Daytona Beach Motorcyclists’ Club, Inc. d.b.a. Daytona Beach Chapter Harley Owners Group DAYTONA HOGCALL November 2009 Get out and vote in November! Inside this issue: Director Assistant Director Safety One way to get involved in the chapter is by serving as a chapter officer. Each chapter has four official "primary" officers and any number of additional "discretionary" officers. Elected positions must be filled by individuals who own and ride, or ride on, a Harley-Davidson motorcycle. The Daytona HOG member must be a National HOG member or associate member, and have been an active Daytona Chapter member in good standing for one full year, previous to the nomination. The term of each office shall be one year, and shall run from January 1 to December 31, or the balance of the current election year, or as appointed by the sponsoring dealer, as defined in the Chapter Handbook issued by the National HOG office. Primary Officers’ Positions and Those Running: Director: Don Seeley Assistant Director: Bret Hollenbeck and Butch Kaddy Treasurer: Bill Lawrence Secretary: Gail Kaddy Membership Head Road Captain Duties of elected officers: Treasurer Activities Calendar Web, policies, Road Captains Officers Director: 1. To preside at all meetings of the Chapter and the Board. 2. To generally supervise the affairs of the chapter. 3. To appoint any person or committee as required. 4. To personally represent the Chapter. 5. To assist all other officers in their duties. Assistant Director: 1. To perform the duties of the Director in his or her absence, and such other duties as may be assigned by the Director. Secretary: 1. To keep minutes of all meetings. 2. To send out notices of special meetings. 3. Handle all Chapter correspondence. 4. To perform such other duties as fall to that office. Treasurer: 1. To receive dues from all members. 2. To receive all other monies due the Chapter. 3. To maintain a record of all expenditures. 4. To report the Treasury balance at each meeting. Elections are now closed. Election results: shall be at the November meeting, based on a simple majority vote for the selected candidates for each specific office. There will be no absentee ballots. All elected officers shall be vested in January. The newly elected Director shall announce at the January meeting his or her appointed officers. Election committee: Linda Seeley Lea Jackson Daytona Hogcall Page 2 DIRECTOR Ken Fox I would to thank all who came out for the Boggy Creek Ride. We had a great turnout. Also thanks to those who helped out during Biketoberfest. Hope everyone had a safe one. As I write this I am packing for the ride to the State Rally in St Augustine. The weather is going to be great and I hope to see a lot of you there. I have to go up early in the week because I am working the event so I won’t be able to ride with the chapter up there. The parade is Saturday morning with kickstands up at 9:00 am so find you a spot along downtown and check it out. Daytona will be represented. Also check out the bike games from 3-5 pm Saturday. And for you Big Engine fans, and I know there are a lot of you, they close out the day with a concert from 6 – 10. Happy Halloween to you all…….. ‘til we ride A S S I S TA N T D I R E C T O R Harrell Rawlins October was a great month for riding, the weather was starting to cool off so Donna and I took a week off from work and went to the mountains of North Carolina and North Georgia. First day we took a ride around to Helen and Dahlonega, Georgia and ran into hundreds of bicyclists. I took time t strike it rich trying to pan for some gold. The second day went up to the tail of the dragon and Fontana Dam. Then went over to Highlands to see a couple of waterfalls. The State Rally was a great time in the Oldest City. We had a good turnout of over 30 members registered. The rally had over 1800 HOG members from the state and as far away as New Zealand. The 2010 Florida State Rally will be in Destin, Florida. The State Rally committee has got a great start on the rally. Ride Safe Daytona Hogcall TREASURER Page 3 Don “Kickstand” Seeley The continuing saga of “Iron Butt and Iron Butterfly” (short term handles) Well, another month passes and the traveling tales continue. I don’t know how many people read these articles and I think that’s why I enjoy writing them so much, because I can blabber on and on about wherever my mind takes me. Oh, what fun! OK, down to the subject of this month’s writing. The trip north! We just returned home from a 53 day, 11,741 mile ride for the explicit purpose of mowing the grass, doing a load of laundry and arranging for our trip north to visit the family. Much to my pleasant surprise, when I asked Linda what our flight arrangements were her response was, “I don’t want to fly I want to ride”. I had two thoughts, I died and had gone to heaven, or she morphed into “Motorcycle Mama”? I believe the later to be the correct answer. I base this conclusion on the simple fact that Columbus, Ohio and Daytona Beach, Florida are on a