Red Wheel Weiser Books Conari Press
Red Wheel Weiser Books Conari Press
Red Wheel /Weiser 65 Parker Street #7 Newburyport, MA 01950-4600 Red Wheel Weiser Books Conari Press Now Distributing Hampton Roads Publishing Red Wheel • Weiser • Conari Now Distributing Hampton Roads Co., Inc. Books To Live By New Titles and Best-Selling Backlist, Spring / Summer 2012 New Titles and Best-Selling Backlist, Spring / Summer 2012 Printed in the United States 12Acataloguecover.indd 1 10/25/11 3:21:52 PM Alphabetical 365 Dalai Lama......................................... 5 And Jesus Said........................................ 48 Application of Impossible Things..... 47 Arousal....................................................... 53 Basic Psychic Development............... 32 Big Book of Reincarnation.................. 40 Big E, The................................................... 50 Book of Enoch the Prophet, The....... 26 City Magick.............................................. 34 Closer Than You Think.......................... 20 Coming Apart.......................................... 12 Conscious Creation............................... 50 Conversations with God Bk 2............... 4 Conversations with God Bk 3............... 4 Crystals, Jewels, Stones....................... 43 Dowsing Beyond Duality.................... 25 Easy Vegan, The...................................... 29 Emergence................................................ 10 Futhark....................................................... 30 Getting Unstuck..................................... 19 God Is Not Dead.................................... 16 Hermetic Link, The................................ 42 Honey in Your Heart................................ 7 Hon-Sho.................................................... 52 How to Say Yes When Your Body Says No.................................................... 3 Insulin Resistance Factor, The............ 18 Invoking the Archangels...................... 36 Jesus, Buddha, Krishna, and Lao Tzu........................................... 23 Kosmos...................................................... 49 Law of Agreement, The........................ 17 Liberating Power of Emotions, The................................ 45 Listening Against the Stone............... 51 Live Your Divinity................................... 27 Loving What is Card Deck................... 38 Magdalene Version, The....................... 44 Mystery Teachings from the Living Earth.......................................... 14 No Happy Cows..................................... 11 Pearls of Wisdom................................... 37 Quantum Affirmations........................ 15 Payment for Passage............................ 46 Ratline........................................................ 41 Safe Passage............................................ 31 Sleep Magic.............................................. 48 Soul to Soul............................................. 51 Spiritual Cleansing................................ 24 Sporting Brain Games.......................... 54 Stop Eating Your Heart Out............... 13 Tactics........................................................ 55 UFO Hunter’s Guide, A........................ 33 Unflappable............................................. 21 Vampyre Magick....................................... 8 Way of the Oracle, The........................... 9 Whispers of the Beloved..................... 22 Witches’ Almanac, The......................... 35 Yoga Back Book, The............................. 28 By Author Attwood, Chris........................................ 37 Attwood, Janet........................................ 37 Beck, Meryl Hershey............................. 13 Burroughs, Tony...................................... 17 Canfield, Jack........................................... 37 Casey, Karen............................................ 19 Charles, R.H.............................................. 26 Cowan, David.......................................... 25 Cowan, Erina............................................ 25 Dubberley, Emily.................................... 53 Farber, Monte.......................................... 15 Friedlander, John.................................... 32 Fumia, Molly............................................ 31 Goswami, Amit....................................... 16 Greer, John Michael.............................. 14 Hawkins, Alicia........................................ 51 Haynes, Antony...................................... 18 Hemsher, Gloria..................................... 32 Heneghan, Deborah.............................. 20 Hewett, Jarrad......................................... 50 Holiness Dalai Lama................................ 5 Hoppe, Geoffrey..................................... 27 Hoppe, Linda........................................... 27 Hubbard, Barbara Marx........................ 10 Hudson, Janet.......................................... 29 Jampolsky, Lee........................................... 3 Johnston, Sunny Dawn........................ 36 Katie, Byron....................................... 38, 39 Kingma, Daphne Rose.......................... 12 Kozminsky, Isidore................................. 43 Levenda, Peter......................................... 41 Lueder, Bret.............................................. 33 Michaels, Ragini Elizabeth.................. 21 Michaelson, Henry................................ 48 Miller, Brenda.......................................... 51 Milner, Dennis......................................... 49 Okken, Riet............................................... 45 Paxson, Diana L.......................................... 9 Penczak, Christopher............................ 34 Pendragon, Victoria............................... 48 Phillips, Charles....................................... 54 Prentis, Joanna........................................ 44 Radmacher, Mary Anne.......................... 7 Robinson, Christine............................... 51 Robbins, John........................................... 11 Schimoff, Marci....................................... 37 Sebastiaan, Father.................................... 8 Slavenburg, Jacob.................................. 42 St. Germain, Adamus............................ 27 Stemman, Roy......................................... 40 Sudman, Natalie.................................... 47 Theitic........................................................ 35 Thorsson, Edred...................................... 30 Wallace, Dee............................................ 50 Walsch, Neale Donald............................. 4 Weller, Stella............................................ 28 Wells, Janie............................................... 46 Wilson, Kevin........................................... 52 Wilson, Stewart...................................... 44 Zuchowski, Jan........................................ 55 By Publication Month March 365 Dalai Lama......................................... 5 And Jesus Said........................................ 48 Arousal....................................................... 53 Conversations with God Bk 2............... 4 Conversations with God Bk 3............... 4 Emergence................................................ 10 Honey in Your Heart................................ 7 How to Say Yes When Your Body Says No.................................................... 3 Invoking the Archangels...................... 36 Kosmos...................................................... 49 Ratline........................................................ 41 Sleep Magic.............................................. 48 Sporting Brain Games.......................... 54 Vampyre Magick....................................... 8 Way of the Oracle, The........................... 9 April Application of Impossible Things..... 47 Coming Apart.......................................... 12 God Is Not Dead.................................... 16 Hermetic Link, The................................ 42 Hon-Sho.................................................... 52 Law of Agreement, The........................ 17 Mystery Teachings of the Living Earth.......................................... 14 No Happy Cows..................................... 11 Pearls of Wisdom................................... 37 Quantum Affirmations........................ 15 Stop Eating Your Heart Out............... 13 May Big Book of Reincarnation.................. 40 Closer Than You Think.......................... 20 Crystals, Jewels, Stones....................... 43 Getting Unstuck..................................... 19 Insulin Resistance Factor, The............ 18 Jesus, Buddha, Krishna, and Lao Tzu........................................... 23 Liberating Power of Emotions, The................................ 45 Magdalene Version, The....................... 44 Spiritual Cleansing................................ 24 Tactics........................................................ 55 Unflappable............................................. 21 Publishing Whispers of the Beloved..................... 22 Publicity June Book of Enoch the Prophet, The....... 26 Dowsing Beyond Duality.................... 25 Live Your Divinity................................... 27 Bonni Hamilton, Director of Marketing and Digital Content Payment for Passage............................ 46 Pat Rose, Director of Publicity July Easy Vegan, The...................................... 29 Futhark....................................................... 30 Witches’ Almanac, The......................... 35 Yoga Back Book, The............................. 28 August Basic Psychic Development............... 32 City Magick................................................. 3 Safe Passage............................................ 31 UFO Hunter’s Guide, A........................ 33 Available Now Big E, The................................................... 50 Byron Katie CD/DVD Collection...... 38 Conscious Creation............................... 50 Kosmos...................................................... 49 Listening Against the Stone............... 51 Loving What is Card Deck................... 38 Soul to Soul............................................. 51 665 Third Street Suite 400 San Francisco, CA 94107 415-978-2665 / Fax 415-869-1022 Sales & Customer Service 65 Parker Street Suite 7 Newburyport, MA 01950 978-465-0504 800-423-7087 / Fax 877-337-3309 65 Parker Street Suite 7 Newburyport, MA 01950 Please fax requests for publicity copies on your company letterhead to 978-465-0243, Attn: Publicity. Editorial Submissions While we do accept unsolicited manuscripts, we accept no responsibility for loss or damage to them. Mail to the above publishing address or email: submissions@ for Weiser & Conari; for Hampton Roads. Translation Rights Contracts & Rights Administrator 65 Parker Street Suite 7 Newburyport, MA 01950 978-465-0504 Fax:978-465-0243 Linda Biagi Biagi Rights Management 24 Bedford Road Pleasantville, NY 10570 Sales Representation Domestic Distribution Our books are available through all major wholesalers or you may order directly from us. Contact our order department via the methods listed at left, or through our sales representatives listed below. Azure Green/Abyss Distribution Middlefield, MA Phone: 800-326-0804 Baker & Taylor Sommerville, NJ Phone: 800-775-1100 Brodart Books Williamsport, PA Phone: 800-233-8467 DeVorss & Co. Camarillo, CA Phone: 800-843-5743 Ingram Book Co. 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Unit 3 Goose Green Trading Estate 47 East Dulwich Road London SE22 9BN United Kingdom Phone: +44-020-8693-0234 Fax: +44-020-8693-1400 Asia Publishers International Marketing Timberham 1, Monkton Close Ferndown Dorset BH22 9LL UK Tel/Fax: 44(0)1202 896210 E-mail: Middle East Publishers International Marketing Polfages 11420 Villautou France Phone: +33 4 68604890 Spring/Summer 2011 S Sp PRING r i n g / / Ss UMMER ummer 2012 1 Books to Live By . . . Past and Future, Here and Now Dear Book Colleagues and Friends, In the here and the now, with wisdom from then and speculation about the future. Whether time is linear or layered, an invention of humankind, at an end, or simply changing . . . the books we publish address our lives as we live them. For wisdom from the past we offer, among others: The Way of the Oracle, Diana Paxson’s new book, grounded in the past and offering practices for today, page 9. Also see Rumi’s Whispers of the Beloved, page 22, Jesus, Buddha, Krishna & Lao Tzu: The Parallel Sayings, page 23, a new edition of The Book of Enoch the Prophet, with a new introduction by Lon Milo DuQuette, page 26. And there are books informed by cutting-edge science and speculation that points to the future—Quantum Affirmations by Monte Farber, page 15, God Is Not Dead, page 16, Dowsing Beyond Duality, page 25, and a new edition of Emergence, The Shift from Ego to Essence by Barbara Marx Hubbard, page 10. Karen Casey, author of Getting Unstuck, page 19, many years ago wrote a book entitled Each Day a New Beginning. I’ve always loved that title, all that it implies— whatever went on yesterday, whatever might go on tomorrow, here’s today. Today is a day we might see the world in a new way, begin a new spiritual practice, understand the workings of the universe better, make a change in our eating habits. See No Happy Cows from bestselling author John Robbins, page 11, Stop Eating Your Heart Out, page 13, The Easy Vegan, page 29. The here and now, especially this season, is exemplified by Honey in Your Heart, Ways to See and Savor the Simple Good Things, page 7, and 365 Dalai Lama: Daily Advice from the Heart, page 5. Contents N e w T itl e s Weiser Books, Conari Press and Hampton Roads 3 The Witches’ Almanac 35 Hierophant Publishing 36 The Work of Byron Katie 38 Ibis Press 41 Ozark Mountain Publishing 44 Skinner House Books 51 Connections Book Publishing, Inc. 52 Recently Published 56 Backlist Bestsellers 62 Back in Stock 70 Order Information 71 This catalog brings you the offerings of Weiser Books, Conari Press, Hampton Roads Publishing, plus Ibis Press, Ozark Mountain Publishing, The Witches’ Almanac, Connections, and Hierophant Publishing. Among Hierophant’s offerings a brand new collection by bestselling author Byron Katie, including the Loving What Is Card Deck and a collection of CDs and DVDs, pages 38 and 39. Book publishers of our bent—publishing forward-looking, spiritually inclined, books geared to help people lead more balanced lives—have spent years looking at and publishing speculative books about the coming earth changes. In the meantime, in my humble opinion, the world is changing every day. That’s the news. And we publish books to live by that news—for change global and local, for change in body, mind, and spirit—books to live by. May your Spring be full of the wisdom of the past, the possibilities of the future, and the peace of the present, [P] 800 423 7087 / [F] 877 337 3309 / 1 JRE u st s eBdL I S H E D T I T L E S C ENRTeLlYe aPU Why are we here? What is the meaning of life? How can we feel happy and free? The answers to these and other life questions