The Plumbing News
The Plumbing News
December 31st, 2012 Issue 12 Volume 9 24 Pages in 2 Sections Ferguson Spartanburg Holds Milwaukee Counter Day ral Gas. 33 members were in attendance to discuss the Tommy Whitten Territory Manager I would like to thank all of you in the plumbing industry in the Carolinas, that I have had the pleasure to meet or get reacquainted with since my return to the Carolina Plumbing News . Being welcomed back by so many means a great deal to me. I welcome the opportunity for our publication to be a part of your ongoing success. A much too often cliché says that everyone talks about the weather. That is true , however, I must say how lucky we are to be in the Carolinas where except for a few places, we are indeed blessed. Temperatures in the 60’s and 70’s the past week or two has wakened spring fever all around. There are some , including family members, who say “yeah this is nice but I’d like to see at least a CONTINUED on PAGE 3A CONTINUED on PAGE 3A Steven Coates - Ferguson Branch Manager, Matt Knarr - Ferguson & Jesse Martin Ferguson, in Spartanburg, South Carolina held a Milwaukee Tool Counter Day on December 20, 2013. Ferguson and Milwau- kee Tool teamed up for this counter day and had over 50 customers in attendance. Milwaukee Tool Rep, Daniel CONTINUED on PAGE 3A CPHCCA Holds Meeting at Piedmont Natural Gas Speaker Ned McNaughton Carolina Plumbing News P.O. Box 68 Bethlehem, Georgia 30620 Permit NO 7926 PRSRT STD U.S. Postage PAID ATLANTA, GA On January 8, 2013, the CPHCCA held their monthly meeting at Piedmont Natu- THE PIPELINE Murray Supply Company Volunteers at The Ronald McDonald House Winston-Salem, North Carolina based wholesale plumbing distributor Murray Supply Company volunteered with the Ronald McDonald House in WinstonSalem, NC. The corporate associates of Murray Supply Company helped the Ronald McDonald House staff complete various chores around the house on January 3, 2013. The Murray Supply Company associates cleaned various rooms around the house, folded laundry and also assisted the Ronald McDonald House staff in placing some of the their Christmas decorations in storage. The Ronald McDonald House provides a “home away from home” for families of children who are receiving medical care in a community hospital. This organization offers programs for physical comforts, emotional support, and referral services designed to promote the well-being of the whole family. By supporting local communities Murray Supply is giving back to others and working together towards building a promising future for the country and the state. CONTINUED on PAGE 3A Gateway Supply Holds Customer Christmas Lunch for Plumbing and HVAC Baker-Mitchell Company Hosts 36th Annual Deer Stew On December 14th BakerMitchell Company hosted the company’s annual “Deer Stew” luncheon. This year marked the 36th year that the Charlotte, NC based wholesaler has held the annual event. This annual luncheon is an opportunity for the CONTINUED on PAGE 3A Gateway Supply in Greenville, SC hosted their annual Christmas lunch on December 11, 2012. Gateway Supply holds this event each year to thank its wonderful customers for their outstanding support throughout the year. Over 300 people at- tended the lunch that was catered by the famous Charlie’s BBQ and attendees were able to enjoy fellowship with their peers. Gateway Supply in Greenville, SC would like to thank everyone for attending and wishes them all a very Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!6 PLUMBING • IRRIGATION • KITCHEN & BATH •UNDERGROUND • ASPE Page 2A Carolina Plumbing News - December 31st, 2012 Carolina Plumbing News - December 31st, 2012 CONTINUED from PAGE 1A Pipeline little snow. After giving theses folks instructions on how to tune to the weather channel, I say look at the sports page for a football game in Buffalo or Green Bay and see all the snow you’d like. The weather has been so moderate lately that I am getting early requests for our coverage of spring events such as open houses, golf tourneys and fishing tourneys to name a few. If you have a special December 31st, 2012 Calendar ----------------------------------- page 14A Contractor Spotlight --------------------- page 8A Counter Action ---------------------------- page 3B Job Bulletin -------------------------------- page 10A NCPMA News ----------------------------- page 3A Subscription Form ------------------------ page 4A Advertising Index Bradford White ---------------------------- page 5B Ferguson ----------------------------------- page 11A Ferguson ----------------------------------- page 2B FM Supplies ------------------------------- page 6A Gateway ----------------------------------- page 2A Ginde Pipe --------------------------------- page 5A Grundfos ----------------------------------- page 1B Hodes Co ---------------------------------- page 14A Murray Supply ---------------------------- page 8B NCPMA ------------------------------------ page 3B Oatey --------------------------------------- page 10A Taco ---------------------------------------- page 8A Winnelson ---------------------------------- page 9A Winnelson ---------------------------------- page 15A THE CAROLINA PLUMBING NEWS P.O. Box 490896 Lawrenceville, Georgia 30049 Phone 404-391-2962 Fax 678-404-8525 Website: Twitter: Facebook: The-Plumbing-News/ Jack Morgan - Publisher 770-296-1931 Sherrie Springer - V.P. Marketing Cell: 662.266.9315 Fax: 770.395.7069 James Bickert - Art Director Graphics: Shannon Manders - Administrator Shea Britt - Staff Writer The Carolina Plumbing News is a monthly publication of Morgan Publishing Company. The publisher does