City of Santa Cruz Request For Proposals for Uniform Purchases ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ _________________________________________________ SECTION 1: GENERAL INFORMATION TO VENDORS 1.1 Summary Scope of Services The City of Santa Cruz is requesting proposals to supply uniforms and accessories for various personnel. Purchases will include the Police Department (approximately 86 sworn police officers and 17 non-sworn support personnel), the Fire Department (approximately 50 personnel), the Water Recreation Rangers (approximately 4 personnel), and the Park Rangers (approximately 4 personnel) all of whom require initial issue or replacement uniforms at various times. Police Department uniforms shall be in compliance with their policy 1046, attachment A, and the Fire Department uniforms shall comply with their policy #5-16, attachment B. A completed purchase shall include measuring, marking, tailoring, general alterations, sewing on of emblems, and pressing by qualified personnel prior to delivery. The intent in soliciting proposals is to allow for a competitive process while maintaining an acceptable quality of uniforms and accessories. 1.2 Contact If you have any questions concerning this solicitation, please contact Malissa Kaping, Buyer II, at phone: 831/420-5083, fax: 831/420-5312, or email: Please note, as a cost saving measure, City offices are closed every Friday; please plan accordingly. 1.3 Proposal Deadline Proposals are due by Tuesday, August 3, 2010. All proposals shall be delivered to the Purchasing Division at 809 Center St, Rm 101, Santa Cruz, California, 95060 before 11:00 a.m. on that date. Vendors shall deliver one original of the complete proposal and five copies before the due date. The City prefers for proposals to be printed on recycled paper and bound in an easily recyclable format. The City shall not be liable for any expenses incurred by participants responding to this solicitation. 1.4 Estimated Dollar Value The City of Santa Cruz spends an estimated $68,000 annually on uniforms and accessories. The City may spend more or less than this amount during the contract year. 1.5 Product Descriptions and Quantities The products specified and quantities indicated in this solicitation are based on past experience and expected future need. Actual products and quantities purchased shall be based on need during the contract term; however, no price adjustments on contract items shall be allowed as a result of changes in quantities purchased. 1.6 Award of Contract City shall award a contract for Uniforms Purchases to the vendor determined to provide the best value to the City. Proposals shall be evaluated and ranked in accordance with the evaluation criteria designated in this solicitation. The contract resulting from this solicitation is tentatively scheduled to begin in September 2010. The City reserves the right to negotiate any terms and conditions in the RFP responses received, to reject any or all responses received, and to waive any informality or minor defects in responses received. 1.7 Organization of this RFP Document The Request For Proposals (RFP) is organized in these sections: Section 1- General Information to Vendors: Contains summary of service, contact information, proposal due date, and general background information. Section 2- Specifications: Provides details regarding the contract requirements. Section 3- Process Instructions: Contains the tentative RFP schedule, explains how the proposals shall be evaluated, and presents administrative information on the conduct of the RFP process. _____________________________________ _______________________________________________ ___________________________________________ July 2010 Page 1 of 65 City of Santa Cruz Request For Proposals for Uniform Purchases ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ _________________________________________________ Section 4- Terms and Conditions: Details the City’s standard contract terms and conditions. Section 5- Acknowledgement of Receipt Form: Informs City of intent to submit proposal. Section 6- RFP Cover Page: Provides basic vendor information and also contains an authorized signature acceptance to City’s terms and conditions as stated in this solicitation. Section 7- RFP Questionnaire: Presents questions for vendor response. Section 8- Price List: Provides format for submitting pricing. The price list shall include all costs incidental to supplying police uniforms and accessories according to this solicitation. Attachment A- Santa Cruz Police Department Policy 1046, Personal Appearance. Attachment B- Santa Cruz City Fire Department Policy and Procedure Manual, Article 5 #5-16. SECTION 2: SPECIFICATIONS 2.1 Brand Requirements Any manufacturers' names, trade names, brand names, or catalog numbers used in the specification are there for the purpose of establishing and describing general performance and quality levels. The City requires uniforms and accessories purchased under this contract to have an appearance that is consistent with existing City uniforms. Such references are not intended to be restrictive, and bids are invited on these and comparable brands or products of any manufacturer. Police Department uniforms shall be in compliance with their policy 1046, attachment A, and the Fire Department uniforms shall comply with their policy #5-16, attachment B. Exceptions to, or deviations from, a particular manufacturer’s brand in this specification shall be evaluated and considered by the City so long as those deviations are cross referenced and fully explained with regard to their equality with the preferred manufacturer. The City may require descriptive literature and/or samples for evaluation. All samples must be provided within three (3) days of request and at no cost to the City. The City shall return all samples. The determination as to whether any alternate product is, or is not, equal shall be made by the City and such determination shall be final and binding upon all bidders. The successful vendor shall not be allowed to make unauthorized substitutions after award is made. All uniforms and accessories shall be new and unused. The items listed in section 8, Price List, are a sample of uniform items typically ordered. The City’s purchases will not be limited to this list. 2.2 Order Authorization Process No “minimum orders” are permitted. Proposals indicating a minimum order requirement shall be rejected. 2.2.1 Police Department: The Administrative Sergeant currently manages the police uniform authorization process. Orders shall be placed individually by City officers and shall be authorized by a City of Santa Cruz Police Department Uniform Authorization Form. A sample of this form shall be provided to the successful vendor. If an officer wants to purchase anything not listed on the Authorization Form, they may do so at their own expense. 2.2.2 Fire Department: The Fire Captain currently manages the fire uniform authorization process. Individual orders shall be called into the Vendor. 2.3 Fittings The vendor shall either 1) have the ability to provide individual fittings at their place of business located within forty miles of the City of Santa Cruz or, 2) shall send an experienced representative to City Hall as needed for _____________________________________ _______________________________________________ ___________________________________________ July 2010 Page 2 of 65 City of Santa Cruz Request For Proposals for Uniform Purchases ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ _________________________________________________ measurement of personnel. The Contractor shall measure each individual and provide a set of uniforms specifically for that individual, providing the proper size, adequate fit and mark each garment and accessory to assure ready identification. 