best destinations winner events
best destinations winner events
F O R Z A A M I C A D E L PA E S E La passione di muovere il Paese BEST DESTINATIONS WINNER EVENTS ITALIVE.IT A g l i è Airasca - Ala di Stura - Albiano d’Ivrea Alice Superiore - Almese - Alpette Alpignano - Andezeno - Andrate - Angrogna - Arignano Avigliana - Azeglio - Bairo - Balangero - Baldissero Canavese Baldissero Torinese - Balme - Banchette - Barbania - Bardonecchia - Barone Canavese - Beinasco - Bibiana - Bobbio Pellice - Bollengo Borgaro Torinese - Borgiallo - Borgofranco d’Ivrea - Borgomasino - Borgone Susa - Bosconero - Brandizzo - Bricherasio - Brosso - Brozolo - Bruino - Brusasco - Bruzolo Buriasco - Burolo - Busano - Bussoleno - Buttigliera Alta - Cafasse - Caluso - Cambiano - Campiglione-Fenile - Candia Canavese - Candiolo - Canischio - Cantalupa - Cantoira - Caprie - Caravino - Carema - Carignano - Carmagnola Casalborgone - Cascinette d’Ivrea - Caselette - Caselle Torinese - Castagneto Po - Castagnole Piemonte Castellamonte - Castelnuovo Nigra - Castiglione Torinese - Cavagnolo - Cavour - Cercenasco - Ceres - Ceresole Reale - Cesana T o r i n e s e - Chialamberto - Chianocco - Chiaverano - Chieri - Chiesanuova - Chiomonte - Chiusa di San Michele - Chivasso - Ciconio - Cintano - Cinzano - Ciriè - Claviere - Coassolo Torinese - Coazze - Collegno - Colleretto Castelnuovo - Colleretto Giacosa - Condove - Corio - Cossano Canavese - Cuceglio - Cumiana - Cuorgnè Druento - Exilles - Favria - Feletto Fenestrelle - Fiano - Fiorano Canavese - Foglizzo - Forno Canavese - Frassinetto - Front - Frossasco - Garzigliana - Gassino Torinese - Germagnano Giaglione - Giaveno - Givoletto - Gravere - Groscavallo - Grosso Grugliasco - Ingria - Inverso Pinasca - Isolabella - Issiglio - Ivrea - La Cassa - La Loggia - Lanzo Torinese - Lauriano - Leinì - Lemie - Lessolo - Levone - Locana - Lombardore - Lombriasco - Loranzè - Lugnacco - Luserna San Giovanni - Lusernetta - Lusigliè - Macello - Maglione - Marentino - Massello - Mathi - Mattie - Mazzè - Meana di Susa - Mercenasco - Meugliano - Mezzenile - Mombello di Torino - Mompantero - Monastero di Lanzo - Moncalieri - Moncenisio Montaldo Torinese - Montalenghe - Montalto Dora - Montanaro - Monteu da Po - Moriondo Torinese - Nichelino - Noasca - Nole - Nomaglio - None - Novalesa - Oglianico - Orbassano - Orio Canavese - Osasco - Osasio - Oulx - Ozegna - Palazzo Canavese - Pancalieri - Parella - Pavarolo - Pavone Canavese - Pecco - Pecetto Torinese - Perosa Argentina - Perosa Canavese - Perrero - Pertusio Pessinetto - Pianezza - Pinasca - Pinerolo - Pino Torinese - Piobesi Torinese - Piossasco - Piscina - Piverone - Poirino - Pomaretto - Pont-Canavese - Porte - Pragelato - Prali - Pralormo - Pramollo - Prarostino - Prascorsano - Pratiglione Quagliuzzo - Quassolo - Quincinetto - Reano - Ribordone - Rivalba - Rivalta di Torino - Riva presso Chieri - Rivara - Rivarolo Canavese - Rivarossa - Rivoli - Robassomero - Rocca Canavese - Roletto - Romano Canavese - Ronco Canavese Rondissone - Rorà - Roure - Rosta - Rubiana - Rueglio - Salassa - Salbertrand - Salerano Canavese - Salza di Pinerolo - Samone - San Benigno Canavese - San Carlo Canavese - San Colombano Belmonte - San Didero - San Francesco al Campo - Sangano - San Germano Chisone - San Gillio - San Giorgio Canavese - San Giorio di Susa - San Giusto Canavese - San Martino Canavese - San Maurizio Canavese - San Mauro Torinese - San Pietro Val Lemina San Ponso - San Raffaele Cimena - San Sebastiano da Po - San Secondo di Pinerolo - Sant’Ambrogio di Torino - Sant’Antonino di Susa - Santena - Sauze di Cesana - Sauze d’Oulx - Scalenghe - Scarmagno - Sciolze - Sestriere - Settimo Rottaro - Settimo Torinese - Settimo Vittone - Sparone - Strambinello - Strambino - Susa - Tavagnasco - Torino - Torrazza Piemonte - Torre Canavese - Torre Pellice - Trana - Trausella - Traversella Traves - Trofarello - Usseaux - Usseglio - Vaie - Val della Torre - Valgioie - Vallo Torinese - Valperga - Valprato Soana - Varisella - Vauda Canavese - Venaus - Venaria Reale - Verolengo - Verrua Savoia - Vestignè - Vialfrè - Vico Canavese - Vidracco - Vigone - Villafranca Piemonte - Villanova Canavese - Villarbasse - Villar Dora - Villareggia - Villar Focchiardo - Villar Pellice - Villar Perosa Villastellone - Vinovo - Virle Piemonte - Vische - Vistrorio - Viù - Volpiano - Volvera - Alagna Valsesia - Albano Vercellese - Alice Castello - Arborio - Asigliano Vercellese - Balmuccia - Balocco - Bianzè Boccioleto - Borgo d’Ale - Borgosesia - Borgo Vercelli - Breia - Buronzo - Campertogno - Carcoforo - Caresana - Caresanablot - Carisio - Casanova Elvo - San Giacomo Vercellese - Cellio - Cervatto - Cigliano - Civiasco - Collobiano - Costanzana - Cravagliana - Crescentino - Crova - Desana - Fobello - Fontanetto Po - Formigliana - Gattinara - Ghislarengo - Greggio - Guardabosone - Lamporo - Lenta - Lignana - Livorno Ferraris - Lozzolo - Mollia - Moncrivello - Motta de’ Conti - Olcenengo - Oldenico - Palazzolo Vercellese - Pertengo - Pezzana - Pila - Piode - Postua - Prarolo - Quarona - Quinto Vercellese - Rassa - Rima San Giuseppe - Rimasco - Rimella - Riva Valdobbia - Rive - Roasio - Ronsecco - Rossa - Rovasenda - Sabbia - Salasco - Sali Vercellese - Saluggia - San Germano Vercellese - Santhià - Scopa - Scopello - Serravalle Sesia - Stroppiana - Tricerro - Trino - Tronzano Vercellese - Valduggia - Varallo - Vercelli - Villarboit - Villata - Vocca - Agrate Conturbia - Ameno - Armeno - Arona - Barengo - Bellinzago Novarese - Biandrate - Boca - Bogogno - Bolzano Novarese - Borgolavezzaro - Borgomanero - Borgo Ticino - Briga Novarese - Briona - Caltignaga - Cameri - Carpignano Sesia - Casalbeltrame - Casaleggio Novara - Casalino - Casalvolone - Castellazzo Novarese - Castelletto sopra Ticino - Cavaglietto - Cavaglio d’Agogna - Cavallirio - Cerano - Colazza - Comignago - Cressa - Cureggio - Divignano - Dormelletto - Fara Novarese - Fontaneto d’Agogna - Galliate - Garbagna Novarese - Gargallo - Gattico - Ghemme - Gozzano - Granozzo con Monticello - Grignasco - Invorio - Landiona - Lesa - Maggiora - Mandello Vitta - Marano Ticino - Massino Visconti - Meina - Mezzomerico - Miasino - Momo - Nebbiuno - Nibbiola - Novara - Oleggio - Oleggio Castello - Orta San Giulio - Paruzzaro - Pella - Pettenasco - Pisano - Pogno - Pombia - Prato Sesia - Recetto - Romagnano Sesia - Romentino - San Maurizio d’Opaglio - San Nazzaro Sesia - San Pietro Mosezzo - Sillavengo Sizzano - Soriso - Sozzago - Suno - Terdobbiate - Tornaco - Trecate - Vaprio d’Agogna - Varallo Pombia - Veruno - Vespolate - Vicolungo - Vinzaglio - Acceglio - Aisone - Alba - Albaretto della Torre - Alto Argentera - Arguello - Bagnasco - Bagnolo Piemonte - Baldissero d’Alba - Barbaresco - Barge - Barolo - Bastia Mondovì - Battifollo - Beinette - Bellino - Belvedere Langhe - Bene Vagienna - Benevello - Bergolo - Bernezzo - Bonvicino - Borgomale - Borgo San Dalmazzo - Bosia - Bossolasco - Boves - Bra - Briaglia - Briga Alta - Brondello - Brossasco - Busca - Camerana - Camo - Canale - Canosio - Caprauna - Caraglio - Caramagna Piemonte - Cardè - Carrù - Cartignano - Casalgrasso - Castagnito - Casteldelfino - Castellar - Castelletto Stura - Castelletto Uzzone - Castellinaldo - Castellino Tanaro - Castelmagno - Castelnuovo di Ceva - Castiglione Falletto - Castiglione Tinella - Castino - Cavallerleone - CavallerMaggiore - Celle di Macra - Centallo - Ceresole Alba Cerretto Langhe - Cervasca - Cervere - Ceva Cherasco - Chiusa di Pesio - Cigliè - Cissone - Clavesana - Corneliano d’Alba - Cortemilia - Cossano Belbo - Costigliole Saluzzo - Cravanzana - Crissolo - Cuneo Demonte - Diano d’Alba - Dogliani - Dronero - Elva - Entracque - Envie - Farigliano - Faule - Feisoglio - Fossano Frabosa Soprana - Frabosa Sottana - Frassino - Gaiola - Gambasca - Garessio - Genola - Gorzegno - Gottasecca - Govone - Grinzane Cavour - Guarene - Igliano - Isasca - Lagnasco - La Morra - Lequio Berria - Lequio Tanaro - Lesegno - Levice - Limone Piemonte - Lisio - Macra Magliano Alfieri - Magliano Alpi - Mango - Manta - Marene - Margarita - Marmora - Marsaglia Martiniana Po - Melle - Moiola - Mombarcaro - Mombasiglio - Monastero di Vasco - Monasterolo Casotto Monasterolo di Savigliano - Monchiero - Mondovì - Monesiglio - Monforte d’Alba - Montà - Montaldo di Mondovì - Montaldo Roero - Montanera - Montelupo Albese - Montemale di Cuneo - Monterosso Grana Monteu Roero - Montezemolo - Monticello d’Alba - Moretta - Morozzo - Murazzano Murello - Narzole - Neive - Neviglie - Niella Belbo - Niella Tanaro - Novello - Nucetto Oncino - Ormea - Ostana - Paesana - Pagno - Pamparato - Paroldo - Perletto - Perlo Peveragno - Pezzolo Valle Uzzone - Pianfei - Piasco - Pietraporzio - Piobesi d’Alba - Piozzo - Pocapaglia - Polonghera - Pontechianale - Pradleves - Prazzo - Priero Priocca - Priola - Prunetto - Racconigi - Revello - Rifreddo - Rittana - Roaschia - Roascio Robilante - Roburent - Roccabruna - Rocca Cigliè - Rocca de’ Baldi - Roccaforte Mondovì Roccasparvera - Roccavione - Rocchetta Belbo - Roddi - Roddino - Rodello - Rossana - Ruffia - Sale delle Langhe - Sale San Giovanni - Saliceto - Salmour - Saluzzo - Sambuco - Sampeyre - San Benedetto Belbo - San Damiano Macra - Sanfrè - Sanfront - San Michele Mondovì - Sant’Albano Stura - Santa Vittoria d’Alba - Santo Stefano Belbo - Santo Stefano Roero - Savigliano - Scagnello - Scarnafigi - Serralunga d’Alba - Serravalle Langhe - Sinio - Somano - Sommariva del Bosco - Sommariva Perno - Stroppo - Tarantasca - Torre Bormida - Torre Mondovì - Torre San Giorgio - Torresina - Treiso - Trezzo Tinella - Trinità - Valdieri - Valgrana - Valloriate - Valmala Venasca - Verduno - Vernante - Verzuolo - Vezza d’Alba - Vicoforte - Vignolo - Villafalletto - Villanova Mondovì Villanova Solaro - Villar San Costanzo - Vinadio - Viola - Vottignasco - Agliano Terme - Albugnano - Antignano Aramengo - Asti - Azzano d’Asti - Baldichieri d’Asti - Belveglio - Berzano di San Pietro - Bruno - Bubbio - Buttigliera d’Asti - Calamandrana - Calliano - Calosso - Camerano Casasco - Canelli - Cantarana - Capriglio - Casorzo - Cassinasco - Castagnole delle Lanze - Castagnole Monferrato - Castel Boglione - Castell’Alfero - Castellero - Castelletto Molina Castello di Annone - Castelnuovo Belbo - Castelnuovo Calcea - Castelnuovo Don Bosco - Castel Rocchero - Cellarengo Celle Enomondo - Cerreto d’Asti - Cerro Tanaro - Cessole - Chiusano d’Asti - Cinaglio - Cisterna d’Asti - Coazzolo Cocconato - Corsione - Cortandone - Cortanze - Cortazzone - Cortiglione - Cossombrato - Costigliole d’Asti - Cunico - Dusino San Michele - Ferrere - Fontanile - Frinco - Grana - Grazzano Badoglio - Incisa Scapaccino - Isola d’Asti Loazzolo - Maranzana - Maretto - Moasca - Mombaldone - Mombaruzzo - Mombercelli - Monale - Monastero Bormida - Moncalvo - Moncucco Torinese - Mongardino - Montabone - Montafia - Montaldo Scarampi - Montechiaro d’Asti - Montegrosso d’Asti - Montemagno - Moransengo - Nizza Monferrato - Olmo Gentile - Passerano Marmorito - Penango - Piea - Pino d’Asti - Piovà Massaia - Portacomaro - Quaranti - Refrancore - Revigliasco d’Asti - Roatto - Robella - Rocca d’Arazzo - Roccaverano - Rocchetta Palafea - Rocchetta Tanaro - San Damiano d’Asti - San Giorgio Scarampi - San Martino Alfieri - San Marzano Oliveto - San Paolo Solbrito - Scurzolengo - Serole - Sessame - Settime - Soglio - Tigliole - Tonco - Tonengo - Vaglio Serra - Valfenera - Vesime - Viale - Viarigi - Vigliano d’Asti - Villafranca d’Asti - Villanova d’Asti - Villa San Secondo - Vinchio - Montiglio Monferrato - Acqui Terme - Albera Ligure - Alessandria - Alfiano Natta - Alice Bel Colle - Alluvioni Cambiò Altavilla Monferrato - Alzano Scrivia - Arquata Scrivia - Avolasca - Balzola - Basaluzzo - Bassignana Belforte Monferrato - Bergamasco - Berzano di Tortona - Bistagno - Borghetto di Borbera - Borgoratto Alessandrino - Borgo San Martino - Bosco Marengo - Bosio - Bozzole - Brignano-Frascata - Cabella Ligure - Camagna Monferrato - Camino - Cantalupo Ligure - Capriata d’Orba - Carbonara Scrivia Carentino - Carezzano - Carpeneto - Carrega Ligure - Carrosio - Cartosio - Casal Cermelli - Casaleggio Boiro - Casale Monferrato - Casalnoceto - Casasco - Cassano Spinola - Cassine - Cassinelle - Castellania - Castellar Guidobono - Castellazzo Bormida - Castelletto d’Erro - Castelletto d’Orba - Castelletto Merli Castelletto Monferrato - Castelnuovo Bormida - Castelnuovo Scrivia - Castelspina - Cavatore - Cella Monte - Cereseto - Cerreto Grue - Cerrina Monferrato - Coniolo - Conzano - Costa Vescovato - Cremolino - Cuccaro Monferrato - Denice - Dernice - Fabbrica Curone - Felizzano - Fraconalto - Francavilla Bisio Frascaro - Frassinello Monferrato - Frassineto Po - Fresonara - Frugarolo - Fubine - Gabiano - Gamalero Garbagna - Gavazzana - Gavi - Giarole - Gremiasco - Grognardo - Grondona - Guazzora - Isola Sant’Antonio - Lerma - Lu - Malvicino - Masio - Melazzo - Merana - Mirabello Monferrato - Molare - Molino dei Torti - Mombello Monferrato - Momperone - Moncestino - Mongiardino Ligure - Monleale - Montacuto - Montaldeo - Montaldo Bormida - Montecastello - Montechiaro d’Acqui - Montegioco - Montemarzino - Morano sul Po - Morbello - Mornese - Morsasco - Murisengo - Novi Ligure - Occimiano - Odalengo Grande - Odalengo Piccolo - Olivola - Orsara Bormida - Ottiglio - Ovada - Oviglio - Ozzano Monferrato - Paderna - Pareto - Parodi Ligure - Pasturana - Pecetto di Valenza - Pietra Marazzi - Piovera - Pomaro Monferrato - Pontecurone - Pontestura - Ponti - Ponzano Monferrato - Ponzone - Pozzol Groppo - Pozzolo Formigaro - Prasco - Predosa - Quargnento - Quattordio - Ricaldone - Rivalta Bormida - Rivarone - Roccaforte Ligure - Rocca Grimalda - Rocchetta Ligure - Rosignano Monferrato - Sala Monferrato - Sale - San Cristoforo - San Giorgio Monferrato - San Salvatore Monferrato - San Sebastiano Curone - Sant’Agata Fossili Sardigliano - Sarezzano - Serralunga di Crea - Serravalle Scrivia - Sezzadio - Silvano d’Orba - Solero - Solonghello - Spigno Monferrato - Spineto Scrivia - Stazzano - Strevi - Tagliolo Monferrato - Tassarolo - Terruggia - Terzo - Ticineto - Tortona Treville - Trisobbio - Valenza - Valmacca - Vignale Monferrato - Vignole Borbera - Viguzzolo - Villadeati Villalvernia - Villamiroglio - Villanova Monferrato - Villaromagnano - Visone - Volpedo - Volpeglino Voltaggio - Allein - Antey-Saint-Andrè - Aosta - Arnad - Arvier - Avise - Ayas - Aymavilles - Bard - Bionaz - Brissogne - Brusson - Challand-Saint-Anselme - Challand-Saint-Victor - Chambave - Chamois Colombano Champdepraz - Champorcher - Charvensod - Chatillon - Cogne - Courmayeur - Donnas - Doues - Emarèse Certenoli - Santa Etroubles - Fénis - Fontainemore - Gaby - Gignod - Gressan - Gressoney-La-Trinitè - Gressoney-Saint-Jean - Hone Margherita Ligure Introd - Issime - Issogne - Jovencan - La Magdeleine - La Salle - La Thuile - Lillianes - Montjovet - Morgex - Nus - Ollomont Sant’Olcese - Santo Stefano - Oyace - Perloz - Pollein - Pontboset - Pontey - Pont-Saint-Martin - Prè-Saint-Didier - Quart - Rhemes-Notre-Dame - Rhemesd’Aveto - Savignone - Serra Riccò - Sestri Saint-Georges - Roisan - Saint-Christophe - Saint-Denis - Saint-Marcel - Saint-Nicolas - Saint-Oyen - Saint-Pierre - Saint-RhémyLevante - Sori - Tiglieto - Torriglia - Tribogna - Uscio e n - Bosses - Saint-Vincent - Sarre - Torgnon - Valgrisenche - Valpelline - Valsavarenche - Valtournenche - Verrayes - Verrès Valbrevenna - Vobbia - Zoagli - Ameglia - Arcola Villeneuve - Airole - Apricale - Aquila d’Arroscia - Armo - Aurigo - Badalucco - Bajardo - Bordighera - Borghetto d’Arroscia Beverino - Bolano - Bonassola - Borghetto di Vara Borgomaro - Camporosso - Caravonica - Carpasio - Castellaro - Castel Vittorio - Ceriana - Cervo - Cesio - Chiusanico Brugnato - Calice al Cornoviglio - Carro - Carrodano Chiusavecchia - Cipressa - Civezza - Cosio d’Arroscia - Costarainera - Diano Arentino - Diano Castello - Diano Marina - Diano San Castelnuovo Magra - Deiva Marina - Follo - Framura - La Pietro - Dolceacqua - Dolcedo - Imperia - Isolabona - Lucinasco - Mendatica - Molini di Triora - Montalto Ligure Spezia - Lerici - Levanto - Maissana - Monterosso al Montegrosso Pian Latte - Olivetta San Michele - Ospedaletti - Perinaldo - Pietrabruna - Pieve di Teco - Pigna - Pompeiana Mare - Ortonovo - Pignone - Portovenere - Riccò del Pontedassio - Pornassio - Prelà - Ranzo - Rezzo - Riva Ligure - Rocchetta Nervina - San Bartolomeo al Mare - San Golfo di Spezia - RioMaggiore - Rocchetta di Vara Biagio della Cima - San Lorenzo al Mare - Sanremo - Santo Stefano al Mare - Seborga - Soldano - Taggia Santo Stefano di Magra - Sarzana - Sesta Godano Terzorio - Triora - Vallebona - Vallecrosia - Vasia - Ventimiglia - Vessalico - Villa Faraldi - Alassio - Albenga - Varese Ligure - Vernazza - Vezzano Ligure Albissola Marina - Albisola Superiore - Altare - Andora - Arnasco - Balestrino - Bardineto Zignago - Agra - Albizzate - Angera - Arcisate Bergeggi - Boissano - Borghetto Santo Spirito - Borgio Verezzi - Bormida - Cairo Arsago Seprio - Azzate - Azzio - Barasso Montenotte - Calice Ligure - Calizzano - Carcare - Casanova Lerrone - Castelbianco Bardello - Bedero Valcuvia - Besano - Besnate Castelvecchio di Rocca Barbena - Celle Ligure - Cengio - Ceriale - Cisano sul Neva - Besozzo - Biandronno - Bisuschio - Bodio - Cosseria - Dego - Erli - Finale Ligure - Garlenda - Giustenice Lomnago - Brebbia - Bregano - Brenta Giusvalla - Laigueglia - Loano - Magliolo - Mallare - Massimino Brezzo di Bedero - Brinzio - BrissagoMillesimo - Mioglia - Murialdo - Nasino - Noli Valtravaglia - Brunello - Brusimpiano - Onzo - Orco Feglino - Ortovero Buguggiate - Busto Arsizio - CadeglianoOsiglia - Pallare - Piana Crixia - Pietra Viconago - Cadrezzate - Cairate - Cantello Ligure - Plodio - Pontinvrea Caravate - Cardano al Campo - Carnago - Quiliano - Rialto Caronno Pertusella - Caronno Varesino Roccavignale - Sassello Casale Litta - Casalzuigno - Casciago - Casorate Savona - Spotorno Sempione - Cassano Magnago - Cassano Stella - Stellanello Valcuvia - Castellanza - Castello Cabiaglio Testico - Toirano - Tovo San Castelseprio - Castelveccana - Castiglione Olona Giacomo - Urbe - Vado Ligure - Castronno - Cavaria con Premezzo - Cazzago Varazze - Vendone - Vezzi Portio Brabbia - Cislago - Cittiglio - Clivio - CocquioVillanova d’Albenga - Zuccarello Trevisago - Comabbio - Comerio Arenzano - Avegno - Bargagli - Bogliasco Cremenaga - Crosio della Valle - Cuasso - Borzonasca - Busalla - Camogli - Campo al Monte - CugliateFabiasco Ligure - Campomorone - Carasco - Cunardo - Curiglia c o n Casarza Ligure - Casella - Castiglione Monteviasco Chiavarese - Ceranesi - Chiavari Cuveglio - Cuvio Cicagna - Cogoleto - Cogorno - Daverio Coreglia Ligure - Crocefieschi - Davagna - Fascia - Favale di Malvaro Fontanigorda - Genova - Gorreto - Isola del Cantone Lavagna Leivi Lorsica - LuMarzo Masone - Mele Mezzanego - Mignanego - Moconesi - Moneglia Montebruno - Montoggio - Ne - Neirone - Orero Pieve Ligure Portofino - Propata - Rapallo - Recco Rezzoaglio - Ronco Scrivia - Rondanina - Rossiglione Rovegno - San Dumenza D u n o Fagnano O l o n a - Ferno - Ferrera di Varese - Gallarate Galliate Lombardo - Gavirate - Gazzada Schianno - Gemonio - Gerenzano Germignaga - Golasecca - Gorla Maggiore - Gorla Minore - Gornate-Olona - Grantola - Inarzo - Induno Olona - Ispra - Jerago con Orago - Lavena Ponte Tresa - Laveno-Mombello - Leggiuno - Lonate Ceppino - Lonate Pozzolo - Lozza - Luino - Luvinate - Maccagno - Malgesso - Malnate - Marchirolo - Marnate - Marzio - Masciago Primo - Mercallo - Mesenzana - Montegrino Valtravaglia - Monvalle - Morazzone - Mornago - Oggiona con Santo Stefano - Olgiate Olona - Origgio - Orino - Osmate - Pino sulla Sponda del Lago Maggiore - Porto Ceresio - Porto Valtravaglia - Rancio Valcuvia - Ranco - Saltrio - Samarate - Saronno - Sesto Calende - Solbiate Arno Solbiate Olona - Somma Lombardo - Sumirago - Taino - Ternate - Tradate - TravedonaMonate - Tronzano Lago Maggiore - Uboldo - Valganna - Varano Borghi - Varese - Vedano Olona - Veddasca - Venegono Inferiore - Venegono Superiore - Vergiate - Viggiù - Vizzola Ticino - Sangiano - Albavilla - Albese con Cassano - Albiolo - Alserio - Alzate Brianza - Anzano del Parco - Appiano Gentile - Argegno - Arosio - Asso - Barni - Bellagio - Bene Lario - Beregazzo con Figliaro - Binago - Bizzarone - Blessagno - Blevio - Bregnano - Brenna - Brienno Brunate - Bulgarograsso - Cabiate - Cadorago - Caglio - Cagno - Campione d’Italia - Cantù - Canzo - Capiago Intimiano Carate Urio - Carbonate - Carimate - Carlazzo - Carugo - Casasco d’Intelvi - Caslino d’Erba Casnate con Bernate - Cassina Rizzardi - Castelmarte - Castelnuovo Bozzente - Castiglione d’Intelvi Cavallasca - Cavargna Cerano d’Intelvi Cermenate - Cernobbio - Cirimido - informs the drivers about what’s happening in the territory they’re passing through: an updated calendar of the best events organized, including the discovery hidden treasures and the culinary excellence. The public has decreed these districts among the most attractive. Pederobba (TV) Santhià (VC) Ceresara (MN) Volterra (PI) Monteriggioni (SI) Serra San Quirico (AN) Foligno (PG) Campli (TE) Fiumicino (RM) Guidonia Montecelio (RM) Telese Terme (BN) Foglianise (BN) Promoted by Buseto Palizzolo (TP) Novara di Sicilia (ME) Acireale (CT) Cuore della Puglia special Nola (NA) ANTONINA CASA D’ASTE IN ROMA informa che i propri esperti sono a disposizione per valutazioni e stime gratuite in previsione delle prossime aste Antonina auction house in Rome informs that its experts are available for free estimates and evaluations in view of the upcoming auctions Piazzale Ammiraglio Bergamini, 10 - 00136 Roma (Italy) Tel 06.83600228 - 06.37350250 - Fax 06.97625758 - BEST DESTINATIONS WINNER EVENTS ITALIVE.IT | concept ITALIVE.IT is a portal that informs drivers (travelers and tourists) about what is happening in the territory they’re crossing, offering a constantly updated calendar of the best events organized. It recommends travel experiences that enhance the italian artistic heritage and highlights the excellence of tradition, offering a selection of food products and food and wine tours. In Italy almost 18,000 events are organized every year; even the important ones are often left in the shadows; ITALIVE.IT, after a careful selection, reveals the most significant ones with the aim of promoting quality tourism. The portal uses the successful cooperation with “Autostrade per l’Italia” integrating its program in the schedule of the initiative “You are in a wonderful country, find out with us” that promote quality tourism giving value to the extraordinary artistic and cultural italian heritage; also it relies on the collaboration of Coldiretti, which provided a selection of houses, agritourisms, markets, shops and typical restaurants, in order to offer more useful informations for programming and live unique and interesting travel experiences. These factors help excellence of our tourism; strategic convergence and the promotion of combined cultural / recreational, typical food, food and wine tours and artistic heritage, optimizes a synergy to enhance the tourist offer of the “Italian system”. The events that animate our area represent not only an opportunity, often almost unknown, of leisure and entertainment but also a prime chance to get in touch with the history and the italian tradition, with the beauty and uniqueness of our places, 2 of our regions and, above all, of the small towns that are the real custodians of our traditions, preserving and passing them. ITALIVE.IT contributes to highlight the territory less known and to discover its traditional resources by enhancing the quantity and quality of tourist flows. ITALIVE.IT aims to ensure the selection and on-time decisions to facilitate the planning of the trip and to avoid wasting time and money with trips to events or gastronomic itineraries not worthy. The road network becomes useful and functional to the territory it crosses. Intercept drivers traveling or on vacation, teasing their curiosity, is certainly the best way to involve them and raise awareness about the territory; talking about the territory qualities to anyone who is going through that very territory is the best way to obtain an effective and concrete response. ITALIVE.IT has other unique features: collects opinions and feedbacks registering them through a rating index; elaborates custom profiles based on interests; informs newsletter subscribers about events scheduled based on indication of preferences and tastes. Suggest useful and helpful breaks, good to relax and to spend time in unusual, interesting ways. The selected events are voted online, by users, based on objective criteria of organization, competence, reliability, historical, communication, originality and attractiveness. The key word that best expresses and enhances these parameters is “Genius Loci”, the ability to extract the synthesis of identity values of a land and its people (tradition, culture and talents) managing tobring all that outside its borders and affirm them. 3 ITALIVE.IT | best destinations In 2014 ITALIVE.IT raised more than 517,572 feedback by its 2.3 million unique users; arrived in the newsroom 11,742 reports of events, of which 3,488 allowed to vote online.This work culminated on March 12 with the 2nd edition of ITALIVE held at the Archaeological Area of the Stadium of Domitian in Piazza Navona. During this event prizes were awarded to the organizers of the events and to the hosting districts. The preparation is entrusted to Markonet that holds the contacts with Regions and Provinces, Tourism Organizations, the municipalities and the Pro Loco and, together with associations, collects reports, constantly updated, of what happens in a given period;The information gathered by the editors are spread through the website ITALIVE. IT, linked to that of its partners and local authorities at different levels, divided into geo-location. Guarantors (no-profit) of the initiative are: CODACONS plays its institutional role of supervision and control, as well as support for the most effective success of the initiative; ensure the transparency and fairness of assessments collected from users. ITALIVE AWARD During the year a committee of three experts select events eligible to vote according to objective criteria of organization, competence, reliability, historicity, communication and subjective originality, attractiveness and other similar. The events most rated (directly on the site by users) as much as quantity as liking (rating), together with those adopted by the Commission in charge of the preliminary selection, are further evaluated by a second Commission of six experts that, even taking into account the Top rated events such as the amount as liking (rating), determines the winners by category and the winner only for a range of events. 4 Some special prizes may be assigned for events and reality of particular interest. Online voting will be accepted up to thirty days after the event. Every year the voting end December 31th, with exception of current events and Christmas markets, which are open to voting until 31 January. Participation to the competition is free. CATEGORIES OF AWARDS · REGION as the recognition of the best range of events organized for the animation and promotion of the Territory. · HISTORICAL COMMEMORATION · WINE EVENTS / FESTIVALS; · FOLK EVENTS; · EXHIBITIONS, FAIRS and MARKETS; · CULTURE, MUSIC and ENTERTAINMENT; · RALLIES AND SPORTS EVENTS; · CHRISTMAS MARKETS; · SOCIAL EVENTS; · EVENTS FOR CHILDREN; · EVENT MORE VOTED Prizes will be assigner by the end of March of the following year. The Prize consists of a personalized license plate and registration in the Italive Albo. The prize will be awarded to the Mayor of the City where the event takes place and to the Organizer of the event. 