not assume responsibility for statements made by advertisers and reports opinions by dealers, suppliers and manufacturers as quoted. The advertising and copy deadline for the next issue is January15th, 2012. All contents are copyright 2012 by Morgan Publishing Company. Page 3A event in the near future that you would like the Carolina Plumbing News to cover with pictures and and article please let me or anyone at our office in Atlanta know of as early as possible. Serving both Carolinas can run into some scheduling problems. Thanks again for your friendly welcomes . I appreciate for your consideration of the Plumbing News providing you an addition to your marketing and advertising programs. Contact me at (jtwhitten@gmail,com) or 803-463-1729.6 CONTINUED from PAGE 1A Ferguson Pierce came out to display Milwaukee’s latest products including, the Red Lithium Battery line and the M12 tools. Attendees were able to try out these new products and enjoyed a delicious lunch that was catered by Milwaukee Tool. Steven Coates stated “The new Milwaukee Tools have been a huge hit with our Customers and Counter Events like these allow us to let our customers test and try out these tools before they buy them. It was great to see all of the customers who turned out for the event and came to try out the latest additions Milwaukee has recently come out with. We are very thankful to have the ability to hold an event like this through the support of Milwaukee Tools. “ Ferguson Spartanburg would like to thank the customers who attended, Daniel Pierce and a special “thank you” to Scott Keegley, for setting up such a successful event. Scott was recently appointed Manager of all Counters in South Carolina and Ferguson is very excited to have him on their team!6 CONTINUED from PAGE 1A Murray Murray Supply Company is a family owned and operated company that was founded in 1965 by Mr. C.V. Murray and Walt Murray in Charlotte, North Carolina. The company is engaged in the distribution of residential and commercial plumbing, PVF, HVAC, power and process piping along with maintenance, repair and operations products. Murray Supply Company serves their customers from one showroom and six locations based in North Carolina.6 NEWS NCPMA Welcomes New Officers & Board of Director Members The North Carolina Plumbing and Mechanical Association has announced its new officers and Board of Director members for 2013. These newly elected individuals were selected at NCPMA's Annual Business Session in November and took office on January 1st of this year. David Hinson of Hinson Mechanical in Monroe will serve as NCPMA President for 2013. Other officers elected to serve are Charlie Oxford of Hickory Plumbing & Heating in Hickory as Vice President and John Hicks of Griffin Heating and Air in Statesville as Treasurer. "As the new President of NCPMA and a fellow contractor, I envision 2013 as being another challenging year for our industry," said David Hinson. "The good news is that our association is doubling down it's efforts to provide, to our members, the resources necessary to survive and thrive in this CONTINUED from PAGE 1A owners and employees of Baker-Mitchell Company to prepare a luncheon and serve their customers in appreciation for the past year. This is a time to reminisce on the past and discuss changes for the upcoming year. We enjoy a festive time of eating and sharing our many blessings as we approach the holiday season. For those of you that made it out this year, for a second year in a row we had special guest Larry Grist present who is retired from Smith and Stevenson. Larry once again spent hours with industry reps and customers, sharing with them his life this past year. As was evident with his presence, Larry brought with him joy to spread to all who took a moment to stop and say “hello”. Baker-Mitchell Company wishes to thank all of the vendors who came out to support our annual event. We thank you for your support and look forward to supporting your products as we head into 2013. Most importantly we would like to thank our customers for their continued support and loyalty to our company. We would like to renew our commitment of providing exceptional customer service to you as we head into 2013. We look forward to supporting you as we approach a new promising year. Baker-Mitchell Company is located at 2135 Thrift Road Charlotte, NC 28208.Phone: (704) 376-3521.6 CPHCCA recent changes to NC lien laws and how they are dramatically affecting the construction industry as a whole, and subcontractors in particular. Ned McNaughton, Founding Attorney of the law firm, McNaughton & Associates, PLLC addressed the key elements of the new law during the meeting which included, Lien Agent, Notice, Service and Status. Ned is the founding attorney of the law firm McNaughton & Associates, PLLC. After almost 20 years real world experience in business, from running a toy store to manufacturing construction equipment, he began his legal career with Big Firm in Atlanta, Georgia in their construction law section. In 2000, he moved to Charlotte, North Carolina to help Big Firm open its North Carolina office and in 2004, Ned left the company to form McNaughton & Associates, PLLC and has maintained his focus on serving the construction industry. Also during the meeting, new Officers and Board Members were installed; Dave Boda, President, Scott Shelton, Vice President, and Hal Hester, Treasurer. Board members installed included, Zeke Acosta, Eddie Heyworth, Larry Bradham, Rodney Bradham. For further information on CPHCCA, please visit their webpage at CONTINUED on PAGE 5A CONTINUED from PAGE 1A Deer Stew Page 