Description Of - Experiencias Xcaret
Description Of - Experiencias Xcaret
Description of Our Mission To provide superior value to all our stakeholders because it is only through their complete satisfaction that together we can achieve significant and sustainable results. Experiencias Xcaret is a group of 100% Mexican-owned businesses engaged in sustainable entertainment for the tourist sector, with more than 25 years in the market. It is known for offering unique, unforgettable tourism experiences to its visitors, exceeding their expectations through its products, services and quality. Our Vision To offer unique and unforgettable experiences to our visitors, exceeding their expectations, amazing and charming them with our products, services and quality. Our Values Creativity, profitability, integrity, consistency, honesty , spirit of service, commitment, equality and social responsibility. Organizational Chart Shareholders General Management Corporate Vice-Presidency Vice-Presidency Marketing Vice-Presidency Xel-Há La Casona Vice-Presidency Xcaret Xplor About this Report The purpose of this document is to report to all the The second part of our report shows the mayor stakeholders in EXPERIENCIAS XCARET on the 2011 economic, environmental and social results of our results of our Corporate Social Responsibility initiatives. business units, as measured through quantitative indicators. In the first section, you’ll find the ecosystems that we operate in, with a graphic depiction of Mexico through Finally, we share our actions to foster Corporate our human capital, and our contribution to communities Social Responsibility that distinguish our products and through the Flora, Fauna y Cultura de México not-for-profit services according to the nature of the business units organization, as well as our contribution to the recovery offering them. In other words, at Xcaret we promote of the Mayan culture through the Knórosov Institute. Mexican culture; Xel-há fosters the conservation of an ecosystem despite high levels of tourist flows; Xplor, with its young leadership, is committed period from to demonstrating the great treasures that can be january to december 2011 found in the terrains of the Yucatan Peninsula, while the Xichén Tour will allow visitors to get to know a thousand-year-old culture and culminates with a visit to La Casona Valladold Restaurant, where we communicate Yucatan’s rich culture through its cuisine. We should also mention that all the above is based on the Corporate Social Responsibility tools we have used for several years now, such as the Principles of the UN World Pact, The Axes of Corporate Social Responsibility provided by the Mexican Center for Philanthropy, and the Global Reporting Initiative Indicators (GRI), all of which are contained in the digital version of our Sustainability Balance Sheets. A Letter from the CEO We are pleased to share our 2011 Sustainability Report, the first as Grupo Experiencias Xcaret. In it we demonstrate the Group’s commitment to community development, preservation of the environment and promotion of the Mexican Culture. This year we have focused on strengthening each of our business units by providing management and marketing services that reconfirm the quality of the products and services we offer. Our most outstanding achievements in sustainability this year are: •Re-certification by ‘EarthCheck´ by complying with international environmental management standards •10 years of being honored as a Socially Responsible Business •Being considered as one of the Best Places to Work in Mexico (Great Place to Work);one of Best Mexican Companies, and part of the list of Top companies all within the framework of the Gender Equality Model Guidelines implemented since 2004 •Recognition as promoters of a responsible value chain for our suppliers. The above would not have been possible without the dedication of the the almost 2,700 committed collaborators who help us turn our visitors’ dreams into reality every day, making us a model of sustainable recreational tourism at both the national and international level. Finally, in order to guarantee the integration and consolidation of its programs for the next 100 years, Experiencias Xcaret’s Board of Directors created a trust that will insure that this legacy will never be sold and we establish the rules to guarantee continuity of preservation and promotion of this heritage, above and beyond the personal interests of our successors. Sincerely Miguel Quintana Pali