2.4 Initial Order Tailoring The City shall pay for general tailoring to ensure individual fit and an appearance that conforms to the specifications detailed in the City’s policies, Attachments A and B. Charges for custom tailoring shall not be paid by the City but shall be the responsibility of the individual officer. Custom tailoring is defined as any modifications that are not specifically required in the City’s policies, Attachments A and B (i.e. a zipper in a police uniform shirt). 2.5 Police Officer Requested Substitutions Items not listed on the City of Santa Cruz Police Department Uniform Authorization Form may be purchased at the officer’s request. Any items purchased that exceed the dollar amount of the authorization form are the responsibility of the requesting officer and are not to be billed to the City. 2.6 Other Alterations and Repairs After the initial purchase of uniforms and other clothing items, alterations or repairs may be required. The successful vendor shall provide alteration and repair services to uniforms throughout the duration of the contract as described in the vendor’s proposal. 2.7 Adequate Stock The vendor shall maintain adequate stock of uniforms, accessories and miscellaneous equipment to accommodate City’s needs throughout the length of the contract. Failure to maintain adequate stock may be deemed a breach of contract and may result in termination of the contract. 2.7.1 Alternative Sources: Orders for items covered in this contract shall be placed with the successful vendor. In the event the vendor is unable to supply the item(s) when needed, the City reserves the right to order the item(s) from any source offering the lowest price and the needed availability. Any such items shall be ordered from the vendor the next time they are required. Recurring instances of stock-out may be cause for contract cancellation. 2.8 Delivery The City shall not pay any delivery charges. 2.9 Warranty The successful vendor shall guarantee the clothing, accessories and equipment against defective workmanship and materials as described in the vendor’s proposal. Should any failure occur within the guarantee period, the successful vendor shall replace or repair, without cost to the City, any clothing, accessories, or equipment that is defective. 2.10 Return Policy The successful vendor shall accept the return of unused items as described in the vendor’s proposal. 2.11 Subcontractors Work shall not be subcontracted without prior approval of the City. If at any time, the City determines any subcontractor is incompetent or undesirable, the successful vendor shall be notified and shall take immediate steps for cancellation of the subcontract. 2.12 Exclusions Excluded from this specification are all items purchased separately on other City contracts; including, but not limited to, protective clothing and safety equipment. The City also reserves the right to contract separately any item or items where it is determined by the Purchasing Manager that: _____________________________________ _______________________________________________ ___________________________________________ July 2010 Page 3 of 65 City of Santa Cruz Request For Proposals for Uniform Purchases ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ _________________________________________________ 1. A substantial savings in cost shall result due to a large quantity purchase, or 2. The commodity is not appropriately classified under this specification. SECTION 3: PROCESS INSTRUCTIONS 3.1 RFP Schedule The City shall make every effort to adhere to the following schedule: Action 1. Issue RFP DATE 07/13/10 2. Acknowledgement of Receipt Form due 07/26/10 3. Proposal due date 08/03/10 4. Proposal evaluation period 08/04/10 – 08/23/10 5. Notice of intent to award 08/24/10 3.2 Format and Content Vendors are invited to submit proposals to supply uniforms and accessories to the City of Santa Cruz. Proposals should include answers to all the questions (in the order presented) in the RFP Questionnaire, Section 7, and a complete price list (in the order listed) detailed in Section 8. Vendors shall deliver one original of the complete proposal and five copies before the due date. The City prefers for proposals to be printed on recycled paper and bound in an easily recyclable format. The City shall not be liable for any expenses incurred by participants responding to this solicitation. Proposals should be organized as follows: 1. RFP Cover Page, Section 6: Shall contain vendor’s contact information; firm name, address, phone number, fax number, primary contact name and title, and primary contact’s email address. Shall also contain authorized signature acceptance to City’s terms and conditions as stated in this solicitation. 2. Vendor Response to RFP Questionnaire, Section 7: Responses should be numbered to match questionnaire and shall be complete and unequivocal in nature. The total RFP Questionnaire response should not exceed 15 pages. 3. Price List, Section 8: Provide pricing for all uniforms and accessories as listed in section 8. Pricing shall be all inclusive and no additional charges for, including but not limited to, delivery, transportation, boxing, packaging, crating or returnable containers shall be paid by the City unless separately stated in the price list. All sales, use, excise or similar taxes to be paid by the City shall not be included in the price list and shall be itemized separately on future invoices. The items listed in section 8 are a sample of uniform items typically ordered. The City’s purchases will not be limited to this list. 4. Optional Appendices or Exhibits: If applicable, vendors must submit a copy of any sales and/or service agreement that the vendor shall require during the execution of any contract resulting from this solicitation. Any agreements terms that contradict the City’s terms and conditions, or contain provisions that are determined not to be in the best interest of the City may disqualify the vendor. Vendor may also include sample reports, peer review reports, letters of recommendation, or other exhibits that shall assist the City in favorably evaluating the firm. Do not include promotional materials. 3.3 Non-Response to RFP _____________________________________ _______________________________________________ ___________________________________________ July 2010 Page 4 of 65 City of Santa Cruz Request For Proposals for Uniform Purchases ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ _________________________________________________ In the event your company decides not to submit a proposal, please return the Acknowledgement of Receipt Form, Section 5. It would be helpful if you indicated why your business did not wish to submit a proposal. Failure to respond to this RFP may result in the removal of your business from future bid lists. 3.4 Acceptance of Specifications and Terms Submission of a proposal indicates acceptance by the vendor of the conditions contained in this Request For Proposals, unless clearly and specifically noted in the proposal submitted. 