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Pole Star Space Applications
Ship Security Alert System (SSAS)
Alert Advanced User Guide
Thrane & Thrane TT3000SSA
Pole Star Direct v1
Issued Sep 2006
Getting Started
Initial Set Up
Check login details
Enter username and password
Replace the temporary password
Confirm account details
Insert IMO number
Insert Call sign, Flag Administration, MMSI number and CSO details
Check notifications details
How to register additional vessels
Configuration and Testing
Preparing for Configuration and Testing
Hardware Configuration
Configuration Testing
Operating your SSAS Management System
Position Reports
Summary of report types
Report contents
Different report types
Maps: Accessing information
Map options
Map functionality
Controlling position reports
Postings: Inserting data into a position report
Notifications: Alert routing
Managing a Test Security Alert
To prepare for the Test Security Alert
To run the Test Security Alert
To reset the Test Security Alert
Position Report History
Received messages
Traffic history
Tickets for Technical Support
Deactivating the Asset
Delete the vessel in PurpleFinder
Remove PurpleFinder alert list entries from the TT3000SSA
Appendix 1: Configuration of TT3000SSA for PurpleFinder
Appendix 2: Removal of configuration from PurpleFinder
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Getting Started
Pole Star now has the capability to integrate other manufacturers’ hardware (in this case, the Thrane
& Thrane TT3000SSA) so it can be managed via the Pole Star SSAS (Ship Security Alert System)
Management System.
This User Guide has been prepared to take you through the basic operations of your Pole Star SSAS
Management System. It covers: initial on-line set up; configuration of hardware and testing
procedures; on-line operations. As the designated Company Security Officer (CSO), it will be your
responsibility to manage these areas. To assist you in activating your account, one of the Pole Star
Customer Support Team will telephone to go through the set up, configuration and testing procedures.
From experience, we know that new users often have questions about the system and how it
functions. If you have already covered this, you may want to skip this section and go on to
Recommended Procedure for Set Up, Configuration and Testing (page 5). If not, the following
questions and answers give an introduction to your SSAS Management System.
What is the SSAS Management System?
Pole Star’s SSAS Management System is designed to ensure compliance with the ISPS code which
requires every ship of over 500 tons on an international voyage to be equipped with a ship security
alert system. It consists of two separate components: the hardware installed onboard the vessel and
the software package powered by PurpleFinder which you access on the Internet via your pc. You
have installed the Thrane & Thrane TT3000SSA hardware which will be managed via the Pole Star
Alert Advanced software option.
What is the Thrane & Thrane TT3000SSA?
This unit, operated through the Inmarsat C network, consists of an integrated Inmarsat/GPS satellite
transceiver and interconnection box linked to two separate external alert activation points (“panic
buttons”) which can be pressed in the event of a security alert. When an alert activation point is
triggered, there is no noise or any other indication onboard the vessel that an alarm has been raised.
The unit is powered by the vessel’s 24V DC supply with an emergency back up.
What is Alert Advanced?
The Alert Advanced software option provides a fully comprehensive package of benefits for the user:
Unlimited alert cycles for tests and real alerts.
Up to four position reports per day.
Full access to Pole Star SSAS Management System.
Interactive C-Map marine chart mapping.
Global meteorological forecasting.
Unlimited email/SMS/fax addresses for tests and alerts.
Full technical and customer support from Pole Star.
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How does the system work?
Data reporting and security alerts are managed through Pole Star’s SSAS Management System –
powered by PurpleFinder. The unit can be programmed to send up to four standard Automatic
Position Reports (APR) daily to designated recipients via email, SMS and/or fax. In the event of a
security alert, when an alert activation point is pressed, the system is programmed to send a Security
Alert Position Report (SPR) to your designated recipient(s), alerting them to a potential breach of
By going on to the PurpleFinder website and logging in with a username and password, you and other
authorized users can access data relating to your fleet anytime on your desk top. All you need is
access to the web and the latest version of Java installed on your pc.
How is the Thrane & Thrane TT3000SSA installed and registered?
The Thrane & Thrane TT3000SSA must be installed onboard the vessel by a suitably
qualified engineer, following the Thrane & Thrane installation manual.
A unit must have been installed for at least 24 hours, before it can be registered to your
PurpleFinder login.
Pole Star will register the unit(s) directly into your login using the details supplied on your
registration form.
Once the unit is registered in PurpleFinder, it can then be configured by the engineer
onboard to communicate with PurpleFinder.
To register additional vessels in the future, see How to register additional vessels, page
How is the Thrane & Thrane TT3000SSA configured?
The engineer onboard must manually configure the Alert message routing directly into the
TT3000SSA using Capsat software. This will program the unit to communicate with PurpleFinder. It is
your responsibility, as CSO, to email the configuration instructions to the vessel. These are included
as Appendix 1: Configuration of TT3000SSA for PurpleFinder, (page 35).
As CSO, it is also your responsibility to ensure that the configuration and testing procedure is carried
out correctly. This will require consultation and liaison with some or all of the following onboard
personnel: Ship Security Officer; the engineer carrying out the configuration; the Master of the vessel.
Where can I get help if I need it?
The Alert Advanced (Thrane & Thrane TT3000SSA) package is designed to be managed completely
by the user. However, if you have any queries or problems with on-line operations or hardware, please
refer to Tickets for Technical Support (page 32) or contact our Customer Support Team.