4A Carolina Plumbing News - December 31st, 2012 Alexandra Linton, AimeeWilliams Dye & Ann MoranGateway Greenville Matt Knarr- Ferguson Spartanburg Mickey Taylor Daniel Pierce- Milwaukee Angie Banner, Kim Whitlatch & Cynthia Lancaster- Ferguson Columbia Eric Wilson, Cassie West & Kim Whitlatch- Ferguson Columbia Brian Todd- Gateway Supply Kerri Giles- Gateway Supply Rodney Cawley – Bradford Sales Sam Williams lll – Gateway Supply Karen Bigby- Showroom Mgr., & Mitch Jackson- Branch Mgr.Hughes Supply-Columbia Anthony Saxon- Hughes Supply Melvin Silas- Cregger Company David Cook- David Cook Plumbing Jamie Dawson- Cregger Company Carolina Plumbing News - December 31st, 2012 Page 5A Regional Connections Sponsor, and Rapid RecovMark Your Calendar for ern Conference! We'd also like ery for being our bag the 2013 Western Regional to thank Fleetmatics, Silver sponsor!6 Connections Conference Ferguson Celebrates With Mark your calendar now ing the NCPMA Women's a Gift to Industry for Thursday, March 21st Auxiliary Scholarship Fund. and make plans to attend NCPMA's 2013 Western Regional Connections Conference! Over 70 vendors are expected to participate in the event which will be held at the Cabarrus Arena and Events Center from 9 a.m. until 4 p.m. The Conference will feature a variety of vendors showcasing innovative new products and services for the cooling, heating and plumbing industries along with short break-out sessions for attendees to learn more about specific products and services designed to benefit their companies. Each vendor will feature show specials and cash prizes will be awarded to attendees throughout the event. "We are very excited about the upcoming Western Regional Connections Conference," said Jim Pendergrass, Executive Director of NCPMA. "The Conference is a one-stop shop for industry professionals to access the latest HVAC and Plumbing products and services, connect with others in our fields and improve their bottom line. It is a "do not miss" event for every plumbing and HVAC contractor." Admission is $5 at the door with proceeds benefitCONTINUED from PAGE 3A NCPMA economy. My promise to you is to work diligently through this association for you, my fellow contractor." In addition to electing new officers, NCPMA also welcomed several new additions to the Board of Directors. These include: John Dietz, JD Plumbing in Durham (also appointed by the Board as 2013 Assistant Secretary/Treasurer). Herb Hovey, HH Hovey Heating and Cooling in Winston Salem (also appointed by the President as 2013 Secretary). Brian McDonald, Outer Banks Heating and Cooling in Kill Devils Hills. Dale Nichols, Pipetechs in Durham. George Yezbek, Murray Supply in Winston Salem Congratulations to these new officers and board members! We thank you for your commitment to serve our association!6 NCPMA is currently accepting vendors for the Connections Conference! Need to register or need more information? Call our office at 919-532-0522 or email Jenny at Thank you to Federated Insurance for being our Platinum Sponsor for the West- Ferguson is celebrating the end of 2012 with a gift that will support industry education year round. The company has made a significant contribution to support the Plumbing-Heating-Cooling Contractors (PHCC) Educational Foundation’s 2012 Invest in Your Future Annual Giving Campaign. This is the eighth consecutive year that Ferguson has made a major gift to the Foundation’s annual fundraising campaign. “We are all aware of the need for more skilled workers and better trained managers in the trades,” said Foundation Chairperson Bill Jones. “With its annual support of this campaign and the training it funds, Ferguson is making an investment that will provide long lasting returns.” “This gift is a simple, but powerful way for us to give back to the plumbing-heating-cooling industry,” said Henry Wood, Director, Residential Business Group and Corporate Counter Development at Ferguson. “We are confident that our support of this training not only helps CONTINUED on PAGE 6A Page 6A Carolina Plumbing News - December 31st, 2012 Kohler Debuts Moxie Showerhead with Integrated Speaker Smartphones are everywhere. More than 38 percent of adults — 120 million—in the U.S. own one, and the number continues to climb. Users even admit to taking them everywhere; a recent survey found 75 percent use their phones in the bathroom. To embrace the demand for constant connectivity, Kohler Co. introduces a new sensory experience to showerheads with the KOHLER Moxie showerhead. "We're seeing a growing demand for music in the bathroom," says Kohler perfor- mance showering product manager Leslie Bronson. "The Moxie showerhead is the first of its kind to combine the delivery of water and music. And with the proximity of the Bluetooth*-enabled wireless speaker, bathers are simultaneously showered with music and a bestin-class spray experience." The Moxie showerhead syncs with any Bluetoothenabled device— smartphones and mp3 players—and streams music directly into the shower. But the fun doesn't stop there; the speaker pod can be re- moved for enjoyment on the go, throughout the rest of the bathroom and beyond. "Smartphones are transforming the way people access music," Bronson says. "Half of all smartphone users stream music directly from their devices. The Moxie Showerhead takes accessibility to a whole new level. It offers a convenient, stylish sound boost. It's like having your own mobile DJ." About the KOHLER Moxie Showerhead • Installation is fast and simple, the same required for a standard showerhead. • Sixty angled nozzles provide a full, rich coverage. • Audio Control is managed