VIP Booklet
VIP Booklet
With support of CEOGAS – The Russian-European Business Platform for Cooperation in Energy Saving Activity Publisher: Initiative of: Database Processing: Edition: Rusnet BV Rusnet BV Infomessage S.R.L., Moldova Alec Zjyrov The All Members Area © 1999 – 2006 VIP Booklet Rusnet BV 2 The All Members Area © 1999 – 2006 VIP Booklet Rusnet BV THE EDITORIAL & AUTHOR'S NOTES The information datas of the enterprises published in PDF Booklet are intended only for the user registered in Rusnet. The public use of datas, any kinds of Copying and Duplicating of the Booklet, and as electronic use of information data bases, without the written sanction of Rusnet BV - is forbidden. The copyright and intellectual property of Rusnet BV are protected by the International, European and Netherlands law. Rusnet BV does not bear the responsibility for the error publication of datas. At the request of the enterprises and organizations, their datas can be added, are changed or are deleted from the booklet. CHARGE-FREE DATALOGGING Title of the enterprise or organization: ......................................................................... Address: ..................................................... ZIP :.......................................................... City: ...................................................... Country: ........................................................ The telephone: .............................................................................................................. The fax: ......................................................................................................................... E-mail: .......................................................................................................................... Website: ........................................................................................................................ The employer: ............................................................................................................... Branch ........................................................................................................................... ٌ We are interested in the publication of supplementary data ٌ We are interested in accommodation of advertising ٌ For the publication of supplementary data we want to receive VIP accreditation, cost. 99,00 Euro per one year (without the VAT). Rusnet B.V., P.O. Box 29, 3720 AA Bilthoven Fax: +31 (0) 30 228 54 59 E-mail: THE ORDER OF ADDITIONAL COPIES OF THE VIP BOOKLET The VIP Booklet you can order on the Internet site: ::: ٌ Order of the VIPBooklet on a CD for 25,00 Euro (the mail costs are not including) ٌ Order of the VIP Booklet with delivery by Email. (1 MB) for 24,00 Euro ٌ We want download the VIP Booklet via the website of Rusnet for 24,00 Euro Title of company or organization: ........................................................................ Address: ..................................................... ZIP:................................................... City: ...................................................... Country: ................................................ The telephone: ...................................................................................................... The fax: ................................................................................................................ E-mail: ................................................................................................................. Website: ............................................................................................................... The employer: ...................................................................................................... The date ............................ Signature .............................. (Electronic signature is accepted) Rusnet B.V., P.O. Box 29, 3720 AA Bilthoven Fax: +31 (0) 30 228 54 59 E-mail: U kunt uw visum laten verzorgen door de Visumwinkel. Wij bezoeken dagelijks vele ambassades en consulaten in Den Haag en Brussel. Ook verzorgen wij uitnodigingen voor visa naar Rusland. Kijk op onze website voor meer informatie: of bel ons op 070-3656533 3 The All Members Area © 1999 – 2006 VIP Booklet Rusnet BV THE CONTENTS LIST 1 - 11# 3 # 4 # 5–6 # 7 # 9 # 11 # A :::: B :::: C :::: D :::: Informational Part Editorial and Author's Notes Contents List & Specification Introduction Usual manual Conclusion: " … a pair words about Rusnet " The register of the companies ::: 11 – 35 ## The VIP & First Class Members Area Only 36 – 47 ## Branches Description 48 – 351 ## The Business Class Members Area (more than 4.000 companies) 352 – 354 ## You can order extra VIP Booklet. Price ::: 24,00 Euro The Specification ::: VIP Booklet 2006 Charge-free distribution of the " VIP and First Class " part of the VIP Booklet among the companies registered in the Rusnet system (more than 4.000 companies) - Sale of the VIP Booklet via Internet::: - The sale and distribution of the VIP Booklet in Russia and CIS is organized by CEOGAS (Russia), UKRSPETSSPLAV (Ukraine) and INFOMESSAGE (Moldova). The VIP Booklet issues in the Russian, English and Netherlands version. Each three months are published Upgrade Report, which is free of charge distributed among the companies registered in the Rusnet system Format: Volume: Colours: A4 (PDF) 460 pgs. * full-colour & white - black image Rusnet BV is open for cooperation with the companies and organizations interested in the joint development of the VIP project in the field of publication, distribution and sale of the Rusnet Booklet. 4 The All Members Area © 1999 – 2006 VIP Booklet Rusnet BV Introduction The Virtual Interactive Promoter of the Dutch & European businesses community in Russia is a joint project of Rusnet BV and the Dutch office of the Russian Chamber of Commerce. You can fully use this Virtual Interactive Promoter, which gives a complete overview of thousands of Dutch & European companies and organisations that are actively busy with selling their production and services in Russia and other CIS-countries. The use of the VIP network and registration of the company-data is completely FREE. The content that you will find in the Virtual Interactive Promoter: x x x x x x x x x x x VIP list of all recorded companies and organisations (more than 4.500) VIP contacts list (more than 2.500) VIP list of the business-sectors (more than 500) VIP list of all recorded Dutch companies and organisations (more than 3.000) VIP list of all recorded companies from Belgium and Luxembourg (more than 200) VIP list of the Benelux- & European companies in Russia & CIS (more than 700) VIP list of the Russian & CIS companies in the Benelux (more than 100) VIP list of Russian-speaking contacts in the Netherlands (more than 200) VIP data-overview of companies and organisations Production- and activity description Instantaneous searching and finding of the VIP data Aim of the project: The promotion of further expansion of the booming trade- and economic relations between West Europa and Russia at company level. Used means: The efficient combination of: x x x x x the largest company-network in Russia of the Russian Chamber of Commerce the existing Rusnet-network the much-visited internet site (with more than 1,000 visitors per day) the daily news service (with more than 2,000 subscribers) an exclusive database of the Dutch companies (with more than 6,000 items) makes the fact that if your company-data is included in the Rusnet-website, this data will be directly accessible for the Russian clients who can obtain your data via the Chamber of Commerce of Russia and the Russian internet. 5 The All Members Area © 1999 – 2006 VIP Booklet Rusnet BV Target group: Rusnet's VIP aims at Dutch, Belgian and European companies and commercial agencies which do business - or want to - on the Russian market. It is a handy and practical network, in which you can contact companies and organisations in Russia, which also are interested in your production, services or partnership. VIP entry: If you belong to the above-mentioned target group, we'll gladly add your company-data also tot this unique VIP database, for free. Interested in a VIP accreditation? If you have a VIP accreditation, you will also directly get a VIP accompaniment of Rusnet. It means: x x x x x x x x x Your company data will be mentioned in the upper part of the overview Your company data will be mentioned on the Internet website of Rusnet Free receipt of the VIP's @-bulletin (normal price: 24.00 €) Free receipt of the monthly update of the @-bulletin. Your entire company data will be included in the VIP for free (normal price: 175.00 €) Free description of your company activities or your production (normal price: 50.00 €) Free Russian translation of your company activities (normal price: 36.00 €) 10% discount on all services and products of Rusnet 10% discount on advertising inside the Rusnetnetwork VIP accreditation - 99.00 € per year 6 The All Members Area © 1999 – 2006 VIP Booklet Rusnet BV Usual manual Using of the "Search" button of your “Adobe Acrobat Reader” you instantly will find all what is published in the VIP Booklet. Enter the name, company title, branch description, city or a country …. You can find immediately everything what You search. 7 The All Members Area © 1999 – 2006 VIP Booklet Rusnet BV THE RUSSIAN FEDERAL PROPERTY FUND GOVERNMENT OF RUSSIA ___________________________________________________________________________ Leninskii str.9, Moscow, Russia,119049 ;Tel./Fax. +7 495 781 18 96 ;; The Russian Federal Property Fund (RFPF) was established in February, 1992 by the Order of the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR. According to the Decree of the President dated December 17, 1993 the RFPF was awarded the status of a specialized state institution of the Russian Federation Government and the official seller of federal assets. At the present time the RFPF carries its activities in Russia and abroad in accordance with the Russian Federation Government resolution ȹ 925 “On the Russian Federal Property Fund”. At present the RFPF has a wide regional network consisting of 6 interregional and 29 regional departments which are operating as property funds under control and in the structures of local administrations, and as direct and regional departments of the RFPF in 78 regions of the Russian Federation. The task of the local property management institutions is to sell federal property located in their territories. Besides selling functions, the RFPF may control state-owned stakes in the joint-stock companies, where the privatization process is not finished yet. On behalf of the RF executive power and by the order of the RF Government the RFPF may act as co-founder of commercial and financial organizations. One of the most important current tasks of the RFPF is to stimulate the foreign investors’ participation in the privatization of the Russian companies. According to this task the RFPF has created and is developing its own network of overseas representative offices. At present the RFPF representative offices are operating in Germany, Switzerland, Netherlands, Spain, Italy, United States of America, Great Britain, China, and the Middle East (Lebanon). Its main task is to inform regularly potential foreign investors about the sales of the Russian companies, blocks of shares, and to look for those who would be interested in investing into the Russian economy. In the complicated current economic situation in Russia, the RFPF, its branches throughout Russia and representative offices and partners are a real and effective instrument which will help Russian companies to find reliable partners and to assist domestic and foreign investors in making profitable long-term investments. Additional information about the RFPF activities is available in the Foreign Investments Department ___________________________________________________________________________ Leninskii str.9, Moscow, Russia,119049 ;Tel./Fax. +7 495 781 18 96 ;; Virtual Interactive Promoter of the Dutch businesses community in Russia is a joint project of Rusnet BV and the Dutch office of the Russian chamber of commerce. 