Rezumat ENGLEZA_Badescu Rodica - USAMV Cluj
Rezumat ENGLEZA_Badescu Rodica - USAMV Cluj
UNIVERSITY OF AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES AND VETERINARY MEDICINE CLUJ-NAPOCA Eng. Rodica G. JOLDIȘ JOLDI (căs. BĂDESCU) Ph.D. THESIS RESEARCHES REGARDING THE USE OF G.I.S. TECHNOLOGIES FOR MONITORING THE DEGRADED LAND BY EROSION, CLUJ COUNTY SCIENTIFIC ADVISER ADV Prof. univ. PhD. Eng. MARCEL DÎRJA CLUJ-NAPOCA 2014 PhD SUMMARY Researches regarding the use of G.I.S. technologies for monitoring the degraded land by erosion, Cluj county Table of content INTRODUCTION ......................................................................................................................... 3 Chapter I ........................................................................................................................................ 4 REVIEWS REGARDING EROSIONAL PROCESS................................................................ 4 Chapter II....................................................................................................................................... 6 ESTIMATION OF SOIL LOSS DURING EROSION .............................................................. 6 Chapter III ..................................................................................................................................... 7 APPLYING THE SPATIAL TECHNOLOGIES FOR FUNDAMENTAL MEASURMENTS REGARDING DEGRADED LAND ASSESSMENT ................................ 7 Chapter IV ..................................................................................................................................... 8 AIM AND OBJECTIVES. MATERIALS AND METHODS USED........................................ 8 Chapter V ..................................................................................................................................... 10 NATURAL ENVIRONMENT OF ADMINISTRATIVE TERITORIAL UNITS EHERE THE RESEARCHES WERE CONDUCTED (CIURILA, SĂVĂDISLA, FLOREȘTI – CLUJ COUNTY) ......................................................................................................................... 10 Chapter VI ................................................................................................................................... 12 ASSESSMENT OF PROBABILITY PARAMITERES REGARDING EROSIONAL PROCESES .................................................................................................................................. 12 6.1. GEO-GRADIENT .............................................................................................................. 12 6.2. SLOPE ORIENTATION .................................................................................................... 12 6.3. HYPSOMETRIC ................................................................................................................ 12 6.4. THE DREINAGE DENSITY ............................................................................................. 14 6.5. DEPTH OF DREINAGE .................................................................................................... 14 6.6. WETNESS INDEX ............................................................................................................ 16 6.7. STREAM POWER INDEX................................................................................................ 16 6.8. PLAN AND PROFILE CURVE ........................................................................................ 17 6.9. SPATIAL ANALYSE ........................................................................................................ 18 6.10. USLE MODEL IMPLEMENTATION USING GIS TECHNIQUES ............................. 19 Chapter VII .................................................................................................................................. 23 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMANDATIONS........................................................................ 23 7.1. CONCLUSIONS .................................................................................................................... 23 7.2. RECOMANDATIONS .......................................................................................................... 27 SELECTIVE BIBLIOGRAPHY ............................................................................................... 28 2 PhD SUMMARY Researches regarding the use of G.I.S. technologies for monitoring the degraded land by erosion, Cluj county INTRODUCTION Soil erosion is the hazard with the biggest negative effects, with visible consecuences for medium and long term, and is also the most extensive form of degradation (SEVASTEL, 2014), aspect which were considered in selection of study cases used in the present PhD thesis. GIS facilitates delivering of results faster as the creation of support / base materials used in the planning and organization of eroded land (MARTINEZ, 2000). In these circumstances, the attention of researchers skilled in the art and is directed by government authorities on developing a risk management geomorphological processes in order to prevent loss of lives and reduce property damage (LINDSTROM, 1986). From research conducted