Yago Ruiz Photography # Fine Art Prints Catalog
Yago Ruiz Photography # Fine Art Prints Catalog
Yago Ruiz Photography # Fine Art Prints Catalog (2013) Todas las copias están montadas en cartón pluma de 10mm, con impresión mate laminada. Las copias se envían por correo ordinario a toda la península e Islas. Consultar para envíos fuera de España. Las impresiones están disponibles en los siguientes tamaños (cm) (medidas aproximadas, según fotografía): · 60x40 / 45x30 / 30x24 / 30x20 · # All prints are mounted on custom 10mm foamboard, with matt laminated printing. Copies are sent by regular mail to the entire peninsula and islands. Check for deliveries outside Spain. Prints are available in the following sizes (cm) (approximate measurements according each photography): · 60x40 / 45x30 / 30x24 / 30x20 · Guatemala (2012) # R001GTL Guatemala (2012) # R002GTL Thailand (2011) # R001THD Guatemala (2012) # R003GTL Thailand (2011) # R003THD Thailand (2011) # R002THD Vietnam (2009) # R001VTN Cambodia (2009) # R001CBD Cambodia (2009) # R002CBD Thailand (2011) # R004THD Thailand (2011) # R005THD Thailand (2011) # R006THD Vietnam (2009) # R002VTN Vietnam (2009) # R003VTN Vietnam (2009) # R004VTN Cambodia (2009) # R003CBD Cambodia (2009) # R004CBD Thailand (2011) # R007THD Cambodia (2009) # R005CBD Vietnam (2009) # R005VTN Romania (2012) # R001ROM Guatemala (2012) # R004GTL Thailand (2011) # R008THD Thailand (2011) # R009THD Vietnam (2009) # R006VTN Morocco (2010) # R001MRC Guatemala (2012) # R005GTL Thailand (2011) # R010THD Cambodia (2009) # R007 CBD Cambodia (2009) # R006CBD Morocco (2010) # R002MRC Thailand (2011) # R011THD Romania (2012) # R002ROM Thailand (2011) # R012THD Vietnam (2009) # R007VTN Thailand (2011) # R013THD Vietnam (2009) # R008VTN Cambodia (2009) # R008 CBD Romania (2012) # R003ROM Romania (2012) # R004ROM Thailand (2011) # R014THD India (2008) # R001IND Thailand (2011) # R015THD Vietnam (2009) # R009VTN Cambodia (2009) # R009CBD Cambodia (2009) # R010CBD Portugal (2010) # R001PRL (The total amount of this photograph will be dedicated to donations for Missionary Sisters of Charity) Guatemala (2012) # R006GTL Guatemala (2012) # R007GTL Romania (2012) # R005ROM Thailand (2011) # R016THD Vietnam (2009) # R010VTN Vietnam (2009) # R011VTN Romania (2012) # R006ROM Vietnam (2009) # R012VTN Vietnam (2009) # R013VTN India (2008) # R002IND Cambodia (2009) # R012CBD Cambodia (2009) # R011CBD Cambodia (2009) # R013CBD Cambodia (2009) # R014CBD Vietnam (2009) # R014VTN Vietnam (2009) # R015VTN Vietnam (2009) # R016VTN Vietnam (2009) # R017VTN Thailand (2011) # R018THD Thailand (2011) # R019THD Thailand (2011) # R017THD Thailand (2011) # R020THD Thailand (2011) # R021THD Thailand (2011) # R022THD Thailand (2011) # R023THD Thailand (2011) # R024THD Thailand (2011) # R025THD India (2008) # R003IND Thailand (2011) # R026THD (only avalaible in 30x20cm) Morocco (2010) # R003MRC France (2012) # R001FRC France (2012) # R002FRC Guatemala (2012) # R009GTL Guatemala (2012) # R010GTL Guatemala (2012) # R008GTL Guatemala (2012) # R011GTL Guatemala (2012) # R012GTL Guatemala (2012) # R013GTL Guatemala (2012) # R014GTL Guatemala (2012) # R015GTL Guatemala (2012) # R015GTL Spain (2012) # R001SPA Spain (2012) # R002SPA Spain (2010) # R003SPA Spain (2010) # R004SPA Spain (2011) # R005SPA Spain (2011) # R006SPA Spain (2011) # R007SPA Spain (2012) # R008SPA Spain (2011) # R009SPA Spain (2011) # R010SPA Spain (2011) # R012SPA Spain (2011) # R013SPA Spain (2010) # R011SPA Spain (2011) # R014SPA Spain (2011) # R015SPA Poland (2009) # R001PLN Poland (2009) # R003PLN Poland (2009) # R002PLN Poland (2009) # R004PLN Poland (2009) # R005PLN Poland (2009) # R006PLN Portugal (2010) # R002PRL Portugal (2010) # R004PRL Portugal (2010) # R003PRL Portugal (2010) # R005PRL UK (2011) # R001UK UK (2011) # R003UK UK (2011) # R002UK UK (2011) # R004UK Italy (2010) # R001ITL Italy (2010) # R003ITL Italy (2010) # R002ITL Italy (2010) # R004ITL Italy (2010) # R005ITL Romania (2012) # R008ROM Romania (2012) # R009ROM Romania (2012) # R007ROM Romania (2012) # R010ROM Romania (2012) # R011ROM Romania (2012) # R014ROM Romania (2012) # R012ROM Romania (2012) # R013ROM Romania (2012) # R015ROM Romania (2012) # R016ROM Romania (2012) # R017ROM PRICES: 60x40cm: 120€ 45x30: 60€ 30x24/30x20: 40€ Ask for other sizes. Shipping is not included For more information and order copies, please send an email to: info@yagoruizphotography.com # PRECIOS: 60x40cm: 120€ 45x30: 60€ 30x24/30x20: 40€ Consultar para otros tamaños. Gastos de envío no incluidos Para más información y encargo de copias, por favor enviar un mail a: info@yagoruizphotography.com
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