8 The All Members Area © 1999 – 2006 VIP Booklet Rusnet BV Alec Zjyrov Director Rusnet BV «… a pair words about Rusnet» Profile Rusnet BV is a consultancy firm specialising in business services to multinationals, large and middlelarge companies, mainly situated in the Benelux-area and West Europa, for their commercial activities in Russia and the European CIS. Our services consist especially in providing high-level introductions and information concerning large Russian companies and (semi-)governmental parties. Rusnet Partners lobbies within its network of federal and regional governmental sources. Furthermore, we advise concerning the proper interpretation of Russian information and its implications for the achievement of the client's aims. In addition, we guide and facilitate the client in its relations with Russian stakeholders, in particular with respect to the federal and regional authorities and (semi-) official bodies. Advise on deal-making includes overcoming differences in business cultures. History Rusnet was established as a result of privatisation of a part of the Russia & CIS Foreign Investment Promotions Centre "FIPC"'s activities. The primary purpose of the Foreign Investment Promotion Centre of Russia was to facilitate Western companies in their investment activities in the Russian Federation. Rusnet proved its competence by consulting Dutch and Belgian companies and firms in the power, energysaving, industrial, agro-industrial, food-processing, transport and other sectors. Besides, it has experience in such sectors as luxury goods, shipbuilding, port development, real estate development, consumer market development, and infrastructure, telecom, environmental and social projects. Thanks to its historic relations with the official FIPC-network and the fact that its employees derived from high level official circles of the former Soviet Union, Rusnet has a wide informal network in Russia and the CIS at its disposal. The experience proves that this is a successful starting point for effective and purposeful consulting of Western companies. At the initiative of the FIPC Rusnet has published a 'Rusnet Almanak' in 2002. Rusnet Almanak is a business-to-business yellow pages guide for companies and organisations in the Benelux doing business in Russia and C.I.S. Many companies from Russia and other CIS countries make use of the Rusnet database of Dutch and Belgian companies and other organisations. As far as internet information about Russia is concerned, Rusnet is undoubtedly the largest information source in the Dutch language area of the Benelux. More than 6,000 recipients (in particular, more than 3,000 companies in the Netherlands and Belgium) make use of the daily or weekly information e-mailed by Rusnet free of charge. The Rusnet website is leading in its branch. In cooperation with Russian & C.I.S. companies and official organisations, Rusnet organises trade and investment missions, international conferences and seminars customised for Western companies interested in development of business relation in the Russian Federation and Ukraine. OOO "Rusnet EuroDesk" is the Rusnet office in Moscow. 9 The VIP & First Class Members Area Only © 1999 – 2006 VIP Booklet Rusnet BV «RUSNET PARTNERS» ɹɜɥɹɟɬɫɹ ɟɞɢɧɫɬɜɟɧɧɨɣ «RUSNET PARTNERS» is a Dutch company signing the Exclusive Agreement for ɧɢɞɟɪɥɚɧɞɫɤɨɣ ɨɪɝɚɧɢɡɚɰɢɟɣ, ɩɨɞɩɢɫɚɜɲɟɣ cooperation and mutual services with the Ⱦɨɝɨɜɨɪ ɨ ɫɨɬɪɭɞɧɢɱɟɫɬɜɟ ɢ ɜɡɚɢɦɧɨɦ ɨɤɚɡɚɧɢɢ ɭɫɥɭɝ ɫ Ɍɨɪɝɨɜɨ-ɩɪɨɦɵɲɥɟɧɧɨɣ Chamber of Commerce & Industry of Russian Federation in the Netherlands. ɩɚɥɚɬɨɣ Ɋɨɫɫɢɣɫɤɨɣ Ɏɟɞɟɪɚɰɢɢ ɜ ɇɢɞɟɪɥɚɧɞɚɯ. Consultancy Centre «RUSNET PARTNERS» Ʉɨɧɫɚɥɬɢɧɝɨɜɵɣ ɰɟɧɬɪ «RUSNET is a partner of the Russian Chamber of PARTNERS» - ɩɚɪɬɧɟɪ Ɍɉɉ Ɋɨɫɫɢɢ ɜ ɨɛɥɚɫɬɢ Commerce & Industry in the field of the ɨɤɚɡɚɧɢɹ ɢɧɮɨɪɦɚɰɢɨɧɧɨ-ɤɨɧɫɭɥɶɬɚɰɢɨɧɧɵɯ informational & consultation service to the ɭɫɥɭɝ ɧɢɞɟɪɥɚɧɞɫɤɢɦ ɢ ɪɨɫɫɢɣɫɤɢɦ Dutch and Russian businessmen. ɩɪɟɞɩɪɢɧɢɦɚɬɟɥɹɦ. Ɍɉɉ Ɋɨɫɫɢɢ ɭɩɨɥɧɨɦɨɱɢɥɨ «RUSNET PARTNERS» ɩɪɟɞɫɬɚɜɥɹɬɶ ɢɧɬɟɪɟɫɵ ɢ ɩɪɨɞɜɢɝɚɬɶ ɭɫɥɭɝɢ ɩɚɥɚɬɵ ɤɥɢɟɧɬɚɦ ɧɚ ɬɟɪɪɢɬɨɪɢɢ ɇɢɞɟɪɥɚɧɞɨɜ. The Russian Chamber of Commerce & Industry has comissioned " RUSNET PARTNERS " to represent interests and services of the chamber in the Netherlands. Ɍɉɉ Ɋɨɫɫɢɢ ɩɪɨɞɜɢɝɚɟɬ ɭɫɥɭɝɢ ɰɟɧɬɪɚ «RUSNET PARTNERS» ɧɚ ɬɟɪɪɢɬɨɪɢɢ Ɋɨɫɫɢɣɫɤɨɣ Ɏɟɞɟɪɚɰɢɢ». The Russian Chamber of Commerce & Industry develop advances services of " RUSNET PARTNERS " in the Russian Federation . Ⱦɨɝɨɜɨɪ ɧɨɦɟɪ 501, ɨɬ 08.12.2004 The agreement number 501, from 08.12.2004 For more information : Business Information and Consultations Center of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation (RF CCI). 109012, Moscow, St. Ilyinka, 6 Phone: +7 (095) 929-0009 Fax: +7 (095) 929-0360 E-mail: A The VIP & First Class Members Area Only © 1999 – 2006 VIP Booklet Rusnet BV Companies Register All-Russian Energy Forum The Industrial Energy Complex of Russia in the XXIst Century RUSNET BV - The Official Partner of the Kremlin Energy Forum in the EU & Asia Internet:; e-mail:; A Phone/fax: +7 (495) 234-03-73, 234-46-96, 739-66-97, 702-97-70, 797-30-27 Office in Moscow: 78 Profsoyuznaya Street, city of Moscow, 117393. Office in Electrostal: 6a Karl Marx Street, city of Elektrostal, Region of Moscow, 144001 All companies of the holding “Energia Group”, founded in 1989, represent a wide range of consulting, legal and engineering services in the field of commerce, power engineering and building projects. “Energia-Climate, Ltd”,, is a large trading-engineering company that combines two main activities: wholesale supplies of climatic equipment and execution of the individual orders of the enterprises, organizations and private persons for projection, supplying, mounting and servicing of the conditioning systems, ventilation and heat-power supply. OJSC “EnergoConsulting XXI” was established in 2000 as a company rendering services in the field of accounting, financial, legal and organizational support. Company is a collective of professional accountants, lawyers, financiers and regular personnel with the considerable experience (from eight to fifteen years) in financialeconomic field of Russia. “Energia-Impex, Ltd”,, offers complete range of services in foreign trade supplies. (or export/import outsourcing): from the negotiations, preparation and keeping the contract, arranging certificates, permission and licenses for export/import to marketing research and agent services in representation of the interest or products of the foreign companies in the russian market. More then hundred contracts for the sum of over 300 million US Dollars were concluded by the specialists of the company. 17-years of work experience, high personal qualification and serious point of view for the business guarantee the success in solving the task of any degree of complexity and responsibility. Тел./факс: +7 (495) 234-03-73, 234-46-96, 739-66-97, 702-97-70, 797-30-27 Офис в Москве: 117393, г. Москва, ул. Профсоюзная, д.78. Офис в Электростали: 144001, М.О., г. Электросталь, ул. К.Маркса, д. 6А. Energia Energia Energia Energia Energia Energia Energia Energia Energia Energia Energia Group Group Group Group Group Group Group Group Group Group Group Energia Energia Energia Energia Energia Energia Energia Energia Energia Energia Energia Group Group Group Group Group Group Group Group Group Group Group Energia Energia Energia Energia Energia Energia Energia Energia Energia Energia Energia Group Group Group Group Group Group Group Group Group Group Group Energia Energia Energia Energia Energia Energia Energia Energia Energia Energia Energia Group Group Group Group Group Group Group Group Group Group Group Energia Energia Energia Energia Energia Energia Energia Energia Energia Energia Energia Group Group Group Group Group Group Group Group Group Group Group Energia Energia Energia Energia Energia Energia Energia Energia Energia Energia Energia Group Group Group Group Group Group Group Group Group Group Group The VIP & First Class Members Area Only © 1999 – 2006 VIP Booklet Rusnet BV Dagelijks meer dan duizend in Rusland en GOS geïnteresseerde bezoekers WWW.RUSNET.NL Advertentiemogelijkheden, banners en gerichte mail- en e-mailservice Gebruik de VIP-database ::: met meer dan 7000 adressen in Nederland, België en West Europa van bedrijven die zaken doen met Rusland en het GOS Joint-Stock Company Limited company «GAZPROM» «GAZPROMENERGO» ООО ГАЗПРОМЭНЕРГО Mr. Serguey Solov'ev Chief Specialist of the International Cooperation Department Владимир Юрьевич Ювонин Начальник отдела Энергосбережения 16, Nametkina street c/o IRTs Gazprom Ltd. 27 Obrucheva Street 117 630 Moscow Russia г. Москва 117246 Научный пр. дом 8 стр 1 Russia +7 495 719-6144 +7 495 225-8103 +7 495 719 32 35 +7 495 411 58 29 rticle14590.shtml Your trip to Russia can be organized by “Visum Winkel” - an experienced Dutch operator of Visa & Tourist services. For more information: A The VIP & First Class Members Area Only © 1999 – 2006 VIP Booklet Rusnet BV Corstjens Worldwide Movers Group - пионер в области обеспечения и предоставления экспедиционных услуг в Центральной и Восточной Европе. Созданная в 1946 году в Нидерландах, и начавшая свою деятельность в Восточной Европе в 1982 году, Corstjens Worldwide Movers Group создала целую сеть логистиковых, транспортных и экспедиционных услуг в Белграде Москве, Варшаве, Праге, Будапеште, Киеве, Риге и других городах. В 1999 году Corstjens Worldwide Movers Group вошла в транспортную группу "Антверпен Gosselin" и существенно расширила спектр транспортных услуг в 42 странах Европы и Азии. Corstjens Worldwide Movers Group работает с ведущими транснациональными корпорациями, посольствами, правительственными учреждениями и частными лицами. Наши клиенты могут подтвердить качество и надежность нашей работы. Опыт, наработаный в течении десятилетий по всему миру, Corstjens Worldwide Movers Group с успехом внедряет на рынках Центральной и Восточной Европе, подтверждая репутацию компании высоким качеством и надёжностью транспортных услуг.Дополнительную и контактную информацию вы можете найти на сайте: VIP Unlimited ; Netherlands VIP Unlimited; Netherlands Corstjens Worldwide Movers Group Loyens & Loeff N.V. Mr. Vikas Misri; Group Marketing Manager Postbus 71145; 1008 BC Amsterdam T.: +31 20 42 63 777 F.: +31 20 42 63 789 E.:; I.: Mr. Jan Bart Schober; Tax adviser Mrs. Lilia Gontcharova; Tax adviser Relocation, Moving & Storage Services Corstjens Worldwide Movers Group is the pioneer in providing moving services in Central and Eastern Europe. Established in 1946 in the Netherlands, it started its operations in Eastern Europe by 1982, with the opening of Belgrade office. Within a short span thereafter Corstjens made its presence felt in the region as branches were established in Moscow, Warsaw, Prague, Budapest, Kyiv, Riga and other capital cities. In 1999 we became a member of the Antwerp based Gosselin group which allowed Corstjens to provide services through its own network in 42 locations around Europe and Asia. We work for leading multinationals, embassies, government institutions and private individuals; clients who highly value expertise, quality and reliability. The Group is fortunate to have a wealth of experience at its disposal, acquired during tens of thousands of moves to and from locations around the world. In Central and Eastern Europe, Corstjens can claim a special niche in the market. Perhaps one of the reasons why more than 200 multinational companies choose Corstjens Group as their preferred moving partner with Worldwide Activity & Local Expertise::: A Tel.: +31 (0)20 578 5451 / +31 (0)10 224 6421 Fax: +31 (0)20 578 5825 / +31 (0)10 224 6171 E-mail: E-mail: Website: Address: P.O. Box 71170; 1008 BD Amsterdam Fred. Roeskestraat 100; 1076 ED Amsterdam Law firm / Tax advice Loyens & Loeff is an independent Benelux law firm with over 700 lawyers and integrated corporate law and tax practices. Loyens & Loeff maintains close relations with prominent international law firms and is as such the logical choice for large and medium-size companies operating internationally. Loyens и Loeff - независимая адвокатская контора объединяющая более чем 700 юристов в Бенилюксе, работающих в области общего и налогового законодательства и активно сотрудничающих со многими крупными международными юридическими фирмами, представителями малого, среднего и крупного бизнеса во многих странах мира. The VIP & First Class Members Area Only © 1999 – 2006 VIP Booklet Rusnet BV VIP Unlimited; Russia Style Mrs, Irina V. Varganova General Director 620149, Russia Ekaterinburg, Zoologicheskaya Street, 9 VIP Unlimited; Netherlands +7 (343) 240-59-02, 240-59-03 +7 243-26-94 East West Forwarding B.V. Wear & Footwea Long term conception of development – to seize rapidly main segment of the market in Russia and abroad to sale own production. EWF B.V. Mr. Jan Maas Waalhaven oz 51 3087 BM Rotterdam +31 10 4911 366; +31 6144 62 720 +31 10 4911 367; Transport, Logistics, Expedition & Forwarding VIP Unlimited; Russia East West Forwarding – Russia Mrs. Olga Dudko Mozhayskoye shosse 37-1 121471 Moscow, Russia +7 (095) 443 6464;+7 (095) 443 6465 +7 (095) 443 6485 Benelux in Russia ::: Transport, Logistics, Expedition & Forwarding Wear & Footwear Main aim To develop company, which connected with fashion – industry and has it’s own brand till the level of business leaders like “H&M”, “Benetton”, “Sisley” and others. To develop the system of franchising in Russia and abroad on the basis of balanced working system of this company. Human recourses The workers of company “Style” regularly study and attend different seminars, courses to get higher qualification, also manufacture workers study at the original system