7_12_12 CP - The Villager Newspaper Online
July 12 - 25, 2012 vol. 2 issue 14 Avon Firefighter A Cancer Story “Loves Her Through It” “I’m Gonna Love You Through It.” Those words from the popular Martina McBride Country & Western hit add up to more than just a pop song for Avon firefighter John Gansor, his wife, Marla, and their daughter, Grace. The song is a biographic anthem that captures the spirit of Marla’s battle with breast cancer and recovery at home supported by her husband and teenage child. “When you’re weak, I’ll be strong When you let go, I’ll hold on” John shared the moving story of how he and Grace nursed Marla through post surgical recovery, rehabilitation and return to health during her battle with breast cancer four years ago. From changing surgical dressings to getting meals, performing nursing tasks and being a pillar of strength, John shared how cancer is a disease that impacts the whole family. He spoke at the 19th annual Triumph for the Cure golf luncheon at Westwood 4th Annual Breast Cancer Charity Softball Game Avon Fire & Police vs. Avon LAke PoLice & Fire July 14th • 7 p.m. AllPro Freight Stadium Home of the Lake Erie Crushers Help Your Civil ServantS FigHt BreaSt CanCer! Fir rk o ew s! All Seats $5.00 Kids 15 and under get in for free! Co op nC e n es sio n s! Tickets Available @ Avon PD 440-934-1234 Avon Lake PD 440-933-4567 Avon Lake FD 440-933-8305 Avon FD 440-934-1248 And Day of Game at the Stadium Country Club two weeks ago. The annual fundraiser, presented by Community West Foundation, supports The Breast Health Center at Fairview Hospital. Audience members were moved not only by John’s story of selfless commitment to his life partner, but also the moment he broke down in tears when her bandages were removed. “She made it through the surgery fine They said they caught it just in time But they had to take more than they planned” “What I want people to know is that you have to show your wife love and tell her she is beautiful. She has had to face a horrible disease and that means you need to show the support she needs and the respect she deserves,” said Gansor. Gansor’s response to Marla’s recovery is one of gratitude. “I just feel so blessed to have her,” said Gansor. “When she took the bandages off, I just broke down and cried,” said John. “But, like our daughter Grace who helped so much in the recovery, we did everything we had to do in stride. I am just so proud of them both.” For Dr. Debra Pratt, Medical Director of the Breast Center at Fairview Hospital and Marla’s physician, the song also carried heart tugging significance as it played in background to a slide show of cancer patients in various stages of recovery. “She dropped the phone and burst into tears The doctor just confirmed her fears” “That song is about a phone call I have made a thousand times,” said Dr. Pratt, her voice choked with emotion. “It never gets any easier.” But Triumph for the Cure is about courage. Even as audience members wiped tears from their eyes, Gansor was interested in calling attention to this weekend’s Fourth Annual Breast Cancer Charity Softball game featuring the Avon police and firefighters against their Avon Lake counterparts. “I am not doing this just for my wife. I am doing this for all the women out there who have to face this disease. And I am not doing it alone. It would not be possible without the support of Avon Mayor Jim Smith, Fire Chief Frank Root, Firefighters Local 4310 and, of course, the Lake Erie Crushers. I need the support of all these people.” “And when this road gets too long I’ll be the rock you lean on Just take my hand, together we can do it I’m gonna love you through it.” Page 2 July 12 - 25, 2012 Register Now for Fall... Kiddie Kollege Expands to Bayway Cabin There will be new life for an old friend in Bay Village this school year. Bayway Cabin, the traditional social spot for kids located in Cahoon Park that dates back to the 1960’s, will soon be home to the Kiddie Kollege Kids Club on the Lake. The Kiddie Kollege-Bayway Cabin collaboration promises excellence at an exceptional value in child care for the community. “This project fulfills a need in our community for additional child care,” says Mayor Debbie Sutherland. “It helps one of our local businesses to expand, it puts a building back into use, and also creates a revenue stream.” A Best of the West winner for six straight years in the category of best private preschool, JoAnn Moell’s Kiddie Kollege locales in six west shore communities are the leader in day care and child care. Kiddie Kollege is also a Best of Lorain County winner for 2010 & 2011, and a 2012 finalist. Moell started this recognized family of day care centers back in 1975 in a Westlake church. The unique idea of adding a second location in Bay Village brings back into play Bayway Cabin in a way that connects with many residents’ youthful memories. It had been a city-run community Youth Center