3.5 RFP Addenda The City may determine that it is necessary or advisable to revise any part of this solicitation. If revisions are made, it shall be provided in the form of a written addendum emailed to all vendors who submitted the Acknowledgement of Receipt Form, Section 5, showing intent to submit a proposal. However, E-mail notifications of addenda sent to known potential vendors are a convenience only. It is each vendor’s responsibility to understand and comply with any addenda to this solicitation. Addenda may be posted on the City’s website,, under Bidding Information or vendors may contact Malissa Kaping, Buyer II, at phone: 831/420-5083, fax: 831/420-5312, or email: to determine whether addenda have been issued. 3.6 Collusive or Sham Proposals No person, firm, or corporation shall make or file or be interested in more than one proposal for the same work, except so far as alternate proposals may be called for. Nor shall any person, firm, or corporation submit a collusive or sham proposal, per se, directly or indirectly, to induce any other firm to submit such a proposal, or to refrain from responding, or seek in any way to fix the price, or any portion of the proposed price, in order to secure an advantage against the owner or any person interested in a proposed contract. However, a person, firm, or corporation submitting a sub-proposal to a vendor or quoting prices on materials for a vendor, is not hereby disqualified from submitting sub-proposals or quoting prices to other vendors. 3.7 Subcontracting Should any vendor submitting a proposal consider subcontracting portions of the engagement, that fact shall be clearly identified in the proposal along with the name of the proposed subcontracting vendor(s). 3.8 Selection Procedure The selection of the vendor for this contract shall be based on the best value to the City and shall include an evaluation of the overall price, vendor's qualifications, and the vendor's ability to provide police uniforms and accessories according to the needs of the City. RFP responses shall be reviewed, evaluated, and ranked by an evaluation committee composed of City staff. The evaluation committee shall open and review the proposals in confidence. All information and proposals shall be available to the public after contract award. The proposals shall be evaluated and ranked in accordance with the evaluation criteria described below. _____________________________________ _______________________________________________ ___________________________________________ July 2010 Page 5 of 65 City of Santa Cruz Request For Proposals for Uniform Purchases ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ _________________________________________________ Criteria 1. Pricing 2. Vendor's Qualifications and Experience 3. Vendor’s Execution of Contract Weight 40% 30% 30% Discussions may be conducted with the most qualified vendors for the purpose of clarification to assure full understanding of, and conformance to, the solicitation requirements. Revisions may be permitted after submissions, and prior to award, for the purpose of obtaining best and final offers. The committee shall rank the semi-finalists and shall be responsible for negotiating a vendor contract with the highest ranked respondent. If no agreement can be reached, negotiations may begin with the next ranked respondent. 3.9 Proposal Evaluation Criteria Definitions 1. Pricing (40%), Section 8 The total cost of the contract shall affect 40% of the overall evaluation. Pricing shall be all inclusive and no additional charges for, including but not limited to, delivery, transportation, boxing, packaging, crating or returnable containers shall be paid by the City unless separately stated in the price list. All sales, use, excise or similar taxes to be paid by the City shall not be included in the price list and shall be itemized separately on future invoices. The items listed in section 8 are a sample of uniform items typically ordered. The City’s purchases will not be limited to this list. 2. Vendor’s Qualifications and Experience (30%), RFP Questionnaire, Section 7, [Questions 1 - 7] Vendor’s history, staffing levels, inventory, available equipment, and experience with similar contracts shall be evaluated within this criterion. 3. Vendor’s Execution of Contract (30%), RFP Questionnaire, Section 7, Questions [8 – 24] Proposals shall be evaluated for the vendor’s ability to provide police uniforms and accessories to the City as desired; this includes an analysis of hours open, turn-around times, available services, quality guarantees, and environmental conservation and sustainable living policies. 3.10 Contract Implementation The contract resulting from this solicitation is tentatively scheduled to begin September 2010. Upon award notification and prior to final contract approval, the successful proposer shall be required to submit: 1. Proof of insurance as specified in Section 4.1, of this solicitation; 2. A completed W9 form if not already on file with the City; 3. Proof of a current City of Santa Cruz business tax certificate, if applicable; and 4. A complete price list describing each type of uniform item available and prices. Prices must be consistent with those quoted in section 8, Price List, and will not change during the contract term. The finalized contract shall include the Specifications as listed in Section 2, the Terms and Conditions as listed in Section 4, the Vendor’s response to Section 6 (RFP Cover Page), the Vendor’s response to Section 7 (RFP Questionnaire), the Price List as described in Section 8, and any negotiated modifications agreed to by the parties. 3.11 Public Record Proposals received shall become the property of the City. All proposals and any subsequent contracts shall be subject to public disclosure per the “California Public Records Act,” California Government Code, sections 6250 – 6270, once the City has awarded the contract resulting from this solicitation. _____________________________________ _______________________________________________ ___________________________________________ July 2010 Page 6 of 65 City of Santa Cruz Request For Proposals for Uniform Purchases ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ _________________________________________________ SECTION 4: TERMS AND CONDITIONS 4.1 Insurance The successful vendor only shall be required to submit a certificate of insurance (before commencement of work), if the successful vendor shall make deliveries using a private company vehicle. 1. Without limiting the foregoing in any way, vendor shall carry standard form Commercial Automobile Liability Insurance acceptable to the City in an amount not less than One Million Dollars per occurrence combined single limit Bodily Injury and Property Damage coverage. 2. For all insurance provided above, policies shall provide that the same cannot be canceled except upon thirty days' written notice to City. 3. Insurance provided above shall name the City of Santa Cruz, its officers, agents and employees as an additional insured and shall include cross liability in favor of the City, its officers, agents and employees. 4. A certificate of insurance shall be furnished to the City as evidence of the above coverages and conditions prior to the commencement of work. Any statements that relieve the insurance company from liability if notice of cancellation is not sent are not acceptable. 6. Vendor agrees to provide City at or before the effective date of this contract with a certificate of insurance of the coverage required. The certificate shall be sent to City of Santa Cruz Risk & Safety Management, 809 Center St Rm 7, Santa Cruz, California, 95060. 