in recent years in Cluj county, research supported by S.C. EXPERCO - ISPIF SRL (2003), taking into account the specific natural conditions of the county, it appears that in terms of degradation processes erosion on agricultural land values are high. Degradation processes, whether fixed or semistabilizate negatively influence much of the agricultural area, especially pastures which are the most dangerous outbreaks of soil degradation. The PhD thesis with the title “RESEARCHES REGARDING THE USE OF G.I.S. TECHNOLOGIES FOR MONITORING THE DEGRADED LAND BY EROSION, CLUJ COUNTY” deals with problems of great current global and national levels. The importance of this work lies in the accurate estimation of the likelihood that a given area is exposed to the occurrence of erosion processes. Research requires multiple treatments, which involves the systematic analysis of several factors preparatory and triggers erosion processes. In this debate, very useful are the means computerized mapping by which creates the risk of erosion processes, ie Geographic Information Systems. A great advantage in applying GIS functions is potentiality improve forecasting models occurrence of erosion processes, evaluating their results and by modifying factors. Another vital part of determining the likelihood of erosion processes by means of GIS is the ability to analyze data storage and spatiotemporal available. The need for a study to identify and assess risk of erosion processes is of great importance because only risk measure may be developed measures and ways of preventing and combating erosion processes. In this paper, by using geospatial data were drawn from processes of erosion risk maps for territorial administrative units Floresti Ciurila and Săvădisla that can be analyzed and interpreted to create a support in establishing measures to combat erosion processes 3 PhD SUMMARY Researches regarding the use of G.I.S. technologies for monitoring the degraded land by erosion, Cluj county in the area . With maps can be traced consequences on the environment and human settlements. In order to estimate vulnerability to erosion processes, the researched area were introduced nine indicators geomorphometry (geodeclivitatea, slope orientation, hypsometric, drainage density, the drainage, the curvature in plan, profile curvature index infiltration water capacity index transport), geological data, hydrographic, digital raster formats. The purpose of research is the monitoring of degraded lands, giving priority to those affected by surface erosion due to natural factors, in order to establish strategies to redress the consequences of economic, social and environmental and bringing land into production, the improvement works. The consequences resulting from soil degradation processes are: reducing agricultural production, withdrawal aside, leaving the land by owners, clogging of water courses and reservoirs, destruction of communication lines and human settlements, environmental degradation surrounding and destroying the ecological balance. The thesis is divided into seven chapters, comprising 187 pages, 13 tables, 44 figures, 219 national and international bibliographic titles. Research undertaken to develop thesis were conducted under the guidance of Prof. univ. dr. ing. Marcel DÎRJA, scientific leader PhD, which I address in this way most sincere feelings of gratitude, respect and gratitude for the professional competence and patience with which I coordinated all the work. Chapter I REVIEWS REGARDING EROSIONAL PROCESS Erosion is spread over the land, not just the surface covered with soil, therefore, is the general expression,, land erosion. '' Although in most cases the soil is affected, and the expression is used,, soil erosion '. The consequences of this situation are investigated and type of process spread on the soil cover (BEL et al, 1995; DÎRJA et al, 2000). The word comes from the Latin erosion from erosion,, "and means separation, divorce. The erosion is the detachment, transport and deposition of soil particles under the action of water and wind exogenous agents (DÎRJA and BUDIU, 1997; DÎRJA, 2000). Through the influence of morphogenetic processes, has changed the earth's crust. Regarding exogenous geomorphological processes, soil erosion modeling is crucial to the crust (GOVERS et al, 1990). Erosion can be defined as a physical process that occurs at the soil surface or in its depth, where large masses of sil with fertility are transported either by water or wind, at different distances - sometimes thousands of miles (BERCA , 2008). 