for the past several years, but the city discontinued the building’s use because of budget cuts. Bay’s Cahoon Park Trustees and City Council approved a plan allowing Kiddie Kollege daycare center to operate a latchkey program at Bayway Cabin last spring. Upgrades and improvements have since been made, and the grand opening will take place early August, in plenty of time for the new school year. Kiddie Kollege will pay both rent and property taxes under this win-win agreement with city. The location of the Day Care Center in Cahoon Park will bring added amenities to the program offerings. Use of Bay Village’s ball fields, tennis courts and pool will be part of the program. The Day Care Center will embrace the philosophies that have made Moell’s schools successful in all Kiddie Kollege locations. “Kiddie Kollege’s goal for the child is to provide opportunities for being with other children in a setting conducive to the development of wholesome social relationships. We provide appropriate play experiences that contribute to the developmental needs of the child. We provide children with an environ- For the second time in two months, Bay ment which is responsive to their Village has received recognition for comdevelopmental levels and abili- munity excellence by a major magazine. ties and supports their continued “We did it again!” was Mayor Debbie growth,” said Moell. Sutherand’s reaction to news that the August Register now for fall placement. issue of Family Circle Magazine declares Bay Please phone (440) 871-0877. Space Village as one of the Top 10 Best Towns for is limited. Families nationally. The designation comes just a month after Cleveland Magazine’s rating of Bay Village as the Cleveland area’s top suburb. “Bay Village is our No. 1 suburb this year, thanks to its strong schools, low crime and stable, growing home-sale values,” says the Cleveland Mag story. “We’re seeing a big influx of new and young families moving into Bay Village,” says Mayor Deborah Sutherland. “You can With tried and true family oriented businesses get a two-or three-bedroom bungalow for like Kiddie Kollege serving the community, Bay $120,000, or a house for several million, or Village has earned national recognition for civic everything in between.” excellence by Family Circle magazine. Bay is Nationally Rated b d e e t t k e o r o ! l r e v e n s L ife h a The Publisher is privileged to revise or reject any advertisement which is deemed objectionable, either in subject matter or phraseology, or opposed to public policy or the policy of the paper. The Publisher shall not be held responsible for typographical errors except to adjust the charge for the first insertion only, by a space credit (in excess of contract) to be used the following issue. Errors must be reported immediately and space credit will be limited to such portion of advertisement as may have been rendered valueless by the error. Please check your advertisement and in the event of error notify the paper. The Publisher will, upon request, furnish Advertiser with a letter so worded as to relieve the Advertiser from responsibility for the error. The Publisher does not assume responsibility for an error in an advertisement other than the above stated. River 19025 Old Lake Road Rocky River, OH 440.333.7994 West charlesscott.com 294 Crocker Park Blvd. Westlake, OH 440.899.1957 A Villager Newspaper Publication Publisher: Robert Tuneberg 27016 Knickerbocker Rd., Suite #1 Phone: 440-899-9277 Bay Village, OH 44140 Fax: 440-899-1929 E-Mail: Villagerpaper@gmail.com • www.thevillagernewspaper.com The Crocker Press is a newspaper of general circulation in Bay Village, Westlake, Rocky River, Avon Lake, Avon, Sheffield, North Ridgeville, Fairview Park, Lakewood & North Olmsted. The Crocker Press is published monthly. Send news items, classifieds, advertising and articles to: The Villager Newspaper 27016 Knickerbocker Rd., Suite #1, Bay Village, Ohio 44140 Call for deadline of publication. Opinions reflected in the newspaper are not necessarily those of the management. ©2012 The Villager. All rights reserved. Page 3 - THE CROCKER PRESS - July 12 - 25, 2012 Winner Opening Soon…. Kiddie Kollege Kids Club on The Lake Bay Village Kiddie Kollege will be relocating it’s Bay Village School Age Program (5-14 years of age) from Dover Junction on Dover Center Road to: Bayway Cabin 27400 Wolf Road (within the east side of Cahoon Memorial Park) Hours: Monday – Friday 6 a.m. – 7 p.m. Before & After School Age Program • Accepting Registrations for Now & Fall 2012 Transportation To & From Local Schools Meal Served Secured Facility For Additional Information Call: 440-871-0877 440-899-2877 www.kiddiekollegeohio.com Page 4 July 12 - 25, 2012 Mother Nature’s Fireworks Delay Crocker Park Event Cleveland Pops Orchestra conductor Jason Seber donned his shades as part of Crocker Park’s successful bid to set a Guinness Book of World Records mark for wearing sunglasses