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2 - Athol Daily News
LOOK for these inserts in today’s print edition Tomorrow’s outlook Hawks rout Celtics 110-83 Sunny 58°H 33°L Weather details Page 2 ¢ Single $ Vol. CCCXXIV No. 23 75 Copy 3.30 Delivered By Carrier Per Week Page 11 Story on Page 6 Athol, Mass., Wednesday, April 27, 2016 atholdailynews.com 12 Pages Athol eyeing $22,608,823 budget for FY17 By BRIAN GELINAS ADN Staff Reporter Making a Pledge ATHOL — The Finance and Warrant Advisory Committee on Tuesday continued its review of Town Manager Shaun Suhoski’s proposed fiscal year 2017 town operating budget. No votes were taken. The operating budget is balanced at $18,936,562, which includes assessments for the Athol-Royalston Regional School District and Montachusett Regional Vocational Technical School District. This amount does not include the water, sewer and transfer station enterprise budgets totaling $3,053,733. The enterprise funds are self-funded. Also not included in the operating budget bottom line are the capital improvement recommendations which total BULLYING PREVENTION PLEDGE — Pictured are the third and fourth grade classes at Pleasant Street School. On March 21, they completed their Steps to Respect training, by taking the Athol-Royalston Regional School District Bullying Prevention Pledge. The pledge and the district Bullying Prevention and Intervention Plan was updated on Sept. 1, 2015, and can be found on the school district’s website at www. arrsd.org The Steps to Respect curriculum is taught by classroom teachers and Rachel Schwab, guidance counselor, to all third and fourth grade classes. Students learn friendship skills, calm down skills, the definition of bullying, the difference between tattling and when to tell and report concerns to teachers and staff, what cyberbullying is, and how to be active, positive and assertive bystanders. The Steps to Respect curriculum, and the pledge fulfill requirements listed in the Massachusetts General Laws, Chap. 71, Sec. 37O about bullying and cyberbullying. In addition to their pledge certificate, the students received silicone “Band against bullying. Stand up. Speak out.” bracelets, funded by the Pleasant Street School PTO, and bookmarks from the PACER National Bullying Prevention Center. School photo Salaries cut, sports spared in Mahar FY17 budget By JARED ROBINSON ADN Staff Reporter ORANGE — The Mahar School Committee gave the go-ahead on a budget Tuesday night that sees significant cuts made in order to make up a $200,000 increase originally proposed last month. The budget approved by the school committee this week represents a zero percent increase, setting the gross FY17 budget at $12,290,711. Before the public hearing on the budget, educator Maggie Lawless spoke on behalf of the Teachers Association. Lawless noted that she is not a part of the executive group of the teacher’s union anymore but as she was the only one present from the association she agreed to give a statement on the president’s behalf. “The staff is more than stressed over what is happening with the budget,” Lawless said, noting that the budget has not changed in the past eight years. She added that the staff is cognizant of the stress the Mahar budget puts on the town’s residents. However, “There has been a lot of stress on “The staff is more than stressed over what is happening with the budget.” -Maggie Lawless the younger teachers not knowing if they have a job or not. If anyone here has ever been pink-slipped you know how that feels.” Among the significant cuts made to the budget is $137,405 being cut from classroom teacher salaries. Superintendent Tari Thomas had previously mentioned possibly cutting four teaching positions. Committee chair Peter Cross asked Thomas if she had an update on that, to which Thomas said she did not. Thomas opened her portion of the hearing with a slide show presentation dedicated to significant drivers of the budget. However, it took eight slides before she actually got to the bud- get itself. Instead, Thomas focused the first half of the presentation on topics like student achievement, standardized testing scores, virtual high school enrollment, and how dedicated the staff is to student achievement. Most of the positive aspects listed she attributed to the work of the school committee. District administrator of finance Dan Haynes remarked that with 41 fewer students enrolled in Mahar next year, the goal was to “right-size” the budget with the goal being a level-funded budget that is both fair to the community and the school. Significant drivers of the budget, explained Thomas, are divided into internal and external factors. Internal drivers are an eight percent increase in medical benefits costs, contracted increases for union salaries, which have not yet been negotiated; the increase in special education costs, the capital planning program, one-toone technology needs, and professional development. External budget drivers include the lack of timely and predictable information from the state, the Mahar Dam repair, local and state economic issues, uncertainty over the state’s transportation reimbursement, and increases in the state’s unfunded mandates. Along with the cut to classroom teacher salaries there is also a $41,001 cut to business office salaries, $17,845 cut from information and tech salaries, and $23,483 cut from custodians’ salaries. Academic cuts include $1,728 from Mathematics, Mahar Page 5 Coffee Shop Construction Begins Comics 9 Classifieds 10-11 Crossword 10 Dear Abby 4 Horoscope 9 Obituaries 2-3 Opinion 4 Police Logs 2-3 Sports 6-7 Sudoku9 TV Listings 9 Your local news, every day 6 56525 10951 5 UNDER CONSTRUCTION — With the beginnings of the foundation in place, the new Starbucks outlet at North Quabbin Commons on Templeton Road in Athol is under construction. The coffeehouse will open later this year. Photo by Brian Gelinas Athol Page 5 Contested ‘meaningless’ petition on town meeting warrant in Warwick By JARED ROBINSON ADN Staff Reporter WARWICK — Among the 28 articles on the town meeting warrant is one submitted by citizen petition which town counsel has warned is “meaningless” and a “pulpit piece.” Article 24 asks to adopt the petition signed by 13 residents which states that the town and its governing entities, committees, et cetera, “shall not create, enact, and/ or enforce any law, rule, ordinance, act, decree, action or otherwise that violates the Commonwealth of Massa- chusetts’s Constitution and/ or the United States Constitution. Further, no such law, rule, ordinance, act, decree, action or otherwise shall be created that would further diminish, modify or ‘enhance’ any rule that would violate the fundamental and constitutional rights of the town’s citizens.” At a selectboard meeting Monday night, retired town moderator Miryam Williamson asked for a clarification as to the meaning of the petition, which would de- Warwick Page 5 Erving administrative coordinator search narrowed to 3 finalists By CHRISTINE MIRANDA ADN Correspondent ERVING — Selectman Jake Smith began the selectmen’s meeting by announcing the names of the three finalists for the position of administrative coordinator for the town. Smith, who was chair of the search committee, first thanked the committee for their time and effort and overall rated the experience working with the Collins Center as very positive. The candidates are Bryan Smith from Greenfield, Sheila Dibb from Rutland and Steven Boudreau from Barre. The next step is to set up interviews with the candidates and selectmen which will be open to the public. After some discussion on time, place and format, it was tentatively decided to schedule interviews for Saturday, April 30, at the Erving Senior/Community Center from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. The meeting would be posted by Wednesday (48 hours notice) providing all three candidates could Erving Page 5 Effort to bring broadband to Petersham continues By ASHLEY ARSENEAU ADN Staff Reporter Index $308,528, and an additional $310,000 in transfers from the water and sewer retained earnings accounts for related water and sewer system improvements. Those amounts combine for a overall FY17 budget of $22,608,823. In discussing the budget, Suhoski noted the base salary for new chief of police Russell Kleber will be $102,500, which is roughly $10,000 less than what current chief Timothy Anderson would have received if not retiring. Of that $10,000, Suhoski is considering allotting $2,500 to the police department’s chief’s meetings expense line item, as Kleber has indicated he would like to attend certain conferences throughout the year. PETERSHAM — Members of the broadband committee, as well as Chris Lynch of Matrix Designs and Bob Martin of the Hardwick broadband committee, met with the selectboard to discuss the current status of the committee’s efforts to bring broadband internet to the town. Committee chair Chip Bull said that there has been a hold on all Massachusetts Broadband Institute funding since January that was put in place by Gov. Charlie Baker’s office. Eric Nakajima, the previous executive director of MBI, had given Bull the impression that the town’s project with Matrix Designs installing a network would be quickly approved and funding would have already been released by now so work could begin on the make-ready work before the network is installed. The agreement between Matrix Designs and the town has been going through the process of legal vetting with the town’s legal counsel and Matrix’s lawyers and should Petersham Page 5 MAHAR KEY CLUB SPAGHETTI SUPPER Friday, April 29th Mahar Dining Hall 5:30-7:00 p.m. All You Can Eat Adults $6.00 Children $2.00 Page 2 ATHOL DAILY NEWS Wednesday, April 27, 2016 Obituaries & Services Dr. Wayne E. Miller ATHOL — Dr. Wayne E. Miller, J.D., 82, lover of Zane Grey Western novels, pilot of small planes and gardener extraordinaire with his bonsai tree garden, passed away on April 25, 2016. DR. WAYNE E. MILLER Wayne was born in Trevorton, Pa. He was active in sports and lettered in both basketball and baseball before he graduated valedictorian from Trevorton High School. His next phase took him to Susquehanna University where he lettered in baseball before graduating magna cum laude. As if that wasn’t enough, he successfully graduated from Temple University Medical School, Philadelphia, Pa. Enough education and ball playing for now, Wayne was ready to get out of Dodge — well, Trevorton — and make his mark on the world. Wayne enlisted as a captain in the Army and was stationed (literally) halfway across the world in Okinawa, Japan. Moving back to the states, he decided that a quaint little New England town was a good fit for his skills and raising his children. It was normal to see Wayne jogging the streets at 5 a.m. and making house calls on Saturday morning. He religiously ate at Whit’s Diner and even showed up at their closing event in a tux! And at the spur of the moment, he was known to take a small airplane out for a spin. In 1981, Wayne decided he hadn’t had enough of school so he went to law school, graduated from Western New England School of Law and passed the bar. Why, you ask? “Because I wanted to,” he would reply. For 47 years, he practiced medicine and loved every minute of it. He also loved to golf, but then again, what doctor didn’t? He was active in his community via the Orange Board of Health, vice president of Massachusetts Academy of Family Practice, Athol selectman for four terms, a coach for the Orange Recreation Association, a member of the Airport Commission, and an active member of Orange United Methodist Church. Wayne is survived by his wife, Edith Miller; Jonathan Miller of Baltimore, Md., Dr. Jeffrey Miller of Los Angeles Calif., Ann (Miller) Bromery of Baltimore, Md., stepson David Thorpe; granddaughters, Hannah and Grace Bromery of Baltimore, Md., Rebecca (Miller) Chandler of Athol; stepgrandson Jeremy Thorpe; and great-granddaughter Karma-Lita Rose Chandler of Athol. Services for Dr. Miller will be held on Sunday, May 1, at 11 a.m, at the Orange United Methodist Church, 104 South Main St., Orange, with Rev. Judy Jones officiating. A celebration of life will follow at the King Phillip Restaurant, Route 2A, Phillipston. In lieu of flowers, donations are suggested to the Orange United Methodist Church, 104 South Main St., Orange, MA 01364. Witty’s Funeral Home, 158 South Main St., Orange, is directing the arrangements. You may offer your sympathy online at www.wittyfuneralhome.com. Meetings Reminder Wednesday, April 27 Athol Zoning Board of Appeals, 7 p.m., Room 21 of the town hall. Orange Library Trustees, 6:30 p.m., Moore-Leland Library. Phillipston Board of Health, 5 p.m., town annex. Thursday, April 28 Athol Shade Tree Commission, 6:30 p.m., library room at the town hall. Orange Capital Improvement Committee, 6:30 p.m., town hall. Selectboard and Conservation Commission (ConCom complaint), 7 p.m., town hall. Petersham Planning Board, 7 p.m., town office building. Historic District Commission (public hearing), 7 p.m., lower town hall. Historic District Commission (regular meeting), 8 p.m., lower town hall. Phillipston Cable Advisory Committee, 7 p.m., town hall. Royalston Agriculture Commission, 7 p.m., town hall. Other Worcester Regional Transit Authority Advisory Board, 8:30 a.m., 60 Foster St. Worcester. Hi-Lo Oil, Inc. Rte. 202 South, Winchendon 50 Gallon Deliveries Available (978) 297-4456 Whipps Lee attends ‘Step Up for Kids’ BOSTON — Rep. Susannah Whipps Lee (R-Athol) recently attended “Step Up for Kids,” a State House event held by the Children’s Trust to highlight the effectiveness of family support programs in preventing child abuse and neglect. Lieutenant Governor Karyn Polito joined to declare April as Child Abuse Prevention Month. The event featured a display of 772 pairs of children’s shoes covering the Grand Staircase of the State House to represent the average number of children with confirmed cases of abuse or neglect each week in Massachusetts. The Two Ten Foundation, in association with their footwear partners BCNY International, Clarks Americas, Crocs, Khombu, and New Balance, are proud sponsors of “Step Up for Kids” and donated the shoes. The shoes were distributed to families in the Children’s Trust’s programs. The Children’s Trust supports programs that partner with families in Athol district and all across the state. For more information, visit www. childrenstrustma.org. Meeting ROYALSTON — The selectboard will meet Tuesday, May 3, at 7 p.m., at the town hall, with the following agenda: Minutes. Acknowledgments, announcements, correspondence. Department head reports. Old business — DSL and computer problems; continuation of fiscal year 2017 budgets. New business — Creation of annual town meeting calendar; discussion of possible review of general bylaws; signing of D.A.R.E. letters; appointments to Building Committee and Agriculture Commission. Any other item(s) not reasonably anticipated 48 hours prior to the meeting. Signing of treasury warrants. ‘STEP UP FOR KIDS’ — State Rep. Susannah Whipps Lee (R-Athol) recently attended “Step Up for Kids,” a State House event held by the Children’s Trust to highlight the effectiveness of family support programs in preventing child abuse and neglect. Lieutenant Governor Karyn Polito joined to declare April as Child Abuse Prevention Month. Pictured, from left, are Representative Paul Schmid, D-Westport; Representative Michael Day, D-Stoneham; Second Assistant Minority Leader Elizabeth Poirier R-North Attleborough; Representative Danielle Gregoire, D-Marlborough; Suzin Bartley, Executive Director of the Children’s Trust; and Whipps Lee. Murder mystery dinner May 7 National forecast Forecast highs for Thursday, April 28 BALDWINVILLE — “The Numb and the Breathless,” a murder mystery dinner, will be held Saturday, May 7, at the Baldwinville American Legion, at 3 Central St., with the doors opening at 5:30 p.m., and dinner beginning promptly at 6. As part of the whodunit, attendees will find out what happens on the set of the popular soap opera “The Numb and the Breathless” when they start production of “The Killer Script.” The dinner is an opportunity to celebrate Mother’s Day with food, fun and family. Tickets are $40, and those interested in attending can reserve a table for eight for $300. For tickets, call Chris at 978410-5204, Gail at 978-939-8519 or Kath-e at 978-618-4984; or email templetonelders@ gmail.com. Tickets can also be purchased online at www. templetonelders.org. The program is sponsored by Friends of the Templeton Elders to benefit the Templeton Senior Community Center. It is presented by The Comical Mystery Tour, with the chicken dinner catered by McNally’s Grille and Pub. mattedwardstree.com EdwardsTreeService.com 75 Field Reclaiming, Skid Steer, and Compact Exc., Brush Hogging Tree Clearing for Solar! Serving The North Quabbin Area 978-544-7452 ports female party attempting to force her way into caller’s residence, Cottage Street. Both subjects advised to keep the peace and stay away from each other. 3:03 p.m. - Caller reports she is not being allowed to get her personal belongings at her former residence, Lake Street. States she lived there for a period of one month. Requested to speak to officer. Officer spoke to caller and home owner. Caller alleging home owner would not allow her to get her clothing. Home owner to be on scene in a few hours so caller could get clothing. 3:54 p.m. - Caller requests to speak to officer about her electricity being turned off, Cottage Street. Related to earlier call regarding female attempting to force her way into residence. At 4:48, party called to report electricity was still not turned on. Officer en route. Spoke to both subjects. Electricity turned back on. Advised to handle payment issues in court. 4:01 p.m. - Caller requests to speak to officer about her former tenant picking up his things on a day that works for both subjects, Unity Avenue. Spoke to both parties. Subject to call police on Friday after 3 p.m. to make arrangements to pick up some items. 5:07 p.m. - 911 mis-dial, Green Street. On call back, male party confirmed it was accidental. Spoke to party; confirmed same. 5:44 p.m. - 911 caller requests ambulance for female who was pushed down stairs, Cottage Street. Assisted AFD. No evidence of assault and battery. Party taken to AH and advised of simple assault and battery procedure at Orange District Court. 6:10 p.m. - Subject to station to turn in license found. In-house number for owner no longer in service. Placed in lost and found. 6:16 p.m. - Caller reports party with a dog is yelling at him, Leonard Street. States dog chased his kids and dog’s owner did not have it on a leash. Dog no longer loose upon officer’s arrival. Owner stated dog did run out of the house but was now back inside. Owner told to keep dog under control or a ticket would be issued. 7:04 p.m. - Caller reports red car pulled up to vacant house and male party wearing a blue sweatshirt is putting items into the car, Prospect Street. Received earlier call from anonymous party claiming he saw similar vehicle near Ocean State Job Lot. At 7:06, party called and stated vehicle was now headed toward Hapgood Street. Area checked; no contact. 7:25 p.m. - 911 caller requests ambulance for his mother who is about to have a seizure, Cottage Street. Assisted AFD. Party taken to AH in personal vehicle. 8:16 p.m. - Officer out at beach at Silver Lake Park with suspicious vehicle. Spoke to driver and sent on way. 9:38 p.m. - Traffic stop, Daniel Shays Highway and Patrick Avenue. Verbal warning for speeding. 9:38 p.m. - Caller reports suspicious male party in red sweatshirt walking around in parking lot, Main Street. Subject waiting for ride. 9:46 p.m. - 911 caller requests ambulance for her mother who doesn’t feel well, Pleasant Street. Assisted AFD. 9:52 p.m. - Traffic stop, Daniel Shays Highway. Verbal warning for speeding. 10:01 p.m. - Traffic stop, Daniel Shays Highway. 10:21 p.m. - Walk-in reports two male subjects were on roof yelling and threatening her, Main Street. When asked when this happened, she became upset and stated police were not being helpful and left. Walk-in and male party she had come in with were arguing over the sequence of events and every detail of what was reported. Officer advised. Today, April 27 12:58 a.m. - House check, Myrtle Street. 1:06 a.m. - House check, Partridgeville Road. 1:59 a.m. - House check, Batchelder Road. 2:11 a.m. - House check, Liberty Street. 2:29 a.m. - House check, Franklin Street. 