are gathered in Tiny Buddha, Simple Wisdom for Life’s Hard Questions. In Brain Fitness for Women, health writer Sondra Kornblatt offers an entertaining look at how women’s brains work along with advice for women who want to keep their minds at any age. “How can we find happiness and peace—right now, right here? In her engaging, thought-provoking book Tiny Buddha, Lori Deschene explores this enormous question to help readers grapple with challenges like money, love, pain, control, and meaning, in order to find greater happiness.” —Gretchen Rubin author of The Happiness Project “A must read. This book busts all the myths about the brain (e.g. memory is supposed to fail as you get older) and replaces them with solid science, great humor, and a completely accessible writing style that will keep you reading from beginning to end” —Christiane Northrup, M.D., author of the New York Times bestseller Women’s Bodies, Women’s Wisdom Conari Press ISBN: 978-1-57324-506-7 eISBN: 978-1-60925-620-3 Hardcover (PLC) • $16.95 5.5 x 6.5 • Pages: 304 Self-Help Rights: Red Wheel/Weiser Market: World Conari Press ISBN: 978-1-57324-490-9 eISBN: 978-1-60925-618-0 Paperback • $14.95 5.5 x 8.5 • Pages: 224 Self-Help Rights: Red Wheel/Weiser Market: World 2 [P] 800 423 7087 / [F] 877 337 3309 / Deep Happy is based on quantum physics and the belief that we are intimately and infinitely connected to the larger universe. Spiritual and transformational healer Peter Fairfield offers tools and practices to achieve everyday happiness. He distills more than 40 years of healing, research, and personal experience into this profound and practical volume. The stories and exercises show readers how to understand and communicate with a deeper intrinsic reality to achieve lasting happiness. Weiser Books ISBN: 978-1-57863-511-5 eISBN: 978-1-60925-601-2 Paperback • $16.95 5.5 x 8.5 • Pages: 256 New Age Rights: Red Wheel/Weiser Market: World MAR C H It happens to all of us—and here’s how to fight back! How to Say Yes When Your Body Says No Discover the Silver Lining in Life’s Toughest Health Challenges Dr. Lee Jampolsky “The more serious the illness, the more important it is for you to fight back, mobilizing all your resources—spiritual, emotional, intellectual, physical.” —Norman Cousins At some point in life, most of us will face health challenges of some kind. Whether it’s chronic back pain, the stiffness and pain of rheumatoid arthritis, or more serious illnesses, as we age our bodies often stop doing what they used to do with ease. In How To Say Yes When Your Body Says No, psychologist Lee Jampolsky examines how people become overwhelmed, and often unable to cope during a health challenge. He discusses the importance of focusing on inner work in addition to medical treatment, pointing out that the mental diet we feed ourselves has profound effects on our physical well-being. Jampolsky shares his personal health challenges, from spending months in a body cast as a young man to going deaf from an autoimmune disease. He shows how learning to alter one’s thoughts and beliefs about health is the key to physical well-being. How to Say Yes When Your Body Says No is filled with meditations and exercises to develop an attitude of openness and healing, no matter what physical and emotional challenges we face. Also by the author Smile for No Good Reason 978-1-57174-574-3 Paper $14.95 About the Author Dr. Lee Jampolsky is a recognized leader in the field of psychology and human potential and has served on the medical staff and faculty of respected hospitals and graduate schools, and has consulted with CEOs of businesses of all sizes. Dr. Jampolsky has appeared in The Wall Street Journal, Business Week, The Los Angeles Times, and many other publications. Visit him at March Hampton Roads Publishing ISBN: 978-1-57174-664-1 eISBN: 978-1-61283-212-8 Paperback • $18.95 6 x 9 • Pages: 256 Self-Help Rights: Hampton Roads Market: World Author Residence: Carmel Valley, CA [P] 800 423 7087 / [F] 877 337 3309 / 3 MARc H The expanded editions of the contemporary spiritual classic—more than 600,000 sold Neale Donald Walsch isn’t claiming to be the Messiah of a new religion, just a frustrated man who sat down one day with pen in hand and some tough questions in his heart. As he wrote his questions to God, he realized that God was answering them—directly—as he wrote. The result was an international bestseller that is full of matter-of-fact, direct wisdom on how to get by in life while remaining true to yourself and your spirituality. Conversations with God, Book 2 Living in the World with Honesty, Courage, and Love March • Hampton Roads ISBN: 978-1-57174-679-5 eISBN: 978-1-61283-215-9 Paperback • $19.95 5.5 x 8.5 • Pages: 328 Rights: Hampton Roads Market: World x UK, ANZ Neale Donald Walsch In this expanded paperback edition, Neale Donald Walsch and God resume their discussion and move on to larger topics than the personal issues addressed in Conversations with God Book 1. They discuss time, space, politics, and even kinky sex. This is an honest look at some of the broad issues important to all of us, and an idea about how things might change if we are willing to open our minds and have our own conversations with divinity. This edition includes the 2008 new preface from Walsch and new commentary on each section. Conversations with God, Book 3 Embracing the Love of the Universe Neale Donald Walsch The third book in Walsch’s trilogy, Conversations with God Book 3 moves from individual and global issues to “universal truths,” which apply to all levels of existence from the microscopic to the macrocosmic. Walsch explores some of the most profound questions of our time: What happens when we die? What is time? Are we alone in the universe? About the Author March • Hampton Roads ISBN: 978-1-57174-678-8 eISBN: 978-1-61283-216-6 Paperback • $19.95 5.5 x 8.5 • Pages: 424 Rights: Hampton Roads Market: World x UK, ANZ 4 [P] 800 423 7087 / [F] 877 337 3309 / Neale Donald Walsch is a writer of internationally bestselling books on spirituality and personal development. He lives in Ashland, Oregon. His books have sold more than 7.5 million copies worldwide and have been translated into 37 languages. MAR C H Inspiring words for everyday living 365 Dalai Lama Daily Advice from the Heart His Holiness The Dalai Lama Imagine having an audience with the Dalai Lama every day, receiving personal advice about how to make your life better and more joyful. 365 Dalai Lama offers exactly that: short and inspiring words offering enlightening advice for everyday living. The teachings in 365 Dalai Lama offer an opportunity to feel the focus and presence of the Dalai Lama as never before. His holiness shares his advice from the heart on a variety of topics including: • • • • • • • • • About the Author Tenzin Gyatso, His Holiness the XIV Dalai Lama, is the exiled spiritual leader of the Tibetan people. He is widely recognized as an advocate of world peace and has received many honors, including the Nobel Peace Prize. Living and Growing Old Young People and Families Sickness and Dying Living in Poverty and Wealth Anger, Jealousy, Pride, and Desire Religion and Faith Sexual Desire and Homosexuality War and Politics Mindfulness and a Contemplative Life From the book: Day 156: “The only aggressive attitude that is acceptable is recognizing one’s own talent and working with unshakable determination, saying to oneself, ‘I, too, am capable, and even if nobody helps me, I will succeed.’” Also by the author The Dalai Lama’s Little Book of Inner Peace 978-1-57174-609-2 Hardcover $12.95 The Dalai Lama’s Little Book of Wisdom 978-1-57174-628-3 Paper $10.95 The Dalai Lama’s Little Book of Compassion 978-1-57174-670-2 Hardcover $12.95 March Hampton Roads Publishing ISBN: 978-1-57174-681-8 Paperback • $16.95 5.25 x 6.75 • Pages: 384 Buddhism Rights: Thorsons Market: North America Author Residence: India [P] 800 423 7087 / [F] 877 337 3309 / 5 cRE on a r Ti L jY o PU u r Bn LaIls C EN SHED TITLES Whether you use them to jot down your innermost thoughts, reflect on what you’re grateful for, or simply to write down what needs to be remembered at the store, let these beautifully designed journals guide you through your day. Featuring two different sizes, these lined journals are sprinkled with words of inspiration throughout. Each journal features a ribbon marker and is flexi bound with 192 pages of highquality paper. Brightly-colored and pretty enough for your purse, tote, desk or bedside! 6 Emily Dickinson Journal ISBN: 978-1-57324-539-5 $14.00 • 7 x 9 • Pages: 192 Rights: Red Wheel/Weiser Mark Twain Journal ISBN: 978-1-57324-540-1 $14.00 • 7 x 9 • Pages: 192 Rights: Red Wheel/Weiser William Shakespeare Journal ISBN: 978-1-57324-542-5 $14.00 • 7 x 9 • Pages: 192 Rights: Red Wheel/Weiser It Grows on You ISBN: 978-1-57324-544-9 $12.00 • 5.25 x 8.25 Pages: 192 Rights: Red Wheel/Weiser [P] 800 423 7087 / [F] 877 337 3309 / Walt Whitman Journal ISBN: 978-1-57324-541-8 $14.00 • 7 x 9 • Pages: 192 Rights: Red Wheel/Weiser Nestling In ISBN: 978-1-57324-543-2 $12.00 • 5.25 x 8.25 Pages: 192 Rights: Red Wheel/Weiser MAR C H EXPERIENCE THE SWEETNESS OF ORDINARY THINGS Honey In Your Heart Ways to See and Savor the Simple Good Things Mary Anne Radmacher In this delightful, beautifully illustrated gift book, Radmacher shares the many ways we can add honey into our daily lives, celebrating the good things around us and in each other. With original four-color lettering, art, design, motivational quotes, poems, and aphorisms about the importance of savoring the simple good things in life, she offers a funny, sweet, and perfect gift for any occasion. Honey in Your Heart is filled with touchstones to connect readers to their own rich and poignant daily experiences, and live a more joyful and inspired life. Radmacher’s lively original art and signature hand lettering make this book a keepsake. Also by the author Live with Intention 978-1-57324-401-5 Paper $16.00 Lean Forward into Your Life 978-1-57324-298-1 Paper $18.00 Promises to Myself 978-1-57324-402-2 Hardcover $15.95 Us! 978-1-57324-480-0 Hardcover $15.95 About the Author Mary Anne Radmacher is a writer and artist who has touched the hearts of many with her popular cards, books, posters, journals, and gift books. She conducts workshops and writing seminars on living a full, creative, and balanced life. She is the author of Lean Forward into Your Life and Live Boldly. She lives with her husband near Seattle, Washington. Visit her at or (Photo credit: Michael Stadler) March Conari Press ISBN: 978-1-57324-479-4 eISBN: 978-1-60925-594-7 Hardcover • $18.95 7 x 9 • Pages: 96 4-color throughout Self-Help Rights: Red Wheel/Weiser Market: World Author Residence: Whidbey Island, WA [P] 800 423 7087 / [F] 877 337 3309 / 7 MAR C H The hidden rituals and magic of the Vampyres Vampyre Magick The Grimoire of the Living Vampire Father Sebastiaan Foreword by Michael W. Ford, author of Luciferian Magic Since the dawn of civilization, the vampire has danced through the dreams and nightmares of every culture, expressed in folklore, literature, and art. Today, this fascination resonates in pop-culture through hit television shows, movies, and bestselling books. About the Author Father Sebastiaan is an avid student of chaos magick and esoteric studies, and is the founder of Sabretooth, a fangsmithing company, and the event coordination company, Endless Night Productions. Visit him at: and (Photo credit: Lukas Zpira) March Weiser Books ISBN: 978-1-57863-504-7 eISBN: 978-1-60925-598-5 Paperback • $19.95 6 x 9 • Pages: 208 Black & white photographs New Age/Occult Rights: Red Wheel/Weiser Market: World Author Residence: UK 8 In Vampyre Magick, Father Sebastiaan reveals the hidden rituals and spells of the Living Vampires. This companion volume to Sebastiaan’s Vampyre Sanguinomicon, is intended for initiates of the Stigoii Vii, but will appeal to any scholar of magickal arts, The Golden Dawn, or other Western Mystery Traditions. Praise for Vampyre Sanguinomicon: “A compelling and elegant presentation of the history, rituals, and customs of a specific spiritual movement. It has the quality of permanence, and it will likely make an enduring contribution to sanguinary lore.” -Dr. Katherine Ramsland, author of The Science of Vampires and Piercing the Darkness “The Sanguinomicon provides a unique and valid look at one of the oldest Vampyre traditions in the modern living vampire subculture… Highly recommended.” -Corvis Nocturnum, author of Allure of the Vampire Also by the author Vampyre Sanguinomicon 978-1-57863-480-4 Paper $24.95 [P] 800 423 7087 / [F] 877 337 3309 / MAR C H From Diana Paxson bestselling author of Taking Up the Runes and co-author of the Avalon series The Way of the Oracle Recovering the Practices of the Past to Find Answers for Today Diana L. Paxson Throughout history, the uncertainties of life have driven people to seek counsel from prophets, seers, and oracles on everything from love to livelihood: people want to talk to their lost loved ones, heal old family traumas, find out about work, and determine what the future will bring. In The Way of the Oracle, bestselling author, scholar, and priestess Diana L. Paxson offers a broad overview of the traditions of famous oracles in history: from the pythia at Delphi, the son of Beor, the Irish druidess, and the Greenland völva, to today’s modern seers who are resurrecting ancient skills to serve their communities. Paxson identifies the core elements of prophetic practice, her belief in probability rather than predestination, and offers exercises and examples to demonstrate how anyone can be trained to do oracle work. Her methods focus on trance skills and improving communication between one’s unconscious and conscious mind to encourage selfknowledge and decision making. The Way of the Oracle introduces the practice of oracle work to a wider audience, and shows how exploring the potential of other minds can expand our own. Also by the author Trance-Portation 978-1-57863-405-7 Paper $19.95 Taking Up the Runes 978-1-57863-325-8 Paper $27.50 About the Author Diana L. Paxson is the author of nearly three dozen novels, including Marion Zimmer Bradley’s Ravens of Avalon and several works of spiritual nonfiction, including Taking Up the Runes. She has been a practicing priestess for nearly thirty years and is well known as a spiritual leader and teacher. She lectures and conducts workshops in North America and Europe. She lives in Berkeley, CA. Visit her at March Weiser Books ISBN: 978-1-57863-483-5 eISBN: 978-1-60925-629-6 Paperback • $21.95 6 x 9 • Pages: 288 17 drawings & photographs New Age/Divination Rights: Red Wheel/Weiser Market: World Author Residence: Berkeley, CA [P] 800 423 7087 / [F] 877 337 3309 / 9 MAR C H Tomorrow’s going to be a better day Emergence The Shift from Ego to Essence Barbara Marx Hubbard Fully Revised and Updated Introduction by Neale Donald Walsch What can we expect from the future? According to visionary and futurist Barbara Marx Hubbard, we will see a new type of human emerge in the world. She calls this the Universal Human, and it could be the key to our survival as a species. About the Author Barbara Marx Hubbard is an