at night. Crocker Park set a Guinness Book of World Records mark at its 8th annual Liberty Fest July 1. But the 760 folks who wore their sunglasses at night could have used wiper blades on their shades for the rain-delayed event. As Cleveland Pops Orchestra conductor Jason Seber neared the conclusion of another terrific annual patriotic concert, he donned sunglasses along with orchestra members and invited a select group from the audience to earn a confirmed notation from a representative of the Guinness Book of World Records. The record setting bid was a take-off on a 1980’s pop song, “I Wear My Sunglasses at Night.” The concert featured great patriotic tunes like the Battle Hymn of the Republic and Stars & Stripes Forever. It was followed by Crocker Park’s customarily tremendous fireworks show. It was too bad that Mother Nature’s fireworks came first and delayed the start of the Liberty Fest program to about 8:45 p.m. Crocker Park fireworks went off about 10:30. Steve Rubin, representing the shopping center, shared a special moment on stage with disabled Army Cpl. Josh Sommers of Ashland, critically injured in a roadside bombing in Afghanistan two years ago. Crocker Park presented Sommers with a specialized aqua wheelchair to aid in his continuing rehabilitation as guests offered a standing ovation. The previous world record for wearing sunglasses at night is reported to be 671. Three Westlake Teens Make 2012 AllStars Tour Three Westlake teenagers--all students at Cleveland’s School of Rock—performed from July 3-10, 2012 at rock venues throughout the Midwest alongside professional bands and with the franchise’s most talented young musicians hailing from surrounding states. Students landing a spot on the School of Rock AllStars Tour represent the top tier talent coming out of the national music program. In addition to the Midwest Tour, the program features four other touring groups Local students making the Evan Nickels, Jake Cohen and Dan Hyland of Westlake rehearse LOVE HOPE STRENGTH All- for the upcoming School of Rock AllStars Tour. Thee performed in Cleveland on July 8th at Brothers Lounge. Stars Tour include Westlake High School students Jake Cohen (17) and Dan Hyland (16), and recent St. Ignatius graduate Evan Nickels (18), also from Westlake. Returning AllStar veteran Evan Nickels, who practices guitar 15 hours a week, says, “I’m looking forward to the shows and seeing all the other musicians again. Performing is about playing the songs, being a part of the band and interacting with the other kids.” Jake Cohen, also on the tour for the second time, likes the professionalism. “We get there, and we literally have two days of rehearsal. First time AllStar Dan Hyland said, “I was really stunned—I did not think I was going to make the AllStars. I tried out for drums and I made it for bass! Before School of Rock, I wasn’t really music affiliated,” said Hyland. “Ever since I’ve been here, I’ve gotten a lot better and I’ve grown more confident.” Westlake Summer Concerts The city of Westlake has scheduled summer concerts offering a wide variety of family entertainment including award-winning performers every Sunday evening through August 12th from 6:30-8:30 p.m. The free concerts are staged at the Westlake Recreation Center’s pavilion, 28955 Hilliard Boulevard. There is plenty of parking available and patrons should bring a lawn chair or blanket to enjoy a Sunday summer evening of music. July 15th – Logan Wells and Jerry Colosimo: Logan has performed professionally for over 18 years and Jerry has been entertaining audiences in the Northern Ohio area for over 20 years with a wide range of genres. Musical styles include Frank Sinatra, Patsy Cline, Neil Diamond, Stevie Nicks, The Temptations, Aretha Franklin, Karen Carpenter July 22nd – Sloppy Joe Band and many others: This Cleveland band performs a wide selection of great Classic Rock, Pop and Blues from the 60’s, 70’s and 80’s. July 29th – Blue Lunch: Cleveland’s own Blue Lunch Swing Dance Band delivers their own sound with an eclectic flavor, playing 1950’s swing and jump blues, along with •One-to-onetherapyavailableuptosevendaysaweek Chicago-Style blues and New Orleans R&B. •Fullystaffedwithphysical,occupationalandspeechtherapists Rehabilitation Services: Transitional Care Management •Dedicatedsocialworkertoarrangeforasmoothtransitionto home •AdmissionAssessmentCoordinatorassessespatienton-site priortoadmissiontoensurespecialneedsareaddressed •Homeassessmentsareavailableasneededincludingfamily/ caregivertraining •AdvancedWoundCaremodalitiesincludewoundvacs(vacuum assistedclosure)andchemicalandsharpsdebridement Amenities •Electricbedsandspecialequipment •Spaciousdiningroom •Cabletelevision •Medicarecertifiedandin-networkformanyinsuranceplans •Spaceavailableforprivategatheringswithfamilyandvisitors *A New Direction in Care* 4000 Crocker Road Westlake, Ohio 44145 440.892.2100 Most Insurance Plans Accepted Medicare Certified www.westlakehealthcare.com Helping Hand Please help a Westlake High School student Tyree Wesley in representing the City of Westlake at the National Jr. Olympics in Track. Please make contributions to: At Any Chase Bank Account Ending - 2468 Call Sherry at (216) 288-8183 with any questions. Follow Tyree’s progress on Facebook at Tyree Wesley Jr Olympics CATANZA’S 2 BARBER SHOP FAST, FRIENDLY SERVICE 27357 Detroit Rd. Westlake, OH 440-808-8388 State of the art Hair Replacement. Call Marilyn for free consultation. Men & Women’s hair color done by Marilyn, Angel & Anthony STOP IN TODAY Mon. - Thurs. - 8 a.m. - 6 p.m. Tues. 9 a.m. - 7 p.m. or later No waiting Wed. 10 a.m. - 7 p.m. on Monday Fri. 