EIL A. KJOS SELECTED & EDITED BY Keith Snell o Baroque & Classical i Romantic & 20th Century O Etudes I Essential Piano Repertoire PREPARATORY LEVEL - LEVEL TEN :' lgos NEIL 1-800-797-KJOS A. KJos Musrc coMPANY . Fax: (858)270-3507 . email@kjos.com "^ ,j''j I PraNo n.,.o- oo, usRAht SELECTED & EDITED BY Keith Snell Prnruo Rrprnrornr Teacher's lndex to Piano Repertoire SELECTED Do you select music by composer and title? Keith Snell Do you select music by level of difficulty? PIRruo f ?m."^,m; & EDITED ""'lTii BY Rrprnrornr Let the Neil A. Kjos Piano Repertoire Teacher's lndex assist you in organizing and simplifying the Romantic ü 2\thCenturu process of selecting music for your students. This Teacher's lndex, organized in two sections, contains all the repertoire found in the Piano Repertoire Series of the Neil A. Kjos Piano Library. Use the Level lndex to become familiar with the grading of standard literature and plan repertoire for your students. Use the Composer/Title lndex to visualize the broad spectrum of composers at a glance. * Repertoire series. Each CD is performed by pianist Diane Hidy, and these recordings enable students to hear professional performances of each work using tempos and interpretations which are realistic and serve as practical models for students. & EDITED BY Keith Snell Prnruo S(lcftD RrprnrorRr a\D Eorfto 3Y Keith Snell Etudes Pieruo RrpeRrornr Diane Hidy ? Color-coded for easy reference! *.,.^*, SELECTED tü I o*r,,r,*t CD recordings are available for every level of the Piano 7 lr:1"1,t^st EsserunRl Prnruo Level Re pr RTo I RE Level One Frcn the 17th lSth & Level Two t9h ae.turcs SELEcIED & ED IED BY Keith Snell Level Three Level Four Level Five Level Six O\ Q |i.,. Level Seven :.. Level 5O-.8 Level Nine Level Ten NNoe26p ltFrs 5 NeilA. Kios Music Company . Publisher . 3i !! HhH ( '^'^''-' "':i TABLE OF COruTENTS Piano RepertoireOverview . . . . . . . . .2 .....3 TheoryandTechnic Level lndex ....4-14 ... ....4 This section lists the Table of Contents of each Piano Repertoire book by level. Use this index to familiarize yourself with the music in each book and to assist you in selecting music for your students. Preparatorylevel One. Level Two Level Three Level Four Level Five. Level Six.. LevelSeven Level Eight Level Nine Level Ten. Composer/Title lndex Level . . .5 :..6 .......7 ...8 ........9 ..10 ......11 .......12 .......13 ..'14 15-23 This section lists the music in all the Piano Repertoire books alphabetically by composer. lf you know the composer and the title of a piece you are looking for, use this index to locate the book and level in which it appears. :'Abbreviations used. Piano Repertoire Romantic & 20th Century R& Piano Repertoire Baroque & Classical B&C Edition number for each book in the series Ed. EPR Essential Piano Repertoire 20th No. IIFIS NeilA. Kjos Music Gompany . Publisher . 1-8OO-7}7-KJOS . Fax: (61 g)270-3507. email@kjos.com NN0e26p Piano Repe rtoire Overview Beginning Piano Repertoir€ with cD (cP44e) A collection of progressive elementary pieces for any age student designed specifically to help students move quickly and smoothly from their first lessons to the Preparatory Level of Piano Repertoire or Essential Piano Repertoire. lI includes attractive original music by Keith Snell taking students from Middle-C position to C, F, and G Major, A minor, and E minor Five-Finger positions. The audio CD included provides piano duet accompaniments composed and performed by Diane Hidy that motivate and support the learning process. Each accompaniment is presented at three different tempos with different levels of prominence to the solo part. Essential Piano Repertoire: Music of the 17th,18th, & 1gth Centuries Keith Snell's Essential Piano Repertoire: Music of the 17th, lBth, & 1gth Centuries is the ideal choice for teachers who want to find all of their favorites in one place I Keith Snell's Essential Piano Reperfoire series provides an extensive scope of significant composers and musical styles of the 17th, 1Bth, and 19th centuries. Rather than working from three different books, Essential Piano Repertoire gives teachers and students a single, "best of the best" volume for each level that includes favorite selections from three centuries of standard piano repertoire. Each book includes an audio CD with masterful performances by Diane Hidy which closely follow Keith Snell's editions, serving as ideal tools for home practice. Piano Repertoire: Baroque & Classical The world's greatest literature from the lTth and lBth centuries available for students of all levels! Selected and edited by Keith Snell, the levels in this series are graded for the steady and progressive development of musicianship and technique. Each volume is arranged in chronological order and includes biographical information on the featured composers, something that both students and teachers will appreciate. Students are carefully introduced to a full spectrum of representative musical forms including sonatinas, sonatas, fantasias, fugues, theme and variations, preludes, toccatas, and dance suites. Editor Keith Snell selects works that not only motivate students, but also highlight the characteristics of each period. Students study how lengthy melodic lines favored by Baroque composers were replaced by concise, expressive themes and how the ideas of thematic contrast emerged. This series provides a comprehensive and insightful overview of the Baroque & Classical period. Piano Repertoire: Romantic & 20th Century Let students of all abilities discover the exciting and dynamic music of the Romantic and 20th century composers. Editor Keith Snell has selected an extensive and motivating range of literature from the significant composers of these musical periods. As with the Baroque & Classicalbooks, captivating selections are carefully graded and arranged in chronological order, thereby ensuring the steady and successful development of musicianship. With this exciting series students have the opportunity to study the unique characteristics from each period: . . . The development of harmonic technique and instrumental color. The increase of harmonic complexity, chromatic harmonies, chromatic voice leading, distant modulations, complex chords, and the freer use of non-harmonic tones. The exploration of new sonorities. Teachers also benefit by now having a sophisticated and motivational selection examinations, and auditions at all levels! of repertoire for festivals, competitions, Piano Repertoire: Etudes to improve musicianship, refine valuable reading skills, and develop strong technique! Etudes selected in this series provide the foundation of pianistic technique. Keith Snell has carefully selected studies that enhance and complement the study of the music in the Baroque & Classical and the Romantic & 20th Century collections. They are ideal for performance, sight-reading, and transposition. These carefully chosen compositions not only build techriique and musicality, but are selections that students enjoy performing ! This series provides the opportunity for students to correctly interpret and recreate the beauty of these great composers' works. Simply the best way NNoe26p fg'-X NeilA. Kjos MusicCompany. Publisher. 1-800-797-KJOS . Fax: (61g)270-3507. email@kjos.com Theory and Technic AIso available to complement the Piano Repertoire Beginning Piano Theory (cP6se) The theory book provides basic note reading and note naming skills, including sharps and flats. Students will also learn about intervals (seconds through sixths), triad chords, key signatures (C, F and G), meters (24,34 and 44), and eighth notes. Upon completion students are ready for the Preparatory Level of the popular Fundamentals of Piano Theory. Fundamentals of Piano Theory Fundamentals of Piano Theory provides students with a comprehensive theory course seamlessly integrated with the study of master literature. Written exercises, clear explanations, thorough review, music history, sight reading, ear training, drills, and review tests ensure a solid theory base for all students. Corresponding Teacher's Answer Books make grading a snap! Beginning Piano Technic (cP67e) This book of exercises was created to develop the skills and physical freedom needed to play elementary piano music. The exercises are written as short patterns to be memorized quickly so that students can focus on proper playing technic rather than note reading. lt will be most successful when used to support the study of Beginning Piano Repertoire, but can also be used to advantage with any elementary course of piano study. Scale Skills Scale Skills provides an organized system for the study of scales, arpeggios, chords, and finger exercises, all designed flexibility,. and give students increased fluency and accuracy in performance. Eleven carefully graded levels provide the perfect technique complement to the Keith Snell Piano Series. to improve finger strength, finger v f6ps Neil A. Kjos Music company . Publisher . 