4 PhD SUMMARY Researches regarding the use of G.I.S. technologies for monitoring the degraded land by erosion, Cluj county Detachment, transport and deposition of soil particles are produced by moving water and air, whose inexhaustible sources are solar and kinetic gravity. Another determinant of erosion processes is human activity (Feizi and CESEVICIUS, 2006). Eroziunea solului este determinată indeosebi de: relief, climă (temperatura aerului, vântul, precipitaţii atmosferice, presiunea atmosferică, umiditatea aerului, durata stălucirii soarelui, nebulozitatea, fenomene meteorologice), sol, roca de solificare, vegetaţie şi exploatarea terenurilor. Land degradation affects soil infiltration and permeability. The permeable soils water infiltrates to the layers of plastic rocks and they form water-soaked bed that degradation will occur. Clay soils, drying, cracking and thus facilitates the degradation of land. Roca, its structure, the feature size, the permeability, tilt and tilt direction is an element that has influence to a large extent of land degradation (Montanarella, 1999; DÎRJA et al, 2000).La sfârşitul secolului XX, pe plan mondial se găseau în diferite stadii de degradare, următoarele suprafeţe: 38% din suprafaţa cultivată, 21% din păşuni şi 18% din terenurile împădurite (OZPINAR şi CAY, 2006). In many areas of the world (India, Africa, Australia, New Zealand) deforestation of large areas of forest in order to extend crops, overgrazing and forest fires, often in an arid climate conditions, accelerates land erosion, especially wind (BIALI GABRIELA and Popov, 2003). Rational exploitation of land situated in slope erosion causes soil loss between 5-10 t / ha in Africa, Australia and Europe, 10 - 20 t / ha in South America, Central and North and up to 30 t / ha in Asia (GARDNER and Peterson, 1996; PATH et al, 1997). PIMENTEL (1993) shows that all processes of soil degradation, erosion is the most damaging, causing loss of soil average annual amount of 18.1 t / ha in North America, 13.0 t / ha in Europe 40 t / ha in Asia and 100 t / ha in Africa. However, it is estimated that in the US, USSR, China and India, although representing nations that are major sources of food, soil erosion amounted to 11.8 billion tons per year, meaning 52% of the world total. In the US and Canada pays special attention to the development of national targets for estimating soil quality under the influence of technological impact and to prevent farmers. The prosecution and spread soil quality data for the conservation of natural resources and the environment, in 1993, the United States was founded Soil Quality Institute (SQI) belonging to the Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) (PAUWELS et al, 2006). Ditzler and Tugela (2002) recommended a number of indicators of soil quality, after obtaining several models of soil health cards (card hearth soil) and soil quality test kits (soil quality test kit). 5 PhD SUMMARY Researches regarding the use of G.I.S. technologies for monitoring the degraded land by erosion, Cluj county Chapter II ESTIMATION OF SOIL LOSS DURING EROSION The erosion were studied 11 methods for estimating soil loss: - The first method is applied in a land of Germany; - The second method is used in regional and national in Poland; - The third method is used in Spain, with spatial resolution on a national scale; - The fourth method is employed at national level in Finland; - The fifth method is practiced at regional and national level in Hungary, based on universal equation of soil erosion - USLE (Universal Soil Loss equational); - The sixth method is applied in Flanders (region of north-western Europe and is one component of the federal state of Belgium); - The seventh method is folodită in Norway at regional level and is based on universal equation of soil erosion - USLE, adapted to the specific conditions in Norway; - The eighth method is practiced in France, having spatial coverage nationwide and very high resolution at different levels; - A new method is CORINE and applied in Spain, Portugal, Italy, Greece, southern France, with coverage at national and European levels, but low resolution; - The tenth method is Peseri and is used in Europe, with high spatial resolution; - The eleventh method is GLASOD, with global coverage, but low resolution. Analyzing the 11 methods for estimating soil loss is noted that, although many of them have similar effects can not be applied in other regions, the results being diverted. Differences may arise due to the calculation methods of the parameters, the composition of the input data, differences in reacting model, examining subjective differences of scale, etc. (Williams and BERNDT, 1972; Williams et al, 1984). However, the results estimated to be close, that to be part of the three categories of quantitative erosion classes: low (0-5 t / ha / year), medium (5-10 t / ha / year) and high (> 10 t / ha / year). To this end, different methods may be applied, expert examinations or method USLE method, the results can be interpreted similarly.Chiar dacă există cazuri în care se aplică diverse metode de estimare a pierderilor de sol şi se obţine rezultate diferite, acestea nu pot fi mutual comparabile. Pentru excluderea acestui impediment, este recomandată standardizarea, care necesită utilizarea unor metode, soluţii omogenizate pentru a cuantifica şi estima ratele şi riscul de eroziune (STOCKING, 1981). 