April 2015 - California Yacht Club


April 2015 - California Yacht Club
APRIL 2015
From The
ecently, S/C Bill Stump
Speaking of fun and
called a friend to request
friends, my friends Jennifer
his help with our U.S.
Dakoske Koslu and Lisa
Olympic Sailing Team Benefit on
Carrington are hosting the
May 16, which will support the
Spring Dock Party on April 25.
sailors competing for a place on
Any time these two women plan
the U.S. Sailing Team in Rio de
an event anything can happen
Janeiro in 2016. His friend
and probably will. Judging by
Rick Turner
checked his calendar, and agreed
the prior events that they
to lend a hand. Therefore, Gary
planned for the Family
Jobson will fly in on Saturday morning, emcee
Activities Committee, it will be an awesome
our live auction and dinner, and fly home on
event. The Spring Dock Party is a wonderful
Sunday. Gary is certainly someone who knows
opportunity to have fun with your friends and
how to lend support to a group he believes in. R/C
also make some new friends.
Kellie Fennessy and her committee are working
This month you will receive a letter from
hard to make this a very successful event. Please
our Competition Fund Chair, Marylyn
come out, meet the team, and help them win
Hoenemeyer, with your April statement. Each
medals for the United States in Rio.
year members are asked to voluntarily
April starts out with one of my favorite
contribute $35 to the Competition Fund to
events. On Sunday, April 5, the Easter Bunny will
support individual members, challenge teams,
make its annual trip to CYC. It is great fun to
and fleets who represent CYC at competitions
watch the kids hunt for eggs and have their
across the country and around the world. This
pictures taken with the bunny. There will be lots
fund gives our member racers the ability to
of treats for all the youngsters.
gain additional coaching. It also assists
If you have finished your income taxes, April
financially with entrance fees, charters, and
15 is the first Sunset Series race for 2015. The
traveling. I encourage everyone to support the
series will run for twenty-two weeks. Chair David
Competition Fund and, by doing so, help our
Piper and his Race Committee crew will be
members to a podium finish.
having loads of fun running this mid-week sailing
Marina Fest is the weekend of April 10tradition on Santa Monica Bay. We all look
12. This year is the fiftieth anniversary of
forward to another fun-filled season of racing.
Marina del Rey. The weekend is jammed full
The first cruise of the year is “The
of events including concerts, boat parades
Rendezvous Cruise” to Howlands Landing on
with tall ships, CYC junior sailors, and
April 17-19. S/C David Collins has done a
fireworks. Let’s celebrate Marina del Rey’s
wonderful job in resurrecting the cruising
birthday in style.
program. He is chairing this cruise and I expect
Enjoy your Club!
everyone to have fun with their friends. Be sure to
join the group and make some new friends on
In friendship,
Catalina Island.
Rick Turner, Commodore
California Yacht Club
4469 Admiralty Way,
Marina del Rey, CA 90292
Fax: 310-822-3658
Volume 51 • Number 4
General Manager
Michele Underwood
John W Nelson
- S/C Denny Haythorn photo
Managing Editor
Vince Mattera
Editorial Assistants
Diane Adler
Steve Edwards
Nancy Lepe
Claudia Moore
Rick Turner
Rear Commodore
Kellie Fennessy
SCYA Midwinters
Fleet Captain
Mike Blecher
Port Captain
Debbie Feinerman
Opening Day
- Carol Watkins photo
The Breeze is published to provide
members with announcements of,
and information about, Club
activities. Deadline for articles is the
first day of the previous month of the
publication date.
Contact Breeze Editor John W Nelson
at cyc-breeze-editor@cycfleet.com for
information on submitting articles.
To place an ad, please contact
Claudia Moore at
310-823-4567 x2765 or
Breeze (USPS #016-319)
is published monthly by California
Yacht Club, Inc. d.b.a. California
Yacht Club, 4469 Admiralty Way,
Marina del Rey, CA 90292.
Subscription price of $12 annually
is included in member dues.
Periodicals postage paid at Venice,
CA and at additional mailing office.
Send address changes to: Breeze
California Yacht Club
4469 Admiralty Way
Marina del Rey, CA 90292
Copyright © 2015
California Yacht Club, Inc.
All Rights Reserved
- Martin H. McCarthy photography
Vice Commodore
Richard Hamlin
From the Commodore
SCYA Midwinter Regatta
Sunset Series
Winners’ Circle
Olympic Prospects Visit CYC
BYC Team Race Invitational
Cal Race Week Returns
Yachting Luncheon
CYC Karaoke
CYC Activities Showcase
CYC Opening Day
Epicurean Dinner - May 12
Epicurean Sweethearts Dinner
CYC Burgee Exchange
Bocce Ball
Sunset Book Club
Book Mates
Power Fleet News
Photo Contest
Mariners Education
On The Horizon
CYCWA Goes Hollywood
New Members
From the Manager
April/May Events
CYCWA Goes Hollywood Trip
Front Cover: Opening Day 2015 was sunny, colorful, and fun for all.
- Martin H. McCarthy photography
Back cover: CYC’s Jon Pelliconi, with crew Henry Brawner, sailing his Shooting Star at
the SCYA Midwinter Regatta.
- Bill Wells photo
SCYA Midwinter
By MONICA ANTOLA, Regatta Chair
nly one thing is certain about the
SCYA Midwinter Regatta – the
weather will be uncertain! As
California Yacht Club was preparing to
host its part of the 86th Annual Regatta,
the predictions were for light winds,
with stormy weather imminent.
Fortunately, the conditions on Saturday
morning were partially sunny and rather
favorable with winds that wound up
gusting to about 12 knots.
This year there were four invited
fleets: the Tartan 101s, J/109s, Martin
242s, and Stars. Due to the last minute
cancellation of one of the J/109s, we
decided to combine the Tartan 101s and
the J/109s into one class since the two
boats are rated the same. With a full
contingent of Race Committee
volunteers on hand, the Owen Churchill
and two mark-set boats headed out to
set up the course off Venice Pier.
At the scheduled race time, there
was virtually no wind, leading to a
thirty-minute postponement. When a
breeze finally appeared, the fleets were
- Mike Priest photo
The crew of Dean, winner of the Martin 242 class - Mark Anders, Bill Edwards,
(R/C Kellie Fennessy), Duncan Cameron, and Roland Vollman
sent on their courses and racing was
on. The wind continued to build and, at
the end of the first day, Peter Nelson’s
Spray from CYC led the combined
J/109 and Tartan 101 fleet, with Del
Rey YC’s Tartan 101, Ceann Saile,
close behind. No stranger to this
competition, Star boat skipper Eric
Doyle of San Diego YC finished on
top of his very competitive fleet. The
Martin 242 racing was also tight, with
two boats tied for the top spot: Velerito
and Sandbox, both from CYC.
Back at the Club, traditional
hospitality accompanied both days of
racing with kegs of beer on the docks,
where sailors exchanged stories of the
day’s action. Saturday’s post-race
menu included chili and salad. On
Sunday, we enjoyed a new menu item
of chicken pot pie and salad. Both
food choices hit the spot at the end of
a day of winter sailing, southern
Sunday morning was cloudy and
drizzling but PRO Ray Mahaffey was
able to get the racers off before the
full squall hit. After two races, the
fleets headed back to the Club for
more hospitality, more stories, and the
trophy presentations.
