Notice of Completion – FY 2015 Major Street
Notice of Completion – FY 2015 Major Street
Agenda Item ~ Approvals: AGENDA REPORT City Manager Dept.Head ~ SAN CLEMENTE CITY COUNCIL MEETING Meeting Date: August 4, 2015 Attorney Finance - -- 7r Department: Prepared By: Public Works I Engineering Ben Parker, Senior Civil Engineer Subject: CITY COUNCIL ACCEPTANCE AND NOTICE OF COMPLETION FOR FY 2015 MAJOR STREET MAINTENANCE FOR CALLE AMIGO, CALLE DESCANSO, CALLE SORPRESO, CALLE MACHO, CALLE AMABLE, CALLE BRISA, CALLE CONTENTA, CALLE DULCE, CALLE EMBOCADURA AND CALLE CORRAL, PROJECT No. 25301. Fiscal Impact: None. The total project cost including engineering, inspection, administration and construction is $509,000 which is within the $550,000 budgeted in the Major Maintenance Fund. Summary: ., l I R.J . Noble Company has completed the construction contract on time, within budget and staff recommends Council acceptance for: FY 2015 Major Maintenance Program Calle Amigo, Calle Descanso, Calle Sorpreso, Calle Macho, Calle Amable, Calle Brisa, Calle Contenta, Calle Dulce, Calle Embocadura and Calle Corral, Project No. 25301 . Background: The contract was awarded by the City Council on October 7, 2014. The failed pavement areas were reconstructed with six inches of Asphalt Concrete (AC.) base over geotextile fabric. Following the needed repairs , the pavement was cold-planed two inches along the gutters to make grade. The entire pavement area was overlaid with two inches of AC. over pavement fabric and a one-inch AC. leveling course. Following the asphalt construction the streets were re-striped. Discussion: The detailed final cost for this project is shown on Attachment 3. Recommended Action: STAFF RECOMMENDS THAT the City Council: 1. Accept the FY 2015 Major Street Maintenance for Calle Amigo, Calle Descanso, Calle Sorpreso, Calle Macho, Calle Amable, Calle Brisa, Calle Contenta, Calle Dulce , Calle Embocadura and Calle Corral, Project No. 25301 from the Contractor, R.J. Noble Company; 2. Authorize the Mayor to execute and the City Clerk to record the Notice of Completion for the street rehabilitation for FY 2015 Major Street Maintenance for Calle Amigo, Calle Descanso, Calle Sorpreso, Calle Macho, Calle Amable, Calle Engineering Agenda Report 8-4-15 I 6H-1 Agenda Report Page 2 Brisa, Calle Contenta, Calle Dulce, Calle Embocadura and Calle Corral, Project No. 25301; 3. Authorize the City Clerk to release the Payment Bond 35 days from the recordation of the Notice of Completion upon verification with the Engineering Division that no liens have been levied against the Contractor, R.J. Noble Company; and 4. Authorize the City Clerk to release the Performance Bond upon receipt of a Warranty Bond in the amount of 25% of the construction cost. Attachments: 1. Location Map 2. Notice of Completion 3. Detailed Final Cost Estimate Notification: ·None. i:\cd\engineering\secure\admin\2015 admins\08-04-2015\8-4-15-4r.docx 8-4-15 I 6H-2 ATTACHMENT 1 LOCATIOO MAP MAJOR STREET MAINTENANCE FOR : • m-----1 8'8 CITY OF SAN CLEMENTE PUBLIC WORKS l ENGINEERING DMSION 910 CALLE NEGOCIO SUITE 100 SAN CLEMENTE CA. 92673 TEL. (949) 361-6133 FAX. (949) 361-8316 CALLE AMIGO, CALLE DESCANSO, CALLE MACHO, CALLE AMABLE, CALLE BRISA, CALLE DULCE CALLE CONTENTA, CALLE EMBOCADURA CALLE CORRAL, CALLE SORPRESO CITY PROJECT NO. 25301 C:STREETS\ UTILITIES MAP\W/\TERSD ATLAS.OWG (OAUCHO CHUECA GRF' LAYOUT) 8-4-15 I 6H-3 Attachment 2 Exempt recording requested by the City of San Clemente per Gov. Code Sec. 6103 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ __ City Clerk When Recorded Mail To: City Clerk City of San Clemente 100 A venida Presidio San Clemente, CA 92672 Space above this line for Recorder's use NOTICE OF COMPLETION Notice is hereby given by the undersigned owner, a public entity of the State of California, that a public work of improvement has been completed as follows: Project title or description of work: FY 2015 Major Street Maintenance for Calle Amigo, Calle Descanso, Calle Sorpreso, Calle Macho, Calle Amable, Calle Brisa, Calle Contenta, Calle Dulce, Calle Embocadura and Calle Corral, Project No. 25301. Date of completion: June 9, 2015 Name of owner: City of San Clemente Interest or estate of owner: Public Right of Way Address of Owner: 100 Avenida Presidio, San Clemente, CA 92672 Name of contractor: R.J. Noble Company Street address or legal description of site: Calle Amigo, Calle Descanso, Calle Sorpreso, Calle Macho, Calle Amable, Calle Brisa, Calle Contenta, Calle Dulce, Calle Embocadura and Calle Corral in San Clemente, California. Owner: City of San Clemente Dated: Mayor _ __ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ __ _ __ _ STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF ORANGE CITY OF SAN CLEMENTE ~ ) ) ss ) I am the City Clerk of the City of San Clemente, the public entity which executed the foregoing notice, and on whose behalf I make this verification: I have read said notice, know its contents, and the same is true. I certify under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. City Clerk - -- - - -- - - - - - - - - - -Dated this _ _ day of _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ 8-4-15 I 6H-4 Attachment 3 DETAILED COST ESTIMATE FOR PROJECT ACCEPTANCE Calle Amigo, Calle Descanso, Calle Sorpreso, Calle Macho, Calle Amable, Calle Brisa, Calle Contenta, Calle Dulce, Calle Embocadura and Calle Corral, Project No. 25301 Engineering Funding Source Total Total Project Budget Remaining Administration Construction Cost (Rounded Inspection, Construction Mgt. (X) I ~ I ...... u, -0) II u, Major Maintenance {001) $ 497,991 $ Total $ 497,991 $ Up} 11,004 $ Total Estimated Cost 11,004 $ 509,000 $ 550,000 $ 41,000 509,000 $ 550,000 $ 41,000
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