through the paired Bluetooth-enabled device, such as a smartphone or mp3 player. • The on/off button discretely incorporated into the speaker capsule's design also includes a light that changes color to indicate when the speaker is paired and when the battery needs to be charged. • A lithium battery** provides on average seven hours of playtime; recharging the speaker is easy with the USB cord provided. • Redocking the speaker capsule is simple. A strong magnet located in the dock's base maintains a secure hold. • MSRP: $199.00 Recommended and Related Materials • Product: KOHLER Amplifier Provides Smart and Afforable Home Audio Solution • Product: KOHLER SoundTiles About Kohler Co. Founded in 1873 and headquartered in Kohler, Wis., Kohler Co. is one of America's oldest and largest privately held companies. Kohler is a global leader in the manufacture of kitchen and bath products, engines and power generation systems, cabinetry, tile and home interiors, and international host to awardwinning hospitality and world-class golf destinations.6 CONTINUED from PAGE 5A Ferguson us, but it helps our customers and the public they serve. We are happy to be able to say we are doing our part to improve our industry.” Ferguson has been a major supporter of the PHCC Educational Foundation for over twenty years and is a Corporate Founder level donor to the Foundation’s endowment fund. Combined past and present contributions from Ferguson now total more than $205,000 in support of industry education. The campaign fundraising goal for 2013 is $145,000 in gifts to support the Foundation’s mission of providing quality business management and technical education programs to contractors and their employees. A portion of the proceeds also supports the PHCC National Auxiliary Scholarship Program. In S i n k E r a t o r a l so p r o vides matching contributions for the fundraiser. Industry contractors, suppliers and manufacturers can show their support and be represented on the contributor thank you list by making a gift to the annual giving campaign. Forms and a list of industry donors are available directly from the Foundation web site at or by calling (800) 533-7694. The PHCC Educational Foundation is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization and contributions to the Foundation are tax deductible to the fullest extent allowed by law. About Ferguson Ferguson (www.ferguson .com) is the largest wholesale distributor of residential and commercial plumbing supplies and pipe, valves and fittings in the U.S. The company is also a major distributor of HVAC/R equipment, waterworks and inCONTINUED on PAGE 8A Carolina Plumbing News - December 31st, 2012 Scenes from the CPHCCA Monthly Meeting Page 7A Page 8A Carolina Plumbing News - December 31st, 2012 Taco’s New 3350 Pressure Reducing Valve Freeman’s Plumbing Freeman’s Plumbing, located in Lake Wylie, SC was established in 1998 by Mr. Matt Freeman. Matt has been in the plumbing industry since 1988 and began working in the field straight out of high school. He quickly learned how much he loved the trade and earned his Master Plumbing License. Freeman’s Plumbing currently serves the Pineville, Charlotte, Lake Wylie and Surrounding Counties and provides their services to residential, commercial and new construction customers. They offer complete plumbing services including but not limited to, new construction installations, general and specialized plumbing repairs, water heater and tankless water heater installation, water and sewer line installation and repair, installation of fixtures and faucets, and much more. The company’s hours of operation are Monday thru Friday from 7am to 5:30pm and is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for emergency services. Matt Freeman of Freeman Plumbing For all your plumbing needs, please contact Freeman’s Plumbing at 704913-1517.6 Taco’s new 3350 valve is used to automatically feed water to a hydronic system whenever pressure in the system drops below the pressure setting of the valve. The 3350 PRV reduces incoming pressure and au- tomatically maintains system pressure to the valve’s adjustable set point. If the system pressure drops below the valve’s set point, it will automatically add water to the system. The 3350 is suitable for systems with fill pressure requirements between 10-50 PSI and features a fast-fill button with automatic reset. The valve automatically exits the fastfill mode once the system is full and the desired set pressure is reached. Gone are the days of holding the valve open or locking it in an open position, possibly over-pressurizing to the point of setting off the relief valve. All parts for the cartridgestyle pressure reducing valve are contained in a one piece cartridge that can be easily removed and serviced without reducing system pressure. The device offers a fast-fill mode that automatically returns to normal mode when set pressure is reached. It also delivers increased flow to speed system fill times. Its unique dialCONTINUED on PAGE 10A CONTINUED from PAGE 6A Ferguson dustrial products and services. Founded in 1953 and headquartered in Newport News, Va., Ferguson has sales of $9.7 billion and approximately 18,000 associates in almost 1,300 locations. Ferguson and its subsidiaries serve customers in all 50 states, Puerto Rico, Mexico and the Caribbean. Ferguson is part of Wolseley plc (, which is listed on the London Stock Exc h a n g e (LSE: WOS) and on the FTSE 100 index of listed companies. About PHCC Educational Foundation The PHCC Educational Foundation, a partnership of contractors, manufacturers, and wholesalers, was founded in 1987 