First place in the J/109 and Tartan
101 fleet went to CYC’s Peter Nelson
on Spray, edging out S/C Alice
Leahey’s Grace O’Malley by a point.
In the Star fleet, Eric Doyle of SDYC,
with crew Payson Infelise, dominated
with four first place finishes and was
awarded the Frank Borzage Perpetual
Trophy for the top Star boat in the
Midwinter Regatta. In the Martin 242 fleet,
CYC’s Duncan Cameron on Dean edged
out fellow CYC member Peter Stazicker
on Trolleycar by one point. Check out
CYC’s website for complete results.
Thank you to all the racers who
participated in this year’s SCYA Midwinter
Regatta. And special thanks go to PRO
Mahaffey and all the Race Committee
volunteers who make this and other events
possible. The regatta’s RC included
seasoned veterans as well as new
volunteers, which was terrific.
Additional thanks to the CYC staff for
their wonderful hospitality and the
CYCWA members who pitched in to help
sell those great shirts. A big thanks to Mike
Priest, Bill Wells, and S/C Denny
Haythorn for coming out to photograph the
racing. Last but not least, thanks go to Sue
Service and R/C Kellie Fennessy for
stepping in to assist with the weekend’s
final details.
- S/C Denny Haythorn photo
Class winner Spray,
skippered by Peter Nelson,
rounding the windward mark
on Sunday of Midwinters.
Yachting Luncheon
Thursday, April 30
“Balancing Solitude, Sanity,
and Safety in Single-Handed
Voyaging to Hawaii”
Presented by Christian Williams
oin fellow yachting enthusiasts on April 30 at noon to
enjoy Christian Williams recounting his odyssey of
sailing solo from California Yacht Club to Hawaii and
then return, a journey of 6,000 miles and 48 days at sea. As a
veteran “blue-water” sailor, Christian has some 20,000 miles
offshore, including six multihull Bermuda races, the Southern
Ocean Racing Circuit, and the 1979 Fastnet Race aboard Ted
Turner’s Tenacious. This cruise to Hawaii was his first long
singlehanded experience and on the tenth day outbound he
celebrated his 71st birthday.
Below are excerpts from the 30-minute narrated video of
his voyage in which he reveals the mechanical, emotional, and
philosophical challenges along the way, as well as the
unexpected lessons taught by being suddenly alone in a world
usually brimming with people and events.
entire steering pedestal had come apart in my hands.
• Two hurricanes later, in the cold water of the Pacific Coast
where gales often spawn, you don’t want to linger. And now
came 50 hours of 30 to 40 knots right on the beam.
Don’t miss this exceptional program to gain firsthand cruising
information and celebrate one intrepid sailor’s voyage of
personal discovery. Come early to get a good seat.
Happy Half Hour – Noon
Bountiful Buffet Luncheon: 12:20 p.m.
Presentation: 12:40 p.m.
$18.50 includes
luncheon, tax, service, and parking.
Reservations appreciated - Reservations@CalYachtClub.net
S/C Martin McCarthy, Yachting Programs Chair
• For the long sail home I headed out into a freshening trade
winds breeze — and in three hours was right back in the
slip where I’d started. In the six–foot seas off Kauai, the
Open to all who enjoy yachting and adventure,
as a public service of CYC.
Sunset Series
April 15 to September 9
By DAVID PIPER, Sunset Series Chair
et ready for 22 exciting scheduled races as April brings
the beginning of the 2015 Sunset Series, a California
Yacht Club Wednesday night tradition, with the first race
scheduled for April 15. Racing continues each week until
September 9.
The Details
The Owen Churchill anchors off the "SS" mark and racing
classes start in five-minute intervals beginning at 17:55 hours.
The finish line will be set at the CYC guest dock, or should
weather conditions dictate, Burton Chace Park or the Coast
Guard dock.
A post-race patio party each week includes music until the
winners are announced and the trophies are awarded. A buffet
dinner is available for purchase and there is a cash bar for cold
beer, wine, and cocktails.
Sunset Series Seminar - April 8
Not to be missed is the Sunset Series Seminar at CYC on
Winners’ Circle
SCYA MIDWINTER REGATTA CYC FEBRUARY 2122, 2015 J/109 & TARTAN 101 1. Spray, Peter Nelson. 2.
Grace O’Malley, Alice Leahey. STAR 3. 8268, Alejandro
Bugacov/Eugenio Cingolani. 4. 8006, Myles Pritchard/ Tyler
Pritchard. 5. 8065, Doug Steele/Erick Lange. MARTIN 242
1. Dean, Duncan Cameron. 2. Trolleycar, Peter Stazicker. 3.
Velerito, Brack Duker. 4. Sandbox, Mark Sands.
Jr. Crew FEBRUARY 14, 2015
Girl’s Single A 1. Bridget O’Callahan.
Girl’s Single B 3. Nicki Schindler.
Boy’s Single A 1. Ben Gutierrez.
Boy’s Single B 1. Jonathon Solomon.
Girl’s Double A 1. Bridget O’Callahan/Nicki Schindler.
Girl’s Double B 2. Anissa Grama/Peyton Lancaster.
Boy’s Double B 4. Zach Steinfeld/James Nowotny.
Boy’s Quad A
3. Ben Gutierrez/Jonathon Solomon/
James Nowotny/Zach Steinfeld.
Girl’s Quad A 4. Grace Heinrichs/Peyton Lancaster/
Sophie Hart/Anissa Agrama.
14 – 15 (32 boats entered) CHAMPS 3. Gavin McJones. 5.
Grant Janov 11. Alexis Westland. 13. Kieran Shocklee. 20.
Katharine Doble. 21 Tot Davis. 25. Jordan Janov. 28. Elijah
Smith. 29. Aidan Koslu. GREEN FLEET Harry Bryan,
Valentina Casal, Ethan Chi, Callie Davis, Lucca Farrell, Tessa
Farrell, Josie Hamilton, Fisher Jenkins, Lucas Knight, Oona
Wednesday, April 8. Get the latest updates on rules and hear tips
from the experts. The class splits will be announced and printed
copies of the sailing instructions will be available. This is the
best opportunity to make sure you are fully informed for the new
This year's seminar will feature a presentation by Erik
Shampain of Ullman Sailing. Erik has been a fixture in the
southern California sailing scene since he was a junior sailor. His
knowledge of racing and cruising is extensive, and you're sure to
pick up some new tips to help you have a successful season.
Additionally, there will be time for skippers to meet with
prospective crewmembers, and prospective crew to find a ride,
so everyone should plan to attend. Re-connect with your fellow
racers and enjoy complimentary beer-tasting available for
skippers and crew alike.
Sunset Series Newsletter
The Sunset Series has its own newsletter filled with
information about upcoming events related to the series and
recapping the results each Wednesday night. The newsletter also
provides highlights of upcoming menus and special nights of
celebration. If you would like to receive the Sunset Series
newsletter, please send an email request to cyc-sunsetseries@cycfleet.com.