4:56 a.m. - House check, Pinedale Avenue. Pt. Cloudy Fronts Cold -10s -0s 0s Showers 10s Rain 20s 30s 40s T-storms 50s 60s Flurries Warm Stationary 70s 80s Cloudy Pressure Low High 90s 100s 110s Snow Ice Thunderstorms In The South And Mid-Atlantic As a low pressure system moves into the Great Lakes region, showers and thunderstorms will be possible along the cold front in the Southeast. Rain and snow will be possible over the Rockies and the Great Basin regions. Weather Underground • AP AREA — Tonight: Mostly clear, with a low around 25. West wind around 6 mph becoming calm in the evening. Thursday: Sunny, with a high near 58. Calm wind becoming northwest around 6 mph in the morning. Thursday Night: Partly cloudy, with a low around 33. Light northeast wind. Friday: Mostly sunny, with a high near 59. Northeast wind around 5 mph becoming southeast in the afternoon. Friday Night: Partly cloudy, with a low around 34. Saturday: Mostly sunny, with a high near 63. Saturday Night: Partly cloudy, with a low around 37. Sunday: A chance of showers after 11am. Partly sunny, with a high near 62. Chance of precipitation is 30%. Sunday Night: A chance of showers. Mostly cloudy, with a low around 39. Chance of precipitation is 30%. Almanac - Sun rose 5:47. Sun sets 7:45. Length of day 13 hours, 58 minutes. New moon, May 6. Full moon, May 21. Athol Police Log Tuesday, April 26 11:10 a.m. - Athol Hospital requested assistance with Section 12 patient who left hospital and was running down Main Street toward downtown. Located party and took him back to AH. 12:14 p.m. - Caller requests to speak to officer about her child who is visiting his father in Massachusetts but resides with her in New Hampshire. States child is refusing to return to New Hampshire. Caller was advised to determine if her son was going to return home and, once she had that information, to go to a New Hampshire court and seek a “Child In Need Of Services” (CHINS) on child. 12:32 p.m. - Subject to station with shotguns needing to be disposed of. 12:36 p.m. - 911 caller requests ambulance due to trouble breathing, Shore Drive. Assisted Athol Fire Department. 1:06 p.m. - Walk-in requested to speak to officer about a scam. States she sent a copy of her license to people she believes are trying to scam her. Advised to report issue to bank and check her credit report. At this time, no crime has taken place. 1:11 p.m. - 911 mis-dial, Main Street. 2:36 p.m. - Follow-up, Exchange Street. 2:47 p.m. - Caller from AH reports cat bite that took place at Petersham Road location. 2:49 p.m. - 911 caller re- Sunny Mass. Lottery Results Drawn Tuesday, April 26, 2016 The Numbers Game, Mid-day: The Numbers Game, Night: Exact Order All 4 digits $5,100 1st or last 3 $714 Any 2 digits $61 Any 1 digit $6 Any Order All 4 digits $425 $119 1st 3 digits Last 3 digits $238 Exact Order All 4 digits $5,878 1st or last 3 $823 Any 2 digits $71 Any 1 digit $7 Any Order All 4 digits $490 $137 1st 3 digits Last 3 digits $274 2858 Monday5114 Sunday7198 Saturday1774 Friday2786 Thursday6444 Weds.0279 2636 Monday2026 Sunday0428 Saturday6805 Friday6133 Thursday4608 Weds.4185 MEGABUCKS DOUBLER Saturday, April 23 8-12-24-26-33-43; STD-4 $1,236,074, no winner Wednesday, April 20 4-9-12-33-46-48; STD-9 $1,136,549, no winner MEGA MILLIONS Tuesday, April 26 14-16-17-28-48; MB-2 $108,000,000, no winner Friday, April 22 2-19-21-42-60; MB-13 $97,000,000, no winner LUCKY FOR LIFE Monday, April 25 2-6-13-26-32; LB-18, no winner Thursday, April 21 2-10-16-34-35; LB-13, no winner MASS CASH Tuesday, April 26 2-4-13-16-28, two winners (Abington, Worcester) Monday, April 25 1-4-6-8-10, six winners POWERBALL (Attleboro, No. Billerica, SomerSaturday, April 23 19-35-46-59-62; PB-13 ville (2), Woburn, Worcester) $256,900,000, Sunday, April 24 no winner 2-3-16-20-21, Wednesday, April 20 no winner 12-25-30-52-62; PB-8, Saturday, April 23 $228,100,000, 9-14-20-27-35, one winner no winner (Peabody) Friday, April 22 Other Regional Results 7-11-16-29-34, nine winners TRI-STATE MEGABUCKS (Boston (9)) Saturday, April 23 Thursday, April 21 3-6-12-35-39; MB-2 1-4-8-14-33, Wednesday, April 20 no winner 14-18-26-35-37; MB-3 School Van Drivers Wanted Now hiring van drivers throughout Massachusetts. No experience needed, will train. Starting at $13/hr. Keep the van at home. Additional bonuses may apply to include 7D license bonus. M-F day time split shifts. Call for an application after 9am (978) 355-2121 EEO ATHOL DAILY NEWS Wednesday, April 27, 2016 Page 3 Obituaries & Services Helen A. DePasquale ORANGE — Helen Angelica DePasquale passed away at Quabbin Valley Healthcare in Athol on March 11, 2016. She was born in New York City on Jan. 1, 1920. She was preceded in death by her parents from Italy, her former husband Joseph, her loving son Robert, her sister Yolanda and brother Joseph. Her daughter Sylvia Pascal lives in San Francisco. Son Kenneth Pascal lives in Houston with his wife Sandra, and Helen’s three grandchildren, Cynthia, Kristina and Christopher. Her dear friend of 30 years, Mary McBride, resides in Wendell. The life challenge she accepted as a single parent since 1951 was to provide a safe shelter and food on the table for her children (then aged 1, 2 and 3) who were raised as Catholics. For a better life, she moved us from a Stanton Street tenement to the projects in Manhattan, then upstate to Burlingham, back to Brooklyn, to Bloomingburg and then to Middletown, N.Y., where she eventually was able to purchase a home of her own. Through a combination of child support, jobs as a typist and a telephone operator, the family was able to move to a house on a summit in Orange, in 1971. She loved this small town and made Orange her home for 45 years. She never drove or flew. Her early dreams were to be a singer or writer, and she did some of both. Helen DePasquale was beautiful, highly intelligent, a deep thinker, a lightning fast typist, and able to bravely navigate systems to get what the family needed. She held clearly progressive social values, and had a tremendous heart for animals who could not fend for themselves. She was a lifelong advocate for cats and dogs, anti-vivisection, and animal shelters who donated every spare cent for animal rescue and humane treatment. An avid reader, her love of books was communicated to Sylvia who earned a master’s degree in library science from the University of California, Berkeley and Kenneth who finished a Ph.D. in education at UCLA. Throughout her life, she created opportunities for her children, kept to her quiet, thrifty ways, asked for little, and gave what she had to animal causes until the last. With great empathy for their pain, suffering and dependency, she was always figuring out how to do more for mistreated animals. Her son thanks the many professionals at Quabbin Valley Healthcare for years of caring service. She will be remembered at a May 2 mass at St. Anne Catholic Church, Houston. Witty’s Funeral Home, 158 South Main St., Orange, is directing the arrangements. David J. Coolidge ORANGE — David J. Coolidge, 77, of Orange, died peacefully at home Saturday, April 16, 2016. Mr. Coolidge leaves his wife Dimoral “Modie,” five children, Monica, Lorraine, Tammy, Wayne and Darlene; eight grandchildren and four great-grandchildren. He was a captain in the U.S. Army in which he proudly served his country during the Vietnam War. He had worked at Raytheon and the Levitt Machine ‘Spring Awakening’ continues this weekend in Orange ORANGE — “Spring Awakening,” a musical play about the lives of teenagers and performed by Arena Civic Theatre, continues this weekend at the Ruth B. Smith Auditorium at the Orange Town Hall, 6 Prospect St. Based on the 1891 German play by Frank Wedekind, “Spring Awakening” explores and exposes the challenges of adolescence through new music by Duncan Sheik and book by Steven Sater. A group of young friends who have grown up together in a small town turn to one another with questions and curiosity about their feelings, thoughts, fears and desires. Melchior has the advantage of information, allowed by his more liberal parents to read beyond the subjects taught in school. He tries to help his friend Moritz, who is so deeply troubled by his sexual thoughts and dreams that he is unable to concentrate on his studies. Meanwhile, Wendla struggles to get answers from her mother about “how it happens” when she learns her sister has given birth for the second time. As the play unfolds, we see the awakening of these young people as they put together the pieces of things they have only heard whispers about in a society where free thought is shamed and punished. “Spring Awakening” rocked Broadway in 2006, with a unique style and score, as well as a cast of highly talented young actors led by Lea Michele and Jonathan Groff. The production won eight Tony Awards, four Drama Desk Awards, and a Grammy for the original cast recording. A 2015 revival by Deaf Company for several years. Funeral services will be private and there will be no visiting hours. Witty’s Funeral Home, 158 South Main St., Orange, is directing the arrangeTuesday, April 26 ments. 8:45 a.m. - Party reports You may offer your sym- someone stole flowers pathy online at www.witty- out of owl planter in front funeralhome.com. of Trailhead the previous night; flowers were yellow pansies, South Main Street. Report taken. 12:20 p.m. - Emergency restraining order (209A) served and explained, North Main Street. 12:48 p.m. - At conclusion of investigation, criminal complaint filed with Orange District Court for unlawful wiretapping. 1 p.m. - Medical emerTwo customers entering gency, Summit Street. 1:20 p.m. - Orange Fire the building at the time were Department responding to pinned underneath the vehicle. Fire Capt. Brian Fogg large outside fire, Dexter Street. Found to be permitsays the victims were treated ted fire. for minor injuries at South 2:45 p.m. - Party from Shore Hospital. business would like to Owner Michael Cocomazzi speak to officer about sussays the crash happened picious female, East Main when the driver attempted to Street. Officer spoke with avoid a collision outside the female who requested to be transported to hospital for restaurant. D’Ann’s was closed for psychiatric evaluation. She also trespassed from several hours as investigators was the business. assessed the damage, but has 2:50 p.m. - Town adsince reopened. ministrator’s office reports Warrant arrest ORANGE — On Tuesday night at 11:28, Joshua R. Sawyer, 26, of Greenfield, was arrested on a warrant following a traffic stop on South Main Street for defective equipment (loud exhaust). A warning was issued for the loud exhaust. ORANGE GUN CLUB Off West River St., Orange Annual FISHING DERBY Sunday, May 1st 9-11 a.m. Ages 0-14 Prizes & Food No Trap Shooting During Fishing Derby Top Dead Center Cycle has moved! We are now located at 1353 Daniel Shays Highway Conveniently located half a mile off of Route 2 Exit 16 in Athol. Specializing in Harley Davidson service, repairs and motorcycle inspections. Open Monday through Friday 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. & Saturday 9 a.m. to Noon Call Us At 978-249-3939 West Theatre brought the concept of challenges in communication between teens and adults to a whole new level, with a cast of both deaf and hearing actors and choreography that incorporated American Sign Language. The ACT production is directed by Megan Healey, with musical direction by Ted Trobaugh and choreography by Sue Dresser. The cast includes: Chloe Castro-Santos as Wendla, Emme Grace Geryk as Martha, Hannah Trobaugh as Thea, Cassandra Clark as Anna, Laura Langman as Ilse, Bobby Hawes as Melchior, Tyler Conroy as Moritz, Nicholas Cummings as Hanschen, Collins Hilton as Ernst, Sean Sanford as Georg, AJ Krawczyk as Otto, Alana Martineau as Adult Women, and Joshua Orange Police Log Restaurant patron drives car through Abington eatery’s wall ABINGTON, Mass. (AP) — Two people were injured after a man in his 70s accidentally stepped on the gas pedal and catapulted his car through the side of an Abington restaurant. Officials say a regular patron of D’Ann’s Sports and Entertainment Restaurant drove through a wall at the eatery around 1 p.m. Sunday. SPRING AWAKENING — “Spring Awakening,” presented by Arena Civic Theatre, continues this weekend at the Orange Town Hall. Photo by Sadie Erin Photography complaints about car and camper, North Main and Dexter streets. Advised that police are working with owner to remove it. Paperwork served in hand to owner who said he would be gone Wednesday. At 3:11 call received from bus driver about the car. He said on Monday kids were around the car making him nervous as car is on jack stands. 3:44 p.m. - Chicopee Health Center requests welfare check for individual not answering phone, Whitney Street. On arrival individual was out. Message left with roommate. 4:03 p.m. - Panic alarm, School Street. Checked and appeared no one home. Residence appeared secure. 4:11 p.m. - Party states he believes he saw subject who does not have license driving east on East River Street. Area searched; no contact. 4:15 p.m. - Traffic stop, East River Street. Warning issued for speeding. 6:14 p.m. - Medical emergency, Ward Road. 7:03 p.m. - Party requests call in regard to stolen medication incident she previously reported, East River Street. Information taken and given to investigating officer. 7:24 p.m. - Party reports deer carcass thrown over fence onto her property; believes it was neighbor whom she has had issues with in the past, East Myrtle Street. On arrival information taken. Environmental Police contacted to follow up. 8:19 p.m. - Medical emergency, Brookside Road. 8:20 p.m. - Alarm, Dexter Street. All appeared okay during check. Key holder responded and reported no problems. Sentencing in 2015 hit-and-run FALL RIVER, Mass. (AP) — The Attleboro man who struck and killed a Seekonk town official last year faces sentencing. The Sun Chronicle reports that Jacob Lacourse is scheduled to be sentenced Wednesday in Fall River Superior Court. The 24-year-old Lacourse pleaded guilty in March to leaving the scene of an accident with death resulting and driving to endanger in connection with the death in January 2015 of Seekonk Assistant Town Clerk Karen McHugh. The 51-year-old McHugh was struck on the street outside her home. Police connected Lacourse to the scene via a GPS device he was wearing as a condition of bail in a rape case. Prosecutors have recommended a 6 ½- to 10-year prison sentence followed by five years’ probation. The defense is asking for a twoyear jail sentence. ——— Information from: The (Attleboro, Mass.) Sun Chronicle, http://www.thesunchronicle.com Aaron Mason as Adult Men. Performances will take place Friday and Saturday, April 29 and 30, at 8 p.m.; and Sunday, May 1, at 2 p.m. Talkback sessions featuring members of the cast and production crew, as well as community members in the fields of mental health and education, will take place after the 2 p.m. matinee performance on May 1. During this time, audience members will be able to ask questions and engage in a discussion about some of the topics addressed in the show. Tickets are available at the door, by calling to reserve at 413-233-3368, or online at http://arenacivictheatre.org. Due to mature themes and language, this show is not recommended for young children. CALENDAR REMINDERS For upcoming events consult the expanded calendar listing which appears in the Quabbin Times section in Tuesday editions of the Athol Daily News, and daily on the website at, www.atholdailynews.com. The Daily News welcomes submissions for the Calendar, for public events in or of general interest to the nine-town, North Quabbin-Mount Grace Region — including entertainment, cultural and social activities and events held by non-profit organizations. Excluded are gaming events and tag/yard sale notices. ————————— Wednesday, April 27 3-5 p.m. — Knit Wits, Athol Public Library, Main Street. For ages 8 and up. Info: 978-249-9515 4:30-6:30 p.m. — All You Can Eat Spaghetti Supper, Orange American Legion, Daniel Shays Highway. $7 per person, take out available. 5-6 p.m. — Sharing Our Father’s Bread, St. Francis of Assisi Church Hall (side entrance), Athol. Info: 978-249-2738 7 p.m. — The Hartwell’s African Trip Program at Ware River Nature Club, Rutland Public Library, 280 Main St., Route 122A. Thursday, April 28 9 a.m.-Noon — St. John’s Thrift Shop, St. John’s Episcopal Church, Park Avenue, Athol. Info: 978-249-9553 10-10:30 a.m. — Baby Time, Athol Public Library, Main Street. Children up to 18 months and caregivers. Info: 978-249-9515 10-11:30 a.m. — Garden Growers, Valuing Our Children, Walnut Street, Athol. Newborn to preschoolers. Info: 978-2498467 ext. 22. 10:30-11:30 a.m. — Toddler & Preschooler Story Time, New Salem Public Library, 23 South Main St. Snacks will be provided. Info: 978-544-6334 11-11:30 a.m. — Toddler Time, Athol Public Library, Main Street. Children 18-36 months and caregivers. Info: 978-2499515 3-4 p.m. — Weekly Vigil, Northfield Town Hall. Info: hattieshalom@verizon.net or 978-790-3074 3:30-5 p.m. — Wild Knights Chess Club, Athol Public Library, Main Street. For grades 4-10. Info: 978-249-9515 Friday, April 29 10:15-11:30 a.m. — Motor Monkeys Playgroup, 34 North Main St., Orange. Info: Jennifer Aldrich at VOC, 978-249-8467 Monty Tech greenhouse to open on May 6 FITCHBURG — Montachusett Regional Vocational Technical School’s on-site greenhouse will be open to the public from Friday, May 6, through Friday, June 3. Hours of operation are from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m., Monday through Friday, when school is in session. Inventory includes a wide variety of hanging baskets, annuals, perennials, and vegetable and herb plants. Birdbaths, garden statues and concrete benches, all made in Monty Tech’s masonry program, will also be on sale. The greenhouse is located behind the school building, at 1050 Westminster St., Rte. 2A, at the FitchburgWestminster line. PUBLIC NOTICE The Orange Water Department will be Flushing Hydrants on weekdays from: Monday, April 25th to Friday, May 13th Water users may experience low pressure or rusty water during the flushing period. Thank you for your cooperation. Flushing is critical for good water quality and flow. Questions? Call us @ (978) 544-1115 9900 TUNE UP/CLEANING! $ Special pricing through June 2016 Maximize your oil burners efficiency! Book now to beat the fall rush and price increases. Installations available too. Save Oil With Buderus, HB Smith, Peerless, Weil Mclain, and many others. Mass Save rebates are available to National Grid customers: $1,70000, $50000 and $30000 rebates! Call today for a free estimate 978-249-4440 Fully Insured, Lic.# BU104752 Serving North Quabbin for 11 Years Page 4 ATHOL DAILY NEWS Wednesday, April 27, 2016 Established 1934 Serving The Interests Of The North Quabbin Region Including the towns of Athol, Orange, Warwick, Erving, Wendell, New Salem, Royalston, Phillipston and Petersham Richard J. Chase, Jr., Publisher Deborrah L. Porter, Editor Jacqueline Caron, Advertising Manager Robert A. Perkins, Production Manager Emeritus N How does the government waste money? Let us count the ways ews flash: Government is inefficient. In the latest version of its annual report on government efficiency and effectiveness, the U.S. Government Accountability Office identified 92 actions in 37 areas of government that could be taken to reduce “fragmentation, overlap and duplication” and otherwise make the federal government more efficient and cost-effective. Corrective actions taken based on recommendations in the GAO’s previous five annual reports have resulted in about $56 billion in financial benefits, and are expected to generate another $69 billion in benefits through 2025, the 2016 report noted. Congress and executive agencies have fully implemented only 41 percent of those recommendations, however, with an additional 34 percent “partially addressed,” and 20 percent not addressed at all, leaving tens of billions of dollars in potential savings on the table. Overpayment from benefits programs was a common theme. Better screening for fraud and applicants’ program eligibility, and more aggressive recovery of overpayment errors, could save billions of dollars for Medicare, billions for Social Security’s Disability Insurance program, billions more from the Internal Revenue Service and hundreds of millions for the Department of Veterans’ Affairs’ Post-9/11 GI Bill program. The National Park Service could generate millions in additional recreation user fees if parks reviewed their fee structures more often and Congress amended the user fee program. The government could save hundreds of thousands of dollars in ammunition storage and disposal costs simply by transferring unneeded supplies to federal, state and local governments in need of them. Similarly, the Defense Department could save federal civilian agencies millions of dollars by offering them other excess personal property, so that those agencies do not have to purchase it elsewhere. Though there are some high-profile examples of large amounts of government waste, fraud and abuse, particularly in the largest expenditures like entitlement programs and defense spending, most government waste harms taxpayers in the form of a thousand cuts. Those thousands of examples of waste and inefficiency, spread across the entirety of government, add up. So, while the GAO report is not the sexiest of documents, it serves to remind us of the inefficiency of government services and the myriad of ways our money is frittered away in bureaucratic offices every day. Reprinted from the Orange County Register Distributed by creators.com We welcome your opinions! LETTERS TO THE EDITOR may be submitted by U.S. mail to: Athol Daily News, P.O. Box 1000, Athol, MA 01331; by FAX to 978-249-9630; by email to newsroom@atholdailynews.com; or delivered in person to 225 Exchange St. All letters must include the author’s first and last names, town of residence and phone number (for verification purposes only). No letter is printed until authenticity is verified by phone, or in person. Letter to the Editor By Jeanne Phillips © 2001 Universal Press Syndicate Girlfriend’s business contact arouses man’s suspicion DEAR ABBY: I’m a divorced man dating a divorcee, “Sylvie,” who is eight years