evolutionary educator, speaker, author, and social innovator. She is co-founder and chairperson of the Foundation for Conscious Evolution, a Fellow of the Club of Budapest, and a co-founder of The World Future Society. Visit her at The Universal Human is connected through the heart to the whole of life, evolving consciously and helping to co-create a new kind of spiritual path, something we’ve never experienced before, but which is perfect for our time. Emergence lays out the blueprints for birthing this new kind of human, explaining all the steps in what Hubbard calls “an intimate and practical process for all who wish to make the transition to the next stage of evolution.” “An essential guide to nurturing the inner wisdom that lies within us all.” —Peter Russell, author of From Science to God “A pure note of positive possibility for our common offers the kind of spiritual depth needed for the times ahead.” —Paul H. Ray, PhD, co-author of The Cultural Creatives March Hampton Roads Publishing ISBN: 978-1-57174-674-0 eISBN: 978-1-61283-126-8 Paperback • $16.95 5.5 x 8.5 • Pages: 192 New Age Rights: Hampton Roads Market: World Author Residence: San Diego, CA 10 Related backlist The Alchemy of Nine Dimensions 978-1-57174-626-9 Paper $19.95 [P] 800 423 7087 / [F] 877 337 3309 / APRI L From the bestselling author of Diet For A New America and The Food Revolution No Happy Cows Dispatches from the Frontlines of the Food Revolution John Robbins Internationally known vegan and bestselling author John Robbins has continued his observations and investigations into food politics and food-related issues of the day in his popular HuffingtonPost column, No Happy Cows collects these recent observations along with never before published material for the first time in book form. Robbins shares his dispatches from the frontlines of the food revolution: From his undercover investigations of feed lots and slaughterhouses, to the rise of food contamination, the slave trade behind chocolate and coffee, what he calls the sham of “Vitamin Water,” and the effects of hormones on animals and animal products. Topics include: • The skinny on grassfed beef • Greed and salmonella • Junk food marketing to kids • Soy and Alzheimer’s • Hormones in our milk • Plus many more. Robbin’s trenchant and provocative observations into the relationships between animals and the humans who raise them remind us of the importance of working for a more compassionate and environmentally responsible world. Also by the author The Food Revolution, 10th Anniv. Ed. 978-1-57324-487-9 Paper $19.95 About the Author John Robbins is the author of The Food Revolution and Diet for a New America. Groomed to follow in the footsteps of his father, founder of the Baskin-Robbins ice cream empire, he chose a different, more authentic path for himself. He lives with his family in the Santa Cruz Mountains. Visit him at: April Conari Press ISBN: 978-1-57324-575-3 eISBN: 978-1-60925-579-4 Paperback • $16.95 5.5 x 8.5 • Pages: 208 Current Affairs Rights: Red Wheel/Weiser Market: World Author Residence: Soquel, CA [P] 800 423 7087 / [F] 877 337 3309 / 11 APRI L Breaking Up Is Hard to Do Coming Apart Why Relationships End and How to Live Through the Ending of Yours Daphne Rose Kingma Next to the death of a loved one, the ending of a relationship is the most painful experience most people will ever go through. Coming Apart is a first-aid kit for getting through the ending. It is a tool that will enable you to live through the end of your relationship with your self-esteem intact. About the Author Daphne Rose Kingma is a bestselling author and psychotherapist. She has appeared on The Oprah Winfrey show, does emotional healing work with individuals and groups, and speaks and teaches throughout the United States and Europe. She is the author of several books, most recently When You Think You’re Not Enough. Visit her at Daphne Rose Kingma, the undisputed expert on matters of the heart, explores the critical facets of relationship breakdowns: • Love myths: why we are really in relationships • The life span of love • The emotional and unconscious processes of parting • How to get through the ending • How to create a personal workbook for finding resolution Originally published in 1987 and continuously in print since then, with more than half a million copies sold, Coming Apart has been an important resource for hundreds of thousands of readers experiencing the pain and stress of a break-up. For anyone going through the ending of a relationship Kingma is a caring, sensitive guide. This re-packaged edition includes a new introduction by the author. April Conari Press ISBN: 978-1-57324-547-0 eISBN: 978-1-60925-546-6 Paperback • $16.95 5.5 x 8.5 • Pages: 192 Relationships Rights: Red Wheel/Weiser Market: World Author Residence: Santa Barbara, CA 12 “Kingma deals with love so directly...that Coming Apart brings immediate comfort to anyone in pain.” —LA Weekly Also by the author When You Think You’re Not Enough 978-1-57324-534-0 Paper $14.95 [P] 800 423 7087 / [F] 877 337 3309 / True love 978-1-57324-863-1 Paper $14.95 Weddings from the Heart 978-1-57324-861-7 Paper $16.95 APRI L What to do when food is NOT your best friend. Stop Eating Your Heart Out The 21-Day Program to Free Yourself from Emotional Eating Meryl Hershey Beck, M.A., M.Ed, LPCC Foreword by Jeanne Rust, PhD, CEO and founder of Mirasol Eating Disorder Recovery Centers Drawing on her experience of working with compulsive overeaters and binge eaters for more than twenty years, Meryl Beck shares her revolutionary approach to stop overeating. This 21-day plan combines psychotherapy, the 12 Steps, personal growth work, and energy healing. Stop Eating Your Heart Out offers a way to rewire the brain to respond differently to the impulses and feelings that create bingeing. Beck, a therapist and former binge eater, offers advice and takes an approach to recovery that includes: • Becoming honest with yourself • Finding a support group • Developing a plan for spiritual growth • Using energy techniques for re-wiring your brain • Personal house cleaning • Conscious living Beck offers her personal story along with anecdotes from her years of professional experience. This is a book that will help millions of readers who wrestle daily with their relationship with food. Related backlist Healing Your Hungry Heart 978-1-57324-470-1 Paper $16.95 About the Author Meryl Hershey Beck, LPCC is a licensed therapist who is affiliated with several treatment centers in the Tucson area, including Sierra Tucson, Mirasol, and Cottonwood, all of which offer eating disorder treatment. She is a featured speaker at national conferences, including papers at the National Institutes of Health Conference on Recovery, and is a frequent guest on radio. Visit her at: (Photo credit: Saguaro Shadows Photography) April Conari Press ISBN: 978-1-57324-545-6 eISBN: 978-1-60925-581-7 Paperback • $16.95 5.5 x 8.5 • Pages: 256 Recovery Rights: Red Wheel/Weiser Market: World Author Residence: Tucson, AZ [P] 800 423 7087 / [F] 877 337 3309 / 13 APRI L An introduction to the core teachings of the Mystery Traditions Mystery Teachings from the Living Earth An Introduction to Spiritual Ecology John Michael Greer The authentic teachings of the mystery schools offer a profoundly different way of making sense of the universe and our place in it. In Mystery Teachings from the Living Earth, ecologist and Druid initiate John Michael Greer offers an introduction to the core teachings of the mysteries through the mirror of the natural world. About the Author John Michael Greer is the current Grand Archdruid of the Ancient Order of Druids in America (AODA). He has studied the Western Mystery Traditions for decades and is the author of numerous articles and eighteen books, including The Druidry Handbook. He lives in Maryland with his wife Sara. Visit him at: April Weiser Books ISBN: 978-1-57863-489-7 eISBN: 978-1-60925-599-2 Paperback • $16.95 6 x 9 • Pages: 160 New Age/Pagan Rights: Red Wheel/Weiser Market: World Author Residence: Maryland 14 Using examples from nature as a touchstone, Greer takes readers on a journey into the seven laws of the mystery traditions: • the Law of Wholeness • the Law of Flow • the Law of Balance • the Law of Limits • the Law of Cause and Effect • the Law of Planes • the Law of Evolution Greer explains each law, offering meditation, an affirmation, and a theme for reflection, to show how the seven laws can bring meaning and power into our everyday lives. Mystery Teachings from the Living Earth reveals one of the great secrets of the mysteries—that the laws of nature are also the laws of spirit. Also by the author The Druidry Handbook 978-1-57863-354-8 Paper $21.95 [P] 800 423 7087 / [F] 877 337 3309 / The Druid Magic Handbook 978-1-57863-397-5 Paper $19.95 The Art and Practice of Geomancy 978-1-57863-431-6 Paper $18.95 APRI L Take a quantum leap into the future that is waiting for you! Quantum Affirmations The New Energy Science of Conscious Manifestation Monte Farber When life lets us down, there’s only one reason: it’s all in our heads! We are what we affirm, positive and negative. Quantum Affirmations offers an integrative approach to manifesting the love, happiness, prosperity, and success you want in your life. Renowned psychic and bestselling author Monte Farber teaches readers how to visualize and create the future they desire with simple and fun techniques to tunnel through any and all obstacles. Quantum Affirmations is the revolutionary new method for harnessing your mind’s power based on quantum physics. Farber has researched intriguing scientific principles and their complementary metaphysical laws that support that affirmations work. In Quantum Affirmations, he applied those principles to formulate a simple 5-step process that anyone can use to create the future they want. Farber includes in-depth interviews with people he has guided step-bystep through the process, and shows readers how to create their own Quantum Affirmations. When the world seems to be falling apart and things are getting out of control, this book offers an easy-to-use tool to take matters into your own hands. “Monte’s words are filled with enchantment, empowerment, and inspiring guidance.” —Marianne Williamson, author of A Return to Love and Everyday Grace “Monte Farber’s beautiful work reflects the magic in the world.” —Judith Orloff, MD, author of Emotional Freedom Also by the author The Enchanted Tarot 978-1-85906-147-3 Deck $22.95 The Soulmate Path 978-1-57863-471-2 Paper $16.95 About the Author Monte Farber is an affirmations expert and the bestselling author or more than 40 books and affirmation decks along with his wife Amy Zerner. He has appeared on a wide range of television and radio programs, from Home Shopping Network and QVC, where he and Amy were the first people in history to sell tarot cards on television, to doing live readings over the air on venues such as ABC and FOX News. Visit him at (Photo credit: Amy Zerner) April Weiser Books ISBN: 978-1-57863-514-6 eISBN: 978-1-60925-597-8 Paperback • $16.95 6 x 7.5 • Pages: 200 New Age Rights: Red Wheel/Weiser Market: World Author Residence: Long Island, NY [P] 800 423 7087 / [F] 877 337 3309 / 15 APRI L Quantum News Flash: God Exists! God Is Not Dead What Quantum Physics Tells Us About Our Origins and How We Should Live Amit Goswami, PhD Move over, Richard Hawkins and Christopher Hitchens—a highly regarded nuclear physicist enters the debate about the existence of God—and comes down on the side of the angels. About the Author Amit Goswami is a theoretical nuclear physicist and member of The University of Oregon Institute for Theoretical Physics since 1968. Goswami received his PhD in physics from Calcutta University in 1964. He became best known as one of the interviewed scientists featured in the 2004 film What the Bleep Do We Know!? He is also featured in the recently released documentary, Dalai Lama Renaissance (narrated by Harrison Ford). April Hampton Roads Publishing ISBN: 978-1-57174-673-3 eISBN: 978-1-61283-125-1 Paperback • $19.95 6 x 9 • Pages: 320 New Age Rights: Hampton Roads Market: World Author Residence: Eugene, OR 16 Goswami’s hypothesis is that quantum physics holds the key to all the unsolved mysteries of biology—the nature and origin of life, fossil gaps of evolution, why evolution proceeds from simple to complex, and why biological beings have feeling and consciousness. In God Is Not Dead, Goswami moves beyond theory and shows how a God-based science puts ethics and values where it belongs: at the center of our lives and societies. He provides a scientific model that steers between scientific materialism and religious fundamentalism; a model that has implications for how we live both individually and collectively. God Is Not Dead is a fascinating tour of quantum physics, consciousness, and the existence and experience of God. “For anyone grappling with the interrelationship of mind, matter, and divinity, this book will offer much new food for thought.” —Beverly Rubik, PhD, biophysicist, Institute for Frontier Science Adjunct Professor, Saybrook Also by the author The Quantum Doctor 978-1-57174-655-9 Paper $18.95 [P] 800 423 7087 / [F] 877 337 3309 / How Quantum Activism Can Save Civilization 978-1-57174-637-5 Paper $19.95 Physics of the Soul 978-1-57174-332-9 Paper $21.95 APRI L The Law of Agreement—believe in something and manifest it. Disbelieve and problems and obstacles disappear. The Law of Agreement Discover the True Power of Intention Tony Burroughs No matter who you are or what you believe, you have the power to manifest what you want in life—a dream job, wealth, love, and health. In this concise and fascinating book, Tony Burroughs shows readers how to work with the Law of Agreement to change old beliefs about money, relationships, and health issues that are holding them back. He shares stories from his years of working with people from all over the world who are practicing living intentionally—bringing into their lives that which serves the higher good and discarding the rest. The Law of Agreement says that as we lend our agreement to any belief, we reinforce it and make it stronger. Alternatively, as we refrain from lending our agreement to an idea that isn’t likely to give us the results we’re looking for, we dilute it and weaken its power over us and over everyone else simultaneously. Burroughs offers examples and stories that show how the Law of Agreement and its partner, the Law of Adversity, work simultaneously. What happens when we don’t get what we want? What is the opportunity in adversity? The Law of Agreement shows how adversity can lift us up and out of our routines and help us to reach deep inside ourselves for answers to life’s hardest questions. Full of real-life stories, examples, and solutions, The Law of Agreement is a practical and world-changing book. Also by the author The Code 978-1-57863-429-3 Paper $14.95 About the Author Tony Burroughs is an author, storyteller, and co-founder of The Intenders of the Highest Good, a grassroots community movement with Intenders Circles in countries all over the world. He was a gentleman farmer in Hawaii until 17 years ago when he and three