April - Western Neuropathy Association
April - Western Neuropathy Association
Neuropathy Hope Hope through caring, support, research, education, and empowerment A newsletter for members of the Pacific Chapter of The Neuropathy Association (PCNA) April 2012 Issue 3 Volume 10 Annual Report Of Activity In 2011 President’s Message PCNA Information And Support Groups PN Literature Review Did You See Mother Delores at the Oscars? The PCNA Annual Conference Neuropathy Action Awareness Day Pain Research Breakthrough Coffee – Friend or Foe? Pacific Chapter of The Neuropathy Association P.O. Box 276567 Sacramento CA 95827-6567 877-622-6298 info@pnhelp.org www.pnhelp.org ANNUAL REPORT OF ACTIVITY IN 2011 The most important, far reaching, and time consuming decision and activity in 2011 was to change the corporation name from The Northern California Chapter of The Neuropathy Association to The Pacific Chapter of The Neuropathy Association to more accurately reflect the geographic areas where we work and where our presence is needed. We currently have 37 active groups in Northern California. There are five in Southern California. Between Fresno and Los Angeles and Monterey and Los Angeles, there are no support groups. The newspaper in Reno did not want to use California in our advertising. If we went further in Nevada, they, too, would want the name to relate to a wider region which would include Nevada. The Board brainstormed names and finally settled on Pacific as encompassing the intended region most precisely and reached agreement with The Neuropathy Association. In May, we voted to make the change, which meant changing it with the Secretary of State, the IRS, Franchise Tax Board, Board of Equalization, bank account, and many other organizations and individuals. The Board’s initial vote was actually in January, but some negotiation with The Neuropathy Association was necessary to be sure we had consulted with groups in Oregon and Washington. I contacted all of them. Washington’s two groups (which are now one) chose to go on as they were. The group in Portland chose to join us and when Michael Siebler started a group in Salem, they too became part of our network. We voted to move our official office to the Association Resource Center in Folsom where we are being hosted by the Occupational Therapy Association of California. The post office box is in Sacramento. Our goal is to grow financially and organizationally so that we can be a member of this collaborative group of nonprofit corporations and have at least a half-time staff person. We are buying some hours from staff members there that will help us improve our service, but service to members would be greatly improved with more time specifically to address members’ needs with a consistent staff person. Pam Hart joined the Board in January. Penni left the Board due to health concerns, but helped with the transition for some weeks beyond this. With Penni leaving, the positions of Secretary and Treasurer were vacant. Pam Hart was elected Secretary and Wayne Hewlett was elected Treasurer. The transition to the new name and other changes has taken some time to accomplish. Group Leaders and members are thanked for their patience. The Annual Meeting and Conference held in Woodland was well received. The small group discussions were considered positive by the participants and by the Board due to the suggestions and support expressed. A totally new brochure was released this year. Diane Blakley, who does the newsletter layout, produced the design that has been a major step up for us. It is hoped that many will be placed throughout each community. We received a grant from the Placer Community Foundation to try doing teleconferences with President’s Message By Bev Anderson You have the opportunity to go to two excellent conferences in the next couple of months. I hope you will attend both. The registration forms on pages 6 and 7 need to be sent to the two different registration addresses so please don’t send both in one envelope. – Continued on page 5 Roster of our PCNA Information and Support Groups 2012 PCNA Board of Directors CALIFORNIA Alturas Fresno Oakland Bev Anderson Antioch-Brentwood Garberville Placerville Vice President 3rd Wednesday, 2PM Sand Creek,1D Kaiser-Permanente 4501 Sand Creek Rd. Antioch Nancy Lucky (925) 754-0702 Pam Hart Auburn 2nd Monday, 1:30 PM GV United Methodist Church 236 S. Church Street Salli Hearn (530) 268-1017 President Karen Polastri Secretary Wayne Hewlett