younger. I recently learned she had an affair before we met, and it is affecting the way I see her. The man she had the affair with is still married. I had an affair while I was married, and although I understand how affairs can happen, I don’t condone them. It took me several years to forgive myself for the hurt my actions caused. Sylvie tells me things are over with this man, yet she continues to do business with him. In my mind she ought to find alternative vendors to deal with. We have spoken about it, and she insists no one else in our area carries or represents the product line he offers. I feel if she truly is over him, then all communication, both personal and professional, should cease. It’s not that I don’t trust Sylvie, but I believe things might reignite between them in a weak moment. Am I being ridiculous? — DAZED IN WISCONSIN DEAR DAZED: You’re not being ridiculous, but the truth is you don’t completely trust Sylvie when she says the affair is history. For her to sacrifice a necessary business contact because you are insecure would be a mistake. There would be financial consequences, and she has no guarantee that her relationship with you will progress beyond dating. ****** DEAR ABBY: My boyfriend of three years slapped me across the face a few nights ago. He has never done that before, and he promised he’d never do it again. After he hit me he immediately apologized, but said I was part- ly at fault because I had taunted and belittled him. I love him very much and know he would never want to hurt me. We’re both in our 20s and have expressed our devout love for each other. My boyfriend is the sweetest guy and truly makes me a happier person, but I don’t know if I can fully trust and be in love with him after he hit me. I feel partly responsible for what happened that night, but I know I didn’t deserve to be hit. Is my boyfriend an abuser? He has been nothing but caring and supportive and shows no other signs of being abusive. What should I do? — TAKEN ABACK OUT WEST DEAR TAKEN ABACK: Let me point out that abusers do not start out relationships by being that way. But once slapping starts, it often escalates to pushing, hitting and more serious violence. One of the hallmarks of an abuser is blaming the victim by saying he/she deserved it, and it is a big, red warning sign. Because you have said that your boyfriend has never shown any other signs of being abusive in your three-year relationship, consider this incident an unfortunate onetime occurrence. But keep your eyes wide open in case it wasn’t. ****** Contact Dear Abby at www. DearAbby.com or P.O. Box 69440, Los Angeles, CA 90069. ****** For an excellent guide to becoming a better conversationalist and a more sociable person, order “How to Be Popular.” Send your name and mailing address, plus check or money order for $7 (U.S. funds) to: Dear Abby, Popularity Booklet, P.O. Box 447, Mount Morris, IL 61054-0447. (Shipping and handling are included in the price.) WHERE IS THE CONCERN Editor, Daily News My 94-year-old motherin-law fell on some ice outside her house recently. She could not get back on her feet, so she crawled to the street to get someone’s attention. I wonder how many people drove past without out even so much as calling 911 with a concern for an old woman crawling across the snow. She lives on a Main Street in Athol where hundreds of cars go by all day and there are no obstructions. Luckily, there are a few good people. Jessie Chenausky stopped, helped her in the house, then came and told me. Susan R. Gatautuis Athol Asian stocks mixed on oil price rally MANILA, Philippines (AP) — Asian stocks were mixed Wednesday after an overnight surge in oil prices raised questions about the outlook for the energy sector. Investors are watching for the outcome of policy meetings by the U.S. Federal Reserve and Bank of Japan. KEEPING SCORE: Japan’s benchmark Nikkei 225 lost 0.4 percent to 17,276.52. Hong Kong’s Hang Seng fell 0.2 percent to 21,356.43. The Shanghai Composite index was nearly flat at 2,965.61. Australia’s S&P/ ASX 200 gained 0.2 percent to 5,295.80. South Korea’s KOSPI edged 0.2 percent lower to 2,015.28. Southeast Asian markets were mixed. WALL STREET: Stocks finished mostly higher Tuesday as energy companies climbed in tandem with the price of oil, but technology companies fell. The Dow Jones industrial average added 13.08 points, or 0.1 percent, to 17,990.32. The Standard & Poor’s 500 index rose 3.91 points, or 0.2 percent, to 2,091.70. No Fed rate hike Wednesday, but what about in June? WASHINGTON (AP) — On this, pretty much every economist agrees: The Federal Reserve will keep interest rates unchanged when it ends its latest policy meeting Wednesday. What’s unclear is whether it will hint about the likelihood of a rate hike at its next meeting in June. With the U.S. job market healthy and the stock market up, some economists think the Fed will want to put investors on notice that a June rate increase is conceivable. “If June is a possibility, they will want to prepare markets for that,” said Mark Zandi, chief economist at Moody’s Analytics. But many other analysts say they expect the statement that the Fed will issue Wednesday to convey little about the timing of its next rate hike, given that the outlook for global growth remains so uncertain. Concerns have been rising about the world economy, and any major international slump would, in turn, hinder U.S. growth. A sharp slowdown in China — the world’s second-largest economy after the United States — has already hurt the developing world. Europe is straining to gain momentum, and Japan is hobbled by wary consumers and an aging population. Even in the United States, despite a robust job market, key sectors like manufacturing and energy have been bruised by a strong dollar and shrunken oil prices. Consumers have barely stepped up their spending this year. And on Thursday, the government is expected to estimate that the U.S. economy grew at a tepid annual rate under 1 percent in the January-March quarter. Some forecasters think growth might have been as weak as 0.3 percent, which would mean the economy nearly stalled out last quarter. What’s more, U.S. inflation is running well below the Fed’s optimal level of 2 percent. “I am not sure they will have the confidence to send a signal this week that June is a go for a hike,” said Diane Swonk, chief economist at Diane Swonk Economics in Chicago. In the meantime, far from considering rate hikes, other major central banks are weighing steps to further ease credit, increase inflation and bolster growth. On Thursday, for example, when the Bank of Japan meets, a key topic will be what else it might do to fight economic weakness, raise inflation and blunt a rise in the yen’s value against the dollar, which hurts Japan’s exporters. In January, in a desperate bid to raise inflation, Japan’s central bank introduced negative rates. Yet inflation and growth remain stuck near zero. Last week, Mario Draghi, head of the European Central Bank, made clear he was ready to launch more stimulus efforts if needed to energize the 19-nation eurozone economy. That pledge came after the ECB had already expanded its stimulus programs in March. NEW YORK (AP) — Low oil prices have helped cost Exxon its pristine “AAA” credit rating from Standard & Poor’s, a label it held for over six decades. The top “AAA” credit rating from S&P means a company’s debt is the safest possible investment. Now only two other U.S. corporations are rated triple-A by S&P: consumer and medical products company Johnson & Johnson and technology company Microsoft Corp. S&P said Tuesday that it lowered Exxon’s rating one notch to “AA+” because of slumping oil prices and the “large dividend payments” the oil giant makes to shareholders. The credit-rating agency said Exxon is more likely to pay dividends than save money or reduce its debt. Exxon had held the “AAA” rating since at least 1949, S&P said. The one-notch downgrade, while symbolic, is more likely to bruise Exxon’s corporate pride than significantly raise its borrowing costs. The company has used the sterling rating almost as a marketing tool, particularly when talking to foreign governments. “I don’t see it having any financial impact,” said Brian Youngberg, an analyst at Edward Jones. “Even at ‘AA+’ it has the highest credit rating of any energy company and it is higher than pretty much all of corporate America.” Another major ratings agency, Moody’s Investors Service, said in Feb- ruary that it was keeping its top “Aaa” rating on Exxon. But it sounded a cautionary note by lowering its outlook on the rating to “negative” from “stable.” Exxon Mobil Corp., which is based in Irving, Texas, said in a statement that nothing has changed about its “financial philosophy” and that it places a “high value on its strong credit position.” Like other energy companies, Exxon has been hurt by the slump in oil prices. In the previous quarter, the company reported a 58 percent drop in profit to $2.78 billion. It was Exxon’s smallest quarterly profit in about 14 years. Exxon’s total debt soared to $38.7 billion at the beginning of 2016 from $11.6 billion at the start of 2013, as the company spent money on big projects, dividends and buying back stock while oil prices were falling for much of that time. Last year, the company raised its quarterly dividend 6 percent to 73 cents per share. It returned $15.1 billion to shareholders in dividends and share buybacks, down from $23.6 billion in 2014. In February, Exxon announced that it would stop buying back its own shares. Wall Street appeared to shrug off the ratings downgrade news. Exxon’s stock rose 30 cents to $87.63 Tuesday. ——— Koenig reported from Dallas. By MARTIN CRUTSINGER AP Economics Writer Exxon loses ‘AAA’ S&P rating China’s sliding economy has stabilized after worries about its growth had rocked financial markets in January. But now, a new challenge has raised international concerns: A June 23 referendum in which Britain will decide whether to leave the European Union. President Barack Obama and other world leaders have warned that a British exit from the EU could threaten the global economy. Because that vote will occur just a week after the Fed’s June 14-15 meeting, some analysts have suggested that the U.S. central bank would avoid any rate hike in June for fear it could rattle markets ahead of the British vote. Since raising rates from record lows in December, the Fed has grown concerned about economic pressures from overseas and has signaled its willingness to wait for those pressures to ease. The minutes of their March meeting noted that several Fed officials felt that raising rates again in April “would signal a sense of urgency they did not think was appropriate.” The Fed’s rate hike in December was its first in nearly a decade, and it ended a seven-year period in which the central bank had kept its benchmark rate near zero. At the December meeting, the Fed signaled that four additional rate hikes could occur in 2016 but at its March meeting, it cut that expectation from four to just two rate hikes. Not all Fed officials favor a go-slow approach. Esther George, president of the Fed’s Kansas City regional bank, dissented at the March meeting, saying she preferred another rate hike. She may dissent again this week, and she might not be alone. Still, a solid majority of officials appear to support the cautious approach being pursued by Chair Janet Yellen. In her most recent speech on the economy, Yellen said she still envisioned only a gradual pace of rates increases in light of global threats. Those remarks helped fuel the rally on Wall Street. P.O. Box 1000 (USPS 035-720) 225 Exchange St., Athol MA, 01331-1000 Telephone 978-249-3535 Recycled/Recyclable Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is entitled exclusively to the use or republication of all local news printed in this newspaper, as well as all AP news dispatches. Published daily except for Sundays and Holidays by Athol Press, Inc. 75¢ per copy, $16.50/five weeks, or $171.60/fifty-two weeks, delivered to the home by independent carrier; $19.50/five weeks, or $202.80/ fifty-two weeks, delivered by mail; $8.50/four weeks, or $99.99/fifty-two weeks, Internet subscription. Daily News founded in 1934, Athol Chronicle 1886, Church Record 1901, and Athol Transcript 1871. “Entered as second class matter November 1, 1934, at the post office at Athol, Massachusetts under Act of March 3, 1879.” Periodical postage paid at Athol, MA. Postmaster: Send address changes to Athol Daily News, P.O. Box 1000, Athol MA 01331-1000. Any advertisement, the sense and value of which is materially affected by an error in the Athol Daily News, will be reprinted in whole or in part if the part only is affected if the newspaper is notified. Except to the extent aforesaid the Athol Daily News will not be liable to the advertiser for mistakes or errors in the publication of advertisements. Richard J. Chase, Jr. Publisher ATHOL DAILY NEWS Wednesday, April 27, 2016 Page 5 Athol The salary adjustment results in a projected surplus of $6,608, said Suhoski. Also highlighted in the police budget was partial funding for an officer, which will bring the total officers, including the chief, the lieutenant and two sergeants, to 19. Suhoski also pointed out that the added officer will serve as the school resource officer, and the school district has agreed to provide $30,000 toward that position. Among the questions posed by FinCom members was an inquiry into the progress being made with regard to regionalizing emergency dispatch services with Gardner. Suhoski said the effort is ongoing but will not have an impact in FY17. He said a regional dispatch center would likely not be implemented until FY18 at the earliest. He noted Gardner has received a grant for the purchase of equipment, and a second grant for operations is being sought. Suhoski said the savings that could be realized could result in there being funding to add an additional patrol officer to the police department in a future fiscal year. An effort would be made to have a window clerk at the police station 24/7 to ensure services to walk-ins would not suffer once a regional dispatch went online, Suhoski added. The regionalization would have to be approved at a town meeting, as would the town’s monetary assessment. During a recent public question-and-answer session, Kleber, then one of three candidates for the chief’s position said that a regional dispatch center might sound good at first, but it is important for the dispatchers to know their towns. He said having that knowledge “can save minutes and it could save lives.” However, he added he is not against a regional center, and said it should be given consideration. School Buildings Other topics of discussion included what will happen once the four elementary school buildings are turned back over to the town when the new Athol Community Elementary School opens in the fall. The four are Sanders Street, Riverbend, Ellen Bigelow and Pleasant Street. Suhoski said interested parties have toured the buildings, and the Economic Development and Industrial Corporation is assisting in “marketing” the buildings. A request-for-proposals will be issued in the near future. While Sanders Street, Riverbend and Ellen Bigelow could be available for a number of uses, it has been noted Pleasant Street will be restricted to a use that will fit into the “educational campus” layout, as that building is in close proximity to the middle school and ACES and shares the same access road. If the buildings are not taken over by other entities before the winter, Suhoski suggested some of the operating budget surplus could be used to winterize them. Whatever happens to the buildings in the future, Suhoski assured the FinCom they would not become “Silver Lake School — Part 2.” His comment was in reference to the town having sold the former Silver Lake School property for $1 to buyers who ended up losing the property and their plans not coming to fruition. He said the RFP process should ensure financially-viable parties take over the buildings. Snow/Ice The Department of Public Works’ snow and ice account was briefly discussed. For several years it has been funded at $200,000, but has fallen short many times. While the line item can be deficit spent and made up in the current fiscal year, if excess funds are available, or in the subsequent fiscal year, FinCom chair Ken Duffy suggested that it would be better to increase the funding incrementally over a few years to put it more in line with what is actually spent and prevent future shortfalls. The line item was hit hard Petersham be ready for the selectboard to review soon, Bull said. Bull said, “MBI has made a unilateral decision on their part that for underserved towns, even though Matrix was an approved vendor as of last year, was not worthy anymore and they would turn those towns over to Comcast.” Bull clarified that Petersham is not an underserved town but an unserved town. Underserved towns with some but not complete broadband coverage would be towns like Hardwick. The committee was hoping to strengthen their proposal to MBI by serving the parts of Hardwick that are not currently served by Comcast. This has the committee slightly worried that if MBI will not approve Matrix Designs for underserved towns that they will not approve it for Petersham. The committee is currently asking the selectboard to send a letter to the governor’s office and other state officials and the current administrators at MBI to a meeting to help answer the committee’s questions on how they can move the project further and get back on track for bringing broadband to Petersham. The board agreed and will try to set up a meeting of all Warwick From Page 1 last year, and the state is allowing for municipalities to make up the shortfall over two fiscal years. The FY17 account will end short anywhere between $25,000 and $50,000, it was noted. Assessor’s Pay Duffy said the FinCom also considered the assessor’s salary and suggested the position be reviewed for a possible salary increase. The consensus of the members is that the pay is not in line with the responsibilities of the position. Principal Assessor Lisa Aldrich’s current salary is $56,988, and it will increase to $57,605 in FY17. Suhoski agreed the salary should be more in line with that of the accountant and treasurer/collector, and noted the position should be reviewed in the near future. The accountant’s salary is $69,721, and it will increase to $72,612; the treasurer/collector’s salary is the same. ConCom Contstable It was noted that although the Conservation Commission requested $40,000 for the constable position, that amount has been reduced to $5,000 by Suhoski. The ConCom was seeking $40,000, as Constable Elwin Bacon is retiring at the end of FY16, and the commission is considering breaking out his responsibilities among two or three persons. The commission in the past has repeatedly said the constable position is underfunded and it has been noted Bacon, during his tenure, contributed much of his time and use of his personal vehicle as a “gift” to the town. The current yearly stipend is $1,900. Other Concerns Suhoski said two of his concerns going forward are the maintenance of the town’s facilities, including the town hall, and the current lack of a facilities manager, and not having an information technology person on staff. Next Meeting The next meeting is tentatively set for Tuesday, May 10. From Page 1 involved. Bull said that currently petitions are going around to support the network coming to town and can be found at the Petersham Country Store and Petersham Package Store. Hail storm damage claim The selectboard met with many town building managers, department heads and committee chairs to discuss a recently received report from the Massachusetts Interlocal Insurance Association with recommendations for roof repairs to be made due to damage sustained in the hail storm from August of last year. MIIA requests repairs be made to the roofs of the Center School, the fire department, the highway department garage, and the police station. Assistant building inspector Bob Legare said that he feels the town office building, the fire station and highway garage need more repairs than MIIA claims they found in there during their inspections. Legare said he has spoken with a private insurance adjuster who said they can get a second opinion and arbitrate with MIIA before agreeing to move forward with the repairs. If the town does go forward with the repairs, MIIA recommends letting them seek out and pay a contractor rather than paying the town and the town doing the same thing. They have a preferred list of contractors they use. The town’s deductible on the work would be $5,000 to be paid to MIIA who would pay the additional $65,000 for the work on all the buildings. Lynn Shaw of the cemetery committee asked the board to also make note of the Hearse house roof already being fixed by the a contractor with the historic building’s renovation. MIIA’s contractor would have to work around the work of the their contractor. Nancy Allen, Selectboard Chair, recommends that Legare, town coordinator Steve Boudreau, and herself meet with the private adjuster to see how to move forward with him reviewing the report from MIIA, and how to go about getting a second review of the roofs to be fixed. Selectman Fredrik Marsh asked what would be done if MIIA did handle working with