1-8}O-7I7-KJOS . Fax: (61 g) 270-3507 . email@kjos.com NN0e26p Preparatory Level Etudes GP64O FERDTNAND BEYER (1 803-1 863) A Short Story Melody Evening Song CARL CZERNY (17 9 1 -1 857 ) Lullaby Going Downtown Waltz Dance March HERMAN BERENS (1 806-1 873) Skatrng Bike Ride KONRAD KÜNZ (1 812-1575) A Serious Event LOUrS KÖHLER (1 820-1 886) A Pleasant Day coRNELTUS GURLITT (1 820-1 901 Relay Race ) Minuet Trumpet Tune DMITRT KABALEVSKY (1 904-1 987) Song, Op. 39, No. 8 Romantic & 20th Century Baroque & Classical Essential Piano Repertoire GP62O GP6OO GP45O FERDTNAND BEYER (1803-1 863) Lyrical Piece, Op. 101, No.39 ANONYMOUS (17th c.) lours röHLER PHILIPP HAINHoFER (1 Bag pipe s2o-1 8s6) CORNELIUS GURLTTT (1 820-1 901 Waltz, op. 82, No. 18 DANTEL GOTTLOB TÜRK Carefree e22) Children's Song Brave Knight Minuet (r 868-1 925) Russian Dance aELn snnrÖK 881-1 94s) From First Term at the Piano Duet Duet ll (1 ) : DMTTRI KABALEVSKY (1904-1987) From 24 Little Pieces, Op. 39 Melody, Op. 39, No. Marching, Op. 39, No. 3 Polka, Op. 39, No. 2 1 NNoe26p ltR}S (1 7s6-1 809) Procession ALEXANDER RETNAGLE (17s6 1809) Minuet (C Major) Promenade CZERNY (1 7 9 1 -1 857) Waltz FERDTNAND BEYER (1 803-1 863) Duet THOMAS ATTWOOD (1 76s-1 8s8) Tuneful Dialogue coRNELIUS GURLITT Minuet 1814) Trumpet Tune Duet in Contrary Motion C. H. WILTON (1761-Unknown) . Publisher (1 820-1 901 ) Waltz, op. 82, No. 18 JOHANN FRTEDRTCH REICHARDT (1752- Neil A. Kios Music Company : Lyrical Piece, Op. 101, No. 39 LOUrS KÖHLER (1 320-1 836) Simple Song Sonatina (1756-1813) Two Marches March in F March in G -CARL ALEXANDER REINAGLE Minuet (C Major) Promenade I Dance DANTEL GOTTLOB TÜRK C.H. WILTON (1 761 -Unknown) Sonatina Lament March in F March in G Canzonetta Folk (1756-1813) Two Marches ALEXAN DER GOEDTCKE (1 877 -1 957 MtCHAEL PRAETORIUS (157 1 -1 621) Old German Dance JOACHIM VON DER HOFE (17th c.) Canario ) BOLCK (1839 1888) Five Note Sonatina crza HonvÄTH Bagpipe ) MtcHAEL PRAETORIUS (1571 1621) Old German Dance oscAR MORTTZ VOGEL (1 846-1 ANONYMOUS (17th c.) (17th c Echo Dance Song Without Words Duet "l Willlell You, Mother Dear" (CD lncluded) Relay Race oscAR BoLcK (1839 1888) Five Note Sonatina . 1-8OO-797-KJOS . Fax: (619)270-3507' email@kjos.com Level One LUDWTG VnNr errrHovEN (1 770-1827) Village Dance FERDTNAND BEYER (1 803-1 863) Two in One LUDWTc SCHYTTE 848-1 909) (1 Minuetto The Harp Bagatelle Scherzo Melody for the Left Hand LOUrS KÖHLER (1 S2o-1 886) Etude in A Minor coRNELTUS GURLITT (1820 1901) lnvention Etude DMTTRT KABALEVSKY (1904-1987) 24 Little Pieces, Op. 39 Cradle Song, Op 39, No. 4 A Game, Op 39, No. 5 From Essential Piano Repertoire Baroque & Classical GP6O1 JOHANN HERN/ANN SCHEIN (1 s86-1 630) Allemande Romantic & 20th Century GEORG PHTLTPP TELEMANN (1 681-1767) Minuet Minuet Gavotte Gavotte FERDTNAND BEYER (1 803-1 863) J Round Dance, Op. 101, No.60 r Lr Minuet (C Major) EAU (1 683-17 64) LEOPOLD MOZART (17 1 9-17 87 Minuet in The Village Prophet coRNELTUS GURLTTT (1 820-1 901 1 1 7, No. 1 5 Minuet in ln Church Quadrille Minuet I (Bb Major) ALEXAN DER REt NAG LE,( 1 7 56-1 804) Minuet (G Major) ANTON Minuetto Hungarian Folk Song DANTEL GOTTLOB TÜRK (17s0 1813) - (1 7s6-1 804) ANTON Etude in A Minor DTABELLT (1781 18s8) coRNELtUS GURlrrr Morning Song Bagatelle in Bagatelle in Etudes - Sonatina in C The Hunt, Op. C G . , 7, No. 1 5 IANA SALUTR N S KAYA (Dates Unknown) The Shepherd's Flute TAT' C F Whistling Song Publisher ßOO-1SI-KJOS 11 820-1 901 ) Scherzo The Harp Melody for the Left Hand GP641 Etude in Etude in (1 LUDWTG SCHYTTE (1 848-1 909).. CARL CZERNY (1 791-1 8s7) Neil A. Kjos Music Company Bagatelle in G LOUrS KÖHLER (1 820-1 836) Minuet (G Major) Dance, Op. 39, No. ". Funny Event, Op. 39, No. 7 Scherzo, Op. 39, No. 1 2 8s8) Round Dance, Op. 101, No.60 ALEXANDER RETNAGLE 6 DTABELLT (1 781-1 Morning Song FERDTNAND BEYER (1 S03-1 863) : Dance DM rTRt KABALEVSKY (1904-1987) From 24 Little Pieces, Op. 39 (17s0-1813) Dance JOHANN WTLLIAM HASSLER (1747 1822) Folk Dance Major) DANTEL GOTTLOB TÜRK JAMES HOOK (1746-1827) Minuet (C Major) sELn annrÖK (1 s81-1 94s) From First Term at the Piano (Bb JAMES HOOK (1746-1827) Minuet (C Major) JOHANN CHRTSTTAN BACH (1735-1182) IAT' IANA SALUTR N S KAYA (dates unknown) The Shepherd's Flute 9 Minuet F FRANZ JOSEPH HAYDN (1732-1809) JEAN BAPTTSTE DUVERNOY (18421907) Song WithoutWords, Op 176, No. 3 A Little Scherzo, Op. 39, No. Quadrille JOHANN CHRISTIAN BACH (1735-1782) LEOPOLD MOZART (17 19-17 87) LUDWTG SCHYTTE (1 848-1 909) ) F JOSEPH HAYDN (1 732-1809) JOHANN SEBASTTAN BACH (168s-17s0) Minuet in G minor ) 64) JEAN-PHt LTPPE RAMEAU (1 683-17 PPE RAM JEAN JACQUES ROUSSEAU (1712-1778) Carefree Stroll The Hunt, Op. Sonatina in C EAN-PH Minuet (C Major) lours röulER (rB2o 18s6) |{f}S JOHANN HERMANN SCHEIN (1s86-1630) Allemande cEORG PHILIPP TELEMANN (1681 1767) GP621 CD lncluded) GP451 . Fax: (61 I g) 270-3507 . email@kjos.com NNoe26p Level Two Etudes *r,,,.^* -rr ,;;:i n-; fi,,,r^,**, ESSENTIAL SELECTE' & EDIitD B\ Keith Snell : t ..r SAMUEL ARNOLD (1740 1802) Gigue I .L':) PlRtrro Repe PIANo . GPa+z LUDWTG VAN BEETHOVEN (1770-1827) Rrorne German Dance RrprRtolnt cARL CZERNY (1791 1856) March Romance fflr:r..rr,:; 5ILICTID & EDIIID DT Keith Snell FEL|X LE COUPPEY (1811-1887) M usette Prnruo Rrpe The Chase (Scherzo) Rrotnr LOUrS STREABBOG (183s-1886) A Pleasant Morning ,si,,,,..,,* SELECTED & EDITEO BY Soldiers' March Keith Snell coRNELTUS GURlrrr (1820 1901) Ara besq u e PIANo Re pERrotnr Essential Piano Repertoire CD lncluded) GP452 GEORG PHTLTPP TELEN/ANN (1681 1167) Rigaudon JOHANN SEBASTTAN BACH (168s-17s0) From the Notebook for Romantic & 20th Centurv Baroque & GP622 GP602 SCHUMANN (1810 1856) From Album for the Young, Op 68 Cla=ssical GEORGE PHTLTPP TELEMANN (1681 1767) ROBERT Op 68, No 2 A Little Piece, Op 68, No. 5 The Wild Horseman, Op 68, No Anna Magdalena Bach Aria in F, BWV Anh. 131 Minuet in G, BWV Anh. 114 Minuet in G Minor, BWV Anh. Musette in D, BWV Anh. 126 German Dance (D Malor) Soldiers' March, 835-1899) Sonatina in C ALBERT BrEHL (1 FRrTZ SPTNDLER (1817-190s) Sonatina in C, Op. 157, No. From For Children Follow the Leader 13 Quick March, Op. 39, No. 10 Galloping, Op 39, No. 15 Gallop, Op. 39, No 18 From 30 Chrldren's Pieces, Op 27 Song, Op. 27, No 2 DM rTRr SHOSTAKOVTCH (1 906-1 97s) From 5x Pieces for Children Waltz NNOe26p (1756 17e1) Minuet in F, K. 2 LUDWTG VAN BEETHOVEN (1770-1827) Ecossaise in G Op '107, No c, AÄh 5, No. Russian Folk 5ong, JOHANN FRtEDRICH GRAFE (1711-1787) Musette Sonatina in 3 1 ROBERT SCHUMANN 1809) German Dance (D Major) Minuet (G Malor) DN/rTRl KABALEVSKY (1904 1987) From 24 Little Pieces, Op. 39 March WOLFGANG AMADEUS MOZART .JOSEPH HAYDN (1732 Pillow Dance Waltz, Op. 39, No. sAMU EL ARNOLD (17 40-1 802) Gigue JOHANN SEBASTTAN BACH (168s-17s0) From the Notebook for Anna Magdalena Bach Aria in F, BWV 131 Minuet in G, BWV 114 Minuet in G Minor, BWV 115 Musette in D, BWV 126 1 BELA BARTÖK (1881 1e4s) 15 JOSEPH HAYDN (1732 1809) Rigaudon B 1 (1b10 18s6) The Wild Horseman FELrX LE COUPPEY (1811-1887) M usette The Chase WOLFGANG AMADEUS MOZART (175617e1) Minuet in F, K 2 Minuet in C, K. 6 (Scherzo) i coRNELTUS GURLTTT (1820 1901) Arabesque 90s) Sonatina, Op. 157, No FRrTZ SPTNDLER (1 81 7-1 THEODORE LATOUR (1766 1837) Sonatina in 1 C LOUrS STREABBOG (1835 1886) A Pleasant Morning LUDWTG VAN BEETHOVEN (1770-1827) !. tcossarses rn G Two Russian Folk Songs, Op No 3 Sonatina in G, Anh 5, No ALBERT BrEHL (1 83s-l 899) Sonatina in 107, lg'lX Neil A. Kjos Music Company . Publisher . FRANK LYNES C 8s8-1 91 3) Sonatina in C, Op. 39, No. 1 18007g7 KJOS (1 . Fax: (61 1 g)270-3507. email@kjos.com Level Three i] '" ;;'l ia r 5TLT(TEC & EDITTD t Etudes r:nrv.s CARL CZERNY (1791 1857) Etude in G Double Note Etude ESSENTIAL BY Keith Snell PIANo REPERToIRE Prnruo . GP643 ALBERT LÖSCHHORN (1S19 1905) Novelette REPERToIRE fi Ro,,rrr/lk it 1,,,1t SELETIED coRN ELrUS G U RLTTT (1820 1901 The Storm l'r,, { ID TEO 8Y Keith Snell ) JEAN BAPTISTE DUVERNOY (18421907) Melody Toccata Prnruo LOUrS STREABBOG (183s-1886) SELECTED & FromTwelve Melodious Studies, Op 63 On the Green EDITED BY Keith Snell Drstant Bells By the Seaside Hop Scotch Polka PIANo REPERToIRE Vacation Time DN/lrTRr KABALEVSKY Prelude, (1904 1981) Op 39, No.19 Essential Piano Repertoire CD lncluded) GP453 FRANCOTS COUPERTN Le Petit Rien Romantic & 20th Century Barooue & Classical GP623 GP603 FRANZ SCHUBERT (1797 1828) Ecossaise, Op 18, No. 4 Waltz in A FRANqOTS COUPERTN (1668 1733) FRTEDRTCH BURGMULLER Minuet in F jOHANN SEBASTTAN