Squirt Registration


Squirt Registration
2016 Spring Squirt
Hockey League
Aspen Ice is forming a 2016 Spring Squirt Hockey League. Each team will play a 12 game season plus playoffs.
Most games played on Mondays early evening with a few Saturday games.
Play at the 2016-17 level of play
The season starts in late April and runs to the end of June. A 15 player roster limit per team - top four teams in
each division will playoff for the championship. Tied games will be decided
For players with
with a shootout. Home team provides timekeeper.
Individual sign-ups will be put on a Hockey Boss team in each division.
Individual Player Registration - 275
'06- '07 birth years
'08 (with league approval)
Play starts week of April 18th
Players name: _________________________________________________________ Date of Birth: _______________
Address: _______________________________________ City:_______________________ State:______ Zip: ______________
Home # _____________________________________________ Cell # ______________________________________________
E-Mail address ________________________________________ USA Hockey Confirmation # ____________________________
Last years Team & Level _________________________________
Because we reserve and hold a place in this league for each participant, there are NO REFUNDS or makeup’s for this
Having full knowledge and understanding of the nature of the activity and the hazards involved, I hereby certify that I have
personal Medical Insurance coverage for any “bodily injury” that may occur and assume full responsibility for all losses and
injuries sustained while involved in this activity as it relates to this facility. I also hold harmless Aspen Ice, its insurers, the
management, staff employees, officers, board of directors, and any of its associates from any claim related thereto.
Parent/Guardian ________________________________Date_________
Team Entry Registration - $3,500
Teams register by April 5th
Play starts week of April 18th
Team name: _______________________________________________________________________________________________
Coach’s name ______________________________________ Managers’ name _____________________________________
City: __________________________________________________________ State: ___________ Zip: ____________________
Home #_____________________________________________ Cell #_______________________________
E-Mail address ____________________________________________________________________________________________
Each player must provide USA Hockey Confirmation # ________________________________
Method of payment
Check (payable to Aspen Ice and mail to: Aspen Ice • 16 Aspen Drive, Randolph, NJ 07869)
Credit Card # _________________________________________________________________ Exp. Date ____________________ CVC __________________
Name on Card _______________________________________________ Address ___________________________________________________________________
Sorry, we do not accept Discover Cards
Call for more information 973-927-9122 ext. 118
email hockey@aspen-ice.com • fax 973-927-9123