DOCUMENTARIES 2015 NORWEGIAN TV FRONT COVER Alone with Quadruplets Produced by Colorbar ANDERS BREDMOSE General Counsel Norwegian Producers’ Association Cell: +47 417 79 694 Email: ADRIENNE SEET Project Coordinator MIPTV Norwegian Producers’ Association Cell: +47 911 71 165 Email: MIA LINDRUP Senior Advisor, Promotion and International Relations Norwegian Film Institute Cell: +47 922 26 978 Email: Welcome to Focus on the Nordics! Thank you for joining us in Cannes as we welcome you to Focus on the Nordics at MIPTV 2015. It is a big pleasure to present to you the variety of Norwegian TV production. The Norwegian Producers’ Association are thrilled to be given the opportunity to focus the spot light north during the international TV and digital content market in Cannes. Sponsored by the Norwegian Film Institute we enter the Nordic pavilion in connection with the Palais des Festivals. Norwegian TV production is at its most innovative position ever with a huge variety of productions and expressions. The growth in quality and quantity brought to the TV screens in Norway as well as abroad makes us proud to present this catalogue and also to invite you to take a tour of what is happening in the North. We are certain that you will find the Norwegian productions and producers interesting. We hope that you will spend some time talking to us while we are in Cannes and that you bring some of the Norwegian productions back home with you from Cannes. Torbjørn Urfjell CEO Norwegian Producers’ Association 1 ACQUITTED Page 14 Producer: MisofilmCHILD MAIKO - DANCING Page 36 Produced by Sant & Usant CONTENTS Page TitleProduction Company [in alphabetical order] 6 Alone with Quadruplets Colorbar 7 The Final Dosage Colorbar 8 The Forgotten Fiasco Ekkofilm 9 Bring On the Night Eyeworks Norway 10 Death - a series on life Flimmerfilm 11 DroneFlimmerfilm 12 The Fjord Cowboys Flimmerfilm 13 Light Fly, Fly High Fri Film 14 Ballet Boys IndieFilm 15 Grenade Man IndieFilm 16 HeritageIndieFilm 17 Ida’s Diary IndieFilm 18 The Night IndieFilm 19 Supernerd ITV Studios Norway 20 Good Girl Mediaoperatørene 21 VoicesMediaoperatørene 22 The Accidental Rock Star Mediaoperatørene 23 Born in the Wrong Body Merkur Film 24 The Dream of Europe NRK 25 In Search of the Northern NRK Lights Page TitleProduction Company [in alphabetical order] 26 Love NRK 27 Thor Heyerdahl NRK 28 To the South Pole and Back NRK 29 The Mystery of the Original Film Northern Lights 30 Gulabi Gang Piraya Film 31 Love City, Jalalabad Piraya Film 32 Inside Fur Piraya Film 33 The Oil Kids Rakett 34 Cricketing the Streets Sant og Usant of Oslo 35 I am Kuba Sant og Usant 36 Maiko Sant og Usant 37 The Optimists Skofteland Film 38 Childhood Speranza Film 39 GoodSperanza Film 5 NORWEGIAN TV DOCUMENTARIES 2015 ALONE WITH QUADRUPLETS HD | 16:9 | 1 X 44’ | NORWEGIAN | ENGLISH SUBTITLES NORWEGIAN PREMIERE: FEBRUARY 9, 2015 ORIGINAL TITLE ALENE MED FIRLINGER DIRECTORS Magnus Halvorsen Wathne, Steinar Figved PRODUCED BY Colorbar AS BROADCASTERS TV2 Norway SCREENPLAY MAGNUS H. WATHNE TYPE OF AUDIENCE TBA LOCAL RATINGS 330 000 (TV 2 + Sumo) SALES AGENT TBA SALES RIGHTS TBA SYNOPSIS Silje is a single mom for the quadruplets. It takes up all her time so she’s struggling to get a job. And soon the girls are starting school. This film follows a very special family through a very special year. CONTACT TEL EMAIL WEB 6 Øyvind Torjusen +47 938 13 184 The odds of having quadruplets naturally is 1:68 000 000. Silje became that 1. NORWEGIAN TV DOCUMENTARIES 2015 THE FINAL DOSAGE NORWEGIAN PREMIERE: MARCH 10, 2015 HD | 16:9 | 1 X 53’ | NORWEGIAN | ENGLISH SUBTITLES ORIGINAL TITLE DEN SISTE DOSEN DIRECTOR Hilde Osen, Magnus H. Wathne PRODUCED BY Colorbar AS BROADCASTER NRK SCREENPLAY Hilde Osen TYPE OF AUDIENCE All LOCAL RATINGS 485 000 SALES AGENT Colorbar AS SALES RIGHTS Worldwide SYNOPSIS Treatment with methadone is lifelong. By the government’s definition Siri Getz is drug free using methadone. But she doesn’t agree. Still she has to deliver urine samples to be able to receive her daily dosages of medicine. In life she’s got everything she could have ever dreamt of – a house and a husband with no drug history. The perfect life. Why is she then willing to risk all this to be able to reach 0 mg? Siri Getz is not a drug addict anymore. It’s been 14 years. So why does she feel like one? A unique insight in life of a former heroine addict and her 24 hour-a-day struggle to quit methadone. CONTACT TEL EMAIL WEB Øyvind Torjusen +47 938 13 184 TRAILER 7 NORWEGIAN TV DOCUMENTARIES 2015 THE FORGOTTEN FIASCO HD | 16:9 | 3 X 58’ | NORWEGIAN | ENGLISH SUBTITLES NORWEGIAN PREMIERE: MARCH 08, 2015 ORIGINAL TITLE ALLIERT OG ALENE DIRECTOR Stian Trovik PRODUCED BY Ekkofilm BROADCASTER NRK TYPE OF AUDIENCE P18-65+ LOCAL RATINGS 30% SALES AGENT Ekkofilm SALES RIGHTS Worldwide SYNOPSIS Norway, the spring of 1940 the first battle between German and allied land forces takes place. With the weakest army in Europe, Norway starts to