newsletterspring09 Final.indd


newsletterspring09 Final.indd
Spring 2009
A joyful Christian community
offering hope and wholeness
to children and families
Thornwell Program
page 4
One Lesson at a
page 8
A Poem by
Thornwell Resident,
Jolie Odom
page 9
From the President
The year was 1865.
The American Civil War was coming to an end and
the long reconstruction that would last more than a
decade was beginning.
During this time, the population in Clinton, SC
had been on the decline for a host of reasons:
fathers and sons lost in the war, no central railroad
to transport people or goods, and the sudden
diminished value of confederate money left Dr.
Jacobs’ beloved town facing a very uncertain
In the midst of all this uncertainty, Thornwell’s
founder, William Plumer Jacobs, wrote these
I have a project in my head…I propose the establishment
of an orphan asylum under the care of the South
Carolina Synod, the same to be placed here (Clinton, SC)
and to be taken care of by the Presbyterians of South
It would take another 10 years and many more
difficult decisions before Dr. Jacobs would officially
open the doors of Thornwell on October 1, 1875.
Since then, Thornwell’s ministry to children has
been through two world wars, the influenza and
smallpox epidemics, the Great Depression and
countless other trying times in our community
and nation’s history, and still, God’s grace has
allowed this ministry not only to persevere, but
to grow despite the odds.
In light of the current world financial crisis, we are
in the midst of more uncertainty. But, of one thing
we are certain: Thornwell Home for Children will
continue to do God’s work and care for hurting
children and families. We are committed to this
mission, particularly in difficult times, because
when economies suffer, families suffer. And when
families suffer, children suffer.
As you will see in the following pages, Thornwell’s
program to care for hurting children is stronger
than ever, with education and Christian nurture
as top priorities. In addition, we are realizing
the positive results of nearly seven years of
restructuring, as we have worked to ensure that
all aspects of our program are mission focused,
that Thornwell has no debt, and we are in the best
possible financial position to move forward when
the markets stabilize.
It is in times such as these that we reaffirm our
commitment to those we serve. We ask that you
reaffirm your commitment as well. Give what
you can. Pray for us often. Share the work of this
ministry with others. You make all the difference in
our ability to offer hope to the children and families
who find their way to our campus.
We humbly thank you for your faithfulness, as
you join with us in the great work of answering
the call to nurture God’s children.
Blessings to you,
Robert W. “Skip” Stansell, President
Dear friends of Thornwell,
Thank you for your support of the Thornwell family
of children and youth. You are helping to make the
dreams of God come true for some beautiful boys
and girls who are finding hope and wholeness in
this unique Thornwell community. They come from
South Carolina, Georgia and Florida in need of
everything that “home” means - and here they find
a loving, safe home.
A poignant line from an old story about the
unexpected presence of Jesus in the life of another
says - “Look into his eyes to know....” The writer
invites us to search out the need and the hope in
another person’s life by paying special attention to
what is reflected in their eyes. We as Trustees are
blessed to share this experience each time we visit
the Thornwell campus. Your support of Thornwell’s
children lifts the heavy burdens of these young ones,
allowing them to look forward to a future through
eyes filled with hope, not fear. They no longer need
to wonder if they will eat today, or if they will sleep
in their own bed tonight. What a privilege it is to be
a part of a community that offers these young ones
a glimpse of life as God intended it to be. We can
“look into [their] eyes to know” that they find joy,
faith, love and hope here.
Please continue to value the Thornwell ministry to
children, and express that value in prayers for the
children, the Family Teachers, and the staff. Your
continued gifts are also essential for the children
to thrive. You need only “look into [their] eyes to
With blessings for your own home,
John W. Lown, Chairman
Board of Trustees
Thank you for bringing these essential gifts of
restoration and redemption to the full family of
children at Thornwell. Thank you for making the
essential contributions that enable the devoted
Family Teachers and Thornwell staff to lift up
these “little ones” so precious to God.
“What a privilege it is to be a
part of a community that offers
these young ones a glimpse of life
as God intended it to be.”
Campus and Cottage News
Teaching-Family Triennial Review finds Thornwell Program Exemplary
On January 14-16, 2009, the triennial review of
Thornwell’s Teaching-Family Model program was
conducted on our campus by a team of TeachingFamily peer reviewers from the United States and
After reviewing our written materials and
interviewing children and staff, the team gave us
wonderful feedback on their findings, validating
the work we do with the children.
The following are a few comments taken from
their report:
“Congratulations on an outstanding review. Without
regard to the relatively short period of time Thornwell
has been using the Teaching-Family Model, the level
of implementation is impressive. This agency has fully
embraced the Standards of Service of the TeachingFamily Model in a manner that is to be commended.”
“Thornwell is a thriving agency filled with employees
who love their jobs and the children and youth they
The longevity of staff speaks of a work environment
that is positive and promotes enthusiasm at all levels of
the organization. The administrative team is extremely
supportive and fully committed to the mission of the
agency. Decisions are based upon what is in the youths’
best interest, while not losing site of the needs of the
“Family Teachers provide a nurturing and structured
home-like setting. The children and youth are well taken
care of and express appreciation for the family that
Thornwell provides. There is a true sense of acceptance
expressed by the children and youth at your agency.
Thornwell has done a fantastic job of embracing these
young and tender individuals and establishing a loving,
home-like environment where they can explore interests
and experience belonging.”
Thank You
for your Years of Service
The reviewers also noted our emphasis on having
sibling groups on the campus. They commended us
for our efforts to keep children connected with their
family of origin.They also recognized our efforts
to provide housing so that families can visit their
children on weekends.
While Thornwell’s program was highly rated
in all areas, some suggestions for improvement
and room for growth were made in the areas of
developing quantifiable ways to report outcomes,
offering clinical-level training to Family Teachers in
managing serious behavioral issues, and initiating
training classes for the community in the TeachingFamily Model program.
This report by our peers from the TeachingFamily Association is very gratifying, as these
were professionals with a combined 60+ years of
experience in child care. This report is a testament
to the hard work and dedication of the entire
Thornwell staff.
We would like to take this opportunity to honor
the following staff members for their years of
service to Thornwell’s children:
5+ Years of Service:
Keri Chavis
Wayne Davis
April Haywald
Kenneth Haywald
Nancy Lindeman
Judy Merritt
Patti Pace
Bonnie Shadduck
Joy Lynn Spoon
Nicole Templeton
10+ Years of Service:
James Brown
Rebecca Brown
Robert S. Spoon
15+ Years of Service:
Marcia Bronson
Angela Dillon
Mary Hamilton
William McAllister
20+ Years of Service:
Deborah Greene
25+ Years of Service:
Allen Seymore
Teresa Godfrey
Melinda Scott
Thornwell staff attend a luncheon in their honor
May Thornwell always be a place where hurting
children can find the hope, wholeness, and healing
that every child so richly deserves.
Cottage Renovation
is now underway!
Thanks to a group of very generous donors, Stewart
Cottage (our preschoolers’ residence) is now being
renovated. Interior demolition began in mid-January,
with plans to redesign the children’s sleeping
quarters into smaller bedrooms more suitable for
pre-school children.
“You can imagine how difficult it is to get four
preschoolers - all in the same room - to settle down
at bedtime,” says Family Teacher, Becky Brown.
“Having two children to a room will be much more
home-like and give the children more personal
Along with new bedrooms, Stewart cottage will have
new carpet, an updated kitchen and family room, and
completely renovated bathrooms.
“We are so very thankful to those individuals
and groups who provided the funding for this
renovation,” says Teaching-Family Program
Director, Keri Chavis. “Stewart Cottage has not been
updated in more than 30 years. These upgrades will
go a long way in making the cottage feel more like a
Interested in sponsoring a cottage renovation
project? Call the development office today!
To the following donors:
Many, many thanks from the
Stewart Cottage Family.
The Bailey Foundation, Clinton, SC
The Bailey Family Foundation, Inc.,
Vero Beach, FL
Central Florida Presbyterian Women
Eastminster Presbyterian Church,
Columbia, SC
George and Ladson Kesler, Hoschton, GA
Byron and Gail Parker, Laurens, SC
Bob and Rinnie Sade/
James Towne Village, LLC,
Charleston, SC
Estate of Kathryn J. Judd, Atlanta, GA
Stewart and Martha Spinks, Greenville, SC
Westminster Presbyterian Church
Greenwood, SC
Creating a Legacy of Love
with a Legacy Fund
Would you like to create a lasting resource to ensure that
children in need can continue to find hope and wholeness
at Thornwell for generations to come?
Why not consider creating a Legacy Fund in your name,
in the name of your family, or in honor or memory of
someone you love?
Establishing a named fund at Thornwell Home for
Children is similar to creating a scholarship at your
alma mater. Your name, your family name, or the name
of your loved one will be recognized as a generous and
committed supporter of this historic ministry to children.
Legacy Funds are permanent gifts that support the
children of today and the many generations of children
tomorrow. These gifts are affordable, beginning at
$10,000, and are payable over time. Legacy funds are
easily created and written to reflect your philanthropic
interests, whether it is the overall needs of the program,
or to fund specific areas of interest such as:
Christian Nurture
Cottage Life
Academic Support
Health and Counseling
Arts and Athletics
Your gift, through a Legacy Fund at Thornwell,
can be a powerful model for teaching philanthropy
to the next generation. Your family will be forever
intertwined with Thornwell; and, your family story
will become a part of the Thornwell story.
What an amazing legacy of love!
Call the Development Office at (864) 938-2715 to
find out how you can create your own legacy of love
through a Thornwell Home for Children Legacy
Legacy Fund Quick
Legacy funds:
D are permanent gifts to the endowment
D will support children now and in perpetuity
D are affordable and payable over time
D can be specific to your area of interest
D are very easy to establish and maintain
D encourage others to establish their own funds
“We established The Swetenburg Family Fund for Children because we
want our gifts to benefit Thornwell’s children for generations to come, We
also want to provide our own children with a road map for philanthropy.”
~ Richard and Catherine Swetenburg, Clinton, SC
For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God
Ephesians 2:10
prepared beforehand that we should walk in them.
Soul Food
By: Stephanie Gruber, Family Teacher
Thornwell Home for Children
Josh and I have been Family Teachers at
Thornwell for a little over a year. We have a
2- year old son, Evan. Along with Evan, we
currently care for five boys ranging from 7 years
old to 11 years old. As you can imagine, life with
six boys can sometimes be a little crazy, but we
also find it very rewarding.
A large part of being a Family Teacher at
Thornwell is teaching the children social skills,
life skills, and any skills that will help them be
successful. As Family Teachers, we are always
looking for teaching opportunities…and so is
God. Ask any Family Teacher, and they will tell
you that from the first week of working here,
God has used the children to teach them so
much. We all feel we are greatly blessed to be a
part of these young lives.
One of my favorite teaching moments occurred
recently when I became the student - which is
often the case:
“Can I do that?” I was poised in front of the
whiteboard about to put up a new Bible verse. I handed
Sam the cloth and let him clear the board. It’s funny to
me how much they enjoy doing simple things like that.
As I sat down to reference a verse, Sam asked why we
put Bible verses on the board. I explained that God’s
Word is food for our spirit just like we eat food for our
bodies. Our hope is that everyone in the house
will read the verse each week and it
will help feed their spirits.
L to R: Stephanie, Josh, and Evan Gruber
Well, kids have a way of asking silly questions that turn
out to be profound. Sam responded to my explanation
with another question, “Can your spirit get a tummy
ache?” I had to chuckle and first responded with “No, I
don’t think so.”
But just as I said no I thought of all the “junk food” we
eat like TV and Internet. There is a lot we do with our
time that is not only unfulfilling but can be poisonous to
our souls. I had to finish my thought with Sam, “Well,
maybe it can.” We then talked about the possible ways a
spiritual tummy ache is caused, or how it can manifest
itself in bad dreams, sadness, or loneliness.
I continued to think about that conversation for days after.
God opened my eyes to how little “soul food” I eat and
how much “junk food” I help myself to. I saw the effect
it was having on me, and the people in my life, simply
because I am malnourished. I don’t have a New Year
resolution of no TV or Internet, but I do see the value in
weeding out the “junk food” and getting more of the good.
When the Bible says that Mary, “took these things and
treasured them in her heart,” I can identify. I feel like the
kids we care for give us gold nuggets in the little things they
say and do and I treasure them more than anything.
By: Jolie Odom
I am from the daycare sandbox
From Hershey’s Chocolate and sweet coffee
I am from under my mother’s bathroom cabinet
Cluttered, secret, my favorite hiding spot
I am from the dandelion
The Vine
That always grew on our house
I am from Friday night pizza and small feet
From Hall and Odom
I am from Clemson Vs. Gamecocks
From “ Cross your legs when you sit down” and “Jolie speak up”
I am from the presbytery
And Sunday morning worship
I am from Palmetto Baptist and the Country
Baked beans and Potato salad
From the adventures my friends and I took in the creek, to find my dog
And the times we got lost
The nights my father tilted “the bottle to his head”
Along with the rest remaining
In my closet
Collections of frozen memories gather in a
Red French shoe box
Lost memories to be remembered
Dances, birthdays and parties
Friends, family and pets
Daycare to school to work and later, on, college
But not a baby picture in sight
Jolie Odom is a senior at Clinton High
School, a resident of Silliman Cottage, and
the librarian of the Thornwell Learning
Center. She will be attending Winthrop
University in the fall.
passing it on... and on...
While it is true that most of our children endured
abuse, neglect and abandonment before making their
way to Thornwell, after they’ve been with us a while,
they begin to realize that hope lives here.
At first, hope looks like a warm bed and tastes like
a good meal, but soon it begins to feel like a secure
home and a loving family. And before you know it,
that young boy or girl discovers that the ability to have
hope has somehow transformed into a desire to be
hope for someone else.
They’ve raised money for cancer research. They’ve
collected and donated canned goods and money
to the local food bank. They’ve wrapped and sent
Christmas gifts and written notes of encouragement
to needy children across the ocean.
Thornwell youth collect and wrap gifts for
Operation Christmas Child (Samaritan’s Purse).
Thornwell youth collect canned goods and cash for 2009
Souper Bowl of Caring.
And currently, they’re raising money and awareness
in support of the children of Namibia, who’ve been
made orphans by the HIV/AIDS pandemic in subSahara, Africa.
Over the past year, we’ve watched our middle and
high school students fulfill their desire to be hope in
the lives of others in so many ways.
The project is called Beads of Promise, Seeds of
Hope, and the goals are to generate awareness and
raise money to house, educate, heal, and clothe the
orphans and widows of Namibia.
and on ... and on...
This hands-on activity is designed to connect the
children of Namibia with American children,
as they work together to create “YOU-nity
Bracelets.” Half of the bracelet is assembled by
each of the two partners - one in America and
one in Namibia.
The American partners collect “seeds of hope”
(money) for the cause and pledge to pray for their
YOU-nity partners and their families.
“I’m going to raise $100 for my prayer partner,”
said one of our teenage girls with enthusiasm.
What an encouragement it is to see our children
and youth open their hearts and share the hope
that they have found here at Thornwell with
others in need.
Thornwell Christian Educator, Finley Sutton
and Thornwell resident, Jessica.
Without wavering, let us
hold to the hope we say we
have, for God can be
trusted to keep his promise.
Hebrews 10:23
To learn more about the children of Namibia, visit
From Dr. Alice Ridgill
Dear Friends:
Three years ago, I was called to serve as campus
pastor for Thornwell Home for Children and
as pastor of the Hartness-Thornwell Memorial
Presbyterian Church. The past three years have
turned out to be three remarkable years of ministry!
Having the opportunity to see the children discover
new things about faith and grow in their relationship
with Jesus Christ has been an absolute joy for me! It
is this joy that helps me persevere through this sad
and happy time of ministry transition.
As I transition into ministry as Adjunct Professor of
Pastoral Care for Erskine Theological Seminary and
as I pursue my passion for increasing the number
of African-Americans in the Presbyterian Church
(USA) by serving as organizing pastor of Trinity
Presbytery’s New Faith New Church Development,
Greenwood, SC, I will take with me the many
unforgettable memories of my time at Thornwell!
I will always remember shooting hoops with the
children on the basketball courts behind the Marshall
Activities Center, walking and praying alongside
the children during campus-wide prayer walks,
leading devotions at Family Teacher meetings,
singing Christmas carols with the youth group
at Presbyterian Home, having fun and building
relationships with the youth at the Montreat Youth
Conference each summer, leading campus-wide
worship services, teaching songs to the Youth In
Harmony Gospel Choir, praying alongside other staff
members every Tuesday afternoon in the chapel,
teaching confirmation classes, baptizing two very
wonderful young ladies, and preaching on Sundays
at the Hartness-Thornwell Church. These are just a
few of the memories that I will never forget! The list
could go on and on!!!
Leaving is difficult, but I am comforted when I think
of how much progress the Christian Nurture Program
of Thornwell has made over the last several years.
Thornwell’s Christian Nurture Program has grown
and expanded in many ways. This great progress is
due, in part, to the generosity of many kind people.
As the search for a new campus pastor takes place,
I am confident that Thornwell’s Christian Nurture
Program will remain strong!
Serving at Thornwell has been an honor and I do
not leave Thornwell easily! I count the Thornwell
family as my friends and I always will. As I move
on to follow God’s call, I look forward to sharing
with others the wonderful stories of Thornwell’s
ministry for many years to come.
Grace and peace,
Pastor Alice
We’ll Miss You
Pastor Alice
On Tuesday, February 24, 2009,
a farewell reception was held to honor
Dr. Alice Ridgill for her service as campus
pastor, and pastor of Hartness-Thornwell
Memorial Presbyterian Church.
Pastor Alice’s ministry at Thornwell began
on March 1, 2006. Over the past three
years, the Faith Development and Christian
Nurture program has grown tremendously
under her leadership. Our campus family
will be forever grateful to her for all the
love, pastoral care and friendship she
offered so graciously to the Thornwell
During the reception, Pastor Alice was showered
with gifts, cards, hugs and well wishes, as she
prepared to move on to her next call as the
Adjunct Professor of Pastoral Care at Erskine
Theological Seminary. She was also presented
a framed photograph of Hartness-Thornwell
Memorial Presbyterian Church, signed by the
Thornwell campus family.
Blessings to you, Pastor Alice. Our love, prayers
and support will be with you always!
“Everything that happens in this world happens at the time God chooses
. . . He has set the right time for everything.”
Ecclesiastes 3:1 and 11a (Today’s English Version)
This past fiscal year, October 1, 2007, through
September 30, 2008, Thornwell’s friends supported
our children and services with record-setting
contributions totaling $6.3 million.
The new investment policy, ensuring the protection of
the permanent endowment with a mandated spending
rate not to exceed 5% of the average market value, has
proven to be a prudent and timely decision, given the
current conditions of the equity markets.
Thanks to their generosity, 168 children were cared
for in residential services, aftercare services, in
college, and in Thornwell’s Preparation for
Independent Living program.
Through Thornwell’s excellent inquiry and referral
services, 329 children and families in South Carolina,
Georgia, and Florida requested and received
assistance and support. In our Hands On! program,
109 youth from the Synod of South Atlantic churches
participated in work projects, Bible study, and
recreational activities on the Clinton campus.
By the Grace of God, careful planning, and the
sacrificial and tenacious service of all those whom
God has called to ministry at Thornwell, 2008 will
be recorded as the year when the financial and
programmatic restructuring plans that we began to
put in place in November of 2001 yielded significant
positive results.
On September 30, 2008 we closed the fiscal year with
an operating deficit of less than $28,000 compared
to a projected deficit of over $2 million.
Residential Children and Youth:
Aftercare Services:
Higher Education and
Independent Living Program:
Hands On! Program:
Fiscal responsibility and maintaining a missionfocused organization continue to be the
Board of Trustees’ primary goals in
FY2008 and beyond.
Although we did see a substantial decrease in net assets
in FY2008, the components of this loss and the strong
overall performance of our endowment in a fierce bear
market indicate that we will be well positioned to move
forward when the market stabilizes.
Total return on investments
October 1, 2007 - September 30, 2008
Investments and Assets
Return on investments
Net assets
Expenditures by Function
Investments (at market)
Supporting services 24%
Revenue and Expenditures
Residential group care 76%
2006 2007 2008
Change in net assets
Expenditures by
Natural Classification
Other 29%
Depreciation 10%
Salaries and benefits 61%
Supporting services
Hope is what your gifts of support provide the children of Thornwell a loving home, an opportunity to discover personal gifts and talents,
warm clothes, nutritious food, individual counseling when needed, a
solid education and so much more.
We are so grateful for your generous contributions, for your prayers and
for the many ways you support Thornwell’s children through in-kind
donations and volunteer hours.
Feed a Child
Provide Loving, Skilled Caregivers
Show a child there are people who care by
sponsoring a Family Teacher for a cottage
for a month:
Make pre-service and in-service training
Furnish a Room
Provide a child with clean sheets and comfy
Promote good hygiene with bathroom
supplies and toiletries:
Equip a cottage with durable goods, such
as a microwave and/or a refrigerator:
Help provide delicious, nutritious meal
($100 per child per month):
per month
Ensure healthy snacks:
Provide Security and Comfort
Give the gift of heating/cooling and power
for a cottage for a month:
Help knock off winter’s chill with storm
windows and doors:
Promote Bonding
Sponsor a “Night Out” for dinner
or movie tickets:
Provide a “Movie Night” basket
for a cottage:
Help a child keep in touch with family
by giving phone cards:
Clothe a Child
Dress them for success at school:
Help purchase durable play clothes:
Keep a child’s feet warm, dry
and comfortable with good quality shoes
and socks:
Inspire Talent
Give the gift of music lessons or art classes:
Provide opportunities in dance
or gymnastics:
Send a child to an academic or sports camp:
Personal Support
Growth in Christian Faith
Help a child attend a church camp
or conference:
Provide devotional and educational
Create Memories
Sponsor a night at the Prom:
Provide opportunities for extracurricular
Encourage exploration through planned
field trips:
Buy a graduating youth his/her Class Ring:
Capture the moment forever with school
Give a school yearbook:
Help pay for fun vacations and exciting
Hope is the place where dreams become reality...
The giving opportunities listed here represent
only some of the needs of our children. You
may choose from this list, or as always,
simply mark your gift “use where needed
most.” You do not have to direct your gift
to a specific purpose. Whatever you choose,
please be generous. Your financial gifts and
prayerful support sustain Thornwell’s lifegiving ministry to hurting children.
If you are considering remembering
Thornwell in your estate plans, please
contact us at 864.938.2734 with any
questions or for assistance.
Heal a Child
Promote healing with expert counseling
Help improve a child’s vision through
regularly scheduled optometry visits,
glasses, or contacts:
Brighten smiles with orthodontic
and dental care:
Equip an Athlete
Furnish a player with shoes or cleats:
Outfit a player in a uniform:
Provide gloves, balls, and safety equipment:
Befriend a Child
Show you care on birthdays and holidays:
Purchase a YMCA membership:
Encourage Learning
Promote understanding and self-esteem
through academic tutoring:
Supply book bags and school supplies:
T hornwellearning
L enter
We salute our 15 students who made the honor roll
during the second nine weeks of this academic year.
During this same time period, 92% of our children
participated in the Accelerated Reader Program. This
participation level is up 5% over the first nine weeks
of this year. It seems our children are a very positive
influence on their peers and school teachers.
One principal took the time to email this message,
“I think it is amazing what you all are doing with
your kids in the Accelerated Reader Program. I see
almost all your kids with their noses in books daily.”
Currently, 10 classrooms in the Learning Center building are being utilized to teach classes and tutor students.
Of the 68 students we have in public school (K5-12th
grade), 42 come for academic assistance.
We are fortunate to have both the space and the means
to provide these students with much needed academic
support. We have 17 dedicated tutors - Presbyterian
College students and experienced school teachers working with our children after school.
Our children continue to do well in public school,
thanks to all the great support they receive from
Family Teachers and the Learning Center.
“I think it is amazing what you all are doing with your
kids in the Accelerated Reader Program. I see almost
all your kids with their noses in books daily.”
~ District 56 Principal
Down on the Farm
Thornwell Agriculture Education Center News
The activity on
Thornwell’s farm
is increasing daily,
thanks to the hard
work of Laurens
County School
District Agriculture
Teachers, Melaine
Birchmore and
Darrin Atkins, and
their students.
As of this spring,
there are cows,
goats, sheep, pigs, chickens, rabbits, horses and
a donkey now calling Thornwell Agriculture
Education Center (TAEC) home – and our
animal family grows daily!
In fact, we’d like to take this opportunity to
announce the birth of Hercules and Troy – 2
calves born
this past
January, and
the birth of
and Cupid
– 2 pygmy
goats born on
Day. In
early spring
reports that a
few baby pigs
will also join
the TAEC
in March,
Atkins, and
will be on campus presenting a series of
gardening classes through the spring and
summer on the basics of preparing, planting
and maintaining vegetable and flower gardens.
The ground in the planting area of the farm has
been cleared, turned and irrigated in preparation
for planting. Thornwell residents are looking
forward to learning all about gardening from our
community experts!
Plans are also in the works for a Down on the
Farm Animal Festival to be held April 22, 29,
and May 6 from 9:00 am until noon. There
will be opportunities to meet the animals and
learn about their care, have fun on hay rides and
participate in workshops on gardening. The cost
is $5.00 a person. Children 3 and under are free.
Proceeds will be used to pay for the upkeep of the
animals. For more information, contact Melanie
Birchmore at:
Mark Your Calendars!
What: Down on the Farm Animal Festival
Where: Thornwell Agriculture Education Center
When: April 22, 29 and May 6 - 9am to noon
Cost: $5 per person, children 3 and under FREE!
William Plumer &
Mary Dillard Jacobs Society
Members of The William Plumer & Mary Dillard Jacobs Society have made arrangements in their estate plans for
a gift to Thornwell. Their generosity ensures that generations of children will have bright futures. If we are missing
your name and you wish to be recognized as a member of The William Plumer & Mary Dillard Jacobs Society for
your planned gift, please contact the Development Office at 864-938-2736.
Mrs. Janette L. Barr
Mrs. Marjorie P. Bechtold
Mr. Joseph O. Cockrell
Mr. and Mrs. Leroy E. Copp
Ms. Caroline E. A. Disler
Mr. and Mrs. William C. Edwards
Mrs. Betty G. Foster
Rev. and Mrs. William H. Heilman
Rev. and Mrs. Richard L. Huggins
Mr. and Mrs. R. David Hughes
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Kiem
Miss Ann Menges
Mr. and Mrs. C. Carl Mertins, Jr.
Mr. C. David Mitchell
Mr. James H. Montgomery
Mrs. Margaret E. Muranyi
Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Keith L. Riddle
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Schickler
Mr. and Mrs. Maurice H. Sigler
Mrs. Edna C. Smith
Miss Mary Jane Tenny
Ms. Jane C. Urban
Members requesting to remain
anonymous 9
Ms. Mary B. Arapian
Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Bates
Rev. and Mrs. John Beach
Mrs. Martha W. Clark
Mrs. Ann H. Dunwody
Mr. W. Ross Franck
Mrs. Dorothy C. Fuqua
Miss Frances S. Gee
Mrs. Charlotte H. Gillespie
Mrs. Martha H. Girardeau
Mrs. Dot B. Handley
Ms. Marjorie G. Howard
Mr. and Mrs. Charles C. Hull
Mr. and Mrs. James G. Hull
Mrs. Kathleen H. Johnson
Ms. Jane Boyd Lee
Mrs. Hosman H. Maxwell
Rev. W. Larry Owens
Mr. and Mrs. Michael T. Page
Dr. William P. Putman
Ms. Mary Elizabeth Saye
Mr. and Mrs. Edward S. Smith
Mr. Ralph Stephens
Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Vanni
Mrs. Henderson Wyatt
Members requesting to remain
anonymous 14
South Carolina
Mrs. Maryann C. Abbott
Mrs. Dorothy C. Alexander
Mr. and Mrs. Paul C. Aughtry, III
Mr. and Mrs. John T. Barr
Mr. and Mrs. Henry G. Bedinger, Jr.