compass heading of 180 degrees south or 000 degrees North and 1,000 miles, each way. Our route took us through four additional states and added roughly 1,000 mile to the trip because Linda wanted to explore a road she had read about in HOG Magazine, the Natchez Trace Parkway and she wanted to ride the “Bourbon Trail” in Kentucky. .The trip was wonderful. The “Bourbon Trail” winds its way through magnificent horse country and we caught the leaves just as they began to turn colors. The distilleries we toured were awesome and steeped in history, most being founded back in the 1700s and still using the original structures, the sampling wasn’t bad either! I encourage anyone in the area of Lexington, Kentucky to check it out, just Google “the bourbon trail” and all the information you need is readily available. After leaving Kentucky we headed south to Nashville, Tennessee where we picked up the Natchez Trace Parkway. The story of the Natchez (I’ll be brief) is simply, it was the route north after travelers reached the south via the Mississippi River. It is a 444 mile Parkway that is very similar to the Blue Ridge. No commercial traffic, no billboards and nothing but twisting roads and history for miles, marvelous! Sounds like the perfect trip, doesn’t it? Not so fast. Let me set up the scene for you of one segment of the ride. It was foggy and raining, not heavy but steady. Leaves littered the deserted winding road over the mountains. The temp was in the low 50s. OK, we’ve all been there, not pleasant but no big deal, right? As we were winding our way through the forest with Linda following, I encountered a turn in the road that almost did me in. It was unmarked and should have been taken at around 20MPH and based on our traveling speed of 50MPH (which was the posted speed limit) nearly caused me to crash, I was lucky, and I didn’t. As I was exiting the turn and getting my heart restarted I was horrified at what I heard next, three short tire screeches. I knew she was in the turn, going too fast, locking the tires, and that there was a guard rail. I cannot describe the feeling I had in my stomach as I turned around and when I reached her………… to be continued next month. Treasurers Report – Thumbs up! Page 4 Daytona Hogcall H E A D R O A D C A P TA I N Greg Sieger sssssxxxx Daytona Hogcall MEMBERSHIP Page 5 Linda Seeley Hello November! And my HOG Friends, So right now I’m sitting here thinking “man, what do I write about this month?” Ideas? How about I write about the September ride Donald and I took to Columbus, Ohio to see our kids and grandkids? Oh, I was lovin’ all that family love time. Or how about the 3 distilleries (Buffalo Trace, Woodford Reserve, Makers Mark) we visited along the Bourbon Trail in Kentucky on the way back to Daytona? They were really cool! Or how about telling you how I was going too fast on a wet road in Virginia and didn’t quite make the turn. O.K., I’ll expand on that one. Don’t worry, no real damage was done BUT the incident taught me another riding lesson, to always be on my toes to my surroundings. You know, sometimes when I’m riding, I start thinking that me and my Ultra are riding really well together and so I begin to relax. That’s when this incident happened. I was really enjoying the hilly, winding, back roads of our ride and then I misjudged my speed for the road conditions and me making a turn in the road. Thank God nothing serious happened to me or my Ultra. Reality is I can’t let my guard down thinking nothing could happen. I’ve got to be pro-active during my rides and keep my over-confidence “in-check”. So that’s what I’m writing this month: BE READY FOR THE UNEXPECTED. Enjoy the riding in the cooler weather, MEMBERSHIP as of October 16th is 329. Figure 4 - More of the Daytona Drill Team Page 6 Daytona Hogcall SAFETY OFFICER John DeVito Practicing with the Drill Team along with working as a Rider Coach just saved my bacon. Let me tell you a story. My brother plans on retiring in 5 years or so and with real estate prices depressed he purchased his retirement home. Planning a 2 week 2 wheeled vacation it seemed only right to start there. He towed his bikes to Conway, South Carolina, just north of Myrtle Beach. I was to join them and ride to Georgia and Tennessee before returning home. In the past I have exited I-95 and taken Hwy 17 up the coast to Myrtle Beach. I stayed on the interstate for an additional 135 miles exiting on state road 378, this runs straight to the coast. For the most part this is a 4 lane road with gentle curves and a 65 mph speed limit. There is a section running through a pine forest and returns to 2 lanes with a 55 MPH limit. It was on this stretch I needed all my skills. Using the MSF strategy of S.E.E. (I have written about S.E.E. in past Safety Articles) I was searching ahead. There was a bright orange semi truck, about a mile or so ahead, heading my way in the other lane. Next to it was the car that I thought was in front of me. As it turned out it was in front of me only because it was