KEMENTERIAN KEUANGAN REPUBLIK INDONESIA DIREKTORAT J ENDERAL PENGELOLAAN UTANG DIREKTORAT PINJAMAN DAN HIBAH GEDUNG FRANS SEDA LANTAI 6, JALAN GUNUNG SAHARI RAYA NO. 4 JAKARTA 10710 TELEPON (021 ) 3458289, 3865330, PSW' 2602; FAKSIMI LE (O21) 3447386; SITUS *l'#".drilc c' 'c Nomor Lampiran Hal l5 November 2013 S- tltoo |PU.212013 1 (satu) dokumen Penyampaian IDB Disbursement Applications Forms Yth. (Daftar Terlampir) Sehubungan dengan surat Acting Director IDB Regional Office Kuala Lumpur ref:93/156/13 tanggal 29 Oktober 2013 perihal "lDB Prescribed Forms for Disbursement Applications" (copy terlampir), dengan ini kami sampaikan IDB Disbursement Applications dimaksud untuk dapat dijadikan format standar dalam pelaksanaan transaksi permintaan disbursemenf pinjaman luar negeri bersumber dari IDB yang menurut hemat karni perlu mendapat perhatian Saudara. Dapat disampaikan bahwa penggunaan Drsbursement Applications Forms dimaksud dapat mengikuti format sebagai berikut: a. Untuk disbursement b. menggunakan mekanisme Direct Payment, Reimbursement dan Speciat Account menggunakan "Form A: Disbursenent Application Form" dan "Form C: Summary Statement". Untuk disbursemenf menggunakan mekanisme Letters of Credit menggunakan Form B dan Form C. Demikian disampaikan, atas perhatian dan kerjasama yang baik diucapkan terima kasih. Sukbrini 196706221992022001 '..? Lampiran Surat Nomor : S- rllc, tPu.2l2o13 Tanggal : 1( November2O13 Kepada Yth. 1. Kepala Departemen Pengelolaan Pinjaman dan Transaksi Pemerintah, Bank Indonesia 2. Direktur Pengelolaan Kas Negara, DJPB, Kementerian Keuangan 3. Direktur Evaluasi, Akuntansidan Setelmen, Kementerian Keuangan 4. Kepala KPPN Khusus Pinjaman dan Hibah, DJPB, Kementerian Keuangan 5. Project Manager The Reconstruction for IAN Ar-Raniry (lND-1 121113) 6. Project Manager North Sumatera University Hospital (lND-115) 7. Project Manager Development of Belawan Sibolga Fishing Port (lND-121) B. Project Manager The Upgrading and Development of the lslamic University of Sunan Gunung Djati, Bandung Project (lND-1261 127) 9. Project Manager The Development and Upgrading State University of Jakarta (rND-129/130) 10. Project Manager The Development of Belawan Port (lND-133) 11. Project Manager Development of Medical Education and Research Center and Two University Hospitals Project (Ul, UNAND, UNS) (lND-1371138) 12. Project Manager The Quality lmprovement of Padjajaran University - Bandung (lND-140/141) 13. Project Manager The PNPM ICDD Project Phase ll (lND-0147114811491150/151) 14. Project Manager The Development and Quality lmprovement of the Semarang State University ( ND-1 521 1 531 1 54) 15. Project Manager The Reconstruction and Upgrading of the State University of Padang (rND-155/156) 16. Project Manager The Development and Quality lmprovement of State Institute of lslamic Studies Sunan Ampel Project in Surabaya (lND-157/158) 17. Project Manager The Regional Roads Development Project (lND-161) 18. Project Manager The Support to Quality lmprovement of lslamic Higher Education (rND-164) of | a4-N0u-2013 A9:55 FRDN IDB REGIDNAL OFFICE T0 KL P.Dl ag622t3AL?A59 a ?+-'Ji ,';1l dlt f-! ISLAMIC DEVELOPMENT BANK REGIONAL OFFICE KuelN Lumpur, Maleyile. - -lr, {+.I! sr$dYl 4+ll srr|Jtl $:S.ll tdA. - JJr.rftU TOGETSER WE BUILD A BEfiDR FIIfURE Ref: ttb 93/ t 13 24Dnil Hijja la34H 29 October 2013 Yth. Ms. Ayu Sukorini Director, Directorate of Ftutds Directoratc General of Debt Management Ministry of Finance Jakarta, Indonesia Fax:6221-l8l-2859 Dear Ms. Ayu Sukorini, Subject: r:t3.Jpj ell {.rJJ IDB Prescribed Forms for Dlgbursement Applications FtrJo d-Jl With ret'erence to the abovc, we are plcascd to enclose herewith for your kind attention and perusal the IDB prescribed forms for submining Disbursement Applications or what is conmonly known in Indonesia as "Withdrawal Applications (WAs)". (i) dircct payments, (ii) reimburse.meots, ald (iii) special prescribed forms to be used are "Form A: Disbursernent IDB or imprest accounts, the Applicarion Form" and "Form C: Summary Ststement". Wheteas lbr Issuance of an Irrwocable Commitment to Reimburse (ICR) under Lettcrs of Crcdit, which are usually Please note thar for cases involving processed by the Central Bank of Indonesia, the prescribed fonns to be used are Form B and l'orm C, We would like to take this opporlunity to express our sincere appreciatiou of pur kind assislance and cooperation to distribute the above Disbursernent Fonns accordingly. Yours Sincerely { t/ ^ \rnlEn, ' \YWlresubrate Kunrat Acting Dircctor Regional Office Kuala Lumpur