5 ITALIVE.IT | winner events Italive Award 2013 Italive Award 2014 CULTURE, MUSIC AND ENTERTAINMENT CARNEVALE ESTIVO DI ACIREALE 3 - 4 August 2013 – Acireale (CT) Org.: Comune di Acireale MOSTRE, MERCATI E FIERE 40A MOSTRA MERCATO DEI MARRONI DEL MONFENERA 4 - 26 October 2014 - Comune di Pederobba (TV) Org.: Pro Loco Comunale Pederobba FOLK EVENTS PALIO DEI 10 COMUNI 31 August - 1 September 2013 – Montagnana (PD) Org.: Assoc. Palio Dei 10 Comuni Del Montagnanese HISTORICAL COMMEMORATION PROCESSIONE DEI MISTERI CON QUADRI VIVENTI 13 April 2014 - Comune di Buseto Palizzolo (TP) Org.: Confraternita del Crocifisso Buseto Palizzolo FOOD AND WINE EVENTS / FESTIVALS I PRIMI D’ITALIA 26 - 29 September 2013 – Foligno (PG) Org.: Epta srl 6 FOOD AND WINE EVENTS / FESTIVALS FESTIVAL DELLA DIETA MED – ITALIANA 26 April - 4 May 2014 - Comune di Lecce Org.: Daniele Manni con classe VB Istituto Galilei - Costa EXHIBITIONS, FAIRS AND MARKETS WORLD MASTER DI SCULTURE DI SABBIA 8 - 10 August 2013 – Cervia (RA) Org.: Sportur Club CULTURE, MUSIC AND ENTERTAINMENT BOTTIGLIE D’ARTISTA 12 September - 12 October 2014 Comune di Asti Org.: Associazione Cre[at]ive RALLIES AND SPORTS EVENTS VALDETTARO CLASSIC BOAT 6 - 8 September 2013 – Porto Venere (SP) Org.: Cantiere Valdettaro srl RALLIES AND SPORTS EVENTS MATERA BALLOON FESTIVAL 9 - 12 October 2014 - Comune di Matera Org.: Associazione Murgiamadre SPECIAL AWARD 2013 REGIONE SARDEGNA Per la migliore gamma di eventi organizzati per l’animazione e la valorizzazione del Territorio FOLK EVENTS FESTA DEI GIGLI 22 June 2014 - Comune di Nola (NA) Org.: Fondazione Festa dei Gigli 7 ITALIVE.IT | winner events Italive Award 2014 CHRISTMAS MARKETS 6A EDIZIONE NOTE DI NATALE 23 November 2014 - 6 January 2015 Comune di Darfo Boario Terme (BS) Org.: Associazione Pro Loco Darfo Boario Terme SOCIAL EVENTS PASSEGGIATA SOCIAL 4 October 2014 - Comune di Lamezia Terme (CZ) Org.: Istagramers Lamezia Terme EVENTS FOR CHILDREN VOLTERRA MISTERY & FANTASY 26 e 27 April 2014 - Comune di Volterra (PI) Org.: Associazione Lesha Informatica Volterra EVENT MORE VOTED MOSTRA DEI PANI PASQUALI 11 – 21 April 2014 - Comune di Carbonia (CI) Org.: Sezione Antropologica Centro Italiano della Cultura del Carbonia SPECIAL AWARD 2014 REGIONE CAMPANIA Region as the recognition of the best range of events organized for the animation and promotion of the territory SPECIAL CULTURAL AWARD 2014 CENTRO CULTURA PAOLO GUIDOTTI DI CASTIGLIONE DEI PEPOLI 8 9 THE TERRITORY Acireale, “between Etna and the Sea” Acireale is a marvellous Baroque Town, extends for 3996 hectares on a great lava platform, between the peaks of the Volcano Etna and the sparkling blue of the Jonian See. The Town is only 15 km from the chief of the district, Catania. Here you can find one of the most important airport of Sicily. Living an holiday in Acireale means to be on the sea and on the mountain at the same time. From the town centre by feet, you can reach our beach in 5 minutes, you spend 20 minutes of car, to visit the highest volcano in Europe. Acireale has 53.000 inhabitants and is an antique town rich of tradition, art and culture. The origin of the town is connected with the classical legend of Polifemo, Ulisse and with the myth of Aci and Galatea. The myth tells about the eternal love of the sea nymph Galatea, for the sheperd Aci and the terrible reaction of the giant Polifemo, that crazy for jealousy, killed with enormous stones the sheperd Aci. The King Poseidone, moved to pity, turned Aci into a river. so the young lovers lived their love in the deep of the Sea Ionio. The legend tells that the river Aci flows down the town and comes out in one of the most picturesque village of our coast, Santa Maria La Scala. In the park of the town, “Villa Belvedere”, you can admire the sculpture of “Aci e Galatea”, symbol of Acireale. Acireale, town of baroque style In 1693, a strong ear- best destination thquake destroyed the eastern part of Sicily, so the town was quickly rebuilded, more rich and attractive then before, by the resident noble families. Piazza Duomo, the main square, is one of the most fascinating squares in Sicily. It’s composed by three “jewels” of the baroque style: the Cathedral, dedicated to our Lady of Annunciation, the Basilica of SS. Pietro e Paolo and the Town Hall. The building of the Town Council is a gorgeous example of baroque art, the facade realized with lava stone and white stone from Ragusa, is formed of rich portals, balconies with iron sculpture and corbels full of horrible masks. Going around for the centre, everything you see, churches, buildings, statues, gardens, reminds you the sumptuous past of Acireale. We reccomend to visit, very close to Piazza Duomo, the Basilica of S. Sebastiano, second patron saint of the town and Palazzo Musmeci. Acireale, “ A Hundred Bells Town” Acireale offers so many monuments and churches to visit, to be mentioned like “a hundred bells town”. Frescos, paintings and religious ornaments of seventeenth and eighteenth century are inside the holy temples. We suggest to visit the little church of S. Maria della Neve, a natural cave containing the nativity scene, with figures realized in eighteenth century, made of fabric and wax. THE EVENTS Acireale, an antique tradition of holy feasts Holy feasts in Sicily are very important events for people and tourists. On 20th of January, since 1571, the silver throne carrying S. Sebastiano, the warrior saint, is taken by bare-footed devotees on a long and spectacular route, spurred on and supported by great popular fervour. The traslation of a popular Sicilian saying, tells: “for S.Sebastian feast, masks for the street”. Infact, few days after the procession, explodes in the town, one million people event, four weeks of a pagan feast, called Carnival. Acireale, “The Best Carnival in Sicily” The Acireale Carnival is considered not only the best in Sicily but recently, the third in Italy. Hundreds of thousands of people come every year to Acireale to enjoy the colours, the music, the feasts of the town. Gigantic, grotesque, allegorical floats made of papier machè, cars covered with thousands of fresh flowers, are the main attraction of the event. The Carnival was filmed by the great director Michelangelo Antonioni and formed part of a video which represented Italy at the Seville Expo, in 1992. In 2016 the Carnival will start on 30th of January, until the 9th of F e b r u a r y. Moreover, for the first time, INFO COMUNE DI 10 ACIREALE (CT) from the 23rd, to 25th of April, a new “Spring Edition”, dedicated to the floats covered with fresh flowers will be presented. But don’t worry, the traditional papier-machè giants will be on the streets too. On 26th of July, during the summer events, made of concerts, exibitions and sea-parties, another holy feast, dedicated to our patron-saint, Santa Venera, will show to the tourists another spectacular example of popular participation. The “Holy Candles Race” ran by “dancing” devotees is another original characteristic of this feast. After that, the silver throne of the Saint, will be carried for the streets of the town. Finally, we propose you an holiday, not only for your eyes and your heart, but for your taste too. Our enogastronomic tours, made of fresh fish, typical Sicilian dishes, wine from Etna and traditional sweets, will be “the cherry on the cake” you was waiting for. See you very soon .... 11 THE TERRITORY In the West Sicily, in the wide valley of the Province of Trapani connecting Erice Mountain and the archeological site of Segesta, in a territory rich of amazing landscape resources, the village of Buseto Palizzolo stretches away: an archipelago made up of seven “urban islands”, its hamlets, which contribute to its par ticular urbanistic conformation. For all these characteristics it has been defined as “commune rurbano”, a mixing between rural and urban which is well suited to this territory, devoted to agritourism and ideal for excursions of extraordinary naturalistic interest. Its favorable central position in the Province of Trapani offers easy access to the main places of tourist interest such as the archeological site of Segesta, the wonderful beach of San Vito Lo Capo, the Natural Oriented Reserve of Zingaro, Egadi Islands, the medieval town of Erice, Trapani, Saline and Marsala. Buseto landscape offers to the visitor a rural view of extraordinary natural beauty: hills and valleys completely grown, changing colors, on whose heights you can still admire Bagli, ancient rural constructions. The local economy is traditionally linked to agriculture, but in recent years, apar t from flourishing crafts and the development of small and medium industry, many tourist accommodation structures were raised, some of them placed in the ancient “Bagli” or “Casali”. best destination THE EVENTS Misteri procession and the procession of the Holy Crucifix In the Holy week, among the sacred rites and various expressions of popular faith of all the Christian world, on Palm Sunday, one of the most impor tant Sicilian celebration of faith and folklore takes place in Buseto Palizzolo and its name is “Misteri”. It’s clearly a holy representation concerning Christ’s Passion, Death and Resurrection, according to the Word, played by immobile actors placed on sixteen mobile stages, for the duration of the event it is interspersed only by shor t breaks. The space pla- INFO COMUNE DI 12 BUSETO PALIZZOLO (TP) ce, the marching bands, the worshippers in traditional clothes which alternate the living pictures represent a collection that makes Misteri of Buseto Palizzolo a truly great and unique event. The Holy Crucifix heads the suggestive Procession and gives its name to the homonymous Confraternity established in 1864. During the Holy week, the Holy Crucifix is venerated by the faithful in the Mother Church until dusk on Friday when it is taken again in Procession in the Badia Church from where it will come the next year. 13 THE TERRITORY Campli, rich in history and tradition, has now gained a prominent position both as a tourist and cultural entity. The Camplese territory, between Ascoli Piceno and Teramo, had since prehistoric-era it’s own civilizations and settlements, as evidenced by several archaeological findings Palace of the Parliament said Farnese The Palace of the Parliament of Campli is the oldest civic building in Abruzzo. The erection of the Palace of Parliament is set around 1286. Originally it consisted of two floors and a watchtower. The architectural features relate civic Gothic building, with the typical layout of large arches on the ground floor, meeting room at the second floor and a big vaulted passage of communication between the interior and exterior spaces. The Palace had undergone a restruc-turing before the beginning of the XVI century, as evidenced by a block of tufa walled on the facade in which is written “CAMPII MDXX.” Nowadays, the Palazzo Farnese, as it is commonly called in honor of the feudal family lord of the city, looks more or less like the drastic restoration desired by the engineer Carlo Forti, who, to save the structure, demolished what have remained of the second and third floor and limits the height of the building on the first floor only. The ceiling of the nave is absolutely spectacular, so to make the visitor who looks up to the sky breathless. Made of best destination wood planks, it is partly decorated by paintings made directly on the boards and in part by paintings on canvas by the Roman school, depicting the baptism and martyrdom of S. Pancrazio and in the center the Assumption, all made in the first half of the XVII century by Donato Di Teodoro of Chieti. Going down into the crypt, finally, you can admire a cycle of frescos by the school of Giotto, dating from around 1330 of great artistic value. The scenes of the frescoes represent the four evangelists, the Resurrection, Pentecost, St. Helena carrying the cross, S. Ursula with the virgins. The Holy Stair The Holy Stair, like the Roman one, is conceived as a sacred place of prayer: no functions are celebrated. Since its inauguration, it is a pilgrimage destination and is among the most interesting and revered Italian places in Christendom. The Holy Stairs consists of 28 steps in olive wood; the walls that surround depict scenes from the Passion while in the descent stairway there are scenes of the Resurrection. Other monuments to be visited: Archeological Area in CapoValano, Archeological Museum, Church of San Francesco, Porta Angioina, San Pietro in Campovalano, Casa del medico, etc Local Products The porchetta italica (Italic roasted pork) represents a culinary culture that for centuries has been passed down from gene- ration to generation. In Campli, for ages, this food was on the tables of princes, bishops, nobles, and common people. In Campovalano, hamlet of Campli at the foot of Monti Gemelli, where truffle grow in abundance and at any time of year, take place the truffle festival with tasty food and refined created with the unmistakable flavor and aroma of this wonderful tuber. The festival takes place during the event “Festival and Profane” where the tasting of truffles are accompanied by cultural and traditional events. Wine production process is very significant in the Area of Campli: protected from Gemelli Mountains on one side and exposed to sea on the other, Campli country is perfect for Wine production. Here we produce Montepulciano d’Abruzzo, Trebbiano d’Abruzzo, Cerasuolo and Pecorino. Rich is the variety of cured-meats and cheeses: they represent the expression of a territory where only biological agricolture is used for feeding animals. Rich is the confectionery too, with the typical Bauletto Farnese, Cantucci, biscuits and cakes of high quality. THE EVENTS Campli, Music Village Since the last week of August to the first week of September, Campli becomes a real village of Music, thanks to the IMC Project, which has become one of the most prestigious events INFO COMUNE DI 14 CAMPLI (TE) on the national scene. ProgettoIMC aims to wide young