Scott Brown - Colebrook Chronicle


Scott Brown - Colebrook Chronicle
Colebrook’s Largest Circulated Weekly Newspaper
The Colebrook Chronicle
FRIDAY, MARCH 21, 2014
VOL. 14, NO. 36
Groveton Passes All Articles At School, Town Meetings
By Marie P. Hughes
The residents of Groveton met
on Saturday, March 15 to hold
their annual School and Town
The School Board meeting,
scheduled for 10 a.m., brought
few comments and lasted a mere
20 minutes. The voters passed
the $5,851,454 budget for support of the schools and the staff’s
salaries. The only item not in the
articles was School Board Chairman David Hurlbutt asking the
residents to acknowledge Superintendent Dr. Carl Ladd, who
was chosen New Hampshire’s
Superintendent of the Year.
Since Town Meeting was not
scheduled until 11 a.m., and
cannot be started earlier than
(Continued on page 2)
In Colebrook:
Committee To Weigh The
Merits Of The Two Schools
They came from far and wide to Elizabeth Chandler’s home in Stewartstown on July 28, 1889, to mark
her 100th birthday. Photo courtesy Claire Young.
From The Upper Coos Herald in 1889:
Stewartstown Resident’s 100th
Birthday Was A Major News Story
(Editor’s note: Recently, Claire
Young, who lives at Monadnock
Village in Colebrook, stopped by
the Chronicle office to show us
a photo of his great-great-great
grandmother, Elizabeth Chandler Kidder. She is seated among
a large group of family on the
occasion of her 100th birthday in
Stewartstown on July 28, 1889
(see above). The party was held
at the original home on Kidder
Hill in which she lived. The
following story appeared in an
1889 issue of the Upper Coos
Herald, a local newspaper at the
By Marie P. Hughes
After touring the Colebrook
Elementary School, the group
that meets on the third Thursday
of every month to discuss what
could be done with Colebrook’s
school buildings had a short
meeting led by Brian Laperle
who asked for some comments on
the tours of the two buildings.
Last month the group toured
the Academy. As different members spoke, most seemed to be in
agreement about some of the
issues which would have to be
resolved at the Academy, such
as years of wear and tear as well
as needed work in various areas
including the kitchen.
(Continued on page 3)
time. This account was published
the week that the remarkable
group photo was taken.)
One Hundred Years Old
Last Sunday was a memorable day in the history of Stewart(Continued on page 5)
Above The Border:
Verna Westgate Marks 106th Birthday
By Corey Bellam
On March 15, 1908, a very
special lady was born in the
small town of Island Brook near
Cookshire, Que. This was Verna
Westgate, and this past Saturday, while surrounded by family,
Verna turned 106 years young in
grand style.
A birthday party was held at
the Bulwer Community Center
and we were asked to attend this
joyous occasion.
Verna is the proud mother of
five, children with four still
surviving. She is also “Grammy”
to 14 grandchildren, and “GreatGrammy” to 27. This is a fact
that Verna is very proud of.
(Continued on page 15)
Many family members were on hand for Verna Westgate’s 106th birthday party at the Bulwer Community
Church above the border on March 15. Corey Bellam photo.
At the Moose Muck Coffee House, employees Jessica and Christin
Sandhammer and Lexi Lawson visit with potential U.S. Senate
candidate Scott Brown and his wife, Gail. Charles Jordan photo.
Former Massachusetts U.S. Senator:
Expected Senate Candidate
Scott Brown Visits Colebrook
By Charles J. Jordan
Scott Brown, a former U.S.
Senator from Massachusetts, is
now living in New Hampshire,
and recently has been touring
around the state, exploring the
possibilities of opposing U.S.
Sen. Jeanne Shaheen who is up
for re-election this year. Brown
and his wife Gail hosted a busy
weekend on March 15 and 16
with a schedule of stops. It was
on March 16, the second day of
Scott Brown’s “Main Streets and
Living Rooms” tour, that he and
his wife came to Gail stopped at
the Moose Much Coffee House to
meet with customers for a short
while. Brown also sat for an
interview with the Colebrook
Following their Colebrook
visit, they then traveled to Fuller’s Sugar House in Lancaster
and then to Chutter’s Store in
Littleton. They also met with
former State Senator John Gallus and State Representative
Herb Richardson.
Among the customers at
Moose Muck Coffee House,
where the Chronicle met up
with Brown and his wife, were
local residents Bud Hulse and
his wife, Susan Smith, who were
surprised to see the Senatorial
candidate walk through the door.
We asked the former Senator
if this was indeed an exploratory
trip through the state. He said
that yes, he was looking to meet
with residents of the state and
(Continued on page 2)
Page 2
(Continued from page 1)
the set time, the residents had
plenty of time to visit with one
another and to purchase Girl
Scout cookies being sold by Amie
Weagle. As she did last year,
Amie did a booming business,
and sold her 1,000th box between
sessions, as well as many others
Town Moderator Keith Young
called the Town Meeting to order
precisely at 11 a.m., and asked
everyone to start with “The
Pledge of Allegiance.” Even
though there were 34 warrant
articles to be voted upon, because
of the use of holding up cards for
voting, the meeting went
smoothly and efficiently.
A few of the articles merited
some discussion including Article
13 which asked for the town to
“raise and appropriate the sum
of $143,000 for the purpose of
renovating the former Groveton
Paperboard building for the new
town office building.” The article
said the funds will only be raised
if, “the Town cannot hire a contractor to do the proposed work
as planned in the grant/loan that
was received last year and voted
on at the 2013 meeting.” Since
the grant was awarded by USDA,
no funds will be needed from
taxation but will come from the
Municipal Office Building Fund.
According to Selectman Mike
Phillips, who addressed the issue
and answered some questions,
the reason the offices were not
already in the building is because
of the demands USDA puts on
the loan. One of the requirements
was an approved architect, and
the one chosen took longer to
design his plans for the building.
Originally, the Selectboard had
hoped to be in the building by
Town Meeting Day 2014; now it
looks as if the offices will not be
ready until the fall.
The other problem is some of
the things the architect is looking
to do are not necessary, and if
The Colebrook Chronicle
there were unlimited funds, they
could be addressed, but presently
only phase one of getting the
main floor ready will be in the
process. The police department
will not be moving to the new
offices, but will stay where it
presently is housed.
The next step to moving the
offices is to put the contract out
to bid, and find a contractor who
will do the necessary work as
soon and as efficiently as possible
within the budget.
Article 19 which asks for
$42,849 for various charitable
organizations such as Senior
Meals, Home Health, Tri-County
Community Action, and other
agencies helping provide services
in Groveton also generated some
discussion. People wanted to
make sure clients were being
served, and wanted to have letters from each of the agencies
included in the Annual Report.
At its meeting on Monday,
March 17, the Selectmen voted
to ask any agency requesting
funds to also include the number
of people being served in the
town in order to see how the
funds are being used and allocated. Article 21 asked for a vote
“to purchase a T440 Type truck
equipped with a 10 foot dump
body, plow, wing, slide in
spreader, hydraulics, and all controls to operate for the highway
department.” The approximate
cost would be $166,693, and budgeted at $35,502 for the next five
years. Discussion on this article
ranged from, “Why do we need
something so expensive?” to
“How many venders were used
for quotes on the price?” Once
the voters learned the present
truck was in need of repair and
was 14 years old, the fears of
expense were allayed, and the
article was approved.
The other main articles
approved were Articles 5, 6 and
7. Article 5 approved of $344,471
for the water department; Article
6 approved $393,525 for the
sewer; Article 7 for the town
budget of $1,958,701, and it was
approved. One other article
asked for $11,000 to paint and do
some repair work to the 1799
Regarding the Chronicle’s
report on the Maidstone Town
Meeting in our March 7 issue,
Nancy Desrochers of Maidstone
called and said that the motion
she made regarding Article 7
was incorrectly reported. She
explained what transpired
regarding her motion as follows:
“Article 7 of the Annual Town
Meeting Warning read: ‘Shall
the Town raise $221,985 to pay
current expenses and appropriations as requested in the proposed budget?’ A motion was
made and seconded to accept the
article as presented. Then the
Moderator asked if there was
any discussion from the floor. I
asked to speak and was recognized. I asked the moderator if
I could ask the Town Auditors a
question. The question was: ‘Did
you the Town Auditors have an
opportunity to audit the Treasurer’s Financial Reports for
2012 and 2013 and report your
findings in writing. The answer
was no because the Treasurer’s
Reports were not completed on
time. I then made a motion ‘to
defer any action on the proposed
budget until such time as we
have in hand a credible financial
report audited by the Town’s
appointed accountant/auditor as
well as our own elected auditors,
along with written reports of
their findings.’ This proposal
received a second and then was
open to the floor for discussion.
“The Moderator explained
that he was quite sure in order
to do this it would have to be a
time sensitive motion with a
date and time. Therefore when
floor discussions were complete.
The motion was simplified to
read as follows: ‘I make a motion
to defer any action on the proposed budget, Article 7, until
April 15, 2014, at 7 p.m.’ The
motion on the floor was seconded
and it passed with a show of
Meeting House, with $10,000
being grant funded, and it
passed. Along with the upgrades
to the Meeting House, the Selectmen approved a request to keep
the building open four more
weekends at their meeting on
March 17; therefore, the Meeting
House will now stay open until
Columbus Day weekend.
In the end, all 34 articles
passed, and the meeting was
adjourned at about 1:30 p.m.
Scott Brown
(Continued from page 1)
hear about their concerns. “I tell
you, their number one concern is
about Obamacare and how much
it’s affecting their businesses,
their lives, eliminating their
Medicare, their prescription
advantage; they are having difficulty hiring and growing and
expanding their businesses. And
every Democratic Senator voted
for it without reading the bill. It’s
really hurting the people of this
country and they want it fixed.
They also are deeply concerned
about the high cost of energy and
the high cost of food. They are
very frustrated,” said Brown.
Colebrook resident Bud Hulse
asked Brown what he planned to
do that was “better.” Brown
responded, “When I was a Senator in Massachusetts we actually
did better. We passed a plan that
passed 198 to 2, and it provided
care and coverage for people from
the Cadillac plans all the way
down to the fully subsidized Commonwealth Care plans. We didn’t
raise taxes, we didn’t cut a half
a trillion from Medicare, we actually worked together. The way
they did it in the federal government is they rammed it through,
everybody voted on it before they
even read the bill, they raised 18
new taxes, they cut three-quarters of a trillion dollars from your
Medicare, they affected Prescription Advantage, and they have
this one-size fits all approach
that is really hurting not only
businesses but hospitals. As you
know, here in New Hampshire,
there are hospitals that have
been excluded from it. You can
encourage states to take care of
their citizens in their own way.”
We asked him what his connections are with New Hampshire, since many people think of
him as a Massachusetts resident
coming here to New Hampshire.
Brown said, “I’ve been a homeowner here for over 20 years, my
mom, and sister and other relatives live in New Hampshire. I
was born at the Portsmouth
Naval Shipyard—my mom was a
waitress at Hampton Beach and
my dad was at Pease Air Force
Base. After I was born we lived
in New Hampshire. I’m not going
to run away from my service to
the state of Massachusetts. I’m
proud of it and quite frankly that
service gives me the ability to
understand what’s happening in
Washington. I stepped back for a
year and realized, Washington is
broken, it’s dysfunctional, they
don’t listen to the people of this
great country, they don’t listen
to the people of this state or any
other state. And when you have
a senator, like Senator Shaheen,
Friday, March 21, 2014
who votes 99 to 100 percent of
the time with her own party, it’s
merely a rubber stamp. She has
voted to raise taxes and implement health care and other
things that are hurting the people of New Hampshire.”
