Indexes to the UK Standard Industrial Classification of
Indexes to the UK Standard Industrial Classification of
Indexes to the UK Standard Industrial Classification of Economic Activities 2007 Editor: Lindsay Prosser Office for National Statistics ISBN 978-0-230-21014-1 A National Statistics publication National Statistics are produced to high professional standards as set out in the Code of Practice for Official Statistics. They are produced free from political influence. About us The Office for National Statistics The Office for National Statistics (ONS) is the executive office of the UK Statistics Authority, a non-ministerial department which reports directly to Parliament. ONS is the UK government’s single largest statistical producer. It compiles information about the UK’s society and economy, and provides the evidence-base for policy and decision-making, the allocation of resources, and public accountability. The Director-General of ONS reports directly to the National Statistician who is the Authority’s Chief Executive and the Head of the Government Statistical Service. The Government Statistical Service The Government Statistical Service (GSS) is a network of professional statisticians and their staff operating both within the Office for National Statistics and across more than 30 other government departments and agencies. Palgrave Macmillan This publication first published 2009 by Palgrave Macmillan. Palgrave Macmillan in the UK is an imprint of Macmillan Publishers Limited, registered in England, company number 785998, of Houndmills, Basingstoke, Hampshire RG21 6XS. Palgrave Macmillan in the US is a division of St Martin’s Press LLC, 175 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY 10010. 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Printed and bound in Great Britain by Hobbs the Printer Ltd, Totton, Southampton Typeset by Academic + Technical Typesetting, Bristol Contents Page Preface iv Part 1 Alphabetic index 1 Part 2 Numerical index 157 iii Preface This volume contains both an alphabetical and a numerical list Unlike the SIC80 Indexes publication, it has not been necessary of typical activities or, sometimes, products. These lists show to include references to the equivalent European Union the UK SIC (2007) class or subclass to which the activity or classification system, NACE rev 2 today, as the two systems are product should be classified. identical down to and including the four digit class level. Both lists attempt to provide a link to the last Standard The detail of the classification has substantially increased Industrial Classification (UK SIC (2003), which was (from 514 to 615 classes). For service-producing activities, this significantly different in structure, although in some cases increase is visible at all levels, including the highest one, while it was not possible to do so without further information. for other activities, such as agriculture, the increase in detail The link indicated should, therefore, not be taken to be affected mostly the lower level of the classification. One effect definitive. of the increase in detail at class level has been a reduced need It is important to remember that classification involves identification of the appropriate statistical unit. For example, for detail at the subclass level. The total number of subclasses has decreased from 285 to 191. when a road freight transport section of a manufacturing firm Contact is a separate statistical unit, it will be classified to transport Office for National Statistics (division 49, group 49.4) but when it is an integral part of the Classifications and Harmonisation Branch main firm then it will be classified to the principal activity of Segensworth Road that firm. Titchfield Activities and products may be known under different names and some have been classified in the alphabetical index under several alternative titles. These alternatives also appear in Fareham Hampshire PO15 5RR the numerical index. Due to changes and innovation, it has Classifications Helpdesk not been possible to list all economic activities within this Tel: 01329 444970 publication; the indexes remain dynamic and any addendums Email: will be published on the UKSIC webpage December 2009 Part 1 Alphabetical Index Part 1 A Alphabetical Index SIC 2007 SIC 2003 Activity SIC 2007 SIC 2003 Activity 01160 10110 17120 23910 01110 15111 21120 26810 23910 23910 23910 23910 23910 23910 08990 23910 20411 23910 32500 26511 26513 23190 46690 26810 26810 26810 26810 26810 26810 14500 26810 24511 26810 24422 33201 33202 26150 51870 20140 20120 46750 02300 43290 71129 71200 20520 20301 46120 24140 24120 51550 02010 45320 74204 74300 24620 24301 51120 46750 20160 20160 20140 20160 51550 24160 24160 24140 24160 94120 85590 20200 29320 91120 80429 24200 34300 Abaca and other vegetable textile fibre growing Abattoir (manufacture) Abrasive base paper (manufacture) Abrasive bonded disc, wheel and segment (manufacture) Abrasive cloth (manufacture) Abrasive grain (manufacture) Abrasive grain of aluminium oxide (manufacture) Abrasive grain of artificial corundum (manufacture) Abrasive grain of boron carbide (manufacture) Abrasive grain of silicon carbide (manufacture) Abrasive materials mining and quarrying Abrasive paper (manufacture) Abrasive soap (manufacture) Abrasive wheel (bonded) (manufacture) Absorbable haemostatics (manufacture) Absorptiometer (electronic) (manufacture) Absorptiometer (non‑electronic) (manufacture) Absorption drums made of glass (manufacture) AC and DC electrical motors (single or multi‑phase) (wholesale) Academic organisations Academic tutoring Acaricide (manufacture) Accessories and parts for motor vehicles and their engines (manufacture) Accessories for photographic equipment (manufacture) Accident and emergency service (private sector) Accident and emergency service (public sector) Accident insurance Accommodation container renting Accommodation in protective shelters or plain bivouac facilities for tents and/or sleeping bags Accordion (manufacture) Account books (manufacture) Accountancy services Accounting activities Accounting associations Accounting machine (manufacture) Accounting machinery and equipment rental and operating leasing Accounting systems design Accumulator (manufacture) Accumulator cell cases made of glass (manufacture) Accumulator for hydraulic equipment (manufacture) Acetic acid (manufacture) Acetone (manufacture) Acetylene (manufacture) Acetylene gas generators (wholesale) Acid (inorganic) (manufacture) Acid (organic) (manufacture) Acid dye (manufacture) Acids (wholesale) Acorn gathering Acoustical engineering Acoustical engineering design Acoustics and vibration testing Acrylic adhesives (manufacture) Acrylic paints (manufacture) Acrylic polymers in primary forms (commission agent) Acrylic polymers in primary forms (wholesale) Acrylic resins (manufacture) Acrylics (manufacture) Acrylonitrile (manufacture) Acrylonitrile butadiene styrene (abs) polymers (manufacture) Action figures (manufacture) Activated and unactivated charcoal (other than wood charcoal) (manufacture) Activated carbon (manufacture) Activated earths (manufacture) Activities of households as employers of domestic babysitters Activities of households as employers of domestic butlers Activities of households as employers of domestic caretakers Activities of households as employers of domestic chauffeurs Activities of households as employers of domestic cooks Activities of households as employers of domestic gardeners Activities of households as employers of domestic gatekeepers Activities of households as employers of domestic governesses 26702 33403 86101 86101 65120 77390 55300 85112 85111 66031 71320 55210 32200 17230 69201 69201 94120 28230 77330 36300 22220 74121 74121 91120 30010 71330 70221 27200 23190 28990 20140 20140 20110 46690 20130 74142 31400 26150 29560 24140 24140 24110 51870 24130 2 32409 36509 20140 24140 20590 24660 20140 24140 97000 95000 97000 95000 97000 95000 97000 95000 97000 95000 97000 95000 97000 95000 97000 95000 97000 95000 Activities of households as employers of domestic laundresses 97000 95000 Activities of households as employers of domestic maids 97000 95000 Activities of households as employers of domestic secretaries 97000 95000 Activities of households as employers of domestic stable‑lads 97000 95000 Activities of households as employers of domestic staff 97000 95000 Activities of households as employers of domestic tutors 97000 95000 Activities of households as employers of domestic valets 97000 95000 Activities of households as employers of domestic waiters Indexes to the UK Standard Industrial Classification of Economic Activities 2007 – UK SIC(2007) SIC 2007 SIC 2003 Activity 33200 28520 Activities of millwrights (manufacture) 64209 74156 Activities of service trades holding companies not engaged in management 93110 92619 Activity centre (sports) 90010 92311 Actors 66290 67200 Actuarial services 27110 31620 Actuator (electro‑magnetic positioner) (manufacture) 28120 29122 Actuator for hydraulic equipment (manufacture) 20140 24140 Acyclic (fatty) alcohols (manufacture) 46120 51120 Acyclic and cyclic hydrocarbons (commission agent) 20140 24140 Acyclic hydrocarbons (saturated and unsaturated) (manufacture) 28230 30010 Adding machines (manufacture) 46660 51850 Adding machines (wholesale) 28230 30010 Address plate embossing machine (manufacture) 28230 30010 Addressing machine (manufacture) 20520 24620 Adhesive (formulated) (manufacture) 18140 22230 Adhesive binding of books, brochures, etc. (manufacture) 20520 24620 Adhesive coating (manufacture) 46180 51180 Adhesive dressings, catgut and similar materials (commission agent) 46460 51460 Adhesive dressings, catgut and similar materials (wholesale) 22290 25240 Adhesive labels of plastic or cellulose (manufacture) 20520 24620 Adhesive made of urea formaldehyde (manufacture) 17230 21230 Adhesive paper ready for use (manufacture) 20520 24620 Adhesive paste (manufacture) 32500 24422 Adhesive plaster and surgical bandage (manufacture) 22190 25130 Adhesive repair material made of rubber (manufacture) 22190 25130 Adhesive tape of rubberised textile (manufacture) 25720 28630 Adjustable seat mechanisms (manufacture) 66210 67200 Adjuster (insurance) 84230 75230 Administration and operation of administrative civil and criminal law courts 84240 75240 Administration and operation of regular and auxiliary police forces supported by public authorities 84240 75240 Administration and operation of special police forces 84220 75220 Administration of defence‑related research and development policies and related funds 84220 75220 Administration supervision and operation of engineering, and other non‑combat forces and commands 84220 75220 Administration supervision and operation of intelligence and other non‑combat forces and commands 84220 75220 Administration supervision and operation of land, sea, air and space defence forces 84220 75220 Administration supervision and operation of military defence affairs 84220 75220 Administration supervision and operation of reserve/ auxiliary forces of the defence establishment 84220 75220 Administrative, operational and supervisory services related to civil defence 84220 75220 Administrative, operational and supervisory services related to military defence 88990 85321 Adoption activities (charitable) 88990 85322 Adoption activities (non‑charitable) 85590 80429 Adult education centre 85590 80429 Adult education residential college 46420 51421 Adults’ fur and leather clothing exporter (wholesale) 46420 51421 Adults’ fur and leather clothing importer (wholesale) Alphabetical Index SIC 2007 SIC 2003 Activity 93290 73110 73110 18129 73110 73110 59111 27400 18140 22290 73110 92729 74402 74402 22220 74402 74402 92111 31500 22230 25240 74409 58190 58130 18129 73120 59112 71111 68310 22150 22120 22220 74401 92111 74201 70310 Adventure playground Advertising agencies Advertising campaign creation and realisation Advertising catalogue printing (manufacture) Advertising consultants Advertising contractor Advertising film production Advertising light (manufacture) Advertising mailing literature finishing (manufacture) Advertising material made of plastic (manufacture) Advertising material or samples delivery or distribution Advertising material publishing Advertising newspaper publishing Advertising printed matter printing (manufacture) Advertising space or time (sales or leasing thereof) Advertising video production Advisory and pre‑design architectural activities Advisory services in connection with buying, selling and renting of real estate Advisory, conciliation and arbitration service Advisory, guidance and operational assistance services concerning business policy and strategy Advocate of the Scottish bar Adze (manufacture) Aerated water (manufacture) Aeration plant for effluent treatment (manufacture) Aerial (domestic) (manufacture) Aerial (non‑domestic) (manufacture) Aerial and outdoor advertising services Aerial cable‑ways operation Aerial erection (domestic) Aerial mast (self supporting) erection Aerial photography (other than for cartographic and spatial activity purposes) Aerial photography for cartographic and spatial activity purposes Aerial reflectors (manufacture) Aerial ropeway and cableway (manufacture) Aerial rotors (manufacture) Aerial signal splitters (manufacture) Aerial survey Aero engine manufacture (all types) (manufacture) Aero engine parts and sub assemblies (manufacture) Aerobatic display 70229 74149 70229 74143 69101 25730 11070 28290 26309 26309 73110 49319 43210 43999 74202 74112 28620 15980 29240 32300 32300 74409 60219 45310 45250 74813 74202 74206 26309 28220 26309 26309 71122 30300 30300 90010 32300 29220 32300 32300 74206 35300 35300 92349 52230 63230 Aerodrome 18130 22250 Aerographing (manufacture) 81299 74709 Aeroplane cleaning (non‑specialised) 30300 35300 Aeroplanes (manufacture) 25920 28720 Aerosol cans made of metal (manufacture) 82920 74820 Aerosol filling on a fee or contract basis 30300 35300 Aerospace equipment (manufacture) 20420 24520 After shave lotion (manufacture) 74909 74879 Agents and agencies in entertainment 74909 74879 Agents and agencies in motion picture theatrical production 74909 74879 Agents and agencies in placement of artworks with publishers 74909 74879 Agents and agencies in placement of books with publishers 3 A Alphabetical Index SIC 2007 A SIC 2003 Indexes to the UK Standard Industrial Classification of Economic Activities 2007 – UK SIC(2007) Activity SIC 2007 SIC 2003 Activity 84130 75130 Agricultural services administration and regulation (public sector) 28250 29230 Air cleansing plant (not for air conditioning equipment) (manufacture) 28132 29122 Air compressor (manufacture) 43220 45330 Air conditioning contracting 28250 29230 Air conditioning equipment for aircraft (manufacture) 28250 29230 Air conditioning machines (manufacture) 46690 51870 Air conditioning machines (wholesale) 28250 29230 Air conditioning package (manufacture) 30300 35300 Air cushion vehicle (manufacture) 28250 29230 Air filter for air conditioning equipment (manufacture) 52290 63400 Air freight agent or broker 25400 29600 Air gun (manufacture) 46499 51479 Air heaters and hot air distributors (non‑electric) (wholesale) 71200 74300 Air measuring related to cleanness 26511 33201 Air navigation instruments and systems (electronic) (manufacture) 26513 33202 Air navigation instruments and systems (non‑electronic) (manufacture) 52242 63110 Air passenger baggage handling services 77351 71231 Air passenger transport equipment rental and leasing without operator 25400 29600 Air pistol (manufacture) 28120 29122 Air preparation equipment for use in pneumatic systems (manufacture) 28131 29121 Air pump (manufacture) 25400 29600 Air rifle (manufacture) 51102 62201 Air taxi service 52230 63230 Air terminal operated by airline 52230 63230 Air traffic control activities 52230 63230 Air traffic control centre 77352 71239 Air transport equipment for freight rental (without operator) 51210 62109 Air transport of freight over regular routes 51102 62201 Air transport of passengers by aero clubs for instruction or pleasure 52230 63230 Air transport supporting activities 29320 34300 Airbags for motor vehicle (manufacture) 46140 51140 Aircraft (commission agent) 30300 35300 Aircraft (manufacture) 46690 51870 Aircraft (wholesale) 25400 29600 Aircraft bomb (manufacture) 30300 35300 Aircraft brake (not brake lining) (manufacture) 28990 35300 Aircraft carrier catapults and related equipment (manufacture) 71200 74300 Aircraft certification 26513 33202 Aircraft