Treasurer Don Davenport Director Michael Green Director Emeritus Arvin Magusara Director Emeritus Casimir Sammanasu Director Emeritus Sandra Vinson Director Emeritus Dick Ward Director Emeritus Call Bev for information (877) 622-6298 1 Monday, 1:30 PM Woodside Village MH Park 12155 Luther Road Sharlene McCord (530) 878-8392 st Berkeley 3 Wednesday, 3 PM N Berkeley Senior Ctr 1901 Hearst Ave. (corner of MLK) Johnetta Smallwood (510) 841-0239 rd Carmichael 2nd Tuesday, 1:30 PM Eskaton 3939 Walnut Ave. Karen Robison (916) 972-1632 Call Karen before coming as it is a gated community and sometimes the day/time changes. Castro Valley 2nd Wednesday, 1:30 PM First Presbyterian Church 2490 Grove Way (next to Trader Joe) Judson Leong (510) 581-6697 Clearlake For information, call Barbara Dryden at (707) 994-2202 Editor Newsletter Design by Diane Blakley Designs Page 2 Grass Valley Jackson For information call: Bev Anderson (877) 622-6298 Lakeport 2nd Monday, 10:30AM Lakeport Senior Center 507 Konocti Avenue Grace Gault (707) 274-9999 Lincoln Call Bev Anderson for information (877) 622-6298 Livermore 4th Tuesday, 10 AM Heritage Estates 900 E. Stanley Blvd. Sandra Grafrath (925) 443-6655 Madera For information call: Bev Anderson (877) 622-6298 Merced 3rd Tuesday, 1:30 PM First Christian Church 3039 Willow Pass Road Bev Anderson (877) 622-6298 Crescent City Modesto For information call: Bev Anderson (877) 622-6298 Davis 2nd Tuesday 3:30-5:00 PM Davis Senior Center 646 A Street Mary Sprifke (530) 756-5102 Elk Grove Bev Anderson For information call: Bev Anderson (877) 622-6298 2nd Thursday, 1 PM Central Presbyterian Church 1920 Canal Street (The Hoffmeiser Center across the street from the church) Larry Frice (209) 358-2045 Concord Please contact your group leader or check your local paper to find out about the topic/speaker for the upcoming meeting. 3rd Tuesday, 11:00 AM Carrows 4280 N. Blackstone Marvin Arnold (559) 226-9466 2nd Tuesday, 2 PM Elk Grove Senior Center 8830 Sharkey Avenue Michael Colozzi (916) 421-8103 3rd Monday, 10:30 AM Trinity United Presbyterian Church 1600 Carver Road, Rm. 503 Mary Hudson (209) 526-6439 Redwood City 4th Tuesday, 1 PM Sequoia Hospital Health and Wellness Center 749 Brewster Avenue Stan Paschote (510) 490-4456 Roseville 2nd Tuesday, 1 PM Sierra Point Sr. Res. 5161 Foothills Blvd. Bev Anderson (877) 622-6298 Sacramento 3rd Tuesday, 1:30 PM Northminster Presby. Church 3235 Pope Street Charles Moore (916) 485-7723 Sacramento - Central 2nd Thursday, 2 PM The Chateau on Capitol Ave. 2701 Capitol Avenue For information call: Bev Anderson (877) 622-6298 San Francisco 4th Thursday, 10 AM UC-San Francisco Med Ctr. 400 Parnassus Avenue Amb. Care Ctr. 8th Flr., Rm A888 Dennis Robins (415) 353-3667 San Jose San Rafael Napa Call Bev Anderson for information (877) 622-6298 2nd Wednesday, 1:30 PM Neighborhood Church of Redding 777 Loma Vista Bill Morehouse (530) 221-3082 Carol Reeves (530) 549-4351 Morgan Hill Folsom Fort Bragg Redding 3 Wed.,10:30 AM–odd numbered months First Presbyterian Church 501 El Dorado Street Don & Ann Trout (831) 372-6959 rd Call Bev Anderson for information (877) 622-6298 Call Bev Anderson for information (877) 622-6298 4th Wednesday. 1 PM Placerville Senior Center 937 Spring Street Frank Ruscoe (530) 647-0777 3rd Saturday, 10:30 AM O’Conner Hospital, 2105 Forest Avenue SJ DePaul Conf. Rm. Stan Pashote (510) 490-4456 Monterey 3 Saturday, 2:00 PM of Feb., April, June, Aug., Oct. DePaul Health Center 18550 DePaul Dr. Stan Pashote (510) 490-4456 Eureka 1st Thursday, 1 PM Grand Ave. 7th Adventist Church 278 Grand Ave. Kathleen Nagel (510) 653-8625 rd 1st Thursday, 2 PM Napa Senior Center 1500 Jefferson Street Ron Patrick (707) 257-2343 bonjournapa@hotmail.com 3rd Wednesday, 1 PM Lutheran Church of the Resurrection 1100 Las Galinas Avenue Scott Stokes (415) 479-5659 Santa Cruz 3rd Wednesday, 1PM Odd numbered months Trinity Presbyterian Church 420 Melrose Avenue Mary Ann Leer (831) 477-1239 maleer@comcast.net – Continued on page 3 PERIPHERAL NEUROPATHY LITERATURE REVIEW By William B. Donovan, M.D. We can access the National Library of Medicine (NLM) to obtain information on peripheral neuropathy (PN). There are over 100 medical articles a month written on PN. I review these references and select articles that would appear to be most interesting to us neuropathy sufferers. This is the link to PubMed that will take us to the NLM: www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/sites/entrez If