As he has been touring the
state, we asked Brown what he
might be hearing differently from
one end of the state to the other
and whether the issues change.
“It’s the same but different,” he
said. “People are concerned about
what’s happening with the
Obamacare mess. They are concerned about paying energy costs
and rising fuel costs, they are
concerned about their debts, they
are concerned about how they
are going to put their kids
through college, and basically
how they are going to keep their
businesses open. These challenges are real. In this part of the
state, they are trying to get an
economic jolt.”
We asked if he has had
enough time yet to think about
controversies like the Northern
Pass transmission line project
and wind towers in our region,
which has some people concerned
about the visual impact these
projects will have on our area,
which now seems to be targeted
to chart its future on tourism.
Brown said he is a supporter of
solar and wind projects, and
would like to see the country’s
dependence on foreign oil
reduced. “You’re looking at not
only taking care of the environment but also creating jobs and
opportunity for people to make a
living and stay in their homes.
There’s been a decline in this
county of people living here. You
have economic issues that have
not been addressed, you have
unemployment rising, you’ve had
job layoffs. How do you strike the
balance? That’s the key. You look
at the local and municipal level.
You have to get people here
involved and staying involved—
people like Joe (Kenney—who
was recently elected to the Executive Councilor seat) who is
going to go and make good decisions for this area. You fight for
the things that you believe are
important; let your state and
federal officials know what’s
important and advocate for you.
There’s no easy answer.”
Brown said he was the “most
bipartisan senator” in the U.S.
Senate during his tenure from
2010-13 (he had replaced Senator Ted Kennedy after he passed
away). “I voted on the bills that
made sense for this country; I’m
not a rubber stamp. I am opposed
to Obamacare. I believe in fiscal
conservative, I know what the
value of a dollar is. I understand
how important it is for people to
have the ability to live their
lives—to have a role for government,” he said. “I was honored to
be the Senator from Massachusetts, and standing back this
past year and seeing the complete breakdown of our Senate
and our government, it was disgusting. If people like me and Joe
and others don’t get involved,
then where are we going to be? I
think my experience is no learning curve, you have to go in and
know what to do and how to do it
and continue to advocate for your
state. That’s an advantage
because of my military service,
my long-term marriage, and my
values that I think are in line
with New Hampshire. Democracy is messy. But I believe it’s
the greatest system of government in the free world. Remember Tip O’Neill and Ronald
Reagan? When he (Reagan) was
shot, no one was more upset than
Tip O’Neill. I had a chance to
speak to Nancy Reagan and I
asked her, what was the relationship between those two? She said
they loved each other like brothers. No one was allowed inside
President Reagan’s room after he
(Continued on page 3)
This week Congresswoman
Annie Kuster announced that
the Town of Northumberland
will receive a $20,000 federal
grant to help fund improvements to the aging Groveton
water and wastewater systems.
The grant, awarded through the
U.S. Dept. of Agriculture
(USDA), will help fund an engineering study to identify and
prioritize improvements to the
aging systems, which serve the
village of Groveton in the town
of Northumberland, as well as
Guildhall, Vt.
“Quality water systems are
essential to the success of any
community, large or small,”
Kuster said. “This funding will
help Groveton update and modernize its water and wastewater
systems, which will better protect the health and safety of
Northumberland residents and
help support economic development in the community.”
The Groveton water systems,
which have served the region for
decades, have fallen into disrepair in recent years. The existing water mains have grown
corroded and experience pressure problems in many areas,
and the wastewater system suffers from significant infiltration
and inflow, among other concerns.
The engineering study, to be
conducted by CMA Engineers of
Portsmouth, will identify and
prioritize needed improvements.
“This USDA grant is fundamental to addressing capital
investment in core utilities that
service our residents as well as
accommodate new enterprises,”
said James Tierney, Jr., a Northumberland selectman. “The
proposed evaluation will allow
us to determine which sections
are in good condition or disrepair, assisting the town with
prioritization of pivotal infrastructure projects.”
The USDA funding is part of
the agency’s Special Evaluation
Assistance for Rural Communities and Households (SEARCH)
Friday, March 21, 2014
Scott Brown
(Continued from page 2)
was shot. But Tip O’Neill got in.
He went up to the President, put
his hand on his shoulder, and
recited the Lord’s Prayer. The
President woke up and finished
it with him. Then Tip O’Neill
said, Mr. President, I love you,
the country loves you. Please get
well soon. So they would battle
by day, go play some cards and
have a drink at night, solve our
country’s problems, and go with
a unified front to try and gain
support. That doesn’t happen
anymore (in Washington). They
don’t talk to each other, they
don’t work together; there is
complete gridlock. The way to do
it is vote as an American first,
not for petty, personal, partisan
reasons,” said Brown.
A website has been created for
those who would like to learn
more about Scott Brown. It is
(Continued from page 1)
All of the group commented
on the quality of the elementary
school, the brightness, and layout of the rooms, and the ability
of the school to house more
One suggestion was to move
the administration offices to the
school. There was agreement
about the quality of teaching at
the Academy, but in the end,
some comments were made
about the condition of the building being “depressing.” In fact
The Colebrook Chronicle
one parent said, “I don’t like the
idea of my kids going to the
Academy from this school where
they have so much more.”
Arnold Goodrum said, “We
can’t keep putting money into an
old school when we might be able
to put it here (elementary school)
for less money.” To which Brian
Laperle replied, “We need to
decide what the standard is we
want, and what will be our end
product.” He also stated, ”Any
talk about finances will be put off
until there is a clear picture of
what everyone wants”
Those comments elicited
plenty of ideas such as making
the elementary school into a true
focal point of the community
where there might be room for a
vocational wing and a working
relationship with local colleges.
The building could serve as an
all-purpose center for the town.
Sharon Pearson said, “We
could have some very unique and
creative uses for this building if
we made it a true community
In the end, Laperle said at the
next meeting in April, he wants
to line up two options and discuss
both buildings around what is
mandated, what is optional, and
the benefits of each school. As
John Falconer said, “The Elementary School was the result of
a full year of planning. We never
even discussed money until the
very end. We put down everything we wanted to see in the
building that would provide the
best education for our students.”
During an exploratory visit through the state, potential U.S. Senate
candidate Scott Brown and his wife, Gail, visited customers at the
Moose Muck Coffee House in Colebrook on Sunday. Charles Jordan
Page 3
Police, EMS Reports
At around noontime on Saturday, March 15, a call came into the Cookshire-Eaton Fire Dept. reporting
an accident on Jordan Hill Rd.The Cookshire-Eaton Station 3- Johnville was quickly dispatched to the
scene. When they arrived they found a car in the middle of the road on its side and two young ladies
standing on the side of the road. An ambulance arrived to transport the young ladies to hospital to be
checked for injuries. The cause of this crash appears to be from slush on the road that caused the car to
skid out of control, striking snow banks and finally come to rest on its side. Corey Bellam photo.
On March 11, at approximately 7:04 a.m., police investigated a motor vehicle accident
with a vehicle off the road by
Kheops on Rte. 3 in Colebrook.
The vehicle was towed by Dale’s
Towing. At 9:49 a.m., police
investigated a motor vehicle accident on Rte. 26 in Dixville Notch
involving a tractor trailer and a
vehicle with injury. The female
driver of the motor vehicle
appeared to have leg fractures
and extrication from the vehicle
took about 15 minutes. At 3:42
p.m., police investigated an accident at Bond Auto on Rte. 3 in
Colebrook. According to the dispatch report, Alan Ladd of Colebrook reported that someone
struck his parked vehicle in the
parking lot at Bond Auto and
then drove off without knowledge
of the accident. He followed the
vehicle and was able to stop alert
them to what happened. According to dispatch that vehicle was
driven by Timothy Malone.
On March 13, police investigated an accident on Titus Hill
Road in Colebrook. According to
reports, Donald Pichette was
pulling out of his driveway when
he collided with a vehicle driven
by Eileen Parker on Titus Hill
Road. There were no reports of
On March 15, at approximately 12:58 a.m., police investigated an accident on Rte. 145
near Beaver Brook Falls. Jane
Palmer, of Stewartstown, reportedly went off the road; a wrecker
removed the vehicle. At approximately 3:12 p.m., police investigated a motor vehicle accident on
East Colebrook Road. The driver,
James Samar, was charged with
DWI and a wrecker removed the
vehicle from the road. At approximately 3:28 p.m., another accident was reported on Hughes
Road. The vehicle was able to be
removed from the ditch.
On March 16, police investigated an accident on Bridge
Sreet, where a female was
reporting a minor accident.
On March 12, at around 1:45
a.m., the Northumberland
Police Dept. responded to the
Nugent’s Store in Groveton for
an activated motion alarm.
Upon arriving on scene, Officer’s observed an open door. The
building was cleared to determine that no one was still inside.
During the investigation it was
determined that various items
appeared to be stolen from
inside the store.
There were numerous items
collected into evidence and those
items were sent to the N.H.
State Police forensics laboratory
for examination.
This incident remains under
investigation and the police
department asks that anyone
with any information please
contact Sergeant Jonathan
Woodworth or Chief Marcel
Platt at 636-1430.
On March 10, at 9:20 a.m.,
the department issued a citation
to Bridgette West of Colebrook
for failing to obey inspection
requirements. At 12:35 p.m.,
officers took a report of theft
from the Groveton Village Store.
The case is under investigation.
At 5:55 p.m. a citation was
issued to Michael Holoszyc of
Bronx, N.Y., for speed. At 9:48
p.m., officers responded to a
motor vehicle accident in front
of Armstrong/Charron Funeral
Home. Tracy Gilcris of Groveton
struck a deer, causing damage
to the front of her vehicle. She
was not injured and the deer had
to be put down by officers.
On March 11, at 3:17 p.m.,
officers responded to 446 NH
Route 110. The fuel truck from
Al’s plumbing was backing into
a driveway and struck the
house, causing damage to the
house. No one was injured.
On March 12, at 4:23 p.m.,
officer’s assisted N.H. Fish and
Game with an arrest on Rte. 3
by the Coos Pit Stop.
On March 14, at 1:20 p.m., a
citation was issued to Chris
Corliss of Stratford for failing to
(Continued on 23
The Beecher Falls Vol. Fire Dept. was called to the Beecher Falls post
office on Wednesday morning for a report of ice falling from the roof
of the building and cutting off the pipes to a propane tank. According
to Fire Chief Steve Young, “It looks like the ice fell off the roof, tipping
the tank over. There was a valve that was supposedly closed but it
was not working correctly and was emitting gas. We used a hose line
to move in on the tank and a gas meter to check the area including
the inside of the building.” The department cleared the scene quickly
and the building was determined to be safe. Charles Jordan photo.
Page 4
Centenarians Are Always News
Claire Young stopped by our office a week or so
ago with the fascinating photo that we publish this
week on our front page. It shows the 100th birthday
celebration of Elizabeth Chandler Kidder of Stewartstown in the summer of 1889. Along with the
photo, which we also reprint a detail close-up from
on this page, was a small goldmine of information
that had been collected about Elizabeth Kidder,
including all the names of each person in the picture
carefully noted.
Claire also had a clipping we recognized immediately. It was from a 1998 copy of our former publication, Northern New Hampshire Magazine, in
which we republished a a story which appeared in
the long-gone Upper Coos Herald newspaper
reporting on this gathering back in 1889. It was
great to finally put the story with the photo this
week by reprinting both in this issue of the Chronicle. It amazes us that this woman was born in the
year 1789 and was 10 years old when George
Washington died.