Koslu, Spencer Siegel, Nicolas Silva, Rachel Sison.
SODA MATCH RACE BYC February 14 – 15 Bastien
Rasse, Emmie Wolf, and Aidan Mobley participated in this
North U clinic by Dave Perry on Governor's Cup 21 boats.
ULLMAN FROST REGATTA SBYC FEBRUARY 1415 (26 boats entered) Radial 8. Jessica McJones. 14.
Jack Hogan. 20. Gavin Abraham. 21. Ryan Janov.
Full Rig 1. Cooper Weitz. 15. Aidan Mobley.
CHAMPS (11 boats entered) 2. Bastien Rasse. 3. Alexis
Westland. 5. Aidan Koslu 8. Elijah Smith. 9. Dylan
Westland. GREEN FLEET Harry Bryan, Ethan Chi,
Lucca Farrell, Tessa Farrell, Josie Hamilton, Lucas Knight,
Oona Koslu, Nicolas Silva.
20/30 Windward High School led by Marie and William
9. Kieran Shocklee. 10. Grant Janov. 12. Alexis Westland.
18. Katharine Doble. 19. Preston Zeigler. 23. Dylan
Westland. 25. Jordan Janov. 27. Aidan Koslu. 28. Elijah
Smith. GREEN FLEET Harry Bryan, Valentina Casal,
Ethan Chi, Calli Davis, Lucca Farrell, Tessa Farrell, Josie
Hamilton, Fisher Jenkins, Lucas Knight, Oona Koslu.
MARCH 1 (29 boats entered) 4. Jessica McJones/Gavin
McJones. 16. Jack Hogan/Julia Jaynes. 26. Marie
Line/Lucie Freeman. 27. Bastien Rasse/Sydney Gathrid
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May 16
Put it on your calendar right now!
It’s a date you truly want to reserve!
A date that you should look forward to
with eager anticipation! Why?
US Sailing Team Sperry Top-Sider/photo: Will Ricketson
n May 16, 2015, “US
Sailing Team Sperry TopSider” – our country’s
best 2016 Olympic Sailing
prospects – will spend the day at
California Yacht Club. These
accomplished, hard-working,
seriously campaigning athletes
will be coaching, lecturing,
showing off their boats, giving
demonstrations, sailing, and
taking pictures with junior
sailors from throughout southern
As the day winds down,the
team will be our guests of honor
at a cocktail reception in the
Clubhouse and a dinner in the
main dining room. And what an
evening we have planned!
Noted writer, lecturer, and
former-President of US Sailing,
Gary Jobson, is flying out from
collection of items we’ve
Annapolis specifically to emcee
secured for the auctions – silent
our dinner program. During the
auctions and some not so silent
evening, Gary plans
ones. And all of the
to bring a number of
proceeds from these
the sailing team
activities will be tax
members up to the
deductible, with the
microphone to
money flowing
discuss their
directly to the
campaigns. We’ll
athletes’ campaigns.
also hear from
All of the details
Josh Adams – the
of this important
person who in 2012
event will be in the
Josh Adams
was hand-picked to
May issue of the
take over the
Breeze, but for the
program’s reins as Managing
moment we think you will want
Director of U.S. Olympic
to save the date: Saturday, May 16.
Sailing. Obviously, this will be a
It will be an
most insightful program.
important day for
But we are also going to
the California
have a lot of fun. You simply
Yacht Club and
can’t imagine the amazing
for Team USA.
CYC Sailors Compete in Team Racing Event
Standing on the Balboa Yacht Club Governor’s Cup 21 deck: Skipper Bob Little, Werner Horn, Dawn McIntosh, Skipper S/C Bill
Petersen, Dan McGanty, Susan Taylor, Skipper Liz Hjorth, Doug McIntosh, Will Tetrick.
that matters. The rules of sailing are constantly at the fore, as
alifornia Yacht Club Racing sent a group of intrepid
teams in a losing position set mark traps for opponents in an
sailors to Balboa YC in Corona del Mar for three days of
effort to spring teammates back to the front. S/C Bill Stump
team racing at the Second Annual BYC Team Race
joined a strong group of on-the-water umpires in a racing
Invitational. With teams from St. Francis YC, New York YC,
format that requires nearly as many referees as competitors.
and Annapolis YC joining the top clubs of southern California,
While CYC Racing fielded a strong and enthusiastic group
the competition was as intense as any you might see on the
of sailors, it was also a group that lacked depth in both team
West Coast.
racing and the boats that were being raced. These factors
Bob Little, S/C Bill Petersen, and Liz Hjorth skippered the
proved to be all too telling as CYC claimed a few “scalps” but
three Governor’s Cup 21 boats representing CYC. Their crews
more often came out on the short end of tightly contested
included Werner Horn, Dawn McIntosh, Dan McGanty, Susan
matches. The team had a lot of fun and received a good
Taylor, Doug McIntosh, and William Tetrick. Mike Priest was
the CYC
in team
For the
us all
with a
team racing
is a series of
match races,
for more
but with
of this
three boats
on the
course for
each team,
with the
of our
team result
Team California YC (sail numbers 7, 8, 9) lining up for a win vs. Newport YC in an early heat.
being all
Cal Race Week
May 30-31
By DUNCAN CAMERON, Regatta Co-chair
or yacht racers across southern
California, one date you must have on
your calendar is CYC's Cal Race Week,
to be held the weekend of May 30-31. Come
discover the pleasure of late spring sailing in
Marina del Rey, with afternoon breezes in the
low to mid-teens and perfect temperatures for
racing around the buoys on the bay. To
experience the fun and challenges of Cal Race
Week, either as a yacht racer or member of
the race committee team, be sure to sign up
CYC expects many one-design classes to
return in 2015, including the J/109, J/105,
J/80, J/70, Martin 242, J/24, Viper 640, Tartan
101, Santana 30/30, and Open 5.70 boats.
PHRF classes are open to boats with
ratings 180 or lower under SoCal PHRF.
Displacement and performance factors will be
considered when establishing handicap classes
in an effort to provide competitive racing.
Multiple venues with separate start/finish
lines will minimize interference between boats
in different classes and insure that most of
your time on the water will be spent racing.
The weekend's hospitality will be a fitting
complement to the on-the-water competition.
There will be entertainment both days, with
hosted beverages on the docks and a no-host
BBQ on Saturday, and complimentary
beverages with hors d'oeuvres at the trophy
presentation on Sunday.
Discounts to race fees, as outlined in the
Notice of Race, will be offered to:
1. US Sailing members;
2. Early entrants (those who register before
May 17);
3. "Frequent racers," defined as those
having registered for any four of the
following races: 2014 Cal Race Week,
2015 SCYA Midwinters, 2015 Harris
Spring Regatta, 2015 Malibu Zig Zag,
and the April 15 to May 13, 2015 Sunset
Series (each evening counts separately).
Contact Regatta Co-chairs Derek Heeb or
Duncan Cameron at calraceweek2015@
gmail.com for any questions or to volunteer
for race committee.
This could be you at Cal Race Week!