to serve the plumbing-heating-cooling industry by preparing contractors and their employees to meet the challenges of a constantly changing marketplace. For more information contact a member of the Foundation staff at (800) 533-7694 or visit http://www.phccf Carolina Plumbing News - December 31st, 2012 Page 9A Page 10A Carolina Plumbing News - December 31st, 2012 Classified Ads Ad listings are $2 a word (20 word minimum) and $20 for a photograph. You can fax your ad to 770-868-1856 or e-mail them to For credit card processing call, Shannon Manders at 404-391-2962 PLUMBER As an Army National Plumber, you will learn these valuable job skills while getting up to a $20,000 enlistment bonus, earning a regular paycheck, and qualifying for tuition assistance. Instead of paying to learn these skills, get paid to learn.Advanced Plumbing Specialists take on more challenging projects including training and supervising. The Army National Guard has career opportunities in every State and four U.S. Territories. The Web site for the Army National Guard is Ad Information Name Company Phone Fax Send all of your open house, continuing education, seminar, and trade show information to: THE CAROLINA PLUMBING NEWS CALENDAR: P.O. Box 68 Bethlehem, Georgia 30620 or Fax 770-586-5174 CONTINUED from PAGE 8A Taco in pressure setting allows for easy adjustment throughout the 10-50 psi range, without the need for an external gauge. The unique one-piece cartridge design significantly reduces diaphragm load, extending the overall product life. A stainless steel coaxial strainer prohibits system debris from affecting the valves’ performance. An integral check valve allows the cartridge to be removed under system pressure for replacement or servicing. The 3350’s body is made of forged brass. Inside the cartridge, wetted parts are made of stainless steel, engineered plastics and bronze..6 New Eljer Titan Toilets with Moisture Guard With product features galore and competitive pricing to boot, Eljer introduces two new Titan toilets with Moisture Guard, both available exclusively at Menards. Homeowners can enjoy high performance, minimal maintenance and easy inCONTINUED on PAGE 14A Carolina Plumbing News - December 31st, 2012 Page 11A Page 12A Carolina Plumbing News - December 31st, 2012 Scenes from Gateway Supply’s Christmas Luncheon in Greenville Mike Wade & Jacob Hoffman- Gateway Anthony Moss & Phillip Edminston Bill Camp & Scott Childress Chuck White ,David Yearwood, Eric Burton, Daniel Smith Eddie Jodon & Gerald Bracewell Craig Allen, Brad Winslett, Tommy Foy Keith Brooks, Patrick Ray, Frankie Garrett Bobby Davis, Richard Allen, Rico Zimmerman Tommy & Darlene Campbell-Married for 47 years Charley Cannon, Bill Snider, Roy Simpson Kevin Fynn, Roy Gosnell, Michael Boyter Jeffrey Thrasher & David Fletcher Buck Whetsell, Don Hall, David Lillibridge Kevin Flynn, Roy Gosnell & Todd Boiter Ben Thrasher, Glen Andrews, Kenneth Smith Carolina Plumbing News - December 31st, 2012 Page 13A Watts Water Technologies Ferguson and E&I Announce New Competitively Lends its Expertise to Awarded Contract “Get the Lead Out” Ferguson, the largest edgeable associates," said Consortium wholesale plumbing distribu- Carlton Harwood, vice presi- Watts Water Technologies, Inc., continues to lead the plumbing industry with the transition to Lead Free by joining a new coalition formed by the PlumbingHeating-Cooling Contractors Association (PHCC) and other industry leaders. The “Get the Lead Out” Plumbing Consortium is charged with providing education about the manufacture, distribution, and installation of Lead Free plumbing products to contractors/apprentices, distributors, plumbing engineers, and code officials. The new Lead Free law, which goes into effect on January 4, 2014, requires that every pipe, fixture, and fitting used to convey water for potable use contain less than 0.25% of lead by weight. The Consortium met recently to spell out its educational initiatives, which includes a training program about Lead Free plumbing products that will be offered at industry meetings in 2013. The consortium will also offer online training options as well as a website containing a calendar of events, FAQ s , a n d o t h e r r e sources. Watts Water also continues adding resources and tools to its educational website, Originally launched in 2009 this comprehensive (and growing) collection of resources includes: • Product look-up guide for Lead Free equivalent products from the brands of Watts Water Technologies. Results can be exported to an Excel spreadsheet for future reference.; • Educational white paper on preparing for national Lead Free compliance.; • In-depth information on the upcoming Lead Free transition in Louisiana, which takes effect January 1, 2013; • Informational video on how Watts Water is preparing for the change; • Video testimonials from customers in Vermont who have already made the Lead Free transition. *The wetted surface of our Lead Free products contacted by consumable water contain less than 0.25% of lead by weight. About Watts Water Technologies, Inc. Watts Water Technologies, Inc., through its subsidiaries, is a world leader in the manufacture of innovative products to c ontrol t h e ef ficien cy, safety, and quality of water within residential, commercial, and institutional applications. The company’s expertise in a wide variety of water technologies makes it a comprehensive supplier to the water industry. For more information visit www.watts tor in the U.S., and E&I Cooperative Purchasing (E&I), a member-owned, not-forprofit buying cooperative that serves colleges and universities, announce a new