Shawn Lauria
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Lauria
Ms. Diane C. Lavictoire
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Lavine
Ms. Jeanne Law
Ms. Kimberly Lawing
Mrs. Aimee L. Lawrence
Mr. and Mrs. Jason Lawrence
Mr. Bob Lawson
Mr. and Mrs. P. Christopher Layman
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Layson
Ms. Karla Lazzari
Ms. Ann Le
Mr. and Mrs. Craig Leathers
Ms. Rebecca Ann Lebaron
Ms. Maci Lebeouf
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Leddick
2 01 3 -2 014
Indiv i d u a l D o n at io n s (co nt inu ed )
Ms. Janet Ledet
Mr. Sterling Ledet
Ms. Amy Lee
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Lee
Ms. Carrie Lee
Mr. and Mrs. David G. Lee
Ms. Emmie M. Lee
Ms. Jeanette Lee
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry R. Lee
Ms. Jessica D. Lee
Ms. Lauren R. Lee
Mrs. Leah Lee
Ms. Nancy Lee
Ms. Rachel Lee
Mr. and Mrs. Steven E. Lee
Mr. Steven H. Lee
Ms. Summer Lee
Ms. Valerie Lee
Mr. and Mrs. Walton Lee
Mr. and Mrs. William Lee
Mr. and Mrs. Donald M. Leebern
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Legried
Ms. Janeen Leick
Ms. Gary Leiffer
Mr. Patrick Leitner
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Leland
Ms. Alyson Lembeck
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lemeshks
Ms. Yvonne Lenhard
Ms. Jennifer Leson
Mr. Patrick Lester and
Ms. Katherine Duggan
Mr. and Mrs. David B. Leveille
Ms. Nicole Levin
Mr. and Mrs. Morton P. Levine
Dr. and Mrs. Theodore Levitas
Mr. Mark A. Levitt and
Ms. Kay D. Klass
Ms. Ami Levy
Mr. and Mrs. Eric Levy
Mr. and Mrs. Norman S. Levy
Dr. Glen Lew
Mr. Gary Lewis
Ms. Jennifer Lewis
Ms. Patti Lewis
Ms. Karen Leytze
Ms. Lisa Liban
Ms. Linda Licastri
Ms. Sabrina Lichtenberg
Ms. Heather Lichtie
Mr. and Mrs. David Lickman
Mr. Joseph Liddy
Mr. Rubin Liggin
Dr. and Mrs. Richard Liipfert
Ms. Christi L. Likins
Mr. and Mrs. Ian Lillystone
Ms. Krystal Lim
Mr. and Mrs. Les Liman
Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon Lincenberg
Ms. Taylor Lindberg
Ms. Kristin Lindsey
Mr. and Mrs. Marcus Lindsey
Mr. Peyton Lingle
Mrs. Kim Linsider
Mr. Heath Linsky
Mr. and Mrs. Mark J. Lipinski
Ms. Andrea Lipman
Mr. Aubrey Lipscomb
Ms. Melissa Lipshy
Ephrat Lipton
Mr. David Liss
Ms. Linda Liss
Mr. Michael Liss
Ms. Rose A. Litrio
Ms. Laurie Little
Mr. Jay Littlewood
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Littlewood
Ms. Heather Litvak
Ms. Chen-Chen Liu
Ms. Shirley Llewellyn
Mr. William Lloyd
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Allen Lochamy
Mrs. Susan W. Lock
Ms. Myra Lockett
Ms. Kim Locklear
Mr. and Mrs. Richard S. Lockwood
Ms. Debby Logan
Ms. Jennifer Lombardi
Mrs. Susan Stone Londe
Mrs. Lisa A. Long
Ms. Susan Looby
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Looney
Ms. Sarah Looney
Ms. Clarissa M. Lopez
Ms. Iliana Lopez Martinz
Ms. Holly Lott
Mr. Kyle Lott
Ms. Anne Lotz
Mr. Cameron Love
Mr. and Mrs. Alan C. Loveman
Mr. Darren Lovich
Ms. Christy Lowe
Ms. Francine E. Lowe
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Lowe
Ms. Lori Lowery
Ms. Dianne Lowry
Ms. Ann Luban
Ms. Maria Lubniewski
Ms. Kay Lucas
Ms. Kimberly Lugube
Mr. and Mrs. Scott A. Lukavsky
Ms. Loredana Lupei
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Lurz
Mr. Walter Lutes
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey J. Lutterman
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Lynch
Ms. Frances Lyons
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Lyons
Mr. Eric Mabey
Ms. Mary-Margaret MacGill
Mr. and Mrs. Carson L. Mack
Kehl MacKesey
Ms. Kimberly MacKey
Ms. Mary Ann Mackey
Ms. Linda MacLean
Ms. Mary Kay MacShane
Ms. Wendy MacTurk
Mrs. Amy Maddalena
Ms. Marion T. Madden
Mrs. Jennifer Madison
Mr. and Mrs. John Magann
Ms. Ashley Mager
Ms. Sujata Mahajan
Mr. David J. Maher
Mrs. Paige Mahfouz
Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Maier
Ms. Meri Paige Makiyama
Ms. Cathleen Makley
Mr. Robert Maleki
Ms. Deidra Maleno
Dr. and Mrs. Rollin E. Mallernee
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Malloy
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Malone
Ms. Dawn Malone
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Malone
Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Maloy
Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. Maltby
Mr. and Mrs. Mark S. Mancuso
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Mangham
Mr. and Mrs. Juan J. Mangual
Mr. and Mrs. William G. Manning
Mr. Roy Manoll
Mr. and Mrs. Roy E. Manoll, Jr.
Mr. Nathan Manting
Mr. Bill Manus
Ms. Sue Manzo
Ms. Alicia Mapp
Ms. Diane Marburger
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Marburger
Ms. Ellen Marbut
Mrs. Diane M. Marchert
Ms. Jana Mardis
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Margolin
Ms. Mindy Margolis
Mr. Jesse Marino
Ms. Danielle Marks
Ms. Lisa Marks
Mr. and Mrs. Mark E. Marleau
Ms. Kathy Maron
Ms. Diane Maroney
Mrs. Meredith Marquell
Mr. Charles Brad Marsh and
Ms. Elizabeth Obenshain
Mr. and Mrs. Gary W. Marsh
Ms. Tamela Marsh
Ms. Cynthia Marshall
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Marshall
Mr. Victor Marshall
Ms. Jenn Martel
Ms. Amanda Martin
Ms. Betty Martin
Mr. Charles Martin
Ms. Heidi Martin
Ms. Karen Martin
Ms. Katherine Martin
Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. Martin
Ms. Patricia A. Martin
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Martin
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen V. Martin, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Martin
Mr. Vance Martin
Mr. and Mrs. Walter R. Martin
Ms. Brenda J. Martinez
Mr. and Mrs. William Patrick Martinez
Ms. Jennifer Martinico
Ms. Alissa Marzetti
Ms. Caroline Masak
Mr. Justin Masket
Ms. Carrie Mason
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Mason
Ms. Amy Massey
Ms. Stephanie Massey
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Masterman-Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy F. Masterson
Mr. and Mrs. Domenico Matarazzo
Asaf Matatyaou
Mr. and Mrs. Bart Mathews
Mrs. William L. Mathis
Mr. Tibyasa Matovu
Ms. Cecilia Matrone
Ms. Linda Mattes
Ms. Elizabeth Matthews
Ms. Jane Matthews
Mr. and Mrs. Lawton V. Matthews
Ms. Sarah Matthews
Mr. and Mrs. Carl J. Maugeri, Jr.
Ms. Ellen Mauldin
Mr. Curt Mavis
Mr. and Mrs. Richard M. Maxian, II
Ms. Lenora D. Maxwell
Mrs. Jennifer J. May
Mr. and Mrs. L. Winfred May
Mr. Michael May
Mr. Chris Maye
Ms. Jill Mayer
Robin F. Mayer
Mr. and Mrs. Kenny Mayo
Mrs. Mackenzie Mays
Ms. Angie Mazanetz
Mr. Howard Maziar
Mr. Phil Mazzilli
Ms. Caroline Mazziotti
Mr. Robert H. McAlister and
Ms. Michele Collins
Ms. Maureen McAllister
Ms. Sanford McAllister
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond F. McAndrew
Mrs. Shari McAninch
Mr. and Mrs. Mark K. McBee
Ms. Bethany M. McBride
Ms. Edna McBride
Mr. and Mrs. Tim McCaffrey
Mr. Juston McCain
Ms. Joann McCall
Mr. Tim McCart
Mr. Jason McCarthy
Ms. Karen H. McCarthy, CCLS
Mrs. Shaun McCarthy
Ms. Erin McCartney
AJ McClain
Dr. Chastity McCleary
Ms. Erin McCloud
Mr. Kevin D. McClurg
Ms. Kimberly McCollam
Ms. Kelly McCollum
Ms. Nancy McConnell
J.D. and P. S. McCormick
Ms. Jane McCormick
Ms. Toni Lynn McCormick
Mrs. Elizabeth McCoy
Mr. and Mrs. James W. McCoy
Ms. Jody McCoy
Ms. Kristi McCoy
Ms. Lisa McCoy
Mr. and Mrs. Barry A. McCray
Ms. Janet McCray
Mr. and Mrs. Richard McCrea
Ms. Joanne McCullough
Ms. June H. McCullough
Ms. Allison McCurry
Ms. Dorothy McDaniel
Ms. Inez McDaniel
Ms. Kristen McDermond
Mr. and Mrs. Dan S. McDevitt
Mr. H.C. McDole, Jr.
