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Check inside:
Needy children find care
inside an unusual dental office
Challenge Grant
For several years, the students at Vose Elementary School
in Beaverton, Ore., have called a big white van—supplied by
Medical Teams International—their dental office.
This van is the only dental office many students have ever
seen. It serves as a free clinic to students whose parents do
not have insurance for their children’s care.
Volunteer dentists have provided nearly $120,000 in free
dental care to 400 students at Vose
Elementary School in Beaverton, Ore., during the past five years.
These services would not be possible without volunteers
like Dr. Michelle Crocker, a dentist who has volunteered
aboard our Mobile Dental van for six years at the school.
“I never knew that there was such a big need for dental care
in Oregon. It’s eye opening. You never think there’s that much
need right next to you. But there is—especially among families
who cannot afford dental insurance,” Dr. Crocker concludes.
One of our longDonor asks others
time volunteers
to ‘plan ahead’ to
and his wife
those in need
recently named
Medical Teams
International in their trust, knowing
that their gift will provide vital health
care for many years to come.
This thoughtful couple also has
given us a Challenge Grant to encourage other people to help us improve
lives and health far into the future.
Mothers and children say thank you
If you‘ve considered including
Medical Teams International in your
will, trust or retirement plan, now is
the perfect time. If you have already
named Medical Teams in your estate
plan but have not yet notified us,
your gift still qualifies for this exciting
Challenge Grant opportunity.
Through your support of our work in Afghanistan, Medical Teams
International is:
nHelping to improve a medical clinic operated by one of our partners. This clinic
provides medical services to more than 1,300 patients per month—the majority of
them are women and children.
nSending four medical teams to train local health care providers.
nDeploying three medical teams to Afghanistan to work at a hospital in Kabul in
cooperation with CURE International.
Since 1979, Medical Teams International has shipped more than $1.2 billion in
antibiotics, surgical kits and lifesaving medicines to care for more than 45 million
people in 100 countries around the world. We can do this only because of your
heart of compassion for a needy world.
War-torn Afghanistan
Medical Teams International
Summer 2009
Reaching Hands
“As Calla and I prepare for our trip
to Uganda, please pray that our
ministry to the Congolese in the
refugee camps will be effective.”
—Kathy Holmgren
For every new planned gift in
2009, this generous couple will
donate an additional $1,000
for up to 20 new gifts.
Check inside:
Back to Africa—
Mother and
daughter, Kathy and
Calla Holmgren,
return to save lives of
mothers and children
Here at home—
children without dental
insurance find help
from dental volunteers
and our Mobile Dental
For more information, please contact
Mary Lee Alder, planned giving officer, at
(800) 959-4325,
or PO Box 10, Portland OR 97207-0010.
Contribute to the success of a church mission team
Many churches and civic groups send teams to developing
countries to improve living conditions and lend medical aid.
Sometimes, these teams are already stretching their resources
and cannot afford the additional cost of medicines and supplies. Here’s how you can help.
Your gift today of $295 puts a Clinic Pack in the hands of
that team—providing team members or a clinic with enough
medicines to help 1,500 people.
Here’s what Annette Johnson of Redeemer
Send them out with a Fellowship Church in Roseburg, Ore., says
Clinic Pack in hand
about a Clinic Pack her church carried with them on a recent
mission trip:
“The medical team would leave in the morning. Sometimes
they’d stay overnight, arriving at a church or school the next day.
By early morning people in the village were already standing in
long lines waiting for dental and medical care ….
“We truly have an amazing God who opens doors for us in
ways we could not imagine.”
Your $295 donation will provide $5,500 in donated
That’s $18.64 of value for every $1.00 you give. If you cannot provide the entire Clinic Pack, we urge you
to give half the cost and find a friend to match your donation. Thank you for your generosity. For details,
go to:
In Myanmar—
Mothers and children
are alive today because
of your lifesaving gifts.
A donor’s story—
“Why we are matching
gifts up to $20,000.”
Medical Team International volunteer nurse Anne Blaufus prepares to vaccinate a Congolese child in a refugee camp.
Reaching Hands is an official publication of Medical Teams International
(formerly Northwest Medical Teams) •
T he mission of Medical Teams International is to demonstrate the love of Christ to people affected
by disaster, conflict and poverty around the world.
4 | Medical Teams International
Oregon Office P.O. Box 10, Portland, OR 97207-0010 (800) 959-HEAL (4325) (503) 624-1000
Washington Office 9900 Willows Road NE, Redmond, WA 98052 (425) 454-TEAM (8326)
Inside … the latest
updates on how
you’re saving and
changing the lives
of mothers and
children worldwide
Kathy & Calla Holmgren
A Message from bas vanderzalm
Every minute of every day a woman dies from
preventable complications during childbirth and
In a minute … the time a television commercial runs by, another mom is gone forever.