friends created their first Intenders Circle. Tony is the author of seven books and writes the popular daily email messages, “The Intenders Bridge.” Visit him at: April Weiser Books ISBN: 978-1-57863-518-4 eISBN: 978-1-60925-595-4 Paperback • $14.95 5.5 x 8.5 • Pages: 144 New Age Rights: Red Wheel/Weiser Market: World Author Residence: USA [P] 800 423 7087 / [F] 877 337 3309 / 17 MA Y Lose Weight, Increase Energy, and Find Lasting Health The Insulin Resistance Factor A Nutritionist’s Plan for Reversing the Effects of Syndrome X Antony J. Haynes Insulin resistance, commonly known as Syndrome X, affects a staggering 1 in 5 people. It is characterized by the over-production of insulin and is the underlying cause of many serious health problems, including heart disease, type II diabetes, obesity, high blood pressure, and deep vein thrombosis. About the Author Antony J. Haynes is the director of the highly acclaimed Nutrition Clinic in Harley Street, London, and teaches advanced nutrition intensive courses and workshops throughout Great Britain. He is the author of The Food Intolerance Bible. May Conari Press ISBN: 978-1-57324-549-4 Paperback • $18.95 6 x 9.25 • Pages: 256 Health Rights: Thorsons Market: North America Author Residence: London, UK 18 The Insulin Resistance Factor offers a unique nutritional plan to reverse the effects of insulin resistance through diet, exercise, and nutritional supplements. Experienced nutritionist Antony J. Haynes shows how to: • Determine your level of insulin resistance • Understand the key nutrients, antioxidants, and foods that can reverse insulin resistance • Prepare simple and delicious meals that won’t leave you hungry • Lower your risk of heart disease and cancer • Improve your memory and concentration • Lower your cholesterol and high blood pressure • Slow the aging process For anyone who struggles with weight, lethargy, high blood pressure, or high cholesterol The Insulin Resistance Factor offers a solution. Related backlist The Ultimate PCOS Handbook 978-1-57324-371-1 Paper $21.95 [P] 800 423 7087 / [F] 877 337 3309 / Irritable Bowl Syndrome and Diverticulosis 978-1-57324-499-2 Paper $14.95 The Food Intolerance Bible 978-1-57324-359-9 Paper $19.95 MA Y A workbook for learning how to take care of yourself! Getting Unstuck A Workbook Based on the Principles in Change Your Mind and Your Life Will Follow Karen Casey True health and serenity come from learning to set boundaries and take care of one’s own needs first. In Getting Unstuck, bestselling recovery writer Karen Casey invites readers to work through the 12 principles in Change Your Mind and Your Life Will Follow and to dig deep into their own patterns of behavior, to determine where they’ve gotten stuck in their lives. Presented in a workbook format, readers write down and explore their answers to specific questions both to discern what’s causing them unhappiness or stress and to develop strategies for getting unstuck. Getting Unstuck helps readers to: • Learn where the boundaries should be drawn between themselves and others • Stop holding others emotional hostage • Avoid turning caring into control • Let loved ones find their own Higher Power • Find their own free and peaceful life Getting Unstuck deepens and broadens readers’ understanding of the peace that comes from being responsible for themselves and letting others do the same. Casey’s characteristic gentle prodding and profound insight help readers discover their own wisdom and strength. Also by the author Change Your Mind and Your Life Will Follow 978-1-57324-213-4 Hardcover $16.95 Let Go Now 978-1-57324-466-4 Paper $14.95 Peace a Day at a Time 978-1-57324-267-7 Paper $14.95 Codependence and the Power of Detachment 978-1-57324-362-9 Paper $15.95 About the Author Karen Casey is a popular speaker at recovery and spirituality conferences. She is the author of 19 books, including Each Day a New Beginning, which has sold more than 2 million copies. She and her husband spend their time between Florida, Indiana, and Minnesota. Visit her at or May Conari Press ISBN: 978-1-57324-548-7 eISBN: 978-1-60925-543-5 Paperback • $17.95 7 x 9 • Pages: 192 Recovery Rights: Red Wheel/Weiser Market: World Author Residence: Florida/Minnesota [P] 800 423 7087 / [F] 877 337 3309 / 19 MA Y Death is not the end. It is only the beginning. Closer Than You Think The Easy Guide to Communicating with Loved Ones on the Other Side Deborah Heneghan with Linda Sivertsen, co-author of the New York Times bestselling Harmonic Wealth Deborah Heneghan was fifteen when her seventeen-year-old sister died of cancer. A few weeks later, she woke in the middle of the night to a faint whisper summoning her. That was the beginning of Heneghan’s communication with her dead sister, one that continues to this day. About the Author Deborah Heneghan is a working wife and mother who has been communicating with her dead sister for over 20 years. She is the founder of Closer Than You Think, a national resource for after-death communications, grief management and learning how to live a more spiritually fulfilled life. She has her own weekly radio show, and has appeared on Lifetime TV, and programs on ABC, CBS, NBC, and Fox. (Photo credit: Jane Engs) In Closer Than You Think, Heneghan shows how she began to recognize the signs and messages from her sister. She shows readers how to get back in touch with deceased loved ones and find guidance and a helping hand from their big-picture perspective in the beyond. Filled with tips, tools, strategies, and stories to help the reader make contact, Closer Than You Think will give you hope, comfort and peace that your loved ones do ‘live on’ and are engaging you in a very real way. Readers learn how to connect and communicate with their deceased loved ones and remain close to them in a natural, healing way. Closer Than You Think shows how to: May Hampton Roads Publishing ISBN: 978-1-57174-661-0 eISBN: 978-1-61283-211-1 Hardcover • $16.95 5.5 x 8.5 • Pages: 176 New Age Rights: Hampton Roads Market: World Author Residence: Pittsburg, PA 20 • Recognize the signs, dreams, or other messages from your loved ones • Open the dialogue with your loved one for a lifetime of continued communication • Transform your anger and grief into hope and action • Tune-in to healing guidance For anyone who has lost a loved one and is trying to develop a clearer connection with them, Closer Than You Think provides hope, comfort and peace that loved ones do live on and are engaging us in a very real way. [P] 800 423 7087 / [F] 877 337 3309 / MA Y A Six-Step Process for Finding Happiness in the Paradoxes of Life Unflappable 6 Steps to Staying Happy, Centered, and Peaceful No Matter What Ragini Elizabeth Michaels We all want to be happy. But, sometimes life gets in the way. People lose jobs. Spouses are unfaithful. Kids are hostile. Friends die. Houses burn down. It is a jungle out there. Unflappable is a book that helps readers not only survive but embrace these ups and downs of life and learn to stay centered and peaceful regardless of the circumstances. Drawing on the wisdom of the mystics and her NLP (neuro-linguistic programming) training Michaels offers a six-step process for happiness and serenity regardless of how crazy life gets. The Six Steps include: 1. Discover the lay of the land: Look at the inner contours of your life. Decide where you are and where you want to go. 2. Examine the river running through your inner landscape—in all of its inconsistencies and incongruities. 3. Ride the river’s rapids: go with the flow. About the Author Ragini Elizabeth Michaels is an internationally acclaimed trainer of NLP (NeuroLinguistic Programming) and hypnosis, and an accomplished Behavioral Change Specialist. She has traveled the world sharing her Facticity® program, a unique process for how to live with paradox. She lives in Seattle. 4. Learn to identify personal challenges on your journey. 5. Learn how to reduce heightened emotional distress. 6. Enjoy the ride. Unflappable offers a unique route to a different brand of happiness— one that doesn’t depend on outside circumstances, and incorporates a model for conscious living that leads to serenity. May Conari Press ISBN: 978-1-57324-489-3 eISBN: 978-1-60925-593-0 Paperback • $16.95 5.5 x 8.5 • Pages: 256 Self-Help Rights: Red Wheel/Weiser Market: World Author Residence: Seattle, WA [P] 800 423 7087 / [F] 877 337 3309 / 21 MA Y An inspiring new translation, a beautiful gift. Whispers of the Beloved Rumi Translated by Marym Mafi and Azima Melita Kolin About the Authors Rumi was a 13th-century Persian Muslim poet, jurist, theologian, and Sufi mystic. Maryam Mafi is an experienced Persian translator who studied in the U.S. and has translated a variety of scholarly and poetic works. She is now based in London. A breathtaking translation of poems by Rumi, one of the world’s most loved mystical teachers. Beautifully packaged and illustrated with Persian calligraphy, this ideal gift book introduces readers to the quatrains, the shorter poems that encapsulate Rumi’s timeless appeal. This new translation, a collaboration by native speaker Maryam Mafi and poet Melita Kolin stays true to Rumi’s original voice in these beautiful, simple poems—100 in all—demonstrate Rumi’s timeless appeal and popularity. Jalal-uddin Rumi was born in what is now Afghanistan in 1207. His poetry has inspired generations of spiritual seekers, both from his own Sufi school and well beyond. His poems speak to the seeker and the lover in all of us. From the book: One day you will take my heart completely and make it more fiery than a dragon. Your eyelashes will write on my heart the poem that could never come from the pen of a poet. Azima Melita Kolin is a poet, musician, and artist based in Hampstead, UK. May Hampton Roads Publishing ISBN: 978-1-57174-682-5 Hardcover • $12.95 4 x 6 • Pages: 128 Religion/Sufism Rights: Thorsons Market: North America Author Residence: London 22 Related backlist Rumi’s Little Book of Love 978-0-98187-712-9 Hardcover $15.95 [P] 800 423 7087 / [F] 877 337 3309 / MA Y The roads to enlightenment overlap. Jesus, Buddha, Krishna, and Lao Tzu The Parallel Sayings Richard Hooper In this fascinating volume, theologian and philosopher Richard Hooper reveals the common spiritual threads of the world’s great religious traditions. Hooper organizes hundreds of sayings attributed to Jesus, Buddha, Krishna, and Lao Tzu thematically and assembles these parallel sayings into four columns for easy reference. Culled from more than fifty ancient Christian, Buddhist, Hindu, and Taoist texts, Jesus, Buddha, Krishna, and Lao Tzu includes topics such as, “The Great Way, “Suffering,” and more. About the Author Richard Hooper is a former Lutheran pastor with degrees in both theology and the philosophy of world religions. Once a nationally syndicated radio commentator on religion, Hooper is now a columnist for United Press International’s web forum and has recently founded The Sedona Institute for Comparative Theology. His other books include The Crucifixion of Mary Magdalene and The Gospel of the Unknown Jesus. Visit him at: Each topic includes an insightful introduction that sends a powerful message that will be welcomed by all who seek the truth within and within their own spiritual tradition. “A priceless treasury of interfaith understanding.” —Brother David Steindl-Rast “Richard Hooper shatters any preconceived notions that there is only ‘one way’ to enlightenment. Instead he blazes a path of collective understanding beyond dogma toward finding the divinity within ourselves.” —Judy Martin, NPR journalist and founder of May Hampton Roads Publishing ISBN: 978-1-57174-680-1 Paperback • $18.95 7 x 7 • Pages: 192 Religion Rights: Hampton Roads Market: World Author Residence: Sedona, AZ [P] 800 423 7087 / [F] 877 337 3309 / 23 MA Y Remove negative energy and make room for love, money, and happiness in your life! Spiritual Cleansing A Handbook of Psychic Protection Draja Mickaharic This bestselling Weiser classic is a spiritual first aid manual filled with hundreds of recipes, rituals, and practical ways to rid your home, office, and self of negative energy. Spiritual Cleansing, now in a new paperback edition, featuring a new foreword by Judika Illes, author of The Encyclopedia of 5,000 Spells, is a guide for anyone who wants to keep their lives and their environment spiritually clean and protected. About the Author Draja Mickaharic was born in Bosnia and has been practicing magic in the U.S. for more than 45 years. He is the author of A Century of Spells and The Practice of Magic. He lives in Philadelphia. May Weiser Books ISBN: 978-1-57863-520-7 eISBN: 978-1-60925-549-7 Paperback • $15.95 5.5 x 8.5 • Pages: 144 New Age Rights: Red Wheel/Weiser Market: World Author Residence: Philadelphia, PA 24 Everyone, at one time or another, has met an individual who appears surrounded with negativity, or has visited a place that seems imbued with “bad vibrations.” Removing these negative vibrations is what spiritual cleansing is all about. Magic practitioner Draja Mickaharic offers simple and effective solutions drawn from every ethnic group and spiritual practice. Spiritual Cleansing shows how to: • • • • • • Use incense and flowers to clear the air after arguments Protect yourself from negative energy while you sleep Clean the previous tenant’s vibrations out of your house or apartment Use cleansing baths for luck, love, and financial improvement Select a Spiritual Practitioner Counteract the “Evil Eye” Related backlist Psychic Self-Defense 978-1-57863-509-2 Paper $16.95 [P] 800 423 7087 / [F] 877 337 3309 / The Practical Psychic Self-Defense Handbook 978-1-57174-639-9 Paper $16.95 J UNE Dowsing to create inner and outer change Dowsing Beyond Duality Access Your Power to Create Positive Change David and Erina Cowan David Cowan’s first book, Navigating the Collapse of Time, introduced readers to the consciousness shift in “reality” that we are currently experiencing. Dowsing Beyond Duality draws on those principles and theories and presents an easy and powerful means to keep our energy balanced in this time of great change. Working with Erina Cowan, David Cowan presents a comprehensive course based on the Course in Miracles principle that we know all we need to know within our divine selves. They teach us to use the science of spiritual dowsing to access physical, mental, and emotional healing. Dowsing Beyond Duality goes well beyond just getting ‘yes and no’ answers from a pendulum. The Cowans show how to use the pendulum—not only to find lost objects or make daily decisions—but also to deepen one’s self-realization, to move beyond the duality of the third dimension, and create positive change in one’s life and in the world. With more than 75 charts, the Cowans guide readers through specific movements of the pendulum that release limiting beliefs and unconscious resistance. About the Authors David Cowan is a biofeedback trainer and teacher in spiritual communication and the art of dowsing. A former professional musician, now a counselor, alternative health practitioner, and trainer, he runs a licensing program in Spiritual Healing. He is the author of Navigating the Collapse of Time. Erina Cowan is a former registered nurse who has a joint practice with David Cowan in alternative healing and counseling. They live in Boulder, CO. Visit them at Dowsing Beyond Duality shows readers how to use spiritual dowsing to deepen self-realization and find truth and peace of mind in their lives. Also by the author Navigating the Collapse of Time 978-1-57863-496-5 Paper $18.95 June Weiser Books ISBN: 978-1-57863-522-1 eISBN: 978-1-60925-544-2 Paperback • $24.95 7 x 9 • Pages: 256 79 Charts New Age Rights: Red Wheel/Weiser Market: World Author Residence: Boulder, CO [P] 800 423 7087 / [F] 877 337 3309 / 25 J UNE A classic banned book of mysticism The Book of Enoch the Prophet R.H. Charles Introduction by R.A. Gilbert New Introduction by Lon Milo DuQuette About the Authors R.H. Charles was a noted theologian and scholar, whose many scholarly reference works remain in print today. His book, Apocrypha and Pseudepigrapha of the Old Testament in English remains a relevant work today. R.A. Gilbert is an esoteric scholar and antiquarian bookseller who lives in Bristol, England. Lon Milo DuQuette is a lecturer and bestselling author of Enochian Vision Magick and more than a dozen other books. Those books on Magick, Tarot, and the Western Mystery Traditions have been translated into ten languages. June Weiser Books ISBN: 978-1-57863-523-8 eISBN: 978-1-60925-596-1 Paperback • $16.95 5.5 x 8.5 • Pages: 176 New Age Rights: Red Wheel/Weiser Market: World Author Residence: Deceased 26 This new edition of The Book of Enoch, banned by Christian authorities and thought lost for millennia, features a new introduction by bestselling author and expert on mysticism and the occult, Lon Milo DuQuette. “The Book of Enoch is important more for what it is rather than for what it says,” explains DuQuette.