engine instruments (non‑electronic) (manufacture) 30300 35300 Aircraft galley (manufacture) 82990 74879 Agricultural showground 77352 71239 Aircraft hire for freight (without crew) 13940 17520 Agricultural twine (manufacture) 77351 71231 Aircraft hire for passengers without crew 74909 74879 Agricultural valuer 46690 51870 Aircraft launching gear and deck arresters (wholesale) 74909 74879 Agents and agencies in placement of photographs publishers 74909 74879 Agents and agencies in placement of plays with publishers producers 74909 74879 Agents and agencies in sports attractions 23910 26810 Agglomerated abrasives (manufacture) 16290 20520 Agglomerated cork (manufacture) 19100 23100 Agglomeration of coke (manufacture) 01629 01429 Agistment services on a fee or contract basis 46610 51880 Agricultural and forestry machinery (wholesale) 77310 71310 Agricultural and forestry machinery and equipment operational leasing (without operator) 28302 29320 Agricultural and forestry machinery parts (except tractor parts) (manufacture) 28302 29320 Agricultural broadcaster (manufacture) 23490 26250 Agricultural ceramic ware (manufacture) 85320 80220 Agricultural college 01610 01410 Agricultural contracting 71200 74300 Agricultural grain electrophoresis 25730 28620 Agricultural hand tools, not power‑driven (manufacture) 25730 28620 Agricultural knife (manufacture) 43120 45110 Agricultural land drainage 68209 70209 Agricultural land letting 01610 01410 Agricultural land maintenance in good agricultural and environmental condition 23520 26520 Agricultural lime processing (manufacture) 46140 51140 Agricultural machinery (commission agent) 28302 29320 Agricultural machinery (manufacture) 46610 51880 Agricultural machinery and accessories and implements, including tractors exporter (wholesale) 46610 51880 Agricultural machinery and accessories and implements, including tractors importer (wholesale) 77310 71310 Agricultural machinery and equipment rental and leasing (without operator) 01610 01410 Agricultural machinery and equipment rental with operator 28302 29320 Agricultural machinery for soil preparation (manufacture) 77310 71310 Agricultural machinery hire (without operator) 28302 29320 Agricultural motor drawn trailer (manufacture) 28302 29320 Agricultural planting machinery (manufacture) 46110 51110 Agricultural raw materials (commission agent) 72190 73100 Agricultural research (other than biotechnological) 28302 29320 Agricultural self‑loading semi‑trailers (manufacture) 28302 29320 Agricultural self‑loading trailers (manufacture) 28302 29320 Agricultural self‑unloading semi‑trailers (manufacture) 28302 29320 Agricultural self‑unloading trailers (manufacture) 46750 51550 Agro‑chemical products (wholesale) 20200 24200 Agro‑chemical products n.e.c. (manufacture) 74909 74149 Agronomy consulting 22290 25240 Air beds made of inflatable plastic (manufacture) 52290 63400 Air cargo agents activities 28990 35300 Aircraft launching gear and related equipment (manufacture) 22290 25240 Aircraft parts and accessories made of plastic (manufacture) 51210 62209 Air charter service (freight) 30300 35300 Aircraft parts and sub assemblies (not electric) (manufacture) 51102 62201 Air charter service (passenger) 30300 35300 Aircraft propeller (manufacture) 4 Indexes to the UK Standard Industrial Classification of Economic Activities 2007 – UK SIC(2007) SIC 2007 SIC 2003 Activity 52230 63230 Aircraft refuelling services 30300 36110 Aircraft seat (manufacture) 26511 33201 Airfield electronic controls and approach aids (manufacture) 52230 63230 Airfield ground service activities 30200 35200 Airfield mechanical or electro‑mechanical signalling, safety, traffic control equipment(manufacture) 42110 45230 Airfield runway construction 30300 35300 Airframe (manufacture) 30300 35300 Airframe parts and sub assemblies (not electric) (manufacture) 56290 55520 Airline catering 49390 60219 Airline coach service (scheduled) 52230 63230 Airport activities 52230 63230 Airport fire fighting and fire‑prevention services 42110 45230 Airport runway construction 81299 90030 Airport runways clearing of snow and ice 49390 60231 Airport shuttles 30300 35300 Airscrew (manufacture) 30300 35300 Airship (manufacture) 51101 62101 Air‑transport equipment renting with operator, for scheduled passenger transportation 52230 63230 Airway terminals operation 23700 26700 Alabaster bowl cutting (manufacture) 08110 14110 Alabaster mine 26520 33500 Alarm clock (manufacture) 80200 74602 Alarm monitoring activities 18129 22220 Album printing (manufacture) 46170 51170 Alcoholic beverages (commission agent) 47250 52250 Alcoholic beverages (retail) 46342 51342 Alcoholic beverages (wholesale) 46342 51342 Alcoholic beverages exporter (wholesale) 46342 51342 Alcoholic beverages importer (wholesale) 11010 15910 Alcoholic distilled potable beverage (manufacture) 20140 24140 Aldehyde (manufacture) 46120 51120 Aldehyde function compounds (commission agent) 46750 51550 Aldehyde function compounds (wholesale) 11050 15960 Ale brewing (manufacture) 10910 15710 Alfalfa (Lucerne) meal and pellets (manufacture) 01190 01110 Alfalfa growing 03110 05010 Algae gathering 20160 24160 Alginates (manufacture) 84240 75240 Alien registration administration and operation 20120 24120 Alizarin dye (manufacture) 20130 24130 Alkali (manufacture) 46120 51120 Alkili or alkaline earth metals (commission agent) 20301 24301 Alkyd (manufacture) 20160 24160 Alkyd resins (manufacture) 01130 01120 Alliaceous vegetable growing 25500 28400 Alloy and steel forging roll (manufacture) 24100 27100 Alloy bearing steel (manufacture) 24100 27100 Alloy pig iron (manufacture) 24100 27100 Alloy tool steel (manufacture) 18129 22220 Almanac printing (manufacture) 10612 15612 Almond grinding (manufacture) 01250 01139 Almond growing 13100 17120 Alpaca and mohair spinning on the woollen system (manufacture) 13100 17130 Alpaca and mohair spinning on the worsted system (manufacture) Alphabetical Index SIC 2007 SIC 2003 Activity 13200 13200 27110 27110 29310 27110 26513 08910 24420 26200 20130 17220 17230 31100 31100 31610 31100 33202 14300 27420 30020 24130 Alpaca woollen weaving (manufacture) Alpaca worsted weaving (manufacture) Alternating current (ac) generators (manufacture) Alternating current (ac) motors (manufacture) Alternator for vehicle (manufacture) Alternators (not for vehicles) (manufacture) Altimeter (non‑electronic) (manufacture) Alum mine Aluminium alloys production (manufacture) Aluminium coating inside pc cases (manufacture) Aluminium compounds (except bauxite and abrasives) (manufacture) Aluminium foil laminates made from aluminium foil as primary component (manufacture) Aluminium from alumina production (manufacture) Aluminium hardener (manufacture) Aluminium ore (bauxite) mining or preparation Aluminium oxide (alumina) production (manufacture) Aluminium paint (manufacture) Aluminium paste (manufacture) Aluminium refining (manufacture) Aluminium semi‑manufactures production (manufacture) Aluminium smelting (manufacture) Aluminium wire made by drawing (manufacture) Aluminous cement (manufacture) Alums (manufacture) Amber turning (manufacture) Ambulance (manufacture) Ambulance service Ambulances with a weight not exceeding 3.5 tonnes (new) (retail) Ambulances with a weight not exceeding 3.5 tonnes (new) (wholesale) Ambulances with a weight not exceeding 3.5 tonnes (used) (retail) Ambulances with a weight not exceeding 3.5 tonnes (used) (wholesale) Amides and their derivatives and salts (commission agent) Amine function compounds (commission agent) Amines (manufacture) Amino resins, phenolic resins and polyurethanes in primary forms (commission agent) Amino resins, phenolic resins and polyurethanes in primary forms (wholesale) Aminoplastic resins (manufacture) Ammeters (electronic) (manufacture) Ammeters (non‑electronic) (manufacture) Ammonia (manufacture) Ammoniacal liquor from coke ovens (manufacture) Ammonium chloride (manufacture) Ammonium chloride, nitrites and carbonates (commission agent) 24420 27420 24420 24420 07290 24420 20301 20301 24420 24420 27420 27420 13200 27420 24301 24301 27420 27420 24420 24420 23510 20130 32990 29100 86900 45111 27420 27420 26510 24130 36639 34100 85140 50101 45111 50101 45112 50102 45112 50102 46180 51180 46120 51120 20140 24140 46120 51120 46750 51550 20160 26511 26513 20150 19100 20150 46120 24160 33201 33202 24150 23100 24150 51120 20150 24150 Ammonium compounds (excluding ammonium nitrate, sulphate and phosphate) (manufacture) 20150 24150 Ammonium nitrate (not for explosives) (manufacture) 20510 24610 Ammonium nitrate for explosives (manufacture) 20150 24150 Ammonium phosphate (manufacture) 20150 24150 Ammonium sulphate (manufacture) 19100 23100 Ammonium sulphate from coke ovens (manufacture) 5 A Alphabetical Index A Indexes to the UK Standard Industrial Classification of Economic Activities 2007 – UK SIC(2007) SIC 2007 SIC 2003 Activity SIC 2007 25400 47789 20510 29100 26400 26309 26400 26110 23190 29600 52489 24610 34100 32300 32300 32300 32100 26150 92000 46180 18129 58142 77390 32401 93210 93210 92710 51180 22220 22130 71340 36501 92330 92330 Ammunition (manufacture) Ammunition (retail) Amorce (manufacture) Amphibious vehicles (manufacture) Amplifier for audio separates (manufacture) Amplifier for broadcasting studio (manufacture) Amplifiers and sound amplifier sets (manufacture) Amplifying valve (manufacture) Ampoules made of glass (hygienic and pharmaceutical) (manufacture) Amusement arcade Amusement goods (commission agent) Amusement guide periodical printing (manufacture) Amusement guide periodical publishing Amusement machine hire Amusement machines (manufacture) Amusement park activities Amusement park mechanical rides, water rides, games Amusement park shows, theme exhibits and picnic grounds Anaerobic adhesive (manufacture) Anaesthetic equipment (manufacture) Anaesthetics (manufacture) Anaesthetist (public sector) Analgesics (manufacture) Analogue computer (manufacture) Analysis of capital investment proposals consultancy services Analytical chemist Anchor (manufacture) Anchor handling services Andouillettes (manufacture) Angle‑dozers (manufacture) Angles made of aluminium (manufacture) Angles of stainless steel (manufacture) Angora rabbit breeding Anhydrite mine or quarry Anhydrite plaster (manufacture) Aniline (wholesale) Aniline dye (manufacture) Animal ambulance activities Animal compound feed (manufacture) 75000 85200 Animal hospital supervised or run by registered veterinarian 01700 01500 Animal hunting and trapping 10110 15112 Animal offal (inedible) production (manufacture) 10110 15112 Animal offal processing (manufacture) 10410 15420 Animal oil refining (manufacture) 01629 01429 Animal production support activities other than farm animal boarding and care 01629 01429 Animal propagation, growth and output – activities to promote these, on a fee or contract basis 94990 91330 Animal protection organisations 01490 01250 Animal rearing for medical research 01629 01429 Animal rearing for production of serum 77390 71340 Animal rental (herds, racehorses) 90010 92349 Animal training for circuses, etc. 59111 92111 Animated film production 59112 92111 Animated video production 01280 01139 Anise growing 28210 29210 Annealing lehr (manufacture) 25610 28510 Anodising (manufacture) 14131 18221 Anoraks for men and boys (manufacture) 14132 18222 Anoraks for women and girls (manufacture) 20140 24140 Anthracene (manufacture) 46180 51180 Antibiotics (commission agent) 21100 24410 Antibiotics (manufacture) 46460 51460 Antibiotics (wholesale) 43341 45440 Anti‑corrosive coatings application work 20301 24301 Anti‑corrosive paint (manufacture) 20590 24660 Anti‑freeze mixtures (excluding pure ethyl glycol) (manufacture) 46120 51120 Anti‑freezing preparations and prepared de‑icing fluids (commission agent) 24450 27450 Antifriction metal (manufacture) 30300 35300 Anti‑icing equipment and systems for aircraft (manufacture) 21200 24421 Anti‑infectives (manufacture) 20590 24660 Anti‑knock compounds (manufacture) 46120 51120 Anti‑knock preparations and additives for mineral oils and similar products (commission agent) 24450 27450 Antimony (manufacture) 20420 24520 Anti‑perspirant (manufacture) 50200 61102 Anti‑pollution vessel services 47791 52501 Antique books (retail) 23110 26110 Antique glass (manufacture) 47791 52501 Antiques (retail) 46470 51479 Antiques (wholesale) 29320 34300 Anti‑roll bars for motor vehicles (manufacture) 20590 24660 Anti‑rust preparations (manufacture) 45200 50200 Anti‑rust treatment of motor vehicles 21200 24421 Antiseptics (manufacture) 21200 24421 Antisera and other blood fractions (manufacture) 46180 51180 Antisera and vaccines (commission agent) 46460 51460 Antisera and vaccines (wholesale) 93210 92330 20520 32500 21200 86101 21200 26200 70221 24620 33100 24421 85111 24421 30020 74142 71200 25990 50200 10130 28922 24420 24100 01490 08110 23520 46750 20120 75000 10910 74300 28750 61102 15139 29522 27420 27100 01250 14120 26530 51550 24120 85200 15710 49390 60239 Animal drawn vehicle transport 10410 15410 Animal fat and oil production (non‑edible) (manufacture) 28930 29530 Animal fat or oils extraction and preparation machinery (manufacture) 46210 51210 Animal feed (wholesale) 10910 15710 Animal feed supplement (manufacture) 10110 15112 Animal grease (manufacture) 01430 01220 Animal hair (not carded or combed) including horsehair production 46210 51210 Animal hair (wholesale) SIC 2003 Activity 20200 24200 Anti‑sprouting products (manufacture) 75000 85200 Animal health care and control activities for farm animals 46750 51550 Anti‑sprouting products (wholesale) 75000 85200 Animal health care and control activities for pet animals 68100 70120 Apartment buildings buying and selling 75000 85200 Animal hospital (RSPCA, PDSA, Blue Cross) 55209 55232 Apartment letting (self catering) other than holiday centres and holiday villages or youth hostels 75000 85200 Animal hospital run by veterinary surgeon 6 25730 28620 Anvils (manufacture) 68209 70209 Apartment buildings letting Indexes to the UK Standard Industrial Classification of Economic Activities 2007 – UK SIC(2007) SIC 2007 SIC 2003 Activity 11010 15910 Aperitif (spirit based) (manufacture) 28990 33403 Apparatus and equipment for automatically developing photographic film 28940 29540 Apparel and leather production machinery (manufacture) 13200 17210 Apparel cloth woven from yarns spun on the cotton system (manufacture) 14200 18300 Apparel made of fur (manufacture) 22290 25240 Apparel made of plastic (if only sealed together, not sewn) (manufacture) 22190 25130 Apparel made of rubber (if only sealed together, not sewn) (manufacture) 22190 25130 Apparel made of sealed rubber (manufacture) 28940 29540 Apparel production machinery (manufacture) 84230 75230 Appeal Committee of the House of Lords 01240 01139 Apple growing 10890 15899 Apple pomace and pectin (manufacture) 11030 15949 Apple wine making 27900 31300 Appliance cords with insulated wire and connectors (manufacture) 74909 74879 Appraiser and valuer (not insurance or real estate) 85320 80220 Apprentice school 01240 01139 Apricot growing 22190 25130 Aprons (manufacture) 14120 18210 Aprons for domestic use (manufacture) 14120 18210 Aprons for industrial use (manufacture) 03210 05020 Aquaculture in salt water filled tanks or reservoirs 03210 05020 Aquaculture in sea or brackish waters 03220 05020 Aquaculture, freshwater 27510 29710 Aquarium heater (electric) (manufacture) 42910 45240 Aqueduct construction 84230 75230 Arbitration of civil actions 70229 74149 Arbitrators between management and labour 69109 74119 Arbitrators legal activities 27400 31500 Arc lamp (manufacture) 32300 36400 Archery equipment (manufacture) 28131 29121 Archimedean screw pump (manufacture) 94120 91120 Architects associations 71111 74201 Architectural activities and related technical consultancy 71111 74201 Architectural draughtsman 58110 22110 Architectural drawing publishing 71129 74204 Architectural engineering activities 23190 26150 Architectural glass (manufacture) 22230 25239 Architrave made of plastic (manufacture) 91012 92510 Archive activities 27110 31100 Arc‑welding transformers (manufacture) 20110 24110 Argon (manufacture) 29320 36110 Arm rest for motor vehicle (manufacture) 31090 36110 Armchair (manufacture) 30400 29600 Armoured amphibious military vehicles (manufacture) 29100 34100 Armoured car (except military fighting vehicles) (manufacture) 80100 74602 Armoured car services 25990 28750 Armoured doors (manufacture) 22190 25130 Armoured hose made of rubber (manufacture) 46660 51850 Armoured or reinforced safes, strong