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. or Later & Tuesday Sat. - 8 a.m. - 3 p.m. Full Service Barber Shop Page 5 July 12 - 25, 2012 Run With Youth Challenge! The Second Look Great Consigned Furniture You will do a double-take when you visit The Second Look, a new consigned furniture store now open in Westlake’s Williamsburg Square. You won’t believe the gently used décor and furniture items are used at all! The store is the brainchild of interior design pro Sally Nagele and husband Jon Schurmeier. “It’s an upscale consignment shop. Items are either gently used or neverbeen-used floor samples as well as brand Youth Challenge teen volunteers run with a YC participant toward the finish line at last summer’s race. Sign up now to take part in the Youth Challenge 27th Annual Race Day on Saturday, Aug. 4. Join hundreds of runners in the 5K or 1-Mile Fun Run at Hyland Software, 28500 Clemens Rd. in Westlake. The event is dedicated to Dave Hardman, a past board president of Youth Challenge, whose family is still involved with the program today. Same-day registration begins at 8:00 a.m. Clemens Road will close at 8:50 a.m., so arrive early. The 5K run kicks off at 9:15 a.m. and the 1-Mile Fun Run/Walk starts at 10 a.m. Awards will be handed out to the top three men and women overall and in each age group, as well as the chal- lenged division. Achievement ribbons will go to all 1-Mile finishers. Register online today at hermescleveland.com or visit youthchallengesports.com for more details. All proceeds from the 27th Annual Race Day benefit Youth Challenge. For 36 years, Youth Challenge has been fulfilling its mission of bringing together children with physical disabilities and youth volunteers who enrich each other’s lives through one-on-one participation in adapted sports and recreational activities. The organization provides free programming and transportation to children from all over Northeast Ohio. Community of Fine Arts Takes Entries open to the public, will be held from 2 to 3:30 p.m. on Saturday, August 18. The WWAC presents this outstanding juried art show with the cooperation of Westlake Porter Library, which donates the space. The mission of the Westlake-Westshore Arts Council is to bring art to the public in a non-commercial setting. The Community of Fine Arts is free 0000Spec_KompanCement1.5x3.5_1 4/1/2010 and open to all. Who Let The Dog Out? KOMPAN CEMENT AN MP NT KO EME C The 2012 “Community of Fine Arts,” a juried art show, presented by the Westlake-Westshore Arts Council takes place August 6 through 18 at Westlake Porter Library, 27333 Center Ridge Road, during library hours. Original works by amateur or professional artists, 18 years or older, that are one of a kind, and not previously exhibited in this show, may be submitted by the July 14 deadline. Four professional artists will judge accepted entries in four categories. A $150.00 cash award will be made for the first place choice in each of these categories: Oil/ Acrylic; Watercolor; Charcoal/Pastel/Pencil/Ink Drawing; Photography. For further entry information call Jean at 440-8351877 or Tom Nowicki at 440-871-0957. Judges for the 2012 Community of Fine Arts are: Neil Doren, an award winning photographer, competition judge, and speaker; Mike Guyot, a creative director and architectural impressionist; Bill Mannion, who received his MFA degree from Vermont College of Visual Arts and MBA from Baldwin Wallace; Robert Moyer, an accomplished watercolor artist who was educated at the Cleveland Institute of Art, John Huntington Institute and Latham School of Art. Following the two week exhibit, a “Meet the Artists” reception, which is CONTRACTORS, INC. 440-327-1045 Licensed • Bonded • Insured FREE ESTIMATES • Driveways • Patios • Garage Floors • Footers • Basement Floors • Foundations Call Bob Today!!! • Concrete Tear-outs • Skid Loader Service Visit www.KompanCement.com Family Owned & Operated Over 50 Years $100 COUPON VOUCHER $100 $100 Off the purchase of a concrete project of 1,000 sq. ft. or greater. Present coupon at time of signing contract. One coupon per customer. Kompan Cement Contractors Inc. solely reserves the right to cancel or alter this coupon without notice. new works from