Florida Blue September 2016 Care Choices Medication Guide
October 2016 Care Choices Medication Guide Please consider talking to your doctor about prescribing formulary medications, which may help reduce your out-of-pocket costs. This list may help guide you and your doctor in selecting an appropriate medication for you. The drug formulary is regularly updated. Please visit www.floridablue.com for the most up-to-date information. Contents Medication List Introduction ....................................................................... I Anti-Infective Drugs ........................................................ 1 Medication List ................................................................. I Biologicals ..................................................................... 12 Exception Process........................................................... II Antineoplastic Agents ................................................... 15 Your Share of Expenses ................................................ III Endocrine and Metabolic Drugs ....................................20 Pharmacy Benefits ......................................................... III Cardiovascular Agents...................................................37 Utilization Management Programs ................................ VI Respiratory Agents ....................................................... 56 Notice .......................................................................... VIII Gastrointestinal Agents ................................................ 61 Using the Medication Guide ........................................ VIII Genitourinary Agents .................................................... 66 Abbreviation/acronym key ............................................. IX Central Nervous System Drugs .................................... 69 Analgesics and Anesthetics .......................................... 85 Neuromuscular Drugs ................................................... 95 Nutritional Products .................................................... 104 Hematological Agents ................................................. 112 Topical Products ......................................................... 120 Miscellaneous Products .............................................. 133 Index ........................................................................... 196 To search for a drug name within this PDF document, use the Control and F keys on your keyboard, or go to Edit in the drop-down menu and select Find/Search. Type in the word or phrase you are looking for and click on Search. 3022-O FL HIM © Prime Therapeutics LLC 10/16 Rev.4/2016 Introduction Florida Blue is pleased to present the Care Choices Medication Guide. This is a general guide that includes a comprehensive listing of medications that may be covered under your plan. Since coverage for medication varies by the plan purchased by you or your employer, it’s important that you refer to your plan documents for complete coverage details. When we refer to “plan documents” we are referring to one or more of the following: Benefit Booklet, Certificate of Coverage, Contract, Member Handbook or prescription drug endorsement. If you are a current member, we encourage you to log on to your member account for plan specific details about your medication coverage. Go to www.floridablue.com, click on the Members tab. Once registered, you can look up a medication by name and compare your cost at different pharmacies. You’ll see notes that indicate if a medication requires a prior authorization or is not covered by your plan. Si desea hablar sobre esta guía en español con uno de nuestros representantes, por favor llame al número de atención al cliente indicado en su tarjeta de asegurado y pida ser transferido a un representante bilingüe. NOTE: The decision concerning whether a prescription medication should be prescribed must be made by you and your physician. Any and all decisions that require or pertain to independent professional medical judgment or training, or the need for, and dosage of, a prescription medication, must be made solely by you and your treating physician in accordance with the patient/physician relationship. Key Tips and Coverage Guidelines By following these simple guidelines, you will be assured that you are getting the maximum benefit from your plan. • When you have your prescriptions filled, ask your pharmacist if a generic equivalent is available. Generic medications are usually less expensive and most generics are covered unless specifically excluded under your plan documents. • Consider asking your physician to prescribe generic medications, or if necessary, one of the preferred brand name medications whenever appropriate. Your cost for generic and preferred brand name medications is lower than nonpreferred brand name medications • If you are currently taking a medication, take a moment to review the medication list to determine if it is covered. If not, check with your doctor to understand available options and review the EXCEPTION PROCESS section of this Guide for exception procedures. • If you or your provider request a covered brand name medication when there is a generic available; you will be responsible for: (1) the difference in cost between the generic medication and the brand name medication you received; and (2) the cost share applicable to the brand name medication you received, as indicated on your Schedule of Benefits Medication List What you need to know about generic medications Florida Blue encourages the use of generic medications as a way to provide high-quality medications at reduced costs. Generic medications are as safe and effective as their brand name counterparts, and are usually considerably less expensive. A Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved generic medication may be substituted for its brand name counterpart because it: • Contains the same active ingredient(s) as the Brand medication • Is identical in strength, dosage form, and route of administration • Is therapeutically equivalent and can be expected to have the same clinical effect and safety profile Florida Blue is a trade name of Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Florida, Inc. Florida Blue HMO is a trade name of Health Options, Inc., an affiliate of Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Florida, Inc. These companies are Independent Licensees of the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association. Florida Blue October 2016 Care Choices Medication Guide I Changes to the formulary This guide includes the medication list which reflects the current recommendations of Florida Blue and is developed in conjunction with Prime Therapeutics’ National Pharmacy & Therapeutics Committee. Florida Blue reserves the right to add or remove or change the tier of any medication in this Medication Guide at any time. The medication list is reviewed quarterly to examine new medications and new information about medications that are already on the market concerning safety, effectiveness and current use in therapy. The most up-to-date information about modifications to the medications listed in this medication guide can be found by: Going to www.floridablue.com • Click on the Members tab • Click on the Login Now button and either Login or Register • Once Logged in, click on My Plan, then select Pharmacy from the drop down menu • Under Pharmacy Resources, click on Medication Guide & Specialty Pharmacy • Under Medication Guide/Approved Drug Lists, click Care Choices Medication Guide or Care Choices Medication Guide Updates Updated medication guides are posted periodically throughout the year. There are varying reasons changes are made to the medications listed in the Care Choices Medication Guide: • The tier level of a brand name medication included on the medication list may increase (change to a higher tier) when an FDA-approved bioequivalent generic medication becomes available. • Newly marketed prescription medications may not be covered until the Pharmacy & Therapeutics Committee has had an opportunity to review the medication to determine whether the medication will be covered and if so, which tier will apply based on safety, efficacy and the availability of other products within that class of medications. Formulary addition request Physicians may request the addition of a medication to the formulary list by submitting a written request to Florida Blue. Please mail to: Florida Blue Attn: Pharmacy Programs P.O. Box 1798 Jacksonville, FL 32231-0014 Exception Process Pursuant to 45 C.F.R. 156.122, if a medication is not covered on our formulary, you may request an exception. We have established processes for both standard exception requests and expedited exception requests, as described below. Standard Exception Requests To request a standard exception, you, your designee or the prescribing physician (or other prescriber), as appropriate may submit an exception request by completing and submitting the Coverage Exception Request Form at the link below. We will notify you or your designee and the prescribing physician (or other prescriber, as appropriate) of our decision within 72 hours of our receipt of the request. If we approve the exception, we will provide coverage of the excepted medication for the duration of the prescription, including refills. Florida Blue is a trade name of Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Florida, Inc. Florida Blue HMO is a trade name of Health Options, Inc., an affiliate of Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Florida, Inc. These companies are Independent Licensees of the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association. Florida Blue October 2016 Care Choices Medication Guide II Expedited Exception Requests You may request an expedited exception based on exigent circumstances. Exigent circumstances exist when: 1. you are suffering from a medical condition that may seriously jeopardize your life, health or ability to regain maximum function; or 2. you are undergoing a current course of treatment using a medication that is not covered on our formulary. To request an expedited exception, you, your designee or the prescribing physician (or other prescriber) may submit an exception request by completing and submitting the Coverage Exception Request Form at the link below. We will notify you or your designee and the prescribing physician (or other prescriber, as appropriate) of our decision within 24 hours of our receipt of the request. If we approve the exception, we will provide coverage of the excepted medication for the duration of the exigency. Coverage Exception Request Form What if my exception request is denied? If we deny your standard or expedited request for exception, you, your designee, or the prescribing physician (or other prescriber) may request a review of the original request and our denial by an external independent review organization. 1. If the original exception request was a standard request, we will notify you or your designee and the prescribing physician (or other prescriber, as appropriate) of our decision within 72 hours of our receipt of the request. If we approve the exception, we will provide coverage of the excepted medication for the duration of the prescription. 2. If the original exception request was an expedited request, we will notify you or your designee and the prescribing physician (or other prescriber, as appropriate) of our decision within 24 hours of our receipt of the request. If we approve the exception, we will provide coverage of the excepted medication for the duration of the exigency. Your Share of Expenses Your cost share will depend on which cost share tier the medication is assigned to: Tier 1: Preferred generic medications and supplies Tier 2: Preferred brand name medications and supplies Tier 3: Non-preferred medications and supplies Tier 4: Specialty medications Pharmacy Benefits Condition Care Rx Program The Condition Care Rx Program is designed to help manage the cost of medications used to treat certain chronic conditions and encourage medication adherence. If you have the Condition Care Rx Program as part of your benefits, you can purchase medications from the Condition Care Rx Program Value List/Health Savings Account Preventive List at a reduced cost. A list of medications that are part of the Condition Care Rx Value Program may be found at: Condition Care Rx Program Value List A list of medications that are part of the Condition Care Rx Program for Health Savings Account (HSA) compatible plans may be found at: Condition Care Rx Program HSA Preventive List Florida Blue is a trade name of Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Florida, Inc. Florida Blue HMO is a trade name of Health Options, Inc., an affiliate of Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Florida, Inc. These companies are Independent Licensees of the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association. Florida Blue October 2016 Care Choices Medication Guide III NOTE: Check your Schedule of Benefits to determine if the Condition Care Rx Program applies to your plan and the applicable cost share. Coverage details may also be available to you by logging into the member section of www.floridablue.com. Immunizations Certain vaccines which are covered under your preventive benefits can be administered by pharmacists that are certified. Not all pharmacies provide services for vaccine administration. It is important to contact the pharmacy prior to your visit to ensure availability and administration of the vaccine. A list of vaccines that are covered under your pharmacy benefits may be found at: Pharmacy Benefit Vaccines List Mail Order Pharmacy Obtaining prescription medications through the mail order pharmacy may reduce the cost you pay for your prescription medications. Check your plan documents to determine if your plan provides a mail order pharmacy benefit. Members who have pharmacy benefits through Florida Blue can access and print out the Mail Order Pharmacy Form on our website at www.floridablue.com. NOTE: If the original prescription was filled at a pharmacy other than the mail order pharmacy, you must submit a new, original three-month supply prescription with a quantity of up to a three-month supply and not less than a two-month supply along with the Registration and Prescription Order Form. Prescriptions may not be transferred from a retail pharmacy to the mail order pharmacy. Medications that are not covered Your pharmacy benefit may not cover select medications. Some of the reasons a medication may not be covered are: • The medication has been shown to have excessive adverse effects and/or safer alternatives • The medication has a preferred formulary alternative or over-the-counter (OTC) alternative • The medication is no longer marketed • The medication has a widely available/distributed AB rated generic equivalent formulation • The medication has been repackaged — a pharmaceutical product that is removed from the original manufacturer container (Brand Originator) and repackaged by another manufacturer with a different NDC In addition to any drug not listed in the medication guide, a list of certain medications that are not covered may be found at Medications Not Covered List NOTE: To determine the medication exclusions that apply to your plan, check your plan documents. Coverage details are also available to you by logging into the member section of www.floridablue.com Oral Chemotherapy Drugs Oral chemotherapy drugs are drugs prescribed by a physician to kill or slow the growth of cancerous cells in a manner consistent with the national accepted standards of practice. A list of these drugs can be found at: Oral Chemotherapy Drug List Florida Blue is a trade name of Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Florida, Inc. Florida Blue HMO is a trade name of Health Options, Inc., an affiliate of Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Florida, Inc. These companies are Independent Licensees of the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association. Florida Blue October 2016 Care Choices Medication Guide IV Over-the-counter (OTC) medications An over-the-counter medication can be an appropriate treatment for some conditions and may offer a lower cost alternative to some commonly prescribed medications. Your pharmacy benefit may provide coverage for select OTC medications. Some groups may customize their pharmacy plan to exclude coverage for OTC medications, so it is important to check your plan documents to determine if OTC medications are covered under your plan. Only those OTC medications prescribed by your physician and designated on the formulary with “OTC” in parenthesis following the medication name are eligible for coverage. NOTE: Check your plan documents to determine if this benefit applies to your plan. Coverage details are also available to you logging into the member section of www.floridablue.com. Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA) Preventive Services • Preventive Medications – Certain preventive care services, medications, and immunizations are covered at no cost share when purchased at a participating pharmacy. A list of medications covered under this benefit may be found at: Preventive Medications List • Women’s Preventive Services – Certain contraceptive medications or devices (e.g., oral contraceptives, emergency contraceptive, and diaphragms) are covered at no cost share when purchased at a participating pharmacy. A list of medications and devices covered under this benefit may be found at: Women’s Preventive Services List Specialty Pharmacy medications Specialty Pharmacy medications are high-cost injectable, infused, oral or inhaled medications that generally require close supervision and monitoring of the patient’s therapy. NOTE: Check your plan documents for information on how Specialty Pharmacy medications are covered on your plan. Specialty Medications are divided into two categories: • Self-Administered Specialty Medications – Patients administer these Specialty Pharmacy medications themselves. Because these medications are intended to be self-administered, these medications may not be covered if administered in a physician’s office. If these medications are not obtained from a participating specialty pharmacy, out-of-network coverage is not available. A current listing of Self-Administered Specialty Medications can be found here • Provider-Administered Specialty Medications – These medications require the administration to be performed by a physician. The Specialty Pharmacy medications are ordered by a provider and administered in an office or outpatient setting. Provider-administered Specialty Pharmacy medications are covered under your medical benefit. These medications can be obtained from any in-network health care provider. A current listing of ProviderAdministered Specialty Medications can be found here NOTE: We have noted medications that may be covered as either Self-Administered and/or Provider-Administered. These Specialty Pharmacy products can be obtained in either setting. Florida Blue is a trade name of Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Florida, Inc. Florida Blue HMO is a trade name of Health Options, Inc., an affiliate of Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Florida, Inc. These companies are Independent Licensees of the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association. Florida Blue October 2016 Care Choices Medication Guide V Participating Specialty Pharmacy Providers Your network for Specialty Pharmacies is limited to the following participating Specialty Pharmacy providers. Unless indicated below, any other pharmacy is considered a non-participating Specialty Pharmacy even if it participates in Florida Blue’s networks for non-Specialty Pharmacy medications. Caremark Specialty Pharmacy Services All Products Phone: 866-278-5108 Fax: 800-323-2445 Caremark Specialty Pharmacy Caremark Hemophilia Services Hemophilia Products Telephone: 866-792-2731 (Mon-Fri., 9:00 a.m. to 7:30 p.m. EST) Fax: 866-811-7450 Prime Therapeutics Specialty Pharmacy (Prime Specialty Pharmacy) Telephone: 877-627-MEDS (6337) Fax: 877-828-3939 TTY 711 Prime Specialty Pharmacy Prime Therapeutics Specialty Pharmacy (Prime Specialty Pharmacy) is a wholly owned subsidiary of Prime Therapeutics LLC. Caremark Hemophilia NOTE: Specialty Pharmacy medications are not covered when purchased through the mail order pharmacy. If you receive a written prescription directly from your provider for a provider-administered specialty medication you should contact customer service for further assistance. Three-month supply In addition to being able to obtain up to a three-month supply of medication through our mail order pharmacy, you may be able to receive up to a three-month supply of your medication through a participating retail pharmacy. Please refer to your plan documents to determine if your plan includes this benefit. Utilization Management Programs Prior Authorization Program The Prior Authorization Program encourages the appropriate, safe and cost-effective use of medications. If you are currently taking or are prescribed a medication that is included in the Prior Authorization Program, your physician will need to submit a request form in order for your prescription to be considered for coverage. If you do not request and/or receive prior approval, the medication will not be covered. Medications that require prior authorization for coverage are indicated in the prior authorization column following the product name in the medication list. NOTE: Some groups may customize their pharmacy plan to exclude prior authorization requirements, so it is important to check your plan documents to determine if prior authorization requirements apply to your plan. Coverage details are also available to you by logging into the member section of www.floridablue.com. Obtaining Prior Authorization Information about prior authorization and forms for how to obtain a prior authorization approval can be found here: Prior Authorization Program Information and Forms NOTE: Your provider is required to complete and submit the Prior Authorization form in order for a coverage determination to be made. Florida Blue is a trade name of Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Florida, Inc. Florida Blue HMO is a trade name of Health Options, Inc., an affiliate of Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Florida, Inc. These companies are Independent Licensees of the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association. Florida Blue October 2016 Care Choices Medication Guide VI 1. Once a decision is made, you and/or your doctor will be informed of the decision. 2. If the decision is made to authorize coverage, the medication(s) and/or supplies may be obtained from a participating pharmacy or at the appropriate location if the medication(s) will be administered by a health professional. Prior authorization approval does not waive your cost share. 3. If a decision is made to deny authorization, you are free to purchase the prescription medication, supplies or Over-the-Counter (OTC) medication, but you will have to pay the full cost of the medication and will not be entitled to reimbursement under your plan. NOTE: You have the right to request an appeal if prior authorization is denied. Please refer to the ‘How to Appeal an Adverse Benefit Determination’ subsection of the Complaint and Grievance Process section in your current Benefit Booklet or Contract for information on how to file an appeal. Responsible Quantity Program The Responsible Quantity Program encourages the appropriate, safe and cost-effective use of medication by setting a maximum quantity per month for a medication or supply. The quantity limitations are based on the Food and Drug Administration guidelines and the manufacturer’s dosing recommendations. Medications that are subject to this program are indicated in the quantity limits column following the product name in the medication list. Information about the Responsible Quantity Program and steps for how to obtain an exception can be found here: Responsible Quantity Program Information Responsible Steps Program The Responsible Steps Program promotes the appropriate, safe, and effective use of medications and helps you save on prescriptions. Responsible Steps is based on nationally recognized therapeutic guidelines, clinical evidence, and research. Prescription medications included in the Responsible Steps Program are not covered unless you have tried one or more covered alternative medications first. Responsible Steps Program (Medical Pharmacy) Physician-administered Prescription Drugs which are rendered in a physician’s office may be included in the Responsible Steps for Medical Pharmacy Program. If you are taking a medication in the Responsible Steps Program, please contact your physician/provider to discuss what medication options are best for you. Information about the Responsible Steps Program and the Responsible Steps for Medical Pharmacy Program and steps for how to obtain an exception can be found at: Responsible Steps Program Information or Responsible Steps for Medical Pharmacy Program Information. NOTE: Check your plan documents to determine if Responsible Steps requirements apply to your plan. Coverage details are also available to you by logging into the member section of www.floridablue.com or by calling the customer service number listed on your ID card. U/M Exception requests If, for medical reasons, you require a quantity of medication outside the Responsible Quantity Program limits or you cannot use one of the alternative medications and require the medication listed in the Responsible Steps or Responsible Steps for Medical Pharmacy Programs, require a tier exception for a contraceptive, your physician may submit an exception request by completing one of the forms below Prior Authorization Forms Responsible Quantity Authorization Form Contraceptives Tier Exception Request Form Florida Blue is a trade name of Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Florida, Inc. Florida Blue HMO is a trade name of Health Options, Inc., an affiliate of Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Florida, Inc. These companies are Independent Licensees of the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association. Florida Blue October 2016 Care Choices Medication Guide VII Notice This Medication Guide shall not extend, vary, alter, replace, or waive any of the provisions, benefits, exclusions, limitations, or conditions contained in the Benefit Booklet, Contract, or prescription drug endorsement. In the event of any inconsistencies between the Medication Guide and the provisions contained in the Benefit Booklet, Contract or prescription drug endorsement, the provisions contained in the Benefit Booklet, Contract or prescription drug endorsement shall control to the extent necessary to effectuate the intent of Florida Blue and Florida Blue HMO. Using the Medication Guide The medication list is organized into broad categories (e.g., Antibacterials). Below are descriptions of the columns included the medication list. Column 1. Drug Name: lists the medication name. Generic medications are listed in lowercase boldface (e.g., demeclocycline) Brand name medications are capitalized (e.g., ZITHROMAX packets) Separate medication entries are shown for each dosage form and strength. Note: Self-administered injectable medications are designated in the medication list with “inj” following the medication name (e.g., enoxaparin inj). Column 2. Drug Tier: indicates the tier level and whether the medication is on the preventive list or Condition Care Rx List: “P”: Preventive medications Tier 1: Preferred generic medications and supplies Tier 2: Preferred brand name medications and supplies Tier 3: Non-preferred medications Tier 4: Specialty medications Column 3. Specialty: indicates if the medication is a Self-Administered Specialty medication. Column 4. Prior Authorization: indicates if the prior authorization requirement applies to the medication. If an indicator is present in the column, then the prior authorization requirement applies. Column 5. Responsible Quantity: indicates if quantity limits apply to the medication. If an indicator is present in the column, then quantity limits apply. Column 6. Responsible Steps: indicates if step therapy applies to the medication. If an indicator is present in the column, then step therapy applies. Column 7. Limited Distribution: indicates if the medication has limited distribution. If an indicator is present in the column, the medication may be available only at certain pharmacies. For more information, consult your pharmacy directory. Florida Blue is a trade name of Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Florida, Inc. Florida Blue HMO is a trade name of Health Options, Inc., an affiliate of Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Florida, Inc. These companies are Independent Licensees of the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association. Florida Blue October 2016 Care Choices Medication Guide VIII Abbreviation/acronym key caps ....................................................................capsules chew tabs .............................................. chewable tablets OTC ........................................................ over-the-counter PA ......................................... Prior Authorization required conc ............................................................... concentrate QL ............................... Responsible Quantity Program — crm .......................................................................... cream ext-release............................................ extended-release quantity limit applies SI ......................................... Self-Administered Injectable SL...................................................................... sublingual inhal .................................................................. inhalation inj .........................................................................injection lotn ........................................................................... lotion NP ............................................................... non-preferred ODT ........................................ orally disintegrating tablets oint ...................................................................... ointment SP ..................................................... Specialty Pharmacy soln ....................................................................... solution supp ............................................................ suppositories susp ................................................................ suspension tabs .........................................................................tablets OSM ........................................................ osmotic-release To determine if your drug is covered and/or find drug pricing, please login to Your Account on the Florida Blue website at www.floridablue.com. In Your Account choose Tools, and then Compare Drug Prices. Florida Blue is a trade name of Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Florida, Inc. Florida Blue HMO is a trade name of Health Options, Inc., an affiliate of Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Florida, Inc. These companies are Independent Licensees of the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association. Florida Blue October 2016 Care Choices Medication Guide IX Nondiscrimination and Accessibility Notice (ACA §1557) Florida Blue and Florida Blue HMO comply with applicable Federal civil rights laws and do not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, disability or sex. Florida Blue and Florida Blue HMO does not exclude people or treat them differently because of race, color, national origin, age, disability or sex. Florida Blue and Florida Blue HMO provide free aids and services to people with disabilities to communicate effectively with us, such as: o o o Qualified sign language interpreters Written information in other formats (large print, audio, accessible electronic formats, other formats) Provides free language services to people whose primary language is not English, such as: Qualified interpreters Information written in other languages If you need these services, contact 1-800-352-2583. If you believe that Florida Blue and Florida Blue HMO has failed to provide these services or discriminated in another way on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, disability or sex, you can file a grievance with: Section 1557 Coordinator 4800 Deerwood Campus Parkway, DC1-7 Jacksonville, FL 32246 Phone 800-477-3736 x29070 (TTY: 800-955-8770) Fax 904-301-1580 Email section1557coordinator@floridablue.com You can file a grievance in person or by mail, fax or email. If you need help filing a grievance, our Section 1557 Coordinator is available to help you. You can also file a civil rights complaint with the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Office for Civil Rights electronically through the Office for Civil Rights Complaint Portal, available at https://ocrportal.hhs.gov/ocr/portal/lobby.jsf, or by mail or phone at: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services 200 Independence Avenue SW Room 509F, HHH Building Washington, DC 20201 1-800-368-1019, 800–537–7697 (TDD) Complaint forms are available at http://www.hhs.gov/ocr/office/file/index.html. Health insurance is offered by Florida Blue. HMO coverage is offered by Florida Blue HMO, an affiliate of Florida Blue. Dental insurance is offered by Florida Combined Life Insurance Company, Inc., an affiliate of Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Florida, Inc. These companies are Independent Licensees of the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association. 86763 0616 Florida Blue and Florida Blue HMO: [1-800-352-2583] TTY: 800-955-8770 Have a disability? Speak a language other than English? Call to get help for free. ¿Habla español? ¿Tiene alguna discapacidad? Llame para obtener ayuda de forma gratuita. Èske w pale kreyòl ayisyen? Èske w andikape? Rele nou pou w jwenn èd gratis. Quý vị nói tiếng Việt? Quý vị bị khuyết tật? Hãy gọi trợ giúp miễn phí. Você fala potuguês? Tem alguma deficiência? Telefone para obter assistência. 您会讲中文吗?是否为伤残人士?如需帮助,请拨打我们的免费电话: Vous parlez français ? Vous avez une incapacité ? Appelez pour recevoir une assistance gratuite. Nagsasalita ng Tagalog o Filipino? May kapansanan? Tumawag para sa libreng tulong. Вы говорите по-русски? Вы являетесь инвалидом? Свяжитесь с нами для получения бесплатной помощи по телефону .هل تتحدث (العربية)؟ تعاني من إعاقة؟ اتصل للحصول على مساعدة مجانية Parli italiano? Hai una disabilità? Chiama per un'assistenza gratuita. Sprechen Sie deutsch? Haben Sie eine Behinderung? Rufen Sie an, um kostenlos Hilfe zu erhalten. 한국어 통역이 필요하세요? 장애가 있나요? 전화하시면 무료로 도와드립니다. Mówisz po polsku? Jesteś osobą niepełnosprawną? Zadzwoń po bezpłatną pomoc. ગુજરાતી બોલો છો? અક્ષમતા ધરાવો છો? મફત સહાયતા મેળવવા ફોન કરો. พูดภาษาไทยได้? เป็ นผูพ้ ิการใช่หรื อไม่? โทรศัพท์ขอรับคาปรึ กษาได้ฟรี 日本語をご希望ですか?障害をお持ちですか?無料の電話サービスをご利用ください。 به زبان فارسی صحبت می کنيد؟ دارای معلوليت هستيد؟ برای دريافت کمک رايگان تماس بگيريد Health insurance is offered by Florida Blue. HMO coverage is offered by Florida Blue HMO, an affiliate of Florida Blue. Dental insurance is offered by Florida Combined Life Insurance Company, Inc., an affiliate of Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Florida, Inc. These companies are Independent Licensees of the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association. 86763 0616 ANTI-INFECTIVE AGENTS PENICILLINS AMOXICILLIN - amoxicillin (trihydrate) chew tab 125 mg 3 AMOXICILLIN - amoxicillin (trihydrate) chew tab 250 mg 2 amoxicillin (trihydrate) cap 250 mg 1 amoxicillin (trihydrate) cap 500 mg amoxicillin (trihydrate) for susp 125 mg/5ml 1 1 AMOXICILLIN/CLAVULANATE P amoxicillin & k clavulanate chew tab 200-28.5 mg 3 AMOXICILLIN/CLAVULANATE P amoxicillin & k clavulanate chew tab 400-57 mg 3 ampicillin cap 500 mg AUGMENTIN - amoxicillin & k clavulanate for susp 250-62.5 mg/5ml 3 AUGMENTIN - amoxicillin & k clavulanate tab 500-125 mg 3 1 AUGMENTIN - amoxicillin & k clavulanate tab 875-125 mg 3 AUGMENTIN ES-600 - amoxicillin & k clavulanate for susp 600-42.9 mg/5ml 3 amoxicillin & k clavulanate for susp 250-62.5 mg/5ml (Augmentin) 1 1 AUGMENTIN XR - amoxicillin & k clavulanate tab sr 12hr 1000-62.5 mg 3 amoxicillin & k clavulanate for susp 400-57 mg/5ml amoxicillin & k clavulanate for susp 600-42.9 mg/5ml (Augmentin es-600) 1 dicloxacillin sodium cap 250 mg 1 amoxicillin & k clavulanate tab sr 12hr 1000-62.5 mg (Augmentin xr) 1 amoxicillin & k clavulanate tab 250-125 mg 1 amoxicillin (trihydrate) for susp 250 mg/5ml amoxicillin (trihydrate) for susp 400 mg/5ml amoxicillin (trihydrate) tab 500 mg amoxicillin (trihydrate) tab 875 mg amoxicillin & k clavulanate for susp 200-28.5 mg/5ml amoxicillin & k clavulanate tab 500-125 mg (Augmentin) amoxicillin & k clavulanate tab 875-125 mg (Augmentin) AMOXICILLIN ER - amoxicillin (trihydrate) tab sr 24hr 775 mg 1 1 1 1 dicloxacillin sodium cap 500 mg 1 1 3 Limited Distribution Responsible Steps Quantity Limits 1 2 1 Prior Authorization AMPICILLIN - ampicillin for susp 125 2 mg/5ml AMPICILLIN - ampicillin for susp 250 2 mg/5ml 1 ampicillin cap 250 mg AUGMENTIN - amoxicillin & k clavulanate for susp 125-31.25 mg/5ml amoxicillin (trihydrate) for susp 200 mg/5ml Specialty Drug Name Drug Tier Limited Distribution Responsible Steps Quantity Limits Prior Authorization Specialty Drug Name Drug Tier 2016 1 MOXATAG - amoxicillin (trihydrate) tab sr 24hr 775 mg 3 penicillin v potassium for soln 125 mg/5ml 1 penicillin v potassium for soln 250 mg/5ml penicillin v potassium tab 250 mg penicillin v potassium tab 500 mg CEPHALOSPORINS CEDAX - ceftibuten cap 400 mg Florida Blue October 2016 Care Choices Rx Medication Drug Guide 1 1 1 3 1 CEDAX - ceftibuten for susp 180 mg/5ml 3 CEFTIBUTEN - ceftibuten cap 400 mg 3 CEFACLOR - cefaclor for susp 125 mg/5ml 3 CEFTIBUTEN - ceftibuten for susp 180 mg/5ml 3 CEFACLOR - cefaclor for susp 250 mg/5ml 3 CEFTIN - cefuroxime axetil for susp 125 mg/5ml 3 CEFACLOR - cefaclor for susp 375 mg/5ml 3 CEFTIN - cefuroxime axetil for susp 250 mg/5ml 3 cefaclor cap 250 mg 1 CEFTIN - cefuroxime axetil tab 500 mg 3 cefaclor cap 500 mg 1 CEFACLOR ER - cefaclor monohydrate tab sr 12hr 500 mg 3 cefuroxime axetil tab 250 mg (Ceftin) 1 cefadroxil cap 500 mg 1 cefuroxime axetil tab 500 mg (Ceftin) 1 CEPHALEXIN - cephalexin tab 250 mg 3 1 CEPHALEXIN - cephalexin tab 500 mg 3 1 cephalexin cap 250 mg (Keflex) 1 1 cephalexin cap 500 mg (Keflex) CEFDITOREN PIVOXIL - cefditoren pivoxil tab 200 mg (base equivalent) 3 cephalexin cap 750 mg (Keflex) CEFDITOREN PIVOXIL - cefditoren pivoxil tab 400 mg (base equivalent) 3 cefixime for susp 100 mg/5ml (Suprax) cefadroxil for susp 250 mg/5ml cefadroxil for susp 500 mg/5ml cefadroxil tab 1 gm cefdinir cap 300 mg cefdinir for susp 125 mg/5ml cefdinir for susp 250 mg/5ml 1 1 1 cephalexin for susp 125 mg/5ml cephalexin for susp 250 mg/5ml 1 KEFLEX - cephalexin cap 750 mg 3 SPECTRACEF - cefditoren pivoxil tab 200 mg (base equivalent) 3 cefixime for susp 200 mg/5ml (Suprax) 1 SPECTRACEF - cefditoren pivoxil tab 400 mg (base equivalent) 3 cefpodoxime proxetil for susp 50 mg/5ml 1 SUPRAX - cefixime cap 400 mg 2 SUPRAX - cefixime chew tab 100 mg 2 SUPRAX - cefixime chew tab 200 mg 2 SUPRAX - cefixime for susp 100 mg/5ml 3 SUPRAX - cefixime for susp 200 mg/5ml 3 cefpodoxime proxetil tab 200 mg cefprozil for susp 125 mg/5ml cefprozil for susp 250 mg/5ml cefprozil tab 250 mg cefprozil tab 500 mg 1 1 1 1 1 Florida Blue October 2016 Care Choices Rx Medication Drug Guide Limited Distribution 1 3 1 Responsible Steps 1 KEFLEX - cephalexin cap 500 mg cefpodoxime proxetil tab 100 mg Quantity Limits 1 3 cefpodoxime proxetil for susp 100 mg/5ml Prior Authorization 1 KEFLEX - cephalexin cap 250 mg 1 Specialty Drug Name Drug Tier Limited Distribution Responsible Steps Quantity Limits Prior Authorization Specialty Drug Name Drug Tier 2016 2 2 ERYPED 200 - erythromycin ethylsuccinate for susp 200 mg/5ml 3 AZITHROMYCIN - azithromycin powd pack for susp 1 gm 3 3 azithromycin for susp 100 mg/5ml (Zithromax) 1 ERYPED 400 - erythromycin ethylsuccinate for susp 400 mg/5ml 3 azithromycin for susp 200 mg/5ml (Zithromax) 1 ERYTHROCIN STEARATE erythromycin stearate tab 250 mg 3 azithromycin tab 250 mg (Zithromax) 1 ERYTHROMYCIN BASE erythromycin tab 250 mg 3 azithromycin tab 500 mg (Zithromax) 1 ERYTHROMYCIN BASE erythromycin tab 500 mg 2 azithromycin tab 600 mg (Zithromax) 1 ERYTHROMYCIN ETHYLSUCCINA - erythromycin ethylsuccinate tab 400 mg BIAXIN - clarithromycin for susp 250 mg/5ml 3 erythromycin w/ delayed release particles cap 250 mg 1 BIAXIN - clarithromycin tab 250 mg 3 3 BIAXIN - clarithromycin tab 500 mg 3 PCE - erythromycin w/ enteric coated particles tab 333 mg PCE - erythromycin w/ enteric coated particles tab 500 mg 3 clarithromycin for susp 125 mg/5ml 1 1 ZITHROMAX - azithromycin for susp 100 mg/5ml 3 1 ZITHROMAX - azithromycin for susp 200 mg/5ml 3 ZITHROMAX - azithromycin powd pack for susp 1 gm 2 ZITHROMAX - azithromycin tab 250 mg 3 ZITHROMAX - azithromycin tab 500 mg 3 ZITHROMAX - azithromycin tab 600 mg 3 ZITHROMAX TRI-PAK azithromycin tab 500 mg 3 ZITHROMAX Z-PAK - azithromycin tab 250 mg 3 ZMAX - azithromycin extended release for oral susp 2 gm 3 SUPRAX - cefixime for susp 500 mg/5ml MACROLIDES clarithromycin for susp 250 mg/5ml (Biaxin) clarithromycin tab sr 24hr 500 mg clarithromycin tab 250 mg (Biaxin) 1 clarithromycin tab 500 mg (Biaxin) 1 DIFICID - fidaxomicin tab 200 mg 3 E.E.S. GRANULES - erythromycin ethylsuccinate for susp 200 mg/5ml 3 E.E.S. 400 - erythromycin ethylsuccinate tab 400 mg 2 ERY-TAB - erythromycin tab delayed 2 release 250 mg ERY-TAB - erythromycin tab delayed 2 release 333 mg ERY-TAB - erythromycin tab delayed 2 release 500 mg • TETRACYCLINES demeclocycline hcl tab 150 mg Florida Blue October 2016 Care Choices Rx Medication Drug Guide Limited Distribution Responsible Steps Quantity Limits Prior Authorization Specialty Drug Name Drug Tier Limited Distribution Responsible Steps Quantity Limits Prior Authorization Specialty Drug Name Drug Tier 2016 1 3 demeclocycline hcl tab 300 mg doxycycline hyclate cap 50 mg 1 1 doxycycline hyclate cap 100 mg (Vibramycin) 1 doxycycline hyclate tab delayed release 50 mg (Doryx) 1 doxycycline hyclate tab delayed release 75 mg doxycycline hyclate tab delayed release 100 mg doxycycline hyclate tab delayed release 150 mg doxycycline hyclate tab delayed release 200 mg (Doryx) doxycycline hyclate tab 20 mg doxycycline hyclate tab 100 mg doxycycline monohydrate cap 50 mg doxycycline monohydrate cap 75 mg (Monodox) doxycycline monohydrate cap 100 mg (Monodox) doxycycline monohydrate cap 150 mg (Adoxa) doxycycline monohydrate for susp 25 mg/5ml (Vibramycin) doxycycline monohydrate tab 50 mg (Adoxa) doxycycline monohydrate tab 75 mg (Adoxa) doxycycline monohydrate tab 100 mg (Adoxa pak 1/100) doxycycline monohydrate tab 150 mg (Adoxa pak 1/150) 1 minocycline hcl tab sr 24hr 45 mg minocycline hcl tab sr 24hr 90 mg minocycline hcl tab sr 24hr 135 mg minocycline hcl tab 50 mg minocycline hcl tab 75 mg minocycline hcl tab 100 mg 1 1 TETRACYCLINE HCL - tetracycline hcl cap 500 mg 3 1 tetracycline hcl cap 250 mg (Tetracycline hcl) 1 1 tetracycline hcl cap 500 mg (Tetracycline hcl) 1 VIBRAMYCIN - doxycycline calcium syrup 50 mg/5ml 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 minocycline hcl cap 50 mg (Minocin) 1 minocycline hcl cap 75 mg (Minocin) 1 minocycline hcl cap 100 mg (Minocin) 1 Limited Distribution 1 1 FLUOROQUINOLONES Responsible Steps 1 3 1 Quantity Limits 1 TETRACYCLINE HCL - tetracycline hcl cap 250 mg 1 Prior Authorization 1 1 1 Specialty Drug Name Drug Tier Limited Distribution Responsible Steps Quantity Limits Prior Authorization Specialty Drug Name Drug Tier 2016 AVELOX - moxifloxacin hcl tab 400 mg (base equiv) 3 AVELOX ABC PACK - moxifloxacin hcl tab 400 mg (base equiv) 3 CIPRO - ciprofloxacin for oral susp 250 mg/5ml (5%) (5 gm/100ml) 3 CIPRO - ciprofloxacin for oral susp 500 mg/5ml (10%) (10 gm/100ml) 3 CIPRO - ciprofloxacin hcl tab 250 mg 3 (base equiv) CIPRO - ciprofloxacin hcl tab 500 mg 3 (base equiv) 3 CIPRO XR - ciprofloxacinciprofloxacin hcl tab sr 24hr 500 mg (base eq) 3 CIPRO XR - ciprofloxacinciprofloxacin hcl tab sr 24hr 1000 mg(base eq) 1 ciprofloxacin for oral susp 250 mg/5ml (5%) (5 gm/100ml) (Cipro) Florida Blue October 2016 Care Choices Rx Medication Drug Guide 4 ciprofloxacin for oral susp 500 mg/5ml (10%) (10 gm/100ml) (Cipro) 1 CIPROFLOXACIN HCL ciprofloxacin hcl tab 100 mg (base equiv) 3 ciprofloxacin hcl tab 250 mg (base equiv) (Cipro) 1 ciprofloxacin hcl tab 500 mg (base equiv) (Cipro) ciprofloxacin hcl tab 750 mg (base equiv) ciprofloxacin-ciprofloxacin hcl tab sr 24hr 1000 mg(base eq) (Cipro xr) 1 FACTIVE - gemifloxacin mesylate tab 320 mg (base equiv) 3 • • KITABIS PAK - tobramycin nebu soln 4 300 mg/5ml 1 neomycin sulfate tab 500 mg • • Limited Distribution Responsible Steps Quantity Limits Prior Authorization Specialty 4 • • tobramycin nebu soln 300 mg/5ml (Tobi) 4 • • • 3 CYCLOSERINE - cycloserine cap 250 mg 3 ethambutol hcl tab 100 mg (Myambutol) 1 ethambutol hcl tab 400 mg (Myambutol) 1 ISONIAZID - isoniazid syrup 50 mg/5ml 2 isoniazid tab 100 mg 1 1 MYAMBUTOL - ethambutol hcl tab 100 mg 3 MYAMBUTOL - ethambutol hcl tab 400 mg 3 MYCOBUTIN - rifabutin cap 150 mg 3 PASER - aminosalicylic acid cr granules packet 4 gm 3 PRIFTIN - rifapentine tab 150 mg 2 pyrazinamide tab 500 mg 1 rifabutin cap 150 mg (Mycobutin) 4 paromomycin sulfate cap 250 mg TOBI PODHALER - tobramycin inhal cap 28 mg isoniazid tab 300 mg LEVAQUIN - levofloxacin tab 750 mg 3 1 levofloxacin oral soln 25 mg/ml (Levaquin) 1 levofloxacin tab 250 mg (Levaquin) 1 levofloxacin tab 500 mg (Levaquin) 1 levofloxacin tab 750 mg (Levaquin) moxifloxacin hcl tab 400 mg (base 1 equiv) (Avelox) OFLOXACIN - ofloxacin tab 400 mg 3 BETHKIS - tobramycin nebu soln 300 mg/4ml • ANTIMYCOBACTERIAL AGENTS LEVAQUIN - levofloxacin tab 250 mg 3 LEVAQUIN - levofloxacin tab 500 mg 3 AMINOGLYCOSIDES 4 SULFADIAZINE - sulfadiazine tab 500 mg 1 1 TOBI - tobramycin nebu soln 300 mg/5ml SULFONAMIDES 1 ciprofloxacin-ciprofloxacin hcl tab sr 24hr 500 mg (base eq) (Cipro xr) Drug Name Drug Tier Limited Distribution Responsible Steps Quantity Limits Prior Authorization Specialty Drug Name Drug Tier 2016 1 RIFADIN - rifampin cap 150 mg 3 RIFADIN - rifampin cap 300 mg 3 RIFAMATE - isoniazid & rifampin cap 3 150-300 mg 1 rifampin cap 150 mg (Rifadin) rifampin cap 300 mg (Rifadin) RIFATER - isoniazid-rifampin w/ pyrazinamide tab 50-120-300 mg 1 3 1 Florida Blue October 2016 Care Choices Rx Medication Drug Guide 5 SIRTURO - bedaquiline fumarate tab 3 100 mg (base equiv) 3 TRECATOR - ethionamide tab 250 mg ANTIFUNGALS griseofulvin ultramicrosize tab 125 mg (Gris-peg) griseofulvin ultramicrosize tab 250 mg (Gris-peg) 1 1 • 3 ANCOBON - flucytosine cap 500 mg 3 ketoconazole tab 200 mg BIO-STATIN - nystatin cap 500000 unit 3 LAMISIL - terbinafine hcl tab 250 mg 3 2 BIO-STATIN - nystatin cap 1000000 unit 3 NOXAFIL - posaconazole susp 40 mg/ml • • 3 • CRESEMBA - isavuconazonium sulfate cap 186 mg 3 NOXAFIL - posaconazole tab delayed release 100 mg 1 DIFLUCAN - fluconazole for susp 10 mg/ml 3 nystatin tab 500000 unit DIFLUCAN - fluconazole for susp 40 mg/ml SPORANOX - itraconazole cap 100 mg 3 • 3 SPORANOX - itraconazole oral soln 10 mg/ml 2 • DIFLUCAN - fluconazole tab 50 mg 3 3 • DIFLUCAN - fluconazole tab 100 mg 3 SPORANOX PULSEPAK itraconazole cap 100 mg DIFLUCAN - fluconazole tab 150 mg 3 1 • DIFLUCAN - fluconazole tab 200 mg 3 terbinafine hcl tab 250 mg (Lamisil) fluconazole for susp 10 mg/ml (Diflucan) 1 VFEND - voriconazole for susp 40 mg/ml 3 • fluconazole for susp 40 mg/ml (Diflucan) 1 VFEND - voriconazole tab 50 mg 3 VFEND - voriconazole tab 200 mg 3 fluconazole tab 50 mg (Diflucan) 1 voriconazole for susp 40 mg/ml (Vfend) 1 • • • voriconazole tab 50 mg (Vfend) 1 fluconazole tab 150 mg (Diflucan) fluconazole tab 200 mg (Diflucan) flucytosine cap 250 mg (Ancobon) flucytosine cap 500 mg (Ancobon) 1 1 1 1 1 GRIS-PEG - griseofulvin ultramicrosize tab 125 mg 3 GRIS-PEG - griseofulvin ultramicrosize tab 250 mg 3 griseofulvin microsize susp 125 mg/5ml 1 griseofulvin microsize tab 500 mg (Grifulvin v) 1 voriconazole tab 200 mg (Vfend) ANTIVIRALS 1 • • 1 • abacavir sulfate-lamivudinezidovudine tab 300-150-300 mg (Trizivir) 1 • acyclovir cap 200 mg (Zovirax) 1 abacavir sulfate tab 300 mg (base equiv) (Ziagen) acyclovir susp 200 mg/5ml (Zovirax) 1 acyclovir tab 400 mg (Zovirax) 1 acyclovir tab 800 mg (Zovirax) Florida Blue October 2016 Care Choices Rx Medication Drug Guide Limited Distribution 1 ANCOBON - flucytosine cap 250 mg fluconazole tab 100 mg (Diflucan) Responsible Steps 1 itraconazole cap 100 mg (Sporanox) • Quantity Limits Prior Authorization Specialty • Drug Name Drug Tier Limited Distribution Responsible Steps Quantity Limits Prior Authorization Specialty Drug Name Drug Tier 2016 1 6 adefovir dipivoxil tab 10 mg (Hepsera) 1 APTIVUS - tipranavir cap 250 mg 2 APTIVUS - tipranavir oral soln 100 mg/ml 2 • • • • ATRIPLA - efavirenz-emtricitabinetenofovir df tab 600-200-300 mg 2 • • BARACLUDE - entecavir oral soln 0.05 mg/ml 2 BARACLUDE - entecavir tab 0.5 mg 3 BARACLUDE - entecavir tab 1 mg 3 COMBIVIR - lamivudine-zidovudine tab 150-300 mg 3 • • COMPLERA - emtricitabinerilpivirine-tenofovir df tab 200-25-300 mg 2 • • COPEGUS - ribavirin tab 200 mg 4 CRIXIVAN - indinavir sulfate cap 200 2 mg CRIXIVAN - indinavir sulfate cap 400 2 mg 4 DAKLINZA - daclatasvir dihydrochloride tab 30 mg (base equivalent) 4 DAKLINZA - daclatasvir dihydrochloride tab 60 mg (base equivalent) 4 DAKLINZA - daclatasvir dihydrochloride tab 90 mg (base equivalent) 3 DESCOVY - emtricitabine-tenofovir alafenamide fumarate tab 200-25 mg 1 didanosine delayed release capsule 125 mg (Videx ec) 1 didanosine delayed release capsule 200 mg (Videx ec) 1 didanosine delayed release capsule 250 mg (Videx ec) 1 didanosine delayed release capsule 400 mg (Videx ec) • • • • • • EMTRIVA - emtricitabine caps 200 mg 2 • • EMTRIVA - emtricitabine soln 10 mg/ 2 ml 1 entecavir tab 0.5 mg (Baraclude) • • 1 4 • • • EPIVIR - lamivudine oral soln 10 mg/ 3 ml 3 EPIVIR - lamivudine tab 150 mg • • • • • • EPIVIR - lamivudine tab 300 mg 3 EPIVIR HBV - lamivudine oral soln 5 mg/ml (hbv) 2 EPIVIR HBV - lamivudine tab 100 mg (hbv) 3 EPZICOM - abacavir sulfatelamivudine tab 600-300 mg 2 • • EVOTAZ - atazanavir sulfatecobicistat tab 300-150 mg (base equiv) 2 • • famciclovir tab 125 mg (Famvir) 1 famciclovir tab 250 mg (Famvir) famciclovir tab 500 mg (Famvir) 1 1 FAMVIR - famciclovir tab 125 mg 3 FAMVIR - famciclovir tab 250 mg 3 FAMVIR - famciclovir tab 500 mg 3 FLUMADINE - rimantadine hydrochloride tab 100 mg 3 FUZEON - enfuvirtide for inj 90 mg 4 3 • GENVOYA - elvitegrav-cobicemtricitab-tenofov af tab 150-150-200-10 mg • • • • • HARVONI - ledipasvir-sofosbuvir tab 90-400 mg 4 • • • • HEPSERA - adefovir dipivoxil tab 10 mg 3 INTELENCE - etravirine tab 25 mg 2 • • • • • • Florida Blue October 2016 Care Choices Rx Medication Drug Guide Limited Distribution • • Responsible Steps Quantity Limits 2 EPCLUSA - sofosbuvir-velpatasvir tab 400-100 mg • • Prior Authorization EDURANT - rilpivirine hcl tab 25 mg (base equivalent) entecavir tab 1 mg (Baraclude) • • • • Specialty Drug Name Drug Tier Limited Distribution Responsible Steps Quantity Limits Prior Authorization Specialty Drug Name Drug Tier 2016 • • 7 INTELENCE - etravirine tab 100 mg 2 INTELENCE - etravirine tab 200 mg 2 INVIRASE - saquinavir mesylate cap 2 200 mg INVIRASE - saquinavir mesylate tab 2 500 mg ISENTRESS - raltegravir potassium 2 chew tab 25 mg (base equiv) ISENTRESS - raltegravir potassium 2 chew tab 100 mg (base equiv) ISENTRESS - raltegravir potassium 2 packet for susp 100 mg (base equiv) ISENTRESS - raltegravir potassium 2 tab 400 mg (base equiv) 2 KALETRA - lopinavir-ritonavir soln 400-100 mg/5ml (80-20 mg/ml) 2 KALETRA - lopinavir-ritonavir tab 100-25 mg 2 KALETRA - lopinavir-ritonavir tab 200-50 mg 1 lamivudine oral soln 10 mg/ml (Epivir) 1 lamivudine tab 100 mg (hbv) (Epivir hbv) 1 lamivudine tab 150 mg (Epivir) nevirapine tab sr 24hr 100 mg (Viramune xr) 1 • • • nevirapine tab sr 24hr 400 mg (Viramune xr) 1 • • • nevirapine tab 200 mg (Viramune) 1 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • LEXIVA - fosamprenavir calcium susp 50 mg/ml (base equiv) 2 • • LEXIVA - fosamprenavir calcium tab 700 mg (base equiv) 2 • • MODERIBA - ribavirin tab 200 mg & ribavirin tab 400 mg dose pack 4 • • MODERIBA - ribavirin tab 400 mg & ribavirin tab 600 mg dose pack 4 • • MODERIBA 1200 DOSE PACK ribavirin tab 600 mg 4 • • MODERIBA 800 DOSE PACK ribavirin tab 400 mg 4 • • 1 NORVIR - ritonavir cap 100 mg 2 NORVIR - ritonavir oral soln 80 mg/ ml 2 NORVIR - ritonavir tab 100 mg 2 ODEFSEY - emtricitabine-rilpivirinetenofovir af tab 200-25-25 mg 3 OLYSIO - simeprevir sodium cap 150 4 mg (base equivalent) 4 PEG-INTRON REDIPEN peginterferon alfa-2b for inj kit 50 mcg/0.5ml 4 PEG-INTRON REDIPEN peginterferon alfa-2b for inj kit 80 mcg/0.5ml 4 PEG-INTRON REDIPEN peginterferon alfa-2b for inj kit 120 mcg/0.5ml 4 PEG-INTRON REDIPEN peginterferon alfa-2b for inj kit 150 mcg/0.5ml 4 PEG-INTRON REDIPEN PAK 4 peginterferon alfa-2b for inj kit 120 mcg/0.5ml PEGASYS - peginterferon alfa-2a inj 4 180 mcg/ml PEGASYS - peginterferon alfa-2a inj 4 180 mcg/0.5ml 4 PEGASYS PROCLICK peginterferon alfa-2a inj 135 mcg/0.5ml 4 PEGASYS PROCLICK peginterferon alfa-2a inj 180 mcg/0.5ml PEGINTRON - peginterferon alfa-2b 4 for inj kit 50 mcg/0.5ml Florida Blue October 2016 Care Choices Rx Medication Drug Guide Limited Distribution • • Responsible Steps Quantity Limits Prior Authorization Specialty Drug Tier 2 1 lamivudine-zidovudine tab 150-300 mg (Combivir) Drug Name NEVIRAPINE - nevirapine susp 50 mg/5ml • • • lamivudine tab 300 mg (Epivir) Limited Distribution • • • • • • Responsible Steps Quantity Limits Prior Authorization Specialty Drug Name Drug Tier 2016 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 8 • • RIBASPHERE RIBAPAK - ribavirin tab 600 mg 4 • • PEGINTRON - peginterferon alfa-2b for inj kit 150 mcg/0.5ml 4 • • RIBASPHERE RIBAPAK - ribavirin tab 200 mg & ribavirin tab 400 mg dose pack 4 • • PREZCOBIX - darunavir-cobicistat tab 800-150 mg 2 • • RIBASPHERE RIBAPAK - ribavirin tab 400 mg & ribavirin tab 600 mg dose pack 4 • • PREZISTA - darunavir ethanolate susp 100 mg/ml (base equiv) 2 PREZISTA - darunavir ethanolate tab 2 75 mg (base equiv) PREZISTA - darunavir ethanolate tab 2 150 mg (base equiv) PREZISTA - darunavir ethanolate tab 2 600 mg (base equiv) PREZISTA - darunavir ethanolate tab 2 800 mg (base equiv) 4 REBETOL - ribavirin cap 200 mg • • ribavirin cap 200 mg (Rebetol) 4 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 4 RELENZA DISKHALER - zanamivir aero powder breath activated 5 mg/blister 3 RESCRIPTOR - delavirdine mesylate tab 100 mg 2 RESCRIPTOR - delavirdine mesylate tab 200 mg 2 • • RETROVIR - zidovudine cap 100 mg 3 3 RETROVIR - zidovudine syrup 10 mg/ml 2 REYATAZ - atazanavir sulfate cap 150 mg (base equiv) 2 REYATAZ - atazanavir sulfate cap 200 mg (base equiv) 2 REYATAZ - atazanavir sulfate cap 300 mg (base equiv) 2 REYATAZ - atazanavir sulfate oral powder packet 50 mg (base equiv) RIBASPHERE - ribavirin tab 400 mg 4 • • • • RIBASPHERE - ribavirin tab 600 mg 4 • • • • • • • • • • • 4 rimantadine hydrochloride tab 100 mg (Flumadine) 1 SOVALDI - sofosbuvir tab 400 mg 4 stavudine cap 15 mg (Zerit) 1 stavudine for oral soln 1 mg/ml (Zerit) 1 • • • • • • • • • • • • STRIBILD - elvitegrav-cobicemtricitab-tenofovdf tab 150-150-200-300 mg 2 • • SUSTIVA - efavirenz cap 50 mg 2 SUSTIVA - efavirenz cap 200 mg 2 SUSTIVA - efavirenz tab 600 mg 2 TAMIFLU - oseltamivir phosphate cap 30 mg (base equiv) 2 • • • • • • • TAMIFLU - oseltamivir phosphate cap 45 mg (base equiv) 2 • TAMIFLU - oseltamivir phosphate cap 75 mg (base equiv) 2 • TAMIFLU - oseltamivir phosphate for susp 6 mg/ml (base equiv) 2 • TECHNIVIE - ombitasvir-paritaprevir- 4 ritonavir tab 12.5-75-50 mg • • • SELZENTRY - maraviroc tab 150 mg 2 SELZENTRY - maraviroc tab 300 mg 2 stavudine cap 20 mg (Zerit) REBETOL - ribavirin soln 40 mg/ml • • • • ribavirin tab 200 mg (Copegus) stavudine cap 30 mg (Zerit) stavudine cap 40 mg (Zerit) Florida Blue October 2016 Care Choices Rx Medication Drug Guide 1 1 1 Limited Distribution 4 Responsible Steps RIBASPHERE RIBAPAK - ribavirin tab 400 mg Quantity Limits • • Prior Authorization 4 Specialty PEGINTRON - peginterferon alfa-2b for inj kit 120 mcg/0.5ml Drug Name Drug Tier • • Limited Distribution 4 Responsible Steps PEGINTRON - peginterferon alfa-2b for inj kit 80 mcg/0.5ml Quantity Limits Prior Authorization Specialty Drug Name Drug Tier 2016 9 TIVICAY - dolutegravir sodium tab 10 2 mg (base equiv) TIVICAY - dolutegravir sodium tab 25 2 mg (base equiv) TIVICAY - dolutegravir sodium tab 50 2 mg (base equiv) 2 TRIUMEQ - abacavir-dolutegravirlamivudine tab 600-50-300 mg 3 TRIZIVIR - abacavir sulfatelamivudine-zidovudine tab 300-150-300 mg 2 TRUVADA - emtricitabine-tenofovir disoproxil fumarate tab 100-150 mg 2 TRUVADA - emtricitabine-tenofovir disoproxil fumarate tab 133-200 mg 2 TRUVADA - emtricitabine-tenofovir disoproxil fumarate tab 167-250 mg 2 TRUVADA - emtricitabine-tenofovir disoproxil fumarate tab 200-300 mg 2 TYBOST - cobicistat tab 150 mg TYZEKA - telbivudine tab 600 mg 3 valacyclovir hcl tab 500 mg (Valtrex) 1 valacyclovir hcl tab 1 gm (Valtrex) 1 VALCYTE - valganciclovir hcl for soln 2 50 mg/ml (base equiv) 1 valganciclovir hcl tab 450 mg (base equivalent) (Valcyte) 2 VIDEX - didanosine for soln 2 gm 3 • • VIEKIRA PAK - ombitas-paritapreriton & dasab tab pak 12.5-75-50 & 250 mg 4 • • • • • VIEKIRA XR - dasab-ombitparitap-riton tab sr 24hr 200-8.33-50-33.33 mg 4 • • • • • VIRACEPT - nelfinavir mesylate tab 250 mg 2 • • • • VIRACEPT - nelfinavir mesylate tab 625 mg 2 • • 2 • • • • VIRAMUNE - nevirapine susp 50 mg/5ml VIRAMUNE - nevirapine tab 200 mg 3 VIRAMUNE XR - nevirapine tab sr 24hr 100 mg 2 • • • • VIRAMUNE XR - nevirapine tab sr 24hr 400 mg 3 • • VIRAZOLE - ribavirin for inhal soln 6 gm 3 VIREAD - tenofovir disoproxil fumarate oral powder 40 mg/gm 2 • • VIREAD - tenofovir disoproxil fumarate tab 150 mg 2 • • VIREAD - tenofovir disoproxil fumarate tab 200 mg 2 • • VIREAD - tenofovir disoproxil fumarate tab 250 mg 2 • • VIREAD - tenofovir disoproxil fumarate tab 300 mg 2 • • VITEKTA - elvitegravir tab 85 mg 2 VITEKTA - elvitegravir tab 150 mg 2 ZEPATIER - elbasvir-grazoprevir tab 50-100 mg 4 • • • • • • • ZERIT - stavudine cap 15 mg 3 ZERIT - stavudine cap 20 mg 3 ZERIT - stavudine cap 30 mg 3 ZERIT - stavudine cap 40 mg 3 • • • • • • • • VIDEX - didanosine for soln 4 gm 2 VIDEX EC - didanosine delayed release capsule 125 mg 3 • • • • • • VIDEX EC - didanosine delayed release capsule 200 mg 3 • • VIDEX EC - didanosine delayed release capsule 250 mg 3 • • Florida Blue October 2016 Care Choices Rx Medication Drug Guide • • • • Limited Distribution VIDEX EC - didanosine delayed release capsule 400 mg Responsible Steps Quantity Limits Prior Authorization Specialty Drug Name Drug Tier Limited Distribution Responsible Steps Quantity Limits Prior Authorization Specialty Drug Name Drug Tier 2016 • • • • 10 ZERIT - stavudine for oral soln 1 mg/ 3 ml 2 ZIAGEN - abacavir sulfate soln 20 mg/ml (base equiv) 3 ZIAGEN - abacavir sulfate tab 300 mg (base equiv) 1 zidovudine cap 100 mg (Retrovir) zidovudine syrup 10 mg/ml (Retrovir) 1 zidovudine tab 300 mg 1 • • • • • • QUALAQUIN - quinine sulfate cap 324 mg 3 • quinine sulfate cap 324 mg (Qualaquin) 1 • ALBENZA - albendazole tab 200 mg 2 BILTRICIDE - praziquantel tab 600 mg 2 3 ZOVIRAX - acyclovir susp 200 mg/5ml 3 EMVERM - mebendazole chew tab 100 mg 3 ZOVIRAX - acyclovir tab 400 mg 3 ivermectin tab 3 mg (Stromectol) 1 ZOVIRAX - acyclovir tab 800 mg 3 STROMECTOL - ivermectin tab 3 mg ARALEN - chloroquine phosphate tab 500 mg 3 atovaquone-proguanil hcl tab 62.5-25 mg (Malarone) 1 ANTI-INFECTIVE AGENTS - MISC. 2 ALINIA - nitazoxanide tab 500 mg 2 1 atovaquone susp 750 mg/5ml (Mepron) 1 1 BACTRIM - sulfamethoxazoletrimethoprim tab 400-80 mg 3 1 BACTRIM DS - sulfamethoxazoletrimethoprim tab 800-160 mg 3 COARTEM - artemetherlumefantrine tab 20-120 mg 2 CAYSTON - aztreonam lysine for inhal soln 75 mg (base equivalent) 2 DARAPRIM - pyrimethamine tab 25 mg 4 CLEOCIN - clindamycin hcl cap 75 mg 3 hydroxychloroquine sulfate tab 200 mg (Plaquenil) 1 CLEOCIN - clindamycin hcl cap 150 mg 3 MALARONE - atovaquone-proguanil hcl tab 62.5-25 mg 3 CLEOCIN - clindamycin hcl cap 300 mg 3 MALARONE - atovaquone-proguanil hcl tab 250-100 mg 3 3 mefloquine hcl tab 250 mg 1 CLEOCIN PEDIATRIC GRANULE clindamycin palmitate hcl for soln 75 mg/5ml (base equiv) clindamycin hcl cap 75 mg (Cleocin) 1 clindamycin hcl cap 150 mg (Cleocin) 1 chloroquine phosphate tab 250 mg chloroquine phosphate tab 500 mg (Aralen) PLAQUENIL - hydroxychloroquine sulfate tab 200 mg 3 • • • • Florida Blue October 2016 Care Choices Rx Medication Drug Guide Limited Distribution Responsible Steps 3 ALINIA - nitazoxanide for susp 100 mg/5ml atovaquone-proguanil hcl tab 250-100 mg (Malarone) Quantity Limits 2 ZOVIRAX - acyclovir cap 200 mg ANTIMALARIALS Prior Authorization PRIMAQUINE PHOSPHATE primaquine phosphate tab 26.3 mg (15 mg base) ANTHELMINTICS • Specialty Drug Name Drug Tier Limited Distribution • • Responsible Steps Quantity Limits Prior Authorization Specialty Drug Name Drug Tier 2016 • 11 clindamycin hcl cap 300 mg (Cleocin) 1 clindamycin palmitate hcl for soln 75 mg/5ml (base equiv) (Cleocin pediatric gr) 1 colistimethate sodium for inj 150 mg (Coly-Mycin M) sulfamethoxazole-trimethoprim tab 800-160 mg (Bactrim ds) 3 TINDAMAX - tinidazole tab 500 mg 3 1 tinidazole tab 250 mg (Tindamax) 1 COLY-MYCIN M - colistimethate sodium for inj 150 mg 3 trimethoprim tab 100 mg 3 dapsone tab 25 mg 1 VANCOCIN HCL - vancomycin hcl cap 125 mg VANCOCIN HCL - vancomycin hcl cap 250 mg 3 vancomycin hcl cap 125 mg (Vancocin hcl) 1 vancomycin hcl cap 250 mg (Vancocin hcl) 1 XIFAXAN - rifaximin tab 200 mg 3 XIFAXAN - rifaximin tab 550 mg 2 ZYVOX - linezolid for susp 100 mg/5ml 3 • • • • • ZYVOX - linezolid tab 600 mg 3 • dapsone tab 100 mg FLAGYL - metronidazole cap 375 mg 1 3 FLAGYL - metronidazole tab 250 mg 3 FLAGYL - metronidazole tab 500 mg 3 FLAGYL ER - metronidazole tab sr 24hr 750 mg 3 IMPAVIDO - miltefosine cap 50 mg 2 KETEK - telithromycin tab 300 mg 3 KETEK - telithromycin tab 400 mg 3 linezolid for susp 100 mg/5ml (Zyvox) 1 • linezolid tab 600 mg (Zyvox) 1 • BIOLOGICALS 1 1 P 3 ACTHIB - haemophilus b polysaccharide conjugate vaccine for inj metronidazole cap 375 mg (Flagyl) 1 metronidazole tab 250 mg (Flagyl) 1 AFLURIA PF 2015-2016 - influenza virus vaccine split pf susp pref syringe 0.5 ml P • AFLURIA 2015-2016 - influenza virus vaccine split im susp P • AFLURIA 2016-2017 - influenza virus vaccine split im susp P • AFLURIA 2016-2017 - influenza virus vaccine split pf susp pref syringe 0.5 ml P • BEXSERO - meningococcal vac b (recomb adsorbed) inj prefilled syringe P CERVARIX - human papillomavirus (hpv) bival (type 16, 18) recmb vac inj P MEPRON - atovaquone susp 750 mg/5ml metronidazole tab 500 mg (Flagyl) 1 NEBUPENT - pentamidine isethionate for nebulization soln 300 mg 2 PRIMSOL - trimethoprim hcl oral soln 50 mg/5ml (base equiv) 2 SIVEXTRO - tedizolid phosphate tab 200 mg 2 sulfamethoxazole-trimethoprim susp 200-40 mg/5ml 1 sulfamethoxazole-trimethoprim tab 400-80 mg (Bactrim) 1 • • Florida Blue October 2016 Care Choices Rx Medication Drug Guide Limited Distribution 1 TINDAMAX - tinidazole tab 250 mg tinidazole tab 500 mg (Tindamax) Responsible Steps Quantity Limits Prior Authorization Specialty Drug Name Drug Tier Limited Distribution Responsible Steps Quantity Limits Prior Authorization Specialty Drug Name Drug Tier 2016 12 ENGERIX-B - hepatitis b vaccine (recombinant) susp 10 mcg/0.5ml P ENGERIX-B - hepatitis b vaccine (recombinant) susp 20 mcg/ml P ENGERIX-B - hepatitis b vaccine (recombinant) 10 mcg/0.5ml P ENGERIX-B - hepatitis b vaccine (recombinant) 20 mcg/ml P FLUAD 2016-2017 - influenza vac type a&b surface ant adj susp pref syr 0.5 ml P FLUARIX QUADRIVALENT 2016 - influenza virus vac split quadrivalent susp pref syr 0.5ml P • FLUARIX 2014-2015 - influenza virus vaccine split pf susp pref syringe 0.5 ml P • FLUBLOK 2015-2016 - influenza virus vac recombinant hemagglutinin (ha) inj P • FLUBLOK 2016-2017 - influenza virus vac recombinant hemagglutinin (ha) inj P • FLUCELVAX QUADRIVALENT 20 influenza vac tiss-cult subunt quad susp pref syr 0.5 ml P FLUCELVAX 2015-2016 - influenza virus vac tiss-cult subunit susp pref syr 0.5 ml P • FLULAVAL QUADRIVALENT 201 - influenza virus vac split quadrivalent susp pref syr 0.5ml P • FLULAVAL QUADRIVALENT 201 influenza virus vaccine split quadrivalent im inj P • FLUMIST QUADRIVALENT influenza virus vaccine live quadrivalent intranasal susp P • FLUVIRIN PF 2014-2015 - influenza virus vac types a & b pf susp prefilled syr 0.5 ml P • • FLUVIRIN 2015-2016 - influenza vac P type a&b surface antigen susp pref syr 0.5 ml P FLUVIRIN 2015-2016 - influenza virus vaccine types a & b surface antigen im susp P FLUVIRIN 2016-2017 - influenza virus vaccine types a & b surface antigen im susp P FLUZONE HIGH-DOSE PF 2016 influenza virus vac split high-dose pf susp pref syr 0.5ml P FLUZONE INTRADERMAL QUADR - influenza virus vac split quad intradermal pen 9 mcg/strain P FLUZONE QUADRIVALENT 2016 - influenza virus vac split quadrivalent susp pref syr 0.25 ml P FLUZONE QUADRIVALENT 2016 - influenza virus vac split quadrivalent susp pref syr 0.5ml FLUZONE QUADRIVALENT 2016 - P influenza virus vaccine split quadrivalent im inj FLUZONE QUADRIVALENT 2016 - P influenza virus vaccine split quadrivalent inj 0.5 ml P GARDASIL - human papillomavirus (hpv) quadrivalent recombinant vac inj P GARDASIL 9 - human papillomavirus (hpv) 9-valent recomb vac im susp P GARDASIL 9 - human papillomavirus (hpv) 9-valent recomb vac susp pref syr HAVRIX - hepatitis a vaccine inj susp P 720 el unit/0.5ml HAVRIX - hepatitis a vaccine inj susp P 1440 el unit/ml • Florida Blue October 2016 Care Choices Rx Medication Drug Guide Limited Distribution P FLUVIRIN PF 2016-2017 - influenza virus vac types a & b pf susp prefilled syr 0.5 ml Responsible Steps Quantity Limits Prior Authorization Specialty Drug Name Drug Tier Limited Distribution Responsible Steps Quantity Limits Prior Authorization Specialty Drug Name Drug Tier 2016 • • • • • • • • 13 HIBERIX - haemophilus b polysaccharide conjugate vac for inj 10 mcg P RECOMBIVAX HB - hepatitis b vaccine (recombinant) susp 5 mcg/0.5ml P M-M-R II - measles, mumps & rubella virus vaccines for inj P P MEDICAL PROVIDER EZ FLU S influenza virus vac types a & b pf pref syringe kit 0.5 ml P RECOMBIVAX HB - hepatitis b vaccine (recombinant) susp 10 mcg/ml P MEDICAL PROVIDER SINGLE U influenza virus vac split quad inj prefilled syr kit 0.25 ml P RECOMBIVAX HB - hepatitis b vaccine (recombinant) susp 40 mcg/ml TRUMENBA - meningococcal group b vaccine im susp prefilled syringe P MEDICAL PROVIDER SINGLE U influenza virus vac types a & b pf pref syringe kit 0.5 ml P TWINRIX - hepatitis a (inact)-hep b (recomb) vac inj 720-20 elu-mcg/ ml P MEDICAL PROVIDER SINGLE U influenza virus vaccine split pf susp pref syr kit 0.5 ml P VAQTA - hepatitis a vaccine inj susp 25 unit/0.5ml P P VAQTA - hepatitis a vaccine inj susp 50 unit/ml P MENACTRA - meningococcal (a, c, y, and w-135) conjugate vaccine inj P MENHIBRIX - meningococcal (c & y)-haemophilus b tet tox conj vac for inj P VARIVAX - varicella virus vac live for subcutaneous inj 1350 pfu/0.5ml ZOSTAVAX - zoster vaccine live for inj 19400 unit/0.65ml P MENOMUNE-A/C/Y/W-135 meningococcal vaccine a, c, y, and w-135 inj P ADACEL - tet tox-diph-acell pertuss ad inj 5-2-15.5 lf-lf-mcg/0.5ml P P MENVEO - meningococcal (a, c, y, and w-135) oligo conj vac for inj P BOOSTRIX - tet tox-diph-acell pertuss ad inj 5-2.5-18.5 lf-lfmcg/0.5ml PEDVAX HIB - haemophilus b polysaccharide conj vac im susp 7.5 mcg/0.5 ml P DAPTACEL - diph, acellular pert & tet tox inj 15 lf-10 mcg-5 lf/0.5ml P P PNEUMOVAX 23 - pneumococcal vaccine polyvalent inj 25 mcg/0.5ml P DIPHTHERIA/TETANUS TOXOID diphtheria-tetanus tox adsorbed (dt) im inj 25-5 unit/0.5ml P PNEUMOVAX 23/1 DOSE pneumococcal vaccine polyvalent inj 25 mcg/0.5ml P INFANRIX - diph, acellular pert & tet tox inj 25 lf-58 mcg-10 lf/0.5ml KINRIX - diph-tetanus tox ad-acell pert & polio virus, ipv vac inj P PREVNAR 13 - pneumococcal 13valent conjugate vaccine inj P PEDIARIX - diph-tetanus tox-acell pert-hepatitis b-polio ipv vac inj P PROQUAD - measles-mumpsrubella-varicella virus vaccines for inj P PENTACEL - diph-ac per-tet tox adpoliov-haemoph b poly vac for im susp P • • Florida Blue October 2016 Care Choices Rx Medication Drug Guide Limited Distribution Responsible Steps Quantity Limits Prior Authorization Specialty Drug Name Drug Tier Limited Distribution Responsible Steps Quantity Limits Prior Authorization Specialty Drug Name Drug Tier 2016 14 Limited Distribution Responsible Steps Quantity Limits Prior Authorization Specialty Drug Name Drug Tier Limited Distribution Responsible Steps Quantity Limits Prior Authorization Specialty Drug Name Drug Tier 2016 GAMUNEX-C - immune globulin (human) iv or subcutaneous soln 2.5 gm/25ml 4 • • 4 • • TETANUS/DIPHTHERIA TOXOID tetanus-diphtheria toxoids (td) inj 2-2 lf/0.5ml P GAMUNEX-C - immune globulin (human) iv or subcutaneous soln 5 gm/50ml • • 4 • • 4 GAMMAGARD LIQUID immune globulin (human) iv or subcutaneous soln 1 gm/10ml GAMUNEX-C - immune globulin (human) iv or subcutaneous soln 10 gm/100ml • • 4 • • 4 GAMMAGARD LIQUID immune globulin (human) iv or subcutaneous soln 2.5 gm/25ml GAMUNEX-C - immune globulin (human) iv or subcutaneous soln 20 gm/200ml • • 4 • • 4 GAMMAGARD LIQUID immune globulin (human) iv or subcutaneous soln 5 gm/50ml GAMUNEX-C - immune globulin (human) iv or subcutaneous soln 40 gm/400ml • • • 4 • • 4 GAMMAGARD LIQUID immune globulin (human) iv or subcutaneous soln 10 gm/100ml HIZENTRA - immune globulin (human) subcutaneous inj 1 gm/5ml • • • 4 • • 4 GAMMAGARD LIQUID immune globulin (human) iv or subcutaneous soln 20 gm/200ml HIZENTRA - immune globulin (human) subcutaneous inj 2 gm/10ml • • • 4 • • 4 GAMMAGARD LIQUID immune globulin (human) iv or subcutaneous soln 30 gm/300ml HIZENTRA - immune globulin (human) subcutaneous inj 4 gm/20ml • • • GAMMAKED - immune globulin (human) iv or subcutaneous soln 1 gm/10ml • • 4 4 HIZENTRA - immune globulin (human) subcutaneous inj 10 gm/50ml • • • 4 • • 4 GAMMAKED - immune globulin (human) iv or subcutaneous soln 2.5 gm/25ml HYQVIA - immun glob inj 2.5 gm/25ml-hyaluron inj 200 unt/1.25 ml kit • 4 • • • • GAMMAKED - immune globulin (human) iv or subcutaneous soln 5 gm/50ml • • • GAMMAKED - immune globulin (human) iv or subcutaneous soln 10 gm/100ml 4 • • • • • GAMMAKED - immune globulin (human) iv or subcutaneous soln 20 gm/200ml 4 • • • • • GAMUNEX-C - immune globulin (human) iv or subcutaneous soln 1 gm/10ml 4 • • HYQVIA - immun glob inj 5 gm/50ml- 4 hyaluron inj 400 unt/2.5 ml kit 4 HYQVIA - immun glob inj 10 gm/100ml-hyaluron inj 800 unt/5 ml kit 4 HYQVIA - immun glob inj 20 gm/200ml-hyaluron inj 1600 unt/10 ml kit 4 HYQVIA - immun glob inj 30 gm/300ml-hyaluron inj 2400 unt/15 ml kit QUADRACEL - diph-tetanus tox adacell pert & polio virus, ipv vac inj P TENIVAC - tetanus-diphtheria toxoids (td) inj 5-2 lfu P ANTINEOPLASTIC AGENTS ANTINEOPLASTICS Florida Blue October 2016 Care Choices Rx Medication Drug Guide 15 4 AFINITOR DISPERZ - everolimus tab for oral susp 2 mg COMETRIQ - cabozantinib s-mal cap 1 x 80 mg & 1 x 20 mg (100 dose) kit 4 • • • COMETRIQ - cabozantinib s-mal cap 1 x 80 mg & 3 x 20 mg (140 dose) kit 4 • • • • COMETRIQ - cabozantinib s-malate cap 3 x 20 mg (60 mg dose) kit 4 • • • • COTELLIC - cobimetinib fumarate tab 20 mg (base equivalent) 4 • • • • CYCLOPHOSPHAMIDE cyclophosphamide cap 25 mg 2 CYCLOPHOSPHAMIDE cyclophosphamide cap 50 mg 2 EMCYT - estramustine phosphate sodium cap 140 mg 2 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 4 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • AFINITOR DISPERZ - everolimus tab for oral susp 3 mg 4 • • • • AFINITOR DISPERZ - everolimus tab for oral susp 5 mg 4 • • • • ALECENSA - alectinib hcl cap 150 mg (base equivalent) 4 • • • • ALKERAN - melphalan tab 2 mg 2 1 ERIVEDGE - vismodegib cap 150 mg 4 anastrozole tab 1 mg (Arimidex) 3 ETOPOSIDE - etoposide cap 50 mg 2 AROMASIN - exemestane tab 25 mg 3 4 bexarotene cap 75 mg (Targretin) exemestane tab 25 mg (Aromasin) 1 ARIMIDEX - anastrozole tab 1 mg bicalutamide tab 50 mg (Casodex) 1 • • FARESTON - toremifene citrate tab 60 mg (base equivalent) • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • BOSULIF - bosutinib tab 100 mg 4 BOSULIF - bosutinib tab 500 mg 4 CABOMETYX - cabozantinib s-malate tab 20 mg (base equivalent) 4 CABOMETYX - cabozantinib s-malate tab 40 mg (base equivalent) 4 CABOMETYX - cabozantinib s-malate tab 60 mg (base equivalent) 4 • • • capecitabine tab 150 mg (Xeloda) 4 • • • • capecitabine tab 500 mg (Xeloda) 4 CASODEX - bicalutamide tab 50 mg 3 CAPRELSA - vandetanib tab 100 mg 4 CAPRELSA - vandetanib tab 300 mg 4 • • • • • • • • • • • Limited Distribution AFINITOR - everolimus tab 10 mg Responsible Steps 4 Quantity Limits AFINITOR - everolimus tab 7.5 mg Prior Authorization AFINITOR - everolimus tab 5 mg 4 • • • • • Specialty 4 • Drug Name Drug Tier AFINITOR - everolimus tab 2.5 mg Limited Distribution • Responsible Steps 4 Quantity Limits ACTIMMUNE - interferon gamma-1b inj 100 mcg/0.5ml (2000000 unit/0.5ml) Prior Authorization Specialty Drug Name Drug Tier 2016 2 FARYDAK - panobinostat lactate cap 4 10 mg (base equivalent) FARYDAK - panobinostat lactate cap 4 15 mg (base equivalent) FARYDAK - panobinostat lactate cap 4 20 mg (base equivalent) 1 flutamide cap 125 mg GILOTRIF - afatinib dimaleate tab 20 4 mg (base equivalent) GILOTRIF - afatinib dimaleate tab 30 4 mg (base equivalent) GILOTRIF - afatinib dimaleate tab 40 4 mg (base equivalent) 4 GLEEVEC - imatinib mesylate tab 100 mg (base equivalent) 4 GLEEVEC - imatinib mesylate tab 400 mg (base equivalent) 4 GLEOSTINE - lomustine cap 5 mg GLEOSTINE - lomustine cap 10 mg Florida Blue October 2016 Care Choices Rx Medication Drug Guide • 4 • • • • • • • • 16 GLEOSTINE - lomustine cap 40 mg 4 GLEOSTINE - lomustine cap 100 mg 4 4 HEXALEN - altretamine cap 50 mg HYCAMTIN - topotecan hcl cap 0.25 mg (base equiv) 4 HYCAMTIN - topotecan hcl cap 1 mg 4 (base equiv) HYDREA - hydroxyurea cap 500 mg 3 hydroxyurea cap 500 mg (Hydrea) 1 • • 4 • • • • • JAKAFI - ruxolitinib phosphate tab 15 mg (base equivalent) 4 • • • • JAKAFI - ruxolitinib phosphate tab 20 mg (base equivalent) 4 • • • • JAKAFI - ruxolitinib phosphate tab 25 mg (base equivalent) 4 • • • • LENVIMA 10 MG DAILY DOSE lenvatinib cap therapy pack 10 mg (10 mg daily dose) 4 • • • • LENVIMA 14 MG DAILY DOSE lenvatinib cap therapy pack 10 & 4 mg (14 mg daily dose) 4 • • • • LENVIMA 18 MG DAILY DOSE lenvatinib cap therapy pack 10 & 4 (2) mg (18 mg daily dose) 4 • • • • LENVIMA 20 MG DAILY DOSE lenvatinib cap therapy pack 10 (2) mg (20 mg daily dose) 4 • • • • LENVIMA 24 MG DAILY DOSE lenvatinib cap therapy pack 10 (2) & 4 mg (24 mg daily dose) 4 • • • • 4 • • • • 1 • • • • • • 4 • • • IMBRUVICA - ibrutinib cap 140 mg 4 INLYTA - axitinib tab 1 mg 4 INLYTA - axitinib tab 5 mg 4 INTRON A - interferon alfa-2b inj 6000000 unit/ml 4 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • INTRON A - interferon alfa-2b inj 10000000 unit/ml 4 • • LENVIMA 8 MG DAILY DOSE lenvatinib cap therapy pack 4 (2) mg (8 mg daily dose) INTRON A - interferon alfa-2b for inj 10000000 unit 4 • • letrozole tab 2.5 mg (Femara) INTRON A - interferon alfa-2b for inj 18000000 unit 4 • • INTRON A - interferon alfa-2b for inj 50000000 unit 4 • • INTRON A W/DILUENT - interferon alfa-2b for inj 10000000 unit 4 • • INTRON A W/DILUENT - interferon alfa-2b for inj 18000000 unit 4 • • INTRON A W/DILUENT - interferon alfa-2b for inj 50000000 unit 4 • • ICLUSIG - ponatinib hcl tab 45 mg (base equiv) imatinib mesylate tab 100 mg (base equivalent) (Gleevec) imatinib mesylate tab 400 mg (base equivalent) (Gleevec) Limited Distribution JAKAFI - ruxolitinib phosphate tab 10 mg (base equivalent) • • • 4 Responsible Steps • 4 ICLUSIG - ponatinib hcl tab 15 mg (base equiv) Quantity Limits 4 • IBRANCE - palbociclib cap 125 mg 4 Prior Authorization JAKAFI - ruxolitinib phosphate tab 5 mg (base equivalent) • • • • • • • • • 4 Specialty 4 4 IBRANCE - palbociclib cap 100 mg Drug Tier Limited Distribution IRESSA - gefitinib tab 250 mg • • • • 4 • • • • Drug Name • • • • IBRANCE - palbociclib cap 75 mg • • • • Responsible Steps • • • • • Quantity Limits Prior Authorization Specialty Drug Name Drug Tier 2016 LEUCOVORIN CALCIUM leucovorin calcium tab 10 mg 2 LEUCOVORIN CALCIUM leucovorin calcium tab 15 mg 2 leucovorin calcium tab 5 mg 1 leucovorin calcium tab 25 mg 1 LEUKERAN - chlorambucil tab 2 mg 2 leuprolide acetate inj kit 5 mg/ml 4 LONSURF - trifluridine-tipiracil tab 15-6.14 mg Florida Blue October 2016 Care Choices Rx Medication Drug Guide • • 4 17 MATULANE - procarbazine hcl cap 50 mg 4 MEGACE ORAL - megestrol acetate susp 40 mg/ml • NILANDRON - nilutamide tab 150 mg 3 nilutamide tab 150 mg (Nilandron) 1 Limited Distribution 4 • • • • Responsible Steps LYSODREN - mitotane tab 500 mg • • • • • 4 Quantity Limits 4 NEXAVAR - sorafenib tosylate tab 200 mg (base equivalent) Prior Authorization LYNPARZA - olaparib cap 50 mg • Specialty • • • Drug Name Drug Tier 4 Limited Distribution LONSURF - trifluridine-tipiracil tab 20-8.19 mg Responsible Steps Quantity Limits Prior Authorization Specialty Drug Name Drug Tier 2016 • 4 • • • • 3 NINLARO - ixazomib citrate cap 2.3 mg (base equivalent) 4 • • • • megestrol acetate susp 40 mg/ml (Megace oral) 1 NINLARO - ixazomib citrate cap 3 mg (base equivalent) 4 • • • • megestrol acetate tab 20 mg 1 NINLARO - ixazomib citrate cap 4 mg (base equivalent) ODOMZO - sonidegib phosphate cap 200 mg (base equivalent) 4 • • • • POMALYST - pomalidomide cap 1 mg 4 • • • • POMALYST - pomalidomide cap 2 mg 4 • • • • POMALYST - pomalidomide cap 3 mg 4 • • • • POMALYST - pomalidomide cap 4 mg 4 • • • • PURIXAN - mercaptopurine susp 2000 mg/100ml (20 mg/ml) 4 • • SOLTAMOX - tamoxifen citrate oral soln 10 mg/5ml (base equivalent) 3 SPRYCEL - dasatinib tab 20 mg 4 SPRYCEL - dasatinib tab 50 mg 4 SPRYCEL - dasatinib tab 70 mg 4 SPRYCEL - dasatinib tab 80 mg 4 SPRYCEL - dasatinib tab 100 mg 4 SPRYCEL - dasatinib tab 140 mg 4 STIVARGA - regorafenib tab 40 mg 4 SUTENT - sunitinib malate cap 12.5 mg (base equivalent) megestrol acetate tab 40 mg 1 MEKINIST - trametinib dimethyl sulfoxide tab 0.5 mg (base equivalent) 4 • • • • MEKINIST - trametinib dimethyl sulfoxide tab 2 mg (base equivalent) 4 • • • • mercaptopurine tab 50 mg 1 MESNEX - mesna tab 400 mg 2 METHOTREXATE SODIUM methotrexate sodium inj 250 mg/10ml (25 mg/ml) 3 methotrexate sodium for inj 1 gm 1 methotrexate sodium inj pf 50 mg/2ml (25 mg/ml) methotrexate sodium inj pf 100 mg/4ml (25 mg/ml) methotrexate sodium inj pf 200 mg/8ml (25 mg/ml) methotrexate sodium inj pf 250 mg/10ml (25 mg/ml) methotrexate sodium inj pf 1000 mg/40ml (25 mg/ml) methotrexate sodium inj 50 mg/2ml (25 mg/ml) methotrexate sodium tab 2.5 mg (base equiv) MYLERAN - busulfan tab 2 mg 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 4 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • SUTENT - sunitinib malate cap 25 mg (base equivalent) 4 • • • • SUTENT - sunitinib malate cap 37.5 mg (base equivalent) 4 • • • • SUTENT - sunitinib malate cap 50 mg (base equivalent) 4 • • • • Florida Blue October 2016 Care Choices Rx Medication Drug Guide • • • • • • • • 18 • • SYLATRON - peginterferon alfa-2b for inj kit 600 mcg 4 • • SYNRIBO - omacetaxine mepesuccinate for inj 3.5 mg 4 • • TABLOID - thioguanine tab 40 mg 2 TAFINLAR - dabrafenib mesylate cap 50 mg (base equivalent) 4 • • • • TAFINLAR - dabrafenib mesylate cap 75 mg (base equivalent) 4 • • • • TAGRISSO - osimertinib mesylate tab 40 mg (base equivalent) 4 • • • • TAGRISSO - osimertinib mesylate tab 80 mg (base equivalent) 4 • • • • tamoxifen citrate tab 10 mg (base equivalent) P P TARCEVA - erlotinib hcl tab 25 mg (base equivalent) 4 • • • • TARCEVA - erlotinib hcl tab 100 mg (base equivalent) 4 • • • • TARCEVA - erlotinib hcl tab 150 mg (base equivalent) 4 • • • • TARGRETIN - bexarotene cap 75 mg 4 • • TASIGNA - nilotinib hcl cap 150 mg (base equivalent) 4 • • • TASIGNA - nilotinib hcl cap 200 mg (base equivalent) 4 • • • TEMODAR - temozolomide cap 5 mg 4 • • TEMODAR - temozolomide cap 20 mg 4 • • TEMODAR - temozolomide cap 100 mg 4 TEMODAR - temozolomide cap 140 mg 4 4 • • TEMODAR - temozolomide cap 250 mg 4 • • temozolomide cap 5 mg (Temodar) 4 4 temozolomide cap 20 mg (Temodar) 4 temozolomide cap 100 mg (Temodar) 4 temozolomide cap 140 mg (Temodar) 4 temozolomide cap 180 mg (Temodar) 4 temozolomide cap 250 mg (Temodar) 4 tretinoin cap 10 mg • • • • TREXALL - methotrexate sodium tab 3 5 mg (base equiv) TREXALL - methotrexate sodium tab 3 7.5 mg (base equiv) TREXALL - methotrexate sodium tab 3 10 mg (base equiv) TREXALL - methotrexate sodium tab 3 15 mg (base equiv) 4 TYKERB - lapatinib ditosylate tab 250 mg (base equiv) VENCLEXTA - venetoclax tab 10 mg 4 Limited Distribution 4 TEMODAR - temozolomide cap 180 mg Responsible Steps SYLATRON - peginterferon alfa-2b for inj kit 300 mcg tamoxifen citrate tab 20 mg (base equivalent) • Quantity Limits • Prior Authorization 4 Specialty SYLATRON - peginterferon alfa-2b for inj kit 200 mcg Drug Name Drug Tier Limited Distribution Responsible Steps Quantity Limits Prior Authorization Specialty Drug Name Drug Tier 2016 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • VENCLEXTA - venetoclax tab 50 mg 4 • VENCLEXTA - venetoclax tab 100 mg 4 • • • • • • • • • • VENCLEXTA STARTING PACK venetoclax tab therapy starter pack 10 & 50 & 100 mg 4 • • • • VOTRIENT - pazopanib hcl tab 200 mg (base equiv) 4 • • • • XALKORI - crizotinib cap 200 mg 4 • • XALKORI - crizotinib cap 250 mg 4 • • XELODA - capecitabine tab 150 mg 4 • • XELODA - capecitabine tab 500 mg 4 XTANDI - enzalutamide cap 40 mg 4 • • • • • Florida Blue October 2016 Care Choices Rx Medication Drug Guide • • • • • • • • • • • 19 ZYDELIG - idelalisib tab 150 mg 4 ZYKADIA - ceritinib cap 150 mg 4 ZYTIGA - abiraterone acetate tab 250 mg 4 ENDOCRINE AND METABOLIC DRUGS CORTICOSTEROIDS budesonide delayed release particles cap 3 mg (Entocort ec) 1 CORTEF - hydrocortisone tab 5 mg 3 CORTEF - hydrocortisone tab 10 mg 3 CORTEF - hydrocortisone tab 20 mg 3 CORTISONE ACETATE - cortisone acetate tab 25 mg 3 DEXAMETHASONE dexamethasone soln 0.5 mg/5ml 2 DEXAMETHASONE dexamethasone tab 1 mg 2 DEXAMETHASONE dexamethasone tab 2 mg 2 dexamethasone elixir 0.5 mg/5ml 1 DEXAMETHASONE INTENSOL dexamethasone conc 1 mg/ml 3 dexamethasone tab 0.5 mg 1 dexamethasone tab 0.75 mg dexamethasone tab 1.5 mg dexamethasone tab 4 mg dexamethasone tab 6 mg 1 1 1 1 • • • • • • • • • • fludrocortisone acetate tab 0.1 mg 1 hydrocortisone tab 5 mg (Cortef) hydrocortisone tab 10 mg (Cortef) Limited Distribution 4 • • • • • Responsible Steps ZYDELIG - idelalisib tab 100 mg • • • • • 3 Quantity Limits 4 ENTOCORT EC - budesonide delayed release particles cap 3 mg Prior Authorization ZOLINZA - vorinostat cap 100 mg • Specialty • • • Drug Name Drug Tier 4 Limited Distribution ZELBORAF - vemurafenib tab 240 mg Responsible Steps Quantity Limits Prior Authorization Specialty Drug Name Drug Tier 2016 1 1 hydrocortisone tab 20 mg (Cortef) 1 MEDROL - methylprednisolone tab 2 3 mg MEDROL - methylprednisolone tab 4 3 mg MEDROL - methylprednisolone tab 8 3 mg 3 MEDROL - methylprednisolone tab 16 mg 3 MEDROL - methylprednisolone tab 32 mg 3 MEDROL DOSEPAK methylprednisolone tab therapy pack 4 mg (21) 1 methylprednisolone tab therapy pack 4 mg (21) (Medrol dosepak) 1 methylprednisolone tab 4 mg (Medrol) 1 methylprednisolone tab 8 mg (Medrol) 1 methylprednisolone tab 16 mg (Medrol) 1 methylprednisolone tab 32 mg (Medrol) 3 MILLIPRED - prednisolone sod phosphate oral soln 10 mg/5ml (base equiv) MILLIPRED - prednisolone tab 5 mg 3 DEXPAK 10 DAY - dexamethasone tab therapy pack 1.5 mg (35) 3 DEXPAK 13 DAY - dexamethasone tab therapy pack 1.5 mg (51) 3 MILLIPRED DP - prednisolone tab therapy pack 5 mg (21) 3 DEXPAK 6 DAY - dexamethasone tab therapy pack 1.5 mg (21) 3 MILLIPRED DP - prednisolone tab therapy pack 5 mg (48) 3 Florida Blue October 2016 Care Choices Rx Medication Drug Guide 20 ORAPRED ODT - prednisolone sod phos orally disintegr tab 10 mg (base eq) 3 ORAPRED ODT - prednisolone sod phos orally disintegr tab 15 mg (base eq) 3 ORAPRED ODT - prednisolone sod phos orally disintegr tab 30 mg (base eq) 3 PEDIAPRED - prednisolone sod phosph oral soln 6.7 mg/5ml (5 mg/5ml base) 3 prednisolone sod phos orally disintegr tab 10 mg (base eq) (Orapred odt) 1 prednisolone sod phos orally disintegr tab 15 mg (base eq) (Orapred odt) 1 prednisolone sod phos orally disintegr tab 30 mg (base eq) (Orapred odt) 1 prednisolone sod phosph oral soln 6.7 mg/5ml (5 mg/5ml base) (Pediapred) 1 prednisolone sod phosphate oral soln 15 mg/5ml (base equiv) 1 PREDNISOLONE SODIUM PHOSP - prednisolone sodium phosphate oral soln 25 mg/5ml (base eq) 3 prednisolone syrup 15 mg/5ml (usp solution equivalent) 1 PREDNISONE - prednisone oral soln 5 mg/5ml 2 PREDNISONE - prednisone tab therapy pack 5 mg (21) 3 PREDNISONE - prednisone tab therapy pack 5 mg (48) 3 PREDNISONE - prednisone tab therapy pack 10 mg (21) 3 PREDNISONE - prednisone tab therapy pack 10 mg (48) 3 PREDNISONE - prednisone tab 50 mg 2 PREDNISONE INTENSOL prednisone conc 5 mg/ml 3 prednisone tab 1 mg 1 prednisone tab 2.5 mg prednisone tab 5 mg prednisone tab 10 mg prednisone tab 20 mg Limited Distribution Responsible Steps 1 1 VERIPRED 20 - prednisolone sod phosphate oral soln 20 mg/5ml (base equiv) 3 ANDROGEN-ANABOLIC ANADROL-50 - oxymetholone tab 50 3 mg 2 ANDRODERM - testosterone td patch 24hr 2 mg/24hr 2 ANDRODERM - testosterone td patch 24hr 4 mg/24hr ANDROGEL - testosterone td gel 25 3 mg/2.5gm (1%) ANDROGEL - testosterone td gel 50 3 mg/5gm (1%) 2 ANDROGEL - testosterone td gel 20.25 mg/1.25gm (1.62%) 2 ANDROGEL - testosterone td gel 40.5 mg/2.5gm (1.62%) ANDROGEL PUMP - testosterone td 3 gel 12.5 mg/act (1%) ANDROGEL PUMP - testosterone td 2 gel 20.25 mg/act (1.62%) ANDROID - methyltestosterone cap 3 10 mg ANDROXY - fluoxymesterone tab 10 3 mg 1 danazol cap 50 mg Florida Blue October 2016 Care Choices Rx Medication Drug Guide Quantity Limits 1 3 danazol cap 200 mg Prior Authorization 1 UCERIS - budesonide tab sr 24hr 9 mg danazol cap 100 mg Specialty Drug Name Drug Tier Limited Distribution Responsible Steps Quantity Limits Prior Authorization Specialty Drug Name Drug Tier 2016 1 1 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 21 3 DEPO-TESTOSTERONE testosterone cypionate im inj in oil 200 mg/ml 3 METHITEST - methyltestosterone oral tab 10 mg 3 • methyltestosterone cap 10 mg (Testred) 1 • OXANDRIN - oxandrolone tab 2.5 mg 3 • • • testosterone cypionate im inj in oil 100 mg/ml (Depotestosterone) 1 • • • • • testosterone cypionate im inj in oil 200 mg/ml (Depotestosterone) 1 • • testosterone enanthate im inj in oil 200 mg/ml 1 • • 1 • • 1 • • 1 • • OXANDRIN - oxandrolone tab 10 mg 3 oxandrolone tab 2.5 mg (Oxandrin) 1 oxandrolone tab 10 mg (Oxandrin) testosterone td gel 25 mg/2.5gm (1%) (Androgel) testosterone td gel 50 mg/5gm (1%) (Androgel) testosterone td gel 12.5 mg/act (1%) (Androgel pump) ESTROGENS 1 ACTIVELLA - estradiol & norethindrone acetate tab 0.5-0.1 mg 3 ACTIVELLA - estradiol & norethindrone acetate tab 1-0.5 mg 3 ALORA - estradiol td patch twice weekly 0.025 mg/24hr 3 • ALORA - estradiol td patch twice weekly 0.05 mg/24hr 3 • 3 • ALORA - estradiol td patch twice weekly 0.1 mg/24hr 3 • ANGELIQ - drospirenone-estradiol tab 0.25-0.5 mg 3 ANGELIQ - drospirenone-estradiol tab 0.5-1 mg 3 CLIMARA - estradiol td patch weekly 3 0.025 mg/24hr CLIMARA - estradiol td patch weekly 3 0.0375 mg/24hr (37.5 mcg/24hr) CLIMARA - estradiol td patch weekly 3 0.05 mg/24hr CLIMARA - estradiol td patch weekly 3 0.06 mg/24hr CLIMARA - estradiol td patch weekly 3 0.075 mg/24hr CLIMARA - estradiol td patch weekly 3 0.1 mg/24hr 2 CLIMARA PRO - estradiollevonorgestrel td patch weekly 0.045-0.015 mg/day 3 COMBIPATCH - estradiolnorethindrone ace td pttw 0.05-0.14 mg/day 3 COMBIPATCH - estradiolnorethindrone ace td pttw 0.05-0.25 mg/day 2 DIVIGEL - estradiol td gel 0.25 mg/0.25gm (0.1%) 2 DIVIGEL - estradiol td gel 0.5 mg/0.5gm (0.1%) 2 DIVIGEL - estradiol td gel 1 mg/gm (0.1%) 3 DUAVEE - conjugated estrogensbazedoxifene tab 0.45-20 mg 3 ELESTRIN - estradiol gel 0.06% (0.52 mg/0.87 gm metered-dose pump) Florida Blue October 2016 Care Choices Rx Medication Drug Guide Limited Distribution ALORA - estradiol td patch twice weekly 0.075 mg/24hr Responsible Steps Quantity Limits Prior Authorization Specialty Drug Name Drug Tier Limited Distribution • • DEPO-TESTOSTERONE testosterone cypionate im inj in oil 100 mg/ml Responsible Steps Quantity Limits Prior Authorization Specialty Drug Name Drug Tier 2016 • • • • • • • • • • • 22 esterified estrogens & methyltestosterone tab 0.625-1.25 mg esterified estrogens & methyltestosterone tab 1.25-2.5 mg 1 ESTROGEL - estradiol gel 0.06% (0.75 mg/1.25 gm metered-dose pump) 2 1 ESTROPIPATE - estropipate tab 0.75 mg 3 ESTROPIPATE - estropipate tab 1.5 mg 3 ESTROPIPATE - estropipate tab 3 mg 3 ESTRACE - estradiol tab 0.5 mg 3 ESTRACE - estradiol tab 1 mg 3 ESTRACE - estradiol tab 2 mg 3 estradiol & norethindrone acetate tab 0.5-0.1 mg (Activella) 1 EVAMIST - estradiol transdermal spray 1.53 mg/spray 3 1 FEMHRT LOW DOSE norethindrone acetate-ethinyl estradiol tab 0.5 mg-2.5 mcg 3 MENEST - esterified estrogens tab 0.3 mg 2 estradiol & norethindrone acetate tab 1-0.5 mg (Activella) estradiol tab 0.5 mg (Estrace) estradiol tab 1 mg (Estrace) estradiol tab 2 mg (Estrace) estradiol td patch twice weekly 0.025 mg/24hr (Vivelle-dot) estradiol td patch twice weekly 0.0375 mg/24hr (Vivelle-dot) estradiol td patch twice weekly 0.05 mg/24hr (Vivelle-dot) estradiol td patch twice weekly 0.075 mg/24hr (Vivelle-dot) 1 1 1 1 • MENEST - esterified estrogens tab 1.25 mg 2 • MENEST - esterified estrogens tab 2.5 mg 2 • MENOSTAR - estradiol td patch weekly 14 mcg/24hr 3 • MINIVELLE - estradiol td patch twice 3 weekly 0.025 mg/24hr MINIVELLE - estradiol td patch twice 3 weekly 0.0375 mg/24hr MINIVELLE - estradiol td patch twice 3 weekly 0.05 mg/24hr MINIVELLE - estradiol td patch twice 3 weekly 0.075 mg/24hr MINIVELLE - estradiol td patch twice 3 weekly 0.1 mg/24hr 1 norethindrone acetate-ethinyl estradiol tab 0.5 mg-2.5 mcg (Femhrt low dose) 1 norethindrone acetate-ethinyl estradiol tab 1 mg-5 mcg 3 PREFEST - estradiol tab 1 mg(15)/estrad-norgestimate tab 1-0.09mg(15) • 1 1 estradiol td patch weekly 0.0375 mg/24hr (37.5 mcg/24hr) (Climara) 1 • estradiol td patch weekly 0.05 mg/24hr (Climara) 1 • 1 • 1 • 1 • estradiol td patch weekly 0.1 mg/24hr (Climara) Florida Blue October 2016 Care Choices Rx Medication Drug Guide Limited Distribution Responsible Steps Quantity Limits 2 • estradiol td patch weekly 0.075 mg/24hr (Climara) Prior Authorization MENEST - esterified estrogens tab 0.625 mg 1 estradiol td patch weekly 0.06 mg/24hr (Climara) • • • estradiol td patch weekly 0.025 mg/24hr (Climara) • 1 1 estradiol td patch twice weekly 0.1 mg/24hr (Vivelle-dot) Specialty Drug Name Drug Tier Limited Distribution Responsible Steps Quantity Limits Prior Authorization Specialty Drug Name Drug Tier 2016 • • • • 23 PREMARIN - estrogens, conjugated tab 0.3 mg 2 PREMARIN - estrogens, conjugated tab 0.45 mg 2 PREMARIN - estrogens, conjugated tab 0.625 mg 2 PREMARIN - estrogens, conjugated tab 0.9 mg 2 PREMARIN - estrogens, conjugated tab 1.25 mg 2 PREMPHASE - conj est 0.625(14)/ conj est-medroxypro ac tab 0.625-5mg(14) 2 PREMPRO - conjugated estrogenmedroxyprogest acetate tab 0.3-1.5 mg 2 PREMPRO - conjugated estrogenmedroxyprogest acetate tab 0.45-1.5 mg 2 ESTROSTEP FE - norethindrone ac-ethinyl estrad-fe tab 1-20/1-30/1-35 mg-mcg 3 PREMPRO - conjugated estrogenmedroxyprogest acetate tab 0.625-2.5 mg 2 ethynodiol diacetate & ethinyl estradiol tab 1 mg-35 mcg P PREMPRO - conjugated estrogenmedroxyprogest acetate tab 0.625-5 mg 2 3 VIVELLE-DOT - estradiol td patch twice weekly 0.025 mg/24hr 3 • FEMCON FE - norethindrone & ethinyl estradiol-fe chew tab 0.4 mg-35 mcg 3 • VIVELLE-DOT - estradiol td patch twice weekly 0.05 mg/24hr 3 • GENERESS FE - norethindrone & ethinyl estradiol-fe chew tab 0.8 mg-25 mcg 3 VIVELLE-DOT - estradiol td patch twice weekly 0.0375 mg/24hr P VIVELLE-DOT - estradiol td patch twice weekly 0.075 mg/24hr 3 • levonorg-eth est tab 0.1-0.02mg(84) & eth est tab 0.01mg(7) (Loseasonique) VIVELLE-DOT - estradiol td patch twice weekly 0.1 mg/24hr 3 CONTRACEPTIVES BEYAZ - drospirenone-ethinyl estrad-levomefolate tab 3-0.02-0.451 mg 3 BREVICON-28 - norethindrone & ethinyl estradiol tab 0.5 mg-35 mcg 3 Limited Distribution Responsible Steps Quantity Limits Prior Authorization Specialty Drug Name Drug Tier Limited Distribution Responsible Steps Quantity Limits Prior Authorization Specialty Drug Name Drug Tier 2016 CYCLESSA - desogest-ethin est tab 3 0.1-0.025/0.125-0.025/0.15-0.025mgmg 3 DESOGEN - desogestrel & ethinyl estradiol tab 0.15 mg-30 mcg P desogest-eth estrad & eth estrad tab 0.15-0.02/0.01 mg(21/5) (Mircette) P desogest-ethin est tab 0.1-0.025/0.125-0.025/0.15-0.025mgmg (Cyclessa) P desogestrel & ethinyl estradiol tab 0.15 mg-30 mcg (Desogen) drospirenone-ethinyl estradiol tab P 3-0.02 mg (Yaz) drospirenone-ethinyl estradiol tab P 3-0.03 mg (Yasmin 28) P ELLA - ulipristal acetate tab 30 mg • levonorg-eth est tab 0.15-0.03mg(84) & eth est tab 0.01mg(7) (Seasonique) levonorgestrel & ethinyl estradiol (91-day) tab 0.15-0.03 mg levonorgestrel & ethinyl estradiol tab 0.1 mg-20 mcg levonorgestrel & ethinyl estradiol tab 0.15 mg-30 mcg levonorgestrel tab 1.5 mg Florida Blue October 2016 Care Choices Rx Medication Drug Guide P P P P P 24 levonorgestrel-eth estra tab 0.05-30/0.075-40/0.125-30mgmcg levonorgestrel-ethinyl estradiol (continuous) tab 90-20 mcg P norethindrone & ethinyl estradiolfe chew tab 0.8 mg-25 mcg (Generess fe) P P P LO LOESTRIN FE - norethin-eth estradiol-fe tab 1 mg-10 mcg (24)/10 mcg (2) 3 norethindrone ac-ethinyl estradfe tab 1-20/1-30/1-35 mg-mcg (Estrostep fe) P LOESTRIN FE 1.5/30 norethindrone ace & ethinyl estradiol-fe tab 1.5 mg-30 mcg 3 norethindrone ace & ethinyl estradiol tab 1 mg-20 mcg (Loestrin 1/20-21) P LOESTRIN FE 1/20 - norethindrone ace & ethinyl estradiol-fe tab 1 mg-20 mcg 3 norethindrone ace & ethinyl estradiol tab 1.5 mg-30 mcg (Loestrin 1.5/30-21) P LOSEASONIQUE - levonorg-eth est tab 0.1-0.02mg(84) & eth est tab 0.01mg(7) 3 norethindrone ace & ethinyl estradiol-fe tab 1 mg-20 mcg (Loestrin fe 1/20) P MINASTRIN 24 FE - norethindrone ace-eth estradiol-fe chew tab 1 mg-20 mcg (24) 3 norethindrone ace & ethinyl estradiol-fe tab 1.5 mg-30 mcg (Loestrin fe 1.5/30) P MODICON - norethindrone & ethinyl estradiol tab 0.5 mg-35 mcg 3 norethindrone ace-ethinyl estradiol-fe tab 1 mg-20 mcg (24) P NATAZIA - estradiol valeratedienogest tab 3 mg /2-2 mg/2-3 mg/1 mg 3 norethindrone tab 0.35 mg (Norqd) P NECON 1/50-28 - norethindrone & mestranol tab 1 mg-50 mcg 3 norethindrone-eth estradiol tab 0.5-35/0.75-35/1-35 mg-mcg (Ortho-novum 7/7/7) P NECON 10/11-28 - norethindroneeth estradiol tab 0.5-35/1-35 mgmcg (10/11) 3 norethindrone-eth estradiol tab 0.5-35/1-35/0.5-35 mg-mcg (Trinorinyl 28) P NOR-QD - norethindrone tab 0.35 mg 3 norgestimate & ethinyl estradiol tab 0.25 mg-35 mcg (Orthocyclen) norethindrone & ethinyl estradiol tab 0.4 mg-35 mcg (Ovcon-35) P norgestimate-eth estrad tab 0.18-25/0.215-25/0.25-25 mgmcg (Ortho tri-cyclen lo) P norethindrone & ethinyl estradiol tab 0.5 mg-35 mcg (Brevicon-28) norethindrone & ethinyl estradiol tab 1 mg-35 mcg (Norinyl 1+35) norethindrone & ethinyl estradiolfe chew tab 0.4 mg-35 mcg (Femcon fe) P P P norgestimate-eth estrad tab 0.18-35/0.215-35/0.25-35 mgmcg (Ortho tri-cyclen) norgestrel & ethinyl estradiol tab 0.3 mg-30 mcg NORINYL 1+35 - norethindrone & ethinyl estradiol tab 1 mg-35 mcg Florida Blue October 2016 Care Choices Rx Medication Drug Guide Limited Distribution Responsible Steps Quantity Limits Prior Authorization Specialty Drug Name Drug Tier Limited Distribution Responsible Steps Quantity Limits Prior Authorization Specialty Drug Name Drug Tier 2016 P P 3 25 NUVARING - etonogestrel-ethinyl estradiol va ring 0.120-0.015 mg/24hr P ZOVIA 1/50E - ethynodiol diacetate & ethinyl estradiol tab 1 mg-50 mcg OGESTREL - norgestrel & ethinyl estradiol tab 0.5 mg-50 mcg 3 PROGESTINS ORTHO MICRONOR - norethindrone 3 tab 0.35 mg 3 ORTHO TRI-CYCLEN norgestimate-eth estrad tab 0.18-35/0.215-35/0.25-35 mg-mcg 3 ORTHO TRI-CYCLEN LO norgestimate-eth estrad tab 0.18-25/0.215-25/0.25-25 mg-mcg 3 ORTHO-CYCLEN - norgestimate & ethinyl estradiol tab 0.25 mg-35 mcg 3 ORTHO-NOVUM 1/35 norethindrone & ethinyl estradiol tab 1 mg-35 mcg 3 ORTHO-NOVUM 7/7/7 norethindrone-eth estradiol tab 0.5-35/0.75-35/1-35 mg-mcg PLAN B ONE-STEP - levonorgestrel 3 tab 1.5 mg 3 QUARTETTE - levonor-eth est tab 0.15-0.02/0.025/0.03 mg ð est 0.01 mg 3 SAFYRAL - drospirenoneethinyl estrad-levomefolate tab 3-0.03-0.451 mg 3 SEASONIQUE - levonorg-eth est tab 0.15-0.03mg(84) & eth est tab 0.01mg(7) 3 TRI-NORINYL 28 norethindrone-eth estradiol tab 0.5-35/1-35/0.5-35 mg-mcg P XULANE - norelgestromin-ethinyl estradiol td ptwk 150-35 mcg/24hr 3 YASMIN 28 - drospirenone-ethinyl estradiol tab 3-0.03 mg YAZ - drospirenone-ethinyl estradiol 3 tab 3-0.02 mg 3 medroxyprogesterone acetate tab 2.5 mg (Provera) 1 medroxyprogesterone acetate tab 10 mg (Provera) Limited Distribution Responsible Steps Quantity Limits 1 1 MEGACE ES - megestrol acetate susp 625 mg/5ml 3 megestrol acetate susp 625 mg/5ml (Megace es) 1 norethindrone acetate tab 5 mg (Aygestin) 1 progesterone micronized cap 100 mg (Prometrium) 1 progesterone micronized cap 200 mg (Prometrium) Prior Authorization 3 AYGESTIN - norethindrone acetate tab 5 mg medroxyprogesterone acetate tab 5 mg (Provera) Specialty Drug Name Drug Tier Limited Distribution Responsible Steps Quantity Limits Prior Authorization Specialty Drug Name Drug Tier 2016 1 PROMETRIUM - progesterone micronized cap 100 mg 3 PROMETRIUM - progesterone micronized cap 200 mg 3 PROVERA - medroxyprogesterone acetate tab 2.5 mg 3 PROVERA - medroxyprogesterone acetate tab 5 mg 3 PROVERA - medroxyprogesterone acetate tab 10 mg 3 ANTIDIABETICS Antidiabetics acarbose tab 25 mg (Precose) acarbose tab 50 mg (Precose) acarbose tab 100 mg (Precose) ACTOPLUS MET - pioglitazone hclmetformin hcl tab 15-500 mg Florida Blue October 2016 Care Choices Rx Medication Drug Guide 1 1 1 3 26 ACTOPLUS MET - pioglitazone hclmetformin hcl tab 15-850 mg 3 ACTOPLUS MET XR - pioglitazone hcl-metformin hcl tab sr 24hr 15-1000 mg 3 ACTOPLUS MET XR - pioglitazone hcl-metformin hcl tab sr 24hr 30-1000 mg 3 ACTOS - pioglitazone hcl tab 15 mg (base equiv) 3 ACTOS - pioglitazone hcl tab 30 mg (base equiv) 3 ACTOS - pioglitazone hcl tab 45 mg (base equiv) 3 ALOGLIPTIN - alogliptin benzoate tab 6.25 mg (base equiv) 3 • • ALOGLIPTIN - alogliptin benzoate tab 12.5 mg (base equiv) 3 • • ALOGLIPTIN - alogliptin benzoate tab 25 mg (base equiv) 3 • • ALOGLIPTIN/METFORMIN HCL alogliptin-metformin hcl tab 12.5-500 mg 3 • • ALOGLIPTIN/METFORMIN HCL alogliptin-metformin hcl tab 12.5-1000 mg 3 ALOGLIPTIN/PIOGLITAZONE alogliptin-pioglitazone tab 12.5-15 mg 3 ALOGLIPTIN/PIOGLITAZONE alogliptin-pioglitazone tab 12.5-30 mg 3 • • ALOGLIPTIN/PIOGLITAZONE alogliptin-pioglitazone tab 12.5-45 mg 3 • • ALOGLIPTIN/PIOGLITAZONE alogliptin-pioglitazone tab 25-15 mg 3 • • ALOGLIPTIN/PIOGLITAZONE alogliptin-pioglitazone tab 25-30 mg 3 • • ALOGLIPTIN/PIOGLITAZONE alogliptin-pioglitazone tab 25-45 mg 3 AMARYL - glimepiride tab 1 mg 3 AMARYL - glimepiride tab 2 mg 3 AMARYL - glimepiride tab 4 mg 3 AVANDIA - rosiglitazone maleate tab 2 mg (base equiv) 3 AVANDIA - rosiglitazone maleate tab 4 mg (base equiv) 3 BYDUREON - exenatide extended release for susp pen-injector 2 mg 2 • • BYDUREON - exenatide for inj extended release susp 2 mg 2 • • BYETTA - exenatide soln peninjector 5 mcg/0.02ml 2 • • BYETTA - exenatide soln peninjector 10 mcg/0.04ml 2 • • CHLORPROPAMIDE chlorpropamide tab 100 mg 3 CHLORPROPAMIDE chlorpropamide tab 250 mg 3 • • CYCLOSET - bromocriptine mesylate tab 0.8 mg (base equivalent) 3 • • DUETACT - pioglitazone hclglimepiride tab 30-2 mg 3 DUETACT - pioglitazone hclglimepiride tab 30-4 mg 3 • • FARXIGA - dapagliflozin propanediol 3 tab 5 mg (base equivalent) FARXIGA - dapagliflozin propanediol 3 tab 10 mg (base equivalent) 1 glimepiride tab 1 mg (Amaryl) glimepiride tab 2 mg (Amaryl) glimepiride tab 4 mg (Amaryl) • • • • 1 1 glipizide tab sr 24hr 2.5 mg (Glucotrol xl) 1 glipizide tab sr 24hr 5 mg (Glucotrol xl) 1 Florida Blue October 2016 Care Choices Rx Medication Drug Guide Limited Distribution Responsible Steps Quantity Limits Prior Authorization Specialty Drug Name Drug Tier Limited Distribution Responsible Steps Quantity Limits Prior Authorization Specialty Drug Name Drug Tier 2016 27 glipizide tab sr 24hr 10 mg (Glucotrol xl) 1 glyburide micronized tab 3 mg (Glynase) 1 glipizide tab 5 mg (Glucotrol) 1 1 1 glyburide micronized tab 6 mg (Glynase) 1 glyburide tab 1.25 mg 1 glipizide tab 10 mg (Glucotrol) glipizide-metformin hcl tab 2.5-250 mg glipizide-metformin hcl tab 2.5-500 mg 1 glyburide tab 2.5 mg glyburide tab 5 mg 1 glyburide-metformin tab 1.25-250 mg (Glucovance) GLUCAGEN HYPOKIT - glucagon hcl (rdna) for inj 1 mg (base equiv) 3 glyburide-metformin tab 2.5-500 mg (Glucovance) GLUCAGON EMERGENCY KIT glucagon (rdna) for inj kit 1 mg 2 glyburide-metformin tab 5-500 mg (Glucovance) GLUCOPHAGE - metformin hcl tab 500 mg 3 GLUCOPHAGE - metformin hcl tab 850 mg 3 GLUCOPHAGE - metformin hcl tab 1000 mg 3 GLUCOPHAGE XR - metformin hcl tab sr 24hr 500 mg 3 GLUCOPHAGE XR - metformin hcl tab sr 24hr 750 mg 3 GLUCOTROL - glipizide tab 5 mg 3 GLUCOTROL - glipizide tab 10 mg 3 GLUCOTROL XL - glipizide tab sr 24hr 2.5 mg 3 GLUCOTROL XL - glipizide tab sr 24hr 5 mg 3 GLUCOTROL XL - glipizide tab sr 24hr 10 mg 3 GLUCOVANCE - glyburidemetformin tab 1.25-250 mg 3 GLUCOVANCE - glyburidemetformin tab 2.5-500 mg 3 GLUCOVANCE - glyburidemetformin tab 5-500 mg 3 glyburide micronized tab 1.5 mg (Glynase) 1 glipizide-metformin hcl tab 5-500 mg Limited Distribution Responsible Steps Quantity Limits Prior Authorization Specialty Drug Name Drug Tier Limited Distribution Responsible Steps Quantity Limits Prior Authorization Specialty Drug Name Drug Tier 2016 1 1 1 1 1 GLYNASE - glyburide micronized tab 3 1.5 mg GLYNASE - glyburide micronized tab 3 3 mg GLYNASE - glyburide micronized tab 3 6 mg 3 GLYSET - miglitol tab 25 mg GLYSET - miglitol tab 50 mg 3 GLYSET - miglitol tab 100 mg 3 GLYXAMBI - empagliflozin-linagliptin tab 10-5 mg 3 • • GLYXAMBI - empagliflozin-linagliptin tab 25-5 mg 3 • • INVOKAMET - canagliflozinmetformin hcl tab 50-500 mg 2 • • INVOKAMET - canagliflozinmetformin hcl tab 50-1000 mg 2 • • INVOKAMET - canagliflozinmetformin hcl tab 150-500 mg 2 • • INVOKAMET - canagliflozinmetformin hcl tab 150-1000 mg 2 • • INVOKANA - canagliflozin tab 100 mg 2 • • INVOKANA - canagliflozin tab 300 mg 2 • • JANUMET - sitagliptin-metformin hcl tab 50-500 mg 2 • • Florida Blue October 2016 Care Choices Rx Medication Drug Guide 28 JANUMET - sitagliptin-metformin hcl tab 50-1000 mg 2 • • JANUMET XR - sitagliptin-metformin hcl tab sr 24hr 50-500 mg 2 • • JANUMET XR - sitagliptin-metformin hcl tab sr 24hr 50-1000 mg 2 • • JANUMET XR - sitagliptin-metformin hcl tab sr 24hr 100-1000 mg 2 • • JANUVIA - sitagliptin phosphate tab 25 mg (base equiv) 2 • • JANUVIA - sitagliptin phosphate tab 50 mg (base equiv) 2 • • JANUVIA - sitagliptin phosphate tab 100 mg (base equiv) 2 • • nateglinide tab 60 mg (Starlix) JENTADUETO - linagliptin-metformin 3 hcl tab 2.5-500 mg JENTADUETO - linagliptin-metformin 3 hcl tab 2.5-850 mg JENTADUETO - linagliptin-metformin 3 hcl tab 2.5-1000 mg 3 JENTADUETO XR - linagliptinmetformin hcl tab sr 24hr 2.5-1000 mg 3 JENTADUETO XR - linagliptinmetformin hcl tab sr 24hr 5-1000 mg 3 KAZANO - alogliptin-metformin hcl tab 12.5-500 mg 3 KAZANO - alogliptin-metformin hcl tab 12.5-1000 mg 2 KOMBIGLYZE XR - saxagliptinmetformin hcl tab sr 24hr 2.5-1000 mg 2 KOMBIGLYZE XR - saxagliptinmetformin hcl tab sr 24hr 5-500 mg 2 KOMBIGLYZE XR - saxagliptinmetformin hcl tab sr 24hr 5-1000 mg 4 KORLYM - mifepristone tab 300 mg • • NESINA - alogliptin benzoate tab 6.25 mg (base equiv) 3 • • • • NESINA - alogliptin benzoate tab 12.5 mg (base equiv) 3 • • • • NESINA - alogliptin benzoate tab 25 mg (base equiv) 3 • • • • ONGLYZA - saxagliptin hcl tab 2.5 mg (base equiv) 2 • • ONGLYZA - saxagliptin hcl tab 5 mg (base equiv) 2 • • OSENI - alogliptin-pioglitazone tab 12.5-15 mg 3 • • OSENI - alogliptin-pioglitazone tab 12.5-30 mg 3 • • OSENI - alogliptin-pioglitazone tab 12.5-45 mg 3 • • OSENI - alogliptin-pioglitazone tab 25-15 mg 3 • • OSENI - alogliptin-pioglitazone tab 25-30 mg 3 • • OSENI - alogliptin-pioglitazone tab 25-45 mg 3 • • pioglitazone hcl tab 15 mg (base equiv) (Actos) 1 metformin hcl tab sr 24hr 500 mg (Glucophage xr) 1 1 metformin hcl tab 500 mg (Glucophage) 1 metformin hcl tab 850 mg (Glucophage) 1 metformin hcl tab 1000 mg (Glucophage) 1 miglitol tab 25 mg (Glyset) 1 miglitol tab 50 mg (Glyset) miglitol tab 100 mg (Glyset) nateglinide tab 120 mg (Starlix) • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • metformin hcl tab sr 24hr 750 mg (Glucophage xr) • pioglitazone hcl tab 30 mg (base equiv) (Actos) Florida Blue October 2016 Care Choices Rx Medication Drug Guide Limited Distribution Responsible Steps Quantity Limits Prior Authorization Specialty Drug Name Drug Tier Limited Distribution Responsible Steps Quantity Limits Prior Authorization Specialty Drug Name Drug Tier 2016 1 1 1 1 1 29 • • 1 TANZEUM - albiglutide for soln peninjector 50 mg 3 1 TOLAZAMIDE - tolazamide tab 250 mg 3 1 TOLAZAMIDE - tolazamide tab 500 mg 3 1 TOLBUTAMIDE - tolbutamide tab 500 mg 3 1 TRADJENTA - linagliptin tab 5 mg 3 TRULICITY - dulaglutide soln peninjector 0.75 mg/0.5ml 3 PRANDIN - repaglinide tab 0.5 mg 3 • • • • PRANDIN - repaglinide tab 1 mg 3 3 • • PRANDIN - repaglinide tab 2 mg 3 TRULICITY - dulaglutide soln peninjector 1.5 mg/0.5ml PRECOSE - acarbose tab 25 mg 3 2 • • PRECOSE - acarbose tab 50 mg 3 VICTOZA - liraglutide soln peninjector 18 mg/3ml (6 mg/ml) PRECOSE - acarbose tab 100 mg 3 3 • • PROGLYCEM - diazoxide susp 50 mg/ml 2 XIGDUO XR - dapagliflozinmetformin hcl tab sr 24hr 5-500 mg XIGDUO XR - dapagliflozinmetformin hcl tab sr 24hr 5-1000 mg 3 repaglinide tab 0.5 mg (Prandin) 1 • • XIGDUO XR - dapagliflozinmetformin hcl tab sr 24hr 10-500 mg 3 • • XIGDUO XR - dapagliflozinmetformin hcl tab sr 24hr 10-1000 mg 3 • • pioglitazone hcl tab 45 mg (base equiv) (Actos) pioglitazone hcl-glimepiride tab 30-2 mg (Duetact) pioglitazone hcl-glimepiride tab 30-4 mg (Duetact) pioglitazone hcl-metformin hcl tab 15-500 mg (Actoplus met) pioglitazone hcl-metformin hcl tab 15-850 mg (Actoplus met) repaglinide tab 1 mg (Prandin) repaglinide tab 2 mg (Prandin) 1 1 REPAGLINIDE/METFORMIN HYD repaglinide-metformin hcl tab 1-500 mg 3 REPAGLINIDE/METFORMIN HYD repaglinide-metformin hcl tab 2-500 mg 3 RIOMET - metformin hcl oral soln 500 mg/5ml 3 APIDRA - insulin glulisine inj 100 unit/ml 3 • STARLIX - nateglinide tab 60 mg 3 3 • STARLIX - nateglinide tab 120 mg 3 SYMLINPEN 120 - pramlintide acetate pen-inj 2700 mcg/2.7ml (1000 mcg/ml) 2 APIDRA SOLOSTAR - insulin glulisine soln pen-injector inj 100 unit/ml NOVOLOG - insulin aspart inj 100 unit/ml 2 SYMLINPEN 60 - pramlintide acetate pen-inj 1500 mcg/1.5ml (1000 mcg/ml) 2 NOVOLOG FLEXPEN - insulin aspart soln pen-injector 100 unit/ ml 2 TANZEUM - albiglutide for soln peninjector 30 mg 3 NOVOLOG PENFILL - insulin aspart soln cartridge 100 unit/ml 2 Rapid-Acting Insulins • • Limited Distribution Responsible Steps Quantity Limits Prior Authorization Specialty Drug Name Drug Tier Limited Distribution Responsible Steps Quantity Limits Prior Authorization Specialty Drug Name Drug Tier 2016 Short-Acting Insulins Florida Blue October 2016 Care Choices Rx Medication Drug Guide 30 3 • • AFREZZA - insulin regular (human) inhal powd 4 (60) & 8 (30) unit/cart 3 AFREZZA - insulin regular (human) inhal powd 4 (90) & 8 (90) unit/cart 3 • • AFREZZA - insulin regular (human) inhalation powder 4 unit/cartridge 3 • • HUMULIN R U-500 (CONCENTR insulin regular (human) inj 500 unit/ml 3 HUMULIN R U-500 KWIKPEN insulin regular (human) soln peninjector 500 unit/ml 3 NOVOLIN R - insulin regular (human) inj 100 unit/ml 2 NOVOLIN R RELION - insulin regular (human) inj 100 unit/ml 2 ARMOUR THYROID - thyroid tab 15 mg (1/4 grain) 3 RELION R - insulin regular (human) inj 100 unit/ml 2 ARMOUR THYROID - thyroid tab 30 mg (1/2 grain) 3 ARMOUR THYROID - thyroid tab 60 mg (1 grain) 3 ARMOUR THYROID - thyroid tab 90 mg (1 1/2 grain) 3 ARMOUR THYROID - thyroid tab 120 mg (2 grain) 3 ARMOUR THYROID - thyroid tab 180 mg (3 grain) 3 ARMOUR THYROID - thyroid tab 240 mg (4 grain) 3 ARMOUR THYROID - thyroid tab 300 mg (5 grain) 3 CYTOMEL - liothyronine sodium tab 5 mcg 3 CYTOMEL - liothyronine sodium tab 25 mcg 3 CYTOMEL - liothyronine sodium tab 50 mcg 3 levothyroxine sodium tab 25 mcg (Synthroid) 1 Intermediate-Acting Insulins NOVOLIN N - insulin nph (human) (isophane) inj 100 unit/ml 2 NOVOLIN N RELION - insulin nph (human) (isophane) inj 100 unit/ml 2 NOVOLIN 70/30 - insulin nph isophane & regular human inj 100 unit/ml (70-30) 2 NOVOLIN 70/30 RELION - insulin nph isophane & regular human inj 100 unit/ml (70-30) 2 NOVOLOG MIX 70/30 - insulin aspart prot & aspart (human) inj 100 unit/ml (70-30) 2 NOVOLOG MIX 70/30 PREFILL insulin aspart prot & aspart sus pen-inj 100 unit/ml (70-30) 2 Basal Insulins LANTUS - insulin glargine inj 100 unit/ml 2 • • 2 LEVEMIR - insulin detemir inj 100 unit/ml 2 LEVEMIR FLEXTOUCH - insulin detemir soln pen-injector 100 unit/ ml 2 TOUJEO SOLOSTAR - insulin glargine soln pen-injector 300 unit/ ml 2 TRESIBA FLEXTOUCH - insulin degludec soln pen-injector 100 unit/ml 2 TRESIBA FLEXTOUCH - insulin degludec soln pen-injector 200 unit/ml 2 THYROID AGENTS Florida Blue October 2016 Care Choices Rx Medication Drug Guide Limited Distribution AFREZZA - insulin regular (human) inhal powd 4 (30) & 8 (60) unit/cart LANTUS SOLOSTAR - insulin glargine soln pen-injector 100 unit/ ml Responsible Steps • • Quantity Limits 3 Prior Authorization AFREZZA - insulin regular (human) inh powd 8 (60) & 12 (30) unit/cart Specialty Drug Name Drug Tier Limited Distribution Responsible Steps Quantity Limits Prior Authorization Specialty Drug Name Drug Tier 2016 31 levothyroxine sodium tab 50 mcg (Synthroid) 1 NATURE-THROID - thyroid tab 97.5 mg 3 levothyroxine sodium tab 75 mcg (Synthroid) 1 NATURE-THROID - thyroid tab 113.75 mg 3 levothyroxine sodium tab 88 mcg (Synthroid) 1 NATURE-THROID - thyroid tab 130 mg 3 levothyroxine sodium tab 100 mcg (Synthroid) 1 NATURE-THROID - thyroid tab 195 mg 3 1 NATURE-THROID - thyroid tab 260 mg 3 1 NATURE-THROID - thyroid tab 325 mg (5 grain) 3 1 NATURE-THROID - thyroid tab 146.25 mg 3 1 NATURE-THROID NT-2.5 - thyroid tab 162.5 mg (2 1/2 grain) 3 1 propylthiouracil tab 50 mg 1 1 SYNTHROID - levothyroxine sodium tab 25 mcg 3 1 SYNTHROID - levothyroxine sodium tab 50 mcg 3 SYNTHROID - levothyroxine sodium tab 75 mcg 3 liothyronine sodium tab 5 mcg (Cytomel) 1 1 3 liothyronine sodium tab 25 mcg (Cytomel) SYNTHROID - levothyroxine sodium tab 88 mcg 1 SYNTHROID - levothyroxine sodium tab 100 mcg 3 liothyronine sodium tab 50 mcg (Cytomel) SYNTHROID - levothyroxine sodium tab 112 mcg 3 methimazole tab 5 mg (Tapazole) 1 3 levothyroxine sodium tab 112 mcg (Synthroid) levothyroxine sodium tab 125 mcg (Synthroid) levothyroxine sodium tab 137 mcg (Synthroid) levothyroxine sodium tab 150 mcg (Synthroid) levothyroxine sodium tab 175 mcg (Synthroid) levothyroxine sodium tab 200 mcg (Synthroid) levothyroxine sodium tab 300 mcg (Synthroid) methimazole tab 10 mg (Tapazole) 1 NATURE-THROID - thyroid tab 16.25 mg 3 SYNTHROID - levothyroxine sodium tab 125 mcg 3 NATURE-THROID - thyroid tab 32.5 mg 3 SYNTHROID - levothyroxine sodium tab 137 mcg 3 NATURE-THROID - thyroid tab 48.75 mg (3/4 grain) 3 SYNTHROID - levothyroxine sodium tab 150 mcg 3 NATURE-THROID - thyroid tab 65 mg 3 SYNTHROID - levothyroxine sodium tab 175 mcg 3 NATURE-THROID - thyroid tab 81.25 mg 3 SYNTHROID - levothyroxine sodium tab 200 mcg SYNTHROID - levothyroxine sodium tab 300 mcg 3 Florida Blue October 2016 Care Choices Rx Medication Drug Guide Limited Distribution Responsible Steps Quantity Limits Prior Authorization Specialty Drug Name Drug Tier Limited Distribution Responsible Steps Quantity Limits Prior Authorization Specialty Drug Name Drug Tier 2016 32 3 WESTHROID - thyroid tab 97.5 mg 3 TAPAZOLE - methimazole tab 10 mg 3 1 thyroid tab 30 mg (1/2 grain) (Armour thyroid) 1 thyroid tab 60 mg (1 grain) (Armour thyroid) 1 thyroid tab 90 mg (1 1/2 grain) (Armour thyroid) 2 THYROLAR-1 - liotrix (t3-t4) tab 60 mg (12.5-50 mcg) THYROLAR-1/2 - liotrix (t3-t4) tab 30 2 mg (6.25-25 mcg) THYROLAR-1/4 - liotrix (t3-t4) tab 15 2 mg (3.1-12.5 mcg) THYROLAR-2 - liotrix (t3-t4) tab 120 2 mg (25-100 mcg) THYROLAR-3 - liotrix (t3-t4) tab 180 2 mg (37.5-150 mcg) 3 TIROSINT - levothyroxine sodium cap 13 mcg 3 TIROSINT - levothyroxine sodium cap 25 mcg 3 TIROSINT - levothyroxine sodium cap 50 mcg 3 TIROSINT - levothyroxine sodium cap 75 mcg 3 TIROSINT - levothyroxine sodium cap 88 mcg 3 TIROSINT - levothyroxine sodium cap 100 mcg 3 TIROSINT - levothyroxine sodium cap 112 mcg 3 TIROSINT - levothyroxine sodium cap 125 mcg 3 TIROSINT - levothyroxine sodium cap 137 mcg 3 TIROSINT - levothyroxine sodium cap 150 mcg 3 WESTHROID - thyroid tab 32.5 mg WESTHROID - thyroid tab 130 mg 3 WESTHROID - thyroid tab 195 mg 3 TAPAZOLE - methimazole tab 5 mg WESTHROID - thyroid tab 65 mg 3 Limited Distribution Responsible Steps Quantity Limits Prior Authorization Specialty Drug Name Drug Tier Limited Distribution Responsible Steps Quantity Limits Prior Authorization Specialty Drug Name Drug Tier 2016 WP THYROID - thyroid tab 16.25 mg 3 WP THYROID - thyroid tab 32.5 mg 3 WP THYROID - thyroid tab 48.75 mg 3 (3/4 grain) 3 WP THYROID - thyroid tab 65 mg WP THYROID - thyroid tab 81.25 mg 3 WP THYROID - thyroid tab 97.5 mg 3 WP THYROID - thyroid tab 113.75 mg 3 WP THYROID - thyroid tab 130 mg 3 OXYTOCICS methylergonovine maleate tab 0.2 mg 1 ENDOCRINE and METABOLIC AGENTS - MISC. 3 • ACTONEL - risedronate sodium tab 5 mg 3 • ACTONEL - risedronate sodium tab 30 mg 3 • ACTONEL - risedronate sodium tab 35 mg 3 • ACTONEL - risedronate sodium tab 150 mg 3 • ALENDRONATE SODIUM alendronate sodium oral soln 70 mg/75ml 3 • ALENDRONATE SODIUM alendronate sodium tab 40 mg 1 • alendronate sodium tab 5 mg • • • • • • alendronate sodium tab 70 mg (Fosamax) 1 • • • ATELVIA - risedronate sodium tab delayed release 35 mg 3 • • BINOSTO - alendronate sodium effervescent tab 70 mg 3 • • alendronate sodium tab 10 mg alendronate sodium tab 35 mg Florida Blue October 2016 Care Choices Rx Medication Drug Guide 1 1 33 BONIVA - ibandronate sodium tab 150 mg (base equivalent) calcitriol cap 0.25 mcg (Rocaltrol) calcitriol cap 0.5 mcg (Rocaltrol) calcitriol oral soln 1 mcg/ml (Rocaltrol) Limited Distribution Responsible Steps Quantity Limits Prior Authorization Specialty Drug Name Drug Tier • • Limited Distribution Responsible Steps Quantity Limits Prior Authorization 3 desmopressin acetate tab 0.1 mg (Ddavp) 1 desmopressin acetate tab 0.2 mg (Ddavp) 1 doxercalciferol cap 0.5 mcg (Hectorol) 1 1 1 doxercalciferol cap 1 mcg (Hectorol) 1 1 doxercalciferol cap 2.5 mcg (Hectorol) EGRIFTA - tesamorelin acetate for inj 1 mg (base equiv) 4 • • • EGRIFTA - tesamorelin acetate for inj 2 mg (base equiv) 4 • • • ETIDRONATE DISODIUM etidronate disodium tab 200 mg 3 ETIDRONATE DISODIUM etidronate disodium tab 400 mg 3 EVISTA - raloxifene hcl tab 60 mg 3 BUPHENYL - sodium phenylbutyrate 4 oral powder 3 gm/teaspoonful BUPHENYL - sodium phenylbutyrate 4 tab 500 mg 1 cabergoline tab 0.5 mg calcitonin (salmon) nasal soln 200 unit/act (Miacalcin) Specialty Drug Name Drug Tier 2016 • • • • • • • • 1 1 CARBAGLU - carglumic acid tab 200 4 mg 3 CARNITOR - levocarnitine oral soln 1 gm/10ml (10%) 3 CARNITOR - levocarnitine tab 330 mg 3 CARNITOR SF - levocarnitine oral soln 1 gm/10ml (10%) 4 CYSTADANE - betaine powder for oral solution DDAVP - desmopressin acetate inj 4 3 mcg/ml 3 DDAVP - desmopressin acetate nasal soln 0.01% (refrigerated) 3 DDAVP - desmopressin acetate nasal spray soln 0.01% 3 DDAVP - desmopressin acetate tab 0.1 mg 3 DDAVP - desmopressin acetate tab 0.2 mg 1 desmopressin acetate inj 4 mcg/ ml (Ddavp) 1 desmopressin acetate nasal soln 0.01% (refrigerated) (Ddavp) 1 desmopressin acetate nasal spray soln 0.01% (Ddavp) 1 desmopressin acetate nasal spray soln 0.01% (refrigerated) • • • • • FORTEO - teriparatide (recombinant) 4 inj 600 mcg/2.4ml 3 FORTICAL - calcitonin (salmon) nasal soln 200 unit/act FOSAMAX - alendronate sodium tab 3 70 mg 3 FOSAMAX PLUS D - alendronate sodium-cholecalciferol tab 70-2800 mg-unit 3 FOSAMAX PLUS D - alendronate sodium-cholecalciferol tab 70-5600 mg-unit 4 GENOTROPIN - somatropin for inj 12 mg (13.8 mg overfill) 4 GENOTROPIN - somatropin for subcutaneous inj 5 mg 4 GENOTROPIN MINIQUICK somatropin for inj 0.2 mg 4 GENOTROPIN MINIQUICK somatropin for inj 0.4 mg 4 GENOTROPIN MINIQUICK somatropin for inj 0.6 mg Florida Blue October 2016 Care Choices Rx Medication Drug Guide • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 34 Limited Distribution Responsible Steps GENOTROPIN MINIQUICK somatropin for inj 0.8 mg 4 • • GENOTROPIN MINIQUICK somatropin for inj 1 mg 4 • • GENOTROPIN MINIQUICK somatropin for inj 1.2 mg 4 • • KUVAN - sapropterin dihydrochloride 4 soluble tab 100 mg levocarnitine oral soln 1 gm/10ml 1 (10%) (Carnitor) levocarnitine tab 330 mg (Carnitor) 1 4 • • MIACALCIN - calcitonin (salmon) inj 200 unit/ml 3 GENOTROPIN MINIQUICK somatropin for inj 1.4 mg 4 • • MIACALCIN - calcitonin (salmon) nasal soln 200 unit/act 3 GENOTROPIN MINIQUICK somatropin for inj 1.6 mg • • MYALEPT - metreleptin for subcutaneous inj 11.3 mg 4 GENOTROPIN MINIQUICK somatropin for inj 1.8 mg 4 • • • • • • • • • H.P. ACTHAR - corticotropin inj gel 80 unit/ml 4 • • • NATPARA - parathyroid hormone (recombinant) for inj cartridge 25 mcg 4 GENOTROPIN MINIQUICK somatropin for inj 2 mg 4 NATPARA - parathyroid hormone (recombinant) for inj cartridge 50 mcg 4 • • • NATPARA - parathyroid hormone (recombinant) for inj cartridge 75 mcg 4 • • • NATPARA - parathyroid hormone (recombinant) for inj cartridge 100 mcg 4 • • • NORDITROPIN CARTRIDGE somatropin inj 5 mg/1.5ml 4 • • • NORDITROPIN FLEXPRO somatropin inj 5 mg/1.5ml 4 • • • NORDITROPIN FLEXPRO somatropin inj 10 mg/1.5ml 4 • • • NORDITROPIN FLEXPRO somatropin inj 15 mg/1.5ml 4 • • • NORDITROPIN FLEXPRO somatropin inj 30 mg/3ml 4 • • • NUTROPIN AQ NUSPIN 10 somatropin inj 10 mg/2ml 4 • • • NUTROPIN AQ NUSPIN 20 somatropin inj 20 mg/2ml 4 • • • NUTROPIN AQ NUSPIN 5 somatropin inj 5 mg/2ml 4 • • • NUTROPIN AQ PEN - somatropin inj 4 10 mg/2ml • • • HECTOROL - doxercalciferol cap 0.5 3 mcg 3 HECTOROL - doxercalciferol cap 1 mcg HECTOROL - doxercalciferol cap 2.5 3 mcg 4 HUMATROPE - somatropin for inj 5 mg 4 HUMATROPE - somatropin for inj 6 mg (18 unit) HUMATROPE - somatropin for inj 12 4 mg (36 unit) HUMATROPE - somatropin for inj 24 4 mg 4 HUMATROPE COMBO PACK somatropin for inj 5 mg 1 ibandronate sodium tab 150 mg (base equivalent) (Boniva) 4 INCRELEX - mecasermin inj 40 mg/4ml (10 mg/ml) KUVAN - sapropterin dihydrochloride 4 powder packet 100 mg KUVAN - sapropterin dihydrochloride 4 powder packet 500 mg • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Florida Blue October 2016 Care Choices Rx Medication Drug Guide • • Quantity Limits Prior Authorization Specialty Drug Name Drug Tier Limited Distribution Responsible Steps Quantity Limits Prior Authorization Specialty Drug Name Drug Tier 2016 • 35 octreotide acetate inj 50 mcg/ml (0.05 mg/ml) (Sandostatin) octreotide acetate inj 100 mcg/ml (0.1 mg/ml) (Sandostatin) octreotide acetate inj 200 mcg/ml (0.2 mg/ml) (Sandostatin) octreotide acetate inj 500 mcg/ml (0.5 mg/ml) (Sandostatin) octreotide acetate inj 1000 mcg/ ml (1 mg/ml) (Sandostatin) ORFADIN - nitisinone cap 5 mg 4 ORFADIN - nitisinone cap 10 mg 4 ORFADIN - nitisinone susp 4 mg/ml 2 OSPHENA - ospemifene tab 60 mg 3 paricalcitol cap 1 mcg (Zemplar) 1 paricalcitol cap 4 mcg raloxifene hcl tab 60 mg (Evista) • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 1 1 P RAVICTI - glycerol phenylbutyrate liquid 1.1 gm/ml 4 • • • risedronate sodium tab delayed release 35 mg (Atelvia) 1 • risedronate sodium tab 5 mg (Actonel) 1 • risedronate sodium tab 30 mg (Actonel) 1 • risedronate sodium tab 35 mg (Actonel) 1 • risedronate sodium tab 150 mg (Actonel) 1 • ROCALTROL - calcitriol cap 0.25 mcg 3 ROCALTROL - calcitriol cap 0.5 mcg 3 • Limited Distribution • Responsible Steps 4 Quantity Limits • Prior Authorization 4 Specialty • Drug Name Drug Tier 4 Limited Distribution • Responsible Steps 4 Quantity Limits • Prior Authorization 4 OMNITROPE - somatropin for inj 5.8 4 mg 4 OMNITROPE - somatropin inj 5 mg/1.5ml 4 OMNITROPE - somatropin inj 10 mg/1.5ml 4 ORFADIN - nitisinone cap 2 mg paricalcitol cap 2 mcg (Zemplar) Specialty Drug Name Drug Tier 2016 ROCALTROL - calcitriol oral soln 1 mcg/ml 3 SAIZEN - somatropin (nonrefrigerated) for inj 5 mg 4 • • SAIZEN - somatropin (nonrefrigerated) for inj 8.8 mg 4 • • SAIZEN CLICK.EASY - somatropin (non-refrigerated) for inj 8.8 mg 4 • • SAMSCA - tolvaptan tab 15 mg 4 SAMSCA - tolvaptan tab 30 mg 4 SANDOSTATIN - octreotide acetate inj 50 mcg/ml (0.05 mg/ml) 4 • • • SANDOSTATIN - octreotide acetate inj 100 mcg/ml (0.1 mg/ml) 4 • SANDOSTATIN - octreotide acetate inj 200 mcg/ml (0.2 mg/ml) 4 • SANDOSTATIN - octreotide acetate inj 500 mcg/ml (0.5 mg/ml) 4 • SANDOSTATIN - octreotide acetate inj 1000 mcg/ml (1 mg/ml) 4 • SENSIPAR - cinacalcet hcl tab 30 mg (base equiv) 2 • SENSIPAR - cinacalcet hcl tab 60 mg (base equiv) 2 • SENSIPAR - cinacalcet hcl tab 90 mg (base equiv) 2 • SEROSTIM - somatropin (nonrefrigerated) for subcutaneous inj 4 mg 4 • • • SEROSTIM - somatropin (nonrefrigerated) for subcutaneous inj 5 mg 4 • • • SEROSTIM - somatropin (nonrefrigerated) for subcutaneous inj 6 mg 4 • • • SIGNIFOR - pasireotide diaspartate inj 0.3 mg/ml (base equiv) 4 • • • • SIGNIFOR - pasireotide diaspartate inj 0.6 mg/ml (base equiv) 4 • • • • SIGNIFOR - pasireotide diaspartate inj 0.9 mg/ml (base equiv) 4 • • • • Florida Blue October 2016 Care Choices Rx Medication Drug Guide • • • • 36 sodium phenylbutyrate oral powder 3 gm/teaspoonful (Buphenyl) 4 SOMAVERT - pegvisomant for inj 10 mg (as protein) 4 SOMAVERT - pegvisomant for inj 15 mg (as protein) 4 SOMAVERT - pegvisomant for inj 20 mg (as protein) digoxin tab 125 mcg (0.125 mg) (Lanoxin) 1 • digoxin tab 250 mcg (0.25 mg) (Lanoxin) 1 • • LANOXIN - digoxin tab 62.5 mcg (0.0625 mg) 3 4 • • LANOXIN - digoxin tab 125 mcg (0.125 mg) 3 • • LANOXIN - digoxin tab 187.5 mcg (0.1875 mg) 3 SOMAVERT - pegvisomant for inj 25 mg (as protein) 4 • • LANOXIN - digoxin tab 250 mcg (0.25 mg) 3 SOMAVERT - pegvisomant for inj 30 mg (as protein) 4 STIMATE - desmopressin acetate nasal soln 1.5 mg/ml 2 STRENSIQ - asfotase alfa subcutaneous inj 18 mg/0.45ml 4 • • • STRENSIQ - asfotase alfa subcutaneous inj 28 mg/0.7ml 4 • • • STRENSIQ - asfotase alfa subcutaneous inj 40 mg/ml 4 • • • STRENSIQ - asfotase alfa subcutaneous inj 80 mg/0.8ml 4 • • • SYNAREL - nafarelin acetate nasal soln 2 mg/ml (200 mcg/act) (base eq) 4 • XURIDEN - uridine triacetate oral granules packet 2 gm 4 ZEMPLAR - paricalcitol cap 1 mcg 3 isosorbide mononitrate tab sr 24hr 120 mg ZEMPLAR - paricalcitol cap 2 mcg 3 isosorbide mononitrate tab 10 mg ZOMACTON - somatropin for inj 10 mg 4 ZOMACTON - somatropin for subcutaneous inj 5 mg ZORBTIVE - somatropin (nonrefrigerated) for subcutaneous inj 8.8 mg • • Limited Distribution Responsible Steps Quantity Limits DILATRATE SR - isosorbide dinitrate 3 cap cr 40 mg 3 ISOSORBIDE DINITRATE ER isosorbide dinitrate tab cr 40 mg 1 isosorbide dinitrate tab 5 mg (Isordil titradose) 1 isosorbide dinitrate tab 10 mg isosorbide dinitrate tab 20 mg isosorbide dinitrate tab 30 mg isosorbide mononitrate tab sr 24hr 30 mg • • 4 • • • 4 • • DIGOXIN - digoxin oral soln 0.05 mg/ 2 ml Prior Authorization ANTIANGINAL AGENTS • • CARDIOVASCULAR AGENTS CARDIOTONICS • Specialty Drug Name Drug Tier Limited Distribution • • • Responsible Steps Quantity Limits Prior Authorization Specialty Drug Name Drug Tier 2016 isosorbide mononitrate tab sr 24hr 60 mg isosorbide mononitrate tab 20 mg 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 NITRO-BID - nitroglycerin oint 2% 2 NITRO-DUR - nitroglycerin td patch 24hr 0.1 mg/hr 3 NITRO-DUR - nitroglycerin td patch 24hr 0.2 mg/hr 3 NITRO-DUR - nitroglycerin td patch 24hr 0.3 mg/hr 2 NITRO-DUR - nitroglycerin td patch 24hr 0.4 mg/hr 3 Florida Blue October 2016 Care Choices Rx Medication Drug Guide 37 NITRO-DUR - nitroglycerin td patch 24hr 0.6 mg/hr 3 NITRO-DUR - nitroglycerin td patch 24hr 0.8 mg/hr 2 nitroglycerin cap cr 2.5 mg 1 nitroglycerin cap cr 6.5 mg nitroglycerin cap cr 9 mg 1 1 NITROGLYCERIN LINGUAL nitroglycerin lingual aerosol 400 mcg/spray 3 nitroglycerin td patch 24hr 0.1 mg/hr (Nitro-dur) 1 nitroglycerin td patch 24hr 0.2 mg/hr (Nitro-dur) 1 atenolol tab 25 mg (Tenormin) atenolol tab 50 mg (Tenormin) atenolol tab 100 mg (Tenormin) Limited Distribution Responsible Steps 1 BETAPACE - sotalol hcl tab 80 mg 3 BETAPACE - sotalol hcl tab 120 mg 3 BETAPACE - sotalol hcl tab 160 mg 3 BETAPACE AF - sotalol hcl (afib/afl) tab 80 mg 3 BETAPACE AF - sotalol hcl (afib/afl) tab 120 mg 3 BETAPACE AF - sotalol hcl (afib/afl) tab 160 mg 3 betaxolol hcl tab 10 mg (Kerlone) 1 1 1 1 bisoprolol fumarate tab 5 mg (Zebeta) 1 nitroglycerin tl soln 0.4 mg/spray (400 mcg/spray) (Nitrolingual pumpspr) 1 bisoprolol fumarate tab 10 mg (Zebeta) NITROLINGUAL PUMPSPRAY nitroglycerin tl soln 0.4 mg/spray (400 mcg/spray) 3 NITROMIST - nitroglycerin lingual aerosol 400 mcg/spray 3 NITROSTAT - nitroglycerin sl tab 0.3 mg 2 NITROSTAT - nitroglycerin sl tab 0.4 mg 2 NITROSTAT - nitroglycerin sl tab 0.6 mg 2 carvedilol tab 12.5 mg (Coreg) RANEXA - ranolazine tab sr 12hr 500 mg 3 COREG - carvedilol tab 3.125 mg 3 3 RANEXA - ranolazine tab sr 12hr 1000 mg 3 COREG - carvedilol tab 6.25 mg COREG - carvedilol tab 12.5 mg 3 COREG - carvedilol tab 25 mg 3 COREG CR - carvedilol phosphate cap sr 24hr 10 mg 3 acebutolol hcl cap 200 mg (Sectral) 1 COREG CR - carvedilol phosphate cap sr 24hr 20 mg 3 acebutolol hcl cap 400 mg (Sectral) 1 BETA BLOCKERS Quantity Limits 1 betaxolol hcl tab 20 mg (Kerlone) nitroglycerin td patch 24hr 0.6 mg/hr (Nitro-dur) Prior Authorization 1 1 nitroglycerin td patch 24hr 0.4 mg/hr (Nitro-dur) Specialty Drug Name Drug Tier Limited Distribution Responsible Steps Quantity Limits Prior Authorization Specialty Drug Name Drug Tier 2016 BYSTOLIC - nebivolol hcl tab 2.5 mg 3 (base equivalent) 3 BYSTOLIC - nebivolol hcl tab 5 mg (base equivalent) BYSTOLIC - nebivolol hcl tab 10 mg 3 (base equivalent) BYSTOLIC - nebivolol hcl tab 20 mg 3 (base equivalent) 1 carvedilol tab 3.125 mg (Coreg) carvedilol tab 6.25 mg (Coreg) carvedilol tab 25 mg (Coreg) Florida Blue October 2016 Care Choices Rx Medication Drug Guide 1 1 1 38 COREG CR - carvedilol phosphate cap sr 24hr 40 mg 3 COREG CR - carvedilol phosphate cap sr 24hr 80 mg 3 CORGARD - nadolol tab 20 mg 3 CORGARD - nadolol tab 40 mg 3 CORGARD - nadolol tab 80 mg 3 HEMANGEOL - propranolol hcl oral soln 4.28 mg/ml 3 INDERAL LA - propranolol hcl cap sr 3 24hr 60 mg INDERAL LA - propranolol hcl cap sr 3 24hr 80 mg INDERAL LA - propranolol hcl cap sr 3 24hr 120 mg INDERAL LA - propranolol hcl cap sr 3 24hr 160 mg 3 INDERAL XL - propranolol hcl sustained-release beads cap sr 24hr 80 mg 3 INDERAL XL - propranolol hcl sustained-release beads cap sr 24hr 120 mg 2 INNOPRAN XL - propranolol hcl sustained-release beads cap sr 24hr 80 mg 2 INNOPRAN XL - propranolol hcl sustained-release beads cap sr 24hr 120 mg KERLONE - betaxolol