Ms. Christina McDonald
Ms. Katherine E. McDonald
Mr. Larry McDonald
Ms. Pamela M. McDonald
Mr. Ronald McDonald
Ms. Ella McDuffie
Mr. Jim McEachern
Ms. Amy McEachin
Mrs. Dianne McElheny
Ms. Christine R. McElmurray
Mr. Keith McElwee
Mr. Brad S. McFall
Ms. Marianne McFarland
Mr. Chad McGarity
Ms. Linda McGarrah
Ms. Anna McGarrity
Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. McGarry
Mr. Brian McGean
Mr. Sean McGeary
Ms. Kelly McGee
Ms. Suzanne McGhee
Ms. Elizabeth P. McGill
LaQuinte McGlothan
Ms. Tammy McGown
Ms. Clare McGrath
Mr. Dean McGregor
Mrs. Kelli McIlwaine
Mr. Michael McIntyre
Mrs. Victoria J. McKenna
Ms. Brooke McKillop
Ms. Tiffany N. McKinley
Jaime McKinney
Ms. Melinda McKinney
Mr. Kevin McLean
Mrs. Amy L. McLeod
Kelly McLoughlin
Ms. Susan E. McLure
cur e childhood ca ncer
2 01 3 -2 014
a n n ua l r ep or t
Indiv i d u a l D o n at io n s (co nt inu ed )
Mr. and Mrs. Skip McManes
Ms. Kathleen McManus
Mr. and Mrs. Scott McMeekin
Ms. Kristi McMillan
Mr. and Mrs. W. Lendal McMillan
Ms. Lori McMillian-Rucker
Ms. Stacy McMillin
Ms. Shirley J. McMinn
Ms. Dana McNally
Ms. Shannon McNally
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas McNulty
Ms. Linda McQuaig
Mr. Jerrod McQueary
Ms. Betty McRight
Ms. Michelle McShane
Ms. Melissa Meadors
Mr. Anthony F. Meadows
Ms. Caroline Meadows
Ms. Tamaril Means
Mr. Paul G. Mears
Mr. David Mechler
Mr. Scott Meckert
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Mediate
Mr. Matt Medina
Ms. Angel Meeler
Ms. Dianna L. Meents
Ms. Fern Meharg
Mr. Walter Meier
Ms. Julie Meigs
Mr. Corbett Mendelson
Mr. Shawn Mendonca
Merchel Menefield
Ms. Nicole Mengel
Ms. Lauren Menis
Ms. Caren Merlin
Mr. Bob Mertz
Ms. Margaret Messner
Mr. and Mrs. James Lewis Metts
Mr. and Mrs. Henry M. Meyer
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Meyer
Ms. Marcy Meyers
Ms. Pamela Michaels-Mangum
Ms. Jeni Michelson
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Miele
Ms. Patricia D. Mierse
Rana Mihanya
Ms. Faye Mikell
Ms. Ann Milano
Ms. Rose Milewski
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce A. Milford
Ms. Elaine Milione
Ms. Ashley Millard
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Miller
Mrs. Ann Miller
Ms. Barbara Miller
Ms. Donna Carol Miller
Ms. Jane Miller
Mr. and Mrs. Joe E. Miller, Jr.
Mr. Josh Miller
Ms. Katrina Miller
Mr. Lillian Miller
Ms. Lorraine Miller
Madara Miller
Mrs. Mindi Miller
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Miller
Ms. Rachel Miller
Ms. Sharon Miller
Dr. and Mrs. Todd D. Miller
Mr. Donald D. Mills, Jr.
Ms. Emma Mills
Blythe T. Millwood
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey F. Mims
Mr. and Mrs. David Minerd
Mr. Leslie Mintz
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Mion
Ms. Lisa Mirsky
Mr. Dennis W. Missavage
Alexandra C. Mitchell
Mrs. Christy Mitchell
Mr. David G. Mitchell
Ms. Katie Mitchell
Mr. Kevin J. Mitchell
Ms. Leslie Mitchell
Ms. Sharon Mitchell
Ms. Susan Mitchell
Ms. Yvonne Mitchell
Ms. Melissa Mixon
Ms. Pam Mize
Mr. and Mrs. L. Engle Mock, II
Ms. Michelle Moebes
Mr. and Mrs. Mark D. Moeller
Mr. and Mrs. David G. Moffett
Mr. Arun Mohan
Ms. Anne Mohl
Ms. Heather Mohr
Ms. Charlotte Mole
Mr. and Mrs. Bart G. Mollett
Dr. and Mrs. Robert Monett
Ms. Allison Monroe
Mr. John Monyak
Mr. Scott Moody
Mr. and Mrs. Adam L. Moore
Mrs. Anne P. Moore
Ms. Beth Moore
Ms. Claire Moore
Ms. Cora Moore
Ms. Cyrena Moore
Ms. Dana O. Moore
Ms. Dorothy Moore
Mrs. Elizabeth B. Moore
Mrs. Helen Moore
Jay Moore
Ms. Kristen Moore
Ms. Madison Moore
Mr. Mark S. Moore
Ms. Amy Moores
Ms. Julie Moradi
Ms. Anna Morgan
Ms. Carey Morgan
Ms. Holly Morgan
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Morgan
Ms. Sharon Morgan
Ms. Ruth Ann Morrell
Mrs. Jamie Morri
Ms. Brenda Morris
Ms. Ilona F. Morris
Ms. Jan Morris
JT Morris
Ms. Kimberly Morris
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Morrison
Ms. Maureen Morrison
Mrs. B.J. Morton
Mr. Lucius Morton
Mr. and Mrs. Tim Moses
Ms. Brenda Mosley
Ms. Erica Moss
Mr. and Mrs. Joel Y. Moss
Ms. Ann Mossey
Ms. Nicole Mosteller
Ms. Edna A. Mostrom
Dr. Patricia S. Moulton
Ms. Lynne Moultrie
Ms. Olivia C. Moxley
Mr. and Mrs. Hunter R. Moyer
Mr. Frederick Moyle
Mr. Mahesh G. Mudaliar and
Ms. Shanta S. Mahesh
Ms. Ginny Muir
Mr. Scott Mulcay
Ms. Christy Mulhern
Ms. Ashley Mullins
Mr. Edward Mulroy
Ms. Kimberly Munier
Ms. Carey Murns
Ms. Dana Murphy
Ms. Katherine Murphy
Ms. Kristin Murphy
Ms. Molly Murphy
Mr. Thomas Murphy
Denver Murray
Ms. Patricia A. Murray
Robbin Murray
Mrs. Sarah Murray
Ms. Laura Murvartian
Ms. Suzanne Musial
Ms. Rhonda Mustafaa
Ms. Jannine Myers
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Na
Ms. Susan Nachazel
Mr. Jeffrey Nagel and
Mrs. Laura Kurlander-Nagel
Ms. Wendy Nagel
Ms. Cassandra Nalls
Ms. Kathryn Naron
Ms. Lisa Nassal
Dr. and Mrs. Lawrence Nathan
Ms. Stacey Nations
Dr. Michael J. Naughton and Mrs.
Leah A. Andrews
Mrs. Lisa Navarro
Ms. Kristi Nave
Mr. and Mrs. Preston Nave
Mr. and Mrs. Donald W. Naylor
Ms. Rachel Neal
Mr. and Mrs. John D. Neale
Ms. Carrie Negin
Mr. and Mrs. David Negus
Ms. Kristy Neighbors
Mrs. Patti Nelli
Ms. Shirley Nelson
Ms. Tammy Nelson
Ms. Jane Nesmith
Mr. Will Nesmith
Ms. Corinn Nesz
Ms. Josephine Neugebauer
Ms. Terriann Neundorfer
Ms. Samantha Nevis
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Newbauer
Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. Newberry
Ms. Cindy Newman
Mr. Dennis Newman
Ms. Paula Newman
Ms. Amy S. Newton
Mr. Carl Newton and
Ms. Meaghan Kenagy
Mr. and Mrs. Jackson Newton
Ms. Jennifer S. Newton
Ms. Libby Newton
Mr. Timothy D. Newton
Mr. Kevin Nguyen
Mr. and Mrs. Sean Nicholl
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen C. Nichols, Jr.
Mrs. Casey Nicholson
Ms. Mary Ryan Nicholson
Mr. Robert Nickel
Mr. Peter Niekamp
Ms. Sharon Nienberg
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen M. Nist
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher J. Nitkowski
Ms. Maria Nix
Mr. and Mrs. Gary R. Nixon
Mr. and Mrs. J. Craig Nixon
Ms. Nicole Nixon
Ms. Julie Noah
Dr. J. Phillips Noble
Ms. Emily Nolan
Ms. Mary Nolan
Ms. Rebecca Noles
Danny Noonkester
Ms. Beverly Nordholz
Ms. Debra Norman
Ms. Ariel Norquist
Mr. Jeff Norris
Ms. Jennifer Northup
Ms. Edna G. Norton
Ms. Glyndia Norton
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Novak
Ms. Jessica Novik
Ms. Theresa Novotny
Ms. Cate Nowak
Ms. Sheree Nowak
Mr. Jhoniel Nuez
Ms. Heidi Nufer
Mr. Josh Nunez
Mrs. Angela Nunn
Ms. Laurie Nutt
Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Nylen
Ms. Rochelle Nyman
Ms. Nicole Nyquist
Mr. and Mrs. Mark O’ Grady
Ms. Gloria Obaseki
Ms. Kayla O’Brien
Ms. Leanne O’Brien
Mr. Michael O’Byrne
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Ocfemia
Smith and Remy O’Connell
Ms. Marilyn Odermann
Ms. June O’Driscoll
Mr. Brendan O’Dwyer
Ms. Christa O’Harrow
Mr. and Mrs. Vincent N. Ohlman
Mr. and Mrs. George A. Ojanuga
Ms. Amethyst Emmy Okwu
Ms. Carol Olden
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Olds
Ms. Stacey Oliphant
Mr. Louis Oliveira
Ms. Cindy Oliver
Mr. Jeffrey M. Oliver, II
Terry Oliver
Ms. Susan Olsen
Ms. Kara Olson
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Olson
Ms. Aida Omeragic
Ms. Pamela O’Neal
Ms. Shanna O’Neal
Mr. and Mrs. Brian O’Neill
Ms. Beth Onorato
Ms. Susan Orloff
Mr. Orlando Orozco
Mr. and Mrs. Marshall D. Orson
Osaguona Osa
Ms. Brittney Osborne
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy S. Osborne
Mr. Eddie Osbourne
Mr. Joe O’Shields
Ms. Kathryn Ostander
Ms. Angie Osteen
Ms. Marie Ostensson
Mr. Bill Osterhold
Anaelly Rios Osuna
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Louis Osvold
Ms. Tracey O’Toole
Mr. Stephen Ott
Ms. Theresa A. Otte
Ms. Christine Overrocker
Ms. Kim D. Owen
Mr. and Mrs. R. Glen Owen, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Steven B. Owen
Ms. Bleu Owens
Ms. Mary Owens
Ms. Patricia J. Oxford
Ms. Anne Pacheco
Mr. and Mrs. John M. Packman
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Randall Padawer
Mr. Charlie Padgett
Ms. Sydney Padgett
Ms. Karen Pagano
Ms. Julie Page
Ms. Lori Page
Ms. Regina Page
Ms. Maisha Paggett
2 01 3 -2 014
Indiv i d u a l D o n at io n s (co nt inu ed )
Ms. Lisa Palmer
Ms. Megan Palmer
Mr. Scott Paltrowitz
Ms. Esther Panitch
Ms. Sheri Panovka
Mr. Joseph Paolini
Ms. Stefanie Papps
Ms. Barbara Parcell
Ms. Audrey Paris
Mr. James P. Paris
Ms. Eun Park
Ms. Annice D. Parker
Ms. Jennifer J. Parker
Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy E. Parker
Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Parker, Sr.