- Bronny Daniels photo (Joysailing.com)
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and Marina
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Fiji Way,
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CYC Power Fleet
Music and Education Leading the Way
By SEO KAREN STIRLING, Power Fleet Chair
hank you to tuxedo-clad Zoran Segina, with his
marvelous voice, who created an unforgettably
entertaining Karaoke Night. Singers were numerous and
songs definitely diversified. Who knew we had such musically
talented CYC members?
Activities Day found the Power Fleet chairs exploiting their
talent and showcasing their distinctive activities for the year,
with something for everyone. I thank all the chairs for their
very hard work and excellent contribution to our yacht club.
S/C Anne Sacks, a director of Recreational Boaters of
California, presented a Mariners Education seminar on the
controversial and challenging “Options for Reducing Copper
Levels in Marina del Rey.” She and her guests, Paul Skipper,
Owner, S&K Dive Service, and Simon Landt, General Manager,
Windward Yacht Center, presented truly informative and
necessary guidance. We thank you, Anne, for your love and
concern for MdR and CYC.
Power Fleet events are open to all CYC members. See you
at the Club!
Saturday, April 25
Jennifer Dakoske Koslu and Lisa Carrington, with help
from their Family Committee, have planned an exciting night of
“yacht rock” as we usher in our boating season. BYOB and
potluck. Come join the Power Fleet from 5-8 p.m. at the hoist
dock. Special babysitting and activities for kids have been
arranged, so parents, there is no excuse not to come!
Saturday, May 23 **date change**
Day Cruise to Malibu & Progressive-Boats Lunch
Power and Sailboats
Saturday, June 20
Summer Dock Party – Celebrating MdR’s 50th Birthday
Saturday, 4th of July
Dinghy Cruise and Luncheon Party
Power Fleet
Photo Contest
Paula Cameron
“Sunset Series Intruder”
taken during Sunset Series finish
from the guest dock on 8/13/2014
On the Water Photos to:
Voices of CYC Karaoke
hose brave souls who do not feel the least bit intimidated
in showcasing their vocal abilities beyond the confines of
a shower stall were welcomed with open arms – and
microphones - at the annual CYC Karaoke Party on February 6,
As the evening progressed, the repertoire steadily expanded
in dynamics and volume, from Dean Martin and Perry Como soft
ballads crooned by a tuxedo-clad emcee Zoran Segina, to raucous
editions of “Sweet Caroline” and “I’ve Got Friends in Low
Places” belted out by a chorus of the most enthusiastic, if not
always tonally correct, ensemble. Blame it on the steady supply
of adult beverages from the bar off to starboard.
At the conclusion of the evening, two acts clearly stood out.
The first one was a hilarious duet rendition of an Elvis Presley
standard “Blue Moon,” by SEO Gail Namerow and Randy
Sprout, which brought them a first prize. The second prize
winner, Diane Lotny, was a visitor from New York City, with a
beautiful timbre, whose soulful presentation captivated the judges.
Options for Reducing
Copper Levels in MdR
his informative, well-attended, interactive forum brought
to light the ways that Marina del Rey recreational boaters
can immediately reduce copper levels in our harbor. Paul
Skipper, for 40 years the owner of S& K Dive Service and
certified by the California Professional Divers Association,
explained how the right hull cleaning practices can reduce copper
leaching by 48%.
Simon Landt, General Manager of Windward Yacht Center,
gave a comprehensive presentation on copper-free antifouling hull
paints currently available that are best for Marina del Rey; for
example, Econea biocide, which is available from three paint
companies. Simon also discussed how a vessel's operating
environment makes a huge difference on the effectiveness of
these coatings. Not all paint products work best for every type of
boat or in every climate.
This Power Fleet Mariners Education event was organized by
S/C Anne Sacks with support from Power Fleet Chair SEO Karen
Oh, the Things
You Can Do –
There’s Fun for
nergy and enthusiasm filled the Club at the recent
CYC Activities Showcase. Members and visitors
were treated to a smorgasbord of enticing posters,
displays, and props promoting events and activities
offered during the year. The Fireside Room was
bursting with event chairs, committee members, and
interested participants, so we were fortunate that
favorable weather allowed us to extend our reach to the
front lawn and beyond.
The outside area also permitted the display of one
of CYC’s two newly acquired Martin 242s, available for
members' use in the new Club Keelboat Program.
Visitors outside were also treated to instruction in bocce
ball, which is also a new activity at the Club.
Many traditional events and several new ones were
creatively showcased amidst copious hors d’oeuvres and
wine. Sports included paddle tennis, pickle ball, and
golf; games included bridge and mahjong; and artistic
endeavors featured painting,
knitting, and knotting. The great
outdoors tempted with fishing
and scuba diving, as well as
multiple occasions in 2015 to
explore by sail or power boat on
cruises lasting a few hours to
several days.
Opportunities to volunteer
on race committee, join CYC’s Radio Amateur Group,
and participate in Evening Colors were also presented.
The social among us were encouraged to hang out at a
dock party or participate in a book club, while those
with a keen palate were urged to try an elegant dinner
with our Epicurean Society or take a moment to sample
wine at a wine appreciation event.
A distinguished group of Staff Commodores (Anne
Sacks, Denny Haythorn, and Bill Watkins) identified
several displays deserving special mention and the
following prizes were awarded:
• Best Use of Libations: Family Activities Committee
• Largest Booth Exhibit: Club Keelboat Program
• Left Shark Award: Cruising Fleet
• Dressed to the Nines: Epicurean Society
• Cutesy Little Booth: Happy Birthday Dock Party
• Simplest and Best Use of a Booth: Golf
I hope you’ll join the fun and choose some of these
many activities to enjoy at your Club.
Visitors were treated to instruction in bocce ball, which is a new activity
at the Club.
-Michelle Weston photo
California Yacht Club – Opening Day, 2015
Laissez les bon temp roulez! – Fun and Friends
ake a regular, normal, run
of the mill, ordinary
Opening Day Ceremony at
one of the world’s finest yacht
clubs—then add zydeco music,
Cajun food, beads, feathered
masks, parasols, and a Bourbon
Street Mardi Gras-style party
including Hurricanes and other
New Orleans mixology, and what
do you have? California Yacht
Club’s amazing Opening Day,
2015. What a party!
Beneath a beautiful southern
California sky, Commodore Rick
Turner and his Bridge formally
commissioned CYC’s 2015
Commodore Rick Turner addresses the Opening Day attendees.
season, with a colorful
background of flags, fun, friends,
blue blazers, lovely spring
dresses, and a roaring cannon
blast set off by our Cannoneer
Diane Adler and Master at Arms
Scott Jarema. What a wonderful
day to celebrate the beginning of
the 2015 yachting season at the
Following the traditional
introductions of the Staff
Commodores, the 2015 Bridge
and Junior Bridge, and dignitaries
in attendance, the Club was
honored by Steve Napolitano,
Field Deputy for Supervisor Don
Knabe, who presented
Commodore Turner with a
special commemorative burgee to
recognize our Club’s vital role in
the development of Marina del
Rey as a world class yachting
center. This was especially fitting
on this Opening Day, as 2015 is
the harbor’s 50th birthday.