coming at me attempting to pass the semi. I glanced in my rear view mirror, with no one behind me I rolled off the throttle attempting to scrub off some speed. With my passing lamps on I placed turned my high beams on and off. This caused the passing lamps to flash or “wig-wag”. I was hoping to get the driver’s attention. He kept coming in my lane. With several quick down shifts, I looked for an escape route; the shoulder was slightly raised but flat, covered in grass and approximately 10 feet wide. Several problems had to be overcome and fast. I was going to cross an obstacle, going from a good traction road to poor traction shoulder and swerve all at once. I gave a gentle press on the right handle bar, crossed to the shoulder and again pressed on the left while maintaining a steady speed. He was bumper to bumper with the truck, neither gave an inch. I couldn’t revel in my safety as a dirt road was in front of me with a 12 inch drop off. Adding insult to injury there was a street sign on my side approaching fast. I checked my mirror and performed the same maneuver in the opposite direction, press left then right. At this point I was still running between 30 and 35 mph. A combination of riding ability, S.E.E. and Rider Radar helped me avoid what could have been a bad accident. Rider Radar is a way of teaching riders three lead times. The first is a 2 second following distance. This is considered to be a minimum distance when conditions are ideal. Next is the 4 second immediate path. Anything that is within 4 second of your path is considered immediate because a quick response is required if something should go wrong. The third lead time is the 12 second anticipated path. This means to look ahead to an area that would take 12 seconds to reach. It provides time to prepare before a situation becomes immediate. I was SEARCHING ahead 12 seconds that gave me the time to EVALUATE the meaning of the approaching car and being able to EXECUTE a maneuver to avoid a collision. This stuff really works. The Second Annual Drill Team Expo was a success, it grew in size. There were more teams, more spectators even several vendors had their products on display. More money was raised than last year which in turn meant a bigger donation to Camp Boggy Creek. The North Carolina Precisions Drill Team walked away with the “Peoples Choice Award”. Please plan to attend next year as the Daytona Harley Drill Team is planning a bigger and better event. I just returned home from the Boggy Creek Ride for the Children. It was a long day. Volunteers began to show up at 6:00 A.M. Each had a job; ours was to line the bikes up in an order that allowed a safe and effective start. My count is unofficial but I would guess close to 1,000 bikes rode from Destination Daytona to the Camp. Bruce’s tradition of raising money for the children will continue. Get out there and ride but please ride safe. n ke little c i a ch .... (with w ie h y v Butc l l Ra nd e t a Sta Gail s ' da om Lin up fr p) so o hel Le Daytona Hogcall Page 7 Figure 1 - Pinwheel in motion Figure 2 - Another pinwheel in motion Figure 3 - Daytona "mixing it up" Page 8 Daytona Hogcall Daytona Hogcall Page 9 Page 10 Daytona Hogcall Boggy Creek, Ride for Children Let's get this ride going! LADIES OF HARLEY (LOH) Smitty Hi everyone. Not too much this month for LOH with all the things going on this month- i.e.- Boggy Creek, Biketoberfest and State Rally. But one GREAT thing that was sponsored by the Ladies of Harley this month was a garage sale October 3rd. That was the date my neighborhood has a group garage sale, so we sponsored one at my house in South Daytona. All the proceeds went to BREAST CANCER AWARENESS. We had a great day. I want to thank the great bunch that helped me that day. Mike and Dawn, Guy and Michelle, Sandy, Grace and Sharon . You were such a great help. We had to tag everything and get them on tables and then out the door that Saturday morning. I could not have done it by myself. You sure helped all that week and by being there on the day of the sale helped make the day a very nice one. Thank you to some great people. We had a variety of items that some friends, relatives and a few hog members donated. I am very proud to say when we passed the hat for Breast Cancer at the last HOG meeting we collected $79.00.With what we made at the garage sale, donations and the donations from the last meeting our grand total we will present to the American Cancer Society for Breast Cancer is $650.00. It is really a great cause and I am proud to be apart of this. Thanks again to everyone who helped. Daytona Hogcall Page 11 Page 12 Daytona Hogcall Daytona Hogcall Page 13 Page 14 Daytona Hogcall Daytona Hogcall HAPPY BIRTHDAY Mike A Joseph B Jim C Alan D Gaylord D Frank G Todd H Dan H William J Gary K James L John L Kenneth M Page 15 Freddie M Larry M Donald M Michael M Robert M Sergio N Thomas N Tamie O Larry P Gregory R David S Robin V Michael W WELCOME NEW MEMBERS Denise C Simone G Russell H Dawn P Rosalba S Our new