BACH (168s-17s0) Musette (From English Suite tVo 3) 1 SCHUMANN 8s6) From Album for the Young, Op 68 Melody, Op. 68, No. The Merry Farmer, Op 68, No. 10 From (1 81 0-1 ALBERT BrEHL (1835-1 899) CARL pHtLtPP EN/ANUEL BACH (1714-1788) Allegretto From the Notebook for Anna Magdalena Bach March in D, BWV Anh 122 (1840 1893) From Album for the Young, Op. 39 Old French Song, Op 39, No 18 Soldiers' March, Op. 39, No 5 PETER TLYTCH TCHATKOVSKY Scherzo (From Sonata in M UZ|O 24 Little Pieces, Op. 39 The Clown, Op 39, No. 20 Waltz, Op 39, No. 23 " Variations on a Russian Folk Song DMTTRT SHOSTAKOVTCH 52-1832) Sonatina in C, Op. 36 No. 1 JOHANN WtLLtAN/l HASSLER (1747 1822) From Allegro WOLFGANG AN/ADEUS MOZART (1756 17e1) Allegro in Minuet in (1906 197s) From 5rx Pieces for Chrldren The Mechanical Doll Bb, K.3 F, K 5 rcNAZ PLEYEL (1751 1831) Minuet in C LUDWTG VAN BEETHOVEN (1770 1827) Bagatelle in A Minor, Op. '119, No 9 lgOS Neif A. Kjos Music Company . Publisher Anna Magdalena Bach Minuet in G, BWV Anh '116 Minuet in D Minor, BWV Anh. 132 Polonaise in G Minor, BWV JOSEPH HAYDN (1732 1809) Scherzo (From Sonata in Anh 1'19 F, Hob XV/:9) M UZ|O CLE N/ E NTr (1 7 Sonatina in C, 52-1 832) Op 36, No. 1 WOLFGANG AN/ADEUS N/OZART (1756-17e1) Allegro in B Flat, K 3 FRIEDRICH BURGN/ULLER (1806 1874) La Candeur, Op. 100, No 1 1 (1904 1987) JOHANN SEBASTTAN BACH (168s-17s0) Musette (From Enghsh Suite lVo 3) From the Notebook for Bagatelle in A Minor, Op.1 19, No 9 F, Hob XVI:9) CLEM ENT| (17 F LUDWTG VAN BEETHOVEN (1770-1827) JOSEPH HAYDN (1132-1809) Folk Dance DMTTRT KABALEVSKY the Notebook for Anna Magdalena Bach Minuet in G, BWV Anh 116 Minuet rn D Minor, BWV Anh '132 Polonaise in G Minor, BWV Anh 119 1 eELn ennrÖK (1881-194s) From For Children, Vol Minuet in Le Petit Rten La Candeur, Op. 100, No Arabesque, Op 100, No 2 ROBERT GEORGE FRTDERTC HANDEL (1 6Bs-1 7s9) cEORGE FRtEDRtCH HANDEL (1685-1759 (1806-1874) (1668 1733) Arabesque, Op 100, No. 2 8s6) The Merry Farmer , Op. 68, No. 20 ROBERT SCHUMANN (1 81 0-1 coRNELTUS GURLTTT (1 820-1 901 The Storm Sonatina in ) G LOUrS STREABBOG (1835-1886) . Distant Bells By the Seaside Vacation Time (1840 1893) Old French Song, Op. 39, No. 1B PETER rLyrCH TCHATKOVSKY , 1-800-7}7-KJOS . Fax: (61g)2103507. email@kjos.com NNOe26p Level Four #,,*** SELECTEO & EDIIED ,,'l , ESSENTIAL I''i BY i CARL CZERNY (1191 1851) Promenade PIANO Keith Snell Allegretto Repenrorne Prnruo . GPa++ Etudes .,,,.T# fir*,,^T,* ""'ffi GTUSEPPE CONCONE (1801 1861) Desire $ii.,,*^ r* 5rr r rfD r. E., HERN/ANN BERENS (1826 1BB0) Dedication D eY Keith Snell 874) FRTEDRTCH BURGMÜLLER (1 806-1 From 25 Progressive Studies, Op. 100 Progress, Op 100, No 6 La Gracieuse, Op 100, No. B La Bergeronette, Op. 100, No. 1 1 Prnruo #i.,.^"", SELT'T'D A ED TED 8Y lnquietude, op. 100, No 18 Keith Snell LOUrS STREABBOG ( 1 842-1e07) Bees in the Clover PIANo REPERToIRE The Cadets Chromatic Waltz JEAN BAPISTE DUVERNOY (19041987) Novelette Romantique, 0p. 176, No 18 KABALEVSKY (1904 1987) From Thirty Children's Pieces, Op 27 Dance on the Lawn, Op 27, No 7 Playing Ball, Op. 27, No 5 DMTTRT Romantic & 20th Centurv Baroque & Classical Essential Piano Repertoire GP624 GP604 GP454 JOHANN SEBASTTAN BACH (168s-17s0) Prelude in C, BWV 939 Minuet in C Minor, BWV 1 21, DOMEN tCO SCARLATTI (1 685-17 57 Sonata in D Minor, L. 423 U BERT (17 97 -1 828) Waltz in B Minor, Op. 18 No. FRANZ SCH 5 Ecossaise in Ab auRcvürLrR (1806 1874) lnnocence, Op 00, No. 5 Ballade, Op 100, No. 1 5 Anh FRTEDRTcH '1 (1810 18s6) From Album for the Young, Op. 68 Hunting Song, Op 68, No 7 First Sorrow, Op. 68, No. 16 CARL ROBERT SCHUMANN CARL PHILIP EMANUEL BACH PETER ILYTCH TCHATKOVSKY (1 840-1 March in G, BWV 124 Polonaise rn G Minor, BWV 125 Allegro 893) ( 1 843-1907) Elfin Dance, Op.12, No 4 National Song, Op 12, No. Allegro (From Sonata in B N/UZrO CLEMENTT (1752 1832) Sonatina in G, Op 36, No. DM tTRr KABALEVSKY (1 904-1 987 ) From Thirty Children's Pieces, Op 27 l6US FRrrz SPTNDLER Sonatina, FRr F, ll 90s) Op 157, No 4 86-1832) Sonatina in C, Op. 55, No Presto PETER TLYTCH TCHATKOVSKY 2 The Sick Doll, EDVARD GRrEG EDRTCH KU HLAU (17 Neil A. Kjos Music Company 7 I Allegro moderato 1 Anh 5, No (1 B1 7-1 , 0 18s6) Hunting Song, Op 68, No. 2 LUDWTG VAN BEETHOVEN (1770-1821) Sonatina in 1 (1806 1874) Op 100, No. 1 5 ROBERT SCHUMANN (1 81 (1756-17e1) Minuet and Trio , K. NNos26p ERTEDRTCH BURGMÜLLER Ballade, WOLFGANG AMADEUS MOZART lvan Sings 2 FRANZ SCHUBERT (1797 1828) Waltz rn B Minor, Op 18, No.5 (17s0-1813) Love Song From Adventures of lvan Anh. 5, No. KUHLAU (1786 1832) Sonatina in C, Op.'55, No. Jeering Song ARAM KHACHATURTAN (1903 1978) F, FRTEDRTCH G, Gigue sELn ennrÖK (1 881-1 94s) From For Children Toccatina, Op. 27 , No 12 A Sad Story, Op. 27, No. 6 Sonatina, Op. 27 , No. 1B Sonatina in Hob XVI:8) DANTEL GOTTLOB TURK EDVARD GRrEG LUDWTG VAN BEETHOVEN (1710-1827) JOSEPH HAYDN (1 7 32-1 809) From Album for the Young, Op. 39 The Sick Doll, Op. 39, No. 6 The Dolls Funeral, Op 39, No 7 BACH (1714-1788) Polonaise rn G Minor, BWVAnh. 125 PHTLTPP EN/TANUEL MUZrO CLEN/ ENT| (17 52 1 832) Sonatina in G, Op. 36, No 2 (1714 1788) (1817 1905) Sonatina in C, Op. 157, No. 4 ) JOHANN SEBASTTAN BACH (168s 1750) Minuet in C Minor, BWV Anh 121 Prelude in C, BWV 939 121 DON/ENTCO SCARLATTT (1685 1757) Sonata rn D Minor, L. 423 FR|TZ SPTNDLER (CD lncluded) (1 Op 39, (1840 1893) No. 6. 843-1907) Elfin Dance 1 JEAN BAPTTSTE DUVERNOY (1842-1907) Novelette Romantique, Op 176, No. 18 . Publisher . 1-8OO7}7-KJOS . Fax. (61 g)270-3507 . email@kjos com Level Five FRTEDRtCH BURGMÜLLER STLECT!D Esstrurtal & TDLTED 3Y Keith Snell PIANO Rrpe PIANO (1 806-1 S74) From 25 Progressive Studies, Op 100 Tarantella, Op 100, No. 20 The Return, Op. 100, No. 23 The Swallow, Op 100, No. 24 The Farewell, Op. 100, No. 2 -at '''fi i-! r ntolRe REprnrotnr STEPHEN HELLER (1814-1888) RDililtttIit il aAIIt Cr|Itk Avalanche, Op. 45, No. 2 Curious Story, Op '138, No. 9 fllr**..,.,*l -V SLLECILD & €OIT:O 9Y +'r".,.^ SELECTTD & EDITEO ÜY PIANo Keith Snell REPERTo PIANo ReprRtor LOUrS STREABBOG (183s-1886) Keith Snell *. The Orphan, Op. 64, No.4 ROBERT SCHUN/ANN RE (1 81 0-1 8s6) Little Etude, Op. 68, No. Etudes 14 DN/rTRr KABALEVSKY (1904 1987) Etude in A Minor, Op 27, No. 3 RE Essential Piano Repertoire CD lncluded) GP455 GEORGE FRTDERTC HANDEL (1 68s 1 7s9) Cou ra nte Romantic & 20th Century Baroque & Classical GP625 GP6O5 FRANZ SCH Waltz in Waltz in cEORGE FRtDERtC HANDEL Co u ra nte RT (17 97 -1828) Ab, Op. No. 1 Bb, Op 33, No 7 U BE 9, FRTEDRTCH BURGMULLER Harmony of the Angels, Op. 100, No.21 (1714-1188) 12 Solf egg 1849) Grandmother's Minuet, Op 68, No. Sailors Song, Op 68, No.1 (1721-1783) Two Bourees 2 MUZ|O CLEMENTT (1752 1832) Sonatina in C, Op. 36, No 3 CLAUDE DEBUSSY (1862 1918) Le Petit Noir WOLFGANG AN/ADEUS MOZART (175617e1) Viennese Sonatina No. I Allegro VLADtN/tR REBTKOV (1866 1920) Waltz (Fil minor) eErn ennrÖK (1s81 194s) FRI (1904 19Bt) Neif A. Kjos Music Company (1786 1832) Op 55, No. 3 For Elise Etudes From Thrrty Children's Pieces, Op 27 A Little Joke, Op. 27, No 13 A Short Story, Op. 27, No 20 A Warlike Dance, Op.27, No. 19 Cavalry Gallop, Op 27, No. 29 Novelette, Op 27, No 25 fgUS 1 LUDWTG VAN BEETHOVEN (1770-1827) The Grasshopper's Wedding (From For the Children) DMTTRT KABALEVSKY EDRTCH KUH LAU Sonatina in C, Evening in the Country . (From Ien Easy Pieces) . GP645 CARL CZERNY (1791 1857) Etude Etude ll Etude lll I . Publisher Allegro Scherzando MUZ|O CLEMENTT (11 52 1832) Sonatina in C, Op. 36, No. 3 KUHLAU (1 786-1 832) Op 55, No. 3 LUDWTG VAN BEETHOVEN (1770-1827) For Elise FRTEDRTCH BURGN/ULLER (1806 1874) Op 100, No. 810 1Bs6) Knight Ruppert, 9p. 0e, No FREDERTC CHOPTN (1 81 0 1S49) Prelude in A Op. 28, No 7 21 ROBERT SCHUMANN (1 Allegro Scherzando 15 JOSEPH HAYDN (1732 1809) Harmony of the Angels, JOSEPH HAYDN (1732 1809) PETER I LYICH TCHAI KOVSKY Sonatina in A Minor Sonatina in C, JOHANN PHILIPP KIRNBERGER EDVARD GRrEG (1843 1901) Solfeggietto cEORGE BENDA (1722 1795) FRTEDRTCH ietto cEoRGE BENDA (1722 1795) Sonatina in A Minor Mazurka in F, Op. 68, No 3 Prelude in A, Op 28, No 7 (1840 1Be3) Italian Song, Op. 39, No Mazurka, Op. 39, No '10 68s-17s9) CARL PHILIPP EN/IANUEL BACH ROBERT rnrornrc cHoPrN (1sl0 (1 JOHANN SEBASTTAN BACH (168s-1750) Prelude in F, BWV 927 Prelude in C Minor, BWV 999 Prelude in C, BWV 846 (1806 1874) SCHUMANN (1810 18s6) Knight Ruppert, Op 68, No. JOHANN SEBASTTAN BACH (168s-17s0) Prelude in F, BWV 927 Prelude in C, BWV 846 pHrlrpp CARL EMANUEL BACH (171+1788) 12 STEPHEN HELLER (1814 1888) - Avalanche, Op 45, No. 2 LOUrS STREABBOG (1 83s-1 886) The Orphan EDVARD GRrEG (1 843-1 907) Grandmother's Minuet, Op. 68, No. 2 PETER TLYTCH TCHATKOVSKY (1 840-1 Italian Song, Op. 39, No 893) 15 VLADTN/rR REBTKOV (1866 1920) Waltz (Fd minor) CLAUDE DEBUSSY (1 862-1 91 8) Le Petit Noir , 1800-7g7-KJOS . Fax: (61g)2103507. email@kjos.com NNoe26p crusEPPE CÖNCONE il €1'r 5ELECTTO 'J & Esserunet EDITED DY Keith Snell 801-1 861 FRTEDRTCH BURGMÜLLER ) (1806 1874) The Storm, Op. 109, PIANo REPERToIRE PIANo (1 Winter Wind t'!,1.1-!9: No 13 coRNELTUS GURLTTT (1820 1901) The Hunt, Op. 1 17, No '1 5 REPERToIRE ffi'.