AHAA 01-09 - Arkansas Hospital Association


AHAA 01-09 - Arkansas Hospital Association
AHAA Auxiliaries in Action
Published Bi-Monthly for the Arkansas Hospital Auxiliary Association
Betty Spencer
Auxiliary President
2358 Oyler Rd
Clinton, AR 72031-6283
Carolyn Hannon
Baxter Regional Medical Center
1205 Meadowbrook Dr
Mountain Home, AR 72653
Vern E. Truitt
Crittenden Regional Hospital
531 S. 16th Street
West Memphis, AR 72301
Theresa Erwin
Mena Regional Health System
207 Chaparral Lane
Mena, AR 71953
Darlene Tuohy
Mercy Medical Center
17 Tanyard Drive
Bella Vista, AR 72714
Lynn Smith
Medical Center of South Arkansas
250 Forrest Lake Dr
El Dorado, AR 71730-8068
Pat Heinz
Saline Memorial Hospital
18704 North Sardis Road
Mabelvale, AR 72103
(501) 847-0987
The Way to A Happy New Year
To leave the old with a burst of song; to recall the right and to forgive
the wrong. To forget the things that bind you fast to the vain regrets
of the year that’s past. To have the strength to let go your hold of the
not worthwhile of days of old. To dare go forth with a purpose true,
to the unknown task of the year that’s new. To help your brother
along the road, to do his work and lift his load. To add your gift to
the world’s good cheer, is to have and to give a “Happy New Year.”
“Happy New Year”
I know that you have all been extremely busy during these past two
months. In my hospital it is the busiest time of the year because of
sales and fundraisers that only happen during the holiday time. Now
take a deep breath and begin the New Year with the desire to be the
best you can be. In my experience the way to recruit new members to
the auxiliary is to speak to them one on one. We have been told over
and over that you need to know our hospital’s story. I would
encourage you to take the time to get the story written down so it can
be shared with everyone in the auxiliary as well as potential auxiliary
members. It is always a good idea to add a personal note. Share a
time or event that touched your heart and made you aware of the real
reason that you volunteer your valuable time and talents to you
auxiliary. We need to be concentrating on recruitment this year. Our
goal is to increase our membership across the State by 10%.
As I write this note we are preparing for Legislative Training Day on
January 20 at the Double Tree in Little Rock. Theda Aud has done a
great job lining up speakers and it will be a very productive day. I
hope to see a representative from each of the auxiliaries there. It is
important to remember this not a social time but a time to learn, ask
questions and take the information back to your local auxiliaries to
Volunteers serve their community with a sincere Compassion, with a
positive Attitude, with Respect for our neighbor’s feelings, and with
a huge amount of Enthusiasm. What better way to spend the time
allotted to us on earth.
Rejoice in the Opportunity to Serve Everyone.
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Although death has separated us physically, faith and love have bound us eternally.
Though we cannot see you, we know you are here. Though we cannot touch you, we feel
the warmth of your smile. You have shaped our character, molded our spirits and touched
our hearts. You have made an everlasting impact on our lives.
Baxter Regional Medical Center
Murray Bridges
Robert Fountain
Mary McAeliff
Pat Seebauer
Dee Stolle
Jack Weigel
Shirley Widmer
Ouachita County Medical Center-Camden
Jessye Lynn Wood
Gertrude Moore
Summit Medical Center
Sue Rainwater
“I wish to thank all those who made memorials, sent plants, cards, e-mails, and made
calls during my recent loss. He was one of a kind, loved people and loved knowing and
working with all of you. My heartfelt thanks… for all of your outpouring of love and
concern.” Dorothy Spencer
Please submit the following information so that we may memorialize your Auxiliary members in the AHAA
AUXILIARY MEMBER(S) ______________________________________________________________________
Mail to: Lynn Smith
250 Forest Lake Dr.
El Dorado, AR 71730
“To the world you may be one person, but to one person you may be the world.”
Arkansas Department of Health and Human Services Division of Volunteerism
offers “free” services to volunteer groups.
Check out their website www.state.ar.us./dhs/adov or call (800) 482-5850 ext 2-7540 or
(501) 682-7540
Free services include:
¾ Volunteer Recognition: DOV provides certificates, Governor’s letters, and
recognition bookmarks to organizations across the state. A recognition packet is
provided on request.