of construction and technology “Muller”. We motivate our workers according the system of profit correlation. For production new models we use computer technologies, also we have the system of Automatic Projection of Spain company “Investronika”, which allows to produce and simulate models quickly and with high quality. Resources - Manufacture of company “style” has Russian and foreign equipment. We use sewing machines “Durkopp”, and equipment of “Veit” for ironing, - The particularities of TM “PARTISAN” - Individual technologies of system of business processes; - Computer system of construction, simulation and multiplication of the models “Investronika” (Spain), which which allows to produce models quickly and with high quality. - Production on the own area, and arranging the - Trade mark “PARTISAN” is registered in federal institute of industry and in Russian Authorship Society. - Exclusive design, innovative technologies in manufacture; A Wear & Footwea Our history Sewing company “Style” has been organized in July 1987, - the leader in producing clothes in the market of Ekaterinburg, Ural’s region and Russia more than 17 years. Company “style” is the winner and candidate of the Russian competition among small and medium companies and has been marked in “Golden Record of the best small and medium companies of Russia”. Our company received the rank “The best young clothes” in 1997, and “The best producing collection” in 1998, and in 1999 we got special prize “For the best design of new millenium” on “The Week of Russian fashion” in Moscow. In 1998 company “Style” became the winner in the Ural’s competition “Leader in business” among others companies working in sewing industry. Our company became the member of Trade Industrial Chamber of Russian Federation. Trade mark “PARTISAN” is registered in federal institute of industry and in Russian Authorship Society. Nowadays there are about 80 persons, working in our company, 60 persons among them – work in manufacture. Industrial area is about 1 100 square metres. production of the clothes on other companies in Russia and abroad; Plan of sale - to increase the quantity of shops, and because of it to increase the volume of the sale; - to set the system of dealers and franchising; - to find new dealers of Russian market and other countries. The VIP & First Class Members Area Only © 1999 – 2006 VIP Booklet Rusnet BV VIP Unlimited; Netherlands VIP Unlimited; Netherlands SLOEZJBA Mr. Otto Gooiker ; Directeur Ploeger Machines BV Mr. Cees J. M. Mensen ; Commercial Director 2 de Riemerstraat 158 2513 CZ Den Haag Standdaarbuitensedijk 3; 4751 SG Oud Gastel Rucphensebaan 29;NL- 4706 PH Roosendaal +31 (0) 70 3467373; +31 (0) 70 3562562; +31 (0) 165 319 333; +31 (0) 165 31 93 41 +31 (0) 165 313 159;;; Translation & Interpreters Agro Equipment & Machinery - Beëdigde vertalingen Russisch/Nederlands - Lessen Nederlands - Lessen Russisch - Appartementverhuur in Jalta Ontwikkeling, bouw en verkoop van industriele groentenoogst machines, voor erwten ,bonen, spinazie, aardappelen, wortelen, suiker mais en zaad mais oogst machines - Уроки голландского языка для русскоговорящих в Гааге - Присяжные переводы с русского на голландский - Сдача в Аренду апартаментов в Ялте Разработка, строительство и продажа агроиндустриальной техники необходимой для обработки и выращивания гороха и бобовых, картофеля и моркови, кукурузы и кукурузных семян Activity: developing , manufacturing , sales and service of Industrial vegetable harvesing systems for the harvest of: Peas, Broad beans, flageolets, Green beans, Spinach, Potatoes, Carrots, Sweet and seed corn harvesters. Business Information & Consultations Center of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation (RF CCI). 109012, Moscow, St. Ilyinka, 6 Phone: +7 (095) 929-0009 Fax: +7 (095) 929-0360 E-mail: For more information : A The VIP & First Class Members Area Only © 1999 – 2006 VIP Booklet Rusnet BV VIP Unlimited; Netherlands VIP Unlimited; Netherlands Mevrouw Oksana Titova - Directeur Postbus 5108 5800 GC Venray Bouwpaco Packaging Equipment B.V. Mr. J. A. Bouwman - General Manager Voltastraat 22 - 3771 RZ - BARNEVELD P.O. Box 113 - 3770 AC – BARNEVELD Phone +31 342 420821; Fax: +31 342 420835 Email:; Email: Web: Packaging machine manufacturing Producing and sales of packaging machinery, specialised: - in flexible packaging for the food industry - in producing process and packaging machinery for the Bakers Yeast Industry Производство и продажа упаковывающего оборудования предназначенного для: - гибкой и разно-форменной упаковки продуктов питания - пекарного, дрожжевого и кондитерского Phone: +31 478 691 892; +31 653 427 123 Fax: +31 478 692 793 Email Web Export & Import; Advies- en Vertaalbureau Export/import, advies Rusland, transporten naar en vanuit Rusland, vertalingen en taalonderwijs Russisch. Экспорт-импорт, международные перевозки, консалтинг, государственные переводы русский, белорусский и украинский, уроки русского языка. производства Mr. R. W. J. Vister ; Director Logitracon Int. B.V. VIP Unlimited; Netherlands - Russia Innovatie 4 ; 6921 RN Duiven t.: +31 (0)26 - 31 90 699 f.:+31 (0)26 - 31 90 670 e.: w.: Transport, Logistics, Expedition & Forwarding Transport problems call for a specialist who can think beyond simple "from A to B" solutions. That`s why Logitracon will relieve you of your transport worries from A to Z. However "exotic" the destination, however difficult or urgent the cargo: you can rest assured that it will arrive safely and on time with Logitracon. Для решения транспортных проблем нужны специалисты, способные найти выход из любой ситуации, в том числе нестандартной. Компания Logitracon в состоянии предложить Вам комплексный подход к решению любой транспортной задачи. Каким бы «экзотическим» ни был пункт назначения, каким бы сложным или срочным ни был груз – вы можете быть уверены в том, что компания Logitracon доставит его на место в целости и сохранности и точно в назначенное время. Transportproblemen vragen om een specialist die verder denkt dan van A naar B. Daarom neemt Logitracon uw transportzorg van A tot Z uit handen. Hoe "exotisch" de bestemming, hoe lastig of spoedeisend de lading is: met Logitracon weet u zeker dat het goed en op tijd aankomt. A The VIP & First Class Members Area Only © 1999 – 2006 VIP Booklet Rusnet BV VIP Unlimited; Russia Contact person Mrs. Irina Panfilova ul. Novozavodskaya 11/5 121087, Moscow, Russia Phone: Fax: Email: Web: +7 (495) 449-7205; +7 (495) 449-7319; The Russian Customs Service has launched a New official web site in English, devoted to improving cooperation between Russian Customs Bodies and business community. You can find it here The site provides information about Russia`s Customs Service`s structure and activity and about current reforms. ATTENTION!!! AT PRESENT ALL QUESTIONS ARE ACCEPTED ONLY IN RUSSIAN!! Do not hesitate to send your questions via e–mail to the Department of cooperation with business community to Irina Panfilova , as well as to Regional Customs Administrations: Central Customs Directorate (CTU) Siberian Customs Directorate (STU) North Eastern Customs Directorate (SZTU) Kaliningrad Customs Directorate Southern Customs Directorate (JTU) Privolzhskoe Customs Directorate (PTU) Urals Customs Directorate (UTU) Far Eastern Customs Directorate (DVTU) E–mail: E–mail: E–mail: E–mail: E–mail: E–mail: E–mail: E–mail: ots– stu– UTU–KS– Information on representative offices of the Federal Customs Service (FCS) of Russia abroad::: There are currently seven representative offices of the FCS of Russia abroad. They have been opened in Germany, Finland, Belgium, the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Republic of Belarus, Ukraine, and the Republic of Kyrgyzstan. One of the directions of the activities of representative offices of the FCS of Russia abroad is to facilitate the strengthening of economic cooperation in international relations. Information on representative office of the FCS of Russia in Germany: Head of the representative office of the FCS of Russia in Germany – Mr. Alexander Klepov; – Tel: +49–228–81–923–80, – Fax: +49–228–81–923–88, – E–mail: russzollvertretung@t–on–, – Address: Godesberger Alle 88, 53175 Bonn, Deutschland. Information on representative office of the FCS of Russia in Finland: Mr. Valery Evsyutin, Head of the representative office of the FCS of Russia in Finland; – Address: 00140, Helsinki, Tehtaankatu IB, Finland – Tel: +3589–628–077; – Fax: +3589–639–009; – E–mail: Information on representative office of the FCS of Russia in Belgium: Head of the representative office of the FCS of Russia in Belgium – Mr. Victor Gryazin. – Address: Dreve de Lorraine, 1180 Bruxelles, Belgique – Tel: +322–372–98–85 – Fax: +322–372–95–34 – E–mail: A The VIP & First Class Members Area Only © 1999 – 2006 VIP Booklet Rusnet BV Asia Carbon International B.V. Asia Carbon Group of companies is headquartered in Netherlands as Asia Carbon International B.V. Its subsidiaries include Asia Carbon Capital; Malaysia, Asia Carbon; Singapore, Asia Carbon Lanka; Sri Lanka, Asia Carbon Vietnam, and Asia Carbon Exchange. The Group has also set up the Asia Carbon Asset Development Facility - ACaDF™ which provides CDM funding, as a fore-runner to the Asia Carbon Fund™. Asia Carbon International B.V is momenteel vooral actief met CDM projecten in Azie. Asia Carbon Exchange International(ACX ) heeft reeds 5 on line CER Auctions voor kopers binnen het EU ETS(NAP) systeem gerealiseerd welke een liquiditeit hebben gegenereerd van 2.4 mln CERs , met een waarde van bijna 15 mln Euro. Binnen het EU ETS systeem is ACX ook voornemens haar gebruikersvriendelijk tradingplatform ter beschikking te stellen voor de ERUs van Russische J-I projecten in het kader van haar activiteiten op het gebied van price discovery en transparancy zowel voor ERUs als voor CERs. De lage directe en indirecte transactiekosten staan hierbij centraal alsmede de marktgerelateerde prijsvorming zowel voor de ERUs als voor de CERs. Азия Карбон Интернэшионэл БВ яваляется одним из лидеров в области реализации углеродных проектов в Азии при помощи внедрения системы торговли углеродными квотами в сети Интернет. В настоящее время наша компания расширяет свою деятельность области реализации проектов совместного осуществления в России и Украине Head office Asia Carbon International B.V. Van Ostadelaan 21 1412 JG Naarden The Netherlands Tel: +31 0 35 694 6721 Fax: +31 0 35 694 5319 A Тел./факс: +7 (495) 234-03-73, 234-46-96, 739-66-97, 702-97-70, 797-30-27 Офис в Москве: 117393, г. Москва, ул. Профсоюзная, д.78. Офис в Электростали: 144001, М.О., г. Электросталь, ул. К.Маркса, д. 6А. Холдинг «Энергия Групп», основанный в 1989 году, предоставляет на российском и зарубежном рынках широкий спектр финансовых, консалтинговых, юридических и инжиниринговых услуг в сфере торговли, энергетики и строительства. ООО «Энергия-Климат»,, одно из ведущих предприятий холдинга, является крупной торгово-инжиниринговой фирмой, объединяющей два основных направления деятельности оптовые поставки климатического оборудования и выполнение индивидуальных заказов предприятий, организаций и частных лиц, на проектирование, поставку, монтаж и обслуживание систем кондиционирования, вентиляции, тепло-электроснабжения. ООО «ЭнергоКонсалтинг-XXI» - оказывает услуги по ведению бухгалтерского учета, финансового, правового, организационному обслуживанию деятельности российских и иностранных предпринимателей. Компания представляет собой коллектив высокопрофессиональных бухгалтеров, юристов, финансистов и кадровых работников, имеющих большой (от восьми до пятнадцати лет) опыт работы в финансово-экономической сфере России. ООО «Энергия-Импекс»,, предлагает полный комплекс услуг по внешнеторговым операциям (или экспортный/импортный аутсорсинг): от подготовки и ведения внешнеторгового контракта и получения разрешений, сертификатов, лицензий на экспорт/импорт товаров до маркетинговых исследований и агентских услуг по представлению интересов зарубежных фирм на российском рынке. Специалистами фирмы заключено более сотни экспортно/импортных контрактов на сумму более 300 млн. долларов США. 17-ти летний опыт работы, высокая квалификация сотрудников и серьезный подход к делу гарантируют успех при решении задач любой степени сложности и уровня ответственности. Phone/fax: +7 (495) 234-03-73, 234-46-96, 739-66-97, 702-97-70, 797-30-27 Office in Moscow: 78 Profsoyuznaya Street, city of Moscow, 117393. Office in Electrostal: 6a Karl Marx Street, city of Elektrostal, Region of Moscow, 144001 Energia Energia Energia Energia Energia Energia Energia Energia Energia Group Group Group Group Group Group Group Group Group Energia Energia Energia Energia Energia Energia Energia Energia Energia Group Group Group Group Group Group Group Group Group Energia Energia Energia Energia Energia Energia Energia Energia Energia Group Group Group Group Group Group Group Group Group Energia Energia Energia Energia Energia Energia Energia Energia