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Recommended Procedure for Set Up, Configuration and Testing
This table outlines the procedure we recommend that you follow to set up your SSAS Management
Table 1: Set Up, Configuration and Testing
Initial Set Up
On-line in your PurpleFinder login
Email configuration instructions (Appendix 1) to vessel
Configuration &
Engineer / SSO
TT3000SSA configured to route Alert Messages to PurpleFinder
Test onboard alert activation points
Reset alert onboard and on-line
Optional familiarisation period – 7 days
Update notifications to include all external recipients
Fully operational and ready to launch
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Initial Set Up
Please note: For all applications in your login, use the left click on your mouse or touchpad.
Check login details
The email accompanying this guide gives your account login details, comprising a username and three
temporary passwords. The three passwords provide three different levels of access to PurpleFinder.
As CSO, you will need to use the Master password, but you can delegate certain tasks and
responsibilities to other people by authorising them to use the Assistant and View passwords, as
Master: this gives full access to the system, allowing complete control of all functions.
When the unit is in Alert mode, the Master password is the only password which can
authorise a Reset command.
Assistant: same as View (below) but with Master access to some basic “administration”
View: the lowest level access, with limited Read Only access to PurpleFinder.
For security purposes, you will be asked to replace the temporary password with your own permanent
password as part of the initial set up.
Enter username and password
Go to www.purplefinder.com.
On the Homepage, enter your username and Master password. This will take you to the
PurpleFinder Fleet list. The Fleet list shows the latest position report data for each vessel
registered to your PurpleFinder login.
Above the Fleet list is the toolbar with the main menu options:
Figure 1: Alert Advanced toolbar
Fleet gives access to the fleet details, security alert management and on-line operations.
Maps takes you to a range of map options, depending on whether you want to look at
information for the entire fleet or more detailed information on individual vessels.
Reports allows you to look back over inbound messages and position reports.
Setup gives access to your account details and administration features, eg Fleet details,
login, passwords.
Use Help if you have any queries.
Replace the temporary password
Go to Setup>Passwords>Update password.
Complete the boxes as directed.
Click on UPDATE in order to activate your own secure permanent master password. You
will need to use this next time you log in.
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To update the Assistant and View passwords:
Repeat the procedure by going back to the Homepage, entering the username and
Assistant password, then going to Setup>Passwords>Update password to change the
password as above.
Repeat procedure to change the View password.
Confirm account details
Go to Setup>My Account>Account details.
Check all account details are correct.
Insert IMO number
Go to Fleet>Tools>Asset details.
Go to the Asset name box, click on the arrow for a drop-down menu listing all units
registered to your login.
Scroll down and click on the relevant vessel. This will take you through to the next page
where you can add or change details.
Go to IMO number and insert number.
Click on the UPDATE button at the bottom of the page. This will take you back to the
Asset details and display a message at the top of the page confirming the asset details
have been updated.
Insert Call sign, Flag Administration, MMSI number and CSO details
Go to Fleet>Tools>Postings.
Go to the Asset name box and click on the arrow for the drop-down menu listing all units
registered to your login.
Scroll down and click on vessel name.
Click on ENTER.
Fill in the Posting title, by clicking the Call sign option in the shaded prompt box to the
Fill in the Posting content box with the Call sign.
Go to Post to: and click on Asset.
Click on INSERT to confirm and complete. This will automatically take you back to the
Postings page where you can view the information you have just added.
Now repeat the procedure to insert details of the Flag Administration, the MMSI number
and the CSO contact details.
Check notifications details
The Notifications function allows you to control the distribution of position reports, by specifying a
report type and entering the email, SMS or fax details of the authorised recipient.
On your registration form you were asked for an email address of the person responsible for
configuration testing. This email address has already been entered into your vessel’s notifications list.
To check this:
Go to Fleet>Tools>Notifications.
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Go to the Asset name box and click on the arrow for the drop-down menu listing all units
registered to your login.
Scroll down and click on the selected asset.
Check that the notification details have been entered correctly. You can add, delete or edit
an entry, as required. (For how to do this, see Notifications: Alert routing, page 22.) Do
not test the notifications at this stage as this will activate your account.
Please note: We advise during the configuration, testing and familiarisation phase that you restrict
contact details to internal company destinations ie CSO(s). Once this initial phase is complete, you
can add to the notifications list as required.
IMPORTANT: Do not enter external details such as the Flag Administration until configuration testing
is complete.
The initial set up is now complete.
How to register additional vessels
To register additional vessels in the future, please contact Pole Star Customer Support.
This is because we have to ensure the unit is set up correctly to operate as an SSAS.
You will need to advise the following:
Vessel name
Inmarsat C mobile number
Equipment serial number
Make of terminal.
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Configuration and Testing
Preparing for Configuration and Testing
Prior to testing, liaise with the Master or Ship Security Officer (SSO) onboard the vessel to
agree a date and time for configuration and testing. Remember to allow sufficient time to
test each alert activation point individually.
Email Appendix 1: Configuration of TT3000SSA for PurpleFinder to the SSO or the
engineer who will configure the unit onboard the vessel.
Hardware Configuration
You may find it useful to keep in telephone contact with the SSO or Master while the TT3000SSA is
being configured so you are fully apprised of the situation onboard.
Log on to PurpleFinder, using your master password.
If you have not already done so, go to Fleet>Tools>Notifications to check that only
internal company addresses have been entered and will, therefore, be the sole recipients
of reports generated from this test. Notifications at this stage must be confined to the email
addresses of the CSO(s) or person responsible for configuration testing.