¾ Training (sample of some trainings offered)
•Fund Raising
•Volunteer Management 101
•Recruiting, Retaining, and Recognizing Volunteers
•Effective Committee Involvement
Sherry Middleton, Director, AR Dept. of Health and Human Services Division of
Volunteerism spoke at AHAA Board Meeting on 1/8/09. The Board voted to provide
AHAA 2008 volunteer hours to Division of Volunteerism for publication in Economic
Impact magazine. Please note: Your Auxiliary totals (that are printed in 2008-2009
AHAA Handbook) will be submitted for you.
The estimated dollar value of your 2007 volunteer hours was $18.77 per hour.
May each of us start our new year with this prayer on our lips and a smile on our face.
As volunteers our paths cross daily with sick and hurting people in hospitals around
the State. “Always be a little kinder than necessary.”
Yellow Rose Meaning: To Care
Each petal of the rose represents you, the individual auxiliary member.
Each single rose represents your auxiliary. Each rose bouquet represents your district.
Combined rose bouquets represent your state.
The newsletter may be accessed through the Arkansas Hospital
Association’s Web page. That Web address is: www.arkhospitals.org. Near
the bottom of the page you will find the following:
At that Web page, click on the Arkansas state outline, as shown above.
From there you will go to the page where you may choose which
newsletter issue you want to see. You may view and print the newsletter.
AHAA State Board Meeting
March 12, 2009
AHA Headquarters
Little Rock, AR
District Nomination Form with Consent to Serve – 2 pages
• Administrator Signature Required
• Return to your District Chair prior to 3/15/09
2009 Spring District Meetings *
April 14
April 15
April 16
North Central
Eureka Springs
April 17
April 20
April 21
April 22
West Memphis
Little Rock
*Auxiliary President’s Report – 1 page
Take 2 copies to Spring District Meeting
Remit to: District Chair and AHAA President-elect…at the District Meeting
2009 AHAA Forms have been given to District Chairs for distribution to
all auxiliary presidents. Please discard any old forms…the forms have
VENDORS…your key to sales…..
If you have a vendor that you would like to have an invitation extended to
2009 AHAA vendors mall….please submit name and contact information to
Convention Vendor co-chairs or have vendor contact one of these ladies.
Peg Kuhnly
Dorothy Tyrity
(501) 922-5752
(501) 624-2451
Steven Gregory, District Chairman
Arkansas Children’s Hospital-Little Rock – We have completed two big
fundraisers since our last meeting…the ACH Holiday Cards and the Miracle
Ball. I will have totals later in the week but we are very excited to have had
another successful year! Our Miracle Ball netted $285,000. We will be
working on a transition of ACH Volunteers vs. Auxiliary (fundraising) in the
near future. Per Debbie Jines, President
Baptist Health-Little Rock – The BH-Little Rock Auxiliary has been busy,
as usual. As has been an annual for several years, we sold Christmas lights
on the outside Christmas tree in the front of the hospital in honor of or in
memory of friends, family, and loved ones. We had the Christmas carols,
punch, cookies, and lots of good fellowship with friends. **We were elated
to take part again this year for second time in the Baptist Health Schools of
Nursing and Allied Health graduation ceremonies at Barton Coliseum as we
honored the graduates from each School who were voted on by the students
as the outstanding student. We also honored the student who was chosen as
the outstanding student by the faculty of the LPN School. **As always,
favors were given for Thanksgiving and Christmas to each patient on his or
her meal tray. A volunteer would help take the favors into the rooms and
visit with the patient, if appropriate. Everyone, the volunteers and the
patients, seemed to enjoy the interaction during this busy time of the year
when we are thinking of others and showing our gratitude for family,
friends, and even new acquaintances. ** We have had a good year at Baptist
Health-Little Rock Auxiliary, and we look forward to an even better 2009.