c.c. - Tbe Director, Country Department - Ttre Director, Financial Control Departmcnt - The Director, Multilateral Foreign Financing, BAPPENAS, Indonesia Sulte l, Levcl 13, Manrrt Ernk Pornbrngunrn, Erodit Wlwarto, Jalro Suluo lcmril 10250 Kurfe Lumpur, Tel. No, 03-2694-6617 Frr. No.03-2694{626 E-mrll: ldbrokl( '"Y Islamic Development Bank A Disbursement Application Form The Director Financial Control Dept., 17th Floor lslamic Development Bank PO Box 5925 Jeddah 21432, SAUDI ARABIA Tel: 966 12636 1400 1 Date 2 IDB Project no. 3 Application no. 3a Contract no. 4 Cofinanciers ref 5 Project name 6 Application for payment of (amount & currency) 7 Type of disbursement: oirect paymeni (ln words) E nGimnwsement E 8 Payment instructions a Payee name b Payee address c Payee account number d Payee Bank name e Payee Bank address f Payee Bank code g Payee Bank SWIFT code (if appticabte) h Corresoondence Bank I Special payment instructions and other references 9 The borrower applies for payment in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Financing with the lslamic Development Bank. The date)... Agreement dated linserr borrower certifies and agrees to the following: a The amount requested is required solely for the payment or reimbursement for payment for goods and services as described in the attached summary statement(s). b The expenditures were or will be for the sole purpose of the Project as specified in the financing Agreement and the cost and procurement terms are in accordance with the relevant contract(s). c No amount has been previously withdrawn or applied for to meet these expenditures. d No other funds have been or will be obtained by any other loan, credit or grant (from IDB or any other source) for the purpose of fully or partially meeting these expenditures. e At the date of this application the borrower is not in default of any obligations under any financing agreement with the lslamic Development Bank. f The amount requested is consistent with the percentage financed by the lslamic Development Bank for these expenditures as specified in the Financing Agreement. g The goods and services have been procured in accordance with procedures outlined in the Financing Agreement and are from eligible sources. h For expenditure claimed on the basis of a Statement of Expenditure (SOE), all documentation which verifies these expenditures is retained in the location stated on the summary sheet and is available for review by the Bank or auditors uoon request. '10 This application consists of linsert no).......... page(s) including (insert no)........... summary statement(s). 11 a Name of Borrower b Signature(s) of Authorized Representative(s) c Print Name & Title of Signator(y)(ies) * Please ensure your application and annexes are complete and correct to avoid any delays * Islamic Development Bank Disbursement Application Form - Instructions for completion This form is applicable to all types of disbursement requests except for payments under Letters of Credit (UC), or payments for equity participation. Notes: a b c d e Please read these instructions before completing the application form. These instructions should be read in conjunction with the Disbursement Handbook. Prepare separate application forms for each payee and each currency. Proforma Summary Statement(s) must accompany application forms, and constitute an integral part of disbursement application. Please check the application form before submitting it to the Bank. Mistakes and omissions lead to delavs in Numbers correspond to numbers on the Disbursement Application Form. 1 Date: Date signed by the Authorized Representative, not the preparation date. 2 Project no: IDB reference number as advised by the Bank (e.9. 1-lND-0015). 3 Application no: Please number applications consecutively under each project. The first application being number 1. 3a Contract no: Enter the reference number of the contract under which the payment is being made. 4 Cofinanciers ref: Enter the cofinanciers name and reference number, if any. 5 Project name: Enter the project name as it appears in the financing agreement. 6 Application for payment: Enter the total amount applied for including currency details (e.9. USD 50,000.00). 7 Type of disbursement: Please tick the box indicating the type of disbursement. Direct payment being payments direct to the supplier and reimbursements being payments to the borrower in respect of payments already made to the supplier. 