By coincidence, our Canadian correspondent
Corey Bellam sent in a report from above the border
this week about another remarkable woman, Verna
Westgate, who recently turned 106 years old and
who, like Elizabeth, was able to attend her birthday
party in what appears to be good health–surrounded
by a large gathering of friends and relatives. Verna
was born a mere 17 years after Elizabeth had
passed away and their combined lifetimes (and still
continuing in Verna’s case) total 208 years. What
an extraordinary passage of time these two lives
And like that editor of the Upper Coos Herald,
we will always take a moment to salute those lucky
special few among us whose lives span a century.
Charles J. Jordan
Something On Your Mind?
You Can Email Your
Letters To The Editor To
The Colebrook Chronicle
Friday, March 21, 2014
A close-up detail from the photograph we publish on the front page this week showing Elizabeth Chandler
Kidder, center, surrounded by friends and relatives on the occasion of her 100th birthday in 1889. Photo
courtesy Claire Young.
Dear Editor:
“’Tis Education forms the
common mind,
Just as the Twig is bent, so
the Tree’s inclined.”
–Alexander Pope (1732)
“The foundation of every state
is the education of its youth.
Ignore it at your peril.”
–Diogenes Laertius,
3rd century A.D.
“Voted ‘No’ on CTE? Now it’s
your turn.”
I volunteered for the Advocacy Committee of the Career
and Technical Education (CTE)
proposal. I believed in the educational benefits of the project
and I recognized the financial
benefit to the North Country of
the construction project.
To those who spoke against
and voted “No” on CTE, I say it
is now your turn to find a revenue stream to replace the State
of New Hampshire funding that
came with this proposal. Do the
math! Labor for most construction projects is 75 percent of the
cost. The $14 million provided
by state (75 percent of the $18
million total) matched the projected CTE cost of the jobs for
local North Country skilled
workers. A skilled construction
worker averages $40,000 in salary and benefits (assuming $20
per hour).
The timeline for construction
of the CTE would have hired 350
skilled North Country workers
for a year ($14 million/$40,000).
This was a financial pledge from
the N.H. State Legislature to the
North Country to give a boost to
our economy. Now that funding
is gone.
To those who voted “No,” I am
waiting to see your proposal.
Where will you find $14 million
in salaries? You were very vocal
before the vote. Now roll up your
sleeves and be a partner in finding jobs for our region.
Dr. Art Hammon,
Whitefield resident
and former WMRSD
science teacher
Letter to the Editor:
New Hampshire is at risk
from a new hazard for which no
local controls exists. Recently the
Canadian government approved
the reversal of the last remaining
pipeline linking Montreal to the
Alberta tar sands fields. The only
existing pipeline for tar sands oil
to reach to international markets
from Montreal goes directly
across New Hampshire.
During World War II, a series
of pipelines were constructed to
bring crude oil from the port of
Portland, Maine, to Montreal to
avoid exposing tankers to German submarines. These pipelines transverse northern New
England beginning in Portland,
passing lake Sebago, the
Androscoggin, across New Hampshire in the Route 2 corridor, and
over the White Mountains and
the Connecticut River before
entering Vermont to complete the
journey to Montreal. Three pipelines remain. One is decommissioned, one is mothballed, and
one remains in active service.
Tar sands crude, or more properly bitumen, shares many negative
characteristics with coal. It
requires significant amounts of
energy to extract. Refining processes have substantial negative
environmental impacts and yield
large quantities of waste products. When bitumen is finally
consumed as a fuel, it releases
copious amounts of carbon.
A big difference between coal
and bitumen is that after dilution
with volatile hydrocarbons. It can
be pumped through pipelines.
Pipelines, like all transport
modalities, are subject to failure.
In the United States, we spill on
average about three million gallons annually from pipelines.
Unlike lighter liquid hydrocarbons, when bitumen escapes
pipeline containment, and after
the toxic volatiles evaporate, it
will sink to the bottom of waterbodies making it impossible to
fully recover. After four years
(Continued on page 5)
Friday, March 21, 2014
(Continued from page 4)
and a billion dollars, the tar
sands pipeline spill cleanup
effort in the Kalamazoo River
remains a work in progress.
New Hampshire has some 70
water bodies, much ecologically
sensitive land, and tourist destinations adjacent to the Portland
to Montreal Pipeline. We have a
special interest in ensuring that
any future reversal of the pipeline to transport Alberta bitumen
is done in the safest manner
possible. However, interstate oil
pipeline, or more formally hazardous liquid pipeline, safety is
the sole province of the federal
government. Currently there are
several bills in the New Hampshire legislature that will create
study committees, seek to
improve emergency response,
and have the state assume
responsibility for the federal
pipeline inspection process. However, New Hampshire under current federal law, does not have
the ability to take direct action
to halt the flow reversal or to
improve upon the existing federal safety standards.
What can you do? The State
Department must rule if a presidential permit and a full environmental assessment will be
required before permission for a
Portland to Montreal Pipeline
reversal is given. Governor Hassan, Senator Shaheen, Congresswomen Kuster and Shea-Porter
The Colebrook Chronicle
have all written requesting the
State Department do just that.
We should too. Let your elected
representatives, Secretary of
State Kerry, and the President
know of your concerns and don’t
wait. Without federal intervention, this potential risk is only a
valve turn away from reality.
Bill Baber
N.H. State Representative
Science, Technology and
Energy Committee
100th Birthday
(Continued from page 1)
stown for Mrs. Kidder was 100
years old. The day had been
looked forward to and talked
about by the people for months.
A very common remark was “Do
you know that old lady Kidder
will be 100 on the 28th of July?”
The day came and with it the
health of the old lady. She has
passed the century of her birth
and bids fair to live on for years
to come, which everyone in these
parts wishes may be granted
unto her.
Mrs. Kidder has been a
woman of a remarkable make
up, both physically and mentally. She has been a very hard
working woman, and one of the
best housekeepers to be found in
the North Country.
Her hands have been busy
since the days of George Washington. She has lived during the
(Editor’s note: The following
press release was issued this
week by the Jim Rubens campaign.)
Jim Rubens, candidate for
U.S. Senate, announced this
week his newest addition to a
strong and growing team to
bring meaningful change to
Washington by adding veteran
media personality Brian Tilton
as Communications Director.
Announcing the latest addition, Rubens said, “With 18
years in the media business,
Brian knows what New Hampshire voters expect of their
elected officials. Brian has been
on the ground for several years
fighting for New Hampshire
families, businesses and Constitutional rights. With his record
of accomplishment, passion and
involvement in the community,
I have an even stronger team to
help me defeat Jeanne Shaheen.”
In his acceptance of the position, Tilton states, “I’m very
happy to join Jim’s fight to be
part of the solution. For too long,
Jeanne Shaheen has been part
of the problem that many New
Hampshire families struggle
with on a daily basis. Jim has
an accomplished record of public
service to the people of New
Hampshire. Jim is well known
for building strong coalitions.
For 40 years, he has made a
difference in people’s lives by
leading the fight for more economic and personal freedom and
I’m proud to be part of his team.
Jim is the only candidate for
Senate offering bold solutions.”
Rubens added, “Our campaign is one of ideas and broad
support that continues to grow
each day. Just defeating Jeanne
Shaheen is not enough. As
Republicans, we need to offer a
real alternative, one of ideas and
solutions. Voters recognize that
I have what it takes to improve
the lives of Granite Staters by
ending business as usual in
For the past five and a half
years, Tilton hosted the popular
radio talk show “Bulldog Live!”
on WTPL 107.7FM “The Pulse”
in Concord focusing on a wide
variety of local and national
issues. He was a driving force in
the statewide debate on the LLC
Income Tax, Northern Pass and
Second Amendment issues covering every corner of the state.
Prior to moving to New Hampshire in 2006, Tilton produced
Maryland’s highest-rated talk
show at WBAL Radio in Baltimore, “The Ron Smith Show,”
where he was part of a team that
earned one of the most prestigious awards in the industry,
the National Headliner Award
for investigative journalism. Tilton also worked as a news
(Continued on page 15)
presidential term of all the presidents and she remembers many
things that happened during
their term of office. She was a
woman of the old fashioned
school. Her methods of life and
doing things would seem peculiar to many of the people of this
age. Mrs. Kidder remembers
distinctly the time when Washington died and she declares
that it was a “dark day.”
The old lady was a Christian
of the old fashioned type and we
believe that she had been a
member of the Congregational
Church at Bristol, N.H. for
nearly 80 years. Rev. J. W.
Brownville, pastor of the Congregational Church at Colebrook, had charge of the
birthday celebration, which consisted of singing by the choir of
his church, remarks by Rev.
Page 5
Brownville, and prayer by Rev.
Mr. Converse.
There was a very large gathering of people from near and
far. The family consisting of four
or five generations sat for a
picture during the early part of
the day, which was taken by Mr.
Frank Rogers. The dear old lady
appeared to endure the excitement with very much more composure than could be expected.
She was the recipient of many
tokens of kindness from her
family and friends.
Mrs. Kidder lives with her
son, James Kidder, where she is
tenderly cared for and where the
remnant of her days will
undoubtedly be spent. The
record of her life would fill a
large volume and the fact that
her life covers a century of the
history of these United States is
a marvelous thing for people to
consider, and it proves that she
must have taken great care of
It will undoubtedly be a long
time before the people of these
parts will be called upon to celebrate the 100th birthday of any
other citizen, yet there are quite
a number that measure up to the
full standard of time given to the
human family. We all unite in
wishing Mother Kidder many a
happy return of her birthday,
and when she shall come to the
time of her departure an abundant entrance into the city of
life, where the sun never sets
and the leaves never fade.
(Editor’s note: Elizabeth Kidder lived two more years, passing
away at the age of 102.)
Page 6
The Colebrook Chronicle
Friday, March 21, 2014
Groveton School Board Chairman Dave Hurlbutt, at left, welcomes new Board member William Everlith
as Superintendent Dr. Carl Ladd looks on. Marie Hughes photo.
The National Junior Honor
Society at Stratford Public
School held its annual induction
ceremony on Tuesday, March 18.
Two seventh grade students,
Janessa Lavoie and Robert Howland, were newly received members. Before the induction
ceremony which was conducted
by the members, Teri Andritz,
their adviser, introduced Donald
Dickson as the guest speaker.
Dickson, a well-known Colebrook
resident who believes strongly in
community service, used that
subject in his talk. Dickson told
the youngsters, “You have to use
your ability and your intelligence
to become involved in your community.” Then he listed several
opportunities for their involvement such as clean-up along the
highway, nursing home visits,
and volunteerism at church. He
advised the students to stay
involved in community organizations such as the Key Club when
the go to high school and in college to look for those community
type organizations as well.
However, the one important
fact he wanted students to
remember was, “Remember your
roots. Don’t forget your home
town, and if you end up some
other place, remember to give
back to your town and your
After Dickson spoke, part of
the ceremony consisted of lighting and explaining the candles
for knowledge, character, scholarship, leadership, service, and
citizenship. The inductees were
then asked to recite the pledge
and to sign their names into the
Honor Society book, after which
they were awarded their pins and
–Marie P. Hughes
Delta Chapter of Delta Kappa
Gamma Society International, an
organization of female educators,
announces that it is awarding a
$750 scholarship this coming
June to a female graduate who is
entering the field of education.
The scholarship will be sent
directly to the young lady’s college upon successful completion
of the first semester. Those eligi-
ble must graduate from one of the
following high schools: Berlin
High School, Gorham High
School, Groveton High School,
Colebrook Academy, Stratford
High School, Profile Jr./Sr. High
School, Canaan Memorial High
School, Littleton High School,
Pittsburg High and Lisbon
Regional School. Applications are
available in the guidance office
of each school.