Per Sharon Heflin, President
North Metro Medical Center-Jacksonville – is in a transition period with
new hospital ownership. Per Ann Lucas, President
Saline Memorial Hospital-Benton – We had our volunteer Christmas party
on December 19 with cash BINGO for entertainment. **Our Auxiliary
recently donated another defibrillator for use within the hospital by the
Rapid Response Team. This now makes nine--the other eight were given to
Saline County schools. * Saline Memorial recently opened a new (greatly
expanded) Heart Cath Lab in which our Auxiliary donated $10,000 towards
the completion. And a short-stay observation unit. ** We will begin offering
in-patient dialysis for kidney patients beginning in February. Per Alice
Meeker, President
St. Anthony’s Medical Center – Our Foundation sponsors the “Love
Lights a Tree” program, and at the tree lighting ceremony which is held on
the front lawn of the hospital, we served hot chocolate, hot cider and the
cookies the auxiliary members provided. ** Our hospital treated the
volunteers to a Christmas Breakfast which was served by our CEO and some
doctors. A gift was presented to all volunteers. After the meal we presented
our check for $30,000 to Christy Hockaday, CEO, for the funds that we
raised for the renovation of our patient rooms. ** We sold tickets for a
drawing for Christmas Basket (valued at $300), which contained a whole
Petit Jean ham, dessert and bread a month for six months, and numerous
other items which was great fund raiser. That takes us up to date so now we
will have to come up with more ideas for fund raisers for the New Year. Per
Delores Hartman, President
Kathy Gammill, District Chairman
Baptist Health Medical Center-Heber Springs – We have had a very
successful and profitable 2008! We proudly earned and paid $10,000 for a
PIC Line for the hospital. We won the Five Star Award for State. We also
won two District Awards: In the Spring for the Look Good Feel Better
Program and in the Fall for the Dolls and Puppets for the ER project. ** For
those of you around the state who wish to visit us, our meetings will still be
on the third Tuesday of each month, but the time will be changed to 2:30 pm
in 2009. Per Carol Aldridge, Newsletter Editor
Baxter Regional Medical Center-Mt. Home – During the month of
November at our General Meeting there was “Sharing the Harvest.” Each
attendee brought boxes of cereal to donate to the hospital food drive. We had
a 2-day Jewelry Express Sale. Our Pink-a-dilly Gift Shop participated in the
MT. Home Jr. Auxiliary sponsored “Frosty Festival, whereby various
businesses offer sales to the public for Christmas. * In December, we
surpassed our 2008 goal for volunteer hours of 90,000 by logging in over
100,000 hours for the year. Our second annual Christmas Wreath Decorating
Contest and Silent Auction was held. Each department at BRMC was given
an artificial wreath to decorate. We had over 80 wreaths submitted for the
contest, our highest bid on one wreath was $185. We also offered our
Community Christmas Tree Project. located outside the BRMC Main
Entrance, this tree is lit ($5 each) for donations to honor and remember
special people. Another one of our popular fundraisers within our medical
center is our Gift Wrap Service. This is offered from December 1 to
December 24 and for a nominal fee, the auxiliary will wrap your gifts for
you. Per Sharon Huffmire, President
Harris Hospital-Newport – Thirteen active members which includes one
new member.
Ozark Health Medical Center-Clinton – We had the usual fund-raisers
during the holiday season. Our gift shop doubled their sales from last year to
this year. We have a great gift shop buyer and she has increased our sales by
having quality product to sale. We also were allowed to start a payroll
deduction program that we also attribute to the increase in sales. I would
recommend that every gift shop have this capability and see how the sales
will grow. **We have developed a new volunteer activity for the chemo that
the hospital is offering every other Tuesday. Our volunteers direct the
patients to the lab, then upstairs to a waiting area, where they are offered
refreshments while they wait. Our auxiliary purchased a blanket warmer to
be used for this new program. We are still working out some of the problems
but we are very proud of the interest our volunteers have taken with this new
program. **Another purchase we recently made was for six wheelchairs to
be sued in the lobby area. Happy New Year to all! Per Betty Spencer,
Auxiliary President
White County Medical Center-Searcy – Five new members brings their
membership to 140 active volunteers. Auxiliary members invited a potential
volunteer to their annual Christmas lunch. If their guest signed up and stayed
for 90 days, the member’s names would be put in a drawing for a dinner for
2 to a local restaurant. WCMC had 17 guests at the luncheon, 7 of whom
went through orientation. They expect more of the applications to be
returned after the holidays. Rather than having entertainment at the party,
Board members and District Chair gave a brief “heart to heart” reason for
volunteering and the personal rewards they have gained from it.
White River Medical Center-Batesville – Auxiliary is 140 members strong
and look forward to a great year in 2009.
Diana Ruesewald, District Chairman
Crittenden Regional Hospital – l-West Memphis Red and white felt
Christmas stockings were made for the newborn babies during the holidays.
They also made a solid white stocking for the 2009 First New Year’s Baby.