Mrs. Missy Parker
Ms. Sandra Teany Parker
Mr. and Mrs. Shawn Parker
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C. Parkerson
Ms. Peta Parkinson
Mr. and Mrs. David S. Parks
Ms. Jerrica Parks
Ms. Judy C. Parks
Ms. Shely Parness
Ms. Dora Parramore
Ms. Amy Parrish
Ms. Anna Parrish
Mr. and Mrs. Randall A. Parrish
Mr. Scott Parry and
Ms. Anabelle A. Ardid-Parry
Mr. John Partin
Mrs. Linda Partin
Ms. Leigh Partington
Mrs. Rachel Partl
Ms. Pamela Partridge
Mr. and Mrs. Reinaldo Pascual
Mr. and Mrs. Dana M. Passenheim
Mr. Robert Pastinack
Mr. Nipoon Patel
Ms. Dione Patillo
Ms. April Patrick
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Patrick
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Patrick
Mr. Andrew Patterson
Mrs. Dale Patterson
Mr. Ed Patterson
Mr. Malvin Patterson
Mr. John Mitchelle Pattison
Ms. Anissa Patton
Ms. Marie Patty
Mr. and Mrs. Herschel L. Paulk, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. William David Pauls
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Paulson
Ms. Susan Pavloff
Ms. Linda Payne
Mr. and Mrs. W. Brian Payne
Ms. Holly Peace
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Peacock
Mr. Mitchell Pearlstein
Ms. Leslie Pearson
Ms. Allison Peaster
Ms. Cara Pecca
Mr. and Mrs. Alan Pechter
Mr. Erik Pehrsson
Mr. Paul Peklay
Mr. Roberto Pena
Mr. Robert Pence
Ms. Danette L. Penenburgh
Ms. Jennifer Penn
Mrs. Carmen A. Perez
Ms. Christine Perez
Ms. Marina Perez-Rubio
Mr. Chase Perkins
Ms. Debbie Perkins
Ms. Karen Perkins
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Perkins
Mr. Mark Perla
Ms. Deb Perlstein
Mr. Brian Perron
Ms. Christie Powell
Ms. Ashley Perry
Ms. Cissy Powell
Ms. Carla Perry
Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Powell
Mr. and Mrs. James M. Pescia
Mr. and Mrs. Edward R. Powell, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. L. Trent Peterman
Mr. George Powell
Mr. Brian Petero and Ms. Anne Blong Ms. Pam Powell
Ms. Erica L. Peters
Mr. and Mrs. Preston L. Powell
Mr. Grant Petersen
Ms. Beverly Powers
Ms. Katie Ann Petersen
Ms. Carol Powers
Ms. Beverly Peterson
Mr. Anand Prabhu
Mr. and Mrs. Chad D. Peterson
Ms. Paula Pranger
Mr. David Peterson
Mr. and Mrs. Lionel R. Prather
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Peterson
Ms. Carrie Pressly
Mrs. Tia Peterson
Ms. Frances Preston
Mr. Walter Petit
Ms. Ronda Preston
Ms. Laura Petras
Mrs. Andrea P. Price
Mr. Joshua Petrik
Ms. Ann D. Price
Ms. Toni Petrillo-Albarano
Mrs. Eileen Price
Ms. Jessica Petron
Ms. Nancey Price
Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. Pettenati
Mrs. Rose M. Price
Mr. Matthew Pettoni
Ms. Susan Price
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew D. Petzinger Ms. Holly Pridgen
Mr. Howard Peyton
Mr. Andrew Pritchett
Ms. Rosemary Pforsich
Dr. Ralph H. Proenza
Ms. Sandy Phan
Mr. Henry Prosser
Ms. Thuy Phan
Mr. Jacob Prosser
Ms. Jennifer Phares
Ms. Celeste A. Provost
Ms. Angela Phillips
Mr. Ron Prox
Ms. Brenda Phillips
Ms. Debbie Pruett
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Phillips
Ms. Deborah Pruitt
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Phillips
Mr. and Mrs. Jason Przybyla
Mr. Bradley E. Philpot
Ms. Adena Puchalski
Ms. Jan Philpot
Ms. Maria Puente
Mr. Brian Pickell
Mr. S.M. Puleo-Kosek
Mr. Christopher Pickell
Mr. Larry Pullman
Ms. Lorraine Pickell
Ms. Pam Purdy
Ms. Sandra Pickell
Mr. and Mrs. Olan D. Purvis
Ms. Theron Pickett
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard J. Purwin
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Andrew Picou, Jr. Ms. Caryn Putchat
Ms. Nicole Piekarski
Ms. Nicole Puzo
Mr. Scott Pieper
Mr. Bradley Quarte
Mr. and Mrs. George E. Pierce
Mr. Marc Quayle
Mr. and Mrs. Steven P. Pierce
Mr. and Mrs. Michael T. Queen
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Pierpont
Ms. Kathleen Hannan Quinn
Ms. Jade Pierson
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen J. Quinn
Ms. Leslie Pigue
Mr. Steve Quinn
Ms. Heather Pike
Mr. Terrence Quinn
Mr. Thomas Pillen
Mr. and Mrs. Richard B. Quinnelly
Ms. Maddie Pimentel
Mrs. Aleta M. Quinones
Ms. Constance Pinckney
Ms. Alison Quispe
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Pinilla
Ms. Hope Rabalais
Ms. Becky Pinion
Ms. Anne Rackley
Mr. Andrew Pinnington
Mr. Blake Rader
Mr. and Mrs. Alan Pinsker
Ms. Chrissy Radosta
Mrs. Amy Piper
Mr. and Mrs. Alphonso Ragland
Mr. and Mrs. James W. Piper
Mr. and Mrs. William M. Ragland, Jr.
Mr. Paul Pirillo
Ms. JoAnne Rahn
Mr. and Mrs. Wes Pitchford
Ms. Ellen Raht
Ms. Daphne M. Platford
Ms. Emily Raines
Mr. and Mrs. John Pleck
Ms. Mary Raines
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Plymale
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald L. Rainey
Mr. and Mrs. Arnold R. Podber
Mr. and Mrs. Nathan I. Rains
Ms. Shannon Pokrant
Ms. Tammy Rajaniemi
Ms. Juli Pollak
Ms. Constance P. Raji
Mr. and Mrs. Jose L. Pombo
Mr. Chris Ramberg
Ms. Clara Robin Pongonis
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ranfranz
Casey J. and Misty D. Poole
Kim Rankin
Ms. Kelly A. Poole
Mr. Mickey Rankin
Mr. Lawrence W. Poole
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Rasper
Mrs. Lesley Poole
Dr. and Mrs. William L. Rathbone
Ms. Erin Pope
Ms. Jill Ratner
Ms. Katherine Pope
Ms. Sarah E. Rattey
Mr. and Mrs. John D. Poppell, Sr.
Ms. Renee Rausch
Toni Posluszny
Ms. Kelle Ray
Mr. Dan Postema
Ms. Mary G. Ray
Mr. and Mrs. Alan Poston
Mr. and Mrs. Phil Ray
Mrs. Joella Potts
Mr. and Mrs. Gary D. Raymer
Ms. Arlena Pou
Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Raymond, Sr.
Ms. Jamie Raymond
Ms. Kathy L. Read
Ms. Paula Reagin
Mr. Todd Reamey
Ms. Maria L. Reardon
Ms. Tracie Reaver
Ms. Ronda Redding
Ms. Kathy Redmond
Ms. Susanne Reece
Ms. Amanda Reese
Mr. Eli Reeves
Ms. Ginny Reeves
Ms. Holly E. Reeves
Mr. and Mrs. James Reeves
Mr. and Mrs. Richard E. Reeves
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Reeves
Ms. Lisa Register
Ms. Lisa Reich
Ms. Shannon Reichardt
Mr. Alfred Reichman
Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Reid, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Reid
Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Reid
Ms. Daphne Reilly
Ms. Katie Reim
Mr. Kirby Reinecke
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Reisman
Ms. Julia Reisman
Mr. and Mrs. Errol Reiss
Ms. Trina Remon
Mr. Erin Repac
Courtney Reynolds
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Reynolds
Ms. Rhona Reynolds
Ms. Staci Reznik
Ms. Melanie A. Rhinehart
Mrs. Jessica Rhoads
Ms. Rebecca Rhoads
Mr. Alan Rhoden
Ms. Ginger Rhodes
Ms. Rebecca V. Rhodes
Mr. and Mrs. Scott B. Rhodes
Ms. Angela Rice
Mr. Edward A. Rice
Ms. Jennifer Rice
Mr. and Mrs. Marion S. Rice
Ms. Natosha Rice
Mr. and Mrs. David Richardson
Mr. and Mrs. David D. Richie
Mr. and Mrs. Brian C. Ricker
Ms. Susan Ricker
Mrs. Beverly A. Rickert
Ms. Judy Riddle
Ms. Michelle R. Ridgeway
Mr. Chad Riedel
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Rieger
Ms. Amanda Riepe
Ms. Kelley Riffe
Mr. and Mrs. Tony Rigdon
Ms. Kellye Riggins
Mr. Jonathan Riley
Mr. and Mrs. William O. Riley
Ms. Ainslie Rimmer
Mr. and Mrs. David A. Rindt
Mr. and Mrs. Richard D. Ringer
Mr. Brad Rivers
Kim Rivers
Ms. Lauren Robb
Ms. Kim Robbins
Ms. Jessica C. Roberts
Mr. and Mrs. Tim Roberts
Mr. Jason Robertson
Mr. Alain Robinson
Mr. Brandon Robinson
Mr. and Mrs. George T. Robinson, Jr.