hcl tab 10 mg 3 KERLONE - betaxolol hcl tab 20 mg 3 labetalol hcl tab 100 mg (Trandate) 1 labetalol hcl tab 200 mg (Trandate) 1 labetalol hcl tab 300 mg (Trandate) 1 LEVATOL - penbutolol sulfate tab 20 3 mg 3 LOPRESSOR - metoprolol tartrate tab 50 mg 3 LOPRESSOR - metoprolol tartrate tab 100 mg metoprolol succinate tab sr 24hr 25 mg (tartrate equiv) (Toprol xl) metoprolol succinate tab sr 24hr 50 mg (tartrate equiv) (Toprol xl) • metoprolol succinate tab sr 24hr 200 mg (tartrate equiv) (Toprol xl) 1 METOPROLOL TARTRATE metoprolol tartrate tab 37.5 mg 3 METOPROLOL TARTRATE metoprolol tartrate tab 75 mg 3 metoprolol tartrate tab 25 mg 1 metoprolol tartrate tab 50 mg (Lopressor) 1 metoprolol tartrate tab 100 mg (Lopressor) 1 nadolol tab 20 mg (Corgard) 1 pindolol tab 5 mg pindolol tab 10 mg 1 1 PROPRANOLOL HCL - propranolol hcl oral soln 40 mg/5ml 2 propranolol hcl cap sr 24hr 60 mg (Inderal la) 1 propranolol hcl cap sr 24hr 80 mg (Inderal la) 1 propranolol hcl cap sr 24hr 120 mg (Inderal la) 1 propranolol hcl tab 20 mg propranolol hcl tab 40 mg propranolol hcl tab 60 mg Florida Blue October 2016 Care Choices Rx Medication Drug Guide Limited Distribution 1 2 propranolol hcl tab 10 mg Responsible Steps 1 PROPRANOLOL HCL - propranolol hcl oral soln 20 mg/5ml propranolol hcl cap sr 24hr 160 mg (Inderal la) Quantity Limits 1 1 nadolol tab 80 mg (Corgard) Prior Authorization 1 metoprolol succinate tab sr 24hr 100 mg (tartrate equiv) (Toprol xl) nadolol tab 40 mg (Corgard) Specialty Drug Name Drug Tier Limited Distribution Responsible Steps Quantity Limits Prior Authorization Specialty Drug Name Drug Tier 2016 1 1 1 1 1 39 propranolol hcl tab 80 mg 1 3 SECTRAL - acebutolol hcl cap 200 mg 3 ADALAT CC - nifedipine tab sr 24hr 90 mg 1 SECTRAL - acebutolol hcl cap 400 mg 3 amlodipine besylate tab 2.5 mg (Norvasc) 1 sotalol hcl (afib/afl) tab 80 mg (Betapace af) 1 amlodipine besylate tab 5 mg (Norvasc) 1 sotalol hcl (afib/afl) tab 120 mg (Betapace af) 1 amlodipine besylate tab 10 mg (Norvasc) CALAN - verapamil hcl tab 80 mg 3 sotalol hcl (afib/afl) tab 160 mg (Betapace af) 1 CALAN - verapamil hcl tab 120 mg 3 CALAN SR - verapamil hcl tab cr 120 mg 3 sotalol hcl tab 80 mg (Betapace) 1 CALAN SR - verapamil hcl tab cr 180 mg 3 CALAN SR - verapamil hcl tab cr 240 mg 3 sotalol hcl tab 120 mg (Betapace) sotalol hcl tab 160 mg (Betapace) sotalol hcl tab 240 mg 1 1 1 SOTYLIZE - sotalol hcl oral solution 5 mg/ml 3 TIMOLOL MALEATE - timolol maleate tab 5 mg 2 CARDIZEM LA - diltiazem hcl coated 3 beads tab sr 24hr 120 mg 1 diltiazem hcl cap sr 12hr 60 mg TIMOLOL MALEATE - timolol maleate tab 10 mg 2 diltiazem hcl cap sr 12hr 90 mg TIMOLOL MALEATE - timolol maleate tab 20 mg 2 TOPROL XL - metoprolol succinate tab sr 24hr 25 mg (tartrate equiv) 3 TOPROL XL - metoprolol succinate tab sr 24hr 50 mg (tartrate equiv) 3 diltiazem hcl coated beads cap sr 24hr 120 mg (Cardizem cd) TOPROL XL - metoprolol succinate tab sr 24hr 100 mg (tartrate equiv) 3 diltiazem hcl coated beads cap sr 24hr 180 mg (Cardizem cd) TOPROL XL - metoprolol succinate tab sr 24hr 200 mg (tartrate equiv) 3 diltiazem hcl coated beads cap sr 24hr 240 mg (Cardizem cd) ZEBETA - bisoprolol fumarate tab 5 mg 3 diltiazem hcl coated beads cap sr 24hr 300 mg (Cardizem cd) ZEBETA - bisoprolol fumarate tab 10 mg 3 diltiazem hcl coated beads cap sr 24hr 360 mg (Cardizem cd) CALCIUM CHANNEL BLOCKERS ADALAT CC - nifedipine tab sr 24hr 30 mg 3 ADALAT CC - nifedipine tab sr 24hr 60 mg 3 diltiazem hcl cap sr 12hr 120 mg diltiazem hcl cap sr 24hr 120 mg diltiazem hcl cap sr 24hr 180 mg diltiazem hcl cap sr 24hr 240 mg diltiazem hcl coated beads tab sr 24hr 180 mg (Cardizem la) diltiazem hcl coated beads tab sr 24hr 240 mg (Cardizem la) diltiazem hcl coated beads tab sr 24hr 300 mg (Cardizem la) Florida Blue October 2016 Care Choices Rx Medication Drug Guide Limited Distribution Responsible Steps Quantity Limits Prior Authorization Specialty Drug Name Drug Tier Limited Distribution Responsible Steps Quantity Limits Prior Authorization Specialty Drug Name Drug Tier 2016 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 40 diltiazem hcl coated beads tab sr 24hr 360 mg (Cardizem la) diltiazem hcl coated beads tab sr 24hr 420 mg (Cardizem la) diltiazem hcl extended release beads cap sr 24hr 300 mg (Tiazac) 1 diltiazem hcl extended release beads cap sr 24hr 360 mg (Tiazac) 1 diltiazem hcl extended release beads cap sr 24hr 420 mg (Tiazac) 1 1 diltiazem hcl tab 120 mg (Cardizem) 1 felodipine tab sr 24hr 2.5 mg 1 nifedipine cap 10 mg (Procardia) nifedipine cap 20 mg nifedipine tab sr 24hr osmotic release 60 mg (Procardia xl) nifedipine tab sr 24hr osmotic release 90 mg (Procardia xl) nimodipine cap 30 mg diltiazem hcl tab 30 mg (Cardizem) 1 diltiazem hcl tab 60 mg (Cardizem) 1 nicardipine hcl cap 30 mg 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Limited Distribution Responsible Steps Quantity Limits Prior Authorization Specialty Drug Tier 1 1 nicardipine hcl cap 20 mg Limited Distribution nifedipine tab sr 24hr osmotic release 30 mg (Procardia xl) diltiazem hcl extended release beads cap sr 24hr 240 mg (Tiazac) isradipine cap 5 mg Responsible Steps 1 1 isradipine cap 2.5 mg Quantity Limits 1 diltiazem hcl extended release beads cap sr 24hr 180 mg (Tiazac) felodipine tab sr 24hr 10 mg Prior Authorization nifedipine tab sr 24hr 90 mg (Adalat cc) 1 felodipine tab sr 24hr 5 mg Drug Name 1 diltiazem hcl extended release beads cap sr 24hr 120 mg (Tiazac) diltiazem hcl tab 90 mg Specialty Drug Name Drug Tier 2016 1 1 1 NISOLDIPINE - nisoldipine tab sr 24hr 20 mg 2 NISOLDIPINE - nisoldipine tab sr 24hr 30 mg 2 NISOLDIPINE - nisoldipine tab sr 24hr 40 mg 2 NISOLDIPINE ER - nisoldipine tab sr 2 24hr 25.5 mg 1 nisoldipine tab sr 24hr 8.5 mg (Sular) 1 nisoldipine tab sr 24hr 17 mg (Sular) 1 nisoldipine tab sr 24hr 34 mg (Sular) NORVASC - amlodipine besylate tab 3 2.5 mg NORVASC - amlodipine besylate tab 3 5 mg NORVASC - amlodipine besylate tab 3 10 mg NYMALIZE - nimodipine oral soln 60 3 mg/20ml PROCARDIA - nifedipine cap 10 mg 3 PROCARDIA XL - nifedipine tab sr 24hr osmotic release 30 mg 3 PROCARDIA XL - nifedipine tab sr 24hr osmotic release 60 mg 3 nifedipine tab sr 24hr 30 mg (Adalat cc) 1 PROCARDIA XL - nifedipine tab sr 24hr osmotic release 90 mg 3 nifedipine tab sr 24hr 60 mg (Adalat cc) 1 SULAR - nisoldipine tab sr 24hr 8.5 mg 3 Florida Blue October 2016 Care Choices Rx Medication Drug Guide 41 SULAR - nisoldipine tab sr 24hr 17 mg 3 SULAR - nisoldipine tab sr 24hr 34 mg 3 verapamil hcl cap sr 24hr 100 mg (Verelan pm) 1 verapamil hcl cap sr 24hr 120 mg (Verelan) 1 CORDARONE - amiodarone hcl tab 200 mg 3 verapamil hcl cap sr 24hr 180 mg (Verelan) 1 disopyramide phosphate cap 100 mg (Norpace) 1 verapamil hcl cap sr 24hr 200 mg (Verelan pm) 1 disopyramide phosphate cap 150 mg (Norpace) verapamil hcl cap sr 24hr 240 mg (Verelan) 1 dofetilide cap 125 mcg (0.125 mg) (Tikosyn) 1 verapamil hcl cap sr 24hr 300 mg (Verelan pm) 1 dofetilide cap 250 mcg (0.25 mg) (Tikosyn) 1 verapamil hcl cap sr 24hr 360 mg (Verelan) 1 dofetilide cap 500 mcg (0.5 mg) (Tikosyn) 1 verapamil hcl tab cr 120 mg (Calan sr) 1 flecainide acetate tab 50 mg 1 verapamil hcl tab cr 180 mg (Calan sr) 1 flecainide acetate tab 150 mg verapamil hcl tab cr 240 mg (Calan sr) 1 verapamil hcl tab 40 mg 1 verapamil hcl tab 80 mg (Calan) verapamil hcl tab 120 mg (Calan) 1 1 ANTIARRHYTHMICS amiodarone hcl tab 100 mg 1 amiodarone hcl tab 400 mg 1 mexiletine hcl cap 150 mg mexiletine hcl cap 200 mg mexiletine hcl cap 250 mg Limited Distribution Responsible Steps Quantity Limits 1 1 1 1 1 1 MULTAQ - dronedarone hcl tab 400 mg (base equivalent) 2 3 VERELAN - verapamil hcl cap sr 24hr 120 mg 3 NORPACE - disopyramide phosphate cap 100 mg 3 VERELAN - verapamil hcl cap sr 24hr 180 mg 3 NORPACE - disopyramide phosphate cap 150 mg 3 VERELAN - verapamil hcl cap sr 24hr 240 mg 3 NORPACE CR - disopyramide phosphate cap sr 12hr 100 mg 3 VERELAN - verapamil hcl cap sr 24hr 360 mg 3 NORPACE CR - disopyramide phosphate cap sr 12hr 150 mg 1 VERELAN PM - verapamil hcl cap sr 24hr 100 mg 3 propafenone hcl cap sr 12hr 225 mg (Rythmol sr) VERELAN PM - verapamil hcl cap sr 24hr 200 mg 3 propafenone hcl cap sr 12hr 325 mg (Rythmol sr) VERELAN PM - verapamil hcl cap sr 24hr 300 mg 3 propafenone hcl cap sr 12hr 425 mg (Rythmol sr) Florida Blue October 2016 Care Choices Rx Medication Drug Guide Prior Authorization 1 amiodarone hcl tab 200 mg (Cordarone) flecainide acetate tab 100 mg Specialty Drug Name Drug Tier Limited Distribution Responsible Steps Quantity Limits Prior Authorization Specialty Drug Name Drug Tier 2016 1 1 42 propafenone hcl tab 150 mg (Rythmol) 1 ACEON - perindopril erbumine tab 8 mg 3 propafenone hcl tab 225 mg (Rythmol) 1 ALTACE - ramipril cap 1.25 mg 3 ALTACE - ramipril cap 2.5 mg 3 propafenone hcl tab 300 mg 1 ALTACE - ramipril cap 5 mg 3 ALTACE - ramipril cap 10 mg 3 amlodipine besylate-benazepril hcl cap 2.5-10 mg (Lotrel) 1 quinidine gluconate tab cr 324 mg 1 QUINIDINE SULFATE - quinidine sulfate tab 200 mg 2 QUINIDINE SULFATE - quinidine sulfate tab 300 mg 3 RYTHMOL - propafenone hcl tab 225 mg 3 RYTHMOL SR - propafenone hcl cap 3 sr 12hr 225 mg RYTHMOL SR - propafenone hcl cap 3 sr 12hr 325 mg RYTHMOL SR - propafenone hcl cap 3 sr 12hr 425 mg 3 TIKOSYN - dofetilide cap 125 mcg (0.125 mg) 3 TIKOSYN - dofetilide cap 250 mcg (0.25 mg) 3 TIKOSYN - dofetilide cap 500 mcg (0.5 mg) ANTIHYPERTENSIVES ACCUPRIL - quinapril hcl tab 5 mg 3 ACCUPRIL - quinapril hcl tab 10 mg 3 ACCUPRIL - quinapril hcl tab 20 mg 3 ACCUPRIL - quinapril hcl tab 40 mg 3 ACCURETIC - quinaprilhydrochlorothiazide tab 10-12.5 mg 3 ACCURETIC - quinaprilhydrochlorothiazide tab 20-12.5 mg 3 ACCURETIC - quinaprilhydrochlorothiazide tab 20-25 mg 3 ACEON - perindopril erbumine tab 4 mg 3 amlodipine besylate-benazepril hcl cap 5-10 mg (Lotrel) amlodipine besylate-benazepril hcl cap 5-20 mg (Lotrel) amlodipine besylate-benazepril hcl cap 5-40 mg (Lotrel) amlodipine besylate-benazepril hcl cap 10-20 mg (Lotrel) amlodipine besylate-benazepril hcl cap 10-40 mg (Lotrel) amlodipine besylate-valsartan tab 5-160 mg (Exforge) amlodipine besylate-valsartan tab 5-320 mg (Exforge) amlodipine besylate-valsartan tab 10-160 mg (Exforge) amlodipine besylate-valsartan tab 10-320 mg (Exforge) amlodipine-valsartanhydrochlorothiazide tab 5-160-12.5 mg (Exforge hct) amlodipine-valsartanhydrochlorothiazide tab 5-160-25 mg (Exforge hct) amlodipine-valsartanhydrochlorothiazide tab 10-160-12.5 mg (Exforge hct) amlodipine-valsartanhydrochlorothiazide tab 10-160-25 mg (Exforge hct) amlodipine-valsartanhydrochlorothiazide tab 10-320-25 mg (Exforge hct) Florida Blue October 2016 Care Choices Rx Medication Drug Guide Limited Distribution Responsible Steps Quantity Limits Prior Authorization Specialty Drug Name Drug Tier Limited Distribution Responsible Steps Quantity Limits Prior Authorization Specialty Drug Name Drug Tier 2016 1 1 1 1 1 1 • 1 • 1 • 1 • 1 • 1 • 1 • 1 • 1 • 43 ATACAND - candesartan cilexetil tab 16 mg 3 • • ATACAND - candesartan cilexetil tab 32 mg 3 • • ATACAND HCT - candesartan cilexetil-hydrochlorothiazide tab 16-12.5 mg 3 • • ATACAND HCT - candesartan cilexetil-hydrochlorothiazide tab 32-12.5 mg 3 • • ATACAND HCT - candesartan cilexetil-hydrochlorothiazide tab 32-25 mg 3 • • atenolol & chlorthalidone tab 50-25 mg (Tenoretic 50) 1 atenolol & chlorthalidone tab 100-25 mg (Tenoretic 100) 1 AVALIDE - irbesartanhydrochlorothiazide tab 150-12.5 mg 3 • • AVALIDE - irbesartanhydrochlorothiazide tab 300-12.5 mg 3 • • AVAPRO - irbesartan tab 75 mg 3 AVAPRO - irbesartan tab 150 mg 3 AVAPRO - irbesartan tab 300 mg 3 AZOR - amlodipine besylateolmesartan medoxomil tab 5-20 mg 3 • • • • AZOR - amlodipine besylateolmesartan medoxomil tab 5-40 mg 3 AZOR - amlodipine besylateolmesartan medoxomil tab 10-20 mg 3 • • AZOR - amlodipine besylateolmesartan medoxomil tab 10-40 mg 3 • • • • • • • • benazepril & hydrochlorothiazide tab 10-12.5 mg (Lotensin hct) benazepril & hydrochlorothiazide tab 20-12.5 mg (Lotensin hct) benazepril & hydrochlorothiazide tab 20-25 mg (Lotensin hct) benazepril hcl tab 5 mg 1 1 1 1 1 benazepril hcl tab 10 mg (Lotensin) 1 benazepril hcl tab 20 mg (Lotensin) 1 benazepril hcl tab 40 mg (Lotensin) 1 BENICAR - olmesartan medoxomil tab 5 mg 3 • • BENICAR - olmesartan medoxomil tab 20 mg 3 • • BENICAR - olmesartan medoxomil tab 40 mg 3 • • BENICAR HCT - olmesartan medoxomil-hydrochlorothiazide tab 20-12.5 mg 3 • • BENICAR HCT - olmesartan medoxomil-hydrochlorothiazide tab 40-12.5 mg 3 • • BENICAR HCT - olmesartan medoxomil-hydrochlorothiazide tab 40-25 mg 3 • • bisoprolol & hydrochlorothiazide tab 2.5-6.25 mg (Ziac) 1 bisoprolol & hydrochlorothiazide tab 5-6.25 mg (Ziac) bisoprolol & hydrochlorothiazide tab 10-6.25 mg (Ziac) 1 1 candesartan cilexetil tab 4 mg (Atacand) 1 • candesartan cilexetil tab 8 mg (Atacand) 1 • Florida Blue October 2016 Care Choices Rx Medication Drug Guide Limited Distribution • • Responsible Steps 3 Quantity Limits ATACAND - candesartan cilexetil tab 8 mg benazepril & hydrochlorothiazide tab 5-6.25 mg Prior Authorization • • Specialty 3 Drug Name Drug Tier ATACAND - candesartan cilexetil tab 4 mg Limited Distribution Responsible Steps Quantity Limits Prior Authorization Specialty Drug Name Drug Tier 2016 44 1 • 1 • candesartan cilexetilhydrochlorothiazide tab 32-12.5 mg (Atacand hct) candesartan cilexetilhydrochlorothiazide tab 32-25 mg (Atacand hct) captopril tab 12.5 mg captopril tab 25 mg captopril tab 50 mg captopril tab 100 mg 1 1 1 1 1 CAPTOPRIL/ HYDROCHLOROTHIA - captopril & hydrochlorothiazide tab 25-15 mg 2 CAPTOPRIL/ HYDROCHLOROTHIA - captopril & hydrochlorothiazide tab 25-25 mg 3 CAPTOPRIL/ HYDROCHLOROTHIA - captopril & hydrochlorothiazide tab 50-15 mg 2 CAPTOPRIL/ HYDROCHLOROTHIA - captopril & hydrochlorothiazide tab 50-25 mg 3 • 3 CATAPRES - clonidine hcl tab 0.3 mg 3 CATAPRES-TTS-1 - clonidine hcl td patch weekly 0.1 mg/24hr 3 CATAPRES-TTS-2 - clonidine hcl td patch weekly 0.2 mg/24hr 3 CATAPRES-TTS-3 - clonidine hcl td patch weekly 0.3 mg/24hr 3 clonidine hcl tab 0.1 mg (Catapres) 1 clonidine hcl tab 0.2 mg (Catapres) 1 clonidine hcl tab 0.3 mg (Catapres) 1 clonidine hcl td patch weekly 0.1 mg/24hr (Catapres-tts-1) 1 clonidine hcl td patch weekly 0.2 mg/24hr (Catapres-tts-2) clonidine hcl td patch weekly 0.3 mg/24hr (Catapres-tts-3) CARDURA - doxazosin mesylate tab 3 1 mg CARDURA - doxazosin mesylate tab 3 2 mg CARDURA - doxazosin mesylate tab 3 4 mg CARDURA - doxazosin mesylate tab 3 8 mg 1 1 CLORPRES - clonidine & chlorthalidone tab 0.1-15 mg 3 CLORPRES - clonidine & chlorthalidone tab 0.2-15 mg 3 CLORPRES - clonidine & chlorthalidone tab 0.3-15 mg 3 CORZIDE - nadolol & bendroflumethiazide tab 40-5 mg 3 CORZIDE - nadolol & bendroflumethiazide tab 80-5 mg 3 COZAAR - losartan potassium tab 25 mg 3 • • COZAAR - losartan potassium tab 50 mg 3 • • COZAAR - losartan potassium tab 100 mg 3 • • Florida Blue October 2016 Care Choices Rx Medication Drug Guide Limited Distribution candesartan cilexetilhydrochlorothiazide tab 16-12.5 mg (Atacand hct) CATAPRES - clonidine hcl tab 0.2 mg Responsible Steps • Quantity Limits 1 3 Prior Authorization candesartan cilexetil tab 32 mg (Atacand) CATAPRES - clonidine hcl tab 0.1 mg Specialty • Drug Name Drug Tier 1 Limited Distribution candesartan cilexetil tab 16 mg (Atacand) Responsible Steps Quantity Limits Prior Authorization Specialty Drug Name Drug Tier 2016 45 EDARBYCLOR - azilsartan medoxomil-chlorthalidone tab 40-12.5 mg 3 • • EDARBYCLOR - azilsartan medoxomil-chlorthalidone tab 40-25 mg 3 • • enalapril maleate & hydrochlorothiazide tab 5-12.5 mg 1 DIBENZYLINE - phenoxybenzamine hcl cap 10 mg 3 DIOVAN - valsartan tab 40 mg 3 DIOVAN - valsartan tab 80 mg 3 DIOVAN - valsartan tab 160 mg 3 DIOVAN - valsartan tab 320 mg 3 DIOVAN HCT - valsartanhydrochlorothiazide tab 80-12.5 mg 3 • • • • • DIOVAN HCT - valsartanhydrochlorothiazide tab 160-12.5 mg 3 • • enalapril maleate & hydrochlorothiazide tab 10-25 mg (Vaseretic) • • enalapril maleate tab 2.5 mg (Vasotec) 1 DIOVAN HCT - valsartanhydrochlorothiazide tab 160-25 mg 3 1 DIOVAN HCT - valsartanhydrochlorothiazide tab 320-12.5 mg 3 • • enalapril maleate tab 5 mg (Vasotec) enalapril maleate tab 10 mg (Vasotec) 1 DIOVAN HCT - valsartanhydrochlorothiazide tab 320-25 mg 3 • • enalapril maleate tab 20 mg (Vasotec) 1 3 doxazosin mesylate tab 1 mg (Cardura) 1 EPANED - enalapril maleate for oral soln 1 mg/ml eplerenone tab 25 mg (Inspra) 1 doxazosin mesylate tab 2 mg (Cardura) 1 eplerenone tab 50 mg (Inspra) 3 • • doxazosin mesylate tab 4 mg (Cardura) 1 EPROSARTAN MESYLATE eprosartan mesylate tab 600 mg 3 • • doxazosin mesylate tab 8 mg (Cardura) 1 EXFORGE - amlodipine besylatevalsartan tab 5-160 mg 3 • • DUTOPROL - metoprolol & hydrochlorothiazide tab sr 24hr 25-12.5 mg 3 EXFORGE - amlodipine besylatevalsartan tab 5-320 mg EXFORGE - amlodipine besylatevalsartan tab 10-160 mg 3 • • DUTOPROL - metoprolol & hydrochlorothiazide tab sr 24hr 50-12.5 mg 3 EXFORGE - amlodipine besylatevalsartan tab 10-320 mg 3 • • 3 EXFORGE HCT - amlodipinevalsartan-hydrochlorothiazide tab 5-160-12.5 mg 3 DUTOPROL - metoprolol & hydrochlorothiazide tab sr 24hr 100-12.5 mg • • • • • • EDARBI - azilsartan medoxomil tab 80 mg 3 • • EXFORGE HCT - amlodipinevalsartan-hydrochlorothiazide tab 5-160-25 mg 3 EDARBI - azilsartan medoxomil tab 40 mg 3 • • • • • Florida Blue October 2016 Care Choices Rx Medication Drug Guide Limited Distribution Responsible Steps Quantity Limits Prior Authorization Specialty Drug Name Drug Tier Limited Distribution Responsible Steps Quantity Limits Prior Authorization Specialty Drug Name Drug Tier 2016 1 1 46 EXFORGE HCT - amlodipinevalsartan-hydrochlorothiazide tab 10-160-12.5 mg 3 EXFORGE HCT - amlodipinevalsartan-hydrochlorothiazide tab 10-160-25 mg 3 EXFORGE HCT - amlodipinevalsartan-hydrochlorothiazide tab 10-320-25 mg 3 fosinopril sodium & hydrochlorothiazide tab 10-12.5 mg 1 fosinopril sodium & hydrochlorothiazide tab 20-12.5 mg fosinopril sodium tab 10 mg fosinopril sodium tab 20 mg fosinopril sodium tab 40 mg guanfacine hcl tab 1 mg (Tenex) guanfacine hcl tab 2 mg (Tenex) hydralazine hcl tab 10 mg hydralazine hcl tab 25 mg hydralazine hcl tab 50 mg hydralazine hcl tab 100 mg irbesartan-hydrochlorothiazide tab 300-12.5 mg (Avalide) lisinopril & hydrochlorothiazide tab 10-12.5 mg (Zestoretic) lisinopril & hydrochlorothiazide tab 20-12.5 mg (Zestoretic) lisinopril & hydrochlorothiazide tab 20-25 mg (Zestoretic) lisinopril tab 2.5 mg (Zestril) lisinopril tab 5 mg (Prinivil) lisinopril tab 10 mg (Prinivil) lisinopril tab 20 mg (Prinivil) lisinopril tab 40 mg (Zestril) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 HYZAAR - losartan potassium & hydrochlorothiazide tab 100-25 mg 3 INSPRA - eplerenone tab 25 mg 3 INSPRA - eplerenone tab 50 mg 3 irbesartan tab 75 mg (Avapro) 1 1 1 1 • • • • • • • • • • 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 LOPRESSOR HCT - metoprolol & hydrochlorothiazide tab 50-25 mg 3 LOPRESSOR HCT - metoprolol & hydrochlorothiazide tab 100-25 mg 3 losartan potassium & hydrochlorothiazide tab 50-12.5 mg (Hyzaar) 1 • 1 • 1 • losartan potassium tab 25 mg (Cozaar) 1 • losartan potassium tab 50 mg (Cozaar) 1 • losartan potassium tab 100 mg (Cozaar) 1 • LOTENSIN - benazepril hcl tab 10 mg 3 LOTENSIN - benazepril hcl tab 20 mg 3 LOTENSIN - benazepril hcl tab 40 mg 3 losartan potassium & hydrochlorothiazide tab 100-12.5 mg (Hyzaar) losartan potassium & hydrochlorothiazide tab 100-25 mg (Hyzaar) Florida Blue October 2016 Care Choices Rx Medication Drug Guide Limited Distribution • Responsible Steps Quantity Limits Prior Authorization Specialty Drug Tier Limited Distribution Responsible Steps Prior Authorization Quantity Limits • • 1 HYZAAR - losartan potassium & hydrochlorothiazide tab 100-12.5 mg irbesartan-hydrochlorothiazide tab 150-12.5 mg (Avalide) • • Drug Name lisinopril tab 30 mg (Zestril) 3 irbesartan tab 300 mg (Avapro) • • 1 HYZAAR - losartan potassium & hydrochlorothiazide tab 50-12.5 mg irbesartan tab 150 mg (Avapro) Specialty Drug Name Drug Tier 2016 47 LOTENSIN HCT - benazepril & hydrochlorothiazide tab 10-12.5 mg 3 MICARDIS HCT - telmisartanhydrochlorothiazide tab 80-12.5 mg 3 • • LOTENSIN HCT - benazepril & hydrochlorothiazide tab 20-12.5 mg 3 MICARDIS HCT - telmisartanhydrochlorothiazide tab 80-25 mg 3 • • 3 3 LOTENSIN HCT - benazepril & hydrochlorothiazide tab 20-25 mg MINIPRESS - prazosin hcl cap 1 mg MINIPRESS - prazosin hcl cap 2 mg 3 LOTREL - amlodipine besylatebenazepril hcl cap 5-10 mg 3 MINIPRESS - prazosin hcl cap 5 mg 3 minoxidil tab 2.5 mg 1 LOTREL - amlodipine besylatebenazepril hcl cap 5-20 mg 3 LOTREL - amlodipine besylatebenazepril hcl cap 10-20 mg 3 LOTREL - amlodipine besylatebenazepril hcl cap 10-40 mg 3 moexipril-hydrochlorothiazide tab 7.5-12.5 mg MAVIK - trandolapril tab 1 mg 3 MAVIK - trandolapril tab 2 mg 3 moexipril-hydrochlorothiazide tab 15-12.5 mg methyldopa tab 250 mg 1 methyldopa tab 500 mg minoxidil tab 10 mg moexipril hcl tab 7.5 mg moexipril hcl tab 15 mg moexipril-hydrochlorothiazide tab 15-25 mg nadolol & bendroflumethiazide tab 40-5 mg (Corzide) 1 3 METHYLDOPA/ HYDROCHLOROTHI - methyldopa & hydrochlorothiazide tab 250-15 mg 3 METHYLDOPA/ HYDROCHLOROTHI - methyldopa & hydrochlorothiazide tab 250-25 mg metoprolol & hydrochlorothiazide 1 tab 50-25 mg (Lopressor hct) metoprolol & hydrochlorothiazide 1 tab 100-25 mg (Lopressor hct) metoprolol & hydrochlorothiazide 1 tab 100-50 mg 3 MICARDIS - telmisartan tab 20 mg MICARDIS - telmisartan tab 40 mg 3 MICARDIS - telmisartan tab 80 mg 3 MICARDIS HCT - telmisartanhydrochlorothiazide tab 40-12.5 mg 3 nadolol & bendroflumethiazide tab 80-5 mg (Corzide) perindopril erbumine tab 2 mg • • • • • • • • 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 perindopril erbumine tab 4 mg (Aceon) 1 perindopril erbumine tab 8 mg (Aceon) 1 phenoxybenzamine hcl cap 10 mg (Dibenzyline) 1 prazosin hcl cap 1 mg (Minipress) 1 prazosin hcl cap 2 mg (Minipress) prazosin hcl cap 5 mg (Minipress) 1 1 PROPRANOLOL/ HYDROCHLOROTH - propranolol & hydrochlorothiazide tab 40-25 mg 2 PROPRANOLOL/ HYDROCHLOROTH - propranolol & hydrochlorothiazide tab 80-25 mg 2 Florida Blue October 2016 Care Choices Rx Medication Drug Guide Limited Distribution Responsible Steps Quantity Limits Prior Authorization Specialty Drug Name Drug Tier Limited Distribution Responsible Steps Quantity Limits Prior Authorization Specialty Drug Name Drug Tier 2016 48 quinapril hcl tab 5 mg (Accupril) quinapril hcl tab 10 mg (Accupril) quinapril hcl tab 20 mg (Accupril) quinapril hcl tab 40 mg (Accupril) quinapril-hydrochlorothiazide tab 10-12.5 mg (Accuretic) quinapril-hydrochlorothiazide tab 20-12.5 mg (Accuretic) quinapril-hydrochlorothiazide tab 20-25 mg (Accuretic) ramipril cap 1.25 mg (Altace) ramipril cap 2.5 mg (Altace) ramipril cap 5 mg (Altace) 1 telmisartan tab 80 mg (Micardis) 1 telmisartan-amlodipine tab 40-5 mg (Twynsta) 1 telmisartan-amlodipine tab 40-10 mg (Twynsta) 1 1 telmisartan-amlodipine tab 80-5 mg (Twynsta) 1 telmisartan-amlodipine tab 80-10 mg (Twynsta) 1 telmisartan-hydrochlorothiazide tab 40-12.5 mg (Micardis hct) 1 telmisartan-hydrochlorothiazide tab 80-12.5 mg (Micardis hct) 1 1 • 1 • 1 • 1 • 1 • 3 TENEX - guanfacine hcl tab 1 mg 3 TENEX - guanfacine hcl tab 2 mg 3 TARKA - trandolapril-verapamil hcl tab cr 2-180 mg 3 3 TARKA - trandolapril-verapamil hcl tab cr 2-240 mg 3 TENORETIC 100 - atenolol & chlorthalidone tab 100-25 mg 3 TARKA - trandolapril-verapamil hcl tab cr 4-240 mg 3 TENORETIC 50 - atenolol & chlorthalidone tab 50-25 mg terazosin hcl cap 1 mg 1 TEKTURNA - aliskiren fumarate tab 150 mg (base equivalent) 3 • • terazosin hcl cap 2 mg TEKTURNA - aliskiren fumarate tab 300 mg (base equivalent) 3 • • terazosin hcl cap 10 mg TEKTURNA HCT - aliskirenhydrochlorothiazide tab 150-12.5 mg 3 • • trandolapril tab 2 mg (Mavik) TEKTURNA HCT - aliskirenhydrochlorothiazide tab 150-25 mg 3 TEKTURNA HCT - aliskirenhydrochlorothiazide tab 300-12.5 mg 3 • • TEKTURNA HCT - aliskirenhydrochlorothiazide tab 300-25 mg 3 • • telmisartan tab 20 mg (Micardis) 1 telmisartan tab 40 mg (Micardis) trandolapril tab 4 mg (Mavik) 1 • • • • trandolapril-verapamil hcl tab cr 1-240 mg (Tarka) trandolapril-verapamil hcl tab cr 2-180 mg (Tarka) trandolapril-verapamil hcl tab cr 2-240 mg (Tarka) trandolapril-verapamil hcl tab cr 4-240 mg (Tarka) TRIBENZOR - olmesartanamlodipine-hydrochlorothiazide tab 20-5-12.5 mg Florida Blue October 2016 Care Choices Rx Medication Drug Guide Limited Distribution 1 Responsible Steps • TARKA - trandolapril-verapamil hcl tab cr 1-240 mg trandolapril tab 1 mg (Mavik) Quantity Limits 1 1 terazosin hcl cap 5 mg Prior Authorization 1 • • 1 telmisartan-hydrochlorothiazide tab 80-25 mg (Micardis hct) ramipril cap 10 mg (Altace) Specialty Drug Name Drug Tier Limited Distribution Responsible Steps Quantity Limits Prior Authorization Specialty Drug Name Drug Tier 2016 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 • • 49 TRIBENZOR - olmesartanamlodipine-hydrochlorothiazide tab 40-10-12.5 mg 3 • • TRIBENZOR - olmesartanamlodipine-hydrochlorothiazide tab 40-10-25 mg 3 TWYNSTA - telmisartan-amlodipine tab 40-5 mg DIURETICS 3 ACETAZOLAMIDE - acetazolamide tab 125 mg 2 acetazolamide cap sr 12hr 500 mg (Diamox) 1 • • acetazolamide tab 250 mg 1 ALDACTAZIDE - spironolactone & hydrochlorothiazide tab 25-25 mg 3 3 • • ALDACTAZIDE - spironolactone & hydrochlorothiazide tab 50-50 mg 3 TWYNSTA - telmisartan-amlodipine tab 40-10 mg 3 • • ALDACTONE - spironolactone tab 25 mg 3 TWYNSTA - telmisartan-amlodipine tab 80-5 mg 3 • • ALDACTONE - spironolactone tab 50 mg 3 TWYNSTA - telmisartan-amlodipine tab 80-10 mg 3 • • ALDACTONE - spironolactone tab 100 mg 3 valsartan tab 40 mg (Diovan) 1 amiloride & hydrochlorothiazide tab 5-50 mg 1 1 • • • • • 1 • BUMEX - bumetanide tab 0.5 mg 3 • 3 1 BUMEX - bumetanide tab 1 mg BUMEX - bumetanide tab 2 mg 3 1 • CHLOROTHIAZIDE - chlorothiazide tab 250 mg 3 chlorothiazide tab 500 mg 1 DEMADEX - torsemide tab 5 mg 3 DEMADEX - torsemide tab 10 mg 3 DEMADEX - torsemide tab 20 mg 3 valsartan tab 80 mg (Diovan) valsartan tab 160 mg (Diovan) valsartan tab 320 mg (Diovan) valsartan-hydrochlorothiazide tab 80-12.5 mg (Diovan hct) valsartan-hydrochlorothiazide tab 160-12.5 mg (Diovan hct) valsartan-hydrochlorothiazide tab 160-25 mg (Diovan hct) valsartan-hydrochlorothiazide tab 320-12.5 mg (Diovan hct) valsartan-hydrochlorothiazide tab 320-25 mg (Diovan hct) 1 1 1 1 VECAMYL - mecamylamine hcl tab 2.5 mg 3 ZIAC - bisoprolol & hydrochlorothiazide tab 2.5-6.25 mg 3 ZIAC - bisoprolol & hydrochlorothiazide tab 5-6.25 mg 3 amiloride hcl tab 5 mg bumetanide tab 0.5 mg bumetanide tab 1 mg bumetanide tab 2 mg • • Limited Distribution • • Responsible Steps 3 Quantity Limits TRIBENZOR - olmesartanamlodipine-hydrochlorothiazide tab 40-5-25 mg ZIAC - bisoprolol & hydrochlorothiazide tab 10-6.25 mg Prior Authorization • • Specialty 3 Drug Name Drug Tier TRIBENZOR - olmesartanamlodipine-hydrochlorothiazide tab 40-5-12.5 mg Limited Distribution Responsible Steps Quantity Limits Prior Authorization Specialty Drug Name Drug Tier 2016 1 1 1 1 CHLORTHALIDONE - chlorthalidone 2 tab 50 mg CHLORTHALIDONE - chlorthalidone 3 tab 100 mg 1 chlorthalidone tab 25 mg Florida Blue October 2016 Care Choices Rx Medication Drug Guide 50 DIAMOX - acetazolamide cap sr 12hr 500 mg 3 methazolamide tab 50 mg (Neptazane) 1 DIURIL - chlorothiazide susp 250 mg/5ml 3 METHYCLOTHIAZIDE methyclothiazide tab 5 mg 3 DYAZIDE - triamterene & hydrochlorothiazide cap 37.5-25 mg 3 metolazone tab 2.5 mg 1 DYRENIUM - triamterene cap 50 mg 3 DYRENIUM - triamterene cap 100 mg 3 MICROZIDE - hydrochlorothiazide cap 12.5 mg 3 EDECRIN - ethacrynic acid tab 25 mg 3 NEPTAZANE - methazolamide tab 25 mg 3 ethacrynic acid tab 25 mg 1 NEPTAZANE - methazolamide tab 50 mg 3 spironolactone & hydrochlorothiazide tab 25-25 mg (Aldactazide) 1 metolazone tab 5 mg FUROSEMIDE - furosemide oral soln 8 mg/ml 3 furosemide oral soln 10 mg/ml 1 furosemide tab 20 mg (Lasix) furosemide tab 40 mg (Lasix) furosemide tab 80 mg (Lasix) 1 1 1 hydrochlorothiazide cap 12.5 mg (Microzide) 1 hydrochlorothiazide tab 12.5 mg 1 hydrochlorothiazide tab 25 mg hydrochlorothiazide tab 50 mg indapamide tab 1.25 mg indapamide tab 2.5 mg metolazone tab 10 mg 1 1 KEVEYIS - dichlorphenamide tab 50 mg 4 LASIX - furosemide tab 20 mg 3 LASIX - furosemide tab 40 mg 3 LASIX - furosemide tab 80 mg 3 MAXZIDE - triamterene & hydrochlorothiazide tab 75-50 mg 3 MAXZIDE-25 - triamterene & hydrochlorothiazide tab 37.5-25 mg 3 methazolamide tab 25 mg (Neptazane) 1 spironolactone tab 50 mg (Aldactone) 1 spironolactone tab 100 mg (Aldactone) 1 torsemide tab 5 mg (Demadex) 1 torsemide tab 100 mg (Demadex) • • • • triamterene & hydrochlorothiazide cap 37.5-25 mg (Dyazide) triamterene & hydrochlorothiazide tab 37.5-25 mg (Maxzide-25) triamterene & hydrochlorothiazide tab 75-50 mg (Maxzide) TRIAMTERENE/ HYDROCHLOROTH - triamterene & hydrochlorothiazide cap 50-25 mg Limited Distribution Responsible Steps Quantity Limits Prior Authorization 1 1 torsemide tab 20 mg (Demadex) 1 1 spironolactone tab 25 mg (Aldactone) torsemide tab 10 mg (Demadex) 1 Specialty Drug Name Drug Tier Limited Distribution Responsible Steps Quantity Limits Prior Authorization Specialty Drug Name Drug Tier 2016 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 VASOPRESSORS Florida Blue October 2016 Care Choices Rx Medication Drug Guide 51 EPINEPHRINE - epinephrine solution auto-injector 0.15 mg/0.15ml (1:1000) 3 EPINEPHRINE - epinephrine solution auto-injector 0.3 mg/0.3ml (1:1000) 3 EPIPEN 2-PAK - epinephrine solution auto-injector 0.3 mg/0.3ml (1:1000) 2 EPIPEN-JR 2-PAK - epinephrine solution auto-injector 0.15 mg/0.3ml (1:2000) 2 midodrine hcl tab 2.5 mg 1 midodrine hcl tab 5 mg midodrine hcl tab 10 mg ANTIHYPERLIPIDEMICS 1 1 3 • • ALTOPREV - lovastatin tab sr 24hr 40 mg 3 • • ALTOPREV - lovastatin tab sr 24hr 60 mg 3 • • atorvastatin calcium tab 10 mg (base equivalent) (Lipitor) 1 • 1 • 1 • 1 • atorvastatin calcium tab 40 mg (base equivalent) (Lipitor) atorvastatin calcium tab 80 mg (base equivalent) (Lipitor) cholestyramine light powder packets 4 gm cholestyramine light powder 4 gm/dose (Questran light) cholestyramine powder packets 4 gm (Questran) cholestyramine powder 4 gm/ dose (Questran) choline fenofibrate cap dr 45 mg (fenofibric acid equiv) (Trilipix) 1 COLESTID - colestipol hcl granule packets 5 gm 3 COLESTID - colestipol hcl granules 5 gm 3 COLESTID - colestipol hcl tab 1 gm 3 COLESTID FLAVORED - colestipol hcl granule packets 5 gm 3 COLESTID FLAVORED - colestipol hcl granules 5 gm 3 colestipol hcl granule packets 5 gm (Colestid flavored) 1 colestipol hcl granules 5 gm (Colestid flavored) 1 colestipol hcl tab 1 gm (Colestid) 1 CRESTOR - rosuvastatin calcium tab 3 5 mg CRESTOR - rosuvastatin calcium tab 3 10 mg CRESTOR - rosuvastatin calcium tab 3 20 mg CRESTOR - rosuvastatin calcium tab 3 40 mg FENOFIBRATE - fenofibrate cap 50 3 mg FENOFIBRATE - fenofibrate cap 150 3 mg fenofibrate micronized cap 43 mg 1 • • • • • • • • 1 fenofibrate micronized cap 67 mg (Lofibra) 1 • • 1 fenofibrate micronized cap 130 mg 1 • 1 fenofibrate micronized cap 134 mg (Lofibra) 1 • 1 fenofibrate micronized cap 200 mg (Lofibra) 1 • 1 • • • 1 • fenofibrate tab 40 mg (Fenoglide) fenofibrate tab 48 mg (Tricor) fenofibrate tab 54 mg (Lofibra) Florida Blue October 2016 Care Choices Rx Medication Drug Guide 1 1 Limited Distribution • Responsible Steps Quantity Limits Prior Authorization Specialty Drug Tier Drug Name choline fenofibrate cap dr 135 mg (fenofibric acid equiv) (Trilipix) ALTOPREV - lovastatin tab sr 24hr 20 mg atorvastatin calcium tab 20 mg (base equivalent) (Lipitor) Limited Distribution Responsible Steps Quantity Limits Prior Authorization Specialty Drug Name Drug Tier 2016 52 • • FIBRICOR - fenofibric acid tab 35 mg 3 • • FIBRICOR - fenofibric acid tab 105 mg 3 • • LOFIBRA - fenofibrate tab 160 mg 3 3 fluvastatin sodium cap 20 mg (Lescol) 1 • LOPID - gemfibrozil tab 600 mg lovastatin tab 10 mg 1 fluvastatin sodium cap 40 mg (Lescol) 1 • fluvastatin sodium tab sr 24 hr 80 mg (Lescol xl) 1 • 1 • • • • gemfibrozil tab 600 mg (Lopid) JUXTAPID - lomitapide mesylate cap 4 5 mg (base equiv) JUXTAPID - lomitapide mesylate cap 4 10 mg (base equiv) JUXTAPID - lomitapide mesylate cap 4 20 mg (base equiv) JUXTAPID - lomitapide mesylate cap 4 30 mg (base equiv) JUXTAPID - lomitapide mesylate cap 4 40 mg (base equiv) JUXTAPID - lomitapide mesylate cap 4 60 mg (base equiv) 4 KYNAMRO - mipomersen sodium soln prefilled syringe 200 mg/ml LESCOL XL - fluvastatin sodium tab 3 sr 24 hr 80 mg 3 LIPOFEN - fenofibrate cap 50 mg LIVALO - pitavastatin calcium tab 4 mg (base equiv) 3 • • LOFIBRA - fenofibrate micronized cap 67 mg 3 • • LOFIBRA - fenofibrate micronized cap 134 mg 3 • • LOFIBRA - fenofibrate micronized cap 200 mg 3 • • LOFIBRA - fenofibrate tab 54 mg 3 LOVAZA - omega-3-acid ethyl esters cap 1 gm 3 • • • • • • • • • • • MEVACOR - lovastatin tab 40 mg 3 • • • niacin tab cr 500 mg (antihyperlipidemic) (Niaspan) 1 • • • • niacin tab cr 750 mg (antihyperlipidemic) (Niaspan) • • • • niacin tab cr 1000 mg (antihyperlipidemic) (Niaspan) • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • LIPOFEN - fenofibrate cap 150 mg 3 LIVALO - pitavastatin calcium tab 1 mg (base equiv) 3 • • • • • • LIVALO - pitavastatin calcium tab 2 mg (base equiv) 3 • • lovastatin tab 20 mg lovastatin tab 40 mg (Mevacor) 1 1 1 1 NIACOR - niacin (antihyperlipidemic) 3 tab 500 mg 3 NIASPAN - niacin tab cr 500 mg (antihyperlipidemic) 3 NIASPAN - niacin tab cr 750 mg (antihyperlipidemic) 3 NIASPAN - niacin tab cr 1000 mg (antihyperlipidemic) 1 omega-3-acid ethyl esters cap 1 gm (Lovaza) 4 PRALUENT - alirocumab subcutaneous soln pen-injector 75 mg/ml 4 PRALUENT - alirocumab subcutaneous soln pen-injector 150 mg/ml Florida Blue October 2016 Care Choices Rx Medication Drug Guide Limited Distribution 3 Responsible Steps FENOFIBRIC ACID - fenofibric acid tab 105 mg 1 Quantity Limits 3 fenofibrate tab 160 mg (Lofibra) Prior Authorization FENOFIBRIC ACID - fenofibric acid tab 35 mg • • • • • fenofibrate tab 120 mg (Fenoglide) 1 1 fenofibrate tab 145 mg (Tricor) Specialty Drug Name Drug Tier Limited Distribution Responsible Steps Quantity Limits Prior Authorization Specialty Drug Name Drug Tier 2016 • • • • • • • • 53 TRIGLIDE - fenofibrate tab 160 mg 3 pravastatin sodium tab 10 mg 1 TRILIPIX - choline fenofibrate cap dr 45 mg (fenofibric acid equiv) 3 TRILIPIX - choline fenofibrate cap dr 135 mg (fenofibric acid equiv) 3 • • VASCEPA - icosapent ethyl cap 1 gm 3 VYTORIN - ezetimibe-simvastatin tab 10-10 mg 3 • • VYTORIN - ezetimibe-simvastatin tab 10-20 mg 3 • • VYTORIN - ezetimibe-simvastatin tab 10-40 mg 3 • • VYTORIN - ezetimibe-simvastatin tab 10-80 mg 3 • • WELCHOL - colesevelam hcl packet for susp 3.75 gm 2 WELCHOL - colesevelam hcl tab 625 mg 2 ZETIA - ezetimibe tab 10 mg 2 ZOCOR - simvastatin tab 5 mg 3 ZOCOR - simvastatin tab 10 mg 3 ZOCOR - simvastatin tab 20 mg 3 • ZOCOR - simvastatin tab 40 mg 3 3 • ZOCOR - simvastatin tab 80 mg CARDIOVASCULAR AGENTS - MISC. ADCIRCA - tadalafil tab 20 mg (pah) 4 rosuvastatin calcium tab 40 mg (Crestor) 1 • simvastatin tab 5 mg (Zocor) 1 simvastatin tab 10 mg (Zocor) simvastatin tab 20 mg (Zocor) pravastatin sodium tab 20 mg (Pravachol) 1 • • pravastatin sodium tab 40 mg (Pravachol) 1 • pravastatin sodium tab 80 mg (Pravachol) 1 • QUESTRAN - cholestyramine powder packets 4 gm 3 QUESTRAN - cholestyramine powder 4 gm/dose 3 QUESTRAN LIGHT - cholestyramine 3 light powder 4 gm/dose 4 REPATHA - evolocumab subcutaneous soln prefilled syringe 140 mg/ml 4 REPATHA PUSHTRONEX SYSTEM - evolocumab subcutaneous soln cartridge/ infusor 420 mg/3.5ml 4 REPATHA SURECLICK evolocumab subcutaneous soln auto-injector 140 mg/ml 1 rosuvastatin calcium tab 5 mg (Crestor) 1 rosuvastatin calcium tab 10 mg (Crestor) 1 rosuvastatin calcium tab 20 mg (Crestor) • • • • • • • • • • simvastatin tab 80 mg (Zocor) 1 1 1 1 ADEMPAS - riociguat tab 0.5 mg 4 ADEMPAS - riociguat tab 1 mg 4 Florida Blue October 2016 Care Choices Rx Medication Drug Guide Limited Distribution Responsible Steps TRICOR - fenofibrate tab 145 mg PRAVACHOL - pravastatin sodium tab 40 mg Prior Authorization • • 3 PRAVACHOL - pravastatin sodium tab 80 mg 3 • • • • 3 • • • Specialty 3 PRAVACHOL - pravastatin sodium tab 20 mg • • • Drug Name Drug Tier Quantity Limits Limited Distribution TRICOR - fenofibrate tab 48 mg PRALUENT - alirocumab subcutaneous soln prefilled syringe 150 mg/ml 4 Quantity Limits • • 4 Prior Authorization 3 PRALUENT - alirocumab subcutaneous soln prefilled syringe 75 mg/ml Specialty simvastatin tab 40 mg (Zocor) Drug Tier • • • • • • • • • • • Drug Name Responsible Steps 2016 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 54 ADEMPAS - riociguat tab 1.5 mg 4 ADEMPAS - riociguat tab 2 mg 4 ADEMPAS - riociguat tab 2.5 mg 4 amlodipine besylate-atorvastatin calcium tab 2.5-10 mg (Caduet) 1 amlodipine besylate-atorvastatin calcium tab 2.5-20 mg (Caduet) amlodipine besylate-atorvastatin calcium tab 2.5-40 mg (Caduet) amlodipine besylate-atorvastatin calcium tab 5-10 mg (Caduet) amlodipine besylate-atorvastatin calcium tab 5-20 mg (Caduet) amlodipine besylate-atorvastatin calcium tab 5-40 mg (Caduet) amlodipine besylate-atorvastatin calcium tab 5-80 mg (Caduet) amlodipine besylate-atorvastatin calcium tab 10-10 mg (Caduet) amlodipine besylate-atorvastatin calcium tab 10-20 mg (Caduet) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 CADUET - amlodipine besylateatorvastatin calcium tab 10-10 mg 3 CADUET - amlodipine besylateatorvastatin calcium tab 10-20 mg 3 CADUET - amlodipine besylateatorvastatin calcium tab 10-40 mg 3 CADUET - amlodipine besylateatorvastatin calcium tab 10-80 mg 3 CORLANOR - ivabradine hcl tab 5 mg (base equiv) 3 CORLANOR - ivabradine hcl tab 7.5 mg (base equiv) 3 ENTRESTO - sacubitril-valsartan tab 3 24-26 mg ENTRESTO - sacubitril-valsartan tab 3 49-51 mg ENTRESTO - sacubitril-valsartan tab 3 97-103 mg 3 ISOXSUPRINE HCL - isoxsuprine hcl tab 20 mg 1 isoxsuprine hcl tab 10 mg Limited Distribution Responsible Steps Quantity Limits Prior Authorization Specialty • • • Drug Name Drug Tier Limited Distribution • • • • • • • • • Responsible Steps Quantity Limits Prior Authorization Specialty Drug Name Drug Tier 2016 • • • • • • LETAIRIS - ambrisentan tab 5 mg 4 LETAIRIS - ambrisentan tab 10 mg 4 1 OPSUMIT - macitentan tab 10 mg 4 3 ORENITRAM - treprostinil diolamine tab cr 0.125 mg (base equiv) 4 BIDIL - isosorbide dinitratehydralazine hcl tab 20-37.5 mg • • • • ORENITRAM - treprostinil diolamine tab cr 0.25 mg (base equiv) 4 CADUET - amlodipine besylateatorvastatin calcium tab 2.5-10 mg 3 • • • ORENITRAM - treprostinil diolamine tab cr 1 mg (base equiv) 4 CADUET - amlodipine besylateatorvastatin calcium tab 2.5-20 mg 3 • • • ORENITRAM - treprostinil diolamine tab cr 2.5 mg (base equiv) 4 CADUET - amlodipine besylateatorvastatin calcium tab 2.5-40 mg 3 • • • CADUET - amlodipine besylateatorvastatin calcium tab 5-10 mg 3 • • • CADUET - amlodipine besylateatorvastatin calcium tab 5-20 mg 3 • • • CADUET - amlodipine besylateatorvastatin calcium tab 5-40 mg 3 • • • CADUET - amlodipine besylateatorvastatin calcium tab 5-80 mg 3 REMODULIN - treprostinil sodium inj 4 1 mg/ml (base equiv) REMODULIN - treprostinil sodium inj 4 2.5 mg/ml (base equiv) REMODULIN - treprostinil sodium inj 4 5 mg/ml (base equiv) REMODULIN - treprostinil sodium inj 4 10 mg/ml (base equiv) • • • amlodipine besylate-atorvastatin calcium tab 10-40 mg (Caduet) amlodipine besylate-atorvastatin calcium tab 10-80 mg (Caduet) 1 Florida Blue October 2016 Care Choices Rx Medication Drug Guide • • • • • • • • • • • 55 TRACLEER - bosentan tab 62.5 mg 4 TRACLEER - bosentan tab 125 mg 4 TYVASO - treprostinil inhalation solution 0.6 mg/ml 4 • • • • • • • • • • • • TYVASO REFILL - treprostinil inhalation solution 0.6 mg/ml 4 • • • • TYVASO STARTER - treprostinil inhalation solution 0.6 mg/ml 4 • • • • UPTRAVI - selexipag tab therapy pack 200 mcg (140) & 800 mcg (60) 4 • • • • UPTRAVI - selexipag tab 200 mcg 4 UPTRAVI - selexipag tab 400 mcg 4 UPTRAVI - selexipag tab 600 mcg 4 UPTRAVI - selexipag tab 800 mcg 4 UPTRAVI - selexipag tab 1000 mcg 4 UPTRAVI - selexipag tab 1200 mcg 4 UPTRAVI - selexipag tab 1400 mcg 4 UPTRAVI - selexipag tab 1600 mcg 4 VENTAVIS - iloprost inhalation solution 10 mcg/ml 4 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • VENTAVIS - iloprost inhalation solution 20 mcg/ml 4 • • • • CIALIS - tadalafil tab 2.5 mg 3 CIALIS - tadalafil tab 5 mg 3 • • • • RESPIRATORY AGENTS ANTIHISTAMINES carbinoxamine maleate soln 4 mg/5ml carbinoxamine maleate tab 4 mg cetirizine hcl oral soln 1 mg/ml (5 mg/5ml) clemastine fumarate tab 2.68 mg cyproheptadine hcl syrup 2 mg/5ml 1 1 1 1 1 • • • • • • • • • 1 DESLORATADINE ODT desloratadine tab orally disintegrating 2.5 mg 3 DESLORATADINE ODT desloratadine tab orally disintegrating 5 mg 3 desloratadine tab 5 mg (Clarinex) 1 diphenhydramine hcl cap 50 mg diphenhydramine hcl elixir 12.5 mg/5ml 1 1 levocetirizine dihydrochloride soln 2.5 mg/5ml (0.5 mg/ml) (Xyzal) 1 levocetirizine dihydrochloride tab 5 mg (Xyzal) 1 loratadine rapidly-disintegrating tab 10 mg (Claritin) loratadine syrup 5 mg/5ml loratadine tab 10 mg promethazine hcl suppos 12.5 mg promethazine hcl suppos 25 mg promethazine hcl suppos 50 mg promethazine hcl syrup 6.25 mg/5ml promethazine hcl tab 12.5 mg promethazine hcl tab 25 mg promethazine hcl tab 50 mg 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 NASAL AGENTS - SYSTEMIC and TOPICAL 3 ASTEPRO - azelastine hcl nasal spray 0.15% (205.5 mcg/spray) 1 azelastine hcl nasal spray 0.1% (137 mcg/spray) 1 azelastine hcl nasal spray 0.15% (205.5 mcg/spray) (Astepro) 3 BACTROBAN NASAL - mupirocin calcium nasal oint 2% 1 flunisolide nasal soln 25 mcg/act (0.025%) (Flunisolide) Florida Blue October 2016 Care Choices Rx Medication Drug Guide Limited Distribution • • • Responsible Steps sildenafil citrate tab 20 mg (Revatio) 4 cyproheptadine hcl tab 4 mg Quantity Limits • • • Prior Authorization 4 Specialty REVATIO - sildenafil citrate for suspension 10 mg/ml Drug Name Drug Tier Limited Distribution Responsible Steps Quantity Limits Prior Authorization Specialty Drug Name Drug Tier 2016 • • • • 56 1 • PATANASE - olopatadine hcl nasal soln 0.6% 3 • triamcinolone acetonide nasal aerosol suspension 55 mcg/act 1 • TYZINE - tetrahydrozoline hcl nasal soln 0.1% 3 TYZINE PEDIATRIC NASAL DR tetrahydrozoline hcl nasal soln 0.05% 3 COUGH/COLD/ALLERGY acetylcysteine inhal soln 10% acetylcysteine inhal soln 20% BENZONATATE - benzonatate cap 150 mg 1 1 3 benzonatate cap 100 mg (Tessalon 1 perles) 1 benzonatate cap 200 mg loratadine & pseudoephedrine tab sr 24hr 10-240 mg 1 NEBUSAL - sodium chloride soln nebu 6% 3 phenylephrine-promethazine w/ codeine syrup 5-6.25-10 mg/5ml 1 promethazine & phenylephrine syrup 6.25-5 mg/5ml promethazine w/ codeine syrup 6.25-10 mg/5ml promethazine-dm syrup 6.25-15 mg/5ml pseudoeph-chlorphen w/ hydrocodone soln 60-4-5 mg/5ml (Zutripro) pseudoephed-bromphen-dm syrup 30-2-10 mg/5ml 1 1 1 1 1 REZIRA - pseudoephedrine w/ hydrocodone soln 60-5 mg/5ml 3 sodium chloride soln nebu 0.9% 1 sodium chloride soln nebu 3% 1 CODAR AR - chlorpheniramine w/ codeine liquid 2-8 mg/5ml 3 sodium chloride soln nebu 7% (Hyper-sal) 1 hydrocod polst-chlorphen polst er susp 10-8 mg/5ml (Tussionex pennkineti) 1 sodium chloride soln nebu 10% 1 hydrocodone w/ homatropine syrup 5-1.5 mg/5ml 1 TESSALON PERLES - benzonatate cap 100 mg 3 3 1 TUSSIONEX PENNKINETIC EXT hydrocod polst-chlorphen polst er susp 10-8 mg/5ml 3 HYPER-SAL - sodium chloride soln nebu 7% 3 VITUZ - hydrocodonechlorpheniramine soln 5-4 mg/5ml 3 HYPERSAL - sodium chloride soln nebu 3.5% 3 ZUTRIPRO - pseudoeph-chlorphen w/ hydrocodone soln 60-4-5 mg/5ml HYPERSAL - sodium chloride soln nebu 7% 3 hydrocodone w/ homatropine tab 5-1.5 mg Limited Distribution olopatadine hcl nasal soln 0.6% (Patanase) 1 Responsible Steps • loratadine & pseudoephedrine tab sr 12hr 5-120 mg Quantity Limits 1 ipratropium bromide nasal soln 0.06% (42 mcg/spray) (Atrovent) 3 Prior Authorization • LEXUSS 210 - chlorpheniramine w/ codeine liquid 2-10 mg/5ml Specialty 1 ipratropium bromide nasal soln 0.03% (21 mcg/spray) (Atrovent) Drug Name Drug Tier • Limited Distribution 1 fluticasone propionate nasal susp 50 mcg/act Responsible Steps Quantity Limits Prior Authorization Specialty Drug Name Drug Tier 2016 ANTIASTHMATIC and BRONCHODILATOR AGENTS 3 • ACCOLATE - zafirlukast tab 10 mg ACCOLATE - zafirlukast tab 20 mg Florida Blue October 2016 Care Choices Rx Medication Drug Guide 3 • 57 2 • ADVAIR HFA - fluticasone-salmeterol 2 inhal aerosol 45-21 mcg/act ADVAIR HFA - fluticasone-salmeterol 2 inhal aerosol 115-21 mcg/act ADVAIR HFA - fluticasone-salmeterol 2 inhal aerosol 230-21 mcg/act 3 AEROSPAN - flunisolide hfa inhal aerosol 80 mcg/act 1 albuterol sulfate soln nebu 0.083% (2.5 mg/3ml) 1 albuterol sulfate soln nebu 0.5% (5 mg/ml) 1 albuterol sulfate soln nebu 0.63 mg/3ml (base equiv) 1 albuterol sulfate soln nebu 1.25 mg/3ml (base equiv) 1 albuterol sulfate syrup 2 mg/5ml • albuterol sulfate tab sr 12hr 4 mg (Vospire er) 1 albuterol sulfate tab sr 12hr 8 mg (Vospire er) 1 albuterol sulfate tab 2 mg 1 albuterol sulfate tab 4 mg 1 ALVESCO - ciclesonide inhal aerosol 3 80 mcg/act ALVESCO - ciclesonide inhal aerosol 3 160 mcg/act 2 ANORO ELLIPTA - umeclidiniumvilanterol aero powd ba 62.5-25 mcg/inh • • • • • • 3 • ARNUITY ELLIPTA - fluticasone furoate aerosol powder breath activ 100 mcg/act 2 • ARNUITY ELLIPTA - fluticasone furoate aerosol powder breath activ 200 mcg/act 2 • ASMANEX HFA - mometasone furoate inhal aerosol suspension 100 mcg/act 2 • ASMANEX HFA - mometasone furoate inhal aerosol suspension 200 mcg/act 2 • ASMANEX TWISTHALER 120 ME mometasone furoate inhal powd 220 mcg/inh (breath activated) 2 • ASMANEX TWISTHALER 14 MET mometasone furoate inhal powd 220 mcg/inh (breath activated) 2 • ASMANEX TWISTHALER 30 MET mometasone furoate inhal powd 110 mcg/inh (breath activated) 2 • ASMANEX TWISTHALER 30 MET mometasone furoate inhal powd 220 mcg/inh (breath activated) 2 • ASMANEX TWISTHALER 60 MET mometasone furoate inhal powd 220 mcg/inh (breath activated) 2 • ASMANEX TWISTHALER 7 METE mometasone furoate inhal powd 110 mcg/inh (breath activated) 2 • ATROVENT HFA - ipratropium bromide hfa inhal aerosol 17 mcg/ act 2 • BREO ELLIPTA - fluticasone furoate- 2 vilanterol aero powd ba 100-25 mcg/inh BREO ELLIPTA - fluticasone furoate- 2 vilanterol aero powd ba 200-25 mcg/inh • Florida Blue October 2016 Care Choices Rx Medication Drug Guide Limited Distribution ADVAIR DISKUS - fluticasonesalmeterol aer powder ba 500-50 mcg/dose ARCAPTA NEOHALER - indacaterol maleate inhal powder cap 75 mcg (base equiv) Responsible Steps • Quantity Limits 2 Prior Authorization ADVAIR DISKUS - fluticasonesalmeterol aer powder ba 250-50 mcg/dose Specialty • Drug Name Drug Tier 2 Limited Distribution ADVAIR DISKUS - fluticasonesalmeterol aer powder ba 100-50 mcg/dose Responsible Steps Quantity Limits Prior Authorization Specialty Drug Name Drug Tier 2016 • 58 budesonide inhalation susp 0.25 mg/2ml (Pulmicort) budesonide inhalation susp 0.5 mg/2ml (Pulmicort) budesonide inhalation susp 1 mg/2ml (Pulmicort) 1 1 1 • COMBIVENT RESPIMAT ipratropium-albuterol inhal aerosol soln 20-100 mcg/act 3 CROMOLYN SODIUM - cromolyn sodium soln nebu 20 mg/2ml 3 DALIRESP - roflumilast tab 500 mcg 3 DULERA - mometasone furoateformoterol fumarate aerosol 100-5 mcg/act 2 • DULERA - mometasone furoateformoterol fumarate aerosol 200-5 mcg/act 2 • dyphylline-guaifenesin liqd 100-100 mg/5ml 1 2 • INCRUSE ELLIPTA - umeclidinium br aero powd breath act 62.5 mcg/ inh (base eq) 2 • ipratropium bromide inhal soln 0.02% 1 ipratropium-albuterol nebu soln 0.5-2.5(3) mg/3ml 1 levalbuterol hcl soln nebu conc 1.25 mg/0.5ml (base equiv) (Xopenex concentrate) 1 levalbuterol hcl soln nebu 0.31 mg/3ml (base equiv) (Xopenex) 1 levalbuterol hcl soln nebu 0.63 mg/3ml (base equiv) (Xopenex) 1 levalbuterol hcl soln nebu 1.25 mg/3ml (base equiv) (Xopenex) 1 3 1 METAPROTERENOL SULFATE metaproterenol sulfate syrup 10 mg/5ml 2 3 FLOVENT DISKUS - fluticasone propionate aer pow ba 50 mcg/ blister METAPROTERENOL SULFATE metaproterenol sulfate tab 10 mg 3 FLOVENT DISKUS - fluticasone propionate aer pow ba 100 mcg/ blister 2 • METAPROTERENOL SULFATE metaproterenol sulfate tab 20 mg montelukast sodium chew tab 4 mg (base equiv) (Singulair) 1 • FLOVENT DISKUS - fluticasone propionate aer pow ba 250 mcg/ blister 2 • montelukast sodium chew tab 5 mg (base equiv) (Singulair) 1 • 1 • FLOVENT HFA - fluticasone propionate hfa inhal aero 44 mcg/ act (50/valve) 2 • montelukast sodium oral granules packet 4 mg (base equiv) (Singulair) 1 • FLOVENT HFA - fluticasone propionate hfa inhal aer 110 mcg/ act (125/valve) 2 ELIXOPHYLLIN - theophylline elixir 80 mg/15ml 3 epinephrine hcl inj 1 mg/ml 1 epinephrine hcl soln prefilled syringe 0.1 mg/ml • • montelukast sodium tab 10 mg (base equiv) (Singulair) PERFOROMIST - formoterol fumarate soln nebu 20 mcg/2ml Florida Blue October 2016 Care Choices Rx Medication Drug Guide Limited Distribution FLOVENT HFA - fluticasone propionate hfa inhal aer 220 mcg/ act (250/valve) Responsible Steps Quantity Limits Prior Authorization Specialty Drug Name Drug Tier Limited Distribution Responsible Steps Quantity Limits Prior Authorization Specialty Drug Name Drug Tier 2016 3 59 PROAIR HFA - albuterol sulfate inhal 2 aero 108 mcg/act (90mcg base equiv) 2 PROAIR RESPICLICK - albuterol sulfate aer pow ba 108 mcg/act (90 mcg base equiv) PROVENTIL HFA - albuterol sulfate 3 inhal aero 108 mcg/act (90mcg base equiv) PULMICORT - budesonide inhalation 3 susp 0.25 mg/2ml PULMICORT - budesonide inhalation 3 susp 0.5 mg/2ml PULMICORT - budesonide inhalation 3 susp 1 mg/2ml 3 PULMICORT FLEXHALER budesonide inhal aero powd 90 mcg/act (breath activated) 3 PULMICORT FLEXHALER budesonide inhal aero powd 180 mcg/act (breath activated) QVAR - beclomethasone diprop inhal 2 aero soln 40 mcg/act (50/valve) QVAR - beclomethasone diprop inhal 2 aero soln 80 mcg/act (100/valve) 3 SEREVENT DISKUS - salmeterol xinafoate aer pow ba 50 mcg/dose (base equiv) 3 SINGULAIR - montelukast sodium oral granules packet 4 mg (base equiv) SPIRIVA HANDIHALER - tiotropium 2 bromide monohydrate inhal cap 18 mcg (base equiv) 2 SPIRIVA RESPIMAT - tiotropium bromide monohydrate inhal aerosol 1.25 mcg/act 2 SPIRIVA RESPIMAT - tiotropium bromide monohydrate inhal aerosol 2.5 mcg/act STRIVERDI RESPIMAT - olodaterol 2 hcl inhal aerosol soln 2.5 mcg/act (base equiv) • • • • • SYMBICORT - budesonideformoterol fumarate dihyd aerosol 160-4.5 mcg/act 2 • terbutaline sulfate tab 2.5 mg 1 1 THEO-24 - theophylline cap sr 24hr 100 mg 3 THEO-24 - theophylline cap sr 24hr 200 mg 3 THEO-24 - theophylline cap sr 24hr 300 mg 3 THEO-24 - theophylline cap sr 24hr 400 mg 3 theophylline soln 80 mg/15ml 1 theophylline tab sr 12hr 100 mg theophylline tab sr 12hr 200 mg theophylline tab sr 12hr 300 mg theophylline tab sr 12hr 450 mg 1 1 1 1 1 • theophylline tab sr 24hr 400 mg • TUDORZA PRESSAIR - aclidinium bromide aerosol powd breath activated 400 mcg/act 3 • • VENTOLIN HFA - albuterol sulfate inhal aero 108 mcg/act (90mcg base equiv) 2 • • VOSPIRE ER - albuterol sulfate tab sr 12hr 4 mg 3 VOSPIRE ER - albuterol sulfate tab sr 12hr 8 mg 3 XOPENEX - levalbuterol hcl soln nebu 0.31 mg/3ml (base equiv) 3 XOPENEX - levalbuterol hcl soln nebu 0.63 mg/3ml (base equiv) 3 XOPENEX - levalbuterol hcl soln nebu 1.25 mg/3ml (base equiv) 3 • • • theophylline tab sr 24hr 600 mg Florida Blue October 2016 Care Choices Rx Medication Drug Guide Limited Distribution 2 Responsible Steps Quantity Limits Prior Authorization SYMBICORT - budesonideformoterol fumarate dihyd aerosol 80-4.5 mcg/act terbutaline sulfate tab 5 mg • Specialty Drug Name Drug Tier Limited Distribution • Responsible Steps Quantity Limits Prior Authorization Specialty Drug Name Drug Tier 2016 1 60 XOPENEX CONCENTRATE levalbuterol hcl soln nebu conc 1.25 mg/0.5ml (base equiv) • • • 1 KALYDECO - ivacaftor tab 150 mg 4 OFEV - nintedanib esylate cap 100 mg (base equivalent) 4 OFEV - nintedanib esylate cap 150 mg (base equivalent) 4 • • • • ORKAMBI - lumacaftor-ivacaftor tab 200-125 mg 4 • • • • PULMOZYME - dornase alfa inhal soln 1 mg/ml 4 • 4 KALYDECO - ivacaftor packet 50 mg 4 KALYDECO - ivacaftor packet 75 mg 4 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 3 NULYTELY/FLAVOR PACKS - peg 3350-kcl-sod bicarb-nacl for soln 420 gm 3 OSMOPREP - sod phos monosod phos di tabs 1.102-0.398 gm(1.5gm na phos) 3 peg 3350-kcl-sod bicarb-nacl for soln 420 gm (Nulytely/flavor pack) P peg 3350-kcl-na bicarb-naclna sulfate for soln 236 gm (Golytely) P peg 3350-kcl-na bicarb-nacl-na sulfate for soln 240 gm (Colyteflavor packs) P polyethylene glycol 3350 oral packet 1 3 1 SUPREP BOWEL PREP - sodium sulfate-potassium sulfatemagnesium sulfate oral soln 3 COLYTE-FLAVOR PACKS - peg 3350-kcl-na bicarb-nacl-na sulfate for soln 240 gm 3 ANTIDIARRHEALS GOLYTELY - peg 3350-kcl-na bicarb-nacl-na sulfate packet 227.1 gm 3 GOLYTELY - peg 3350-kcl-na bicarb-nacl-na sulfate for soln 236 gm 3 KRISTALOSE - lactulose oral crystal packet 10 gm 3 KRISTALOSE - lactulose oral crystal packet 20 gm 3 LAXATIVES bisacodyl tab & peg 3350-kcl-sod bicarb-nacl for soln kit diphenoxylate w/ atropine tab 2.5-0.025 mg (Lomotil) 3 FULYZAQ - crofelemer tab delayed release 125 mg 3 LOMOTIL - diphenoxylate w/ atropine tab 2.5-0.025 mg 3 loperamide hcl cap 2 mg 1 Florida Blue October 2016 Care Choices Rx Medication Drug Guide Limited Distribution Responsible Steps 1 DIPHENOXYLATE/ATROPINE diphenoxylate w/ atropine liq 2.5-0.025 mg/5ml MOTOFEN - difenoxin w/ atropine tab 1-0.025 mg Quantity Limits 1 PREPOPIK - sod picosulfate-mg oxide-citric acid pack 10 mg-3.5 gm-12 gm GASTROINTESTINAL AGENTS Prior Authorization 1 MOVIPREP - peg 3350-kcl-nacl-na sulfate-na ascorbate-c for soln 100 gm polyethylene glycol 3350 oral powder Specialty Drug Tier Limited Distribution • • • • • • ESBRIET - pirfenidone cap 267 mg Drug Name lactulose solution 10 gm/15ml ZYFLO CR - zileuton tab sr 12hr 600 3 mg RESPIRATORY AGENTS - MISC. Responsible Steps 3 XOPENEX HFA - levalbuterol tartrate 3 inhal aerosol 45 mcg/act (base equiv) 1 zafirlukast tab 10 mg (Accolate) zafirlukast tab 20 mg (Accolate) Quantity Limits Prior Authorization Specialty Drug Name Drug Tier 2016 3 61 PAREGORIC - paregoric tincture 2 mg/5ml 3 famotidine for susp 40 mg/5ml (Pepcid) 1 RESTORA RX - lactobacillus caseifolic acid cap 60-1.25 mg 3 famotidine tab 20 mg (Pepcid) 1 ULCER DRUGS famotidine tab 40 mg (Pepcid) amoxicillin cap-clarithro tablansopraz cap dr therapy pack (Prevpac) 1 ANASPAZ - hyoscyamine sulfate tab disp 0.125 mg 3 BENTYL - dicyclomine hcl cap 10 mg 3 BENTYL - dicyclomine hcl tab 20 mg 3 2 CARAFATE - sucralfate susp 1 gm/10ml 3 CARAFATE - sucralfate tab 1 gm chlordiazepoxide hcl-clidinium bromide cap 5-2.5 mg (Librax) cimetidine hcl soln 300 mg/5ml cimetidine tab 200 mg cimetidine tab 300 mg cimetidine tab 400 mg cimetidine tab 800 mg 1 1 1 CYTOTEC - misoprostol tab 100 mcg 3 CYTOTEC - misoprostol tab 200 mcg 3 dicyclomine hcl cap 10 mg (Bentyl) 1 dicyclomine hcl oral soln 10 mg/5ml 1 dicyclomine hcl tab 20 mg (Bentyl) 1 1 esomeprazole magnesium cap delayed release 20 mg (base eq) (Nexium) 1 esomeprazole magnesium cap delayed release 40 mg (base eq) (Nexium) 1 glycopyrrolate tab 2 mg (Robinul forte) 1 hyoscyamine sulfate elixir 0.125 mg/5ml 1 hyoscyamine sulfate tab sr 12hr 0.375 mg (Levbid) 1 3 glycopyrrolate tab 1 mg (Robinul) hyoscyamine sulfate tab sl 0.125 mg (Levsin/sl) 1 CUVPOSA - glycopyrrolate oral soln 1 mg/5ml 3 hyoscyamine sulfate tab disp 0.125 mg (Anaspaz) 1 • Limited Distribution Responsible Steps Quantity Limits Prior Authorization 1 1 1 1 hyoscyamine sulfate tab 0.125 mg (Levsin) 1 lansoprazole cap delayed release 15 mg (Prevacid) 1 • 1 • lansoprazole cap delayed release 30 mg (Prevacid) • 1 GASTRINEX NF - hyoscyaminephenyltoloxamine cap 0.0625-15 mg hyoscyamine sulfate soln 0.125 mg/ml Specialty Drug Name Drug Tier Limited Distribution Responsible Steps Quantity Limits Prior Authorization Specialty Drug Name Drug Tier 2016 LEVBID - hyoscyamine sulfate tab sr 3 12hr 0.375 mg 3 LEVSIN - hyoscyamine sulfate tab 0.125 mg 3 LEVSIN/SL - hyoscyamine sulfate tab sl 0.125 mg 1 methscopolamine bromide tab 2.5 mg (Pamine) 1 methscopolamine bromide tab 5 mg (Pamine forte) misoprostol tab 100 mcg (Cytotec) 1 misoprostol tab 200 mcg (Cytotec) 1 2 NEXIUM - esomeprazole magnesium for delayed release susp packet 5 mg Florida Blue October 2016 Care Choices Rx Medication Drug Guide • 62 NEXIUM - esomeprazole magnesium for delayed release susp packet 10 mg 2 NEXIUM - esomeprazole magnesium for delayed release susp packet 20 mg 2 NEXIUM - esomeprazole magnesium for delayed release susp packet 40 mg 2 NEXIUM - esomeprazole magnesium for delayed release susp pack 2.5 mg 2 nizatidine cap 150 mg 1 nizatidine cap 300 mg (Axid) • • • 1 OMECLAMOX-PAK - amoxicillin cap- 3 clarithro tab w/ omepraz cap dr therapy pack 1 omeprazole cap delayed release 10 mg (Prilosec) 1 omeprazole cap delayed release 20 mg (Prilosec) 1 omeprazole cap delayed release 40 mg (Prilosec) PAMINE - methscopolamine bromide 3 tab 2.5 mg PAMINE FORTE - methscopolamine 3 bromide tab 5 mg 1 pantoprazole sodium ec tab 20 mg (base equiv) (Protonix) 1 pantoprazole sodium ec tab 40 mg (base equiv) (Protonix) PREVPAC - amoxicillin cap-clarithro 3 tab-lansopraz cap dr therapy pack 1 PRILOSEC OTC - omeprazole magnesium delayed release tab 20 mg (base equiv) 2 PROPANTHELINE BROMIDE propantheline bromide tab 15 mg 3 PYLERA - bismuth subcitmetronidazole-tetracycline cap 140-125-125 mg rabeprazole sodium ec tab 20 mg (Aciphex) 1 ranitidine hcl cap 150 mg 1 ranitidine hcl cap 300 mg ranitidine hcl syrup 15 mg/ml (75 mg/5ml) ranitidine hcl tab 150 mg (Zantac) ranitidine hcl tab 300 mg (Zantac) • • • 1 3 sucralfate tab 1 gm (Carafate) 1 2 3 • ANZEMET - dolasetron mesylate tab 3 50 mg ANZEMET - dolasetron mesylate tab 3 100 mg 3 CESAMET - nabilone cap 1 mg • DICLEGIS - doxylamine-pyridoxine tab delayed release 10-10 mg 3 • dronabinol cap 2.5 mg (Marinol) 1 • dronabinol cap 10 mg (Marinol) 1 EMEND - aprepitant capsule 80 mg 2 dronabinol cap 5 mg (Marinol) • • • • 1 EMEND - aprepitant capsule therapy 2 pack 80 & 125 mg 2 EMEND - aprepitant capsule 40 mg EMEND - aprepitant capsule 125 mg 2 2 EMEND - aprepitant for oral susp 125 mg (125 mg/5ml) 1 granisetron hcl tab 1 mg MARINOL - dronabinol cap 2.5 mg 3 MARINOL - dronabinol cap 5 mg 3 MARINOL - dronabinol cap 10 mg 3 Florida Blue October 2016 Care Choices Rx Medication Drug Guide Limited Distribution 1 ROBINUL FORTE - glycopyrrolate tab 2 mg AKYNZEO - netupitant-palonosetron cap 300-0.5 mg Responsible Steps Quantity Limits 1 3 ANTIEMETICS Prior Authorization 1 ROBINUL - glycopyrrolate tab 1 mg SYMAX DUOTAB - hyoscyamine sulfate tab cr 0.375 mg (0.125 mg ir/0.25 mg cr) Specialty Drug Name Drug Tier Limited Distribution • Responsible Steps Quantity Limits Prior Authorization Specialty Drug Name Drug Tier 2016 • • • • • 63 meclizine hcl tab 12.5 mg meclizine hcl tab 25 mg ondansetron hcl tab 24 mg 1 • • • • ondansetron hcl tab 4 mg (Zofran) 1 ondansetron hcl tab 8 mg (Zofran) 1 1 1 • SANCUSO - granisetron td patch 3.1 3 mg/24hr (contains 34.3 mg) TIGAN - trimethobenzamide hcl cap 3 300 mg TRANSDERM-SCOP - scopolamine 3 td patch 72hr 1 mg/3days 1 trimethobenzamide hcl cap 300 mg (Tigan) 4 VARUBI - rolapitant hcl tab 90 mg (base equiv) ZOFRAN - ondansetron hcl oral soln 3 4 mg/5ml ZOFRAN - ondansetron hcl tab 4 mg 3 • ZOFRAN - ondansetron hcl tab 8 mg 3 3 ZOFRAN ODT - ondansetron orally disintegrating tab 4 mg 3 ZOFRAN ODT - ondansetron orally disintegrating tab 8 mg DIGESTIVE AIDS CREON - pancrelipase (lip-protamyl) dr cap 3000-9500-15000 unit 2 CREON - pancrelipase (lip-protamyl) dr cap 6000-19000-30000 unit 2 CREON - pancrelipase (lip-protamyl) dr cap 12000-38000-60000 unit 2 • • • • • • • CREON - pancrelipase (lip-protamyl) dr cap 24000-76000-120000 unit 2 CREON - pancrelipase (lip-prot-amyl) dr cap 36000-114000-180000 unit 2 PANCREAZE - pancrelipase (lip-prot-amyl) dr cap 4200-10000-17500 unit 3 PANCREAZE - pancrelipase (lip-prot-amyl) dr cap 10500-25000-43750 unit 3 PANCREAZE - pancrelipase (lip-prot-amyl) dr cap 16800-40000-70000 unit 3 PANCREAZE - pancrelipase (lip-prot-amyl) dr cap 21000-37000-61000 unit 3 PERTZYE - pancrelipase (lip-protamyl) dr cap 8000-28750-30250 unit 3 PERTZYE - pancrelipase (lip-protamyl) dr cap 16000-57500-60500 unit 3 SUCRAID - sacrosidase soln 8500 unit/ml 4 VIOKACE - pancrelipase (lip-protamyl) tab 10440-39150-39150 unit 3 VIOKACE - pancrelipase (lip-protamyl) tab 20880-78300-78300 unit 3 ZENPEP - pancrelipase (lip-protamyl) dr cap 3000-10000-16000 unit 2 ZENPEP - pancrelipase (lip-protamyl) dr cap 5000-17000-27000 unit 2 ZENPEP - pancrelipase (lip-protamyl) dr cap 10000-34000-55000 unit 2 ZENPEP - pancrelipase (lip-protamyl) dr cap 15000-51000-82000 unit 2 Florida Blue October 2016 Care Choices Rx Medication Drug Guide • Limited Distribution Responsible Steps Quantity Limits Prior Authorization Specialty Drug Name Drug Tier Limited Distribution 1 1 ondansetron orally disintegrating tab 8 mg (Zofran odt) Responsible Steps Quantity Limits 1 ondansetron hcl oral soln 4 mg/5ml (Zofran) ondansetron orally disintegrating tab 4 mg (Zofran odt) Prior Authorization Specialty Drug Name Drug Tier 2016 • 64 4 • • • CIMZIA STARTER KIT certolizumab pegol inj kit 6 x 200 mg/ml 4 ZENPEP - pancrelipase (lip-protamyl) dr cap 25000-85000-136000 unit 2 • • • 2 3 ZENPEP - pancrelipase (lip-prot-amyl) dr cap 40000-136000-218000 unit COLAZAL - balsalazide disodium cap 750 mg cromolyn sodium oral conc 100 mg/5ml (Gastrocrom) 1 2 GASTROINTESTINAL AGENTS- MISC. 3 ACTIGALL - ursodiol cap 300 mg alosetron hcl tab 0.5 mg (base equiv) (Lotronex) alosetron hcl tab 1 mg (base equiv) (Lotronex) DELZICOL - mesalamine cap dr 400 mg 2 1 DIPENTUM - olsalazine sodium cap 250 mg 3 1 ELIPHOS - calcium acetate (phosphate binder) tab 667 mg 3 ENTEREG - alvimopan cap 12 mg 3 3 • • AMITIZA - lubiprostone cap 8 mcg 3 AMITIZA - lubiprostone cap 24 mcg 3 APRISO - mesalamine cap sr 24hr 0.375 gm 3 FOSRENOL - lanthanum carbonate chew tab 500 mg (elemental) 3 ASACOL HD - mesalamine tab delayed release 800 mg 2 FOSRENOL - lanthanum carbonate chew tab 750 mg (elemental) 3 AZULFIDINE - sulfasalazine tab 500 mg 3 FOSRENOL - lanthanum carbonate chew tab 1000 mg (elemental) 3 AZULFIDINE EN-TABS sulfasalazine tab delayed release 500 mg 3 FOSRENOL - lanthanum carbonate oral powder pack 750 mg (elemental) 3 balsalazide disodium cap 750 mg (Colazal) 1 FOSRENOL - lanthanum carbonate oral powder pack 1000 mg (elemental) calcium acetate (phosphate binder) cap 667 mg (169 mg ca) (Phoslo) 1 GASTROCROM - cromolyn sodium oral conc 100 mg/5ml 3 4 calcium acetate (phosphate binder) tab 667 mg (Eliphos) 1 GATTEX - teduglutide (rdna) for inj kit 5 mg GIAZO - balsalazide disodium tab 1.1 gm 3 lactulose (encephalopathy) solution 10 gm/15ml 1 CANASA - mesalamine suppos 1000 2 mg CHENODAL - chenodiol tab 250 mg 2 CHOLBAM - cholic acid cap 50 mg 4 CHOLBAM - cholic acid cap 250 mg 4 CIMZIA - certolizumab pegol for inj kit 2 x 200 mg 4 • • • • • • • • • • LIALDA - mesalamine tab delayed release 1.2 gm 2 LINZESS - linaclotide cap 145 mcg 3 LINZESS - linaclotide cap 290 mcg 3 Florida Blue October 2016 Care Choices Rx Medication Drug Guide • • • Limited Distribution CIMZIA - certolizumab pegol inj kit 2 x 200 mg/ml ZENPEP - pancrelipase (lip-protamyl) dr cap 20000-68000-109000 unit Responsible Steps Quantity Limits Prior Authorization Specialty Drug Name Drug Tier Limited Distribution Responsible Steps Quantity Limits Prior Authorization Specialty Drug Name Drug Tier 2016 • • • 65 LOTRONEX - alosetron hcl tab 0.5 mg (base equiv) 3 RENVELA - sevelamer carbonate packet 0.8 gm 2 LOTRONEX - alosetron hcl tab 1 mg (base equiv) 3 RENVELA - sevelamer carbonate packet 2.4 gm 2 MESALAMINE DR - mesalamine tab delayed release 800 mg 3 RENVELA - sevelamer carbonate tab 800 mg 2 mesalamine enema 4 gm 1 3 1 SFROWASA - mesalamine sulfitefree (sf) enema 4 gm/60ml 1 metoclopramide hcl tab 5 mg (Reglan) 1 sulfasalazine tab delayed release 500 mg (Azulfidine en-tabs) 1 metoclopramide hcl tab 10 mg (Reglan) 1 sulfasalazine tab 500 mg (Azulfidine) 3 MOVANTIK - naloxegol oxalate tab 12.5 mg (base equivalent) 3 • URSO FORTE - ursodiol tab 500 mg URSO 250 - ursodiol tab 250 mg 3 3 • ursodiol cap 300 mg (Actigall) 1 MOVANTIK - naloxegol oxalate tab 25 mg (base equivalent) PENTASA - mesalamine cap cr 250 mg 2 PENTASA - mesalamine cap cr 500 mg 2 PHOSLO - calcium acetate (phosphate binder) cap 667 mg (169 mg ca) 3 PHOSLYRA - calcium acetate (phosphate binder) oral soln 667 mg/5ml 3 REGLAN - metoclopramide hcl tab 5 mg metoclopramide hcl soln 5 mg/5ml (10 mg/10ml) ursodiol tab 250 mg (Urso 250) ursodiol tab 500 mg (Urso forte) Limited Distribution Responsible Steps Quantity Limits Prior Authorization Specialty Drug Name Drug Tier Limited Distribution Responsible Steps Quantity Limits Prior Authorization Specialty Drug Name Drug Tier 2016 1 1 VELPHORO - sucroferric oxyhydroxide chew tab 500 mg 3 VIBERZI - eluxadoline tab 75 mg 3 VIBERZI - eluxadoline tab 100 mg 3 • • • • GENITOURINARY AGENTS URINARY ANTI-INFECTIVES FURADANTIN - nitrofurantoin susp 25 mg/5ml 3 3 HIPREX - methenamine hippurate tab 1 gm 3 REGLAN - metoclopramide hcl tab 10 mg 3 3 RELISTOR - methylnaltrexone bromide inj 8 mg/0.4ml (20 mg/ml) 3 • MACROBID - nitrofurantoin monohydrate macrocrystalline cap 100 mg 3 RELISTOR - methylnaltrexone bromide inj 12 mg/0.6ml (20 mg/ ml) 3 • MACRODANTIN - nitrofurantoin macrocrystalline cap 25 mg MACRODANTIN - nitrofurantoin macrocrystalline cap 50 mg 3 RENAGEL - sevelamer hcl tab 400 mg 3 MACRODANTIN - nitrofurantoin macrocrystalline cap 100 mg 3 RENAGEL - sevelamer hcl tab 800 mg 3 methenamine hippurate tab 1 gm (Hiprex) 1 Florida Blue October 2016 Care Choices Rx Medication Drug Guide 66 2 • 1 MYRBETRIQ - mirabegron tab sr 24 hr 50 mg 2 • 1 oxybutynin chloride syrup 5 mg/5ml 1 • 1 oxybutynin chloride tab sr 24hr 5 mg (Ditropan xl) 1 • oxybutynin chloride tab sr 24hr 10 mg (Ditropan xl) 1 nitrofurantoin monohydrate macrocrystalline cap 100 mg (Macrobid) 1 • 1 • nitrofurantoin susp 25 mg/5ml (Furadantin) 1 1 UROGESIC-BLUE - methenaminehyoscamine-meth blue-sod phos tab 81.6 mg 3 1 • • 1 • 3 nitrofurantoin macrocrystalline cap 25 mg (Macrodantin) nitrofurantoin macrocrystalline cap 50 mg (Macrodantin) nitrofurantoin macrocrystalline cap 100 mg (Macrodantin) URINARY ANTISPASMODICS oxybutynin chloride tab sr 24hr 15 mg (Ditropan xl) oxybutynin chloride tab 5 mg tolterodine tartrate cap sr 24hr 2 mg (Detrol la) tolterodine tartrate cap sr 24hr 4 mg (Detrol la) bethanechol chloride tab 5 mg (Urecholine) 1 tolterodine tartrate tab 1 mg (Detrol) 1 • bethanechol chloride tab 10 mg (Urecholine) 1 tolterodine tartrate tab 2 mg (Detrol) 1 • bethanechol chloride tab 25 mg (Urecholine) 1 TOVIAZ - fesoterodine fumarate tab sr 24hr 4 mg 3 • bethanechol chloride tab 50 mg (Urecholine) 1 TOVIAZ - fesoterodine fumarate tab sr 24hr 8 mg 3 • darifenacin hydrobromide tab sr 24hr 7.5 mg (base equiv) (Enablex) 1 trospium chloride cap sr 24hr 60 mg 1 • 1 • darifenacin hydrobromide tab sr 24hr 15 mg (base equiv) (Enablex) 1 ENABLEX - darifenacin hydrobromide tab sr 24hr 7.5 mg (base equiv) 3 ENABLEX - darifenacin hydrobromide tab sr 24hr 15 mg (base equiv) 3 flavoxate hcl tab 100 mg 1 GELNIQUE - oxybutynin chloride td gel 10% • trospium chloride tab 20 mg 3 • • • • URECHOLINE - bethanechol chloride tab 5 mg 3 URECHOLINE - bethanechol chloride tab 10 mg 3 URECHOLINE - bethanechol chloride tab 25 mg 3 URECHOLINE - bethanechol chloride tab 50 mg 3 VESICARE - solifenacin succinate tab 5 mg 2 • VESICARE - solifenacin succinate tab 10 mg 2 • Limited Distribution MYRBETRIQ - mirabegron tab sr 24 hr 25 mg MONUROL - fosfomycin tromethamine powd pack 3 gm (base equivalent) Responsible Steps Quantity Limits Prior Authorization Specialty Drug Name Drug Tier Limited Distribution Responsible Steps Quantity Limits Prior Authorization Specialty Drug Name Drug Tier 2016 VAGINAL PRODUCTS Florida Blue October 2016 Care Choices Rx Medication Drug Guide 67 AVC - sulfanilamide vaginal cream 15% 2 CLEOCIN - clindamycin phosphate vaginal cream 2% 3 CLEOCIN - clindamycin phosphate vaginal suppos 100 mg clindamycin phosphate vaginal cream 2% (Cleocin) CLINDESSE - clindamycin phosphate (one dose) vaginal cream 2% RELAGARD - acetic acidoxyquinoline vaginal gel 0.9-0.025% 3 SHUR-SEAL - nonoxynol-9 gel 2% P 2 TERAZOL 3 - terconazole vaginal cream 0.8% 3 1 TERAZOL 7 - terconazole vaginal cream 0.4% 3 3 terconazole vaginal cream 0.4% (Terazol 7) 1 terconazole vaginal cream 0.8% (Terazol 3) 1 terconazole vaginal suppos 80 mg 1 CRINONE - progesterone vaginal gel 3 4% P ENCARE - nonoxynol-9 vaginal suppos 100 mg ESTRACE - estradiol vaginal cream 3 0.1 mg/gm 3 ESTRING - estradiol vaginal ring 2 mg (7.5 mcg/24hrs) 3 FEM PH - acetic acid-oxyquinoline vaginal gel 0.9-0.025% FEMRING - estradiol acetate vaginal 3 ring 0.05 mg/24hr FEMRING - estradiol acetate vaginal 3 ring 0.1 mg/24hr GYNAZOLE-1 - butoconazole nitrate 3 (one dose) vaginal cream 2% 3 METROGEL-VAGINAL metronidazole vaginal gel 0.75% 1 metronidazole vaginal gel 0.75% (Metrogel-vaginal) MICONAZOLE 3 - miconazole nitrate 3 vaginal suppos 200 mg P nonoxynol-9 gel 4% OPTIONS CONCEPTROL VAGINA - P nonoxynol-9 gel 4% P OPTIONS GYNOL II VAGINAL nonoxynol-9 gel 3% PREMARIN - estrogens, conjugated 2 vaginal cream 0.625 mg/gm • • • TODAY SPONGE - nonoxynol-9 vaginal sponge 1000 mg P VAGIFEM - estradiol vaginal tab 10 mcg 2 VCF VAGINAL CONTRACEPTIVE nonoxynol-9 film 28% P VCF VAGINAL CONTRACEPTIVE nonoxynol-9 foam 12.5% P GENITOURINARY AGENTS - MISC. acetic acid irrigation soln 0.25% Limited Distribution Responsible Steps Quantity Limits Prior Authorization Specialty Drug Name Drug Tier Limited Distribution Responsible Steps Quantity Limits Prior Authorization Specialty Drug Name Drug Tier 2016 1 alfuzosin hcl tab sr 24hr 10 mg (Uroxatral) 1 AVODART - dutasteride cap 0.5 mg 3 CARDURA XL - doxazosin mesylate tab sr 24 hr 4 mg (base equiv) 3 CARDURA XL - doxazosin mesylate tab sr 24 hr 8 mg (base equiv) 3 CYSTAGON - cysteamine bitartrate cap 50 mg 2 • CYSTAGON - cysteamine bitartrate cap 150 mg 2 • CYTRA-3 - pot & sod citrates w/ cit ac syrup 550-500-334 mg/5ml 3 dutasteride cap 0.5 mg (Avodart) 1 dutasteride-tamsulosin hcl cap 0.5-0.4 mg (JALYN) Florida Blue October 2016 Care Choices Rx Medication Drug Guide 1 68 ELMIRON - pentosan polysulfate sodium caps 100 mg 3 finasteride tab 5 mg (Proscar) 1 SHOHLS SOLUTION MODIFIED sodium citrate & citric acid soln 500-334 mg/5ml 3 1 FLOMAX - tamsulosin hcl cap 0.4 mg 3 sodium chloride irrigation soln 0.9% JALYN - dutasteride-tamsulosin hcl cap 0.5-0.4 mg 3 sodium citrate & citric acid soln 500-334 mg/5ml (Shohls solution modi) 1 tamsulosin hcl cap 0.4 mg (Flomax) 1 THIOLA - tiopronin tab 100 mg 4 K-PHOS NO 2 - potassium & sodium 2 acid phosphates tab 305-700 mg LITHOSTAT - acetohydroxamic acid 3 tab 250 mg ORACIT - sodium citrate & citric acid 3 soln 490-640 mg/5ml 1 phenazopyridine hcl tab 100 mg (Pyridium) 1 phenazopyridine hcl tab 200 mg (Pyridium) 1 pot & sod citrates w/ cit ac soln 550-500-334 mg/5ml 1 potassium citrate & citric acid powder pack 3300-1002 mg 1 potassium citrate tab cr 5 meq (540 mg) (Urocit-k 5) 1 potassium citrate tab cr 10 meq (1080 mg) (Urocit-k 10) 1 potassium citrate tab cr 15 meq (1620 mg) (Urocit-k 15) 4 PROCYSBI - cysteamine bitartrate cap delayed release 25 mg (base equiv) 4 PROCYSBI - cysteamine bitartrate cap delayed release 75 mg (base equiv) 3 PROSCAR - finasteride tab 5 mg PYRIDIUM - phenazopyridine hcl tab 3 100 mg PYRIDIUM - phenazopyridine hcl tab 3 200 mg 3 RAPAFLO - silodosin cap 4 mg RAPAFLO - silodosin cap 8 mg 3 • • • Limited Distribution Responsible Steps Quantity Limits Prior Authorization Specialty Drug Name Drug Tier Limited Distribution Responsible Steps • Quantity Limits Prior Authorization Specialty Drug Name Drug Tier 2016 • UROCIT-K 10 - potassium citrate tab 3 cr 10 meq (1080 mg) UROCIT-K 15 - potassium citrate tab 3 cr 15 meq (1620 mg) UROCIT-K 5 - potassium citrate tab 3 cr 5 meq (540 mg) CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM DRUGS ANTIANXIETY AGENTS ALPRAZOLAM INTENSOL alprazolam conc 1 mg/ml 3 alprazolam orally disintegrating tab 0.25 mg (Niravam) 1 alprazolam orally disintegrating tab 0.5 mg • • • • • • alprazolam orally disintegrating tab 1 mg alprazolam orally disintegrating tab 2 mg 1 1 1 alprazolam tab sr 24hr 0.5 mg (Xanax xr) 1 alprazolam tab sr 24hr 1 mg (Xanax xr) 1 alprazolam tab sr 24hr 2 mg (Xanax xr) 1 alprazolam tab sr 24hr 3 mg (Xanax xr) 1 alprazolam tab 0.25 mg (Xanax) 1 alprazolam tab 0.5 mg (Xanax) alprazolam tab 1 mg (Xanax) Florida Blue October 2016 Care Choices Rx Medication Drug Guide 1 1 69 alprazolam tab 2 mg (Xanax) buspirone hcl tab 5 mg buspirone hcl tab 7.5 mg buspirone hcl tab 10 mg buspirone hcl tab 15 mg buspirone hcl tab 30 mg chlordiazepoxide hcl cap 5 mg chlordiazepoxide hcl cap 10 mg chlordiazepoxide hcl cap 25 mg clorazepate dipotassium tab 3.75 mg (Tranxene t) clorazepate dipotassium tab 7.5 mg (Tranxene t) clorazepate dipotassium tab 15 mg (Tranxene t) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 oxazepam cap 10 mg oxazepam cap 15 mg oxazepam cap 30 mg 3 amitriptyline hcl tab 50 mg amitriptyline hcl tab 75 mg amitriptyline hcl tab 100 mg 1 1 1 1 amitriptyline hcl tab 150 mg 1 2 AMOXAPINE - amoxapine tab 25 mg 3 AMOXAPINE - amoxapine tab 50 mg 3 diazepam conc 5 mg/ml 1 AMOXAPINE - amoxapine tab 100 mg 3 AMOXAPINE - amoxapine tab 150 mg 3 ANAFRANIL - clomipramine hcl cap 25 mg 3 ANAFRANIL - clomipramine hcl cap 50 mg 3 ANAFRANIL - clomipramine hcl cap 75 mg 3 bupropion hcl tab sr 12hr 100 mg (Wellbutrin sr) 1 • bupropion hcl tab sr 12hr 150 mg (Wellbutrin sr) 1 • bupropion hcl tab sr 12hr 200 mg (Wellbutrin sr) 1 • bupropion hcl tab sr 24hr 150 mg (Wellbutrin xl) 1 • bupropion hcl tab sr 24hr 300 mg (Wellbutrin xl) 1 • bupropion hcl tab 75 mg (Wellbutrin) 1 • diazepam tab 5 mg (Valium) diazepam tab 10 mg (Valium) hydroxyzine hcl syrup 10 mg/5ml hydroxyzine hcl tab 10 mg hydroxyzine hcl tab 25 mg hydroxyzine hcl tab 50 mg 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 HYDROXYZINE PAMOATE hydroxyzine pamoate cap 100 mg 3 hydroxyzine pamoate cap 25 mg (Vistaril) 1 hydroxyzine pamoate cap 50 mg (Vistaril) 1 lorazepam conc 2 mg/ml (Lorazepam intensol) 1 lorazepam tab 0.5 mg (Ativan) 1 lorazepam tab 1 mg (Ativan) lorazepam tab 2 mg (Ativan) meprobamate tab 200 mg meprobamate tab 400 mg 1 1 1 Limited Distribution 1 DIAZEPAM - diazepam oral soln 1 mg/ml diazepam tab 2 mg (Valium) Responsible Steps 1 VISTARIL - hydroxyzine pamoate cap 50 mg amitriptyline hcl tab 25 mg Quantity Limits 1 3 amitriptyline hcl tab 10 mg Prior Authorization 1 VISTARIL - hydroxyzine pamoate cap 25 mg ANTIDEPRESSANTS Specialty Drug Name Drug Tier Limited Distribution Responsible Steps Quantity Limits Prior Authorization Specialty Drug Name Drug Tier 2016 1 Florida Blue October 2016 Care Choices Rx Medication Drug Guide 70 • 1 • doxepin hcl cap 150 mg 1 • duloxetine hcl enteric coated pellets cap 20 mg (Cymbalta) 1 • duloxetine hcl enteric coated pellets cap 30 mg (Cymbalta) citalopram hydrobromide tab 10 mg (base equiv) (Celexa) citalopram hydrobromide tab 20 mg (base equiv) (Celexa) citalopram hydrobromide tab 40 mg (base equiv) (Celexa) doxepin hcl cap 50 mg doxepin hcl cap 100 mg doxepin hcl conc 10 mg/ml 1 1 1 1 1 1 • 1 • 1 • clomipramine hcl cap 25 mg (Anafranil) 1 duloxetine hcl enteric coated pellets cap 60 mg (Cymbalta) clomipramine hcl cap 50 mg (Anafranil) 1 EMSAM - selegiline td patch 24hr 6 mg/24hr 3 clomipramine hcl cap 75 mg (Anafranil) 1 EMSAM - selegiline td patch 24hr 9 mg/24hr 3 desipramine hcl tab 10 mg (Norpramin) 1 EMSAM - selegiline td patch 24hr 12 mg/24hr 3 desipramine hcl tab 25 mg (Norpramin) 1 escitalopram oxalate soln 5 mg/5ml (base equiv) (Lexapro) 1 • desipramine hcl tab 50 mg (Norpramin) 1 escitalopram oxalate tab 5 mg (base equiv) (Lexapro) 1 • desipramine hcl tab 75 mg (Norpramin) 1 escitalopram oxalate tab 10 mg (base equiv) (Lexapro) 1 • desipramine hcl tab 100 mg (Norpramin) 1 escitalopram oxalate tab 20 mg (base equiv) (Lexapro) 1 • desipramine hcl tab 150 mg (Norpramin) 1 FETZIMA - levomilnacipran hcl cap sr 24hr 20 mg (base equivalent) 3 • • DESVENLAFAXINE ER desvenlafaxine fumarate tab sr 24hr 50 mg (base equiv) 3 FETZIMA - levomilnacipran hcl cap sr 24hr 40 mg (base equivalent) 3 • • 3 • • DESVENLAFAXINE ER desvenlafaxine fumarate tab sr 24hr 100 mg (base equiv) 3 FETZIMA - levomilnacipran hcl cap sr 24hr 80 mg (base equivalent) 3 • • DESVENLAFAXINE ER desvenlafaxine tab sr 24hr 50 mg 3 • • FETZIMA - levomilnacipran hcl cap sr 24hr 120 mg (base equivalent) 3 • • DESVENLAFAXINE ER desvenlafaxine tab sr 24hr 100 mg 3 • • FETZIMA TITRATION PACK levomilnacipran hcl cap sr 24hr 20 & 40 mg therapy pack 3 2 • • DOXEPIN HCL - doxepin hcl cap 75 mg FLUOXETINE HCL - fluoxetine hcl tab 60 mg 1 1 • doxepin hcl cap 10 mg fluoxetine hcl cap delayed release 90 mg (Prozac weekly) • • • • Florida Blue October 2016 Care Choices Rx Medication Drug Guide Limited Distribution citalopram hydrobromide oral soln 10 mg/5ml 1 doxepin hcl cap 25 mg Responsible Steps • Quantity Limits 1 Prior Authorization bupropion hcl tab 100 mg (Wellbutrin) Specialty Drug Name Drug Tier Limited Distribution Responsible Steps Quantity Limits Prior Authorization Specialty Drug Name Drug Tier 2016 71 fluoxetine hcl cap 10 mg (Prozac) fluoxetine hcl cap 20 mg (Prozac) fluoxetine hcl cap 40 mg (Prozac) fluoxetine hcl solution 20 mg/5ml fluoxetine hcl tab 10 mg fluoxetine hcl tab 20 mg fluvoxamine maleate cap sr 24hr 100 mg fluvoxamine maleate cap sr 24hr 150 mg fluvoxamine maleate tab 25 mg fluvoxamine maleate tab 50 mg fluvoxamine maleate tab 100 mg FORFIVO XL - bupropion hcl tab sr 24hr 450 mg 1 1 1 3 imipramine hcl tab 10 mg (Tofranil) 1 imipramine hcl tab 25 mg (Tofranil) 1 imipramine hcl tab 50 mg (Tofranil) 1 1 imipramine pamoate cap 75 mg (Tofranil-pm) 1 imipramine pamoate cap 100 mg (Tofranil-pm) 1 imipramine pamoate cap 125 mg (Tofranil-pm) 1 imipramine pamoate cap 150 mg (Tofranil-pm) 3 KHEDEZLA - desvenlafaxine tab sr 24hr 50 mg 3 KHEDEZLA - desvenlafaxine tab sr 24hr 100 mg 3 LEXAPRO - escitalopram oxalate soln 5 mg/5ml (base equiv) MAPROTILINE HCL - maprotiline hcl 3 tab 25 mg MAPROTILINE HCL - maprotiline hcl 3 tab 50 mg MAPROTILINE HCL - maprotiline hcl 3 tab 75 mg MARPLAN - isocarboxazid tab 10 mg 3 mirtazapine orally disintegrating tab 15 mg (Remeron soltab) 1 • 1 • 1 • 1 • • • • mirtazapine orally disintegrating tab 30 mg (Remeron soltab) mirtazapine orally disintegrating tab 45 mg (Remeron soltab) mirtazapine tab 7.5 mg mirtazapine tab 15 mg (Remeron) mirtazapine tab 30 mg (Remeron) mirtazapine tab 45 mg (Remeron) • • • • • • • • • • 1 1 NARDIL - phenelzine sulfate tab 15 mg 3 NEFAZODONE HCL - nefazodone hcl tab 100 mg 3 NEFAZODONE HCL - nefazodone hcl tab 150 mg 3 NEFAZODONE HCL - nefazodone hcl tab 200 mg 3 nefazodone hcl tab 50 mg 1 nefazodone hcl tab 250 mg • • 1 Limited Distribution Responsible Steps • • • • • 1 Quantity Limits 1 1 Prior Authorization • 1 Specialty 1 1 Drug Name Drug Tier 1 • • • • • • • 1 Limited Distribution Responsible Steps Quantity Limits Prior Authorization Specialty Drug Name Drug Tier 2016 1 NORPRAMIN - desipramine hcl tab 10 mg 3 NORPRAMIN - desipramine hcl tab 25 mg 3 NORTRIPTYLINE HCL - nortriptyline 3 hcl soln 10 mg/5ml 1 nortriptyline hcl cap 10 mg (Pamelor) 1 nortriptyline hcl cap 25 mg (Pamelor) 1 nortriptyline hcl cap 50 mg (Pamelor) 1 nortriptyline hcl cap 75 mg (Pamelor) 3 PAMELOR - nortriptyline hcl cap 10 mg 3 PAMELOR - nortriptyline hcl cap 25 mg Florida Blue October 2016 Care Choices Rx Medication Drug Guide 72 PAMELOR - nortriptyline hcl cap 50 mg 3 sertraline hcl tab 100 mg (Zoloft) SURMONTIL - trimipramine maleate cap 25 mg 3 PAMELOR - nortriptyline hcl cap 75 mg 3 SURMONTIL - trimipramine maleate cap 50 mg 3 PARNATE - tranylcypromine sulfate tab 10 mg 3 1 • SURMONTIL - trimipramine maleate cap 100 mg 3 paroxetine hcl tab sr 24hr 12.5 mg (Paxil cr) 1 • tranylcypromine sulfate tab 10 mg (Parnate) 1 paroxetine hcl tab sr 24hr 25 mg (Paxil cr) • trazodone hcl tab 50 mg 1 paroxetine hcl tab sr 24hr 37.5 mg (Paxil cr) 1 paroxetine hcl tab 10 mg (Paxil) 1 PAXIL - paroxetine hcl oral susp 10 mg/5ml (base equiv) 3 • • • • • • PEXEVA - paroxetine mesylate tab 10 mg (base equiv) 3 • • PEXEVA - paroxetine mesylate tab 20 mg (base equiv) 3 • • PEXEVA - paroxetine mesylate tab 30 mg (base equiv) 3 • • PEXEVA - paroxetine mesylate tab 40 mg (base equiv) 3 • • phenelzine sulfate tab 15 mg (Nardil) 1 PRISTIQ - desvenlafaxine succinate tab sr 24hr 25 mg (base equiv) 2 • • PRISTIQ - desvenlafaxine succinate tab sr 24hr 50 mg (base equiv) 2 • • PRISTIQ - desvenlafaxine succinate tab sr 24hr 100 mg (base equiv) 2 • • protriptyline hcl tab 5 mg 1 paroxetine hcl tab 20 mg (Paxil) paroxetine hcl tab 30 mg (Paxil) paroxetine hcl tab 40 mg (Paxil) protriptyline hcl tab 10 mg 1 1 1 1 sertraline hcl oral conc 20 mg/ml (Zoloft) 1 • sertraline hcl tab 25 mg (Zoloft) 1 • • sertraline hcl tab 50 mg (Zoloft) 1 trazodone hcl tab 100 mg trazodone hcl tab 150 mg trazodone hcl tab 300 mg trimipramine maleate cap 25 mg trimipramine maleate cap 50 mg trimipramine maleate cap 100 mg 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 • • TRINTELLIX - vortioxetine hbr tab 10 3 mg (base equiv) TRINTELLIX - vortioxetine hbr tab 20 3 mg (base equiv) 1 venlafaxine hcl cap sr 24hr 37.5 mg (base equivalent) (Effexor xr) venlafaxine hcl cap sr 24hr 75 mg 1 (base equivalent) (Effexor xr) 1 venlafaxine hcl cap sr 24hr 150 mg (base equivalent) (Effexor xr) 3 VENLAFAXINE HCL ER venlafaxine hcl tab sr 24hr 37.5 mg (base equivalent) 3 VENLAFAXINE HCL ER venlafaxine hcl tab sr 24hr 75 mg (base equivalent) 3 VENLAFAXINE HCL ER venlafaxine hcl tab sr 24hr 150 mg (base equivalent) • • TRINTELLIX - vortioxetine hbr tab 5 mg (base equiv) Florida Blue October 2016 Care Choices Rx Medication Drug Guide Limited Distribution • Responsible Steps Quantity Limits Prior Authorization Specialty Drug Name Drug Tier Limited Distribution Responsible Steps Quantity Limits Prior Authorization Specialty Drug Name Drug Tier 2016 • • • • • • • • • • • 73 venlafaxine hcl tab sr 24hr 37.5 mg (base equivalent) (Venlafaxine hcl er) 1 • chlorpromazine hcl tab 200 mg CLOZAPINE ODT - clozapine orally disintegrating tab 12.5 mg 3 venlafaxine hcl tab sr 24hr 75 mg (base equivalent) (Venlafaxine hcl er) 1 • CLOZAPINE ODT - clozapine orally disintegrating tab 150 mg 3 3 venlafaxine hcl tab sr 24hr 150 mg (base equivalent) (Venlafaxine hcl er) 1 CLOZAPINE ODT - clozapine orally disintegrating tab 200 mg 1 venlafaxine hcl tab 25 mg 1 clozapine orally disintegrating tab 25 mg (Fazaclo) venlafaxine hcl tab 37.5 mg venlafaxine hcl tab 50 mg venlafaxine hcl tab 75 mg venlafaxine hcl tab 100 mg chlorpromazine hcl tab 100 mg 1 1 1 1 VIIBRYD - vilazodone hcl tab 10 mg 3 VIIBRYD - vilazodone hcl tab 20 mg 3 VIIBRYD - vilazodone hcl tab 40 mg 3 VIIBRYD STARTER PACK vilazodone hcl tab starter kit 10 (7) & 20 (23) mg 3 ZOLOFT - sertraline hcl oral conc 20 mg/ml 3 ANTIPSYCHOTICS aripiprazole oral solution 1 mg/ml aripiprazole orally disintegrating tab 10 mg aripiprazole orally disintegrating tab 15 mg aripiprazole tab 2 mg (Abilify) aripiprazole tab 5 mg (Abilify) aripiprazole tab 10 mg (Abilify) aripiprazole tab 15 mg (Abilify) aripiprazole tab 20 mg (Abilify) aripiprazole tab 30 mg (Abilify) chlorpromazine hcl tab 10 mg chlorpromazine hcl tab 25 mg chlorpromazine hcl tab 50 mg 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 • • • • • • • • • • clozapine orally disintegrating tab 100 mg (Fazaclo) clozapine tab 25 mg (Clozaril) clozapine tab 50 mg clozapine tab 100 mg (Clozaril) • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • clozapine tab 200 mg • • • • • • Limited Distribution Prior Authorization • • • • • • 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 CLOZARIL - clozapine tab 25 mg 3 CLOZARIL - clozapine tab 100 mg 3 EQUETRO - carbamazepine (antipsychotic) cap sr 12hr 100 mg 3 EQUETRO - carbamazepine (antipsychotic) cap sr 12hr 200 mg 3 EQUETRO - carbamazepine (antipsychotic) cap sr 12hr 300 mg 3 FANAPT - iloperidone tab 1 mg 3 FANAPT - iloperidone tab 4 mg 3 FANAPT - iloperidone tab 8 mg 3 FANAPT - iloperidone tab 10 mg 3 FANAPT - iloperidone tab 12 mg 3 FANAPT TITRATION PACK iloperidone tab 1 mg & 2 mg & 4 mg & 6 mg titration pak 3 FAZACLO - clozapine orally disintegrating tab 12.5 mg 3 FAZACLO - clozapine orally disintegrating tab 25 mg 3 FAZACLO - clozapine orally disintegrating tab 100 mg 3 Florida Blue October 2016 Care Choices Rx Medication Drug Guide Responsible Steps 2 Quantity Limits VENLAFAXINE HCL ER venlafaxine hcl tab sr 24hr 225 mg (base equivalent) Specialty Drug Name Drug Tier • • Limited Distribution Responsible Steps Quantity Limits Prior Authorization Specialty Drug Name Drug Tier 2016 74 FAZACLO - clozapine orally disintegrating tab 150 mg 3 lithium carbonate cap 150 mg (Lithium carbonate) 1 FAZACLO - clozapine orally disintegrating tab 200 mg 3 lithium carbonate cap 300 mg 1 FLUPHENAZINE HCL - fluphenazine 2 hcl elixir 2.5 mg/5ml FLUPHENAZINE HCL - fluphenazine 2 hcl oral conc 5 mg/ml 1 fluphenazine hcl tab 1 mg fluphenazine hcl tab 2.5 mg fluphenazine hcl tab 5 mg fluphenazine hcl tab 10 mg haloperidol lactate oral conc 2 mg/ml haloperidol tab 0.5 mg haloperidol tab 1 mg haloperidol tab 2 mg haloperidol tab 5 mg haloperidol tab 10 mg haloperidol tab 20 mg lithium carbonate cap 600 mg (Lithium carbonate) 1 lithium carbonate tab cr 300 mg (Lithobid) 1 lithium carbonate tab cr 450 mg 1 lithium carbonate tab 300 mg 1 LITHOBID - lithium carbonate tab cr 300 mg 3 1 loxapine succinate cap 5 mg 1 loxapine succinate cap 10 mg loxapine succinate cap 25 mg 1 loxapine succinate cap 50 mg 1 1 1 1 1 INVEGA - paliperidone tab sr 24hr 1.5 mg 3 • • INVEGA - paliperidone tab sr 24hr 3 mg 3 • • INVEGA - paliperidone tab sr 24hr 6 mg 3 • • INVEGA - paliperidone tab sr 24hr 9 mg 3 • • LATUDA - lurasidone hcl tab 20 mg 3 LATUDA - lurasidone hcl tab 40 mg 3 LATUDA - lurasidone hcl tab 60 mg 3 LATUDA - lurasidone hcl tab 80 mg 3 LATUDA - lurasidone hcl tab 120 mg 3 • • • • • LITHIUM - lithium oral solution 8 meq/5ml 2 LITHIUM CARBONATE - lithium carbonate cap 150 mg 3 LITHIUM CARBONATE - lithium carbonate cap 600 mg 3 • • • • • 1 1 3 MOLINDONE HYDROCHLORIDE molindone hcl tab 10 mg 3 MOLINDONE HYDROCHLORIDE molindone hcl tab 25 mg 3 NUPLAZID - pimavanserin tartrate tab 17 mg (base equivalent) 4 • • • olanzapine orally disintegrating tab 5 mg (Zyprexa zydis) 1 • 1 • 1 • 1 • 1 • • • • • • • olanzapine orally disintegrating tab 15 mg (Zyprexa zydis) olanzapine orally disintegrating tab 20 mg (Zyprexa zydis) olanzapine tab 2.5 mg (Zyprexa) olanzapine tab 5 mg (Zyprexa) olanzapine tab 7.5 mg (Zyprexa) olanzapine tab 10 mg (Zyprexa) olanzapine tab 15 mg (Zyprexa) olanzapine tab 20 mg (Zyprexa) paliperidone tab sr 24hr 1.5 mg (Invega) Florida Blue October 2016 Care Choices Rx Medication Drug Guide Limited Distribution 1 MOLINDONE HYDROCHLORIDE molindone hcl tab 5 mg olanzapine orally disintegrating tab 10 mg (Zyprexa zydis) Responsible Steps Quantity Limits Prior Authorization 1 1 1 Specialty Drug Name Drug Tier Limited Distribution Responsible Steps Quantity Limits Prior Authorization Specialty Drug Name Drug Tier 2016 1 1 1 1 1 1 • 75 1 • perphenazine tab 2 mg 1 perphenazine tab 4 mg perphenazine tab 8 mg perphenazine tab 16 mg 1 prochlorperazine suppos 25 mg 1 1 • 1 • risperidone soln 1 mg/ml (Risperdal) 1 • risperidone tab 0.25 mg (Risperdal) 1 • risperidone tab 0.5 mg (Risperdal) 1 • • • • • • • risperidone tab 1 mg (Risperdal) risperidone tab 2 mg (Risperdal) risperidone tab 3 mg (Risperdal) risperidone tab 4 mg (Risperdal) quetiapine fumarate tab 25 mg (Seroquel) 1 • quetiapine fumarate tab 50 mg (Seroquel) 1 • quetiapine fumarate tab 100 mg (Seroquel) 1 • quetiapine fumarate tab 200 mg (Seroquel) 1 • quetiapine fumarate tab 300 mg (Seroquel) 1 • quetiapine fumarate tab 400 mg (Seroquel) 1 • REXULTI - brexpiprazole tab 0.25 mg 3 • • REXULTI - brexpiprazole tab 0.5 mg 3 REXULTI - brexpiprazole tab 1 mg 3 REXULTI - brexpiprazole tab 2 mg 3 REXULTI - brexpiprazole tab 3 mg 3 REXULTI - brexpiprazole tab 4 mg 3 risperidone orally disintegrating tab 0.25 mg 1 • • • • • • risperidone orally disintegrating tab 0.5 mg (Risperdal m-tab) • risperidone orally disintegrating tab 4 mg (Risperdal m-tab) 1 prochlorperazine maleate tab 10 mg (base equivalent) (Compazine) 1 risperidone orally disintegrating tab 3 mg (Risperdal m-tab) 1 1 • risperidone orally disintegrating tab 2 mg (Risperdal m-tab) 1 prochlorperazine maleate tab 5 mg (base equivalent) (Compazine) 1 risperidone orally disintegrating tab 1 mg (Risperdal m-tab) 1 • • • • • • 1 1 1 1 SAPHRIS - asenapine maleate sl tab 3 2.5 mg (base equiv) SAPHRIS - asenapine maleate sl tab 3 5 mg (base equiv) SAPHRIS - asenapine maleate sl tab 3 10 mg (base equiv) 2 SEROQUEL XR - quetiapine fumarate tab sr 24hr 50 mg 2 SEROQUEL XR - quetiapine fumarate tab sr 24hr 150 mg 2 SEROQUEL XR - quetiapine fumarate tab sr 24hr 200 mg 2 SEROQUEL XR - quetiapine fumarate tab sr 24hr 300 mg 2 SEROQUEL XR - quetiapine fumarate tab sr 24hr 400 mg 1 thioridazine hcl tab 10 mg thioridazine hcl tab 25 mg thioridazine hcl tab 50 mg thioridazine hcl tab 100 mg thiothixene cap 1 mg thiothixene cap 2 mg Florida Blue October 2016 Care Choices Rx Medication Drug Guide Limited Distribution paliperidone tab sr 24hr 9 mg (Invega) Responsible Steps • Quantity Limits 1 Prior Authorization paliperidone tab sr 24hr 6 mg (Invega) Specialty • Drug Name Drug Tier 1 Limited Distribution paliperidone tab sr 24hr 3 mg (Invega) Responsible Steps Quantity Limits Prior Authorization Specialty Drug Name Drug Tier 2016 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 1 1 1 1 1 76 thiothixene cap 5 mg thiothixene cap 10 mg trifluoperazine hcl tab 1 mg trifluoperazine hcl tab 2 mg trifluoperazine hcl tab 5 mg trifluoperazine hcl tab 10 mg 1 HALCION - triazolam tab 0.25 mg 3 1 HETLIOZ - tasimelteon capsule 20 mg 4 PHENOBARBITAL - phenobarbital tab 15 mg 2 PHENOBARBITAL - phenobarbital tab 30 mg 2 PHENOBARBITAL - phenobarbital tab 60 mg 2 PHENOBARBITAL - phenobarbital tab 100 mg 2 1 1 1 1 1 VERSACLOZ - clozapine susp 50 mg/ml 3 • • VRAYLAR - cariprazine hcl cap therapy pack 1.5 mg (1) & 3 mg (6) 3 • • VRAYLAR - cariprazine hcl cap 1.5 mg (base equivalent) 3 • • phenobarbital elixir 20 mg/5ml VRAYLAR - cariprazine hcl cap 3 mg 3 (base equivalent) 3 VRAYLAR - cariprazine hcl cap 4.5 mg (base equivalent) VRAYLAR - cariprazine hcl cap 6 mg 3 (base equivalent) 1 ziprasidone hcl cap 20 mg (Geodon) 1 ziprasidone hcl cap 40 mg (Geodon) 1 ziprasidone hcl cap 60 mg (Geodon) 1 ziprasidone hcl cap 80 mg (Geodon) • • phenobarbital tab 32.4 mg • • phenobarbital tab 97.2 mg HYPNOTICS BUTISOL SODIUM - butabarbital sodium tab 30 mg 3 estazolam tab 1 mg 1 estazolam tab 2 mg eszopiclone tab 1 mg (Lunesta) eszopiclone tab 2 mg (Lunesta) eszopiclone tab 3 mg (Lunesta) 1 1 1 1 FLURAZEPAM HCL - flurazepam hcl 3 cap 15 mg FLURAZEPAM HCL - flurazepam hcl 3 cap 30 mg phenobarbital tab 16.2 mg phenobarbital tab 64.8 mg 1 3 SONATA - zaleplon cap 5 mg 3 • SONATA - zaleplon cap 10 mg 3 temazepam cap 7.5 mg (Restoril) 1 • temazepam cap 15 mg (Restoril) • temazepam cap 30 mg (Restoril) 1 triazolam tab 0.25 mg (Halcion) 1 zolpidem tartrate tab cr 6.25 mg (Ambien cr) 1 • • • zolpidem tartrate tab cr 12.5 mg (Ambien cr) 1 • zolpidem tartrate tab 5 mg (Ambien) 1 • zolpidem tartrate tab 10 mg (Ambien) 1 • Florida Blue October 2016 Care Choices Rx Medication Drug Guide Limited Distribution • • • • 1 3 zaleplon cap 10 mg (Sonata) Responsible Steps Quantity Limits • • 1 TRIAZOLAM - triazolam tab 0.125 mg zaleplon cap 5 mg (Sonata) • • • Prior Authorization 1 SECONAL SODIUM - secobarbital sodium cap 100 mg temazepam cap 22.5 mg (Restoril) • 1 3 • • • • 1 ROZEREM - ramelteon tab 8 mg • • Specialty Drug Name Drug Tier Limited Distribution Responsible Steps Quantity Limits Prior Authorization Specialty Drug Name Drug Tier 2016 1 1 77 ADHD/ANTI-NARCOLEPSY/ANTI-OBESITY/ ANOREXIANTS 3 ADDERALL - amphetaminedextroamphetamine tab 5 mg 3 ADDERALL - amphetaminedextroamphetamine tab 7.5 mg 3 ADDERALL - amphetaminedextroamphetamine tab 10 mg 3 ADDERALL - amphetaminedextroamphetamine tab 12.5 mg 3 ADDERALL - amphetaminedextroamphetamine tab 15 mg 3 ADDERALL - amphetaminedextroamphetamine tab 20 mg 3 ADDERALL - amphetaminedextroamphetamine tab 30 mg 3 ADDERALL XR - amphetaminedextroamphetamine cap sr 24hr 5 mg 3 ADDERALL XR - amphetaminedextroamphetamine cap sr 24hr 10 mg 3 ADDERALL XR - amphetaminedextroamphetamine cap sr 24hr 15 mg 3 ADDERALL XR - amphetaminedextroamphetamine cap sr 24hr 20 mg 3 ADDERALL XR - amphetaminedextroamphetamine cap sr 24hr 25 mg 3 ADDERALL XR - amphetaminedextroamphetamine cap sr 24hr 30 mg 1 amphetaminedextroamphetamine cap sr 24hr 5 mg (Adderall xr) 1 amphetaminedextroamphetamine cap sr 24hr 10 mg (Adderall xr) • 1 • 1 • 1 • amphetaminedextroamphetamine tab 5 mg (Adderall) 1 • 1 • • • amphetaminedextroamphetamine tab 7.5 mg (Adderall) 1 • • • amphetaminedextroamphetamine tab 10 mg (Adderall) 1 • • • amphetaminedextroamphetamine tab 12.5 mg (Adderall) 1 • • • amphetaminedextroamphetamine tab 15 mg (Adderall) 1 • • • amphetaminedextroamphetamine tab 20 mg (Adderall) 1 • • • amphetaminedextroamphetamine tab 30 mg (Adderall) APTENSIO XR - methylphenidate hcl 3 cap er 24hr 10 mg (xr) APTENSIO XR - methylphenidate hcl 3 cap er 24hr 15 mg (xr) APTENSIO XR - methylphenidate hcl 3 cap er 24hr 20 mg (xr) APTENSIO XR - methylphenidate hcl 3 cap er 24hr 30 mg (xr) APTENSIO XR - methylphenidate hcl 3 cap er 24hr 40 mg (xr) • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • amphetaminedextroamphetamine cap sr 24hr 20 mg (Adderall xr) amphetaminedextroamphetamine cap sr 24hr 25 mg (Adderall xr) amphetaminedextroamphetamine cap sr 24hr 30 mg (Adderall xr) Florida Blue October 2016 Care Choices Rx Medication Drug Guide Limited Distribution 1 amphetaminedextroamphetamine cap sr 24hr 15 mg (Adderall xr) Responsible Steps Quantity Limits Prior Authorization Specialty Drug Name Drug Tier Limited Distribution Responsible Steps Quantity Limits Prior Authorization Specialty Drug Name Drug Tier 2016 • • • • • • • • 78 APTENSIO XR - methylphenidate hcl 3 cap er 24hr 50 mg (xr) APTENSIO XR - methylphenidate hcl 3 cap er 24hr 60 mg (xr) ARMODAFINIL - armodafinil tab 200 3 mg 1 armodafinil tab 50 mg (Nuvigil) armodafinil tab 150 mg (Nuvigil) armodafinil tab 250 mg (Nuvigil) caffeine citrate oral soln 60 mg/3ml (10 mg/ml base equiv) 1 1 • • • • • • • • • • 1 • 1 • 1 • 1 • 1 • 1 • dexmethylphenidate hcl tab 5 mg (Focalin) 1 • 1 • 1 • 1 • 1 • 1 • 1 • 1 • dexmethylphenidate hcl cap sr 24 hr 15 mg (Focalin xr) dexmethylphenidate hcl cap sr 24 hr 20 mg (Focalin xr) dexmethylphenidate hcl cap sr 24 hr 30 mg (Focalin xr) dexmethylphenidate hcl cap sr 24 hr 40 mg (Focalin xr) dexmethylphenidate hcl tab 2.5 mg (Focalin) clonidine hcl tab sr 12hr 0.1 mg (Kapvay) 1 • CONCERTA - methylphenidate hcl tab sa osm 18 mg 2 • • dexmethylphenidate hcl tab 10 mg (Focalin) CONCERTA - methylphenidate hcl tab sa osm 27 mg 2 • • dextroamphetamine sulfate cap sr 24hr 5 mg (Dexedrine) CONCERTA - methylphenidate hcl tab sa osm 36 mg 2 • • dextroamphetamine sulfate cap sr 24hr 10 mg (Dexedrine) CONCERTA - methylphenidate hcl tab sa osm 54 mg 2 • • dextroamphetamine sulfate cap sr 24hr 15 mg (Dexedrine) DAYTRANA - methylphenidate td patch 10 mg/9hr 3 • • dextroamphetamine sulfate oral solution 5 mg/5ml (Procentra) DAYTRANA - methylphenidate td patch 15 mg/9hr 3 • • dextroamphetamine sulfate tab 5 mg DAYTRANA - methylphenidate td patch 20 mg/9hr 3 • • dextroamphetamine sulfate tab 10 mg DAYTRANA - methylphenidate td patch 30 mg/9hr 3 • • DYANAVEL XR - amphetamine extended release susp 2.5 mg/ml 3 • • DESOXYN - methamphetamine hcl tab 5 mg 3 • • EVEKEO - amphetamine sulfate tab 5 mg 3 • • DEXEDRINE - dextroamphetamine sulfate cap sr 24hr 5 mg 3 • • EVEKEO - amphetamine sulfate tab 10 mg 3 • • DEXEDRINE - dextroamphetamine sulfate cap sr 24hr 10 mg 3 • • FOCALIN - dexmethylphenidate hcl tab 2.5 mg 3 • • DEXEDRINE - dextroamphetamine sulfate cap sr 24hr 15 mg 3 • • FOCALIN - dexmethylphenidate hcl tab 5 mg 3 • • dexmethylphenidate hcl cap sr 24 hr 5 mg (Focalin xr) 1 • FOCALIN - dexmethylphenidate hcl tab 10 mg 3 • • Florida Blue October 2016 Care Choices Rx Medication Drug Guide Limited Distribution 1 dexmethylphenidate hcl cap sr 24 hr 10 mg (Focalin xr) Responsible Steps Quantity Limits Prior Authorization Specialty Drug Name Drug Tier Limited Distribution • • Responsible Steps Quantity Limits Prior Authorization Specialty Drug Name Drug Tier 2016 79 3 • • FOCALIN XR - dexmethylphenidate hcl cap sr 24 hr 20 mg 3 • • FOCALIN XR - dexmethylphenidate hcl cap sr 24 hr 25 mg 3 • • FOCALIN XR - dexmethylphenidate hcl cap sr 24 hr 30 mg 3 • • FOCALIN XR - dexmethylphenidate hcl cap sr 24 hr 35 mg 3 • • FOCALIN XR - dexmethylphenidate hcl cap sr 24 hr 40 mg 3 • • guanfacine hcl tab sr 24hr 1 mg (base equiv) (Intuniv) 1 • 1 • 1 • 1 • KAPVAY - clonidine hcl tab sr 12hr 0.1 mg 3 • • METADATE CD - methylphenidate hcl cap cr 10 mg (cd) 3 • • METADATE CD - methylphenidate hcl cap cr 20 mg (cd) 3 • • METADATE CD - methylphenidate hcl cap cr 30 mg (cd) 3 • • METADATE CD - methylphenidate hcl cap cr 40 mg (cd) 3 • • METADATE CD - methylphenidate hcl cap cr 50 mg (cd) 3 • • METADATE CD - methylphenidate hcl cap cr 60 mg (cd) 3 • • methamphetamine hcl tab 5 mg (Desoxyn) 1 guanfacine hcl tab sr 24hr 2 mg (base equiv) (Intuniv) guanfacine hcl tab sr 24hr 3 mg (base equiv) (Intuniv) guanfacine hcl tab sr 24hr 4 mg (base equiv) (Intuniv) • 3 • • METHYLIN - methylphenidate hcl chew tab 5 mg 3 • • METHYLIN - methylphenidate hcl chew tab 10 mg 3 • • METHYLIN - methylphenidate hcl soln 5 mg/5ml 3 • • METHYLIN - methylphenidate hcl soln 10 mg/5ml 3 • • methylphenidate hcl cap cr 10 mg (cd) (Metadate cd) 1 • 1 • 1 • 1 • 1 • 1 • 1 • 1 • 1 • 1 • 1 • 1 • METHYLPHENIDATE HCL ER methylphenidate hcl tab sa osm 18 mg 3 • • METHYLPHENIDATE HCL ER methylphenidate hcl tab sa osm 27 mg 3 • • methylphenidate hcl cap cr 20 mg (cd) (Metadate cd) methylphenidate hcl cap cr 30 mg (cd) (Metadate cd) methylphenidate hcl cap cr 40 mg (cd) (Metadate cd) methylphenidate hcl cap cr 50 mg (cd) (Metadate cd) methylphenidate hcl cap cr 60 mg (cd) (Metadate cd) methylphenidate hcl cap sr 24hr 20 mg (la) (Ritalin la) methylphenidate hcl cap sr 24hr 30 mg (la) (Ritalin la) methylphenidate hcl cap sr 24hr 40 mg (la) (Ritalin la) methylphenidate hcl chew tab 2.5 mg (Methylin) methylphenidate hcl chew tab 5 mg (Methylin) methylphenidate hcl chew tab 10 mg (Methylin) Florida Blue October 2016 Care Choices Rx Medication Drug Guide Limited Distribution FOCALIN XR - dexmethylphenidate hcl cap sr 24 hr 15 mg METHYLIN - methylphenidate hcl chew tab 2.5 mg Responsible Steps • • Quantity Limits 3 Prior Authorization FOCALIN XR - dexmethylphenidate hcl cap sr 24 hr 10 mg Specialty • • Drug Name Drug Tier 3 Limited Distribution FOCALIN XR - dexmethylphenidate hcl cap sr 24 hr 5 mg Responsible Steps Quantity Limits Prior Authorization Specialty Drug Name Drug Tier 2016 80 3 • • QUILLICHEW ER - methylphenidate hcl chew tab extended release 40 mg 3 • • METHYLPHENIDATE HCL ER methylphenidate hcl tab sr 24hr 18 mg 3 • • QUILLIVANT XR - methylphenidate hcl for er susp 25 mg/5ml (5 mg/ ml) 3 • • METHYLPHENIDATE HCL ER methylphenidate hcl tab sr 24hr 27 mg 3 • • RITALIN - methylphenidate hcl tab 5 mg 3 • • METHYLPHENIDATE HCL ER methylphenidate hcl tab sr 24hr 36 mg 3 • • RITALIN - methylphenidate hcl tab 10 mg 3 • • RITALIN - methylphenidate hcl tab 20 mg 3 • • METHYLPHENIDATE HCL ER methylphenidate hcl tab sr 24hr 54 mg 3 • • RITALIN LA - methylphenidate hcl cap sr 24hr 10 mg (la) 3 • • methylphenidate hcl soln 5 mg/5ml (Methylin) 1 • RITALIN LA - methylphenidate hcl cap sr 24hr 20 mg (la) 3 • • 1 • RITALIN LA - methylphenidate hcl cap sr 24hr 30 mg (la) 3 • • 1 RITALIN LA - methylphenidate hcl cap sr 24hr 40 mg (la) 3 • • RITALIN LA - methylphenidate hcl cap sr 24hr 60 mg (la) 3 methylphenidate hcl tab 5 mg (Ritalin) 1 • • • • • 1 • STRATTERA - atomoxetine hcl cap 10 mg (base equiv) 3 methylphenidate hcl tab 10 mg (Ritalin) • • 1 • STRATTERA - atomoxetine hcl cap 18 mg (base equiv) 3 methylphenidate hcl tab 20 mg (Ritalin) • • STRATTERA - atomoxetine hcl cap 25 mg (base equiv) 3 modafinil tab 100 mg (Provigil) 1 • • STRATTERA - atomoxetine hcl cap 40 mg (base equiv) 3 • • STRATTERA - atomoxetine hcl cap 60 mg (base equiv) 3 • • STRATTERA - atomoxetine hcl cap 80 mg (base equiv) 3 • • STRATTERA - atomoxetine hcl cap 100 mg (base equiv) 3 • • VYVANSE - lisdexamfetamine dimesylate cap 10 mg 3 • • methylphenidate hcl soln 10 mg/5ml (Methylin) methylphenidate hcl tab cr 10 mg methylphenidate hcl tab cr 20 mg 1 NUVIGIL - armodafinil tab 50 mg 3 NUVIGIL - armodafinil tab 150 mg 3 NUVIGIL - armodafinil tab 200 mg 3 NUVIGIL - armodafinil tab 250 mg 3 PROCENTRA - dextroamphetamine sulfate oral solution 5 mg/5ml 3 • • • • • • • QUILLICHEW ER - methylphenidate hcl chew tab extended release 20 mg 3 • • modafinil tab 200 mg (Provigil) 1 • • • • • • • Florida Blue October 2016 Care Choices Rx Medication Drug Guide Limited Distribution QUILLICHEW ER - methylphenidate hcl chew tab extended release 30 mg Responsible Steps • • Quantity Limits 3 Prior Authorization METHYLPHENIDATE HCL ER methylphenidate hcl tab sa osm 54 mg Specialty • • Drug Name Drug Tier 3 Limited Distribution METHYLPHENIDATE HCL ER methylphenidate hcl tab sa osm 36 mg Responsible Steps Quantity Limits Prior Authorization Specialty Drug Name Drug Tier 2016 81 3 • • VYVANSE - lisdexamfetamine dimesylate cap 50 mg 3 • • VYVANSE - lisdexamfetamine dimesylate cap 60 mg 3 • • VYVANSE - lisdexamfetamine dimesylate cap 70 mg 3 • • ZENZEDI - dextroamphetamine sulfate tab 2.5 mg 3 • • ZENZEDI - dextroamphetamine sulfate tab 7.5 mg 3 • • ZENZEDI - dextroamphetamine sulfate tab 15 mg 3 • • ZENZEDI - dextroamphetamine sulfate tab 20 mg 3 • • ZENZEDI - dextroamphetamine sulfate tab 30 mg 3 • • PSYCHOTHERAPEUTIC and NEUROLOGICAL AGENTS - MISC. acamprosate calcium tab delayed 1 release 333 mg • AMPYRA - dalfampridine tab sr 12hr 4 • • • 10 mg 3 ANTABUSE - disulfiram tab 250 mg ANTABUSE - disulfiram tab 500 mg 3 ARICEPT - donepezil hydrochloride tab 5 mg 3 ARICEPT - donepezil hydrochloride tab 10 mg 3 ARICEPT - donepezil hydrochloride tab 23 mg 3 AUBAGIO - teriflunomide tab 7 mg 4 AUBAGIO - teriflunomide tab 14 mg 4 AVONEX - interferon beta-1a for im inj kit 30mcg (33mcg(6.6 mu)/vial) 4 4 • • • AVONEX PEN - interferon beta-1a im auto-injector kit 30 mcg/0.5ml 4 • • • BETASERON - interferon beta-1b for 4 inj kit 0.3 mg 3 BRISDELLE - paroxetine mesylate cap 7.5 mg (base equiv) P bupropion hcl (smoking deterrent) tab sr 12hr 150 mg (Zyban) P CHANTIX - varenicline tartrate tab 0.5 mg (base equiv) CHANTIX - varenicline tartrate tab 1 P mg (base equiv) P CHANTIX CONTINUING MONTH varenicline tartrate tab 1 mg (base equiv) CHANTIX STARTING MONTH PA - P varenicline tartrate tab 0.5 mg x 11 & tab 1 mg x 42 pack CHLORDIAZEPOXIDE/AMITRIPT - 3 chlordiazepoxide-amitriptyline tab 5-12.5 mg CHLORDIAZEPOXIDE/AMITRIPT - 3 chlordiazepoxide-amitriptyline tab 10-25 mg 4 COPAXONE - glatiramer acetate soln prefilled syringe 20 mg/ml 4 COPAXONE - glatiramer acetate soln prefilled syringe 40 mg/ml 1 disulfiram tab 250 mg (Antabuse) • • • disulfiram tab 500 mg (Antabuse) donepezil hydrochloride orally disintegrating tab 5 mg • • • • • • • • • • • donepezil hydrochloride orally disintegrating tab 10 mg • • • • • • 1 1 1 donepezil hydrochloride tab 5 mg (Aricept) 1 donepezil hydrochloride tab 10 mg (Aricept) 1 Florida Blue October 2016 Care Choices Rx Medication Drug Guide Limited Distribution VYVANSE - lisdexamfetamine dimesylate cap 40 mg AVONEX - interferon beta-1a im prefilled syringe kit 30 mcg/0.5ml Responsible Steps • • Quantity Limits 3 Prior Authorization VYVANSE - lisdexamfetamine dimesylate cap 30 mg Specialty • • Drug Name Drug Tier 3 Limited Distribution VYVANSE - lisdexamfetamine dimesylate cap 20 mg Responsible Steps Quantity Limits Prior Authorization Specialty Drug Name Drug Tier 2016 82 donepezil hydrochloride tab 23 mg (Aricept) 1 ERGOLOID MESYLATES - ergoloid mesylates tab 1 mg 3 EXELON - rivastigmine tartrate cap 1.5 mg 3 EXELON - rivastigmine tartrate cap 3 3 mg 3 EXELON - rivastigmine tartrate cap 4.5 mg EXELON - rivastigmine tartrate cap 6 3 mg EXELON - rivastigmine td patch 24hr 3 4.6 mg/24hr EXELON - rivastigmine td patch 24hr 3 9.5 mg/24hr EXELON - rivastigmine td patch 24hr 3 13.3 mg/24hr 4 EXTAVIA - interferon beta-1b for inj kit 0.3 mg FLUOXETINE - fluoxetine hcl (pmdd) 3 cap 10 mg FLUOXETINE - fluoxetine hcl (pmdd) 3 cap 20 mg GALANTAMINE HYDROBROMIDE - 3 galantamine hydrobromide oral soln 4 mg/ml galantamine hydrobromide cap sr 1 24hr 8 mg (Razadyne er) galantamine hydrobromide cap sr 1 24hr 16 mg (Razadyne er) galantamine hydrobromide cap sr 1 24hr 24 mg (Razadyne er) 1 galantamine hydrobromide tab 4 mg (Razadyne) 1 galantamine hydrobromide tab 8 mg (Razadyne) 1 galantamine hydrobromide tab 12 mg (Razadyne) GILENYA - fingolimod hcl cap 0.5 mg 4 (base equiv) glatiramer acetate soln prefilled syringe 20 mg/ml (Copaxone) • • • • • • • 4 GRALISE - gabapentin (once-daily) tab 300 mg 3 • GRALISE - gabapentin (once-daily) tab 600 mg 3 • GRALISE STARTER - gabapentin (once-daily) tab pack 300 mg (9) & 600 mg (69) 3 • HORIZANT - gabapentin enacarbil tab cr 300 mg 3 • HORIZANT - gabapentin enacarbil tab cr 600 mg 3 • memantine hcl oral solution 2 mg/ ml (Namenda) 1 memantine hcl tab 5 mg (Namenda) 1 memantine hcl tab 10 mg (Namenda) 1 memantine hcl tab 5 mg (28) & 10 mg (21) titration pak (Namenda titration pa) 1 NAMENDA - memantine hcl oral solution 2 mg/ml 3 NAMENDA - memantine hcl tab 5 mg 3 NAMENDA - memantine hcl tab 10 mg 3 NAMENDA TITRATION PAK memantine hcl tab 5 mg (28) & 10 mg (21) titration pak 3 NAMENDA XR - memantine hcl cap sr 24hr 7 mg 2 NAMENDA XR - memantine hcl cap sr 24hr 14 mg 2 NAMENDA XR - memantine hcl cap sr 24hr 21 mg 2 NAMENDA XR - memantine hcl cap sr 24hr 28 mg 2 NAMENDA XR TITRATION PACK memantine hcl cap sr 24hr 7 mg & 14 mg & 21 mg & 28 mg pack 2 Florida Blue October 2016 Care Choices Rx Medication Drug Guide Limited Distribution • • • Responsible Steps Quantity Limits Prior Authorization Specialty Drug Name Drug Tier Limited Distribution Responsible Steps Quantity Limits Prior Authorization Specialty Drug Name Drug Tier 2016 83 NAMZARIC - memantine hcldonepezil hcl cap sr 24hr 14-10 mg 3 NAMZARIC - memantine hcldonepezil hcl cap sr 24hr 28-10 mg 3 nicotine polacrilex gum 2 mg P nicotine polacrilex gum 4 mg nicotine td patch 24hr 7 mg/24hr nicotine td patch 24hr 14 mg/24hr nicotine td patch 24hr 21 mg/24hr P P P • • • • • 1 Limited Distribution Responsible Steps Quantity Limits Prior Authorization Specialty Drug Tier Limited Distribution Drug Name pimozide tab 2 mg (Orap) P NUEDEXTA - dextromethorphan hbr- 3 quinidine sulfate cap 20-10 mg 1 olanzapine-fluoxetine hcl cap 3-25 mg (Symbyax) 1 olanzapine-fluoxetine hcl cap 6-25 mg (Symbyax) 1 olanzapine-fluoxetine hcl cap 6-50 mg (Symbyax) 1 olanzapine-fluoxetine hcl cap 12-25 mg (Symbyax) 1 olanzapine-fluoxetine hcl cap 12-50 mg (Symbyax) 3 ORAP - pimozide tab 1 mg Responsible Steps Quantity Limits Prior Authorization Specialty Drug Name Drug Tier 2016 PLEGRIDY - peginterferon beta-1a soln pen-injector 125 mcg/0.5ml 4 • • • • PLEGRIDY - peginterferon beta-1a soln prefilled syringe 125 mcg/0.5ml 4 • • • • PLEGRIDY STARTER PACK peginterferon beta-1a soln pen-inj 63 & 94 mcg/0.5ml pack 4 • • • • PLEGRIDY STARTER PACK peginterferon beta-1a soln pref syr 63 & 94 mcg/0.5ml pack 4 • • • • RAZADYNE - galantamine hydrobromide tab 4 mg 3 RAZADYNE - galantamine hydrobromide tab 8 mg 3 RAZADYNE - galantamine hydrobromide tab 12 mg 3 RAZADYNE ER - galantamine hydrobromide cap sr 24hr 8 mg 3 RAZADYNE ER - galantamine hydrobromide cap sr 24hr 16 mg 3 RAZADYNE ER - galantamine hydrobromide cap sr 24hr 24 mg 3 REBIF - interferon beta-1a soln pref syr 22 mcg/0.5ml (12mu/ml) 4 • • • REBIF - interferon beta-1a soln pref syr 44 mcg/0.5ml (24mu/ml) 4 • • • ORAP - pimozide tab 2 mg 3 PERPHENAZINE/AMITRIPTYLIN perphenazine-amitriptyline tab 2-10 mg 3 REBIF REBIDOSE - interferon beta-1a soln auto-inj 22 mcg/0.5ml (12mu/ml) 4 PERPHENAZINE/AMITRIPTYLIN perphenazine-amitriptyline tab 2-25 mg 3 • • • REBIF REBIDOSE - interferon beta-1a soln auto-inj 44 mcg/0.5ml (24mu/ml) 4 PERPHENAZINE/AMITRIPTYLIN perphenazine-amitriptyline tab 4-10 mg 3 • • • 3 4 PERPHENAZINE/AMITRIPTYLIN perphenazine-amitriptyline tab 4-25 mg REBIF REBIDOSE TITRATION interferon beta-1a auto-inj 6x8.8 mcg/0.2ml & 6x22 mcg/0.5ml • • • PERPHENAZINE/AMITRIPTYLIN perphenazine-amitriptyline tab 4-50 mg 3 • • • pimozide tab 1 mg (Orap) 1 REBIF TITRATION PACK - interferon 4 beta-1a pref syr 6x8.8 mcg/0.2ml & 6x22 mcg/0.5ml 1 rivastigmine tartrate cap 1.5 mg (Exelon) Florida Blue October 2016 Care Choices Rx Medication Drug Guide 84 Limited Distribution Responsible Steps Quantity Limits Prior Authorization Specialty Drug Name Drug Tier Limited Distribution Responsible Steps Quantity Limits Prior Authorization Specialty Drug Name Drug Tier 2016 4 • • • 1 TECFIDERA STARTER PACK dimethyl fumarate capsule dr starter pack 120 mg & 240 mg 4 • • • rivastigmine tartrate cap 6 mg (Exelon) 1 tetrabenazine tab 12.5 mg (Xenazine) 4 • • • rivastigmine td patch 24hr 4.6 mg/24hr (Exelon) 1 tetrabenazine tab 25 mg (Xenazine) 4 • • • • 1 XENAZINE - tetrabenazine tab 12.5 mg 4 • • • • 1 XENAZINE - tetrabenazine tab 25 mg 4 • • • • SARAFEM - fluoxetine hcl (pmdd) tab 10 mg 3 XYREM - sodium oxybate oral solution 500 mg/ml SARAFEM - fluoxetine hcl (pmdd) tab 20 mg 3 SAVELLA - milnacipran hcl tab 12.5 mg 3 • • SAVELLA - milnacipran hcl tab 25 mg 3 • • butalbital-acetaminophen tab 50-325 mg SAVELLA - milnacipran hcl tab 50 mg 3 • • butalbital-acetaminophen-caffeine cap 50-300-40 mg (Fioricet) SAVELLA - milnacipran hcl tab 100 mg 3 • • butalbital-acetaminophen-caffeine cap 50-325-40 mg SAVELLA TITRATION PACK milnacipran hcl tab 12.5 mg (5) & 25 mg (8) & 50 mg (42) pak 3 • • butalbital-acetaminophen-caffeine tab 50-325-40 mg (Esgic) SYMBYAX - olanzapine-fluoxetine hcl cap 3-25 mg 3 • • SYMBYAX - olanzapine-fluoxetine hcl cap 6-25 mg 3 • • DISALCID - salsalate tab 500 mg 3 SYMBYAX - olanzapine-fluoxetine hcl cap 6-50 mg • • 3 3 DISALCID - salsalate tab 750 mg salsalate tab 500 mg (Disalcid) 1 SYMBYAX - olanzapine-fluoxetine hcl cap 12-25 mg 3 • • SYMBYAX - olanzapine-fluoxetine hcl cap 12-50 mg 3 • • TECFIDERA - dimethyl fumarate capsule delayed release 120 mg 4 • • • • acetaminophen w/ codeine tab 300-15 mg (Tylenol/codeine) TECFIDERA - dimethyl fumarate capsule delayed release 240 mg 4 • • • • acetaminophen w/ codeine tab 300-30 mg (Tylenol/codeine #3) rivastigmine tartrate cap 3 mg (Exelon) 1 rivastigmine tartrate cap 4.5 mg (Exelon) rivastigmine td patch 24hr 9.5 mg/24hr (Exelon) rivastigmine td patch 24hr 13.3 mg/24hr (Exelon) • ANALGESICS AND ANESTHETICS ANALGESICS - NON-NARCOTIC aspirin chew tab 81 mg aspirin tab delayed release 81 mg butalbital-aspirin-caffeine cap 50-325-40 mg (Fiorinal) diflunisal tab 500 mg salsalate tab 750 mg (Disalcid) ANALGESICS - NARCOTIC acetaminophen w/ codeine soln 120-12 mg/5ml Florida Blue October 2016 Care Choices Rx Medication Drug Guide P P 1 • 1 • 1 • 1 • 1 • 1 1 1 • 1 • 1 • 85 acetaminophen w/ codeine tab 300-60 mg (Tylenol/codeine #4) acetaminophen-caffeinedihydrocodeine cap 320.5-30-16 mg (Trezix) ACTIQ - fentanyl citrate lozenge on a 3 handle 200 mcg ACTIQ - fentanyl citrate lozenge on a 3 handle 400 mcg ACTIQ - fentanyl citrate lozenge on a 3 handle 600 mcg ACTIQ - fentanyl citrate lozenge on a 3 handle 800 mcg ACTIQ - fentanyl citrate lozenge on a 3 handle 1200 mcg ACTIQ - fentanyl citrate lozenge on a 3 handle 1600 mcg 3 ASPIRIN-CAFFEINE-DIHYDROC aspirin-caffeine-dihydrocodeine cap 356.4-30-16 mg 3 BUNAVAIL - buprenorphinenaloxone buccal film 2.1-0.3 mg (base equiv) 3 BUNAVAIL - buprenorphinenaloxone buccal film 4.2-0.7 mg (base equiv) 3 BUNAVAIL - buprenorphinenaloxone buccal film 6.3-1 mg (base equiv) 1 buprenorphine hcl sl tab 2 mg (base equiv) 1 buprenorphine hcl sl tab 8 mg (base equiv) 1 buprenorphine hcl-naloxone hcl sl tab 2-0.5 mg (base equiv) 1 buprenorphine hcl-naloxone hcl sl tab 8-2 mg (base equiv) 1 butalbital-acetaminophen-caff w/ cod cap 50-325-40-30 mg 1 butalbital-aspirin-caff w/ codeine cap 50-325-40-30 mg (Fiorinal/ codeine #3) 3 • • • • BUTRANS - buprenorphine td patch weekly 7.5 mcg/hr 3 • • • • BUTRANS - buprenorphine td patch weekly 10 mcg/hr 3 • • • • BUTRANS - buprenorphine td patch weekly 15 mcg/hr 3 • • • • BUTRANS - buprenorphine td patch weekly 20 mcg/hr 3 • • • • CAPITAL/CODEINE acetaminophen w/ codeine susp 120-12 mg/5ml 3 • CODEINE SULFATE - codeine sulfate tab 15 mg 3 • CODEINE SULFATE - codeine sulfate tab 30 mg 3 • CODEINE SULFATE - codeine sulfate tab 60 mg 3 • codeine sulfate tab 15 mg (Codeine sulfate) 1 • codeine sulfate tab 30 mg (Codeine sulfate) 1 • codeine sulfate tab 60 mg (Codeine sulfate) 1 • DILAUDID - hydromorphone hcl liqd 1 mg/ml 3 • DOLOPHINE - methadone hcl tab 5 mg 3 • DOLOPHINE - methadone hcl tab 10 3 mg EMBEDA - morphine-naltrexone cap 3 cr 20-0.8 mg EMBEDA - morphine-naltrexone cap 3 cr 30-1.2 mg EMBEDA - morphine-naltrexone cap 3 cr 50-2 mg EMBEDA - morphine-naltrexone cap 3 cr 60-2.4 mg • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Florida Blue October 2016 Care Choices Rx Medication Drug Guide Limited Distribution 1 BUTRANS - buprenorphine td patch weekly 5 mcg/hr • • Responsible Steps Quantity Limits Prior Authorization • butorphanol tartrate nasal soln 10 mg/ml Specialty 1 Drug Name Drug Tier • Limited Distribution 1 Responsible Steps Quantity Limits Prior Authorization Specialty Drug Name Drug Tier 2016 • • • • • • • • 86 EXALGO - hydromorphone hcl tab er 3 24hr deter 8 mg EXALGO - hydromorphone hcl tab er 3 24hr deter 12 mg EXALGO - hydromorphone hcl tab er 3 24hr deter 16 mg EXALGO - hydromorphone hcl tab er 3 24hr deter 32 mg 3 FENTANYL - fentanyl td patch 72hr 37.5 mcg/hr 3 FENTANYL - fentanyl td patch 72hr 62.5 mcg/hr 3 FENTANYL - fentanyl td patch 72hr 87.5 mcg/hr 1 fentanyl citrate lozenge on a handle 200 mcg (Actiq) 1 fentanyl citrate lozenge on a handle 400 mcg (Actiq) 1 fentanyl citrate lozenge on a handle 600 mcg (Actiq) 1 fentanyl citrate lozenge on a handle 800 mcg (Actiq) 1 fentanyl citrate lozenge on a handle 1200 mcg (Actiq) 1 fentanyl citrate lozenge on a handle 1600 mcg (Actiq) 1 fentanyl td patch 72hr 12 mcg/hr (Duragesic) 1 fentanyl td patch 72hr 25 mcg/hr (Duragesic) 1 fentanyl td patch 72hr 50 mcg/hr (Duragesic) 1 fentanyl td patch 72hr 75 mcg/hr (Duragesic) fentanyl td patch 72hr 100 mcg/hr 1 (Duragesic) • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 3 • hydrocodone-acetaminophen soln 7.5-325 mg/15ml (Hycet) 1 • 1 • 1 • 1 • 1 • 1 • 1 • 1 • 1 • 1 • 1 • 1 • hydrocodone-acetaminophen soln 10-325 mg/15ml (Zamicet) hydrocodone-acetaminophen tab 2.5-325 mg hydrocodone-acetaminophen tab 10-325 mg (Norco) hydrocodone-acetaminophen tab 5-300 mg (Xodol) hydrocodone-acetaminophen tab 7.5-300 mg (Xodol) hydrocodone-acetaminophen tab 5-325 mg (Norco) hydrocodone-acetaminophen tab 7.5-325 mg (Norco) hydrocodone-acetaminophen tab 10-300 mg (Xodol) hydrocodone-ibuprofen tab 5-200 mg (Reprexain) hydrocodone-ibuprofen tab 7.5-200 mg (Vicoprofen) hydrocodone-ibuprofen tab 10-200 mg (Ibudone) HYDROMORPHONE HCL hydromorphone hcl suppos 3 mg 3 • • HYDROMORPHONE HCL ER hydromorphone hcl tab er 24hr deter 32 mg 3 • • • • hydromorphone hcl liqd 1 mg/ml (Dilaudid) 1 • • • hydromorphone hcl tab er 24hr deter 8 mg (Exalgo) 1 • • • • hydromorphone hcl tab er 24hr deter 12 mg (Exalgo) 1 • • • • hydromorphone hcl tab er 24hr deter 16 mg (Exalgo) 1 • • • • Florida Blue October 2016 Care Choices Rx Medication Drug Guide Limited Distribution FIORINAL/CODEINE #3 - butalbitalaspirin-caff w/ codeine cap 50-325-40-30 mg Responsible Steps • • Quantity Limits 3 Prior Authorization EMBEDA - morphine-naltrexone cap cr 100-4 mg Specialty • • Drug Name Drug Tier 3 Limited Distribution EMBEDA - morphine-naltrexone cap cr 80-3.2 mg Responsible Steps Quantity Limits Prior Authorization Specialty Drug Name Drug Tier 2016 87 1 • hydromorphone hcl tab 4 mg (Dilaudid) 1 • methadone hcl tab for oral susp 40 mg 1 • hydromorphone hcl tab 8 mg (Dilaudid) 1 • methadone hcl tab 5 mg (Dolophine hcl) 1 • KADIAN - morphine sulfate cap sr 24hr 10 mg 3 • • methadone hcl tab 10 mg (Dolophine) 1 • KADIAN - morphine sulfate cap sr 24hr 20 mg 3 • • METHADOSE - methadone hcl conc 10 mg/ml 3 • KADIAN - morphine sulfate cap sr 24hr 30 mg 3 • • METHADOSE - methadone hcl tab disp 40 mg 3 KADIAN - morphine sulfate cap sr 24hr 40 mg 3 • • METHADOSE SUGAR-FREE methadone hcl conc 10 mg/ml 3 KADIAN - morphine sulfate cap sr 24hr 50 mg 3 • • MORPHINE SULFATE - morphine sulfate suppos 5 mg 3 KADIAN - morphine sulfate cap sr 24hr 60 mg 3 • • MORPHINE SULFATE - morphine sulfate suppos 10 mg 3 KADIAN - morphine sulfate cap sr 24hr 80 mg 3 • • MORPHINE SULFATE - morphine sulfate suppos 20 mg 3 KADIAN - morphine sulfate cap sr 24hr 100 mg 3 • • MORPHINE SULFATE - morphine sulfate suppos 30 mg 2 KADIAN - morphine sulfate cap sr 24hr 200 mg 3 • • MORPHINE SULFATE - morphine sulfate tab 15 mg 2 • MEPERIDINE HCL - meperidine hcl oral soln 50 mg/5ml 3 • MORPHINE SULFATE - morphine sulfate tab 30 mg 2 • meperidine hcl tab 50 mg (Demerol) 1 • morphine sulfate cap sr 24hr 10 mg (Kadian) 1 • • meperidine hcl tab 100 mg (Demerol) 1 • 1 • • MEPERIDINE HCL/PROMETHAZI meperidine w/ promethazine cap 50-25 mg 3 1 • • METHADONE HCL - methadone hcl soln 5 mg/5ml 3 • morphine sulfate cap sr 24hr 50 mg (Kadian) 1 • • METHADONE HCL - methadone hcl soln 10 mg/5ml 3 • morphine sulfate cap sr 24hr 60 mg (Kadian) 1 • • methadone hcl conc 10 mg/ml (Methadose) 1 • morphine sulfate cap sr 24hr 80 mg (Kadian) 1 • • methadone hcl soln 5 mg/5ml (Methadone hcl) 1 • morphine sulfate cap sr 24hr 100 mg (Kadian) 1 • • morphine sulfate cap sr 24hr 20 mg (Kadian) morphine sulfate cap sr 24hr 30 mg (Kadian) Florida Blue October 2016 Care Choices Rx Medication Drug Guide Limited Distribution methadone hcl soln 10 mg/5ml (Methadone hcl) Responsible Steps • Quantity Limits 1 Prior Authorization hydromorphone hcl tab 2 mg (Dilaudid) Specialty Drug Name Drug Tier Limited Distribution Responsible Steps Quantity Limits Prior Authorization Specialty Drug Name Drug Tier 2016 • 88 3 MORPHINE SULFATE ER morphine sulfate beads cap sr 24hr 45 mg 3 • • MORPHINE SULFATE ER morphine sulfate beads cap sr 24hr 60 mg 3 • • MORPHINE SULFATE ER morphine sulfate beads cap sr 24hr 75 mg 3 • • MORPHINE SULFATE ER morphine sulfate beads cap sr 24hr 90 mg 3 MORPHINE SULFATE ER morphine sulfate beads cap sr 24hr 120 mg morphine sulfate oral soln 10 mg/5ml NUCYNTA ER - tapentadol hcl tab sr 2 12hr 100 mg NUCYNTA ER - tapentadol hcl tab sr 2 12hr 150 mg NUCYNTA ER - tapentadol hcl tab sr 2 12hr 200 mg NUCYNTA ER - tapentadol hcl tab sr 2 12hr 250 mg OPANA - oxymorphone hcl tab 5 mg 3 • • • • • • OPANA - oxymorphone hcl tab 10 mg 3 • • • • OPANA ER (CRUSH RESISTANT oxymorphone hcl tab er 12hr deter 5 mg 3 • • 3 • • OPANA ER (CRUSH RESISTANT oxymorphone hcl tab er 12hr deter 7.5 mg 3 • • 1 • 3 • • 1 • OPANA ER (CRUSH RESISTANT oxymorphone hcl tab er 12hr deter 10 mg 3 • • 1 • OPANA ER (CRUSH RESISTANT oxymorphone hcl tab er 12hr deter 15 mg morphine sulfate tab cr 15 mg (Ms 1 contin) morphine sulfate tab cr 30 mg (Ms 1 contin) morphine sulfate tab cr 60 mg (Ms 1 contin) 1 morphine sulfate tab cr 100 mg (Ms contin) 1 morphine sulfate tab cr 200 mg (Ms contin) 3 NUCYNTA - tapentadol hcl tab 50 mg 3 NUCYNTA - tapentadol hcl tab 75 mg 3 NUCYNTA - tapentadol hcl tab 100 mg NUCYNTA ER - tapentadol hcl tab sr 2 12hr 50 mg • • OPANA ER (CRUSH RESISTANT oxymorphone hcl tab er 12hr deter 20 mg 3 • • OPANA ER (CRUSH RESISTANT oxymorphone hcl tab er 12hr deter 30 mg 3 • • OPANA ER (CRUSH RESISTANT oxymorphone hcl tab er 12hr deter 40 mg 3 • • oxycodone hcl cap 5 mg 1 1 • • morphine sulfate oral soln 20 mg/5ml morphine sulfate oral soln 100 mg/5ml (20 mg/ml) • • • • • • • • • oxycodone hcl conc 100 mg/5ml (20 mg/ml) (Oxycodone hcl) • OXYCODONE HCL ER - oxycodone hcl tab er 12hr deter 10 mg 3 • • • OXYCODONE HCL ER - oxycodone hcl tab er 12hr deter 15 mg 3 • • • • OXYCODONE HCL ER - oxycodone hcl tab er 12hr deter 20 mg 3 • • Florida Blue October 2016 Care Choices Rx Medication Drug Guide Limited Distribution • • Responsible Steps Quantity Limits Prior Authorization Specialty Drug Name Drug Tier Limited Distribution • • MORPHINE SULFATE ER morphine sulfate beads cap sr 24hr 30 mg Responsible Steps Quantity Limits Prior Authorization Specialty Drug Name Drug Tier 2016 89 3 • • OXYCODONE HCL ER - oxycodone hcl tab er 12hr deter 80 mg 3 • • oxycodone hcl soln 5 mg/5ml (Oxycodone hcl) 1 • oxycodone hcl tab 5 mg (Roxicodone) 1 • oxycodone hcl tab 10 mg 1 • • oxycodone hcl tab 15 mg (Roxicodone) 1 oxycodone hcl tab 20 mg 1 2 • • OXYCONTIN - oxycodone hcl tab er 12hr deter 60 mg 2 • • OXYCONTIN - oxycodone hcl tab er 12hr deter 80 mg 2 • • oxymorphone hcl tab sr 12hr 5 mg 1 • • 1 • • 1 • • 1 • • 1 • • 1 • • 1 • • oxymorphone hcl tab sr 12hr 7.5 mg oxymorphone hcl tab sr 12hr 10 mg oxymorphone hcl tab sr 12hr 15 mg oxymorphone hcl tab sr 12hr 20 mg oxycodone hcl tab 30 mg (Roxicodone) 1 • • oxycodone w/ acetaminophen soln 5-325 mg/5ml (Roxicet) 1 • oxymorphone hcl tab sr 12hr 40 mg 1 • oxymorphone hcl tab 5 mg (Opana) 1 • 1 • oxymorphone hcl tab 10 mg (Opana) 1 • 1 • pentazocine w/ naloxone tab 50-0.5 mg 1 1 • 2 • • 1 • SUBOXONE - buprenorphine hclnaloxone hcl sl film 2-0.5 mg (base equiv) 2 • • OXYCODONE/IBUPROFEN oxycodone-ibuprofen tab 5-400 mg 3 • SUBOXONE - buprenorphine hclnaloxone hcl sl film 4-1 mg (base equiv) 2 • • OXYCONTIN - oxycodone hcl tab er 12hr deter 10 mg 2 • • SUBOXONE - buprenorphine hclnaloxone hcl sl film 8-2 mg (base equiv) OXYCONTIN - oxycodone hcl tab er 12hr deter 15 mg 2 • • 2 • • OXYCONTIN - oxycodone hcl tab er 12hr deter 20 mg 2 • • SUBOXONE - buprenorphine hclnaloxone hcl sl film 12-3 mg (base equiv) 3 OXYCONTIN - oxycodone hcl tab er 12hr deter 30 mg 2 • • SYNALGOS-DC - aspirin-caffeinedihydrocodeine cap 356.4-30-16 mg oxycodone w/ acetaminophen tab 2.5-325 mg (Percocet) oxycodone w/ acetaminophen tab 5-325 mg (Percocet) oxycodone w/ acetaminophen tab 7.5-325 mg (Percocet) oxycodone w/ acetaminophen tab 10-325 mg (Percocet) oxycodone-aspirin tab 4.8355-325 mg (Percodan) oxymorphone hcl tab sr 12hr 30 mg Florida Blue October 2016 Care Choices Rx Medication Drug Guide Limited Distribution OXYCODONE HCL ER - oxycodone hcl tab er 12hr deter 60 mg OXYCONTIN - oxycodone hcl tab er 12hr deter 40 mg Responsible Steps • • Quantity Limits 3 Prior Authorization OXYCODONE HCL ER - oxycodone hcl tab er 12hr deter 40 mg Specialty • • Drug Name Drug Tier 3 Limited Distribution OXYCODONE HCL ER - oxycodone hcl tab er 12hr deter 30 mg Responsible Steps Quantity Limits Prior Authorization Specialty Drug Name Drug Tier 2016 90 • • tramadol hcl tab sr 24hr biphasic release 100 mg 1 • • 1 • • 1 • • tramadol hcl tab sr 24hr biphasic release 200 mg tramadol hcl tab sr 24hr biphasic release 300 mg 1 • • TREZIX - acetaminophen-caffeinedihydrocodeine cap 320.5-30-16 mg 3 • TYLENOL/CODEINE acetaminophen w/ codeine tab 300-15 mg 3 TYLENOL/CODEINE #3 acetaminophen w/ codeine tab 300-30 mg 3 TYLENOL/CODEINE #4 acetaminophen w/ codeine tab 300-60 mg 3 ZAMICET - hydrocodoneacetaminophen soln 10-325 mg/15ml 3 ZUBSOLV - buprenorphine hclnaloxone hcl sl tab 1.4-0.36 mg (base eq) 3 ZUBSOLV - buprenorphine hclnaloxone hcl sl tab 2.9-0.71 mg (base eq) 3 • • ZUBSOLV - buprenorphine hclnaloxone hcl sl tab 5.7-1.4 mg (base eq) 3 • • ZUBSOLV - buprenorphine hclnaloxone hcl sl tab 8.6-2.1 mg (base eq) 3 tramadol hcl tab 50 mg (Ultram) tramadol-acetaminophen tab 37.5-325 mg (Ultracet) 1 • • • • • • • • ANALGESICS - ANTI-INFLAMMATORY 4 ACTEMRA - tocilizumab subcutaneous soln prefilled syringe 162 mg/0.9ml 3 ANAPROX DS - naproxen sodium tab 550 mg 3 ARAVA - leflunomide tab 10 mg ARAVA - leflunomide tab 20 mg 3 ARCALYST - rilonacept for inj 220 mg 4 ARTHROTEC 50 - diclofenac w/ misoprostol tab delayed release 50-0.2 mg 3 ARTHROTEC 75 - diclofenac w/ misoprostol tab delayed release 75-0.2 mg 3 CELEBREX - celecoxib cap 50 mg 3 CELEBREX - celecoxib cap 100 mg 3 CELEBREX - celecoxib cap 200 mg 3 CELEBREX - celecoxib cap 400 mg 3 celecoxib cap 50 mg (Celebrex) 1 celecoxib cap 100 mg (Celebrex) celecoxib cap 200 mg (Celebrex) celecoxib cap 400 mg (Celebrex) 1 diclofenac sodium tab sr 24hr 100 mg (Voltaren-xr) diclofenac w/ misoprostol tab delayed release 50-0.2 mg (Arthrotec 50) Florida Blue October 2016 Care Choices Rx Medication Drug Guide • • • • 1 diclofenac potassium tab 50 mg diclofenac sodium tab delayed release 75 mg • 1 3 diclofenac sodium tab delayed release 50 mg • • • 1 DAYPRO - oxaprozin tab 600 mg diclofenac sodium tab delayed release 25 mg Limited Distribution tramadol hcl tab sr 24hr 300 mg (Ultram er) 1 • • Responsible Steps • • Quantity Limits 1 3 Prior Authorization tramadol hcl tab sr 24hr 200 mg (Ultram er) ZUBSOLV - buprenorphine hclnaloxone hcl sl tab 11.4-2.9 mg (base eq) Specialty • • Drug Name Drug Tier 1 Limited Distribution tramadol hcl tab sr 24hr 100 mg (Ultram er) Responsible Steps Quantity Limits Prior Authorization Specialty Drug Name Drug Tier 2016 1 1 1 1 1 91 4 • • • HUMIRA - adalimumab prefilled syringe kit 40 mg/0.8ml 4 EC-NAPROSYN - naproxen tab ec 375 mg 3 • • • • • • ENBREL - etanercept for subcutaneous inj 25 mg 4 • • • HUMIRA PEDIATRIC CROHNS D adalimumab prefilled syringe kit 40 mg/0.8ml 4 EC-NAPROSYN - naproxen tab ec 500 mg 3 4 • • • ENBREL - etanercept subcutaneous soln prefilled syringe 25 mg/0.5ml 4 • • • HUMIRA PEN - adalimumab peninjector kit 40 mg/0.8ml 4 • • • ENBREL - etanercept subcutaneous soln prefilled syringe 50 mg/ml 4 • • • HUMIRA PEN-CROHNS DISEASE adalimumab pen-injector kit 40 mg/0.8ml 4 • • • ENBREL SURECLICK - etanercept subcutaneous solution autoinjector 50 mg/ml 4 HUMIRA PEN-PSORIASIS STAR adalimumab pen-injector kit 40 mg/0.8ml 1 etodolac cap 200 mg 1 ibuprofen susp 100 mg/5ml 1 etodolac cap 300 mg etodolac tab sr 24hr 400 mg etodolac tab sr 24hr 500 mg etodolac tab sr 24hr 600 mg etodolac tab 400 mg etodolac tab 500 mg • • • ibuprofen tab 400 mg 1 ibuprofen tab 600 mg 1 ibuprofen tab 800 mg 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 INDOCIN - indomethacin susp 25 mg/5ml 3 indomethacin cap cr 75 mg 1 FELDENE - piroxicam cap 10 mg 3 FELDENE - piroxicam cap 20 mg 3 FENOPROFEN CALCIUM fenoprofen calcium cap 200 mg 3 FENOPROFEN CALCIUM fenoprofen calcium cap 400 mg 3 ketoprofen cap 75 mg 3 FENOPROFEN CALCIUM fenoprofen calcium tab 600 mg 3 KETOPROFEN ER - ketoprofen cap sr 24hr 200 mg 1 • FENORTHO - fenoprofen calcium cap 200 mg 3 ketorolac tromethamine tab 10 mg 4 • • • FENORTHO - fenoprofen calcium cap 400 mg 3 KINERET - anakinra subcutaneous soln prefilled syringe 100 mg/0.67ml flurbiprofen tab 50 mg 1 leflunomide tab 10 mg (Arava) 1 1 leflunomide tab 20 mg (Arava) flurbiprofen tab 100 mg HUMIRA - adalimumab prefilled syringe kit 10 mg/0.2ml 4 indomethacin cap 50 mg ketoprofen cap 50 mg • • • MECLOFENAMATE SODIUM meclofenamate sodium cap 50 mg Florida Blue October 2016 Care Choices Rx Medication Drug Guide • 1 INDOCIN - indomethacin suppos 50 mg indomethacin cap 25 mg Limited Distribution HUMIRA - adalimumab prefilled syringe kit 20 mg/0.4ml diclofenac w/ misoprostol tab delayed release 75-0.2 mg (Arthrotec 75) Responsible Steps Quantity Limits Prior Authorization Specialty Drug Name Drug Tier Limited Distribution Responsible Steps Quantity Limits Prior Authorization Specialty Drug Name Drug Tier 2016 1 1 1 1 • 1 3 92 MECLOFENAMATE SODIUM meclofenamate sodium cap 100 mg 3 OTREXUP - methotrexate soln pf auto-injector 12.5 mg/0.4ml 3 OTREXUP - methotrexate soln pf auto-injector 15 mg/0.4ml 3 mefenamic acid cap 250 mg (Ponstel) 1 OTREXUP - methotrexate soln pf auto-injector 17.5 mg/0.4ml 3 meloxicam tab 7.5 mg (Mobic) 1 OTREXUP - methotrexate soln pf auto-injector 20 mg/0.4ml 3 OTREXUP - methotrexate soln pf auto-injector 22.5 mg/0.4ml 3 OTREXUP - methotrexate soln pf auto-injector 25 mg/0.4ml 3 oxaprozin tab 600 mg (Daypro) 1 meloxicam tab 15 mg (Mobic) nabumetone tab 500 mg nabumetone tab 750 mg 1 1 1 NALFON - fenoprofen calcium cap 400 mg 3 NAPROSYN - naproxen susp 125 mg/5ml 3 NAPROSYN - naproxen tab 500 mg 3 piroxicam cap 10 mg (Feldene) naproxen sodium tab 275 mg (Anaprox) 1 piroxicam cap 20 mg (Feldene) naproxen sodium tab 550 mg (Anaprox ds) 1 naproxen susp 125 mg/5ml 1 naproxen tab ec 375 mg (Ecnaprosyn) 1 naproxen tab ec 500 mg (Ecnaprosyn) 1 naproxen tab 250 mg (Naprosyn) 1 naproxen tab 375 mg (Naprosyn) naproxen tab 500 mg (Naprosyn) 1 1 ORENCIA - abatacept subcutaneous 4 soln prefilled syringe 125 mg/ml 3 ORENCIA CLICKJECT - abatacept subcutaneous soln auto-injector 125 mg/ml 4 OTEZLA - apremilast tab starter therapy pack 10 mg & 20 mg & 30 mg 4 OTEZLA - apremilast tab 30 mg OTREXUP - methotrexate soln pf auto-injector 7.5 mg/0.4ml 3 OTREXUP - methotrexate soln pf auto-injector 10 mg/0.4ml 3 • • • • • • • • • • • • • Limited Distribution Responsible Steps Quantity Limits Prior Authorization Specialty Drug Name Drug Tier Limited Distribution Responsible Steps Quantity Limits Prior Authorization Specialty Drug Name Drug Tier 2016 1 1 PONSTEL - mefenamic acid cap 250 3 mg 3 RASUVO - methotrexate soln pf auto-injector 7.5 mg/0.15ml 3 RASUVO - methotrexate soln pf auto-injector 10 mg/0.2ml 3 RASUVO - methotrexate soln pf auto-injector 12.5 mg/0.25ml 3 RASUVO - methotrexate soln pf auto-injector 15 mg/0.3ml 3 RASUVO - methotrexate soln pf auto-injector 17.5 mg/0.35ml 3 RASUVO - methotrexate soln pf auto-injector 20 mg/0.4ml 3 RASUVO - methotrexate soln pf auto-injector 22.5 mg/0.45ml 3 RASUVO - methotrexate soln pf auto-injector 25 mg/0.5ml 3 RASUVO - methotrexate soln pf auto-injector 27.5 mg/0.55ml 3 RASUVO - methotrexate soln pf auto-injector 30 mg/0.6ml 3 RHEUMATREX - methotrexate sodium tab 2.5 mg (antirheumatic) 2 RIDAURA - auranofin cap 3 mg Florida Blue October 2016 Care Choices Rx Medication Drug Guide 93 4 SIMPONI - golimumab subcutaneous soln auto-injector 100 mg/ml 4 SIMPONI - golimumab subcutaneous soln prefilled syringe 50 mg/0.5ml 4 • • • • SIMPONI - golimumab subcutaneous soln prefilled syringe 100 mg/ml 4 • • • • sulindac tab 150 mg 1 sulindac tab 200 mg • • • 1 TOLMETIN SODIUM - tolmetin sodium tab 200 mg 3 TOLMETIN SODIUM - tolmetin sodium tab 600 mg 3 tolmetin sodium cap 400 mg 1 XELJANZ - tofacitinib citrate tab 5 mg (base equivalent) 4 • • • XELJANZ XR - tofacitinib citrate tab sr 24hr 11 mg (base equivalent) 4 • • • almotriptan malate tab 6.25 mg (Axert) 1 • almotriptan malate tab 12.5 mg (Axert) 1 • ALSUMA - sumatriptan succinate solution auto-injector 6 mg/0.5ml 3 • AXERT - almotriptan malate tab 6.25 3 mg AXERT - almotriptan malate tab 12.5 3 mg CAFERGOT - ergotamine w/ caffeine 3 tab 1-100 mg 3 D.H.E. 45 - dihydroergotamine mesylate inj 1 mg/ml 3 DIHYDROERGOTAMINE MESYLAT - dihydroergotamine mesylate nasal spray 4 mg/ml • MIGRAINE PRODUCTS • • • • dihydroergotamine mesylate inj 1 mg/ml (D.h.e. 45) 1 ERGOMAR - ergotamine tartrate sl tab 2 mg 2 FROVA - frovatriptan succinate tab 2.5 mg (base equivalent) 3 • frovatriptan succinate tab 2.5 mg (base equivalent) (Frova) 1 • IMITREX - sumatriptan nasal spray 5 2 mg/act 2 IMITREX - sumatriptan nasal spray 20 mg/act 1 isometheptene-caffeineacetaminophen tab 65-20-325 mg (Prodrin) 1 isometheptene-dichloralacetaminophen cap 65-100-325 mg MIGERGOT - ergotamine w/ caffeine 3 suppos 2-100 mg 2 MIGRANAL - dihydroergotamine mesylate nasal spray 4 mg/ml 1 naratriptan hcl tab 1 mg (base equiv) (Amerge) 1 naratriptan hcl tab 2.5 mg (base equiv) (Amerge) PRODRIN - isometheptene-caffeine- 3 acetaminophen tab 65-20-325 mg 3 RELPAX - eletriptan hydrobromide tab 20 mg (base equivalent) 3 RELPAX - eletriptan hydrobromide tab 40 mg (base equivalent) 1 rizatriptan benzoate oral disintegrating tab 5 mg (base eq) (Maxalt-mlt) 1 rizatriptan benzoate oral disintegrating tab 10 mg (base eq) (Maxalt-mlt) 1 rizatriptan benzoate tab 5 mg (base equivalent) (Maxalt) 1 rizatriptan benzoate tab 10 mg (base equivalent) (Maxalt) • Florida Blue October 2016 Care Choices Rx Medication Drug Guide Limited Distribution • Responsible Steps Quantity Limits Prior Authorization Specialty • SIMPONI - golimumab subcutaneous soln auto-injector 50 mg/0.5ml Drug Name Drug Tier Limited Distribution • • • Responsible Steps Quantity Limits Prior Authorization Specialty Drug Name Drug Tier 2016 • • • • • • • • • • 94 1 • SUMATRIPTAN SUCCINATE sumatriptan succinate solution prefilled syringe 6 mg/0.5ml 3 • sumatriptan succinate inj 6 mg/0.5ml (Imitrex) 1 • MITIGARE - colchicine cap 0.6 mg 3 probenecid tab 500 mg 1 sumatriptan succinate solution auto-injector 4 mg/0.5ml (Imitrex statdose sys) 1 • ULORIC - febuxostat tab 40 mg 3 ULORIC - febuxostat tab 80 mg 3 ZYLOPRIM - allopurinol tab 100 mg 3 sumatriptan succinate solution auto-injector 6 mg/0.5ml (Imitrex statdose sys) 1 ZYLOPRIM - allopurinol tab 300 mg 3 sumatriptan succinate solution cartridge 4 mg/0.5ml (Imitrex statdose ref) 1 sumatriptan succinate solution cartridge 6 mg/0.5ml (Imitrex statdose ref) 1 • sumatriptan succinate tab 25 mg (Imitrex) 1 • • 3 COLCHICINE - colchicine tab 0.6 mg 3 1 colchicine w/ probenecid tab 0.5-500 mg 2 COLCRYS - colchicine tab 0.6 mg ANTICONVULSANTS 3 APTIOM - eslicarbazepine acetate tab 400 mg 3 • APTIOM - eslicarbazepine acetate tab 600 mg 3 • APTIOM - eslicarbazepine acetate tab 800 mg 3 sumatriptan succinate tab 50 mg (Imitrex) 1 1 • BANZEL - rufinamide susp 40 mg/ml 3 sumatriptan succinate tab 100 mg (Imitrex) BANZEL - rufinamide tab 200 mg 3 zolmitriptan orally disintegrating tab 2.5 mg (Zomig zmt) 1 • BANZEL - rufinamide tab 400 mg 3 3 1 • BRIVIACT - brivaracetam iv soln 50 mg/5ml 3 1 • • • BRIVIACT - brivaracetam oral soln 10 mg/ml BRIVIACT - brivaracetam tab 10 mg 3 BRIVIACT - brivaracetam tab 25 mg 3 BRIVIACT - brivaracetam tab 50 mg 3 BRIVIACT - brivaracetam tab 75 mg 3 BRIVIACT - brivaracetam tab 100 mg 3 carbamazepine cap sr 12hr 100 mg (Carbatrol) 1 zolmitriptan tab 2.5 mg (Zomig) zolmitriptan tab 5 mg (Zomig) 1 ZOMIG - zolmitriptan nasal spray 2.5 3 mg/spray unit ZOMIG NASAL SPRAY - zolmitriptan 3 nasal spray 5 mg/spray unit GOUT AGENTS allopurinol tab 100 mg (Zyloprim) allopurinol tab 300 mg (Zyloprim) 1 1 • • • NEUROMUSCULAR DRUGS APTIOM - eslicarbazepine acetate tab 200 mg zolmitriptan orally disintegrating tab 5 mg (Zomig zmt) Limited Distribution sumatriptan nasal spray 20 mg/ act (Imitrex) COLCHICINE - colchicine cap 0.6 mg Responsible Steps • Quantity Limits 1 Prior Authorization sumatriptan nasal spray 5 mg/act (Imitrex) Specialty Drug Name Drug Tier Limited Distribution Responsible Steps Quantity Limits Prior Authorization Specialty Drug Name Drug Tier 2016 carbamazepine cap sr 12hr 200 mg (Carbatrol) Florida Blue October 2016 Care Choices Rx Medication Drug Guide 1 95 carbamazepine cap sr 12hr 300 mg (Carbatrol) carbamazepine chew tab 100 mg 1 DEPAKOTE - divalproex sodium tab delayed release 250 mg 3 1 3 carbamazepine susp 100 mg/5ml (Tegretol) 1 DEPAKOTE - divalproex sodium tab delayed release 500 mg 3 carbamazepine tab sr 12hr 100 mg (Tegretol-xr) 1 DEPAKOTE ER - divalproex sodium tab sr 24 hr 250 mg 3 1 DEPAKOTE ER - divalproex sodium tab sr 24 hr 500 mg 3 1 DEPAKOTE SPRINKLES divalproex sodium cap delayed release sprinkle 125 mg carbamazepine tab 200 mg (Tegretol) 1 DIASTAT ACUDIAL - diazepam rectal gel delivery system 10 mg 2 CARBATROL - carbamazepine cap sr 12hr 100 mg 3 DIASTAT ACUDIAL - diazepam rectal gel delivery system 20 mg 2 CARBATROL - carbamazepine cap sr 12hr 200 mg 3 DIASTAT PEDIATRIC - diazepam rectal gel delivery system 2.5 mg 2 CARBATROL - carbamazepine cap sr 12hr 300 mg 3 DIAZEPAM - diazepam rectal gel delivery system 2.5 mg 3 CELONTIN - methsuximide cap 300 mg 2 DIAZEPAM - diazepam rectal gel delivery system 10 mg 3 clonazepam orally disintegrating tab 0.125 mg 1 DIAZEPAM - diazepam rectal gel delivery system 20 mg 3 1 DILANTIN - phenytoin sodium extended cap 30 mg 2 1 DILANTIN - phenytoin sodium extended cap 100 mg 3 1 DILANTIN INFATABS - phenytoin chew tab 50 mg 3 1 DILANTIN-125 - phenytoin susp 125 mg/5ml 3 1 divalproex sodium cap delayed release sprinkle 125 mg (Depakote sprinkles) 1 1 carbamazepine tab sr 12hr 200 mg (Tegretol-xr) carbamazepine tab sr 12hr 400 mg (Tegretol-xr) clonazepam orally disintegrating tab 0.25 mg clonazepam orally disintegrating tab 0.5 mg clonazepam orally disintegrating tab 1 mg clonazepam orally disintegrating tab 2 mg clonazepam tab 0.5 mg (Klonopin) clonazepam tab 1 mg (Klonopin) clonazepam tab 2 mg (Klonopin) 1 1 DEPAKENE - valproate sodium syrup 250 mg/5ml (base equiv) 3 divalproex sodium tab delayed release 125 mg (Depakote) DEPAKENE - valproic acid cap 250 mg 3 divalproex sodium tab delayed release 250 mg (Depakote) DEPAKOTE - divalproex sodium tab delayed release 125 mg 3 divalproex sodium tab delayed release 500 mg (Depakote) Florida Blue October 2016 Care Choices Rx Medication Drug Guide Limited Distribution Responsible Steps Quantity Limits Prior Authorization Specialty Drug Name Drug Tier Limited Distribution Responsible Steps Quantity Limits Prior Authorization Specialty Drug Name Drug Tier 2016 1 1 96 divalproex sodium tab sr 24 hr 250 mg (Depakote er) divalproex sodium tab sr 24 hr 500 mg (Depakote er) 1 KEPPRA - levetiracetam oral soln 100 mg/ml 3 1 KEPPRA - levetiracetam tab 250 mg 3 KEPPRA - levetiracetam tab 500 mg 3 KEPPRA - levetiracetam tab 750 mg 3 ethosuximide cap 250 mg (Zarontin) 1 ethosuximide soln 250 mg/5ml (Zarontin) 1 KEPPRA - levetiracetam tab 1000 mg 3 felbamate susp 600 mg/5ml (Felbatol) 1 KEPPRA XR - levetiracetam tab sr 24hr 500 mg 3 felbamate tab 400 mg (Felbatol) 1 KEPPRA XR - levetiracetam tab sr 24hr 750 mg 3 LAMICTAL - lamotrigine tab 25 mg 3 LAMICTAL - lamotrigine tab 100 mg 3 LAMICTAL - lamotrigine tab 150 mg 3 LAMICTAL - lamotrigine tab 200 mg 3 LAMICTAL CHEWABLE DISPERS lamotrigine tab chewable dispersible 5 mg 3 LAMICTAL CHEWABLE DISPERS lamotrigine tab chewable dispersible 25 mg 3 LAMICTAL ODT - lamotrigine orally disintegrating tab 25 mg 3 LAMICTAL ODT - lamotrigine orally disintegrating tab 50 mg 3 LAMICTAL ODT - lamotrigine orally disintegrating tab 100 mg 3 LAMICTAL ODT - lamotrigine orally disintegrating tab 200 mg 3 LAMICTAL ODT - lamotrigine tab disp 25 mg (21) & 50 mg (7) titration kit 3 LAMICTAL ODT - lamotrigine tab disp 50 mg (42) & 100 mg (14) titration kit 3 LAMICTAL ODT - lamotrigine tab disp 25 (14) & 50 mg (14) & 100 mg (7) kit 3 LAMICTAL STARTER/NOT TAKI lamotrigine tab 25 mg (42) & 100 mg (7) starter kit 3 felbamate tab 600 mg (Felbatol) 1 FELBATOL - felbamate susp 600 mg/5ml 3 FELBATOL - felbamate tab 400 mg 3 FELBATOL - felbamate tab 600 mg 3 FYCOMPA - perampanel susp 0.5 mg/ml 3 FYCOMPA - perampanel tab 2 mg 3 FYCOMPA - perampanel tab 4 mg 3 FYCOMPA - perampanel tab 6 mg 3 FYCOMPA - perampanel tab 8 mg 3 FYCOMPA - perampanel tab 10 mg 3 FYCOMPA - perampanel tab 12 mg 3 gabapentin cap 100 mg (Neurontin) 1 gabapentin cap 300 mg (Neurontin) 1 gabapentin cap 400 mg (Neurontin) 1 gabapentin oral soln 250 mg/5ml (Neurontin) 1 gabapentin tab 600 mg (Neurontin) 1 gabapentin tab 800 mg (Neurontin) 1 GABITRIL - tiagabine hcl tab 2 mg 3 GABITRIL - tiagabine hcl tab 4 mg 3 GABITRIL - tiagabine hcl tab 12 mg 2 GABITRIL - tiagabine hcl tab 16 mg 2 Florida Blue October 2016 Care Choices Rx Medication Drug Guide Limited Distribution Responsible Steps Quantity Limits Prior Authorization Specialty Drug Name Drug Tier Limited Distribution Responsible Steps Quantity Limits Prior Authorization Specialty Drug Name Drug Tier 2016 97 LAMICTAL STARTER/TAKING V lamotrigine tab 25 mg (35) starter kit 3 LAMICTAL XR - lamotrigine tab sr 24hr 25 mg (21) & 50 mg (7) titration kit 3 LAMICTAL XR - lamotrigine tab sr 24hr 25 (14) & 50 mg (14) & 100 mg(7) kit 3 LAMICTAL XR - lamotrigine tab sr 24hr 50 (14) & 100 mg(14) & 200 mg(7) kit 3 LAMICTAL XR - lamotrigine tab sr 24hr 25 mg 3 LAMICTAL XR - lamotrigine tab sr 24hr 50 mg 3 LAMICTAL XR - lamotrigine tab sr 24hr 100 mg 3 LAMICTAL XR - lamotrigine tab sr 24hr 200 mg 3 LAMICTAL XR - lamotrigine tab sr 24hr 250 mg 3 lamotrigine tab 100 mg (Lamictal) LAMICTAL XR - lamotrigine tab sr 24hr 300 mg 3 lamotrigine tab 200 mg (Lamictal) 1 lamotrigine orally disintegrating tab 25 mg (Lamictal odt) 1 levetiracetam oral soln 100 mg/ml (Keppra) 1 1 levetiracetam tab sr 24hr 500 mg (Keppra xr) 1 1 levetiracetam tab sr 24hr 750 mg (Keppra xr) lamotrigine orally disintegrating tab 50 mg (Lamictal odt) lamotrigine orally disintegrating tab 100 mg (Lamictal odt) lamotrigine orally disintegrating tab 200 mg (Lamictal odt) 1 lamotrigine tab chewable dispersible 5 mg (Lamictal chewable di) 1 lamotrigine tab chewable dispersible 25 mg (Lamictal chewable di) 1 • • • • • • • • Limited Distribution Prior Authorization Responsible Steps 3 Quantity Limits LAMICTAL STARTER/TAKING C lamotrigine tab 25 mg (84) & 100 mg (14) starter kit Specialty Drug Name Drug Tier Limited Distribution Responsible Steps Quantity Limits Prior Authorization Specialty Drug Name Drug Tier 2016 1 lamotrigine tab disp 25 mg (21) & 50 mg (7) titration kit (LAMICTAL ODT) 1 lamotrigine tab disp 50 mg (42) & 100 mg (14) titration kit (LAMICTAL ODT) 1 lamotrigine tab disp 25 (14) & 50 mg (14) & 100 mg (7) kit (LAMICTAL ODT) 1 lamotrigine tab sr 24hr 25 mg (Lamictal xr) 1 lamotrigine tab sr 24hr 50 mg (Lamictal xr) 1 lamotrigine tab sr 24hr 100 mg (Lamictal xr) 1 lamotrigine tab sr 24hr 200 mg (Lamictal xr) 1 lamotrigine tab sr 24hr 250 mg (Lamictal xr) 1 lamotrigine tab sr 24hr 300 mg (Lamictal xr) 1 lamotrigine tab 25 mg (Lamictal) lamotrigine tab 150 mg (Lamictal) 1 1 1 levetiracetam tab 250 mg (Keppra) 1 levetiracetam tab 500 mg (Keppra) 1 levetiracetam tab 750 mg (Keppra) 1 1 levetiracetam tab 1000 mg (Keppra) 3 LYRICA - pregabalin cap 25 mg LYRICA - pregabalin cap 50 mg 3 LYRICA - pregabalin cap 75 mg 3 LYRICA - pregabalin cap 100 mg 3 Florida Blue October 2016 Care Choices Rx Medication Drug Guide 98 phenytoin chew tab 50 mg (Dilantin infatabs) 1 phenytoin sodium extended cap 100 mg (Dilantin) 1 Limited Distribution Responsible Steps Quantity Limits Prior Authorization Specialty Drug Name Drug Tier • • • • • Limited Distribution • • • • • Responsible Steps Quantity Limits Prior Authorization Specialty Drug Name Drug Tier 2016 LYRICA - pregabalin cap 150 mg 3 LYRICA - pregabalin cap 200 mg 3 LYRICA - pregabalin cap 225 mg 3 LYRICA - pregabalin cap 300 mg 3 LYRICA - pregabalin soln 20 mg/ml 3 NEURONTIN - gabapentin cap 100 mg 3 NEURONTIN - gabapentin cap 300 mg 3 NEURONTIN - gabapentin cap 400 mg 3 NEURONTIN - gabapentin oral soln 250 mg/5ml 3 NEURONTIN - gabapentin tab 600 mg 3 NEURONTIN - gabapentin tab 800 mg 3 QUDEXY XR - topiramate cap er 24hr sprinkle 25 mg 3 ONFI - clobazam suspension 2.5 mg/ml 3 QUDEXY XR - topiramate cap er 24hr sprinkle 50 mg 3 ONFI - clobazam tab 10 mg 3 ONFI - clobazam tab 20 mg 3 3 oxcarbazepine susp 300 mg/5ml (60 mg/ml) (Trileptal) 1 QUDEXY XR - topiramate cap er 24hr sprinkle 100 mg 3 oxcarbazepine tab 150 mg (Trileptal) 1 QUDEXY XR - topiramate cap er 24hr sprinkle 150 mg 3 oxcarbazepine tab 300 mg (Trileptal) 1 QUDEXY XR - topiramate cap er 24hr sprinkle 200 mg 3 • oxcarbazepine tab 600 mg (Trileptal) 1 SABRIL - vigabatrin powd pack 500 mg SABRIL - vigabatrin tab 500 mg 3 • OXTELLAR XR - oxcarbazepine tab sr 24hr 150 mg 3 TEGRETOL - carbamazepine susp 100 mg/5ml 3 OXTELLAR XR - oxcarbazepine tab sr 24hr 300 mg 3 TEGRETOL - carbamazepine tab 200 mg 3 OXTELLAR XR - oxcarbazepine tab sr 24hr 600 mg 3 PEGANONE - ethotoin tab 250 mg 2 PHENYTEK - phenytoin sodium extended cap 200 mg 3 PHENYTEK - phenytoin sodium extended cap 300 mg 3 TEGRETOL-XR - carbamazepine tab 3 sr 12hr 100 mg TEGRETOL-XR - carbamazepine tab 3 sr 12hr 200 mg TEGRETOL-XR - carbamazepine tab 3 sr 12hr 400 mg 1 tiagabine hcl tab 2 mg (Gabitril) phenytoin sodium extended cap 200 mg (Phenytek) phenytoin sodium extended cap 300 mg (Phenytek) 1 1 phenytoin susp 125 mg/5ml (Dilantin-125) 1 POTIGA - ezogabine tab 50 mg 3 POTIGA - ezogabine tab 200 mg 3 POTIGA - ezogabine tab 300 mg 3 POTIGA - ezogabine tab 400 mg 3 primidone tab 50 mg (Mysoline) 1 primidone tab 250 mg (Mysoline) Florida Blue October 2016 Care Choices Rx Medication Drug Guide 1 99 tiagabine hcl tab 4 mg (Gabitril) 1 TROKENDI XR - topiramate cap sr 24hr 100 mg 3 TROKENDI XR - topiramate cap sr 24hr 200 mg 3 1 TOPAMAX - topiramate tab 25 mg 3 TOPAMAX - topiramate tab 50 mg 3 TOPAMAX - topiramate tab 100 mg 3 TOPAMAX - topiramate tab 200 mg 3 TOPAMAX SPRINKLE - topiramate sprinkle cap 15 mg 3 valproate sodium syrup 250 mg/5ml (base equiv) (Depakene) 3 valproic acid cap 250 mg (Depakene) 1 TOPAMAX SPRINKLE - topiramate sprinkle cap 25 mg VIMPAT - lacosamide oral solution 10 mg/ml 3 TOPIRAMATE ER - topiramate cap er 24hr sprinkle 25 mg 3 VIMPAT - lacosamide tab 50 mg 3 TOPIRAMATE ER - topiramate cap er 24hr sprinkle 50 mg 3 VIMPAT - lacosamide tab 100 mg 3 TOPIRAMATE ER - topiramate cap er 24hr sprinkle 100 mg 3 VIMPAT - lacosamide tab 150 mg 3 VIMPAT - lacosamide tab 200 mg 3 TOPIRAMATE ER - topiramate cap er 24hr sprinkle 150 mg 3 ZARONTIN - ethosuximide cap 250 mg 3 TOPIRAMATE ER - topiramate cap er 24hr sprinkle 200 mg 3 ZARONTIN - ethosuximide soln 250 mg/5ml 3 topiramate sprinkle cap 15 mg (Topamax sprinkle) 1 ZONEGRAN - zonisamide cap 25 mg 3 topiramate sprinkle cap 25 mg (Topamax sprinkle) 1 ZONEGRAN - zonisamide cap 100 mg 3 topiramate tab 25 mg (Topamax) 1 zonisamide cap 25 mg (Zonegran) 1 1 zonisamide cap 50 mg 1 zonisamide cap 100 mg (Zonegran) topiramate tab 50 mg (Topamax) topiramate tab 100 mg (Topamax) topiramate tab 200 mg (Topamax) 1 Limited Distribution Responsible Steps Quantity Limits Prior Authorization Specialty Drug Name Drug Tier Limited Distribution Responsible Steps Quantity Limits Prior Authorization Specialty Drug Name Drug Tier 2016 1 1 ANTIPARKINSON AGENTS TRILEPTAL - oxcarbazepine susp 300 mg/5ml (60 mg/ml) 3 TRILEPTAL - oxcarbazepine tab 150 mg 3 AMANTADINE HCL - amantadine hcl 2 tab 100 mg 1 amantadine hcl cap 100 mg TRILEPTAL - oxcarbazepine tab 300 mg 3 amantadine hcl syrup 50 mg/5ml 4 TRILEPTAL - oxcarbazepine tab 600 mg 3 APOKYN - apomorphine hydrochloride inj 10 mg/ml 2 TROKENDI XR - topiramate cap sr 24hr 25 mg 3 AZILECT - rasagiline mesylate tab 0.5 mg (base equiv) 2 TROKENDI XR - topiramate cap sr 24hr 50 mg 3 AZILECT - rasagiline mesylate tab 1 mg (base equiv) benztropine mesylate tab 0.5 mg 1 benztropine mesylate tab 1 mg Florida Blue October 2016 Care Choices Rx Medication Drug Guide 1 • • 1 100 1 ELDEPRYL - selegiline hcl cap 5 mg 3 bromocriptine mesylate cap 5 mg (Parlodel) 1 entacapone tab 200 mg (Comtan) 1 bromocriptine mesylate tab 2.5 mg 1 benztropine mesylate tab 2 mg carbidopa & levodopa orally disintegrating tab 10-100 mg carbidopa & levodopa orally disintegrating tab 25-100 mg carbidopa & levodopa orally disintegrating tab 25-250 mg carbidopa & levodopa tab cr 25-100 mg (Sinemet cr) carbidopa & levodopa tab cr 50-200 mg (Sinemet cr) carbidopa & levodopa tab 10-100 mg (Sinemet) carbidopa & levodopa tab 25-100 mg (Sinemet) carbidopa & levodopa tab 25-250 mg (Sinemet) carbidopa tab 25 mg (Lodosyn) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 CARBIDOPA/LEVODOPA/ENTACA - 3 carbidopa-levodopa-entacapone tabs 12.5-50-200 mg CARBIDOPA/LEVODOPA/ENTACA - 3 carbidopa-levodopa-entacapone tabs 18.75-75-200 mg CARBIDOPA/LEVODOPA/ENTACA - 3 carbidopa-levodopa-entacapone tabs 25-100-200 mg CARBIDOPA/LEVODOPA/ENTACA - 3 carbidopa-levodopa-entacapone tabs 31.25-125-200 mg CARBIDOPA/LEVODOPA/ENTACA - 3 carbidopa-levodopa-entacapone tabs 37.5-150-200 mg CARBIDOPA/LEVODOPA/ENTACA - 3 carbidopa-levodopa-entacapone tabs 50-200-200 mg 3 COMTAN - entacapone tab 200 mg LODOSYN - carbidopa tab 25 mg 3 MIRAPEX - pramipexole dihydrochloride tab 0.125 mg 3 MIRAPEX - pramipexole dihydrochloride tab 0.25 mg 3 MIRAPEX - pramipexole dihydrochloride tab 0.5 mg 3 MIRAPEX - pramipexole dihydrochloride tab 0.75 mg 3 MIRAPEX - pramipexole dihydrochloride tab 1 mg 3 MIRAPEX - pramipexole dihydrochloride tab 1.5 mg 3 MIRAPEX ER - pramipexole dihydrochloride tab sr 24hr 0.375 mg 3 MIRAPEX ER - pramipexole dihydrochloride tab sr 24hr 0.75 mg 3 MIRAPEX ER - pramipexole dihydrochloride tab sr 24hr 1.5 mg 3 MIRAPEX ER - pramipexole dihydrochloride tab sr 24hr 2.25 mg 3 MIRAPEX ER - pramipexole dihydrochloride tab sr 24hr 3 mg 3 MIRAPEX ER - pramipexole dihydrochloride tab sr 24hr 3.75 mg 3 MIRAPEX ER - pramipexole dihydrochloride tab sr 24hr 4.5 mg 3 NEUPRO - rotigotine td patch 24hr 1 mg/24hr 3 NEUPRO - rotigotine td patch 24hr 2 mg/24hr 3 NEUPRO - rotigotine td patch 24hr 3 mg/24hr 3 NEUPRO - rotigotine td patch 24hr 4 mg/24hr 3 Florida Blue October 2016 Care Choices Rx Medication Drug Guide Limited Distribution Responsible Steps Quantity Limits Prior Authorization Specialty Drug Name Drug Tier Limited Distribution Responsible Steps Quantity Limits Prior Authorization Specialty Drug Name Drug Tier 2016 101 NEUPRO - rotigotine td patch 24hr 6 mg/24hr 3 REQUIP - ropinirole hydrochloride tab 3 mg 3 NEUPRO - rotigotine td patch 24hr 8 mg/24hr 3 REQUIP - ropinirole hydrochloride tab 4 mg 3 PARLODEL - bromocriptine mesylate 3 cap 5 mg 1 pramipexole dihydrochloride tab sr 24hr 0.375 mg (Mirapex er) 1 pramipexole dihydrochloride tab sr 24hr 0.75 mg (Mirapex er) 1 pramipexole dihydrochloride tab sr 24hr 1.5 mg (Mirapex er) 1 pramipexole dihydrochloride tab sr 24hr 2.25 mg (Mirapex er) 1 pramipexole dihydrochloride tab sr 24hr 3 mg (Mirapex er) 1 pramipexole dihydrochloride tab sr 24hr 3.75 mg (Mirapex er) 1 pramipexole dihydrochloride tab sr 24hr 4.5 mg (Mirapex er) 1 pramipexole dihydrochloride tab 0.125 mg (Mirapex) 1 pramipexole dihydrochloride tab 0.25 mg (Mirapex) 1 pramipexole dihydrochloride tab 0.5 mg (Mirapex) 1 pramipexole dihydrochloride tab 0.75 mg (Mirapex) 1 pramipexole dihydrochloride tab 1 mg (Mirapex) 1 pramipexole dihydrochloride tab 1.5 mg (Mirapex) 3 REQUIP - ropinirole hydrochloride tab 0.25 mg 3 REQUIP - ropinirole hydrochloride tab 0.5 mg 3 REQUIP - ropinirole hydrochloride tab 1 mg 3 REQUIP - ropinirole hydrochloride tab 2 mg REQUIP - ropinirole hydrochloride tab 5 mg 3 REQUIP XL - ropinirole hydrochloride tab sr 24hr 2 mg (base equivalent) 3 REQUIP XL - ropinirole hydrochloride tab sr 24hr 4 mg (base equivalent) 3 REQUIP XL - ropinirole hydrochloride tab sr 24hr 6 mg (base equivalent) 3 REQUIP XL - ropinirole hydrochloride tab sr 24hr 8 mg (base equivalent) 3 REQUIP XL - ropinirole hydrochloride tab sr 24hr 12 mg (base equivalent) 3 ropinirole hydrochloride tab sr 24hr 2 mg (base equivalent) (Requip xl) 1 ropinirole hydrochloride tab sr 24hr 4 mg (base equivalent) (Requip xl) 1 ropinirole hydrochloride tab sr 24hr 6 mg (base equivalent) (Requip xl) 1 ropinirole hydrochloride tab sr 24hr 8 mg (base equivalent) (Requip xl) 1 ropinirole hydrochloride tab sr 24hr 12 mg (base equivalent) (Requip xl) 1 ropinirole hydrochloride tab 0.25 mg (Requip) 1 ropinirole hydrochloride tab 0.5 mg (Requip) ropinirole hydrochloride tab 1 mg (Requip) Florida Blue October 2016 Care Choices Rx Medication Drug Guide Limited Distribution Responsible Steps Quantity Limits Prior Authorization Specialty Drug Name Drug Tier Limited Distribution Responsible Steps Quantity Limits Prior Authorization Specialty Drug Name Drug Tier 2016 1 1 102 ropinirole hydrochloride tab 2 mg (Requip) 1 ropinirole hydrochloride tab 3 mg (Requip) 1 ropinirole hydrochloride tab 4 mg (Requip) 1 MUSCULOSKELETAL THERAPY AGENTS 1 baclofen tab 10 mg ropinirole hydrochloride tab 5 mg (Requip) 1 carisoprodol tab 350 mg (Soma) selegiline hcl cap 5 mg (Eldepryl) 1 carisoprodol w/ aspirin & codeine tab 200-325-16 mg selegiline hcl tab 5 mg 1 RILUTEK - riluzole tab 50 mg 3 riluzole tab 50 mg (Rilutek) 1 baclofen tab 20 mg carisoprodol w/ aspirin tab 200-325 mg 1 3 SINEMET - carbidopa & levodopa tab 25-250 mg 3 cyclobenzaprine hcl tab 7.5 mg (Fexmid) 1 SINEMET CR - carbidopa & levodopa tab cr 25-100 mg 3 cyclobenzaprine hcl tab 10 mg 1 SINEMET CR - carbidopa & levodopa tab cr 50-200 mg 3 trihexyphenidyl hcl elixir 0.4 mg/ ml trihexyphenidyl hcl tab 2 mg trihexyphenidyl hcl tab 5 mg NEUROMUSCULAR AGENTS 1 1 1 Limited Distribution 1 SINEMET - carbidopa & levodopa tab 25-100 mg 1 Responsible Steps 1 3 tolcapone tab 100 mg (Tasmar) Quantity Limits 1 SINEMET - carbidopa & levodopa tab 10-100 mg STALEVO 100 - carbidopa-levodopa- 3 entacapone tabs 25-100-200 mg STALEVO 125 - carbidopa-levodopa- 3 entacapone tabs 31.25-125-200 mg STALEVO 150 - carbidopa-levodopa- 3 entacapone tabs 37.5-150-200 mg STALEVO 200 - carbidopa-levodopa- 3 entacapone tabs 50-200-200 mg STALEVO 50 - carbidopa-levodopa- 3 entacapone tabs 12.5-50-200 mg STALEVO 75 - carbidopa-levodopa- 3 entacapone tabs 18.75-75-200 mg 3 TASMAR - tolcapone tab 100 mg Prior Authorization Specialty Drug Name Drug Tier Limited Distribution Responsible Steps Quantity Limits Prior Authorization Specialty Drug Name Drug Tier 2016 chlorzoxazone tab 500 mg (Parafon forte dsc) 1 cyclobenzaprine hcl tab 5 mg 1 DANTRIUM - dantrolene sodium cap 3 25 mg DANTRIUM - dantrolene sodium cap 3 50 mg 1 dantrolene sodium cap 25 mg (Dantrium) 1 dantrolene sodium cap 50 mg (Dantrium) 1 dantrolene sodium cap 100 mg METAXALONE - metaxalone tab 400 3 mg metaxalone tab 800 mg (Skelaxin) 1 methocarbamol tab 500 mg (Robaxin) 1 methocarbamol tab 750 mg (Robaxin-750) 1 orphenadrine citrate tab sr 12hr 100 mg 1 PARAFON FORTE DSC chlorzoxazone tab 500 mg 3 ROBAXIN - methocarbamol tab 500 mg 3 ROBAXIN-750 - methocarbamol tab 750 mg 3 Florida Blue October 2016 Care Choices Rx Medication Drug Guide 103 SKELAXIN - metaxalone tab 800 mg 3 tizanidine hcl cap 2 mg (base equivalent) (Zanaflex) 1 cholecalciferol drops 5000 unit/ml (1000 unit/0.2ml) 1 cholecalciferol drops 400 unit/0.03ml (per drop) 1 cholecalciferol oral liquid 400 unit/ml tizanidine hcl cap 4 mg (base equivalent) (Zanaflex) tizanidine hcl cap 6 mg (base equivalent) (Zanaflex) tizanidine hcl tab 2 mg (base equivalent) tizanidine hcl tab 4 mg (base equivalent) (Zanaflex) 1 1 ZANAFLEX - tizanidine hcl cap 2 mg (base equivalent) 3 ZANAFLEX - tizanidine hcl cap 4 mg (base equivalent) 3 ZANAFLEX - tizanidine hcl cap 6 mg (base equivalent) 3 ZANAFLEX - tizanidine hcl tab 4 mg (base equivalent) 3 ANTIMYASTHENIC AGENTS GUANIDINE HCL - guanidine hcl tab 3 125 mg 2 MESTINON - pyridostigmine bromide syrup 60 mg/5ml 3 MESTINON TIMESPAN pyridostigmine bromide tab cr 180 mg 1 pyridostigmine bromide tab cr 180 mg (Mestinon timespan) 1 pyridostigmine bromide tab 60 mg (Mestinon) NUTRITIONAL PRODUCTS VITAMINS AMINOBENZOATE POTASSIUM potassium aminobenzoate packet 2 gm 3 cholecalciferol cap 1000 unit P cholecalciferol chew tab 400 unit cholecalciferol chew tab 1000 unit P P cholecalciferol tab 400 unit cholecalciferol tab 1000 unit cholecalciferol tab 50000 unit Limited Distribution Responsible Steps Quantity Limits P P P P P 1 MEPHYTON - phytonadione tab 5 mg 2 ACTIVE OB - prenatal w/o a w/fe cbn-fa-dha cap 20-1-320 mg Prior Authorization P ergocalciferol cap 50000 unit (Drisdol) MULTIVITAMINS Specialty Drug Name Drug Tier Limited Distribution Responsible Steps Quantity Limits Prior Authorization Specialty Drug Name Drug Tier 2016 • 3 ATABEX EC - prenatal vit w/ dss-iron 3 carbonyl-fa tab dr 29-1 mg 3 BAL-CARE DHA - prenat w/fe polyna fered-fa tab 27-1 & omega cap dr 430mg 3 BP FOLINATAL PLUS B - prenatal w/ calcium carbonate-b6-b12-fa tab 1 mg BP MULTINATAL PLUS - prenatal w/ 3 o a vit w/ fe fum-fa tab chew 40-1 mg BP MULTINATAL PLUS - prenatal w/ 3 o a vit w/ fe fumarate-fa tab 30-1 mg C-NATE DHA - prenatal vit w/ fe fum- 3 fa-omega 3 cap 28-1-200 mg 3 CALCIUM PNV - prenatal w/o vit a w/ fe fum-fa-omega 3 cap 28-1-250 mg 3 CITRANATAL ASSURE - prenat w/ o a w/fecbn-fegl-dss-fa tab & dha cap 300 mg pack 3 CITRANATAL B-CALM - prenat w/o a w/fecbn-feglu-fa tab 20-1 mg & vit b6 tab pak Florida Blue October 2016 Care Choices Rx Medication Drug Guide 104 CITRANATAL DHA - prenat w/o a w/ fecbn-fegl-dss-fa tab & dha cap 250 mg pack 3 FOCALGIN 90 DHA - prenat w/o a w/fecbn-fegl-dss-fa tab 90 &dha cap 300mg pak 3 CITRANATAL HARMONY - prenat w/o a w/fe fum-fe cbn-dss-fa-dha cap 27-1-260 mg 3 FOLCAL DHA - prenatal w/o vit a w/ fe fum-dss-fa-dha cap 27-1.25-300 mg 3 CITRANATAL RX - prenatal w/o a w/ fe carbonyl-fe gluc-dss-fa tab 27-1mg 3 FOLCAPS OMEGA 3 - prenatal vit w/ fe cbn-fe asp glyc-fa-omega 3 cap 27-1mg 3 CITRANATAL 90 DHA - prenat w/o a w/fecbn-fegl-dss-fa tab 90 &dha cap 300mg pak 3 FOLET DHA - prenat w/fecbn-bisgmethylf-dss tab dr & dha cap pak 3 FOLET ONE - prenat w/o a w/ fecbn-bisg-methylf-dss-dha cap 38-1-225 mg 3 CO-NATAL FA - prenatal vit w/ fe fumarate-fa tab 29-1 mg 3 COMPLETE NATAL DHA - prenat-fe bis-fe prot succ-fa-ca tab & omega 3 cap 250 pk 3 FOLIVANE-OB - prenatal w/o a w/fe fum-fe poly-fa cap 130-92.4-1 mg 3 3 HEMENATAL OB - prenat vit-fe poly cmplx-fe heme poly-fa tab 28-6-1 mg 3 COMPLETENATE - prenatal vit w/ fe fumarate-fa chew tab 29-1 mg CONCEPT DHA - prenatal w/fe fumfe poly -fa-omega 3 cap 53.5-38-1 mg 3 HEMENATAL OB + DHA - prenat-fe poly cmplx-fe heme poly-fa tab & omega 3 cap pck 3 CONCEPT OB - prenatal w/o a w/fe fum-fe poly-fa cap 130-92.4-1 mg 3 INATAL ADVANCE - prenatal vit w/ dss-iron carbonyl-fa tab 90-1 mg 3 DOTHELLE DHA - prenatal w/fe fum-fe poly -fa-omega 3 cap 53.5-38-1 mg 3 INATAL GT - prenatal vit w/ dss-iron carbonyl-fa tab 90-1 mg 3 3 INATAL ULTRA - prenatal vit w/ dssiron carbonyl-fa tab 90-1 mg 3 DUET DHA BALANCED - prenat w/fe poly-na fered-fa tab 25-1 & omega cap 267 mg 3 DUET DHA 400 - prenat w/fe polyna fered-fa tab 25-1 & omega cap 400 mg 3 INFANATE BALANCE - prenatal w/o a w/fe cbn-dss-fa-dha cap 29-1-265 mg 3 ELITE-OB - prenatal vit w/ iron carbonyl-fa tab 50-1.25 mg 3 LEVOMEFOLATE DHA - prenat w/ fe fum-l methylfolate-fa-dha cap 27-1.13-0.4 mg ENBRACE HR - prenatal vit w/ fe gly 3 cys-fa-omega 3 fatty acids cap 3 EXTRA-VIRT PLUS DHA - prenatal w/o vit a w/ fe fum-doc-fa-dha cap 29-1.25-350 mg 3 FOCALGIN CA - prenat w/o a w/ fecbn-fegl-dss-fa tab & dha cap 300 mg pack Limited Distribution Responsible Steps Quantity Limits Prior Authorization Specialty Drug Name Drug Tier Limited Distribution Responsible Steps Quantity Limits Prior Authorization Specialty Drug Name Drug Tier 2016 M-VIT - prenatal vit w/ fe fumarate-fa 3 tab 27-1 mg 3 MACNATAL CN DHA - prenatal w/o a w/fe cbn-dss-fa-dha cap 28-1-250 mg MARNATAL-F - prenatal w/o vit a w/ 3 fe polysac cmplx-fa cap 60-1 mg Florida Blue October 2016 Care Choices Rx Medication Drug Guide 105 MYNATAL - prenatal multivitamins & minerals w/ iron & fa cap 1 mg 3 O-CAL FA - prenatal vit w/ fe fumarate-fa tab 27-1 mg 3 MYNATAL ADVANCE - prenatal vit w/ dss-iron carbonyl-fa tab 90-1 mg 3 O-CAL PRENATAL - prenatal vit w/ fe fumarate-fa tab 15-1 mg 3 OB COMPLETE - prenatal vit w/ iron carbonyl-fa tab 50-1.25 mg 3 MYNATAL PLUS - prenatal vit w/ fe fumarate-fa tab 65-1 mg 3 OB COMPLETE GOLD - prenat w/ o a w/fecbn-methfol-fa-dha cap 27.5-1-200 mg 3 OB COMPLETE ONE - prenatal w/o a w/fecbn-fe asp glyc-fa-fish cap 50-1-476 mg 3 OB COMPLETE PETITE - prenat w/ o a w/fecbn-feaspglyc-fa-omega cap 35-5-1-200 mg 3 OB COMPLETE PREMIER prenatal vit w/ fe cbn-fe asp glycfa tab 30-20-1 mg 3 OB COMPLETE/DHA - prenat w/ iron cbn-fe asp glyc-fa-omega cap 30-10-1-200 mg 3 OBSTETRIX DHA - prenat w/fecbnfa-dss tab 29-1 mg & omega 3 cap 387 mg pak 3 OBSTETRIX EC - prenatal vit w/ dss-iron carbonyl-fa tab 29-1 mg 3 PNV FERROUS FUMARATE/ DOCU - prenatal vit w/ dss-fe fumarate-fa tab 29-1 mg 3 PNV FOLIC ACID + IRON MUL prenatal vit w/ fe fumarate-fa tab 27-1 mg 3 PNV OB+DHA - prenat w/o a w/ fecbn-fegl-dss-fa tab & dha cap 250 mg pack 3 PNV PRENATAL PLUS MULTIVI prenatal vit w/ fe fumarate-fa tab 27-1 mg 3 PNV TABS 29-1 - prenatal vit w/ iron carbonyl-fa tab 29-1 mg 3 PNV-DHA - prenat w/o a w/fefummethfol-fa-dha cap 27-0.6-0.4-300 mg 3 MYNATAL ULTRACAPLET - prenatal 3 vit w/ dss-iron carbonyl-fa tab 90-1 mg 3 MYNATAL-Z - prenatal vit w/ fe fumarate-fa tab 65-1 mg 3 MYNATE 90 PLUS - prenatal vit w/ dss-fe fumarate-fa tab cr 90-1 mg NATACHEW - prenatal vit w/ fe fum- 3 fe bisglycin-fa chew tab 28-1 mg 3 NATALVIT - prenatal vit w/ fe fumarate-fa tab 75-1 mg 3 NATELLE ONE - prenatal w/o vit a w/ fe fum-fa-omega 3 cap 28-1-250 mg NEEVO DHA - prenat w/o a w/fefum- 3 methylfol-omegas cap 27-1.13 mg 3 NEPHROCAPS QT - b-complex w/ c-biotin-d & folic acid tab disp 1 mg 3 NESTABS - prenatal vit w/o vit a w/ fe bisglycinate-fa tab 32-1 mg 3 NESTABS ABC - prenatal w/o vit a w/fe polysac-fa-ca tab & omega 3 cap 3 NESTABS DHA - prenat w/o a w/ fe bisglyc-fa tab 32-1 mg & omega cap pack 3 NEWGEN - prenatal vit w/o vit a w/ fe bisglycinate-fa tab 32-1 mg NEXA PLUS - prenatal w/o vit a w/ fe 3 fum-doc-fa-dha cap 29-1.25-350 mg 3 NIVA-PLUS - prenatal vit w/ fe fumarate-fa tab 27-1 mg Florida Blue October 2016 Care Choices Rx Medication Drug Guide Limited Distribution Responsible Steps Quantity Limits Prior Authorization Specialty Drug Name Drug Tier Limited Distribution Responsible Steps Quantity Limits Prior Authorization Specialty Drug Name Drug Tier 2016 106 PNV-DHA+DOCUSATE - prenatal w/ 3 o vit a w/ fe fum-dss-fa-dha cap 27-1.25-300 mg 3 PNV-OMEGA - prenat w/o a w/ fe fumerate-methylfolate-fa-omega 3 cap 3 PNV-SELECT - prenatal vit w/ fe fum-methylfolate-fa tab 27-0.6-0.4 mg 3 PNV-TOTAL - prenat w/ fe cbn-fe bisglyc-fa-fish oil cap 35-5-1.2 mg 3 PNV-VP-U - prenatal w/o a vit w/ fe fumarate-fa cap 106.5-1 mg PR NATAL 400 - prenat-fe bis-fe prot 3 succ-fa-ca tab & omega 3 cap 400 pk PR NATAL 400 EC - prenat-fe bis-fe 3 prot succ-fa-ca tab & omega cap dr 400 pk PR NATAL 430 - prenat-fe bis-fe prot 3 succ-fa-ca tab & omega 3 cap 430 pk PR NATAL 430 EC - prenat-fe bis-fe 3 prot succ-fa-ca tab & omega cap dr 430 pk 3 PREFERA OB - prenat vit-fe poly cmplx-fe heme poly-fa tab 34-1 mg 3 PREFERAOB +DHA - prenat-fe poly cmplx 28mg-fe heme poly-fa tab&dha cap pack 3 PREFERAOB ONE - prenat-fe poly cmplx-fe heme poly-fa-dha cap 22-6-1-200 mg 3 PRENAISSANCE - prenatal w/o vit a w/ fe fum-dss-fa-dha cap 29-1.25-325 mg 3 PRENAISSANCE BALANCE prenatal w/o vit a w/ fe cbn-dss-fadha cap 30-1-260 mg PRENAISSANCE HARMONY DHA - 3 prenat w/fe poly-na fered-fa tab 27-1 & omega cap dr 380mg PRENAISSANCE NEXT - prenatal w/ calcium-vit b6-fa-ginger tab 1.2 mg Limited Distribution Responsible Steps Quantity Limits Prior Authorization Specialty Drug Name Drug Tier Limited Distribution Responsible Steps Quantity Limits Prior Authorization Specialty Drug Name Drug Tier 2016 3 PRENAISSANCE NEXT-B - prenatal 3 w/ calcium-vit b6-fa-ginger tab 1.22 mg 3 PRENAISSANCE PLUS - prenatal w/o a w/fe cbn-dss-fa-dha cap 28-1-250 mg 3 PRENATA - prenatal w/o a vit w/ fe fum-fa tab chew 29-1 mg 3 PRENATABS FA - prenatal vit w/ fe fumarate-fa tab 29-1 mg 3 PRENATABS RX - prenatal vit w/ iron carbonyl-fa tab 29-1 mg 3 PRENATAL - prenatal vit w/ fe fumarate-fa tab 27-1 mg PRENATAL PLUS - prenatal vit w/ fe 3 fumarate-fa tab 27-1 mg 3 PRENATAL PLUS IRON - prenatal vit w/ iron carbonyl-fa tab 29-1 mg 3 PRENATAL VITAMINS PLUS LO prenatal vit w/ fe fumarate-fa tab 27-1 mg 3 PRENATAL 19 - prenatal vit w/ dssfe fumarate-fa tab 29-1 mg 3 PRENATAL 19 - prenatal vit w/ fe fumarate-fa chew tab 29-1 mg PRENATAL-U - prenatal w/o a vit w/ 3 fe fumarate-fa cap 106.5-1 mg 3 PRENATE - prenat mv & min w/ lmethylfolate-fa chew tab 0.6-0.4 mg PRENATE AM - prenatal w/ calcium- 3 vit b6-vit b12-fa-ginger tab 1 mg 3 PRENATE DHA - prenat w/o a w/feaspg-methfol-fa-dha cap 18-0.6-0.4-300 mg 3 PRENATE DHA - prenat w/o a w/fefum-methfol-fa-dha cap 28-0.6-0.4-300 mg Florida Blue October 2016 Care Choices Rx Medication Drug Guide 107 PRENATE ELITE - prenatal vit w/ fe fum-methylfolate-fa tab 26-0.6-0.4 mg 3 PRENATE ELITE - prenatal w/ fe asp 3 gly-l methylfol-fa tab 20-0.6-0.4 mg 3 PRENATE ENHANCE - prenat w/ o a w/fefum-methfol-fa-dha cap 28-0.6-0.4-400 mg 3 PRENATE ESSENTIAL - prenat w/ o a w/feasp-methylf-fa-omeg cap 29-0.6-0.4-340 mg 3 PRENATE ESSENTIAL - prenat w/ o a w/feaspg-methfol-fa-dha cap 18-0.6-0.4-300 mg 3 PRENATE MINI - prenat w/o a w/fecbn-methylf-fa-dha cap 29-0.6-0.4-350 mg 3 PRENATE MINI - prenat w/oa w/ fecb-feasp-meth-fa-dha cap 18-0.6-0.4-350 mg 3 PRENATE PIXIE - prenat w/o a w/feaspg-methfol-fa-dha cap 10-0.6-0.4-200 mg 3 PRENATE RESTORE - prenat w/ o a w/fefum-methfol-fa-dha cap 27-0.6-0.4-400 mg 3 PRENATE STAR - prenatal vit w/ fe asparto glycinate-fa tab 20-1 mg 3 PRENA1 CHEW - prenat w/ b2-b6b12-d3-folic acid chew tab 1.4 mg 3 PRENA1 PEARL - prenat w/oa w/ fefum-na fered-fa-dha cap cr 30-1.4-200 mg 3 PREPLUS - prenatal vit w/ fe fumarate-fa tab 27-1 mg 3 PREQUE 10 - prenatal mv w/ fe carbonyl-dss-fa-dha tab 15-25-0.5-50 mg 3 PRETAB - prenatal vit w/ fe fumarate-fa tab 29-1 mg PROVIDA DHA - prenat w/o a w/fe fum-fe poly-fa-dha cap 16-16-1.25-110 mg 3 PROVIDA OB - prenatal w/o a w/fe fum-fe poly-fa cap 20-20-1.25 mg 3 PUREFE OB PLUS - prenatal w/o a w/fe fum-fe poly-fa cap 162.115.2-1 mg 3 R-NATAL OB - prenatal w/o a w/fe cbn-fa-dha cap 20-1-320 mg 3 RELNATE DHA - prenatal vit w/ fe fum-fa-omega 3 cap 28-1-200 mg 3 RULAVITE DHA - prenat w/o a w/fefum-methfol-fa-dha cap 27-0.6-0.4-300 mg 3 SE-NATAL 19 - prenatal vit w/ dss-fe fumarate-fa tab 29-1 mg 3 SE-NATAL 19 - prenatal vit w/ fe fumarate-fa chew tab 29-1 mg 3 SE-TAN DHA - prenatal w/fe fum-fe poly -fa-omega 3 cap 15-15-1 mg 3 SELECT-OB - prenat w/ fepolycmplx-methylfol-fa chew tab 29-0.6-0.4 mg 3 SELECT-OB - prenatal vit w/ fe polysac cmplx-fa chew tab 29-1 mg 3 SELECT-OB+DHA - prenatal mv w/ fe poly-fa chw 29-1 mg & dha cap 250 mg pak 3 TARON-BC - prenat w/o a w/ fe cbnyl-fa tab 20-1 mg & vit b6 tab pak 3 TARON-C DHA - prenatal w/fe fumfe poly -fa-omega 3 cap 53.5-38-1 mg 3 TARON-PREX - prenatal w/o vit a w/ fe fum-dss-fa-dha cap 30-1.2-265 mg 3 THRIVITE RX - prenatal vit w/ iron carbonyl-fa tab 29-1 mg 3 Florida Blue October 2016 Care Choices Rx Medication Drug Guide Limited Distribution Responsible Steps Quantity Limits Prior Authorization Specialty Drug Name Drug Tier Limited Distribution Responsible Steps Quantity Limits Prior Authorization Specialty Drug Name Drug Tier 2016 108 THRIVITE 19 - prenatal vit w/ dss-fe fumarate-fa tab 29-1 mg 3 TL FOLATE - prenatal vit w/ fe fummethylfolate-fa tab 27-0.5-0.5 mg 3 TL-CARE DHA - prenatal w/fe fumarate-fa-dss-fish oil cap 27-1-500 mg ULTIMATECARE ONE - prenatal vit w/ fe cbn-fe asp glyc-fa-omega 3 cap 27-1mg 3 3 3 ULTIMATECARE ONE NF - prenatal w/fe cbnyl-fe asp glyc-fa-dssomega cap 20-7-1 mg 3 TL-SELECT - prenatal w/o vit a w/ fe fum-dss-fa-dha cap 29-1.25-325 mg 3 VEMAVITE-PRX 2 - prenatal w/o vit a w/ fe fum-dss-fa-dha cap 27-1.25-300 mg 3 TRI-TABS DHA - prenat w/o a w/ fe bisglyc-fa tab 32-1 mg & omega cap pack 3 VENA-BAL DHA - prenat w/fe polyna fered-fa tab 27-1 & omega cap dr 430mg 3 TRIADVANCE - prenatal vit w/ dssiron carbonyl-fa tab 90-1 mg 3 VINACAL B - prenat w/o a w/fecbnfeglu-fa tab 20-1 mg & vit b6 tab pak TRICARE - prenatal vit w/ fe fumarate-fa tab 27-1 mg 3 3 TRICARE PRENATAL - prenat w/o a w/fepyro-mfol chw 4.5-1 mg & dha cap 150 thpk 3 VINATE AZ EXTRA - prenatal vit w/ fe bisglycinate chelate-fa tab 29-1 mg VINATE C - prenatal w/o a vit w/ fe fumarate-fa tab 30-1 mg 3 TRICARE PRENATAL COMPLEAT prenat w/o a fefum-fa tab 27-1 mg & fish oil chew cap pak 3 VINATE CALCIUM - prenatal vit w/ iron carbonyl-fe gluc-fa tab 27-1 mg 3 TRICARE PRENATAL DHA ONE prenatal w/fe fumarate-fa-dss-fish oil cap 27-1-500 mg 3 TRINATAL GT - prenatal vit w/ dssiron carbonyl-fa tab 90-1 mg 3 TRINATAL RX 1 - prenatal vit w/ fe fumarate-fa tab 60-1 mg 3 TRINATE - prenatal vit w/ fe fumarate-fa tab 28-1 mg 3 TRISTART DHA - prenat w/o a w/fecbn-methylf-fa-dha cap 31-0.6-0.4-200 mg 3 TRIVEEN-DUO DHA - prenat-fe bisfe prot succ-fa-ca tab & omega 3 cap 400 pk 3 TRIVEEN-PRX RNF - prenatal w/ o vit a w/ fe fum-dss-fa-dha cap 26-1.2-300 mg 3 VINATE CARE - prenatal w/o a vit w/ 3 fe fum-fa tab chew 40-1 mg 3 VINATE DHA RF - prenat w/o a w/fefum-methylfol-omegas cap 27-1.13 mg VINATE IC - prenatal w/o a w/fe fum- 3 fe poly-fa cap 162.115.2-1 mg 3 VINATE II - prenatal vit w/ fe bisglycinate chelate-fa tab 29-1 mg 3 VINATE M - prenatal vit w/ sel-fe fumarate-fa tab 27-1 mg 3 VINATE ONE - prenatal vit w/ fe fumarate-fa tab 60-1 mg 3 VIRT NATE - prenatal vit w/ fe fumarate-fa tab 28-1 mg 3 VIRT-ADVANCE - prenatal vit w/ dss-iron carbonyl-fa tab 90-1 mg Florida Blue October 2016 Care Choices Rx Medication Drug Guide Limited Distribution Responsible Steps Quantity Limits Prior Authorization Specialty Drug Name Drug Tier Limited Distribution Responsible Steps Quantity Limits Prior Authorization Specialty Drug Name Drug Tier 2016 109 VIRT-C DHA - prenatal w/fe fum-fe poly -fa-omega 3 cap 53.5-38-1 mg 3 VITAFOL-ONE - prenatal mv w/ fe polysac cmplx-fa-dha cap 29-1-200 mg VIRT-CARE ONE - prenatal vit w/ fe cbn-fe asp glyc-fa-omega 3 cap 27-1mg 3 VIRT-NATE DHA - prenatal vit w/ fe fum-fa-omega 3 cap 28-1-200 mg 3 VIRT-PN - prenatal vit w/ fe fummethylfolate-fa tab 27-0.6-0.4 mg 3 VIRT-PN DHA - prenat w/o a w/fefum-methfol-fa-dha cap 27-0.6-0.4-300 mg 3 VIRT-PN PLUS - prenat w/o a w/ fe fumerate-methylfolate-fa-omega 3 cap 3 VIRT-SELECT - prenatal w/o vit a w/ fe fum-dss-fa-dha cap 29-1.25-325 mg 3 VIRT-VITE GT - prenatal vit w/ dssiron carbonyl-fa tab 90-1 mg 3 VIRTPREX - prenatal w/o vit a w/ fe fum-dss-fa-dha cap 26-1.2-300 mg 3 VITA-PREN - prenatal vit w/ docusate-iron-fa tab 65-1 mg 3 VITAFOL FE+ - prenat-fepolymethol-fa-dha cap 90-1-200 mg & dss 50mg cap 3 VITAFOL GUMMIES - prenat vit w/ fe phos-fa-omega chew tab 3.33-0.333-34.8 mg 3 VITAFOL ULTRA - prenat w/ fe poly-methylfol-fa-dha cap 29-0.6-0.4-200 mg 3 VITAFOL-NANO - prenatal w/o a w/ fefum-l methylfol-fa tab 18-0.6-0.4 mg 3 VITAFOL-OB - prenatal vit w/ fe fumarate-fa tab 65-1 mg 3 VITAFOL-OB+DHA - prenatal mv w/ fe fum-fa tab 65-1 mg & dha cap 250 mg pack 3 VITAMEDMD ONE RX/QUATREFO - 3 prenat w/o a w/fefum-methfol-fadha cap 30-0.6-0.4-200 mg 3 VITAMEDMD PLUS RX/QUATRE prenat w/o a w/ fe chelate-l methylfol-fa tab & dha cap pk 3 VITAMEDMD REDICHEW RX prenat w/ b2-b6-b12-d3-folic acid chew tab 1.4 mg 3 VITAPEARL - prenat w/oa w/fefumna fered-fa-dha cap cr 30-1.4-200 mg 3 VITATRUE - prenat w/o a w/fe chel-fa tab 30-1.4 mg & dha cap 300mg pk VIVA DHA - prenatal vit w/ fe fum-fa- 3 omega 3 cap 28-1-200 mg 3 VOL-NATE - prenatal vit w/ fe fumarate-fa tab 28-1 mg 3 VOL-PLUS - prenatal vit w/ fe fumarate-fa tab 27-1 mg 3 VOL-TAB RX - prenatal vit w/ iron carbonyl-fa tab 29-1 mg 3 VP-CH PLUS - prenatal w/o a w/fe cbn-dss-fa-dha cap 29-1-265 mg VP-CH-PNV - prenatal w/o vit a w/ fe 3 cbn-dss-fa-dha cap 30-1-260 mg 3 VP-GGR-B6 PRENATAL - prenatal w/ calcium-vit b6-fa-ginger tab 1.2 mg 3 VP-HEME OB - prenat vit-fe poly cmplx-fe heme poly-fa tab 28-6-1 mg 3 VP-HEME OB + DHA - prenat-fe poly cmplx-fe heme poly-fa tab & omega 3 cap pck 3 VP-HEME ONE - prenat-fe poly cmplx-fe heme poly-fa-dha cap 22-6-1-200 mg Florida Blue October 2016 Care Choices Rx Medication Drug Guide Limited Distribution Responsible Steps Quantity Limits Prior Authorization Specialty Drug Name Drug Tier Limited Distribution Responsible Steps Quantity Limits Prior Authorization Specialty Drug Name Drug Tier 2016 3 110 VP-PNV-DHA - prenatal vit w/ fe fum-fa-omega 3 cap 28-1-215.8 mg 3 K-TAB - potassium chloride tab cr 10 meq 3 K-TAB - potassium chloride tab cr 20 meq (1500 mg) 3 ZATEAN-CH - prenatal w/o a w/fe cbn-dss-fa-dha cap 27-1-250 mg 3 KLOR-CON M15 - potassium chloride microencapsulated crys cr tab 15 meq 3 ZATEAN-PN DHA - prenat w/o a w/fefum-methfol-fa-dha cap 27-0.6-0.4-300 mg 3 3 LOZI-FLUR - sodium fluoride lozenge 1 mg f (from 2.2 mg naf) 3 ZATEAN-PN PLUS - prenat w/o a w/ fe fumerate-methylfolate-fa-omega 3 cap LURIDE - sodium fluoride chew tab 0.25 mg f (from 0.55 mg naf) 3 LURIDE - sodium fluoride chew tab 0.5 mg f (from 1.1 mg naf) 3 MINERALS and ELECTROLYTES EFFER-K - potassium bicarbonatecitric acid effer tab 10 meq 3 EFFER-K - potassium bicarbonatecitric acid effer tab 20 meq 3 FLORIVA - sodium fluoride-vitamin d liqd drops 0.25 mg/ml-400 unit/ml 3 FLUOR-A-DAY - sodium fluoridexylitol chew tab 0.55 (0.25 mg f)-236.79 mg 3 FLUOR-A-DAY - sodium fluoridexylitol chew tab 2.2 (1 mg f)-236.79 mg 3 FLUORABON - sodium fluoride soln 0.25 mg/0.6ml (from 0.55 mg/0.6ml naf) 3 FLURA-DROPS - sodium fluoride soln 0.25 mg/drop f (from 0.55 mg/ drop naf) 3 GALZIN - zinc acetate cap 25 mg (elemental zinc) 3 GALZIN - zinc acetate cap 50 mg (elemental zinc) 3 K-PHOS - potassium phosphate monobasic tab 500 mg 3 K-PHOS NEUTRAL - pot phos monobasic w/sod phos di & monobas tab 155-852-130mg 3 K-TAB - potassium chloride tab cr 8 meq (600 mg) 3 Limited Distribution Responsible Steps Quantity Limits Prior Authorization Specialty Drug Name Drug Tier Limited Distribution Responsible Steps Quantity Limits Prior Authorization Specialty Drug Name Drug Tier 2016 LURIDE - sodium fluoride chew tab 1 3 mg f (from 2.2 mg naf) 3 LURIDE - sodium fluoride soln 0.5 mg/ml f (from 1.1 mg/ml naf) 3 MICRO-K - potassium chloride cap cr 8 meq 3 MICRO-K - potassium chloride cap cr 10 meq 1 pot bicarbonate & chloride effer tab 25 meq 1 pot phos monobasic w/sod phos di & monobas tab 155-852-130mg (K-phos neutral) 1 potassium bicarbonate effer tab 25 meq 1 potassium chloride cap cr 8 meq (Micro-k) potassium chloride cap cr 10 meq 1 (Micro-k) 3 POTASSIUM CHLORIDE ER potassium chloride tab cr 8 meq (600 mg) 3 POTASSIUM CHLORIDE ER potassium chloride tab cr 20 meq (1500 mg) 1 potassium chloride microencapsulated crys cr tab 10 meq Florida Blue October 2016 Care Choices Rx Medication Drug Guide 111 potassium chloride microencapsulated crys cr tab 20 meq potassium chloride oral soln 10% (20 meq/15ml) potassium chloride oral soln 20% (40 meq/15ml) potassium chloride powder packet 20 meq potassium chloride tab cr 8 meq (600 mg) (K-tab) ARANESP ALBUMIN FREE darbepoetin alfa soln inj 200 mcg/ ml 4 • • ARANESP ALBUMIN FREE darbepoetin alfa soln inj 300 mcg/ ml 4 • • ARANESP ALBUMIN FREE darbepoetin alfa soln prefilled syringe 10 mcg/0.4ml 4 • • ARANESP ALBUMIN FREE darbepoetin alfa soln prefilled syringe 25 mcg/0.42ml 4 • • ARANESP ALBUMIN FREE darbepoetin alfa soln prefilled syringe 40 mcg/0.4ml 4 • • ARANESP ALBUMIN FREE darbepoetin alfa soln prefilled syringe 60 mcg/0.3ml 4 • • ARANESP ALBUMIN FREE darbepoetin alfa soln prefilled syringe 100 mcg/0.5ml 4 • • 3 ARANESP ALBUMIN FREE darbepoetin alfa soln prefilled syringe 150 mcg/0.3ml 4 • • 1 ARANESP ALBUMIN FREE darbepoetin alfa soln prefilled syringe 200 mcg/0.4ml 4 • • ARANESP ALBUMIN FREE darbepoetin alfa soln prefilled syringe 300 mcg/0.6ml 4 • • ARANESP ALBUMIN FREE darbepoetin alfa soln prefilled syringe 500 mcg/ml 4 • • 1 1 P P P P 3 NUTRESTORE - glutamine powd pack 5 gm 3 HEMATOLOGICAL AGENTS 4 • • Florida Blue October 2016 Care Choices Rx Medication Drug Guide Limited Distribution • • Responsible Steps 4 Quantity Limits ARANESP ALBUMIN FREE darbepoetin alfa soln inj 100 mcg/ ml 1 LECITHIN - lecithin granules ARANESP ALBUMIN FREE darbepoetin alfa soln inj 25 mcg/ ml Prior Authorization • • P HEMATOPOIETIC AGENTS Specialty 4 sodium fluoride chew tab 0.25 mg f (from 0.55 mg naf) (Luride) acetylcysteine cap 600 mg Drug Tier ARANESP ALBUMIN FREE darbepoetin alfa soln inj 60 mcg/ ml 2 NUTRIENTS Limited Distribution 1 SODIUM FLUORIDE - sodium fluoride tab 1 mg f (from 2.2 mg naf) SSKI - potassium iodide soln 1 gm/ ml Responsible Steps • • 2 sodium fluoride soln 0.5 mg/ml f (from 1.1 mg/ml naf) (Luride) Quantity Limits 4 SODIUM FLUORIDE - sodium fluoride tab 0.5 mg f (from 1.1 mg naf) sodium fluoride soln 0.125 mg/ drop f (0.275 mg/drop naf) Prior Authorization ARANESP ALBUMIN FREE darbepoetin alfa soln inj 40 mcg/ ml 1 sodium fluoride chew tab 1 mg f (from 2.2 mg naf) (Luride) Drug Name 1 potassium chloride tab cr 10 meq (K-tab) sodium fluoride chew tab 0.5 mg f (from 1.1 mg naf) (Luride) Specialty Drug Name Drug Tier 2016 112 carbonyl iron susp 15 mg/1.25ml (elemental iron) 4 cyanocobalamin inj 1000 mcg/ml 1 DROXIA - hydroxyurea cap 200 mg 2 DROXIA - hydroxyurea cap 300 mg 2 DROXIA - hydroxyurea cap 400 mg 2 EPOGEN - epoetin alfa inj 2000 unit/ 4 ml EPOGEN - epoetin alfa inj 3000 unit/ 4 ml EPOGEN - epoetin alfa inj 4000 unit/ 4 ml 4 EPOGEN - epoetin alfa inj 10000 unit/ml 4 EPOGEN - epoetin alfa inj 20000 unit/ml 3 FERROUS SULFATE - ferrous sulfate liquid 220 mg/5ml (44 mg/5ml elemental fe) P ferrous sulfate elixir 220 mg/5ml (44 mg/5ml elemental fe) P ferrous sulfate soln 75 mg/ml (15 mg/ml elemental fe) P folic acid tab 400 mcg folic acid tab 1 mg FOLIVANE-F - fe fum-fe poly-fa-c-b3 cap 62.5-62.5-1-40-3mg(125 mg fe) • • • • • • • • • • • • • P 1 3 GRANIX - tbo-filgrastim soln prefilled 4 syringe 300 mcg/0.5ml GRANIX - tbo-filgrastim soln prefilled 4 syringe 480 mcg/0.8ml 3 INTEGRA F - fe fum-fe poly-fa-c-b3 cap 62.5-62.5-1-40-3mg(125 mg fe) LEUKINE - sargramostim lyophilized 4 for inj 250 mcg • • • • • • • 4 • MIRCERA - methoxy peg-epoetin beta soln prefilled syr 75 mcg/0.3ml 4 • MIRCERA - methoxy peg-epoetin beta soln prefilled syr 100 mcg/0.3ml 4 • MIRCERA - methoxy peg-epoetin beta soln prefilled syr 200 mcg/0.3ml 4 • NASCOBAL - cyanocobalamin nasal spray 500 mcg/0.1ml 3 NEULASTA - pegfilgrastim soln prefilled syringe 6 mg/0.6ml 4 • • • NEULASTA ONPRO KIT pegfilgrastim soln prefilled syringe kit 6 mg/0.6ml 4 • • • NEUPOGEN - filgrastim inj 300 mcg/ 4 ml 4 NEUPOGEN - filgrastim inj 480 mcg/1.6ml (300 mcg/ml) NEUPOGEN - filgrastim soln prefilled 4 syringe 300 mcg/0.5ml NEUPOGEN - filgrastim soln prefilled 4 syringe 480 mcg/0.8ml (600 mcg/ ml) PROCRIT - epoetin alfa inj 2000 unit/ 4 ml PROCRIT - epoetin alfa inj 3000 unit/ 4 ml PROCRIT - epoetin alfa inj 4000 unit/ 4 ml 4 PROCRIT - epoetin alfa inj 10000 unit/ml 4 PROCRIT - epoetin alfa inj 20000 unit/ml 4 PROCRIT - epoetin alfa inj 40000 unit/ml PROMACTA - eltrombopag olamine 4 tab 12.5 mg (base equiv) Florida Blue October 2016 Care Choices Rx Medication Drug Guide Limited Distribution MIRCERA - methoxy peg-epoetin beta soln prefilled syr 50 mcg/0.3ml Responsible Steps Quantity Limits Prior Authorization Specialty Drug Name Drug Tier Limited Distribution Responsible Steps Quantity Limits Prior Authorization P CERDELGA - eliglustat tartrate cap 84 mg (base equivalent) folic acid tab 800 mcg Specialty Drug Name Drug Tier 2016 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 113 PROMACTA - eltrombopag olamine tab 50 mg (base equiv) 4 • • • • 1 • PROMACTA - eltrombopag olamine tab 75 mg (base equiv) 4 • • • • 1 • ZARXIO - filgrastim-sndz soln prefilled syringe 300 mcg/0.5ml 4 • • 1 • ZARXIO - filgrastim-sndz soln prefilled syringe 480 mcg/0.8ml 4 • • enoxaparin sodium inj 100 mg/ml (Lovenox) 1 • ZAVESCA - miglustat cap 100 mg 4 • • • enoxaparin sodium inj 120 mg/0.8ml (Lovenox) 1 • ARIXTRA - fondaparinux sodium subcutaneous inj 2.5 mg/0.5ml 3 • enoxaparin sodium inj 150 mg/ml (Lovenox) 1 • ARIXTRA - fondaparinux sodium subcutaneous inj 5 mg/0.4ml 3 • enoxaparin sodium inj 300 mg/3ml (Lovenox) 1 • ARIXTRA - fondaparinux sodium subcutaneous inj 7.5 mg/0.6ml 3 • 1 • ARIXTRA - fondaparinux sodium subcutaneous inj 10 mg/0.8ml 3 • fondaparinux sodium subcutaneous inj 2.5 mg/0.5ml (Arixtra) 1 • COUMADIN - warfarin sodium tab 1 mg 3 fondaparinux sodium subcutaneous inj 5 mg/0.4ml (Arixtra) COUMADIN - warfarin sodium tab 2 mg 3 1 • COUMADIN - warfarin sodium tab 2.5 mg 3 fondaparinux sodium subcutaneous inj 7.5 mg/0.6ml (Arixtra) 1 • COUMADIN - warfarin sodium tab 3 mg 3 fondaparinux sodium subcutaneous inj 10 mg/0.8ml (Arixtra) FRAGMIN - dalteparin sodium inj 10000 unit/ml 3 COUMADIN - warfarin sodium tab 4 mg 3 • FRAGMIN - dalteparin sodium inj 2500 unit/0.2ml 3 COUMADIN - warfarin sodium tab 5 mg 3 • FRAGMIN - dalteparin sodium inj 5000 unit/0.2ml 3 COUMADIN - warfarin sodium tab 6 mg 3 • 3 3 COUMADIN - warfarin sodium tab 7.5 mg FRAGMIN - dalteparin sodium inj 7500 unit/0.3ml • FRAGMIN - dalteparin sodium inj 12500 unit/0.5ml 3 • FRAGMIN - dalteparin sodium inj 15000 unit/0.6ml 3 • FRAGMIN - dalteparin sodium inj 18000 unit/0.72ml 3 • COUMADIN - warfarin sodium tab 10 3 mg 2 ELIQUIS - apixaban tab 2.5 mg ELIQUIS - apixaban tab 5 mg 2 enoxaparin sodium inj 40 mg/0.4ml (Lovenox) enoxaparin sodium inj 60 mg/0.6ml (Lovenox) enoxaparin sodium inj 80 mg/0.8ml (Lovenox) • • • Florida Blue October 2016 Care Choices Rx Medication Drug Guide Limited Distribution • enoxaparin sodium inj 30 mg/0.3ml (Lovenox) Responsible Steps 1 ANTICOAGULANTS • Quantity Limits • • • Prior Authorization 4 Specialty PROMACTA - eltrombopag olamine tab 25 mg (base equiv) Drug Name Drug Tier Limited Distribution Responsible Steps Quantity Limits Prior Authorization Specialty Drug Name Drug Tier 2016 114 FRAGMIN - dalteparin sodium inj 95000 unit/3.8ml 3 heparin sodium (porcine) inj 5000 unit/ml 1 LOVENOX - enoxaparin sodium inj 30 mg/0.3ml 3 • LOVENOX - enoxaparin sodium inj 40 mg/0.4ml 3 • LOVENOX - enoxaparin sodium inj 60 mg/0.6ml 3 • LOVENOX - enoxaparin sodium inj 80 mg/0.8ml 3 • LOVENOX - enoxaparin sodium inj 100 mg/ml 3 • LOVENOX - enoxaparin sodium inj 120 mg/0.8ml 3 • LOVENOX - enoxaparin sodium inj 150 mg/ml 3 • LOVENOX - enoxaparin sodium inj 300 mg/3ml 3 • PRADAXA - dabigatran etexilate mesylate cap 75 mg (etexilate base eq) 2 • PRADAXA - dabigatran etexilate mesylate cap 110 mg (etexilate base eq) 2 • PRADAXA - dabigatran etexilate mesylate cap 150 mg (etexilate base eq) 2 • SAVAYSA - edoxaban tosylate tab 15 mg (base equivalent) 3 • SAVAYSA - edoxaban tosylate tab 30 mg (base equivalent) 3 • SAVAYSA - edoxaban tosylate tab 60 mg (base equivalent) 3 • warfarin sodium tab 1 mg (Coumadin) 1 warfarin sodium tab 2 mg (Coumadin) 1 warfarin sodium tab 2.5 mg (Coumadin) 1 warfarin sodium tab 3 mg (Coumadin) 1 warfarin sodium tab 4 mg (Coumadin) 1 warfarin sodium tab 5 mg (Coumadin) 1 warfarin sodium tab 6 mg (Coumadin) 1 warfarin sodium tab 7.5 mg (Coumadin) 1 warfarin sodium tab 10 mg (Coumadin) 1 XARELTO - rivaroxaban tab 10 mg 2 XARELTO - rivaroxaban tab 15 mg 2 XARELTO - rivaroxaban tab 20 mg 2 XARELTO STARTER PACK rivaroxaban tab starter therapy pack 15 mg & 20 mg 2 HEMOSTATICS AMICAR - aminocaproic acid oral soln 0.25 gm/ml Limited Distribution Responsible Steps Quantity Limits Prior Authorization Specialty Drug Name Drug Tier Limited Distribution • Responsible Steps Quantity Limits Prior Authorization Specialty Drug Name Drug Tier 2016 • • • • 3 AMICAR - aminocaproic acid tab 500 3 mg 3 AMICAR - aminocaproic acid tab 1000 mg LYSTEDA - tranexamic acid tab 650 3 mg 1 tranexamic acid tab 650 mg (Lysteda) HEMATOLOGICAL AGENTS - MISC. ADVATE - antihemophilic factor rahfpfm for inj 250 unit 4 • • ADVATE - antihemophilic factor rahfpfm for inj 500 unit 4 • • ADVATE - antihemophilic factor rahfpfm for inj 1000 unit 4 • • ADVATE - antihemophilic factor rahfpfm for inj 1500 unit 4 • • ADVATE - antihemophilic factor rahfpfm for inj 2000 unit 4 • • Florida Blue October 2016 Care Choices Rx Medication Drug Guide 115 • • ADYNOVATE - antihemophilic factor recomb pegylated for inj 500 unit 4 • • ADYNOVATE - antihemophilic factor recomb pegylated for inj 1000 unit 4 • • ADYNOVATE - antihemophilic factor recomb pegylated for inj 2000 unit 4 • • AFSTYLA - antihemophilic fact rcmb single chain for inj kit 250 unit 4 • AFSTYLA - antihemophilic fact rcmb single chain for inj kit 500 unit 4 • AFSTYLA - antihemophilic fact rcmb single chain for inj kit 1000 unit 4 • AFSTYLA - antihemophilic fact rcmb single chain for inj kit 2000 unit 4 • AFSTYLA - antihemophilic fact rcmb single chain for inj kit 3000 unit 4 • ALPHANINE SD - coagulation factor ix for inj 500 unit 4 • • ALPHANINE SD - coagulation factor ix for inj 1000 unit 4 • • ALPHANINE SD - coagulation factor ix for inj 1500 unit 4 • • ALPROLIX - coagulation factor ix (recomb) (rfixfc) for inj 250 unit 4 • • • ALPROLIX - coagulation factor ix (recomb) (rfixfc) for inj 500 unit 4 • • • ALPROLIX - coagulation factor ix (recomb) (rfixfc) for inj 1000 unit 4 • • • ALPROLIX - coagulation factor ix (recomb) (rfixfc) for inj 2000 unit 4 • • • ALPROLIX - coagulation factor ix (recomb) (rfixfc) for inj 3000 unit 4 • • • anagrelide hcl cap 0.5 mg (Agrylin) 1 1 anagrelide hcl cap 1 mg ASPIRIN/DIPYRIDAMOLE - aspirindipyridamole cap sr 12hr 25-200 mg 3 BEBULIN - factor ix complex for inj 200-1200 unit 4 AGGRENOX - aspirin-dipyridamole cap sr 12hr 25-200 mg 3 • • 3 4 AGRYLIN - anagrelide hcl cap 0.5 mg BENEFIX - coagulation factor ix (recombinant) for inj 250 unit • • 4 BENEFIX - coagulation factor ix (recombinant) for inj 500 unit 4 ALPHANATE/VON WILLEBRAND antihemophilic factor/vwf (human) for inj 250 unit • • 4 • • ALPHANATE/VON WILLEBRAND antihemophilic factor/vwf (human) for inj 500 unit 4 • • BENEFIX - coagulation factor ix (recombinant) for inj 1000 unit BENEFIX - coagulation factor ix (recombinant) for inj 2000 unit 4 • • ALPHANATE/VON WILLEBRAND antihemophilic factor/vwf (human) for inj 1000 unit 4 • • BENEFIX - coagulation factor ix (recombinant) for inj 3000 unit 4 • • 4 • • ALPHANATE/VON WILLEBRAND antihemophilic factor/vwf (human) for inj 1500 unit 4 BERINERT - c1 esterase inhibitor (human) for iv inj kit 500 unit BRILINTA - ticagrelor tab 60 mg 2 2 ALPHANATE/VON WILLEBRAND antihemophilic factor/vwf (human) for inj 2000 unit 4 BRILINTA - ticagrelor tab 90 mg cilostazol tab 50 mg (Pletal) 1 • • • • • • Limited Distribution 4 Responsible Steps ADYNOVATE - antihemophilic factor recomb pegylated for inj 250 unit Quantity Limits • • Prior Authorization 4 Specialty ADVATE - antihemophilic factor rahfpfm for inj 4000 unit Drug Name Drug Tier • • Limited Distribution 4 Responsible Steps ADVATE - antihemophilic factor rahfpfm for inj 3000 unit Quantity Limits Prior Authorization Specialty Drug Name Drug Tier 2016 cilostazol tab 100 mg (Pletal) Florida Blue October 2016 Care Choices Rx Medication Drug Guide • 1 116 CINRYZE - c1 esterase inhibitor (human) for iv inj 500 unit 4 clopidogrel bisulfate tab 75 mg (base equiv) (Plavix) 1 clopidogrel bisulfate tab 300 mg (base equiv) (Plavix) 1 COAGADEX - coagulation factor x (human) for inj 250 unit 4 • • • COAGADEX - coagulation factor x (human) for inj 500 unit 4 • • • CORIFACT - factor xiii concentrate (human) for inj kit 1000-1600 unit 4 • • • dipyridamole tab 25 mg (Persantine) 1 dipyridamole tab 50 mg (Persantine) 1 dipyridamole tab 75 mg (Persantine) 1 EFFIENT - prasugrel hcl tab 5 mg (base equiv) 3 EFFIENT - prasugrel hcl tab 10 mg (base equiv) 3 ELOCTATE - antihemophilic factor (recomb) rfviiifc for inj 250 unit 4 • • • ELOCTATE - antihemophilic factor (recomb) rfviiifc for inj 500 unit 4 • • • ELOCTATE - antihemophilic factor (recomb) rfviiifc for inj 750 unit 4 • • • ELOCTATE - antihemophilic factor (recomb) rfviiifc for inj 1000 unit 4 • • • ELOCTATE - antihemophilic factor (recomb) rfviiifc for inj 1500 unit 4 • • • ELOCTATE - antihemophilic factor (recomb) rfviiifc for inj 2000 unit 4 • • • ELOCTATE - antihemophilic factor (recomb) rfviiifc for inj 3000 unit 4 • • • FEIBA - antiinhibitor coagulant complex for inj 4 • • FIRAZYR - icatibant acetate inj 30 mg/3ml (base equivalent) 4 • • • HELIXATE FS - antihemophilic factor 4 (recombinant) for inj kit 250 unit HELIXATE FS - antihemophilic factor 4 (recombinant) for inj kit 500 unit HELIXATE FS - antihemophilic factor 4 (recombinant) for inj kit 1000 unit HELIXATE FS - antihemophilic factor 4 (recombinant) for inj kit 2000 unit HELIXATE FS - antihemophilic factor 4 (recombinant) for inj kit 3000 unit 4 HEMOFIL M - antihemophilic factor (human) for inj 250 unit 4 HEMOFIL M - antihemophilic factor (human) for inj 500 unit 4 HEMOFIL M - antihemophilic factor (human) for inj 1000 unit 4 HEMOFIL M - antihemophilic factor (human) for inj 1700 unit 4 HUMATE-P - antihemophilic factor/ vwf (human) for inj 250-600 unit 4 HUMATE-P - antihemophilic factor/ vwf (human) for inj 500-1200 unit 4 HUMATE-P - antihemophilic factor/ vwf (human) for inj 1000-2400 unit 4 IDELVION - coagulation factor ix (recomb) (rix-fp) for inj 250 unit 4 IDELVION - coagulation factor ix (recomb) (rix-fp) for inj 500 unit 4 IDELVION - coagulation factor ix (recomb) (rix-fp) for inj 1000 unit 4 IDELVION - coagulation factor ix (recomb) (rix-fp) for inj 2000 unit 4 IXINITY - coagulation factor ix (recombinant) for inj 500 unit 4 IXINITY - coagulation factor ix (recombinant) for inj 1000 unit 4 IXINITY - coagulation factor ix (recombinant) for inj 1500 unit 4 KOATE-DVI - antihemophilic factor (human) for inj 250 unit Florida Blue October 2016 Care Choices Rx Medication Drug Guide Limited Distribution Responsible Steps • • Quantity Limits Prior Authorization Specialty • Drug Name Drug Tier Limited Distribution Responsible Steps • • Quantity Limits Prior Authorization Specialty Drug Name Drug Tier 2016 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 117 • • KOGENATE FS - antihemophilic factor (recombinant) for inj kit 500 unit 4 • • KOGENATE FS - antihemophilic factor (recombinant) for inj kit 1000 unit 4 • • KOGENATE FS - antihemophilic factor (recombinant) for inj kit 2000 unit 4 • • KOGENATE FS - antihemophilic factor (recombinant) for inj kit 3000 unit 4 • • KOGENATE FS BIO-SET antihemophilic factor (recombinant) for inj kit 250 unit 4 • • KOGENATE FS BIO-SET antihemophilic factor (recombinant) for inj kit 500 unit 4 KOGENATE FS BIO-SET antihemophilic factor (recombinant) for inj kit 1000 unit 4 • • KOGENATE FS BIO-SET antihemophilic factor (recombinant) for inj kit 2000 unit 4 • • KOGENATE FS BIO-SET antihemophilic factor (recombinant) for inj kit 3000 unit 4 • • KOVALTRY - antihemophilic factor (recombinant) for inj 250 unit 4 • • KOVALTRY - antihemophilic factor (recombinant) for inj 500 unit 4 • • KOVALTRY - antihemophilic factor (recombinant) for inj 1000 unit 4 KOVALTRY - antihemophilic factor (recombinant) for inj 2000 unit 4 • • • • • • Limited Distribution 4 Responsible Steps KOGENATE FS - antihemophilic factor (recombinant) for inj kit 250 unit Quantity Limits • • Prior Authorization 4 Specialty KOATE-DVI - antihemophilic factor (human) for inj 1000 unit Drug Name Drug Tier • • Limited Distribution 4 Responsible Steps KOATE-DVI - antihemophilic factor (human) for inj 500 unit Quantity Limits Prior Authorization Specialty Drug Name Drug Tier 2016 KOVALTRY - antihemophilic factor (recombinant) for inj 3000 unit 4 • • MONOCLATE-P - antihemophilic factor (human) for inj kit 250 unit 4 • • MONOCLATE-P - antihemophilic factor (human) for inj kit 1000 unit 4 • • MONOCLATE-P - antihemophilic factor (human) for inj kit 1500 unit 4 • • MONONINE - coagulation factor ix for inj 500 unit 4 • • MONONINE - coagulation factor ix for inj 1000 unit 4 • • NOVOEIGHT - antihemophilic factor (recombinant) for inj 250 unit 4 • • NOVOEIGHT - antihemophilic factor (recombinant) for inj 500 unit 4 • • NOVOEIGHT - antihemophilic factor (recombinant) for inj 1000 unit 4 • • NOVOEIGHT - antihemophilic factor (recombinant) for inj 1500 unit 4 • • NOVOEIGHT - antihemophilic factor (recombinant) for inj 2000 unit 4 • • NOVOEIGHT - antihemophilic factor (recombinant) for inj 3000 unit 4 • • NOVOSEVEN RT - coagulation factor viia (recomb) for inj 1 mg (1000 mcg) 4 • • • NOVOSEVEN RT - coagulation factor viia (recomb) for inj 2 mg (2000 mcg) 4 • • • NOVOSEVEN RT - coagulation factor viia (recomb) for inj 5 mg (5000 mcg) 4 • • • NOVOSEVEN RT - coagulation factor viia (recomb) for inj 8 mg (8000 mcg) 4 • • • NUWIQ - antihemophilic factor (recombinant) for inj kit 250 unit 4 • • NUWIQ - antihemophilic factor (recombinant) for inj kit 500 unit 4 • • NUWIQ - antihemophilic factor (recombinant) for inj kit 1000 unit 4 • • Florida Blue October 2016 Care Choices Rx Medication Drug Guide 118 • • NUWIQ - antihemophilic factor (recombinant) for inj 1000 unit 4 • • NUWIQ - antihemophilic factor (recombinant) for inj 2000 unit 4 • • OBIZUR - antihemophilic factor (recomb porc) rpfviii for inj 500 unit 4 • • pentoxifylline tab cr 400 mg 1 PROFILNINE - factor ix complex for inj 500 unit 4 • • PROFILNINE - factor ix complex for inj 1000 unit 4 • • PROFILNINE - factor ix complex for inj 1500 unit 4 • • PROFILNINE SD - factor ix complex for inj 500 unit 4 • • PROFILNINE SD - factor ix complex for inj 1000 unit 4 • • PROFILNINE SD - factor ix complex for inj 1500 unit 4 • • RECOMBINATE - antihemophilic factor (recombinant) for inj 220-400 unit 4 • • RECOMBINATE - antihemophilic factor (recombinant) for inj 401-800 unit 4 RECOMBINATE - antihemophilic factor (recombinant) for inj 801-1240 unit 4 RECOMBINATE - antihemophilic factor (recombinant) for inj 1241-1800 unit 4 RECOMBINATE - antihemophilic factor (recombinant) for inj 1801-2400 unit 4 • • • • • • • • • Limited Distribution 4 Responsible Steps NUWIQ - antihemophilic factor (recombinant) for inj 500 unit Quantity Limits • • Prior Authorization 4 Specialty NUWIQ - antihemophilic factor (recombinant) for inj 250 unit Drug Name Drug Tier • • Limited Distribution 4 Responsible Steps NUWIQ - antihemophilic factor (recombinant) for inj kit 2000 unit Quantity Limits Prior Authorization Specialty Drug Name Drug Tier 2016 RIXUBIS - coagulation factor ix (recombinant) for inj 250 unit 4 • • RIXUBIS - coagulation factor ix (recombinant) for inj 500 unit 4 • • RIXUBIS - coagulation factor ix (recombinant) for inj 1000 unit 4 • • RIXUBIS - coagulation factor ix (recombinant) for inj 2000 unit 4 • • RIXUBIS - coagulation factor ix (recombinant) for inj 3000 unit 4 • • RUCONEST - c1 esterase inhibitor (recombinant) for iv inj 2100 unit 4 • • • TRETTEN - coagulation factor xiii asubunit for inj 2000-3125 unit 4 • • • VONVENDI - von willebrand factor (recombinant) for inj 1300 unit 4 • WILATE - antihemophilic factor/vwf (human) for inj 500-500 unit kit 4 • • WILATE - antihemophilic factor/vwf (human) for inj 1000-1000 unit kit 4 • • XYNTHA - antihemophilic factor recombinant paf for inj kit 250 unit 4 • • XYNTHA - antihemophilic factor recombinant paf for inj kit 500 unit 4 • • XYNTHA - antihemophilic factor recombinant paf for inj kit 1000 unit 4 • • XYNTHA - antihemophilic factor recombinant paf for inj kit 2000 unit 4 • • XYNTHA SOLOFUSE antihemophilic factor recombinant paf for inj kit 250 unit 4 • • XYNTHA SOLOFUSE antihemophilic factor recombinant paf for inj kit 500 unit 4 • • XYNTHA SOLOFUSE antihemophilic factor recombinant paf for inj kit 1000 unit 4 • • XYNTHA SOLOFUSE antihemophilic factor recombinant paf for inj kit 2000 unit 4 • • Florida Blue October 2016 Care Choices Rx Medication Drug Guide 119 XYNTHA SOLOFUSE antihemophilic factor recombinant paf for inj kit 3000 unit 4 ZONTIVITY - vorapaxar sulfate tab 2.08 mg (base equivalent) 3 TOPICAL PRODUCTS OPHTHALMIC AGENTS bacitracin-polymyxin-neomycinhc ophth oint 1% BEPREVE - bepotastine besilate ophth soln 1.5% 3 BESIVANCE - besifloxacin hcl ophth susp 0.6% (base equiv) 3 3 ACULAR - ketorolac tromethamine ophth soln 0.5% 3 3 ACULAR LS - ketorolac tromethamine ophth soln 0.4% 3 BETAGAN - levobunolol hcl ophth soln 0.5% 1 ACUVAIL - ketorolac tromethamine ophth soln 0.45% 3 betaxolol hcl ophth soln 0.5% AKTEN - lidocaine hcl ophth gel 3.5% 3 ALCAINE - proparacaine hcl ophth soln 0.5% 3 BETIMOL - timolol ophth soln 0.25% 3 BETIMOL - timolol ophth soln 0.5% 3 BETOPTIC-S - betaxolol hcl ophth susp 0.25% 3 BIMATOPROST - bimatoprost ophth soln 0.03% 3 BLEPH-10 - sulfacetamide sodium ophth soln 10% 3 BLEPHAMIDE - sulfacetamide sodium-prednisolone ophth susp 10-0.2% 2 BLEPHAMIDE S.O.P. sulfacetamide sodiumprednisolone ophth oint 10-0.2% 2 brimonidine tartrate ophth soln 0.15% (Alphagan p) 1 brimonidine tartrate ophth soln 0.2% 3 bromfenac sodium ophth soln 0.09% (base equiv) (once-daily) 1 Limited Distribution Responsible Steps Quantity Limits 1 3 AZOPT - brinzolamide ophth susp 1% 3 CILOXAN - ciprofloxacin hcl ophth oint 0.3% 3 BACITRACIN - bacitracin ophth oint 500 unit/gm 2 CILOXAN - ciprofloxacin hcl ophth soln 0.3% 1 bacitracin-polymyxin b ophth oint 1 ciprofloxacin hcl ophth soln 0.3% (Ciloxan) Florida Blue October 2016 Care Choices Rx Medication Drug Guide • 1 BROMFENAC - bromfenac sodium ophth soln 0.09% (base equivalent) carteolol hcl ophth soln 1% Prior Authorization 1 BETADINE OPHTHALMIC PREP povidone-iodine ophth soln 5% ALOCRIL - nedocromil sodium ophth 3 soln 2% 3 ALOMIDE - lodoxamide tromethamine ophth soln 0.1% ALPHAGAN P - brimonidine tartrate 2 ophth soln 0.1% ALPHAGAN P - brimonidine tartrate 3 ophth soln 0.15% 3 ALREX - loteprednol etabonate ophth susp 0.2% apraclonidine hcl ophth soln 0.5% 1 (base equivalent) (Iopidine) 2 ATROPINE SULFATE - atropine sulfate ophth oint 1% 1 ATROPINE SULFATE - atropine sulfate ophth soln 1% 3 AZASITE - azithromycin ophth soln 1% 1 azelastine hcl ophth soln 0.05% Specialty Drug Name Drug Tier Limited Distribution Responsible Steps • • Quantity Limits Prior Authorization Specialty Drug Name Drug Tier 2016 120 COMBIGAN - brimonidine tartratetimolol maleate ophth soln 0.2-0.5% 3 COSOPT - dorzolamide hcl-timolol maleate ophth soln 22.3-6.8 mg/ ml 3 COSOPT PF - dorzolamide hcltimolol maleate ophth sol 22.3-6.8 mg/ml pf 3 cromolyn sodium ophth soln 4% 1 CYCLOGYL - cyclopentolate hcl ophth soln 0.5% 3 CYCLOGYL - cyclopentolate hcl ophth soln 1% 3 CYCLOGYL - cyclopentolate hcl ophth soln 2% 3 CYCLOMYDRIL - cyclopentolate w/ phenylephrine ophth soln 0.2-1% 3 cyclopentolate hcl ophth soln 0.5% (Cyclogyl) 1 cyclopentolate hcl ophth soln 1% (Cyclogyl) 1 cyclopentolate hcl ophth soln 2% (Cyclogyl) 1 CYSTARAN - cysteamine hcl ophth soln 0.44% (base equivalent) 4 DEXAMETHASONE SODIUM PHOS - dexamethasone sodium phosphate ophth soln 0.1% 3 diclofenac sodium ophth soln 0.1% 1 dorzolamide hcl ophth soln 2% (Trusopt) 1 dorzolamide hcl-timolol maleate ophth soln 22.3-6.8 mg/ml (Cosopt) 1 DUREZOL - difluprednate ophth emulsion 0.05% 3 ELESTAT - epinastine hcl ophth soln 0.05% 3 EMADINE - emedastine difumarate ophth soln 0.05% (base equiv) 3 epinastine hcl ophth soln 0.05% (Elestat) 1 erythromycin ophth oint 5 mg/gm 1 FLAREX - fluorometholone acetate ophth susp 0.1% 3 fluorometholone ophth susp 0.1% (Fml liquifilm) 1 flurbiprofen sodium ophth soln 0.03% (Ocufen) 1 FML - fluorometholone ophth oint 0.1% • • • Limited Distribution Responsible Steps Quantity Limits Prior Authorization Specialty Drug Name Drug Tier Limited Distribution Responsible Steps Quantity Limits Prior Authorization Specialty Drug Name Drug Tier 2016 3 FML FORTE - fluorometholone ophth 3 susp 0.25% 3 FML LIQUIFILM - fluorometholone ophth susp 0.1% 1 gatifloxacin ophth soln 0.5% (Zymaxid) 1 gentamicin sulfate ophth oint 0.3% 1 gentamicin sulfate ophth soln 0.3% (Garamycin) 1 homatropine hbr ophth soln 5% (Isopto homatropine) 3 ILEVRO - nepafenac ophth susp 0.3% 3 IOPIDINE - apraclonidine hcl ophth soln 0.5% (base equivalent) 3 IOPIDINE - apraclonidine hcl ophth soln 1% (base equivalent) 3 ISOPTO CARPINE - pilocarpine hcl ophth soln 1% 3 ISOPTO CARPINE - pilocarpine hcl ophth soln 2% 3 ISOPTO CARPINE - pilocarpine hcl ophth soln 4% 3 ISTALOL - timolol maleate ophth soln 0.5% (once-daily) 1 ketorolac tromethamine ophth soln 0.4% (Acular ls) 1 ketorolac tromethamine ophth soln 0.5% (Acular) Florida Blue October 2016 Care Choices Rx Medication Drug Guide 121 LACRISERT - artificial tear ophth insert LOTEMAX - loteprednol etabonate ophth gel 0.5% 2 LOTEMAX - loteprednol etabonate ophth oint 0.5% 2 LOTEMAX - loteprednol etabonate ophth susp 0.5% 2 LUMIGAN - bimatoprost ophth soln 0.01% 2 MAXIDEX - dexamethasone ophth susp 0.1% 3 MAXITROL - neomycin-polymyxindexamethasone ophth oint 0.1% 3 MAXITROL - neomycin-polymyxindexamethasone ophth susp 0.1% 3 METIPRANOLOL - metipranolol ophth soln 0.3% 3 MITOSOL - mitomycin for ophth soln kit 0.2 mg 3 MOXEZA - moxifloxacin hcl ophth soln 0.5% (base eq) (2 times daily) 3 MYDRIACYL - tropicamide ophth soln 1% 3 NATACYN - natamycin ophth susp 5% 2 neomycin-bacitrac zn-polymyx 5(3.5)mg-400unt-10000unt op oin 1 1 • • neomycin-polymyxindexamethasone ophth oint 0.1% (Maxitrol) 1 neomycin-polymyxindexamethasone ophth susp 0.1% (Maxitrol) 1 NEOMYCIN/POLYMYXIN/ HYDROC - neomycin-polymyxinhc ophth susp 3 NEOSPORIN - neomycinpolymy-gramicid op sol 1.75-10000-0.025mg-unt-mg/ml 3 NEVANAC - nepafenac ophth susp 0.1% 3 Limited Distribution Responsible Steps Quantity Limits Prior Authorization Specialty Drug Name Drug Tier Limited Distribution Responsible Steps Quantity Limits Prior Authorization 3 LASTACAFT - alcaftadine ophth soln 3 0.25% 1 latanoprost ophth soln 0.005% (Xalatan) 1 levobunolol hcl ophth soln 0.5% (Betagan) 1 levofloxacin ophth soln 0.5% neomycin-polymy-gramicid op sol 1.75-10000-0.025mg-unt-mg/ml (Neosporin) Specialty Drug Name Drug Tier 2016 OCUFEN - flurbiprofen sodium ophth 3 soln 0.03% 3 OCUFLOX - ofloxacin ophth soln 0.3% 1 ofloxacin ophth soln 0.3% (Ocuflox) 1 olopatadine hcl ophth soln 0.1% (base equivalent) (Patanol) 3 OMNIPRED - prednisolone acetate ophth susp 1% 2 PATADAY - olopatadine hcl ophth soln 0.2% (base equivalent) 3 PATANOL - olopatadine hcl ophth soln 0.1% (base equivalent) PAZEO - olopatadine hcl ophth soln 2 0.7% (base equivalent) 1 phenylephrine hcl ophth soln 2.5% phenylephrine hcl ophth soln 10% 1 PHOSPHOLINE IODIDE echothiophate iodide ophth for soln 0.125% 3 pilocarpine hcl ophth soln 1% (Isopto carpine) 1 pilocarpine hcl ophth soln 2% (Isopto carpine) 1 pilocarpine hcl ophth soln 4% (Isopto carpine) 1 Florida Blue October 2016 Care Choices Rx Medication Drug Guide 122 polymyxin b-trimethoprim ophth soln 10000 unit/ml-0.1% (Polytrim) 1 POLYTRIM - polymyxin btrimethoprim ophth soln 10000 unit/ml-0.1% 3 PRED FORTE - prednisolone acetate ophth susp 1% 3 PRED MILD - prednisolone acetate ophth susp 0.12% 3 PRED-G - gentamicin-prednisolone ace ophth susp 0.3-1% 3 PRED-G S.O.P. - gentamicinprednisolone ace ophth oint 0.3-0.6% 3 prednisolone acetate ophth susp 1% (Pred forte) 1 timolol maleate ophth gel forming soln 0.25% (Timoptic-xe) timolol maleate ophth gel forming soln 0.5% (Timoptic-xe) timolol maleate ophth soln 0.25% (Timoptic) 1 timolol maleate ophth soln 0.5% (Timoptic) 1 TIMOPTIC - timolol maleate ophth soln 0.25% 3 TIMOPTIC - timolol maleate ophth soln 0.5% 3 TIMOPTIC OCUDOSE - timolol maleate preservative free ophth soln 0.25% 3 TIMOPTIC OCUDOSE - timolol maleate preservative free ophth soln 0.5% 3 TIMOPTIC-XE - timolol maleate ophth gel forming soln 0.25% 3 TIMOPTIC-XE - timolol maleate ophth gel forming soln 0.5% 3 TOBRADEX - tobramycindexamethasone ophth oint 0.3-0.1% 2 TOBRADEX - tobramycindexamethasone ophth susp 0.3-0.1% 3 PROLENSA - bromfenac sodium ophth soln 0.07% (base equivalent) 3 proparacaine hcl ophth soln 0.5% (Alcaine) 1 RESCULA - unoprostone isopropyl ophth soln 0.15% 3 • RESTASIS - cyclosporine (ophth) emulsion 0.05% 3 • • TOBRADEX ST - tobramycindexamethasone ophth susp 0.3-0.05% 3 SIMBRINZA - brinzolamidebrimonidine tartrate ophth susp 1-0.2% 3 tobramycin ophth soln 0.3% (Tobrex) 1 SULFACETAMIDE SODIUM sulfacetamide sodium ophth oint 10% 3 1 sulfacetamide sodium ophth soln 10% (Bleph-10) 1 tobramycin-dexamethasone ophth susp 0.3-0.1% (Tobradex) tetracaine hcl ophth soln 0.5% 1 TOBREX - tobramycin ophth oint 0.3% 3 TOBREX - tobramycin ophth soln 0.3% 3 TRAVATAN Z - travoprost ophth soln 0.004% (benzalkonium free) (bak free) 2 Florida Blue October 2016 Care Choices Rx Medication Drug Guide Limited Distribution Responsible Steps Quantity Limits 1 3 1 Prior Authorization 1 PREDNISOLONE SODIUM PHOSP - prednisolone sodium phosphate ophth soln 1% sulfacetamide sodiumprednisolone ophth soln 10-0.23(0.25)% Specialty Drug Name Drug Tier Limited Distribution Responsible Steps Quantity Limits Prior Authorization Specialty Drug Name Drug Tier 2016 • 123 TRAVOPROST - travoprost ophth soln 0.004% 3 trifluridine ophth soln 1% (Viroptic) tropicamide ophth soln 0.5% 3 1 COLY-MYCIN S - neomycincolistin-hc-thonzonium otic susp 3.3-3-10-0.5 mg/ml 3 1 DERMOTIC - fluocinolone acetonide (otic) oil 0.01% tropicamide ophth soln 1% (Mydriacyl) 1 FLOXIN OTIC - ofloxacin otic soln 0.3% 3 TRUSOPT - dorzolamide hcl ophth soln 2% 3 fluocinolone acetonide (otic) oil 0.01% (Dermotic) 1 VEXOL - rimexolone ophth susp 1% 3 VIGAMOX - moxifloxacin hcl ophth soln 0.5% (base equiv) 2 hydrocortisone w/ acetic acid otic soln 1-2% VIROPTIC - trifluridine ophth soln 1% 3 XALATAN - latanoprost ophth soln 0.005% 3 • ZIOPTAN - tafluprost ophth soln 0.0015% 3 • ZIRGAN - ganciclovir ophth gel 0.15% 3 ZYLET - loteprednol etabonatetobramycin ophth susp 0.5-0.3% 3 ZYMAXID - gatifloxacin ophth soln 0.5% 3 OTIC AGENTS acetic acid otic soln 2% 1 ACETIC ACID/ALUMINUM ACET acetic acid 2% in aluminum acetate otic soln 2 antipyrine-benzocaine otic soln 54-14 mg/ml (5.4-1.4%) 1 CETRAXAL - ciprofloxacin hcl otic soln 0.2% (base equivalent) 3 CIPRO HC - ciprofloxacinhydrocortisone otic susp 0.2-1% 3 CIPRODEX - ciprofloxacindexamethasone otic susp 0.3-0.1% 2 CIPROFLOXACIN - ciprofloxacin hcl otic soln 0.2% (base equivalent) 3 neomycin-polymyxin-hc otic soln 1% (Cortisporin) neomycin-polymyxin-hc otic susp 3.5 mg/ml-10000 unit/ml-1% ofloxacin otic soln 0.3% MOUTH/THROAT/DENTAL AGENTS benzocaine dental soln 20% Limited Distribution Responsible Steps Quantity Limits Prior Authorization Specialty Drug Name Drug Tier Limited Distribution • Responsible Steps Quantity Limits Prior Authorization Specialty Drug Name Drug Tier 2016 1 1 1 1 1 cevimeline hcl cap 30 mg (Evoxac) 1 1 chlorhexidine gluconate soln 0.12% (Peridex) 1 clotrimazole troche 10 mg EVOXAC - cevimeline hcl cap 30 mg 3 3 LIDOCAINE HCL - lidocaine hcl laryngotracheal soln 4% 1 lidocaine hcl viscous soln 2% nystatin susp 100000 unit/ml 1 ORAVIG - miconazole buccal tab 50 mg (mouth-throat) 3 PERIDEX - chlorhexidine gluconate soln 0.12% 3 pilocarpine hcl tab 5 mg (Salagen) 1 1 pilocarpine hcl tab 7.5 mg (Salagen) SALAGEN - pilocarpine hcl tab 5 mg 3 SALAGEN - pilocarpine hcl tab 7.5 mg 3 triamcinolone acetonide dental paste 0.1% 1 ANORECTAL AGENTS Florida Blue October 2016 Care Choices Rx Medication Drug Guide 124 ANALPRAM HC - hydrocortisone acetate w/ pramoxine rectal cream 2.5-1% 3 ANALPRAM HC SINGLES hydrocortisone acetate w/ pramoxine rectal cream 2.5-1% 3 ANALPRAM-HC - hydrocortisone acetate w/ pramoxine rectal cream 1-1% 3 ANALPRAM-HC - hydrocortisone acetate w/ pramoxine rectal lotn 2.5-1% 3 DERMATOLOGICALS ACANYA - clindamycin phosphatebenzoyl peroxide gel 1.2-2.5% 3 ANALPRAM-HC SINGLES hydrocortisone acetate w/ pramoxine rectal cream 1-1% 3 acitretin cap 10 mg (Soriatane) 1 ANALPRAM-HC SINGLES hydrocortisone acetate w/ pramoxine rectal cream 2.5-1% 3 ANUSOL-HC - hydrocortisone rectal cream 2.5% 3 CORTENEMA - hydrocortisone enema 100 mg/60ml PROCTOCORT - hydrocortisone rectal cream 1% UCERIS - budesonide rectal foam 2 mg/act acitretin cap 25 mg (Soriatane) ACLOVATE - alclometasone dipropionate cream 0.05% 3 acyclovir oint 5% (Zovirax) 1 ADAPALENE - adapalene lotion 0.1% 3 CORTIFOAM - hydrocortisone acetate rectal foam 10% (90 mg/ dose) 2 adapalene cream 0.1% (Differin) 1 hydrocortisone acetate suppos 25 mg (Anusol-hc) 1 adapalene gel 0.1% (Differin) hydrocortisone enema 100 mg/60ml (Cortenema) Limited Distribution 1 3 1 Responsible Steps 1 3 hydrocortisone acetate w/ pramoxine rectal cream 2.5-1% (Analpram-hc) Quantity Limits 3 ACZONE - dapsone gel 5% 1 Prior Authorization 3 PROCTOFOAM HC - hydrocortisone 2 acetate w/ pramoxine rectal foam 1-1% 3 RECTIV - nitroglycerin oint 0.4% acitretin cap 17.5 mg (Soriatane) hydrocortisone acetate w/ pramoxine rectal cream 1-1% (Analpram-hc) Specialty Drug Name Drug Tier Limited Distribution Responsible Steps Quantity Limits Prior Authorization Specialty Drug Name Drug Tier 2016 adapalene gel 0.3% (Differin) 1 1 ALA SCALP - hydrocortisone lotion 2% 3 alclometasone dipropionate cream 0.05% (Aclovate) 1 alclometasone dipropionate oint 0.05% 1 ALTABAX - retapamulin oint 1% 3 1 AMCINONIDE - amcinonide cream 0.1% 3 hydrocortisone rectal cream 1% (Proctocort) 1 AMCINONIDE - amcinonide lotion 0.1% 3 hydrocortisone rectal cream 2.5% (Anusol-hc) 1 AMCINONIDE - amcinonide oint 0.1% 3 LIDOCAINE HCL-HYDROCORTIS lidocaine-hydrocortisone acetate rectal gel 2.8-0.55% 3 APEXICON E - diflorasone diacetate emollient base cream 0.05% 3 Florida Blue October 2016 Care Choices Rx Medication Drug Guide 125 ARZOL SILVER NITRATE APP silver nitrate-potassium nitrate applicator 75-25% 3 betamethasone dipropionate augmented lotion 0.05% (Diprolene) 1 AVAR - sulfacetamide sodium w/ sulfur foam 9.5-5% 3 1 AVAR LS - sulfacetamide sodium w/ sulfur foam 10-2% 3 betamethasone dipropionate augmented oint 0.05% (Diprolene) 1 AZELEX - azelaic acid cream 20% 3 betamethasone dipropionate cream 0.05% BACTROBAN - mupirocin calcium cream 2% 3 betamethasone dipropionate lotion 0.05% BENZAC AC WASH - benzoyl peroxide liq 5% 3 betamethasone dipropionate oint 0.05% BENZACLIN - clindamycin phosphate-benzoyl peroxide gel 1-5% 3 betamethasone valerate aerosol foam 0.12% (Luxiq) BENZACLIN WITH PUMP clindamycin phosphate-benzoyl peroxide gel 1-5% 3 BENZAMYCIN - benzoyl peroxideerythromycin gel 5-3% 3 BENZAMYCINPAK - benzoyl peroxide-erythromycin gel pack 5-3% 3 BENZIQ - benzoyl peroxide gel 5.25 % 3 BENZIQ LS - benzoyl peroxide gel 2.75% 3 benzoyl peroxide gel 10% 1 betamethasone valerate cream 0.1% betamethasone valerate lotion 0.1% betamethasone valerate oint 0.1% 1 1 1 1 1 1 • calcipotriene oint 0.005% 1 1 • • calcipotriene-betamethasone dipropionate oint 0.005-0.064% (Taclonex) 1 • CALCITRIOL - calcitriol oint 3 mcg/ gm 3 • 2 1 CAPEX - fluocinolone acetonide shampoo 0.01% benzoyl peroxideerythromycin gel 5-3% (Benzamycin) 1 CARAC - fluorouracil cream 0.5% 2 CENTANY - mupirocin oint 2% 3 1 ciclopirox gel 0.77% 1 betamethasone dipropionate augmented cream 0.05% (Diprolene af) betamethasone dipropionate augmented gel 0.05% 1 benzoyl peroxide liq 10% benzoyl peroxide liq 5.25% benzoyl peroxide lotion 6% 1 1 ciclopirox olamine cream 0.77% (base equiv) ciclopirox olamine susp 0.77% (base equiv) ciclopirox shampoo 1% (Loprox shampoo) Florida Blue October 2016 Care Choices Rx Medication Drug Guide Limited Distribution 1 calcipotriene cream 0.005% (Dovonex) calcipotriene soln 0.005% (50 mcg/ml) Responsible Steps Quantity Limits Prior Authorization Specialty Drug Name Drug Tier Limited Distribution Responsible Steps Quantity Limits Prior Authorization Specialty Drug Name Drug Tier 2016 1 1 1 126 ciclopirox solution 8% (Penlac Nail Lacquer) 1 CLEOCIN-T - clindamycin phosphate 3 lotion 1% CLEOCIN-T - clindamycin phosphate 3 soln 1% CLEOCIN-T - clindamycin phosphate 3 swab 1% 1 clindamycin phosph-benzoyl peroxide (refrig) gel 1.2 (1)-5% (Duac) 1 clindamycin phosphate foam 1% (Evoclin) 1 clindamycin phosphate gel 1% (Cleocin-t) clindamycin phosphate lotion 1% 1 (Cleocin-t) 1 clindamycin phosphate soln 1% (Cleocin-t) 1 clindamycin phosphate swab 1% (Cleocin-t) 1 clindamycin phosphate-benzoyl peroxide gel 1-5% (Benzaclin) 1 clobetasol propionate cream 0.05% (Temovate) 1 clobetasol propionate emollient base cream 0.05% (Temovate e) 1 clobetasol propionate emulsion foam 0.05% (Olux-e) clobetasol propionate foam 0.05% 1 (Olux) 1 clobetasol propionate gel 0.05% (Temovate) 1 clobetasol propionate lotion 0.05% (Clobex) 1 clobetasol propionate oint 0.05% (Temovate) 1 clobetasol propionate shampoo 0.05% (Clobex) clobetasol propionate soln 0.05% 1 (Temovate) clobetasol propionate spray 0.05% (Clobex) 1 CLOBEX - clobetasol propionate lotion 0.05% 3 CLOBEX - clobetasol propionate shampoo 0.05% 3 CLOBEX - clobetasol propionate spray 0.05% 3 CLOCORTOLONE PIVALATE clocortolone pivalate cream 0.1% 3 • CLOCORTOLONE PIVALATE PUM - 3 clocortolone pivalate cream 0.1% 3 CLODERM - clocortolone pivalate cream 0.1% 3 CLODERM PUMP - clocortolone pivalate cream 0.1% 1 clotrimazole cream 1% • clotrimazole soln 1% clotrimazole w/ betamethasone cream 1-0.05% (Lotrisone) clotrimazole w/ betamethasone lotion 1-0.05% • • 1 1 1 COLLIGINIX - dimethicone-allantoin bandage 5-2% 3 CONDYLOX - podofilox gel 0.5% 2 CONDYLOX - podofilox soln 0.5% 3 CORDRAN TAPE - flurandrenolide tape 4 mcg/sqcm 3 CORTANE-B - hydrocortisonepramoxine-chloroxylenol lot 10-10-1mg/ml 3 CORTISPORIN - bacitracinpolymyxin-neomycin hc oint 1% 3 CORTISPORIN - neomycinpolymyxin-hc crm 3.5 mg/ gm-10000 unt/gm-0.5% 3 COSENTYX - secukinumab subcutaneous soln prefilled syringe 150 mg/ml 4 Florida Blue October 2016 Care Choices Rx Medication Drug Guide Limited Distribution Responsible Steps Quantity Limits Prior Authorization Specialty Drug Name Drug Tier Limited Distribution Responsible Steps • Quantity Limits Prior Authorization Specialty Drug Name Drug Tier 2016 • • • • 127 COSENTYX SENSOREADY PEN secukinumab subcutaneous soln auto-injector 150 mg/ml 4 CUTIVATE - fluticasone propionate cream 0.05% 3 CUTIVATE - fluticasone propionate lotion 0.05% 3 DENAVIR - penciclovir cream 1% 3 DERMA-SMOOTHE/FS BODY fluocinolone acetonide oil 0.01% (body oil) 3 DERMA-SMOOTHE/FS SCALP fluocinolone acetonide oil 0.01% (scalp oil) diclofenac sodium soln 1.5% 1 DIFFERIN - adapalene cream 0.1% 3 • DIFFERIN - adapalene gel 0.1% 3 DIFFERIN - adapalene gel 0.3% 3 • DIFFERIN - adapalene lotion 0.1% 3 DIFLORASONE DIACETATE diflorasone diacetate cream 0.05% 3 DIFLORASONE DIACETATE diflorasone diacetate oint 0.05% 3 3 DIPROLENE - betamethasone dipropionate augmented lotion 0.05% 3 DERMATOP - prednicarbate cream 0.1% 3 3 DERMATOP - prednicarbate oint 0.1% 3 DIPROLENE - betamethasone dipropionate augmented oint 0.05% 3 DESONATE - desonide gel 0.05% 3 desonide cream 0.05% (Desowen) 1 DIPROLENE AF - betamethasone dipropionate augmented cream 0.05% DOVONEX - calcipotriene cream 0.005% 3 DOXEPIN HYDROCHLORIDE doxepin hcl cream 5% 3 desonide lotion 0.05% (Desowen) desonide oint 0.05% (Desowen) • 1 1 • • DESOWEN - desonide cream 0.05% 3 DESOWEN - desonide lotion 0.05% 3 DESOXIMETASONE desoximetasone cream 0.05% 3 DUAC - clindamycin phosph-benzoyl 3 peroxide (refrig) gel 1.2 (1)-5% 1 econazole nitrate cream 1% DESOXIMETASONE desoximetasone oint 0.05% 3 EFUDEX - fluorouracil cream 5% 3 ELIDEL - pimecrolimus cream 1% 3 desoximetasone cream 0.25% (Topicort) 1 ELIMITE - permethrin cream 5% 3 ELOCON - mometasone furoate cream 0.1% 3 desoximetasone gel 0.05% (Topicort) 1 ELOCON - mometasone furoate oint 0.1% 3 desoximetasone oint 0.25% (Topicort) 1 3 ELOCON - mometasone furoate solution 0.1% (lotion) 3 DICLOFENAC SODIUM - diclofenac sodium cream 3% • • EPIDUO - adapalene-benzoyl peroxide gel 0.1-2.5% 3 diclofenac sodium (actinic keratoses) gel 3% (Solaraze) 1 1 • EPIDUO FORTE - adapalenebenzoyl peroxide gel 0.3-2.5% 3 diclofenac sodium gel 1% (Voltaren) Florida Blue October 2016 Care Choices Rx Medication Drug Guide • • Limited Distribution Responsible Steps Quantity Limits Prior Authorization Specialty • Drug Name Drug Tier Limited Distribution • • • Responsible Steps Quantity Limits Prior Authorization Specialty Drug Name Drug Tier 2016 • • 128 EPIFOAM - pramoxine-hc aerosol foam 1-1% 3 ERTACZO - sertaconazole nitrate cream 2% 3 ERYGEL - erythromycin gel 2% 3 erythromycin gel 2% (Erygel) erythromycin pads 2% erythromycin soln 2% fluocinonide oint 0.05% fluocinonide soln 0.05% 1 3 1 fluorouracil cream 5% (Efudex) 1 3 EURAX - crotamiton cream 10% 3 EURAX - crotamiton lotion 10% 3 EVOCLIN - clindamycin phosphate foam 1% 3 EXELDERM - sulconazole nitrate cream 1% 3 EXELDERM - sulconazole nitrate solution 1% 3 EXTINA - ketoconazole foam 2% 3 FINACEA - azelaic acid foam 15% 2 FINACEA - azelaic acid gel 15% 2 fluocinolone acetonide cream 0.01% 1 1 fluorouracil soln 5% flurandrenolide cream 0.05% fluticasone propionate cream 0.05% (Cutivate) fluticasone propionate lotion 0.05% (Cutivate) fluticasone propionate oint 0.005% 1 1 1 1 GENTAMICIN SULFATE gentamicin sulfate cream 0.1% 3 GENTAMICIN SULFATE gentamicin sulfate oint 0.1% 3 GORDOFILM - salicylic & lactic acids 3 soln 16.7-16.7% 1 halobetasol propionate cream 0.05% (Ultravate) halobetasol propionate oint 0.05% 1 (Ultravate) 3 HALOTIN - haloprogin cream 1% fluocinolone acetonide oil 0.01% (scalp oil) (Derma-smoothe/fs sca) 1 hydrocortisone butyrate cream 0.1% (Locoid) fluocinolone acetonide oint 0.025% (Synalar) 1 hydrocortisone butyrate hydrophilic lipo base cream 0.1% (Locoid lipocream) 1 1 hydrocortisone butyrate oint 0.1% (Locoid) 1 1 hydrocortisone butyrate soln 0.1% (Locoid) 1 hydrocortisone cream 1% 1 hydrocortisone cream 2.5% 1 hydrocortisone lotion 2% (Ala scalp) fluocinonide cream 0.1% (Vanos) fluocinonide emulsified base cream 0.05% fluocinonide gel 0.05% Limited Distribution 1 1 fluocinonide cream 0.05% Responsible Steps 1 fluocinolone acetonide oil 0.01% (body oil) (Derma-smoothe/fs bod) fluocinolone acetonide soln 0.01% (Synalar) Quantity Limits 1 FLUOROURACIL - fluorouracil cream 0.5% fluorouracil soln 2% Prior Authorization 1 3 1 Specialty Drug Tier Limited Distribution Responsible Steps Quantity Limits Prior Authorization Drug Name FLUOROPLEX - fluorouracil cream 1% ESSENTRA WIPES 9X9" CLEAN isopropyl alcohol wipes 70% fluocinolone acetonide cream 0.025% (Synalar) Specialty Drug Name Drug Tier 2016 Florida Blue October 2016 Care Choices Rx Medication Drug Guide 1 1 1 1 1 129 hydrocortisone lotion 2.5% 1 lindane shampoo 1% 1 LOCOID - hydrocortisone butyrate oint 0.1% 3 • 1 LOCOID - hydrocortisone butyrate soln 0.1% 3 • hydrocortisone valerate oint 0.2% (Westcort) 1 LOPROX - ciclopirox olamine cream 0.77% (base equiv) 3 imiquimod cream 5% (Aldara) 1 LOTRISONE - clotrimazole w/ betamethasone cream 1-0.05% 3 LUXIQ - betamethasone valerate aerosol foam 0.12% 3 malathion lotion 0.5% (Ovide) 1 hydrocortisone oint 1% hydrocortisone oint 2.5% hydrocortisone valerate cream 0.2% iodoquinol-hc cream 1% isotretinoin cap 10 mg isotretinoin cap 20 mg isotretinoin cap 30 mg 1 1 1 1 1 1 MENTAX - butenafine hcl cream 1% 3 methoxsalen rapid cap 10 mg (Oxsoralen ultra) 1 3 1 METROCREAM - metronidazole cream 0.75% ketoconazole shampoo 2% (Nizoral) 1 METROGEL - metronidazole gel 1% 3 3 KLARON - sulfacetamide sodium lotion 10% (acne) 3 METROLOTION - metronidazole lotion 0.75% 1 LAC-HYDRIN - lactic acid (ammonium lactate) cream 12% 3 metronidazole cream 0.75% (Metrocream) metronidazole gel 0.75% 1 LAC-HYDRIN - lactic acid (ammonium lactate) lotion 12% 3 metronidazole gel 1% (Metrogel) metronidazole lotion 0.75% (Metrolotion) 1 lactic acid (ammonium lactate) cream 12% (Lac-hydrin) 1 1 mometasone furoate cream 0.1% (Elocon) 1 mometasone furoate oint 0.1% (Elocon) 1 LAMISIL SPRAY - terbinafine hcl soln 1% 3 3 1 LEVULAN KERASTICK aminolevulinic acid hcl for soln 20% (stick applicator) mometasone furoate solution 0.1% (lotion) (Elocon) lidocaine hcl gel 2% 1 isotretinoin cap 40 mg 1 KERALYT - salicylic acid gel 6% 3 ketoconazole cream 2% 1 ketoconazole foam 2% (Extina) lactic acid (ammonium lactate) lotion 12% (Lac-hydrin) lidocaine hcl soln 4% (Xylocaine) lidocaine patch 5% (Lidoderm) lidocaine-prilocaine cream 2.5-2.5% (Emla) LIDODERM - lidocaine patch 5% 1 1 • • 1 3 • • 1 mupirocin oint 2% (Bactroban) 1 1 NATROBA - spinosad susp 0.9% 3 NIZORAL - ketoconazole shampoo 2% 3 Florida Blue October 2016 Care Choices Rx Medication Drug Guide • 1 mupirocin calcium cream 2% (Bactroban) naftifine hcl cream 2% (Naftin) Limited Distribution Responsible Steps Quantity Limits Prior Authorization Specialty Drug Name Drug Tier Limited Distribution Responsible Steps Quantity Limits Prior Authorization Specialty Drug Name Drug Tier 2016 130 NUCORT - hydrocortisone acetate lotion 2% 3 prednicarbate cream 0.1% (Dermatop) 1 NUOX - benzoyl peroxide-sulfur gel 6-3% 3 prednicarbate oint 0.1% (Dermatop) 1 nystatin cream 100000 unit/gm 1 PROTOPIC - tacrolimus oint 0.03% 3 1 PROTOPIC - tacrolimus oint 0.1% 3 1 PRUDOXIN - doxepin hcl cream 5% 3 1 PSORCON - diflorasone diacetate cream 0.05% 3 1 PYROGALLIC ACID - pyrogallolchlorobutanol oint 25-2% 3 REGENECARE - lidocaine hclcollagen-aloe vera gel 2% 3 REGRANEX - becaplermin gel 0.01% 3 nystatin oint 100000 unit/gm nystatin topical powder nystatin-triamcinolone cream 100000-0.1 unit/gm-% nystatin-triamcinolone oint 100000-0.1 unit/gm-% OLUX - clobetasol propionate foam 0.05% 3 • OLUX-E - clobetasol propionate emulsion foam 0.05% 3 • OVIDE - malathion lotion 0.5% 3 RETIN-A - tretinoin cream 0.025% 3 oxiconazole nitrate cream 1% (Oxistat) 1 RETIN-A - tretinoin cream 0.05% 3 RETIN-A - tretinoin cream 0.1% 3 OXSORALEN - methoxsalen lotion 1% 3 RETIN-A - tretinoin gel 0.01% 3 OXSORALEN ULTRA - methoxsalen rapid cap 10 mg 3 RETIN-A - tretinoin gel 0.025% 3 SALEX - salicylic acid shampoo 6% 3 PANRETIN - alitretinoin gel 0.1% 3 PENLAC NAIL LACQUER ciclopirox solution 8% 3 permethrin cream 5% (Elimite) 1 Limited Distribution Responsible Steps Quantity Limits Prior Authorization Specialty Drug Name Drug Tier Limited Distribution Responsible Steps Quantity Limits Prior Authorization Specialty Drug Name Drug Tier 2016 • • SALICYLIC ACID - salicylic acid soln 3 26% 1 salicylic acid cream 6% • salicylic acid gel 6% (Keralyt) PICATO - ingenol mebutate gel 0.015% 2 • PICATO - ingenol mebutate gel 0.05% 2 • podofilox soln 0.5% (Condylox) 1 1 SALICYLIC ACID IN AMMONIU salicylic acid in ammonium lactate vehicle foam 6% 3 salicylic acid lotion 6% 1 1 PRAMOSONE - pramoxine-hc cream 1-1% 3 PRAMOSONE - pramoxine-hc lotion 1-1% 3 salicylic acid shampoo 6% (Salex) 1 SANTYL - collagenase oint 250 unit/ 2 gm 1 selenium sulfide lotion 2.5% PRAMOSONE - pramoxine-hc lotion 1-2.5% 3 selenium sulfide-pyrithione zinc in urea shampoo 2.25% 3 PRAMOSONE - pramoxine-hc oint 1-2.5% 3 SILVADENE - silver sulfadiazine cream 1% SILVER NITRATE - silver nitrate oint 10% 3 Florida Blue October 2016 Care Choices Rx Medication Drug Guide 131 SILVER NITRATE - silver nitrate soln 3 0.5% SILVER NITRATE - silver nitrate soln 3 10% SILVER NITRATE - silver nitrate soln 3 25% SILVER NITRATE - silver nitrate soln 3 50% 1 silver nitrate-potassium nitrate applicator 75-25% (Arzol silver nitrate) 1 silver sulfadiazine cream 1% (Silvadene) 3 SKLICE - ivermectin lotion 0.5% SODIUM SULFACETAMIDE WASH - 3 sulfacetamide sodium in bakuchiol vehicle wash 10% SODIUM SULFACETAMIDE/SULF - 3 sulfacetamide sodium-sulfur in urea gel 10-5% 3 SOLARAZE - diclofenac sodium (actinic keratoses) gel 3% SOOLANTRA - ivermectin cream 1% 3 • • SORIATANE - acitretin cap 17.5 mg 3 SORIATANE - acitretin cap 25 mg 3 SORILUX - calcipotriene foam 0.005% 3 SPINOSAD - spinosad susp 0.9% 3 STELARA - ustekinumab soln prefilled syringe 45 mg/0.5ml 4 • • • STELARA - ustekinumab soln prefilled syringe 90 mg/ml 4 • • • sulfacetamide sodium lotion 10% (acne) (Klaron) 1 SULFAMYLON - mafenide acetate packet for topical soln 5% (50 gm) 3 SULFOAM - sulfur shampoo 2% 3 3 SYNALAR - fluocinolone acetonide oint 0.025% 3 SYNALAR - fluocinolone acetonide soln 0.01% 3 tacrolimus oint 0.03% (Protopic) 1 1 • TALTZ - ixekizumab subcutaneous soln auto-injector 80 mg/ml 4 • • • TALTZ - ixekizumab subcutaneous soln prefilled syringe 80 mg/ml 4 • • • TARGRETIN - bexarotene gel 1% 3 TAZORAC - tazarotene gel 0.05% 2 TAZORAC - tazarotene gel 0.1% 2 • • Limited Distribution Responsible Steps Quantity Limits Prior Authorization Specialty Drug Tier SYNALAR - fluocinolone acetonide cream 0.025% TAZORAC - tazarotene cream 0.05% 2 TAZORAC - tazarotene cream 0.1% 2 3 3 Drug Name tacrolimus oint 0.1% (Protopic) SORIATANE - acitretin cap 10 mg SULFAMYLON - mafenide acetate cream 85 mg/gm Limited Distribution Responsible Steps Quantity Limits Prior Authorization Specialty Drug Name Drug Tier 2016 • • • • • • TBC - trypsin w/ castor oil & peruvian 3 balsam spray 3 TEMOVATE - clobetasol propionate cream 0.05% 3 TEMOVATE - clobetasol propionate gel 0.05% 3 TEMOVATE - clobetasol propionate oint 0.05% 3 TEMOVATE - clobetasol propionate soln 0.05% 3 TEMOVATE E - clobetasol propionate emollient base cream 0.05% 3 TEXACORT - hydrocortisone soln 2.5% 3 TOLAK - fluorouracil cream 4% TOPICORT - desoximetasone cream 3 0.05% TOPICORT - desoximetasone cream 3 0.25% 3 TOPICORT - desoximetasone gel 0.05% Florida Blue October 2016 Care Choices Rx Medication Drug Guide 132 TOPICORT - desoximetasone oint 0.05% 3 VEREGEN - sinecatechins oint 15% 3 VOLTAREN - diclofenac sodium gel 1% 3 TOPICORT - desoximetasone oint 0.25% 3 WESTCORT - hydrocortisone valerate oint 0.2% 3 TOPICORT - desoximetasone spray 0.25% 3 1 XYLOCAINE - lidocaine hcl soln 4% 3 tretinoin cream 0.025% (Retin-a) 1 ZACLIR CLEANSING - benzoyl peroxide lotion 8% 3 1 ZONALON - doxepin hcl cream 5% 3 1 8-MOP - methoxsalen cap 10 mg 2 1 MISCELLANEOUS PRODUCTS tretinoin cream 0.05% (Retin-a) tretinoin cream 0.1% (Retin-a) tretinoin gel 0.01% (Retin-a) tretinoin gel 0.025% (Retin-a) tretinoin gel 0.05% (Atralin) 1 triamcinolone acetonide cream 0.5% triamcinolone acetonide lotion 0.025% triamcinolone acetonide lotion 0.1% triamcinolone acetonide oint 0.025% triamcinolone acetonide oint 0.1% Limited Distribution Responsible Steps Quantity Limits Prior Authorization 4 1 EVZIO - naloxone hcl solution autoinjector 0.4 mg/0.4ml 3 • • • • 1 EXJADE - deferasirox tab for oral susp 125 mg 4 • • 1 EXJADE - deferasirox tab for oral susp 250 mg 4 • • 1 EXJADE - deferasirox tab for oral susp 500 mg 4 • • 1 FERRIPROX - deferiprone oral soln 100 mg/ml 4 • • 1 FERRIPROX - deferiprone tab 500 mg 4 • • JADENU - deferasirox tab 90 mg 4 JADENU - deferasirox tab 180 mg 4 JADENU - deferasirox tab 360 mg 4 • • • • • • triamcinolone acetonide aerosol soln 0.147 mg/gm (Kenalog) triamcinolone acetonide cream 0.1% ANTIDOTES • CHEMET - succimer cap 100 mg TRIAMCINOLONE ACETONIDE triamcinolone acetonide oint 0.5% 3 triamcinolone acetonide cream 0.025% • Specialty Drug Name Drug Tier Limited Distribution Responsible Steps Quantity Limits Prior Authorization Specialty Drug Name Drug Tier 2016 1 1 ULESFIA - benzyl alcohol lotion 5% 3 ULTRAVATE - halobetasol propionate cream 0.05% 3 ULTRAVATE - halobetasol propionate oint 0.05% 3 URAMAXIN - urea in ammonium lactate vehicle foam 20% 3 VALCHLOR - mechlorethamine hcl gel 0.016% (base equivalent) 4 VECTICAL - calcitriol oint 3 mcg/gm 3 VERDESO - desonide foam 0.05% 3 NALOXONE HCL - naloxone hcl inj 1 3 mg/ml 1 naloxone hcl inj 0.4 mg/ml naltrexone hcl tab 50 mg (Revia) • • • • • 1 NARCAN - naloxone hcl nasal spray 4 mg/0.1ml 2 RADIOGARDASE - prussian blue insoluble cap 0.5 gm 3 VISTOGARD - uridine triacetate oral granules packet 10 gm 4 • • • • • DIAGNOSTIC PRODUCTS Florida Blue October 2016 Care Choices Rx Medication Drug Guide 133 3 • • ACCU-CHEK COMPACT TEST DR - 3 glucose blood test strip ACCU-CHEK SMARTVIEW STRIP - 3 glucose blood test strip ACCUTREND GLUCOSE - glucose 3 blood test strip ACETEST - acetone (urine) test tab 2 • • ACURA BLOOD GLUCOSE TEST glucose blood test strip 3 ADVANCE INTUITION TEST ST glucose blood test strip 3 ADVANCE MICRO-DRAW TEST S glucose blood test strip 3 ADVOCATE REDI-CODE - glucose blood test strip 3 ADVOCATE REDI-CODE+ TEST glucose blood test strip 3 ADVOCATE TEST STRIPS - glucose 3 blood test strip AGAMATRIX AMP NO CODE TES - 3 glucose blood test strip 3 AGAMATRIX JAZZ TEST STRIP glucose blood test strip AGAMATRIX KEYNOTE TEST ST - 3 glucose blood test strip AGAMATRIX PRESTO TEST STR - 3 glucose blood test strip 2 ASCENSIA AUTODISC TEST ST glucose blood test disk ASSURE II - glucose blood test strip 3 ASSURE II CHECK STRIP - glucose 3 blood test strip ASSURE II TEST STRIPS - glucose 3 blood test strip • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 3 • • ASSURE PRISM MULTI TEST S glucose blood test strip 3 • • ASSURE PRO TEST STRIPS glucose blood test strip 3 • • ASSURE 3 TEST STRIPS - glucose blood test strip 3 • • ASSURE 4 TEST STRIPS - glucose blood test strip 3 • • AT LAST TEST STRIPS - glucose blood test strip 3 • • BAYER BREEZE 2 TEST DISC glucose blood test disk 2 • BAYER CONTOUR BLOOD GLUCO - glucose blood test strip 2 • BAYER CONTOUR NEXT BLOOD glucose blood test strip 2 • BG STAR BLOOD GLUCOSE TES glucose blood test strip 3 • • BIOSCANNER GLUCOSE TEST S glucose blood test strip 3 • • BLOOD GLUCOSE TEST STRIPS glucose blood test strip 3 • • CAREONE BLOOD GLUCOSE TES - glucose blood test strip 3 • • CARESENS N BLOOD GLUCOSE glucose blood test strip 3 • • CHEK-STIX COMBO PAK URINA acetone (urine) test strip 2 CHEK-STIX CONTROL - acetone (urine) test strip 2 CHEMSTRIP-K - acetone (urine) test 2 strip CLEVER CHEK AUTO-CODE TES - 3 glucose blood test strip CLEVER CHEK AUTO-CODE VOI - 3 glucose blood test strip 3 CLEVER CHEK TEST STRIPS glucose blood test strip Florida Blue October 2016 Care Choices Rx Medication Drug Guide Limited Distribution ACCU-CHEK COMPACT STRIPS glucose blood test strip ASSURE PLATINUM TEST STRI glucose blood test strip Responsible Steps • • Quantity Limits 3 Prior Authorization ACCU-CHEK COMPACT PLUS glucose blood test strip Specialty • • Drug Name Drug Tier 3 Limited Distribution ACCU-CHEK AVIVA PLUS - glucose blood test strip Responsible Steps Quantity Limits Prior Authorization Specialty Drug Name Drug Tier 2016 • • • • • • 134 3 • • EASYPRO PLUS - glucose blood test strip 3 • • 3 • • ELEMENT COMPACT TEST STRI glucose blood test strip 3 • • CONTROL TEST STRIPS - glucose blood test strip 3 • • ELEMENT TEST STRIPS - glucose blood test strip 3 • • COOL BLOOD GLUCOSE TEST S glucose blood test strip 3 • • EMBRACE BLOOD GLUCOSE TES - glucose blood test strip 3 • • CVS ADVANCED GLUCOSE METE - glucose blood test strip 3 • • EMBRACE EVO BLOOD GLUCOSE - glucose blood test strip 3 • • DIATRUE PLUS BLOOD GLUCOS glucose blood test strip 3 • • • • EMBRACE PRO BLOOD GLUCOSE - glucose blood test strip 3 • • • • EQ BLOOD GLUCOSE TEST STR glucose blood test strip 3 • • • • EVENCARE + BLOOD GLUCOSE glucose blood test strip 3 • • • • EVENCARE BLOOD GLUCOSE TE - glucose blood test strip 3 • • • • EVENCARE G2 TEST STRIPS glucose blood test strip 3 • • • • EVENCARE G3 TEST STRIPS glucose blood test strip 3 • • • • EVENCARE MINI BLOOD GLUCO glucose blood test strip 3 • • • • EVOLUTION AUTOCODE - glucose blood test strip 3 • • • • EXACTECH R-S-G TEST STRIP glucose blood test strip 3 • • • • EXACTECH TEST STRIPS - glucose 3 blood test strip EZ SMART BLOOD GLUCOSE TE - 3 glucose blood test strip EZ SMART PLUS BLOOD GLUCO - 3 glucose blood test strip 3 FIFTY50 GLUCOSE TEST STRI glucose blood test strip • • • • • • • • Florida Blue October 2016 Care Choices Rx Medication Drug Guide Limited Distribution CONTROL AST - glucose blood test strip DUO-CARE TEST STRIPS - glucose 3 blood test strip EASY PLUS BLOOD GLUCOSE T - 3 glucose blood test strip 3 EASY PLUS II BLOOD GLUCOS glucose blood test strip 3 EASY STEP TEST STRIPS glucose blood test strip EASY TALK BLOOD GLUCOSE T - 3 glucose blood test strip EASY TOUCH GLUCOSE TEST S - 3 glucose blood test strip EASY TOUCH HEALTHPRO GLUC - 3 glucose blood test strip EASY TRAK BLOOD GLUCOSE T - 3 glucose blood test strip 3 EASYGLUCO - glucose blood test strip EASYGLUCO PLUS - glucose blood 3 test strip EASYMAX TEST STRIPS - glucose 3 blood test strip 3 EASYMAX 15 TEST STRIPS glucose blood test strip EASYPLUS BLOOD GLUCOSE TE - 3 glucose blood test strip EASYPRO BLOOD GLUCOSE TES - glucose blood test strip Responsible Steps • • Quantity Limits 3 Prior Authorization CLEVER CHOICE MICRO TEST glucose blood test strip Specialty • • Drug Name Drug Tier 3 Limited Distribution CLEVER CHOICE AUTO-CODE P glucose blood test strip Responsible Steps Quantity Limits Prior Authorization Specialty Drug Name Drug Tier 2016 • • • • • • 135 3 • • FORA D40/G31 BLOOD GLUCOS glucose blood test strip 3 • • FORA GD20 TEST STRIPS glucose blood test strip 3 • • FORA GD50 BLOOD GLUCOSE T glucose blood test strip 3 FORA G20 BLOOD GLUCOSE TE glucose blood test strip 3 FORA G30A BLOOD GLUCOSE T glucose blood test strip 3 FORA TN'G/TN'G VOICE BLOO glucose blood test strip 3 FORA V10 BLOOD GLUCOSE TE glucose blood test strip 3 FORA V12 BLOOD GLUCOSE TE glucose blood test strip 3 FORA V20 BLOOD GLUCOSE TE glucose blood test strip 3 FORA V30A BLOOD GLUCOSE T glucose blood test strip 3 FORACARE GD40 - glucose blood test strip 3 FORACARE PREMIUM V10 TEST glucose blood test strip 3 FORACARE TEST N GO TEST S glucose blood test strip 3 FREESTYLE INSULINX BLOOD glucose blood test strip 3 FREESTYLE LITE TEST STRIP glucose blood test strip 3 FREESTYLE PRECISION NEO B glucose blood test strip 3 FREESTYLE TEST STRIPS glucose blood test strip 3 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 3 • • GE100 BLOOD GLUCOSE TEST glucose blood test strip 3 • • GHT TEST STRIPS - glucose blood test strip 3 • • GLUCAGEN DIAGNOSTIC glucagon hcl (rdna) diagnostic for inj 1 mg (base equiv) 3 GLUCO PERFECT 3 TEST STRI glucose blood test strip 3 • • GLUCOCARD EXPRESSION BLOO - glucose blood test strip 3 • • GLUCOCARD SHINE TEST STRI glucose blood test strip 3 • • GLUCOCARD VITAL TEST STRI glucose blood test strip 3 • • GLUCOCARD X-SENSOR - glucose blood test strip 3 • • GLUCOCARD 01 SENSOR PLUS glucose blood test strip 3 • • GLUCOCOM TEST STRIPS glucose blood test strip 3 • • GLUCONAVII BLOOD GLUCOSE glucose blood test strip 3 • • GLUCOSE METER TEST STRIPS glucose blood test strip 3 • • GMATE BLOOD GLUCOSE TEST glucose blood test strip 3 • • GNP EASY TOUCH GLUCOSE TE glucose blood test strip 3 • • IN TOUCH BLOOD GLUCOSE TE glucose blood test strip 3 • • INFINITY BLOOD GLUCOSE TE glucose blood test strip 3 • • KETOCARE - acetone (urine) test strip 2 KETONE TEST STRIPS - acetone (urine) test strip 2 KETOSTIX - acetone (urine) test strip 2 Florida Blue October 2016 Care Choices Rx Medication Drug Guide Limited Distribution FORA D20 BLOOD GLUCOSE TE glucose blood test strip GENSTRIP 50 - glucose blood test strip Responsible Steps • • Quantity Limits 3 Prior Authorization FORA D15G BLOOD GLUCOSE T glucose blood test strip Specialty • • Drug Name Drug Tier 3 Limited Distribution FORA D10 BLOOD GLUCOSE TE glucose blood test strip Responsible Steps Quantity Limits Prior Authorization Specialty Drug Name Drug Tier 2016 136 3 • • LIBERTY NEXT GENERATION B glucose blood test strip 3 • • LIBERTY TEST STRIPS - glucose blood test strip 3 • • MAXIMA BLOOD GLUCOSE TEST - 3 glucose blood test strip MEIJER BLOOD GLUCOSE TEST - 3 glucose blood test strip 3 MEIJER ESSENTIAL BLOOD GL glucose blood test strip MEIJER PREMIUM BLOOD GLUC - 3 glucose blood test strip MEIJER TRUETEST BLOOD GLU - 3 glucose blood test strip MEIJER TRUETRACK BLOOD GL - 3 glucose blood test strip MICRODOT TEST STRIPS - glucose 3 blood test strip 3 MYGLUCOHEALTH BLOOD GLUCO - glucose blood test strip 3 NEUTEK 2TEK TEST STRIPS glucose blood test strip 3 NEXGEN TEST STRIPS - glucose blood test strip NOVA MAX GLUCOSE TEST STR - 3 glucose blood test strip ON CALL EXPRESS BLOOD GLU - 3 glucose blood test strip ON CALL PLUS BLOOD GLUCOS - 3 glucose blood test strip 3 ON CALL VIVID BLOOD GLUCO glucose blood test strip ONETOUCH ULTRA BLUE - glucose 3 blood test strip • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 3 • • ONETOUCH VERIO TEST STRIP glucose blood test strip 3 • • OPTIUM TEST STRIPS - glucose blood test strip 3 • • OPTIUMEZ TEST STRIPS - glucose blood test strip 3 • • OPTUMRX BLOOD GLUCOSE TES - glucose blood test strip 3 • • PHARMACIST CHOICE AUTOCOD - glucose blood test strip 3 • • PHARMACIST CHOICE NO CODI glucose blood test strip 3 • • POCKETCHEM EZ BLOOD GLUCO - glucose blood test strip 3 • • PRECISION PCX - glucose blood test strip 3 • • PRECISION PCX PLUS TEST S glucose blood test strip 3 • • PRECISION POINT OF CARE T glucose blood test strip 3 • • PRECISION QID TEST STRIPS glucose blood test strip 3 • • PRECISION SOF-TACT TEST S glucose blood test strip 3 • • PRECISION XTRA BLOOD GLUC glucose blood test strip 3 • • PREMIUM BLOOD GLUCOSE TES - 3 glucose blood test strip PRESTIGE TEST STRIPS - glucose 3 blood test strip PRODIGY NO CODING BLOOD G - 3 glucose blood test strip 3 PTS PANELS GLUCOSE TEST glucose blood test strip QUICKTEK TEST STRIPS - glucose 3 blood test strip 3 QUINTET AC BLOOD GLUCOSE glucose blood test strip • • Florida Blue October 2016 Care Choices Rx Medication Drug Guide Limited Distribution KROGER TEST STRIPS - glucose blood test strip ONETOUCH ULTRA TEST STRIP glucose blood test strip Responsible Steps • • Quantity Limits 3 Prior Authorization KROGER PREMIUM BLOOD GLUC - glucose blood test strip Specialty • • Drug Name Drug Tier 3 Limited Distribution KROGER BLOOD GLUCOSE TEST - glucose blood test strip Responsible Steps Quantity Limits Prior Authorization Specialty Drug Name Drug Tier 2016 • • • • • • • • • • 137 3 • • RELION BLOOD GLUCOSE TEST glucose blood test strip 3 • • RELION CONFIRM/MICRO TEST glucose blood test strip 3 • • RELION KETONE - acetone (urine) test strip 2 RELION KETONE TEST STRIPS acetone (urine) test strip 2 RELION PRIME BLOOD GLUCOS glucose blood test strip 3 • • RELION ULTIMA BLOOD GLUCO glucose blood test strip 3 • • RELION ULTIMA TEST STRIPS glucose blood test strip 3 • • REVEAL BLOOD GLUCOSE TEST - 3 glucose blood test strip REXALL BLOOD GLUCOSE TEST - 3 glucose blood test strip RIGHTEST GS100 BLOOD GLUC - 3 glucose blood test strip RIGHTEST GS300 BLOOD GLUC - 3 glucose blood test strip RIGHTEST GS550 BLOOD GLUC - 3 glucose blood test strip 3 SMART SENSE PREMIUM BLOOD - glucose blood test strip SMART SENSE VALUE BLOOD G - 3 glucose blood test strip 3 SMARTEST BLOOD GLUCOSE TE - glucose blood test strip 3 SOLUS V2 AUDIBLE TEST glucose blood test strip SUPREME TEST STRIPS - glucose 3 blood test strip • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • MEDICAL DEVICES ACCU-CHEK AVIVA - blood glucose monitoring devices Florida Blue October 2016 Care Choices Rx Medication Drug Guide Limited Distribution REFUAH PLUS BLOOD GLUCOSE - glucose blood test strip • • Responsible Steps • • Quantity Limits 3 Prior Authorization RA TRUETEST STRIPS - glucose blood test strip SURE EDGE BLOOD GLUCOSE T - 3 glucose blood test strip 3 SURE-TEST EASYPLUS MINI B glucose blood test strip 3 SURECHEK BLOOD GLUCOSE TE - glucose blood test strip TELCARE BLOOD GLUCOSE TES - 3 glucose blood test strip TGT BLOOD GLUCOSE TEST ST - 3 glucose blood test strip TRUE METRIX BLOOD GLUCOSE - 3 glucose blood test strip 3 TRUE METRIX SELF MONITORI glucose blood test strip 3 TRUETEST BLOOD GLUCOSE T glucose blood test strip TRUETEST STRIPS - glucose blood 3 test strip 3 TRUETRACK BLOOD GLUCOSE T - glucose blood test strip TRUETRACK TEST - glucose blood 3 test strip 3 ULTIMA TEST STRIPS - glucose blood test strip 3 ULTRATRAK PRO TEST STRIPS glucose blood test strip 3 ULTRATRAK ULTIMATE TEST S glucose blood test strip 3 UNISTRIP1 GENERIC - glucose blood test strip 3 VICTORY AGM-4000 TEST STR glucose blood test strip VOCAL POINT BLOOD GLUCOSE - 3 glucose blood test strip WAVESENSE PRESTO TEST STR - 3 glucose blood test strip Specialty • • Drug Name Drug Tier 3 Limited Distribution QUINTET BLOOD GLUCOSE TES glucose blood test strip Responsible Steps Quantity Limits Prior Authorization Specialty Drug Name Drug Tier 2016 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 3 138 ACCU-CHEK AVIVA CONNECT blood glucose monitoring kit w/ device 3 ACCU-CHEK AVIVA PLUS - blood glucose monitoring kit w/ device 3 ACCU-CHEK COMPACT PLUS CA - 3 blood glucose monitoring kit ACCU-CHEK FASTCLIX LANCET - 2 lancets kit ACCU-CHEK FASTCLIX LANCET - 2 lancets 2 ACCU-CHEK MULTICLIX LANC lancets kit 2 ACCU-CHEK MULTICLIX LANCE lancets ACCU-CHEK NANO SMARTVIEW - 3 blood glucose monitoring kit w/ device ACCU-CHEK SAFE-T-PRO LANC - 2 lancets ACCU-CHEK SAFE-T-PRO PLUS - 2 lancets ACCU-CHEK SOFT TOUCH LANC - 2 lancets ACCU-CHEK SOFTCLIX LANCET - 2 lancet devices ACCU-CHEK SOFTCLIX LANCET - 2 lancets kit ACCU-CHEK SOFTCLIX LANCET - 2 lancets 3 ACCU-CHEK VOICEMATE - blood glucose monitoring kit w/ device 2 ACTI-LANCE LANCETS 28G lancets 2 ACTI-LANCE LITE SAFETY LA lancets 2 ACTI-LANCE SPECIAL SAFETY lancets 2 ACTI-LANCE UNIVERSAL SAFE lancets ACTIVE 1ST BLOOD LANCETS lancets 2 ACURA BLOOD GLUCOSE MONIT - blood glucose monitoring kit w/ device 3 ACURA PLUS BLOOD GLUCOSE blood glucose monitoring kit w/ device 3 ADJUSTABLE LANCING DEVICE lancet devices 2 ADVANCE INTUITION BLOOD G blood glucose monitoring devices 3 ADVANCE INTUITION BLOOD G blood glucose monitoring kit w/ device 3 ADVANCE MICRO-DRAW METER blood glucose monitoring devices 3 ADVOCATE BLOOD GLUCOSE MO - blood glucose monitoring devices 3 ADVOCATE BLOOD GLUCOSE MO - blood glucose monitoring kit w/ device 3 ADVOCATE INSULIN PEN NEED insulin pen needle 29 g x 12.7 mm 2 ADVOCATE INSULIN PEN NEED insulin pen needle 31 g x 5 mm (3/16") 2 ADVOCATE INSULIN PEN NEED insulin pen needle 31 g x 8 mm (1/3" or 5/16") 2 ADVOCATE INSULIN SYRINGE/ insulin syringe/needle u-100 0.3 ml 29 x 1/2" 2 ADVOCATE INSULIN SYRINGE/ insulin syringe/needle u-100 0.3 ml 30 x 5/16" 2 ADVOCATE INSULIN SYRINGE/ insulin syringe/needle u-100 1/2 ml 31 x 5/16" 2 ADVOCATE INSULIN SYRINGE/ insulin syringe/needle u-100 1/2 ml 29 x 1/2" 2 Florida Blue October 2016 Care Choices Rx Medication Drug Guide Limited Distribution Responsible Steps Quantity Limits Prior Authorization Specialty Drug Name Drug Tier Limited Distribution Responsible Steps Quantity Limits Prior Authorization Specialty Drug Name Drug Tier 2016 139 ADVOCATE INSULIN SYRINGE/ insulin syringe/needle u-100 1/2 ml 30 x 5/16" 2 AGAMATRIX JAZZ WIRELESS 2 blood glucose monitoring kit w/ device 3 ADVOCATE INSULIN SYRINGE/ insulin syringe/needle u-100 1 ml 29 x 1/2" 2 AGAMATRIX PRESTO - blood glucose monitoring kit w/ device 3 ADVOCATE INSULIN SYRINGE/ insulin syringe/needle u-100 1 ml 30 x 5/16" 2 ADVOCATE INSULIN SYRINGE/ insulin syringe/needle u-100 1 ml 31 x 5/16" 2 ADVOCATE INSULIN SYRINGE/ insulin syringe/needle u-100 0.3 ml 31 x 5/16" 2 ADVOCATE LANCETS - lancets 2 ADVOCATE LANCETS 30G lancets 2 ADVOCATE LANCING DEVICE lancet devices 2 ADVOCATE RAPID-SAFE LANCI lancet devices 2 ADVOCATE REDI-CODE - blood glucose monitoring devices 3 ADVOCATE REDI-CODE+ BLOOD - 3 blood glucose monitoring devices 3 ADVOCATE REDI-CODE+/ TALK blood glucose monitoring kit w/ device 3 ADVOCATE REDI-CODE/TALKIN blood glucose monitoring devices 3 ADVOCATE REDI-CODE/TALKIN blood glucose monitoring kit w/ device 2 ADVOCATE SAFETY LANCETS lancets ADVOCATE SAFETY LANCETS 2 - 2 lancets 2 AF LANCETS SUPER THIN lancets AGAMATRIX AMP NO CODE ADV - 3 blood glucose monitoring devices Limited Distribution Responsible Steps Quantity Limits Prior Authorization Specialty Drug Name Drug Tier Limited Distribution Responsible Steps Quantity Limits Prior Authorization Specialty Drug Name Drug Tier 2016 AGAMATRIX PRESTO PRO METE - 3 blood glucose monitoring devices 2 AGAMATRIX ULTRA-THIN LANC lancets 2 ALLERGY SYRINGE/1ML/27G X tuberculin/allergy syringe/needle (disp) 1 ml 27 x 1/2" 2 ALTERNATE SITE LANCING DE lancet devices 2 ANTI-STICK INSULIN SYRING insulin syringe/needle u-100 1/2 ml 28 x 1/2" 2 ANTI-STICK INSULIN SYRING insulin syringe/needle u-100 1/2 ml 29 x 1/2" 2 ANTI-STICK INSULIN SYRING insulin syringe/needle u-100 1 ml 29 x 1/2" 2 ANTI-STICK TUBERCULIN SYR tuberculin/allergy syringe/needle (disp) 1 ml 25 x 5/8" 2 ANTI-STICK TUBERCULIN SYR tuberculin/allergy syringe/needle (disp) 1 ml 27 x 1/2" AQUA LANCE ADJUSTABLE LAN - 2 lancet devices ASSURE COMFORT LANCETS UL - 2 lancets ASSURE HAEMOLANCE PLUS HI - 2 lancets ASSURE HAEMOLANCE PLUS LO - 2 lancets ASSURE HAEMOLANCE PLUS MI - 2 lancets 2 ASSURE HAEMOLANCE PLUS NO - lancets Florida Blue October 2016 Care Choices Rx Medication Drug Guide 140 ASSURE HAEMOLANCE PLUS PE - 2 lancets 2 ASSURE ID INSULIN SAFETY insulin syringe/needle u-100 1/2 ml 29 x 1/2" 2 ASSURE ID INSULIN SAFETY insulin syringe/needle u-100 1 ml 29 x 1/2" 2 ASSURE LANCE LANCETS lancets 2 ASSURE LANCE LANCETS 21G lancets 2 ASSURE LANCE PLUS SAFETY lancets 2 ASSURE LANCETS - lancets AURORA UNIFINE PENTIPS/MI insulin pen needle 31 g x 5 mm (3/16") 2 AURORA UNIFINE PENTIPS/32 insulin pen needle 32 g x 4 mm (5/32") 2 AUTO-LANCET - lancet devices 2 AUTO-LANCET MINI - lancet devices 2 AUTOLET IMPRESSION - lancet devices 2 AUTOLET IMPRESSION LANCIN lancet devices 2 AUTOLET MINI - lancet devices 2 3 ASSURE PLATINUM BLOOD GLU blood glucose monitoring devices 3 AUTOPEN - injection device for insulin 3 AXILLARY BLOCK NEEDLE BLO needle (disp) 22 x 1" 3 ASSURE PRISM MULTI BLOOD blood glucose monitoring devices AXILLARY BLOCK NEEDLE BLO needle (disp) 25 x 1" 3 ASSURE PRO BLOOD GLUCOSE blood glucose monitoring devices 3 B-D INSULIN SYRINGE MICRO insulin syringe/needle u-100 1 ml 28 x 1/2" 2 ASSURE 3 METER - blood glucose monitoring kit 3 B-D INSULIN SYRINGE ULTRA insulin syringe/needle u-100 0.3 ml 30 x 1/2" 2 B-D INSULIN SYRINGE ULTRA insulin syringe/needle u-100 1/2 ml 31 x 5/16" 2 B-D INSULIN SYRINGE ULTRA insulin syringe/needle u-100 1/2 ml 30 x 1/2" 2 B-D INSULIN SYRINGE ULTRA insulin syringe/needle u-100 1 ml 30 x 1/2" 2 B-D INSULIN SYRINGE ULTRA insulin syringe/needle u-100 1 ml 31 x 5/16" 2 B-D INSULIN SYRINGE ULTRA insulin syringe/needle u-100 0.3 ml 31 x 5/16" 2 ASSURE 4 BLOOD GLUCOSE ME - 3 blood glucose monitoring devices AT LAST BLOOD GLUCOSE SYS - 3 blood glucose monitoring kit 2 AT LAST LANCETS - lancets AURORA LANCET SUPER THIN lancets 2 AURORA LANCET THIN 23G lancets 2 AURORA PEN NEEDLES 29GX12 insulin pen needle 29 g x 12 mm (1/2") 2 AURORA PEN NEEDLES 31G X insulin pen needle 31 g x 6 mm (1/4") 2 AURORA PEN NEEDLES 31G X insulin pen needle 31 g x 8 mm (1/3" or 5/16") 2 Florida Blue October 2016 Care Choices Rx Medication Drug Guide Limited Distribution Responsible Steps Quantity Limits Prior Authorization Specialty Drug Name Drug Tier Limited Distribution Responsible Steps Quantity Limits Prior Authorization Specialty Drug Name Drug Tier 2016 141 2 BD AUTOSHIELD 29G X 3/16" insulin pen needle 29 g x 5 mm (3/16") 2 2 BAYER CONTOUR BLOOD GLUCO - blood glucose monitoring devices 2 BAYER CONTOUR BLOOD GLUCO - blood glucose monitoring kit w/ device 2 BAYER CONTOUR LINK BLOOD blood glucose monitoring kit w/ device BAYER CONTOUR NEXT BLOOD - 2 blood glucose monitoring kit w/ device BAYER CONTOUR NEXT EZ BLO - 2 blood glucose monitoring kit w/ device 2 BAYER CONTOUR NEXT LINK B blood glucose monitoring kit w/ device BAYER CONTOUR NEXT LINK W - 2 blood glucose monitoring kit w/ device BAYER CONTOUR NEXT USB BL - 2 blood glucose monitoring kit w/ device 2 BAYER MICROLET LANCETS lancets 2 BAYER MICROLET 2 LANCING lancet devices 2 BD LO-DOSE INSULIN SYRIN insulin syringe/needle u-100 1/2 ml 28 x 1/2" BD ALLERGY/SYRINGE NEEDLE - 2 tuberculin/allergy syringe/needle (disp) 1 ml 28 x 1/2" BD ALLERGY/SYRINGE/NEEDLE - 2 tuberculin/allergy syringe/needle (disp) 1 ml 28 x 1/2" 2 BD AUTOSHIELD DUO 30G X 3 insulin pen needle 30 g x 5 mm (3/16") BD AUTOSHIELD 29G X 5/16" insulin pen needle 29 g x 8 mm (5/16") 2 BD BLUNT FILL NEEDLE - needle (disp) 18 x 1-1/2" 3 BD DISPOSABLE NEEDLE REGU needle (disp) 18 x 1" 3 BD DISPOSABLE NEEDLE REGU needle (disp) 22 x 3/4" 3 BD DISPOSABLE NEEDLE REGU needle (disp) 24 x 1" 3 BD DISPOSABLE NEEDLE REGU needle (disp) 25 x 1" 2 BD DISPOSABLE NEEDLE 23GX needle (disp) 23 x 1" 2 BD DISPOSABLE NEEDLE 23GX needle (disp) 23 x 1-1/4" 3 BD DISPOSABLE NEEDLE 27GX needle (disp) 27 x 1-1/4" 2 BD DISPOSABLE NEEDLE/30GX needle (disp) 30 x 1" 2 BD ECLIPSE NEEDLE 21G X 1 needle (disp) 21 x 1" 3 BD ECLIPSE NEEDLE 21G X 1 needle (disp) 21 x 1-1/2" 3 BD ECLIPSE NEEDLE 25G X 1 needle (disp) 25 x 1-1/2" 2 BD ECLIPSE NEEDLE 25GX1" needle (disp) 25 x 1" 2 BD ECLIPSE NEEDLE 30G X needle (disp) 30 x 1/2" 2 BD ECLIPSE NEEDLE/22G X 1 needle (disp) 22 x 1-1/2" 2 BD ECLIPSE NEEDLE/25G X needle (disp) 25 x 5/8" 2 BD ECLIPSE 18G X 1-1/2" - needle (disp) 18 x 1-1/2" 2 BAYER BREEZE 2 BLOOD GLUC blood glucose monitoring kit w/ device Florida Blue October 2016 Care Choices Rx Medication Drug Guide Limited Distribution Responsible Steps Quantity Limits Prior Authorization Specialty Drug Name Drug Tier Limited Distribution Responsible Steps Quantity Limits Prior Authorization Specialty Drug Name Drug Tier 2016 142 BD ECLIPSE 22G X 1" - needle (disp) 22 x 1" 3 BD INSULIN SYRINGE LUER-L insulin syringe (disp) u-100 1 ml 2 BD ECLIPSE 23G X 1" NEEDL needle (disp) 23 x 1" 3 BD INSULIN SYRINGE MICROF insulin syringe/needle u-100 0.3 ml 28 x 1/2" 2 BD INSULIN SYRINGE MICROF insulin syringe/needle u-100 1/2 ml 28 x 1/2" 2 BD INSULIN SYRINGE MICROF insulin syringe/needle u-100 1 ml 27 x 5/8" 2 BD INSULIN SYRINGE MICROF insulin syringe/needle u-100 1 ml 28 x 1/2" 2 BD INSULIN SYRINGE SAFETY insulin syringe/needle u-100 1/2 ml 29 x 1/2" 2 BD INSULIN SYRINGE SAFETY insulin syringe/needle u-100 1 ml 29 x 1/2" 2 BD INSULIN SYRINGE SAFETY insulin syringe/needle u-100 0.3 ml 31 x 5/16" 2 BD INSULIN SYRINGE SLIP T insulin syringe (disp) u-100 1 ml 2 BD INSULIN SYRINGE U-40/1 insulin syringe/needle u-40 1 ml 25 x 5/8" 2 BD INSULIN SYRINGE ULTRAF insulin syringe/needle u-100 0.3 ml 29 x 1/2" 2 BD INSULIN SYRINGE ULTRAF insulin syringe/needle u-100 0.3 ml 30 x 1/2" 2 BD INSULIN SYRINGE ULTRAF insulin syringe/needle u-100 1/2 ml 31 x 5/16" 2 BD INSULIN SYRINGE ULTRAF insulin syringe/needle u-100 1/2 ml 29 x 1/2" 2 BD INSULIN SYRINGE ULTRAF insulin syringe/needle u-100 1/2 ml 30 x 1/2" 2 BD HYPODERMIC NEEDLE REGU - 2 needle (disp) 18 x 1-1/2" BD HYPODERMIC NEEDLE REGU - 3 needle (disp) 18 x 1-1/2" BD HYPODERMIC NEEDLE REGU - 3 needle (disp) 19 x 1-1/2" BD HYPODERMIC NEEDLE REGU - 3 needle (disp) 20 x 1-1/2" BD HYPODERMIC NEEDLE REGU - 2 needle (disp) 21 x 1" BD HYPODERMIC NEEDLE REGU - 3 needle (disp) 21 x 1-1/2" BD HYPODERMIC NEEDLE REGU - 3 needle (disp) 22 x 1" BD HYPODERMIC NEEDLE REGU - 2 needle (disp) 22 x 1-1/2" BD HYPODERMIC NEEDLE REGU - 3 needle (disp) 22 x 1-1/2" BD HYPODERMIC NEEDLE REGU - 3 needle (disp) 23 x 1" BD HYPODERMIC NEEDLE REGU - 2 needle (disp) 23 x 1-1/2" BD HYPODERMIC NEEDLE REGU - 2 needle (disp) 25 x 5/8" BD HYPODERMIC NEEDLE REGU - 3 needle (disp) 25 x 5/8" BD HYPODERMIC NEEDLE REGU - 3 needle (disp) 25 x 1" BD HYPODERMIC NEEDLE REGU - 3 needle (disp) 26 x 5/8" BD HYPODERMIC NEEDLE SHOR - 3 needle (disp) 18 x 1-1/2" BD HYPODERMIC NEEDLE SHOR - 3 needle (disp) 20 x 1-1/2" BD HYPODERMIC NEEDLE SHOR - 3 needle (disp) 22 x 1-1/2" Florida Blue October 2016 Care Choices Rx Medication Drug Guide Limited Distribution Responsible Steps Quantity Limits Prior Authorization Specialty Drug Name Drug Tier Limited Distribution Responsible Steps Quantity Limits Prior Authorization Specialty Drug Name Drug Tier 2016 143 BD INSULIN SYRINGE ULTRAF insulin syringe/needle u-100 0.3 ml 31 x 15/64" 2 BD INSULIN SYRINGE/U-100/ insulin syringe/needle u-100 2 ml 29 x 1/2" 2 BD INSULIN SYRINGE ULTRAF insulin syringe/needle u-100 1 ml 29 x 1/2" 2 BD INTEGRA INSULIN SYRING insulin syringe/needle u-100 1 ml 29 x 1/2" 2 BD INSULIN SYRINGE ULTRAF insulin syringe/needle u-100 1 ml 30 x 1/2" 2 BD INTEGRA RETRACTABLE NE needle (disp) 23 x 1" 3 2 BD INTEGRA SYRINGE/RETRAC insulin syringe/needle u-100 1 ml 25 x 1" 2 BD INSULIN SYRINGE ULTRAF insulin syringe/needle u-100 1 ml 31 x 5/16" BD KLATSKIN BIOPSY - needle (disp) 16 x 4" 3 BD INSULIN SYRINGE ULTRAF insulin syringe/needle u-100 0.3 ml 31 x 5/16" 2 2 BD INSULIN SYRINGE ULTRAF insulin syringe/needle u-100 1/2 ml 31 x 15/64" 2 BD LANCET DEVICE - lancet devices BD LANCET ULTRAFINE 30G lancets 2 BD INSULIN SYRINGE ULTRAF insulin syringe/needle u-100 1 ml 31 x 15/64" 2 BD LANCET ULTRAFINE 33G lancets 2 3 BD INSULIN SYRINGE/DETACH insulin syringe/needle u-100 1 ml 25 x 5/8" 2 BD LATITUDE DIABETES MANA blood glucose monitoring kit w/ device 3 BD INSULIN SYRINGE/DETACH insulin syringe/needle u-100 1 ml 25 x 1" 2 BD LOGIC BLOOD GLUCOSE MO blood glucose monitoring kit w/ device 3 BD INSULIN SYRINGE/DETACH insulin syringe/needle u-100 1 ml 26 x 1/2" 2 BD MAGNI-GUIDE MAGNIFIER blood glucose monitoring supplies BD MICROTAINER LANCETS lancets 2 BD INSULIN SYRINGE/U-100/ insulin syringe/needle u-100 1/2 ml 30 x 1/2" 2 BD NEEDLE/16G X 1-1/2" - needle (disp) 16 x 1-1/2" 3 2 BD INSULIN SYRINGE/U-100/ insulin syringe/needle u-100 1 ml 27 x 1/2" 2 BD NEEDLE/18G 1-1/2" - needle (disp) 18 x 1-1/2" 3 BD INSULIN SYRINGE/U-100/ insulin syringe/needle u-100 1 ml 28 x 1/2" 2 BD NEEDLE/19G X 1" - needle (disp) 19 x 1" BD NEEDLE/20G X 1-1/2" - needle (disp) 20 x 1-1/2" 3 2 BD NEEDLE/20G X 1" - needle (disp) 20 x 1" 2 BD INSULIN SYRINGE/U-100/ insulin syringe/needle u-100 2 ml 27.5 x 5/8" BD NEEDLE/21G 1-1/2" - needle (disp) 21 x 1-1/2" 2 Florida Blue October 2016 Care Choices Rx Medication Drug Guide Limited Distribution Responsible Steps Quantity Limits Prior Authorization Specialty Drug Name Drug Tier Limited Distribution Responsible Steps Quantity Limits Prior Authorization Specialty Drug Name Drug Tier 2016 144 BD NEEDLE/22G X 1-1/2" - needle (disp) 22 x 1-1/2" 2 BD NEEDLE/25G X 5/8" - needle (disp) 25 x 5/8" 2 BD NEEDLE/25G X 7/8" - needle (disp) 25 x 7/8" BD SAFETYGLIDE ALLERGY S tuberculin/allergy syringe/needle (disp) 1 ml 26 x 3/8" 2 2 2 BD SAFETYGLIDE ALLERGY SY tuberculin/allergy syringe/needle (disp) 1 ml 27 x 1/2" BD NEEDLE/27G X 1/2" - needle (disp) 27 x 1/2" 2 BD SAFETYGLIDE HYPODERMIC needle (disp) 18 x 1-1/2" 3 BD NEEDLE/30G X 1/2" - needle (disp) 30 x 1/2" 2 BD SAFETYGLIDE HYPODERMIC needle (disp) 25 x 5/8" 2 BD OSGOOD BIOPSY - needle (disp) 16 x 1-5/16" 3 BD SAFETYGLIDE INJECTION needle (disp) 22 x 1-1/2" 3 BD PEN - injection device for insulin 3 3 BD PEN MINI - injection device for insulin 3 BD SAFETYGLIDE INJECTION needle (disp) 25 x 1" 2 BD PEN NEEDLE/MINI/ULTRAF insulin pen needle 31 g x 5 mm (3/16") 2 BD SAFETYGLIDE INSULIN SY insulin syringe/needle u-100 1/2 ml 30 x 5/16" 3 BD PEN NEEDLE/NANO/ULTRA insulin pen needle 32 g x 4 mm (5/32") 2 BD SAFETYGLIDE SHIELDED N needle (disp) 23 x 1" BD SAFETYGLIDE 21G X 1-1/ needle (disp) 21 x 1-1/2" 3 BD PEN NEEDLE/SHORT/ULTRA insulin pen needle 31 g x 8 mm (1/3" or 5/16") 2 BD SAFETYGLIDE 21G X 1" needle (disp) 21 x 1" 2 2 BD PEN NEEDLE/ULTRAFINE/2 insulin pen needle 29 g x 12.7 mm 2 BD 1ML TUBERCULIN SYRINGE tuberculin/allergy syringe/needle (disp) 1 ml 26 x 3/8" BD PEN NEEDLES SHORT/ULTR insulin pen needle 31 g x 8 mm (1/3" or 5/16") 2 BD 1ML TUBERCULIN SYRINGE tuberculin/allergy syringe/needle (disp) 1 ml 27 x 1/2" 2 BD PLASTIPAK SYRINGES ALL tuberculin/allergy syringe/needle (disp) 1 ml 28 x 1/2" 2 BLOOD GLUCOSE MONITORING blood glucose monitoring kit w/ device 3 BD PRECISIONGLIDE NEEDLE needle (disp) 27 x 1-1/2" 3 3 BD ROSENTHAL BIOPSY - needle (disp) 16 x 1-5/16" 3 BLOOD GLUCOSE SYSTEM PAK blood glucose monitoring kit w/ device BD SAFETY-GLIDE INSULIN S insulin syringe/needle u-100 1/2 ml 29 x 1/2" 2 BD SAFETY-LOK INSULIN SYR insulin syringe/needle u-100 1 ml 29 x 1/2" 2 Limited Distribution Responsible Steps Quantity Limits Prior Authorization Specialty Drug Name Drug Tier Limited Distribution Responsible Steps Quantity Limits Prior Authorization Specialty Drug Name Drug Tier 2016 BREEZE 2 BLOOD GLUCOSE MO - 2 blood glucose monitoring devices 2 BULLSEYE MINI SAFETY LANC lancets 2 BULLSEYE SAFETY LANCETS lancets Florida Blue October 2016 Care Choices Rx Medication Drug Guide 145 CARDIOCOM LANCING DEVICE lancet devices 2 CAREFINE PEN NEEDLE 32GX4 insulin pen needle 32 g x 4 mm (5/32") 2 CAREONE INSULIN SYRINGES/ insulin syringe/needle u-100 0.3 ml 31 x 5/16" 2 CAREONE LANCET THIN - lancets 2 CAREONE LANCET ULTRA THIN lancets 2 CAREFINE PEN NEEDLES 29GX insulin pen needle 29 g x 12 mm (1/2") 2 2 CAREFINE PEN NEEDLES 30GX insulin pen needle 30 g x 8 mm (1/3" or 5/16") 2 CAREONE UNIFINE PENTIPS P insulin pen needle 29 g x 12 mm (1/2") 2 CAREFINE PEN NEEDLES 31GX insulin pen needle 31 g x 6 mm (1/4") 2 CAREONE UNIFINE PENTIPS P insulin pen needle 31 g x 5 mm (3/16") 2 CAREFINE PEN NEEDLES 31GX insulin pen needle 31 g x 8 mm (1/3" or 5/16") 2 CAREONE UNIFINE PENTIPS P insulin pen needle 31 g x 6 mm (1/4") 2 CAREFINE PEN NEEDLES 32GX insulin pen needle 32 g x 5 mm (1/5" or 3/16") 2 CAREONE UNIFINE PENTIPS P insulin pen needle 31 g x 8 mm (1/3" or 5/16") 2 CAREFINE PEN NEEDLES 32GX insulin pen needle 32 g x 6 mm (1/4") 2 CAREONE UNIFINE PENTIPS P insulin pen needle 32 g x 4 mm (5/32") 2 CAREONE ADVANCED LANCING lancet devices 2 CAREONE UNIFINE PENTIPS 2 insulin pen needle 29 g x 12 mm (1/2") CAREONE UNIFINE PENTIPS 3 insulin pen needle 31 g x 5 mm (3/16") 2 CAREONE BLOOD GLUCOSE MON - blood glucose monitoring kit w/ device 3 2 CAREONE UNIFINE PENTIPS 3 insulin pen needle 31 g x 6 mm (1/4") 2 CAREONE INSULIN SYRINGES/ insulin syringe/needle u-100 0.3 ml 30 x 1/2" CAREONE UNIFINE PENTIPS 3 insulin pen needle 31 g x 8 mm (1/3" or 5/16") 2 CAREONE INSULIN SYRINGES/ insulin syringe/needle u-100 1/2 ml 31 x 5/16" 2 CARESENS N BLOOD GLUCOSE blood glucose monitoring devices 3 CAREONE INSULIN SYRINGES/ insulin syringe/needle u-100 1/2 ml 30 x 1/2" 2 3 CAREONE INSULIN SYRINGES/ insulin syringe/needle u-100 1 ml 30 x 1/2" 2 CARESENS N GLUCOSE MONITO - blood glucose monitoring devices 3 CAREONE INSULIN SYRINGES/ insulin syringe/needle u-100 1 ml 31 x 5/16" 2 CARESENS N VOICE BLOOD GL blood glucose monitoring devices CAYA - diaphragm arc-spring P Florida Blue October 2016 Care Choices Rx Medication Drug Guide Limited Distribution Responsible Steps Quantity Limits Prior Authorization Specialty Drug Name Drug Tier Limited Distribution Responsible Steps Quantity Limits Prior Authorization Specialty Drug Name Drug Tier 2016 146 CHEMSTRIP BG LOG BOOK - blood 3 glucose monitoring misc. 3 CHOICE DM DIABETES RISK I blood glucose monitoring kit CLEANLET LANCETS 28G - lancets 2 CLEVER CHOICE COMFORT EZ insulin pen needle 33 g x 4 mm (5/32") 2 CLEVER CHOICE COMFORT EZ insulin