Electoral Roll - 2016
Electoral Roll - 2016
Electoral Roll - 2016 State - (S10) -Karnataka No.,Name and Reservation Status of Assembly Constituency Part No. 112 172-B.T.M Layout (Gen) No.,Name and Reservation Status of Parliamentary Constituency(ies) in which the Assembly Constituency is located 1. DETAILS OF REVISION Year of Revision 2016 26 - Bangalore South (Gen) Roll Identification Basic (Mother) Roll of 2016 Qualifying Date 01-01-2016 Type of Revision Special Summary Revision Date of Publication 11-01-2016 2. DETAILS OF PART & POLLING AREA No. & Name of the Sections in the Part 01 3rd Main Road Shrinivagilu,- Pincode - 560047 02 Manthri Classic Apartment,Pincode - 560047 03 Ebassy Maydovs Apartment,Pincode - 560047 04 Varsha Golden Gable Apartment,Pincode - 560047 05 Tranquilitis Apartment,Pincode - 560047 06 Gem Residency New Appartment, 07 Main Metro Ward No. Police Station Bangalore 148 - Ejipura Viveka Nagar Kaveri Layout Shrinivagilu,- Pincode - 560047 Taluka District B.B.M.P(SOUTH) 08 Nirgun Mandir Shrinivagilu,. Pincode - 560047 Pin Code 560047 09 Esteem Royle,Pincode - 560047 10 Veracious Enrica Appartmant,Pincode - 560047 3. POLLING STATION DETAILS No. And Name of Polling Station 112-Bethany Education Board & Vocational Training Center , Room No 3, S T Bed, Koramangala Address of Polling Station Type of Polling Station (Male/Female/General) General Number of Auxiliary Polling Bethany Education Board & Vocational Training Centre , Room No 1 S T Stations in this Part 0 Bed , Kormangala 4. NUMBER OF ELECTORS Starting Sl. No. Ending Sl.No. Male Female Third Gender Total 1 981 520 460 0 980 Electoral Roll 2016 of 172 - B.T.M Layout (Gen) Assembly Constituency in Karnataka No.,Name and Reservation Status of Assembly Constituency Age as on 01-01-2016/ Sex: T-Third Gender 172 - B.T.M Layout(GEN) Part No. 112 Part No. 112 # Corrected in Supplement Delete Reason: E-Expired, S-Shifted/Change of Residence,Q-Disqualification, R-Repeated Issued by the Electoral Registration Officer Electoral Roll 2016 of 172 - B.T.M Layout (Gen) Assembly Constituency in Karnataka Section No.:001)3rd Main Road Shrinivagilu,-, Ward No: 148 -560047 1 XUL4859971 2 Name : Djeeraj Banerjea Name : Father's Name: Anik Banerjea Husband's Name: House No.:2 Age: 21 4 Sex: Male XUL0360859 Continued XUL4861654 3 Name : Kunjunjamma Thomas Nirmal CHandra Senguptha House No.:2 Sex: Female Age: 80 Husband's Name: Thomas P J 5 XUL0360842 House No.:C 003 Age: 74 6 Joseph Thomas Name : Sheenu Joseph Name : Father's Name: Thomas P J Husband's Name: Joseph Thomas Father's Name: 7 Sex: Male XUL4118394 House No.:C 003 Age: 52 8 Name : Suresha.A.R Name : Father's Name: Ramappa.A Father's Name: House No.:5 Age: 37 10 Sex: Male MBQ7709371 XUL0360834 Ira Anurora Name : House No.:C 003 Age: 54 Part No. 112 Sex: Female XUL4825519 Mahammad Abdul Sattar Furkan Ali House Age: 39No.:5 11 Sex: Male MBQ7708951 Sex: Female XUL4825592 Ajay Pradhan Pradhan Shrinivas Pradhan Pradhan House No.:04 Sex: Male Age: 20 9 Name : Father's Name: XUL0244640 Yathendrakumara Gupta Mohan Lal Gupta House Age: 57No.:6/008 12 Sex: Male XUL4734091 Name : G.Rajan Name : S.Rajashekhar Name : Choying Lhamo Father's Name: Govindaraj Father's Name: V.Shimaramana Father's Name: Kunzang Dorjee House No.:7 Age: 50 13 Sex: Male XUL4735197 House No.:7 Age: 36 14 Sex: Male XUL4736708 House No.:07 Age: 28 Sex: Female 15 XUL4738878 Name : Dhondup Name : Tenzin Dorji Name : Wangchuk Saljor Father's Name: Wangchen Father's Name: Tachung Father's Name: Tsering Wangtak House No.:07 Age: 23 16 Sex: Male XUL4741500 House No.:07 Age: 30 17 Sex: Male XUL4743852 House No.:07 Age: 33 18 Sex: Male XUL4744017 Name : Dawa Dolma Name : Thupten Dolma Name : Migmar Thakchoe Father's Name: Tachung Father's Name: Tenzin Wangchuk Father's Name: Sonam House No.:07 Age: 31 19 Name : Sex: Female XUL4746483 Kalsang Gyatso Late Kalsang Dhuntsok Dolma House No.:07 Sex: Male Age: 25 Father's Name: 22 XUL4785937 Name : Jampa Ngodup Father's Name: Kalsang Tenzin House No.:7 Age: 27 25 Sex: Male XUL4293056 Name : Vrunda V Rao Husband's Name: Venkatesh House No.:8/1 Age: 54 28 Sex: Female XUL4261442 Name : Divya Gopi Husband's Name: Gopi P House No.:No 9 Age: 35 Sex: Female Age as on 01-01-2016/ Sex: T-Third Gender House No.:07 Age: 25 20 Sex: Female XUL4760237 House No.:07 Age: 40 21 Sex: Female XUL4769899 Name : Tashi Sangmo Name : Sonam Poljar Husband's Name: Gyurmey Dorjee Father's Name: Kunga Phuntsok House No.:07 Age: 49 23 Sex: Female XUL4255089 House No.:7 Age: 30 24 Sex: Male XUL4293064 Name : Sri Ram Mahalingam Name : Nitin V Rao Father's Name: Mahalingam Rajagopal Father's Name: S Venkatesh House No.:G7 Age: 46 26 Sex: Male XUL5168141 House No.:8/1 Age: 26 27 Sex: Male XUL5299128 Name : M.Sabitha Name : Rosy Adhikari Husband's Name: Late M.V Reddy Husband's Name: Lakraj Adhikari House No.:8/1 Age: 22 29 Sex: Female XUL3558418 House No.:9 Age: 39 30 Sex: Female XUL4293015 Name : K Paramesh Name : Rajkumari Daga Father's Name: Krishnamurthy Husband's Name: Bithal Das Daga House No.:11 Age: 49 Sex: Male # Corrected in Supplement Delete Reason: E-Expired, S-Shifted/Change of Residence,Q-Disqualification, R-Repeated House No.:11/44 Age: 66 Sex: Female Page 3/43 Issued by the Electoral Registration Officer Electoral Roll 2016 of 172 - B.T.M Layout (Gen) Assembly Constituency in Karnataka Section No.:001)3rd Main Road Shrinivagilu,-, Ward No: 148 -560047 31 XUL4293023 Name : Manish Daga Father's Name: Bithal Das Daga House No.:11/44 Age: 43 34 Sex: Male XUL3574308 Name : Raghu M Father's Name: Munegowda House No.:14 Age: 27 37 Sex: Male XUL3559358 Name : Yogesh Father's Name: Putta Swamy House No.:30/2 Age: 31 40 Sex: Male XUL4825535 Name : Kirba Mary Husband's Name: Manoj kumar House No.:56 Age: 41 43 Sex: Female XUL5168224 Name : Krishna K R Father's Name: ranga shetty House No.:66 Age: 45 Sex: Male 32 Continued XUL4293007 33 XUL0900365 Name : Minakshi Daga Name : Subramaniyan N S Husband's Name: Manish Daga Father's Name: Srinivasan N S House No.:11/44 Age: 41 35 Sex: Female XUL4756870 House No.:13/002 Sex: Male Age: 42 36 XUL3559341 Name : Abinash Phanglosa Name : Nanjappa B S Father's Name: Arjun Phanglosa Father's Name: Shivalingiah House No.:15 Age: 26 38 Sex: Male XUL5168380 House No.:30/2 Age: 34 39 Name : Chellamma Name : Father's Name: jayram Father's Name: House No.:37/b Age: 42 41 Sex: Female XUL4825584 Sex: Male XUL4825485 Satrughan Pradhan Pradhan Ravi Pradhan Pradhan House Age: 27No.:48 42 Sex: Male XUL3559259 Name : Manoj Kumar Name : C Jayakumar Father's Name: Dhanaraj Father's Name: Veerabhadra Reddy House No.:56 Age: 45 44 Sex: Male XUL0358887 House No.:66 Age: 32 45 Name : Usharavi Name : Husband's Name: Ravisundar Rajan Father's Name: House No.:A102 Age: 53 # 46 XUL5279070 47 Name : Chophel Thurten Name : Father's Name: Khen Rab Husband's Name: House No.:103/17/2 Sex: Male Age: 50 Part No. 112 Sex: Female XUL0901363 Aloka Krishnaprasada Krishnaprasada Shivadasan House No.:B 103 Sex: Female Age: 40 XUL0358879 Ravisundararajana Ramanujam Sundar Rajan House No.:A 102 Sex: Male Age: 57 48 XUL0901553 Name : Krishna Prasad Shivadasan Shivadasan K P Father's Name: House Age: 43No.:B/103 XUL0245365 50 Name : Muralidhara Rao Name : Priya Rao Name : Varun Rao Father's Name: Govindarao Husband's Name: Murulidhar Rao Father's Name: Muralidhara Rao 52 Sex: Male XUL0900910 House No.:C 103 Age: 57 53 Sex: Female XUL0900456 51 Sex: Male 49 House No.:C 103 Age: 68 XUL0900985 Sex: Male XUL0900993 House No.:C 103 Age: 31 54 Sex: Male XUL0901199 Name : Aanand Kumara Vittal Name : Krishna Anand Kumar Name : Neetha Nayak Father's Name: Vittal C R Father's Name: Ananda. Kumara Vithal Husband's Name: Sridhar Nayak House No.:C 104 Age: 47 55 Sex: Male XUL0901181 House No.:C 104 Age: 45 56 Sex: Female XUL0901470 House No.:A 105 Age: 81 57 MBQ7708878 B N.V.Malleshwar Gupta Rayadu Name : Nithin Nayaka Name : Priya Nayak Name : Father's Name: Sridhar Nayak Husband's Name: Nithin Nayaka Father's Name: House No.:A 105 Age: 53 58 Name : Sex: Male MBQ7708886 Rajani B B N.V.Malleshwar Gupta House No.:111 Sex: Female Age: 40 Husband's Name: Age as on 01-01-2016/ Sex: T-Third Gender House No.:A 105 Age: 50 59 Sex: Female MBQ7709322 Sex: Female House Age: 42No.:111 60 Sex: Male MBQ7709314 Name : Rajesh Chotoni Name : Puja Chotani Father's Name: Thilakraja Husband's Name: Rajesh Chotani House No.:113 Age: 43 Sex: Male # Corrected in Supplement Delete Reason: E-Expired, S-Shifted/Change of Residence,Q-Disqualification, R-Repeated House No.:113 Age: 39 Sex: Female Page 4/43 Issued by the Electoral Registration Officer Electoral Roll 2016 of 172 - B.T.M Layout (Gen) Assembly Constituency in Karnataka Section No.:001)3rd Main Road Shrinivagilu,-, Ward No: 148 -560047 61 MBQ7695026 Name : Praveen Kumar Sharma Father's Name: Shynakishora House No.:114 Age: 53 64 Sex: Male MBQ7709975 Name : Sunitharai Husband's Name: Prashanth House No.:131 Age: 37 Sex: Female 67 MBQ7697808 Name : Sudhakar Shenoy Father's Name: Krishna shenoy House No.:141 Age: 46 70 Sex: Male MBQ7710239 Name : Chithramenana Husband's Name: Vijayashankaramenana House No.:143 Age: 59 73 Sex: Female MBQ7708860 Name : Prathapkara Father's Name: Pashupathi House No.:152 Age: 43 Sex: Male 62 Part No. 112 Continued MBQ7709538 63 MBQ8434979 Name : Sheela Sharma Name : Prashanth Husband's Name: Pravinkumar Sharma Father's Name: Vasanth Rai House No.:114 Age: 50 65 Sex: Female MBQ7710924 House No.:131 Age: 45 66 Sex: Male MBQ7709967 Name : Harish Krishnan Name : Jeya Father's Name: Padmanabha Husband's Name: Harishkrishnana House No.:134 Age: 49 68 Sex: Male MBQ7709959 House No.:134 Age: 46 69 Sex: Female MBQ7710221 Name : Anuj Shenoy Name : Vijayashankar Menan Husband's Name: Sudhakarashenai Father's Name: P.K.S.Menan House No.:141 Age: 38 71 Sex: Female MBQ7685183 House No.:143 Age: 66 72 Sex: Male MBQ7710247 Name : Aparna Menan Name : Anusuya Menan Father's Name: Vijayashankaramenana Father's Name: Vijay Shankar Menan House No.:143 Age: 35 74 Sex: Female MBQ7708852 House No.:143 Age: 34 Sex: Female 75 MBQ7696271 Name : Maya Kamath Name : Chandrika Menan Husband's Name: Prathipkara Father's Name: R.Mohanmenana House No.:152 Age: 41 Sex: Female House No.:153 Age: 70 76 XUL3557998 77 XUL3558004 Name : Venkataramaniah Name : Indrasena Petluru Name : Kusumlathaguptha Father's Name: Yanadaiah Father's Name: P Ramchandra Reddy Husband's Name: Narasingdasguptha House No.:165 Age: 69 79 Sex: Male XUL4590790 Name : Namithaguptha Husband's Name: Nirajguptha House No.:171 Age: 42 Sex: Female House No.:165 Age: 37 80 Sex: Male XUL4589925 MBQ7708944 Name : Name : Father's Name: Narasingdasguptha Father's Name: T.S.Mahalingam House No.:171 Age: 46 Name : Name : Husband's Name: T.M.Ramamurthy Father's Name: T.M.Ramamurthy Name : Father's Name: Aditi Raghavendra Phadins Raghavendra Phadins House Age: 29No.:203 88 Sex: Female XUL0900779 Veeraraghavan Valayapuththur Father's Ramachari Name: Valayapuththur House No.:C 206 Sex: Male Age: 44 Name : Age as on 01-01-2016/ Sex: T-Third Gender 83 Sex: Male T.R.Ravichandran XUL5111067 Sex: Female T.M.Ramamurthy XUL4155198 85 House No.:171 Age: 69 81 Raji Ramamurthy Sex: Female MBQ7685142 Nirajguptha 82 House No.:174 Age: 81 78 Sex: Female XUL4164174 House No.:174 Age: 51 86 Sex: Male XUL4861696 Name : Nagaroopa M N Husband's Name: Keshava Babu C S House No.:B-203 Age: 37 89 Name : Sex: Female XUL0900811 Anuradha Raghunathan Viraraghana Valayapuththur House No.:C 206 Sex: Female Age: 43 Husband's Name: # Corrected in Supplement Delete Reason: E-Expired, S-Shifted/Change of Residence,Q-Disqualification, R-Repeated House No.:174 Age: 88 84 Sex: Male XUL4976049 Monzoor Ahmed Name : Mojumder Father's Ahmedur Rahman Name: Mojumder House No.:201 Sex: Male Age: 79 87 XUL0861856 Shyamalendu Mohapatra Father's Baishnab Charan Name: Mohapatra House No.:A206 Sex: Male Age: 51 Name : 90 XUL4976023 Name : Nitu Maheshwari Husband's Name: Amit Maheshwari House No.:216 Age: 35 Sex: Female Page 5/43 Issued by the Electoral Registration Officer Electoral Roll 2016 of 172 - B.T.M Layout (Gen) Assembly Constituency in Karnataka Section No.:001)3rd Main Road Shrinivagilu,-, Ward No: 148 -560047 91 XUL4975967 Name : Amit Husband's Name: Prem Chand House No.:216 Age: 35 94 Sex: Female XUL3558475 92 Part No. 112 Continued XUL4152088 93 XUL4163853 Name : Arun Shetty Name : Suman Shetty Father's Name: Seetharam Shetty Husband's Name: Arun Shetty House No.:222 Age: 52 Sex: Male House No.:222 Age: 46 95 XUL3559192 Name : Siddashetty Name : K S Suresh Babu Name : K N Nagaraj Father's Name: DollaShetty Father's Name: Sampangi Father's Name: Narayanappa House No.:226 Age: 34 97 Sex: Male XUL3559184 House No.:226 Age: 30 98 Sex: Male XUL4590139 Name : K Naresh Name : Pothureddy Srihari Father's Name: Krishnareddy Father's Name: Anand Rao P House No.:226 Age: 30 100 Sex: Male XUL4590477 House No.:226 Age: 33 101 Sex: Male XUL4590253 96 Sex: Female XUL3559176 House No.:226 Age: 30 99 Sex: Male XUL4589990 Lakshmi Devi Name : Alasandalapalli Husband's Late Rangayya Name: Alasandalapalli House No.:226 Sex: Female Age: 46 102 XUL4590238 Name : Bharat Mandal Name : Krishna Murthy K R Name : Balakrishna A G Father's Name: Sukumar Mandal Father's Name: Rangaiah K C Father's Name: Govinda Reddy House No.:226 Age: 32 103 Sex: Male XUL4149365 House No.:226 Age: 29 Sex: Male House No.:226 Age: 29 104 XUL4409900 105 Name : Divya Adhikari Name : Kunal Joshi Joshi Name : Husband's Name: Srinivas Adhikari Father's Name: Harish chandra Joshi Father's Name: House No.:253 Age: 41 Sex: Female House No.:G-301 Age: 34 Sex: Male Srilatha Panchanathana Panchanathana Ramaswamy House No.:A 302 Sex: Female Age: 40 106 XUL0900860 107 Name : Munindara Shiru Name : Rathnagowda Name : Rohit Bansal Father's Name: Mothilal Shiru Father's Name: Chikkaboregowda Father's Name: Ramprakash Agarwal House No.:C 303 Age: 58 109 Name : Father's Name: XUL4410189 Prithvi Krishna Reddy Ponnaluru Venkat Ramana Reddy House Age: 32No.:312 112 Sex: Male Sex: Male XUL0900035 Name : Saloni Singh Father's Name: Jathindara Singh House No.:A 402 Age: 30 115 Sex: Female XUL0900423 XUL0900381 Sex: Male XUL0901462 House No.:C 303 Age: 31 Sex: Female 108 XUL0901728 House No.:B/304 Age: 45 Sex: Male 110 XUL0360602 111 Name : Jasavanth Singh Name : Kul Deep Kaur Father's Name: Nath Singh Husband's Name: Jassantha Singh House No.:A 402 Age: 88 113 Sex: Male XUL0900514 Rajagopal Krishnaswamy Father's Krishnaswamy Name: Kunnathura House No.:C 404 Sex: Male Age: 56 Name : XUL0360610 House No.:A 402 Age: 87 114 Name : Sex: Female XUL0901017 Jayanthi Rajagopal Bashyam Rajagopal Krishnaswamy House No.:C 404 Sex: Female Age: 52 Husband's Name: 116 XUL0901264 