“ It could be argued that it, more than any other single document, is responsible for western civilization’s most dangerous and nightmarish neurosis—war in heaven, fallen angels, heaven and hell.” This superlative translation by noted scholar and theologian R.H. Charles is one of the best and most complete available. An introduction by noted esoteric scholar and antiquarian bookseller R. A. Gilbert places The Book of Enoch in historical context and dispels many of the dubious interpretations previously attributed to it. The Book of Enoch’s vision of the Apocalypse takes a very different view than that of western Christians, although it is part of the biblical canon for Ethiopian and Eritrean Christians. According to Enoch, the wicked shall be cast out and the good will realize a literal heaven on Earth. The prophecies also contain the lost “Book of Noah,” early references to a messiah as “Christ,” and an accounting of the angels and subsequent creation of demons. Also by the author Apocalypse of Baruch and the Assumption of Moses 978-1-57863-363-0 Paper $12.95 [P] 800 423 7087 / [F] 877 337 3309 / J UNE A soul-level, spirit-filled experience from an ascended master Live Your Divinity Inspiraton for New Consciousness Adamus Saint Germain Transmitted by Geoffrey Hoppe and Linda Hoppe Well-known channelers Geoffrey and Linda Hoppe share the spiritual messages of Adamus Saint-Germain, the ascended master and teacher from the angelic Crimson Council, in Live Your Divinity. Saint-Germain has manifested in many lifetimes, expressing various identities in many adventures on Earth: from a rebellious rabbi in the time of Jesus to Mark Twain. Many believe that Adamus St. Germain is here today to teach us about new consciousness and new energy. In Live Your Divinity, the wisdom of Adamus comes through loud and clear in the plain-talking voice of Geoffrey Hoppe. Culled from Adamus’s messages given before live audiences around the world, these excerpts relay that, ultimately, personal growth and spiritual development can only be realized through an increased awareness of the very experience the reader is already having on their path of awakening. Live Your Divinity is for those who are waking up and hungry for channeled information from the ascended masters. It reinforces, clarifies, validates, and encourages—bringing readers increased awareness as they move through the Awakening Zone. Related backlist Tuning In 978-1-57174-646-7 Hardcover $22.95 About the Authors Geoffrey and Linda Hoppe are well-known channelers and founders of the Crimson Circle, an international community of spiritually minded people. Since 1991, they have channeled spiritual wisdom from ascended masters Tobias, Kuthumi Lal Singh, and more recently, Adamus Saint Germain. They conduct workshops, seminars, and conferences around the world, and were included in Tuning In, the popular movie and book about channeling by David Thomas. Visit them at: June Weiser Books ISBN: 978-1-57863-524-5 eISBN: 978-1-60925-592-3 Paperback • $15.95 5.5 x 8.5 • Pages: 144 New Age/Channeling Rights: Red Wheel/Weiser Market: World (x Germany) Authors Residence: Golden, CO [P] 800 423 7087 / [F] 877 337 3309 / 27 JULY The Natural Way to A Healthier Back The Yoga Back Book The Natural Solution to Freedom from Pain Stella Weller About the Author Stella Weller is a registered nurse who has taught yoga and stress management techniques to students of all ages. She is the author of several yoga books, including The Breath Book and Yoga Therapy. According to Consumer Reports, 80% of all adults suffer from back pain. For those millions, The Yoga Back Book offers a complete guide to back care with guided yoga stretches, exercises, and other relaxation techniques. Stella Weller’s sensible approach offers a gentle yet effective way to spinal health without drugs or surgery. The exercises in The Yoga Back Book have been carefully selected to help heal problem backs. By following this easy course, readers will effect a gradual stretching, strengthening, and relaxing of the back, which can ease away the causes of back pain. The Yoga Back Book features: • Tips for basic back care—including nutrition for a healthy spine • Techniques easily incorporated into daily life • Simple lessons on how to sit, stand, bend, get up, and lie down without causing pain or undue stress on your back • How the back works and what can go wrong • 120 black and white photos illustrating each yoga pose For anyone with back pain, The Yoga Back Book offers a complete course in managing back problems in one easy-to-use volume. July Conari Press ISBN: 978-1-57324-576-0 Paperback • $19.95 8 x 8 • Pages: 192 120 Black & white photographs Health Rights: Thorsons Market: North America Author Residence: UK 28 [P] 800 423 7087 / [F] 877 337 3309 / JULY Easy and delicious vegan dishes even meat eaters will love! The Easy Vegan Over 440 Delicious Recipes and Menus for Every Day of the Year Janet Hudson Whether you’re a practicing vegan or a meat eater looking to improve your health, The Easy Vegan offers dozens of recipes to reinvigorate your everyday meals. With more than 440 recipes, from appealing appetizers to delicious desserts, The Easy Vegan takes a healthy approach to some of the most common recipes, and adds some delicious new surprises from Vegan Shepherd’s pie to Mac and “Cheese” to savory pies, cakes, dressings, chutneys, and more. Vegan chef Janet Hudson shows how to use easy-to-find fresh ingredients, dairy and meat substitutes, and common pantry staples for each recipe. The Easy Vegan looks at nutritional concerns for both children and adults and shows how vegan cooking is low in cholesterol and fat, and high in important antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals to improve health. About the Author Janet Hudson is an experienced and successful vegan caterer who began cooking as a child. She is the owner of Vegan Feast Catering in Southern California. “An impressive collection of meatless and dairy-free recipes that are sure to appeal—not just to vegans but to anyone who enjoys good food.” —Robin Robertson, author of Vegan Planet “One of the best cookbooks I’ve ever seen. Its recipes are incredibly imaginative and immensely satisfying.” —Erick Marcus, publisher of Related backlist Why We Love Dogs, Eat Pigs, and Wear Cows 978-1-57324-505-0 Paper $16.95 July Hampton Roads Publishing ISBN: 978-1-57174-676-4 Paperback • $21.95 6 x 9 • Pages: 432 Cooking Rights: Thorsons Market: North America Author Residence: San Diego, CA [P] 800 423 7087 / [F] 877 337 3309 / 29 JULY A Timeless Classic on Rune Lore and Magic Futhark A Handbook of Rune Magic Edred Thorsson Runes are the ancient Norse alphabet used for communication, divination, and magical work. In Futhark, American runologist Edred Thorsson introduces readers to the 24 runes of the Elder Futhark, their definitions and mystic properties. The runic system of magic and mysticism is one of the most powerful forms of metaphysical thought available to the Western world. This bestselling classic book on Runes continues to be required reading for those who seek true knowledge of the mystery of the Runes. About the Author Edred Thorsson is an American Runologist and proponent of occultism and Germanic mysticism. He received his doctorate in Germanic languages and Medieval Studies from the University of Texas and has published over two dozen books on Esoteric Runology. He lives in Texas. Visit him at: July Weiser Books ISBN: 978-0-87728-548-9 Paperback • $16.95 6 x 9 • Pages: 176 New Age Rights: Red Wheel/Weiser Market: World Author Residence: Austin, TX 30 Thorsson’s presentation of this powerful system is lucid and profound and provides a valuable tool for spiritual transformation and selfdevelopment. Praise for Futhark: “[Thorsson] delves deeply into rune history and lore, its basis in metaphysical thought and mysticism, thus presenting the reader with a much fuller picture of the religious and magical traditions which underlie modern Western culture....An important and significant work.” —Prediction Magazine Also by the author Runelore 978-0-87728 [P] 800 423 7087 / [F] 877 337 3309 / Runecaster’s Handbook 978-1-57863-136-0 Paper $16.95 AUGU S T A bestselling title—a compassionate companion for those in need Safe Passage Words to Help the Grieving Molly Fumia The loss of a loved one is one of the most traumatic experiences we will ever face. This wise and profound book of reflections for the grieving offers a compassionate companion for those who have lost a loved one. Each page offers new words for contemplation, and the book can be read cover to cover or pages chosen at random to find inspiration to make it through another day. Safe Passage guides the reader through the grief process—from the blackest night to the slow, gentle dawn of acceptance, unexpected wisdom, and new possibilities. This is the ideal gift for those coping with bereavement. “Here is a book of exquisite honesty and profound depth. The author guides us through the passages of grief—indeed, through the mysteries of life and death themselves—toward healing and hope. Along the way, grief becomes a dance in the dark and suffering turns to love.” —Sue Monk Kidd, The Secret Life of Bees and The Dance of the Dissident Daughter Related backlist Prayers for Healing 978-1-57324-522-7 Paper $16.95 Prayers for Hope and Comfort 978-1-57324-319-3 Paper $15.95 In the Letting Go 978-1-57324-252-3 Paper $11.95 On Love Alone 978-1-57324-253-0 Paper $11.95 About the Author Molly Fumia holds a master’s degree in theology from the Graduate Theological Union in Berkeley, California. She has written several books on the transformative nature of grief, including Honor Thy Children and A Piece of My Heart. Fumia lives with her husband and seven children in Los Gatos, California. August Conari Press ISBN: 978-1-57324-546-3 eISBN: 978-1-60925-545-9 Paperback • $16.95 5 x 7 • Pages: 304 Grief Rights: Red Wheel/Weiser Market: World Author Residence: Los Gatos, CA [P] 800 423 7087 / [F] 877 337 3309 / 31 AUGU S T A complete psychic system that works! Basic Psychic Development A User’s Guide to Auras, Chakras & Clairvoyance John Friedlander and Gloria Hemsher Unlock your psychic ability with this powerful, easy-to-use guide to energy awareness. Basic Psychic Development offers step-by-step exercises that explain how to understand and use auras, chakras, and clairvoyance to make the invisible world visible. Based on the work of Lewis Bostwick, founder of the Berkeley Psychic Institute, Basic Psychic Development encourages an open, playful approach to experiencing the energies. About the Authors Basic Psychic Development shows how to: • • • • • John Friedlander graduated from Duke University and Harvard Law School, and studied with Lewis Bostwick at the Berkeley Psychic Institute in California. He is a popular speaker and seminar leader in psychic awareness. John and his wife currently live in Saline, MI. Gloria Hemsher studied yoga and meditation and lived for several years in one of Swami Muktananda’s ashrams. She lives in Cincinnati, OH, with her husband and two children. Visit them at: Replaces ISBN 9781578630233 August Weiser Books ISBN: 978-1-57863-519-1 eISBN: 978-1-60925-547-3 Paperback • $16.95 5.5 x 8.5 • Pages: 176 New Age Rights: Red Wheel/Weiser Market: World Authors Residences: Michagan/Ohio 32 Read auras Use intuition to develop clairvoyance Overcome blocks and boundary issues Develop meditation and breathing exercises Give chakra therapy “Basic Psychic Development is both engaging and informative and offers the newcomer to Psychic Energy a clear explanation of our spiritual anatomy as well as a workable plan for awakening Higher Awareness. I recommend it for anyone who is serious about using all of his or her potential to live a creative and meaningful life.” —Sonia Choquette, PhD, intuitive and spiritual teacher, author of The Psychic Pathway, Your Heart’s Desire, and The Wise Child Related backlist Your Aura and Your Chakras 978-1-57863-047-9 Paper $18.95 [P] 800 423 7087 / [F] 877 337 3309 / Consult Your Inner Psychic 978-1-57863-343-2 Paper $21.95 AUGU S T Everything you ever wanted to know about UFOs but were afraid to find out! A UFO Hunter’s Guide Sightings, Abductions, Hot Spots, Conspiracies, Cover-Ups, the Identified and Unidentified, and More Bret Lueder Alien abductions. Repeated UFO sightings. Conspiracies and cover-ups. Whether you’re a skeptic or a believer, UFOs are part of our culture. How to sort out fact from fiction? A UFO Hunter’s Guide has the answers: the facts, figures, people, places, and events that make up the modern scope of UFO-ology. A UFO Hunter’s Guide features: • Competing theories about UFOs • Famous cases and hot spots around the world • Field tips from investigators and researchers • An extensive list of international UFO research societies. Lueder cites the contributions and findings of world-renowned researchers Zecharia Sitchin, William Bramley, Jordan Maxwell, Nancy Red Star, Stanton Friedman, Dr. Carl Sagan, Jacques Vallee, Raymond Fowler, and many others, along with a vast array of case sightings, alleged contacts, and abductions. About the Author Bret Lueder is a journalist, author, and filmmaker. He has published numerous articles on music, spirituality, and UFO’s in the Chico News & Review, Magical Blend Magazine and UFO Magazine, among others. He lives in Chico, California. Visit