Commodore Turner assured all in
attendance that this unique burgee
would be displayed in a
prominent place in the Club.
I would like to thank the
entire Opening Day 2015
Committee for their generous
assistance. There was so much
wonderful help and support from
Opening Day Color Guard, U.S.M.C. 2nd Battalion, 23rd Marines
so many devoted Club
members—so many, in fact, that I am
sure I will miss mentioning someone’s
name, and for that egregious and
unforgivable error, I humbly apologize
in advance. My thanks go to: CYCWA
EO Sharon Stewart, SEO Karen
Stirling, SEO Mary Jane McClintock,
S/C and SEO Betta Mortarotti, S/C
David Collins, S/C Bill Watkins, Scott
Jarema, FBO Pam Spriggs, Connie
Hyman, SEO Michele Caylor, Jr. SEO
Nancy Matzdorff, SEO Donna
Petersen, SEO Stephanie Weston, Port
CYC Staff Commodores
Captain Debbie Feinerman and the
entire 2015 Bridge, and General
Manager Michele Underwood and her
great staff at CYC.
And, last but certainly not least, I
extend my thanks to S/C Martin
McCarthy for his excellent
photographs of the day, the Breeze staff
for holding the publication date of the
Club’s magazine so we could include
this article and photos, all of EO
Stewart's wonderful CYCWA volunteer
greeters and hostesses, and Barbie
Blecher for all manner of good ideas,
lots of help wherever it was needed,
and for letting me take all the credit.
R/C Kellie Fennessy and Mike Priest receiving the 2014 George L. and Kay B. Fisher Memorial Thank you all for your part in making
Trophy from SCYA Vice Commodore Shawn Milligan, SCYA Commodore Monty Groutage, and this a truly special day for our Club.
(more photos on page 18)
Jr. S/C Morrie Wilkie.
Cmmdr. Turner
MdR 50th birthday
burgee from
Beaches and
Harbors Division
Chief Carol Baker
and 4th District
Field Deputy Steve
F/C Mike Blecher and Barbie toasting the many
CYC members who contributed to making Opening
Day 2015 such a success.
P/C Debbie Feinerman presents
the ASMBYC Yachtsman of the Year Award
to S/C Bill Watkins.
- Martin H. McCarthy photography
A stilt-walker, a magician, Mardi Gras
beads, and plenty of fun
CYCWA Secretary Diane Howard, First Officer Carol Watkins, and EO Sharon Stewart
Willie Hjorth
CYC Junior sailors and their coach,
Guillaume Rasse
The Club's splendid luncheon included
muffaletta sandwiches, among other
excellent dishes.
- Martin H. McCarthy photography
Sterling Hathaway, his grandmother, Patty Hathaway (who is holding her great-granddaughter,
Scout Hathaway), Sterling's wife, Jennifer Chandler Hathaway, and Stephanie Hathaway
Barbara Duker and Yumio Dornberg
with their son, Brack
Fun and friends, CYC’s theme for 2015
Plenty of fun for the kids, too
The zydeco band “Bonne Muzique” had everyone in a Mardi Gras frame of mind.
- Martin H. McCarthy photography
An Evening in Old Havana
Epicurean Dinner - May 12
YC Epicurean Society Sommelier Dick Hyman, S/C Martin
McCarthy, and Connie Hyman have teamed up to bring you “An
Evening in Old Havana,” an exciting evening featuring food and
music of Cuba. Dick returned from a December 2014 trip to the 30th
Anniversary Havana Jazz Festival with recordings from the many festival
venues he visited as well as photos of the food and places he enjoyed. He
looks forward to sharing them with everyone.
Dinner Chair Connie brings her culinary expertise to developing a
menu of Cuban foods and flavors that will meet the high standards of the
Epicurean Society. Join Dick, Martin, Connie and members of the
Epicurean Society for Champagne and appetizers in the “Buena Vista
Social Club” in the Fireside Room, followed by an elegant dinner in the
main dining room, on Tuesday, May 12, 2015.
The dinner is open to all CYC members and their guests. Call 310823-4567, or email reservations@calyachtclub.net, to reserve your place.
Who Knew New Zealand Food Could Be So Good!
By SUSAN FRENCH, Epicurean Society General Chair
he Epicurean Society's annual Sweethearts Dinner,
Dining Down Under - A Kiwi Extravaganza, chaired by
Commodore Rick Turner and his wife, Ann, was an
extravaganza indeed. The reception featured the 2009 Kim
Crawford "Small Parcels Fizz" sparkling wine from the
Marlborough district, Kir Royales, and a pomegranate and
sparkling wine cocktail. Passed appetizers included elegantly
served green lip mussels that had been marinated in Pernod and
chervil oil, and a savory spoonful of salmon in a juniper berry
and mustard preparation. The Athenas, a singing group from The
Los Angeles Athletic Club, serenaded us during the reception.
After toasts to our country and the sport of yachting led by
Staff Commodores Charlie Kelley and Bill Moore, the Society's
General Chair, Susan French, introduced and welcomed nine
new members to the Epicurean Society: Commodore Turner and
Ann, SEO Susan Brunell, Sevan and Kevork Kalenderian, Fred
Lanes, David Piper and Chris Ortiz, and SEO Karen Stirling.
The men were presented with the traditional red Epicurean sash
Sigi Pepper, Harold Arutunian, Patty Hathaway, and Karen
and Tom Higgins
and the women with the Epicurean bracelet.
The dinner began with a salad of figs, beets, and burrata,
and then proceeded with seared ostrich carpaccio, followed by
a kiwi-mango sorbet intermezzo, and beef filet crusted with
hazelnuts and horseradish cream served with mini herbed
pommes Anna. Mini Pavlovas with fresh berries and raspberry
sauce, accompanied by melt-in-your mouth chocolate truffles,
finished off a memorable meal.
Wines served were the 2010 Villa Maria "Cellar Select"
Dry Riesling, Marlborough; the 2010 Nick Goldschmidt
"Boulder Bank-Fitzroy Vineyard" Pinot Noir, Marlborough; the
2011 Esk Valley "Gimblett Gravels" Merlot-Cabernet-Malbec,
Hawkes Bay; and the 2013 Cloudy Bay "Noble Late Riesling."
Kudos to Commodore Turner and Ann; to Michele
Underwood and Chef Matthew, and the entire kitchen staff for
an excellent meal; to Gus Marks and Dick Hyman for the
excellent wine pairings; and to the serving staff for a beautiful
Kevork and Sevan Kalenderian, Johnathon and Newman Arndt,
Stephanie and Steve Hathaway
Bob Congdon and S/C Alice Leahey, Cmmdr. Turner, Sue and S/C Bill Moore, JoAnne and S/C Charlie Kelley
CYC General Manager Michele Underwood, Connie
Hyman, Cmmdr. Turner and Ann, and Dick Hyman
Penelope Cornwall, Frank Jensen,
and Linda Kline
Chris Ortiz, SEO Karen Stirling, and
David Piper
S/C Doug Levi and
SEO Judy Levi
- Martin H. McCarthy photography
CYC Burgee Exchange
CYC member Christine Perakis recently
exchanged burgees with the Commodore of the
Royal BVI Yacht Club, Chris Haycraft.