fight after promises of help from British, French and Polish forces. But when help finally arrives it is all other than promised. The Allied forces have their own agenda. In one of the most ill planned operations of WWII, Allied soldiers fight in a harsh and cold country without proper equipment, weapons or air support, and the campaign ends in a disaster. Today allied veterans tell a tale that they were ordered to forget, of memories that refuse to let go. CONTACT TEL EMAIL WEB 8 Kristian Karlsen +47 976 98 756 European soldiers were ordered to forget what happened in Norway in 1940 - 75 years later they finally break the silence NORWEGIAN TV DOCUMENTARIES 2015 BRING ON THE NIGHT NORWEGIAN PREMIERE: MARCH 05, 2015 HD | 16:9 | 8 X 15’ | NORWEGIAN | ENGLISH & NORWEGIAN SUBTITLES ORIGINAL TITLE BRING ON THE NIGHT DIRECTOR Anders Øvergaard PRODUCED BY Eyeworks Norway AS BROADCASTER VGTV SCREENPLAY Anders Øvergaard, Andreas Hedemann TYPE OF AUDIENCE Young Adults LOCAL RATINGS TBA SALES AGENT TBA SALES RIGHTS TBA SYNOPSIS Norwegian DJs such as Kygo, Da Tweekaz and Fehrplay have the past year experienced massive success worldwide thanks to Soundcloud and social media. Bring on the night invites you to tag along with the DJs as they go on tour abroad, several facing stardom for the first time ever. The DJs featured are Kygo, Fehrplay, Matoma, Lemaitre, CLMD, Broiler and da Tweekaz. Tag along as we travel the world with Norway’s most famous DJs CONTACT TEL EMAIL WEB Martin Jondahl +47 918 817 40 9 NORWEGIAN TV DOCUMENTARIES 2015 DEATH – A SERIES ABOUT LIFE HD | 16:9 | 5 X 53’ | NORWEGIAN | NORWEGIAN & ENGLISH SUBTITLES INTERNATIONAL PREMIERE: APRIL 20, 2014 ORIGINAL TITLE DØDEN – EIN SERIE OM LIVET DIRECTORS Eivind Tolås, Paulo Chavarria & Stian Indrevoll PRODUCED BY Flimmer Film AS BROADCASTERS NRK SCREENPLAY Eivind Tolås, Paulo Chavarria & Stian Indrevoll TYPE OF AUDIENCE Families LOCAL RATINGS 300 000 SALES AGENT First Hand Films SALES RIGHTS Worldwide SYNOPSIS Sooner or later – we all must die. That is the way nature is, and that is the way life is; nothing lasts forever, at least not on Earth. In these five programmes we approach the concept of death from different angles. Driven by curiosity we examine death both historically and culturally. Death and dying in art, the market of death, religious beliefs, the actual physical death and the central role death plays in our community and surroundings are all important elements in this documentary series. We have travelled the world and met persons that helped us in the process of understanding more. CONTACT TEL EMAIL WEB 10 Lars Løge +47 41 51 41 80 There are few more natural and fascinating things in life than death NORWEGIAN TV DOCUMENTARIES 2015 DRONE TV PREMIERE ON SVT 2: MAY 11, 2014 HD | 16:9 | 1 X 78’ | ENGLISH | NORWEGIAN & ENGLISH SUBTITLES ORIGINAL TITLE DRONE DIRECTOR Tonje Hessen Schei, Jonathan Borge Lie PRODUCED BY Flimmer Film AS CO-PRODUCER Radiator Film BROADCASTER TV 2 Norway TYPE OF AUDIENCE Adults LOCAL RATINGS TBA SALES AGENT Level K SALES RIGHTS Worldwide SYNOPSIS Drone brings us inside the covert CIA drone war. The film follows people who live under drones in Pakistan and drone pilots who struggle with the new warfare. DRONE covers diverse ground from the recruitment of young pilots at gaming conventions, the re-definition of “going to war”, to the moral of engineers behind the technology, the world leaders giving the secret “greenlight” to a targeted killing program outside declared war zones, and the people who fight for transparency, accountability and justice. Facing fast technological advancements and lagging international legislation the film shows how drones change wars and possibly our future. POINT - CLICK - KILL CONTACT Lars Løge TEL +47 41 51 41 80 EMAIL WEB 11 NORWEGIAN TV DOCUMENTARIES 2015 THE FJORD COWBOYS HD | 16:9 | 3 SEASONS | 30 X 23’ | NORWEGIAN | ENGLISH SUBTITLES NORWEGIAN PREMIERE: FEBRUARY 5, 2014 ORIGINAL TITLE FJORDEN COWBOYS DIRECTORS Season 1: Hildegunn Wærness Season 2 and 3: Geir Kreken PRODUCED BY Flimmer Film AS BROADCASTER TV 2 ZEBRA TYPE OF AUDIENCE Young male LOCAL RATINGS 100,000 SALES AGENT Nordic World SALES RIGHTS Worldwide SYNOPSIS The Fjord Cowboys is a documentary series about two “dynamite buddies” living on the shores of the world famous Hardanger Fjord. Lothepus is the hard working expert on explosives, and Joar is his hedonistic apprentice. Behind their somewhat rough appearance, they are in fact a pair of astute entreprenour businessmen with no fear of authority who play by their own rules. Together they work hard, and party even harder. But they have children to raise, projects to execute and loved ones to deal with, and their particular zest for life does not always match other peoples’ expectations. CONTACT TEL EMAIL WEB 12 Lars Løge +47 41 51 41 80 Work hard, live harder NORWEGIAN TV DOCUMENTARIES 2015 LIGHT FLY, FLY HIGH INTERNATIONAL PREMIERE: NOVEMBER 2013 HD | 16:9 | 1 X 80’ | TAMIL | ENGLISH, NORWEGIAN & DANISH SUBTITLES ORIGINAL TITLE LIGHT FLY, FLY HIGH DIRECTORS Susann Østigaard and Beathe Hofseth PRODUCED BY Fri Film CO-PRODUCER Made in Copenhagen BROADCASTERS NRK, DR, SVT, RUV, YLE, NHK, IKON, TG4 SCREENPLAY Susann Østigaard and Beathe Hofseth TYPE OF AUDIENCE General LOCAL RATINGS TBA SALES AGENT CAT&Docs, Women Make Movies SALES RIGHTS Worldwide excl. Nordic Countries SYNOPSIS Thulasi is a young Indian girl who is literally willing to fight for the right to be herself. Coming from a poor background, Thulasi´s life is in many ways pre-determined. Her family wants her to get married, her chances of getting a decent job are slim and being an untouchable, she has to accept her position at the very bottom of the social ladder. But Thulasi is different. She wants to be in control of her own destiny and live life her own way. She wants to be someone. She wants to be a boxer. Million Dollar Baby meets Slumdog Millionaire – in real life! FRI FILM CONTACT TEL EMAIL WEB Beathe Hofseth +47 97 03 60 23 13 NORWEGIAN TV DOCUMENTARIES 2015 BALLET BOYS HD | 16:9 | 1 X 59’/73’ | NORWEGIAN | ENGLISH SUBTITLES & MORE INTERNATIONAL PREMIERE: MARCH 18, 2014 ORIGINAL TITLE BALLETTGUTTENE DIRECTOR Kenneth Elvebakk PRODUCED BY Indie Film BROADCASTERS NRK, YLE, SVT, DR, NHK SCREENPLAY Kenneth Elvebakk TYPE OF AUDIENCE Teenagers, Family LOCAL RATINGS 30% SALES AGENT Wide House SALES RIGHTS Worldwide SYNOPSIS Lukas, Syvert and Torgeir experience some very important years in the beginning of their ballet careers. But how do they deal with pressure from parents and teachers? They face new challenges in ballet competitions in France and Sweden. But most important is the audition to enter the Norwegian Ballet Academy. Out of the blue Lukas is offered a try-out in the final audition at the Royal Ballet School in London. During the course of four years we see these boys becoming young men, and friends that separates. These kids need to sacrifice parties and friends from school to fulfill their dreams, and admission to a ballet academy means everything. It’s up to a jury to determine if they are the chosen one. Their school teachers is concerned and ask them what they will do if they don’t make it as ballet dancers. CONTACT TEL EMAIL WEB 14 Carsten Aanonsen +47 90865203 Disappointments, victories, first loves, doubt, faith all mixed with the beautiful expression of ballet NORWEGIAN TV DOCUMENTARIES 2015 THE GRENADE MAN NORWEGIAN PREMIERE: AUTUMN 2016 HD | 16:9 | 1 X 52’/70’ | NORWEGIAN | ENGLISH SUBTITLES ORIGINAL TITLE GRANATMANNEN DIRECTOR Karianne Berge PRODUCED BY Indie Film BROADCASTER NRK SCREENPLAY Karianne Berge TYPE OF AUDIENCE Young adult, family, older LOCAL RATINGS TBA SALES AGENT TBA SYNOPSIS A man trips on a wire and sets off the first of many grenade traps. People are terrified. The newspapers are feeding the terror, the police department is under heavy pressure, but investigates in vain. A suspected police officer - suffering from war trauma, alcoholism and bitterness - commits suicide, conveniently after the last explosion. The police considers the case solved. Is he a scapegoat, and does it help our knowledge about terror today? The Grenade Man, a film with high production value, is a true crime story that will reflect on how we react and respond to acts of terror and their consequences. The unsolved terror mystery from Oslo 1965 Does it help us understand the act of terror today? CONTACT TEL EMAIL WEB Carsten Aanonsen +47 90865203 [PASS: indie_terrorism] 15 NORWEGIAN TV DOCUMENTARIES 2015 IDA’S DIARY HD | 16:9 | 1 X 56’/63’ | NORWEGIAN | ENGLISH SUBTITLES INTERNATIONAL PREMIERE AT 1DFA: NOVEMBER 25, 2014 ORIGINAL TITLE IDAS DAGBOK DIRECTOR August Baugstø Hanssen PRODUCED BY Indie Film CO-PRODUCER Mouka Filmi, Telling productions, Chezville, Substans film BROADCASTERS NRK, YLE, DR, SVT UR, Belgian TV SCREENPLAY August Baugstø Hanssen TYPE OF AUDIENCE Young adults + adults LOCAL RATINGS TBA SALES AGENT First Hand Films SALES RIGHTS Worldwide excl. Scandinavia SYNOPSIS A young Norwegian woman, struggling with a turbulent emotional life - borderline - has kept a video diary to ease her mind and structure her thoughts. A unique insight into a world of fear and anxiety and precious moments of everyday victories and self-discovery as well. A powerful struggle towards self-acceptance and a genuine appreciation of life. Ida’s Diary is a film about hope, about finding your own identity and daring to live. CONTACT TEL EMAIL WEB 16 Carsten Aanonsen +47 90865203 Winner IDFA 2014 Mid-Length Documentary Competition NORWEGIAN TV DOCUMENTARIES 2015 HERITAGE INTERNATIONAL PREMIERE: JUNE 2015 HD | 16:9 | 1 X 22’ | NORWEGIAN | NORWEGIAN SUBTITLES ORIGINAL TITLE ARVEN DIRECTOR Charlotte Thiis-Evensen PRODUCED BY Indie Film BROADCASTER NRK SCREENPLAY Charlotte Thiis-Evensen ANIMATORS Mikrofilm (formats are live action and animation) TYPE OF AUDIENCE Family 7 yrs and up LOCAL RATINGS TBA SALES AGENT TBA SYNOPSIS Christian and Fam has a