musicians horizons, increasing their knowledge and experiences, giving them the opportunity to take lessons with internationally renowned teachers in a wonderful place one step away from the National Park of Gran Sasso, surrounded by Nature, by food-and-wine culture, by the beauty of the landscape and Art. A very high level event with the relevant collaboration of the Orchestra Sinfonica Abruzzese. The truffle festival The festival takes place during the event “Festival and Profane”, in mid-July, where the tasting of truffles walks with cultural events and tradition of Campli. Inside the festival you can find concert, painting exhibitions, truffle and typical products market, races of truffle dogs and the competition “The gold tuber The Festival of Roasted Pork The Festival of Roasted Pork of Campli is the first festival born in Abruzzo, in 1964, among the first in Italy. Today the Porchettari (those preparing the Porchetta) of Campli prepares the pork by the old method. Every year their product is judged by a jury of tasters that evaluates the quality of the meat, baking and crust consistency; the Porchetta should be fragrant and tasty on the palate. In the festival days thousands of people arrive in the Campli to taste the delicious and unique local dish. 15 THE TERRITORY The territory of Ceresara has been characterized since ancient times for the presence of cherry trees. Ceresara the name, which means “place of the cherry”, “cherry orchard”, has its roots in Latin cerasus, cherry. Located in the high plain valance, the area today corresponding to the municipality of Ceresara was inhabited since the Bronze Age average (1500 BCE): witness the “Earthsea” discoveries in the hamlet of Villa Chapel, typical of prehistoric settlements Valpadana . A strong impression was then impressed by the Romans as reveals the very name of Ceresara and as attested by various and significant findings, kept on site or in the museum of the Palazzo Ducale in Mantua and in the museum Peeled Bonoldi of Ceresara. In the Dark Ages were the Lombards and the parish church of San Martino Gusnago, another village ceresarese, to exercise the primacy over the whole area. With the construction of the castle, which took place between the twelfth and thirteenth centuries, the village of Ceresara assumed greater importance and became one of the centers of state jurisdiction Gonzaga (1328-1707). Earth to natural agricultural vocation, which was happily engaged in since the sixties of the last century an important industry of hosiery, Ceresara boasts, among other things, more than four thousand cherry trees of different species, thus honoring its membership association City cherries. best destination Another product of excellence, in addition to the delicious fruit is the Grana Padano DOP cheese typical that a local dairy cooperative produces more than half a century. Gonzaga Tower Castle Ceresara, destroyed by Pinamonte Bonacolsi in the seventies of the thirteenth century and then rebuilt by Gonzaga, was a typical medieval fortress, surrounded by a double moat and ramparts surmounted by palisades formed. He possessed several wooden towers and a single work in masonry, the entrance tower, which was recently restored and opened to the public. Parish Church of SS. Trinity The original building dates back to the XII-XIII century. Later it was expanded in 1724. The facade is the part that best highlights the Romanesque church, while the interior is late Baroque. The belfry is also clearly of medieval except the top raised and equipped with crenellations at the end of the nineteenth century. Sanctuary of the Madonna of Possenta Built in the Middle Ages and then enlarged in the second half of the fifteenth century through the work and will of the people ceresarese, the church underwent renovations and alterations over the centuries. According to tradition, there happened different wonders, some of which are associated with the presence of a well. It houses a terracot- ta statue of the Madonna of the XV century. Tortello Cherry Possenta: crescent-shaped, dark red color, has a filling that has as its main ingredient cherry, which gives this first course a delicate and captivating taste. Salame family ceresarese: is produced with meat from pigs reared on site, according to a specification drawn up based on a tradition that dates back to the Middle Ages and perpetuates the art of “Massalì” (butchers). Dolceresa: dark as the fertile land of Ceresara, this cake, that blends knowledge and tastes handed down by some pastry chefs and skilled chefs of the “land of the cherry”, is an irresistible delight of cherries, chocolate and almonds. THE EVENTS Fair Possenta. Entitled to the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the sanctuary of Possenta, built in medieval times on the border with the territory of Goito, was registered by the end of the sixteenth of an annual fair held there, with great competition of nations, March 25 , the day when in fact it celebrates the Annunciation. The late nineteenth and early twentieth century the demonstration was occasionally moved to the capital and here found its official and final consecration since 1949. Founded as “fair of cattle and goods” is today an eclectic event, a great INFO COMUNE DI 16 CERESARA (MN) attraction, which in the third or fourth Sunday in March proposes, in addition to the traditional fun fair, conferences, shows, exhibitions, competitions, exhibitions and other events related to the world of agriculture and food, crafts and local industry. Cherry-party It is held usually the first weekend in June, when the cherries are ripe and ready to be marketed. Objective of the event is to recover a specific aspect of Ceresara, land and city of cherries through promotion and consumption of an agricultural product that is an excellence of this territory. The festival, full of red, with the presence in the square of the banquets of local producers with baskets of cherries, which are the crown, skills competitions, exhibitions, parades of red sports cars, cabaret, dance etc. The old town is transformed also into a large, charming outdoor restaurant, with a long sequence of tables, where they are used, among other dishes, pasta filled with cherry, dolceresa, and other specialties. 17 THE TERRITORY This project “ Cuore di puglia” ( Heart of Puglia) has come to terms thanks to the good will of 40 local councils. The aim of this project is to revisit the territory via the Good Practise Approach invarious sectors such as: tourisim, culture , tradition, agriculture and food. A specific programme is being presented by CUORE DI PUGLIA which ammalgamates the importance of agricultural quality, nutritional education and enviormental sustainability. The gist of the organisation is to put in evidence the Apulian quality of life via multi-sensorial expierances, such as: the social implications converted by the village feasts, the artiginal and striking street-light -decorations, the aroma of various food- stands, melodious folkloristic music and vibriant band-marches . These secular multisensoral traditions are brought back to life thanks to CUORE DI PUGLIA that manages to amalgamete famers, artisians and historians in order to preserve the heart and soul of such a unique territory. The local councils partecipating in this project have a longitudinal historical food and agricultural tradition. The hub of the organisation is to certify excellence and quality via a real and authentic validation programme. The HEART OF APULIA is not only history and “taste” but also a means (tool) of improvement targeting: food production, ethical structure in industrial and food productivity and final but not least rural community incentives . Through the optic lens of territorial improvement school education is fundamental. “Orti in Condotta” ( Conduct in the Orchiard) is a pedagological- programme carried out in schools (in the mentioned territories) in order to convey the love, respect and attention to a good meditterranean diet. Children learn to distinguish the impotrance of good food from fast food via a hands on expierance. The organisation CUORE DI PUGLIA is also engaged in a solidarity programme with Africa and other developing countries. CUORE DI PUGLIA is an instrument, a means not only to share the meditteranean diet but also to promote a rational, altruistic, convivial biopsycosocial life style. To this day 40 local councils adhere to the organisation CUORE DI PUGLIA: Acquaviva delle fonti - Adelfia Altamura - Andria - Bari - Barletta Bisceglie - Bitetto - Bitonto - Bitritto Casamassima - Cassano - Castellaneta Cellamare - Conversano - Corato Ginosa - Gioia del Colle - Giovinazzo Gravina - Laterza - Maruggio Minervino Murge - Mola - Molfetta Noci - Palagianello - Polignano Putignano - Rutigliano - Ruvo Sammichele - Sannicandro di Bari Santeramo - Terlizzi - Toritto Triggiano - Turi - Valenzano best destination THE EVENTS INFO COMUNE DI 18 CUORE DELLA PUGLIA Festa del Calzone 17-18 Ottobre 2015 Acquaviva delle Fonti I riti della Settinana Santa Appuntamento annuale a Pasqua Corato Festival dei Claustri 26-27-28 Giugno 2015 Altamura Gi.ri. D’arte Agosto 2015 Ginosa Festival Internazionale di Andria Castel dei Mondi Agosto 2015 Andria Festa della civiltà contadina e del pupo fritto Luglio 2015 Gioia Del Colle. Festeggiamenti in onore di S. Ruggiero patrono della città 30 Dicembre 2015 Barletta Corteo Storico Agosto 2015 Giovinazzo Sagra dell’Uva Agosto 2015 Bitetto Bitritto Estate Luglio 2015 Bitritto Sagra dei Ghiemmeredde Primo weekend settembre 2015 Casamassima. Pane e olio in frantoio Novembre 2015 Cassano delle Murge Corteo storico e Sagra di Sant’Amatore Aprile Cellamare Raduno internazionale dei cortei storici medievali Settembre 2015 Gravina In Puglia Settimana del gusto 27 Luglio/2 Agosto 2015 Laterza Sagra del fungo cardoncello Ottobre 2015 Minervino Murge Festa patronale e processione a mare della Madonna dei Martiri 7-8-9 Settembre Molfetta Bacco nelle gnosre e vino novello in sagra Novembre 2015 Noci Festa del pesce e palio del mare 21-22-23 Agosto Polignano a Mare Carnevale di Putignano Febbraio Putignano Festa del grano Luglio 2015 Rutigliano Sagra delle olive Ottobre 2015 Sannicandro di Bari Dreaming of horses, Luglio 2015 Santeramo in Colle Festa Maggiore Agosto 2015 Terlizzi Festa del vino Primitivo Novembre/Dicembre Turi 19 THE TERRITORY The town of Fiumicino (78 thousand people) covers an area of 222 square kilometers and is divided into 14 different resorts (or small towns): Isola Sacra, Fiumicino, Parco Leonardo, Le Vignole, Fregene, Maccarese, Passoscuro, Palidoro, Porto, Torrimpietra, Aranova, Testa di Lepre , Tragliata and Tragliatella. The ancient name of the town comes from the latin “flumen micinum”, or “little river” (or little mouth, small mouth), referring to the channel that served as a mooring for boats. For its dimension, it is one of the largest municipalities in Italy in maritime vocation, but also famous for its agricultural activities and naturalistic scenarios. Fiumicino has the longest coast of the Lazio region, with its 24 km of coastline. Typical products, food and drinks best destination (over 500 restaurants are currently available in Fiumicino), but also archeological sites, as well as its proximity to the city of Rome represent the strengths of a territory growing and going towards a continuous improvement of the tourism and trade. Bathing establishments and free beaches are only few of the hundred activities that exist on the coast, from Fiumicino to Passoscuro, through Focene, Fregene, Maccarese and Palidoro. Overall, all the 14 small towns offer many points of interest in terms of tourist attraction. Just to mention few of them, in Fiumicino there is the village Valadier located into the centre, but also Santa Maria Porto della Salute (church), Fontana delle Cinque Lune (fountain), the ancient Harbour of Claudio and Traiano, the Oasis of Porto, the Castle of Porto. In Isola Sacra we have the Basilica of S. Ippolito, the Necropolis of Porto, Villa Guglielmi, the Crucifix church and the dock; in Maccarese, the WWF Oasis “Macchiagrande”, St. George Castle, the Tower of Spring; in Fregene the ancient pine forest and the Fisherman’s Village, in Palidoro the dunes, the tower and the village; in Torrimpietra the Castle and the Tower of romper; in Tragliatella the Caves of Pertucce. Fiumicino is famous also thanks to its cuisine. Indeed, fish courses together with good wine, are the mainstay of the Fiumicino cuisine.The strongest attraction with regards to food consumption is the local fish but even more, a wide range of local products. The agricultural sector is one of the main resources of the territory. Within the territory, a total of 400 companies are currently active. The majority of them (nearly 250) produce vegetables, in particular carrots, and fruits, such as melons and watermelons. Among the main crops are also those of tomatoes, fennel and salad. Twenty of these companies have embarked on the road of biological. The farms (especially dairy cattle and meat) are about 160, mainly concentrated between Aurelia street and the northern part of the town of Fiumicino, in the town of Tragliata, Tragliatella, Testa di Lepre, Maccarese, Torrimpietra, Palidoro. With its 6,500 boats the boating industry, Fiumicino appears to be still among the largest in the Mediterranean: 48 yards of garaging, berthing, ordinary and extraordinary maintenance and renovation of boats. THE EVENTS In addition to many touristic itineraries, cultural and culinary entertainments, a long series of events animates the territory. A constellation of events that, beginning on June 20, 2015 will occur within all the 14 places, with the intent to open the doors to the Summer season with art, culture, music, INFO COMUNE DI 20 FIUMICINO (RM) poetry, entertainment, historical re-enactments, crafts, food and wine. In the last 4 editions over 120 thousand people visited the territory. The program also includes the Fish Festival in Fiumicino (June 12-13-14); the Tellina Festival in Passoscuro (29-30-31 May); the Festival of the free-range chicken in Tragliatella and last but not least, the Summer Cultural Festival, “Metropolitana”, an important event that for its third consecutive year, in 2015 will include three months of books, theater, music, entertainment, comedy, cinema, art throughout. Currently there are about 230 destinations worldwide reachable from Fiumicino airport ‘Leonardo da Vinci’, which in the first quarter of 2015, recorded an increase in passenger traffic of 8.4% over the same period of 2014. The airport has a train station served by the Leonardo Express, which links the airport directly to Termini Station; by FR1, which connects to other main line stations and the subway in Rome. Frecciargento on the other hand, connects the airport to the national grid at high speed with stops in Rome Termini, Tiburtina Rome, Florence, Bologna, Padova and finally Venice. Moreover, it is also possible to arrive to the Leonardo da Vinci airport using different route of transport, both public and private, or on the motorway ‘Rome-Civitavecchia’ and ‘Rome-Fiumicino airport’. 