Thermoguard Report
Thermoguard Report
Thermoguard Report Version 2.93 Thermoguard TG Report Contents Basics - Overview .............................................................................................................3 Installation ..........................................................................................................4 Starting Thermoguard Report ...........................................................................6 Command Line Switches ...................................................................................7 Program Language / Logging ...........................................................................8 Path Settings ......................................................................................................9 Illustration: Example of a typical Installation Scenario ................................ 11 Choosing a Sensor .......................................................................................... 12 Save / Load a Sensor Selection ....................................................................... 13 Refresh Sensor List .......................................................................................... 14 Thermoguard Report Chart - Selecting a Period of Time for drawing a Chart ............................................. 15 "Calculate only (no chart)" and "Details" ...................................................... 17 The Chart Window ("Thermoguard Chart") .................................................... 19 Additional Information about the Chart Window ........................................... 23 Chart Batch Print .............................................................................................. 25 The Annotation Editor ..................................................................................... 26 Thermoguard Report Live! - Principle ............................................................................................................ 33 How to open a sensor's Live! Window ........................................................... 33 The three Live! modes ..................................................................................... 34 Close and Tooltip ............................................................................................. 35 Functions for all Live! modes ......................................................................... 36 Functions for Value Mode only ....................................................................... 38 Functions for Chart Mode only ....................................................................... 39 Alarm Visualization in Value Mode ................................................................. 41 Error Messages, their visualization and Causes ........................................... 42 Live! Window Sets ........................................................................................... 44 Three examples for using transparent Live! windows .................................. 46 Visual Mode / Visual Designer ........................................................................ 57 Appendices - A1 For Administrators: Configure fixed Path Presets .................................. 60 A2 Freeware Program "allSnap" ..................................................................... 60 A3 Arithmetic Mean and Mean kinetic Temperature ..................................... 61 A4 Standard deviation ..................................................................................... 62 Thermoguard Thermoguard Report * October 1, 2016 Page 2 of 62 TG Report Basics Overview Thermoguard Report (abbr. "TG Report") is used for analysis and graphic display of data values, which are continuously recorded by the Thermoguard main program. TG Report provides three main functions: Thermoguard Chart draws a chart over a period of time specified by the user from the recorded values of a sensor (see cover image top right). Thermoguard Chart allows a vast number of possibilities: Navigation, scaling, zooming, three-dimensional display and much more. Thermoguard Charts can be printed and saved as a graphic file. An unlimited number of Thermoguard Chart windows can be opened at the same time. The integrated Annotation Editor provides the possibility to add annotations (comments, pictures) directly to a chart. Thermoguard Live! displays the current ("last") value of a sensor; either as digital display (see cover image bottom right), as a continuously floating chart or as a gauge display on top of a background image ("Visual Mode", see cover image top left). Again, an unlimited number of windows can be opened at the same time. Thermoguard Live! window sets can be saved and re-opened. As the Chart windows the Thermoguard Live! windows can be scaled to any size; i.e. for presentation purposes. Calculating Mean Arithmetic values and Standard Deviation of all measured units as well as the Mean Kinetic Temperature (MKT) over any arbitrary period for temperature data additionally. TG Report can be used as an analysis and visualization program for employees on any workstation computers - independently of other programs of the Thermoguard family. All that TG Report requires for access to the recorded data is read-only access to the Thermoguard installation and data directory. No write or administrative rights are required for the Thermoguard installation and data directory. This manual is an addition to the Thermoguard System Manual. Thermoguard Thermoguard Report * October 1, 2016 Page 3 of 62 TG Report Installation Installation types Two options are available for installing TG Report: Local installation on the same computer where the main program (TGuard) runs; i.e. for checking data on the part of the Thermoguard system administrator Installation on one or more workstation computers on the network, e.g. for data visualization through employees. Administrators may consult the separate documentation TG Silent Installationen.pdf located in the root directory of the Thermoguard CD for command line switches providing an unattended installation of Thermoguard Report. TG Report gleans the information about the number of, label, location, and limits of and other settings for the sensorcontrollers from the INI, LIC and SCX files from the Thermoguard data directory. The recorded data (temperature, humidity or any other unit) is read by TG Report from this directory (by default) as well (*.tg files in subdirectory \tg). TG Report requires read access to the data directory. For a local installation the data directory usually is %ALLUSERSPROFILE%\Thermoguard Data\tg. Herein %ALLUSERSPROFILE% is a system environment variable pointing by default to the following paths: for Windows XP/Server 2003: C:\Documents and Settings\All Users since Windows Vista: C:\ProgramData For a network installation the path to the data directory can be configured in TG Report, however. When installing TG Report on a workstation computer on the network, the system administrator should typically create a share of the Thermoguard data directory on the network, including read permissions for employees. Thermoguard Thermoguard Report * October 1, 2016 Page 4 of 62 TG Report Executing the installation TG Report is installed as a component of the Thermoguard Setup program (TGuard_292.exe): TG Report is installed in the \TGReport subdirectory of the selected installation directory, i.e. by default in %ProgramFiles(x86)%\Thermoguard\TGReport. For details on the Setup program, please refer to the Thermoguard system manual. During the installation you can decide whether to create a desktop shortcut. By default this option is not checked. Thermoguard Thermoguard Report * October 1, 2016 Page 5 of 62 TG Report Starting Thermoguard Report There are up to three possible ways to start TG Report: 1) Doubleclick the desktop shortcut (if option "Create desktop shortcut" selected on setup) 2) Via start menu 3) Of course also directly by running the program file "%ProgramFiles(x86)%\Thermoguard\TGReport\TGReport.exe". Thermoguard Thermoguard Report * October 1, 2016 Page 6 of 62 TG Report Command Line Switches /CfgDataDir:<Directory> Sample call: TGReport.exe /CfgDataDir:"C:\ProgramData\TGReport Data TEST" This switch may specify a different than the default configuration directory (%ALLUSERSPROFILE%\TGReport Data). The TGReport.ini file is located in this path. Notes: Please check access permissions for the directory, because settings are written back to TGReport.ini on program termination. (Permissions for the default configuration directory are set during installation by setup) This is not the configuration path of the Thermoguard main program. If the path is invalid TG Report is aborted with a "not found" error message. The TGReport.ini file is not yet present after a new installation. It will be created the first time the program is terminated. /tgl:<filename> Sample call: TGReport.exe /tgl:"%ALLUSERSPROFILE\TGReport Data\My windows" A previously saved Live! windows set can be specified. This possibility is described in the section