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Official magazine of Wisconsin Manufacturers & Commerce
Free Enterprise:
How are we faring in Wisconsin?
Inside: The American Dream
Supreme Court Elections: Past & Future
June is Safety Month
Detachable Legislative Directory
April 2013: Issue 6
of 21st Century IT Management
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Business Voice
From the Editor
WMC was literally founded to protect free
The year was 1911 and Governor Robert
“Fighting Bob” La Follette wanted to increase
regulations and raise taxes on businesses.
In fact, La Follette, who is referred to as a prophet by state
progressives today, advocated a 70 percent corporate tax rate.
Faced with a political environment that in many ways parallels
today’s, complete with the general vilification of economic
freedom, WMC’s founders included the following in their
“To the thoughtful citizen, it is apparent that the
tendency of the times is to antagonize rather than to
encourage activities, which make for the country’s
material advancement and prosperity. The pendulum of
public opinion has swung to extremes and has caused
apprehension and uncertainty where confidence and
certainty should prevail. Political and social unrest find
expression in extreme measures, which seriously disturb
economic stability.”
Today, WMC continues to be the voice of Wisconsin business
and industry at the Capitol. Our job is to advance policies
that allow businesses of every size and from every sector of
the economy to prosper. We aim to make Wisconsin the most
competitive state in the nation.
In this issue…
Free Enterprise
Page 5
Regulation and the Erosion of Free Enterprise
Scott Manley, WMC Vice President of Government Relations, talks about the
harmful role excessive regulation can play on business.
Page 12
The American Dream vs. the Liberal Dream
Guest Columnist David Azerrad from The Heritage Foundation, displays the stakes
involved with letting the American dream slip away.
Page 18
Free Enterprise: Capitalism isn’t a Four-letter Word
This edition’s feature article focuses on capitalism and the importance of
America’s envied free market system.
Page 30-31
What should be the Role of Government in Free Enterprise?
Wisconsin Senators Jennifer Shilling (D-32nd District) and Scott Fitzgerald (R-13th
District) give their take on what role government should play in business.
Feature Columns
Page 2
The New War Between the States
Kurt R. Bauer, WMC President/CEO, dissects the way other states’ governors are
attracting business.
Page 8
We Need to Talk
Jim Morgan, WMC Foundation President, talks about vouchers, charter schools and
public education.
Page 11
June is Safety Month
Janie Ritter, Wisconsin Safety Council Director, highlights the National Safety
Council’s initiative to promote June as National Safety Month.
Page 14
Real World Experience… Life Changing Results
Steve Benzschawel, Wisconsin Business World Director, looks back on 30+ years of
free enterprise programs teaching the next generation how to be business leaders.
Page 25
Minimum Wage: It Doesn’t Have to be Us vs. Them
Katy Ryder Pettersen
Editor, Wisconsin Business Voice
Chris Reader, WMC’s new Director of Health & Human Resources Policy, reviews
the case against increasing the minimum wage.
Page 27
Embrace the Industrial Renaissance
Eric Bott, WMC’s new Director of Environment & Energy Policy, discusses the
revolution in unconventional oil and natural gas production.
Page 29
Developments in Transportation and the Impact on Wisconsin’s Economy
Jason Culotta, WMC Director of Tax & Transportation Policy, talks about
transportation and intermodal containers.
Page 35
Roggensack Wins Re-election
Jim Pugh, WMC Director of Public Relations & Issue Management, talks about
WMC’s efforts to educate Wisconsin’s public about the Supreme Court.
Guest Columns
Page 7
Going Global? You’re Not Alone!
Wisconsin Business Voice is published quarterly by Wisconsin Manufacturers &
Commerce. WMC is Wisconsin’s chamber of commerce, manufacturers’ association,
and safety council representing businesses of all sizes and from every sector of the
economy. Send address changes to WMC, P.O. Box 352, Madison, WI 53701-0352.
WMC's physical address is 501 E. Washington Avenue, Madison, WI 53703,
(608) 258-3400. This publication is proudly printed on paper made in Wisconsin.
Kurt R. Bauer, WMC President/CEO
Katy Pettersen, Editor (
Jane Sutter, Designer (
WEDC Secretary and CEO Reed Hall introduces the assistance his department can
give to companies looking to expand globally.
Page 26
Knowledge Powers Wisconsin’s Economy
Kevin Reilly, President of the University of Wisconsin System, describes our economy
as one driven by knowledge and innovation.
Page 36
Chamber Corner: Work Today
Greater Beloit Chamber of Commerce President Randall Upton introduces
Wisconsin to Beloit’s newest workforce development initiative.
The New War Between the States
Kurt R. Bauer, WMC President/CEO
overnor Rick Scott of Florida
loves it when governors in
other states raise taxes and add
regulatory burdens on business.
He told a winter gathering of state
chamber executives that it plays
right into his plan to attract (other
governors might say poach) as
many businesses to the Sunshine
State as possible.
them. The story said “core values” in those states were far more
“employer friendly.”
A business relocation specialist quoted by KCRA said
businesses decide to move because of the same three factors
we at WMC refer to as “the trinity;” 1) taxes, including fees
like worker’s compensation and unemployment insurance, 2)
regulations, including permitting timelines and 3) exposure to
frivolous lawsuits. Other businesses in those states may not be
leaving, but many aren’t expanding there either.
The competition for business relocation and expansion
between states isn’t a friendly rivalry. It’s been heated at times
because there is a lot at stake. It’s not just about jobs and the
economic growth, tax revenue and high approval ratings for
politicians that come with them. It’s also about validating
the very different views each political party has about how to
create prosperity. Republicans believe in private sector-driven
economic policies, while Democrats pursue governmentdriven ones. It’s Milton Friedman versus Paul Krugman.
Businesses tend to side with Friedman and the Republicans,
which is why you see more GOP governors
recruiting companies from states with
Democratic governors than the other
“The crazier the
way around.
“The crazier the [anti-business]
proposal, the better,” he said at the
conference held in his home state.
The first-term Republican then
half-jokingly told my counterpart
from Minnesota he hopes Democrat Governor Mark Dayton
succeeds in enacting a big tax hike and raising the minimum
wage to $10 per hour. “It makes us even more attractive and
competitive,” Scott said.
But Scott isn’t just selling his state’s business
climate. Referring to the gorgeous 80
degree-plus day outside in early February,
Scott said his opening line when pitching
[anti-business] proposal, Wisconsin has attempted to take
Florida to Midwestern business CEOs
is “what’s the temperature like up there?”
advantage of its rise in many of the
the better.”
He follows that question with another one
major business rankings by contacting
he already knows the answer to. “What’s
businesses in Illinois and Minnesota. State
the tax rate in your state?” Florida doesn’t have an
Rep. Erik Severson (R-Star Prairie) sent a letter to
individual income tax and is in the process of eliminating its
Minnesota businesses touting Wisconsin’s balanced budget
corporate tax as well.
and improved business climate. Scott in Florida did the same
Scott’s pro-business strategy begs the question; why do
governors in states such as California, Illinois, Massachusetts,
Minnesota and New York pursue tax and regulatory policies
employers consider hostile to job growth? The answer is
part ideological and part political. Many are Keynesians
who believe making business pay their “fair share” feeds the
government spending that, in their mind, creates economic
activity. It also appeals to their base which includes special
interest groups that directly benefit from high government
spending. (See David Azerrad’s column on page 12.)
thing in New York. Texas Governor Rick Perry took the
approach a step further by running radio ads in California
that said “Come to Texas.”
Some states may be losing that bet. A recent report by
KCRA-TV in Sacramento identified two dozen businesses
that have already left, or are in the process of leaving,
California for greener pastures in Arizona and Texas and
taking their employees – i.e. consumers and taxpayers – with
Like Walker, Scott is unnerved by the runaway spending at
the federal level with a national debt approaching $17 trillion.
He said his goal is to put Florida in the best position possible
for “the inevitable day of reckoning.” BV
I posed that same question to Scott after his remarks. “They
are betting businesses won’t leave,” he said.
Illinois Governor Pat Quinn and Minnesota’s Dayton
have had terse rebuttals to Governor Walker when he has
compared Wisconsin’s budget surplus, achieved without tax
increases, to deficits in Illinois and Minnesota.
Scott told me during a brief one-on-one conversation
after his formal remarks that he has been watching what
Walker is doing in Wisconsin and is impressed. He agrees
that controlling state spending gives states an advantage far
beyond simply keeping and attracting businesses.
Follow Kurt on Twitter @Kurt_R_Bauer
Free Enterprise: In Our Own Words
We asked business leaders what free enterprise means to them. Below are a few of the responses along
with some well-known thoughts from Friedman and Jefferson.
“A society that puts equality before freedom
will get neither. A society that puts freedom
before equality will get a high degree of
both.” – Milton Friedman
To me “Free Enterprise” means just
that – the freedom to conduct business
in an “open” and “fair” environment. It
ensures quality and cost effectiveness.
– Jim King, President, Skyward, Inc.,
Stevens Point
America’s genius is found in its economic
freedom: the ability to buy, sell, produce, create,
trade, and own are just a few of the freedoms
that drive free enterprise. Whenever countries
allow people do what they like to do, economies
work better. Government coercion and control
distorts incentives and limits innovation. Free
enterprise, on the other hand, fosters the
courage and hope to disrupt old routines and
produce new products, new services, and
often a whole new way of doing business.
Entrepreneurship is a never ending process
of progress pushing and promoting economic
– Barry Asmus, Senior Economist, NCPA
“Agriculture, manufactures, commerce, and navigation, the four
pillars of our prosperity, are the most thriving when left most
free to individual enterprise.” – Thomas Jefferson
Free Enterprise is the freedom to create and
produce products and services with one’s
own resources, capital and personal efforts
without encumbering restrictions, regulations
or favorable subsidies from or by and level
of government. It flourishes in a laissez faire
environment where entrepreneurs can, of
their own free will, strive to fulfill their own
desires and needs. It is the freedom to pursue
opportunities, to invest, take risks, fail, succeed,
innovate, improve, profit and ultimately create
prosperity. It is best guided by the “invisible
hand” through competitive free market
capitalism to ultimately produce personal
achievement and thereby the improvement of
all of society. – Cap Wulf, Owner & President,
Wulf Brothers, Sturgeon Bay
The freedom to run your
business without constant
interference from the
government. - Robert Peaslee,
President, Manitowoc Grey Iron
Foundry, Inc., Manitowoc
“Free enterprise means that little companies like Nicolet
have a chance to make a difference. Mostly we learn
from our mistakes and hope that we don’t make one so
big that it takes us out. There is an abundance of great
competition out there so it’s hard to be significantly
better than your competition, so you find a way to be
different.” – Bob MacIntosh, President/CEO, Nicolet Plastics
apprenticeship : works for wisconsin.
workers for you.
Better workers produce Better work. That’s the idea behind
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Scott Manley
WMC Vice President of
Government Relations
Regulation and the Erosion of
Free Enterprise
ree enterprise is generally understood to be the freedom of
private businesses to operate competitively for profit with
minimal government regulation.
Why is the level of government regulation important to free
enterprise? Perhaps the answer is best illustrated by the example of
entrepreneurship, a fundamental component of free enterprise.
Government does not create jobs, entrepreneurs do. While this
axiom of free market philosophy is obvious to many, less obvious is
the negative role that government regulation has on job creation.
Excessive regulation, for example, has the potential to stifle
entrepreneurship by strangling businesses with bureaucratic red tape.
The economic cost of regulation itself stymies job creation because it
diverts capital that could otherwise be invested in new employees or
higher wages, to instead pay the cost of regulatory compliance.
Nobel Prize-winning economist Milton Friedman characterized
government regulation as having “imposed heavy costs on
industry after industry to meet increasingly detailed and extensive
government requirements…they have required capital to be invested
for nonproductive purposes in ways specified by government
In 1980, Friedman was alarmed by the growing intervention of
the Environmental Protection Agency in the free market, noting
the agency “has imposed costs on industry and local and state
governments to meet its standards that total in the tens of billions of
dollars a year.”
Decades later, the concern with the growing cost regulation, and its
adverse impact on free enterprise, has only amplified. Regulatory
costs are no longer measured in billions of dollars, they amount to
Analysts at the Competitive Enterprise Institute, a respected free
market think tank, estimate today’s regulatory costs at $1.75 trillion.
These costs equate to $10,585 per employee for small businesses,
and roughly $7,500 per employee for medium and large employers.
What if employers didn’t need to spend so much money on
regulation? Consider the enormity of the positive economic impact
that would result if employers were able to invest even half of their
compliance costs per employee in higher wages or capital expansion.
These missed economic opportunities underscore the corrosive
effect of regulation on free enterprise. They also illustrate the
ridiculousness of frequent assertions by Obama Administration
officials that federal regulations create jobs.
It is important to recognize a certain amount of regulation is
necessary to ensure any economic system operates in a fair and
voluntary manner and that the interests of individuals are protected.
However, do we really need an average of more than 3,500 new
rules each year, or 169,301 pages of federal regulations to promote a
level playing field?