well known artists like Mary Deutschman,” says Sally. “Repurpose, recycle, reuse…those are the buzzwords of our times and they apply to the home and office décor market. There is more value, and everyone wins, the consignor, the consignee and the customer.” “Now I have reached out with my husband to the commercial and residential client with a specialization in pre-owned furniture and accessories,” she said. Creativity and personal attention is part of the client relationship at The Second Look. You will find everything from dining room sets to living area ensembles and more. “Re-upholstery, for instance, is a tremendous option for the customer who may like the look or style of certain furniture but may require reupholstering to fit their décor. We offer a wide range of quality fabrics if you see something you like.” With 30-60-90 day price points, buyers can also wait it out for even better buys on consigned inventory. Jon Schurmeier, retired President & CEO Southwest General Health Center, is Sally’s able sidekick, well known to many healthcare friends and associates. Stop in and say hello! NOW OPEN 3:09 Wall Art Home Accessories Sofas Lounge Chairs Hutch Dining Sets End Tables Bedroom Sets Williamsburg Square 25907 Detroit Rd. Westlake, OH 44145 (440) 835-1975 www.TheSecondLook.net Page 6 July 12 - 25, 2012 Braces by DiMassa! Creating beautiful, straight, healthy smiles is what Dr. DiMassa is passionate about. He shares his expertise daily in his Westlake or Lakewood offices. Dr. DiMassa and his team love to watch smiles “under construction” develop into the unique smiles that last a lifetime! Orthodontics has undergone a revolution in the past 10 years, both in technology and treatment philosophy. At Braces by DiMassa, the focus is on utilizing the latest technology in a fun, family and friendly atmosphere. Through the use of high-tech brackets, custom designed aligners and first phase growth analyses, Dr. DiMassa can do more than ever before in achieving an ideal end result. In fact, in almost all cases, advances in orthodontic care have led to dramatic reduction in discomfort, frequency of appointments and treatment time. Dr. DiMassa is dedicated to the best training and education available. He is a Diplomat of the American Board of Orthodontics and attended the Ronald Roth Institute in San Francisco − the most prestigious twoyear advanced orthodontic continuing education course available to orthodontists. Dr DiMassa is grateful for the rewarding experience of achieving beautiful smiles for adults and children. Let your healthy smile come to life at Braces by DiMassa! Bay Village Dairy Queen® Miracle Treat Day There are blizzards in the forecast for Thursday, July 26 but it’s all for a good cause. That’s the date of the 7th Annual DQ® Miracle Treat Day when the Dairy Queen® system invites friends, neighbors and families to support Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals®, an organization that raises funds for hospitals across the United States and Canada. Dairy Queen at 618 Dover Center in Bay Village will donate all proceeds from every Blizzard Treat sold to Rainbow Babies & Children’s Hospital, one of the 170 hospitals supported by Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals. Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals ensures that when a donation is made at a local DQ, it stays in the community to help local kids. The Bay Village DQ has participated in Miracle Treat Day since 2006. “Miracle Treat Day has become such a tremendous celebration for us here in Bay Village, as well as a powerful fundraiser for Rainbow Babies & Children’s Hospital,” said Alana Peters, owner. “Everyone eagerly anticipates this special day during the summer when Blizzard Treats and smiles all add up to helping the sick children in our community. This is an especially exciting year for our store as we are celebrating our 50th year in Bay Village.” Dairy Queen locations throughout the United States and Canada raised more than $5 million for Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals in local communities last year. Sunflower Wine Festival Returns to Rocky River Old Detroit Road in Rocky River is serving as host to the Sunflower Wine Festival on Sat., July 14 from 4 p.m. – midnight. The annual fundraising event offers wine and beer gardens, food trucks from the area’s best restaurants, and live entertainment. Proceeds and event visibility are benefiting the Prayers From Maria Children’s Glioma Cancer Foundation. Monica Robins from WKYCTV3 and her band are performing onstage in the afternoon and local favorite Cleveland’s Breakfast Club performs in the evening. “We were humbled last year when the festival’s attendance doubled over the previous year, which was a sell out,” said Ed McNamara, foundation president. “To build on that mo- mentum and serve a larger audience, we‘ve been working closely with the City of Rocky River to provide