Request that the engineer onboard now manually configures the Alert message routing
directly into the TT3000SSA using Capsat software. This will program the unit to
communicate with PurpleFinder. (See Appendix 1: Configuration of TT3000SSA for
PurpleFinder, page 35)
Ask the engineer to advise you when the configuration is complete.
Configuration Testing
This is a critical part of the configuration phase. It is designed to:
Test each onboard alert activation point individually to ensure the TT3000SSA is properly
configured and fully operational. This exercise must, therefore, be carried out twice – once
for each button.
Take you through exactly what happens in a real security alert, but in a controlled
Please note: The test procedure you will follow here is for Configuration Testing and follows the
procedure of a real Security Alert. It is not the one you will use for routine testing of the TT3000SSA.
You are advised to carry out routine testing of the TT3000SSA on a regular basis as part of your
security plan in accordance with the ISPS code. Managing a Test Security Alert (page 28), gives full
instructions for routine testing.
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To prepare for testing
Go to Fleet>Security>Manage alerts.
Click on life cycle of an alert to see the following diagram which gives an overview of the
Figure 2: Life cycle of an alert
The diagram shows two different modes for a security alert. On the left-hand side the red shows the
real Alert mode which you will follow in the event of a real security alert. Even though you are about to
take part in a “test” as part of the configuration setup, you will follow the red Alert mode, in order to
familiarise yourself with the procedure of a real Security Alert.
The orange Test Alert mode on the right-hand side is the procedure that you, as CSO, will initiate and
control when you carry out routine testing. (See Managing a Test Security Alert, page 28.)
ii )
To run the configuration test
Go to Fleet>Security>Manage alerts. The alert mode will be green ie Normal.
Contact the vessel to request they proceed with the testing of the first alert activation point.
Advise them that they are not to unlatch the button until you have contacted them again.
When an alert activation point is pressed onboard the vessel, the TT3000SSA
automatically transmits an Activation: Covert/Security Alert. You will receive an emailed
version of this alert in which you will see the vessel icon is now red. The Alert mode on the
Manage alerts interface will also change to red ie Alert, signifying a real Security Alert.
Optional: Go to Fleet>Fleet list. You will see your vessel has been given an Activation:
Covert/Security Alert and the icon will be red, signifying Alert status. Click on the
magnifying glass to go to the Asset map where the vessel will be also represented by the
red icon.
This alert will repeat in 30 minute cycles.
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iii )
To reset the alert
Contact the vessel and request they reset the alert. To do this, they will unlatch the first
activation point.
Stay in contact with the vessel so that they can confirm this has task has been done.
Go to Fleet>Security>Manage alerts, click on RESET CONFIRMED, as shown in the
figure below.
Figure 3: Manage alerts: Reset confirmed
The alert mode will change to Resetting, please wait…. The system remains at this stage
for 10 minutes, then reverts to green Normal.
Optional: Go to Fleet>Fleet list. You will see the vessel is still showing an Activation:
Covert/Security Alert, even though the Alert mode on Manage alerts is Normal. This is
because the latest position report will remain on PurpleFinder until the next APR is sent.
Now repeat procedures ii To run the configuration test and iii To reset the alert for the
second onboard alert activation point, in order to complete the Configuration Testing.
The TT3000SSA configuration and testing have now been completed. However, you may decide to
keep the system solely for internal company use for a further familiarisation phase of seven days. You
do this simply by keeping notifications confined to internal company destinations.
To prepare for the launch:
Go to Fleet>Tools>Asset details to check the IMO number has been entered. (See
Insert IMO number, page 7.)
Go to Fleet>Tools>Postings to check contact details of CSOs and details of Call sign,
Flag Administration and MMSI number have been entered. (See Postings: Inserting data
into a position report, page 20.)
Go to Fleet>Tools>Notifications to check traffic and destination details to ensure position
reports will be received by the authorised recipients (See Notifications: Alert routing,
page 22). In particular, check the specific requirements of your Flag Administration.
Usually, a Flag Administration demands to be sent Security Alerts, although some may
also demand routine Test Position Reports. (See Position Reports, page 12.)
You are now fully operational and ready to launch.
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Operating your SSAS Management System
Position Reports
Summary of report types
Once configured and fully operational, the TT3000SSA will report with one of the following report
types. They are colour-coded for ease of recognition. The coloured icon appears on the Fleet Map,
Asset Map and Fleet List page, so you can see the status of the vessel at a glance.
Table 2: SSAS Report Types
Report Types
Icon Colour
Message Type
Automatic Position Reports (APR)
Covert/Security Alert Position Report
Standard daily report
Security Alert
Test Position Report (TPR)
No report received
A security alert when the unit has been placed
in Test Mode for routine testing (See page 28
for instructions)
No report has been received for 48 hours
(default). This may be due to a hardware
problem or satellite interference.
Report contents
The contents of all types of position reports follow the same basic format. An example of a typical
Security Alert (SPR) is shown here:
Figure 4: Covert/Security Alert Position Report
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The same information is given for each vessel in Fleet>Fleet list.
The information on the position report comes from three different sources. CSO, TT3000SSA unit,
Table 3: Sources of information for Position Reports
Data Origin
Set by CSO
Asset name
Set in Fleet>Tools>Asset details
IMO number
Set in Fleet>Tools>Asset details
CSO contact details
Set in Fleet>Tools>Postings
Call sign
Set in Fleet>Tools>Postings
Flag Administration
Set in Fleet>Tools>Postings
MMSI number
Set in Fleet>Tools>Postings
Position date & time
Generated by
Calculated by
Recorded by TT3000SSA at the time of transmission
Traffic status
Status of unit at time of the transmission
Will show ‘Covert/Security Alert’ when alert button is
Proximity name
Of port or city within 500 nautical miles of vessel
Average speed
Calculated between previous and current position report
Different report types
Following you will find examples of position reports generated by the TT3000SSA unit.