The federal government defines as “economically significant” any
rule that will cost at least $100 million each year. In 2011, there were
212 “economically significant” rules either completed or pending
from a variety of federal agencies. At a minimum, those rules would
impose a staggering $21.2 billion in new costs to businesses and
consumers each year.
Given the trajectory we are on for increasingly numerous and
expensive regulations, it should come as no surprise that the
cost of regulation is beginning to outstrip traditional economic
For example, the $1.75 trillion cost for regulation in 2011 was more
than individual income taxes ($956 billion), corporate income taxes
($198 billion), corporate pretax profits ($1.3 trillion) and the annual
deficit ($1.29 trillion). It’s difficult to imagine long-term sustainable
growth in an economy whose regulatory costs have reached that
Regulations are increasingly eroding the foundation of free
enterprise with growing intrusion into the marketplace by
government. They are adding unnecessary cost, delay and complexity
to our economy that ultimately result in the nonproductive diversion
of capital.
The cascading impact of these costs are making businesses less
competitive, and are stifling economic growth. Will federal
lawmakers take back their rightful role as regulatory decision
makers, or will they continue to allow unelected and unaccountable
bureaucrats to thwart free enterprise by burying our economy in
regulations and red tape? BV
Follow Scott on Twitter @ManleyWMC
Wisconsin Business Voice
Made in Wisconsin
Dickten Masch Plastics
The last time you wondered if your car needed
an oil change you probably popped open the
hood and used a fluid level indicator - better known
as a “dipstick” - to measure the level of the oil. That
dipstick most likely came from Dickten Masch Plastics, located
in Waukesha County. Dickten Masch is a partner to leading
OEMs in automotive, medical, hand and power tools and other
markets. The company delivers complete, high-quality assemblies
of a variety of complex components and finished products such as
automotive dipsticks and tubes. Originally a tooling shop, Dickten
Masch Plastics began molding
custom thermoset components for
the small appliance and electrical
industries in the 1940s. They
expanded into thermoplastic
molding in the following decade
and now employ 520 people in
four locations.
You have probably witnessed
high school students caring
for life-like infants as part of a
simulation project for their Home
Economics, Family and Consumer Sciences, or Early Childhood
Education classes, but did you know there is a good chance that
those infant simulators are designed and assembled in Wisconsin?
Realityworks is an experiential learning technology company
employing 60 people, whose award-winning programs provide
students with realistic learning experiences used by educators in
career and technical education programs as well as government
and social service agencies worldwide. Realityworks RealCare®
infant simulators offer reallife experiences that address
substance abuse education,
prenatal education, child care
skills, infant safety and CPR
and Shaken Baby Syndrome.
Realityworks has had the
privilege of being featured
by numerous media outlets
including Dr. Phil, Good
Morning America and Project
Runway, to name a few.
Colony Brands, Inc.
Nearly every one of us has given
or received a gift basket full of
assorted meats and cheeses or a box
of chocolates. Those gifts more than
likely came from The Swiss Colony in Green County. Since 1961
The Swiss Colony and its affiliated businesses have grown by leaps
and bounds, from cheese and food gifts to general merchandise
encompassing several different brands. Today, the Swiss Colony
(recently renamed Colony Brands to reflect the diversity of
companies) is one of the largest direct marketers in the United
States and employs more than 1,000 regular employees and about
4,500 temporary employees in 12 communities across the Midwest.
Colony Brands, Inc. provides customers with furniture and home
décor, apparel, entertaining products, gifts and collectibles and
much more. The Swiss Colony,
LLC subsidiary was formed to
continue to sell cheese, pastries,
sausage and other food and gift
items through the Swiss Colony®
catalogs and web site.
American Orthodontics
You can credit this
Sheboygan County
company with helping
orthodontists give every
patient the smile they deserve! American Orthodontics, founded
in 1968, is the world’s largest privately held manufacturer of
orthodontic appliances, with more than 600 employees worldwide,
serving customers in more than 100 countries. AO is a global
company with a local heart, manufacturing 95 percent of their
product offering at their state-of-the–art manufacturing facility in
Sheboygan. In its 45 year history, AO has never had one layoff, and
has exceeded prior years’ sales each and every year, largely due to its
ability to innovate new products and manufacturing technologies.
American Orthodontics is a true orthodontic industry leader,
committed to providing customers quality products, dependable
delivery, and personalized service. So the next time you see
someone with braces grinning from ear to ear, remember that the
brackets, bands, and wire were most likely made in Wisconsin!
Going Global? You,re Not Alone!
Global Opportunities and Assistance for Businesses in Wisconsin
By Reed E. Hall, Secretary and Chief Executive Officer, Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation
here’s a world of opportunities
for Wisconsin businesses. With
96 percent of the world’s population
consuming products outside the U.S. and
one billion people expected to join the
global middle class in the next decade,
Wisconsin businesses need to aggressively
seek opportunities outside U.S. borders.
Equipment for farming, water purification
and energy production are among the
goods that present long-term growth
The world’s population recently surpassed
7 billion and the United Nations predicts
it could reach 9 billion by 2050. Where
is this growth and associated opportunity
WEDC’s team of Market
Development Directors are
the first points of contact for businesses
to get assistance identifying needs and
answering questions about a global market.
Our team works with other state agencies
and trade representatives in 36 countries to
provide the insights and contacts businesses
need to develop and execute market-specific
business development strategies.
Wisconsin has benefited from a booming
export economy, especially when it comes
to high-quality manufactured products,
medical technologies and agricultural
products. Exports of Wisconsin goods
exceeded $23.1 billion in 2012.
China is the world’s most populous country
with just over 1.3 billion people. One in
every five people on the planet is a resident
of China.
India is home to 1.2 billion people, or 17
percent of the world’s population. In the
past decade, India’s population grew by 181
million. That represents an increase nearly
equal to the entire population of Brazil.
By 2030, it’s predicted India will overtake
China as the world’s most populous nation.
Brazil is the sixth most populous country
in the world after China, India, the
United States, Indonesia and the Russian
Federation. Its population is approximately
185 million and has a growing middle class,
with 62 percent of Brazilians under 29 years
of age.
Wisconsin has strong opportunities for
selling its manufactured goods to overseas
markets. Wisconsin exported $7.3 billion of
industrial machinery in 2012, representing
about 31 percent of total exports.
in March, the Governor’s Trade Mission
to China in April and a trade venture to
Australia in May.
Also vital is foreign direct investment in
The Wisconsin Economic Development
Wisconsin businesses. WEDC is working
Corporation (WEDC) has helped
to connect foreign investors to Wisconsin
hundreds of Wisconsin companies grow
companies in ways that create jobs, expand
their export business. WEDC stands
supply chains, open doors to new markets
ready to help Wisconsin companies gain
and provide needed investment dollars.
the insights needed to tap
Wisconsin cannot
international markets and
Exports of Wisconsin possibly consume or
help them get their foot
sell everything it
in the door of markets
goods exceeded
produces at home or
around the world.
even nationally. That’s
$23.1 billion in 2012.
WEDC’s trade representatives are business
consultants who can provide businesses
with a detailed market and/or product
analysis that will help them develop a
market entry strategy and select the right
partners to succeed in the market. The trade
representatives will also provide assistance
to arrange meetings with businesses in the
global market.
why exports and foreign
investment are important
elements to the success of trade for
Wisconsin businesses. The global market
provides Wisconsin the opportunity
to build, produce and grow what the
world needs – and to attract investments
from markets that understand the state’s
Visit WEDC online at www.inwisconsin.
com/international to grow your business.
Reed E. Hall, Secretary
and Chief Executive
Officer, Wisconsin
Economic Development
Corporation. Visit for more
Our Export Development Grants and
International Market Access Grants help
companies lay the foundation for new
export strategies or build upon existing
export programs.
WEDC has organized numerous incountry trade events in 2013 to introduce
new markets to Wisconsin businesses,
including a trade venture to South Africa
Wisconsin Business Voice
Jim Morgan
WMC Foundation
We Need to Talk
e need to talk.” Those are four
words you never want to hear
from your teacher, your boss, your parent
or your spouse!
Full disclosure: I am from a mixed
marriage. I work for WMC and my wife is
a public school teacher in Madison. More
disclosure: Our children are graduates of
both public and private high schools. Still
more disclosure: I don’t believe my wife and
I have ever voted for the same person . . .
With that being said, life is never boring.
So to ensure that things stay lively, I
decided to wade into the waters of vouchers,
charter schools and public education
the other night at home, and a spirited
discussion ensued. I stepped into the
ocean of education reform because I have
been fascinated by the recent “dialogue” in
the public forum. To read or listen to the
debate, you can only come to one of two
conclusions: 1) public schools are a disaster,
no one is getting a quality education, the
public monopoly is destroying our country
and the only way to save it is wide-open
competition through school vouchers and
more charter school autonomy, or 2) the
unaccountable, school choice program is
sucking the financial life out of the very
foundation of our country and our public
schools are fantastic, thank you very much!
If only life were that simple.
Getting back to the family “discussion,” my
wife very clearly articulates the challenges
facing an urban middle school. She can list
the initiatives put into place to deal with
controllable factors within the school and
some programs to deal with uncontrollable
factors outside the school. And she provides
an interesting case study in education where
you have students in a system for 13 years
but leadership that is churning every two
or three years and changing direction just
as often.
I counter with the need for innovation and
the fact that history shows a monopoly
is rarely an agent of change, and outside
pressure and innovation can often improve
results for everyone. Using Madison as an
example, we have had an achievement gap
for more than 25 years and we continue
to reject any ideas that are outside the
protected system.
And from there, the back and forth begins.
As you listen to the polarized debate, it
seems we want to attack an enemy and
ideology more so than we want to solve
the problem, and that led me to some
research we did in the Foundation 20
years ago looking at the characteristics of
successful schools. We went nationwide
looking for consensus on what went into a
quality school, tested those characteristics
with educational leaders in Wisconsin,
publicized them and, through a WMC
Foundation awards program, recognized
schools and districts for demonstrating
them. They were:
1) High expectations of both students
and teachers
2) Clear vision
3) Strong leadership
5) Strong staff development
6) Appropriate curriculum
7) Safe, clean and orderly
8) Genuine accountability
9) Recognition and reward for
10) Community and parental support
Those still look pretty good today.
I had the opportunity to have this same
conversation with a number of educators
at our Workforce Paradox Conference in
March and many suggested we re-institute
a recognition program for schools doing
exceptional work. As a result, in an effort
to improve the dialogue around quality
education, the WMC Foundation will again
consider implementing our Excellence in
Education awards to recognize those who
are leading the way. We will make a formal
announcement in the coming months.
In the meantime, the debate will continue…
in spirited households like mine, as well as
in the town square. I would encourage the
debaters to focus the discussion on the 10
characteristics above. In other words… we
need to talk. BV
Follow Morgan on Twitter @JimMorgan1960
Excellence in
More information coming soon.
Hiring Wisconsin’s Heroes
The U.S. currently has a shortage of skilled
workers that is projected to get worse. Filling
that worker pipeline isn’t as easy as one
would think given the 7.6 percent national
unemployment rate.
It is a paradox and there isn’t a one-size-fitsall solution. But one piece of the puzzle can
be the patriotic men and women who have
served in the National Guard.
WMC’s Kurt Bauer serves on the American
Jobs for America’s Heroes (AJAH) Advisory
Board. The national effort works to match
the unique and very marketable skills
National Guard Veterans have acquired
when serving their country. Perhaps the
most valuable and in-demand traits Guard
Veterans offer potential employers are
integrity, discipline and loyalty. They also
have both leadership and teamwork skills
that can be applied to many different work
settings and business sectors.
Despite the fact that Guard Veterans can
make ideal employees, the unemployment
rate among their ranks is 20 percent. AJAH’s
goal is to lower that rate by connecting
Guard Veterans with employers.
Scan this tag or visit the
AJAH website (http://www.
ng/ajah_mm.html) to learn
The BenefiTs Of
hiring VeTerans
Translating Military Expertise
to Civilian Excellence
May 15–Mercury Marine–Fond du Lac
June 4–American Family Insurance–
July 10–Gateway Technical College–
iMET Center–Sturtevant
WMC in the News
“As an economist, she will bring a welcome perspective to the University of Wisconsin –
Madison. Our business community understands that UW-Madison is vitally important to
economic development and we look forward to working with the new chancellor to foster
economic growth and prosperity for our state.” – Kurt Bauer, WMC President/CEO, speaking
on the appointment of Rebecca Blank as chancellor of UW-Madison, The Business Journal, March
18, 2013
“Now a mining company will have a fair chance at getting a permit to mine for iron if the
company can demonstrate that it will protect the environment.” – Scott Manley, WMC Vice
President of Government Relations, speaking on the mining legislation signed by Governor Walker,
Journal Sentinel, March 11, 2013
“If the determination of what is actually going on in the marketplace is between a theoretical
review of academic studies and data sources, or the reality of hundreds and hundreds of
Wisconsin manufacturers who are trying to hire, we will trust the manufacturers.” – Jim
Morgan, WMC Foundation President, speaking on a workforce report released by a UWM professor
which stated there is not a workforce shortage in Wisconsin, The Business Journal, March 16, 2013
“I am tempted to praise Governor Quinn’s decision because I do think it makes Wisconsin’s
business climate even more attractive by comparison. Quinn is putting political populism
ahead of fiscal pragmatism.” – Kurt Bauer, WMC President/CEO, speaking on the Illinois
Governor’s proposal to raise his state’s minimum wage from $8.25 to $10/hour, Financial Times,
February 13, 2013
“The winners are recognized as the best of the best. Winners tell us year after year they had
no idea the award would open so many doors for them.” – Katy Pettersen, WMC Director
of Marketing, speaking about the Wisconsin Manufacturer of the Year Awards, Green Bay Press
Gazette, February 18, 2013
August 7–Wisconsin Indianhead
Technical College–Superior
September 10–Blackhawk Technical
October 9–Wausau Window and
Wall Systems–Wausau
November 5–Logistics Health, Inc.–
La Crosse
 How to Translate the Skills Veterans
 The Financial Benefits of Hiring
Veterans (tax credits, on-the-job
training funds, etc)
 Employer Presentations: A Businessto-Business Explanation of how
Hiring Veterans will Benefit Your
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“Events” page of our website at
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Janie Ritter
Director of
Wisconsin Safety Council
June is Safety Month
Invest in Your Safety Program
very June, the National Safety Council
(NSC) encourages organizations to
get involved and participate in National
Safety Month. National Safety Month
is an annual observance to educate and
influence behaviors around leading causes
of preventable injuries and death.