Cady Frechette of Colebrook
has been named to the University of Southern Maine Dean’s
List for the Fall 2013 semester.
In order to be named to the list,
students must earn a grade point
average of 3.4 or higher.
The N.H. State Council on the
Arts is now accepting applications for Artist Residencies in
Schools for Arts Learning
Grants, which bring professional,
juried artists into public schools,
allowing students to participate
in extended arts and cultural
Artist Residencies in Schools
grants provide students with
learning experiences they might
not otherwise have as part of
their curriculum. The grants support a variety of disciplines,
including architecture, creative
writing, music, photography,
poetry, sculpture, traditional arts
and theatre.
Any pre-K-12 public school or
any non-profit organization serving as an alternative education
site for special needs students
aged pre-K-21 in New Hampshire
that is publicly funded or that
(Continued on page 7)
Friday, March 21, 2014
The Colebrook Chronicle
Page 7
After the Junior Honor Society Induction Ceremony at Stratford Public School on March 18, all the
members posed with thie adviser and guest speaker. From the left: Robert Howland, Janessa Lavoie,
Mrs. Teri Andritz, Elizabeth Noyes, Austin Lesperance, Guest Speaker, Donald Dickson, Christina Asher,
and Eric Lynch. Marie Hughes photo.
On Thursday, March 20, Margret Lima’s CMHS eighth grade class
gave its annual immigration oral presentations. Each student was
required to do research on an immigrant, dress to resemble them,
make up a poster about them and give a spoken presentation in front
of the class. This year’s presenters are, kneeling from the left, William
Wheeler (Russia), Madison Rodrigue (Italy), and Angel Gallien
(Vietnam). Standing in the back are Nathan DeGray (Poland), Richie
Dennis (Mexico), Mathew Lindor (Italy), Mason Leighton (Austria)
and Morgan Lindor (Ireland). Angela Wheeler photo.
(Continued from page 6)
IRS non-profit status and is
incorporated in New Hampshire
is encouraged to apply.
Grants ranging from $1,000
to $4,500 are available. In order
to qualify for an Artist Residencies in Schools grant, programs
must be matched on at least a
one-to-one basis with contributions from a source other than
the State Arts Council or the
National Endowment for the
This grant round will fund
artist residencies in schools programs taking place between July
1, 2014 and June 30, 2015. Applications must be postmarked on
or before April 11, 2014 or delivered to the N.H. State Council on
the Arts, 19 Pillsbury St., Concord, by 4:30 p.m. on Friday,
April 11, 2014.
For more information about
applying for an Artist in Residency Grant, contact Catherine
O’Brian, N.H. State Council on
To learn more about these and
other N.H. State Council on the
Groveton High School Student Council will be sponsoring
its annual Talent Night activities
on Thursday, March 27, at 6 p.m.
in Ryan Memorial Gymnasium.
Admission is as follows: free for
children under 5, $2 for senior
citizens and for students (bring
your student ID), and $3 for all
others. Proceeds from admission
will benefit the GHS Student
The purpose of Talent Night
is to compete for “prom points.”
These points are accumulated
throughout the year, as the
classes compete in various competitions. The 11th and 12th
grade classes are accumulating
these points to decide who will be
crowned King and Queen at the
prom, and the ninth and 10th
grade classes are competing for
Prince and Princess honors.
Students will be performing skits
and choreographed lip syncs.
There will also be an open talent
category, and this year’s prom
candidates in both the Senior
and Junior Divisions will be
asked to compete against one
another in “candidate games”.
Past candidate games have consisted of a toilet paper wrap and
a marshmallow toss.
Candidates will be decorating
donation boxes that will be available for community members to
put any spare change in as they
enter Talent Night. The amount
of money in each box will be
counted up at the end of the
night, and added to the points
that each class earns for prom
points, so community members
are encouraged to place their
donations in the box of the class
that they wish to gain the most
points. The money collected in
the boxes will go directly to the
Groveton Food Pantry.
Talent Night will be a great
night of fun competition and the
students invite any and all members of the community to attend.
As part of an on-going effort
to support continuous student
achievement, four SAU 58 school
administrators launched an
Action Learning Project (ALP) to
update the Groveton High School
Vision Statement which hadn’t
been changed in many years. All
four of the administrators are
soon-to-be- graduates of the
National Institute for School
Leadership (NISL) which is an
18 month Executive Development Program for school leaders.
They are: Karen Conroy, SAU 58
Technology Director; Mike Kelley, Principal of Groveton High
School, Robert Scott, Assistant
Principal of Groveton High
School, and Lisa Burbach, Special Education Administrator.
Why is this critical? The
Groveton High School Vision
Statement will serve to guide all
of our professional practices,
inform our decision making, give
direction to our professional
development plans, and support
initiatives to increase student
The new Vision Statement is
the result of six months of
“Action Steps,” beginning with
faculty and staff at Groveton
High School determining what
students need to know and be
able to do upon graduation.
Parent input was gathered during the Fall Open House. The
entire student body was surveyed about qualities, skills and
characteristics they felt they
needed to acquire prior to graduation. A committee comprised of
four students, two community
members, two parents, four
Groveton High School staff members and two Northumberland
School Board members convened
The School Nurse at Canaan Schools, Megan Prehemo, has put together a book walk with the help of the
Alice M. Ward Library in Canaan. The library purchased the book The Stranger in the Woods and
had it all laminated and printed out. Now each of the pages has been placed around the walking track
at the Recreation Park in Canaan. Megan began organizing these Book Walks last fall as a part of a 100
Mile Club Grant the school received. The public is welcome to visit the track to go on the book walk, which
is being groomed by VAST. The book will be displayed at the park until March 31. Angela Wheeler photo.
Page 8
The Colebrook Chronicle
Friday, March 21, 2014
Community News
A very sparse group attended
the scoping report on the Paul
Stream Bridge in Brunswick, Vt.,
on March 13, the day of the endless snow storm.
schools and other places canceled
their scheduled activities, Gary
Sweeney and Christopher Williams made the trek, as they said,
“on completely snow covered
roads with no bare spots” all the
way from Montpellier to Brunswick.
Basically, the video presentation given by Sweeney, who is in
charge of the project, said this is
the first step in a long series of
what still needs to happen before
the bridge is constructed. A few
of the homes on Route 102 will be
affected because VTrans will be
building a replacement one lane
bridge due to the traffic such as
mail service and milk trucks
that use the road at least three
times a day.
Usually, Vermont chooses the
detour route, but to detour the
traffic solely in Vermont would
consist of a 98-mile detour to get
from one end to the other. That
plan was quickly ruled out as
not being feasible.
Sweeney cited the reasons
the bridge is being replaced are:
“The deck is in poor condition;
the superstructure and substructure are in fair condition;
the bridge has an overall rating
of 51 and is rated as structurally
deficient; the approach and deck
widths are substandard; the
posts, curbs, and deck on which
the bridge rail depends are in
poor condition; and it does not
have adequate hydraulic capacity.”
On March 13, Gary Sweeney, left, and Christopher Williams from VTrans presented the Scoping Report
to Brunswick citizens concerning the Paul Stream Bridge in Rte 102. Marie Hughes photo.
Replacing the bridge with a
completely new bridge will guarantee about an 80-year life span;
whereas the present bridge was
built in 1932, and is well beyond
the 80-year span. The process of
building a new bridge is about a
four-year project so with that
knowledge, it is unlikely the new
bridge will even be constructed
until 2018 because it takes such
a long while for permits, plans,
rights of way from property owners, and funding to all be in
Meanwhile inspectors will be
keeping a watchful eye on the
present bridge, and the process
will continue to evolve. VTrans
will be reporting on a regular
basis; therefore, coming to
Brunswick in the future.
For a complete report with
photographs and maps, anyone
can access the Vermont Agency
of Transportation website and
look for “The Scoping Report for
Brunswick BF 0271(23) VT
Route 102, Bridge 6 over Paul
–Marie P. Hughes
On Wednesday, the Canaan
Seniors had a traditional St.
Patrick’s Day dinner. Entertainment was provided by Jean-Nil
Theroux , a job always well done.
Everyone was pleased to have
Kedric and Theresa Merrill back
from Florida. The 50/50 winners
were Dencie Cunningham and
Celine Chaloux. The free meal
drawings were won by Germaine
Turgeon and Lisette Fauteux.
The Bingo winners were Lucienne Jalbert, Jean-Nil Theroux,
Germaine Turgeon, Ghislain
Charland and Marie-Paule
Marchand. Denice Carrier was
the lucky winner of the Blackout
Next week (March 26) will be
the monthly penny sale and
celebration of the March birthdays. The menu will be soup,
assorted sandwiches, pickles and
chips, with birthday cake and Ice
cream for dessert. For you reservations to attend the Wednesday
dinners, call Dencie Cunningham at (802) 266-8206, on or
before Tuesday by 10 a.m.
The Tillotson Center at 14
Carriage Lane in Colebrook is
announces an upcoming Children’s Film Series, sponsored by
the Plum Creek Foundation.
Come with your children and
experience films as they should
be, on the big screen, with Dolby
5.1 surround sound, and buttery
Sunday, March 30, “Jumanji”
(104 min.)
Sunday, April 6, “The Water
Horse: Legend of the Deep” (112
Sunday, April 13, “Hop” (95
All shows will be at 2 p.m.
Tickets are $5 for adults and
children, available at the door
and at Any Blooming Thing at
106 Main St. in Colebrook. Call
237-8181 for more information.
Stay tuned for details on an
upcoming musical film series,
also sponsored by Plum Creek
Two days before the final
Great North Woods Vintage Race
of the year, Mother Nature
dropped close to two feet of snow
in the Pittsburg area. Normally
snow fans are excited for this
large amount of snow, but for
vintage racing this is too much
snow, in too short a time.
The Pittsburg Ridge Runners
grooming crew had two days of
snow removal crunched into one
day. Farr Road had to be plowed,
the parking lot had to be plowed,
and the race track had to have
snow removed. A huge undertaking for one day, but this dedicated crew did an outstanding
job to have the track conditions
race ready by Saturday morning.
A mild 32 degree morning in
the Great North Woods greeted
racers, volunteers and fans traveling to Farr Road for the final
(Continued on page 9)
Friday, March 21, 2014
The Colebrook Chronicle
Community News
The Great North Woods Vintage Snowmobile Race Series wrapped up for this season in Pittsburg last
Saturday. The finials event was held on Farr Road off of Back Lake Road. After several heats, trophies
were handed out to the winners of each category. Angela Wheeler photo.
(Continued from page 8)
race of the season. Many of the
seventeen divisional races were
close and this final race would
determine who would be our
series champions. There were
158 race entries for the day, our
largest of the year. There were
556 entries in total for the four
series races.
In a press release issued this
week, it was noted, “The
GNWVRS community would like
to recognize our title sponsors
this year. Thank you to LaPerles’s IGA, Tuckerman’s Restaurant and Tavern and The New
England Inn and Lodge for their
generous support of the race
“Thank you to all the racers
and spectators who supported
the event and to all of volunteers
who continue to make this race
series a success. Special thanks
to Perry Stream Land and Tim-
ber Company for use of their
property to hold the race.”
The Race Committee will be
finalizing the rules, class
changes and the 2015 race schedule over the next few months, so
check the website for updates.
For further information, visit
Residents started out the
week with a fun game of Spring
Charades. There were plenty of
laughs while staff members
acted out different Spring words.
They also worked out different
Spring words and phrases, Jeopardy style. In the Special Care
Unit residents enjoyed trivia,
played cards, a spelling bee and
looked at photos of Ireland.
The Canaan sixth grade class
joined us to make cute leprechauns and rainbows to decorate
the Family room. They took a
break in their work to enjoy hot
chocolate and sugar cookies decorated with green sugar.