beautiful baby boy. Christian knows at that point that he will soon die of terminal cancer. He turns to director Charlotte Thiis-Evensen for her to capture his message for his little boy on camera before he leaves this world. A film combining live action, home videos and animation. A young man becomes a father a few months before he knows he will leave this life because of cancer. CONTACT TEL EMAIL WEB Carsten Aanonsen +47 90865203 17 NORWEGIAN TV DOCUMENTARIES 2015 THE NIGHT HD | 16:9 | SINGLE DOCUMENTARY | DURATION TBA | NORWEGIAN | ENGLISH SUBTITLES NORWEGIAN PREMIERE: 2017 ORIGINAL TITLE NATTA PAPPA HENTA OSS DIRECTOR Steffan Strandberg PRODUCED BY Indie Film CO-PRODUCER Walking the Dog (BE), Fasad (SE) BROADCASTER TBA SCREENPLAY Steffan Strandberg ANIMATORS Yoni Goodman, Elie Klimis TYPE OF AUDIENCE Young adults + adults LOCAL RATINGS TBA SALES AGENT Wide House SALES RIGHTS Worldwide excl. Scandinavia and Benelux SYNOPSIS The Night is director Steffan Strandberg’s own childhood story, told through the eyes of himself as an 11-year old. It is a fragile story of how children experience abandonment and betrayal, but also a story of growing up and looking forward. 18 CONTACT TEL EMAIL WEB Carsten Aanonsen +47 90865203 [PASS: TheIndieNight] Growing up and looking forward, after being betrayed and abandoned as a child. NORWEGIAN TV DOCUMENTARIES 2015 SUPERNERD NORWEGIAN PREMIERE: MARCH 21, 2015 HD | 16:9 | 1 X 52’ | NORWEGIAN | ENGLISH & NORWEGIAN SUBTITLES ORIGINAL TITLE SUPERNERD DIRECTOR Hildegunn Wærness PRODUCED BY ITV Studios Norway BROADCASTER NRK TYPE OF AUDIENCE Young adults 15 -35 yrs LOCAL RATINGS TBA SALES AGENT ITV Studios Global Entertainment SALES RIGHTS Worldwide SYNOPSIS Can you discover who you really are, by dressing up as someone else? Aleksander (17) loves Japanese cartoons. For years he’s been dreaming of dressing up as his animated heroes, but he hasn’t dared yet. Aleksander looks up to Johan (27), who has become the biggest cosplay celebrity in Norway by dressing up in a blue monster suit. In Supernerd we follow the boys on a journey through the colourful world of cosplay, in search of their true selves. Supernerd - a personal journey into the colorful world of costume play CONTACT TEL EMAIL WEB Jo Torgersen +47 91 69 51 29 19 NORWEGIAN TV DOCUMENTARIES 2015 GOOD GIRL HD | 16:9 | 1 X 73’ | NORWEGIAN | ENGLISH SUBTITLES INTERNATIONAL PREMIERE: NOVEMBER 2014 ORIGINAL TITLE FLINK PIKE DIRECTOR Solveig Melkeraaen PRODUCED BY Medieoperatørene AS BROADCASTER NRK SCREENPLAY Solveig Melkeraaen TYPE OF AUDIENCETeenagers, adults LOCAL RATINGS TBA SALES AGENT TBA SYNOPSIS Successful documentary filmmaker Solveig Melkeraaen suffers a heavy clinical depression. Treatment with electroshock therapy helps her, but when she falls into a second depression, she has to accept that being perfect is not an option. CONTACT Mari Monrad Vistven TEL +47 414 56 363 EMAIL WEB 20 a feel good film about depression NORWEGIAN TV DOCUMENTARIES 2015 VOICES NORWEGIAN PREMIERE: 2016 (TBA) HD | 16:9 | 6 X 45’ | NORWEGIAN | ENGLISH SUBTITLES ORIGINAL TITLE STEMMENE DIRECTOR Gunhild Asting PRODUCED BY Medieoperatørene AS BROADCASTER NRK SCREENPLAY TBA TYPE OF AUDIENCE Teenagers, adults LOCAL RATINGS TBA SALES AGENT TBA SYNOPSIS Filmed over the course of a year and with unparalleled access, Voices follows young people affected by schizophrenia. They give an honest and personal account of the illness as they battle to turn their lives around helped by Bergfløtt, a specialist treatment facility for schizophrenia. To illustrate and personalize their experiences with psychosis and delusions, the series mixes traditional documentary style with stylistic techniques as animation and sound design. Schizophrenia is one of our most stigmatized mental illnesses, and it affects young people in particular. This series gives voices to the people who really know what living with schizophrenia means. A documentary series that gives a unique insight into the lives of young people living with schizophrenia CONTACT TEL EMAIL WEB Eirin Høgetveit +47 92246536 21 NORWEGIAN TV DOCUMENTARIES 2015 THE ACCIDENTAL ROCK STAR HD | 16:9 | 1 X 87’ | NORWEGIAN | ENGLISH SUBTITLES NORWEGIAN PREMIERE: MARCH 13, 2015 ORIGINAL TITLE DEN TILFELDIGE ROCKESTJERNEN DIRECTOR Igor Devold PRODUCED BY Medieoperatørene as CO-PRODUCERS Trueworks, Aurorafilm BROADCASTER TBA SCREENPLAY Igor Devold, Rune S. Thorud TYPE OF AUDIENCE Teenagers, adults LOCAL RATINGS TBA SALES AGENT TBA SYNOPSIS The Accidental Rock Star is a music-documentary telling the story of the iconic rock band, Kaizers Orchestra, through band member Helge Risa – the “man with a gas mask”. Drawing inspiration from the band’s own aesthetic, this film blurs the boundary between imagination and reality, incorporating staged scenes and elaborate sets with fly-on-the-wall documentary and archive footage. CONTACT TEL EMAIL WEB 22 Mari Monrad Vistven +47 414 56 363 A music-documentary telling the story of the iconic rock