Dedicated to sailing in its many forms, the
Royal BVI Yacht Club was established in 1973
and is the British Virgin Islands National
Authority for sailing. A licensed captain,
Christine now lives in Tortola, where she is
living her dream of delivering boats and doing
Where will you take the CYC burgee?
Email your story and photo to
CYCWA On The Horizon
Thursday, April 1
11:45 a.m. in the Fireside Room
Co-chairs Virginia & Ira Teller
Master mystery writer P.D. James
is the author of “The Lighthouse,” a
2006 novel featuring dashing
Commander Adam Dalgleish as
detective. A posh retreat island off the
coast of Cornwall is the setting for a
politically sensitive murder as the
guests/suspects are highly placed.
James’s talent for understated but
powerful emotion, characterization, and
nuance combine with a satisfying
intellectual puzzle. Moderator is S/C
Cheryl Mahaffey. Call the Club for
reservation and lunch information.
Wednesday, April 15
6:30 p.m. in the Fireside Room
Co-chairs Marie Hedlund
and Antoinette Leos
Anne-Marie O’Connor tells the
riveting true story of the setting and
people behind the creation and theft of
the famous painting “The Lady in
Gold” by Gustav Klimt. One of the
sparkling masterpieces of the early
twentieth century, painted in 1907,
during the Second World War the
painting was confiscated from the
family by the Nazis and never returned
to the heirs. More than fifty years after
the war, Adele’s niece and Holocaust
survivor, Maria Altmann, sued the
Austrian government and eventually
regained possession of the painting. Our
moderator is SEO Norma Pratt. Price is
$10.00 inclusive for dessert and coffee.
Call 310-823-4567 for reservations,
which are requested.
every Tuesday and Thursday
10 a.m. to noon.
Bring your paddles to the courts for
fun-filled round-robin matches. No
experience required – all skill levels are
welcome and invited to participate.
Following the play on Thursdays, there
is a no-host lunch in the dining room.
Contact cochairs Paula Watson and
Linde Caughey for more information.
Sunday April 26, 2:30 p.m.
“The Desert Song”
Join us in El Segundo for this
1953 Technicolor operetta from
Warner Bros., starring Gordon
McRae and Kathryn Grayson, with
music by Sigmund Romberg and
book and lyrics by Oscar
Hammerstein II, Otto Harbach,
and Frank Mandel. There is no
better place to view this
Hollywood classic than the
celebrated Old Town Music Hall,
featuring the Mighty Wurlitzer
Pipe Organ. Doors open at 2 p.m.
and the afternoon begins with
powerful music, a sing-a-long, and
a comedy short before the film.
Admission: $10 ($8 Seniors 62+).
Reserve your seat for this unique
event by calling 310-823-4567.
every Wednesday
10 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Dining Room
Bridge players of all skill levels are
invited to join this club. Bridge is an
excellent way to sharpen the mind with
strategy and memory as well as meet a great
group of talented members who know who
to combine fun and competition. Tables are
set up in the bar area. Cards and score
sheets are provided. The bridge players
break midday for a no-host luncheon. All
interested new players are encouraged to
participate. Contact Chair Joan Silver for
more information.
every Wednesday
10:30 a.m. to noon
Club Lounge
Knitters, crocheters, or needleworkers
of any sort are welcome to join us in the
Member Lounge. Beginners are very
welcome as we have many experienced
craftpersons who can help you with that
new or abandoned project. New Club
members are especially invited. A nohost lunch in the dining room follows
the activities. Contact Chair Patty
Hathaway for more information.
every Thursday at 1 p.m.
Join the group on Thursdays to play
this fascinating and strategic tile game.
All skill levels welcome. If you already
play mahjong, you can also help teach
the game and strategies to members who
are new to the game. Just come and
have some fun!
For more information, drop by or
contact Chair Susan Allan.
every second and fourth Wednesday
10 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
Join the growing artistic group – if
you enjoy drawing and painting, this is
the group for you. The group is
fortunate to have some incredible
guidance and teaching from some of
CYC’s talented artists. All skill levels
encouraged. For details, contact Nancy
CYCWA Goes Hollywood
- Carol Watkins photo
YCWA’s second program for 2015 was a visit to the
historic Wilshire May Company Building to see and enjoy
“Hollywood Costume,” organized by the Victoria and
Albert Museum, London, and the Academy of Motion Picture
Arts and Sciences. The Wilshire May Company Building at
Wilshire and Fairfax is the future location of the Academy
Museum of Motion Pictures.
The multi-media exhibit was enjoyed by 39 CYC members.
Projected images everywhere you looked brought many famous
costumes to life. Videos of faces were projected onto the
mannequin heads and “talked” to us as we passed, explaining the
importance of a particular costume to a particular film and the
important roles that wardrobe and costumes play in film-making.
The costume “island” devoted to roles played by Meryl
Streep was magnificent, and to see the iconic dress worn by
Marilyn Monroe in “The Seven Year Itch” was thrilling. We
especially enjoyed the very clever diorama with projections
from the witch’s castle in the “Wizard of Oz” at the end of the
tour. There were also recorded interviews with costume
designer Edith Head as well as directors such as Quentin
Tarantino and Martin Scorsese.
After viewing the exhibit, everyone enjoyed lunch to
conclude a wonderful day in Los Angeles. We were very lucky
to see this magnificent exhibition before its March 2 closing.
The exhibit was dismantled and every item shipped back to its
original owners, all over the world.
A very big thank you goes to SEO Norma Pratt for
organizing the carpool at the Club parking lot and getting
everyone off to the exhibit on time. Be sure and read “CYCWA
On the Horizon” in this issue to learn about our April film
event at El Segundo’s Old Town Music Hall on Sunday April
26, at 2:30 p.m.
Bocce Ball
occe ball has arrived at CYC
and enthusiastic players now
gather each Sunday on two
portable courts on the club’s front
lawn. There is always someone at the
courts on Sundays from 4–6 p.m. to
offer instruction to new players and
reminders to those who have not
played for a while. The Sunday
afternoon games finish up just before
the Evening Colors ceremonies.
The bocce ball sets are available
for checkout at the front desk any time
the Club is open, and the rules have
been posted on the Club’s website on
the Club Activities pull-down menu. In
the coming weeks, Bocce Ball Cochairs Stephanie Hathaway and S/C
Leweck will be sending out more
information about this fun sport. If you
have any questions, send them a note
at cyc-bocce-ball@cycfleet.com.
- Michelle Weston photo
CYC Junior Rowers Have a
Successful Start to the
2015 Season
By S/C CRAIG LEEDS, Junior Rowing Coach
he CYC junior rowers began their racing season with two
recent regattas. The first was The Beach Sprints, hosted
by Long Beach Rowing Association, on January 31,
2015. This regatta is notable for not being held on the water.
Instead, this yearly regatta is held indoors with rowers
competing against each other on “Concept 2” rowing machines
rather than in rowing shells. These machines are the world-wide
standard for indoor training and testing of competitive rowers.
For many junior rowers, their results on these machines are the
equivalent of their SAT scores in terms of importance.