Name : Padma G Name : Vandana Chawla Name : Shailaja Chawla Husband's Name: G N Sharma Husband's Name: Jithendra Chawla Father's Name: Jithendra Chawla House No.:B 405 Age: 50 118 Sex: Female XUL0901314 Name : Aditi Chawla Father's Name: Jithendra Chawla House No.:C 405 Age: 29 Sex: Female Age as on 01-01-2016/ Sex: T-Third Gender House No.:C 405 Age: 52 119 Sex: Female XUL0900662 117 House No.:C 405 Age: 32 120 Name : G N Sharma Name : Father's Name: Rajeshwar Rao Gosla Father's Name: House No.:B 406 Age: 54 Sex: Male # Corrected in Supplement Delete Reason: E-Expired, S-Shifted/Change of Residence,Q-Disqualification, R-Repeated XUL0901694 Sex: Female XUL0558072 Narayan Ramanathan Bhagavathi Subramaniy Narayanan House No.:A 502 Sex: Male Age: 70 Page 6/43 Issued by the Electoral Registration Officer Electoral Roll 2016 of 172 - B.T.M Layout (Gen) Assembly Constituency in Karnataka Section No.:001)3rd Main Road Shrinivagilu,-, Ward No: 148 -560047 121 XUL0558155 Name : Lakshmi Ramanathan Husband's Name: Narayan Ramanathan House No.:A 502 Age: 64 124 Sex: Female XUL0359380 Name : Chanchala M Rao Husband's Name: Dr.P. Mohan Rao House No.:A503 Age: 63 127 Name : Father's Name: Sex: Female XUL0900142 Thayil Shethu Madhavan K Narayanna Nair House Age: 73No.:B 504 130 Sex: Male XUL4975959 Anad Ananthanarayanan Father's Anantha Narayanan Name: Ramakrishnan House No.:606 Sex: Male Age: 37 Name : 133 XUL0900951 122 Part No. 112 Continued XUL0900621 123 XUL0900639 Name : Harish Shah Name : Aankura Shah Father's Name: Jivan Lal Shah Father's Name: Harish Chah House No.:B 502 Age: 58 125 Sex: Male XUL0558064 House No.:B 502 Age: 29 126 Sex: Male XUL0900159 Name : Dr. Mohan Rao P Name : Indira Sethu Madhavan Father's Name: Ramachandrarao P Husband's Name: Sethu Madhavan House No.:A 503 Age: 76 128 Sex: Male XUL0900175 House No.:B 504 Age: 74 129 Name : Vijay R Menon Name : Father's Name: P Vishwanathan Nair Husband's Name: House No.:B 506 Age: 74 Sex: Male Sex: Female XUL0900167 Lalitha Menan Vijaya. Bhaskar Menan KG House No.:B 506 Sex: Female Age: 61 131 XUL0900449 132 Name : Vidyutha Kapoor Name : Soniy Kapoor Father's Name: Manmohan Kapoor Father's Name: Kishore Mehra House No.:A 606 Age: 49 134 Sex: Male XUL0900944 XUL0900472 House No.:A 606 Age: 47 135 Sex: Female XUL0900704 Name : Manjusha Jungare Name : Sharad Jungare Name : Krishna Kanth Seth Husband's Name: Sharad Jungare Father's Name: Shankararao Jungare Father's Name: Behan Lal Seth House No.:B 701 Age: 52 136 Sex: Female XUL0900712 House No.:B/701 Age: 58 137 Sex: Male XUL0900936 House No.:B 702 Age: 80 138 Sex: Male XUL0900928 Name : Susheela Setha Name : Sameer Krishna Seth Name : Ishitha Sameer Seth Husband's Name: Krishnakanth Sheth Father's Name: Krishna Kanth Seth Husband's Name: Sameer K Seth House No.:B 702 Age: 77 139 Sex: Female XUL3566262 House No.:B 702 Age: 49 140 Sex: Male XUL4976031 House No.:B 702 Age: 42 141 Sex: Female XUL4975983 Name : Abdul Hoque Ahmed Name : Sunil Kumar Mishra Name : Mamta Mishra Father's Name: Ayaz Ali Father's Name: Tirth Narayan Mishra Husband's Name: Sunil Kumar Mishra House No.:812 Age: 34 142 Sex: Male XUL4149647 House No.:990 Age: 57 143 Sex: Male XUL4163358 House No.:990 Age: 43 144 Sex: Female XUL4163408 Name : Shilapa K Name : Shruthi C Name : Sunil Babu Husband's Name: Suresh Husband's Name: Ramesh Father's Name: Mallappa House No.:999 Age: 28 145 Sex: Female XUL4164695 House No.:999 Age: 28 146 Sex: Female XUL4164620 House No.:999 Age: 34 147 Sex: Male XUL4164471 Name : Suresh Name : Ramesh Name : Mangamma Father's Name: Mallappa Father's Name: Mallappa Husband's Name: Mallappa House No.:999 Age: 38 148 Sex: Male XUL4163689 House No.:999 Age: 41 149 Sex: Male XUL4146056 House No.:999 Age: 43 150 Sex: Female XUL4154258 Name : T Rajashekar Reddy Name : Nalini D V Name : Manohar Father's Name: Thimmareddy Husband's Name: C Rajashekar Reddy Father's Name: Kunjiraman House No.:1000 Age: 58 Sex: Male Age as on 01-01-2016/ Sex: T-Third Gender House No.:1000 Age: 48 Sex: Female # Corrected in Supplement Delete Reason: E-Expired, S-Shifted/Change of Residence,Q-Disqualification, R-Repeated House No.:1001 Age: 47 Sex: Male Page 7/43 Issued by the Electoral Registration Officer Electoral Roll 2016 of 172 - B.T.M Layout (Gen) Assembly Constituency in Karnataka Section No.:001)3rd Main Road Shrinivagilu,-, Ward No: 148 -560047 151 XUL4152542 Name : Prabhakar Father's Name: Ananthan House No.:1001 Age: 45 154 Sex: Male XUL4154316 Name : Rahul Father's Name: B K Prabhakar House No.:1004 Age: 33 157 Sex: Male XUL4163317 Name : Seetha Husband's Name: Ganapthi House No.:1011 Age: 37 160 Sex: Female XUL4154472 Name : Uma Shankar G Father's Name: M Jarayam House No.:1013 Age: 36 163 Sex: Male XUL4148896 Name : Kanthamma Husband's Name: Krsihna Reddy House No.:1014 Age: 54 166 Sex: Female XUL4157509 Name : Deepak Babu Father's Name: M Babu Naidu House No.:1032 Age: 33 169 Sex: Male XUL4163218 152 Continued XUL4152674 Name : Name : Father's Name: Gunju Kannan Husband's Name: B K Prabhakar House No.:1001 Age: 39 Sex: Male 155 House No.:1004 Age: 70 156 Sex: Female XUL4155453 Name : Potharaju Name : K Ganapathi Father's Name: Kondappa Father's Name: Krishna House No.:1008 Age: 36 158 Sex: Male XUL4140372 House No.:1011 Age: 48 159 Sex: Male XUL4139333 Name : M Jayaram Name : Jayamma Father's Name: Muniswamyappa Husband's Name: M Jayaram House No.:1013 Age: 64 161 Sex: Male XUL4140257 House No.:1013 Age: 57 162 Sex: Female XUL4149100 Name : Umadevi Name : Raghunatha Husband's Name: Nagaraju Father's Name: M Jayaram House No.:1013 Age: 39 164 Sex: Female XUL4164414 House No.:1013 Age: 34 165 Sex: Male XUL4157418 Name : Sujatha Name : Vijay Babu Husband's Name: V Babu Naidu Father's Name: V Babu Naidu House No.:1032 Age: 55 167 Sex: Female XUL4157426 House No.:1032 Age: 37 168 Sex: Male XUL4152617 Name : V Babu Naidu Name : Saroja Father's Name: Venkaiah Naidu Husband's Name: S Venkatesh House No.:1032 Age: 67 170 Sex: Male House No.:1054 Age: 43 Sex: Female XUL4163622 Name : Name : Father's Name: Saneegowda Husband's Name: Shankarappa Age as on 01-01-2016/ Sex: T-Third Gender XUL4155461 Uma Pai Jayamma Sex: Male 153 Anil Kumar S Venkatesh House No.:1054 Age: 53 Part No. 112 House No.:1054 Age: 55 Sex: Female # Corrected in Supplement Delete Reason: E-Expired, S-Shifted/Change of Residence,Q-Disqualification, R-Repeated Page 8/43 Issued by the Electoral Registration Officer Electoral Roll 2016 of 172 - B.T.M Layout (Gen) Assembly Constituency in Karnataka Section No.:002)Manthri Classic Apartment, , Ward No: 148 -560047 171 Name : XUL4829594 Deepak Jain DEVENDRA KUMAR JAIN House No.:C001 Sex: Male Age: 39 Father's Name: 174 XUL4295051 172 Part No. 112 Continued XUL4829834 173 XUL4861548 Name : Priya Jain Name : Devikarani Father's Name: DEEPAK JAIN Husband's Name: Jambulingam House No.:C-001 Age: 34 175 Sex: Female XUL4295069 House No.:2B Age: 70 176 Sex: Female XUL4930723 Name : Chaitra Narayan Name : Venkatesh Iyli Name : Maitree Maniar Husband's Name: Venkatesh Iyli Father's Name: Kasinath Iyli Husband's Name: PRASHANT SANGANI House No.:C 006 Age: 38 177 Sex: Female XUL3557915 H.R.Jayashekara Reddy Father's H.C.Ramachandra Name: Reddy House No.:No 17 Sex: Male Age: 38 Name : 180 XUL0900506 House No.:C 006 Age: 41 178 Sex: Male XUL0900415 House No.:011 Age: 31 179 Sex: Female XUL2596773 Name : Sanjay Swamy Name : Sonali Swami Father's Name: Anand S Husband's Name: Sanjay Swami House No.:C 102 Age: 43 181 Sex: Male XUL0901009 House No.:C-102 Age: 39 182 Sex: Female XUL0361063 Name : Shila Acharya Name : Deepthi Rao Name : Mohan Punjabi Husband's Name: Srinivas A Father's Name: Murulidharan Father's Name: Panjabi House No.:C 103 Age: 73 183 Sex: Female XUL2596781 House No.:C 103 Age: 37 184 Sex: Female XUL2596799 House No.:B 104 Age: 59 185 Sex: Male XUL2596807 Name : Deeraj Mohan Panjabi Name : Rahul Mohan Panjabi Name : Nilam Punjabi Father's Name: Mohan Panjabi Father's Name: Mohan Panjabi Husband's Name: Mohan Punjabi House No.:B-104 Age: 32 186 Sex: Male XUL2596815 House No.:B-104 Age: 30 187 Sex: Male XUL2596831 House No.:B-104 Age: 54 188 Sex: Female XUL4590824 Name : Mohan Panjabi Name : Rahul Punjabi Name : Dheeraj Panjabi Father's Name: Narasingh Das Panjabi Father's Name: Mohan Punjabi Father's Name: Mohan Panjabi House No.:B-104 Age: 59 189 Sex: Male XUL4861571 House No.:B-104 Age: 32 190 Sex: Male XUL4951513 House No.:B-104 Age: 32 191 Sex: Male XUL2596849 Name : Pinky Rahul Punjabi Name : Shiva Nayak Name : Pawan Singhal Father's Name: Bharat Nankani Father's Name: Nithin Nayak Father's Name: Anand Singhal House No.:B-104 Age: 26 192 Sex: Female XUL4628319 House No.:105A Age: 23 193 Sex: Male XUL4628301 House No.:A-105 Age: 52 194 Name : Amrithavalli.C K Name : Parthasarathy Name : Husband's Name: Parthasarathy Father's Name: Seshadri Father's Name: House No.:106-A Tower Sex: Female Age: 40 195 XUL4628269 Name : Amirthavalli.C.K Husband's Name: Parthasarthy Seshadri House No.:A-106 Age: 40 198 Name : Sex: Female XUL5176730 Madhavi Gauripeddi Amar Subash Gundlagutta House No.:B-201 Sex: Female Age: 38 Husband's Name: Age as on 01-01-2016/ Sex: T-Third Gender House No.:106-A Tower Sex: Male Age: 48 196 XUL0361055 Name : Husband's Name: Mohan P Father's Name: 199 XUL0901736 Parthasarathy Seshadri 197 Name : Sex: Female XUL4261434 Seshadri Saruki Krishnamachary House No.:A106, Sex: Male Age: 49 Neelam Punjabi House No.:B 106 Age: 53 XUL5111083 G.Amar Subash G.Venkataramana Reddy House No.:B-201 Sex: Male Age: 43 200 XUL0900522 Name : Puneeth Name : Sowmya Father's Name: Jagajith Kumar Husband's Name: Puneeth House No.:202 Age: 42 Sex: Male # Corrected in Supplement Delete Reason: E-Expired, S-Shifted/Change of Residence,Q-Disqualification, R-Repeated Sex: Male House No.:202 Age: 39 Sex: Female Page 9/43 Issued by the Electoral Registration Officer Electoral Roll 2016 of 172 - B.T.M Layout (Gen) Assembly Constituency in Karnataka Section No.:002)Manthri Classic Apartment, , Ward No: 148 -560047 201 XUL4295093 Name : Manisha Jain Husband's Name: Sanjay Jain House No.:A 202 Age: 44 204 Sex: Female XUL4861779 Name : Keshava Babu C S Father's Name: Shama Iyengar House No.:B-203 Age: 43 207 Sex: Male XUL0901330 Name : Surabh Father's Name: Uma Raman House No.:205 Age: 43 210 Sex: Male XUL0901520 Name : Sathyanarayan T K Father's Name: Kumaraswamy T S House No.:C 205 Age: 58 213 Sex: Male XUL0901124 Name : Giridarana K S Father's Name: Sukavaneshwaran K V House No.:206 Age: 46 216 Sex: Male XUL4295101 202 Part No. 112 Continued XUL4295085 203 XUL4590311 Name : Sanjay Jain Name : Uma Ramamurthy Father's Name: Virendra Kumar Jain Husband's Name: Srikanth S House No.:A 202 Age: 50 205 Sex: Male XUL0901355 House No.:C 202 Age: 41 206 Sex: Female XUL0901348 Name : Uma Raman Name : Sudha Father's Name: Radha Raman Husband's Name: Uma Raman House No.:205 Age: 75 208 Sex: Male XUL0901322 House No.:205 Age: 72 209 Sex: Female XUL4292850 Name : Shwetha Name : Nidhi Husband's Name: Surabh Husband's Name: Prashanth House No.:205 Age: 39 211 Sex: Female XUL0901512 House No.:205 Age: 43 Sex: Female 212 XUL2596971 Name : Vanitha S Name : Adaitha Srivathsa Husband's Name: Sathyanarayan T K Father's Name: Sathyanarayan T K House No.:C 205 Age: 53 214 Sex: Female XUL0901033 House No.:C 205 Age: 28 215 Name : Lakshmi Narayana K S Name : Father's Name: Sukavaneshwarana K V Husband's Name: House No.:206 Age: 38 217 Sex: Male XUL4295077 Sex: Male XUL4860565 Jayashree Patnaik Shyamalendu Mohapatra House No.:A-206 Sex: Female Age: 26 218 XUL0901132 Name : Banumathi S Name : Sukavaneswaran K V Name : Vidya S Husband's Name: Sukavaneswaran K V Father's Name: Vilvanathan K V Husband's Name: Giridharan K S House No.:B 206 Age: 67 219 Sex: Female XUL4135455 House No.:B 206 Age: 73 220 Sex: Male XUL4407821 House No.:B 206 Age: 42 221 Sex: Female XUL4407839 Name : Chaitra Shree.C Name : Sanjay Gupta Name : Reeta Gupta Father's Name: Chandrappa.P Father's Name: Ram ji dass Agarwal Husband's Name: Sanjay gupta House No.:255/A Age: 22 222 Sex: Female XUL4407847 House No.:301 Age: 53 223 Sex: Male XUL2597037 House No.:301 Age: 48 224 Sex: Female XUL2597045 Name : Soumya Gupta Name : Ravindra P Name : Sangamithra P Father's Name: Sanjay gupta Father's Name: P V L N Rao Husband's Name: Ravindra P House No.:301 Age: 21 225 Sex: Female XUL5168042 House No.:C 301 Age: 50 226 Sex: Male XUL5168166 House No.:C 301 Age: 46 227 Sex: Female XUL0900795 Name : Teresa Agnes Mishra Name : Arvind Kumar Mishra Name : Usha Agaraval Husband's Name: Arvind Kumar Mishra Father's Name: Girish Chandra Mishra Husband's Name: Agaraval S K House No.:302 Age: 26 228 Sex: Female XUL0566844 House No.:A302 Age: 50 229 Sex: Male XUL0900787 House No.:B 302 Age: 71 230 Sex: Female XUL0900977 Name : Niraj Agaraval Name : Anju Agaraval Name : Seetha Lakshmi B Father's Name: Agaraval S K Husband's Name: Niraj M. Husband's Name: Eshwar B V House No.:B 302 Age: 47 Sex: Male Age as on 01-01-2016/ Sex: T-Third Gender House No.:B 302 Age: 42 Sex: Female # Corrected in Supplement Delete Reason: E-Expired, S-Shifted/Change of Residence,Q-Disqualification, R-Repeated House No.:C 302 Age: 79 Sex: Female Page 10/43 Issued by the Electoral Registration Officer Electoral Roll 2016 of 172 - B.T.M Layout (Gen) Assembly Constituency in Karnataka Section No.:002)Manthri Classic Apartment, , Ward No: 148 -560047 231 XUL0900902 Name : Suresh B Eshwar Father's Name: Eshwar B V House No.:C 302 Age: 58 234 Sex: Male XUL0900373 232 Part No. 112 Continued XUL0900886 233 XUL0900894 Name : Mallika B Name : Siddarth Husband's Name: Suresh E Father's Name: Eshwar B V House No.:C 302 Age: 51 Sex: Female House No.:C 302 Age: 27 235 XUL4938015 Name : Rajani Name : Shailesh Agarwal Name : Alka Parikh Father's Name: Sri Thrilokanatha Father's Name: RAMESH CHANDRA Husband's Name: Vikee Parikh House No.:303 Age: 54 237 Sex: Female XUL4860318 Name : Vikee Parikh Father's Name: Ramesh Parikh House No.:B-303 Age: 40 240 Sex: Male XUL5111224 Name : Rashi Kedia Agrawal Husband's Name: Alok Radhe Agarwal House No.:C-304 Age: 38 243 Name : Father's Name: Sex: Female XUL5052345 Mahamma Hafeef Ansari Dasfagiri Ansari House Age: 27No.:370 246 Sex: Male XUL0900092 Name : Nina P Shenai Husband's Name: Premanand R S House No.:A 401 Age: 45 249 Sex: Female XUL0360628 House No.:A303 Age: 47 238 Sex: Male XUL3971553 236 Sex: Male XUL4864294 House No.:B-303 Age: 39 239 Sex: Female XUL5111059 Name : Saurabh Seroo Name : Alok Radhe Agrawal Father's Name: Muninder Seeru Father's Name: Radheshyam Agrawal House No.:C/303 Age: 28 241 Sex: Male XUL0901231 House No.:C-304 Age: 42 242 Sex: Male XUL0901454 Name : Rushi Kethan Name : Rahul Kethan Husband's Name: Rahul K Father's Name: Kethan J P House No.:C 306 Age: 39 244 Name : Father's Name: Sex: Female XUL5052352 Mohammed Shafik Ansari Abdul Bari Ansari House Age: 28No.:370 247 Sex: Male XUL4859955 House No.:C 306 Age: 38 245 Sex: Male XUL0900431 Name : Premanand R S Father's Name: Rathnakar B House No.:A 401 Age: 49 248 Sex: Male XUL4860953 Name : Lakshmi Mohan Bunga Name : Vijayalakshmi Bunga Father's Name: Kutumba Rao Bunga Husband's Name: Lakshmi Mohan Bunga House No.:B-401 Age: 48 Sex: Male House No.:B-401 Age: 45 250 XUL0360636 Name : Singh J P Name : Sangeetha Singh Name : Hitesh Singh Father's Name: Jashwantha S Husband's Name: Singh J P Father's Name: Jatindar Pal Singh House No.:A 402 Age: 56 252 Sex: Male XUL4590105 Name : Vimpesh Kankariya Father's Name: Vimal Kankariya House No.:A 403 Age: 34 255 Sex: Male XUL4590204 Name : Deepak Father's Name: Mahendra Mohan House No.:404 Age: 48 258 Sex: Male XUL0900407 Name : Sima Thariya Husband's Name: Ajay T House No.:B 404 Age: 51 Sex: Female Age as on 01-01-2016/ Sex: T-Third Gender House No.:A 402 Age: 52 253 Sex: Female XUL4590568 251 Sex: Female XUL2597136 House No.:A-402 Age: 26 Sex: Male 254 XUL0563742 Name : Meha Kankariya Name : Mahendra Mohan Husband's Name: Vimpesh Kankariya Father's Name: Shivacharan Lal House No.:A 403 Age: 34 256 Sex: Female XUL5111158 House No.:404 Age: 75 257 Sex: Male XUL0900746 Name : Pranit Singhal Name : Ajay Thariya Father's Name: Pawan Singhal Father's Name: Thariya N C House No.:A-405 Age: 24 259 Sex: Male XUL0901108 House No.:B 404 Age: 55 260 Sex: Male XUL0901116 Name : Ramakrishnan Chawla Name : Champa Father's Name: Shashantharam Chawla Husband's Name: Ramakrishnan House No.:405 Age: 80 Sex: Male # Corrected in Supplement Delete Reason: E-Expired, S-Shifted/Change of Residence,Q-Disqualification, R-Repeated House No.:405 Age: 75 Sex: Female Page 11/43 Issued by the Electoral Registration Officer Electoral Roll 2016 of 172 - B.T.M Layout (Gen) Assembly Constituency in Karnataka Section No.:002)Manthri Classic Apartment, , Ward No: 148 -560047 261 XUL2597169 Name : Renu Singhal Husband's Name: Pavan Singhal House No.:A-405 Age: 48 264 Sex: Female XUL2597193 Name : Bijaya Mathew Father's Name: Mathew V M House No.:A 501 Age: 48 267 Sex: Male XUL5299136 262 Part No. 112 Continued XUL2597185 263 XUL4829586 Name : Monica Bakhle Name : Vishal Gosala Husband's Name: Siddhartha Padama Father's Name: G N SARMA House No.:B-405 Age: 43 265 Sex: Female XUL2597201 House No.:B-406 Age: 22 Sex: Male 266 XUL5079892 Name : Bindu Mathew Name : Lavanya Kukrety Husband's Name: Bijaya Mathew Husband's Name: House No.:A 501 Age: 41 268 Sex: Female XUL0901413 ASHOK SHIVASHANKAR House No.:C 501, Sex: Female Age: 39 269 XUL0901421 Name : Parul Name : Sridharan Rajagopalan Name : Swarna Priya S Husband's Name: Aditya Ramanathan Father's Name: Rajagopalan S Husband's Name: Sridhar R House No.:A-502 Age: 27 270 Sex: Female XUL3891322 House No.:C 502 Age: 44 271 Sex: Male XUL3891330 House No.:C 502 Age: 40 272 Sex: Female XUL3570835 Name : Lalitha Rajagopalan Name : S Rajagopalan Name : S Rajagopalan Husband's Name: S Rajagopalan Father's Name: Subramanya K Father's Name: Subramanya Dixit House No.:C/502 Age: 72 273 Sex: Female XUL3570843 House No.:C-502 Age: 79 274 Sex: Male XUL4951521 Name : Lalitha Name : Sujatha Kumaraswamy Husband's Name: Rajagopalan Husband's Name: Vijay DOdaverma House No.:C -502 Sex: Female Age: 72 276 XUL4775920 Charumathy Venkatraman Husband's RAMACHANDRAN Name: NARASIMHAMURTHY House No.:A504 MANTRI CLASSIC Sex: Female Age: 42 Name : 279 XUL4300075 Name : Sudhir Babu Father's Name: Bhaskara Rao House No.:B-505, Mantri Classic Sex: Male Age: 40 282 XUL0901256 House No.:503 Age: 39 277 Sex: Female XUL0871442 House No.:C -502 Sex: Male Age: 79 275 Vijay Kishore Doddavaram Father's Narayana Rao Name: Doddavaram House No.:C503 Sex: Male Age: 40 Name : 278 Name : Vijaya Murali Name : Husband's Name: Latteri Gopalan Murali Father's Name: House No.:C-504 Age: 58 280 Sex: Female XUL4861829 XUL4368304 XUL0872150 Latteri Gopalam Murali Latteri Venkata Subba Gopalam House No.:C-504 Sex: Male Age: 63 281 XUL0901249 Name : Lalitha Menon Name : Mohan Rao M. Husband's Name: Vijay R Menon Father's Name: Ramarao M. House No.:B-506 Age: 62 Sex: Female House No.:C 506 Age: 66 Sex: Male 283 XUL2597326 284 XUL2597334 Name : Muthu Lakshmi Name : Govinda Kannan Name : Kalyana Kannan Husband's Name: Mohan Rao M. Father's Name: Govind S N Husband's Name: Govinda Kannan House No.:C 506 Age: 65 285 Sex: Female XUL2597359 Name : Anil Chuga Father's Name: Chuga B L House No.:B 601 Age: 51 288 Sex: Male XUL4295044 Name : Hemanth Pariawala Father's Name: Amritlal Pariawala House No.:C 601 Age: 47 Sex: Male Age as on 01-01-2016/ Sex: T-Third Gender House No.:A 601 Age: 84 286 Sex: Male XUL0360818 House No.:A 601 Age: 81 Sex: Female 287 XUL0900597 Name : Charu Chuga Name : Vaishali Parivala Husband's Name: Anil Chuga Husband's Name: Hemanth Parival House No.:B 601 Age: 48 289 Sex: Female XUL0900852 House No.:C 601 Age: 43 290 Sex: Female XUL0900878 Name : Sundarama G Name : Sumithra S Father's Name: Subra N G Husband's Name: Sundarama G House No.:602AèÍåÂÛ Sex: Male Age: 44 # Corrected in Supplement Delete Reason: E-Expired, S-Shifted/Change of Residence,Q-Disqualification, R-Repeated House No.:A 602 Age: 41 Sex: Female Page 12/43 Issued by the Electoral Registration Officer Electoral Roll 2016 of 172 - B.T.M Layout (Gen) Assembly Constituency in Karnataka Section No.:002)Manthri Classic Apartment, , Ward No: 148 -560047 291 XUL4762720 292 Name : Paramita Saha Name : Husband's Name: Ananth Ramakrishnan Father's Name: House No.:C-602, Mantri Classic Sex: Female Age: 41 Part No. 112 Continued XUL4761961 Ananth Ramakrishnan Ramakrishnan Ganapathy Iyer House No.:C-602, Mantri Classic, Sex: Male Age: 41 XUL5111125 Name : Nitin M Parwani Father's Name: Mukesh Parwani House No.:B-603 Age: 29 XUL5111182 295 Name : Tulika M Parwani Name : C. Vrinda Sasikanth Name : Himesha Mishra Husband's Name: Nitin M Parwani Husband's Name: Sasikanth Father's Name: Misra D B 297 Sex: Female XUL0553198 House No.:A-604 Age: 64 298 Sex: Female XUL4030052 296 Sex: Male 294 House No.:B-603 Age: 28 XUL5111075 293 XUL0553214 House No.:C 604 Age: 57 299 Sex: Male XUL4590717 Name : Deepali Mishra Name : Rajpreeth Singh Kalha Name : Baljeeth Kalha Husband's Name: Himesha Mishra Father's Name: Jas Raj Kalha Husband's Name: Rajpreet Singh Kalha House No.:C 604 Age: 51 300 Sex: Female XUL4590030 House No.:605-B Age: 52 301 Name : Geethika Kaura Name : Father's Name: Balbir Singa Mother's Name: House No.:605-B Age: 26 303 Name : Sex: Female XUL4829826 Rituparna Chakraborty DANNY JOHNSON LOYALL House No.:C-605, Sex: Female Age: 40 Husband's Name: 306 XUL2597466 304 Anand Ananthnarayanan House No.:B-606 Sex: Female Age: 31 Husband's Name: 305 XUL2597458 Father's Name: JOHNSON LOYALL Father's Name: Manamohan Kapur House No.:C-605 Age: 41 307 Husband's Name: Aparna Ramesh Kumar Goudhaman Balasubramanian Father's ARUMUGAM Name: BALASUBRAMANIAN House No.:B-605 Sex: Male Age: 38 Name : Vidyath Kapoor Name : Name : Sex: Female XUL5104971 Name : Vidyut Kapur XUL4936571 XUL5052410 302 Danny Johnson Loyall Husband's Name: 309 Mrudula Sreekanth House No.:605-B Age: 52 Name : Name : Sex: Female XUL5052436 VIJAYALAKSHMI SREEKANTH House No.:A 605 Sex: Female Age: 36 Sonia Kapur House No.:606 Age: 47 Sex: Male Sex: Male XUL4905089 Suvarna Vidyanathan Vidyanathan subramania Iyer House No.:B-606 Sex: Female Age: 69 310 XUL0553206 House No.:606 Age: 49 308 Name : Father's Name: Sex: Male XUL5111166 Ananda Ananthanarayanan R.Ananthanarayanan House Age: 38No.:B-606 311 Sex: Male XUL0900969 Name : Ankura Mishra Name : Arjuna Jungare Father's Name: Himesha Mishra Father's Name: Sharada House No.:C 607 Age: 27 Sex: Male House No.:B 701 Age: 27 Sex: Male 312 XUL5111091 313 XUL4292876 314 Name : Rohan Sharad Junghare Sharad Junghare Name : Radhika Mathura Name : Sandip Mathira Husband's Name: Sandip Mathira Father's Name: Mathura S C Father's Name: House Age: 24No.:B-701 Sex: Male House No.:702A Age: 46 Sex: Female House No.:A 702 Age: 48 XUL0900845 316 Name : Payananda Naik Name : Shila Naika Name : Ashoka Rao Father's Name: Ramachandra Husband's Name: Dayananda Father's Name: Rajeshwar R 318 XUL0900720 House No.:C 702 Age: 46 319 Sex: Female XUL2597516 317 Sex: Male 315 House No.:C 702× ¤ÈÚÏè½èè Sex: Male Age: 48 XUL0901561 XUL4292884 XUL0900738 House No.:A 703 Age: 67 320 Sex: Male XUL2597524 Name : Gayathri Rao Name : Nithya Rao Name : Rithu Sharma Husband's Name: Ashoka Rao Father's Name: Ashoka Rao Husband's Name: Vijay Sharma House No.:A 703 Age: 60 Sex: Female Age as on 01-01-2016/ Sex: T-Third Gender House No.:A 703 Age: 33 Sex: Female # Corrected in Supplement Delete Reason: E-Expired, S-Shifted/Change of Residence,Q-Disqualification, R-Repeated House No.:B-703 Age: 54 Sex: Female Page 13/43 Issued by the Electoral Registration Officer Electoral Roll 2016 of 172 - B.T.M Layout (Gen) Assembly Constituency in Karnataka Section No.:002)Manthri Classic Apartment, , Ward No: 148 -560047 321 XUL3891512 Part No. 112 Continued 322 XUL4745287 Name : Vijay Name : Trisha Vasudeva Name : Binny Bansal Father's Name: Vinod Chandra Husband's Name: Binny Bansal Father's Name: Jitender Kumar Bansal House No.:B/703 Age: 57 324 Sex: Male XUL5111109 House No.:C-703 Age: 31 325 Sex: Female Name : Name : Rajesh Kamati Father's Name: Rajnish Singh Father's Name: T Kamati Sex: Male Age as on 01-01-2016/ Sex: T-Third Gender XUL4737193 House No.:C-703 Age: 33 Sex: Male XUL5052303 Tarun Rajnish House No.:A-704 Age: 20 323 House No.:705 Age: 47 Sex: Male # Corrected in Supplement Delete Reason: E-Expired, S-Shifted/Change of Residence,Q-Disqualification, R-Repeated Page 14/43 Issued by the Electoral Registration Officer Electoral Roll 2016 of 172 - B.T.M Layout (Gen) Assembly Constituency in Karnataka Section No.:003)Ebassy Maydovs Apartment, , Ward No: 148 -560047 # 326 XUL4859393 Name : Gangamma Husband's Name: Mahalingam House No.:7 Age: 72 329 Name : Father's Name: Sex: Female XUL3960986 Mummameni Dwaraka Rajesh M Krishnaiah House Age: 32No.:10/54 332 Name : Sex: Male XUL5079900 Neeraj Khanna DR YOGI RAJ KHANNA House No.:121 Sex: Male Age: 40 Father's Name: 335 XUL4407854 327 Part No. 112 Continued XUL3958980 328 XUL3961315 Name : B Anjan Kumar Name : A Sandeep Father's Name: B V Chalapathi Father's Name: Sathyanarayana House No.:10/23 Age: 32 330 Sex: Male XUL5052451 House No.:10/45 Age: 31 331 Sex: Male XUL5168240 Name : G Vijaya Sankar Name : Mahendra V Father's Name: G VEERAIAH Father's Name: babulal p House No.:22/1 Age: 34 333 Sex: Male XUL4951505 House No.:66/2b Age: 25 334 Sex: Male XUL5175484 Name : Varghese Porukara Name : Anuj Kacker Father's Name: Late P J Verkey Father's Name: ASHOK KACKER House No.:124 Age: 73 336 Sex: Male XUL4886339 House No.:142 Age: 33 337 Sex: Male XUL4975934 Name : Anasuya Menon Name : Vijayalakshmi Name : Jawahar.M Father's Name: V.K Menon Father's Name: L Mahalingam Father's Name: Mahalingam.L House No.:143 Age: 33 338 Sex: Female XUL5113501 House No.:154 Age: 46 339 Sex: Female XUL5113519 House No.:154/7 Age: 43 340 Name : Sangeeta Manocha Name : Tanya Manocha Name : Husband's Name: AMIT MANOCHA Father's Name: AMIT MANOCHA Father's Name: House No.:161 Age: 51 Sex: Female House No.:161 Age: 26 Sex: Female Amit Manocha SURAJ PRAKASH MANOCHA House No.:161 Sex: Male Age: 56 341 XUL5079926 342 Name : Aarushi Manocha Name : Vivek Chandran Name : Dalbir Singh Father's Name: AMIT MANOCHA Father's Name: S.K.M. Chandran Father's Name: Milka Singh House No.:161 Age: 23 344 Sex: Female XUL0901223 XUL4165973 Sex: Male XUL5113527 House No.:171 Age: 37 345 Sex: Male XUL0901215 343 XUL4331773 House No.:G-201 Age: 74 346 Sex: Male XUL0901207 Name : Manisha Kumar Name : Gunjana Dadeshwara Name : Priya Singh Father's Name: Singh P N Husband's Name: Manisha K S Husband's Name: Sunil P House No.:212 Age: 39 347 Sex: Male XUL0358440 House No.:212 Age: 37 348 Sex: Female XUL0358457 House No.:213 Age: 42 349 Sex: Female XUL0358465 Name : Kurupu K K Name : Devaki Kurupu Name : Shila Kurupu Father's Name: Karanavara P G Husband's Name: Kurupu K K Husband's Name: Kurupu K K House No.:221 Age: 79 Sex: Male House No.:221 Age: 74 Sex: Female XUL2597615 351 Name : Abhishek Suneja Name : Puja Suneja Name : Pooja Suneja Father's Name: Amaravatha Suneja Husband's Name: Abhishek Suneja Husband's Name: Abhishek Suneja 353 Name : Sex: Male XUL5111190 Sharon Rodrigues John Lawrence Rodrigues House No.:234 Sex: Female Age: 43 Father's Name: Age as on 01-01-2016/ Sex: T-Third Gender House No.:233 Age: 39 354 Name : Sex: Female XUL4338893 Anitha Beniston Boniston Hirubaharan Thangaraj House No.:241/7 Sex: Female Age: 42 Husband's Name: # Corrected in Supplement Delete Reason: E-Expired, S-Shifted/Change of Residence,Q-Disqualification, R-Repeated 352 Sex: Female 350 House No.:233 Age: 41 XUL2597623 House No.:221 Age: 51 XUL5052493 House No.:233 Age: 39 355 Name : Father's Name: Sex: Female XUL4338851 Beniston Kirubaharan Thangarajan D.Thangaraj House Age: 42No.:241/7 Sex: Male Page 15/43 Issued by the Electoral Registration Officer Electoral Roll 2016 of 172 - B.T.M Layout (Gen) Assembly Constituency in Karnataka Section No.:003)Ebassy Maydovs Apartment, , Ward No: 148 -560047 356 XUL4784815 Name : Shekhar Das Others Name: payel dutta House No.:242 embassy meadows Sex: Male Age: 40 359 Name : XUL4829719 Movin Jain VARINDER KUMAR JAIN House No.:243 Sex: Male Age: 28 Father's Name: 357 Part No. 112 Continued XUL0901652 358 XUL0901660 Name : Pritham Gosavara Name : Soti Gosari Father's Name: Jithina G Husband's Name: Pritham House No.:243 Age: 40 360 Sex: Male XUL5104997 House No.:243 Age: 38 361 Sex: Female XUL2597649 Name : Surabhi Jain Name : Srinivas Adikara Husband's Name: MOVIN JAIN Father's Name: Roy Naishu House No.:243 Age: 30 Sex: Female XUL5052592 363 Name : Amarnath Suneja Name : Sudarshan Suneja Name : K.Satischandra Shenoy Husband's Name: Amarnath Suneja Father's Name: K.Ramakrishna Shenoy Late Diwanchand Suneja House No.:253 Sex: Male Age: 80 365 Name : Husband's Name: XUL4338869 Ashalatha Satischandra Shenoy Satischandra Shenoy House Age: 69No.:273 Sex: Female House No.:253 Age: 76 366 XUL5175476 Ramakrishna Sudhir Shenoy Father's KUNDAPUR Name: SATISHCHANDRA SHENOY House No.:FLAT 273 Name : XUL0243931 XUL4338885 House No.:273 Age: 72 367 Sex: Male XUL0356832 Name : Ajay Nambiar Father's Name: Late C R Nambiar House No.:312 Age: 49 Sex: Male Sex: Male Age: 42 368 Sex: Female 364 Sex: Male 362 Father's Name: XUL5052543 House No.:253 Age: 47 369 XUL5052287 370 XUL5052261 Name : Sandhya Nambiar Name : Varun Girilal Name : Priyanka Sajeendran Ck Husband's Name: Ajay Nambiar Mother's Name: Latha Girilal Husband's Name: Varun Girilal House No.:312 Age: 44 371 Sex: Female XUL4030086 House No.:321 Age: 23 372 Sex: Male XUL4030094 House No.:321 Age: 31 Sex: Female 373 XUL4163929 Name : Rushi Kumar Bhatt Name : Munish Kesharwani Name : Krishna Murthy N Father's Name: Prapul Chandra Father's Name: Durga Kesharwani Father's Name: Narasimhan N House No.:322 Age: 42 374 Sex: Male XUL4163796 House No.:324 Age: 38 375 Name : Shobhana K Name : Husband's Name: Krishna N Father's Name: House No.:331 Age: 41 377 Sex: Female XUL3891520 Sex: Male XUL4139275 Natarajan Subramanian Subramanian Subramanian House No.:333 Sex: Male Age: 45 378 XUL3891538 House No.:331 Age: 43 376 Sex: Male XUL4139267 Name : Alamelu Husband's Name: Natarajan Subramanian House No.:333 Age: 39 379 Sex: Female XUL0900126 Name : Jyoti Kapoor Name : Gourav Kapoor Name : Meetha Pradhana Husband's Name: Gaurav Kapoor Father's Name: Surender Husband's Name: Hemanth House No.:344 Age: 40 Sex: Female House No.:344 Age: 43 Sex: Male 380 XUL2597722 381 Kanthi Mehrothra Name : Mehrothra M. N Name : Kamal Mehta Husband's Name: Dr. Mehrothra A N Father's Name: Kedar Nath Father's Name: Kamal Mehta 383 Name : Sex: Female XUL4829875 Suresh Nagaraja Hejjaji NAGARAJA KRISHNA HEJJAJI House No.:FLAT 373 Sex: Male Age: 40 Father's Name: Age as on 01-01-2016/ Sex: T-Third Gender House No.:361 Age: 92 384 Name : Sex: Male XUL4829578 Madhuri Suresh Hejjaji SURESH NAGARAJA HEJJAJI House No.:FLAT 373 Sex: Female Age: 40 Husband's Name: # Corrected in Supplement Delete Reason: E-Expired, S-Shifted/Change of Residence,Q-Disqualification, R-Repeated 382 Sex: Female Name : House No.:361 Age: 82 XUL4590279 House No.:354 Age: 38 XUL4675211 House No.:364 Age: 28 385 Sex: Male XUL4861852 Name : Sachin Bansal Father's Name: Sat Parkash Bansal House No.:601 Age: 34 Sex: Male Page 16/43 Issued by the Electoral Registration Officer Electoral Roll 2016 of 172 - B.T.M Layout (Gen) Assembly Constituency in Karnataka Section No.:004)Varsha Golden Gable Apartment, , Ward No: 148 -560047 386 XUL4861761 Name : Shobha Sarda Husband's Name: Ramesh Kumar Sharda House No.:1 Age: 44 389 Sex: Female XUL4806766 Name : Chitira Vazhappully Husband's Name: RAHUL VENGALIL House No.:003 Age: 30 392 Sex: Female XUL4338828 Name : Bhagyamma Thriveni Husband's Name: Devegowda House No.:004, Ground Floor Sex: Female Age: 52 395 XUL2597805 Name : Monisha Ramesh Husband's Name: Ramesh B M House No.:5 Age: 53 398 Sex: Female XUL2597854 Name : Sudhakar T Father's Name: Thangaraj P C House No.:7 Age: 50 401 Sex: Male XUL0358937 Name : Geetha Gupta Husband's Name: Gupta Y K House No.:8 Age: 50 404 Sex: Female XUL4255824 387 Part No. 112 Continued XUL4864914 388 XUL4805800 Name : Ramesh Kumar Shard Name : Rahul Vengalil Father's Name: Sri Ranulal Ji Sharda Father's Name: K V KUMAR House No.:1 Age: 53 390 Sex: Male XUL4628293 House No.:003 Age: 30 391 Sex: Male XUL4338810 Name : Bhagyamma Name : Devegowda Husband's Name: Devegowda Father's Name: Ramesh Gowda House No.:004 Age: 50 393 Sex: Female XUL4628285 House No.:004, Ground Floor Sex: Male Age: 54 394 XUL2597797 Name : Devegowda Name : Ramesh B M Father's Name: Devegowda Father's Name: Manjappa House No.:004 Ground Floor Sex: Male Age: 53 396 XUL2597839 House No.:5 Age: 56 397 Sex: Male XUL2597847 Name : Thangaraj P C Name : Saundarama T Father's Name: Perumal Chittiyar Husband's Name: Thangaraj P C House No.:7 Age: 82 399 Sex: Male XUL2597862 House No.:7 Age: 81 400 Sex: Female XUL2597870 Name : Rajalakshmi S Name : Gupta Y K Husband's Name: Sudhakar T Father's Name: Mohan Lal G House No.:7 Age: 46 402 Sex: Female XUL0361840 House No.:8 Age: 56 403 Name : Yashuvara Shanai Name : Father's Name: Gupta Y K Father's Name: House No.:8 Age: 27 405 Sex: Male XUL4255154 Sex: Male XUL4261772 Arpit Anand Varshney YATENDRA KUMAR GUPTA House No.:#008 Sex: Male Age: 24 406 XUL4255139 Name : Kavya D Murthy Name : Aatish Kumar Barnwal Name : Kush Kumar Husband's Name: Aatish Kumar Barnwal Father's Name: Vijay Kumar Barnwal Father's Name: Ashok Kumar House No.:010 Age: 35 407 Sex: Female XUL4255147 House No.:010 Age: 38 408 Sex: Male XUL4030102 House No.:012 Age: 36 409 Sex: Male XUL4030110 Name : Lakshmi Narayanan Name : Basavaraj Name : Roopa Husband's Name: Kush Kumar Father's Name: Fakeer Gowda Husband's Name: Basvaraj House No.:12 Age: 40 410 Sex: Female XUL0901389 House No.:013 Age: 52 411 Sex: Male XUL0901397 House No.:013 Age: 42 412 Name : Venki K V Name : Meera V Name : Father's Name: Venkataraman T S Husband's Name: Venki K V Husband's Name: House No.:103 Age: 47 413 Name : Father's Name: Sex: Male XUL5052477 Santhana Krishna Srinivasan Srinivasan B House Age: 53No.:104 Sex: Male Age as on 01-01-2016/ Sex: T-Third Gender House No.:103 Age: 42 414 Sex: Female XUL0365254 Sex: Female XUL4786117 Uma Santhanakrishnan S Santhanakrishnan Srinivasan House No.:104 Vars Golden Gables Sex: Female Age: 47 Apartme 415 XUL0365247 Name : Koteshwara G Name : Siddarth Chilukara Father's Name: Giddaiah C Father's Name: G Koteshwar House No.:105 Age: 56 Sex: Male # Corrected in Supplement Delete Reason: E-Expired, S-Shifted/Change of Residence,Q-Disqualification, R-Repeated House No.:105 Age: 38 Sex: Male Page 17/43 Issued by the Electoral Registration Officer Electoral Roll 2016 of 172 - B.T.M Layout (Gen) Assembly Constituency in Karnataka Section No.:004)Varsha Golden Gable Apartment, , Ward No: 148 -560047 416 XUL4862629 Name : Jaquline Priya S Husband's Name: Senthil Arasu House No.:111 Age: 26 419 Sex: Female XUL4590527 Name : Penchal C Father's Name: Reddy C S House No.:203 Age: 63 422 Sex: Male XUL0876805 Name : Vikram M P Father's Name: Prakash Gupta M House No.:207 Age: 38 425 Sex: Male XUL2598118 Name : Anitha B Rao Husband's Name: Balakrishna House No.:210 Age: 64 428 Sex: Female XUL0901603 Name : Vani Bhujang Husband's Name: Bhujang P House No.:212 Age: 39 431 Sex: Female XUL0901710 Name : Sheethal Soni Husband's Name: Soni V M House No.:214 Age: 37 434 Sex: Female XUL4934568 Name : Om Prakash Father's Name: Radhe Shyam Mishra House No.:304 Age: 39 437 Sex: Male XUL4408217 Name : Parvathi Chikke Husband's Name: Arnob Saha House No.:305 Age: 44 440 Sex: Female 417 Part No. 112 Continued 418 XUL2597979 Name : Rima Desayi XUL0901595 Name : Anand Meshram Husband's Name: Anand Father's Name: Meshram D S House No.:201 Age: 37 420 Sex: Female XUL2598035 House No.:201 Age: 37 421 Name : Kannan Senthil Name : Father's Name: Nanjappa K Husband's Name: House No.:204 Age: 42 423 Sex: Male XUL0876813 Sex: Male XUL2598043 Savitha Senthilnathana N Kannan House Age: 41No.:204 424 Sex: Female XUL2598100 Name : Soumya Vikram Name : Balakrishna Husband's Name: Vikram M P Father's Name: Seetharaman Rao House No.:207 Age: 36 Sex: Female 426 House No.:210 Age: 71 427 Sex: Male XUL2598134 Name : Shyla Balakrishna Name : Ravi B Rao Father's Name: Balakrishna Father's Name: Balakrishna House No.:210 Age: 37 429 Sex: Female XUL0901611 House No.:210 Age: 35 430 Sex: Male XUL0901702 Name : Prashanth Bhujang Name : Veni Madhav Soni Father's Name: Bhujang V P Father's Name: Soni B House No.:212 Age: 39 432 Sex: Male XUL3891710 House No.:214 Age: 39 433 Sex: Male XUL3891728 Name : Suryaprakash Kompalli Name : Jyosthna Kompalli Father's Name: Nageshwara Rao Husband's Name: Suryaprakash House No.:302 Age: 36 435 Sex: Male XUL4909081 House No.:302 Age: 32 436 Sex: Female XUL4408209 Name : Rohini Tewary Name : Arnob Saha Husband's Name: Omprakash Father's Name: Bimalendu Saha House No.:304 Age: 36 438 Sex: Female XUL5168125 House No.:305 Age: 43 439 Sex: Male XUL0871996 Name : Sanchit Jain Name : Nandkishore Kulkarni Father's Name: Surendra Jain Father's Name: Sheshgiri Kulkarni House No.:307 Age: 39 Sex: Male House No.:309 Age: 52 Sex: Male XUL0872002 Name : Gouri Kulkarni Husband's Name: Nandkishore Kulkarni House No.:309 Age: 46 Sex: Female Age as on 01-01-2016/ Sex: T-Third Gender # Corrected in Supplement Delete Reason: E-Expired, S-Shifted/Change of Residence,Q-Disqualification, R-Repeated Page 18/43 Issued by the Electoral Registration Officer Electoral Roll 2016 of 172 - B.T.M Layout (Gen) Assembly Constituency in Karnataka Section No.:005)Tranquilitis Apartment, , Ward No: 148 -560047 441 XUL4833521 Name : Srinivas Bhat K Father's Name: D S BHAT House No.:NO 1 Age: 41 444 Sex: Male XUL5052378 Name : Amul Mari Others Name: Anthonyswamy House No.:11 Age: 32 Sex: Female 447 XUL0901579 Name : Girish Shivanand Father's Name: Shivanand House No.:101 Age: 42 450 Sex: Male XUL0901090 Name : Debashish Hajarika Father's Name: Mridul Mohan Hajarika House No.:105 Age: 31 453 Name : Sex: Male XUL0901082 Mridul Mohan Hajarika Late.Lalith Chandra Hajarika House No.:105 Sex: Male Age: 67 Father's Name: 442 Part No. 112 Continued XUL5052253 443 XUL5052311 Name : Ajila Name : Anthoniswami Father's Name: Benjamane Father's Name: Sourimuthu House No.:4 Age: 22 445 Sex: Female XUL0901587 House No.:10 Age: 37 446 Sex: Male XUL0900027 Name : Soumya Shivanand Name : Vijay Shivanand Father's Name: Shivanand Husband's Name: Shivanand House No.:101 Age: 38 448 Sex: Female XUL0900019 House No.:101 Age: 64 449 Sex: Female XUL4590899 Name : Shivanand S Name : Kavita Bhat Father's Name: Shivalingaiah S G Husband's Name: Srinivas Bhat House No.:101 Age: 72 451 Sex: Male XUL2598290 House No.:104 Age: 37 452 Sex: Female XUL2598308 Name : Priyam Hajarika Name : Shayanika Hajarika Father's Name: Mridul Mohan Hajarika Father's Name: Mridul Mohan Hajarika House No.:105 Age: 37 454 Sex: Female XUL2598316 House No.:105 Age: 38 455 Sex: Female XUL4590766 Name : Meenakshi Hajarika Name : Rajanish Venugopala Husband's Name: Mridul Mohan Hajarika Father's Name: Venugopal House No.:105 Age: 59 Sex: Female XUL4590691 457 Name : Divya Sukumaran Name : Muralilala Modi Name : Ruchika Modi Husband's Name: Rajinish Venugopal Father's Name: Modi B D Father's Name: Murari lal Modi 459 Sex: Female XUL0900688 House No.:107 Age: 57 460 Sex: Male XUL0900225 458 Sex: Male 456 House No.:106 Age: 30 XUL0900670 House No.:106 Age: 36 XUL2598365 House No.:107 Age: 30 Sex: Female 461 XUL0900217 Name : Kiran Devi Modi Name : Srinivasan D V Name : Vanaja Murthy K Husband's Name: Muralilala Modi Father's Name: Venkateshwar D Husband's Name: Srinivasan D V House No.:107 Age: 53 462 Sex: Female XUL2598381 House No.:108 Age: 77 Sex: Male House No.:108 Age: 69 463 XUL0565713 464 Sex: Female XUL0901025 Name : Preethi Iksana Name : Bhavana Dilaja S Name : Asha B Savla Father's Name: Sam Father's Name: Deeraj Husband's Name: Bavana O C House No.:163 Age: 35 465 Sex: Female XUL4590337 House No.:201 Age: 41 466 Sex: Male XUL4833794 House No.:201 Age: 40 467 Sex: Female XUL4829792 Name : Abhishek Khemka Name : Sivapriya V Name : Rajan T M Father's Name: N.K.Khemka Husband's Name: RAJAN T M Father's Name: MAYANDI THEVAR T House No.:202 Age: 35 Sex: Male House No.:# 203 Age: 40 Sex: Female XUL4590188 469 Name : Dhanya Gopinath Name : Ankit Modi Name : Girish Vaidya Husband's Name: Shrijesh Nambiyar Father's Name: Muralilal Modi Father's Name: Bhagavan Vaidya Sex: Female Age as on 01-01-2016/ Sex: T-Third Gender House No.:205 Age: 28 Sex: Male # Corrected in Supplement Delete Reason: E-Expired, S-Shifted/Change of Residence,Q-Disqualification, R-Repeated 470 Sex: Male 468 House No.:204 Age: 32 XUL2598449 House No.:#203 Age: 44 XUL0900654 House No.:206 Age: 35 Sex: Male Page 19/43 Issued by the Electoral Registration Officer Electoral Roll 2016 of 172 - B.T.M Layout (Gen) Assembly Constituency in Karnataka Section No.:005)Tranquilitis Apartment, , Ward No: 148 -560047 471 XUL0900647 Name : Sheethal Husband's Name: Girish Vaidya House No.:206 Age: 34 474 Sex: Female XUL2598456 Name : Sanjay Garg Father's Name: Garg R K House No.:301 Age: 47 477 Sex: Male XUL0900340 Name : Manisha Borse Husband's Name: Manoj Borse House No.:302 Age: 40 480 Sex: Female XUL0562744 Name : Kannan Gopalkrishna Father's Name: G.K Warrier House No.:304 Age: 37 483 Sex: Male XUL4590642 Name : Biswarup Palit Father's Name: Parthasarathi House No.:305 Age: 33 486 Sex: Male XUL4859542 Name : Somaiah M K Father's Name: Kariappa M M House No.:306 Age: 50 489 Sex: Male XUL0901645 472 Part No. 112 Continued XUL0900464 473 XUL0900548 Name : Tharuna Nayar Name : Alpan Nayar Father's Name: Nayar M L Husband's Name: Tharuna N House No.:208 Age: 51 475 Sex: Male XUL2598464 House No.:208 Age: 48 476 Sex: Female XUL4809133 Name : Thanu Garg Name : Divakar Karanth Husband's Name: Sanjay Garg Father's Name: Gajanan Karanth House No.:301 Age: 44 478 Sex: Female XUL4590592 House No.:301 Age: 36 479 Sex: Male XUL0562736 Name : Manoj Borse Name : Krishna Gopal K Father's Name: Muralidhar Borse Father's Name: Gopal Krishnan House No.:302 Age: 45 481 Sex: Male XUL4921748 House No.:304 Age: 40 Sex: Male 482 XUL4183505 Name : Sreedevi Name : Raktima Agarwal Husband's Name: Kannan Gopalakrishna Husband's Name: Akshat Agarwal House No.:304 Age: 32 484 Sex: Female XUL4590329 House No.:305 Age: 30 Sex: Female 485 XUL0900803 Name : A.Balasubramanyan Name : Shubhangi Harne Father's Name: R.Aanand Babu Father's Name: Janardhana Harne House No.:305 Age: 32 487 Sex: Male XUL4864104 House No.:306 Age: 45 488 Sex: Female XUL4590014 Name : Yeshoda B K Name : Rakesh Krishna Husband's Name: Somaiah M K Father's Name: Shivan House No.:306 Age: 41 Sex: Female House No.:308 Age: 39 490 XUL0900530 Name : Ramaprasad A Name : Smitha Aacharya Name : R.Ranganathan Father's Name: Acharya K Y Husband's Name: Ramaprasad A Father's Name: Late.Ramanathan House No.:402 Age: 41 492 Name : Husband's Name: Sex: Male XUL0900118 Thailambal Ranganathan R.Ranganathan House Age: 67No.:405 495 Sex: Female XUL4960860 Santosh Sandeep Name : Vedula Father's Venkata Somayajulu Name: Vedula House No.:407 Sex: Male Age: 32 498 Name : XUL0900589 E.Anitha E.Naveen Kumar Reddy House No.:502 Sex: Female Age: 45 Husband's Name: Age as on 01-01-2016/ Sex: T-Third Gender House No.:402 Age: 38 493 Sex: Female XUL3963725 491 Sex: Male XUL0900100 House No.:405 Age: 73 494 Sex: Male XUL4590493 Name : Girija Jayaram Name : K Jayaram Husband's Name: K Jayaram Father's Name: Late V S Krishna House No.:407 Age: 65 496 Sex: Female XUL4805768 House No.:407 Age: 70 Sex: Male 497 XUL0900571 Name : Arindam Nath Name : Mother's Name: PRATIVA DEVI Father's Name: E.Naveen Kumar Reddy E.Subba Reddy House No.:FLAT NO. 407, Sex: Male Age: 35 TRANQUILITY APTS House Age: 49No.:502 Sex: Male 499 XUL4408258 500 Name : Rajeev Errepalle Name : Mohita Tiwari Father's Name: Ravi Pathak Naveen Kumar Reddy.E House No.:502 Sex: Male Age: 24 Father's Name: # Corrected in Supplement Delete Reason: E-Expired, S-Shifted/Change