you are reading this article on the computer, just click on the above link to go there. If you are reading the print edition of the newsletter, type this link into the address bar of the browser on a computer. If you don’t know how, get a librarian or friend to help you. After you get to PubMed, you will see a line that says “Search _PubMed” followed by “for” and a space. Every article in the NLM is given a PMID, an eight digit identification number. I will give you PMID numbers of the selected articles. Type the PMID into the space after the “for” and click on “Go” at the end of the space, or press the ENTER key on your keyboard. You will then see a one paragraph abstract of the article appear, as well as links to related articles. This month’s PMIDs: •19703730 An Australian study of the local application of 10% Ketamine cream (NMDA antagonist) in patients with complex regional pain syndrome, inhibited allodynia (painful response to non-pain stimuli. 1st Thursday, 10:30 AM Santa Rosa Senior Center 704 Bennett Valley Road Willie Quarante (707) 544-3236 Sonoma 1st Friday, 10:30 AM Vintage House 264 1st Street Joann Bertolucci (707) 996-8336 Sonora For information call Bev Anderson (877) 622-6298 Stockton For information call: Bev Anderson (877) 622-6298 Turlock 3rd Monday, 1 PM Covenant Village Adm. Bldg. Classroom 2125 N. Olive Street Dee Muhlenbruch (209) 667-0042 Medicare www.Medicare.gov The Affordable Health Care Act For current information go to www.HealthCare.gov •19921145 A randomized, controlled study of diabetics with varying degrees of peripheral neuropathy were given twice weekly physiotherapeutic group training gait and balance exercises as well as functionoriented strengthening over twelve weeks. At six months there was significant improvement in balance, gait, mobility and strength. HICAP Health Insurance Counseling for seniors and people with disabilities. www.cahealthadvocates.org /HICAP/ Call (800) 434-0222 to ask a question or to make an appointment. ••• Ukiah For information call Bev Anderson (877) 622-6298 Walnut Creek 4th Friday, 10 AM Rossmoor, Hillside Clubhouse Las Trampas Room Carolyn Cash (925) 254-8195 West Sacramento 2nd Thursday, 12:30 PM Arthur F. Turner Comm. Library Community Room 1212 Merkley Avenue Sandra Vinson (916) 372-6093 slvins11@gmail.com 3rd Tuesday, 1 PM St. Andrew Lutheran Church Woodland 4210 Claremont Avenue (at March Lane) 3rd Monday, 1:30 PM Woodland Comm. & Senior Jerry Elliot (209) 447-1242 Center Susanville 2001 East Street For information call: Delia Genera (530) 661-3238 Bev Anderson (877) 622-6298 Truckee If the number is not in your area, call the one listed and ask for the right number. •19821395 A Cochrane database review of controlled trials of 2,220 patients prescribed duloxetine (Cymbalta®) for neuropathic pain (both neuropathy and fibromyalgia) found “moderately strong” evidence of effectiveness for doses between 60 mg. and 120 mg. daily. PCNA Information and Support Groups – continued from page 2 Santa Rosa Help With Health Care Challenges Yreka For information call Bev Anderson (877) 622-6298 Yuba City-Marysville 2nd Tuesday, 10:30AM St. Andrew Presbyterian Church 1390 Franklin Rd. (next to Winco Shopping Center) Ken Lux (530) 673-3479 NEVADA Reno-Sparks 2nd Wednesday, 6:30 PM Bonaventure 2360 Wingfield Hill Rd., Sparks Mary Schrock (775) 626-5665 OREGON Portland 2nd Friday, 10 AM Williamette View Retirement Center 12605 SE River Road 703E M. Terry Thompson (503) 652-6826 Lcthomp@earthlink.net Salem 4th Monday, 6:30 PM Community Health Education Center Salem Hospital Campus, Bldg. D 890 Oak Street SE Michael Siebler (503) 857-3508 newsofsalem@gmail.com Interested in starting a support group in your area? ••• ••• Health Rights Hotline Serving Placer, El Dorado, Yolo, & Sacramento Counties, regardless where you receive your health coverage. Tollfree (888) 354-4474 or TDD (916) 551-2180. In Sacramento, (916) 551-2100. www.hrh.org. ••• HMO Help Center Assistance 24 hours a day, seven days a week. (888) HMO-2219 or (877) 688-9891 TDD ••• DRA’s Health Access Project Free publications about the health care, insurance rights and concerns of people with disabilities and serious health conditions. For more information, go to http://dralegal.org/ and click on “Projects”. Contact Bev Anderson at (877) 622-6298 or info@pnhelp.org INDEX TOP Page 3 DISCOUNTS FOR PCNA MEMBERS The following companies or individuals have agreed to give PCNA a discount to PCNA members. Give them a call