6 PhD SUMMARY Researches regarding the use of G.I.S. technologies for monitoring the degraded land by erosion, Cluj county Chapter III APPLYING THE SPATIAL TECHNOLOGIES FOR FUNDAMENTAL MEASURMENTS REGARDING DEGRADED LAND ASSESSMENT Navigation systems based on artificial satellites were born with space programs in these area famous countries (USA and USSR). The first navigation systems were based on the principle of the Doppler Effect, ie, changing the frequency of a wave emitted by a source of oscillations, if it is moving towards the receiver (NEUNER, 2000). In 1970, based on the very good results obtained in the first satellite-based navigation systems were developed more advanced systems, both the US and the USSR. In the US the foundations of global navigation satellite system development NAVSTAR GPS - and the foundations of development in the USSR satellite system GLONASS global navigation. These two systems are independent and are in process of modernization (BĂDESCU, 2005). In the late 1990s, the European Union is launching a European satellite navigation and positioning, which together with the European Space Agency develops and arises Galileo global navigation satellite system. At the beginning of this millennium, China starts building a global navigation satellite system called Beidou (Compass). The NAVSTAR Global Navigation Satellite GPS is a system developed by the Department of Defense of the United States. It was designed for military applications, aimed at determining the position, velocity and time into a common reference system, to any point on the Earth's surface, or near, regardless of weather conditions. Shortly after its inception, GPS has enabled the application of the civil sector, proving to be very useful, especially in geodesy (Remond, 1990). As for the kinematic measurements, it is essential to choose the correct path in order to ensure continuous reception of signals. Kinematic measurements is recommended for networks that are relatively open areas. Because during data collection must be visible at least four satellites, that this condition must be satisfied on the whole route followed by the rover. Also, you can lose track satellites, regardless of the speed at which pass under obstacles. The problem is even more striking if the method is proposed to raise topographic details (BĂDESCU, 2005). 7 PhD SUMMARY Researches regarding the use of G.I.S. technologies for monitoring the degraded land by erosion, Cluj county Chapter IV AIM AND OBJECTIVES. MATERIALS AND METHODS USED The purpose of research is the monitoring of degraded lands, giving priority to those affected by surface erosion due to natural factors, in order to establish strategies to redress the consequences of economic, social and environmental and bringing land into production, the improvement works. The objectives set in order to obtain conclusive results on the identification of degraded land using GIS techniques are: consulting the literature to describe the conduct of scientific research; establish protocol for the validation, storage and analysis of space-time: • GPS measurements using the kinematic method; • GPS data processing and observations; • developing a GIS database to identify the probability of erosion processes; • mapping the risk of soil loss; • determine the probability of loss of soil by GIS methods; • introduction of new indicators geomorphometry on: 1. geodeclivitatea 2. slopes orientation 3. hypsometric 4. drainage density 5. the drainage 6. curvature in plan 7. The curvature of the profile 8. Water infiltration index 9. transport capacity index. use of geological data, hydrographic digital raster formats; preparation, analysis and interpretation of documents prepared for the establishment of measures to combat erosion processes of territorial administrative units Floresti Ciurila and Săvădisla (Cluj County). Creating GIS spatial analysis model required the following steps: creating a database, spatial modeling appropriate validation of the model to quantify the risk. Spatial analysis is based only on morphometric characteristics of the territory, which are derived from digital elevation model (DEM). 8 PhD SUMMARY Researches regarding the use of G.I.S. technologies for monitoring the degraded land by erosion, Cluj county The spatial analysis we developed using several database structures, based on morphometric primary database (contour lines, hydrography) Database Model (DEM, drainage density, water infiltration rate potential, transport capacity index, coefficient of probability) and derived data base (tilt angle, slope aspect, drainage density, plan curvature, profile curvature, hypsometric and the drainage). Figure 1. The compilation, analysis and interpretation of documents drawn up To create the primary database we used cartographic materials which consisted of contour maps at 1: 25,000, which I scanned and georeferenced Stereo projection system 70. In order to obtain digital elevation model, we digitized contours and curves of the river system. Via the ArcToolbox - Spatial Analyst Tools - Interpolation - Topo to Raster of ArcGIS software, we created a digital elevation model with a resolution of 20 meters. Each element of the database we included morphometric analysis model parameter identification spatial probability of erosion processes. 