him at or Whether you’re simply curious or a researcher with a serious interest in uncovering the truth about UFOs, A UFO Hunter’s Guide is a valuable resource. Related backlist The Extraterrestrial Answer Book 978-1-57174-620-7 Paper $16.95 UFO’s and the National Security State 978-1-57174-317-6 Paper $24.95 August Weiser Books ISBN: 978-1-57863-487-3 eISBN: 978-1-60925-628-9 Paperback • $19.95 6 x 9 • Pages: 288 New Age Rights: Red Wheel/Weiser Market: World Author Residence: Chico, CA [P] 800 423 7087 / [F] 877 337 3309 / 33 AUGU S T The Ultimate book of Magick for the Urban Witch City Magick Spells, Rituals, and Symbols for the Urban Witch Christopher Penczak Foreword by Judika Illes, author of Encyclopedia of 5000 Spells Today’s urban witch needs to know how to communicate with the electric gods of the city, find the high-rise temples of power, and uncover the magical symbols in everyday graffiti. About the Author Christopher Penczak is a modern Witch, teacher, and healer. He is the author of the acclaimed Inner Temple of Witchcraft series and of Gay Witchcraft, Weiser Books, 2003. He offers classes and workshops throughout the U.S. Visit him at: Replaces ISBN 9781578632060 August Weiser Books ISBN: 978-1-57863-521-4 eISBN: 978-1-60925-548-0 Paperback • $19.95 6 x 9 • Pages: 288 New Age/Witchcraft Rights: Red Wheel/Weiser Market: World Author Residence: Salem, NH 34 This new edition of City Magick, with a new foreword by Judika Illes, author of Pure Magic, offers a modern look at an earth-based religion that has taken root in the concrete jungle. Christopher Penczak shows how to create and live a magical life in the city. Learn how to: • Interpret the symbols of graffiti with a magical eye • Perform rituals at nightclubs • Use everyday items in your home or office to create magickal incense, oils, talismans, and charms • Create powerful sigils using street signs, graffiti, and city maps • Discover metropolitan spirits and totems, including spiders, cockroaches, crows, pigeons, and doves. For the urban witch, this is the ultimate book on making high magic among the skyscrapers and the streets. Also by the author Gay Witchcraft 978-1-57863-281-7 Paper $19.95 [P] 800 423 7087 / [F] 877 337 3309 / Spirit Allies 978-1-57863-214-5 Paper $18.95 JULY The Old FarmerS’ Almanac for Witches. The perennial bestseller for bookstores from coast to coast. The Witches’ Almanac Issue 32 Spring 2013 to Spring 2014: Wisdom of the Moon Theitic Since 1971, The Witches’ Almanac has been the source of fun, wisdom, trivia, and magical lore for hundreds of thousands of readers throughout the world. Modeled after the Old Farmers’ Almanac, it includes information related to the annual Moon Calendar (weather forecasts and horoscopes), as well as legends, rituals, herbal secrets, interviews, mystic incantations, interviews, and many a curious tale of good and evil. Although it is an annual publication, only about 15 percent of the content is specific to the date range of each issue. The theme of Issue 32 (Spring 2013 – Spring 2014) is the Reflection of the Moon. Also included are articles on Amazonian dolphins, neem trees, tomfoolery and a Festival of Fools, Basque moon myths, Arachne weaving, and the legendary Pied Piper. Founded in 1971 by Elizabeth Pepper, the art director of Gourmet magazine for many years, The Witches’ Almanac is a witty, literate, and sophisticated publication that appeals to general readers as well as hard-core Wiccans. At one level, it is a pop reference that will fascinate anyone interested in folklore, mythology, and culture, but at another, it is the most sophisticated and wide-ranging annual guide for the Wiccan enthusiast. Also from The Witches’ Almanac Aradia or The Gospel of the Witches 978-0-9824323-5-8 Paper $16.95 The Witchcraft of Dame Darrel of York 978-0-9824323-3-4 Hardcover $65.00 The Little Book of Magical Creatures 978-0-9773703-9-9 Paper $12.95 The ABC’s of Magic Charms 978-0-9773703-8-2 Paper $12.95 About the author Theitic is a prominent member of the New England Pagan community. Upon the death of Elizabeth Pepper, he became editor and proprietor of The Witches’ Almanac. 13-copy counter display case available. Free with purchase of 13 or more almanacs (978-0-977370-35-1). July The Witches’ Almanac ISBN: 978-0-982432-37-2 Paperback • $14.95 6 x 9 • Pages: 152 Witchcraft/Wicca Rights: The Witches’ Almanac Market: World Author Residence: Rhode Island [P] 800 423 7087 / [F] 877 337 3309 / 35 MAR C H AN ANGEL IS ALWAYS AT YOUR SIDE Invoking the Archangels A Nine-Step Process to Heal Your Body, Mind, and Soul Sunny Dawn Johnston No one is truly alone. Every person can, at any moment, call upon not only one guardian angel, but also seven specific Archangels who bring blessings and protection to those who know how to ask. In Invoking the Archangels: A Nine-Step Process to Healing Your Mind, Body, and Soul, Sunny Dawn Johnston introduces readers to these Archangels and presents a nine-step process to healing on every level, from physical ailments to relationships, addiction, and even financial struggles. About the Author Sunny Dawn Johnston is a psychic medium and spiritual teacher. She is the founder of Sunlight Alliance LLC., a spiritual teaching and healing center in Glendale, AZ. Sunny has been featured on many television and radio shows including Coast to Coast with George Noory and Good Morning Arizona. She has hosted an international radio show as well as two Internet radio shows. Visit Sunny at Through Sunny’s enlightened process readers will be able to identify their pains and to use their own inner strengths—as supported by the Archangels—to overcome the obstacles in their paths. Invoking the Archangels includes Sunny’s step-by-step process, an introduction to each of the seven Archangels, testimonials, prayers, and guided meditations, all richly elaborated upon by Sunny’s own personal experiences with the process and each individual Archangel as they appeared to her during the challenges in her own life. This book offers a path to self-awakening and sustainable self-renewal by opening the readers’ minds to the existence and abundant love of the Archangels, who only need to be called in order to help. March Hierophant Publishing ISBN: 978-0-9818771-4-3 Paperback • $16.95 5.5 x 8.5 • Pages: 208 New Age Rights: Hierophant Publishing Market: World Author Residence: Phoenix, AZ 36 [P] 800 423 7087 / [F] 877 337 3309 / APRI L TODAY’S TOP SPIRITUAL AUTHORS PRESENT THEIR GREATEST IDEAS Pearls of Wisdom 30 Inspirational Ideas to Love Your Best Life Now! Jack Canfield, Marci Shimoff, Chris and Janet Attwood An oyster can’t produce pearls without first suffering with a grain of sand. Each of the chapters in Pearls of Wisdom: 30 Inspirational Ideas to Lead Your Best Life Now gives guidance to readers on how to turn their own grains of sand into pearls. With four New York Times Best-Selling Authors, including Chicken Soup for the Soul’s Jack Canfield, Chris and Janet Attwood, and Marci Shimoff plus 25 of the best up and coming self-help authors, each chapter contains a fresh idea for a positive life change. With each chapter as diverse as the cast of authors who have come together to create this unique book, there is certain to be an idea to help transform anyone’s life. About the Authors Jack Canfield, Marci Shimoff, and Chris and Janet Atwood are among today’s most popular inspirational writers and speakers. Pearls of Wisdom contains the greatest ideas of today’s top self-help authors, combining traditional and new techniques, affirmations, theories, meditations and practices to lead readers from the struggles they deal with in their current situations to a higher, enlightened life; not merely an existence. For anyone who has thought, “am I really living the best possible life I could be?” Pearls of Wisdom grants the answers for any of life’s questions, straight from the words of the masters of self-help themselves. Related backlist Peace in the Present Moment 978-1-57174-643-6 Hardcover $16.95 April Hierophant Publishing ISBN: 978-0-9818771-5-0 Hardcover • $23.95 5.25 x 7.25 • Pages: 216 Self-Help Rights: Hierophant Publishing Market: World [P] 800 423 7087 / [F] 877 337 3309 / 37 Septemb byron katie er dvd / audio collection Introducing THE WORK of Byron Katie collection “Byron Katie’s Work is a great blessing for our planet.” —Eckhart Tolle “a spiritual innovator for the new millennium.” —Time magazine Byron Katie has one job: to teach people how to stop suffering. In 1986, at the bottom of a ten-year fall into depression, anger, and addiction, Byron Katie woke up one morning and realized that all suffering comes from believing our thoughts. She realized that when she believed her stressful thoughts, she suffered, but that when she questioned them, she didn’t suffer, and that this is true for every human being. Her simple but powerful method of inquiry is called The Work. The Work consists of four simple questions and a turnaround, which is a way of experiencing the opposite of what you believe. When you Work with a thought, you see around it to the choices beyond suffering. Katie has been bringing The Work to millions of people around the world for more than twenty years. Now, her DVDs, CDs, and Meditation Cards are being offered for the first time in the general book trade. Loving What Is Card Deck 52 Meditations on Reality Bryon Katie is known throughout the world for her clarity, humor, and open heart. Fifty-two of her most insightful and provocative sayings have been collected here in a deck of cards that can be carried anywhere and used at any time. It is Katie’s hope that by living with these insights, people will open more fully to their own truths and become lovers of what is. About the Author Byron Katie’s six books include the bestselling Loving What Is, I Need Your Love—Is That True?, and A Thousand Names for Joy. She resides in Ojai, California, with her husband Stephen Mitchell, and is the founder of the revolutionary process of self inquiry called The Work. Visit her at Available The Work of Byron Katie ISBN: 978-1-890246-51-8 52 Card Deck • $24.99 4.75 x 3.5 x 1.375 New Age Rights: Byron Katie International Market: World Author Residence: Ojai, CA 38 [P] 800 423 7087 / [F] 877 337 3309 / B yron K atie R E C E Nd Tv LdY/ audio P U B L I Scollection HED TITLES CDs and DVDs available from The Work of Byron Katie Live recording available on audio CD Abuse: What Forgiveness Really Looks Like 978-1-890246-12-9 1 CD $15.00 52 minutes “Being Gay is Unnatural” — Is It True? 978-1-890246-50-1 1 CD $15.00 39 minutes Parents Meet Their Children Through The Work 978-1-890246-44-0 1 CD $15.00 1 hour 5 minutes The Truth Behind Addictions 978-1-890246-14-3 3 CDs $34.00 2 hours 40 minutes A beautiful woman with a successful career, wonderful partner, and a second child on the way, has lived with memories of fear and violence since childhood. How does a person live with that kind of history? How can she let it go? Listen to Katie facilitate this woman and learn from her that you can know your own capacity to love rather than retreat into a shell. In this wonderfully intimate public session, Katie supports the inquiry of a gay man into his beliefs about himself and those around him. Taken from Byron Katie’s public events, parents and children use The Work to cut through the stressful thoughts that create family conflict. By questioning our stressful beliefs and turning them around, we can see beyond our hurtful assumptions about the people we live with. We can reclaim our right to a loving family. With Katie’s help, investigate the thinking that fuels addictive behavior. Ground-breaking for addicts and their families, and anyone interested in a life of greater freedom. Loving the One You’re With 978-1-890246-87-7 DVD $24.95 44 minutes “Being Gay Is Unnatural”— Is It True? 978-1-890246-49-5 DVD $19.95 39 minutes Prison of the Mind 978-1-890246-48-8 DVD $24.95 53 minutes Turn It Around 978-1-890246-45-7 DVD $19.99 58 minutes In this DVD, two dissatisfied women use The Work to question their unexamined thoughts about love. Watch as each one realizes how her partner is in fact her perfect mirror. And watch the amazing shift that occurs when you glimpse your true love, the one you’re always with - your own self. If you can’t love yourself, how can you love someone else? In this wonderfully intimate public session, Katie supports the inquiry of a gay man into his beliefs about himself and those around him. Byron Katie helps an inmate challenge his assumptions about his daughter. Produced by Jenny McCarthy, this film shows Katie doing The Work with a variety of people: a woman whose brother has been killed in Iraq, a woman terrified of getting her heart broken, a man who feels unattractive, a woman depressed because polar bears are starving, among others. With her humor and lovingly incisive clarity, Katie demonstrates to each of us how dramatically The Work can change your life. DVDs 12A_Interior.indd 39 [P] 800 423 7087 / [F] 877 337 3309 / 39 11/1/11 1:51:39 PM may DESTINED TO BECOME THE DEFINITIVE GUIDE TO REINCARNATION The Big Book of Reincarnation Examining the Evidence that We Have All Lived Before Roy Stemman The mystery of reincarnation has puzzled many different cultures throughout the centuries. What is reincarnation? Who will be reincarnated? What evidence is there for reincarnation? In this landmark work, Roy Stemman tackles these and other tough questions about the reincarnation phenomenon. About the Author Roy Stemman is an investigative journalist and publisher of Roy Stemman’s Paranormal Review He is also the author of One Soul, Many Lives (Ulysses Press, 2005). A self-described “skeptical believer,” Stemman examines the best case studies of reincarnation. From the mountains of Tibet and the bayous of Louisiana, and to the Lebanese school where an entire class of students are believed to have been reincarnated, Stemman leaves no stone unturned and no story uninvestigated in his quest to answer the question, “does reincarnation exist?” With his scientific approach, the author takes the reader deep into the lives of those affected by reincarnation; children who remember in detail their previous lives, their parents, their past-life parents and siblings and spouses. Stemman also investigates the leading theories posed by skeptics against reincarnation and evaluates them in terms of the cases that he himself has witnessed all over the world. The Big Book of Reincarnation is destined to become the definitive guide to reincarnation answer seekers. May Hierophant Publishing ISBN: 978-0-9818771-6-7 Paperback • $18.95 6 x 9 • Pages: 312 30 photographs New Age/Reincarnation Rights: Hierophant Publishing Market: World Author Residence: UK 40 Also from Hierophant Publishing Time Loops 978-0-98187-713-6 Hardcover $23.95 [P] 800 423 7087 / [F] 877 337 3309 / MAR C H DISCOVER THE TRUTH ABOUT HITLER’S DEATH AND POSSIBLE ESCAPE Ratline Soviet Spies, Nazi Priests, and the Disappearance of Adolf Hitler Peter Levenda Ratline is the documented history about the mechanisms by which thousands of other Nazi war criminals fled to the remotest parts of the globe—including quite possibly Adolf