or visit. If you choose to purchase the service or wares of any on this list, pull out your PCNA Membership Card and claim the discount. Anodyne Therapy Infrared Light Therapy equipment - $50 off Model Freedom 300 (single leg at a time) and $50 discount on Model 120 that does both legs at the same time. Contact: 800-521-6664 or www.anodynetherapy.com HealthLight Infrared Light Therapy equipment - 10% off Single Boot System $999 and Dual boot system $1759 Contact: 888-395-3040 or www.healthlight.us Auburn The Footpath 825 Lincoln Way Auburn, CA 95603 (530) 885-2091 www.footpathshoes.com PCNA Discount: 10% off the regular price shoes. Elk Grove Shoes That Fit 8649 Elk Grove Blvd. Elk Grove, CA (916) 686-1050 PCNA Discount: 20% off the regular price shoes. Fortuna Strehl’s Family Shoes & Repair Corner of 12th & Main 1155 Main Street Fortuna, CA 95540 (707) 725-2610 Marilyn Strehl, C.PED is a Certified Pedorthic PCNA Discount: 10% off the regular price shoes. DISCOUNTS FOR – Continued on page 5 Page 4 DID YOU SEE MOTHER DOLORES AT THE OSCARS There was some talk about a nun being a member nomination for her role as a featured actress in of the Academy. This year she attended in her “The Pleasure of His Company.” But her future habit. I got a glimpse of her in the distance shifted that same year, when she first visited the when someone was being interviewed on the red abbey to unwind from her hectic performance carpet. Mother Dolores is a spokesperson for The schedule. She was already a devout Catholic, and Neuropathy Association. Martha Chandley wrote the abbey visit, she says in the film, gave her “a an article for PN News, the newsletter of the Yolo sense of peace and interior renewal.” County groups, that I’m inserting here for your Four years later, while engaged to Mr. Robinson, information. she decided to leave Hollywood forever. Shortly Martha Chandley writes, “Mother Dolores has after an autograph-signing session for what become my neuropathy hero.” The following would be her last movie, “Come Fly with Me,” article is an excerpt from the www.nytimes.com. a comedy about three flight attendants trying I believe the film is being shown at the Broadway to find husbands, she packed a single suitcase Theater at the present time and will be shown on and left New York for Bethlehem. Ms. Cammisa, HBO on April 5 for those who have cable. It is a whose mother had been a nun for 10 years, had story straight out of Hollywood. A beautiful young filmed a documentary titled “Sister Helen,” about starlet walks away from a blossoming movie a Benedictine nun who ran a halfway house in the career to become a nun, and 50 years later she South Bronx, that was shown in 2002. returns to the Academy Awards ceremony — as In creating the new documentary, she sought to the subject of an Oscar-nominated film. explore not only why Dolores Hart left Hollywood, The real-life drama of but also what she had done Dolores Hart, known as all the years since. “We For more than a decade, Mother Prioress to the nuns wanted to know her daily here at the Abbey of Regina life, and also what it is about Mother Dolores, 73, has had Laudis, unfolds in the HBO abbey life that drew these peripheral neuropathy, a painful film “God Is The Bigger other women to it,”Ms. Elvis,” one of five nominees Cammisa said. She is coneurological disorder that makes for best documentary (short authoring a book about her walking difficult at times. subject). The 35-minute life with Richard DeNeut, film examines Mother vice president of Globe Dolores’s transformation Photos; she is the national from a Hollywood ingénue and the recipient of spokeswoman for the Neuropathy Association Elvis Presley’s first on-screen kiss to a cloistered (TNA); and she continues to answer fan mail, often Benedictine nun at the abbey, where for the past about her roles with Elvis, with whom she starred nine years she has been the prioress, the second in “Loving You” in 1957 and in “King Creole” in in authority below the abbess, Mother David 1958. During her brief film career, she also starred Serna. Scheduled to be shown on HBO in April, with Montgomery Clift, Myrna Loy, Connie Francis the documentary offers a first-time glimpse inside and Anthony Quinn, but it was her role in the 1960 the enclosed abbey and tells the stories of several cult classic “Where the Boys Are” that led to an nuns who live there. invitation to join the Academy. It also reveals Mother Dolores’s poignant 47-year Her most prophetic role