9 PhD SUMMARY Researches regarding the use of G.I.S. technologies for monitoring the degraded land by erosion, Cluj county Chapter V NATURAL ENVIRONMENT OF ADMINISTRATIVE TERITORIAL UNITS EHERE THE RESEARCHES WERE CONDUCTED (CIURILA, SĂVĂDISLA, FLOREȘTI – CLUJ COUNTY) Figure 2. Ciurila, Săvădisla and Florești ATUs localization (Cluj County, Romania) and geographic coordinates ( Ciurila (Fig. 3) is located 20 km from the city of Cluj-Napoca, Feleacului Hill - Hăşdate depression in the river basin Hăşdate. It covers an area of 72.22 km2, is located at an altitude of 562 m and the intersection of the parallel of 46 ° 39 '03' 'North and the meridian of 23 ° 32' 54''Est. From this common part the following locations: Ciurila, Sălicea, Sălişte, Pruniş, Şutu, Pădureni, Filea de Jos and Filea de Sus. Săvădisla (Fig. 4) is located about 22 km southwest of Cluj-Napoca, the Apuseni Mountains, the relief being formed in depressions. It covers an area of 52.11 km2, is located at an altitude of 492 m and the intersection of the parallel of 46 ° 40 '25' 'North and the meridian of 23 ° 27' 21 '' East. From this common part the following locations: Săvădisla, Stolna, Vlaha, Vălişoara, Finişel, Hăşdate, Lita and Liteni. 10 PhD SUMMARY Researches regarding the use of G.I.S. technologies for monitoring the degraded land by erosion, Cluj county Figure 3. Aspects from the zone where the topographic determinations were done, ATU Ciurila Figure 4. Aspects from the zone where the topographic determinations were done, ATU Săvădisla Figure 5. Aspects from the zone where the topographic determinations were done, ATU Florești Floreşti (Fig. 5) is located about 10 km from Cluj-Napoca, on the right bank of the river Somes Mic, at the junction of the Apuseni Mountains and Transylvanian Plateau. It covers an area of 6092 hectares, is located at an altitude of 500-600 meters and intersected by the parallel of 46 ° 44 '52' 'North and the meridian of 23 ° 29' 27 '' East. From this common part the following locations: Floreşti, Luna de Sus and Tăuţi. 11 PhD SUMMARY Researches regarding the use of G.I.S. technologies for monitoring the degraded land by erosion, Cluj county Chapter VI ASSESSMENT OF PROBABILITY PARAMITERES REGARDING EROSIONAL PROCESES 6.1. GEO-GRADIENT Geodeclivitatea or slope is morphometric parameter that shows the inclination of land. Slope with petrographic and structural elements of a complex, formed one of the most important requirements in geomorphological assessment researched territory. They determine the processes that shape the intensity and type of substrate. The slope is a parameter that must be quantified both in terms of quantity (as a factor that generates slope processes) and in terms of quality (as a factor that generates landforms that result from these processes). 6.2. SLOPE ORIENTATION Parameter qualitative spatial analysis of morphometric characteristics of the relief is defined by surfaces inclined orientation or orientation slopes. Orientation slopes participate in the evolution of slope geomorphological processes due to climatic factors are not dispersed evenly over the surface of the land: solar radiation, sunlight, precipitation and temperatures. This parameter causes differences duration of exposure to the sun. After surfaces with different weight categories slope orientation, we can see that the largest areas of slopes are recognized to be the exhibition N, NE 31.93%, E, NV 24.72%, SE, S 21.17% and SV, V 20.30%. The share of flat surfaces is 1.88% of the total (Joldis BĂDESCU RODICA et al, 2014). 6.3. HYPSOMETRIC Hypsometric analysis in terms of the area studied, emphasizes large expansion of lowlying areas. Probability values were chosen for each altitudinal range under which the database was completed which represents the probability hypsometric. 12 PhD SUMMARY Researches regarding the use of G.I.S. technologies for monitoring the degraded land by erosion, Cluj county Figure 6. Slope susceptibility for ATU Ciurila, Săvădisla and Florești (GIS map) Figure 7. Slope orientation susceptibility for ATU Ciurila, Săvădisla and Florești (GIS map) 13 PhD SUMMARY Researches regarding the use of G.I.S. technologies for monitoring the degraded land by erosion, Cluj county Figure 8. Hypsometric susceptibility for ATU Ciurila, Săvădisla and Florești (GIS map) 6.4. THE DREINAGE DENSITY The drainage density and landscape fragmentation is an area ratio of the length (measured in km) and unit area (calculated km²) and expresses the degree of horizontal fragmentation of the landscape. It may refer to a particular area or the area of the catchment. The application of this parameter is useful in dissecting the expression level in the horizontal plane of the surface morphology of an area, due to its shaping as a result of the action of exogenous factors. 6.5. DEPTH OF DREINAGE Depth fragmentation presents one important morphometric parameters of relief, giving its developmental stage and intensity of current morphodynamic processes. This parameter quantitative trait relief expose some of the genesis of the studied area. Reached the stage where erosion, on the in-depth, drainage depth is given in particular to erosion caused by rivers. If the drainage depth is large, then we show that the soil is not stable and erosion may occur. Usually, it occurs in areas with a large gradient. 