pen needle 33 g x 5 mm (1/5" or 3/16") 2 CLEVER CHOICE COMFORT EZ insulin pen needle 33 g x 6 mm (1/4") 2 CLEVER CHOICE COMFORT EZ insulin pen needle 33 g x 8 mm (1/3" or 5/16") 2 CLEVER CHOICE COMFORT EZ insulin syringe/needle u-100 0.3 ml 29 x 1/2" 2 CLEVER CHOICE COMFORT EZ insulin syringe/needle u-100 0.3 ml 30 x 5/16" 2 CLEVER CHEK AUTO CODE VOI blood glucose monitoring devices 3 CLEVER CHEK AUTO-CODE BLO blood glucose monitoring devices 3 CLEVER CHEK AUTO-CODE VOI blood glucose monitoring devices 3 CLEVER CHEK BLOOD GLUCOSE - blood glucose monitoring kit w/ device 3 CLEVER CHEK LANCETS ULTRA lancets 2 CLEVER CHOICE AUTO-CODE P blood glucose monitoring devices 3 CLEVER CHOICE COMFORT EZ insulin syringe/needle u-100 0.3 ml 30 x 1/2" 2 CLEVER CHOICE COMFORT EZ insulin pen needle 29 g x 12 mm (1/2") 2 CLEVER CHOICE COMFORT EZ insulin syringe/needle u-100 1/2 ml 31 x 5/16" 2 CLEVER CHOICE COMFORT EZ insulin pen needle 31 g x 5 mm (3/16") 2 CLEVER CHOICE COMFORT EZ insulin syringe/needle u-100 1/2 ml 28 x 1/2" 2 CLEVER CHOICE COMFORT EZ insulin pen needle 31 g x 6 mm (1/4") 2 2 CLEVER CHOICE COMFORT EZ insulin syringe/needle u-100 1/2 ml 29 x 1/2" 2 CLEVER CHOICE COMFORT EZ insulin pen needle 31 g x 8 mm (1/3" or 5/16") CLEVER CHOICE COMFORT EZ insulin syringe/needle u-100 1/2 ml 30 x 5/16" 2 CLEVER CHOICE COMFORT EZ insulin pen needle 32 g x 4 mm (5/32") 2 CLEVER CHOICE COMFORT EZ insulin syringe/needle u-100 1/2 ml 30 x 1/2" 2 CLEVER CHOICE COMFORT EZ insulin pen needle 32 g x 5 mm (1/5" or 3/16") 2 2 2 CLEVER CHOICE COMFORT EZ insulin pen needle 32 g x 6 mm (1/4") CLEVER CHOICE COMFORT EZ insulin syringe/needle u-100 1 ml 28 x 1/2" CLEVER CHOICE COMFORT EZ insulin syringe/needle u-100 1 ml 29 x 1/2" 2 CLEVER CHOICE COMFORT EZ insulin pen needle 32 g x 8 mm 2 Florida Blue October 2016 Care Choices Rx Medication Drug Guide Limited Distribution Responsible Steps Quantity Limits Prior Authorization Specialty Drug Name Drug Tier Limited Distribution Responsible Steps Quantity Limits Prior Authorization Specialty Drug Name Drug Tier 2016 147 CLEVER CHOICE COMFORT EZ insulin syringe/needle u-100 1 ml 30 x 5/16" 2 COMFORT ASSIST INSULIN SY insulin syringe/needle u-100 1/2 ml 31 x 5/16" 2 CLEVER CHOICE COMFORT EZ insulin syringe/needle u-100 1 ml 30 x 1/2" 2 COMFORT ASSIST INSULIN SY insulin syringe/needle u-100 1/2 ml 29 x 1/2" 2 CLEVER CHOICE COMFORT EZ insulin syringe/needle u-100 1 ml 31 x 5/16" 2 COMFORT ASSIST INSULIN SY insulin syringe/needle u-100 1/2 ml 30 x 5/16" 2 CLEVER CHOICE COMFORT EZ insulin syringe/needle u-100 0.3 ml 31 x 5/16" 2 COMFORT ASSIST INSULIN SY insulin syringe/needle u-100 1 ml 29 x 1/2" 2 CLEVER CHOICE MICRO BLOOD blood glucose monitoring kit w/ device 3 COMFORT ASSIST INSULIN SY insulin syringe/needle u-100 1 ml 30 x 5/16" 2 CLEVER CHOICE MINI BLOOD blood glucose monitoring devices 3 2 CLICKFINE PEN NEEDLE UNIV insulin pen needle 31 g x 6 mm (1/4") 2 COMFORT ASSIST INSULIN SY insulin syringe/needle u-100 1 ml 31 x 5/16" 2 CLICKFINE PEN NEEDLE UNIV insulin pen needle 31 g x 8 mm (1/3" or 5/16") 2 COMFORT ASSIST INSULIN SY insulin syringe/needle u-100 0.3 ml 31 x 5/16" COMFORT ASSURED LANCETS M - lancets 2 CLICKFINE PEN NEEDLE 32GX insulin pen needle 32 g x 4 mm (5/32") 2 COMFORT ASSURED LANCETS S - lancets 2 COMFORT LANCETS - lancets 2 CLICKFINE PEN NEEDLES/31G insulin pen needle 31 g x 6 mm (1/4") 2 CLICKFINE PEN NEEDLES/31G insulin pen needle 31 g x 8 mm (1/3" or 5/16") 2 CLICKFINE UNIVERSAL PEN N insulin pen needle 31 g x 8 mm (1/3" or 5/16") 2 CLOSERCARE - lancet devices 2 COAGUCHEK LANCETS - lancets 2 COMFORT ASSIST INSULIN SY insulin syringe/needle u-100 0.3 ml 29 x 1/2" 2 COMFORT ASSIST INSULIN SY insulin syringe/needle u-100 0.3 ml 30 x 5/16" 2 Limited Distribution Responsible Steps Quantity Limits Prior Authorization Specialty Drug Name Drug Tier Limited Distribution Responsible Steps Quantity Limits Prior Authorization Specialty Drug Name Drug Tier 2016 3 CONTROL BLOOD GLUCOSE MON - blood glucose monitoring kit w/ device 3 COOL BLOOD GLUCOSE MONITO - blood glucose monitoring devices 3 COOL BLOOD GLUCOSE MONITO - blood glucose monitoring kit w/ device 3 CVS ADVANCED GLUCOSE METE - blood glucose monitoring kit w/ device 2 CVS LANCETS MICRO THIN 33 lancets CVS LANCETS ORIGINAL - lancets 2 CVS LANCETS THIN 26G - lancets Florida Blue October 2016 Care Choices Rx Medication Drug Guide 2 148 CVS LANCETS ULTRA THIN 30 lancets 2 DROPLET PEN NEEDLES 32GX8 insulin pen needle 32 g x 8 mm 2 CVS LANCETS 21G - lancets 2 2 CVS LANCING DEVICE - lancet devices 2 DRUG MART ADJUSTABLE LANC lancet devices 2 CVS ULTRA THIN LANCETS lancets 2 DRUG MART LANCETS THIN lancets 2 DIASTAR EASY TEST II LANC lancets 2 DRUG MART LANCETS ULTRA T lancets 2 DIASTAR EASY TEST LANCETS lancets 2 DRUG MART ON-THE-GO LANCE lancets 2 DIATRUE PLUS BLOOD GLUCOS blood glucose monitoring devices 3 DRUG MART UNIFINE PENTIPS insulin pen needle 29 g x 12 mm (1/2") DIDGET - blood glucose monitoring kit w/ device 2 2 DROPLET LANCETS ULTRA THI lancets 2 DRUG MART UNIFINE PENTIPS insulin pen needle 31 g x 5 mm (3/16") 2 DROPLET LANCING DEVICE lancet devices 2 DRUG MART UNIFINE PENTIPS insulin pen needle 31 g x 6 mm (1/4") DROPLET PEN NEEDLES 29GX1 insulin pen needle 29 g x 10 mm 2 2 DROPLET PEN NEEDLES 29GX1 insulin pen needle 29 g x 12 mm (1/2") 2 DRUG MART UNIFINE PENTIPS insulin pen needle 31 g x 8 mm (1/3" or 5/16") 2 DROPLET PEN NEEDLES 31GX5 insulin pen needle 31 g x 5 mm (3/16") 2 DRUG MART UNIFINE PENTIPS insulin pen needle 32 g x 4 mm (5/32") DRUG MART UNILET LANCETS lancets 2 DROPLET PEN NEEDLES 31GX6 insulin pen needle 31 g x 6 mm (1/4") 2 DUANE READE LANCET ALTERN lancets 2 2 DROPLET PEN NEEDLES 31GX8 insulin pen needle 31 g x 8 mm (1/3" or 5/16") 2 DUANE READE LANCET SUPER lancets DUANE READE LANCET ULTRA lancets 2 DROPLET PEN NEEDLES 32GX4 insulin pen needle 32 g x 4 mm (5/32") 2 DUANE READE UNIFINE PENTI insulin pen needle 29 g x 12 mm (1/2") 2 DROPLET PEN NEEDLES 32GX5 insulin pen needle 32 g x 5 mm (1/5" or 3/16") 2 DUANE READE UNIFINE PENTI insulin pen needle 31 g x 6 mm (1/4") 2 DROPLET PEN NEEDLES 32GX6 insulin pen needle 32 g x 6 mm (1/4") 2 DUANE READE UNIFINE PENTI insulin pen needle 31 g x 8 mm (1/3" or 5/16") 2 Florida Blue October 2016 Care Choices Rx Medication Drug Guide Limited Distribution Responsible Steps Quantity Limits Prior Authorization Specialty Drug Name Drug Tier Limited Distribution Responsible Steps Quantity Limits Prior Authorization Specialty Drug Name Drug Tier 2016 149 E-Z JECT LANCETS - lancets 2 E-Z JECT LANCETS COLOR lancets 2 E-Z JECT LANCETS SUPER TH lancets 2 E-Z JECT LANCETS THIN 26G lancets 2 E-Z JECT LANCETS 21G - lancets 2 E-ZJECT LANCETS MICRO-THI lancets EASY COMFORT PEN NEEDLES insulin pen needle 31 g x 8 mm (1/3" or 5/16") 2 EASY COMFORT PEN NEEDLES insulin pen needle 32 g x 4 mm (5/32") 2 EASY MINI EJECT LANCING D lancet devices 2 2 EASY MINI LANCING DEVICE lancet devices 2 EASY COMFORT INSULIN SYRI insulin syringe/needle u-100 0.3 ml 30 x 5/16" 2 EASY PLUS BLOOD GLUCOSE M blood glucose monitoring devices 3 3 EASY COMFORT INSULIN SYRI insulin syringe/needle u-100 1/2 ml 31 x 5/16" 2 EASY PLUS BLOOD GLUCOSE M blood glucose monitoring kit w/ device 3 EASY COMFORT INSULIN SYRI insulin syringe/needle u-100 1/2 ml 30 x 5/16" 2 EASY PLUS II BLOOD GLUCOS blood glucose monitoring devices EASY STEP BLOOD GLUCOSE M blood glucose monitoring devices 3 EASY COMFORT INSULIN SYRI insulin syringe/needle u-100 1/2 ml 30 x 1/2" 2 EASY STEP BLOOD GLUCOSE M blood glucose monitoring kit w/ device 3 EASY COMFORT INSULIN SYRI insulin syringe/needle u-100 1 ml 30 x 5/16" 2 EASY TALK BLOOD GLUCOSE M blood glucose monitoring devices 3 3 EASY COMFORT INSULIN SYRI insulin syringe/needle u-100 1 ml 30 x 1/2" 2 EASY TALK BLOOD GLUCOSE M blood glucose monitoring kit w/ device 3 EASY COMFORT INSULIN SYRI insulin syringe/needle u-100 1 ml 31 x 5/16" 2 EASY TOUCH ALLERGY TRAY S tuberculin/allergy syringe/needle (disp) 1 ml 26 x 3/8" 2 EASY COMFORT LANCETS lancets 2 EASY TOUCH ALLERGY TRAY S tuberculin/allergy syringe/needle (disp) 1 ml 27 x 1/2" EASY COMFORT LANCETS 30G/ lancets 2 EASY TOUCH FLIPLOCK NEEDL needle (disp) 28 x 1/2" (12.7 mm) 3 EASY COMFORT PEN NEEDLES insulin pen needle 31 g x 5 mm (3/16") 2 EASY TOUCH FLIPLOCK NEEDL needle (disp) 29 x 1/2" (12.7 mm) 3 3 EASY COMFORT PEN NEEDLES insulin pen needle 31 g x 6 mm (1/4") 2 EASY TOUCH FLIPLOCK NEEDL needle (disp) 18 x 1" EASY TOUCH FLIPLOCK NEEDL needle (disp) 18 x 1-1/2" 3 Florida Blue October 2016 Care Choices Rx Medication Drug Guide Limited Distribution Responsible Steps Quantity Limits Prior Authorization Specialty Drug Name Drug Tier Limited Distribution Responsible Steps Quantity Limits Prior Authorization Specialty Drug Name Drug Tier 2016 150 EASY TOUCH FLIPLOCK NEEDL needle (disp) 19 x 1" 3 EASY TOUCH FLIPLOCK NEEDL needle (disp) 31 x 5/16" (8 mm) 3 EASY TOUCH FLIPLOCK NEEDL needle (disp) 19 x 1-1/2" 3 2 EASY TOUCH FLIPLOCK NEEDL needle (disp) 20 x 1" 3 EASY TOUCH FLIPLOCK SAFET insulin syringe/needle u-100 1 ml 29 x 1/2" 2 EASY TOUCH FLIPLOCK NEEDL needle (disp) 20 x 1-1/2" 3 EASY TOUCH FLIPLOCK SAFET insulin syringe/needle u-100 1 ml 30 x 5/16" EASY TOUCH FLIPLOCK NEEDL needle (disp) 21 x 1" 3 2 EASY TOUCH FLIPLOCK NEEDL needle (disp) 21 x 1-1/2" 3 EASY TOUCH FLIPLOCK SAFET insulin syringe/needle u-100 1 ml 30 x 1/2" 2 EASY TOUCH FLIPLOCK NEEDL needle (disp) 22 x 3/4" 3 EASY TOUCH FLIPLOCK SAFET insulin syringe/needle u-100 1 ml 31 x 5/16" EASY TOUCH FLIPLOCK NEEDL needle (disp) 22 x 1" 3 3 EASY TOUCH FLIPLOCK NEEDL needle (disp) 22 x 1-1/2" 3 EASY TOUCH GLUCOSE MONITO - blood glucose monitoring kit w/ device EASY TOUCH FLIPLOCK NEEDL needle (disp) 23 x 5/8" 3 EASY TOUCH FLIPLOCK NEEDL needle (disp) 23 x 1" 3 EASY TOUCH FLIPLOCK NEEDL needle (disp) 23 x 1-1/2" 3 EASY TOUCH FLIPLOCK NEEDL needle (disp) 25 x 5/8" 3 EASY TOUCH FLIPLOCK NEEDL needle (disp) 25 x 1" 3 EASY TOUCH FLIPLOCK NEEDL needle (disp) 25 x 1-1/2" 3 EASY TOUCH FLIPLOCK NEEDL needle (disp) 26 x 1/2" 3 EASY TOUCH FLIPLOCK NEEDL needle (disp) 27 x 1/2" 3 EASY TOUCH FLIPLOCK NEEDL needle (disp) 27 x 1" (25 mm) 3 EASY TOUCH FLIPLOCK NEEDL needle (disp) 30 x 5/16" (8 mm) 3 EASY TOUCH FLIPLOCK NEEDL needle (disp) 30 x 1/2" 3 Limited Distribution Responsible Steps Quantity Limits Prior Authorization Specialty Drug Name Drug Tier Limited Distribution Responsible Steps Quantity Limits Prior Authorization Specialty Drug Name Drug Tier 2016 EASY TOUCH HEALTHPRO GLUC - 3 blood glucose monitoring kit w/ device EASY TOUCH HYPODERMIC NEE - 3 needle (disp) 32 x 5/16" (8 mm) EASY TOUCH HYPODERMIC NEE - 3 needle (disp) 16 x 1" EASY TOUCH HYPODERMIC NEE - 3 needle (disp) 16 x 1-1/2" EASY TOUCH HYPODERMIC NEE - 3 needle (disp) 18 x 1" EASY TOUCH HYPODERMIC NEE - 3 needle (disp) 18 x 1.25" (30 mm) EASY TOUCH HYPODERMIC NEE - 3 needle (disp) 18 x 1-1/2" EASY TOUCH HYPODERMIC NEE - 3 needle (disp) 19 x 1" EASY TOUCH HYPODERMIC NEE - 3 needle (disp) 19 x 1-1/2" EASY TOUCH HYPODERMIC NEE - 3 needle (disp) 20 x 1" EASY TOUCH HYPODERMIC NEE - 3 needle (disp) 20 x 1-1/2" EASY TOUCH HYPODERMIC NEE - 3 needle (disp) 21 x 1" Florida Blue October 2016 Care Choices Rx Medication Drug Guide 151 EASY TOUCH HYPODERMIC NEE - 3 needle (disp) 21 x 1-1/2" EASY TOUCH HYPODERMIC NEE - 3 needle (disp) 22 x 1" EASY TOUCH HYPODERMIC NEE - 3 needle (disp) 22 x 1-1/2" EASY TOUCH HYPODERMIC NEE - 3 needle (disp) 23 x 3/4" EASY TOUCH HYPODERMIC NEE - 3 needle (disp) 23 x 1" EASY TOUCH HYPODERMIC NEE - 3 needle (disp) 23 x 1-1/4" EASY TOUCH HYPODERMIC NEE - 3 needle (disp) 23 x 1-1/2" EASY TOUCH HYPODERMIC NEE - 3 needle (disp) 24 x 1" EASY TOUCH HYPODERMIC NEE - 3 needle (disp) 24 x 1.25" (30 mm) EASY TOUCH HYPODERMIC NEE - 3 needle (disp) 25 x 5/8" EASY TOUCH HYPODERMIC NEE - 3 needle (disp) 25 x 1" EASY TOUCH HYPODERMIC NEE - 3 needle (disp) 25 x 1-1/2" EASY TOUCH HYPODERMIC NEE - 3 needle (disp) 26 x 3/8" EASY TOUCH HYPODERMIC NEE - 3 needle (disp) 26 x 1/2" EASY TOUCH HYPODERMIC NEE - 3 needle (disp) 26 x 5/8" EASY TOUCH HYPODERMIC NEE - 3 needle (disp) 27 x 1/2" EASY TOUCH HYPODERMIC NEE - 3 needle (disp) 27 x 1-1/4" EASY TOUCH HYPODERMIC NEE - 3 needle (disp) 27 x 1-1/2" EASY TOUCH HYPODERMIC NEE - 3 needle (disp) 30 x 1/2" EASY TOUCH HYPODERMIC NEE - 3 needle (disp) 30 x 1" Limited Distribution Responsible Steps Quantity Limits Prior Authorization Specialty Drug Name Drug Tier Limited Distribution Responsible Steps Quantity Limits Prior Authorization Specialty Drug Name Drug Tier 2016 EASY TOUCH HYPODERMIC NEE - 3 needle (disp) 31 x 5/16" (8 mm) 2 EASY TOUCH INSULIN SYRING insulin syringe/needle u-100 0.3 ml 30 x 5/16" 2 EASY TOUCH INSULIN SYRING insulin syringe/needle u-100 0.3 ml 30 x 1/2" 2 EASY TOUCH INSULIN SYRING insulin syringe/needle u-100 1/2 ml 27 x 1/2" 2 EASY TOUCH INSULIN SYRING insulin syringe/needle u-100 1/2 ml 31 x 5/16" 2 EASY TOUCH INSULIN SYRING insulin syringe/needle u-100 1/2 ml 28 x 1/2" 2 EASY TOUCH INSULIN SYRING insulin syringe/needle u-100 1/2 ml 29 x 1/2" 2 EASY TOUCH INSULIN SYRING insulin syringe/needle u-100 1/2 ml 30 x 5/16" 2 EASY TOUCH INSULIN SYRING insulin syringe/needle u-100 1/2 ml 30 x 1/2" 2 EASY TOUCH INSULIN SYRING insulin syringe/needle u-100 1 ml 27 x 1/2" 2 EASY TOUCH INSULIN SYRING insulin syringe/needle u-100 1 ml 28 x 1/2" 2 EASY TOUCH INSULIN SYRING insulin syringe/needle u-100 1 ml 29 x 1/2" 2 EASY TOUCH INSULIN SYRING insulin syringe/needle u-100 1 ml 30 x 5/16" 2 EASY TOUCH INSULIN SYRING insulin syringe/needle u-100 1 ml 30 x 1/2" Florida Blue October 2016 Care Choices Rx Medication Drug Guide 152 EASY TOUCH INSULIN SYRING insulin syringe/needle u-100 1 ml 31 x 5/16" 2 EASY TOUCH PEN NEEDLES 29 insulin pen needle 29 g x 12 mm (1/2") 2 EASY TOUCH INSULIN SYRING insulin syringe/needle u-100 0.3 ml 31 x 5/16" 2 EASY TOUCH PEN NEEDLES 31 insulin pen needle 31 g x 6 mm (1/4") 2 EASY TOUCH LANCETS 21G/PR lancets 2 2 EASY TOUCH LANCETS 23G/PR lancets 2 EASY TOUCH PEN NEEDLES 31 insulin pen needle 31 g x 8 mm (1/3" or 5/16") 2 EASY TOUCH LANCETS 26G/PR lancets 2 EASY TOUCH PEN NEEDLES 32 insulin pen needle 32 g x 4 mm (5/32") EASY TOUCH LANCETS 26G/PU lancets 2 2 EASY TOUCH LANCETS 26G/TW lancets 2 EASY TOUCH PEN NEEDLES 32 insulin pen needle 32 g x 5 mm (1/5" or 3/16") 2 EASY TOUCH LANCETS 28G/PR lancets 2 EASY TOUCH PEN NEEDLES 32 insulin pen needle 32 g x 6 mm (1/4") EASY TOUCH LANCETS 28G/PU lancets 2 2 EASY TOUCH LANCETS 28G/TW lancets 2 EASY TOUCH PEN NEEDLES/31 insulin pen needle 31 g x 5 mm (3/16") 2 EASY TOUCH LANCETS 30G/BU lancets 2 EASY TOUCH SAFETY LANCETS lancets EASY TOUCH LANCETS 30G/PR lancets 2 EASY TOUCH LANCETS 30G/PU lancets 2 EASY TOUCH LANCETS 30G/TW lancets 2 EASY TOUCH LANCETS 32G/PR lancets 2 EASY TOUCH LANCETS 32G/PU lancets 2 EASY TOUCH LANCETS 32G/TW lancets 2 EASY TOUCH LANCETS 33G/TW lancets 2 EASY TOUCH LANCING DEVICE lancet devices 2 Limited Distribution Responsible Steps Quantity Limits Prior Authorization Specialty Drug Name Drug Tier Limited Distribution Responsible Steps Quantity Limits Prior Authorization Specialty Drug Name Drug Tier 2016 EASY TOUCH SHEATHLOCK SAF - 2 insulin syringe/needle u-100 1 ml 29 x 1/2" EASY TOUCH SHEATHLOCK SAF - 2 insulin syringe/needle u-100 1 ml 30 x 5/16" EASY TOUCH SHEATHLOCK SAF - 2 insulin syringe/needle u-100 1 ml 30 x 1/2" EASY TOUCH SHEATHLOCK SAF - 2 insulin syringe/needle u-100 1 ml 31 x 5/16" 3 EASY TOUCH TUBERCULIN FLI tuberculin/allergy syringe/needle (disp) 1 ml 27 x 1/2" 3 EASY TOUCH TUBERCULIN FLI tuberculin/allergy syringe/needle (disp) 1 ml 28 x 1/2" Florida Blue October 2016 Care Choices Rx Medication Drug Guide 153 EASY TOUCH TUBERCULIN SHE tuberculin/allergy syringe/needle (disp) 1 ml 25 x 5/8" 3 EASYMAX NG SELF-MONITORIN blood glucose monitoring kit w/ device EASY TOUCH TUBERCULIN SHE tuberculin/allergy syringe/needle (disp) 1 ml 27 x 1/2" 3 EASY TOUCH TUBERCULIN SHE tuberculin/allergy syringe/needle (disp) 1 ml 28 x 1/2" 3 EASY TOUCH 32GX5MM - insulin pen needle 32 g x 5 mm (1/5" or 3/16") 2 EASY TOUCH 32GX6MM - insulin pen needle 32 g x 6 mm (1/4") 2 EASYMAX V BLOOD GLUCOSE S - 3 blood glucose monitoring devices 3 EASYMAX V BLOOD GLUCOSE S - blood glucose monitoring kit w/ device 3 EASYMAX V2 SELF-MONITORIN blood glucose monitoring devices 3 EASYMAX V2 SELF-MONITORIN blood glucose monitoring kit w/ device EASYPLUS R13N SELF-MONITO - 3 blood glucose monitoring kit w/ device 3 EASYPLUS V SELF-MONITORIN blood glucose monitoring kit w/ device 3 EASYPRO BLOOD GLUCOSE MON - blood glucose monitoring kit w/ device 3 EASYPRO PLUS - blood glucose monitoring kit w/ device 2 EASYTEST II LANCETS - lancets EASY TRAK BLOOD GLUCOSE M - 3 blood glucose monitoring devices EASY TRAK BLOOD GLUCOSE M - 3 blood glucose monitoring kit w/ device 2 EASY TWIST & CAP LANCETS lancets 3 EASYGLUCO - blood glucose monitoring kit 3 EASYGLUCO PLUS BLOOD GLUC - blood glucose monitoring kit w/ device EASYGLUCO STARTER KIT - blood 3 glucose monitoring kit EASYMAX L BLOOD GLUCOSE S - 3 blood glucose monitoring devices 3 EASYMAX L BLOOD GLUCOSE S - blood glucose monitoring kit w/ device EASYMAX N BLOOD GLUCOSE S - 3 blood glucose monitoring devices 3 EASYMAX N BLOOD GLUCOSE S - blood glucose monitoring kit w/ device EASYMAX NG SELF-MONITORIN - 3 blood glucose monitoring devices Limited Distribution Responsible Steps Quantity Limits Prior Authorization Specialty Drug Name Drug Tier Limited Distribution Responsible Steps Quantity Limits Prior Authorization Specialty Drug Name Drug Tier 2016 3 EASYTEST LANCETS - lancets 2 ELEMENT AUTOCODE SYSTEM blood glucose monitoring kit w/ device 3 ELEMENT COMPACT BLOOD GLU - blood glucose monitoring devices 3 ELEMENT COMPACT V BLOOD blood glucose monitoring devices 3 ELEMENT PLUS BLOOD GLUCOS - 3 blood glucose monitoring devices 2 ELITE-THIN INSULIN SYRING insulin syringe/needle u-100 1/2 ml 31 x 5/16" 2 ELITE-THIN INSULIN SYRING insulin syringe/needle u-100 1/2 ml 28 x 5/16" Florida Blue October 2016 Care Choices Rx Medication Drug Guide 154 ELITE-THIN INSULIN SYRING insulin syringe/needle u-100 1/2 ml 28 x 1/2" 2 EMBRACE PRO BLOOD GLUCOSE - blood glucose monitoring devices 3 ELITE-THIN INSULIN SYRING insulin syringe/needle u-100 1/2 ml 29 x 5/16" 2 EQL COLOR LANCETS MICRO T lancets 2 2 2 ELITE-THIN INSULIN SYRING insulin syringe/needle u-100 1/2 ml 29 x 1/2" EQL COLOR LANCETS 21G lancets 2 ELITE-THIN INSULIN SYRING insulin syringe/needle u-100 1/2 ml 30 x 5/16" 2 EQL INSULIN SYRINGE/0.3ML insulin syringe/needle u-100 0.3 ml 29 x 1/2" 2 ELITE-THIN INSULIN SYRING insulin syringe/needle u-100 1 ml 28 x 5/16" 2 EQL INSULIN SYRINGE/0.3ML insulin syringe/needle u-100 0.3 ml 30 x 5/16" 2 ELITE-THIN INSULIN SYRING insulin syringe/needle u-100 1 ml 28 x 1/2" 2 EQL INSULIN SYRINGE/0.3ML insulin syringe/needle u-100 0.3 ml 31 x 5/16" 2 ELITE-THIN INSULIN SYRING insulin syringe/needle u-100 1 ml 29 x 1/2" 2 EQL INSULIN SYRINGE/0.5ML insulin syringe/needle u-100 1/2 ml 31 x 5/16" 2 ELITE-THIN INSULIN SYRING insulin syringe/needle u-100 1 ml 29 x 5/16" 2 EQL INSULIN SYRINGE/0.5ML insulin syringe/needle u-100 1/2 ml 29 x 1/2" 2 ELITE-THIN INSULIN SYRING insulin syringe/needle u-100 1 ml 30 x 5/16" 2 EQL INSULIN SYRINGE/0.5ML insulin syringe/needle u-100 1/2 ml 30 x 5/16" 2 ELITE-THIN INSULIN SYRING insulin syringe/needle u-100 1 ml 31 x 5/16" 2 EQL INSULIN SYRINGE/1ML/2 insulin syringe/needle u-100 1 ml 29 x 1/2" 2 ELITE-THIN INSULIN SYRING insulin syringe/needle u-100 0.3 ml 31 x 5/16" 2 EQL INSULIN SYRINGE/1ML/3 insulin syringe/needle u-100 1 ml 30 x 5/16" 2 EMBRACE BLOOD GLUCOSE MON - blood glucose monitoring devices 3 EQL INSULIN SYRINGE/1ML/3 insulin syringe/needle u-100 1 ml 31 x 5/16" 2 EMBRACE EVO BLOOD GLUCOSE - blood glucose monitoring kit w/ device 3 EQL SHORT PEN NEEDLES 31G insulin pen needle 31 g x 8 mm (1/3" or 5/16") 2 EMBRACE LANCETS ULTRA THI lancets 2 EQL SUPER THIN LANCETS 30 lancets EQL THIN LANCETS 26G - lancets 2 EQL ULTRA SHORT PEN NEEDL insulin pen needle 31 g x 6 mm (1/4") 2 Florida Blue October 2016 Care Choices Rx Medication Drug Guide Limited Distribution Responsible Steps Quantity Limits Prior Authorization Specialty Drug Name Drug Tier Limited Distribution Responsible Steps Quantity Limits Prior Authorization Specialty Drug Name Drug Tier 2016 155 EVENCARE BLOOD GLUCOSE MO - blood glucose monitoring kit 3 EVENCARE G2 BLOOD GLUCOSE - blood glucose monitoring devices 2 3 EXEL COMFORT POINT INSULI insulin syringe/needle u-100 1 ml 29 x 1/2" 2 EVENCARE G3 BLOOD GLUCOSE - blood glucose monitoring devices 3 EXEL COMFORT POINT INSULI insulin syringe/needle u-100 1 ml 30 x 5/16" EZ SMART BLOOD GLUCOSE LA lancets 2 EVENCARE MINI BLOOD GLUCO blood glucose monitoring devices 3 EZ SMART DIABETES MONITOR blood glucose monitoring devices 3 EVOLUTION AUTOCODE - blood glucose monitoring devices 3 EZ SMART PLUS DIABETES MO blood glucose monitoring devices 3 EXCEL COMFORT POINT INSUL insulin pen needle 31 g x 4 mm (1/6") 2 EZ-LETS LANCETS 21G - lancets 2 EZ-LETS LANCETS 23G - lancets 2 EXEL COMFORT POINT INSULI insulin pen needle 29 g x 12 mm (1/2") 2 EZ-LETS LANCETS 26G SUPER lancets 2 2 EXEL COMFORT POINT INSULI insulin pen needle 31 g x 6 mm (1/4") 2 EZ-LETS LANCETS 28G ULTRA lancets EZ-LETS LANCETS 30G - lancets 2 P EXEL COMFORT POINT INSULI insulin pen needle 31 g x 8 mm (1/3" or 5/16") 2 FC FEMALE CONDOM - condoms female P EXEL COMFORT POINT INSULI insulin syringe/needle u-100 0.3 ml 29 x 1/2" 2 FC2 FEMALE CONDOM - condoms - female FEMCAP - cervical cap 22 mm P FEMCAP - cervical cap 26 mm P EXEL COMFORT POINT INSULI insulin syringe/needle u-100 0.3 ml 30 x 5/16" 2 FEMCAP - cervical cap 30 mm P 3 EXEL COMFORT POINT INSULI insulin syringe/needle u-100 1/2 ml 28 x 1/2" 2 FIFTY50 GLUCOSE METER 2.0 blood glucose monitoring kit w/ device FIFTY50 LANCING DEVICE - lancet devices 2 EXEL COMFORT POINT INSULI insulin syringe/needle u-100 1/2 ml 29 x 1/2" 2 FIFTY50 PEN NEEDLES 31G X insulin pen needle 31 g x 5 mm (3/16") 2 EXEL COMFORT POINT INSULI insulin syringe/needle u-100 1/2 ml 30 x 5/16" 2 FIFTY50 PEN NEEDLES 31G X insulin pen needle 31 g x 8 mm (1/3" or 5/16") 2 EXEL COMFORT POINT INSULI insulin syringe/needle u-100 1 ml 28 x 1/2" 2 FIFTY50 PEN NEEDLES 31GX5 insulin pen needle 31 g x 5 mm (3/16") 2 Florida Blue October 2016 Care Choices Rx Medication Drug Guide Limited Distribution Responsible Steps Quantity Limits Prior Authorization Specialty Drug Name Drug Tier Limited Distribution Responsible Steps Quantity Limits Prior Authorization Specialty Drug Name Drug Tier 2016 156 FIFTY50 PEN NEEDLES/31GX8 insulin pen needle 31 g x 8 mm (1/3" or 5/16") 2 FORA TN'G VOICE BLOOD GLU blood glucose monitoring kit w/ device FIFTY50 PEN NEEDLES/32GX4 insulin pen needle 32 g x 4 mm (5/32") 2 FIFTY50 PEN NEEDLES/32GX6 insulin pen needle 32 g x 6 mm (1/4") 2 FIFTY50 SAFETY SEAL LANCE lancets 2 FIFTY50 SUPERIOR COMFORT insulin syringe/needle u-100 1/2 ml 31 x 5/16" 2 FIFTY50 SUPERIOR COMFORT insulin syringe/needle u-100 1 ml 31 x 5/16" 2 FIFTY50 SUPERIOR COMFORT insulin syringe/needle u-100 0.3 ml 31 x 5/16" 2 FIFTY50 UNILET LANCETS 33 lancets 2 FINE 30 - lancets 2 FINGERSTIX LANCETS - lancets 2 FLOW-EZE VENTED NEEDLE hypodermic needles (disposable) 3 FORA V10 BLOOD GLUCOSE MO - 3 blood glucose monitoring devices 3 FORA V10/V12/D10/D20 BLOO blood glucose monitoring kit FORA V12 BLOOD GLUCOSE MO - 3 blood glucose monitoring devices FORA V20 BLOOD GLUCOSE MO - 3 blood glucose monitoring devices FORA V30A BLOOD GLUCOSE M - 3 blood glucose monitoring devices FORA V30A BLOOD GLUCOSE M - 3 blood glucose monitoring kit w/ device 3 FORACARE GD40 BLOOD GLUCO - blood glucose monitoring devices FORACARE PREMIUM V10 BLOO - 3 blood glucose monitoring devices 3 FORACARE TEST N GO BLOOD blood glucose monitoring devices FORTISCARE SELF-MONITORIN - 3 blood glucose monitoring kit w/ device FREDS PHARMACY AUTOLET LA - 2 lancet devices FREDS PHARMACY UNIFINE PE - 2 insulin pen needle 31 g x 5 mm (3/16") FREDS PHARMACY UNIFINE PE - 2 insulin pen needle 31 g x 8 mm (1/3" or 5/16") FREDS PHARMACY UNIFINE PE - 2 insulin pen needle 32 g x 4 mm (5/32") FREDS PHARMACY UNILET LAN - 2 lancets 3 FREESTYLE FLASH SYSTEM blood glucose monitoring kit FORA GD20 BLOOD GLUCOSE M - 3 blood glucose monitoring devices FORA GD50 BLOOD GLUCOSE M - 3 blood glucose monitoring devices FORA G20 BLOOD GLUCOSE MO - 3 blood glucose monitoring kit w/ device FORA G30A BLOOD GLUCOSE M - 3 blood glucose monitoring devices 2 FORA LANCETS - lancets FORA LANCING DEVICE - lancet devices 2 FORA LANCING DEVICE/CLEAR lancet devices 2 FORA TEST N' GO VOICE BLO blood glucose monitoring devices 3 Florida Blue October 2016 Care Choices Rx Medication Drug Guide Limited Distribution Responsible Steps Quantity Limits Prior Authorization Specialty Drug Name Drug Tier Limited Distribution Responsible Steps Quantity Limits Prior Authorization Specialty Drug Name Drug Tier 2016 3 157 FREESTYLE FREEDOM - blood glucose monitoring kit w/ device 3 FREESTYLE FREEDOM LITE blood glucose monitoring kit w/ device 3 3 GHT BLOOD GLUCOSE MONITO blood glucose monitoring kit w/ device 2 FREESTYLE INSULINX BLOOD blood glucose monitoring kit w/ device 3 GLOBAL EASE INJECT PEN NE insulin pen needle 29 g x 12 mm (1/2") 2 FREESTYLE LANCETS - lancets 2 GLOBAL EASE INJECT PEN NE insulin pen needle 31 g x 5 mm (3/16") FREESTYLE LITE BLOOD GLUC blood glucose monitoring devices 3 2 FREESTYLE PRECISION INSUL insulin syringe/needle u-100 1/2 ml 31 x 5/16" 2 GLOBAL EASE INJECT PEN NE insulin pen needle 31 g x 8 mm (1/3" or 5/16") 2 FREESTYLE PRECISION INSUL insulin syringe/needle u-100 1/2 ml 30 x 5/16" 2 GLOBAL EASE INJECT PEN NE insulin pen needle 32 g x 4 mm (5/32") 2 FREESTYLE PRECISION INSUL insulin syringe/needle u-100 1 ml 30 x 5/16" 2 GLOBAL EASY GLIDE PEN NEE insulin pen needle 32 g x 4 mm (5/32") 2 FREESTYLE PRECISION INSUL insulin syringe/needle u-100 1 ml 31 x 5/16" 2 GLOBAL INJECT EASE INSULI insulin syringe/needle u-100 0.3 ml 29 x 1/2" 2 FREESTYLE PRECISION NEO B blood glucose monitoring kit w/ device 3 GLOBAL INJECT EASE INSULI insulin syringe/needle u-100 0.3 ml 30 x 5/16" 2 FREESTYLE SIDEKICK II VAL blood glucose monitoring kit w/ device 3 GLOBAL INJECT EASE INSULI insulin syringe/needle u-100 0.3 ml 30 x 1/2" 2 FREESTYLE SYSTEM KIT - blood glucose monitoring kit 3 GLOBAL INJECT EASE INSULI insulin syringe/needle u-100 1/2 ml 31 x 5/16" 2 FREESTYLE UNISTICK II LAN lancets 2 GLOBAL INJECT EASE INSULI insulin syringe/needle u-100 1/2 ml 28 x 1/2" GENTLE-LET GP LANCETS lancets 2 2 GENTLE-LET LANCETS GENERA lancets 2 GLOBAL INJECT EASE INSULI insulin syringe/needle u-100 1/2 ml 29 x 1/2" 2 GENTLE-LET LANCETS SAFETY lancets 2 GLOBAL INJECT EASE INSULI insulin syringe/needle u-100 1/2 ml 30 x 5/16" GLOBAL INJECT EASE INSULI insulin syringe/needle u-100 1/2 ml 30 x 1/2" 2 GE100 BLOOD GLUCOSE MONIT blood glucose monitoring kit w/ device 3 Florida Blue October 2016 Care Choices Rx Medication Drug Guide Limited Distribution Responsible Steps Quantity Limits Prior Authorization Specialty Drug Name Drug Tier Limited Distribution Responsible Steps Quantity Limits Prior Authorization Specialty Drug Name Drug Tier 2016 158 GLOBAL INJECT EASE INSULI insulin syringe/needle u-100 1 ml 28 x 1/2" 2 GLUCOCARD 01-MINI BLOOD G blood glucose monitoring kit w/ device 3 GLOBAL INJECT EASE INSULI insulin syringe/needle u-100 1 ml 29 x 1/2" 2 GLUCOCOM AUTOLINK TELEMON - blood glucose monitoring misc. 3 GLOBAL INJECT EASE INSULI insulin syringe/needle u-100 1 ml 30 x 5/16" 2 GLUCOCOM BLOOD GLUCOSE MO - blood glucose monitoring devices 3 GLOBAL INJECT EASE INSULI insulin syringe/needle u-100 1 ml 30 x 1/2" 2 GLUCOCOM BLOOD GLUCOSE MO - blood glucose monitoring kit w/ device 3 GLOBAL INJECT EASE INSULI insulin syringe/needle u-100 1 ml 31 x 5/16" 2 GLUCOCOM LANCETS 28G lancets 2 GLUCOCOM LANCETS 30G lancets 2 GLOBAL INJECT EASE INSULI insulin syringe/needle u-100 0.3 ml 31 x 5/16" 2 2 GLOBAL INJECT EASE LANCET lancets 2 GLUCOCOM LANCETS 33G lancets GLUCOLET 2 AUTOMATIC LANC lancet devices 2 GLUCONAVII BLOOD GLUCOSE blood glucose monitoring kit w/ device 3 GLUCOPRO INSULIN SYRINGE/ insulin syringe/needle u-100 0.3 ml 30 x 5/16" 2 GLUCOPRO INSULIN SYRINGE/ insulin syringe/needle u-100 0.3 ml 30 x 1/2" 2 GLUCOPRO INSULIN SYRINGE/ insulin syringe/needle u-100 1/2 ml 31 x 5/16" 2 GLUCOPRO INSULIN SYRINGE/ insulin syringe/needle u-100 1/2 ml 30 x 5/16" 2 GLUCOPRO INSULIN SYRINGE/ insulin syringe/needle u-100 1/2 ml 30 x 1/2" 2 GLUCOPRO INSULIN SYRINGE/ insulin syringe/needle u-100 1 ml 30 x 5/16" 2 GLOBAL LANCING DEVICE - lancet 2 devices GLUCO PERFECT 3 BLOOD GLU - 3 blood glucose monitoring devices GLUCOCARD EXPRESSION AUDI - 3 blood glucose monitoring kit w/ device 3 GLUCOCARD SHINE - blood glucose monitoring devices 3 GLUCOCARD SHINE - blood glucose monitoring kit w/ device GLUCOCARD VITAL BLOOD GLU - 3 blood glucose monitoring kit w/ device 3 GLUCOCARD X-METER - blood glucose monitoring kit w/ device 3 GLUCOCARD 01 BLOOD GLUCOS - blood glucose monitoring devices 3 GLUCOCARD 01 BLOOD GLUCOS - blood glucose monitoring kit w/ device Florida Blue October 2016 Care Choices Rx Medication Drug Guide Limited Distribution Responsible Steps Quantity Limits Prior Authorization Specialty Drug Name Drug Tier Limited Distribution Responsible Steps Quantity Limits Prior Authorization Specialty Drug Name Drug Tier 2016 159 GLUCOPRO INSULIN SYRINGE/ insulin syringe/needle u-100 1 ml 30 x 1/2" 2 GNP INSULIN SYRINGE/0.3ML insulin syringe/needle u-100 0.3 ml 30 x 5/16" 2 GLUCOPRO INSULIN SYRINGE/ insulin syringe/needle u-100 1 ml 31 x 5/16" 2 GNP INSULIN SYRINGE/0.3ML insulin syringe/needle u-100 0.3 ml 31 x 5/16" 2 GLUCOPRO INSULIN SYRINGE/ insulin syringe/needle u-100 0.3 ml 31 x 5/16" 2 GNP INSULIN SYRINGE/0.5ML insulin syringe/needle u-100 1/2 ml 31 x 5/16" 2 GLUCOSOURCE LANCET DEVICE - lancet devices 2 2 GLUCOSOURCE LANCETS lancets 2 GNP INSULIN SYRINGE/0.5ML insulin syringe/needle u-100 1/2 ml 28 x 1/2" 2 GMATE LANCETS 30G - lancets 2 GMATE LANCING DEVICE - lancet devices 2 GNP INSULIN SYRINGE/0.5ML insulin syringe/needle u-100 1/2 ml 29 x 1/2" 2 GMATE ORIGIN BLOOD GLUCOS blood glucose monitoring devices 3 GNP INSULIN SYRINGE/0.5ML insulin syringe/needle u-100 1/2 ml 30 x 5/16" GMATE SMART METER KIT - blood glucose monitoring devices 3 2 GMATE SMART STARTER KIT blood glucose monitoring kit w/ device 3 GNP INSULIN SYRINGE/1ML/2 insulin syringe/needle u-100 1 ml 28 x 1/2" GNP INSULIN SYRINGE/1ML/2 insulin syringe/needle u-100 1 ml 29 x 1/2" 2 GNP INSULIN SYRINGE/1ML/3 insulin syringe/needle u-100 1 ml 30 x 5/16" 2 GNP INSULIN SYRINGE/1ML/3 insulin syringe/needle u-100 1 ml 31 x 5/16" 2 GNP LANCETS - lancets 2 GNP LANCETS MICRO THIN 33 lancets 2 GNP LANCETS SUPER THIN 30 lancets 2 GNP LANCETS THIN - lancets 2 GNP LANCETS THIN 26G - lancets 2 GNP LANCETS 21G - lancets 2 GNP MICRO THIN LANCETS 33 lancets 2 GNP SUPER THIN LANCETS/30 lancets 2 GMATE VOICE BLOOD GLUCOSE - 3 blood glucose monitoring devices 2 GNP CLICKFINE PEN NEEDLE insulin pen needle 31 g x 8 mm (1/3" or 5/16") 2 GNP CLICKFINE UNIVERSAL P insulin pen needle 31 g x 6 mm (1/4") 2 GNP CLICKFINE UNIVERSAL P insulin pen needle 31 g x 8 mm (1/3" or 5/16") 3 GNP EASY TOUCH GLUCOSE MO - blood glucose monitoring devices 2 GNP INSULIN SYRINGE/0.3ML insulin syringe/needle u-100 0.3 ml 29 x 1/2" Florida Blue October 2016 Care Choices Rx Medication Drug Guide Limited Distribution Responsible Steps Quantity Limits Prior Authorization Specialty Drug Name Drug Tier Limited Distribution Responsible Steps Quantity Limits Prior Authorization Specialty Drug Name Drug Tier 2016 160 GNP ULTRA COMFORT INSULIN insulin syringe/needle u-100 0.3 ml 29 x 1/2" 2 H-E-B IN CONTROL PEN NEED insulin pen needle 32 g x 4 mm (5/32") 2 GNP ULTRA COMFORT INSULIN insulin syringe/needle u-100 0.3 ml 30 x 5/16" 2 H-E-B IN CONTROL UNIFINE insulin pen needle 31 g x 5 mm (3/16") 2 GNP ULTRA COMFORT INSULIN insulin syringe/needle u-100 1/2 ml 31 x 5/16" 2 H-E-B IN CONTROL UNIFINE insulin pen needle 32 g x 4 mm (5/32") 2 GNP ULTRA COMFORT INSULIN insulin syringe/needle u-100 1/2 ml 28 x 1/2" 2 H-E-B INCONTROL ADVANCED lancet devices 2 H-E-B INCONTROL LANCETS M lancets 2 GNP ULTRA COMFORT INSULIN insulin syringe/needle u-100 1/2 ml 29 x 1/2" 2 2 GNP ULTRA COMFORT INSULIN insulin syringe/needle u-100 1/2 ml 30 x 5/16" 2 H-E-B INCONTROL LANCETS S lancets H-E-B INCONTROL LANCETS U lancets 2 GNP ULTRA COMFORT INSULIN insulin syringe/needle u-100 1 ml 28 x 1/2" 2 H-E-B INCONTROL PEN NEEDL insulin pen needle 29 g x 12 mm (1/2") 2 GNP ULTRA COMFORT INSULIN insulin syringe/needle u-100 1 ml 29 x 1/2" 2 HAEMOLANCE - lancets 2 HAEMOLANCE LOW FLOW LANCE - lancets 2 GNP ULTRA COMFORT INSULIN insulin syringe/needle u-100 1 ml 30 x 5/16" 2 HAEMOLANCE PLUS - lancets 2 GNP ULTRA COMFORT INSULIN insulin syringe/needle u-100 1 ml 31 x 5/16" 2 GNP ULTRA COMFORT INSULIN insulin syringe/needle u-100 0.3 ml 31 x 5/16" 2 H-E-B IN CONTROL PEN NEED insulin pen needle 31 g x 5 mm (3/16") 2 H-E-B IN CONTROL PEN NEED insulin pen needle 31 g x 6 mm (1/4") 2 H-E-B IN CONTROL PEN NEED insulin pen needle 31 g x 8 mm (1/3" or 5/16") 2 Limited Distribution Responsible Steps Quantity Limits Prior Authorization Specialty Drug Name Drug Tier Limited Distribution Responsible Steps Quantity Limits Prior Authorization Specialty Drug Name Drug Tier 2016 HAEMOLANCE PLUS HIGH FLOW - 2 lancets HAEMOLANCE PLUS LOW FLOW - 2 lancets HAEMOLANCE PLUS MAX FLOW - 2 lancets HAEMOLANCE PLUS PEDIATRIC - 2 lancets 2 HEALTH CARE LANCING DEVIC lancet devices 2 HEALTHWISE LANCETS 30G lancets 2 HEALTHWISE LANCING PEN lancet devices 2 HEALTHWISE MINI PEN NEEDL insulin pen needle 31 g x 6 mm (1/4") Florida Blue October 2016 Care Choices Rx Medication Drug Guide 161 HEALTHWISE PEN NEEDLES 29 insulin pen needle 29 g x 12 mm (1/2") 2 HEALTHWISE SHORT PEN NEED insulin pen needle 31 g x 8 mm (1/3" or 5/16") 2 HEALTHWISE UNIFINE PENTIP insulin pen needle 32 g x 4 mm (5/32") 2 HEALTHY ACCENTS AUTOLET I lancet devices HUBER NEEDLE/STRAIGHT 19G needle (disp) 19 x 1-1/4" 3 HUBER NEEDLE/STRAIGHT 20G needle (disp) 20 x 1" 3 HUBER NEEDLE/STRAIGHT 20G needle (disp) 20 x 1-1/2" 3 HUBER NEEDLE/STRAIGHT 22G needle (disp) 22 x 1" 3 2 HUBER NEEDLE/STRAIGHT 22G needle (disp) 22 x 1-1/2" 3 HEALTHY ACCENTS UNIFINE P insulin pen needle 29 g x 12 mm (1/2") 2 HUBER NEEDLE/19GX3/4"/RIG needle (disp) 19 x 3/4" 3 3 HEALTHY ACCENTS UNIFINE P insulin pen needle 31 g x 5 mm (3/16") 2 HUBER NEEDLE/20G X 1-1/4" needle (disp) 20 x 1-1/4" HUBER NEEDLE/22GX1-1/4"/4 needle (disp) 22 x 1-1/4" 3 HEALTHY ACCENTS UNIFINE P insulin pen needle 31 g x 6 mm (1/4") 2 HY-VEE LANCETS - lancets 2 HY-VEE THIN LANCETS - lancets 2 HYPODERMIC NEEDLE 16G X 1 needle (disp) 16 x 1" 3 HEALTHY ACCENTS UNIFINE P insulin pen needle 31 g x 8 mm (1/3" or 5/16") 2 3 HEALTHY ACCENTS UNIFINE P insulin pen needle 32 g x 4 mm (5/32") 2 HYPODERMIC NEEDLE 16G X 1 needle (disp) 16 x 1-1/2" HYPODERMIC NEEDLE 18G X 1 needle (disp) 18 x 1" 3 HEALTHY ACCENTS UNILET LA lancets 2 HYPODERMIC NEEDLE 18G X 1 needle (disp) 18 x 1-1/2" 3 HUBER NEEDLE 20GX3/4"/R needle (disp) 20 x 3/4" 3 HYPODERMIC NEEDLE 19G X 1 needle (disp) 19 x 1" 3 HUBER NEEDLE/RIGHT ANGLE needle (disp) 19 x 1" 3 HYPODERMIC NEEDLE 19G X 1 needle (disp) 19 x 1-1/2" 3 HUBER NEEDLE/RIGHT ANGLE needle (disp) 20 x 1" 3 HYPODERMIC NEEDLE 20G X 1 needle (disp) 20 x 1" 3 HUBER NEEDLE/RIGHT ANGLE needle (disp) 20 x 1-1/2" 3 HYPODERMIC NEEDLE 20G X 1 needle (disp) 20 x 1-1/2" 3 HUBER NEEDLE/RIGHT ANGLE needle (disp) 22 x 3/4" 3 HYPODERMIC NEEDLE 20GX3/4 needle (disp) 20 x 3/4" 3 HUBER NEEDLE/RIGHT ANGLE needle (disp) 22 x 1" 3 HYPODERMIC NEEDLE 21GX1-1 needle (disp) 21 x 1-1/4" 3 HUBER NEEDLE/RIGHT ANGLE needle (disp) 22 x 1-1/2" 3 HYPODERMIC NEEDLE 21GX1-1 needle (disp) 21 x 1-1/2" 3 Florida Blue October 2016 Care Choices Rx Medication Drug Guide Limited Distribution Responsible Steps Quantity Limits Prior Authorization Specialty Drug Name Drug Tier Limited Distribution Responsible Steps Quantity Limits Prior Authorization Specialty Drug Name Drug Tier 2016 162 HYPODERMIC NEEDLE 21GX1" needle (disp) 21 x 1" 3 IN TOUCH DIABETES MANAGEM blood glucose monitoring misc. 3 HYPODERMIC NEEDLE 22GX1-1 needle (disp) 22 x 1-1/4" 3 IN TOUCH LANCING DEVICE lancet devices 2 HYPODERMIC NEEDLE 22GX1-1 needle (disp) 22 x 1-1/2" 3 IN TOUCH STERILE LANCETS lancets 2 HYPODERMIC NEEDLE 22GX1" needle (disp) 22 x 1" 3 3 HYPODERMIC NEEDLE 22GX3/4 needle (disp) 22 x 3/4" 3 INFINITY BLOOD GLUCOSE MO blood glucose monitoring kit w/ device 3 HYPODERMIC NEEDLE 23GX1" needle (disp) 23 x 1" 3 INSUL-TOTE - blood glucose monitoring supplies 3 HYPODERMIC NEEDLE 23GX3/4 needle (disp) 23 x 3/4" 3 INSUL-TOTE JR - blood glucose monitoring supplies 2 HYPODERMIC NEEDLE 25GX1-1 needle (disp) 25 x 1-1/2" 3 INSULIN SYRINGE/U-100/0.3 insulin syringe/needle u-100 0.3 ml 29 x 1/2" HYPODERMIC NEEDLE 25GX1" needle (disp) 25 x 1" 3 2 HYPODERMIC NEEDLE 25GX3/4 needle (disp) 25 x 3/4" 3 INSULIN SYRINGE/U-100/0.5 insulin syringe/needle u-100 1/2 ml 28 x 1/2" 2 HYPODERMIC NEEDLE 25GX5/8 needle (disp) 25 x 5/8" 3 INSULIN SYRINGE/U-100/0.5 insulin syringe/needle u-100 1/2 ml 29 x 1/2" HYPODERMIC NEEDLE 26GX1/2 needle (disp) 26 x 1/2" 3 2 HYPODERMIC NEEDLE 26GX3/8 needle (disp) 26 x 3/8" 3 INSULIN SYRINGE/U-100/1ML insulin syringe/needle u-100 1 ml 28 x 1/2" 2 HYPODERMIC NEEDLE 26GX5/8 needle (disp) 26 x 5/8" 3 INSULIN SYRINGE/U-100/1ML insulin syringe/needle u-100 1 ml 29 x 1/2" INSULIN SYRINGE/U-100/1ML insulin syringe/needle u-100 1 ml 30 x 5/16" 2 HYPODERMIC NEEDLE 27GX1-1 needle (disp) 27 x 1-1/4" 3 HYPODERMIC NEEDLE 27GX1-1 needle (disp) 27 x 1-1/2" 3 2 HYPODERMIC NEEDLE 27GX1/2 needle (disp) 27 x 1/2" 3 INSULIN SYRINGE/U-100/1ML insulin syringe/needle u-100 1 ml 31 x 5/16" 2 HYPODERMIC NEEDLE 30GX1/2 needle (disp) 30 x 1/2" 3 INSULIN SYRINGE/0.3ML/29G insulin syringe/needle u-100 0.3 ml 29 x 1/2" IBG STAR BLOOD GLUCOSE MO blood glucose monitoring kit w/ device 3 INSULIN SYRINGE/0.3ML/29G insulin syringe/needle u-100 0.3 ml 29 x 1" 2 IN TOUCH - blood glucose monitoring devices 3 INSULIN SYRINGE/0.3ML/30G insulin syringe/needle u-100 0.3 ml 30 x 5/16" 2 Florida Blue October 2016 Care Choices Rx Medication Drug Guide Limited Distribution Responsible Steps Quantity Limits Prior Authorization Specialty Drug Name Drug Tier Limited Distribution Responsible Steps Quantity Limits Prior Authorization Specialty Drug Name Drug Tier 2016 163 INSULIN SYRINGE/0.3ML/31G insulin syringe/needle u-100 0.3 ml 31 x 5/16" 2 INSUPEN ULTRAFIN 31GX6MM insulin pen needle 31 g x 6 mm (1/4") 2 INSULIN SYRINGE/0.5ML/27G insulin syringe/needle u-100 1/2 ml 27 x 1/2" 2 INSUPEN ULTRAFIN 31GX8MM insulin pen needle 31 g x 8 mm (1/3" or 5/16") 2 INSULIN SYRINGE/0.5ML/28G insulin syringe/needle u-100 1/2 ml 28 x 1/2" 2 INSUPEN 33GX4MM - insulin pen needle 33 g x 4 mm (5/32") 2 2 KINNEY LANCETS - lancets 2 INSULIN SYRINGE/0.5ML/30G insulin syringe/needle u-100 1/2 ml 30 x 5/16" KINNEY THIN LANCETS - lancets 2 2 INSULIN SYRINGE/0.5ML/30G insulin syringe/needle u-100 1/2 ml 30 x 1/2" 2 KINRAY INSULIN SYRINGE PR insulin syringe/needle u-100 1/2 ml 31 x 5/16" 2 INSULIN SYRINGE/0.5ML/31G insulin syringe/needle u-100 1/2 ml 31 x 5/16" 2 KINRAY INSULIN SYRINGE PR insulin syringe/needle u-100 1 ml 31 x 5/16" 2 INSULIN SYRINGE/1ML/28G X insulin syringe/needle u-100 1 ml 28 x 1/2" 2 KINRAY INSULIN SYRINGE PR insulin syringe/needle u-100 0.3 ml 31 x 5/16" 2 INSULIN SYRINGE/1ML/29G X insulin syringe/needle u-100 1 ml 29 x 1/2" 2 KINRAY INSULIN SYRINGE/0. insulin syringe/needle u-100 1/2 ml 29 x 1/2" 2 INSULIN SYRINGE/1ML/30G X insulin syringe/needle u-100 1 ml 30 x 5/16" 2 KMART VALU PLUS INSULIN S insulin syringe (disp) u-100 0.3 ml KMART VALU PLUS INSULIN S insulin syringe (disp) u-100 1/2 ml 2 INSUPEN PEN NEEDLES 32G X insulin pen needle 32 g x 4 mm (5/32") 2 KMART VALU PLUS INSULIN S insulin syringe (disp) u-100 1 ml 2 3 INSUPEN SENSITIVE 32GX6MM insulin pen needle 32 g x 6 mm (1/4") 2 KROGER BLOOD GLUCOSE MONI - blood glucose monitoring kit w/ device 2 INSUPEN SENSITIVE 32GX8MM insulin pen needle 32 g x 8 mm 2 KROGER INSULIN SYRINGE/U- insulin syringe/needle u-100 0.3 ml 30 x 1/2" INSUPEN ULTRAFIN 29GX12MM insulin pen needle 29 g x 12 mm (1/2") 2 KROGER INSULIN SYRINGE/0. insulin syringe/needle u-100 0.3 ml 29 x 1/2" 2 INSUPEN ULTRAFIN 30GX8MM insulin pen needle 30 g x 8 mm (1/3" or 5/16") 2 KROGER INSULIN SYRINGE/0. insulin syringe/needle u-100 0.3 ml 30 x 5/16" 2 Florida Blue October 2016 Care Choices Rx Medication Drug Guide Limited Distribution Responsible Steps Quantity Limits Prior Authorization Specialty Drug Name Drug Tier Limited Distribution Responsible Steps Quantity Limits Prior Authorization Specialty Drug Name Drug Tier 2016 164 KROGER INSULIN SYRINGE/0. insulin syringe/needle u-100 1/2 ml 31 x 5/16" 2 KROGER PEN NEEDLES 31GX1/ insulin pen needle 31 g x 6 mm (1/4") 2 KROGER INSULIN SYRINGE/0. insulin syringe/needle u-100 1/2 ml 29 x 1/2" 2 KROGER PREMIUM BLOOD GLUC - blood glucose monitoring kit w/ device 3 KROGER INSULIN SYRINGE/0. insulin syringe/needle u-100 1/2 ml 30 x 5/16" 2 LANCET DEVICE ADJUSTABLE lancet devices 2 2 LANCET DEVICE WITH EJECTO lancet devices 2 KROGER INSULIN SYRINGE/0. insulin syringe/needle u-100 0.3 ml 31 x 5/16" LANCETS - lancets 2 KROGER INSULIN SYRINGE/1M insulin syringe/needle u-100 1 ml 29 x 1/2" 2 LANCETS MICRO THIN 33G lancets 2 2 KROGER INSULIN SYRINGE/1M insulin syringe/needle u-100 1 ml 30 x 5/16" 2 LANCETS SAFETY SEAL 21G lancets LANCETS SAFETY SEAL 26G lancets 2 KROGER INSULIN SYRINGE/1M insulin syringe/needle u-100 1 ml 31 x 5/16" 2 LANCETS SAFETY SEAL 28G lancets 2 2 KROGER LANCETS - lancets 2 LANCETS SAFETY SEAL 30G lancets KROGER LANCETS MICRO THIN lancets 2 LANCETS SUPER THIN 28G lancets 2 KROGER LANCETS SUPER THIN lancets 2 LANCETS THIN - lancets 2 2 KROGER LANCETS THIN - lancets 2 LANCETS TWIST TOP - lancets 2 KROGER LANCETS THIN 26G lancets 2 LANCETS ULTRA FINE - lancets LANCETS ULTRA THIN - lancets 2 LANCETS ULTRA THIN 30G lancets 2 KROGER LANCETS ULTRATHIN lancets 2 KROGER LANCING DEVICE lancet devices 2 LANCETS 26G TWIST TOP lancets 2 KROGER LANCETS 21G - lancets 2 LANCETS 28G - lancets 2 LANCETS 30G - lancets 2 KROGER PEN NEEDLES 29G X insulin pen needle 29 g x 12 mm (1/2") 2 LANCETS 30G TWIST TOP lancets 2 KROGER PEN NEEDLES 31G X insulin pen needle 31 g x 8 mm (1/3" or 5/16") 2 LANCETS 30G/TWIST TOP lancets 2 LANCETS 31G TWIST TOP lancets 2 Florida Blue October 2016 Care Choices Rx Medication Drug Guide Limited Distribution Responsible Steps Quantity Limits Prior Authorization Specialty Drug Name Drug Tier Limited Distribution Responsible Steps Quantity Limits Prior Authorization Specialty Drug Name Drug Tier 2016 165 LANCETS 33G UNIVERSAL DES lancets 2 LANCING DEVICE - lancet devices 2 LANCING DEVICE ADJUSTABLE lancet devices LANZO - lancet devices LEADER INSULIN SYRINGE/1M insulin syringe/needle u-100 1 ml 31 x 5/16" 2 2 LEADER LANCETS COLORED lancets 2 2 LEADER SUPER THIN LANCET lancets 2 LEADER THIN LANCETS - lancets 2 LEADER UNIFINE PENTIPS PL insulin pen needle 31 g x 5 mm (3/16") 2 LEADER UNIFINE PENTIPS PL insulin pen needle 31 g x 8 mm (1/3" or 5/16") 2 LEADER UNIFINE PENTIPS/MI insulin pen needle 31 g x 5 mm (3/16") 2 LEADER UNIFINE PENTIPS/NA insulin pen needle 32 g x 4 mm (5/32") 2 LEADER UNIFINE PENTIPS/PL insulin pen needle 32 g x 4 mm (5/32") 2 LIBERTY BLOOD GLUCOSE MET blood glucose monitoring devices 3 LDR BLOOD GLUCOSE TRUETES - 3 blood glucose monitoring kit w/ device LEADER ADVANCED LANCING D - 2 lancet devices 2 LEADER INSULIN SYRINGE/0. insulin syringe/needle u-100 0.3 ml 29 x 1/2" 2 LEADER INSULIN SYRINGE/0. insulin syringe/needle u-100 0.3 ml 30 x 5/16" 2 LEADER INSULIN SYRINGE/0. insulin syringe/needle u-100 1/2 ml 31 x 5/16" 2 LEADER INSULIN SYRINGE/0. insulin syringe/needle u-100 1/2 ml 28 x 1/2" 2 LEADER INSULIN SYRINGE/0. insulin syringe/needle u-100 1/2 ml 29 x 1/2" 2 LEADER INSULIN SYRINGE/0. insulin syringe/needle u-100 1/2 ml 30 x 5/16" 2 LEADER INSULIN SYRINGE/0. insulin syringe/needle u-100 0.3 ml 31 x 5/16" 2 LEADER INSULIN SYRINGE/1M insulin syringe/needle u-100 1 ml 28 x 1/2" 2 LEADER INSULIN SYRINGE/1M insulin syringe/needle u-100 1 ml 29 x 1/2" 2 LEADER INSULIN SYRINGE/1M insulin syringe/needle u-100 1 ml 30 x 5/16" Limited Distribution Responsible Steps Quantity Limits Prior Authorization Specialty Drug Name Drug Tier Limited Distribution Responsible Steps Quantity Limits Prior Authorization Specialty Drug Name Drug Tier 2016 LIBERTY BLOOD GLUCOSE MON - 3 blood glucose monitoring devices 2 LIBERTY MEDICAL LANCETS 3 lancets 2 LIBERTY MINI LANCING DEVI lancet devices 3 LIBERTY NEXT GENERATION B blood glucose monitoring devices 2 LIFESCAN UNISTIK II LANCE lancets 2 LIFESCAN UNISTIK 2 DEEP P lancets 2 LITE TOUCH LANCETS - lancets LITE TOUCH LANCING DEVICE lancet devices 2 LITE TOUCH LANCING PEN lancet devices 2 Florida Blue October 2016 Care Choices Rx Medication Drug Guide 166 LITE TOUCH PEN NEEDLES/31 insulin pen needle 31 g x 5 mm (3/16") 2 LITETOUCH PEN NEEDLES 31G insulin pen needle 31 g x 8 mm (1/3" or 5/16") 2 LITETOUCH INSULIN SYRINGE insulin syringe/needle u-100 0.3 ml 29 x 1/2" 2 LIVE BETTER ADVANCED LANC lancet devices 2 2 2 LITETOUCH INSULIN SYRINGE insulin syringe/needle u-100 0.3 ml 30 x 5/16" LIVE BETTER LANCET SUPER lancets 2 LITETOUCH INSULIN SYRINGE insulin syringe/needle u-100 1/2 ml 31 x 5/16" 2 LIVE BETTER LANCET ULTRA lancets 2 LITETOUCH INSULIN SYRINGE insulin syringe/needle u-100 1/2 ml 28 x 1/2" 2 LIVE BETTER PEN NEEDLES 2 insulin pen needle 29 g x 12 mm (1/2") 2 LITETOUCH INSULIN SYRINGE insulin syringe/needle u-100 1/2 ml 29 x 1/2" 2 LIVE BETTER PEN NEEDLES 3 insulin pen needle 31 g x 6 mm (1/4") 2 LITETOUCH INSULIN SYRINGE insulin syringe/needle u-100 1/2 ml 30 x 5/16" 2 LIVE BETTER PEN NEEDLES 3 insulin pen needle 31 g x 8 mm (1/3" or 5/16") LOCAL ANESTHESIA SECURITY needle (disp) 20 x 4" 3 LITETOUCH INSULIN SYRINGE insulin syringe/needle u-100 1 ml 28 x 1/2" 2 LOCAL ANESTHESIA SECURITY needle (disp) 22 x 2" 3 3 LITETOUCH INSULIN SYRINGE insulin syringe/needle u-100 1 ml 29 x 1/2" 2 LOCAL ANESTHESIA SECURITY needle (disp) 22 x 3" LOCAL ANESTHESIA SECURITY needle (disp) 22 x 4" 3 LITETOUCH INSULIN SYRINGE insulin syringe/needle u-100 1 ml 30 x 5/16" 2 LONGS INSULIN SYRINGE/0.5 insulin syringe/needle u-100 1/2 ml 31 x 5/16" 2 LITETOUCH INSULIN SYRINGE insulin syringe/needle u-100 1 ml 31 x 5/16" 2 LONGS LANCETS STANDARD lancets 2 2 LITETOUCH INSULIN SYRINGE insulin syringe/needle u-100 0.3 ml 31 x 5/16" 2 LONGS LANCETS THIN - lancets LONGS LANCETS ULTRA THIN lancets 2 LITETOUCH PEN NEEDLES 29G insulin pen needle 29 g x 12.7 mm 2 MAGELLAN INSULIN SAFETY S insulin syringe/needle u-100 0.3 ml 29 x 1/2" 2 LITETOUCH LANCETS MICRO T lancets 2 2 LITETOUCH PEN NEEDLES 31G insulin pen needle 31 g x 6 mm (1/4") 2 MAGELLAN INSULIN SAFETY S insulin syringe/needle u-100 0.3 ml 30 x 5/16" Florida Blue October 2016 Care Choices Rx Medication Drug Guide Limited Distribution Responsible Steps Quantity Limits Prior Authorization Specialty Drug Name Drug Tier Limited Distribution Responsible Steps Quantity Limits Prior Authorization Specialty Drug Name Drug Tier 2016 167 MAGELLAN INSULIN SAFETY S insulin syringe/needle u-100 1/2 ml 29 x 1/2" 2 MEDICINE SHOPPE LANCETS lancets 2 MEDICINE SHOPPE LANCETS T lancets 2 MAGELLAN INSULIN SAFETY S insulin syringe/needle u-100 1/2 ml 30 x 5/16" 2 2 MAGELLAN INSULIN SAFETY S insulin syringe/needle u-100 1 ml 29 x 1/2" 2 MEDICINE SHOPPE PEN NEEDL insulin pen needle 29 g x 12 mm (1/2") 2 MAGELLAN INSULIN SAFETY S insulin syringe/needle u-100 1 ml 30 x 5/16" 2 MEDICINE SHOPPE PEN NEEDL insulin pen needle 31 g x 6 mm (1/4") 2 MAGELLAN TUBERCULIN SAFET tuberculin/allergy syringe/needle (disp) 1 ml 27 x 1/2" 2 MEDICINE SHOPPE PEN NEEDL insulin pen needle 31 g x 8 mm (1/3" or 5/16") 2 MAGELLAN TUBERCULIN SAFET tuberculin/allergy syringe/needle (disp) 1 ml 28 x 1/2" 3 MEDISENSE THIN LANCETS lancets MAXI-COMFORT INSULIN SYRI insulin syringe/needle u-100 1/2 ml 28 x 1/2" 2 MAXI-COMFORT INSULIN SYRI insulin syringe/needle u-100 1 ml 28 x 1/2" 2 MAXIMA BLOOD GLUCOSE MONI - 3 blood glucose monitoring kit w/ device 3 MAXIMA METER KIT - blood glucose monitoring kit w/ device 3 MAXIMA STARTER KIT - blood glucose monitoring kit w/ device 2 MD SAFETYGLIDE 27G X 5/8" needle (disp) 27 x 5/8" 2 MEDIC INSULIN SYRINGE/0.3 insulin syringe/needle u-100 0.3 ml 30 x 5/16" 2 MEDIC INSULIN SYRINGE/0.5 insulin syringe/needle u-100 1/2 ml 30 x 5/16" MEDICHOICE PRE-SET SAFETY - 2 lancets 2 MEDICHOICE SAFETY LANCET lancets Limited Distribution Responsible Steps Quantity Limits Prior Authorization Specialty Drug Name Drug Tier Limited Distribution Responsible Steps Quantity Limits Prior Authorization Specialty Drug Name Drug Tier 2016 MEDLANCE PLUS EXTRA LANCE - 2 lancets 2 MEDLANCE PLUS LANCETS lancets 2 MEDLANCE PLUS LANCETS LIT lancets 2 MEDLANCE PLUS LITE LANCET lancets MEDLANCE PLUS SPECIAL LAN - 2 lancets 2 MEDLANCE PLUS SUPERLITE 3 lancets MEDLANCE PLUS UNIVERSAL L - 2 lancets 2 MEDLANCE PLUS/LITE 25G lancets 2 MEDLANCE/EXTRA - lancets MEDLANCE/LITE - lancets 2 MEDLANCE/UNIVERSAL - lancets 2 MEIJER BLOOD GLUCOSE MONI blood glucose monitoring kit w/ device 3 MEIJER COLOR LANCETS UNIV lancets 2 Florida Blue October 2016 Care Choices Rx Medication Drug Guide 168 MEIJER ESSENTIAL BLOOD GL blood glucose monitoring kit w/ device 3 MEIJER LANCETS - lancets 2 MEIJER LANCETS THIN - lancets 2 MEIJER LANCETS UNIVERSAL lancets MONOJECT BLUNT CANNULA/17 needle (disp) 17 x 1-1/2" 3 MONOJECT BLUNT CANNULA/18 needle (disp) 18 x 1" 3 3 2 MONOJECT BLUNT CANNULA/19 needle (disp) 19 x 1-1/2" 3 MEIJER PEN NEEDLES 29G X insulin pen needle 29 g x 12 mm (1/2") 2 MONOJECT BLUNT CANNULA/20 needle (disp) 20 x 1-1/2" MONOJECT BLUNT CANNULA/21 needle (disp) 21 x 1" 3 MEIJER PEN NEEDLES 31G X insulin pen needle 31 g x 6 mm (1/4") 2 MONOJECT BLUNT CANNULA/22 needle (disp) 22 x 1-1/2" 3 MONOJECT BLUNT CANNULA/23 needle (disp) 23 x 1" 3 MEIJER PEN NEEDLES 31G X insulin pen needle 31 g x 8 mm (1/3" or 5/16") 2 MEIJER PREMIUM BLOOD GLUC blood glucose monitoring kit w/ device 3 MEIJER SUPER THIN LANCETS lancets 2 MEIJER TRUERESULT BLOOD G blood glucose monitoring kit w/ device 3 MEIJER TRUETRACK BLOOD GL blood glucose monitoring kit w/ device 3 MEIJER TRUE2GO BLOOD GLUC blood glucose monitoring kit w/ device 3 MICRODOT BLOOD GLUCOSE MO - blood glucose monitoring kit w/ device 3 MICROLET LANCETS - lancets 2 MICROTAINER SAFETY FLOW L lancets 2 MINI LANCING DEVICE - lancet devices 2 MONOJECT BLUNT CANNULA/15 needle (disp) 15 x 1-1/2" 3 MONOJECT BLUNT CANNULA/16 needle (disp) 16 x 1-1/2" 3 Limited Distribution Responsible Steps Quantity Limits Prior Authorization Specialty Drug Name Drug Tier Limited Distribution Responsible Steps Quantity Limits Prior Authorization Specialty Drug Name Drug Tier 2016 MONOJECT HYPO/ALUM HUB/LU - 3 needle (disp) 14 x 1" MONOJECT HYPO/ALUM HUB/LU - 3 needle (disp) 14 x 2" MONOJECT HYPO/ALUM HUB/LU - 3 needle (disp) 15 x 1-1/2" MONOJECT HYPO/ALUM HUB/LU - 3 needle (disp) 16 x 5/8" MONOJECT HYPO/ALUM HUB/LU - 3 needle (disp) 16 x 3/4" MONOJECT HYPO/ALUM HUB/LU - 3 needle (disp) 16 x 1-1/2" MONOJECT HYPO/ALUM HUB/LU - 2 needle (disp) 18 x 1" MONOJECT HYPO/ALUM HUB/LU - 3 needle (disp) 18 x 1" MONOJECT HYPO/ALUM HUB/LU - 2 needle (disp) 18 x 1-1/2" MONOJECT HYPO/ALUM HUB/LU - 3 needle (disp) 19 x 1" MONOJECT HYPO/ALUM HUB/LU - 3 needle (disp) 19 x 1-1/4" MONOJECT HYPO/ALUM HUB/LU - 3 needle (disp) 19 x 1-1/2" MONOJECT HYPO/ALUM HUB/LU - 3 needle (disp) 20 x 1" Florida Blue October 2016 Care Choices Rx Medication Drug Guide 169 MONOJECT HYPO/ALUM HUB/LU - 2 needle (disp) 20 x 1-1/2" MONOJECT HYPO/ALUM HUB/LU - 3 needle (disp) 22 x 1" MONOJECT HYPO/ALUM HUB/LU - 3 needle (disp) 22 x 1-1/2" MONOJECT HYPO/ALUM HUB/LU - 3 needle (disp) 23 x 1" MONOJECT HYPO/ALUM HUB/LU - 3 needle (disp) 25 x 5/8" MONOJECT HYPO/ALUM HUB/LU - 3 needle (disp) 25 x 1-1/4" MONOJECT HYPO/ALUM HUB/LU - 3 needle (disp) 25 x 2" MONOJECT HYPO/ALUM HUB/LU - 3 needle (disp) 27 x 1/2" MONOJECT HYPO/ALUM HUB/LU - 3 needle (disp) 27 x 1-1/4" MONOJECT HYPO/ALUM HUB/16 - 3 needle (disp) 16 x 1" MONOJECT HYPO/ALUM HUB/18 - 2 needle (disp) 18 x 1-1/2" 3 MONOJECT HYPO/ POLYPROPYLE - needle (disp) 18 x 1" 3 MONOJECT HYPO/ POLYPROPYLE - needle (disp) 18 x 1-1/2" 3 MONOJECT HYPO/ POLYPROPYLE - needle (disp) 19 x 1" 3 MONOJECT HYPO/ POLYPROPYLE - needle (disp) 19 x 1-1/2" 3 MONOJECT HYPO/ POLYPROPYLE - needle (disp) 20 x 1" 3 MONOJECT HYPO/ POLYPROPYLE - needle (disp) 20 x 1-1/2" MONOJECT HYPO/ POLYPROPYLE - needle (disp) 21 x 1" 3 MONOJECT HYPO/ POLYPROPYLE - needle (disp) 21 x 1-1/2" 3 MONOJECT HYPO/ POLYPROPYLE - needle (disp) 22 x 1" 3 MONOJECT HYPO/ POLYPROPYLE - needle (disp) 22 x 1-1/2" 3 MONOJECT HYPO/ POLYPROPYLE - needle (disp) 23 x 3/4" 3 MONOJECT HYPO/ POLYPROPYLE - needle (disp) 23 x 1" 3 MONOJECT HYPO/ POLYPROPYLE - needle (disp) 25 x 5/8" 3 MONOJECT HYPO/ POLYPROPYLE - needle (disp) 25 x 1" 3 MONOJECT HYPO/ POLYPROPYLE - needle (disp) 25 x 1-1/2" 3 MONOJECT HYPO/ POLYPROPYLE - needle (disp) 26 x 1/2" 3 MONOJECT HYPO/ POLYPROPYLE - needle (disp) 27 x 1/2" 3 MONOJECT HYPO/ POLYPROPYLE - needle (disp) 30 x 3/4" 3 MONOJECT HYPODERMIC NEEDL - needle (disp) 18 x 1" 3 MONOJECT HYPODERMIC NEEDL - needle (disp) 27 x 1-1/2" 3 MONOJECT HYPODERMIC NEEDL - needle (disp) 30 x 3/4" 3 Florida Blue October 2016 Care Choices Rx Medication Drug Guide Limited Distribution Responsible Steps Quantity Limits Prior Authorization Specialty Drug Name Drug Tier Limited Distribution Responsible Steps Quantity Limits Prior Authorization Specialty Drug Name Drug Tier 2016 170 MONOJECT INSULIN SYRINGE insulin syringe (disp) u-100 1 ml 2 MONOJECT MAGELLAN SAFETY needle (disp) 19 x 1-1/2" 3 MONOJECT INSULIN SYRINGE/ insulin syringe (disp) u-100 1 ml 2 MONOJECT MAGELLAN SAFETY needle (disp) 20 x 1" 2 MONOJECT INSULIN SYRINGE/ insulin syringe/needle u-100 0.3 ml 29 x 1/2" 2 MONOJECT MAGELLAN SAFETY needle (disp) 20 x 1-1/2" 2 2 MONOJECT MAGELLAN SAFETY needle (disp) 21 x 5/8" 2 MONOJECT INSULIN SYRINGE/ insulin syringe/needle u-100 0.3 ml 30 x 5/16" 2 MONOJECT INSULIN SYRINGE/ insulin syringe/needle u-100 1/2 ml 28 x 1/2" 2 MONOJECT MAGELLAN SAFETY needle (disp) 21 x 1" MONOJECT MAGELLAN SAFETY needle (disp) 21 x 1-1/2" 2 MONOJECT INSULIN SYRINGE/ insulin syringe/needle u-100 1/2 ml 29 x 1/2" 2 MONOJECT MAGELLAN SAFETY needle (disp) 22 x 1" 2 2 MONOJECT INSULIN SYRINGE/ insulin syringe/needle u-100 1/2 ml 30 x 5/16" 2 MONOJECT MAGELLAN SAFETY needle (disp) 22 x 1-1/2" MONOJECT MAGELLAN SAFETY needle (disp) 23 x 5/8" 2 MONOJECT INSULIN SYRINGE/ insulin syringe/needle u-100 1 ml 25 x 5/8" 2 MONOJECT MAGELLAN SAFETY needle (disp) 23 x 1" 2 2 MONOJECT INSULIN SYRINGE/ insulin syringe/needle u-100 1 ml 27 x 1/2" 2 MONOJECT MAGELLAN SAFETY needle (disp) 25 x 5/8" 2 MONOJECT INSULIN SYRINGE/ insulin syringe/needle u-100 1 ml 28 x 1/2" 2 MONOJECT MAGELLAN SAFETY needle (disp) 25 x 1" MONOJECT INSULIN SYRINGE/ insulin syringe/needle u-100 1 ml 29 x 1/2" 2 MONOJECT INSULIN SYRINGE/ insulin syringe/needle u-100 1 ml 30 x 5/16" 2 MONOJECT INSULIN SYRINGE/ insulin syringe/needle u-100 1 ml 31 x 5/16" 2 MONOJECT MAGELLAN SAFETY needle (disp) 18 x 1" 2 MONOJECT MAGELLAN SAFETY needle (disp) 18 x 1-1/2" 2 MONOJECT MAGELLAN SAFETY needle (disp) 19 x 1" 3 Limited Distribution Responsible Steps Quantity Limits Prior Authorization Specialty Drug Name Drug Tier Limited Distribution Responsible Steps Quantity Limits Prior Authorization Specialty Drug Name Drug Tier 2016 MONOJECT MEDICATION TRANS - 3 hypodermic needles (disposable) 3 MONOJECT STANDARD HYPODER - needle (disp) 14 x 1-1/2" 3 MONOJECT STANDARD HYPODER - needle (disp) 18 x 1" 3 MONOJECT STANDARD HYPODER - needle (disp) 18 x 1-1/2" 3 MONOJECT STANDARD HYPODER - needle (disp) 19 x 1" 3 MONOJECT STANDARD HYPODER - needle (disp) 19 x 1-1/2" 3 MONOJECT STANDARD HYPODER - needle (disp) 20 x 1" Florida Blue October 2016 Care Choices Rx Medication Drug Guide 171 MONOJECT STANDARD HYPODER - needle (disp) 20 x 1-1/2" 3 MONOJECT STANDARD HYPODER - needle (disp) 21 x 1" 3 MONOJECT STANDARD HYPODER - needle (disp) 21 x 1-1/2" 3 MONOJECT STANDARD HYPODER - needle (disp) 21 x 2" 3 MONOJECT STANDARD HYPODER - needle (disp) 22 x 1" 3 MONOJECT STANDARD HYPODER - needle (disp) 22 x 1-1/2" 3 MONOJECT STANDARD HYPODER - needle (disp) 23 x 1/2" 3 MONOJECT STANDARD HYPODER - needle (disp) 23 x 1" 3 MONOJECT STANDARD HYPODER - needle (disp) 25 x 5/8" 3 MONOJECT STANDARD HYPODER - needle (disp) 25 x 1" 3 MONOJECT STANDARD HYPODER - needle (disp) 25 x 1-1/2" 3 MONOJECT STANDARD HYPODER - needle (disp) 26 x 1-1/2" 3 MONOJECT STANDARD HYPODER - needle (disp) 27 x 1/2" 3 MONOJECT TB SYRINGE-NDL 1 tuberculin/allergy syringe/needle (disp) 1 ml 26 x 3/8" 3 MONOJECT TB SYRINGE-NDL 1 tuberculin/allergy syringe/needle (disp) 1 ml 27 x 1/2" 2 MONOJECT TUBERCULIN SAFET - 2 tuberculin/allergy syringe/needle (disp) 1 ml 25 x 5/8" Limited Distribution Responsible Steps Quantity Limits Prior Authorization Specialty Drug Name Drug Tier Limited Distribution Responsible Steps Quantity Limits Prior Authorization Specialty Drug Name Drug Tier 2016 MONOJECT TUBERCULIN SAFET - 3 tuberculin/allergy syringe/needle (disp) 1 ml 28 x 1/2" MONOJECT TUBERCULIN SYRIN - 2 tuberculin/allergy syringe/needle (disp) 1 ml 25 x 5/8" MONOJECT TUBERCULIN SYRIN - 3 tuberculin/allergy syringe/needle (disp) 1 ml 26 x 3/8" MONOJECT TUBERCULIN SYRIN - 2 tuberculin/allergy syringe/needle (disp) 1 ml 27 x 1/2" MONOJECT TUBERCULIN SYRIN - 3 tuberculin/allergy syringe/needle (disp) 1 ml 28 x 1/2" MONOJECT ULTRA COMFORT IN - 2 insulin syringe/needle u-100 0.3 ml 29 x 1/2" MONOJECT ULTRA COMFORT IN - 2 insulin syringe/needle u-100 0.3 ml 30 x 5/16" MONOJECT ULTRA COMFORT IN - 2 insulin syringe/needle u-100 1/2 ml 31 x 5/16" MONOJECT ULTRA COMFORT IN - 2 insulin syringe/needle u-100 1/2 ml 28 x 1/2" MONOJECT ULTRA COMFORT IN - 2 insulin syringe/needle u-100 1/2 ml 29 x 1/2" MONOJECT ULTRA COMFORT IN - 2 insulin syringe/needle u-100 1/2 ml 30 x 5/16" MONOJECT ULTRA COMFORT IN - 2 insulin syringe/needle u-100 1 ml 28 x 1/2" MONOJECT ULTRA COMFORT IN - 2 insulin syringe/needle u-100 1 ml 29 x 1/2" MONOJECT ULTRA COMFORT IN - 2 insulin syringe/needle u-100 1 ml 30 x 5/16" Florida Blue October 2016 Care Choices Rx Medication Drug Guide 172 MONOJECT ULTRA COMFORT IN - 2 insulin syringe/needle u-100 0.3 ml 31 x 5/16" 2 MONOLET LANCETS - lancets MONOLET OPD LANCETS - lancets 2 2 MONOLETTOR SAFETY LANCETS - lancets MOORE MED MONOJECT INSULI - 2 insulin syringe/needle u-100 1/2 ml 28 x 1/2" MOORE MED MONOJECT INSULI - 2 insulin syringe/needle u-100 1/2 ml 29 x 1/2" MOORE MED MONOJECT INSULI - 2 insulin syringe/needle u-100 1 ml 28 x 1/2" MOORE MED MONOJECT INSULI - 2 insulin syringe/needle u-100 1 ml 29 x 1/2" 2 MS INSULIN SYRINGE/0.3ML/ insulin syringe/needle u-100 0.3 ml 29 x 1/2" 2 MS INSULIN SYRINGE/0.3ML/ insulin syringe/needle u-100 0.3 ml 30 x 5/16" 2 MS INSULIN SYRINGE/0.3ML/ insulin syringe/needle u-100 0.3 ml 31 x 5/16" 2 MS INSULIN SYRINGE/0.5ML/ insulin syringe/needle u-100 1/2 ml 31 x 5/16" 2 MS INSULIN SYRINGE/0.5ML/ insulin syringe/needle u-100 1/2 ml 29 x 1/2" 2 MS INSULIN SYRINGE/0.5ML/ insulin syringe/needle u-100 1/2 ml 30 x 5/16" 2 MS INSULIN SYRINGE/1ML/29 insulin syringe/needle u-100 1 ml 29 x 1/2" 2 MS INSULIN SYRINGE/1ML/30 insulin syringe/needle u-100 1 ml 30 x 5/16" MS INSULIN SYRINGE/1ML/31 insulin syringe/needle u-100 1 ml 31 x 5/16" 2 MULTI-DRAW NEEDLE 20GX1- needle (disp) 20 x 1-1/2" 3 MULTI-DRAW NEEDLE 21GX1-1 needle (disp) 21 x 1-1/2" 3 MULTI-DRAW NEEDLE 22GX1-1 needle (disp) 22 x 1-1/2" 3 MULTI-LANCET DEVICE - lancet devices 2 Limited Distribution Responsible Steps Quantity Limits Prior Authorization Specialty Drug Name Drug Tier Limited Distribution Responsible Steps Quantity Limits Prior Authorization Specialty Drug Name Drug Tier 2016 3 MYGLUCOHEALTH BLOOD GLUCO - blood glucose monitoring kit w/ device 2 MYGLUCOHEALTH MGH SOFTLAN - lancets 2 NETGROUP LANCETS - lancets NEXGEN METER KIT - blood glucose monitoring kit 3 NOKOR ADMIX NEEDLE THIN W needle (disp) 16 x 1" 3 NOKOR ADMIX NEEDLE THIN W needle (disp) 18 x 1-1/2" 3 NOKOR VENTED NEEDLE THIN needle (disp) 16 x 1" 3 NOKOR VENTED NEEDLE THIN needle (disp) 18 x 1" 3 NOKOR VENTED NEEDLE THIN needle (disp) 18 x 1-1/2" 3 NOVA MAX BLOOD GLUCOSE MO - blood glucose monitoring devices 3 NOVA MAX BLOOD GLUCOSE MO - blood glucose monitoring kit w/ device 3 NOVA SAFETY LANCETS 23G lancets 2 NOVA SAFETY LANCETS 28G lancets 2 NOVA SUREFLEX LANCETS lancets 2 Florida Blue October 2016 Care Choices Rx Medication Drug Guide 173 NOVA SUREFLEX LANCING DEV lancet devices 2 NOVOFINE AUTOCOVER 30GX8M - insulin pen needle 30 g x 8 mm (1/3" or 5/16") 2 NOVOFINE PLUS 32GX4MM insulin pen needle 32 g x 4 mm (5/32") ON CALL VIVID BLOOD GLUCO blood glucose monitoring kit w/ device 3 ON CALL VIVID PAL BLOOD G blood glucose monitoring devices 3 2 ON CALL VIVID PAL BLOOD G blood glucose monitoring kit w/ device 3 NOVOFINE 30GX8MM - insulin pen needle 30 g x 8 mm (1/3" or 5/16") 2 ONETOUCH CLUB LANCETS FIN lancets 2 NOVOFINE 32GX6MM - insulin pen needle 32 g x 6 mm (1/4") 2 ONETOUCH COMBO PACK lancets 2 NOVOPEN ECHO - injection device for insulin 3 ONETOUCH DELICA LANCETS E lancets 2 NOVOTWIST 30GX8MM - insulin pen needle 30 g x 8 mm (1/3" or 5/16") 2 ONETOUCH DELICA LANCETS F lancets 2 2 ONETOUCH DELICA LANCING D lancet devices 2 NOVOTWIST 32GX5MM - insulin pen needle 32 g x 5 mm (1/5" or 3/16") 2 OMNIFLEX DIAPHRAGM diaphragms P ONETOUCH FINEPOINT LANCET lancets ONETOUCH LANCETS - lancets 2 OMNIPOD STARTER KIT - insulin infusion disposable pump kit 3 ON CALL EXPRESS BLOOD GLU blood glucose monitoring devices 3 ON CALL EXPRESS BLOOD GLU blood glucose monitoring kit w/ device 3 ON CALL LANCETS - lancets 2 ON CALL LANCING DEVICE lancet devices 2 ON CALL PLUS BLOOD GLUCOS blood glucose monitoring devices 3 ON CALL PLUS BLOOD GLUCOS blood glucose monitoring kit w/ device 3 ON CALL PLUS LANCETS - lancets 2 ON CALL PLUS LANCING DEVI lancet devices 2 ON CALL VIVID BLOOD GLUCO blood glucose monitoring devices 3 Limited Distribution Responsible Steps Quantity Limits Prior Authorization Specialty Drug Name Drug Tier Limited Distribution Responsible Steps Quantity Limits Prior Authorization Specialty Drug Name Drug Tier 2016 • • 3 ONETOUCH PING METER REMOT - blood glucose monitoring supplies 2 ONETOUCH SURESOFT LANCING - lancets misc. 3 ONETOUCH ULTRA MINI - blood glucose monitoring kit w/ device 3 ONETOUCH ULTRA 2 - blood glucose monitoring kit w/ device ONETOUCH ULTRALINK SYSTEM - 3 blood glucose monitoring kit w/ device 2 ONETOUCH ULTRASOFT LANCET - lancets ONETOUCH VERIO - blood glucose 3 monitoring kit w/ device ONETOUCH VERIO FLEX BLOOD - 3 blood glucose monitoring kit w/ device Florida Blue October 2016 Care Choices Rx Medication Drug Guide 174 ONETOUCH VERIO IQ BLOOD G blood glucose monitoring kit w/ device 3 3 ONETOUCH VERIO SYNC BLOOD - blood glucose monitoring kit w/ device OPTIUM BLOOD GLUCOSE MONI - 3 blood glucose monitoring devices OPTIUM BLOOD GLUCOSE MONI - 3 blood glucose monitoring kit w/ device 3 OPTUMRX BLOOD GLUCOSE MET - blood glucose monitoring kit w/ device 3 OPTUMRX BLOOD GLUCOSE MON - blood glucose monitoring kit w/ device ORTHO DIAPHRAGM COIL SPRI - P diaphragm coil spring kit 50 mm ORTHO DIAPHRAGM COIL SPRI - P diaphragm coil spring kit 100 mm ORTHO DIAPHRAGM COIL SPRI - P diaphragm coil spring kit 105 mm ORTHO DIAPHRAGM FLAT SPRI - P diaphragm flat spring kit 55 mm ORTHO DIAPHRAGM FLAT SPRI - P diaphragm flat spring kit 60 mm ORTHO DIAPHRAGM FLAT SPRI - P diaphragm flat spring kit 65 mm ORTHO DIAPHRAGM FLAT SPRI - P diaphragm flat spring kit 70 mm ORTHO DIAPHRAGM FLAT SPRI - P diaphragm flat spring kit 75 mm ORTHO DIAPHRAGM FLAT SPRI - P diaphragm flat spring kit 80 mm ORTHO DIAPHRAGM FLAT SPRI - P diaphragm flat spring kit 85 mm ORTHO DIAPHRAGM FLAT SPRI - P diaphragm flat spring kit 90 mm ORTHO DIAPHRAGM FLAT SPRI - P diaphragm flat spring kit 95 mm PARADIGM LINK BLOOD GLUCO blood glucose monitoring kit w/ device 3 PC LANCETS SUPER THIN 30G lancets 2 PC UNIFINE PENTIPS 29G X insulin pen needle 29 g x 12 mm (1/2") 2 PC UNIFINE PENTIPS 31G X insulin pen needle 31 g x 5 mm (3/16") 2 PC UNIFINE PENTIPS 31G X insulin pen needle 31 g x 6 mm (1/4") 2 PC UNIFINE PENTIPS 31G X insulin pen needle 31 g x 8 mm (1/3" or 5/16") 2 PEN NEEDLES 29G X 12MM insulin pen needle 29 g x 12 mm (1/2") 2 PEN NEEDLES 29GX1/2" - insulin pen needle 29 g x 12 mm (1/2") 2 PEN NEEDLES 30GX5/16" - insulin pen needle 30 g x 8 mm (1/3" or 5/16") 2 PEN NEEDLES 31G X 1/4" SH insulin pen needle 31 g x 6 mm (1/4") 2 Limited Distribution Responsible Steps Quantity Limits Prior Authorization Specialty Drug Name Drug Tier Limited Distribution Responsible Steps Quantity Limits Prior Authorization Specialty Drug Name Drug Tier 2016 PEN NEEDLES 31G X 3/16" - insulin 2 pen needle 31 g x 5 mm (3/16") PEN NEEDLES 31G X 5MM - insulin 2 pen needle 31 g x 5 mm (3/16") PEN NEEDLES 31GX5/16" - insulin 2 pen needle 31 g x 8 mm (1/3" or 5/16") 2 PEN NEEDLES 31GX6MM (1/4" insulin pen needle 31 g x 6 mm (1/4") PEN NEEDLES 31GX8MM - insulin 2 pen needle 31 g x 8 mm (1/3" or 5/16") Florida Blue October 2016 Care Choices Rx Medication Drug Guide 175 PEN NEEDLES 31GX8MM (5/16 insulin pen needle 31 g x 8 mm (1/3" or 5/16") 2 POLY HUB NEEDLE/22G X 1-1 needle (disp) 22 x 1-1/2" 3 POLY HUB NEEDLE/22G X 1" needle (disp) 22 x 1" 3 PEN NEEDLES 32GX4MM - insulin pen needle 32 g x 4 mm (5/32") 2 POLY HUB NEEDLE/23G X 1-1 needle (disp) 23 x 1-1/2" 3 PEN-TOTE - blood glucose monitoring supplies 3 2 POLY HUB NEEDLE/23G X 1" needle (disp) 23 x 1" 3 PENLET II REPLACEMENT CAP lancets misc. POLY HUB NEEDLE/25G X 1-1 needle (disp) 25 x 1-1/2" 3 PENTIPS 29GX12MM - insulin pen needle 29 g x 12 mm (1/2") 2 POLY HUB NEEDLE/25G X 1" needle (disp) 25 x 1" 3 PENTIPS 31GX5MM - insulin pen needle 31 g x 5 mm (3/16") 2 POLY HUB NEEDLE/25G X 5/8 needle (disp) 25 x 5/8" 3 PENTIPS 31GX6MM - insulin pen needle 31 g x 6 mm (1/4") 2 2 3 PENTIPS 31GX8MM - insulin pen needle 31 g x 8 mm (1/3" or 5/16") POLY HUB NEEDLE/27G X 1-1 needle (disp) 27 x 1-1/4" 2 POLY HUB NEEDLE/27G X 1/2 needle (disp) 27 x 1/2" 3 PENTIPS 32GX4MM - insulin pen needle 32 g x 4 mm (5/32") POLY HUB NEEDLE/30G X 1/2 needle (disp) 30 x 1/2" 3 PERFECT LANCETS 30G - lancets 2 PERFECT PRESSURE ACTIVATE lancets 2 PRECISION LINK - blood glucose monitoring kit w/ device 3 PHARMACIST CHOICE AUTOCOD - blood glucose monitoring kit w/ device 3 PRECISION QID MONITOR - blood glucose monitoring devices 3 2 PRECISION SOF-TACT MONITO blood glucose monitoring devices 3 PHARMACIST CHOICE ULTRA T lancets PRECISION SURE-DOSE INSUL insulin syringe/needle u-100 0.3 ml 30 x 5/16" 2 PRECISION SURE-DOSE INSUL insulin syringe/needle u-100 1/2 ml 30 x 3/8" 2 PRECISION SURE-DOSE INSUL insulin syringe/needle u-100 1/2 ml 28 x 1/2" 2 PRECISION SURE-DOSE INSUL insulin syringe/needle u-100 1/2 ml 29 x 1/2" 2 PRECISION SURE-DOSE INSUL insulin syringe/needle u-100 1 ml 28 x 1/2" 2 PHARMACY COUNTER LANCETS - 2 lancets 3 POCKETCHEM EZ BLOOD GLUCO - blood glucose monitoring kit w/ device 3 POLY HUB NEEDLE/18G X 1-1 needle (disp) 18 x 1-1/2" 3 POLY HUB NEEDLE/18G X 1" needle (disp) 18 x 1" 3 POLY HUB NEEDLE/21G X 1-1 needle (disp) 21 x 1-1/2" 3 POLY HUB NEEDLE/21G X 1" needle (disp) 21 x 1" Florida Blue October 2016 Care Choices Rx Medication Drug Guide Limited Distribution Responsible Steps Quantity Limits Prior Authorization Specialty Drug Name Drug Tier Limited Distribution Responsible Steps Quantity Limits Prior Authorization Specialty Drug Name Drug Tier 2016 176 PRECISION SURE-DOSE PLUS insulin syringe/needle u-100 0.3 ml 29 x 1/2" 2 PRECISION SURE-DOSE PLUS insulin syringe/needle u-100 1 ml 29 x 1/2" 2 PRECISION THIN LANCETS lancets 2 PRECISION THINS GP LANCET lancets 2 PRECISION ULTRA LANCET lancets 2 PRECISION XTRA - blood glucose monitoring devices 3 PRECISION XTRA - blood glucose monitoring kit 3 PRECISION XTRA MONITOR blood glucose monitoring devices 3 PREFERRED PLUS INSULIN SY insulin syringe/needle u-100 0.3 ml 29 x 1/2" 2 PREFERRED PLUS INSULIN SY insulin syringe/needle u-100 0.3 ml 30 x 5/16" 2 PREFERRED PLUS INSULIN SY insulin syringe/needle u-100 1/2 ml 28 x 1/2" 2 PREFERRED PLUS INSULIN SY insulin syringe/needle u-100 1/2 ml 29 x 1/2" 2 PREFERRED PLUS INSULIN SY insulin syringe/needle u-100 1/2 ml 30 x 5/16" 2 PREFERRED PLUS INSULIN SY insulin syringe/needle u-100 1 ml 28 x 1/2" 2 PREFERRED PLUS INSULIN SY insulin syringe/needle u-100 1 ml 29 x 1/2" 2 PREFERRED PLUS INSULIN SY insulin syringe/needle u-100 1 ml 30 x 5/16" 2 Limited Distribution Responsible Steps Quantity Limits Prior Authorization Specialty Drug Name Drug Tier Limited Distribution Responsible Steps Quantity Limits Prior Authorization Specialty Drug Name Drug Tier 2016 PREFERRED PLUS LANCETS CO - 2 lancets PREFERRED PLUS LANCETS SU - 2 lancets PREFERRED PLUS LANCETS TH - 2 lancets 2 PREFERRED PLUS UNIFINE PE insulin pen needle 29 g x 12 mm (1/2") 2 PREFERRED PLUS UNIFINE PE insulin pen needle 31 g x 5 mm (3/16") 2 PREFERRED PLUS UNIFINE PE insulin pen needle 31 g x 6 mm (1/4") 2 PREFERRED PLUS UNIFINE PE insulin pen needle 31 g x 8 mm (1/3" or 5/16") 2 PREFERRED PLUS UNIFINE PE insulin pen needle 32 g x 4 mm (5/32") P PRENTIF CAVITY-RIM CERVIC cervical cap 22 mm P PRENTIF CAVITY-RIM CERVIC cervical cap 25 mm P PRENTIF CAVITY-RIM CERVIC cervical cap 28 mm P PRENTIF CAVITY-RIM CERVIC cervical cap 31 mm P PRENTIF FITTING SET - cervical caps PRESSURE ACTIVATED SAFETY - 2 lancets 2 PRO COMFORT LANCETS 30G lancets 3 PRODIGY AUTOCODE BLOOD GL - blood glucose monitoring devices 3 PRODIGY AUTOCODE BLOOD GL - blood glucose monitoring kit w/ device Florida Blue October 2016 Care Choices Rx Medication Drug Guide 177 PRODIGY INSULIN SYRING/U- insulin syringe/needle u-100 0.3 ml 31 x 5/16" 2 PX INSULIN SYRINGE/U-100/ insulin syringe/needle u-100 1/2 ml 30 x 1/2" 2 PRODIGY INSULIN SYRINGE/1 insulin syringe/needle u-100 1/2 ml 31 x 5/16" 2 PX INSULIN SYRINGE/U-100/ insulin syringe/needle u-100 1 ml 30 x 1/2" 2 PRODIGY INSULIN SYRINGE/1 insulin syringe/needle u-100 1 ml 28 x 1/2" 2 PX INSULIN SYRINGE/U-100/ insulin syringe/needle u-100 1 ml 31 x 5/16" 2 PRODIGY LANCING DEVICE lancet devices 2 PX INSULIN SYRINGE/U-100/ insulin syringe/needle u-100 0.3 ml 31 x 5/16" 2 PX LANCET AUTO INJECTOR lancet devices 2 PRODIGY POCKET BLOOD GLUC - 3 blood glucose monitoring kit w/ device PRODIGY PRESSURE ACTIVATE - 2 lancets 2 PRODIGY SAFETY LANCETS lancets PRODIGY TWIST TOP LANCETS - 2 lancets PRODIGY VOICE BLOOD GLUCO - 3 blood glucose monitoring kit w/ device 2 PSS SELECT GP LANCETS lancets PSS SELECT SAFETY LANCETS - 2 lancets PUSH BUTTON SAFETY LANCET - 2 lancets 2 PX ADVANCED LANCING DEVIC lancet devices PX EXTRA SHORT PEN NEEDLE - 2 insulin pen needle 31 g x 6 mm (1/4") 2 PX INSULIN SYRINGE/U-100/ insulin syringe/needle u-100 0.3 ml 30 x 1/2" 2 PX INSULIN SYRINGE/U-100/ insulin syringe/needle u-100 1/2 ml 31 x 5/16" Limited Distribution Responsible Steps Quantity Limits Prior Authorization Specialty Drug Name Drug Tier Limited Distribution Responsible Steps Quantity Limits Prior Authorization Specialty Drug Name Drug Tier 2016 PX LANCETS ULTRA THIN - lancets 2 2 PX MINI PEN NEEDLES 31GX5 insulin pen needle 31 g x 5 mm (3/16") 2 PX PEN NEEDLE 29GX12MM insulin pen needle 29 g x 12 mm (1/2") 2 PX PEN NEEDLE 31GX8MM insulin pen needle 31 g x 8 mm (1/3" or 5/16") PX SHORTLENGTH PEN NEEDLE - 2 insulin pen needle 31 g x 8 mm (1/3" or 5/16") QC ADVANCED LANCING DEVIC - 2 lancet devices 2 QC INSULIN SYRINGE/0.3ML/ insulin syringe/needle u-100 0.3 ml 29 x 1/2" 2 QC INSULIN SYRINGE/0.5ML/ insulin syringe/needle u-100 1/2 ml 31 x 5/16" 2 QC INSULIN SYRINGE/0.5ML/ insulin syringe/needle u-100 1/2 ml 29 x 1/2" 2 QC INSULIN SYRINGE/1ML/29 insulin syringe/needle u-100 1 ml 29 x 1/2" Florida Blue October 2016 Care Choices Rx Medication Drug Guide 178 QC INSULIN SYRINGE/1ML/31 insulin syringe/needle u-100 1 ml 31 x 5/16" 2 RA INSULIN SYRINGE/U-100/ insulin syringe/needle u-100 1/2 ml 30 x 5/16" 2 QC LANCETS SUPER THIN lancets 2 2 QC LANCETS ULTRA THIN lancets 2 RA INSULIN SYRINGE/U-100/ insulin syringe/needle u-100 1 ml 30 x 5/16" 2 QC PEN NEEDLES 29G X 12MM insulin pen needle 29 g x 12 mm (1/2") 2 RA INSULIN SYRINGE/0.5ML/ insulin syringe/needle u-100 1/2 ml 29 x 1/2" 2 QC PEN NEEDLES 31G X 6MM insulin pen needle 31 g x 6 mm (1/4") 2 RA INSULIN SYRINGE/1ML/29 insulin syringe/needle u-100 1 ml 29 x 1/2" 2 QC PEN NEEDLES 31G X 8MM insulin pen needle 31 g x 8 mm (1/3" or 5/16") 2 RA LANCING DEVICE - lancet devices 2 QC UNIFINE PENTIPS 32GX4M insulin pen needle 32 g x 4 mm (5/32") 2 RA PEN NEEDLES 31G X 5MM insulin pen needle 31 g x 5 mm (3/16") 2 QC UNILET LANCETS 28G/ULT lancets 2 RA PEN NEEDLES 31G X 8MM insulin pen needle 31 g x 8 mm (1/3" or 5/16") QC UNILET LANCETS 33G/MIC lancets 2 QUICKTEK - blood glucose monitoring kit w/ device 3 QUICKTEK - blood glucose monitoring kit 3 QUINTET AC BLOOD GLUCOSE blood glucose monitoring devices 3 QUINTET BLOOD GLUCOSE MON - blood glucose monitoring devices 3 RA BLOOD GLUCOSE MONITOR blood glucose monitoring devices 3 RA E-ZJECT COLOR LANCETS lancets 2 RA E-ZJECT LANCETS THIN 2 lancets 2 RA E-ZJECT LANCETS ULTRA lancets 2 RA E-ZJECT LANCETS 28G lancets 2 Limited Distribution Responsible Steps Quantity Limits Prior Authorization Specialty Drug Name Drug Tier Limited Distribution Responsible Steps Quantity Limits Prior Authorization Specialty Drug Name Drug Tier 2016 RA TRUERESULT BLOOD GLUCO - 3 blood glucose monitoring kit w/ device RA TRUE2GO BLOOD GLUCOSE - 3 blood glucose monitoring kit w/ device 2 REALITY INSULIN SYRINGE/U insulin syringe/needle u-100 1/2 ml 28 x 1/2" 2 REALITY INSULIN SYRINGE/U insulin syringe/needle u-100 1/2 ml 29 x 1/2" 2 REALITY INSULIN SYRINGE/U insulin syringe/needle u-100 1 ml 28 x 1/2" 2 REALITY INSULIN SYRINGE/U insulin syringe/needle u-100 1 ml 29 x 1/2" 2 REALITY LANCETS - lancets REALITY TRIGGER LANCETS lancets Florida Blue October 2016 Care Choices Rx Medication Drug Guide 2 179 REFUAH PLUS BLOOD GLUCOSE - blood glucose monitoring kit w/ device 3 RELION INSULIN SYRINGE/U- insulin syringe/needle u-100 1 ml 30 x 5/16" 2 REGIONAL BLOCK NEEDLE SAF needle (disp) 22 x 1-1/2" 3 2 RELION CONFIRM BLOOD GLUC blood glucose monitoring kit w/ device 3 RELION INSULIN SYRINGE/U- insulin syringe/needle u-100 1 ml 31 x 5/16" 2 RELION INSULIN SYRINGE/U insulin syringe/needle u-100 1/2 ml 29 g 2 RELION INSULIN SYRINGE/U- insulin syringe/needle u-100 0.3 ml 31 x 5/16" RELION LANCETS - lancets 2 RELION LANCETS MICRO-THIN lancets 2 RELION INSULIN SYRINGE/U- insulin syringe/needle u-100 0.3 ml 29 g 2 2 RELION INSULIN SYRINGE/U- insulin syringe/needle u-100 0.3 ml 30 g 2 RELION LANCETS STANDARD 2 lancets RELION LANCETS THIN 26G lancets 2 RELION INSULIN SYRINGE/U- insulin syringe/needle u-100 0.3 ml 29 x 1/2" 2 RELION LANCETS ULTRA-THIN lancets 2 2 RELION INSULIN SYRINGE/U- insulin syringe/needle u-100 0.3 ml 30 x 5/16" 2 RELION LANCING DEVICE - lancet devices 3 RELION INSULIN SYRINGE/U- insulin syringe/needle u-100 1/2 ml 30 g 2 RELION MICRO BLOOD GLUCOS blood glucose monitoring kit w/ device 2 RELION INSULIN SYRINGE/U- insulin syringe/needle u-100 1/2 ml 31 x 5/16" 2 RELION MINI PEN NEEDLES 3 insulin pen needle 31 g x 6 mm (1/4") 2 RELION INSULIN SYRINGE/U- insulin syringe/needle u-100 1/2 ml 29 x 1/2" 2 RELION PEN NEEDLES 29GX12 insulin pen needle 29 g x 12 mm (1/2") 2 RELION INSULIN SYRINGE/U- insulin syringe/needle u-100 1/2 ml 30 x 5/16" 2 RELION PEN NEEDLES 31GX6M insulin pen needle 31 g x 6 mm (1/4") 2 RELION INSULIN SYRINGE/U- insulin syringe/needle u-100 1 ml 29 x 1/2" 2 RELION PEN NEEDLES 31GX8M insulin pen needle 31 g x 8 mm (1/3" or 5/16") 2 RELION INSULIN SYRINGE/U- insulin syringe/needle u-100 1 ml 30 g 2 RELION PEN NEEDLES 32GX4M insulin pen needle 32 g x 4 mm (5/32") RELION PRIME BLOOD GLUCOS blood glucose monitoring devices 3 Florida Blue October 2016 Care Choices Rx Medication Drug Guide Limited Distribution Responsible Steps Quantity Limits Prior Authorization Specialty Drug Name Drug Tier Limited Distribution Responsible Steps Quantity Limits Prior Authorization Specialty Drug Name Drug Tier 2016 180 RELION SHORT PEN NEEDLES insulin pen needle 31 g x 8 mm (1/3" or 5/16") 2 RELION THIN LANCETS - lancets 2 RELION ULTIMA BLOOD GLUCO blood glucose monitoring kit w/ device SAFE-T-LANCE NORMAL FLOW lancets 2 SAFE-T-LANCE PLUS SAFETY lancets 2 3 SAFESNAP ALLERGY SYRINGE/ tuberculin/allergy syringe/needle (disp) 1 ml 27 x 1/2" 2 RELION ULTRA THIN LANCETS lancets 2 2 RELION ULTRA THIN PLUS LA lancets 2 SAFESNAP INSULIN SYRINGE/ insulin syringe/needle u-100 0.3 ml 30 x 5/16" 2 RELION 2-IN-1 LANCING DEV lancet devices 2 SAFESNAP INSULIN SYRINGE/ insulin syringe/needle u-100 1/2 ml 29 x 1/2" SAFESNAP INSULIN SYRINGE/ insulin syringe/needle u-100 1/2 ml 30 x 5/16" 2 SAFESNAP INSULIN SYRINGE/ insulin syringe/needle u-100 1 ml 28 x 1/2" 2 SAFESNAP INSULIN SYRINGE/ insulin syringe/needle u-100 1 ml 29 x 1/2" 2 SAFESNAP TUBERCULIN SYRIN tuberculin/allergy syringe/needle (disp) 1 ml 25 x 5/8" 2 SAFESNAP TUBERCULIN SYRIN tuberculin/allergy syringe/needle (disp) 1 ml 27 x 1/2" 2 SAFETY LANCET 21G/PRESSUR lancets 2 SAFETY LANCET 28G/PRESSUR lancets 2 SAFETY LANCETS - lancets 2 SAFETY LANCETS 21G - lancets 2 SAFETY LANCETS 28G - lancets 2 SAFETY LET LANCETS - lancets 2 SAFETY SEAL LANCETS 28G lancets 2 SAFETY SEAL LANCETS 30G lancets 2 SAFETY-GARD SHIELDED NEED hypodermic needles (disposable) 3 RETROBULBAR NEEDLE 25G TW - 3 needle (disp) 25 x 1-1/2" REVEAL BLOOD GLUCOSE MONI - 3 blood glucose monitoring kit w/ device REXALL BLOOD GLUCOSE MONI - 3 blood glucose monitoring kit w/ device 2 REXALL LANCETS ULTRA THIN lancets 2 RIGHTEST GD500 LANCING DE lancet devices 2 RIGHTEST GL300 LANCETS lancets RIGHTEST GM100 BLOOD GLUC - 3 blood glucose monitoring kit w/ device RIGHTEST GM300 BLOOD GLUC - 3 blood glucose monitoring kit w/ device RIGHTEST GM550 BLOOD GLUC - 3 blood glucose monitoring kit w/ device 3 RIGHTSOURCE BLOOD GLUCOSE - blood glucose monitoring devices 2 SAFE-T-LANCE LOW FLOW 25G lancets Florida Blue October 2016 Care Choices Rx Medication Drug Guide Limited Distribution Responsible Steps Quantity Limits Prior Authorization Specialty Drug Name Drug Tier Limited Distribution Responsible Steps Quantity Limits Prior Authorization Specialty Drug Name Drug Tier 2016 181 SAFETY-GLIDE INSULIN SYRI insulin syringe/needle u-100 0.3 ml 29 x 1/2" 2 SHOPKO UNIFINE PENTIPS PE insulin pen needle 29 g x 12 mm (1/2") 2 SAFETY-LOK SAFETY SYRINGE tuberculin/allergy syringe/needle (disp) 1 ml 25 x 5/8" 2 SHOPKO UNIFINE PENTIPS PE insulin pen needle 31 g x 5 mm (3/16") 2 SAFETY-LOK TB SYRINGE PER tuberculin/allergy syringe/needle (disp) 1 ml 27 x 1/2" 2 SHOPKO UNIFINE PENTIPS PE insulin pen needle 31 g x 8 mm (1/3" or 5/16") 2 SAPSCARE TWIST TOP LANCET lancets 2 2 SB INSULIN SYRINGE/U-100/ insulin syringe/needle u-100 1/2 ml 29 x 1/2" 2 SHOPKO UNIFINE PENTIPS PE insulin pen needle 32 g x 4 mm (5/32") 2 SB INSULIN SYRINGE/U-100/ insulin syringe/needle u-100 1/2 ml 30 x 5/16" 2 SHOPKO UNIFINE PENTIPS PL insulin pen needle 29 g x 12 mm (1/2") 2 SB INSULIN SYRINGE/U-100/ insulin syringe/needle u-100 1 ml 29 x 1/2" 2 SHOPKO UNIFINE PENTIPS PL insulin pen needle 31 g x 5 mm (3/16") 2 SB INSULIN SYRINGE/U-100/ insulin syringe/needle u-100 1 ml 30 x 5/16" 2 SHOPKO UNIFINE PENTIPS PL insulin pen needle 31 g x 8 mm (1/3" or 5/16") 2 SB INSULIN SYRINGE/U-100/ insulin syringe/needle u-100 1 ml 31 x 5/16" 2 SHOPKO UNIFINE PENTIPS PL insulin pen needle 32 g x 4 mm (5/32") SHOPKO UNILET LANCETS SUP lancets 2 SB LANCETS THIN - lancets 2 SHOPKO UNILET LANCETS ULT lancets 2 SIDE BUTTON SAFETY LANCET lancets 2 SIMPLE DIAGNOSTICS LANCIN lancet devices 2 SINGLE-LET - lancets 2 SM INSULIN SYRINGE/U-100/ insulin syringe/needle u-100 1/2 ml 29 x 1/2" 2 SM INSULIN SYRINGE/1ML/31 insulin syringe/needle u-100 1 ml 31 x 5/16" 2 SM MICRO THIN LANCETS 33G lancets 2 SB LANCETS ULTRA THIN - lancets 2 2 SCHNUCKS INSULIN SYRINGE insulin syringe/needle u-100 1/2 ml 29 x 1/2" 2 SCHNUCKS INSULIN SYRINGE insulin syringe/needle u-100 1/2 ml 30 x 5/16" 2 SELECT-LITE LANCING DEVIC lancet devices SHOPKO AUTOLET LANCING DE - 2 lancet devices SHOPKO ON-THE-GO COMFORT - 2 lancets Florida Blue October 2016 Care Choices Rx Medication Drug Guide Limited Distribution Responsible Steps Quantity Limits Prior Authorization Specialty Drug Name Drug Tier Limited Distribution Responsible Steps Quantity Limits Prior Authorization Specialty Drug Name Drug Tier 2016 182 SM ULTRA COMFORT INSULIN insulin syringe/needle u-100 1 ml 30 x 5/16" 2 SOLUS V2 AUDIBLE BLOOD GL blood glucose monitoring kit w/ device 3 SMART DIABETES VANTAGE LA lancet devices 2 SOLUS V2 LANCING DEVICE lancet devices 2 SOLUS V2 PRESSURE ACTIVAT lancets 2 SOLUS V2 TWIST LANCETS 30 lancets 2 STERILANCE TL - lancets 2 STIMEX INSULATED NEEDLE T needle (disp) 22 x 1-1/2" 3 STIMEX INSULATED NEEDLE T needle (disp) 22 x 2-1/8" 3 STIMEX INSULATED NEEDLE T needle (disp) 22 x 4-1/4" 3 SUPER THIN LANCETS - lancets 2 SUPREME II CONFIDENCE PAD blood glucose monitoring misc. 3 SURE COMFORT INSULIN SYRI insulin syringe/needle u-100 0.3 ml 29 x 1/2" 2 SURE COMFORT INSULIN SYRI insulin syringe/needle u-100 0.3 ml 30 x 5/16" 2 SURE COMFORT INSULIN SYRI insulin syringe/needle u-100 0.3 ml 30 x 1/2" 2 SURE COMFORT INSULIN SYRI insulin syringe/needle u-100 1/2 ml 31 x 5/16" 2 SURE COMFORT INSULIN SYRI insulin syringe/needle u-100 1/2 ml 28 x 1/2" 2 SURE COMFORT INSULIN SYRI insulin syringe/needle u-100 1/2 ml 29 x 1/2" 2 SURE COMFORT INSULIN SYRI insulin syringe/needle u-100 1/2 ml 30 x 5/16" 2 SMART SENSE COLOR LANCETS - 2 lancets 3 SMART SENSE PREMIUM BLOOD - blood glucose monitoring kit w/ device SMART SENSE STANDARD LANC - 2 lancets 2 SMART SENSE SUPER THIN LA lancets 2 SMART SENSE THIN LANCETS lancets 3 SMART SENSE VALUE BLOOD blood glucose monitoring kit w/ device SMARTEST EJECT BLOOD GLUC - 3 blood glucose monitoring devices 3 SMARTEST EJECT STARTER KI blood glucose monitoring kit w/ device 2 SMARTEST LANCETS 28G lancets SMARTEST PERSONA STARTER - 3 blood glucose monitoring kit w/ device 3 SMARTEST PRONTO STARTER blood glucose monitoring kit w/ device 3 SMARTEST PROTEGE BLOOD GL - blood glucose monitoring devices SMARTEST PROTEGE STARTER - 3 blood glucose monitoring kit w/ device 3 SOLUS V2 AUDIBLE BLOOD GL blood glucose monitoring devices Florida Blue October 2016 Care Choices Rx Medication Drug Guide Limited Distribution Responsible Steps Quantity Limits Prior Authorization Specialty Drug Name Drug Tier Limited Distribution Responsible Steps Quantity Limits Prior Authorization Specialty Drug Name Drug Tier 2016 183 SURE COMFORT INSULIN SYRI insulin syringe/needle u-100 1/2 ml 30 x 1/2" 2 SURE COMFORT PEN NEEDLES insulin pen needle 32 g x 4 mm (5/32") 2 SURE COMFORT INSULIN SYRI insulin syringe/needle u-100 0.3 ml 31 x 1/4" (6 mm) 2 SURE COMFORT PEN NEEDLES insulin pen needle 32 g x 6 mm (1/4") 2 SURE COMFORT INSULIN SYRI insulin syringe/needle u-100 1 ml 28 x 1/2" 2 SURE EDGE BLOOD GLUCOSE M - blood glucose monitoring devices 3 SURE COMFORT INSULIN SYRI insulin syringe/needle u-100 1 ml 29 x 1/2" 2 SURE-FINE PEN NEEDLES 29G insulin pen needle 29 g x 12.7 mm 2 SURE-FINE PEN NEEDLES 31G insulin pen needle 31 g x 5 mm (3/16") 2 SURE COMFORT INSULIN SYRI insulin syringe/needle u-100 1 ml 30 x 5/16" 2 SURE-FINE PEN NEEDLES 31G insulin pen needle 31 g x 8 mm (1/3" or 5/16") 2 SURE COMFORT INSULIN SYRI insulin syringe/needle u-100 1 ml 30 x 1/2" 2 2 SURE-JECT INSULIN SYRINGE insulin syringe/needle u-100 0.3 ml 29 x 1/2" 2 SURE COMFORT INSULIN SYRI insulin syringe/needle u-100 1 ml 31 x 5/16" SURE-JECT INSULIN SYRINGE insulin syringe/needle u-100 0.3 ml 30 x 5/16" 2 SURE COMFORT INSULIN SYRI insulin syringe/needle u-100 0.3 ml 31 x 5/16" 2 SURE-JECT INSULIN SYRINGE insulin syringe/needle u-100 1/2 ml 31 x 5/16" 2 SURE COMFORT LANCETS 28G lancets 2 SURE COMFORT LANCETS 30G lancets 2 2 SURE COMFORT LANCING PEN lancet devices 2 SURE-JECT INSULIN SYRINGE insulin syringe/needle u-100 1/2 ml 28 x 1/2" 2 SURE COMFORT PEN NEEDLES insulin pen needle 29 g x 12.7 mm 2 SURE-JECT INSULIN SYRINGE insulin syringe/needle u-100 1/2 ml 29 x 1/2" SURE COMFORT PEN NEEDLES insulin pen needle 30 g x 8 mm (1/3" or 5/16") 2 SURE-JECT INSULIN SYRINGE insulin syringe/needle u-100 1/2 ml 30 x 5/16" 2 SURE COMFORT PEN NEEDLES insulin pen needle 31 g x 5 mm (3/16") 2 SURE-JECT INSULIN SYRINGE insulin syringe/needle u-100 1 ml 28 x 1/2" 2 SURE COMFORT PEN NEEDLES insulin pen needle 31 g x 8 mm (1/3" or 5/16") 2 SURE-JECT INSULIN SYRINGE insulin syringe/needle u-100 1 ml 29 x 1/2" 2 Florida Blue October 2016 Care Choices Rx Medication Drug Guide Limited Distribution Responsible Steps Quantity Limits Prior Authorization Specialty Drug Name Drug Tier Limited Distribution Responsible Steps Quantity Limits Prior Authorization Specialty Drug Name Drug Tier 2016 184 SURE-JECT INSULIN SYRINGE insulin syringe/needle u-100 1 ml 30 x 5/16" 2 TECHLITE PEN NEEDLES/31G insulin pen needle 31 g x 5 mm (3/16") 2 SURE-JECT INSULIN SYRINGE insulin syringe/needle u-100 1 ml 31 x 5/16" 2 TECHLITE PEN NEEDLES/31G insulin pen needle 31 g x 6 mm (1/4") 2 SURE-JECT INSULIN SYRINGE insulin syringe/needle u-100 0.3 ml 31 x 5/16" 2 TECHLITE PEN NEEDLES/31G insulin pen needle 31 g x 8 mm (1/3" or 5/16") 2 SURE-LANCE FLAT LANCETS lancets 2 2 SURE-LANCE LANCETS 26G lancets 2 TECHLITE PEN NEEDLES/32G insulin pen needle 32 g x 4 mm (5/32") 2 SURE-LANCE THIN LANCETS 2 lancets 2 TECHLITE PEN NEEDLES/32G insulin pen needle 32 g x 6 mm (1/4") SURE-LANCE ULTRA THIN LAN lancets 2 TECHLITE PEN NEEDLES/32G insulin pen needle 32 g x 8 mm 2 SURE-PEN - lancet devices 2 SURE-TEST EASYPLUS MINI S blood glucose monitoring devices 3 SURE-TOUCH LANCETS UNIVER lancets 2 SURECHEK BLOOD GLUCOSE MO - blood glucose monitoring devices 3 SURECHEK BLOOD GLUCOSE MO - blood glucose monitoring kit w/ device 3 SURELITE LANCETS - lancets 2 SURESTEP PRO LINEARITY KI blood glucose monitoring misc. 3 SYMPATHETIC NERVE NEEDLE needle (disp) 18 x 6" 3 SYMPATHETIC NERVE NEEDLE needle (disp) 19 x 5" 3 3 TELCARE BLOOD GLUCOSE MON - blood glucose monitoring kit w/ device 2 TGT ADVANCED LANCING DEVI lancet devices 3 TGT BLOOD GLUCOSE METER M - blood glucose monitoring kit w/ device 3 TGT BLOOD GLUCOSE MONITOR - blood glucose monitoring kit w/ device 2 TGT LANCET ALTERNATE SITE lancets 2 TGT LANCET MICRO THIN 33G lancets 2 TGT LANCET SUPER THIN 30G lancets 2 TGT LANCET THIN 23G - lancets SYMPATHETIC NERVE NEEDLE needle (disp) 20 x 5" 3 TECHLITE AST LANCETS - lancets 2 TECHLITE LANCETS - lancets 2 TECHLITE LANCETS 30G - lancets 2 TGT LANCET THIN 26G - lancets 2 TGT LANCET ULTRA THIN 28G lancets 2 TGT LANCET ULTRA THIN 30G lancets 2 TGT LANCING DEVICE - lancet devices 2 Florida Blue October 2016 Care Choices Rx Medication Drug Guide Limited Distribution Responsible Steps Quantity Limits Prior Authorization Specialty Drug Name Drug Tier Limited Distribution Responsible Steps Quantity Limits Prior Authorization Specialty Drug Name Drug Tier 2016 185 THINLETS GP LANCETS - lancets 2 THINLETS LANCET - lancets 2 TODAYS HEALTH ADVANCED LA lancet devices 2 TODAYS HEALTH MINI PEN NE insulin pen needle 31 g x 6 mm (1/4") 2 TODAYS HEALTH ORIGINAL PE insulin pen needle 29 g x 12 mm (1/2") 2 TODAYS HEALTH SHORT PEN N insulin pen needle 31 g x 8 mm (1/3" or 5/16") 2 TODAYS HEALTH SUPER THIN lancets 2 TODAYS HEALTH ULTRA THIN lancets 2 TOPCARE CLICKFINE UNIVERS insulin pen needle 31 g x 6 mm (1/4") 2 TOPCARE CLICKFINE UNIVERS insulin pen needle 31 g x 8 mm (1/3" or 5/16") 2 TOPCARE ULTRA COMFORT INS insulin syringe/needle u-100 0.3 ml 29 x 1/2" 2 TOPCARE ULTRA COMFORT INS insulin syringe/needle u-100 0.3 ml 30 x 5/16" 2 TOPCARE ULTRA COMFORT INS insulin syringe/needle u-100 1/2 ml 31 x 5/16" TOPCARE ULTRA COMFORT INS insulin syringe/needle u-100 1 ml 30 x 5/16" 2 TOPCARE ULTRA COMFORT INS insulin syringe/needle u-100 1 ml 31 x 5/16" 2 TOPCARE ULTRA COMFORT INS insulin syringe/needle u-100 0.3 ml 31 x 5/16" 2 TOPCO INSULIN SYRINGE/U-1 insulin syringe/needle u-100 0.3 ml 29 x 1/2" 2 TOPCO INSULIN SYRINGE/U-1 insulin syringe/needle u-100 1/2 ml 28 x 1/2" 2 TOPCO INSULIN SYRINGE/U-1 insulin syringe/needle u-100 1/2 ml 29 x 1/2" 2 TOPCO INSULIN SYRINGE/U-1 insulin syringe/needle u-100 1 ml 28 x 1/2" 2 TOPCO INSULIN SYRINGE/U-1 insulin syringe/needle u-100 1 ml 29 x 1/2" 2 TRACER II 3 VOLT BATTERY blood glucose monitoring misc. 3 TRAVEL LANCETS 30G - lancets 2 TRUE METRIX - blood glucose monitoring devices 3 2 TRUE METRIX AIR BLOOD GLU blood glucose monitoring devices 3 3 TOPCARE ULTRA COMFORT INS insulin syringe/needle u-100 1/2 ml 29 x 1/2" 2 TRUE METRIX AIR BLOOD GLU blood glucose monitoring kit w/ device 3 TOPCARE ULTRA COMFORT INS insulin syringe/needle u-100 1/2 ml 30 x 5/16" 2 TRUE METRIX AIR W/BLUETOO blood glucose monitoring kit w/ device TOPCARE ULTRA COMFORT INS insulin syringe/needle u-100 1 ml 29 x 1/2" 2 Limited Distribution Responsible Steps Quantity Limits Prior Authorization Specialty Drug Name Drug Tier Limited Distribution Responsible Steps Quantity Limits Prior Authorization Specialty Drug Name Drug Tier 2016 TRUE METRIX BLOOD GLUCOSE - 3 blood glucose monitoring kit w/ device 2 TRUEDRAW LANCING DEVICE lancet devices Florida Blue October 2016 Care Choices Rx Medication Drug Guide 186 TRUEPLUS INSULIN SYRINGE/ insulin syringe/needle u-100 0.3 ml 29 x 1/2" 2 TRUEPLUS LANCETS 33G MICR lancets 2 TRUEPLUS SAFETY LANCETS 2 lancets 2 TRUEPLUS INSULIN SYRINGE/ insulin syringe/needle u-100 0.3 ml 30 x 5/16" 2 3 TRUEPLUS INSULIN SYRINGE/ insulin syringe/needle u-100 1/2 ml 31 x 5/16" 2 TRUERESULT BLOOD GLUCOSE blood glucose monitoring kit w/ device 3 TRUEPLUS INSULIN SYRINGE/ insulin syringe/needle u-100 1/2 ml 28 x 1/2" 2 TRUETRACK BLOOD GLUCOSE M - blood glucose monitoring devices TRUEPLUS INSULIN SYRINGE/ insulin syringe/needle u-100 1/2 ml 29 x 1/2" 2 TRUEPLUS INSULIN SYRINGE/ insulin syringe/needle u-100 1/2 ml 30 x 5/16" 2 TRUEPLUS INSULIN SYRINGE/ insulin syringe/needle u-100 1 ml 28 x 1/2" 2 TRUEPLUS INSULIN SYRINGE/ insulin syringe/needle u-100 1 ml 29 x 1/2" 2 TRUEPLUS INSULIN SYRINGE/ insulin syringe/needle u-100 1 ml 30 x 5/16" 2 TRUEPLUS INSULIN SYRINGE/ insulin syringe/needle u-100 1 ml 31 x 5/16" 2 TRUEPLUS INSULIN SYRINGE/ insulin syringe/needle u-100 0.3 ml 31 x 5/16" 2 TRUEPLUS LANCETS 26G - lancets 2 TRUEPLUS LANCETS 28G - lancets 2 TRUEPLUS LANCETS 28G SUPE lancets 2 TRUEPLUS LANCETS 30G - lancets 2 TRUEPLUS LANCETS 30G ULTR - 2 lancets TRUEPLUS LANCETS 33G - lancets 2 Limited Distribution Responsible Steps Quantity Limits Prior Authorization Specialty Drug Name Drug Tier Limited Distribution Responsible Steps Quantity Limits Prior Authorization Specialty Drug Name Drug Tier 2016 3 TRUETRACK BLOOD GLUCOSE M - blood glucose monitoring kit w/ device 3 TRUETRACK SMART SYSTEM blood glucose monitoring kit w/ device 3 TRUE2GO BLOOD GLUCOSE MON - blood glucose monitoring kit w/ device 2 ULTI-LANCE AUTOMATIC/ CLE lancet devices 2 ULTICARE INSULIN SAFETY S insulin syringe/needle u-100 1/2 ml 29 x 1/2" 2 ULTICARE INSULIN SAFETY S insulin syringe/needle u-100 1 ml 29 x 1/2" 2 ULTICARE INSULIN SYRINGE insulin syringe/needle u-100 1/2 ml 31 x 5/16" 2 ULTICARE INSULIN SYRINGE insulin syringe/needle u-100 1 ml 31 x 5/16" 2 ULTICARE INSULIN SYRINGE insulin syringe/needle u-100 0.3 ml 31 x 5/16" 2 ULTICARE INSULIN SYRINGE/ insulin syringe/needle u-100 0.3 ml 29 x 1/2" 2 ULTICARE INSULIN SYRINGE/ insulin syringe/needle u-100 0.3 ml 30 x 5/16" Florida Blue October 2016 Care Choices Rx Medication Drug Guide 187 ULTICARE INSULIN SYRINGE/ insulin syringe/needle u-100 0.3 ml 30 x 1/2" 2 ULTICARE MINI PEN NEEDLES insulin pen needle 31 g x 6 mm (1/4") 2 ULTICARE INSULIN SYRINGE/ insulin syringe/needle u-100 1/2 ml 31 x 5/16" 2 ULTICARE ORIGINAL PEN NEE insulin pen needle 29 g x 12 mm (1/2") 2 ULTICARE INSULIN SYRINGE/ insulin syringe/needle u-100 1/2 ml 28 x 1/2" 2 ULTICARE PEN NEEDLES/29G insulin pen needle 29 g x 12.7 mm 2 2 ULTICARE SHORT PEN NEEDLE insulin pen needle 31 g x 8 mm (1/3" or 5/16") 2 ULTICARE INSULIN SYRINGE/ insulin syringe/needle u-100 1/2 ml 29 x 1/2" ULTICARE THIN LANCETS 30G lancets 2 ULTICARE INSULIN SYRINGE/ insulin syringe/needle u-100 1/2 ml 30 x 5/16" 2 2 ULTICARE INSULIN SYRINGE/ insulin syringe/needle u-100 1/2 ml 30 x 1/2" 2 ULTICARE TUBERCULIN SAFET tuberculin/allergy syringe/needle (disp) 1 ml 25 x 5/8" 2 ULTICARE INSULIN SYRINGE/ insulin syringe/needle u-100 1 ml 28 x 1/2" 2 ULTICARE TUBERCULIN SAFET tuberculin/allergy syringe/needle (disp) 1 ml 25 x 1" 2 ULTICARE INSULIN SYRINGE/ insulin syringe/needle u-100 1 ml 29 x 1/2" 2 ULTICARE U-100 INSULIN SY insulin syringe/needle u-100 0.3 ml 31 x 1/4" (6 mm) 2 ULTICARE INSULIN SYRINGE/ insulin syringe/needle u-100 1 ml 30 x 5/16" 2 ULTICARE U-100 INSULIN SY insulin syringe/needle u-100 0.5 ml 31 x 1/4" (6 mm) 2 ULTICARE INSULIN SYRINGE/ insulin syringe/needle u-100 1 ml 30 x 1/2" 2 ULTICARE U-100 INSULIN SY insulin syringe/needle u-100 1 ml 31 x 1/4" (6 mm) 2 ULTICARE INSULIN SYRINGE/ insulin syringe/needle u-100 1 ml 31 x 5/16" 2 ULTIGUARD INSULIN SYRINGE insulin syringe/needle u-100 0.3 ml 29 x 1/2" 2 ULTICARE INSULIN SYRINGE/ insulin syringe/needle u-100 0.3 ml 31 x 5/16" 2 ULTIGUARD INSULIN SYRINGE insulin syringe/needle u-100 0.3 ml 30 x 5/16" 2 ULTICARE MICRO PEN NEEDLE insulin pen needle 31 g x 8 mm (1/3" or 5/16") 2 ULTIGUARD INSULIN SYRINGE insulin syringe/needle u-100 1/2 ml 29 x 1/2" 2 ULTICARE MICRO PEN NEEDLE insulin pen needle 32 g x 4 mm (5/32") 2 ULTIGUARD INSULIN SYRINGE insulin syringe/needle u-100 1/2 ml 30 x 5/16" ULTIGUARD INSULIN SYRINGE insulin syringe/needle u-100 1 ml 29 x 1/2" 2 Florida Blue October 2016 Care Choices Rx Medication Drug Guide Limited Distribution Responsible Steps Quantity Limits Prior Authorization Specialty Drug Name Drug Tier Limited Distribution Responsible Steps Quantity Limits Prior Authorization Specialty Drug Name Drug Tier 2016 188 ULTIGUARD INSULIN SYRINGE insulin syringe/needle u-100 1 ml 30 x 5/16" 2 ULTRA INSULIN SYRINGE/U-1 insulin syringe/needle u-100 1/2 ml 29 x 1/2" 2 ULTILET CLASSIC LANCETS lancets 2 ULTRA THIN LANCETS 28G lancets 2 ULTILET INSULIN SYRINGE/S insulin syringe/needle u-100 0.3 ml 30 x 5/16" 2 ULTRA TRAK PRO BLOOD GLUC blood glucose monitoring kit w/ device 3 ULTILET INSULIN SYRINGE/S insulin syringe/needle u-100 1/2 ml 31 x 5/16" 2 ULTRA-COMFORT INSULIN SYR insulin syringe/needle u-100 0.3 ml 29 x 1/2" 2 ULTILET INSULIN SYRINGE/S insulin syringe/needle u-100 1/2 ml 30 x 5/16" 2 ULTRA-COMFORT INSULIN SYR insulin syringe/needle u-100 0.3 ml 30 x 5/16" 2 ULTILET INSULIN SYRINGE/S insulin syringe/needle u-100 1 ml 30 x 5/16" 2 ULTRA-COMFORT INSULIN SYR insulin syringe/needle u-100 1/2 ml 31 x 5/16" 2 ULTILET INSULIN SYRINGE/S insulin syringe/needle u-100 1 ml 31 x 5/16" 2 ULTRA-COMFORT INSULIN SYR insulin syringe/needle u-100 1/2 ml 28 x 1/2" 2 ULTILET INSULIN SYRINGE/S insulin syringe/needle u-100 0.3 ml 31 x 5/16" 2 ULTRA-COMFORT INSULIN SYR insulin syringe/needle u-100 1/2 ml 29 x 1/2" 2 ULTILET LANCETS - lancets 2 2 ULTILET LANCETS 33G - lancets 2 ULTILET PEN NEEDLE 32GX4M insulin pen needle 32 g x 4 mm (5/32") 2 ULTRA-COMFORT INSULIN SYR insulin syringe/needle u-100 1/2 ml 30 x 5/16" 2 ULTILET SAFETY LANCETS 23 lancets 2 ULTRA-COMFORT INSULIN SYR insulin syringe/needle u-100 1 ml 28 x 1/2" 2 ULTILET SHORT PEN NEEDLES insulin pen needle 31 g x 5 mm (3/16") 2 ULTRA-COMFORT INSULIN SYR insulin syringe/needle u-100 1 ml 29 x 1/2" 2 ULTILET SHORT PEN NEEDLES insulin pen needle 31 g x 8 mm (1/3" or 5/16") 2 ULTRA-COMFORT INSULIN SYR insulin syringe/needle u-100 1 ml 30 x 5/16" 2 ULTIMA - blood glucose monitoring kit 3 ULTRA-COMFORT INSULIN SYR insulin syringe/needle u-100 1 ml 31 x 5/16" ULTRA COMFORT INSULIN SYR insulin syringe/needle u-100 0.3 ml 30 x 5/16" 2 ULTRA-COMFORT INSULIN SYR insulin syringe/needle u-100 0.3 ml 31 x 5/16" 2 ULTRA-THIN II AUTO LANCET lancets 2 Florida Blue October 2016 Care Choices Rx Medication Drug Guide Limited Distribution Responsible Steps Quantity Limits Prior Authorization Specialty Drug Name Drug Tier Limited Distribution Responsible Steps Quantity Limits Prior Authorization Specialty Drug Name Drug Tier 2016 189 ULTRA-THIN II INSULIN SYR insulin syringe/needle u-100 0.3 ml 29 x 1/2" 2 ULTRATRAK PRO - blood glucose monitoring devices 3 ULTRATRAK ULTIMATE MONITO blood glucose monitoring devices 3 ULTRA-THIN II INSULIN SYR insulin syringe/needle u-100 0.3 ml 30 x 5/16" 2 2 ULTRA-THIN II INSULIN SYR insulin syringe/needle u-100 1/2 ml 31 x 5/16" 2 UNIFINE PENTIPS PLUS 29GX insulin pen needle 29 g x 12 mm (1/2") 2 ULTRA-THIN II INSULIN SYR insulin syringe/needle u-100 1/2 ml 29 x 1/2" 2 UNIFINE PENTIPS PLUS 31GX insulin pen needle 31 g x 5 mm (3/16") 2 ULTRA-THIN II INSULIN SYR insulin syringe/needle u-100 1/2 ml 30 x 5/16" 2 UNIFINE PENTIPS PLUS 31GX insulin pen needle 31 g x 6 mm (1/4") 2 ULTRA-THIN II INSULIN SYR insulin syringe/needle u-100 1 ml 29 x 1/2" 2 UNIFINE PENTIPS PLUS 31GX insulin pen needle 31 g x 8 mm (1/3" or 5/16") 2 ULTRA-THIN II INSULIN SYR insulin syringe/needle u-100 1 ml 30 x 5/16" 2 UNIFINE PENTIPS PLUS 32GX insulin pen needle 32 g x 4 mm (5/32") 2 ULTRA-THIN II INSULIN SYR insulin syringe/needle u-100 1 ml 31 x 5/16" 2 UNIFINE PENTIPS 29GX12MM insulin pen needle 29 g x 12 mm (1/2") 2 ULTRA-THIN II INSULIN SYR insulin syringe/needle u-100 0.3 ml 31 x 5/16" 2 UNIFINE PENTIPS 31G X 3/1 insulin pen needle 31 g x 5 mm (3/16") 2 ULTRA-THIN II LANCETS 28G lancets 2 UNIFINE PENTIPS 31G X 6MM insulin pen needle 31 g x 6 mm (1/4") 2 UNIFINE PENTIPS 31G X 8MM insulin pen needle 31 g x 8 mm (1/3" or 5/16") 2 ULTRA-THIN II LANCETS 30G lancets ULTRA-THIN II MINI PEN NE insulin pen needle 31 g x 5 mm (3/16") 2 UNIFINE PENTIPS 31GX5MM insulin pen needle 31 g x 5 mm (3/16") 2 ULTRA-THIN II PEN NEEDLES insulin pen needle 29 g x 12.7 mm 2 2 ULTRA-THIN II PEN NEEDLES insulin pen needle 31 g x 8 mm (1/3" or 5/16") 2 UNIFINE PENTIPS 31GX6MM insulin pen needle 31 g x 6 mm (1/4") 2 ULTRA-THIN II SAFETY AUTO lancets 2 UNIFINE PENTIPS 31GX8MM insulin pen needle 31 g x 8 mm (1/3" or 5/16") 2 ULTRATRAK ACTIVE - blood glucose monitoring devices 3 UNIFINE PENTIPS 32GX4MM insulin pen needle 32 g x 4 mm (5/32") Florida Blue October 2016 Care Choices Rx Medication Drug Guide Limited Distribution Responsible Steps Quantity Limits Prior Authorization Specialty Drug Name Drug Tier Limited Distribution Responsible Steps Quantity Limits Prior Authorization Specialty Drug Name Drug Tier 2016 190 UNILET COMFORTOUCH LANCET - lancets 2 UNILET EXCELITE - lancets 2 UNILET EXCELITE II - lancets 2 UNILET G.P. LANCET - lancets 2 UNILET G.P. SUPERLITE LAN lancets 2 UNILET GP 28 ULTRA THIN lancets 2 UNILET LANCET - lancets 2 UNILET LANCETS MICRO-THIN lancets 2 UNILET LANCETS SUPER-THIN lancets V-R MONOJECT INSULIN SYRI insulin syringe/needle u-100 1/2 ml 29 x 1/2" 2 V-R MONOJECT INSULIN SYRI insulin syringe/needle u-100 1 ml 28 x 1/2" 2 V-R MONOJECT INSULIN SYRI insulin syringe/needle u-100 1 ml 29 x 1/2" 2 VALUE HEALTH INSULIN SYRI insulin syringe/needle u-100 1/2 ml 29 x 1/2" 2 2 2 VALUE HEALTH INSULIN SYRI insulin syringe/needle u-100 1 ml 29 x 1/2" UNILET LANCETS ULTRA-THIN lancets 2 VALUE PLUS LANCETS STANDA lancets 2 UNILET SUPERLITE LANCET lancets 2 VALUE PLUS LANCETS SUPER lancets 2 UNISTIK SAFETY LANCETS 28 lancets 2 VALUE PLUS LANCETS THIN 2 lancets 2 UNISTIK SAFETY LANCETS 30 lancets 2 VALUE PLUS LANCING DEVICE lancet devices 2 UNISTIK TOUCH SAFETY LANC lancets 2 VALUMARK LANCET SUPER THI lancets 2 UNISTIK 3 GENTLE - lancets 2 2 UNIVERSAL 1 LANCETS THIN lancets 2 VALUMARK LANCET ULTRA THI lancets 2 UNIVERSAL 1 LANCETS ULTRA lancets 2 VALUMARK PEN NEEDLES 29GX insulin pen needle 29 g x 12 mm (1/2") VALUMARK PEN NEEDLES 31G insulin pen needle 31 g x 6 mm (1/4") 2 VALUMARK PEN NEEDLES 31G insulin pen needle 31 g x 8 mm (1/3" or 5/16") 2 VANISHPOINT INSULIN SYRIN insulin syringe/needle u-100 1/2 ml 30 x 1/2" 2 VANISHPOINT INSULIN SYRIN insulin syringe/needle u-100 1 ml 29 x 1/2" 2 V-GO 20 - insulin infusion disposable 3 pump kit V-GO 30 - insulin infusion disposable 3 pump kit V-GO 40 - insulin infusion disposable 3 pump kit 2 V-R MONOJECT INSULIN SYRI insulin syringe/needle u-100 0.3 ml 29 x 1/2" 2 V-R MONOJECT INSULIN SYRI insulin syringe/needle u-100 1/2 ml 28 x 1/2" Florida Blue October 2016 Care Choices Rx Medication Drug Guide Limited Distribution Responsible Steps Quantity Limits Prior Authorization Specialty Drug Name Drug Tier Limited Distribution Responsible Steps Quantity Limits Prior Authorization Specialty Drug Name Drug Tier 2016 191 VICTORY BLOOD GLUCOSE MON - blood glucose monitoring devices 3 WAVESENSE AMP - blood glucose monitoring kit w/ device 3 WAVESENSE KEYNOTE - blood glucose monitoring kit w/ device 3 VIDA MIA AUTOLET LANCING lancet devices 2 WAVESENSE KEYNOTE PRO MET - blood glucose monitoring devices 3 VIDA MIA UNIFINE PENTIPS insulin pen needle 29 g x 12 mm (1/2") 2 2 WEGMANS UNIFINE PENTIPS P insulin pen needle 31 g x 5 mm (3/16") 2 VIDA MIA UNIFINE PENTIPS insulin pen needle 31 g x 6 mm (1/4") WEGMANS UNIFINE PENTIPS P insulin pen needle 31 g x 6 mm (1/4") 2 VIDA MIA UNIFINE PENTIPS insulin pen needle 32 g x 4 mm (5/32") 2 WEGMANS UNIFINE PENTIPS P insulin pen needle 31 g x 8 mm (1/3" or 5/16") 2 VIDA MIA UNILET LANCETS S lancets 2 VIDA MIA UNILET LANCETS U lancets 2 2 VIDA MIA UNIPFINE PENTIPS insulin pen needle 31 g x 8 mm (1/3" or 5/16") 2 WEGMANS UNIFINE PENTIPS P insulin pen needle 32 g x 4 mm (5/32") WHITE PEDIATRIC ARTERIAL needle (disp) 19 x 1-1/2" 3 VITALET PRO LANCETS - lancets 2 3 VITALET PRO PLUS LANCETS lancets 2 WHITE PEDIATRIC ARTERIAL needle (disp) 20 x 1-1/2" WIDE-SEAL SILICONE DIAPHR diaphragm wide seal 60 mm P WIDE-SEAL SILICONE DIAPHR diaphragm wide seal 65 mm P WIDE-SEAL SILICONE DIAPHR diaphragm wide seal 70 mm P WIDE-SEAL SILICONE DIAPHR diaphragm wide seal 75 mm P P VOCAL POINT BLOOD GLUCOSE - 3 blood glucose monitoring devices 2 VP INSULIN SYRINGE/U-100/ insulin syringe/needle u-100 0.3 ml 29 x 1/2" 2 W&F LANCETS COLORED 21G lancets 2 W&F LANCETS 26G - lancets WALGREENS ADVANCED TRAVEL - lancets 2 WIDE-SEAL SILICONE DIAPHR diaphragm wide seal 80 mm P WALGREENS COMFORT ASSURED - lancets 2 WIDE-SEAL SILICONE DIAPHR diaphragm wide seal 85 mm P WALGREENS LANCETS - lancets 2 WIDE-SEAL SILICONE DIAPHR diaphragm wide seal 90 mm WALGREENS THIN LANCETS lancets 2 WIDE-SEAL SILICONE DIAPHR diaphragm wide seal 95 mm P WALGREENS ULTRA THIN LANC lancets 2 YALE NEEDLES - needle (disp) 18 x 1" 2 Florida Blue October 2016 Care Choices Rx Medication Drug Guide Limited Distribution Responsible Steps Quantity Limits Prior Authorization Specialty Drug Name Drug Tier Limited Distribution Responsible Steps Quantity Limits Prior Authorization Specialty Drug Name Drug Tier 2016 192 YALE NEEDLES - needle (disp) 21 x 2" 3 YALE NEEDLES - needle (disp) 22 x 1" 2 YALE NEEDLES - needle (disp) 23 x 3/4" 3 YALE NEEDLES SHORT BEVEL needle (disp) 23 x 1" 3 YALE NEEDLES 16G X 1" - needle (disp) 16 x 1" 3 YALE NEEDLES 18G X 1-1/2" needle (disp) 18 x 1-1/2" 3 YALE NEEDLES 21G X 1-1/2" needle (disp) 21 x 1-1/2" 3 YALE NEEDLES 21G X 1-1/4" needle (disp) 21 x 1-1/4" 3 YALE NEEDLES 21G X 1" - needle (disp) 21 x 1" 2 YALE NEEDLES 21G X 1" - needle (disp) 21 x 1" 3 YALE NEEDLES 22G X 1-1/2" needle (disp) 22 x 1-1/2" 2 YALE NEEDLES 22G X 1-1/4" needle (disp) 22 x 1-1/4" 3 YALE NEEDLES 22G X 1" - needle (disp) 22 x 1" 3 YALE NEEDLES 25G X 1-1/2" needle (disp) 25 x 1-1/2" 3 YALE NEEDLES 26G X 1/2" - needle 2 (disp) 26 x 1/2" YALE NEEDLES 26G X 3/8" - needle 2 (disp) 26 x 3/8" YALE NEEDLES/REGULAR BEVE - 3 needle (disp) 19 x 1-1/2" 3 YALE NEEDLES/SHORT BEVEL/ needle (disp) 19 x 1" 3 YALE NEEDLES/SHORT BEVEL/ needle (disp) 19 x 1-1/2" 2 1ML ALLERGIST SYRINGE DET tuberculin/allergy syringe/needle (disp) 1 ml 27 x 1/2" 1ML ALLERGY SYRINGE tuberculin/allergy syringe/needle (disp) 1 ml 27 x 1/2" 2 1ML ALLERGY SYRINGE 28G X tuberculin/allergy syringe/needle (disp) 1 ml 28 x 1/2" 3 1ML TB SYRINGE/25G X 5/8" tuberculin/allergy syringe/needle (disp) 1 ml 25 x 5/8" 2 1ML TB SYRINGE/26G X 3/8" tuberculin/allergy syringe/needle (disp) 1 ml 26 x 3/8" 3 1ML TB SYRINGE/27G X 1/2" tuberculin/allergy syringe/needle (disp) 1 ml 27 x 1/2" 2 1ML TUBERCULIN SYRINGE DE tuberculin/allergy syringe/needle (disp) 1 ml 25 x 5/8" 2 1ML TUBERCULIN SYRINGE DE tuberculin/allergy syringe/needle (disp) 1 ml 26 x 3/8" 2 1ML VANISHPOINT TUBERCULI tuberculin/allergy syringe/needle (disp) 1 ml 25 x 5/8" 2 1ML VANISHPOINT TUBERCULI tuberculin/allergy syringe/needle (disp) 1 ml 25 x 1" 2 1ML VANISHPOINT TUBERCULI tuberculin/allergy syringe/needle (disp) 1 ml 27 x 1/2" 2 1ST CHOICE LANCETS SUPER lancets 2 1ST CHOICE LANCETS THIN lancets 2 1ST CHOICE LANCETS ULTRA lancets 2 1ST TIER UNIFINE PENTIPS insulin pen needle 29 g x 12 mm (1/2") 2 1ST TIER UNIFINE PENTIPS insulin pen needle 31 g x 5 mm (3/16") 2 Florida Blue October 2016 Care Choices Rx Medication Drug Guide Limited Distribution Responsible Steps Quantity Limits Prior Authorization Specialty Drug Name Drug Tier Limited Distribution Responsible Steps Quantity Limits Prior Authorization Specialty Drug Name Drug Tier 2016 193 1ST TIER UNIFINE PENTIPS insulin pen needle 31 g x 6 mm (1/4") 2 1ST TIER UNIFINE PENTIPS insulin pen needle 31 g x 8 mm (1/3" or 5/16") 2 1ST TIER UNIFINE PENTIPS insulin pen needle 32 g x 4 mm (5/32") 2 1ST TIER UNILET COMFORTOU lancets 2 ASSORTED CLASSES DEPEN TITRATABS - penicillamine tab 250 mg 4 ENVARSUS XR - tacrolimus tab sr 24hr 0.75 mg 3 ENVARSUS XR - tacrolimus tab sr 24hr 1 mg 3 ENVARSUS XR - tacrolimus tab sr 24hr 4 mg 3 IMURAN - azathioprine tab 50 mg 3 irrigation solution, physiological 1 KAYEXALATE - sodium polystyrene sulfonate powder 3 lactated ringer's for irrigation 1 ASTAGRAF XL - tacrolimus cap sr 24hr 0.5 mg 3 ASTAGRAF XL - tacrolimus cap sr 24hr 1 mg 3 mycophenolate mofetil cap 250 mg (Cellcept) ASTAGRAF XL - tacrolimus cap sr 24hr 5 mg 3 mycophenolate mofetil for oral susp 200 mg/ml (Cellcept) AZASAN - azathioprine tab 75 mg 3 AZASAN - azathioprine tab 100 mg 3 mycophenolate mofetil tab 500 mg (Cellcept) azathioprine tab 50 mg (Imuran) 1 CELLCEPT - mycophenolate mofetil cap 250 mg 3 CELLCEPT - mycophenolate mofetil for oral susp 200 mg/ml 3 CELLCEPT - mycophenolate mofetil tab 500 mg 3 cyclosporine cap 25 mg (Sandimmune) 1 cyclosporine cap 100 mg (Sandimmune) 1 CYCLOSPORINE MODIFIED cyclosporine modified cap 50 mg 3 cyclosporine modified cap 25 mg (Neoral) 1 cyclosporine modified cap 50 mg (Cyclosporine modifie) 1 cyclosporine modified cap 100 mg (Neoral) 1 cyclosporine modified oral soln 100 mg/ml (Neoral) 1 mycophenolate sodium tab dr 180 mg (mycophenolic acid equiv) (Myfortic) Limited Distribution Responsible Steps • • Quantity Limits Prior Authorization Specialty Drug Name Drug Tier Limited Distribution Responsible Steps Quantity Limits Prior Authorization Specialty Drug Name Drug Tier 2016 1 1 1 1 mycophenolate sodium tab dr 360 mg (mycophenolic acid equiv) (Myfortic) 1 PROGRAF - tacrolimus cap 1 mg 3 PROGRAF - tacrolimus cap 5 mg 3 MYFORTIC - mycophenolate sodium 3 tab dr 180 mg (mycophenolic acid equiv) MYFORTIC - mycophenolate sodium 3 tab dr 360 mg (mycophenolic acid equiv) 3 NEORAL - cyclosporine modified cap 25 mg 3 NEORAL - cyclosporine modified cap 100 mg 3 NEORAL - cyclosporine modified oral soln 100 mg/ml 3 PROGRAF - tacrolimus cap 0.5 mg Florida Blue October 2016 Care Choices Rx Medication Drug Guide 194 RAPAMUNE - sirolimus oral soln 1 mg/ml 2 RAPAMUNE - sirolimus tab 0.5 mg 3 RAPAMUNE - sirolimus tab 1 mg 3 RAPAMUNE - sirolimus tab 2 mg 3 REVLIMID - lenalidomide caps 2.5 mg 4 • • • • REVLIMID - lenalidomide cap 5 mg 4 REVLIMID - lenalidomide cap 10 mg 4 REVLIMID - lenalidomide cap 15 mg 4 REVLIMID - lenalidomide cap 20 mg 4 REVLIMID - lenalidomide cap 25 mg 4 • • • • • • • • • • ringer's solution for irrigation 1 SANDIMMUNE - cyclosporine cap 25 mg 3 SANDIMMUNE - cyclosporine cap 100 mg 3 SANDIMMUNE - cyclosporine oral soln 100 mg/ml 3 sirolimus tab 0.5 mg (Rapamune) 1 sirolimus tab 1 mg (Rapamune) sirolimus tab 2 mg (Rapamune) sodium polystyrene sulfonate oral susp 15 gm/60ml (Sps) sodium polystyrene sulfonate powder (Kayexalate) sodium polystyrene sulfonate rectal susp 30 gm/120ml Limited Distribution Responsible Steps Quantity Limits Prior Authorization Specialty 3 • • VELTASSA - patiromer sorbitex calcium for susp packet 16.8 gm (base eq) 3 • • VELTASSA - patiromer sorbitex calcium for susp packet 25.2 gm (base eq) 3 • • water for irrigation, sterile irrigation soln 1 ZORTRESS - everolimus tab 0.25 mg 2 ZORTRESS - everolimus tab 0.5 mg 2 ZORTRESS - everolimus tab 0.75 mg 2 1 1 1 1 4 tacrolimus cap 0.5 mg (Prograf) 1 tacrolimus cap 5 mg (Prograf) • • • • • VELTASSA - patiromer sorbitex calcium for susp packet 8.4 gm (base eq) 1 SYPRINE - trientine hcl cap 250 mg tacrolimus cap 1 mg (Prograf) • • • • • Drug Name Drug Tier Limited Distribution Responsible Steps Quantity Limits Prior Authorization Specialty Drug Name Drug Tier 2016 • • 1 1 4 • • • • • • • • THALOMID - thalidomide cap 150 mg 4 • • • • THALOMID - thalidomide cap 200 mg 4 • • • • THALOMID - thalidomide cap 50 mg 4 THALOMID - thalidomide cap 100 mg Florida Blue October 2016 Care Choices Rx Medication Drug Guide 195 2016 INDEX A abacavir sulfate-lamivudine-zidovudine tab 300-150-300 mg (Trizivir)................................................ 6 abacavir sulfate tab 300 mg (base equiv) (Ziagen)........ 6 acamprosate calcium tab delayed release 333 mg...... 82 ACANYA -clindamycin phosphate-benzoyl peroxide gel 1.2-2.5%........................................................................ 125 acarbose tab 25 mg (Precose)....................................... 26 acarbose tab 50 mg (Precose)....................................... 26 acarbose tab 100 mg (Precose)..................................... 26 ACCOLATE -zafirlukast tab 10 mg....................................57 ACCOLATE -zafirlukast tab 20 mg....................................57 ACCU-CHEK AVIVA -blood glucose monitoring devices.......................................................................... 138 ACCU-CHEK AVIVA CONNECT -blood glucose monitoring kit w/ device................................................ 139 ACCU-CHEK AVIVA PLUS -blood glucose monitoring kit w/ device....................................................................... 139 ACCU-CHEK AVIVA PLUS -glucose blood test strip...... 134 ACCU-CHEK COMPACT PLUS CA -blood glucose monitoring kit................................................................. 139 ACCU-CHEK COMPACT PLUS -glucose blood test strip................................................................................ 134 ACCU-CHEK COMPACT STRIPS -glucose blood test strip................................................................................ 134 ACCU-CHEK COMPACT TEST DR -glucose blood test strip................................................................................ 134 ACCU-CHEK FASTCLIX LANCET -lancets.................... 139 ACCU-CHEK FASTCLIX LANCET -lancets kit............... 139 ACCU-CHEK MULTICLIX LANCE -lancets.....................139 ACCU-CHEK MULTICLIX LANC -lancets kit.................. 139 ACCU-CHEK NANO SMARTVIEW -blood glucose monitoring kit w/ device................................................ 139 ACCU-CHEK SAFE-T-PRO LANC -lancets.................... 139 ACCU-CHEK SAFE-T-PRO PLUS -lancets.................... 139 ACCU-CHEK SMARTVIEW STRIP -glucose blood test strip................................................................................ 134 ACCU-CHEK SOFTCLIX LANCET -lancet devices........ 139 ACCU-CHEK SOFTCLIX LANCET -lancets................... 139 ACCU-CHEK SOFTCLIX LANCET -lancets kit............... 139 ACCU-CHEK SOFT TOUCH LANC -lancets.................. 139 ACCU-CHEK VOICEMATE -blood glucose monitoring kit w/ device....................................................................... 139 ACCUPRIL -quinapril hcl tab 5 mg................................... 43 ACCUPRIL -quinapril hcl tab 10 mg................................. 43 ACCUPRIL -quinapril hcl tab 20 mg................................. 43 ACCUPRIL -quinapril hcl tab 40 mg................................. 43 ACCURETIC -quinapril-hydrochlorothiazide tab 10-12.5 mg.................................................................................... 43 ACCURETIC -quinapril-hydrochlorothiazide tab 20-12.5 mg.................................................................................... 43 ACCURETIC -quinapril-hydrochlorothiazide tab 20-25 mg.................................................................................... 43 ACCUTREND GLUCOSE -glucose blood test strip........ 134 acebutolol hcl cap 200 mg (Sectral).............................. 38 acebutolol hcl cap 400 mg (Sectral).............................. 38 ACEON -perindopril erbumine tab 4 mg........................... 43 ACEON -perindopril erbumine tab 8 mg........................... 43 acetaminophen-caffeine-dihydrocodeine cap 320.5-30-16 mg (Trezix)................................................ 86 acetaminophen w/ codeine soln 120-12 mg/5ml.......... 85 acetaminophen w/ codeine tab 300-15 mg (Tylenol/ codeine).......................................................................... 85 acetaminophen w/ codeine tab 300-30 mg (Tylenol/ codeine #3).................................................................... 85 acetaminophen w/ codeine tab 300-60 mg (Tylenol/ codeine #4).................................................................... 86 ACETAZOLAMIDE -acetazolamide tab 125 mg............... 50 acetazolamide cap sr 12hr 500 mg (Diamox)............... 50 acetazolamide tab 250 mg.............................................. 50 ACETEST -acetone (urine) test tab................................ 134 ACETIC ACID/ALUMINUM ACET -acetic acid 2% in aluminum acetate otic soln...........................................124 acetic acid irrigation soln 0.25%................................... 68 acetic acid otic soln 2%................................................ 124 acetylcysteine cap 600 mg........................................... 112 acetylcysteine inhal soln 10%........................................ 57 acetylcysteine inhal soln 20%........................................ 57 acitretin cap 10 mg (Soriatane).................................... 125 acitretin cap 17.5 mg (Soriatane)................................. 125 acitretin cap 25 mg (Soriatane).................................... 125 ACLOVATE -alclometasone dipropionate cream 0.05%.............................................................................125 ACTEMRA -tocilizumab subcutaneous soln prefilled syringe 162 mg/0.9ml..................................................... 91 ACTHIB -haemophilus b polysaccharide conjugate vaccine for inj.................................................................. 12 ACTIGALL -ursodiol cap 300 mg...................................... 65 ACTI-LANCE LANCETS 28G -lancets............................ 139 ACTI-LANCE LITE SAFETY LA -lancets........................ 139 ACTI-LANCE SPECIAL SAFETY -lancets...................... 139 ACTI-LANCE UNIVERSAL SAFE -lancets..................... 139 ACTIMMUNE -interferon gamma-1b inj 100 mcg/0.5ml (2000000 unit/0.5ml)....................................................... 16 ACTIQ -fentanyl citrate lozenge on a handle 200 mcg..... 86 ACTIQ -fentanyl citrate lozenge on a handle 400 mcg..... 86 ACTIQ -fentanyl citrate lozenge on a handle 600 mcg..... 86 ACTIQ -fentanyl citrate lozenge on a handle 800 mcg..... 86 ACTIQ -fentanyl citrate lozenge on a handle 1200 mcg.................................................................................. 86 ACTIQ -fentanyl citrate lozenge on a handle 1600 mcg.................................................................................. 86 ACTIVELLA -estradiol & norethindrone acetate tab 0.5-0.1 mg....................................................................... 22 ACTIVELLA -estradiol & norethindrone acetate tab 1-0.5 mg.................................................................................... 22 ACTIVE OB -prenatal w/o a w/fe cbn-fa-dha cap 20-1-320 mg.................................................................................. 104 ACTIVE 1ST BLOOD LANCETS -lancets....................... 139 ACTONEL -risedronate sodium tab 5 mg......................... 33 Florida Blue October 2016 Care Choices Rx Medication Drug Guide 196 2016 ACTONEL -risedronate sodium tab 30 mg....................... 33 ACTONEL -risedronate sodium tab 35 mg....................... 33 ACTONEL -risedronate sodium tab 150 mg..................... 33 ACTOPLUS MET -pioglitazone hcl-metformin hcl tab 15-500 mg....................................................................... 26 ACTOPLUS MET -pioglitazone hcl-metformin hcl tab 15-850 mg....................................................................... 27 ACTOPLUS MET XR -pioglitazone hcl-metformin hcl tab sr 24hr 15-1000 mg........................................................ 27 ACTOPLUS MET XR -pioglitazone hcl-metformin hcl tab sr 24hr 30-1000 mg........................................................ 27 ACTOS -pioglitazone hcl tab 15 mg (base equiv)............. 27 ACTOS -pioglitazone hcl tab 30 mg (base equiv)............. 27 ACTOS -pioglitazone hcl tab 45 mg (base equiv)............. 27 ACULAR -ketorolac tromethamine ophth soln 0.5%....... 120 ACULAR LS -ketorolac tromethamine ophth soln 0.4%...............................................................................120 ACURA BLOOD GLUCOSE MONIT -blood glucose monitoring kit w/ device................................................ 139 ACURA BLOOD GLUCOSE TEST -glucose blood test strip................................................................................ 134 ACURA PLUS BLOOD GLUCOSE -blood glucose monitoring kit w/ device................................................ 139 ACUVAIL -ketorolac tromethamine ophth soln 0.45%.............................................................................120 acyclovir cap 200 mg (Zovirax)........................................ 6 acyclovir oint 5% (Zovirax)........................................... 125 acyclovir susp 200 mg/5ml (Zovirax).............................. 6 acyclovir tab 400 mg (Zovirax)........................................ 6 acyclovir tab 800 mg (Zovirax)........................................ 6 ACZONE -dapsone gel 5%............................................. 125 ADACEL -tet tox-diph-acell pertuss ad inj 5-2-15.5 lf-lfmcg/0.5ml........................................................................ 14 ADALAT CC -nifedipine tab sr 24hr 30 mg....................... 40 ADALAT CC -nifedipine tab sr 24hr 60 mg....................... 40 ADALAT CC -nifedipine tab sr 24hr 90 mg....................... 40 ADAPALENE -adapalene lotion 0.1%............................. 125 adapalene cream 0.1% (Differin).................................. 125 adapalene gel 0.1% (Differin)....................................... 125 adapalene gel 0.3% (Differin)....................................... 125 ADCIRCA -tadalafil tab 20 mg (pah)................................. 54 ADDERALL -amphetamine-dextroamphetamine tab 5 mg.................................................................................... 78 ADDERALL -amphetamine-dextroamphetamine tab 7.5 mg.................................................................................... 78 ADDERALL -amphetamine-dextroamphetamine tab 10 mg.................................................................................... 78 ADDERALL -amphetamine-dextroamphetamine tab 12.5 mg.................................................................................... 78 ADDERALL -amphetamine-dextroamphetamine tab 15 mg.................................................................................... 78 ADDERALL -amphetamine-dextroamphetamine tab 20 mg.................................................................................... 78 ADDERALL -amphetamine-dextroamphetamine tab 30 mg.................................................................................... 78 ADDERALL XR -amphetamine-dextroamphetamine cap sr 24hr 5 mg................................................................... 78 ADDERALL XR -amphetamine-dextroamphetamine cap sr 24hr 10 mg................................................................. 78 ADDERALL XR -amphetamine-dextroamphetamine cap sr 24hr 15 mg................................................................. 78 ADDERALL XR -amphetamine-dextroamphetamine cap sr 24hr 20 mg................................................................. 78 ADDERALL XR -amphetamine-dextroamphetamine cap sr 24hr 25 mg................................................................. 78 ADDERALL XR -amphetamine-dextroamphetamine cap sr 24hr 30 mg................................................................. 78 adefovir dipivoxil tab 10 mg (Hepsera)........................... 7 ADEMPAS -riociguat tab 0.5 mg....................................... 54 ADEMPAS -riociguat tab 1 mg.......................................... 54 ADEMPAS -riociguat tab 1.5 mg....................................... 55 ADEMPAS -riociguat tab 2 mg.......................................... 55 ADEMPAS -riociguat tab 2.5 mg....................................... 55 ADJUSTABLE LANCING DEVICE -lancet devices......... 139 ADVAIR DISKUS -fluticasone-salmeterol aer powder ba 100-50 mcg/dose............................................................ 58 ADVAIR DISKUS -fluticasone-salmeterol aer powder ba 250-50 mcg/dose............................................................ 58 ADVAIR DISKUS -fluticasone-salmeterol aer powder ba 500-50 mcg/dose............................................................ 58 ADVAIR HFA -fluticasone-salmeterol inhal aerosol 45-21 mcg/act............................................................................ 58 ADVAIR HFA -fluticasone-salmeterol inhal aerosol 115-21 mcg/act............................................................................ 58 ADVAIR HFA -fluticasone-salmeterol inhal aerosol 230-21 mcg/act............................................................................ 58 ADVANCE INTUITION BLOOD G -blood glucose monitoring devices........................................................ 139 ADVANCE INTUITION BLOOD G -blood glucose monitoring kit w/ device................................................ 139 ADVANCE INTUITION TEST ST -glucose blood test strip................................................................................ 134 ADVANCE MICRO-DRAW METER -blood glucose monitoring devices........................................................ 139 ADVANCE MICRO-DRAW TEST S -glucose blood test strip................................................................................ 134 ADVATE -antihemophilic factor rahf-pfm for inj 250 unit................................................................................. 115 ADVATE -antihemophilic factor rahf-pfm for inj 500 unit................................................................................. 115 ADVATE -antihemophilic factor rahf-pfm for inj 1000 unit................................................................................. 115 ADVATE -antihemophilic factor rahf-pfm for inj 1500 unit................................................................................. 115 ADVATE -antihemophilic factor rahf-pfm for inj 2000 unit................................................................................. 115 ADVATE -antihemophilic factor rahf-pfm for inj 3000 unit................................................................................. 116 ADVATE -antihemophilic factor rahf-pfm for inj 4000 unit................................................................................. 116 ADVOCATE BLOOD GLUCOSE MO -blood glucose monitoring devices........................................................ 139 ADVOCATE BLOOD GLUCOSE MO -blood glucose monitoring kit w/ device................................................ 139 Florida Blue October 2016 Care Choices Rx Medication Drug Guide 197 2016 ADVOCATE INSULIN PEN NEED -insulin pen needle 29 g x 12.7 mm..................................................................139 ADVOCATE INSULIN PEN NEED -insulin pen needle 31 g x 5 mm (3/16")...........................................................139 ADVOCATE INSULIN PEN NEED -insulin pen needle 31 g x 8 mm (1/3" or 5/16")...............................................139 ADVOCATE INSULIN SYRINGE/ -insulin syringe/needle u-100 1/2 ml 31 x 5/16"................................................ 139 ADVOCATE INSULIN SYRINGE/ -insulin syringe/needle u-100 1/2 ml 29 x 1/2".................................................. 139 ADVOCATE INSULIN SYRINGE/ -insulin syringe/needle u-100 1/2 ml 30 x 5/16"................................................ 140 ADVOCATE INSULIN SYRINGE/ -insulin syringe/needle u-100 0.3 ml 29 x 1/2".................................................. 139 ADVOCATE INSULIN SYRINGE/ -insulin syringe/needle u-100 0.3 ml 30 x 5/16"................................................ 139 ADVOCATE INSULIN SYRINGE/ -insulin syringe/needle u-100 1 ml 29 x 1/2".....................................................140 ADVOCATE INSULIN SYRINGE/ -insulin syringe/needle u-100 1 ml 30 x 5/16"...................................................140 ADVOCATE INSULIN SYRINGE/ -insulin syringe/needle u-100 1 ml 31 x 5/16"...................................................140 ADVOCATE INSULIN SYRINGE/ -insulin syringe/needle u-100 0.3 ml 31 x 5/16"................................................ 140 ADVOCATE LANCETS 30G -lancets.............................. 140 ADVOCATE LANCETS -lancets...................................... 140 ADVOCATE LANCING DEVICE -lancet devices............ 140 ADVOCATE RAPID-SAFE LANCI -lancet devices......... 140 ADVOCATE REDI-CODE/TALKIN -blood glucose monitoring devices........................................................ 140 ADVOCATE REDI-CODE/TALKIN -blood glucose monitoring kit w/ device................................................ 140 ADVOCATE REDI-CODE+/ TALK -blood glucose monitoring kit w/ device................................................ 140 ADVOCATE REDI-CODE+ BLOOD -blood glucose monitoring devices........................................................ 140 ADVOCATE REDI-CODE+ TEST -glucose blood test strip................................................................................ 134 ADVOCATE REDI-CODE -blood glucose monitoring devices.......................................................................... 140 ADVOCATE REDI-CODE -glucose blood test strip........ 134 ADVOCATE SAFETY LANCETS -lancets...................... 140 ADVOCATE SAFETY LANCETS 2 -lancets................... 140 ADVOCATE TEST STRIPS -glucose blood test strip..... 134 ADYNOVATE -antihemophilic factor recomb pegylated for inj 250 unit.................................................................... 116 ADYNOVATE -antihemophilic factor recomb pegylated for inj 500 unit.................................................................... 116 ADYNOVATE -antihemophilic factor recomb pegylated for inj 1000 unit.................................................................. 116 ADYNOVATE -antihemophilic factor recomb pegylated for inj 2000 unit.................................................................. 116 AEROSPAN -flunisolide hfa inhal aerosol 80 mcg/act...... 58 AFINITOR DISPERZ -everolimus tab for oral susp 2 mg.................................................................................... 16 AFINITOR DISPERZ -everolimus tab for oral susp 3 mg.................................................................................... 16 AFINITOR DISPERZ -everolimus tab for oral susp 5 mg.................................................................................... 16 AFINITOR -everolimus tab 2.5 mg.................................... 16 AFINITOR -everolimus tab 5 mg....................................... 16 AFINITOR -everolimus tab 7.5 mg.................................... 16 AFINITOR -everolimus tab 10 mg..................................... 16 AF LANCETS SUPER THIN -lancets............................. 140 AFLURIA 2015-2016 -influenza virus vaccine split im susp................................................................................. 12 AFLURIA 2016-2017 -influenza virus vaccine split im susp................................................................................. 12 AFLURIA 2016-2017 -influenza virus vaccine split pf susp pref syringe 0.5 ml.......................................................... 12 AFLURIA PF 2015-2016 -influenza virus vaccine split pf susp pref syringe 0.5 ml................................................. 12 AFREZZA -insulin regular (human) inhalation powder 4 unit/cartridge.................................................................... 