was in the 1961 film friendship with her former fiancé, Don Robinson, “Francis of Assisi,” in which she plays Clare, a a Los Angeles architect, who visited her regularly beautiful young woman who leaves a life of nobility until his death last year. But is it compelling to found an order of nuns. But her own spiritual enough to earn an Oscar? The nuns are praying journey was not nearly as romantic as that of her it is. For more than a decade, Mother Dolores, film character. Seven years passed between the 73, has had peripheral neuropathy, a painful day she joined the abbey as a postulant and the neurological disorder that makes walking difficult day she took her final vows, in 1970. at times. But on Sunday night, wearing her black The initial adjustment, she says in the film, was habit, she will step out of a chauffeured limousine terrifying: “I had no idea that it was going to mean and make her first red-carpet appearance at the singing seven times a day, working in the garden, Oscars since she last attended in 1962. “It’s very 10 people in a bathroom, the sternness.” In the exciting — absolutely,” she said. “Since I was a film, she compares it to being skinned alive. But little girl, the movies and Hollywood have been a the film also shows another side of abbey life: major part of my life.” nuns engaged in an impromptu snowball fight; During her brief career, Dolores Hart appeared in Mother Dolores holding hands with her former 10 movies, and in 1959, the year she turned 21, fiancé; a Keystone Kops-like chase after a loose TOP INDEX she earned a Theater World Award and a Tony cow. Annual Report Of Activity In 2011 – Continued from page 1 people with neuropathy with an emphasis on those who could not get out to a meeting, but others were invited as well. Only people in Placer County can participate in the teleconferences but we are also working on producing podcasts from those teleconferences that will permit access by everyone with a computer. They could even be played at meetings in lieu of a speaker. We have a goal to also open this opportunity to in our new territories throughout California, Nevada, Oregon, and possibly Hawaii. Two fundraising and membership opportunity letters were sent with a good response received. In looking at the goals set for 2011, we didn’t quite complete the transition to The Pacific Chapter of The Neuropathy Association. The Strategic Plan has largely been achieved and in 2012 we will be revising the plan for the next two year Strategic Plan for 2013 - 2015. Several goals that we will continue to work on this year include reviewing and revising policies, standing rules and the Bylaws; completing the new Support Group Handbook; and establishing groups below our former geographic ‘line.’ Time seems to fly by and tasks take longer than anticipated. Our Board has done a great job and we are on the lookout for new people to add, but also to help with needs such as liaison with the medical community, fundraising, and other specialties. We had a goal to receive at least one grant and that was accomplished. Other goals will be more fully met in 2012. The goal for 2012 is to finish the goals for 2011 and accomplish as many of the remaining strategic plan goals as we are able as well as to write the 20132015 Strategic Plan. Financial Report This balance sheet for the one year ending December 31, 2011 from Treasurer Wayne Hewlett provides a view of the income and expense for the year. If you have questions, please contact us. You will notice that for the year, we were over budget the projected budget by $600. However, we had more than adequate reserves to support our efforts. Additional members would help greatly both in terms of the organization’s financial and influential strength. If you know someone who hasn’t joined, please encourage them to do so. Also remember $6 is allocated to your support group’s sub-account from the dues of each new member. No matter which month you join, it is still $30. PCNA 2011 Income Summary Wayne Hewlett. Treasurer Revenue Dues $12,650 45.6% Contributions/Donations $7,794 28.1% Grants $5,000 18.0% Support Group Dues $2,129 7.7% Sales $175 0.6% Total: Revenue $27,747 100.0% Expenses Member Services and Programs: Newsletter/publications $7,551 31.5% Support Group Development$3,718 15.5% Placer County Grant $3,250 13.6% Donation to Research $2,500 10.4% Recruiting and Fundraising $1,882 7.9% Annual Meeting $1,585 6.6% Support Group Expense Reimbursement $1,329 5.5% Advertising