*,r,,ro STEPHEN HELLER (1814 1888) 5ELE'IEO & EDITTO Etude in A Minor OY Keith Snell Tara ntella DM rTRr KABALEVSKY (1 904-1 987 PIANo Etude in REPERToIRE ü , SqJ Dance, ln:u^,n:l I'T:D LDIT'D ) Op 27, No. 24 Op 27, No. 27 ARAN/ KHACHATURTAN (1903 1978) Etude (From Adventures of lvan) 6Y '. Keith Snell PrnNo Essential Piano Repertoire REprnrotRr (F F, (CD lncluded) GP456 Etudes DON/ EN tCO SCARLATTT (1 685-1 57 7 Sonata in G, L. 79 JOHANN SEBASTTAN BACH (168s-17s0) Prelude in C Minor, BWV 934 Prelude in D Minor, BWV 935 Romantic & 20th Century GEORGE FRTDERTC HANDEL (1 68s-1 7s9) GP626 Sonata in FRANZ SCH UBERT (17 97 -1 828) Valse Sentimentale, Op. 50, FREDERTC CHOPTN (1 No Baroque & Classical 13 810-1849) Waltz in A Minor, Op. Post Mazurka in A Minor, Op 67 No. 4 Polonaise in G Minor, Op Post. ROBERT SCHUMANN From (1810 18s6) Album for the Young, Op. 68 Northern Song, Op. 68, No 4'1 The Horseman, Op. 68, No 23 From Album Waltz, Leaves, Op Op 124 124, No 4 Fantasy Dance, Op 1 24, No. 5 PETER TLYTCH TCHATKOVSKY (1840 1893) From Album for the Young, Op 39 The Horseman, Op 39, No. 3 Polka, Op. 39, No 14 Neapolitan Song, Op. 39, No. 18 EDVARD GRTEG ( 1 843-1907) Puck, Op.71, No.3 EDWARD N/ACDOWELL (1860 1908) To A Wild Rose BELA BARTÖK (1881 1e4s) Bear Dance (From len Easy Pieces) SERGET PROKOFTEV (1891 1953) Ta ra nte lla ARAM KHACHATURTAN 903-1978) Waltz (From Adventures of lvan) KABALEVSKY (1904 1987) Four Rondos, Op. 60 1. March 2. Dance DMTTRT 3 Song 4. Toccata NN0e26p JOSEPH HAYDN (1732 1809) Sonata in C, Hob. XVl.10 l. Moderato GP6O6 DON/ENTCO SCARLATTT (1 685 11 57) MUZ|O CLEMENTT (17s2-1832) Sonatina in D, Op 36, No. 6 I Allegro con spirito Sonata in G, L. 79 JOHANN SEBAST|AN BACH (1685-1750) Prelude in C, BWV 933 Prelude in C Minor, BWV 934 Prelude rn D Minor, BWV 935 WOLFGANG AN/ADEUS MOZART (1756-17e1) Sonata in C, K. 545 L Allegro GEORGE FRtDERtC HANDEL (1 685 1 759) Sonata in C FRr JOSEPH HAYDN (1732 1809) Sonata in C, Hob XVI: 1 0 lgOS NeilA. EDRICH KUHLAU (1786-1 832) Sonatina in C, Op. 20, No. 1 FRANZ SCHUBERT (1797 1828) l. lVoderato Valse Sentimentale, Op. 50, No. 13 52-1832) Sonatina in F, Op 36, No. 4 Sonatina in D, Op 36, No 6 I Allegro con spirito M UZ|O CLEN/ENT| (17 GTUSEPPE CONCONE (1801 1861) Winter Wind FRTEDRTCH BURGN/ÜLLER The Storm No. 109, WOLFGANG AMADEUS MOZART (1756 17e1) Sonata in C, K. 545 (1806 1S74) No 0 1849) Waltz in A Minor, Op Post: l. Allegro ROBERT SCHUMANN (1 81 0-1 8s6) Fantasy Dance, Op. 1 24, No. 5 LUDWTG VAN BEETHOVEN (1170-1827) Six Variations on a Swiss Song ( 1 840-1 893) Neapolrtan Song, Op 39, No. 18 PETER rLyrCH TCHATKOVSKY Bagatelle in D, Op. 119, No 3 KUHLAU (17 86-1832) Sonatina in C, Op. 20, No 13 FREDERTC CHOPTN (1 81 FRTEDRTCH (1 C EDVARD GRrEG (1 843 1907) 1 Puck, Op. 71, No. 3 EDWARD N/ACDOWELL To a Wild Rose Etudes - GP646 (1 860-1.908) CARL CZERNY (1791 1857) Etude Etude ll Etude lll I Kjos MusicCompany. Publisher . 1-800-797 KJOS . Fax: (61 g)2703507. email@kjoscom Level Seven Etudes . Gpaql cARL CZERNY Etude Etude ll (17 91 -18s7) I CONCONE (1801-1861) Legato Thirds GTUSEPPE FRr EDRTCH BURGMÜLLER (1 306-1 874) Velocity, Op. 105, No. 10 STEPHEN HELLER (1814-1888) Etude in C, Op. 46, No. Through Wind and Rain, Op. 45, No. 23 Ballade, Op. 46, No. 23 The Storm, Op. 46, No. 1B Over Hill and Dale, Op. 45, No. 24 1 EDWARD MACDOWELL (1860-1908) Romance, Op.39, No.3 Tarantella, Op. 39, No. 2 Essential Piano Repertoire GP457 JOHANN SEBASTTAN BACH (1685-17s0) Prelude in E, BWV 937 lnvention No.1 in C, BWV 772 lnvention No.4 in D Minor, BWV 775 lnvention No.8 in F, BWV 179 Romantic & 20th Century Barooue & Classical GP627 GP607 FRANZ SCHUBERT (1797-1828) Waltz in A Minor, Op. 77, No. 9 Waltz in C, Op. 77, No. 1 DOM EN rCO SCARLATTI (1685-17 57 Sonata in A Major, L. 483 Tarantella, Op. 102, No 3 Venetian Boat Song, Op. 19, No. 6 ROBERT SCHUMANN (1 81 0-1 8s6) lmportant Event, Op. 15, No. 6 LUDWTc VAN BEETHOVEN (1770-1827) Sonata in G, Op. 49, No. 2 EDWARD MACDOWELL (1 860-1908) To a Humming Bird VLADr MrR REBTKOV (1 FRr 866-1 920) Op. 20, No. l. Allegro con spirito SAT|E (1866-192s) Gymnopedie No. 1 sErn snnrÖK (1 881 -1 847) Venetian Boat Sor1g, Op. 19, No. 6 Tarantella, Op. 102, No. 3 3 FREDERTC CHOPTN (1 810-1 - 849) Prelude in C Minor, Op. 28, No. 20 Waltz in B Minor, Op. 69, No. ROBERT SCHUMANN (1 81 0-1 2 8s4 lmportant Event, Op. 15, No. 6 PETER tLYtCH TCHATKOVSKY (1 840-1 893) Song of the Lark, Op. 39, No. 22 CLAUDE DEBUSSY (1 862-1 91 8) The Little Shepherd EDWARD MACDOWELL (1 860-1 908) To a Humming Bird ER|K SAT|E (1866-1e2s) Gymnopedie No.1 DM rrRt KABALEVSKY (1904-1987) ItpS F, EDRTCH KU H LAU (17 86-1 832) Sonatina in G, Op. 20, No. 2 L Allegro Tarantella, Op. 39, No. 2 e4s) Sonatina Sonatina, Op. 13, No. H Sonatina in Valse M6lancolique, Op. 2, No. 3 ERrK LAU (17 86-1832) Sonatina in G, Op. 20, No. 2 l. Allegro EDRTCH KU FRr FELrX MENDELSSOHN (1 809-1 (17s6-1791) 12 Variations on "Ah, vous dirai-je, Maman", K. 300e (265) cLAUDE DEBUSSY (1862-1918) The Little Shepherd Sonata in G, Op. 49, No. 2 Waltz in A Minor, Op. 77, No. 9 WOLFGANG AMADEUS MOZART 840-1893) Song of the Lark, Op. 39, No. 22 Reverie, Op. 39, No. 21 LUDWTG VAN BEETHOVEN (1770-1827) FRANZ SCHU BERT (17 97 -1 828) Sonata in C, Hob.XVl:'l l. Allegro Sonata in D, Hob.XVl:4 l. Moderato (1 Sonata in C, Hob. XVI: 1 l. Allegro Sonata in D, Hob. XVI:4 l. Moderato ) JOSEPH HAYDN (17 32-1809) (1810-1849) Prelude in C Minor, Op. 28, No. 20 Mazurka in Gil Minor, Op. 33, No. 'l Waltz in B Minor, Op. 69, No. 2 Nocturne in C Minor, Op Post. FREDERTC CHOPTN PETER tLYtCH TCHATKOVSKY JOSEPH HAYDN (1 732-1809) JOHANN SEBASTTAN BACH (168s-17s0) Prelude in E, BWV 937 Prelude in E Minor, BWV 938 lnvention No. 1 in C, BWV 772 lnvention No. 4 in D Minor, BWV 775 lnvention No. B in F, BWV 779 FELrX MENDELSSOHN (1809-1847) (CD lncluded) VLADTMtR REBTKOV (1 866-1 920) Valse M6lancolique, Op. 2, No. 3 '1 NeilA. Kjos Music Company . Publisher . 1-800-7}7-KJOS . Fax: (61 g)270-3507. email@kjos.com NN0e26p Level Eight -,.. +,l 'rr l -l:-i" ffi,,,*,,,r, SELFCIED & EDITED Essrruflnl BY Keith Snell E . Etudes l "j Etude Etude ll Etude lll I $FPFl"IolRE PERTOI RE . OrUO, CARL CZERNY (1791-1857) PrRlrto PIANo K "'::i .., ir u{rr6{r Humoresque ffTn*^.,u"; SELEcTEo HENRI BERTTNt (1798 1876) & EDITEO 3Y Keith Snell Allegro con fuoco GTUSEPPE CONCONE (1801-1 861 PIANo RepeRrotRr ) Russian Etude 4",./." I fil'?r,,*,*."., """?ä FRTEDRTCH BURGN/ÜLLER (1 806-1 874) Andante, Op. 1 05, No. 4 SILICIED & EO]I'O ]Y Keith Snell STEPHEN HELLER (1814 1B88) Warrior's Song, Op 45, PIANo No '15 To the Sea, Op 46, No 26 Allegro Vivace, Op 46, No. 12 REPERToIRE iEAN BAPTTSTE DUVERNOY (18421907) Leggiero Etude LUDWTG SCHYTTE (1848 1909) lmpromptu EDWARD MACDOWELL (1860 1908) Shadow Dance, Op. 39, No 8 Romantic & 20th Centurv GP628 FRANZ SCHUBERT (1797 1828) Waltz in A Minor, Op. 33, No. 10 FEL|X MENDELSSOHN (1809 1847) Venetian Boat Song, Op. 30, No. 6 ROBERT SCHUMANN (1 810 18s6) From Album for the Young, Op. 68 Echos from the Theater, Op. 28, No. 25 Remembrance, Op. 68, No. 28 The Stranger, Op 68, No. 29 849) Prelude in E Minor, Op. 28, No 4 Prelude in B minor, Op 28, No. 6 Waltz in Ab, Op. 69, No. FREDERTC CHOPTN (1 81 0-1 1 March of the Dwarfs, Op. 54, No. 3 Butterfly, Op. 54, No. '1 (1 860-1 908) CLAUDE DEBUSSY (1862 1918) From Children's Corner Dr. Gradus ad Parnassum Golliwogg's Cake-walk BELA BARTÖK (1831 1e4s) Bagatelle, JOSEPH HAYDN (1732 1809) Sonata in C, Hob XVI:35 l. Allegro con brio LUDWTG VAN BEETHOVEN (1770-1827) Sonata in G Minor, Op 49, No. I Andante LOUrS DAQUTN (1 694-1772) The Cuckoo JOSEPH HAYDN (1732 1809) FRTEDRTCH KU H LAU (17 86-1 832) (1806 1874) Andante, Op 105, No 4 FEL|X N/TENDELSSOHN (1809 1847) Venetian Boat Song, Op. 30, No. 6 FRTEDRTCH BURGMÜLLER (1756 17e1) Rondo alla Turca (From Sonata in A, K 331) LUDWTG VAN BEETHOVEN (1770-1827) Sonata rn G Minor, Op. 49, No 1 KUHLAU (17 86 1832) Sonatina in A Minor, Op. 88, No. 1 Sonatina in A Minor,'Op. BB, No 3 WOLFGANG AMADEUS N/OZART FREDERTC CHOPTN (1S10 1 849) Prelude in E Minor, Op 28, No. 4 Prelude in B Minor, Op. 28, No 6 FRTEDRTCH 3 Waltz in nl, op 69, No. 1 STEPHEN HELLER (1814 18BB) Warrior's Song, Op 45, No 15 860-1 908) EDWARD MACDOWELL Shadow Dance, Op. 39, Nö.. B (1 1 CLAUDE DEBUSSY (1862 1918) Doctor Gradus ad Parnassum Sonatina DMTTR| KABALEVSKY (1904-1987) l6ps GEORG PHTLTPP TELEMANN (1681 1767) Suite rn A N/alor (1681-1767) Suite in A Major ARAM KHACHATURTAN (1903 1978) NNoe26p Prelude and Fugue in G Major, BWV 902 GEORGE PHILIPP TELEN/ANN ALEXANDER TCHEREPNTN (1899-1977) Variations, Op 40, No. L 58 JOHANN SEBASTTAN BACH (168s-17s0) lnvention No '14 in Bt, BWV 785 lnvention No 13 in A Minor, BWV 784 Op 6, No. 2 Bagatelle, Op. 5, No. JOHANN SEBASTIAN BACH (1685-1750) lnvention No, 13 in A Minor, BWV 784 lnvention No. 14 in Bt, BWV 785 DOMENTCO SCARLATTT (1 685 1751) Sonata in D Minor, (CD lncluded) GP458 GP608 Sonata in C, Hob. XVl.35 EDVARD GR|EG (1 843 1907) EDWARD MACDOWELL The Witch Essential Piano Repertoire Baroque & Classical 1 Neil A. Kios Music Company . Publisher . 