Mrs. Louise D. Bevan
Miss Margaret L. Brice
Mr. William R. Britton, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. B. Carlton Brown
Mrs. Jean L. Cleveland
Miss Mary E. Cunningham
Mr. Johnny G. Davidson
Mr. and Mrs. M. Curtis Davis
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Davis, Jr.
Miss Helen E. Davis
Mr. and Mrs. Paul D. de Holczer
Mrs. Miriam D. Dougherty
Ms. Kathryn O. Freeman
Mr. and Mrs. Albert H. Glenn
Mrs. James B. Gowan
Mr. and Mrs. Walter J. Graver
Mrs. Frances W. Hansen
Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Herron, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. James Roger Holland
Mr. and Mrs. J. Toddy Hopkins
Mr. F. Neal Houston
Mr. Larry Howell, Jr.
Mr. Jess B. Jackson
Dr. Sara M. Lindsay
Miss Nancy MacArthur
Miss Sally MacArthur
Mr. John Q. Marshall, Sr.
Mr. Donald L. McKinsey, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. George T. McLeod
Mrs. Anne E. McMichael*
Mrs. Jean F. Moody
Mr. O. Malon Nickles
Miss Evelyn I. Randall
Dr. and Mrs. Allen S. Russell
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Sears
Mr. Jan Sisk and Maria Lopez
Miss Brooks Sloan
Dr. and Mrs. Robert E. Smith
Mr. Thomas L. Smith, Jr.
Mrs. Virginia G. Vance
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Waterman
Mrs. Iva Lee Williams *
Mrs. Nancy S. Williams
Ms. Carole Wise
Ms. Evelyn C. Wyche
Members requesting to remain
anonymous 20
Other States
Ms. Kathryn H. Andrews
Miss Helen S. Burnett
Mr. and Mrs. A. Bruce Burns
Ms. Anne F. Callahan
Mr. Terrance T. Donahue
Ms. Nancy A. Fryer
Mrs. Elizabeth B. Hirko
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon M. Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Lambert Lozier
Mrs. Betty R. McDonough
Dr. and Mrs. Jack R. Presseau
Mr. C. Wyndham Umphlett
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth P. Vogt
Ms. Charlotte B. Wheeler
Miss Mildred L. Willson
Members requesting to remain
anonymous 14
* Deceased
Honor Roll of Donors
$25,000 and Above
Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Chastain
Miss Bonnie J. Cunningham
Mr. and Mrs. Charles K.
Dunlap, Jr.
Mrs. Dorothy C. Fuqua
Mr. and Mrs. John S. Graybill
Mrs. Dot B. Handley
Rev. and Mrs. William H.
Mr. and Mrs. James H.
Roberts, Jr.
Mrs. Edna C. Smith
Mr. Ward S. Stone, Jr.
Mr. Joe G. Thomason
$10,000 - $24,999
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Adams
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry K. Birchfield
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen R.
Mr. and Mrs. Blake P.
Garrett, Jr.
Rev. and Mrs. M. Hampton
Hunter, III
Dr. Terry A. McInnis
Mr. and Mrs. Robert
McLeod, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred J. McNaboe
Mr. and Mrs. F. Andrew
Presbyterian College
Dr. and Mrs. Jack R. Presseau
Dr. and Mrs. George B.
Mr. Don C. Sharp, III
Mr. and Mrs. James E. Stewart
Thornwell Alumni
Trinity Presbytery
Dr. George R. Wilkinson, Jr.*
$5,000 - $9,999
Mrs. Dorothy C. Alexander
Mr. and Mrs. Lonnie N.
Mr. Wesley D. Carter
Cherokee Presbyterian
Church Lexington, SC
Cherokee Presbytery
Cartersville, GA
Mr. and Mrs. Ray M. Clanton
Mr. and Mrs. James G.
Dalton, Sr.
Decatur Presbyterian Church
Decatur, GA
Easley Presbyterian Church
Easley, SC
First Presbyterian Church
Beaufort, SC
First Presbyterian Church
Clinton, SC
First Presbyterian Church
Douglasville, GA
First Presbyterian Church
Fayetteville, NC
First Presbyterian Church
Hilton Head Island, SC
First Presbyterian Church
Laurens, SC
First Presbyterian Church
Orangeburg, SC
First Presbyterian Church
Spartanburg, SC
First Presbyterian Church
Sumter, SC
Flint River Presbytery
Albany, GA
Florida Presbytery
Chipley, FL
Fountain Inn Presbyterian
Fountain Inn, SC
Fourth Presbyterian Church
Greenville, SC
Friends of TCDC
Mr. and Mrs. Bret R.
Mr. and Mrs. Preston E.
Mr. and Mrs. Hoke S.
Grant, Jr.
Mrs. Sara R. Harrington
Hartness International, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles C. Hull
James Island Presbyterian
Charleston, SC
Johns Island Presbyterian
Johns Island, SC
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Kircher
Mr. and Mrs. James S.
Kohn, Jr.
Ms. Jane B. Lee
Mrs. Shirley A. Leonard
Dr. John W. Lown and Mrs.
Toya O’Hora
Mandarin Presbyterian
Jacksonville, FL
Mr. and Mrs. Rubin E. Mauch
Mrs. Mary G. McDannald
McDonough Presbyterian
McDonough, GA
BG (Ret.) and Mrs. Hugh M.
McLaurin, III
Miss Ann Menges
Mr. and Mrs. James T.
North Avenue Presbyterian
Atlanta, GA
Northwood Presbyterian
Clearwater, FL
Mr. and Mrs. David C. Poole
Mrs. Alice I. Purser
Mr. and Mrs. Gary E. Randall
Mr. and Mrs. E. Leland
Mr. and Mrs. Julian A.
Reynolds, Jr.
Roswell Presbyterian Church
Roswell, GA
Mr. and Mrs. Robert H.
Sea Island Presbyterian
Beaufort, SC
Mr. and Mrs. Hartwell K.
St. Augustine Presbytery
Jacksonville, FL
Mrs. Frances B. Stansell*
Mrs. Katherine J. Watkins
Westminster Presbyterian
Charleston, SC
Dr. and Mrs. David S.
Mr. Harold L. Williams
Mr. and Mrs. James T.
$2,500 - $4,999
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul C.
Aughtry, III
Ms. Sandra J. Babey
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Berry
Mr. and Mrs. J. Sumter
Mr. and Mrs. Richard
H. Brashear
Dr. and Mrs. Lloyd H.
Darby, III
Mr. James F. Dorroh
Mr. and Mrs. Walter E. DuPre
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony D.
Mr. and Mrs. William C. Fox
Mr. and Mrs. Paul D. Gallant
Mr. and Mrs. William R.
Mr. and Mrs. Marion B.
Glover, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. George M. Hall
Mr. and Mrs. Cecil W.
Mr. and Mrs. Steven L.
Heaton Erecting, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard L.
Herron, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Albert C.
Mr. and Mrs. Evans P.
Mr. Steven G. Hubbard
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur C.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. James
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph G.
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Wallace
Mrs. Betty J. Jones
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy P.
Mr. Donald L. McKinsey, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Emil G. Meyers
Mr. James H. Montgomery
Mr. and Mrs. James M.
Moore, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Al J. Morganelli
Mr. Preston H. Morrow
Mr. and Mrs. Sherrill Oliver
Rev. W. Larry Owens
Mr. Russell H. Park and Mrs.
Kimberly A. Halley
Mrs. Lois Jean Reynolds
Mrs. Alice C. Rogers
Mr. and Mrs. Peter E.
Schwab Charitable Fund
Miss Melinda L. Scott
Mr. and Mrs. J. Levon Tanner
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony F.
Mr. and Mrs. Neil W.
Trask, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Vanni
Mr. and Mrs. Michael D. Vena
Dr. and Mrs. Charles D.
Welch, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Willis Avery
Mr. and Mrs. Beauford W.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas K.
Mr. and Mrs. Steven C.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard H.
Wood, Jr.
$1,000 - $2,499
Mr. and Mrs. Howell E.
Adams, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. John R.
Mrs. Dorothy H. Amick
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey D.
Mr. and Mrs. John G.
Mr. Gerald M. Auten
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel O.
Mrs. Barbara T. Baker
Dr. Richard L. Baker and Rev.
Kimberly S. Olson
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis W.
Mr. and Mrs. D. Michael
Mr. and Mrs. John T. Barr
Mr. and Mrs. J. Aaron
Dr. and Mrs. Robert P. Bethea
Mr. and Mrs. Lonnie
Bixler, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Blackwell
Col. and Mrs. Ernest P.
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert H.
Boltin, Jr.
Dr. William H. Boyd*
Mr. and Mrs. William M.
Brice, Jr.
Ms. Rosemary L. Broom
Mr. Alwyn K. Brown, Jr.
Ms. Dorothy C. Brown
Mr. and Mrs. James S.
Brown, III
Mr. and Mrs. Mace Brown
Mr. William A. Bryant, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Ray M. Buck
Buford Goff &
Associates, Inc.
Mr. William M. Bullard
Mr. Harry M. Burnett
Mr. and Mrs. Richard D.
Mr. James R. Cantrell
Mr. and Mrs. James A.
Carlen, III
Mrs. Margaret H. Carr
Mr. W. Tobin Cassels, III
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy L.
Mr. and Mrs. James H.
Coleman, Jr.
Mr. Larry J. Conaway, Sr.
Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Samuel M.
Cooper, IV
Mr. and Mrs. Walt Corbin
Corporate Holdings, LLC
Mr. and Mrs. Frank E. Coslick
Mr. and Mrs. Buddy Craig, Jr.
Mrs. Dorothy A. Craig
Mr. and Mrs. W. Ed Crane
Mr. and Mrs. Ray A.
Crawford, Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. Jack R. Crisler
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph R.
Mrs. Betty U. Crosson
Mr. and Mrs. Otis Crowder
Mr. and Mrs. J. David
Dr. and Mrs. George W. Day
Mr. and Mrs. Richard H. de
Mr. and Mrs. Russell J.
Dr. and Mrs. Harry S. Downs
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel F. Dunn
Mrs. Ann H. Dunwody
Mrs. Adelaide L. Dupre
Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Early
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas E.
Edwards Piping &
Machinery, Inc.
Mrs. Alice H. Elliott
Dr. and Mrs. Charles D.
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert E.
Estes Express Lines
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F.
Mr. and Mrs. Anders L. Evers
Mr. and Mrs. John R.
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Frazier
Ms. Nancy A. Fryer
Mr. and Rev. Mrs. David C.
Garrett, Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. Michael E.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard D.
Mr. and Mrs. Barry B. George
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald E.
Mr. and Mrs. Boyd A.
Gregg, Jr.
Mr. Dennis R. Gregory
Mrs. Louise J. Guy
Haas & Dodd Insurance
Mr. and Mrs. Rankin C.
Mrs. Joan M. Hancock
Mr. and Mrs. James A.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank C. Harrell
Mr. Cowan M. Hart, Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. Graham P. Hart
Mr. and Mrs. Trapier K. Hart
Ms. Gina C. Hartness
Mr. Michel D. Haynes
Mrs. Catherine Heckadon
Mrs. Barbara Heck-Englehart
Rev. and Mrs. Robert F.
Henry, Jr.
Mrs. Ann J. Herman
Dr. and Mrs. James G. Herron
Mr. Gordon Lee Hight, II
Mr. and Mrs. George S. Hill
Mrs. Mary G. Hills
Mr. and Mrs. John H.
Mr. and Mrs. James R.
Mrs. Sue Ellen Holleman
Dr. and Mrs. John W. Holman
Mrs. Helen H. Hope
Mr. and Mrs. R. David
Mr. and Mrs. James G. Hull
Mr. Wilfred H. Hupp
Dr. and Mrs. Joseph R. B.
Mr. and Mrs. Dempsey J.
Hydrick, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. William A.
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin C.
Mrs. Margaret H. James
Capt. and Mrs. John W.
Mrs. Barri J. Kelly
Dr. and Mrs. T. Eugene
Mr. and Mrs. Greg King
Mr. George H. Kirkland, III
Dr. and Mrs. Palmer
Kirkpatrick, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. W. James
Kraft Foods Matching Gifts
Mr. and Mrs. Henry S. Laffitte
Mrs. Virginia D. Lane
Mr. and Mrs. Richard T.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Lealman
Dr. Frank B. Lee, Sr.
Dr. and Mrs. J. William
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph W. Little
Mrs. Dorothy R. Lott
Mr. and Mrs. Buren A. Lown
Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Lucas
Mr. and Mrs. Ben W.
Dr. and Mrs. Gregory R.
Mr. and Mrs. Natale A.
Mr. and Mrs. Wallace E.
Mathes, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Stokes
Mrs. Avis J. McCallum
Mr. and Mrs. J. Glenn
McCants, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. William F.
Mr. and Mrs. T. Hunter
Dr. and Dr. Keith A. McGuire
Mr. and Mrs. Jack W.
Meadors, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Miller
Mr. and Mrs. Fred A. More
Mrs. Caroline F. Morris
Dr. and Mrs. Jesse C. Mullis
Mr. and Mrs. F. Thurston
Murray, III
Mrs. Julia W. Noland
Ocean Lakes Family
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn B.
Ogden, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. John B.
O’Neal, III
Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Orr
Mr. and Mrs. Ashley D.
Pace, Jr.
Palmetto Gunite
Construction Co., Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence C.
Ms. Eileen C. Parker
Mr. H. G. Pattillo
Ms. Susan Patton
Dr. and Mrs. Durell
Peaden, Jr.
Mr. Clarence A. Peterson
Mr. and Mrs. Harry E.
Pettit, Jr.
Mr. Robert L. Plexico
Dr. William W. Pryor
Dr. William P. Putman
Mr. and Mrs. A. Marvin
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond M.
Col. and Mrs. John F.
Mr. Woodford J. Roberts
Mr. and Mrs. Oliver
W. Roosevelt, III
Mrs. Madeleine E. Royal
Mrs. Hayden S. Sams
Sassy Bama, LLC
Ms. Mary Elizabeth Saye
Mr. and Mrs. Fredrick Schoch
Miss Caroline Scott
Mr. and Mrs. Mackey
Scott, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Mackey
Scott, III
Mr. and Mrs. James R. Sefert
Mrs. Helen M. Self
Mr. Marshall D. Sexton
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sharp, Jr.
Mrs. Marie L. Sheffer
Mr. and Mrs. Steven B.
Mr. and Mrs. Elliott L.
Mr. and Mrs. John A. Sinclair
Mr. and Mrs. J. Earle
Skinner, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack D. Smith
Mr. and Mrs. James D.
Smith, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Steven G. Smith
Mrs. Gladys S. Souther
Southern Mutual Church
Insurance Company
Southwind Enterprises A
Burger King Franchise
Mrs. Maymie B. Spearman
Mr. and Mrs. Rodger
Mr. and Mrs. Robert W.
Stansell, Jr.
Col. and Mrs. Richard L.
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy E.
Mr. and Mrs. William A.
Mrs. Pauline V. Stell
Mr. Ralph Stephens
Mr. and Mrs. Keith C.
Mrs. Mary Ann M. Still
Mr. and Mrs. James C.
Dr. and Mrs. James T.
Stringfield, III
Rev. and Mrs. David H.
Mr. and Mrs. J. R.
Swetenburg, Jr.
Mr. Sherwin H. Terry
Mr. John R. Thoren
Mr. and Mrs. E. Allison
Thornwell, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. James R.
Mr. and Mrs. Randolph M.
Tiller, Jr.
Mrs. Joseph D. Tindall
Dr. and Mrs. Joseph L. Trask
Mr. and Mrs. Perrin C. Trotter
Mr. Charles R. Tumbleston
Mr. and Mrs. James L.
Tupper, Jr.
Mrs. Marjorie Turnbull
Mr. and Mrs. Marc R. Tye
United Way of the
Piedmont, Inc.
Ms. Jane C. Urban
Mr. and Mrs. Robert G.
Vannoy, III
Mr. Clifford E. Waddell
Wal-Mart Store #1130 of
Laurens, SC
Dr. and Mrs. Stanley G.
Walsh, Jr.
Watkins & Associates, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Melvin E.
Weaver, III
Mrs. Nancy K. Wheaton
Miss Mary R. Wheeler
Mr. and Mrs. Hubert E.
Mr. and Mrs. Ancrum B.
Mr. and Mrs. John P.
Wilson, III
Ms. Millie H. Woodward
Mr. Edward D. Wyke
Mr. and Mrs. James E.
Young, Jr.
Mrs. Martha A. Young
Mrs. Mary E. Young
Mr. and Mrs. William D.
$500 - $999
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur L.
Mr. Carl Adams
Mrs. Jean C. Awtry
Mrs. Jane E. Bailey
Mr. Lawrence L. Bailey
Mr. Ladson A. Barnes, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. John P. Barnett
Mrs. Nancy D. Barnwell
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M.
BellSouth Matching Gift
Mrs. Loraine B. Bemiss
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Berry
Mr. and Mrs. James Bible
Ms. Suzanne A. Birchfield
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry L. Black
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas N.
Mr. and Mrs. Barry Blackburn
Mr. and Mrs. Walter
Boomershine, Jr.
Mrs. Carol M. Bowden
Dr. and Mrs. R. Randall
Mr. and Mrs. William B.
Mr. and Mrs. T. Furman
Miss Sara Marie Brown*
Mrs. Nancy A. Bryan
Dr. and Mrs. Leslie C.
Mrs. Marguerite P. Bullard
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W.
Mr. J. Franklin Burns, Esq.
Dr. and Mrs. William Cain, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Decatur B.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles A.
Carson, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen W.
Charter 1 Realty & Marketing
Cingular Wireless Matching
Gifts Program
Mrs. Jane M. Clark
Dr. and Mrs. T. Erskine
Mrs. Ruth E. Clyatt
Mr. and Mrs. Charles W.
Mr. and Mrs. M. Thomas
Coleman, Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. James R. Collett
Mr. and Mrs. Henry T.
Collinsworth, Jr.
Mr. Linwood E. Colson
Columbia Cooling and
Heating Company
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E.
Mr. and Mrs. Chip Cooper
Mr. and Mrs. Lynn W.
Cooper, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Powell
Cotter, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth S.
Mr. Howard W. Crawford
Mrs. Elizabeth H. Croom
Mr. and Dr. David F. Cuda
Dr. and Mrs. Martin L.
Mr. and Mrs. Sam B.
Daniels, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. M. Curtis Davis
Mrs. Sanna J. DeMilly
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher F.
Mr. Hugh B. Dillard
Mrs. Anna M. Dooley
Rev. Ted E. Dooley*
Mrs. Jean Doud
Miss Harriet B. Douglas*
Mr. and Mrs. John H.
Dowdle, Sr.
Mrs. S. Jean M. Dowdle
Mr. and Mrs. Eric J.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles R.
Mr. and Mrs. Patt E.
Eddings, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. William M.
Mr. and Mrs. John W.
Ellison, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Ervin
Ms. Ruth L. Eubank
Mr. and Mrs. Robert L.
Fairey, III
Mrs. Marion C. Feighner
Mr. and Mrs. Alexander A.
Mr. and Mrs. Napolean Flores
Mrs. Katherine Franks
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry E. Freck
LTC and Mrs. Kenneth A.
Miss Elizabeth George
Mr. and Mrs. Winston Giles
Mr. and Mrs. David T. Ginn
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew A.
Mr. and Mrs. Reuben H.
Mr. and Mrs. Jennings L.
Graves, Jr.
Mr. David A. Gray
Mr. and Mrs. Joshua Gruber
Mr. and Mrs. Frank W. Haines
Mrs. Gertrude C. Hall
Mr. and Rev. George H.
Mr. and Mrs. James W.
Ms. Teri Hanekamp
Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Hardeman
Mr. Reid W. Harris, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Philip A. Hasty
Mr. Alfred E. Hawkins
Mr. and Mrs. Lemuel H.
Mrs. Nancy B. Hayden
Mr. and Mrs. J. Jackson
Hill, III
Mr. M. Whilden Hills, Sr.*
Mr. R. Eugene Hindman
Mr. and Mrs. Evans P.
Holland, Jr.
Mr. Jack N. Holland
Mr. and Mrs. Robert B.
Mrs. Gloria B. Holly
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph M.
Mr. and Mrs. William D.
Hosford, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard W.
Ms. Susan Hugel
Mr. Walter M. Hughes and
Dr. Patricia E. Sadler
Mrs. Kennis B. Hyder
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis D. Ilias
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence B.
Irwin, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence J.
Mrs. Kathleen H. Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas K.
Johnstone, IV
Dr. John E. Keith, Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. Gene M. Kelly
Mrs. Martha J. King
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M.
Mr. and Mrs. Ozzie J. Kinsey
Ms. Barbara A. Kurz
Mr. and Mrs. Julius T. Ladson
Mr. and Mrs. William B.
Lawrence, Jr.
Mr. Roland M. Lee
Mr. and Mrs. Neil Lewis
Mr. Ed Littlejohn, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Tracy B.
Mr. and Mrs. Morrison
Mr. and Mrs. Stewart M.
Long, Jr.
Mr. Victor A. Long
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel B.
Lott, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert H.
Dr. and Mrs. William H.
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory S.
Mr. Laurens E. McAlpine
Mr. and Mrs. B. Gales
Mr. and Mrs. David M.
Mr. O. Miller McClintock
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry W.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles E.
Mr. and Mrs. Rob R.
McGregor, Jr.
Mrs. Asenath V. McIlwain
Mr. and Mrs. Jack R. Meade
Dr. George D. Miller
Mrs. Cooper N. Mills
Mr. C. David Mitchell
Mr. and Mrs. Allan N. Monte
Mr. and Mrs. William S.
Morris, III
Mr. and Mrs. Dwane A.
Mrs. Wilma D. Morrison
Mrs. Dorothy L. Moss
Mr. and Mrs. John M.
Moss, Jr.
Mrs. Margaret E. Muranyi
Mr. and Mrs. William D.
Nettles, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Clynch
Newsome, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. James C.
Ms. Anne R. Nims
Mr. Jason L. Nohr
Mrs. Hattie A. Odom
Mr. and Mrs. Charles A.
O’Neal, Jr.
Ms. Rosann M. Owens
Mr. and Mrs. T. Eugene
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher S.
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Park
Mrs. Lela P. Parker
Rev. and Mrs. Reginald
Dr. and Mrs. Michael W.
Mr. and Rev. Mrs. Steve
Mr. and Mrs. P. Don Perkins
Mr. and Mrs. Ivy Ray Phelps
Ms. Jimmie G. Phillips
Mr. and Mrs. Rezin E.
Pidgeon, Jr.
Mr. Frank S. Poe
Mr. and Mrs. William O.
Pressley, Jr.
Ms. Barbara E. Quinn
Ms. Elizabeth H. Rader
Mr. and Mrs. Robert H.
Ragans, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. William F.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter F.
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey G.
RGH Associates Limited
Mr. Danny R. Robinson
Mr. Jack H. Ross
RSW Enterprices Inc. - DBA
Highland Finance
Mr. and Mrs. John A. Russell
Mr. and Mrs. George W.
Ruth, Jr.
Mr. James J. Sampson
Mr. and Mrs. Cameron B.
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher H.
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel B.
Shackelford, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Enoch G.
Mrs. Sheryl T. Shields
Mr. and Mrs. Robert C.
Mr. and Mrs. Ray O. Silcox
Mr. and Mrs. Julius T.
Mr. Hugh L. Simril, Jr.
Dr. Orachun O. Sitti
Mr. and Mrs. B. Henry Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Richard A.
Mrs. Helen E. Soutter
Mrs. Thelma R. Speas
Miss Sara E. Spires
Mr. and Mrs. W. Laird
Staley, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. James R.
Mr. and Mrs. C. Richard
Dr. T. Bonner Stewart
Mr. and Mrs. Allen P. Stone
Dr. and Mrs. David A. Stone
Ms. Doris Straight
Mr. and Mrs. Frank D.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E.
Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin N.
Mr. and Mrs. Lovick P.
Suddath, III
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H.
Suitt, Jr.
Mrs. C. S. Tait
Ms. Jane Marie Tewkesbury
Dr. and Mrs. John D. Thomas
Mr. and Mrs. Robert H.
Thomas, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Eric R.
Thornwell Youth Group
Mr. and Mrs. William M.
Mrs. Martha C. Toal
Mrs. Anne B. Townes
Dr. and Mrs. Skyes E. Trieb
Mr. and Mrs. Russell
Turner, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. W. Steve Turner
Mr. C. Wyndham
Umphlett, Jr.
United Way Of Laurens
County, Inc.
Rev. and Mrs. James N.
Mrs. Virginia G. Vance
Mr. and Mrs. John G.
Mr. and Mrs. Joe F. Vaughan
Mrs. Anne A. Wallace
Ms. Martha J. Ward
Dr. and Mrs. Robert C. Waters
Mr. Charles H. Watkins
Ms. Martha B. Watson
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald A.
Miss Pearl A. Weathers
Mr. and Mrs. John P.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E.
Mr. Richard E. Wilber*
Mr. H. Newton Williams
Ms. Kathryn D. Williams
Mr. and Mrs. Clifton M.
Mr. and Mrs. John W.
Mrs. Julia M. Woodward
Mrs. Twylia H. Wright
Rev. and Rev. Mrs. Bowling C.
Yates, III
Mr. J. W. Yonce, III
Mrs. Frances H. Young
Mrs. Joan K. Young
$250 - $499
Mrs. Judith G. Adams
Ms. Linda J. Adams
Mr. and Mrs. Martin E.
Dr. and Mrs. Edwin W.
Albright, Jr.
Ms. Margaret P. Allen
Ms. Patricia A. Alverson
Dr. and Mrs. E. Vernon
Mr. and Mrs. James P.
Mr. and Mrs. John L.
Mrs. Lora L. Antley
Miss Emily F. Bailey
Mr. and Mrs. Vic C. Bailey, III
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley W.
Dr. and Mrs. Ottis M.
Dr. Robert E. Bankston, Sr.
Mr. Philip J. Barker
Mrs. A. H. Barnett, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Ervin W. Bazzle
Ms. Angeline N. Bean
Mr. and Mrs. David L. Bell
Mrs. Mary Ann S. Billig
Mr. John A. Boland, Jr.
Mrs. Isabel M. Bone
Mrs. Elsie S. Bothwell
Mrs. Doris A. Bowen
Mr. and Mrs. John F.
Brailsford, Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. James A.
Mr. and Mrs. John A. Brazee
Mrs. Frances B. Brooke
Mr. and Mrs. B. Carlton
Mr. and Mrs. Les Brown
Mr. and Mrs. Richard M.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Brubaker
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Buck
Ms. Edythe C. Burress
Major and Mrs. L. Bryant
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey A. Cain
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas
Ms. Anne F. Callahan
Mrs. Anne A. Callaway
Mrs. Elizabeth S. Capen
Col. (Ret.) and Mrs. Adelbert
W. Carpenter
Mrs. Bonnalyn H. S. Carr
Mr. and Mrs. John O. Carruth
Mr. and Mrs. Charles T.
Mr. and Mrs. William T.
Mrs. Frances Cauthen
Mr. Rea K. Cauthen*
Dr. and Mrs. Archie H.
Chandler, III
Ms. May H. Choate
Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin T.
Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Clark
Mr. and Mrs. Albert
Mrs. Nancy B. Cole
Mr. Roger E. Colville
Mr. and Mrs. Dave Conger
Mr. Phil Cooper
Mr. and Mrs. James Cornelius
Mr. and Mrs. John E.
Dr. and Dr. Andrew J. Courts
Mr. and Mrs. Charles P. Craig
Mr. and Mrs. Jesse T.