Ms. Lindsey Robinson
Ms. Vikki Robison
Jazmin Rochestie
cur e childhood ca ncer
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Indiv i d u a l D o n at io n s (co nt inu ed )
Mr. and Mrs. Francisco A. Rodriguez
Ms. Janice Rodriguez
Ms. Lisa M. Roebuck
Ms. Chandra Rogers
Courtney Rogers
Mr. and Mrs. John Rogers
Mr. Seth Rogers
Ms. Theresa Rogers
Mr. Doug Rohan
Mr. Mark Rohde
Ms. Michelle Rolfe
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory E. Rollings
Ms. Lu Ann Rollins
Ms. Margo Rollins
Mr. Steve Rom
Chris Romanchuk
Ms. Gina Romaniello
Ms. Paula Rome
Ms. Patricia Romerstein
Mr. and Mrs. Curtis J. Romig
Mr. and Mrs. Philip A. Roness
Mrs. Jennifer Ronn
Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Roscoe
Mr. and Mrs. Frank W. Rose, III
Ms. Heather Rose
Ms. Jessica Rose
Ms. Mary E. Rose
Ms. Peggy A. Rose
Ms. Tracey Rose
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Rose
Ms. Cindy Rosenhaft
Mr. Pedro Rosich
Mr. and Mrs. Berkley M. Rosonet
Ms. Christa Ross
Mrs. Lynne Ross
Mr. Michael Rossi
Ms. Stacey Rothberg
Ms. Robyn Rourk
Ms. Lisa Roush
Mr. Adam Rovner
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Rowzie
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence J. Roy
Mr. Charles A. Rozo
Ms. Danielle Ruben
Ms. Allison Rubin
Ms. Stacey H. Rubin
Mr. Yaniv Rubina
Ms. Janis Rubine
Perri Ruckart
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Rudder
Ms. Jill Rudich
Ms. Marci Rudolph
Mr. Justine Ruffin
Ms. Shelly Ruggiano
Ms. Michelle Ruhl
Mr. Colin Rundell
Mr. Tony Rusciano
Mr. Adolfo Russo
Mr. and Mrs. David P. Russo
Mr. Mike Rutherford
Ms. Regina Ryals
Ms. Jane Ryan
Ms. Megan R. Ryan
Mr. Shawn Ryan
Ms. Shawneen Ryan
Ms. Stephanie Ryan
Ms. Stephanie M. Ryan
Ms. Tammy Ryan
Mr. Ricky Sabogal
Ms. Nicole Sabugo
Ms. Lois Sacher
Mr. David Sack
Ms. Mary Q. Sada
Mr. and Mrs. James Sadd
Ms. Farideh Sadreorafai
Mr. Joe Saffron
Ms. Louann Sago
Ms. Rimma Sak
Ms. Stacey Salatich
Ms. Regina Schuber
Ms. Janie Salmon
Mr. and Mrs. William Schulten
Mr. Robert B. Salmon and
Ms. Emily D. Schultz
Ms. Suzanne L. Luedtke
Ms. Kathleen R. Schultz
Mr. Marcelo R. Salvatierra and
Shawn Schuman
Mrs. Anne M. Cintron
Ms. Nicole Schuster
Ms. Rebecca Salvatore
Ms. Lauren E. Schwartz
Ms. Julie Salvetti
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel W. Schwartz
Ms. Tina Salyer
Ms. Celia Schwarz
Ms. Beth Salzman
Mr. Jim Schwarzkopf
Ms. Laila Samaan
Ms. Nancy Scofield
Ms. Katlyn Sammons
Mr. Daniel Scolnick
Ms. Susan Samoy
Mr. J. Thomas Scott
Mr. Vladimir Samoylenko
Mhari Scott
Ms. Patricia Samuel
Ms. Ariel Scroggins
Mr. Jonathan Samuels
Mr. and Mrs. Nathan M. Scroggins
Ms. Britney Sanchez
Ms. Nora Seabrook
Ms. Nancy M. Sandbrook
Ms. Chesney Seagraves
Mr. and Mrs. Clete Sanders
Paterson Seawell
Ms. Kathy S. Sanders
Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Sebastian
Kim Sanders
Mr. and Mrs. Michael G. Sebesta
Mr. and Mrs. Todd M. Sanders
Ms. Ann G. Sechrist
Ms. Connie H. Sanford
Ms. Diane Sedlack
Mr. and Mrs. David S. Sanford
Rabbi and Mrs. Ronald M. Segal
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Sanford
Dr. and Mrs. Stuart Segerman
Ms. Susan Q. Sangster
Mr. Cristian Segovia
Robin Sangston
Ms. Monica Seiler
Ms. Sonia Santiago
Ms. Stephanie Self
Ms. Tracey Santos
Ms. Heidi Seligman
Mr. Rickard Santwier
Mr. and Mrs. Michael B. Seligson
Ms. Claudia Sanzone
Ms. Halie Sell
Ms. Tammi Saranko
Mr. Peter B. Selover, Jr. and
Ms. Laura Sartore
Ms. Kathleen Morrissey
Mr. and Mrs. Brian C. Sass
Afi Semenya
Ms. Melissa Sattler
Ms. Patricia Semier
Ms. Deborah Saul
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Seminara
Ms. Amanda Saunders
Ms. Judy Semones
Mrs. Ann Saunders
Ramazan and Songul Sen
Mr. and Mrs. John Saunders
Ms. Stacy L. Senn
Ms. Betsy Sawyer
Mrs. Susan Senn-Davis
Ms. Emily Sawyer
Mr. and Mrs. Casey Sentell
Ms. Candace Saxon
Ms. Jung Seo
Mr. John B. Saxon
Ms. Allyson Sexton
Ms. Chandra Sayers
Ms. Printha A. Shaaya
Mrs. Maria Sayers
Mr. Jason Shadix
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Sayre
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Shafron
Ms. Britannie Scarbrough
Ms. Marie Shakespeare
Ms. Linda M. Scheaffer
Ms. Aaisha Shakir-Wright
Mr. Ian Schechter
Mr. and Mrs. Mark H. Shames
Ms. Francis Schefer
Ms. Angela Shanks
Ms. Marci Scher
Ms. Jennie Shanor
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Scheule
Mr. Moses Shantzer
Mr. Brandon Schewe
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence A. Shapiro
Ms. Tara Schewe
Ms. Sheila Shapleigh
Mr. Rob Schiller
Mr. Ira Share
Mr. Eric Schimpf
Mr. and Mrs. Krishan Sharma
Mr. Barrett Schiwitz
Mr. Bill Shaughnessy
Ms. Muffy Schladensky
Ms. Christine Shaver
Mr. and Mrs. Martin R. Schlafer
Ms. Patti Shaver
Ms. Kira Schleicher
Ms. Susan Shaver
Mr. Scott Schlenoff
Ms. Phyllis Shavin
Mr. and Mrs. James W. Schlotzhauer Ms. Caroline Shaw
Mr. William Schmalz
Ms. Kristen Shaw
Ms. Emily M. Schmeling
Ms. Rebecca Shaw
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Schmidt
Ms. Suzanne Shelpman
Ms. Danyel Schmit
Mr. and Mrs. Jason R. Shepard
Ms. Debbie Schmuckal
Mr. and Mrs. Danny Shepherd
Mr. Carl R. Schneider and
Tift Shepherd
Mrs. Lisa M. Holtz-Schneider
Mr. John T. Sheridan
Mr. John Schneider
Lane Sheridan
Ms. Dana Schneiderman
Mr. Mark Sheridan
Ms. Mary Ann Schramm
Mr. and Mrs. Carl W. Sherman
Mr. and Mrs. Titus Schrock
Ms. Janet Sherrill
Mr. Wayne Schroder
Mr. and Mrs. Justin Sherrill
Mrs. Cara B. Schroeder
Mr. and Mrs. Ameet S. Shetty
Ms. Pamela Schroeder
Mrs. Jamie Shew
Mr. and Mrs. Theodore A. Schroeder Ms. Shaleea Shields
Dr. and Mrs. Howard S. Schub
Ms. Leah Shifrin
Mr. and Mrs. Dave Shin
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew T. Shiner
Mr. Hideki Shinoda
Ms. Jessica Shirley
Mr. Roy Shiv
Ms. Mendy Short
Mr. and Mrs. Dustin B. Shortt
Ms. Kelen Shostak
Ms. Ellen Shouldis
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Shu
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Shuford
Ms. Francesca Sichenze-Bryant
Mr. Jason Siegel
Mr. Roy Siegel
MSG and Mrs. William F. Siets, Jr.
Ramesh Sigamani
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Siler
Korrie Silpe
Mr. and Mrs. Ben Silverberg
Ms. Rebecca Silverfield
Mr. and Mrs. Shane M. Silvers
Mr. and Mrs. N. Turner Simkins
Mr. and Mrs. David Simmons
Ms. Marcy D. Simmons
Ms. Michelle Simmons
Ms. Becky Simon
Mr. David M. Simpson
Mr. Matt Simpson
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Sims
Bobbie Sims
Mr. and Mrs. Paul D. Sims
Mr. and Mrs. Jacinto L. Simuel
Ms. Emily Sinclair
Ms. Joan Singletary
Ms. Natalie W. Singletary
Ms. Gail Singleton
Mr. Scott Sipling
Mr. Gregory Sirmans
Ms. Ida Sisic
Ms. Jennifer Sitz
Mr. and Mrs. Ben Skinner
Ms. Pamela Skinner
Ms. Rachel Skolnick
Mr. Jeffrey Sladkus
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Slagle
Mr. and Mrs. William D. Sleeper
Ms. Rebecca Slemons
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Sloan
Mrs. Karen W. Sloan
Mr. and Mrs. R. Glen Sloan
Ms. Rhonda Sloyer
Mr. Miles Slutzky
Ms. Katie Sly
Mr. and Mrs. Sonny Smart
Ms. Michelle Smay
Dr. Arthur L. Smith, III
Ms. Brenda G. Smith
Mr. Bryan A. Smith
Ms. Caitlin A. Smith
Mrs. Carol S. Smith
Ms. Cherrika Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Edward M. Smith
Ms. Ellayn Smith
Mr. Ernest Smith
Miss Gwen Smith
Mr. Ingram Smith
Mr. James C. Smith
Mrs. Julie A. Smith
Ms. Kacey B. Smith
Ms. Mary S. Haselden
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin E. Smith
Mr. Kevin J. Smith
Ms. Lauren Smith
Lee Smith
Lee A. Smith
Ms. Leigh Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard C. Smith
Ms. Marcelle Smith
2 01 3 -2 014
Indiv i d u a l D o n at io n s (co nt inu ed )
Dr. and Mrs. Matthew L. Smith
Ms. Michelle M. Smith
Mr. Robert Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Smith
Ms. Ruby N. Smith
Miss Sarah Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Thad Smith
Ms. Tiesha Smith
Mr. Travis J. Smith
Mr. Trent Smith
Ms. Tyeisha Smith
Mr. Vince Smith
Mr. William Toby Smith
Ms. Holly Smith-West
Mr. Jeff Smythe
Ms. Patricia Snelsire
Mrs. Marjorie J. Snider
Mr. and Mrs. Randall G. Snipes, Jr.