1-8OO-7g7-KJOS . Fax: (61 g) 270-3507 . email@kjos com Level Nine Etudes Sir***,** SELEClED FRtEDRtCH BURGMÜLLER (1 806-1 S74) ESSENTIAL & EOITEO 8Y Keith Snell Arpeggio Etude, Op. '105, No. PIANo Octave Etude, REPERTOIRE A Novelette, Op. 45, No. 17 Prelude, Op 81, No. 3 EDITED 8Y Keith Snell PIANo (1 81 1-1 886) Etude in D Minor, Op. 1, No. 4 FRANZ L|SZT ü1n,*,^,r* REPERToIRE STLLCI:O A g"-/." I 'l Op 105, No. 9 STEPHEN HELLER (1814 1888) ffi**"*o** SELECTEO . GP649 iD EDWARD MacDOWELL ( 1 860-1 908) Scherzino, Op. 39, No. '11 TEO BY Keith Snell Hungarian, Op 39, No 12 Prnruo Essential Piano Repertoire REPERToI RE (CD lncluded) GP459 JOHANN SEBASTTAN BACH (1685 17s0) lnvention No. 6 in E Major BWV 777 lnvention No. 2 in C Minor, BWV 773 Prelude and Fugue in G, WTC Bk. 2, No. 15, BWV 884 GEORGE FRTDERIC HANDEL (1 68s-1 759) Romantic & 20th Century Sonata in A Minor Baroque & Classical GP629 rnroEnrc cHoPrN (1 81 0-1 3 s49) Waltz in Dt, Op. 64, No. 1 Nocturne in C$ Minor, Op. Post. Polonaise in A, Op 40, No. 1 Sonata in D, L 463 FRANZ LTSZT (181 1 1886) DOMENTCO PARADTST (17 07 -17 91 843-1907) Notturno, Op. 54, No. 4 Wedding Day at Troldhaugen, Op 65, No. 6 (1 WOLFGANG AN/ADEUS MOZART (1756-17e1) 862-1 91 8) Fantasy in D Minor, Rondo in D, K. 485 379 LUDWTG VAN BEETHOVEN (1770-1827) Sonata in G, Op. 79 EDWARD MacDOWELL ( 1 860-1 908) From a Wandering lceberg FEL|X MENDELSSOHN (1809 1847) Hunting Song, Op 19, No. 3 FREDERTC CHOPTN (1 S1 0-1 ' 849) Waltz in D Flat, op. 64, No 1 Nocturne in Cü Minor, Op. Post. 8s6) Träumerei, Op. '15, No. 7 ROBERT SCHUN/ANN (1 81 0-1 STEPHEN HELLER (1 814-1 888) Prelude, Op.81, No.3 EDVARD GRrEG (1843 1907) - Wedding Day at Troldhaugen, Op.65, No.6 FRTEDRTCH BURGMÜLLER (1 806-1 VON DOHNÄNY| (1877 1960) Postludium, Op. 13, No. 10 ERNST S74) Arpeggio Etude, Op 105, No. 1 (1 860-1 908) Hungarian, Op. 39, No. 12 (1891 19s3) EDWARD MACDOWELL (1899 196'3) CLAUDE DEBUSSY (1 862-1 91 8) The Girl with the Flaxen Hair (La Fille aux cheveux de lin) Op 12, No. 7 FRANCTS POULENC K (17701827) Sonata in G, Op. 79 Sonata in D, Hob XVl.37 The Girl with the Flaxen Hair (La Fille aux Cheveux de lin) Prelude in C, Fantasy. in D Mtnor, K. 397 JOSEPH HAYDN (1732 1809) Reverie SERGTE PROKOFTEV (17s6-17e1) ) Toccata (From Sonata in A) Dl' (1 CLAUDE DEBUSSY Sonata in D, Hob. XVl.37 WOLFGANG AN/IADEUS MOZART LUDWTG VAN BEETHOVEN cEORGE FRTDERTC HANDEL (168s 17s9) Sonata in A Minor 810 18s6) Träumerei, Op. 15, No. 7 EDVARD GRrEG JOSEPH HAYDN (1732-1809) DOMENTCO SCARLATTT (1685 1757) ROBERT SCHUMANN (1 Consolation in Toccata (from Sonata in A) JOHANN SEBASTTAN BACH (168s-17s0) lnvention No. 6 in E Major, BWV 777 lnvention No. 2 in C Minor, BWV 773 Prelude and Fugue in G, WTC Book 2, No. 15, BWV 884 FEL|X MENDELSSOHN (1 809-1 847) Hunting Song, Op. 19, No DOMEN rCO PARADTST (17 07 -1791) GP609 FRANZ SCHUBERT (1797 1928) lmpromptu in Ab, Op. 142, No 2 Waltz ALEXANDER TCH EREPNTN (1 899-1977) Bagatelle, Op. 5, No. 10 DM rTRr KABALEVSKY (1 904-1 987 Prelude, Op 38, No. JAMES BASTTEN Toccata fgOS (1 ) 2 934-200s) Neil A. Kjos Music Company . Publisher , 1-800-7}7-KJOS . Fax. (61 g)270-3507. email@kjos.com NN0e26p Level Ten SrLFcttD & EoIEo Etudes ül*r,lo*, ffi,,,,r^,r*, FRANZ L|SZT (1 81 1-1 886) Etude in C, Op 1, No Esserurnl BY Keith Snell PIANO Prnno 860-1 908) EDWARD MacDOWELL March Wind, Op. 46, No. 10 (From 12 Virtuoso Sfudies) TFTF,T]-O-IRE t/ 20lh 1 (1 Rrprnrornr Roiltanlic . GP650 810 1 849) Etude in F Minor, Op. 25, No. 2 Etude in C lVinor, Op. 10, No 12 Etude in Ab, (From lroLs Nouvelles Etudes) FREDERTC CHOPTN (1 Crktiltll N:t.: flir*,*,*^r, SELECT€D & EO]TEO 8Y Keith Snell ALEXANDER SCRTABTN (1872-1915) Etude in Cfi Mtnor, Op. 2, No. PIANO ffir,,r^,*^.", REPERToIRE SELECTED I &..'a/ ß.,"7." & 1 ED IED BY MORTTZ MOSZKOWSKT (1 854-1 925) Etude in F, Op 72, No 6 Keith Snell PtRtrto ReprRtot nr Essential Piano Repertoire (CD lncluded) GP46O DON/ENTCO SCARLATTT (1 685 17 57 Sonata in E, L 23 ) JOHANN SEBASTTAN BACH (168s-17s0) Prelude and Fugue in C Minor, WTC Book 1 French Suite No. 6 in E WOLFGANG AMADEUS MOZART (1156 17e1) Sonata in Romantic & 20th Century Baroque & Classical GP63O GP61O FRANZ SCHUBERT (1791 1828) DOMENTCO SCARLATTI (1 685 17 57) Sonata in E, L. 23 Sonata in D Minor, L. 422 lmpromptu in Al, Op. 90, No. 4 FEL|X MENDELSSOHN (1 809-i 847) Scherzo in E Minor, Op 16, No. 6 8s6) Grillen (Whims)Op 12, No. 4 ROBERT SCHUN/rANN FREDERTC CHOPTN (1 81 0-1 Nocturne in F Minor, Op. 55, Waltz in E Minor, Op Post. Fantasie-lmpromptu, Op. 66 WTC Book No '1 Scherzo in E Minor, CLAUDE DEBUSSY (1 862-1 91 8) Clair de Lune ERNST Etude No 1 E Minor, Op. Post rn Ab Major (From Trois Nouvelles Ftudes) '1 ROBERT SCHUN/rANN (1 81 0-1 Grillen (Whims) MORTTZ MOSZKOWSKT (1 8s4-1 925) Etude in F, Op 72, No 6 K 330 Sonata in F Minor, Op 2 No. 8s6) Op 12, No. 4 JOHANNES BRAHMS (1833 1897) Rhapsody in G Mino,r, Op. 79, No. 2 WOLFGANG AMADEUS MOZART - LUDWTc VAN BEETHOVEN (1710-1827) ANATOLT LTADOV (185s-1914) : Prelude in B Minor, Op. 11, No:'1 1 EDWARD N/ACDOWELL (1860 1908) Hexentanz (Witches' Dance), 1 VON DOHNÄNY| (1877-1960) 1 1, No. 2 Waltz in Op. 17, No 2 lmprovisation (From Twelve Virtuoso Studies, Op. a6) PreludiumOp 10, No. Op 10, No. 1 Rhapsody in C Major, Op. 16, No. 0 1 849) Nocturne in F Minor, Op. 55, EDWARD MacDOWELL (1860 1908) Preludium, Op FREDERTC CHOPTN (1 B1 French Suite No. 6 in E jOSEPH HAYDN (1732 1809) (1756-1791) Sonata in C, 1 FEL|X N/ENDELSSOHN (1809 1847) Sonata rn E Minor, Hob XVI:34 JOHANNES BRAHMS (1 833-1 897) Rhapsody in G Minor, Op 79, No. 2 ANATOLT LTADOV (1 8ss-l 91 4) Prelude in B Minor, Op 11, No. Sonata in F Minor, Op. 2, No. Prelude and Fugue in C Minor, 849) Major, K. 280 LUDWTG VAN BEETHOVEN (1770 1827) .JOHANN SEBASTTAN BACH (1 68s-1 7s0) Sinfonia No. 15 in B Minor (1 B1 0-1 F 3 1 AARON COPLAND (1900 1990) The Cat and the Mouse ARAM KHACHATURTAN (1 903-1 978) Toccata NNOe26p lg'OS NeilA. Kjos MusicCompany. Publisher . 1-800-7g7-KJOS . Fax: (61 g)270-3507. email@kjos.com Works Listed By Composer Level coN4POSER/TtTLt Page Ed No ANONYMOUS Bag EPR Bagpipe P 4 P 4 1 in C Minor, WTC Book 'l GP6O6 GP6O4 Prelude and Fuque in C Minor, WTC Book EPR 10 GP45O Prelude and Fugue B& C 10 Prelude and Fuque in G Maior, BWV 902 Prelude and Fuque in G, WTC Bk.2, No. 15, BWV 884 B & Gique EPR Gigue Etudes 13 B&C 14 March in D, BWV March in G, BWV Anh 122 Anh 124 Po onaise in G Minor, BWV Anh 125 C GP456 B&C GP6O6 Prelude in C Minor, BWV 999 B&C GP6O5 Prelude in D Minor, BWV 935 EPR Prelude in D Minor, BWV 935 B&C Prelude in E, BWV 937 EPR Prelude in E, BWV 937 B&C Prelude in E Minor, BWV 938 B&C Prelude in F, BWV 927 EPR GP6OO GP456 B&C 12 GP6O3 Sinfonia No B&C GP6O7 GP6O5 10 GP61 O GP6O4 GP454 EPR Poonaise in G Minor, BWVAnh 125 B&C 10 G P604 Solfeqqietto EPR 10 G P455 Solfeggietto 8&C 14 GP6O5 BACH, J, C. B&C GP6O7 10 GP455 B&C 15 in B Minor GP6O6 0 GP457 Prelude in F, BWV 927 Minuet (B! Major) GP6O9 Prelude in C Minor, BWV 934 GP6O4 EPR GP459 1l GP642 12 Minuet (Bt Maior) t3 EPR B&C B&C O GP458 Prelude in C Minor, BWV 934 BACH, C. P. E. Allegro GP61 GP452 ATTWOOD, THOMAS Tuneful Dialogue GP46O 20 EPR Prelude and Fugue in G, WTC Bk 2, No. 15, BWV 884 EPR ARNOLD, SAMUEL Ed No Page B&C Prelude in C, BWV 933 B&C pipe Level Book COIVPOSER/TITLE BACH, J. S., NOTEBOOK FOR ANNA MAGDALENA Aria in F, BWV Aria in F, BWV Anh Anh EPR25 B&C 2 5 3 10 B&C 3 10 131 131 Minuet in D Minor, BWV Anh 132 Minuet in D Minor, BWV Anh 132 EPR 2 6 10 GP451 Minuet in G, BWV Anh 114 EPR 3 GP6O1 Minuet in G, BWV Anh 114 B&C Minuet in G, BWV Anh. 116 EPR Minuet in G. BWV Anh 116 B&C 2 6 3 8 3 8 2 BACH, J. S. Minuet in G Minor, BWV Anh 115 EPR 115 B&C GP452 GP6O2 GP453 GP6O3 GP452 GP6O2 GP453 GP6O3 8 GP452 2 8 2 10 2 10 3 12 3 14 10 5 GP46O Minuet in G Minor, BWVAnh 0 27 GP61 O lvlusette in D, BWV Anh 126 EPR GP457 lvlusette in D, BWV Anh 126 B&C GP6O7 Polonaise in G Minor, BWV Anh. EPR GP459 Polonaise in G l\,4inor, BWV Anh. '119 Invention No. 2 in C Minor, BWV 773 B&C GP6O9 Invention No 4 in D Minor, BWV 775 EPR lnvention No 4 in D Minor, BWV 775 B&C