of Residence,Q-Disqualification, R-Repeated XUL4862777 House No.:504 Age: 30 Sex: Male Page 20/43 Issued by the Electoral Registration Officer Electoral Roll 2016 of 172 - B.T.M Layout (Gen) Assembly Constituency in Karnataka Section No.:005)Tranquilitis Apartment, , Ward No: 148 -560047 501 Part No. 112 Continued XUL4863684 Name : Ravi Pathak Father's Name: Prabhu Dayal Pathak House No.:504 Age: 28 Sex: Male Age as on 01-01-2016/ Sex: T-Third Gender # Corrected in Supplement Delete Reason: E-Expired, S-Shifted/Change of Residence,Q-Disqualification, R-Repeated Page 21/43 Issued by the Electoral Registration Officer Electoral Roll 2016 of 172 - B.T.M Layout (Gen) Assembly Constituency in Karnataka Section No.:006)Gem Residency New Appartment, , Ward No: 148 502 XUL0900258 Name : Ram Kumara Gupta Father's Name: Sukedo Gupta House No.:101 Age: 76 505 Name : Sex: Male XUL4482360 Manisha Sebastian Naveen Alexander Sebastian House No.:A-201 Sex: Female Age: 30 Father's Name: 508 Name : XUL4477337 Pankaj Sharma Shyam Narayan Sharma House No.:C-201 Sex: Male Age: 28 Father's Name: 511 Name : XUL4122750 Komala Srivastava Vinay Kumar Shrivastava House No.:D-202, Gem Regency Sex: Female Age: 32 Husband's Name: 514 XUL2598712 Name : Guruling Kapse Father's Name: Shankarappa House No.:204 Age: 88 517 Sex: Male XUL4693669 Name : Sudhir.S Father's Name: T.P Sukumar House No.:A-204 Age: 33 520 Sex: Male XUL0900324 Name : Krishna Father's Name: Sathyanarayana House No.:301 Age: 45 Sex: Male 523 XUL5299219 Name : Ashish Jonathan Dcruze NOEL DCRUZE Father's Name: House Age: 19No.:D-303 526 Sex: Male XUL0901504 Name : Sangeetha Father's Name: Shivaraman House No.:304 Age: 27 Sex: Female 529 XUL5170790 Name : Makarand Waikar Father's Name: MUKUND WAIKAR House No.:B304 Age: 41 Sex: Male Age as on 01-01-2016/ Sex: T-Third Gender 503 Part No. 112 Continued XUL0900266 504 XUL4122966 Name : Krishna Guptha Name : Siddharth Gupta Husband's Name: Ram Kumar Gupta Father's Name: Anil Kumar Gupta House No.:101 Age: 75 506 Sex: Female XUL4477279 House No.:Flat No D 101 Sex: Male Age: 29 507 XUL4477311 Name : Ashish Sharma Name : Nishi Sharma Father's Name: Prem Narayan Sharma Husband's Name: Ashish Sharma House No.:C-201 Age: 34 509 Name : Father's Name: Sex: Male XUL4164810 Ashok Kumar Shrivastava Prem Nath Shrivastava House Regency Sex: Male Age: 65No.:D-202,Gem 512 XUL4122768 Vinay Kumar Shrivastava Father's Ashok Kumar Name: Shrivastava House No.:D-202, Gem Regency Sex: Male Age: 35 Name : 515 XUL2598720 House No.:C-201 Age: 31 Sex: Female 510 XUL4164802 Name : Indu Shrivastava Ashok Kumar Shrivastava House No.:D-202,Gem Regency Sex: Female Age: 65 Husband's Name: 513 XUL5299227 Sumeet Kumar Malhotra Father's SATENDER KUMAR Name: MALHOTRA House No.:B203 Sex: Male Age: 40 Name : 516 XUL2598738 Name : Ravi Kapse Name : Jyothi Kapse Father's Name: Guruling Husband's Name: Ravi House No.:204 Age: 47 518 Sex: Male XUL4693693 House No.:204 Age: 34 519 Sex: Female XUL4693685 Name : T.P Sukumar Name : Shashikala Sukumar Father's Name: T.Puttaswamaiah Husband's Name: T.P Sukumar House No.:A-204 Age: 67 521 Sex: Male XUL0900316 House No.:A-204 Age: 59 522 Sex: Female XUL0901405 Name : Suguna Name : Rama Husband's Name: Sathyanarayana Father's Name: Ram Nath House No.:301 Age: 65 524 Sex: Female XUL0900399 House No.:302 Age: 44 525 Sex: Female XUL0901496 Name : Shivaraman Name : Meena. Father's Name: Shivakumar Jiyar Husband's Name: Shivaraman House No.:304 Age: 59 527 Sex: Male XUL4829982 House No.:304 Age: 54 528 Sex: Female XUL5170782 Name : Aarti Garg Name : Shivali Waikar Husband's Name: NITIN GARG Husband's Name: MAKARAND WAIKAR House No.:A-304 Age: 34 530 Sex: Female XUL0900480 House No.:B304 Age: 37 531 Sex: Female XUL4208203 Name : Ganganna Name : Usha Father's Name: Channabasappa Husband's Name: Srinivas Rao House No.:401 Age: 68 Sex: Male # Corrected in Supplement Delete Reason: E-Expired, S-Shifted/Change of Residence,Q-Disqualification, R-Repeated House No.:401 Age: 62 Sex: Female Page 22/43 Issued by the Electoral Registration Officer Electoral Roll 2016 of 172 - B.T.M Layout (Gen) Assembly Constituency in Karnataka Section No.:006)Gem Residency New Appartment, , Ward No: 148 532 XUL0900498 Name : Avinash Father's Name: Ganganna House No.:401 Age: 37 535 Sex: Male XUL2598803 Name : Reethu Mittal Husband's Name: Ambuj Mittal House No.:402 Age: 38 538 Sex: Female 533 Part No. 112 Continued XUL4140232 534 XUL2598795 Name : Rohini Name : Ambuj Mittal Husband's Name: Ganganna Father's Name: Naresh Kumar Mittal House No.:401 Age: 35 536 Sex: Female XUL5220033 House No.:402 Age: 41 537 Sex: Male XUL5220041 Name : Christabel Dsouza Name : Craig Dsouza Husband's Name: Ignatius Dsouza Father's Name: Ignatius House No.:D 404 Age: 60 Sex: Female House No.:D 404 Age: 21 Sex: Male XUL5176714 Name : Craig Ignatius D Souza Father's Name: Ignatius Louis D Souza House No.:D-404 Age: 21 Sex: Male Age as on 01-01-2016/ Sex: T-Third Gender # Corrected in Supplement Delete Reason: E-Expired, S-Shifted/Change of Residence,Q-Disqualification, R-Repeated Page 23/43 Issued by the Electoral Registration Officer Electoral Roll 2016 of 172 - B.T.M Layout (Gen) Assembly Constituency in Karnataka Section No.:007)Kaveri Layout Shrinivagilu,-, Ward No: 148 -560047 539 XUL4066379 Shiva Deviah Name : Napanervanda Father's Sham Deviah Name: Napanervanda House No.:1 Sex: Male Age: 45 542 XUL4860904 540 Continued XUL4860508 541 Name : Suneeta Devi Name : Husband's Name: Shambu Kumar Mandal Father's Name: House No.:1 Age: 32 543 Part No. 112 Sex: Female XUL4864187 XUL4863825 Shambhu Kumar Mandal Ram Charitra Mandal House Age: 36No.:1 544 Sex: Male XUL4408100 Name : Chottu Kumar Mandal Name : Jeethu Kumar Mandal Name : Venkataraman Raghu Father's Name: Joginder Mandal Father's Name: Joginder Mandal Father's Name: Thiagarajan House No.:1 Age: 30 545 Sex: Male XUL4408118 House No.:1 Age: 29 546 Name : Aruna Raghu Name : Husband's Name: Raghu Venkataraman Father's Name: House No.:E-1 Age: 66 548 Sex: Female XUL2595387 Sex: Male XUL4255113 Sridhar Choutagunta Ramanathan Choutagunta House No.:G1 Sex: Male Age: 50 549 XUL4208195 House No.:E-1 Age: 69 547 Sex: Male MBQ7710411 Name : Mary Myathew Husband's Name: Punithara myathew House No.:2 Age: 78 550 Sex: Female XUL4684049 Name : Meghana Appaiah Name : Sonal Appaiah Name : Ritanjali Panda Father's Name: Appaiah K M Father's Name: Appaiah K M Husband's Name: Bikram Kumar Panda House No.:2 Age: 28 551 Sex: Female XUL4684064 House No.:2 Age: 35 552 Name : Bikram Kumar Panda Name : Father's Name: Niranjan Panda Father's Name: House No.:02 Age: 47 554 Sex: Male XUL4408092 Name : Harini Lakshmi Narayan Father's Name: K Lakshminarayan House No.:E2 Age: 33 557 Sex: Female XUL4408084 Husband's Name: K Neel Subbiah House No.:3 Age: 32 563 Sex: Female MBQ7709462 Name : Shyamalkanthi Ghosha Father's Name: Lalbihari Ghosh House No.:4 Age: 83 566 Sex: Male XUL4208211 Name : Appanna K S Father's Name: Somaiah K B House No.:5 Age: 33 Sex: Male Age as on 01-01-2016/ Sex: T-Third Gender Latha L House No.:E2 Age: 25 556 Father's Name: 558 Father's Name: K Anupa Neel Subbiah Mother's Name: Name : Sex: Female XUL4766192 Sudhir Manne NAGESWARA RAO MANNE House No.:H.NO:2, KAVERI COLONY Sex: Male Age: 34 561 XUL4066387 Archana Nagaraj Deviah Husband's Shiva Deviah Name: Napanervanda House No.:D3 Sex: Female Age: 45 Name : 564 MBQ7709454 XUL4448353 Anirudh Sriram Venakatraman House No.:E2 Age: 56 Sex: Female Name : Father's Name: Anant Bhagavatula Name : 553 Name : Father's Name: XUL4532701 XUL4409868 House No.:02 Age: 34 Latha.L Name : 560 Omprakash Akarapu 555 Niharika Anant Sex: Female XUL4829727 NARASIMHA SWAMY AKARAPU House No.:2 Sex: Male Age: 35 Name : House No.:D2 Age: 26 Sex: Female Sex: Male XUL4408076 Anant Bhagavatula Suryanarayana Rao Bhagavatula House No.:D2 Sex: Male Age: 61 559 XUL2595403 Name : Jestin T K Father's Name: Kariose T K House No.:003 Age: 50 562 Sex: Male XUL4408126 Name : Prathi Varma Father's Name: Nutan Varma House No.:C-3 Age: 25 565 Sex: Female XUL4825469 Name : Arathi Ghosh Name : Bholanath Pradhan Husband's Name: Shyamalkanthi Ghosha Father's Name: Paramotho pardhan House No.:4 Age: 75 567 Sex: Female XUL0860817 House No.:4 Age: 29 568 Sex: Male XUL0860825 Name : Aiyappa K S Name : Bopaiah K J Father's Name: Somaiah K B Father's Name: Joyappa K B House No.:5 Age: 31 Sex: Male # Corrected in Supplement Delete Reason: E-Expired, S-Shifted/Change of Residence,Q-Disqualification, R-Repeated House No.:5 Age: 26 Sex: Male Page 24/43 Issued by the Electoral Registration Officer Electoral Roll 2016 of 172 - B.T.M Layout (Gen) Assembly Constituency in Karnataka Section No.:007)Kaveri Layout Shrinivagilu,-, Ward No: 148 -560047 569 Name : XUL0869818 Sanjeevamma Late.V Sampangi Ramaiah House No.:6 Sex: Female Age: 64 Husband's Name: 572 XUL4628277 570 Name : Continued XUL0869727 Chandra Shekar.S Late.V Sampangi Ramaiah House No.:6 Sex: Male Age: 44 Father's Name: 573 Part No. 112 XUL4976007 571 XUL0869867 Name : Jayalakshmi.M Husband's Name: Chandra Shekar.S House No.:6 Age: 39 574 Sex: Female XUL4976015 Name : A.Dinesh Kumar Name : Sohid Ahmed Name : Gias Mia Father's Name: V.Ashok Kumar Father's Name: Moktar Uddin Father's Name: Abdul Malik House No.:6 Age: 23 575 Sex: Male XUL4408159 House No.:7 Age: 25 576 Sex: Male XUL4408167 House No.:7 Age: 25 577 Sex: Male XUL4864138 Name : Aparna Hora Name : Gopesh Hora Name : Shwetha Swaminathan Husband's Name: Gopesh Father's Name: Jogindra Hora Husband's Name: Jagadish Prasad House No.:8 Age: 75 578 Sex: Female XUL4859781 House No.:8 Age: 77 Sex: Male House No.:9 Age: 35 Sex: Female 579 XUL4960894 580 XUL4143004 Name : Shiva Shankar H B Name : Jagadish Prasad Name : Akshatha Bagore Father's Name: Hanumagowda Father's Name: Krishnaswamy Husband's Name: Praveen Bagore House No.:9 Age: 30 Sex: Male House No.:9 Age: 43 Sex: Male XUL4699500 582 Name : Akshatha Bagare Name : C.Munirama Reddy Name : Alisha Paswan Husband's Name: Praveen Bagare Father's Name: late.Chinnappa Reddy Husband's Name: SUNIL PASWAN 584 Sex: Female XUL4829636 House No.:11 Age: 51 585 Sex: Male XUL0558775 583 Sex: Female 581 House No.:11 Age: 27 XUL4905378 House No.:11 Age: 27 House No.:13 Age: 28 586 Name : Sunil Paswan Name : Bopanna K J Name : Father's Name: ARJUN RAM Father's Name: K.B Joyappa Husband's Name: House No.:13 Age: 33 587 Sex: Male XUL4561205 House No.:14 Age: 30 588 Name : Rajasekharan Name : Father's Name: KK Vasudevan Father's Name: House No.:15 Age: 72 590 Sex: Male XUL4590667 Sex: Male XUL4590618 Rajasekharan Kadalayil K K Vasudevan Nambudiripad House No.:15 Kadalayil Mana Sex: Male Age: 72 591 XUL4482501 XUL4830014 Sex: Female XUL4561189 Valsala Rajasekharan Kadalayil Rajasekharan Kadalayil House Age: 64No.:15 589 Sex: Female XUL3965969 Name : Amba Devi Husband's Name: Hanumanthu House No.:17/2 Age: 42 592 Sex: Female XUL2595585 Name : Neilakaanth Madhavan Name : Akshatha B R Name : Anoop Ravi K R Father's Name: Kunhan Madhavan Husband's Name: Divakar K Father's Name: Ravindran House No.:17/2 Age: 52 593 Sex: Male MBQ7710429 House No.:17/2 Age: 27 594 Sex: Female XUL4590543 House No.:20 Age: 41 595 Sex: Male XUL5299110 Name : Nirmala Agarwal Name : D.D.Agarwal Name : Yashoda Husband's Name: D.D.Agarwal Father's Name: B.D.Agarwal Husband's Name: Suresh C House No.:30/1 Age: 81 596 Sex: Female XUL5299151 House No.:30/1 Age: 84 597 Sex: Male XUL5299177 House No.:48 Age: 35 598 Sex: Female XUL4885349 Name : M Mallikarjun Name : Lakshmi M Name : Renuka Varuni Mother's Name: Maramma Husband's Name: Mallikarjuna M Father's Name: Muniyappa House No.:48 Age: 34 Sex: Male Age as on 01-01-2016/ Sex: T-Third Gender House No.:48 Age: 29 Sex: Female # Corrected in Supplement Delete Reason: E-Expired, S-Shifted/Change of Residence,Q-Disqualification, R-Repeated House No.:56 Age: 40 Sex: Female Page 25/43 Issued by the Electoral Registration Officer Electoral Roll 2016 of 172 - B.T.M Layout (Gen) Assembly Constituency in Karnataka Section No.:007)Kaveri Layout Shrinivagilu,-, Ward No: 148 -560047 599 XUL4750717 Name : Thimmaiah D Father's Name: Badaya House No.:63/2 Age: 46 602 Sex: Male XUL5219944 Name : R Ranjith Father's Name: Rajappa House No.:65 Age: 22 605 Name : Husband's Name: Sex: Male XUL0859389 Merin Puthenparambil Alex Paul Mathai House Sex: Female Age: 40No.:101Divyajy 608 XUL4763694 Name : Antoney Vincent Father's Name: John Vincent House No.:FLat no 105 Sex: Male Age: 37 611 600 Part No. 112 Continued XUL4764254 601 XUL4767406 Name : Manesh Name : Rajamma Father's Name: Thimmaiah D Husband's Name: Thimmaiah D House No.:63/2 Age: 25 603 Sex: Male XUL5299185 House No.:63/2 Age: 38 604 XUL5299193 Name : Yogesh Name : Asha Father's Name: Mariyappa Husband's Name: Yogesh House No.:72 Age: 42 606 Sex: Male XUL0859371 Sex: Female House No.:72 Age: 48 Sex: Female 607 XUL4792065 Name : Paul Mathai Name : Michael Ambrose Father's Name: Mathai K P Father's Name: A V Ambrose House No.:101Divyajy Sex: Male Age: 45 609 XUL4863171 House No.:Esteem Royale F-103 Sex: Male Age: 31 610 XUL2595593 Name : Suresh C Name : Bindya Somaraj Father's Name: Chinnappa Husband's Name: Aanupa Ravi K R House No.:148 Age: 38 Sex: Male House No.:201 Age: 39 Sex: Female XUL2596062 Name : Druvashiru Father's Name: Upendra Shiru House No.:C/ 303 Age: 30 Sex: Male Age as on 01-01-2016/ Sex: T-Third Gender # Corrected in Supplement Delete Reason: E-Expired, S-Shifted/Change of Residence,Q-Disqualification, R-Repeated Page 26/43 Issued by the Electoral Registration Officer Electoral Roll 2016 of 172 - B.T.M Layout (Gen) Assembly Constituency in Karnataka Section No.:008)Nirgun Mandir Shrinivagilu,., Ward No: 148 -560047 612 XUL4684031 Name : Rupa Manjari Mohanty Father's Name: Lokanath Mohanty House No.:Wild Grass Apts Sex: Female Age: 48 615 XUL2588457 Name : Sharada D Husband's Name: Bishnu D B House No.:1 Age: 23 Sex: Female 618 XUL4408142 Name : Paramanda Bhatt Father's Name: Ganesh Prasad Bhatt House No.:01 Age: 29 621 Sex: Male XUL4408183 Name : Binod Singh Father's Name: Bishan Singh House No.:1 Age: 30 624 Sex: Male XUL5299094 Name : Erammma Husband's Name: Prabhakar House No.:1 Age: 45 Sex: Female 613 614 MBQ7709074 Name : Name : Bhishnu Datt Bhat Husband's Name: Manikyam Father's Name: Haribhat 616 Name : Kamal Father's Name: Ganesh Prasad Bhatt House No.:01 Age: 32 619 633 XUL4477477 XUL4408134 House No.:01 Age: 37 620 Sex: Male XUL4590956 Name : Name : Lalithamma Father's Name: Shankar Bhatt Husband's Name: Kripadasa House No.:01 Age: 31 622 Sex: Male XUL5219977 House No.:1 Age: 59 623 Sex: Female XUL5219985 Name : Swamy Sukhabodhana Name : Rukmini Murthy Father's Name: Shrinivasa Murthy Husband's Name: Shrinivasa Murthy