Automatic Position Report (APR)
Icon colour: Green
An APR is a standard position report generated daily by the unit.
Figure 5: Automatic Position Report
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ii )
Covert/Security Alert Position Report (SPR)
Icon colour: Red
When one of the two alert activation points is pressed onboard the vessel, indicating a potential
breach of security, the TT3000SSA automatically transmits a Covert/Security Alert Position Report.
The unit will continue to send a SPR every 30 minutes until reset.
Figure 6: Covert/Security Alert Position Report
iii )
Test Position Report (TPR)
Icon colour: Orange
A TPR is a Security Alert Position Report when the TT3000SSA has been placed in Test mode (see
Managing a Test Security Alert, page 28)
Figure 7: Test Position Report
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Maps: Accessing information
Map options
There are two map options specifically designed for accessing vessel information in your login:
Fleet map:
Asset map: This provides access and information for an individual vessel.
This provides access and information for every vessel in your account.
Fleet map
The PurpleFinder Fleet map allows you to see the current status and position of your vessel(s) at a
glance. It also provides access to other information relating to the vessel(s). To access the Fleet map:
Go to the toolbar and select Maps>Fleet map.
Figure 8: Fleet map – showing a Covert/Security Alert
ii )
Asset map
Each vessel has a dedicated Asset map. It is the easiest way to access information for a specific
vessel and is particularly useful when the Fleet map is crowded and you need to clarify the location or
access a position report for a specific vessel. The Asset map also automatically displays the vessel’s
history trail of position reports, as shown in Figure 9: Asset map on the next page.
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To access an Asset map for a specific vessel:
Go to Maps>Asset map.
Go to the Asset name box and click on the arrow to reveal the drop-down menu listing all
vessels registered to your login.
Scroll down and click on vessel name. This will take you to the Asset map for your
selected vessel. An example is shown here.
Figure 9: Asset map
Map functionality
There are various ways to access information on the maps, depending on your requirements:
Table 4: Map functionality
Which click?
Left click directly on a vessel icon
Fleet map and
Asset map
Fleet Map only
Right click directly on a vessel icon
Right click anywhere on the map
To display the latest position report for the
selected vessel.
To display the right click menu for additional
options relating to the vessel
(See 3.Controlling position reports below.)
To bring up the right click menu for access to all
vessels in the fleet.
The functionality explained here works on the Fleet map and Asset map.
To zoom in on a vessel
This is useful if you have several vessels in close proximity on the Fleet map and want to isolate one
or you want to enlarge the area immediately around a vessel on the Asset map to focus in on the
Position your mouse directly on the vessel icon you want to isolate.
Left click and drag to form a rectangle over the area required, then let go to zoom in.
Repeat the previous step to zoom in closer until you have isolated the vessel or enlarged
the area sufficiently.
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ii )
iii )
To display a position report for a vessel
Left click directly on the vessel icon to display the latest position report.
If you are on the Fleet map and cannot easily isolate the vessel required, use the Asset
map instead.
To access more options for a vessel
On the Asset map:
Right click directly on the vessel icon to display the right click menu.
Use the top section of the menu to access information and functions as required.
On the Fleet map:
If you can easily locate or isolate the vessel required:
Right click directly on the vessel icon to display the right click menu.
Use the top section of the menu to access information and functions specifically for that
If you cannot locate or isolate the vessel required:
Right click anywhere on the map and use the second section of the menu. The options
here are linked to drop-down menus listing all vessels in your login.
Select the command you require.
Click on the selected vessel. An example of the right click menu is shown in Figure 10.
Figure 10: Fleet map – Right click menu
The right click menu provides access to the following information and functions:
Show history: To display the vessel’s history trail on the map
Request position: To poll a unit for an immediate position report
Received text messages: To view the position reports in their original text format.
Communication window: To change the frequency of the position reporting
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Controlling position reports
To request an immediate position report or to change the frequency of position reporting, use the right
click menu accessed via the Fleet map or Asset map.
To poll for an immediate position report for a vessel
On the Asset map or Fleet map:
If you can easily locate or isolate the vessel required:
Right click directly on the vessel icon to display the right click menu.
On the top section of the menu Left click on Request position
This will immediately poll the unit for a position report.
Go to Communication window.
Click on Command for drop-down menu and click on Poll for position report.
Current data will be displayed in the window.
Click on Poll at the bottom of the window to request a position report.
On the Fleet map:
If you cannot locate or isolate the vessel required:
ii )
iii )
Right click anywhere on the map to display the right click menu.
Go to the second section of the menu, to Request Position > Select >. This will display a
list of vessels registered to your login. Click on the required vessel to request an immediate
position report.
To poll for an immediate position report for the whole fleet
Go to Fleet map and right click anywhere on the map to display the right click menu.
Go to the second section of the menu, to Request position, to display a further three
options. Click on Fleet.
This will immediately poll every vessel in your fleet to request an immediate position report.
To change reporting frequency for a specific vessel
If you are on Asset map or you can isolate a specific vessel icon on the Fleet map:
Right click directly on the icon to display the right click menu.
Use the top section of the menu, click on Communication window.
Click on Command for drop-down menu to view options.
Click on Start regular position reporting.