Everyone had a great time
reminiscing with treasures from
the past. They looked at old dolls,
kitchen tools and other items.
Mona Noyes was the winner
of the Bonus Buck Blackout
Bingo game that was held on
Tuesday. A Lucky Prize Bingo
game was held on Thursday.
Residents had a choice of Saint
scratch tickets, gold coins, snacks
and other items. Margaret Demers won the Blackout Game and
choose the cash prize.
A friendly game of Lucky
Charms Bean Bag Toss was
played. The targets included a
horseshoe, a four leaf clover, a
pot of gold, a rainbow, a wishbone and a lucky penny. Juanie
Schoff scored the highest, John
(Continued on page 10)
In Groveton, Amie Weagle sold her 1,000th box of Girl Scout cookies to Karl Sawyer as her Mom, Wendy
Weagle, looks on. Last year Amie sold well over 1,000 boxes and she was hoping to do the same this year.
Marie Hughes photo.
Page 9
Page 10
The Colebrook Chronicle
Friday, March 21, 2014
Community News
(Continued from page 9)
McCormack held second place
with Mary Keazer in third place.
An Irish Eyes Birthday Bash
was held to honor the March
birthdays. The room was decorated with green items which
residents had to find. They were
served yummy cupcakes decorated with green frosting.
On March 11 election day,
Ray Burton's sign made one last
trip around to polling places in
all five counties in the back of Joe
Kenney’s car. “We took Ray’s
sign with us for good luck and we
wanted him to be a part a North
Country Victory one last time.”
Much like Ray might have done,
Kenney was in and out of towns
in all five counties on election
day checking in with the workers
thanking them for their hard
work at the polls and checking
on turnout.
The same sign–one which Ray
gave Joe many years ago to dis-
Left photo: Gloria Parkhurst uses her musical talent to play for the residents of the Coos County Nursing Hospital during the monthly church
services of the North Country Ministerium. Right photo: Residents visit with Methodist pastor Rev. Paula Fletcher. From the left, Mona
Noyes, Barbara Chace, Margaret Demers and Rev. Paula. Marie Hughes photos.
play in his Wakefield yard and
the sign that was in the back of
the car on election day–will be
on display at Kenney's Inaugural Victory Party, which he has
chosen to hold at the Mount
Washington Hotel on Saturday,
March 29, at 7 p.m. Tickets for
the dinner are available and are
$60. A three-course meal is
being served.
Anyone looking to purchase
tickets may make a donation
online at
and note tickets in the memo
space or call 204-0978 for more
information or email Casey at
“Ray was always there for me
from the time I was a young
legislator to my later years in
office when we worked hand in
hand helping the people of my
senate district. I think Ray will
be there in spirit. I look forward
to helping people in the coming
days and hope everyone can
make it to the party. It is still
the people’s seat and the people’s Inaugural,” said Kenney.
Stratford, Bloomfield and
Brunswick Through the Years.
That’s the topic for a discussion
set for the last Friday in March.
Cohos Historical Society is
holding an open discussion.
Share how these towns have
changed as the years go by.
encouraged. The discussion will
be held on March 28, at 6 p.m.,
in the lower level of Fuller Town
Hall in Stratford.
Society members will also
make a list of history related
subjects that are of interest to
attendees or some information
you are willing to share as a
possible speaker for future meetings.
For more information, call
The seventh annual Great
North Woods Talent Showcase
will take place again this year on
March 29 at St. Francis Hall in
This evening of local music
will kick off at 6 p.m. and continue to 9 p.m. Many past favorites will be returning, including
The Fireside Fiddlers, Carolyn’s
Friends, Lyndall Demers and
Joyce Ball, The Nadeau Family,
Sarah Noyes and Ashley Miles.
The evening’s bill of music will
sample the many talented singers and performers found in our
local communities, and will
include bluegrass, traditional,
country, contemporary, inspirational and gospel favorites.
(Continued on page 11)
State Senator Jeff Woodburn and motorized outdoor recreation leader
Harry Brown took Laconia area State Senator Andrew Hosmer on a
snowmobile tour of Pittsburg on Saturday. Hosmer and his wife,
Donna, and their family spent the weekend in the region learning
about the area. After a day of snowmobiling, the group posed for a
photograph. From the left is Senator Woodburn, Senator Hosmer,
Louis Leite, owner of Trailside Sales and Rentals, and Harry Brown.
Courtesy photo.
Friday, March 21, 2014
The Colebrook Chronicle
Page 11
Community News
The Monadnock Congregational Church on Main Street in Colebrook held its 21st
Annual St. Patrick’s Day dinner on March 17. The dinner featured live Irish music
and any person who attended the dinner wearing green received one dollar off of
their meal. Angela Wheeler photo.
(Continued from page 10)
Refreshments will be available during the show, which will
feature lighting and audio production provided by Andy
Nadeau and crew. Entrance to
the show is $5 for adults, $3 for
students and children under 12
are free.
All proceeds will benefit the
Knights of Columbus Council
2339 scholarship fund and other
charitable activities. Please come
out and join us for this great
evening of music, dancing and
The Connecticut River Artisan Group (CRAG) is presenting
an artist journal class at 5 p.m.
on March 31, 2014, at the Pittsburg school. The class is open to
all North Country residents. To
register, contact Nicole Jeralds
donation of $10 is suggested for
class members.
The class is funded by a grant
from the Art Ventures Fund of
the N.H. Charitable Foundation.
For more information, visit
The Colebrook Cribbage
Cohorts met at the Colebrook
Country Club for the 20th tournament for this season. Only four
more to go!
A total of eight players were
used to calculate points. Those
members with at least 12 points
were eligible to receive points. A
total of three received points
from this tournament.
First place: Louise Streeter
with 13 game points, six wins,
spread of 59.
Second place: Kathi Woodard
with 12 game points, six wins,
spread of 27.
Third place: Wendell Woodard
with 12 game points, fivewins,
spread of 39.
Games are played every
Thursday evening at the Cole-
Faith Gingras of Gorham was the third place winner in the TriCounty Kids’ Ice Fishing Derby in Island Pond on March 9. She reeled
in this 1.5-pound brown trout on Lake Wallace in Canaan. The second
place winner was a 2.6 pound fish and the first place winner was 2.87
pounds. Faith was helped by Erik Daniels, a Norton native, who
drilled the holes, and her grandpa, Richard LeBlanc of Canaan
provide the traps. Courtesy photo.
On March 19 Colebrook Girl Scout Troop 13131 went to the Canaan Border Patrol for a tour
and fingerprinting. The Daisies were working on their Respect Authority Patch and Brownies
and Juniors were working on their Detective Patch. From left, Border Patrol Dave Gales,
Joshua Falconer, Mackenna Cote, Jessica Falconer, Mianca Smith, Sara Samson, Samantha
Samson and Colebrook Police Officer Bridget Jeffers. Jennifer Falconer photo.
brook Country Club starting at
6:30 p.m.
The National Tournament is
scheduled for 9 a.m. on April 12.
Come early for registration is
The last Thursday of the
month is a fun night for members
and friends to participate in a
game of doubles and to just have
fun, all players are welcome.
If you have any questions,
contact Louise Streeter at 237
8602 or Annie Laughton at 2374034.
Page 12
The Colebrook Chronicle
Friday, March 21, 2014
Community News
These beautiful hand-painted skates were created by Quebec artist Margareth Hazelton. Corey Bellam
Artist Margareth Hazelton displayed some of her beautiful paintings
recently at a craft show in East Angus, Que., at the St. Louis de
France Church. Corey Bellam photo.
Friday, March 21, 2014
The Colebrook Chronicle
Page 13
Community News
A lively St. Patrick’s Day celebration was held at the Colebrook Country Club on Monday with live music by the region’s own Celtic band, Islay Mist Ceilidh. The event was
hosted by the Great North Woods Committee for the Arts as part of its Winter Warmers concert series, held every winter. Left photo: The night including many familiar sing-along
tunes with John Openhowski, Deb Warner and Art Hammon leading the audience. Middle: Fiddler Gerry Tobin laughs along with the crowd during the fun night of music.
Right photo: And there was even some dancing, as Paul Daniels of Vermont entertained the crowd with his fancy foot steps. Sarah Cummings photos.
These two ladies were dressed up for St. Patrick’s Day at the Hut in
Lennoxville, Que., the other night. The green hair on Debra Danforth
Daigneaut, left, was flashing, and Susan Danforth, right, sported a
big hat. Corey Bellam photo.
Indian Stream Health Center
announces a new Chronic Disease Self-Management (CDSM)
Series beginning on March 26,
2014. “We’re excited about this
new series,” said Lisa Maccini
Program Coordinator.
The group sessions will
address topics such as understanding your disease risk factors, healthy eating, exercise,
stress management and medication review.
“This series of six CDSM sessions includes an individualized
focus–from the beginning each
participant will have a specific
understanding of their personal
risk factors,” said Dr. John
Fothergill, Medical Director at
Indian Stream Health Center,
“As before, we will review
national statistics on risks associated with chronic disease, but
what’s different in this series is
that each participant will be
given an individualized review of
his/her personal health profile
and relative health risks based
on his/her specific test results.”
From there, each participant
will be given a score card and
will work with Dr. Fothergill to
create S.M.A.R.T goals. Dr.
Fothergill explained S.M.A.R.T
goals as “Specific, Measurable,
Attainable, Relevant and Timeline.”
This structured S.M.A.R.T
framework is used to support
and encourage individuals to
learn how to management their
own risk factors on the path to
a healthier and longer life. “The
group environment is important
for motivating and encouraging
people,” said Maccini. “We want
people to take individual responsibility, but it’s very difficult to
make even incremental changes
without lots of support, especially from others who are working towards similar or identical
“Each day will pass by… why
not make it a S.M.A.R.T day?”
asked Dr. Fothergill. The list of
sessions is:
–March 26, Chronic Disease
Overview Diagnostic/Screening
(Continued on page 14)
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The Colebrook Chronicle
Friday, March 21, 2014
Community News
Boy Scout Troops 220 and 223 as well as the Community Girl Scout troops gathered together at the Pittsburg Fire Station for their Annual Pinewood Derby. The troops met in
the station's meeting room to each race their cars in three separate heats. Each of the participants received certificates and medals for their efforts and prizes for first, second
and third were given out to each of the troops for fastest time, most original and best crafted. Left photo: Pictured above is the Girl Scout Troops 207, 12947, 40813, and 13131,
Standing in the third row are Troop Leaders Ann Guilmette, Jennifer Falconer, Kathy Samson, and Julie Bolton. In the second row are Maci Fournier, Brittany Hicks, Ashley
Bolton and Ellie Tolley. Kneeling in the front are Jessica Falconer, Karissa Sweatt, Samantha Samson, Sarah Woody and Joli Carlson. Missing from photo are Leaders Dawn
Pettit and Jessica Haynes. Right photo: Pictured above in the back row are Troop Leader Steve Thibault for Pack 223. In the second row are Thomas Halligan, Luke Thibault,
Dawson Klebe, and Karsen Sweatt. Kneeling in the front are James Bissonnette, Caleb Guilmette, Coleman Keazer, and Drew Pettit. Missing from the photo is Zander Richards.
Angela Wheeler photos.
The Boy and Girl Scouts and their parents all enjoyed watching and cheering on their children and peers
at the Annual Boy and Girl Scouts Pinewood Derby held in Pittsburg last Saturday in the fire station’s
meeting room. Angela Wheeler photo.
(Continued from page 13)
Test Review, with Dr. Fothergill.
Contributors/Risk Factors and
how to control these contributors, with Dr. Fothergill.