8 Payment instructions: a b c d e f g h Name of payee, as it appears on their bank account. Full postal address of payee. Account number of payee, as it appears on their bank account. Full name of the bank to which payment is to be made. Full postal address ofthe branch ofthe bank at which the payees account details are kept. Bank code of the branch to which payment should be made. Please provide the bank's SWIFT code, if it is a member of SWIFT. Please provide any special details and/or references which will expedite payment and allow the payee to identify the source of funds being transferred. 9 Warranties: Please enter the date the financing agreement was approved and read through the warranties carefully. '10 Please enter the total number of pages of the application, excluding contracts and other documents, and enter the 11 total number of summary statements completed with the application. a Please enter the name of the borrower as it appears on the Financing Agreement. b Please ensure that all required authorized signatories sign to approve the application, especially in case of there being more than one class of signatory. Any changes to the authorized signatories should be submitted with the application. c Print name and title of authorized signatories who have signed the form and indicate theirclass in case of there being more than one class of signatory. Supporting documents to be submitted with disbursement application forms or more of the following documents is normally provided with the application form. i Supplier's invoice indicating goods and services supplied, and certified by the borrower, or a summary of works performed signed by the supervising engineer or other authorized official. ii Documentary evidence of payment, in cases of reimbursement, of amount due to the supplier, e.g.: Receipted invoice or formal receipt of the supplier Cancelled cheque or bank report confirming payment. iii Evidence of shipment made in cases where goods have been imported. This can be one of the following. Copy of the Bill of Lading. A statement by the suppliers or shipping agents certifying the goods have been shipped and indicating the date and means of shipment, port of destination and description of goods shipped. iv Claims for payment for insurance, freight costs and other importing costs should be presented in a manner which clearly identifies the goods to which these costs apply. a b a b v Two copies of the contract must be submitted to the IDB for approval prior to the disbursement application (or with the first disbursement under the contract), if the goods and services are provided under contract. ** Further copies of the contract are not required to be submitted with each withdrawal application ** vi Subsequent disbursement requests under a contract already submitted should clearly refer to the contract include a certificate from the engineer in charge of implementation of the project or a certified progress indicating the amount due and referring to the payment terms in the contract. vii A certificate from the consultant is required with disbursement requests stating that the work subject of withdrawal request has been completed, if there is a consultant supervising project implementation. viii A performance security such as a bank guarantee (as specified in the Agreement), is required for adva payments under a contract. These documents may be retained at a specified location for later inspection and not submitted with the from the IDB: e.o. in the case of Statement of and Soecial Accounts. A Islamic Development Bank Disbursement Application Form B (lssuance of lrrevocable Commitment to Reimburse under letters of credit) The Director Financial Control Dept., 17th Floor lslamic Development Bank PO Box 5925 Jeddah 21432, Saudi Arabia Tel: 966 12 636 1400 5 Project name 6 Letter of Credit 1 Date 2 Project no. 3 Apptication no. 4 Cofinanciers ref (L/C) amount 7 Letter of Credit Number 8 L/C Expiry date and L/C Shipping date Expiry date Shipping Date 9 Payment instructions a. lssuing Bank name Address SWIFT Code b. Beneficiary/Supplier name Address c. Advising/Negotiating Bank's name(s) Address(es) SWIFT Code(s) d. Special payment instructions and other references '10 The recipient applies for a withdrawal in the form of an lrrevocable Commitment to Reimburse (lCR) for an amount of (in letters) . , respect of the above letter of credit (L/C) in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Financing Agreement dated linsert date)............with the lslamic Development Bank (lDB), and the receipient certifies and agrees to the following: a The recipient irrevocably authorizes