21 THE TERRITORY South of Benevento the remains of ancient Foglianise tell a story dating back to Roman times, in one of the most well preserved and less known natural sceneries of Italy. The town is situated between a group of mountains including the famous Taburno, 350 Mt above sea. From the heights of Mount Caruso, that dominates the entire village, take shape opulent hills and vegetable gardens. Folianum, the ancient Foglianise, originates from a Roman epigraph dedicated to goddess ‘Fortuna Foglianensis’ dating back to the 3rd century AD. In par ticular, the village is named after patrician Folius Oriens, a nearby land owner. The urban layout of Foglianise is par ticularly elegant: the dominant element is the local stone that level out streets, alleys, steep stairs and doorways. The old town retains the ancient Lombard shape, relatively untouched over time. It is between arches and gates in the alleys of the old town that you can still relive past memories. Mount Caruso dominates the town and the whole valley of Foglianise Vitulanese. Imaginary womb for D’Annunzio’s Sleeper of Sannio, the mountain looks like a huge boulder of crumbly limestone lacking any vegetation; a silent giant, menacing-looking, ready to fall over the area below. A strategic point of view that, according to tradition, was chosen by Manfredi of Swabia as a lookout point during the Battle of Benevento in 1266. Set in Mount Caruso, is the famous Cave of the Archangel Michael, that hosted, as happened in Gargano, an apparition of the archangel. Around the cave, true religious hear t of the village, was built in Lombard times San Michele Hermitage, a stone building that seems a whole with the mountain. Land of Holiness, poets, artists, in over a thousand years this Samnite town consigned to history illustrious people bringing prestige to Foglianise 22 best destination both in Italy and abroad. Among them is Monsignor Francis Pedicini, Archbishop of Puglia and Bishop of Bari. On the 3rd of February 1859 he celebrated the marriage of the last King of Naples, Francis II and Princess Maria Sophie of Bavaria; an episode that cost him the exile to Foglianise. And then Father Isaiah Columbro who lived in the convent of the Most Holy Annunciation and St. Anthony, founded in the fifteenth century by San Bernardino of Siena, who thanks to a lifetime spent humbly serving the community, is now going to the process of beatification. Men such as the famous painter Nicola De Maria, the most impor tant abstract ar tist alive, one of the Big Five of the Italian Transavantgarde theorized by Achille Bonito Oliva in 1978. INFO COMUNE DI FOGLIANISE (BN) Set in the green lung of the Taburnus Regional Park, Foglianise has a variegated landscape, characterized in particularly by vineyards that produce fine “nectars”, including the Aglianico, the Greek, the Foxtail and the Falanghina; all wines wisely produced by the Cantina del Taburno, recognized by the DOC label. Even the age-old olive trees, arranged in terraces, tell stories of hard work in the fields and of valuable products for all tables around the world. Roman Barn Foglianise was characterized by an economy based on the plantation of wheat. This precious gift of the land, a food critical to the existence of the village and used many times as a bargaining chip, is nowadays no longer grown in large quantities, never theless has given rise to the popular and renowned Festival of Wheat that takes place every year, during August, to celebrate rightfully its value. Thanks to its history, its culture and its values the village in 2012 was given the status of Town, with a decree signed by Italian President Giorgio Napolitano. 23 THE TERRITORY The town of Foligno in the past years has been a hinge between the Adriatic and the Tyrrhenean Sea, being a point of attraction for commerce. Maybe it is for this reason that it has the least countryside-like character among the Umbrian towns, that it is of a less picturesque beauty, more reserved, maintaining the fascination of an ancient travel post. It could have been a town in the Po valley, homesick for the sea, had it not been surrounded by many hills. From this crown of hills the water flows best destination in the valley with a tight and regular maze, where time ago lay the humidity of the marshes. The town is contained in the oval of its walls. The river Topino encloses it and crosses the town in some of its most characteristic corners, where once were ancient workshops and where now orchards and gardens survive. A striking slice of life, within the walls, of an area destined to production. Large roads planted with trees, from all four cardinal points, lead to the gates, behind which we find the squares with their churches and mendicant orders as a garrison. In San Domenico square, behind Porta Santa Maria (today called Porta Todi), we find the Church of Santa Maria Infraportas and that of San Domenico. In San Francesco square, behind Porta Romana, the Church of San Francesco and the more recent Church of Gonfalone. From Porta dell’Abbadia (today Porta Ancona) one can reach Piazza Garibaldi with the Churches of San Salvatore and Sant’Agostino. At last San Giacomo square, on the North, with its homonymous church just after the bridge on river Topino. The roads which start from here, flanked by long rows of rich palaces, end up in Piazza Grande, fulcrum of social and civil life, result of history and art. The square opens up, at its four corners, to perspectives of theatral scenography. Also Foligno has its noble palace, image and spur of human civilization. The Trinci family wanted to celebrate mankind in its gothic vaults which draw the walls, caught in its various attitudes, in its exercise of civil and artistic activities. The Renaissance painter of Foligno will be called “umbratile” (shady, immaginary), to indicate his originality in a reserved and dark way to live the golden Roman horizons. Its true vocation, INFO COMUNE DI 24 FOLIGNO (PG) though, is commerce. The town has always been the seat of active manufacturing workshops and small fabrics working rope, baskets for olive paste, oil, grain, paper, printing. They have given the town its characteristic production and commercial appearance. THE EVENTS Fairs of glorious history have expanded its fame. Its businesslike character has not diminuished its fantasy. In the field of parties, no town could equal Foligno in realising as present and alife the impossible dream of history. In the months of June and September the town lives the climate of a chivalrous tourney of the 17th cent. again in the Giostra della Quintana, while the Segni Barocchi Festival enriches the party with music and preparations of scenes like in theatre. Nothing can be compared to the festival I Primi d’Italia (first courses in Italy / the best in Italy) when pasta invades the historical centre transforming it in a boiling pan. The future ? Every year it is predicted by the most famous almanc of the world, Barbanera, which for more than a century has been printed here in Foligno. 25 THE TERRITORY Guidonia Montecelio, with its 9 square feet and almost 90 thousand citizens, constitutes one of the most important urban centres in the Lazio region. Formely district of Montecelio, ancient hamlet with archeological traces belonging of the period of the Roman Empire, reached his present configuration in 1937, with the unification in a single municipality with the so-called foundation city, an important example of rationalism in city planning and architecture and in the construction of its military airport. It’s an ancient and modern city at the same time. A double track, which takes the community to keep a steady historical and traditional memory in the Montecelio city centre, with cultural and folkloristic events: first of all, a parade of traditional female dresses, called “vunnelle”, which liven up the streets of the city once a year. It’s a dive into the past for whoever wants to take part in it. In addition, there are tangible evidents of a millennial history. The ruins of the ancient medieval citadel, just reopened at visitors, and the archeological discoveries, statements of an old settlement existing from the first centuries a.C., emerged from excavates directed over all the district territory, then collected and exposed in the former convent of Saint Michael, whose structure, entirely restored, contains now the civic museum Rodolfo Lanciani. Here takes place the most precious discovery for the status of preservation and craftsmanship: the Capitoline Triad. The quintessential representation of three roman divinities, Jupiter, Juno and Minerva, seated on a single bench and surrounded by allegoric figures, was extracted with skill from a single piece of the local stone, the white gold of the Tiburtine valley: the travertine. In addition, there’s the other cultural and historical pearl, the last dwelling, recently restored with respectful operations on all the rationalist structures. The buildings, the streets, the squares, realized between the twenties and the forties of the nineteen centuries, follow the geometrical figures and steady tones of the architectural philos- best destination ophy of the time, making appearance in the project of the notorious architect Giorgio Calza Bini. Guidonia Montecelio is a district that conciliates history, culture, and an intense city life, so it deserves, for sure, to be visited and appreciated in all its beauty. Il Centro per la Valorizzazione del Travertino Romano The Centre for the Promotion of Roman Travertine is a consortium set up in 1989 , promoted by the regional law n . 47/89 aimed at the exploitation of local ornamental stones. Adhere to the centre companies operating in the mining sector and activity induced and local governments. The Centre it tracks companies the mining basin of Tivoli and Guidonia, they are economic- productive of the most important area of the North - East of Rome both in terms of employment and economic. The Centre for the Promotion of Roman Travertine in addition to promoting the Roman travertine through exhibitions, seminars and research, provides services to businesses. The Roman Travertine the rich basin of Travertino Romano - lapis tiburtinus -can be found in the plane areas of Guidonia Montecelio and Tivoli, a few kilometres from Roma. Since the 3th century it has given way to various that produce a calcareous. material with colors that go from cream white shades of yellow or red, to different variations of brown, as the tones of walnut. The composition of the material is such that it can be used in all sorts of weather conditions, and this advantage reveals 26 INFO COMUNE DI GUIDONIA MONTECELIO (RM) why, besides the ornamental value, this material has been widely used. The Travertino Romano is the perfect stone that can be used in refining the facade of buildings, internal pavements, various urban uses, cemetery monuments, sculpture and decorative objects. It has been used through the ages, in memorable building and monuments, in Roma one can think of The Colosseum, Teatro Marcello, Arches, and many more temples just in Roman times. During the renaissance one surely remembers the churches, in modern times, it has been used to build an the “Palazzo della Civiltà and Lavoro” which is located at Eur, Auditorium and the t Mosquee. Abroad, since the 50’s developing of the exposition has benn growing reaching all continents of the globe . Our most significant architectural projects are: in Spain “ Torre Iberdrola “ in Bilbao and “ Auditorio Ciudad de Leon “ , the “ Paul Getty Center “ in Los Angeles and the “ Concert Hall in Dallas while in Saudi Arabia is “ the National Commercial Bank in Jeddah , the Basilique Notre Dame de la Paix- Yamoussoukro , in Beijing there is the Bank of China , all works that pay homage to the product “ travertine marble “ . The Centre for the Promotion of Roman Travertine is pleased to participate in “Winner destination, best events”, in collaboration with the following companies : BTR Srl, CE.GA Srl, Cimep Srl, Degemar Srl, F.lli Pacifici Ing. Cesare e Lorenzo Spa, F.Coresi Srl, F.lli Pascucci Srl, G.Poggi Srl, Querciolaie Rinascente Soc.Coop, Rogima Marmi Srl, Saitrav Srl, Società del Travertino Romano Spa, Travertino Conversi Srl, Travertino Morelli F&C Srl. 27 THE TERRITORY The Castle of Monteriggioni and its territory The townlands of Monteriggioni, with the walled town as their capital, cover an area of about 100 km2 directly to the north of Siena, full of woods, hills, vineyards and olive groves, dotted here and there with often very ancient settlements. There are many vestiges of the past, among which the former Abbacy of Abbadia Isola, with its 12th Century church, the 13th century