boxes and doors made of base metal (wholesale) 25400 29600 Arms (manufacture) 15120 19200 Army accoutrement made of leather (manufacture) Alphabetical Index SIC 2007 SIC 2003 Activity 84220 84220 94910 01280 20530 20140 10620 24450 47781 94990 90030 91020 85520 15120 25990 91020 13923 23410 58190 91011 42210 01130 32120 75220 75220 91310 01139 24630 24140 15620 27450 52486 91330 92319 92521 80429 19200 28750 92521 17403 26210 22150 92510 45250 01120 36220 Army establishment (civilian personnel) Army establishment (service personnel) Army scripture readers association Aromatic crops growing Aromatic distilled waters (manufacture) Aromatic hydrocarbons (manufacture) Arrowroot (manufacture) Arsenic (manufacture) Art (retail) Art clubs Art expert Art gallery (not dealer) Art instruction Art leather work (manufacture) Art metal work (manufacture) Art museums Art needlework (manufacture) Art pottery (manufacture) Art publishing Art work lending and storage Artesian well contractor Artichoke growing Articles for religious use of base metals clad with precious metals (manufacture) Articles made from non‑wovens (manufacture) Articles made of paper and paperboard n.e.c. (manufacture) Articles of fur (retail) Articulated link chain (except for motor vehicles and bicycles) (wholesale) Articulated link chain (manufacture) Artificial concentrates (manufacture) Artificial corundum (manufacture) Artificial eye (manufacture) Artificial flowers and fruit made of paper (manufacture) Artificial flowers and fruit made of plastic (manufacture) Artificial flowers and fruit made of textiles (manufacture) Artificial flowers, foliage and fruit (wholesale) Artificial fur and articles thereof (manufacture) Artificial honey (manufacture) Artificial horizon (non‑electronic) (manufacture) Artificial insemination activities on a fee or contract basis Artificial joints and parts for the body (wholesale) Artificial kidney unit Artificial limb (manufacture) Artificial limb and appliance centre Artificial manure (manufacture) Artificial parts for the heart (manufacture) Artificial respiration equipment (manufacture) Artificial stone made of plastic (manufacture) Artificial teeth (manufacture) Artificial teeth and dental fittings (wholesale) Artificial waxes (manufacture) Artillery (manufacture) Artillery ammunition (manufacture) Artist 13950 17530 17290 21259 47710 52421 46690 51870 28150 10890 23990 32500 32990 29140 15899 26829 33100 36639 32990 36639 32990 36639 46499 14200 10890 26513 01629 51479 18300 15620 33202 01429 46460 86900 32500 86900 20150 32500 32500 22230 32500 46460 20412 25400 25400 90030 51460 85140 33100 85140 24150 33100 33100 25239 33100 51460 24512 29600 29600 92319 7 A Alphabetical Index A Indexes to the UK Standard Industrial Classification of Economic Activities 2007 – UK SIC(2007) SIC 2007 SIC 2003 Activity SIC 2007 32910 13960 20301 96090 13960 46180 36620 17549 24301 93059 17549 51180 Artists’ brush (manufacture) Artists’ canvases (manufacture) Artists’ colours (manufacture) Artists’ model Artists’ tracing cloth (manufacture) Artists’, students’ and sign board painters’ colours, modifying tints and similar (commission agent) Arts and crafts school Arts facilities operation Arts, cultural or leisure facilities buildings construction Asbestos carding (manufacture) Asbestos cement products (manufacture) Asbestos felting (manufacture) Asbestos mining and quarrying Asbestos mixing (manufacture) Asbestos moulding (manufacture) Asbestos removal work Asbestos spinning (manufacture) Asbestos weaving (manufacture) Asbestos, lead paint, and other toxic material abatement Aseptic hospital furniture (manufacture) Ashes and residues of incineration of mining and quarrying waste Asparagus growing Asphalt (manufacture) Asphalt (natural) mining and quarrying Asphalt laying plant (manufacture) Asphalt or similar materials (e.g. Asphalt‑based adhesives), articles thereof (manufacture) Asphalt paving of roads Asphalt processing plant (manufacture) Asphalting contractor (civil engineering) Asphaltites and asphaltic rock mining and quarrying Aspirator separators (manufacture) Ass farming and breeding Assay office Assembled rail sections (manufacture) Assembling of books, brochures, etc. (manufacture) Assembling of electronic industrial process control equipment (manufacture) Assembling of non‑electronic industrial process control equipment (manufacture) Assembly and erection of prefabricated non‑residential constructions on the site Assembly and installation of self‑manufactured commercial buildings of metal on site Assembly and installation of self‑manufactured commercial buildings of plastic on site 94120 91120 Association of corporate and certified accountants 94990 91330 Associations for the pursuit of a cultural or recreational activity or hobby 65110 66011 Assurance company (life) 96090 93059 Astrologer 26701 33402 Astronomical equipment (optical) (manufacture) 72190 73100 Astronomy research and experimental development 86101 85112 Asylums (private sector) 86101 85111 Asylums (public sector) 93199 92629 Athletes 14190 18249 Athletic clothing (manufacture) 93120 92629 Athletic club 32300 36400 Athletic equipment (manufacture) 15200 19300 Athletic footwear (manufacture) 18129 22220 Atlas printing (manufacture) 58110 22110 Atlas publishing 28250 29230 Atmospheric pollution control plant (manufacture) 72190 73100 Atomic energy research and experimental development 15120 19200 Attaché case made of leather or leather substitute (manufacture) 69201 74121 Attestations, valuations and preparation of pro forma statements 28250 29710 Attic ventilation fans (manufacture) 69102 74113 Attorney 29100 34100 ATVs, go‑carts and similar including race cars (manufacture) 01130 01120 Aubergine (egg‑plant) growing 47990 52630 Auction houses (except antiques and second hand goods) (retail) 47630 52450 Audio and video recordings (retail) 58110 22110 Audio book publishing 47430 52450 Audio equipment (retail) 26400 32300 Audio separate (manufacture) 46431 51431 Audio separates (wholesale) 18201 22310 Audio tape recording, except master copies for records or audio material (manufacture) 47630 52450 Audio tapes and cassettes (retail) 47430 52450 Audio/visual cassettes (retail) 47430 52450 Audio/visual equipment (retail) 77390 71340 Audio/visual equipment for professional use hire 32500 33100 Audiometers (manufacture) 69201 74121 Auditing activities 25730 28620 Auger and auger bit (manufacture) 13921 17401 Austrian blinds (manufacture) 90030 92319 Author 26701 33402 Auto correlator (optical) (manufacture) 29310 31610 Auto electrical equipment (manufacture) 29320 34300 Auto spare parts (manufacture) 32500 33100 Autoclaves (manufacture) 30910 35410 Autocycle (manufacture) 77330 71330 Automatic data processing equipment hire 25400 29600 Automatic gun (manufacture) 32200 36300 Automatic pianos (manufacture) 26511 33201 Automatic pilots (electronic) (manufacture) 26513 33202 Automatic pilots (non‑electronic) (manufacture) 28120 29130 Automatic process control valves (manufacture) 46690 51870 Automatic regulating or controlling instruments and apparatus (wholesale) 28940 29540 Automatic stop motions (textile machinery) (manufacture) 85320 80220 90040 92320 41201 45211 23990 23650 23990 08990 23990 23990 39000 23990 23990 39000 26821 26650 26821 14500 26821 26821 45250 26821 26821 90030 32500 33100 38210 14500 01130 23990 08990 28923 23990 01120 26829 14500 29523 26829 42110 28923 42110 08990 28930 01430 71200 30200 18140 33200 45230 29523 45230 14500 29530 01220 74300 35200 22230 33301 33200 33302 41201 45211 41201 28110 41201 25239 41201 20300 Assembly and installation of self‑manufactured commercial buildings of wood on site 41202 28110 Assembly and installation of self‑manufactured domestic buildings of metal on site 41202 25239 Assembly and installation of self‑manufactured domestic buildings of plastic on site 41202 20300 Assembly and installation of self‑manufactured domestic buildings of wood on site 87300 85311 Assisted‑living facilities for the elderly or disabled (charitable) 87300 85312 Assisted‑living facilities for the elderly or disabled (non‑charitable) 8 SIC 2003 Activity Indexes to the UK Standard Industrial Classification of Economic Activities 2007 – UK SIC(2007) SIC 2007 SIC 2003 Activity 26200 30020 Automatic teller machines (ATMs) computer terminals not mechanically operated (manufacture) 46660 51850 Automatic typewriters and word‑processing machines (wholesale) 94990 91330 Automobile association 52219 50200 Automobile association road patrols 45200 50200 Automobile association service centres 79110 63301 Automobile association touring department 77110 71100 Automobile rental (self drive) 26513 33202 Automotive emissions testing equipment (non‑electronic) (manufacture) 71121 74205 Automotive production design 13960 17542 Automotive trimmings (manufacture) 84250 75250 Auxiliary fire brigade services 46640 51830 Auxiliary machinery for use with machines for working textiles (wholesale) 25300 28300 Auxiliary plant for use with steam generators (manufacture) 30300 35300 Auxiliary power unit for aircraft (manufacture) 66210 67200 Average adjuster 65120 66031 Aviation insurance 19201 23201 Aviation spirit (manufacture) 19201 23201 Aviation turbine fuel (manufacture) 01220 01139 Avocado growing 13200 17250 Awning cloth weaving (manufacture) 13922 17402 Awnings (manufacture) 46410 51410 Awnings and sun blinds (wholesale) 47510 52410 Awnings and sunblinds (retail) 22290 25240 Awnings made of plastic (manufacture) 25730 28620 Axe (manufacture) 28132 29122 Axial compressor (manufacture) 28131 29121 Axial flow pump (manufacture) 29320 34300 Axle for motor vehicle (manufacture) 30910 35410 Axle for motorcycle (manufacture) 30200 35200 Axles and wheels for locomotive and rolling stock (manufacture) 30200 35200 Axles for rail and tramway vehicles (manufacture) 30200 35200 Axles made of steel for railway and tramway vehicles (manufacture) 13931 17511 Axminster carpet (manufacture) 20120 24120 Azoic dye (manufacture) 14190 18249 Babies garments (manufacture) 22290 25240 Baby baths made of plastic (manufacture) 30920 36639 Baby carriage (manufacture) 47789 52489 Baby carriages (retail) 46499 51479 Baby carriages (wholesale) 14190 18249 Baby clothing (manufacture) 46380 51380 Baby food (wholesale) 10860 15880 Baby foods (manufacture) 10860 15880 Baby foods (milk based) (manufacture) 14190 18249 Baby linen (manufacture) 13923 17403 Baby napkins made of towelling (manufacture) 28940 29540 Backing and curling machinery (carpet making) (manufacture) 27900 31620 Backward wave oscillator (manufacture) 10130 15131 Bacon curing (manufacture) 10130 15131 Bacon production (manufacture) 10130 15131 Bacon smoking (manufacture) 23440 26240 Bacteria bed tile (manufacture) 71200 74300 Bacteriologist (non medical) Alphabetical Index SIC 2007 SIC 2003 Activity 13960 25990 01280 93120 32300 25990 25990 32409 26600 13200 32200 13922 13922 32130 15120 17542 28750 01139 92629 36400 28750 28750 36509 33100 17250 36300 17402 17402 36610 19200 Badges (textile) (manufacture) Badges made of metal (manufacture) Badian growing Badminton club Badminton shuttlecock (manufacture) Bag clasp (manufacture) Bag frame (manufacture) Bagatelle board (manufacture) Baggage scanning equipment (manufacture) Bagging cloth (manufacture) Bagpipes and reeds (manufacture) Bags made of canvas (manufacture) Bags made of canvas or cotton cloth (manufacture) Bags made of chain (manufacture) Bags made of leather or leather substitute (manufacture) Bags made of paper (manufacture) Bags made of plastic (not designed for prolonged use) (manufacture) Bags made of plastic for packaging (manufacture) Bags made of polyethylene (manufacture) Bags made of transparent regenerated cellulose film (manufacture) Bailiffs activities Bait digging Bait production Baize (manufacture) Baker (retail) Bakers’ yeast from distillery (manufacture) Bakery (baking main activity) (manufacture) Bakery (selling main activity) (retail) Bakery machinery and ovens (manufacture) Bakery moulders (manufacture) Bakery ovens (industrial) (manufacture) Bakery ovens (wholesale) Bakery products (wholesale) Baking dish, pan and tin (manufacture) Baking powder (manufacture) Balaclava helmet (manufacture) Balances and scales (wholesale) Balancing machines (electronic) (manufacture) Balancing machines (non‑electronic) (manufacture) Balata belting (manufacture) Balata goods (excluding belting) (manufacture) Bale breakers (manufacture) Bale handler for agriculture (manufacture) Baler for hay and straw (manufacture) Baler twine (manufacture) Baling press (not agricultural) (manufacture) Ball and roller bearings (wholesale) Ball bearing (manufacture) Ball clay extraction (mine or opencast working) Ball core (rubber) (manufacture) Ball valves (manufacture) Ballasts for discharge lamps or tubes (wholesale) Balata gathering Ballet company Ballet school Ballet shoe (manufacture) 17211 21211 22220 25220 22220 25220 22220 25220 22220 25220 69109 03210 03210 13990 47240 10890 10710 47240 28930 28930 28930 46690 46360 25990 10890 14190 46690 26511 26513 22190 22190 28940 28302 28302 13940 28290 46690 28150 08120 22190 28140 46690 02300 90010 85320 15200 74119 01250 01250 17549 52240 15899 15810 52240 29530 29530 29530 51870 51360 28750 15899 18241 51870 33201 33202 25130 25130 29540 29320 29320 17520 29240 51870 29140 14220 25130 29130 51870 02010 92311 80220 19300 9 B Alphabetical Index SIC 2007 B SIC 2003 Indexes to the UK Standard Industrial Classification of Economic Activities 2007 – UK SIC(2007) Activity 25400 29600 Ballistic missile, except intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) (manufacture) 30300 35300 Balloon (not toy) (manufacture) 46499 51479 Balloons, dirigibles and other non‑powered aircraft (wholesale) 22190 25130 Balloons, rubber (except pilot and sounding balloons, dirigibles and hot‑air balloons) (manufacture) 23190 26150 Ballotini (manufacture) 32990 36631 Ballpoint pen and refill (manufacture) 46499 51479 Ball‑point, felt‑tipped and other porous‑tipped pens and markers (wholesale) 32300 36400 Balls for all sports (finished) (manufacture) 02300 02010 Balsam gathering 31090 36140 Bamboo furniture (other than seating) (manufacture) 16290 20520 Bamboo preparation (manufacture) 10390 15330 Banana ripening and conditioning (manufacture) 01220 01139 Bananas and plantain growing 90010 92311 Band (musical) 74909 74879 Band agency 13200 17210 Bandage cloth weaving (manufacture) 13990 17542 Banding (woven) (manufacture) 22190 25130 Bands made of elastic (manufacture) 25930 28730 Bands made of plaited metal (manufacture) 22190 25130 Bands made of rubber (manufacture) 25930 28730 Bands made of uninsulated plaited copper (manufacture) 25930 28730 Bands, slings, etc. Made of uninsulated plaited iron or steel (manufacture) 25730 28620 Bandsaw blades (manufacture) 64205 65234 Bank holding companies 28230 30010 Bank note counting machine (manufacture) 17120 21120 Bank note paper (manufacture) 18129 22220 Bank note printing (manufacture) 64110 65110 Bank of England 66110 67110 Bankers’ clearing house 64929 65229 Banking institutions in Channel Islands and Isle of Man activities (not in UK banking sector) 28230 30010 Banknote dispensing machine (manufacture) 64191 65121 Banks (deposit taking) 64929 65229 Banks not authorised by the FSA as deposit taking 13922 17402 Banner (making up) (manufacture) 16230 20300 Bannister rails made of wood (manufacture) 56210 55520 Banquet catering 94910 91310 Baptist church 82990 74879 Bar code imprinting services 46740 51540 Barbed wire and stranded wire (wholesale) 25930 28730 Barbed wire made of steel (manufacture) 96020 93020 Barber 46460 51460 Barbers’ and similar chairs (wholesale) 26200 30020 Barcode readers and other optical readers (manufacture) 26110 32100 Bare printed circuit boards (manufacture) 30110 35110 Barge (manufacture) 50400 61209 Barge lessee or owner (freight) 50300 61201 Barge lessee or owner (passenger) (inland waterway service) 50200 61102 Barge transport (except for inland waterway) freight service 16100 20100 Bargeboard (manufacture) 08910 14300 Barium sulphate (natural) mining 10 SIC 2007 SIC 2003 Activity 01110 11060 10611 10611 10611 01110 15970 15611 15611 15611 26511 26513 25920 25910 22220 16240 69101 77390 24420 24440 24440 23190 24100 24430 33201 33202 28720 28710 25220 20400 74112 71219 27420 27440 27440 26150 27100 27430 Barley growing Barley malting (manufacture) Barley meal production (manufacture) Barley milling (manufacture) Barley processing (blocked, flaked, puffed or pearled) (manufacture) Barometer (electronic) (manufacture) Barometer (non‑electronic) (manufacture) Barrels made of aluminium (manufacture) Barrels made of iron or steel (manufacture) Barrels made of plastic (manufacture) Barrels made of wood (manufacture) Barrister Barrow hiring Bars made of aluminium (manufacture) Bars made of brass (manufacture) Bars made of copper (manufacture) Bars made of glass (manufacture) Bars of stainless steel (manufacture) Bars, rods, profiles and wire made of lead (manufacture) Bars, rods, profiles and wire made of tin (manufacture) Bars, rods, profiles and wire made of zinc (manufacture) Barytes mine Basalt mine Base exchange plant for water treatment (manufacture) Base metal articles (manufacture) Base paper for printing and writing paper (manufacture) Basement lights made of glass (manufacture) Basic dye (manufacture) Basic slag (ground) (manufacture) Basil growing Basins for swimming and paddling pools (manufacture) Basins made of fibre‑cement (manufacture) Basins made of metal (manufacture) Basket chair (manufacture) Basket furniture (manufacture) Baskets made of materials (other than plastic) (manufacture) Baskets made of plastic (manufacture) Basketware (manufacture) Bas‑relief and haut‑relief made of concrete, plaster, cement or artificial stone (manufacture) 24430 27430 24430 27430 08910 14300 08110 14110 28290 29240 25990 28750 17120 21120 23190 20120 20150 01280 32300 26150 24120 24150 01139 36400 23650 25990 31090 31090 16290 26650 28750 36110 36140 20520 22290 25240 16290 20520 23690 26660 13200 17250 Bast fibres and special yarns weaving (manufacture) 13100 17170 Bast fibres preparation and spinning (manufacture) 63110 72300 Batch processing 30920 35430 Bath chair (manufacture) 20420 24520 Bath preparations (manufacture) 20420 24520 Bath salts (manufacture) 13923 17403 Bath towel (manufacture) 22290 25240 Bathing caps made of plastic (manufacture) 22190 25130 Bathing caps of rubber (manufacture) 93110 92619 Bathing pool proprietor 46730 51530 Baths (wholesale) 23420 26220 Baths made of ceramic (manufacture) Indexes to the UK Standard Industrial Classification of Economic Activities 2007 – UK SIC(2007) Alphabetical Index SIC 2007 SIC 2003 Activity SIC 2007 SIC 2003 Activity 22230 25990 22230 32300 23200 16210 27200 27110 27200 27200 28990 29100 25239 28750 25239 36400 26260 20200 31400 31100 31400 31400 29560 34100 14120 14120 01280 25710 77210 93290 18210 18210 01139 28750 71401 92729 15200 93290 14190 30110 30110 16100 16230 16230 19300 92729 18249 35110 35110 20100 20300 20300 31030 47599 14310 13923 13923 31090 31090 01490 10130 10130 10130 16290 28302 46610 11050 47250 11050 56302 56302 56302 56302 56302 56302 46110 36150 52440 17710 17403 17403 36140 36140 01250 15139 15139 15139 20510 29320 51880 15960 52250 15960 55402 55404 55403 55402 55404 55403 51110 23190 16290 17220 28940 16230 10612 01110 10612 10612 96020 28150 46690 26150 20510 21220 29540 20300 15612 01120 15612 15612 93020 29140 51870 Baths made of fibre glass (manufacture) Baths made of metal (manufacture) Baths made of plastic (manufacture) Bats (manufacture) Bats made of ceramic (manufacture) Battenboard (manufacture) Batteries for vehicles (manufacture) Battery charger (manufacture) Battery for car (manufacture) Battery for flash lamp (manufacture) Battery making machine (manufacture) Battery powered electric commercial vehicle (manufacture) Battledress for men (manufacture) Battledress for women (manufacture) Bay growing Bayonet (manufacture) Beach chairs and umbrellas renting and leasing Beach facilities rental (bathhouses, lockers, chairs, etc.) Beach footwear (manufacture) Beach hut proprietor Beachwear for women and girls (manufacture) Beacon for shipping (manufacture) Beacons for ships (manufacture) Beaded wood (manufacture) Beading made of wood (manufacture) Beadings and mouldings made of wood (manufacture) Beads made of glass (manufacture) Beads made of wood (manufacture) Beakers made of paper (manufacture) Beaming machinery (textile) (manufacture) Beams (manufacture) Bean grinding (manufacture) Bean growing Bean milling (manufacture) Bean splitting (manufacture) Beard trimming Bearing housings (manufacture) Bearing housings and plain shaft bearings (wholesale) Bearing, gearing and driving element parts (manufacture) Bearings (manufacture) Beauty and make‑up preparations (manufacture) Beauty parlour Beauty specialist Beauty treatment activities Beauty, make‑up and skin‑care preparations including sun tan preparations (commission agent) Bed and table linen (commission agent) Bed heads made of metal (manufacture) Bed linen (manufacture) Bed linen (retail) Bed settee (manufacture) Bedding (retail) Bedfolder (manufacture) Bedford cord (not worsted) weaving (manufacture) Bedford cord worsted weaving (manufacture) 46342 10810 01190 10810 01610 01130 27900 51342 15830 01110 15830 01410 01120 31620 24540 25940 22190 27900 27540 28740 25130 31620 25990 26301 25990 13200 22190 28750 32201 28750 17210 25130 Beds (mattress and mattress support) (manufacture) Beds (retail) Bedsock (manufacture) Bedspread (manufacture) Bedspreads made of lace (manufacture) Bedsteads made of metal (manufacture) Bedsteads made of wood (manufacture) Bee keeping Beef extract (manufacture) Beef paste (manufacture) Beef pickling (manufacture) Beehives made of wood (manufacture) Bee‑keeping machinery (manufacture) Bee‑keeping machines (wholesale) Beer (non‑alcoholic) (manufacture) Beer (retail) Beer brewing (manufacture) Beer gardens (independent) Beer gardens (managed) Beer gardens (tenanted) Beer halls (independent) Beer halls (managed) Beer halls (tenanted) Beer or distilling dregs for animal feed (commission agent) Beer, wines and liqueurs (wholesale) Beet pulp (manufacture) Beet seed growing Beet sugar (manufacture) Beet thinning on a fee or contract basis Beetroot growing Bell apparatus (other than telegraphic or telephonic) (manufacture) Bell founding (manufacture) Belleville washer (manufacture) Bellows made of rubber (manufacture) Bells (other than telephone type) (electric) (manufacture) Bells for pedal cycles (manufacture) Bells for telephones (manufacture) Bells made of base metals (manufacture) Belting duck weaving (manufacture) Belting for domestic appliances made of rubber (manufacture) Belting made of plastic (manufacture) Belting made of rubber (manufacture) 28150 29140 28150 20420 96020 96020 96020 46180 29140 24520 93020 93020 93020 51180 46160 31090 13923 47510 31090 47510 32990 13200 13200 51160 36140 17403 52410 36110 52410 36639 17210 17230 22210 25210 22190 25130 15120 19200 Belts made of leather or leather substitute (manufacture) 31090 36110 Bench seat (manufacture) 25730 28620 Bench vice (manufacture) 28410 29420 Bending machines (metal forming) (manufacture) 24200 27220 Bends made of steel (manufacture) 88990 85321 Benevolent society (charitable services) 65120 66031 Benevolent society (insurance) 10410 15410 Benniseed crushing (manufacture) 10410 15420 Benniseed oil refining (manufacture) 16100 20100 Bent timber (manufacture) 31090 36140 Bentwood furniture (manufacture) 20140 24140 Benzene (manufacture) 11 B Alphabetical Index B Indexes to the UK Standard Industrial Classification of Economic Activities 2007 – UK SIC(2007) SIC 2007 SIC 2003 Activity SIC 2007 SIC 2003 Activity 35210 14190 14190 02300 52220 24450 32910 91020 92000 92000 82920 01270 28930 46170 11040 46390 11030 40210 18241 18241 01139 63220 27450 36620 92521 92710 92710 74820 01139 29530 51170 15950 51390 15949 18140 28230 92000 26701 25990 22290 26511 20200 19201 22230 30010 92710 33402 28750 25240 33201 24200 23201 13990 17120 94910 28150 77210 25720 52219 28131 46150 30920 47640 30920 46499 32409 23420 25940 10110 74909 64991 17542 21120 91310 29140 71401 28630 63210 29121 51150 35420 52485 35420 51479 36509 26220 28740 15112 63400 65233 Benzole (crude) from gas works Beret (knitted) (manufacture) Beret (not knitted) (manufacture) Berries, gathering from the wild Berthing activities Beryllium (manufacture) Besom (manufacture) Bethnal Green Museum Betting activities Betting shop Beverage bottling on a fee or contract basis Beverage crop growing other than wine grapes Beverage processing machinery (manufacture) Beverages (commission agent) Beverages (non‑distilled, fermented) (manufacture) Beverages (non‑specialised) (wholesale) Beverages made of fermented fruit n.e.c. (manufacture) Bias binding (manufacture) Bible paper (manufacture) Bible society Bicycle chain Bicycle hire Bicycle locks with or without keys (manufacture) Bicycle parking operations Bicycle pumps (manufacture) Bicycles (commission agent) Bicycles (non‑motorised) (manufacture) Bicycles (retail) Bicycles and parts (manufacture) Bicycles and their parts and accessories (wholesale) Bicycles for children (manufacture) Bidets made of ceramic, fireclay, etc. (manufacture) Bifurcated rivet (manufacture) Bile processing by knackers (manufacture) Bill auditing and freight rate information Bill broker on own account (other than discount house) Bill broking on behalf of others (other than discount house) Bill collecting Bill posting agency Billets made of aluminium (manufacture) Billets made of brass (manufacture) Billets made of copper (manufacture) Billets made of semi‑finished steel (manufacture) Billfolds made of leather (manufacture) Billiard ball (manufacture) Billiard cue (manufacture) Billiard room or saloon Billiard table (manufacture) Billiard table cloth (manufacture) Binding and related services (manufacture) Binding machine (manufacture) Bingo hall Binoculars (manufacture) Bins made of metal (manufacture) Bins made of plastic (manufacture) Biochemical analysers (electronic) (manufacture) Biocides (manufacture) Biofuels from blending of alcohols with petroleum, e.g. Gasohol (manufacture) Biology research and experimental development Biotech pharmaceuticals (manufacture) Biotechnology research and experimental development Birch broom (manufacture) Bird food (manufacture) Bird raising, other than poultry Bird skin production (from hunting) Bird skin production from ranching operation Biscuit making machinery and ovens (manufacture) Biscuit tile (manufacture) Biscuits (manufacture) Bishopsgate Institute Bismuth (manufacture) Bit stock drill (manufacture) Bitumen (manufacture) Bitumen and flax felts for roofing and damp‑proof courses (manufacture) Bitumen mining and quarrying Bitumen spreaders (manufacture) Bituminised building board (manufacture) Bituminous construction materials (commission agent) Bituminous or oil shale and sand extraction Bituminous paint (manufacture) Bituminous sealants (manufacture) Bivalves cultured in sea water Black beer brewing (manufacture) Black powder (manufacture) Black pudding (manufacture) Blackberry (cultivated) growing Blackboard chalk making machinery (manufacture) Blackboards (manufacture) Blackcurrant growing Blackplate (manufacture) Blacksmith (not including farriers) (manufacture) Blacksmiths’ tools (manufacture) Blackstone quarry Bladder dressing (manufacture) Bladder processing (manufacture) Blades for bulldozers and angle‑dozers (wholesale) Blancmange powder (manufacture) Blank audio and video tapes and diskettes, magnetic and optical disks (CDs, DVDs) (wholesale) Blank diskettes (manufacture) Blank optical discs (manufacture) Blank tapes and discs (retail) Blanket making up, outside weaving or knitting establishment (manufacture) Blankets (electric) (manufacture) 66120 67122 82911 73110 24420 24440 24440 24100 15120 32401 32401 93110 32401 13990 74871 74402 27420 27440 27440 27100 19200 36501 36501 92629 36501 17549 93120 92629 Billiards and snooker club 22220 25220 Bin liners made of plastic (manufacture) 13940 17520 Binder twine (manufacture) 13990 17542 Binding (woven) (manufacture) 18140 22230 Binding and finishing of books, brochures, magazines, catalogues etc. (manufacture) 13300 17300 Binding and mending of textiles (manufacture) 12 72110 73100 21200 24421 72110 73100 32910 10920 01490 01700 01490 28930 23310 10720 94990 24450 25730 19201 23990 36620 15720 01250 01500 01250 29530 26300 15820 91330 27450 28620 23201 26829 08990 28923 17120 46130 14500 29523 21120 51130 06100 20301 23990 03210 11050 20510 10130 01250 28990 28230 01250 24100 25620 25730 08110 32990 10110 46630 10890 46520 11100 24301 26829 05020 15960 24610 15139 01139 29560 36631 01139 27100 28520 28620 14110 36639 15112 51820 15899 51431 26800 26800 47630 13923 24650 24650 52450 17403 27510 29710 Indexes to the UK Standard Industrial Classification of Economic Activities 2007 – UK SIC(2007) SIC 2007 SIC 2003 Activity 13923 17403 Blankets including travelling rugs (manufacture) 13923 17403 Blankets made of cotton and man‑made fibres (manufacture) 13923 17403 Blankets made of wool (manufacture) 23190 26150 Blanks for corrective spectacle lens (manufacture) 24420 27420 Blanks made of aluminium (manufacture) 52102 63121 Blast freezing for air transport activities 52103 63121 Blast freezing for land transport activities 52101 63121 Blast freezing for water transport activities 28210 29210 Blast furnace (manufacture) 43120 45110 Blasting and associated rock removal work 43120 45110 Blasting of construction sites 20510 24610 Blasting powder 14131 18221 Blazers for men and boys (manufacture) 14132 18222 Blazers for women and girls (manufacture) 13300 17300 Bleach works (manufacture) 17110 21110 Bleached paper pulp made by chemical dissolving (manufacture) 17110 21110 Bleached paper pulp made by mechanical processes (manufacture) 17110 21110 Bleached paper pulp made by non‑dissolving processes (manufacture) 17110 21110 Bleached paper pulp made by semi‑chemical processes (manufacture) 13300 17300 Bleaching and dyeing of fabrics (manufacture) 13300 17300 Bleaching and dyeing of textile articles, including wearing apparel (manufacture) 13300 17300 Bleaching and dyeing of textile fibres (manufacture) 13300 17300 Bleaching and dyeing of yarns (manufacture) 28940 29540 Bleaching machinery (textile) (manufacture) 13300 17300 Bleaching of jeans (manufacture) 13300 17300 Bleaching of wool cop, hank, warp, etc. (manufacture) 27510 29710 Blenders for domestic use (electric) (manufacture) 28930 29530 Blenders for the food industry (manufacture) 28930 29530 Blenders for the grain milling industry (manufacture) 11010 15910 Blending and bottling of whisky (manufacture) 11010 15910 Blending of distilled spirits (manufacture) 11010 51342 Blending of distilled spirits by wholesalers (manufacture) 13100 17130 Blending of fibres on the worsted system (manufacture) 13921 17401 Blinds (soft furnishings) (manufacture) 13922 17402 Blinds made of canvas (manufacture) 17290 21259 Blinds made of paper (manufacture) 22230 25239 Blinds made of plastic (manufacture) 16230 20300 Blinds made of wood (excluding shop blinds) (manufacture) 24440 27440 Blister copper (manufacture) 82920 74820 Blister packaging foil‑covered packaging 23320 26400 Block flooring made of clay (manufacture) 13300 17300 Block printing of textiles (manufacture) 16210 20200 Blockboard (manufacture) 18130 22250 Blocking (printing) 28990 29560 Blocking machine (manufacture) 28110 29110 Blocks for industrial engines (manufacture) 16290 36639 Blocks for the manufacture of smoking pipes (manufacture) 23610 26610 Blocks made of breeze (manufacture) 23610 26610 Blocks made of concrete (manufacture) 23200 26260 Blocks made of graphite (manufacture) Alphabetical Index SIC 2007 SIC 2003 Activity 22210 86900 96090 21100 10130 86900 21200 24440 24100 17120 14142 25730 28960 25210 85140 93059 24410 15139 85140 24421 27440 27100 21120 18232 28620 29560 Blocks made of plastic (manufacture) Blood banks Blood pressure machine operation (coin operated) Blood processing (manufacture) Blood pudding (manufacture) Blood transfusion service Blood‑grouping reagents (manufacture) Blooms made of copper (manufacture) Blooms made of semi‑finished steel (manufacture) Blotting paper (manufacture) Blouses for women and girls (manufacture) Blow lamp (manufacture) Blow moulding machine for rubber or plastic (manufacture) Blown glass (manufacture) Blow‑out prevention apparatus (manufacture) Blowpipes (hand held, high or low pressure) (manufacture) Blowroom machinery (textile) (manufacture) Blue brick (manufacture) Blue lias lime kiln (manufacture) Blue pennant stone quarry Blueberry growing Blueprinting Board game (manufacture) Board making machinery (except chipboard) (manufacture) Boarding house Boarding of pet animals Boarding school accommodation Boards made of asbestos (manufacture) Boards made of concrete (manufacture) Boards made of glass fibre (manufacture) Boards made of plaster (manufacture) Boat hire for freight (without crew) Boat hire for passengers (without crew) (not linked with recreational service) Boat kits for assembly (manufacture) Boat rental for passenger conveyance with crew (except for inland waterway services) Boat rental for passenger conveyance with crew (inland waterway service) Boat rental for transport of freight with crew (except for inland waterway service) Boat rental for transport of freight with crew (inland waterway service) Boatbuilding (manufacture) Boats (retail) Bobbins for textile machinery (manufacture) Bobbins made of paper and paperboard (manufacture) Bobbins made of wood (not textile accessory) (manufacture) 23110 26110 28921 29521 28490 29430 28940 23320 23520 08110 01250 82190 32409 28950 29540 26400 26520 14110 01139 74850 36509 29550 55900 96090 55900 23990 23610 23140 23620 77342 77341 55239 93059 55239 26821 26610 26140 26620 71229 71221 30120 35120 50100 61101 50300 61201 50200 61102 50400 61209 30120 47640 28940 17290 35120 52485 29540 21259 16290 20510 17290 21259 Bobbins, spools and cops made of paper and paperboard (manufacture) 29201 34201 Bodies (coachworks) for motor vehicles (manufacture) 29201 34201 Body building for motor vehicles (manufacture) 29201 34201 Body for bus (manufacture) 29201 34201 Body for car (manufacture) 29201 34201 Body for coach (manufacture) 13 B Alphabetical Index B Indexes to the UK Standard Industrial Classification of Economic Activities 2007 – UK SIC(2007) SIC 2007 SIC 2003 Activity SIC 2007 SIC 2003 Activity 29201 30200 96090 30920 29201 34201 35200 93059 35430 34201 Body for commercial vehicle (manufacture) Body for locomotive (manufacture) Body piercing studios Body shell for invalid carriage (manufacture) Body shell for motor vehicle made of fibre glass (manufacture) Body shell for motor vehicle made of plastic (manufacture) Body‑building clubs and facilities Bodyguard activities Bogie for locomotive (manufacture) Bogies (manufacture) Boiled ham production (manufacture) Boiled sweet (manufacture) Boiler (nuclear powered) (manufacture) Boiler block (manufacture) Boiler cleaning and scaling Boiler covering (not asbestos or slag wool) (manufacture) Boiler drum (manufacture) Boiler feed water heater (manufacture) Boiler for central heating (manufacture) Boiler for domestic use (oil) (manufacture) Boiler for domestic use (solid fuel) (manufacture) Boiler for marine applications (manufacture) Boiler fuel economiser (manufacture) Boiler fuel handling plant (manufacture) Boiler house plant (manufacture) Boiler insurance Boiler packing (not asbestos or slag wool) (manufacture) Boiler packing made of asbestos (manufacture) Boiler suit (manufacture) Boilers and associated equipment and parts (manufacture) Boiler‑turbine sets (manufacture) Bolognas (manufacture) Bolster (manufacture) Bolster case (manufacture) Bolt (manufacture) Bolt cropper (manufacture) Bolt end (manufacture) Bolting cloth (manufacture) Bomb fuse (manufacture) Bombs, missiles and other projectiles (wholesale) Bonbon paper (manufacture) Bonded abrasives (manufacture) Bonded fibre carpets (manufacture) Bonded fibre fabric (manufacture) Bonded store, vault or warehouse for air transport activities Bonded store, vault or warehouse for land transport activities 20520 10110 10110 10410 32500 32500 10110 10110 32990 13200 28230 91011 18129 58110 77210 18140 46690 24620 15112 15112 15410 33100 24422 15112 15112 36639 17210 30010 92510 22220 22110 71401 22230 51870 28990 31010 31090 69202 92000 47610 46499 77299 15200 17120 74100 15200 13990 16290 29560 36120 36140 74122 92710 52470 51479 71409 19300 21120 74872 19300 17542 20510 15200 15200 96090 22190 47721 08910 84240 43130 71122 28921 43999 46630 28410 24100 91040 21200 19300 19300 93059 19300 52431 14300 75240 45120 74206 29521 45250 51820 29420 27100 92530 24421 Bone glue (manufacture) Bone meal (manufacture) Bone meal from knackers (manufacture) Bone oil (manufacture) Bone plates and screws (manufacture) Bone reconstruction cements (manufacture) Bone scraping by knackers (manufacture) Bone sorting by knackers (manufacture) Bone working (manufacture) Book cloth weaving (manufacture) Book keeping machine (manufacture) Book lending and storage Book printing (manufacture) Book publishing Book rental Bookbinding (manufacture) Book‑binding and book‑sewing machinery (wholesale) Bookbinding machine (manufacture) Bookcase (non‑domestic) (manufacture) Bookcase made of wood (manufacture) Book‑keeping activities Bookmaker Books (retail) Books (wholesale) Books, journals and magazine renting and leasing Boot (manufacture) Boot and shoe board (manufacture) Boot and shoe designing Boot closing (manufacture) Boot lace (manufacture) Boot or shoe lasts and trees made of wood (manufacture) Boot stiffener (manufacture) Boot upper (manufacture) Bootblack Bootee (rubber protective) (manufacture) Boots and shoes (retail) Borates (natural) mining Border guard administration and operation Borehole drilling Borehole surveying Borers (mining machinery) (manufacture) Boring (civil engineering) Boring and sinking machinery (wholesale) Boring machine (metal cutting) (manufacture) Boron steel (manufacture) Botanical gardens Botanical products for pharmaceutical use (manufacture) Botany spinning (manufacture) Bottle cleaning 29201 34201 93130 80100 30200 30200 10130 10822 25300 23200 81223 32990 92629 74602 35200 35200 15131 15842 28300 26260 74705 36639 25300 25300 25210 27520 27520 25300 25300 25300 25300 65120 32990 28300 28300 28220 29720 29720 28300 28300 28300 28300 66031 36639 23990 26821 14120 18210 25300 28300 28110 10130 13921 13923 25940 25730 25940 13960 25400 46690 17290 23910 13939 13950 52102 29110 15139 17401 17403 28740 28620 28740 17549 29600 51870 21259 26810 17519 17530 63129 52103 63129 13100 17130 81299 74709 52101 63129 Bonded store, vault or warehouse for water transport activities 28290 29240 Bottle cleaning and or drying machinery (manufacture) 13300 17300 Bonding of fabric to fabric (manufacture) 22220 25220 Bottle crates made of plastic (manufacture) 10110 15112 Bone boiling by knackers (manufacture) 23130 26130 Bottle stoppers made of glass (manufacture) 10110 15112 Bone crushing by knackers (manufacture) 25920 28720 Bottle tops made of metal (manufacture) 10110 15112 Bone degreasing by knackers (manufacture) 46120 51120 10110 15112 Bone flour from knackers (manufacture) 23130 26130 Bottles made of glass or crystal (manufacture) 14 Bottled gas (commission agent) Indexes to the UK Standard Industrial Classification of Economic Activities 2007 – UK SIC(2007) Alphabetical Index SIC 2007 SIC 2003 Activity SIC 2007 SIC 2003 Activity 22220 28290 10850 82920 71122 10110 25220 29240 15330 74820 74206 15111 26200 18129 23990 29320 30020 22220 26821 34300 01420 28990 93110 28990 93120 93110 32300 93120 23130 22290 32300 29202 15110 28210 16240 31030 16100 32409 17230 25910 01210 29560 92629 36501 92629 92619 36400 92629 26130 25240 36400 34202 19100 29210 20400 36150 20100 36509 21230 28710 25920 17219 17219 25910 25920 17219 28720 21213 21213 28710 28720 21214 17219 22220 17219 17219 16240 16240 93199 93110 93120 32300 93199 94990 94990 14190 21214 25220 21214 21213 20400 20400 92629 92619 92629 36400 92629 91330 91330 18249 Bottles made of plastic (manufacture) Bottling machinery (manufacture) Bottling of fruit and vegetables (manufacture) Bottling on a fee or contract basis Boundary surveying activities Bovine hides and skins production from knackers (manufacture) Bovine semen production Bow thruster (manufacture) Bowling alley Bowling alley equipment (manufacture) Bowling clubs Bowling lanes operation Bowls and bowls equipment (manufacture) Bowls club Bowls made of glass (manufacture) Bowls made of plastic (manufacture) Bows (manufacture) Bowsers (tanks on wheels) (manufacture) Box and willow calf leather (manufacture) Box furnace (manufacture) Box pallet (manufacture) Box spring mattress (manufacture) Boxboard (manufacture) Boxed game (manufacture) Boxed stationery (manufacture) Boxes and other containers made of iron or steel, of capacity not exceeding 300 litres (manufacture) Boxes made of aluminium (manufacture) Boxes made of corrugated cardboard (manufacture) Boxes made of corrugated paper (manufacture) Boxes made of iron or steel (manufacture) Boxes made of metal (collapsible) (manufacture) Boxes made of non‑corrugated cardboard (manufacture) Boxes made of non‑corrugated paper (manufacture) Boxes made of plastic (manufacture) Boxes made of rigid board (manufacture) Boxes made of rigid corrugated board (manufacture) Boxes made of wood (manufacture) Boxes made of wood (wirebound) (manufacture) Boxing Boxing arena Boxing clubs Boxing glove (manufacture) Boxing promoter Boy scouts Boys brigade Braces (not made of leather or leather substitute) (manufacture) Braces (retail) Braces (wholesale) Braces made of leather (manufacture) Braille pads and other output devices (manufacture) Braille printing (manufacture) Brake linings made of asbestos (manufacture) Brakes and parts (excluding linings for motor vehicles) (manufacture) Brakes and parts of brakes for locomotive and rolling stock (manufacture) Braking systems for locomotives (manufacture) Bran (manufacture) Bran cleaners (manufacture) Bran cleaners for the grain milling industry (manufacture) Brandy (manufacture) Brass powder (manufacture) Brassiere (manufacture) Brattice cloth (manufacture) Brawn (manufacture) Brazing lamp (manufacture) Brazing machines (electric) (manufacture) Brazing machines (gas) (manufacture) Bread (retail) Bread (wholesale) Bread and flour confectionery baking (manufacture) Bread baking including rolls (manufacture) Bread rolls (manufacture) Breadboards made of wood (manufacture) Breading rolls or mills (manufacture) Breakdown lorry (manufacture) Breakfast cereal (cooked) (manufacture) Breakfast cereal (uncooked) (manufacture) Breathing apparatus for diving (manufacture) Breathing appliances for medical use (wholesale) Breeches (manufacture) Breed society Brewery (beer and other brewing products) (manufacture) Brewing machinery and plant (manufacture) Brewing preparations (excluding yeast) (manufacture) Briar pipe (manufacture) Brick furnace construction Brick kiln construction Brick making machinery (manufacture) Bricklaying Bricks and blocks made of refractory ceramic (manufacture) Bricks and mouldings made of magnesite (manufacture) Bricks made for refractory insulating (manufacture) Bricks made of alumina (manufacture) Bricks made of bauxite (manufacture) Bricks made of ceramic (manufacture) Bricks made of chrome (manufacture) Bricks made of chromite (manufacture) Bricks made of clay (manufacture) Bricks made of concrete (manufacture) Bricks made of dolomite (manufacture) Bricks made of gannister (manufacture) Bricks made of glass (manufacture) Bricks made of high alumina (manufacture) Bricks made of magnesite (manufacture) 47710 52424 46420 51429 14190 18249 25990 28750 Brackets made of base metal (manufacture) 13960 17542 Braid made of elastic (manufacture) 13960 17542 Braid made of elastomeric (manufacture) 13960 17542 Braid made of non‑elastic (manufacture) 13960 17542 Braid made of textile material (manufacture) 18140 22230 Braille copying (manufacture) 30200 35200 30200 10611 28930 28930 35200 15611 29530 29530 11010 24440 14142 13922 10130 25730 28490 28490 47240 46360 10710 10710 10710 16290 28930 29100 10612 10612 32500 46460 14131 94990 11050 15910 27440 18232 17402 15139 28620 29430 29430 52240 51360 15810 15810 15810 20510 29530 34100 15612 15612 33100 51460 18221 91330 15960 28930 20590 32990 43999 43999 28990 43999 23200 29530 24660 36639 45250 45250 29560 45250 26260 23200 26260 23200 23200 23200 23320 23200 23200 23320 23610 23200 23200 23190 23200 23200 26260 26260 26260 26400 26260 26260 26400 26610 26260 26260 26150 26260 26260 15 B Alphabetical Index B Indexes to the UK Standard Industrial Classification of Economic Activities 2007 – UK SIC(2007) SIC 2007 SIC 2003 Activity SIC 2007 23200 23200 23610 23200 23200 23200 42130 85510 52219 28921 30400 26301 32500 16230 15120 14141 14142 24310 08930 08930 19201 32910 10110 17120 24430 24540 32130 52230 94120 94990 60100 60200 26260 26260 26610 26260 26260 26260 45213 92629 63210 29521 29600 32201 33100 20300 19200 18231 18232 27310 14400 14400 10103 36620 15112 21120 27430 27540 36610 63230 91120 91330 92201 92202 94120 94120 94910 94910 94990 91011 94120 91020 94990 79909 28410 91120 91120 91310 91310 91330 92510 91120 92521 91330 63309 28620 28410 01110 28302 82990 86101 13200 01130 18129 58110 20130 24540 32910 16290 46499 29420 01120 29320 74879 85111 17210 01120 22220 22110 24130 27540 36620 20510 51479 Bricks made of magnesite chrome (manufacture) Bricks made of refractory (manufacture) Bricks made of sand lime (manufacture) Bricks made of silica (manufacture) Bricks made of siliceous (manufacture) Bricks made of sillimanite (manufacture) Bridge construction Bridge instructor Bridge operation Bridge plugs (manufacture) Bridgelayer (tracked military) (manufacture) Bridges for telecommunications (manufacture) Bridges made in dental labs (manufacture) Bridges made of wood (manufacture) Bridle cutting (manufacture) Briefs for men and boys (manufacture) Briefs for women and girls (manufacture) Bright steel bars (manufacture) Brine pit Brine production Briquette solid fuel production (manufacture) Bristle dressing for brushes (manufacture) Bristles from knackers (manufacture) Bristol board (manufacture) Britannia metal (manufacture) Britannia metal founding (manufacture) Britannia metalware (manufacture) British Airports Authority British Association for the Advancement of Science British Board of Film Classifications British Broadcasting Corporation (radio broadcasting) British Broadcasting Corporation (television broadcasting) British Computer Society British Dental Association British Humanist Association British Jews Society British Legion (other than social clubs) British Library British Medical Association British Museum British Safety Council British Tourist Authority Broach for metal working machine tools (manufacture) Broaching machine (metal cutting) (manufacture) Broad bean growing Broadcaster for agricultural use (manufacture) Broadcasting transmission rights agent Broadmoor Hospital Brocade weaving (manufacture) Broccoli growing Brochure printing (manufacture) Brochure publishing Bromine and bromides (manufacture) Bronze founding (manufacture) Broom (manufacture) Broom handles made of wood (manufacture) Brooms and brushes for domestic use (wholesale) 32910 36620 Brooms and brushes for household use (manufacture) 10890 15891 Broth containing meat or vegetables or both (manufacture) 15120 19200 Brown saddlery (manufacture) 23410 26210 Brown stone pottery (manufacture) 27510 29710 Brush (electric) (manufacture) 32910 36620 Brush (manufacture) 32910 36620 Brush (not electrical) for machines (manufacture) 16290 20510 Brush back made of wood (manufacture) 15120 19200 Brush case (not of leather or plastics) (manufacture) 32910 36620 Brush for cosmetics (manufacture) 16290 20510 Brush head made of wood (manufacture) 16290 20510 Brush top made of wood (manufacture) 16290 20510 Brush wood ware (manufacture) 22190 36620 Brushes of rubber (manufacture) 20420 24520 Brushless shaving cream (manufacture) 13931 17511 Brussels carpet (manufacture) 01130 01120 Brussel sprout growing 28922 29522 Bucket for construction machinery (manufacture) 28220 29220 Bucket wheel reclaimer (manufacture) 13922 17402 Buckets made of canvas (manufacture) 25990 28750 Buckets made of metal (manufacture) 22290 25240 Buckets made of plastic (manufacture) 22190 25130 Buckets made of rubberised fabric (manufacture) 25910 28710 Buckets made of steel (manufacture) 16240 20400 Buckets made of wood (manufacture) 46690 51870 Buckets, grabs, shovels and grips for cranes, excavators and the like (wholesale) 25990 28750 Buckles made of metal (manufacture) 13960 17549 Buckram (manufacture) 13960 17549 Buckram and similar stiffened textile fabrics (manufacture) 14190 18241 Buckram shape (manufacture) 15110 19100 Buckskin (manufacture) 70221 74142 Budgetary control procedures design 15120 19200 Buff and mop made of leather (manufacture) 01410 01210 Buffalo milk, raw 15120 19200 Buffalo pickers made of leather (manufacture) 01420 01210 Buffalo raising and breeding for meat 30200 35200 Buffers and buffer parts (manufacture) 56101 55301 Buffet (licensed) 27400 31620 Bug zappers without light (manufacture) 32130 36610 Buhl cutting (manufacture) 41201 45211 Builder and contractor for commercial buildings 41202 45212 Builder and contractor for domestic buildings 43341 