14 PhD SUMMARY Researches regarding the use of G.I.S. technologies for monitoring the degraded land by erosion, Cluj county Figure 9. Dreinage density susceptibility for ATU Ciurila, Săvădisla and Florești (GIS map) Figura 10. Dreinage depth susceptibility for ATU Ciurila, Săvădisla and Florești (GIS map) 15 PhD SUMMARY Researches regarding the use of G.I.S. technologies for monitoring the degraded land by erosion, Cluj county 6.6. WETNESS INDEX Since the potential for water infiltration and transport capacity index are classified as class parameters that influence the topography, they can be associated. The potential for water infiltration indicates the degree of accumulation of water in certain areas, and transport capacity index indicates the power flow in water erosion in some catchment area. Figure 11. Wetness index (WI) susceptibility for ATU Ciurila, Săvădisla and Florești (GIS map) 6.7. STREAM POWER INDEX Stream Power Index is the product of the land surface (As) and slope (p). The values obtained for transport capacity index is between 0.099 and 0.800 and are directly proportional to the likelihood of erosion processes. The lower transport capacity index emphasizes low power drainage and erosion and of course a low probability for the occurrence of erosion processes. Higher levels of transport capacity index characterizing erosion areas where power is high, this causes a very high probability and erosional processes occur. 16 PhD SUMMARY Researches regarding the use of G.I.S. technologies for monitoring the degraded land by erosion, Cluj county Figura 12. Stream power index (SPI) susceptibility for ATU Ciurila, Săvădisla and Florești (GIS map) 6.8. PLAN AND PROFILE CURVE Areas showing steep slope and exposure changes are recognized using topographic surface curvature. According to the method of analysis of the curve, one can identify two parameters: the curvature in plan and profile curvature. The curvature in the plane perpendicular to the orientation shown the maximum slope. Convex slopes are typical convergent flow positive values indicate high probability of occurrence of erosion processes. Divergent flow concave slopes are negative values and presents specific probability of occurrence of erosion processes from low to medium. The curvature of the profile of the references moderate and large flow areas in the terrain surface, taking into account the shape of the slope (straight, convex or concave). Characteristic convex slopes are negative values and shows a low probability of occurrence of erosion processes. Sharp concave slopes are specific to the positive and shows a very high degree of probability of occurrence of erosion processes. 17 PhD SUMMARY Researches regarding the use of G.I.S. technologies for monitoring the degraded land by erosion, Cluj county Figure 13. Plan curve susceptibility for ATU Ciurila, Săvădisla and Florești (GIS map) Figure 14. Profile curve susceptibility for ATU Ciurila, Săvădisla and Florești (GIS map) 6.9. SPATIAL ANALYSE The spatial modeling of the probability of erosion processes requires the application of several methods for spatial analysis methods that consist of specialized softwares and thematic 18 PhD SUMMARY Researches regarding the use of G.I.S. technologies for monitoring the degraded land by erosion, Cluj C county database processing by means of mathematical formulas translated into GIS spatial analysis functions (Moore et al, 1991). The central objective jective is to determine the new attributes stored in multiple database structures. In this sense, started on spatial databases and modeling techniques using GIS spatial analysis and reclassification database, we compiled intermediate models that we introduced introdu in the final structure of the model probability of occurrence erosion processes. Figure 15. Erosional proces susceptibility for ATU Ciurila, Săvădisla S ădisla and Florești Flore (GIS map) 6.10. USLE MODEL IMPLEMENTATION USING GIS TECHNIQUES Given the need to implement implement projects in Romania which have been proposed for joining the European Union in terms of attracting proposed structural funds, necessary for the development of agriculture is very important inventory of land exposed to various natural and anthropogenic ic processes. It is also necessary to identify the causes that produce these processes in order to make the right decisions regarding the possibility of land reclamation works in the affected areas. The process of soil erosion is influenced, as I mentioned, mentioned several geomorphological parameters: slope, degree of slope, land cover management, etc., soil characteristics and climatic characteristics. This research paper proposes a GIS model to calculate the amount of soil lost and represent areas of UAT Ciurila, UAT Săvădisla S and UAT Floreşti, ti, which are exposed to erosion. 