and Promotion $1,230 5.1% Brochures, Handouts, Dues Reminder $494 2.1% Awards to Members $230 1.0% Professional Services & Events $210 0.9% Total: Member & Services Programs $23,963100.0% General & Admin Expenses: Utilities and Insurance $2,050 46.9% Office supplies $743 17.0% Postage and PO Box $563 12.9% Fees $494 11.3% Equipment and Tools $283 6.5% Board Development and Support$237 5.4% Total: General and Admin Expenses$4,369 100.0% Total Expenses $28,346 Net Income -$600 Equity Support Group Equity $11,973 PCNA Equity $30,452 Ratios Expense Ratio 15.4% Reserve 12.9months The Equity shows the amount held in sub-accounts for our support groups as of December 31, 2011, and the amount in the general fund. Our reserve indicates there is sufficient funds to cover our expenses for one year in the event in the event of unforeseen crisis that would keep us from taking in any revenue for one year. This ‘one year reserve’ position is congruent with other nonprofits’ policies on reserve levels. The ratio of Member Services and Programs to Administrative and General is well within the IRS recommendations for nonprofit organizations. We are very much worth the contributions given us through dues and donations as we primarily spend the funds on member services and are conservative with administrative costs. PCNA MEMBERS Continued from page 4 Sacramento Midtown Comfort Shoes 3400 Folsom Blvd. Sacramento, CA 95835 (916) 731-4400 PCNA discount: 15% on the regular price. West Sacramento Beverly’s Never Just Haircuts and Lilly’ Nails 2007 W. Capitol Ave, West Sacramento, CA Hair–(916) 372-5606 Nails–(916) 346-8342 PCNA discount: 10% off the regular price Additional Discounts Do you know a business that might offer our members a discount? Tell them that they will be listed each month in our newsletter and on our website so our members will know of their generosity and patronize their business. Call (877) 622-6298 or e-mail info@pnhelp.org. We ’ l l m a i l a n agreement form to the business, and once we have it, we’ll add them to this list. INDEX Page 5 Video Program PCNA DVDs Available Now Order Online $5 each Gentle Yoga Spring Meeting 2010 Spring Meeting 2010 Special Material Dr. Ezekiel Fink on Small Fiber Neuropathy Neuropathy Action Awareness Day 2009 #1 Neuropathy Action Awareness Day 2009 #2 Neuropathy Action Awareness Day 2009 #3 Spring Meeting 2009 Dr. Peter Skaff Dr. Jeffrey Ralph For details about the program on each DVD, an order form, and handouts for some of the presentations, see our website www.pnhelp.org/ resources/audiovideo.html COFFEE – FRIEND OR FOE You may have heard that they are finding benefits attributed to coffee. It has been found that caffeinated and decaffeinated coffee have the same benefits so it is thought the beneficial part is not the caffeine. I like the closing lines on the article from Harvard Medical School HEALTHbeat of February 14, 2012, “All of the favorable studies and all of the seemingly healthful ingredients in coffee are good news for coffee drinkers. They can relax and enjoy their habit. And people who don’t drink coffee can find plenty of other things to do to help keep themselves healthy.” PAIN RESEARCH BREAKTHROUGH In an article featured in the www.CEN-ONLINE.ORG, January 23, 2012 issue called FIGHTING NEUROPATHIC PAIN describes a discovery that may guide drug therapy research into areas not studied previously. The article is only a few paragraphs long and rather detailed but the gist of the information is understandable. However, it may be difficult to find. We can be encouraged that some cutting edge research is being done so there is hope for the future. THE PCNA ANNUAL CONFERENCE – MAY 1, 2012 Tuesday, May 1, 9:30 AM to 3 PM • Woodland Community and Senior Center, 2001 East Street, Woodland. Morning Speaker - Fredric Gorin, M.D., Ph.D. Dr. Fredric Gorin lectures on the peripheral nervous system, particularly with respect to diagnosing neuropathies, testing neuropathic cellular mechanisms of drug actions, drug development, and brain cancers. He has authored more than 50 publications on neurology disorders and dysautonomiast. Dr. Gorin’s patented drug agents at UCD prevent or slow the recurrence of highly aggressive brain novel agents and advance a lead compound for clinical evaluation. Dr. Gorin will spend the morning with us so he will be making two presentations with time for questions and answers following each. Afternoon Speaker - Kelly Ward Ms. Kelly Ward (aka The Fall Prevention