Hermitage of San Leonardo al Lago and the castles of La Chiocciola and Castiglion Ghinibaldi are worthy of note. The townlands also take in the western slopes of the Montagnola Senese, a large area of unspoiled nature that has been declared a Site of Community Im- portance (SCI). The area is criss-crossed by a network of trails, including the Via Francigena, which can be travelled on foot, bicycle or on horse-back. An ancient pilgrim route leading from Northern Europe to Rome, the Via Francigena passes by the Castle of Monteriggioni, which is also a stop-off on the present-day Ministry of Culture route between San Gimignano and Siena. Located in central Tuscany, the Castle of Monteriggioni was built by the Republic of Siena at the beginning of the 13th Century in order to defend its southern border against Florence. The town walls date from that time. With their impressive towers, they feature in Dante’s Divine Comedy ([…] Because as on its circular parapets / Montereggione crowns itself with towers, / E’en thus the margin which surrounds the well / With one half of their bodies turreted / The best destination horrible giants […] Inf., XXXI, 40-44). The main sights inside the town are the Church of Santa Maria Assunta (13th Century), the battlements on the town walls and the small ‘Monteriggioni in Arme’ museum, which uses models, panels and life-size armours that can even be tried on to offer amusing insight into the glorious military past of the town. THE EVENTS Medieval Festival in Monteriggioni: XXV edition 2015 is an important year for Monteriggioni Medieval Festival, a traditional summer appointment in Tuscany. The occasion of the 25th year anniversary is both an arrival point and a starting point; it’s a kind of refoundation, maintaining the features which had success in the past edition and removing the characteristics which were not appreciated. The artistic direction is curated by Monteriggioni AD1213 and the scientific direction in curated by Marco Valenti. To celebrate this anniversary three appointment will be organized: an introductory event and two festival week-ends. The introductory event will take place in the “Historic Field” area on June 27th28th; the name of this event is “ La Giosta di Monteriggioni”. The Medieval Festival will take place inside Monteriggioni Castle on July 3rd-4th5th and July 10th-11th-12th; the name of the Festival is “Sacro e Profano” (Sacred and Profane).The festival will take place in the medieval village, prepared in the INFO COMUNE DI 28 MONTERIGGIONI (SI) best way and populated by artisans and soldiers dressed in clothes of XIII and XIV century. The rievocation is made by professionals, who re-enact blacksmiths, potters, carpenters, dyers, cooks… They are all reenactors, who produce objects on the site, by theuse of historical tools. They are able to make a spectacle of their art and to make an high level of didactics. The artisans will be in the main square (Piazza Roma) and all around the village in order to make the visitor experience, the most realistically possible, the atmosphere of a medieval market. There will be guards at the main gate, watch service on the walls and inside the castle. There will be two areas dedicated to children, whith a lot of amusement. In Fontebranda area the activities will be reserved to children untill 20 p.m. There will be areas for merchants. Monteriggioni will be the location where stories of love, death, happiness and hate will happen. The fortress will travel back to XIII-XIV century with spectacles, everyday life scene, stories, rievocations and musics. The theme will be the contrast between sacred and profane, reflecting the contradiction of the medieval man; the themes of the festival will connect also to the Via Francigena. Some relevant names: Angelo Branduardi in concert (July 10th - Festival at the castle)- Compagnia dell’Aquila Bianca (June 27th-28th - Giostra at the “Historic Field”) - Le Jonglerie Thierry Nadalini, Ramino Theatre (Festival at the castle). 29 THE TERRITORY Strategically located in the heart of the region Campania at 30 km from Naples, Nola in one of the major cities of its Region. This modern city is rich in history, culture and traditions. Indeed, one of the most ancient Roman amphitheatres was built here. Moreover, the Paleochristian Basilicas, the most interesting architectural complex of the first Christian communities found in Europe, was discovered in the neighbouring town of Cimitile. Nola in not only the place where Octavius Augustus, the first Roman emperor, died but also the hometown of the philosopher Giordano Bruno. It is the city where the nobility of the XV century used to commission artworks to famous artists such as the Baroque painters Ferdinando Sanfelice and Domenico Antonio Vaccaro or the sculptor and architect of the Renaissance Giovanni Merliano whose pieces of art best destination still enrich the churches and museums of Nola. In addition, even the uprisings of the Carbonari started from Nola in the 1820. Apart from this, Nola has a relevant gastronomic heritage as shown by the well known “carciofo (artichoke) pignatella”. THE EVENTS I Gigli di Nola They swing sinuously on the shoulders of 120 people following the rhythm of a lively and joyful music. We are speaking about “I Gigli di Nola”, literally “the Lilies of Nola”, Unesco world heritage. The Gigli are high towers made in wood and papier-mâché by the skilled local artisans, they are 25 meters high and weigh more than 100 kilos each. They represent symbolically the Nola’s inhabitants’ worship of Saint Paolino, Father of the Church and bishop of Nola. The celebration begins each year on the Sunday after June 22 and goes on from more than two centuries. The eight obelisks together with a wooden boat are fundamental to create the magic atmosphere which characterizes the event. During the morning, the Gigli are carried to the main square, piazza Duomo, in the presence of an excited crowd and then brought around the town in the afternoon when the arduous challenge takes place as each paranza, that is the group of 120 people, has to raise and bear the obelisks in the narrow streets of the city. The obelisks, Gigli, are named after the lilies, the flowers that were originally offered to Saint Paolino when he first came back to Nola from Africa. The saint, in fact, had offered himself as prisoner on behalf of the son of a poor widow and was therefore taken to Africa. It was the year 431 before Christ when he was welcomed by his fellow citizens shaking lilies. The anniversary of his arrival is celebrated since then with the same enthusiasm and joy through the “Festa dei Gigli”, the festivity of lilies, to INFO COMUNE DI 30 NOLA (NA) commemorate the return of the saint, proving the deep-rooted religious and folkloristic tradition. The cultural heritage laying behind the celebration contributed to register this event in the list of Intangible Cultural Heritage established by Unesco in 2013 together with the other three “celebrations of big shoulder-borne processional structures” of Viterbo, Sassari and Palmi Calabro. The Gigli of Nola are the flagship of Nola, the hometown of the philosopher Giordano Bruno, the city where the history meets the tradition and the food becomes art. Strategically located in the neighborhood of Naples, Pompei, Sorrento, Positano and Capri, Nola is definitely a must-see place. 31 THE TERRITORY Novara di Sicilia is located at the boundary between the Peloritan and the Nebrodi mountains, within a picturesque valley which has the Rocca Salvatesta and the Rocca Leone rising above it from the South, and is open from the North to the Tyrrhenian sea. The municipal territory includes the city center and the surrounding villages —San Basilio, Badiavecchia, San Marco, Santa Barbara and Scellia. The city is deeply rooted in the prehistoric: there are shelters that date back to the stone age which are located at Casalini and Sperlinga. The Normans handed the territory over to the Lombards who were following King Ruggero I, King Ruggero II founded a monastery in it and King Federico II created within its boundaries an area entirely reserved for hunting. In the 16th and the 17th centuries, the city witnessed an explosion in the construction of both civil and religious edifices endowed with undeniable artistic and architectural importance. The cathedral (Il Duomo) with its elegant central nave and two lateral aisles demarcated by sets of monolithic columns above which are found Corinthian capitals has also a monumental 16th century façade made from local sandstone. A ‘must visit’ in this church are: the circular crypt located under the apse with its mummies, strainers, dryer and niches made from stone; the treasure of the cathedral; the baptistery in which is found a baptismal fount made from the local red marble upon which is elegantly placed an artistic wooden dome; the best destination chapel of the Blessed Sacrament found at the left-hand side aisle, made from marble with inlaid coloured enamels; the chapel of Assunta (Assumed Blessed Virgin Mary), the Patroness of the city found at the right-hand side aisle. At Badiavecchia (3 km from the city center) is found S. Maria La Noara — a royal church that formed part of the first Cistercian monastery in Sicily, built in 1137. Typical are the windows and the gothic arcs. In the city center are also found the following churches: L’Annunziata, a church with three naves that dates back to 1697 within which are found friezes and other decorations in local sandstone and a set of marble statues representing the Annunciation of the birth of Christ. (Presently these marble images are kept in the baptistery of the mother church). La Chiesa di S. Nicolò (a church dedicate to St. Nicholas) was built in the 1600s and it has only one nave. Captivating is the flight of steps, made from local sandstone, which lead into the church. At the huge portal are found two stone columns. The internal architecture is also very pleasing to behold especially after the resent repair works. S.Antonio Abate (church dedicated to St. Anthony of Egypt), built in the 17th century is located at the lower part of the city in the quarters named after the saint. It has a Norman styled entrance door, a central nave and two aisles. The columns found inside the church, are unbroken pillars of stone on top of which are placed INFO COMUNE DI 32 NOVARA DI SICILIA (ME) uniformed capitals for every corresponding two columns on each line. L’Abbazia di Novara di Sicilia (the Abbey of Novara di Sicilia) is found on the higher grounds of the city, located beside the Antonian Institute of St. Annibale Maria di Francia. Inside this church is found a wooden reliquary — an important piece of artwork — which houses the relics of the Patron Saint Ugo Abate (Abbot Hugo) and of many saints and martyrs. The Jar of S. Ugo Abate, an arabo-hispanic earthenware vessel and a bronze thurible, historically connected to King Federico II, which were kept in this church in the past are now in exposition in the cathedral treasure room. THE EVENTS Among the most important civil events that should not be missed are: • The Maiorchino tournament. (Maiorchino is the typical pecorino cheese left to mature through the seasons); • The Carnival which ends on Shrove Tuesday with a festival; • The Fair of chestnut at the end of October; • In the month of June (S. Marco district) is celebrated the festivities of shearing of sheep combined with the feast of bread; • Last Saturday of September (S. Marco) comes the characteristic gala of roasted Mutton; • The Fair of Hazelnut takes place at Badiavecchia on the first Sunday in October. 33 THE TERRITORY Pederobba arise in a very strategic area from old age, between mountains, hills and in the right side of holy Piave river. At the foot of Monfenera hills, oriental far end of Grappa group mountains; We have 7483 citizens, we are at north of Treviso province, and not far from Asolo, a magic village whe- best destination re cipro’s queen was exiled, situated in Pedemontana Hills. Pederobba is a MIDDLE EARTH : in the peace age was the doorway for the hills and Dolomiti mountains; in the war age, strategic defensive-front line on the Piave river. Testimonial of this matters, the film La grande Guerra of 1959, and a lot of monuments as,most famous, “ l’ ossario” dedicated to french military death and “soldato d’ Italia”. Pederobba have a lot of history but as well a lot of natural place to visit, as the hills from Pederobba and Monfenera,walkthoughts of Piave river, archeological walkthoughts in the woods selectioned by Padova University and the land of “Marroni del Monfenera” chestnuts. Typical sites to visit are as well the famous “villa”s extended in all the territory and natural “city of heron” near Piave river. At the end, but very important, we have traditional celebration,festivals, as exihibit of “Marroni del Monfenera” IGP chestnuts and “Borlotto Nano di Levada” beans, respectively in october and september. INFO COMUNE DI 34 PEDEROBBA (TV) THE EVENTS Festa del fagiolo borlotto Nano Levada From 4 to 20 September 2015 During the event you can buy and taste the precious legume. You can try our specialities with “borlotto nano”beans and as well discover history, traditions of our discrict, as ar ts and local craftsmanship/handicraft.. www.marroni and approved by IGP (indicazione geografica protetta) September fagiolo borlotto Nano Levada The “Borlotto Nano Levada” beans contains a lot of protein and carbohidrates; when are cooked,are very tasty and you can combine with many ingredients and savours; They presents a thiny skin and the colours are mainly between red and white. Mostra mercato dei marroni del Monfenera From 3 to 25 October 2015 This eventi is an amazing appointment,our pride, for gourmet and passionate peole. Our chestnuts are IGP approvated; during all the event’s month you can try and taste our specialities with “Marroni” like ice-creams,cakes,honey,marmelades