Ms. Lisa A. Snow
Ms. Wendy M. Snow
Mr. James Snyder, Jr. and
Ms. Kathryn H. Sandifer
Ms. Cindy Soder
Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Sokol
Ms. Vilmarie Solivan
Ms. Gail Solomon
Ms. Nanci Solomon
Mr. and Mrs. Trent Solomon
Mrs. Yvette Solomon
Mrs. Wendy Solon
Mr. Richard J. Soloperto
Mr. Mohamad Soltanian
Ms. Lisa Sonenshine
Mr. Rolf Sonntag
Ms. Vanessa Sood
Mr. and Mrs. Morris J. Soriano
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sorrentino
Mrs. Laura K. Soscia
Mr. Triptolino K. Soto
Mr. Morgan Baxter Sowell
Ms. Charlene Sozansky
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy C. Spain
Ms. Emily Spangler
Ms. Mandy Spangler
Mr. and Mrs. James J. Spannbauer
Ms. Amy C. Sparks
Ms. Rachel Spasser
Ms. Shahla Speck
Ms. Dawn Speckhart
Ms. Chantal Spector
Mrs. Terry Spector
Ms. Brenda Speir
Ms. Susan Spencer
Miss Kate Spense
Mrs. Lori Spett
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Spiegelman
Mrs. Robbin Spinner
Mr. and Mrs. Darrell Spivey
Ms. Linda D. Spivey
Ms. Shelly Spoeth
Ms. Ann Sprague
Mr. and Mrs. Chris Sprague
Ms. Bonnie Springer
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Springer
Ms. Heather Sprouse
Ms. Allison Srochi
Ms. Mary Catherine St. Louis
Ms. Lisa Stacy
Ms. Francine Staiman
Ms. Judy Stambolsky
Ms. Bernadette Stamps
Ms. Jennifer Stancil
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Stanek
Mr. Mike Stanek
Ms. Violeta Stanescu
Ms. Caitlin Stango
Noah Stanish
Ms. Sherry Stanley
Mr. Thomas Stanley
Ms. Jackie Sutterluety
Ms. Elizabeth Stansbury
Mr. Ben Sutton
Ms. Julie Stapleton
Ms. Katie Sutton
Ms. Sandra R. Starcher
Ms. Hailey Swaak
Ms. Rhonda Stark
Mr. Roy Swaney
Mrs. Sallie Stark
Mr. and Mrs. David M. Swanson
Ms. Mary-Kate Starkel
Mrs. Kae Swanson
Mr. Donnie Starkman
Mr. Thomas Swanson and
Mrs. Stacey Stark-Pellettiere
Ms. Elizabeth D. Laubach
Mr. Shane Starkweather
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Swimmer
Ms. Denise Starling
Mr. and Mrs. Chris Switzer
Ms. Kimberly K. Starrett
Mr. Kevin Sykora
Mr. Tony Staten
Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. G. Synyder
Mr. and Mrs. John Staton
Mr. and Mrs. Ryan Talley
Ms. Brandy Stead
Mrs. Mary H. Tallman
Lee and Laura Stebbins
Mr. Roland Tam
Mr. Donald Stec
Chee Teng Tan
Ms. April Steed
Wai Tang
Robbin Steed
Mr. and Mrs. Vin Tangpricha
Mr. Brett A. Steele
Mr. Richard R. Tangum
Ms. Tammy Steele
Ms. Renee Tanner
Dr. and Mrs. Timothy Steele
Mrs. Beth Tate
Mr. and Mrs. Allen R. Stein
Ms. Natalie Tate
Ms. Frances Stein
Mr. Steven Tate
Mr. Louis Stein
Tori Tate
Ms. Joan Steinberg
Ms. Barbara Tatum
Ms. Andrea Steindorr
Ms. Michelle Tauber
Ms. Catherine Steinke
Mr. Jonathan Tax
Mr. Maury Stephan
Ms. Andrea Taylor
Ms. Carrie Stephens
Mr. Brent Taylor
Mr. and Mrs. Kirk Stephens
Mr. and Mrs. David L. Taylor
Mr. Ronald Stephens
Ms. Dawn N. Taylor
Mr. and Mrs. Todd A. Stephens
Ms. Deneen H. Taylor
Ms. Patricia A. Stern
Ms. Helen Taylor
Ms. Sheila Stern
Ms. Jennifer D. Taylor
Ms. Cyndi Sterne
Mr. Joel Taylor
Mr. and Mrs. John Stevens
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth D. Taylor
Ms. Lorna C. Stevens
Ms. Kim Taylor
Mr. and Mrs. Michael L. Stevens
Ms. Lanie Taylor
Ms. Alison Stevenson
Miss Lauren D. Taylor
Ms. Maggie Stevenson
Mr. and Mrs. Luther Taylor
Mr. and Mrs. Jack E. Stewart
Ms. Nellie M. Taylor
Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Stewart
Ms. Terri Goren Taylor
Ms. Sandra M. Stewart-Josephs
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Teasley
Ms. Deb Steyling
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Tebeau
Mr. and Mrs. David C. Stillwell
Ms. Ashley Tedesco
Mr. Kevin Stocks
Mr. and Mrs. J. Taylor Teel
Ms. Gayle Stoffregen
Mr. and Mrs. Dale Teets
Mr. and Mrs. David A. Stokes
Ms. Margaret Tenholder
Ms. Lauren Stone
Ms. Karen Tennery
Ms. Jeanette W. Stone
Mrs. Rhonda Terranova
Ms. Amber Storjohann
Mr. Peter Tester
Ms. Nicole Stotler
Mr. Naveed Tharwani
Ms. Madonna Streeter
Mr. Steven Thedford
Ms. Holly Strelzik
Ms. Saundra Theisen
Mr. and Mrs. John C. Strickland
Ms. Stephanie Theiss
Ms. Leigh Ann Strickland
Ms. Theresa Thibodeau
Ms. Leslie Strickland
Ms. Kelly A. Thielemann
Mr. Reid Strickland
Ms. Ali Thomas
Mrs. Donna Stringfield
Ms. Cheryll Thomas
Ms. Stacy Strong
Mr. David Thomas
Kortney Struempf
Jodie Eaves Thomas
Ms. Andrea U. Stuart
Mr. John C. Thomas and
Ms. Shana Stukalsky
Ms. Katie R. Schrier
Ms. Kitty Stumler
Ms. Kellie Thomas
Ms. Lauren Sturisky
Ms. Melissa Bullington Thomas
Srinivasan Ke Subramanian
Mr. Michael J. Thomas
Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Sucan
Ms. Shirlinda Thomas
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas R. Sullenberger Ms. Stacy Thomas
Ms. Aimee Sullivan
Mr. Ted Thomas
Ms. Kathleen Sullivan
Mrs. Tracey M. Thomas
Ms. Megan Sullivan
Ms. Vilma R. Thomas
Ms. Susan Sullivan
Ms. Amanda Thomason-Stovall
Mr. and Mrs. William Sullivan
Mr. and Mrs. Homer Thomasson
Mr. and Mrs. Benny Sumardi
Ms. Amy Thompson
Ms. Juli Summer
Mr. and Mrs. David Wesley Thompson
Mr. Michael Sureda
Ms. Lara Thompson
Ms. Maria Surprise
Mr. and Mrs. Tony Thompson
Ms. Amy Thomsen
Mr. Scott Thomson
Ms. Teila Thorne
Ms. Diana Thornell
Ms. Lacie Thornton
Ms. Elaine G. Thorstenson
Ms. Jana Thurman
Ms. Cathy Tice
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Tidwell
Ms. Elizabeth Tilden
Mrs. Suzanne Tillman
Ms. Stacey Timmreck
Mr. Darrell Timpson
Ms. Melinda Timpson
Ms. Pam Tinkler
Mr. Ryan Tinkoff
Mr. and Mrs. Jay Tinkopff
Ms. Greer Tirrill
Mr. and Mrs. Mark E. Tisdale
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Toale
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Toale
Ms. Claire Tobin
Mr. and Mrs. Dusty T. Todd
Ms. Jessica Todd
Ms. Tracey Todd
Mr. and Mrs. Josh Tolbert
Ms. Patricia Tolbert
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Toler
Ms. Susan Toler
Mr. Scott Tolison
Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Tolk
Mickey Tompkins
Ms. Phoung Tong
Ms. Christy Abbott Toomer
Mr. Jeff Torbett
Ms. Suania Torres
Mr. Richard Toth
Mr. David Totten
Ms. Mariea Tountasakis
Ms. Theresa L. Town
Ms. Julie Townley
Ms. Jennifer Townsend Walley
Ms. Suzanne Travis
Ms. Laura Traylor
Mr. Gustavo Trelles and
Ms. Madalen Arzuaga
Ms. Kathleen Tremblay
Mr. John Trenbeath
Ms. Cheryl Trione
Ms. Anne Tripp
Ms. Jennifer M. Tripp
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Lee Tromer
Ms. Jovey Troutt
Mr. Christopher Truss
Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan G. Tucker
Ms. Shae Tuggle
Ms. Tamra Tullos
Ms. Carol Tully
Mr. John Tully, III
Ms. Leslie Tunmore
Ms. Roseline Tuopaeh
Ms. Ashley Turner
Mr. Bryan Turner
Ms. Cheryl Turner
Ms. Gretchen F. Turner
Mr. John L. Turner
Ms. Laurel Turner
Ms. Linda Turner
Mr. and Mrs. Michael W. Turner
Ms. Suzanne Turner
Mrs. Heather Turton
Ms. Layne Tyler
Mr. Caleb Tysor
Kal and Jessiel Ugbaja
Mr. and Mrs. David W. Uhlman
Mr. and Mrs. Ethan J. Underwood
Ms. Sonya Unsworth
Ms. Marilyn L. Upton
cur e childhood ca ncer
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Indiv i d u a l D o n at io n s (co nt inu ed )
Mr. Joe Urban
Mr. John Uthlaut
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C. Uzzell
Mr. Jose Valencia
Mr. Steve R. Valenti
Mr. Stalin Valenzuela
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Valeyko
Ms. Barbara Valle
Mr. and Mrs. Ryan Valle
Mr. Junior Vallejo
Ms. Amy Van Arsdale
Jamie Van Dyke
Ms. Elizabeth VanBolhuis
Ms. Cindy Vance
Mr. Matthew Vance
Mrs. Amy Vandenberg
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald F. Vanderpool, Jr.