band, Kaizers Orchestra NORWEGIAN TV DOCUMENTARIES 2015 BORN IN THE WRONG BODY NORWEGIAN PREMIERE: AUGUST 2014 HD | 16:9 | 1 SEASON + 1 IN PRODUCTION | 6 X 45’ | NORWEGIAN | ENGLISH SUBTITLES ORIGINAL TITLE FØDT I FEIL KROPP DIRECTOR Petter Vennerød PRODUCED BY Merkur Film BROADCASTER TV 2 Norway TYPE OF AUDIENCE P12-40 yrs LOCAL RATINGS 33% share SALES AGENT Nordic World SALES RIGHTS Worldwide SYNOPSIS To feel like a girl, being trapped in the body of a boy, being terrified and anxious to reach male puberty and develop a deep voice, visible Adam’s apple and beard growth can hardly be described. Being a boy trapped in the body of a girl is not any easier. Imagine the anxiety, fear, and not least the contempt for yourself if you are a man entering female puberty, developing breasts and having menstruation. To be accepted as the one you actually are, might feel like an unattainable dream. For our participants they dream of another and better life often ignites when they dare to challenge themselves, their friends, their family and their surroundings. In this series you will meet 14 brave people in various stages of the process “of confirming their sex”, being from 8 to 70 years old. Imagine being born a girl developing a visible Adam’s apple, or a boy getting menstruation. CONTACT TEL EMAIL WEB Petter Vennerød +47 906 77 461 23 NORWEGIAN TV DOCUMENTARIES 2015 THE DREAM OF EUROPE HD | 16:9 | 1 X 75’ OR 4 X 39’ | NORWEGIAN, ENGLISH, SPANISH | ENGLISH SUBTITLES NORWEGIAN PREMIERE: AUTUMN 2014 ORIGINAL TITLE DRØMMEN OM EUROPA DIRECTORS Liv Berit Gilberg, Bodil Voldmo Sachse and Jens Blom PRODUCED BY NRK BROADCASTER NRK TYPE OF AUDIENCE TBA LOCAL RATINGS xxx% SALES AGENT Nordic World SALES RIGHTS Worldwide SYNOPSIS In a world beset by war and conflict, EU’s agency for external border security, Frontex, is striving to regulate and control an ever-rising flood of refugees. Schengen member countries play an important role in guarding the Union’s borders. In this documentary, we accompany two Norwegian police officers on assignment to the Schengen area’s most exposed external borders. We also make the acquaintance of an Italian human rights activist, who documents the brutal treatment of migrants to Europe. CONTACT TEL EMAIL WEB 24 Bente Sagplads +47 90036189 A programme centred upon the dramatic effects of Europe’s border policies. NORWEGIAN TV DOCUMENTARIES 2015 IN SEARCH OF THE NORTHERN LIGHTS NORWEGIAN PREMIERE: DECEMBER 30, 2013 HD | 16:9 | 2 X 40’ | NORWEGIAN | ENGLISH SUBTITLES ORIGINAL TITLE JAKTEN PÅ NORDLYSET DIRECTOR Per Kristian Olsen PRODUCED BY NRK BROADCASTER NRK SCREENPLAY Per Kristian Olsen TYPE OF AUDIENCE All LOCAL RATINGS TBA SALES AGENT Nordic World SALES RIGHTS Worldwide SYNOPSIS The Northern Lights have intrigued and mystified mankind since the dawn of time. Nowhere are they brighter and more spectacular than in the north of Norway. In In Search of the Northern Lights we join romantic couples and enthusiasts from all over the world as they converge on Tromsø, one of Norway’s northernmost towns, to marvel at this awesome sight. This mini-series is lavishly illustrated with imposing views of the Lights never before seen on television. Renowned photographer Ole Christian Salomonsen, who has specialized in the Northern Lights, takes us on an exciting quest for the ultimate picture of this unique phenomenon. Marvel at the mysterious Northern Lights CONTACT TEL EMAIL WEB Bente Sagplads +47 90036189 25 NORWEGIAN TV DOCUMENTARIES 2015 LOVE-HURTS.COM HD | 16:9 | 1 X 59’ | NORWEGIAN | ENGLISH SUBTITLES NORWEGIAN PREMIERE: FEBRUARY 17, 2015 ORIGINAL TITLE LOVE-HURTS.COM DIRECTOR Maria Hasselgaard, Jörn Nordstrøm PRODUCED BY NRK BROADCASTER NRK TYPE OF AUDIENCE All LOCAL RATINGS TBA SALES AGENT Nordic World SALES RIGHTS Worldwide SYNOPSIS For many, online dating is now the number one way to find a partner, with the result that it is fast becoming the world’s biggest swindle. Is this a lucrative new field among criminals formerly engaged in trafficking and drugs? Worldwide, the police have their hands full with victims. In eastern Europe, not a few girls finance their studies by posting false love letters on the net. Men who reply find that to open a letter from a prospective partner, they have to pay, with the result that conning credulous western men in search of love has evolved into a minor industry. But criminal networks based in West Africa exploit many vulnerable women, too. One woman was ruined and forced to sell her house, while another ended up in prison - both because a man convinced them that he loved them. CONTACT TEL EMAIL WEB 26 Bente Sagplads +47 90036189 Can we know who we are dating on the Internet? NORWEGIAN TV DOCUMENTARIES 2015 THOR HEYERDAHL – THE LEGEND AND THE MAN NORWEGIAN PREMIERE: OCTOBER 6, 2014 HD | 16:9 | 1 X 52’ | ENGLISH ORIGINAL TITLE THOR HEYERDAHL 100 ÅR DIRECTORS Morten Kolstad, Bengt Jonson PRODUCED BY NRK CO-PRODUCER Sebra Film BROADCASTER NRK SCREENPLAY Morten Kolstad TYPE OF