31 AFREZZA -insulin regular (human) inhal powd 4 (30) & 8 (60) unit/cart.................................................................... 31 AFREZZA -insulin regular (human) inhal powd 4 (60) & 8 (30) unit/cart.................................................................... 31 AFREZZA -insulin regular (human) inhal powd 4 (90) & 8 (90) unit/cart.................................................................... 31 AFREZZA -insulin regular (human) inh powd 8 (60) & 12 (30) unit/cart.................................................................... 31 AFSTYLA -antihemophilic fact rcmb single chain for inj kit 250 unit......................................................................... 116 AFSTYLA -antihemophilic fact rcmb single chain for inj kit 500 unit......................................................................... 116 AFSTYLA -antihemophilic fact rcmb single chain for inj kit 1000 unit....................................................................... 116 AFSTYLA -antihemophilic fact rcmb single chain for inj kit 2000 unit....................................................................... 116 AFSTYLA -antihemophilic fact rcmb single chain for inj kit 3000 unit....................................................................... 116 AGAMATRIX AMP NO CODE ADV -blood glucose monitoring devices........................................................ 140 AGAMATRIX AMP NO CODE TES -glucose blood test strip................................................................................ 134 AGAMATRIX JAZZ TEST STRIP -glucose blood test strip................................................................................ 134 AGAMATRIX JAZZ WIRELESS 2 -blood glucose monitoring kit w/ device................................................ 140 AGAMATRIX KEYNOTE TEST ST -glucose blood test strip................................................................................ 134 AGAMATRIX PRESTO -blood glucose monitoring kit w/ device............................................................................ 140 AGAMATRIX PRESTO PRO METE -blood glucose monitoring devices........................................................ 140 AGAMATRIX PRESTO TEST STR -glucose blood test strip................................................................................ 134 AGAMATRIX ULTRA-THIN LANC -lancets..................... 140 AGGRENOX -aspirin-dipyridamole cap sr 12hr 25-200 mg.................................................................................. 116 AGRYLIN -anagrelide hcl cap 0.5 mg............................. 116 AKTEN -lidocaine hcl ophth gel 3.5%............................. 120 AKYNZEO -netupitant-palonosetron cap 300-0.5 mg....... 63 Florida Blue October 2016 Care Choices Rx Medication Drug Guide 198 2016 ALA SCALP -hydrocortisone lotion 2%........................... 125 ALBENZA -albendazole tab 200 mg................................. 11 albuterol sulfate soln nebu 0.083% (2.5 mg/3ml)......... 58 albuterol sulfate soln nebu 0.5% (5 mg/ml).................. 58 albuterol sulfate soln nebu 0.63 mg/3ml (base equiv).............................................................................. 58 albuterol sulfate soln nebu 1.25 mg/3ml (base equiv).............................................................................. 58 albuterol sulfate syrup 2 mg/5ml................................... 58 albuterol sulfate tab 2 mg...............................................58 albuterol sulfate tab 4 mg...............................................58 albuterol sulfate tab sr 12hr 4 mg (Vospire er)............ 58 albuterol sulfate tab sr 12hr 8 mg (Vospire er)............ 58 ALCAINE -proparacaine hcl ophth soln 0.5%................. 120 alclometasone dipropionate cream 0.05% (Aclovate)..................................................................... 125 alclometasone dipropionate oint 0.05%......................125 ALDACTAZIDE -spironolactone & hydrochlorothiazide tab 25-25 mg......................................................................... 50 ALDACTAZIDE -spironolactone & hydrochlorothiazide tab 50-50 mg......................................................................... 50 ALDACTONE -spironolactone tab 25 mg......................... 50 ALDACTONE -spironolactone tab 50 mg......................... 50 ALDACTONE -spironolactone tab 100 mg....................... 50 ALECENSA -alectinib hcl cap 150 mg (base equivalent)....................................................................... 16 ALENDRONATE SODIUM -alendronate sodium oral soln 70 mg/75ml..................................................................... 33 ALENDRONATE SODIUM -alendronate sodium tab 40 mg.................................................................................... 33 alendronate sodium tab 5 mg........................................ 33 alendronate sodium tab 10 mg...................................... 33 alendronate sodium tab 35 mg...................................... 33 alendronate sodium tab 70 mg (Fosamax)................... 33 alfuzosin hcl tab sr 24hr 10 mg (Uroxatral).................. 68 ALINIA -nitazoxanide for susp 100 mg/5ml.......................11 ALINIA -nitazoxanide tab 500 mg..................................... 11 ALKERAN -melphalan tab 2 mg....................................... 16 ALLERGY SYRINGE/1ML/27G X -tuberculin/allergy syringe/needle (disp) 1 ml 27 x 1/2"............................ 140 allopurinol tab 100 mg (Zyloprim)................................. 95 allopurinol tab 300 mg (Zyloprim)................................. 95 almotriptan malate tab 6.25 mg (Axert).........................94 almotriptan malate tab 12.5 mg (Axert).........................94 ALOCRIL -nedocromil sodium ophth soln 2%................ 120 ALOGLIPTIN/METFORMIN HCL -alogliptin-metformin hcl tab 12.5-500 mg............................................................. 27 ALOGLIPTIN/METFORMIN HCL -alogliptin-metformin hcl tab 12.5-1000 mg........................................................... 27 ALOGLIPTIN/PIOGLITAZONE -alogliptin-pioglitazone tab 12.5-15 mg...................................................................... 27 ALOGLIPTIN/PIOGLITAZONE -alogliptin-pioglitazone tab 12.5-30 mg...................................................................... 27 ALOGLIPTIN/PIOGLITAZONE -alogliptin-pioglitazone tab 12.5-45 mg...................................................................... 27 ALOGLIPTIN/PIOGLITAZONE -alogliptin-pioglitazone tab 25-15 mg......................................................................... 27 ALOGLIPTIN/PIOGLITAZONE -alogliptin-pioglitazone tab 25-30 mg......................................................................... 27 ALOGLIPTIN/PIOGLITAZONE -alogliptin-pioglitazone tab 25-45 mg......................................................................... 27 ALOGLIPTIN -alogliptin benzoate tab 6.25 mg (base equiv)............................................................................... 27 ALOGLIPTIN -alogliptin benzoate tab 12.5 mg (base equiv)............................................................................... 27 ALOGLIPTIN -alogliptin benzoate tab 25 mg (base equiv)............................................................................... 27 ALOMIDE -lodoxamide tromethamine ophth soln 0.1%...............................................................................120 ALORA -estradiol td patch twice weekly 0.025 mg/24hr........................................................................... 22 ALORA -estradiol td patch twice weekly 0.05 mg/24hr..... 22 ALORA -estradiol td patch twice weekly 0.075 mg/24hr........................................................................... 22 ALORA -estradiol td patch twice weekly 0.1 mg/24hr....... 22 alosetron hcl tab 0.5 mg (base equiv) (Lotronex)........ 65 alosetron hcl tab 1 mg (base equiv) (Lotronex)........... 65 ALPHAGAN P -brimonidine tartrate ophth soln 0.1%..... 120 ALPHAGAN P -brimonidine tartrate ophth soln 0.15%.............................................................................120 ALPHANATE/VON WILLEBRAND -antihemophilic factor/ vwf (human) for inj 250 unit......................................... 116 ALPHANATE/VON WILLEBRAND -antihemophilic factor/ vwf (human) for inj 500 unit......................................... 116 ALPHANATE/VON WILLEBRAND -antihemophilic factor/ vwf (human) for inj 1000 unit....................................... 116 ALPHANATE/VON WILLEBRAND -antihemophilic factor/ vwf (human) for inj 1500 unit....................................... 116 ALPHANATE/VON WILLEBRAND -antihemophilic factor/ vwf (human) for inj 2000 unit....................................... 116 ALPHANINE SD -coagulation factor ix for inj 500 unit................................................................................. 116 ALPHANINE SD -coagulation factor ix for inj 1000 unit................................................................................. 116 ALPHANINE SD -coagulation factor ix for inj 1500 unit................................................................................. 116 ALPRAZOLAM INTENSOL -alprazolam conc 1 mg/ ml..................................................................................... 69 alprazolam orally disintegrating tab 0.5 mg................. 69 alprazolam orally disintegrating tab 1 mg.................... 69 alprazolam orally disintegrating tab 2 mg.................... 69 alprazolam orally disintegrating tab 0.25 mg (Niravam)........................................................................ 69 alprazolam tab 0.25 mg (Xanax).................................... 69 alprazolam tab 0.5 mg (Xanax)...................................... 69 alprazolam tab 1 mg (Xanax)..........................................69 alprazolam tab 2 mg (Xanax)..........................................70 alprazolam tab sr 24hr 0.5 mg (Xanax xr)..................... 69 alprazolam tab sr 24hr 1 mg (Xanax xr)........................ 69 alprazolam tab sr 24hr 2 mg (Xanax xr)........................ 69 alprazolam tab sr 24hr 3 mg (Xanax xr)........................ 69 ALPROLIX -coagulation factor ix (recomb) (rfixfc) for inj 250 unit......................................................................... 116 Florida Blue October 2016 Care Choices Rx Medication Drug Guide 199 2016 ALPROLIX -coagulation factor ix (recomb) (rfixfc) for inj 500 unit......................................................................... 116 ALPROLIX -coagulation factor ix (recomb) (rfixfc) for inj 1000 unit....................................................................... 116 ALPROLIX -coagulation factor ix (recomb) (rfixfc) for inj 2000 unit....................................................................... 116 ALPROLIX -coagulation factor ix (recomb) (rfixfc) for inj 3000 unit....................................................................... 116 ALREX -loteprednol etabonate ophth susp 0.2%........... 120 ALSUMA -sumatriptan succinate solution auto-injector 6 mg/0.5ml.......................................................................... 94 ALTABAX -retapamulin oint 1%.......................................125 ALTACE -ramipril cap 1.25 mg.......................................... 43 ALTACE -ramipril cap 2.5 mg............................................ 43 ALTACE -ramipril cap 5 mg............................................... 43 ALTACE -ramipril cap 10 mg............................................. 43 ALTERNATE SITE LANCING DE -lancet devices.......... 140 ALTOPREV -lovastatin tab sr 24hr 20 mg........................ 52 ALTOPREV -lovastatin tab sr 24hr 40 mg........................ 52 ALTOPREV -lovastatin tab sr 24hr 60 mg........................ 52 ALVESCO -ciclesonide inhal aerosol 80 mcg/act............. 58 ALVESCO -ciclesonide inhal aerosol 160 mcg/act........... 58 AMANTADINE HCL -amantadine hcl tab 100 mg........... 100 amantadine hcl cap 100 mg......................................... 100 amantadine hcl syrup 50 mg/5ml................................ 100 AMARYL -glimepiride tab 1 mg......................................... 27 AMARYL -glimepiride tab 2 mg......................................... 27 AMARYL -glimepiride tab 4 mg......................................... 27 AMCINONIDE -amcinonide cream 0.1%........................ 125 AMCINONIDE -amcinonide lotion 0.1%.......................... 125 AMCINONIDE -amcinonide oint 0.1%.............................125 AMICAR -aminocaproic acid oral soln 0.25 gm/ml......... 115 AMICAR -aminocaproic acid tab 500 mg........................ 115 AMICAR -aminocaproic acid tab 1000 mg...................... 115 amiloride & hydrochlorothiazide tab 5-50 mg.............. 50 amiloride hcl tab 5 mg.................................................... 50 AMINOBENZOATE POTASSIUM -potassium aminobenzoate packet 2 gm........................................ 104 amiodarone hcl tab 100 mg............................................ 42 amiodarone hcl tab 400 mg............................................ 42 amiodarone hcl tab 200 mg (Cordarone)...................... 42 AMITIZA -lubiprostone cap 8 mcg.................................... 65 AMITIZA -lubiprostone cap 24 mcg.................................. 65 amitriptyline hcl tab 10 mg............................................. 70 amitriptyline hcl tab 25 mg............................................. 70 amitriptyline hcl tab 50 mg............................................. 70 amitriptyline hcl tab 75 mg............................................. 70 amitriptyline hcl tab 100 mg........................................... 70 amitriptyline hcl tab 150 mg........................................... 70 amlodipine besylate-atorvastatin calcium tab 2.5-10 mg (Caduet)................................................................... 55 amlodipine besylate-atorvastatin calcium tab 2.5-20 mg (Caduet)................................................................... 55 amlodipine besylate-atorvastatin calcium tab 2.5-40 mg (Caduet)................................................................... 55 amlodipine besylate-atorvastatin calcium tab 5-10 mg (Caduet).......................................................................... 55 amlodipine besylate-atorvastatin calcium tab 5-20 mg (Caduet).......................................................................... 55 amlodipine besylate-atorvastatin calcium tab 5-40 mg (Caduet).......................................................................... 55 amlodipine besylate-atorvastatin calcium tab 5-80 mg (Caduet).......................................................................... 55 amlodipine besylate-atorvastatin calcium tab 10-10 mg (Caduet)................................................................... 55 amlodipine besylate-atorvastatin calcium tab 10-20 mg (Caduet)................................................................... 55 amlodipine besylate-atorvastatin calcium tab 10-40 mg (Caduet)................................................................... 55 amlodipine besylate-atorvastatin calcium tab 10-80 mg (Caduet)................................................................... 55 amlodipine besylate-benazepril hcl cap 2.5-10 mg (Lotrel)............................................................................ 43 amlodipine besylate-benazepril hcl cap 5-10 mg (Lotrel)............................................................................ 43 amlodipine besylate-benazepril hcl cap 5-20 mg (Lotrel)............................................................................ 43 amlodipine besylate-benazepril hcl cap 5-40 mg (Lotrel)............................................................................ 43 amlodipine besylate-benazepril hcl cap 10-20 mg (Lotrel)............................................................................ 43 amlodipine besylate-benazepril hcl cap 10-40 mg (Lotrel)............................................................................ 43 amlodipine besylate tab 2.5 mg (Norvasc)................... 40 amlodipine besylate tab 5 mg (Norvasc)...................... 40 amlodipine besylate tab 10 mg (Norvasc).................... 40 amlodipine besylate-valsartan tab 5-160 mg (Exforge)......................................................................... 43 amlodipine besylate-valsartan tab 5-320 mg (Exforge)......................................................................... 43 amlodipine besylate-valsartan tab 10-160 mg (Exforge)......................................................................... 43 amlodipine besylate-valsartan tab 10-320 mg (Exforge)......................................................................... 43 amlodipine-valsartan-hydrochlorothiazide tab 5-160-12.5 mg (Exforge hct)........................................ 43 amlodipine-valsartan-hydrochlorothiazide tab 5-160-25 mg (Exforge hct)........................................... 43 amlodipine-valsartan-hydrochlorothiazide tab 10-160-12.5 mg (Exforge hct)...................................... 43 amlodipine-valsartan-hydrochlorothiazide tab 10-160-25 mg (Exforge hct)......................................... 43 amlodipine-valsartan-hydrochlorothiazide tab 10-320-25 mg (Exforge hct)......................................... 43 AMOXAPINE -amoxapine tab 25 mg................................ 70 AMOXAPINE -amoxapine tab 50 mg................................ 70 AMOXAPINE -amoxapine tab 100 mg.............................. 70 AMOXAPINE -amoxapine tab 150 mg.............................. 70 AMOXICILLIN/CLAVULANATE P -amoxicillin & k clavulanate chew tab 200-28.5 mg.................................. 1 AMOXICILLIN/CLAVULANATE P -amoxicillin & k clavulanate chew tab 400-57 mg..................................... 1 amoxicillin & k clavulanate for susp 200-28.5 mg/5ml.............................................................................. 1 Florida Blue October 2016 Care Choices Rx Medication Drug Guide 200 2016 amoxicillin & k clavulanate for susp 400-57 mg/5ml..... 1 amoxicillin & k clavulanate for susp 250-62.5 mg/5ml (Augmentin)..................................................................... 1 amoxicillin & k clavulanate for susp 600-42.9 mg/5ml (Augmentin es-600)........................................................ 1 amoxicillin & k clavulanate tab 250-125 mg................... 1 amoxicillin & k clavulanate tab 500-125 mg (Augmentin)..................................................................... 1 amoxicillin & k clavulanate tab 875-125 mg (Augmentin)..................................................................... 1 amoxicillin & k clavulanate tab sr 12hr 1000-62.5 mg (Augmentin xr)................................................................ 1 AMOXICILLIN -amoxicillin (trihydrate) chew tab 125 mg...................................................................................... 1 AMOXICILLIN -amoxicillin (trihydrate) chew tab 250 mg...................................................................................... 1 amoxicillin cap-clarithro tab-lansopraz cap dr therapy pack (Prevpac).............................................................. 62 AMOXICILLIN ER -amoxicillin (trihydrate) tab sr 24hr 775 mg...................................................................................... 1 amoxicillin (trihydrate) cap 250 mg................................. 1 amoxicillin (trihydrate) cap 500 mg................................. 1 amoxicillin (trihydrate) for susp 125 mg/5ml..................1 amoxicillin (trihydrate) for susp 200 mg/5ml..................1 amoxicillin (trihydrate) for susp 250 mg/5ml..................1 amoxicillin (trihydrate) for susp 400 mg/5ml..................1 amoxicillin (trihydrate) tab 500 mg.................................. 1 amoxicillin (trihydrate) tab 875 mg.................................. 1 amphetamine-dextroamphetamine cap sr 24hr 5 mg (Adderall xr)................................................................... 78 amphetamine-dextroamphetamine cap sr 24hr 10 mg (Adderall xr)................................................................... 78 amphetamine-dextroamphetamine cap sr 24hr 15 mg (Adderall xr)................................................................... 78 amphetamine-dextroamphetamine cap sr 24hr 20 mg (Adderall xr)................................................................... 78 amphetamine-dextroamphetamine cap sr 24hr 25 mg (Adderall xr)................................................................... 78 amphetamine-dextroamphetamine cap sr 24hr 30 mg (Adderall xr)................................................................... 78 amphetamine-dextroamphetamine tab 5 mg (Adderall)........................................................................ 78 amphetamine-dextroamphetamine tab 7.5 mg (Adderall)........................................................................ 78 amphetamine-dextroamphetamine tab 10 mg (Adderall)........................................................................ 78 amphetamine-dextroamphetamine tab 12.5 mg (Adderall)........................................................................ 78 amphetamine-dextroamphetamine tab 15 mg (Adderall)........................................................................ 78 amphetamine-dextroamphetamine tab 20 mg (Adderall)........................................................................ 78 amphetamine-dextroamphetamine tab 30 mg (Adderall)........................................................................ 78 AMPICILLIN -ampicillin for susp 125 mg/5ml..................... 1 AMPICILLIN -ampicillin for susp 250 mg/5ml..................... 1 ampicillin cap 250 mg....................................................... 1 ampicillin cap 500 mg....................................................... 1 AMPYRA -dalfampridine tab sr 12hr 10 mg...................... 82 ANADROL-50 -oxymetholone tab 50 mg.......................... 21 ANAFRANIL -clomipramine hcl cap 25 mg....................... 70 ANAFRANIL -clomipramine hcl cap 50 mg....................... 70 ANAFRANIL -clomipramine hcl cap 75 mg....................... 70 anagrelide hcl cap 1 mg............................................... 116 anagrelide hcl cap 0.5 mg (Agrylin)............................ 116 ANALPRAM-HC -hydrocortisone acetate w/ pramoxine rectal cream 1-1%........................................................ 125 ANALPRAM HC -hydrocortisone acetate w/ pramoxine rectal cream 2.5-1%..................................................... 125 ANALPRAM-HC -hydrocortisone acetate w/ pramoxine rectal lotn 2.5-1%..........................................................125 ANALPRAM-HC SINGLES -hydrocortisone acetate w/ pramoxine rectal cream 1-1%...................................... 125 ANALPRAM-HC SINGLES -hydrocortisone acetate w/ pramoxine rectal cream 2.5-1%................................... 125 ANALPRAM HC SINGLES -hydrocortisone acetate w/ pramoxine rectal cream 2.5-1%................................... 125 ANAPROX DS -naproxen sodium tab 550 mg................. 91 ANASPAZ -hyoscyamine sulfate tab disp 0.125 mg......... 62 anastrozole tab 1 mg (Arimidex)................................... 16 ANCOBON -flucytosine cap 250 mg................................... 6 ANCOBON -flucytosine cap 500 mg................................... 6 ANDRODERM -testosterone td patch 24hr 2 mg/24hr..... 21 ANDRODERM -testosterone td patch 24hr 4 mg/24hr..... 21 ANDROGEL PUMP -testosterone td gel 12.5 mg/act (1%)................................................................................. 21 ANDROGEL PUMP -testosterone td gel 20.25 mg/act (1.62%)............................................................................ 21 ANDROGEL -testosterone td gel 25 mg/2.5gm (1%)....... 21 ANDROGEL -testosterone td gel 50 mg/5gm (1%).......... 21 ANDROGEL -testosterone td gel 20.25 mg/1.25gm (1.62%)............................................................................ 21 ANDROGEL -testosterone td gel 40.5 mg/2.5gm (1.62%)............................................................................ 21 ANDROID -methyltestosterone cap 10 mg....................... 21 ANDROXY -fluoxymesterone tab 10 mg........................... 21 ANGELIQ -drospirenone-estradiol tab 0.25-0.5 mg.......... 22 ANGELIQ -drospirenone-estradiol tab 0.5-1 mg............... 22 ANORO ELLIPTA -umeclidinium-vilanterol aero powd ba 62.5-25 mcg/inh.............................................................. 58 ANTABUSE -disulfiram tab 250 mg.................................. 82 ANTABUSE -disulfiram tab 500 mg.................................. 82 antipyrine-benzocaine otic soln 54-14 mg/ml (5.4-1.4%)...................................................................... 124 ANTI-STICK INSULIN SYRING -insulin syringe/needle u-100 1/2 ml 28 x 1/2".................................................. 140 ANTI-STICK INSULIN SYRING -insulin syringe/needle u-100 1/2 ml 29 x 1/2".................................................. 140 ANTI-STICK INSULIN SYRING -insulin syringe/needle u-100 1 ml 29 x 1/2".....................................................140 ANTI-STICK TUBERCULIN SYR -tuberculin/allergy syringe/needle (disp) 1 ml 25 x 5/8"............................ 140 ANTI-STICK TUBERCULIN SYR -tuberculin/allergy syringe/needle (disp) 1 ml 27 x 1/2"............................ 140 Florida Blue October 2016 Care Choices Rx Medication Drug Guide 201 2016 ANUSOL-HC -hydrocortisone rectal cream 2.5%........... 125 ANZEMET -dolasetron mesylate tab 50 mg..................... 63 ANZEMET -dolasetron mesylate tab 100 mg................... 63 APEXICON E -diflorasone diacetate emollient base cream 0.05%................................................................. 125 APIDRA -insulin glulisine inj 100 unit/ml........................... 30 APIDRA SOLOSTAR -insulin glulisine soln pen-injector inj 100 unit/ml.......................................................................30 APOKYN -apomorphine hydrochloride inj 10 mg/ml....... 100 apraclonidine hcl ophth soln 0.5% (base equivalent) (Iopidine)...................................................................... 120 APRISO -mesalamine cap sr 24hr 0.375 gm.................... 65 APTENSIO XR -methylphenidate hcl cap er 24hr 10 mg (xr)................................................................................... 78 APTENSIO XR -methylphenidate hcl cap er 24hr 15 mg (xr)................................................................................... 78 APTENSIO XR -methylphenidate hcl cap er 24hr 20 mg (xr)................................................................................... 78 APTENSIO XR -methylphenidate hcl cap er 24hr 30 mg (xr)................................................................................... 78 APTENSIO XR -methylphenidate hcl cap er 24hr 40 mg (xr)................................................................................... 78 APTENSIO XR -methylphenidate hcl cap er 24hr 50 mg (xr)................................................................................... 79 APTENSIO XR -methylphenidate hcl cap er 24hr 60 mg (xr)................................................................................... 79 APTIOM -eslicarbazepine acetate tab 200 mg................. 95 APTIOM -eslicarbazepine acetate tab 400 mg................. 95 APTIOM -eslicarbazepine acetate tab 600 mg................. 95 APTIOM -eslicarbazepine acetate tab 800 mg................. 95 APTIVUS -tipranavir cap 250 mg........................................ 7 APTIVUS -tipranavir oral soln 100 mg/ml........................... 7 AQUA LANCE ADJUSTABLE LAN -lancet devices........ 140 ARALEN -chloroquine phosphate tab 500 mg.................. 11 ARANESP ALBUMIN FREE -darbepoetin alfa soln inj 25 mcg/ml........................................................................... 112 ARANESP ALBUMIN FREE -darbepoetin alfa soln inj 40 mcg/ml........................................................................... 112 ARANESP ALBUMIN FREE -darbepoetin alfa soln inj 60 mcg/ml........................................................................... 112 ARANESP ALBUMIN FREE -darbepoetin alfa soln inj 100 mcg/ml........................................................................... 112 ARANESP ALBUMIN FREE -darbepoetin alfa soln inj 200 mcg/ml........................................................................... 112 ARANESP ALBUMIN FREE -darbepoetin alfa soln inj 300 mcg/ml........................................................................... 112 ARANESP ALBUMIN FREE -darbepoetin alfa soln prefilled syringe 10 mcg/0.4ml..................................... 112 ARANESP ALBUMIN FREE -darbepoetin alfa soln prefilled syringe 25 mcg/0.42ml................................... 112 ARANESP ALBUMIN FREE -darbepoetin alfa soln prefilled syringe 40 mcg/0.4ml..................................... 112 ARANESP ALBUMIN FREE -darbepoetin alfa soln prefilled syringe 60 mcg/0.3ml..................................... 112 ARANESP ALBUMIN FREE -darbepoetin alfa soln prefilled syringe 100 mcg/0.5ml................................... 112 ARANESP ALBUMIN FREE -darbepoetin alfa soln prefilled syringe 150 mcg/0.3ml................................... 112 ARANESP ALBUMIN FREE -darbepoetin alfa soln prefilled syringe 200 mcg/0.4ml................................... 112 ARANESP ALBUMIN FREE -darbepoetin alfa soln prefilled syringe 300 mcg/0.6ml................................... 112 ARANESP ALBUMIN FREE -darbepoetin alfa soln prefilled syringe 500 mcg/ml........................................ 112 ARAVA -leflunomide tab 10 mg......................................... 91 ARAVA -leflunomide tab 20 mg......................................... 91 ARCALYST -rilonacept for inj 220 mg...............................91 ARCAPTA NEOHALER -indacaterol maleate inhal powder cap 75 mcg (base equiv)................................................58 ARICEPT -donepezil hydrochloride tab 5 mg................... 82 ARICEPT -donepezil hydrochloride tab 10 mg................. 82 ARICEPT -donepezil hydrochloride tab 23 mg................. 82 ARIMIDEX -anastrozole tab 1 mg..................................... 16 aripiprazole orally disintegrating tab 10 mg.................74 aripiprazole orally disintegrating tab 15 mg.................74 aripiprazole oral solution 1 mg/ml................................. 74 aripiprazole tab 2 mg (Abilify)........................................ 74 aripiprazole tab 5 mg (Abilify)........................................ 74 aripiprazole tab 10 mg (Abilify)...................................... 74 aripiprazole tab 15 mg (Abilify)...................................... 74 aripiprazole tab 20 mg (Abilify)...................................... 74 aripiprazole tab 30 mg (Abilify)...................................... 74 ARIXTRA -fondaparinux sodium subcutaneous inj 2.5 mg/0.5ml........................................................................ 114 ARIXTRA -fondaparinux sodium subcutaneous inj 5 mg/0.4ml........................................................................ 114 ARIXTRA -fondaparinux sodium subcutaneous inj 7.5 mg/0.6ml........................................................................ 114 ARIXTRA -fondaparinux sodium subcutaneous inj 10 mg/0.8ml........................................................................ 114 ARMODAFINIL -armodafinil tab 200 mg........................... 79 armodafinil tab 50 mg (Nuvigil)......................................79 armodafinil tab 150 mg (Nuvigil)................................... 79 armodafinil tab 250 mg (Nuvigil)................................... 79 ARMOUR THYROID -thyroid tab 15 mg (1/4 grain)......... 31 ARMOUR THYROID -thyroid tab 30 mg (1/2 grain)......... 31 ARMOUR THYROID -thyroid tab 90 mg (1 1/2 grain)...... 31 ARMOUR THYROID -thyroid tab 60 mg (1 grain)............ 31 ARMOUR THYROID -thyroid tab 120 mg (2 grain).......... 31 ARMOUR THYROID -thyroid tab 180 mg (3 grain).......... 31 ARMOUR THYROID -thyroid tab 240 mg (4 grain).......... 31 ARMOUR THYROID -thyroid tab 300 mg (5 grain).......... 31 ARNUITY ELLIPTA -fluticasone furoate aerosol powder breath activ 100 mcg/act................................................ 58 ARNUITY ELLIPTA -fluticasone furoate aerosol powder breath activ 200 mcg/act................................................ 58 AROMASIN -exemestane tab 25 mg................................ 16 ARTHROTEC 50 -diclofenac w/ misoprostol tab delayed release 50-0.2 mg...........................................................91 ARTHROTEC 75 -diclofenac w/ misoprostol tab delayed release 75-0.2 mg...........................................................91 ARZOL SILVER NITRATE APP -silver nitrate-potassium nitrate applicator 75-25%............................................. 126 Florida Blue October 2016 Care Choices Rx Medication Drug Guide 202 2016 ASACOL HD -mesalamine tab delayed release 800 mg.................................................................................... 65 ASCENSIA AUTODISC TEST ST -glucose blood test disk................................................................................ 134 ASMANEX HFA -mometasone furoate inhal aerosol suspension 100 mcg/act................................................. 58 ASMANEX HFA -mometasone furoate inhal aerosol suspension 200 mcg/act................................................. 58 ASMANEX TWISTHALER 120 ME -mometasone furoate inhal powd 220 mcg/inh (breath activated).................... 58 ASMANEX TWISTHALER 7 METE -mometasone furoate inhal powd 110 mcg/inh (breath activated).................... 58 ASMANEX TWISTHALER 14 MET -mometasone furoate inhal powd 220 mcg/inh (breath activated).................... 58 ASMANEX TWISTHALER 30 MET -mometasone furoate inhal powd 110 mcg/inh (breath activated).................... 58 ASMANEX TWISTHALER 30 MET -mometasone furoate inhal powd 220 mcg/inh (breath activated).................... 58 ASMANEX TWISTHALER 60 MET -mometasone furoate inhal powd 220 mcg/inh (breath activated).................... 58 ASPIRIN/DIPYRIDAMOLE -aspirin-dipyridamole cap sr 12hr 25-200 mg............................................................ 116 ASPIRIN-CAFFEINE-DIHYDROC -aspirin-caffeinedihydrocodeine cap 356.4-30-16 mg............................. 86 aspirin chew tab 81 mg...................................................85 aspirin tab delayed release 81 mg.................................85 ASSURE 4 BLOOD GLUCOSE ME -blood glucose monitoring devices........................................................ 141 ASSURE COMFORT LANCETS UL -lancets................. 140 ASSURE HAEMOLANCE PLUS HI -lancets.................. 140 ASSURE HAEMOLANCE PLUS LO -lancets................. 140 ASSURE HAEMOLANCE PLUS MI -lancets.................. 140 ASSURE HAEMOLANCE PLUS NO -lancets................. 140 ASSURE HAEMOLANCE PLUS PE -lancets................. 141 ASSURE ID INSULIN SAFETY -insulin syringe/needle u-100 1/2 ml 29 x 1/2".................................................. 141 ASSURE ID INSULIN SAFETY -insulin syringe/needle u-100 1 ml 29 x 1/2".....................................................141 ASSURE II CHECK STRIP -glucose blood test strip...... 134 ASSURE II -glucose blood test strip............................... 134 ASSURE II TEST STRIPS -glucose blood test strip....... 134 ASSURE LANCE LANCETS 21G -lancets..................... 141 ASSURE LANCE LANCETS -lancets............................. 141 ASSURE LANCE PLUS SAFETY -lancets..................... 141 ASSURE LANCETS -lancets...........................................141 ASSURE 3 METER -blood glucose monitoring kit.......... 141 ASSURE PLATINUM BLOOD GLU -blood glucose monitoring devices........................................................ 141 ASSURE PLATINUM TEST STRI -glucose blood test strip................................................................................ 134 ASSURE PRISM MULTI BLOOD -blood glucose monitoring devices........................................................ 141 ASSURE PRISM MULTI TEST S -glucose blood test strip................................................................................ 134 ASSURE PRO BLOOD GLUCOSE -blood glucose monitoring devices........................................................ 141 ASSURE PRO TEST STRIPS -glucose blood test strip................................................................................ 134 ASSURE 3 TEST STRIPS -glucose blood test strip....... 134 ASSURE 4 TEST STRIPS -glucose blood test strip....... 134 ASTAGRAF XL -tacrolimus cap sr 24hr 0.5 mg.............. 194 ASTAGRAF XL -tacrolimus cap sr 24hr 1 mg................. 194 ASTAGRAF XL -tacrolimus cap sr 24hr 5 mg................. 194 ASTEPRO -azelastine hcl nasal spray 0.15% (205.5 mcg/ spray)............................................................................... 56 ATABEX EC -prenatal vit w/ dss-iron carbonyl-fa tab dr 29-1 mg......................................................................... 104 ATACAND -candesartan cilexetil tab 4 mg....................... 44 ATACAND -candesartan cilexetil tab 8 mg....................... 44 ATACAND -candesartan cilexetil tab 16 mg..................... 44 ATACAND -candesartan cilexetil tab 32 mg..................... 44 ATACAND HCT -candesartan cilexetil-hydrochlorothiazide tab 16-12.5 mg............................................................... 44 ATACAND HCT -candesartan cilexetil-hydrochlorothiazide tab 32-12.5 mg............................................................... 44 ATACAND HCT -candesartan cilexetil-hydrochlorothiazide tab 32-25 mg...................................................................44 ATELVIA -risedronate sodium tab delayed release 35 mg.................................................................................... 33 atenolol & chlorthalidone tab 50-25 mg (Tenoretic 50).................................................................................... 44 atenolol & chlorthalidone tab 100-25 mg (Tenoretic 100).................................................................................. 44 atenolol tab 25 mg (Tenormin)....................................... 38 atenolol tab 50 mg (Tenormin)....................................... 38 atenolol tab 100 mg (Tenormin)..................................... 38 AT LAST BLOOD GLUCOSE SYS -blood glucose monitoring kit................................................................. 141 AT LAST LANCETS -lancets........................................... 141 AT LAST TEST STRIPS -glucose blood test strip.......... 134 atorvastatin calcium tab 10 mg (base equivalent) (Lipitor)........................................................................... 52 atorvastatin calcium tab 20 mg (base equivalent) (Lipitor)........................................................................... 52 atorvastatin calcium tab 40 mg (base equivalent) (Lipitor)........................................................................... 52 atorvastatin calcium tab 80 mg (base equivalent) (Lipitor)........................................................................... 52 atovaquone-proguanil hcl tab 62.5-25 mg (Malarone)...................................................................... 11 atovaquone-proguanil hcl tab 250-100 mg (Malarone)...................................................................... 11 atovaquone susp 750 mg/5ml (Mepron)....................... 11 ATRIPLA -efavirenz-emtricitabine-tenofovir df tab 600-200-300 mg................................................................7 ATROPINE SULFATE -atropine sulfate ophth oint 1%.................................................................................. 120 ATROPINE SULFATE -atropine sulfate ophth soln 1%.................................................................................. 120 ATROVENT HFA -ipratropium bromide hfa inhal aerosol 17 mcg/act.......................................................................58 AUBAGIO -teriflunomide tab 7 mg.................................... 82 AUBAGIO -teriflunomide tab 14 mg.................................. 82 Florida Blue October 2016 Care Choices Rx Medication Drug Guide 203 2016 AUGMENTIN -amoxicillin & k clavulanate for susp 125-31.25 mg/5ml............................................................. 1 AUGMENTIN -amoxicillin & k clavulanate for susp 250-62.5 mg/5ml............................................................... 1 AUGMENTIN -amoxicillin & k clavulanate tab 500-125 mg...................................................................................... 1 AUGMENTIN -amoxicillin & k clavulanate tab 875-125 mg...................................................................................... 1 AUGMENTIN ES-600 -amoxicillin & k clavulanate for susp 600-42.9 mg/5ml...................................................... 1 AUGMENTIN XR -amoxicillin & k clavulanate tab sr 12hr 1000-62.5 mg.................................................................... 1 AURORA LANCET SUPER THIN -lancets..................... 141 AURORA LANCET THIN 23G -lancets........................... 141 AURORA PEN NEEDLES 29GX12 -insulin pen needle 29 g x 12 mm (1/2")...........................................................141 AURORA PEN NEEDLES 31G X -insulin pen needle 31 g x 6 mm (1/4")................................................................ 141 AURORA PEN NEEDLES 31G X -insulin pen needle 31 g x 8 mm (1/3" or 5/16").................................................. 141 AURORA UNIFINE PENTIPS/32 -insulin pen needle 32 g x 4 mm (5/32").............................................................. 141 AURORA UNIFINE PENTIPS/MI -insulin pen needle 31 g x 5 mm (3/16").............................................................. 141 AUTO-LANCET -lancet devices...................................... 141 AUTO-LANCET MINI -lancet devices............................. 141 AUTOLET IMPRESSION -lancet devices....................... 141 AUTOLET IMPRESSION LANCIN -lancet devices......... 141 AUTOLET MINI -lancet devices...................................... 141 AUTOPEN -injection device for insulin............................141 AVALIDE -irbesartan-hydrochlorothiazide tab 150-12.5 mg.................................................................................... 44 AVALIDE -irbesartan-hydrochlorothiazide tab 300-12.5 mg.................................................................................... 44 AVANDIA -rosiglitazone maleate tab 2 mg (base equiv)............................................................................... 27 AVANDIA -rosiglitazone maleate tab 4 mg (base equiv)............................................................................... 27 AVAPRO -irbesartan tab 75 mg........................................ 44 AVAPRO -irbesartan tab 150 mg...................................... 44 AVAPRO -irbesartan tab 300 mg...................................... 44 AVAR LS -sulfacetamide sodium w/ sulfur foam 10-2%............................................................................ 126 AVAR -sulfacetamide sodium w/ sulfur foam 9.5-5%...... 126 AVC -sulfanilamide vaginal cream 15%............................ 68 AVELOX ABC PACK -moxifloxacin hcl tab 400 mg (base equiv)................................................................................. 4 AVELOX -moxifloxacin hcl tab 400 mg (base equiv).......... 4 AVODART -dutasteride cap 0.5 mg.................................. 68 AVONEX -interferon beta-1a for im inj kit 30mcg (33mcg(6.6 mu)/vial)....................................................... 82 AVONEX -interferon beta-1a im prefilled syringe kit 30 mcg/0.5ml........................................................................ 82 AVONEX PEN -interferon beta-1a im auto-injector kit 30 mcg/0.5ml........................................................................ 82 AXERT -almotriptan malate tab 6.25 mg.......................... 94 AXERT -almotriptan malate tab 12.5 mg.......................... 94 AXILLARY BLOCK NEEDLE BLO -needle (disp) 22 x 1".................................................................................... 141 AXILLARY BLOCK NEEDLE BLO -needle (disp) 25 x 1".................................................................................... 141 AYGESTIN -norethindrone acetate tab 5 mg.................... 26 AZASAN -azathioprine tab 75 mg................................... 194 AZASAN -azathioprine tab 100 mg................................. 194 AZASITE -azithromycin ophth soln 1%........................... 120 azathioprine tab 50 mg (Imuran).................................. 194 azelastine hcl nasal spray 0.1% (137 mcg/spray)........ 56 azelastine hcl nasal spray 0.15% (205.5 mcg/spray) (Astepro).........................................................................56 azelastine hcl ophth soln 0.05%.................................. 120 AZELEX -azelaic acid cream 20%.................................. 126 AZILECT -rasagiline mesylate tab 0.5 mg (base equiv)............................................................................. 100 AZILECT -rasagiline mesylate tab 1 mg (base equiv)............................................................................. 100 AZITHROMYCIN -azithromycin powd pack for susp 1 gm...................................................................................... 3 azithromycin for susp 100 mg/5ml (Zithromax)............. 3 azithromycin for susp 200 mg/5ml (Zithromax)............. 3 azithromycin tab 250 mg (Zithromax)............................. 3 azithromycin tab 500 mg (Zithromax)............................. 3 azithromycin tab 600 mg (Zithromax)............................. 3 AZOPT -brinzolamide ophth susp 1%............................. 120 AZOR -amlodipine besylate-olmesartan medoxomil tab 5-20 mg........................................................................... 44 AZOR -amlodipine besylate-olmesartan medoxomil tab 5-40 mg........................................................................... 44 AZOR -amlodipine besylate-olmesartan medoxomil tab 10-20 mg......................................................................... 44 AZOR -amlodipine besylate-olmesartan medoxomil tab 10-40 mg......................................................................... 44 AZULFIDINE EN-TABS -sulfasalazine tab delayed release 500 mg............................................................... 65 AZULFIDINE -sulfasalazine tab 500 mg........................... 65 B BACITRACIN -bacitracin ophth oint 500 unit/gm............ 120 bacitracin-polymyxin b ophth oint.............................. 120 bacitracin-polymyxin-neomycin-hc ophth oint 1%.................................................................................. 120 baclofen tab 10 mg........................................................ 103 baclofen tab 20 mg........................................................ 103 BACTRIM DS -sulfamethoxazole-trimethoprim tab 800-160 mg..................................................................... 11 BACTRIM -sulfamethoxazole-trimethoprim tab 400-80 mg.................................................................................... 11 BACTROBAN -mupirocin calcium cream 2%................. 126 BACTROBAN NASAL -mupirocin calcium nasal oint 2%.................................................................................... 56 BAL-CARE DHA -prenat w/fe poly-na fered-fa tab 27-1 & omega cap dr 430mg................................................... 104 balsalazide disodium cap 750 mg (Colazal)................. 65 BANZEL -rufinamide susp 40 mg/ml................................. 95 BANZEL -rufinamide tab 200 mg...................................... 95 Florida Blue October 2016 Care Choices Rx Medication Drug Guide 204 2016 BANZEL -rufinamide tab 400 mg...................................... 95 BARACLUDE -entecavir oral soln 0.05 mg/ml.................... 7 BARACLUDE -entecavir tab 0.5 mg................................... 7 BARACLUDE -entecavir tab 1 mg...................................... 7 BAYER BREEZE 2 BLOOD GLUC -blood glucose monitoring kit w/ device................................................ 142 BAYER BREEZE 2 TEST DISC -glucose blood test disk................................................................................ 134 BAYER CONTOUR BLOOD GLUCO -blood glucose monitoring devices........................................................ 142 BAYER CONTOUR BLOOD GLUCO -blood glucose monitoring kit w/ device................................................ 142 BAYER CONTOUR BLOOD GLUCO -glucose blood test strip................................................................................ 134 BAYER CONTOUR LINK BLOOD -blood glucose monitoring kit w/ device................................................ 142 BAYER CONTOUR NEXT BLOOD -blood glucose monitoring kit w/ device................................................ 142 BAYER CONTOUR NEXT BLOOD -glucose blood test strip................................................................................ 134 BAYER CONTOUR NEXT EZ BLO -blood glucose monitoring kit w/ device................................................ 142 BAYER CONTOUR NEXT LINK B -blood glucose monitoring kit w/ device................................................ 142 BAYER CONTOUR NEXT LINK W -blood glucose monitoring kit w/ device................................................ 142 BAYER CONTOUR NEXT USB BL -blood glucose monitoring kit w/ device................................................ 142 BAYER MICROLET LANCETS -lancets......................... 142 BAYER MICROLET 2 LANCING -lancet devices........... 142 BD ALLERGY/SYRINGE/NEEDLE -tuberculin/allergy syringe/needle (disp) 1 ml 28 x 1/2"............................ 142 BD ALLERGY/SYRINGE NEEDLE -tuberculin/allergy syringe/needle (disp) 1 ml 28 x 1/2"............................ 142 BD AUTOSHIELD DUO 30G X 3 -insulin pen needle 30 g x 5 mm (3/16").............................................................. 142 BD AUTOSHIELD 29G X 3/16" -insulin pen needle 29 g x 5 mm (3/16")................................................................. 142 BD AUTOSHIELD 29G X 5/16" -insulin pen needle 29 g x 8 mm (5/16")................................................................. 142 BD BLUNT FILL NEEDLE -needle (disp) 18 x 1-1/2"..... 142 BD DISPOSABLE NEEDLE/30GX -needle (disp) 30 x 1".................................................................................... 142 BD DISPOSABLE NEEDLE 23GX -needle (disp) 23 x 1-1/4"............................................................................. 142 BD DISPOSABLE NEEDLE 27GX -needle (disp) 27 x 1-1/4"............................................................................. 142 BD DISPOSABLE NEEDLE 23GX -needle (disp) 23 x 1".................................................................................... 142 BD DISPOSABLE NEEDLE REGU -needle (disp) 22 x 3/4".................................................................................142 BD DISPOSABLE NEEDLE REGU -needle (disp) 18 x 1".................................................................................... 142 BD DISPOSABLE NEEDLE REGU -needle (disp) 24 x 1".................................................................................... 142 BD DISPOSABLE NEEDLE REGU -needle (disp) 25 x 1".................................................................................... 142 BD ECLIPSE 18G X 1-1/2" -needle (disp) 18 x 1-1/2"............................................................................. 142 BD ECLIPSE 22G X 1" -needle (disp) 22 x 1"................ 143 BD ECLIPSE 23G X 1" NEEDL -needle (disp) 23 x 1".................................................................................... 143 BD ECLIPSE NEEDLE/22G X 1 -needle (disp) 22 x 1-1/2"............................................................................. 142 BD ECLIPSE NEEDLE/25G X -needle (disp) 25 x 5/8".................................................................................142 BD ECLIPSE NEEDLE 25GX1" -needle (disp) 25 x 1".................................................................................... 142 BD ECLIPSE NEEDLE 21G X 1 -needle (disp) 21 x 1-1/2"............................................................................. 142 BD ECLIPSE NEEDLE 25G X 1 -needle (disp) 25 x 1-1/2"............................................................................. 142 BD ECLIPSE NEEDLE 30G X -needle (disp) 30 x 1/2".................................................................................142 BD ECLIPSE NEEDLE 21G X 1 -needle (disp) 21 x 1".................................................................................... 142 BD HYPODERMIC NEEDLE REGU -needle (disp) 18 x 1-1/2"............................................................................. 143 BD HYPODERMIC NEEDLE REGU -needle (disp) 19 x 1-1/2"............................................................................. 143 BD HYPODERMIC NEEDLE REGU -needle (disp) 20 x 1-1/2"............................................................................. 143 BD HYPODERMIC NEEDLE REGU -needle (disp) 21 x 1-1/2"............................................................................. 143 BD HYPODERMIC NEEDLE REGU -needle (disp) 22 x 1-1/2"............................................................................. 143 BD HYPODERMIC NEEDLE REGU -needle (disp) 23 x 1-1/2"............................................................................. 143 BD HYPODERMIC NEEDLE REGU -needle (disp) 25 x 5/8".................................................................................143 BD HYPODERMIC NEEDLE REGU -needle (disp) 26 x 5/8".................................................................................143 BD HYPODERMIC NEEDLE REGU -needle (disp) 21 x 1".................................................................................... 143 BD HYPODERMIC NEEDLE REGU -needle (disp) 22 x 1".................................................................................... 143 BD HYPODERMIC NEEDLE REGU -needle (disp) 23 x 1".................................................................................... 143 BD HYPODERMIC NEEDLE REGU -needle (disp) 25 x 1".................................................................................... 143 BD HYPODERMIC NEEDLE SHOR -needle (disp) 18 x 1-1/2"............................................................................. 143 BD HYPODERMIC NEEDLE SHOR -needle (disp) 20 x 1-1/2"............................................................................. 143 BD HYPODERMIC NEEDLE SHOR -needle (disp) 22 x 1-1/2"............................................................................. 143 BD INSULIN SYRINGE/DETACH -insulin syringe/needle u-100 1 ml 25 x 5/8".....................................................144 BD INSULIN SYRINGE/DETACH -insulin syringe/needle u-100 1 ml 26 x 1/2".....................................................144 BD INSULIN SYRINGE/DETACH -insulin syringe/needle u-100 1 ml 25 x 1"........................................................144 BD INSULIN SYRINGE/U-100/ -insulin syringe/needle u-100 1/2 ml 30 x 1/2".................................................. 144 Florida Blue October 2016 Care Choices Rx Medication Drug Guide 205 2016 BD INSULIN SYRINGE/U-100/ -insulin syringe/needle u-100 1 ml 27 x 1/2".....................................................144 BD INSULIN SYRINGE/U-100/ -insulin syringe/needle u-100 1 ml 28 x 1/2".....................................................144 BD INSULIN SYRINGE/U-100/ -insulin syringe/needle u-100 2 ml 27.5 x 5/8".................................................. 144 BD INSULIN SYRINGE/U-100/ -insulin syringe/needle u-100 2 ml 29 x 1/2".....................................................144 BD INSULIN SYRINGE LUER-L -insulin syringe (disp) u-100 1 ml..................................................................... 143 BD INSULIN SYRINGE MICROF -insulin syringe/needle u-100 1/2 ml 28 x 1/2".................................................. 143 BD INSULIN SYRINGE MICROF -insulin syringe/needle u-100 0.3 ml 28 x 1/2".................................................. 143 BD INSULIN SYRINGE MICROF -insulin syringe/needle u-100 1 ml 27 x 5/8".....................................................143 BD INSULIN SYRINGE MICROF -insulin syringe/needle u-100 1 ml 28 x 1/2".....................................................143 B-D INSULIN SYRINGE MICRO -insulin syringe/needle u-100 1 ml 28 x 1/2".....................................................141 BD INSULIN SYRINGE SAFETY -insulin syringe/needle u-100 1/2 ml 29 x 1/2".................................................. 143 BD INSULIN SYRINGE SAFETY -insulin syringe/needle u-100 1 ml 29 x 1/2".....................................................143 BD INSULIN SYRINGE SAFETY -insulin syringe/needle u-100 0.3 ml 31 x 5/16"................................................ 143 BD INSULIN SYRINGE SLIP T -insulin syringe (disp) u-100 1 ml..................................................................... 143 BD INSULIN SYRINGE U-40/1 -insulin syringe/needle u-40 1 ml 25 x 5/8".......................................................143 BD INSULIN SYRINGE ULTRAF -insulin syringe/needle u-100 1/2 ml 31 x 5/16"................................................ 143 BD INSULIN SYRINGE ULTRAF -insulin syringe/needle u-100 1/2 ml 29 x 1/2".................................................. 143 BD INSULIN SYRINGE ULTRAF -insulin syringe/needle u-100 1/2 ml 30 x 1/2".................................................. 143 BD INSULIN SYRINGE ULTRAF -insulin syringe/needle u-100 1/2 ml 31 x 15/64".............................................. 144 BD INSULIN SYRINGE ULTRAF -insulin syringe/needle u-100 0.3 ml 29 x 1/2".................................................. 143 BD INSULIN SYRINGE ULTRAF -insulin syringe/needle u-100 0.3 ml 30 x 1/2".................................................. 143 BD INSULIN SYRINGE ULTRAF -insulin syringe/needle u-100 0.3 ml 31 x 15/64".............................................. 144 BD INSULIN SYRINGE ULTRAF -insulin syringe/needle u-100 1 ml 29 x 1/2".....................................................144 BD INSULIN SYRINGE ULTRAF -insulin syringe/needle u-100 1 ml 30 x 1/2".....................................................144 BD INSULIN SYRINGE ULTRAF -insulin syringe/needle u-100 1 ml 31 x 5/16"...................................................144 BD INSULIN SYRINGE ULTRAF -insulin syringe/needle u-100 0.3 ml 31 x 5/16"................................................ 144 BD INSULIN SYRINGE ULTRAF -insulin syringe/needle u-100 1 ml 31 x 15/64"................................................. 144 B-D INSULIN SYRINGE ULTRA -insulin syringe/needle u-100 1/2 ml 31 x 5/16"................................................ 141 B-D INSULIN SYRINGE ULTRA -insulin syringe/needle u-100 1/2 ml 30 x 1/2".................................................. 141 B-D INSULIN SYRINGE ULTRA -insulin syringe/needle u-100 0.3 ml 30 x 1/2".................................................. 141 B-D INSULIN SYRINGE ULTRA -insulin syringe/needle u-100 1 ml 30 x 1/2".....................................................141 B-D INSULIN SYRINGE ULTRA -insulin syringe/needle u-100 1 ml 31 x 5/16"...................................................141 B-D INSULIN SYRINGE ULTRA -insulin syringe/needle u-100 0.3 ml 31 x 5/16"................................................ 141 BD INTEGRA INSULIN SYRING -insulin syringe/needle u-100 1 ml 29 x 1/2".....................................................144 BD INTEGRA RETRACTABLE NE -needle (disp) 23 x 1".................................................................................... 144 BD INTEGRA SYRINGE/RETRAC -insulin syringe/needle u-100 1 ml 25 x 1"........................................................144 BD KLATSKIN BIOPSY -needle (disp) 16 x 4"............... 144 BD LANCET DEVICE -lancet devices............................ 144 BD LANCET ULTRAFINE 30G -lancets.......................... 144 BD LANCET ULTRAFINE 33G -lancets.......................... 144 BD LATITUDE DIABETES MANA -blood glucose monitoring kit w/ device................................................ 144 BD LO-DOSE INSULIN SYRIN -insulin syringe/needle u-100 1/2 ml 28 x 1/2".................................................. 142 BD LOGIC BLOOD GLUCOSE MO -blood glucose monitoring kit w/ device................................................ 144 BD MAGNI-GUIDE MAGNIFIER -blood glucose monitoring supplies....................................................... 144 BD MICROTAINER LANCETS -lancets.......................... 144 BD 1ML TUBERCULIN SYRINGE -tuberculin/allergy syringe/needle (disp) 1 ml 26 x 3/8"............................ 145 BD 1ML TUBERCULIN SYRINGE -tuberculin/allergy syringe/needle (disp) 1 ml 27 x 1/2"............................ 145 BD NEEDLE/18G 1-1/2" -needle (disp) 18 x 1-1/2"........ 144 BD NEEDLE/21G 1-1/2" -needle (disp) 21 x 1-1/2"........ 144 BD NEEDLE/16G X 1-1/2" -needle (disp) 16 x 1-1/2"............................................................................. 144 BD NEEDLE/20G X 1-1/2" -needle (disp) 20 x 1-1/2"............................................................................. 144 BD NEEDLE/22G X 1-1/2" -needle (disp) 22 x 1-1/2"............................................................................. 145 BD NEEDLE/25G X 5/8" -needle (disp) 25 x 5/8"........... 145 BD NEEDLE/25G X 7/8" -needle (disp) 25 x 7/8"........... 145 BD NEEDLE/27G X 1/2" -needle (disp) 27 x 1/2"........... 145 BD NEEDLE/30G X 1/2" -needle (disp) 30 x 1/2"........... 145 BD NEEDLE/19G X 1" -needle (disp) 19 x 1"................. 144 BD NEEDLE/20G X 1" -needle (disp) 20 x 1"................. 144 BD OSGOOD BIOPSY -needle (disp) 16 x 1-5/16"........ 145 BD PEN -injection device for insulin............................... 145 BD PEN MINI -injection device for insulin....................... 145 BD PEN NEEDLE/MINI/ULTRAF -insulin pen needle 31 g x 5 mm (3/16").............................................................. 145 BD PEN NEEDLE/NANO/ULTRA -insulin pen needle 32 g x 4 mm (5/32").............................................................. 145 BD PEN NEEDLE/SHORT/ULTRA -insulin pen needle 31 g x 8 mm (1/3" or 5/16")...............................................145 Florida Blue October 2016 Care Choices Rx Medication Drug Guide 206 2016 BD PEN NEEDLE/ULTRAFINE/2 -insulin pen needle 29 g x 12.7 mm..................................................................... 145 BD PEN NEEDLES SHORT/ULTR -insulin pen needle 31 g x 8 mm (1/3" or 5/16")...............................................145 BD PLASTIPAK SYRINGES ALL -tuberculin/allergy syringe/needle (disp) 1 ml 28 x 1/2"............................ 145 BD PRECISIONGLIDE NEEDLE -needle (disp) 27 x 1-1/2"............................................................................. 145 BD ROSENTHAL BIOPSY -needle (disp) 16 x 1-5/16"........................................................................... 145 BD SAFETYGLIDE ALLERGY S -tuberculin/allergy syringe/needle (disp) 1 ml 26 x 3/8"............................ 145 BD SAFETYGLIDE ALLERGY SY -tuberculin/allergy syringe/needle (disp) 1 ml 27 x 1/2"............................ 145 BD SAFETYGLIDE 21G X 1-1/ -needle (disp) 21 x 1-1/2"............................................................................. 145 BD SAFETYGLIDE 21G X 1" -needle (disp) 21 x 1".......145 BD SAFETYGLIDE HYPODERMIC -needle (disp) 18 x 1-1/2"............................................................................. 145 BD SAFETYGLIDE HYPODERMIC -needle (disp) 25 x 5/8".................................................................................145 BD SAFETYGLIDE INJECTION -needle (disp) 22 x 1-1/2"............................................................................. 145 BD SAFETYGLIDE INJECTION -needle (disp) 25 x 1".................................................................................... 145 BD SAFETY-GLIDE INSULIN S -insulin syringe/needle u-100 1/2 ml 29 x 1/2".................................................. 145 BD SAFETYGLIDE INSULIN SY -insulin syringe/needle u-100 1/2 ml 30 x 5/16"................................................ 145 BD SAFETYGLIDE SHIELDED N -needle (disp) 23 x 1".................................................................................... 145 BD SAFETY-LOK INSULIN SYR -insulin syringe/needle u-100 1 ml 29 x 1/2".....................................................145 BEBULIN -factor ix complex for inj 200-1200 unit.......... 116 benazepril & hydrochlorothiazide tab 5-6.25 mg......... 44 benazepril & hydrochlorothiazide tab 10-12.5 mg (Lotensin hct)................................................................ 44 benazepril & hydrochlorothiazide tab 20-12.5 mg (Lotensin hct)................................................................ 44 benazepril & hydrochlorothiazide tab 20-25 mg (Lotensin hct)................................................................ 44 benazepril hcl tab 5 mg.................................................. 44 benazepril hcl tab 10 mg (Lotensin).............................. 44 benazepril hcl tab 20 mg (Lotensin).............................. 44 benazepril hcl tab 40 mg (Lotensin).............................. 44 BENEFIX -coagulation factor ix (recombinant) for inj 250 unit................................................................................. 116 BENEFIX -coagulation factor ix (recombinant) for inj 500 unit................................................................................. 116 BENEFIX -coagulation factor ix (recombinant) for inj 1000 unit................................................................................. 116 BENEFIX -coagulation factor ix (recombinant) for inj 2000 unit................................................................................. 116 BENEFIX -coagulation factor ix (recombinant) for inj 3000 unit................................................................................. 116 BENICAR HCT -olmesartan medoxomilhydrochlorothiazide tab 20-12.5 mg...............................44 BENICAR HCT -olmesartan medoxomilhydrochlorothiazide tab 40-12.5 mg...............................44 BENICAR HCT -olmesartan medoxomilhydrochlorothiazide tab 40-25 mg.................................. 44 BENICAR -olmesartan medoxomil tab 5 mg.....................44 BENICAR -olmesartan medoxomil tab 20 mg...................44 BENICAR -olmesartan medoxomil tab 40 mg...................44 BENTYL -dicyclomine hcl cap 10 mg............................... 62 BENTYL -dicyclomine hcl tab 20 mg................................ 62 BENZAC AC WASH -benzoyl peroxide liq 5%............... 126 BENZACLIN -clindamycin phosphate-benzoyl peroxide gel 1-5%........................................................................ 126 BENZACLIN WITH PUMP -clindamycin phosphatebenzoyl peroxide gel 1-5%........................................... 126 BENZAMYCIN -benzoyl peroxide-erythromycin gel 5-3%.............................................................................. 126 BENZAMYCINPAK -benzoyl peroxide-erythromycin gel pack 5-3%..................................................................... 126 BENZIQ -benzoyl peroxide gel 5.25 %........................... 126 BENZIQ LS -benzoyl peroxide gel 2.75%....................... 126 benzocaine dental soln 20%.........................................124 BENZONATATE -benzonatate cap 150 mg...................... 57 benzonatate cap 200 mg................................................. 57 benzonatate cap 100 mg (Tessalon perles).................. 57 benzoyl peroxide-erythromycin gel 5-3% (Benzamycin)............................................................... 126 benzoyl peroxide gel 10%.............................................126 benzoyl peroxide liq 5.25%...........................................126 benzoyl peroxide liq 10%..............................................126 benzoyl peroxide lotion 6%.......................................... 126 benztropine mesylate tab 0.5 mg................................ 100 benztropine mesylate tab 1 mg................................... 100 benztropine mesylate tab 2 mg................................... 101 BEPREVE -bepotastine besilate ophth soln 1.5%.......... 120 BERINERT -c1 esterase inhibitor (human) for iv inj kit 500 unit................................................................................. 116 BESIVANCE -besifloxacin hcl ophth susp 0.6% (base equiv)............................................................................. 120 BETADINE OPHTHALMIC PREP -povidone-iodine ophth soln 5%......................................................................... 120 BETAGAN -levobunolol hcl ophth soln 0.5%.................. 120 betamethasone dipropionate augmented cream 0.05% (Diprolene af)............................................................... 126 betamethasone dipropionate augmented gel 0.05%.............................................................................126 betamethasone dipropionate augmented lotion 0.05% (Diprolene)................................................................... 126 betamethasone dipropionate augmented oint 0.05% (Diprolene)................................................................... 126 betamethasone dipropionate cream 0.05%................ 126 betamethasone dipropionate lotion 0.05%................. 126 betamethasone dipropionate oint 0.05%.................... 126 betamethasone valerate aerosol foam 0.12% (Luxiq)........................................................................... 126 betamethasone valerate cream 0.1%.......................... 126 betamethasone valerate lotion 0.1%........................... 126 betamethasone valerate oint 0.1%.............................. 126 Florida Blue October 2016 Care Choices Rx Medication Drug Guide 207 2016 BETAPACE AF -sotalol hcl (afib/afl) tab 80 mg................ 38 BETAPACE AF -sotalol hcl (afib/afl) tab 120 mg.............. 38 BETAPACE AF -sotalol hcl (afib/afl) tab 160 mg.............. 38 BETAPACE -sotalol hcl tab 80 mg.................................... 38 BETAPACE -sotalol hcl tab 120 mg.................................. 38 BETAPACE -sotalol hcl tab 160 mg.................................. 38 BETASERON -interferon beta-1b for inj kit 0.3 mg........... 82 betaxolol hcl ophth soln 0.5%......................................120 betaxolol hcl tab 10 mg (Kerlone)................................. 38 betaxolol hcl tab 20 mg (Kerlone)................................. 38 bethanechol chloride tab 5 mg (Urecholine)................ 67 bethanechol chloride tab 10 mg (Urecholine).............. 67 bethanechol chloride tab 25 mg (Urecholine).............. 67 bethanechol chloride tab 50 mg (Urecholine).............. 67 BETHKIS -tobramycin nebu soln 300 mg/4ml.................... 5 BETIMOL -timolol ophth soln 0.25%............................... 120 BETIMOL -timolol ophth soln 0.5%................................. 120 BETOPTIC-S -betaxolol hcl ophth susp 0.25%.............. 120 bexarotene cap 75 mg (Targretin)..................................16 BEXSERO -meningococcal vac b (recomb adsorbed) inj prefilled syringe............................................................... 12 BEYAZ -drospirenone-ethinyl estrad-levomefolate tab 3-0.02-0.451 mg..............................................................24 BG STAR BLOOD GLUCOSE TES -glucose blood test strip................................................................................ 134 BIAXIN -clarithromycin for susp 250 mg/5ml...................... 3 BIAXIN -clarithromycin tab 250 mg..................................... 3 BIAXIN -clarithromycin tab 500 mg..................................... 3 bicalutamide tab 50 mg (Casodex)................................ 16 BIDIL -isosorbide dinitrate-hydralazine hcl tab 20-37.5 mg.................................................................................... 55 BILTRICIDE -praziquantel tab 600 mg.............................. 11 BIMATOPROST -bimatoprost ophth soln 0.03%............ 120 BINOSTO -alendronate sodium effervescent tab 70 mg.................................................................................... 33 BIOSCANNER GLUCOSE TEST S -glucose blood test strip................................................................................ 134 BIO-STATIN -nystatin cap 500000 unit............................... 6 BIO-STATIN -nystatin cap 1000000 unit............................. 6 bisacodyl tab & peg 3350-kcl-sod bicarb-nacl for soln kit..................................................................................... 61 bisoprolol & hydrochlorothiazide tab 2.5-6.25 mg (Ziac)............................................................................... 44 bisoprolol & hydrochlorothiazide tab 5-6.25 mg (Ziac)............................................................................... 44 bisoprolol & hydrochlorothiazide tab 10-6.25 mg (Ziac)............................................................................... 44 bisoprolol fumarate tab 5 mg (Zebeta)..........................38 bisoprolol fumarate tab 10 mg (Zebeta)........................38 BLEPHAMIDE S.O.P. -sulfacetamide sodiumprednisolone ophth oint 10-0.2%................................. 120 BLEPHAMIDE -sulfacetamide sodium-prednisolone ophth susp 10-0.2%................................................................ 120 BLEPH-10 -sulfacetamide sodium ophth soln 10%........ 120 BLOOD GLUCOSE MONITORING -blood glucose monitoring kit w/ device................................................ 145 BLOOD GLUCOSE SYSTEM PAK -blood glucose monitoring kit w/ device................................................ 145 BLOOD GLUCOSE TEST STRIPS -glucose blood test strip................................................................................ 134 BONIVA -ibandronate sodium tab 150 mg (base equivalent)....................................................................... 34 BOOSTRIX -tet tox-diph-acell pertuss ad inj 5-2.5-18.5 lflf-mcg/0.5ml..................................................................... 14 BOSULIF -bosutinib tab 100 mg....................................... 16 BOSULIF -bosutinib tab 500 mg....................................... 16 BP FOLINATAL PLUS B -prenatal w/ calcium carbonateb6-b12-fa tab 1 mg....................................................... 104 BP MULTINATAL PLUS -prenatal w/o a vit w/ fe fumaratefa tab 30-1 mg.............................................................. 104 BP MULTINATAL PLUS -prenatal w/o a vit w/ fe fum-fa tab chew 40-1 mg......................................................... 104 BREEZE 2 BLOOD GLUCOSE MO -blood glucose monitoring devices........................................................ 145 BREO ELLIPTA -fluticasone furoate-vilanterol aero powd ba 100-25 mcg/inh.......................................................... 58 BREO ELLIPTA -fluticasone furoate-vilanterol aero powd ba 200-25 mcg/inh.......................................................... 58 BREVICON-28 -norethindrone & ethinyl estradiol tab 0.5 mg-35 mcg...................................................................... 24 BRILINTA -ticagrelor tab 60 mg...................................... 116 BRILINTA -ticagrelor tab 90 mg...................................... 116 brimonidine tartrate ophth soln 0.2%......................... 120 brimonidine tartrate ophth soln 0.15% (Alphagan p)................................................................................... 120 BRISDELLE -paroxetine mesylate cap 7.5 mg (base equiv)............................................................................... 82 BRIVIACT -brivaracetam iv soln 50 mg/5ml..................... 95 BRIVIACT -brivaracetam oral soln 10 mg/ml.................... 95 BRIVIACT -brivaracetam tab 10 mg................................. 95 BRIVIACT -brivaracetam tab 25 mg................................. 95 BRIVIACT -brivaracetam tab 50 mg................................. 95 BRIVIACT -brivaracetam tab 75 mg................................. 95 BRIVIACT -brivaracetam tab 100 mg............................... 95 BROMFENAC -bromfenac sodium ophth soln 0.09% (base equivalent).......................................................... 120 bromfenac sodium ophth soln 0.09% (base equiv) (once-daily).................................................................. 120 bromocriptine mesylate cap 5 mg (Parlodel)............. 101 bromocriptine mesylate tab 2.5 mg............................. 101 budesonide delayed release particles cap 3 mg (Entocort ec).................................................................. 20 budesonide inhalation susp 0.25 mg/2ml (Pulmicort)......................................................................59 budesonide inhalation susp 0.5 mg/2ml (Pulmicort)......................................................................59 budesonide inhalation susp 1 mg/2ml (Pulmicort)...... 59 BULLSEYE MINI SAFETY LANC -lancets...................... 145 BULLSEYE SAFETY LANCETS -lancets....................... 145 bumetanide tab 0.5 mg................................................... 50 bumetanide tab 1 mg...................................................... 50 bumetanide tab 2 mg...................................................... 50 BUMEX -bumetanide tab 0.5 mg...................................... 50 Florida Blue October 2016 Care Choices Rx Medication Drug Guide 208 2016 BUMEX -bumetanide tab 1 mg......................................... 50 BUMEX -bumetanide tab 2 mg......................................... 50 BUNAVAIL -buprenorphine-naloxone buccal film 2.1-0.3 mg (base equiv).............................................................. 86 BUNAVAIL -buprenorphine-naloxone buccal film 4.2-0.7 mg (base equiv).............................................................. 86 BUNAVAIL -buprenorphine-naloxone buccal film 6.3-1 mg (base equiv).................................................................... 86 BUPHENYL -sodium phenylbutyrate oral powder 3 gm/ teaspoonful...................................................................... 34 BUPHENYL -sodium phenylbutyrate tab 500 mg............. 34 buprenorphine hcl-naloxone hcl sl tab 2-0.5 mg (base equiv).............................................................................. 86 buprenorphine hcl-naloxone hcl sl tab 8-2 mg (base equiv).............................................................................. 86 buprenorphine hcl sl tab 2 mg (base equiv)................ 86 buprenorphine hcl sl tab 8 mg (base equiv)................ 86 bupropion hcl (smoking deterrent) tab sr 12hr 150 mg (Zyban)............................................................................ 82 bupropion hcl tab 75 mg (Wellbutrin)........................... 70 bupropion hcl tab 100 mg (Wellbutrin)......................... 71 bupropion hcl tab sr 12hr 100 mg (Wellbutrin sr)........ 70 bupropion hcl tab sr 12hr 150 mg (Wellbutrin sr)........ 70 bupropion hcl tab sr 12hr 200 mg (Wellbutrin sr)........ 70 bupropion hcl tab sr 24hr 150 mg (Wellbutrin xl)........ 70 bupropion hcl tab sr 24hr 300 mg (Wellbutrin xl)........ 70 buspirone hcl tab 5 mg................................................... 70 buspirone hcl tab 7.5 mg................................................ 70 buspirone hcl tab 10 mg................................................. 70 buspirone hcl tab 15 mg................................................. 70 buspirone hcl tab 30 mg................................................. 70 butalbital-acetaminophen-caffeine cap 50-325-40 mg................................................................................... 85 butalbital-acetaminophen-caffeine cap 50-300-40 mg (Fioricet)......................................................................... 85 butalbital-acetaminophen-caffeine tab 50-325-40 mg (Esgic)............................................................................. 85 butalbital-acetaminophen-caff w/ cod cap 50-325-40-30 mg............................................................ 86 butalbital-acetaminophen tab 50-325 mg......................85 butalbital-aspirin-caffeine cap 50-325-40 mg (Fiorinal)......................................................................... 85 butalbital-aspirin-caff w/ codeine cap 50-325-40-30 mg (Fiorinal/codeine #3)..................................................... 86 BUTISOL SODIUM -butabarbital sodium tab 30 mg.........77 butorphanol tartrate nasal soln 10 mg/ml.................... 86 BUTRANS -buprenorphine td patch weekly 5 mcg/hr.......86 BUTRANS -buprenorphine td patch weekly 7.5 mcg/ hr...................................................................................... 86 BUTRANS -buprenorphine td patch weekly 10 mcg/ hr...................................................................................... 86 BUTRANS -buprenorphine td patch weekly 15 mcg/ hr...................................................................................... 86 BUTRANS -buprenorphine td patch weekly 20 mcg/ hr...................................................................................... 86 BYDUREON -exenatide extended release for susp peninjector 2 mg................................................................... 27 BYDUREON -exenatide for inj extended release susp 2 mg.................................................................................... 27 BYETTA -exenatide soln pen-injector 5 mcg/0.02ml........ 27 BYETTA -exenatide soln pen-injector 10 mcg/0.04ml...... 27 BYSTOLIC -nebivolol hcl tab 2.5 mg (base equivalent)....................................................................... 38 BYSTOLIC -nebivolol hcl tab 5 mg (base equivalent).......38 BYSTOLIC -nebivolol hcl tab 10 mg (base equivalent)....................................................................... 38 BYSTOLIC -nebivolol hcl tab 20 mg (base equivalent)....................................................................... 38 C cabergoline tab 0.5 mg................................................... 34 CABOMETYX -cabozantinib s-malate tab 20 mg (base equivalent)....................................................................... 16 CABOMETYX -cabozantinib s-malate tab 40 mg (base equivalent)....................................................................... 16 CABOMETYX -cabozantinib s-malate tab 60 mg (base equivalent)....................................................................... 16 CADUET -amlodipine besylate-atorvastatin calcium tab 2.5-10 mg........................................................................ 55 CADUET -amlodipine besylate-atorvastatin calcium tab 2.5-20 mg........................................................................ 55 CADUET -amlodipine besylate-atorvastatin calcium tab 2.5-40 mg........................................................................ 55 CADUET -amlodipine besylate-atorvastatin calcium tab 5-10 mg........................................................................... 55 CADUET -amlodipine besylate-atorvastatin calcium tab 5-20 mg........................................................................... 55 CADUET -amlodipine besylate-atorvastatin calcium tab 5-40 mg........................................................................... 55 CADUET -amlodipine besylate-atorvastatin calcium tab 5-80 mg........................................................................... 55 CADUET -amlodipine besylate-atorvastatin calcium tab 10-10 mg......................................................................... 55 CADUET -amlodipine besylate-atorvastatin calcium tab 10-20 mg......................................................................... 55 CADUET -amlodipine besylate-atorvastatin calcium tab 10-40 mg......................................................................... 55 CADUET -amlodipine besylate-atorvastatin calcium tab 10-80 mg......................................................................... 55 CAFERGOT -ergotamine w/ caffeine tab 1-100 mg......... 94 caffeine citrate oral soln 60 mg/3ml (10 mg/ml base equiv).............................................................................. 79 CALAN SR -verapamil hcl tab cr 120 mg......................... 40 CALAN SR -verapamil hcl tab cr 180 mg......................... 40 CALAN SR -verapamil hcl tab cr 240 mg......................... 40 CALAN -verapamil hcl tab 80 mg..................................... 40 CALAN -verapamil hcl tab 120 mg................................... 40 calcipotriene-betamethasone dipropionate oint 0.005-0.064% (Taclonex)............................................ 126 calcipotriene cream 0.005% (Dovonex).......................126 calcipotriene oint 0.005%..............................................126 calcipotriene soln 0.005% (50 mcg/ml)....................... 126 calcitonin (salmon) nasal soln 200 unit/act (Miacalcin)...................................................................... 34 Florida Blue October 2016 Care Choices Rx Medication Drug Guide 209 2016 CALCITRIOL -calcitriol oint 3 mcg/gm............................ 126 calcitriol cap 0.25 mcg (Rocaltrol)................................. 34 calcitriol cap 0.5 mcg (Rocaltrol)................................... 34 calcitriol oral soln 1 mcg/ml (Rocaltrol)........................34 calcium acetate (phosphate binder) cap 667 mg (169 mg ca) (Phoslo)............................................................. 65 calcium acetate (phosphate binder) tab 667 mg (Eliphos)......................................................................... 65 CALCIUM PNV -prenatal w/o vit a w/ fe fum-fa-omega 3 cap 28-1-250 mg.......................................................... 104 CANASA -mesalamine suppos 1000 mg.......................... 65 candesartan cilexetil-hydrochlorothiazide tab 16-12.5 mg (Atacand hct).......................................................... 45 candesartan cilexetil-hydrochlorothiazide tab 32-12.5 mg (Atacand hct).......................................................... 45 candesartan cilexetil-hydrochlorothiazide tab 32-25 mg (Atacand hct).......................................................... 45 candesartan cilexetil tab 4 mg (Atacand)..................... 44 candesartan cilexetil tab 8 mg (Atacand)..................... 44 candesartan cilexetil tab 16 mg (Atacand)................... 45 candesartan cilexetil tab 32 mg (Atacand)................... 45 capecitabine tab 150 mg (Xeloda)................................. 16 capecitabine tab 500 mg (Xeloda)................................. 16 CAPEX -fluocinolone acetonide shampoo 0.01%........... 126 CAPITAL/CODEINE -acetaminophen w/ codeine susp 120-12 mg/5ml................................................................ 86 CAPRELSA -vandetanib tab 100 mg................................ 16 CAPRELSA -vandetanib tab 300 mg................................ 16 CAPTOPRIL/HYDROCHLOROTHIA -captopril & hydrochlorothiazide tab 25-15 mg.................................. 45 CAPTOPRIL/HYDROCHLOROTHIA -captopril & hydrochlorothiazide tab 25-25 mg.................................. 45 CAPTOPRIL/HYDROCHLOROTHIA -captopril & hydrochlorothiazide tab 50-15 mg.................................. 45 CAPTOPRIL/HYDROCHLOROTHIA -captopril & hydrochlorothiazide tab 50-25 mg.................................. 45 captopril tab 12.5 mg...................................................... 45 captopril tab 25 mg......................................................... 45 captopril tab 50 mg......................................................... 45 captopril tab 100 mg....................................................... 45 CARAC -fluorouracil cream 0.5%.................................... 126 CARAFATE -sucralfate susp 1 gm/10ml........................... 62 CARAFATE -sucralfate tab 1 gm.......................................62 CARBAGLU -carglumic acid tab 200 mg.......................... 34 carbamazepine cap sr 12hr 100 mg (Carbatrol)........... 95 carbamazepine cap sr 12hr 200 mg (Carbatrol)........... 95 carbamazepine cap sr 12hr 300 mg (Carbatrol)........... 96 carbamazepine chew tab 100 mg.................................. 96 carbamazepine susp 100 mg/5ml (Tegretol)................. 96 carbamazepine tab 200 mg (Tegretol)........................... 96 carbamazepine tab sr 12hr 100 mg (Tegretol-xr)......... 96 carbamazepine tab sr 12hr 200 mg (Tegretol-xr)......... 96 carbamazepine tab sr 12hr 400 mg (Tegretol-xr)......... 96 CARBATROL -carbamazepine cap sr 12hr 100 mg......... 96 CARBATROL -carbamazepine cap sr 12hr 200 mg......... 96 CARBATROL -carbamazepine cap sr 12hr 300 mg......... 96 CARBIDOPA/LEVODOPA/ENTACA -carbidopa-levodopaentacapone tabs 12.5-50-200 mg................................ 101 CARBIDOPA/LEVODOPA/ENTACA -carbidopa-levodopaentacapone tabs 18.75-75-200 mg.............................. 101 CARBIDOPA/LEVODOPA/ENTACA -carbidopa-levodopaentacapone tabs 25-100-200 mg................................. 101 CARBIDOPA/LEVODOPA/ENTACA -carbidopa-levodopaentacapone tabs 31.25-125-200 mg............................ 101 CARBIDOPA/LEVODOPA/ENTACA -carbidopa-levodopaentacapone tabs 37.5-150-200 mg.............................. 101 CARBIDOPA/LEVODOPA/ENTACA -carbidopa-levodopaentacapone tabs 50-200-200 mg................................. 101 carbidopa & levodopa orally disintegrating tab 10-100 mg................................................................................. 101 carbidopa & levodopa orally disintegrating tab 25-100 mg................................................................................. 101 carbidopa & levodopa orally disintegrating tab 25-250 mg................................................................................. 101 carbidopa & levodopa tab cr 25-100 mg (Sinemet cr).................................................................................. 101 carbidopa & levodopa tab cr 50-200 mg (Sinemet cr).................................................................................. 101 carbidopa & levodopa tab 10-100 mg (Sinemet)........ 101 carbidopa & levodopa tab 25-100 mg (Sinemet)........ 101 carbidopa & levodopa tab 25-250 mg (Sinemet)........ 101 carbidopa tab 25 mg (Lodosyn)................................... 101 carbinoxamine maleate soln 4 mg/5ml......................... 56 carbinoxamine maleate tab 4 mg.................................. 56 carbonyl iron susp 15 mg/1.25ml (elemental iron)............................................................................... 113 CARDIOCOM LANCING DEVICE -lancet devices......... 146 CARDIZEM LA -diltiazem hcl coated beads tab sr 24hr 120 mg............................................................................ 40 CARDURA -doxazosin mesylate tab 1 mg....................... 45 CARDURA -doxazosin mesylate tab 2 mg....................... 45 CARDURA -doxazosin mesylate tab 4 mg....................... 45 CARDURA -doxazosin mesylate tab 8 mg....................... 45 CARDURA XL -doxazosin mesylate tab sr 24 hr 4 mg (base equiv).................................................................... 68 CARDURA XL -doxazosin mesylate tab sr 24 hr 8 mg (base equiv).................................................................... 68 CAREFINE PEN NEEDLE 32GX4 -insulin pen needle 32 g x 4 mm (5/32")...........................................................146 CAREFINE PEN NEEDLES 29GX -insulin pen needle 29 g x 12 mm (1/2")...........................................................146 CAREFINE PEN NEEDLES 31GX -insulin pen needle 31 g x 6 mm (1/4").............................................................146 CAREFINE PEN NEEDLES 32GX -insulin pen needle 32 g x 6 mm (1/4").............................................................146 CAREFINE PEN NEEDLES 30GX -insulin pen needle 30 g x 8 mm (1/3" or 5/16")...............................................146 CAREFINE PEN NEEDLES 31GX -insulin pen needle 31 g x 8 mm (1/3" or 5/16")...............................................146 CAREFINE PEN NEEDLES 32GX -insulin pen needle 32 g x 5 mm (1/5" or 3/16")...............................................146 CAREONE ADVANCED LANCING -lancet devices....... 146 Florida Blue October 2016 Care Choices Rx Medication Drug Guide 210 2016 CAREONE BLOOD GLUCOSE MON -blood glucose monitoring kit w/ device................................................ 146 CAREONE BLOOD GLUCOSE TES -glucose blood test strip................................................................................ 134 CAREONE INSULIN SYRINGES/ -insulin syringe/needle u-100 1/2 ml 31 x 5/16"................................................ 146 CAREONE INSULIN SYRINGES/ -insulin syringe/needle u-100 1/2 ml 30 x 1/2".................................................. 146 CAREONE INSULIN SYRINGES/ -insulin syringe/needle u-100 0.3 ml 30 x 1/2".................................................. 146 CAREONE INSULIN SYRINGES/ -insulin syringe/needle u-100 1 ml 30 x 1/2".....................................................146 CAREONE INSULIN SYRINGES/ -insulin syringe/needle u-100 1 ml 31 x 5/16"...................................................146 CAREONE INSULIN SYRINGES/ -insulin syringe/needle u-100 0.3 ml 31 x 5/16"................................................ 146 CAREONE LANCET THIN -lancets................................ 146 CAREONE LANCET ULTRA THIN -lancets................... 146 CAREONE UNIFINE PENTIPS 2 -insulin pen needle 29 g x 12 mm (1/2").............................................................. 146 CAREONE UNIFINE PENTIPS 3 -insulin pen needle 31 g x 5 mm (3/16").............................................................. 146 CAREONE UNIFINE PENTIPS 3 -insulin pen needle 31 g x 6 mm (1/4")................................................................ 146 CAREONE UNIFINE PENTIPS 3 -insulin pen needle 31 g x 8 mm (1/3" or 5/16").................................................. 146 CAREONE UNIFINE PENTIPS P -insulin pen needle 29 g x 12 mm (1/2").............................................................. 146 CAREONE UNIFINE PENTIPS P -insulin pen needle 31 g x 5 mm (3/16").............................................................. 146 CAREONE UNIFINE PENTIPS P -insulin pen needle 31 g x 6 mm (1/4")................................................................ 146 CAREONE UNIFINE PENTIPS P -insulin pen needle 32 g x 4 mm (5/32").............................................................. 146 CAREONE UNIFINE PENTIPS P -insulin pen needle 31 g x 8 mm (1/3" or 5/16").................................................. 146 CARESENS N BLOOD GLUCOSE -blood glucose monitoring devices........................................................ 146 CARESENS N BLOOD GLUCOSE -glucose blood test strip................................................................................ 134 CARESENS N GLUCOSE MONITO -blood glucose monitoring devices........................................................ 146 CARESENS N VOICE BLOOD GL -blood glucose monitoring devices........................................................ 146 carisoprodol tab 350 mg (Soma)................................. 103 carisoprodol w/ aspirin & codeine tab 200-325-16 mg................................................................................. 103 carisoprodol w/ aspirin tab 200-325 mg......................103 CARNITOR -levocarnitine oral soln 1 gm/10ml (10%)...... 34 CARNITOR -levocarnitine tab 330 mg.............................. 34 CARNITOR SF -levocarnitine oral soln 1 gm/10ml (10%)............................................................................... 34 carteolol hcl ophth soln 1%......................................... 120 carvedilol tab 3.125 mg (Coreg)..................................... 38 carvedilol tab 6.25 mg (Coreg)....................................... 38 carvedilol tab 12.5 mg (Coreg)....................................... 38 carvedilol tab 25 mg (Coreg).......................................... 38 CASODEX -bicalutamide tab 50 mg................................. 16 CATAPRES -clonidine hcl tab 0.1 mg............................... 45 CATAPRES -clonidine hcl tab 0.2 mg............................... 45 CATAPRES -clonidine hcl tab 0.3 mg............................... 45 CATAPRES-TTS-1 -clonidine hcl td patch weekly 0.1 mg/24hr........................................................................... 45 CATAPRES-TTS-2 -clonidine hcl td patch weekly 0.2 mg/24hr........................................................................... 45 CATAPRES-TTS-3 -clonidine hcl td patch weekly 0.3 mg/24hr........................................................................... 45 CAYA -diaphragm arc-spring........................................... 146 CAYSTON -aztreonam lysine for inhal soln 75 mg (base equivalent)....................................................................... 11 CEDAX -ceftibuten cap 400 mg.......................................... 1 CEDAX -ceftibuten for susp 180 mg/5ml............................ 2 cefaclor cap 250 mg.......................................................... 2 cefaclor cap 500 mg.......................................................... 2 CEFACLOR -cefaclor for susp 125 mg/5ml........................ 2 CEFACLOR -cefaclor for susp 250 mg/5ml........................ 2 CEFACLOR -cefaclor for susp 375 mg/5ml........................ 2 CEFACLOR ER -cefaclor monohydrate tab sr 12hr 500 mg...................................................................................... 2 cefadroxil cap 500 mg....................................................... 2 cefadroxil for susp 250 mg/5ml....................................... 2 cefadroxil for susp 500 mg/5ml....................................... 2 cefadroxil tab 1 gm............................................................ 2 cefdinir cap 300 mg........................................................... 2 cefdinir for susp 125 mg/5ml........................................... 2 cefdinir for susp 250 mg/5ml........................................... 2 CEFDITOREN PIVOXIL -cefditoren pivoxil tab 200 mg (base equivalent).............................................................. 2 CEFDITOREN PIVOXIL -cefditoren pivoxil tab 400 mg (base equivalent).............................................................. 2 cefixime for susp 100 mg/5ml (Suprax).......................... 2 cefixime for susp 200 mg/5ml (Suprax).......................... 2 cefpodoxime proxetil for susp 50 mg/5ml...................... 2 cefpodoxime proxetil for susp 100 mg/5ml.................... 2 cefpodoxime proxetil tab 100 mg.................................... 2 cefpodoxime proxetil tab 200 mg.................................... 2 cefprozil for susp 125 mg/5ml..........................................2 cefprozil for susp 250 mg/5ml..........................................2 cefprozil tab 250 mg.......................................................... 2 cefprozil tab 500 mg.......................................................... 2 CEFTIBUTEN -ceftibuten cap 400 mg................................ 2 CEFTIBUTEN -ceftibuten for susp 180 mg/5ml.................. 2 CEFTIN -cefuroxime axetil for susp 125 mg/5ml................ 2 CEFTIN -cefuroxime axetil for susp 250 mg/5ml................ 2 CEFTIN -cefuroxime axetil tab 500 mg............................... 2 cefuroxime axetil tab 250 mg (Ceftin)............................. 2 cefuroxime axetil tab 500 mg (Ceftin)............................. 2 CELEBREX -celecoxib cap 50 mg.................................... 91 CELEBREX -celecoxib cap 100 mg.................................. 91 CELEBREX -celecoxib cap 200 mg.................................. 91 CELEBREX -celecoxib cap 400 mg.................................. 91 celecoxib cap 50 mg (Celebrex).................................... 91 celecoxib cap 100 mg (Celebrex).................................. 91 celecoxib cap 200 mg (Celebrex).................................. 91 Florida Blue October 2016 Care Choices Rx Medication Drug Guide 211 2016 celecoxib cap 400 mg (Celebrex).................................. 91 CELLCEPT -mycophenolate mofetil cap 250 mg........... 194 CELLCEPT -mycophenolate mofetil for oral susp 200 mg/ ml................................................................................... 194 CELLCEPT -mycophenolate mofetil tab 500 mg............ 194 CELONTIN -methsuximide cap 300 mg............................ 96 CENTANY -mupirocin oint 2%.........................................126 cephalexin cap 250 mg (Keflex)....................................... 2 cephalexin cap 500 mg (Keflex)....................................... 2 cephalexin cap 750 mg (Keflex)....................................... 2 CEPHALEXIN -cephalexin tab 250 mg............................... 2 CEPHALEXIN -cephalexin tab 500 mg............................... 2 cephalexin for susp 125 mg/5ml...................................... 2 cephalexin for susp 250 mg/5ml...................................... 2 CERDELGA -eliglustat tartrate cap 84 mg (base equivalent)..................................................................... 113 CERVARIX -human papillomavirus (hpv) bival (type 16, 18) recmb vac inj............................................................ 12 CESAMET -nabilone cap 1 mg......................................... 63 cetirizine hcl oral soln 1 mg/ml (5 mg/5ml).................. 56 CETRAXAL -ciprofloxacin hcl otic soln 0.2% (base equivalent)..................................................................... 124 cevimeline hcl cap 30 mg (Evoxac)............................. 124 CHANTIX CONTINUING MONTH -varenicline tartrate tab 1 mg (base equiv).......................................................... 82 CHANTIX STARTING MONTH PA -varenicline tartrate tab 0.5 mg x 11 & tab 1 mg x 42 pack.................................82 CHANTIX -varenicline tartrate tab 0.5 mg (base equiv)............................................................................... 82 CHANTIX -varenicline tartrate tab 1 mg (base equiv).......82 CHEK-STIX COMBO PAK URINA -acetone (urine) test strip................................................................................ 134 CHEK-STIX CONTROL -acetone (urine) test strip......... 134 CHEMET -succimer cap 100 mg.................................... 133 CHEMSTRIP BG LOG BOOK -blood glucose monitoring misc............................................................................... 147 CHEMSTRIP-K -acetone (urine) test strip...................... 134 CHENODAL -chenodiol tab 250 mg................................. 65 CHLORDIAZEPOXIDE/AMITRIPT -chlordiazepoxideamitriptyline tab 5-12.5 mg............................................. 82 CHLORDIAZEPOXIDE/AMITRIPT -chlordiazepoxideamitriptyline tab 10-25 mg.............................................. 82 chlordiazepoxide hcl cap 5 mg...................................... 70 chlordiazepoxide hcl cap 10 mg.................................... 70 chlordiazepoxide hcl cap 25 mg.................................... 70 chlordiazepoxide hcl-clidinium bromide cap 5-2.5 mg (Librax)........................................................................... 62 chlorhexidine gluconate soln 0.12% (Peridex)...........124 chloroquine phosphate tab 250 mg.............................. 11 chloroquine phosphate tab 500 mg (Aralen)................ 11 CHLOROTHIAZIDE -chlorothiazide tab 250 mg............... 50 chlorothiazide tab 500 mg.............................................. 50 chlorpromazine hcl tab 10 mg....................................... 74 chlorpromazine hcl tab 25 mg....................................... 74 chlorpromazine hcl tab 50 mg....................................... 74 chlorpromazine hcl tab 100 mg..................................... 74 chlorpromazine hcl tab 200 mg..................................... 74 CHLORPROPAMIDE -chlorpropamide tab 100 mg.......... 27 CHLORPROPAMIDE -chlorpropamide tab 250 mg.......... 27 CHLORTHALIDONE -chlorthalidone tab 50 mg............... 50 CHLORTHALIDONE -chlorthalidone tab 100 mg............. 50 chlorthalidone tab 25 mg................................................ 50 chlorzoxazone tab 500 mg (Parafon forte dsc).......... 103 CHOICE DM DIABETES RISK I -blood glucose monitoring kit................................................................. 147 CHOLBAM -cholic acid cap 50 mg................................... 65 CHOLBAM -cholic acid cap 250 mg................................. 65 cholecalciferol cap 1000 unit....................................... 104 cholecalciferol chew tab 400 unit................................ 104 cholecalciferol chew tab 1000 unit.............................. 104 cholecalciferol drops 400 unit/0.03ml (per drop)....... 104 cholecalciferol drops 5000 unit/ml (1000 unit/0.2ml).....................................................................104 cholecalciferol oral liquid 400 unit/ml......................... 104 cholecalciferol tab 400 unit.......................................... 104 cholecalciferol tab 1000 unit........................................ 104 cholecalciferol tab 50000 unit...................................... 104 cholestyramine light powder 4 gm/dose (Questran light)................................................................................ 52 cholestyramine light powder packets 4 gm................. 52 cholestyramine powder 4 gm/dose (Questran)............ 52 cholestyramine powder packets 4 gm (Questran)....... 52 choline fenofibrate cap dr 45 mg (fenofibric acid equiv) (Trilipix).............................................................. 52 choline fenofibrate cap dr 135 mg (fenofibric acid equiv) (Trilipix).............................................................. 52 CIALIS -tadalafil tab 2.5 mg.............................................. 56 CIALIS -tadalafil tab 5 mg................................................. 56 ciclopirox gel 0.77%...................................................... 126 ciclopirox olamine cream 0.77% (base equiv)............126 ciclopirox olamine susp 0.77% (base equiv).............. 126 ciclopirox shampoo 1% (Loprox shampoo)............... 126 ciclopirox solution 8% (Penlac Nail Lacquer)............ 127 cilostazol tab 50 mg (Pletal)......................................... 116 cilostazol tab 100 mg (Pletal)....................................... 116 CILOXAN -ciprofloxacin hcl ophth oint 0.3%.................. 120 CILOXAN -ciprofloxacin hcl ophth soln 0.3%..................120 cimetidine hcl soln 300 mg/5ml..................................... 62 cimetidine tab 200 mg..................................................... 62 cimetidine tab 300 mg..................................................... 62 cimetidine tab 400 mg..................................................... 62 cimetidine tab 800 mg..................................................... 62 CIMZIA -certolizumab pegol for inj kit 2 x 200 mg............ 65 CIMZIA -certolizumab pegol inj kit 2 x 200 mg/ml............ 65 CIMZIA STARTER KIT -certolizumab pegol inj kit 6 x 200 mg/ml............................................................................... 65 CINRYZE -c1 esterase inhibitor (human) for iv inj 500 unit................................................................................. 117 CIPRO -ciprofloxacin for oral susp 250 mg/5ml (5%) (5 gm/100ml).......................................................................... 4 CIPRO -ciprofloxacin for oral susp 500 mg/5ml (10%) (10 gm/100ml).......................................................................... 4 CIPRO -ciprofloxacin hcl tab 250 mg (base equiv)............. 4 CIPRO -ciprofloxacin hcl tab 500 mg (base equiv)............. 4 Florida Blue October 2016 Care Choices Rx Medication Drug Guide 212 2016 CIPRODEX -ciprofloxacin-dexamethasone otic susp 0.3-0.1%........................................................................ 124 CIPROFLOXACIN -ciprofloxacin hcl otic soln 0.2% (base equivalent)..................................................................... 124 ciprofloxacin-ciprofloxacin hcl tab sr 24hr 1000 mg(base eq) (Cipro xr)................................................... 5 ciprofloxacin-ciprofloxacin hcl tab sr 24hr 500 mg (base eq) (Cipro xr)........................................................ 5 ciprofloxacin for oral susp 250 mg/5ml (5%) (5 gm/100ml) (Cipro)........................................................... 4 ciprofloxacin for oral susp 500 mg/5ml (10%) (10 gm/100ml) (Cipro)........................................................... 5 CIPROFLOXACIN HCL -ciprofloxacin hcl tab 100 mg (base equiv)...................................................................... 5 ciprofloxacin hcl ophth soln 0.3% (Ciloxan).............. 120 ciprofloxacin hcl tab 750 mg (base equiv)..................... 5 ciprofloxacin hcl tab 250 mg (base equiv) (Cipro)......... 5 ciprofloxacin hcl tab 500 mg (base equiv) (Cipro)......... 5 CIPRO HC -ciprofloxacin-hydrocortisone otic susp 0.2-1%........................................................................... 124 CIPRO XR -ciprofloxacin-ciprofloxacin hcl tab sr 24hr 1000 mg(base eq)............................................................ 4 CIPRO XR -ciprofloxacin-ciprofloxacin hcl tab sr 24hr 500 mg (base eq).....................................................................4 citalopram hydrobromide oral soln 10 mg/5ml............ 71 citalopram hydrobromide tab 10 mg (base equiv) (Celexa)........................................................................... 71 citalopram hydrobromide tab 20 mg (base equiv) (Celexa)........................................................................... 71 citalopram hydrobromide tab 40 mg (base equiv) (Celexa)........................................................................... 71 CITRANATAL ASSURE -prenat w/o a w/fecbn-fegl-dss-fa tab & dha cap 300 mg pack......................................... 104 CITRANATAL B-CALM -prenat w/o a w/fecbn-feglu-fa tab 20-1 mg & vit b6 tab pak............................................. 104 CITRANATAL DHA -prenat w/o a w/fecbn-fegl-dss-fa tab & dha cap 250 mg pack............................................... 105 CITRANATAL 90 DHA -prenat w/o a w/fecbn-fegl-dss-fa tab 90 &dha cap 300mg pak........................................ 105 CITRANATAL HARMONY -prenat w/o a w/fe fum-fe cbndss-fa-dha cap 27-1-260 mg........................................ 105 CITRANATAL RX -prenatal w/o a w/ fe carbonyl-fe glucdss-fa tab 27-1mg.........................................................105 clarithromycin for susp 125 mg/5ml............................... 3 clarithromycin for susp 250 mg/5ml (Biaxin)................. 3 clarithromycin tab 250 mg (Biaxin)................................. 3 clarithromycin tab 500 mg (Biaxin)................................. 3 clarithromycin tab sr 24hr 500 mg.................................. 3 CLEANLET LANCETS 28G -lancets...............................147 clemastine fumarate tab 2.68 mg.................................. 56 CLEOCIN -clindamycin hcl cap 75 mg............................. 11 CLEOCIN -clindamycin hcl cap 150 mg........................... 11 CLEOCIN -clindamycin hcl cap 300 mg........................... 11 CLEOCIN -clindamycin phosphate vaginal cream 2%......68 CLEOCIN -clindamycin phosphate vaginal suppos 100 mg.................................................................................... 68 CLEOCIN PEDIATRIC GRANULE -clindamycin palmitate hcl for soln 75 mg/5ml (base equiv)...............................11 CLEOCIN-T -clindamycin phosphate lotion 1%.............. 127 CLEOCIN-T -clindamycin phosphate soln 1%................ 127 CLEOCIN-T -clindamycin phosphate swab 1%.............. 127 CLEVER CHEK AUTO-CODE BLO -blood glucose monitoring devices........................................................ 147 CLEVER CHEK AUTO-CODE TES -glucose blood test strip................................................................................ 134 CLEVER CHEK AUTO-CODE VOI -blood glucose monitoring devices........................................................ 147 CLEVER CHEK AUTO CODE VOI -blood glucose monitoring devices........................................................ 147 CLEVER CHEK AUTO-CODE VOI -glucose blood test strip................................................................................ 134 CLEVER CHEK BLOOD GLUCOSE -blood glucose monitoring kit w/ device................................................ 147 CLEVER CHEK LANCETS ULTRA -lancets................... 147 CLEVER CHEK TEST STRIPS -glucose blood test strip................................................................................ 134 CLEVER CHOICE AUTO-CODE P -blood glucose monitoring devices........................................................ 147 CLEVER CHOICE AUTO-CODE P -glucose blood test strip................................................................................ 135 CLEVER CHOICE COMFORT EZ -insulin pen needle 32 g x 8 mm....................................................................... 147 CLEVER CHOICE COMFORT EZ -insulin pen needle 29 g x 12 mm (1/2")...........................................................147 CLEVER CHOICE COMFORT EZ -insulin pen needle 31 g x 5 mm (3/16")...........................................................147 CLEVER CHOICE COMFORT EZ -insulin pen needle 31 g x 6 mm (1/4").............................................................147 CLEVER CHOICE COMFORT EZ -insulin pen needle 32 g x 4 mm (5/32")...........................................................147 CLEVER CHOICE COMFORT EZ -insulin pen needle 32 g x 6 mm (1/4").............................................................147 CLEVER CHOICE COMFORT EZ -insulin pen needle 33 g x 4 mm (5/32")...........................................................147 CLEVER CHOICE COMFORT EZ -insulin pen needle 33 g x 6 mm (1/4").............................................................147 CLEVER CHOICE COMFORT EZ -insulin pen needle 31 g x 8 mm (1/3" or 5/16")...............................................147 CLEVER CHOICE COMFORT EZ -insulin pen needle 32 g x 5 mm (1/5" or 3/16")...............................................147 CLEVER CHOICE COMFORT EZ -insulin pen needle 33 g x 5 mm (1/5" or 3/16")...............................................147 CLEVER CHOICE COMFORT EZ -insulin pen needle 33 g x 8 mm (1/3" or 5/16")...............................................147 CLEVER CHOICE COMFORT EZ -insulin syringe/needle u-100 1/2 ml 31 x 5/16"................................................ 147 CLEVER CHOICE COMFORT EZ -insulin syringe/needle u-100 1/2 ml 28 x 1/2".................................................. 147 CLEVER CHOICE COMFORT EZ -insulin syringe/needle u-100 1/2 ml 29 x 1/2".................................................. 147 CLEVER CHOICE COMFORT EZ -insulin syringe/needle u-100 1/2 ml 30 x 5/16"................................................ 147 Florida Blue October 2016 Care Choices Rx Medication Drug Guide 213 2016 CLEVER CHOICE COMFORT EZ -insulin syringe/needle u-100 1/2 ml 30 x 1/2".................................................. 147 CLEVER CHOICE COMFORT EZ -insulin syringe/needle u-100 0.3 ml 29 x 1/2".................................................. 147 CLEVER CHOICE COMFORT EZ -insulin syringe/needle u-100 0.3 ml 30 x 5/16"................................................ 147 CLEVER CHOICE COMFORT EZ -insulin syringe/needle u-100 0.3 ml 30 x 1/2".................................................. 147 CLEVER CHOICE COMFORT EZ -insulin syringe/needle u-100 1 ml 28 x 1/2".....................................................147 CLEVER CHOICE COMFORT EZ -insulin syringe/needle u-100 1 ml 29 x 1/2".....................................................147 CLEVER CHOICE COMFORT EZ -insulin syringe/needle u-100 1 ml 30 x 5/16"...................................................148 CLEVER CHOICE COMFORT EZ -insulin syringe/needle u-100 1 ml 30 x 1/2".....................................................148 CLEVER CHOICE COMFORT EZ -insulin syringe/needle u-100 1 ml 31 x 5/16"...................................................148 CLEVER CHOICE COMFORT EZ -insulin syringe/needle u-100 0.3 ml 31 x 5/16"................................................ 148 CLEVER CHOICE MICRO BLOOD -blood glucose monitoring kit w/ device................................................ 148 CLEVER CHOICE MICRO TEST -glucose blood test strip................................................................................ 135 CLEVER CHOICE MINI BLOOD -blood glucose monitoring devices........................................................ 148 CLICKFINE PEN NEEDLE 32GX -insulin pen needle 32 g x 4 mm (5/32").............................................................. 148 CLICKFINE PEN NEEDLES/31G -insulin pen needle 31 g x 6 mm (1/4")................................................................ 148 CLICKFINE PEN NEEDLES/31G -insulin pen needle 31 g x 8 mm (1/3" or 5/16").................................................. 148 CLICKFINE PEN NEEDLE UNIV -insulin pen needle 31 g x 6 mm (1/4")................................................................ 148 CLICKFINE PEN NEEDLE UNIV -insulin pen needle 31 g x 8 mm (1/3" or 5/16").................................................. 148 CLICKFINE UNIVERSAL PEN N -insulin pen needle 31 g x 8 mm (1/3" or 5/16").................................................. 148 CLIMARA -estradiol td patch weekly 0.025 mg/24hr........ 22 CLIMARA -estradiol td patch weekly 0.05 mg/24hr.......... 22 CLIMARA -estradiol td patch weekly 0.06 mg/24hr.......... 22 CLIMARA -estradiol td patch weekly 0.075 mg/24hr........ 22 CLIMARA -estradiol td patch weekly 0.1 mg/24hr............ 22 CLIMARA -estradiol td patch weekly 0.0375 mg/24hr (37.5 mcg/24hr)...............................................................22 CLIMARA PRO -estradiol-levonorgestrel td patch weekly 0.045-0.015 mg/day........................................................ 22 clindamycin hcl cap 75 mg (Cleocin)............................ 11 clindamycin hcl cap 150 mg (Cleocin).......................... 11 clindamycin hcl cap 300 mg (Cleocin).......................... 12 clindamycin palmitate hcl for soln 75 mg/5ml (base equiv) (Cleocin pediatric gr)........................................12 clindamycin phosphate-benzoyl peroxide gel 1-5% (Benzaclin)................................................................... 127 clindamycin phosphate foam 1% (Evoclin)................ 127 clindamycin phosphate gel 1% (Cleocin-t)................. 127 clindamycin phosphate lotion 1% (Cleocin-t)............ 127 clindamycin phosphate soln 1% (Cleocin-t)............... 127 clindamycin phosphate swab 1% (Cleocin-t)............. 127 clindamycin phosphate vaginal cream 2% (Cleocin)......................................................................... 68 clindamycin phosph-benzoyl peroxide (refrig) gel 1.2 (1)-5% (Duac)............................................................... 127 CLINDESSE -clindamycin phosphate (one dose) vaginal cream 2%........................................................................ 68 clobetasol propionate cream 0.05% (Temovate)........ 127 clobetasol propionate emollient base cream 0.05% (Temovate e)................................................................ 127 clobetasol propionate emulsion foam 0.05% (Oluxe).................................................................................... 127 clobetasol propionate foam 0.05% (Olux).................. 127 clobetasol propionate gel 0.05% (Temovate)............. 127 clobetasol propionate lotion 0.05% (Clobex)............. 127 clobetasol propionate oint 0.05% (Temovate)............ 127 clobetasol propionate shampoo 0.05% (Clobex)....... 127 clobetasol propionate soln 0.05% (Temovate)........... 127 clobetasol propionate spray 0.05% (Clobex)............. 127 CLOBEX -clobetasol propionate lotion 0.05%................ 127 CLOBEX -clobetasol propionate shampoo 0.05%.......... 127 CLOBEX -clobetasol propionate spray 0.05%................ 127 CLOCORTOLONE PIVALATE -clocortolone pivalate cream 0.1%................................................................... 127 CLOCORTOLONE PIVALATE PUM -clocortolone pivalate cream 0.1%................................................................... 127 CLODERM -clocortolone pivalate cream 0.1%............... 127 CLODERM PUMP -clocortolone pivalate cream 0.1%...............................................................................127 clomipramine hcl cap 25 mg (Anafranil)....................... 71 clomipramine hcl cap 50 mg (Anafranil)....................... 71 clomipramine hcl cap 75 mg (Anafranil)....................... 71 clonazepam orally disintegrating tab 0.125 mg........... 96 clonazepam orally disintegrating tab 0.25 mg............. 96 clonazepam orally disintegrating tab 0.5 mg............... 96 clonazepam orally disintegrating tab 1 mg.................. 96 clonazepam orally disintegrating tab 2 mg.................. 96 clonazepam tab 0.5 mg (Klonopin)................................ 96 clonazepam tab 1 mg (Klonopin)................................... 96 clonazepam tab 2 mg (Klonopin)................................... 96 clonidine hcl tab 0.1 mg (Catapres).............................. 45 clonidine hcl tab 0.2 mg (Catapres).............................. 45 clonidine hcl tab 0.3 mg (Catapres).............................. 45 clonidine hcl tab sr 12hr 0.1 mg (Kapvay).................... 79 clonidine hcl td patch weekly 0.1 mg/24hr (Cataprestts-1)................................................................................ 45 clonidine hcl td patch weekly 0.2 mg/24hr (Cataprestts-2)................................................................................ 45 clonidine hcl td patch weekly 0.3 mg/24hr (Cataprestts-3)................................................................................ 45 clopidogrel bisulfate tab 75 mg (base equiv) (Plavix).......................................................................... 117 clopidogrel bisulfate tab 300 mg (base equiv) (Plavix).......................................................................... 117 clorazepate dipotassium tab 3.75 mg (Tranxene t)...... 70 clorazepate dipotassium tab 7.5 mg (Tranxene t)........ 70 Florida Blue October 2016 Care Choices Rx Medication Drug Guide 214 2016 clorazepate dipotassium tab 15 mg (Tranxene t)......... 70 CLORPRES -clonidine & chlorthalidone tab 0.1-15 mg.................................................................................... 45 CLORPRES -clonidine & chlorthalidone tab 0.2-15 mg.................................................................................... 45 CLORPRES -clonidine & chlorthalidone tab 0.3-15 mg.................................................................................... 45 CLOSERCARE -lancet devices....................................... 148 clotrimazole cream 1%.................................................. 127 clotrimazole soln 1%..................................................... 127 clotrimazole troche 10 mg............................................ 124 clotrimazole w/ betamethasone cream 1-0.05% (Lotrisone).................................................................... 127 clotrimazole w/ betamethasone lotion 1-0.05%..........127 CLOZAPINE ODT -clozapine orally disintegrating tab 12.5 mg.................................................................................... 74 CLOZAPINE ODT -clozapine orally disintegrating tab 150 mg.................................................................................... 74 CLOZAPINE ODT -clozapine orally disintegrating tab 200 mg.................................................................................... 74 clozapine orally disintegrating tab 25 mg (Fazaclo)......................................................................... 74 clozapine orally disintegrating tab 100 mg (Fazaclo)......................................................................... 74 clozapine tab 50 mg........................................................ 74 clozapine tab 200 mg...................................................... 74 clozapine tab 25 mg (Clozaril)........................................74 clozapine tab 100 mg (Clozaril)..................................... 74 CLOZARIL -clozapine tab 25 mg...................................... 74 CLOZARIL -clozapine tab 100 mg.................................... 74 C-NATE DHA -prenatal vit w/ fe fum-fa-omega 3 cap 28-1-200 mg.................................................................. 104 COAGADEX -coagulation factor x (human) for inj 250 unit................................................................................. 117 COAGADEX -coagulation factor x (human) for inj 500 unit................................................................................. 117 COAGUCHEK LANCETS -lancets.................................. 148 COARTEM -artemether-lumefantrine tab 20-120 mg....... 11 CODAR AR -chlorpheniramine w/ codeine liquid 2-8 mg/5ml............................................................................. 57 CODEINE SULFATE -codeine sulfate tab 15 mg............. 86 CODEINE SULFATE -codeine sulfate tab 30 mg............. 86 CODEINE SULFATE -codeine sulfate tab 60 mg............. 86 codeine sulfate tab 15 mg (Codeine sulfate)................ 86 codeine sulfate tab 30 mg (Codeine sulfate)................ 86 codeine sulfate tab 60 mg (Codeine sulfate)................ 86 COLAZAL -balsalazide disodium cap 750 mg.................. 65 COLCHICINE -colchicine cap 0.6 mg............................... 95 COLCHICINE -colchicine tab 0.6 mg................................ 95 colchicine w/ probenecid tab 0.5-500 mg..................... 95 COLCRYS -colchicine tab 0.6 mg..................................... 95 COLESTID -colestipol hcl granule packets 5 gm.............. 52 COLESTID -colestipol hcl granules 5 gm......................... 52 COLESTID -colestipol hcl tab 1 gm.................................. 52 COLESTID FLAVORED -colestipol hcl granule packets 5 gm.................................................................................... 52 COLESTID FLAVORED -colestipol hcl granules 5 gm..... 52 colestipol hcl granule packets 5 gm (Colestid flavored)......................................................................... 52 colestipol hcl granules 5 gm (Colestid flavored)......... 52 colestipol hcl tab 1 gm (Colestid)..................................52 colistimethate sodium for inj 150 mg (Coly-Mycin M)..................................................................................... 12 COLLIGINIX -dimethicone-allantoin bandage 5-2%....... 127 COLY-MYCIN M -colistimethate sodium for inj 150 mg.................................................................................... 12 COLY-MYCIN S -neomycin-colistin-hc-thonzonium otic susp 3.3-3-10-0.5 mg/ml.............................................. 124 COLYTE-FLAVOR PACKS -peg 3350-kcl-na bicarb-naclna sulfate for soln 240 gm............................................. 61 COMBIGAN -brimonidine tartrate-timolol maleate ophth soln 0.2-0.5%................................................................ 121 COMBIPATCH -estradiol-norethindrone ace td pttw 0.05-0.14 mg/day............................................................ 22 COMBIPATCH -estradiol-norethindrone ace td pttw 0.05-0.25 mg/day............................................................ 22 COMBIVENT RESPIMAT -ipratropium-albuterol inhal aerosol soln 20-100 mcg/act.......................................... 59 COMBIVIR -lamivudine-zidovudine tab 150-300 mg.......... 7 COMETRIQ -cabozantinib s-malate cap 3 x 20 mg (60 mg dose) kit........................................................................... 16 COMETRIQ -cabozantinib s-mal cap 1 x 80 mg & 1 x 20 mg (100 dose) kit............................................................16 COMETRIQ -cabozantinib s-mal cap 1 x 80 mg & 3 x 20 mg (140 dose) kit............................................................16 COMFORT ASSIST INSULIN SY -insulin syringe/needle u-100 1/2 ml 31 x 5/16"................................................ 148 COMFORT ASSIST INSULIN SY -insulin syringe/needle u-100 1/2 ml 29 x 1/2".................................................. 148 COMFORT ASSIST INSULIN SY -insulin syringe/needle u-100 1/2 ml 30 x 5/16"................................................ 148 COMFORT ASSIST INSULIN SY -insulin syringe/needle u-100 0.3 ml 29 x 1/2".................................................. 148 COMFORT ASSIST INSULIN SY -insulin syringe/needle u-100 0.3 ml 30 x 5/16"................................................ 148 COMFORT ASSIST INSULIN SY -insulin syringe/needle u-100 1 ml 29 x 1/2".....................................................148 COMFORT ASSIST INSULIN SY -insulin syringe/needle u-100 1 ml 30 x 5/16"...................................................148 COMFORT ASSIST INSULIN SY -insulin syringe/needle u-100 1 ml 31 x 5/16"...................................................148 COMFORT ASSIST INSULIN SY -insulin syringe/needle u-100 0.3 ml 31 x 5/16"................................................ 