competitively awarded contract for plumbing products. With this new contract, E&I members have access to Ferguson's vast inventory of high-quality products including PVF, plumbing and facilities maintenance. E&I members can also benefit from Ferguson's 1,300 branch locations and strategically located distribution centers which ensure same day or next day delivery for many orders. "Ferguson has a high standard of customer service and the industry's most knowl- dent of Ferguson's Hospitality, Facilities Maintenance and Government business group. "We appreciate the opportunity to provide this level of service to E&I and its member institutions, and we look forward to a long and successful relationship." "We are very excited to welcome Ferguson, a proven industry-leader, to the Cooperative's supplier portfolio," said Stephen Spinelli, E&I's senior vice president of Member Services and Communications. "It is important for us to align ourselves with supply partners that can consistently provide our members with competitive pricing and high quality service. Ferguson has certainly demonstrated that ability, and we are confident that our members will find considerable value in this contract." For further information, contact: christine.dwyer@ Ferguson (www. is the largest wholesale distributor of residential and commercial plumbing supplies and pipe, valves and fittings in the U.S. The company is also a major distributor of HVAC/R equipment, waterworks and industrial products and services. Founded in 1953 and headquartered in Newport News, Va., Ferguson has sales of $9.7 billion and approximately 18,000 associates in almost 1,300 locations. Ferguson and its subsidiaries serve customers in all 50 states, Puerto Rico, Mexico and the Caribbean. Ferguson is part of Wolseley plc (www., which is listed on the London Stock Exchange (LSE: WOS) and on the FTSE 100 index of listed companies.6 Page 14A CONTINUED from PAGE 10A Eljer Titan stallation, all with insulated Titan toilet tanks that exhibit minimal-to-no condensation. The Titan Toilets with Moisture Guard are engineered to prevent clogs. They include the industry's largest 2 3/8" trapway and 4" accelerator flush valve to Carolina Plumbing News - December 31st, 2012 give maximum, clog-resisting power to every flush. From under the rim, PowerWash bowl cleaning technology scrubs the bowl with pressurized water to remove every last trace of paper and waste. Together these technological innovations help the new Titan attain the highest possible rating in the Maxi- mum Performance (MaP) test, an independent report of toilet bulk removal performance. These toilets are rated to successfully flush 1,000 grams (2.2 pounds) of solid waste without clogging. Plus, these Titan toilets feature the permanent EverClean antimicrobial surface that inhib- its the growth of stain and odor-causing bacteria, mold, and mildew on the surface, making them stay cleaner longer. Tank sweating? the water droplets that form on the outside of a toilet tank when the tank is colder than the air in the bathroom ? is a frequent problem in humid climates and homes that use well water. The exclusive Eljer Moisture Guard insulated tank liner significantly reduces the unsightly occurrence of tank sweating, keeping the new Titan toilets fresher and more attractive. Even installation is easy – everything needed to install the toilet is right in the box. The Titan toilets with Moisture Guard come with easy, step-bystep instructions for “NoTo o l s I n st a l l a t i o n ” . A l l bolts can be hand-tightened, so no special tools are needed. These new Titan toilets are ADA-compliant with a tall, 16 ½” rim height, which also offers greater comfort for all users. They are available in elongated and round front models, both in white. These Titan toilets are equipped with a slow close seat ? featuring the EverClean antimicrobial surface ? that eliminates the loud slamming of traditional toilet seats. For more information on the new Titan toilets with Moisture Guard or other Eljer products, visit w w w. e l j e r. c o m o r c a l l (800) 442-1902. ABOUT AMERICAN STANDARD BRANDS American Standard Brands is a leading North American manufacturer of a wide range of highquality building products, including faucets, fixtures, furniture, vitreous china fixtures, cast iron sinks, whirlpool tubs and other wellness products for the bath and kitchen as well as decorative panels. The company currently offers total project solutions for residential and commercial customers; employs more than 5,000 people in the United States, Canada and Mexico; and markets products under well known and respected brands, such as American Standard®, Jado®, Porcher®, Safety Tubs®, Crane Plumbing®, Eljer®, Fiat® and Decorative Panels International®. American Standard Brands is an affiliated portfolio company of Sun Capital Partners. The company is online at www.american, on Twitter at amercanstandard and on Facebook at www. StandardPlumbing.6 C A L E N DA R 1st Tuesday of Every Month 6PM Columbia Chapter ASPE Meeting LOCATION: Damon’s Grill CONTACT: 803-407-2643 1st Tuesday of Every Month 6:30 PM FAPCA Monthly Meeting LOCATION: Chris’ Steakhouse CONTACT: 2nd Tuesday of Every Month 6:30PM CPHCCA Monthly Meeting LOCATION: check website for details CONTACT: 3rd Tuesday of Every Month Raleigh Chapter ASPE Meeting LOCATION: NCSU University Club CONTACT: 4th Tuesday of Every Month Charlotte Chapter ASPE Meeting LOCATION: To be determined CONTACT: Hal Angel at 704-525-3388 March 21st, 2013 9am-4pm NCPMA Regional Connections Conference LOCATION: Cabarrus Arena CONTACT: Carolina Plumbing News - December 31st, 