A new member has joined the Auxiliary. Members are busy planning the
Spring District Meeting. They hosted an angel tree program for select
students at their partner in education school. Adding a food drive to benefit
the students’ families. The food drive was a competition between hospital
departments. There were large donations: 5 pallets of non-perishable food
from Carolina Logistics and 7 pallets of toys from Imperial toys. The
immense pile of goodies were distributed by volunteers from the hospital.
Seven hundred lights were sold for their tree lighting.
Lawrence County Hospital-Walnut Ridge – Volunteers are happy to
welcome a new administrator, Mr. Terry Lambert. They held a jewelry sale
in October and a book fair in November that were both very successful.
Three new members bring them to a total of 11 volunteers.
Piggott Community Hospital-Piggott – The Auxiliary made $1600 on their
jewelry sale the last of November. They are working on recruiting with a
new film on HIPPA. This will be shown to the Jr. Auxiliary. They also
include a pizza party for the group they currently have 22 active Jr.
Auxiliary members in grades 7-12.
Forrest City Medical Center-Forrest City – November was busy with a
jewelry sale, book sale and awards ceremony and a chili-frito pie luncheon.
Thanksgiving cards were made to pass out to patients. In December they
sold memorial and honor stars for their Christmas tree in the hospital lobby.
A crocheted poinsettia afghan was donated for a raffle. Annual Christmas
luncheon at Kelly’s in Wynne was held on the 11th. A fundraiser with
unique collections was held on the 19th. A membership drive is scheduled to
start off the new year.
St. Bernards Regional Medical Center-Jonesboro – Our “Light Up A
Life” campaign closed at the end of December. Names of those who had
donations given in their memory/honor were displayed on a tree in the
Cancer Treatment Center lobby. The proceeds benefit the Auxiliary Rooms
for cancer patients located in the Annex building. ** Gift shop volunteers
are training on the new Point of Sales system that will help with inventory,
trend sales, and help track theft. Christmas discounts sales in the gift shop
have been brisk. Per Dean Rossa, Newsletter editor
SMC Regional Medical Center-Osceola – At this time the hospital is going
through many changes but the Auxiliary is still on hand to help with any
needs the patients might have, they had a wreath contest during the holidays
and also had 2 quilts to put in a silent auction. They were pleased to
welcome 3 new members last year.
Great River Medical Center-Blytheville – Twenty-eight volunteer strong,
they had a good Christmas season and are now having an after Christmas
sale with 50% off Christmas items. They have been asked to donate gifts to
the first babies born in2009. The Women’s Center now has a class for
pregnant women and they give a gift to each graduate of the class. They
furnish prayer booklets for the ICU waiting rooms and the chapel. This has
been a good project for the Auxiliary because the books are always taken
home. The Gift Shop makes live plant arrangements as a project to earn
money. Their newest project has been starting a $3000 scholarship at
Arkansas Northeastern College. They had a Christmas luncheon for
volunteers and awarded gift certificates to the 10 volunteers who worked the
most hours during the year. They also judged the best Christmas doors
decorated by the different departments of the hospital. They donated $200 to
Relay for Life.
Jeri Ferguson, District Chairman
Mercy Medical Center-Rogers – Arts and craft group held a holiday sale
and a friendship soup which included homemade candy sale. Cookbooks are
now on sale with recipes from employees and volunteers.
North AR Regional Medical Center-Harrison – A Fall Prevention
Program was presented for Gold Club. Participated in LPN shadowing
program with the college in Harrison. Christmas wreath silent auction raised
$300. The Auxiliary adopted two NARMC families this year for Christmas.
Non-perishable food items and money was collected to help a single mother
with a daughter as well as a family with 4 children. Two members shopped
for additional food and clothing. Christmas was a little brighter for these two
families. NARMC Newsletter-Lynn Smith
Northwest AR Medical Center-Springdale Membership Recruitment Tea,
28 attend signed up seven prospective members for interviews. All seven
serving in various areas of the hospital. Fall Arts and Crafts Festival
generated approximately $2,500 in revenue. Their Christmas bake sale was a
great success.
Siloam Springs Memorial Hospital-Siloam Springs – Initiated payroll
deduct in Gift Shop- this successfully generated $915.55 in just three days.