lnvention No. 6 in E EPR GP459 Bagatelle, Op, 6 No 2 R & 50 GP628 lnvention No. 6 in E Major, BWV 777 B&C GP609 Bear Dance (From Ien Easy Pieces) R & 20th 34 GP626 lnvention No 8 in F, BWV 779 EPR 10 GP457 Duet I (From First Term at the Piano) R & 20th t3 GP62O lnvention No 8 in F, BWV 779 B&C lf) GP607 Duet ll (From First Term at the Piano\ R & 20th & 20th French Suite No 6 in E EPR French Suite No 6 in E B&C No lnvention No lnvention 1 in C. BWV 172 EPR 1 in C, BWV 772 B&C lnvention No. 2 in C Minor, BWV 773 Major, BWV 777 12 1 19 EPR B&C GP6O7 GP6O2 GP453 GP6O3 BARTOK, BELA GP62O GP625 15 : GP62O R & 20th 13 GP621 R & 20th t8 GP623 Follow the Leader (From For Chtldren) R & 20th 14 GP622 R& Evening in the Country (From Ien Easy Pieces\ R lnvention No 13 in A Minor, BWV 784 B&C GP6O8 Folk Dance (From First Term at the Piano) No lnvention No 14 in Bb, BWV 785 EPR GP458 Folk Dance (From First Term 14 in Bb, BWV 785 B&C GP6O8 Folk Dance (From For Children, 1\ GP601 0 8 R & 20th GP458 B&C 20th' . EPR Minuet in G minor GP452 GP457 4 lnvention No 13 in A Minor, BWV 784 Invention GP6O2 at the Piano) Vol 30 Minuet in C Minor, BWV Anh 121 EPR GP454 The Grasshopper's Wedding (From For Children) 20th ?2 GP625 Anh 121 B&C GP6O4 Hungarian Folk Song (From First Term at the Piano) R & 20th 14 GP621 lvlusette (From Enqlish Suite No 3) EPR GP453 Jeering Song (From For Children) R& 20th 28 GP624 Musette (From English Suite No, 3) B&C GP603 Love Sonq (From For Children\ R& 20th 27.' GP624 Prelude in C, BWV 939 EPR GP454 Pillow Dance (From For Children\ R& 20th t6 GP622 Prelude in C, BWV 939 B&C GP604 Sonatina R& 20th 40 GP627 Prelude in C, BWV 846 EPR GP455 Prelude in C, BWV 846 B&C lVlinuet in C Minor, BWV lgOS Neil A. Kjos Music Company 11 . Publisher GP6O5 . 1-8OO-7}7-KJOS . Fax: (61 g) 270-3507 . email@kjos.com NN0e26p Works Listed By Composer Level coMPoSER/TTTLE Page Ed No Level cotvPoSER/TtTLE Page Ed No BERTINI, HENRI BASTIEN, JAMES R&20th 9 Toccata Allegro con fuoco 80 Etudes BEETHOVEN, LUDWIG VAN '19, Bagatelle in A Minor, 0p No 9 Baqatelle in A Minor, Op l19, No 9 '1 B&C Bagatelle in D, Op. 119 No. 3 B&C Ecossaise in G EPR Two Ecossaises B&C Sonatina in EPR F For Elise B&C German Dance Etudes Two Russian Folk Songs, Two Russian Folk Sonqs, Op 107, No. 3 Op '107, No 3 Sonata in G, Op 49, No 2 EPR B&C No Sonata in G Minor, 0p 49, No Sonata in G Minor, Op 49, 1 B&C '1 Sonata in G, 0p. 79 EPR Sonata in G, Op 79 B&C Sonata in F Minor, Op 2 No 1 Sonata in F Minor, Op 2 No 1 220 418 547 B&C Sonatina in F EPR Sonatina in F B&C Sonatina in C EPR GP452 Sonatina in C R & 20th R & 20th EPR 18 B&C 24 Villaqe Dance Etudes Five Note Sonatina GP6O6 19 Five Note Sonatina GP458 GP459 BRAHMS, JOHANNES GP61 O Rhapsody in G Minor, Op 79, No 2 EPR Rhapsody in G Minor, Op 79, No. 2 R & 20rh GP455 17 GP6O5 t1 13 Lyrical Piece, Op No 39 EPR Lyrical Piece, 0p, 101, No 39 R&20th P Etudes P 10'1, Melody Round Dance,0p 101, No Round Dance, Op 10'1, No 6 GP64O 10 GP65O 6 6 R GP45 & 20th 1 GP621 A Short Story Two in One Etudes Op 105, No 4 Op 105, No,4 Arabesque, Op 100, No Arabesque, Op 100, No Andante, EPR Andante, Etudes 2 EPR 2 R & 20th No Op 1 05, No Ballade, Op 100, No 15 Ballade, Op 100, No 15 lnnocence, Op 100, No 5 lnquietude, Op 100, No 18 GP641 GP64O GP64O Skating NN0s26p II[}S NeilA. Kjos Music Company . Publisher Etudes EPR Etudes EPR R & 20th 1 EPR 1 R & 20th 1 Op 1 09, No Storm, Op 1 09, No The Swallow, 0p .105, No GP623 997 GP459 434 GP454 GP624 GP624 12 542 GP455 GP62 5 322 GP453 GP623 Etudes l',r " GP644 Etudes 10 GP644 : Etudes GP644 Etudes 16 GP645 Etudes 12 GP645 646 3 EPR 1 3 Etudes 13 GP646 Etudes 14-' GP64s 20 10 GP453 1 100, No. 24 op. 100, No Velocity, Op, 23 322 R & 20th 21 No 14 R & 20th 2'l Tarantella, Etudes 1 Op 100, No Op 1 00, No La Candeur, Op. 100, No La Candeur, Op 100, No La Bergeronette, Op 1 00, No 1 La Gracieuse, Op 100, No 8 Octave Etude, Op 105, No 9 Proqress, Op 1 00, No 6 The Farewell, Op 100, No 12 The Bike Ride EPR Harmony of the Anqels, The Storm, BERENS, HERMAN 1 Harmonv of the Anqels, The Return, Op, 100, Dedication GP458 BURGMULLER, FRIEDRICH 13 Etudes 852 GP454 BEYER, FERDINAND Evening Song GP63O GP6O4 Arpeggio Etude, 5 10 112 10 48 GP46O GP641 B&C GP45O GP6O7 BENDA, GEORGE Sonatina in A Minor GP622 GP452 BOLCK, OSCAR Arpeqgio Etude, Op, 1 05, Sonatina in A Minor GP452 GP6O5 640 720 740 846 834 946 959 10 81 10 54 418 426 Sonatina in G GP623 12 232 GP454 22 Sonatina in G R & 20th GP6O6 GP6O2 1l B&C BIEHL, ALBERT Alleqretto 16 B&C Six Variations on a Swiss Song Sonata in G, Op 49, No 2 cP4s3 321 330 644 Etudes Etudes . 1-800-7gl-KJOS . Fax: (61 g)270-3507. GP645 10 GP641 email@kjos.com Works Listed By Composer olv P05ER/TtTtE Level Book Page Ed No cHoPrN, rnEoEnrc Op Etude in F Minor, Op 25, No 10, Etudes '10 2 Etudes 10 10 Etude in At Major (From Trois Nouvelles Etudes) EPR Etude in At Maior (From Trois Nouvelles Etudes) Etudes 20th Fantasie-lmpromptu, Op 66 R& Mazurka in A Minor, Op. 67 No 4 R & 20th No R& 20th R& 20th Nocturne in C Minor, R& 20th Nocturne Mazurka in G{ Minor, Op. 33, Nocturne NoctLrne Nocturne F, Book Level Ed No Page CONCONE, GIUSEPPE 12 No Etude in C Minor, Mazurka in cot\4P05ER/TITLE Op 68, No 1 3 Op Post in C$ Minor, Op Post in C$ Minor, Op Post in F Minor, Op. 55, No in F Minor, Op 55, No 10 10 18 GP65O Desire Etudes GP65O Leqato Thirds Etudes G P46O Russian Etude Etudes 12 GP648 26 G P65O Winter Wind EPR 42 GP456 39 G P63O Winter Wind Etudes 10 GP646 96 GP63O GP626 15 GP627 GP625 GP627 EPR 16 GP459 R & 20th 22 GP629 88 GP46O 26 GP63O EPR 1 R & 20th GP647 102 22 1 GP644 10 10 COPLAND, AARON The Cat and the lvlouse R & 20th 10 Prelude in E Minor, Op 28, No 4 EPR 58 GP458 Prelude in E Minor, Op 28, No 4 R & 20th 16 GP628 Preludein B Minor, Op 28, No 6 EPR 60 GP458 Le Petit Rien EPR GP453 Prelude in B Minor, Op 28, No 6 R & 20th 18 GP628 Le Petit Rien B&C GP6O3 EPR 47 GP455 Op 28, No 7 A, Op 28, No 7 Prelude in A, COUPERIN, FRANCOIS R & 20th 14 GP625 Pre ude in C Minor, Op 28, No 20 EPR 47 GP451 Pre ude in C Minor, Op 28, No 20 R & 20th 14 GP62] R & 20th 26 GP629 & 20th 12 GP626 Allegretto Etudes GP644 49 GP456 Dance Etudes GP64O GP626 Double Note Etude Etudes GP643 62 GP458 Etude Etudes GP645 20 GP628 Etude ll Etudes GP645 70 GP459 Etude lll Etudes GP645 16 GP629 Etude Etudes GP646 48 GP457 Etude ll Etudes GP646 18 GP627 Etude lll Etudes GP646 94 GP46O Etude I Etudes GP647 32 GP63O Etude II Etudes GP647 Etude I Pre ude in Polonaise in A, Op 40, Polonaise in G Minor, Waltz in A Minor, No 0p 0p 1 Post R Posl EPR & 20th Waltz in A Minor, Op Post R Waltz in Al, Op 69, No. 1 EPR 1 R No Waltz in Db, Op 64, No Waltz in Db, 0p 64 No Waltz in At, Op 69 & 20th EPR 1 R 1 & 20th Waltz in B Minor, Op 69, No 2 EPR Waltz in B Minor, Op 69, No R& Op Waltz in E Minor, Op Waltz in E Minor, 2 Post EPR Post R& 20th 20th 10 10 CLEMENTI, MUZIO No Sonatina in C, Op 36, No Sonatina in C, Op 36, CZERNY CARL I I Etudes GP648 Etude ll Etudes GP648 Etude lll Etudes GP648 Etude in C Etudes GP641 Etude in Etudes GP641 Etude in G Etudes GP643 F 1 EPR 14 G P453 Going Downtown Etudes 1 B&C 15 G P603 Humoresque Etudes 10 . GP648 Sonatina in G, Op 36, No 2 EPR 10 GP454 Lullaby Etudes 4': GP64O Sonatina in G, Op 36, No 2 B&C 16 G P604 March Etudes GP64O Sonatina in C, Op 36, No 3 EPR 18 G P455 March Etudes GP642 Sonatina in C, Op 36, No, 3 B&C 14 G P6O5 Promenade Etudes GP644 Op 36, No 4 B&C 70 G P6O6 Romance Etudes ) EPR 18 G P456 Waltz EPR ) B&C 29 GP6O6 Waltz Etudes Whistlinq Song Etudes Sonatina in F, Sonatina in D, Op 36, No 6 (first mvt Sonatina in D, Op 36, No 6 (first mvt |IRIS Neil A. Kjos Music Company . Publisher . 1-800-7g7-KiOS . Fax: (61 g)270-3507. GP64O GP642 12 GP45O GP64O 6 email@kjos.com GP641 NN0e26p Works Listed By Composer Level COI\4POSER/TITLE DAQUIN, LOUIS B&C The Cuckoo Page Ed No Level cotvPoSER/TlrLE Postludium, DEBUSSY CLAUDE R & 20th Doctor Gradus ad Parnassum EPR Doctor Gradus ad Parnassum R & 20th Golliwogg's Cake-walk R & 20th The Girl with the Flaxen Hair EPR 10 Op 13, No 10 Op 11, No. 3 R & 20th R & 20th 960 10 t8 GP629 GP63O DUVERNOY JEAN BAPTISTE 51 Leggiero Etude 876 838 GP458 844 9 106 Melody Op 176, No 18 Op 176, No, 18 Without Words, Op 176, No 3 Novelette Romantique, Etudes Song R & 20th GP459 Toccata R & 20th 956 Le Petit Noir EPR 559 GP455 Le Petit Noir R & 20th 525 GP625 The Little Shepherd EPR 756 The Little Shepherd R & 20th R6verie R & 20th 825 GP648 448 GP454 Etudes Novelette Romantique, GP628 (La Fille aux cheveux de lin) The Girl with the Flaxen Hair Ed No OOHITIÄNYI, ERNST VON 820 Rhapsody in C Major, Clair de lune Page 421 10 GP641 R & 20th 12 GP62O B&C 12 Etudes (La Fille aux cheveux de lin) GOEDICKE, ALEXANDER Russian Dance 730 9 51 GP627 GRAFE, JOHANN FRIEDRICH DIABELLI, ANTON Baqatelle in C B&C 20 GP6O1 Bagatelle in G EPR 15 GP451 GRIEG, EDVARD Baqatelle in G B&C 19 GP6O 1 Butterfly, Morning Song EPR 14 GP45 1 Elfin Dance, Op. 12, Morninq Sonq B&C 18 GP6O 1 0p 43, No. Elfin Dance, 20th 8 32 4 46 24 R & 20th 4 R& 1 No Op 12, No 4 4 5 53 Grandmother's Minuet, Op 68, No 2 R&20th R & 20th R & 20th R & 20th Grandmother's lvlinuet, Op 68, No 2 March of the Dwarfs, Op 54, No 3 National Song, Op 12, No 8 Notturno,0p 54, No 4 Puck, Op 71, No.3 EPR Puck, Op 71, No R& Sailor's Song, 3 Op 68, No 1 Wedding Day at Troldhaugen, Op 65, No Wedding Day at Troldhaugen, Op. 65, No. NNOe26p IIf,IS NeilA. Kjos Music Company . Publisher 6 6 20th R&20th EPR R & 20th , 1-8OO-7}7-KJOS . Fax: (61 g)270-3507. 