Energia Group Group Group Group Group Group Group Group Group Energia Energia Energia Energia Energia Energia Energia Energia Energia Group Group Group Group Group Group Group Group Group Energia Energia Energia Energia Energia Energia Energia Energia Energia Group Group Group Group Group Group Group Group Group VIP & First Class Area Copyright Rusnet BV 2000-2006 ... «Energya Group» Account: VIP Unlimited Full Name: Ir. Sergei G. Gorodkov Job Title: CEO 78 Profsoyuznaya Street Moscow, 117393. Russia Bus: +7 (495) 234-03-73 Bus Fax: +7 (495) 234-46-96 E-mail: Web Page: Categories: Energy Trade & Development OAO " Energya Group " – managing company of the holding which consists from: Joint Ventures: JSC "HydroEnergoStroy TPM" “Wolga Neft” “SaratovNefteGeoPhysica OAO” Subsidiary companies: Energia-Climate, Ltd OJSC “EnergoConsulting XX Energia a ABB Account: First Class Full Name: Mr. Havard Devold Job Title: Vice-president CoE offshore Oil & Gas Hasleveien 50, P.O.Box 6540, Rodelokka, N-0501 Oslo Norway Bus: +47 (22) 87 24 62 Bus Fax: +47 (22) 37 74 23 E-mail: Web Page: Categories: Energy ABB is a leader in power and automation technologies that enable utility and industry customers to improve performance while lowering environmental impact. The ABB Group of companies operates in around 100 countries and employs about 100,000 people. ABB Automation Russia Account: First Class Full Name: Mr. Igor Menshikov Job Title: Key account manager 12/45, Krasnokazarmennaya St., 111250, Moscow Russia Bus: +7 (495) 956-0544 Bus Fax: +7 (495) 956-3018 E-mail: Web Page: Categories: Energy Rusnet BV Free Copy ABN AMRO Bank A.O. Russia Account: VIP Llimited Full Name: De heer Henk Paardekooper Job Title: Country Representative Department: Wholesale Clients Manager's Name: Mr. Fred Neve Assistant's Name: Mrs.Chanchal Lahiri Bolshaya Nikitskaya Street 17 Building 1 Moscow Russia 103009 Bus: +7 (095) 9319141 Bus 2: +7 (095) 937 0307 Bus Fax: +7 (095) 9319140 E-mail: E-mail 2: Web Page: Categories: Benelux in Russia & CIS (Banking) ABN AMRO Bank A.O. Russia Description ABN AMRO has operated in Russia since 1978. With offices in Moscow, St. Petersburg and Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, the bank has expanded rapidly in Russia and currently has over 250 professionals in the country. ABN AMRO Bank N.V. Account: VIP Llimited Full Name: Mrs. Carla Drieling - van der Molen Department: Corporate Communications Postbus 283, APO 715 1000 EA AMSTERDAM Gustav Mahlerlaan 10 1082 PP Amsterdam Bus: +31 0203838911 Bus 2: +31 10 2820724 Bus Fax: +31 0203838948 Oth Fax: 020 629 6141 E-mail: E-mail 2: Web Page: Categories: Banking ABN AMRO Bank N.V. - Description ABN AMRO is a prominent international bank, its history going back to 1824. ABN AMRO ranks 11th in Europe and 20th in the world based on tier 1 capital, with over 3,000 branches in more than 60 countries A::: 1 11-10-2006 11:59 VIP & First Class Area Copyright Rusnet BV 2000-2006 a ABN AMRO CaspiyMunayGaz Account: VIP Llimited Almaty, 050099 ul. Khadzhi Mukana 45 Kazakhstan г. Алматы,, 050099 ул. Хаджи Мукана, 45 Kazakhstan Bus: +7 (3272) 650 680 Bus Fax: +7 (3272) 643 878 E-mail: Web Page: Categories: Benelux in Russia & CIS (Investment & Pension Funds) Free Copy Asia Carbon International BV Description Binnen het EU ETS systeem is ACX ook voornemens haar gebruikersvriendelijk tradingplatform ter beschikking te stellen voor de ERUs van Russische J-I projecten. De lage directe en indirecte transactiekosten staan hierbij centraal. ASSEMBLEE BV Account: First Class Full Name: De heer Leo van der Kant Job Title: Managing Director Manager's Name: De heer drs. Maurice van der Kant Assistant's Name: De heer ing. Erik van Soerland CRM Postbus 550 6200 AN Maastricht Bus: +31 (0) 43 343 21 69 Bus Fax: +31 (0) 43 343 01 28 E-mail: E-mail 2: Web Page: Categories: Public Relations & Affairs ABN AMRO CaspiyMunayGaz Description ABN AMRO КаспийМунайГаз - Накопительный пенсионный фонд стал единственным фондом в Республике Казахстан, имеющим поддержку и входящим в структуру широко известной мировой финансовой группы ABN AMRO Банка. Amsterdam Trade Bank N.V. Account: VIP Llimited Full Name: Mrs. Irina F. Boven-Dimova Job Title: Management Assistant Herengracht 475 1017 85 AMSTERDAM Bus: +31 (0) 20 556 95 56 Bus 2: +31 (0) 20 556 95 02 Bus Fax: +31 (0) 20 639 15 46 E-mail 2: Web Page: Categories: Banking (Russian Benelux) Asia Carbon International BV Account: VIP Unlimited Full Name: De heer Drs. Pieter. Arkesteijn Job Title: Director van Ostadelaan 21 1412 JG Naarden Bus: +31 35 6946721 Bus Fax: +31 35 6945319 E-mail: Web Page: Categories: CO2 Trading Asia Carbon International B.V is momenteel vooral actief met CDM projecten in Azie en heeft reeds 5 on line CER Auctions voor kopers binnen het EU ETS(NAP) systeem gerealiseerd (van 2.4 mln CERs). ASSEMBLEE BV - Description Assemblee International Speakers Agency is an organisation in which Quality and Education are of paramount importance.The organisation acts as mediators providing special, high-level national and international speakers for clients all over the world. Atradius Account: First Class Full Name: De heer R. van Schaik Keizersgracht 281 1016 ED Amsterdam Bus: +31 (0) 20 553 22 22 Bus Fax: +31 (0) 20 553 20 87 E-mail: E-mail 2: Web Page: Categories: Insurance Atradius Account: First Class Full Name: De heer E. Kuhlman Keizersgracht 281 1016 ED Amsterdam Keizersgracht 281 1016 ED Amsterdam Bus: +31 (0) 20 553 22 22 Bus Fax: +31 (0) 20 553 20 87 E-mail: E-mail 2: Web Page: Categories: Insurance Atradius - Description Credit management through a range of credit and financial solutions, is the way to give you a head start over your competitors, guide you to profitable markets, protect your profits and improve your cashflow. Rusnet BV A::: 2 11-10-2006 11:59 VIP & First Class Area Copyright Rusnet BV 2000-2006 a Free Copy b AWETA G&P B.V. BIS Both Industrial Services B.V. Account: VIP Unlimited Full Name: Ms. Elaine Foster Job Title: Marketing Communication Coordinator Department: Marketing / PR Manager's Name: Mr. Wim F. de Bruijn ::: Commercial Logistic Manager PO Box 17 2631 AA Nootdorp Burgemeester Winkellaan 3 2631 HG Nootdorp Bus: +31 (0) 15 310 9961 Bus Fax: +31 (0) 15 310 7321 E-mail: E-mail 2: Web Page: Categories: Fruit; Roses; Vegetables Aweta Grading and Packing, is a Dutch based company, specialized in the development, production and sales of technologically comprehensive sorting and grading installations for fruit, vegetables and flowers. Account: VIP Limited Full Name: Mr. K. Both Job Title: Director P.O. Box 263 2350 AG Leiderdorp Elisabethhof 21c Leiderdorp Bus: +31 071 541 7712 Bus Fax: +31 071 541 7746 E-mail: Categories: Cool & Refrigerators Equipment; Mechanical equipment for Cooling Towers and Air Coolers BIS Both Industrial Services has specialised in engineering and supply of mechanical equipment for cooling towers and air coolers. With more than 35 years experience we can select the most optimal design of high quality components for any installation . BIS Both Industrial Services B.V. Description Her customers are found in the (petro)chemical, steel and offshore industries, the energy sector and engineering companies. BIS cooperates with suppliers in the US, the Far East as well as in Europe . AWETA G&P B.V. - Description The high-tech and state of the art productions of Aweta can be seen in more than 50 countries around the world. AWETA G&P B.V. - Description Aweta G&P - специализируется в развитии, производстве и продаже современных технологий и оборудования для всех видов сортировки, классификаций и консервирования фруктов, плодов, овощей и цветов. AWETA G&P B.V. - Description Высокотехнологичные производственные предприятия Aweta работают в более чем 50 странах мира, используя конвейерное оборудование, способное определять и классифицировать продукцию по качеству, цвету и загрязнению. AWETA G&P B.V. - Description Aweta’s broad client base has resulted in a highly qualified R&D department within Aweta that has specialized in all elements of the sorting and packing industry and a lot of patented installations. Bouwpaco Packaging Equipment B.V. Account: VIP Unlimited Full Name: Mr. J. A. Bouwman Job Title: General Manager P.O. Box 113 3770 AC Barneveld Voltastraat 22 3771 RZ Barneveld Bus: +31 342 420821 Bus Fax: +31 342 420835 E-mail: E-mail 2: Web Page: Categories: Packaging machine manufacturing Bouwpaco Packaging Equipment B.V. Account: VIP Unlimited Full Name: Mr. Niek Jongsma P.O. Box 113 3770 AC Barneveld Voltastraat 22 3771 RZ, BARNEVELD Bus: +31 342 420821 Bus Fax: +31 342 420835 E-mail: Web Page: Categories: Packaging machine manufacturing Bouwpaco Packaging Equipment B.V. Description Producing and sales of packaging machinery, specialised: - in flexible packaging for the food industry - in producing process and packaging machinery for the Bakers Yeast Industry Rusnet BV A::: 3 11-10-2006 11:59 VIP & First Class Area Copyright Rusnet BV 2000-2006 b Bouwpaco Packaging Equipment B.V. Description Производство и продажа упаковывающего оборудования предназначенного для: - гибкой и разно-форменной упаковки продуктов питания - пекарного, дрожжевого и кондитерского производства Brema International BV Account: VIP Llimited Full Name: De heer Michiel Backx Job Title: Sales Director Horst 11-54 8225 LB Lelystad Bus: 0320-263958 Bus 2: 0320 243 120 Bus Fax: 0320-263635 Categories: Cool & Refrigerators Equipment Brema International BV - Description - Turn-key bouw van speciale koelhuizen voor lange-termijn fruitbewaring onder Ultra-Low-Oxygen condities (ULO-bewaring). - Productie van apparaten voor ULO-bewaring, namelijk CO2adsorbers en stikstofgeneratoren. Free Copy Burrelco Russia Account: VIP Unlimited Full Name: Mr. Alexander Ptitsin Job Title: Director Komsomolskaya street 5 office 50 150000 Yaroslavl Russia Bus: +7 (4852) 728348 Bus 2: +7 (903) 8254823 Bus Fax: 026-3258710 E-mail: E-mail 2: Web Page: Categories: Agribusiness; Consultancy & Business Services; Export & Import Разработка, внедрение и сопровождение агропромышленных проектов. Burrelco Russia - Description Деловые консультации и услуги. Подбор и устройство на работу управляющих и руководящих кадров. Импорт-Экспорт железа, стали, агрооборудования, древесины, дерева и деревообрабатывающего оборудования c CEOGAS - Description Brema International BV - Description - Строительство под ключ специальных холодильных установок для длительного хранения замороженных фруктов (в условиях низкого содержания Оксидена). - Производство специальной техники и аппаратуры для хранения замороженных фруктов, генераторов СО2. Burrelco Business Account: VIP Unlimited Full Name: De heer B. J. Maasman Postbus 45 6500 AA Nymegen Bus: 026-3251712 Mobile: 06-51829177 Bus Fax: 026-3258710 E-mail: Web Page: Categories: Agribusiness; Consultancy & Business Services; Export & Import Burrelco Business - Description Russian - European cooperation in energy saving activity The International business foundation which gives to European companies better opportunities to carry out energy-saving projects in Russia. CEOGAS - Description Европейские инвестиции в энергетику России Новейшие технологии в производстве топливаДеловые семинары и обучение в Европе CEOGAS - Cooperation of Energy, Oil & Gas Activities and Suppliers Account: VIP Unlimited Full Name: Mr. Stenin Michael Job Title: Managing Secretary Giliarovskogo 32/1 119049 Moscow Russia Bus: +7 (495) 781 18 00 # 3902 Bus 2: +7 (916) 088 54 91 Bus Fax: +7 (495) 781 1896 E-mail: Web Page: Categories: Gas & Electric Power equipment; Oil Business consultancy & services; recruitment management; market studies; iron, steel and non-ferrous casting products; im- and export of agriculture equipment; agriculture projects; im- and export of wood, wood products and wood processing equipment. Rusnet BV A::: 4 11-10-2006 11:59 VIP & First Class Area Copyright Rusnet BV 2000-2006 c Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Russia - Description Account: VIP Unlimited E-mail 2: The Regional Representation of the Russian Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Benelux and France is the nongovernmental, nonprofit organization, registered in the year 2003 under the Belgian Law. See also Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Russia - Benelux Office; The Villa 'Les Chataigniers', 1, av. de l’Espinette Central Rhode St. Genese B-1640 Brussels Belgium Bus: +32 2 /648.40.93 Bus Fax: +32 2 /648.26.86 Web Page: Categories: Trade Promotion (Russian Benelux) Close Protection Services Account: VIP Unlimited Full Name: Mr. Jean Pierre Roosen Job Title: Zaakvoerder Department: Security-Safety-Consulting Luikersteenweg 157 3500 Hasselt Belgium Bus: +32 (0) 479.99.91.10 Mobile: +32 (0) 16.1046.01 Bus Fax: +32 (0) 11 /78.00.46 E-mail: Web Page: Categories: Security-Safety-Services Close Protection Services - Description Consultancy investigation Security & Safety - Risico analyse - Audits - Strategie