Thermoguard Report Live! in detail. Remember to enclose paths containing spaces in quotes. Note: The Live! windows which were active at program termination are automatically restored on startup. Therefore the former switch /l has become obsolete now. /h or /hm Hides the main window after program start automatically (if at least one Live! window was active at program termination). Hides the mouse cursor too (not with /hm). The mouse cursor can be restored via a Live! window's context menu item "Miscellaneous functions|Show mouse cursor". /GUID:<GUID> May be used by an external application to identify a Thermoguard Report instance started by the application itself. <GUID> is appended to the main window's title caption. E.g. to close it later sending a WM_CLOSE after a FindWindow (in case more than one Thermoguard Report instances are running at the same time). Thermoguard Thermoguard Report * October 1, 2016 Page 7 of 62 TG Report Program Language The program language can be set to either English or German. To change it from German to English use the menu item "Einstellungen" => "Englisch" as shown below. In order for the change to take effect, the program must be restarted. Logging Menu item "Logging" activates or stops Logging for Thermoguard Report: 20 log files à 2MB will be written. If the 20th file exceeds 2 MB the oldest file will be overwritten. Thus a maximum of 40MB free disk space is needed for log files. Files will be created in the subdirectory \log of the configuration path, i.e. by default this is %ALLUSERSPROFILE%\TGReport Data\tg\log. The current log file is always named TGReport.log, the other files are named TGReport00xx.log. Thermoguard Thermoguard Report * October 1, 2016 Page 8 of 62 TG Report Path Settings After starting, the TG Report Main Window opens: Configuration and data path for accessing the sensor configuration and data TG Report will search the TGuard.ini file in the default configuration path of a Thermoguard installation (%ALLUSERSPROFILE%\ Thermoguard Data) if it is installed onto the same computer as the Thermoguard main program. It then reads the path to the *.tg files from this file. Settings are saved to the TGReport.ini file and will be used again on next start. Setting the configuration and data path manually Settings for the path to the main program's configuration files and to the *.tg files may be set manually once by the user, e.g. in case TG Report does not reside on the same computer as the main program. Use menu item "Options" => "Configure paths". If the path to configuration data of the main program is changed, the path to the *.tg files is read from the TGuard.ini file which resides in the configuration path and the path is displayed in the lower field automatically. However, the *.tg path can be set individually too. The input field will be enabled as soon as the checkbox "Userdefined path to *.tg files" is checked. If unchecked, immediately the *.tg path is read from the TGuard.ini file again and set. In the example shown on the left a read only share has been established on the main program's configuration directory and mapped as drive T:. Note: Shares ("UNC" notation) can also be used, e.g. \\PC01\TGData. However, drive mappings usually provide better performance. Thermoguard Thermoguard Report * October 1, 2016 Page 9 of 62 TG Report Information about used paths An information window displays the current paths used by TG Report. It can be called via key or menu item "Help" => "About / Path Information": ==> Thermoguard Thermoguard Report * October 1, 2016 Page 10 of 62 TG Report Illustration: Example of a typical Installation Scenario Thermoguard Thermoguard Report * October 1, 2016 Page 11 of 62 TG Report Choosing a Sensor In the upper area of the main window is the sensor list. You can resize the window vertically by grabbing it at its lower border and dragging the mouse thus enlarging the sensor list as well: The list can be sorted by Label or Location by clicking the respective column header. On an initial program start sort order is always reverted to "sort by Label". If no sensor is shown in the fields "Label" or "Location", the configuration path setting might not be correct. Please check the path settings as described above. Tip: If a path's length should exceed the width of the status bar at the bottom of the window, move the mouse over the status bar. Then the complete path will be shown as a tool tip. Now you select one or more sensors in the sensor list to which you want apply the various Thermoguard Report functions. To do so you may use the keyboard shortcuts as is standard in Windows, e.g. CTRL+"A" (select all), hold CTRL and click with mouse to add an entry etc. Thermoguard Thermoguard Report * October 1, 2016 Page 12 of 62 TG Report Whether a certain function can be applied depend on the number of sensors selected (i.e. highlighted) in the sensor list: If one or more sensor are selected: "Draw Chart" (Button) respectively "Calculate and draw chart" (context menu item) Only if two or more sensors are selected: "Chart Batch Print" Only if a single sensor is selected: "Calculate only (no chart)" "Live!" "Visual Designer for selected Sensor" Save / Load a Sensor Selection You can save the current sensor selection under a customized name and reload it later. This is useful to quickly select a number of sensors which belong together logically - e.g. to batch print their charts using the Chart Batch Print function. After loading a sensor selection the associated sensor entries are highlighted in the sensor list. Please note that Saving / loading a sensor selection does not mean, that only the saved sensors are shown in the sensor list excluding all others. The sensor is always populated with all available sensors. After selecting several sensors (here three sensors in the same "Room 131", click on "Save sensor selection" in the context menu and follow the steps illustrated below: This dialog supports overwriting an existing selection as well. In this case a safety query pops up first. Note: A sensor selection is written to the TGReport.ini file to a section named [*Sel-NameOfSelection]. Thermoguard Thermoguard Report * October 1, 2016 Page 13 of 62 TG Report Loading a sensor selection is done analogously via context menu item "Load sensor selection": Now, the three sensors located in Room 131 are highlighted again In case a sensor of a saved selection does not exist any longer, an appropriate warning is shown: Refresh Sensor List Via Extras menu|item "Refresh sensor list" or via the corresponding last context menu item the sensor list can be reloaded. This is mandatory to reflect any changed sensor settings by using Thermoguard's main program, e.g. new sensors added recently or reconfigured violation limit values of existing ones: Thermoguard Thermoguard Report * October 1, 2016 Page 14 of 62 TG Report Thermoguard Report Chart Selecting a Period of Time for drawing a Chart To draw a Chart for a selected sensor, the start and end date and time must be selected first: Selecting the start and end date The selection fields for the calendar date and time ("From:" and "To: ") enable limiting the period for the desired analysis accurately by seconds. You can automatically set the current system date as the end time. Use one of these possibilities: Click on "To:" button (shown left) "To:"=Current system time in Options menu "To:"=Current system time in context menu Keyboard shortcut CTRL+"E" Note: If you click "To:" again, the previously entered Date is re-established (and not the current date as with previous program versions). Analogously "Very first data" can be selected as start date. Use one of these possibilities: Click on "From:" button "From:" = Very first data in Options menu "From:" = Very first data in context menu Keyboard shortcut CTRL+"F" Note: If "To:"=Current system time has been set additionally, very large amount of data may be available for processing. In this case you should consider not to click on "Draw Chart" directly, but execute "Calculate only (no chart)" first to get an impression of the data count. In the example shown left, 1,5 Mio. measurement values exist. Thermoguard Thermoguard Report * October 1, 2016 Page 15 of 62 TG Report If no data can be found in the data directory for the selected period, TG Report will send you a message in the status bar: "No data found within specified range" or "Nothing to do!" (after clicking "Draw Chart"). Thermoguard Thermoguard Report * October 1, 2016 Page 16 of 62 TG Report "Calculate only (no chart)" and "Details" "Calculate only (no chart)" If just a single sensor is selected you can process the measured values for the selected period without displaying the chart window: Click "Calculate only (no chart)" in the context menu. The arithmetic mean ("Arithmetic Mean Temperature/Humidity or [Unit]") as well as the Standard deviation is calculated. Additionally - if the sensor's unit is Temperature the Mean Kinetic Temperature (MKT) for the selected period is calculated and displayed. See Appendices A3 and A4 for mathematical