–May 7, Stress
Management Techniques, with Greg
–May 28, Exercise and BMI
Management Plan, with Fran
Bigney and Lisa Maccini.
–June 18, Healthy Eating,
with Carrie Rancourt and Lisa
–July 9, Medication Review
with Dr. Fothergill and April
Indian Stream Health Center
is a Federally Qualified Health
Center (FQHC) serving the needs
of Coos County, New Hampshire
and surrounding areas in Maine,
Vermont and Canada and maximizing the quality of life of area
For more information, call
Lisa Maccini at 388-2429 or Gaetane Boire at 388-2432 and visit
More than eight million people in the U.S. suffer from
chronic wounds and the incidence is rising fueled by an aging
population and increased rates of
disease and conditions such as
diabetes, obesity and the late
effects of radiation therapy.
Scheduled to open soon,
Weeks Medical Center’s Wound
Care and Hyperbaric Medicine
Center brings to the North Country the only state-of-the-art treatment and protocols to treat
chronic wounds, including hyperbaric oxygen therapy, negative
pressure therapies, bioengineered tissues and biosynthetics.
Candidates for treatment at
the new center are those suffering from open sores that are not
healing. These sores may be diabetic ulcers, pressure ulcers,
infections, radiation injuries to
soft tissue and bone, compromised skin grafts and flaps, and
wounds that haven’t healed
within 30 days.
One of the features of the new
Wound Care Center is Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT)
which is one of the most
Boy Scout Troop 220, pictured above, stands proudly with their 2014
Pinewood Derby trophies and troop leaders Barbara Kennett (left)
and William Cushing (right) behind them. First row: Gabriel Wheat,
Willie Cushing, Jr., Camden Noyes. Second row: Maynerd Wells,
James McLain, Jaydon Kennett, Isaiah Tillson. Angela Wheeler photo.
advanced therapies in the treatment of non-healing wounds.
HBOT delivers high concentrations of oxygen to the blood
stream and the wound bed,
which rapidly accelerates the
healing process. The therapy
aids in wound closure, new tissue growth, wound tissue regeneration and much more.
The Wound Care Center is a
member of the Healogics network which is comprised of academic medical centers, hospitals
and thousands of professionals
committed to advancing wound
healing by creating, sharing,
and activating wound prevention and care expertise.
Weeks has scheduled an
Open House on Friday, April 11,
from 5-7 p.m. which will feature
tours of the Wound Care Center.
Specialists from the Center’s
medical team will be available
to discuss new, innovative
approaches for treating nonhealing wounds.
“We are excited to be able to
provide this much needed service to residents of the North
Country and beyond,” said Scott
Howe, CEO. “Our entire multidisciplinary team of physicians,
providers and nurses are trained
to provide comprehensive treatment and care to those patients
suffering from problem wounds.”
Friday, March 21, 2014
The Colebrook Chronicle
(Continued from page 7)
numerous meetings to compile,
analyze, and prioritize the collected data. Multiple drafts of
possible Vision Statements were
generated then shared and
edited. The final version was
approved by the Northumberland School Board at their February meeting.
A release issued this week
stated: “This vision will be
proudly posted throughout
Groveton High School not only
as a credo of who we are, but as
a dynamic and deeply influential
mindset infusing all of our decisions and accomplishments.”
Groveton High School Vision
Groveton High School will
prepare students to successfully
transition from high school to
higher education, career readiness, and the competitive workforce. Our community will
ensure a safe learning environment and implement an evolving standards-based curriculum.
We will provide our students
with rigorous and engaging
learning experiences to ensure
all students acquire globally
competitive 21st Century skills
by equipping them with:
Effective communication in
reading, writing, speaking and
Critical thinking and the
ability to problem solve.
Responsibility and a strong
work ethic.
Collaboration and teamwork
Pride in place and self.
Police, EMS
obey inspection requirements.
At 1:38 p.m., officer’s stopped
Indyka Miller of Lancaster; she
was subsequently arrested for
Operating After Revocation or
Suspension, and License Prohibitions. She was booked, bailed
and released on $750 PR bail
with an April 21 2014 court date
in the Lancaster Court. At 3
p.m., a citation was issued to
Richard Dumont of Stewartstown for failing to obey inspection requirements. At 3:45 p.m.,
a citation was issued to Cassandra Chandler of Lancaster for
failing to obey inspection
On March 15, at 8:30 a.m., a
citation was issued to Anthony
Delisle of Berlin for Speed.
On March 16, at 3:26 p.m., a
citation was issued to Steven
Ouelette of Bedford for speed. At
4:24 p.m., a citation was issued
to Troy Martel of Colebrook for
On March 15, 2014, at
approximately 1:30 p.m., N.H.
Fish and Game Conservation
Officers responded to a snowmobile accident in Millsfield.
Megan Hood, 20, of Berlin was
travelling north on snowmobile
corridor 110 in Millsfield when
she failed to negotiate a left
hand turn and went off the trail,
Verna Westgate of Island Brook, near Cookshire, Que., turned 106
years old on March 15. A birthday party was held for her on Saturday.
Verna has relatives who live in the Colebrook area. Corey Bellam
striking multiple trees. Errol
Fire and Rescue transported
Hood out of the woods to the
Errol Ambulance which transported her to the Upper Connecticut Valley Hospital in
Colebrook. Hood was treated for
serious but non-life threatening
injuries. The cause of the accident remains under investigation but it appears inexperience
was a contributing factor
Michael Chappell is a new
Emergency Medical Technician
who is now orienting with the
45th Parallel EMS and will be
employed as a part time EMT
with the 45th. Mike lives in
Canaan and is also a member of
Beecher Falls and Pittsburg Fire
The following is the activity
report for March 9-15.
On March 9, at 9:15 p.m., the
department responded to Pittsburg for a snowmobile collision.
On March 10, at 8:37 a.m., the
department responded to Colebrook
for a medical emergency.
On March 11, at 9:40 a.m., the
department responded to Dixville for
a motor vehicle collision. At 12:56
p.m., the department responded to
UCVH for a transfer to DHMC. At
8:28 p.m., the department responded
to Stewartstown for a medical emergency.
On March 13, at 6:37 a.m., the
department responded to Columbia
for a medical emergency. At 9 a.m.,
the department
UCVH for a transfer to Catholic
Medical Center. At 5:47 p.m., the
department responded to Stewartstown for a medical emergency.
On March 14, at 46 minutes past
midnight, the department responded
to Pittsburg for a medical emergency. At 8:10 a.m., the department
responded to Stewartstown for a
medical emergency. At 9:45 a.m., the
department responded to UCVH for
a transfer to Littleton Regional
Healthcare. At 9:48 p.m., the department responded to Pittsburg for
carbon monoxide alarm activation.
On March 15, at 1:48 a.m., the
department responded to Columbia
(Continued from page 5)
reporter and anchor in Connecticut. He resides in North Sutton
with his wife and two children.
Tilton added, “For the past 10
months, I’ve watched Jim
Rubens build a strong coalition
of supporters. I've seen Jim connect with voters who demand
better and they deserve it. Without a doubt, Jim is the strongest
candidate in this race and I look
forward to helping him win so
New Hampshire's hardest working citizens can once again be
For more information, visit
106th Birthday
(Continued from page 1)
Verna lived in Island Brook
for 103 years. She lived in
Detroit, Mich., for one year, and
has spent a couple of years at the
Grace Christian Rest Home in
Huntingville, Que. She is proud
to say that she had a valid driver’s license until the age of 103.
When Verna first went into the
retirement home, it took some
adjusting, but now she has made
many new friends there.
Verna has lots of loving family
close by and countless friends
that look right after this special
lady. She very seldom misses a
card party or any sort of gettogether. Verna loves people, and
people sure love Verna.
Page 15
Page 16
The Colebrook Chronicle
Friday, March 21, 2014
Around the Region
Don Atkins, Jan Graham, and Ron Haseltine were part of the steady stream of musicians filling the
Sawyerville Hotel with good old-fashioned music and a twist of Irish this past Friday, March 14. Corey
Bellam photo.
The Lancaster Snow Drifters groomer was kept busy this week, seen here crossing North Road in Lancaster
during last Thursday’s snowstorm. Chris Parker photo.
On Saturday, the First Lennoxville Girl Guides held their
annual St. Patricks Day Coffee
Party at the Lennoxville United
Church. The doors opened at
9:30 a.m., and the hall filled
quickly for a fun day of activities
to include a Chinese auction,
silent auction, their famed dime
auction, and much more. The
Girl Guides served sandwiches,
sweets and many other tasty
treats. Girl Guide leader Barb
Rivett, along with many helpers,
did the benefit auction to perfection and raised a lot of money for
their troupe to help pay for activities throughout the year.
The young Girl Guides
worked very hard serving coffee,
sandwiches and tasty treats to
all in the hall. This was a very
enjoyable event that everyone
(Continued on page 17)
Danae Lapierre, 10 years old, came up to us with a big smile at the
Sherbrooke Camping, Hunting and Fishing Show. She was proud to
showcase the antlers of her very first deer, which she shot all by herself
last fall. She made the plaque herself, and with the help of her dad,
mounted the horns. Corey Bellam photo.
Friday, March 21, 2014
The Colebrook Chronicle
Page 17
Around the Region
Some of the entertainment at the Hut was provided by Pif Patton,
Willie Fisk, Peter Mackey, Grant Taylor, Ron Haseltine and Ross
Roach, with Dareth Fowler on drums in the back. Corey Bellam photo.
A host of musicians raised a parting glass to the memory of Bruce Neil, entertainment organizer at the
Hut in Lennoxville, who passed away on March 3, just weeks before the St. Patrick’s Day event. Corey
Bellam photo.
(Continued from page 16)
had a lot of fun at. The bidding
got fierce at times, but the
laughs were louder. The Chronicle spoke to some of the Girl
Guides and their leaders, and
we were told that this type of
coffee party and fundraising
auction has been going on for
over 25 years now, and they are
planning on doing it for many
years to come.
–Corey Bellam
The sound of country music
was sure in the air last Saturday at the Hut in Lennoxville
for their annual St. Patrick’s
Day Music Celebration.
The day began at 11 a.m.
with the serving of Irish Coffee
and music by Jan Graham. At 1
p.m., the stage came alive with
live music from musicians of the
region like Pif Patton, Brian
Lowry, David McBurney, Ross
Roach, Dale Nugent, Francine
Hamel, Dareth Fowler and many
more giving it their all to make
the St. Patrick’s Day music celebration one to remember.
This year’s St. Paddy’s celebration had a little different twist on
it. On March 3, entertainment
chairman for the Army-Navy-Air
Force Unit 318 Bruce Neil passed
away very suddenly at his home.
This year’s event was dedicated
to Bruce. He always put his all
into anything to do with country
music. A few years ago, Bruce
decided to get involved with the
Hut as entertainment chairman,
and he loved it. He always organized the St. Patrick’s Day celebration and many other special
events throughout the year. He
always worked very close with the
musicians and made his way into
all their hearts with his warm
Thirteen years ago, along with
the help of a couple good friends,
he started the Hut's Annual
Achievement Award. This all
began with the idea of paying
tribute to two local stars, Jerry
Ann-Alicia Rivett and her helper Sophie McCulley were working very
hard at the Lennoxville Girl Guides Auction. Corey Bellam photo.
Robitaille and Dick Curless. The
idea stuck, and it became an
annual event that pays tribute
to different musicians each year.
Next October will be the 14th
edition of this award, and it just
seems right that it be called The
Bruce Neil Annual Achievement
Award. Bruce had many plans
coming up to bring special entertainment to the Hut for all to
We knew Bruce Neil very
well, because this reporter is the
one who does their photos for
the Hut. We have worked very
close with Bruce for many years.
