Annual Report - United Way | Greater Oswego County
Annual Report - United Way | Greater Oswego County
United Way of Greater Oswego County 2014 Annual Report The United Way of Greater Oswego County’s mission is to improve lives by fostering partnerships, mobilizing the community to give and to volunteer, raising awareness of local human needs, and supporting solutions that address those needs. Table of Contents Letter from Executive Director Board of Directors Company Campaigns Leadership Recognition Committee Recognition Collaborations Program Funding Financial Report United Way of Greater Oswego County 1 South First Street Fulton, NY 13069 315‐593‐1900 Fax 315‐598‐3375 Annual report published for the Annual Meeting & “Salute to Leadership Giving and Volunteers”, March 11, 2015 at 5:30 pm, American Foundry, Oswego Dear Friend: United Way is many things to many people. It acts as a convener, of and a beacon of, charitable giving. We support a multitude of human service programs that are administered by our agency partners throughout Oswego County. This annual report reflect the efforts of many diverse people whose commitment of time, expertise and finances embraces our theme “Positive Community Impact." It is our goal to increase your understanding and satisfaction with the United Way and demonstrate how we are putting your contributions to work for a stronger, healthier community. It takes a whole community working together to reach our goals. On behalf of the United Way Board of Directors and staff, I applaud your spirit of community, involvement and dedication. You have provided your community with the inspiration and opportunity to succeed. The United Way is proud to partner with you. Thank you! Melanie Trexler Executive Director United Way Board of Directors President Mr. William Crist Superintendent of Schools Diocese of Syracuse President Elect Mrs. Christy Huynh Associate Director of Compass SUNY Oswego Treasurer Ms. Wendy Tetro Senior Vice President/Controller Fulton Savings Bank Secretary Mr. Doug McRae Attorney Bond, Schoeneck & King PLLC Campaign Chair Mr. Robert Rolfe Harmony Financial Services Governance Chair Ms. Christy Huynh Associate Director of Compass SUNY Oswego Allocations Co -Chair Mr. Shawn Seale Key Center Manager Key Bank Oswego Photo: Directors Melissa Miller, Pathfinder Bank; Walter Dengos, National Grid presents check to President Kathleen Fenlon and Treasurer Wendy Tetro. Directors Ms. Marion Ciciarelli Public Relations Manager Oswego Health Mrs. Bernadette Costello Community Volunteer Mr. Dick Delaney Operations Coordinator Novelis Corporation Mr. Walter Dengos Community & Customer Manger National Grid Mr. Brian Finn Director Nuclear Safety Assurance Entergy Mr. Thomas Greer Personnel Director Fulton School District Mr. M.C. King Managing Director Dynegy Mr. Gary Mashaw Director of Transportation Oswego County Opportunities Photo: Ali McGrath (L) and Melanie Trexler (r), United Way receiving donation from Arthur Vercillo, M.D.(c), regional president, Excellus BlueCross BlueShield. Mr. John Nelson Nelson Funeral Home Mr. George Popp Chief Information Officer Laboratory Alliance of CNY Ms. Connie Smith Community Volunteer Dr. Richard Tesoriero Tesoriero Chiropractic Terry Wilbur Os. Co. Legislature 21st District Kathleen Fenlon Retired - Director of Youth Bureau Melissa Miller SVP/Cheif Operating Officer Pathfinder Bank United Way Staff Melanie Trexler Executive Director Ali McGrath Resource Development Director Doreen Clark Director of Finance *as of March 11, 2015 Company Campaigns / Coordinators APW Central Schools ARC of Os.Co./Oswego Industries ARISE BOCES Catholic Charities