Another motherless child faces the world alone.
Take a minute to consider how you and your family would
survive after a storm washed away your home, all your belongings, clothes and food? Because you care, we can respond to
disasters—saving lives so children do not die needlessly after the
storms pass.
Take a minute to look around your neighborhood. Perhaps some
of the children you see are suffering without dental care? Did you
know our dental volunteers serve more than 16,000 people—many
of them uninsured children—in Oregon and Washington each year?
We can make such a difference—in a minute.
Take a minute to donate on our website so our volunteers
will have the medicines and supplies they need.
Take a minute to mail a gift that will help us train local
partners to save the lives of pregnant moms.
Take a minute to pray for our volunteers, our local partners
and the people they serve.
Every minute of every day, our volunteers are giving the
minutes of their lives to save the lives of others.
It may only take a minute to pray or to make a gift, but it
may save a life. Thanks for doing what you can to stop the
ticking clock of death and disease for millions of people who
will receive hope through our efforts this year.
A mother
and her
lend their
to Congolese
“I spent most of 1970 in the Congo as a short-term missionary,
just after I graduated from North Park University, Chicago, Ill.
I became a nurse so that I could serve as a missionary.
“Later, I was able to return to the Congo with my daughter,
Calla, in 2006.
During that visit, our hearts were touched by the tremendous
needs of those who suffered during the war.
Bas Vanderzalm, President
Prayers and support needed for women
and children in Darfur
Your prayers and support are needed as Medical
Teams International continues to work among women
and children in Darfur. We provide health care in
the region with the Global Relief Alliance, caring
for 60,000 people. Please pray for the mothers and
children of Darfur and our ministry to them.
2 | Medical Teams International
Kathy and Calla Holmgren previously visited
the Democratic Republic of the Congo, eager
to help those who have been brutalized by
ongoing fighting since 1998. More than
5 million people have died in the conflict.
Millions more have been forced to find
safety in temporary camps and shelters.
Now this mother and daughter team
return to Uganda to help more Congolese
mothers and children survive.
In her own words … Kathy Holmgren—wife
of former NFL coach, Mike Holmgren, nurse
and caregiver to the Congolese people …
You helped
save lives in
Kathy Holmgren, surrounded
by her family, helped raise
$60,000 in December to keep
Medical Team International’s
health aid flowing to
Congolese refugees in Uganda.
In May, Kathy and her
daughter, Calla, return to help
the very refugees, whose lives
they helped save with the
money they helped raise.
Last year, Cyclone Nargis slammed into Myanmar—killing more than 200,000
people. Thousands of families were left homeless and exposed to disease.
We joined our partner, World Concern, to provide emergency health care in
response to this disaster. Your gifts helped Medical Teams International provide
health care, mosquito nets and ongoing medical
training to mothers and children in need.
Thanks to you … 10,000 families now have access
to malaria-prevention supplies and long-lasting,
insecticide-treated nets. This help was invaluable
Return to Africa…
“I remember the Congolese with a special
affection—their warmth, their love of Jesus,
and their positive outlook, in spite of difficult
life experiences.
“Once again we’ll have the privilege of
reaching out to the desperately needy
Congolese people who’ve fled their homes
into this neighboring country.
“Working with one of my daughters and
serving God fulfills my hope as a parent.
But … this is a team effort. We have other
daughters (and sons-in-laws and grandchildren) at home, holding us up in prayer,
supporting us
financially, and
taking care
of Calla’s daughter, Emma. We work together!
“As Calla and I prepare for our trip to
Uganda, please pray that our ministry to
the Congolese in the refugee camps will be
effective. Pray that desperate mothers and
children will understand we come because
we love them and we love Jesus.
“Calla and I are happy we can be part of
the healing. I simply pray that God will bless
our humble efforts.”
as malaria threatened many lives following the storm.
More than 8,300 women in 71 villages participated in
health and hygiene education activities since last year.
Health workers taught mothers how to prevent acute respiratory
infections, measles (through immunizations), malaria, dengue
fever and other diseases. This knowledge helps families survive
a disaster next time tragedy strikes.
Health volunteers also taught moms about the importance of
breastfeeding and a balanced diet. These same volunteers helped
families learn how to prevent the
spread of contagious diseases,
including HIV and AIDS.
T hank you
Right now, you can help
Kathy and Calla prevent
mothers and children
from dying. For $24, you
can supply medicines and
long-lasting, specially
treated bed nets to protect
three people from malariainfected mosquitoes. We
need to provide 2,000 of
these bed nets immediately
for refugees crossing the
border. Thank you for your
help and support.
This Myanmar family
now can enjoy a healthy
meal—thanks to help you
provided after Cyclone
Nargis destroyed their
home, crops and nearly
their entire lives. Your
gifts helped moms get
immediate care for their
children and learn how to
feed their children to keep
them healthy for years.
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