5 8 4 9 6 6 5 9 9 15 2l 26 39 s6 28 18 86 44 GP628 GP454 GP624 GP455 GP62s GP628 GP624 GP629 GP456 GP626 GP62s GP459 GP629 email@kjos.com Works Listed By Composer Level corvP0SER/TTTLE EPR Arabesque Etudes Op Op 1 1 7, No 1 5 EPR 1 7, No 1 5 R & 20rh 1 The Hunt Etudes lnvention Etude Etudes Etudes Relay Race EPR Relay Race Etudes Alleqro 5cherzando GP451 Allegro 5cherzando B&C GP62 l German Dance (D Major) EPR 12 EPR C R & 20th EPR The Storm EPR The Storm Etudes Trumpet Tune EPR Trumpet Tune Etudes German Dance (D Major) B&C 14 GP641 Minuet (G Major) B&C 15 l6 GP45O Quadrille EPR Quadrille B&C 328 321 P17 l5 P14 18 EPR 18 R & 20th GP45O GP6O5 GP6O2 GP451 Scherzo (From Sonata in F, Hob XVL9) Scherzo (From Sonata in F, Hob XVI:9) 13 l8 C Sonatina in G GP646 l8 P 522 l5 P14 Sonatina in No No GP6O4 16 Allegro (From Sonata in G, Hob XVI: 8) GP642 616 Sonatina in Waltz, Op 82, 13 EPR GP452 19 EPR lvl nuet Waltz, Op 82, B&C 26 cor\4PosER/TTTLE HAYDN, JOSEPH Arabesque The Hunt, Ed No Ed No GURLITT, CORNELIUS The Hunt, Page Level Page B&C 12 GP6O1 13 GP453 15 GP451 Sonata in C, Hob XVI:10 (first mvt GP621 Sonata in C, Hob XVI:'10 (first mvt ) GP453 Sonata in C, Hob XVI:'1 (first mvt ) GP453 Sonata in C, Hob. XVI:I (first mvt ) B&C GP643 Sonata in D, Hob XVI:4 (first mvt.) EPR GP45O Sonata in D, Hob XVI:4 (first mvt,) B&C 722 GP64O Sonata in C, Hob XVI:35 EPR 824 GP45O Sonata in C, Hob XVI:35 B&C 824 GP62O Sonata in D, Hob XVI:37 EPR 924 Sonata in D, Hob, XVI:37 B&C 928 GP609 Sonata in E Minor, Hob XVI:34 B&C 10 GP61O GP456 15 ) B&C 17 GP457 12 18 GP45] 16 GP6O7 GP6O8 42 HAINHOFER, PHILIPP B&C Echo Dance GP6OO HELLER, STEPHEN Allegro vivace, HANDEL, GEORGE FRIDERIC EPR Courante B&C Minuet in F Minuet in F GP455 B&C GP6O3 Sonata in A Minor Sonata in C Sonata in C Avalanche, Op 45, No Etudes 0p.46, No 2 GP459 912 B&C 0 612 B&C GP456 GP6O6 Etude in C, tb No Op 46, No. 9 Etudes 1 Etudes Over Hill and Dale, Op 45, No. 24 Etudes Op.81, No 3 Prelude, Op 81, No 3 Etudes Throuqh Wind and Rain, Op. 45, No. 23 HASSLER, JOHANN WILLIAM Allegro B&C Minuetto B&C 323 5 GP6O3 The Storm, Op 46, No 18 Etudes To the Sea, Op 46, No 26 Etudes No 45, No Op. Wanior's Song, Op 45, 15 EPR Wanior's Sonq, 15 Etudes 18 GP646 12 GP647 GP649 722 982 Etudes Tarantella GP641 522 Etudes Novelette, Op.45, No. 17 Prelude, GP455 19 23 Curious Story, Op138, GP648 s48 Etude in A Minor GP453 Sonata in A Minor 822 12 EPR Ballade, Courante 0p.46, No Avalanche, Op 45, No 2 GP647 GP459 12 '6 20 14 GP647 19 GP647 820 GP648 8 69 i t7 : GP458 GP648 GP6Ol HOFE, JOAHCIM VON DER Canario B&C GP6OO HOOK, JAMES Minuet (C Maior) Minuet (C Major) IIEIS NeilA. Kjos Music Company . Publisher . 1-800-7}7-KJOS . Fax: (61 g)270-3507. 11 B&C email@kjos.com GP451 GP6O1 NNoe26p Works Listed By Composer Level co[,4Po5ER/TtTLE xonvÄtx, Page Ed No 11 GP62O Level cotvPoSER/TlrLE R & 20th Etude (From Adventures Etudes 6 26 30 R & 20th 4 s4 R & 20th 8 R&20th 10 102 44 R & 20th 6 of lvan) lvan Sings (From Adventures of lvan) Sonatina (first and third mvts.) Toccata Waltz (From Adventures of lvan) KABALEVSKY DMITRI Op R & 20th 60 0p.38, No Prelude, R 2 Sonatina,0p.13, No R & 20th 1 6s0 750 812 20th R & 20th R & 20th R & 20rh R 13 A Sad Story, Op. 27, No 6 A Short Story, Op. 27, No 20 A Warlike Dance, Op. 27, Cavalry Gallop, Op. 27, Dance, No No 19 Op 27, No.27 Op 27, No. Dance on the Lawn, Etude in A Minol Op 27, No 3 No 24 Etude in F, Op.27, Novelette, Op. 27, No 25 No Playinq Ball, Op. 27, Op 27, No Toccatina, 17 5 4 5 5 38 34 44 50 20th 5 41 GP624 GP625 GP625 GP644 5 30 Etudes 6 23 47 R & 20th 5 Etudes & GP645 A Pleasant Day Etudes Carefree Stroll R & 20rh Etudes R Clown, The, Op 39, No.20 R & 20th Op 39, No 4 Dance, Op, 39, No Etudes R & 20th 9 No Funny Event, Op. 39, Gallop, Op. 39 & 20th No 18 No Galloping, Op. 39 7 R & 20th R & 20th R & 20th 15 Marchinq, Op. 39, No 3 R & 20th Melody, Op. 39, No. R & 20th Prelude, Polka, 1 Op 39, No. Op 39, No 19 Quick March, Op 39, Scherzo, Op 39, No Song, Op.39, No.8 No R 2 No 12 10 & 20th R & 20th R & 20th Etudes 13 R & 20th Waltz, Op 39, No 23 R & 20th Wahz, Op 39, NNoe26p I 16 16 3 20 6 17 18 2 72 2 21 16 s 3 20 16 2 20 1 20 P 16 18 3 22 16[,}S Neil A. Kjos Music Company . GP6O5 GP62 Duet R&20thC Etude in A Minor EPR Will Tell You, Mother Dear" Song Without Words 1 15 GP45O 17 GP451 12 GP641 P Etude in A Minor 'l GP64O R&20thc P GP62O R&20thc P GP62O GP646 GP625 GP644 GP624 GP622 GP624 KABALEVSKY, DMITRI, 24 LITTLE PIECES, OP. 39 A Little Scherzo, Op. 39, No 6 12 EPR KUHLAU, FRIEDRICH Sonatina in C, Op 55, No 0p 55, No 1 EPR 425 433 528 538 629 1 B&C 646 B&C 752 GP6O7 B&C 758 GP6O7 1 EPR 1 B&C Sonatina in C, Op 55, No 3 EPR Op 55, No 3 Sonatina in C, Op 20, No Sonatina in C, Op 20, No B&C Sonatina in C, Cradle Song, CP626 KöHLER, LOUIS Sonatina in C, Game, Op.39, No. 5 520 B&C Two Boürees GP625 24 Etudes 4 20th 4 36 R & 20th 2 23 32 R & 20th 4 0p 27, No 12 GP625 GP646 R 2 GP630 KIRNBERGER, JOHANN PHILIPP Etudes 6 30 Etudes 4 76 5 Sonatina, Op 27, No. 18 Sonq, & R& 29 GP628 GP627 KABALEVSKY DMITRI, THIRTY CHILDREN'S PIECES, OP.27 A Little Joke, op. 27, No GP624 GP626 GP623 R & 20th Variations on a Russian Folk Sonq GP646 & 20th R & 20th 1 No Variations, Op 40, Ed No KHACHATURIAN, ARAM eEzR Canzonetta Four Rondos, Page GP641 GP621 GP623 Sonatina in G, Op 20, No 2 (first mvt.) Sonatina in F, Op 20, No 3 (first mvt ) Sonatina in A Minor, Op. 88, No 3 EPR GP41 Sonatina in A Minor, Op 88, No 3 B&C GP621 Sonatina in G, Op 20, No 2 EPR 840 8 61 GP454 GP6O4 GP455 GP456 GP458 GP457 GP621 GP622 GP622 GP620 GP620 GP643 KUNZ, KONRAD A Serious Event Etudes t1 B&C 18 GP64O GP620 GP672 GP621 GP640 GP622 GP623 Publisher LATOUR, THEODORE Sonatina in C (first mvt . 1-800-797-KJOS ) . Fax: (61 g) 270-3507 ' email@kjos.com Works Listed By Composer c0rv P05ER/TtTLE Level Page Ed No LIADOV, ANATOLI Level coMPoSER/TITLE Paqe Ed No MOZART, LEOPOLD Prelude in B Minor, 1 EPR 10 126 Minuet in F EPR Prelude 1 R & 20th 10 64 Minuet in F B&C Op 11, No in B Minol Op 11, No GP451 't'l GP6O1 LISZT, FRANZ Consolation in R Db 1, No Etude in D Mrnor, Op Op Etude in C, & 20th 1 No 4 1, 934 10 4 GP629 Minuet in GP649 16 Etudes MOZART, WOLFGANG AMADEUS F, K C EPR 2 14 3 24 3 20 9 40 9 44 2 14 2 16 2 17 3 26 4 24 8 40 9 s0 6 24 6 3s 10 60 ]O 30 B&C 726 B&C 534 2 B&C Allegro in Bb, K.3 Alleqro in Bl, K,3 LöSCHHORN, ALBERT Etudes Novelette Fantasy in D Minor, K 397 EPR Fantasy in D minor, K B&C K2 Minuet in F, K 2 Minuet in C, K 6 lvlinuet in F, K 5 Minuet in LYNES, FRANK Sonatina in C, Op 39, No GP452 1 MacDOWELL, EDWARD Hexentanz (Witches' Dance), No Hungarian, Op.39, No Hunqarian, Op 39, Op 17, No 12 12 lmprovisatron lFrom Twelve Virtuoso Studies, No Preludium Op 10, No Preludium, Op 10, No March Wind, Op 46, Etudes 10 R Scherzino, Op, 39, No 1 Etudes 1 Shadow Dance, Op 39, No 8 Shadow Dance, Op 39, No 8 Tarantella, Op 39, No 2 Tarantella, Op 39, No 2 & 20th Etudes 3 To a Humming Bird 0 8 10 147 'r0 68 7 25 9 20 1 EPR 1 Op 39, No 2 B&C GP459 GP649 Sonata in C, GP460 Sonata GP650 GP630 7 28 GP647 7 58 GP457 R & 20th ) B&C B& GP609 GP452 GP602 GP602 GP603 GP604 GP608 GP609 GP4s6 GP606 GP610 GP46O Maman," K3OOe (265) Viennese Sonatina No 1 (first mvt ) GP6O5 GP649 GP45l Witch, The ) GP459 GP641 7 61 R & 20th K 545 (first mvt in C, K 330 in F Major, K 280 EPR GP4s6 12 Variations on "Ah, vous diraile, GP460 EPR To a Wild Rose Rondo in D, Sonata GP648 EPR B&C 1 K 485 Sonata in C, K 545 (first mvt Etudes To a Wild Rose K GP460 GP458 R & 20th B&C B&C 8 28 To a Humminq Bird B&C Rondo alla Turca (From Sonata in A, K 333) EPR 32 60 6 32 35 8 B&C GP629 8 l1 EPR EPR F, l\.4inuet and Trio , Op 46) 1 Romance, 20th 9 58 10 130 9 100 9 26 Etudes 10 144 R& From a Wandering lceberg 397 GP452 GP603 GP627 GP456 PARADISI, DOMENICO Toccata (From Sonata in A) EPR Toccata (From Sonata in A) B&C 920 924 B&C 328 GP459 PLEYEL, IGNAZ Minuet in C GP6O3 GP626 GP628 POULENC, FRANCIS MENDELSSOHN, FELIX Op 19, No 3 Hunting Song, Op 19, No 3 '16, No Scherzo in E Minor, Op Scherzo in E Minol Op 16, No 9 64 Huntinq Sonq, Tarantella, op R & 20th 2 R & 20th 2 102, No 3 Op 102, No 3 Venetian Boat Sonq, Op 19, No Venetian Boat Song, Op 1 9, No R & 20th Tarantella, 6 EPR 6 R & 20th 10 10 82 10 13 1 44 7 7 42 10 Venetian Boat Song, Op 30, No 6 EPR Venetian Boat Sonq, 0p. 30, No 6 R & 20th 8 55 5 R&20th 9 Waltz 68 GP629 GP459 GP629 GP460 GP630 GP457 PRAETORIUS, MICHAEL Old German Dance EPR Old German Dance B&C GP45O ) GP621 GP457 GP627 GP458 GP628 PPEY FELIX LE COU Musette The Chase (Scherzo) EPR 2 23 2 24 GP452 GP452 MOSZKOWSKI, MORITZ Etude in F, Op 72, No 6 EPR 10 121 Etude in F, Op 72, No 6 Etudes 10 32 GP65O PROKOFIEV, SERGIE Prelude in C,0p 12, No 7 Ta IIF)S NeilA. Kjos Music Company . Publisher R & 20th rantella . 