AUDIENCE All LOCAL RATINGS TBA SALES AGENT NRK SALES RIGHTS Worldwide SYNOPSIS Thor Heyerdahl, born in Norway in 1914, was one of Norway’s most famous sons and and original scientist/explorer/adventurer . Fortunately, his extraordinary life of discovery and adventure did not die with him in 2002. On all his major expeditions he always had cameras with him to make record of events as they happened. Thor Heyerdahl’s centenary film makes a unique record of the life of a great man, and summarise the underlying themes that were the driving force behind his many adventures. The film will also place him in history as scientist and a visionary thinker providing the viewers with his own unique and challenging theories. A film about Norway’s famous “Kon-Tiki Man” CONTACT TEL EMAIL WEB Bente Sagplads +47 90036189 27 NORWEGIAN TV DOCUMENTARIES 2015 TO THE SOUTH POLE AND BACK - ALONE AND UNAIDED HD | 16:9 | 1 X 59’ | NORWEGIAN | ENGLISH SUBTITLES NORWEGIAN PREMIERE: OCTOBER 2013 ORIGINAL TITLE ALEKSANDER GAMME PÅ VERDENS LENGSTE SKITUR DIRECTORS Øyvind Fallet, Aleksander Gamme PRODUCED BY NRK BROADCASTERS NRK TYPE OF AUDIENCE All LOCAL RATINGS 23% SALES AGENT Nordic World SALES RIGHTS Worldwide SYNOPSIS Aleksander Gamme is one of Norway’s most versatile and entertaining adventurers. With his philosophical outlook, euphoric moments and wry comments, he puts a bright new face on polar exploration. In this programme he crosses the last remaining Antarctic frontier, making his way to the South Pole and back alone, with no back-up service to help him. By chance, two Australians, Cas and Jones, have embarked on the same journey, so it looks like being a breathtaking race for the honour of being first across the finishing line – until its surprising conclusion. CONTACT TEL EMAIL WEB 28 Bente Sagplads +47 90036189 Guinness Book of Records: The world’s longest unsupported ski expedition ever NORWEGIAN TV DOCUMENTARIES 2015 THE MYSTERY OF THE NORTHERN LIGHTS NORWEGIAN PREMIERE: OCTOBER 2015 HD | 16:9 | 1 X 58’ | NORWEGIAN | ENGLISH SUBTITLES ORIGINAL TITLE NORDLYSETS GÅTE DIRECTOR Trond Brede Andersen PRODUCED BY Original Film BROADCASTER NRK SCREENPLAY Roald E. Hansen and Trond Brede Andersen TYPE OF AUDIENCE All LOCAL RATINGS TBA SALES AGENT TBA SYNOPSIS Kristian Birkeland, the man who solved the mystery of the northern lights, had a versatile talent and many incredible ideas. He was an uncompromising and brilliant scientist with great passion for his work. In spite of Birkeland’s pioneering auroral research, he was ignored and opposed for a long time, both in Norway and abroad. Not until the 1960s, when NASA began launching manned spacecrafts, were Birkelands theories confirmed and accepted. The Mystery of the Northern Lights is the story of Kristian Birkeland’s short but eventful life in which both success and tragedy dominated. It is also the story about the power struggle that took place in the Norwegian science community in the late 1800s. A passionate brilliant Norwegian scientitist who solved the mystery of the Northern Lights CONTACT TEL EMAIL WEB Mona Steffensen +47 92837843 29 NORWEGIAN TV DOCUMENTARIES 2015 GULABI GANG HD | 16:9 | 1 X 96’ & 58’ | HINDI | NORWEGIAN& ENGLISH SUBTITLES INTERNATIONAL PREMIERE: NOVEMBER 19, 2012 ORIGINAL TITLE GULABI GANG DIRECTOR Nishtha Jain PRODUCED BY Piraya Film AS CO-PRODUCERS Raintree Films, Final Cut for Real ApS BROADCASTERS NRK, DR SCREENPLAY Nishtha Jain, Torstein Grude TYPE OF AUDIENCE TBA LOCAL RATINGS 29000 (NRK) SALES AGENT Kudos Family SALES RIGHTS Worldwide excl. Norway, Denmark, India SYNOPSIS Enter the badlands of Bundelkhand in central India and you have entered a place of desolation, dust and despair. And yet it is hope that this film discovers, as it follows the Gulabi Gang, an unusual group of rural women. Led by the energetic and charismatic Sampat Pal, they travel long distances to fight for the rights of women and Dalits. They encounter resistance, apathy and corruption, even ridicule. Sometimes whole villages connive against them to protect the perpetrators of violence. The film pulls us into the centre of these blazing conflicts and uncovers a complex story, disturbing yet heartening. CONTACT TEL EMAIL WEB 30 Torstein Grude +47 51116336 A pink revolution in the making NORWEGIAN TV DOCUMENTARIES 2015 INSIDE FUR INTERNATIONAL PREMIERE: MARCH 9, 2015 HD | 16:9 | 1 X 57’ | NORWEGIAN | ENGLISH SUBTITLES ORIGINAL TITLE PELS DIRECTOR Ola Waagen PRODUCED BY Piraya Film AS CO-PRODUCER Electric Parc ApS BROADCASTERS NRK, SVT, DR SCREENPLAY Bjarte Mørner Tveit, Torstein Grude, Ola Waagen TYPE OF AUDIENCE TBA LOCAL RATINGS 354 000 (NRK) SALES AGENT Cinephil SALES RIGHTS Worldwide excl. Norway and Denmark SYNOPSIS A group of highly motivated activists work for years with the goal of exposing the true face of the Nordic fur industry. They sneak into hundreds of fur farms. When their images are publicized it causes media feasts and public outrage, year after year. However, the industry