withdrawal on the basis of any written statement by the Correspondent Bank that payment has been made or, is due and will be made promptly, under and in accordance with the terms of the L/C (as may be amended). b Amendments to the terms of L/C that relate to (i) amount, (ii) the country of origin, (iii) the goods description, (iv) the quantity of goods and (v) the insurance details, are subject to prior approval by the IDB under this lCR. c The obligations under the ICR shall terminate: i upon the earlier of the closing date of the financing agreement and 30 days after the expiration of the L/C, unless the IDB shall agree othenvise; ii upon payment of the full value of the L/C in accordance with the terms and conditions of the ICR; iii upon receipt of written notice of cancellation of the UC, in accordance with the terms and conditions of the lCR. d The amount requested is required solely for the payment of goods and services as described in the attached summary statement(s). e The expenditures will be for the sole purpose of the Project as specified in the Agreement and the costs are reasonable and in accordance with the relevant contract(s). f No amount has been previously withdrawn or applied for to meet these expenditures. g No other funds have been or will be obtained by any other loan, credit or grant for the purpose of fully or partially meeting these expenditures. h At the date of this application the recipient is not in default of any obligations under any financing agreement with the lslamic Develooment Bank. i The amount requested is consistent with the percentage financed by the lslamic Development Bank for these expenditures as specified in the Financing Agreement. j The goods and services have been procured in accordance with procedures outlined in the Financing Agreement and are from eligible sources. I 1 This application consists of {insert no}... ... .... page(s) including {insert no}. 12 summary statement(s). a Name of Recipient b Signature(s) of Authorized Representative(s) & Title of c Print Name Signato(y)(ies) d Date of signature * Please ensure your application and annexes are complete and correct to avoid any delays * Islamic Development Bank Disbursement Application Form - Instructions for completion This form is only applicable to requests for issuance of lrrevocable Commitment to Reimburse (lCR) under letters of credit (UC). Notes: a b c d e Please read these instructions before completing the application form. These instructions should be read in conjunction with the Disbursement Handbook. Prepare separate application forms for each payee and each currency. Proforma Summary Statement(s) must accompany application forms, and constitute an integral part of the d isbursement application. Please check the application form before submitting it to the Bank. Mistakes and omissions lead to delavs in Numbers correspond to numbers on the Disbursement Application Form. 1 Date: Please insert date of preperation. 2 Project no: IDB reference number as advised by the Bank (e.9. 1-lND-0015). 3 Application no: Please number applications consecutively under each project. The first application being number 1 4 Cofinanciers ref: Enter the cofinanciers name and reference number, if any. 5 Project name: Enter the project name as it appears in the financing agreement. 6 Letter of Credit (L/C) amount: Enter the total amount applied for on the L/C including currency details (e.9. USD 50.000.00). 7 Letter of Credit (L/C) Number: Enter the L/C number as it appears on the L/C. 8 L/C Expiry date and L/C Shipping date: Enter expiry date of L/C and shipping date from the L/C. 9 Payment instructions: a b c d e Name and full postal address of beneficiary/supplier of goods as it appears on the L/C. Name and full postal address of the issuing bank i.e. applicant's bank, Name and full postal address of Advising /Negotiating bank. Please provide the bank's SWIFT code, if it is a member of SWIFT. Please provide any special details and/or references which will expedite payment and allow the payee to identify the source of funds being transferred. 10 Insert date agreement was signed. Attention should also be given to point Nos. 'l0a-10j. 11 Please enter the total number of pages of the application, excluding contracts and other documents, and enter the total number of summary statements completed with the application. 