of Os. Co. Cayuga Com.College/Fulton Central Square Schools Centro of Oswego Children’s Center City of Fulton City of Oswego COCOAA Constellation Energy Critical‐Vac Filtration D‐K Manufacturing Eastern Shore Associates Entergy Farnham, Inc. Felix Schoeller Friendly’s Restaurant Fulton Savings Bank Fulton City School District Huhtamaki Industrial Precision Products JCPenney Oswego Key Bank National Grid NBT Bank Sandra Robinson Jenette Stanard Lisa Spencer Meghan Ray Sue Witmer Kathy Kintz Kathleen Lea Cathy Trowbridge Rita Tickle Deborah Bills Terry Syrell Ryan Smith Norm Kesterke Bridgette Seguin Brian Finn Tammy Holden Jeanne Unger Melissa Woods Patrick Dewine Debra Braden Sharyl Kelly Nancy DeGilormo David Deroucie Nick Habel Chris Fragale Katie Simoneau Shawn Seale Walter Dengos Barbara Bateman Novelis NRG Harbor Power Oswego City School District Oswego County Government Oswego County Opportunities Oswego Health Pathfinder Bank Phoenix Central Schools Realty USA Sandy Creek Central Schools St. Luke Health Services Springside at Seneca Hill SUNY Oswego (SEFA) Tessy Plastics Tops Friendly Markets Erin Nalle Gabrielle Izard Donna Moonan Peter Myles John Ferry Jo‐Lyn Phillips Stephanie Budd Marion Ciciarelli Heather Bush Carol Shannon Mary Stanton Donna Rausch Heather Mellen Teresa Ferlito Howard Gordon Kristin Gublo Danielle Cataldi Deb DeLong Brian Killam Vickie Ladd March 11, 2015 Annual Meeting & Salute to Leadership Giving and Volunteers sponsored by Photo: Deb DeLong, Coordinator Tops Pulaski (R), Ali McGrath, United Way (L) Small Business Bardan Construction Co. Bev’s Dairy Treat Caraccioli & Associates, PLLC Chirello Advertising Foster Funeral Home FW Tucker & Son, Inc. Hairitage Harbor Towne Gifts Johnston’s Propane Gas Service Met Life, David Mirabito Mimi’s Drive In Nelson Funeral Home Oswego Valley Insurance Agency Phillip Gordon & Sons, Inc. Riccelli Enterprises, Inc. RJ Caruso Tax & Accounting Stewarts Shops Tesoriero Chiropractic Van Liew Septic Service Vautrin Construction Wahl Construction Co. Company Giving American Express Foundation Anheuser‐Busch Co., Inc. AT&T Bank of America Bank of New York Mellon Burritt Motors, Inc. Community Bank Consolidated Federal Campaign Dryden Mutual Insurance Co. Excellus BlueCross BlueShield First Niagara Bank Hanover Insurance Haylor, Freyer & Coon HSBC IBEW Local #43 IBM Liberty Mutual Foundation Monro Muffler UW Rochester Nationwide Payless Pfizer Foundation Planned Results, Inc. Port of Oswego Authority Price Chopper United Steel Workers United Way of CNY United Way of Greater Os. Co. UPS Verizon Walmart Wiltsie Construction Community Support Bistro 197 "Dine with Us" Blue Moon Cafe "Dine with Us" Chiropractic “Patient Appreciation Day” Fulton Rotary Clubs Lake Ontario Office Park, Dr. Padma Ram La Parrilla "Dine with Us" Lions Club Fulton Lions Club Oswego Oswego Rotary Clubs SUNY Oswego Walk‐A‐Thon SUNY Lakers Men’s & Women’s Ice Hockey Harborfest Breakfast at The Club House Tavern Eagle Beverage In Kind Support Community Bank DuFore’s For Diamonds Eagle Beverage Oswego Printing Palladium Times Special Event and Volunteer Recognition*: Volunteers: Patrick Berry Bernie Coe Daniel & Liz Dorsey John & Laurie Kelly John Michael Kelly Robert & Liz McGrath Jim Schneider The Haborfest Breakfast Raises awareness and monetary fund's to provide for children in need of school supplies. Held annually Saturday morning of Harborfest in Oswego, 2015 being the 10th year. The ongoing volunteer dedication to this event over the years has truly been exemplified by its growth and impact. Overall, efforts of the breakfast and Stuff-A-Bus has served about 15,000 