Unintentional injuries and deaths in the
United States remain at unacceptable levels,
demonstrating the need for a national
observance such as National Safety Month.
Unintentional deaths reached an estimated
126,100 in 2010*, compared with an estimate
of 122,700 in the previous year. The cost of
unintentional injuries to Americans and their
employers exceeds $730 billion nationally.
The Wisconsin Safety Council is a chapter
of NSC and we encourage you, as a leader
in your organization, to invest in your safety
programs by participating in June is National
Safety Month. WSC will provide access to
posters, tip sheets, safety articles, 5-minute
safety talks and other information and
activities to help you involve everyone. We
hope you will use these materials to find
creative ways to bring out the safety leader
in every one of your employees. Visit the
Wisconsin Safety Council website – www. - for June is Safety
Month information.
This year's theme, "Safety Starts with Me,"
was inspired by the pillar of Leadership
and Employee Engagement from the
Journey to Safety Excellence. Successful
organizations engage everyone in safety and
create a culture where people feel a personal
responsibility not only for their own safety,
but for that of their coworkers, family and
friends. This year’s observance highlights
the need to practice safe behaviors 24/7, as
significantly more employees are injured off
the job than while at work. While leadership
from the top is important, creating a culture
where there is a sense of ownership of safety
by all makes everyone in the organization a
safety leader.
2013 Weekly Themes
Week 1: Preventing Slips, Trips and Falls
Week 2: Employee Wellness
Week 3: Emergency Preparedness
Week 4: Ergonomics
Bonus Topics: In the event the weekly
themes do not fit into your schedule or you
are looking for additional topics you could
focus on Summer Safety or Driving Safety.
While June has been designated “Safety
Month,” don’t stop when June ends. Safety
should be a priority all year long. BV
*2010 is the latest year the statistical safety
information is available.
Follow WSC on Twitter @WISafetyCouncil
These companies have shown their commitment to safety through annual sponsorship
of the Wisconsin Safety Council.
Ariens Company
BMO Harris Bank, N.A.
Briggs & Stratton Corp.
John Deere Horicon Works
Waupaca Foundry
Alliant EnergyWisconsin Power & Light
The Boldt Company
Colony Brands, Inc.
Johnsonville Sausage, LLC
NSP-Wisconsin/Xcel Energy
RGL Holdings, Inc.
Rockwell Automation
Tweet/Garot Mechanical, Inc.
ABB, Inc.
Hy-Test Safety Shoe Service
InSinkErator (Emerson)
ITU Inc.
Kerry Ingredients
Mathews Solocam
Pearl Engineering Corp.
Sentry Insurance
Waukesha Metal Products
Enviro-Safe Consulting, LLC
Fitesa-Green Bay
Foth Infrastructure &
Environment, LLC
Heritage-Crystal Clean
J.F. Ahern Co.
JJ Keller & Associates, Inc.
Johnson Insurance Services,
Kwik Trip
SC Johnson
Scheck Mechanical Wisconsin
Secura Insurance Companies
Webcrafters, Inc.
Balistrieri Environmental &
Development, Inc.
Damarco Solutions
Hestra JOB Work Gloves
Mercury Marine
North Shore Environmental
Construction Inc
Toro Company
Wisconsin Business Voice
The American Dream vs. the Liberal Dream
By David Azerrad
he Left and the Right do not see
eye-to-eye on much of anything
these days. How interesting, then, how
everyone seems to agree that the American
Dream—an idea central to our country’s
self-understanding—is under threat.
Leading Republicans and Democrats worry
that it’s becoming too hard to make it in
America. Progressive journalists, union
leaders, and conservative pundits all wonder
whether we are still the land of opportunity.
Our cherished American Dream, we are
told, is fading into the sunset.
Given the deep rift between liberals and
conservatives, it should come as no surprise
that upon closer inspection, they do not
mean the same thing at all when they speak
of the American Dream.
While conservatives still consider the
traditional promise of opportunity and
upward mobility to be at the heart of the
American Dream, liberals have subtly
redefined it along egalitarian and statist lines.
The exhortation to work hard and persevere
if you fail has given way to calls for greater
government involvement in ensuring all rise
in the first place. The acceptance of unequal
results as an inevitable part of the pursuit of
happiness has been supplanted by demands
that income be redistributed more fairly.
While the American Dream we all know is
about climbing the ladder of opportunity,
the new liberal American Dream can best be
likened to an escalator of results: everyone
hops on and moves up without effort.
The real American Dream is first and
foremost about hard work and the
opportunities created by a free economy.
Stemming from our founding principles, it
can be summed up by a simple equation:
Economic Freedom + Culture of Work =
Prosperity and Opportunity
Contrary to the straw-man caricatures
peddled by the Left, government has an
important supporting role to play for this
dream to come true. It must, for example,
uphold the rule of law, secure property rights,
ensure access to education, and provide a
safety net—not a hammock—for those who
fall on hard times.
The focus, however, remains on the
individual and his efforts to rise and help
those around him do the same. Given
the diversity of individual efforts and the
vagaries of life, not all will succeed. Unequal
results are a natural outcome of equal
For the Left’s new dream to deliver on
its promise, America will have to be
completely overhauled, and the character of
its citizens profoundly altered. The spirited,
entrepreneurial, and determinedly selfreliant citizens envisioned by the Founders
of our constitutional republic will give way
to a herd of timid and envious clients who
increasingly turn to an omnipotent state for
their well-being. Those who succeed will no
longer be admired and emulated, but envied
and targeted.
The American Dream is an expression of
the American mind. It grows out of our
principles and defines us as a nation. People
the world over know that America is the
land of opportunity. The stakes are too
high—the cause is too dear to us—for us to
let the American Dream slip away and give
way to the Left’s new dream. BV
The Left’s new dream, by contrast, is first
and foremost about all that the federal
government must do to create opportunity
and ensure that incomes are distributed more
equitably. Individual effort takes a backseat
to government spending and cradle-tograve entitlements. Under this scheme,
government spending—not private sector
growth—generates opportunity. Hence, the
new Left’s new catch phrase: “we (i.e. the
government) must invest in opportunity (i.e.
spend on our pet projects).”
David Azerrad is the
Associate Director of the B.
Kenneth Simon Center for
Principles and Politics at
The Heritage Foundation
and the co-author of
“Defending the Dream:
Why Income Inequality
Doesn’t Threaten
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A Partnership Built for Members in Wisconsin
Steve Benzschawel
Business World Director
Real World Experience…
Life Changing Results
arents want their kids to be successful, that goes without
saying. Getting them there is what causes sleepless
nights. What will they be when they grow up? Will they find
their passion? How can I expose them to experiences that will
help them on their journey?
There are so many things that go into what forms a young person’s
life – friends, mentors, teachers, parents and experiences. What
finally triggers a 16-year-old’s passion is a mystery, but Business
World is proud to have been that trigger in a few lives. The
understanding of free enterprise is critical to a student growing
up in America, and understanding that and the excitement of
entrepreneurism has “lit the bulb” for many Business World
graduates. But so has the experience itself. We received this letter
from a parent after last summer’s program.
Our success stories of alumni who have gone on to lead Wisconsin
companies are many. For more than 30 years, the Wisconsin
Business World program has been educating young people about
the principles of our free enterprise system so they understand the
importance of entrepreneurship and private-sector businesses. From
Dan Olszewski, whose professional journey has taken him around
the world since his days at Business World, to Austin WhitePentony who was recently named Young Entrepreneur of the Year our graduates are making a positive impact in their communities and
around the world.
Dan Olszewski, BW class of 1982 (pictured at
right), whose career has taken him from the United
States to Tokyo, from the Federal Reserve Board to
being a successful CEO of Parts Now!. Dan now
serves as Director of the Weinert Center for
Entrepreneurship at UW-Madison and a
I just wanted to let you know the impact that Business World has had
co-founder of the Wisconsin Entrepreneurial
on my daughter. While school and the discipline it takes to succeed there
Bootcamp, a graduate level entrepreneurship
came easily to my other children, she has had to work hard to stay focused
program ranked 9th globally among business schools.
and on track. This has not always been easy. I found out about Business
Austin White-Pentony,
World when I attended a conference and brought the information home.
BW class of 2010
To my utter surprise, she said that she thought it sounded like fun. So we
(pictured at right from the
signed her up, and obviously she attended and had a great time. She was
Minnesota Daily online
the operations manager for her company, and met a lot of kids that she
story), took a negative
continues to interact with.
situation - a broken cell
But, what happened after Business World ended is what I wanted to let
phone - and turned it into
you know about.
a profitable business that
would soon outgrow his
When my wife and I dropped her off, she told me she thought she might
dorm room and garner
be “too dumb” to do well at the camp. I gave her my usual Dad pep talk,
him the prestigious
and reminded her of all her great qualities, including her ability to
honor of being named
easily make friends. We left and prayed for the best. I’m not totally sure
Young Entrepreneur
what specifically sparked it, but being part of that team and being in
of the Year by Junior Achievement of Wisconsin. State
a leadership role made a huge difference in her. In the weeks following
Superintendent Tony Evers lauded Austin’s accomplishments,
the camp, she talked a lot about the experience, and we actually started
“Congratulations to Austin for tapping into his passion
having discussions about topics related to manufacturing, leadership and
and developing a company that uses green marketing and
business. She also signed up for an intro to business course at school, and
new technology.” Currently a sophomore at University of
for the first time really started asking questions about college.
Minnesota in the Twin Cities, the sky is the limit for Austin!
Her first semester this year has been nothing short of a transformation. I
Dan and Austin’s successes are just two of the remarkable
also see a major change in her effort, and she has started to really take
stories of our 14,000+ graduates who have attended
pride in her school accomplishments. I think she is starting to understand
Business World since 1982. Students who attend BW have
that in order to reach her goals, she has to start laying the foundation
an experience unlike any other summer camp can provide
now. Turning 16 is a big reason for her new found maturity, but I
because it is taught directly by business professionals. Our
am confident that Business World played a major part in her growth.
advisors are volunteers from the local community who see
I just want to thank you and WMC for offering the program. If you
the value in engaging the future workforce and getting them
ever wonder whether it is making a difference in students’ lives, I can
excited about their careers and the path their professional
without a doubt say that it is. I want to thank you for helping to provide
journey will take. BV
a spark that is making a difference in her life.
Follow Business World on Twitter @WiBusinessWorld
Business World Helps Wisconsin,s
Current and Future Leaders
By Shane Leadholm and Dustin Serrault, Wisconsin Business World Interns
usiness World is a hands-on summer camp that provides high school students the
opportunity to run a “company” and make many of the same decisions faced by real-world
company executives… all while experiencing life on a college campus for four fast-paced days of
competitions and activities. Students leave camp with an increased knowledge of the workplace,
more self-confidence and ambition… and a lot more friends.
Both of us currently work as interns for Wisconsin Business World and have had the opportunity to
experience the free enterprise system in different ways.
“I had the opportunity to attend Business World when I was a junior in high school and have
never forgotten the experience. In the four days at camp I made life-long friends, gained
professional experience and made connections that continue to benefit me today. Four years later
I continue to utilize the knowledge and enthusiasm I gained while at camp.”-Dustin Serrault
“During my time interning at Business World, I have greatly enjoyed working towards the goal
of educating Wisconsin’s future business leaders. In the few months I have been working here,
I have learned that the endless preparation to improve the camp is one of the main reasons this
program is so special.”- Shane Leadholm
During the program, our advisors are volunteers from the local community that see the value in
engaging the future workforce and getting them excited about their careers and what path their
professional journey will take. Bob Denor and Michelle Morrow have both been advisors for the
Business World summer program and shared some of their thoughts about the camp with us.