Security Agent - statische bewaking - Gewapende opdrachten - Sociale controle - Personenbescherming VIP driving - Limousines met chauffeurs - Gepantserde limousi Close Protection Services - Description Free Copy Consulaat-Generaal - Description Full Name: Mrs. E.A. Chausskaya: E-mail: The main task of the Economic department of the Consulate is the promotion of trade and investment activities between the Netherlands and the North-West region of the Russian Federation including St. Petersburg Consulaat-Generaal van het Koninkrijk der Nederlanden te St. Petersburg Account: VIP Llimited Full Name: drs. E.W.V.M. Hoeks Job Title: Consul-Generaal Department: Economics Affairs Manager's Name: Mr. Drs. Paul van Oostveen: Hoofd Economische Afdeling Assistant's Name: Mrs. E.A. Chausskaya: Medewerkster Economische Afdeling Moika Nab. 11 191186 St. Petersburg Russia Bus: +7 (812) 3340200 Bus Fax: +7 (812) 3340225 E-mail: Web Page: Categories: Benelux enterprises in Russia : Governmental Corstjens Worldwide Movers Group Account: VIP Unlimited Full Name: Mr. Vikas Misri Job Title: Group Marketing Manager Department: World Headquarters World Headquarters Postbus 71145 1008 BC Amsterdam Bus: +31 20 42 63 777 Bus 2: +31 20 42 63 782 Bus Fax: +31 20 42 63 789 Oth Fax: +31 20 42 63 783 E-mail: E-mail 2: Web Page: Categories: Moving & Storage Services; Relocation CROSS Agency Account: VIP Llimited Full Name: Mevrouw drs. Linda E. Beijlsmit Job Title: Directeur Manager's Name: Mr. Jolanda Bruyn Postbus 20105 2500 EC Den Haag Juliana van Stolberglaan 148 2595 CL Den Haag Bus: +31 (0) 70 778 81 39 Bus Fax: +31 (0) 70 - 335 29 62 Web Page: Categories: Governmental organisations Виды консультаций и исследований - Анализ рисков - Аудиторские услуги - Стратегические разработки Организация охраны- Статическая охрана - Вооружённая охрана - Общественный контроль - Охрана частных лиц - Лимузины с шофёрами - Бронированные лиму Rusnet BV A::: 5 11-10-2006 11:59 VIP & First Class Area Copyright Rusnet BV 2000-2006 c Free Copy d CROSS Agency - Description Deloitte Bureau CROSS is de Nederlandse overheidsinstelling die verantwoordelijk is voor de onderwijssamenwerking tussen Nederland en Centraal- en Oost-Europa en maakt deel uit van EVD, een agentschap van het ministerie van Economische Zaken. Account: VIP Llimited Full Name: Mevrouw mr. drs. H. M. A. over de Linden Job Title: International tax lawyer Department: International tax Postbus 58120 1040 HC Amsterdam Orlyplein 10 Amsterdam Bus: 020-5824000 Bus 2: 020-5824404 Bus Fax: 020-5824025 Web Page: Categories: Fiscal Services Culinair “Romanov” Account: VIP Unlimited Full Name: De heer Jouri Gourtovoi Job Title: Directeur Baudartiusstraat 12 7203 HD Zutphen Bus: 0575-549 693 Mobile: 06-55790020 E-mail: E-mail 2: Jouri Gourtovoi Web Page: Categories: Catering and Retail Services (Russian Benelux) Internationaal belastingadvies, specialisatie: Rusland Culinair “Romanov” - Description * * * * * * Russische keuken Prive koks Freelance koks Catering Demonstraties Wij werken ook in Duitsland en Belgie Customer Care Consultancy Account: VIP Unlimited Full Name: Mr. Robert NAHON Job Title: Director Assistant's Name: Mrs. Kimmely Ligtvoet ::: Public Relations Paardskerkhofweg 14 Office 117 C 5223 AJ Den Bosch Bus: +31 (0) 73 - 624 11 71 Bus Fax: +31 (0) 73 - 624 03 28 E-mail: Web Page: Categories: Consulting & Training Customer Care Consultancy is established in 1999 as a sister company of the Dutch organisation "De Goede Tafelaar", which is specialised in management consulting and training for hospitality and tourism. Customer Care Consultancy Description Customer Care Consultancy has representatives in different countries over the world. In 2004 an office in Moscow will be opened to support the activities in the Russian market. Customer Care Consultancy is involved in projects in the CIS countries Customer Care Consultancy Description e East West Forwarding - Russia Account: VIP Unlimited Full Name: Mrs. Olga Dudko Mozhayskoye shosse 37-1 121471 Moscow Russia Bus: +7 (095) 443 6464 Bus 2: +7 (095) 443 6465 Bus Fax: +7 (095) 443 6485 E-mail: Web Page: Categories: Benelux in Russia ::: Transport; Expedition & Forwarding; Logistics Specialised in Eastern Europe clients can choose from road transport, rail transport, overseas shipping and airfreight. EWF has been active in the Eastern European market for more than 12 years, and specialised in heavy-lift, oversized and project cargo. East West Forwarding B.V. Account: VIP Unlimited Full Name: Mr. Jan Maas Waalhaven oz 51 3087 BM Rotterdam Bus: +31 10 4911 366 Mobile: +31 6144 62 720 Bus Fax: +31 10 4911 367 E-mail: E-mail 2: Web Page: Categories: Expedition & Forwarding; Logistics; Transport East West Forwarding as a company does not have a long history under its current name as our company was founded in 2003, but our staff is experienced for over 15 years in the Forwarding industry in various big and well known global forwarding companies. Компания Customer Care Consultancy была основана в 1999 году как филиал голландской компании "De Goede Tafelaar", специализирующейся в консультировании и обучении менеджменту в сфере индустрии гостеприимства и туризма. Rusnet BV A::: 6 11-10-2006 11:59 VIP & First Class Area Copyright Rusnet BV 2000-2006 e East West Forwarding B.V. - Description As the name already suggests we are specialised in arranging transport to and from Eastern European Countries. Being an international forwarder, EWF offers her clients a package covering all modes of transport, worldwide. East West Forwarding B.V. - Description EWF has been active in the Eastern European market for more than 12 years, and since recent years specialised in heavy-lift, oversized and project cargo.Our tailor made total cargo management solutions will minimize the customer’s workload. Ecofys Account: First Class Full Name: Mevrouw Drs. Marielle Vosbeek Kanaalweg 16-G 3526 KL Utrecht Bus: +31 30 2808402 Bus Fax: +31 30 2808301 E-mail: Web Page: Categories: CO2 Trading Free Copy EDF Electricity De France - Russia Account: First Class Full Name: Mrs. Anne Issaeva Job Title: Assistante du Delegue Department: Delegation d'EDF a Moscou 2-nd Spassonalivkovski per., 8 119991, Moscou Russia Bus: +7 (495) 935 85 65 Bus 2: +7 (495) 230 23 70 Bus Fax: +7 (495) 230 18 34 Oth Fax: +7 (495) 935 85 83 E-mail: Web Page: Categories: Energy EDF Electricity De France - Russia Account: First Class Full Name: Mr. Didier Rousseau Job Title: Director of EDF office in Moscou 2-nd Spassonalivkovski per., 8 Moscou Russia 119991 Bus: +7 (495) 935 85 65 Bus 2: +7 (495) 935 76 03 Bus Fax: +7 (495) 230 18 34 Oth Fax: +7 (495) 230 18 34 E-mail: Web Page: Categories: Energy ELFI - - Description Ecofys - Description ECOFYS is an internationally operating company with offices in the Nether-lands, Germany, Belgium, Poland, UK and Spain. Founded in 1984, Ecofys is the leading company on sus-tainable energy in the Netherlands and one of the largest of its kind in the wo Economic Holland B.V. Account: VIP Llimited Full Name: Mr. G. Huijerman Job Title: Director Postbus 94 1170 AB Badhoevedorp Frankfurtstraat 37 1175 RH Lijnden Bus: +31 (0) 20-497 77 71 Bus Fax: +31 (0) 20 -497 74 91 Web Page: Categories: Orthopaedic and Medical Equipment & Instruments EDF Electricity De France - Description A European energy leader with a worldwide presence Managing a generation mix with a capacity of 125.4 GWe, it provides energies and services to 42.1 million customers throughout the world, including 36.2 million in Europe. Rusnet BV European Legal & Finance International Services is an International Law Consultancy Firm that provides legal and financial assistance internationally. Areas of expertise: International Commercial Law, Intellectual and Industrial Property, ELFI - - Description торговое право, корпоративное право, право конкуренции, право Европейского Союза, законодательство о банкротстве, право оскорбления личности, дорожно-транспортное право, право интеллектуальной собственности, судебный процесс/арбитраж, ELFI - European Legal & Finance International Account: VIP Unlimited Full Name: Mr. Ethem Emme Job Title: General Manager P.O Box 150 4700 AD Roosendaal Nieuwe Markt 65 A 4701 AD Roosendaal Bus: (+31) 165 391 565 Bus Fax: (+31) 165 391 967 E-mail: Web Page: Categories: Financing & Legal Services A::: 7 11-10-2006 11:59 VIP & First Class Area Copyright Rusnet BV 2000-2006 e Essent Energie Account: First Class Full Name: Drs R.P.P.W. Benders Job Title: Emissions Portfolio Manager Statenlaan 8 5223 LA Den Bosch Bus: 073-6161898 Bus Fax: 073-8531578 E-mail: E-mail 2: Web Page: Categories: CO2 Trading Essent Energie - Description Essent is the largest integrated utility in the Netherlands and has significant electricity generation capacity and is selling electricity, gas and heat to large industrial customers and households. Furthermore Essent has started emissions trading in 200 EUROCULT - LITO REIZEN Account: VIP Unlimited Full Name: Mr. T. J. G. Joosten Job Title: Director Manager's Name: mrs. J. Bruins Postbus 1212 3500 BE Utrecht Wittevrouwenstraat 36 3512 CV Utrecht Bus: 030-243 96 34 Bus Fax: 030-244 24 75 E-mail: Web Page: Categories: Travelling & Tourism Eurocult – Lito Reizen is specialist in de organisatie van reizen naar Rusland. Wij hebben Benelux verreweg het uitgebreidste aanbod vakantiereizen naar Rusland en andere voormalige Sovjetrepublieken. Eurocult is lid van ANVR, SGR en Calamiteitenfonds EUROCULT - LITO REIZEN - Description Free Copy European Climate Exchange Account: First Class Full Name: Mr. Anthony Dols Job Title: Managing Director Business Development WTC H-tower Zuidplein 36 1077 XV Amsterdam Bus: +31 20 799 7990 Bus Fax: +31 20 799 7820 E-mail: Web Page: Categories: CO2 Trading European Climate Exchange Description The European Climate Exchange, a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Chicago Climate Exchange (CCX), manages the sales and marketing for ECX Carbon Financial Instruments (ECX CFIs), listed on the ICE Futures electronic platform. EVD - Netherlands Foreign Trade Agency Account: VIP Llimited Full Name: Mrs. Drs. Annemarie C. Destree Job Title: Rusland Informatiemanager Manager's Name: Mrs. Commerijn Plomp Assistant's Name: Mrs. Henriette Hilgeman PO Box 20105 2500 EC The Hague Juliana van Stolberglaan 148 2595 CL Den Haag NL Bus: +31 (0) 70 778 88 88 Bus 2: +31 (0) 70 778 89 18 Bus Fax: +31 (0) 70 377 78 58 Oth Fax: +31 (0) 70 385 80 47 E-mail: E-mail 2: Web Page: Categories: Trade & Export Promotion Daarnaast zijn wij gespecialiseerd in het verzorgen van zakenreizen: vliegtickets tegen de laagste tarieven, binnenlandse vlieg- en treintickets, hotels van budget tot luxe, transfers, visumverzorging enzovoort. . EVD - Netherlands Foreign Trade Agency - Description EUROCULT - LITO REIZEN - Description Еврокульт является специалистом в организации путешествий в Россию и имеет в странах Бенилюкса самую разветвленную сеть предложений для проведения отпуска в России и других бывших советских республиках. EVD – это Агентство для содействия Торговли и Экспорту при Минэкономики Нидерландов, имеющее представительства за рубежом и работающее в тесном контакте с нидерландскими посольствами во многих странах мира. EUROCULT - LITO REIZEN - Description Вместе с этим Еврокульт специализируется в организации деловых поездок, резервировании авиабилетов по самым низким ценам, российских авиа- и железнодорожных билетов, бюджетных и фешенебельных гостиниц, трансфере и визовых услугах. Rusnet BV A::: 8 11-10-2006 11:59 VIP & First Class Area Copyright Rusnet BV 2000-2006 e EVD - PSOM Account: VIP Unlimited Full Name: Mr. Michiel van Erkel Job Title: Manager PSOM Russia, Ukraine and Kazakhstan Department: PSOM Manager's Name: Mr. Richard Roemers: Project Officer PSOM Russia Assistant's Name: Mrs. Drs. Annemarie C. Destree: Rusland Informatiemanager PO Box 20105 2500 EC The Hague Juliana van Stolberglaan 148 2595 CL Den Haag NL Bus: +31 (0) 70 778 84 87 Bus 2: +31 (0) 70 7788492 Bus Fax: +31 (0) 70 778 80 38 Oth Fax: +31 (0) 70 3352962 E-mail: E-mail 2: Web Page: Categories: Trade Promotion & International Project Financing EVD - PSOM - Description De EVD, een agentschap van het ministerie van Economische Zaken, is de centrale organisatie van de rijksoverheid die het Nederlandse bedrijfsleven ondersteunt bij internationaal ondernemen. De EVD werkt in opdracht van ministeries en andere rijksoverhede Extreme Travel Account: VIP Unlimited Full Name: Mr. Robert Nahon Job Title: Director Manager's Name: Mrs. Kimmely Ligtvoet ::: Public relations Paardskerkhofweg 14 / 117 C 5223 AJ Den Bosch Bus: +31 (0) 73 - 624 03 58 Bus Fax: +31 (0) 73 - 624 03 28 E-mail: Web Page: Categories: Travelling & Tourism ::: Business Travel from and to Russia Free Copy ExxonMobil Chemical Cental Europe GmbH Account: First Class Full Name: Alex Dosaev ул. Малая Ордынка, д. 7 Москва Russia 109017 Bus: +7 (495) 926-51-71 Bus Fax: +7 (495) 232-22-23 E-mail: Web Page: Categories: Energy ExxonMobil Chemical Cental Europe GmbH Account: First Class Full Name: Mr. Erik J. Houlleberghs ул. Малая Ордынка, д. 7 109017 Москва Russia Bus: +7 (495) 926-51-71 Bus Fax: +7 (495) 232-22-23 E-mail: Web Page: Categories: Проведение работ по разведке и разработке нефти и газа ExxonMobil Chemical Cental Europe GmbH - Description Продажа, производство, обработка, перевозка и хранение всех видов химической продукции или продуктов ее переработки. ExxonMobil Chemical Cental Europe GmbH - Description Очистка, хранение, добыча, переработка, закупка, распространение, транспортировка, маркетинг и продажи любых видов углеводородов и их производных Extreme Travel - Description * * * * Study Trips to and from Russia Mammoth Snow Jeep Tour in Siberia Fishing Trips in Siberia Trans Siberian BUSINESS Express Extreme Travel - Description * * * * Организация деловых поездок в Россию и из России Автомобильное шоу "джипы по мамонтовым тропам Сибири" Организация сибирских рыбалок Бизнес-туры в Сибирь Rusnet BV A::: 9 11-10-2006 11:59 VIP & First Class Area Copyright Rusnet BV 2000-2006 Free Copy Fugro N.V. f FCS - Federal Customs Service of Russia Account: VIP Unlimited Full Name: Mrs. Irina Panfilova Department: Department of cooperation with business community Russian Federal Customs Service ul. Novozavodskaya 11/5 121087, Moscow Russia Bus: +7 (495) 449-7205 Bus 2: +7 (495) 449-7771 Bus Fax: +7 (495) 449-7319 E-mail: E-mail 2: Web Page: Categories: Customs Service The Russian Customs Service has launched a New official web site in English::: Account: First Class Full Name: Mr. Ir. Klaas Wester Job Title: President and CEO Assistant's Name: Mrs. Virginie Georget ::: Marketing & Sales Assistant Veurse Achterweg 10 2264 SG Leidschendam Bus: +31 70 311 14 22 Bus Fax: +31 70 320 27 03 E-mail: E-mail 2: Web Page: Categories: Gas & Petrochemical Industry; Oil Fugro collects and interprets data related to the earth’s surface and the soil and rocks beneath. On the basis of this the Company provides advice, generally for purposes related to the oil & gas , the mining industry & the construction industry ATTENTION!!! AT PRESENT ALL QUESTIONS ARE ACCEPTED ONLY IN RUSSIAN!! g Fluor B.V. Account: First Class Full Name: De heer R. Warner Job Title: Director Business Development Surinameweg 17 2003 EJ Haarlem Bus: +31 23 543 2978 Mobile: +31 (0) 6 558 94 137 E-mail: E-mail 2: Web Page: Categories: CO2 Trading Gasunie Engineering & Technology B.V. Account: First Class Full Name: Mr Robert van der Geest PO box 19 9700 MA Groningen Energiewg 17 9743 AN Groningen Bus: +31 (0) 505213459 Bus Fax: +31 (0) 505211946 E-mail: Web Page: Categories: Energy Gasunie Engineering & Technology B.V. Fluor B.V. - Description Fluor is one of the world's largest publicly owned engineering, procurement, construction, and maintenance services organizations. Fugro Holding N.V. Account: First Class Full Name: Mr. Ir. G-J. Kramer Job Title: President and CEO Assistant's Name: Mevrouw Ria Steur, Secretaresse Veurse Achterweg 10 2264 SG LEIDSCHENDAM Bus: 070 3111 422 Bus Fax: 070 320 27 03 E-mail: E-mail 2: Web Page: Categories: Oil, Gas & Petrochemical Industry Fugro operates around the world at sea, on land and from the air, using professional, highly specialised staff supported by advanced technologies and systems, many of which have been developed inhouse. Rusnet BV Account: First Class Full Name: De heer F.J. Horlings PO box 19 9700 MA Groningen Energiewg 17 9743 AN Groningen Bus: +31 (0) 505213459 Mobile: +31 (0) 6 1100 54 49 Bus Fax: +31 (0) 505211946 E-mail: Web Page: Categories: Energy Gasunie Engineering & Technology B.V. - Description Основным направлением деятельности компании N.V. Nederlandse Gasunie является транспортировка природного газа, что включает в себя эксплуатацию и развитие национальной газораспределительной сети A::: 10 11-10-2006 11:59 VIP & First Class Area Copyright Rusnet BV 2000-2006 g GaZPROM JSC Account: First Class Full Name: Mr. Serguey Solov'ev Job Title: Chief Specialist of the International Cooperation Department at IRTs Gazprom Ltd. 16, Nametkina street c/o IRTs Gazprom Ltd. 27 Obrucheva Street 117 630 MOSCOW Russia Bus: (+7) 095 719 32 35 Bus Fax: (+7) 095 411 58 29 E-mail: Web Page: Categories: Energy::: Gas & Oil Free Copy General Electric Energy Account: First Class Full Name: Mr. Andrei Alexandrovich Lavrinenko Job Title: Director Market Development Eastern Europe/ CIS 18 Krasnopresnenskaya Nab 123317 Moscow Russia Bus: +70957396900 Mobile: +33 (665) 63 07 12 Bus Fax: +70957396901 E-mail: Web Page: Categories: Energy Gas turbines , energy effective technologies h HEBO - Haagse Hogeschool Gazpromenergo Ltd. Account: First Class Full Name: Владимир Юрьевич Ювонин Job Title: Начальник отдела Энергосбережения Department: Energy Saving г. Москва 117246 Научный пр. дом 8 стр 1 Russia Bus: +7 (095) 719-6144 Bus Fax: +7 (095) 225-8103 E-mail: Web Page: Categories: CO2 & Energy Saving Gazpromenergo Ltd.- Description ООО «Газпромэнерго» осуществляет следующие виды деятельности: разработку и реализацию инвестиционных проектов по строительству теплоэлектростанций на территории России и за рубежом, в том числе в рамках программы внедрения и строительства электростанций Gazpromenergoinform OOO Account: First Class Full Name: Маргарита Портнова ул. Бутлерова, д. 17-б, офис 347 117342 Москва Russia Bus: +7 (495) 330-86-08 Bus Fax: +7 (495) 330-86-08 E-mail: E-mail 2: Web Page: Categories: Energy Rusnet BV Account: VIP Unlimited Full Name: Mrs. drs. W. J. Meijman Job Title: Stagecoordinator Rusland & Docente Russisch Department: Onderwijs Europese studies, Russian Studies Postbus 16880 2521 EN Den Haag Johanna Westerdijkplein 75 2500 BW Den Haag Bus: 070- 445 86 00 Bus Fax: 070 445 86 06 E-mail: Web Page: Categories: Education HEBO - Haagse Hogeschool Description De Haagse Hogeschool is een moderne kennisinstelling voor kwalitatief hoogwaardig en innovatief hoger onderwijs, met als belangrijkste taak het opleiden van haar studenten tot gekwalificeerde en onafhankelijke professionals. HEBO - Haagse Hogeschool Description Высшая школа в Гааге - это современное учебное заведение предоставляющее качественные, высокопрофессиональные и иновационные знания и образование студентам из Нидерландов и Европы A::: 11 11-10-2006 11:59 VIP & First Class Area Copyright Rusnet BV 2000-2006 h Free Copy i High Voltage Engineering Europa B.V. ICECAP Ltd. Account: First Class Full Name: Mr. Henri Hoosterhout P.O. box 99 3800 AB Amersfoort Amsterdamseweg 63 3812 RR Amersfoort Bus: + 31 33 461 9741 Bus Fax: + 31 33 461 5291 E-mail: E-mail 2: Web Page: Categories: Particle Accelerator Systems ::: Ion & Electron beam technology HVE is specialized in the development and manufacture of ion beam and electron beam technology based equipment and is the largest and most diverse manufacturer of particle accelerator systems for science and industry. Account: First Class Full Name: Mr. Greg Dunne Job Title: Director Suite 53 North County Hall 5 Chicheley Street London SE1 7PJ United Kingdom Bus: +44 (0) 20 7401 2147 Bus Fax: +44 (0) 7768 791028 E-mail: Web Page: Categories: CO2 Trading ICECAP was formed by a number of individuals with backgrounds in emissions and energy trading, environmental services, financial services, project development and financing, and the power industry. High Voltage Engineering Europa B.V. Description ICECAP Ltd. - Description In addition to research type accelerators systems HVE also manufactures industrial type accelerator systems and sub assemblies for semiconductor ion implantation systems and of electron beam processing systems. High Voltage Engineering Europa B.V. Description Research and Development plays a central role at HVE. Being the leading manufacturer of particle accelerator systems for science and industry. HVE is continuously engaged in multiple R & D programs. Hilst International BV; Van der Account: VIP Unlimited Full Name: Mr. Peed van der Hilst Job Title: Managing Director P.O. Box 19 8090 AA Wezep Amperestraat 21 8091 XX Wezep Bus: +31 38 3762856 Bus Fax: +31 38 3764665 E-mail: E-mail 2: Web Page: Categories: Heavy Equipment & Spareparts; In- & Export of ::: Cranes Hilst International BV; Van der Description Import and Export of Cranes, Heavy Equipment and All Related Spareparts Hilst International BV; Van der Description In early 2003, two companies who were active in the UK emissions trading market –Cumbria Energy in trading and Less Carbon in advisory services – met to consider opportunities arising from the newly emerging emissions trading markets in Europe. Infomessage of Russia & CIS Account: VIP Unlimited Full Name: Mr. Sergei B. Lavrentiev Job Title: Director Kishinev Moldova Bus: +373 911 25 81 Mobile: +373 911 25 81 Bus Fax: +373 254 38 47 E-mail: E-mail 2: Web Page: Categories: Benelux enterprises in Russia & CIS (Information & Media) Infomessage of Russia & CIS Description InfoMessage is a Dutch - CIS joint-venture engaged in Russian Dutch and Dutch- Russian information and advertisement services. Infomessage collects, reviews, analyses and translates information from sources in Russia and other CIS-countries ING Bank NV - Russia Account: First Class Full Name: Mr. Victor Tumanov Job Title: Head for East Business Krasnoproletarskaya str. 36 Moscow Russia Bus: +7 (095) 755 5465 Bus Fax: +7 (095) 755 5499 E-mail: Web Page: Categories: Banking Импорт и Экспорт Кранов, Крупногабаритного оборудования и сопутвующих деталей Rusnet BV A::: 12 11-10-2006 11:59 VIP & First Class Area Copyright Rusnet BV 2000-2006 Free Copy INGOSUR B.V. i Account: VIP Unlimited Full Name: Mr. V. B. Khromov Job Title: Director P.O. BOX 85992 2508 CR DEN HAAG Carnegielaan 10 2517 KH The Hague Bus: +31 (0) 70 363-30-13 Bus Fax: +31 (0) 70 365-88-12 E-mail: E-mail 2: Web Page: Categories: Insurance services (Russian Benelux) As an authorized Dutch insurance broker which has good access to Dutch, English, German and Russian insurance markets, Ingosur can provide for his clients the best possible insurance cover at reasonable rates. ING Bank NV Green Finance Account: First Class Full Name: mr Peter J.S.M. van Eijndhoven Job Title: Project manager CO2e reductions activities Department: Wholesale Banking Division Locatie code HF 02.01 Postbus 1800 1000 BV Amsterdam Bijmerplein 888 1102 MG Amsterdam Bus: +31 20 65 22 154 Bus Fax: +31 20 65 22 564 E-mail: Web Page: Categories: CO2 Trading In the developing markets of Asia, Latin America and Central Europe, we provide life insurance. In our wholesale banking activities, we operate worldwide. We are also a large asset manager with assets under management of approximately EUR 500 billion. INGOSUR B.V. - Description insurance of various Russian risks, such as: * cargo transport, * motorvehicles insurance, * liabilities incl. carrier liability and TPL, * property, * hull and machinery, * construction risks, * medical and accident insurance. ING Bank NV Green Finance Account: First Class Full Name: De heer mr. Richard Paardenkooper Locatie code HF 02.01 Postbus 1800 1000 BV Amsterdam Bijmerplein 888 1102 MG Amsterdam Bus: +31 20 65 22 154 Bus Fax: +31 20 65 22 564 E-mail: Web Page: Categories: CO2 Trading ING Group is a global financial services company of Dutch origin with 150 years of experience, providing a wide array of banking, insurance and asset management services in over 50 countries with more than 112,000 employees INGOSUR B.V. - Description страхование различных рисков таких: транспортное страхование грузов, страхование автомобилей, страхование ответственности, в том числе ответственности перевозчика и гражданской ответственности владельцев автосредств, страхование недвижимости ING Bank NV Green Finance Description k Based on market capitalisation, ING is one of the 20 largest financial institutions worldwide and in the top-10 in Europe. ING is the number one financial services company in the Benelux home market. ING Bank NV Green Finance Description ING Green Finance is part of ING Wholesale Banking and is involved in GHG emission reduction projects since 2001. New investments in technical improvement of production facilities might lead to emission reductions of one of the six Green House gases Kamerton Account: VIP Full Name: Mevrouw Oksana Titova Job Title: Directeur Postbus 5108 5800 GC Venray Dr. Kortmannweg 21 Venray Bus: +31 478 691 892 Mobile: +31 653 427 123 Bus Fax: +31 478 692 793 E-mail: Web Page: Categories: Furniture and Wood Processing & Products (Russian Benelux) Kamerton - Description Export/import, advies Rusland, transporten naar en vanuit Rusland, vertalingen en taalonderwijs Russisch Rusnet BV A::: 13 11-10-2006 11:59 VIP & First Class Area Copyright Rusnet BV 2000-2006 k Kamerton - Description Экспорт-импорт, международные перевозки, консалтинг, государственные переводы русский, белорусский и украинский, уроки русского языка. Kleyn-BOVA Buses bv Account: VIP Llimited Full Name: Mr. Ferdinand Brouwers Job Title: Sale & Purchase Zeiving 