TTThhheee BBBuuusssiiinnneeessssss CCCeeennntttrrreee
TTThhheee BBBuuusssiiinnneeessssss CCCeeennntttrrreee
TThhee BBuussiinneessss CCeennttrree EExxppllaaiinneedd Contents – Please click the relative link below to be taken to that page Customer Login ............................................................................................................................................. 3 New Customers ............................................................................................................................................ 3 Registered Customers .................................................................................................................................. 4 Home - Business Centre Home Page Explained........................................................................................... 5 Visits .................................................................................................................................................. 5 Contacts ............................................................................................................................................ 5 Documents ........................................................................................................................................ 5 Manage your Sites ............................................................................................................................ 5 Editing your MySite ...................................................................................................................................... 6 My Program - Advertisements ..................................................................................................................... 7 Statistics - Overview ..................................................................................................................................... 8 Statistics - Traffic Source .............................................................................................................................. 9 SEA - Paid Search Traffic ....................................................................................................................... 9 DIRECT ................................................................................................................................................... 9 SEO ........................................................................................................................................................ 9 REF......................................................................................................................................................... 9 ...................................................................................................................................... 9 1 Statistics - MySite Traffic............................................................................................................................ 10 Visits .................................................................................................................................................... 10 Visitors ................................................................................................................................................ 10 Pages ................................................................................................................................................... 10 Statistics - Google AdWords™ .................................................................................................................... 11 Monthly Breakdown ........................................................................................................................... 11 Impressions ......................................................................................................................................... 11 Clicks ................................................................................................................................................... 11 CTR (Click Through Rate) ..................................................................................................................... 11 Average CPC (Cost Per Click) ............................................................................................................... 11 Statistics - My Calls ..................................................................................................................................... 12 Statistics – ROI Calculator .......................................................................................................................... 13 My Details ................................................................................................................................................... 14 Add contacts for the company ............................................................................................................ 14 Add users ............................................................................................................................................ 14 Edit company details ........................................................................................................................... 14 Edit the password for logging in. ........................................................................................................ 14 Queries........................................................................................................................................................ 15 2 Business Centre Customer Login Go to Business Centre URL: New Customers: select the ‘Register Online’ Link and fill out the form below *Customer ID: This is found on your advertising proofs, or by contacting *Email Address: Must match the one provided to Rep when purchasing advertisement If email address is not recognised, please contact or contact your rep and ask for login details to be sent out to you. Login details will be emailed back to the customer. Please go to to login. 3 Registered Customers: Please go to: Login with the credentials provided After logging in you will see the following page: 4 Home - Business Centre Home Page Explained Once logged in you will see the following screen as below: Your Visits and Contacts are explained on the page. Visits: The number of interactions done by visitors with your program in Contacts: The number of calls and emails received through your program in Documents are where you can access your advertising proofs or SEO reports should they apply to your account. Manage your Sites is where you click to edit your online advertisement. (See next page) 5 Editing your MySite To Edit your MySite (If you have multiple MySites Select the MySite you wish to Edit) And you will be brought into Edit Mode as below. 6 My Program - Advertisements Click on Advertisements from the My Program drop down menu as below. This displays your adverts that are online and under which heading as for example the one above being under Solicitors. When you click on the headings it will then give link you to the online advertisement. 7 Statistics - Overview Click on Statistics along the main tab bar at the top of the page. You will be brought to the Overview page which will display Impressions, Visits and Actions. This can be broken down by date intervals of 12, 9, 6, 3 months and 30 days. There is also an option to specify results by each heading the advertisement is listed under. 8 Statistics - Traffic Source Click Traffic Source tab on the left this will bring you to the following screen below. This allows you to select certain date ranges for where the online traffic to your advertisement is coming from. It can be under the following headings: SEA, Direct, SEO, REF, these headings are all explained on the page. SEA - Paid Search Traffic: traffic coming from paid advertising on search engines such as Google, Bing, Yahoo DIRECT – traffic coming from suers that access the URL directly with an unknown referrer, either by typing the URL in the address bar, clicking on a bookmark or coming from an offline application (e.g. Outlook, Word…) SEO – Non-Paid Search Traffic: traffic coming from organic search results on search engines such as Google, Bing, Yahoo REF – Traffic coming from referral hyperlinks on sites such as blogs, social networks or other websites – traffic coming from searches or banners on, its partner sites or specific pages or features. 9 Statistics - MySite Traffic Click on MySite Traffic tab on the left this will bring you to the following screen below. If you have multiple MySites you can select the statistics for each individual MySite. (See MySite Report drop down menu) Visits – this is the number of times that users came to your MySite Visitors – this is the number of unique users that came to your MySite Pages are the page headings that are on your online advertisement (MySite only) that people have clicked to view. Mobile Site pages that are displayed are also listed under this. 10 Statistics - Google AdWords™ If you have a Google AdWords™ campaign you will see the Google AdWords™ displayed on the left tab menu as below. The statistics detail page outlines your start and end date of your campaign and your budget spend and total budget for the campaign. Monthly Breakdown will outline the following: Impressions Clicks CTR (Click Through Rate) Average CPC (Cost Per Click) 11 Statistics - My Calls Click on My Calls on the left tab, to display the statistics if you have a Keyed Advert Number in one of your advertisements. The statistics are displayed in various different methods which are all explained within the Business Centre. 12 Statistics – ROI Calculator Click on ROI Calculator on the left tab, to display the calculator which allows you to work out the return on investment for you from your advertisement. You are able to amend the contacts, conversion rate and average value order fields here. 13 My Details Click on the My Details on the very top right section of the Business Centre this will allow you to Add contacts for the company Add users Edit company details Edit the password for logging in. 14 Queries If you have any problems with the Business Centre please contact us on 1800 625 625 or email: and ask to speak to one of our Proactive Customer Care team. 15