House No.:1 Age: 60 625 Sex: Male XUL5299201 House No.:1 Age: 83 626 Sex: Female XUL5111117 Name : Prabhakar G Name : Rachana Vasudev Father's Name: Late Govindappa Husband's Name: Sharad Vasudev House No.:1 Age: 49 Husband's Name: Dr. Brindaban Chandra Dan House No.:S1 Block1 Wild Grass Apartment Sex: Male Age: 37 Sex: Male Suresh Bhatt Name : Father's Name: XUL4408191 Father's Name: Chaman Lal Vasudev Name : 617 Sex: Male Name : Father's Name: XUL4590923 XUL4408175 House No.:1 Age: 33 Rajendra Prasad Bhatt Name : Abhishek Dan Sex: Female Naresh XUL5111141 630 MBQ7708928 House No.:1 Age: 72 Sharad Vasudev Sex: Male Continued Danamma 627 House No.:FF-1 Age: 50 Part No. 112 628 Sex: Male XUL4589966 Priyadarshini Brindhavankumar Muralidharan Rangan House 1, Wild Grass Female Age: 38No.:F1 Block Sex: Apartme 631 XUL4590980 House No.:FF-1 Age: 45 629 Sex: Female XUL4590444 Name : Muralidharan Rangan Father's Name: Rangan Rama Rao House No.:F1 Block 1, Wild Grass Sex: Male Age: 39 Apartme 632 XUL5052550 Name : Nipa Dan Name : Gayatri Balachandran Husband's Name: Abhishek Dan Husband's Name: Ranjith Rajasekharan House No.:S1 Block1 Wild Grass Sex: Female Age: 34 Apartment 634 XUL4477519 House No.:G1 Age: 29 635 Sex: Female XUL4477402 Name : Sangeeta Borooah Name : Monujesh Borooah Name : Jeet Borooah Husband's Name: Monujesh Borooah Father's Name: Parameswar Borooah Father's Name: Monujesh Borooah House No.:T-1 Age: 50 636 Sex: Female XUL4477436 House No.:T-1 Age: 53 637 Name : Neel Borooah Name : Father's Name: Monujesh Borooah Husband's Name: House No.:T-1 Age: 25 639 Sex: Male XUL4590865 Mahalakshmi Jayaraman Husband's VENKATAKRISHNAN Name: SRINIVASAN House No.:BLOCK 1, F4 Sex: Female Age: 38 Name : Age as on 01-01-2016/ Sex: T-Third Gender Sex: Male XUL4477576 Karabi Borooah Late Parameswar Borooah House No.:T-1 Sex: Female Age: 82 640 XUL4590154 Venkatakrishnan Srinivasan Father's SRINIVASAN Name: SUBRAMANIAN House No.:BLOCK 1, F4 Sex: Male Age: 43 Name : # Corrected in Supplement Delete Reason: E-Expired, S-Shifted/Change of Residence,Q-Disqualification, R-Repeated House No.:T-1 Age: 23 638 Sex: Male XUL5176748 Name : Pranay Vinod Kumar Mother's Name: Lathika Vinod House No.:T-1 Age: 20 641 Sex: Male MCL8325730 Name : Perumal Father's Name: Muniyan House No.:2 Age: 70 Sex: Male Page 27/43 Issued by the Electoral Registration Officer Electoral Roll 2016 of 172 - B.T.M Layout (Gen) Assembly Constituency in Karnataka Section No.:008)Nirgun Mandir Shrinivagilu,., Ward No: 148 -560047 642 MCL7890437 Name : Chandamarai Husband's Name: Kripadasa House No.:2 Age: 60 645 Sex: Female XUL4478079 643 Part No. 112 Continued 644 XUL4487708 Name : Selwam MCL8325748 Name : Gagan Bhargava Father's Name: Kripadasa Father's Name: House No.:2 Age: 34 646 Sex: Male XUL4477600 Krishna Mohan Bhargava House No.:M2 Sex: Male Age: 40 647 XUL4487666 Name : Dipti Bhargava Name : Ankit Rawal Name : Ankita Sood Husband's Name: Gagan Bhargava Father's Name: Ajay Kumar Rawal Husband's Name: Ankit Rawal House No.:M2 Age: 40 648 Sex: Female XUL4860128 House No.:S-2 Age: 34 649 Name : Sneha Naidu Name : Father's Name: Rathanakar Rai Father's Name: House No.:G2 Age: 57 651 Sex: Female XUL4590394 Sex: Male XUL4830139 Ankur Purohit JAI NARAYAN PUROHIT House No.:FLAT#S-2 Sex: Male Age: 35 House No.:S-2 Age: 32 650 Sex: Female XUL4830485 Name : Aditi Mishra Husband's Name: ANKUR PUROHIT House No.:FLAT#S-2 Sex: Female Age: 32 652 XUL4477808 653 XUL4684130 Name : Palaniyamma Name : Anil Kumar Singh Name : Sushama Kumari Husband's Name: Narayan Father's Name: Madho Singh Father's Name: Ram Prasad Oranw House No.:3 Age: 39 Sex: Female House No.:FF3 Age: 35 Sex: Male XUL4471603 655 Name : Sujeeth Mohanty Name : Sridevi Satheeshprabu Name : Satheesh Prabu Father's Name: Suvash Mohanty Husband's Name: Satheesh Prabu Father's Name: Sathiya Seelan 657 Sex: Male XUL4560819 House No.:S3, Blk-1, Wildgrass Apt Sex: Female Age: 37 658 XUL4590089 656 Sex: Female 654 House No.:M-3 Age: 35 XUL4590055 House No.:M3 Age: 33 XUL4589941 House No.:S3, Blk-1, Wildgrass Apt Sex: Male Age: 36 659 XUL4829859 Name : Anish Agarwal Name : Lisa Agarwal Name : Saloni Kasbekar Father's Name: Desraj Agarwal Husband's Name: Anish Agarwal Father's Name: NAVNEET KASBEKAR House No.:G-3 Age: 34 Sex: Male House No.:G-3, Block 1 Sex: Female Age: 33 XUL4829990 661 Name : Archana Krishna Name : Jayamma Name : Diparam Puri Husband's Name: Swamivelu Husband's Name: Raju ram puri KRISHNAN VENKATA KRISHNA House No.:FLAT T3 Sex: Female Age: 27 663 XUL4410247 House No.:4 Age: 35 664 Name : Raju Ram Puri Name : Father's Name: Abilesh choudari Father's Name: House No.:FF4 Age: 30 Sex: Male Sex: Female XUL4829743 John Kevin Fegradoe LATE TERRENCE FEGRADOE House No.:G 4 Sex: Male Age: 41 662 Sex: Female 660 Father's Name: MCL8329443 House No.:T-3 Age: 26 XUL4409876 House No.:F4 Age: 28 665 Name : Sex: Female XUL4829685 Jacky Fegradoe LATE TERRENCE FEGRADOE House No.:G-4 Sex: Female Age: 40 Father's Name: 666 XUL4477709 667 XUL4477758 668 Name : Abhishek Kumar Name : Shweta Chanchal Name : Hemant Mehta Father's Name: Anand Krishna Prasad Husband's Name: Abhishek Kumar Father's Name: Late Ranjeet Singh House No.:M-5 Age: 40 669 Sex: Male XUL5052337 Uma Raja Sekhar Reddy Munagala Father's Raghu Rami Reddy Name: Munagala House No.:T-5 Block-2 Sex: Male Age: 39 Name : Age as on 01-01-2016/ Sex: T-Third Gender House No.:M-5 Age: 35 Sex: Female XUL4560751 House No.:S-5, 8/1 Sex: Male Age: 55 670 XUL4477980 671 Name : Swathi Agarawal Name : Hemanth Agarwal Husband's Name: Hemanth Agarwal Father's Name: DC Agarwal House No.:S6 Age: 32 Sex: Female # Corrected in Supplement Delete Reason: E-Expired, S-Shifted/Change of Residence,Q-Disqualification, R-Repeated XUL4477949 House No.:S6 Age: 40 Sex: Male Page 28/43 Issued by the Electoral Registration Officer Electoral Roll 2016 of 172 - B.T.M Layout (Gen) Assembly Constituency in Karnataka Section No.:008)Nirgun Mandir Shrinivagilu,., Ward No: 148 -560047 672 Name : XUL4590378 Sarala Pamidi Ramachandra Reddy Pamidi House No.:S6, wild Grass Apartment Sex: Female Age: 37 Father's Name: 675 XUL5176698 673 Part No. 112 Continued XUL4890273 674 XUL4863577 John Finney Name : Linda Shiny PENIEL DEVANESAN SIRONMANI House No.:F6 BLK 1 Sex: Male Age: 32 Husband's Name: JOHN FINNEY Name : Father's Name: 676 XUL5176706 House No.:F6 BLOCK 1 Sex: Female Age: 24 677 XUL4590410 Name : Sangeetha Nagaraj Name : K.S.Swaminathan Name : Priya Kharkar Husband's Name: K.S.Swaminathan Father's Name: S.Krishnan Husband's Name: Nikhil Kharkar House No.:G-6 Age: 33 678 Sex: Female XUL4591020 House No.:G-6 Age: 42 679 Sex: Male XUL4915336 House No.:T6 Block 1Wild Grass Sex: Female Age: Apts 43 680 XUL4477923 Name : Nikhil Kharkar Name : Nishanth V Rao Name : Smitha Sreelal Father's Name: Avinash Kharkar Father's Name: S.Venkatesh Husband's Name: Sreelal Ramachandran House No.:T6, Block 1 Wild Grass Sex: Male Age: Apts 43 681 XUL4487682 House No.:flat F 6 Sex: Male Age: 20 682 MCL8327322 House No.:G7 Age: 37 683 Sex: Female MCL8330235 Name : Sreelal Ramachandran Name : Sapana Name : Shanthamma Father's Name: RR Unnithan Father's Name: Majumdara Husband's Name: Veerabhadrappaa House No.:G7 Age: 47 684 Sex: Male MCL8330219 House No.:8 Age: 51 685 Sex: Male XUL4293072 House No.:8 Age: 50 686 Sex: Female XUL5052394 Name : Eranna Name : Uma S Rao Name : Noble P P Father's Name: Veerabhadrappaa Husband's Name: B Sadashiva Rao Father's Name: P R Poulose House No.:8 Age: 34 687 Sex: Male XUL5052246 House No.:8/1 Age: 78 688 Sex: Female XUL5168190 House No.:8/1 Age: 33 689 Sex: Male XUL5168075 Name : Jesmy Xavier K Name : Amulya Gopikrishna Name : Akshay Gopikrishna Husband's Name: Noble P P Husband's Name: V.Gopikrishna Father's Name: V.Gopikrishna House No.:8/1 Age: 31 690 Sex: Female XUL5168091 House No.:8/1 Age: 49 691 Sex: Female XUL5264858 House No.:8/1 Age: 22 692 Sex: Male XUL4590733 Name : V Gopikrishna Name : Ashwin Gopi Krishna Name : Andal Father's Name: Late M.V Reddy Father's Name: V.Gopi Krishna Husband's Name: Shrirangan House No.:8/1 Age: 20 693 Sex: Male MCL8327108 House No.:8/1 Age: 19 694 Sex: Male MCL7890957 House No.:9 Age: 39 695 Sex: Female MCL7890361 Name : Sharada Name : Sanjay Vasan Name : Marimuthu Husband's Name: Vishwanathan Father's Name: N S Vishwanathan Father's Name: Aaniyappana House No.:10 Age: 71 696 Sex: Female XUL0859074 House No.:10 Age: 43 Sex: Male House No.:11 Age: 50 697 XUL0879189 698 Sex: Male XUL0874537 Name : Malaru Name : Yogish V Krishna Name : Sharadamma C Husband's Name: Marimuthu Father's Name: Venkataiah C Husband's Name: Yogish V Krishna House No.:11 Age: 45 699 Sex: Female MCL8325789 House No.:14 Age: 63 700 Sex: Male MCL7890585 House No.:14 Age: 57 701 Sex: Female MCL7891294 Name : Parvathi Name : Shekhar Name : Pachammal Husband's Name: Thurai Father's Name: Thurai Husband's Name: Shekhar House No.:14 Age: 52 Sex: Female Age as on 01-01-2016/ Sex: T-Third Gender House No.:14 Age: 40 Sex: Male # Corrected in Supplement Delete Reason: E-Expired, S-Shifted/Change of Residence,Q-Disqualification, R-Repeated House No.:14 Age: 35 Sex: Female Page 29/43 Issued by the Electoral Registration Officer Electoral Roll 2016 of 172 - B.T.M Layout (Gen) Assembly Constituency in Karnataka Section No.:008)Nirgun Mandir Shrinivagilu,., Ward No: 148 -560047 702 XUL0874578 Name : Chetan Malur Father's Name: Yogish V Krishna House No.:14 Age: 34 705 Sex: Male MBQ6039176 Name : Ramachandran Father's Name: Mari House No.:15 Age: 38 708 Sex: Male MCL8325813 Name : Parameshwari Husband's Name: Venkatesh House No.:15 Age: 34 711 Sex: Female MCL7890429 Name : Vijay Husband's Name: Armugam House No.:17 Age: 33 714 Sex: Female MCL7890460 Name : Ranganathan Father's Name: Veeraswamy House No.:19 Age: 60 717 Sex: Male XUL5299169 Name : Jayamma Father's Name: Ranganathan House No.:19 Age: 19 720 Sex: Female XUL0872457 Name : Rama S Desai Husband's Name: Satish Desai House No.:30/1 Age: 42 Sex: Female 723 XUL0900241 Name : Preethi Agaraval Husband's Name: Anil K G House No.:101 Age: 44 726 Sex: Female XUL2589414 703 Part No. 112 Continued MCL8326001 704 XUL0874164 Name : Chandra Name : Chiranjeevi C Y Father's Name: Thurai Father's Name: Yogish V Krishna House No.:14 Age: 34 706 Sex: Male MCL7890452 House No.:14 Age: 31 707 Sex: Male MBQ6039184 Name : Venkatesh Name : Susheela Father's Name: Erimuththu Husband's Name: Ramachamadrana House No.:15 Age: 36 709 Sex: Male MCL8329229 House No.:15 Age: 35 710 Sex: Female MCL7890387 Name : Muniyamma Name : Armugam Husband's Name: Gopal Father's Name: Kanna House No.:16 Age: 45 712 Sex: Female MCL8327447 House No.:17 Age: 50 713 Sex: Male MCL8329237 Name : Amaniyamma Name : Muniyamma Husband's Name: Venkatesh Husband's Name: Muthuswamy House No.:18 Age: 36 715 Sex: Female MCL8325805 House No.:19 Age: 65 716 Sex: Female XUL5299144 Name : Yashodha Name : Elumalai Husband's Name: Ranganathan Father's Name: Ranganathan House No.:19 Age: 50 718 Sex: Female MCL8325763 House No.:19 Age: 20 719 Sex: Male XUL0872440 Name : Muniyamma Name : Satish Desai Father's Name: Loganathan Father's Name: Nagesh Desai House No.:22 Age: 52 721 Sex: Female XUL2589364 House No.:30/1 Age: 43 Sex: Male 722 XUL0900233 Name : Abhijitha Sengupta Name : Anil Kumar Gupta Father's Name: A.K. Sengupta Father's Name: Rama K G House No.:101 Age: 47 724 Sex: Male XUL2589380 House No.:101 Age: 46 725 Name : Pramita Sen Gupta Name : Husband's Name: Abhijitha Sen Gupta Father's Name: House No.:A101 Age: 43 Sex: Female Sex: Male XUL5168364 Deepak Shakya SORAN SINGH SHAKYA House No.:A-101 Sex: Male Age: 32 727 XUL2589422 728 XUL2589455 Name : Kishore Thampi Name : Sharayu Thampi Name : Divya Father's Name: Pillai K M Husband's Name: Kishore Thampi Husband's Name: Prabhakaran N House No.:102 Age: 57 729 Sex: Male XUL5174925 House No.:102 Age: 51 731 Ratnesh Pandey Name : Prashanth Bharaja Father's Name: Nagesh B Name : Others Name: MEERA V Father's Name: Age as on 01-01-2016/ Sex: T-Third Gender Sex: Female XUL4737078 Vinod Kumar K Sex: Male House No.:102 Age: 37 730 Name : House No.:B 102, Age: 43 Sex: Female Shri Mahesh Chandra Pandey House No.:C-102 Sex: Male Age: 37 # Corrected in Supplement Delete Reason: E-Expired, S-Shifted/Change of Residence,Q-Disqualification, R-Repeated XUL0901686 House No.:103 Age: 45 Sex: Male Page 30/43 Issued by the Electoral Registration Officer Electoral Roll 2016 of 172 - B.T.M Layout (Gen) Assembly Constituency in Karnataka Section No.:008)Nirgun Mandir Shrinivagilu,., Ward No: 148 -560047 732 XUL0901678 Name : Pooja Bhargav Husband's Name: Prashanth Bhargav House No.:103 Age: 39 735 Name : Husband's Name: Sex: Female XUL4960878 Sayali Parikshit Chipalkatti Parikshit Chipalkatti House Age: 37No.:B-106 738 Name : Sex: Female XUL4255162 Antonio Davis Kunnhan Anthony Davis House No.:108 Sex: Male Age: 53 Father's Name: 741 XUL2589604 733 Part No. 112 Continued MBQ7709843 734 XUL4255105 Name : Usha .S.Rao Name : Davis P Jose Husband's Name: H.Shripathi Father's Name: Jose.P.D House No.:D104 Age: 70 736 Name : Father's Name: Sex: Female XUL4960886 Parikshit Deepak Chipalkatti Deepak Chipalkatti House Age: 36No.:B-106 739 Sex: Male XUL4255071 House No.:105 Age: 50 737 Sex: Male XUL4255170 Name : Saina Antonio Husband's Name: Antonio Davis House No.:108 Age: 49 740 Sex: Female XUL2589596 Name : Ameeta Antonio Name : Rama Shivakumar Father's Name: Antonio Davis Father's Name: Ramnath Sikka House No.:108 Age: 25 742 Sex: Female XUL2589612 House No.:201 Age: 45 Sex: Female 743 XUL4410221 Name : Vinay Gavaskar Name : Roma Gavaskar Name : Chetan Chhabria Father's Name: Narendra Husband's Name: Vinay Gavaskar Father's Name: Lillaram Chhabria House No.:A 201 Age: 48 744 Sex: Male XUL2589646 House No.:A 201 Age: 44 Sex: Female House No.:F201 Age: 32 745 XUL0859355 746 Sex: Male XUL0859363 Name : Harish Rawlani Name : Dr. Anna Mathew Name : Mariamma Samuel Father's Name: Metharam Ravalani Husband's Name: Sujit Samuel Husband's Name: Late.K.S.Samuel House No.:202 Age: 38 747 Sex: Male XUL0856740 House No.:202 Age: 33 748 Sex: Female MBQ7685266 House No.:202 Age: 67 749 Sex: Female MBQ7685274 Name : Sujit Samuel Name : S.Raghuram Name : G.Jayashri Father's Name: Mariamma Samuel Father's Name: K.Subramaniyan Husband's Name: S.Raghuram House No.:202 Age: 38 Sex: Male House No.:B202 Age: 53 Sex: Male XUL2589695 751 Name : Ramdular Varma Name : Ravi Kapse Name : Akilesha Varma Father's Name: Bhimapradina Varma Father's Name: Kapse G S Father's Name: Ramadulora V 753 Sex: Female XUL0901629 House No.:204 Age: 45 754 Sex: Male MBQ7708589 752 Sex: Female 750 House No.:204 Age: 75 XUL0554691 House No.:B202 Age: 50 XUL0901637 House No.:204 Age: 40 755 Sex: Male XUL2589737 