Crawford, Jr.
Critical Heath Systems, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. William R.
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin T.
Mr. and Mrs. Tim Dangerfield
Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon
Mr. and Dr. D. Tom Davis
Mr. and Mrs. Harold F.
Davis, III
Mr. and Mrs. Horace Dean
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry L.
Mrs. Helen P. Dixon
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph E. Dixon
Ms. Bettina M. Dobronte
Mr. W. B. Donaldson, II
Dr. and Mrs. Ronald C.
Mr. and Mrs. Max L.
Dufeny, Jr.
EarthSource Engineering
c/o -Giles Branch
Mr. and Mrs. Richard D.
Mr. and Mrs. Doug Ellis
Mrs. Traute Engeler
Ms. Margaret M. Epting
Mr. and Mrs. Robert C.
Mrs. Catherine M. Evans
Mrs. J. Crawford Ezell
Ms. Helen C. Field
Miss Elsa C. Fleming
Mr. Edwin E. Flournoy
Mrs. Betty G. Foster
Mr. and Mrs. H. Quintin
Mr. Ellis E. Fowhand
Mrs. Christine P. Fowler
Mr. Norris Fowler, Jr.
Mrs. Nan F. Freemon
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard C.
Mr. and Mrs. James C. Gable
Mr. and Mrs. Robert M.
Gant, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. M. Craig
Garner, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard H.
Gettys, Sr.
Mr. R. Austin Gilbert, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Doug Gilmore
Mr. Chip Gleeson
Mr. and Mrs. Brett J. Gordon
Mr. and Mrs. Charles M.
Grace, IV
Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Gray
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Greene
Mr. Brent C. Greer
Mrs. Jane R. Grier
Mr. and Mrs. Edward W.
Groves, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. L. Ross Hackler
Ms. Elizabeth Hahn
Mr. and Mrs. John T. Hall
Mrs. Frances W. Hansen
Mrs. Helen M. Harkins
Mr. and Mrs. David L. Harper
Mrs. Mary Ann G. Harper
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph W. Harris
Mrs. Rosalind W. Harrison
Mr. and Mrs. William
Miss Ellen Heim
Mr. David Herndon
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W.
Mr. and Mrs. William P.
Mr. and Mrs. Irby S. Hipp, III
Mr. and Mrs. James H.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Thomas
Mrs. Laura C. Holley
Ms. Martha Sue Hope
Mr. and Mrs. David B. Howell
Mr. and Mrs. John Howland
Miss Ann-Eibs Hughes
Mr. and Mrs. Jary J. Hulst
Mr. William A. Hundley, III
Lt. Col. and Mrs. Brooks L.
Hursey, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. A. Illges, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles S.
Mrs. Elizabeth Ann S. Inman
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas S. Israel
Mr. Hugh S. Jacobs, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert B.
Mr. and Mrs. Noah H.
Jenerette, Jr.
Mrs. William G. Jensen
Mr. and Mrs. David E.
Mrs. Betty M. Jones
Mr. and Mrs. Carl D. Jones
Mr. George Jones
Mr. and Mrs. George L.
Kennedy, III
Mr. Luther S. Killian
Mr. and Mrs. Won H. Kim
Mr. James A. King
Mr. and Mrs. Stancel E.
Kirkland, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Joe C. Kirven
Mrs. Lee G. Kleppel
Mrs. Shirley M. Knox
Mr. and Mrs. H. Spann
Laffitte, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Steve M. Lamb
Mr. and Mrs. J. Stuart Land
Mr. and Mrs. David P.
Lanier, Jr.
Mrs. Elizabeth J. Lee*
Ms. Mary D. Lewis
Mrs. Alice P. Liberty
Mrs. Jean B. Linkins
Ms. Kathleen D. Little
Mr. Frederick W. Long
Mr. and Mrs. David M.
Mr. and Mrs. George J. Lovett
Mr. and Mrs. Milton K.
Dr. and Mrs. Ralph N.
Madison, Jr.
Mr. Donald W. Malcolm
Mr. Jeffrey D. Malcolm
Mr. Kevin A. Malcolm
Mrs. Angie F. Marshall
Ms. Cynthia R. Marterre
Mr. Fraser E. Martin, Jr.
Ms. Susan Matthews
Dr. and Mrs. Charles Mattka
Miss Susan T. McCaskill
Mr. Olin S. McCord
Mr. and Mrs. Smyth F.
Mrs. Ellen W. McDaniel
Mr. and Mrs. Todd McDaniel
Mr. and Mrs. William W.
Mr. Rob R. McGregor, III
Mr. Jon R. McInnis
Mr. and Mrs. L. D.
McMillan, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert W.
McMillan, III
Mr. Barry W. McRoy
Dr. William R. McWilliams
Mr. and Mrs. Phillip D.
Ms. Kate Messer
Milliken & Company
Matching Gifts Program
Mr. and Mrs. William H.
Mr. Robert E. Morris
Mr. and Mrs. David R.
Mrs. Betty P. Murdock
Mrs. Nancy J. C. Myers
Network for Good
Neuenhauser, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. W. Robert Nix
Mrs. Virginia I. Norman
Mr. and Mrs. D. Henry
Ohlandt, Sr.
Olin Chemicals Employees’
Charities Fund
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas W.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles A.
O’Neal, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. James S. O’Neal
Mr. and Mrs. Jan M.
Mr. and Mrs. Michael T. Page
Dr. and Mrs. H. Byron
Parker, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R.
Miss Kim Pennick
Mrs. Nell P. Perry
Mr. and Mrs. E. Andrew Phail
Mr. and Mrs. George P.
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel A. Pieper
Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Plyler
Ms. Dolores A. Poole
Ms. Nancy C. Porter
Mr. and Mrs. Michael S.
Dr. and Mrs. Alton L. Powell
Dr. and Mrs. Charles R.
Mr. P. Douglas Quackenbush
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth S. Reed
Reynolds Investment
Management Inc.
Mr. Thomas C. Richardson
Dr. and Mrs. William L.
Mr. Marvin O. Richter
Rev. Dr. Alice Ridgill
Mr. Francis M. Ripley
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel L.
Roddey, Jr.
Dr. Leon Rodgers, Jr.
Ms. Jeanette Rounds
Dr. and Mrs. Allen S. Russell
Dr. and Mrs. Robert M. Sade
Mr. Hisham Salama
Mr. and Mrs. R. Wilson
Sanders, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Ramon E.
Schafer, Sr.
Mrs. Milwee M. Schooley
Mr. James A. Scoggins, III
Mr. and Mrs. Robert W.
Mr. and Mrs. Franklin G.
Shuler, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Randolph W.
Mr. and Mrs. Doug Snipes
Mr. and Mrs. Marvin W.
Dr. and Mrs. James O.
Speed, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. John H.
Mrs. Mary H. Steele
Mr. and Mrs. Robert F.
Stephenson, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Marvin C.
Mr. and Mrs. William F.
Stoddard, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Thad O.
Mrs. Betsy B. Strickler
Mr. and Mrs. William A.
Stuckey, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Randall S.
Mr. and Mrs. James W. Suggs
Mr. Lloyd M. Sutherland
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald
Swinson, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. James R. Talbot
Mrs. Mary H. Tally
Mrs. Mary Lou Tapp
Miss Mary Jane Tenny
Mrs. Mary Ann J. Thomas
Mr. and Mrs. John E.
Thrasher, III
Dr. and Mrs. Wendell H.
Mr. and Mrs. William F.
Tiller, Jr.
Ms. Emily Tingle
Mrs. Jane F. K. Tisdale
Mr. W. Melton Tisdale, Sr.*
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph K. Todd
Mr. and Mrs. Walter C. Todd
Mr. and Mrs. Todd D.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred A.
Triplett, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. William P.
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Tyler
Ms. Marylou S. Ulmer
UnumProvident Corporation
Matching Gifts Program
Mrs. Edna R. Vaninetti
Mr. and Mrs. John B. Vann
Mr. and Mrs. Terry H. Vassey
Dr. and Mrs. John M.
Mr. and Mrs. Claude R.
Vaughn, Jr.
Ms. Anna Vinson
Mr. and Mrs. William L.
Dr. Joshua H. Von Szalatnay
Mrs. Violette R. Wacklin
Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Wade
Dr. and Mrs. John L. Weare
Mr. Charles B. Weasmer
Mrs. Ellen M. Weatherly
Mr. and Mrs. Roger L. Webb
Dr. and Dr. George S.
Wham, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert M.
Mr. Newton Wilcox
Mr. and Mrs. James Q.
Wilfong, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. John A.
Wilkerson, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne K.
Mr. and Mrs. Eddie M.
Williams, Jr.
Mrs. Marjorie M. Williams
Mr. and Mrs. Maurice M.
Williams, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Franklin K.
Mr. Kenneth Wilson
Mr. and Mrs. G. Spence
Wise, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter G.
Ms. Faye B. Woodruff
Ms. Camilla B. Wright
Mr. and Mrs. R. Lynn Yeargin
Mr. and Mrs. S. Zachry Young
Mr. Don L. Zahnle
Ms. Cora H. Zander
$100 - $249
Dr. and Mrs. Frank Erwin
Abell, Jr.
Mr. Craig Adams
Ms. Edith M. Adams*
Mr. John K. Adams
Mr. and Mrs. Loren G. Adams
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence H.
Mr. and Mrs. W. Lucius
Mr. and Mrs. P. Herbert
Mr. and Mrs. Howard T. Flint
Mr. John K. Allison, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy W. Allison
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Amberg
America’s Charities
Mr. and Mrs. David W.
Mr. and Mrs. William R.
Mrs. Ann S. Anderson
Mr. and Mrs. Hamp G.
Anderson, III
Mr. and Mrs. Homer F.
Anderson, III
Ms. Mildred E. Anderson
Dr. and Mrs. Richard A.
Mr. Tazwell L. Anderson, Jr.
Ms. Joy Andrews
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond C.
Mr. and Mrs. Wiley S. Ansley
Mr. William C. Armfield, Sr.
Dr. and Mrs. J. R. Arnall
Mrs. Julie A. Arnau
Mr. and Mrs. Walter D.
Arnold, Jr.
Dr. Laura S. Ashley
Mr. and Mrs. Don Ashworth
Mr. and Mrs. C. Hampton
Atkins, II
Mr. and Mrs. Robert M.
Mr. Walter D. Bach, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Larry L. Baile
Mr. Elbert Bailey
Ms. Marion D. Bailey
Ms. Dorothea B. Baird
Mr. and Mrs. Richard F. Baley
Rev. Mrs. Edna J. Banes
Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Banks
Col. (Ret.) and Mrs. Leroy M.
Barber, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher D.
Mrs. Christine W. Barnhart
Mrs. Marilyn L. Barron
Mr. and Mrs. William B.
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph F. Barth
Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Barton
Mr. and Mrs. James C. Bassett
Dr. and Mrs. John W. Bates
Rev. and Mrs. Terry R. Baxley
Ms. Virginia T. Baxter
Dr. and Mrs. William O.
Mr. and Mrs. Drew
Dr. Joseph L. Beaudrot, III
Mrs. Marjorie P. Bechtold
Ms. Josephine Beck
Mr. and Mrs. E. G.
Beckman, Jr.
Mr. Gary H. Beeks
Mrs. Margaret E. Beery
Mr. and Mrs. Robert C.
Mrs. Doris C. Benke
Mr. and Mrs. Charles P. Berry
Mr. and Mrs. Fred G. Best
Mrs. Louise D. Bevan
Mrs. Virginia Biggerstaff
Mr. and Mrs. William B.
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Bingham
Ms. and Mr. Connie C. Bird
Ms. Linda L. Bishop
Mr. H. Peter Bisschop
Mr. and Mrs. B. A. Bittan, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. John Bittle
Mr. and Mrs. James Black
Dr. and Mrs. Joseph W. Black
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth F.
Mr. and Mrs. Ted W.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack M. Blasius
Mr. and Mrs. Billy R.
Blocker, Sr.
Mr. A. W. Franklin
Mrs. Barham F. Bobo
Mr. and Mrs. Richard A.
Mr. Rowland P. Bolton
Mr. and Mrs. Frank C. Bond
Dr. and Mrs. Walter M.
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher P.
Mr. and Mrs. Norman L.
Mrs. Mary Beth E. Bookman
Dr. and Mrs. J. Larry Boss
Mr. and Mrs. Larry A. Bost
Mr. and Mrs. R. Wiley
Bourne, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth E.
Lt. Col. and Mrs. Samuel P.
Bowles, Jr.
Mr. W. Wallace Boyd
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne T.
Mr. and Mrs. B. Michael
Mr. and Mrs. Gale C.
Mr. and Mrs. Preston E.
Bradham, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles J.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert D.
Mrs. Bessie A. Bretch
Mr. and Mrs. John S. Bretch
Mr. and Mrs. Rick Brewer
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas P.
Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Bridges
Mr. and Mrs. Harold T. Bright
Ms. Irene S. Brinkley
Mr. Edward B. Brinson, Sr.
Mr. William R. Britton, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. George B.
Mr. and Mrs. James W.
Mr. Murray L. Brockman, Jr.
Capt. Tammy Brockman
Miss Marcia A. Bronson
Dr. Betty Ann Brooks
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Brooks
Ms. Elizabeth H. Broome
Mr. and Mrs. J. Robert Brown
The Honorable and Mrs.
Jeffrey W. Brown
Mr. and Mrs. John B. Brown
Mrs. Allie M. Brown
Ms. Martha F. Brown
Mr. and Mrs. Roy M.
Brown, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. William R.
Brown, III
Mrs. F. Sibley Bryan, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Scott M.
Bryan, Sr.
Mrs. Ruth Bryant
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard E.
Dr. and Mrs. Thaddeus
Mrs. Hope J. Buckner
Bud K Worldwide, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. James Buffaloe
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Bugner
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Bunting
Mrs. Mattie R. Burbage
Mr. and Mrs. Michael W.
Mr. and Mrs. Mike B.
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry A. Burkot
Mr. and Mrs. Robert W.
Mr. and Mrs. Weldon Burns
Mr. and Mrs. William B.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard K. Burr
Mrs. Carolyn S. Bush
Mr. and Mrs. James E.
Butler, Sr.
Mrs. Mary B. Butler
Mr. and Mrs. J. Edward Byrd
Mr. and Mrs. Henri Byrnes
Mr. and Mrs. E. Clay Cain
Mr. Bill Caldwell
Mrs. Bradley D. Caldwell
Mr. and Mrs. D. Richard
Ms. Susanne S. Callahan
Mr. and Mrs. William E.
Callaway, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. William E.
Callicott, Jr.
Mrs. Alice F. Camp
Mr. and Mrs. Warren Camp
Mr. and Mrs. George E.
Campbell, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen C.
Mr. W. Curtis Campbell
Mrs. Margaret K. Cannon
Mr. and Mrs. William S.
Capital Window Center
Mr. and Mrs. Don Cardell
Ms. Gertrude E. Carey
Mr. Phillip T. Carlisle, II
Mrs. M. Jane Carney
Mr. and Dr. J. Steve Carson
Ms. Patti J. Carson
Mr. Charles H. Carter, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. William T.
Mr. and Mrs. H. Burton
Case, Jr.
Miss Doris M. Cash
Mr. and Mrs. Don G.
Cassels, Sr.
Mrs. Sarah T. Cassels
Ms. Janie Y. Catalano
Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Cater
Ms. Lois M. Cathcart
Mrs. Vance L. Cathey
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis L. Catoe
Mr. Robert L. Cauthen, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Reid J.
Mr. and Mrs. James C.
Cedar Ridge Estates
Chapman Design Group, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. William B.
Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy D.
Miss Keri E. Chavis
Mr. Albert F. Cheatham
Miss Frances R. Cherry
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen L.
Dr. and Mrs. William C.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank L.
Mr. and Mrs. William F.
Mr. and Mrs. Alvin E. Clark
Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Clark
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh K. Clark
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Clark
Mr. Finley B. Clarke
Ms. Marjorie M. Claytor
Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Clees
Mr. and Mrs. Alex H.
Dr. and Mrs. Crawford H.
Cleveland, Jr.
Mrs. Jean L. Cleveland
Ms. Martha J. Clinkscales
Mrs. Martha R. Clinkscales
Clinton Animal Hospital
Mr. and Mrs. Jack N. Clupper
Mr. and Mrs. Robert T. Cobb
Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Coble
Mr. Joseph O. Cockrell
Mrs. Archie O. Coker
Dr. and Mrs. John W.
Coker, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E.
Mr. and Mrs. Allan H.
Cole, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Larry F.
Ms. Sydney A. Coleman
Mr. and Mrs. James R.
Collett, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert C.
Collins, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. James Collura
Mrs. Betty E. Colquhoun
Ms. Bettie L. Combs
Mr. and Mrs. Keith Compton
Mr. and Mrs. John L.
Mr. C. Parker Cook, Jr.
Mrs. Betty F. Cooper
Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm J.
Mr. and Mrs. Marvin D.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W.
Cooper, Jr.
Mrs. Margaret R. Corry
Dr. Andrea M. Coulter
Ms. Brenda M. Councill
Dr. and Mrs. Claude C.
Cowan, Jr.
Ms. Laura W. Cowan
Ms. Sally Cowan
Rev. and Mrs. Robert O.
Dr. and Mrs. David E. Craig
Mrs. Betty Ann Crawford
Dr. and Mrs. Donald G.
Mr. and Mrs. Donald W.
Mr. Fred B. Crenshaw
Ms. Rachel Crews
Ms. Sharon E. Crouch
Dr. Margaret V. Cubine
Ms. Dona Cucich
Mr. and Mrs. Bryan L. Cully
Mrs. Mary Ann G. Culp
Mr. and Mrs. James W.
Mr. and Mrs. Greg Czwornog
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard A.
Mrs. Doris K. Dalrymple
Mrs. Joyce B. Dalsbo
Mr. and Mrs. Archie S.
Ms. Janet S. Davenport
Mr. and Mrs. Ian A. Davidson
Mr. and Mrs. Charles H.
Davis, Jr.
Miss Helen E. Davis
Dr. and Mrs. J. W. Davis
Mr. and Mrs. J. William Davis
Mr. and Mrs. Melvyn R.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Davis
Mr. and Mrs. Perry M.
Mrs. Thelma A. Dawson
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis E. Daye
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E.
Deal, Sr.
Ms. Cynthia M. Dee
Miss Jackie deMontmollin
Mr. and Mrs. Dallas Dendy
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Denk
Ms. Susan R. Deremer
Ms. Cynthia M. Detweiler
Dr. and Mrs. Henry L. Dewitt
Mrs. Jeanne H. Dickey
Mr. and Mrs. Hilton M.
Mr. and Mrs. John Dietz
Mrs. Allison C. Dillard
Mrs. Margaret E. Dodge
Mr. and Mrs. William H.
Mr. and Mrs. John E.
Dolan, Sr.
Mr. Thomas A. Dollins, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Perry F. Dominy
Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Donnelly
Ms. Marilyn B. Doremus
Mrs. Miriam D. Dougherty*
Mr. and Mrs. Norman G.
Dover, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Larry
Dozier, Jr.
Mr. V. Stephen Driskill
Mr. John Drum, Jr.
Mr. E. MacDonald Dubose
Dr. and Mrs. Ladson L.
Mrs. Rebecca P. Duggan
Mrs. JoAnne Duke
Mr. Davisson F. Dunlap, Jr.
Ms. Laura E. Dupont
Mr. and Mrs. Tim A. Durden
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas N.
Durney Enterprises, LLC
Dr. and Mrs. Charles P.
Mr. and Mrs. John K. Earle
Mr. and Mrs. Elwood R.
Ms. Ellen D. Easter
Mrs. Carol C. Ebert
Mr. and Mrs. James R. Echols
Mr. and Mrs. Richard C.
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert D.
Mr. and Mrs. F. K. Ellington
Ms. Linda P. Ellis
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Ellis
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Elrod
Mrs. Elizabeth K. Elvidge
ERA Top Guns Realty
Mr. and Mrs. Jack W. Erter, Jr.
Mrs. Elisabeth C. Ervin
Mrs. Linda H. Erwin
Mr. David W. Ethridge
Mr. and Mrs. H. Malloy
Evans, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. James K.
Ewart, II
Miss Christine L. Fade
Mr. Charles W. Fant, Jr.
Mrs. Eleanor B. Farmer
Mr. and Mrs. Judd B. Farr
Mrs. Marinel C. Farrell
Fashion Court, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. C. Michael
Mr. and Mrs. Albert
Fendig, Jr.
Mrs. Christine J. Ferguson
Mr. and Mrs. Dick Ferguson
Ms. Mary-Margaret Finney
Mr. and Mrs. Don L. Fisher
Dr. and Mrs. James H.
Mr. Daniel R. Floyd
Mr. Malcolm D. Floyd
FN Manufacturing LLC
Mr. and Mrs. Robert K. Folks
Mr. Frederick F. Forte
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence D.
Fouse, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Fouts
Mr. and Mrs. James G. Fowke
Ms. Jeanne G. Fowler
Mr. W. Ross Franck
Mrs. Bonnie C. Franklin
Ms. Rosemerry Franks
Ms. Jane Frazer
Mr. and Mrs. Alan R. Frazier
Mr. and Mrs. James F.
Mr. and Mrs. Dwight W.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard E.
Miss Frances E. Gaillard
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Gandy
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Garcia
Dr. and Mrs. S. Taylor
Mrs. Martha I. Garrard
Mr. D. D. Garrison
Mr. and Mrs. Loring M.
Garrison, Jr.
Mrs. Carolyn W. Gaston
Mrs. Frank P. Gaston
Mr. and Mrs. Richard W.
Gaston, Jr.
Ms. Jean Gettys
Dr. Joseph M. Gettys, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph D.
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Gilbert
Ms. Alice E. Gilland
Mrs. Billie Jo Gilliam
Mrs. Patricia L. Glasscock
Mr. and Mrs. Marvin L.
Mr. and Mrs. Albert H. Glenn
Mr. and Mrs. John F. Glenn
Miss Rebecca Glenn
Mr. and Mrs. William L.
Glover, Sr.
Mrs. Frances Godbehere
Mr. B. Frank Godfrey
Mr. Charles Godley
Gold Wing Road Riders
Mrs. Gloria F. Goldberg
Mr. and Mrs. James E.
Ms. Carol H. Good
Mr. James D. Good
Mrs. Shirley R. Good
Mr. and Mrs. Robert W.
Dr. and Mrs. James S.
Goodlet, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. William M.
Mr. and Mrs. G. Michael
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C.
Mr. and Mrs. James C. Goss
Mr. and Mrs. Robin B. Gray
Mrs. Mary B. Gredlein
Mrs. Helen L. Green
Mrs. Janet K. Greene
Dr. and Mrs. Scott D.
Mrs. Lucy H. Grier
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth C.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Grigg
Mr. and Mrs. Mark G. Griggs
Mr. and Mrs. Jon K.
Mrs. Fay P. Grube
Mr. and Mrs. J. Decherd
Dr. and Mrs. Marshall A.
Guill, III
Mr. and Mrs. T. Luther
Mr. and Mrs. Cecil R.
Mr. Perry E. Gwinn, Jr.
Rev. and Mrs. Ernest E.
Mrs. Mary Ann Hagewood
Ms. Judith C. Hair
Ms. Martha W. Hair
Mr. and Mrs. John S.
Hairfield, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Steven J. Halbert
Mr. and Mrs. Henry L. Hall
Dr. and Mrs. William W.
Halligan, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Hallman
Ms. Kimberly Hamilton
Mrs. Mary W. Hamilton
Mr. and Mrs. Steven W.
Mr. Manley H. Hammett*
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick M.
Mrs. Jeanne J. Hancock
Mr. and Mrs. William A.
Hanger, Sr.
Mr. Charles F. Hard
Mr. and Mrs. Francis M.
Mr. and Mrs. John N. Hardee
Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell
Mr. and Mrs. William D.
Ms. Chris Harper
Mr. and Mrs. Lewie K.
Harrell, III
Mr. and Mrs. Trey Harrell, III
Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Harrelson
Mr. Carl D. Harris
Mr. and Mrs. Claude E.
Harris, Jr.
Mr. Robert A. Harris
Mrs. Carol M. Harrison
Mr. and Mrs. David L.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank M.
Mrs. Margaret H. Harrison
Mr. and Mrs. Lynn J. Harter
Mr. and Mrs. David P.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert G.
Mr. Tharpe B. Harvill
Dr. and Mrs. T. Fleetwood
Dr. and Mrs. Charles R. Hasty
Mr. D. Frederick Hatch
Mr. Kenneth E. Hauck
Mr. and Mrs. Henry M.
Hay, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hayden
Mr. Gordon Hays, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul W.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles H.
Helms, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard M.
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne L.
Ms. Shirley A. Hendrix
Mr. and Mrs. Robert L.
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert F.
Mrs. Judith B. Herman
Mrs. Evelyn J. Herrin
Ms. Sara M. Herrin
Mr. and Mrs. Terry W.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert L.
Herron, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Ronnie K.
Ms. Roxanne Hicklin
Mr. and Mrs. A. Frank
Ms. E. Gail Hill
Mrs. Jane D. Hill
Mr. and Mrs. Robert G.
Mr. and Mrs. Marshall W.
Hills, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. M. Edwin
Hinds, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. William Hinds
Mrs. Emily S. Hinkle
Mr. and Mrs. J. Arthur Hinson
Mrs. Jane C. Hinson
Mr. Wilson J. Hixson
Mr. and Mrs. Kent A.
Mrs. Mary Frances C.
Mrs. Bonnie L. Holler
Mrs. Frances Q. Holley
Mrs. Mary E. Hollingsworth
Mr. and Mrs. N. M. Hollis
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur A.
Mrs. Lenora W. Holman
Mr. and Mrs. Charles W.
Holmes, III
Mrs. Rebecca Holmes
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald H.
Ms. Jane K. Hopkins
Mr. and Mrs. Philip P. Hopko
Mr. and Mrs. Wendell M.
Ms. Barbara D. Houze
Mrs. Elaine B. Howard
Mr. and Mrs. James L.
Rev. and Mrs. Ray A. Howe
Mrs. Martha Ann B. Howell
Mrs. Jennie M. Hubbard
Mr. and Mrs. Hal R. Hudson
Mr. and Mrs. David K. Huff
Mr. and Mrs. Richard M.
Huff, Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. James H.
Rev. and Mrs. Richard L.
Mr. and Rev. Mrs. William H.
Hughes, Jr.
Miss Helen L. Hull
Ms. Lucielle G. Hunter
Mr. and Mrs. William J.
Huntley, Jr.
Ms. Jennifer Hurley
Mr. and Mrs. Paul R.
Dr. and Mrs. Fred A. Ingle
Mr. and Mrs. Richard E.
International Food
Information Council
Mr. and Mrs. Donald E.
Mr. and Mrs. S. Watt
Jackson, Jr.
Ms. Grace M. Jacobi
Mr. Albert L. James, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. James G.
Japp, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Mark F. Jarrell
Ms. Emma Jaynes
Mr. and Mrs. Harley M.
Jeffery, Jr.
Mrs. Margaret H. Jenkins
Dr. and Mrs. James E.
Jennings, Jr.
Mrs. Alice H. Jervey
Mr. and Mrs. David Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Everett Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Henry L.
Mr. James E. Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph H.
Mr. and Mrs. Kendrick R.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard A.
Johnson, Johnson, Whittle &
Snelgrove Attorneys, P.A.
Mr. Albert E. Johnston, III
Mrs. Lorene H. Johnston
Mrs. Ruth A. Johnston
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas K.
Johnstone, III
Mr. and Mrs. Charles H.