background. For an accurate calculation of the mean kinetic temperature, the exact value of the activation energy H of the monitored pharmaceutical substance, to be determined calorimetrically, can be entered in the top area of the dialog shown left. If the value is unknown usually a default value of 83.144 kJ/mol is used which can be set any time by clicking the "Default" button. For other units than Temperature (Relative Humidity or any other unit recorded by an AC2nn device), the Mean Kinetic Temperature cannot be calculated. Only the Arithmetic Mean and the Standard deviation are displayed. Note: If the sensor is configured as "Switch" or "Alarm Relay Channel", all three output fields under "Results" are grayed out, because the associated calculations are not applicable. Example for temperature data [°C] Thermoguard Thermoguard Report * October 1, 2016 Page 17 of 62 TG Report Example for humidity data [%RH] Example for barometric pressure [hPA] "Details ON/OFF" The "Details ON" or "Details OFF" button allows showing or hiding the details for the measurements within the selected period. - - Start/end and length of period Number of data items, errors, low and high alarm limits as well as minimum and maximum values. The numbers put in brackets indicate how often the lowest or highest value occurred within the period specified. Number of exceeded limits as well as number of triggered alarms, separated into Min/Max and Total (=Min + Max) numbers. The "Details ON/OFF" function is available within the Chart window also, which is described in the next chapter. Details ON Thermoguard Thermoguard Report * October 1, 2016 Page 18 of 62 TG Report The Chart Window ("Thermoguard Chart") By clicking the "Draw Chart" button, data for the specified period is collected and the corresponding chart is displayed. This function can also be applied to several sensors. However, if the entered time span is long and many sensors are selected the processing job can last significantly long. Therefore you can specify if a safety query shall pop up if a certain number n of sensors is exceeded: This setting can be found under Options menu|Miscellaneous settings (lower area of dialog): => => In the example above, the window shown on the right is displayed if more than 5 sensors are selected before executing "Draw Chart". Enter "0" to disable the safety query completely. If a chart cannot be created for one or more sensors - e.g. because no data could be found for them - you are being informed by a popup message: For the same sensor multiple chart windows can be opened - e.g. for different periods. Thermoguard Chart The "Draw Chart" button lets you open a window containing a graphic display of the measured data. When opening the chart window, all data of the selected period will be displayed. Vertical alignment depends on the minimum/maximum alarm limit values set for a sensor. Thermoguard Thermoguard Report * October 1, 2016 Page 19 of 62 TG Report "Chart" Menu: Printing and Saving the graphic The "Print" item allows printing the currently displayed graphic. You may use + alternatively. The size of the printed graphic depends on the currently set window dimensions. In order to achieve maximum print quality you therefore should maximize the window before printing. Via the Chart menu you can invoke the Annotation Editor (or directly by pressing + ). See separate chapter. The "Save as PNG" ( + ) item allows saving the currently displayed graphic in "Portable Network Graphics PNG" format for usage with other programs. Possibly displayed details (via "View" menu => Details on/off) are printed (respectively saved to file), too. The window frame will be ignored though. "Save as PNG (only inner area)" saves the area within the x and y axis only excluding the scale labels. This may be useful when combining to charts using the Annotation Editor. Notice that the size of the saved graphic depends on the currently set window dimensions. "Save as PDF" creates a PDF file. Here again the saved size depends on the current window size. "Options" Menu: "Dateformat ..." items: Toggles the date format which is used for labeling the chart's time axis. "Hide/Show main window" allows to fade out the main window in case it is not needed or "disturbing" (e.g. when a permanent control scenario using several Thermoguard Live! windows at the same time is active). Thermoguard Thermoguard Report * October 1, 2016 Page 20 of 62 TG Report "Options" Menu continued "X axis: First/last value found" or "X axis: Force period entered in main window" When selecting the second of these options the output only differs compared to the first if no data had been recorded for the sensor at the beginning and/or at the end of the period selected in the main window. In this case the affected period is left "blank". The following sample illustrates the result: The selected Start Date is November 11, 2001. However, the first available value has been recorded not before November 20, 2001. Using option "X axis: First/last value found" the display period starts with the Date of the first measured value. The resulting chart looks as shown left. Using option "X axis: Force period entered in main window " the complete period as selected in the main window is displayed including dates with no data. I.e. the "empty" period from November 11 until November 20 is also shown as blank space at the beginning of the chart when the window opens. Now, the resulting chart looks as shown left. Selecting this option makes sense if you want to compare charts for different sensors and for one of them no data is available at the start or end of the desired display period. A "manual" adjustment would be very inconvenient here. Note that the setting of this X axis option also affects the "Reset chart display" function of the "View" menu. Thermoguard Thermoguard Report * October 1, 2016 Page 21 of 62 TG Report "View" Menu: "Show High/Low limit lines" allows hiding the red and blue high and low alarm limit lines. Always the alarm limits currently set in the Thermoguard main program are displayed. The "Show Details " item (or the key) allows showing or hiding measurement details within the selected period as in the main window. Chart window using 3D mode and details Key F4 increases the line width, F3 decreases it. "Y-Range: smallest/largest value": By pressing the ENTER key, the y-axis is adjusted to the smallest and largest y values present in the current section. "Y-Range: High/Low limit lines": By pressing Shift+ENTER, the y-axis scaling is based on the the values of the alarm limit lines. "Y-Range: set own range": By pressing Alt key+ENTER a dialog popups up where you can set fixed min and max yvalues. This can be useful when combining two charts with the annotation editor. The values are saved sensor specifically if the Save Chart settings sensor specific option is selected (main window, Options menu). F5 sets one of 8 preset colors for the line color. F6 opens a dialog where you can pick any color. However, "Reset chart display": The SPACE bar restores the display if the selected color is "too yellowish" (reserved for FAIL) used on initially opening the chart window. or to bright, an error message is displayed. Then, you must select a different color. All other items are self-explanatory. "Help" Menu: Thermoguard Chart Window Command Reference Opens a table containing all mouse and keyboard shortcuts for customizing and modifying the graphic display. We recommend that you try all listed key and mouse options to get a feeling for the optimum "navigation"/view of the displayed graphic. Additionally, functions for variable scaling of the x- and yaxis and for zooming in and zooming out are available. (Image cropped) Most important mouse functions: Hold the left mouse button while moving the mouse to move the window contents horizontally or vertically. Hold the right mouse button to select a frame to enlarge ("Zoom"). Thermoguard Thermoguard Report * October 1, 2016 Page 22 of 62 TG Report Additional Information about the Chart Window You can open as many Chart windows as you want; even for the same sensor. Chart settings can be saved individually for each sensor. The menu item of the "Options" menu of the main window is shown below: If the option is not set, the settings from the last Chart windows closed are stored in the configuration file TGReport.ini under the section [TfrmChart] and are re-used next time, when any Chart window is opened again. If the option is set, the settings are stored for each sensor individually in a section [sensor label]. Please note the importance of this setting for batch printing several charts for different sensors (next chapter). Display of missing data: Missing data are represented by a continuous line and may not be recognized easily, as shown in the example! Thermoguard Thermoguard Report * October 1, 2016 Page 23 of 62 TG Report Display if a sensor is configured as "Switch" or "Alarm Relay Channel" A sensor used with the "Switch" or "Alarm Relay Channel R1/R2" function shows a special On/Off chart (these functions are described