CEO Experiencias Xcaret Group World Heritage Site The Ecosystems in which we operate •Medium and high-growth jungle •Beach/Sea •Coastal Dunes •Mangroves •Reef •Cenotes (deep sinkholes) •Caves •Inlet Human He ritage OUR PEOPLE 99.8% OF OUR COLLABORATORS ARE MEXICAN 332 VERACRUZ 689 YUCATÁN 309 TABASCO 366 MEXICO CITY 601 344 QUINTANA ROO CHIAPAS NUMBER OF COLLABORATORS GRUPO EXPERIENCIAS XCARET BY ORIGIN Yucatán Quintana Roo Mexico City Chiapas Veracruz Tabasco Campeche Edo. de México 689 601 366 344 332 309 77 68 Puebla Oaxaca Jalisco Guerreroo Morelos Hidalgo Nuevo León Michoacán 61 53 51 30 25 22 17 17 Guanajuato San Luis Potosí Sinaloa Tlaxcala Aguascalientes Zacatecas Colima Chihuahua 13 13 11 11 10 10 7 7 Tamaulipas Baja California Coahuila Durango Querétaro Sonora Nayarit 6 6 5 5 3 2 1 Our Philanthropic Arm We are a not-for-profit organization that is dedicated to the conservation of our natural and cultural treasures. We know that in order to achieve this objective, it is essential that we dedicate part of our efforts to environmental education and awareness amongst our children and young people, in whose hands the care and future of our common home, our planet will fall. Our main conservation, awareness and environmental programs are: 858,000 sea turtle hatchlings released in 2011 (a total of 5,539,355 hatchlings released between 1996 and 2011). Accreditation as an Environmentally Committed Place by the SEMARNAT (Ministry of the Environment and Natural Resources). 4,000 visitors per year, on average, attend the “Saturday Marketplace”, benefitting Mayan communities. 18 schools, 1,250 participants (students, teachers and parents) made aware of environmental issues during 2011 through the “Nature’s Schoolroom” program. 56.76 hectares (nearly 142 acres) of reforested and rehabilitated lands with the introduction of 290,600 plants and 84.9% survival from 2009 to 2011. More than 100,000 trees produced for state reforestation during 2011. 61 public schools reforested: 1,747 trees and 570 ornamental plants used for 44,950 m2 coverage. 13,073 students participated between 2009 and 2011. Xcaret KNOROSOV Center for the Study of the Mayan Language and Epigraphy This research center enjoys Xcaret’s sponsorship and the collaboration of State University of Human Sciences of Russia and of the Universidad Veracruzana. Part of the center’s main objectives are the development of research projects with the participation of Mexican scientists; the study of Mesoamerican epigraphy and the reading of hieroglyphic texts through the Knórosov method; the application of epigraphy as a tool for other disciplines and the study of Mayan history based on hieroglyphic texts. in numbers... 2011 Yearly averages: 100 % Mexican Businesses 2,000,000 visitors per year 20 visitors per hectare, per day 2,726 EMPLOYEES DIRECT per year in numbers... QUALITY of LIFE ENVIRONMENT in 2011: 124,570 hours of 8,907,000 20 TRAINING f o r C O L L A B O R AT O R S 152,506 samples of chemical-free sun block were exchanged for visitors’ non-environmental sun block 354,238 INVESTED in TRAINING pesos in our chemical-free sun block program 71% collaborators received support to complete their grade school education 36 980,000 pesos allotted to SCHOLARSHIPS for COLLABORATORS children. 52 collaborators participated in COMPREHENSIVE 1,739 the HEALTH PROGRAM PATERNITY LEAVES 16,988 SCHOOL CHILDREN visited the Park through ENVIRONMENTAL EDUCATION WORKSHOPS (a total of 231,876 from 1996 to 2011 P E SO S INVE STE D ) TONS of GLASS of the Park’s waste was collected as follows: 79 of PAPER and CARDBOARD 17 44 TONS TONS of PLASTIC TONS of METALS PLANTS USED IN REFORESTATION PROGRAMS 88,000 PRODUCED 104,000 PLANTS IN NURSERIES CO2 footprint: 0.7 TONS PER VISITOR. World average for similar businesses is 1.0 TONS 557,000 LITERS OF WATER TREATED PER DAY presents MEXICO’S CULTURAL TRADITIONS for the World RITUAL CEREMONY of the VOLADORES (Flying men) 62,300 people on average watch the ceremony being performed per year The ceremony is presented per year at Xcaret Park 1,460 times Designated AS INTANGIBLE CULTURAL HERITAGE IN 2009 MARIACHI String music, song and trumpet, designated as INTANGIBLE CULTURAL HERITAGE IN 2011 "XCARET MÉXICO ESPECTACULAR" NIGHTLY PERFORMANCE MORE THAN 365 PRESENTATIONS A YEAR 5,930 PRESENTATIONS since 1995 12,721,091 SPECTATORS SACRED MAYAN JOURNEY In 5 yearly events: 39,186 PERSONS ATTENDING the EVENT 1,196 PARTICIPATING OARSMEN 2,177 PARTICIPATING ACTORS AND ARTISTS * A tradition