45440 Builder and decorator (own account) 43320 45420 Builder and joiner 25120 28120 Builders’ carpentry and joinery made of metal (manufacture) 16 SIC 2003 Activity 16230 20300 Builders’ carpentry and joinery made of wood (manufacture) 46730 51530 Builders’ carpentry and joinery of metal (wholesale) 28220 29220 Builders’ hoist (manufacture) 25730 28620 Builders’ knife (manufacture) 22230 25239 Builders’ ware made of plastic (manufacture) 16230 20300 Builders’ woodwork such as window frames etc. (manufacture) 43910 45220 Building and roofing contractor Indexes to the UK Standard Industrial Classification of Economic Activities 2007 – UK SIC(2007) SIC 2007 SIC 2003 Activity 23650 26650 Building boards made of asbestos (manufacture) 23650 26650 Building boards made of asbestos cement (manufacture) 16210 20200 Building boards made of fibre (manufacture) 17120 21120 Building boards made of paper (manufacture) 16210 20200 Building boards made of wood waste (manufacture) 81210 74701 Building cleaning activities 43390 45450 Building completion work 25990 28750 Building components of zinc e.g. Gutters, roof capping (manufacture) 38110 90020 Building debris removal 43110 45110 Building demolition and wrecking 71111 74201 Building design and drafting 41201 45211 Building maintenance and restoration commercial buildings 41202 45212 Building maintenance and restoration domestic buildings 46130 51130 Building materials (commission agent) 23320 26400 Building materials made of clay (non‑refractory) (manufacture) 23650 26650 Building materials made of vegetable substances (manufacture) 23650 26650 Building materials of vegetable materials agglomerated with cement, plaster etc. (manufacture) 47520 52460 Building materials such as bricks, wood, sanitary equipment (retail) 30110 35110 Building of commercial vessels (manufacture) 30110 35110 Building of ferry‑boats (manufacture) 30110 35110 Building of fish‑processing factory vessels (manufacture) 30120 35120 Building of motor boats (manufacture) 30110 35110 Building of passenger vessels (manufacture) 30120 35120 Building of recreation‑type hovercraft (manufacture) 30120 35120 Building of sailboats with or without auxiliary motor (manufacture) 23520 26530 Building plaster (manufacture) 22230 25239 Building products made of plastic (manufacture) 72190 73100 Building research and experimental development 68100 70120 Building sales and purchase 43120 45110 Building site drainage 43120 45110 Building sites clearance 64192 65122 Building societies 64921 65221 Building societies’ personal finance subsidiaries activities 71129 74204 Building structure design for ancillary services 43341 45440 Buildings painting 24100 27100 Bulb flats made of steel (manufacture) 27400 31500 Bulb for flash lamp (manufacture) 01130 01120 Bulb growing 46220 51220 Bulbs (wholesale) 23130 26130 Bulbs for vacuum flask inners (manufacture) 23190 26150 Bulbs made of glass (manufacture) 30110 35110 Bulk carrier (cargo ship) (manufacture) 49410 60249 Bulk haulage in tanker trucks 49410 60249 Bulk haulage milk collection at farms 52102 63122 Bulk liquid and gases storage services for air transport activities 52103 63122 Bulk liquid and gases storage services for land transport activities 52101 63122 Bulk liquid and gases storage services for water transport activities Alphabetical Index SIC 2007 SIC 2003 Activity 49410 28922 28922 46630 64991 66190 64991 29320 16240 31090 31090 52220 25290 60249 29522 29522 51820 65233 67130 65233 34300 20400 36140 36140 63220 28210 13922 13200 13200 16290 17402 17210 17220 20520 30110 30110 66120 23190 56103 56102 56103 26301 77390 80200 35110 35110 67130 26150 55303 55302 55304 31620 71340 74602 Bulk road haulage Bulldozer and angle‑dozer blades (manufacture) Bulldozers (manufacture) Bulldozers and angle‑dozers (wholesale) Bullion broker on own account Bullion broking on behalf of others Bullion dealer in investment grades Bumpers for motor vehicles (manufacture) Bungs made of wood (manufacture) Bunk beds made of metal (manufacture) Bunk beds made of wood (manufacture) Bunkering services Bunkers made of heavy steel plate exceeding 300 litres (manufacture) Bunting (making‑up) (manufacture) Bunting made of cotton (manufacture) Bunting woollen weaving (manufacture) Buoyancy apparatus made of cork (except cork life preservers) (manufacture) Buoys (not plastic) (manufacture) Buoys made of plastic (manufacture) Bureaux de change activities Burettes made of glass (manufacture) Burger bar (take‑away) Burger bar restaurant (unlicensed) Burger stand Burglar alarm and system (manufacture) Burglar alarm hire Burglar and fire alarm monitoring including installation and maintenance Burglar and fire alarms for household use (wholesale) Burial services Burners (manufacture) Burning oil (manufacture) Bus (manufacture) Bus and coach passenger facilities at bus and coach stations Bus bar (switchgear type) (manufacture) Bus bars, electrical conductors (except switchgear‑type) (manufacture) Bus carding Bus cleaning (non‑ specialised) Bus service Bus shelters made of metal (manufacture) Bus station operation Bus transport (other than inter‑city services) (scheduled passenger transport) Buses operated for transport of employees Bush for bearing (manufacture) Business activities n.e.c. Business and domestic software development Business and employers membership organisations Business brokerage activities Business brokerage and appraisal activities Business consultancy activities Business consultant Business form printing (manufacture) Business forms finishing (manufacture) Business organisations 46439 51439 96030 28210 19201 29100 52213 93030 29210 23201 34100 63210 27120 31200 27330 31200 73110 81299 49319 25110 52219 49319 74402 74709 60219 28110 63210 60219 49390 28150 82990 62012 94110 74909 74909 70229 70229 18129 18140 94110 60231 29140 74879 72220 91110 74879 74879 74143 74143 22220 22230 91110 17 B Alphabetical Index C Indexes to the UK Standard Industrial Classification of Economic Activities 2007 – UK SIC(2007) SIC 2007 SIC 2003 Activity SIC 2007 SIC 2003 Activity 70229 74909 70229 70221 74143 74879 74143 74142 20140 19201 46711 06200 47220 24200 46330 10512 28930 25990 25710 10512 10512 10512 28930 10512 28140 10822 22290 24140 23201 51511 11100 52220 27220 51331 15512 29530 28750 28610 15512 15512 15512 29530 15512 29130 15842 36639 26309 50200 28220 28220 29201 10822 24450 56101 56102 28921 30110 17220 28930 10611 10710 10720 47240 23510 23520 23520 20130 20130 46660 26513 32202 61102 29220 29220 34201 15842 27450 55301 55302 29521 35110 21220 29530 15611 15810 15820 52240 26510 26520 26530 24130 24130 51850 33202 13990 13990 32990 22290 36639 36639 36639 36639 Business systems consultant Business transfer agent Business turnaround consultancy services Business valuation services prior to mergers and/or acquisitions Butadiene (manufacture) Butane (manufacture) Butane (wholesale) Butane extraction from natural gas Butchers shop (retail) Butt welding fittings made of steel (manufacture) Butter (wholesale) Butter blending (manufacture) Butter churns (manufacture) Butter dishes made of metal (manufacture) Butter knife (manufacture) Butter milk (manufacture) Butter oil (manufacture) Butter production (manufacture) Butter workers (manufacture) Butterfat (manufacture) Butterfly valves (manufacture) Butterscotch (manufacture) Button and button moulds made of plastic (manufacture) Button carding (manufacture) Button covering (manufacture) Buttons (manufacture) Buttons and button bases (not metal or glass) (manufacture) Buttons made of glass (manufacture) Buttons made of metal (manufacture) Buying of wine in bulk and bottling without transformation (wholesale) Buying wine in bulk with blending, purification and bottling of wine (manufacture) Cab hire Cabbage growing Cabinet case made of wood (manufacture) Cabinet components made of plastic (manufacture) Cabinets (non‑domestic) (manufacture) Cabinets for kitchens (manufacture) Cabinets for sewing machines (manufacture) Cabinets for televisions (manufacture) Cabinets made of metal (not designed for placing on the floor) (manufacture) Cable accessory (manufacture) Cable conduit made of clay (manufacture) Cable drum made of metal (manufacture) Cable drums made of wood (manufacture) Cable jointing material (manufacture) Cable laying Cable made of textile materials (manufacture) Cable made of uninsulated aluminium (manufacture) Cable making machine (manufacture) Cable service Cable sheathing made of aluminium (manufacture) Cable ship (manufacture) Cable strands made of aluminium (manufacture) Cable supported transport systems construction 28230 47410 28230 18140 18129 28290 30010 52482 30010 22230 22220 29240 Cable television equipment (manufacture) Cable‑laying vessel services Cableway (manufacture) Cableway excavator (manufacture) Cabs for motor vehicles (manufacture) Cachous (manufacture) Cadmium (manufacture) Cafeteria (licensed) Cafeteria (unlicensed) Cage plant for mining (manufacture) Caisson (manufacture) Cake board (manufacture) Cake depositing machines (manufacture) Cake mixture (manufacture) Cakes (manufacture) Cakes (preserved) (manufacture) Cakes (retail) Calcareous cement (manufacture) Calcined dolomite (manufacture) Calcined sulphate plaster (manufacture) Calcium and calcium compounds (manufacture) Calcium carbide (manufacture) Calculating and accounting machines (wholesale) Calculating instruments (non‑electronic) (manufacture) Calculating machine (manufacture) Calculating machines (retail) Calculator (electronic) (manufacture) Calendar finishing (manufacture) Calendar printing (manufacture) Calender for rubber or plastics working (manufacture) Calendering machinery for textiles (manufacture) Calendering of textiles (manufacture) Calendering or other rolling machine parts (for plastic or rubber) (manufacture) Calico printers’ designing Calico printers’ engraving (manufacture) Calico printing (manufacture) Calico weaving (manufacture) Call centres undertaking market research or public opinion polling Call centres working on a fee or contract basis Call horns (manufacture) Calliopes (manufacture) Callipers (manufacture) Calorifier (manufacture) Calves’ foot jelly (manufacture) Calvinistic Methodist Church Camshaft for motor vehicle engine (manufacture) Cambric weaving (manufacture) Camel back strips for retreading tyres (manufacture) Camel hair spinning on the woollen system (manufacture) Camel hair spinning on the worsted system (manufacture) Camel hair woollen weaving (manufacture) Camel hair worsted weaving (manufacture) 32990 36639 25990 36639 46342 51342 11020 51342 49320 01130 31090 22290 31010 31020 31090 31090 25990 60220 01120 36140 25240 36120 36130 36140 36140 28750 27320 23320 25990 16240 27320 42220 13940 25930 28990 61100 25930 30110 25930 42120 31300 26400 28750 20400 31300 45213 17520 28730 29560 64200 28730 35110 28730 45230 18 28290 29240 13300 17300 28290 29240 74100 18140 13300 13200 82200 74872 22230 17300 17210 74860 82200 32200 32200 26513 27520 10130 94910 28110 13200 22110 13100 74860 36300 36300 33202 29720 15139 91310 34300 17210 25110 17120 13100 17130 13200 17220 13200 17230 01440 01250 Camelid raising and breeding 01440 01250 Camels (dromedary) raising and breeding Indexes to the UK Standard Industrial Classification of Economic Activities 2007 – UK SIC(2007) SIC 2007 SIC 2003 Activity SIC 2007 26309 77210 26702 31090 77390 13922 47640 55300 45190 45190 45190 45190 28150 50400 50300 30120 52220 52220 72190 32202 71401 33403 36140 71211 17402 52485 55220 50101 50102 50102 50101 29140 61209 61201 35120 63220 63220 73100 27400 10822 32990 46499 27400 31090 31090 16290 16290 16290 25990 22220 10890 31500 15842 36639 51479 31500 36110 36140 20520 20520 20520 28750 25220 15891 Camera for television (manufacture) Camera hire Cameras (manufacture) Camp furniture made of wood (manufacture) Campers (transport) rental (self drive) Camping goods (manufacture) Camping goods (retail) Camping sites Camping vehicles (retail) Camping vehicles (used) (retail) Camping vehicles (used) (wholesale) Camping vehicles (wholesale) Camshaft (not for motor vehicle) (manufacture) Canal carrier (freight) Canal carrier (passenger) Canal cruiser (manufacture) Canal maintenance Canal operation Cancer research and experimental development (other than biotechnological) Candelabra made of base metal (manufacture) Candied peel (manufacture) Candle (manufacture) Candles and tapers (wholesale) Candlestick (manufacture) Cane chair (manufacture) Cane furniture (manufacture) Cane preparation (manufacture) Cane splitting and weaving (manufacture) Cane working (manufacture) Canisters made of metal (manufacture) Canisters made of plastic (manufacture) Canned broth containing meat or vegetables or both (manufacture) Canned soup containing meat or vegetables or both (manufacture) Canning machinery (manufacture) Canning of fruit and vegetables (except fruit juices and potatoes) (manufacture) Cannulae (manufacture) Canoe (manufacture) Canoes and sailboats renting and leasing Cans and boxes made of aluminium (manufacture) Cans and boxes made of iron or steel (manufacture) Cans and boxes made of tin (manufacture) Cans for food products (manufacture) Cans made of aluminium (manufacture) Cans made of blackplate (manufacture) Cans made of steel (manufacture) Cantaloupe growing Canvas goods (manufacture) Canvas prepared for use by painters (manufacture) Canvas weaving (manufacture) 22220 25220 Caps for bottles made of plastic (manufacture) 29320 34300 Caps for petrol, oil or radiator for motor vehicle (manufacture) 14190 18241 Caps made of cloth (manufacture) 28220 29220 Capstan (manufacture) 25920 28720 Capsules made of metal (manufacture) 28290 29240 Capsuling machinery (manufacture) 45112 50102 Car auctions 45320 50300 Car batteries (retail) 29320 34300 Car body parts (manufacture) 26520 33500 Car clock (manufacture) 29320 34300 Car components (manufacture) 49410 60249 Car delivery service (by independent contractors) 49410 60249 Car delivery service (by motor manufacturers) 46770 51570 Car dismantlers (wholesale) 77110 71100 Car hire (self drive) 77110 71100 Car leasing 13922 17402 Car loose covers (manufacture) 52219 63210 Car park 41201 45230 Car park construction 20412 24512 Car polish (manufacture) 77110 71100 Car rental (self drive) 49320 60220 Car rental with driver 47421 52488 Car telephones (retail) 45200 50200 Car valeting 45200 50200 Car wash 93110 92619 Car, dog and horse racetrack operation 10890 15620 Caramel (not sweets) (manufacture) 10822 15842 Caramel sweets (manufacture) 29203 34203 Caravan (manufacture) 45190 50102 Caravan (used) (retail) 45190 50102 Caravan (used) (wholesale) 29203 34203 Caravan chassis (manufacture) 55300 55220 Caravan holiday site operator, owner or proprietor 68209 70209 Caravan residential site letting 55300 55220 Caravan sites 29203 34203 Caravan trailers (manufacture) 52219 63210 Caravan winter storage 45190 50101 Caravans (retail) 77390 71211 Caravans (touring) rental 45190 50101 Caravans (wholesale) 27400 31500 Carbide lanterns (manufacture) 25400 29600 Carbine (manufacture) 20130 24130 Carbon (manufacture) 13200 17250 Carbon and aramid thread weaving (manufacture) 20130 24130 Carbon black (manufacture) 27900 31620 Carbon brush (manufacture) 20110 24110 Carbon dioxide (manufacture) 20130 24130 Carbon disulphide (manufacture) 46690 51870 Carbon electrodes and other articles of graphite or other carbon for electrical purposes (wholesale) 27900 31620 Carbon or graphite electrodes (manufacture) 17120 21120 Carbon paper in large sheets (manufacture) 17120 21120 Carbon paper in rolls (manufacture) 17230 21230 Carbon paper ready for use (manufacture) 17230 21230 Carbon paper stencil ready for use (manufacture) 23990 26829 Carbon products (except carbon paper and electrical carbon) (manufacture) 32990 36631 Carbon ribbon (manufacture) 10890 15891 28290 29240 10390 15330 32500 30120 77210 25920 25910 25920 25920 25920 25910 25910 01130 13922 13960 13200 33100 35120 71401 28720 28710 28720 28720 28720 28710 28710 01120 17402 17549 17250 26110 32100 Capacitor for electronic apparatus (manufacture) 14190 18241 Capeline felt (manufacture) 01130 01120 Capers growing 14200 18300 Capes made of fur (manufacture) 70221 74142 Capital structure consultancy services 22220 25220 Caps and closures made of plastic (manufacture) SIC 2003 Alphabetical Index Activity 19 C Alphabetical Index C Indexes to the UK Standard Industrial Classification of Economic Activities 2007 – UK SIC(2007) SIC 2007 SIC 2003 Activity SIC 2007 SIC 2003 Activity 08910 11070 46120 46750 17120 17230 