8 4214 KT Vuren Bus: +31 183 - 668 444 Bus Fax: +31 183 - 668 455 E-mail: Web Page: Categories: Busses: Trade & Occasions Bussen & chassis. In- en verkoop van gebruikte bussen van alle merken en typen. l Law Offices of John J. Gallagher, P.C. Account: First Class Full Name: Mr. John J. Gallagher Job Title: President Manager's Name: Mrs. Ekaterina Pukhovich 1760 Market St., Suite 1100 Philadelphia, PA 19103 USA Bus: +1- (215) 963-1555 Bus Fax: +1- (215) 963-9104 E-mail: E-mail 2: Web Page: Categories: Lawyers and Attorneys We are committed to advocating on behalf of our clients and have a proven record of providing clients with the tools they need to succeed. Our expertise and practice includes general liability, insurance defense, employment law, immigration. Law Offices of John J. Gallagher, P.C. Description John J. Gallagher, P.C. offers diversified, legal services for American and International firms, and personalized legal representation for the individual. LENSSELINK B.V. Account: VIP Unlimited Full Name: Mr. WILLEM LENSSELINK Job Title: DIRECTOR Department: CONSULTANCY STEEL BUSINESS POSTBUS 28 1619 ZG ANDIJK Bus: +31 6 46210489 Bus Fax: +31 847457873 E-mail: Categories: Construction & Building Architecture; Stainless steel & Steel Production Rusnet BV Free Copy LENSSELINK B.V. - Description Totall range of steel products for the buildingindustry. Prefab steel constructions-buildings, profile sheets for wall and roof, sandwichpanels-isolated panels, galvanized profiles, metal stud products and so on - contacts between Holland and Russia LENSSELINK B.V. - Description С опытом работы в России полный диапазон стальной продукции для строительной отрасли. Стальные монтируемые каркасы Профили для стен и крыш Листовое перекрытие Оцинкованный прокат Изолирующие профили и панели Стойки Logitracon Int. B.V. Account: VIP Unlimited Full Name: Mr. Rob W. J. Vister Job Title: Director Innovatie 4 6921 RN Duiven Bus: +31 (0) 26 - 3190699 Bus 2: +31 (0) 26 - 3190681 Bus Fax: +31 (0) 26 – 3190670 E-mail: E-mail 2: Web Page: Categories: Transport, Logistics, Expedition & Forwarding Logistieke Dienstverlening en Projecten in Oost-Europa & GOS staten. Transportproblemen vragen om een specialist die verder denkt dan van A naar B. Daarom neemt Logitracon uw transportzorg van A tot Z uit handen. Logitracon Int. B.V. Transport problems call for a specialist who can think beyond simple 'from A to B' solutions. That's why Logitracon will relieve you of your transport worries from A to Z. Logitracon Int. B.V. Для решения транспортных проблем нужны специалисты, способные найти выход из любой ситуации, в том числе нестандартной. Компания Logitracon в состоянии предложить Вам комплексный подход к решению любой транспортной задачи. Loyens & Loeff N.V. Account: VIP Unlimited Full Name: Mr. Jan Bart Schober Job Title: Tax adviser Postadres: P.O. Box 71170 1008 BD Amsterdam Fred. Roeskestraat 100 1076 ED Amsterdam Bus: +31 (0) 20 578 5451 Bus Fax: +31 (0) 20 578 5825 E-mail: Web Page: Categories: Law firm / Tax advice A::: 14 11-10-2006 11:59 VIP & First Class Area Copyright Rusnet BV 2000-2006 l Loyens & Loeff N.V. Account: VIP Unlimited Full Name: Mrs. Lilia Gontcharova Job Title: Tax adviser Postadres: P.O. Box 71170 1008 BD Amsterdam Bus: +31 (0) 10 224 6421 Bus Fax: +31 (0) 10 224 6171 E-mail: Web Page: Categories: Law firm / Tax advice M-Star Freight Services BV Account: VIP Llimited Full Name: Mr. P. Terhorst Job Title: Salesmanager Department: East Europe Sluisjesdijk 155 3087 AG Rotterdam Bus: +31 10 4233911 Bus Fax: +31 10 4840710 Web Page: Categories: Transport & Forwarding and Logistics Loyens & Loeff N.V. - Description m Man Vleesimport B.V. ; T. de Account: VIP Unlimited Full Name: Mr. Ted de Man Job Title: Director P.O. Box 332 3220 AH Hellevoetsluis Bus: +31 181 390699 Bus Fax: :+31 181 315767 E-mail: Web Page: Categories: Meat Processing & Products; Trading Man Vleesimport B.V. ; T. de Description Meattrade ********** Импорт, Экспорт, Ре-Экспорт и Торговля мясом и мясной продукцией Поиск партнёров для торговли мясом в России и СНГ Поиск дистрибьютеров в России и СНГ Mitsubishi Corporation Account: First Class Full Name: Mr. Minoru Morimura Job Title: Senior Manager Department: Environment & Energy Shinagawa Mitsubishi Building 6-3, Kounan 2-chome, Minato-ku, Tokyo 100-8086 Japan Bus: +81 (3) 3210-9390 Bus Fax: +81 (3) 3210-7557 E-mail: E-mail 2: Web Page: Categories: Multi Industrial Rusnet BV Free Copy n NACO B.V. - NETHERLANDS AIRPORT CONSULTANTS B.V. Account: VIP Llimited Full Name: Mr. Ir. B. Bolding Job Title: Deputy Managing Director P.O. Box 93056 2509 AB The Hague 10, Anna van Saksenlaan 2593 HT The Hague Bus: +31 (0) 70 344 63 00 Bus 2: +31 (0) 70 344 63 14 Bus Fax: +31 (0) 070 324 53 02 E-mail: E-mail 2: Web Page: Categories: Airport Engineering and Consultancy Services NEFCO Account: First Class Full Name: Mr. Raili Kajaste Job Title: Special Adviser Energy and Environment Fabianinkatu 34 P.O Box 249 FIN-00171 Helsinki Finland Bus: +358 (40) 5403418 E-mail: Web Page: Categories: Energy The Nordic Environment Finance Corporation (NEFCO) is a risk capital institution financing environmental projects in Central and Eastern Europe. NEFCO - Description NEFCO manages the Testing Ground Facility (TGF), a regional carbon finance instrument which purchases AAUs and ERUs, i.e. carbon credits established in accordance with the Kyoto Protocol, from energy related and other projects developed in the Baltic Sea A::: 15 11-10-2006 11:59 VIP & First Class Area Copyright Rusnet BV 2000-2006 OVOBEL N.V. - Description n Eieren en Eiprodukten: engineering en levering van machines voor produktie van eiprukten. Levering van Know how Nijboer Language Services Account: VIP Unlimited Full Name: Mevrouw Tatiana Nijboer Reviusrondeel 520 2902 EP Capelle aan den IJssel Bus: +31 6 4848 96 25 E-mail: Web Page: Categories: Translation & Interpreters OVOBEL N.V. - Description Один из мировых лидеров в разработке новых технологий и поставке оборудования для извлечения белка и желтка. Производство яиц и яичных продуктов (Ovobel NV – Бельгия) Nijboer Language Services - Description Синхронный и последовательный перевод на территории Бенилюкса. - Деловые переговоры - Конференции - Выставки Ваше пребывание в Европе будет успешным! o OmniSTAR B.V. Account: First Class Full Name: Mr. E. J. Hammega Job Title: Managing Director Manager's Name: Mr. Ing. C. A. de Kuijper ::: European Commercial Manager Assistant's Name: Mrs. Jolanda Klaver P.O. Box 113 2260 AC Leidschendam Dillenburgsingel 69 2263 HW Leidschendam Bus: +31 (0) 70 317 09 00 Bus Fax: +31 (0) 70 317 09 19 E-mail: E-mail 2: Web Page: Categories: Signal Equipment Worldwide Real-time High-Accuracy Positioning Services OmniSTAR supports applications across a wide range of industries from trajectory and land surveying to aerial applications. OmniSTAR B.V. - Description OmniSTAR BV is the worlds leading provider of DGPS correction Data via satellite. By the combination of various independent technologies, utilizing numerous reference stations worldwide, multiple satellite uplinks and 2 global Network Control Centres OVOBEL N.V. Account: VIP Unlimited Full Name: Mr. Filiep Van Bosstraeten Job Title: Genaral Manager Bilkske 93 B-8000 Brugge Bus: +32 (0) 50 440 070 Bus Fax: +32 (0) 50 440 077 E-mail: E-mail 2: Web Page: Categories: Equipment:Egg processors Rusnet BV Free Copy p Petergaz B.V. Account: VIP Unlimited Full Name: Prof. Dr. Vjatsjeslav A. Lobanov Job Title: Algemeen Directeur Parkstraat 83 2514 JG DEN HAAG Bus: 070353 8161 Mobile: 0651366924 Bus Fax: 070353 8162 Oth Fax: E-mail: Categories: Offshore Engineering (Russian Benelux) Petergaz B.V. - Description Voobereiden & Beheren van Offshoreconstructieprojecten Разработка и управление оффшорными строительными проектами Ploeger Machines BV Account: VIP Unlimited Full Name: Mr. Cees J. M. Mensen Job Title: Commercial Director Department: Verkoop Standdaarbuitensedijk 3 4751 SG Oud Gastel Rucphensebaan 29 NL- 4706 PH Roosendaal Bus: +31 (0) 165 319 333 Bus 2: +31 (0) 165 31 93 41 Bus Fax: +31 (0) 165 313 159 E-mail: E-mail 2: Web Page: Categories: Agro Equipment & Machinery Activity: developing , manufacturing , sales and service of Industrial vegetable harvesing systems for the harvest of: Peas, Broad beans, flageolets, Green beans, Spinach, Potatoes, Carrots, Sweet and seed corn harvesters. Ploeger Machines BV - Description Ontwikkeling, bouw en verkoop van industriele groentenoogst machines, voor erwten ,bonen, spinazie, aardappelen, wortelen, suiker mais en zaad mais oogst machines A::: 16 11-10-2006 11:59 VIP & First Class Area Copyright Rusnet BV 2000-2006 p Ploeger Machines BV - Description Разработка, строительство и продажа агро-индустриальной техники необходимой для обработки и выращивания гороха и бобовых, картофеля и моркови, кукурузы и кукурузных семян r RAO UES - Description Unified Energy System is the largest power holding in Russian Federation, that generates 69.4% (635.8 billion kWh) of general electricity output, 32.4% of general heat production; capacity of which makes up 72.4% of the installed capacity in Russia. RAO UES - нпц Малой Энергетики Рао Еэс Account: VIP Llimited Full Name: Редько Иван Яковлевич Job Title: Генеральный Директор Moscow Russia Bus: 492 7661 Mobile: +7 (095) 7600175 Bus Fax: 497 4000 E-mail: Web Page: Categories: Energy RIA Novosti Benelux (Russian Information Agency) Account: VIP Llimited Full Name: De heer Andrei Poskakukhin Job Title: Director Pieter Meinersstraat 46 2597 VL Den Haag Mobile: +31 (0) 629 48 69 43 E-mail: Web Page: Categories: Information & Media (Russian Benelux) Royal Haskoning - Description The Royal Haskoning Group is an independent, world-wide operating multi-disciplinary consultancy firm. The basis for the firm was founded in 1881 , and was awarded with the honorary title ‘Royal’ in 1981. Free Copy Rusconsult Account: VIP Llimited Full Name: Mevrouw Larissa Anissimova Postbus 11551 2502 AN Den Haag Tarwekamp 41 2592 XH Den Haag Bus: 070 - 381 45 51 Bus Fax: 070-381 45 52 E-mail: Web Page: Categories: Translation & Interpreters (Russian Benelux) RUSKONTAKT Account: VIP Unlimited Full Name: Mrs. Elena Tikhonova Job Title: Director J.J. Cremerplein 3-1 1054 TE Amsterdam Bus: +31 20-683 94 94 Bus Fax: +31 20-612 60 04 E-mail: Web Page: Categories: Consultancy RUSKONTAKT - Description RUSKONTAKT verzorgt en regelt complete reizen naar Rusland, Oekraine en Wit-Rusland. Bij ons krijgt U allerlaagste tarieven voor al Uw hotelboekingen, vlucht- en treintickets, buskaartjes naar Rusland, Oekraine, Belarus, Baltische Landen. Wij verzorgen RUSKONTAKT - Description «РУСКОНТАКТ» успешно работает на рынке стран Бенилюкса уже 10 лет и занимается как въездным, так и выездным туризмом. Мы предоставляем клиентам полный набор услуг, начиная с визовой поддержки, бронирования гостиницы, транспортного обслуживания до составл RUSKONTAKT - Description РУСКОНТАКТ имеет большой опыт работы, как с группами, так и с индивидуальными клиентами. Мы специализируемся в деловом туризме: организовываем участие в выставках, конференциях, устраиваем бизнес встречи, посещение предприятий по профилю заказчика и корп Rusnet BV Royal Haskoning Nederland B.V. Account: First Class Full Name: De heer Ir. H. Oosterdijk P.O. Box 151 6500 AD Nijmegen Barbarossastraat 35 Nijmegen Bus: +31 (0) 24 328 46 71 Bus Fax: +31 (0) 24 360 47 37 E-mail: Web Page: Categories: CO2 Trading Rusnet BV Account: VIP Unlimited Full Name: Mr. Alec Zjyrov Job Title: Director P.O. Box 29 3720 AA Bilthoven Bus: +31 (0) 30 228 56 56 Bus Fax: +31 (0) 30 228 54 59 E-mail: Web Page: Categories: Consultancy & Business Services A::: 17 11-10-2006 11:59 VIP & First Class Area Copyright Rusnet BV 2000-2006 Free Copy SEVZAPMORTORG r Rusnet BV - Description Virtuele Interactieve Promoter van het Nederlandse bedrijfsleven in Rusland en het GOS. RUSNET - это Виртуальный Интерактивный Промоутер российскоголландского бизнеса Russian Agency for Commerce & Trade Services; The Account: VIP Unlimited Full Name: Mr. Oleg Zjyrov Job Title: Director Postbus 29 3720 AA Bilthoven Bus: +31 30 228 56 56 Bus Fax: +31 30 228 54 59 E-mail: Web Page: Categories: Trade & Export Promotion Account: VIP Unlimited Full Name: Mr. Sharkov Igor Job Title: Генеральный директор Manager's Name: Mazankin C.D. 11/1а Minin and Pogarsky street Kaliningrad Russia 236000 Bus: +7 (0112) 950297 Bus 2: 7-0112-95-72-27 Bus Fax: +7 (0112) 917006 E-mail: Categories: Construction; Fishing; Medical Services SEVZAPMORTORG - Description 1. Оптовая торговля рыбопродукцией и рыбопереработка. 2. Группа компаний является владельцем нескольких складских комплексов на территории Калининградской области общей площадью 27800 кв.м. 3. Строительство. 