19 PhD SUMMARY Researches regarding the use of G.I.S. technologies for monitoring the degraded land by erosion, Cluj county The risk we have evaluated the impact of the vulnerability of land sought to identify geomorphological processes on the land use categories. Based on Corine Land Cover 2006, we identified the land use categories and type of vulnerability map we superimposed it over the land use categories. For this we use the Identify function. Depending on the map you've drawn a determining vulnerability researched area geomorphological processes and bibliographic study, we prepared tables risk classes. Figure 16. Slope length coefficient and slope degree defined as topographic factor (GIS map) for ATU Ciurila, Săvădisla and Florești (GIS map) Figure 17. Coefficient for soil erodability for ATU Ciurila, Săvădisla and Florești (GIS map) 20 PhD SUMMARY Researches regarding the use of G.I.S. technologies for monitoring the degraded land by erosion, Cluj county Figure 18. Coefficient for cover-management factor and vegetation characteristics for ATU Ciurila, Săvădisla and Florești (GIS map) Figure 19. Average annual surface erosion rate (t/ha/year) after universal soil erosion equation computed with geographic information system (GIS) for ATU Ciurila, Săvădisla and Florești (GIS map) 21 PhD SUMMARY Researches regarding the use of G.I.S. technologies for monitoring the degraded land by erosion, Cluj county Figure 20. Teritorial vulnerability because of geomorfological process for ATU Ciurila, Săvădisla and Florești (GIS map) Figure 21. Risc classes regarding soil erosion for ATU Ciurila, Săvădisla and Florești (GIS map) 22 PhD SUMMARY Researches regarding the use of G.I.S. technologies for monitoring the degraded land by erosion, Cluj county Chapter VII CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMANDATIONS 7.1. CONCLUSIONS 1. Geographic Information System developed from studies conducted in ATU Ciurila, and UAT UAT Săvădisla Floresti related identification of degraded land by applying ArcGIS software provides a set of tools and comprehensive spatial analysis and visualization platform and dissemination of results on the identification of degraded land. 2. Using this methodology allowed a better practice to make data resources to be made available to those who need them, they are available for consultation and the online data, maps or standard templates, are useful in future organizing information and parameters measured and determined. 3. Another important aspect Geographic Information System for the realization of this research work is the possibility of exposure of a large volume of data that can be presented in an intuitive format on the map. 4. Information and preparation of maps are able to be synthesized, giving users the information they need. 5. Geospatial information is suitable many opportunities that can lead to better decisions at a higher yield in terms of productivity in agriculture. 6. Geographic Information System is able to store information layers, for example: yields, soil mapping maps on reports of crop recognition and nutrient levels in the soil. 7. Geospatial information may present geo-reference data, enhancing the visual perspective interpretation. In addition to high capacity data storage and display can be used Geographic Information System for assessing the management of present and also for the management and handling alternative by combining data layers to obtain a review of management scenarios. 8. The area is included in the category average probability of occurrence of erosion processes; however, there are areas not classified as probability of occurrence of large erosion processes. 9. The erosion values obtained are between 0 and 38.88 t / ha / year. 10. Areas of erosion is stronger on 0.11% of the studied area. 23 PhD SUMMARY Researches regarding the use of G.I.S. technologies for monitoring the degraded land by erosion, Cluj county 11. Curvature profile map was determined that the greatest expansion area is in the range of low probability, is a significant probability of occurrence of geomorphic processes of slope (torrent, runoff, landslides) or meadow (erosion linear regression, side). 12. The combination of databases on susceptibility to erosion processes and erosion can be seen that there is land with high vulnerability. 7.2. RECOMANDATIONS 1. It is recommended accurate identification of areas with high risk of erosion, to intervene by measures of consolidation, stabilization, smoothing, shaping the land and other hydro works. 2. It is recommended systematization of arable crops, the optimal choice of land use category after evaluation marks, use suitable agro system in order to prevent the negative effects of erosion. 3. Monitoring GIS technologies of erosion on agricultural land and beyond, must be complemented by measurements in situ measurements on soil + vegetation system, expressed by accumulated biomass quality. 4. It is recommended to apply methodologies for estimating the risk of erosion, standardized, given that each country uses a methodology to estimate the risk of erosion. 5. Hydraulic works should be implemented in the event of incipient erosion process. 24 PhD SUMMARY Researches regarding the use of G.I.S. technologies for monitoring the degraded land by erosion, Cluj county SELECTIVE BIBLIOGRAPHY 1. ADEKAYODE F. O., ADEOLA O.F., (2009), The response of cassava to potassium fertilizer treatments, Journal of Food, Agriculture & Environment, 7 (2), pg.: 279 282. 2. AILINCĂI C., DUMITRESCU, N., BUCUR D., (1992), Cercetări privind amploarea și consecinţele proceselor de eroziune din Câmpia Moldovei, Cercetări agronomice în Moldova. Vol. 1. Iaşi. 3. 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