in the Thermoguard System Manual). Line color for "FAIL": Data lines with the entry FAIL instead of real values are represented with a yellow line from the last real data point before to the next real data point. Displaying High/Low limit lines depending on measurement period: Starting from version 2.90 the Thermoguard main program adds the High/Low limit values to every data value line in the *.tg file of a sensor. This enables Thermoguard Report to draw the limit lines which were set in the respective measurement period. Before version 2.90, the currently set limit values were displayed for any time period - regardless if different values had been set for a certain time in the past. Here is an example where the limits were changed a couple of times: In this example version 2.90 was used from the marked date (2013-12-30, 3PM). For earlier data with lacking *.tg information about the limits, the current limits are used (here 0 And +9 °C). If several limits exist in the reporting period, the labeling in the "Details" section changes from "Low Limit" to "Lowest Limit" (main window also). If option " Y-Range: High/Low limit lines" is selected, the y scaling adapts to these "Lowest and Highest" limits as well (here 0 and +15 °C). Note: Live! Chart window does not support this "Multi limit value display" feature. Thermoguard Thermoguard Report * October 1, 2016 Page 24 of 62 TG Report Chart Batch Print Chart Batch Print provides printing out several sensor charts "in a row" without the need to manually perform the steps [click on "Draw Chart"] => [Press CTRL+"P"] => [Confirm Printer dialog] repeatedly for each sensor. The function can be executed as soon as more than one sensor is selected in the sensor list. It can be started by one of the following ways: Via Extras menu|Chart Batch Print or Via context menu| Chart Batch Print or Keyboard shortcut CTRL+"P" First, an option dialog pops up. The text printed in red depends on the current setting of the "Save Chart settings sensor specific" option: OR Please notice the implications of the red statement for your batch print job. "Save as PNG" creates png files in the local(!) TG Report data directory instead of sending the charts to a printer. The functionality is the same as "Save as PNG" in the Chart menu of the chart window. "Save as PDF" creates PDF files alternatively or additionally(!). "Confirmation after first printout (recommended) " provides a possibility to check the first copy of your printouts and only to continue if everything is satisfying. "Maximize chart window before printout (recommended) " maximizes the window before printout in order to achieve the maximum quality. The last option "Y-Range..." simulates pressing the enter key after opening the chart window manually. After clicking "OK" you may select your preferred printer in the printer dialog finally. As with clicking "Draw Chart" an informative message pops up, if one or more charts could not be created, see here. Thermoguard Thermoguard Report * October 1, 2016 Page 25 of 62 TG Report The Annotation Editor An "Annotation" is a graphical note which can be added to a Thermoguard chart and printed out or saved together with the chart. An annotation can be used to emphasize certain areas of a chart or to comment values violating the set limits exceptionally. By adding a transparent annotation of type "image" it is even possible to superimpose two different value curves. Example of commenting a chart using the Annotation Editor. Here, three annotations of type "Note", "Image" and "Rectangle" were added. Starting the Annotation Editor: The Annotation Editor is invoked via the Thermoguard chart window's "Chart" menu. Alternatively you may use keyboard shortcut + directly. As for printing and saving a chart the following applies: The size of the annotated graphic depends on the currently set window dimensions. In order to achieve maximum quality of the resulting graphic (respectively its printout) you therefore should maximize the window before annotating the chart. The Annotation Editor receives the current section of a chart as a static "snapshot" from the chart window. This means that after invoking the Annotation Editor the functionality of the chart window (e.g. shifting or zooming the curve) is no longer available. Thus, carefully set all desired characteristics of the chart to be annotated before entering the Annotation Editor Mode. Thermoguard Thermoguard Report * October 1, 2016 Page 26 of 62 TG Report Basic Annotation Editor behavior: You can add as many annotations as you want to a chart graphic. As long as you do not save the annotated chart, you are able to edit any of the annotations (e.g. move it, change its dimension or other properties or delete it). On saving the annotated chart, all annotations are "burned" into the graphic and can no longer be edited afterwards! However, you may add further annotations after saving the graphic in addition to the already "burned in" annotations. Adding an annotation: There are 5 different types of annotations which may be selected via the "Annotate" menu or directly using the corresponding keyboard shortcuts (see screenshot shown on the left): Note Text Rectangle Line Image An annotation (here of type Note) will always be positioned in the upper left corner of the chart and can be moved after being inserted. To move the annotation either use the mouse (click the annotation and hold the left mouse button while moving the mouse) or alternatively by pressing the cursor keys (Shift key+cursor key for faster movement). By dragging the annotation at its markers its size can be changed. Thermoguard Thermoguard Report * October 1, 2016 Page 27 of 62 TG Report Editing an annotation's properties: Always, first click the annotation you want to edit (=> the "markers" show up). Then, choose one of the following three alternative possibilities to enter the properties dialog: The "Annotate" menu shows two additional items "Properties" and "Delete". Select "Properties". or Right click the marked annotation and select "Properties" from the context menu (this method is shown on the left). or Just press the "Enter" key. Annotation of type "Image": After clicking "Load" you can select any graphics file and add it to your chart. A typical scenario is to add your company logo. In the directory %ALLUSERSPROFILE%\TGReport Data\img the installation provides 8 different red arrows which may be used for image annotations as well (shown on the left). Thermoguard Thermoguard Report * October 1, 2016 Page 28 of 62 TG Report Notes on printing out the annotated graphic: In most cases the printer's page orientation setting should be set to "Landscape" before starting the printout (see screenshot shown on the left). Before printing out an annotated chart it is not mandatory to save it first. However pay attention to the fact, that the markers of a selected annotation will be included in the printout. To prevent this click shortly on the background to revoke the selection-markers before printout. Reset default properties for all annotation types ("Annotate" menu): All properties (except the position) of an annotation type are saved to the configuration file TGReport.ini in section [TfrmAnnoProp] and are re-applied after terminating and restarting the program. Via menu item "Reset default properties for all annotation types" this [TfrmAnnoProp] section will be deleted from the configuration file completely. Annotation type's factory settings will be set on adding an annotation after this function has been executed. Thermoguard Thermoguard Report * October 1, 2016 Page 29 of 62 TG Report Combining two charts: You may use the " Annotation Editor" to superimpose (combine, overlay) two (or even more) chart curves. The following step-by-step instructions will show how you would typically achieve this objective: Example: The temperature from January, 1st 2013 to February, 10th 2013 is to be combined with the temperature of the same period of 2014 (same sensor). 1. Main window: Setting the desired period of time for 2013: 2. Click "Draw Chart" and maximize the chart window 3. Select "X axis: Force period entered in main window" from the chart's Options menu 4. Select "Y-Range: set own range" from the chart's View menu and choose an appropriate y-range; here -5.5°C and +14.5°C: 5. Modify line width and line color if necessary 6. Chart menu: "Save as PNG (only inner area)"; e.g. as "2013.png"; the 2013 chart can be closed now 7. Now create the 2014 chart; modify period: 8. Click "Draw Chart" and maximize the chart window Thermoguard Thermoguard Report * October 1, 2016 Page 30 of 62 TG Report 9. Modify line width and line color if necessary (here: changed to blue) 10. Again: "X axis: Force period entered in main window" from the chart's Options menu. In our example, there are not yet any February 2014 data. The "X axis: Force period ..." option ensures that the 2014 chart displays the same period as the 2013 chart. 