Competitors in each class are seeded in heats of 16, based
on their previous personal bests. The competition is to row
2,000 meters (on the machine) as fast as they can. The Varsity
competition had four classes: lightweight boys and girls and
open weight boys and girls.
CYC medaled in three of the four classes, despite having a
Varsity team of only eleven rowers (four boys and seven girls).
Ben Gutierrez placed first in the boy’s lightweight event with a
time of 6’41”. Bridget O’Callahan took third in the girl’s
lightweight event, despite being 14 years old and the youngest
competitor in her class (the winner was 18 and second place
was 17). In the same class, Grace Heinrichs placed 14th and
Peyton Lancaster was 16th.
Nicki Schindler was third in the very competitive women’s
open weight event with a time of 7’25”. Sky Karasik was 7th,
Sophie Hart 8th, and Anissa Agrama 17th. In the boy’s open
weight event, Jonathan Solomon placed 6th, Zach Steinfeld
10th, and James Nowotny 14th.
Our next regatta, The President’s Day Regatta, hosted by
the Long Beach Junior Crew on February 14, 2015, was a
traditional on-the-water-regatta. This yearly regatta is held on
the waters of the Long Beach Marine Stadium and is 1400
meters in length. Teams from all over California competed,
most of whom are much larger in number than ours.
The CYC team posted outstanding results. The Varsity
rowers won three of the four singles events and placed third in
the other, placed first and second in the two girl’s doubles
events, placed fourth in the boy’s double, and third in the boy’s
quad. Had our second boy’s double not been rendered unusable
by a wayward official’s boat right before their start, we stood a
very good chance of winning another race. The team also had a
fifth in the girl’s lightweight double and fourth in the girl’s
The team is training very hard for their upcoming regattas,
hoping to peak for the US Rowing Regional Championship,
where they will try to qualify for the US Rowing Youth
National Championship that will be held this year in Sarasota,
Florida, June 12-14.
CYC Junior Sailing
- Donald Westland photos
CYC’S Opti Junior Champ Fleet racers are ready to compete
on day one of the 2015 Harken Series #1 Regatta, held
February 28 - March 1.
Alexis Westland won third in the Red Fleet and Katharine
Doble won third in the White Fleet in challenging conditions
on Santa Monica Bay during the Harken Series #1 Regatta.
At the 2015 Optimist Midwinter West SCYYRA Carrie Series
#4 conducted by LAYC in February, CYC Junior sailors
Alexis Westland won third place in the Red Fleet, Grant
Janov won third place in the Blue Fleet, and Gavin McJones
won first place in the Red Fleet.
Sunset Book Club
“The Lady in Gold: The Extraordinary Tale of Gustav
Klimt’s Masterpiece, Portrait of Adele Bloch-Bauer”
By ANTOINETTE LEOS, Sunset Book Club Co-chair
h what a tangled tale! This is a complex and wellresearched account of the “Austrian Mona Lisa” that
will intrigue anyone interested in the art world,
encompassing morals, politics, philosophy, history, and all of
the drama of the lives behind the icons we encounter even today.
It was the “Belle Époque,” the fin de siècle, and Vienna
was a center of grand culture, with the wealthy Jewish
intelligentsia's patronage of the finest minds and artists of the
time: Freud, Picasso, Monet, Mahler, Strauss, and, of course,
that "bad boy" of the art world, Gustav Klimt. The beautiful
and modern thinking Adele Bloch-Bauer reveled in this
atmosphere and rebelled against the old order that kept women
out of the limelight and “protected” them from learning and
new ideas. Her young niece, Maria Block-Bauer, looked on as
her aunt “holds court” during salons filled with these talented
and clever people.
Her salons were known for their lively exchanges and free
spirit. Klimt's sensual and haunting society portraits led to a
relationship (perhaps an affair) that created one of the most
famous paintings of all time, his portrait of Adele Block-Bauer.
Encased in gold, Adele looks down on the world in
bemusement ... what are her secrets?
This fragile, almost fairy tale world was crushed by the
heavy boots of Nazi occupation. The newly-married Maria
Block-Bauer Altmann returns from her honeymoon with her
dashing husband “Fritz” Altmann to a scene of house arrest,
destruction, death at Dachau, the looting and the hiding of
treasures as well as humans. Now the gold was both a
mysterious shimmer in the painting with the identity of Adele
reduced to “the lady in gold” and real “gold” in the giving up
of assets to the Nazis to save lives ... danger was everywhere.
The painting becomes a symbol of a faded era, ignoring the
recent past. What would Adele, who loved the elegant world
of Vienna, have thought of a greedy Austria, eager to hold
onto those treasures and deny its complicity in acquiring them?
Finally, years later, Maria emerges again. An elderly
widow, living in America, she, with her young lawyer, led the
fight to reclaim “Adele” from Austria for the family. The
drama continues, not just with the legal fight but conflicts
within the family. The paintings were hard won, then sold.
The framed painting of Adele now graces the Lauder
Museum in New York. She continues to gaze down, still
raising questions: Who owns art? The country of origin? The
patrons who have the "gold" to pay for it? Or do those who
witness what the artist saw and are stirred to their own souls
own the art?
Do read this intricate and amazing story and join us for a
discussion of all these mysteries on Wednesday, April 15, at
6:30 p.m. Our Moderator will be SEO Norma Pratt. There
will, of course, be an elegant dessert and coffee. Reservations
are requested and the cost is $10.00, inclusive. Call 310-8234567 to reserve.
Book Mates:
Jury Verdict on Marriage,
Religion, and the Law
arriage, religion, and the law were the controversial
subjects of our March Book Mates selection, “The
Children’s Act,” by bestselling author Ian McEwan.
SEO Stephanie Weston moderated and led the discussion, which
was often heated, with many diverse and opposing opinions
offered. Legal perspectives and real life case ramifications were
provided by Club member and attorney, Zoran Segina.
Stephanie drew attention to the novel’s many moral
dilemmas, the questions of responsibility and commitment, and
the personal conflicts, especially in marriage and religion. These
themes became even clearer when we learned more about the
author’s background. Ian McEwan not only suffered though a
nasty divorce, he was an atheist. Comparisons were also made
to the recent headlines about the outbreak of measles and
parents refusing to have their children vaccinated. In the end,
everyone agreed that this was the author’s most accessible and
personal novel since “Atonement,” especially in how children
impact the lives of adults, and utilized a deceptively simple plot
that took unexpected turns from beginning to shocking end.
In the novel, Fiona Maye is a High Court judge in London
presiding over cases in family court. She is fiercely intelligent,
well respected, and deeply immersed in the nuances of her
particular field of law. Often the outcome of a case seems
simple from the outside, the course of action to ensure a child's
welfare obvious. But the law requires more rigor than mere
pragmatism, and Fiona is expert in considering the sensitivities
of culture and religion when handing down her judgments.