Dr. and Mrs. Edward B. Jones
Mrs. Jamie M. Jones
Mrs. W. Ellis Jones
Dr. and Mrs. Alfred Joseph
Mrs. Darcy H. Joseph
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Justice
Mrs. Adele Kassab
Mrs. Lois S. Kay
Mrs. Anne C. Kelly
Mrs. Ursula A. Kelly
Ms. Margaret Kelsey
Mr. and Mrs. Worth A.
Mr. and Mrs. Albert G.
Ms. Nancy W. Kennedy
Mr. Ralph L. Kennedy
Mr. and Mrs. James T.
Kerr, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert W.
Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin L.
Ms. Cheryle B. Kimball
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas W.
Mr. and Mrs. Dwayne E.
King, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Dwayne E. King
Mr. and Mrs. Frank C.
King, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. George S.
King, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. J. MacLean
Mr. Ralph M. Kingsley
Mr. and Mrs. John S. Kinsella
Mrs. Adelaide C. Kirkpatrick
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph M.
Ms. Betty L. Krumrei
Mr. Alten L. Kull
Mr. and Mrs. Steven C. Laird
Mrs. Muriel H. Lake
Ms. Louise H. Lang
Lanier and Company, P.A.
Mr. and Mrs. Warner Lansing
Mrs. Evans A. LaRoche
Rev. and Mrs. Richard G.
Mr. and Mrs. David E.
Law, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Lawson
Mr. and Mrs. William O.
Ms. Rose E. Layton
Mrs. Irma M. Lea
Mr. and Mrs. Scott N.
Mrs. Edith P. Lee
Ms. Harriette D. Legler
Ms. Norma A. Lehn
Mrs. and Mr. Marilyn R.
Mr. H. Fred Lesh
Mrs. Suzanne W. Lever
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Lewis
Mrs. Margaret W. Lewis
Dr. and Mrs. Ronald W. Lewis
Mr. and Mrs. R. Laine Ligon
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J.
Dr. and Mrs. William R.
Linton, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. R. Neal
Little, Jr.
Mrs. Aleene C. Livingston
Dr. and Mrs. John C.
Mrs. Billie M. Llewellyn
Mrs. Dorothy G. Lockaby
Ms. Henri A. Logan
Mrs. Mary P. Logan
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph D.
Mr. and Mrs. James E. Lollis
Mr. and Mrs. Harry M.
Long, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Edward
Long, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Lyons
Mrs. Patricia L. Mabery
Mr. and Mrs. Edward B.
Mr. and Mrs. Luke Mabry
Miss Sally MacArthur
Mr. and Mrs. Richard R.
Mrs. Virginia P. MacDonald
Mr. and Mrs. James E. Mace
Maersk, Inc. Human
Mr. and Mrs. William J.
Mrs. Marian L. Major
Mrs. Kathleen W. Malcolm
Mr. and Mrs. John D.
Mallory, III
Mrs. Geraldine C. Mangum
Mr. and Mrs. Paul E. Manners
Mr. and Mrs. Earl E. Manning
Mark B. Garber and
Mr. and Mrs. James H. Marks
Mr. and Mrs. Edward S.
Mr. John Q. Marshall, Sr.
Mr. David S. Martin
Mrs. Frances L. Martin
Mr. and Mrs. Lester C. Martin
Mrs. Shirley T. Martin
Mr. and Mrs. Robert G.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles M.
Mashburn, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. David R. Mason
Mr. Ronald P. Matlock
Mr. and Mrs. George C.
Mattison, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Scott A. Maurer
Mr. and Mrs. William H.
Mr. and Mrs. William
Mr. and Mrs. Marvin E.
Mr. Rupert J. McCormac
Dr. Mitch McCullens
Dr. and Mrs. Michael B.
Rev. and Mrs. Benjamin
Ms. Anne E. McDonald
Mr. and Mrs. George H.
Mr. and Mrs. Pete McDonald
Mr. and Mrs. W. Harrison
McDonald, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Mark E.
Mrs. Elizabeth B. McGinnis
Mr. and Mrs. Jack L.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack B. McGirt
Mr. and Mrs. H. Chapman
Mr. and Mrs. Woodrow
McKay, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Donald B.
Mr. and Mrs. James D.
Mr. and Mrs. John F.
Mrs. Joan L. McLees
Mr. and Mrs. John S.
McLeod, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Phillip McLeod
Mr. and Mrs. Harold S.
Mr. W. Reese McWilliams, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank O. Meade
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Mealer
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas K.
Mr. and Mrs. Tom B. Meeler
Ms. Donna Menendez
Merck Partnership For Giving
Mr. and Mrs. David A.
Ms. Judy Merritt
Mr. and Mrs. C. Carl
Mertins, Jr.
Metal Masters, Inc.
Ms. Mary M. Middlebrooks
Mr. Cecil F. Milam
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A.
Mr. and Mrs. Ben H. Miller
Mrs. Emily G. Miller
Dr. and Mrs. John M. Miller
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Miller
Dr. Oscar M. Mims
Mrs. Mariel C. Minton
Dr. and Mrs. Frank L.
Mr. and Mrs. William E.
Mitchell, III
Dr. James W. Mitchener
Ms. Mary M. Mizell
Mr. and Mrs. Richard H.
Monk, Jr.
Mrs. Jean F. Moody
Mr. and Mrs. DeVoe L.
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert B.
Moore, Jr.
Mr. James A. Moore
Mr. and Mrs. William M.
Mr. Larry J. Morgan
Mrs. Rebecca M. Morris
Ms. Mabel J. Morrison
Mr. and Mrs. William H.
Morrison, IV
Mr. James W. Morrow
Mr. and Mrs. John H. Morse
Mr. and Mrs. C. Robert
Mr. Charles W. Moseley
Ms. Robin Moseley
Mr. Fredrick H. Moss
Judge and Mrs. Charles A.
Moye, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. James R. Moye
Mrs. Daryl R. Mullee
Mr. W. F. Mullen
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick L.
Mr. and Mrs. Vann S. Mullis
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E.
Mr. John L. Myers, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W.
Mr. Sheldon D. R. Neary, Jr.
Rev. Frank A. Neil
Rev. and Mrs. Marshall B.
Neil, III
Mrs. Anne G. New
Mr. and Mrs. Edward L.
Mr. Bennie L. Newman
Mr. and Mrs. Sherrill
Mrs. Elizabeth Y. Newsom
Mrs. Grace Y. Newsum
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Newton
Ms. Ruthanne Nicholson
Mr. and Mrs. Gjeruld C.
Mr. and Mrs. John S. Noe
North Buncombe High School
Class of 1987
Mr. and Dr. John A. North
Mr. and Mrs. Michael M.
Mrs. Laura N. O’Callaghan
Mr. and Mrs. David E. Odell
Mr. and Mrs. Philip H.
Mrs. Louise D. Olivarez
Mr. and Mrs. Allan W. Oliver
Mr. and Mrs. Richard A.
Dr. Kenneth B. Orr
Ms. Joyce E. Ostrowski
Mrs. Wilhelmina E. Overby
Mr. and Mrs. William C.
Owen, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. A. Jennings
Owens, II
Mrs. Harriet G. Owens
Mr. and Mrs. Frank L. Pace
Mrs. Kathryn M. Palmer
Mr. and Mrs. George F. Papen
Paradise Bank
Mr. and Mrs. R. Hunter Park
Mr. and Mrs. Theo A. Park
Mr. and Mrs. John T. Parker
Mr. and Mrs. Wendell Parker
Mr. and Mrs. James Parlor
Mr. Franklin A. Parnell
Mr. and Mrs. Calhoun Parr
Mrs. Constance S. Parramore
Mr. John F. Parrott
Mr. and Mrs. Mack Parsons
Mr. and Mrs. Oscar D.
Mrs. Jane B. Pate
Mr. and Mrs. Richard L.
Patrick, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. William P.
Mr. Clem E. Payton
Mr. and Mrs. Howard J.
Ms. Deborah L. Peden
Rev. and Mrs. Lawrence M.
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas C.
Peele, Jr.
Dr. William J. Pendergrast
Ms. Barbara M. Penney
Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Peregoy
Mr. and Mrs. Luis A. Perez
Mr. and Mrs. Edward P.
Ms. Joyce A. Pettit
Mrs. Marta J. Phillips
Ms. Betty Pike
Mr. and Mrs. Rocco Pititto
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas R. Pitts
Mr. and Mrs. Donald K.
Mr. Louie T. Porter
Mrs. Dixie W. Powell
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph W.
Mr. R. Alan Powell
Mr. and Mrs. William M.
Powell, Jr.
Major and Mrs. Raymond G.
Ms. Carolyn D. Preische
Mr. and Mrs. D. Murray Price
Mr. and Mrs. James W.
Price, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. William T.
Mr. and Mrs. Warren W.
Dr. Mabel L. Purkerson
Mr. James B. Quantz*
Mr. Thomas O. Ramsey
Mr. and Mrs. William G.
Mrs. Alida S. P. Rawl
Mr. Carl E. Ray
Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Ray
Mrs. Laetitia J. Raynal
Mr. and Mrs. John A.
Reagan, III
Mr. and Mrs. Richard J.
Mr. and Mrs. William H.
Rev. and Mrs. Albert L.
Reese, Jr.
Mrs. Ann N. Reid
Dr. and Mrs. H. Stanley Reid
Mrs. Lois Reynolds
Dr. and Mrs. Jack W. Rhodes
Mr. Claude L. Rhyne, Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. Joseph S.
Rice, Jr.
Lt. Col. (Ret.) Thomas J.
Rice, Jr.
Mr. Chuck Richards
Miss Kim Richards
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon H.
Mr. Lewis E. Roane
Dr. and Mrs. James H.
Mr. and Mrs. Clayto L.
Mr. and Mrs. Edmund T.
Mrs. Elizabeth F. Robinson
Mr. and Mrs. Embree L.
Mr. and Mrs. James C.
Mr. and Mrs. Randall W.
Mr. and Mrs. William A.
Robinson, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P.
Roche, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Rodgers
Mr. and Mrs. Fred C. Rogers
Mr. and Mrs. Harris C. Rogers
Mr. and Mrs. Michael C.
Mr. and Mrs. Bill F. Rohner
Mrs. Jannie B. Rollison
Mr. and Mrs. W. Felton
Roper, Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. John M. Ross
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert R.
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas C.
Rowland, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Jere Z. Royall
Mr. Randolph D. Royall
Mr. and Mrs. Charles M.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles R.
S. D. Clifton Construction,
Rev. and Mrs. James W. Salter
Mr. Joseph A. Sammons*
Mr. and Mrs. Charles H.
Dr. and Mrs. James R.
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Sanders
Mr. Cliff Sanders
Mr. and Mrs. E. W.
Sanders, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel C.
Sarratt, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. James Satkowski
Mr. and Mrs. Johnson S.
Mr. Henry R. Sawyer
Rev. Dr. Lindell L. Sawyers
Mrs. Irene B. Scarborough
Dr. and Mrs. Robinson W.
Schilling, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald H.
Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Schul
Mr. and Mrs. E. Danny Scott
Mr. S. Christopher Scrudato
Mr. Herman Scurry, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Seabrook
Mr. and Mrs. William G.
Seelmann, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. Sellers
Dr. and Mrs. Constantine
Ms. Anne E. Sevier
Ms. Pauline M. Shafer
Ms. Lucille R. Sharp
Mr. and Mrs. R. Glenmore
Mrs. Evelyn H. Sharpe
Mr. and Mrs. Felix L. Sharpe
Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. Shaw
Mr. and Mrs. James W. Shaw
Mrs. Mabel W. Shaw
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A.
Mr. and Mrs. L.R. Shelley, Jr.
Mrs. Dorothy W. Sherard
Mr. and Mrs. Rufus C.
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Shirek
Mr. Mark D. Shoemaker
Mr. and Mrs. Bert K.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Sides
Mr. and Mrs. Jack L.
Sightler, Jr.
Ms. Rowena R. Sim
Dr. James G. Simpson
Mrs. Anne J. Sims
Mrs. Martha W. Singleton
Mr. Jan Sisk
Mr. Constantine Sivas
Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin L.
Mrs. Catherine B. Slattery
Mr. Jerry N. Slayton
Rev. and Mrs. James K. Sledge
Dr. and Mrs. John B. Sloan
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard B.
Mr. and Mrs. Chuck Smith
Mrs. Clara Jane Smith
Mr. and Mrs. E. Judson Smith
Mr. Gary J. Smith
Mr. Gerald W. Smith
Mrs. Lois M. Smith
Mrs. Margaret C. Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Steven D. Smith
Mr. Thomas L. Smith, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. William D.
Dr. Lawrence P. Snow Jr. *
Mrs. Susan G. Snow
Mr. and Mrs. William L.
Mr. and Mrs. Carl E. Sohl
Mr. and Mrs. Louis C.
Mrs. Dale B. Spears
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Spicknall
Mr. and Mrs. James W.
Ms. Jean B. Spurlock
Mrs. Judith R. Squires
Ms. Jane S. Stack
Mr. and Mrs. James T. Stacy
Mr. Richard B. Stall
Ms. Natalie D. Stamp
Mr. Jim Stearns
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Stem
Mrs. Lenora S. Stephens
Mr. and Mrs. John R.
Dr. and Mrs. Jack L.
Mrs. Vera S. Stine
Mr. Daniel C. Stogner
Dr. and Mrs. Albert H.
Stone, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph T. Stone
Mrs. Joyce T. Stovall
Mrs. Marian L. Strain
Mr. and Mrs. Peter C.
Dr. and Mrs. Russell K. Street
Mr. and Mrs. John H.
Mr. Arthur V. Strock
Mrs. Kay A. Stroman
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis E.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard G.
Mr. and Mrs. David K.
Summers, Jr.
Miss Jean M. Summerville
Mr. and Mrs. H. C.
Summitt, Jr.
Sunoco Chemicals
Suntrust Bank
Mr. and Mrs. Chris N.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J.
Swanson, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Sweatte
Mrs. Sandra Sweet
Rev. Ms. Tina E. Sweet
Mr. Jerry D. Swing
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn R. Swope
Mrs. Betsy C. Sykes
Mr. James S. Talley
Dr. Charles R. Tapp
Mrs. Florine Y. Taylor
Mr. and Mrs. James P.
Taylor, Jr.
Ms. Julia B. Taylor
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Taylor
Ms. Edna B. Teachey
Mr. and Mrs. Coy H. Temples
Mrs. Nicole L. Templeton
Mr. and Mrs. John H.
Terrell, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Alan M.
Mrs. Elaine J. Thacker
Mr. and Mrs. Robert L.
The Settings of Mackay Point
Development Company
Ms. Mary E. Thomas
Rev. and Mrs. Fred D.
Thompson, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. James R.
Mr. and Mrs. Neil E.
Mr. and Mrs. William K.
Thompson, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. G. L.
Thrower, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. M. Gordon
Thruston, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Martin B. Tiller
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel L.
Tillman, III
Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin T.
Mr. and Mrs. Clyde W.
Mrs. Rebecca B. Tingle
Dr. and Mrs. R. K. Tobiassen
Mr. and Mrs. Archie L.
Todd, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. William T.
Todd, III
Mr. and Mrs. T. R.
Tolleson, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Frampton W.
Toole, Jr.
Mr. Matthew T. Trainor
Mrs. Elizabeth S. Trapp
Trask & Lynn, CPA, PA
Treesdale Community
Association, Inc.
Mrs. Betty V. Trent
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew M.
Mr. and Mrs. Brian W. Turner
Mr. David Turner
Mr. and Mrs. Alan R. Tuten
Mr. and Mrs. Andy Twisdale
Mr. William C. Twitty
Mr. and Mrs. James A.
Tyler, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Ulmer
UnitedHealth Group
Ms. Brenda Vail
Mr. and Mrs. James A.
Mr. and Mrs. Burt Vardeman
Mrs. Mary P. Varella
Mr. and Mrs. Roger R. Varin
Mr. Robert G. Vassy, Jr.
Mr. Eugene A. Vaughan
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph E.
Vennum, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Chris Verdery
Mr. and Mrs. Edward W.
Ms. Holly B. Vernon
Mr. and Mrs. John F.
Verreault, III
Ms. Anne H. Vickers
Ms. Melody Vickers
Mrs. Joyce H. Vincent
Mr. and Mrs. Flip Vineyard
Ms. Barbara Vose
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald L.
Dr. Kenneth R. Walker
Mr. and Mrs. Warren L.
Dr. and Mrs. Harold D.
Miss Jill M. Walls
Mr. Wesley F. Walters
BG (Ret.) and Mrs. Roger L.
Mr. J. Larry Waring, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul M. Warren
Rev. and Mrs. Vaughn J.
Warthen, Jr.
Ms. Alice B. Watkins
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene B.
Dr. and Mrs. F. Hansell Watt
Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Watts
Mr. and Mrs. James G.
Mrs. Eleanor B. Webb
Mr. and Mrs. James L. Webb
Mrs. Susan Weisner
Mrs. Frances H. Welch
Mr. and Mrs. Irvine T.
Welling, Jr.
Mrs. Natalie R. Wellman
Mrs. Edith C. Wemett
Mr. Howard S. Werstiuk
Mrs. Rhoda O. Werstiuk
Mr. and Mrs. Francis M.
Mr. and Mrs. Boyd F. West
Mr. and Mrs. Paul West
Ms. Edith P. Whatley
Mr. W. Wayne Whatley
Ms. Ruth M. Whipple
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas A.
White, Jr.
Mr. Frank Whiteford
Mr. and Mrs. Frank C.
Whiteside, Jr.
Ms. Mary Sue Whitt
Mr. Robert L. Wickham
Mr. and Mrs. William A.
Wier, Jr.
Mr. Thomas A. Wigington, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Larry J. Wilburn
Mr. and Mrs. Donny Wilder
Mr. and Mrs. Richard A.
Mr. and Mrs. George J.
Wilds, III
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert L. Wiles
Dr. and Mrs. Allison F.
Mr. and Mrs. Ben F.
Williams, Jr.
Mr. Bobby Williams
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis R.
Mr. and Mrs. Dustin C.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred R.
Mr. and Mrs. Leland H.
Mrs. Margaret C. Williams
Mr. and Mrs. Marshall K.
Mr. and Mrs. James E.
Ms. Margaret H. Williamson
Ms. Polly S. Williamson
Mr. and Mrs. Milton
Wilmesherr, Jr.
Ms. Alma M. Wilson
Mrs. Florence N. Wilson
Mrs. Kathryn J. Wilson
Ms. Linda L. Wilson
Mr. and Mrs. Pat T. Wilson
Mrs. Ella R. Wise
Dr. and Mrs. Lynn R.
Dr. and Mrs. Floyd W. Wood
Ms. Freida Wood
Mr. and Mrs. Terry G. Wood
Mr. Glen Woodfin
Mr. and Mrs. Tarlton E.
Mrs. Helen S. Woodward
Mrs. Miriam M. Work
Mr. and Mrs. Bobby B. Wright
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Yeatts
Mrs. Margaret B. York
Mrs. Martha I. Yost
Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Young
Dr. and Mrs. James L.
Young, Jr.
Mrs. Patsy E. Young
Ms. Wilma L. Young
Mr. and Mrs. S. Darrell
Mr. Bruce R. Abbott
Mr. and Mrs. John L. Abbott
Mr. and Mrs. Richard W.
Mr. and Mrs. William S.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Q.
Ms. Mary S. Adams
Ms. Stacy D. Adams
Mr. and Mrs. William H.
Mr. Cecil L. Adderley, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard F. Adle
Mrs. Burnetta K. Afdahl
Mr. Michael Aidala
Mr. and Mrs. Wyatt Aiken, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Neal Aimar
Mr. and Mrs. Charles A.
Aimone, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. James M. Alford
Mr. and Mrs. James M.
Alford, Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. Julian R.
Alford, Jr.
Mrs. Margie M. Alford
Mr. and Mrs. W. Brad Alford
Ms. Wanda H. Alford
Mr. and Mrs. William
Ms. Adina Allen
Mr. and Mrs. Charles B. Allen
Mrs. Elizabeth B. Allen
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Allen
Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Allen
Mrs. Mildred B. Allen
Ms. Sarah O. Allen
Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Alter
Mr. and Mrs. Richard L.
Ames, III
Mrs. Lois L. Amos
Ms. Carol B. Anderson
Mr. Eugene M. Anderson, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. John S.
Mr. Paul B. Anderson
Mr. and Mrs. W. Glenn
Anderson, Jr.
Major William Andrews
Mr. and Mrs. William E.
Mrs. Kay H. Ansley
Mrs. Naomi J. Anthony
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce H.
Mr. and Mrs. John W.
Ms. Mary Alice Armstrong
Mr. and Mrs. Richard F.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack J. Arnold
Mr. and Mrs. John A. Arnold
Rev. and Mrs. Pete Arroyo
Mrs. June G. Arthur
Mr. and Mrs. Donald F.
Mr. and Mrs. Carl F. Aslund
Dr. and Mrs. William
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin P. Athens
Mrs. Kitty M. Aull*
Miss Nancy Avery
Willa L. Avery
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur W.
Ayers, Jr.
Mr. Kenneth L. Baas
Mr. and Mrs. Leon Babridge
Rev. and Mrs. Eugen G.
Bach, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Scott B. Badesch
Ms. Ruth E. Bafaro
Ms. Nancy-Ann Bagnold
Mrs. Betty P. Bailey
Rev. Charles S. Bailey
Mrs. Lois H. Bailey
Mr. and Mrs. William R.
Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Bairefoot
Mr. and Mrs. Charles C.
Mr. and Mrs. Eldon G. Baker
Mrs. Louise R. Baker
Mrs. Margaret D. Baker
Mrs. Johnnie B. Bakkum
Mrs. Betty Sue K. Baldwin
Mr. and Mrs. Dale Baldwin
Mrs. Helen C. Baldwin
Dr. and Mrs. Winfield M.
Baldwin, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Myron L. Ball
Mrs. Kathryn L. Ballard
Mrs. Elizabeth G. Ballenger
Ms. Lucy Ballenger
Mr. and Mrs. Allen Balliet
Bank of Coweta
Mr. and Mrs. Harold
Banke, Jr.
Baptist Hospital CRN
Mrs. Mary G. Barfield
Mr. and Mrs. Richard L.
Mr. and Mrs. C. Bruce
Barksdale, Jr.
Ms. Elizabeth Barnes
Ms. Jessica B. Barnes
Ms. Anne Barnett
Mr. and Mrs. James T.
Barnett, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Barnett
Mrs. Roselle C. Barnhill
Ms. Sandy Barr
Mr. and Mrs. Karl W.
Barron, Sr.
Mrs. Buford D. Baskin
Mr. Arthur E. Bass
Bates, Leonard and Trask
Mrs. Marie W. Batson
Mr. and Mrs. James F.
Baughman, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Ethbert S.
Mrs. Marguerite D. Bazemore
Mr. and Mrs. C. Victor
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Beal
Mrs. Mary E. Beale
Mr. and Mrs. William W.
Mrs. Phyliss Beauchamp
Mr. and Mrs. Henry G.
Bedinger, Jr.
Ms. Caroline M. Bedingfield
Dr. Wade R. Bedingfield, Jr.*
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald S.
Mr. and Mrs. David C. Beihl
Mr. and Mrs. John F. Bell, Jr.
Mr. John M. Bell
Miss Thelma P. Bell
Mr. and Mrs. Ken L. Bellamy
Mr. and Mrs. Jack R. Benedict
Ms. Claudette Bennett
Ms. Kay Bennett
Mr. and Mrs. Ollie K. Bennett
Ms. Rosemary G. Bennett
Dr. and Mrs. Paul R.
Benson, Jr.
Dr. Russell E. Benton
Mr. and Mrs. William H.
Ms. Mary J. Bernhardt
Ms. Dorothy T. Berry
Mr. William S. Berry
Mr. and Mrs. Jack C. Best
Mr. and Mrs. Edward E.
Mr. Barbara Bietenholz
Mr. and Mrs. James W.
Biggers, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. James S. Binder
Mr. and Mrs. W. W.
Binnicker, Sr.
Ms. Bessie L. Black
Ms. Nan L. Black
Mr. E. Bernard Blackburn
Dr. and Mrs. J. Breeden
Ms. Janie Blackwell
Mr. and Mrs. John A. Blaga
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth R. Blake
Mr. and Mrs. William H. Blake
Ms. Nancy P. Blampied
Mr. and Mrs. Stuart R. Blood
Ms. Barbara A. Bloom
Ms. Betty L. Bloom
Mr. and Mrs. Chris H. Bloxham
Mr. and Mrs. William B. Blue
Mr. and Mrs. E. Phillips
Mr. and Mrs. Frank A. Bodiford
Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Bohannon
Mr. and Mrs. Frank M.
Boland, Jr.
Ms. Linda C. Bonvillain
Mrs. Jewell T. Booth
Mr. and Mrs. Edward E.
Mr. and Mrs. Willis M.
Mr. and Mrs. Z. Cornell
Ms. Dorothy Anne Bowers
Ms. Norma J. Bowers
Mrs. Jennie L. Bowman
Ms. Heather Bowyer
Mr. and Mrs. William M. Boyce
Mr. and Mrs. James R. Boyd
Mr. William L. Boyd
Mrs. Mary W. Boykin
Ms. Sally R. Boyle
Ms. Susan F. Boyter
Mrs. Charldeen L. Bozanek
Mr. Barry B. Bozard
Mr. and Mrs. George L.
Ms. Mary K. Braddock
Mr. and Mrs. David D. Bradford
Ms. Linda R. Bradley
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon C.
Mrs. Susan N. Bramlett
Mrs. Doris M. Brandenburg
Mr. and Mrs. Reginald L.
Mrs. Annie R. Brassell
Dr. and Mrs. William D.
Mrs. Florence L. Breinig
Mr. and Mrs. David E. Brewer
Ms. Georgia H. Brewer
Mr. Thomas Briggs
Mr. and Mrs. Clark D. Brillhart
Mrs. Laura R. Britton
Mrs. Juanita Broadwell
Mr. and Mrs. Henry E. Brock
Mr. Jack G. Brock
Dr. and Mrs. Paul B. Brock
Mr. and Mrs. George B.
Mrs. Alice C. Brooks
Mr. and Mrs. Tomlinson J.
Brookstone Garden Club
Mr. and Mrs. George C.
Broome, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. John Broome
Mrs. Emily K. Broucek
Mr. and Mrs. Carl E.
Brown, Jr.
Mrs. Christine W. Brown
Ms. Cynthia R. Brown
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene G.
Brown, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A.
Brown, Sr.
Miss Rosalyn Brown
Ms. Ruth G. Brown
Ms. Thelma M. Brown
Rev. and Mrs. Thomas C.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W.
Mrs. Agnes S. Brownell
Mrs. Virginia Brush
Dr. and Mrs. Charles F. Bruyere
Mr. and Mrs. James J. Bryant
Ms. Nancy S. Bryant
Dr. and Mrs. Robert A. Bryant
Mr. and Mrs. John C.
Buchanan, III
Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Buckles
Ms. Ann W. Bullard
Ms. Judith F. Bullard
Mrs. Maxine M. Bumgarner
Ms. Pauline S. Bundy
Mr. and Mrs. W. Marsh
Burckhalter, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Donald L.
Mr. and Mrs. C. Keith
Mrs. Hazel T. Burns
Mrs. Alice N. Burress
Mr. L. Russell Burress
Mr. and Mrs. David A. Burrow
Mr. and Mrs. John F. Busch
Mr. and Mrs. Trent Busch
Ms. Hope Bush
Mr. and Mrs. Franklin T. Butler
Ms. Harriet M. Butler
Mrs. Mary C. Butler
Mr. and Mrs. O’Neil Butler
Mrs. Jean S. Byars
Mrs. Elinor R. Byington
Miss Mildred M. Byrd
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth R. Bzoch
Ms. Amy Cain
Mr. and Mrs. David C. Cain
Ms. Paulette W. Cain
Ms. Betty B. Caldwell
Dr. and Mrs. Wilber W.