Go to Every [xxxx] minute(s) box and enter appropriate number of minutes. (For
example, 360 = every 6 hours = 4 APRs per day.)
Click on Start.
Monitor the timing of position reports over the next 24 hours to ensure the command has
been successful.
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iv )
To change reporting frequency for the fleet
Go to Fleet map and right click anywhere on the map to display the right click menu.
Go to the second section of the menu to Communication window and select ANY vessel.
Click on Select to view a drop-down menu.
Click on Select Fleet
Next click on Command for drop-down menu.
Click on Start regular position reporting.
Go to Every [xxxx] minute(s) box and enter appropriate number of minutes. (For
example, 360 = every 6 hours = 4 APRs per day.)
Click on Start.
Monitor the timing of position reports over the next 24 hours to ensure the command has
been successful.
Please note: More than 4 APRs per day and/or excessive use of the poll function may incur charges
above the fixed monthly fee.
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Postings: Inserting data into a position report
The Postings function allows you to insert and update certain lines of information (or “Postings”)
which appear on the position report. They will usually cover:
CSO contact details
Call sign
Flag Administration
MMSI number
For all posting applications, whether for individual vessels or for the entire fleet:
Click on Fleet>Tools>Postings.
Go to the Asset name box and click on the arrow for the drop-down menu listing all units
registered to your login.
Scroll down and click on vessel name.
Figure 11: Postings
You can add, delete or edit a posting, as required, for individual vessels or for the whole fleet.
You can, however, only enter one posting at a time and must complete that application before you
move on to the next.
To add a posting
To add a posting for an individual vessel:
Click on ENTER.
Fill in the Posting title, using the options provided in the shaded prompt box to the right.
Fill in the Posting content. This will be the name and contact details of the CSO(s) or the
Call sign details, name of the Flag Administration or the MMSI number.
Go to Post to: and click on Asset.
Click on INSERT to confirm and complete. This will automatically take you back to the
Postings page for the vessel where you can view the information you have just added.
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If you want to add a posting for all vessels:
ii )
Click on ENTER.
Fill in the Posting title, as above.
Fill in the Posting content, as above.
Go to Post to: and click on Asset.
Go to Asset name(s) box at the top of the page and click on the arrow to reveal options.
Scroll down and click on All.
Click on INSERT.
To delete a posting
Please note: When deleting a posting, you will not be asked to confirm the step. So make sure you
select the correct line before pressing the DELETE button.
To delete a posting for an individual vessel:
Click on the DELETE button to the right of the posting you wish to remove. This will delete
the whole posting line for this particular vessel.
If you want to delete the same posting from all vessels:
iii )
Click on the EDIT button to the right of the line you wish to delete.
Go to Asset name(s) box at the top of the page and click on the arrow to reveal options.
Scroll down and click on All.
Click on DELETE.
To edit a posting
To edit a posting for an individual vessel:
Click on the EDIT button to the right of the posting line you wish to edit. This will take you
on to the editing page.
Edit the lines of the entry as required, using the shaded prompt box for the choice of
Posting title and filling in the Posting content with appropriate information.
Click on INSERT to confirm and complete. This will automatically take you back to the
Postings list page for the vessel.
Please note: If you change the Posting title as part of your edit, you will see both the new entry and
the original entry, when you return to the Postings list page. To remove the original entry, click on the
DELETE button to the right. The same procedure applies to a change of Posting title for all vessels,
explained below.
If you want to edit a posting for all vessels:
Click on the EDIT button to the right of the posting.
Go to the Asset name(s) option at the top of the page, scroll down and click on All.
Edit the postings in the appropriate boxes, then click on INSERT.
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Notifications: Alert routing
The Notifications function allows you to control the distribution of position reports by specifying a
report type and entering the email, SMS or fax details of the authorised recipient.
You can add, delete, edit, copy and test these notifications, as required, but you must complete one
notification before you move on to the next.
For all applications:
Go to Fleet>Tools>Notifications.
Go to the Asset name box and click on the arrow for the drop-down menu listing all units
registered to your login.
Scroll down and click on selected vessel. This will take you to the Notifications list.
Figure 12: Notifications
You will need to complete all fields, as appropriate:
Traffic name controls which type of message will be sent. In Alert Advanced TT3000SSA,
this will always be Position report.
Traffic status dictates which type of position report: select Standard, Security alert or
Test, as appropriate.
Translator controls the way the information is sent, that is, by email, SMS or fax.
Resource address is the email address, SMS or fax number of the designated recipient.
For help completing the Translator and Resource address, refer to the table on the next page.
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How to configure routing for your SSAS Management System
Table 5: Configure routing for standard reports (APR)
Traffic name
Position report
Traffic status
Resource address
Position report (with Map) in html. Long version for company
Table 6: Configure routing for Covert/Security Alert (SPR)
Traffic name
Position report
Traffic status
Security Alert
SSAS alert with Map (use for generic Flag States)
SSAS alert for UK
SSAS alert for Norway
Position Report (No Map) in plain text
Position Report in XML format
Resource address
Traffic name
Position report
Traffic status
Security Alert
Resource address
Traffic name
Position report
Traffic status
Security Alert
Resource address
fax:// +447985486300
Prefix with sms://+ enter number with international country code
Prefix with fax://+ enter number with international country code
Table 7: Configure routing for Test Alerts (TPR)
Traffic name
Position report
Traffic status
Resource address
Traffic name
Position report
Traffic status
Resource address
Traffic name
Position report
Traffic status
Resource address
fax:// +447985486300
SSAS alert with Map – with vessel name in email subject *
Prefix with sms://+ enter number with international country code
Prefix with fax://+ enter number with international country code
Please note: It is important to consider who receives which type of traffic status. There should be a
clear division between traffic for internal company destinations and traffic for external destinations. For
example, a Flag Administration may not want to receive Test Position Reports. They need only be
notified of Security Alerts, unless otherwise directed
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Example of configuring routing: Covert/Security Alert sent to email
(See Table 6 above)
Traffic name: Position report
Traffic status: Security Alert
Translator: dsas-flag-2.xsl - for an SSAS alert with Map (for generic Flag States).