Fiona's professional success belies domestic strife. Her
husband, Jack, asks her to consider an open marriage and, after an
argument, moves out of their house. His departure leaves her
adrift, wondering whether it was not love she had lost, so much as
a modern form of respectability; whether it was not contempt and
ostracism she really fears. She decides to throw herself into her
work, especially a complex case involving a seventeen-year-old
boy whose parents will not permit a lifesaving blood transfusion
because it conflicts with their beliefs as Jehovah's Witnesses. But
Fiona’s husband doesn't leave her thoughts, and the pressure to
resolve the case – as well as her crumbling marriage – tests Fiona
in ways that kept us all thoroughly enthralled until the last
stunning page.
A case with equally complicated and conflicted characters
faces readers of our April book, “The Lighthouse.” This thirteenth
whodunit by award-winning author P.D. James, featuring intrepid
Scotland Yard Inspector Adam Dalgliesh, was described by NY
Times critic Janet Maslin as “a rich menu of murder, garnished
with a small sprig of shame.” S/C Cheryl Mahaffey will moderate
and asked members to consider assuming the roles of the different
characters in the novel in order to create a “Ten Little Indians”
atmosphere to the overall discussion.
SEO Norma Pratt, moderator of our May 7 meeting’s nonfiction selection, has confirmed that signed first edition copies of
“The Kindness of The Hangman,” by co-author and guest Henry
Oster, are available for purchase at the front desk at a reduced
cash price. The book for June was also selected: “The Girl on the
Train,” the New York Times bestseller written by Paula Hawkins.
Susan Allan will moderate this page-turning thriller.
We meet on the first Thursday of every month, 11:45 a.m.- 2
p.m., for lunch and a stimulating environment of discussion that
has made Book Mates such a popular book club. Remember, our
next read is “The Lighthouse” by P.D. James. Pick up a copy and
join us on April 2.
Luncheon: $12.47++ Reservations are a must.
Call 310-823-4567.
From The Manager
arina del Rey is celebrating its fiftieth
anniversary with a huge birthday
celebration the weekend of April 10-12.
There will be tall ships in the harbor, a boat show,
local exhibitors, and kid activities in Burton Chase
Park, plus a concert and fireworks show on Friday
night. CYC is participating by having a booth at
Burton Chase Park and holding an open house on
Saturday. Michelle Weston, our Membership Sales
and Marketing Director, will be organizing tours of
the Club on Saturday. If you are at CYC that day,
please welcome our visitors and let them know how great it is
to be a member of CYC.
As was mentioned in the Commodore’s Column, this
month you will find the annual contribution to the
Competition Fund on your monthly statement. This is the sole
source of funding for our junior and senior sailors and rowers
who compete in national, regional, and international events,
so please contribute. When you see pictures this year of CYC
sailors and rowers on the podium, you will know that you
contributed to their success by contributing to the
Competition Fund.
Cruising season kicks off this month with a rendezvous
cruise to Los Angeles Yacht Club’s facility in Howlands Cove
on April 17-19. Situated on the north side of Catalina, it is
equipped with a large barbeque, a full wet bar, heads, and
plenty of tables. Please call the front desk and make a
reservation, so our chair knows how many people to plan for
and can email you last minute instructions.
We have had several requests to do another
Riedel glassware seminar. Our own Gus Marks has
arranged for Christopher Dillon from Riedel to
present an educational and entertaining program on
April 24. Using the new Riedel Veritas red wine
tasting set, Mr. Dillon will demonstrate the
relationship between the shape of a glass and our
perception and enjoyment of the wine. This
evening will include a three-course dinner using
wines appropriate for the glasses demonstrated:
new world Pinot Noir, old world Syrah, and Cabernet/Merlot.
The price of dinner includes a set of the glasses valued at
$109 to take home, so please make a reservation early
enough so that we can have all the glassware available for
the evening.
Our annual 1040 Dinner is slated for April 16. Whether
you sent Uncle Sam a check or got a tax refund, every CYC
member will get some relief in the dining room. With entrées
priced at $10.40, you can’t miss this great bargain. This is a
sold out event each year, so call for reservations.
Join us on May 16 for an exciting day of activities with
U.S. Sailing's "Team Sperry Top-Sider," our country's best
2016 Olympic Sailing Team prospects, and be sure that you
read S/C Tom Leweck’s “save the date” article in this issue.
R/C Kellie Fennessy is looking for auction donations and
volunteers to help with the event.
See you ‘round the Club!
APRIL 2015
Bridge Club
Women’s Paddle
12 Club closed
Marina Fest
and Marina
Anniversary Open House
Mixed Doubles
Paddle Tennis
1 Women’s
13 Club closed 14
Paddle Tennis
Knit or Knot
Paddle Tennis
Mixed Doubles
Paddle Tennis
26 Club closed
Mixed Doubles
Paddle Tennis
Bridge Club
Fleet Council Mtg.
8 Women’s
CYCWA Painting
Sunset Series
Mx Dbl Paddle Tennis
CYCWA Knit or Knot
Bridge Club 15
Sunset Book Club
Knit or Knot
Sunset Series Begins
Mixed Doubles
Paddle Tennis
10 Catalina
Paddle Tennis
Mixed Doubles
Paddle Tennis
Dinner for Two
Seafood Buffet
Conservancy Ball
Malibu Zig-Zag
Mixed Doubles
Paddle Tennis
Dinner for Two
Rendezvous 18
Cruise to
Sail Comm. Mtg.
Seafood Buffet
Jr. Comm. Mtg.
Rendezvous 17
Paddle Tennis 16 Cruise to
1040 Dinner
Mixed Doubles
Seafood Buffet
CYCWA Painting
New Member
Sunset Series
Women’s Paddle
Mixed Doubles
Paddle Tennis
Dinner for Two
Power Fleet 25
Dock Party
Kids Movie Night
Mixed Doubles
Dinner for Two
Seafood Buffet
27 Club closed 28 Bridge Club 29 Bridge Mtg. 30
Sunset Cruise
CYCWA Painting Seminar
Women’s Paddle
Sunset Series
Yachting Luncheon
Mixed Doubles
Breeze Deadline
Paddle Tennis
CYCWA Trip to
El Segundo
Paddle Tennis
Mixed Doubles
Paddle Tennis
19 Club closed 20 Club closed 21 Bridge Club 22
Cruise to
Paddle Tennis
5 Easter Brunch
17-19 Rendezvous Cruise
8 Sunset Series Seminar 24 Winemaker Dinner
11 Conservancy Ball
25 Dock Party
12 Open House
25 Kids Movie Night
16 1040 Dinner
5 Club closed 6 Club closed 7
Easter Sunday
Brunch and Egg
MAY 2015
High School 1
Sailing Banquet
Mixed Doubles
Paddle Tennis
Dinner for Two
Seafood Buffet
Mixed Doubles
Paddle Tennis
3 Club closed
4 Club closed
5 Bridge Club
Women’s Paddle
6 Women’s
CYCWA Painting Paddle Tennis
Sunset Series
Fleet Council Mtg.
Knit or Knot
Seafood Buffet
Mx Dbl Paddle Tennis Starlight Ser. Begins
Mixed Doubles
Paddle Tennis
Dinner for Two
4469 Admiralty Way, Marina del Rey, CA 90292 • 310-823-4567 • Fax: 310-822-3658
Always check www.calyachtclub.com for the most current event information.