more fun, entertainment and opportunities to appreciate local restaurants and shops, while safely enjoying wines and craft brews.” Prayers from Maria Children’s Glioma Cancer Foundation (www.prayersfrommaria.org) is dedicated to funding global research into the causes, prevention, treatments, and cure for the deadliest childhood brain tumors known as gliomas; raising public awareness about gliomas and bringing hope to children and families who deal with the disease’s hardships. Its annual Sunflower Wine Festival helps build awareness about deadly childhood brain tumors and funds promising research with results. The foundation was established by Ed and Megan McNamara of Avon Lake, Ohio, who lost their daughter Maria to this devastating illness. At the Ball Yard.... Residents from The Belvedere of Westlake indulged in some summer fun as they visited All-Pro Stadium in Avon to cheer for the Lake Erie Crushers. They hoped to cheer on their resident player Travis Risser, but he was on the injured list. They are featured with owner, Cindy Griffiths Novak and administrator, Katy Swigett. Page 7 July 12 - 25, 2012 A Luncheon Time Opens in Bay... A Luncheon Time celebrated its grand opening in Bay Village Monday as Mayor Debbie Sutherland joined with owners Mary Kate and Zach Meeney in a ribbon-cutting at their new Dover Junction location. A Luncheon Time Catering was established in the summer of 2003 in Westlake. Their staff has worked very hard and found much success in becoming Northeast Ohio’s leading ‘Business to Business’ Drop Off Caterer. From their name to their logo, from their menu to their food presentation, A Luncheon Time simplifies and enhances the experience of those in need of food for day to day business activity. Their presentation and service is professional enough to impress at an executive board meeting, yet casual and affordable enough to order for an office training session. Give A Luncheon Time a call at (440) 617-0610. Herb Guild Scholarships The Herb Guild cordially invites one and all to its 28th Annual Scholarship Luncheon on Wed., Aug. 1 at Wagner’s Country Inn. This year’s theme is A Single Rose Can Be My Garden; a Single Friend My World. Scholarships of $1400 each will be awarded to three deserving high school graduates. Doors will open at 10 a.m. Luncheon will be served at noon. Basket raffle at 1 p.m. Jax, a Store for Men and Women, will present a fashion show. Guild member, Glendalee Burns, will give a talk on the herb of the year: the rose. Come early to visit specialty tables, raffle baskets, and silent auction items. Cash wine bar available. Tickets are $30. Contact Cathie Karls, Ticket Chair, at 440 9344573, by Sunday, July 22 for ticket information. he gets the part of my family Charles Butrey, MD Mercy Tri-City Medicine Family Practice award Mary Kate Meeney, Zach Meeney, Delia Meeney, Mayor Debbie Sutherland, Ray Negrelli of Dover Juction and Jennie Kehoe mark the grand opening of A Luncheon Time in Bay Village Monday. Designor Pools: Designers of Award Winning Pools Designor Pools has a long history of building award winning pools. Started in 1956, Designor Pools has over 55 years experience designing and building quality commercial and residential projects. Their staff includes a Professional Engineer, Landscape Architect and an AutoCad Draftsman. They also offer a number of water park features and water park rides. Quality and support are values they maintain every day to their customers. For more information, call Designor Pools at 440-236-5670. Specialists with Experience in Residential & Commercial Swimming Pools P.O. Box 370 Columbia Station, OH 44028 440-236-5670 • FAX 440-236-5879 bbay@designorpools.com BRYANT A. BAY Jean Mercy Tri-City Medicine Patient Make a Mercy Doctor Your Champion Some health systems’ physicians are here today and gone tomorrow. They never really get to know you. Mercy physicians are different. These Avon physicians are part of a network of Mercy physicians located throughout Lorain County: Jean and Doctor Butrey have enjoyed a 21-year relationship. Before that, Jean and her husband John were patients of Doctor Butrey’s father – Doctor Butrey. That’s called keeping it in the family, and a great example of the consistent, quality care all Mercy doctors work hard to provide their patients. Charles M. Butrey, M.D. Family Practice Kenneth J. Carbone, D.O. Family Practice John W. Escolas, D.O. Family Practice William Damm, M.D. Internal Medicine Jose Mendoza, M.D. Internal Medicine Alba Ortega-Close, M.D. Pediatrics Find your very own Mercy doctor and see Jean’s story at MercyAwards.org or call 1-877-930-DOCS (1-877-930-3627) Page 8 July 12 - 25, 2012 Circle the Wagons! A Bay Village Fourth of July tradition is the annual Bike, Trike and Wagon Parade. Kids turned out in great patriotic garb and imaginative costumes at this Bay Days highlight sponsored by Bay Kiwanis. Bay Police officer Darren Ingham led the