“The business community is greatly served by this program in giving students a chance to
encourage their personal investigation and potential for a business career in the state. I see in
these students so much positive potential for their contribution to the working environment in
this state. As we hopefully continue to grow the business environment in the state, I am sure
these students will make a difference when their turn comes as leaders.”- Bob Denor, Retired,
Ariens Company, Brillion
“Business World provides students with real-world examples of how a business works and what
decisions are needed to help make a business succeed. They are taught team building skills as
well as real world experience in finance, marketing, IT and sales that can’t easily be taught in
a classroom. Students who attend
Business World leave this program
with a better understanding of how
a company operates, the different
departments in a company and the
effects departments have on other
departments.”- Michelle Morrow, Senior
Employee Relations Specialist, Wisconsin
Physicians Service Insurance Corporation,
With 14,000+ graduates, Business
World continues to not only improve
the lives of students who attend
the camp but also the Wisconsin
community. BV
Wisconsin Business World is honored to have two
Edgewood College students interning with the program
this year. Shane Leadholm (left) is a junior majoring in
Business and Information Technology Education. Dustin
Serrault is a junior with a double major in Business
Marketing and Finance and a minor in Economics.
Business World
30+ Years.
14,000 Students.
2,500 Educators.
Business World, a WMC
initiative, brings high school
students and educators together
with business volunteers at a
college campus or local business
to learn about the challenges
facing our economy. This
opportunity helps tomorrow’s
leaders prepare for their
future in today’s increasingly
competitive global marketplace.
2013 Summer Programs
June 16-19
Edgewood College, Madison
June 23-26
St. Norbert College, De Pere
Chapter of
2013 Safety Training
The Wisconsin Safety Council, a division of WMC, is the reason more people go home safely every day from manufacturing plants, offices, and
construction sites. WSC offers training throughout the year at locations across the state.
May 8
May 6-8
July 16
May 13-16
Lockout/Tagout, Train-the-Trainer
Supervisor Development: Safety & Health Fundamentals
Safety Inspections
July 17
Job Safety Analysis
Instructor Development Course: First Aid/Adult CPR/AED
Safety Training Methods (STM)
May 17
August 6-7
OSHA Construction Breakfast “Health Hazards/Basics of
Respirator Programs”
August 13
Principles of Occupational Safety & Health (POSH)
OSHA 10-Hour Voluntary Compliance for General Industry
Creating a World-Class Safety Culture
September 9
Ergonomics: Managing for Results
September 11
22nd Annual Autumn Safety & Health Conference/Expo
September 24
NFPA 70E Compliance Requirements
August 12-15
August 20
Coaching the Emergency Vehicle Operator, Train-the-Trainer
September 6
Confined Space, Train-the-Trainer
September 10
First Aid/CPR/AED Recertification
September 16-19
June 17
June 19
Incident Investigation: A Root Cause Analysis
September 11
Effective Team Safety
May 20-23
OSHA 30-Hour Voluntary Compliance Course for General
August 21
Coaching the Lift Truck Operator, Train-the-Trainer
OSHA 30-Hour Voluntary Compliance for General Industry
Company News
AWI Donates Labor and Material to Klondike Days
James D. Friedman Named in Best Lawyers in America 2013
Youth Employment Program Celebrates 20th Anniversary
Two Wisconsin Executives to Head U.S. Department of
Commerce Advisory Panel
The Advanced Welding Institute recently
donated labor and materials to build
lumberjack stands for Klondike Days
which took place in Eagle River in March.
Klondike Days is a family-oriented annual
event dubbed by the Wisconsin Department
of Tourism as "Wisconsin's #1 Winter
Family Fun Festival.” “It’s important to give back to the community and
we want to show our students that,” Brian Scheid, AWI Director, says.
“Our students were given direction on the project as they worked on the
stands after school and on the weekends.” The AWI students graduated
from the six month Structural Pipe and Welding Program, which consists
of 85 percent hands-on training, in March.
The Youth Job Center (YJC) job skills program is
celebrating 20 years of service. The program has
taught more than 2,000 high school-aged youth
valuable life skills such as how to find, secure and
keep paid employment. Each year, YJC helps an
average of 100 students ranging from 14 to 17 years
old through means such as individualized jobcoach mentoring, 10 hours of hard and soft job skills instruction, resume
creation, job lead development, application and interview problem solving,
12 weeks of ongoing job performance monitoring and offering free work
permits. In celebration of their 20 years of service, YJC is aiming to grow
their employer base by enlightening even more companies to the benefits
of hiring highly motivated, well-trained and flexible youth. Already,
nearly 100 Dane County employers of various sizes have utilized the
YJC program to provide summer vacation coverage, meet peak seasonal
staffing demands and cover evening and weekend adult staff backup. The
program is also a cost-effective recruitment tool for permanent entry-level
positions following high school graduation or during college attendance.
WMC Board and Executive Committee member, James
D. Friedman of Quarles & Brady LLP was recently
named in The Best Lawyers in America 2013® for
Banking and Finance Law / Financial Services
Regulation Law / Litigation - Banking & Finance). Jim
has been named in Best Lawyers continuously since
1995. He is chair of Quarles & Brady’s Financial Institutions Practice
Group. His practice includes the representation of financial institutions
and their holding companies as well as manufacturers, service businesses
and health care providers in corporate, transactional and international
matters. He also advises businesses, boards of directors and independent
directors or committees of directors in corporate governance, audit or
transactional matters.
The state of Wisconsin will likely
have an important role in discussions
of manufacturing policy taken on by
the U.S. Department of Commerce
given recent appointments to the 2013
Manufacturing Council. Michael
Laszkiewicz, Vice President and General Manager of Rockwell
Automation in Milwaukee, was recently named by acting U.S. Commerce
Secretary Rebecca Blank to Chair of the 2013 Manufacturing Council,
a 30-member national board that advises the
Commerce Secretary. Mary Isbister, President
of the Mequon-based GenMet, will serve as
the council’s Vice Chair. Both Laszkiewicz
and Isbister also served on the Manufacturing
Council last year. Laszkiewicz says he looks
forward to working with the department
and offering new suggestions to strengthen
the nation’s manufacturing and global
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Wisconsin Business Voice
Free Enterprise:
How are we Faring in Wisconsin?
By Mark Crawford
hances are no two people will have
exactly the same definition for free
enterprise – their viewpoints will be
based on education, personal experience
and business beliefs.
That said, most people will agree that free
enterprise is about the ability to pursue
a business venture and sell the final
product or service at a fair price (or even
the highest price the market will bear) to
make a profit. The goal is not only to better
one’s own standing in life, but to improve
society by providing valuable services or
products that make a difference in people’s
lives. The overarching idea is that, ideally,
the free enterprise system will regulate
itself – that if you make shoddy products,
or are unethical or dishonest in your
business dealings, consumers will shun
your products and your company will fail
(and rightly so).
“The free enterprise system asks each of us
to perform a self-assessment,” says Aaron
Powell, partner and vice president of sales
and marketing for Flexion Inc. in Sun
“What am I good at? What am I passionate
about? Then compare these answers to a
market assessment. What problems are
there to be solved that align with my skills
and talents? You must also identify with
and accept the need to generate income
and profit. Profit enables individuals
and companies to create value, achieve
recognition and give back to society by
creating jobs, supporting charities and
paying taxes.”
The Declaration of Independence outlined
the foundation for free enterprise in simple
terms: “We hold these truths to be self-
evident, that all men are created equal, that
they are endowed by their Creator with
certain unalienable Rights, that among
these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of
“Inherent in this document is the idea of
earned success,” says Thomas Donohue,
President and CEO of the U.S. Chamber
in Washington, D.C. “That’s what the
founders were talking about when they
promised the right to pursue happiness.
They didn’t guarantee happiness – nor did
they intend for the government to dole it
out. Instead, they conceived a nation where
success was defined by the individual and
achievement was determined by hard work
and merit. Free enterprise is built on those
Free enterprise drives
economic opportunity
and rewards risk.
People who work
hard and take risks
(and occasionally fail)
have the opportunity
to earn success. Those
who are willing to act on a bold idea, or
pursue a big dream, have a chance to make
a profit. That profit is often reinvested
in new ventures, driving innovation and
economic growth.
Free enterprise is still the best
system in the world for creating
positive social change.
“Free enterprise is all about expanding
access to opportunity, with no guarantee
of equal outcomes,” adds Powell. “One
must first fall in love with the work and
understand that failure is often the best
teacher. Results come through overcoming
and learning from failures; the secret is to
keep moving forward.”
Wisconsin Business Voice
What Is Free Enterprise?
Free enterprise is the system of values and laws that respects private
property, encourages industry, celebrates liberty, limits government
and creates individual opportunity. At any scale, free enterprise must
be linked to the principles of capitalism to be successful.
2006, and to this day still has profound effects on the economy,”
says Teske. “When asset bubbles burst, the generally negative
consequences cause people to question the system.”
The Great Divide
“Free enterprise is not just for the one-percenters,” stresses Dan
Ariens, President and CEO of Ariens Company in Brillion.
“Businesses that want to be successful need to follow a strategy that
is based on the principles of capitalism. This even holds true for
non-profits. Free enterprise is still the best system in the world for
creating positive social change.”
When people react to negative economic news, they often reach the
conclusion that free enterprise is only for the self-interest of a few
and is fundamentally unfair – and call for the federal government
to assume the role of enforcer, punisher and regulator. Yet most of
these opponents simply don’t understand how the free enterprise
system works, or how it contributes to the prosperity and economic
opportunities in their own lives.
also needs a system of banking that can provide financing for
In an ideal world, governments and businesses work together to
create regulatory frameworks and job opportunities that make sense
and are in tune with today’s global economy.
Regulation is eyed warily by many business owners as the greatest
“For many people, when they think of capitalism, they see Gordon
risk to free enterprise. Too much regulation drags the system
Gekko from the movie Wall Street,” says Ariens. “Or they think
down, frustrates business owners, increases red tape, drives up costs
products are overpriced and companies are making too much profit.
and stifles creativity and innovation – hurting the economy. Yet
For example, not many people really understand all the steps it takes
regulation is also essential for creating an
for Ariens Company to build a lawnmower, from sourcing
even playing field for all businesses (for
When government
all the components, painting and plating the parts, and
example, breaking up monopolies).
assembling and distributing the product.”
However, achieving a regulatory
balance that allows industries to
No system is perfect – and that includes free
prosper can be a big challenge. thinking in those terms, businesses enterprise. Yet free enterprise has been the workhorse
“To make free enterprise
will flock to that area because they in creating our high standard of living and continues
to drive our economic recovery. “Free enterprise
work effectively, companies
know they will be able to get
do not claim there is no role for government,”
must compete in a free and fair
“Free enterprise works best when there is a
environment,” indicates Tom Boldt,
government that upholds the rule of
CEO of The Boldt Company in Appleton.
disadvantaged, establishes fair rules
“To accomplish this, we need an effective legal system of laws and
regulations that is fairly interpreted with due process. The system
Todd Teske
use of resources.”
“Government does play a role in a free
enterprise system to ensure that the rights
of citizens are not infringed upon,” agrees
Todd Teske, Chairman, President and
CEO of Briggs & Stratton Corporation in
Milwaukee. “However, government should
not enact undue rules and regulations,
or select winners and losers. Too often,
government attempts to influence the free
market through fiscal and monetary policies
that may result in ‘asset bubbles’ or inefficient
Asset bubbles often burst, creating severe negative impacts. “For
example, government policies regarding the desire for more people
to own a home arguably created the housing bubble that burst in
“Businesses operate with a different mindset than most government
bodies,” says Eric Sauey, Chairman and CEO of Seats Incorporated
in Reedsburg. “Speed-to-market is an essential part of success for
any business. Most government departments that I have dealt with
don’t think that way – this is one of the biggest frustrations business
people have when dealing with government agencies. When
government agencies can move at the speed of business, or at least
be thinking in those terms, businesses will flock to that area because
they know they will be able to get things done.”
Free Enterprise in Wisconsin
This is starting to happen in Wisconsin.
Most business leaders agree an economic transformation is taking
place in Wisconsin.
Getting the state budget in line with revenues was a major first step.
Last year, the U.S. Chamber released a study titled “Enterprising
“Budget deficits often run counter to a healthy, long-term economic
States” that highlights specific strategies states are employing to
environment,” says Teske. “The regulatory environment has also
remain competitive and restore jobs. Wisconsin ranked in the top
become more reasonable in the last couple of years.”
ten for many categories, including tax environment for new firms
Powell looks forward to seeing more taxation reform, responsive
and regulatory reform – for example, state agencies are now required
job training and venture capital creation to help
to submit proposed rules to a cost-benefit analysis, measuring
Wisconsin improve its competitive
the regulation’s potential impact on businesses and the
In an ideal world,
state’s economy.
governments and businesses
“Wisconsin has a window of
“Governor Walker has also
opportunity to accelerate this
been given added powers
frameworks and job opportunities economic renaissance in contrast
to stop proposed new
rules during promulgation that make sense and are in tune with to our neighbors in Minnesota
and Illinois,” says Powell.
and to kill other proposed
free enterprise and
regulations, providing a
between job
check to state regulatory power,”
is near
adds Donohue.
insolvency. Minnesota has a great economy but is increasing taxes,
Initiatives at a local level have been put in
Tom Donohue
fees, and regulations at the same time we are reforming. Now is the
place to encourage innovation and business
time to sell Wisconsin to like-minded entrepreneurs and highstart-ups. “For example the Greater Milwaukee Committee created
skilled workers who share the same values and can contribute to our
MiKE (Innovation in Milwaukee), which brings together innovative
growth objectives.” BV
talent, academia and business to develop creative solutions for the
market and foster a culture of innovation,” says Teske. “Milwaukee
Crawford is a Madison-based freelance writer.
also has the Water Council which is dedicated to making the region
a global cluster for water technology.”