11. Set the same y range (again -5.5°C and +14.5°C) 12. Hide the High/Low limit lines - the easiest way to do this is by pressing the "l"-key (lower "L") 13. Now, call the " Annotation Editor": 14. Set "Original size" in "View" menu 15. "Annotate menu" => "Add Image" 16. "Annotation Properties" => "Load" Button => Load the previously saved graphics "2013.png": Thermoguard Thermoguard Report * October 1, 2016 Page 31 of 62 TG Report 17. Shift the image so that the x and y axes fit perfectly. For the final, fine adjustment you should use the cursor keys! 18. Now you may add further annotations. In the example a legend was added as two annotations of the "Text" type providing an explanatory text for both curves: 19. Finally, save the combined chart (e.g. as "2013vs2014.png"). The changes are made permanent then. However you can reload "2013vs2014.png" in Annotation Editor's "File|Open" menu item at any time later to add some more annotations (e.g. a third curve). Thermoguard Thermoguard Report * October 1, 2016 Page 32 of 62 TG Report Thermoguard Report Live! Principle The Thermoguard main program collects and stores all sensor data automatically, whereas TG Report is able to calculate and show them with the Live! function near real time. A TG Report Live! window reads all 1.5 seconds the last measured value from the last *.tg file and shows it as free scalable digital display, as a continuously drawn chart or as a gauge type "visualization". Several TG Report Live! windows can be opened and arranged at the same time: The windows size depends only on the display size and resolution: TG Live! windows set for 4 different sensors TG Live! shown on a Laptop with attached TV Some examples that show the usage of Thermoguard Report Live! windows are shown in our homepage's gallery and on our Demosite. How to open a sensor's Live! Window A Live! window can only be opened for one selected single sensor. Here are the possibilities: Double clicking directly on a sensor list's entry (in case several sensors are highlighted before click, the current multiselection is revoked by the double click). Pressing the Enter key (only one single sensor may be highlighted) Via Extras menu|Live! Via context menu|Live! If a Live! window is opened, it always uses the settings of the last Live! window which has been closed for the respective sensor. This applies to its mode (value/chart/visual) as well as for its screen position. Therefore note: If e.g. three Live!- windows are opened for the same sensor (using one of the above possibilities) all three windows are positioned exactly at the same position and two of them must be dragged to another position to make them visible. Thermoguard Thermoguard Report * October 1, 2016 Page 33 of 62 TG Report The three Live! modes Value mode This is the standard mode. The current, latest recorded data is shown as numeric value. Value Mode, LCD display Two different display modes are supported: "LCD" display and "Standard" display. Only in "Standard" display mode the physical unit and sign "+" (if appropriate) is shown additionally. Switch to Value mode: Click the "Value" tab (if tabs are visible) or via context menu ("VALUE Mode") or using keyboard shortcut "1". Value Mode, Standard display Chart Mode Chart shows a continuously drawn chart (according to the interval set in Thermoguard main program). The displayed period can be user defined from 1..24 hours. Switch to Chart mode: Click the "Chart" tab (if tabs are visible) or via context menu ("CHART Mode") or using keyboard shortcut "2" Chart mode Visual Mode Visual mode provides the possibility to visualize the measured value as a bar graph combined with any background graphics picture of your choice. The gauge height reflects the current value. Switch to Visual mode: Click the "Visual" tab (if tabs are visible) or via context menu ("VISUAL Mode") or using keyboard shortcut "3" Visual Mode Thermoguard Thermoguard Report * October 1, 2016 Page 34 of 62 TG Report Close and Tooltip Closing a Live! window A Live! window is closed by simply hitting the ESC key or via its context menu. All Live! windows can be closed at once in the main windows by clicking the "Close all x windows" button: However: The shown number refers to all opened TG Report windows; including all Live! and all static Chart windows. I.e. all windows of both types will be closed at once. Tooltip Moving the mouse over a Live! window, a tooltip is displayed showing the core data of a sensor: Label [Location], low and high limit, date/time and the measured value. Above shows an example of a Live! window with hidden tabs and title information. Thermoguard Thermoguard Report * October 1, 2016 Page 35 of 62 TG Report Functions for all Live! Modes - "Show tabs ": The tabs may be faded out to achieve a more compact, clear display. Eventually you must adjust the vertical height. Keyboard shortcut: "R" - "Show info in title bar": Shows or hides the current Date and the physical unit of the data shown at the upper border of the window Keyboard shortcut: "T" - Live! window's context menu - "Transfer properties": Keyboard shortcut: CTRL+F7 Using this dialog, properties of the source window can be transmitted to other opened Live! windows. In the following example all other windows which are currently open in Value (LCD) mode will be left aligned. If additionally option "Apply to all Live! windows" would be checked, any other Live! window opened in another mode would be included in the alignment as well: "Transfer properties" dialog Thermoguard - "Info: Date format ...": Toggles between European and U.S. format of Date in the title border Keyboard shortcut:: "G" (for "German") respectively "U" (for "US") "Show status bar": Fades out yellow status bar at them bottom of the window.. Eventually you must adjust the vertical height. Keyboard shortcut: "B" (for "Bottom Bar") Example of a Live! window in Value (LCD) mode where tabs, title bar and status bar are faded out: - "Transparent": On activation the Live! window becomes "translucent". This allows many interesting application scenarios; examples can be found in a separate chapter below. Keyboard shortcut: CTRL+"T" Transparent Live! window in Value (Standard) Mode on Windows Desktop background graphics Thermoguard Report * October 1, 2016 Page 36 of 62 TG Report (cont'd) Functions for all Live! Modes - "Magnetic snap at screen edges": Switches the "Border Snap" function On and Off. Keyboard shortcut: "M" - "Show last *.tg file ": Opens the last saved file with the sensor data Keyboard shortcut: F5 - "Sensor Info": Shows information for the selected senor and its settings in a separate window Keyboard shortcut: "I" "Miscellaneous functions" submenu - "Autosave window as PNG ": If this item is checked, every time the contents of the Live! window changes, a *.png graphic file of the whole Live! window will be saved automatically to the Thermoguard Report configuration path. This is by default %ALLUSERSPROFILE%\TGReport Data. The scheme for the filename is: TGLive_[Label]__[Location]__[Mode]_w.png Here, [Mode] is = "std" for Standard (NonLCD) Mode, "lcd" for LCD Mode, "crt" for Chart Mode and "vis" for Visual Mode. Special characters, spaces and characters which are invalid for filenames are replaced by "_". So there will be no problems when uploading the files to a (UNIX) web server. - "Autosave display as PNG": As before, but just the display without the surrounding window frame is saved. Filename scheme's suffix is "d" instead of "w": TGLive_[Name]__[Location]__[mode]_d.png The saved files may be uploaded to a website on a regular basis using a FTP scheduler program. If implementing such a scenario, remember to set the dimensions within the HTML code of the website to the exact ones of the according Live! windows. Sensor information window - "Minimum Size": Minimizes the window to the smallest supported size. Keyboard shortcut: "S" ("Small") - "Hide/Show main window": Hides or restores the TG Report main window Keyboard shortcut: "H" ("Hide") - "Hide|Show mouse cursor": If running TG Report with the /h parameter the mouse cursor is hidden. In this case it can be restored via menu item "Show mouse cursor". If the mouse is hidden, it only vanishes in the areas of those windows belonging to TG Report; as you move the mouse cursor across the screen it becomes visible in all other screen areas. Transparency is not supported by the "Autosave ... as PNG" functions! Thermoguard Thermoguard Report * October 1, 2016 Page 37 of 62 TG Report Functions for Value Mode only - "LCD Mode": ": Shows either a window using LCD style or a proportional font style. The latter ("Standard Mode") shows the physical unit and sign ("+") too, if appropriate. Keyboard shortcut: "L" - " Color set selection ": Allows the selection of at least seven different "Color Sets" for showing the LCD window. Although LCD mode is shown for preview in the selection dialog, the color scheme applies to standard mode also. Keyboard shortcut: "C" "Value" Mode - More Settings Submenu Color set selection dialog If a Live! Value window is set transparent, the window's background which changes its color according to different alarm states becomes invisible. For such