148 COMFORT ASSURED LANCETS M -lancets................ 148 COMFORT ASSURED LANCETS S -lancets................. 148 COMFORT LANCETS -lancets....................................... 148 COMPLERA -emtricitabine-rilpivirine-tenofovir df tab 200-25-300 mg.................................................................. 7 COMPLETE NATAL DHA -prenat-fe bis-fe prot succ-fa-ca tab & omega 3 cap 250 pk.......................................... 105 COMPLETENATE -prenatal vit w/ fe fumarate-fa chew tab 29-1 mg......................................................................... 105 COMTAN -entacapone tab 200 mg................................. 101 Florida Blue October 2016 Care Choices Rx Medication Drug Guide 215 2016 CO-NATAL FA -prenatal vit w/ fe fumarate-fa tab 29-1 mg.................................................................................. 105 CONCEPT DHA -prenatal w/fe fum-fe poly -fa-omega 3 cap 53.5-38-1 mg......................................................... 105 CONCEPT OB -prenatal w/o a w/fe fum-fe poly-fa cap 130-92.4-1 mg...............................................................105 CONCERTA -methylphenidate hcl tab sa osm 18 mg...... 79 CONCERTA -methylphenidate hcl tab sa osm 27 mg...... 79 CONCERTA -methylphenidate hcl tab sa osm 36 mg...... 79 CONCERTA -methylphenidate hcl tab sa osm 54 mg...... 79 CONDYLOX -podofilox gel 0.5%.................................... 127 CONDYLOX -podofilox soln 0.5%................................... 127 CONTROL AST -glucose blood test strip....................... 135 CONTROL BLOOD GLUCOSE MON -blood glucose monitoring kit w/ device................................................ 148 CONTROL TEST STRIPS -glucose blood test strip....... 135 COOL BLOOD GLUCOSE MONITO -blood glucose monitoring devices........................................................ 148 COOL BLOOD GLUCOSE MONITO -blood glucose monitoring kit w/ device................................................ 148 COOL BLOOD GLUCOSE TEST S -glucose blood test strip................................................................................ 135 COPAXONE -glatiramer acetate soln prefilled syringe 20 mg/ml............................................................................... 82 COPAXONE -glatiramer acetate soln prefilled syringe 40 mg/ml............................................................................... 82 COPEGUS -ribavirin tab 200 mg........................................ 7 CORDARONE -amiodarone hcl tab 200 mg..................... 42 CORDRAN TAPE -flurandrenolide tape 4 mcg/sqcm..... 127 COREG -carvedilol tab 3.125 mg..................................... 38 COREG -carvedilol tab 6.25 mg....................................... 38 COREG -carvedilol tab 12.5 mg....................................... 38 COREG -carvedilol tab 25 mg.......................................... 38 COREG CR -carvedilol phosphate cap sr 24hr 10 mg..... 38 COREG CR -carvedilol phosphate cap sr 24hr 20 mg..... 38 COREG CR -carvedilol phosphate cap sr 24hr 40 mg..... 39 COREG CR -carvedilol phosphate cap sr 24hr 80 mg..... 39 CORGARD -nadolol tab 20 mg......................................... 39 CORGARD -nadolol tab 40 mg......................................... 39 CORGARD -nadolol tab 80 mg......................................... 39 CORIFACT -factor xiii concentrate (human) for inj kit 1000-1600 unit.............................................................. 117 CORLANOR -ivabradine hcl tab 5 mg (base equiv)......... 55 CORLANOR -ivabradine hcl tab 7.5 mg (base equiv)...... 55 CORTANE-B -hydrocortisone-pramoxine-chloroxylenol lot 10-10-1mg/ml................................................................ 127 CORTEF -hydrocortisone tab 5 mg...................................20 CORTEF -hydrocortisone tab 10 mg.................................20 CORTEF -hydrocortisone tab 20 mg.................................20 CORTENEMA -hydrocortisone enema 100 mg/60ml..... 125 CORTIFOAM -hydrocortisone acetate rectal foam 10% (90 mg/dose)................................................................. 125 CORTISONE ACETATE -cortisone acetate tab 25 mg..... 20 CORTISPORIN -bacitracin-polymyxin-neomycin hc oint 1%.................................................................................. 127 CORTISPORIN -neomycin-polymyxin-hc crm 3.5 mg/ gm-10000 unt/gm-0.5%................................................ 127 CORZIDE -nadolol & bendroflumethiazide tab 40-5 mg.................................................................................... 45 CORZIDE -nadolol & bendroflumethiazide tab 80-5 mg.................................................................................... 45 COSENTYX -secukinumab subcutaneous soln prefilled syringe 150 mg/ml........................................................ 127 COSENTYX SENSOREADY PEN -secukinumab subcutaneous soln auto-injector 150 mg/ml................ 128 COSOPT -dorzolamide hcl-timolol maleate ophth soln 22.3-6.8 mg/ml.............................................................. 121 COSOPT PF -dorzolamide hcl-timolol maleate ophth sol 22.3-6.8 mg/ml pf..........................................................121 COTELLIC -cobimetinib fumarate tab 20 mg (base equivalent)....................................................................... 16 COUMADIN -warfarin sodium tab 1 mg.......................... 114 COUMADIN -warfarin sodium tab 2 mg.......................... 114 COUMADIN -warfarin sodium tab 2.5 mg....................... 114 COUMADIN -warfarin sodium tab 3 mg.......................... 114 COUMADIN -warfarin sodium tab 4 mg.......................... 114 COUMADIN -warfarin sodium tab 5 mg.......................... 114 COUMADIN -warfarin sodium tab 6 mg.......................... 114 COUMADIN -warfarin sodium tab 7.5 mg....................... 114 COUMADIN -warfarin sodium tab 10 mg........................ 114 COZAAR -losartan potassium tab 25 mg..........................45 COZAAR -losartan potassium tab 50 mg..........................45 COZAAR -losartan potassium tab 100 mg........................45 CREON -pancrelipase (lip-prot-amyl) dr cap 3000-9500-15000 unit.....................................................64 CREON -pancrelipase (lip-prot-amyl) dr cap 6000-19000-30000 unit...................................................64 CREON -pancrelipase (lip-prot-amyl) dr cap 12000-38000-60000 unit................................................ 64 CREON -pancrelipase (lip-prot-amyl) dr cap 24000-76000-120000 unit.............................................. 64 CREON -pancrelipase (lip-prot-amyl) dr cap 36000-114000-180000 unit............................................. 64 CRESEMBA -isavuconazonium sulfate cap 186 mg.......... 6 CRESTOR -rosuvastatin calcium tab 5 mg.......................52 CRESTOR -rosuvastatin calcium tab 10 mg.....................52 CRESTOR -rosuvastatin calcium tab 20 mg.....................52 CRESTOR -rosuvastatin calcium tab 40 mg.....................52 CRINONE -progesterone vaginal gel 4%.......................... 68 CRIXIVAN -indinavir sulfate cap 200 mg............................ 7 CRIXIVAN -indinavir sulfate cap 400 mg............................ 7 CROMOLYN SODIUM -cromolyn sodium soln nebu 20 mg/2ml............................................................................. 59 cromolyn sodium ophth soln 4%................................ 121 cromolyn sodium oral conc 100 mg/5ml (Gastrocrom).................................................................. 65 CUTIVATE -fluticasone propionate cream 0.05%........... 128 CUTIVATE -fluticasone propionate lotion 0.05%.............128 CUVPOSA -glycopyrrolate oral soln 1 mg/5ml................. 62 CVS ADVANCED GLUCOSE METE -blood glucose monitoring kit w/ device................................................ 148 CVS ADVANCED GLUCOSE METE -glucose blood test strip................................................................................ 135 CVS LANCETS 21G -lancets.......................................... 149 Florida Blue October 2016 Care Choices Rx Medication Drug Guide 216 2016 CVS LANCETS MICRO THIN 33 -lancets...................... 148 CVS LANCETS ORIGINAL -lancets............................... 148 CVS LANCETS THIN 26G -lancets................................ 148 CVS LANCETS ULTRA THIN 30 -lancets...................... 149 CVS LANCING DEVICE -lancet devices........................ 149 CVS ULTRA THIN LANCETS -lancets............................149 cyanocobalamin inj 1000 mcg/ml................................ 113 CYCLESSA -desogest-ethin est tab 0.1-0.025/0.125-0.025/0.15-0.025mg-mg...................... 24 cyclobenzaprine hcl tab 5 mg...................................... 103 cyclobenzaprine hcl tab 10 mg.................................... 103 cyclobenzaprine hcl tab 7.5 mg (Fexmid)................... 103 CYCLOGYL -cyclopentolate hcl ophth soln 0.5%........... 121 CYCLOGYL -cyclopentolate hcl ophth soln 1%.............. 121 CYCLOGYL -cyclopentolate hcl ophth soln 2%.............. 121 CYCLOMYDRIL -cyclopentolate w/ phenylephrine ophth soln 0.2-1%................................................................... 121 cyclopentolate hcl ophth soln 0.5% (Cyclogyl)..........121 cyclopentolate hcl ophth soln 1% (Cyclogyl).............121 cyclopentolate hcl ophth soln 2% (Cyclogyl).............121 CYCLOPHOSPHAMIDE -cyclophosphamide cap 25 mg.................................................................................... 16 CYCLOPHOSPHAMIDE -cyclophosphamide cap 50 mg.................................................................................... 16 CYCLOSERINE -cycloserine cap 250 mg.......................... 5 CYCLOSET -bromocriptine mesylate tab 0.8 mg (base equivalent)....................................................................... 27 cyclosporine cap 25 mg (Sandimmune)..................... 194 cyclosporine cap 100 mg (Sandimmune)................... 194 cyclosporine modified cap 50 mg (Cyclosporine modifie)......................................................................... 194 cyclosporine modified cap 25 mg (Neoral).................194 cyclosporine modified cap 100 mg (Neoral)...............194 CYCLOSPORINE MODIFIED -cyclosporine modified cap 50 mg............................................................................ 194 cyclosporine modified oral soln 100 mg/ml (Neoral)......................................................................... 194 cyproheptadine hcl syrup 2 mg/5ml.............................. 56 cyproheptadine hcl tab 4 mg......................................... 56 CYSTADANE -betaine powder for oral solution................ 34 CYSTAGON -cysteamine bitartrate cap 50 mg.................68 CYSTAGON -cysteamine bitartrate cap 150 mg...............68 CYSTARAN -cysteamine hcl ophth soln 0.44% (base equivalent)..................................................................... 121 CYTOMEL -liothyronine sodium tab 5 mcg.......................31 CYTOMEL -liothyronine sodium tab 25 mcg.....................31 CYTOMEL -liothyronine sodium tab 50 mcg.....................31 CYTOTEC -misoprostol tab 100 mcg................................62 CYTOTEC -misoprostol tab 200 mcg................................62 CYTRA-3 -pot & sod citrates w/ cit ac syrup 550-500-334 mg/5ml............................................................................. 68 D DAKLINZA -daclatasvir dihydrochloride tab 30 mg (base equivalent)......................................................................... 7 DAKLINZA -daclatasvir dihydrochloride tab 60 mg (base equivalent)......................................................................... 7 DAKLINZA -daclatasvir dihydrochloride tab 90 mg (base equivalent)......................................................................... 7 DALIRESP -roflumilast tab 500 mcg................................. 59 danazol cap 50 mg.......................................................... 21 danazol cap 100 mg........................................................ 21 danazol cap 200 mg........................................................ 21 DANTRIUM -dantrolene sodium cap 25 mg................... 103 DANTRIUM -dantrolene sodium cap 50 mg................... 103 dantrolene sodium cap 100 mg................................... 103 dantrolene sodium cap 25 mg (Dantrium).................. 103 dantrolene sodium cap 50 mg (Dantrium).................. 103 dapsone tab 25 mg.......................................................... 12 dapsone tab 100 mg........................................................ 12 DAPTACEL -diph, acellular pert & tet tox inj 15 lf-10 mcg-5 lf/0.5ml................................................................. 14 DARAPRIM -pyrimethamine tab 25 mg............................ 11 darifenacin hydrobromide tab sr 24hr 7.5 mg (base equiv) (Enablex)............................................................ 67 darifenacin hydrobromide tab sr 24hr 15 mg (base equiv) (Enablex)............................................................ 67 DAYPRO -oxaprozin tab 600 mg...................................... 91 DAYTRANA -methylphenidate td patch 10 mg/9hr........... 79 DAYTRANA -methylphenidate td patch 15 mg/9hr........... 79 DAYTRANA -methylphenidate td patch 20 mg/9hr........... 79 DAYTRANA -methylphenidate td patch 30 mg/9hr........... 79 DDAVP -desmopressin acetate inj 4 mcg/ml.................... 34 DDAVP -desmopressin acetate nasal soln 0.01% (refrigerated).................................................................... 34 DDAVP -desmopressin acetate nasal spray soln 0.01%...............................................................................34 DDAVP -desmopressin acetate tab 0.1 mg...................... 34 DDAVP -desmopressin acetate tab 0.2 mg...................... 34 DELZICOL -mesalamine cap dr 400 mg........................... 65 DEMADEX -torsemide tab 5 mg....................................... 50 DEMADEX -torsemide tab 10 mg..................................... 50 DEMADEX -torsemide tab 20 mg..................................... 50 demeclocycline hcl tab 150 mg....................................... 3 demeclocycline hcl tab 300 mg....................................... 4 DENAVIR -penciclovir cream 1%.................................... 128 DEPAKENE -valproate sodium syrup 250 mg/5ml (base equiv)............................................................................... 96 DEPAKENE -valproic acid cap 250 mg.............................96 DEPAKOTE -divalproex sodium tab delayed release 125 mg.................................................................................... 96 DEPAKOTE -divalproex sodium tab delayed release 250 mg.................................................................................... 96 DEPAKOTE -divalproex sodium tab delayed release 500 mg.................................................................................... 96 DEPAKOTE ER -divalproex sodium tab sr 24 hr 250 mg.................................................................................... 96 DEPAKOTE ER -divalproex sodium tab sr 24 hr 500 mg.................................................................................... 96 DEPAKOTE SPRINKLES -divalproex sodium cap delayed release sprinkle 125 mg................................................. 96 DEPEN TITRATABS -penicillamine tab 250 mg............. 194 DEPO-TESTOSTERONE -testosterone cypionate im inj in oil 100 mg/ml.................................................................. 22 Florida Blue October 2016 Care Choices Rx Medication Drug Guide 217 2016 DEPO-TESTOSTERONE -testosterone cypionate im inj in oil 200 mg/ml.................................................................. 22 DERMA-SMOOTHE/FS BODY -fluocinolone acetonide oil 0.01% (body oil)............................................................ 128 DERMA-SMOOTHE/FS SCALP -fluocinolone acetonide oil 0.01% (scalp oil)...................................................... 128 DERMATOP -prednicarbate cream 0.1%........................ 128 DERMATOP -prednicarbate oint 0.1%............................ 128 DERMOTIC -fluocinolone acetonide (otic) oil 0.01%...... 124 DESCOVY -emtricitabine-tenofovir alafenamide fumarate tab 200-25 mg...................................................................7 desipramine hcl tab 10 mg (Norpramin)....................... 71 desipramine hcl tab 25 mg (Norpramin)....................... 71 desipramine hcl tab 50 mg (Norpramin)....................... 71 desipramine hcl tab 75 mg (Norpramin)....................... 71 desipramine hcl tab 100 mg (Norpramin)..................... 71 desipramine hcl tab 150 mg (Norpramin)..................... 71 DESLORATADINE ODT -desloratadine tab orally disintegrating 2.5 mg...................................................... 56 DESLORATADINE ODT -desloratadine tab orally disintegrating 5 mg......................................................... 56 desloratadine tab 5 mg (Clarinex)................................. 56 desmopressin acetate inj 4 mcg/ml (Ddavp)................ 34 desmopressin acetate nasal soln 0.01% (refrigerated) (Ddavp)........................................................................... 34 desmopressin acetate nasal spray soln 0.01% (Ddavp)........................................................................... 34 desmopressin acetate nasal spray soln 0.01% (refrigerated).................................................................. 34 desmopressin acetate tab 0.1 mg (Ddavp)................... 34 desmopressin acetate tab 0.2 mg (Ddavp)................... 34 DESOGEN -desogestrel & ethinyl estradiol tab 0.15 mg-30 mcg...................................................................... 24 desogest-eth estrad & eth estrad tab 0.15-0.02/0.01 mg(21/5) (Mircette)........................................................ 24 desogest-ethin est tab 0.1-0.025/0.125-0.025/0.15-0.025mg-mg (Cyclessa).......................................................................24 desogestrel & ethinyl estradiol tab 0.15 mg-30 mcg (Desogen)....................................................................... 24 DESONATE -desonide gel 0.05%................................... 128 desonide cream 0.05% (Desowen).............................. 128 desonide lotion 0.05% (Desowen)............................... 128 desonide oint 0.05% (Desowen).................................. 128 DESOWEN -desonide cream 0.05%...............................128 DESOWEN -desonide lotion 0.05%................................ 128 desoximetasone cream 0.25% (Topicort)....................128 DESOXIMETASONE -desoximetasone cream 0.05%.............................................................................128 DESOXIMETASONE -desoximetasone oint 0.05%........ 128 desoximetasone gel 0.05% (Topicort)......................... 128 desoximetasone oint 0.25% (Topicort)........................ 128 DESOXYN -methamphetamine hcl tab 5 mg.................... 79 DESVENLAFAXINE ER -desvenlafaxine fumarate tab sr 24hr 50 mg (base equiv)................................................ 71 DESVENLAFAXINE ER -desvenlafaxine fumarate tab sr 24hr 100 mg (base equiv).............................................. 71 DESVENLAFAXINE ER -desvenlafaxine tab sr 24hr 50 mg.................................................................................... 71 DESVENLAFAXINE ER -desvenlafaxine tab sr 24hr 100 mg.................................................................................... 71 DEXAMETHASONE -dexamethasone soln 0.5 mg/5ml............................................................................. 20 DEXAMETHASONE -dexamethasone tab 1 mg...............20 DEXAMETHASONE -dexamethasone tab 2 mg...............20 dexamethasone elixir 0.5 mg/5ml.................................. 20 DEXAMETHASONE INTENSOL -dexamethasone conc 1 mg/ml............................................................................... 20 DEXAMETHASONE SODIUM PHOS -dexamethasone sodium phosphate ophth soln 0.1%............................. 121 dexamethasone tab 0.5 mg............................................ 20 dexamethasone tab 0.75 mg.......................................... 20 dexamethasone tab 1.5 mg............................................ 20 dexamethasone tab 4 mg............................................... 20 dexamethasone tab 6 mg............................................... 20 DEXEDRINE -dextroamphetamine sulfate cap sr 24hr 5 mg.................................................................................... 79 DEXEDRINE -dextroamphetamine sulfate cap sr 24hr 10 mg.................................................................................... 79 DEXEDRINE -dextroamphetamine sulfate cap sr 24hr 15 mg.................................................................................... 79 dexmethylphenidate hcl cap sr 24 hr 5 mg (Focalin xr).................................................................................... 79 dexmethylphenidate hcl cap sr 24 hr 10 mg (Focalin xr).................................................................................... 79 dexmethylphenidate hcl cap sr 24 hr 15 mg (Focalin xr).................................................................................... 79 dexmethylphenidate hcl cap sr 24 hr 20 mg (Focalin xr).................................................................................... 79 dexmethylphenidate hcl cap sr 24 hr 30 mg (Focalin xr).................................................................................... 79 dexmethylphenidate hcl cap sr 24 hr 40 mg (Focalin xr).................................................................................... 79 dexmethylphenidate hcl tab 2.5 mg (Focalin).............. 79 dexmethylphenidate hcl tab 5 mg (Focalin)................. 79 dexmethylphenidate hcl tab 10 mg (Focalin)............... 79 DEXPAK 10 DAY -dexamethasone tab therapy pack 1.5 mg (35)............................................................................ 20 DEXPAK 13 DAY -dexamethasone tab therapy pack 1.5 mg (51)............................................................................ 20 DEXPAK 6 DAY -dexamethasone tab therapy pack 1.5 mg (21)............................................................................ 20 dextroamphetamine sulfate cap sr 24hr 5 mg (Dexedrine)..................................................................... 79 dextroamphetamine sulfate cap sr 24hr 10 mg (Dexedrine)..................................................................... 79 dextroamphetamine sulfate cap sr 24hr 15 mg (Dexedrine)..................................................................... 79 dextroamphetamine sulfate oral solution 5 mg/5ml (Procentra)..................................................................... 79 dextroamphetamine sulfate tab 5 mg........................... 79 dextroamphetamine sulfate tab 10 mg......................... 79 D.H.E. 45 -dihydroergotamine mesylate inj 1 mg/ml.........94 DIAMOX -acetazolamide cap sr 12hr 500 mg.................. 51 Florida Blue October 2016 Care Choices Rx Medication Drug Guide 218 2016 DIASTAR EASY TEST II LANC -lancets......................... 149 DIASTAR EASY TEST LANCETS -lancets..................... 149 DIASTAT ACUDIAL -diazepam rectal gel delivery system 10 mg.............................................................................. 96 DIASTAT ACUDIAL -diazepam rectal gel delivery system 20 mg.............................................................................. 96 DIASTAT PEDIATRIC -diazepam rectal gel delivery system 2.5 mg................................................................ 96 DIATRUE PLUS BLOOD GLUCOS -blood glucose monitoring devices........................................................ 149 DIATRUE PLUS BLOOD GLUCOS -glucose blood test strip................................................................................ 135 diazepam conc 5 mg/ml.................................................. 70 DIAZEPAM -diazepam oral soln 1 mg/ml..........................70 DIAZEPAM -diazepam rectal gel delivery system 2.5 mg.................................................................................... 96 DIAZEPAM -diazepam rectal gel delivery system 10 mg.................................................................................... 96 DIAZEPAM -diazepam rectal gel delivery system 20 mg.................................................................................... 96 diazepam tab 2 mg (Valium)........................................... 70 diazepam tab 5 mg (Valium)........................................... 70 diazepam tab 10 mg (Valium)......................................... 70 DIBENZYLINE -phenoxybenzamine hcl cap 10 mg..........46 DICLEGIS -doxylamine-pyridoxine tab delayed release 10-10 mg......................................................................... 63 diclofenac potassium tab 50 mg................................... 91 diclofenac sodium (actinic keratoses) gel 3% (Solaraze)..................................................................... 128 DICLOFENAC SODIUM -diclofenac sodium cream 3%.................................................................................. 128 diclofenac sodium gel 1% (Voltaren)...........................128 diclofenac sodium ophth soln 0.1%............................ 121 diclofenac sodium soln 1.5%....................................... 128 diclofenac sodium tab delayed release 25 mg............. 91 diclofenac sodium tab delayed release 50 mg............. 91 diclofenac sodium tab delayed release 75 mg............. 91 diclofenac sodium tab sr 24hr 100 mg (Voltarenxr).................................................................................... 91 diclofenac w/ misoprostol tab delayed release 50-0.2 mg (Arthrotec 50)..........................................................91 diclofenac w/ misoprostol tab delayed release 75-0.2 mg (Arthrotec 75)..........................................................92 dicloxacillin sodium cap 250 mg..................................... 1 dicloxacillin sodium cap 500 mg..................................... 1 dicyclomine hcl cap 10 mg (Bentyl).............................. 62 dicyclomine hcl oral soln 10 mg/5ml............................ 62 dicyclomine hcl tab 20 mg (Bentyl)............................... 62 didanosine delayed release capsule 125 mg (Videx ec)...................................................................................... 7 didanosine delayed release capsule 200 mg (Videx ec)...................................................................................... 7 didanosine delayed release capsule 250 mg (Videx ec)...................................................................................... 7 didanosine delayed release capsule 400 mg (Videx ec)...................................................................................... 7 DIDGET -blood glucose monitoring kit w/ device........... 149 DIFFERIN -adapalene cream 0.1%................................ 128 DIFFERIN -adapalene gel 0.1%...................................... 128 DIFFERIN -adapalene gel 0.3%...................................... 128 DIFFERIN -adapalene lotion 0.1%.................................. 128 DIFICID -fidaxomicin tab 200 mg........................................ 3 DIFLORASONE DIACETATE -diflorasone diacetate cream 0.05%................................................................. 128 DIFLORASONE DIACETATE -diflorasone diacetate oint 0.05%.............................................................................128 DIFLUCAN -fluconazole for susp 10 mg/ml........................ 6 DIFLUCAN -fluconazole for susp 40 mg/ml........................ 6 DIFLUCAN -fluconazole tab 50 mg..................................... 6 DIFLUCAN -fluconazole tab 100 mg................................... 6 DIFLUCAN -fluconazole tab 150 mg................................... 6 DIFLUCAN -fluconazole tab 200 mg................................... 6 diflunisal tab 500 mg....................................................... 85 DIGOXIN -digoxin oral soln 0.05 mg/ml............................ 37 digoxin tab 125 mcg (0.125 mg) (Lanoxin)................... 37 digoxin tab 250 mcg (0.25 mg) (Lanoxin)..................... 37 DIHYDROERGOTAMINE MESYLAT -dihydroergotamine mesylate nasal spray 4 mg/ml....................................... 94 dihydroergotamine mesylate inj 1 mg/ml (D.h.e. 45).................................................................................... 94 DILANTIN INFATABS -phenytoin chew tab 50 mg........... 96 DILANTIN -phenytoin sodium extended cap 30 mg......... 96 DILANTIN -phenytoin sodium extended cap 100 mg........96 DILANTIN-125 -phenytoin susp 125 mg/5ml.................... 96 DILATRATE SR -isosorbide dinitrate cap cr 40 mg.......... 37 DILAUDID -hydromorphone hcl liqd 1 mg/ml.................... 86 diltiazem hcl cap sr 12hr 60 mg.....................................40 diltiazem hcl cap sr 12hr 90 mg.....................................40 diltiazem hcl cap sr 12hr 120 mg...................................40 diltiazem hcl cap sr 24hr 120 mg...................................40 diltiazem hcl cap sr 24hr 180 mg...................................40 diltiazem hcl cap sr 24hr 240 mg...................................40 diltiazem hcl coated beads cap sr 24hr 120 mg (Cardizem cd)................................................................ 40 diltiazem hcl coated beads cap sr 24hr 180 mg (Cardizem cd)................................................................ 40 diltiazem hcl coated beads cap sr 24hr 240 mg (Cardizem cd)................................................................ 40 diltiazem hcl coated beads cap sr 24hr 300 mg (Cardizem cd)................................................................ 40 diltiazem hcl coated beads cap sr 24hr 360 mg (Cardizem cd)................................................................ 40 diltiazem hcl coated beads tab sr 24hr 180 mg (Cardizem la)................................................................. 40 diltiazem hcl coated beads tab sr 24hr 240 mg (Cardizem la)................................................................. 40 diltiazem hcl coated beads tab sr 24hr 300 mg (Cardizem la)................................................................. 40 diltiazem hcl coated beads tab sr 24hr 360 mg (Cardizem la)................................................................. 41 diltiazem hcl coated beads tab sr 24hr 420 mg (Cardizem la)................................................................. 41 diltiazem hcl extended release beads cap sr 24hr 120 mg (Tiazac).................................................................... 41 Florida Blue October 2016 Care Choices Rx Medication Drug Guide 219 2016 diltiazem hcl extended release beads cap sr 24hr 180 mg (Tiazac).................................................................... 41 diltiazem hcl extended release beads cap sr 24hr 240 mg (Tiazac).................................................................... 41 diltiazem hcl extended release beads cap sr 24hr 300 mg (Tiazac).................................................................... 41 diltiazem hcl extended release beads cap sr 24hr 360 mg (Tiazac).................................................................... 41 diltiazem hcl extended release beads cap sr 24hr 420 mg (Tiazac).................................................................... 41 diltiazem hcl tab 90 mg................................................... 41 diltiazem hcl tab 30 mg (Cardizem)............................... 41 diltiazem hcl tab 60 mg (Cardizem)............................... 41 diltiazem hcl tab 120 mg (Cardizem)............................. 41 DIOVAN HCT -valsartan-hydrochlorothiazide tab 80-12.5 mg.................................................................................... 46 DIOVAN HCT -valsartan-hydrochlorothiazide tab 160-12.5 mg.................................................................................... 46 DIOVAN HCT -valsartan-hydrochlorothiazide tab 160-25 mg.................................................................................... 46 DIOVAN HCT -valsartan-hydrochlorothiazide tab 320-12.5 mg.................................................................................... 46 DIOVAN HCT -valsartan-hydrochlorothiazide tab 320-25 mg.................................................................................... 46 DIOVAN -valsartan tab 40 mg........................................... 46 DIOVAN -valsartan tab 80 mg........................................... 46 DIOVAN -valsartan tab 160 mg......................................... 46 DIOVAN -valsartan tab 320 mg......................................... 46 DIPENTUM -olsalazine sodium cap 250 mg.....................65 diphenhydramine hcl cap 50 mg................................... 56 diphenhydramine hcl elixir 12.5 mg/5ml....................... 56 DIPHENOXYLATE/ATROPINE -diphenoxylate w/ atropine liq 2.5-0.025 mg/5ml....................................................... 61 diphenoxylate w/ atropine tab 2.5-0.025 mg (Lomotil)......................................................................... 61 DIPHTHERIA/TETANUS TOXOID -diphtheria-tetanus tox adsorbed (dt) im inj 25-5 unit/0.5ml............................... 14 DIPROLENE AF -betamethasone dipropionate augmented cream 0.05%............................................. 128 DIPROLENE -betamethasone dipropionate augmented lotion 0.05%.................................................................. 128 DIPROLENE -betamethasone dipropionate augmented oint 0.05%..................................................................... 128 dipyridamole tab 25 mg (Persantine).......................... 117 dipyridamole tab 50 mg (Persantine).......................... 117 dipyridamole tab 75 mg (Persantine).......................... 117 DISALCID -salsalate tab 500 mg...................................... 85 DISALCID -salsalate tab 750 mg...................................... 85 disopyramide phosphate cap 100 mg (Norpace)......... 42 disopyramide phosphate cap 150 mg (Norpace)......... 42 disulfiram tab 250 mg (Antabuse)................................. 82 disulfiram tab 500 mg (Antabuse)................................. 82 DIURIL -chlorothiazide susp 250 mg/5ml......................... 51 divalproex sodium cap delayed release sprinkle 125 mg (Depakote sprinkles).............................................. 96 divalproex sodium tab delayed release 125 mg (Depakote)...................................................................... 96 divalproex sodium tab delayed release 250 mg (Depakote)...................................................................... 96 divalproex sodium tab delayed release 500 mg (Depakote)...................................................................... 96 divalproex sodium tab sr 24 hr 250 mg (Depakote er).................................................................................... 97 divalproex sodium tab sr 24 hr 500 mg (Depakote er).................................................................................... 97 DIVIGEL -estradiol td gel 0.25 mg/0.25gm (0.1%)........... 22 DIVIGEL -estradiol td gel 0.5 mg/0.5gm (0.1%)............... 22 DIVIGEL -estradiol td gel 1 mg/gm (0.1%)....................... 22 dofetilide cap 125 mcg (0.125 mg) (Tikosyn)................42 dofetilide cap 250 mcg (0.25 mg) (Tikosyn)..................42 dofetilide cap 500 mcg (0.5 mg) (Tikosyn)....................42 DOLOPHINE -methadone hcl tab 5 mg............................ 86 DOLOPHINE -methadone hcl tab 10 mg.......................... 86 donepezil hydrochloride orally disintegrating tab 5 mg................................................................................... 82 donepezil hydrochloride orally disintegrating tab 10 mg................................................................................... 82 donepezil hydrochloride tab 5 mg (Aricept)................. 82 donepezil hydrochloride tab 10 mg (Aricept)............... 82 donepezil hydrochloride tab 23 mg (Aricept)............... 83 dorzolamide hcl ophth soln 2% (Trusopt).................. 121 dorzolamide hcl-timolol maleate ophth soln 22.3-6.8 mg/ml (Cosopt)............................................................121 DOTHELLE DHA -prenatal w/fe fum-fe poly -fa-omega 3 cap 53.5-38-1 mg......................................................... 105 DOVONEX -calcipotriene cream 0.005%........................128 doxazosin mesylate tab 1 mg (Cardura)....................... 46 doxazosin mesylate tab 2 mg (Cardura)....................... 46 doxazosin mesylate tab 4 mg (Cardura)....................... 46 doxazosin mesylate tab 8 mg (Cardura)....................... 46 doxepin hcl cap 10 mg....................................................71 doxepin hcl cap 25 mg....................................................71 doxepin hcl cap 50 mg....................................................71 doxepin hcl cap 100 mg..................................................71 doxepin hcl cap 150 mg..................................................71 doxepin hcl conc 10 mg/ml............................................ 71 DOXEPIN HCL -doxepin hcl cap 75 mg........................... 71 DOXEPIN HYDROCHLORIDE -doxepin hcl cream 5%.................................................................................. 128 doxercalciferol cap 0.5 mcg (Hectorol)......................... 34 doxercalciferol cap 1 mcg (Hectorol)............................ 34 doxercalciferol cap 2.5 mcg (Hectorol)......................... 34 doxycycline hyclate cap 50 mg....................................... 4 doxycycline hyclate cap 100 mg (Vibramycin)...............4 doxycycline hyclate tab delayed release 75 mg............ 4 doxycycline hyclate tab delayed release 100 mg.......... 4 doxycycline hyclate tab delayed release 150 mg.......... 4 doxycycline hyclate tab delayed release 50 mg (Doryx).............................................................................. 4 doxycycline hyclate tab delayed release 200 mg (Doryx).............................................................................. 4 doxycycline hyclate tab 20 mg........................................ 4 doxycycline hyclate tab 100 mg...................................... 4 doxycycline monohydrate cap 50 mg............................. 4 Florida Blue October 2016 Care Choices Rx Medication Drug Guide 220 2016 doxycycline monohydrate cap 150 mg (Adoxa).............4 doxycycline monohydrate cap 75 mg (Monodox)..........4 doxycycline monohydrate cap 100 mg (Monodox)........4 doxycycline monohydrate for susp 25 mg/5ml (Vibramycin)..................................................................... 4 doxycycline monohydrate tab 50 mg (Adoxa)............... 4 doxycycline monohydrate tab 75 mg (Adoxa)............... 4 doxycycline monohydrate tab 100 mg (Adoxa pak 1/100)................................................................................. 4 doxycycline monohydrate tab 150 mg (Adoxa pak 1/150)................................................................................. 4 dronabinol cap 2.5 mg (Marinol).................................... 63 dronabinol cap 5 mg (Marinol)....................................... 63 dronabinol cap 10 mg (Marinol)..................................... 63 DROPLET LANCETS ULTRA THI -lancets.................... 149 DROPLET LANCING DEVICE -lancet devices...............149 DROPLET PEN NEEDLES 29GX1 -insulin pen needle 29 g x 10 mm.....................................................................149 DROPLET PEN NEEDLES 32GX8 -insulin pen needle 32 g x 8 mm....................................................................... 149 DROPLET PEN NEEDLES 29GX1 -insulin pen needle 29 g x 12 mm (1/2")...........................................................149 DROPLET PEN NEEDLES 31GX5 -insulin pen needle 31 g x 5 mm (3/16")...........................................................149 DROPLET PEN NEEDLES 31GX6 -insulin pen needle 31 g x 6 mm (1/4").............................................................149 DROPLET PEN NEEDLES 32GX4 -insulin pen needle 32 g x 4 mm (5/32")...........................................................149 DROPLET PEN NEEDLES 32GX6 -insulin pen needle 32 g x 6 mm (1/4").............................................................149 DROPLET PEN NEEDLES 31GX8 -insulin pen needle 31 g x 8 mm (1/3" or 5/16")...............................................149 DROPLET PEN NEEDLES 32GX5 -insulin pen needle 32 g x 5 mm (1/5" or 3/16")...............................................149 drospirenone-ethinyl estradiol tab 3-0.03 mg (Yasmin 28).................................................................................... 24 drospirenone-ethinyl estradiol tab 3-0.02 mg (Yaz)..... 24 DROXIA -hydroxyurea cap 200 mg................................ 113 DROXIA -hydroxyurea cap 300 mg................................ 113 DROXIA -hydroxyurea cap 400 mg................................ 113 DRUG MART ADJUSTABLE LANC -lancet devices....... 149 DRUG MART LANCETS THIN -lancets.......................... 149 DRUG MART LANCETS ULTRA T -lancets................... 149 DRUG MART ON-THE-GO LANCE -lancets.................. 149 DRUG MART UNIFINE PENTIPS -insulin pen needle 29 g x 12 mm (1/2")...........................................................149 DRUG MART UNIFINE PENTIPS -insulin pen needle 31 g x 5 mm (3/16")...........................................................149 DRUG MART UNIFINE PENTIPS -insulin pen needle 31 g x 6 mm (1/4").............................................................149 DRUG MART UNIFINE PENTIPS -insulin pen needle 32 g x 4 mm (5/32")...........................................................149 DRUG MART UNIFINE PENTIPS -insulin pen needle 31 g x 8 mm (1/3" or 5/16")...............................................149 DRUG MART UNILET LANCETS -lancets..................... 149 DUAC -clindamycin phosph-benzoyl peroxide (refrig) gel 1.2 (1)-5%..................................................................... 128 DUANE READE LANCET ALTERN -lancets.................. 149 DUANE READE LANCET SUPER -lancets.................... 149 DUANE READE LANCET ULTRA -lancets..................... 149 DUANE READE UNIFINE PENTI -insulin pen needle 29 g x 12 mm (1/2").............................................................. 149 DUANE READE UNIFINE PENTI -insulin pen needle 31 g x 6 mm (1/4")................................................................ 149 DUANE READE UNIFINE PENTI -insulin pen needle 31 g x 8 mm (1/3" or 5/16").................................................. 149 DUAVEE -conjugated estrogens-bazedoxifene tab 0.45-20 mg...................................................................... 22 DUETACT -pioglitazone hcl-glimepiride tab 30-2 mg....... 27 DUETACT -pioglitazone hcl-glimepiride tab 30-4 mg....... 27 DUET DHA BALANCED -prenat w/fe poly-na fered-fa tab 25-1 & omega cap 267 mg.......................................... 105 DUET DHA 400 -prenat w/fe poly-na fered-fa tab 25-1 & omega cap 400 mg...................................................... 105 DULERA -mometasone furoate-formoterol fumarate aerosol 100-5 mcg/act.................................................... 59 DULERA -mometasone furoate-formoterol fumarate aerosol 200-5 mcg/act.................................................... 59 duloxetine hcl enteric coated pellets cap 20 mg (Cymbalta)...................................................................... 71 duloxetine hcl enteric coated pellets cap 30 mg (Cymbalta)...................................................................... 71 duloxetine hcl enteric coated pellets cap 60 mg (Cymbalta)...................................................................... 71 DUO-CARE TEST STRIPS -glucose blood test strip......135 DUREZOL -difluprednate ophth emulsion 0.05%........... 121 dutasteride cap 0.5 mg (Avodart).................................. 68 dutasteride-tamsulosin hcl cap 0.5-0.4 mg (JALYN)........................................................................... 68 DUTOPROL -metoprolol & hydrochlorothiazide tab sr 24hr 25-12.5 mg............................................................. 46 DUTOPROL -metoprolol & hydrochlorothiazide tab sr 24hr 50-12.5 mg............................................................. 46 DUTOPROL -metoprolol & hydrochlorothiazide tab sr 24hr 100-12.5 mg........................................................... 46 DYANAVEL XR -amphetamine extended release susp 2.5 mg/ml............................................................................... 79 DYAZIDE -triamterene & hydrochlorothiazide cap 37.5-25 mg.................................................................................... 51 dyphylline-guaifenesin liqd 100-100 mg/5ml................ 59 DYRENIUM -triamterene cap 50 mg................................. 51 DYRENIUM -triamterene cap 100 mg............................... 51 E EASY COMFORT INSULIN SYRI -insulin syringe/needle u-100 1/2 ml 31 x 5/16"................................................ 150 EASY COMFORT INSULIN SYRI -insulin syringe/needle u-100 1/2 ml 30 x 5/16"................................................ 150 EASY COMFORT INSULIN SYRI -insulin syringe/needle u-100 1/2 ml 30 x 1/2".................................................. 150 EASY COMFORT INSULIN SYRI -insulin syringe/needle u-100 0.3 ml 30 x 5/16"................................................ 150 EASY COMFORT INSULIN SYRI -insulin syringe/needle u-100 1 ml 30 x 5/16"...................................................150 Florida Blue October 2016 Care Choices Rx Medication Drug Guide 221 2016 EASY COMFORT INSULIN SYRI -insulin syringe/needle u-100 1 ml 30 x 1/2".....................................................150 EASY COMFORT INSULIN SYRI -insulin syringe/needle u-100 1 ml 31 x 5/16"...................................................150 EASY COMFORT LANCETS 30G/ -lancets................... 150 EASY COMFORT LANCETS -lancets............................ 150 EASY COMFORT PEN NEEDLES -insulin pen needle 31 g x 5 mm (3/16")...........................................................150 EASY COMFORT PEN NEEDLES -insulin pen needle 31 g x 6 mm (1/4").............................................................150 EASY COMFORT PEN NEEDLES -insulin pen needle 32 g x 4 mm (5/32")...........................................................150 EASY COMFORT PEN NEEDLES -insulin pen needle 31 g x 8 mm (1/3" or 5/16")...............................................150 EASYGLUCO -blood glucose monitoring kit................... 154 EASYGLUCO -glucose blood test strip........................... 135 EASYGLUCO PLUS BLOOD GLUC -blood glucose monitoring kit w/ device................................................ 154 EASYGLUCO PLUS -glucose blood test strip................ 135 EASYGLUCO STARTER KIT -blood glucose monitoring kit................................................................................... 154 EASYMAX L BLOOD GLUCOSE S -blood glucose monitoring devices........................................................ 154 EASYMAX L BLOOD GLUCOSE S -blood glucose monitoring kit w/ device................................................ 154 EASYMAX N BLOOD GLUCOSE S -blood glucose monitoring devices........................................................ 154 EASYMAX N BLOOD GLUCOSE S -blood glucose monitoring kit w/ device................................................ 154 EASYMAX NG SELF-MONITORIN -blood glucose monitoring devices........................................................ 154 EASYMAX NG SELF-MONITORIN -blood glucose monitoring kit w/ device................................................ 154 EASYMAX TEST STRIPS -glucose blood test strip....... 135 EASYMAX 15 TEST STRIPS -glucose blood test strip................................................................................ 135 EASYMAX V BLOOD GLUCOSE S -blood glucose monitoring devices........................................................ 154 EASYMAX V BLOOD GLUCOSE S -blood glucose monitoring kit w/ device................................................ 154 EASYMAX V2 SELF-MONITORIN -blood glucose monitoring devices........................................................ 154 EASYMAX V2 SELF-MONITORIN -blood glucose monitoring kit w/ device................................................ 154 EASY MINI EJECT LANCING D -lancet devices............ 150 EASY MINI LANCING DEVICE -lancet devices............. 150 EASY PLUS BLOOD GLUCOSE M -blood glucose monitoring devices........................................................ 150 EASY PLUS BLOOD GLUCOSE M -blood glucose monitoring kit w/ device................................................ 150 EASYPLUS BLOOD GLUCOSE TE -glucose blood test strip................................................................................ 135 EASY PLUS BLOOD GLUCOSE T -glucose blood test strip................................................................................ 135 EASY PLUS II BLOOD GLUCOS -blood glucose monitoring devices........................................................ 150 EASY PLUS II BLOOD GLUCOS -glucose blood test strip................................................................................ 135 EASYPLUS R13N SELF-MONITO -blood glucose monitoring kit w/ device................................................ 154 EASYPLUS V SELF-MONITORIN -blood glucose monitoring kit w/ device................................................ 154 EASYPRO BLOOD GLUCOSE MON -blood glucose monitoring kit w/ device................................................ 154 EASYPRO BLOOD GLUCOSE TES -glucose blood test strip................................................................................ 135 EASYPRO PLUS -blood glucose monitoring kit w/ device............................................................................ 154 EASYPRO PLUS -glucose blood test strip..................... 135 EASY STEP BLOOD GLUCOSE M -blood glucose monitoring devices........................................................ 150 EASY STEP BLOOD GLUCOSE M -blood glucose monitoring kit w/ device................................................ 150 EASY STEP TEST STRIPS -glucose blood test strip..... 135 EASY TALK BLOOD GLUCOSE M -blood glucose monitoring devices........................................................ 150 EASY TALK BLOOD GLUCOSE M -blood glucose monitoring kit w/ device................................................ 150 EASY TALK BLOOD GLUCOSE T -glucose blood test strip................................................................................ 135 EASYTEST II LANCETS -lancets................................... 154 EASYTEST LANCETS -lancets...................................... 154 EASY TOUCH ALLERGY TRAY S -tuberculin/allergy syringe/needle (disp) 1 ml 26 x 3/8"............................ 150 EASY TOUCH ALLERGY TRAY S -tuberculin/allergy syringe/needle (disp) 1 ml 27 x 1/2"............................ 150 EASY TOUCH FLIPLOCK NEEDL -needle (disp) 18 x 1-1/2"............................................................................. 150 EASY TOUCH FLIPLOCK NEEDL -needle (disp) 19 x 1-1/2"............................................................................. 151 EASY TOUCH FLIPLOCK NEEDL -needle (disp) 20 x 1-1/2"............................................................................. 151 EASY TOUCH FLIPLOCK NEEDL -needle (disp) 21 x 1-1/2"............................................................................. 151 EASY TOUCH FLIPLOCK NEEDL -needle (disp) 22 x 3/4".................................................................................151 EASY TOUCH FLIPLOCK NEEDL -needle (disp) 22 x 1-1/2"............................................................................. 151 EASY TOUCH FLIPLOCK NEEDL -needle (disp) 23 x 5/8".................................................................................151 EASY TOUCH FLIPLOCK NEEDL -needle (disp) 23 x 1-1/2"............................................................................. 151 EASY TOUCH FLIPLOCK NEEDL -needle (disp) 25 x 5/8".................................................................................151 EASY TOUCH FLIPLOCK NEEDL -needle (disp) 25 x 1-1/2"............................................................................. 151 EASY TOUCH FLIPLOCK NEEDL -needle (disp) 26 x 1/2".................................................................................151 EASY TOUCH FLIPLOCK NEEDL -needle (disp) 27 x 1/2".................................................................................151 EASY TOUCH FLIPLOCK NEEDL -needle (disp) 30 x 1/2".................................................................................151 Florida Blue October 2016 Care Choices Rx Medication Drug Guide 222 2016 EASY TOUCH FLIPLOCK NEEDL -needle (disp) 28 x 1/2" (12.7 mm).............................................................. 150 EASY TOUCH FLIPLOCK NEEDL -needle (disp) 29 x 1/2" (12.7 mm).............................................................. 150 EASY TOUCH FLIPLOCK NEEDL -needle (disp) 30 x 5/16" (8 mm)................................................................. 151 EASY TOUCH FLIPLOCK NEEDL -needle (disp) 31 x 5/16" (8 mm)................................................................. 151 EASY TOUCH FLIPLOCK NEEDL -needle (disp) 18 x 1".................................................................................... 150 EASY TOUCH FLIPLOCK NEEDL -needle (disp) 19 x 1".................................................................................... 151 EASY TOUCH FLIPLOCK NEEDL -needle (disp) 20 x 1".................................................................................... 151 EASY TOUCH FLIPLOCK NEEDL -needle (disp) 21 x 1".................................................................................... 151 EASY TOUCH FLIPLOCK NEEDL -needle (disp) 22 x 1".................................................................................... 151 EASY TOUCH FLIPLOCK NEEDL -needle (disp) 23 x 1".................................................................................... 151 EASY TOUCH FLIPLOCK NEEDL -needle (disp) 25 x 1".................................................................................... 151 EASY TOUCH FLIPLOCK NEEDL -needle (disp) 27 x 1" (25 mm).................................................................... 151 EASY TOUCH FLIPLOCK SAFET -insulin syringe/needle u-100 1 ml 29 x 1/2".....................................................151 EASY TOUCH FLIPLOCK SAFET -insulin syringe/needle u-100 1 ml 30 x 5/16"...................................................151 EASY TOUCH FLIPLOCK SAFET -insulin syringe/needle u-100 1 ml 30 x 1/2".....................................................151 EASY TOUCH FLIPLOCK SAFET -insulin syringe/needle u-100 1 ml 31 x 5/16"...................................................151 EASY TOUCH GLUCOSE MONITO -blood glucose monitoring kit w/ device................................................ 151 EASY TOUCH GLUCOSE TEST S -glucose blood test strip................................................................................ 135 EASY TOUCH 32GX6MM -insulin pen needle 32 g x 6 mm (1/4")...................................................................... 154 EASY TOUCH 32GX5MM -insulin pen needle 32 g x 5 mm (1/5" or 3/16")........................................................ 154 EASY TOUCH HEALTHPRO GLUC -blood glucose monitoring kit w/ device................................................ 151 EASY TOUCH HEALTHPRO GLUC -glucose blood test strip................................................................................ 135 EASY TOUCH HYPODERMIC NEE -needle (disp) 16 x 1-1/2"............................................................................. 151 EASY TOUCH HYPODERMIC NEE -needle (disp) 18 x 1-1/2"............................................................................. 151 EASY TOUCH HYPODERMIC NEE -needle (disp) 19 x 1-1/2"............................................................................. 151 EASY TOUCH HYPODERMIC NEE -needle (disp) 20 x 1-1/2"............................................................................. 151 EASY TOUCH HYPODERMIC NEE -needle (disp) 21 x 1-1/2"............................................................................. 152 EASY TOUCH HYPODERMIC NEE -needle (disp) 22 x 1-1/2"............................................................................. 152 EASY TOUCH HYPODERMIC NEE -needle (disp) 23 x 3/4".................................................................................152 EASY TOUCH HYPODERMIC NEE -needle (disp) 23 x 1-1/4"............................................................................. 152 EASY TOUCH HYPODERMIC NEE -needle (disp) 23 x 1-1/2"............................................................................. 152 EASY TOUCH HYPODERMIC NEE -needle (disp) 25 x 5/8".................................................................................152 EASY TOUCH HYPODERMIC NEE -needle (disp) 25 x 1-1/2"............................................................................. 152 EASY TOUCH HYPODERMIC NEE -needle (disp) 26 x 3/8".................................................................................152 EASY TOUCH HYPODERMIC NEE -needle (disp) 26 x 1/2".................................................................................152 EASY TOUCH HYPODERMIC NEE -needle (disp) 26 x 5/8".................................................................................152 EASY TOUCH HYPODERMIC NEE -needle (disp) 27 x 1/2".................................................................................152 EASY TOUCH HYPODERMIC NEE -needle (disp) 27 x 1-1/4"............................................................................. 152 EASY TOUCH HYPODERMIC NEE -needle (disp) 27 x 1-1/2"............................................................................. 152 EASY TOUCH HYPODERMIC NEE -needle (disp) 30 x 1/2".................................................................................152 EASY TOUCH HYPODERMIC NEE -needle (disp) 32 x 5/16" (8 mm)................................................................. 151 EASY TOUCH HYPODERMIC NEE -needle (disp) 31 x 5/16" (8 mm)................................................................. 152 EASY TOUCH HYPODERMIC NEE -needle (disp) 16 x 1".................................................................................... 151 EASY TOUCH HYPODERMIC NEE -needle (disp) 18 x 1".................................................................................... 151 EASY TOUCH HYPODERMIC NEE -needle (disp) 19 x 1".................................................................................... 151 EASY TOUCH HYPODERMIC NEE -needle (disp) 20 x 1".................................................................................... 151 EASY TOUCH HYPODERMIC NEE -needle (disp) 21 x 1".................................................................................... 151 EASY TOUCH HYPODERMIC NEE -needle (disp) 22 x 1".................................................................................... 152 EASY TOUCH HYPODERMIC NEE -needle (disp) 23 x 1".................................................................................... 152 EASY TOUCH HYPODERMIC NEE -needle (disp) 24 x 1".................................................................................... 152 EASY TOUCH HYPODERMIC NEE -needle (disp) 25 x 1".................................................................................... 152 EASY TOUCH HYPODERMIC NEE -needle (disp) 30 x 1".................................................................................... 152 EASY TOUCH HYPODERMIC NEE -needle (disp) 18 x 1.25" (30 mm)............................................................... 151 EASY TOUCH HYPODERMIC NEE -needle (disp) 24 x 1.25" (30 mm)............................................................... 152 EASY TOUCH INSULIN SYRING -insulin syringe/needle u-100 1/2 ml 27 x 1/2".................................................. 152 EASY TOUCH INSULIN SYRING -insulin syringe/needle u-100 1/2 ml 31 x 5/16"................................................ 152 Florida Blue October 2016 Care Choices Rx Medication Drug Guide 223 2016 EASY TOUCH INSULIN SYRING -insulin syringe/needle u-100 1/2 ml 28 x 1/2".................................................. 152 EASY TOUCH INSULIN SYRING -insulin syringe/needle u-100 1/2 ml 29 x 1/2".................................................. 152 EASY TOUCH INSULIN SYRING -insulin syringe/needle u-100 1/2 ml 30 x 5/16"................................................ 152 EASY TOUCH INSULIN SYRING -insulin syringe/needle u-100 1/2 ml 30 x 1/2".................................................. 152 EASY TOUCH INSULIN SYRING -insulin syringe/needle u-100 0.3 ml 30 x 5/16"................................................ 152 EASY TOUCH INSULIN SYRING -insulin syringe/needle u-100 0.3 ml 30 x 1/2".................................................. 152 EASY TOUCH INSULIN SYRING -insulin syringe/needle u-100 1 ml 27 x 1/2".....................................................152 EASY TOUCH INSULIN SYRING -insulin syringe/needle u-100 1 ml 28 x 1/2".....................................................152 EASY TOUCH INSULIN SYRING -insulin syringe/needle u-100 1 ml 29 x 1/2".....................................................152 EASY TOUCH INSULIN SYRING -insulin syringe/needle u-100 1 ml 30 x 5/16"...................................................152 EASY TOUCH INSULIN SYRING -insulin syringe/needle u-100 1 ml 30 x 1/2".....................................................152 EASY TOUCH INSULIN SYRING -insulin syringe/needle u-100 1 ml 31 x 5/16"...................................................153 EASY TOUCH INSULIN SYRING -insulin syringe/needle u-100 0.3 ml 31 x 5/16"................................................ 153 EASY TOUCH LANCETS 30G/BU -lancets.................... 153 EASY TOUCH LANCETS 21G/PR -lancets.................... 153 EASY TOUCH LANCETS 23G/PR -lancets.................... 153 EASY TOUCH LANCETS 26G/PR -lancets.................... 153 EASY TOUCH LANCETS 28G/PR -lancets.................... 153 EASY TOUCH LANCETS 30G/PR -lancets.................... 153 EASY TOUCH LANCETS 32G/PR -lancets.................... 153 EASY TOUCH LANCETS 26G/PU -lancets.................... 153 EASY TOUCH LANCETS 28G/PU -lancets.................... 153 EASY TOUCH LANCETS 30G/PU -lancets.................... 153 EASY TOUCH LANCETS 32G/PU -lancets.................... 153 EASY TOUCH LANCETS 26G/TW -lancets................... 153 EASY TOUCH LANCETS 28G/TW -lancets................... 153 EASY TOUCH LANCETS 30G/TW -lancets................... 153 EASY TOUCH LANCETS 32G/TW -lancets................... 153 EASY TOUCH LANCETS 33G/TW -lancets................... 153 EASY TOUCH LANCING DEVICE -lancet devices........ 153 EASY TOUCH PEN NEEDLES/31 -insulin pen needle 31 g x 5 mm (3/16")...........................................................153 EASY TOUCH PEN NEEDLES 29 -insulin pen needle 29 g x 12 mm (1/2")...........................................................153 EASY TOUCH PEN NEEDLES 31 -insulin pen needle 31 g x 6 mm (1/4").............................................................153 EASY TOUCH PEN NEEDLES 32 -insulin pen needle 32 g x 4 mm (5/32")...........................................................153 EASY TOUCH PEN NEEDLES 32 -insulin pen needle 32 g x 6 mm (1/4").............................................................153 EASY TOUCH PEN NEEDLES 31 -insulin pen needle 31 g x 8 mm (1/3" or 5/16")...............................................153 EASY TOUCH PEN NEEDLES 32 -insulin pen needle 32 g x 5 mm (1/5" or 3/16")...............................................153 EASY TOUCH SAFETY LANCETS -lancets...................153 EASY TOUCH SHEATHLOCK SAF -insulin syringe/ needle u-100 1 ml 29 x 1/2"......................................... 153 EASY TOUCH SHEATHLOCK SAF -insulin syringe/ needle u-100 1 ml 30 x 5/16"....................................... 153 EASY TOUCH SHEATHLOCK SAF -insulin syringe/ needle u-100 1 ml 30 x 1/2"......................................... 153 EASY TOUCH SHEATHLOCK SAF -insulin syringe/ needle u-100 1 ml 31 x 5/16"....................................... 153 EASY TOUCH TUBERCULIN FLI -tuberculin/allergy syringe/needle (disp) 1 ml 27 x 1/2"............................ 153 EASY TOUCH TUBERCULIN FLI -tuberculin/allergy syringe/needle (disp) 1 ml 28 x 1/2"............................ 153 EASY TOUCH TUBERCULIN SHE -tuberculin/allergy syringe/needle (disp) 1 ml 25 x 5/8"............................ 154 EASY TOUCH TUBERCULIN SHE -tuberculin/allergy syringe/needle (disp) 1 ml 27 x 1/2"............................ 154 EASY TOUCH TUBERCULIN SHE -tuberculin/allergy syringe/needle (disp) 1 ml 28 x 1/2"............................ 154 EASY TRAK BLOOD GLUCOSE M -blood glucose monitoring devices........................................................ 154 EASY TRAK BLOOD GLUCOSE M -blood glucose monitoring kit w/ device................................................ 154 EASY TRAK BLOOD GLUCOSE T -glucose blood test strip................................................................................ 135 EASY TWIST & CAP LANCETS -lancets....................... 154 EC-NAPROSYN -naproxen tab ec 375 mg.......................92 EC-NAPROSYN -naproxen tab ec 500 mg.......................92 econazole nitrate cream 1%......................................... 128 EDARBI -azilsartan medoxomil tab 40 mg........................46 EDARBI -azilsartan medoxomil tab 80 mg........................46 EDARBYCLOR -azilsartan medoxomil-chlorthalidone tab 40-12.5 mg...................................................................... 46 EDARBYCLOR -azilsartan medoxomil-chlorthalidone tab 40-25 mg......................................................................... 46 EDECRIN -ethacrynic acid tab 25 mg.............................. 51 EDURANT -rilpivirine hcl tab 25 mg (base equivalent)....... 7 E.E.S. 400 -erythromycin ethylsuccinate tab 400 mg......... 3 E.E.S. GRANULES -erythromycin ethylsuccinate for susp 200 mg/5ml....................................................................... 3 EFFER-K -potassium bicarbonate-citric acid effer tab 10 meq................................................................................ 111 EFFER-K -potassium bicarbonate-citric acid effer tab 20 meq................................................................................ 111 EFFIENT -prasugrel hcl tab 5 mg (base equiv).............. 117 EFFIENT -prasugrel hcl tab 10 mg (base equiv)............ 117 EFUDEX -fluorouracil cream 5%..................................... 128 EGRIFTA -tesamorelin acetate for inj 1 mg (base equiv)............................................................................... 34 EGRIFTA -tesamorelin acetate for inj 2 mg (base equiv)............................................................................... 34 ELDEPRYL -selegiline hcl cap 5 mg...............................101 ELEMENT AUTOCODE SYSTEM -blood glucose monitoring kit w/ device................................................ 154 ELEMENT COMPACT BLOOD GLU -blood glucose monitoring devices........................................................ 154 Florida Blue October 2016 Care Choices Rx Medication Drug Guide 224 2016 ELEMENT COMPACT TEST STRI -glucose blood test strip................................................................................ 135 ELEMENT COMPACT V BLOOD -blood glucose monitoring devices........................................................ 154 ELEMENT PLUS BLOOD GLUCOS -blood glucose monitoring devices........................................................ 154 ELEMENT TEST STRIPS -glucose blood test strip........ 135 ELESTAT -epinastine hcl ophth soln 0.05%................... 121 ELESTRIN -estradiol gel 0.06% (0.52 mg/0.87 gm metered-dose pump)...................................................... 22 ELIDEL -pimecrolimus cream 1%................................... 128 ELIMITE -permethrin cream 5%...................................... 128 ELIPHOS -calcium acetate (phosphate binder) tab 667 mg.................................................................................... 65 ELIQUIS -apixaban tab 2.5 mg....................................... 114 ELIQUIS -apixaban tab 5 mg.......................................... 114 ELITE-OB -prenatal vit w/ iron carbonyl-fa tab 50-1.25 mg.................................................................................. 105 ELITE-THIN INSULIN SYRING -insulin syringe/needle u-100 1/2 ml 31 x 5/16"................................................ 154 ELITE-THIN INSULIN SYRING -insulin syringe/needle u-100 1/2 ml 28 x 5/16"................................................ 154 ELITE-THIN INSULIN SYRING -insulin syringe/needle u-100 1/2 ml 28 x 1/2".................................................. 155 ELITE-THIN INSULIN SYRING -insulin syringe/needle u-100 1/2 ml 29 x 5/16"................................................ 155 ELITE-THIN INSULIN SYRING -insulin syringe/needle u-100 1/2 ml 29 x 1/2".................................................. 155 ELITE-THIN INSULIN SYRING -insulin syringe/needle u-100 1/2 ml 30 x 5/16"................................................ 155 ELITE-THIN INSULIN SYRING -insulin syringe/needle u-100 1 ml 28 x 5/16"...................................................155 ELITE-THIN INSULIN SYRING -insulin syringe/needle u-100 1 ml 28 x 1/2".....................................................155 ELITE-THIN INSULIN SYRING -insulin syringe/needle u-100 1 ml 29 x 1/2".....................................................155 ELITE-THIN INSULIN SYRING -insulin syringe/needle u-100 1 ml 29 x 5/16"...................................................155 ELITE-THIN INSULIN SYRING -insulin syringe/needle u-100 1 ml 30 x 5/16"...................................................155 ELITE-THIN INSULIN SYRING -insulin syringe/needle u-100 1 ml 31 x 5/16"...................................................155 ELITE-THIN INSULIN SYRING -insulin syringe/needle u-100 0.3 ml 31 x 5/16"................................................ 155 ELIXOPHYLLIN -theophylline elixir 80 mg/15ml............... 59 ELLA -ulipristal acetate tab 30 mg.................................... 24 ELMIRON -pentosan polysulfate sodium caps 100 mg.................................................................................... 69 ELOCON -mometasone furoate cream 0.1%................. 128 ELOCON -mometasone furoate oint 0.1%......................128 ELOCON -mometasone furoate solution 0.1% (lotion)............................................................................ 128 ELOCTATE -antihemophilic factor (recomb) rfviiifc for inj 250 unit......................................................................... 117 ELOCTATE -antihemophilic factor (recomb) rfviiifc for inj 500 unit......................................................................... 117 ELOCTATE -antihemophilic factor (recomb) rfviiifc for inj 750 unit......................................................................... 117 ELOCTATE -antihemophilic factor (recomb) rfviiifc for inj 1000 unit....................................................................... 117 ELOCTATE -antihemophilic factor (recomb) rfviiifc for inj 1500 unit....................................................................... 117 ELOCTATE -antihemophilic factor (recomb) rfviiifc for inj 2000 unit....................................................................... 117 ELOCTATE -antihemophilic factor (recomb) rfviiifc for inj 3000 unit....................................................................... 117 EMADINE -emedastine difumarate ophth soln 0.05% (base equiv).................................................................. 121 EMBEDA -morphine-naltrexone cap cr 20-0.8 mg............86 EMBEDA -morphine-naltrexone cap cr 30-1.2 mg............86 EMBEDA -morphine-naltrexone cap cr 50-2 mg...............86 EMBEDA -morphine-naltrexone cap cr 60-2.4 mg............86 EMBEDA -morphine-naltrexone cap cr 80-3.2 mg............87 EMBEDA -morphine-naltrexone cap cr 100-4 mg.............87 EMBRACE BLOOD GLUCOSE MON -blood glucose monitoring devices........................................................ 155 EMBRACE BLOOD GLUCOSE TES -glucose blood test strip................................................................................ 135 EMBRACE EVO BLOOD GLUCOSE -blood glucose monitoring kit w/ device................................................ 155 EMBRACE EVO BLOOD GLUCOSE -glucose blood test strip................................................................................ 135 EMBRACE LANCETS ULTRA THI -lancets.................... 155 EMBRACE PRO BLOOD GLUCOSE -blood glucose monitoring devices........................................................ 155 EMBRACE PRO BLOOD GLUCOSE -glucose blood test strip................................................................................ 135 EMCYT -estramustine phosphate sodium cap 140 mg.................................................................................... 16 EMEND -aprepitant capsule 40 mg.................................. 63 EMEND -aprepitant capsule 80 mg.................................. 63 EMEND -aprepitant capsule 125 mg................................ 63 EMEND -aprepitant capsule therapy pack 80 & 125 mg.................................................................................... 63 EMEND -aprepitant for oral susp 125 mg (125 mg/5ml)............................................................................ 63 EMSAM -selegiline td patch 24hr 6 mg/24hr.................... 71 EMSAM -selegiline td patch 24hr 9 mg/24hr.................... 71 EMSAM -selegiline td patch 24hr 12 mg/24hr.................. 71 EMTRIVA -emtricitabine caps 200 mg................................ 7 EMTRIVA -emtricitabine soln 10 mg/ml.............................. 7 EMVERM -mebendazole chew tab 100 mg...................... 11 ENABLEX -darifenacin hydrobromide tab sr 24hr 7.5 mg (base equiv).................................................................... 67 ENABLEX -darifenacin hydrobromide tab sr 24hr 15 mg (base equiv).................................................................... 67 enalapril maleate & hydrochlorothiazide tab 5-12.5 mg................................................................................... 46 enalapril maleate & hydrochlorothiazide tab 10-25 mg (Vaseretic)...................................................................... 46 enalapril maleate tab 2.5 mg (Vasotec)......................... 46 enalapril maleate tab 5 mg (Vasotec)............................ 46 enalapril maleate tab 10 mg (Vasotec).......................... 46 Florida Blue October 2016 Care Choices Rx Medication Drug Guide 225 2016 enalapril maleate tab 20 mg (Vasotec).......................... 46 ENBRACE HR -prenatal vit w/ fe gly cys-fa-omega 3 fatty acids cap....................................................................... 105 ENBREL -etanercept for subcutaneous inj 25 mg............ 92 ENBREL -etanercept subcutaneous soln prefilled syringe 25 mg/0.5ml.................................................................... 92 ENBREL -etanercept subcutaneous soln prefilled syringe 50 mg/ml......................................................................... 92 ENBREL SURECLICK -etanercept subcutaneous solution auto-injector 50 mg/ml.................................................... 92 ENCARE -nonoxynol-9 vaginal suppos 100 mg............... 68 ENGERIX-B -hepatitis b vaccine (recombinant) 10 mcg/0.5ml........................................................................ 13 ENGERIX-B -hepatitis b vaccine (recombinant) 20 mcg/ ml..................................................................................... 13 ENGERIX-B -hepatitis b vaccine (recombinant) susp 10 mcg/0.5ml........................................................................ 13 ENGERIX-B -hepatitis b vaccine (recombinant) susp 20 mcg/ml............................................................................. 13 enoxaparin sodium inj 30 mg/0.3ml (Lovenox).......... 114 enoxaparin sodium inj 40 mg/0.4ml (Lovenox).......... 114 enoxaparin sodium inj 60 mg/0.6ml (Lovenox).......... 114 enoxaparin sodium inj 80 mg/0.8ml (Lovenox).......... 114 enoxaparin sodium inj 100 mg/ml (Lovenox)............. 114 enoxaparin sodium inj 120 mg/0.8ml (Lovenox)........ 114 enoxaparin sodium inj 150 mg/ml (Lovenox)............. 114 enoxaparin sodium inj 300 mg/3ml (Lovenox)........... 114 entacapone tab 200 mg (Comtan)............................... 101 entecavir tab 0.5 mg (Baraclude)..................................... 7 entecavir tab 1 mg (Baraclude)........................................ 7 ENTEREG -alvimopan cap 12 mg.................................... 65 ENTOCORT EC -budesonide delayed release particles cap 3 mg......................................................................... 20 ENTRESTO -sacubitril-valsartan tab 24-26 mg................ 55 ENTRESTO -sacubitril-valsartan tab 49-51 mg................ 55 ENTRESTO -sacubitril-valsartan tab 97-103 mg.............. 55 ENVARSUS XR -tacrolimus tab sr 24hr 0.75 mg............194 ENVARSUS XR -tacrolimus tab sr 24hr 1 mg................ 194 ENVARSUS XR -tacrolimus tab sr 24hr 4 mg................ 194 EPANED -enalapril maleate for oral soln 1 mg/ml............ 46 EPCLUSA -sofosbuvir-velpatasvir tab 400-100 mg............ 7 EPIDUO -adapalene-benzoyl peroxide gel 0.1-2.5%......128 EPIDUO FORTE -adapalene-benzoyl peroxide gel 0.3-2.5%........................................................................ 128 EPIFOAM -pramoxine-hc aerosol foam 1-1%.................129 epinastine hcl ophth soln 0.05% (Elestat).................. 121 EPINEPHRINE -epinephrine solution auto-injector 0.15 mg/0.15ml (1:1000)......................................................... 52 EPINEPHRINE -epinephrine solution auto-injector 0.3 mg/0.3ml (1:1000)........................................................... 52 epinephrine hcl inj 1 mg/ml............................................ 59 epinephrine hcl soln prefilled syringe 0.1 mg/ml.........59 EPIPEN-JR 2-PAK -epinephrine solution auto-injector 0.15 mg/0.3ml (1:2000).................................................. 52 EPIPEN 2-PAK -epinephrine solution auto-injector 0.3 mg/0.3ml (1:1000)........................................................... 52 EPIVIR HBV -lamivudine oral soln 5 mg/ml (hbv)............... 7 EPIVIR HBV -lamivudine tab 100 mg (hbv)........................ 7 EPIVIR -lamivudine oral soln 10 mg/ml.............................. 7 EPIVIR -lamivudine tab 150 mg.......................................... 7 EPIVIR -lamivudine tab 300 mg.......................................... 7 eplerenone tab 25 mg (Inspra)....................................... 46 eplerenone tab 50 mg (Inspra)....................................... 46 EPOGEN -epoetin alfa inj 2000 unit/ml...........................113 EPOGEN -epoetin alfa inj 3000 unit/ml...........................113 EPOGEN -epoetin alfa inj 4000 unit/ml...........................113 EPOGEN -epoetin alfa inj 10000 unit/ml.........................113 EPOGEN -epoetin alfa inj 20000 unit/ml.........................113 EPROSARTAN MESYLATE -eprosartan mesylate tab 600 mg.................................................................................... 46 EPZICOM -abacavir sulfate-lamivudine tab 600-300 mg...................................................................................... 7 EQ BLOOD GLUCOSE TEST STR -glucose blood test strip................................................................................ 135 EQL COLOR LANCETS 21G -lancets............................ 155 EQL COLOR LANCETS MICRO T -lancets....................155 EQL INSULIN SYRINGE/1ML/2 -insulin syringe/needle u-100 1 ml 29 x 1/2".....................................................155 EQL INSULIN SYRINGE/1ML/3 -insulin syringe/needle u-100 1 ml 30 x 5/16"...................................................155 EQL INSULIN SYRINGE/1ML/3 -insulin syringe/needle u-100 1 ml 31 x 5/16"...................................................155 EQL INSULIN SYRINGE/0.5ML -insulin syringe/needle u-100 1/2 ml 31 x 5/16"................................................ 155 EQL INSULIN SYRINGE/0.5ML -insulin syringe/needle u-100 1/2 ml 29 x 1/2".................................................. 155 EQL INSULIN SYRINGE/0.5ML -insulin syringe/needle u-100 1/2 ml 30 x 5/16"................................................ 155 EQL INSULIN SYRINGE/0.3ML -insulin syringe/needle u-100 0.3 ml 29 x 1/2".................................................. 155 EQL INSULIN SYRINGE/0.3ML -insulin syringe/needle u-100 0.3 ml 30 x 5/16"................................................ 155 EQL INSULIN SYRINGE/0.3ML -insulin syringe/needle u-100 0.3 ml 31 x 5/16"................................................ 155 EQL SHORT PEN NEEDLES 31G -insulin pen needle 31 g x 8 mm (1/3" or 5/16")...............................................155 EQL SUPER THIN LANCETS 30 -lancets...................... 155 EQL THIN LANCETS 26G -lancets................................ 155 EQL ULTRA SHORT PEN NEEDL -insulin pen needle 31 g x 6 mm (1/4").............................................................155 EQUETRO -carbamazepine (antipsychotic) cap sr 12hr 100 mg............................................................................ 74 EQUETRO -carbamazepine (antipsychotic) cap sr 12hr 200 mg............................................................................ 74 EQUETRO -carbamazepine (antipsychotic) cap sr 12hr 300 mg............................................................................ 74 ergocalciferol cap 50000 unit (Drisdol)....................... 104 ERGOLOID MESYLATES -ergoloid mesylates tab 1 mg.................................................................................... 83 ERGOMAR -ergotamine tartrate sl tab 2 mg.................... 94 ERIVEDGE -vismodegib cap 150 mg............................... 16 ERTACZO -sertaconazole nitrate cream 2%.................. 129 ERYGEL -erythromycin gel 2%....................................... 129 Florida Blue October 2016 Care Choices Rx Medication Drug Guide 226 2016 ERYPED 200 -erythromycin ethylsuccinate for susp 200 mg/5ml............................................................................... 3 ERYPED 400 -erythromycin ethylsuccinate for susp 400 mg/5ml............................................................................... 3 ERY-TAB -erythromycin tab delayed release 250 mg........ 3 ERY-TAB -erythromycin tab delayed release 333 mg........ 3 ERY-TAB -erythromycin tab delayed release 500 mg........ 3 ERYTHROCIN STEARATE -erythromycin stearate tab 250 mg.............................................................................. 3 ERYTHROMYCIN BASE -erythromycin tab 250 mg.......... 3 ERYTHROMYCIN BASE -erythromycin tab 500 mg.......... 3 ERYTHROMYCIN ETHYLSUCCINA -erythromycin ethylsuccinate tab 400 mg............................................... 3 erythromycin gel 2% (Erygel)....................................... 129 erythromycin ophth oint 5 mg/gm............................... 121 erythromycin pads 2%.................................................. 129 erythromycin soln 2%................................................... 129 erythromycin w/ delayed release particles cap 250 mg......................................................................................3 ESBRIET -pirfenidone cap 267 mg................................... 61 escitalopram oxalate soln 5 mg/5ml (base equiv) (Lexapro)........................................................................ 71 escitalopram oxalate tab 5 mg (base equiv) (Lexapro)........................................................................ 71 escitalopram oxalate tab 10 mg (base equiv) (Lexapro)........................................................................ 71 escitalopram oxalate tab 20 mg (base equiv) (Lexapro)........................................................................ 71 esomeprazole magnesium cap delayed release 20 mg (base eq) (Nexium)....................................................... 62 esomeprazole magnesium cap delayed release 40 mg (base eq) (Nexium)....................................................... 62 ESSENTRA WIPES 9X9" CLEAN -isopropyl alcohol wipes 70%..................................................................... 129 estazolam tab 1 mg......................................................... 77 estazolam tab 2 mg......................................................... 77 esterified estrogens & methyltestosterone tab 0.625-1.25 mg................................................................ 23 esterified estrogens & methyltestosterone tab 1.25-2.5 mg.....................................................................23 ESTRACE -estradiol tab 0.5 mg....................................... 23 ESTRACE -estradiol tab 1 mg.......................................... 23 ESTRACE -estradiol tab 2 mg.......................................... 23 ESTRACE -estradiol vaginal cream 0.1 mg/gm................ 68 estradiol & norethindrone acetate tab 0.5-0.1 mg (Activella)....................................................................... 23 estradiol & norethindrone acetate tab 1-0.5 mg (Activella)....................................................................... 23 estradiol tab 0.5 mg (Estrace)........................................ 23 estradiol tab 1 mg (Estrace)........................................... 23 estradiol tab 2 mg (Estrace)........................................... 23 estradiol td patch twice weekly 0.025 mg/24hr (Vivelledot).................................................................................. 23 estradiol td patch twice weekly 0.0375 mg/24hr (Vivelle-dot).................................................................... 23 estradiol td patch twice weekly 0.05 mg/24hr (Vivelledot).................................................................................. 23 estradiol td patch twice weekly 0.075 mg/24hr (Vivelledot).................................................................................. 23 estradiol td patch twice weekly 0.1 mg/24hr (Vivelledot).................................................................................. 23 estradiol td patch weekly 0.025 mg/24hr (Climara)......23 estradiol td patch weekly 0.05 mg/24hr (Climara)........23 estradiol td patch weekly 0.06 mg/24hr (Climara)........23 estradiol td patch weekly 0.075 mg/24hr (Climara)......23 estradiol td patch weekly 0.1 mg/24hr (Climara)..........23 estradiol td patch weekly 0.0375 mg/24hr (37.5 mcg/24hr) (Climara)...................................................... 23 ESTRING -estradiol vaginal ring 2 mg (7.5 mcg/24hrs).......................................................................68 ESTROGEL -estradiol gel 0.06% (0.75 mg/1.25 gm metered-dose pump)...................................................... 23 ESTROPIPATE -estropipate tab 0.75 mg......................... 23 ESTROPIPATE -estropipate tab 1.5 mg........................... 23 ESTROPIPATE -estropipate tab 3 mg.............................. 23 ESTROSTEP FE -norethindrone ac-ethinyl estrad-fe tab 1-20/1-30/1-35 mg-mcg.................................................. 24 eszopiclone tab 1 mg (Lunesta).................................... 77 eszopiclone tab 2 mg (Lunesta).................................... 77 eszopiclone tab 3 mg (Lunesta).................................... 77 ethacrynic acid tab 25 mg.............................................. 51 ethambutol hcl tab 100 mg (Myambutol)........................ 5 ethambutol hcl tab 400 mg (Myambutol)........................ 5 ethosuximide cap 250 mg (Zarontin)............................ 97 ethosuximide soln 250 mg/5ml (Zarontin).................... 97 ethynodiol diacetate & ethinyl estradiol tab 1 mg-35 mcg................................................................................. 24 ETIDRONATE DISODIUM -etidronate disodium tab 200 mg.................................................................................... 34 ETIDRONATE DISODIUM -etidronate disodium tab 400 mg.................................................................................... 34 etodolac cap 200 mg....................................................... 92 etodolac cap 300 mg....................................................... 92 etodolac tab 400 mg........................................................ 92 etodolac tab 500 mg........................................................ 92 etodolac tab sr 24hr 400 mg.......................................... 92 etodolac tab sr 24hr 500 mg.......................................... 92 etodolac tab sr 24hr 600 mg.......................................... 92 ETOPOSIDE -etoposide cap 50 mg..................................16 EURAX -crotamiton cream 10%...................................... 129 EURAX -crotamiton lotion 10%....................................... 129 EVAMIST -estradiol transdermal spray 1.53 mg/spray..... 23 EVEKEO -amphetamine sulfate tab 5 mg.........................79 EVEKEO -amphetamine sulfate tab 10 mg.......................79 EVENCARE + BLOOD GLUCOSE -glucose blood test strip................................................................................ 135 EVENCARE BLOOD GLUCOSE MO -blood glucose monitoring kit................................................................. 156 EVENCARE BLOOD GLUCOSE TE -glucose blood test strip................................................................................ 135 EVENCARE G2 BLOOD GLUCOSE -blood glucose monitoring devices........................................................ 156 EVENCARE G3 BLOOD GLUCOSE -blood glucose monitoring devices........................................................ 156 Florida Blue October 2016 Care Choices Rx Medication Drug Guide 227 2016 EVENCARE G2 TEST STRIPS -glucose blood test strip................................................................................ 135 EVENCARE G3 TEST STRIPS -glucose blood test strip................................................................................ 135 EVENCARE MINI BLOOD GLUCO -blood glucose monitoring devices........................................................ 156 EVENCARE MINI BLOOD GLUCO -glucose blood test strip................................................................................ 135 EVISTA -raloxifene hcl tab 60 mg..................................... 34 EVOCLIN -clindamycin phosphate foam 1%.................. 129 EVOLUTION AUTOCODE -blood glucose monitoring devices.......................................................................... 156 EVOLUTION AUTOCODE -glucose blood test strip....... 135 EVOTAZ -atazanavir sulfate-cobicistat tab 300-150 mg (base equiv)...................................................................... 7 EVOXAC -cevimeline hcl cap 30 mg.............................. 124 EVZIO -naloxone hcl solution auto-injector 0.4 mg/0.4ml........................................................................ 133 EXACTECH R-S-G TEST STRIP -glucose blood test strip................................................................................ 135 EXACTECH TEST STRIPS -glucose blood test strip..... 135 EXALGO -hydromorphone hcl tab er 24hr deter 8 mg......87 EXALGO -hydromorphone hcl tab er 24hr deter 12 mg.................................................................................... 87 EXALGO -hydromorphone hcl tab er 24hr deter 16 mg.................................................................................... 87 EXALGO -hydromorphone hcl tab er 24hr deter 32 mg.................................................................................... 87 EXCEL COMFORT POINT INSUL -insulin pen needle 31 g x 4 mm (1/6").............................................................156 EXEL COMFORT POINT INSULI -insulin pen needle 29 g x 12 mm (1/2").............................................................. 156 EXEL COMFORT POINT INSULI -insulin pen needle 31 g x 6 mm (1/4")................................................................ 156 EXEL COMFORT POINT INSULI -insulin pen needle 31 g x 8 mm (1/3" or 5/16").................................................. 156 EXEL COMFORT POINT INSULI -insulin syringe/needle u-100 1/2 ml 28 x 1/2".................................................. 156 EXEL COMFORT POINT INSULI -insulin syringe/needle u-100 1/2 ml 29 x 1/2".................................................. 156 EXEL COMFORT POINT INSULI -insulin syringe/needle u-100 1/2 ml 30 x 5/16"................................................ 156 EXEL COMFORT POINT INSULI -insulin syringe/needle u-100 0.3 ml 29 x 1/2".................................................. 156 EXEL COMFORT POINT INSULI -insulin syringe/needle u-100 0.3 ml 30 x 5/16"................................................ 156 EXEL COMFORT POINT INSULI -insulin syringe/needle u-100 1 ml 28 x 1/2".....................................................156 EXEL COMFORT POINT INSULI -insulin syringe/needle u-100 1 ml 29 x 1/2".....................................................156 EXEL COMFORT POINT INSULI -insulin syringe/needle u-100 1 ml 30 x 5/16"...................................................156 EXELDERM -sulconazole nitrate cream 1%................... 129 EXELDERM -sulconazole nitrate solution 1%................ 129 EXELON -rivastigmine tartrate cap 1.5 mg....................... 83 EXELON -rivastigmine tartrate cap 3 mg.......................... 83 EXELON -rivastigmine tartrate cap 4.5 mg....................... 83 EXELON -rivastigmine tartrate cap 6 mg.......................... 83 EXELON -rivastigmine td patch 24hr 4.6 mg/24hr............ 83 EXELON -rivastigmine td patch 24hr 9.5 mg/24hr............ 83 EXELON -rivastigmine td patch 24hr 13.3 mg/24hr.......... 83 exemestane tab 25 mg (Aromasin)................................ 16 EXFORGE -amlodipine besylate-valsartan tab 5-160 mg.................................................................................... 46 EXFORGE -amlodipine besylate-valsartan tab 5-320 mg.................................................................................... 46 EXFORGE -amlodipine besylate-valsartan tab 10-160 mg.................................................................................... 46 EXFORGE -amlodipine besylate-valsartan tab 10-320 mg.................................................................................... 46 EXFORGE HCT -amlodipine-valsartanhydrochlorothiazide tab 5-160-12.5 mg......................... 46 EXFORGE HCT -amlodipine-valsartanhydrochlorothiazide tab 5-160-25 mg............................ 46 EXFORGE HCT -amlodipine-valsartanhydrochlorothiazide tab 10-160-12.5 mg....................... 47 EXFORGE HCT -amlodipine-valsartanhydrochlorothiazide tab 10-160-25 mg.......................... 47 EXFORGE HCT -amlodipine-valsartanhydrochlorothiazide tab 10-320-25 mg.......................... 47 EXJADE -deferasirox tab for oral susp 125 mg.............. 133 EXJADE -deferasirox tab for oral susp 250 mg.............. 133 EXJADE -deferasirox tab for oral susp 500 mg.............. 133 EXTAVIA -interferon beta-1b for inj kit 0.3 mg.................. 83 EXTINA -ketoconazole foam 2%..................................... 129 EXTRA-VIRT PLUS DHA -prenatal w/o vit a w/ fe fumdoc-fa-dha cap 29-1.25-350 mg................................... 105 E-Z JECT LANCETS COLOR -lancets........................... 150 E-Z JECT LANCETS 21G -lancets................................. 150 E-Z JECT LANCETS -lancets......................................... 150 E-ZJECT LANCETS MICRO-THI -lancets...................... 150 E-Z JECT LANCETS SUPER TH -lancets...................... 150 E-Z JECT LANCETS THIN 26G -lancets........................ 150 EZ-LETS LANCETS 21G -lancets.................................. 156 EZ-LETS LANCETS 23G -lancets.................................. 156 EZ-LETS LANCETS 30G -lancets.................................. 156 EZ-LETS LANCETS 26G SUPER -lancets..................... 156 EZ-LETS LANCETS 28G ULTRA -lancets...................... 156 EZ SMART BLOOD GLUCOSE LA -lancets...................156 EZ SMART BLOOD GLUCOSE TE -glucose blood test strip................................................................................ 135 EZ SMART DIABETES MONITOR -blood glucose monitoring devices........................................................ 156 EZ SMART PLUS BLOOD GLUCO -glucose blood test strip................................................................................ 135 EZ SMART PLUS DIABETES MO -blood glucose monitoring devices........................................................ 156 F FACTIVE -gemifloxacin mesylate tab 320 mg (base equiv)................................................................................. 5 famciclovir tab 125 mg (Famvir)...................................... 7 famciclovir tab 250 mg (Famvir)...................................... 7 famciclovir tab 500 mg (Famvir)...................................... 7 Florida Blue October 2016 Care Choices Rx Medication Drug Guide 228 2016 famotidine for susp 40 mg/5ml (Pepcid)....................... 62 famotidine tab 20 mg (Pepcid)....................................... 62 famotidine tab 40 mg (Pepcid)....................................... 62 FAMVIR -famciclovir tab 125 mg........................................ 7 FAMVIR -famciclovir tab 250 mg........................................ 7 FAMVIR -famciclovir tab 500 mg........................................ 7 FANAPT -iloperidone tab 1 mg......................................... 74 FANAPT -iloperidone tab 4 mg......................................... 74 FANAPT -iloperidone tab 8 mg......................................... 74 FANAPT -iloperidone tab 10 mg....................................... 74 FANAPT -iloperidone tab 12 mg....................................... 74 FANAPT TITRATION PACK -iloperidone tab 1 mg & 2 mg & 4 mg & 6 mg titration pak........................................... 74 FARESTON -toremifene citrate tab 60 mg (base equivalent)....................................................................... 16 FARXIGA -dapagliflozin propanediol tab 5 mg (base equivalent)....................................................................... 27 FARXIGA -dapagliflozin propanediol tab 10 mg (base equivalent)....................................................................... 27 FARYDAK -panobinostat lactate cap 10 mg (base equivalent)....................................................................... 16 FARYDAK -panobinostat lactate cap 15 mg (base equivalent)....................................................................... 16 FARYDAK -panobinostat lactate cap 20 mg (base equivalent)....................................................................... 16 FAZACLO -clozapine orally disintegrating tab 12.5 mg.................................................................................... 74 FAZACLO -clozapine orally disintegrating tab 25 mg....... 74 FAZACLO -clozapine orally disintegrating tab 100 mg..... 74 FAZACLO -clozapine orally disintegrating tab 150 mg..... 75 FAZACLO -clozapine orally disintegrating tab 200 mg..... 75 FC FEMALE CONDOM -condoms - female....................156 FC2 FEMALE CONDOM -condoms - female..................156 FEIBA -antiinhibitor coagulant complex for inj................ 117 felbamate susp 600 mg/5ml (Felbatol).......................... 97 felbamate tab 400 mg (Felbatol).................................... 97 felbamate tab 600 mg (Felbatol).................................... 97 FELBATOL -felbamate susp 600 mg/5ml..........................97 FELBATOL -felbamate tab 400 mg................................... 97 FELBATOL -felbamate tab 600 mg................................... 97 FELDENE -piroxicam cap 10 mg...................................... 92 FELDENE -piroxicam cap 20 mg...................................... 92 felodipine tab sr 24hr 2.5 mg......................................... 41 felodipine tab sr 24hr 5 mg............................................ 41 felodipine tab sr 24hr 10 mg.......................................... 41 FEMCAP -cervical cap 22 mm........................................ 156 FEMCAP -cervical cap 26 mm........................................ 156 FEMCAP -cervical cap 30 mm........................................ 156 FEMCON FE -norethindrone & ethinyl estradiol-fe chew tab 0.4 mg-35 mcg......................................................... 24 FEMHRT LOW DOSE -norethindrone acetate-ethinyl estradiol tab 0.5 mg-2.5 mcg......................................... 23 FEM PH -acetic acid-oxyquinoline vaginal gel 0.9-0.025%...................................................................... 68 FEMRING -estradiol acetate vaginal ring 0.05 mg/24hr........................................................................... 68 FEMRING -estradiol acetate vaginal ring 0.1 mg/24hr..... 68 FENOFIBRATE -fenofibrate cap 50 mg............................ 52 FENOFIBRATE -fenofibrate cap 150 mg.......................... 52 fenofibrate micronized cap 43 mg................................. 52 fenofibrate micronized cap 130 mg............................... 52 fenofibrate micronized cap 67 mg (Lofibra)................. 52 fenofibrate micronized cap 134 mg (Lofibra)............... 52 fenofibrate micronized cap 200 mg (Lofibra)............... 52 fenofibrate tab 40 mg (Fenoglide)................................. 52 fenofibrate tab 120 mg (Fenoglide)............................... 53 fenofibrate tab 54 mg (Lofibra)...................................... 52 fenofibrate tab 160 mg (Lofibra).................................... 53 fenofibrate tab 48 mg (Tricor)........................................ 52 fenofibrate tab 145 mg (Tricor)...................................... 53 FENOFIBRIC ACID -fenofibric acid tab 35 mg................. 53 FENOFIBRIC ACID -fenofibric acid tab 105 mg............... 53 FENOPROFEN CALCIUM -fenoprofen calcium cap 200 mg.................................................................................... 92 FENOPROFEN CALCIUM -fenoprofen calcium cap 400 mg.................................................................................... 92 FENOPROFEN CALCIUM -fenoprofen calcium tab 600 mg.................................................................................... 92 FENORTHO -fenoprofen calcium cap 200 mg................. 92 FENORTHO -fenoprofen calcium cap 400 mg................. 92 fentanyl citrate lozenge on a handle 200 mcg (Actiq)............................................................................. 87 fentanyl citrate lozenge on a handle 400 mcg (Actiq)............................................................................. 87 fentanyl citrate lozenge on a handle 600 mcg (Actiq)............................................................................. 87 fentanyl citrate lozenge on a handle 800 mcg (Actiq)............................................................................. 87 fentanyl citrate lozenge on a handle 1200 mcg (Actiq)............................................................................. 87 fentanyl citrate lozenge on a handle 1600 mcg (Actiq)............................................................................. 87 FENTANYL -fentanyl td patch 72hr 37.5 mcg/hr...............87 FENTANYL -fentanyl td patch 72hr 62.5 mcg/hr...............87 FENTANYL -fentanyl td patch 72hr 87.5 mcg/hr...............87 fentanyl td patch 72hr 12 mcg/hr (Duragesic).............. 87 fentanyl td patch 72hr 25 mcg/hr (Duragesic).............. 87 fentanyl td patch 72hr 50 mcg/hr (Duragesic).............. 87 fentanyl td patch 72hr 75 mcg/hr (Duragesic).............. 87 fentanyl td patch 72hr 100 mcg/hr (Duragesic)............ 87 FERRIPROX -deferiprone oral soln 100 mg/ml.............. 133 FERRIPROX -deferiprone tab 500 mg............................ 133 ferrous sulfate elixir 220 mg/5ml (44 mg/5ml elemental fe).................................................................................. 113 FERROUS SULFATE -ferrous sulfate liquid 220 mg/5ml (44 mg/5ml elemental fe)............................................. 113 ferrous sulfate soln 75 mg/ml (15 mg/ml elemental fe).................................................................................. 113 FETZIMA -levomilnacipran hcl cap sr 24hr 20 mg (base equivalent)....................................................................... 71 FETZIMA -levomilnacipran hcl cap sr 24hr 40 mg (base equivalent)....................................................................... 71 FETZIMA -levomilnacipran hcl cap sr 24hr 80 mg (base equivalent)....................................................................... 71 Florida Blue October 2016 Care Choices Rx Medication Drug Guide 229 2016 FETZIMA -levomilnacipran hcl cap sr 24hr 120 mg (base equivalent)....................................................................... 71 FETZIMA TITRATION PACK -levomilnacipran hcl cap sr 24hr 20 & 40 mg therapy pack...................................... 71 FIBRICOR -fenofibric acid tab 35 mg............................... 53 FIBRICOR -fenofibric acid tab 105 mg............................. 53 FIFTY50 GLUCOSE METER 2.0 -blood glucose monitoring kit w/ device................................................ 156 FIFTY50 GLUCOSE TEST STRI -glucose blood test strip................................................................................ 135 FIFTY50 LANCING DEVICE -lancet devices.................. 156 FIFTY50 PEN NEEDLES/32GX4 -insulin pen needle 32 g x 4 mm (5/32").............................................................. 157 FIFTY50 PEN NEEDLES/32GX6 -insulin pen needle 32 g x 6 mm (1/4")................................................................ 157 FIFTY50 PEN NEEDLES/31GX8 -insulin pen needle 31 g x 8 mm (1/3" or 5/16").................................................. 157 FIFTY50 PEN NEEDLES 31GX5 -insulin pen needle 31 g x 5 mm (3/16").............................................................. 156 FIFTY50 PEN NEEDLES 31G X -insulin pen needle 31 g x 5 mm (3/16").............................................................. 156 FIFTY50 PEN NEEDLES 31G X -insulin pen needle 31 g x 8 mm (1/3" or 5/16").................................................. 156 FIFTY50 SAFETY SEAL LANCE -lancets...................... 157 FIFTY50 SUPERIOR COMFORT -insulin syringe/needle u-100 1/2 ml 31 x 5/16"................................................ 157 FIFTY50 SUPERIOR COMFORT -insulin syringe/needle u-100 1 ml 31 x 5/16"...................................................157 FIFTY50 SUPERIOR COMFORT -insulin syringe/needle u-100 0.3 ml 31 x 5/16"................................................ 157 FIFTY50 UNILET LANCETS 33 -lancets........................ 157 FINACEA -azelaic acid foam 15%.................................. 129 FINACEA -azelaic acid gel 15%..................................... 129 finasteride tab 5 mg (Proscar)....................................... 69 FINE 30 -lancets.............................................................. 157 FINGERSTIX LANCETS -lancets.................................... 157 FIORINAL/CODEINE #3 -butalbital-aspirin-caff w/ codeine cap 50-325-40-30 mg..................................................... 87 FIRAZYR -icatibant acetate inj 30 mg/3ml (base equivalent)..................................................................... 117 FLAGYL ER -metronidazole tab sr 24hr 750 mg.............. 12 FLAGYL -metronidazole cap 375 mg................................ 12 FLAGYL -metronidazole tab 250 mg................................ 12 FLAGYL -metronidazole tab 500 mg................................ 12 FLAREX -fluorometholone acetate ophth susp 0.1%..... 121 flavoxate hcl tab 100 mg.................................................67 flecainide acetate tab 50 mg.......................................... 42 flecainide acetate tab 100 mg........................................ 42 flecainide acetate tab 150 mg........................................ 42 FLOMAX -tamsulosin hcl cap 0.4 mg............................... 69 FLORIVA -sodium fluoride-vitamin d liqd drops 0.25 mg/ ml-400 unit/ml............................................................... 111 FLOVENT DISKUS -fluticasone propionate aer pow ba 50 mcg/blister....................................................................... 59 FLOVENT DISKUS -fluticasone propionate aer pow ba 100 mcg/blister................................................................ 59 FLOVENT DISKUS -fluticasone propionate aer pow ba 250 mcg/blister................................................................ 59 FLOVENT HFA -fluticasone propionate hfa inhal aer 110 mcg/act (125/valve)........................................................ 59 FLOVENT HFA -fluticasone propionate hfa inhal aer 220 mcg/act (250/valve)........................................................ 59 FLOVENT HFA -fluticasone propionate hfa inhal aero 44 mcg/act (50/valve)...........................................................59 FLOW-EZE VENTED NEEDLE -hypodermic needles (disposable)................................................................... 157 FLOXIN OTIC -ofloxacin otic soln 0.3%..........................124 FLUAD 2016-2017 -influenza vac type a&b surface ant adj susp pref syr 0.5 ml................................................. 13 FLUARIX 2014-2015 -influenza virus vaccine split pf susp pref syringe 0.5 ml.......................................................... 13 FLUARIX QUADRIVALENT 2016 -influenza virus vac split quadrivalent susp pref syr 0.5ml.................................... 13 FLUBLOK 2015-2016 -influenza virus vac recombinant hemagglutinin (ha) inj..................................................... 13 FLUBLOK 2016-2017 -influenza virus vac recombinant hemagglutinin (ha) inj..................................................... 13 FLUCELVAX 2015-2016 -influenza virus vac tiss-cult subunit susp pref syr 0.5 ml........................................... 13 FLUCELVAX QUADRIVALENT 20 -influenza vac tiss-cult subunt quad susp pref syr 0.5 ml.................................. 13 fluconazole for susp 10 mg/ml (Diflucan)....................... 6 fluconazole for susp 40 mg/ml (Diflucan)....................... 6 fluconazole tab 50 mg (Diflucan)..................................... 6 fluconazole tab 100 mg (Diflucan)................................... 6 fluconazole tab 150 mg (Diflucan)................................... 6 fluconazole tab 200 mg (Diflucan)................................... 6 flucytosine cap 250 mg (Ancobon)................................. 6 flucytosine cap 500 mg (Ancobon)................................. 6 fludrocortisone acetate tab 0.1 mg............................... 20 FLULAVAL QUADRIVALENT 201 -influenza virus vaccine split quadrivalent im inj................................................... 13 FLULAVAL QUADRIVALENT 201 -influenza virus vac split quadrivalent susp pref syr 0.5ml.................................... 13 FLUMADINE -rimantadine hydrochloride tab 100 mg.........7 FLUMIST QUADRIVALENT -influenza virus vaccine live quadrivalent intranasal susp...........................................13 flunisolide nasal soln 25 mcg/act (0.025%) (Flunisolide)................................................................... 56 fluocinolone acetonide cream 0.01%.......................... 129 fluocinolone acetonide cream 0.025% (Synalar)........129 fluocinolone acetonide oil 0.01% (body oil) (Dermasmoothe/fs bod).......................................................... 129 fluocinolone acetonide oil 0.01% (scalp oil) (Dermasmoothe/fs sca)...........................................................129 fluocinolone acetonide oint 0.025% (Synalar)............ 129 fluocinolone acetonide (otic) oil 0.01% (Dermotic).................................................................... 124 fluocinolone acetonide soln 0.01% (Synalar)............. 129 fluocinonide cream 0.05%............................................ 129 fluocinonide cream 0.1% (Vanos)................................ 129 fluocinonide emulsified base cream 0.05%................ 129 fluocinonide gel 0.05%.................................................. 129 Florida Blue October 2016 Care Choices Rx Medication Drug Guide 230 2016 fluocinonide oint 0.05%................................................ 129 fluocinonide soln 0.05%................................................ 129 FLUORABON -sodium fluoride soln 0.25 mg/0.6ml (from 0.55 mg/0.6ml naf)........................................................111 FLUOR-A-DAY -sodium fluoride-xylitol chew tab 0.55 (0.25 mg f)-236.79 mg..................................................111 FLUOR-A-DAY -sodium fluoride-xylitol chew tab 2.2 (1 mg f)-236.79 mg.................................................................. 111 fluorometholone ophth susp 0.1% (Fml liquifilm)..... 121 FLUOROPLEX -fluorouracil cream 1%........................... 129 fluorouracil cream 5% (Efudex)................................... 129 FLUOROURACIL -fluorouracil cream 0.5%.................... 129 fluorouracil soln 2%...................................................... 129 fluorouracil soln 5%...................................................... 129 FLUOXETINE -fluoxetine hcl (pmdd) cap 10 mg.............. 83 FLUOXETINE -fluoxetine hcl (pmdd) cap 20 mg.............. 83 fluoxetine hcl cap delayed release 90 mg (Prozac weekly)............................................................................ 71 fluoxetine hcl cap 10 mg (Prozac)................................. 72 fluoxetine hcl cap 20 mg (Prozac)................................. 72 fluoxetine hcl cap 40 mg (Prozac)................................. 72 FLUOXETINE HCL -fluoxetine hcl tab 60 mg................... 71 fluoxetine hcl solution 20 mg/5ml................................. 72 fluoxetine hcl tab 10 mg................................................. 72 fluoxetine hcl tab 20 mg................................................. 72 FLUPHENAZINE HCL -fluphenazine hcl elixir 2.5 mg/5ml............................................................................. 75 FLUPHENAZINE HCL -fluphenazine hcl oral conc 5 mg/ ml..................................................................................... 75 fluphenazine hcl tab 1 mg.............................................. 75 fluphenazine hcl tab 2.5 mg........................................... 75 fluphenazine hcl tab 5 mg.............................................. 75 fluphenazine hcl tab 10 mg............................................ 75 FLURA-DROPS -sodium fluoride soln 0.25 mg/drop f (from 0.55 mg/drop naf)............................................... 111 flurandrenolide cream 0.05%....................................... 129 FLURAZEPAM HCL -flurazepam hcl cap 15 mg.............. 77 FLURAZEPAM HCL -flurazepam hcl cap 30 mg.............. 77 flurbiprofen sodium ophth soln 0.03% (Ocufen)........121 flurbiprofen tab 50 mg.................................................... 92 flurbiprofen tab 100 mg.................................................. 92 flutamide cap 125 mg...................................................... 16 fluticasone propionate cream 0.05% (Cutivate)......... 129 fluticasone propionate lotion 0.05% (Cutivate).......... 129 fluticasone propionate nasal susp 50 mcg/act............ 57 fluticasone propionate oint 0.005%............................. 129 fluvastatin sodium cap 20 mg (Lescol)......................... 53 fluvastatin sodium cap 40 mg (Lescol)......................... 53 fluvastatin sodium tab sr 24 hr 80 mg (Lescol xl)........53 FLUVIRIN 2015-2016 -influenza vac type a&b surface antigen susp pref syr 0.5 ml...........................................13 FLUVIRIN 2015-2016 -influenza virus vaccine types a & b surface antigen im susp................................................. 13 FLUVIRIN 2016-2017 -influenza virus vaccine types a & b surface antigen im susp................................................. 13 FLUVIRIN PF 2014-2015 -influenza virus vac types a & b pf susp prefilled syr 0.5 ml............................................. 13 FLUVIRIN PF 2016-2017 -influenza virus vac types a & b pf susp prefilled syr 0.5 ml............................................. 13 fluvoxamine maleate cap sr 24hr 100 mg..................... 72 fluvoxamine maleate cap sr 24hr 150 mg..................... 72 fluvoxamine maleate tab 25 mg..................................... 72 fluvoxamine maleate tab 50 mg..................................... 72 fluvoxamine maleate tab 100 mg................................... 72 FLUZONE HIGH-DOSE PF 2016 -influenza virus vac split high-dose pf susp pref syr 0.5ml....................................13 FLUZONE INTRADERMAL QUADR -influenza virus vac split quad intradermal pen 9 mcg/strain......................... 13 FLUZONE QUADRIVALENT 2016 -influenza virus vaccine split quadrivalent im inj..................................... 13 FLUZONE QUADRIVALENT 2016 -influenza virus vaccine split quadrivalent inj 0.5 ml............................... 13 FLUZONE QUADRIVALENT 2016 -influenza virus vac split quadrivalent susp pref syr 0.25 ml......................... 13 FLUZONE QUADRIVALENT 2016 -influenza virus vac split quadrivalent susp pref syr 0.5ml............................ 13 FML -fluorometholone ophth oint 0.1%........................... 121 FML FORTE -fluorometholone ophth susp 0.25%.......... 121 FML LIQUIFILM -fluorometholone ophth susp 0.1%...... 121 FOCALGIN CA -prenat w/o a w/fecbn-fegl-dss-fa tab & dha cap 300 mg pack...................................................105 FOCALGIN 90 DHA -prenat w/o a w/fecbn-fegl-dss-fa tab 90 &dha cap 300mg pak.............................................. 105 FOCALIN -dexmethylphenidate hcl tab 2.5 mg................ 79 FOCALIN -dexmethylphenidate hcl tab 5 mg................... 79 FOCALIN -dexmethylphenidate hcl tab 10 mg................. 79 FOCALIN XR -dexmethylphenidate hcl cap sr 24 hr 5 mg.................................................................................... 80 FOCALIN XR -dexmethylphenidate hcl cap sr 24 hr 10 mg.................................................................................... 80 FOCALIN XR -dexmethylphenidate hcl cap sr 24 hr 15 mg.................................................................................... 80 FOCALIN XR -dexmethylphenidate hcl cap sr 24 hr 20 mg.................................................................................... 80 FOCALIN XR -dexmethylphenidate hcl cap sr 24 hr 25 mg.................................................................................... 80 FOCALIN XR -dexmethylphenidate hcl cap sr 24 hr 30 mg.................................................................................... 80 FOCALIN XR -dexmethylphenidate hcl cap sr 24 hr 35 mg.................................................................................... 80 FOCALIN XR -dexmethylphenidate hcl cap sr 24 hr 40 mg.................................................................................... 80 FOLCAL DHA -prenatal w/o vit a w/ fe fum-dss-fa-dha cap 27-1.25-300 mg..................................................... 105 FOLCAPS OMEGA 3 -prenatal vit w/ fe cbn-fe asp glycfa-omega 3 cap 27-1mg............................................... 105 FOLET DHA -prenat w/fecbn-bisg-methylf-dss tab dr & dha cap pak.................................................................. 105 FOLET ONE -prenat w/o a w/fecbn-bisg-methylf-dss-dha cap 38-1-225 mg.......................................................... 105 folic acid tab 400 mcg................................................... 113 folic acid tab 800 mcg................................................... 113 folic acid tab 1 mg......................................................... 113 Florida Blue October 2016 Care Choices Rx Medication Drug Guide 231 2016 FOLIVANE-F -fe fum-fe poly-fa-c-b3 cap 62.5-62.5-1-40-3mg(125 mg fe)................................... 113 FOLIVANE-OB -prenatal w/o a w/fe fum-fe poly-fa cap 130-92.4-1 mg...............................................................105 fondaparinux sodium subcutaneous inj 2.5 mg/0.5ml (Arixtra).........................................................................114 fondaparinux sodium subcutaneous inj 5 mg/0.4ml (Arixtra).........................................................................114 fondaparinux sodium subcutaneous inj 7.5 mg/0.6ml (Arixtra).........................................................................114 fondaparinux sodium subcutaneous inj 10 mg/0.8ml (Arixtra).........................................................................114 FORACARE GD40 BLOOD GLUCO -blood glucose monitoring devices........................................................ 157 FORACARE GD40 -glucose blood test strip...................136 FORACARE PREMIUM V10 BLOO -blood glucose monitoring devices........................................................ 157 FORACARE PREMIUM V10 TEST -glucose blood test strip................................................................................ 136 FORACARE TEST N GO BLOOD -blood glucose monitoring devices........................................................ 157 FORACARE TEST N GO TEST S -glucose blood test strip................................................................................ 136 FORA D40/G31 BLOOD GLUCOS -glucose blood test strip................................................................................ 136 FORA D10 BLOOD GLUCOSE TE -glucose blood test strip................................................................................ 136 FORA D20 BLOOD GLUCOSE TE -glucose blood test strip................................................................................ 136 FORA D15G BLOOD GLUCOSE T -glucose blood test strip................................................................................ 136 FORA G30A BLOOD GLUCOSE M -blood glucose monitoring devices........................................................ 157 FORA G30A BLOOD GLUCOSE T -glucose blood test strip................................................................................ 136 FORA G20 BLOOD GLUCOSE MO -blood glucose monitoring kit w/ device................................................ 157 FORA G20 BLOOD GLUCOSE TE -glucose blood test strip................................................................................ 136 FORA GD20 BLOOD GLUCOSE M -blood glucose monitoring devices........................................................ 157 FORA GD50 BLOOD GLUCOSE M -blood glucose monitoring devices........................................................ 157 FORA GD50 BLOOD GLUCOSE T -glucose blood test strip................................................................................ 136 FORA GD20 TEST STRIPS -glucose blood test strip................................................................................ 136 FORA LANCETS -lancets............................................... 157 FORA LANCING DEVICE/CLEAR -lancet devices.........157 FORA LANCING DEVICE -lancet devices...................... 157 FORA TEST N' GO VOICE BLO -blood glucose monitoring devices........................................................ 157 FORA TN'G/TN'G VOICE BLOO -glucose blood test strip................................................................................ 136 FORA TN'G VOICE BLOOD GLU -blood glucose monitoring kit w/ device................................................ 157 FORA V10/V12/D10/D20 BLOO -blood glucose monitoring kit................................................................. 157 FORA V30A BLOOD GLUCOSE M -blood glucose monitoring devices........................................................ 157 FORA V30A BLOOD GLUCOSE M -blood glucose monitoring kit w/ device................................................ 157 FORA V30A BLOOD GLUCOSE T -glucose blood test strip................................................................................ 136 FORA V10 BLOOD GLUCOSE MO -blood glucose monitoring devices........................................................ 157 FORA V12 BLOOD GLUCOSE MO -blood glucose monitoring devices........................................................ 157 FORA V20 BLOOD GLUCOSE MO -blood glucose monitoring devices........................................................ 157 FORA V10 BLOOD GLUCOSE TE -glucose blood test strip................................................................................ 136 FORA V12 BLOOD GLUCOSE TE -glucose blood test strip................................................................................ 136 FORA V20 BLOOD GLUCOSE TE -glucose blood test strip................................................................................ 136 FORFIVO XL -bupropion hcl tab sr 24hr 450 mg............. 72 FORTEO -teriparatide (recombinant) inj 600 mcg/2.4ml........................................................................ 34 FORTICAL -calcitonin (salmon) nasal soln 200 unit/ act.................................................................................... 34 FORTISCARE SELF-MONITORIN -blood glucose monitoring kit w/ device................................................ 157 FOSAMAX -alendronate sodium tab 70 mg......................34 FOSAMAX PLUS D -alendronate sodium-cholecalciferol tab 70-2800 mg-unit....................................................... 34 FOSAMAX PLUS D -alendronate sodium-cholecalciferol tab 70-5600 mg-unit....................................................... 34 fosinopril sodium & hydrochlorothiazide tab 10-12.5 mg................................................................................... 47 fosinopril sodium & hydrochlorothiazide tab 20-12.5 mg................................................................................... 47 fosinopril sodium tab 10 mg.......................................... 47 fosinopril sodium tab 20 mg.......................................... 47 fosinopril sodium tab 40 mg.......................................... 47 FOSRENOL -lanthanum carbonate chew tab 500 mg (elemental).......................................................................65 FOSRENOL -lanthanum carbonate chew tab 750 mg (elemental).......................................................................65 FOSRENOL -lanthanum carbonate chew tab 1000 mg (elemental).......................................................................65 FOSRENOL -lanthanum carbonate oral powder pack 750 mg (elemental)................................................................ 65 FOSRENOL -lanthanum carbonate oral powder pack 1000 mg (elemental).......................................................65 FRAGMIN -dalteparin sodium inj 10000 unit/ml..............114 FRAGMIN -dalteparin sodium inj 2500 unit/0.2ml...........114 FRAGMIN -dalteparin sodium inj 5000 unit/0.2ml...........114 FRAGMIN -dalteparin sodium inj 7500 unit/0.3ml...........114 FRAGMIN -dalteparin sodium inj 12500 unit/0.5ml.........114 FRAGMIN -dalteparin sodium inj 15000 unit/0.6ml.........114 FRAGMIN -dalteparin sodium inj 18000 unit/0.72ml.......114 FRAGMIN -dalteparin sodium inj 95000 unit/3.8ml.........115 Florida Blue October 2016 Care Choices Rx Medication Drug Guide 232 2016 FREDS PHARMACY AUTOLET LA -lancet devices...... 157 FREDS PHARMACY UNIFINE PE -insulin pen needle 31 g x 5 mm (3/16")...........................................................157 FREDS PHARMACY UNIFINE PE -insulin pen needle 32 g x 4 mm (5/32")...........................................................157 FREDS PHARMACY UNIFINE PE -insulin pen needle 31 g x 8 mm (1/3" or 5/16")...............................................157 FREDS PHARMACY UNILET LAN -lancets................... 157 FREESTYLE FLASH SYSTEM -blood glucose monitoring kit................................................................................... 157 FREESTYLE FREEDOM -blood glucose monitoring kit w/ device............................................................................ 158 FREESTYLE FREEDOM LITE -blood glucose monitoring kit w/ device.................................................................. 158 FREESTYLE INSULINX BLOOD -blood glucose monitoring kit w/ device................................................ 158 FREESTYLE INSULINX BLOOD -glucose blood test strip................................................................................ 136 FREESTYLE LANCETS -lancets.................................... 158 FREESTYLE LITE BLOOD GLUC -blood glucose monitoring devices........................................................ 158 FREESTYLE LITE TEST STRIP -glucose blood test strip................................................................................ 136 FREESTYLE PRECISION INSUL -insulin syringe/needle u-100 1/2 ml 31 x 5/16"................................................ 