and dishes with poultry and meat. This exhibit is very famous, we have many visitors for all Italy. October marroni del Monfenera Cultivated land of “Marroni are our pride: the area enjoy an optimal atmospheric conditions and the rich soil give to the chestnuts an unique taste; Avowed in italian excellente, 35 THE TERRITORY Santhià is a town with ancient origins. It is an important agricultural and commercial centre, located in the heart of Piedmont region, as well as being an intersection between Ivrea, Biella, Vercelli, Turin and Milan. Its current name originates from the contraction of “Sant’Agata”, the saint of Catania whose cult was spread by the Langobards in norther Italy during the 6th century. And the town’s flagship architecture is indeed the Parish or Collegiate Church of Sant’Agata. The present building, constructed in neoclassic style between 1836 and 1839, based upon the design of the architect Giuseppe Talucchi, features three naves and six side chapels, one of which holds the remains of Capuchin friar S. Ignazio da Santhià, who was consecrated in 2002. The church hosts a precious polyptych by Girolamo Giovenone (of 1531) and is best destination embellished by an organ made by Serassi brothers in 1858. Do not miss visiting the crypt of Santo Stefano, located beneath the presbytery of the Collegiate, dating back to the 12th century, nor admiring the majestic Bell Tower in late Romanic style, that dates back to the 12th century as well, and stands about 35 metres high. Both the crypt and the bell tower have been declared national monuments. The Piedmont town is nowadays especially known for its historic Carnival, the most ancient of Piedmont – the existence of this allegoric event is witnessed by documents dating back to the beginning of the 14th century. The kermesse includes rites and ceremonies belonging to the so-called “Tradition”, that encompasses Pule and Còngreghe, Bisse and Curantun, in addition to the Colossale Fagiolata (Colossal Bean Soup), the Corsi Mascherati (Masked Avenues), the Gironi Infernali (Infernal Circles), the Rogo del Babaciu (Stake of Babaciu), the Sfilata dei Maiali (Pigs’ parade), the Benedizione dei Fagioli (Blessing of beans), the Sveglie Antelucane (predawn wakes)… During Carnival, the masters of the town are the two local Masks - Majutin dal Pampardù and Stevulin d’la Plisera – that received the keys to the town by the hand of the mayor. There are three allegoric parades (one of which is held at night) that can be admired in the town during the last three days of Carnival. However, the leading event of this historic show is INFO COMUNE DI 36 SANTHIÀ (VC) without doubt the Colossale Fagiolata (The Colossal Bean Soup) on Shrove Monday, with 20,000 portions of beans given for free to the inhabitants (and the numerous guests) and eaten in less than 20 minutes.The dates of the next Carnival are: July 25, 2015 with the “1st Edition of the Summer Carnival” (organized to maximise the impact of the Expo), while as to the 2016 Edition, it shall start on January 6 (Epiphany), as per tradition, it shall continue through February 4 (Giobia Grass), until reaching its climax, on the following days Saturday 6th to Tuesday 9th February 2016, with the traditional initiatives related to the historic Carnival of Santhià. Santhià is also Via Francigena! The great historic, religious and cultural journey that along the centuries has led thousands and thousands of pilgrims from Central Europe and England to Rome – included a historic stop-over in Santhià, and more precisely it was the 44th stop of the journey made by the English Bishop Sigeric in 990 AD, when, going back to Canterbury, after having been in Rome to receive the bishop’s Pallium, he kept a note of each of the legs he walked. Nowadays, most pilgrims travel from North to South, proceeding towards Rome, but some also travel backwards, exactly the way Sigeric did. In fact, pilgrims passing by Santhià may walk both towards Vercelli (direction Rome) and towards Viverone-Ivrea (direction Canterbury). The area surrounding Santhià is a wonderful showcase of landscapes and allows you to admire several different environments in just a few kilometres: from rice fields to the first moraine hills, from orchards to woods, always with the Alps in the background. This is why the Santhià area offers numerous cycling and trekking options, both as local stop-overs of historic-cultural or religious programs of international relevance, as well as open circuits or loops starting off from our centre. These paths might be travelled both on foot or by bicycle, and the “train + bike” service is very useful in this sense due to the proximity of the town station. Thanks to the availability of expert local guides and the experience gained through the years by the Associazione Amici della Via Francigena di Santhià (Association of Friends of the Via Francigena of Santhià) the options are many and can be customised to meet everyone’s requirements. All the itineraries run mainly on secondary or countryside roads, with little or no traffic at all. 37 THE TERRITORY Along the foothills of Mount Murano at the entrance to the “Gola della Rossa”gorge, steeped in the vegetation of the namesake regional park – lies one the of the most distinctive villages of the Marches, named Serra San Quirico. Its current urban layout, dating back to the first Etruscan and Roman settlement, arose as a stronghold for controlling the route leading from the Apennines towards the Adriatic Sea. The historical fortunes of the village - an independent city-state since the 13th Century, later incorporated into the Papal state – are reflected in its advanced fortified structure, still accessible today through the so-called Copertelle, the original covered patrol paths, surmounted by dwellings and illuminated by arched windows and loopholes. The fortified village still makes a startling impression with its characteristic ship-like shape resembling a galley miraculously cast into the rock. The medieval old town is one of the most beautiful in the “Marche ” where it is possible to admire wonderful palaces and churches of rare beauty and enjoy enchanting and panoramic views, walking through a maze of narrow and evocating streets. We will briefly describe some of the treasures which can be found by visiting Serra San Quirico. At the entrance to the village, after leaving behind the pristine waters of the historical Fontenova and Fontecorona springs, visitors can admire the former Church of S. Maria del Mercato, erected in 1289 by the Hospitaliers. Its elegant bell tower with superimposed sections is among the best examples of Romanesque art in the area.The key point Is Piazza della Libertà, a charming place, with the municipal tower dating from the 13th Century, the 15th Century Municipal Palace, the 16th Century fountain, Manin Loggia ( a “balconey” overlooking the valley),Piccioni Palace ( formerly the Oratorio of the Filippni) Ortolani and della Meridiana Palace. The stairway in the square leads up to the Church of St.Lucy ( 1281 ) with its severe Romanesque façade in starting contrast to the lavish 17th Century Baroque interior, containing superb paintings by Pasqualino Rossi, Guido Reni and Cavalier d’Arpino, alongside a perfectly functional - and very rare - organ destined by Giuseppe M.Testa (1675). A monumental Cloister connects the church to the former monastery of the best destination Sylvestrines. Both the external and the interior confirm the grandeur of the construction and also the impact of the Fathers of St Sylvester’s Order in Serra San Quirico. Walking through the corridors and rooms, you may have the feeling to see the monks studying, praying and working. This structure called “Complesso Monumentale di S.Lucia” currently houses the headquarters of the “Gola della Rossa e di Frasassi”Regional Park and the Historical Regional Cartography Library of the Marches, besides an enchanting museum area. On top of the stairway, lies the 14th Century Torre del Cassero which was used in the past as the check point dominating the Vallesina and rampart as well for the defence of the village. Close to the centre of the village, visitors may admire the Church of St.Philip Neri ( 1678) with a finely-carved choir loft; the church dedicated to St.Quiricus and St.Julietta, founded in the early 11th Century by St.Romuald which preserves the Sacred Thorn , venerated over the centuries by the townfolks and some popes, including Pope Paul III and Pope Gregory XVI; the Church of St.Francis ( 1262), the largest Church in Serra San Quirico and one of the first dedicated to the Saint From Assisi, currenty used as an exhibition venue. Serra San Quirico Station, the current large town, lying down on the banks of the River Esino ,was born around the Church of Santa Maria di Loreto, built in the seventeenth century to accommodate travelers who were pre- INFO COMUNE DI 38 SERRA SAN QUIRICO (AN) paring to cross the “Red Gorge” which was subject to the attack of dangerous robbers. On September 18,1841, the village had the honour to welcome Pope Gregory XVI, coming from Loreto. You are surrounded everywhere by vegetation and pine forests. You may enjoy the fascinating beauty of the hills, the walks with sightseeing on unexplored corners in a peaceful atmosphere. In other words, Serra San Quirico is the ideal destination just waiting for you to discover it. We invite you to enjoy the luxury of taking the time to explore our place, immersing yourself in local landscape, the history and culture. You will return to the simple pleasures of life when savoring our unique specialties and tasting our wine. You can go for a run, scale down rockfaces, explore on foot or by bike through the hills. Talking to the local people, you will learn a lot about living traditions. You will feel unforgettable emotions that you will be proud to take home and happy to experience once more. THE EVENTS Many events are organized in Serra San Quirico regarding Culture, music or entertainment. We will just mention a few of them: • National Festival of the Theater of the School (April- May) • National Festival of Christmas Carols. The St.Helen Abbey welcomes chorals of best level (December) 39 THE TERRITORY The origins of Telese have to be traced back to the ancient Roman town of Telesia, an important centre which in 215 b.C. was recognised as “urbs foederata” (town allied with Rome). Today the ancient ruins of Telesia can be seen some kilometers away from Telese Terme in the territory of San Salvatore Telesino. Around 10th Century writings reveal the presence of a cathedral outside the walls of Telesia in the surroundings of today’s Via Roma in Telese Terme. A first village developed therefore around the cathedral which became the seat of the bishop and the ancient diocese in 5th Century. The earthquake in 1349 completely destroyed Telesia. The continuous shakes lasted until 9th September of the same year and they caused an upset of the soil giving origin to ponds, swamplands and a lake. Most devastating was the emission of carbon dioxide and sulphur dioxide in the air which made life almost impossible to live. The “mofete” (stinking sulphureous water) caused the escape of the inhabitants from Telesia. The bishops abandoned the village too as the unhealthy climate was at the origin of numerous diseases. Also Monsignor Branca, bishop between 1413 - 1453, wrote about his discomfort and the annoyance of those strong exhalations rising from the river Grassano. Later in 1609 bishop Giovanni France- best destination sco Leone requested the congregation of bishops to leave Telese and move to Cerreto Sannita as the cathedral was destroyed, the village left with no inhabitants, the air was unhealthy and priests arriving from the neighbouring villages were continuously assaulted by thieves. The congregation accepted the request and left Telese on 22nd maggio 1612. At the beginning, Telese was a landed estate of the Gaetano family. In 1487 it passed into the possession of Lagonessa family and in 1540 it belonged to the Caracciolo’s.The feud had no inhabitants and it was simply sold through an auction. The Grimaldi family bought it and they annexed it to the feud of Solopaca. They ruled both Telese and Solopaca until 1806 when feudalism was abolished. The Grimaldi introduced mills on the territory and had several houses built where about 30 people started to live in Telese again. The rebirth of Telese was slow but businessmen started to realize the importance of the sulphureous waters and decided to exploit them by paying the costs of reclamation of the soil. In 1861 Telese was a part of the territory of Solopaca and counted 494 inhabitants. By the end of 19th Century Telese had its own post office, the thermal baths were opened and a train station was constructed. The rebirth of Telese led its inhabitants to ask for “independence” from Solopaca and after several years, on 21st January 1934, Telese became an autonomous municipality. INFO COMUNE DI 40 TELESE TERME (BN) Meanwhile a dispute started with San Salvatore Telesino because of the possession of the thermal water sources. The dispute ended after many years in 1957 when both sides agreed to create a consortium for the management of the thermal baths. In 1992 with a referendum, the municipality changed its name from “Telese” into “Telese Terme”. In 2014 the inhabitants have celebrated 80 years of their hometown’s independence and the Italian government has recognized Telese Terme as “Città” (city). Furthermore, the authorities of the Campania Region have acknowledged Telese Terme its status of “Città d’Arte, Turismo e Cultura” (Town of Art, Tourism and Culture). The history of this town shows the commitment of its people to work, sacrifice and suffering but also the strength of integration with different cultures and ethnic groups. Telese is a beautiful territory thanks to its culture, history, art and geography. As it develops in the centre of the Telesina Valley, it is the crossroads between Rome and Puglia region and between Naples and the Region of Molise. This favourable geographic position, Telese’s natural beauties, such as the lake, and the fact that it is the only town with thermal baths in the whole province of Benevento represent the factors for a continuous development of the town which is at present leading to the Union of different towns in a wider territory of “Città Telesina”. 