4. Оказание платных медицинских услуг Shell Global Solutions - Description Russian Agency for Commerce & Trade Services; The - Description Competitive pressures mean that we are all constantly seeking improvement in our business performance. This reality lies at the heart of the technology and consultancy services offered to the petrochemical and processing industries by Shell GS. Investment consultancy en informatiecentrum Rusnet is een consultancybedrijf dat zich toelegt op het verstrekken van zakelijke dienstverlening aan Westerse bedrijven met betrekking tot hun commerciele activiteiten in Rusland en het GOS. Shell Global Solutions (Eastern Europe) B.V. s Account: First Class Full Name: Mr. Alexander Sherbinin Job Title: Director 7th Floor 31 Novinsky Boulevard Moscow Russia 123242 Bus: +7 (095) 792 3550 Bus 2: +7 (095) 792 6508 Bus Fax: +7 (095) 725 6677 E-mail: Web Page: Categories: Energy SAIPEM S.p.A. Account: First Class Full Name: mr. Hvah O`Donnell Job Title: Managing Director Via Martiri di Cefalonia, 67 I-20097 San Donato Milanese, Milano Bus: +39 (02520) 1 Bus Fax: +39 (02520) 44415 E-mail: Web Page: Categories: Energy SAIPEM S.p.A. - Description Saipem is a top ranking international contractor providing the oil and gas industry Shell Global Solutions International B.V. SAIPEM S.p.A. - Russian Representation Account: First Class Full Name: Mr. Emilio Salandin Job Title: Head of Representation Posledniy pereulok 11 Moscow Russia Bus: +7 (495) 775 4929 Bus Fax: +7 (495) 775 4929 E-mail: Web Page: Categories: Energy wide spectrum of services covering basic design, feasibility studies, FEED, detailed engineering, procurement, fabrication, installation, construction management and supervision, Rusnet BV Account: First Class Full Name: Mr. John Hurst P.O. Box 541 2501 CM The Hague Bus: +31 70 377 1509 Bus Fax: +31 70 377 1550 E-mail: Web Page: Categories: CO2 Trading The scale of our support can range from the provision of innovative, but field-tested, technologies, to assistance with the implementation of powerful management practices and long-term strategic support. A::: 18 11-10-2006 11:59 VIP & First Class Area Copyright Rusnet BV 2000-2006 s Shell Global Solutions International B.V. - Description Teams of highly skilled, creative and energetic consultants use our global operating experience to work in tandem with customers, to help them explore and develop their own potential for improvement. Shipside Tax Free Cars B.V. Account: VIP Unlimited Full Name: Mr. Stephen E. Zwaving Job Title: Director ANTHONY FOKKERWEG 61 1059 CP AMSTERDAM Bus: +31 206543789 Bus Fax: +31 206533241 E-mail: Web Page: Categories: Auto, Busses & Automotive products Shipside Tax Free Cars B.V. Description С 1956 года мы занимаемся безналоговой продажей и экспортом автомобилей во все страны мира. Быстрая и застрахованная доставка автомобилей на кораблях, оформление "зелёных карт" и голландского безналогового вывоза автомобилей. Free Copy Sloezjba - Description - Beedigde vertalingen Russisch/Nederlands Lessen Nederlands Lessen Russisch Appartementverhuur in Jalta Sloezjba - Description - Уроки голландского языка для русскоговорящих в Гааге - Присяжные переводы с русского на голландский - Сдача в Аренду апартаментов в Ялте Style OOO Account: VIP Unlimited Full Name: Mrs. Irina V. Varganova Job Title: General Director Zoologicheskaya Street, 9 620149, Ekaterinburg, Russia Bus: +7 (343) 240-59-02 Bus 2: +7 (343) 240-59-03 Bus Fax: +7 (343) 243-26-94 E-mail: Web Page: Categories: Wear & Footwear Style OOO - Description To develop company, which connected with fashion – industry and has it’s own brand till the level of business leaders like “H&M”, “Benetton”, “Sisley” and others. SINTREX TRANSPORT SERVICE B.V. Sumitomo Corporation Account: VIP Llimited Full Name: Mrs. Monique Broekman Job Title: Planner Oost-Europa Postbus 215 7570 AE Oldenzaal De Poppe 16-18 De Lutte Bus: +31 541 55 21 21 Bus 2: +31 541 55 10 14 Bus Fax: +31 541 55 16 60 Oth Fax: +31 541 55 23 40 Web Page: Categories: Transport - Expeditie Account: First Class Full Name: Ms. Anna Konstantinova г. Москва, ул. Новорязанская, д.31/7, корп.2, 1 этаж Russia Bus: +7 (095) 797-28-55 Bus Fax: +7 (095) 797-28-51 E-mail: Web Page: Categories: Multi Industrial Sloezjba Account: First Class Full Name: Mr. Alexei Malyshev г. Москва, ул. Новорязанская, д.31/7, корп.2, 1 этаж Russia Bus: +7 (095) 797-28-55 Bus Fax: +7 (095) 797-28-51 E-mail: Web Page: Categories: Multi Industrial Sumitomo Corporation Account: VIP Unlimited Full Name: Mr. Otto Gooiker Job Title: Directeur 2 de Riemerstraat 158 2513 CZ Den Haag Bus: +31 (0) 70 3467373 Bus Fax: +31 (0) 70 3562562 E-mail: Web Page: Categories: Translation & Interpreters Sumitomo Corporation - Description Фирма "СУМИТОМО КОРПОРЭЙШН", будучи универсальной торговой компанией Японии, несомненно, занимает одно из ведущих мест в ряду тех всемирно именитых предприятий, которые являются признанными лидерами на мировой рыночной арене. Rusnet BV A::: 19 11-10-2006 11:59 VIP & First Class Area Copyright Rusnet BV 2000-2006 s Free Copy t SunRay-Spas Europe TNO Account: VIP Unlimited Full Name: Mr. R.P. van der Wal Manager's Name: Mr. G de Kaper Assistant's Name: Mr. R. Struik Meeuwelaan 5 4695 JJ St Maartensdyk Bus: +31 166-667052 Bus 2: +31 655758442 Bus Fax: +31 166-667053 E-mail: E-mail 2: Web Page: Categories: Whirlpool & Jacuzzi Equipment Account: First Class Full Name: De heer Dr. A.F.B. Wildenborg P.O. Box 80.015 3508 TA Utrecht Bus: +31 (0) 30 256 46 36 Bus Fax: +31 (0) 30 256 46 05 E-mail: Web Page: Categories: CO2 Trading In addition to the development of CCS technology components, TNO can also provide economic analyses and risk assessment of the whole CO2 capture-transport-storage chain. SunRay-Spas Europe - Description Owning a Spa or Hot Tub has been attributed with many positive aspects. But none may be more important than the quality time that you and your friends & family spend together enjoying the relaxing waters of your Sunray Spa. TNO- Description TNO is the largest research and development organization in the Netherlands with about 5,000 employees. One of its branches is active in the area of CO2 emission reduction technology (clean fossil fuel). TOPAM VOF SunRay-Spas Europe - Description Сегодня у вас есть возможность обладать собственным семейным курортом, предназначенным для Вашей семьи и ваших друзей, за доступную цену. Мы с удовольствием рассмотрим все предложения, связанные с торговой реализацией нашей продукции в России и СНГ. SWETS SHIPPING AND TRADING Account: VIP Unlimited Full Name: Mr. Tijs P. D. Swets Job Title: Director Department: Shipping Manager's Name: Mrs. Alla Swets-Melnikova LAUWERS 23 3332 TB ZWIJNDRECHT Bus: +31 78 6200907 Bus Fax: +31 78 6200902 E-mail: E-mail 2: SHIPPING@SWETS-PLAZA.NL Web Page: http://WWW.SHIPNED.COM Categories: Shipbuilding. Import-Export of Ships. Trading: Ships SWETS SHIPPING AND TRADING Description Since 1956 we export worldwide brand new tax free cars.We can arange direct shipment, marine insurance, Dutch tax free registration and Green card insurance.Price information direct available from our website <> . Account: VIP Unlimited Full Name: Mrs. Marina Autoushenko Job Title: Director Manager's Name: dhr. Andrei Autoushenko Denemarkenstraat 22 4612 JV Bergen op Zoom Bus: 0164-236590 Mobile: +31 0655 860 420 E-mail: Categories: Sport & Dancing TOPAM VOF- Description De Ritmische Gymnastiek is een sport vol artistiek voor kinderen en volwassen. Lessen op topniveau in randstad en omstreken. TOPAM VOF- Description Высокопрофессиональные тренировки по художественной гимнастике. Международное судейство и организация соревнований. Trustland Account: VIP Limited Full Name: Mrs. mr. drs. H. M. A. over de Linden Oosteinde 22 1151 BV Broek in Waterland Mobile: +31 06-21280276 E-mail: Web Page: Categories: Trusting SWETS SHIPPING AND TRADING Description Shipbuilding-projecten, Import & Export all kinds of ships in Europe, Russia and China Кораблестроительные проекты. Импорт и Экспорт кораблей в Европе, России и Китае Rusnet BV A::: 20 11-10-2006 11:59 VIP & First Class Area Copyright Rusnet BV 2000-2006 v Free Copy w Van Mens & Wisselink Wintershall AG Account: First Class Full Name: De heer Mr. H.D.M. Mulder Job Title: Partner Hofplein 20 3032 AC Rotterdam Bus: +31 (0) 10 201 05 00 Bus Fax: +31 (0) 10 201 05 01 E-mail: Web Page: Categories: Lawyers and Attorneys Account: First Class Full Name: Mr. Stefan Dorr Friedrich-Ebert-Stra?e 160 D-34119 Kassel (Deutschland) Germany Bus: +49 (561) 301 12 60 Bus Fax: +49 (561) 301-1702 E-mail: Web Page: Categories: Energy Wintershall specializes in energy and is a wholly owned subsidiary of BASF AG, based in Ludwigshafen. Van Mens & Wisselink- Description Van Mens & Wisselink is een integratie van civilisten en fiscalisten. Vele van onze fiscalisten zijn tevens advocaat. Onze interne vaktechnische seminars stimuleren het verwerven van kennis en awareness op beide vakgebieden. Visumwinkel Account: VIP Unlimited Full Name: Mr. Gino Hartogs Postbus 227 2501 CE Den Haag Parkstraat 99 2514 JH Den Haag Bus: 070-365 65 33 Mobile: 06 - 1400 2470 Bus Fax: 070-365 66 50 E-mail: Web Page: Categories: Russian Benelux; Traveling & Tourisme Wintershall AG - Description Wintershall is active in exploration, production and trading of crude oil and natural gas. In addition, the Kassel-based company markets capacities for crude oil and natural gas storage, natural gas transportation and optical fibers. WTN Air & Water Treatment BV Account: VIP Unlimited Full Name: Mr. Ing. W.J.A.M Sprang Job Title: CEO P.O. Box 1309 3600 BH Maarssen Ambachtsweg 46 – 48 3542 DH Utrecht Bus: +31 30 24 26 175 Bus 2: +31 6 53 35 53 62 48 Bus Fax: +31 30 24 26 180 E-mail: E-mail 2: Web Page: Categories: Air and water treatment; Process water treatment Visumwinkel - Description U kunt uw visum laten verzorgen door de Visumwinkel. Wij bezoeken dagelijks vele ambassades en consulaten in Den Haag en Brussel. Ook verzorgen wij uitnodigingen voor visa naar Rusland. Kijk op onze website Vitel International B.V. Account: VIP Unlimited Full Name: Mr. Lucien Kroeders Gildestraat 5a 8263 AH Kampen Bus: +31 (0) 38 333 24 45 Bus Fax: +31 (0) 38 333 24 46 E-mail: Web Page: Categories: Radio & Electrical equipment; TV In the Consumers Electronics business we can offer stocklots but we have mainly returned stock. This can be un-used, damaged or defect while all items are under warranty returned products. We sell televisions, lcd, plasma, dvd, vcr, audio, microwaves, re Rusnet BV WTN Air & Water Treatment BV Description * * * * * * Turn key project in air and process, waste and water treatment Air filter system Process water system Turn key project in Hot dip Galvanizing Turn Key projects in Galvanic lines Turn key projects in Powder coating line WTN Air & Water Treatment BV Description Обеспечение и решение производственных проблем на основе внедрения экологически чистых технологий, направленных на увеличение срока службы металлических изделий и обращение отходов производства. Торговля цинковым пеплом и шлаком. A::: 21 11-10-2006 11:59 VIP & First Class Area Copyright Rusnet BV 2000-2006 Free Copy z ZGG GmbH Account: First Class Full Name: Mr. Timo Vehrs Job Title: Referee Strategy Markgrafenstra?e 23 D-10117 Berlin Germany Bus: +49 (30) 201 95 153 Bus 2: +49 (0) 30 20195-0 Bus Fax: +49 (30) 201 95 150 E-mail: Web Page: Categories: Energy ZGG is a gas trading and supply company in Western and Eastern Europe. As a hundred percent subsidiary of Gazexport it is active in all steps of the value chain. Rusnet BV A::: 22 11-10-2006 11:59 Business Class © 1999 – 2006 VIP Booklet Rusnet BV THE ORDER OF ADDITIONAL COPIES OF THE VIP BOOKLET (including datas of the more than 4.000 companies) The VIP Booklet You can receive and to pay on the website of Rusnet: ::: Or ::: ٌ Order the VIPBooklet on a CD for 25,00 Euro (the mail costs are not including) ٌ Order the VIP Booklet with delivery by Email. (1 MB) for 24,00 Euro ٌ We want download the VIP Booklet via the website of Rusnet for 24,00 Euro Title of company or organization: ........................................................................ Address: ..................................................... ZIP:................................................... City: ...................................................... Country: ................................................ The telephone: ...................................................................................................... The fax: ................................................................................................................ E-mail: ................................................................................................................. Website: ............................................................................................................... The employer: ...................................................................................................... The date ............................ Signature .............................. (Electronic signature is accepted) Rusnet B.V., P.O. Box 29, 3720 AA Bilthoven Fax: +31 (0) 30 228 54 59 E-mail: B