a transparent window, you may consider to select another than the default color set so that the font color instead of the background color represents the different alarm states now (see example on the left). Transparent Live! Value window using color scheme #5 or #7 Further, via main window every of the seven color schemes can be adjusted individually: - "Edit Live! Color set" in Thermoguard Report's Main window: Options menu/"Edit Live! Color set": Any of the seven predefined color sets can individually altered here. Background as well as the Font color can be set to any customized color. Thermoguard Thermoguard Report * October 1, 2016 Page 38 of 62 TG Report Functions for Chart Mode only Chart Mode - More Settings Submenu - "Show High/Low limit lines": Show or hide high (red) and low (blue) limit value lines Keyboard shortcut: CTRL+"L" - "Show limit values": Show or hide the numerical values of the upper and lower limit Keyboard shortcut: CTRL+"V" - "Show Grid": Show or hide grid lines Keyboard shortcut: CTRL+"G" - "Show Low/High: In the status bar at the bottom of the window the Lowest and Highest value of the currently displayed period are shown ("Peaks") using the format L:[Value] H:[Value]; an example: "L:" means "Low", "H:" means "High" - "Increase line width" Keyboard shortcut: CTRL+F4 "Decrease line width" Keyboard shortcut: CTRL+F3 - "Change line color": Sets one of 8 fixed preset colors for the line color. Hit CTRL+F5 repeatedly to cyclically run through them. "Select line color": Opens a dialog where you can pick any color Keyboard shortcut: CTRL+F6 - Example: Line width has been increased to 3 and line color changed to Magenta; faded out: Info in title bar, status bar, limit lines and limit values Thermoguard Thermoguard Report * October 1, 2016 Page 39 of 62 TG Report (cont'd) Functions for Chart Mode only Option for the Live! Chart Mode in the TG Report Main Window - "Options" menu: "Set Live! Chart display period": Sets the time interval of the Live! Chart Display between 1 and 24 hours. Default setting is 12 hours. A new setting takes effect for all new Live! windows. Period = 1 hour - Thermoguard Period = 24 hours Alternatively a setting between one minute and 59 minutes can be set. In this case the query interval of the *.tg files will be changed from 1,5 seconds to 333 milliseconds for all Live! windows increasing the system's workload! Thermoguard Report * October 1, 2016 Page 40 of 62 TG Report Alarm Visualization in Value Mode Alarms Colors (here using color set #1) TG Report Live! shows current violations of the lower or upper limits with different colors. A simple violation of the lower or upper limit without matching the alarm trials counter is shown as "pre alarm" in yellow color. Matching the alarm trials counter with the next violation of the lower or upper limit will be shown in blue or red color. The next value between the lower and upper limit (i.e. within the "valid range") will be shown in white color again. If the value for alarm trials is set to "0", any value exceeding the lower or upper limit will be shown immediately in blue or red color. TG Report Live! accumulates no alarm states. The digital display shows always the last value and its status color. If the status color is normal (again), the display gives no information if, when and why an alarm might have occurred! How Thermoguard Live! alarm colors are assigned to Thermoguard alarm states TG Live! does not use the sensor limit settings from the TGuard.scx file. Instead, the information from the corresponding sensor's *.tg file are used solely. Examples: *.tg file 07.06.2008 07.06.2008 07.06.2008 07.06.2008 07.06.2008 07.06.2008 07.06.2008 07.06.2008 07.06.2008 08:30:00 09:00:00 09:30:00 10:00:00 10:30:00 11:00:00 11:30:00 12:00:00 12:30:00 -21.3 -21.4 -5.8 -10.2 -11.9 -12.6 -13.2 -31.0 -31.2 1/1+ 2/1+ A+ 1/1+ 1/12/1- A- TGLive! Display: white white yellow red yellow white white yellow blue If no trial is configured for a sensor (sensor configuration in the main program), TG Live! will never show a window with yellow background for this sensor in Value mode. Thermoguard Thermoguard Report * October 1, 2016 Page 41 of 62 TG Report Error Messages, their visualization and Causes Thermoguard - Error "- - - -": No data could be read Possible reasons: * There are no data for this sensor polled and stored until now (no *.tg file exists for this sensor yet) * File access denied (*.tg file is locked) * An empty line at the end of the corresponding *.tg file. In the window headline "----" will blink in red color, when this error message occurs. Blinking will even occur, when the option "Show info in title bar" is disabled. In Chart mode, the background shows a yellow-red blinking gradient. - Error " Old": The value is outdated Reason: The difference between the values time and date and current system time and date exceeds the polling time interval. This error message can only occur, when the polling interval is set to "Every n minutes"! Date and time in the window headline will blink in red color, when this error message occurs. Blinking will even occur, when the option "Show info in title bar" is disabled. In Chart mode, the background shows a whiteyellow blinking gradient. - Error "dErr": Data are not complete or faulty (Data Error) Possible reasons: Data are manipulated intentionally or by mistake; or there might be read/write errors. E.g.: There must be at least one tab character within any line of a *.tg file. Missing this tab character will cause a Data Error. In the window headline "derr" will blink in red color, when this error message occurs. Blinking will even occur, when the option "Show info in title bar" is disabled. In Chart mode, the background shows a white-red blinking gradient. Thermoguard Report * October 1, 2016 Page 42 of 62 TG Report Thermoguard - Error "dcEr": Decryption error during decoding the encrypted data Possible reason: Data are manipulated intentionally. In the window headline "dcerr" will blink in red color, when this error message occurs. Blinking will even occur, when the option "Show info in title bar" is disabled. In Chart mode, the background shows a white-red blinking gradient. - Error "FAIL": No value could be polled for this sensor ("Alarm on Fail") Possible reasons: There might be a network or power failure, license error etc. For more reasons, please see the Thermoguard System Manual. You may press F5 to load the corresponding *.tg file into your text editor; then take a look at the last entry to get more detailed information, e.g. "FAIL (NO DATA received)". No special visualization in Chart Mode, but note these paragraphs: Display of missing data and Line color for "FAIL". - Error "SimErr": Error in simulation mode Possible reasons: The simulation file could not be found or contains an invalid line (see Thermoguard System Manual). No special visualization in Chart Mode, but note these paragraphs: Display of missing data. - Error "NoSens": Sensor missing. Possible reasons: Sensor missing, cable disrupted etc. No special visualization in Chart Mode, but note these paragraphs: Display of missing data. Thermoguard Report * October 1, 2016 Page 43 of 62 TG Report Live! Window Sets Autosave of the last settings per Sensor to TGReport.ini All Live! window settings of an individual sensor are stored in a separate section of the file TGReport.ini when closing. These settings are re-used, when this sensor windows is opened next time. Sample sections from TGReport.ini: [Temperature-LIVE!] Settings=735,493,102,56,6,0,0,1,0,1,1,1,1,0,0,1,0,283,145,283,145,1,1,32768,0 [Humidity-LIVE!] Settings=781,280,111,52,5,1,0,1,0,1,1,0,1,0,0,1,0,113,82,283,145,1,1,32768,0 Autosave of the last window configuration when closing TG Report to TGReport.tgl When closing TG Report, the last active Live! window setting is always saved in the file TGReport.tgl. If the file exists it will be overwritten. The TGReport.tgl file is always read at program start; therefore the last active configuration will be restored. If there is no Live! window when closing the program, no TGReport.tgl file at all will be created (no one with a size of 0 byte either). The settings of all Live! windows are stored in a *.tgl file - i.e. even settings for multiple windows for the very same sensor. Sample lines from a *.tgl file: Temperature,0,907,218,100,1,0,1,1,0,1,1,1,1,1,0,1,0,283,145,283,145,0,1,32768,1 Temperature,0,1129,283,145,1,1,1,1,0,1,1,1,1,1,0,1,0,530,303,283,145,0,1,32768,1 Humidity,340,1131,283,145,1,1,1,1,0,1,1,1,1,1,0,1,0,530,303,283,145,0,1,32768,1 Humidity,347,916,218,100,2,0,1,1,0,1,1,1,1,1,0,1,0,283,145,283,145,0,1,32768,1 In this example for each of the two sensors a value as well as a chart window were opened. It should be noted here that the extremely helpful recommended utility allSnap makes the arrangement of Live! windows a child's play! => Thermoguard Thermoguard Report * October 1, 2016 Page 44 of 62 TG Report Saving and loading of complete window sets with a dedicated name Using the menu options "Save/Load Thermoguard Live! window set" of the TG Report