always strikes back. Nothing changes. A new approach is needed. Thus psychologist Frank Nervik tells the fur industry that he plans to become a fur farmer. He asks for training. Nervik is accepted as one of them, and starts learning the trade secrets. Without anybody knowing, he films his training with a hidden camera. Exposing the true face of the Nordic fur industry CONTACT TEL EMAIL WEB Torstein Grude +47 51116336 31 NORWEGIAN TV DOCUMENTARIES 2015 LOVE CITY, JALALABAD HD | 16:9 | 1 X 98’ | PASHTO, ENGLISH | ENGLISH SUBTITLES NORWEGIAN PREMIERE: OCTOBER 1, 2014 ORIGINAL TITLE LOVE CITY, JALALABAD (DIRECTOR’S CUT) DIRECTOR George Gittoes PRODUCED BY Piraya Film AS CO-PRODUCERS Gittoes Productions, Unicorn Films BROADCASTER SBS SCREENPLAY George Gittoes, Torstein Grude TYPE OF AUDIENCE TBA LOCAL RATINGS TBA SALES AGENT Kudos Family SALES RIGHTS Worldwide SYNOPSIS In 1964, when Bob Dylan released “The Times They Are a-Changin’”, the song helped start a youth revolution. 50 years later, the youth of Jalalabad, Afghanistan have had enough gloom and doom and want to use their creativity to bring freedom and joy. Their first step is to rename Jalalabad to Love City by parading a billboard through the streets, proclaiming it a place of love and no more war. This is the beginning of an amazingly joyous ride, as the group attempts to take their Cinema Circus to the notoriously militant Tora Bora mountains. CONTACT TEL EMAIL WEB 32 Torstein Grude +47 51116336 Love can succeed where war fails NORWEGIAN TV DOCUMENTARIES 2015 THE OIL KIDS NORWEGIAN PREMIERE S1: APRIL 24, 2014 | S2: JANUARY 1, 2015 HD | 16:9 | 8 X 15’ | NORWEGIAN ORIGINAL TITLE OLJEBARNA SESONG 1 & 2 DIRECTOR Morten Andresen PRODUCED BY Rakett BROADCASTER VGTV TYPE OF AUDIENCE P15 - 40 LOCAL RATINGS TBA SALES AGENT TBA SALES RIGHTS TBA SYNOPSIS In each episode of “The Oil Kids”, we meet two subjects in contrast to each other representing the episode’s theme. Mental health, wealth, immigration and social benefits are some of the themes discussed. The documentary series successfully manages to be an entertaining and meaningful show engaging youth to reflect over their everyday life. In this following episode, we meet Lotte and Magnus, both dependent on the Norwegian welfare system. Norwegian youths discussing how it feels to be young in the world’s richest country. CONTACT TEL EMAIL WEB Martin Jondahl +47 918 817 40 33 NORWEGIAN TV DOCUMENTARIES 2015 CRICKETING THE STREETS OF OSLO HD | 16:9 | 1 X 27’ | ENGLISH | NORWEGIAN & ENGLISH SUBTITLES NORWEGIAN PREMIERE: MARCH 26, 2015 ORIGINAL TITLE CRICKETING THE STREETS OF OSLO DIRECTOR Ritchie Cavander-Cole, Mamdooh Afdile PRODUCED BY Sant & Usant AS BROADCASTERS NRK, NDTV TYPE OF AUDIENCE TBA LOCAL RATINGS TBA SALES AGENT TBA SYNOPSIS Cricketing the streets of Oslo is a humoristic story about five men in Oslo, Norway, who play cricket in what might be the world’s worst cricket team. When they’re about to lose their last denial about the teams failures, they decide to take action to save their losing, multi-cultural team. With an attitude of “the stars are the limit”, they hit the streets of Oslo to make a film love letter for the God of cricket, Sachin Tendulkar, as they believe the Indian hero will be their only rescuer. What comes out of their campaign might not be quite what they expected. CONTACT TEL EMAIL WEB 34 Eirin Gjørv +47 99233335 Join constantly losing Vaalerenga on their journey of getting their filmed loveletter to their hero, cricket legend Sachin Tendulkar! NORWEGIAN TV DOCUMENTARIES 2015 I AM KUBA INTERNATIONAL PREMIERE: OCTOBER 26, 2014 HD | 16:9 | 1 X 55’ | POLISH | ENGLISH, NORWEGIAN, GERMAN SUBTITLES ORIGINAL TITLE JEG ER KUBA DIRECTOR Åse Svenheim Drivenes PRODUCED BY Sant & Usant CO-PRODUCERS AMP Polska and BROADCASTERS NRK, IKON,MDR and TVP TYPE OF AUDIENCE ALL LOCAL RATINGS TBA SALES AGENT CATS&Docs SALES RIGHTS Worldwide SYNOPSIS When the family business goes bankrupt Kuba (12) and Mikołaj’s (8) parents are forced to leave Poland to find work abroad. “I am Kuba” is a coming-of-age film about Kuba who must take care of his little brother while his parents are away. As times goes by, Kuba becomes a teenager and rejects the big responsibilty on his young shoulders. His family is forced to make a life changing decision. Kuba’s story is also the story about modern Europe. It’s estimated that only in Poland more than 100,000 children are left by their parents who are forced to work abroad. Winner of the Tromsø Palm at TIFF 2015 | Gullruten 2015 Nomination Finalist (Documentary Feature) in Social Impact Media Awards 2015 CONTACT TEL EMAIL WEB Anita Rehoff Larsen +47 95033305 35 NORWEGIAN TV DOCUMENTARIES 2015 MAIKO - DANCING CHILD HD | 16:9 | 1 X 70’ / 58’ | ENGLISH & JAPANESE | NORWEGIAN & ENGLISH SUBTITLES INTERNATIONAL PREMIERE: 2015 ORIGINAL TITLE MAIKO - DANCING CHILD DIRECTOR Åse Svenheim Drivenes PRODUCED BY Sant & Usant CO-PRODUCER NRK BROADCASTERS NRK, SVT, RUV, SRF, TVO TYPE OF AUDIENCE ALL