1-800-7}7-KJOS . Fax: (619)270-3507 R . & 20th 963 639 email@kjos.com GP626 NN0e26P Works Listed By Composer Level cotvP0SER/TtTLE Page Ed No Minuet (C Major) B&C Op 2, No Ed No GP451 Allemande EPR GP451 GP6O1 Allemande B&C GP6O] R & 20th GP623 R & 20th GP624 SCHUBERI FRANZ REBIKOV, VLADIMIR Valse M6lancolique, Page SCHEIN, JOHANN HERMANN RAMEAU, JEAN-PHILIPPE Minuet (C Major) Level cof/r P05ER/TITLE 3 EPR & 20th Valse M6lancolique, Op. 2, No, 3 R Waltz (F{ Minor) EPR Waltz (F{ Minor) R & 20th 768 735 558 Ecossaise, Op '18, No, 4 Al GP627 Ecossaise in GP455 lmpromptu in Al, Op 142, No R & 20th lmpromptu in Al, Op 90, No 4 R & 20th Waltz in A R & 20th R & 20th Waltz in At, Op 9, REICHARDI JOHANN FRIEDRICH 1 Waltz in A Minor, Op 77, No 9 B&C Duet in Contrary Motion No No Waltz in B Minor, REINAGLE, ALEXANDER Op 18, No R R & 20th 5 EPR B&C Op 33, No GP6O Waltz in C, Op. 77, No Valse Sentimentale, Op 50, No 13 EPR Valse Sentimentale, Op 50, No 13 R & 20th Minuet (G Maior) B&C 11 Procession B&C 13 Promenade B&C 12 Simple Sonq B&C 13 GP6OO Promenade GP627 GP628 432 R & 20th 1 GP454 GP625 17 7 GP45] GP624 Waltz in Minuet (G Ma.jor) GP625 740 R & 20rh GP451 1 GP623 R & 20th 13 Bb, 4 & 20th 10 Waltz in B Minor, Op. 18, No 5 Minuet (C Major) 10 EPR Wahz in A Minor, Op 77, No 9 14 Waltz in A Minor, Op 33, Minuet (C Maior) 2 GP627 640 GP456 GP626 GP45O SCHUMANN, ROBERT GP6OO Fantasy Dance, Fantasy Dance, Op 124, No Op 124, No 652 620 l0 10s l0 19 752 5 5 R Op 12, No 4 Op 12, No 4 lmportant Event, Op 15, No 6 lmportant Event, Op 1 5, No 6 Träumerei, Op 15, No 7 Träumerei, Op 15, No 7 Waltz, Op 124, No 4 & 20th Grillen (Whims) ROUSSEAU, JEAN JAQUES Grillen (Whims) B&C The Villaqe Prophet GP6O1 SALUTRI NSKAYA, TAT'IANA The Shepherd's Flute GP45 The Shepherd's Flute R & 20th 12 1 R & 20th R & 20rh 12 R & 20th 980 932 R & 20th 6 GP456 GP46O GP457 GP627 GP629 18 GP62,] SCHUMANN, ROBERI ALBUM FOR THE YOUNG, OP. 68 sATIE, ERIK A Little Piece, Op 68, No No 1 EPR Gymnop6die No. 1 R & 20th Gymnop6die 766 738 Echos GP627 First Sorrow, 0p The Horseman, SCARLATTI, DOMENICO Sonata in A Major, L 483 B&C Sonata in D, L 463 B&C Sonata in D Minor, L 423 Sonata in D Minor, L, 423 GP6O7 GP454 EPR B&C Sonata in D Minor, L 58 B&C Sonata in D Minor, L 422 B&C 11 68, No 16 Op 68, No 23 Hunting Song, Op 68, No _7 Hunting Song, Op 68, No 7 No 1 2 Knight Ruppert, Op, 68, No 1 2 No 1 No 10 GP61 The Meny Farmer, Op 68, No, l0 L 23 EPR Sonata in E, L 23 B&C Sonata in G, L 79 EPR GP456 Soldiers' March, Op 68, No 2 B&C GP6O6 The Stranqer, Sonata in G, L, 79 NNoe26p l5X Northern Sonq, Op 68, No 41 NeilA. Kjos Music Company GP61 . O Publisher Remembrance, Op 68, No Op 68, No. 6 8 12 15 4 36 5 28 Sonata in E, 4 EPR Little Etude, Op 68, No. 14 The Meny Farmer, Op 68, 4 2 8 4 6 20th 4 10 i 5 44 EPR R&20rh 5 8 GP6O8 O R&20th R&20th R & 20th R & 20th R& Knight Ruppert, Op 68, Melody, Op 68, 10 10 10 5 from the Theater, Op. 68, No 25 GP457 28 29 The Wild Horseman, Op 68, No 8 The Wild Horseman, Op 68, No 8 R&20th 3 3 R&20th 3 R & 20th 6 R&20th 8 R&20th 2 R & 20th 8 2 R&20th 2 EPR . 1-800-7I7-KJOS . Fax: (61 g)270-3507. 10 26 11 14 10'"'. 4 12 22 1 GP622 GP628 GP624 GP626 GP454 GP624 GP455 GP625 GP645 GP623 GP453 GP623 GP626 GP628 GP622 GP628 GP452 GP622 email@kjos.com Works Listed By Composer Level c0rvPo5ER/TtTLE Page Ed No Baqatelle The Harp EPR The Harp lmpromplu Etudes ln Church R & 20th Melody for the Left Hand EPR 11 GP641 The Doll's Funeral, 20 GP45 The Horseman, 10 GP641 1 826 Melodv for the Left Hand Scherzo No Italian Song, Op 39, No Italian Song, Op 39, 22 GP451 Neapolitan Sonq, Op.39, 13 GP641 Neapolitan Sonq, Op 39, GP641 Old French 21 GP451 Old French 14 GP641 Polka, SCRIABIN, ALEXANDER 2, No 10 1 No Mazurka, Op 39, 29 GP65O Op 39, 7 3 15 '15 1O No No Song, Op 39, No Song, Op 39, No Op.39, No Reverie, 0p Op 39, No Op 39, No GP621 nuetto Etude in Cg Minor, Level Page Ed No TCHAIKOVSKY, PETER ILYICH, ALBUM FOR THE YOUNG SCHYTTE, LUDWIG N,4 Book COI\4POSER/TITLE 18 1 8 '18 18 20th 4 22 20th 6 22 5 s6 20 R & 20th 5 R & 20th 5 22 6 54 R&20th 6 24 3 38 R& GP624 R& GP626 R& GP625 GP625 GP456 GP626 GP453 14 GP623 20th 6 26 28 R & 20th 7 GP626 R& 14 No 21 The Sick Doll, Op 39, No. 6 EPR The Sick Doll, Op 39, No. 6 R& Soldiers' March, 20th 3 GP455 Op 39, No CP62l 4 44 GP454 20th 4 20 16 R & 20th 3 5 GP624 GP623 Sonq of the Lark, Op 39, No 22 EPR 7 54 GP457 Song of the Lark, Op 39, No 22 R & 20th 7 26 GP621 & 20th SHOSTAKOVICH, DMITRI, SIX PIECES FOR CHILDREN R&20th 2 24 R&20th 3 28 26 R & 20th 2 March The Mechanical Doll Waltz GP622 TCHEREPNIN,ALEXANDER GP622 Baqatelle, Op 5, No 1 R Bagatelle, Op 5, No 10 R & 20th 852 9 74 GP628 GP629 TELEMANN, GEORGE PHILIPP SPINDLER, FRITZ Sonatina in C, Sonatina in C, Op 157, No Op 157, No GP451 Gavotte 77 1 1 Op 157, No 4 Sonatina in C, Op 157, No,4 R GP452 B&C GP6O1 EPR GP451 B&C GP6O] Rigaudon EPR GP452 Rigaudon B&C Gavotte 10 & 20th Sonatina in C, R & 20th 14 GP624 Suite in A Major STREABBOG, LOUIS Suite in A Major 15 B&C GP458 11 A Pleasant Morning EPR 30 GP452 A Pleasant Morninq Etudes 12 GP642 Bees in the Clover Etudes 4 GP644 Carefree B&C GP453 Children's Sonq B&C GP643 Dance EPR 12 GP451 B&C 16 GP6O1 B&C 14 By the Seaside EPR 334 TÜRK, DANIEL GOTTLOB By the Seaside Etudes The Cadets Etudes Chromatic Waltz Etudes Distant Bells EPR ?l GP453 Distant Bells Etudes 12 GP643 March in F EPR Hop Scotch Polka Etudes t6 GP643 March in F B&C On the Green Etudes 3 10 GP643 March in G March in G l6 Gique I The Orphan, Op 64, No 4 EPR s50 GP455 The Orphan, Op 64, No 4 Etudes s25 GP645 Soldiers' March Etudes Vacation Time EPR Vacation Time Etudes GP642 336 18 GP6OO B&C GP60O GP45O 10 GP60O 7" B&C GP6OO B&C Two Marches EPR Two Marches B&C GP6OO GP643 VOGEL, MORITZ Brave Kniqht R & 20th t0 EPR 10 B&C 15 WILTON, C. H. Sonatina Sonatina ftps NeilA. Kjos MusicCompany. Publisher . 1-800-7}7-KJOS . Fax: (61g)270-3507. email@kjos.com GP6OO NNoe26p ,.,......,,l't:f ++r".,.^",". SELE(IED & EDITiD BY Keith Snell S€LECTEO & EDITED ''*1?i: 8Y Keith Snell PraNo RrprRrornr Praruo Rrprnrornr r Romantic NrL! ?rd I €J 20th Century The Neil A. Kjos Piano Library makes it easy for teachers to construct a eomplete course of study for their piano students by providing a wealth of diverse musical styles. The Library is divided into eleven levels, Preparatory Level through Level Ten. There are nine contrasting books at each level: Beginning Piano Essentia I Piano Repertoire Fundamentals of Piano Theory Piano Repertoire: Baroque & Classical Piano Repertoire: Romantic & 20th Century Piano Repertoire: Etudes Music of the 21st Century New Age Piano Essrrurrnl Prnruo Repenrornr ,.;' Fundamentals of Piano Theory l t .,...' by KEITH SNELL & I\IARTHA A5HLE GH Keith Snell Jazz Piano One Piano Four Hands Music for Christmas Scale Skills Etudes ih r -, -."^ SEIECTEO & ARMNGED BY +?."...- Weekley & ORIGINAL I\IU5IC BY Eug6nie Rocherolle Arganbright PrRruo The broad spectrum of styles and careful selection of pedagogica lly sound pieces optimize student motivation and progress. The Library is carefully graded to meet and exceed the requirements of State and National syllabi and provides high quality music suitable for any recital, festival, examination, or competition. TocrrHrn fl **or* tY SftacrtD aND ED[!D Keith .. Snell n rt Ptnruo RrprnrorRe LI i+ t **^ *, -..ar StuarEDANo .t-rLa-.' : Snell * EDtrtD Keith oY - aars ,,. Prnruo RrprRrorRe ri Prairtr PraNrir Diane Hidyr ORIGINAL MUSIC 8Y Jeanine Yeager tl *,*,*, Snell '' 5{rclEDANo 5EtrclEDANo ED[ao Keith riltn,s SILECTED & AiiATGEO BY Prnruo Riprnrornr +?".,..*. OY Jeanine Yeager Diane Hidy; OR GINAL \y'U5 C BY i? I ,,,,"1;,*, StutcrtciaND ED rtD 5Y Keith Snell Arletta O'Hearn CHnrsnlm Vrsrorus Jazz ROSPECTIVES -t I lt"^,.t 1 larz Dlano *:ls"JhM***, by KEtrH SmrLl Create real excitement for your students! i Students are more motivated to perform music they have heard. These recordings are available for each level of the Piano Repertoire series. Piano interpretations by Diane Hidy closely follow the editions as a practical example for students. Fax: (858) 270-3507. email@kjor..or [pS NN0e26p