4.2 Indemnification Proposer agrees to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless the City, its officers, agents and employees, from and against any and all claims, demands, actions, damages, or judgments, including associated costs of investigation and defense arising in any manner from proposer’s negligence, recklessness, or willful misconduct in the performance of this agreement. 4.3 Liquidated Damages The parties agree that in litigation or arbitration resulting from either party’s breach, the amount of loss would be extremely difficult or impracticable to prove. Accordingly, the parties wish to make a commercially reasonable estimate of the damages they would incur in the event of a breach by the other party and to establish that estimate as liquidated damages. In the event of a breach by the seller, the buyer shall recover as liquidated damages and as the buyer’s exclusive remedy for the seller’s breach, the amount of $50.00 per day for failure to deliver or perform within the specified time limit. 4.4 Assignment The vendor shall under no circumstances assign the agreement without the written permission of the City of Santa Cruz. 4.5 Safety Vendor shall conform to the rules and regulations pertaining to safety established by the California Division of Industrial Safety. Furnished equipment, materials, and services shall comply with all OSHA standards and regulations, and all applicable governmental laws and orders. Vendor shall provide proof of compliance, if requested by the City. 4.6 Government Regulations Vendor shall comply with all federal, state, and local regulations/ licenses/ permits related to providing police uniforms and accessories. Upon notice of intent to award contract, Vendor shall provide proof of a current City of Santa Cruz business tax certificate if: 1. Vendor is located in the City of Santa Cruz; 2. Shall physical work in the City of Santa Cruz; or 3. Shall use company vehicles to deliver within the City of Santa Cruz. _____________________________________ _______________________________________________ ___________________________________________ July 2010 Page 7 of 65 City of Santa Cruz Request For Proposals for Uniform Purchases ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ _________________________________________________ For additional information and licensing requirements, please call the Revenue and Taxation division at 831/420-5070. 4.7 Competitive Quotes The City reserves the right to obtain competitive quotes for contract items. The successful vendor may offer to match any lower price. If the successful vendor is not consistently the low bidder for contract items, the City reserves the right to terminate the contract. 4.8 Term of Contract The term of the contract shall commence upon full execution of contract and continue for a period of one year, plus any renewals agreed to by the parties. 4.9 Contract Renewal At the option of the City, this contract may be renewed annually under the same contractual terms and conditions and at the same price or price basis. On each anniversary date, the City may consider Vendor requested price increases. Increases may not exceed the previous 12 month change in the San Francisco-Oakland-San Jose Consumer Price Index (all items, not seasonally adjusted, for all urban consumers) or percentage increases in vendor's published prices, whichever is lower. In all cases, the City may cancel the contract if a requested price increase is not acceptable. 4.10 Termination of Contract City shall have the right to terminate this contract at any time upon giving ten days written notice to vendor. If the City terminates the contract, all finished or unfinished work prepared by vendor under this contract may, at the option of the City, become the City's property and vendor may be entitled to receive just and equitable compensation for any satisfactory work. Termination of the contract pursuant to this paragraph may not relieve the vendor of any liability to City for damages sustained by City because of any breach of contract by vendor, and City may withhold any payments to vendor for the purpose of set-off until such time as the exact amount of damages due City from vendor is determined. 4.11 Receiving Inspection Uniforms and accessories may be tested and inspected to confirm compliance with all specifications. If, upon inspection for conformance to the requirements of this specification, deficiencies are detected, the uniform or accessory shall be rejected and the vendor shall be required to make the necessary adjustments or replacements at vendor's expense. If the uniform or accessory is rejected, it may be the vendor's responsibility to pick up the uniform or accessory, make the necessary corrections and re-deliver for inspection and acceptance. Payment and/or the commencement of a discount period (if applicable) shall not be made until the defects are corrected and the uniform or accessory reinspected and accepted. 4.12 Acceptance Uniforms and accessories may not be accepted until all deficiencies detected during initial and subsequent inspections are corrected. 4.13 Payment The City issues payment to the Vendor approximately thirty days after receipt of the commodity (merchandise and/or service) and the correct original invoice, whichever arrives last; the net payment period and cash discount period shall extend to the date that the invoices are paid. Invoices are processed for payment once every two weeks. It is understood and agreed that no additional charge shall accrue against the City if the City does not make payment within any time specified by the vendor. _____________________________________ _______________________________________________ ___________________________________________ July 2010 Page 8 of 65 City of Santa Cruz Request For Proposals for Uniform Purchases ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ _________________________________________________ All invoices must contain the proper pricing as specified by the offeror in the proposal response. In addition, all invoices must include the appropriate purchase order number. Invoices not including the proper purchase order number may experience delayed payment. The City reserves the right to audit contractor’s records when deemed necessary to verify correct pricing. Should the Vendor become delinquent with any fees, assessments or charges due to the City, the City shall reduce any amount owed to the seller by the delinquent amount owed to the City. Purchase orders shall be issued for the expected need of the full term of the contract or shall be issued on an "as needed" basis when the order is made. However purchase orders are required for all items purchased. Issuing purchase orders on an "as needed" basis in no way nullifies the pricing agreement as set forth for the term specified. 4.14 Usage Report Upon request, the successful vendor must provide a report of items purchased by the City for the previous six months. This report shall be in order of most frequently ordered items to the least frequently ordered items. The following information must be included in the report: product description, total quantity ordered for the period, and total amount spent on the item for the period. 4.15 Optional Piggyback Provision Vendors are requested to indicate on the RFP Cover Page, Section 6, if they are willing to extend the pricing, terms and conditions of their proposal to other government agencies, if the Vendor is awarded the contract. If the successful Vendor agrees to this provision, participating agencies may enter into a contract with the successful Vendor for the purchase of the same services based on the terms, conditions, and prices, offered by the successful Vendor to the City of Santa Cruz for this bid. Minor changes in terms and conditions may be negotiated by participating agencies and the successful Vendor. This offer shall be made available to participating agencies for up to six months following the award of this contract by the City of Santa Cruz to the successful Vendor. 