Lady), a gerontologist, health educator and certified FallProof™ balance and mobility specialist, has been studying fall risk reduction since 2005. She recently earned a specialized masters degree in Therapeutic Aging from CSU, Sacramento. Join Kelly for an interactive, one-hour fall prevention workshop that will discuss both intrinsic and extrinsic risk factors and how to minimize the risk of an accidental fall. There’s no doubt that there are inevitable changes associated with aging including sensory loss and musculoskeletal decline which contribute to the loss of balance. Ms. Ward will demonstrate basic movements designed to keep a person strong, flexible, and better balanced. Educate. Demonstrate. Facilitate. This workshop is designed to educate about fall risk factors, demonstrate basic fall prevention exercises, and facilitate compliance at home or within individual communities. A continental breakfast and full lunch will be provided. There will be a short interactive activity immediately following lunch before Kelly Ward speaks. 2012 PCNA ANNUAL CONFERENCE • May 1, 2012 Woodland Community and Senior Center, 2001 East Street, Woodland, CA 95776 Mail the application by Monday April 21 to PCNA, P.O. Box 276567, Sacramento, CA 95827-6567 or fax to (916) 932-2277 or email to Karen@arc.com by Friday, April 27. – –– –– –– –– –– –– –– –– –– –– –– –– –– –– –– –– –– –– –– –– –– –– –– –– –– –– –– –– –– –– –– –– –– – Please register me for the 2012 Conference on May 1, 2012 at the Woodland Community and Senior Center, 2001 East Street, Woodland, CA 95776 Name _______________________________________________________________________________ Address _______________________________________________________________________________ Phone ________________________________ e-mail________________________________________ If you need a special diet, please indicate: __ vegetarian __ gluten free other_______________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ – –– –– –– –– –– –– –– –– –– –– –– –– –– –– –– –– –– –– –– –– –– –– –– –– –– –– –– –– –– –– –– –– –– – Page 6 INDEX TOP NEUROPATHY ACTION AWARENESS DAY – Wednesday, June 20, 2012 Sheraton Grand Hotel, 1230 J Street, Sacramento, CA 9:30 Registration and Exhibits 2:45 Refreshments and Exhibits Break 10:00 Welcome and Overview, Sharon Ito, News Anchor/Reporter, 3:10 Chemotherapy and Neuropathy News 10, KXTV - Sacramento, CA Todd Levine, M.D., Associate Clinical Professor, University of Ari10:10 Partnering with Your Doctor: Asking for Help zona Mazen Dimachkie, M.D., Professor, University of Kansas Medical Center 3:40 Traumatic Neuropathies and Nerve Repair 11:00 Natural Options in Treating Neuropathy Jeffrey Ralph, M.D., Associate Clinical Professor, University of 11:45 Break and Exhibits California, San Francisco 12:15 Lunch Program 4:10 Ask the Experts - Your Neuropathy Questions Answered Living With Diabetic Neuropathy: Tips From A Hollywood Celebrity Jonathan Katz, M.D., Chief of Neuromuscular Services at California Jerry Mathers, American television, film, and stage actor. Pacific Medical Center Todd Levine, M.D., Clinical Assistant Professor, Remembered as “Beaver” Cleaver in “Leave It to Beaver.” University of Arizona, Jeffrey Ralph, M.D., Associate Clinical Professor, “Legislator of the Year Award” University of California, San Francisco CA State Assemblymember Jared Huffman (Marin/Sonoma) Please notice that a check or credit card for $15 is needed for lunch. This “You Are Our Hero Award” will be a highlight of the day so I urge you to pay the fee with your registra Barby Ingle, Executive Director, Power of Pain Foundation (POPF) tion so you can attend. If you are coming from a distance, there are some Neuropathy Action Foundation Update rooms available at a lowered price and a few that will be given free upon Dominick Spatafora, President, Neuropathy Action Foundation request if it is a financial hardship to pay the $169 plus tax for the room. 1:30 Coping and Dealing With Chronic Pain Indicate on your registration if you are choosing either option. To obtain a room at the lowered price, call (800) 325-3535 before Thursday, May 24, Daniel Rockers, Ph.D., Sacramento Psychologist 2012, saying you are with the Neuropathy Action Foundation Group. This 2:05 The Importance of Blood and Plasma Donation is necessary to receive the special rate. Elaine Rock, Blood Source 6th Annual “Neuropathy Action Awareness Day” Registration Form (Return by June 11 to avoid a $50 charge) Wednesday, June 