Figure 13: Covert /Security Alert sent to email
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To add a new entry
To add a new entry for an individual vessel:
Click on ENTER, positioned beneath the main list (as shown in Figure 12: Notifications).
Complete the boxes as required, as shown below.
Figure 14: Edit notifications
Click on INSERT to complete the process. This will take you back to the Notifications
main page.
If you want to add a new entry for all vessels:
ii )
Click on ENTER, positioned beneath the main list.
Complete the boxes as required.
Go to the Asset name(s) option at the top of the page, click on the drop-down arrow on
the right, scroll down and click on All.
Click on INSERT to complete the process. This will take you back to the Notifications
main page where you can view the change you have made.
To delete an entry
Please note: When deleting a notification, you will not be asked to confirm the step. So make sure
you select the correct line before pressing the DELETE button.
To delete an entry for an individual vessel:
Click on the DELETE button to the right of the entry. This will delete the whole entry for this
particular vessel.
If you want to delete the same entry from all vessels:
Click on the EDIT button to the right of the line you wish to delete.
Go to Asset name(s) box at the top of the page and click on the arrow to reveal options.
Scroll down and click on All.
Click on DELETE.
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iii )
To edit an entry
To edit an entry for an individual vessel:
Select the EDIT button to the right of the details you wish to change.
Scroll down or type in correct details, as required.
Click on INSERT. This will take you back to the main page where you will see your new
entry and the original entry.
Now click on the DELETE button to the right of the original entry in order to remove the
original entry.
If you want to edit the same entry for all vessels:
iv )
Select the EDIT button to the right of the details you wish to change.
Scroll down or type in correct details, as required.
Go to Asset name(s) at the top of the page and click on the arrow to reveal options.
Scroll down and click on All.
Click on INSERT. This will take you back to the Notifications home page.
Select an individual vessel, go through to the main listing page where you will see your
new entry and the original entry.
Click on the EDIT button to the right of the line you wish to delete.
Go to Asset name(s) box at the top of the page and click on the arrow to reveal options.
Scroll down and click on All.
Click on DELETE.
To copy an existing vessel’s list
The COPY function gives you an easy way of copying one vessel’s notification list to another vessel. It
does not overwrite existing details, but simply ‘adds’ to any existing list.
To copy a list from one vessel to another:
Go to the Asset name option at the top of the page, scroll down and click on the vessel
whose list you wish to copy (see Figure 12: Notifications).
The vessel’s Notifications list will appear. Beneath the list go to To asset name(s): and
click on the arrow for the drop-down menu. Select the vessel you wish to copy the list to.
Click on COPY.
Go back to the Asset name box at the top of the page. Scroll down and click on the name
of the vessel you just copied the list to. The vessel’s new list will be displayed. You can
now edit or delete the list as required.
If you want to copy a list to all vessels:
Go to the Asset name option at the top of the page, scroll down and click on a vessel
whose list you wish to copy.
The vessel’s Notifications list will appear. Beneath the list go to To asset name(s): and
click on the arrow for the drop-down menu. Select All.
Click on COPY. This will copy the list to all vessels in your login.
You can now edit lists of individual vessels as required. Go back to the top of the page to
the Asset name box. Scroll down and select the vessel whose list you wish to edit. The
vessel’s new list will be displayed. You can now edit or delete as required.
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To test routing
This test ensures the communication channels – email, SMS, fax – are working and that reports are
reaching designated recipients. It does not test any functionality of the TT3000SSA itself, but simply
ensures the information is reaching its destination, by sending a copy of the last report to the selected
Resource address.
This is particularly important for email which might come up against firewalls or spam filters.
It is also important for mobile telephone numbers that have been transferred between operators, as
they may not be deliverable without intervention from your SMS service provider. Messages are
routed according to the country code and the network prefix. For example, country code 44 and
network prefix 7986 will be routed to the Virgin network in the UK. If this number is transferred to
another UK network operator such as Vodafone then problems in SMS transmission may occur.
To carry out the test:
Click on the TEST box to the right of the resource address you wish to test.
You will normally receive an email/SMS/fax within one minute. No acknowledgement of the
test will appear on the screen.
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Managing a Test Security Alert
These instructions explain how to carry out a routine Security Alert Test in accordance with the ISPS
code. You are advised to carry out routine testing of the TT3000SSA on a regular basis as part of your
Ship Security Plan, as a minimum on an annual basis for your annual survey.
IMPORTANT: The TT3000SSA unit has a green test button included as part of the standard hardware.
However, this must NOT be used when you are operating and testing through PurpleFinder. You must
follow the procedure outlined below.
To prepare for the Test Security Alert
Go to Fleet>Security>Manage alerts.