12 a Please enter the name of the recipient as it appears on the Financing Agreement. b Please ensure that all required authorized signatories sign to approve the application, especially in case of there being more than one class of signatory. Any changes to the authorized signatories should be submitted with the application. c Print name and title of authorized signatories who have signed the form and indicate their class in case of there being more than one class of signatory. d Please insert date of sionature. Supporting documents to be submitted with disbursement application forms The following documents should accompany the application: I One copy of the contract of purchase order (unless this cocument has already been submitted to the bank. iii Two copies of the letter of credit (with valid expiry date) that the commercial bank proposes to issue. iii One copy of the performance Guarantee in accordance with the IDB's Procurement Procedures (unless document has alreadv been submitted to the bank. NB. These documents may be retained at a specified location for later inspection and not submitted with the disbursemen ication bv orior aooroval from the IDB: e.q. in the case of Statement of and Soecial Accounts. Islamic Development Bank c Summary Statement t + Sheet no s Total no of sheets Date z Project no. s Application no. 6 I I 10 Item Brief description & country of oriqin Name & address of supplier/contractor Contract date & no no. Cateqorv 1l Total Cost 12 13 14 15 16 17 Previous Total oue IDB IDB oavable Due date/ date paid Remarks paYments 18 ts Signature(s) of Authorized Representative(s) zo Print Name & Title of Signato(y)(ies) % Islamic Development Bank c Disbursement Application Summary Statement - Instructions for completion Notes: a Please read these instructions before completing the summary sheet. These instructions should be read in conjunction with the Disbursement Handbook. b Prepare separate summary sheets for each application and group of c expenditure. Please check the summary sheet before submitting it to the Bank. d Attach requisite supporting documents in the same order in which they appear on the summary sheet. e Mistakes and omissions lead to delavs in pavment. Numbers correspond to numbers on the Summary Sheet. 1 Date: Date signed by the Authorized Representative, not the preparation date. 2 Project no: Same as on the Disbursement Application Form. 3 Application no: Same as on the Disbursement Application Form. 4 Sheet no: Number each summary sheet that accompanies an application, beginning with numoer one. 5 Total no of sheets: Please enter the total number of summary sheets used with the disbursement application form. 6 ltem no: ldentifies item sequentially within each summary sheet, and facilitates identification of the relevant item to the annexes and in any correspondence. 7 Category: Indicates category of expenditures as specified in the Financing Agreement. Different categories of goods and services may have different percentages of IDB financing. 8 Brief description & country of origin: Please provide a brief description of the expenditure, e.g. concrete, steel pipes, structural engineer, and indicate the country of origin of the goods or services. ln case of payment via a Letter of Credit (L/C), enter the description of godds as they appear on the L/C. 9 Name and address of supplier/contractor: Please provide the name, city, state and country of the supplier/contractor. 10 Contract date & no: Provide full reference of the contract and date or purchase order so that it may be readily identified. 11 Total Gost: Provide the total cost and currency of the contract or purchase order. This may be different from the amount requested. 12 Previous payments: Enter the amounts previously paid to the supplier (not including this application) in respect of this contract or purchase order. '13 Total due/paid: Enter the total amount due or paid to the supplier for this request. 14 IDB %: Enter the percentage of financing payable by the Bank under this category of goods/services as stated in the Financing Agreement. 15 IDB payable: Enter the amount requested from the Bank for this item (equal to item 13 multiplied by item 14). 16 Due date/date paid: Enter the due date for payment or actual date of payment (in the case of a reimbursement). 17 Remarks: Cross reference the item to the annexes, or provide the location where the documents are kept and provide any other details that will aid in the approval of the application. total: Enter the total monetary sum of the amount applied for on this sheet, indicating the currency requested. 19 & 20 Signature(s): Authorized Representatives are required to approve the summary sheets as well as the application form. 1B Sheet