Italian members...... ....proudly showing off their Daytona patches! Page 16 Daytona Hogcall Pig in a Name: Ralph Lilja Amount: $179.00 Poke Sorry, not present, carries Drawing over to next month. Daytona Hogcall Page 17 Membership: Local memberships expire December of each year, as well as for Life Members. You may NOT purchase multiple years. Complete the form online to renew, or email Membership and they'll send you the form. Include an envelope if you won't be picking up your card at a meeting. THERE IS A FORM. Notify Membership of email address and address changes so you'll receive your updates and your newsletter. INFO FROM OUR WEBMASTER: The website is in compliance with the National H.O.G. web standards and has a certified rating. This gives our site a link from the National H.O.G. site. The chapter news is in a secure directory. When you select it, you are asked for a login and password. These are given out at the monthly meeting. TO OUR READERS AND GUESTS: To join the local Harley Owners Group Chapter, you must be a National member. To join National, you (or your better half) must own a Harley. You can join National by calling 1-800-CLUBHOG ROAD CAPTAINS: Greg Sieger (Head Road Captain), Harrell Rawlins, Wayne Schindler, Don Mendelson, Ken Fox, Don Seeley, Linda Seeley, Mike Walters, Kenneth Murkett, Pam Mills, Todd Hay, Bret Hollenbeck, Rudy Castillo, Sandy Walters, Leo Leonard, Bill Lawrence, Ric Keeley, Mike Aldenderfer, Lea Jackson, Butch Kaddy, Chuck Doucette, Mike Hackley, Carlos Davila and Trainers John Lyon and Jim Slemp. VOLUSIA MOTORCYCLE TRAINING, INC. DAYTONA AREA - PORT ORANGE CLASSES WEEKLY FULL-SIZE RANGE - NO OBSTRUCTIONS BASIC & EXPERIENCED RIDER COURSE 1 - 2 WEEK SCHEDULING PERIOD - NO WAITING Only need an endorsement? Take your DMV APPROVED riding test with us on the weekend. AREA'S ONLY STATE APPROVED 3RD PARTY TESTER WEBSITE IS WWW.DAYTONAMOTORCYCLETRAINING.COM CALL JAMES OR ELAINE TO SCHEDULE YOUR CLASS TODAY! 386-756-4733 Don't forget your ORIGINAL Harley- Davidson dealership in Daytona Beach! A full service store New motorcycles Used motorcycles Motor clothes A full staff of mechanics on duty 290 N. Beach Street, Daytona Beach, Florida ADVERTISING RATES Size .................................... 6 months .... 12 months Business Card 3 5/8 x 2 1/8 ............. $75.00 ........... $140.00 Oversize Business Card 3 5/8 x 3 1/2 ....................... $90.00 .......................................................... ...................... $165.00 One Quarter Page ............................ $150.00 ......... $275.00 One Half Page .................................. $300.00 ......... $570.00 Full Page ........................................... $600.00 ....... $1150.00 Full Page Insert Only ........................ $100.00 month Advertiser: _______________________________________ Address: ________________________________________ Phone: _________________________________________ Size of Ad: ______________________________________ Month: ____________ Amount Due: _________________ Remit to: Daytona Beach HOG Chapter, PO Box 1441, Daytona Beach, FL 32115-1441 CONTACT KEN FOX (386) 679-9191. Thank you for placing your ad with us and helping sponsor our newsletter. The Harley Owners Group HOGCall is published each month, emailed and mailed to over 500 members, available at the Daytona, Ormond and New Smyrna Beach HD dealerships and at Please include any artwork you may have for your ad. MEETINGS - 2009 Visitors and guests welcome! 4th Saturday of each month, none in December (NOTE CHANGES) January 24 February 21 March 28 April 25 July 25 May 30 June 27 August 22 September 26 October 31 November 21 (NOTE CHANGED DATES) Meetings begin at 10:00 a.m.. Our “coffee break” begins at 9:30 at Houligan's 1643 N US Highway 1, Ormond Beach, FL, Daytona Hogcall Page 19 2009 CHAPTER OFFICERS E APPOINTED OFFICERS Visit our website: DAYTONA HARLEY CUSTOMER RELATIONS Will Rossmeyer Phone 386-671-7100 Traveling HOG .......a.k.a. Mr. Bacon September 2009 winner = Orlando HOG! Next Traveling HOG - November 15 . . . and we need to plan to participate!! Orlando shows up with 56 riders at these things!!! Lake had 48…….we gotta r i d e t o w i n ! M r. B a c o n w a n t s t o b e h o m e f o r C h r i s t m a s ! If you're going on a great vacation, business trip, ride, drive while we have Mr. Bacon, he wants to go with you!!! He's a real camera hog, so you'll need to write a history and take photos! Anyone taking a great trip and want to take Mr. Bacon along??? Let Mike know! • Traveling HOG will now take place every two months. Dates are all on the calendar, location and leave times will be added as plans are finalized. • Mr. Bacon has been all over the world and loves to travel with HOG members. When your chapter has him, and if you have a great trip planned, take him along, write it up and take pictures (he's a real camera hog!!). BRUCE ROSSMEYER PRESIDENT DIRECT (954) 492-9444 FAX (954) 396-4234
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