Wisconsin Business Voice
Capitol Veterans Join WMC
Chris Reader is WMC’s specialist on health
care and employment laws and Eric Bott
will focus on energy and environmental
Chris Reader
Eric Bott
Two Capitol veterans joined the WMC
government relations team to advocate on
behalf of industry and job creation.
“I am pleased to announce the addition of
Chris and Eric as they are highly respected
in the Capitol and true policy experts,”
said Scott Manley, WMC vice president of
government relations.
Reader previously served as Chief of Staff
for Senator Rich Zipperer, and as a field
Experience. Our key to
hassle-free benefits.
director for U.S. Congressman Mark Green’s
campaign. Most recently, he served as
Administrator of the Telecommunications
Division at the Public Service Commission.
Bott served as policy and budget director for
Senator Majority Leader Scott Fitzgerald.
He previously served as policy and budget
director, as well as outreach director, for
Speaker Jeff Fitzgerald. In addition, Bott
has held numerous positions as campaign
manager and legislative assistant.
“Eric and Chris have both been
instrumental in advancing legislation to
make Wisconsin a more competitive and
business-friendly state,” Manley said. “We
are lucky to have them on our team and
confident they will zealously advocate on
behalf of Wisconsin businesses.”
Shoys Promoted
to Senior Vice
WMC’s Kurt Bauer is
pleased to announce the
promotion of Mike
Shoys to Senior Vice
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Bauer said “Mike Shoys
has been a key member
of the WMC leadership team for a number
of years. This promotion is recognition for
his position of responsibility and authority
to manage most of the operations of the
Association. This is a complex organization
with many moving parts and Shoys’
experience and organizational skills along
with the respect he has garnered from our
voluntary leadership and staff warrant this
promotion. I have full confidence that the
internal operations of the Association are in
good hands with Mike Shoys.”
Shoys, who has held various positions within
WMC since 1995, was originally hired
as Vice President of the WMC Service
Corporation, a for-profit subsidiary of
WMC offering group insurance products
and other services to WMC member
companies. Since that time, his role
has expanded to encompass all internal
operations including finance/accounting,
human resources, information technology
and facilities management. Shoys is leading
WMC’s remodel which is underway. BV
Iron Mining Reform is First Law
Signed this Session
WMC Pro-Growth Agenda Advancing
proposed $1.5 billion investment in an iron ore mine in Iron County
took an important step forward in February when Governor Walker
signed iron mining reform legislation into law. The Governor signed Act 1 at
ceremonies in Rhinelander and Milwaukee, the latter of which took place at
mining equipment manufacturer Joy Global.
WMC has led the effort to advance the mining reform legislation over the
past two years, and greatly appreciates the support of Governor Walker and
legislative Republicans who supported its passage. The proposed mining project
is expected to create 2,000 construction jobs, 700 mining jobs, and 2,100 other
jobs throughout the state to support the mining operation.
And while the iron mining reform dominated the debate and headlines in
the first few months of 2013, a number of WMC’s key policy proposals are
advancing through the Legislature.
In 2011, Governor Walker and the Legislature approved a number of key
proposals aimed at improving our business climate – tax relief, union reforms,
regulation relief and lawsuit reform.
They aren’t slowing down, and WMC is working with policymakers to
understand which reforms are needed to keep up the momentum to make
Wisconsin the most competitive state in the nation.
WMC is aggressively advancing our policy agenda in the Legislature with key
tax relief, lawsuit reforms and regulatory relief making significant progress at the
Four significant lawsuit reforms are moving through the Legislature, including
“phantom damages” reforms that allow juries to know the actual cost of medical
procedures. WMC is also advancing personal injury trust transparency, private
attorney contracting reforms for government contingency fee contracts and
patient informed consent reforms.
WMC is working to ensure the state budget contains tax cuts as it moves
through the Legislative process.
Visit to read our full policy agenda, aimed at making Wisconsin
the most competitive state in the nation, and to review the status of the bills we
are advancing at the Capitol. BV
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Governor Walker congratulated WMC's Scott Manley after signing Act 1,
which creates an iron ore permitting process.
Wisconsin Business Voice
Chris Reader, WMC
WMC Director of Health &
Human Resources Policy
Minimum Wage: It Doesn’t Have to Be
Us Versus Them
n impediment of American free
enterprise is unnecessary government
involvement in private industry, even when
well intentioned. Such is the case with
relentless calls for increasing the minimum
wage. Originally struck down by the
U.S. Supreme Court as unconstitutional
multiple times during the 1920s and
1930s, the minimum wage in some form
has been law ever since a favorable vote
on the 1937 Supreme Court case, West
Coast Hotel Company v. Parrish, 300 U.S.
379. Since that time, the political debate
has not been whether we should have
a minimum wage, but rather what the
minimum pay for low-skilled
and entry level workers
should be.
proposal does not allow for decreases to the
mandated wage if the CPI should drop in
any future year. Not to be outdone, President
Obama asked Congress for an increase
to $9.00 per hour during his State of the
Union address in February.
President Obama and the Wisconsin
Democrats are continuing the minimum
wage debate by recycling anti-free market
arguments as old as the minimum wage
itself. For instance, Representative Mason
was quoted on Fox 6 in Milwaukee on
March 10 saying “A minimum wage
basically means the employer would pay
you less if they could, but they can’t. That’s
what a minimum wage
basically says.”
WMC has a different
That antiEarlier this year,
approach. We want Wisconsin’s employer tone is
the never-ending
emblematic of
chorus calling
workforce to earn a higher wage, to how minimum
for a higher
see the standard of living increase wage
minimum wage
continued in
and to see more cash infused view the debate.
Wisconsin when
Rather than
into our economy.
a group of legislative
allowing employers and
Democrats, led by Senator Bob
individuals to enter into mutually
Wirch of Kenosha and Representative Cory beneficial agreements as to what one’s
Mason of Racine, introduced Senate Bill 4
work product is worth, they view it as an
(SB4), which would increase the minimum
‘us’ versus ‘them’, employer versus employee
wage in the Badger State from $7.25 to
fight that government needs to referee.
$7.60 an hour. Additionally, SB4 would
Lost on them is the fact employers have a
establish annual increases going forward tied finite number of dollars to pay their staff,
to the Consumer Price Index (CPI). The
and if the government forces employers to
authors argue that tying the minimum wage pay certain workers higher wages than they
to CPI will ensure a so-called living wage
otherwise would leverage in the marketplace,
into the future. Interestingly, however, their
that unquestionably results in other workers
receiving less pay and less people being hired
Free market economist Milton Friedman
spent his career arguing that wellintentioned social welfare ideas, like the
minimum wage, actually end up having the
opposite impact on low-skilled workers and
the poor by causing employers to hire fewer
people at entry-level wages, leaving the rest
to be unemployed and likely on government
That’s why WMC has a different approach.
We want Wisconsin’s workforce to earn a
higher wage, to see the standard of living
increase and to see more cash infused into
our economy. We are focused on doing
that not by asking government to simply
mandate higher wages, rather we support
policies aimed at fixing the workforce
paradox in our state so the people coming
out of Wisconsin high schools, technical
colleges and universities are ready to
be active and valuable members of the
workforce. By having a skilled workforce
and increasing the overall output of our
economy, the free enterprise marketplace
will ensure workers are paid a proper wage
for work performed. BV
Follow Chris on Twitter @ReaderWMC
Wisconsin Business Voice
Knowledge Powers Wisconsin’s Economy
By Kevin P. Reilly
n an economy driven by knowledge and
innovation, the University of Wisconsin
System is preparing a stronger workforce
to accelerate business success. More than
35,000 new University of Wisconsin
graduates will enter the workforce
this year, ready to put their talent and
entrepreneurial spirit to work.
online coursework, military service, on-thejob training and other learning experiences.
With an eye toward building educational
capacity in the most efficient manner
possible, UW campuses are collaborating
in new ways. A student at UW-Fox Valley,
for example, can earn an engineering degree
from UW-Platteville without ever leaving
the Fox Valley.
This work has never been more important.
According to the Georgetown University
Now more than ever, there is a high demand
Center on Education and Workforce,
for skilled workers in science, technology,
more than 61 percent of all jobs in
engineering, and mathematics (STEM), and
Wisconsin by 2018 will require some form
in health-related fields. Looking across all
of postsecondary education and
UW degrees granted last
training, with 27 percent
year, more than one61 percent of all jobs
needing a bachelor’s
quarter (27.8 percent)
in Wisconsin by 2018
degree or higher. That
were in STEM or
means more familywill require some form of health-related fields.
supporting Wisconsin
postsecondary education That’s the result of
jobs will require some
steady growth. In the
kind of education after
and training
last 10 years, STEM
high school.
degrees have increased by
The UW System is anticipating these
marketplace needs by making it more
convenient for working adults to obtain
a degree. For example, the UW Flexible
Option will be an innovative way to meet
workforce demands by allowing students
to earn degrees through passing a series of
assessments demonstrating their mastery
of required knowledge and skills. They can
acquire this mastery through traditional or
23.4 percent, while health-related degrees
have increased by 35.2 percent, and we
expect these trends to continue.
The Competitive Wisconsin “Be Bold”
report cited finance and accounting as areas
where Wisconsin may face a major skills gap
in the future. Most people are surprised to
learn the most popular disciplines at UW
System institutions, by far, are business
management and related fields, representing
about 18 percent of
all undergraduate
degrees granted.
At the same time,
UW is more
than a business
incubator or job
training school. Our mission is to prepare
students to be successful, productive and
contributing members of society. These ideas
are not mutually exclusive. Employers tell
us they need workers who are adaptable and
flexible. Every UW graduate - regardless of
field of study - is grounded in a set of shared
learning goals. That means in addition to
technical knowledge and skills, UW students
learn to think critically, write clearly, speak
persuasively, interpret data, understand and
appreciate diversity and work well in teams.
Preparing its graduates to be educated
and productive workers is only part of
how the UW System helps the Wisconsin
economy. People sometimes forget a strong
public university also creates new jobs.
Entrepreneurial UW faculty members
today are winning more outside grants and
contracts, engaging in cutting-edge research
that requires very little state taxpayer
support. In fact, academic research and
development is now a $1.1 billion industry
in Wisconsin - one that helps create wellpaying private-sector jobs all across the state.
The UW System continues to focus on new
strategies that will strengthen Wisconsin’s
workforce because a highly skilled and
highly competitive workforce is one of our
state’s most valuable assets. We are working
hard to convey how the UW institutions
improve the state’s competitive edge by
creating stronger businesses, stronger local
communities and a stronger workforce. BV
Kevin P. Reilly is President
of the University of
Wisconsin System. Visit to
learn more.
WMC was honored to be a sponsor of the UW System’s Posters in the
Rotunda in April. The event showcases undergraduate innovations and
discoveries from the various UW Campuses and Centers. Pictured
here are (from left to right) Tom Still from the Wisconsin Technology
Council, Kurt Bauer from WMC and UW System President Kevin Riley.
Eric Bott
WMC Director of Environmental
& Energy Policy
Embrace the Industrial Renaissance
he revolution in unconventional oil
and natural gas production in the
U.S. is nothing short of stunning. In 2012
alone, energy development from hydraulic
fracturing accounted for more than $238
billion in direct economic activity, creating
1.7 million jobs and generating $68 billion
in new tax revenue. The second-order
effects are even more astounding.
The American Chemistry Council recently
projected cheap natural gas would spawn the
investment of $72 billion in gas-demanding
industries. That in turn would generate
an economic impact of $342 billion from
2015-2020 while creating 1.2 million new
jobs. Economists at Citigroup and UBS are
predicting that the shale boom alone will lift
America’s GDP by about half of a point per
year for the next several years.
annually. Since natural gas makes up nearly
70 percent of the input costs for fertilizer,
low prices could mean good news for
Wisconsin’s agricultural sector as well.
Wisconsin benefits from hydraulic
fracturing more directly through the mining
of industrial or “frac sand.” Frac sand
mining is projected to employ thousands
of Wisconsinites over the coming decades.
A recent study showed Wood County
alone will see more than $161 million in
infrastructure investment and the creation
of 930 permanent jobs over the next seven
Indeed, affordable energy and low-priced
natural gas in particular are leading to an
industrial renaissance in the Midwest. A
new $650 million steel mill is being built
in Youngstown, Ohio. An Egyptian firm is
investing $1.4 billion into a fertilizer plant
in Iowa.