LOCAL RATINGS TBA SALES AGENT Wide House SALES RIGHTS Worldwide SYNOPSIS Maiko – Dancing Child is a film about a woman whose though training and discipline has brought her to the top of her career as a prima ballerina at the Norwegian National Ballet. With her mother as the driving force behind her career, her parents sold their house and car to send 14 year-old Maiko to the most prestigious dance school in Europe. She was only 19 when she was cast for the most demanding role in classical ballet, Odette in Swan Lake, a magical moment for Maiko and her mother who came to see her perform for the first time. The only thing missing from her life is a child. We follow Maiko at a breaking point in her life, where she is forced to make decisions that might jeopardice everything she has worked for. CONTACT TEL EMAIL WEB 36 Anita Rehoff Larsen +47 95033305 www. Maiko’s destiny was decided before she was born. Her name Maiko means dancing child NORWEGIAN TV DOCUMENTARIES 2015 THE OPTIMISTS NORWEGIAN PREMIERE: JANUARY 23, 2014 HD | 16:9 | 1 X 90’’ & 52’ | 3 X 39’ | NORWEGIAN | ENGLISH SUBTITLES & MORE ORIGINAL TITLE OPTIMISTENE DIRECTOR Gunhild Westhagen Magnor PRODUCED BY Skofteland Film AS CO-PRODUCER Mantaray Film (SE) BROADCASTERS NRK, SVT, DR, YLE, RTS, SRF, TVP HD, AMP international SCREENPLAY Gunhild Westhagen Magnor SUBTITLES Norwegian, Swedish, English, German, French TYPE OF AUDIENCE Family / All LOCAL RATINGS 30% SALES AGENT CATS&Docs SALES RIGHTS Worldwide excl. Norway & Sweden SYNOPSIS Youth is our modern world’s ideal. Many of us fear aging. These ball-playing ladies might change our ideas. Despite their training sessions every Monday for 40 years, the volleyball ladies on the extraordinary team THE OPTIMISTS (age 66-98) have not played a proper match. Now this is exactly the plan. But against whom? Rumours say there is a group of handsome Swedish gentlemen across the border. Goro (98) is the Queen of the team with her will power and purple Converse shoes. Lillemor (88) dreams of making a come back. Laughter is their match strategy – as in life in general. Despite their weekly training sessions the volleyball ladies THE OPTIMISTS (age 66-98) have not played a proper match. Until now. Audience Awards: Nordisk Panorama, DOCDF Mexico, Würzburg Filmweekend CONTACT TEL EMAIL WEB Hilde Skofteland +47 90775786 37 NORWEGIAN TV DOCUMENTARIES 2015 CHILDHOOD HD | 16:9 | 1 X DURATION TBA | NORWEGIAN | ENGLISH & SWEDISH SUBTITLES INTERNATIONAL PREMIERE: AUTUMN 2016 ORIGINAL TITLE BARNDOM DIRECTOR Margreth Olin PRODUCED BY Speranza Film AS BROADCASTERS NRK, SVT SCREENPLAY Margreth Olin TYPE OF AUDIENCE All LOCAL RATINGS TBA SALES AGENT Film Transit International Inc. SALES RIGHTS Worldwide excl. Norway SYNOPSIS The focus on performance and competition is becoming stronger in schools and kindergartens. Focus on getting younger and younger children to acquire external knowledge. I am afraid that we, as parents, as a society, the children themselves - miss their own and other’s different personalities because we do not acknowledge that each and every child has different potentials. Childhood is a silent protest. It shows a children’s garden where children can be at peace. An 90-min observational documentary that follows the children in Aurora Kindergarten through a year. These are children from 1-6 years of age. It will be a quiet and close, life-affirming film, at the same time it will be deeply provocative. CONTACT TEL EMAIL WEB 38 Margreth Olin +47 901 44 391 The Importance of silence in your child’s life NORWEGIAN TV DOCUMENTARIES 2015 GOOD INTERNATIONAL PREMIERE: AUTUMN 2015 HD | 16:9 | 1 X 90’ | NORWEGIAN | ENGLISH & SWEDISH SUBTITLES ORIGINAL TITLE GOD DIRECTOR Margreth Olin PRODUCED BY Speranza Film AS BROADCASTERS TV 2 Norway, SVT SCREENPLAY Margreth Olin, Bjørn Olaf Johannessen TYPE OF AUDIENCE XXX LOCAL RATINGS XXX SALES AGENT Film Transit International Inc. SALES RIGHTS Worldwide excl. Norway SYNOPSIS “I can’t be more than a human being but I don’t want to be anything less.” GOOD is a close encounter with a living legend and his patients. 50 000 people have travelled to Snåsa in Northern Norway through a lifetime. Their stories are incredible. People claim that he has cured almost every disease, that he has changed their lives. In this movie, Joralf lets us attend his sessions. Why is goodness so difficult? Why is faith so inconceivable? The Power of One CONTACT TEL EMAIL WEB Margreth Olin +47 901 44 391 39 DIGITAL CATALOGUE NOW ONLINE: PUBLISHED BY Tel: +47 417 79 694 Email: PUBLISHED BY Henrik Ibsensgate 90, OsloAssociation The Norwegian Producers’ Post: Tel: 22PB 542900 17 00Solli, 0230 Oslo Email: Henrik Ibsensgate 90, Oslo SPONSORED Post: PB 2900BY Solli, 0230 Oslo SPONSORED BY Norwegian Film Institute Department of Promotion and International Relations EDITOR Adrienne Seet DESIGN Adrienne Seet norwegian games 2015 40 DIGITAL CATALOGUE NOW ONLINE: NFI.NO/MIPTV
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