Mrs. Kathleen M. Vandiver
Ms. Lauren Vandiver
Ms. Christina A. Vann
Mr. Tony Varesi
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald B. Varnell
Mr. and Mrs. John Vasina
Mr. and Mrs. Allen F. Vater
Mrs. Diane Vaughan
Mr. and Mrs. Jamie Vazquez
Karuppaiyan Veeraiyan
Ms. Jennifer Verhulst
Mr. Nick Vermillion
Mr. David Vernon
Ms. Maurisa Versel
Mrs. Cindy Vickers
Mr. and Mrs. George Vickers
Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Victoria, Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. Neill Videlefsky
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Viera
Ms. Kimberly Vignale
Mr. Jonathan Villarie
Mrs. Helen Vinall
Ms. Constance Vlahos
Mr. Robert Vogel
Mr. Wayne Vogel
Mrs. Susan Vogt
Ms. Melissa Voight
Mrs. Felicia Voloschin
Mr. and Mrs. David Volpe
Ms. Katherine Vonaspern
Mr. Michael T. Vorick
Mr. and Mrs. Bradley C. Voss
Mr. Peter Voulgaris
D. J. Wagner
Ms. Kimberly Wagoner
Ms. Sara Wagoner
Ms. Gayla Wakefield
Mrs. Michelle Wald
Mr. and Mrs. Randy Waldhour
Mr. Clint Walker
Ms. Jean Walker
Mr. and Mrs. John D. Walker
Ms. Paula Walker
Ms. Susan Walker
Mr. John N. Wall, III
Mr. and Mrs. M. Kurt Wall
Ms. Dawn Wallace
Mr. and Mrs. Jarrett D. Wallace
Mr. and Mrs. John Wallace
Ms. Paula Wallace
Ms. Rachel Wallenstein
Ms. Lauren Waller
Ms. Rhonda Walls
Mr. and Mrs. Richard M. Walsh
Ms. Sarah-Nell Walsh
Mr. and Mrs. W. Thomas Walsh
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph D. Walter
Ms. Anna Walton
Mr. Joe E. Walton, Jr.
Ms. Debbie Walz
Ms. Jean Walz
Mr. Deqing Wang and Ms. Mei Tang
Shun Wang
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Wang
Mr. Andrew Ward
Ms. Angie Ward
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Ward
Ms. Brenda Ward
Ms. Catherine B. Ward
Ms. Kerrie Ward
Ms. Paula Ward
Ms. Rachael Ward
Mr. and Mrs. Robb Ward
Mr. and Mrs. Steven M. Ward
Mr. and Mrs. Faulkner Warlick
Mr. Scotty Warren
Shawn Warren
Ms. Tina Warren
Ms. Stacey Warshowsky
Mr. Curtis Washam, Jr.
Ms. Vickie Washington
Dr. Karen Wasilewski-Masker, MSC
Ms. Cynthia W. Waskowsky
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Waterman
Ms. Rachel Waters
Ms. Sandra Watsky
Mr. Clint Watson
Ms. Donna Watson
Mr. James Watson
Ms. Erin Watt
Ms. Kathleen Wattis
Ms. Lynn Weathers
Mr. G. Price Weaver
Mr. and Mrs. M. Scott Weaver
Ms. Sandra S. Webber
Ms. Nancy Weber
Mr. and Mrs. Nick Wedbush
Mr. and Mrs. James J. Wein
Ms. Brandy Weiner
Mrs. Charla Weinsier
Ms. Meredith Weisel
Mr. and Mrs. David S. Weiser
Mr. Allan Weistock
Ms. Rosann Weitkamp
Mr. and Mrs. David S. Welch
Ms. Ginger Weldon
Ms. Julie Weldon
Ms. Beth Wellington
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Wendel
Ms. Melissa Wendt
Mr. Kurt Wenske
Ms. Carol Wenzel
Miss Emma Wernecke
Mr. and Mrs. Jeremy M. West
Ms. Rebecca West
Mr. Cleotis Weston
Ms. Regina Weston
Ms. Deirdre Wheeler
Mr. and Mrs. James W. Wheeler
Mr. Richard A. Wheeler, Jr.
Ms. Mary Whitaker
Ms. Yvonne Whitaker
Ms. Ann Marie White
Mr. and Mrs. Chad White
Ms. Heather White
Ms. Kathleen White
Ms. Kathy White
Mr. Keith White
Ms. Kelly White
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Duffy White
Mr. Christopher Whitenton
Ms. Amy Whitley
Ms. Denean D. Whittaker
Ms. Jacqueline Whittle
Mr. and Mrs. Al Whitworth
Ms. Kimberly L. Wholley
Ms. Angela Whritenour
Ms. Deborah Widen
Ms. Gloria J. Wiebusch
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Wiggers
Ms. Kay Wiggins
Mr. Todd Wiggins
Ms. Jacki Wilbourne
Mr. and Mrs. Charles C. Wilder
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Wildes
Ms. Kim Wildes
Mr. Barry Wilen
Ms. Bernice E. Wiley
Ms. Carol G. Wilk
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wilkerson
Mr. Robert Wilkes
Ms. Joanna Wilkie
Mr. and Mrs. Mark B. Wilkiemeyer
Ms. Andrea Wilkinson
Ms. Katherine Wilkinson
Ms. Adelaida Williams
Ms. Alexis E. Williams
Ms. Allison Williams
Mr. Carlton Williams
Mr. Gary L. Williams
Ms. Janis M. Williams
Mr. and Mrs. Joel Williams
Ms. Krisan Williams
Mr. Leland H. Williams, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Lindsey C. Williams
Ms. Lisa C. Williams
Ms. Megan Williams
Ms. Natalie Williams
Ms. Reagan Williams
Mr. Russell C. Williams
Ms. Sarah Neale Williams
Ms. Teresa Williams
Ms. Catherine Williamson
Tracey and Jody Williamson
Ms. Elizabeth Willingham
Ms. Carol Willis
Mr. and Mrs. David W. Willis
Ms. Jane Willis
Jey Willis
Ms. Rebecca Willis
Ms. Cindy Wilson
Ms. Gina Wilson
Ms. Jackie Wilson
Mr. and Mrs. Jackson L. Wilson, III
Ms. Janet Wilson
Mr. and Mrs. Jason A. Wilson
Mr. Joseph N. Wilson
Ms. Kathryn Wilson
Ms. Kelly A. Wilson
Mr. Mike Wilson
Mr. and Mrs. Randy F. Wilson
Ms. Tina Wilson
Ms. Toni Wimby
Mr. Larry Wine
Kerry T. and Billie A. Wingate
Ms. Rebekah Wingo
Ms. Ashley Winkler
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Winn
Mrs. Kirsty Winner
Mr. Daniel R. Winnett
Mr. Steven Winokur
Mr. William Winslow
Ms. Laura Winston
Ms. Vivianna S. Winterbottom
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy A. Winters
Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Wipfler
Ms. Jennifer Wise
Mrs. Dana B. Wissman
Mr. E. D. Witherspoon
Mr. and Mrs. Brett A. Witz
Ms. Dorothy Reed Wohlfarth
Ms. Michiko Wolcott
Ms. Melissa Wolf
Ms. Pamela Wolfe
Ms. Staci Wolfford
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Wolfson
Mr. and Mrs. Scott E. Wolle
Mrs. Meredith B. Wollweber
Mr. and Mrs. Edward L. Womack
Ms. Alicia Wood
Ms. Linda Wood
Ms. Pam J. Wood
Ms. Stacy Wood
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Woodbury
Ms. Carla Woodhouse
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Woodson
Mr. and Mrs. R. Thomas Woodward
Ms. Kimberly Wooten
Mr. Robert Worfel
Ms. Donna Workman
Mrs. Leanne Worley
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Worley
Ms. Carolina Worthington
Mr. John C. Wright
Ms. Nancy Wright
Ms. Paisley Wright
Mr. and Mrs. Russell D. Wyandt
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Wygant
Ms. Catharine E. Wymer
Ms. Julie Wyngaert
Ms. Carlotta Wynn
Cortney Yager
Ms. Denny Yaider
Mr. Dong Yang
Wan Li Yang
Mr. and Mrs. James D. Yarbrough
Mr. Brent Yardis
Ms. Nikki Yarnall
Ms. Diane Yarrow
Mr. William Yates
Mr. Joe Ydunate
Lakshmi Yechuri
Mr. and Mrs. John Stephen Yelvington
Mr. and Mrs. John D. Yorkovich
Mr. and Mrs. Zachary M. Youmans
Mr. Aaron Young
Ms. April Young
Jamie Young
Mrs. Karen Young
Ms. Michelle L. Young
Mr. Aristidis Zachas
Ms. Melissa W. Zager
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Zagoria
Mr. Abdul Zaheer
Ms. Jodi Zak
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Zakrzewski
Mr. Matthew Zarcone
Ms. Nancy Zazzaro
Mr. and Mrs. John D. Zedd
Mr. Stephen Zielinski
Mr. and Mrs. Steven J. Zier
Ms. Lauren Zimet
Ms. Phyllis Zinn
Ms. Suzanne S. Zino
Mr. and Mrs. Michael F. Zito
Mr. and Mrs. Don Zurawski
2 01 3 -2 014
D on at ion s w e re m a d e thi s f i scal ye a r in h ono r of th e follo w ing pe o ple :
Melody Abernathy
Cooper Allen
Scott L. Allen
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Allen
Coleman Allums
Dr. and Mrs. Carlos Alvarado
Carlos Alvarado, M.D.