4.16 Environmental Conservation and Sustainable Living The City of Santa Cruz has long been an advocate for environmental conservation and sustainable living. This includes, but is not limited to, the Green Business Program, the Living Wage Ordinance, the Clean Ocean Business Program, and General Plan goals which define greenhouse gas reduction objectives to reduce community-wide greenhouse gas emissions 30 percent by 2020 and 80 percent by 2050 (compared to 1990 levels). Vendors are encouraged to include in their proposal information regarding any existing environmental conservation goals or guidelines, Green Business certifications, existing alternative fuel service vehicles, superior employee benefit policies, or other applicable policies. 4.17 Civil Rights Compliance/Equal Opportunity Assurance Every vendor of materials and services and all vendors doing business with the City of Santa Cruz shall be in compliance with the applicable provisions of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, and shall be an equal opportunity employer as defined by Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and including the California Fair Employment and Housing Act of 1980. As such, vendor shall not discriminate against any person on the basis of race, religious creed, color, national origin, ancestry, disability, medical condition, marital status, age, or sex with respect to hiring, application for employment, tenure or terms and conditions of employment. In addition, the City of Santa Cruz, as defined in Resolution NS-20,137 and Ordinance 92-11, further prohibits discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation, height, weight and physical characteristics. Vendors agree to abide by all of the foregoing statutes, regulations, ordinances and resolutions. _____________________________________ _______________________________________________ ___________________________________________ July 2010 Page 9 of 65 City of Santa Cruz Request For Proposals for Uniform Purchases ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ _________________________________________________ 4.18 MacBride Principles and the Peace Charter The City Council of the City of Santa Cruz approved Resolution No. NS-19,378 on the 24th day of July 1990, endorsing the MacBride Principles and Peace Charter and encourages all companies doing business in Northern Ireland to abide by the MacBride Principles and Peace Charter. _____________________________________ _______________________________________________ ___________________________________________ July 2010 Page 10 of 65 City of Santa Cruz Request For Proposals for Uniform Purchases ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ _________________________________________________ SECTION 5: ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF RECEIPT FORM 1. Acknowledgement of Receipt This Acknowledgement of Receipt Form shall be signed and delivered to the Buyer, Malissa Kaping, no later than 5 p.m. on Monday, July 26, 2010. Fax form to 831-420-5312 or email form to The purpose of this form is to notify the City of vendors interested in submitting a proposal and confirming receipt of all necessary information. Vendors who elect to return this form with the indicated intention of submitting a proposal shall receive copies of the City’s response to questions and RFP addenda, if any are issued. However, E-mail notifications sent to known potential vendors are a convenience only. It is each vendor’s responsibility to understand and comply with any addenda to this solicitation. Addenda may be posted on the City’s website,, under Bidding Information or vendors may contact Malissa Kaping, Buyer II, at phone: 831/420-5083, fax: 831/420-5312, or email: to determine whether addenda have been issued. In acknowledgement of receipt of this Request for Proposals the undersigned agrees that s/he has received a complete copy; beginning with page 1 and ending with page 65. This vendor does does not (check one) intend to submit a proposal for Uniform Purchases. If not, please provide reason (to assist City in planning future solicitations): ___________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ Vendor Name: ___________________________________________________________________________ Address: Telephone Number: Fax Number: E-mail address: Signature of Authorized Representative: Printed Name of Authorized Representative: _____________________________________ _______________________________________________ ___________________________________________ July 2010 Page 11 of 65 City of Santa Cruz Request For Proposals for Uniform Purchases ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ _________________________________________________ SECTION 6: RFP COVER PAGE 1. Due date and content Proposals are due by Tuesday, August 3, 2010. All proposals shall be delivered to the Purchasing Division at 809 Center St, Rm 101, Santa Cruz, California, 95060 before 11:00 a.m. on that date. Vendors shall deliver one original of the complete proposal and five copies before the due date. The City prefers for proposals to be printed on recycled paper and bound in an easily recyclable format. The City shall not be liable for any expenses incurred by participants responding to this solicitation. See RFP section 3.2, Format and Content, for details regarding organization and content of proposals 2. Proposal Response Sheet The undersigned, upon acceptance, agrees to furnish the following in accordance with terms and conditions as per City of Santa Cruz "Request for Proposals for Uniform Purchases" dated July 2010. Name of your organization: Address: Telephone Number: Fax Number: E-mail address: Signature of Authorized Representative: Printed Name of Authorized Representative: 3. If vendor is awarded contract, shall vendor extend contract terms and pricing to other government agencies? Yes No 4. Addenda How many addenda were issued for this solicitation? ________ It is each vendor’s responsibility to understand and comply with any addenda to this solicitation. Addenda may be posted on the City’s website,, under Bidding Information or vendors may contact Malissa Kaping, Buyer II, at phone: 831/420-5083, fax: 831/420-5312, or email: to determine whether addenda have been issued. _____________________________________ _______________________________________________ ___________________________________________ July 2010 Page 12 of 65 City of Santa Cruz Request For Proposals for Uniform Purchases ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ _________________________________________________ SECTION 7: RFP QUESTIONNAIRE Answer all of the following questions. Any omission may be cause for rejection of proposal. Answers should be complete and in the order presented; generally, a simple “yes” or “no” answer is not adequate. Qualifications and Experience Business History 1. Describe your company’s history; be sure to include founding date (month and year), brief history of business, facility/office location(s), and key products/services offered. Current Employees 2. Describe current personnel; be sure to include total number of employees (full-time and part-time), brief job descriptions (with number of employees per job description), and typical daily staffing levels at closest facility/office. Adequate Stock 3. Describe warehouse size and typical inventory. Include information regarding availability of non-standard items, such as women-fit uniforms, tall sizes, petite sizes. 