Mr. and Mrs. George W. Calvert
Ms. Janet W. Cambre
Mrs. Judith H. Camp
Ms. Barbara C. Campbell
Ms. Bonnie H. Campbell
Mr. and Mrs. Earl M. Campbell
Miss McDonald Campbell
Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Campbell
Mr. and Mrs. Scott
Candler, III
Mrs. Scott Candler, Jr.
Mrs. Georgia B. Cannon
Ms. Maxine K. Cannon
Mr. Warren L. Cargal and Mrs.
Kimberly A. Cahill
Mr. and Mrs. Edward E.
Carithers, Jr.
Mrs. Eleanor J. Carmichael
Mr. Christopher M. Carnes
Ms. Mary Carr
Mrs. Penny H. Carrington
Ms. Jacki Carroll
Mrs. Louise B. Carson
Mrs. Suzanne M. Carson
Mr. and Mrs. Wilton B. Carson
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth T. Carter
Ms. Rebecca Carver
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph T.
Cash, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. M. Gene
Cason, Jr.
Ms. Sarah S. Cason
Mr. and Mrs. B. B. Cassels, Jr.
Mrs. Laura D. Castles
Ms. Kathryn V. Cates
Dr. and Mrs. John H.
Cathcart, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl F. Catoe
Mrs. Robin Cavendish
Mr. and Mrs. Roy L. Cawley
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Cetrulo
Dr. I. Howard Chadwick
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas H.
Col. (Ret.) Edward
Chalgren, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. James E.
Ms. Louise H. Chambers
Mr. and Mrs. William S.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert L.
Ms. Margaret B. Chandler
Ms. Lena B. Chapman
Mr. and Mrs. Richard S.
Dr. and Mrs. Rodger W.
Mrs. Virginia E. Cheshire
Mrs. Amber E. Cheslak
Mr. and Mrs. Donald E.
Ms. Kathryn J. Chin
Mr. DeWayne G. Chivers
Mr. and Mrs. Marvin E.
Mr. and Mrs. Bill W. Church
Mr. and Mrs. Corbett W. Clark
Mr. and Mrs. James M. Clark
Mrs. Anne B. Clarke
The Honorable and Mrs.
Harold G. Clarke
Mr. and Mrs. William E.
Clary, Jr.
Mrs. Elizabeth L. Clemons
Mr. and Mrs. James S. Clouse
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel M.
Mrs. Grace T. Clyburn
Mrs. Florence B. Coaplen
Mr. and Mrs. C. Kenneth Cobb
Mrs. Joan M. Cobb
Ms. Mary N. Cobb
Ms. Merry H. Coble
Mrs. Greta H. Coffey*
Mr. and Mrs. M.A. Coffey
Mr. and Mrs. Courtney D.
Ms. Betsy Collins
Mr. and Mrs. Louie W.
Conder, Jr.
Mrs. Lois B. Cone
Mr. and Mrs. Joe B. Conger
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas G.
Mr. and Mrs. Lionel R.
Ms. Carol B. Cook
Mr. Maurice R. Cook
Mr. and Mrs. Richard H. Cook
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas O. Cook
Mr. and Mrs. William A.
Mrs. Beverly M. Cooper
Mr. and Mrs. Paul K. Cooper
Mrs. Barbara C. Cope
Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Cope
Mr. and Mrs. Dan B. Cordle
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Corison
Mr. Glen E. Cornell
Cornerstone Resources, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Burt T. Cosson
Mrs. Laura J. Costello
Mr. and Mrs. H. Warren O.
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald J. Coutant
Mr. and Mrs. D. Earl Cowan
Mrs. Charles T. Cowart
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Cox
Mrs. Mary E. Cox
Ms. Maureen Cox
Dr. and Mrs. John A. Crago
Miss Betty R. Craig
Mr. and Mrs. John A. Craig
Mrs. Rankin S. Craig
Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. Crain
Mr. John D. Crannell
Mrs. Betty A. Crawford
Mrs. Myrtle L. Crawford
Mr. and Mrs. William E.
Col. and Mrs. A. O’Niel
Ms. Janet N. Croll
Mr. and Mrs. Philip E. Cromer
Mr. and Mrs. Ray E.
Cromer, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. William E.
Mr. and Mrs. Cliff B. Crosland
Mr. and Mrs. Charles C. Cross
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Crotzer
Ms. Geraldine B. Crouse
Mrs. Laura Crump
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey M. Csire
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth E. Csire
Mr. and Mrs. Michael G.
Ms. Adeliene S. Culclasure
Mrs. Margaret S. Culclasure
Mr. and Mrs. Spencer L.
Cullen, Jr.
Capt. Chester D.
Cullison, USN Ret.
Miss Helen M. Culp
Ms. Dena Cunningham
Miss Mary E. Cunningham
Mrs. Anne H. Curnane
Mrs. Hazel L. Curtis
Mrs. Ruth W. Curtis
Custom Forest Products, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Cuttino Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey W. Dahnke
Mr. and Mrs. Randall B. Dailey
Mr. and Mrs. Delmas B. Dalton
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E.
Miss Barbara J. Daniels
Mrs. Marie B. Daniels
Mr. and Mrs. James F.
Darden, Jr.
Mr. Perrin Q. Dargan, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Donald G. David
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin M. Davis
Mrs. Eileen M. Davis
Judge and Mrs. Jerrell R. Davis
Ms. Julia L. Davis
Lou A. Davis
Ms. Louise Y. Davis
Mr. and Mrs. Murray L.
Davis, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Myles D. Davis
Mr. and Mrs. Richard H. Davis
Mr. Thomas A. Davis
Mrs. Virginia M. Davis
Mr. and Mrs. William B. Davis
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Davison
Mrs. George R. Dawson
Mr. and Mrs. Vincent J. De
Mr. Robert H. Deadwyler
Mr. and Mrs. Edward L. Deal
Ms. Mary H. Dean
Mr. and Mrs. James R.
Ms. Gay L. Dedo
Mr. and Mrs. David Dees
Mr. and Mrs. Philemon
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph G. Deitz
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph B.
DeLoach, III
Mrs. Ellen M. Dennis
Mr. and Mrs. Leon J. Dennis
Mrs. Mary Louise Dennis
Dr. and Mrs. Patrick H. Dennis
Mrs. Annie Rue B. Denny
Ms. Mary E. Denny
Mrs. Ann C. Dent
Mrs. Doris M. Digirolamo
Mr. and Mrs. Lemuel Dillard
Mr. and Mrs. Emory Dillon
Mr. and Mrs. James T. Dillon
Mr. and Mrs. Michael R. Dillon
Ms. Amanda T. DiResta
Mr. and Mrs. A. King Dixon, II
Major and Mrs. Albert K.
Dixon, III
Mrs. Gail Dixon
Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Dixon, Sr.
Ms. Mary F. Dodd
Mrs. Anne P. Dodson
Mr. and Mrs. William H.
Mr. and Mrs. Laurence V.
Mrs. Lessie H. Donovan
Mrs. Phyllis L. Dorn
Ms. Sondra Y. Dorr
Mr. and Mrs. Walter L. Dost
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh J.
Dowdle, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Roland O.
Mr. and Mrs. Edward R.
Drayton, II
Ms. Beverly Dreifuss
Ms. Maureen A. Drews
Mrs. Betty L. Dubose
Dr. and Mrs. E. MacDonald
DuBose, Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. Hugh H. DuBose
Mr. and Mrs. William G.
Mr. Paul A. Dunbar, Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. James L.
Duncan, Jr.
Ms. Martha B. Duncan
Mrs. William Duncan
Mr. Lawrence S. Dunham
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert M.
Duplicate Bridge Club
Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Dutton
Mr. and Mrs. J. Marshall Dye
Ms. Teresa M. Dye
Dr. and Mrs. Albert E. Eads,
Ms. Virginia M. Earnshaw
Mr. and Mrs. Frank B.
Eaves, III
Mr. and Rev. Mrs. Paul E.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Howard
Edward Jones
Ms. Carolyn J. Edwards
Ms. Kathryn E. Edwards
Mr. and Mrs. O. Ralph
Mrs. Sarah B. Eggleston
Ms. Grace L. Ehler
Dr. and Mrs. Rodger H.
Ms. Margaret J. Eilertson
Ms. Carol M. Elkins
Mr. and Mrs. Nathan L.
Mr. and Mrs. Bob O. Elliott
Mr. Robert V. Elliott
Mr. and Mrs. James C. Ellis
Ms. Joy H. Ellis
Mrs. Lloyd Ellis
Elloree Lodge #80
Mr. and Mrs. David R.
Elmore, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Elvis
Dr. and Mrs. Gerard G. Emch
Mr. and Mrs. Walter E. Engel
Mr. and Mrs. Michael L.
Mrs. Dorothy R. Epps
Mr. and Mrs. William N.
Epps, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. James R.
Epting, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Lee E. Epting
Mr. Norman L. Ernest
Mr. Edward S. Ervin, III
Miss Martha Ervin
Mr. W. D. Erwin
Mr. and Mrs. Eric Esterson
Mr. and Mrs. Laurence G.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank M. Evans
Ms. Rosa D. Evans
Mr. and Mrs. James W. Eyler
Mrs. Catherine L. Ezell
Mrs. Bettye H. Fabris
Dr. Frank S. Fabris*
Mr. Hunter H. Faires, Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. John O. Fairey
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Falls
Mr. Charles H. Fant
Mr. and Mrs. Donald L.
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond M.
Mr. and Mrs. William R.
Mr. and Mrs.Richard P.
Felder, Jr.
Ms. and Mrs. Richard B.
Mr. and Mrs. James O.
Feltman, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert H.
Mr. and Mrs. Darrell L. Fetzer
Mr. Charles W. Fields
Ms. Bonnie L. Finch
Mr. David Y. Fisher
Ms. Elsie E. Fisher
Ms. Judith I. Fisher
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Fisher
Mr. Andrew Fitzpatrick
Mr. and Mrs. Henry A.
Fleet Reserve Assoc. Sunshine Branch 102
Mr. and Mrs. Billy O.
Fleming, Sr.
Mr. Robbie Fleming
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Y.
Mr. and Mrs. William J.
Fleming, Jr.
Ms. Carole N. Fletcher
Mr. and Mrs. Alden C. Flint
Mr. William G. Flynt, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Focht
Mrs. Marguerite F. Fogleman
Dr. and Mrs. Robert L. Folger
Mr. Clarion C. Folk, Jr.
Mrs. Lucille M. Folk
Mr. and Mrs. August C.
Mrs. Kay N. Fort
Mrs. Colleen C. Foss
Mr. and Mrs. Philip F. Foster
Mrs. Alice D. Fowler
Mr. Arthur B. Fowler, Jr.*
Mr. Keith Fowler
Mr. and Mrs. Wilton B.
Fowler, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Mark D. Fowley
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C. Fox
Mr. and Mrs. Lewis J.
Ms. Julia N. Freeman
Mrs. Nancy J. Freeman
Mrs. Mae B. Fretwell
Mr. and Mrs. Donald
Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Fudge, III
Ms. Lorena B. Fuller
Mr. and Mrs. James P. Furniss
Mr. George A. Furr
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Fursa
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas F.
Mr. and Mrs. Brian G. Futch
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce L. Gailes
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel P. Gajda
Mr. and Mrs. Robert H.
Mrs. Lucille E. Gamba
Mrs. Mildred G. Gambrell
Mr. and Mrs. Dan D. Garber
Ms. Margaret E. Gardner
Ms. Mary Lou Gardner
Mrs. Nancy O. Garner
Mrs. Louise T. Garrett
Miss Helen M. Gaston
Mr. and Mrs. John Gatch, Jr.
Mr. Melvin N. Gates
Dr. and Mrs. Schley
Gatewood, Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. James E. Gee
Mr. and Mrs. Edward P. Geer
Dr. and Mrs. Gerald W.
Mrs. Loree B. George
Mrs. Martha C. George
Mr. and Mrs. George
Geriner, Jr.
Ms. Barbara Gerner
Gertz & Moore
Ms. Atha L. Gibson
Mrs. Barbara D. Gibson
Mr. and C. Jim Gibson
Mr. and Mrs. David C. Gibson
Mr. and Mrs. William B.
Mr. and Mrs. Guy W.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E.
Gillespie, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Alva K. Gillis
Mr. and Mrs. Reid Gillis
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph C. Gillon
Mr. and Mrs. Norman I.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred A.
Ms. Rachael S. Glass
Mr. and Mrs. Gary L. Glenn
Mr. Henry S. Glover
Mr. William R. Godwin, II
Mrs. Eula C. Goforth
Mr. and Mrs. Terence A.
Mr. and Mrs. I. Patrick
Mrs. Martha A. Goldsmith
Ms. Sadie Goldsmith
Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Gonor
Ms. Patricia S. Goodale
Mr. and Mrs. William P.
Ms. Dorothy Goode
Ms. Janet L. Goodman
Mrs. Rubie H. Goodwin
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene R.
Goodwyn, III
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph H.
Mr. and Mrs. Ronnie Gordon
Mrs. Gail F. Gorman
Mrs. Jean G. Gorman
Mrs. Nelle C. Goudelock
Mrs. Mary L. Grafe
Mr. and Mrs. Charles M.
Graham, Jr.
Ms. Gladys T. Graham
Ms. Patricia C. Grande
Mr. and Mrs. James T. Grant
Mr. and Mrs. Jamie Grant
Mrs. Etoile M. Grantham
Greater Greenville SC
Association of Realtors, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. James A. Green
Mrs. Joyce W. Green
Mrs. Frances L. Gregg
Mr. and Mrs. Walter
Gregg, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth J.
Mrs. Carol W. Griffith
Ms. Susan J. Groke
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel L.
Ms. Sadie M. Gross
Ms. Rachel C. Grotz
Mr. and Mrs. Warren Grover
Lt. Col. (Ret.) Joseph S.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur E.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl M.
Ms. Glenda Gunter
Mrs. Vivian H. Guthrie
Dr. and Mrs. Halcott T.
Mr. and Mrs. Boyce Haigler
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer D.
Haislip, Jr.
Mrs. Fred J. Hale
Mr. and Mrs. A. Ingram
Mr. and Mrs. James D. Hall
Mrs. Joe W. Hall, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Joe W. Hall, Jr.
Ms. Joyce J. Ham
Hamilton Electric &
Plumbing, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Howard
Mr. and Mrs. James M.
Mr. and Mrs. James W.
Ms. Leslie C. Hamilton
Mr. and Mrs. James E.
Mr. and Mrs. Owen K. Hand
Mr. and Mrs. Stuart J.
Haney, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne E.
Ms. Marie Hansen
Mr. and Mrs.
Randall H. Harber
Mrs. William H. Hardeman
Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Harden
Mr. and Mrs. Francis L.
Mr. John M. Harden, III
Mrs. Helen W. Hardy
Mrs. Ann T. Hare
Mrs. Marilyn L. Harger
Ms. Charlotte S. Hargreaves
Mr. and Mrs. Julian B. Harlan
Mr. and Mrs. Russell A.
Harley, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Walt Harmon
Mr. and Mrs. Robert F.
Ms. Joyce Harrell
Mrs. William R. Harrell
Mrs. Ann P. Harrill
Mrs. Ruby Harrington
Rev. and Mrs. Bachman B.
Mr. and Mrs. David H. Harris
Mrs. Eleanor S. Harris
Mr. and Mrs. William M.
Mr. and Mrs. John N.
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph W.
Mrs. Dabney A. Hart
Mr. and Mrs. John E. Hart, Jr.
Mrs. Susan H. Hart
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas E.
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen L.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hassall
Mr. and Mrs. Larry O.
Mr. and Mrs. William J.
Mrs. Ruth L. Haupt
Mr. Richard A. Havnaer
Mr. Greg W. Hawthorne
Mr. and Mrs. Frank S. Hay, Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. Lewis S. Hay
Mr. and Mrs. Charles C.
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Hayes
Mrs. Marianne A. Haynes
Mr. and Mrs. Robert F.
Haynie, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Knox L.
Haynsworth, Jr.
Mrs. Margaret H. Hays
Mrs. Barbara A. Hazen
Mr. and Mrs. William E.
Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Head, Jr.
Lt. Col. (Ret.) and Mrs.
William H. Heagy
Ms. Martha G. Healey
Mr. and Mrs. Larry E. Heath
Mrs. Mildred L. Hedden
Mr. and Mrs. Richard
Mrs. Anne M. Heller
Mr. and Mrs. Hoyt A.
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew H.
Henderson, Jr.
Mrs. Elizabeth M. Henderson
Mr. and Mrs. James R.
Henderson, Sr.
Mrs. Jane C. Henderson
Mr. William D. Henderson
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald B.
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Hendrix
Ms. Linda G. Hendrix
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond L.
Hendrix, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Curtis R. Henry
Mrs. Lois D. Henry
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen J.
Heritage Community Bank
Ms. Patricia Hermann
Ms. Rebecca M. Heron
Mrs. Lois M. Herrmann
Mrs. Elizabeth P. Herron
Mr. and Mrs. David L. Hersh
Mr. Eric Heslop
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Hester
Mr. and Mrs. James T. Hester
Mr. and Mrs. John G.
Heufel, Jr.
Mr. Ronald J. Hickes
Mr. and Mrs. Robert M.
Hicklin, Jr.
Mr. Harold J. Hicks
Mrs. Lucille S. Hicks
Dr. and Mrs. Alfred Hill
Mr. and Mrs. C. Ray Hill
Ms. Catherine Hill
Mrs. Deborah A. Hill
Mrs. Mabel E. Hill
Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Hill
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel J. Hill
Mrs. Vi S. Hill
Mr. and Mrs. Laddie G. Hiller
Mrs. Margaret L. Hills
Ms. Joy L. Hinton
Ms. Betty Hipps
Mr. and Mrs. David L. Hite
Mr. and Mrs. R. Harry
Hodges, Jr.
Mrs. Elizabeth M. Hoefer
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne L.
Hogon, Jr.
Mrs. Jean S. Hogshead
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony
Mr. and Mrs. James P.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Holcombe, Sr.
Ms. Martha E. Holleman
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E.
Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Hollis
Mrs. Carolyn W. Hollis
Mrs. Marguerite T. Holloway
Ms. Kimberly K. Holman
Ms. Virginia D. Honeycutt
Mr. and Mrs. Coleman P.
Mrs. Erma I. Hoopes
Mr. and Mrs. Gary S. Hoover
Mr. and Mrs. Walt L.
Hopkins, II
Mrs. Pauline A. Hord
Mr. and Mrs. Richard E. Hord
Mr. and Mrs. Michael V.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy C. Hoskins
Mr. and Mrs. Carmen A.
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry L. House
Mr. and Mrs. Ronnie E.
Mrs. Caroline Howard
Mr. Dozier Howard
Ms. Florence Howard
Mr. and Dr. Milford O.
Howard, Jr.
Ms. Nancy Howard
Mr. and Mrs. Danny Howell
Mr. and Mrs. H. W.
Howell, Jr.
Jeffrey M. Howell
Mr. and Mrs. H. Sanford
Mr. and Mrs. Robert H.
Mr. David W. Howle
Mr. and Mrs. Clifton R.
Ms. Martha K. Hucks
Mr. David M. Huddleston
Mr. and Mrs. Warren J.
Hughes, Jr.
Mrs. Eva M. Hughey
Mrs. Ann R. Huie
Ms. Margaret P. Hull
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin L.
Ms. Valerie L. Humphreys
Mrs. GeDelle Hunt
Mr. William M. Hunter, Sr.
Mrs. Helen L. Hurley
Mr. and Mrs. Landon H.
Ms. Linda G. Hurst
Dr. and Mrs. William L.
Hutchinson, Jr.
Mr. Jin-Ho Hwang
Mr. Larry Hyatt Holdings LLC
Mrs. Cathryn B. Ilderton
Ms. Cynthia K. Ingalls
Mr. William W. Inman, Jr.
International Paper Eastover Mill
Mr. Howlett C. Irvin
Dr. Virginia B. Irving
Mr. and Mrs. David M.
Isiminger, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Izlar
Mrs. Dial B. Jackson
Mr. and Mrs. Harold E.
Mr. and Mrs. John H.
Jackson, Jr.
Miss Mary-Elizabeth W.
Mrs. Erna S. Jacobs
Mrs. Rachel A. Jacobs
Mrs. Caroline O. James
Mrs. Eleanor W. James
Mrs. Elizabeth S. James
Mr. and Mrs. Frank E. James
Mr. and Mrs. O. J. James, Jr.
James Singleton Staff
Mr. and Mrs. Norman W.
Ms. Beryl M. Jaynes
Mr. and Mrs. Robert N.
Ms. Christine M. Jeffery
Rev. Leon M. Jeffords
Mrs. Margery W. Jeffords
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Jenkins
Mr. and Mrs. Robert B.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W.
Mrs. Frances D. Jennings
Mr. and Mrs. Harold K.
Mrs. Ethel H. Joerg
Mrs. Carolyn P. Johnson
Dr. and Mrs. Charles H.
Mr. and Mrs. David A.
Mr. and Mrs. David O.
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene T.
Johnson, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. G. Edward
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey L.
Mr. and Mrs. Jon M. Johnson
Mr. Lester W. Johnson
Miss Lisa C. Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Phillip J.
Mrs. Sara A. Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. William M.
Mrs. Marcella B. Johnston
Mr. and Mrs. Hilliard R. Jolly
Ms. Barbara A. Jones
Ms. Cynthia Jones
Ms. Elizabeth F. Jones
Mrs. Evelyn R. Jones
Mr. and Mrs. J. Michael Jones
Mr. and Mrs. James H.
Jones, Jr.
Dr. Kenneth R. Jones
Ms. Margaret L. Jones
Mr. Robert S. Jones
Mrs. Susan A. Jones
Mr. and Mrs. William H.
Mrs. Jeanette A. Jordan
Mr. and Mrs. Joshua D.
Ms. M. Lisa Jordan
Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Jordan
Ms. Virginia B. Jordan
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald D.
Mr. and Mrs. Curtis M.
Mr. Ernest S. Kachline
Mrs. Margie T. Karow
Mr. and Mrs. Joshua L. Kay
Ms. Anne B. Keehn
Mr. Gerald G. Keehn
Mr. and Mrs. Lamar L.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M.
Keith, Jr.
Ms. Mary K. Kellam
Mr. Thomas M. Kellam
Mr. and Mrs. David Kellett
Mr. and Mrs. Heyward S.
Mrs. Patty Kendrick
Mrs. Marie L. Kennerly
Mrs. Marion F. Kenworthy
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E.
Mrs. Marilyn M. Kerr
Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Kester
Mr. and Mrs. Joe L. Key
Mrs. Annetta R. Kies
Mr. and Mrs. Donald C. Kilby
Mrs. Barbara N. Kilgore
Mr. and Mrs. Mac D.
Mr. and Mrs. Bill C. Killough
Dr. and Mrs. Jeremy
Ms. Tracy Kimbrell
Mr. and Mrs. William C.
Kimbrell, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Arnold J.
Ms. Susan L. Kimmel
Mrs. Sylvia O. Kinder
Mr. and Mrs. Allen D.
King, Jr.
Ms. Dorothy F. King
Ms. Emily M. King
Mrs. Evelyn R. King
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey L. King
Ms. Juanita W. King
Ms. Marjorie B. King
Mrs. Elizabeth A. KirkHepworth
Ms. Jean S. Kirkley
Mrs. Patricia G. Kjorlaug
Mr. and Mrs. Gene Knierim
Ms. Doris M. Knight
Ms. Rubilee P. Knight
Mr. and Mrs. Donald O. Knox
Ms. Julia I. Knox
Ms. Shirley J. Knox
Mrs. Mary W. Koob
Ms. Judith A. Kosto
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Krapfel
Ms. Julia E. Krebbs
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen T.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul E. Kroeger
Ms. Shelly S. La Penna
Ms. Janice H. Labouchere
Mr. and Mrs. A. H.
Lachicotte, Jr.
Mrs. Jean Lackey
Dr. and Mrs. Mark P. Lacy
Mr. and Mrs. Elbert LaGrone
Dr. and Mrs. Paul G.
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence S.
Lamb, Sr.
Mrs. Muriel Lambrecht
Landrum Quilt Club
Mrs. Martha H. Langley
Mrs. Carolyn Wynelle F.
Mr. and Mrs. H. Allen Lanier
Mr. and Mrs. William S.
Lanier, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley P.
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth P.
Ms. Annette Lauber
Mr. Donald Law
Mrs. Doris Lawrence
Mr. and Mrs. William H.
Lawson, Jr.
Col. and Mrs. James H. Leach
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth S.
Mr. and Mrs. William O.
Leckie, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. George R.
Mr. and Mrs. Ashley G. Lee
Mr. Charles R. Lee
Mr. and Mrs. David F. Lee, Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. Frank B. Lee, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Lee
Mrs. Lucille B. Lee
Mrs. Juanita J. Lemke
Rev. and Mrs. Mark G.
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald W. Lenz
Mr. Neal C. Leonard, Sr.
Mrs. Ellen L. Lesesne
Ms. Debbie E. Lesley
Mr. and Mrs. Ben R. Lever, III
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Lewis
Mr. and Mrs. James Lewis
Mr. and Mrs. Rone H. Lewis
Mr. James W. Lichford
Mr. and Mrs. Warren H. Liem
Mr. and Mrs. Edgar C.
Ms. Saundra A. Ligon
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Ligon
Ms. Marthanne Limehouse
Mr. and Mrs. Paul C. Liming
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher H.
Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Linder
Mr. Richard Lindholm
Dr. Sara M. Lindsay
Mr. and Mrs. Harold B. Link
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Link
Mr. and Mrs. Philip C. Lisbon
Mr. Wilder G. Little
Mr. and Mrs. Chris Littlejohn
Mr. John M. Lloyd*
Mr. and Mrs. Phillip G.
Dr. and Mrs. William J.
Logothetis, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W.
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Long
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Long
Mr. and Mrs. James M. Long
Dr. and Mrs. William Long
Mrs. Sara L. Looney
Mrs. Renee P. Lord
Louise Radloff Middle School
Mr. John M. Love
Ms. Nancy A. Love
Dr. and Mrs. Oscar F.
Lovelace, Sr.
Mrs. Ethel M. Lowder
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth C.
Mr. Robert Luppino
Mr. and Mrs. John Lusby
Mr. and Mrs. John D. Lybrand
Dr. and Mrs. James G.
Lyerly, Jr.
Ms. Lisa R. Lynch
Mr. and Mrs. T. Stephen
Mrs. Grace O. Lyons
Mr. and Mrs. Harry R.
Mr. Allen MacEachern
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond E.
Mr. Stuart C. MacKintosh
Mr. and Mrs. Robert S.
Mr. and Mrs. James D.
Ms. Carolyn Madell
Mrs. Carol K. Mader
Mr. Donald C. Mahaffey
Mr. and Mrs. William M.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Mahon
Mr. Martin Mahoney
Mr. and Mrs. Jerome M.
Ms. Patricia Malcolm
Mr. and Mrs. Wade E. Malm
Mr. and Mrs. Wofford E.
Malphrus, II
Mr. and Mrs. John E. Maly
Mr. Herbert G. Mann
Mrs. Helen H. Manry
Mr. and Mrs. Waldo A.
Mrs. Julia D. Markley
Ms. Willene P. Marks
Ms. Katie Marple
Mr. and Mrs. Byron P. Marsh
Mr. and Mrs. Gary S.
Mrs. Helen H. Marshall
Ms. Gertrude I. Marsi
Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Marth
Ms. Ann P. Martin
Mr. and Mrs. Frank L. Martin
Mr. Henry B. Martin
Mrs. J. R. Martin
Mr. and Mrs. Kelly Martin
Mr. and Mrs. O. A. Martin
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel A.
Martin, Jr.
Mrs. Carla June Mason
Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Massey
Dr. and Mrs. William H.
Mathis, Jr.