way as kids circled the road around the gazebo. It was all in the spirit of good, old-fashioned, all-American fun last Wednesday, July 4. Gabriella Cincinnati, proud to be an American at Bay Days. Brooke Rhea Bay Village Police Officer Darren Ingham leads the annual Bay Days Bike, Trike & Wagon Parade on the Fourth. Circle the Wagons! It’s Bay Days! Looking great for Bay Days! Stella Maccaroni dressed perfectly for the role of the Statue of Liberty at this year’s Bay Days Bike, Trike & Wagon Parade. Kids line up for the annual Bay Days Bike, Trike & Wagon Parade in Cahoon Park. Natalie and Trey Rekstis with Mia Sunahara make a statement for the red, white & blue! Bay Days! Bay Days 2012 proved once again that you don’t have to go far from home to have a great time in Bay Village! A carnival, rides, food and fireworks overlooking a Lake Erie backdrop made for a traditional Bay Fourth of July. Guaranteed fun! What a blast! Fireworks over Bay Days! Carnival rides bring out the smiles at Bay Days. Visit www.TheVillagerNewspaper.com for more photos. Page 9 July 12 - 25, 2012 WHS Graduate Earns Fulbright Fellowship Westlake High School graduate Adrianne Barbo (2002) was recently awarded a 2012-2013 Fulbright Student Fellowship to teach English at a Moroccan university. Barbo, a graduate teaching assistant in The Ohio State University’s Department of French and Italian, will be carrying out research for her PhD dissertation, doing some comparative work between Arabic and French literature written during the period of the French colonization of the Maghreb, and studying Moroccan Arabic. Barbo specializes in North African Francophone literature and culture, Beur literature and Islam in France. In her dissertation, Barbo will examine resistance to prescribed (or predetermined) identities. For example, the hijab (or Islamic veil) was outlawed in French schools and public institutions and deemed “incompatible with French-republican values.” Barbo will look at how a French-Muslim woman’s resistance to a prescribed identity plays out in this new context. She also will examine the use of language in North African texts – Arabic v. French – music and film in her studies on identity and resistance. Since she left WHS, Barbo was the recipient of the Price Traveling Scholarship through the Dijon Study Abroad Program at the Universite de Bourgogne, Dijon, France, in 2005; earned a BA in French/ Comparative Studies from The Ohio State University, graduating Magna cum Laude in 2006; and earned an MA in French: North African Francophone Literature/Culture, Medieval French, Linguistics/Translation in 2008 from OSU, where she also served as a French instructor. She is pursuing PhD studies in French, North African Francophone Literature and Culture. Barbo also was a high school English instructor in Marseille, France, in 2008 and 2009 with the English Teaching Assistantship Program through the French Ministry of Education. She also was a Critical Language Scholarship (Arabic) recipient through the U.S. Department of State in Alexandria, Egypt, in 2010. Barbo studied French under Nicolette Miller at WHS. 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If you are unable to provide your own images we have a full service photography studio and we are able to offer you high-quality, professional photographs of your products, headshots of your staff and administration, service photos and more. For a detailed quote, visit our website at Or give us a call 440-394-0551 Ext. 1 38401 Chester Road • Avon, Ohio 44011 • 440-934-5000 • www.LakeErieHarley.com Page 10 July 12 - 25, 2012 Westlake Fourth of July Parade The state runner-up Westlake High baseball team. State Senator Tom Patton along the parade route. Councilman Ed Hack’s crew in the old hook and ladder. Michael Dennis Clough, Jr. and Lyla Taylor Clough celebrate our nation’s birthday at Westlake’s Fourth of July parade. Yes, they got to ride in grandpa’s car as the parade travelled from Westlake High to Clague Park. The Straight 6 Dixieland Band make some patriotic noise. Mayor Dennis and Virgina Clough wave to residents. All-American dress code Westlake Police proudly man the colors at the head of the city’s annual Fourth of July parade. The ultimate all-American couple – Uncle Sam & Lady Liberty! Looking good along Hilliard Blvd. Westlake City Councilman Ken Brady with grandchildren Charlie and Maggie Brady celebrate the Fourth. Kids representing Westlake’s Early Childhood PTA made for a colorful presence in the city’s Fourth of July Parade. Theo Humphrey, Anna Evans, Nico Humphrey and Kaylei Matello from Church on the Advent make for a patriotic scene at the start of the Westlake Fourth of July parade. Visit www.TheVillagerNewspaper.com for more photos. Page 11 July 12 - 25, 2012 Hospice of the Western Reserve.... The Ames Family Hospice House Opens in Westlake Carnival & Casino August 2·3·4·5 “It is about celebrating life,” said Bill