a contractor, and what would be done if the contractor finds more damage than MIIA found. Boudreau said that it would be up to MIIA to solve that issue. termine how she planned to vote on it at the town meeting. Williamson asked what the board had done that was considered unconstitutional. At first no one would comment on the petition. It took board chair Dawn Magi specifically asking the only two present who had signed the petition, to comment on it before anything was said. Stephen Ruggiero, one of the two signers, and a candidate for selectboard, said it was because “[Town Coordinator] David [Young] stretches things sometimes,” and the purpose was to hold him and the board to state and federal regulations. “We already do that,” said Magi. Jon Calcari, who also signed the petition, remarked that there is nothing wrong with reaffirming the fact that the town will follow the state and federal regulations. While the specific reason for the petition was not make the meeting. The alternate date would be Saturday, May 7, and held at the town hall since the senior center will be hosting a spring craft fair. Chairman Bill Bembury also thanked the search committee, stating the importance of having an open process. Then he entertained a motion to dissolve the committee, which passed. Senior Housing Market Study Bembury met with Pam Parmakian, Director of Community Development at the Franklin County Regional Housing Authority, and they reviewed three contract proposals to study senior housing. LDS Consulting Group LLC out of Newton was the only instate bidder. LDS has also done studies for the surrounding towns in the area such as Belchertown, Conway and Sunderland. Erving has received a Community Development Block grant for $16,400 and LDS submitted a bid of $16,200. The contract is in the process of being finalized. At the annual town meeting (ATM) on May 2, Parmakian will speak on the details of the senior housing study at no cost to the town. Work is expected to be completed by December 2016. This has been a long time coming and Selectman Art Johnson expressed his relief it is moving closer to reality, although it will at least eight years before the town sees building. Glenn McCrory (highway department) will submit to Franklin Regional Council of Governments (FRCOG) a request for two traffic counters, one to be placed at the intersection of River and Pratt streets and Wild All Natural Schrod Haddock Fillets 4 99 lb. Save $1.70 Ruggiero noted that if the board chose to block the article then they would be doing exactly what the petition was trying to stop from happening. Young replied that town counsel has a better understanding of the law and how its interpretation has changed over time. “There is plenty of case laws that show that garbage doesn’t have to go on the town meeting warrant.” Williamson said that the article itself is unconstitutional and that when it gets to the state attorney general’s office it will be thrown out for being a reactionary waste of taxpayer time. She said she will motion to pass over it at town meeting. Ruggiero replied that the town should then let the attorney general decide what to do with it. “It’s their job to do it.” The town meeting is Monday, May 6, at 7 p.m. at the town hall. From Page 1 duces the chance that kids will spend their extracurricular time hanging around the downtown area and getting into trouble. Selectboard chair Kathy Reinig was present Tuesday night and praised the school committee for this decision. Neighboring Athol High School charges a sports user fee of $25 per person, per sport. The proposed assessment for member towns totals $5,781,452. With the exception of Petersham, which will see a 8.23 percent decrease in Erving ATHOL Save $3.00lb. Ocean Fresh voiced, both Ruggiero and Calcari, along with many of the other signers, were outspoken opponents to the selectboard’s ruling last summer to ban firearms from the town hall at the request of Young. Young stated that town counsel thought it was “meaningless” and that the selectboard can choose to not put it on the warrant if they wished based on it being redundant and not actionable. Despite that, town counsel does recommend it be on the warrant just so it can be explained tp those present how it is a meaningless pulpit piece. Town clerk Rosa Fratangelo read the Mass. General Law pertaining to citizen petitions, and though she admitted she is not a lawyer, she understood it to mean that if the selectboard chose to deny an article submitted by citizen petition then the entire town meeting could be declared null and void. Mahar $1,504 from Art, and $353 from the Music budget. Students and staff might have to bundle up a little more next year as $98,171 was cut from the heating budget. While $19,617 was cut from the athletic appropriations line, sports were mostly spared from the chopping block. Thomas had noted in the past that it is important to her that students not have to pay fees to participate in sports as it could eliminate many of the student body from being able to do so. By not requiring fees it re- From Page 1 their assessment ($780,682), all other assessments are increased. New Salem will see a 4.69 percent increase to $676,619, Orange will see a 1.66 percent increase to $3,997,282, and Wendell will see a 9.91 percent increase to $323,869. Haynes noted that only Wendell had an increase in enrollment. For the budget to pass at least three of the four member towns have to approve it; otherwise, it will be returned to the school committee. From Page 1 the other at Church and North streets. On the issue of siding for the town hall, McCrory stated the wood trim around the windows is rotten and needs to be replaced before siding can be done. There was some discussion over the color of trim and consideration of historical colors. Fire Chief Phil Wonkka stated he could drop off color samples. McCrory also stated this would be a turn-key job. Trash Stickers McCrory presented the board with samples of stickers that will be issued during Bulky Waste Disposal Days. Neon yellow stickers inform the homeowners of those items which need to be dropped off at the highway garage for a fee. It was suggested to add “or by appointment year round” to the sticker. The red/orange stickers indicate those items which are not eligible. Mill Site Study On April 28 at the Olver Transit Center in Greenfield, FRCOG will host a presentation by Tighe and Bond on the study it conducted for the town of Erving on the old mill site to inform interested neighboring communities about the possibilities for development of abandoned old mill buildings. Bembury will introduce Rebecca Shrerer from Tighe and Bond. Contract Overlap The board previously signed a contract with Milone and MacBroom, architects for the Usher Mill project, on April 15, which included Article 25 allowing amendments to the contract. The FRCOG, after reviewing the contract, noted there appeared to be overlap in the scope of the ser- vice being provided by both Milone and MacBroom and Tighe and Bond, project manager. Smith read aloud areas where overlap appears. The board was concerned about paying twice for the same services. The selectmen agreed the need to clarify and address the areas of overlap. However, given the time constraints of the grant, a motion by Johnson to sign the contract with the right to revisit the overlap passed. Waiver Request The board received a waiver request from Eversource for a change of work hours for work being done on Switching station, Northfield Mountain. In order to meet the deadline set for July, and to accommodate for unexpected encounters with lead and unidentified pipes, they are requesting work begin at 6 a.m. Monday through Friday and on Sundays 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. on 4/24, 5/1, 5/8, and 5/15. The motion to accept the waiver passed. Dog Shelter Agreement The selectmen signed an agreement with the Franklin County Sheriff’s Regional Dog Shelter for 2016-17. Animal Control Officer Art Johnson spoke in favor. For a minimal cost of $350 the shelter takes in the strays and takes care of placing the animals for adoption or returning them to their owners if they have imbedded chip identification. The board received and accepted a request from Todd Czernich to be appointed to the senior housing committee. (NOTE: More from this meeting will appear in the Thursday, April 28, edition of the Athol Daily News.) ONLY! Butter Quarters 1 99 16 oz. PKG. Save $3.00 Pepperidge Farm Goldfish 45 $ 6.6-7.2 oz. PKG. SALE NOW THRU SUNDAY MAY 1st for Page 6 ATHOL DAILY NEWS Wednesday, April 27, 2016 Hawks rout Celtics 110-83 By PAUL NEWBERRY AP Sports Writer ATLANTA (AP) — Talk about a stunning turnaround. The Atlanta Hawks couldn’t make anything. Then, suddenly, they couldn’t miss. Kent Bazemore got the Hawks rolling with three straight 3-pointers in the second quarter, letting out a scream after the last one dropped through, and Atlanta reclaimed the upper hand in its playoff series against the Boston Celtics with a 11083 rout Tuesday night. The Hawks had 19 points midway through the second quarter. Over the next 1 ½ quarters, they poured in 70 on the stunned Celtics, the scoreboard looking more like a slot machine. Asked if he had ever seen such a tale of two games, Kyle Korver shook his head and said, “Not in the playoffs, for sure. That’s quite the turnaround.” After losing two straight on the road, the Hawks moved ahead 3-2 in the series and could close it out Thursday night in Boston. If Game 7 is needed, it would be Saturday in Atlanta. For a while, it looked like the Celtics might be heading home for a potential clincher. The Hawks made only six of their first 34 shots, the sellout crowd’s moans growing louder with each miss. Boston pushed ahead 29-19 but wasn’t exactly lighting it up, either, missing a chance to build a bigger cushion. “We were struggling to make shots,” coach Brad Stevens said. “Yeah, it was a little frustrating. But I’m thinking, ‘If we continue to guard like this, we have a chance.’” Turns out, they had no chance. Coming out of a timeout in which mascot Harry the Hawk did a tribute to Prince and the arena was aglow in purple, the Hawks found their shooting touch. Boy, did they ever go crazy. Atlanta ripped off 11 straight baskets — five of them from beyond the arc — in a 28-8 run that put the home team in control before halftime. Mike Scott and Jeff Teague knocked down 3s before Bazemore swished three in a row in the space of about 90 seconds. Just like that, the double-digit deficit turned into a 10-point lead. Even though the run finally ended with Teague missing a shot at the halftime buzzer, the Hawks went to the locker room up 47-39. They FIGHT FOR IT — Atlanta Hawks forward Kent Bazemore (24) didn’t slow down a bit after the and Boston Celtics forward Amir Johnson (90) battle for conbreak, shooting 62 percent during trol of the ball in the first half of Game 5 of an NBA basketball Celtics Page 7 Price fans 14, Red Sox win 11-4 By CHARLES ODUM AP Sports Writer ton Red Sox beat Atlanta 11-4 on Tuesday night. The Braves have lost seven straight and set an Atlanta-era record by failing to hit a home run for the 15th straight game. Price said he wasn’t thinking about his strikeout total. “I don’t care about strikeouts,” he said. “I just want to go out there and pitch as deep as I can into games.” Price (3-0) allowed two runs on six hits in eight innings. The left- hander struck out the side in the eighth to match his career high. Price has won eight consecutive ATLANTA (AP) — David Price decisions. had a simple summary of his domiThe Braves’ streaks are all neganation of the overmatched Atlanta tive. Braves. The homer drought is the lon“I just executed whenever I was gest for the Braves in their 51 years ahead,” Price said. in Atlanta. It’s the franchise’s lonThanks to Travis Shaw, Price led gest span since a 16-game streak in the whole way. September, 1946, when the Braves Price matched his career high were based in Boston. Atlanta is with 14 strikeouts, Shaw hit a 1-12 at home. three-run homer in the first and Braves manager Fredi Gonzalez drove in five runs and the Bossaid his lineup lacks home-run hitters. “The home-run stuff, you can’t teach that,” Gonzalez said. Shaw hit a three-run homer off Matt Wisler (0-2) in the first and added a two-run double off Ryan Weber in Boston’s five-run ninth. While with Tampa Bay, Price also had 14 strikeouts at Toronto on Aug. 28, 2011. Xander Bogaerts had three hits, including a run-scoring double in the seventh, and stole two bases in Boston’s third straight win. The interleague series will continue with games in Boston on Wednesday and Thursday. The Braves (4-16) have hit only three homers, easily the fewest in the majors. Entering Tuesday’s games, every other team in the majors had at least 12. KING OF THE HILL — Boston Red Sox starting pitcher David The 1975 California Angels are Price throws in the first inning of a baseball game against the the only other team in the expansion era — since 1961 — to have Atlanta Braves Tuesday, in Atlanta. Price struck out 14 in the Red Sox 11-4 victory. AP Photo/David Goldman MLB Expanded Standings AMERICAN LEAGUE East Division W L Pct GBWCGB L10 Baltimore 11 8.579 — —4-6 Boston 11 9.550 ½ —5-5 Tampa Bay 10 10 .500 1½ 1 7-3 Toronto 1012 .4552½ 25-5 New York 8 11 .421 3 2½ 4-6 Central Division W L Pct GBWCGB L10 Chicago 15 6.714 — —7-3 Kansas City 12 8 .600 2½ — 4-6 Cleveland 9 9 .5004½ 15-5 Detroit 910.474 5 1½3-7 Minnesota 714.333 8 4½5-5 West Division W L Pct GBWCGB L10 Seattle 11 9.550 — —7-3 Oakland 1110.524 ½ ½7-3 Texas 1110.524 ½ ½5-5 Los Angeles 10 11 .476 1½ 1½ 5-5 Houston 615 .2865½ 5½2-8 NATIONAL LEAGUE East Division W L Pct GBWCGB L10 Washington 14 5.737 — —6-4 New York 12 7 .632 2 — 8-2 Philadelphia 1010 .5004½ 1½5-5 Miami 811.421 6 35-5 Atlanta 4 16 .20010½ 7½ 3-7 Central Division W L Pct GBWCGB L10 Chicago 15 5.750 — —7-3 Pittsburgh 12 9 .5713½ —7-3 St. Louis 11 9 .550 4 ½ 5-5 Cincinnati 912 .4296½ 33-7 Milwaukee 812.400 7 3½3-7 West Division W L Pct GBWCGB L10 Los Angeles 12 9 .571 — — 5-5 Arizona 1111 .5001½ 1½7-3 San Francisco 11 11 .500 1½ 1½ 4-6 Colorado 911 .4502½ 2½3-7 San Diego 7 14 .333 5 5 4-6 Sports Schedule Str Home Away L-1 8-2 6-3 W-5 4-4 8-3 W-1 5-5 5-5 W-3 2-7 6-4 L-7 1-12 3-4 Wednesday, April 27 Varsity Mahar girls track at Mohawk, 3:30 p.m. Athol boys track at Frontier, 3:30 p.m. Mahar baseball at Hopkins, 3:30 p.m. Athol baseball vs. South Hadley, 4 p.m. Athol volleyball vs. Dean Tech, 4:30 p.m. JV Mahar baseball at Hopkins, 3:30 p.m. Athol baseball vs. South Hadley, 4 p.m. Middle School MMS baseball vs. Hopkins, 3:30 p.m. Thursday, April 28 Varsity Athol softball at Mahar, 3:30 p.m. Athol baseball vs. Turners Falls, 3:30 p.m. JV Athol softball at Mahar, 3:30 p.m. Athol baseball vs. Turners Falls, 3:30 p.m. Middle School ARMS baseball at Turners Falls, 3:30 p.m. ARMS softball vs. Mahar, 3:30 p.m. Friday, April 29 Varsity Athol baseball at Mahar, 3:30 p.m. Mahar boys track vs. Sabis, 4 p.m. Athol volleyball vs. Ware, 5 p.m. JV Athol baseball at Mahar, 3:30 p.m. Athol volleyball vs. Ware, 4 p.m. Middle School ARMS softball vs. Gardner, 3:30 p.m. ARMS baseball vs. Mahar, 3:30 p.m. Saturday, April 30 Varsity Mahar softball at Murdock, 10 a.m. JV Mahar softball vs. Murdock, 12 p.m. Str Home Away W-2 5-2 10-3 W-3 5-3 7-6 W-1 5-4 6-5 L-3 8-5 1-7 L-1 5-6 3-6 DeRozan scores 34, Raptors rally for 3-2 lead over Pacers Str Home Away L-3 7-1 4-7 W-3 4-6 7-3 W-3 7-5 3-5 L-2 5-6 5-6 L-1 5-7 3-4 Str Home Away W-5 6-3 9-3 L-2 8-3 4-5 L-2 3-5 6-4 L-1 3-6 6-4 W-2 6-4 1-10 Str Home Away W-3 3-5 8-4 W-1 3-7 8-3 W-1 7-4 4-6 W-2 5-6 5-5 L-3 4-6 2-9 Str Home Away L-2 4-4 8-5 L-1 4-8 7-3 W-2 7-6 4-5 L-4 4-7 5-4 L-4 4-8 3-6 NASCAR adds penalties for missed lug nuts CHARLOTTE, N.C. (AP) — NASCAR has added mandatory fines and other penalties for teams caught without five lug nuts on each wheel. The move announced Monday comes less than a week after threetime series champion Tony Stewart urged NASCAR to take action. The series had stopped monitoring lug nuts during pit stops and some teams were using fewer than five, allowing them to send cars out faster in hopes of getting better position Red Sox Page 7 and a better finish. NASCAR can only check for every lug nut before and after a race, but may call a car back to pit road during a race. The series said a tire falling off in a Sprint Cup race due to “improper installation” would mean a minimum four-race suspension of the crew chief and other pit crew members involved. If lug nuts are found missing after a race, Cup teams face at least a $20,000 fine and a onerace suspension for the crew chief. TORONTO (AP) — DeMar DeRozan scored 34 points and the Toronto Raptors held on for a 10299 victory over the Indiana Pacers and a 3-2 lead in their first-round series Tuesday night when Solomon Hill’s 3-pointer was ruled after the buzzer. The Raptors overcame 39 points from Paul George and a 13-point deficit in the fourth quarter, getting 14 points from Kyle Lowry. Bismack Biyombo had 10 points and 16 rebounds for the secondseeded Raptors, who can clinch the first seven-game playoff series victory in franchise history by beating the Pacers in Indiana on Friday night. George Hill had 15 points and Myles Turner 14 for the Pacers, who led by as many as 17 and never trailed through the first three quarters before coming unglued in the fourth. first-round playoff series, Tuesday, in Atlanta. AP Photo/John Bazemore Deflategate saga far from over if Brady keeps fighting By ROB MAADDI AP Pro Football Writer Tom Brady won Round 1. The NFL won Round 2. Round 3, anyone? The “Deflategate” saga will continue if Brady insists on fighting his four-game suspension. There’s no reason to think he’s willing to accept it despite long odds to win another court battle and the possibility that more litigation can drag on into next year. Manhattan Judge Richard Berman overturned the suspension last September, allowing Brady to play the 2015 season. A threejudge panel of a federal appeals court ruled 2-to-1 on Monday in favor of the NFL and Commissioner Roger Goodell, reinstating the suspension. But that doesn’t mean the New England Patriots definitely won’t have their four-time Super Bowl champion quarterback the first month of the season. Here’s what can happen next: — The NFL Players Association has two weeks to ask the 2nd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in Manhattan to rehear the case or the union can request the entire 2nd Circuit hears it. If either agreed to do so, then the NFLPA could ask for a stay of Monday’s ruling and the court could agree or could turn down the request. — The union could appeal directly to the U.S. Supreme Court, though it’s unlikely the court would consider it. — Brady and the NFL could reach a compromise, change the terms of the punishment and reduce the suspension. The league wanted to negotiate a settlement with Brady from the start, but he was adamant he did nothing wrong and wanted to clear his name. A reduced suspension probably means Brady would have to agree to some wrongdoing and apologize for his failure to cooperate fully with the investigation by not turning over his cellphone. So far, Brady has refused to take this path. If the courts aren’t willing to hear his appeal, he may have no other choice than to sit down with Goodell and work out a solution. Griffin strong for 8 innings, Rangers beat Yankees 10-1 ARLINGTON, Texas (AP) — A.J. Griffin pitched eight strong innings, Mitch Moreland hit a bases-loaded two-run single during a five-run third and the Texas Rangers beat the New York Yankees 10-1 on Tuesday night. The Rangers ended a four-game skid, during which they totaled five runs. They were no-hit for six innings by Yankees right-hander Nathan Eovaldi on Monday night. In the third, Texas got all five runs with two outs after Prince Fielder was intentionally walked by Luis Severino (0-3) to load the bases. Ian Desmond walked, then Moreland hit his single. Desmond scored on a wild pitch, and Elvis Andrus had an RBI single. Griffin (3-0) allowed four singles and a walk and struck out five. Griffin, who didn’t pitch in the majors during the past two seasons following Tommy John surgery, has limited opponents to a .189 batting average in four starts. “I feel like I’m back, pretty much,” said Griffin, who was 14-10 in 2013 for the Oakland A’s before needing surgery. “My mechanics are sound. It’s pretty encouraging stuff.” “I’m proud of where he’s at right now based on the history,” Texas manager Jeff Banister said. “He’s been pretty impressive.” Desmond and Rougned Odor homered for Texas, and Andrus had three hits. Severino lasted only three innings, giving up seven hits, two walks and a wild pitch. He went into the game with the worst run support among AL starters, averaging 1.33 runs. Nomar Mazara, who turned 21 on Tuesday, had two singles and scored twice. Mazara, the majors’ youngest player, has hit safely in 11 of 14 games with six multihit games since being promoted from Triple-A Round Rock on April 10. Desmond had two hits and scored three runs — twice on wild pitches. He is hitting .448 with three home runs in his last eight games after hitting .091 with no homers in his first 12. One of Mark Teixeira’s two hits was a seventh-inning single off the glove of shortstop Andrus, playing on the right side of the infield in a shift, to score Brett Gardner. Ronald Torreyes had two hits while