We respected that man and will
sure miss his quick wit and
straightforward answers. He
would easily give his opinion,
and he was usually right. Some
people came to us before the St.
Patrick’s Day party and said,
“We are sure going to miss that
man.” We told them that he'll be
there; you'll just not see him,
but he will be back in the corner,
wearing his Irish hat, and he'll
be drinking a very stiff Irish
Whiskey and keeping an eye on
At 5 p.m. sharp, the music
stopped and Sam Evans took the
stage and talked about his longtime friend Bruce, and invited
all the musicians to come up to
the stage and take a little red
cup. They all toasted Bruce in
grand style. The little red cups
were a true tribute to this special man, because he always
provided them, saying that the
bands would never go thirsty.
Many tears were flowing by
The party kicked back up and
lasted well into the early morning hours. We knew Bruce didn't
want a funeral, he wanted a
party. And in the words of his
loving wife, Pat: “Well, Bruce,
you got your party for darn sure.”
–Corey Bellam
The Chronicle visited the
St. Louis de France Church this
past weekend to attend their
(Continued on page 18)
From left: Pif Patton, Willie Fisk, Francine Hamel, Dareth Fowler
and Ron Haseltine rocked the hall. Corey Bellam photo.
Page 18
The Colebrook Chronicle
Friday, March 21, 2014
Around the Region
Jocelyn Huppe shows off some of his butterflies that he uses to make
various arts and crafts. Corey Bellam photo.
(Continued from page 17)
annual Arts and Craft Show.
The show included the works of
Marie-Claude Bouchard from
Thetford, Que., Jocelyn Huppe
with his butterfly collection and
mirrors he makes using butterflies, Richard Ruel with his
wooden items, maple products
from Erablier LPDG in Marbleton, Que., Margareth Hazelton
from Bury, Que., and many more
very talented men and women.
The aisles of this old historic
church were lined with pretty
paintings and other crafts for all
to see and buy. This annual Art
Show and Sale takes place every
year about this time and it gives
the public a good chance to see
local talent and maybe make a
new friend in the process. This
reporter was welcomed with open
arms to the event and we will be
sure to go back next year.
–Corey Bellam
Marie-Claude Bouchard from Thetford, Que., proudly posing with some of her artwork at the St. Louis
de France Church Art Show. Corey Bellam photo.
The sounds of St. Patrick’s
Day celebrations were echoing
through the air at the Jean Coutu
Pharmacy in Lennoxville on Monday. Every year on St. Patrick’s
Day, this pharmacy holds a day
of Irish celebration.
The party started at 10 a.m.
with many musicians arriving,
instruments in hand for an oldfashioned Irish party full of highstepping music and pure fun. The
musicians included Ann Crawford, Robert Wollerton, Steve
Aulis, Wayne Nutbrown, Wyatt
Savage, Ron Haseltine, Elmer
Andrews, Jan Graham and many
more very talented people.
Every year Jean Coutu Pharmacy raises money for a good
cause. This year, we feel they
made an excellent choice by supporting the Pet Connection,
which is a local pet rescue and
adoption place based out of the
Blue Seal in Lennoxville. This is
owned and operated by Jen
Young and family, along with a
hardworking staff of caring people.
Jen Young of Pet Connection happily accepted the funds raised
through the St. Patrick’s Day concert at the Jean Coutu Pharmacy.
It was presented by pharmacy manager Thelma Doherty, with Jen’s
friend Asland in the foreground. Corey Bellam photo.
The music played and the
donation box filled with muchwelcomed money to help the
animals. At 1:30, the door
opened, and in came Jen Young
along with her mascot and best
friend Asland. This dog was
rescued a while ago after being
shot and left for dead. Asland
was a survivor, and he ate a
porcupine to stay alive. Jen
finally got him in her care. He
has had many operations since,
due to the porcupine quills in
his tummy, but he is doing just
fine now thanks to a lot of very
hard work. Asland came in and
he visited everyone one by one
and even shook hands. They
couldn't have picked a better
cause for this money to go
towards. $401 was raised and
Jean Coutu Pharmacy matched
it, making it $802 to go help the
animals. Thelma Doherty, manager of the pharmacy for 23
years, presented the money to
Jen Young. Jen thanked everyone and she and Asland had to
get back to the Pet Connection to
help the less fortunate animals.
–Corey Bellam
Community members are
invited to attend the Clarinets
for Conservation concerts at 7:30
p.m. on Thursday, March 20, at
the Gorham Congregational
Church, 143 Main St., Gorham
(Continued on page 19)
Friday, March 21, 2014
The Colebrook Chronicle
Page 19
Around the Region
(Continued from page 18)
and/or at 7:30 p.m. on Friday,
March 21, at the Tamworth Congregational Church in Tamworth. The Gorham concert is
free, with donations to Clarinets
for Conservation's important
work gratefully accepted. The
“Choose Your Own Ticket Price,”
with $5-$30 asked for adults, and
$0-$5 for kids to 18. Arts Alliance
member organizations Music in
the Great North Woods and Arts
Council of Tamworth will be
hosting these benefit concerts.
It’s a great opportunity to
simultaneously show your support for the presentation of music
in the region and global sustainability efforts. The performances
will feature classical and contemporary works for clarinet quartet
by Jean Francaix, Alfred Uhl,
and Brett Wery. In addition,
members of the quartet will
share stories of their work with
the students of Korongoni Secondary School in Moshi, Tanzania.
Founded in 2010, Clarinets
for Conservation provides an
interdisciplinary approach to
sustainability through music
education. The clarinet is made
out of wood from Tanzania's
national tree, the Mpingo, also
known as African Blackwood,
Grenadilla, and Ebony. The tree
is of great value to artists, furniture makers, and hardwood carvers all over the world, but high
demand has threatened the
tree's future sustainability. Clarinets for Conservation introduces
the clarinet and classical music
to Tanzanian students and helps
them plant trees that will in time
become a valuable asset to their
community. Students of the program serve a vital role in educating their families and community
members about the importance
of protecting natural resources.
Read more about their work at
For more information about
the Gorham program, call Music
in the Great North Woods at
With a hint of Spring in the
air, UNH Cooperative Extension
will hold a series of workshops to
help farmers prepare for this
year’s growing season. They will
be held at County Extension
offices in Northern NH on Tuesday, April 1, in Lancaster,
Wednesday, April 2, in Conway,
and Thursday, April 3, in North
The morning sessions from 10
a.m. to noon have been approved
for one NHDA Private Applicator
Recertification Credit. Field Specialists in Forage Crops, Vegetable and Fruit Production will
discuss current pest concerns,
Hi-Tunnel management and IPM
Do-It-Yourself monitoring. This
is a “Lunch and Learn” type
session, so bring your own lunch,
and we’ll have some coffee on.
Individual crop-planning consultations
It was a St. Patrick’s Day jamboree at the Jean Coutu pharmacy in
Lennoxville. Corey Bellam photo.
soils/fertility planning and pest
control) are available in the
afternoon for commercial farm
operators. Contact the offices for
making these appointments by
calling 788-4961 for Lancaster,
447-3834 for Conway, and 7876944 for North Haverhill. Ten
working days are needed to facilitate special needs requests.
Page 20
The Colebrook Chronicle
Friday, March 21, 2014
Carroll E. Ingerson
Ingerson, 86, died on Tuesday
afternoon, March 12, 2014, at
Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical
Center, surrounded by his family.
Ingerson was a lifetime resident of Jefferson. He was born
there on July 12, 1927, the son
of Albert and Helen (Page) Ingerson. He graduated from Lancaster Academy and for 22 years
worked for the Ingerson Dairy.
He then worked 23 years for
Timberland Machine and several
years at Santa’s Village.
Carroll was a spiritual man,
and for many years taught adult
Sunday School. He also assisted
area churches by conducting
Sunday services to cover for pastors who were away or for
churches between pastors. For
the town of Jefferson, he served
as a selectman for 32 years. His
greatest enjoyment came from
spending time with his family,
especially his grandchildren and
Family members include his
wife of 64 years, Gladys L. (Boudle) Ingerson, of Jefferson; two
children, Brenda Manuel and
Lloyd Ingerson, both of Jefferson; eight grandchildren; 11
great-grandchildren; two sisters,
Stella Paschal of Jefferson and
Marilyn Wetmore of Brandon,
Vt.; and many nieces and nephews. He was predeceased by a
brother, Elliott Ingerson.
Visiting hours were held on
Friday evening, March 14, from
6 to 8 p.m. at Bailey Funeral
Home in Lancaster. A funeral
service was held on Saturday
afternoon at 1 p.m. at the funeral
home. Reverend Jay Dexter, pastor of the New Life Assembly of
God in Bethlehem, officiated.
Burial will be in the spring in the
Summer Street Cemetery in
to for more information or to send an online condolence.
MOUNTAIN–Raymond J. Ouellette, 88, of Rte.
115, died on Saturday morning,
March 15, 2014, at The Morrison
in Whitefield.
Ouellette was born in Lawrence, Mass., on Aug. 5, 1925.
He was longtime resident of the
Boston area and was employed
for many years as an aviation
mechanic. During World War II,
he served with the U.S. Navy on
Lake Michigan. He retired in
1989 and moved to Twin Mountain in 2010.
Family members include his
three children, Jay Ouellette of
Twin Mountain, Laurence Ouellette of Londonderry and Cynthia Ouellette of Londonderry;
and four grandchildren.
There are no visiting hours.
A graveside service will be held
at the convenience of the family
in the Straw Cemetery in Twin
Mountain. Arrangements are
under the direction of Bailey
Funeral Home in Lancaster.
Please go to for
more information or to send an
online condolence.
Simone A. Cloutier
STARK–Simone A. Cloutier,
89, of Stark passed away peacefully at her home on March 7,
2014, surrounded by her husband Albert and their children.
She was born Simone Lanciaux on Jan. 7, 1925, in Dixville,
Que. She was the seventh child
(Letourneau) Lanciaux.
On July 3, 1948, she married
Albert Cloutier. They made their
home in New Hampshire in
1951. They raised their five children together in a very loving
home, while she assisted Albert
with the family business.
Simone was a great wife,
mother, grandmother and greatgrandmother and enjoyed spending time with her family. Albert
and Simone wintered in Florida
for 26 years. Simone has joined
her husband on many fishing
and camping trips to Canada.
She enjoyed get-togethers with
family and friends and loved to
play cards, gardening and cooking.
She leaves behind her loving
husband of 66 years, Albert
Cloutier of Stark; her five children Johanne Kingston and husband Kevin of Lebanon; Norman
Cloutier and wife Marlene of
Columbia; Albert Cloutier, Jr.,
and wife Darlene of Stark;
Jeanne Gervais and husband
Reno of Island Pond, Vt.; and
Linda Caron and husband Ron
of Groveton. She also leaves
Jacques Cloutier and wife
Nicole; David Cloutier and wife
Melissa; Erika Vasher and husband Shaun; Christen Cloutier
and wife Jillian; Angela Morgan
and husband Josh; Adrien Cloutier and fiancée Casey Penrod;
Eric Caron and companion
Michaud and husband Mike;
Amy Caron and companion Mark
Valliere, Melissa Lyons and
husband Cass and Brett Gervais;
Cayden Cloutier, Thayer Cloutier, Tanner Michaud, Cheyenne
Philippe Cloutier and Braxton
Lyons. She also leaves behind
three sisters Rachel Chatel;
Georgette Lanciault and Juliette
She was predeceased by five
brothers and one sister.