main window, all current Live! windows and their settings can be saved and loaded using a dedicated name of your choice: If a Live! window set is to be opened and one or more Live! windows are already active, a request for closing of these windows will show up. If you do not close the existing windows while loading the very same set again, the windows are stacked exactly on top of each other! The number of actual opened windows is shown in the button for closing all windows in the main window: The shown number refers to all opened TG Report windows; including all Live! and all static Chart windows. Using the command line switch /tgl:<Filename>, a previously saved *.tgl file is opened automatically (possibly via a desktop shortcut). Example: "%ProgramFiles(x86)%\Thermoguard\TGReport\TGReport.exe" /tgl:ClimChambers If no file extension is entered, .tgl is set automatically. If not path is entered (like in the example above), the default path %ALLUSERSPROFILE%\TGReport Data is set automatically. If the *.tgl file should reside in a different path, the path can be included in the parameter after /tgl:. When one or more sensors defined in a *.tgl file no longer exist the following type of warning message is displayed: Thermoguard Thermoguard Report * October 1, 2016 Page 45 of 62 TG Report Three examples for using transparent Live! windows 1. Overlaying five temperature curves with legend 2. Combination with Windows Desktop background graphics 3. Floorplan showing temperature values Note: When designing Thermoguard Report Live! window sets, it is highly recommended to ensure that the "Themes" windows service is started. If it is not, you can not move a transparent window holding down the mouse over any transparent area. These areas are indeed transparent for the mouse, i.e. you "click through the window" which can be very irritating. This does not happen when the Themes service is running. 1. Overlaying five temperature curves with legend Purpose: The lines of five sensors "Temp1" to "Temp5" shall be displayed superimposed in a common window. In order to differentiate them, every curve gets its own color and a legend will be added finally. In advance here is the final appearance: Thermoguard Thermoguard Report * October 1, 2016 Page 46 of 62 TG Report Step-by-step instructions for this example: 1. Open a Live! window for Temp1 and switch to Chart Mode: => 2. Drag the window to its desired target size: Thermoguard Thermoguard Report * October 1, 2016 Page 47 of 62 TG Report 3. Fade out the tabs, the title info and the status bar - most easily by hitting the keys "r", "t" and "b". Double line width using CTRL+F4: 4. Now, open a chart window for sensors Temp2 to Temp5: Thermoguard Thermoguard Report * October 1, 2016 Page 48 of 62 TG Report 5. In the context menu of Temp1's chart click "Transfer properties". Check the properties which are to be copied to the other 4 windows and clock on "Apply": Thermoguard Thermoguard Report * October 1, 2016 Page 49 of 62 TG Report 6. Now, all five windows are positioned at the same location. Send the Temp1 window to the background, it stays non-transparent, so that the desktop does not shine through: In main window's sensor list right click on "Temp1" and select "Send Live! window of selected sensor to background "; here for Chart mode: 7. Now, one of the other four windows is the topmost window, here Temp5. Change the line color for Temp5 and set it transparent: Thermoguard Thermoguard Report * October 1, 2016 Page 50 of 62 TG Report 8. Now, send Temp2 to foreground: 9. Temp2 isn't yet transparent, therefore Temp1 and Temp5 are "vanished" again. Change the line color for Temp2 (here blue) and set it transparent: Thermoguard Thermoguard Report * October 1, 2016 Page 51 of 62 TG Report 10. After step 9 three lines (Temp1, Temp2 and Temp5) are visible. Repeat steps 8 and 9 for the remaining two sensors Temp3 and Temp4. Finally, add a legend by selecting all 5 sensors in the main window's sensor list and execute the "Create Legend for selected sensors Live! Charts" function of the context menu: Drag the legend to a screen position of your choice. Now, save the result as a windows set (main window, File menu, "Save Thermoguard Live! window set"). The final arrangement of the five Live! chart windows is done and appears as shown at the beginning of these instructions. Online you find a screenshot of another example. Here, three separate legends are created for each of the three sensors in order to position the legends close to their corresponding curve. Thermoguard Thermoguard Report * October 1, 2016 Page 52 of 62 TG Report 2. Combination with Windows Desktop background graphics In our second example a monitor with a resolution of 1280x1024 pixels serves the dedicated purpose of displaying Thermoguard Report Live! charts for 11 incubators and one room temperature. A custom graphics provides the labels of the 12 sensors ("BS" represents the German "Brutschrank" = incubator) and is set as the windows desktop background graphics. These names are visible in the upper right corner of the chart windows, because all chart windows are set transparent. At a glance the assignment of a chart to its incubator is visualized clearly. Optionally the current measured values could be added by overlaying transparent Live! value windows (see online screenshots below). All desktop icons are set invisible (right click on windows desktop => View => uncheck "Show desktop icons") and the taskbar's property "Auto-hide the taskbar" is checked. The following graphics are available online: "Real picture": The Monitor on location (as above, higher resolution) The windows desktop background graphics Screenshot of final graphics: Version without current values The corresponding *.tgl file (12 chart windows) Screenshot of final graphics: Version with current values (Standard) The corresponding *.tgl file (12 chart windows and 12 value windows) Note that the font color of Color set #1 has been changed from black to gray, so that the output is more "subtle". Screenshot of final graphics: Version with current values (LCD) The corresponding *.tgl file (12 chart windows and 12 value windows) Thermoguard Thermoguard Report * October 1, 2016 Page 53 of 62 TG Report 3. Floorplan showing temperature values Transparent Live! value windows are positioned over a floorplan which again is used as a windows desktop background graphics; here using the monitor's resolution of 1680x1050 pixels. To start with take a look at the graphics without any overlays. It symbolizes a fictional lab with 6 Ultra deep freezers, 2 deep freezers, 1 cold store, 13 fridges and 6 incubators: By clicking on the images you can download the full sized versions. The next image shows the overlayed Thermoguard Report Live! window set consisting of transparent Live! value (Standard) windows. The used color sets had been edited to suit (Set A): Thermoguard Thermoguard Report * October 1, 2016 Page 54 of 62 TG Report The following alternative version uses non-transparent Live! value (Standard) windows as simple "Color indicators" placed over the symbols for the devices to be monitored. To achieve this, the font colors of color set #2 were edited to match exactly the corresponding background color. In fact, a green rectangle outputs "green font on green background". The striking appearance enables the person responsible to identify a device in a "non green" state at once (green: OK; yellow: Warning, if a retry count is set for this sensor; blue: too cold; red: too warm) (Set B): If the default settings of color set #2 are used (black font) the values become visible (Set C): Thermoguard Thermoguard Report * October 1, 2016 Page 55 of 62 TG Report The last version combines the two window sets A+B so that current values are added next to the "traffic light displays" (Set D): Thermoguard Thermoguard Report * October 1, 2016 Page 56 of 62 TG Report Visual Mode / Visual Designer Thermoguard Report Live! Visual Mode provides the possibility to visualize the measured value as a bar graph combined with any background graphics picture of your choice. The gauge height reflects the current value; Examples: 16 Live! windows visualize gas pressure level in 8 gas cylinders As background image you can select an artificial graphics scheme or - as with the bathtub thermometer below - a "real" photograph. Up to three sections can be defined each showing a different (also customizable) color: Operational Principle: All parameters of a visualization are saved in a *.vis text file, e.g. which background image to use etc. When opening a Live! window, TG Report looks if such a file "sensorname.vis" exits and if so, the "Visual" tab is shown: After clicking on the "Visual" tab, the display changes into your visualization. The tabs as well as the "Info in title bar" and the status bar should be faded out. Then, the window should be set transparent. If you want to switch back again to "Value" or "Chart" mode, right click the graphic to open the context menu; then click either "VALUE" or "CHART". 