starting at third base with Chase Headley given the night off. He is 8 for 16 in eight games. TRAINER’S ROOM Yankees: Manager Joe Girardi said he hopes DH Alex Rodriguez (left oblique) can start in Wednesday’s series finale. Rodriguez hasn’t played since leaving the lineup during Sunday’s game. Rangers: LHP Cole Hamels (groin strain) said he hopes to start Saturday at home against the Angels after being skipped Monday. Hamels threw a 25-pitch bullpen session on Monday and said Tuesday that he felt good. UP NEXT Yankees LHP CC Sabathia (1-1) has allowed 20 hits and eight walks in 15 1/3 innings. Sabathia is 6-2 career vs. Texas despite a 5.04 ERA. The Rangers are 0-4 in starts made this season by LHP Martin Perez (02). In his only previous career start against New York, Perez allowed eight earned runs in one inning last July 28 in a 21-5 loss. ARMS girls earn 15-11 win at Gansett BALDWINVILLE — The Athol-Royalston Middle School softball team defeated Narragansett 15-11 on Friday. Jenna St. Cyr and Emma Simkewicz both homered to lead Athol to the victory. Kristina Sigurdsson and Lindsey LeBlanc split the pitching duties for the Marauders. Sigurdsson earned the win while LeBlanc picked up the save. Haley Wrigley excelled at first base with five unassisted putouts. On Thursday, ARMS dropped a 14-2 decision to Mohawk. Simkewicz belted two hits in the loss as Mohawk pitcher Lily Lesieur recorded 14 strikeouts. ARMS hosts Mahar on Thursday. WHATELY — The Mahar Middle School baseball team suffered a 5-4 loss to Frontier on Monday. Charlie Barnes tossed three strong innings, striking out five. Riley Drew fanned one and walked four in two innings of relief. Garrett Cole added one strikeout and two walks in an inning. Mahar pitchers allowed just one earned run. The Senators managed just two hits in the loss. Simon Powell singled and drove in two on the day. Eli Gonzalez also hit safely. MMS hosts Hopkins today. MMS boys fall short at Frontier 5-4 ATHOL DAILY NEWS Wednesday, April 27, 2016 Page 7 MLB: McCutchen smacks 3 HRs in win DENVER (AP) — Slumping outfielder Andrew McCutchen hit three homers and drove in five runs to help the Pittsburgh Pirates beat the Colorado Rockies 9-4 on Tuesday night. This was the second time McCutchen has gone deep three times in a game. He also accomplished the feat on Aug. 1, 2009, against Washington. The perennial All-Star entered the game in a 3-for23 funk on this road trip but rediscovered his swing. McCutchen hit solo shots in the first and second innings off starter Jorge De La Rosa (13). He also lined a three-run homer off reliever Christian Bergman in the sixth. The major league record for homers in a game is four, which has been done 16 times and last by Josh Hamilton in 2012. McCutchen had a chance to equal the mark in the eighth, but grounded out. Gerrit Cole (2-2) threw six innings and allowed four runs — two earned — to win his second straight start. WHITE SOX 10, BLUE JAYS 1 TORONTO (AP) — Chris Sale won again, pitching eight sharp innings and leading Chicago over Toronto for its fifth straight win. Sale (5-0) has won all of his starts this season and leads the majors in victories. The lefty ace has a 1.66 ERA. Sale carried a one-hitter into the seventh inning, retiring 13 straight batters before Edwin Encarnacion homered. Sale gave up four hits in eight innings, striking out six and walking two. Dioner Navarro hit a tworun homer and Avisail Garcia and Adam Eaton added solo shots for Chicago. The three home runs, 15 hits and 10 runs were all season highs for the White Sox. CUBS 4, BREWERS 3 CHICAGO (AP) — Addison Russell’s two-out, tworun triple in the sixth inning snapped a tie and Chicago held off Milwaukee to secure its best 20-game start since 1907. Anthony Rizzo added an RBI single in the seventh and Adam Warren (2-0) struck out three in two scoreless innings as the Cubs improved to 155, surpassing the 1969 club’s 14-6 start. The 1907 World Series-winning team began 16-4. Ryan Braun’s pinch-hit, two-run double off Pedro Strop in the eighth got the Brewers within a run. But Hector Rondon pitched a scoreless ninth for his fourth save. With a 16 mph wind blowing in and the wind chill 34 degrees at first pitch, runs were at a premium. Third baseman Aaron Hill’s fielding error to begin the sixth led to two unearned runs off Jimmy Nelson (3-2) in the Brewers’ fourth loss in five games. TWINS 6, INDIANS 5 MINNEAPOLIS (AP) — Miguel Sano singled in a run with one out in the ninth inning, giving Minnesota walkoff win over Cleveland. Minnesota rallied after Mike Napoli homered off Kevin Jepsen (2-3) in the top of the ninth to tie the game 5-5. It was Jepsen’s third blown save in five chances. The Twins came back against closer Cody Allen (02). Minnesota’s Brian Dozier doubled with one out in the ninth and intentionally walked Joe Mauer. Sano followed with a line drive to center field to score Dozier. Minnesota is now 6-4 at Target Field and 1-10 on the road. Twins starter Ricky Nolasco allowed four runs on five hits and struck out nine over 7 1/3 innings. MARLINS 6, DODGERS 3 LOS ANGELES (AP) — Giancarlo Stanton homered for the third straight game, hitting a go-ahead, three-run shot off Clayton Kershaw, and Miami rallied to beat Los Angeles for its third straight victory. The Marlins trailed 3-0 before scoring five runs in the sixth inning off Kershaw (2-1), capped by Stanton’s drive into the center-field bleachers. Kershaw’s five earned runs allowed in the inning were as many as he allowed in his first 35 innings to start this season. He hadn’t allowed five runs in an entire game in his last 30 starts. Kershaw finished with 10 strikeouts in seven innings but got his first loss in his last eight regular-season starts dating to last year. Tom Koehler (2-2) pitched five innings for the win and A.J. Ramos worked around a two-out, two-on jam in the ninth to close it out for the Marlins. METS 4, REDS 3 NEW YORK (AP) — Yoenis Cespedes returned from a leg injury to line a tying, three-run homer as a pinch hitter in the seventh inning off Brandon Finnegan, slumping David Wright had a go-ahead single later in the inning and New York rallied past Cincinnati for its 10th straight win against the Reds. Cespedes had missed three straight games because of a bruised right thigh and had fluid drained Monday. He electrified the small Citi Field crowd on a cool night when he rocketed a 93 mph fastball, the first pitch he saw from Finnegan, off the green wall that was the fence when the ballpark opened in 2009. Wright, who had been 1 for 17 with runners in scoring position, broke the tie later in the inning against Tony Cingrani (0-2). Logan Verrett (3-0) won in relief for the second straight day. Jeurys Familia closed for his seventh save in seven chances. ATHLETICS 5, TIGERS 1 DETROIT (AP) — Rich Hill allowed four hits in seven scoreless innings, and Oakland beat Detroit. Marcus Semien homered for the A’s, and Hill (3-2) breezed through Detroit’s righty-heavy lineup with little trouble. The left-hander struck out eight and wasn’t really in any jams after he escaped the first inning with two on. Mike Pelfrey (0-4) allowed five runs and nine hits in 6 2/3 innings and remains winless since signing with Detroit this past offseason. He allowed three runs in the fourth inning and then gave up Semien’s two-run shot with two out in the seventh. Justin Upton made a terrific catch in left field in the third, reaching above the wall on a drive by Oakland’s Chris Coghlan. The ball actually popped out of Upton’s glove, but he was able to gather it in before it hit the ground. RAYS 3, ORIOLES 1 ST. PETERSBURG, Fla. (AP) — Kevin Kiermaier hit a two-run homer and Tampa Bay beat Baltimore. After Steven Souza Jr. had a two-out single in the sixth, Kiermaier put the Rays up 3-1 on his two-run shot off Ubaldo Jimenez (1-2). Tampa Bay has won three in a row, with 11 of its 13 runs over the stretch coming with two outs. Reliever Enny Romero (10) gave up a hit in one-plus innings for win. Alex Colome got the final two outs to get his fifth save. GIANTS 1, PADRES 0 SAN FRANCISCO (AP) — Johnny Cueto pitched a seven-hitter for his seventh career shutout to outwork James Shields, and San Francisco beat San Diego. Cueto (4-1) struck out a season-high 11 batters, walked one and repeatedly pitched out of trouble to help the Giants to their seventh straight home win against the Padres. It was his 13th career complete game. Denard Span drove in the game’s only run with a twoout double in the fifth inning that scored Brandon Crawford. Alexei Ramirez had two hits for San Diego. The Padres were blanked for the sixth time this season. The matchup between the two former All-Stars lived up to the hype. Shields (0-4) remained winless despite giving up only three hits over seven innings. The Padres’ hard-luck ace did not allow a hit until Crawford’s leadoff single in the fifth but received no run support again. MARINERS 11, ASTROS 1 SEATTLE (AP) — Robinson Cano hit a grand slam and drove in six runs, Nathan Karns threw seven shutout innings and Seattle beat Houston. Cano reached 1,000 RBIs in his career with a two-run single in the fifth and then crushed his seventh-inning grand slam. Karns (2-1) allowed two hits and struck out six while walking three. Dallas Keuchel (2-3) pitched six innings of six-hit ball in the defeat. The lefthander allowed five runs while striking out five and walking two. The Mariners took the lead in the fourth on a run-scoring single by Nelson Cruz. ANGELS 9, ROYALS 4 ANAHEIM, Calif. (AP) — Johnny Giavotella drove in three runs with his first homer of the season, Mike Trout and Carlos Perez had two-run singles and Los Angeles beat Kansas City. Jered Weaver (3-0) allowed four runs and nine hits over six innings and struck out four. The Angels scored one more run than they totaled in the right-hander’s first three starts this season. Edinson Volquez (3-1) gave up eight runs and 12 hits in in five innings. The right-hander, facing the Angels for the first time since 2007, was coming off a 4-0 win over Detroit in which he allowed five hits through seven innings. Mike Moustakas homered and Jarrod Dyson hit a pair of RBI doubles for the defending World Series champions, who had six two-base hits altogether — all against Weaver. The franchise record is 11, set on Aug. 11, 2003 against the Yankees. PHILLIES 4, NATIONALS 3 WASHINGTON (AP) — Andres Blanco’s three hits included a two-run homer and he scored the go-ahead run on Maikel Franco’s seventhinning double, helping Philadelphia edge Bryce Harper and Washington. Jeanmar Gomez, Philadelphia’s fourth pitcher, got Harper to ground out to third with a man on first in the ninth to end the game and earn his fifth save. Before the game, Phillies manager Pete Mackanin spoke about “a theory” for how to pitch to reigning MVP Harper, who came in leading the NL in homers and RBIs. CARDINALS 8, DIAMONDBACKS 2 PHOENIX (AP) — Carlos Martinez gave up three hits in eight scoreless innings, Brandon Moss and Stephen Piscotty homered and St. Louis beat Arizona. Martinez (4-0) won for the fourth time in four starts. The 24-year-old right-hander held the Diamondbacks without a hit until David Peralta’s oneout single in the fourth. Moss had four hits, including a three-run homer in the fifth inning. Piscotty added a two-run shot in the seventh. Former Cardinal Shelby Miller (0-2) threw four scoreless innings before St. Louis broke through for five runs in the fifth. Still, it was a small step forward for Miller, who had battled control issues and hadn’t made it past the second inning in his previous two outings. Jake Lamb and Yasmany Tomas homered for Arizona off reliever Tyler Lyons in the ninth. THREE-RUN SHOT — Boston Red Sox’s Travis Shaw hits a three-run home run in the first inning of a baseball game off Atlanta Braves starting pitcher Matt Wisler, right, Tuesday, in Atlanta. AP Photo/David Goldman Red Sox from Page 6 hit as few as three home runs while playing 20 or more games in April, according to STATS. CATCH OF THE DAY Braves second baseman Daniel Castro made a spectacular catch of Mookie Betts’ blooper into shallow right field to set up a double play in the fourth. With Price on first base following a walk, Castro ran with his back to the infield and reached over his shoulder to catch the ball as he slid on the outfield grass. As he was sliding, the ball popped out of his glove, but Castro reached and grabbed the ball with his bare right hand before rising to throw to first base for the double play. “I felt the ball just kind of bounce off the tip of my glove and I just threw my right hand at it and I was able to catch it,” Castro said through a translator. Asked if he had ever made a similar catch, Castro said “To be honest, no.” BOW FOR BIG PAPI There was a video tribute for David Ortiz, making his last visit to Atlanta, after the first inning. Fans responded with an ovation which grew e-mail us Press releases, news tips, calendar items, and more! Send to: newsroom@atholdailynews.com louder when Ortiz popped out of the Boston dugout and tipped his cap, both to the fans and to the Braves dugout. Ortiz did not play. TRAINER’S ROOM Red Sox: RHP Carson Smith, on the 15-day DL with a right flexor muscle strain, is targeted for backto-back appearances with Triple-A Pawtucket on Friday and Saturday. Manager John Farrell said Smith could join the team as early as next week when the Red Sox play at the Chicago White Sox. ... LHP Eduardo Rodriguez (dislocated right kneecap) will make his first rehab assignment on Thursday at Pawtucket. UP NEXT Red Sox: RHP Steven Wright (1-2, 1.40) will make his first start against the Braves as the teams travel to Boston for two more games. Wright is coming off a win over Houston in which he threw 6 2/3 scoreless innings. Braves: RHP Bud Norris (1-3, 6.75) has allowed at least four runs in three straight starts. He is 2-3 with a 3.07 ERA in seven career starts against Boston. S&S447APPLIANCE Main St., Athol We Offer ALL MAJOR APPLIANCE SERVICE In Home & Shop Call 978-249-7535 Web Site www.ssappliance.com “SINGLE FAMILY - COUNTRY SETTING” (2) Mortgagee’s Sale of Real Estate WARWICK, MASSACHUSETTS To be sold on the premises known and numbered as 344 OLD WINCHESTER ROAD WARWICK, MA “Where Auctioneer’s Red Flag is displayed” *************************** FRIDAY, APRIL 29TH, 2016 Time of Sale: 4:00 & 5:00 P.M. REACH FOR IT — Atlanta Hawks guard Dennis Schroeder (17) reaches in to try to steal the ball from Boston Celtics guard Terry Rozier (12) during the second half of Game 5 of an NBA basketball playoffs first-round series Tuesday, in Atlanta. Atlanta won 110-83. AP Photo/John Bazemore Celtics a 42-point third quarter that turned the game into a rout. Scott led the balanced Hawks with 17 points, while Bazemore and Teague had 16 apiece. Evan Turner topped Boston with 15 points. “You get the crowd behind you, and then you make a few in a row,” Bazemore said. “The rim gets bigger and bigger.” Celtics star Isaiah Thomas, who averaged 35 points in two victories at Boston that evened the series, managed only seven points on 3-of-12 shooting. He hobbled off to the locker room in the closing minutes with a sprained left ankle. Thomas said it wasn’t anything serious, and he expects to be ready to go Thursday. There was no need to come back in this one, especially after the Hawks harassed Thomas all night with traps and double teams, making it clear they were going to put from Page 6 the scoring burden on the rest of the Celtics. “It should be a sign of disrespect to my teammates,” Thomas said. “Other guys have to step up and make plays.” The Hawks got a chance to rest their starters in the final quarter, too. Little-used players such as Kris Humphries, Kirk Hinrich and Lamar Patterson closed out the game for the home team. Humphries, playing in the series for the first time, even knocked down a couple of 3s. BOOS FOR ISAIAH Thomas was booed by the Atlanta crowd every time he touched the ball, the fans still mindful of an incident in Game 3 in which the guard took a swing at Atlanta’s Dennis Schroder. The Boston star was assessed a Flagrant 1 foul but avoided a suspension when the league office reviewed the incident. COURTSIDE Former Hawks owner Ted Turner was among those sitting in the front row for Game 5. Atlanta Falcons stars Julio Jones and Devonta Freeman were also in the house, along with several of their NFL teammates. TIP-INS Celtics: G Avery Bradley (hamstring) missed his fourth straight game and remains unlikely to return in the series. ... Jonas Jerebko, coming off two strong games in Boston, was held to six points and eight rebounds. ... Boston shot 37.7 percent (29 of 77) from the field, including 7 of 29 from beyond the arc. Hawks: All 13 players attempted at least one 3-pointer. ... Paul Millsap was held to 10 points coming off his 45-point effort in Game 4. ... Al Horford missed his first eight shots and finished with just six points on 2-of-11 shooting. OFFERING: A 1.25 Story Home with 2 Bedrooms, 1.5 Baths, situated on 16 Acres of land +/-... Do not miss this one!!! Also on Property a converted garage!!! *************************** Terms of sale: The highest bidder shall be required to pay FIVE THOUSAND AND 00/100 ($5,000.00) Dollars (for each sale) by certified, bank treasurers or cashiers check at the time and place of sale as a deposit. All bidders must exhibit said required deposit to the auctioneer immediately prior to the auction sale in order to qualify as a bidder. The balance of the purchase price is to be paid in cash or by certified, bank treasurers or cashier’s check within (30) days after the date of sale, at the Law Offices of David E. Silverman, Esquire, Silverman & Esposito, and 264 Main Street, P.O. Box 245, Oxford, MA 01540. Other terms to be announced at the sale... *************************** David E. Silverman, Esquire Silverman & Esposito 264 Main Street P.O. Box 245 Oxford, MA 01540 (508) 987-2707 *************************** Francis J. Trapasso & Associates Constables and Auctioneers 47 Harvard Street Worcester, MA 01609 (508) 798-0287 MA LIC: #252/NH LIC: #6125 www.ftrapasso.com Page 8 ATHOL DAILY NEWS Wednesday, April 27, 2016 Blood donations urged for Trauma Awareness Month DEDHAM — May is Trauma Awareness Month and the American Red Cross urges eligible donors to give blood or platelets to help ensure lifesaving blood products are available for trauma patients and others with serious medical needs. Each year, trauma accounts for approximately 41 million emergency department visits and 2.3 million hospital admissions in the U.S., according to the National Trauma Institute. A single-car accident victim can need as many as 100 units of blood. The Red Cross provides blood to approximately 2,600 hospitals nationwide, including 89 throughout the Massachusetts & Connecticut Blood Services Region. “It’s the blood products on the shelves that helps save lives in an emergency,” said Trish Sablitz, Director of Donor Recruitment for the Massachusetts & Connecticut Blood Services Region. “When seconds matter, having a readily available blood supply is critical to trauma patient care.” When there is not time to determine a patient’s blood type, such as in trauma situations, type O negative blood and type AB plasma are what emergency personnel reach for because they can be given to patients with any blood type. Less than 7 percent of the population has type O negative blood, and only about 4 percent of the population has type AB blood. Donors with these blood types are an important part of the trauma team and encouraged to donate as often as they are eligible. Donated blood helped save Diana Heredia’s life following a car accident. Suffering from four broken ribs, a lacerated liver and a punctured lung, Heredia received about five units of blood. “I was in pretty bad shape — hospitalized for about 28 days,” she said. “Ever since I’ve tried to recruit blood donors, have blood drives and give blood as much as possible.” Donors of all blood types are currently needed. Blood donation appointments can be scheduled by using the Red Cross Blood Donor App, visiting redcrossblood.org or calling 1-800-RED CROSS (1800-733-2767). A blood donor card or driver’s license or two other forms of identification are required when checking in. Individuals who are 17 years of age (16 with parental consent in some states), weigh at least 110 pounds and are in generally good health may be eligible to donate blood. High school students and other donors 18 years of age and younger also have to meet certain height and weight requirements. Blood donors can now save time at their next donation by using RapidPass to complete their pre-donation reading and health history questionnaire online, on the day of their donation, prior to arriving at the blood drive. To get started and learn more, visit redcrossblood.org/ RapidPass and follow the instructions on the site. TAG-A-TROUT — Despite the rain, a sizeable crowd made it out to the annual Tag-A-Trout event held at Gate 31 of the Quabbin Reservoir in New Salem recently. In total 250 of the planned 5,000 rainbow trout were deposited in the Quabbin that morning. Photo by Jared Robinson Trump, Clinton press closer to general election showdown By JULIE PACE AP White House Correspondent WASHINGTON (AP) — Bolstering his grip on the Republican primaries, Donald Trump prepared Wednesday for a general election showdown with Hillary Clinton, accusing the Democratic frontrunner of “playing the