Click on life cycle of an alert to see the following diagram which gives an overview of the
Figure 15: Life cycle of an alert
The diagram shows two different modes for a security alert. On the left-hand side, the red shows the
real Alert mode which you will follow in the event of a real security alert. The orange Test Alert mode
on the right-hand side is the procedure that you, as CSO, will use now as you carry out a routine Test
Security Alert. In Test mode:
Test position reports are all colour-coded orange and are clearly marked Traffic
status: test;
the email subject line includes the text ***TEST***;
emails are routed to designated Test recipients.
Liaise with the Master or Ship Security Officer (SSO) onboard the vessel to agree date and
time of testing. Remember to allow sufficient time to test each alert activation point
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To run the Test Security Alert
Go to Fleet>Tools>Notifications to check that only internal company addresses will
receive reports of this simulation. That is, only they will receive Traffic status marked Test.
Go to Fleet>Security>Manage alerts. The alert mode will be green, ie Normal.
Liaise with Master/SSO on the vessel to check they are ready to start.
Click on START TEST for selected vessel.
The Alert mode will now be orange and read Test started. If an alert activation point is not
pressed, the unit will remain in Test mode for the next 4 hours, before reverting to green
Once the test has started, if necessary, you can click on the CANCEL TEST button and
start again at a more suitable time. The mode will change to Test Ending and return to
green Normal after 40 minutes.
If everything is ready for the test, the Master/SSO can now press the first alert activation
When an alert activation point is pressed onboard the vessel, the TT3000SSA
automatically transmits a Test Activation: Covert/Security Alert. This alert will repeat in
30 minute cycles until reset. The Alert mode on the Manage alerts interface will remain
orange and read Test Alert, signifying a test Security Alert.
Optional: Go to Fleet>Fleet list. You will see your vessel has been given an Activation:
Covert/Security Alert status. With a Test Traffic status.
To reset the Test Security Alert
Contact the vessel and request they reset the alert. To do this, they will unlatch the first
activation point.
Stay in contact with the vessel so that they can confirm this has task has been done.
Go to Fleet>Security>Manage alerts, click on RESET CONFIRMED, as shown in the
figure below.
The alert mode will change to Test Resetting, please wait…. The system remains at this
stage for 10 minutes, then reverts to green Normal.
Figure 16: Manage alerts: Reset confirmed
Optional: Go to Fleet>Fleet list. You will see the vessel is still showing an Activation:
Covert/Security Alert, with a Test Traffic status, even though the Alert mode on Manage
alerts is Normal. This is because the latest position report will remain on PurpleFinder
until the next APR is sent. If you want to replace the Test Position Report with a standard
position report, you can do this by polling the TT3000SSA to transmit a standard position
report. To do this, go to Maps>Asset map, put your mouse directly on the vessel, then
right click to display up the right click menu and select Request Position.
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Position Report History
This feature provides immediate access to all historical position reports received for an individual
vessel, or for all vessels in your login. It also gives you the option to download the report on screen or
send to an excel spreadsheet.
This provides an audit trail for your SSAS testing.
Go to Reports>Position report history.
Figure 17: Position Report History
Go to Asset name and click on the arrow for the drop-down menu listing all units
registered to your login.
Click on individual vessel or select All, if you want to see position reports for the whole
Go to From date & time and To date & time and use the prompt boxes to the right to
enter a time frame as required.
Click on either VIEW to display the data on the screen or click DOWNLOAD to save the
data in an Excel spreadsheet.
Figure 18: VIEW – Position Report History
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Received messages
This feature allows immediate access to the raw data contained in every Security Alert Position Report
received directly from the TT3000SSA terminal. The information is shown in it’s basic text format,
before the system converts the data to the final position report format.
Go to Reports>Received messages.
Go to Asset name and click on the arrow for the drop-down menu listing all units
registered to your login.
Click on individual vessel or select All, if you want to see the received messages for the
whole fleet.
Go to From date & time and To date & time and use the prompt boxes to the right to
enter a time frame as required.
Click on either VIEW to display the data on the screen or click DOWNLOAD to save the
data in an Excel spreadsheet.
Figure 19: Received messages
Traffic history
This feature provides immediate access to all historical traffic for an individual vessel, or for all vessels
in your login. It gives you the option to download the report on the screen or send to an Excel
Go to Reports>Traffic history.
Go to Asset name and click on the arrow for the drop-down menu listing all units
registered to your login.
Click on individual vessel or select All, if you want to see the traffic history for the whole
Go to From date & time and To date & time and use the prompt boxes to the right to
enter a time frame as required.
Click on either VIEW to display the data on the screen or click DOWNLOAD to save the
data in an Excel spreadsheet.
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Tickets for Technical Support
The on-line Tickets function is a free technical support service available to customers who might
experience a problem with the TT3000SSA unit.
Log in to www.purplefinder.com with your master password.
Go to Help>Tickets>Open ticket.
Go to Asset name box, click on the arrow, scroll down and click on selected vessel.
Enter your contact details in relevant boxes.
Fill in the CC email address box if you wish a colleague or other contact to be on the
distribution list for this ticket.
Fill in the Log statement with a title or short description of the issue eg “Unit not
Fill in the Log details with a description of the issue and action taken so far.
Figure 20: Open Ticket
Click on OPEN.
At the top of the Ticket opened page, you will see a unique ticket number has been given
to your request.
You will also receive an acknowledgement email. This will include the details you entered
and the unique ticket number.
The Pole Star technical team will attend to your query and respond as soon as possible.
This system is designed to keep an audit trail for any problem until it is resolved. You can view the
status of a ticket, by using the View ticket option.