3 different colors are supported Switch back to one of the other Live! display modes via the context menu Thermoguard Thermoguard Report * October 1, 2016 Page 57 of 62 TG Report *.vis files are located in the \vis subfolder of Thermoguard main program's configuration directory, so this is by default %ProgramData%\Thermoguard Data\vis. The background images are in the subfolder %ProgramData%\Thermoguard Data\vis\img. Due to this central storage principle, any Thermoguard Report Client on workstations in the network can access the data without maintaining local copies themselves. Beginning with setup TGuard_270.exe some sample template *.vis files and their associated background images are installed as part of the "main program" component (not as part of TG Report). Therefore, if you want to take advantage of the new Visual Mode, you should not only update Thermoguard Report clients, but also the main program on your Thermoguard server if you are updating from a version earlier than version 2.70. Be aware that your own custom background images must be copied to the \vis\img folder mentioned above as well. Visual Designer Now, how to create your own *.vis files? They are easily designed using the "Visual Designer" utility. The Visual Designer is started via the TG Report main window or directly via a Live! window. Via main window: Assure that only one single sensor is selected. Now, you can start the program using one of these possibilities: Via Extras menu|"Visual Designer for selected sensor" or Via context menu|"Visual Designer for selected sensor" or Using keyboard shortcut CTRL+"V" Alternatively via Live! window: Via context menu|"Visual Designer for this sensor" or The "d" Key The Visual Designer is an own executable program (TGReportVisDesigner.exe); if it is already running, a warning message is shown. If a vis file already exists for a sensor, the corresponding window showing the visualization shows up. If not, the following query pops up: If you confirm, Visual Designer is started: Thermoguard Thermoguard Report * October 1, 2016 Page 58 of 62 TG Report For a first time vis file a standard thermometer background image of size 99x400 pixel and a scale from -30 to +50 °C is loaded. In the session shown above, this default background image has been replaced with the (also preinstalled) larger 149x600 pixel version. Then the width of the bar has been increased and the bar set to "transparent" (therefore the grey background color setting is of no meaning). Designer functions are intuitive and self-explanatory. By using the "Test value" slider you can check if the bar "hits" the desired marks of the scale. Fine tuning can be done by adjusting the "Min:" and "Max:" values. Important: A vis file is not "connected" to the sensor settings which are maintained using the Thermoguard main program. Especially the lower and upper border settings for dividing the color "fields" of the visualization are not synchronized in any way with the sensor's alarm limit values. If you change these settings in the main program you must readjust them with Visual Designer. Tip for (first time) positioning of the bar (named "gauge" in the Designer): Using the four blue arrows of the "cross control" you change either the size or the position of the bar - depending on the setting Mode(Position|Size). Instead of clicking either Position or Size you can click the symbol in the middle of the cross. Depending on the active mode it changes its shape appropriately. For a coarse positioning/sizing of the bar, you may enter values directly in their input fields. If you click an arrow "key" and hold the mouse down, the changes are applied continuously. Thermoguard Thermoguard Report * October 1, 2016 Page 59 of 62 TG Report A1: For Administrators: Configure fixed Path Presets There is the possibility for an administrator to preset fixed TG Report paths by creating the following registry entries manually: [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Thermoguard\TGReport\FixedPaths] CfgDataDirTGReport=[Path] CfgDataDirTGMain =[Path] TgPath =[Path] In the example shown below, the TG Report configuration path is the default setting (here for Windows Vista) whereas the configuration path of the main program as well as the *.tg path had been set to a network drive T:, which is mapped to a read-only network share: A standard user can not alter this paths, because: He has no write access to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE The menu item "Options" => "Configure paths" is not present any longer The command line switch /CfgDataDir:<Directory> has no effect. Setting fixed paths prevents data manipulation or the possibility that a user alters the important base path settings for TG Report intentionally or unintentionally. Note that the option to display all current path setting using "Help" menu => "About / Path Information" is not suppressed. A2: Freeware Program "allSnap" The option "Magnetic snap at screen edges" for a TG Report Live! window drags the window to the screens edge. However, if several Live! windows are open it often is desirable that the windows will snap to each other as they are aligned as well. Such a feature is provided by the free software "allSnap", which can be downloaded here: It is also located on the Thermoguard CD in directory \Weitere Software\allSnap. Thermoguard Thermoguard Report * October 1, 2016 Page 60 of 62 TG Report A3: Arithmetic and Mean kinetic Temperature The arithmetic mean temperature in an observation period is a simple measure for thermal pressure on stored products. The durability of a product is directly dependent on the thermal pressure. Like most chemical processes, the speed of aging processes in organic matter such as foodstuff or pharmaceuticals is not linear in line with the temperature, though, but follows an exponential function. Higher temperatures in a particular period have an exponentially over-proportional influence on lower temperature during the same period. Even short-term rise in temperature, which may be due to technical disruptions, must therefore not be neglected, and cannot be offset against the corresponding lower temperature within the same period of time. When calculating the "mean temperature", the higher temperatures must be weighed exponentially. Given this insight, as early as 1971, J. D. Haynes deduced a "mean kinetic temperature" from the gas equation by S. Arrhenius under the title "Worldwide Virtual Temperatures for Product Stability Testing" (Sci. Vol. 60, 927- 929, June 1971). Today MKT is defined by the United States Pharmacopoeia USP in the chapter on "pharmaceutical dosage forms" as "single calculated temperature at which the total amount of degradation over a particular period is equal to the sum of the individual degradations that would occur at various temperatures". So MKT is a degraded temperature that would expose a chemical compound to the same thermal pressure as a series of higher and lower temperatures. In technical notation, the formula for calculating the mean kinetic temperature for a particular chemical compound or pharmaceutical substance of a product is: MKT = (-H/R)/ln{(SUM(exp(-H/RTn))))/n} or, in algebraic notation: MKT H R n RTH e ln i 1 n n The abbreviations have the following meaning: MKT H R Thermoguard Mean Kinetic Temperature, calculated as the absolute temperature in Kelvin Activation energy of the chemical compound or the pharmaceutical substance, in kJ/mol Universal gas constant (0,0083144 kJ/molK) Thermoguard Report * October 1, 2016 Page 61 of 62 TG Report Tn SUM n ln exp Absolute temperature during period n, measured in Kelvin Sum for n periods Total number of all measured absolute temperature values over the observation period of i=1 to n Natural logarithm Exponential function for basis e (2,71828) The activation energy of a chemical compound can be determined in exact terms by Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC). For many pharmaceutical substances, this is in the 42-125 kJ/mol range. For simplicity's sake, though, the activation energy is frequently not determined but defined as equal to a mean value of 83.144 kJ/mol. In regular storage conditions without fluctuations or extreme temperatures, the arithmetic mean temperature and the mean kinetic temperature match. Thus using a mean value of 83.144 kJ/mol for activation energy is enough for comparing both values for estimating the influence of peak temperatures. A4: Standard deviation Thermoguard Report estimates the standard deviation based on a sample (ignoring "values" which do not represent regular values - like "error" etc.). It equals the Microsoft Excel function STDEV.S (Excel 2010, former versions = STDEVS). A result is not displayed if there is only one single value in the selected time period. The following formula is used: where x is the sample arithmetic mean temperature (displayed in the first output field of the "Results"-frame) of the values and n is the "sample size" (i.e. the number of regular values which were measured in the selected time period). Thermoguard Thermoguard Report * October 1, 2016 Page 62 of 62