Ms. Sally Matlock
Mrs. Barbara B. Matthews
Mr. and Mrs. David T.
Mr. and Mrs. Owen A.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard E.
Rev. and Mrs. William P.
Matthews, Jr.
Mrs. Carolyn B. May
Mrs. Eugenia M. May
Mr. Lucian F. May
Mr. and Mrs. Charles A.
Mr. and Mrs. Lucian P.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert T. Mayne
Mrs. Charles H. Mayo
Ms. Ann McCabe
Mrs. Mae M. McCabe
Mrs. Dorothy B. McCain
Mrs. Elizabeth A. McCallum
Mr. and Mrs. John H.
Dr. Linda A. McCombs
Mr. and Mrs. William M.
McCord, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Lynn L.
McCraw, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. James R.
Mrs. Ada C. McCrum
Ms. Mary E. McCulley
Mr. and Mrs. William J.
Mr. and Mrs. George T.
McCutchen, III
Mr. and Mrs. David
Mrs. Gail F. McDonald
Mr. and Mrs. Harry R.
Mr. Harry S. McDowell
Mr. and Mrs. James H.
McDowell, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L.
McElmoyle, Jr.
Mr. Frank P. McElvey, III
Mr. and Mrs. John G.
Mr. and Mrs. James W.
Ms. Karen R. McGehee
Mr. and Mrs. William M.
Mr. and Mrs. Pierre N.
McGowan, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. James H.
Ms. Jane Ann McGregor
Mr. and Mrs. Charles W.
Mr. and Mrs. Roland A.
Mr. Daniel E. McIntyre*
Mr. and Mrs. Paul G.
Ms. Mary Louise M.
Mrs. Catherine C. McLendon
Mr. and Mrs. John F.
McLeod, Jr.
Mrs. Ruth T. McLeod
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce
Mr. James L. McQuage
Ms. Jeanne S. McWhirter
Judge and Mrs. T. Penn
Mr. and Rev. Mrs. Charles J.
Mr. and Mrs. Jim McWilliams
Ms. Jane Meacham
Mr. and Mrs. Ronnie C.
Mr. and Mrs. Leon Meenach
Mrs. Shirley I. Mees
Mr. and Mrs. George P. E.
Mr. Carlton N. Mell, Jr.
Mr. E. Flynn Menius, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Meredith
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Merrill
Mrs. Virginia S. Merritt
Mr. and Mrs. Hiram
Mrs. Myra A. Messer
Mr. and Mrs. James A. Meyer
Mr. and Mrs. David L.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert G.
Ms. Heather L. Midgley
Mrs. Marjorie F. Milam
Miss E. Ruth Milan
Mrs. Robert L. Miles
Ms. Sarah B. Milford
Mr. and Mrs. Gene A. Miller
Mr. and Mrs. John S. Miller
Ms. Josie Miller
Mrs. Mary M. Miller
Mr. and Mrs. Roger E. Miller
Mrs. Ruth A. Miller
Mrs. Sara C. Miller
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A.
Mr. and Mrs. William C.
Ms. Carrie L. Milligan
Mr. and Mrs. James E.
Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Miranda
Ms. Kimberly S. Miranda
Mr. and Mrs. William S.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P.
Mitchener, Sr.
Dr. Berry B. Monroe
Mr. and Mrs. Richard
Mr. and Mrs. David M.
Mr. and Mrs. James W. Moore
Mr. and Mrs. Richard E.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard R.
Mr. and Mrs. William F.
Moore, Jr.
Mrs. Evelyn E. Moose
Ms. Lynn Moran
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel A.
Mr. and Mrs. Floyd T.
Morgan Keegan &
Company, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert O.
Ms. Helen Morrison
Mr. Daniel V. Morse
Ms. Mary Katherine Morse
Ms. Helen L. Moss
Ms. Judith M. Mueller
Mr. Sherrill C. Mullis
Mr. and Mrs. Luther M.
Mr. and Mrs. Candler A.
Ms. Florence B. Murphy
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Murphy
Mr. Raymond L. Murphy
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel K.
Mrs. Lucille M. Myers
SGT MAJ and Mrs. David S.
Mr. Zovak Najarian
Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Nance
Mr. and Mrs. John T. Nave
Ms. Emma J. Nelson
Mr. and Mrs. James Nelson
Mr. and Mrs. Scott T. Nelson
Dr. and Mrs. George H.
Mrs. Brantley New
Mrs. Mary S. New
Dr. Jerry M. Newbold, Jr.
Mrs. Joan T. Newman
Mr. and Mrs. R. Mitchell
Newman, Jr.
Mrs. Dorothy Newsome
Mrs. Louis J. Nexsen
Mr. and Mrs. Edward W.
Nichols, Jr.
Mrs. Susanna R. Nicholson
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur L.
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence H.
Mr. and Mrs. William B.
Mrs. Evelyn Nietzer
Mrs. Doris E. Niforth
Ms. Jean P. Nisbet
Mr. and Mrs. Charles N.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack B. Nixon
Mr. and Mrs. Ewell C.
Noel, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Baxter A. Norris
Mrs. Georgie W. Norris
Mr. and Mrs. John L. Norton
Mr. and Mrs. Ben K.
Norwood, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Dwight L. Nott
Mrs. Josephine Novotny
Mrs. Ruth L. Nutt
Ms. Marylinn E. Nye
Mr. and Mrs. Frank M. Oates
Mrs. Phoebe R. Oblon
Ms. M. Winnifred O’Dell*
Mr. and Mrs. James M. Odom
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph L.
Miss Elizabeth A. Ogorek
Mr. and Mrs. John D. Ohlandt
Mr. and Mrs. George H.
Mrs. Jeanne A. Oliver
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony
Mrs. Dirkje B. Oortman
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard R.
Orders, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. John V. Osius
Mrs. Catherine N. O’Steen
Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Ouzts
Mrs. Fannie G. Overall
Mr. and Mrs. Lad F.
Owens, Jr.
Mr. Tench P. Owens
Mr. and Mrs. W. Robert
Owens, Jr.
Ms. Leeanne Pacatte
Mrs. Lilla W. Page
Paine Insurance
and Realty Co.
Mr. and Mrs. Rufus R.
Paine, Sr.
Mrs. Clarence E. Palmer
Mr. and Mrs. Lanny S. Palmer
Mrs. Marie G. Park
Ms. Carolyn F. Parker
Col. and Mrs. Clarence S.
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon A.
Mrs. Helen B. Parker
Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Parker, Jr.
Mrs. Margaret M. Parker
Mr. and Mrs. Lester S. Parr
Ms. Martha C. Parrish
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick H.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack G. Paschal
Mr. and Mrs. Derward E.
Pate, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur W.
Ms. Eleanor B. Patton
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Patton
Ms. Patricia I. Paturzo
Mrs. Jean K. Patz
Ms. Pamela W. Pavey
Ms. Margaret Payler
Ms. Mary P. Peace
Mr. Winfred M. Peace
Mrs. Joyce Y. Peacock
Mr. and Mrs. Warren T.
Mrs. Irene L. Pearcy
Rev. and Mrs. Lennart
Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Pease
Mr. and Mrs. William A. Peay
Mr. and Mrs. Ricardo R.
Mrs. Barbara S. Peebles
Mrs. Frank B. Pennell
Mr. and Mrs. Oscar A. Perron
Mr. and Mrs. John Perry
Mr. and Mrs. William M.
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas N.
Ms. Eli Kay Peters
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory L.
Ms. Penelope P. Peterson
Mr. Ray W. Peterson, Jr.
Mr. Fred L. Petoskey
Mr. David N. Pfohl and Ms.
Kathleen Thimsen
Dr. and Mrs. Charles K.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold D.
Mr. and Mrs. Hazel W.
Mr. Keith Phillips
Mr. and Mrs. William H.
Mrs. Grace Elenor L. Pierce
Ms. Marilyn J. Pike
Ms. Shirley L. Pinnacle
Mr. and Mrs. James Pinson
Ms. Maxine W. Pinson
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Pipes
Ms. Sandra R. Plant
Rev. and Mrs. James W. Platt
Ms. Laura Jeanette Playford
Mr. Leroy W. Plekenpol
Mr. and Mrs. George F. Ploth
Mrs. Margaret R. Plowden
Mr. and Mrs. Theodore M.
Ms. Eloise S. Plyler
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph E.
Poole, Jr.
Mrs. Fannie E. Pooley
Ms. Beatrice H. Pope
Mr. Cordell P. Porter
Mr. and Mrs. Millard E.
Mr. and Mrs. Philip J. Porter
Mr. William N. Porter
Mrs. Katherine L. Potter
Mrs. Annie W. Powell
Mrs. Ellen W. Powell
Mr. and Mrs. John L.
Powell, Jr.
Mr. Leo Vernon Powell
Mr. and Mrs. Paul R. Powell
Mrs. Barbara G. Powers
Mr. Robert S. Prather, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Pratt
Ms. Dorothy A. Presser
Mr. and Mrs. William J.
Rev. Harold B. Prince
Ms. Pearl Pringle
Ms. Cynthia L. Proctor
Mr. and Mrs. David Proctor
Mr. and Mrs. M. Eugene
Mr. Harold B. Prosser
Prudential Florida WCI
Ms. Helen H. Pulaski
Mr. and Mrs. Lewis K.
Mr. B. Hugh Putnam, Jr.*
Mr. Samuel R. Putnam, Jr.
Ms. Ferne H. Queen
Mrs. Frieda Quicker
Ms. Harriet A. Rahm
Mr. Dave B. Ramlackhan
Dr. and Mrs. John G.
Ms. Julia S. Randel
Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Rapp
Mr. and Mrs. Donald G.
Mr. and Mrs. Milburn D.
Ms. Frances T. Rauschenberg
Mrs. Anne L. Ray
Mr. Charles L. Ray, Jr.*
Mr. and Mrs. Palmer Ray
Mr. Van B. Ray, Jr.
Mrs. Sara C. Reace
Mrs. M. E. Redick, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Vincent J.
Rev. and Mrs. Archie C.
Reed, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles W.
Mr. and Mrs. Edward B.
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald C.
Mr. and Mrs. E. Lowry
Reid, Jr.
Mrs. Violet J. Reid
Ms. Antoinette Reimers
Mr. and Mrs. James M.
Ms. Elizabeth J. Render
Mr. and Mrs. Richard J.
Mrs. Jill B. Resmondo
Ms. Joanne S. Revie
Ms. J. Evalyn Reynolds
Ms. Marguerite C. Rhet
Mr. Dan Rhyne
Mrs. Elizabeth S. Rice
Mr. and Mrs. George L. Rice
Mrs. Lina N. Rice
Ms. Margaret W. Rich
Mrs. Eleanor Richardson
Mr. and Mrs. Cornelius G.
Mr. and Mrs. Philip J. Riddle
Mrs. Mary Margaret R.
Col. and Mrs. James M.
Mrs. Joan A. Rikard
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Riley
Mr. and Mrs. Franklin D.
Mr. Charles I. Robbins
Ms. Betty Jean Roberson
Mr. and Mrs. James E.
Mr. and Mrs. Steven L.
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred B.
Robinson, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Banks S.
Mr. Eldred S. Robinson
Mr. and Mrs. James A.
Robinson, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. John C.
Robinson, Sr.
Mrs. Julia W. Robinson
Mr. William Robinson
Rock Hill Chapter of the
National Wild Turkey
Mr. and Mrs. Harold C.
Mr. and Mrs. Melvin D.
Mr. and Mrs. William E.
Roosevelt High Alumni
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas D.
Miss Margaret A.
Mrs. Joyce Rothman
Mr. and Mrs. William H.
Royall, Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. William H.
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory R.
Mrs. Sylvia Rumer
Ms. Deborah C. Rush
Mr. and Mrs. Carl S. Russ
Admiral and Mrs. Dean R.
Mr. and Mrs. Rufus E.
Sadler, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. B. E. Sain
Ms. Barbara Q. Salter
Mr. and Mrs. Bobby J. Salyer
Mr. & Mrs. T. Reeves Sams
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sanborn
Mrs. Seria B. Sandel
Mrs. Louise O. Sanders
Mr. and Mrs. Steve E.
Mr. and Mrs. Jaime I.
Miss Marguerite E. Sapp
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas D.
Mr. and Mrs. Bill A.
Mr. and Mrs. A.Neal
Mrs. Dorothy Satterfield
Mr. and Mrs. Bert H.
Mr. and Mrs. James H.
Saye, Jr.
Mr. Paul J. Schaaf
Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Mr. and Mrs. William J.
Mrs. Abbie A. Schissler
Mr. and Mrs. Franz J.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard L.
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth F.
Mr. and Mrs. Carl H.
Ms. Nancy E. Scoggins
Mr. Salvatore J. Scopa
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur A.
Ms. Belinda C. Scott
Mr. and Mrs. Blynn B. Scott
Mr. David G. Scott, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. John H.
Scott, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Scott
Mrs. Sara S. Scott
Mr. and Mrs. Jack M. Scoville
Mr. and Mrs. Robert P.
Mr. James Y. Scruggs, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Clyde W. Seager
Ms. Judy Seaman
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W.
Ms. Wanda Segers
Mr. and Mrs. Rallie M.
Seigler, Sr.
Mrs. William O. Sellers
Ms. Mary M. Setzer
Mr. and Mrs. William H.
Mr. and Mrs. George D.
Shankle, Jr.
Mrs. Nettie B. Shannon
Mr. and Mrs. Winfield K.
Sharp, IV
Mr. and Mrs. Bartow S.
Shaw, Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. Harold E.
Shaw, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. McLaurin Shaw
Mr. and Mrs. C. David Shealy
Mr. and Mrs. Kirby D.
Shealy, Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. Preston S. Shealy
Mrs. Jane W. Shelton
Mrs. Betty M. Sheorn
Mr. and Mrs. John C.
Mrs. Frances M. Sherard
Mr. and Mrs. Henry F. Sherrill
Ms. Ina D. Shiffler
Mr. James D. Shotwell, Sr.
Ms. Holly F. Shuffler
Mrs. James A. Shuford, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel G.
Mr. William B. Sibley
Mrs. Florence D. Sickles
Ms. Anne H. Sidey
Ms. Paula Silberberg
Mrs. Betty M. Sime
Mrs. Dorothy H. Simmons
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph C.
Mr. and Mrs. David T.
Mrs. Hazel C. Sims
Mrs. Linda D. Sims
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Sims
Mr. Richard J. Sjoblom
Mr. and Mrs. Roy G. Sjoblom
Ms. Steffany Skelly
Mr. and Mrs. B. J. Skinner, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Greg Slayton
Ms. Mary Anne Sledge
Ms. Alice B. Smith
Mrs. Anne D. Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Bobby R. Smith
Ms. Charlene L. Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Clyde M. Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Clyde O. Smith
Mrs. Ellen S. Smith
Ms. Emily Smith
Mrs. Emmelyn R. Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Floyd M. Smith
Mrs. Helen P. Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Smith
Mrs. Janis S. Smith
Ms. Martha A. Smith
Mrs. Mary A. Smith
Ms. Mary Lou Smith
Ms. Mildred Smith
Ms. Pat Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick K. Smith
Mr. Robert E. Smith
Dr. and Mrs. Robert E. Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Robert P. Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Smith
Mr. Samuel E. Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Wesley R.
Smith, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. William L.
Mrs. Mildred F. Smoak
Ms. Ruth R. Smoak
Mr. William R. Smoak
Dr. and Mrs. Alexander R.
Smythe, II
Ms. Judith E. Snell
Mr. and Mrs. John T. Snipes
Mr. Charles F. Snyder
Rev. Mr. John N. Somerville
Mr. and Mrs. Alan T. South
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry A. South
Mr. and Mrs. J. Gregory
Ms. Myrleen P. Souther
Mrs. Mary F. Space
Mrs. Janice T. Spann
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Sparks
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy H.
Mr. and Mrs. Dan E. Spencer
Mr. and Mrs. James L.
Mrs. Ruth J. Spencer
Mr. and Mrs. James W. Spikes
Mrs. Barbara C. Spindler
Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Spivey
Mr. and Mrs. William D.
Mrs. Melba R. Sprague
Mr. John Sprinkle
Dr. and Mrs. Ralph S.
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph T.
Ms. Theodora G. St. Clair
Mrs. Phyllis G. St. John
Mr. and Mrs. William Staines
Mrs. Cecelia T. Staley
Mrs. Mary H. Stallworth
Mrs. Marjorie I. Stanley
Mr. and Mrs. Richard M.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank L. Steever
Mrs. Minnie P. Stegall
Mr. and Mrs. Gary D.
Mr. and Mrs. John C.
Mr. and Mrs. William K.
Mr. and Mrs. William L.
Stephenson, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Sterrett, Jr.
Ms. Shirley D. Stevens
Mrs. Lenore B. Stevenson
Dr. and Mrs. Travis B.
Stevenson, Jr.
Dr. Vernon Stevenson
Mr. and Mrs. Allan B. Stewart
Ms. Bonnie J. Stewart
Mr. and Mrs. Dwight L.
Stewart, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Gene B.
Stewart, Jr.
Ms. Jean A. Stogner
Mr. L. B. Stogner
Dr. and Mrs. Ernest W.
Stokes, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry H. Stone
Mr. and Mrs. Walter F. Stone
Mrs. Louise D. Stoneburner
Mr. and Mrs. J. Martin Storey
Mr. and Mrs. Leon
Miss Ada F. Stovall*
Mr. and Mrs. Alto A. Straugn
Mr. and Mrs. Hal D. Stribling
Mr. and Mrs. John R.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Strittmatter
Mr. and Mrs. Richard F.
Strouss, Sr.
Mr. John T. Stubbs, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. L. Glenn
Stubbs, Jr.
Mrs. Ouida Stuckey
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey B.
Mrs. Jill B. Studstill
Ms. Nancy M. Sturtz
Ms. Phyllis G. Sublett
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Sullivan
Ms. Helen M. Summer
Mr. Howard Summerell, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Tim Sutherland
Mr. and Mrs. William F.
Mrs. Elizabeth F. Sutton
Mr. and Mrs. Darius L.
Ms. Martha Swem
Mrs. Lillian W. Swicord
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A.
Mr. David M. Talbert
Mr. and Mrs. James L. Talley
Mrs. Juanita M. Tally
Mr. and Mrs. Dirk N. Tanis
Mr. Carey L. Tanner
Dr. and Mrs. Foard H.
Tarbert, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. William B.
Mr. and Mrs. John M. Tatum
Mrs. Virginia R. Taylor
Mr. and Mrs. Karl A. Team
Mr. and Mrs. Phillip H.
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick D.
Ms. Helen M. Tewkesbury
The Sharon Company, Inc.
Dr. Susan Thomas Bowers
Mr. and Mrs. James C.
Mr. and Mrs. John C. Thomas
Dr. and Mrs. Joseph D.
Mr. and Mrs. Karter Thomas
Rev. and Mrs. Samuel N.
Thomas, Sr.
Dr. and Mrs. Allan J.
Thompson, Jr.
Mrs. Amanda H. Thompson
Ms. Ellen L. Thompson
Mr. Joseph A. Thompson
Mrs. Margaret R. Thompson
Miss R. Elizabeth Thompson
Dr. and Mrs. Robert E.
Mr. Robert G. Thompson
Mr. and Mrs. Robert W.
Mrs. Dorothy H. Thornton
Thornwell Home for Children
Mrs. Elizabeth A. Thrash
Mr. and Mrs. Carl G.
Mr. and Mrs. Edward L.
Mr. Thomas G. Timmons
Mr. and Mrs. Joe E.
Timms, Sr.
Mrs. Elsie Todd
Mrs. Kathleen S. Todd
Mr. and Mrs. William A.
Mrs. Joyce E. Tomanek
Mr. and Mrs. Chuck Toney
Ms. Ollie J. Toole
Ms. Myra L. Toomajian
Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Mrs. Janna Torrance-Janes
Mrs. Ruth E. Townsend
Ms. Diane Trap
Mr. and Mrs. William H.
Mrs. Anne B. Trippe
Col. (Ret.) and Mrs. William
R. Trippe, III
Ms. Cecilia R. Trottie
Mrs. Martha Z. Tucker
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Tucker
Mrs. Katherine M. Turner
Mrs. Rebecca S. Turner
Mr. and Mrs. William H.
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher
Mr. and Mrs. Alfio R. Undari
Mrs. Beverly J. Unger
United Way of Camden
Mrs. Doris S. Upchurch
Mr. and Mrs. Hennie Van
Ms. Nancy B. Van Wie
Mrs. Miriam T. Vann
Ms. Rosemary V. Vassy
Mr. Edgar A. Vaughan
Ms. Mittie B. Veach
Ms. Anne H. Vieira
Mr. and Mrs. James C. Vinson
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew J. Virgil
Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Vogel
Mrs. Patricia B. Von Harten
Ms. Nancy Vosburgh
Mrs. Evelyn K. Vought
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth W.
Mrs. Ruth A. Vreeland
Mrs. Gayle Wachtel
Mrs. Carol S. Wade
Ms. Livia S. Wade
Mrs. Ruth S. Wade
Mr. and Mrs. Robert M.
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel C.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul E. Wagner
Mr. and Mrs. Klon M.
Mr. and Mrs. Carlos L.
Mr. and Mrs. Cliff N. Walker
Mr. and Mrs. Harold S.
Mr. and Mrs. Johnny E.
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence N.
Mrs. Byron Wallace
Mr. and Mrs. David G.
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh H.
Mrs. Martha M. Wallace
Ms. Mary B. S. Wallace
Ms. Sandra Wallace
Mrs. Anne F. Waltz
Mr. and Mrs. Frank B. Ward
Mr. and Mrs. George D.
Mr. Richard V. Warden and
Mrs. Sue E. Ash
Ware Shoals School
District 51
Mr. and Mrs. David W.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry T.
Warren, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas B.
Mr. and Mrs. George E.
Rev. Mrs. Alison M. Watkins
Dr. and Mrs. Robert B.
Ms. Jean P. Watson
Mrs. Nancy S. Watson
Mr. Sheridan B. Watterworth
Ms. Pauline M. Waugh
Ms. Lisa Webb
Mr. Samuel B. Webb
Dr. Jerry Weber and
Rev. Mrs. Donna Wells
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald W.
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Webster
Wednesday Coffee Club
Mrs. Marion H. Weersing
Mrs. Marguerite Weihing
Rev. and Mrs. William G.
Mrs. Jean M. Welch
Mr. and Mrs. John C. Welker
Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Weller
Dr. and Mrs. Robert L. Wells
Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Wells
Mrs. Mary Frances Wendt
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald C.
Ms. Elizabeth D. Weston
Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Ms. Lorraine Wetherington
Mrs. Mary T. Whaley
Mr. Charles H. Wheatley
Ms. Charlotte B. Wheeler
Mr. and Mrs. James E.
Mrs. Miriam W. Whisnant
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph B.
Mr. and Mrs. Emory
Ms. Johnadee H. White
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph C. White
Ms. Marian R. White
Mrs. Robert A. White, Jr.
Mrs. Roy T. White
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry L.
Ms. Ginger A. Whitehead
Ms. Doreen A. Whitney
Col. Sandra S. Whitt
Mr. Scott Whitworth
Mrs. Ieda S. Wiarda
Rev. and Mrs. R. Wayne
Mr. and Mrs. William T.
Mr. William S. Wilfong, Jr.
Mrs. Adeline B. Wilkes
Mr. and Mrs. Paul B. Wilkie
William S. Hall Psychiatric
Institute & Bryan Hospital
Ms. Althea C. Williams*
Mr. Arthur L. Williams
Mr. and Mrs. C. Chester
Mrs. Dorothy H. Williams
Mr. and Mrs. Earl R.
Williams, Jr.
Mrs. Edith W. Williams
Ms. Gloria M. Williams
Ms. Jane B. Williams
Mr. and Mrs. John H.
Williams, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. John Ray
Ms. Judy E. Williams
Mr. Mac Williams
Ms. Margaret B. Williams
Mr. and Mrs. R. S.
Williams, III
Mr. and Mrs. Richard R.
Mr. and Mrs. W. Thomas
Mr. and Mrs. Willie O.
Ms. Charlotte G. Williamson
Mr. and Mrs. George K.
Ms. Patricia B. Williamson
Mr. and Mrs. Ted
Williamson, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Bradley Willis
Ms. Evelyn F. Willis
Miss Mildred L. Willson
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Wilson
Mr. and Mrs. Robert H.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack R.
Windell, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Carlton L.
Mr. and Mrs. Clayton C.
Mrs. Dovie C. Wingard
Mr. and Mrs. Kent Winner
Mrs. Robert Wise
Mr. J. B. Withers, III
Mr. and Mrs. Steve H.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wolling
Mr. and Mrs. William G.
Mr. Walter C. Wood
Ms. Eva D. Woodall
Mrs. Genevieve R. Woodruff
Mr. and Mrs. Dan C. Woods
Mr. John O. Woods and Mrs.
Donna J. Cramer
Mr. and Mrs. Sylvester D.
Mr. John S. Wooten
Dr. and Mrs. W. Curtis
Worthington, Jr.
Ms. Mary Woytek
Mrs. Paulette B. Wright
Mr. and Mrs. Willard D.
Mr. and Mrs. David C.
Wylie, Jr.
Mrs. Susan R. Wylie
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald B.
Ms. Lorraine Wysk
Mrs. June H. Yancey
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph M.
Col. and Mrs. William G.
Yarborough, Jr.
Ms. Julie Yarbrough
Mr. and Mrs. Howard J.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert H.
Mr. and Mrs. James M. Young
Ms. Jane Young
Ms. Jessie M. Young
Mrs. Jewell E. Young
Mrs. Kathleen L. Young
Mrs. Marion K. Young
Mrs. Reese H. Young
Mrs. Susan C. Young
Ms. Elizabeth Zern
Mr. and Mrs. Robert R.
Aon Foundation Matching Gifts
Ashington-Pickett Foundation, Inc.
Bank of America Matching Gifts
Blake P. Garrett, Sr. Foundation
Central Carolina Community
Community Foundation of Greater
Community Foundation of North
Creative Ministries of Presbyterian
D. L. Scurry Foundation
ExxonMobil Matching Gifts
Foundation, Inc.
Fidelity Investments Charitable Gift
Foothills Community Foundation
Gannett Foundation, Inc. Matching
Gifts Program
GlaxoSmithKline Matching Gifts
Greene-Sawtell Foundation
Grier Family Foundation, Inc.
Jason Braymiller Foundation
LandAmerica Matching Gifts
New Hope Foundation
Nora and William Smith Foundation
North Georgia Community
Olive Tree Foundation
Pfizer Foundation Matching Gifts
Philip L. Van Every Foundation
Samuel E. and Mary W. Thatcher
Samuel T. Roach Foundation
Shaw Family Foundation
Spartanburg Christian Community
The Bailey Foundation
The Cassels Foundation
The Community Foundation For
Greater Atlanta, Inc.
The Duke Endowment
The Duke Energy Foundation
Matching Gifts Program
The Hunt Foundation, Inc
The Imlay Foundation Inc.
The John and Mary Franklin
Foundation, Inc.
The Kinnett Foundation, Inc.
The Malloy Foundation
The Mary Alice and Bennett Brown
Foundation, Inc.
The Mills Foundation
The Prudential Foundation
Matching Gifts Program
The Spartanburg County Foundation
Thomas Neal Foundation, Inc.
Tull Charitable Foundation, Inc.