41 THE TERRITORY From the hill on which it was built, Volterra controls a wide territory rich in natural beauty and important remains documenting its long history. It was founded by the Etruscans around the seventh century BC, grouping around the core of the Acropolis - today archaeological site open to the public - the people of different villages founded several centuries before. Around it a rampart was later built that survives today in large tracts and the Etruscan Arch, the most important monument of the entire ancient Etruria. Of the Roman era remain the great theater, baths and numerous archaeo- best destination logical remains. The Guarnacci Museum preserve many archaeological remains from the Etruscan and Roman. The aspect that presents today the city is medieval with houses towers, churches, palaces that date back to that time, when the city was one of the most important in Tuscany. Who comes to Volterra can admire the Cathedral (sec. 12th), the Palazzo dei Priori (sec. 13 th), real museums full of works of art. Other works are on display at the Civic Gallery and other museums. The city Even stands out in the food , especially for olive oil, the production of sheep cheeses, truffles and wine. Significant the recent DOP Pecorino delle Balze Volterrane. Even quality agriculture is present on the territory with ve- getables, wheat and honey with many organic farms and biodynamic. With all these products it is easy to achieve even a kitchen of quality and tradition, with dishes such as the Zuppa, wild boar stew, Pappardelle with hare, rabbit, that we found with the traditional Tuscan dishes in restaurants of Volterra. THE EVENTS Volterra is a city rich in events that take place every year in the historic center. Among the most important events there is Volterragusto. It is a festival where we present the main products of the city and its territory. Protagonists of the event are the truffles, olive oil, cheeses, wines, accompanied by a market where they sold other local products. Volterragusto takes place in two editions: in spring at the end of March and in fall in late October and early November. Together with market and tastings there are prizes, workshops, book presentations and other cultural moments. The Summer in Volterra is dominated by the medieval festival Volterra AD1398, a great event that brings back the town a few centuries earlier with reconstructions of shops, markets and settings where hundreds of people in medieval costumes bring to life the Middle Ages Volterra. The visitor can easily imagine the life of that era when passing a few hours in the midst of sounds, co- INFO COMUNE DI 42 VOLTERRA (PI) lors and images of that time. It is held the third and four th Sunday of August each year. Finally closes the summer of Volterra, the first Sunday of September, the Astiludio, a competition between groups of flag-wavers that every year sees teams of other cities get to Volterra city. They contend, in the beautiful setting of the historic Piazza dei Priori, the Bravio, a plate of alabaster decorated each year by an artist from Volterra, which is now one of the most coveted trophies by the flag weavers of all Italy. 43 The Emperor Domitian became leader of Rome when he was thirty years old and he ruled with great passion for fifteen years, eventually assassinated by the senators he had excluded. He left impor tant traces of his commitment to beautify the city with monuments and buildings for athletic contests. He completed the construction of the Colliseum and the Imperial Baths , then he started the reconstruction of the Circus Maximus after a fire damage and he built the self named stadium whose ruins are still today in Piazza Navona 44 in the historic center of Rome (Unesco Heritage). The remains of the Stadium of Domitian are in an area situated between Piazza Navona and Piazza di Tor Sanguigna, around 4.5 metres from street level. The archaeological area under the authority of the Sovrintendenza Capitolina, is all that remains of the first and only example ever found until now of a masonry stadium in Rome. The temporary wooden constructions of Caesar and Augustus, are among the rare testimonies, along with that of Pozzuoli (Naples), that are known outside of Greece and the Eastern world. The stadium’s capacity was around 30,000 according to Regionari catalogues but another calculation estimates that 20,000 would have been more probable. The structure was built to celebrate the Capitoline Agone, games dedicated to Jupiter Optimus Maximus and was an imitation of the Olympic Games which began in 86 AD when the games were established. This competition, like the Olympics took place every four years and was dedicated to Agone athletes who were of Greek origin. best location Other events were added that involved music and equestrian challenges. Presiding over the games was of course the Emperor wearing a golden crown with an effigy of Jupiter, Juno and Minerva, dressed in Greek fashion with a purple toga. The remains of the Stadium of Domitian construction are derived from Greek architecture and various par ts are preserved in the basements of Piazza Navona; these came to light in 1868, 1869, 1933-34, in 1936-38 and in 1949-50. The most notewor thy being relative to the hemicycle, uncovered in 1936-38, in the following excavations under the direction of Antonio Maria Colini, due to the opening of Corso Rinascimento following the regulatory plan of works and governorship in 1931. The remains are still visible under piazza di Tor Sanguigna, remarkably conserved, the walls of the masonry structures are one of the most representative monuments to imperial Rome. INFO STADIO DI DOMIZIANO (RM) ners MKT121 srl (Markonet Group), to lead the restoration project of the Stadium of Domitian area and to manage the organization of activities and events held there. MKT121 have the under taking to manage the activities and events, and the duty to plan, finance and carry out the restoration works calling on the collaboration of the Par tner Companies. The archaeological area had never been open to the public consistently, it was in a state of disrepair and From degradation to recovery The Sovraintendenza Comunale ai Beni Culturali di Roma (City Depar tment for Cultural Heritage) formally entrusted the incentive win- 45 abandon; it represents and testifies a fruitful collaboration, both public and private; it is a great endeavour, unique for its kind in Rome that can be utilized for ar t exhibitions, social events, cultural rappor ts and conferences. In addition to the guided tours, information panels and videos will take visitors on a journey to discover the history of the Stadium and ancient Roman spor t as well as some of the most impor tant monuments of Rome. To tell the story of spor t and its practices from Ancient Greece to Imperial Rome is an initiative that has never been done before and therefore fills best location an impor tant void in understanding the ancient society. Panels and screens showing graphics, photos and videos illustrate the history, chronology and facts about key people, with particular attention given of course to the history of the stadium itself. The stadium serves as a strategic way to re-enter the touristic-cultural circuit and represents the roman culture. It will also become a place for people to meet and socialise. An integrated enter tainment service: culture, ar t, recreation and socialising. It offers the chance to relax and enjoy life and history in tranquillity with the addition INFO STADIO DI DOMIZIANO (RM) of learning about the traditional practices of spor t in ancient times within the stadium and in Rome overall. An ideal location, exclusive and prestigious where connections and impor tant relationships can be made: a cultural meeting spot far from the traffic and surrounding noise and yet remain in the hear t of Rome. Gladiatores e agone sportivo. Weapons and armor of the Roman Empire: until September 30, 2015. Animated Nativity Scene Around Penna in Teverina: since December 1, 2015 until January 6, 2016. 46 47 In the medieval village of Penna in Teverina – on the hills between Orte and Amelia you can admire very unique nativity scene that is on display all year long. In a corner of the striking Piazza San Valentino, walking down the steps covered with old bricks produced in ancient kilns and surrounded by limestone rocks walls, you enter an an- INFO ANIMATED NATIVITY SCENE - PENNA IN TEVERINA (TR) STADIO DI DOMIZIANO CHRISTMAS tique and fascinating environment. Here the nativity scene, spread over an area of about 30m2 with 200 statues, 140 of them moving, opens onto a crosssection of daily life where the characters, wearing the traditional costumes, give life to various activities. There are workshops of potters, weavers, vintners, blacksmiths, cobblers, all with the ancient tools of their craft, and also shepherds, fishermen, women at the market and playing children. Striking is the succession of night and day with light effects that begin with a starry sky followed by the sunrise, the mist rising from the river, the fire burning and the animated figures until the red sunset with the houses illuminated inside and the snow falling down.The nativity scene has been realized thanks to the work of several craftsmen who, over time, have created a work that brings tradition and the most innovative technologies together. The movement of the characters and the machinery, the careful study of the context in which you insert the realization, the strict perspective and harmonious scenic design make the nativity scene look like an artwork.Finally, the evocative soundtrack specially composed by the master Riccardo Cocciante, makes this nativity scene a little masterpiece. 48 49 YOU ARE IN A WONDERFUL COUNTRY You are in a wonderful country The “You are in a wonderful countr y” Autostrade per l’Italia project aims to provide an opportunity for new travel experiences relating to the art, culture, gastronomy and beauty of the Italian regions crossed by its network. Ser vice Areas become showcases of Italy’s treasures, spaces entirely dedicated to new and original ad hoc itineraries for exploring the wonders that surround us. A road trip to explore the most exciting and surprising work of art: Italy. This is the spirit of Autostrade per l’Italia’s “You are in a wonderful countr y” project. With a view to helping Italians discover the extraordinar y artistic, cultural, environmental and gastronomic heritage of their countr y, Autostrade per l’Italia has launched a major regional marketing initiative on its network to give motorists original and exciting travel experiences and promote quality tourism, showcasing many parts of the countr y whose attractions are still little known. At participating Ser vice Areas, motorists will, in fact, find a new space - symbolically enclosed in a large golden frame - that sets out a range of “experiences”, depending on the time 50 La passione di muovere il Paese available: 3 hours, a half day and 1 or 2 days. In addition to these large installations, posters, info terminals and multimedia systems are made available inside Ser vice Areas for anyone interested in exploring original and exciting travel offers in the area surrounding the nearest toll booth. French-style ‘touring’ billboards are placed along the highway network to promote Italy’s attractions and the Ser vice Areas in which the free Autostrade per l’Italia ser vice is available. The experiences can be found on the website and on Autostrade per l’Italia’s Facebook page. A high-level regional marketing initiative needs first-class people who can increase the value of the project with their expertise. To promote the initiative, Autostrade per l’Italia has enlisted eminent partners with extensive industr y experience, such as Touring Club Italiano and Slowfood Italia, who stand for the ver y best Italian quality. The Italive portal ( enriches the tourism offer with events, fairs, markets, exhibitions and shows, providing motorists with an up-to-date calendar of the best events selected and promoted by Italive with a view to quality tourism. 51 YOU ARE IN A WONDERFUL COUNTRY The project has been implemented in collaboration with the Ministr y of Infrastructure and Transport, through the Department of Infrastructure, General Affairs and Staff Super visor y Body on Highway Concession-holders, which has expressed a favourable opinion on the project by approving the content and the communication media designed by Autostrade per l’Italia to promote the initiative. The Regional authorities are the local reference point for the project. Autostrade per l’Italia has therefore involved the Tourism and Infrastructure Chairmen and Councillors of the Regions in which the highway network is present, with a view to jointly defining the regions and tourism experiences to promote. To date the following regions have already committed to the project: Lombardy, Tuscany, Apulia, Emilia Romagna, Molise, Veneto, Marche, Friuli Venezia Giulia and Liguria. 52 La passione di muovere il Paese Service Areas* where “You are in a wonderful country” is present * Update May 2015 The initiative is currently underway in 66 Ser vice Areas; when fully implemented it is expected to see the participation of 100 Ser vice Areas on the highway network under concession. The highway network is thus transformed into a true showcase of Italian attractions, to help motorists rediscover the value of leisure and the pleasure of travel. 53