kids in Oswego County. *Not apart of The Admiral's Society Corporate Leadership of Greater Oswego County 2015 Salute to Leadership Giving and Volunteers Reception Wednesday, March 11, 2015 5:30 pm - 7:00 pm The American Foundry Planned Results Inc. 246 West Seneca Street Oswego, NY An independent registered investment advisor Complimentary Hors’douvres & A Drink Sponsored by * Bank of America * * BPO Elks #271 * Critical-Vac Filtration * * Dryden Mutual Insurance Co. * Liberty Mutual * * Nationwide * Planned Results, Inc. * Port of Oswego Authority * * Price Chopper * . * Walmart * In-Kind Leadership * Community Bank * * DuFore’s for Diamonds * Eagle Beverage * * Palladium Times * Planned Results Inc. An independent registered investment advisor LEADERSHIP 2013 2014 2015 The Admiral’s Society of the United Way of Greater Oswego County is a leadership giving and recognition program that honors the generosity of corporate and individual leaders in our community who make contributions to the annual campaign at an exceptional level. Centro of Oswego Anonymous (3) City of Oswego Gay H.Williams Exelon Generation Anonymous (7) David Barcomb Thomas Cernaro Thomas & Judith Chwalek Robert & Christine Close Peter Collins Roy Corieri Theresa Darling Heather Davis Jeffrey Dean David Demm Gary Deyo Scott Dohse Stephen Doty Clifford Dubord Scott Edwards Kent Engelmann Michael Esposito Curtis Fischer Robert Fitzgerald Terri Goutermout William Gover Christopher Grapes Michael Gray Daniel Hulme Christopher Jasinski Kenneth Johnson Eric Kelsey Paul D. Konu Daniel J. Lagoe Lawrence Liberty Wallace Love Mark & Cynthia Masuicca David McCloskey Mark D. McCrobie Julie A. McCrobie James McGiff Brian McInnis Thomas McNamara Stephen Laurence Naron Donald Newman George Nosko Marc Peterson Paul B. Politzi John A. Ponzi Joseph Russell James A. Spina Gregory Stefi Alexander Sterio George N. Stowers Terry Syrell Todd Syrell Arthur W.Taylor Julian& Ann Marie Thompson Jack & Deborah Torbitt James Tsardakas Brett J. VanNieuwenhuise Daniel A. Varga William Wood Michael E. Young James Zerrillo Eric and Brenda R. Zumwalt Entergy Anonymous (18) Vince & Martha Bacanskas Dave Burch Neal & Gloria Chapman Kenneth Cook Gary Daniels Brian M. Finn Krista Fox Tammy Holden Kevin & Brenda Irving Daniel Johnson Stephen & Sandy Mustico Shawn Nichols Mark Piepiora Thomas J. Restuccio Michael Rose Robert L. Smith Steven K. Speight Mark Stacavich Brian R. Sullivan Richard Sullivan Peter Tentis Robert Todd Deborah Weaver Fulton City Schools Anonymous (1) George W.Beckwith Danielle & Neemah Delfanian John Greer William Lynch Fulton Savings Bank Anonymous (1) Debra A. Braden Ken Parrotte Robert & Wendy Tetro Huhtamaki Anonymous (2) Robert Fontana Ryan Green Lockheed Martin Anonymous (7) Information available as of March 10, 2015 Nationwide Peter Gray NBT Bank Barbara & Robert Bateman Novelis Anonymous (39) Robert Allen Shane C. Begoshe David Bonney Dennis Brady Gary Burton Raymond Clary Richard Delaney Jr. Bill Dowdle Joe Drews Gregory DuFore Craig Formoza Malcolm Gabriel Thomas Granbois Michael Higgins Nicholas J. LaVere Kevin Lawless David & Michele Lloyd Bob & Diane Lowery Anthony McDermott Nicholas Mize Mark and Kathy E. Nice Larry & Lisa Ogorchock Sean Olsen Brian Randall Joseph Reitz James Sperino Oswego County Government Anonymous (4) Michael Backus Gregory & Karen Oakes Donna Dubois-Taylor Amy M. Tresidder Oswego County Opportunities Anonymous (3) Christine J. Minor Oswego Health Small Business Anonymous (3) Patrick J. Fasulo Jennifer M. Januszka Barry Ryle Beatrice VanHorn Advance Auto Parts Pulaski Bardan Construction Mimi’s Drive-In Johnston’s LP-Gas