2012 Page 15A Scenes from Gateway Supply’s Christmas Luncheon in Greenville Carl Tillman, Bill Fitts, Ronnie Bolt Shane Simmons & Greg Sonnefeld Lonnie Reed & Randy Stockton Ken Hoffman, Bryan Hoffman, Bryan Lasenberry Leonard Moore - Vice President GatewaySpy & Marty Delk Ann Moran, Chris Williams, Aimee Williams-Dye & Alexandra Linton- Gateway Supply Van Pinkney, Mike Reynolds, Joakin Mendoza Don New & Rick Talbert Alexandra Linton - Showroom Consultant, Aimee Williams-Dye-Marketing Mgr., & Ann MoranShowroom Consultant Steve Hyatt, Bob Pountney, Tripp Boone Richard & Zachary Summerlin Mike Woods- Gateway Spy, Lonnie McCall- Branch Manager & Daryl Abbott- Gateway Spy Roger DeYoung & Mike Seymoor Wesley Rose & Larry Proctor Leonard Moore- Vice President- Gateway Spy, Chris Wikkiams- President- Gateway Spy Page 16A Carolina Plumbing News - December 31st, 2012 Carolina Plumbing News - December 31st, 2012 Rainwater Catchment System Design Standard Opens for First Public Review A new American National Standard to provide design and installation requirements for rainwater catchment systems is being jointly developed by the American Rainwater Catchment Systems Association (ARCSA) and the American Society of Plumbing Engineers (ASPE), with sponsorship support from the International Association of Plumbing and Mechanical Officials (IAPMO). ARCSA/ASPE 63: Rainwater Catchment Systems, an existing standard published in July 2009, has gone through extensive revision using the ASPE standards development process accredited by the American National Standards Institute. The draft revisions are now open for public comment until 11:59 CST on January 18, 2013. To view the draft standard and submit a comment, visit publicreview. ARCSA/ASPE 63 has already achieved broad recognition by being adopted into the IAPMO Green Plumbing and Mechanical Code Supplement and the 2012 National Standard Plumbing Code published by NAPHCC, as well as providing the foundation for rainwater catchment system criteria that have been recently added to model plumbing codes. Jim Kendzel, MPH, CAE, Executive Director/CEO of ASPE, noted, “ASPE is pleased to continue our long and positive relationship with ARCSA in continually working to improve ARCSA/ ASPE 63. I also want to thank IAPMO for stepping forward and joining ARCSA and ASPE by helping to sponsor this standard. It is our sincere hope that other model code bodies and agencies around the country will see the importance of adopting this standard to provide a set of consistent requirements for rainwater catchment systems in the U.S. and internationally.” Rainwater catchment systems provide an important alternate source of water, and quality design standards are critical for protecting the health of those who use water from these installations in potable and nonpotable applications. ARSCA/ASPE 63 is designed to assist engineers, designers, plumbers, builders/developers, local governments, and end users in safely implementing a rainwater catchment system using precipitation from a rooftop and other hard, impervious surfaces. It applies to new installations as well as alterations, additions, maintenance, and repairs to existing rainwater catchment installations. It does not apply to the collection of rainwater from vehicular parking or other similar surfaces. ARCSA/ASPE 63 will provide guidance in how to design, install, and maintain a healthy alternative to municipal water and to optimize rainwater utilization, while preventing risk to consumers from poor design, installation, and main- SECTION B: COMMERCIAL / INDUSTRIAL tenance, or illegal work; reducing risk to the public from injury or loss of amenity due to a failure of the supply, installation, maintenance, or operation of the rainwater catchment system; and ensuring that the rainwater catchment system will assist in maintaining and enhancing the quality of the environment while helping to ensure compliance with the intent of relevant regulations and local government officials. ASPE is the only professional organization devoted to the training and certification of plumbing engineers and designers. ASPE and its 6,000 worldwide members are dedicated to protecting the health, welfare, and safety of the public through the dissemination of technical data and information to expand the base of knowledge among plumbing engineers, designers, contractors, code officials, inspectors, and manufacturers. For more information, visit About ARCSA The American Rainwater Catchment Systems Association is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that was founded in 1994 by Dr. Hari J. Krishna in Austin, Texas to promote rainwater catchment systems in the United States. Its membership consists of professionals working in city, state, and federal governments, academia, manufacturers and suppliers of rainwater harvesting equipment, consultants, and other interested individuals. For more information, visit Founded in Los Angeles in 1926, IAPMO has grown to be recognized the world over for its Uniform Codes. With offices in 12 U.S. states and 13 countries, IAPMO has assisted with code development in such diverse places as Saudi Arabia, China, India, Jordan, Egypt, Israel, Vietnam, Indonesia, Philippines, Venezuela, Colombia, and the United Arab Emirates. For more information, visit Page 2B Carolina Plumbing News - December 31st, 2012 Carolina Plumbing News - December 31st, 2012 Ferguson Columbia Seth Harms and Pito Reyes Ferguson of Columbia, SC would like to recognize Pito Reyes and Seth Harms as their Counter Sales team. Pito Reyes, Counter Sales Representative, began his career in the plumbing industry