20140 22220 23130 28110 14300 15980 51120 51550 21120 21230 24140 25220 26130 34300 Carbonate (barytes and witherite) mining Carbonated soft drink (manufacture) Carbonates (commission agent) Carbonates (wholesale) Carbonising base paper (manufacture) Carbonless copy paper ready for use (manufacture) Carboxylic acid (manufacture) Carboy made of plastic (manufacture) Carboys made of glass (manufacture) Carburettor and parts for motor vehicle (manufacture) Carburettors and such for all internal combustion engines (manufacture) Carburettors for industrial engines (manufacture) Card clubs Card cutting for index cards (manufacture) Card embossing (manufacture) Card game instruction Card tape reader for textile machinery (manufacture) Cardboard (manufacture) Cardboard box making machine (manufacture) Carded asbestos fibre (manufacture) Carded sliver preparation for textiles industry (manufacture) Carders (manufacture) Cardigans (knitted) (manufacture) Carding machinery for textiles (manufacture) Carding of trimmings (manufacture) Cards for automatic mechanical instruments (manufacture) Cargo handling for air transport activities Cargo handling for land transport activities Cargo handling for water transport activities Cargo ship (manufacture) Cargo sling (manufacture) Cargo superintendent Cargo terminal Carnival article (manufacture) Carnival clubs Carpenter n.e.c. Carpenter on building site Carpenter’s drill (manufacture) Carpentry (not structural) Carpentry (structural) Carpet cleaning Carpet fitter Carpet fittings made of metal (manufacture) Carpet making machinery (manufacture) Carpet pile yarn spun on the cotton system (manufacture) Carpet pile yarn spun on the woollen system (manufacture) Carpet pile yarn spun on the worsted and semi‑worsted systems (manufacture) Carpet shampoo appliance (not domestic electric) (manufacture) Carpet soap (manufacture) Carpet sweeper (industrial) (manufacture) Carpet tiles (retail) Carpet underlay made of plastic (manufacture) Carpet underlay made of rubber (manufacture) 13931 46160 13939 47530 46470 13939 17511 51160 17519 52481 51479 17519 13939 49410 26301 01130 32990 29100 13922 49410 71122 28950 28290 17219 17519 60249 32201 01120 36639 34100 17402 60249 74206 29550 29240 21215 17219 21213 Carpet weaving (manufacture) Carpets (commission agent) Carpets (other than woven or tufted) (manufacture) Carpets (retail) Carpets (wholesale) Carpets and rugs, other than woven or tufted (manufacture) Carpets made of jute (manufacture) Carrier (for general hire or reward) Carrier equipment (manufacture) Carrot growing Carry cot (manufacture) Cars (manufacture) Cart cover made of canvas (manufacture) Cartage contractor Cartographic and spatial information activities Carton making machinery (manufacture) Cartoning machinery (manufacture) Cartons and similar containers for carrying liquids (unwaxed) (manufacture) Cartons and similar containers for carrying liquids (waxed) (manufacture) Cartons made of corrugated board (manufacture) Cartons made of corrugated paper (manufacture) Cartons made of non‑corrugated board (manufacture) Cartons made of non‑corrugated paper (manufacture) Cartoon film production Cartoon video production Cartoonists Cartridge case (manufacture) Cartridge primer (manufacture) Cartridge refill for fountain pen (manufacture) Cartridges and other ammunition (wholesale) Cartridges for riveting guns (manufacture) Case for flash lamp (manufacture) Case hardening (manufacture) Case making materials (manufacture) Case opener (manufacture) Case packing machinery (manufacture) Casein based adhesive (manufacture) Casein production (manufacture) Casein resins (manufacture) Casement cloth weaving (manufacture) Casements made of metal (manufacture) Cases for clocks and watches (manufacture) Cases for cutlery (not wooden) (manufacture) Cases for jewellery (not wooden) (manufacture) Cases for musical instruments (not wooden) (manufacture) Cases made of corrugated cardboard (manufacture) 17219 21213 Cases made of corrugated fibreboard (manufacture) 17219 21213 Cases made of corrugated paper (manufacture) 28110 29110 28110 93120 17230 18140 85510 28940 17120 28950 23990 13100 29110 92629 21230 22230 92629 29540 21120 29550 26821 17120 28940 14390 28940 13960 32200 29540 17720 29540 17542 36300 52242 52243 52241 30110 13940 52220 52220 32990 94990 43320 43999 25730 43320 43999 96010 43330 25720 28940 13100 63110 63110 63110 35110 17520 63220 63220 36639 91330 45420 45220 28620 45420 45220 93010 45430 28630 29540 17110 13100 17120 13100 17130 28990 29560 20411 28990 47530 22210 22190 20 24511 29560 52481 25210 25130 17219 21215 17219 21213 17219 21213 17219 21214 17219 21214 59111 59112 90030 25400 25400 32990 46690 25400 27400 25610 17120 25730 28290 20520 10519 20160 13200 25120 26520 15120 15120 15120 15120 92111 92111 92319 29600 29600 36631 51870 29600 31500 28510 21120 28620 29240 24620 15519 24160 17210 28120 33500 19200 19200 19200 19200 Cases made of leather for cutlery, instruments, etc. (manufacture) 17219 21214 Cases made of non‑corrugated cardboard (manufacture) 17219 21214 Cases made of non‑corrugated paper (manufacture) 22220 25220 Cases made of plastic (manufacture) Indexes to the UK Standard Industrial Classification of Economic Activities 2007 – UK SIC(2007) SIC 2007 SIC 2003 Activity Alphabetical Index SIC 2007 SIC 2003 Activity 16290 20510 Cases made of wood, for musical instruments (manufacture) 46390 51390 Cash and carry predominantly food (wholesale) 28230 30010 Cash and credit card imprinting and embossing machine (manufacture) 25990 28750 Cash boxes made of metal (manufacture) 28230 30010 Cash dispenser (manufacture) 28230 30010 Cash register (manufacture) 77330 71330 Cash register hire 46660 51850 Cash registers and similar machines incorporating a calculating device (wholesale) 01250 01139 Cashew nut growing 13200 17220 Cashmere woollen weaving (manufacture) 13200 17230 Cashmere worsted weaving (manufacture) 28921 29521 Casing hangars (manufacture) 24200 27220 Casing made of steel (manufacture) 10110 15112 Casings for sausages (manufacture) 92000 92710 Casino 28490 29430 Cask assembly machines (manufacture) 16240 20400 Cask heads made of wood (manufacture) 16290 20510 Caskets (except burial caskets) and cases made of wood (manufacture) 25920 28720 Casks made of aluminium (manufacture) 25910 28710 Casks made of iron or steel (manufacture) 16240 20400 Casks made of wood (manufacture) 01130 01110 Cassava growing 26400 32300 Cassette player (manufacture) 26400 32300 Cassette type recorders (manufacture) 14120 18210 Cassock (manufacture) 23610 26610 Cast concrete products (manufacture) 23110 26110 Cast glass (manufacture) 23610 26610 Cast stone units made of precast concrete (manufacture) 78101 92721 Casting activities for motion pictures, television and theatre 78101 74500 Casting agencies and bureaux 28910 29510 Casting machines (manufacture) 28910 29510 Casting machines for foundries (manufacture) 24530 27530 Casting of aluminium (manufacture) 24530 27530 Casting of aluminium products (manufacture) 24530 27530 Casting of beryllium products (manufacture) 24510 27510 Casting of ferrous metal (manufacture) 24510 27510 Casting of ferrous patterns (manufacture) 24510 27510 Casting of grey iron (manufacture) 24540 27540 Casting of heavy metal and precious metal (manufacture) 24510 27510 Casting of iron (manufacture) 24530 24530 23200 01110 10410 10410 10810 01490 10920 58190 91011 20590 46120 29320 30120 28990 56210 28930 77390 84130 27530 27530 26260 01110 15420 15410 15830 01250 15720 22150 92510 24660 51120 34300 35120 35300 55520 29530 71340 75130 32990 46460 32500 26110 46520 36639 51460 33100 32100 51860 Casting of titanium products (manufacture) Casting of yttrium products (manufacture) Casting pot (manufacture) Castor bean growing Castor oil processing (manufacture) Castor seed crushing (manufacture) Castor sugar (manufacture) Cat and dog raising and breeding Cat food (manufacture) Catalogue publishing Cataloguing and preservation of collections Catalysts (manufacture) Catalytic preparations (commission agent) Catalyzers (manufacture) Catamaran (manufacture) Catapult for launching aircraft (manufacture) Catering contractor Catering equipment (electric) (manufacture) Catering equipment hire Catering trade services administration and regulation (public sector) Catgut (manufacture) Catgut and similar materials (wholesale) Catheter (manufacture) Cathode ray tube (manufacture) Cathode‑ray oscilloscopes and cathode‑ray oscillographs (wholesale) Cathode‑ray television picture tubes, television camera tubes, other cathode‑ray tubes (wholesale) Catholic Apostolic Church Cats’ home Catseye reflector (manufacture) Catsup (manufacture) Cattle dip (manufacture) Cattle farming Cattle hide leather (manufacture) Cattle raising and breeding for meat Cauliflower growing Caulking compounds and similar non‑refractory filling or surfacing preparations (manufacture) Cautery and light unit (manufacture) Caviar (manufacture) Caviar substitute (manufacture) Cavity wall insulation CD, DVD recorders (retail) CDs and disks rental 24510 27510 Casting of iron products (finished or semi‑finished) (manufacture) 22230 25239 Ceiling coverings made of plastic (manufacture) 24530 27530 Casting of light metal products (manufacture) 22230 25239 Ceiling tiles made of plastic (manufacture) 24530 27530 Casting of light metals (manufacture) 08910 14300 Celestine pit 24530 27530 Casting of magnesium products (manufacture) 32200 36300 Cello (manufacture) 24540 27540 Casting of non‑ferrous base metal (manufacture) 24540 27540 Casting of ornamental brass (manufacture) 13200 17210 Cellular cloth weaving from yarn spun on the cotton system (manufacture) 24540 27540 Casting of other non‑ferrous metals (manufacture) 61200 64200 Cellular network operations 24530 27530 Casting of scandium products (manufacture) 26301 32202 Cellular phones (manufacture) 24510 27510 Casting of spheroidal graphite iron (manufacture) 22190 25130 Cellular rubber products (manufacture) 24520 27520 Casting of steel (manufacture) 47421 52488 Cellular telephones (retail) 24520 27520 Casting of steel products (finished or semi‑finished) (manufacture) 16210 20200 Cellular wood panel (manufacture) 46520 51860 94910 96090 23190 10840 20200 01420 15110 01420 01130 20301 91310 93059 26150 15870 24200 01210 19100 01210 01120 24303 32500 10200 10200 43290 47430 77220 33100 15209 15209 45320 52450 71404 27400 31500 Ceiling rose (manufacture) 20160 24160 Cellulose (manufacture) 21 C Alphabetical Index C Indexes to the UK Standard Industrial Classification of Economic Activities 2007 – UK SIC(2007) SIC 2007 SIC 2003 Activity SIC 2007 20160 22290 20520 20160 17120 23650 20160 20301 20301 17120 17220 23510 46730 23610 24160 25240 24620 24160 21120 26650 24160 24301 24301 21120 21220 26510 51530 26610 20301 28990 23200 23200 23200 23200 28210 23610 23690 23200 23610 30110 96030 84110 28990 25210 94120 26200 24301 29560 26260 26260 26260 26260 29210 26610 26660 26260 26610 35110 93030 75110 29560 28220 91120 30020 Cellulose acetate (manufacture) Cellulose adhesive tape (manufacture) Cellulose based adhesive (manufacture) Cellulose ester and ether ester (manufacture) Cellulose fibre webs (manufacture) Cellulose fibre‑cement articles (manufacture) Cellulose nitrate (manufacture) Cellulose paint (manufacture) Cellulose varnish (manufacture) Cellulose wadding (manufacture) Cellulose wadding products (manufacture) Cement (manufacture) Cement (wholesale) Cement articles for use in construction (manufacture) Cement based paint (manufacture) Cement block making machine (manufacture) Cement made of dolomite (manufacture) Cement made of fireclay (manufacture) Cement made of high alumina (manufacture) Cement made of silica and siliceous (manufacture) Cement processing kiln (manufacture) Cement products (manufacture) Cement products n.e.c. (manufacture) Cement refractory jointing (manufacture) Cement wood products (manufacture) Cementing of ships (manufacture) Cemetery Central government administration Central greasing systems (manufacture) Central heating boiler parts (manufacture) Central midwives board Central processing units for computers (manufacture) Central sterile supply department (private sector) Central sterile supply department (public sector) Centralised supply and purchasing services (public sector) Centrifugal clothes dryer (manufacture) Centrifugal compressor (manufacture) Centrifugal pump (manufacture) Centrifuge (except laboratory type) (manufacture) Centrifuge (laboratory type) (manufacture) Centrifuge parts (except laboratory type) (manufacture) Centrifuges (wholesale) Ceramic articles used in construction (commission agent) Ceramic chemical products (manufacture) Ceramic colours (manufacture) Ceramic glaze (manufacture) Ceramic making machine (manufacture) Ceramic pastes production machinery (shaped) (manufacture) Ceramic stove fitting Ceramic transfer litho engraving (manufacture) Ceramic ware for domestic use (manufacture) Cereal and dried vegetable milling or working machinery (wholesale) Cereal breakfast foods (manufacture) 10720 15820 Cereal for sausage filler (manufacture) 01110 01110 Cereal grains growing, except rice 10611 15611 Cereal grains, flour, groats, meal or pellets (manufacture) 77390 71340 Cereal milling and working machinery renting (non agricultural) 37000 90010 Cesspools emptying and cleaning 25930 28740 Chain (manufacture) 25930 28740 Chain (non‑precision) (manufacture) 25930 28740 Chain (not articulated transmission) (manufacture) 28150 29140 Chain (precision) (manufacture) 28220 29220 Chain pulley block (manufacture) 28240 29410 Chain saw parts (manufacture) 28240 29410 Chain saws (manufacture) 22290 25240 Chains made of plastic (manufacture) 25730 28620 Chainsaw blades (manufacture) 31090 36110 Chair (non‑upholstered) (manufacture) 31090 36110 Chair (upholstered) (manufacture) 31090 36110 Chair frames made of wood (manufacture) 31090 36110 Chair seating made of cane or wicker (manufacture) 31010 36120 Chairs and seats for offices, workrooms, hotels, restaurants and public premises (manufacture) 31090 36110 Chairs made of metal (manufacture) 31090 36110 Chairs made of plastic (manufacture) 31090 36110 Chaise longue (manufacture) 55201 55231 Chalets in holiday centres and holiday villages (provision of short‑stay lodging in) 55209 55232 Chalets, not holiday centres, holiday villages or youth hostels (self catering short‑stay lodging) 08910 14300 Chalk (ground) production 32990 36631 Chalk for drawing or writing (manufacture) 08110 14120 Chalk pit or quarry 94110 91110 Chamber of agriculture 94110 91110 Chambers of commerce organisations 16100 20100 Chamfered wood (manufacture) 15110 19100 Chamois leather (manufacture) 10831 15861 Chamomile herb infusions (manufacture) 27400 31500 Chandeliers (manufacture) 28131 29121 Channel impeller pump (manufacture) 64929 65229 Channel Islands and Isle of Man banking institutes 20140 24140 Charcoal (other than wood charcoal) (manufacture) 46719 51519 Charcoal (wholesale) 20140 24140 Charcoal burning (manufacture) 02200 02010 Charcoal production in the forest using traditional methods 99000 99000 Charge d’affaires 88990 85321 Charity administration 18129 22220 Chart printing (manufacture) 58110 22110 Chart publishing 47620 52470 Chart seller (retail) 51210 62209 Charter flights (freight) 51102 62201 Charter flights (passenger) 94120 91120 Chartered institute of secretaries 79110 63301 Chartered rail travel 70221 74142 Chartered secretary (firm acting as) 71122 74206 Chartered surveyor 49390 60231 Charters, excursions and other occasional coach services 29320 34300 Chassis and parts for coaches (manufacture) 29100 34100 Chassis fitted with engine (manufacture) 86101 85112 86101 85111 81100 75140 28990 28132 28131 28290 32500 28290 29560 29122 29121 29240 29240 29240 46690 51870 46130 51130 23440 20301 20301 28990 28990 26240 24301 24301 29560 29560 43330 18130 23410 46690 45430 22250 26210 51870 10612 15612 22 SIC 2003 Activity Indexes to the UK Standard Industrial Classification of Economic Activities 2007 – UK SIC(2007) Alphabetical Index SIC 2007 SIC 2003 Activity SIC 2007 SIC 2003 Activity 30200 29100 30920 29100 35200 34100 35430 34100 49320 15120 64921 28140 26511 60220 19200 65221 29130 33201 Chassis for locomotive (manufacture) Chassis for motor vehicles (manufacture) Chassis for powered invalid carriage (manufacture) Chassis with engine for commercial vehicle (manufacture) Chauffeur driven service Check strap made of leather (manufacture) Check trader activities Check valves (manufacture) Checking instruments