Service David Mirabito, MetLife OVIA Phillip Gordon & Sons, Inc. Riccelli Enterprises, Inc. c. Pathfinder Bank Anonymous (3) Daniel Philips SEFA Matthew Ecker Amy VanSteenburgh United Way of Buffalo & Erie Co. Lenette Laboda United Way CNY Ralph Blair Jamey Bond Robert Gowans George Popp Joseph Stenoski United Steel Workers John Scardella UPS Anonymous (2) Donald Hall Angelo Liberatore Marty Putman Individuals Anonymous (1) Barbara & Douglas Carroll Mr. & Mrs. James Costello William Crist Kathleen Fenlon & Richard Kaulfuss Rev. Moritz Fuchs Bob & Lynne Hunter Bob & Diane Lowery Michael McCarthy Joseph V. Miano Harold Nash Michael Relf Barbara Shineman Ron & Cindy Tascarella Richard & Angela Tesoriero Melanie Trexler COMMITTEE RECOGNITION Campaign Cabinet Chair, Robert Rolfe‐Harmony Financial Services Terry Syrell‐CENG Brian Finn‐Entergy Brian Cummings-Oswego County Federal Credit Union Doug McRae‐Bond, Schoeneck & King Dick Delaney‐Novelis Corporation Golf Committee Chair, John Nelson‐Nelson Funeral Home Dave Lloyd‐Novelis Brian Finn‐ Entergy Lois Luber‐United Way Kim McPherson‐YMCA Fulton Perry Noun‐WVOA Radio Connie Smith‐United Way Board of Director Governance Committee Chair‐ Christy Huynh‐SUNY Oswego Kathleen Fenlon‐Os. Co. City Youth Bureau Ret. Melissa Miller‐Pathfinder Bank Terry Wilbur‐County Legislator Melanie Trexler‐United Way Strategic Plannning Committee Bill Crist‐Diocese of Syracuse Schools Kathleen Fenlon‐Os. Co. City Youth Bureau‐Ret. Christy Huynh‐SUNY Oswego Maggie Killoran‐Cayuga Com. College Melanie Trexler‐United Way Harborfest Breakfast Committee Co‐Chairs‐Dan & Liz Dorsey Patrick Barry MaryLue Ferguson John & Laurie Kelly Robert & Liz McGrath Jim & Meg Schneider Community Youth Forum Brian Chetney‐Oswego County Youth Bureau Gail Cooper‐Catholic Charities Os.Co. Jen Losurdo‐Os. City‐County Youth Bureau Karen Meyers‐Os. Co. Social Services Kelli Otis‐Oswego County Probation Heather Tebidor‐Workforce NY Helen Hoefer-Catholic Charities Os.Co. Melanie Trexler‐United Way Ali McGrath-United Way Christine Weaver‐ Workforce NY Gloria Weeks‐Oswego County Opportunities FEMA Committee Chair, Mary Margaret Pekow Rev. Morris Fuchs Christy King Majors James & Kathryn Purvis Melanie Trexler Mayor Ron Woodward Stone Soup Committee, Oswego Co-Chair, Ali McGrath-United Way Co-Chair, Aaron Thorpe‐Vanguard Research & Title Marion Ciciarelli‐Oswego Health Helen Hoefer‐ Catholic Charities of Os. Co. Lois Luber‐United Way MaryLue Fergusion-Community Volunteer Stone Soup, Too Committee, Fulton Steve Chirello‐Chirello Advertising Gina Camardello‐Key Bank Helen Hoefer‐Catholic Charities of Os. Co. Karen Hubel‐Blue Moon Grill Stephanie Budd‐Os. Co. Opportunities Lori Lyons‐Walmart Granby Lois Luber‐United Way Jo‐Lyn Phillips‐Os. Co. Opportunities Jan Rebeor‐Community Volunteer Michele Sherman‐Walmart Granby George Timmins‐Catholic Charities of Os. Co. Catherine Trowbridge‐City of Fulton Sue Witmer‐Cayuga Comm. College Photo: Oswego Lions Club contributing to Stuff-A-Bus Campaign Stuff‐A‐Bus Committee Co‐Chair, Jo Ann Conzone‐OCSD Co‐Chair, Melanie Trexler‐United Way Holly Bristol‐OCO Aimee Goulette‐OCO Maria Hendrix‐APW Central Schools Helen Hoefer‐Catholic Charities Terry Iorio‐Phoenix Central Schools Stephanie Budd‐OCO Jeanne Lynch‐Pulaski Central Schools Karen Noel‐Fulton City Schools Brandi Norton‐Sandy Creek Central Schools Robert Pritchard‐Mexico Central Schools Teresa Ross‐Central Square Central Schools Cathy Smith‐Hannibal Central Schools Roger Sprague‐Oswego City Schools Allocations Volunteers Robert Allen Alyssa Amyotte Virginia Arnold George Blakeslee Mallory Bower Debra Braden Ron Browning