Calling hours were Wednesday, March 12, at ArmstrongCharron Funeral Home in
Groveton. Mass of Christian
Burial was on Thursday, March
13, at 11 a.m. at St. Francis
Xavier Church in Groveton, with
Fr. Daniel Deveau, pastor, officiating.
In lieu of flowers, memorial
donations may be made in Simone’s name to a charity of one’s
To send the family your condolences via the online register
NORTH STRATFORD–Ronald “Ron” Roy Franco, 58, died
peacefully at his residence on
March 3, 2014, after a sudden
He was born on Aug. 4, 1955,
in Peabody, Mass., a son of Claudio and Arlete (Ortins) Franco.
He attended school in Massachusetts and worked as a carpenter
in Salam, Mass., until moving to
North Stratford in 2003. After
moving north he worked at the
Balsams Resort maintaining the
Ron was an avid outdoorsman
enjoying many outdoor sports
and activities. He has been
Kathy’s caretaker for the past
few years and took exceptionally
good care of her. He will be
missed by many, many friends,
but will always remain in their
He is survived by his
companion/wife of 18 years,
Kathleen “Kathy” (Wells) Franco
of North Stratford; his four chil-
dren, Ronald “Ronny” Franco of
Peabody, Mass.; Ricky Franco of
Concord; Karlyne Vida of Bronx,
NY; and Leanna Franco of Lynn,
Mass.; a very special grandson,
Julian Guerette; two older grandchildren, Alex Franco and Xavier
Lopez; and three brothers,
Manny Franco of Lynn, Mass.;
Antonio “Tony” Franco of Kingsland, Ga.; and Ricardo Franco
of Peabody, Mass.
Ron is predeceased by his
father, Claudio Franco, and his
mother, Arlete Franco Butler.
A private family service will
be held at the convenience of the
family in the spring. Arrangements are entrusted to the care
of Armstrong-Charron Funeral
Home in Groveton.
To send the family your condolences via the online register
Everett Mardin, 88, of Wheeler
Drive, died suddenly at his home
on Monday morning, March 17,
Mardin was born in Lisbon on
Jan. 25, 1928, the son of Albert
and Esther (Fellows) Mardin. He
was raised on the family farm in
Landaff and went off to serve
with the U.S. Army during World
War II. His tour was in the
Pacific Theater, including Iwo
Jima and Saipan. Returning to
Landaff, he later moved to Berlin
where he met and married his
first wife, Alice (Caswell) Mardin. He worked for most of his
life as a truck driver and was
employed at Brown Company, St.
Johnsbury Trucking, and more
recently, George Ramsey and
Son Trucking in Gorham. He
retired in 1990. Raymond has
always been a gentleman farmer,
raising beef, horses and chickens. He also enjoyed working
with his tractors. Memberships
include the VFW and American
Legion, both of Whitefield. Alice
predeceased him in 1995. On
July 1, 2000, he married Anne
(Eastman) Wheeler of Jefferson.
Family members include his
wife Anne of Jefferson; four children, Katherine M. Bouffard and
husband Dennis of Sutton, Vt.,
Sheila R. Leavitt and husband
Roger of Littleton, Steven R.
Mardin and his wife Deb of
Bloomfield, Vt., and Scott R.
Mardin and wife Jennifer of Jefferson; three step-children, Julie
Welch and her husband Ellison,
Ted Wheeler, and Bill Wheeler,
Jr.; two brothers, Elwood Mardin
of Lisbon and Curtis Mardin of
Littleton; six grandchildren; six
great-grandchildren and 12
nieces and nephews. He was also
predeceased by five siblings,
Albert Mardin, Dorothy Gordon,
Lewis Mardin, Stella Richardson
and Phyllis Paige.
Visiting hours will be held on
Friday, March 21, from 4 to 8
p.m. at Bailey Funeral Home in
Lancaster. A funeral service will
be held at the funeral home on
Saturday at 2 p.m. Rev. Lynn
Winters will officiate. Burial
with military honors will be in
the spring in the Center Cemetery in Landaff on May 16, at 3
Memorial donations may be
made in his memory to the American Cancer Society, N.H. Division, Inc., Gail Singer Memorial
Building, 360 Route 101 Unit
501, Bedford, NH 03102-6800.
Please go to for
more information or to send an
online condolence.
Foss, 64, died peacefully on
Wednesday afternoon, March 19,
2014, at Dartmouth-Hitchcock
Medical Center in Lebanon, surrounded by her loving family.
Sharon was born in Lancaster
on July 13, 1949, the daughter of
Stewart R. and Jean C. (Marshall) Foss. She was raised in
Stoughton, Mass., until she was
15. Her family returned to Lancaster and in 1967 she graduated
from Lancaster Academy. For a
time she resided in Manchester
and Barnstead where she worked
as an administrative assistant
for New Hampshire Insurance.
She was a person who loved
spending time with family and
friends. There was nothing she
liked better than an interesting
conversation with a good friend.
Sharon could have an engaging
conversation with anyone. She
especially enjoyed going to the
Community Camps, taking rides
out East and the Hallmark
Sharon is now reunited with
her Mom, Dad and grandparents
whom she always held near and
dear to her heart. They were a
great comfort in her life. The
family extends their gratitude to
Holton Point and the DartmouthHitchcock Medical Center for
their kindness.
Surviving family members
include her five brothers and
their spouses, Mark Foss and
Rita of The Villages, Fla., Douglas Foss and Cindy of Pittsfield,
Mass., Andrew Foss and Carole
of Belmont, Thomas Foss and
Marilyn of Guildhall, Kevin Foss
and Janet of Penacook; and
many nieces and nephews. She
was also predeceased by her
former husband and friend,
Elwin H. “Sonny” Hopps.
Visiting hours will be held on
Sunday, March 23, from 4-6 p.m.
At Bailey Funeral Home in
Lancaster. A Mass of Christian
Burial will be celebrated Monday
morning at 10:30 a.m. at All
Saints Church in Lancaster.
Reverend Matthew Mason, pastor, will officiate. Burial will be
in the spring in Calvary Cemetery, Lancaster.
Donations in lieu of flowers
may be made in her memory to
Col. Town Recreation Dept., 16
High St., Lancaster, NH to help
with maintenance to the Col.
Town Community Camps.
Please go to
for more information or to send
an online condolence.
Friday, March 21, 2014
The Colebrook Chronicle
Business Directory
Steel Fabrication and Sales
Culvert • Re-Bar • Structural Steel Items
AWS Certified Welders • Aluminum and Stainless Welding
Shearing • Rolling • Bending • Portable Welding
•Full Service Sheet Metal Shop•
991 Union Street, Littleton, N.H. - (603) 444-5008
Stewartstown, NH
Additions • Garages • Houses • Camps
You can
Your ad
To the
Page 21
Page 22
The Colebrook Chronicle
For Sale
Central Boiler E-Classic OUTDOOR
FURNACES. Heat your entire home
and hot water. EPA Qualified. Call
today, 1-800-295-8301. (603) 2378301. 6/27
Buying snowmobiles, ATVs and
motorcycles. Call (603) 538-6963 or
(802) 334-1603. TFN
8 HP Toro Snowblower, model 826,
26” cut. Runs and throws good. $100.
Friday, March 21, 2014
Call (603) 246-8998
Breckwell p2000i fireplace insert
pellet stove. Bay viewing window,
46,000 btu, $2,900. New, used four
season, will take $1,000. 538-6995.
Music Lessons: Guitar, Ukulele,
Banjo, Mandolin, Bass, Dulcimer,
and Voice. Children ages 5-8 for
$60/month, includes instrumental
rental. All other students, $75,
instrument rental $15. Roberta’s
Studio, (603) 331-1628. TFN
Farm Fresh
Local organic greens, fresh local
eggds, natural and whole foods, soy,
gluten & Dairy free products at the
Copper Leaf store. Located in the
green building between IGA and the
rest area, 237-5318. TFN
104 Colby Street, Colebrook
needs one to improve health--can't
afford one. God Bless you for helping
me. 246-9968. 3/28
543-3750. Debra Morningstar. 4/4
FREE Winter Workshops!
Saturdays at 10 a.m.
March 29: How and Why We
Presenter: Kris von Dohrmann of
Otokahe Farms
Always offering local
produce and products.
Plus…Building Salvage
& assorted furnishings
Tues.-Fri. 9-5
Sat. 9-12
refrigerator, washer/dryer, heat,
satellite TV, wi-fi. $575 a month. No
smokers, no pets. Call Rick, 2375579. TFN
Help Wanted
Help Wanted: First Run, now
accepting applications and resumes,
Main St., Colebrook. TFN
For Rent
1 br. In-town, available May 1. Stove,
The Copper Leaf store is having a
moving sale, up to 70% off! All the
candles, gifts and more have to go.
The store will be closing on March
30 to move to downtown Colebrook.
Our address is 232 US Rte. 3,
between the IGA and the rest area, in
the green building. 3/28
Top dollar paid for junk cars and
trucks. Also, steel, batteries,
aluminum cans. Call (603) 636-1667
days or (603) 636-1304 nights. 4/4/14
Would anyone be able to donate a
juicer they don't use to a person who
$4 for up to 30 words,
12 cents per word if over 30 words.
Drop your classified and payment at our downtown
Colebrook office: 4 Titus Hill Road
Or mail to: PO Box 263, Colebrook NH 03576
Classifieds must be accompanied by payment.
Friday, March 21, 2014
The Colebrook Chronicle
Page 23
Left photo: A fascinating display set up at the Sherbrooke Camping, Hunting and Fishing show displayed African wildlife and outfitter gear. Right photo: Lachance Sport from
Sherbrooke was on hand to answer all questions and show the public the latest in hunting and fishing equipment. Corey Bellam photos.
Every part of the animal was used at this display, showcasing all
sorts of devices and utensils made from animals. Corey Bellam photo.
The Colebrook Varsity boys and girls teams gathered in the Colebrook gymnasium last Tuesday night to
enjoy brownie sundaes and receive pins and certificates for their participation for this season. Pictured
above is the Colebrook Varsity Boys who received pins and certificates. Front row: Jake Scherer, Justin
Siewierski, Cody Riff, Dawson Fogg, Spencer Smith, Billy Talmage. Second row: Brandon Marsh, Taylor
Inkell, Bryce Hicks, Parker McKinnon, Sedrick McKinnon, John Zavala, Nate Cass. Third row: Creed
Cooney, Richard Davis, Garrett Purrington and Michael Hastings. Angela Wheeler photo.
The Colebrook Girls Varsity team also gathered for a picture after their awards ceremony and are pictured
above. Front, from left, Missy Collins, Nakea Cross, Emily Brosseau, Brooke Lawson, Alexyss Lawson,
Chandla Cooney. Back, Taylor Siewierski, Megan Hamel, Michaela Biron, Madison Daulphanis. Angela
Wheeler photo.
Page 24
The Colebrook Chronicle
Friday, March 21, 2014
This past weekend, the Centre de Foires in Sherbrooke,
Que., was abuzz with excitement
and the sound of game calls
echoing through the building. It
was the 21st Edition of the Sherbrooke Camping, Hunting and
Fishing Show.
The doors swung open to the
public on Thursday afternoon
and a steady flow of people
passed through all weekend,
with all coming to check out the
latest in hunting, fishing and
camping supplies. The show
included over 100 booths with
just about anything you could
ever want or need in the great
outdoors. It also had a place
where visitors could try out their
shooting skills with a crossbow
or a regular bow. There was also
a booth where everyone could try
out what Crossman has to offer
in handguns and long guns.
Many drawings took place for
fishing and hunting trips with
outfitters of the region.
It was a very informative and
fun weekend for all that visited
the show.
–Corey Bellam

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