Unfortunately, cheap natural gas could end
up becoming less of a growth catalyst for
American manufacturers than we hope
thanks to the Environmental Protection
Agency (EPA). The EPA is waging a war on
coal-fired power plants and boilers. A slew
of regulations commonly referred to as the
“EPA Train Wreck,” are intended to make
coal, our most abundant
and cost effective energy
resource, economically
Wisconsin won’t be left on the sidelines in
this explosion of industrial activity. Natural
gas comprises 25 percent of the input
costs for plastics manufactures, an industry
employing more than 34,000 Wisconsinites
generating payrolls in excess of $1.5 billion
Cheap natural gas could
help to offset some of
the EPA-driven cost
increases but even that
production is under threat.
Environmentalists once
hailed natural gas as a
Low natural gas prices are having such
an impact that companies like GE and
Wham-O Frisbees are “on-shoring,” moving
production from overseas back to the U.S.
This shouldn’t come as much of a surprise as
manufacturers in Germany and France pay
roughly three times what Americans do for
gas, and firms in South Korea and Japan pay
even more.
greener alternative to coal but not anymore.
As the price of natural gas has dropped,
green opposition to the fuel has increased
in-kind. Inexpensive natural gas, it turns out,
threatens the opposition’s vision of a solar
and wind powered utopia.
Casting aside sound science and economics,
these modern luddites are conducting an
unrelenting assault on hydraulic fracturing
and in doing so they are forcing Americans
to make a very serious choice about our
energy future.
The good news is that this is still our choice
to make. We can heed the canards of the
greens or embrace the industrial renaissance,
reaping the benefits of affordable energy for
generations. This choice seems simple. Let’s
hope it’s as straight forward to our policy
makers. BV
Follow Eric on Twitter @BottWMC
This is bad news for a
country that generates 42
percent of its electricity from
coal but it’s potentially lethal
to a manufacturing state like
Wisconsin where we count
on coal for 65 percent of our
Wisconsin Business Voice
WMC at Home and on the Road
Copyright National Assoc of Manufacturers
1.More than 30 Nigerian diplomats visited WMC to hear about
Wisconsin’s economic development opportunities.
2. Wisconsin Department of Revenue Secretary Rick Chandler
spoke to groups of local chambers of commerce from around the
state during regional meetings hosted by Wisconsin Chamber of
Commerce Executives organization, a WMC affiliate.
3. WMC was honored to welcome Consul General Zhao Weiping from
China’s Chicago Consulate. Pictured with Consul General Zhao is
WMC’s Kurt Bauer.
6. Senators Dale Schulz (R-Richland Center) and Tim Cullen
(D-Janesville) spoke to a group of high school students from
Janesville that WMC hosted on their trip to Madison.
7. National Association of Manufacturers (NAM) awarded First District
Congressman Paul Ryan (R-Janesville) with an award for his support
of American Manufacturing at Snap-on in Kenosha. Pictured (from
L to R) is Jay Timmons, NAM president/CEO; Kurt Bauer, WMC
president/CEO; Congressman Ryan and Nick Pinchuk, chairman/
president/CEO of Snap-on, Inc.
4. Buckley Brinkman, WMEP; Mary Isbister, GenMet; WMC’s Jim
8. Governor Scott Walker declared WMC “the greatest chamber of
5. Jim Haney, former WMC President; Charley Klein, Fox Valley
9. WMC is building a new video studio within our headquarters to
Morgan; and Dawn Tabat, Generac Corporation spoke about the
workforce paradox at WMEP’s Manufacturing Matters! Conference
in Milwaukee.
Spring Corp; Mark Tyler, OEM Fabricators; Brian Baker, Sentry
Equipment Corp; Kim Korth, Dickten Masch Plastics; and Lou
Gentine, Sargento Cheese; all past Manufacturer of the Year awardwinning companies, spoke at WMEP’s Manufacturing Matters!
Conference about what it takes to win a MOTY award.
commerce in the country” during his appearance at this year’s
Wisconsin Manufacturer of the Year awards ceremony.
bring timely news to our members. Watch for video updates later
this summer.
Jason Culotta
WMC Director of Tax &
Transportation Policy
Developments in Transportation and the
Impact on Wisconsin’s Economy
here’s a lot of excitement these days
about major changes occurring in the
global economy’s transportation system.
As further efficiencies are realized in
logistics, a corresponding price reduction
for consumers should occur, all things
being equal.
First, improvements to the Panama Canal
will be completed in mid-2015. The canal
presently functions like a one-lane country
road. Forty-two ships transit the canal each
day, leaving a line waiting to get through
the next day. Opening the equivalent of an
additional lane is a major portion of the
canal upgrade. In addition, the current 39.5
foot depth and 110 foot width limit on
ships passing through will be increased to
50 feet deep and 180 feet wide.
The improvements will allow ships
carrying 12,000 TEUs (20-foot equivalent
units, measured in 20-foot international
intermodal containers) to pass through the
canal, versus the 4,800 TEUs carried by the
largest ships transiting the canal today.
The canal expansion will substantially
improve the connection between the
eastern U.S. and Asia. With larger-sized
ships passing through the canal, east coast
cities like Baltimore, Jacksonville, New
York, and Norfolk are preparing to handle
ships with a 50-foot draft.
The state of Florida is making substantial
investments in deepening and improving
the Port of Miami and Port Everglades
at Fort Lauderdale. The state is convinced
making these investments to allow the
larger new ships access will give a natural
competitive advantage over other Atlantic
ports, especially because Florida’s ports are
much closer to Panama.
anchor tenant. As freight increasingly
moves in intermodal containers, Wisconsin
will require more such facilities throughout
the state to connect with the emerging
national intermodal network.
Examples of these new corridors include
the Meridian Speedway, taking days
off the route from the ports of Los
Angeles and Long Beach to Atlanta; the
Crescent Corridor, which stretches from
Birmingham, Alabama, to suburban New
York; the Heartland Corridor and the
National Gateway projects,
connecting the Midwest with
Atlantic ports.
are now in service in North America, an
increase of 51,000 since 2010. While small
in numbers compared to the 29 million
international containers estimated to exist
around the world, the 53-foot container
will play an increasingly important role in
our economy.
Third, a further trend in transportation
innovation is the transloading of
international freight from 20- or 40-foot
oceangoing international containers to
Second, the development
53-foot domestic containers.
across the U.S. of freight
Ocean carriers are
As freight increasingly
rail corridors allowing
concerned about
moves in intermodal containers, losing money
the use of doublestacked intermodal
Wisconsin will require more such on equipment
container trains has
facilities throughout the state to heading into the
greatly increased
U.S. interior and
connect with the emerging
rail productivity
being unavailable
and competitiveness.
national intermodal network. for extended periods
Years in the making,
of time. A container
these projects have raised many
transload operation currently
bridges over rail corridors and installed
operates near Los Angeles and another
double-tracking to allow maximum speed
is set to open just inland of the Port of
and minimize delays in moving containers
between major hubs.
Over 200,000 53-foot domestic containers
Only two intermodal
container terminals presently
operate in Wisconsin. A
private terminal serves
Ashley Furniture in Arcadia
while Canadian National
opened a public Chippewa
Falls terminal in 2012 which
features Menards as the
How Wisconsin businesses access these
logistics opportunities is a major question.
Whether benefitting from improved
Atlantic port access, getting connected to
the freight rail corridors moving increasing
volumes of container traffic cross country,
or even gaining access to the container
equipment moving more of the 21st
Century economy, changes will continue
for the U.S. transportation infrastructure.
Follow Jason on Twitter @JGCullota
Wisconsin Business Voice
By State Senator Jennifer Shilling
(D-32nd District)
he beginning of spring means it’s time to start
enjoying America’s pastime – baseball season. As
we sit back and get ready for another long and hopefully
successful Brewers season, it’s easy to take for granted
the rules that govern the game of baseball. From the
diameters of the field, to the number of players allowed to participate, to the
process of running the bases, Major League Baseball establishes the rules all
teams have to follow. These rules ensure all teams are competing on a level
playing field as they strive to win a pennant, and maybe even the World Series.
In the same way the MLB rules provide structure for professional baseball teams to
compete on the field, government plays an important role in providing a structure
for businesses to compete in the market. From intellectual property and antitrust
laws to consumer and environmental protections, citizens expect their governments
to establish rules that ensure a fair and level playing field for business competition.
Imagine a free enterprise system that did not have legal protections for intellectual
property. Why would any business invest in research and development of new
products if they did not have copyright and trademark protections for those
products? And imagine if antitrust protections weren’t in place to prevent
monopolies from controlling the market and unfairly squeezing competitors.
How could our economy truly benefit from free trade without responsible laws
that prohibit price-fixing, collusion, monopolization and other practices that limit
competition and create an uneven playing field?
As with rules governing any competitive sport, the rules governing the free
enterprise system must continue to evolve and be responsive to changes in the
market. While the basic fundamentals of the market remain the same today as
when our nation was first founded, technological advancements, the pressures
of globalization and the lessons learned from past mistakes require a continual
reassessment of existing laws.
Of course, there will always be disagreement between Democrats and Republicans,
liberals and conservatives, and unions and management about the scope and
wording of laws governing the market but this disagreement is part of our
democratic system and helps ensure a responsible balance among competing
interests. Ensuring that all parties – businesses, consumers, investors, workers,
conservationists and others – have a voice in the process is important for creating a
level playing field where businesses can succeed, consumers are protected, workers
can receive a living wage and investors can see a decent return.
Too often in the political world the focus is on partisanship and there is an
unwillingness to find common ground and reach a compromise. At the end of
the day, we all share the desire to have a strong economy and we want Wisconsin
businesses to succeed so they can create jobs, broaden the tax base and make
investments in our local communities.
As the economy continues to evolve and new lessons are learned it’s important
we continue to update and modernize our laws to reflect the changing times. Just
like Major League Baseball changed their rules to ban the use of steroids and
other performance-enhancing substances to protect the integrity of the game,
elected officials must continue to update the laws to prevent cheating and ensure
fair competition for all businesses. By ensuring a level playing field with laws that
balance the competing interests of the market with the importance of providing
adequate consumer, worker, environmental and intellectual property protections,
we can create an environment that encourages investment and business growth for
the benefit of all Wisconsin residents.BV
Jennifer Shilling represents the 32nd State Senate District which covers La Crosse,
Vernon, Crawford and part of Monroe Counties. She currently serves as the ranking
Senate Democrat on the Joint Committee on Finance.
What shou
role of gov
in free ent
uld be the
By State Senator Scott Fitzgerald
(R-13th District)
ith the 2013-14 legislative session now several
months old, I am appreciative of the opportunity
to write a few words about the legislature’s efforts to
improve our state’s business climate, and the progress
that has been made over the past two years.
I recently had the opportunity to speak at Steelwind
Industries in Oak Creek about our tax climate and the upcoming budget
deliberations that will set the state’s fiscal policy for the next biennium. Steelwind
Industries reminded me of how successful entrepreneurs and small business
owners can be when government gets out of the way and works to lower taxes,
remove unnecessary regulations, and encourage investment and expansion through
sound fiscal policy. Senate Republicans know that the private sector is the engine
that drives the state’s economy, and that tax hikes and overregulation impede job
creators’ efforts.
While the national economy continues to endure a sluggish recovery, the
White House and Congress seem to be moving farther away from reaching any
meaningful compromises to spur growth and reduce unemployment. Fortunately
in Wisconsin, that gridlock does not currently exist and time is not being wasted
debating massive tax hikes to pay for out-of-control government spending.
We have already passed several pro-jobs bills through both houses of the legislature
and sent them to Governor Walker for his signature. The first bill signed into law
(2013 Act 1) was a comprehensive update of our state’s mining statutes, aimed at
encouraging investment in the iron mining industry. In addition to the millions of
dollars in investment and the hundreds of jobs a new iron ore mine would create,
many peripheral industries stand to benefit as well from the re-emergence of an
industry that played a significant role in our state’s heritage.
We addressed the need for better job-search tools for unemployed individuals by
approving funding for a state of the art Labor Market Information System that
will match online applicants to job postings in real time. We passed a law that will
give companies experiencing a slow production cycle the flexibility to adjust their
staffing levels instead of resorting to layoffs.
And recognizing the critical role a
The private sector is the
strong transportation infrastructure
in our state economy, we
engine that drives the state’s plays
passed a joint resolution (that
economy… tax hikes and
now goes to the Wisconsin voters
a referendum) to protect our
overregulation impede job state’s
Transportation Fund from
creators’ efforts.
raids to pay for other areas of state
In the coming months we will be focused on balancing our budget in a fiscally
responsible manner, keeping property taxes in check, and continuing to improve
the overall business climate. With a national economy that is still lagging, and
the full implementation of the federal Affordable Care Act looming, we must be
vigilant in ensuring our businesses can operate in an environment where they have
the flexibility and tools needed for success. BV
Senate Majority Leader Fitzgerald represents the 13th Senate District, which covers
parts of Dodge, Jefferson, Waukesha, and Columbia counties.
Wisconsin Business Voice
early 200 people attended WMC’s second annual Workforce Development
Conference last month at Briggs & Stratton Corporation in Wauwatosa.