Susan Cahill Karen Caruso Marion Ciciarelli Brian Cummings Debbie Deeb Roberta Dunn Joanne Gardner Bernie Henderson Meg Henderson Christy Huynh Deana Masuicca Mary Ann Masuicca Robert Molinari Brenda Niver George Popp Virginia Pratt Donna Scanlon Robin Slokowski Wendy Tetro Cheryl Wallace United Way Collaborations Child Protection Advisory Council for Oswego County – The Child Protection Advisory Council for Oswego County is a collaboration of the Oswego County Legislature, citizens, community agencies, faith groups, medical facilities and educators whose mission is to lead coordinated community efforts to improve the prevention and identification of and response to, child abuse and neglect in Oswego County. COACH (County of Oswego Advocate Challenging Homelessness) COACH is a collaboration of citizens and human service agencies to address, coordinate services, and eliminate homelessness in Oswego County. Literacy Coalition of Oswego County The Literacy Coalition is a collaboration of educators, human service providers, employment and training personnel, and other professionals who promote cooperative efforts to address community needs in the areas of literacy, education, and workplace skill development. Nutrition Coalition‐ Comprised of representatives from Catholic Charities of Oswego County, Cornell Cooperative Extension, Food Bank of CNY, Human Concerns, OCO, the Oswego County Child Care Council, Oswego County OFA, and the United Way of Greater Oswego County, the mission of the Nutrition Coalition is to promote nutrition and wellness and prevent hunger in Oswego County. Safety Net Committee – A collaboration of human service providers to address the immediate needs of Oswego County. Program Funding 2014 American Red Cross of Central New York Disaster relief/Health and Safety Services…$17,000 ARC of Oswego County Early Intervention Program…$9,350 ARISE Child & Family Services Housing Advocacy & Assistance Program…$5,100 AURORA of CNY Vision/Hearing…$11,007 Boy Scouts of America Longhouse Council Youth Development….$6,800 Catholic Charities of Oswego County Parent Education, Emergency Services, CYO, Youth Mentoring…..$86,912 Child Advocacy Center Child abuse advocacy…$6,800 Children’s Center of Oswego Children’s Center….$8,500 C.O.C.O.A.A. County of Oswego Council on Alcoholism and Addictions, Inc. Prevention & Treatment….$12,750 Enable Home Services…$2,975 Farnham Family Services Prevention & Treatment…$10,412 Girl Scouts of NYPENN Pathways Youth development…$12,325 Human Concerns Center, Inc. Food Pantry…$5,100 Legal Aid Society of Mid‐New York Violence Legal Services Program…$5,100 Oswego County Opportunities, Inc. Adolescent Options, Crisis Hotline, Discovery Day Care, Literacy volunteers, Meals on Wheels, PATH, Service to Aid Families…$97,431 Retired & Senior Volunteer Program (RSVP) RSVP…$12,580 Rural & Migrant Ministries of Oswego County Medical Clinic…$13,600 Salvation Army of Oswego County Emergency Services…$44,625 YMCA of Fulton Youth & Senior Services…$27,629 YMCA of Oswego Youth & Senior Services…$29,138 2014 UNITED WAY DISTRIBUTIONS United Way of Greater Oswego County unaudited Statement of Financial Position as of January 1, 2014 – December 31, 2014 ASSETS Cash & Investments Pledges Receivable Equipment Net Assets TOTAL ASSETS LIABILITIES AND CAPITAL Current Liabilities Designations Payable TOTAL LIABILITIES CAPITAL Unrestricted Net Assets Restricted Net Income/(Loss) NET CAPITAL TOTAL LIABILITIES AND CAPITAL 498,021.00 572,470.00 3,824.00 1,074,315.00 00.00 12,767.00 12,767.00 416,108.00 683,480.00 (38,040.00) 1,061,548.00 1,074,315.00
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