Name : Sunitha Varma Name : Unnikrishnana .B.S. Name : Kousalya Devi Husband's Name: Akilesha Varma Father's Name: K.Sukumarannayara Husband's Name: Ramadulara Varma House No.:204 Age: 38 756 Sex: Female XUL3891397 House No.:B204 Age: 48 757 Sex: Male XUL3891405 House No.:c-204 Age: 76 Name : Seeja Bency Name : Bency Paul Name : Bensi Husband's Name: Bency Paul Father's Name: Paul.N.V Father's Name: Paul House No.:209 Age: 41 759 Sex: Female XUL0566737 House No.:209 Age: 46 760 Sex: Male XUL2589927 Sex: Female 758 House No.:C 209 Age: 46 761 Sex: Male XUL2589935 Name : Vishwanathan .P.R. Name : Suguna Name : Krishna Chakravarthi Father's Name: P.V.Rajagopalan Husband's Name: Sathya Narayana C Father's Name: Sathya N House No.:223 Age: 69 Sex: Male Age as on 01-01-2016/ Sex: T-Third Gender House No.:301 Age: 65 Sex: Female # Corrected in Supplement Delete Reason: E-Expired, S-Shifted/Change of Residence,Q-Disqualification, R-Repeated House No.:301 Age: 45 Sex: Female Page 31/43 Issued by the Electoral Registration Officer Electoral Roll 2016 of 172 - B.T.M Layout (Gen) Assembly Constituency in Karnataka Section No.:008)Nirgun Mandir Shrinivagilu,., Ward No: 148 -560047 762 XUL4409884 Name : Anushri Pandey Husband's Name: Kunal Joshi House No.:G-301 Age: 31 765 Sex: Female MBQ7708712 763 Part No. 112 Continued 764 MBQ7710288 Name : Amith Das Gupta MBQ7708829 Name : Sutapa Das Gupta Father's Name: Sutapa Das Gupta Husband's Name: Amith Das Gupta House No.:D301 Age: 61 Sex: Male House No.:D301 Age: 58 766 MBQ7708704 Name : Richaguptha Name : Mukhula Golasha Name : Suraj Prakash Chawlal Husband's Name: Mukhula Golasha Father's Name: Rathan Kumar Golasha Father's Name: Chamanlal Chawla House No.:B301 Age: 43 768 Sex: Female XUL2589976 Name : Harsh Chawla Husband's Name: Chawla S P House No.:302 Age: 69 771 Sex: Female XUL2589570 House No.:B301 Age: 43 769 Sex: Male XUL2589984 767 Sex: Female XUL2589968 House No.:302 Age: 74 770 Sex: Male XUL2589992 Name : Vivek S Chawla Name : Nidhi V Chawla Father's Name: Chawla S P Husband's Name: Vivek S Chawla House No.:302 Age: 39 Sex: Male House No.:302 Age: 39 772 XUL0900332 Name : Padma Narayanan Name : Gurupritha Singh Name : Karenitha Kaur Husband's Name: S Narayanan Father's Name: Sundan H S Husband's Name: Gurupritha S S House No.:C 302 Age: 71 774 Sex: Female XUL2590024 Name : Cyril Osta Father's Name: Late Waltar Osta House No.:D-303 Age: 36 777 Sex: Male XUL0900183 Name : Bimladalmiy Husband's Name: R.K.Dalmiy House No.:B303 Age: 85 780 Sex: Female XUL4559688 Name : Sudip Sen Father's Name: suhrid sen House No.:h304, esteem royale Sex: Male Age: 73 783 XUL0878074 House No.:303 Age: 44 775 Sex: Male XUL2590032 773 Sex: Female XUL0901371 House No.:303 Age: 42 776 Sex: Female XUL2590040 Name : Anna D'cruze Name : Noel D'cruze Husband's Name: Noel Dcruze Father's Name: Dr. A. S. D'cruze House No.:D-303 Age: 49 778 Sex: Female XUL0900191 House No.:D-303 Age: 56 Sex: Male 779 XUL0900209 Name : Oormilabalamandal Name : Mamatha Dalmiy Mother's Name: Nani Balamandal Mother's Name: Bimladalmiy House No.:B303 Age: 84 781 Sex: Female XUL3558962 House No.:B303 Age: 53 Sex: Female 782 XUL3558954 Name : Mrs Daval Amit Das Name : Amit Kumar Das Husband's Name: Amit Kumar Das Father's Name: Mihir Kanti Das House No.:305 Age: 43 Sex: Female House No.:305 Age: 43 784 XUL0878066 Name : Kurian George Name : Smitha Chacko P Name : M.Senthil Arumugam Father's Name: M J George Husband's Name: Kurian George Father's Name: A.Mariappan House No.:C 307 Age: 41 Sex: Male House No.:C 307 Age: 36 Sex: Female 785 Sex: Male House No.:309 Age: 39 786 XUL0875815 787 XUL0875807 Name : Muthukumar M G Name : Alagu Siva Priya Name : Father's Name: Govindarajan Husband's Name: Muthu Kumar Husband's Name: House No.:C 309 Age: 42 789 Name : Father's Name: Sex: Male XUL4410163 Ramana Reddy Ponnaluru P.V.Krishna Reddy House Age: 62No.:312 Sex: Male Age as on 01-01-2016/ Sex: T-Third Gender House No.:C 309 Age: 37 790 Name : Husband's Name: Sex: Female XUL4410122 P.Saraswathamma Ponnaluru Venkata krishna reddy House Age: 83No.:312 Sex: Female # Corrected in Supplement Delete Reason: E-Expired, S-Shifted/Change of Residence,Q-Disqualification, R-Repeated XUL5176680 788 Sex: Male XUL4410155 Saritha.P Ponnaluru Venkata Ramana Reddy House No.:312 Sex: Female Age: 53 791 XUL4410171 Sailaja Reddy Thikkavarapu Husband's Prithvi krishna Reddy Name: Ponnaluru House No.:312 Sex: Female Age: 31 Name : Page 32/43 Issued by the Electoral Registration Officer Electoral Roll 2016 of 172 - B.T.M Layout (Gen) Assembly Constituency in Karnataka Section No.:008)Nirgun Mandir Shrinivagilu,., Ward No: 148 -560047 792 Name : Father's Name: XUL4410064 Shivakota Reddy .P Pallam Reddy Bali reddy Pallam reddy House Age: 79No.:312 795 Sex: Male MBQ7709801 Continued 793 MBQ7709785 Name : Smitha .N.Inandar Narayanwirupaksh Inandar House No.:313 Sex: Female Age: 69 Husband's Name: 796 Part No. 112 MBQ7709363 794 MBQ7709488 Name : Gangadharan .K.P. Father's Name: Anandan .P.K. House No.:314 Age: 76 797 Sex: Male MBQ7710718 Name : Sarikainandara Name : Narasimhan .K. Name : Shakunthala Husband's Name: Bikasa Gangadharan Father's Name: Krishnamurthy Husband's Name: Narasimhan .K. House No.:314 Age: 40 798 Sex: Female XUL0874065 House No.:322 Age: 84 799 Name : Chithra Balagopal Name : Husband's Name: P.Balagopalan Nair Father's Name: House No.:323 Age: 44 801 Sex: Female XUL3832318 Sex: Male XUL2590206 Munishkeshwarwani Durgaprasad Keshwarwani House No.:324 Sex: Male Age: 38 802 XUL2590321 House No.:322 Age: 76 800 Sex: Female XUL3832789 Name : Sachin Father's Name: Pramod House No.:332 Age: 40 803 Sex: Male XUL2590339 Name : Ketaree Name : Ganganna Nijampure Name : Usha Nijampure Husband's Name: Sachin Father's Name: Nijampure C V Husband's Name: Nijampure G House No.:332 Age: 35 804 Sex: Female XUL2590347 House No.:401 Age: 69 805 Sex: Male XUL2590354 House No.:401 Age: 61 806 Sex: Female XUL2590362 Name : Raj Sekaran Name : Minakshi Name : Avinash Nijampure Father's Name: Stanley David Husband's Name: Rajashekaran Father's Name: Nijampure G House No.:401 Age: 41 Sex: Male House No.:401 Age: 39 807 XUL2590370 808 Name : Rohini Nijampure Name : Father's Name: Nijampure G Father's Name: House No.:401 Age: 35 810 Sex: Female XUL4410098 Name : Father's Name: Suban Sahed Father's Name: 813 XUL0871137 House No.:401 Age: 38 Sex: Male 809 XUL4409967 V.K.G. Didde Name : Indrani Mulumudi Govardanalala Didde Husband's Name: M.Venkata subba reddy 811 Allabakash.S Sex: Male XUL4164430 House No.:402 Age: 70 Name : House No.:402 Age: 39 Sex: Female Sex: Male XUL4409926 Venkata Subba Reddy Mulumudi Papi reddy House Age: 82No.:402 Sex: Male House No.:402 Age: 79 812 Sex: Female XUL0871129 Name : Aarti Husband's Name: Chandrasekar House No.:A 402 Age: 36 814 XUL4148797 815 Sex: Female XUL4149589 Name : Chandrasekar Name : Ambuja Miththala Name : Rithu Mithal Father's Name: Lakshmana R Father's Name: Nareshkumar Husband's Name: Ambuja Mithal House No.:A 402 Age: 30 816 Name : Father's Name: XUL4410197 Dinakar Reddy Mulumudi Venkata Subba Reddy House Age: 55No.:403 819 Sex: Male Sex: Male MBQ7708324 House No.:A-402 Age: 40 817 Sex: Male XUL4410205 House No.:A-402 Age: 37 818 Sex: Female MBQ7708316 Name : Surekha Mulumudi Name : George Mathew Husband's Name: Dinakar Reddy Father's Name: I.K.Mathew House No.:403 Age: 39 820 Sex: Female MBQ7710775 House No.:B403 Age: 44 821 Sex: Male MBQ7710783 Name : Dilisa Anthony Name : Sudiptha Mujumdar Name : Rumi Mazumdar Husband's Name: George Mathew Father's Name: C R Mujumdar Husband's Name: Sudiptha Muzumdar House No.:B403 Age: 43 Sex: Female Age as on 01-01-2016/ Sex: T-Third Gender House No.:B404 Age: 48 Sex: Male # Corrected in Supplement Delete Reason: E-Expired, S-Shifted/Change of Residence,Q-Disqualification, R-Repeated House No.:B404 Age: 39 Sex: Female Page 33/43 Issued by the Electoral Registration Officer Electoral Roll 2016 of 172 - B.T.M Layout (Gen) Assembly Constituency in Karnataka Section No.:008)Nirgun Mandir Shrinivagilu,., Ward No: 148 -560047 822 XUL4733549 Part No. 112 Continued 823 XUL5079918 Name : Sanjib Dutta Name : Swapnil Agrawal Name : Satish Swamy Father's Name: Ranjit Kumar Dutta Mother's Name: ALKA AGRAWAL Father's Name: Swamy N House No.:B-404 Age: 33 825 Sex: Male XUL2590503 House No.:407 Age: 25 826 Sex: Female Name : Name : Neha Gandhi Husband's Name: Satish S Husband's Name: Deepak Vijayvergiy Sex: Female Age as on 01-01-2016/ Sex: T-Third Gender XUL2590495 House No.:C 407 Age: 44 Sex: Male XUL4368312 Githika Swamy House No.:C 407 Age: 43 824 House No.:408 Age: 30 Sex: Female # Corrected in Supplement Delete Reason: E-Expired, S-Shifted/Change of Residence,Q-Disqualification, R-Repeated Page 34/43 Issued by the Electoral Registration Officer Electoral Roll 2016 of 172 - B.T.M Layout (Gen) Assembly Constituency in Karnataka Section No.:009)Esteem Royle, , Ward No: 148 -560047 827 XUL4482592 Continued 828 XUL4471686 Name : Ram Limbu Name : Father's Name: Dolser Limbu Father's Name: Manickavasagam Mahalingam T Mahalingam House No.:1 Age: 49 830 Sex: Male XUL4255097 House Age: 41No.:FG1 831 Name : Sujatha Choutagunta Name : Husband's Name: Choutagunta Sridhar Father's Name: House No.:G1 Age: 45 Sex: Female XUL4467064 834 Name : Samita Panigrahi Name : Jeetendra Kumar Panda House No.:G-1 Sex: Female Age: 31 Husband's Name: 836 XUL4332912 Richard Stanley Khemchandd Father's Donald William Name: Khemchand House No.:G-2 Sex: Male Age: 84 Name : 839 XUL4466801 Father's Name: Sex: Male XUL4255121 Choutagunta Sridhar Abhishek Sridhar Choutagunta House Age: 23No.:G1 833 Part No. 112 Sex: Male XUL4467056 Jeetendra Kumar Panda Bimal Kumar Panda House Age: 37No.:G-1 Sex: Male 829 XUL4471694 Vishnu Priya Vasantha Name : Kumar Husband's Manickavasagam Name: Mahalingam House No.:FG1 Sex: Female Age: 37 832 XUL4561395 Name : Shruthi Kannanur Father's Name: Ramachandran House No.:G-1 Age: 28 Sex: Female 835 XUL5079934 Name : Tina Chengappa THASHVIN MUCKATIRA House No.:G1 E BLOCK Sex: Female Age: 37 Husband's Name: 837 XUL4332763 838 XUL4467163 Name : Dorathy Chauhan Name : B.Rathnakar Rai Husband's Name: Donald Khemchand Father's Name: Late B.L.N Rai House No.:G-2 Age: 88 Sex: Female House No.:G-2 Age: 93 840 XUL4466835 Name : Probir Sarkar Name : Shreya Satpathy Name : Suresha Shetty.M Father's Name: Manoranjan Sarkar Husband's Name: Probir Sarkar Father's Name: Thimmaiah Shetty House No.:B/G-2 Age: 40 842 Sex: Male XUL4471652 Name : Soni L Dhar Husband's Name: Anshuman Dhar House No.:G3 Age: 30 845 Sex: Female XUL4471611 Name : Col Ashutosh Dhar Father's Name: Late Aboni Mohan Dhar House No.:G3 Age: 63 848 Sex: Male XUL4471645 Name : Anshuman Dhar Father's Name: Col Ashutosh Dhar House No.:G3 Age: 29 851 Sex: Male XUL4407946 Name : Godhuli Raman Husband's Name: Abhishek Jain House No.:G-4 Age: 35 854 Sex: Female XUL4448312 Name : Sujatha.M Husband's Name: Munivenkatappa House No.:7/1 Age: 31 Sex: Female Age as on 01-01-2016/ Sex: T-Third Gender House No.:B/G-2 Age: 31 843 Sex: Female XUL4471678 841 Sex: Male XUL4338877 House No.:B2-02 Age: 58 844 Sex: Male XUL4471660 Name : Vandana Narula Name : Abhijeet Dhar Husband's Name: Abdul Mathew Sait Father's Name: Col Ashutosh Dhar House No.:G3 Age: 46 846 Sex: Female XUL4471629 House No.:G3 Age: 26 847 Sex: Male XUL4471637 Name : Lakshmi Dhar Name : Abdul Matheen Sait Husband's Name: Col Ashutosh Dhar Father's Name: Late Ebrahim Sait House No.:G3 Age: 54 849 Sex: Female XUL4332920 House No.:G3 Age: 47 Sex: Male 850 XUL4332789 Name : Munni Bai Jain Name : Vijay Kumar Jain Husband's Name: Vijay Kumar Jain Father's Name: Shri Phool Chand Jain House No.:G-4 Age: 63 852 Sex: Female XUL4407987 House No.:G-4 Age: 67 853 Sex: Male XUL5299102 Name : Abhishek Jain Name : Talha Salaria Father's Name: Vijay Kumar Jain Husband's Name: Monish Chabbria House No.:G-4 Age: 37 855 Sex: Male XUL4293031 House No.:G-4 Age: 37 Sex: Female 856 XUL4293049 Name : Bithal Das Daga Name : Rhea M D Costa Father's Name: Ghanshyam Das Daga Father's Name: Aubrey House No.:11/44/201 Sex: Male Age: 73 # Corrected in Supplement Delete Reason: E-Expired, S-Shifted/Change of Residence,Q-Disqualification, R-Repeated House No.:11/90(HV) Sex: Female Age: 26 Page 35/43 Issued by the Electoral Registration Officer Electoral Roll 2016 of 172 - B.T.M Layout (Gen) Assembly Constituency in Karnataka Section No.:009)Esteem Royle, , Ward No: 148 -560047 857 XUL4407961 Name : Prateek Jain Father's Name: J K Jain House No.:G-41 Age: 31 Sex: Male Part No. 112 Continued 858 XUL4467114 859 XUL4467072 Name : Milan Ajmera Name : Kanakaray Ajmera Father's Name: Kanakray Ajmera Father's Name: Govindray Ajmera House No.:101 Age: 51 Sex: Male House No.:101 Age: 71 860 XUL4467106 861 XUL4467080 Name : Kamlesh Ajmera Name : Labhuben Ajmera Name : Chandran K R Father's Name: Kanakray Ajmera Husband's Name: Kanakaray Ajmera Father's Name: Krishnaswamy R House No.:101 Age: 46 863 Sex: Male XUL4467023 Name : Manjeet Singh Deol Father's Name: Charan Singh Deol House No.:F-101 Age: 33 866 Sex: Male XUL3891454 Name : Kanak Rai Ajmera Father's Name: Govind Ji House No.:J/101 Age: 74 869 Sex: Male XUL4407870 Name : Kamlesh K Ajmera Father's Name: Sri kanak rai Ajmera House No.:J-101 Age: 46 872 Sex: Male XUL4407862 Name : Labhu Ben Ajmera Husband's Name: Kanail rai Ajmera House No.:J-101 Age: 67 875 Sex: Female XUL4332862 Name : Abhinav Jain Father's Name: Vijay Kumar Jain House No.:102 Age: 32 878 Sex: Male XUL2598878 Name : Smitha Vaidya Father's Name: Prathap Jab House No.:A-102 Age: 48 881 Sex: Female XUL4408241 Name : Radha Chebbi Husband's Name: Ajay Chebbi House No.:F-102 Age: 40 884 Sex: Female XUL4478210 Name : Shahid Iqbal Father's Name: Mohammed Younus House No.:103 Age: 42 Sex: Male Age as on 01-01-2016/ Sex: T-Third Gender House No.:101 Age: 67 864 Sex: Female XUL4408019 862 Sex: Male XUL4030185 House No.:D/101 Age: 58 Sex: Male 865 XUL3891447 Name : Jaspreet Singh Deol Name : Kamalesh Ajmera Father's Name: Charan Singh Deol Father's Name: Labhuven Ajmera House No.:F-101 Age: 26 867 Sex: Male XUL3891462 House No.:J/101 Age: 36 868 Sex: Male XUL4163077 Name : Kajal Ajmera Name : Anil M Husband's Name: Bhupat Bhai Father's Name: Mengha Raj P House No.:J/101 Age: 44 870 Sex: Female XUL4407920 House No.:J/101 Age: 41 871 Sex: Male XUL4407938 Name : Kanak Rai G Ajmera Name : Milan K Ajmera Father's Name: Late Govindji.R Ajmera Father's Name: Sri Kanak Rai Ajmera House No.:J-101 Age: 71 873 Sex: Male XUL4407953 House No.:J-101 Age: 51 874 Name : Kajal Ajmera Name : Husband's Name: Kamlesh Ajmera Mother's Name: House No.:J-101 Age: 43 876 Sex: Female XUL5168174 Sex: Male XUL4975975 Dheeraj Bose Janardanan Leela.K.M House