Vanguard Charitable Endowment
John F. and Bonnie H. Arnall
Perpetual Trust
Bernice Baker Trust
Martha F. Boley & Ruth Boley
Shands Charitable Remainder
Annuity Trust
Estate of Martha Frances Burgess
William R. Chapman Scholarship
Edna G. Cleve Perpetual Trust
Juliana C. Cole Charitable
Remainder Annuity Trust
Estate of Georgia B. Dickert
Miriam Dinwiddie Dougherty
Charitable Gift Annuity
Estate of James W. and Hilda
Doris and William R. Harris
Charitable Trust
William H. and Janet A. Heilman
Perpetual Trust
Toddy and Peggy Hopkins
Charitable Lead Annuity Trust
Estate of Charles Johnson and the C
& A 2002 Living Trust
Estate of Margaret Funk Johnson
M. Hubert Judd Charitable
Remainder Unitrust
Estate of Leona G. Kaber
Blanche D. Kilpatrick Perpetual
Herman and Maude Koester
Charitable Gift Annuity
Gordon Lee Orphanage Fund
John C. Lott Perpetual Trust
Plumer Jacobs Manson Charitable
Remainder Unitrust
Arch and Helen S. McPheeters
Perpetual Trust
Estate of Pauline C. Mitchell
Marion G. and Barbara W. Nelson
Estate of Mary Blanche Owen
Owen-Brawner Charitable Fund
Gertrude A. Parramore Perpetual
Rosabel and M. K. Pentecost
Perpetual Trust
Estate of Harry Gibson Perry
H. M. Shaw Charitable Trust
Maralouise H. Stribling Charitable
Remainder Unitrust
Robbie M. Thompson Perpetual
David C. Way Perpetual Trust
Swetenburg Family Fund for
David and Sandra Whitaker Family
Fund for Children
Wilkinson Fund for Children
Funds for Cottage Life
Funds for Academic
Brashear Family Fund for Academic
Funds for Christian
Cassels Family Fund for Christian
Robert H. and Judy Howle Chastain
Permanent Endowment for Christian
Forest Lake Presbyterian Church
Endowment for Christian Nurture
Robert C. & Patricia C. Shufeldt
Endowment for Christian Nurture
Rev. Henry Lee Sneed Sr. Fund for
Christian Nurture
Robert Berly Vance Christian Nurture
Funds for Children
Glenn William Beeman Fund for
Jerry Birchfield Family Fund for
Ray and Mary Clanton Fund for
deHolczer Fund for Children
Herron Fund for Children
Kappy and William Hubbard Family
Fund for Children
Nancy Lindeman Fund for Children
Jean Kearse McInnis Fund for
Joe Roberts Memorial Fund for
Mackey and Barbara Scott Permanent
Endowment Fund for Children
Endsley Fund for Cottage Life
Hughes Fund for Cottage Life
Orr Family Fund for Cottage Life
Vanni Fund for Cottage Life
Honor Roll List of Churches
South Carolina
Bethel Presbyterian Church
Walhalla, SC
Carmel Presbyterian Church
Easley, SC
Covenant Presbyterian Church
Spartanburg, SC
Abbeville Presbyterian Church
Abbeville, SC
Bethel Presbyterian Church
Walterboro, SC
Carolina Presbyterian Church
Clio, SC
Abbeville Presbyterian Church
Abbeville, SC
Bethesda Presbyterian Church
Camden, SC
Central Presbyterian Church
Anderson, SC
Darlington Presbyterian
Darlington, SC
Bethesda Presbyterian Church
Camden, SC
Central Presbyterian Church
Anderson, SC
Bethesda Presbyterian Church
Gaffney, SC
Chapel at Lake Wateree
Ridgeway, SC
Bethesda Presbyterian Church
York, SC
Chapel at Lake Wateree
Ridgeway, SC
Aldersgate United Methodist
Church Bible Scouts SS Class
Sumter, SC
Allendale Presbyterian Church
Allendale, SC
Andrews Presbyterian Church
in America
Andrews, SC
Association of Smaller
Richland, SC
Aveleigh Presbyterian Church
Newberry, SC
Aveleigh Presbyterian Church
Neil Truesdell SS Class
Newberry, SC
Barnwell Presbyterian Church
Barnwell, SC
Barnwell Presbyterian Church
Barnwell, SC
Presbyterian Church
Leesville, SC
Beaver Creek Presbyterian
Kershaw, SC
Beaverdam Baptist Church
Mountville, SC
Belle Isle Presbyterian Church
Pineville, SC
Belton Presbyterian Church
Belton, SC
Bethany United Methodist
Saluda, SC
Bethesda Presbyterian Church
York, SC
Bethesda United Methodist
Easley, SC
Charleston-Atlantic Presbytery
Charleston, SC
Cherokee Presbyterian Church
Lexington, SC
Beth-Shiloh Presbyterian
York, SC
Chesterfield Presbyterian
Chesterfield, SC
Bethune Presbyterian Church
Bethune, SC
Clover Presbyterian Church
Clover, SC
Bishopville Presbyterian
Bishopville, SC
Community Presbyterian
Fort Mill, SC
Bishopville Presbyterian
Church Ladies Bible Class
Bishopville, SC
Concord Presbyterian Church
Sumter, SC
Bishopville Presbyterian
Church Women
Bishopville, SC
Blackstock Presbyterian
Blackstock, SC
Bowling Green Presbyterian
Bowling Green, SC
Calhoun Falls Presbyterian
Calhoun Falls, SC
Cane Creek Presbyterian
Union, SC
Concord Presbyterian Church
Sumter, SC
Congaree Presbyterian Church
Cayce, SC
Congaree Presbyterian Church
Cayce, SC
Cornwell Presbyterian Church
Blackstock, SC
Covenant Presbyterian Church
Rock Hill, SC
Covenant Presbyterian Church
Rock Hill, SC
Darlington Presbyterian
Church Women
Darlington, SC
Denmark Presbyterian Church
Denmark, SC
Doby’s Bridge Presbyterian
Fort Mill, SC
Dorchester Presbyterian
Summerville, SC
Douglas Presbyterian Church
Lancaster, SC
Easley Presbyterian Church
Easley, SC
Easley Presbyterian Church
Easley, SC
Eastminster Presbyterian
Columbia, SC
Eastminster Presbyterian
Church Circle 7
Columbia, SC
Estill Presbyterian Church
Estill, SC
Estill Presbyterian Church
Estill, SC
Fair Play Presbyterian Church
Fair Play, SC
Fair Play Presbyterian Church
Youth & Adult Sunday School
Fair Play, SC
Fairview Presbyterian Church
North Augusta, SC
First ARP Sunday School
Rock Hill, SC
First Presbyterian Church
Aiken, SC
First Presbyterian Church
Clinton, SC
First Presbyterian Church
Christian Education
Aiken, SC
First Presbyterian Church
Columbia, SC
First Presbyterian Church
Aiken, SC
First Presbyterian Church
Lawson-Rain Sunday School
Florence, SC
First Presbyterian Church
Anderson, SC
First Presbyterian Church
Circle 6
Anderson, SC
First Presbyterian Church
Men’s Bible Class
Anderson, SC
First Presbyterian Church
Philathea Sunday School Class
Anderson, SC
First Presbyterian Church
Florence, SC
First Presbyterian Church
Price Sunday School Class
Florence, SC
First Presbyterian Church
Florence, SC
First Presbyterian Church
Greenville, SC
First Presbyterian Church
Greenwood, SC
First Presbyterian Church
Anderson, SC
First Presbyterian Church
Circle 7
Greenwood, SC
First Presbyterian Church
Beaufort, SC
First Presbyterian Church GAP
Greenwood, SC
First Presbyterian Church
Evening Circle
Beaufort, SC
First Presbyterian Church John
Knox Sunday School Class
Greenwood, SC
First Presbyterian Church
Mary and Martha Circle
Beaufort, SC
First Presbyterian Church
Lidie Shaklin Sunday School
Greer, SC
First Presbyterian Church
Tuesday Morning Circle
Beaufort, SC
First Presbyterian Church
Hartsville, SC
First Presbyterian Church
Beaufort, SC
First Presbyterian Church
Elizabeth Blakeney SS Class
Hartsville, SC
First Presbyterian Church
Bennettsville, SC
First Presbyterian Church
Hartsville, SC
First Presbyterian Church
Bennettsville, SC
First Presbyterian Church
Hilton Head Island, SC
First Presbyterian Church
Cheraw, SC
First Presbyterian Church
Kershaw, SC
First Presbyterian Church
Adult Fellowship Class
Cheraw, SC
First Presbyterian Church
Ladies SS Class
Kershaw, SC
First Presbyterian Church
Circle 1
Cheraw, SC
First Presbyterian Church
Lancaster, SC
First Presbyterian Church
Cheraw, SC
First Presbyterian Church
Circle 1
Lancaster, SC
First Presbyterian Church
Circle 4
Lancaster, SC
First Presbyterian Church
Lancaster, SC
First Presbyterian Church Salt
Shaker Class
Orangeburg, SC
First Presbyterian Church
Laurens, SC
First Presbyterian Church
Orangeburg, SC
First Presbyterian Church
Laurens, SC
First Presbyterian Church
Spartanburg, SC
First Presbyterian Church
Loris, SC
First Presbyterian Church
Sumter, SC
First Presbyterian Church
Moncks Corner, SC
First Presbyterian Church
Fraser-Edmunds Bible Class
Sumter, SC
First Presbyterian Church
Moncks Corner, SC
First Presbyterian Church
Myrtle Beach, SC
First Presbyterian Church
McLaurin Berean Bible Class
Sumter, SC
First Presbyterian Church
Olanta, SC
First Presbyterian Church
Sumter, SC
First Presbyterian Church
Orangeburg, SC
First Presbyterian Church
Union, SC
First Presbyterian Church
Annie McLees Class
Orangeburg, SC
First Presbyterian Church
Anderson Bible Class
Union, SC
First Presbyterian Church
Circle 2
Union, SC
John Calvin Presbyterian
Greenville, SC
First Presbyterian Church
Circle 3
Union, SC
John Knox Presbyterian
Greenville, SC
First Presbyterian Church
Foster Crawford SS Class
Union, SC
Johns Island Presbyterian
Johns Island, SC
First Presbyterian Church
Young Men’s Bible Class
Union, SC
Johns Island Presbyterian
Church Women
Johns Island, SC
First Presbyterian Church
Ware Shoals, SC
Kentyre Presbyterian Church
Hamer, SC
First Presbyterian Church
York, SC
First Presbyterian Church
York, SC
First Presbyterian Church
York, SC
First Scots Presbyterian
Charleston, SC
First Scots Presbyterian
Church Women
Charleston, SC
Fishing Creek Presbyterian
Chester, SC
Flat Rock Presbyterian Church
Anderson, SC
Florence Moore Presbyterian
Wellford, SC
Fraser Memorial Presbyterian
Sumter, SC
Hartness-Thornwell Memorial
Presbyterian Church
Clinton, SC
Kentyre Presbyterian Church
Sunday School Class
Hamer, SC
Fraser Memorial Presbyterian
Church Women
Sumter, SC
Hebron Presbyterian Church
Blackstock, SC
Kingston Presbyterian Church
Conway, SC
Hebron Presbyterian Church
Sumter, SC
Kingston Presbyterian Church
Ladies Bible Class
Conway, SC
Georgetown Presbyterian
Georgetown, SC
Georgetown Presbyterian
Church Fellowship Sunday
School Class
Georgetown, SC
Good Hope Presbyterian
Iva, SC
Goodwill Presbyterian Church
Mayesville, SC
Grace Covenant Presbyterian
Laurens, SC
Foothills Presbytery Women
Simpsonville, SC
Grace Covenant Presbyterian
Mauldin, SC
Forest Lake Presbyterian
Columbia, SC
Grace Covenant Presbyterian
Church Women
Mauldin, SC
Fort Hill Presbyterian Church
Clemson, SC
Grace Presbyterian Church
Lancaster, SC
Fort Hill Presbyterian Church
Circle 5
Clemson, SC
Grace Presbyterian Church
Open Forum Class
Lancaster, SC
Fountain Inn Presbyterian
Fountain Inn, SC
Hampton Presbyterian Church
Hampton, SC
Fourth Presbyterian Church
Greenville, SC
Fourth Presbyterian Church
John Mann Bible Class
Greenville, SC
Harbor View Presbyterian
Charleston, SC
Harmony Presbyterian Church
Crocketville, SC
Hodges Presbyterian Church
Hodges, SC
Honea Path Presbyterian
Honea Path, SC
Honea Path Presbyterian
Church Women
Honea Path, SC
Hopewell Presbyterian Church
Florence, SC
Indiantown Presbyterian
Hemingway, SC
James Island Presbyterian
Charleston, SC
James Island Presbyterian
Church First Thursday
Morning Circle
Charleston, SC
John Calvin Presbyterian
Florence, SC
John Calvin Presbyterian
Church Lucille Hunter Circle
Florence, SC
John Calvin Presbyterian
Church Maidie Vaughan Circle
Florence, SC
John Calvin Presbyterian
Church Women
Florence, SC
Kingston Presbyterian Church
Conway, SC
Korean Community
Presbyterian Church
Columbia, SC
Lake City Presbyterian Church
Lake City, SC
Lake Murray Presbyterian
Chapin, SC
Lake Murray Presbyterian
Church Bible Survey Class
Chapin, SC
Lake Murray Presbyterian
Church Friendship Circle
Chapin, SC
Landrum Presbyterian Church
Landrum, SC
Latta Presbyterian Church
Latta, SC
Latta Presbyterian Church
Night Circle
Latta, SC
Latta Presbyterian Church
Latta, SC
Liberty Hill Presbyterian
Liberty Hill, SC
Liberty Presbyterian Church
Liberty, SC
Lickville Presbyterian Church
Pelzer, SC
Limestone Presbyterian
Gaffney, SC
Mt. Pleasant Presbyterian
Chester, SC
Oakland Avenue Church Julian
Lake Adult Bible Class
Rock Hill, SC
Mt. Zion Presbyterian Church
Bishopville, SC
Oakland Avenue Presbyterian
Rock Hill, SC
Limestone Presbyterian
Church Circle 1
Gaffney, SC
Mt. Zion Presbyterian Church
Bishopville, SC
Lisbon Presbyterian Church
Mountville, SC
Petersen Presbyterian Church
Columbia, SC
Petersen Presbyterian Church
Columbia, SC
Owings Presbyterian Church
Gray Court, SC
Pickens Presbyterian Church
Pickens, SC
Mt. Zion Presbyterian Church
Sandy Springs, SC
Pacolet Presbyterian Church
Pacolet, SC
Piedmont Presbyterian Church
Piedmont, SC
Little Mountain Presbyterian
Abbeville, SC
Murrells Inlet Presbyterian
Murrells Inlet, SC
Palmetto Presbyterian Church
Mount Pleasant, SC
Pleasant Grove Presbyterian
Chester, SC
Little Mountain Presbyterian
Church Women
Abbeville, SC
Murrells Inlet Presbyterian
Church Fulton SS Class
Murrells Inlet, SC
Little River Dominick
Presbyterian Church
Kinards, SC
Murrells Inlet Presbyterian
Church Women
Murrells Inlet, SC
Lockhart Presbyterian Church
Lockhart, SC
Nazareth Presbyterian Church
Moore, SC
Marion Presbyterian Church
Marion, SC
Nazareth Presbyterian Church
Circle 1
Moore, SC
McCarter Presbyterian Church
Greenville, SC
McCullough Presbyterian
Whitmire, SC
McDowell Presbyterian
Kingstree, SC
McDowell Presbyterian
Church Women
Greeleyville, SC
McGregor Presbyterian
Columbia, SC
Midway Presbyterian Church
Anderson, SC
Midway Presbyterian Church
New Zion, SC
Morningside Presbyterian
Camden, SC
Morton Presbyterian Church
Hartsville, SC
Mount Pleasant Presbyterian
Mount Pleasant, SC
Mt. Olivet Presbyterian
Winnsboro, SC
Mt. Pisgah Presbyterian
Hartsville, SC
Nazareth Presbyterian Church
Circle 3
Moore, SC
Nazareth Presbyterian Church
Joseph C. Wagner SS Class
Moore, SC
Nazareth Presbyterian Church
Mens Club
Moore, SC
Park Circle Presbyterian
North Charleston, SC
Park Circle Presbyterian
North Charleston, SC
Parkwood Presbyterian Church
Florence, SC
Pawleys Island Presbyterian
Pawleys Island, SC
Pawleys Island Presbyterian
Church Women
Pawleys Island, SC
Peace Presbyterian Church
Goose Creek, SC
Pelzer Presbyterian Church
Pelzer, SC
Pendleton Presbyterian Church
Pendleton, SC
Nazareth Presbyterian Church
Moore, SC
Pendleton Presbyterian Church
Circle 2
Pendleton, SC
Nell Townsend Presbyterian
Anderson, SC
Pendleton Presbyterian Church
Pendleton, SC
New Cut Presbyterian Church
Lancaster, SC
New Cut Presbyterian Church
JOY Sunday School Class
Lancaster, SC
New Hope Fellowship Church
Andrews, SC
New Wappetaw Presbyterian
Mc Clellanville, SC
New Wappetaw Presbyterian
Church Women
Mc Clellanville, SC
Oakdale Presbyterian Church
Clover, SC
Presbyterian Church on Edisto
Edisto Island, SC
Presbyterian Church on Edisto
Island Women
Edisto Island, SC
Providence Presbyterian
Hilton Head Island, SC
Providence Presbyterian
Church Anna Circle
Hilton Head Island, SC
Providence Presbyterian
Church Lyda Circle
Hilton Head Island, SC
Providence Presbyterian
Church Women
Hilton Head Island, SC
Providence Presbyterian
Church Women
West Columbia, SC
Purity Presbyterian Church
Chester, SC
Second Presbyterian Church
Spartanburg, SC
Summerville Presbyterian
Church Women
Summerville, SC
Seven Oaks Presbyterian
Columbia, SC
Sunrise Presbyterian Church
Sullivans Island, SC
Seven Oaks Presbyterian
Church Women
Columbia, SC
Shady Grove Presbyterian
Clinton, SC
Timmonsville Presbyterian
Timmonsville, SC
Shandon Presbyterian Church
Ed Anderson SS Class
Columbia, SC
Timmonsville Presbyterian
Church Sunday School
Timmonsville, SC
Shandon Presbyterian Church
Columbia, SC
Tirzah Presbyterian Church
York, SC
Sion Presbyterian Church
Winnsboro, SC
Purity Presbyterian Church
Chester, SC
Santee Presbyterian Church
Santee, SC
South Aiken Presbyterian
Aiken, SC
Richland Presbyterian Church
Eastover, SC
Saxe Gotha Presbyterian
Lexington, SC
Spring Valley Presbyterian
Columbia, SC
Saxe Gotha Presbyterian
Church - The New Life Circle
Lexington, SC
St. Andrews Presbyterian
Church Women
Charleston, SC
Sea Island Presbyterian
Beaufort, SC
St. Andrews Presbyterian
Taylors, SC
Second Presbyterian Church
Charleston, SC
St. Andrews Presbyterian
Church Women
Taylors, SC
Rocky Creek Presbyterian
Jefferson, SC
Rocky Springs Presbyterian
Laurens, SC
Ruby Presbyterian Church
Ruby, SC
Ruby Presbyterian Church
Ruby, SC
Saluda Presbyterian Church
Saluda, SC
Saluda Presbyterian Church
Saluda, SC
Saluda River Bible Hour
Aiken, SC
Santee Presbyterian Church
Santee, SC
Second Presbyterian Church
Charleston, SC
Seneca Presbyterian Church
Seneca, SC
Seneca Presbyterian Church
Circle 1
Seneca, SC
Seneca Presbyterian Church
Circle 2
Seneca, SC
Seneca Presbyterian Church
Men’s Bible Class
Seneca, SC
Second Presbyterian Church
Spartanburg, SC
The Presbyterian Church at
Manning Circle 1
Manning, SC
Shandon Presbyterian Church
Columbia, SC
Shiloh First Presbyterian
Winnsboro, SC
Roberts Presbyterian Church
Ladies Sunday School Class
Anderson, SC
The Presbyterian Church at
Manning, SC
St. Giles Presbyterian Church
Greenville, SC
St. Giles Presbyterian Church
Greenville, SC
Townville Presbyterian Church
Townville, SC
Trenton Presbyterian Church
Trenton, SC
Trinity Presbyterian Church
Columbia, SC
Trinity Presbyterian Church
Columbia, SC
Trinity Presbyterian Church
Surfside Beach, SC
Trinity Presbyterian Church
Surfside Beach, SC
Trinity Presbyterian Church
Travelers Rest, SC
Trinity Presbyterian Church
Tuesday Morning Bible Study
Travelers Rest, SC
Trinity Presbytery
Lexington, SC
Trinity Presbytery Women
Lexington, SC
Unity Presbyterian Church
Fort Mill, SC
St. Giles Presbyterian Church
Greenville, SC
Upper Long Cane Presbyterian
Abbeville, SC
Summerton Presbyterian
Summerton, SC
Uriel Presbyterian Church
Men’s Group
Chester, SC
Summerton Presbyterian
Church Women
Summerton, SC
Uriel Presbyterian Church
Chester, SC
Walhalla Presbyterian Church
Walhalla, SC
Walhalla Presbyterian Church
RFOM Class
Walhalla, SC
Walhalla Presbyterian Men’s
Fellowship Sunday School
Walhalla, SC
Warrenton Presbyterian
Abbeville, SC
Wedgefield Presbyterian
Wedgefield, SC
Westminster Presbyterian
Westminster, SC
Boston Presbyterian Church
Boston, GA
Community Presbyterian
Macon, GA
White Oak Presbyterian
Ruby, SC
Buford Presbyterian Church
Sugar Hill, GA
Conyers Presbyterian Church
Conyers, GA
Calhoun Presbyterian Church
Little Lambs
Calhoun, GA
Conyers Presbyterian Church
Circle 5
Conyers, GA
Calvary Presbyterian Church
Circle II
Elberton, GA
Conyers Presbyterian Church
Friendship Circle
Conyers, GA
Calvary Presbyterian Church
Marietta, GA
Covenant Presbyterian Church
Albany, GA
Calvary Presbyterian Church
Encouragers Sunday School
Marietta, GA
Covenant Presbyterian Church
Albany, GA
White Oak Presbyterian
Church Women
Ruby, SC
Whitmire Presbyterian Church
Whitmire, SC
Whitmire Presbyterian Church
Whitmire, SC
Welcome Presbyterian Church
Ware Shoals, SC
Williamsburg Presbyterian
Kingstree, SC
West Union Presbyterian
West Union, SC
Williamsburg Presbyterian
Church Women
Kingstree, SC
Westminster Presbyterian
Charleston, SC
Williston Presbyterian Church
Williston, SC
Carrollton Presbyterian Church
Carrollton, GA
Williston Presbyterian Church
Williston, SC
Central Presbyterian Church
Athens, GA
Yeamans Park Presbyterian
Hanahan, SC
Cherokee Presbytery
Cartersville, GA
Westminster Presbyterian
Church Circle 5
Charleston, SC
Westminster Presbyterian
Columbia, SC
Westminster Presbyterian
Church Biblical Foundation SS
Columbia, SC
Westminster Presbyterian
Church Circle 3
Columbia, SC
Westminster Presbyterian
Church Women
Columbia, SC
Westminster Presbyterian
Florence, SC
Westminster Presbyterian
Greenville, SC
Westminster Presbyterian
Church Circle 5
Greenville, SC
Westminster Presbyterian
Greenwood, SC
Westminster Presbyterian
Spartanburg, SC
Adel Presbyterian Church
Adel, GA
Allenhurst Presbyterian
Allenhurst, GA
Allenhurst Presbyterian
Church Women
Allenhurst, GA
Alpharetta Presbyterian
Alpharetta, GA
Austell Presbyterian Church
Austell, GA
Barnesville Presbyterian
Barnesville, GA
Bath Presbyterian Church
Hephzibah, GA
Beersheba Presbyterian
Church Women
Summerville, GA
Bethany Presbyterian Church
Covington, GA
Boston Presbyterian Church
Boston, GA
Carrollton Presbyterian Church
Carrollton, GA
Chickamauga Presbyterian
Chickamauga, GA
Church of the New Covenant
Doraville, GA
Clairmont Presbyterian Church
Circle 7
Decatur, GA
Clairmont Presbyterian Church
Decatur, GA
Clayton Presbyterian Church
Clayton, GA
Clayton Presbyterian Church
Clayton, GA
College Park Presbyterian
Church Co-ed Class
College Park, GA
Columbia Presbyterian Church
Decatur, GA
Columbia Presbyterian Church
The Covenant Class
Decatur, GA
Columbia Presbyterian Church
Decatur, GA
Covenant Presbyterian Church
Athens, GA
Covenant Presbyterian Church
Youth Group
Athens, GA
Covenant Presbyterian Church
Augusta, GA
Covenant Presbyterian Church
Augusta, GA
Covenant Presbyterian Church
Marietta, GA
Covenant Presbyterian Church
Marietta, GA
Decatur Presbyterian Church
Decatur, GA
Decatur Presbyterian Church
Crusaders/Challengers SS
Decatur, GA
Dillon Road Presbyterian
Thomasville, GA
Druid Hills Presbyterian
Atlanta, GA
Druid Hills Presbyterian
Church Clarion Class
Atlanta, GA
Druid Hills Presbyterian
Church Walter Edward McNair
SS Class
Atlanta, GA
Druid Hills Presbyterian
Church Women
Atlanta, GA
East Point Presbyterian Church
East Point, GA
First Presbyterian Church
Open Door Class
Atlanta, GA
First Presbyterian Church
Eleanor Chason SS Class
Donalsonville, GA
First Presbyterian Church
Saint Marys, GA
Eastminster Presbyterian
Marietta, GA
First Presbyterian Church
Bainbridge, GA
First Presbyterian Church
Douglasville, GA
First Presbyterian Church
Brunswick, GA
First Presbyterian Church
Douglasville, GA
First Presbyterian Church
Fidelis/Davis Hoyle Class
Savannah, GA
First Presbyterian Church
Camilla, GA
First Presbyterian Church
Eastman, GA
Eastminster Presbyterian
Stone Mountain, GA
Eastminster Presbyterian
Church Circle of Blessings
Stone Mountain, GA
Eastminster Presbyterian
Church Circle of Love
Stone Mountain, GA
Eatonton Presbyterian Church
Eatonton, GA
First Presbyterian Church
Clarkesville, GA
First Presbyterian Church
Cleveland, GA
First Presbyterian Church
Columbus, GA
Ebenezer Presbyterian Church
Hogansville, GA
First Presbyterian Church
Business Women’s Circle 8
Columbus, GA
Ebenezer Presbyterian Church
Hogansville, GA
First Presbyterian Church
Circle 3
Columbus, GA
Emory Presbyterian Church
Atlanta, GA
First Presbyterian Church
Circle 4
Columbus, GA
First Presbyterian Church
Elberton, GA
First Presbyterian Church
Fitzgerald, GA
First Presbyterian Church
Gainesville, GA
First Presbyterian Church
Savannah, GA
First Presbyterian Church
Statesboro, GA
First Presbyterian Church
Thomaston, GA
First Presbyterian Church
Thomaston, GA
First Presbyterian Church
Greensboro, GA
First Presbyterian Church
Christian Nurture Sunday
School Class
Thomasville, GA
First Presbyterian Church
Griffin, GA
First Presbyterian Church
Tifton, GA
First Presbyterian Church
Hartwell, GA
First Presbyterian Church
Toccoa, GA
Fayette Presbyterian Church
Fayetteville, GA
First Presbyterian Church
J. Calvin Reid SS Class
Columbus, GA
First Presbyterian Church
Hartwell, GA
Fayette Presbyterian Church
Fayetteville, GA
First Presbyterian Church
Juanita Brawner Circle
Columbus, GA
First Presbyterian Church
Hinesville, GA
Fayette Presbyterian Church