Finn, CEO of Hospice of the Western Reserve at the grand opening of The Ames Family Hospice House in Westlake June 25. “We have an extraordinary team and I am profoundly blessed to be part of that team,” said Finn. The new Ames Family Hospice House is a beautiful facility, standing on 40 acres of wooded seclusion. But Hospice is a philosophy, not a place, a platform of care built on a foundation of compassion. The Westlake facility is home to 32 Thursday 6 – 10 pm $4,000 Total Prizes beds. The care provided by Hospice of the Western Reserve provides compassion to Friday 6 – 10 pm Including $2,500 patients whose life is measured in months, weeks or days rather than years. The focus Saturday 3 – 10 pm Grand Prize is on enabling patients and families to celSunday 3 – 10 pm ebrate life, to be comfortable and to enjoy Mexican Dancers the time they have together. Kitchen, Mexican Food, Ice sunDay afternoon The thoughtfully designed Ames Cream, Bake Sale, Steak Fry Family Hospice House emphasizes homeOpen Sunday at 12 pm Casino, Instant Bingo, Beer style settings everywhere you turn. Medi“It’s about celebrating life,” says Bill Finn, CEO of the cal equipment is discreetly stored behind Specialty Dinners Hospice of the Western Reserve from the library within movable picture frames. Each room faces Friday, Saturday, Sunday - Hickory Smoked Pulled Pork Sandwiches the new Ames Family Hospice House in Westlake. out at a tranquil, wooded setting. Some of Saturday & Sunday - Stuffed Cabbage Dinners the old Bonne Bell jogging trails are still in place on the Crocker Road property, keeping a Westlake community legacy alive. Flat screen TVs with cameras in patient rooms offer virtual electronic visits. Families may visit and spend nights, use exercise rooms, bathrooms and laundry. Even the interior lighting is tuned to residential rather than institutional tones. Route 57 and Homewood Drive, Lorain A trip up the driveway takes you home, not to a hotel or hospital. Caregivers and volunteers abound. Finn credits architect Tom Mullinax with going the extra mile in conceptualizing a sensitive and comforting environment. “Nowhere in the country will you see anything like this,” said Finn. “You won’t see medical equipment anywhere.” “This is an extraordinary group of highly talented, very motivated professionals who are making a huge difference in the lives and patients of families every day. The quality of care that I see here is truly unsurpassed,” said Finn. The Ames Family Hospice House brings a significant increment of care to the Hospice of the Western Reserve family of care facilities. “We are able to provide care at home, at nursing homes, at our David Simpson Family Hospice House and now the Ames Family Hospice House, really throughout nine counties of northeast Ohio in responding to requests for care from anyone who wants our support and service. We have an extraordinary team,” said Finn. Hi everyone, Old Man in the Kitch The Ames Family Hospice House was designed with en here, Tom. An old wives tale: “When patients and their families in mind. Friends may gather at opportunity knocks, the grumbler comthe game tables or the cozy fireplaces in the living room plains about the noise.” and study. There are quiet places for relaxation, a meditaItalian Sausage with Rice tion room and an abundance of natural light. Private suites, 1 Pound Mild Sausage Links cut into 1” breezy porches and cozy nooks make the 40,000-squarepieces, 1 Can 15oz. Pinto Beans rinsed and foot facility warm and welcoming. drained, 1 Cup Nino’s Marinara Sauce, 1 Green The Ames Family Hospice House is about celebrating Pepper cut into strips, 1 Small Onion halved and sliced, ½ Teaspoon salt, ¼ Teaspoon Black Pepper, Hot Cooked Rice. - Cook saulife, making every moment count and living life every day.... sage in large non-stick skillet, medium heat, cooked until through. Add beans, peppers, onion, sauce, salt and pepper. Cook in skillet stirring The Ames Family Hospice House may be reached at occasionally, for ½ hour. Place over the rice. Excellent with Italian crusty bread. Take care everyone! 440-414-7349. New Midway Games & Prizes! More Rides! MIDWAY & CASINO HOURS Raffle Sunday Night St. Frances Cabrini Parish “ Nino’s and life are a special occasion. ” “Wines that Rock” Tasting July 23. Reserve Now! 32652 Center ridge rd., north ridgeville 440.353.9580 The Ames Family Hospice House offers home-like settings and welcoming rooms that look out over a secluded woodlot. In Millscreek Commons 1/4 Mile West of Barton Rd., 5 Min. from Crocker Park LUNCH: W, Th, Fri 11-3 DINNER: M-Th 4-8:30 / Fr & Sat 4-9:30 / Sun 4-7:30 www.ninosnorthridgeville.Com Page 12 - THE CROCKER PRESS - July 12 - 25, 2012 Brio for Lunch! 440-250-8630 Complimentary Valet Parking Monday - Friday Only Lunch Only. Compliments if you eat at Brio. No coupon needed. To eat well is to live well.
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