Employers have experienced this Workforce Paradox for quite some time and
today, thanks to the combined efforts of businesses, educators, local chambers of commerce, and state leaders, it has moved
to center stage. Throughout Wisconsin, innovative educators are creatively addressing the skills gap and working with business and
community leaders to ensure a qualified workforce. This year’s conference celebrated the progress that has been made and discussed the
plans necessary to make Wisconsin competitive in the training and development of human capital.
Conference highlights included a keynote address from Briggs & Stratton Chairman, President and CEO Todd Teske and “Ask the
Expert” sessions, as well as tours of Briggs & Stratton and advice from today’s leading business and education leaders.
In keeping with innovative and forward thinking, Jim Morgan, WMC Foundation President, shared his adaptation of Dr. Seuss’ beloved
poem “Green Eggs and Ham” tailored to please the Manufacturing-geared crowd.
Morgan’s adaptation started out as follows…
I do not like to make you know
I do not want, that route to go!
And ended with the rousing,
WMC Foundation President Jim Morgan kicks off the
second annual Workforce Paradox Conference.
I would run a CNC
I would run a CAD
And I would make things in the light,
Where the factory is so bright.
And I would make things where it’s clean.
And where it’s safe and earn some green!
And in a shop, that’s where I’ll be.
It is so good to make, you see!
And I will make here and there.
Say! I will make ANYWHERE!
I do so like to make, I do.
The funny thing, I never knew!
The poem reflects the collective efforts of the WMC Foundation and all of WMC’s Workforce Paradox partners to change the younger
generations’ negative and skewed perception of manufacturing careers in Wisconsin today. BV
Todd Teske, Briggs & Stratton CEO, delivered the keynote
address at the conference.
Nearly 200 people attended the conference hosted by Briggs
& Stratton in Wauwatosa.
Phone (608) office
266-1190 119 W
210 N
266-5504 201 W
104 N
126 N
266-9172 107 W
266-7690 322 W
216 N
266-5780 307 W
312 N
20 N
122 N
266-3363 127 W
15 W
107 N
124 N
219 N
266-0616 304 W
412 N
120 N
109 N
266-0610 113 W
266-9870 123 W
316 N
266-5580 303 W
113 N
220 N
15 N
315 N
128 N
212 N
307 N
306 E
218 N
320 E
321 E
266-8580 103 W
208 N
267-5158 129 W
18 W
304 E
209 N
214 N
11 W
 Joint Finance Cmte member
Top leaders in boldface
August, Tyler
Ballweg, Joan (Caucus Chair)
Barca, Peter (Minority Leader)
Barnes, Mandela
Berceau, Terese
Bernard Schaber, Penny
Bernier, Kathy
Bewley, Janet
Bies, Garey
Billings, Jill
Born, Mark
Brooks, Ed
Clark, Fred
Craig, Dave
Czaja, Mary
Danou, Chris
Doyle, Steve
Endsley, Mike
Genrich, Eric
Goyke, Evan
Hebl, Gary
Hesselbein, Dianne
Hintz, Gordon
Honadel, Mark
Hulsey, Brett
Hutton, Rob
Jacque, Andre
Jagler, John
Johnson, Latonya
Jorgensen, Andy (Caucus Chair) D-43
Kahl, Robb
Kapenga, Chris
Kaufert, Dean
Kerkman, Samantha (Caucus Sgt at Arms) R-61
Kessler, Frederick
Kestell, Steve
Kleefisch, Joel
Klenke, John
Knodl, Dan
Knudson, Dean
Kolste, Debra
Kooyenga, Dale
Kramer, Bill (Speaker Pro Temp) R-97
Krug, Scott
Kuglitsch, Mike
Larson, Tom
Lemahieu, Daniel
Loudenbeck, Amy
Marklein, Howard
Mason, Cory
Milroy, Nick
Assembly email: Rep.[LAST NAME]
Assembly Chief Clerk: (608) 266-1501
For more info go to
State Legislature
Murphy, Dave
Mursau, Jeffrey
Murtha, John (Caucus VC)
Nass, Stephen
Nerison, Lee
Nygren, John (JFC Chair)
Ohnstad, Tod
Ott, Alvin
Ott, Jim
Pasch, Sandy (Asst Min Leader)
Petersen, Kevin
Petryk, Warren
Pope, Sondy
Pridemore, Don
Richards, Jon
Riemer, Daniel
Ringhand, Janis (Caucus Sec’y)
Ripp, Keith
Sanfelippo, Joe
Sargent, Melissa
Schraa, Michael
Severson, Erik
Shankland, Katrina
Sinicki, Christine
Smith, Stephen
Spiros, John
Steineke, Jim (Asst Maj Leader)
Stone, Jeff
Strachota, Pat (JFC VC)
Stroebel, Duey
Suder, Scott (Maj Leader)
Swearingen, Rob
Tauchen, Gary
Taylor, Chris
Thiesfeldt, Jeremy
Tittl, Paul
Tranel, Travis
98th A.D.
Vos, Robin (Speaker)
Vruwink, Amy Sue
Wachs, Dana
Weatherston, Thomas
Weininger, Chad
Williams, Mary (Caucus Sec’y)
Wright, Mandy
Young, Leon
Zamarripa, JoCasta (Caucus VC)
Zepnick, Josh (Caucus Sgt at Arms) D-9
Phone (608) office
304 N
18 N
309 N
12 W
310 N
309 E
420 N
323 N
317 N
119 N
266-3794 105 W
306 N
111 N
318 N
118 N
409 N
266-1192 321 W
223 N
21 N
22 W
221 N
418 N
114 N
17 N
204 N
314 N
324 E
207 N
266-2401 115 W
19 N
13 W
266-5342 306 W
16 W
21 N
308 N
266-5120 121 W
266-3387 211 W
112 N
302 N
266-0731 109 W
266-5840 125 W
17 W
10 W
11 N
267-7669 320 W
501 E Washington Ave  Madison, WI 53703-2914
PO Box 352  Madison, WI 53701-0352
Current as of January 1, 2013
Pocket Directory
2013-14 Wisconsin Legislative
Attorney General John B. Van Hollen, Dept of Justice, (608) 266-1221,
17 W Main St, Madison Wi 53703,
Governor Scott Walker (R), 115 E Capitol, Madison, WI 53702,
266-1212, email:
Lt. Gov Rebecca Kleefisch (R), 19E, PO Box 2043, 266-3516
Ryan, Paul (R)
1st Cong. Dist 1233 Longworth
email through:
Pocan, Mark (D)
2nd Cong. Dist 313 Cannon
email through:
Kind, Ron D (D)
3rd Cong. Dist. 1502 Longworth
email through:
Moore, Gwen (D)
4th Cong. Dist 2245 Rayburn
email through:
Sensenbrenner, F. James (R) 5th Cong. Dist 2449 Rayburn
email through:
Petri, Thomas (R)
6th Cong. Dist 2462 Rayburn
email through:
Duffy, Sean P. (R)
7th Cong. Dist 1208 Longworth
email through:
Ribble, Reid (R)
8th Cong. Dist 1513 Longworth
email through:
House of Representatives of the 113th Congress
House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515
Baldwin, Tammy (D)
email through:
Johnson, Ron (R)
email through:
Senators of the 113th Congress
Senate Office Building, Washington, DC 20510
For more info go to
Federal/State Officials
Remove this handy tear-out pocket directory so you always know how to contact your legislators.
Remove this handy tear-out pocket directory so you always know how to contact your legislators.
For more info go to
Children and Families
Bernier (C), Pridemore (VC), Thiesfeldt, Weininger, Tranel, Craig, Zamarripa, Kessler, Berceau
Review of Administrative Rules
LeMahieu (C), Kaufert (VC), August, Hebl, Kahl
Aging and Long Term Care
Endsley (C), Czaja (VC), Williams, Bernier, Petryk, Nerison, Bernard Schaber,
Sargent, Kahl
Nerison (C), Tauchen (VC), Marklein, A. Ott, Murtha, Mursau, Ripp, Tranel, Brooks,
Schraa, Vruwink, Jorgensen, Danou, Smith, Goyke, Wright
Assembly Organization
Vos (C), Suder (VC), Steineke, Kramer, Ballweg, Barca, Pasch, Jorgensen
Kerkman (C), Marklein (VC), Nygren, Richards, Sargent
Campaigns and Elections
Krug (C), Loudenbeck (VC), Endsley, Schraa, Spiros, Kerkman, Taylor, Billings, Johnson
Murtha (C), Sanfelippo (VC), Nass, Murphy, Jagler, Swearingen, Young, Bewley, Genrich
Colleges and Universities
Nass (C), Murphy (VC), Knudson, Weatherston, Stroebel, Ballweg, Krug, Schraa,
Bewley, Billings, Hesselbein, Wachs, Berceau
Constitution and Ethics
Kapenga (Co-C), Billings (Co-C), Jagler, J. Ott, Tauchen, Murphy, Wachs, Shankland
Consumer Protection
Thiesfeldt (C), Tittl (VC), A. Ott, Nerison, Weatherston, Jagler, Pope, Johnson, Wright
Bies (C), Schraa (VC), Brooks, Krug, Thiesfeldt, Kleefisch, Doyle, Pasch, Zamarripa
Criminal Justice
Kleefisch (C), Spiros (VC), Jacque, J. Ott, Severson, Bies, Kessler, Goyke, Johnson
Kestell (C), Jagler (VC), Severson, Nass, Pridemore, Marklein, Thiesfeldt, Pope, Clark,
Wright, Hesselbein
Employment Relations
Vos (C), Suder (VC), Nygren, Barca
Energy and Utilities
Honadel (C), Larson (VC), Jacque, Weininger, Severson, Klenke, Petersen, Zepnick,
Hulsey, Kahl, Shankland
Environment and Forestry
Mursau (C), Krug (VC), Czaja, Loudenbeck, Stroebel, Danou, Milroy, Clark
Family Law
Larson (C), Kestell (VC), Williams, Tittl, Craig, Tranel, Taylor, Pasch, Hebl
Financial Institutions
Craig (C), Kapenga (VC), Stroebel, Sanfelippo, Kramer, Kaufert, Marklein, Weininger,
Born, Hintz, Zepnick, Young, Richards, Genrich, Sargent
Government Operations and State Licensing
August (C), Craig (VC), Knodl, J. Ott, Kooyenga, Hutton, Hulsey, Sinicki, Ringhand
Severson (C), Stone (VC), Sanfelippo, Strachota, August, Kapenga, Petersen, Pasch,
Taylor, Kolste, Riemer
Housing and Real Estate
Petersen (C), Weininger (VC), Czaja, Jagler, Honadel, Craig, Tranel, Born, Murphy,
Stroebel, Danou, Berceau, Young, Doyle, Kahl, Ohnstad
International Trade and Commerce
Weininger (C), Kuglitsch (VC), Williams, Loudenbeck, Tauchen, Murtha, Jorgensen,
Riemer, Sargent
Jobs, Economy and Mining
Williams (C), Knodl (VC), Larson, Sanfelippo, Kapenga, Kuglitsch, Petryk, Petersen,
Stone, Jacque, Clark, Bernard Schaber, Zamarripa, Hintz, Hulsey, Ohnstad
J. Ott (C), Jacque (VC), August, Craig, Kerkman, Larson, Hebl, Wachs, Goyke
Knodl (C), August (VC), Kapenga, Nass, Kuglitsch, Kleefisch, Sinicki, Taylor, Ohnstad
Natural Resources and Sporting Heritage
A. Ott (C), Kleefisch (VC), Born, Bies, Williams, Mursau, Nerison, Petryk, Steineke,
Swearingen, Milroy, Danou, Clark, Hebl, Shankland, Hesselbein
Public Safety and Homeland Security
Jacque (C), Brooks (VC), Murtha, Bernier, Swearingen, Kessler, Zamarripa, Bewley
Suder (C), Vos (VC), Kramer, Steineke, Ballweg, Murtha, Williams, Barca, Pasch, Jorgensen,
Zamarripa, Pope
Rural Affairs
Tauchen (C), Bernier (VC), Krug, Murtha, Ripp, Schraa, Mursau, Marklein, Vruwink, Jorgensen,
Milroy, Bewley, Smith
Small Business Development
Stone (C), Endsley (VC), Hutton, Kaufert, Swearingen, Larson, Ripp, Czaja, Schraa, Tittl,
Jorgensen, Ringhand, Sargent, Smith, Wright, Kolste
State Affairs
Kuglitsch (C), Swearingen (VC), August, Kleefisch, Knodl, Ripp, Zamarripa, Bernard Schaber,
State and Federal Relations
Tranel (Co-C), Young (Co-C), Mursau, Petersen, Tittl, Loudenbeck, Zepnick, Barnes
State and Local Finance
Stroebel (C), Born (VC), Kestell, Weatherston, Nass, Tauchen, Zepnick, Hintz, Berceau
Kaufert (C), Bies (VC), Czaja, Kleefisch, Endsley, Born, A. Ott, Swearingen, Ballweg, Billings,
Hulsey, Doyle, Hebl, Ohnstad
Ripp (C), Thiesfeldt (VC), Spiros, A. Ott, Sanfelippo, Endsley, Larson, Kaufert, Stone, Bernard
Schaber, Vruwink, Doyle, Danou, Riemer, Kolste
Urban and Local Affairs
Brooks (C), Hutton (VC), Jacque, J. Ott, Honadel, Murphy, Hintz, Ringhand, Barnes
Urban Education
Pridemore (C), Thiesfeldt (VC), Jagler, Kestell, Knodl, Weininger, Hutton, Sanfelippo, Sinicki, Pope,
Pasch, Barnes, Johnson
Petryk (C), Weatherston (VC), Suder, Bies, Endsley, Nerison, Pridemore, Brooks, J. Ott, Tittl,
Ringhand, Milroy, Sinicki, Vruwink, Hesselbein, Goyke
Ways and Means
Marklein (C), Kerkman (VC), Ripp, Spiros, Stone, Honadel, Kestell, Hulsey, Riemer, Barnes,
Assembly Workforce Development
Loudenbeck (C), Petryk (VC), Honadel, Kuglitsch, Severson, Pridemore, Weatherston, Born,
Bernier, Knodl, Ringhand, Billings, Kolste, Barnes, Shankland, Wachs
Agriculture, Small Business, and Tourism
Moulton (C), Tiffany (VC), Harsdorf, Petrowski, Schultz, Vinehout, Hansen, Lassa, Taylor
Economic Development and Local Government
Gudex (C), Petrowski (VC), Leibham, Lassa, Taylor
Olsen (C), Farrow (VC), Darling, Vukmir, Gudex, Lehman, Cullen, Harris, Vinehout
Elections and Urban Affairs
Lazich (C), Leibham (VC), Lasee, Taylor, Miller
Energy, Consumer Protection, and Government Reform
Cowles (C), Kedzie (VC), Harsdorf, Hansen, Miller
Financial Institutions and Rural Issues
Schultz (C), Lasee (VC), Petrowski, Lassa, Jauch
Government Operations, Public Works, and Telecommunications
Farrow (C), Gudex (VC), Lasee, Kedzie, Wirch, Harris, Shilling
Health and Human Services
Vukmir (C), Moulton (VC), Lazich, Erpenbach, Carpenter
Insurance and Housing
Lasee (C), Olsen (VC), Schultz, Cullen, Erpenbach
Judiciary and Labor
Grothman (C), Vukmir (VC), Farrow, Risser, Harris
Natural Resources
Kedzie (C), Moulton (VC), Tiffany, Miller, Wirch
Senate Organization
Fitzgerald (C), Ellis, Grothman, Larson, Hansen
State and Federal Relations
Ellis (C), Cowles (VC), Carpenter, Risser, Schultz
Transportation, Public Safety, and Veterans and Military Affairs
Petrowski (C), Leibham (VC), Cowles, Carpenter, Hansen
Universities and Technical Colleges
Harsdorf (C), Schultz (VC), Gudex, Shilling, Erpenbach
Workforce Development, Forestry, Mining, and Revenue
Tiffany (C), Darling (VC), Grothman, Jauch, Lehman
For more info go to
State Legislature
Top leaders in boldface
Phone (608)
 Joint Finance Cmte member
Assembly email: Rep.[LAST NAME]
Assembly Chief Clerk: (608) 266-1501
Carpenter, Tim
Cowles, Robert
Cullen, Timothy F.