158 FREESTYLE PRECISION INSUL -insulin syringe/needle u-100 1/2 ml 30 x 5/16"................................................ 158 FREESTYLE PRECISION INSUL -insulin syringe/needle u-100 1 ml 30 x 5/16"...................................................158 FREESTYLE PRECISION INSUL -insulin syringe/needle u-100 1 ml 31 x 5/16"...................................................158 FREESTYLE PRECISION NEO B -blood glucose monitoring kit w/ device................................................ 158 FREESTYLE PRECISION NEO B -glucose blood test strip................................................................................ 136 FREESTYLE SIDEKICK II VAL -blood glucose monitoring kit w/ device.................................................................. 158 FREESTYLE SYSTEM KIT -blood glucose monitoring kit................................................................................... 158 FREESTYLE TEST STRIPS -glucose blood test strip................................................................................ 136 FREESTYLE UNISTICK II LAN -lancets......................... 158 FROVA -frovatriptan succinate tab 2.5 mg (base equivalent)....................................................................... 94 frovatriptan succinate tab 2.5 mg (base equivalent) (Frova).............................................................................94 FULYZAQ -crofelemer tab delayed release 125 mg......... 61 FURADANTIN -nitrofurantoin susp 25 mg/5ml................. 66 FUROSEMIDE -furosemide oral soln 8 mg/ml..................51 furosemide oral soln 10 mg/ml...................................... 51 furosemide tab 20 mg (Lasix)........................................ 51 furosemide tab 40 mg (Lasix)........................................ 51 furosemide tab 80 mg (Lasix)........................................ 51 FUZEON -enfuvirtide for inj 90 mg..................................... 7 FYCOMPA -perampanel susp 0.5 mg/ml.......................... 97 FYCOMPA -perampanel tab 2 mg.................................... 97 FYCOMPA -perampanel tab 4 mg.................................... 97 FYCOMPA FYCOMPA FYCOMPA FYCOMPA -perampanel -perampanel -perampanel -perampanel tab tab tab tab 6 mg.................................... 97 8 mg.................................... 97 10 mg.................................. 97 12 mg.................................. 97 G gabapentin cap 100 mg (Neurontin).............................. 97 gabapentin cap 300 mg (Neurontin).............................. 97 gabapentin cap 400 mg (Neurontin).............................. 97 gabapentin oral soln 250 mg/5ml (Neurontin).............. 97 gabapentin tab 600 mg (Neurontin)............................... 97 gabapentin tab 800 mg (Neurontin)............................... 97 GABITRIL -tiagabine hcl tab 2 mg.................................... 97 GABITRIL -tiagabine hcl tab 4 mg.................................... 97 GABITRIL -tiagabine hcl tab 12 mg.................................. 97 GABITRIL -tiagabine hcl tab 16 mg.................................. 97 galantamine hydrobromide cap sr 24hr 8 mg (Razadyne er)................................................................ 83 galantamine hydrobromide cap sr 24hr 16 mg (Razadyne er)................................................................ 83 galantamine hydrobromide cap sr 24hr 24 mg (Razadyne er)................................................................ 83 GALANTAMINE HYDROBROMIDE -galantamine hydrobromide oral soln 4 mg/ml.................................... 83 galantamine hydrobromide tab 4 mg (Razadyne)........ 83 galantamine hydrobromide tab 8 mg (Razadyne)........ 83 galantamine hydrobromide tab 12 mg (Razadyne)...... 83 GALZIN -zinc acetate cap 25 mg (elemental zinc)......... 111 GALZIN -zinc acetate cap 50 mg (elemental zinc)......... 111 GAMMAGARD LIQUID -immune globulin (human) iv or subcutaneous soln 1 gm/10ml....................................... 15 GAMMAGARD LIQUID -immune globulin (human) iv or subcutaneous soln 2.5 gm/25ml.................................... 15 GAMMAGARD LIQUID -immune globulin (human) iv or subcutaneous soln 5 gm/50ml....................................... 15 GAMMAGARD LIQUID -immune globulin (human) iv or subcutaneous soln 10 gm/100ml................................... 15 GAMMAGARD LIQUID -immune globulin (human) iv or subcutaneous soln 20 gm/200ml................................... 15 GAMMAGARD LIQUID -immune globulin (human) iv or subcutaneous soln 30 gm/300ml................................... 15 GAMMAKED -immune globulin (human) iv or subcutaneous soln 1 gm/10ml....................................... 15 GAMMAKED -immune globulin (human) iv or subcutaneous soln 2.5 gm/25ml.................................... 15 GAMMAKED -immune globulin (human) iv or subcutaneous soln 5 gm/50ml....................................... 15 GAMMAKED -immune globulin (human) iv or subcutaneous soln 10 gm/100ml................................... 15 GAMMAKED -immune globulin (human) iv or subcutaneous soln 20 gm/200ml................................... 15 GAMUNEX-C -immune globulin (human) iv or subcutaneous soln 1 gm/10ml....................................... 15 GAMUNEX-C -immune globulin (human) iv or subcutaneous soln 2.5 gm/25ml.................................... 15 GAMUNEX-C -immune globulin (human) iv or subcutaneous soln 5 gm/50ml....................................... 15 Florida Blue October 2016 Care Choices Rx Medication Drug Guide 233 2016 GAMUNEX-C -immune globulin (human) iv or subcutaneous soln 10 gm/100ml................................... 15 GAMUNEX-C -immune globulin (human) iv or subcutaneous soln 20 gm/200ml................................... 15 GAMUNEX-C -immune globulin (human) iv or subcutaneous soln 40 gm/400ml................................... 15 GARDASIL -human papillomavirus (hpv) quadrivalent recombinant vac inj.........................................................13 GARDASIL 9 -human papillomavirus (hpv) 9-valent recomb vac im susp....................................................... 13 GARDASIL 9 -human papillomavirus (hpv) 9-valent recomb vac susp pref syr............................................... 13 GASTRINEX NF -hyoscyamine-phenyltoloxamine cap 0.0625-15 mg.................................................................. 62 GASTROCROM -cromolyn sodium oral conc 100 mg/5ml............................................................................. 65 gatifloxacin ophth soln 0.5% (Zymaxid)..................... 121 GATTEX -teduglutide (rdna) for inj kit 5 mg...................... 65 GE100 BLOOD GLUCOSE MONIT -blood glucose monitoring kit w/ device................................................ 158 GE100 BLOOD GLUCOSE TEST -glucose blood test strip................................................................................ 136 GELNIQUE -oxybutynin chloride td gel 10%.................... 67 gemfibrozil tab 600 mg (Lopid)...................................... 53 GENERESS FE -norethindrone & ethinyl estradiol-fe chew tab 0.8 mg-25 mcg................................................24 GENOTROPIN MINIQUICK -somatropin for inj 0.2 mg.................................................................................... 34 GENOTROPIN MINIQUICK -somatropin for inj 0.4 mg.................................................................................... 34 GENOTROPIN MINIQUICK -somatropin for inj 0.6 mg.................................................................................... 34 GENOTROPIN MINIQUICK -somatropin for inj 0.8 mg.................................................................................... 35 GENOTROPIN MINIQUICK -somatropin for inj 1 mg....... 35 GENOTROPIN MINIQUICK -somatropin for inj 1.2 mg.................................................................................... 35 GENOTROPIN MINIQUICK -somatropin for inj 1.4 mg.................................................................................... 35 GENOTROPIN MINIQUICK -somatropin for inj 1.6 mg.................................................................................... 35 GENOTROPIN MINIQUICK -somatropin for inj 1.8 mg.................................................................................... 35 GENOTROPIN MINIQUICK -somatropin for inj 2 mg....... 35 GENOTROPIN -somatropin for inj 12 mg (13.8 mg overfill)............................................................................. 34 GENOTROPIN -somatropin for subcutaneous inj 5 mg.................................................................................... 34 GENSTRIP 50 -glucose blood test strip..........................136 GENTAMICIN SULFATE -gentamicin sulfate cream 0.1%...............................................................................129 GENTAMICIN SULFATE -gentamicin sulfate oint 0.1%...............................................................................129 gentamicin sulfate ophth oint 0.3%............................. 121 gentamicin sulfate ophth soln 0.3% (Garamycin)...... 121 GENTLE-LET GP LANCETS -lancets.............................158 GENTLE-LET LANCETS GENERA -lancets...................158 GENTLE-LET LANCETS SAFETY -lancets.................... 158 GENVOYA -elvitegrav-cobic-emtricitab-tenofov af tab 150-150-200-10 mg.......................................................... 7 GHT BLOOD GLUCOSE MONITO -blood glucose monitoring kit w/ device................................................ 158 GHT TEST STRIPS -glucose blood test strip................. 136 GIAZO -balsalazide disodium tab 1.1 gm......................... 65 GILENYA -fingolimod hcl cap 0.5 mg (base equiv)........... 83 GILOTRIF -afatinib dimaleate tab 20 mg (base equivalent)....................................................................... 16 GILOTRIF -afatinib dimaleate tab 30 mg (base equivalent)....................................................................... 16 GILOTRIF -afatinib dimaleate tab 40 mg (base equivalent)....................................................................... 16 glatiramer acetate soln prefilled syringe 20 mg/ml (Copaxone)..................................................................... 83 GLEEVEC -imatinib mesylate tab 100 mg (base equivalent)....................................................................... 16 GLEEVEC -imatinib mesylate tab 400 mg (base equivalent)....................................................................... 16 GLEOSTINE -lomustine cap 5 mg.................................... 16 GLEOSTINE -lomustine cap 10 mg.................................. 16 GLEOSTINE -lomustine cap 40 mg.................................. 17 GLEOSTINE -lomustine cap 100 mg................................ 17 glimepiride tab 1 mg (Amaryl)........................................27 glimepiride tab 2 mg (Amaryl)........................................27 glimepiride tab 4 mg (Amaryl)........................................27 glipizide-metformin hcl tab 2.5-250 mg......................... 28 glipizide-metformin hcl tab 2.5-500 mg......................... 28 glipizide-metformin hcl tab 5-500 mg............................ 28 glipizide tab 5 mg (Glucotrol).........................................28 glipizide tab 10 mg (Glucotrol).......................................28 glipizide tab sr 24hr 2.5 mg (Glucotrol xl).................... 27 glipizide tab sr 24hr 5 mg (Glucotrol xl)....................... 27 glipizide tab sr 24hr 10 mg (Glucotrol xl)..................... 28 GLOBAL EASE INJECT PEN NE -insulin pen needle 29 g x 12 mm (1/2").............................................................. 158 GLOBAL EASE INJECT PEN NE -insulin pen needle 31 g x 5 mm (3/16").............................................................. 158 GLOBAL EASE INJECT PEN NE -insulin pen needle 32 g x 4 mm (5/32").............................................................. 158 GLOBAL EASE INJECT PEN NE -insulin pen needle 31 g x 8 mm (1/3" or 5/16").................................................. 158 GLOBAL EASY GLIDE PEN NEE -insulin pen needle 32 g x 4 mm (5/32")...........................................................158 GLOBAL INJECT EASE INSULI -insulin syringe/needle u-100 1/2 ml 31 x 5/16"................................................ 158 GLOBAL INJECT EASE INSULI -insulin syringe/needle u-100 1/2 ml 28 x 1/2".................................................. 158 GLOBAL INJECT EASE INSULI -insulin syringe/needle u-100 1/2 ml 29 x 1/2".................................................. 158 GLOBAL INJECT EASE INSULI -insulin syringe/needle u-100 1/2 ml 30 x 5/16"................................................ 158 GLOBAL INJECT EASE INSULI -insulin syringe/needle u-100 1/2 ml 30 x 1/2".................................................. 158 GLOBAL INJECT EASE INSULI -insulin syringe/needle u-100 0.3 ml 29 x 1/2".................................................. 158 Florida Blue October 2016 Care Choices Rx Medication Drug Guide 234 2016 GLOBAL INJECT EASE INSULI -insulin syringe/needle u-100 0.3 ml 30 x 5/16"................................................ 158 GLOBAL INJECT EASE INSULI -insulin syringe/needle u-100 0.3 ml 30 x 1/2".................................................. 158 GLOBAL INJECT EASE INSULI -insulin syringe/needle u-100 1 ml 28 x 1/2".....................................................159 GLOBAL INJECT EASE INSULI -insulin syringe/needle u-100 1 ml 29 x 1/2".....................................................159 GLOBAL INJECT EASE INSULI -insulin syringe/needle u-100 1 ml 30 x 5/16"...................................................159 GLOBAL INJECT EASE INSULI -insulin syringe/needle u-100 1 ml 30 x 1/2".....................................................159 GLOBAL INJECT EASE INSULI -insulin syringe/needle u-100 1 ml 31 x 5/16"...................................................159 GLOBAL INJECT EASE INSULI -insulin syringe/needle u-100 0.3 ml 31 x 5/16"................................................ 159 GLOBAL INJECT EASE LANCET -lancets..................... 159 GLOBAL LANCING DEVICE -lancet devices................. 159 GLUCAGEN DIAGNOSTIC -glucagon hcl (rdna) diagnostic for inj 1 mg (base equiv)............................. 136 GLUCAGEN HYPOKIT -glucagon hcl (rdna) for inj 1 mg (base equiv).................................................................... 28 GLUCAGON EMERGENCY KIT -glucagon (rdna) for inj kit 1 mg........................................................................... 28 GLUCOCARD 01 BLOOD GLUCOS -blood glucose monitoring devices........................................................ 159 GLUCOCARD 01 BLOOD GLUCOS -blood glucose monitoring kit w/ device................................................ 159 GLUCOCARD EXPRESSION AUDI -blood glucose monitoring kit w/ device................................................ 159 GLUCOCARD EXPRESSION BLOO -glucose blood test strip................................................................................ 136 GLUCOCARD 01-MINI BLOOD G -blood glucose monitoring kit w/ device................................................ 159 GLUCOCARD 01 SENSOR PLUS -glucose blood test strip................................................................................ 136 GLUCOCARD SHINE -blood glucose monitoring devices.......................................................................... 159 GLUCOCARD SHINE -blood glucose monitoring kit w/ device............................................................................ 159 GLUCOCARD SHINE TEST STRI -glucose blood test strip................................................................................ 136 GLUCOCARD VITAL BLOOD GLU -blood glucose monitoring kit w/ device................................................ 159 GLUCOCARD VITAL TEST STRI -glucose blood test strip................................................................................ 136 GLUCOCARD X-METER -blood glucose monitoring kit w/ device............................................................................ 159 GLUCOCARD X-SENSOR -glucose blood test strip...... 136 GLUCOCOM AUTOLINK TELEMON -blood glucose monitoring misc............................................................. 159 GLUCOCOM BLOOD GLUCOSE MO -blood glucose monitoring devices........................................................ 159 GLUCOCOM BLOOD GLUCOSE MO -blood glucose monitoring kit w/ device................................................ 159 GLUCOCOM LANCETS 28G -lancets............................ 159 GLUCOCOM LANCETS 30G -lancets............................ 159 GLUCOCOM LANCETS 33G -lancets............................ 159 GLUCOCOM TEST STRIPS -glucose blood test strip................................................................................ 136 GLUCOLET 2 AUTOMATIC LANC -lancet devices........ 159 GLUCONAVII BLOOD GLUCOSE -blood glucose monitoring kit w/ device................................................ 159 GLUCONAVII BLOOD GLUCOSE -glucose blood test strip................................................................................ 136 GLUCO PERFECT 3 BLOOD GLU -blood glucose monitoring devices........................................................ 159 GLUCO PERFECT 3 TEST STRI -glucose blood test strip................................................................................ 136 GLUCOPHAGE -metformin hcl tab 500 mg...................... 28 GLUCOPHAGE -metformin hcl tab 850 mg...................... 28 GLUCOPHAGE -metformin hcl tab 1000 mg.................... 28 GLUCOPHAGE XR -metformin hcl tab sr 24hr 500 mg.................................................................................... 28 GLUCOPHAGE XR -metformin hcl tab sr 24hr 750 mg.................................................................................... 28 GLUCOPRO INSULIN SYRINGE/ -insulin syringe/needle u-100 1/2 ml 31 x 5/16"................................................ 159 GLUCOPRO INSULIN SYRINGE/ -insulin syringe/needle u-100 1/2 ml 30 x 5/16"................................................ 159 GLUCOPRO INSULIN SYRINGE/ -insulin syringe/needle u-100 1/2 ml 30 x 1/2".................................................. 159 GLUCOPRO INSULIN SYRINGE/ -insulin syringe/needle u-100 0.3 ml 30 x 5/16"................................................ 159 GLUCOPRO INSULIN SYRINGE/ -insulin syringe/needle u-100 0.3 ml 30 x 1/2".................................................. 159 GLUCOPRO INSULIN SYRINGE/ -insulin syringe/needle u-100 1 ml 30 x 5/16"...................................................159 GLUCOPRO INSULIN SYRINGE/ -insulin syringe/needle u-100 1 ml 30 x 1/2".....................................................160 GLUCOPRO INSULIN SYRINGE/ -insulin syringe/needle u-100 1 ml 31 x 5/16"...................................................160 GLUCOPRO INSULIN SYRINGE/ -insulin syringe/needle u-100 0.3 ml 31 x 5/16"................................................ 160 GLUCOSE METER TEST STRIPS -glucose blood test strip................................................................................ 136 GLUCOSOURCE LANCET DEVICE -lancet devices..... 160 GLUCOSOURCE LANCETS -lancets............................. 160 GLUCOTROL -glipizide tab 5 mg..................................... 28 GLUCOTROL -glipizide tab 10 mg................................... 28 GLUCOTROL XL -glipizide tab sr 24hr 2.5 mg.................28 GLUCOTROL XL -glipizide tab sr 24hr 5 mg....................28 GLUCOTROL XL -glipizide tab sr 24hr 10 mg..................28 GLUCOVANCE -glyburide-metformin tab 1.25-250 mg.................................................................................... 28 GLUCOVANCE -glyburide-metformin tab 2.5-500 mg...... 28 GLUCOVANCE -glyburide-metformin tab 5-500 mg......... 28 glyburide-metformin tab 1.25-250 mg (Glucovance).................................................................. 28 glyburide-metformin tab 2.5-500 mg (Glucovance)..... 28 glyburide-metformin tab 5-500 mg (Glucovance)........ 28 glyburide micronized tab 1.5 mg (Glynase)..................28 glyburide micronized tab 3 mg (Glynase).....................28 glyburide micronized tab 6 mg (Glynase).....................28 Florida Blue October 2016 Care Choices Rx Medication Drug Guide 235 2016 glyburide tab 1.25 mg..................................................... 28 glyburide tab 2.5 mg....................................................... 28 glyburide tab 5 mg.......................................................... 28 glycopyrrolate tab 1 mg (Robinul)................................. 62 glycopyrrolate tab 2 mg (Robinul forte)........................62 GLYNASE -glyburide micronized tab 1.5 mg.................... 28 GLYNASE -glyburide micronized tab 3 mg....................... 28 GLYNASE -glyburide micronized tab 6 mg....................... 28 GLYSET -miglitol tab 25 mg.............................................. 28 GLYSET -miglitol tab 50 mg.............................................. 28 GLYSET -miglitol tab 100 mg............................................ 28 GLYXAMBI -empagliflozin-linagliptin tab 10-5 mg............ 28 GLYXAMBI -empagliflozin-linagliptin tab 25-5 mg............ 28 GMATE BLOOD GLUCOSE TEST -glucose blood test strip................................................................................ 136 GMATE LANCETS 30G -lancets..................................... 160 GMATE LANCING DEVICE -lancet devices................... 160 GMATE ORIGIN BLOOD GLUCOS -blood glucose monitoring devices........................................................ 160 GMATE SMART METER KIT -blood glucose monitoring devices.......................................................................... 160 GMATE SMART STARTER KIT -blood glucose monitoring kit w/ device.................................................................. 160 GMATE VOICE BLOOD GLUCOSE -blood glucose monitoring devices........................................................ 160 GNP CLICKFINE PEN NEEDLE -insulin pen needle 31 g x 8 mm (1/3" or 5/16").................................................. 160 GNP CLICKFINE UNIVERSAL P -insulin pen needle 31 g x 6 mm (1/4")................................................................ 160 GNP CLICKFINE UNIVERSAL P -insulin pen needle 31 g x 8 mm (1/3" or 5/16").................................................. 160 GNP EASY TOUCH GLUCOSE MO -blood glucose monitoring devices........................................................ 160 GNP EASY TOUCH GLUCOSE TE -glucose blood test strip................................................................................ 136 GNP INSULIN SYRINGE/1ML/2 -insulin syringe/needle u-100 1 ml 28 x 1/2".....................................................160 GNP INSULIN SYRINGE/1ML/2 -insulin syringe/needle u-100 1 ml 29 x 1/2".....................................................160 GNP INSULIN SYRINGE/1ML/3 -insulin syringe/needle u-100 1 ml 30 x 5/16"...................................................160 GNP INSULIN SYRINGE/1ML/3 -insulin syringe/needle u-100 1 ml 31 x 5/16"...................................................160 GNP INSULIN SYRINGE/0.5ML -insulin syringe/needle u-100 1/2 ml 31 x 5/16"................................................ 160 GNP INSULIN SYRINGE/0.5ML -insulin syringe/needle u-100 1/2 ml 28 x 1/2".................................................. 160 GNP INSULIN SYRINGE/0.5ML -insulin syringe/needle u-100 1/2 ml 29 x 1/2".................................................. 160 GNP INSULIN SYRINGE/0.5ML -insulin syringe/needle u-100 1/2 ml 30 x 5/16"................................................ 160 GNP INSULIN SYRINGE/0.3ML -insulin syringe/needle u-100 0.3 ml 29 x 1/2".................................................. 160 GNP INSULIN SYRINGE/0.3ML -insulin syringe/needle u-100 0.3 ml 30 x 5/16"................................................ 160 GNP INSULIN SYRINGE/0.3ML -insulin syringe/needle u-100 0.3 ml 31 x 5/16"................................................ 160 GNP LANCETS 21G -lancets..........................................160 GNP LANCETS -lancets.................................................. 160 GNP LANCETS MICRO THIN 33 -lancets......................160 GNP LANCETS SUPER THIN 30 -lancets..................... 160 GNP LANCETS THIN 26G -lancets................................ 160 GNP LANCETS THIN -lancets........................................ 160 GNP MICRO THIN LANCETS 33 -lancets......................160 GNP SUPER THIN LANCETS/30 -lancets..................... 160 GNP ULTRA COMFORT INSULIN -insulin syringe/needle u-100 1/2 ml 31 x 5/16"................................................ 161 GNP ULTRA COMFORT INSULIN -insulin syringe/needle u-100 1/2 ml 28 x 1/2".................................................. 161 GNP ULTRA COMFORT INSULIN -insulin syringe/needle u-100 1/2 ml 29 x 1/2".................................................. 161 GNP ULTRA COMFORT INSULIN -insulin syringe/needle u-100 1/2 ml 30 x 5/16"................................................ 161 GNP ULTRA COMFORT INSULIN -insulin syringe/needle u-100 0.3 ml 29 x 1/2".................................................. 161 GNP ULTRA COMFORT INSULIN -insulin syringe/needle u-100 0.3 ml 30 x 5/16"................................................ 161 GNP ULTRA COMFORT INSULIN -insulin syringe/needle u-100 1 ml 28 x 1/2".....................................................161 GNP ULTRA COMFORT INSULIN -insulin syringe/needle u-100 1 ml 29 x 1/2".....................................................161 GNP ULTRA COMFORT INSULIN -insulin syringe/needle u-100 1 ml 30 x 5/16"...................................................161 GNP ULTRA COMFORT INSULIN -insulin syringe/needle u-100 1 ml 31 x 5/16"...................................................161 GNP ULTRA COMFORT INSULIN -insulin syringe/needle u-100 0.3 ml 31 x 5/16"................................................ 161 GOLYTELY -peg 3350-kcl-na bicarb-nacl-na sulfate for soln 236 gm.................................................................... 61 GOLYTELY -peg 3350-kcl-na bicarb-nacl-na sulfate packet 227.1 gm............................................................. 61 GORDOFILM -salicylic & lactic acids soln 16.7-16.7%.................................................................... 129 GRALISE -gabapentin (once-daily) tab 300 mg................83 GRALISE -gabapentin (once-daily) tab 600 mg................83 GRALISE STARTER -gabapentin (once-daily) tab pack 300 mg (9) & 600 mg (69)............................................. 83 granisetron hcl tab 1 mg................................................ 63 GRANIX -tbo-filgrastim soln prefilled syringe 300 mcg/0.5ml...................................................................... 113 GRANIX -tbo-filgrastim soln prefilled syringe 480 mcg/0.8ml...................................................................... 113 griseofulvin microsize susp 125 mg/5ml........................ 6 griseofulvin microsize tab 500 mg (Grifulvin v)............. 6 griseofulvin ultramicrosize tab 125 mg (Gris-peg)........ 6 griseofulvin ultramicrosize tab 250 mg (Gris-peg)........ 6 GRIS-PEG -griseofulvin ultramicrosize tab 125 mg............ 6 GRIS-PEG -griseofulvin ultramicrosize tab 250 mg............ 6 guanfacine hcl tab 1 mg (Tenex)................................... 47 guanfacine hcl tab 2 mg (Tenex)................................... 47 guanfacine hcl tab sr 24hr 1 mg (base equiv) (Intuniv).......................................................................... 80 guanfacine hcl tab sr 24hr 2 mg (base equiv) (Intuniv).......................................................................... 80 Florida Blue October 2016 Care Choices Rx Medication Drug Guide 236 2016 guanfacine hcl tab sr 24hr 3 mg (base equiv) (Intuniv).......................................................................... 80 guanfacine hcl tab sr 24hr 4 mg (base equiv) (Intuniv).......................................................................... 80 GUANIDINE HCL -guanidine hcl tab 125 mg................. 104 GYNAZOLE-1 -butoconazole nitrate (one dose) vaginal cream 2%........................................................................ 68 H HAEMOLANCE -lancets.................................................. 161 HAEMOLANCE LOW FLOW LANCE -lancets................ 161 HAEMOLANCE PLUS HIGH FLOW -lancets................. 161 HAEMOLANCE PLUS -lancets....................................... 161 HAEMOLANCE PLUS LOW FLOW -lancets.................. 161 HAEMOLANCE PLUS MAX FLOW -lancets................... 161 HAEMOLANCE PLUS PEDIATRIC -lancets................... 161 HALCION -triazolam tab 0.25 mg..................................... 77 halobetasol propionate cream 0.05% (Ultravate)....... 129 halobetasol propionate oint 0.05% (Ultravate)........... 129 haloperidol lactate oral conc 2 mg/ml...........................75 haloperidol tab 0.5 mg.................................................... 75 haloperidol tab 1 mg....................................................... 75 haloperidol tab 2 mg....................................................... 75 haloperidol tab 5 mg....................................................... 75 haloperidol tab 10 mg..................................................... 75 haloperidol tab 20 mg..................................................... 75 HALOTIN -haloprogin cream 1%.................................... 129 HARVONI -ledipasvir-sofosbuvir tab 90-400 mg................ 7 HAVRIX -hepatitis a vaccine inj susp 720 el unit/0.5ml......................................................................... 13 HAVRIX -hepatitis a vaccine inj susp 1440 el unit/ml....... 13 HEALTH CARE LANCING DEVIC -lancet devices......... 161 HEALTHWISE LANCETS 30G -lancets.......................... 161 HEALTHWISE LANCING PEN -lancet devices.............. 161 HEALTHWISE MINI PEN NEEDL -insulin pen needle 31 g x 6 mm (1/4")................................................................ 161 HEALTHWISE PEN NEEDLES 29 -insulin pen needle 29 g x 12 mm (1/2")...........................................................162 HEALTHWISE SHORT PEN NEED -insulin pen needle 31 g x 8 mm (1/3" or 5/16")...............................................162 HEALTHWISE UNIFINE PENTIP -insulin pen needle 32 g x 4 mm (5/32").............................................................. 162 HEALTHY ACCENTS AUTOLET I -lancet devices......... 162 HEALTHY ACCENTS UNIFINE P -insulin pen needle 29 g x 12 mm (1/2").............................................................. 162 HEALTHY ACCENTS UNIFINE P -insulin pen needle 31 g x 5 mm (3/16").............................................................. 162 HEALTHY ACCENTS UNIFINE P -insulin pen needle 31 g x 6 mm (1/4")................................................................ 162 HEALTHY ACCENTS UNIFINE P -insulin pen needle 32 g x 4 mm (5/32").............................................................. 162 HEALTHY ACCENTS UNIFINE P -insulin pen needle 31 g x 8 mm (1/3" or 5/16").................................................. 162 HEALTHY ACCENTS UNILET LA -lancets..................... 162 H-E-B INCONTROL ADVANCED -lancet devices.......... 161 H-E-B INCONTROL LANCETS M -lancets..................... 161 H-E-B INCONTROL LANCETS S -lancets..................... 161 H-E-B INCONTROL LANCETS U -lancets..................... 161 H-E-B IN CONTROL PEN NEED -insulin pen needle 31 g x 5 mm (3/16").............................................................. 161 H-E-B IN CONTROL PEN NEED -insulin pen needle 31 g x 6 mm (1/4")................................................................ 161 H-E-B IN CONTROL PEN NEED -insulin pen needle 32 g x 4 mm (5/32").............................................................. 161 H-E-B IN CONTROL PEN NEED -insulin pen needle 31 g x 8 mm (1/3" or 5/16").................................................. 161 H-E-B INCONTROL PEN NEEDL -insulin pen needle 29 g x 12 mm (1/2")...........................................................161 H-E-B IN CONTROL UNIFINE -insulin pen needle 31 g x 5 mm (3/16")................................................................. 161 H-E-B IN CONTROL UNIFINE -insulin pen needle 32 g x 4 mm (5/32")................................................................. 161 HECTOROL -doxercalciferol cap 0.5 mcg........................ 35 HECTOROL -doxercalciferol cap 1 mcg........................... 35 HECTOROL -doxercalciferol cap 2.5 mcg........................ 35 HELIXATE FS -antihemophilic factor (recombinant) for inj kit 250 unit.................................................................... 117 HELIXATE FS -antihemophilic factor (recombinant) for inj kit 500 unit.................................................................... 117 HELIXATE FS -antihemophilic factor (recombinant) for inj kit 1000 unit.................................................................. 117 HELIXATE FS -antihemophilic factor (recombinant) for inj kit 2000 unit.................................................................. 117 HELIXATE FS -antihemophilic factor (recombinant) for inj kit 3000 unit.................................................................. 117 HEMANGEOL -propranolol hcl oral soln 4.28 mg/ml........ 39 HEMENATAL OB + DHA -prenat-fe poly cmplx-fe heme poly-fa tab & omega 3 cap pck.................................... 105 HEMENATAL OB -prenat vit-fe poly cmplx-fe heme polyfa tab 28-6-1 mg........................................................... 105 HEMOFIL M -antihemophilic factor (human) for inj 250 unit................................................................................. 117 HEMOFIL M -antihemophilic factor (human) for inj 500 unit................................................................................. 117 HEMOFIL M -antihemophilic factor (human) for inj 1000 unit................................................................................. 117 HEMOFIL M -antihemophilic factor (human) for inj 1700 unit................................................................................. 117 heparin sodium (porcine) inj 5000 unit/ml.................. 115 HEPSERA -adefovir dipivoxil tab 10 mg............................. 7 HETLIOZ -tasimelteon capsule 20 mg.............................. 77 HEXALEN -altretamine cap 50 mg................................... 17 HIBERIX -haemophilus b polysaccharide conjugate vac for inj 10 mcg.................................................................. 14 HIPREX -methenamine hippurate tab 1 gm......................66 HIZENTRA -immune globulin (human) subcutaneous inj 1 gm/5ml............................................................................. 15 HIZENTRA -immune globulin (human) subcutaneous inj 2 gm/10ml........................................................................... 15 HIZENTRA -immune globulin (human) subcutaneous inj 4 gm/20ml........................................................................... 15 HIZENTRA -immune globulin (human) subcutaneous inj 10 gm/50ml..................................................................... 15 Florida Blue October 2016 Care Choices Rx Medication Drug Guide 237 2016 homatropine hbr ophth soln 5% (Isopto homatropine)............................................................... 121 HORIZANT -gabapentin enacarbil tab cr 300 mg............. 83 HORIZANT -gabapentin enacarbil tab cr 600 mg............. 83 H.P. ACTHAR -corticotropin inj gel 80 unit/ml................... 35 HUBER NEEDLE/22GX1-1/4"/4 -needle (disp) 22 x 1-1/4"............................................................................. 162 HUBER NEEDLE/19GX3/4"/RIG -needle (disp) 19 x 3/4".................................................................................162 HUBER NEEDLE/20G X 1-1/4" -needle (disp) 20 x 1-1/4"............................................................................. 162 HUBER NEEDLE/RIGHT ANGLE -needle (disp) 20 x 1-1/2"............................................................................. 162 HUBER NEEDLE/RIGHT ANGLE -needle (disp) 22 x 3/4".................................................................................162 HUBER NEEDLE/RIGHT ANGLE -needle (disp) 22 x 1-1/2"............................................................................. 162 HUBER NEEDLE/RIGHT ANGLE -needle (disp) 19 x 1".................................................................................... 162 HUBER NEEDLE/RIGHT ANGLE -needle (disp) 20 x 1".................................................................................... 162 HUBER NEEDLE/RIGHT ANGLE -needle (disp) 22 x 1".................................................................................... 162 HUBER NEEDLE/STRAIGHT 19G -needle (disp) 19 x 1-1/4"............................................................................. 162 HUBER NEEDLE/STRAIGHT 20G -needle (disp) 20 x 1-1/2"............................................................................. 162 HUBER NEEDLE/STRAIGHT 22G -needle (disp) 22 x 1-1/2"............................................................................. 162 HUBER NEEDLE/STRAIGHT 20G -needle (disp) 20 x 1".................................................................................... 162 HUBER NEEDLE/STRAIGHT 22G -needle (disp) 22 x 1".................................................................................... 162 HUBER NEEDLE 20GX3/4"/R -needle (disp) 20 x 3/4".................................................................................162 HUMATE-P -antihemophilic factor/vwf (human) for inj 250-600 unit.................................................................. 117 HUMATE-P -antihemophilic factor/vwf (human) for inj 500-1200 unit................................................................ 117 HUMATE-P -antihemophilic factor/vwf (human) for inj 1000-2400 unit.............................................................. 117 HUMATROPE COMBO PACK -somatropin for inj 5 mg.................................................................................... 35 HUMATROPE -somatropin for inj 5 mg............................ 35 HUMATROPE -somatropin for inj 24 mg.......................... 35 HUMATROPE -somatropin for inj 6 mg (18 unit).............. 35 HUMATROPE -somatropin for inj 12 mg (36 unit)............ 35 HUMIRA -adalimumab prefilled syringe kit 10 mg/0.2ml.......................................................................... 92 HUMIRA -adalimumab prefilled syringe kit 20 mg/0.4ml.......................................................................... 92 HUMIRA -adalimumab prefilled syringe kit 40 mg/0.8ml.......................................................................... 92 HUMIRA PEDIATRIC CROHNS D -adalimumab prefilled syringe kit 40 mg/0.8ml.................................................. 92 HUMIRA PEN -adalimumab pen-injector kit 40 mg/0.8ml.......................................................................... 92 HUMIRA PEN-CROHNS DISEASE -adalimumab peninjector kit 40 mg/0.8ml.................................................. 92 HUMIRA PEN-PSORIASIS STAR -adalimumab peninjector kit 40 mg/0.8ml.................................................. 92 HUMULIN R U-500 (CONCENTR -insulin regular (human) inj 500 unit/ml..................................................................31 HUMULIN R U-500 KWIKPEN -insulin regular (human) soln pen-injector 500 unit/ml.......................................... 31 HYCAMTIN -topotecan hcl cap 0.25 mg (base equiv)...... 17 HYCAMTIN -topotecan hcl cap 1 mg (base equiv)........... 17 hydralazine hcl tab 10 mg.............................................. 47 hydralazine hcl tab 25 mg.............................................. 47 hydralazine hcl tab 50 mg.............................................. 47 hydralazine hcl tab 100 mg............................................ 47 HYDREA -hydroxyurea cap 500 mg................................. 17 hydrochlorothiazide cap 12.5 mg (Microzide).............. 51 hydrochlorothiazide tab 12.5 mg................................... 51 hydrochlorothiazide tab 25 mg...................................... 51 hydrochlorothiazide tab 50 mg...................................... 51 hydrocodone-acetaminophen soln 7.5-325 mg/15ml (Hycet).............................................................................87 hydrocodone-acetaminophen soln 10-325 mg/15ml (Zamicet).........................................................................87 hydrocodone-acetaminophen tab 2.5-325 mg.............. 87 hydrocodone-acetaminophen tab 7.5-325 mg (Norco)............................................................................ 87 hydrocodone-acetaminophen tab 5-325 mg (Norco)............................................................................ 87 hydrocodone-acetaminophen tab 10-325 mg (Norco)............................................................................ 87 hydrocodone-acetaminophen tab 7.5-300 mg (Xodol)............................................................................ 87 hydrocodone-acetaminophen tab 5-300 mg (Xodol)............................................................................ 87 hydrocodone-acetaminophen tab 10-300 mg (Xodol)............................................................................ 87 hydrocodone-ibuprofen tab 10-200 mg (Ibudone)....... 87 hydrocodone-ibuprofen tab 5-200 mg (Reprexain)......87 hydrocodone-ibuprofen tab 7.5-200 mg (Vicoprofen)................................................................... 87 hydrocodone w/ homatropine syrup 5-1.5 mg/5ml...... 57 hydrocodone w/ homatropine tab 5-1.5 mg..................57 hydrocod polst-chlorphen polst er susp 10-8 mg/5ml (Tussionex pennkineti)................................................. 57 hydrocortisone acetate suppos 25 mg (Anusolhc)................................................................................. 125 hydrocortisone acetate w/ pramoxine rectal cream 1-1% (Analpram-hc).................................................... 125 hydrocortisone acetate w/ pramoxine rectal cream 2.5-1% (Analpram-hc)................................................. 125 hydrocortisone butyrate cream 0.1% (Locoid)...........129 hydrocortisone butyrate hydrophilic lipo base cream 0.1% (Locoid lipocream)............................................ 129 hydrocortisone butyrate oint 0.1% (Locoid)............... 129 hydrocortisone butyrate soln 0.1% (Locoid).............. 129 hydrocortisone cream 1%.............................................129 hydrocortisone cream 2.5%..........................................129 Florida Blue October 2016 Care Choices Rx Medication Drug Guide 238 2016 hydrocortisone enema 100 mg/60ml (Cortenema)................................................................. 125 hydrocortisone lotion 2.5%.......................................... 130 hydrocortisone lotion 2% (Ala scalp).......................... 129 hydrocortisone oint 1%................................................. 130 hydrocortisone oint 2.5%..............................................130 hydrocortisone rectal cream 2.5% (Anusol-hc)......... 125 hydrocortisone rectal cream 1% (Proctocort)............ 125 hydrocortisone tab 5 mg (Cortef).................................. 20 hydrocortisone tab 10 mg (Cortef)................................ 20 hydrocortisone tab 20 mg (Cortef)................................ 20 hydrocortisone valerate cream 0.2%...........................130 hydrocortisone valerate oint 0.2% (Westcort)............ 130 hydrocortisone w/ acetic acid otic soln 1-2%............ 124 HYDROMORPHONE HCL ER -hydromorphone hcl tab er 24hr deter 32 mg............................................................ 87 HYDROMORPHONE HCL -hydromorphone hcl suppos 3 mg.................................................................................... 87 hydromorphone hcl liqd 1 mg/ml (Dilaudid).................87 hydromorphone hcl tab er 24hr deter 8 mg (Exalgo).......................................................................... 87 hydromorphone hcl tab er 24hr deter 12 mg (Exalgo).......................................................................... 87 hydromorphone hcl tab er 24hr deter 16 mg (Exalgo).......................................................................... 87 hydromorphone hcl tab 2 mg (Dilaudid)....................... 88 hydromorphone hcl tab 4 mg (Dilaudid)....................... 88 hydromorphone hcl tab 8 mg (Dilaudid)....................... 88 hydroxychloroquine sulfate tab 200 mg (Plaquenil)...................................................................... 11 hydroxyurea cap 500 mg (Hydrea)................................ 17 hydroxyzine hcl syrup 10 mg/5ml................................. 70 hydroxyzine hcl tab 10 mg............................................. 70 hydroxyzine hcl tab 25 mg............................................. 70 hydroxyzine hcl tab 50 mg............................................. 70 hydroxyzine pamoate cap 25 mg (Vistaril)................... 70 hydroxyzine pamoate cap 50 mg (Vistaril)................... 70 HYDROXYZINE PAMOATE -hydroxyzine pamoate cap 100 mg............................................................................ 70 hyoscyamine sulfate elixir 0.125 mg/5ml...................... 62 hyoscyamine sulfate soln 0.125 mg/ml......................... 62 hyoscyamine sulfate tab disp 0.125 mg (Anaspaz)..... 62 hyoscyamine sulfate tab 0.125 mg (Levsin)................. 62 hyoscyamine sulfate tab sl 0.125 mg (Levsin/sl)......... 62 hyoscyamine sulfate tab sr 12hr 0.375 mg (Levbid)........................................................................... 62 HYPERSAL -sodium chloride soln nebu 3.5%..................57 HYPER-SAL -sodium chloride soln nebu 7%................... 57 HYPERSAL -sodium chloride soln nebu 7%.....................57 HYPODERMIC NEEDLE 20GX3/4 -needle (disp) 20 x 3/4".................................................................................162 HYPODERMIC NEEDLE 22GX3/4 -needle (disp) 22 x 3/4".................................................................................163 HYPODERMIC NEEDLE 23GX3/4 -needle (disp) 23 x 3/4".................................................................................163 HYPODERMIC NEEDLE 25GX3/4 -needle (disp) 25 x 3/4".................................................................................163 HYPODERMIC NEEDLE 25GX5/8 -needle (disp) 25 x 5/8".................................................................................163 HYPODERMIC NEEDLE 26GX1/2 -needle (disp) 26 x 1/2".................................................................................163 HYPODERMIC NEEDLE 26GX3/8 -needle (disp) 26 x 3/8".................................................................................163 HYPODERMIC NEEDLE 26GX5/8 -needle (disp) 26 x 5/8".................................................................................163 HYPODERMIC NEEDLE 27GX1/2 -needle (disp) 27 x 1/2".................................................................................163 HYPODERMIC NEEDLE 30GX1/2 -needle (disp) 30 x 1/2".................................................................................163 HYPODERMIC NEEDLE 21GX1" -needle (disp) 21 x 1".................................................................................... 163 HYPODERMIC NEEDLE 22GX1" -needle (disp) 22 x 1".................................................................................... 163 HYPODERMIC NEEDLE 23GX1" -needle (disp) 23 x 1".................................................................................... 163 HYPODERMIC NEEDLE 25GX1" -needle (disp) 25 x 1".................................................................................... 163 HYPODERMIC NEEDLE 21GX1-1 -needle (disp) 21 x 1-1/4"............................................................................. 162 HYPODERMIC NEEDLE 21GX1-1 -needle (disp) 21 x 1-1/2"............................................................................. 162 HYPODERMIC NEEDLE 22GX1-1 -needle (disp) 22 x 1-1/4"............................................................................. 163 HYPODERMIC NEEDLE 22GX1-1 -needle (disp) 22 x 1-1/2"............................................................................. 163 HYPODERMIC NEEDLE 25GX1-1 -needle (disp) 25 x 1-1/2"............................................................................. 163 HYPODERMIC NEEDLE 27GX1-1 -needle (disp) 27 x 1-1/4"............................................................................. 163 HYPODERMIC NEEDLE 27GX1-1 -needle (disp) 27 x 1-1/2"............................................................................. 163 HYPODERMIC NEEDLE 16G X 1 -needle (disp) 16 x 1-1/2"............................................................................. 162 HYPODERMIC NEEDLE 18G X 1 -needle (disp) 18 x 1-1/2"............................................................................. 162 HYPODERMIC NEEDLE 19G X 1 -needle (disp) 19 x 1-1/2"............................................................................. 162 HYPODERMIC NEEDLE 20G X 1 -needle (disp) 20 x 1-1/2"............................................................................. 162 HYPODERMIC NEEDLE 16G X 1 -needle (disp) 16 x 1".................................................................................... 162 HYPODERMIC NEEDLE 18G X 1 -needle (disp) 18 x 1".................................................................................... 162 HYPODERMIC NEEDLE 19G X 1 -needle (disp) 19 x 1".................................................................................... 162 HYPODERMIC NEEDLE 20G X 1 -needle (disp) 20 x 1".................................................................................... 162 HYQVIA -immun glob inj 2.5 gm/25ml-hyaluron inj 200 unt/1.25 ml kit................................................................. 15 HYQVIA -immun glob inj 5 gm/50ml-hyaluron inj 400 unt/2.5 ml kit................................................................... 15 HYQVIA -immun glob inj 10 gm/100ml-hyaluron inj 800 unt/5 ml kit...................................................................... 15 Florida Blue October 2016 Care Choices Rx Medication Drug Guide 239 2016 HYQVIA -immun glob inj 20 gm/200ml-hyaluron inj 1600 unt/10 ml kit.................................................................... 15 HYQVIA -immun glob inj 30 gm/300ml-hyaluron inj 2400 unt/15 ml kit.................................................................... 15 HY-VEE LANCETS -lancets............................................ 162 HY-VEE THIN LANCETS -lancets.................................. 162 HYZAAR -losartan potassium & hydrochlorothiazide tab 50-12.5 mg...................................................................... 47 HYZAAR -losartan potassium & hydrochlorothiazide tab 100-12.5 mg.................................................................... 47 HYZAAR -losartan potassium & hydrochlorothiazide tab 100-25 mg....................................................................... 47 I ibandronate sodium tab 150 mg (base equivalent) (Boniva).......................................................................... 35 IBG STAR BLOOD GLUCOSE MO -blood glucose monitoring kit w/ device................................................ 163 IBRANCE -palbociclib cap 75 mg..................................... 17 IBRANCE -palbociclib cap 100 mg................................... 17 IBRANCE -palbociclib cap 125 mg................................... 17 ibuprofen susp 100 mg/5ml............................................ 92 ibuprofen tab 400 mg...................................................... 92 ibuprofen tab 600 mg...................................................... 92 ibuprofen tab 800 mg...................................................... 92 ICLUSIG -ponatinib hcl tab 15 mg (base equiv)............... 17 ICLUSIG -ponatinib hcl tab 45 mg (base equiv)............... 17 IDELVION -coagulation factor ix (recomb) (rix-fp) for inj 250 unit......................................................................... 117 IDELVION -coagulation factor ix (recomb) (rix-fp) for inj 500 unit......................................................................... 117 IDELVION -coagulation factor ix (recomb) (rix-fp) for inj 1000 unit....................................................................... 117 IDELVION -coagulation factor ix (recomb) (rix-fp) for inj 2000 unit....................................................................... 117 ILEVRO -nepafenac ophth susp 0.3%............................ 121 imatinib mesylate tab 100 mg (base equivalent) (Gleevec)........................................................................ 17 imatinib mesylate tab 400 mg (base equivalent) (Gleevec)........................................................................ 17 IMBRUVICA -ibrutinib cap 140 mg................................... 17 imipramine hcl tab 10 mg (Tofranil).............................. 72 imipramine hcl tab 25 mg (Tofranil).............................. 72 imipramine hcl tab 50 mg (Tofranil).............................. 72 imipramine pamoate cap 75 mg (Tofranil-pm)............. 72 imipramine pamoate cap 100 mg (Tofranil-pm)........... 72 imipramine pamoate cap 125 mg (Tofranil-pm)........... 72 imipramine pamoate cap 150 mg (Tofranil-pm)........... 72 imiquimod cream 5% (Aldara)...................................... 130 IMITREX -sumatriptan nasal spray 5 mg/act.................... 94 IMITREX -sumatriptan nasal spray 20 mg/act.................. 94 IMPAVIDO -miltefosine cap 50 mg.................................... 12 IMURAN -azathioprine tab 50 mg................................... 194 INATAL ADVANCE -prenatal vit w/ dss-iron carbonyl-fa tab 90-1 mg...................................................................105 INATAL GT -prenatal vit w/ dss-iron carbonyl-fa tab 90-1 mg.................................................................................. 105 INATAL ULTRA -prenatal vit w/ dss-iron carbonyl-fa tab 90-1 mg......................................................................... 105 INCRELEX -mecasermin inj 40 mg/4ml (10 mg/ml)..........35 INCRUSE ELLIPTA -umeclidinium br aero powd breath act 62.5 mcg/inh (base eq)............................................ 59 indapamide tab 1.25 mg..................................................51 indapamide tab 2.5 mg.................................................... 51 INDERAL LA -propranolol hcl cap sr 24hr 60 mg............. 39 INDERAL LA -propranolol hcl cap sr 24hr 80 mg............. 39 INDERAL LA -propranolol hcl cap sr 24hr 120 mg........... 39 INDERAL LA -propranolol hcl cap sr 24hr 160 mg........... 39 INDERAL XL -propranolol hcl sustained-release beads cap sr 24hr 80 mg.......................................................... 39 INDERAL XL -propranolol hcl sustained-release beads cap sr 24hr 120 mg........................................................ 39 INDOCIN -indomethacin suppos 50 mg............................ 92 INDOCIN -indomethacin susp 25 mg/5ml......................... 92 indomethacin cap cr 75 mg............................................ 92 indomethacin cap 25 mg................................................ 92 indomethacin cap 50 mg................................................ 92 INFANATE BALANCE -prenatal w/o a w/fe cbn-dss-fa-dha cap 29-1-265 mg.......................................................... 105 INFANRIX -diph, acellular pert & tet tox inj 25 lf-58 mcg-10 lf/0.5ml............................................................... 14 INFINITY BLOOD GLUCOSE MO -blood glucose monitoring kit w/ device................................................ 163 INFINITY BLOOD GLUCOSE TE -glucose blood test strip................................................................................ 136 INLYTA -axitinib tab 1 mg.................................................. 17 INLYTA -axitinib tab 5 mg.................................................. 17 INNOPRAN XL -propranolol hcl sustained-release beads cap sr 24hr 80 mg.......................................................... 39 INNOPRAN XL -propranolol hcl sustained-release beads cap sr 24hr 120 mg........................................................ 39 INSPRA -eplerenone tab 25 mg....................................... 47 INSPRA -eplerenone tab 50 mg....................................... 47 INSULIN SYRINGE/0.5ML/27G -insulin syringe/needle u-100 1/2 ml 27 x 1/2".................................................. 164 INSULIN SYRINGE/0.5ML/28G -insulin syringe/needle u-100 1/2 ml 28 x 1/2".................................................. 164 INSULIN SYRINGE/0.5ML/30G -insulin syringe/needle u-100 1/2 ml 30 x 5/16"................................................ 164 INSULIN SYRINGE/0.5ML/30G -insulin syringe/needle u-100 1/2 ml 30 x 1/2".................................................. 164 INSULIN SYRINGE/0.5ML/31G -insulin syringe/needle u-100 1/2 ml 31 x 5/16"................................................ 164 INSULIN SYRINGE/0.3ML/29G -insulin syringe/needle u-100 0.3 ml 29 x 1/2".................................................. 163 INSULIN SYRINGE/0.3ML/30G -insulin syringe/needle u-100 0.3 ml 30 x 5/16"................................................ 163 INSULIN SYRINGE/0.3ML/31G -insulin syringe/needle u-100 0.3 ml 31 x 5/16"................................................ 164 INSULIN SYRINGE/0.3ML/29G -insulin syringe/needle u-100 0.3 ml 29 x 1".....................................................163 INSULIN SYRINGE/1ML/28G X -insulin syringe/needle u-100 1 ml 28 x 1/2".....................................................164 Florida Blue October 2016 Care Choices Rx Medication Drug Guide 240 2016 INSULIN SYRINGE/1ML/29G X -insulin syringe/needle u-100 1 ml 29 x 1/2".....................................................164 INSULIN SYRINGE/1ML/30G X -insulin syringe/needle u-100 1 ml 30 x 5/16"...................................................164 INSULIN SYRINGE/U-100/0.5 -insulin syringe/needle u-100 1/2 ml 28 x 1/2".................................................. 163 INSULIN SYRINGE/U-100/0.5 -insulin syringe/needle u-100 1/2 ml 29 x 1/2".................................................. 163 INSULIN SYRINGE/U-100/0.3 -insulin syringe/needle u-100 0.3 ml 29 x 1/2".................................................. 163 INSULIN SYRINGE/U-100/1ML -insulin syringe/needle u-100 1 ml 28 x 1/2".....................................................163 INSULIN SYRINGE/U-100/1ML -insulin syringe/needle u-100 1 ml 29 x 1/2".....................................................163 INSULIN SYRINGE/U-100/1ML -insulin syringe/needle u-100 1 ml 30 x 5/16"...................................................163 INSULIN SYRINGE/U-100/1ML -insulin syringe/needle u-100 1 ml 31 x 5/16"...................................................163 INSUL-TOTE -blood glucose monitoring supplies.......... 163 INSUL-TOTE JR -blood glucose monitoring supplies..... 163 INSUPEN 33GX4MM -insulin pen needle 33 g x 4 mm (5/32")............................................................................ 164 INSUPEN PEN NEEDLES 32G X -insulin pen needle 32 g x 4 mm (5/32")...........................................................164 INSUPEN SENSITIVE 32GX8MM -insulin pen needle 32 g x 8 mm....................................................................... 164 INSUPEN SENSITIVE 32GX6MM -insulin pen needle 32 g x 6 mm (1/4").............................................................164 INSUPEN ULTRAFIN 29GX12MM -insulin pen needle 29 g x 12 mm (1/2")...........................................................164 INSUPEN ULTRAFIN 31GX6MM -insulin pen needle 31 g x 6 mm (1/4")................................................................ 164 INSUPEN ULTRAFIN 30GX8MM -insulin pen needle 30 g x 8 mm (1/3" or 5/16").................................................. 164 INSUPEN ULTRAFIN 31GX8MM -insulin pen needle 31 g x 8 mm (1/3" or 5/16").................................................. 164 INTEGRA F -fe fum-fe poly-fa-c-b3 cap 62.5-62.5-1-40-3mg(125 mg fe)................................... 113 INTELENCE -etravirine tab 25 mg...................................... 7 INTELENCE -etravirine tab 100 mg.................................... 8 INTELENCE -etravirine tab 200 mg.................................... 8 IN TOUCH -blood glucose monitoring devices............... 163 IN TOUCH BLOOD GLUCOSE TE -glucose blood test strip................................................................................ 136 IN TOUCH DIABETES MANAGEM -blood glucose monitoring misc............................................................. 163 IN TOUCH LANCING DEVICE -lancet devices.............. 163 IN TOUCH STERILE LANCETS -lancets........................163 INTRON A -interferon alfa-2b for inj 10000000 unit.......... 17 INTRON A -interferon alfa-2b for inj 18000000 unit.......... 17 INTRON A -interferon alfa-2b for inj 50000000 unit.......... 17 INTRON A -interferon alfa-2b inj 6000000 unit/ml............ 17 INTRON A -interferon alfa-2b inj 10000000 unit/ml.......... 17 INTRON A W/DILUENT -interferon alfa-2b for inj 10000000 unit................................................................. 17 INTRON A W/DILUENT -interferon alfa-2b for inj 18000000 unit................................................................. 17 INTRON A W/DILUENT -interferon alfa-2b for inj 50000000 unit................................................................. 17 INVEGA -paliperidone tab sr 24hr 1.5 mg........................ 75 INVEGA -paliperidone tab sr 24hr 3 mg........................... 75 INVEGA -paliperidone tab sr 24hr 6 mg........................... 75 INVEGA -paliperidone tab sr 24hr 9 mg........................... 75 INVIRASE -saquinavir mesylate cap 200 mg..................... 8 INVIRASE -saquinavir mesylate tab 500 mg...................... 8 INVOKAMET -canagliflozin-metformin hcl tab 50-500 mg.................................................................................... 28 INVOKAMET -canagliflozin-metformin hcl tab 150-500 mg.................................................................................... 28 INVOKAMET -canagliflozin-metformin hcl tab 50-1000 mg.................................................................................... 28 INVOKAMET -canagliflozin-metformin hcl tab 150-1000 mg.................................................................................... 28 INVOKANA -canagliflozin tab 100 mg.............................. 28 INVOKANA -canagliflozin tab 300 mg.............................. 28 iodoquinol-hc cream 1%............................................... 130 IOPIDINE -apraclonidine hcl ophth soln 0.5% (base equivalent)..................................................................... 121 IOPIDINE -apraclonidine hcl ophth soln 1% (base equivalent)..................................................................... 121 ipratropium-albuterol nebu soln 0.5-2.5(3) mg/3ml..... 59 ipratropium bromide inhal soln 0.02%.......................... 59 ipratropium bromide nasal soln 0.03% (21 mcg/spray) (Atrovent)....................................................................... 57 ipratropium bromide nasal soln 0.06% (42 mcg/spray) (Atrovent)....................................................................... 57 irbesartan-hydrochlorothiazide tab 150-12.5 mg (Avalide)..........................................................................47 irbesartan-hydrochlorothiazide tab 300-12.5 mg (Avalide)..........................................................................47 irbesartan tab 75 mg (Avapro)....................................... 47 irbesartan tab 150 mg (Avapro)..................................... 47 irbesartan tab 300 mg (Avapro)..................................... 47 IRESSA -gefitinib tab 250 mg........................................... 17 irrigation solution, physiological................................. 194 ISENTRESS -raltegravir potassium chew tab 25 mg (base equiv)................................................................................. 8 ISENTRESS -raltegravir potassium chew tab 100 mg (base equiv)...................................................................... 8 ISENTRESS -raltegravir potassium packet for susp 100 mg (base equiv)................................................................ 8 ISENTRESS -raltegravir potassium tab 400 mg (base equiv)................................................................................. 8 isometheptene-caffeine-acetaminophen tab 65-20-325 mg (Prodrin)...................................................................94 isometheptene-dichloral-acetaminophen cap 65-100-325 mg............................................................... 94 ISONIAZID -isoniazid syrup 50 mg/5ml.............................. 5 isoniazid tab 100 mg......................................................... 5 isoniazid tab 300 mg......................................................... 5 ISOPTO CARPINE -pilocarpine hcl ophth soln 1%........ 121 ISOPTO CARPINE -pilocarpine hcl ophth soln 2%........ 121 ISOPTO CARPINE -pilocarpine hcl ophth soln 4%........ 121 Florida Blue October 2016 Care Choices Rx Medication Drug Guide 241 2016 ISOSORBIDE DINITRATE ER -isosorbide dinitrate tab cr 40 mg.............................................................................. 37 isosorbide dinitrate tab 10 mg....................................... 37 isosorbide dinitrate tab 20 mg....................................... 37 isosorbide dinitrate tab 30 mg....................................... 37 isosorbide dinitrate tab 5 mg (Isordil titradose).......... 37 isosorbide mononitrate tab 10 mg................................ 37 isosorbide mononitrate tab 20 mg................................ 37 isosorbide mononitrate tab sr 24hr 30 mg................... 37 isosorbide mononitrate tab sr 24hr 60 mg................... 37 isosorbide mononitrate tab sr 24hr 120 mg................. 37 isotretinoin cap 10 mg.................................................. 130 isotretinoin cap 20 mg.................................................. 130 isotretinoin cap 30 mg.................................................. 130 isotretinoin cap 40 mg.................................................. 130 ISOXSUPRINE HCL -isoxsuprine hcl tab 20 mg.............. 55 isoxsuprine hcl tab 10 mg.............................................. 55 isradipine cap 2.5 mg...................................................... 41 isradipine cap 5 mg......................................................... 41 ISTALOL -timolol maleate ophth soln 0.5% (oncedaily).............................................................................. 121 itraconazole cap 100 mg (Sporanox).............................. 6 ivermectin tab 3 mg (Stromectol).................................. 11 IXINITY -coagulation factor ix (recombinant) for inj 500 unit................................................................................. 117 IXINITY -coagulation factor ix (recombinant) for inj 1000 unit................................................................................. 117 IXINITY -coagulation factor ix (recombinant) for inj 1500 unit................................................................................. 117 J JADENU -deferasirox tab 90 mg..................................... 133 JADENU -deferasirox tab 180 mg................................... 133 JADENU -deferasirox tab 360 mg................................... 133 JAKAFI -ruxolitinib phosphate tab 5 mg (base equivalent)....................................................................... 17 JAKAFI -ruxolitinib phosphate tab 10 mg (base equivalent)....................................................................... 17 JAKAFI -ruxolitinib phosphate tab 15 mg (base equivalent)....................................................................... 17 JAKAFI -ruxolitinib phosphate tab 20 mg (base equivalent)....................................................................... 17 JAKAFI -ruxolitinib phosphate tab 25 mg (base equivalent)....................................................................... 17 JALYN -dutasteride-tamsulosin hcl cap 0.5-0.4 mg.......... 69 JANUMET -sitagliptin-metformin hcl tab 50-500 mg......... 28 JANUMET -sitagliptin-metformin hcl tab 50-1000 mg....... 29 JANUMET XR -sitagliptin-metformin hcl tab sr 24hr 50-500 mg....................................................................... 29 JANUMET XR -sitagliptin-metformin hcl tab sr 24hr 50-1000 mg..................................................................... 29 JANUMET XR -sitagliptin-metformin hcl tab sr 24hr 100-1000 mg................................................................... 29 JANUVIA -sitagliptin phosphate tab 25 mg (base equiv)............................................................................... 29 JANUVIA -sitagliptin phosphate tab 50 mg (base equiv)............................................................................... 29 JANUVIA -sitagliptin phosphate tab 100 mg (base equiv)............................................................................... 29 JENTADUETO -linagliptin-metformin hcl tab 2.5-1000 mg.................................................................................... 29 JENTADUETO -linagliptin-metformin hcl tab 2.5-500 mg.................................................................................... 29 JENTADUETO -linagliptin-metformin hcl tab 2.5-850 mg.................................................................................... 29 JENTADUETO XR -linagliptin-metformin hcl tab sr 24hr 2.5-1000 mg.................................................................... 29 JENTADUETO XR -linagliptin-metformin hcl tab sr 24hr 5-1000 mg....................................................................... 29 JUXTAPID -lomitapide mesylate cap 5 mg (base equiv)............................................................................... 53 JUXTAPID -lomitapide mesylate cap 10 mg (base equiv)............................................................................... 53 JUXTAPID -lomitapide mesylate cap 20 mg (base equiv)............................................................................... 53 JUXTAPID -lomitapide mesylate cap 30 mg (base equiv)............................................................................... 53 JUXTAPID -lomitapide mesylate cap 40 mg (base equiv)............................................................................... 53 JUXTAPID -lomitapide mesylate cap 60 mg (base equiv)............................................................................... 53 K KADIAN -morphine sulfate cap sr 24hr 10 mg..................88 KADIAN -morphine sulfate cap sr 24hr 20 mg..................88 KADIAN -morphine sulfate cap sr 24hr 30 mg..................88 KADIAN -morphine sulfate cap sr 24hr 40 mg..................88 KADIAN -morphine sulfate cap sr 24hr 50 mg..................88 KADIAN -morphine sulfate cap sr 24hr 60 mg..................88 KADIAN -morphine sulfate cap sr 24hr 80 mg..................88 KADIAN -morphine sulfate cap sr 24hr 100 mg................88 KADIAN -morphine sulfate cap sr 24hr 200 mg................88 KALETRA -lopinavir-ritonavir soln 400-100 mg/5ml (80-20 mg/ml)................................................................................ 8 KALETRA -lopinavir-ritonavir tab 100-25 mg...................... 8 KALETRA -lopinavir-ritonavir tab 200-50 mg...................... 8 KALYDECO -ivacaftor packet 50 mg................................ 61 KALYDECO -ivacaftor packet 75 mg................................ 61 KALYDECO -ivacaftor tab 150 mg.................................... 61 KAPVAY -clonidine hcl tab sr 12hr 0.1 mg........................ 80 KAYEXALATE -sodium polystyrene sulfonate powder........................................................................... 194 KAZANO -alogliptin-metformin hcl tab 12.5-1000 mg....... 29 KAZANO -alogliptin-metformin hcl tab 12.5-500 mg......... 29 KEFLEX -cephalexin cap 250 mg....................................... 2 KEFLEX -cephalexin cap 500 mg....................................... 2 KEFLEX -cephalexin cap 750 mg....................................... 2 KEPPRA -levetiracetam oral soln 100 mg/ml................... 97 KEPPRA -levetiracetam tab 250 mg................................. 97 KEPPRA -levetiracetam tab 500 mg................................. 97 KEPPRA -levetiracetam tab 750 mg................................. 97 KEPPRA -levetiracetam tab 1000 mg............................... 97 KEPPRA XR -levetiracetam tab sr 24hr 500 mg.............. 97 KEPPRA XR -levetiracetam tab sr 24hr 750 mg.............. 97 Florida Blue October 2016 Care Choices Rx Medication Drug Guide 242 2016 KERALYT -salicylic acid gel 6%...................................... 130 KERLONE -betaxolol hcl tab 10 mg................................. 39 KERLONE -betaxolol hcl tab 20 mg................................. 39 KETEK -telithromycin tab 300 mg..................................... 12 KETEK -telithromycin tab 400 mg..................................... 12 KETOCARE -acetone (urine) test strip........................... 136 ketoconazole cream 2%................................................ 130 ketoconazole foam 2% (Extina)................................... 130 ketoconazole shampoo 2% (Nizoral)........................... 130 ketoconazole tab 200 mg.................................................. 6 KETONE TEST STRIPS -acetone (urine) test strip........ 136 ketoprofen cap 50 mg..................................................... 92 ketoprofen cap 75 mg..................................................... 92 KETOPROFEN ER -ketoprofen cap sr 24hr 200 mg........ 92 ketorolac tromethamine ophth soln 0.5% (Acular)......................................................................... 121 ketorolac tromethamine ophth soln 0.4% (Acular ls)................................................................................... 121 ketorolac tromethamine tab 10 mg............................... 92 KETOSTIX -acetone (urine) test strip............................. 136 KEVEYIS -dichlorphenamide tab 50 mg........................... 51 KHEDEZLA -desvenlafaxine tab sr 24hr 50 mg............... 72 KHEDEZLA -desvenlafaxine tab sr 24hr 100 mg............. 72 KINERET -anakinra subcutaneous soln prefilled syringe 100 mg/0.67ml................................................................ 92 KINNEY LANCETS -lancets............................................ 164 KINNEY THIN LANCETS -lancets.................................. 164 KINRAY INSULIN SYRINGE/0. -insulin syringe/needle u-100 1/2 ml 29 x 1/2".................................................. 164 KINRAY INSULIN SYRINGE PR -insulin syringe/needle u-100 1/2 ml 31 x 5/16"................................................ 164 KINRAY INSULIN SYRINGE PR -insulin syringe/needle u-100 1 ml 31 x 5/16"...................................................164 KINRAY INSULIN SYRINGE PR -insulin syringe/needle u-100 0.3 ml 31 x 5/16"................................................ 164 KINRIX -diph-tetanus tox ad-acell pert & polio virus, ipv vac inj.............................................................................. 14 KITABIS PAK -tobramycin nebu soln 300 mg/5ml.............. 5 KLARON -sulfacetamide sodium lotion 10% (acne)....... 130 KLOR-CON M15 -potassium chloride microencapsulated crys cr tab 15 meq....................................................... 111 KMART VALU PLUS INSULIN S -insulin syringe (disp) u-100 1/2 ml.................................................................. 164 KMART VALU PLUS INSULIN S -insulin syringe (disp) u-100 0.3 ml.................................................................. 164 KMART VALU PLUS INSULIN S -insulin syringe (disp) u-100 1 ml..................................................................... 164 KOATE-DVI -antihemophilic factor (human) for inj 250 unit................................................................................. 117 KOATE-DVI -antihemophilic factor (human) for inj 500 unit................................................................................. 118 KOATE-DVI -antihemophilic factor (human) for inj 1000 unit................................................................................. 118 KOGENATE FS -antihemophilic factor (recombinant) for inj kit 250 unit............................................................... 118 KOGENATE FS -antihemophilic factor (recombinant) for inj kit 500 unit............................................................... 118 KOGENATE FS -antihemophilic factor (recombinant) for inj kit 1000 unit............................................................. 118 KOGENATE FS -antihemophilic factor (recombinant) for inj kit 2000 unit............................................................. 118 KOGENATE FS -antihemophilic factor (recombinant) for inj kit 3000 unit............................................................. 118 KOGENATE FS BIO-SET -antihemophilic factor (recombinant) for inj kit 250 unit.................................. 118 KOGENATE FS BIO-SET -antihemophilic factor (recombinant) for inj kit 500 unit.................................. 118 KOGENATE FS BIO-SET -antihemophilic factor (recombinant) for inj kit 1000 unit................................ 118 KOGENATE FS BIO-SET -antihemophilic factor (recombinant) for inj kit 2000 unit................................ 118 KOGENATE FS BIO-SET -antihemophilic factor (recombinant) for inj kit 3000 unit................................ 118 KOMBIGLYZE XR -saxagliptin-metformin hcl tab sr 24hr 2.5-1000 mg.................................................................... 29 KOMBIGLYZE XR -saxagliptin-metformin hcl tab sr 24hr 5-500 mg......................................................................... 29 KOMBIGLYZE XR -saxagliptin-metformin hcl tab sr 24hr 5-1000 mg....................................................................... 29 KORLYM -mifepristone tab 300 mg.................................. 29 KOVALTRY -antihemophilic factor (recombinant) for inj 250 unit......................................................................... 118 KOVALTRY -antihemophilic factor (recombinant) for inj 500 unit......................................................................... 118 KOVALTRY -antihemophilic factor (recombinant) for inj 1000 unit....................................................................... 118 KOVALTRY -antihemophilic factor (recombinant) for inj 2000 unit....................................................................... 118 KOVALTRY -antihemophilic factor (recombinant) for inj 3000 unit....................................................................... 118 K-PHOS NEUTRAL -pot phos monobasic w/sod phos di & monobas tab 155-852-130mg...................................... 111 K-PHOS NO 2 -potassium & sodium acid phosphates tab 305-700 mg..................................................................... 69 K-PHOS -potassium phosphate monobasic tab 500 mg.................................................................................. 111 KRISTALOSE -lactulose oral crystal packet 10 gm.......... 61 KRISTALOSE -lactulose oral crystal packet 20 gm.......... 61 KROGER BLOOD GLUCOSE MONI -blood glucose monitoring kit w/ device................................................ 164 KROGER BLOOD GLUCOSE TEST -glucose blood test strip................................................................................ 137 KROGER INSULIN SYRINGE/0. -insulin syringe/needle u-100 1/2 ml 31 x 5/16"................................................ 165 KROGER INSULIN SYRINGE/0. -insulin syringe/needle u-100 1/2 ml 29 x 1/2".................................................. 165 KROGER INSULIN SYRINGE/0. -insulin syringe/needle u-100 1/2 ml 30 x 5/16"................................................ 165 KROGER INSULIN SYRINGE/0. -insulin syringe/needle u-100 0.3 ml 29 x 1/2".................................................. 164 KROGER INSULIN SYRINGE/0. -insulin syringe/needle u-100 0.3 ml 30 x 5/16"................................................ 164 KROGER INSULIN SYRINGE/0. -insulin syringe/needle u-100 0.3 ml 31 x 5/16"................................................ 165 Florida Blue October 2016 Care Choices Rx Medication Drug Guide 243 2016 KROGER INSULIN SYRINGE/1M -insulin syringe/needle u-100 1 ml 29 x 1/2".....................................................165 KROGER INSULIN SYRINGE/1M -insulin syringe/needle u-100 1 ml 30 x 5/16"...................................................165 KROGER INSULIN SYRINGE/1M -insulin syringe/needle u-100 1 ml 31 x 5/16"...................................................165 KROGER INSULIN SYRINGE/U- -insulin syringe/needle u-100 0.3 ml 30 x 1/2".................................................. 164 KROGER LANCETS 21G -lancets.................................. 165 KROGER LANCETS -lancets.......................................... 165 KROGER LANCETS MICRO THIN -lancets................... 165 KROGER LANCETS SUPER THIN -lancets.................. 165 KROGER LANCETS THIN 26G -lancets........................ 165 KROGER LANCETS THIN -lancets................................ 165 KROGER LANCETS ULTRATHIN -lancets..................... 165 KROGER LANCING DEVICE -lancet devices................ 165 KROGER PEN NEEDLES 31GX1/ -insulin pen needle 31 g x 6 mm (1/4").............................................................165 KROGER PEN NEEDLES 29G X -insulin pen needle 29 g x 12 mm (1/2").............................................................. 165 KROGER PEN NEEDLES 31G X -insulin pen needle 31 g x 8 mm (1/3" or 5/16").................................................. 165 KROGER PREMIUM BLOOD GLUC -blood glucose monitoring kit w/ device................................................ 165 KROGER PREMIUM BLOOD GLUC -glucose blood test strip................................................................................ 137 KROGER TEST STRIPS -glucose blood test strip......... 137 K-TAB -potassium chloride tab cr 10 meq...................... 111 K-TAB -potassium chloride tab cr 8 meq (600 mg)......... 111 K-TAB -potassium chloride tab cr 20 meq (1500 mg)..... 111 KUVAN -sapropterin dihydrochloride powder packet 100 mg.................................................................................... 35 KUVAN -sapropterin dihydrochloride powder packet 500 mg.................................................................................... 35 KUVAN -sapropterin dihydrochloride soluble tab 100 mg.................................................................................... 35 KYNAMRO -mipomersen sodium soln prefilled syringe 200 mg/ml....................................................................... 53 L labetalol hcl tab 100 mg (Trandate)............................... 39 labetalol hcl tab 200 mg (Trandate)............................... 39 labetalol hcl tab 300 mg (Trandate)............................... 39 LAC-HYDRIN -lactic acid (ammonium lactate) cream 12%................................................................................130 LAC-HYDRIN -lactic acid (ammonium lactate) lotion 12%................................................................................130 LACRISERT -artificial tear ophth insert...........................122 lactated ringer's for irrigation...................................... 194 lactic acid (ammonium lactate) cream 12% (Lachydrin).......................................................................... 130 lactic acid (ammonium lactate) lotion 12% (Lachydrin).......................................................................... 130 lactulose (encephalopathy) solution 10 gm/15ml........ 65 lactulose solution 10 gm/15ml....................................... 61 LAMICTAL CHEWABLE DISPERS -lamotrigine tab chewable dispersible 5 mg............................................. 97 LAMICTAL CHEWABLE DISPERS -lamotrigine tab chewable dispersible 25 mg........................................... 97 LAMICTAL -lamotrigine tab 25 mg.................................... 97 LAMICTAL -lamotrigine tab 100 mg.................................. 97 LAMICTAL -lamotrigine tab 150 mg.................................. 97 LAMICTAL -lamotrigine tab 200 mg.................................. 97 LAMICTAL ODT -lamotrigine orally disintegrating tab 25 mg.................................................................................... 97 LAMICTAL ODT -lamotrigine orally disintegrating tab 50 mg.................................................................................... 97 LAMICTAL ODT -lamotrigine orally disintegrating tab 100 mg.................................................................................... 97 LAMICTAL ODT -lamotrigine orally disintegrating tab 200 mg.................................................................................... 97 LAMICTAL ODT -lamotrigine tab disp 25 (14) & 50 mg (14) & 100 mg (7) kit...................................................... 97 LAMICTAL ODT -lamotrigine tab disp 25 mg (21) & 50 mg (7) titration kit.................................................................. 97 LAMICTAL ODT -lamotrigine tab disp 50 mg (42) & 100 mg (14) titration kit......................................................... 97 LAMICTAL STARTER/NOT TAKI -lamotrigine tab 25 mg (42) & 100 mg (7) starter kit...........................................97 LAMICTAL STARTER/TAKING C -lamotrigine tab 25 mg (84) & 100 mg (14) starter kit.........................................98 LAMICTAL STARTER/TAKING V -lamotrigine tab 25 mg (35) starter kit..................................................................98 LAMICTAL XR -lamotrigine tab sr 24hr 25 (14) & 50 mg (14) & 100 mg(7) kit....................................................... 98 LAMICTAL XR -lamotrigine tab sr 24hr 50 (14) & 100 mg(14) & 200 mg(7) kit.................................................. 98 LAMICTAL XR -lamotrigine tab sr 24hr 25 mg................. 98 LAMICTAL XR -lamotrigine tab sr 24hr 50 mg................. 98 LAMICTAL XR -lamotrigine tab sr 24hr 100 mg............... 98 LAMICTAL XR -lamotrigine tab sr 24hr 200 mg............... 98 LAMICTAL XR -lamotrigine tab sr 24hr 250 mg............... 98 LAMICTAL XR -lamotrigine tab sr 24hr 300 mg............... 98 LAMICTAL XR -lamotrigine tab sr 24hr 25 mg (21) & 50 mg (7) titration kit............................................................98 LAMISIL SPRAY -terbinafine hcl soln 1%....................... 130 LAMISIL -terbinafine hcl tab 250 mg.................................. 6 lamivudine oral soln 10 mg/ml (Epivir)........................... 8 lamivudine tab 150 mg (Epivir)........................................ 8 lamivudine tab 300 mg (Epivir)........................................ 8 lamivudine tab 100 mg (hbv) (Epivir hbv)....................... 8 lamivudine-zidovudine tab 150-300 mg (Combivir)....... 8 lamotrigine orally disintegrating tab 25 mg (Lamictal odt).................................................................................. 98 lamotrigine orally disintegrating tab 50 mg (Lamictal odt).................................................................................. 98 lamotrigine orally disintegrating tab 100 mg (Lamictal odt).................................................................................. 98 lamotrigine orally disintegrating tab 200 mg (Lamictal odt).................................................................................. 98 lamotrigine tab chewable dispersible 5 mg (Lamictal chewable di).................................................................. 98 lamotrigine tab chewable dispersible 25 mg (Lamictal chewable di).................................................................. 98 Florida Blue October 2016 Care Choices Rx Medication Drug Guide 244 2016 lamotrigine tab disp 25 (14) & 50 mg (14) & 100 mg (7) kit (LAMICTAL ODT)..................................................... 98 lamotrigine tab disp 25 mg (21) & 50 mg (7) titration kit (LAMICTAL ODT)..................................................... 98 lamotrigine tab disp 50 mg (42) & 100 mg (14) titration kit (LAMICTAL ODT)..................................................... 98 lamotrigine tab 25 mg (Lamictal)................................... 98 lamotrigine tab 100 mg (Lamictal)................................. 98 lamotrigine tab 150 mg (Lamictal)................................. 98 lamotrigine tab 200 mg (Lamictal)................................. 98 lamotrigine tab sr 24hr 25 mg (Lamictal xr)................. 98 lamotrigine tab sr 24hr 50 mg (Lamictal xr)................. 98 lamotrigine tab sr 24hr 100 mg (Lamictal xr)............... 98 lamotrigine tab sr 24hr 200 mg (Lamictal xr)............... 98 lamotrigine tab sr 24hr 250 mg (Lamictal xr)............... 98 lamotrigine tab sr 24hr 300 mg (Lamictal xr)............... 98 LANCET DEVICE ADJUSTABLE -lancet devices.......... 165 LANCET DEVICE WITH EJECTO -lancet devices......... 165 LANCETS 30G/TWIST TOP -lancets.............................. 165 LANCETS 28G -lancets................................................... 165 LANCETS 30G -lancets................................................... 165 LANCETS 26G TWIST TOP -lancets..............................165 LANCETS 30G TWIST TOP -lancets..............................165 LANCETS 31G TWIST TOP -lancets..............................165 LANCETS 33G UNIVERSAL DES -lancets.................... 166 LANCETS -lancets........................................................... 165 LANCETS MICRO THIN 33G -lancets............................ 165 LANCETS SAFETY SEAL 21G -lancets......................... 165 LANCETS SAFETY SEAL 26G -lancets......................... 165 LANCETS SAFETY SEAL 28G -lancets......................... 165 LANCETS SAFETY SEAL 30G -lancets......................... 165 LANCETS SUPER THIN 28G -lancets........................... 165 LANCETS THIN -lancets................................................. 165 LANCETS TWIST TOP -lancets......................................165 LANCETS ULTRA FINE -lancets.................................... 165 LANCETS ULTRA THIN 30G -lancets............................ 165 LANCETS ULTRA THIN -lancets.................................... 165 LANCING DEVICE ADJUSTABLE -lancet devices......... 166 LANCING DEVICE -lancet devices................................. 166 LANOXIN -digoxin tab 62.5 mcg (0.0625 mg).................. 37 LANOXIN -digoxin tab 125 mcg (0.125 mg)..................... 37 LANOXIN -digoxin tab 187.5 mcg (0.1875 mg)................ 37 LANOXIN -digoxin tab 250 mcg (0.25 mg)....................... 37 lansoprazole cap delayed release 15 mg (Prevacid)....................................................................... 62 lansoprazole cap delayed release 30 mg (Prevacid)....................................................................... 62 LANTUS -insulin glargine inj 100 unit/ml.......................... 31 LANTUS SOLOSTAR -insulin glargine soln pen-injector 100 unit/ml.......................................................................31 LANZO -lancet devices.................................................... 166 LASIX -furosemide tab 20 mg........................................... 51 LASIX -furosemide tab 40 mg........................................... 51 LASIX -furosemide tab 80 mg........................................... 51 LASTACAFT -alcaftadine ophth soln 0.25%................... 122 latanoprost ophth soln 0.005% (Xalatan).................... 122 LATUDA -lurasidone hcl tab 20 mg...................................75 LATUDA -lurasidone hcl tab 40 mg...................................75 LATUDA -lurasidone hcl tab 60 mg...................................75 LATUDA -lurasidone hcl tab 80 mg...................................75 LATUDA -lurasidone hcl tab 120 mg.................................75 LDR BLOOD GLUCOSE TRUETES -blood glucose monitoring kit w/ device................................................ 166 LEADER ADVANCED LANCING D -lancet devices....... 166 LEADER INSULIN SYRINGE/0. -insulin syringe/needle u-100 1/2 ml 31 x 5/16"................................................ 166 LEADER INSULIN SYRINGE/0. -insulin syringe/needle u-100 1/2 ml 28 x 1/2".................................................. 166 LEADER INSULIN SYRINGE/0. -insulin syringe/needle u-100 1/2 ml 29 x 1/2".................................................. 166 LEADER INSULIN SYRINGE/0. -insulin syringe/needle u-100 1/2 ml 30 x 5/16"................................................ 166 LEADER INSULIN SYRINGE/0. -insulin syringe/needle u-100 0.3 ml 29 x 1/2".................................................. 166 LEADER INSULIN SYRINGE/0. -insulin syringe/needle u-100 0.3 ml 30 x 5/16"................................................ 166 LEADER INSULIN SYRINGE/0. -insulin syringe/needle u-100 0.3 ml 31 x 5/16"................................................ 166 LEADER INSULIN SYRINGE/1M -insulin syringe/needle u-100 1 ml 28 x 1/2".....................................................166 LEADER INSULIN SYRINGE/1M -insulin syringe/needle u-100 1 ml 29 x 1/2".....................................................166 LEADER INSULIN SYRINGE/1M -insulin syringe/needle u-100 1 ml 30 x 5/16"...................................................166 LEADER INSULIN SYRINGE/1M -insulin syringe/needle u-100 1 ml 31 x 5/16"...................................................166 LEADER LANCETS COLORED -lancets........................ 166 LEADER SUPER THIN LANCET -lancets...................... 166 LEADER THIN LANCETS -lancets................................. 166 LEADER UNIFINE PENTIPS/MI -insulin pen needle 31 g x 5 mm (3/16").............................................................. 166 LEADER UNIFINE PENTIPS/NA -insulin pen needle 32 g x 4 mm (5/32").............................................................. 166 LEADER UNIFINE PENTIPS/PL -insulin pen needle 32 g x 4 mm (5/32").............................................................. 166 LEADER UNIFINE PENTIPS PL -insulin pen needle 31 g x 5 mm (3/16").............................................................. 166 LEADER UNIFINE PENTIPS PL -insulin pen needle 31 g x 8 mm (1/3" or 5/16").................................................. 166 LECITHIN -lecithin granules............................................ 112 leflunomide tab 10 mg (Arava)....................................... 92 leflunomide tab 20 mg (Arava)....................................... 92 LENVIMA 14 MG DAILY DOSE -lenvatinib cap therapy pack 10 & 4 mg (14 mg daily dose)............................... 17 LENVIMA 18 MG DAILY DOSE -lenvatinib cap therapy pack 10 & 4 (2) mg (18 mg daily dose)......................... 17 LENVIMA 24 MG DAILY DOSE -lenvatinib cap therapy pack 10 (2) & 4 mg (24 mg daily dose)......................... 17 LENVIMA 10 MG DAILY DOSE -lenvatinib cap therapy pack 10 mg (10 mg daily dose)..................................... 17 LENVIMA 20 MG DAILY DOSE -lenvatinib cap therapy pack 10 (2) mg (20 mg daily dose)................................ 17 LENVIMA 8 MG DAILY DOSE -lenvatinib cap therapy pack 4 (2) mg (8 mg daily dose).................................... 17 Florida Blue October 2016 Care Choices Rx Medication Drug Guide 245 2016 LESCOL XL -fluvastatin sodium tab sr 24 hr 80 mg......... 53 LETAIRIS -ambrisentan tab 5 mg..................................... 55 LETAIRIS -ambrisentan tab 10 mg................................... 55 letrozole tab 2.5 mg (Femara)........................................ 17 LEUCOVORIN CALCIUM -leucovorin calcium tab 10 mg.................................................................................... 17 LEUCOVORIN CALCIUM -leucovorin calcium tab 15 mg.................................................................................... 17 leucovorin calcium tab 5 mg.......................................... 17 leucovorin calcium tab 25 mg........................................ 17 LEUKERAN -chlorambucil tab 2 mg................................. 17 LEUKINE -sargramostim lyophilized for inj 250 mcg...... 113 leuprolide acetate inj kit 5 mg/ml.................................. 17 levalbuterol hcl soln nebu conc 1.25 mg/0.5ml (base equiv) (Xopenex concentrate)..................................... 59 levalbuterol hcl soln nebu 0.31 mg/3ml (base equiv) (Xopenex)....................................................................... 59 levalbuterol hcl soln nebu 0.63 mg/3ml (base equiv) (Xopenex)....................................................................... 59 levalbuterol hcl soln nebu 1.25 mg/3ml (base equiv) (Xopenex)....................................................................... 59 LEVAQUIN -levofloxacin tab 250 mg.................................. 5 LEVAQUIN -levofloxacin tab 500 mg.................................. 5 LEVAQUIN -levofloxacin tab 750 mg.................................. 5 LEVATOL -penbutolol sulfate tab 20 mg........................... 39 LEVBID -hyoscyamine sulfate tab sr 12hr 0.375 mg........ 62 LEVEMIR FLEXTOUCH -insulin detemir soln pen-injector 100 unit/ml.......................................................................31 LEVEMIR -insulin detemir inj 100 unit/ml..........................31 levetiracetam oral soln 100 mg/ml (Keppra).................98 levetiracetam tab 250 mg (Keppra)............................... 98 levetiracetam tab 500 mg (Keppra)............................... 98 levetiracetam tab 750 mg (Keppra)............................... 98 levetiracetam tab 1000 mg (Keppra)............................. 98 levetiracetam tab sr 24hr 500 mg (Keppra xr).............. 98 levetiracetam tab sr 24hr 750 mg (Keppra xr).............. 98 levobunolol hcl ophth soln 0.5% (Betagan)............... 122 levocarnitine oral soln 1 gm/10ml (10%) (Carnitor)..... 35 levocarnitine tab 330 mg (Carnitor)............................... 35 levocetirizine dihydrochloride soln 2.5 mg/5ml (0.5 mg/ml) (Xyzal)................................................................ 56 levocetirizine dihydrochloride tab 5 mg (Xyzal)...........56 levofloxacin ophth soln 0.5%....................................... 122 levofloxacin oral soln 25 mg/ml (Levaquin)................... 5 levofloxacin tab 250 mg (Levaquin)................................ 5 levofloxacin tab 500 mg (Levaquin)................................ 5 levofloxacin tab 750 mg (Levaquin)................................ 5 LEVOMEFOLATE DHA -prenat w/fe fum-l methylfolate-fadha cap 27-1.13-0.4 mg............................................... 105 levonorgestrel & ethinyl estradiol (91-day) tab 0.15-0.03 mg.................................................................. 24 levonorgestrel & ethinyl estradiol tab 0.1 mg-20 mcg................................................................................. 24 levonorgestrel & ethinyl estradiol tab 0.15 mg-30 mcg................................................................................. 24 levonorgestrel-eth estra tab 0.05-30/0.075-40/0.125-30mg-mcg............................... 25 levonorgestrel-ethinyl estradiol (continuous) tab 90-20 mcg.......................................................................25 levonorgestrel tab 1.5 mg............................................... 24 levonorg-eth est tab 0.1-0.02mg(84) & eth est tab 0.01mg(7) (Loseasonique)........................................... 24 levonorg-eth est tab 0.15-0.03mg(84) & eth est tab 0.01mg(7) (Seasonique)............................................... 24 levothyroxine sodium tab 25 mcg (Synthroid)............. 31 levothyroxine sodium tab 50 mcg (Synthroid)............. 32 levothyroxine sodium tab 75 mcg (Synthroid)............. 32 levothyroxine sodium tab 88 mcg (Synthroid)............. 32 levothyroxine sodium tab 100 mcg (Synthroid)........... 32 levothyroxine sodium tab 112 mcg (Synthroid)........... 32 levothyroxine sodium tab 125 mcg (Synthroid)........... 32 levothyroxine sodium tab 137 mcg (Synthroid)........... 32 levothyroxine sodium tab 150 mcg (Synthroid)........... 32 levothyroxine sodium tab 175 mcg (Synthroid)........... 32 levothyroxine sodium tab 200 mcg (Synthroid)........... 32 levothyroxine sodium tab 300 mcg (Synthroid)........... 32 LEVSIN/SL -hyoscyamine sulfate tab sl 0.125 mg........... 62 LEVSIN -hyoscyamine sulfate tab 0.125 mg.................... 62 LEVULAN KERASTICK -aminolevulinic acid hcl for soln 20% (stick applicator)................................................... 130 LEXAPRO -escitalopram oxalate soln 5 mg/5ml (base equiv)............................................................................... 72 LEXIVA -fosamprenavir calcium susp 50 mg/ml (base equiv)................................................................................. 8 LEXIVA -fosamprenavir calcium tab 700 mg (base equiv)................................................................................. 8 LEXUSS 210 -chlorpheniramine w/ codeine liquid 2-10 mg/5ml............................................................................. 57 LIALDA -mesalamine tab delayed release 1.2 gm........... 65 LIBERTY BLOOD GLUCOSE MET -blood glucose monitoring devices........................................................ 166 LIBERTY BLOOD GLUCOSE MON -blood glucose monitoring devices........................................................ 166 LIBERTY MEDICAL LANCETS 3 -lancets...................... 166 LIBERTY MINI LANCING DEVI -lancet devices............. 166 LIBERTY NEXT GENERATION B -blood glucose monitoring devices........................................................ 166 LIBERTY NEXT GENERATION B -glucose blood test strip................................................................................ 137 LIBERTY TEST STRIPS -glucose blood test strip.......... 137 lidocaine hcl gel 2%...................................................... 130 LIDOCAINE HCL-HYDROCORTIS -lidocainehydrocortisone acetate rectal gel 2.8-0.55%............... 125 LIDOCAINE HCL -lidocaine hcl laryngotracheal soln 4%.................................................................................. 124 lidocaine hcl soln 4% (Xylocaine)............................... 130 lidocaine hcl viscous soln 2%..................................... 124 lidocaine patch 5% (Lidoderm).................................... 130 lidocaine-prilocaine cream 2.5-2.5% (Emla)............... 130 LIDODERM -lidocaine patch 5%..................................... 130 LIFESCAN UNISTIK 2 DEEP P -lancets........................ 166 LIFESCAN UNISTIK II LANCE -lancets.......................... 166 lindane shampoo 1%..................................................... 130 linezolid for susp 100 mg/5ml (Zyvox).......................... 12 Florida Blue October 2016 Care Choices Rx Medication Drug Guide 246 2016 linezolid tab 600 mg (Zyvox).......................................... 12 LINZESS -linaclotide cap 145 mcg................................... 65 LINZESS -linaclotide cap 290 mcg................................... 65 liothyronine sodium tab 5 mcg (Cytomel).................... 32 liothyronine sodium tab 25 mcg (Cytomel).................. 32 liothyronine sodium tab 50 mcg (Cytomel).................. 32 LIPOFEN -fenofibrate cap 50 mg...................................... 53 LIPOFEN -fenofibrate cap 150 mg.................................... 53 lisinopril & hydrochlorothiazide tab 10-12.5 mg (Zestoretic)..................................................................... 47 lisinopril & hydrochlorothiazide tab 20-12.5 mg (Zestoretic)..................................................................... 47 lisinopril & hydrochlorothiazide tab 20-25 mg (Zestoretic)..................................................................... 47 lisinopril tab 5 mg (Prinivil)............................................ 47 lisinopril tab 10 mg (Prinivil).......................................... 47 lisinopril tab 20 mg (Prinivil).......................................... 47 lisinopril tab 2.5 mg (Zestril).......................................... 47 lisinopril tab 30 mg (Zestril)........................................... 47 lisinopril tab 40 mg (Zestril)........................................... 47 LITETOUCH INSULIN SYRINGE -insulin syringe/needle u-100 1/2 ml 31 x 5/16"................................................ 167 LITETOUCH INSULIN SYRINGE -insulin syringe/needle u-100 1/2 ml 28 x 1/2".................................................. 167 LITETOUCH INSULIN SYRINGE -insulin syringe/needle u-100 1/2 ml 29 x 1/2".................................................. 167 LITETOUCH INSULIN SYRINGE -insulin syringe/needle u-100 1/2 ml 30 x 5/16"................................................ 167 LITETOUCH INSULIN SYRINGE -insulin syringe/needle u-100 0.3 ml 29 x 1/2".................................................. 167 LITETOUCH INSULIN SYRINGE -insulin syringe/needle u-100 0.3 ml 30 x 5/16"................................................ 167 LITETOUCH INSULIN SYRINGE -insulin syringe/needle u-100 1 ml 28 x 1/2".....................................................167 LITETOUCH INSULIN SYRINGE -insulin syringe/needle u-100 1 ml 29 x 1/2".....................................................167 LITETOUCH INSULIN SYRINGE -insulin syringe/needle u-100 1 ml 30 x 5/16"...................................................167 LITETOUCH INSULIN SYRINGE -insulin syringe/needle u-100 1 ml 31 x 5/16"...................................................167 LITETOUCH INSULIN SYRINGE -insulin syringe/needle u-100 0.3 ml 31 x 5/16"................................................ 167 LITE TOUCH LANCETS -lancets.................................... 166 LITETOUCH LANCETS MICRO T -lancets.................... 167 LITE TOUCH LANCING DEVICE -lancet devices.......... 166 LITE TOUCH LANCING PEN -lancet devices................ 166 LITE TOUCH PEN NEEDLES/31 -insulin pen needle 31 g x 5 mm (3/16").............................................................. 167 LITETOUCH PEN NEEDLES 29G -insulin pen needle 29 g x 12.7 mm..................................................................167 LITETOUCH PEN NEEDLES 31G -insulin pen needle 31 g x 6 mm (1/4").............................................................167 LITETOUCH PEN NEEDLES 31G -insulin pen needle 31 g x 8 mm (1/3" or 5/16")...............................................167 lithium carbonate cap 300 mg....................................... 75 lithium carbonate cap 150 mg (Lithium carbonate)..... 75 lithium carbonate cap 600 mg (Lithium carbonate)..... 75 LITHIUM CARBONATE -lithium carbonate cap 150 mg.................................................................................... 75 LITHIUM CARBONATE -lithium carbonate cap 600 mg.................................................................................... 75 lithium carbonate tab cr 450 mg.................................... 75 lithium carbonate tab cr 300 mg (Lithobid).................. 75 lithium carbonate tab 300 mg........................................ 75 LITHIUM -lithium oral solution 8 meq/5ml......................... 75 LITHOBID -lithium carbonate tab cr 300 mg..................... 75 LITHOSTAT -acetohydroxamic acid tab 250 mg............... 69 LIVALO -pitavastatin calcium tab 1 mg (base equiv)........ 53 LIVALO -pitavastatin calcium tab 2 mg (base equiv)........ 53 LIVALO -pitavastatin calcium tab 4 mg (base equiv)........ 53 LIVE BETTER ADVANCED LANC -lancet devices......... 167 LIVE BETTER LANCET SUPER -lancets....................... 167 LIVE BETTER LANCET ULTRA -lancets........................ 167 LIVE BETTER PEN NEEDLES 2 -insulin pen needle 29 g x 12 mm (1/2").............................................................. 167 LIVE BETTER PEN NEEDLES 3 -insulin pen needle 31 g x 6 mm (1/4")................................................................ 167 LIVE BETTER PEN NEEDLES 3 -insulin pen needle 31 g x 8 mm (1/3" or 5/16").................................................. 167 LOCAL ANESTHESIA SECURITY -needle (disp) 20 x 4".................................................................................... 167 LOCAL ANESTHESIA SECURITY -needle (disp) 22 x 2".................................................................................... 167 LOCAL ANESTHESIA SECURITY -needle (disp) 22 x 3".................................................................................... 167 LOCAL ANESTHESIA SECURITY -needle (disp) 22 x 4".................................................................................... 167 LOCOID -hydrocortisone butyrate oint 0.1%.................. 130 LOCOID -hydrocortisone butyrate soln 0.1%..................130 LODOSYN -carbidopa tab 25 mg................................... 101 LOESTRIN FE 1.5/30 -norethindrone ace & ethinyl estradiol-fe tab 1.5 mg-30 mcg...................................... 25 LOESTRIN FE 1/20 -norethindrone ace & ethinyl estradiol-fe tab 1 mg-20 mcg......................................... 25 LOFIBRA -fenofibrate micronized cap 67 mg................... 53 LOFIBRA -fenofibrate micronized cap 134 mg................. 53 LOFIBRA -fenofibrate micronized cap 200 mg................. 53 LOFIBRA -fenofibrate tab 54 mg...................................... 53 LOFIBRA -fenofibrate tab 160 mg.................................... 53 LO LOESTRIN FE -norethin-eth estradiol-fe tab 1 mg-10 mcg (24)/10 mcg (2)....................................................... 25 LOMOTIL -diphenoxylate w/ atropine tab 2.5-0.025 mg.................................................................................... 61 LONGS INSULIN SYRINGE/0.5 -insulin syringe/needle u-100 1/2 ml 31 x 5/16"................................................ 167 LONGS LANCETS STANDARD -lancets........................ 167 LONGS LANCETS THIN -lancets................................... 167 LONGS LANCETS ULTRA THIN -lancets...................... 167 LONSURF -trifluridine-tipiracil tab 15-6.14 mg................. 17 LONSURF -trifluridine-tipiracil tab 20-8.19 mg................. 18 loperamide hcl cap 2 mg................................................ 61 LOPID -gemfibrozil tab 600 mg......................................... 53 LOPRESSOR HCT -metoprolol & hydrochlorothiazide tab 50-25 mg......................................................................... 47 Florida Blue October 2016 Care Choices Rx Medication Drug Guide 247 2016 LOPRESSOR HCT -metoprolol & hydrochlorothiazide tab 100-25 mg....................................................................... 47 LOPRESSOR -metoprolol tartrate tab 50 mg................... 39 LOPRESSOR -metoprolol tartrate tab 100 mg................. 39 LOPROX -ciclopirox olamine cream 0.77% (base equiv)............................................................................. 130 loratadine & pseudoephedrine tab sr 12hr 5-120 mg................................................................................... 57 loratadine & pseudoephedrine tab sr 24hr 10-240 mg................................................................................... 57 loratadine rapidly-disintegrating tab 10 mg (Claritin).......................................................................... 56 loratadine syrup 5 mg/5ml.............................................. 56 loratadine tab 10 mg....................................................... 56 lorazepam conc 2 mg/ml (Lorazepam intensol)........... 70 lorazepam tab 0.5 mg (Ativan)....................................... 70 lorazepam tab 1 mg (Ativan).......................................... 70 lorazepam tab 2 mg (Ativan).......................................... 70 losartan potassium & hydrochlorothiazide tab 50-12.5 mg (Hyzaar)....................................................................47 losartan potassium & hydrochlorothiazide tab 100-12.5 mg (Hyzaar).................................................... 47 losartan potassium & hydrochlorothiazide tab 100-25 mg (Hyzaar)....................................................................47 losartan potassium tab 25 mg (Cozaar)........................ 47 losartan potassium tab 50 mg (Cozaar)........................ 47 losartan potassium tab 100 mg (Cozaar)...................... 47 LOSEASONIQUE -levonorg-eth est tab 0.1-0.02mg(84) & eth est tab 0.01mg(7)..................................................... 25 LOTEMAX -loteprednol etabonate ophth gel 0.5%......... 122 LOTEMAX -loteprednol etabonate ophth oint 0.5%........ 122 LOTEMAX -loteprednol etabonate ophth susp 0.5%...... 122 LOTENSIN -benazepril hcl tab 10 mg.............................. 47 LOTENSIN -benazepril hcl tab 20 mg.............................. 47 LOTENSIN -benazepril hcl tab 40 mg.............................. 47 LOTENSIN HCT -benazepril & hydrochlorothiazide tab 10-12.5 mg...................................................................... 48 LOTENSIN HCT -benazepril & hydrochlorothiazide tab 20-12.5 mg...................................................................... 48 LOTENSIN HCT -benazepril & hydrochlorothiazide tab 20-25 mg......................................................................... 48 LOTREL -amlodipine besylate-benazepril hcl cap 5-10 mg.................................................................................... 48 LOTREL -amlodipine besylate-benazepril hcl cap 5-20 mg.................................................................................... 48 LOTREL -amlodipine besylate-benazepril hcl cap 10-20 mg.................................................................................... 48 LOTREL -amlodipine besylate-benazepril hcl cap 10-40 mg.................................................................................... 48 LOTRISONE -clotrimazole w/ betamethasone cream 1-0.05%......................................................................... 130 LOTRONEX -alosetron hcl tab 0.5 mg (base equiv)......... 66 LOTRONEX -alosetron hcl tab 1 mg (base equiv)............ 66 lovastatin tab 10 mg........................................................ 53 lovastatin tab 20 mg........................................................ 53 lovastatin tab 40 mg (Mevacor)..................................... 53 LOVAZA -omega-3-acid ethyl esters cap 1 gm.................53 LOVENOX -enoxaparin sodium inj 30 mg/0.3ml.............115 LOVENOX -enoxaparin sodium inj 40 mg/0.4ml.............115 LOVENOX -enoxaparin sodium inj 60 mg/0.6ml.............115 LOVENOX -enoxaparin sodium inj 80 mg/0.8ml.............115 LOVENOX -enoxaparin sodium inj 100 mg/ml................115 LOVENOX -enoxaparin sodium inj 120 mg/0.8ml...........115 LOVENOX -enoxaparin sodium inj 150 mg/ml................115 LOVENOX -enoxaparin sodium inj 300 mg/3ml..............115 loxapine succinate cap 5 mg......................................... 75 loxapine succinate cap 10 mg....................................... 75 loxapine succinate cap 25 mg....................................... 75 loxapine succinate cap 50 mg....................................... 75 LOZI-FLUR -sodium fluoride lozenge 1 mg f (from 2.2 mg naf)................................................................................. 111 LUMIGAN -bimatoprost ophth soln 0.01%...................... 122 LURIDE -sodium fluoride chew tab 0.25 mg f (from 0.55 mg naf).......................................................................... 111 LURIDE -sodium fluoride chew tab 0.5 mg f (from 1.1 mg naf)................................................................................. 111 LURIDE -sodium fluoride chew tab 1 mg f (from 2.2 mg naf)................................................................................. 111 LURIDE -sodium fluoride soln 0.5 mg/ml f (from 1.1 mg/ml naf)................................................................................. 111 LUXIQ -betamethasone valerate aerosol foam 0.12%.............................................................................130 LYNPARZA -olaparib cap 50 mg....................................... 18 LYRICA -pregabalin cap 25 mg.........................................98 LYRICA -pregabalin cap 50 mg.........................................98 LYRICA -pregabalin cap 75 mg.........................................98 LYRICA -pregabalin cap 100 mg.......................................98 LYRICA -pregabalin cap 150 mg.......................................99 LYRICA -pregabalin cap 200 mg.......................................99 LYRICA -pregabalin cap 225 mg.......................................99 LYRICA -pregabalin cap 300 mg.......................................99 LYRICA -pregabalin soln 20 mg/ml................................... 99 LYSODREN -mitotane tab 500 mg....................................18 LYSTEDA -tranexamic acid tab 650 mg......................... 115 M MACNATAL CN DHA -prenatal w/o a w/fe cbn-dss-fa-dha cap 28-1-250 mg.......................................................... 105 MACROBID -nitrofurantoin monohydrate macrocrystalline cap 100 mg..................................................................... 66 MACRODANTIN -nitrofurantoin macrocrystalline cap 25 mg.................................................................................... 66 MACRODANTIN -nitrofurantoin macrocrystalline cap 50 mg.................................................................................... 66 MACRODANTIN -nitrofurantoin macrocrystalline cap 100 mg.................................................................................... 66 MAGELLAN INSULIN SAFETY S -insulin syringe/needle u-100 1/2 ml 29 x 1/2".................................................. 168 MAGELLAN INSULIN SAFETY S -insulin syringe/needle u-100 1/2 ml 30 x 5/16"................................................ 168 MAGELLAN INSULIN SAFETY S -insulin syringe/needle u-100 0.3 ml 29 x 1/2".................................................. 167 MAGELLAN INSULIN SAFETY S -insulin syringe/needle u-100 0.3 ml 30 x 5/16"................................................ 167 Florida Blue October 2016 Care Choices Rx Medication Drug Guide 248 2016 MAGELLAN INSULIN SAFETY S -insulin syringe/needle u-100 1 ml 29 x 1/2".....................................................168 MAGELLAN INSULIN SAFETY S -insulin syringe/needle u-100 1 ml 30 x 5/16"...................................................168 MAGELLAN TUBERCULIN SAFET -tuberculin/allergy syringe/needle (disp) 1 ml 27 x 1/2"............................ 168 MAGELLAN TUBERCULIN SAFET -tuberculin/allergy syringe/needle (disp) 1 ml 28 x 1/2"............................ 168 MALARONE -atovaquone-proguanil hcl tab 62.5-25 mg.................................................................................... 11 MALARONE -atovaquone-proguanil hcl tab 250-100 mg.................................................................................... 11 malathion lotion 0.5% (Ovide)...................................... 130 MAPROTILINE HCL -maprotiline hcl tab 25 mg............... 72 MAPROTILINE HCL -maprotiline hcl tab 50 mg............... 72 MAPROTILINE HCL -maprotiline hcl tab 75 mg............... 72 MARINOL -dronabinol cap 2.5 mg.................................... 63 MARINOL -dronabinol cap 5 mg....................................... 63 MARINOL -dronabinol cap 10 mg..................................... 63 MARNATAL-F -prenatal w/o vit a w/ fe polysac cmplx-fa cap 60-1 mg.................................................................. 105 MARPLAN -isocarboxazid tab 10 mg............................... 72 MATULANE -procarbazine hcl cap 50 mg........................ 18 MAVIK -trandolapril tab 1 mg............................................ 48 MAVIK -trandolapril tab 2 mg............................................ 48 MAXI-COMFORT INSULIN SYRI -insulin syringe/needle u-100 1/2 ml 28 x 1/2".................................................. 168 MAXI-COMFORT INSULIN SYRI -insulin syringe/needle u-100 1 ml 28 x 1/2".....................................................168 MAXIDEX -dexamethasone ophth susp 0.1%................ 122 MAXIMA BLOOD GLUCOSE MONI -blood glucose monitoring kit w/ device................................................ 168 MAXIMA BLOOD GLUCOSE TEST -glucose blood test strip................................................................................ 137 MAXIMA METER KIT -blood glucose monitoring kit w/ device............................................................................ 168 MAXIMA STARTER KIT -blood glucose monitoring kit w/ device............................................................................ 168 MAXITROL -neomycin-polymyxin-dexamethasone ophth oint 0.1%....................................................................... 122 MAXITROL -neomycin-polymyxin-dexamethasone ophth susp 0.1%..................................................................... 122 MAXZIDE -triamterene & hydrochlorothiazide tab 75-50 mg.................................................................................... 51 MAXZIDE-25 -triamterene & hydrochlorothiazide tab 37.5-25 mg...................................................................... 51 MD SAFETYGLIDE 27G X 5/8" -needle (disp) 27 x 5/8".................................................................................168 meclizine hcl tab 12.5 mg............................................... 64 meclizine hcl tab 25 mg.................................................. 64 MECLOFENAMATE SODIUM -meclofenamate sodium cap 50 mg....................................................................... 92 MECLOFENAMATE SODIUM -meclofenamate sodium cap 100 mg..................................................................... 93 MEDICAL PROVIDER EZ FLU S -influenza virus vac types a & b pf pref syringe kit 0.5 ml............................. 14 MEDICAL PROVIDER SINGLE U -influenza virus vaccine split pf susp pref syr kit 0.5 ml....................................... 14 MEDICAL PROVIDER SINGLE U -influenza virus vac split quad inj prefilled syr kit 0.25 ml.............................. 14 MEDICAL PROVIDER SINGLE U -influenza virus vac types a & b pf pref syringe kit 0.5 ml............................. 14 MEDICHOICE PRE-SET SAFETY -lancets.................... 168 MEDICHOICE SAFETY LANCET -lancets..................... 168 MEDICINE SHOPPE LANCETS -lancets....................... 168 MEDICINE SHOPPE LANCETS T -lancets.................... 168 MEDICINE SHOPPE PEN NEEDL -insulin pen needle 29 g x 12 mm (1/2")...........................................................168 MEDICINE SHOPPE PEN NEEDL -insulin pen needle 31 g x 6 mm (1/4").............................................................168 MEDICINE SHOPPE PEN NEEDL -insulin pen needle 31 g x 8 mm (1/3" or 5/16")...............................................168 MEDIC INSULIN SYRINGE/0.5 -insulin syringe/needle u-100 1/2 ml 30 x 5/16"................................................ 168 MEDIC INSULIN SYRINGE/0.3 -insulin syringe/needle u-100 0.3 ml 30 x 5/16"................................................ 168 MEDISENSE THIN LANCETS -lancets.......................... 168 MEDLANCE/EXTRA -lancets.......................................... 168 MEDLANCE/LITE -lancets............................................... 168 MEDLANCE/UNIVERSAL -lancets..................................168 MEDLANCE PLUS/LITE 25G -lancets............................ 168 MEDLANCE PLUS EXTRA LANCE -lancets.................. 168 MEDLANCE PLUS LANCETS -lancets...........................168 MEDLANCE PLUS LANCETS LIT -lancets.................... 168 MEDLANCE PLUS LITE LANCET -lancets.................... 168 MEDLANCE PLUS SPECIAL LAN -lancets.................... 168 MEDLANCE PLUS SUPERLITE 3 -lancets.................... 168 MEDLANCE PLUS UNIVERSAL L -lancets.................... 168 MEDROL DOSEPAK -methylprednisolone tab therapy pack 4 mg (21)............................................................... 20 MEDROL -methylprednisolone tab 2 mg.......................... 20 MEDROL -methylprednisolone tab 4 mg.......................... 20 MEDROL -methylprednisolone tab 8 mg.......................... 20 MEDROL -methylprednisolone tab 16 mg........................ 20 MEDROL -methylprednisolone tab 32 mg........................ 20 medroxyprogesterone acetate tab 2.5 mg (Provera)......................................................................... 26 medroxyprogesterone acetate tab 5 mg (Provera)...... 26 medroxyprogesterone acetate tab 10 mg (Provera)......................................................................... 26 mefenamic acid cap 250 mg (Ponstel).......................... 93 mefloquine hcl tab 250 mg............................................. 11 MEGACE ES -megestrol acetate susp 625 mg/5ml......... 26 MEGACE ORAL -megestrol acetate susp 40 mg/ml........ 18 megestrol acetate susp 625 mg/5ml (Megace es)........ 26 megestrol acetate susp 40 mg/ml (Megace oral)......... 18 megestrol acetate tab 20 mg.......................................... 18 megestrol acetate tab 40 mg.......................................... 18 MEIJER BLOOD GLUCOSE MONI -blood glucose monitoring kit w/ device................................................ 168 MEIJER BLOOD GLUCOSE TEST -glucose blood test strip................................................................................ 137 MEIJER COLOR LANCETS UNIV -lancets.................... 168 Florida Blue October 2016 Care Choices Rx Medication Drug Guide 249 2016 MEIJER ESSENTIAL BLOOD GL -blood glucose monitoring kit w/ device................................................ 169 MEIJER ESSENTIAL BLOOD GL -glucose blood test strip................................................................................ 137 MEIJER LANCETS -lancets............................................ 169 MEIJER LANCETS THIN -lancets.................................. 169 MEIJER LANCETS UNIVERSAL -lancets...................... 169 MEIJER PEN NEEDLES 29G X -insulin pen needle 29 g x 12 mm (1/2").............................................................. 169 MEIJER PEN NEEDLES 31G X -insulin pen needle 31 g x 6 mm (1/4")................................................................ 169 MEIJER PEN NEEDLES 31G X -insulin pen needle 31 g x 8 mm (1/3" or 5/16").................................................. 169 MEIJER PREMIUM BLOOD GLUC -blood glucose monitoring kit w/ device................................................ 169 MEIJER PREMIUM BLOOD GLUC -glucose blood test strip................................................................................ 137 MEIJER SUPER THIN LANCETS -lancets..................... 169 MEIJER TRUE2GO BLOOD GLUC -blood glucose monitoring kit w/ device................................................ 169 MEIJER TRUERESULT BLOOD G -blood glucose monitoring kit w/ device................................................ 169 MEIJER TRUETEST BLOOD GLU -glucose blood test strip................................................................................ 137 MEIJER TRUETRACK BLOOD GL -blood glucose monitoring kit w/ device................................................ 169 MEIJER TRUETRACK BLOOD GL -glucose blood test strip................................................................................ 137 MEKINIST -trametinib dimethyl sulfoxide tab 0.5 mg (base equivalent)............................................................ 18 MEKINIST -trametinib dimethyl sulfoxide tab 2 mg (base equivalent)....................................................................... 18 meloxicam tab 7.5 mg (Mobic)....................................... 93 meloxicam tab 15 mg (Mobic)........................................ 93 memantine hcl oral solution 2 mg/ml (Namenda)........ 83 memantine hcl tab 5 mg (28) & 10 mg (21) titration pak (Namenda titration pa)................................................. 83 memantine hcl tab 5 mg (Namenda)............................. 83 memantine hcl tab 10 mg (Namenda)........................... 83 MENACTRA -meningococcal (a, c, y, and w-135) conjugate vaccine inj...................................................... 14 MENEST -esterified estrogens tab 0.3 mg....................... 23 MENEST -esterified estrogens tab 0.625 mg................... 23 MENEST -esterified estrogens tab 1.25 mg..................... 23 MENEST -esterified estrogens tab 2.5 mg....................... 23 MENHIBRIX -meningococcal (c & y)-haemophilus b tet tox conj vac for inj.......................................................... 14 MENOMUNE-A/C/Y/W-135 -meningococcal vaccine a, c, y, and w-135 inj.............................................................. 14 MENOSTAR -estradiol td patch weekly 14 mcg/24hr....... 23 MENTAX -butenafine hcl cream 1%................................130 MENVEO -meningococcal (a, c, y, and w-135) oligo conj vac for inj........................................................................ 14 MEPERIDINE HCL/PROMETHAZI -meperidine w/ promethazine cap 50-25 mg.......................................... 88 MEPERIDINE HCL -meperidine hcl oral soln 50 mg/5ml............................................................................. 88 meperidine hcl tab 50 mg (Demerol)............................. 88 meperidine hcl tab 100 mg (Demerol)........................... 