woman card” in her presidential campaign. Trump swept five states in Tuesday’s Northeast primaries, bringing him tantalizingly close to securing the Republican nomination against Texas Sen. Ted Cruz and Ohio Gov. John Kasich. Clinton, meanwhile, is now 90 ——— percent of the way to her On Dec. 26, 2006, former party’s nomination after President Gerald R. Ford four solid victories of her died in Rancho Mirage, own. California, at age 93. Trump, the Republican businessman, pushed forward with his charge LEGAL NOTICE that Clinton is “playing MORTGAGEE’S NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL ESTATE the woman card,” tellBy virtue and in execution of the Power of Sale contained in ing CNN’s “New Day” a certain Mortgage given by ERROL C. MORRIS to America’s in a telephone interview Moneyline, Inc., dated September 27, 2005 and recorded with Wednesday that “she does the Worcester County (Worcester District) Registry of Deeds at Book 37505, Page 382 subsequently assigned to Saxon Funding have the woman card” but Management, Inc. by America’s Moneyline, Inc. by assignment said that “a lot of women recorded in said Registry of Deeds at Book 37506, Page 1 sub- don’t like Hillary, despite sequently assigned to Deutsche Bank Trust Company Americas, the card.” as Trustee for Saxon Asset Securities Trust 2005-4, Mortgage Loan Clinton said during her Asset Backed Certificates, Series 2005-4 by Saxon Mortgage, Inc. Tuesday night rally in DBA Saxon Funding Management, Inc. by assignment recorded in said Registry of Deeds at Book 49398, Page 173; of which Philadelphia that Trump Mortgage the undersigned is the present holder for breach of had accused her of playing the conditions of said Mortgage and for the purpose of foreclos- the “woman card,” telling ing same will be sold at Public Auction at 1:00 PM on May 11, supporters, “if fighting 2016 at 295 Chestnut Hill Avenue, Athol, MA, all and singular the for women’s health care premises described in said Mortgage, to wit: and paid family leave and The land in Athol, Worcester County, Massachusetts, bounded equal pay is playing the and described as follows: Beginning at a stone bound at the ‘woman card,’ then deal westerly corner thereof in the easterly line of Chestnut Hill Ave- me in.” nue and 96 feet northeasterly from Lee Street at an intersection Trump, in an interview with said Chestnut Hill Avenue, thence southeasterly and at a with MSNBC’s “Morning right angle with said Chestnut Hill Avenue and by land formerly Joe,” said Wednesday he of Frank Herbeck 59.46 feet to a stone bound; thence southerly, making an exterior angle of 169 degrees 3’ and by land formerly hadn’t “quite recovered of said Herbeck seventy-five (75) feet to a stone bound at land — it’s early in the mornnow or formerly of Michael Finn; thence northeasterly by said ing — from her shouting Finn land about 61 feet to land now or formerly of Jennie D. Cot- that message. I know a ton; thence northwesterly by said Cotton land about 150 feet lot of people would say, to Chestnut Hill Avenue; thence southwesterly by said Chestnut ‘you can’t say that about a Hill Avenue 60.83 feet to the place of beginning. Also the land in said Athol on the east side of Chestnut Hill Avenue bounded and woman because of course described as follows: Beginning at the southwest corner of land a woman doesn’t shout.’ hereinabove described thence S. 47 degrees 12’ 54” E. 61.44 But the way she shouted feet to a stone bound in the driveway; thence S. 36 degrees 15’ that message was not ... I 50’ E. 74.03 feet to a stone bound; thence N. 38 degrees 33’ 34” guess I’ll have to get used W. 73.51 feet to a gun barrel set; thence N. 47 degrees 12’ 54” to it for the next four or W. 61.44 feet to a gun barrel set in the easterly line of Chestnut Hill Avenue; thence N. 42 degrees 30’ 04” E., 3 feet to the place five months.” The Republican race of beginning. See plan of land in Athol to be conveyed to Ethel F. Depratti scale 1”=20’, 20 September 1979, Berry Engineering, now turns to Indiana, Inc., Petersham, Mass., recorded in Worcester District Registry where next week’s primaof Deeds, Plan Book 468 Page 113. Being the same premises ry marks one of Cruz’s last conveyed to the grantee by deed recorded February 26, 2002, chances to slow Trump Book 26040, Page 390, Worcester County, Massachusetts Records. AKA: 295 Chestnut Hill Avenue Athol, MA 01331 The premises are to be sold subject to and with the benefit of all easements, restrictions, building and zoning laws, liens, attorney’s fees and costs pursuant to M.G.L.Ch.183A, unpaid taxes, tax titles, water bills, municipal liens and assessments, rights of tenants and parties in possession. TERMS OF SALE: A deposit of FIVE THOUSAND DOLLARS AND 00 CENTS ($5,000.00) in the form of a certified check, bank treasurer’s check or money order will be required to be delivered at or before the time the bid is offered. The successful bidder will be required to execute a Foreclosure Sale Agreement immediately after the close of the bidding. The balance of the purchase price shall be paid within thirty (30) days from the sale date in the form of a certified check, bank treasurer’s check or other check satisfactory to Mortgagee’s attorney. The Mortgagee reserves the right to bid at the sale, to reject any and all bids, to continue the sale and to amend the terms of the sale by written or oral announcement made before or during the foreclosure sale. If the sale is set aside for any reason, the Purchaser at the sale shall be entitled only to a return of the deposit paid. The purchaser shall have no further recourse against the Mortgagor, the Mortgagee or the Mortgagee’s attorney. The description of the premises contained in said mortgage shall control in the event of an error in this publication. TIME WILL BE OF THE ESSENCE. Other terms if any, to be announced at the sale. Deutsche Bank Trust Company Americas, as Turstee for Saxon Asset Securities Trust 2005-4, Mortgage Loan Asset Backed Certificates, Series 2005-4 April 20, 27, May 4, 2016 Present Holder of said Mortgage, By Its Attorneys, ORLANS MORAN PLLC PO Box 540540 Waltham, MA 02454 Phone: (781) 790-7800 13-018660 and push the race toward a contested convention. While Trump does need to keep winning in order to stay on his narrow path to the GOP nomination, he declared himself the party’s “presumptive nominee” after Tuesday’s results rolled in. “It’s over. As far as I’m concerned it’s over,” he declared. The real estate mogul now has 77 percent of the delegates he needs. Trump planned to deliver a foreign policy speech in Washington and then Clinton said of the GOP candidates. Trump’s victories came in Connecticut, Delaware, Maryland, Pennsylvania and Rhode Island. Clinton ceded only Rhode Island to Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders. Sanders, in an interview with The Associated Press, conceded he has a “very narrow path and we’re going to have to win some big victories.” In the Republican race, Cruz and Kasich are desperately trying to force Presidential candidates Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump. AP photos campaign in Indiana. The address at a downtown hotel is the first in a series of speeches the Republican front-runner is expected to give in the coming weeks, all with the goal of easing Americans’ concerns about his readiness for the presidency. Likewise, Clinton was eager to turn her attention to Trump. While Clinton advisers say they won’t underestimate Trump, as many of his vanquished Republican rivals did, her campaign sees opportunities to not only energize Democrats in an effort to keep him out of the White House but also appeal to Republicans turned off by the brash billionaire. “If you are a Democrat, an independent or a thoughtful Republican, you know that their approach is not going to build an America where we increase opportunity or decrease inequality,” a convention fight. The challengers have even taken the rare step of announcing plans to coordinate in upcoming contests to try to minimize Trump’s delegate totals. But that effort did little to stop Trump from a big showing in the Northeast, where he picked up at least 105 of the 118 delegates up for grabs. He now has 950 of the 1,237 delegates he needs to secure the nomination. Cruz spent Tuesday in Indiana, where Kasich’s campaign has withdrawn in an attempt to give the Texas senator a clear path. “Tonight this campaign moves back to more favorable terrain,” Cruz said during an evening rally in Knightstown, Indiana. Yet there’s no doubt the GOP is deeply divided by Trump’s candidacy. In Pennsylvania, exit polls showed nearly pears to be preparations for a live-fire drill. An official from the South’s Joint Chiefs of Staff, who didn’t want to be named, citing office rules, said the information came from an analysis of South Korean satel- lite imagery. It comes ahead of a crucial North Korean ruling party congress next month during which leader Kim Jong Un is expected to shake up the country’s political elite and announce major state goals in an effort to further consolidate his power. North Korea in recent weeks has repeatedly threatened to strike the presidential palace and government buildings in Seoul amid annual joint military drills between the United States and South Korea and heightened sanctions against North Korea over its recent nuclear test and long-range rocket launch. A pre-emptive largescale strike by North Korea against the South is highly unlikely. Such a move would risk bringing down Kim’s authoritarian rule given the likely military response of the U.S. and South Korea. N. Korea erects mock-up of Seoul presidential palace By TONG-HYUNG KIM Associated Press SEOUL, South Korea (AP) — South Korea said Wednesday that North Korea has built a half-size mock-up of the South’s presidential palace at a firing range in what ap- Man pleads guilty in punching death WORCESTER, Mass. (AP) — A Worcester man has pleaded guilty to causing another man’s death by punching him in the face, making him fall over and hit his head. Duamel Ocasio was sentenced to up to six years in prison after pleading guilty Monday to involuntary manslaughter in connection with the death of 51-year-old Saveng Vilayvanh in January 2014. The Telegram & Gazette reports that the 45-yearold Ocasio punched the victim during an argument. The victim fell and hit his head on the sidewalk. He died three days later of blunt force trauma to the rear of his head and brain injury. Defense lawyer David Cataldo, who called the death “an absolute tragedy.” Ocasio had previous convictions of assault with intent to murder and cocaine distribution. ——— On Sunday, April 24, 1970, the People’s Republic of China launched its first satellite, which kept transmitting a song, “The East Is Red.” 4 in 10 GOP voters said they would be excited by Trump becoming president, but the prospect of the real estate mogul in the White House scared a quarter of those who cast ballots in the state’s Republican primary. In another potential general election warning sign for Republicans, 6 in 10 GOP voters in Pennsylvania said the Republican campaign has divided the party — a sharp contrast to the 7 in 10 Democratic voters in the state who said the race between Clinton and Sanders has energized their party. The exit polls were conducted by Edison Research for The Associated Press and television networks. Democrats award delegates proportionally, which allowed Clinton to maintain her lead over Sanders even as he rattled off a string of wins in recent contests. According to the AP count, Clinton now has 2,141 delegates while Sanders has 1,321. That count includes delegates won in primaries and caucuses, as well as superdelegates — party insiders who can back the candidate of their choice, regardless of how their state votes. Sanders has vowed to stay in the race until voting wraps up in June. He continues to raise millions of dollars and attract big crowds, including Tuesday night in West Virginia, where he urged his supporters to recognize that they are “powerful people if you choose to exercise that power.” ——— Associated Press writers Catherine Lucey in Philadelphia, Michael Rubinkam in Hamburg, Pennsylvania, and Ken Thomas, Laurie Kellman, Chad Day, Stephen Ohlemacher and Hope Yen in Washington contributed to this report. ——— Follow Julie Pace on Twitter at: http://twitter. com/jpaceDC LEGAL NOTICE The Town of Phillipston will hold their Annual Town Meeting on Wednesday, May 4, 2016 at 7:00 pm in the gym of the Phillipston Memorial School, 20 The Common, Phillipston, MA. THE PHILLIPSTON BOARD OF SELECTMEN Thomas Brouillet, Chairman John Telepciak, Clerk Terrence Dymek, Vice Chairman April 20, 27, 2016 LEGAL NOTICE The New Salem Planning Board will hold a public hearing on May 4, 2016 regarding the special permit application by SBA Towers V, LLC, to continue to maintain and operate the wireless communications tower and accessory facilities located near 38 Blueberry Hill Road (Pacel ID: 403-50.1). The meeting will be held in the Stowell Building at 19 South Main Street, New Salem at 7:00 PM. Any persons interested or wishing to be heard on the application are welcome to appear at the time and place designated above. David Cramer, Clerk New Salem Planning Board April 20, 27, 2016 ATHOL DAILY NEWS Wednesday, April 27, 2016 Page 9 Today In History By The Associated Press THURSDAY, APRIL 28, 2016 Mercury Retrograde in Taurus Mercury turns retrograde in Taurus, the realm of finance. This transit promises to rock our ideas about value, fair exchange, quality and even time. Prepare to scrutinize and be scrutinized on the subject of money. There is much to be learned from the way we deal in this energy. What we perceive as valuable will likely change in the weeks to come. ARIES (March 21-April 19). The mild degree of weariness you may be feeling today is best described by the French word “ennui.” Luckily, all it will take is one interesting conversation to change all of that. TAURUS (April 20-May 20). You’ve great social foresight — you know when two people simply must meet and you make the introduction. The world will be forever altered because of the people you bring together. GEMINI (May 21-June 21). What if you were just as likely to succeed in a small matter as you were in a big one? What problem would you try to tackle in that case? Focus there because truly, the scale of things matters less than it logically should. CANCER (June 22-July 22). Your understanding of human motivation and behavior will save you from a hassle — that is if you act on your social instinct. There’s no room for self-doubt. Move forward in confidence! LEO (July 23-Aug. 22). Due to variables out of your control, it’s likely that you won’t be able to adhere to the schedule. You can, however, keep to an order of events. That’s the way to clarity and productivity. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22). There’s a great potential to waste money and an equal potential to strike a rather heroic deal. So before you buy what you need, ask around. Chances are that a friend, neighbor or family member has one you can borrow. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23). Just because you can enjoy a comfortable silence with someone you’re close to doesn’t mean you should do it too often. It would be pretty easy to stop trying to break new conversational ground. You’re too charming to let this happen. SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21). One relationship stands out from the rest today, either because it needs special attention or because it brings such fullness and joy to your world that you can’t help but focus on it. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21). The human condition can be so tragic. Because you’re willing and able to fully connect with your fellow human beings, you get your heart broken on a regular basis. It’s beautiful though. You wouldn’t have it any other way. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19). You could keep on asking questions forever, but nothing would get done. This is a time to stand in what you know and deliver results based on that for a while. Revisions can be made further down the line. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18). There have been times when you thought you were destined to always be the one who loves more, sacrifices greater and maximizes whatever small returns come of that. It turns out that’s not true. Prepare for huge love. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20). The day may include a tedious errand or a nasty bit of work, but none of it seems so bad because you’ve a song in your heart and a very intriguing project or person to spend your leisure time with later. TODAY’S BIRTHDAY (APRIL 28). The support you’ll receive from a gifted, creative and kind person will turn your world upside down. You’ll soak in the love and become powerful and strong through it. In July, you’ll pay it forward by being an advocate for another. August features travel, poetic justice and the start of an education that will be complete in 2018. Leo and Gemini adore you. Your lucky numbers are: 5, 3, 1, 9 and 18. COPYRIGHT 2016 CREATORS.COM Local Programming Wednesday, April 27 2:00 PM Erving Evangelical Church: Storms: April 3, 2016 2:30 PM Minister Tony Tona: Holy Spirit 3:00 PM Deer Impact 4:10 PM History of the Orange District Court Part 1 5:10 PM History of the Orange District Court Part 2 6:05 PM What’s the Buzz: Lyme Disease 6:50 PM Community Compact Signing Ceremony with Lt Governor Polito February 11, 2016 7:15 PM Introduction to the Community Foundation of North Central MA 8:00 PM Stepping Out with Lumphy: Athol Area YMCA 8:45 PM Solutions Rising: April 11, 2016 9:20 PM Americanism Night 2016 10:00 PM Stop the Pipeline - Update Show: April 12, 2016 10:30 PM Stop the Pipeline MA: Homeowners Speak Out: Barry, Winchendon 10:45 PM Stop the Pipeline MA: Homeowners Speak Out: State Rep. Paul Mark 11:00 PM Americas Army: Use of Television on the Battlefield 11:30 PM Veterans View Thursday, April 28 12:00 AM Democracy Now! 1:00 AM Mission St. Cong. Church: You Shall Not Bear False Witness: Part 2 1:30 AM Bethesda Ministries presents Straight Talk: The Passover Lamb Today is Wednesday, April 27, the 118th day of 2016. There are 248 days left in the year. Today’s Highlight in History: On April 27, 1986, a video pirate calling himself “Captain Midnight” interrupted a movie on HBO with a printed onscreen message protesting home satellite de-scrambling fees. (Captain Midnight turned out to be John R. MacDougall of Florida, who was fined and placed on probation.) On this date: In 1521, Portuguese explorer Ferdinand Magellan was killed by natives in the Philippines. In 1791, the inventor of the telegraph, Samuel Morse, was born in Charlestown, Massachusetts. In 1822, the 18th president of the United States, Ulysses S. Grant, was born in Point Pleasant, Ohio. In 1865, the steamer Sultana, carrying freed Union prisoners of war, exploded on the Mississippi River near Memphis, Tennessee; death toll estimates vary from 1,500 to 2,000. In 1891, Russian composer Sergei Prokofiev was born in present-day Ukraine. In 1925, the song “Yes, Sir! That’s My Baby” by Walter Donaldson and Gus Kahn was published by Irving Berlin, Inc. of New York. In 1938, King Zog I of the Albanians married Countess Geraldine Apponyi de Nagy-Apponyi. In 1941, German forces occupied Athens during World War II. In 1967, Expo ‘67 was officially opened in Montreal by Canadian Prime Minister Lester B. Pearson. Market watch 2:00 AM Erving Evangelical Church: Storms: April 3, 2016 2:30 AM Minister Tony Tona: Holy Spirit 3:00 AM Deer Impact 4:10 AM History of the Orange District Court Part 1 5:10 AM History of the Orange District Court Part 2 6:05 AM What’s the Buzz: Lyme Disease 6:50 AM Community Compact Signing Ceremony with Lt Governor Polito February 11, 2016 7:15 AM Introduction to the Community Foundation of North Central MA 8:00 AM Stepping Out with Lumphy: Athol Area YMCA 8:45 AM Solutions Rising: April 11, 2016 9:20 AM Americanism Night 2016 10:00 AM Stop the Pipeline - Update Show: April 12, 2016 10:30 AM Stop the Pipeline MA: Homeowners Speak Out: Barry, Winchendon 10:45 AM Stop the Pipeline MA: Homeowners Speak Out: State Rep. Paul Mark 11:00 AM Americas Army: Use of Television on the Battlefield 11:30 AM Veterans View 12:00 PM Democracy Now! 1:00 PM Stop the Pipeline - Update Show: April 12, 2016 1:30 PM Stop the Pipeline MA: Homeowners Speak Out: Michele, Groton 1:50 PM Stop the Pipeline MA: Homeowners Speak Out: Tom & Anne, Athol April 26, 2016 Dow Jones industrials 13.08 17,990.32 Nasdaq composite -7.48 4,888.31 Standard & Poor’s 500 3.91 2,091.70 Russell 2000 12.63 1,150.73 NYSE diary Advanced: Declined: 2,363 696 Unchanged: Volume: 98 3.5 b Nasdaq diary Advanced: 1,759 Declined: 1,016 Unchanged: Volume: 186 1.8 b AP TV Listings WEDNESDAY EVENING 6:00 6:30 7:00 7:30 BROADCAST STATIONS ^ WGBH # WFSB $ WBZ % WCVB _ WHDH 6 WWLP 9 WFXT F WSBK H WGGB L WGBX X WLVI Y WGBY ¥ WBPX PBS NewsHour (N) (s) Å Greater Boston (s) News CBS Eve- Inside Edining News tion (N) (s) WBZ News CBS Eve- Wheel of (N) Å ning News Fortune (N) NewsCen- ABC World NewsCenter ter 5 News 5 at 7 7 News at Nightly 7 News at 6PM (N) (s) News 7PM (N) (s) 22 News at Nightly Wheel of 6PM (N) News Fortune (N) FOX 25 News at 6PM Ent. Tonight (N) Å 2 Broke 2 Broke Big Bang Girls Å Girls Å Theory ABC40 at ABC World Family Feud 6pm News (N) Curious Curious Ask This George George Old House Everybody The Middle Modern Raymond (s) Å Family (s) World News PBS NewsHour (N) (s) Å CNN DISC ESPN LIFE NES NICK SPIKE TBS TCM USA 8:00 8:30 R. Steves’ Nature Cameras reveal Europe details about owls. (s) Ent. Tonight Survivor “It’s a Me Game, Not a We Game” Jeopardy! Survivor “It’s a Me Game, (N) Å Not a We Game” Chronicle The Middle The GoldÅ (N) (s) bergs (N) Extra (N) Heartbeat A former patient (s) Å is in a car crash. Jeopardy! Heartbeat A former patient (N) Å is in a car crash. TMZ (N) (s) Rosewood (N) (s) Å Å Big Bang The Closer “Red Tape” Theory (s) Å Family Feud The Middle The Gold(N) (N) (s) bergs (N) Test Kitchen The Doctor Blake Mysteries “Mortal Coil” (s) Modern Arrow The team deals with Family (s) Laurel’s death. (N) Connecting Nature Cameras reveal Point Å details about owls. (s) Law & Order A TV network Law & Order “Sects” Law & Order “Tombstone” executive is killed. (s) Å (s) Å CABLE STATIONS A&E APRIL 27, 2016 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 The National Parks: America’s Best Idea National Park Service is established. Å (DVS) Criminal Minds “Awake” Criminal Minds: Beyond Å (DVS) Borders (N) (s) Å Criminal Minds “Awake” Criminal Minds: Beyond Å (DVS) Borders (N) (s) Å Modern blackish Nashville Rayna tries to Family (s) (N) (s) reunite with Maddie. (N) Law & Order: Special Chicago P.D. (s) Å (DVS) Victims Unit (s) Law & Order: Special Chicago P.D. (s) Å (DVS) Victims Unit (s) Empire Lucious tries to FOX 25 News at 10PM return as Empire’s CEO. (N) Å The Closer Deputized by WBZ News (N) (s) Å the FBI. (s) Å Modern blackish Nashville Rayna tries to Family (s) (N) (s) reunite with Maddie. (N) Doc Martin Louisa’s ex Mary Tyler Moore: A arrives from London. (s) Celebration (s) Å Supernatural “The Chit- 7 News at 10PM on CW56 ters” (N) (s) Å (N) (s) Å The National Parks: America’s Best Idea National Park Service is established. Å (DVS) Law & Order A porn Law & Order “Sport of actress is killed. (s) Å Kings” A jockey is shot. Charlie Rose (N) (s) Å News Late Show-Colbert WBZ News Late (N) Å Show-Colbert NewsCen- Jimmy ter 5 Kimmel 7 News at Tonight 11PM (N) Show 22 News at Tonight 11PM (N) Show FOX 25 TMZ (s) Å News Seinfeld Seinfeld Å (s) Å ABC40 at Jimmy 11pm Kimmel PBS NewsHour (N) (s) Å Family Feud Family Feud (N) (N) Charlie Rose (N) (s) Å Law & Order “In God We Trust” (s) Å The First 48 “Calling for a Movie: ›› “Walking Tall” (2004) The Rock, Johnny Movie: ››‡ “Terminator Salvation” (2009) Christian Killer; Boiling Point” Knoxville. (s) Å Bale. Premiere. (s) Å Erin Burnett OutFront (N) Anderson Cooper 360 Anderson Cooper 360 Erin Burnett OutFront “Election 2016” Special Election (N) Å (N) Å 2016 coverage. (N) Bering Sea Gold “Pres- Bering Sea Gold Shawn Bering Sea Gold: Bering Sea Gold “Rock To Be Announced Bering Sea Gold “Rock sure” (s) Å deals with a setback. (s) Dredged Up (N) Å Bottom” (N) (s) Å Bottom” (s) Å SportsCenter (N) (Live) Baseball Tonight (N) MLB Baseball: New York Yankees at Texas Rangers. Globe Life Park. (N) (Live) SportsCenter (N) (Live) Å Å (Live) Å Little Women: LA Terra Little Women: LA Terra Little Women: LA Å Little Women: LA The Terra’s Little Terra’s Little Little Women: LA The confronts Christy. Å and Tonya celebrate. women reunite. (N) Family Family women reunite. Å Red Sox Red Sox MLB Baseball: Atlanta Braves at Boston Red Sox. Fenway Park. (N) (Live) Extra In- Red Sox Sports To- Sports First Pitch GameDay nings Live Final (N) day LIVE Today Henry Dan- Henry Dan- The Thun- The Thun- Nicky, Ricky Paradise Full House Full House Full House Full House Friends (s) Friends (s) Å Å ger Å ger Å dermans dermans Run Å (s) Å (s) Å (s) Å (s) Å (5:00) Movie: ››‡ “Escape Plan” (2013) Sylvester Movie: ›› “The Expendables” (2010) Sylvester Stallone, Jason Movie: ››‡ “The Expendables 2” Stallone, Arnold Schwarzenegger. (s) Statham. (s) (2012) Sylvester Stallone. (s) Seinfeld Seinfeld Seinfeld Seinfeld Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Conan Actor Jerrod Carmi“The Note” (s) Å “The Dog” (s) Å Theory Theory Theory Theory Theory Theory chael. (N) Å Movie: ›››‡ “The World of Henry Orient” (1964) Movie: ›››› “Pandora’s Box” (1929) Louise Brooks, Fritz Movie: ››› “Diary of a Lost Girl” Peter Sellers, Tippy Walker. Å Kortner. (1929) Louise Brooks, Fritz Rasp. NCIS Tracking one of NCIS Faulty bulletproof NHL Hockey: Conference Quarterfinal: Teams TBA. (N) (Live) NCIS: Los Angeles “Exit Parsa’s cohorts. (s) vests are discovered. Strategy” (s) The First 48 Carjacking killers; deadly argument. The Situation Room (N) In 1973, Acting FBI Director L. Patrick Gray resigned after it was revealed that he’d destroyed files removed from the safe of Watergate conspirator E. Howard Hunt. In 1982, the trial of John W. Hinckley Jr., who had shot four people, including President Ronald Reagan, began in Washington. (The trial ended with Hinckley’s acquittal by reason of insanity.) In 1992, the new Federal Republic of Yugoslavia was proclaimed in Belgrade by the republic of Serbia and its lone ally, Montenegro. Russia and 12 other former Soviet republics won entry into the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank. Betty Boothroyd became the first female Speaker of Britain’s House of Commons. Ten years ago: Construction began on the 1,776-foot Freedom Tower at the site of the World Trade Center in New York City. The publisher of the teen novel “How Opal Mehta Got Kissed, Got Wild and Got a Life” pulled the book off the market after its author, a Harvard student, said she had unintentionally lifted numerous passages from another writer. Five years ago: Powerful tornadoes raked the South and Midwest; according to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, more than 120 twisters resulted in 316 deaths. An Afghan officer, Col. Ahmed Gul, killed eight U.S. airmen and one U.S. civilian during a routine meeting at an Afghan air force headquarters compound in Kabul; Gul died in an exchange of fire that followed his attack. Responding to critics’ relentless claims, President Barack Obama produced a detailed Hawaii birth certificate in an extraordinary attempt to bury the issue of where he’d been born and confirm his legitimacy to hold office. Tony Awardwinning “Promises, Promises” actress Marian Mercer, 75, died in Thousand Oaks, California. One year ago: Rioters plunged part of Baltimore into chaos, torching a pharmacy, setting police cars ablaze and throwing bricks at officers hours after thousands attended a funeral for Freddie Gray, who died from a severe spinal injury he’d suffered in police custody; the Baltimore Orioles’ home game against the Chicago White Sox was postponed because of safety concerns. Opening statements took place in Centennial, Colorado, at the trial of movie theater shooter James Holmes. Loretta Lynch was sworn in as the 83rd U.S. attorney general, the first African-American woman to serve as the nation’s top law enforcement official. Today’s Birthdays: Actress Anouk Aimee is 84. Rock musician Jim Keltner is 74. Rhythm-and-blues singer Cuba Gooding is 72. Singer Ann Peebles is 69. Rock singer Kate Pierson (The B-52’s) is 68. Rhythm-andblues singer Herbie Murrell (The Stylistics) is 67. Actor Douglas Sheehan is 67. Rock musician Ace Frehley is 65. Pop singer Sheena Easton is 57. Actor James Le Gros is 54. Rock musician Rob Squires (Big Head Todd and the Monsters) is 51. Singer Mica Paris is 47. Actor David Lascher is 44. Actress Maura West is 44. Actress Sally Hawkins is 40. Rock singer Jim James (My Morning Jacket) is 38. Rock musician Patrick Hallahan (My Morning Jacket) is 38. Rock singer-musician Travis Meeks (Days of the New) is 37. Neo-soul musician Joseph Pope III (Nathaniel Rateliff & the Night Sweats) is 37. Country musician John Osborne (Brothers Osborne) is 34. Actress Ari Graynor is 33. Rock singermusician Patrick Stump (Fall Out Boy) is 32. Pop singer Nick Noonan (Karmin) is 30. Actor William Moseley is 29. Actress Emily Rios is 27. Singer Allison Iraheta is 24. Thought for Today: “Fear not those who argue but those who dodge.” — Dale Carnegie, American writerlecturer (1888-1955). Duck race winner has world option HARVARD, Mass. (AP) — A rotary club in a small Massachusetts town of 6,000 residents is gearing up for its annual rubber ducky race where the winner’s prize is a free dinner for two anywhere in the world. The Boston Globe reports that the winner of Harvard’s Ducky Wucky River Race will receive free airfare, a two-night stay at a hotel and the fancy dinner. The Ayer Rotary Club will kick off the festivities on May 7, when a large construction vehicle will dump thousands of numbered ducks into the Nashua River to float downstream. Last year’s champion dined in Venice, Italy. Rotary member Jason Kauppi says past winners have traveled as far as Paris, Tokyo and Australia. Authorities release name of shooter LAWRENCE, Mass. (AP) — Authorities have released the name of the Lawrence man they say shot his girlfriend and exchanged gunfire with police before killing himself inside the apartment the couple shared. The Essex district attorney’s office on Wednesday identified the man as 34-year-old Antonio Gonzalez. Police responded to the Melrose Street scene around noon Tuesday for a report of shots fired. Mayor Daniel Rivera says responding officers were fired upon, and at least one officer returned fire. Gonzalez, armed with a rifle, barricaded himself inside the apartment. His 36-year-old girlfriend was taken to the hospital with critical injuries. Authorities said Wednesday that she remains alive. Her name was not disclosed. Mass. GOP gears up to select delegates BOSTON (AP) — An intense, behind-the-scenes battle is underway as Massachusetts Republicans gear up to select delegates to the National Republican Convention. The possibility that Republican front-runner Donald Trump will fail to win the nomination on a first ballot has the two remaining GOP presidential hopefuls — Texas Sen. Ted Cruz and Ohio Gov. John Kasich — scrambling to line up delegates who would support them on a second vote. On Saturday, Republicans will scatter across Massachusetts to elect 27 of the state’s 42 GOP delegates — three each in caucuses held in the state’s nine congressional districts. State will not pursue eviction of Iraqis SAUGUS, Mass. (AP) — State officials have abandoned plans to evict a family of nine Iraqi refugees now living in suburban Boston for allowing guests in their statesubsidized motel room. The Boston Globe reports state policy prohibits homeless residents staying in state-subsidized hotel rooms from having visitors. Ahmed al Rubaye says members from the Massachusetts Department of Housing and Community Development visited his family’s rooms at the Colonial Traveler Inn in Saugus on Friday and accused them of violating the emergency shelter policy. Agency officials declined to comment. The alleged violations were for allowing two friends of the family to visit as well as a Globe reporter and photographer who were profiling the family’s struggles. Reporter jailed to spend year as fellow CAMBRIDGE, Mass. (AP) — The Washington Post reporter who was detained for more than 18 months in Iran after being accused of espionage will spend the coming year at Harvard University as a Nieman journalism fellow. The Boston Globe reports Jason Rezaian will study “what the new arc of US-Iran relations means for American foreign policy in the Middle East” while at Harvard. Rezaian was arrested in July 2014. He remained jailed until January, when he was released as part of a prisoner exchange between the U.S. and Iran. Iranian officials never specified why Rezaian was targeted. He denied the charges. Developers chosen for MBTA project QUINCY, Mass. (AP) — The Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority has chosen two developers for the transit agency’s forthcoming mixed-use project based around the Red Line’s North Quincy Station. The Boston Globe reports the MBTA Fiscal and Management Control Board unanimously voted to grant lease rights for the development to a joint venture of Marylandbased Bozutto Development and Hingham-based Atlantic Development. Bozutto/Atlantic’s winning bid would pay the MBTA approximately $230 million over the course of a 99-year lease for the $205 million project. Plans call for the construction of 579 housing units, retail space and a 1,307-space parking garage on the 295,000-square-foot property. ——— On Sunday, April 17 1991, the Dow Jones industrial average closed above 3,000 for the first time, ending the day at 3,004.46, up 17.58. For Home Delivery Call 978-249-3535 FLINT’S AUTO REPAIR COMPLETE AUTO REPAIR 990 South Main St., Athol CALL 978-249-4246 DOMESTIC & MOST FOREIGN VEHICLES Specializing In Subarus Here’s How It Works: Complete the grid so that every row, column and 3x3 box contains every digit from 1 to 9 exclusively. Answer On Page 10 Page 10 ATHOL DAILY NEWS Wednesday, April 27, 2016 Call Us 978-249-3535 Classified Advertising CLASSIFICATION INDEX Antiques Apartments For Rent Appliances ATV’s Auctions Auto Parts and Acces. Autos For Sale Bicycles Boats and Marine Equip. Building Materials Business Opportunities Business Property Campers, RV’s, Trailer’s Camping Equipment Child Care Christmas Trees, Trims Computers Feed, Seed, Plants Financial Fishing Equipment Firewood For Sale Fruits and Vegetables Fuel Furniture 46 75 34 11 62 8 7 16 14 36 69 80 13 17 58 70 50 30 6 20 40 29 38 32 Garage & Tag Sales Heating and Air Cond. 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Apply in person at 410 Daniel Shays Highway, New Salem. 68 Situations Wanted HOUSE CLEANING Reasonable rates Available anytime Flexible to your needs Will do errands Call Tina (978)407-4472 or (978)830-4579 Business 69 Opportunities BE YOUR OWN BO$$!! Process medical claims from home on your computer. Call the Federal Trade Commission to find out how to spot medical billing scams. 1(877) FTC-HELP. A message from the Athol Daily News and the FTC. Business 69 Opportunities HILLCREST PLAZA— First month free. 550, 815, 1,356 Square Ft. Great Location, excellent parking. Contact Don. (978)544-3770. 75 Apartments for Rent ATHOL— 3 rooms furnished. 2nd floor. Heat, hot water and rubbish removal. No pets. $600/ month (978)249-9093 8am- 8pm. ATHOL— First floor, 1 bedroom, newly remodeled. Heat included. Off street parking. Available now. (508)335-2107. ORANGE— 1 bedroom. Off street parking, rubbish removal, private entry. First, last, security, references. $530/ month. (978)249-5184 or (978)2498019. ATHOL— 2- 3 bedroom, from $795. Verifiable income. Including hot water. Clean, parking. No dogs. Near new library. (978)297-3149 or (978)9436208. ATHOL— Two bedroom, fresh renovation. First floor. W/D hookup. Garage, No Pets. $790 monthly. Includes heat. (978)249-6797. ATHOL— Spacious three bedroom. Large backyard. Off street parking. Washer/ dryer hookup. No pets. $725/ month. First, last and security. Call Bryan (413)835-5589. ORANGE— Two rooms in a house, shared kitchen and bath. $150 per week. (413)204-9828. ATHOL— Large 2 bedroom with washer drier hookups. Off street parking. $725. (781)879-3736. UPTOWN ATHOL— Large 2 bedroom completely renovated, refinished hardwood floors. $800 per month. Heat, appliances and trash removal included. Laundromat in building. 1st, last and good credit required. Available April 15th. (508)272-2300. HISTORIC ROYALSTON— Large studio apartment. Full bath, full kitchen. Includes electric, hot water and satellite TV. Recent upgrades. $600/ month. 10 minutes from Athol, 20 minutes from Gardner. (978)2496340, leave message. 2 BEDROOMS— Recent bathroom and kitchen. Huge bedrooms and walk-in closet. $775 per month with heat and hot water included. No pets, no smoking. Owner Broker. Cetto Real Estate. (978)249-2303 Or (978)895-2432. KNOCK OUT 1 BEDROOM— New kitchen with glass tiled back-splash. 19' bedroom with double closets. Just done bathroom. Designer inspired color palette throughout. $750 per month, heat included. No smoking, no pets. Owner Broker, Cetto Real Estate. (978)2492303 or (978)895-2432. CONDO— In Athol. Sunny eat-in kitchen, livingroom. Upstairs two bedrooms and bath. No smoking. Two off street parking spaces. Includes water, sewer, trash and parking space snow removal. Coin-op laundry available. $725 per month. First, last, and verifiable income. Two references. Call (978)724-0256. ATHOL— Two Bedroom, 2nd floor, fantastic view of Millers R i v e r . E n v i r o n m e n t a l P a r k. Washer drier hookup. References and security required. (978)430-4933. ATHOL— Second floor, two bedroom. No pets. $700 per month, no utilities. (978)249-0345. Notices Ads May Be Sent Via Email classified@ atholdailynews.com By Fax (978)249-9630, By Phone (978)249-3535, In Person 225 Exchange St., Athol Or By Mail Athol Daily News P.O. Box 1000 Athol, MA 01331 Attn: Classified Advertising LOOKING for the perfect job? Look no further than the Classifieds! www.atholdailynews.com Puzzle On Page 9 ATHOL DAILY NEWS <datehere> Page 11 ATHOL DAILY NEWS Wednesday, April 27, 2016 Page 11 Visit Our Web Site http://www.atholdailynews.com Classified Advertising Ask the Guys Dear Classified Guys, When it comes to cars, I've learned that one man's junk is another man's treasure. My dad loved old cars, the older the better. I'm not talking about classic cars or hot rods. He loved the old clunkers. He had a barn where he collected six or seven old cars from the late 60's and 70's. Most of them ran, but certainly not road worthy. When he passed away a few months back, it was my job to clean them out of the barn. At first I was going to pay a wrecker to tow them away, but then I placed a classified ad hoping someone might want them and make me an offer. Surprisingly, one guy saw my ad and called a few of his friends. By the weekend, these guys drove across three states with trailers to pick up these cars for use in a demolition derby. I got $150 for each car! I couldn't believe it. One guy told me that in the world of smashing cars, these vehicles were valuable, except he didn't explain why. Can you elaborate why they would want these old cars destined for the junk pile? • • • Cash: Some motor sports create a huge following whether it's NASCAR, Fast Facts Parting Out Preparing for a demolition derby is not nearly as haphazard as the event. A typical demolition car is stripped of all interior fixtures, trim, plastic, lights, glass, etc. This includes the dashboard and extra seats. Then the engine's radiator, battery and gas tanks are typically relocated to the center of the vehicle for protection. Doors are welded shut, extra metal is trimmed from the wheel wells and bumpers are removed. Additionally, roll bars and fire extinguishers are usually added. Duane “Cash” Holze & Todd “Carry” Holze 04/24/16 © The Classified Guys® monster trucks or demolition derbies. Carry: Nowadays most motor sports require a large investment to participate. Many of the titleholders in the racing circuit require sponsors to fund their automobiles. Even a monster truck can run you six figures, not to mention all the engineering expertise you will need. Cash: On the other hand, the demolition derby is considerably different. The events are typically smaller and the startup costs usually involve more bravery than monetary investment. In fact, a cheaper vehicle is preferred since most of them don't last past the event. Carry: The idea of a demolition derby is to be the last car in the ring that isn't disabled or demolished. That's where your dad's old cars are indispensable. Cash: Vehicles built prior to about 1977 were designed larger and heavier with much more steel than cars today. Combined with their heavy-duty gasguzzling engines, these cars have a better chance of survival in a demolition derby. Carry: As time goes on, finding these older cars has become more and more difficult. Participants are traveling longer distances and paying more to get them. Cash: It's good that you found your dad's old cars a new home. However, it looks like their last few miles will be the toughest they've ever been driven! Repeating History Demolition derbies are believed to have started in the 1950's and grown through much of the 60's and 70's. During the height of the sport's popularity, ABC's Wide World of Sports broadcasted the World Championship Demolition Derby on national television. Through the 80's and 90's, interest in the derby declined due to the lack of television coverage and availability of older cars. However, in past years, cable TV channels and reality shows, combined with a new aging fleet of minivans and compact cars, has once again given life to the sport of demolition derbies. Reader Humor On Patrol As a highway patrol officer, I'm prepared for almost anything, or at least I thought I was. I recently stopped a rental truck with a broken tail light. As I approached the driver, the gentleman asked, "Was I speeding?" "No sir," I told him. "You have a broken tail light". He seemed surprised since he stopped for gas about 20 miles back and checked to make sure everything was working. He then exited the car to inspect for himself. When he reached the rear of the truck, I heard him shriek, "I don't believe it!" "Don't worry," I said trying to calm him. "I'll let you off with a warning." "It's not that," he replied in shock. "When I left the gas station, I was pulling a trailer!" (Thanks to Officer Daniel B.) Laughs For Sale This Range Rover seems a little odd. For Sale nly ge Rover, O tR 1990 S an Great Shape, 82K miles, Owner. Original www.ClassifiedGuys.com New Homes • Kitchens & Bath Remodeling Well Systems • Service & Repair Hydronic Heating Systems Montalbano Real Estate Janis Montalbano Bruce Raulston CRB, CRS, GRI, ABR Experience, Loyalty, Professionalism Cell (978)652-2164 • (978)249-6786 janis@montalbanorealestate.com www.montalbanorealestate.com Plumbing & Heating MA J#23699 Tel: 978-249-3339 Fax: 978-249-3329 Cell: 978-413-4498 84 Wilder St. Athol, MA 01331 At ho lD ai ly PR O New O s F TAG SALE SEASON IS HERE AND SO IS OUR SPECIAL TAG SALE SECTION! Get rid of all the clutter you’ve wanted to get rid of all winter. Help Wanted 66 Quabbin Valley Healthcare Now Hiring CNAs New Wage Grid! Plus earn an additional $3.00 per hour shift differential for 3-11, 11-7 and all weekend shifts. We are hiring all shifts, full-time, part-time, and per diem availability. Base Wages between $12.50 (for newly certified aides)-16.00 per hour (before shift differential) based on years of experience. Stop in to fill out an application or email your resume to: Cathy Riddell at criddell@qvhc.com. Visit qvhc.com EOE YOUR AD WILL RUN IN EVERY FRIDAY AND SATURDAY’S ISSUE. DEADLINE IS EVERY THURSDAY AT 10:30 A.M. All Ads Run 2 DAYS For Only $1500 Includes 2 signs & labels Ads must be PREPAID and 20 words or less (Minimum of 3 Ads Needed To Run The Special) To Place an ad, stop by the Athol Daily News, 225 Exchange St., Athol or Call (978) 249-3535 Permit may be required. Please check with your Town Hall. 75 Apartments for Rent ATHOL— Three bedroom, 2nd floor. In good neighborhood. Washer drier hookup. Reference and security. (978)430-4933. ATHOL— 1 bed for $550.00 (hot water included), 2 Bed fo r $595.00+, 4 Bed for $750.00+, 3 bed for $695.00 See Videos and Apply at: PayLowRent.com 75 Apartments for Rent ATHOL— 2 bedroom townhouse apartment. Uptown, deadend street. Washer dryer hookups. Off street parking. No smoking. $750. (978)345-2411 YOU WILL GET what you want when you find it in the Classifieds, (978)249–3535 between 8am and 5pm Monday thru Friday. 