Trish Anderson
John Andrews
Melissa Anneler
Ms. Julie Appleby
The Paul Arne Family
The Hon. and Mrs. Charles Arnold
Audrey Arrowood
Millie Baldwin
The David Barnes Family
Sarah Barr
Youssef Barsoum
Mr. and Mrs. Doug Batchelor
Dr. Dale Bearman
Mr. Chuck Beaudrot
Jill Becker
The Gregg Bedol Family
Bill Beeson
Carol and Gary Berman
Dr. Herbert Bircoll
Nolan Blake
Joyce Akridge Bland
John Davis Bogart
Ward S. Bondurant
Abby Boone
Tom and Pat Boren
Declan Boustead
Lake Bozman
Lucas Bramlett
Cassady V. Brewer
Tee Bridges
Nick Brinson
Maddie Briscoe
Patricia Britton
David Broder
Dr. Alla Brown
Patricia Taylor Brown
Robert Alan Brown
Dr. Melissa Brown and
Mr. Joe Conway
Kyle Bryan
Rylee Buchanan
Grace Buckel
Ms. Jeanette Burgess
The Malcolm Burman Family
Keith D. Burns
Savannah Burns
Andi and Tommy Burson
G. Brian Butler
Thomas Byars
David M. Calhoun
Jaylen Calhoun
Duncan Campbell
Betty Carlton
Nancy Carlton
Rebecca Carnes
Cole Carter
Collier Cayce
Cathleen Chance
Erin Chance
Isabella Chapman
Michaela Chase
Beverly and William Cheek
Cherokee County Students
Abby Christensen
Abigail Christian
Nathan Chumley
Lauren Clements
Coach Chris, Coach Kristi and
Coach Michelle
Edna Louise Cobb
Lylah Coghill
Mr. and Mrs. Crawford Cole
Joanne Coleman
Abby Collins
Larry Connolly
Ed Cooney
Luke Cornille
Dr. and Mrs. Chad Costley
David W. Cranshaw
Bruce Crawford
Crochet Physical Therapy Staff
CURE Staff and Volunteers
R. Jason D’Cruz
Kathryn Dady
Mr. and Mrs. Ken David
Rhonda Davidson
Alicea Davis
Martha and Tom Davis
Frank W. DeBorde
Audrey DeShetler
Jill and Mike Desing
Sean Dever
Mr. and Mrs. Neal Dickert
Mr. Jack Dodd/Ms. Diane Brown
Mindy Dorfman
Madie Dreesman
Watson DuFresne
Nicholas Duncan
Erin Dunton
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Edmonds
Environs Real Estate Clients
Carl J. Erhardt, Jr.
Kendrie Escoe
Mrs. Alice Evans
Penny J. Farr
Joan L. Faulkner
Jackson Fenchak
Mrs. Linwood Findley
The Mike Floyd Family
Evan Foley
Stephanie and Billy Fortson
Mr. and Mrs. Rob Fowler III
Kori Franklin
Tyler Fravel
Laila Frazier
Frank Freeman
Joseph Fried
John P. Fry
Greyson Gagliardo
Abram Gainous
Matt Galloway
Melody Gandolfi
Sandra S. Gardiner
Cora Garola
Lauren Gearon
Lauren and Michael Gearon
LC “Bud” and Alice Gee
Chris and Kirsty Geist,
McKenna, Asa and Ethan
Thad Ghimm, M.D.
Seth Gibree, D.M.D., F.A.G.D.
John J. Ginley, III
Sam Giordano
Chris Glavine
Tom Glavine
Laura Glenn
Vanessa E. Goggans
Nolan Goldklang
Gabby Gonzalez
Bailey Gordy
Ella Goudie
Carly Grady
Jeremy S. Gragg
Karrie Graham
Kim Graham
Olivia Graham
Maxwell Greene
Maqueta Griswold
Thomas S. Gryboski
Allison Guy
William Hackney
Carly and Jared Hadaway
Andrew Hall
Cindy Hall, D.M.D.
Anne Haltiwanger
Ronin Ham
Jenna Hamm
Jean and Bob Hampton
Anna Hanger
Lisa Hanger
Lisa and Larry Hanger
Mary Beth Hannan
Kate Hansen
Brian M. Harris
John R. Harris
Luke Harris
Maddie Harris
Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Harris
Bryan G. Harrison
Robert Hart
The Pete Hasbrouck Family
Lewis E. Hassett
Louly and Sam Hay
Matthew Hayes
Freddy Henao
Carolyn Hendrix
The Henneman-Fath Family
Will Hennessy
Jaxon Hernandez
The Richard Hertzberg Family
Dorene and Frank Herzog
Ms. Lee Hessing
Ms. Olivia Hessing
Edward D. Hirsch
Blair Hitchcock
Sally and Darrell Hodges
Zachary Hoechstetter
Sarah Hogeback
Machala, Abe, Mary Elizabeth and Marlee
Anne Hopkins
Liam James Howell
Mr. and Mrs. David Hudson
Rachael Hueflte
Anna Hull
Taylor Hulsey
James M. Hunter
Kristy L. Hutson
Carter Ivie
Matthew, Will and John Jenkins
Caroline Johnson
Julia Johnson
Beth and Harold Jones
Daniel Jones
Harry, Macon and Berkeley Jones
Jori Jones
Karen Jones
Leigh Jones
Leigh and Sandy Jones
Madison Jones
William Jones
Daniel Jones and Jody Mason
Laurie and Frances Jordan
Jesse Kangas
Harry Kapreilian
Christina Karem
Rachel Kavlie
Daniel Keida
Mary Kelley
Joe Kennedy
Mrs. Ann Kick
Trenton Kindred
Mr. and Mrs. Barry King
Ms. Antje Kingma/Mr. Al Snead
The Joe Kingma Family
Linda L. Klausing
The Michael Klump Family
Brody Knight
Mr. and Mrs. Wyck Knox
Beryl Koplin
Anderson Krieger
Dr. and Mrs. David Ku
Cathy and Kevin Kuhl
Lawrence H. Kunin
Sue and John Ladson
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Lance
Avery and Gabriel Landsman
Ava Leadbetter
cur e childhood ca ncer
2 01 3 -2 014
a n n ua l r ep or t
D on at ion s w e re m a d e thi s f i scal ye a r in h ono r of th e follo w ing pe o ple : (cont inu ed )
David LeDonne
Joseph Lee
The Matthew Lewis Family
Heath D. Linsky
Joshua Mack
John P. MacNaughton
Michele P. Madison
Chip Madren
Mr. and Mrs. John Magann
Simon R. Malko
Christopher E. Maxwell
Derek May
Meredith McBee
Jared McCall
Pierce McCarthy
Ashley and Joey McClain
Patrick A. McCormick
Sheri D. McCurdy-Knox
Ann McDonald
Mason McEckron
Ms. Maggie McFarland
Martha Jean McHaney
Granger McLaughlin
Cordell McLendon
Dorsey and Curt McMichael
Mike McNeill
Reece McPhail
The Steve McPherson Family
Sanathan Mercer
Dr. Jonathan Metts
The Al Metz Family
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Meyer
Mr. and Mrs. Champ Meyercord
Mr. and Mrs. Duff Meyercord
Mr. and Mrs. Wade Meyercord
Patricia Miller
Malcolm Minsk
Marcus Missavage
Craig S. Mitchell
Patti M. Moffett
The Robert Monett Family
James N. Montgomery
Bailey Moody
Colton Moore
Kathy, Jim and Mary Morawetz
The Jim Morawetz Family
Evan and Anna Kate Morning
John Morris
John G. Morris
Vanessa G. Morris
Will Morris
The Bill Morrison Family
Molly Moses
Anna Mott
Malerie Moulder
Shaelyn Moyer
Carol Murray
Mr. and Mrs. Doug Murray
Robert Myers, Jr.
Judith A. Nave
David Neitlich
Eleanor Neitlich
The Neu Family
Cooper Newlin
Hailey Niclaus
Shannon Nix
Adrienne Ocfemia
The Ocfemia Family
Sherri Ohmstede
Kimberly Oldenburg
Eli Page
Ms. Judy Papageorge
Mr. Panou Papageorge
Mary Elizabeth Paris
Ava Parker
Miley Parker
Emma Grace Peake
L. Christopher Petersen
Mark Pierce
Julia Pinotti
Anna Hays Polk
Gary Pollard
Timothy S. Pollock
Miranda Possert
Gerald L. Pouncey, Jr.
Lauren B. Prevost
Michael Profit
Abigail Quane
Henry Queen
David A. Rabin
Tripp and Blair Rackley
Jack Rafferty
Dr. Abdel Ragab
Elliott Ramer
Christian Angel Ramos
Dan Reeves
Arielle Ribeiro
Susan and Pat Rice
Carter Richards
The Richards Family
Mason Riegner
Kaylee Rios
Patsy and Tommy Ripley
Annamarie Robb
Lucy P. Roberts
The Doug Robinson Family
Katelynn Rodriguez
RuthAnn and Bill Rogers
Austin Rose
River Ross
Matt Rossino
Kylie Rutledge
Ananya Sanyal
Brian Santa Barbara
Lindsey Sapp
Angela Sawyer
Pastor Bradley Schmeling and
Pastor Darin Easler
Bill Schneeloch
Matthew E. Schneider
Jane E. Schnetzer
Joy Schroerlucke
Jon Schuler
The Schwehm Family
Ms. Elise Scott
Rev. and Mrs. Mark A. Scott
Ms. Monica Scott
Kylie Seitz
David Settel, D.M.D.
Paul and Jennie Shanor
Hannah Shaver
Trenton Shaver
Maria A. Sheffer
Clark Shelton
Darci and Benjamin Shenna
Jane and Carl Showalter
Alex Silverman
The Marc Silverstein Family
Brennan Simkins
Lynn and Hamp Simkins
Tara and Turner Simkins
Daniel E. Sineway
Ben Smith
Chris Smith
Kristen Sorrell
Matthew J. Sours
Riley Speed
Mira Srinivasa
Lowell I. Stahl
Daniel Standridge
Emily Stansell
Peyton Steel
Kenny Stewart
Sidney Stewart
Christopher Stone
Steve Stone
Dominic Bobby Story
Rev. Royeese Stowe
F. Lawrence Street
Nicholas Sullivan
Virginia Talbot
Elena and Olivia Tate
Austin Taylor
Ella Grace Tebeau
Mr. and Mrs. David Teszler
Jocelyn Thacker
Jared Thomas
Team Thomasville
Barb and Jerry Thompson
Nicholas Thornton
Ansley and Paul Threlkeld
Sam Thrower
Mary Timberlake
Edith Tomasetti
Elliot Scobie Torekov
Jake Trainor
Lily Tritt
Ellen and Nat Turner
Addyson Vardaman
Lorenzo Varghese
Roger Vega, M.D.
Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Vickers
Mr. E. B. Vickers
John Victor
Will Victor
Kirk Victor and Linda Lance
Beth Von Hoene
Jennifer Waddy
Will Wagner
Elizabeth and Earl Walker
Dorothy Walz
John Walz
Judy and Dave Walz
Rachel Wang
Mr. and Mrs. Byrd Warlick
Dr. and Mrs. Will Warlick
Seth K. Weiner
Kristen Wells
Louise M. Wells
Mr. Davin Welter
The Wenclawiak Family
Wesleyan Teachers
Margaret and Sam Wessinger
McKenna West
Alex Williams
Andrew C. Williams
Elijah Williams
Adria Williamson
Twila Willis
Warren W. Wills, Jr.
Cameron Wilson
Mr. and Mrs. L. Matt Wilson
Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Wilson
Elizabeth Winkeljohn
Susan Winn
William M. Winter
Bruce A. Wobeck
Ellie Woodcock
Micah Worley
Ward Wright
Kelly Wrisley
Bruce H. Wynn
Tingkang Xia
Ellen Yates
Ms. Jean Yates
John C. Yates
Mrs. Louise Yates
Paul Yates
Mr. Paul Yates and
Ms. Catherine Hessing
The James Yates Family
The Yates Family
Leslie Zacks
The Zagoria Family
Dean Zuch
Susan Zucker
2 01 3 -2 014
D on at ion s w e re m a d e thi s f i scal ye a r in m e m o r y of th e follo w ing pe o ple :
Will Abernathy
Ashley Anderson
Lily Anderson
Clifford Andrews
Lola Andros
Gary Arneson
Ashley Averill
Lauren Bain
Remy Bamieh
Debi Banerjee
Michael S. Barksdale, Jr.
Alec Barnes
Jonah Barnett
Mickey Becherer
Barbara Beck
Jay Bennett
Lou Ann Bennett
Beverly Bentley
Brenton Beshers
Emily Biggerstaff
Regan Eva Boatner
Michelle Bone
William “Bill” Brewster
Taylor Brooks
Charlton Broughton
Macy Bulloch
Desma P. Cadenhead
Christopher Robert Paul Campbell
Creed Campbell
Duncan Campbell
Luke Campbell
Bryce Canfield
Christopher G. Canup
Lismarey Cepeda
Ed Chalmers
Patrick Chance
Gary Chapman
Joseph Chapman
Katie Cleveland
Sherry Howard Cleveland
Elizabeth Grace Cooke
Tyler Copley
Mary Joy Welch Covington
Liz Crowley
Steven A. Davidson
Steve Davol
Hilda De Lara
Emaleigh Gloria Devaney
Alex Dever
Gloria Dever
Collins Fitzgerald Dixon
Jimmy Dockett
Madi Douglas
Julianna Edel
Silas Edenfield
Chris Ehrnschwender
Charles F. Eisenhardt
Matthew Elliott
Brian Charles Ernst
Austin Fleetwood
Jared Forman
John P. Fricano
Erwin Friedman
Greg Gabryszewski
Brad Gambrell
Stephen Gee
Gina Gerety
Marco Giovinazzo
Bernice Gorenstein
Taylor Denise Gramling
Zachary Greene
Dick Griffin
Lauren Hammond
David Meyer Hanger
Rita Hanger
Ana Hardt
Zay Harris
Margaret Kristine Hart
Dr. E. Val Hastings
William Hatcher, Sr.
Samuel Lawton Haygood
Sarah and Fred Hedrick
Jeremiah Louis Herman
Jordan Hill
Elyse Hines
Keith Hix
Lucille Walter Hodges
Carolyn O’Connell Holmes
Christopher Houdek
Kristen Hovis
Chesley Howell
Jeanie Huenefeld
Don Huguenot
David Hylton
Clayton “Bucky” Ingram
Ricky James
Pamela Jett
George Wayne Johnson
Stella Janis Gibson Johnson
James Johnson, Jr.
Katie Jonis
Parker Kane
Mary Katenkamp
Mary Evelyn King
Mollie Carroll King
Mary Jo Kirkley
Jane Kohl
Pam Kownslar
Penny Kruse
Josh LaDue
Sophia Langford
Marie Layne
Maudie M. Layne
Gwendolynn Lester
Meredith Lewis
Scott Wade Lively
Andy Mancini
Kathy Marder
Carter Martin
Isaiah Martin
Jacob Grant Martin, Jr.
George Cobb Maurer
Joy Cobb Maurer
Emma Tedford May
Maria McClendon
Rebecca McClendon
Alison McCloud
Jessica McElveen
Luke McGuire
Hartley Ann McInerney
Mason Campbell McLeod
Joe McNeely
Madeline McTier
Deep Mehta
Barbara Miller
Clayton Miller
Darryl Miller
Shayla Miller
Terry Milling
Marie Mitchell
Anne and Alton Moncrief
Heather Moore
Robert Moore
Susan Owens Neal
Piper Needham
Lev Neely
Evan Robert Lee Nelms
Scott Noble
Kirsten Olander
Killian Owen
Irene Page
Sarah Elizabeth Parker
West Indy Parkhurst
Olivia Pauleon
Sara Pendergrass
Tommy Peterson
Stephanie Phillips
Gene Phillips, Sr.
Ross Pischke
Richard “Dick” Powers
Shelby Prescott
Kelli Lynne Prickett
KC Ptomey, Jr.
David Reynolds
Vernon Rickerson
Mya Rivers
Sam Robb
Caleb Alexander Roberts
Lisa Robison
Alexa Rohrbach
Anne Margaret Roush
Laura Ann Roush
Julius Sydney Rubel
Eleanor Rubin
Pierce Ruck
Gavin Rupp
Megan Ryan
Claire C. Sabo
Jack Sanders
Dana Scata
James C. Schneider
Billy Schonewitz
Jules Segerman
Herbert Shaw
Ellen and Steve Sheldon
Doris and Robert Sherard
Andrew Silverman
Eric Simms
Abigail Grace Smith
Averi Smith
Patsy & Sid Smith
Elaine C. Snyder
Patty Stearns
Laura Stewart
Monteen Stewart
Cameron Addison Street
Victor Ward Svetlay, Jr.
Rosemary Anne Swanson
Joseph Taggart
James Tar
Sarah Beth Tedford
Oreay R. Thompson
Hayley Thomson
Joshua Matthew Thornton
Sam Thrower
Hailey Ann Trainer
Darion Xavier Turman-Thorne
Ann Turner
Vickie Lynn Vaughan
Ric Vaughn
Paulina Vazquez
John P. Vota
Mae Hampton Watt
William Webb
Pat M. Weichold
Homer Douglas Wells
Brandon White
Catie Wilkins
Gary Allen Williams
Jackie Jones Wood
Sarah Woolf
Lauren Zagoria
Ame nded Financi al R e po r t – 2 013-2 014 Annu al R e po r t
(This amended report is based on CURE’s Audited Financial Statement and IRS Form 990, both available in
their entirety online at http://www.curechildhoodcancer.org/about-cure/fiscal-responsibility)
2013-2014 TOTAL REV ENU E: $4,337,217
TOTAL EXP ENS E: $4,091,470
Res e arc h: $1,851,693
Pati ent and Famil y S uppor t : $654,105
Ed uc ati on: $552,917
Fe l lows hi ps: $483,182
To tal Pro gr am Expenses: $3,541,897
Ad mi ni s tr at iv e Expenses: $254,112
Fund r ai s i ng Expenses: $295,461
TOTAL END OF YEAR NET ASSET S: $ 3 , 0 9 6 , 4 3 7
cur e childhood ca ncer
2 01 3 -2 014
a n n ua l r ep or t
Staf f and Boa rd fo r Fi scal Yea r 2 013-2 014
Kristin Connor
Executive Director
Larry Connolly
Lisa Branch
Director, Patient & Family Services
Rhetta Ascari
Patient & Family Services Manager
Karen McCarthy
Patient & Family Services Manager
Patty Grimes
Vice President
Leslie Zacks
Vice President
Ed Cooney
Sharon Bryan
Patient & Family Services Liaison
Paula Collins
Development Manager
Shelley Howard
Office Administrator
Tania Jackson
Operations Assistant
CURE Childhood Cancer
1117 Perimeter Center West
Suite N-402
Atlanta, GA 30338
800-443-CURE (2873)
fax 770-986-0038
Gary Andriate
Jill Becker
Rick Boustead
Tee Bridges
Jeff Brooks
Joe Coleman
Lauren Gearon
Seth Gibree
Ginger Kindred
Mike Phelps
Shawl Pryor
Jason Rogers
Thomas Savini
Linda Terrana
Pat Tylka
April Voris
Richard Woodcock
Ellen Yates
Jeffrey Yost
Carlos Alvarado, M.D.
Ken Biggerstaff
Andrew Block
Jeff Bogart
Don Campbell
Edwin R. Clark
Harry Findley, PhD
Tom and Chris Glavine
Greg Kindred
Raymond King
Eric Lindberg
Trey Loughran
Steve McCoy
Bruce Myers
Vernon O’Neal
David Norden
Louis Rapkin, M.D.
Ted Schweers
Bernard Taylor
Alan Thomson
Rhys Wilson
John Yates
Bernie Zidar
Jeannine Addams
Jane Bick
Jeana Coleman
Daniel Dever
Craig Lovin
Carol McCloud
Dawn Patterson
Judy Payne
Abdel Ragab, M.D.
Juan Ramirez
Colin Smith
June Tatum
Roger Vega, M.D.
Susan Walker
Kristin Wohlleben
cur e childhood ca ncer
2 01 3 -2 014
a n n ua l r ep or t
1117 Perimeter Center West • Suite N-402 • Atlanta, GA 30338
770 986 0035 • 800 443 2873 • 770 986 0038 Fax

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