Linda Weller Circle
Fayetteville, GA
First Presbyterian Church
Cornelia, GA
First Presbyterian Church
Jonesboro, GA
First Presbyterian Church
Cornelia, GA
First Presbyterian Church
Marietta, GA
First Presbyterian Church
Toccoa, GA
First Presbyterian Church
Union Point, GA
First Presbyterian Church
Valdosta, GA
First Presbyterian Church
Samaritans Sunday School
Valdosta, GA
Fairview Presbyterian Church
Lawrenceville, GA
First Presbyterian Church
Albany, GA
First Presbyterian Church
Americus, GA
First Presbyterian Church
Americus, GA
First Presbyterian Church
Athens, GA
First Presbyterian Church
Circle 1
Athens, GA
First Presbyterian Church
Home Builders Class
Athens, GA
First Presbyterian Church
Athens, GA
First Presbyterian Church
Atlanta, GA
First Presbyterian Church
Circle 2
Covington, GA
First Presbyterian Church
Covington, GA
First Presbyterian Church
Dalton, GA
First Presbyterian Church
Dalton, GA
First Presbyterian Church
Dawson, GA
First Presbyterian Church
Donalsonville, GA
First Presbyterian Church
Wana Liddell Circle
Donalsonville, GA
First Presbyterian Church
Chapel Sunday School Class
Marietta, GA
First Presbyterian Church
Warner Robins, GA
First Presbyterian Church
Moultrie, GA
First Presbyterian Church
Warner Robins, GA
First Presbyterian Church
Mary Knapp Circle
Moultrie, GA
First Presbyterian Church
Waycross, GA
First Presbyterian Church
Moultrie, GA
First Presbyterian Church
Peachtree City, GA
First Presbyterian Church
Quitman, GA
First Presbyterian Church
Quitman, GA
First Presbyterian Church
Saint Marys, GA
First Presbyterian Church
Men’s Bible Class
Waycross, GA
First Presbyterian Church
Winder, GA
Flemington Presbyterian
Hinesville, GA
Fort Gaines Presbyterian
Fort Gaines, GA
Montgomery Presbyterian
Church Women
Savannah, GA
Monticello Presbyterian
Monticello, GA
Morrow Presbyterian Church
Morrow, GA
Morrow Presbyterian Church
Morrow, GA
Mountain Presbyterian Church
Blairsville, GA
Mt. Vernon Presbyterian
Church Women
Atlanta, GA
New Lebanon Presbyterian
Jasper, GA
New Lebanon Presbyterian
Church Women
Jasper, GA
Newnan Presbyterian Church
Ysabel Odom SS Class
Newnan, GA
Fort Gaines Presbyterian
Church Women
Fort Gaines, GA
Henry Memorial Presbyterian
Church Women
Dublin, GA
Friendship Presbyterian
Concord, GA
Jackson Presbyterian Church
Jackson, GA
Lincolnton Presbyterian
Lincolnton, GA
Jefferson Presbyterian Church
Jefferson, GA
Loyd Presbyterian Church
LaGrange, GA
Jekyll Community
Presbyterian Church
Jekyll Island, GA
Loyd Presbyterian Church
Lagrange, GA
Jekyll Community
Presbyterian Church Women
Jekyll Island, GA
Luther Hays Presbyterian
Covington, GA
Jesup Presbyterian Church
Jesup, GA
Lyons Presbyterian Church
Lyons, GA
Kelley Presbyterian Church
McDonough, GA
MacLand Presbyterian Church
Powder Springs, GA
Northwest Presbyterian
Church Women
Atlanta, GA
King Memorial Presbyterian
Clayton, GA
Madison Presbyterian Church
Madison, GA
Oconee Presbyterian Church
Watkinsville, GA
McDonough Presbyterian
McDonough, GA
Oglethorpe Presbyterian
Atlanta, GA
Memorial Drive Presbyterian
Church Women
Stone Mountain, GA
Oglethorpe Presbyterian
Church Women
Atlanta, GA
Midway Presbyterian Church
Decatur, GA
Peachtree Presbyterian Church
Agape Sunday School Class
Atlanta, GA
Friendship Presbyterian
Church Women
Concord, GA
Good Shepherd Presbyterian
Lilburn, GA
Good Shepherd Presbyterian
Church Women
Lilburn, GA
Gum Creek Presbyterian
Oxford, GA
Gum Creek Presbyterian
Church Women
Oxford, GA
Hapeville Presbyterian Church
Hapeville, GA
Hebron Presbyterian Church
Carnesville, GA
Hemphill Memorial
Presbyterian Church
Stockbridge, GA
Henry Memorial Presbyterian
Dublin, GA
Lafayette Presbyterian Church
La Fayette, GA
Lavonia Presbyterian Church
Lavonia, GA
Lawrenceville Presbyterian
Lawrenceville, GA
Lawrenceville Presbyterian
Church Women
Lawrenceville, GA
Lexington Presbyterian Church
Lexington, GA
Montgomery Presbyterian
Savannah, GA
Norcross Presbyterian Church
Norcross, GA
North Avenue Presbyterian
Atlanta, GA
Northminster Presbyterian
Macon, GA
Northminster Presbyterian
Roswell, GA
Northwest Presbyterian
Atlanta, GA
Peachtree Presbyterian Church
Gene & Martha Wilson SS
Atlanta, GA
Peachtree Presbyterian Church
Atlanta, GA
Peachtree Road United
Methodist Church Calvin
Court Fellowship Class
Atlanta, GA
Perry Presbyterian Church
Perry, GA
Perry Presbyterian Church
Eunice Rammage Circle
Perry, GA
Perry Presbyterian Church
Hall Schenck Sunday School
Perry, GA
Perry Presbyterian Church
Perry, GA
Philadelphia Presbyterian
Forest Park, GA
Pleasant Hill Presbyterian
Duluth, GA
Pleasant Hill Presbyterian
Statham, GA
Pleasant Hill Presbyterian
Church Women
Statham, GA
Presbyterian Church of the
Resurrection Circle 3
Conyers, GA
Presbyterian Church of the
Resurrection Circle 5
Conyers, GA
Presbytery of Greater Atlanta
Atlanta, GA
Presbytery of Greater Atlanta
Atlanta, GA
Providence Presbyterian
Dallas, GA
Rabun Gap Presbyterian
Rabun Gap, GA
Ray Memorial Presbyterian
Church Women
Monroe, GA
Smyrna Presbyterian Church
Circle 1
Conyers, GA
Rehoboth Presbyterian Church
Decatur, GA
Savannah Presbytery
Brunswick, GA
Reid Memorial Presbyterian
Augusta, GA
Shallowford Presbyterian
Atlanta, GA
Reid Memorial Presbyterian
Church Covenant Class
Augusta, GA
Shallowford Presbyterian
Church Dottie Haavie Circle
Atlanta, GA
Reid Memorial Presbyterian
Church Genesis Sunday
School Class
Augusta, GA
Shallowford Presbyterian
Church Fellowship & Praise
Atlanta, GA
Richmond Hill Presbyterian
Richmond Hill, GA
Shallowford Presbyterian
Church Sojourners Class
Atlanta, GA
St. Andrews Presbyterian
Macon, GA
Richmond Hill Presbyterian
Church Adult Class
Richmond Hill, GA
Sharon Presbyterian Church
Hartwell, GA
St. Andrews Presbyterian
Tucker, GA
Rock Spring Presbyterian
Atlanta, GA
Rock Spring Presbyterian
Church Women
Atlanta, GA
Sharon Presbyterian Church
Grace Circle
Hartwell, GA
Silver Creek Presbyterian
Silver Creek, GA
Roswell Presbyterian Church
Roswell, GA
Skidaway Island Community
Presbyterian Church
Savannah, GA
Roswell Presbyterian Church
Circle 3
Roswell, GA
Skidaway Island Community
Presbyterian Church Women
Savannah, GA
Roswell Presbyterian Church
Searchers Sunday School
Roswell, GA
Smyrna Presbyterian Church
Conyers, GA
Smyrna Presbyterian Church
Agape SS Class
Conyers, GA
South Highland Presbyterian
Lagrange, GA
Southminster Church
Presbyterian Women
Marietta, GA
St. Andrew Presbyterian
Augusta, GA
St. Andrews Presbyterian
Church Women
Tucker, GA
St. Luke’s Presbyterian Church
Dunwoody, GA
St. Simons Presbyterian
Saint Simons Island, GA
St. Simons Presbyterian
Church Women
Saint Simons Island, GA
Stockbridge Presbyterian
Stockbridge, GA
Tallapoosa Presbyterian
Tallapoosa, GA
Burnt Store Presbyterian
Church Women
Punta Gorda, FL
Dunnellon Presbyterian
Church Circle 3
Dunnellon, FL
First Presbyterian Church
Crystal River, FL
Tallapoosa Presbyterian
Church Women
Tallapoosa, GA
Bushnell Presbyterian Church
Bushnell, FL
Euchee Valley Presbyterian
Defuniak Springs, FL
First Presbyterian Church
Dade City, FL
The Independent Presbyterian
Church Tuesday Morning
Savannah, GA
Trinity Presbyterian Church
Atlanta, GA
Calvin Presbyterian Church
Jacksonville, FL
Central Florida Presbytery
Orlando, FL
Fairfield Presbyterian Church
Fairfield, FL
Faith Presbyterian Church
Tallahassee, FL
Central Presbyterian Church
Womens Association
Miami, FL
Faith Presbyterian Church
Tallahassee, FL
Trinity Presbyterian Church
Sylvester, GA
Chapel in the Grove
Presbyterian Church
Lakeland, FL
Faith United Presbyterian
Church Women
Cape Coral, FL
Trinity Presbyterian Church
Valdosta, GA
Christ Presbyterian Church
Largo, FL
Twin Lakes Presbyterian
Valdosta, GA
Christ Presbyterian Church
Ormond Beach, FL
Fellowship Presbyterian
Church Women
Tallahassee, FL
Trinity Presbyterian Church
Gainesville, GA
First Presbyterian Church
Older Adults Sunday School
Dade City, FL
First Presbyterian Church
Dade City, FL
First Presbyterian Church
Defuniak Springs, FL
First Presbyterian Church
Defuniak Springs, FL
First Presbyterian Church
Destin, FL
Christ Presbyterian Church
Tallahassee, FL
First Presbyterian Church
Alachua, FL
Church of the Lakes
Orlando, FL
First Presbyterian Church
Apopka, FL
Washington Presbyterian
Washington, GA
Church of the Palms Martha
Sarasota, FL
First Presbyterian Church
Apopka, FL
Washington Presbyterian
Church Women
Washington, GA
Church on the Bayou
Tarpon Springs, FL
First Presbyterian Church
Auburndale, FL
First Presbyterian Church
Fort Meade, FL
Cocoa Presbyterian Church
Cocoa, FL
First Presbyterian Church
Bartow, FL
First Presbyterian Church
Fort Walton Beach, FL
Cocoa Presbyterian Church
Cocoa, FL
First Presbyterian Church
Bartow, FL
First Presbyterian Church
Fort Walton Beach, FL
Community Presbyterian
Church Women
Atlantic Beach, FL
First Presbyterian Church
Boynton Beach, FL
First Presbyterian Church
Gainesville, FL
First Presbyterian Church
Boynton Beach, FL
First Presbyterian Church
Gainesville, FL
First Presbyterian Church
Bradenton, FL
First Presbyterian Church
Havana, FL
First Presbyterian Church
Circle of Faith
Bradenton, FL
First Presbyterian Church
Havana, FL
First Presbyterian Church
Brooksville, FL
First Presbyterian Church
High Springs, FL
Vidalia Presbyterian Church
Vidalia, GA
West End Presbyterian Church
Valdosta, GA
Westminster Presbyterian
Rome, GA
Woodstock Presbyterian
Woodstock, GA
All Villages Presbyterian
Port Saint Lucie, FL
All Villages Presbyterian
Church Women
Port St Lucie, FL
Arlington Presbyterian Church
Jacksonville, FL
Bee Ridge Presbyterian
Church Women
Sarasota, FL
Bethlehem Presbyterian
Archer, FL
Branford Presbyterian Church
Branford, FL
Conway Presbyterian Church
Orlando, FL
Countryside Presbyterian
Church Women
Ocala, FL
Covenant Presbyterian Church
Tallahassee, FL
Covenant Presbyterian Church
Naomi Circle
Fort Myers, FL
Cypress Lake Presbyterian
Church Women
Fort Myers, FL
Cypress Presbyterian Church
Pompano Beach, FL
Cypress Presbyterian Church
Pompano Beach, FL
First Presbyterian Church Lois
Young Circle
Brooksville, FL
First Presbyterian Church
Chipley, FL
First Presbyterian Church
Crystal River, FL
First Presbyterian Church
Dunedin, FL
First Presbyterian Church
Fernandina Beach, FL
First Presbyterian Church
Fort Lauderdale, FL
First Presbyterian Church
Inverness, FL
First Presbyterian Church
Jacksonville, FL
First Presbyterian Church
Jasper, FL
Fort King Presbyterian Church
Ocala, FL
First Presbyterian Church
Lake City, FL
First Presbyterian Church
James H. Montgomery SS
Lake City, FL
Glendale Presbyterian Church
Defuniak Springs, FL
Grace Presbyterian Church
Gainesville, FL
First Presbyterian Church
Lake City, FL
First Presbyterian Church
Lake Mary, FL
Grace Presbyterian Church
Panama City, FL
Grace Presbyterian Church
Esther Circle
Panama City, FL
First Presbyterian Church
Lakeland, FL
First Presbyterian Church
Esther Kelley/Regular Fellows
Bible Class
Lakeland, FL
First Presbyterian Church
Lakeland, FL
First Presbyterian Church
Leesburg, FL
First Presbyterian Church
Lehigh Acres, FL
First Presbyterian Church
Lehigh Acres, FL
First Presbyterian Church
Lynn Haven, FL
First Presbyterian Church
Circle 7
Maitland, FL
First Presbyterian Church of
Maitland, FL
Grace Presbyterian Church
Spring Hill, FL
First Presbyterian Church
Ocala, FL
First Presbyterian Church
Quincy, FL
First Presbyterian Church
Orlando, FL
First Presbyterian Church
Sarah Circle
Sarasota, FL
First Presbyterian Church
Circle 4/6
Orlando, FL
First Presbyterian Church
Palatka, FL
First Presbyterian Church
Circle 1
Palatka, FL
First Presbyterian Church
Palatka, FL
First Presbyterian Church
Pensacola, FL
First Presbyterian Church
Pensacola, FL
First Presbyterian Church
Sarasota, FL
First Presbyterian Church
Sebastian, FL
First Presbyterian Church
Starke, FL
First Presbyterian Church
Umatilla, FL
First Presbyterian Church
Vero Beach, FL
First Presbyterian Church
Perry, FL
First Presbyterian Church
Zephyrhills, FL
First Presbyterian Church
Marianna, FL
First Presbyterian Church
Pompano Beach, FL
Florida Presbytery
Chipley, FL
First Presbyterian Church
Monticello, FL
First Presbyterian Church
Port Charlotte, FL
Florida Presbytery Women
Chipley, FL
First Presbyterian Church of
Maitland Women
Maitland, FL
First Presbyterian Church
Mount Dora, FL
First Presbyterian Church
North Palm Beach, FL
First Presbyterian Church
Ocala, FL
First Presbyterian Church
Circle 5
Ocala, FL
First Presbyterian Church
Port Saint Joe, FL
First Presbyterian Church
Port Saint Joe, FL
First Presbyterian Church
Punta Gorda, FL
First Presbyterian Church
Quincy, FL
Forest Hills Presbyterian
Tampa, FL
Fort Caroline Presbyterian
Church Mary Belle Emerson
Jacksonville, FL
Fort Caroline Presbyterian
Church Marilyn Tobias Circle
Jacksonville, FL
Fort Caroline Presbyterian
Church Women
Jacksonville, FL
Grace Presbyterian Church
Spring Hill, FL
Gretna Presbyterian Church
Gretna, FL
Gulf Breeze Presbyterian
Church Women
Gulf Breeze, FL
Gulfport Presbyterian Church
Gulfport, FL
Highlands Presbyterian Church
Gainesville, FL
Highlands United Presbyterian
Church Crafty Ladies
Jacksonville, FL
Hodges Boulevard
Presbyterian Church
Jacksonville, FL
Hodges Boulevard
Presbyterian Church Women
Jacksonville, FL
Hope Presbyterian Church
Clearwater, FL
Hope Presbyterian Church
Clearwater, FL
Hyde Park Presbyterian
Tampa, FL
Hyde Park Presbyterian
Church Women
Tampa, FL
Indian River Presbyterian
Fort Pierce, FL
Indian River Presbyterian
Church Esther Circle
Fort Pierce, FL
Northwood Presbyterian
Clearwater, FL
Red Bay United Methodist
Red Bay, FL
Northwood Presbyterian
Church TCI Class
Clearwater, FL
Reddick Presbyterian Church
Reddick, FL
Oakland Presbyterian Church
Oakland, FL
Oakland Presbyterian Church
Oakland, FL
Okeechobee Presbyterian
Okeechobee, FL
John Calvin Presbyterian
Church Women
Orlando, FL
Merritt Island Presbyterian
Merritt Island, FL
Kanapaha Presbyterian Church
Gainesville, FL
Miami Shores Presbyterian
Miami Shores, FL
Lafayette Presbyterian Church
Tallahassee, FL
Lafayette Presbyterian Church
Tallahassee, FL
Lake Square Presbyterian
Church Women
Leesburg, FL
Lakewood Presbyterian
Church Women
Jacksonville, FL
Laurel Hill Presbyterian
Laurel Hill, FL
Laurel Hill Presbyterian
Church Women
Laurel Hill, FL
Lely Presbyterian Church
Naples, FL
Mandarin Presbyterian Church
Jacksonville, FL
Mandarin Presbyterian Church
Seekers Sunday School Class
Jacksonville, FL
Marion Oaks Presbyterian
Ocala, FL
Mayport Presbyterian Church
Atlantic Beach, FL
McLeod Memorial
Presbyterian Church
Bartow, FL
Memorial Presbyterian Church
West Palm Beach, FL
Miami Shores Presbyterian
Church Circle 1
Miami Shores, FL
Miami Shores Presbyterian
Church Circle 12
Miami Shores, FL
Miami Shores Presbyterian
Church Women
Miami Shores, FL
Mikesville Presbyterian
Lake City, FL
Moorings Presbyterian Church
Naples, FL
Murray Hill Presbyterian
Jacksonville, FL
Murray Hill Presbyterian
Church United Bible Class
Jacksonville, FL
Myrtle Grove Presbyterian
Miami, FL
New Life Presbyterian Church
Fruitland Park, FL
Northminster Presbyterian
Sarasota, FL
Northminster Presbyterian
Church Esther Circle
Sarasota, FL
Riverside Presbyterian Church
Jacksonville, FL
San Mateo Presbyterian
San Mateo, FL
Seffner Presbyterian Church
Seffner, FL
Shalimar Presbyterian Church
Shalimar, FL
Ormond Beach Presbyterian
Church Women
Ormond Beach, FL
South Jacksonville
Presbyterian Church
Jacksonville, FL
Palma Sola Presbyterian
Bradenton, FL
South Jacksonville
Presbyterian Church
Adams-Weaver Bible Class
Jacksonville, FL
Palmdale Presbyterian Church
Melbourne, FL
Park Lake Presbyterian Church
Orlando, FL
South Jacksonville
Presbyterian Church Esther
Jacksonville, FL
Spring Lake Presbyterian
Church Women
Sebring, FL
Parkway Presbyterian Church
Panama City, FL
St. Andrews Presbyterian
Jacksonville, FL
Peace Memorial Presbyterian
Church Women
Clearwater, FL
St. Andrews Presbyterian
Church Friendship Adult SS
Jacksonville, FL
Palmetto Presbyterian Church
Palmetto, FL
Peace Presbyterian Church
Jacksonville, FL
Peace River Presbytery
North Port, FL
Peace River Presbytery
Venice, FL
Pine Shores Presbyerian
Sarasota, FL
Pine Shores Presbyterian
Church Women
Sarasota, FL
Presbyterian Church of the
Sarasota, FL
Presbyterian Church of the
Good Shepherd
Melbourne, FL
St. Andrews Presbyterian
Church Women
Dunedin, FL
St. Augustine Presbytery
Jacksonville, FL
St. Cloud Presbyterian Church
Saint Cloud, FL
St. Giles Presbyterian Church
Orange Park, FL
St. Giles Presbyterian Church
Orange Park, FL
St. Johns Presbyterian Church
Jacksonville, FL
St. Mark’s Presbyterian
Altamonte Springs, FL
St. Mark’s Presbyterian
Church Wednesday Morning
Altamonte Springs, FL
St. Mark’s Presbyterian
Church Tuesday Afternoon
Altamonte Springs, FL
St. Mark’s Presbyterian
Church Women
Altamonte Springs, FL
St. Mark’s Presbyterian
Church Women
Hudson, FL
St. Pauls Presbyterian Church
Naomi Circle
Ocoee, FL
Synod of South Atlantic
Jacksonville, FL
Tampa Bay Presbytery
Tampa, FL
Trinity Presbyterian Church
Palm Coast, FL
Trinity Presbyterian Church
Palm Coast, FL
Trinity Presbyterian Church
Satellite Beach, FL
Trinity Presbyterian Church of
Seven Springs
New Port Richey, FL
Trinity Presbyterian Church of
Seven Springs Morning Circle
New Port Richey, FL
Tropical Florida Presbytery
Pompano Beach, FL
Tuskawilla Presbyterian
Oviedo, FL
United Presbyterian Church
Daytona Beach, FL
Venice Presbyterian Church
Venice, FL
Venice Presbyterian Church
Venice, FL
Weirsdale Presbyterian Church
Weirsdale, FL
Wekiva Presbyterian Church
Longwood, FL
Wekiva Presbyterian Church
Longwood, FL
Westminster By-the-Sea
Presbyteian Church
Daytona Beach, FL
Westminster By-the-Sea
Presbyterian Church Circle 3
Daytona Beach, FL
Temple Baptist Church
Raleigh, NC
Tirzah Presbyterian Church
Waxhaw, NC
Westminster By-the-Sea
Presbyterian Church Men
Daytona Beach, FL
Westminster By-the-Sea
Presbyterian Church Women
Daytona Beach, FL
Westminster Presbyterian
Saint Petersburg, FL
Westminster Presbyterian
Church Women
Bradenton, FL
White Springs Presbyterian
White Springs, FL
Whitfield Estates Presbyterian
Church Women
Sarasota, FL
Woodland Presbyterian Church
Gretna, FL
Woodland Presbyterian Church
Gretna, FL
Eastside Baptist Church
Greeneville, TN
First Presbyterian Church
Fayetteville, NC
First Presbyterian Church
Covenant Sunday School Class
Fayetteville, NC
First Presbyterian Church
Hannah Circle
Fayetteville, NC
First Presbyterian Church
Martha Circle
Fayetteville, NC
First Presbyterian Church
Tuscaloosa, AL
Hickory Grove Baptist Church
Brogan-Hardin Sunday School
Charlotte, NC
Mt. Paran Presbyterian Church
Randallstown, MD
St. Giles Presbyterian Church
Charlotte, NC
It is very important to us that we have
the opportunity to thank all our generous
donors for their support of the children.
If you have sent a gift to Thornwell and
have not received an acknowledgement
letter or your name is not listed here,
please contact the Development Office
at 864-938-2736.
We have heard from some donors whose
gifts have not reached us. We would like
to hear from you if you think your gift
may have been lost in the mail.
Thank you!
Board of Trustees
Mr. Lonnie N. Carter
Rev. Dr. Samuel M. Cooper, IV
Mr. Paul D. de Holczer, Esq.
Mrs. Katherine M. Hubbard
Mr. T. Hunter McEaddy
Mr. Robert K. Folks, Esq.
Mr. David T. Ginn
Rev. Dr. Carnell Hampton
Mr. Evans P. Holland
BG Hugh M. McLaurin, III
Mr. James T. Morton
Mr. F. Andrew Norwood
Dr. George G. Wilkes, III
Mr. Thomas E. Adams
Rev. Rick L. Douylliez
Mrs. Mary Wain Ellison
Mr. Gordon Lee Hight, II
Ms. Mary Elizabeth (Betty) Saye
Mrs. Catherine Trotter
Mr. James Q. Wilfong, Jr.
Dr. Athena Adams
Mr. James S. Barnett
Rev. Dr. John W. Lown, Chairman
Mrs. Dolores McNaboe
Mr. James H. (Hal) Roberts, Jr.
Mr. Mark Walters, Esq.
Rev. Dr. J. Dudley Weaver, Jr.
Dr. Terry McInnis, MD, MPH
Mr. Robert R. Christie, Jr.
Dr. James E. Cousar
Mr. Buren A. Lown
Dr. George B. Richardson
Rev. Dr. Robert D. Taylor
Board of Visitors
South Carolina
Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. (Lujack) Orr, Anderson, SC
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Nettles, Beaufort, SC
Mr. and Mrs. David Madden, Charleston, SC
Mr. and Mrs. Donny Wilder, Clinton, SC
Mr. and Mrs. J. Richard Swetenburg, Jr., Clinton, SC
Ms. Cheryl Coleman, Columbia, SC
Dr. Phyllis Sanders, Columbia, SC
Mr. and Mrs. Rallie M. Seigler, Sr., Columbia, SC
Mr. and Mrs. Irby S. Hipp, III, Columbia, SC
Mrs. Lola Early, Darlington, SC
Dr. and Mrs. Bright A. Lowry, Due West, SC
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas K. Wilson, Florence, SC
Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Hudspeth, Fort Mill, SC
Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Thomas, Jr., Greer, SC
Mr. and Mrs. John S. Anderson, Lexington, SC
Mr. and Mrs. William L. (Fritz) Vinson, Pawleys Island, SC
Ms. Gina C. Hartness, Sullivans Island, SC
Mrs. Wilma Young, Sumter, SC
Mr. and Mrs. Carl E. Brown, III, Wagener, SC
Mr. Ralph Stephens, Athens, GA
Mrs. Harley M. Jeffery, Jr. (Anne), Atlanta, GA
Mrs. Loretta Salzano Vanni, Atlanta, GA
Dr. and Mrs. David S. Whittaker, Augusta, GA
Ms. Faye B. Woodruff, Columbus, GA
Mr. and Mrs. Fredrick Schoch, Hartwell, GA
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond L. Baggarly, Jonesboro, GA
Mr. and Mrs. Steven L. Roberts, Lawrenceville, GA
Mrs. Lisa Brown, Richmond Hill, GA
Mrs. Thelma H. Considine, Richmond Hill, GA
Mr. and Mrs. Howard T. Flint (Canita Allen Flint), Roswell, GA
Mr. and Mrs. Steven C. Wohlfeil, Savannah, GA
Mrs. Thomas F. Evans (Maryann), Stone Mountain, GA
Dr. and Mrs. Lloyd H. Darby, III, Vidalia, GA
Ms. L. Rebecca (Becky) Sharp, Clearwater, FL
Ms. Jane C. Urban, Clearwater, FL
Mr. and Mrs. R. David Hughes, Daytona Beach Shores, FL
Ms. Sherrie A. Calvert, Jacksonville, FL
Ms. Jacquelyn Tatum, Jacksonville, FL
Ms. Sandra Babey, Margate, FL
Mr. and Mrs. Julius P. Parker, III, Orlando, FL
Mrs. Bebe S. Ademy, St. Petersburg, FL
Mr. and Mrs. Richard H. Brashear, St. Petersburg, FL
Mrs. Sylvia Collins, Tallahassee, FL
Other States
Dr. and Mrs. John W. Coker, Jr., Fayetteville, NC
Nonprofit Org.
U.S. Postage
Permit 80
Greenville SC
PO Box 60
302 South Broad St
Clinton SC 29325-0060
Thanks for saving those Campbell’s Soup Labels
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Think sending in those Campbell’s Soup labels isn’t
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purchase a 26” flat screen TV for the residents of
Virginia Cottage along with 2 new
scanners. General Mills Box Tops
earned Thornwell a whopping
$1,387! Thanks so much to those
of you who take the time to save
these labels.
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