4. What percentage of City purchases shall be considered “in-stock?” Available Equipment 5. Describe any specialized equipment to be used in providing police uniforms and accessories to the City. Experience 6. Describe experience doing similar work for other public agencies. 7. Provide a list (a minimum) of three references that have purchased similar items/services from your business during the last year. Provide company or agency name, contact name, and phone number for each reference. Execution of Contract Accessibility 8. What are your normal business hours? Provide details regarding hours available for initial fittings, alteration measures, and repairs. 9. What services can be provided during a “while-you-wait” visit? 10. What is a typical wait time for a “while-you-wait” visit? Turn-around times 11. What is the typical turn-around time for an initial order of an in-stock uniform? 12. What is the typical turn-around time for an initial order of a custom item? 13. What is the typical turn-around time for alterations or repairs of existing uniforms? 14. Describe back-order process; how quickly shall the City be notified of back-ordered items and what is a typical expected delivery time? Delivery _____________________________________ _______________________________________________ ___________________________________________ July 2010 Page 13 of 65 City of Santa Cruz Request For Proposals for Uniform Purchases ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ _________________________________________________ 15. Will deliveries be made by private company vehicle or via common carrier? 16. Do you provide “Overnight” or “Next Day” delivery? How much is an additional charge for “Overnight” or “Next Day” delivery? Available services 17. Describe fitting, tailoring, alteration, embroidery, or other services available. Include information regarding any areas of expertise. 18. As stated in section 2.2, Orders, and section 2.5, Police Officer Requested Substitutions, personnel may order products and custom tailoring at their own expense. Provide a list of typical custom tailoring available and the associated price. Quality Guarantees 19. What warranty shall be given to the City regarding defective items? Include a specific warranty period. 20. Describe any established “proactive” quality control procedures. 21. Describe your return policy. Emergency Uniforms 22. Will you provide emergency garments on a temporary basis, if required (for example, a new hire is waiting for a new uniform in a special size not in stock)? What would be the cost to supply emergency uniforms? Subcontracting 23. Will you subcontract portions of the work? If yes, indicate the name of the subcontractor(s) and the portion of the work that shall be subcontracted in each case. Environmental Conservation and Sustainable Living 24. Provide information regarding any existing environmental conservation goals or guidelines, Green Business certifications, existing alternative fuel service vehicles, superior employee benefit policies, or other applicable policies. _____________________________________ _______________________________________________ ___________________________________________ July 2010 Page 14 of 65 City of Santa Cruz Request For Proposals for Uniform Purchases _________________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ SECTION 8: PRICE LIST Provide pricing for all uniforms and accessories as listed in section 8. Pricing shall be all inclusive and no additional charges for, including but not limited to, delivery, transportation, boxing, packaging, crating or returnable containers shall be paid by the City unless separately stated in the price list. All sales, use, excise or similar taxes to be paid by the City shall not be included in the price list and shall be itemized separately on future invoices. The items listed in section 8 are a sample of uniform items typically ordered. The City’s purchases will not be limited to this list. Description Color Current Manufacturer, Item # Annual Estimated Quantity 1. Shirt: Wool long-sleeve Navy Flying Cross, #20W9586 32 2. Shirt: Wool short-sleeve Navy Flying Cross, #70R9586 42 3. Shirt: Poly / Lycra long-sleeve Navy Flying Cross, #48W3986 2 4. Shirt: Poly / Lycra shortsleeve Navy Flying Cross, #98R3986 1 5. Shirt: 65/35 Poly/Rayon Deluxe Tropical long sleeve Light Blue Flying Cross, #45W6625 4 6. Shirt: 65/35 Poly/Rayon Deluxe Tropical short sleeve Light Blue Flying Cross, #95R6625 1 7. Shirt: Fx W/W, long-sleeve Tan Blauer, #8450 4 8. Shirt: Fx W/W, short-sleeve Tan Blauer, #8460 4 Unit Price Extended Price Manufacturer Offered _____________________________________ _______________________________________________ ___________________________________________ July 2010 Page 15 of 65 City of Santa Cruz Request For Proposals for Uniform Purchases _________________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ Description Color Current Manufacturer, Item # Annual Estimated Quantity 9. Shirt: 10.5 oz. bicomponent Short Sleeve Knit Shirt Black Blauer, #8130 1 10. Shirt: Pique Polo Navy Blauer, #8134X 2 11. Shirt: Pique Polo White Blauer, #8134X 2 12. Shirt: Dutymax Nanodry, 65% polyester / 35% rayon White Elbeco, #540 2 13. Shirt: 65% polyester / 35% cotton, Stretch twill weave with Nano-Tex Resists Spills technology Dark Navy Elbeco, #G974 4 14. Shirt: 4.5 oz Nomex IIIA long- Sleeve Fire Chief Shirt Midnight Navy Workrite, #705NX45 10 15. Shirt: 4.5 oz Nomex IIIA long Sleeve Fire Officer Shirt Midnight Navy Workrite, #725NX45 2 16. Shirt: 4.5 oz Nomex IIIA short- Sleeve Fire Chief Shirt Midnight Navy Workrite, #700NX45 12 17. Shirt: TDU Shirt - Long Sleeve, Ripstop Black 5.11, #72002 1 18. Sweater: Fleece-Lined VNeck Black Blauer, #225 4 19. Pants: Wool, Serge Navy Fechheimer, #32289 34 Unit Price Extended Price Manufacturer Offered _____________________________________ _______________________________________________ ___________________________________________ July 2010 Page 16 of 65 City of Santa Cruz Request For Proposals for Uniform Purchases _________________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ Description Color Current Manufacturer, Item # Annual Estimated Quantity 20. Pants: 70% Poly/28% Rayon/ 2% Lycra Blend, Deluxe Tactical Navy Fechheimer, #39489 2 21. Pants: 14.5 oz. serge weave worsted wool blend with 10% stretch Black Blauer, Class Act 8560 18 22. Pants: Class A dress trousers Black Whaling, #229BL 2 23. Pants: Motor Breeches w/ stripe Navy 24. Pants: Work pants Khaki Dickies 1 25. Pants: Poly/Cotton Blend Street Gear Trousers, cargo pocket pant Green Blauer, #8810 4 26. Pants: Poly/Cotton Blend Street Gear Trousers, cargo pocket pant Black Blauer, #8810 4 27. Pants: 7.5 oz Nomex IIIA Full-Cut Industrial Midnight Navy Workrite, 402NX75 24 28. Pants: GTX Gore-Tex Shell Rain Pants Black Blauer, #9134 4 29. Pants: 65/35 Poly/ Cotton RipStop BDU's Black Flying Cross, #UD4000NV 1 Unit Price Extended Price Manufacturer Offered 1 _____________________________________ _______________________________________________ ___________________________________________ July 2010 Page 17 of 65 City of Santa Cruz Request For Proposals for Uniform Purchases _________________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ Description Color Current Manufacturer, Item # Annual Estimated Quantity 30. Pants: Tactical Duty Uniform Ripstop Pant Black 5.11, #74003 