Hitler. It is a story involving Soviet spies, Nazi priests, and a network of Catholic monasteries and safe houses known as the ratline. The name of one priest in particular, Monsignor Draganovic, was discovered by the author in a diary found in Indonesia. Why would this name turn up in a document written in a spidery German hand in a remote island in Indonesia? As famed author Peter Levenda began his research, more information came to light: In December of 2009, it was revealed that the skull the Russians claimed was Hitler’s—salvaged from the bunker in 1945—was not that of Hitler! In 2010, files from the Office of Special Investigations of the Justice Department were declassified, revealing a history of American intelligence providing cover for Nazi war criminals. About the Author Peter Levenda is author of Unholy Alliance: A History of Nazi Involvement with the Occult. He has appeared numerous times in documentaries for The History Channel, The Discovery Channel, and in TNT’s documentary “The Faces of Evil.” He has also appeared on Coast to Coast with George Noory and Ian Punnett. The mystery deepened, and the author returned to his own roots hunting Nazis in North America, South America and Europe. He revisited old contacts, made some new ones, and gradually the explosive story was revealed: there is no forensic evidence to prove that Adolf Hitler died in the bunker in April 1945! Also by the author Tantric Temples 978-0-89254-169-0 Hardcover $65.00 March Ibis Press ISBN: 978-0-89254-170-6 Hardcover • $26.95 6 x 9 • Pages: 256 Black & white photographs History Rights: Nicolas-Hays, Inc. Market: World Author Residence: Florida [P] 800 423 7087 / [F] 877 337 3309 / 41 APRI L AN EXTENSIVE EXAMINATION OF THE HERMETIC TRADITION AND ITS ESOCTERIC BELIEFS The Hermetic Link From Secret Tradition to Modern Thought Jacob Slavenburg Hermes is the Greek god of the Word, of thought and magic, the swiftmoving messenger of the Divine and guardian of souls in the Afterlife. In Ancient Egypt he was the majestic god Thoth, the Recorder, the lord of measurement and science, the brother/husband of Isis. In Rome, he was of course Mercury, flying through the Empyrean at the speed of idea by the aid of his winged helmet and boots. About the Author: Jacob Slavenburg is a resident of the Netherlands. He holds a Ph.D. in cultural history and is the author of numerous books on the Hermetic Tradition and Gnostic Wisdom. His website is In this broad survey of the Hermetic arts, author Jacob Slavenburg brings an unparalleled depth of insight to the subject. He examines the historical Hermetic literature and details its relevance to modern occultism, from the symbolism of architecture and art to the mysteries of Freemasonry. The heavenly mysteries of astrology are explored as are the healing arts which derive from the spirit of scientific inquiry embodied by Thoth/Hermes. Slavenburg examines the magical writings of the Greek papyri and their development into the contemporary magical practices of modern adepts. He sheds light on the workings of alchemy and the esoteric philosophy to the world of modern chemistry and physics. He explores the origin of evil and the realm of the afterlife, and the Hermetic doctrines of reincarnation and karma. In addition, the author provides a wealth of biographical data on the magi of Hermeticsm, from Ficino to Agrippa, John Dee to Giordano Bruno. April Ibis Press ISBN: 978-0-89254-167-6 Paperback • $29.95 6 x 9 • Pages: 432 Color & BW photographs Philosophy/Occult Rights: Nicolas-Hays, Inc. Market: World Author Residence: Netherlands 42 Also from Ibis Press Pythagoras 978-0-89254-160-7 Paper $24.95 [P] 800 423 7087 / [F] 877 337 3309 / John Dee 978-0-89254-104-1 Hardcover $55.00 The Clavis or Key to the Magic of Solomon 978-0-89254-159-1 Hardcover $95.00 MA Y THE CLASSIC WORK ON THE MAGIC AND SCIENCE OF CRYSTALS BROUGHT BACK IN PRINT Crystals, Jewels, Stones Magic & Science Isidore Kozminsky Preface by Stuart Weinberg This book provides an exhaustive and comprehensive study of the lore and science of precious and semi-precious stones and crystals. Crystals have commanded the attention of thinkers, artists, mystics, magicians, astrologers, alchemists, and all who appreciate beauty. Intimately and mysteriously formed in the fires of Earth’s inner essence, what is the meaning of these exquisitely shaped and colored gifts of the sacred bounty of Nature. Occultist Isidore Kozminsky explores the use of precious and semiprecious stones in fields as far flung as healing and design, practical esoteric energy channeling and decoration, as well as in powerful magical talismans by which specific energies may be invoked, and as artistic objects of great beauty. Inspiring mythic tales are balanced with practical instructions and knowledge about the astrological sympathies of crystals and the energy work and healing properties associated with all the major categories of precious stones. From Plato to Leonardo da Vinci, Kozminsky traces crystal lore through the researches of astrologers, magi, alchemists and Hermetic philosophers—all of whom explored the use of stones in the Universal Order and Harmony of the natural world. Also from Ibis Press The Book of Abramelin 978-0-89254-127-0 Hardcover $45.00 Real Alchemy 978-0-89254-150-8 Paper $18.95 The Sixth and Seventh Books of Moses 978-0-89254-130-0 Hardcover $55.00 About the Authors Isidore Kozminsky (1870–1940) was an Australianborn occultist who moved to London in 1935. Reputed to have been a member of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, Kozminsky wrote extensively on Qabalah, Astrology, Numerology, Prophecy, and Precious Stones. This book is a reprint of his classic study, The Magic and Science of Jewels and Stones originally published in 1922. Stuart Weinberg is the proprietor of Seven Stars Bookstore in Cambridge, MA, which carries one of the finest collections of hand-picked precious stones and crystals. He shares his insights gained through his many years of buying, selling, and studying these magical objects. May Ibis Press ISBN: 978-0-89254-171-3 Hardcover • $24.95 6 x 9 • Pages: 464 Color photographs Crystals Rights: Nicolas-Hays, Inc. Market: World Author Residence: Deceased [P] 800 423 7087 / [F] 877 337 3309 / 43 APRI L REVEALS THE ANCIENT MYSTERY TEACHINGS OF MARY MAGDALENE The Magdalene Version Secret Wisdom from a Gnostic Mystery School Stuart Wilson and Joanna Prentis For the past twenty years, Stuart Wilson and Joanna Prentis have explored the early Essene community, the life of Jesus, and the power of the teachings of Mary Magdalene through the use of past life regression. In the course of these sessions, some fascinating previously unknown information emerged, including: About the Authors Stuart Wilson is a former publisher. He is a professional workshop leader and lives in Devon in England. Joanna Wilson is a therapist and collaborates with Wilson in running the Starlight Centre in Devon. April Ozark Mountain Publishing ISBN: 978-1-886940-29-1 Paperback • $13.00 5.5 x 8.5 • Pages: 125 Ancient Mystery Rights: Ozark Mountain Market: North America Authors Residences: England 44 • Jesus survived his crucifixion and was spirited away from the tomb. • There were a number women disciples led by Mary Magdalene. • The secret role of the Order of Melchizedek in the Essene Community. • Jesus did not stand alone, but had the full backing of the Essene community, led by Joseph of Arimathea. Expanding on the information conveyed in their first two books, The Essenes and Power of the Magdalene, Wilson fully explores, with the assistance of the Essenes, the ancient mystery teachings of Mary Magdalene and Jesus that have never been revealed before. We have the authentic voice of Mary Magdalene speaking at length within Gatherings of the Mystery School she led on the island of Cyprus. In addition, Wilson explores first century Gnosticism. With clarity, he demonstrates that rather than being a Christian heresy, Gnosticism was a spiritual path in its own right—a path that developed on a parallel track to first century Christian orthodoxy. Also by the author The Essenes: Children of the Light 978-1-886940-87-1 Paper $15.50 [P] 800 423 7087 / [F] 877 337 3309 / Power of the Magdalene 978-1-886940-59-8 Paper $15.00 Beyond Limitations 978-1-886940-66-6 Paper $14.00 Atlantis and the New Consciousness 978-1-886940-20-8 Paper $16.00 MA Y DISCOVER THE LIBERATING FORCE OF EMOTION AND THE POWER OF THE SOUL The Liberating Power of Emotions Understanding Our Emotional Purpose and Power Riet Okken One of the perennial struggles of humanity has been the attempt to balance our rational and emotional selves. Generally, people have dealt with their feelings in one of two ways: venting and suppressing. In this book psychotherapist Riet Okken describes a third way: the way of healthy emotional management. She has devised a model for emotional and spiritual health that involves releasing both emotions and our connection to ego and discovering our divine core. Okken describes a concrete path that will enable readers to free themselves from ego and banish depression, jealously, burnout, shame, guilt and addiction. By processing and coming to terms with one’s underlying emotions, one moves to a place of awareness and realization of the soul qualities that are found in all of the great religious traditions: joy, freedom, confidence, creativity, vitality, and fullness of life. About the Author Riet Okken is a psychotherapist. She lives in the Netherlands. In this comprehensive and practical guide, Okken combines her profound knowledge of psychotherapy with her years of therapeutic experience. Filled with case studies and practical tips, it is a wise and friendly guide that will lead seekers to a place of freedom and bliss. Related backlist Angels 978-1-886940-78-9 Paper $14.00 Discover the Universe Within You 978-1-886940-96-3 Paper $14.50 Evolution of the Spirit 978-1-886940-74-1 Paper $16.00 Journey Through Fear 978-1-886940-57-4 Paper $14.00 May Ozark Mountain Publishing ISBN: 978-1-886940-56-7 Paperback • $16.00 5.5 x 8.5 • Pages: 350 9 Illustrations Self-Help Rights: Ozark Mountain Market: North America Author Residence: Netherlands [P] 800 423 7087 / [F] 877 337 3309 / 45 J UNE A MOTHER’S STORY OF RENEWAL AND TRANSFORMATION AFTER HER DAUGHTER’S MURDER Payment for Passage A Story of Renewal and Transformation Janie Wells In 2001, Janie Wells’ 30 year-old daughter, Joann, was brutally murdered. Within days of burying her daughter, she came to the realization that the way she handled this loss would determine her soul’s destination in powerful ways. This profoundly moving book chronicles a mother’s grief, the powerful ways in which she heals, and the growing realization that we are never separated from those we love. Even in death, our loved ones are present and exercise a power for good in our lives. About the Author: Janie Wells is a mother, teacher and webmaster for a large school system near Nashville, Tennessee. She is a motivational speaker for civic organizations and participates in capital defense training, university law student instruction, and was one of the keynote speakers in the 2009 Virginia Bar Association’s Annual Capital Defense Conference and the 11th Annual Gulf States Victim Witness and Law Enforcement Conference. June Ozark Mountain Publishing ISBN: 978-1-886940-28-4 Paperback • $12.00 5.5 x 8.5 • Pages: 100 Life After Death Rights: Ozark Mountain Market: North America Author Residence: Tennessee 46 Drawn from her own journal, Joann’s journal, and interviews with friends and relatives, this is a book of powerful inspiration and practical steps one can take to become like a phoenix rising from the ashes of their seemingly destroyed life. Related backlist Divinity Factor 978-1-886940-91-8 Paper $14.50 [P] 800 423 7087 / [F] 877 337 3309 / The Enchanted Garden 978-1-886940-75-8 Paper $12.00 A Journey Into Being 978-1-886940-94-9 Paper $14.00 Luck Doesn’t Happen By Chance 978-1-886940-05-5 Paper $8.00 MAR C H A recounting of a NDE from a civilian employee of the US Army Corp of Engineers in Iraq Application of Impossible Things A Near Death Experience in Iraq Natalie Sudman This is an amazing true story of a female civilian employee of the Army Corps of Engineers in Basrah and Nasiriyah, Iraq. She was riding in a truck with other men when a roadside bomb destroyed the vehicle. Her body was so severely damaged that there was no possible way she could live. She vividly recounts her Near Death Experience when she went out of the body to the spirit world. There it was decided that her work on Earth was not done and with the help of spirit guides, they repaired the body so she could reenter it. She retained the conscious memory of what happened and during the time in the hospital, more details returned. This is the amazing story of a survival in wartime conditions. This has happened to many others in Iraq, but how many remember the spirit side of the experience? About the Author Natalie Sudman was archaeologist for the Bureau of Land Management and later worked for the US Army Corp of Engineers in Irag. She was awarded a Defense of Freedom medal in 2008. Before this experience, Sudman was dubious about anything that smacked of the paranormal. This experience made her a believer. She shares her story here for the first time to demonstrate that the paranormal is normal and to assist others who have had similar experiences. This is a book for anyone interested in near death experiences and out of body experiences. It is one of the first such books to come out of the Iraq conflict. Related backlist Live From the Other Side 978-1-886940-71-0 Paper $12.00 Past Life Memories as a Confederate Soldier 978-1-886940-84-0 Paper $13.50 Seeds of the Soul 978-1-886940-54-3 Paper $14.00 You Were Destined to be Together 978-1-886940-73-4 Paper $14.00 March Ozark Mountain Publishing ISBN: 978-1-886940-24-6 Paperback • $14.00 5.5 x 8.5 • Pages: 128 New Age Rights: Ozark Mountain Market: North America [P] 800 423 7087 / [F] 877 337 3309 / 47 March/APRIL And Jesus Said: A Conversation A Collection of Channeled Sessions and Insight into His Last Incarnation Henry Michaelson This book is a series of question and answer sessions that the author had with the entity who was Jesus of Nazareth in his last incarnation on earth. During one of his daily meditation sessions in the mid-1980s, Henry Michaelson was contacted by Jesus and among the topics that discussed and presented in this book are: Why we feel disconnected from The Source, the meaning of karma, and the true meaning of the Crucifixion and Resurrection. March Ozark Mountain Publishing, Inc. ISBN: 978-1-886940-31-4 Paperback • $12.50 • 5.5 x 8.5 Pages: 136 • New Age Rights: Ozark Mountain Market: North America Related backlist The Healing Christ 978-1-886940-69-7 Paper $14.00 Holiday in Heaven 978-1-886940-85-7 Paper $14.00 The Science of Knowledge 978-1-886940-55-0 Paper $16.00 Thirty Miracles in Thirty Days 978-1-886940-65-9 Paper $15.00 Sleep Magic Surrendering to Success Victoria Pendragon This is a spiritual book that enables you to use your dreams to reprogram your brain to experience healing and to manifest your true