rescued from oblivion. FESTIVAL OF LIFE & DEATH TRADITIONS 143,007 FESTIVAL-GOERS PARTICIPATION FROM 172 MAYAN ZONE communities in the 5,612 participating ACTORS AND ARTISTS 684 VOLUNTEERS Native festivities dedicated to the dead were taken into consideration and designated an INTANGIBLE CULTURAL HERITAGE by UNESCO in January, 2008 * Along 6 editions MACAWS PRE-HISPANIC DANCE in the MAYAN VILLAGE PER 365 SHOWS YEAR 18 THANKS to XCARET’S SCARLET MACAW BREEDING PROGRAM, XCARET holds the ONLY GUINNESS WORLD RECORD in history for an endangered species reproduction program for most macaws born at a single location in one year: 840 BIRDS BORN SINCE 1993 ARTISANS located in THE MAYAN VILLAGE These birds were used in pre-Hispanic times for ornamental purposes and for their call and song, and their feathers were used to adorn traditional clothing. WORLD'S 1 st BIRTH of this species in a natural, limited environment. of SHARKS at 22BIRTHS XCARET AQUARIUM 83% SURVIVAL RATE with an A Natural WHAT BEST DEFINES US: On the AVERAGE, 10 of DIFFERENT 14,258 SPECIES in the ORGANISMS Inlet of IMPLEMENTING the QUEEN CONCH CONSERVATION PROGRAM in conjunction with CINVESTAV YEARS (The Center for Advanced Research and Studies) CONCH TAGGED 9,690 between 2001 and 2011 st PLACE NATIONAL WASTE RECYCLING INITIATIVE in the awarded by the DEPARTMENT OF THE ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES AND THE MEXICAN CHAMBER OF COMMERCE CONFEDERATION in 2008. 80% 0.7 RECOVERY of SOLID WASTE. TON CO² footprint. The world average for similar businesses is 1.0 tons. In 2009, THE FIRST PARK in the WORLD to obtain the EARTHCHECK SUSTAINABLE TOURISM CERTIFICATE. Wonder CHEMUYIL WHAT BEST GREEN TRIATHLON FOR A GOOD CAUSE AT DEFINES US our programs 2,500 inofCHEMUYIL CITY BENEFICIARIES SINCE 1997 IN THE AREAS OF EDUCATION, HEALTH, ENTERTAINMENT, MAINTENANCE AND URBAN BEAUTIFYING 8 MILLION PESOS ALLOTTED FOR SOCIAL INVESTMENTS SINCE 1997 1,400 PARTICIPANTS IN THE 3RD XEL-HÁ SPRINT AND OLYMPIC TRIATHLON. 83 PEOPLE WORKED ON IN THE FAÇADES PROGRAM SINCE 2011 WITH 160 AWARENESS CAMPAIGNS. FAÇADES painted from 260 what represents an 88.5% of advance 3,040 66 WERE RECYCLED TONS OF GARBAGE LITERS of PAINT USED 161,746 NEARLY PESOS INVESTED $500,000 PESOS FROM T R I AT H L O N R E G I S T R AT I O N S W E R E DONATED TO THE FLORA, FAUNA Y CULTURA DE MÉXICO NOT-FOR-PROFIT ORGANIZATION TO AIDE THEIR SEA TURTLE PROGRAM. THE HEART of the EARTH XPLOR is a unique underground Park with many activities that invite you to explore your senses and rediscover your emotions through Nature. Young people get a unique working experience here. THESE ARE SOME OF THE HIGHLIGHTS OF 2011: OF TECHNICAL TRAINING FROM 204 HOURS RECREATIONAL ACTIVITIES. MEN PROMOTIONS, OF 69 JOB WHICH WOMEN PROMOTED FOR THE 4 PEOPLE SECOND TIME IN A YEAR. In order to reinforce our collaborators’ quality of life, we held some team-building activities, which were also beneficial to our Comprehensive Health Program with 33 ACTIVITIES THAT INCLUDED: Relay swim meets, Water Polo, Beach clean-up activities, Rappelling, Speleology (cave exploring), Beach soccer, Yoga, and others. In community linkage programs, we signed a cooperation agreement with the Desert Museum of Coahuila, Mexico that allowed Xplor to exhibit two replicas of dinosaurs and paleontology findings during the Park’s 1st Anniversary celebrations. We will continue to work in strategic alliances with academic institutions that add value to our collaborators´ and visitors’ time with us, but particularly in the area of scientific research in our country. EXPLORING the MAYAN CULTURAL LEGACY What BEST DEFINES US “We don’t sell food… WE COMMUNICATE THE YUCATECAN CULTURE THROUGH OUR FARE” of water treated 5,400,000 liters in LA CASONA DE VALLADOLID’S treatment plant + $1,200,000 pesos in consumption of local supplier products, that benefits the community of Valladolid, Yucatan 34,426 BOX LUNCH PACKAGES delivered in our tours, were recycled THEY ARE MADE WITH ENVIRONMENTAL FRIENDLY MATERIALS The scripts for our Tours are CERTIFIED BY THE NATIONAL AUTONOMOUS UNIVERSITY’S (UNAM) DEPARTMENT OF PHILOLOGY AND BIOLOGY LINKS /XcaretPark /Xel-HaPark /XplorPark @XcaretPark @Xel-HaPark @XplorPark CONTACT + 52 ( 998) 881-2400 ext.1142 Blvd.Kukulcán Km. 2.7, Zona Hotelera, C.P. 77500, Cancún, Quintana Roo, México. IReport compiled by the Corporate Social Responsibility Department of Experiencias Xcaret Appreciate the support of: ,
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