Recommend every Gift Shop have payroll deduction for employees. Per
Sara Treftz
Marsha Scott, District Chairman
Chicot Memorial Hospital-Lake Village – October the gazebo and benches
in the courtyard of the hospital have been repaired and painted. The Effrein
family donated money ($250) for the repair. October 25 we made $75 at the
Fall Festival in Lake Village. The money will go towards flowers for beds in
front of hospital and other gazebo will be painted. We also made $500 at the
jewelry sale October 29. **November Eighteen units of blood were given at
our blood drive this month. **December We had our annual Christmas Teas
for hospital employees on December 4. A grand time was had by all! Merry
Christmas and Happy New Year! Per Dean Ann Smith, Publicity &
Scrapbook Chairman
Stuttgart Regional Medical Center-Stuttgart – On January
1 SRMC officially became the new Baptist Health Medical Center-Stuttgart.
A dedication ceremony was held on January 6. Baptist Health Mobile Unit
was on the grounds where free blood pressure checks and blood sugar
screening were given. The Med Flight was also on display. There has been
much discussion about changing the Auxiliary name to reflect the hospital.
A volunteer recruitment reception is in the planning stages. ** The annual
Lights of Love Fundraiser successfully raised over $1180. Per SRMC
Auxiliary News/Lynn Smith
Shirley Potter, District Chairman
Dallas County Medical Center-Fordyce – The Auxiliary is updating the
hospital’s main lobby with new guest furniture. The project includes a new
volunteer greeter’s desk and office chair, lobby seating and new floor tile. In
order to accommodate a few extremely obese patrons of the hospital we
have selected a generous love seat. They and any other guests can
comfortably sit while waiting to be attended. The materials are in storage
just awaiting our turn to get to the top of the maintenance department’s “To
Do” list! We are all most excited about this cosmetic project! ** This year
we are establishing a new tradition for DCMC Auxilians in which we
recognize individuals for every five years of service contributed to our
hospital. We are just starting our sixth year as an organization. At the
January meeting those members who have been with us from the beginning
will be honored. Each five-year member will be presented a framed
certificate of recognition for his/her dedicated service through the auxiliary.
We hope that this tradition will be built on in the future so that 10, 15, 20,
etc. years of service by community minded volunteers can be recognized.
Per Jean Barton, President
Medical Center of South Arkansas-El Dorado – We have had a great
year! New members, great times of fellowship, successful fundraisers,
elevated sales in our Gift and Uniform Shops. Our auxiliary has even higher
expectations for 2009. It is our belief that the economy and “change” will
not hinder our work and commitment to MCSA and our community. We
have such wonderful caring members that are determined to keep up the
good work. We wish you and your auxiliary all the best for the NEW
YEAR. Per Lynn Smith Newsletter editor
Magnolia Hospital-Magnolia – In October 13 members attended the
AHAA convention. We were awarded the Five Star Award of Excellence.
Twelve auxilians attended the fall SW District in Nashville hosted by the
Howard Memorial Hospital. **We held a book sale in November with
Imagine Nation Books. In December president, Wanda Jean and DVS, Lucy
Ray attended the District’s presidents meeting hosted by Medical Park
Hospital in Hope. We hosted a jewelry sale by Jewelry Express. **The
Auxiliary choose two children from the “Angel Tree” to buy Christmas
presents in lieu of exchanging presents among ourselves, members agreed to
contribute money to buy the gifts. Our recent projects include our out-patient
food service in which we buy meals for these patients that are receiving
treatment during the noon hour. We purchase newborn t-shirts, and New
Mom Handbooks and a subscription to the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette as
well as room calendars for each patient room. Per Lucy Ray, DVS
Medical Park Hospital-Hope – The Auxiliary has welcomed two new
members since November. We purchased a rolled awning and a sport Wii
for the Golden Care Unit. Our Thanksgiving bake sale raised over $900.
This money was awarded in the form of scholarships to two Medical Park
employees. We also furnished dinner for the volunteers of the Christian
Clinic in December. Per Shirley Potter, President
Ouachita County Medical Center-Camden – The total figure from our
Tree of Life in Lights was $4,253--and $2,400 of this was sold by one
member, Margaret Chandler. ** One new m ember was added in November.
** Another payment of $18,000 was given on the commitment to purchase
an ambulance. Total to date $30,000. ** Gift shop sales have been excellent
during the holiday season, even though the total sales for the year were
approximately $3,770 less than 2007. However, the big news is that our
December sales were higher than in any previous December--$31,488.40.