Darling, Alberta (JFC Chair)
Ellis, Michael G. (President)
Erpenbach, Jon B.
Farrow, Paul
Fitzgerald, Scott L. (Maj Leader)
Grothman, Glenn (Asst Maj Ldr)
Gudex, Rick
Hansen, Dave (Asst Min Ldr)
Harris, Nikiya (Caucus Sgt at Arms)
Harsdorf, Sheila (Caucus VC)
Jauch, Bob
Kedzie, Neal
Larson, Chris (Min Leader)
Lasee, Frank G. (Caucus Chr)
Lassa, Julie (Caucus Chair)
Lazich, Mary
Lehman, John W.
Leibham, Joseph (Pres Pro Temp)
Miller, Mark
Moulton, Terry
Olsen, Luther
Petrowski, Jerry
Risser, Fred A.
Schultz, Dale W.
Shilling, Jennifer
Taylor, Lena C.
Tiffany, Tom
Vinehout, Kathleen (Caucus VC)
Vukmir, Leah
Wirch, Robert
Joint Committee for Review of Administrative Rules
109 S
118 S
108 S
317 E
220 S
104 S
323 S
211 S
10 S
415 S
106 S
18 S
310 S
313 S
206 S
316 S
126 S
15 S
306 S
319 S
123 S
130 S
122 S
20 S
19 S
409 S
22 S
131 S
127 S
Vukmir (Co-C), Leibham, Tiffany, Harris, Vinehout, LeMahieu (Co-C), Kaufert, August, Hebl, Kahl
Joint Employment Relations
Ellis (Co-C), Fitzgerald, Darling, Larson, Vos (Co-C), Suder, Nygren, Barca
Joint Information Policy and Technology
Harsdorf (Co-C), Cowles, Gudex, Carpenter, Vinehout, Petersen (Co-C), Petryk, Weininger, Barca
Ellis (Co-C), Fitzgerald, Grothman, Larson, Hansen, Vos (Co-C), Suder, Steineke, Barca, Pasch
Joint Legislative Audit Committee
Cowles (Co-C), Darling, Lazich, Vinehout, Lehman, Kerkman (Co-C), Marklein, Nygren,
Richards, Sargent
Joint Legislative Council
Ballweg (Co-C), Olsen (Co-C), Vos, Suder, Kramer, Nygren, Loudenbeck, Stone, Berceau,
Barca, Pasch, Mason, Darling, Farrow, Fitzgerald, Larson, Leibham, Miller, Petrowski,
Risser, Shilling, Schultz
Joint Review Committee on Criminal Penalties
Kedzie (Co-C), Jacque (Co-C), Taylor, Goyke
Joint Legislative Organization
Joint Survey on Retirement Systems
Schultz (C), Farrow, Hansen, Stroebel (Co-C), Severson, Berceau
Joint Survey on Tax Exemptions
Lasee (C), Tiffany, Lehman, August (Co-C), Honadel, Bernard Schaber
Jim Pugh
WMC Director of Public Relations
& Issue Management
Roggensack Wins Re-election
WMC Efforts Educate Public About Supreme Court
n April 2, Wisconsin voters handily re-elected Justice Pat
Roggensack in a pivotal race for the Wisconsin Supreme
Roggensack defeated Marquette University Assistant Law School
Professor Ed Fallone 57 percent to 43 percent. Her re-election
preserves the 4-3 conservative majority on the Wisconsin Supreme
Roggensack’s victory ensures that pro-growth reforms like Act 10,
lawsuit reform, iron mining reform and other key planks in the
business agenda will be heard by a rule-of-law court for many years to
come. The stakes were incredibly high in the April election, especially
with a Constitutional challenge to Act 10 headed to the high court.
During his campaign, Fallone wrote that Act 10 was constitutionally
WMC played a leading role in organizing Wisconsin’s business
community to educate themselves, their employees, friends and
neighbors about Justice Roggensack. WMC worked in partnership
with a strong pro-growth coalition to make sure the public
understood the important issues at stake regarding the high court.
The election of judges was considered a reform in the 1840s when
Wisconsin became a state and the elections here were a reaction
to the corrupt practices involved in the political appointment of
judges in New York and other eastern states. The state Constitution
mandates only one Supreme Court seat up for election per year. That
was intended to provide stability in the law so judges were not cast
out in tidal waves of public opinion.
WMC Issues Mobilization Council, Inc. spent nearly $1 million to
educate the public about Roggensack’s record on broadcast television
and cable statewide. Additionally, WMC printed and mailed 16,000
special editions of Wisconsin Business Voice to WMC members
and non-member businesses in the state in an effort to educate the
Activist Chief
Justice Shirley
Abrahamson reelected to
the Court.
Justice Annette
Ziegler elected
to the Court.
Conservative Justice
Michael Gableman elected
to the Court, tipping
the balance to a 4-3
conservative majority.
business community. WMC also created and distributed an online
resource center for members and non-members to educate themselves
and their employees.
Since 2007, WMC has educated the public about the importance
of the Wisconsin Supreme Court in four campaigns. Voters have
embraced the traditionalist candidates and rejected the activist
candidates for the high court in four consecutive races. In recent
years, WMC educated the public about the records of Justice Annette
Ziegler, Justice Michael Gableman and Justice David Prosser.
Roggensack will enter her second 10-year term on the high court.
She previously was elected and served as an appeals court judge
and was an attorney in private practice. The Wisconsin Civil Justice
Council (WCJC) gave Roggensack a 74 percent rating for her votes
on business cases, the highest rating on the Supreme Court, for her
rulings from 2010 through 2012.
The conservative majority on the high court could expand in the next
few years as activist judges face voters in upcoming elections.
Justice Ann Walsh Bradley stands for re-election in 2015. She had
only a 27 percent rating from the WCJC. Justice Patrick Crooks, who
had a 55 percent WCJC rating in 2012, faces voters in 2016. If those
two activist jurists are defeated, the Supreme Court would have a 6-1
conservative majority, with Chief Justice Shirley Abrahamson as the
sole activist. If a justice resigns, Governor Scott Walker would appoint
a replacement without Senate review.
WMC’s advocacy regarding the Wisconsin Supreme Court came in
reaction to a series of activist rulings in 2005, which drew national
attention to the radical rulings on civil justice issues and lead paint
liability. Our efforts are an integral part of our pro-growth policies
designed to help your business – we promote these policies at the
Capitol and defend them in the courts. BV
Conservative Justice
Pat Roggensack reelected to the Court.
The 4-3 conservative
majority stands.
Conservative Justice David Prosser
re-elected to the Court in a hotlycontested race seen as a proxy
vote on Governor Walker’s Act 10
collective bargaining reforms.
Justice Pat Crooks up
for re-election.
Activist Justice Ann
Walsh Bradley up for
Justice Gableman
up for re-election.
Justice Ziegler
up for re-election.
Chief Justice
up for re-election.
Wisconsin Business Voice
Work Today
By Randall Upton
he Greater Beloit Chamber of
Commerce is advancing a workbased job development program called
Work Today for in-demand occupations
relevant to the Rock County area. The
major innovation of this program is its
focus on assisting employers in recruiting
and training employees to address specific
employer needs, thereby addressing
what WMC refers to as the “workforce
The workforce paradox is a situation in
Wisconsin, and particularly Rock County,
where high unemployment exists at the
same time manufacturers and employers
are limited by their ability to find skilled
specific positions, program participants from
the community will be effectively screened
and matched against the employers’ needs.
Program participants will include adult job
seekers interested in gaining the knowledge
and skills needed to obtain and retain
employment, including individuals with
limited experience and/or no previous work
history. Project participants who are deemed
appropriate for the employers’ positions
will receive work-based learning, including
soft-skills immersion training, before being
presented to the employers for further
evaluation and training.
Participating private sector businesses and
the agencies are developing the program
through the Work Today Employer
Alliance. These member businesses have
The Chamber is advancing the “Work
current or anticipated job openings, a
Today” program in partnership with
willingness to collaborate on the design
the Southwest Wisconsin Workforce
and implementation of workforce services
Development Board, Community
intended to provide job opportunities
Action Inc., Manpower Inc., community
to entry-level workers, and are
organizations and local privatecommitted to paying a
sector businesses.
membership fee.
Unlike workforce
fair has 60 registered As of the writing of this
members of the
programs which
employers with more article,
Alliance include some of the
focus on the needs of
individual job seekers than 1,000 open jobs. area’s largest employers, with
additional companies negotiating
and ways to solve the
membership. The Alliance also has the
employability problems or
barriers of these job seekers, the Work Today financial support of AT&T Wisconsin.
program focuses on employers and the job
This issue of the workforce paradox is being
skills that are needed by their employees.
continually studied throughout the state.
Work Today first identifies employers’ realtime job skill needs. Once a determination is
made of what employers actually require for
The WMC Foundation has taken the lead
in bringing awareness to the issue through
the conduct of a series of listening sessions
in more than 50 communities and over 300
manufacturers. The Foundation has held two
excellent conferences on the issue, the latest
being at Briggs & Stratton Corporation in
Wauwatosa on March 21.
Work Today is a program being developed
to solve the workforce paradox in Rock
County where, as of February 2013,
unemployment in the two largest cities in
the county - Janesville and Beloit - stood
at 10 percent and 13.3 percent respectively.
Rock County overall had an unemployment
rate of 9.8 percent in February. Yet, there
were a total of 470 job postings with the Job
Center of Wisconsin for Rock County in
the first quarter of 2013, 60 of which were
for the month of March in the Beloit area.
Additionally, an upcoming job fair has 60
registered employers with more than 1,000
open jobs. We also know anecdotally that
a large number of employers are looking
for skilled employees, but do not avail
themselves of government-assisted job
As the program develops in Beloit and Rock
County we intend on sharing our findings
and processes to create a viable model for
replication across Wisconsin. BV
Randall Upton is President
of the Greater Beloit
Chamber of Commerce. He
may be reached at (608)
365-8835. Visit www. for
more information.
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