821 Daniel Shays Highway Athol, MA 01331 qvhc.com | p: (978) 249-3717 | f: (978) 249-3902 Short-Term Rehab, Alzheimer's Care, Long-Term Care Part Time Office Assistant • Experience with customer service • Well organized and comfortable with muli-tasking • Outgoing, friendly demeanor • Experienced with Word, Excel and PowerPoint • Knowledge of QuickBooks a plus Please send questions and resumes to: admin@kesslerinvestments.com or contact us at 978-249-2837 Securities offered through Founders Financial Securities, LLC Member FINRA, SIPC and Registered Investment Advisor 80 Business Property ATHOL— Approximately 2,000 sq. ft. of ground floor, professional space. Call Wes 978-8951076. 83 Vacation Rentals LUXURY OCEANFRONT— Condo, Old Orchard Beach Maine. Come to the Atlantic and enjoy a weekend get-a-way or summer vacation. (978)249-9101 Twitter’s destiny: staying small? Not so fast, say its investors By BARBARA ORTUTAY AP Technology Writer NEW YORK (AP) — Twitter gets lots of grief from investors because it hasn’t taken over the world the way Facebook did, at least in terms of amassing users. But maybe it’s destined to stay small, serving a vital, if limited, role for the public. Maybe Twitter just isn’t meant to be an all-encompassing social utility. Maybe stock price is not the only lens through which a company can be valued. Twitter, perhaps even in spite of its difficult interface and site-specific lingo, has become a cultural force since its 2006 founding. “I don’t think at this point Twitter is ever going to reach the size of Facebook and I don’t know if that necessarily matters,” says Debra Aho Williamson, an analyst at research firm eMarketer. Assuming, that is, that Twitter can figure out some way to make money off people who read tweets but don’t ever log into the service. Things got worse on Tuesday, when Twitter reported dismal user figures — 310 million, up from 305 million a year ago but down from 320 million in the fourth quarter. That makes it about one-fifth Facebook’s size. It can’t even brag about being larger than LinkedIn, its more buttonedup (and buttoned-down) professional networking cousin. While Twitter’s per-share earnings beat Wall Street’s expectations, revenue fell short. Revenue grew 36 percent to $595 million from $436 million a year earlier. Analysts polled by FactSet had expected $607.9 million. Twitter’s already-clobbered stock fell $2.09, or 11.7 percent, to $15.67 in after-hours trading. Ever since returned to helm the company he co-founded in 2006, CEO Jack Dorsey has insisted that Twitter needs to work harder at both attracting new users and giving occa- sional visitors more reasons to check back in. To date, neither has happened. Yet Twitter has a firm hold on the public consciousness. Even non-users are at least aware of its existence, if not totally up to speed on its purpose. The Pope is on Twitter; so are President Obama and Beyoncé, along with a cadre of lesser celebrities. Unlike Facebook, a place for friends, family and near-forgotten grade school classmates, Twitter is a great place to follow actors, soccer players, late-night comedians and newsmakers to feel like you are in the know. “Twitter’s problem is that the management does not understand what they have,” said Wedbush Securities analyst Michael Pachter, who argued that the company is still failing to retool itself for new users. Calling the service “horribly complicated,” Pachter rattled off a series of his own Twitter issues, even though he considers himself a power user. Pamela Caranfa Whether buying or selling a home, allow me to represent you. “With your best interests in mind!” REAL ESTATE Tel: 978-249-2235 Ext. 204 pamelacaranfa@yahoo.com To Place Your Ad Here Call 978-249-3535 Apple reports iPhone sales down, first revenue drop since 2003 By BRANDON BAILEY AP Technology Writer SAN FRANCISCO (AP) — Apple sold more than 51 million iPhones in the first three months of this year — and that’s the problem. That’s 10 million fewer iPhones than the tech giant sold during the same quarter a year ago. As a result, Apple on Tuesday reported its first drop in quarterly revenue in 13 years — and the first-ever year-over-year decline in iPhone sales. The slide is putting more pressure on Apple and CEO Tim Cook to come up with its next big product. Cook, of course, has problems many corporate bosses would kill to have. Despite the decline in sales, Apple managed to rack up $10.5 billion in profit for the quarter. “The future of Apple is very bright,” Cook told analysts on a conference call Tuesday. But Apple is battling perceptions that its latest iPhones aren’t that different from previous models, at a time when overall smartphone sales are slowing around the world. Apple also sells iPads, Mac computers and other gadgets, but nearly twothirds of its $50.6 billion in quarterly revenue came from iPhones. “They need to come out with that next great product,” said Angelo Zino, a financial analyst with S&P Global Market Intelligence. Zino said that while he is optimistic about the company’s future, “Apple absolutely needs to start diversifying their revenue base.” Overall, the company’s revenue in the JanuaryMarch quarter was down 13 percent from a year earlier. And the company surprised analysts by forecasting another revenue drop of 13 percent or more in the current quarter. The forecast, which was announced after Apple had closed for the day at $104.35 a share, drove its stock price down 8 percent in extended trading. Apple hasn’t reported a year-over-year sales decline since 2003, when the iPod was still relatively new and the iPhone didn’t exist. Since then, the iPhone and other products have propelled the company’s stock value from $5 billion to $579 billion, making it the most valuable public company in the world. Despite the quarterly decline, Chief Financial Officer Luca Maestri defended the iPhone business in an interview with The Associated Press. “We think we can continue to bring a lot of innovation to the market,” he said of future models, while adding that Apple is working to expand other lines of business. Apple’s revenue for the quarter included $6 billion from online services, apps and other software, he noted. That’s up 20 percent from a year earlier. Analysts agree the figure could rise further, given that there are more than 500 million iPhones in use. Many were hoping the Apple Watch would be the company’s next big hit when it went on sale a year ago. Apple hasn’t revealed sales figures for the watch, but most analysts estimate the company has sold 12 million or more, producing well over $5 billion in revenue. That’s more than twice the number of iPhones sold in the first year after the product’s introduction in 2007. While some owners say they’re delighted with the Apple Watch, others have voiced disappointment that it doesn’t do more. And critics say it hasn’t ignited consumer passions in the way the iPhone became a must-have product. Apple said iPad and Mac sales both fell in the quarter. Meanwhile, the company is also widely believed to be working on other new products, such as virtual reality headsets and even electric cars. But Apple hasn’t officially confirmed any plans, and Cook recently signaled that a car isn’t coming soon. “Do you remember when you were a kid and Christmas Eve, it was so exciting — you weren’t sure what was going to be downstairs? Well, it’s going to be Christmas Eve for a while,” he cautioned when asked about an Apple car in February. Analysts are expecting Apple’s performance to improve in the fall, when it’s expected to release the next generation of iPhones with as-yet undisclosed new features. For now, Apple is finding it difficult to match the blockbuster sales it racked up last year, when shoppers flocked to buy the first iPhones with larger screens — similar to the 5- and 6-inch models that Samsung and other competitors were already selling. “I think what we’re seeing here is those tough comparisons” to last year’s sales figures, Zino said. “We’re also seeing a lot of consumers holding onto their old phones, until the iPhone 7 launch this fall.” Colin Gillis, an investment analyst with BGC Financial, said smartphone sales are likely to level off rather than grow. As with PCs and tablets in recent years, he said, it’s becoming more difficult for manufacturers to come up with dramatic improvements that get shoppers excited. Court employees implicated in Springfield parking scheme SPRINGFIELD, Mass. (AP) — Nearly 50 employees of the Hampden County courthouse, most of them court security officers, have been implicated in a scheme to get discounted parking intended for jurors at a nearby garage. A spokeswoman for the Massachusetts Trial Court tells The Republican newspaper that 31 court officers and 18 others were involved. Jennifer Donahue says those employees will be required to pay about $36,000 combined in restitution to the Springfield Parking Authority. She says other disciplinary measures may be taken. A spokesman for the Hampden district attorney says the office is not investigating. No names were released. Under the scheme, court employees used tokens to pay the juror rate of $3 per day, instead of the $95 per month parking pass. ——— Information from: The Springfield (Mass.) Republican, http://www.masslive. com/news/ Page 12 ATHOL DAILY NEWS Wednesday, April 27, 2016 Wrongful termination suit dismissed STOCKBRIDGE, Mass. (AP) — A federal judge has dismissed a wrongful termination lawsuit filed against the town by a former municipal employee. The Berkshire Eagle reported Monday that the U.S. District Court judge’s ruling in Scott Muir’s lawsuit can be appealed by May 4. Muir, of Stockbridge, was terminated from his two positions in March 2014, shortly after a jury acquitted him on sexual assault charges. The town suspended Muir without pay following his April 2012 arrest. Muir was paid $83,000 in back pay and benefits and reinstated on paid administrative leave after the acquittal. Muir’s lawsuit claimed the town violated his 14th Amendment due-process civil rights by declining to restore him to his positions. The town argued that Muir wasn’t entitled to federal dueprocess protection because he was an “at will” employee. Woman in kidnapping to be moved SALEM, Mass. (AP) — A Massachusetts baby sitter accused of kidnapping and assaulting a toddler she cared for will be moved from a mental health hospital to a state prison to await trial. Topsfield resident Abigail Hanna has been held at a Worcester hospital for the past five months. A Salem Superior Court judge Monday ordered the 21-year-old Hanna to be moved to a women’s prison in Framingham after doctors at the Worcester facility said they don’t think she needs to stay. Hanna faces charges including assault and kidnapping. Authorities say she broke into the 2-year-old girl’s home and kidnapped her in November. The girl was found miles away in Rowley by a couple who said she was naked and had her head shaved. A competency hearing is scheduled for May 18. Hanna’s attorney has entered a not-guilty plea for her. Mumps outbreak; students isolated CAMBRIDGE, Mass. (AP) — A mumps outbreak at Harvard University has affected 40 members of the school community in the last two months. Boston.com reports that nearly a dozen students were in isolation as of Monday evening. Harvard first announced in March there were two confirmed cases of mumps at the school. The number has continued to rise despite investigations into the infection’s cause and efforts to isolate affected students. The public health department in Cambridge, Mass., where Harvard is located, determined a month ago that all infected students to that point had received a mumps vaccine prior to contracting the infection. A department spokeswoman says she hasn’t heard of any confirmed cases in the city unrelated to the Harvard community. Mumps is a viral infection that causes swelling in the salivary glands and cheeks. Schools getting $2M to test for lead BOSTON (AP) — School districts that want to test for lead in their drinking water are getting a $2 million boost from the state. The funding announced Tuesday will pay for technical assistance to help public schools sample their taps and water fountains. The testing will help identify results that show lead contamination over the federal action level. Testing will focus on public school water fountains and fixtures used for food preparation. Republican Gov. Charlie Baker said the goal is to ensure a safe learning environment. The $2 million will come out of the state’s clean water trust and be administered by the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection. The money could help more than 1,700 schools design water sampling programs and assist those schools that test high for lead resolve the problem. FIELD TRIP — The Friends of Mahar Music coordinated and raised funds for a field trip for the Mahar band and chorus to see a performance of STOMP! at the UMass Fine Arts Center on April 13, in Amherst. STOMP! entertained the group with basketballs, brooms, garbage cans, Zippo-brand lighters and more as they filled the stage with energizing beats that were as inventive as they were invigorating. This trip was supported in part by grants from the Petersham, New Salem, Wendell and Orange local cultural councils (local agencies which are supported by the Massachusetts Cultural Council, a state agency) and the New Salem Academy. NTSB: El Faro’s missing data recorder found By JASON DEAREN Associated Press Search crews on Tuesday found the missing data recorder of the sunken freighter El Faro, which went down in 15,000 feet of water last year after getting caught in Hurricane Joaquin. Scientists and federal accident investigators using a remotely operated undersea vehicle found the device northeast of Acklins and Crooked Islands, Bahamas, the National Transportation Safety Board said. The small device was mounted to the El Faro’s mast and has yet to be recovered, officials said. “Finding an object about the size of a basketball almost three miles under the surface of the sea is a remarkable achievement,” NTSB Chairman Christopher A. Hart said in a news release. He added that they have not yet figured out how to retrieve the recorder. The 790-foot freighter sank last October after losing propulsion while traveling between Jacksonville and San Juan, Puerto Rico. The ship got caught in Joaquin’s 155 mph winds and strong seas. All 33 crew died. The NTSB failed to find the data recorder in its first search of the wreckage near the Bahamas. But images from an underwater vessel showed the ship’s top decks had broken loose and a breach had punctured its hull. The device is capable of recording conversations and sounds on the El Faro’s bridge, which may help investigators better understand the final moments of the ship’s final journey. Key questions remain about routing decisions made by ship Capt. Michael Davidson that took the ship closer to the path of the storm. Up to now, investigators were working with very limited information about the ill-fated voyage. Davidson had been warned prior to the ship’s sinking that the storm churning offshore was forecast to become a hurricane. Yet, Davidson chose to take a faster path that took him closer to the hurricane’s path, rather than a slower, but safer route. Why Davidson chose the less safe route is unknown. A month prior to the El Faro’s last journey during Tropical Storm Erika, Davidson had taken the slower, safer route after the company, Tote Services Inc. sent out a company alert about the storm. No alert was sent out prior to Joaquin, according to testimony before a U.S. Coast Guard panel investigating the sinking. In a statement, Tote said it appreciated the persistence in the search for the recorder. “We hope that the information contained will help with the goal to learn everything possible about the loss of our crew and vessel.” Audio from the recorder will be a focus of the next round of Coast Guard investigative hearings into the El Faro’s sinking. Those are scheduled to be held in Jacksonville May 16-27. Some of the El Faro’s crew’s family members also welcomed the news. “It means a great deal,” said Barry Young, the uncle of LaShawn Rivera of Jacksonville, the El Faro’s chief cook. “Hopefully it will give more information as to what happened, and why it happened.” ——— Follow Jason Dearen on Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/JHDearen His work can be found here: http://bigstory.ap.org/author/jason-dearen DICK'S AUTO REPAIR APPLIANCE SERVICE 48 KING ST., ORANGE, MASS. 24/7 Towing Service ASE Certified Mechanics Hours: Mon.-Fri. 8-5, Sat. 8-12 (978) 544-3835 Major Brands Including Sears (978) 544-3222 ORANGE OIL CO. 45 Elm St., New Salem Vermont man pleads not guilty in crash SALEM, Mass. (AP) — Prosecutors say a University of Vermont student had a blood-alcohol content nearly three times the legal limit to drive and was suffering from acute alcohol intoxication when he crashed his car in Massachusetts and killed his boyhood friend. Joseph Castano, wearing a neck brace and with his right arm in a sling, was released on $25,000 bail after pleading not guilty Tuesday to charges including motor vehicle homicide by operating under the influence of liquor. Prosecutors say the 20-year-old Castano was speeding in his father’s BMW when he crashed into a utility pole at about 12:15 a.m. Saturday near Endicott College in Beverly. Castano’s passenger, 19-year-old Endicott student Craig Sampson, died. Both men are from Williston, Vermont. Man arraigned on assault charges BOSTON (AP) — A Waltham man has been arraigned on charges he assaulted two police officers after refusing to leave the Boston Public Library. Forty-year-old Kevin Williams is charged with trespassing, resisting arrest, disorderly conduct and assault and battery on a police officer. Prosecutors say Williams assaulted the officers after library staff asked them to remove Williams from the library’s McKim Building at about 11:45 a.m. Monday. The officers were treated for non-life threatening injuries at Tufts Medical Center. Williams is being held on $2,500 bail. He’s due back in court May 23. A judge ordered Williams to stay away from the library and remain alcohol-free while the case is pending. It’s unclear whether he has an attorney who could comment on the charges. It Takes Some Courage, But Saving Money Is Worth The Leap . Single-family home, condo sales soar BOSTON (AP) — More single-family homes were sold in Massachusetts last month than in any March since 2004, according to one group that tracks the market. The Massachusetts Association of Realtors announced Tuesday that the 3,452 homes sold last month was 23 percent more than during March 2015. The Warren Group, using different figures in its calculations, said the number of single-family home sold was up more than 32 percent year over year. The Warren Group also announced that for just the second time in 20 years, the median price of a condominium surpassed the median price of a single-family home. It was attributed in large part to the to the many luxury condos being sold in Boston. Both organizations reported that condo sales jumped about 25 percent year over year. Get Free Savings Tips Put Away A Few Bucks. Feel Like A Million Bucks. Feed The Pig.org
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