1 31. Pants, Bicycle: Alitta High Impact Pants Black Fechheimer, #A340NV 1 32. Pants, Bicycle: Alitta High Impact Shorts Black Fechheimer, #A140NV 1 33. Pants: Walking shorts 5.11 2 34. Shoes: Mens 6” Plain Toe Postal Approved Chukkas Black Rocky, #5005 4 35. Shoes: military low quarter with soft full grain leather shineable Black Florsheim, #F910 2 36. Boots: 5.11 8" Side Zip Atac, #12001 2 37. Boots: Men's 9” Stealth SWAT Military Black Converse, #8875 2 38. Boots: 8" Leather/ Cordura Plain Toe Black Rocky, #2080 2 39. Boots: Mens 10” Side Zip Leather Combat Black Rocky, #2090 2 40. Boots: Mens GX-8 Side Zip GORE-TEX Slip Resistant Assault Black Bates, #2268 8 Unit Price Extended Price Manufacturer Offered _____________________________________ _______________________________________________ ___________________________________________ July 2010 Page 18 of 65 City of Santa Cruz Request For Proposals for Uniform Purchases _________________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ Description Color Current Manufacturer, Item # Annual Estimated Quantity 41. Boots: Mens Classic 9” Side Zip Combat Black Original Swat, #1152 6 42. Boots: Original Mens SWAT Air MT Tactical Waterproof Black Original Swat, #1234 2 43. Boots: Warrior Wear Black Ops Black Blackhawk 8 44. Boots: Acadia Mens/ Womens Uninsulated Uniform Boots Black Danner, #21210 2 45. Boots: Mens Patrol 6” GORETEX Uninsulated Tactical Black Danner, #25200 2 46. Boots: Telson GTX Uniform Boots Black Danner, #43150 2 47. Boots: 8” polishable leather Black Chippewa, #27422 2 48. Boots: The Easy EscapeSlip-On Leather Boots (steeltoe) Black Redback, #USBBK 2 49. Boots: Rescue Boot, Full Grain, Steel Toe Black Redback, #USFBF 2 50. Boots: OSHA 9" Oblique Toe Fire Boot, Vibram Lug Outsole Black All American Boot Mfg, #401 2 51. Socks: 6” Black 5.11 Level 1, #59047 12 52. Socks: 9” Black 5.11 Level 1, #59048 2 Unit Price Extended Price Manufacturer Offered _____________________________________ _______________________________________________ ___________________________________________ July 2010 Page 19 of 65 City of Santa Cruz Request For Proposals for Uniform Purchases _________________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ Description Color Current Manufacturer, Item # Annual Estimated Quantity 53. Belt: 1-3/4” Garrison Blk BW Boston, #6505-3 2 54. Velcro pant belt 55. Under Belt Bianchi, 2 56. Belt: 1-1/2" Off Duty Leather Belt Boston Leather, #6582 2 57. Belt: Nylon 2-1/4" Duty Belt w/ Buckle Dutyman, #750 6 58. Belt Keeper: Leather 3/4” w/ snap closure Chrome Aetco 20 59. Gloves: Patrolman with Sheepskin Black Hatch, #MW988S 10 60. Gloves: SP100 Defender II Gloves with Steel Shot Black Hatch, #SP100 40 pairs 61. Gloves: 5.11 Patrol Glove Black Centurion, #59307 2 pair 62. Gloves: Classic Neoprene gloves (PULSE SERIES) Black Damascus, DNSIII-E 2 pair 63. Tie Black Samuel Broome 2 64. Jacket, Bike: Waterproof patrol jacket Black Mocean, #6059A 2 65. Jacket: Nylon 3-season jacket with fleece lining Navy/ Gray Tri-Mountain, 8800 Mountaineer 26 Unit Price Extended Price Manufacturer Offered 2 _____________________________________ _______________________________________________ ___________________________________________ July 2010 Page 20 of 65 City of Santa Cruz Request For Proposals for Uniform Purchases _________________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ Description Color Current Manufacturer, Item # Annual Estimated Quantity 66. Jacket: 3-Season Jacket w/ B.DRY Fabric Navy Blauer, #6120 6 67. Jacket: Featherweight Reversible w/ GORE-TEX Blauer, #9691 8 68. Jacket Hood: for Blauer, #9691 69. Jacket: Emergency Response Unit Price Extended Price Manufacturer Offered 8 Black Blauer, 9845Z 4 Fechheimer 2 Jacket w/ Crosstech Fabric 70. Jacket: Zip Front Ike Dress Coat, 14-14½ oz, 55/45 Polyester/Wool 71. Jacket: Class A 32" double breasted dress coat Black Whaling, #226BL 2 72. Dress Hat: Military A/F, black braid frame, black high gloss visor, silver expansion strap White Caplite Bayly Inc, #09WB3C2 2 73. Flexfit woolblend baseball cap Navy Richardson, #585 50 74. Baton Ring: Single Snap Police Safariland, #67S 2 75. Handcuff case: Top Flap Double Handcuff Pouch w/ gold Safariland, #290 4 _____________________________________ _______________________________________________ ___________________________________________ July 2010 Page 21 of 65 City of Santa Cruz Request For Proposals for Uniform Purchases _________________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ Description Color Current Manufacturer, Item # Annual Estimated Quantity 76. Holster: Level II Retention Duty Holster, Mid-Ride Safariland, #6280 2 77. Sepra Holster Blackhawk 2 78. Lieutenant Bars, Large Gold Blackinton, #A5614 8 79. Lieutenant Bars, Small Gold Blackinton, #A5573 2 80. 1” star insignia Gold Blackinton, #A5211-A 20 81. I-3 Service Stars Silver 82. Sergeant Chevron Gold Blackinton, #A3782 59 83. Fire Patch: 4" X 11" Paramedic Patch Navy Premier, #E1731 8 84. Fire Badge: Chief Officers Karatclad Blackinton, #B741R 1 85. Fire Badge: All other ranks Nickel Blackinton, #B741 1 86. Fire Badge: Parallel double horn, 15/16” Silver Blackinton, #A3614 8 87. Fire Badge: Single horn cutout hat piece Silver Blackinton, #A2909-2 2 88. Hash Marks 162 89. Sew on patch 6 90. Remove patch 14 Unit Price Extended Price Manufacturer Offered 4 _____________________________________ _______________________________________________ ___________________________________________ July 2010 Page 22 of 65 City of Santa Cruz Request For Proposals for Uniform Purchases _________________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ Description Color Current Manufacturer, Item # Annual Estimated Quantity 91. Sew on star 2 92. Embroider number in star 2 93. Embroider badge number 6 94. Tack on reflective tape 2 95. Darts 4 96. Take in sleeves, short-sleeve shirt 6 97. Take in sleeves, long-sleeve shirt 4 98. Taper shirt 16 99. Take in sides & sleeves, short-sleeve shirt 12 100. Take in sides & sleeves, long-sleeve shirt 12 101. Shorten sleeve, short-sleeve shirt 4 102. Shorten sleeve, long-sleeve shirt 1 103. Shorten shirt, long-sleeve shirt 4 104. Take in/out waist 4 105. Shorten crotch 1” 4 106. Zipper in shirt 8 107. Oversize charges 1 Unit Price Extended Price Manufacturer Offered TOTAL: _____________________________________ _______________________________________________ ___________________________________________ July 2010 Page 23 of 65 City of Santa Cruz Request For Proposals for Uniform Purchases _________________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ Hourly rate for other alterations and repairs: _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Other standard charges not listed above: ________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________ _______________________________________________ ___________________________________________ July 2010 Page 24 of 65 City of Santa Cruz Attachment A ______________________________________ ______________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________________ ______________________________________ Request For Proposals for Uniform Purchases, July 2010 Page 25 of 65 City of Santa Cruz Attachment A ______________________________________ ______________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________________ ______________________________________ Request For Proposals for Uniform Purchases, July 2010 Page 26 of 65 City of Santa Cruz Attachment A ______________________________________ ______________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________________ ______________________________________ Request For Proposals for Uniform Purchases, July 2010 Page 27 of 65 City of Santa Cruz Attachment A ______________________________________ ______________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________________ ______________________________________ Request For Proposals for Uniform Purchases, July 2010 Page 28 of 65 City of Santa Cruz Attachment A ______________________________________ ______________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________________ ______________________________________ Request For Proposals for Uniform Purchases, July 2010 Page 29 of 65 City of Santa Cruz Attachment A ______________________________________ ______________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________________ ______________________________________ Request For Proposals for Uniform Purchases, July 2010 Page 30 of 65 City of Santa Cruz Attachment A ______________________________________ ______________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________________ ______________________________________ Request For Proposals for Uniform Purchases, July 2010 Page 31 of 65 City of Santa Cruz Attachment A ______________________________________ ______________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________________ ______________________________________ Request For Proposals for Uniform Purchases, July 2010 Page 32 of 65 City of Santa Cruz Attachment A ______________________________________ ______________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________________ ______________________________________ Request For Proposals for Uniform Purchases, July 2010 Page 33 of 65 City of Santa Cruz Attachment A ______________________________________ ______________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________________ ______________________________________ Request For Proposals for Uniform Purchases, July 2010 Page 34 of 65 City of Santa Cruz Attachment A ______________________________________ ______________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________________ ______________________________________ Request For Proposals for Uniform Purchases, July 2010 Page 35 of 65 City of Santa Cruz Attachment A 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July 2010 Page 38 of 65 City of Santa Cruz Attachment A ______________________________________ ______________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________________ ______________________________________ Request For Proposals for Uniform Purchases, July 2010 Page 39 of 65 City of Santa Cruz Attachment A ______________________________________ ______________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________________ ______________________________________ Request For Proposals for Uniform Purchases, July 2010 Page 40 of 65 City of Santa Cruz Attachment A ______________________________________ ______________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________________ ______________________________________ Request For Proposals for Uniform Purchases, July 2010 Page 41 of 65 City of Santa Cruz Attachment A ______________________________________ ______________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________________ ______________________________________ Request For Proposals for Uniform Purchases, July 2010 Page 42 of 65 City of Santa Cruz Attachment A ______________________________________ ______________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________________ ______________________________________ Request For Proposals for Uniform Purchases, July 2010 Page 43 of 65 City of Santa Cruz Attachment A ______________________________________ ______________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________________ ______________________________________ Request For Proposals for Uniform Purchases, July 2010 Page 44 of 65 City of Santa Cruz Attachment A ______________________________________ ______________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________________ ______________________________________ Request For Proposals for Uniform Purchases, July 2010 Page 45 of 65 City of Santa Cruz Attachment A ______________________________________ ______________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________________ ______________________________________ Request For Proposals for Uniform Purchases, July 2010 Page 46 of 65 City of Santa Cruz Attachment A ______________________________________ 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Cruz Attachment A ______________________________________ ______________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________________ ______________________________________ Request For Proposals for Uniform Purchases, July 2010 Page 50 of 65 City of Santa Cruz Attachment B ___________________________________________ _________________________________ ____________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________ _________________________________Request For Proposals for Uniform Purchases, July 2010 Page 51 of 65 City of Santa Cruz Attachment B ___________________________________________ _________________________________ ____________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________ _________________________________Request For Proposals for Uniform Purchases, July 2010 Page 52 of 65 City of Santa Cruz Attachment B ___________________________________________ _________________________________ ____________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________ _________________________________Request For Proposals for Uniform Purchases, July 2010 Page 53 of 65 City of Santa Cruz Attachment B ___________________________________________ _________________________________ ____________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________ _________________________________Request For Proposals for Uniform Purchases, July 2010 Page 54 of 65 City of Santa Cruz Attachment B ___________________________________________ _________________________________ ____________________________________________________ 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of 65 City of Santa Cruz Attachment B ___________________________________________ _________________________________ ____________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________ _________________________________Request For Proposals for Uniform Purchases, July 2010 Page 61 of 65 City of Santa Cruz Attachment B ___________________________________________ _________________________________ ____________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________ _________________________________Request For Proposals for Uniform Purchases, July 2010 Page 62 of 65 City of Santa Cruz Attachment B ___________________________________________ _________________________________ ____________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________ _________________________________Request For Proposals for Uniform Purchases, July 2010 Page 63 of 65 City of Santa Cruz Attachment B ___________________________________________ _________________________________ ____________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________ _________________________________Request For Proposals for Uniform Purchases, July 2010 Page 64 of 65 City of Santa Cruz Attachment B ___________________________________________ _________________________________ ____________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________ _________________________________Request For Proposals for Uniform Purchases, July 2010 Page 65 of 65