Age: 45No.:C-101 877 Sex: Male XUL2598860 Name : Shweta Jain Name : Poonam Vaidya Husband's Name: Abhinav Jain Mother's Name: Smitha Vaidya House No.:102 Age: 28 879 Sex: Female XUL4332938 House No.:A-102 Age: 28 880 Sex: Female XUL4408233 Name : Vaibhav Vaidya Name : Ajay Chebby Mother's Name: Smitha Vaidya Father's Name: Pralhadrao House No.:A-102 Age: 26 882 Sex: Male XUL4736096 House No.:F-102 Age: 45 883 Sex: Male XUL4487716 Name : Anjali Upadhyay Name : Roshna Iqbal Husband's Name: Ratnesh Pandey Husband's Name: Shahid House No.:C-102 Age: 31 885 Sex: Female XUL4693677 House No.:103 Age: 36 886 Sex: Female XUL5052576 Name : Rohan Rama Shetty Name : Irene Rama Thilak Father's Name: Rama Domba Shetty Husband's Name: Rama Thilak House No.:103 Age: 25 Sex: Male # Corrected in Supplement Delete Reason: E-Expired, S-Shifted/Change of Residence,Q-Disqualification, R-Repeated House No.:103 Age: 59 Sex: Female Page 36/43 Issued by the Electoral Registration Officer Electoral Roll 2016 of 172 - B.T.M Layout (Gen) Assembly Constituency in Karnataka Section No.:009)Esteem Royle, , Ward No: 148 -560047 887 XUL4975991 Part No. 112 Continued 888 XUL4975942 Name : Christopher Nikhil R Name : Blossom Nishitha Name : Manjunatha A Reddy Father's Name: V Rama Thilak Father's Name: Rama Thilak Father's Name: Venkalarama Reddy House No.:103 Age: 26 890 Sex: Male XUL4410544 House No.:103 Age: 31 891 Name : Akhila Srinivas Name : Husband's Name: Goutham Father's Name: House No.:G103 Age: 32 893 Sex: Female XUL4410353 Name : Gayathri Husband's Name: Chandramohan House No.:F104 Age: 33 896 Sex: Female XUL4467007 Sex: Female XUL4408225 Goutham Kuppaiah Chetty C.Kuppaiah Chetty House Age: 35No.:G-103 894 Sex: Male XUL4410312 889 XUL4407904 House No.:A-103 Age: 30 892 Sex: Male XUL4030177 Name : Vikram Zibbu Father's Name: Surendranath Zibbu House No.:H/104 Age: 45 Sex: Male 895 XUL4478194 Name : Chandramohan Name : Shrinivas Chebbi Father's Name: Velladurai Father's Name: Gururaj Chebbi House No.:F104 Age: 35 Sex: Male House No.:G-104 Age: 49 897 XUL4478152 Name : Arati S Chebbi Name : Manisha Valecha Name : Gunjan Zutshi Husband's Name: Shrinivas Chebbi Husband's Name: Anil M Valecha Husband's Name: Vikram Zibbu House No.:G-104 Age: 45 899 Sex: Female XUL4863601 House No.:J-104 Age: 38 Sex: Female 898 Sex: Male XUL5176722 House No.:H-104 Age: 43 900 XUL4410478 Name : Harsha Venkataramu Name : Kailash Chhabria Name : Smitha Prasad Father's Name: Venkataramu K N Father's Name: Leelaram Husband's Name: Harsha Venkataramu House No.:201 Age: 40 902 Name : Sex: Male XUL4332854 Harsha Venkataramu Venkataramu Narayan Rao Krishnaraja Sagara House No.:H-201/10/11 Sex: Male Age: 41 Father's Name: 905 XUL4331781 House No.:F201 Age: 28 903 Sex: Male XUL4332813 901 Sex: Female XUL4332771 House No.:H-201/10/11 Sex: Female Age: 38 904 XUL4332821 Name : Hema Name : Leelaram T Chhabria Husband's Name: leelaram T Chhabria Father's Name: Tulasidas.L Chhabria House No.:F-201/10/11 Sex: Female Age: 55 906 XUL4684148 House No.:F-201/10/11 Sex: Male Age: 58 907 XUL4332839 Name : Sarabjeet Singh Name : Herjit Kaur Name : Syed Anwar Riza Wasti Father's Name: Dalbir Singh Father's Name: Dalbir Singh Father's Name: Syed Nasir Riza Wasti House No.:G-201 Age: 42 908 Sex: Male XUL4407979 Name : Reshma Khanum Wasti Husband's Name: Syed Anwar Riza Wasti House No.:H-202 Age: 44 911 Sex: Female XUL4467031 House No.:G-201 Age: 38 909 Sex: Female XUL4484309 V.Jayaraman Venkateswaran Father's R.Venkateswaran Name: Ramamirtham House No.:D-202 Sex: Male Age: 47 Name : 912 XUL4467049 House No.:202 Age: 48 910 Sex: Male XUL4467338 Name : B.Gomathy Father's Name: V.Balasubramanian House No.:D-202 Age: 41 913 Sex: Female XUL4467122 Name : Shruthi Shetty Name : Roopa Shetty Name : Anurag Khanna Father's Name: Suresh Shetty Husband's Name: Suresha Shetty Father's Name: Romesh Kumar Khanna House No.:B-202 Age: 24 914 Sex: Female XUL4467148 House No.:B-202 Age: 52 915 Sex: Female XUL5168034 House No.:H-203 Age: 32 916 Sex: Male XUL4407912 Name : Divya Khosla Name : Roohi Dixit Name : R Vasantha Father's Name: Ajay Khosla Husband's Name: Sunil Baindur Husband's Name: M Ramakrishnan House No.:H-203 Age: 31 Sex: Female Age as on 01-01-2016/ Sex: T-Third Gender House No.:G-203 Age: 42 Sex: Female # Corrected in Supplement Delete Reason: E-Expired, S-Shifted/Change of Residence,Q-Disqualification, R-Repeated House No.:C-203 Age: 69 Sex: Female Page 37/43 Issued by the Electoral Registration Officer Electoral Roll 2016 of 172 - B.T.M Layout (Gen) Assembly Constituency in Karnataka Section No.:009)Esteem Royle, , Ward No: 148 -560047 917 XUL4467221 Name : Kokila Balachandra Husband's Name: Sunith Kumar Brahil House No.:204 Age: 32 920 Sex: Female XUL4467247 Name : Anshu Sinha Father's Name: Shailesh Kumar Sinha House No.:204 Age: 35 923 Sex: Female XUL3837366 Name : Manya U Husband's Name: Umesh S House No.:J/204 Age: 36 926 Name : Sex: Female XUL4408001 B N Dhanaraj B N Nasimulu Abisha Gamal House No.:301 Sex: Male Age: 76 Father's Name: 919 XUL4591111 Name : Name : Sunith Kumar Brahil Father's Name: Shailesh Kumar Sinha Father's Name: Ravi Mullath House No.:204 Age: 34 921 Sex: Female XUL4591061 House No.:204 Age: 36 922 Sex: Male XUL3837374 Name : Sathy Name : Umesh S Husband's Name: Ravi Mullath Father's Name: Srichand P House No.:204 Age: 61 924 Sex: Female XUL4478111 House No.:J/204 Age: 37 925 Sex: Male XUL4478137 Name : Kavitha S Name : Ravi S Valecha Husband's Name: Srichand P Father's Name: Srichand p House No.:J-204 Age: 67 927 Sex: Female XUL4864419 House No.:t-204 Age: 34 928 Name : Solomon Kumar Name : Father's Name: Rathnappa Husband's Name: House No.:302 Age: 26 930 Name : Praveen Parvath Mohan Das Lalitha Mohan Name : Father's Name: Sex: Male XUL4467189 Soni Sinha XUL4466959 House Age: 39No.:E-302 Continued 918 929 Mother's Name: Part No. 112 Sex: Male XUL4030151 Sex: Male XUL4466975 Namita Agrawal Praveen Parvath Mohan Das House No.:E-302 Sex: Female Age: 37 931 XUL4030169 Neil Mathur Name : Krishna Akkaraju Sudhir Mathur Father's Name: Jayachandra Akkaraju House No.:C-302 Age: 37 Sex: Male XUL4467015 933 Name : Krithika Akkaraju Name : Babu Anthony Panghat Name : Anne Panghat Husband's Name: Neil Mathur Father's Name: Anthony Panangadan Husband's Name: Babu anthony panghat 935 Sex: Female XUL4332847 House No.:303 Age: 78 936 Sex: Male XUL4332797 934 Sex: Female 932 House No.:C-302 Age: 34 XUL4332755 House No.:E-302 Age: 35 XUL4410270 House No.:A-303 Age: 65 937 Sex: Female XUL4407896 Name : Meenu Shahani Name : Lakshman Shahani Name : Nanda Chawla Shahani Husband's Name: Laxman Shahani Father's Name: Udernomal Shahani Husband's Name: Maneesh Shahani House No.:J-303 Age: 70 938 Sex: Female XUL4467262 House No.:J-303 Age: 77 939 Sex: Male XUL4467296 House No.:J-303 Age: 38 940 Sex: Female XUL4466900 Name : Maneesh Shahani Name : Nanda Inderlal Chawla Name : Madhukar Kumar K Father's Name: Laxman Shahani Husband's Name: Maneesh Shahani Father's Name: K.Nanjundappa House No.:J-303 Age: 41 941 Sex: Male XUL4466876 House No.:J-303 Age: 38 942 Sex: Female XUL4332805 House No.:B-303 Age: 82 943 Sex: Male XUL4481537 Name : Mithra Kumar Name : Ashish Bhutani Name : Dahlia Sen Husband's Name: Madhukar Kumar Father's Name: Balkrishnan Bhutani Husband's Name: sudip sen House No.:B-303 Age: 77 944 Sex: Female XUL4164539 House No.:A-304 Age: 29 945 Sex: Male XUL4163119 House No.:h304, esteem royale Sex: Female Age: 71 946 XUL4149258 Name : Raj Kumar M Name : Bhavana Name : Sarojini Bai Father's Name: Mengha Raj Husband's Name: Rajkumar M Husband's Name: Mengha Raj House No.:J/304 Age: 49 Sex: Male Age as on 01-01-2016/ Sex: T-Third Gender House No.:J/304 Age: 43 Sex: Female # Corrected in Supplement Delete Reason: E-Expired, S-Shifted/Change of Residence,Q-Disqualification, R-Repeated House No.:J/304 Age: 71 Sex: Female Page 38/43 Issued by the Electoral Registration Officer Electoral Roll 2016 of 172 - B.T.M Layout (Gen) Assembly Constituency in Karnataka Section No.:009)Esteem Royle, , Ward No: 148 -560047 947 Part No. 112 Continued XUL4448577 Name : Arindam Nath Father's Name: Manmath Chandra Nath House No.:407 Age: 35 Sex: Male Age as on 01-01-2016/ Sex: T-Third Gender # Corrected in Supplement Delete Reason: E-Expired, S-Shifted/Change of Residence,Q-Disqualification, R-Repeated Page 39/43 Issued by the Electoral Registration Officer Electoral Roll 2016 of 172 - B.T.M Layout (Gen) Assembly Constituency in Karnataka Section No.:010)Veracious Enrica Appartmant, , Ward No: 148 -560047 948 XUL0560516 Name : Ramesha Father's Name: Yellappa House No.:31 Age: 43 951 Name : Sex: Male XUL2598894 Bharathi Divakaran Kondalam Venkata Subbaiah House No.:C-108 Sex: Female Age: 81 Father's Name: 954 XUL4392601 Venkata Ramgopal Chemudupati Father's VENKATA Name: KRISHNARAO CHEMUDUPATI House No.:C 207 VERACIOUS ENRICA APT Sex: Male Age: 51 Name : 957 Name : XUL3524675 Dipa Shriram Aththurprabhakarshrira m House No.:F-301 Sex: Female Age: 38 Husband's Name: 949 Part No. 112 Continued XUL3828662 950 XUL2598886 Name : Meera Name : Prerana Saxena Husband's Name: Vinod Kumar Father's Name: Prabhath Kumar House No.:B/102 Age: 37 952 Sex: Female XUL2598902 Dr Subbanarasu Name : Divakaran Father's Thivakaraiah Name: Subbanarasu House No.:E-108 Sex: Male Age: 85 House No.:C-107 Age: 31 953 Name : Sex: Female XUL4392619 Ramadevi Chemudupati VENKATA RAMGOPAL CHEMUDUPATI House No.:C207 VERACIOUS ENRICA Sex: Female Age: 46 APT Husband's Name: 955 XUL2598910 956 Name : Sheethal Kawale Name : Shylesh Kawal Husband's Name: Shailesh Kavale Father's Name: Mahadev House No.:208 C Age: 40 958 Sex: Female XUL3524683 Aththur Prabhakar Shriram Father's Aththurwenkatachhalap Name: athiprabh House No.:F-301 Sex: Male Age: 48 Name : House No.:208C Age: 42 959 Sex: Male XUL4118402 Name : Sriharsha.M Father's Name: Mahadevappa.H House No.:302 Age: 38 XUL4118410 961 Name : Roopashree.M.S Name : Akshat Agarwal Name : Annette Fernandes Husband's Name: Sriharsha.M Father's Name: Alok Agarwal Husband's Name: Rahul Guin 963 Sex: Female XUL4332904 House No.:305 Age: 33 964 Sex: Male XUL4332896 962 Sex: Male 960 House No.:302 Age: 35 XUL3884079 XUL2598928 XUL4332870 House No.:B/305 Age: 38 965 Sex: Female XUL4332888 Name : Rahul Guin Name : Vimal Kumar Name : Sumangala Kumar Father's Name: Lakshminarayan Father's Name: Parshawanath Husband's Name: Vimal Kumar House No.:B/305 Age: 38 966 Sex: Male XUL5052279 House No.:306 Age: 38 967 Name : Veerta Tantia Name : Husband's Name: Yogesh Tantia Husband's Name: House No.:308 Age: 34 969 Sex: Female XUL4408035 Sex: Male XUL2597698 Lalitha.M. Chordia G.Mangalachand Chordia House No.:364 Sex: Female Age: 67 970 XUL4448486 House No.:306 Age: 36 Sex: Female 968 XUL2597706 Name : Mangalchand.G. Chordia P.Goolabchand Father's Name: House Age: 72No.:364 971 Sex: Male XUL4408027 Name : Uttam Kumar Dhar Name : Gautam Kumar Dhar Name : Hira Lal Dhar Father's Name: Hira Lal Dhar Father's Name: Hira lal Dhar Father's Name: Late M M Dhar House No.:B-404 Age: 37 972 Sex: Male XUL4408068 House No.:B-404 Age: 26 Sex: Male House No.:B-404 Age: 65 Sex: Male 973 XUL4408050 974 Name : Sumita Dhar Name : Chandrima Dhar Name : Shila Dhar Father's Name: Hira Lal Dhar Husband's Name: Uttam Kumar Dhar Husband's Name: Hira Lal Dhar House No.:B-404 Age: 31 975 Sex: Female XUL4368296 House No.:B-404 Age: 33 976 Sex: Female XUL3524691 XUL4408043 House No.:B-404 Age: 60 977 Sex: Female XUL3524709 Name : Deepak Vijayvergiy Name : Ashish Mahra Name : Brij Raja Mehra Father's Name: Ashok Vijayvergiy Father's Name: Brij Raj Mehra Father's Name: Late Brij Raman Mahra House No.:408 Age: 32 Sex: Male Age as on 01-01-2016/ Sex: T-Third Gender House No.:E-409 Age: 36 Sex: Male # Corrected in Supplement Delete Reason: E-Expired, S-Shifted/Change of Residence,Q-Disqualification, R-Repeated House No.:E-409 Age: 71 Sex: Male Page 40/43 Issued by the Electoral Registration Officer Electoral Roll 2016 of 172 - B.T.M Layout (Gen) Assembly Constituency in Karnataka Section No.:010)Veracious Enrica Appartmant, , Ward No: 148 -560047 978 XUL3524717 Name : Asha Mehra Husband's Name: Brij Raja Mehra House No.:E-409 Age: 70 981 Sex: Female 979 Part No. 112 Continued XUL3524725 980 XUL3524733 Name : Piush Mehra Name : Prithviraj Mehra Father's Name: Prithviraj Mehra Father's Name: Late B. R. Mehra House No.:E-409 Age: 35 Sex: Male House No.:E-409 Age: 69 Sex: Male XUL3524741 Name : Meena Mehra Husband's Name: Prithviraj Mehra House No.:C-409 Age: 64 Sex: Female Age as on 01-01-2016/ Sex: T-Third Gender # Corrected in Supplement Delete Reason: E-Expired, S-Shifted/Change of Residence,Q-Disqualification, R-Repeated Page 41/43 Issued by the Electoral Registration Officer Electoral Roll 2016 of 172 - B.T.M Layout (Gen) Assembly Constituency in Karnataka Part No. 112 Supplement No. :1 Mother Roll : Basic (Mother) Roll of 2016 Supplement Process & Year : Supplement Type : Summary Revision - 2016 Lists of Additions, Deletions & Corrections I ) Additions List I) Additions Nil II) Deletions List Section No.:009)Esteem Royle, , Ward No: 148 560047 R 947 XUL4448577 Name : Arindam Nath Father's Name: Manmath Chandra Nath House No.: 407 Age: 35 Sex: Male Male Female Third Gender Total 1 0 0 1 Male Female Third Gender Total 1 1 0 2 No. of Deletions III) Modifications List Section No.:001)3rd Main Road Shrinivagilu,-, Ward No: 148 -560047 46 XUL5279070 Name : Choephel Thupten Father's Name: Khen Rab House No.: 103/17/2 Age: 50 Sex: Male Section No.:003)Ebassy Maydovs Apartment, , Ward No: 148 -560047 326 XUL4859393 Name : Gangamma L Husband's Name: Mahalingam House No.: 154 Age: 73 Sex: Female No. of Modifications Age as on 01-01-2016/ Sex: T-Third Gender # Corrected in Supplement Delete Reason: E-Expired, S-Shifted/Change of Residence,Q-Disqualification, R-Repeated Page 42/43 Issued by the Electoral Registration Officer State Code & Name : S10 - KARNATAKA No., Name and reservation Status of Assembly Constituency : 172 - B.T.M Layout (Gen) Part No.:112 A) NUMBER OF ELECTORS I) Original Roll Identification Roll Type Men Women Third Gender Total Mother Roll Basic (Mother) Roll of 2016 521 460 0 981 II) Additions List Supplement - 1 Summary Revision 2016 0 0 0 0 Supplement - 1 Summary Revision 2016 1 0 0 1 520 460 0 980 III) Deletions List Net Electors in the Roll after Special Summary Revision 2016 (I+II-III) B) NUMBER OF CORRECTIONS Roll Type Supplement - 1 Roll Identification No. of Corrections Summary Revision 2016 2 Place Bangalore. Electoral Registration Officer Date 11-01-2016 172-B.T.M Layout Assembly Constituency And Revenue Officer,Bruhat Bangalore Mahanagar Palike,,Jayanagar, Bangalore.
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