88 MEPHYTON -phytonadione tab 5 mg............................. 104 meprobamate tab 200 mg............................................... 70 meprobamate tab 400 mg............................................... 70 MEPRON -atovaquone susp 750 mg/5ml......................... 12 mercaptopurine tab 50 mg............................................. 18 MESALAMINE DR -mesalamine tab delayed release 800 mg.................................................................................... 66 mesalamine enema 4 gm................................................ 66 MESNEX -mesna tab 400 mg........................................... 18 MESTINON -pyridostigmine bromide syrup 60 mg/5ml........................................................................... 104 MESTINON TIMESPAN -pyridostigmine bromide tab cr 180 mg.......................................................................... 104 METADATE CD -methylphenidate hcl cap cr 10 mg (cd)................................................................................... 80 METADATE CD -methylphenidate hcl cap cr 20 mg (cd)................................................................................... 80 METADATE CD -methylphenidate hcl cap cr 30 mg (cd)................................................................................... 80 METADATE CD -methylphenidate hcl cap cr 40 mg (cd)................................................................................... 80 METADATE CD -methylphenidate hcl cap cr 50 mg (cd)................................................................................... 80 METADATE CD -methylphenidate hcl cap cr 60 mg (cd)................................................................................... 80 METAPROTERENOL SULFATE -metaproterenol sulfate syrup 10 mg/5ml............................................................. 59 METAPROTERENOL SULFATE -metaproterenol sulfate tab 10 mg........................................................................ 59 METAPROTERENOL SULFATE -metaproterenol sulfate tab 20 mg........................................................................ 59 METAXALONE -metaxalone tab 400 mg........................ 103 metaxalone tab 800 mg (Skelaxin).............................. 103 metformin hcl tab 500 mg (Glucophage)...................... 29 metformin hcl tab 850 mg (Glucophage)...................... 29 metformin hcl tab 1000 mg (Glucophage).................... 29 metformin hcl tab sr 24hr 500 mg (Glucophage xr)..... 29 metformin hcl tab sr 24hr 750 mg (Glucophage xr)..... 29 methadone hcl conc 10 mg/ml (Methadose)................ 88 METHADONE HCL -methadone hcl soln 5 mg/5ml..........88 METHADONE HCL -methadone hcl soln 10 mg/5ml........88 methadone hcl soln 5 mg/5ml (Methadone hcl)........... 88 methadone hcl soln 10 mg/5ml (Methadone hcl)......... 88 methadone hcl tab for oral susp 40 mg........................ 88 methadone hcl tab 10 mg (Dolophine).......................... 88 methadone hcl tab 5 mg (Dolophine hcl)..................... 88 METHADOSE -methadone hcl conc 10 mg/ml................. 88 METHADOSE -methadone hcl tab disp 40 mg................. 88 METHADOSE SUGAR-FREE -methadone hcl conc 10 mg/ml............................................................................... 88 methamphetamine hcl tab 5 mg (Desoxyn).................. 80 methazolamide tab 25 mg (Neptazane)......................... 51 methazolamide tab 50 mg (Neptazane)......................... 51 methenamine hippurate tab 1 gm (Hiprex)................... 66 methimazole tab 5 mg (Tapazole).................................. 32 Florida Blue October 2016 Care Choices Rx Medication Drug Guide 250 2016 methimazole tab 10 mg (Tapazole)................................ 32 METHITEST -methyltestosterone oral tab 10 mg............. 22 methocarbamol tab 750 mg (Robaxin-750).................103 methocarbamol tab 500 mg (Robaxin)........................ 103 methotrexate sodium for inj 1 gm................................. 18 methotrexate sodium inj 50 mg/2ml (25 mg/ml)........... 18 methotrexate sodium inj pf 50 mg/2ml (25 mg/ml)...... 18 methotrexate sodium inj pf 100 mg/4ml (25 mg/ ml)................................................................................... 18 methotrexate sodium inj pf 200 mg/8ml (25 mg/ ml)................................................................................... 18 methotrexate sodium inj pf 250 mg/10ml (25 mg/ ml)................................................................................... 18 methotrexate sodium inj pf 1000 mg/40ml (25 mg/ ml)................................................................................... 18 METHOTREXATE SODIUM -methotrexate sodium inj 250 mg/10ml (25 mg/ml)........................................................18 methotrexate sodium tab 2.5 mg (base equiv)............. 18 methoxsalen rapid cap 10 mg (Oxsoralen ultra)........ 130 methscopolamine bromide tab 2.5 mg (Pamine)......... 62 methscopolamine bromide tab 5 mg (Pamine forte)................................................................................62 METHYCLOTHIAZIDE -methyclothiazide tab 5 mg..........51 METHYLDOPA/HYDROCHLOROTHI -methyldopa & hydrochlorothiazide tab 250-15 mg................................ 48 METHYLDOPA/HYDROCHLOROTHI -methyldopa & hydrochlorothiazide tab 250-25 mg................................ 48 methyldopa tab 250 mg.................................................. 48 methyldopa tab 500 mg.................................................. 48 methylergonovine maleate tab 0.2 mg.......................... 33 METHYLIN -methylphenidate hcl chew tab 2.5 mg.......... 80 METHYLIN -methylphenidate hcl chew tab 5 mg............. 80 METHYLIN -methylphenidate hcl chew tab 10 mg........... 80 METHYLIN -methylphenidate hcl soln 5 mg/5ml.............. 80 METHYLIN -methylphenidate hcl soln 10 mg/5ml............ 80 methylphenidate hcl cap cr 10 mg (cd) (Metadate cd)................................................................................... 80 methylphenidate hcl cap cr 20 mg (cd) (Metadate cd)................................................................................... 80 methylphenidate hcl cap cr 30 mg (cd) (Metadate cd)................................................................................... 80 methylphenidate hcl cap cr 40 mg (cd) (Metadate cd)................................................................................... 80 methylphenidate hcl cap cr 50 mg (cd) (Metadate cd)................................................................................... 80 methylphenidate hcl cap cr 60 mg (cd) (Metadate cd)................................................................................... 80 methylphenidate hcl cap sr 24hr 20 mg (la) (Ritalin la)..................................................................................... 80 methylphenidate hcl cap sr 24hr 30 mg (la) (Ritalin la)..................................................................................... 80 methylphenidate hcl cap sr 24hr 40 mg (la) (Ritalin la)..................................................................................... 80 methylphenidate hcl chew tab 2.5 mg (Methylin)........ 80 methylphenidate hcl chew tab 5 mg (Methylin)........... 80 methylphenidate hcl chew tab 10 mg (Methylin)......... 80 METHYLPHENIDATE HCL ER -methylphenidate hcl tab sa osm 18 mg................................................................. 80 METHYLPHENIDATE HCL ER -methylphenidate hcl tab sa osm 27 mg................................................................. 80 METHYLPHENIDATE HCL ER -methylphenidate hcl tab sa osm 36 mg................................................................. 81 METHYLPHENIDATE HCL ER -methylphenidate hcl tab sa osm 54 mg................................................................. 81 METHYLPHENIDATE HCL ER -methylphenidate hcl tab sr 24hr 18 mg................................................................. 81 METHYLPHENIDATE HCL ER -methylphenidate hcl tab sr 24hr 27 mg................................................................. 81 METHYLPHENIDATE HCL ER -methylphenidate hcl tab sr 24hr 36 mg................................................................. 81 METHYLPHENIDATE HCL ER -methylphenidate hcl tab sr 24hr 54 mg................................................................. 81 methylphenidate hcl soln 5 mg/5ml (Methylin)............ 81 methylphenidate hcl soln 10 mg/5ml (Methylin).......... 81 methylphenidate hcl tab cr 10 mg................................. 81 methylphenidate hcl tab cr 20 mg................................. 81 methylphenidate hcl tab 5 mg (Ritalin)......................... 81 methylphenidate hcl tab 10 mg (Ritalin)....................... 81 methylphenidate hcl tab 20 mg (Ritalin)....................... 81 methylprednisolone tab 4 mg (Medrol)......................... 20 methylprednisolone tab 8 mg (Medrol)......................... 20 methylprednisolone tab 16 mg (Medrol)....................... 20 methylprednisolone tab 32 mg (Medrol)....................... 20 methylprednisolone tab therapy pack 4 mg (21) (Medrol dosepak).......................................................... 20 methyltestosterone cap 10 mg (Testred)...................... 22 METIPRANOLOL -metipranolol ophth soln 0.3%........... 122 metoclopramide hcl soln 5 mg/5ml (10 mg/10ml)........ 66 metoclopramide hcl tab 5 mg (Reglan)......................... 66 metoclopramide hcl tab 10 mg (Reglan)....................... 66 metolazone tab 2.5 mg.................................................... 51 metolazone tab 5 mg....................................................... 51 metolazone tab 10 mg..................................................... 51 metoprolol & hydrochlorothiazide tab 100-50 mg....... 48 metoprolol & hydrochlorothiazide tab 50-25 mg (Lopressor hct)..............................................................48 metoprolol & hydrochlorothiazide tab 100-25 mg (Lopressor hct)..............................................................48 metoprolol succinate tab sr 24hr 25 mg (tartrate equiv) (Toprol xl)........................................................... 39 metoprolol succinate tab sr 24hr 50 mg (tartrate equiv) (Toprol xl)........................................................... 39 metoprolol succinate tab sr 24hr 100 mg (tartrate equiv) (Toprol xl)........................................................... 39 metoprolol succinate tab sr 24hr 200 mg (tartrate equiv) (Toprol xl)........................................................... 39 METOPROLOL TARTRATE -metoprolol tartrate tab 37.5 mg.................................................................................... 39 METOPROLOL TARTRATE -metoprolol tartrate tab 75 mg.................................................................................... 39 metoprolol tartrate tab 25 mg........................................ 39 metoprolol tartrate tab 50 mg (Lopressor)................... 39 metoprolol tartrate tab 100 mg (Lopressor)................. 39 Florida Blue October 2016 Care Choices Rx Medication Drug Guide 251 2016 METROCREAM -metronidazole cream 0.75%............... 130 METROGEL -metronidazole gel 1%............................... 130 METROGEL-VAGINAL -metronidazole vaginal gel 0.75%...............................................................................68 METROLOTION -metronidazole lotion 0.75%................ 130 metronidazole cap 375 mg (Flagyl)............................... 12 metronidazole cream 0.75% (Metrocream)................. 130 metronidazole gel 0.75%............................................... 130 metronidazole gel 1% (Metrogel)................................. 130 metronidazole lotion 0.75% (Metrolotion)................... 130 metronidazole tab 250 mg (Flagyl)................................ 12 metronidazole tab 500 mg (Flagyl)................................ 12 metronidazole vaginal gel 0.75% (Metrogelvaginal)........................................................................... 68 MEVACOR -lovastatin tab 40 mg...................................... 53 mexiletine hcl cap 150 mg.............................................. 42 mexiletine hcl cap 200 mg.............................................. 42 mexiletine hcl cap 250 mg.............................................. 42 MIACALCIN -calcitonin (salmon) inj 200 unit/ml............... 35 MIACALCIN -calcitonin (salmon) nasal soln 200 unit/ act.................................................................................... 35 MICARDIS HCT -telmisartan-hydrochlorothiazide tab 40-12.5 mg...................................................................... 48 MICARDIS HCT -telmisartan-hydrochlorothiazide tab 80-12.5 mg...................................................................... 48 MICARDIS HCT -telmisartan-hydrochlorothiazide tab 80-25 mg......................................................................... 48 MICARDIS -telmisartan tab 20 mg.................................... 48 MICARDIS -telmisartan tab 40 mg.................................... 48 MICARDIS -telmisartan tab 80 mg.................................... 48 MICONAZOLE 3 -miconazole nitrate vaginal suppos 200 mg.................................................................................... 68 MICRODOT BLOOD GLUCOSE MO -blood glucose monitoring kit w/ device................................................ 169 MICRODOT TEST STRIPS -glucose blood test strip..... 137 MICRO-K -potassium chloride cap cr 8 meq.................. 111 MICRO-K -potassium chloride cap cr 10 meq................ 111 MICROLET LANCETS -lancets....................................... 169 MICROTAINER SAFETY FLOW L -lancets.................... 169 MICROZIDE -hydrochlorothiazide cap 12.5 mg................51 midodrine hcl tab 2.5 mg................................................ 52 midodrine hcl tab 5 mg................................................... 52 midodrine hcl tab 10 mg................................................. 52 MIGERGOT -ergotamine w/ caffeine suppos 2-100 mg.................................................................................... 94 miglitol tab 25 mg (Glyset)............................................. 29 miglitol tab 50 mg (Glyset)............................................. 29 miglitol tab 100 mg (Glyset)........................................... 29 MIGRANAL -dihydroergotamine mesylate nasal spray 4 mg/ml............................................................................... 94 MILLIPRED DP -prednisolone tab therapy pack 5 mg (21).................................................................................. 20 MILLIPRED DP -prednisolone tab therapy pack 5 mg (48).................................................................................. 20 MILLIPRED -prednisolone sod phosphate oral soln 10 mg/5ml (base equiv)....................................................... 20 MILLIPRED -prednisolone tab 5 mg................................. 20 MINASTRIN 24 FE -norethindrone ace-eth estradiol-fe chew tab 1 mg-20 mcg (24)........................................... 25 MINI LANCING DEVICE -lancet devices........................ 169 MINIPRESS -prazosin hcl cap 1 mg................................. 48 MINIPRESS -prazosin hcl cap 2 mg................................. 48 MINIPRESS -prazosin hcl cap 5 mg................................. 48 MINIVELLE -estradiol td patch twice weekly 0.025 mg/24hr........................................................................... 23 MINIVELLE -estradiol td patch twice weekly 0.0375 mg/24hr........................................................................... 23 MINIVELLE -estradiol td patch twice weekly 0.05 mg/24hr........................................................................... 23 MINIVELLE -estradiol td patch twice weekly 0.075 mg/24hr........................................................................... 23 MINIVELLE -estradiol td patch twice weekly 0.1 mg/24hr........................................................................... 23 minocycline hcl cap 50 mg (Minocin)............................. 4 minocycline hcl cap 75 mg (Minocin)............................. 4 minocycline hcl cap 100 mg (Minocin)........................... 4 minocycline hcl tab 50 mg............................................... 4 minocycline hcl tab 75 mg............................................... 4 minocycline hcl tab 100 mg............................................. 4 minocycline hcl tab sr 24hr 45 mg.................................. 4 minocycline hcl tab sr 24hr 90 mg.................................. 4 minocycline hcl tab sr 24hr 135 mg................................ 4 minoxidil tab 2.5 mg........................................................ 48 minoxidil tab 10 mg......................................................... 48 MIRAPEX ER -pramipexole dihydrochloride tab sr 24hr 0.375 mg....................................................................... 101 MIRAPEX ER -pramipexole dihydrochloride tab sr 24hr 0.75 mg......................................................................... 101 MIRAPEX ER -pramipexole dihydrochloride tab sr 24hr 1.5 mg........................................................................... 101 MIRAPEX ER -pramipexole dihydrochloride tab sr 24hr 2.25 mg......................................................................... 101 MIRAPEX ER -pramipexole dihydrochloride tab sr 24hr 3 mg.................................................................................. 101 MIRAPEX ER -pramipexole dihydrochloride tab sr 24hr 3.75 mg......................................................................... 101 MIRAPEX ER -pramipexole dihydrochloride tab sr 24hr 4.5 mg........................................................................... 101 MIRAPEX -pramipexole dihydrochloride tab 0.125 mg.................................................................................. 101 MIRAPEX -pramipexole dihydrochloride tab 0.25 mg.................................................................................. 101 MIRAPEX -pramipexole dihydrochloride tab 0.5 mg.......101 MIRAPEX -pramipexole dihydrochloride tab 0.75 mg.................................................................................. 101 MIRAPEX -pramipexole dihydrochloride tab 1 mg..........101 MIRAPEX -pramipexole dihydrochloride tab 1.5 mg.......101 MIRCERA -methoxy peg-epoetin beta soln prefilled syr 50 mcg/0.3ml...................................................................... 113 MIRCERA -methoxy peg-epoetin beta soln prefilled syr 75 mcg/0.3ml...................................................................... 113 MIRCERA -methoxy peg-epoetin beta soln prefilled syr 100 mcg/0.3ml.............................................................. 113 Florida Blue October 2016 Care Choices Rx Medication Drug Guide 252 2016 MIRCERA -methoxy peg-epoetin beta soln prefilled syr 200 mcg/0.3ml.............................................................. 113 mirtazapine orally disintegrating tab 15 mg (Remeron soltab)............................................................................. 72 mirtazapine orally disintegrating tab 30 mg (Remeron soltab)............................................................................. 72 mirtazapine orally disintegrating tab 45 mg (Remeron soltab)............................................................................. 72 mirtazapine tab 7.5 mg....................................................72 mirtazapine tab 15 mg (Remeron)................................. 72 mirtazapine tab 30 mg (Remeron)................................. 72 mirtazapine tab 45 mg (Remeron)................................. 72 misoprostol tab 100 mcg (Cytotec)............................... 62 misoprostol tab 200 mcg (Cytotec)............................... 62 MITIGARE -colchicine cap 0.6 mg.................................... 95 MITOSOL -mitomycin for ophth soln kit 0.2 mg.............. 122 1ML ALLERGIST SYRINGE DET -tuberculin/allergy syringe/needle (disp) 1 ml 27 x 1/2"............................ 193 1ML ALLERGY SYRINGE 28G X -tuberculin/allergy syringe/needle (disp) 1 ml 28 x 1/2"............................ 193 1ML ALLERGY SYRINGE -tuberculin/allergy syringe/ needle (disp) 1 ml 27 x 1/2"......................................... 193 1ML TB SYRINGE/25G X 5/8" -tuberculin/allergy syringe/ needle (disp) 1 ml 25 x 5/8"......................................... 193 1ML TB SYRINGE/26G X 3/8" -tuberculin/allergy syringe/ needle (disp) 1 ml 26 x 3/8"......................................... 193 1ML TB SYRINGE/27G X 1/2" -tuberculin/allergy syringe/ needle (disp) 1 ml 27 x 1/2"......................................... 193 1ML TUBERCULIN SYRINGE DE -tuberculin/allergy syringe/needle (disp) 1 ml 25 x 5/8"............................ 193 1ML TUBERCULIN SYRINGE DE -tuberculin/allergy syringe/needle (disp) 1 ml 26 x 3/8"............................ 193 1ML VANISHPOINT TUBERCULI -tuberculin/allergy syringe/needle (disp) 1 ml 25 x 5/8"............................ 193 1ML VANISHPOINT TUBERCULI -tuberculin/allergy syringe/needle (disp) 1 ml 27 x 1/2"............................ 193 1ML VANISHPOINT TUBERCULI -tuberculin/allergy syringe/needle (disp) 1 ml 25 x 1"............................... 193 M-M-R II -measles, mumps & rubella virus vaccines for inj..................................................................................... 14 modafinil tab 100 mg (Provigil)...................................... 81 modafinil tab 200 mg (Provigil)...................................... 81 MODERIBA 1200 DOSE PACK -ribavirin tab 600 mg........ 8 MODERIBA 800 DOSE PACK -ribavirin tab 400 mg.......... 8 MODERIBA -ribavirin tab 200 mg & ribavirin tab 400 mg dose pack.......................................................................... 8 MODERIBA -ribavirin tab 400 mg & ribavirin tab 600 mg dose pack.......................................................................... 8 MODICON -norethindrone & ethinyl estradiol tab 0.5 mg-35 mcg...................................................................... 25 moexipril hcl tab 7.5 mg................................................. 48 moexipril hcl tab 15 mg.................................................. 48 moexipril-hydrochlorothiazide tab 7.5-12.5 mg........... 48 moexipril-hydrochlorothiazide tab 15-12.5 mg............ 48 moexipril-hydrochlorothiazide tab 15-25 mg............... 48 MOLINDONE HYDROCHLORIDE -molindone hcl tab 5 mg.................................................................................... 75 MOLINDONE HYDROCHLORIDE -molindone hcl tab 10 mg.................................................................................... 75 MOLINDONE HYDROCHLORIDE -molindone hcl tab 25 mg.................................................................................... 75 mometasone furoate cream 0.1% (Elocon)................ 130 mometasone furoate oint 0.1% (Elocon).................... 130 mometasone furoate solution 0.1% (lotion) (Elocon)........................................................................ 130 MONOCLATE-P -antihemophilic factor (human) for inj kit 250 unit......................................................................... 118 MONOCLATE-P -antihemophilic factor (human) for inj kit 1000 unit....................................................................... 118 MONOCLATE-P -antihemophilic factor (human) for inj kit 1500 unit....................................................................... 118 MONOJECT BLUNT CANNULA/15 -needle (disp) 15 x 1-1/2"............................................................................. 169 MONOJECT BLUNT CANNULA/16 -needle (disp) 16 x 1-1/2"............................................................................. 169 MONOJECT BLUNT CANNULA/17 -needle (disp) 17 x 1-1/2"............................................................................. 169 MONOJECT BLUNT CANNULA/19 -needle (disp) 19 x 1-1/2"............................................................................. 169 MONOJECT BLUNT CANNULA/20 -needle (disp) 20 x 1-1/2"............................................................................. 169 MONOJECT BLUNT CANNULA/22 -needle (disp) 22 x 1-1/2"............................................................................. 169 MONOJECT BLUNT CANNULA/18 -needle (disp) 18 x 1".................................................................................... 169 MONOJECT BLUNT CANNULA/21 -needle (disp) 21 x 1".................................................................................... 169 MONOJECT BLUNT CANNULA/23 -needle (disp) 23 x 1".................................................................................... 169 MONOJECT HYPO/ALUM HUB/LU -needle (disp) 15 x 1-1/2"............................................................................. 169 MONOJECT HYPO/ALUM HUB/LU -needle (disp) 16 x 5/8".................................................................................169 MONOJECT HYPO/ALUM HUB/LU -needle (disp) 16 x 3/4".................................................................................169 MONOJECT HYPO/ALUM HUB/LU -needle (disp) 16 x 1-1/2"............................................................................. 169 MONOJECT HYPO/ALUM HUB/LU -needle (disp) 18 x 1-1/2"............................................................................. 169 MONOJECT HYPO/ALUM HUB/LU -needle (disp) 19 x 1-1/4"............................................................................. 169 MONOJECT HYPO/ALUM HUB/LU -needle (disp) 19 x 1-1/2"............................................................................. 169 MONOJECT HYPO/ALUM HUB/LU -needle (disp) 20 x 1-1/2"............................................................................. 170 MONOJECT HYPO/ALUM HUB/LU -needle (disp) 22 x 1-1/2"............................................................................. 170 MONOJECT HYPO/ALUM HUB/LU -needle (disp) 25 x 5/8".................................................................................170 MONOJECT HYPO/ALUM HUB/LU -needle (disp) 25 x 1-1/4"............................................................................. 170 MONOJECT HYPO/ALUM HUB/LU -needle (disp) 27 x 1/2".................................................................................170 Florida Blue October 2016 Care Choices Rx Medication Drug Guide 253 2016 MONOJECT HYPO/ALUM HUB/LU -needle (disp) 27 x 1-1/4"............................................................................. 170 MONOJECT HYPO/ALUM HUB/LU -needle (disp) 14 x 1".................................................................................... 169 MONOJECT HYPO/ALUM HUB/LU -needle (disp) 14 x 2".................................................................................... 169 MONOJECT HYPO/ALUM HUB/LU -needle (disp) 18 x 1".................................................................................... 169 MONOJECT HYPO/ALUM HUB/LU -needle (disp) 19 x 1".................................................................................... 169 MONOJECT HYPO/ALUM HUB/LU -needle (disp) 20 x 1".................................................................................... 169 MONOJECT HYPO/ALUM HUB/LU -needle (disp) 22 x 1".................................................................................... 170 MONOJECT HYPO/ALUM HUB/LU -needle (disp) 23 x 1".................................................................................... 170 MONOJECT HYPO/ALUM HUB/LU -needle (disp) 25 x 2".................................................................................... 170 MONOJECT HYPO/ALUM HUB/18 -needle (disp) 18 x 1-1/2"............................................................................. 170 MONOJECT HYPO/ALUM HUB/16 -needle (disp) 16 x 1".................................................................................... 170 MONOJECT HYPO/POLYPROPYLE -needle (disp) 18 x 1-1/2"............................................................................. 170 MONOJECT HYPO/POLYPROPYLE -needle (disp) 19 x 1-1/2"............................................................................. 170 MONOJECT HYPO/POLYPROPYLE -needle (disp) 20 x 1-1/2"............................................................................. 170 MONOJECT HYPO/POLYPROPYLE -needle (disp) 21 x 1-1/2"............................................................................. 170 MONOJECT HYPO/POLYPROPYLE -needle (disp) 22 x 1-1/2"............................................................................. 170 MONOJECT HYPO/POLYPROPYLE -needle (disp) 23 x 3/4".................................................................................170 MONOJECT HYPO/POLYPROPYLE -needle (disp) 25 x 5/8".................................................................................170 MONOJECT HYPO/POLYPROPYLE -needle (disp) 25 x 1-1/2"............................................................................. 170 MONOJECT HYPO/POLYPROPYLE -needle (disp) 26 x 1/2".................................................................................170 MONOJECT HYPO/POLYPROPYLE -needle (disp) 27 x 1/2".................................................................................170 MONOJECT HYPO/POLYPROPYLE -needle (disp) 30 x 3/4".................................................................................170 MONOJECT HYPO/POLYPROPYLE -needle (disp) 18 x 1".................................................................................... 170 MONOJECT HYPO/POLYPROPYLE -needle (disp) 19 x 1".................................................................................... 170 MONOJECT HYPO/POLYPROPYLE -needle (disp) 20 x 1".................................................................................... 170 MONOJECT HYPO/POLYPROPYLE -needle (disp) 21 x 1".................................................................................... 170 MONOJECT HYPO/POLYPROPYLE -needle (disp) 22 x 1".................................................................................... 170 MONOJECT HYPO/POLYPROPYLE -needle (disp) 23 x 1".................................................................................... 170 MONOJECT HYPO/POLYPROPYLE -needle (disp) 25 x 1".................................................................................... 170 MONOJECT HYPODERMIC NEEDL -needle (disp) 27 x 1-1/2"............................................................................. 170 MONOJECT HYPODERMIC NEEDL -needle (disp) 30 x 3/4".................................................................................170 MONOJECT HYPODERMIC NEEDL -needle (disp) 18 x 1".................................................................................... 170 MONOJECT INSULIN SYRINGE/ -insulin syringe/needle u-100 1/2 ml 28 x 1/2".................................................. 171 MONOJECT INSULIN SYRINGE/ -insulin syringe/needle u-100 1/2 ml 29 x 1/2".................................................. 171 MONOJECT INSULIN SYRINGE/ -insulin syringe/needle u-100 1/2 ml 30 x 5/16"................................................ 171 MONOJECT INSULIN SYRINGE/ -insulin syringe/needle u-100 0.3 ml 29 x 1/2".................................................. 171 MONOJECT INSULIN SYRINGE/ -insulin syringe/needle u-100 0.3 ml 30 x 5/16"................................................ 171 MONOJECT INSULIN SYRINGE/ -insulin syringe/needle u-100 1 ml 25 x 5/8".....................................................171 MONOJECT INSULIN SYRINGE/ -insulin syringe/needle u-100 1 ml 27 x 1/2".....................................................171 MONOJECT INSULIN SYRINGE/ -insulin syringe/needle u-100 1 ml 28 x 1/2".....................................................171 MONOJECT INSULIN SYRINGE/ -insulin syringe/needle u-100 1 ml 29 x 1/2".....................................................171 MONOJECT INSULIN SYRINGE/ -insulin syringe/needle u-100 1 ml 30 x 5/16"...................................................171 MONOJECT INSULIN SYRINGE/ -insulin syringe/needle u-100 1 ml 31 x 5/16"...................................................171 MONOJECT INSULIN SYRINGE/ -insulin syringe (disp) u-100 1 ml..................................................................... 171 MONOJECT INSULIN SYRINGE -insulin syringe (disp) u-100 1 ml..................................................................... 171 MONOJECT MAGELLAN SAFETY -needle (disp) 18 x 1-1/2"............................................................................. 171 MONOJECT MAGELLAN SAFETY -needle (disp) 19 x 1-1/2"............................................................................. 171 MONOJECT MAGELLAN SAFETY -needle (disp) 20 x 1-1/2"............................................................................. 171 MONOJECT MAGELLAN SAFETY -needle (disp) 21 x 5/8".................................................................................171 MONOJECT MAGELLAN SAFETY -needle (disp) 21 x 1-1/2"............................................................................. 171 MONOJECT MAGELLAN SAFETY -needle (disp) 22 x 1-1/2"............................................................................. 171 MONOJECT MAGELLAN SAFETY -needle (disp) 23 x 5/8".................................................................................171 MONOJECT MAGELLAN SAFETY -needle (disp) 25 x 5/8".................................................................................171 MONOJECT MAGELLAN SAFETY -needle (disp) 18 x 1".................................................................................... 171 MONOJECT MAGELLAN SAFETY -needle (disp) 19 x 1".................................................................................... 171 MONOJECT MAGELLAN SAFETY -needle (disp) 20 x 1".................................................................................... 171 Florida Blue October 2016 Care Choices Rx Medication Drug Guide 254 2016 MONOJECT MAGELLAN SAFETY -needle (disp) 21 x 1".................................................................................... 171 MONOJECT MAGELLAN SAFETY -needle (disp) 22 x 1".................................................................................... 171 MONOJECT MAGELLAN SAFETY -needle (disp) 23 x 1".................................................................................... 171 MONOJECT MAGELLAN SAFETY -needle (disp) 25 x 1".................................................................................... 171 MONOJECT MEDICATION TRANS -hypodermic needles (disposable)................................................................... 171 MONOJECT STANDARD HYPODER -needle (disp) 14 x 1-1/2"............................................................................. 171 MONOJECT STANDARD HYPODER -needle (disp) 18 x 1-1/2"............................................................................. 171 MONOJECT STANDARD HYPODER -needle (disp) 19 x 1-1/2"............................................................................. 171 MONOJECT STANDARD HYPODER -needle (disp) 20 x 1-1/2"............................................................................. 172 MONOJECT STANDARD HYPODER -needle (disp) 21 x 1-1/2"............................................................................. 172 MONOJECT STANDARD HYPODER -needle (disp) 22 x 1-1/2"............................................................................. 172 MONOJECT STANDARD HYPODER -needle (disp) 23 x 1/2".................................................................................172 MONOJECT STANDARD HYPODER -needle (disp) 25 x 5/8".................................................................................172 MONOJECT STANDARD HYPODER -needle (disp) 25 x 1-1/2"............................................................................. 172 MONOJECT STANDARD HYPODER -needle (disp) 26 x 1-1/2"............................................................................. 172 MONOJECT STANDARD HYPODER -needle (disp) 27 x 1/2".................................................................................172 MONOJECT STANDARD HYPODER -needle (disp) 18 x 1".................................................................................... 171 MONOJECT STANDARD HYPODER -needle (disp) 19 x 1".................................................................................... 171 MONOJECT STANDARD HYPODER -needle (disp) 20 x 1".................................................................................... 171 MONOJECT STANDARD HYPODER -needle (disp) 21 x 1".................................................................................... 172 MONOJECT STANDARD HYPODER -needle (disp) 21 x 2".................................................................................... 172 MONOJECT STANDARD HYPODER -needle (disp) 22 x 1".................................................................................... 172 MONOJECT STANDARD HYPODER -needle (disp) 23 x 1".................................................................................... 172 MONOJECT STANDARD HYPODER -needle (disp) 25 x 1".................................................................................... 172 MONOJECT TB SYRINGE-NDL 1 -tuberculin/allergy syringe/needle (disp) 1 ml 26 x 3/8"............................ 172 MONOJECT TB SYRINGE-NDL 1 -tuberculin/allergy syringe/needle (disp) 1 ml 27 x 1/2"............................ 172 MONOJECT TUBERCULIN SAFET -tuberculin/allergy syringe/needle (disp) 1 ml 25 x 5/8"............................ 172 MONOJECT TUBERCULIN SAFET -tuberculin/allergy syringe/needle (disp) 1 ml 28 x 1/2"............................ 172 MONOJECT TUBERCULIN SYRIN -tuberculin/allergy syringe/needle (disp) 1 ml 25 x 5/8"............................ 172 MONOJECT TUBERCULIN SYRIN -tuberculin/allergy syringe/needle (disp) 1 ml 26 x 3/8"............................ 172 MONOJECT TUBERCULIN SYRIN -tuberculin/allergy syringe/needle (disp) 1 ml 27 x 1/2"............................ 172 MONOJECT TUBERCULIN SYRIN -tuberculin/allergy syringe/needle (disp) 1 ml 28 x 1/2"............................ 172 MONOJECT ULTRA COMFORT IN -insulin syringe/ needle u-100 1/2 ml 31 x 5/16".................................... 172 MONOJECT ULTRA COMFORT IN -insulin syringe/ needle u-100 1/2 ml 28 x 1/2"...................................... 172 MONOJECT ULTRA COMFORT IN -insulin syringe/ needle u-100 1/2 ml 29 x 1/2"...................................... 172 MONOJECT ULTRA COMFORT IN -insulin syringe/ needle u-100 1/2 ml 30 x 5/16".................................... 172 MONOJECT ULTRA COMFORT IN -insulin syringe/ needle u-100 0.3 ml 29 x 1/2"...................................... 172 MONOJECT ULTRA COMFORT IN -insulin syringe/ needle u-100 0.3 ml 30 x 5/16".................................... 172 MONOJECT ULTRA COMFORT IN -insulin syringe/ needle u-100 1 ml 28 x 1/2"......................................... 172 MONOJECT ULTRA COMFORT IN -insulin syringe/ needle u-100 1 ml 29 x 1/2"......................................... 172 MONOJECT ULTRA COMFORT IN -insulin syringe/ needle u-100 1 ml 30 x 5/16"....................................... 172 MONOJECT ULTRA COMFORT IN -insulin syringe/ needle u-100 0.3 ml 31 x 5/16".................................... 173 MONOLET LANCETS -lancets....................................... 173 MONOLET OPD LANCETS -lancets.............................. 173 MONOLETTOR SAFETY LANCETS -lancets.................173 MONONINE -coagulation factor ix for inj 500 unit.......... 118 MONONINE -coagulation factor ix for inj 1000 unit........ 118 montelukast sodium chew tab 4 mg (base equiv) (Singulair)....................................................................... 59 montelukast sodium chew tab 5 mg (base equiv) (Singulair)....................................................................... 59 montelukast sodium oral granules packet 4 mg (base equiv) (Singulair)...........................................................59 montelukast sodium tab 10 mg (base equiv) (Singulair)....................................................................... 59 MONUROL -fosfomycin tromethamine powd pack 3 gm (base equivalent)............................................................ 67 MOORE MED MONOJECT INSULI -insulin syringe/ needle u-100 1/2 ml 28 x 1/2"...................................... 173 MOORE MED MONOJECT INSULI -insulin syringe/ needle u-100 1/2 ml 29 x 1/2"...................................... 173 MOORE MED MONOJECT INSULI -insulin syringe/ needle u-100 1 ml 28 x 1/2"......................................... 173 MOORE MED MONOJECT INSULI -insulin syringe/ needle u-100 1 ml 29 x 1/2"......................................... 173 8-MOP -methoxsalen cap 10 mg.................................... 133 morphine sulfate cap sr 24hr 10 mg (Kadian).............. 88 morphine sulfate cap sr 24hr 20 mg (Kadian).............. 88 morphine sulfate cap sr 24hr 30 mg (Kadian).............. 88 morphine sulfate cap sr 24hr 50 mg (Kadian).............. 88 morphine sulfate cap sr 24hr 60 mg (Kadian).............. 88 Florida Blue October 2016 Care Choices Rx Medication Drug Guide 255 2016 morphine sulfate cap sr 24hr 80 mg (Kadian).............. 88 morphine sulfate cap sr 24hr 100 mg (Kadian)............ 88 MORPHINE SULFATE ER -morphine sulfate beads cap sr 24hr 30 mg......................................................................89 MORPHINE SULFATE ER -morphine sulfate beads cap sr 24hr 45 mg......................................................................89 MORPHINE SULFATE ER -morphine sulfate beads cap sr 24hr 60 mg......................................................................89 MORPHINE SULFATE ER -morphine sulfate beads cap sr 24hr 75 mg......................................................................89 MORPHINE SULFATE ER -morphine sulfate beads cap sr 24hr 90 mg......................................................................89 MORPHINE SULFATE ER -morphine sulfate beads cap sr 24hr 120 mg....................................................................89 MORPHINE SULFATE -morphine sulfate suppos 5 mg.................................................................................... 88 MORPHINE SULFATE -morphine sulfate suppos 10 mg.................................................................................... 88 MORPHINE SULFATE -morphine sulfate suppos 20 mg.................................................................................... 88 MORPHINE SULFATE -morphine sulfate suppos 30 mg.................................................................................... 88 MORPHINE SULFATE -morphine sulfate tab 15 mg........ 88 MORPHINE SULFATE -morphine sulfate tab 30 mg........ 88 morphine sulfate oral soln 10 mg/5ml.......................... 89 morphine sulfate oral soln 20 mg/5ml.......................... 89 morphine sulfate oral soln 100 mg/5ml (20 mg/ml)..... 89 morphine sulfate tab cr 15 mg (Ms contin).................. 89 morphine sulfate tab cr 30 mg (Ms contin).................. 89 morphine sulfate tab cr 60 mg (Ms contin).................. 89 morphine sulfate tab cr 100 mg (Ms contin)................ 89 morphine sulfate tab cr 200 mg (Ms contin)................ 89 MOTOFEN -difenoxin w/ atropine tab 1-0.025 mg............61 MOVANTIK -naloxegol oxalate tab 12.5 mg (base equivalent)....................................................................... 66 MOVANTIK -naloxegol oxalate tab 25 mg (base equivalent)....................................................................... 66 MOVIPREP -peg 3350-kcl-nacl-na sulfate-na ascorbate-c for soln 100 gm...............................................................61 MOXATAG -amoxicillin (trihydrate) tab sr 24hr 775 mg...... 1 MOXEZA -moxifloxacin hcl ophth soln 0.5% (base eq) (2 times daily).................................................................... 122 moxifloxacin hcl tab 400 mg (base equiv) (Avelox)....... 5 MS INSULIN SYRINGE/0.5ML/ -insulin syringe/needle u-100 1/2 ml 31 x 5/16"................................................ 173 MS INSULIN SYRINGE/0.5ML/ -insulin syringe/needle u-100 1/2 ml 29 x 1/2".................................................. 173 MS INSULIN SYRINGE/0.5ML/ -insulin syringe/needle u-100 1/2 ml 30 x 5/16"................................................ 173 MS INSULIN SYRINGE/0.3ML/ -insulin syringe/needle u-100 0.3 ml 29 x 1/2".................................................. 173 MS INSULIN SYRINGE/0.3ML/ -insulin syringe/needle u-100 0.3 ml 30 x 5/16"................................................ 173 MS INSULIN SYRINGE/0.3ML/ -insulin syringe/needle u-100 0.3 ml 31 x 5/16"................................................ 173 MS INSULIN SYRINGE/1ML/29 -insulin syringe/needle u-100 1 ml 29 x 1/2".....................................................173 MS INSULIN SYRINGE/1ML/30 -insulin syringe/needle u-100 1 ml 30 x 5/16"...................................................173 MS INSULIN SYRINGE/1ML/31 -insulin syringe/needle u-100 1 ml 31 x 5/16"...................................................173 MULTAQ -dronedarone hcl tab 400 mg (base equivalent)....................................................................... 42 MULTI-DRAW NEEDLE 20GX1- -needle (disp) 20 x 1-1/2"............................................................................. 173 MULTI-DRAW NEEDLE 21GX1-1 -needle (disp) 21 x 1-1/2"............................................................................. 173 MULTI-DRAW NEEDLE 22GX1-1 -needle (disp) 22 x 1-1/2"............................................................................. 173 MULTI-LANCET DEVICE -lancet devices....................... 173 mupirocin calcium cream 2% (Bactroban)................. 130 mupirocin oint 2% (Bactroban).................................... 130 M-VIT -prenatal vit w/ fe fumarate-fa tab 27-1 mg.......... 105 MYALEPT -metreleptin for subcutaneous inj 11.3 mg...... 35 MYAMBUTOL -ethambutol hcl tab 100 mg......................... 5 MYAMBUTOL -ethambutol hcl tab 400 mg......................... 5 MYCOBUTIN -rifabutin cap 150 mg.................................... 5 mycophenolate mofetil cap 250 mg (Cellcept)........... 194 mycophenolate mofetil for oral susp 200 mg/ml (Cellcept)...................................................................... 194 mycophenolate mofetil tab 500 mg (Cellcept)............194 mycophenolate sodium tab dr 180 mg (mycophenolic acid equiv) (Myfortic)................................................. 194 mycophenolate sodium tab dr 360 mg (mycophenolic acid equiv) (Myfortic)................................................. 194 MYDRIACYL -tropicamide ophth soln 1%...................... 122 MYFORTIC -mycophenolate sodium tab dr 180 mg (mycophenolic acid equiv)............................................ 194 MYFORTIC -mycophenolate sodium tab dr 360 mg (mycophenolic acid equiv)............................................ 194 MYGLUCOHEALTH BLOOD GLUCO -blood glucose monitoring kit w/ device................................................ 173 MYGLUCOHEALTH BLOOD GLUCO -glucose blood test strip................................................................................ 137 MYGLUCOHEALTH MGH SOFTLAN -lancets............... 173 MYLERAN -busulfan tab 2 mg.......................................... 18 MYNATAL ADVANCE -prenatal vit w/ dss-iron carbonyl-fa tab 90-1 mg...................................................................106 MYNATAL PLUS -prenatal vit w/ fe fumarate-fa tab 65-1 mg.................................................................................. 106 MYNATAL -prenatal multivitamins & minerals w/ iron & fa cap 1 mg....................................................................... 106 MYNATAL ULTRACAPLET -prenatal vit w/ dss-iron carbonyl-fa tab 90-1 mg............................................... 106 MYNATAL-Z -prenatal vit w/ fe fumarate-fa tab 65-1 mg.................................................................................. 106 MYNATE 90 PLUS -prenatal vit w/ dss-fe fumarate-fa tab cr 90-1 mg.....................................................................106 MYRBETRIQ -mirabegron tab sr 24 hr 25 mg.................. 67 MYRBETRIQ -mirabegron tab sr 24 hr 50 mg.................. 67 N nabumetone tab 500 mg................................................. 93 nabumetone tab 750 mg................................................. 93 Florida Blue October 2016 Care Choices Rx Medication Drug Guide 256 2016 nadolol & bendroflumethiazide tab 40-5 mg (Corzide)......................................................................... 48 nadolol & bendroflumethiazide tab 80-5 mg (Corzide)......................................................................... 48 nadolol tab 20 mg (Corgard).......................................... 39 nadolol tab 40 mg (Corgard).......................................... 39 nadolol tab 80 mg (Corgard).......................................... 39 naftifine hcl cream 2% (Naftin).................................... 130 NALFON -fenoprofen calcium cap 400 mg....................... 93 naloxone hcl inj 0.4 mg/ml........................................... 133 NALOXONE HCL -naloxone hcl inj 1 mg/ml................... 133 naltrexone hcl tab 50 mg (Revia)................................. 133 NAMENDA -memantine hcl oral solution 2 mg/ml............ 83 NAMENDA -memantine hcl tab 5 mg............................... 83 NAMENDA -memantine hcl tab 10 mg............................. 83 NAMENDA TITRATION PAK -memantine hcl tab 5 mg (28) & 10 mg (21) titration pak....................................... 83 NAMENDA XR -memantine hcl cap sr 24hr 7 mg............ 83 NAMENDA XR -memantine hcl cap sr 24hr 14 mg.......... 83 NAMENDA XR -memantine hcl cap sr 24hr 21 mg.......... 83 NAMENDA XR -memantine hcl cap sr 24hr 28 mg.......... 83 NAMENDA XR TITRATION PACK -memantine hcl cap sr 24hr 7 mg & 14 mg & 21 mg & 28 mg pack.................. 83 NAMZARIC -memantine hcl-donepezil hcl cap sr 24hr 14-10 mg......................................................................... 84 NAMZARIC -memantine hcl-donepezil hcl cap sr 24hr 28-10 mg......................................................................... 84 NAPROSYN -naproxen susp 125 mg/5ml........................ 93 NAPROSYN -naproxen tab 500 mg.................................. 93 naproxen sodium tab 275 mg (Anaprox)...................... 93 naproxen sodium tab 550 mg (Anaprox ds)................. 93 naproxen susp 125 mg/5ml............................................ 93 naproxen tab ec 375 mg (Ec-naprosyn)........................ 93 naproxen tab ec 500 mg (Ec-naprosyn)........................ 93 naproxen tab 250 mg (Naprosyn).................................. 93 naproxen tab 375 mg (Naprosyn).................................. 93 naproxen tab 500 mg (Naprosyn).................................. 93 naratriptan hcl tab 1 mg (base equiv) (Amerge).......... 94 naratriptan hcl tab 2.5 mg (base equiv) (Amerge)....... 94 NARCAN -naloxone hcl nasal spray 4 mg/0.1ml............ 133 NARDIL -phenelzine sulfate tab 15 mg............................ 72 NASCOBAL -cyanocobalamin nasal spray 500 mcg/0.1ml...................................................................... 113 NATACHEW -prenatal vit w/ fe fum-fe bisglycin-fa chew tab 28-1 mg...................................................................106 NATACYN -natamycin ophth susp 5%............................ 122 NATALVIT -prenatal vit w/ fe fumarate-fa tab 75-1 mg.................................................................................. 106 NATAZIA -estradiol valerate-dienogest tab 3 mg /2-2 mg/2-3 mg/1 mg............................................................. 25 nateglinide tab 60 mg (Starlix)....................................... 29 nateglinide tab 120 mg (Starlix)..................................... 29 NATELLE ONE -prenatal w/o vit a w/ fe fum-fa-omega 3 cap 28-1-250 mg.......................................................... 106 NATPARA -parathyroid hormone (recombinant) for inj cartridge 25 mcg............................................................. 35 NATPARA -parathyroid hormone (recombinant) for inj cartridge 50 mcg............................................................. 35 NATPARA -parathyroid hormone (recombinant) for inj cartridge 75 mcg............................................................. 35 NATPARA -parathyroid hormone (recombinant) for inj cartridge 100 mcg........................................................... 35 NATROBA -spinosad susp 0.9%..................................... 130 NATURE-THROID NT-2.5 -thyroid tab 162.5 mg (2 1/2 grain)................................................................................32 NATURE-THROID -thyroid tab 16.25 mg..........................32 NATURE-THROID -thyroid tab 32.5 mg............................32 NATURE-THROID -thyroid tab 65 mg...............................32 NATURE-THROID -thyroid tab 81.25 mg..........................32 NATURE-THROID -thyroid tab 97.5 mg............................32 NATURE-THROID -thyroid tab 113.75 mg........................ 32 NATURE-THROID -thyroid tab 130 mg.............................32 NATURE-THROID -thyroid tab 146.25 mg....................... 32 NATURE-THROID -thyroid tab 195 mg.............................32 NATURE-THROID -thyroid tab 260 mg.............................32 NATURE-THROID -thyroid tab 48.75 mg (3/4 grain)........ 32 NATURE-THROID -thyroid tab 325 mg (5 grain).............. 32 NEBUPENT -pentamidine isethionate for nebulization soln 300 mg.................................................................... 12 NEBUSAL -sodium chloride soln nebu 6%....................... 57 NECON 1/50-28 -norethindrone & mestranol tab 1 mg-50 mcg.................................................................................. 25 NECON 10/11-28 -norethindrone-eth estradiol tab 0.5-35/1-35 mg-mcg (10/11)........................................... 25 NEEVO DHA -prenat w/o a w/fefum-methylfol-omegas cap 27-1.13 mg............................................................. 106 NEFAZODONE HCL -nefazodone hcl tab 100 mg........... 72 NEFAZODONE HCL -nefazodone hcl tab 150 mg........... 72 NEFAZODONE HCL -nefazodone hcl tab 200 mg........... 72 nefazodone hcl tab 50 mg.............................................. 72 nefazodone hcl tab 250 mg............................................ 72 NEOMYCIN/POLYMYXIN/HYDROC -neomycinpolymyxin-hc ophth susp.............................................. 122 neomycin-bacitrac zn-polymyx 5(3.5)mg-400unt-10000unt op oin............................. 122 neomycin-polymy-gramicid op sol 1.75-10000-0.025mg-unt-mg/ml (Neosporin)........... 122 neomycin-polymyxin-dexamethasone ophth oint 0.1% (Maxitrol)...................................................................... 122 neomycin-polymyxin-dexamethasone ophth susp 0.1% (Maxitrol).............................................................122 neomycin-polymyxin-hc otic soln 1% (Cortisporin).................................................................124 neomycin-polymyxin-hc otic susp 3.5 mg/ml-10000 unit/ml-1%.................................................................... 124 neomycin sulfate tab 500 mg........................................... 5 NEORAL -cyclosporine modified cap 25 mg...................194 NEORAL -cyclosporine modified cap 100 mg.................194 NEORAL -cyclosporine modified oral soln 100 mg/ ml................................................................................... 194 NEOSPORIN -neomycin-polymy-gramicid op sol 1.75-10000-0.025mg-unt-mg/ml................................... 122 Florida Blue October 2016 Care Choices Rx Medication Drug Guide 257 2016 NEPHROCAPS QT -b-complex w/ c-biotin-d & folic acid tab disp 1 mg................................................................ 106 NEPTAZANE -methazolamide tab 25 mg......................... 51 NEPTAZANE -methazolamide tab 50 mg......................... 51 NESINA -alogliptin benzoate tab 6.25 mg (base equiv)............................................................................... 29 NESINA -alogliptin benzoate tab 12.5 mg (base equiv)............................................................................... 29 NESINA -alogliptin benzoate tab 25 mg (base equiv).......29 NESTABS ABC -prenatal w/o vit a w/fe polysac-fa-ca tab & omega 3 cap............................................................. 106 NESTABS DHA -prenat w/o a w/ fe bisglyc-fa tab 32-1 mg & omega cap pack....................................................... 106 NESTABS -prenatal vit w/o vit a w/ fe bisglycinate-fa tab 32-1 mg......................................................................... 106 NETGROUP LANCETS -lancets..................................... 173 NEULASTA ONPRO KIT -pegfilgrastim soln prefilled syringe kit 6 mg/0.6ml.................................................. 113 NEULASTA -pegfilgrastim soln prefilled syringe 6 mg/0.6ml........................................................................ 113 NEUPOGEN -filgrastim inj 300 mcg/ml........................... 113 NEUPOGEN -filgrastim inj 480 mcg/1.6ml (300 mcg/ ml).................................................................................. 113 NEUPOGEN -filgrastim soln prefilled syringe 300 mcg/0.5ml...................................................................... 113 NEUPOGEN -filgrastim soln prefilled syringe 480 mcg/0.8ml (600 mcg/ml)............................................... 113 NEUPRO -rotigotine td patch 24hr 1 mg/24hr................ 101 NEUPRO -rotigotine td patch 24hr 2 mg/24hr................ 101 NEUPRO -rotigotine td patch 24hr 3 mg/24hr................ 101 NEUPRO -rotigotine td patch 24hr 4 mg/24hr................ 101 NEUPRO -rotigotine td patch 24hr 6 mg/24hr................ 102 NEUPRO -rotigotine td patch 24hr 8 mg/24hr................ 102 NEURONTIN -gabapentin cap 100 mg............................. 99 NEURONTIN -gabapentin cap 300 mg............................. 99 NEURONTIN -gabapentin cap 400 mg............................. 99 NEURONTIN -gabapentin oral soln 250 mg/5ml.............. 99 NEURONTIN -gabapentin tab 600 mg.............................. 99 NEURONTIN -gabapentin tab 800 mg.............................. 99 NEUTEK 2TEK TEST STRIPS -glucose blood test strip................................................................................ 137 NEVANAC -nepafenac ophth susp 0.1%........................ 122 NEVIRAPINE -nevirapine susp 50 mg/5ml......................... 8 nevirapine tab 200 mg (Viramune)...................................8 nevirapine tab sr 24hr 100 mg (Viramune xr)................. 8 nevirapine tab sr 24hr 400 mg (Viramune xr)................. 8 NEWGEN -prenatal vit w/o vit a w/ fe bisglycinate-fa tab 32-1 mg......................................................................... 106 NEXA PLUS -prenatal w/o vit a w/ fe fum-doc-fa-dha cap 29-1.25-350 mg.............................................................106 NEXAVAR -sorafenib tosylate tab 200 mg (base equivalent)....................................................................... 18 NEXGEN METER KIT -blood glucose monitoring kit...... 173 NEXGEN TEST STRIPS -glucose blood test strip..........137 NEXIUM -esomeprazole magnesium for delayed release susp packet 5 mg........................................................... 62 NEXIUM -esomeprazole magnesium for delayed release susp packet 10 mg......................................................... 63 NEXIUM -esomeprazole magnesium for delayed release susp packet 20 mg......................................................... 63 NEXIUM -esomeprazole magnesium for delayed release susp packet 40 mg......................................................... 63 NEXIUM -esomeprazole magnesium for delayed release susp pack 2.5 mg........................................................... 63 niacin tab cr 500 mg (antihyperlipidemic) (Niaspan)........................................................................ 53 niacin tab cr 750 mg (antihyperlipidemic) (Niaspan)........................................................................ 53 niacin tab cr 1000 mg (antihyperlipidemic) (Niaspan)........................................................................ 53 NIACOR -niacin (antihyperlipidemic) tab 500 mg............. 53 NIASPAN -niacin tab cr 500 mg (antihyperlipidemic)........53 NIASPAN -niacin tab cr 750 mg (antihyperlipidemic)........53 NIASPAN -niacin tab cr 1000 mg (antihyperlipidemic)......53 nicardipine hcl cap 20 mg.............................................. 41 nicardipine hcl cap 30 mg.............................................. 41 nicotine polacrilex gum 2 mg.........................................84 nicotine polacrilex gum 4 mg.........................................84 nicotine td patch 24hr 7 mg/24hr...................................84 nicotine td patch 24hr 14 mg/24hr.................................84 nicotine td patch 24hr 21 mg/24hr.................................84 nifedipine cap 20 mg....................................................... 41 nifedipine cap 10 mg (Procardia).................................. 41 nifedipine tab sr 24hr 30 mg (Adalat cc).......................41 nifedipine tab sr 24hr 60 mg (Adalat cc).......................41 nifedipine tab sr 24hr 90 mg (Adalat cc).......................41 nifedipine tab sr 24hr osmotic release 30 mg (Procardia xl)................................................................. 41 nifedipine tab sr 24hr osmotic release 60 mg (Procardia xl)................................................................. 41 nifedipine tab sr 24hr osmotic release 90 mg (Procardia xl)................................................................. 41 NILANDRON -nilutamide tab 150 mg............................... 18 nilutamide tab 150 mg (Nilandron)................................ 18 nimodipine cap 30 mg..................................................... 41 NINLARO -ixazomib citrate cap 2.3 mg (base equivalent)....................................................................... 18 NINLARO -ixazomib citrate cap 3 mg (base equivalent)....................................................................... 18 NINLARO -ixazomib citrate cap 4 mg (base equivalent)....................................................................... 18 NISOLDIPINE ER -nisoldipine tab sr 24hr 25.5 mg.......... 41 NISOLDIPINE -nisoldipine tab sr 24hr 20 mg................... 41 NISOLDIPINE -nisoldipine tab sr 24hr 30 mg................... 41 NISOLDIPINE -nisoldipine tab sr 24hr 40 mg................... 41 nisoldipine tab sr 24hr 8.5 mg (Sular)........................... 41 nisoldipine tab sr 24hr 17 mg (Sular)............................41 nisoldipine tab sr 24hr 34 mg (Sular)............................41 NITRO-BID -nitroglycerin oint 2%..................................... 37 NITRO-DUR -nitroglycerin td patch 24hr 0.1 mg/hr.......... 37 NITRO-DUR -nitroglycerin td patch 24hr 0.2 mg/hr.......... 37 NITRO-DUR -nitroglycerin td patch 24hr 0.3 mg/hr.......... 37 NITRO-DUR -nitroglycerin td patch 24hr 0.4 mg/hr.......... 37 Florida Blue October 2016 Care Choices Rx Medication Drug Guide 258 2016 NITRO-DUR -nitroglycerin td patch 24hr 0.6 mg/hr.......... 38 NITRO-DUR -nitroglycerin td patch 24hr 0.8 mg/hr.......... 38 nitrofurantoin macrocrystalline cap 25 mg (Macrodantin).................................................................67 nitrofurantoin macrocrystalline cap 50 mg (Macrodantin).................................................................67 nitrofurantoin macrocrystalline cap 100 mg (Macrodantin).................................................................67 nitrofurantoin monohydrate macrocrystalline cap 100 mg (Macrobid)............................................................... 67 nitrofurantoin susp 25 mg/5ml (Furadantin)................ 67 nitroglycerin cap cr 2.5 mg............................................ 38 nitroglycerin cap cr 6.5 mg............................................ 38 nitroglycerin cap cr 9 mg............................................... 38 NITROGLYCERIN LINGUAL -nitroglycerin lingual aerosol 400 mcg/spray................................................................ 38 nitroglycerin td patch 24hr 0.1 mg/hr (Nitro-dur)......... 38 nitroglycerin td patch 24hr 0.2 mg/hr (Nitro-dur)......... 38 nitroglycerin td patch 24hr 0.4 mg/hr (Nitro-dur)......... 38 nitroglycerin td patch 24hr 0.6 mg/hr (Nitro-dur)......... 38 nitroglycerin tl soln 0.4 mg/spray (400 mcg/spray) (Nitrolingual pumpspr)................................................. 38 NITROLINGUAL PUMPSPRAY -nitroglycerin tl soln 0.4 mg/spray (400 mcg/spray)..............................................38 NITROMIST -nitroglycerin lingual aerosol 400 mcg/ spray................................................................................ 38 NITROSTAT -nitroglycerin sl tab 0.3 mg........................... 38 NITROSTAT -nitroglycerin sl tab 0.4 mg........................... 38 NITROSTAT -nitroglycerin sl tab 0.6 mg........................... 38 NIVA-PLUS -prenatal vit w/ fe fumarate-fa tab 27-1 mg.................................................................................. 106 nizatidine cap 150 mg..................................................... 63 nizatidine cap 300 mg (Axid).......................................... 63 NIZORAL -ketoconazole shampoo 2%........................... 130 NOKOR ADMIX NEEDLE THIN W -needle (disp) 18 x 1-1/2"............................................................................. 173 NOKOR ADMIX NEEDLE THIN W -needle (disp) 16 x 1".................................................................................... 173 NOKOR VENTED NEEDLE THIN -needle (disp) 18 x 1-1/2"............................................................................. 173 NOKOR VENTED NEEDLE THIN -needle (disp) 16 x 1".................................................................................... 173 NOKOR VENTED NEEDLE THIN -needle (disp) 18 x 1".................................................................................... 173 nonoxynol-9 gel 4%......................................................... 68 NORDITROPIN CARTRIDGE -somatropin inj 5 mg/1.5ml.......................................................................... 35 NORDITROPIN FLEXPRO -somatropin inj 5 mg/1.5ml.......................................................................... 35 NORDITROPIN FLEXPRO -somatropin inj 10 mg/1.5ml.......................................................................... 35 NORDITROPIN FLEXPRO -somatropin inj 15 mg/1.5ml.......................................................................... 35 NORDITROPIN FLEXPRO -somatropin inj 30 mg/3ml............................................................................. 35 norethindrone & ethinyl estradiol-fe chew tab 0.4 mg-35 mcg (Femcon fe)............................................... 25 norethindrone & ethinyl estradiol-fe chew tab 0.8 mg-25 mcg (Generess fe)............................................ 25 norethindrone & ethinyl estradiol tab 0.5 mg-35 mcg (Brevicon-28)................................................................. 25 norethindrone & ethinyl estradiol tab 1 mg-35 mcg (Norinyl 1+35)................................................................ 25 norethindrone & ethinyl estradiol tab 0.4 mg-35 mcg (Ovcon-35)...................................................................... 25 norethindrone ace & ethinyl estradiol-fe tab 1 mg-20 mcg (Loestrin fe 1/20).................................................. 25 norethindrone ace & ethinyl estradiol-fe tab 1.5 mg-30 mcg (Loestrin fe 1.5/30)............................................... 25 norethindrone ace & ethinyl estradiol tab 1 mg-20 mcg (Loestrin 1/20-21)................................................. 25 norethindrone ace & ethinyl estradiol tab 1.5 mg-30 mcg (Loestrin 1.5/30-21).............................................. 25 norethindrone ace-ethinyl estradiol-fe tab 1 mg-20 mcg (24)......................................................................... 25 norethindrone acetate-ethinyl estradiol tab 1 mg-5 mcg................................................................................. 23 norethindrone acetate-ethinyl estradiol tab 0.5 mg-2.5 mcg (Femhrt low dose)................................................ 23 norethindrone acetate tab 5 mg (Aygestin).................. 26 norethindrone ac-ethinyl estrad-fe tab 1-20/1-30/1-35 mg-mcg (Estrostep fe)................................................. 25 norethindrone-eth estradiol tab 0.5-35/0.75-35/1-35 mg-mcg (Ortho-novum 7/7/7)...................................... 25 norethindrone-eth estradiol tab 0.5-35/1-35/0.5-35 mgmcg (Tri-norinyl 28)...................................................... 25 norethindrone tab 0.35 mg (Nor-qd).............................. 25 norgestimate & ethinyl estradiol tab 0.25 mg-35 mcg (Ortho-cyclen)................................................................ 25 norgestimate-eth estrad tab 0.18-35/0.215-35/0.25-35 mg-mcg (Ortho tri-cyclen)........................................... 25 norgestimate-eth estrad tab 0.18-25/0.215-25/0.25-25 mg-mcg (Ortho tri-cyclen lo)....................................... 25 norgestrel & ethinyl estradiol tab 0.3 mg-30 mcg........ 25 NORINYL 1+35 -norethindrone & ethinyl estradiol tab 1 mg-35 mcg...................................................................... 25 NORPACE CR -disopyramide phosphate cap sr 12hr 100 mg.................................................................................... 42 NORPACE CR -disopyramide phosphate cap sr 12hr 150 mg.................................................................................... 42 NORPACE -disopyramide phosphate cap 100 mg........... 42 NORPACE -disopyramide phosphate cap 150 mg........... 42 NORPRAMIN -desipramine hcl tab 10 mg........................72 NORPRAMIN -desipramine hcl tab 25 mg........................72 NOR-QD -norethindrone tab 0.35 mg............................... 25 nortriptyline hcl cap 10 mg (Pamelor)...........................72 nortriptyline hcl cap 25 mg (Pamelor)...........................72 nortriptyline hcl cap 50 mg (Pamelor)...........................72 nortriptyline hcl cap 75 mg (Pamelor)...........................72 NORTRIPTYLINE HCL -nortriptyline hcl soln 10 mg/5ml............................................................................. 72 NORVASC -amlodipine besylate tab 2.5 mg.................... 41 NORVASC -amlodipine besylate tab 5 mg....................... 41 NORVASC -amlodipine besylate tab 10 mg..................... 41 Florida Blue October 2016 Care Choices Rx Medication Drug Guide 259 2016 NORVIR -ritonavir cap 100 mg........................................... 8 NORVIR -ritonavir oral soln 80 mg/ml.................................8 NORVIR -ritonavir tab 100 mg............................................ 8 NOVA MAX BLOOD GLUCOSE MO -blood glucose monitoring devices........................................................ 173 NOVA MAX BLOOD GLUCOSE MO -blood glucose monitoring kit w/ device................................................ 173 NOVA MAX GLUCOSE TEST STR -glucose blood test strip................................................................................ 137 NOVA SAFETY LANCETS 23G -lancets........................ 173 NOVA SAFETY LANCETS 28G -lancets........................ 173 NOVA SUREFLEX LANCETS -lancets........................... 173 NOVA SUREFLEX LANCING DEV -lancet devices........ 174 NOVOEIGHT -antihemophilic factor (recombinant) for inj 250 unit......................................................................... 118 NOVOEIGHT -antihemophilic factor (recombinant) for inj 500 unit......................................................................... 118 NOVOEIGHT -antihemophilic factor (recombinant) for inj 1000 unit....................................................................... 118 NOVOEIGHT -antihemophilic factor (recombinant) for inj 1500 unit....................................................................... 118 NOVOEIGHT -antihemophilic factor (recombinant) for inj 2000 unit....................................................................... 118 NOVOEIGHT -antihemophilic factor (recombinant) for inj 3000 unit....................................................................... 118 NOVOFINE AUTOCOVER 30GX8M -insulin pen needle 30 g x 8 mm (1/3" or 5/16")......................................... 174 NOVOFINE 32GX6MM -insulin pen needle 32 g x 6 mm (1/4").............................................................................. 174 NOVOFINE 30GX8MM -insulin pen needle 30 g x 8 mm (1/3" or 5/16")................................................................174 NOVOFINE PLUS 32GX4MM -insulin pen needle 32 g x 4 mm (5/32").................................................................... 174 NOVOLIN 70/30 -insulin nph isophane & regular human inj 100 unit/ml (70-30).................................................... 31 NOVOLIN 70/30 RELION -insulin nph isophane & regular human inj 100 unit/ml (70-30)........................................ 31 NOVOLIN N -insulin nph (human) (isophane) inj 100 unit/ ml..................................................................................... 31 NOVOLIN N RELION -insulin nph (human) (isophane) inj 100 unit/ml.......................................................................31 NOVOLIN R -insulin regular (human) inj 100 unit/ml........ 31 NOVOLIN R RELION -insulin regular (human) inj 100 unit/ml.............................................................................. 31 NOVOLOG FLEXPEN -insulin aspart soln pen-injector 100 unit/ml.......................................................................30 NOVOLOG -insulin aspart inj 100 unit/ml......................... 30 NOVOLOG MIX 70/30 -insulin aspart prot & aspart (human) inj 100 unit/ml (70-30)...................................... 31 NOVOLOG MIX 70/30 PREFILL -insulin aspart prot & aspart sus pen-inj 100 unit/ml (70-30)........................... 31 NOVOLOG PENFILL -insulin aspart soln cartridge 100 unit/ml.............................................................................. 30 NOVOPEN ECHO -injection device for insulin............... 174 NOVOSEVEN RT -coagulation factor viia (recomb) for inj 1 mg (1000 mcg).......................................................... 118 NOVOSEVEN RT -coagulation factor viia (recomb) for inj 2 mg (2000 mcg).......................................................... 118 NOVOSEVEN RT -coagulation factor viia (recomb) for inj 5 mg (5000 mcg).......................................................... 118 NOVOSEVEN RT -coagulation factor viia (recomb) for inj 8 mg (8000 mcg).......................................................... 118 NOVOTWIST 30GX8MM -insulin pen needle 30 g x 8 mm (1/3" or 5/16")................................................................174 NOVOTWIST 32GX5MM -insulin pen needle 32 g x 5 mm (1/5" or 3/16")................................................................174 NOXAFIL -posaconazole susp 40 mg/ml............................ 6 NOXAFIL -posaconazole tab delayed release 100 mg....... 6 NUCORT -hydrocortisone acetate lotion 2%.................. 131 NUCYNTA ER -tapentadol hcl tab sr 12hr 50 mg............. 89 NUCYNTA ER -tapentadol hcl tab sr 12hr 100 mg........... 89 NUCYNTA ER -tapentadol hcl tab sr 12hr 150 mg........... 89 NUCYNTA ER -tapentadol hcl tab sr 12hr 200 mg........... 89 NUCYNTA ER -tapentadol hcl tab sr 12hr 250 mg........... 89 NUCYNTA -tapentadol hcl tab 50 mg............................... 89 NUCYNTA -tapentadol hcl tab 75 mg............................... 89 NUCYNTA -tapentadol hcl tab 100 mg............................. 89 NUEDEXTA -dextromethorphan hbr-quinidine sulfate cap 20-10 mg......................................................................... 84 NULYTELY/FLAVOR PACKS -peg 3350-kcl-sod bicarbnacl for soln 420 gm.......................................................61 NUOX -benzoyl peroxide-sulfur gel 6-3%....................... 131 NUPLAZID -pimavanserin tartrate tab 17 mg (base equivalent)....................................................................... 75 NUTRESTORE -glutamine powd pack 5 gm.................. 112 NUTROPIN AQ NUSPIN 10 -somatropin inj 10 mg/2ml............................................................................. 35 NUTROPIN AQ NUSPIN 20 -somatropin inj 20 mg/2ml............................................................................. 35 NUTROPIN AQ NUSPIN 5 -somatropin inj 5 mg/2ml....... 35 NUTROPIN AQ PEN -somatropin inj 10 mg/2ml.............. 35 NUVARING -etonogestrel-ethinyl estradiol va ring 0.120-0.015 mg/24hr...................................................... 26 NUVIGIL -armodafinil tab 50 mg....................................... 81 NUVIGIL -armodafinil tab 150 mg..................................... 81 NUVIGIL -armodafinil tab 200 mg..................................... 81 NUVIGIL -armodafinil tab 250 mg..................................... 81 NUWIQ -antihemophilic factor (recombinant) for inj kit 250 unit................................................................................. 118 NUWIQ -antihemophilic factor (recombinant) for inj kit 500 unit................................................................................. 118 NUWIQ -antihemophilic factor (recombinant) for inj kit 1000 unit....................................................................... 118 NUWIQ -antihemophilic factor (recombinant) for inj kit 2000 unit....................................................................... 119 NUWIQ -antihemophilic factor (recombinant) for inj 250 unit................................................................................. 119 NUWIQ -antihemophilic factor (recombinant) for inj 500 unit................................................................................. 119 NUWIQ -antihemophilic factor (recombinant) for inj 1000 unit................................................................................. 119 NUWIQ -antihemophilic factor (recombinant) for inj 2000 unit................................................................................. 119 Florida Blue October 2016 Care Choices Rx Medication Drug Guide 260 2016 NYMALIZE -nimodipine oral soln 60 mg/20ml.................. 41 nystatin cream 100000 unit/gm.................................... 131 nystatin oint 100000 unit/gm........................................ 131 nystatin susp 100000 unit/ml....................................... 124 nystatin tab 500000 unit....................................................6 nystatin topical powder................................................ 131 nystatin-triamcinolone cream 100000-0.1 unit/gm%.................................................................................... 131 nystatin-triamcinolone oint 100000-0.1 unit/gm%.................................................................................... 131 O OB COMPLETE/DHA -prenat w/ iron cbn-fe asp glyc-faomega cap 30-10-1-200 mg......................................... 106 OB COMPLETE GOLD -prenat w/o a w/fecbn-methfol-fadha cap 27.5-1-200 mg................................................ 106 OB COMPLETE ONE -prenatal w/o a w/fecbn-fe asp glyc-fa-fish cap 50-1-476 mg........................................106 OB COMPLETE PETITE -prenat w/o a w/fecbnfeaspglyc-fa-omega cap 35-5-1-200 mg...................... 106 OB COMPLETE PREMIER -prenatal vit w/ fe cbn-fe asp glyc-fa tab 30-20-1 mg................................................. 106 OB COMPLETE -prenatal vit w/ iron carbonyl-fa tab 50-1.25 mg.................................................................... 106 OBIZUR -antihemophilic factor (recomb porc) rpfviii for inj 500 unit......................................................................... 119 OBSTETRIX DHA -prenat w/fecbn-fa-dss tab 29-1 mg & omega 3 cap 387 mg pak............................................ 106 OBSTETRIX EC -prenatal vit w/ dss-iron carbonyl-fa tab 29-1 mg......................................................................... 106 O-CAL FA -prenatal vit w/ fe fumarate-fa tab 27-1 mg.................................................................................. 106 O-CAL PRENATAL -prenatal vit w/ fe fumarate-fa tab 15-1 mg.................................................................................. 106 octreotide acetate inj 50 mcg/ml (0.05 mg/ml) (Sandostatin)................................................................. 36 octreotide acetate inj 100 mcg/ml (0.1 mg/ml) (Sandostatin)................................................................. 36 octreotide acetate inj 200 mcg/ml (0.2 mg/ml) (Sandostatin)................................................................. 36 octreotide acetate inj 500 mcg/ml (0.5 mg/ml) (Sandostatin)................................................................. 36 octreotide acetate inj 1000 mcg/ml (1 mg/ml) (Sandostatin)................................................................. 36 OCUFEN -flurbiprofen sodium ophth soln 0.03%........... 122 OCUFLOX -ofloxacin ophth soln 0.3%........................... 122 ODEFSEY -emtricitabine-rilpivirine-tenofovir af tab 200-25-25 mg.................................................................... 8 ODOMZO -sonidegib phosphate cap 200 mg (base equivalent)....................................................................... 18 OFEV -nintedanib esylate cap 100 mg (base equivalent)....................................................................... 61 OFEV -nintedanib esylate cap 150 mg (base equivalent)....................................................................... 61 OFLOXACIN -ofloxacin tab 400 mg.................................... 5 ofloxacin ophth soln 0.3% (Ocuflox)........................... 122 ofloxacin otic soln 0.3%................................................124 OGESTREL -norgestrel & ethinyl estradiol tab 0.5 mg-50 mcg.................................................................................. 26 olanzapine-fluoxetine hcl cap 3-25 mg (Symbyax)...... 84 olanzapine-fluoxetine hcl cap 6-25 mg (Symbyax)...... 84 olanzapine-fluoxetine hcl cap 6-50 mg (Symbyax)...... 84 olanzapine-fluoxetine hcl cap 12-25 mg (Symbyax)...................................................................... 84 olanzapine-fluoxetine hcl cap 12-50 mg (Symbyax)...................................................................... 84 olanzapine orally disintegrating tab 5 mg (Zyprexa zydis)...............................................................................75 olanzapine orally disintegrating tab 10 mg (Zyprexa zydis)...............................................................................75 olanzapine orally disintegrating tab 15 mg (Zyprexa zydis)...............................................................................75 olanzapine orally disintegrating tab 20 mg (Zyprexa zydis)...............................................................................75 olanzapine tab 2.5 mg (Zyprexa)................................... 75 olanzapine tab 5 mg (Zyprexa)...................................... 75 olanzapine tab 7.5 mg (Zyprexa)................................... 75 olanzapine tab 10 mg (Zyprexa).................................... 75 olanzapine tab 15 mg (Zyprexa).................................... 75 olanzapine tab 20 mg (Zyprexa).................................... 75 olopatadine hcl nasal soln 0.6% (Patanase).................57 olopatadine hcl ophth soln 0.1% (base equivalent) (Patanol)....................................................................... 122 OLUX -clobetasol propionate foam 0.05%......................131 OLUX-E -clobetasol propionate emulsion foam 0.05%.............................................................................131 OLYSIO -simeprevir sodium cap 150 mg (base equivalent)......................................................................... 8 OMECLAMOX-PAK -amoxicillin cap-clarithro tab w/ omepraz cap dr therapy pack........................................ 63 omega-3-acid ethyl esters cap 1 gm (Lovaza)............. 53 omeprazole cap delayed release 10 mg (Prilosec)...... 63 omeprazole cap delayed release 20 mg (Prilosec)...... 63 omeprazole cap delayed release 40 mg (Prilosec)...... 63 OMNIFLEX DIAPHRAGM -diaphragms.......................... 174 OMNIPOD STARTER KIT -insulin infusion disposable pump kit.........................................................................174 OMNIPRED -prednisolone acetate ophth susp 1%........ 122 OMNITROPE -somatropin for inj 5.8 mg.......................... 36 OMNITROPE -somatropin inj 5 mg/1.5ml......................... 36 OMNITROPE -somatropin inj 10 mg/1.5ml....................... 36 ON CALL EXPRESS BLOOD GLU -blood glucose monitoring devices........................................................ 174 ON CALL EXPRESS BLOOD GLU -blood glucose monitoring kit w/ device................................................ 174 ON CALL EXPRESS BLOOD GLU -glucose blood test strip................................................................................ 137 ON CALL LANCETS -lancets.......................................... 174 ON CALL LANCING DEVICE -lancet devices................ 174 ON CALL PLUS BLOOD GLUCOS -blood glucose monitoring devices........................................................ 174 ON CALL PLUS BLOOD GLUCOS -blood glucose monitoring kit w/ device................................................ 174 Florida Blue October 2016 Care Choices Rx Medication Drug Guide 261 2016 ON CALL PLUS BLOOD GLUCOS -glucose blood test strip................................................................................ 137 ON CALL PLUS LANCETS -lancets............................... 174 ON CALL PLUS LANCING DEVI -lancet devices........... 174 ON CALL VIVID BLOOD GLUCO -blood glucose monitoring devices........................................................ 174 ON CALL VIVID BLOOD GLUCO -blood glucose monitoring kit w/ device................................................ 174 ON CALL VIVID BLOOD GLUCO -glucose blood test strip................................................................................ 137 ON CALL VIVID PAL BLOOD G -blood glucose monitoring devices........................................................ 174 ON CALL VIVID PAL BLOOD G -blood glucose monitoring kit w/ device................................................ 174 ondansetron hcl oral soln 4 mg/5ml (Zofran)............... 64 ondansetron hcl tab 24 mg............................................ 64 ondansetron hcl tab 4 mg (Zofran)................................64 ondansetron hcl tab 8 mg (Zofran)................................64 ondansetron orally disintegrating tab 4 mg (Zofran odt).................................................................................. 64 ondansetron orally disintegrating tab 8 mg (Zofran odt).................................................................................. 64 ONETOUCH CLUB LANCETS FIN -lancets................... 174 ONETOUCH COMBO PACK -lancets............................. 174 ONETOUCH DELICA LANCETS E -lancets................... 174 ONETOUCH DELICA LANCETS F -lancets................... 174 ONETOUCH DELICA LANCING D -lancet devices........ 174 ONETOUCH FINEPOINT LANCET -lancets...................174 ONETOUCH LANCETS -lancets..................................... 174 ONETOUCH PING METER REMOT -blood glucose monitoring supplies....................................................... 174 ONETOUCH SURESOFT LANCING -lancets misc........ 174 ONETOUCH ULTRA 2 -blood glucose monitoring kit w/ device............................................................................ 174 ONETOUCH ULTRA BLUE -glucose blood test strip..... 137 ONETOUCH ULTRALINK SYSTEM -blood glucose monitoring kit w/ device................................................ 174 ONETOUCH ULTRA MINI -blood glucose monitoring kit w/ device....................................................................... 174 ONETOUCH ULTRASOFT LANCET -lancets................. 174 ONETOUCH ULTRA TEST STRIP -glucose blood test strip................................................................................ 137 ONETOUCH VERIO -blood glucose monitoring kit w/ device............................................................................ 174 ONETOUCH VERIO FLEX BLOOD -blood glucose monitoring kit w/ device................................................ 174 ONETOUCH VERIO IQ BLOOD G -blood glucose monitoring kit w/ device................................................ 175 ONETOUCH VERIO SYNC BLOOD -blood glucose monitoring kit w/ device................................................ 175 ONETOUCH VERIO TEST STRIP -glucose blood test strip................................................................................ 137 ONFI -clobazam suspension 2.5 mg/ml............................ 99 ONFI -clobazam tab 10 mg............................................... 99 ONFI -clobazam tab 20 mg............................................... 99 ONGLYZA -saxagliptin hcl tab 2.5 mg (base equiv)......... 29 ONGLYZA -saxagliptin hcl tab 5 mg (base equiv)............ 29 OPANA ER (CRUSH RESISTANT -oxymorphone hcl tab er 12hr deter 5 mg......................................................... 89 OPANA ER (CRUSH RESISTANT -oxymorphone hcl tab er 12hr deter 7.5 mg...................................................... 89 OPANA ER (CRUSH RESISTANT -oxymorphone hcl tab er 12hr deter 10 mg....................................................... 89 OPANA ER (CRUSH RESISTANT -oxymorphone hcl tab er 12hr deter 15 mg....................................................... 89 OPANA ER (CRUSH RESISTANT -oxymorphone hcl tab er 12hr deter 20 mg....................................................... 89 OPANA ER (CRUSH RESISTANT -oxymorphone hcl tab er 12hr deter 30 mg....................................................... 89 OPANA ER (CRUSH RESISTANT -oxymorphone hcl tab er 12hr deter 40 mg....................................................... 89 OPANA -oxymorphone hcl tab 5 mg................................. 89 OPANA -oxymorphone hcl tab 10 mg............................... 89 OPSUMIT -macitentan tab 10 mg..................................... 55 OPTIONS CONCEPTROL VAGINA -nonoxynol-9 gel 4%.................................................................................... 68 OPTIONS GYNOL II VAGINAL -nonoxynol-9 gel 3%....... 68 OPTIUM BLOOD GLUCOSE MONI -blood glucose monitoring devices........................................................ 175 OPTIUM BLOOD GLUCOSE MONI -blood glucose monitoring kit w/ device................................................ 175 OPTIUMEZ TEST STRIPS -glucose blood test strip...... 137 OPTIUM TEST STRIPS -glucose blood test strip........... 137 OPTUMRX BLOOD GLUCOSE MET -blood glucose monitoring kit w/ device................................................ 175 OPTUMRX BLOOD GLUCOSE MON -blood glucose monitoring kit w/ device................................................ 175 OPTUMRX BLOOD GLUCOSE TES -glucose blood test strip................................................................................ 137 ORACIT -sodium citrate & citric acid soln 490-640 mg/5ml............................................................................. 69 ORAP -pimozide tab 1 mg................................................ 84 ORAP -pimozide tab 2 mg................................................ 84 ORAPRED ODT -prednisolone sod phos orally disintegr tab 10 mg (base eq)....................................................... 21 ORAPRED ODT -prednisolone sod phos orally disintegr tab 15 mg (base eq)....................................................... 21 ORAPRED ODT -prednisolone sod phos orally disintegr tab 30 mg (base eq)....................................................... 21 ORAVIG -miconazole buccal tab 50 mg (mouththroat)............................................................................ 124 ORENCIA -abatacept subcutaneous soln prefilled syringe 125 mg/ml....................................................................... 93 ORENCIA CLICKJECT -abatacept subcutaneous soln auto-injector 125 mg/ml.................................................. 93 ORENITRAM -treprostinil diolamine tab cr 0.125 mg (base equiv).................................................................... 55 ORENITRAM -treprostinil diolamine tab cr 0.25 mg (base equiv)............................................................................... 55 ORENITRAM -treprostinil diolamine tab cr 1 mg (base equiv)............................................................................... 55 ORENITRAM -treprostinil diolamine tab cr 2.5 mg (base equiv)............................................................................... 55 ORFADIN -nitisinone cap 2 mg......................................... 36 Florida Blue October 2016 Care Choices Rx Medication Drug Guide 262 2016 ORFADIN -nitisinone cap 5 mg......................................... 36 ORFADIN -nitisinone cap 10 mg....................................... 36 ORFADIN -nitisinone susp 4 mg/ml.................................. 36 ORKAMBI -lumacaftor-ivacaftor tab 200-125 mg............. 61 orphenadrine citrate tab sr 12hr 100 mg.................... 103 ORTHO-CYCLEN -norgestimate & ethinyl estradiol tab 0.25 mg-35 mcg.............................................................. 26 ORTHO DIAPHRAGM COIL SPRI -diaphragm coil spring kit 50 mm...................................................................... 175 ORTHO DIAPHRAGM COIL SPRI -diaphragm coil spring kit 100 mm.................................................................... 175 ORTHO DIAPHRAGM COIL SPRI -diaphragm coil spring kit 105 mm.................................................................... 175 ORTHO DIAPHRAGM FLAT SPRI -diaphragm flat spring kit 55 mm...................................................................... 175 ORTHO DIAPHRAGM FLAT SPRI -diaphragm flat spring kit 60 mm...................................................................... 175 ORTHO DIAPHRAGM FLAT SPRI -diaphragm flat spring kit 65 mm...................................................................... 175 ORTHO DIAPHRAGM FLAT SPRI -diaphragm flat spring kit 70 mm...................................................................... 175 ORTHO DIAPHRAGM FLAT SPRI -diaphragm flat spring kit 75 mm...................................................................... 175 ORTHO DIAPHRAGM FLAT SPRI -diaphragm flat spring kit 80 mm...................................................................... 175 ORTHO DIAPHRAGM FLAT SPRI -diaphragm flat spring kit 85 mm...................................................................... 175 ORTHO DIAPHRAGM FLAT SPRI -diaphragm flat spring kit 90 mm...................................................................... 175 ORTHO DIAPHRAGM FLAT SPRI -diaphragm flat spring kit 95 mm...................................................................... 175 ORTHO MICRONOR -norethindrone tab 0.35 mg............26 ORTHO-NOVUM 7/7/7 -norethindrone-eth estradiol tab 0.5-35/0.75-35/1-35 mg-mcg.......................................... 26 ORTHO-NOVUM 1/35 -norethindrone & ethinyl estradiol tab 1 mg-35 mcg............................................................ 26 ORTHO TRI-CYCLEN LO -norgestimate-eth estrad tab 0.18-25/0.215-25/0.25-25 mg-mcg................................. 26 ORTHO TRI-CYCLEN -norgestimate-eth estrad tab 0.18-35/0.215-35/0.25-35 mg-mcg................................. 26 OSENI -alogliptin-pioglitazone tab 12.5-15 mg................. 29 OSENI -alogliptin-pioglitazone tab 12.5-30 mg................. 29 OSENI -alogliptin-pioglitazone tab 12.5-45 mg................. 29 OSENI -alogliptin-pioglitazone tab 25-15 mg.................... 29 OSENI -alogliptin-pioglitazone tab 25-30 mg.................... 29 OSENI -alogliptin-pioglitazone tab 25-45 mg.................... 29 OSMOPREP -sod phos mono-sod phos di tabs 1.102-0.398 gm(1.5gm na phos).................................... 61 OSPHENA -ospemifene tab 60 mg................................... 36 OTEZLA -apremilast tab 30 mg........................................ 93 OTEZLA -apremilast tab starter therapy pack 10 mg & 20 mg & 30 mg.................................................................... 93 OTREXUP -methotrexate soln pf auto-injector 7.5 mg/0.4ml.......................................................................... 93 OTREXUP -methotrexate soln pf auto-injector 10 mg/0.4ml.......................................................................... 93 OTREXUP -methotrexate soln pf auto-injector 12.5 mg/0.4ml.......................................................................... 93 OTREXUP -methotrexate soln pf auto-injector 15 mg/0.4ml.......................................................................... 93 OTREXUP -methotrexate soln pf auto-injector 17.5 mg/0.4ml.......................................................................... 93 OTREXUP -methotrexate soln pf auto-injector 20 mg/0.4ml.......................................................................... 93 OTREXUP -methotrexate soln pf auto-injector 22.5 mg/0.4ml.......................................................................... 93 OTREXUP -methotrexate soln pf auto-injector 25 mg/0.4ml.......................................................................... 93 OVIDE -malathion lotion 0.5%........................................ 131 OXANDRIN -oxandrolone tab 2.5 mg............................... 22 OXANDRIN -oxandrolone tab 10 mg................................ 22 oxandrolone tab 2.5 mg (Oxandrin).............................. 22 oxandrolone tab 10 mg (Oxandrin)............................... 22 oxaprozin tab 600 mg (Daypro)..................................... 93 oxazepam cap 10 mg...................................................... 70 oxazepam cap 15 mg...................................................... 70 oxazepam cap 30 mg...................................................... 70 oxcarbazepine susp 300 mg/5ml (60 mg/ml) (Trileptal)........................................................................ 99 oxcarbazepine tab 150 mg (Trileptal)............................ 99 oxcarbazepine tab 300 mg (Trileptal)............................ 99 oxcarbazepine tab 600 mg (Trileptal)............................ 99 oxiconazole nitrate cream 1% (Oxistat)...................... 131 OXSORALEN -methoxsalen lotion 1%........................... 131 OXSORALEN ULTRA -methoxsalen rapid cap 10 mg.................................................................................. 131 OXTELLAR XR -oxcarbazepine tab sr 24hr 150 mg........ 99 OXTELLAR XR -oxcarbazepine tab sr 24hr 300 mg........ 99 OXTELLAR XR -oxcarbazepine tab sr 24hr 600 mg........ 99 oxybutynin chloride syrup 5 mg/5ml............................ 67 oxybutynin chloride tab 5 mg........................................ 67 oxybutynin chloride tab sr 24hr 5 mg (Ditropan xl)..... 67 oxybutynin chloride tab sr 24hr 10 mg (Ditropan xl)..................................................................................... 67 oxybutynin chloride tab sr 24hr 15 mg (Ditropan xl)..................................................................................... 67 OXYCODONE/IBUPROFEN -oxycodone-ibuprofen tab 5-400 mg......................................................................... 90 oxycodone-aspirin tab 4.8355-325 mg (Percodan)...... 90 oxycodone hcl cap 5 mg................................................ 89 oxycodone hcl conc 100 mg/5ml (20 mg/ml) (Oxycodone hcl)............................................................ 89 OXYCODONE HCL ER -oxycodone hcl tab er 12hr deter 10 mg.............................................................................. 89 OXYCODONE HCL ER -oxycodone hcl tab er 12hr deter 15 mg.............................................................................. 89 OXYCODONE HCL ER -oxycodone hcl tab er 12hr deter 20 mg.............................................................................. 89 OXYCODONE HCL ER -oxycodone hcl tab er 12hr deter 30 mg.............................................................................. 90 OXYCODONE HCL ER -oxycodone hcl tab er 12hr deter 40 mg.............................................................................. 90 Florida Blue October 2016 Care Choices Rx Medication Drug Guide 263 2016 OXYCODONE HCL ER -oxycodone hcl tab er 12hr deter 60 mg.............................................................................. 90 OXYCODONE HCL ER -oxycodone hcl tab er 12hr deter 80 mg.............................................................................. 90 oxycodone hcl soln 5 mg/5ml (Oxycodone hcl)...........90 oxycodone hcl tab 10 mg............................................... 90 oxycodone hcl tab 20 mg............................................... 90 oxycodone hcl tab 5 mg (Roxicodone)......................... 90 oxycodone hcl tab 15 mg (Roxicodone)....................... 90 oxycodone hcl tab 30 mg (Roxicodone)....................... 90 oxycodone w/ acetaminophen soln 5-325 mg/5ml (Roxicet)......................................................................... 90 oxycodone w/ acetaminophen tab 2.5-325 mg (Percocet)....................................................................... 90 oxycodone w/ acetaminophen tab 5-325 mg (Percocet)....................................................................... 90 oxycodone w/ acetaminophen tab 7.5-325 mg (Percocet)....................................................................... 90 oxycodone w/ acetaminophen tab 10-325 mg (Percocet)....................................................................... 90 OXYCONTIN -oxycodone hcl tab er 12hr deter 10 mg..... 90 OXYCONTIN -oxycodone hcl tab er 12hr deter 15 mg..... 90 OXYCONTIN -oxycodone hcl tab er 12hr deter 20 mg..... 90 OXYCONTIN -oxycodone hcl tab er 12hr deter 30 mg..... 90 OXYCONTIN -oxycodone hcl tab er 12hr deter 40 mg..... 90 OXYCONTIN -oxycodone hcl tab er 12hr deter 60 mg..... 90 OXYCONTIN -oxycodone hcl tab er 12hr deter 80 mg..... 90 oxymorphone hcl tab 5 mg (Opana)..............................90 oxymorphone hcl tab 10 mg (Opana)............................90 oxymorphone hcl tab sr 12hr 5 mg............................... 90 oxymorphone hcl tab sr 12hr 7.5 mg............................ 90 oxymorphone hcl tab sr 12hr 10 mg............................. 90 oxymorphone hcl tab sr 12hr 15 mg............................. 90 oxymorphone hcl tab sr 12hr 20 mg............................. 90 oxymorphone hcl tab sr 12hr 30 mg............................. 90 oxymorphone hcl tab sr 12hr 40 mg............................. 90 P paliperidone tab sr 24hr 1.5 mg (Invega)...................... 75 paliperidone tab sr 24hr 3 mg (Invega)......................... 76 paliperidone tab sr 24hr 6 mg (Invega)......................... 76 paliperidone tab sr 24hr 9 mg (Invega)......................... 76 PAMELOR -nortriptyline hcl cap 10 mg............................ 72 PAMELOR -nortriptyline hcl cap 25 mg............................ 72 PAMELOR -nortriptyline hcl cap 50 mg............................ 73 PAMELOR -nortriptyline hcl cap 75 mg............................ 73 PAMINE FORTE -methscopolamine bromide tab 5 mg.................................................................................... 63 PAMINE -methscopolamine bromide tab 2.5 mg.............. 63 PANCREAZE -pancrelipase (lip-prot-amyl) dr cap 4200-10000-17500 unit...................................................64 PANCREAZE -pancrelipase (lip-prot-amyl) dr cap 10500-25000-43750 unit................................................ 64 PANCREAZE -pancrelipase (lip-prot-amyl) dr cap 16800-40000-70000 unit................................................ 64 PANCREAZE -pancrelipase (lip-prot-amyl) dr cap 21000-37000-61000 unit................................................ 64 PANRETIN -alitretinoin gel 0.1%..................................... 131 pantoprazole sodium ec tab 20 mg (base equiv) (Protonix)........................................................................63 pantoprazole sodium ec tab 40 mg (base equiv) (Protonix)........................................................................63 PARADIGM LINK BLOOD GLUCO -blood glucose monitoring kit w/ device................................................ 175 PARAFON FORTE DSC -chlorzoxazone tab 500 mg..... 103 PAREGORIC -paregoric tincture 2 mg/5ml....................... 62 paricalcitol cap 4 mcg..................................................... 36 paricalcitol cap 1 mcg (Zemplar)................................... 36 paricalcitol cap 2 mcg (Zemplar)................................... 36 PARLODEL -bromocriptine mesylate cap 5 mg.............. 102 PARNATE -tranylcypromine sulfate tab 10 mg................. 73 paromomycin sulfate cap 250 mg................................... 5 paroxetine hcl tab 10 mg (Paxil).................................... 73 paroxetine hcl tab 20 mg (Paxil).................................... 73 paroxetine hcl tab 30 mg (Paxil).................................... 73 paroxetine hcl tab 40 mg (Paxil).................................... 73 paroxetine hcl tab sr 24hr 12.5 mg (Paxil cr)............... 73 paroxetine hcl tab sr 24hr 25 mg (Paxil cr).................. 73 paroxetine hcl tab sr 24hr 37.5 mg (Paxil cr)............... 73 PASER -aminosalicylic acid cr granules packet 4 gm.........5 PATADAY -olopatadine hcl ophth soln 0.2% (base equivalent)..................................................................... 122 PATANASE -olopatadine hcl nasal soln 0.6%................... 57 PATANOL -olopatadine hcl ophth soln 0.1% (base equivalent)..................................................................... 122 PAXIL -paroxetine hcl oral susp 10 mg/5ml (base equiv)............................................................................... 73 PAZEO -olopatadine hcl ophth soln 0.7% (base equivalent)..................................................................... 122 PCE -erythromycin w/ enteric coated particles tab 333 mg...................................................................................... 3 PCE -erythromycin w/ enteric coated particles tab 500 mg...................................................................................... 3 PC LANCETS SUPER THIN 30G -lancets..................... 175 PC UNIFINE PENTIPS 29G X -insulin pen needle 29 g x 12 mm (1/2")................................................................. 175 PC UNIFINE PENTIPS 31G X -insulin pen needle 31 g x 5 mm (3/16")................................................................. 175 PC UNIFINE PENTIPS 31G X -insulin pen needle 31 g x 6 mm (1/4")................................................................... 175 PC UNIFINE PENTIPS 31G X -insulin pen needle 31 g x 8 mm (1/3" or 5/16")..................................................... 175 PEDIAPRED -prednisolone sod phosph oral soln 6.7 mg/5ml (5 mg/5ml base)................................................ 21 PEDIARIX -diph-tetanus tox-acell pert-hepatitis b-polio ipv vac inj.............................................................................. 14 PEDVAX HIB -haemophilus b polysaccharide conj vac im susp 7.5 mcg/0.5 ml....................................................... 14 PEGANONE -ethotoin tab 250 mg.................................... 99 PEGASYS -peginterferon alfa-2a inj 180 mcg/ml............... 8 PEGASYS -peginterferon alfa-2a inj 180 mcg/0.5ml.......... 8 PEGASYS PROCLICK -peginterferon alfa-2a inj 135 mcg/0.5ml.......................................................................... 8 Florida Blue October 2016 Care Choices Rx Medication Drug Guide 264 2016 PEGASYS PROCLICK -peginterferon alfa-2a inj 180 mcg/0.5ml.......................................................................... 8 PEGINTRON -peginterferon alfa-2b for inj kit 50 mcg/0.5ml.......................................................................... 8 PEGINTRON -peginterferon alfa-2b for inj kit 80 mcg/0.5ml.......................................................................... 9 PEGINTRON -peginterferon alfa-2b for inj kit 120 mcg/0.5ml.......................................................................... 9 PEGINTRON -peginterferon alfa-2b for inj kit 150 mcg/0.5ml.......................................................................... 9 PEG-INTRON REDIPEN PAK 4 -peginterferon alfa-2b for inj kit 120 mcg/0.5ml........................................................ 8 PEG-INTRON REDIPEN -peginterferon alfa-2b for inj kit 50 mcg/0.5ml.....................................................................8 PEG-INTRON REDIPEN -peginterferon alfa-2b for inj kit 80 mcg/0.5ml.....................................................................8 PEG-INTRON REDIPEN -peginterferon alfa-2b for inj kit 120 mcg/0.5ml.................................................................. 8 PEG-INTRON REDIPEN -peginterferon alfa-2b for inj kit 150 mcg/0.5ml.................................................................. 8 peg 3350-kcl-na bicarb-nacl-na sulfate for soln 240 gm (Colyte-flavor packs)............................................. 61 peg 3350-kcl-na bicarb-nacl-na sulfate for soln 236 gm (Golytely)................................................................. 61 peg 3350-kcl-sod bicarb-nacl for soln 420 gm (Nulytely/flavor pack)................................................... 61 penicillin v potassium for soln 125 mg/5ml................... 1 penicillin v potassium for soln 250 mg/5ml................... 1 penicillin v potassium tab 250 mg...................................1 penicillin v potassium tab 500 mg...................................1 PENLAC NAIL LACQUER -ciclopirox solution 8%......... 131 PENLET II REPLACEMENT CAP -lancets misc.............176 PEN NEEDLES 29GX1/2" -insulin pen needle 29 g x 12 mm (1/2")...................................................................... 175 PEN NEEDLES 31G X 3/16" -insulin pen needle 31 g x 5 mm (3/16").................................................................... 175 PEN NEEDLES 30GX5/16" -insulin pen needle 30 g x 8 mm (1/3" or 5/16")........................................................ 175 PEN NEEDLES 31GX5/16" -insulin pen needle 31 g x 8 mm (1/3" or 5/16")........................................................ 175 PEN NEEDLES 31G X 1/4" SH -insulin pen needle 31 g x 6 mm (1/4")................................................................... 175 PEN NEEDLES 31GX6MM (1/4" -insulin pen needle 31 g x 6 mm (1/4")................................................................ 175 PEN NEEDLES 31GX8MM (5/16 -insulin pen needle 31 g x 8 mm (1/3" or 5/16").................................................. 176 PEN NEEDLES 32GX4MM -insulin pen needle 32 g x 4 mm (5/32").................................................................... 176 PEN NEEDLES 29G X 12MM -insulin pen needle 29 g x 12 mm (1/2")................................................................. 175 PEN NEEDLES 31G X 5MM -insulin pen needle 31 g x 5 mm (3/16").................................................................... 175 PEN NEEDLES 31GX8MM -insulin pen needle 31 g x 8 mm (1/3" or 5/16")........................................................ 175 PENTACEL -diph-ac per-tet tox ad-poliov-haemoph b poly vac for im susp............................................................... 14 PENTASA -mesalamine cap cr 250 mg............................ 66 PENTASA -mesalamine cap cr 500 mg............................ 66 pentazocine w/ naloxone tab 50-0.5 mg........................90 PENTIPS 29GX12MM -insulin pen needle 29 g x 12 mm (1/2").............................................................................. 176 PENTIPS 31GX5MM -insulin pen needle 31 g x 5 mm (3/16")............................................................................ 176 PENTIPS 31GX6MM -insulin pen needle 31 g x 6 mm (1/4").............................................................................. 176 PENTIPS 32GX4MM -insulin pen needle 32 g x 4 mm (5/32")............................................................................ 176 PENTIPS 31GX8MM -insulin pen needle 31 g x 8 mm (1/3" or 5/16")................................................................176 PEN-TOTE -blood glucose monitoring supplies............. 176 pentoxifylline tab cr 400 mg......................................... 119 PERFECT LANCETS 30G -lancets................................ 176 PERFECT PRESSURE ACTIVATE -lancets................... 176 PERFOROMIST -formoterol fumarate soln nebu 20 mcg/2ml........................................................................... 59 PERIDEX -chlorhexidine gluconate soln 0.12%............. 124 perindopril erbumine tab 2 mg...................................... 48 perindopril erbumine tab 4 mg (Aceon)........................ 48 perindopril erbumine tab 8 mg (Aceon)........................ 48 permethrin cream 5% (Elimite).................................... 131 PERPHENAZINE/AMITRIPTYLIN -perphenazineamitriptyline tab 2-10 mg................................................ 84 PERPHENAZINE/AMITRIPTYLIN -perphenazineamitriptyline tab 2-25 mg................................................ 84 PERPHENAZINE/AMITRIPTYLIN -perphenazineamitriptyline tab 4-10 mg................................................ 84 PERPHENAZINE/AMITRIPTYLIN -perphenazineamitriptyline tab 4-25 mg................................................ 84 PERPHENAZINE/AMITRIPTYLIN -perphenazineamitriptyline tab 4-50 mg................................................ 84 perphenazine tab 2 mg................................................... 76 perphenazine tab 4 mg................................................... 76 perphenazine tab 8 mg................................................... 76 perphenazine tab 16 mg................................................. 76 PERTZYE -pancrelipase (lip-prot-amyl) dr cap 8000-28750-30250 unit...................................................64 PERTZYE -pancrelipase (lip-prot-amyl) dr cap 16000-57500-60500 unit................................................ 64 PEXEVA -paroxetine mesylate tab 10 mg (base equiv)............................................................................... 73 PEXEVA -paroxetine mesylate tab 20 mg (base equiv)............................................................................... 73 PEXEVA -paroxetine mesylate tab 30 mg (base equiv)............................................................................... 73 PEXEVA -paroxetine mesylate tab 40 mg (base equiv)............................................................................... 73 PHARMACIST CHOICE AUTOCOD -blood glucose monitoring kit w/ device................................................ 176 PHARMACIST CHOICE AUTOCOD -glucose blood test strip................................................................................ 137 PHARMACIST CHOICE NO CODI -glucose blood test strip................................................................................ 137 PHARMACIST CHOICE ULTRA T -lancets.................... 176 PHARMACY COUNTER LANCETS -lancets.................. 176 Florida Blue October 2016 Care Choices Rx Medication Drug Guide 265 2016 phenazopyridine hcl tab 100 mg (Pyridium).................69 phenazopyridine hcl tab 200 mg (Pyridium).................69 phenelzine sulfate tab 15 mg (Nardil)........................... 73 phenobarbital elixir 20 mg/5ml...................................... 77 PHENOBARBITAL -phenobarbital tab 15 mg................... 77 PHENOBARBITAL -phenobarbital tab 30 mg................... 77 PHENOBARBITAL -phenobarbital tab 60 mg................... 77 PHENOBARBITAL -phenobarbital tab 100 mg................. 77 phenobarbital tab 16.2 mg.............................................. 77 phenobarbital tab 32.4 mg.............................................. 77 phenobarbital tab 64.8 mg.............................................. 77 phenobarbital tab 97.2 mg.............................................. 77 phenoxybenzamine hcl cap 10 mg (Dibenzyline)........ 48 phenylephrine hcl ophth soln 2.5%............................. 122 phenylephrine hcl ophth soln 10%.............................. 122 phenylephrine-promethazine w/ codeine syrup 5-6.25-10 mg/5ml........................................................... 57 PHENYTEK -phenytoin sodium extended cap 200 mg.................................................................................... 99 PHENYTEK -phenytoin sodium extended cap 300 mg.................................................................................... 99 phenytoin chew tab 50 mg (Dilantin infatabs)..............99 phenytoin sodium extended cap 100 mg (Dilantin)..... 99 phenytoin sodium extended cap 200 mg (Phenytek)...................................................................... 99 phenytoin sodium extended cap 300 mg (Phenytek)...................................................................... 99 phenytoin susp 125 mg/5ml (Dilantin-125)................... 99 PHOSLO -calcium acetate (phosphate binder) cap 667 mg (169 mg ca).............................................................. 66 PHOSLYRA -calcium acetate (phosphate binder) oral soln 667 mg/5ml..................................................................... 66 PHOSPHOLINE IODIDE -echothiophate iodide ophth for soln 0.125%.................................................................. 122 PICATO -ingenol mebutate gel 0.015%.......................... 131 PICATO -ingenol mebutate gel 0.05%............................ 131 pilocarpine hcl ophth soln 1% (Isopto carpine)......... 122 pilocarpine hcl ophth soln 2% (Isopto carpine)......... 122 pilocarpine hcl ophth soln 4% (Isopto carpine)......... 122 pilocarpine hcl tab 5 mg (Salagen)..............................124 pilocarpine hcl tab 7.5 mg (Salagen)...........................124 pimozide tab 1 mg (Orap)............................................... 84 pimozide tab 2 mg (Orap)............................................... 84 pindolol tab 5 mg............................................................. 39 pindolol tab 10 mg........................................................... 39 pioglitazone hcl-glimepiride tab 30-2 mg (Duetact)..... 30 pioglitazone hcl-glimepiride tab 30-4 mg (Duetact)..... 30 pioglitazone hcl-metformin hcl tab 15-500 mg (Actoplus met)............................................................... 30 pioglitazone hcl-metformin hcl tab 15-850 mg (Actoplus met)............................................................... 30 pioglitazone hcl tab 15 mg (base equiv) (Actos)..........29 pioglitazone hcl tab 30 mg (base equiv) (Actos)..........29 pioglitazone hcl tab 45 mg (base equiv) (Actos)..........30 piroxicam cap 10 mg (Feldene)..................................... 93 piroxicam cap 20 mg (Feldene)..................................... 93 PLAN B ONE-STEP -levonorgestrel tab 1.5 mg............... 26 PLAQUENIL -hydroxychloroquine sulfate tab 200 mg...... 11 PLEGRIDY -peginterferon beta-1a soln pen-injector 125 mcg/0.5ml........................................................................ 84 PLEGRIDY -peginterferon beta-1a soln prefilled syringe 125 mcg/0.5ml................................................................ 84 PLEGRIDY STARTER PACK -peginterferon beta-1a soln pen-inj 63 & 94 mcg/0.5ml pack.................................... 84 PLEGRIDY STARTER PACK -peginterferon beta-1a soln pref syr 63 & 94 mcg/0.5ml pack................................... 84 PNEUMOVAX 23/1 DOSE -pneumococcal vaccine polyvalent inj 25 mcg/0.5ml............................................ 14 PNEUMOVAX 23 -pneumococcal vaccine polyvalent inj 25 mcg/0.5ml.................................................................. 14 PNV-DHA+DOCUSATE -prenatal w/o vit a w/ fe fum-dssfa-dha cap 27-1.25-300 mg.......................................... 107 PNV-DHA -prenat w/o a w/fefum-methfol-fa-dha cap 27-0.6-0.4-300 mg........................................................ 106 PNV FERROUS FUMARATE/DOCU -prenatal vit w/ dssfe fumarate-fa tab 29-1 mg.......................................... 106 PNV FOLIC ACID + IRON MUL -prenatal vit w/ fe fumarate-fa tab 27-1 mg...............................................106 PNV OB+DHA -prenat w/o a w/fecbn-fegl-dss-fa tab & dha cap 250 mg pack...................................................106 PNV-OMEGA -prenat w/o a w/ fe fumerate-methylfolatefa-omega 3 cap............................................................. 107 PNV PRENATAL PLUS MULTIVI -prenatal vit w/ fe fumarate-fa tab 27-1 mg...............................................106 PNV-SELECT -prenatal vit w/ fe fum-methylfolate-fa tab 27-0.6-0.4 mg................................................................ 107 PNV TABS 29-1 -prenatal vit w/ iron carbonyl-fa tab 29-1 mg.................................................................................. 106 PNV-TOTAL -prenat w/ fe cbn-fe bisglyc-fa-fish oil cap 35-5-1.2 mg................................................................... 107 PNV-VP-U -prenatal w/o a vit w/ fe fumarate-fa cap 106.5-1 mg.................................................................... 107 POCKETCHEM EZ BLOOD GLUCO -blood glucose monitoring kit w/ device................................................ 176 POCKETCHEM EZ BLOOD GLUCO -glucose blood test strip................................................................................ 137 podofilox soln 0.5% (Condylox)................................... 131 polyethylene glycol 3350 oral packet............................ 61 polyethylene glycol 3350 oral powder.......................... 61 POLY HUB NEEDLE/25G X 5/8 -needle (disp) 25 x 5/8".................................................................................176 POLY HUB NEEDLE/27G X 1/2 -needle (disp) 27 x 1/2".................................................................................176 POLY HUB NEEDLE/30G X 1/2 -needle (disp) 30 x 1/2".................................................................................176 POLY HUB NEEDLE/18G X 1" -needle (disp) 18 x 1".................................................................................... 176 POLY HUB NEEDLE/21G X 1" -needle (disp) 21 x 1".................................................................................... 176 POLY HUB NEEDLE/22G X 1" -needle (disp) 22 x 1".................................................................................... 176 POLY HUB NEEDLE/23G X 1" -needle (disp) 23 x 1".................................................................................... 176 Florida Blue October 2016 Care Choices Rx Medication Drug Guide 266 2016 POLY HUB NEEDLE/25G X 1" -needle (disp) 25 x 1".................................................................................... 176 POLY HUB NEEDLE/18G X 1-1 -needle (disp) 18 x 1-1/2"............................................................................. 176 POLY HUB NEEDLE/21G X 1-1 -needle (disp) 21 x 1-1/2"............................................................................. 176 POLY HUB NEEDLE/22G X 1-1 -needle (disp) 22 x 1-1/2"............................................................................. 176 POLY HUB NEEDLE/23G X 1-1 -needle (disp) 23 x 1-1/2"............................................................................. 176 POLY HUB NEEDLE/25G X 1-1 -needle (disp) 25 x 1-1/2"............................................................................. 176 POLY HUB NEEDLE/27G X 1-1 -needle (disp) 27 x 1-1/4"............................................................................. 176 polymyxin b-trimethoprim ophth soln 10000 unit/ ml-0.1% (Polytrim)...................................................... 123 POLYTRIM -polymyxin b-trimethoprim ophth soln 10000 unit/ml-0.1%.................................................................. 123 POMALYST -pomalidomide cap 1 mg.............................. 18 POMALYST -pomalidomide cap 2 mg.............................. 18 POMALYST -pomalidomide cap 3 mg.............................. 18 POMALYST -pomalidomide cap 4 mg.............................. 18 PONSTEL -mefenamic acid cap 250 mg.......................... 93 pot & sod citrates w/ cit ac soln 550-500-334 mg/5ml............................................................................ 69 potassium bicarbonate effer tab 25 meq.................... 111 potassium chloride cap cr 8 meq (Micro-k)................ 111 potassium chloride cap cr 10 meq (Micro-k).............. 111 POTASSIUM CHLORIDE ER -potassium chloride tab cr 8 meq (600 mg)............................................................... 111 POTASSIUM CHLORIDE ER -potassium chloride tab cr 20 meq (1500 mg)........................................................ 111 potassium chloride microencapsulated crys cr tab 10 meq............................................................................... 111 potassium chloride microencapsulated crys cr tab 20 meq............................................................................... 112 potassium chloride oral soln 10% (20 meq/15ml)...... 112 potassium chloride oral soln 20% (40 meq/15ml)...... 112 potassium chloride powder packet 20 meq............... 112 potassium chloride tab cr 10 meq (K-tab).................. 112 potassium chloride tab cr 8 meq (600 mg) (Ktab)................................................................................ 112 potassium citrate & citric acid powder pack 3300-1002 mg................................................................................... 69 potassium citrate tab cr 5 meq (540 mg) (Urocit-k 5)...................................................................................... 69 potassium citrate tab cr 10 meq (1080 mg) (Urocit-k 10).................................................................................... 69 potassium citrate tab cr 15 meq (1620 mg) (Urocit-k 15).................................................................................... 69 pot bicarbonate & chloride effer tab 25 meq.............. 111 POTIGA -ezogabine tab 50 mg......................................... 99 POTIGA -ezogabine tab 200 mg....................................... 99 POTIGA -ezogabine tab 300 mg....................................... 99 POTIGA -ezogabine tab 400 mg....................................... 99 pot phos monobasic w/sod phos di & monobas tab 155-852-130mg (K-phos neutral)...............................111 PRADAXA -dabigatran etexilate mesylate cap 75 mg (etexilate base eq)........................................................ 115 PRADAXA -dabigatran etexilate mesylate cap 110 mg (etexilate base eq)........................................................ 115 PRADAXA -dabigatran etexilate mesylate cap 150 mg (etexilate base eq)........................................................ 115 PRALUENT -alirocumab subcutaneous soln pen-injector 75 mg/ml......................................................................... 53 PRALUENT -alirocumab subcutaneous soln pen-injector 150 mg/ml....................................................................... 53 PRALUENT -alirocumab subcutaneous soln prefilled syringe 75 mg/ml............................................................ 54 PRALUENT -alirocumab subcutaneous soln prefilled syringe 150 mg/ml.......................................................... 54 pramipexole dihydrochloride tab 0.125 mg (Mirapex).......................................................................102 pramipexole dihydrochloride tab 0.25 mg (Mirapex).......................................................................102 pramipexole dihydrochloride tab 0.5 mg (Mirapex).......................................................................102 pramipexole dihydrochloride tab 0.75 mg (Mirapex).......................................................................102 pramipexole dihydrochloride tab 1 mg (Mirapex)...... 102 pramipexole dihydrochloride tab 1.5 mg (Mirapex).......................................................................102 pramipexole dihydrochloride tab sr 24hr 0.375 mg (Mirapex er).................................................................. 102 pramipexole dihydrochloride tab sr 24hr 0.75 mg (Mirapex er).................................................................. 102 pramipexole dihydrochloride tab sr 24hr 1.5 mg (Mirapex er).................................................................. 102 pramipexole dihydrochloride tab sr 24hr 2.25 mg (Mirapex er).................................................................. 102 pramipexole dihydrochloride tab sr 24hr 3 mg (Mirapex er).................................................................. 102 pramipexole dihydrochloride tab sr 24hr 3.75 mg (Mirapex er).................................................................. 102 pramipexole dihydrochloride tab sr 24hr 4.5 mg (Mirapex er).................................................................. 102 PRAMOSONE -pramoxine-hc cream 1-1%.................... 131 PRAMOSONE -pramoxine-hc lotion 1-1%...................... 131 PRAMOSONE -pramoxine-hc lotion 1-2.5%................... 1
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