with Ferguson Columbia in 2006. In a recent interview with Pito, he stated “I really enjoy working for Ferguson and I am grateful for all the opportunities that they offer. I have great relationship with my customers and I enjoy being able to help them on a daily basis.” Pito has three children, 2 sons and 1 daughter, that he loves spending time with and also enjoys working on cars in his free time. Seth Harms has been in the plumbing industry for 7 years now, in all facets from Warehouse to Sales, Inventory Manager and currently holds the position of Counter Sales Representative. In a recent interview with Seth, he stated that what he enjoys most about working for Ferguson is “having the vast supply network to be able to source from, great people to work with and the opportunities that Ferguson pro- Page 3B vides.” Seth attended CIU in Columbia, SC and earned his BA in Communications. In his spare time he enjoys kayaking, camping, hiking, photography and video production. Pito and Seth both grew up in Spanish speaking areas, Pito in Puerto Rico and Seth in Colombia, South America. Growing up in these areas, they quickly learned how to speak Spanish which has been extremely beneficial in the plumbing industry. They are very proud to be able to offer a Bilingual Counter to their Hispanic clients, helpers and homeowners alike. With such an experienced counter sales team, Pito and Seth undeniably contribute to increasing sales and service at Ferguson Columbia. For further information on Ferguson Columbia, please contact them at 803-6994000.6 Grinder Pump Retrofit Kit Xylem introduces the Goulds Water Technology grinder pump retrofit kit for residential grinder pump stations. The kit allows for continuous operation and is retrofitable with other grinder pumps as well as progressive cavity pumps. The kit includes a singlephase 2 horsepower motor with 60 Hz, 3,450 rpm, 230 Wireless Water Shutoff System FLO n STOP announces its lead-free solenoid valve (LF 22950) certifies to NSF/ ANSI 61 Annex G and is now available. The 1” FIP leadfree fully open solenoid valve also certifies to UL 429 and CSA C22.2 No. 139 and is compliant with California’s AB1953 and Vermont Act 193. The LF22950 lead-free valve is an integral component of the FLO n STOP wireless water shutoff system that safeguards residential dwellings from unwanted household water events.6 V and a capacitor start with winding thermal protector. It also includes piping and electrical connections for retrofitting to competitors’ systems. The pump’s capacity is up to 41 gpm with heads to 95” and discharge of 1 1/4 NPT.6 Page 4B Carolina Plumbing News - December 31st, 2012 Scenes from the Ferguson Counter Day in Spartanburg Matt Knarr- Ferguson & Daniel Pierce- Milwaukee Scott Kegley - Ferguson & Mickey Taylor Daniel Pierce- Milwaukee & Dustin Vickery- Ferguson Al Clary, Scott Kegley- Ferguson, Daniel PriceMilwaukee, Mark Wilkinson Leon Sharpe- Sharpe Plbg. David Parker & Randy Derr - City of Spartanburg Michael Garrett & William Lancaster- W.N. Kirkland Mechanical Daniel Price- Milwaukee & Gary Kirkland-W.N. Kirkland Mechanical Gary Ledbetter David Scott- Scott Plumbing Drake Hunter, Rodney Westfield & Javier RodriguesC&L Htg.& Air Daniel Pierce & Tom Cozzoli Steven Coates- Ferg. Branch Mgr., Matt KnarrFerguson & Jesse Martin Dennis Jolley & Josh Robison- Quality Plumbing Ray Duckett Carolina Plumbing News - December 31st, 2012 Page 5B Page 6B Carolina Plumbing News - December 31st, 2012 Scenes from Baker-Mitchell Company’s 36th Annual Deer Stew Glenn Lamberth-Lewis Mktg., Cameron Grist & Carson Grist O'Bryan Don Smith, Jason Abernathy & Gina Acosta - Rep South Kevin Surralt- Surralt Bldrs. & Brandon MitchellBaker -Mitchell Jody Henderson & Pat Owens- Christian Plbg., Rocky Gantt- R & P Plbg. Clay Tingler- Smith & Stevenson, Ron Elliott Mike Stallings - Sioux Chief & Stuart McCline- MRL Plumbing Blake Hunter, Charles Winters & Jordan Rollins Clay Tingler, Cameron Grist, Larry Grist & Carson Grist O'Bryan Mike Stallings - Sioux Chief, Ken (The Hammer) Alexander- Carolina Sales & Stuart McCline- MRL Plumbing Ken Bailey, David Hunter & Brandon Mitchell Craig DeFilippo- Moen & Elene Neel- Frajon Valves Allen Tingler - Smith & Stevenson, David HawthorneSnider Inc. & Tim Ramsey- Sunbelt Mktg. David Hawthorne- Snider Inc. & Jeff Mackey Bob Robinson & Bob Smith-Rep South, Roger Baucom-Baker-Mitchell, Glenn Lamberth- Lewis Mktg., Tony Blanton- Mid Atlantic Sales, Mark Mitchell- Baker-Mitchell & Elene Neel- Frajon Valves Craig Birchfield- Quality Mktg., Robert ElliottBradford Sales & Tim Leath Carolina Plumbing News - December 31st, 2012 Page 7B Scenes from Baker-Mitchell Company’s 36th Annual Deer Stew Hal Angel- Smith & Stevenson& Robert Elliott Bradford Sales Ken ( The Hammer) Alexander & Matt Freeman Freeman Plbg Chris Osborne- Osborne Plbg., Tanner McMahan, Travis Reego & Tyler McMahan Richie Moss, Candace & Brandon Mitchell Gina Acosta & Kim Shuler- Rep South Chris Osborne, Jerry Brock & Daniel Hefner Mitch Clark , Jason Abernathy, Gina Acosta & Bob Robinson- Rep South Todd Walker- Ludwig, Smith & Walker, Allen Tingler & John Randolph- BakerMitchell Collins Wilder- J.Collin Wilder Sales & Bob Robinson - Rep South Kelly Mitchell , Grandaughter Emma Baker , Brandon & Mark Mitchell Tim Biznet , Eddie Harwood - Lewis Mktg. Clay Tingler & Hal Angel-Smith & Stevenson, David Service Plumbing Burton, Tim Baldwin. Mike Barrett & Tommy McClain Roy Gill -still going strong at 91 & Bub Mitchell- he's going strong as well Craig DeFilippo, Elene Neel , Bill Foisy & Tony Blanton Page 8B Carolina Plumbing News - December 31st, 2012