20, 2012 • 10:00 AM to 4:30 PM Sheraton Grand Hotel, 1230 J Street, Sacramento, CA 95814 Name_____________________________________________________________________________________ Company / Organization Name (If Applicable)_____________________________________________________ Full Address_______________________________________________________________________________ Phone____________________________________ Email_________________________________________ Please check off which events you will attend: I am attending the daytime seminars and exhibits: FREE I am a neuropathy patient and will attend the Luncheon: $15 per person I am NOT a neuropathy patient and will attend the Luncheon: $100 per person I cannot attend but would like to make a contribution in the amount of $_____ Payment: My check or money order, payable to Neuropathy Action Foundation (NAF), is enclosed. Please charge my credit card for $___________ MasterCard Visa AMEX Credit Card Number __________________________________________ Expiration Date_____________ Name As It Appears On Card________________________________________________________________ Signature____________________________________________________ Date______________________ Please mail your completed form (and check, if applicable) to: Neuropathy Action Foundation • 18650 N. Thompson Peak Pkwy, #1021, Scottsdale, AZ 85255 Questions: Contact (877) 512-7262 or info@neuropathyaction.org – –– –– –– –– –– –– –– –– –– –– –– –– –– –– –– –– –– –– –– –– –– –– –– –– –– –– –– –– –– –– –– –– –– –– –– INDEX TOP Page 7 The Pacific Chapter of The Neuropathy Association NONPROFIT ORGANIZATION U.S.POSTAGE A California public benefit, nonprofit, tax exempt corporation PAID P.O. Box 276567 Sacramento, CA 95827-6567 530-389-2416 • 877-622-6298 toll free info@pnhelp.org www.pnhelp.org PERMIT NO. 25 AUBURN, CA 95603 Mark Your Calendars Now! The PCNA Annual Conference May 1, 2012 The 6th Annual Neuropathy Action Awareness Day June 20, 2012 COME SURF WITH PCNA By Karen C. Polastri, Vice President After several months of planning, designing, editing, and migration of data, phase I of the new PCNA website is completed. We hope that you like our new more sophisticated image as much as we do. In addition to having a website that our members are proud of, we knew that we had to redesign the website to be more appealing to potential corporate funders – they tend to support organizations that more closely resemble their own image. A California public benefit, nonprofit, tax-exempt corporation. Bev Anderson, Editor P.O. Box 276567 Sacramento, CA 95827-6567 (877) 622-6298 info@pnhelp.org • www.pnhelp.org Our mission is to provide support, information and referral to people with neuropathy and to those who care about them, to inform and connect with the health care community, and to support research. Projects that we will continue to work on under phase II of the new site include an online membership application and a more visible ‘join’ option, an interactive calendar to post support group meetings with possibly a Google map feature, updating the older static documents with the association’s new name, offering a feature allowing visitors to increase the size of the type, and event and meeting registration feature. In addition, the PCNA Board of Directors will be exploring whether or not to limit access to some of the information on the website to members only as part of the value of paying dues. Our website address remains the same, www.pnhelp.org – you are invited to ‘surf’ the new site. Page 8 The Pacific Chapter of The Neuropathy Association (PCNA) INDEX Dues - $30 a year All contributions and dues are tax-deductible. We are supported by dues-paying members, contributions by members and friends, and occasionally, small grants. This newsletter is designed for educational and informational purposes only. The information contained herein is not intended to substitute for informed medical advice. You should not use this information to diagnose or treat a health problem or disease without consulting a qualified health care provider. The Pacific Chapter of the Neuropathy Association (PCNA) does not endorse any treatments, medications, articles, abstracts or products discussed herein. You are strongly encouraged to consult a neurologist with any questions or comments you may have regarding your condition. The best care can only be given by a qualified provider who knows you personally.
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