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Deactivating the Asset
If you wish to permanently deactivate a vessel from your login, there are two stages to the process.
First, as CSO, you have to delete the vessel online in PurpleFinder (see below, 1 Delete the vessel in
PurpleFinder). Then the engineer onboard the vessel must remove the alert message routing from
the TT3000SSA to stop it communicating with PurpleFinder. (see below, 2 Remove PurpleFinder
alert list entries from the TT3000SSA).
Delete the vessel in PurpleFinder
First, delete the vessel in PurpleFinder as outlined below. Then onboard the vessel you must remove
the alert message routing from the TT3000SSA to stop it communicating with PurpleFinder.
Log in to www.purplefinder.com with your master password.
Go to Setup> My Account >Deactivate asset.
Go to Asset name box, click on the arrow, scroll down and click on the vessel you wish to
Go to Deactivation date & time. Using the options provided in the shaded prompt box to
the right, select a date and time for deletion. This must be at least 30 minutes into the
Go to Reason for deactivation and select a reason for deactivation from the drop-down
Your selection will be displayed on screen. Click CONFIRM to start the deactivation
A confirmation message DEACTIVATION INITIATED will appear on the screen and you
will receive a confirmation email.
An example of the Deactivate asset page is given here:
Figure 21: Deactivate asset
Remove PurpleFinder alert list entries from the TT3000SSA
The instructions are included as Appendix 2: Removal of configuration from PurpleFinder.
They are for the engineer onboard the vessel to remove the alert message routing from the terminal in
order to STOP the alerts being routed through PurpleFinder.
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The following acronyms are used in this document:
Table 8: Acronyms
Automatic Position report
Alert Reset Acknowledgement
Company Security Officer
Covert/Security Alert Position Report
Ship Security Officer
Test Position Report
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Appendix 1: Configuration of TT3000SSA for PurpleFinder
Please note: These instructions must be emailed to the vessel on which the TT3000SSA is installed.
The engineer onboard the vessel must follow these instructions to program the unit in order for alerts
to be routed through PurpleFinder.
Before following these instructions, it is essential to ensure that your transceiver has been
registered with PurpleFinder; otherwise the alert messaging will not work. If in doubt,
please contact your PurpleFinder agent or sales contact and quote the 9 digit mobile
number (IMN) of the transceiver.
The SSAS system should be tested in conjunction with the Company Security Officer on
completion of this configuration.
The SSAS alert button must be latched for at least 30 seconds before an alert message is
The only way to reset security alert reporting from this system is by unlatching the alert
button. The unit cannot be reset over the air.
Two LES routing options are available; these are France Telecom and Xantic. Either of
these routes can be used but only one is required, so this is down to personal preference.
If problems are encountered with one route, then repeat the instructions in How to set the
SSAS report destination below, and try the other route.
For instructions on how to remove these settings, please refer to Appendix 2: Removal of
configuration from PurpleFinder.
How to set the SSAS Report destination
Connect a laptop or a PC to the DB9 connector using a standard DB9 male to DB9 female
modem cable.
Run Capsat or a terminal program such as HyperTerminal with 4800 baud, 8 data bits, 1
stop bit and no parity.
If you are using CapSat or EasyMail then select:
Options, Configurations, terminal mode
Access to the configuration is only granted at ‘sysadm’ user level:
: su sysadm
password: ******** Three recipient addresses can be configured to receive the SSA message.
To display the current Ship Security Alert recipients:
: se –am The next available address list entry should be used. The format of the message is as follows:
se –am <entry>,<type>,<address>,<param>
<entry>:Address list entry number: 0-2
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<type>: Destination type: 3 for PSDN
<address>:Destination Address:
80001003 for France Telecom or
310353 for Xantic
<param>:Land earth station:
021, 121, 221 or 321 for France Telecom
012, 112, 212 or 312 for Xantic
Depending on the current ocean region (AORW, AORE, IOR or POR).
e.g. for France Telecom:
: se –am 0,3,80001003,121
or for Xantic:
: se –am 0,3,310353,12
To give coverage in all ocean regions, automatic LES selection should also be set up using the
following command for France Telecom:
: se –m 21,121,221,321
or this one for Xantic:
: se –m 12,112,212,312
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Appendix 2: Removal of configuration from PurpleFinder
Please note: These instructions must be emailed to the vessel on which the TT3000SSA is installed.
The engineer onboard the vessel must follow these instructions to remove the alert message routing
from the terminal in order to STOP the alerts being routed through PurpleFinder.
The following instructions are for the engineer onboard the vessel to remove the alert message routing
from the terminal in order to STOP the alerts being routed through PurpleFinder.
Connect a laptop or a PC to the DB9 connector using a standard DB9 male to DB9 female
modem cable.
Run Capsat or a terminal program such as HyperTerminal with 4800 baud, 8 data bits, 1
stop bit and no parity.
Access to the configuration is only granted at ‘sysadm’ user level:
: su sysadm
password: ********<enter>
The format of the configuration command is as follows:
set –am <entry>,<type>,<address>,<param>
<entry>:Address list entry number: 0-2
<type>: Destination type: (3 for PSDN)
<address>:Destination Address: (310353 for PurpleFinder)
<param>:Land earth station (012,112 or 212 for AORW/AORE/IOR, 312 for POR)
To display the current Ship Security Alert recipients:
: se –am<enter>
Note the address list entry number for the entry that you want to remove.
In order to remove an entry from the list you will need to set all of the parameters for that entry to zero.
e.g. to remove entry number 1:
: se –am 1,0,0,0
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