Per Daphne Bennett Newsletter editor
St. Joseph’s Mercy Health Center-Hot Springs – The Holiday season was
a busy time for the auxiliary. Our bake sale, which is always held the Friday
proceeding Thanksgiving, got us off to a good start. The staff always enjoys
the chance to purchase the baked goods and this year we had a great variety.
Our Christmas general meeting was well attended and as usual the hospital
provided us with a beautiful feast, and we were able to present them a check
in the amount of $25,000 towards our $250,000 commitment. ** Sales in
both the Company Store and Gift Shop were good. We find that more of our
employees and auxiliary members are finding the Company Store as an
excellent place purchase logo shirts and sweatshirts. * Our first Wreath
Decorating Contest and silent auction were a big success and we thank the
Baxter Regional Medical Center Auxiliary for all their help in setting up this
event for the first time. Our employees left the event talking about their
plans for next year. Per Peg Kunhly
Mary J. Frauenhoff, District Chairman
Chambers Memorial Hospital-Danville – Auxiliary is asking hospital
administration for permission to have an article in the local newspaper to
promote the auxiliary. New member (Pat Pyle) is serving as president. Pat
Pyle P O Box 1746 Danville, AR 72833 (479) 495-7149
Johnson Regional Medical Center-Clarksville – Auxiliary has one new
member in training. Old Gift Shop was opened for a Christmas Shop. Mr.
Morris, CEO, was presented check for $70,000 at Christmas party. This will
be used to help pay for new beds. Money was generated from Gift Shop,
fund raisers and cartridge project.
Mena Regional Health System-Mena – Auxiliary welcomes new
Volunteer Coordinator, Marj Kassien. The auxiliary received their first
check from vending company of $181.88. This is in thanks to Mr. Ellzey
who made the arrangements. The Annual Auxiliary Breakfast raised
$1,434.25 before expenses. The Hill country Memorial Hospital Auxiliary of
Fredericksburg, Texas sent a donation of $50 to scholarship fund for helping
their auxiliary member rejoin the tours group.
St. Edwards Mercy Medical Center-Ft. Smith – November and December
are always one of the busiest times of the year for everyone and especially
the St. Edward Auxiliary. **In November, we launched our new shuttle
service. We have the cutest electric cars that volunteers drive around the
parking lots picking up visitors and bringing them to the front door. **On
November 10, we had our General Meeting luncheon and had Dr. Chan, our
Director of Palliative Care/ Hospice as our speaker. On November 20, we
had our annual Tree Lighting Ceremony and had the first graders from
Woods Elementary sing to us. Then, Santa rode up on one of our new
shuttles. He was a big hit! **On December 1, we had a fine jewelry saleraising over $14,000. **We had our 41st annual dinner, dance and auction
on December 5, 2008. We work for months on this project and it is always a
huge success! This year’s there was “So Swank, with Frank”. Tom Tiratto
and his Tom Kats, a Frank Sinatra type band, was our entertainment. **At
our live auction we auctioned a men’s Rolex, an Arkansas Razorback by
Stonewater, a trip to St. Louis and a box at a Cardinal’s game, a Martini
Party for 20 and a beautiful diamond ring. We also had 100+ silent auction
items. We raised over $25,000. Per Kellie Slade, President
St. Mary’s Regional Medical Center-Russellville – Since publication of
state handbook 10 new members have been added to their auxiliary. A
Christmas Tea was held with received a large article in the local paper to
help recruitment of new members. At the Tea, eleven $500 scholarships
were awarded to current employees of four different departments.
Sparks Regional Medical Center-Ft. Smith – The Guild held a Christmas
luncheon at one of the member’s home. It was well attended.
Summit Medical Center-Van Buren – During the month of November a
new member was added and one member passed away. Members brought
non-perishable food items for local food bank to Christmas party instead of
exchanging gifts. The Diamond Center jewelry store came and set up shop
for the day. The Auxiliary received a commission from sales of about $1000.
From the editor –
Valentine to Volunteers
Ahhh, Valentine’s Day. The time when lovers scramble to come up with the
perfect way to show that special person in their lives how much they care.
But some folks give love year-round, not in the form of chocolates, or
flowers but through the time and attention and giving of themselves.
AHAA members, thousands of folks, throughout the state who share their
passions with others through volunteering. Here’s a valentine for you who
make our community a better place through your actions.
Happy Valentine’s Day
Please note our president has a new email address: bspencer@artelo.com
250 Forest Lake Dr.
El Dorado, AR 71730
MARCH 1, 2009