self. April Ozark Mountain Publishing ISBN: 978-1-886940-27-7 Paperback • $12.00 • 5.5 x 8.5 Pages: 100 • Self-Help Rights: Ozark Mountain Market: North America 48 New Thought minister, Victoria Pendragon developed this program after being diagnosed with progressive systemic sclerosis—a painful, debilitating, disfiguring, and fatal illness. In the course of her illness, she developed her “SleepWork” program that contributed to her healing and almost complete recovery from sclerosis. \\ About the Author: Victoria Pendragon is an ordained New Thought minister, teacher and speaker. She lives in West Virginia. You can find her at [P] 800 423 7087 / [F] 877 337 3309 / MAR C H REVEALS WHY THE UNIVERSE AND LIFE ON EARTH HAVE DEVELOPED Kosmos An Evolutionary and Wholistic Account of Creation Dennis Milner In this book Dennis Milner proposes that our Universe is part of a living, evolving “Kosmos” that “started life” as an unconscious state of dormant energy. This energy stirred into activity and out of this activity there has arisen a succession of Universes, in which the Kosmos expresses and experiences itself. This desire to express and experience itself in ever-greater diversity is what causes all the developments that take place in the Kosmos. The scientific investigations have shown how the Universe and life on Earth have developed, the Kosmos viewpoint shows why it has all happened in the way that it has and the meaning and purpose behind it all. It offers new insights into: • • • • • • About the Author Dr. Dennis Milner, D.Sc. F.I.M. F.Inst. P. C.Eng. joined the Department of Industrial Metallurgy at Birmingham University in 1952 after qualifying in physics and physics of materials and spending a few years in industry. He lives in England. The Creation versus Evolution controversy The nature of ”God” and Intelligent Design The Big Bang theory of the creation of our Universe The nature of atoms The development of shape and form in the natural world The meaning and purpose of our lives Related backlist Let’s Get Natural with Herbs 978-1-886940-95-6 Paper $25.00 Out of the Archives Earth Changes 978-1-886940-13-0 Paper $15.00 Seeing True 978-1-886940-80-2 Paper $13.50 Why? Answers to Life’s Questions 978-1-886940-67-3 Paper $13.00 March Ozark Mountain Publishing ISBN: 978-1-886940-30-7 Paperback • $25.00 8.5 x 11 • Pages: 464 New Age Rights: Ozark Mountain Market: North America Author Residence: England [P] 800 423 7087 / [F] 877 337 3309 / 49 AVA I L A B L E N OW The Big E Everything is Energy Jarrad Hewett and Dee Wallace This book shows you exactly why things happen the way they do (and even better, how to change them). Join Jarrad Hewett and Dee Wallace as they take a hilarious yet profound look at things we tell ourselves everyday, from “No pain, no gain” to “That’s just the way it is,” and show how to create anything we want by unleashing the power of your own energy! Available Ozark Mountain Publishing ISBN: 978-1-886940-25-3 Paperback • $15.00 • 5.5 x 8.5 Pages: 224 • New Age Rights: Ozark Mountain Market: North America “Jarrad and Dee have come up with wonderful and hilarious illustrations of counter intentions. In The Big E, they have literally broken down the process of attraction to show you just how thoughts create. The best part? They’ve managed to do it using words and thoughts we use every single day.” —Dr. Joe Vitale, best selling author of Zero Limits and featured star of The Secret About the Authors Jarrard Hewett is a spiritual author who seeks to empower others by sharing his personal humor and insight. Visit him at Dee Wallace has over 100 television and film credits to her name including such classics as E.T., The Hills Have Eyes, The Howling, and Cujo. She is also the host of the popular “Conscious Creation Radio” show. Visit her at Conscious Creation Directing Energy to Get the Life You Want Dee Wallace We are all creating every moment we are alive. Every thought, belief and action is a creation. But most of us are not choosing the majority of things that are actually creating our lives. Dee Wallace shows that “Conscious Creation” is easy. But we must choose to love ourselves enough to live consciously in the magnificence of who we truly are. We are here to be happy. When we consciously choose to live in love, celebrate our power, demonstrate our abundance and contribute positively to the Creative Force, there is nothing we cannot experience as joy and success. Available Ozark Mountain Publishing ISBN: 978-1-886940-26-0 Paperback • $14.00 • 5.5 x 8.5 Pages: 160 • New Age Rights: Ozark Mountain Market: North America 50 12A_Interior.indd 50 [P] 800 423 7087 / [F] 877 337 3309 / 11/1/11 3:03:08 PM A V AI LS Ae Bp Lt eE mNO b eW r Soul to Soul Fourteen Gatherings for Reflection and Sharing Christine Robinson and Alicia Hawkins Soul to Soul continues on the vibrant small group gatherings of the author’s previous work Heart to Heart. This elegant program guide for spiritual sharing offers small groups the opportunity to connect through readings, journaling assignments, and thought-provoking exercises on topics ranging from forgiveness and loss to nature, money and friendship. An easy-to-use handbook for both leaders and participants, Soul to Soul offers exercises for personal contemplation before each meeting and outlines a program for sharing these reflections in a small group. It presents a model for careful, uninterrupted listening that allows participants to feel truly heard. Available Skinner House Books ISBN: 978-1-55896-649-9 Paperback • $14.00 • 5.5 x 8.5 Pages: 112 • Spirituality Rights: Skinner House Books Market: World Listening Against the Stone Meditations Brenda Miller Listening Against the Stone brings together selections spanning the breadth of the work of Brenda Miller, including six essays that have won the Pushcart Prize. These deeply personal essays paint a picture of how her sense of spirituality has evolved and shifted through the years: always rooted in a strong desire for connection. Together, they tell the story of a single woman her way, stumbling but always seeking out touchstones—a dog, a friend, a painting, a tree—to help her gain her true bearings. Available Skinner House Books ISBN: 978-1-55896-643-7 Paperback • $14.00 • 5.5 x 8.5 Pages: 248 • Spirituality Rights: Skinner House Books Market: World [P] 800 423 7087 / [F] 877 337 3309 / 51 APRI L Use ancient Chinese wisdom to unlock your DigitalDNA and discover your true character Hon-Sho A Modern Manual for Digital Divination Dr. Kevin Wilson About the Author Dr. Kevin Wilson is a former stockbroker and investment banker who lectures successfully throughout the world teaching basic finance to the non-financially minded. He has immersed himself in ancient Chinese history and its early philosophy in order to provide a bridge to reconnect people who live in the digital era with nature and to give them the opportunity for self-reflection. He has devised Hon-Sho to achieve this objective. Hon-Sho is not a horoscope. It’s a fusion of numerology and ancient Chinese oracle reading. It draws upon a fount of Chinese wisdom known as the Yi Jing (Book of Changes). But it’s different from anything that has preceded it because it’s not random and it gets personal. Use Hon-Sho to identify your own Digital-DNA, a simple label which reveals your personal Chinese character reading. This unique fingerprint is then used to capture coincidence at any moment in time and deliver a reading personal to you every day. Use it as a form of reassurance, or personal counseling, or for just a moment of quiet reflection. Hon-Sho is a convenient handbook with everything explained to help your decision-making on a daily basis. The lives of many people have already been changed by Hon-Sho’s revealing insights—now it’s your turn. April Connections ISBN: 978-1-85906-340-8 Paperback • $18.95 7 x 7 • Pages: 256 Illustrated throughout New Age/Divination Rights: Connections Market: North America Author Residence: UK 52 [P] 800 423 7087 / [F] 877 337 3309 / MAR C H Uses all five senses to spice up your relationship Arousal Stimulate All Your Senses Emily Dubberley Emily Dubberley’s Book-In-A-Box titles—Sex Play, More Sex Play, Fantasy Sex, Seduction Box, and Hot Sex—have been the most successful in the series, with total sales to date of over 600,000 copies in 11 countries. Now comes Arousal, guaranteed to excite her hundreds of thousands of enthusiastic readers around the world even more. Arousal presents 50 innovative and exciting games and top tips to gently and slowly tease your lover, using all five senses: sight, hearing, smell, taste and touch. You can work your way through the fun ideas in order, or you can use the senses wheel to help get you started, to add an element of surprise to your lovemaking. And the silky scarf will bring an extra sensuous touch to proceedings. About the Author Emily Dubberley studied psychology, specializing in sexuality. She is the editor of the gentlemen’s magazine Knave and the founding editor of Scarlet, a sex magazine for women. She has also written for publications including FHM, More, Elle, Men’s Health, Forum, The Guardian, Penthouse, the Daily Star, and Glamour. Included is a sensuous silky scarf and senses wheel. Also by the author More Sex Play 978-1-85906-211-1 Kit $14.95 Sex Tips 978-1-85906-256-2 Kit $14.95 Hot Sex 978-1-85906-317-0 Kit $14.95 Fantasy Sex 978-1-85906-272-2 Kit $14.95 March Book-In-A-Box ISBN: 978-1-85906-342-2 Kit/Paperback • $14.95 3.5 x 3.5 x 3.5 • Pages: 240 Sex Rights: Connections Market: North America Author Residence: UK [P] 800 423 7087 / [F] 877 337 3309 / 53 MAR C H OLYPMIC THEMED BRAIN EXCERCISES Sporting Brain Games 100 Puzzles and Tests to Keep You On Your Toes Charles Phillips About the Author Charles Phillips is a prolific author specializing in popular history, mythology, cinema and arts, popular science, popular psychology and MBS titles. He is also a passionate puzzler and sports trivia fan. He also contributed to the Reader’s Digest Compendium of Puzzles and Brain Teasers (2000). This puzzle book with a difference is crammed with athletic challenges to get you in the sporting mood. Every category is covered—Track and Field, Gymnastics, General and Winter Sports plus Aquatics. These are puzzles to make your brain perform—each category is graded with easy, medium and difficult levels, and each puzzle has a time to beat. Work your way through this brain-training program, score your answers and see if you deserve a gold, silver or bronze medal. Throughout, the intriguing trivia will ensure your sporting knowledge assumes Olympic proportions! Also by the author March Connections ISBN: 978-1-85906-343-9 Paperback • $11.95 5 x 7.25 • Pages: 144 Illustrated throughout Trivia/Games Rights: Connections Market: North America Author Residence: London, UK 54 50 Puzzles for Creative Thinking 978-1-85906-284-5 Paper $8.95 50 Puzzles for Logical Thinking 978-1-85906-285-2 Paper $8.95 [P] 800 423 7087 / [F] 877 337 3309 / 50 Puzzles for Quick Thinking 978-1-85906-304-0 Paper $8.95 50 Puzzles for Tactical Thinking 978-1-85906-305-7 Paper $8.95 50 Puzzles for Lateral Thinking 978-1-85906-283-8 Paper $8.95 50 Puzzles for Visual Thinking 978-1-85906-306-4 Paper $8.95 MAR C H DISCOVER THE TEN TACTICS FOR GETTING WHAT YOU WANT IN ANY SITUATION Tactics 10 Success Strategies for Young Professionals Jan Zuchowski Some people seem to have a lucky streak and are successful at whatever they do. But it’s not luck that has brought them success—it’s the tactics they use. Acclaimed business strategist and trainer Jan Zuchowski explains that it is the way you think, how you plan and what action you take that determines how well you achieve your goals. His top ten tactics are designed to focus your ambition and help you achieve positive results in every area of your life. You’ll be amazed at what you can achieve. Included throughout the book are examples and exercises. Zuchowski’s Tactics: • • • • • • • • • • Decide What You Want Walk the Walk Confront Your Fears Understand Power Practice Persuasion Use Smart Thinking Build your Teams Inspire Confidence Communicate Results Commit to Change About the Author Jan Zuchowski is an acknowledged inspirational trainer and coach, and an expert in business psychology and communication skills. Jan lives in London and travels regularly to the United States, working with both corporate and private clients to encourage their capabilities and stimulate their success. March Connections ISBN: 978-1-85906-341-5 Paperback • $14.95 7 x 8.25 • Pages: 160 Self-Help Rights: Connections Market: North America Author Residence: London, UK [P] 800 423 7087 / [F] 877 337 3309 / 55 RE C EN T L Y PU B L I S H E D T I T L E S - c o n a r i Breast Cancer: 50 Essential Things You Can Do Greg Anderson Foreword by Christiane Northrup, MD ISBN: 978-1-57324-536-4 Paperback • $16.95 5.5 x 8.5 • Pages: 304 Why We Love Dogs, Eat Pigs, and Wear Cows Melanie Joy, PhD ISBN: 978-1-57324-505-0 Paperback • $16.95 5.5 x 8.5 • Pages: 208 After Schizophrenia Margaret Hawkins ISBN: 978-1-57324-535-7 Paperback • $16.95 5.5 x 8.5 • Pages: 256 The Intervention Book Kathy L. ISBN: 978-1-57324-495-4 Paperback • $16.95 5.5 x 8.5 • Pages: 256 Moms to Moms Barbara Joy ISBN: 978-1-57324-483-1 Paperback • $16.95 5.5 x 8.5 • Pages: 192 Addiction & Grief Barb Rogers ISBN: 978-1-57324-516-6 Paperback • $14.95 5.5 x 8.5 • Pages: 144 56 [P] 800 423 7087 / [F] 877 337 3309 / RE C EN T L Y PU B L I S H E D T I T L E S - c o n a r i A Grateful Heart M.J. Ryan, Editor ISBN: 978-1-57324-537-1 Hardcover • $16.95 5.25 x 7.25 • Pages: 280 When You Think You’re Not Enough Daphne Rose Kingma ISBN: 978-1-57324-534-0 Paperback • $14.95 5.5 x 8.5 • Pages: 176 The Book of Awakening Gift Edition Mark Nepo ISBN: 978-1-57324-538-8 Hardcover • $24.95 5 x 9.25 • Pages: 456 Going Places Mina Parker, Photographs by Daniel Talbott ISBN: 978-1-57324-518-0 Hardcover • $14.95 6 x 6 • Pages: 96 The 12 Secrets of Highly Creative Women Gail McMeekin ISBN: 978-1-57324-533-3 Paperback • $17.95 7 x 9 • Pages: 256 The 12 Secrets of Highly Creative Women Journal Gail McMeekin ISBN: 978-1-57324-494-7 Paperback • $17.95 7 x 9 • Pages: 192 [P] 800 423 7087 / [F] 877 337 3309 / 57 RE C EN T L Y PU B L I S H E D T I T L E S - w e i s e r Surfing Aquarius Dan Furst ISBN: 978-1-57863-501-6 Paperback • $21.95 6 x 9 • Pages: 320 Who Are You in the Tarot? Mary K. Greer ISBN: 978-1-57863-493-4 Paperback • $21.95 7 x 9 • Pages: 288 The Hollow Bone Colleen Deatsman ISBN: 978-1-57863-498-9 Paperback • $16.95 5.5 x 8.5 • Pages: 208 A Magical Tour of the Night Sky Renna Shesso ISBN: 978-1-57863-495-8 Paperback • $19.95 7 x 9 • Pages: 272 Touching the Light Meg Blackburn Losey, PhD ISBN: 978-1-57863-462-0 Paperback • $28.00 7 x 9 • Pages: 312 The Seeker, the Search, the Sacred Guy Finley ISBN: 978-1-57863-502-3 Hardcover • $16.95 5 x 7 • Pages: 160 58 [P] 800 423 7087 / [F] 877 337 3309 / RE C EN T L Y PU B L I S H E D T I T L E S - w e i s e r / h a m t p t o n r o a ds Coventry Magic Jacki Smith ISBN: 978-1-57863-510-8 Paperback • $21.95 7 x 9 • Pages: 256 Casting Sacred Space Ivo Dominguez, Jr. Foreword by T. 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