and appliances (electronic) (manufacture) Checking instruments and appliances (non‑electronic) (manufacture) Cheese (manufacture) Cheese (wholesale) Cheese making machines (manufacture) Cheese moulding machinery (manufacture) Cheese press (manufacture) Cheese pressing machinery (manufacture) Chefs’ clothing (manufacture) Chemical contraceptive preparations based on hormones or spermicides (commission agent) Chemical contraceptive products (manufacture) Chemical elements (except metals) (manufacture) Chemical elements in disk form and compounds doped for use in electronics (commission agent) Chemical elements in disk form for use in electronics (manufacture) Chemical engineering design projects Chemical feedstock (manufacture) Chemical glues (wholesale) Chemical minerals mining Chemical preparations and sensitized emulsions for photographic use (commission agent) Chemical process machine tool (metal working) (manufacture) Chemical products (wholesale) Chemical products and residual products of the chemical or allied industries (commission agent) Chemical products exporter (wholesale) Chemical products importer (wholesale) Chemical seed dresser for agricultural use (manufacture) Chemical toilets servicing Chemical woodpulp (manufacture) Chemically modified animal or vegetable fats and mixtures (commission agent) Chemically pure sugars (manufacture) Chemically pure sugars, sugar ethers and sugar esters and their salts (wholesale) Chemicals and fertiliser minerals mining support services provided on a fee or contract basis Chemicals specially prepared for laboratory use (manufacture) Chemist Chemistry research and experimental development Chenille (manufacture) Cheque book printing (manufacture) Cheque writing and signing machine (manufacture) Cheroot (manufacture) Cherry brandy (manufacture) Cherry growing 08990 01130 32409 93120 85510 32409 31090 01250 16240 10822 12000 01110 10120 01470 10910 10130 01470 10850 01130 10612 13200 14500 01120 36509 92629 92629 36509 36140 01139 20400 15842 16000 01120 15120 01240 15710 15139 01240 15139 01120 15612 17210 88910 88910 88990 88990 55209 30920 85321 85322 85321 85322 55239 35420 Chert quarry Chervil growing Chess (electronic) (manufacture) Chess clubs Chess instructor Chess set (manufacture) Chest of drawers (manufacture) Chestnut growing Chests made of wood (manufacture) Chewing gum (manufacture) Chewing tobacco (manufacture) Chick pea growing Chicken cuts (fresh, chilled or frozen) (manufacture) Chicken farm (battery rearing) Chicken food (manufacture) Chicken paste (manufacture) Chicken raising and breeding Chicken ready to eat meals (manufacture) Chicory growing Chicory root drying (manufacture) Chiffon weaving from yarn spun on the cotton system (manufacture) Child day‑care activities (charitable) Child day‑care activities (non‑charitable) Child guidance centre (charitable) Child guidance centre (non‑charitable) Children’s and other holiday homes Children’s bicycles and tricycles (non‑motorised) (manufacture) Children’s boarding homes and hostels (charitable) Children’s boarding homes and hostels (non‑charitable) Children’s carriage (manufacture) Children’s clothing (exporter) (wholesale) Children’s clothing (importer) (wholesale) Children’s clothing (wholesale) Children’s home (charitable) Children’s home (non‑charitable) Children’s hospital (private sector) Children’s hospital (public sector) Children’s wear (retail) Children’s zoos Chilled water for cooling purposes production and distribution Chilli growing Chillies and peppers capsicum sop. Growing 26513 33202 10512 46330 28930 28930 28930 28930 14120 46180 15512 51331 29530 29530 29530 29530 18210 51180 21200 24421 20130 24130 46120 51120 26110 24660 71129 19201 46750 08910 46180 74204 23201 51550 14300 51180 28410 29420 46750 51550 46120 51120 46750 51550 46750 51550 28302 29320 37000 90010 17110 21110 46120 51120 21100 24410 46460 51460 09900 14300 20590 24660 71200 72190 13200 18129 28230 12000 11010 01240 74300 73100 17210 22220 30010 16000 15910 01139 87900 85311 87900 85312 30920 46420 46420 46420 87900 87900 86101 86101 47710 91040 35300 36639 51422 51422 51422 85311 85312 85112 85111 52422 92530 40300 01280 01139 01280 01139 81223 74705 Chimney cleaning 43999 45250 Chimney construction 23320 26400 Chimney liners made of clay (manufacture) 23320 26400 Chimney pots made of ceramic (manufacture) 23320 26400 Chimney pots made of clay (manufacture) 25110 28110 Chimneys made of steel (manufacture) 47599 52440 China (retail) 46440 51440 China (wholesale) 08120 14220 China clay (ground) production 08120 14220 China clay pit 08120 14220 China stone mine 46440 51440 China, glassware, wallpaper and cleaning materials exporter (wholesale) 23 C Alphabetical Index SIC 2007 C SIC 2003 Indexes to the UK Standard Industrial Classification of Economic Activities 2007 – UK SIC(2007) Activity 46440 51440 China, glassware, wallpaper and cleaning materials importer (wholesale) 13300 17300 Chintz glazing (manufacture) 13200 17210 Chintz weaving from yarn spun on the cotton system (manufacture) 16210 20200 Chipboard agglomerated with non‑mineral binding substances (manufacture) 28490 29430 Chipboard press (manufacture) 28923 29523 Chippers for road surfacing (manufacture) 86900 85140 Chiropodist (NHS) 86900 85140 Chiropodist (private) 86900 85140 Chiropractor clinic (own account) 20510 24610 Chlorate explosive (manufacture) 20301 24301 Chlorinated rubber based paint (manufacture) 28290 29240 Chlorination plant for water treatment (manufacture) 20130 24130 Chlorine and chloride (manufacture) 10821 15841 Chocolate (manufacture) 28930 29530 Chocolate and cocoa making machinery (manufacture) 46360 51360 Chocolate and sugar confectionery (wholesale) 47240 52240 Chocolate and sweets (retail) 10821 15841 Chocolate confectionery (manufacture) 10821 15841 Chocolate couverture (manufacture) 26110 31100 Choke and coil (electronic) (manufacture) 28120 29130 Choke manifolds (manufacture) 56101 55301 Chop house (licensed) 23140 26140 Chopped roving and strand made of glass fibre (manufacture) 25710 28610 Choppers (manufacture) 18129 22220 Christmas card printing (manufacture) 17290 36639 Christmas cracker (manufacture) 17290 36639 Christmas decorations made of paper (manufacture) 01290 02010 Christmas tree growing 27400 31500 Christmas tree lights (manufacture) 46470 51439 Christmas tree lights (wholesale) 28140 29130 Christmas trees and other assemblies of valves (manufacture) 26511 33201 Chromatographs (electronic) (manufacture) 24450 27450 Chrome alloys (manufacture) 23200 26260 Chrome magnesite shape (manufacture) 07290 13200 Chrome ore mining and preparation 25610 28510 Chrome plating (manufacture) 24450 27450 Chrome production and refining (manufacture) 15110 19100 Chrome tanning (manufacture) 24450 27450 Chrome wire made by drawing (manufacture) 23200 26260 Chromite articles (manufacture) 24450 27450 Chromium (manufacture) 20130 24130 Chromium compounds (excluding prepared pigments) (manufacture) 20120 24120 Chromium pigment (manufacture) 25610 28510 Chromium plating (manufacture) 46750 51550 Chromium, manganese, lead and copper oxides and hydroxides (wholesale) 86101 85112 Chronic sick hospital (private sector) 86101 85111 Chronic sick hospital (public sector) 26520 33500 Chronometer (manufacture) 94910 91310 Church Army 94910 91310 Church Commission 94910 91310 Church in Wales 94990 91330 Church Lads’ Brigade 24 SIC 2007 SIC 2003 Activity 94910 94910 94910 94910 94910 85100 85310 41201 91310 91310 91310 91310 91310 80100 80210 45211 25920 25910 16240 10390 11030 11070 01240 28930 46342 10890 11030 12000 16240 22290 46350 28930 46350 12000 25990 22290 46350 32990 46499 28930 46350 17219 17120 17290 17290 47260 12000 47260 46170 28720 28710 20400 15330 15941 15980 01139 29530 51342 15899 15941 16000 20400 36639 51350 29530 51350 16000 28750 36639 51350 36639 51479 29530 51350 21219 21120 21259 21259 52260 16000 52260 51170 26702 59140 59140 59140 47110 26702 59120 33403 92130 92130 92130 52113 33403 92119 20590 01280 24420 24440 24440 27120 27120 26110 24640 01139 27420 27440 27440 31200 31200 31200 Church Missionary Society Church of Christ Scientist Church of England Church of Ireland Church of Scotland Church schools at nursery and primary level Church schools at secondary level Churches and other ecclesiastical buildings construction Churns made of aluminium (manufacture) Churns made of iron or steel (manufacture) Churns made of wood (manufacture) Chutney (manufacture) Cider (alcoholic) (manufacture) Cider (non‑alcoholic) (manufacture) Cider apple growing Cider making machinery (manufacture) Cider merchant (wholesale) Cider pectin (manufacture) Cider perry (manufacture) Cigar (manufacture) Cigar box made of wood (manufacture) Cigar holder (manufacture) Cigar importer (wholesale) Cigar making machinery (manufacture) Cigar merchant (wholesale) Cigarette (manufacture) Cigarette cases made of metal (manufacture) Cigarette holder (manufacture) Cigarette importer (wholesale) Cigarette lighter (manufacture) Cigarette lighters (wholesale) Cigarette making machinery (manufacture) Cigarette merchant (wholesale) Cigarette packets (manufacture) Cigarette paper (uncut in rolls) (manufacture) Cigarette paper in booklets (manufacture) Cigarette tube (manufacture) Cigarettes (retail) Cigarillo (manufacture) Cigars (retail) Cigars, cheroots, cigarillos and cigarettes (commission agent) Cine camera (manufacture) Cine club Cinema Cinema club Cinema kiosk (retail) Cinematographic equipment (manufacture) Cinematographic film colouring, developing, printing or repairing Cinematographic sensitized film (manufacture) Cinnamon growing Circles made of aluminium (manufacture) Circles made of brass (manufacture) Circles made of copper (manufacture) Circuit breaker (moulded case) (manufacture) Circuit breaker for power (manufacture) Circuit protection device (electronic) (manufacture) Indexes to the UK Standard Industrial Classification of Economic Activities 2007 – UK SIC(2007) Alphabetical Index SIC 2007 SIC 2003 Activity SIC 2007 SIC 2003 Activity 82190 24200 28240 25730 25730 28131 90010 77390 22230 25290 74850 27220 29410 28620 28620 29121 92349 71340 25239 28210 81222 81229 81299 20412 74704 74709 74709 24512 81210 81222 81222 81299 39000 74701 74704 74704 74709 90030 22230 88990 94990 20140 85320 94110 25239 85321 91330 24140 80220 91110 94910 56101 94990 84220 42990 42220 91310 55301 91330 75220 45213 45213 Circular addressing Circular hollow sections made of steel (manufacture) Circular or reciprocating saws (manufacture) Circular sawblades (manufacture) Circular saws for all materials (manufacture) Circulator pump (manufacture) Circus Circus tent rental Cistern floats made of plastic (manufacture) Cistern made of metal exceeding 300 litres (manufacture) Cisterns made of plastic (manufacture) Citizens Advice Bureau Citizens initiative or protest movements Citric acid (manufacture) City and Guilds of London Institute City guild (goldsmiths’ company, stationers’ company, etc.) City mission Civic restaurant (licensed) Civic trust Civil defence administration Civil engineering construction Civil engineering constructions for long‑distance communication Civil engineering constructions for power lines Civil engineering constructions for power plants Civil engineering constructions for urban communication Civil engineering contractor Civil engineering machinery and equipment (wholesale) Civil engineering machinery and equipment rental (without operator) Civil engineering research and experimental development Civil engineering structure painting Civil service college Cladding wall panels made of precast concrete (manufacture) Claddings (external) Claddings (internal) Clairvoyant Clamp (manufacture) Clamping and towing away of vehicles Clarification plant for water treatment (manufacture) Clasps (manufacture) Clay (commission agent) Clay (wholesale) Clay and kaolin mining support services provided on a fee or contract basis Clay extraction for brick, pipe and tile production Clay mining Clay quarrying Clean towel company Cleaning and polishing preparations (manufacture) Cleaning cloth (non‑woven) (manufacture) Cleaning cloth (not of bonded fibre fabric) (manufacture) Cleaning materials (retail) Cleaning materials (wholesale) Cleaning of heat and air ducts Cleaning of industrial machinery Cleaning of the inside of road and sea tankers Cleaning powder (other than detergents and scouring powder) (manufacture) Cleaning service for factory, office or shop Cleaning services for computer rooms Cleaning services for hospitals Cleaning services n.e.c. Cleaning up oil spills and other pollutions in ocean and seas including coastal areas Cleaning up oil spills and other pollutions in surface water Cleaning up oil spills and other pollutions on land Cleaning, filling, packing or wrapping machine parts (manufacture) Cleaning, sorting or grading machines for seeds, grain or dried leguminous vegetables (manufacture) Cleaning, wringing, ironing, pressing, dyeing, etc. Machines for textile yarn and fibres (wholesale) Cleansing tissues (manufacture) Clear gum confectionery (manufacture) Clearing agents for photographic use (manufacture) Clearing house (banking) Cleat for pleasure boat (manufacture) Cleavers (manufacture) Clementine growing Clerical vestment (manufacture) Climbing clothing for men and boys (weatherproof) (manufacture) Climbing clothing for women and girls (weatherproof) (manufacture) Climbing frame (manufacture) Clinic (health service) Clinico‑pathological and other diagnostic activities pertaining to animals Clinkers and hydraulic cement (manufacture) Cloakroom (not railway, etc.) Cloaks for men and boys (manufacture) Cloaks for women and girls (manufacture) Clock (electric) (manufacture) Clock (manufacture) Clock and watch glass (manufacture) Clock case made of wood (manufacture) Clocks (retail) Clocks (wholesale) Clog (manufacture) Closed circuit television equipment (CCTV) (manufacture) Closed die forging (manufacture) Closing machinery (manufacture) Closures made of metal (manufacture) Closures made of plastic (manufacture) Cloth (wholesale) Cloth beetling (manufacture) Cloth crease resisting treatment (manufacture) Cloth degreasing (manufacture) Cloth dressing (manufacture) Cloth dyeing (manufacture) Cloth embossing (manufacture) Cloth ending and mending (manufacture) 42220 45213 42220 45213 42220 45213 42990 45213 46630 51820 77320 71320 72190 73100 43341 45440 85320 80220 23610 26610 43999 43330 96090 25730 52219 28290 25990 46130 46730 09900 45250 45430 93059 28620 63210 29240 28750 51130 51530 14220 08120 08120 08120 96010 20412 13950 13923 14220 14220 14220 93010 24512 17530 17403 47789 52489 46440 51440 39000 90030 39000 90030 28290 29240 28930 29530 46640 51830 17220 10822 20590 66110 30120 25710 01230 14120 14131 21220 15842 24640 67110 35120 28610 01139 18210 18221 14132 18222 32300 36400 86900 85140 75000 85200 23510 96090 14131 14132 26520 26520 23190 26520 47770 46480 15200 26309 26510 93059 18221 18222 33500 33500 26150 33500 52484 51479 19300 32202 25500 28290 25920 22220 46410 13300 13300 13300 13300 13300 13300 13300 28400 29240 28720 25220 51410 17300 17300 17300 17300 17300 17300 17300 25 C Alphabetical Index SIC 2007 C SIC 2003 Indexes to the UK Standard Industrial Classification of Economic Activities 2007 – UK SIC(2007) Activity 13300 17300 Cloth finishing (manufacture) 13300 17300 Cloth fireproofing (manufacture) 13200 17210 Cloth made of cotton and similar man made fibres (manufacture) 25930 28730 Cloth made of wire (manufacture) 13300 17300 Cloth mercerising (manufacture) 46410 51410 Cloth merchant (wholesale) 13300 17300 Cloth piece goods printing (manufacture) 13300 17300 Cloth proofing (manufacture) 13300 17300 Cloth rot proofing (manufacture) 13300 17300 Cloth shrinking (manufacture) 13300 17300 Cloth waterproofing 27510 29710 Clothes airer (electric) (manufacture) 32910 36620 Clothes brush (manufacture) 74100 74872 Clothes designer 16290 20510 Clothes hangers made of wood (manufacture) 77299 71409 Clothes hire 25990 28750 Clothes hook (manufacture) 16290 20510 Clothes horse made of wood (manufacture) 22290 25240 Clothes pegs made of plastic (manufacture) 16290 20510 Clothes pegs made of wood (manufacture) 46439 51439 Clothes washing and drying machines for domestic use (wholesale) 46160 51160 Clothing (commission agent) 46420 51429 Clothing (wholesale) 14190 18249 Clothing accessories (manufacture) 46420 51429 Clothing accessories (wholesale) 47710 52421 Clothing accessories made of fur or leather (retail) 46420 51421 Clothing accessories made of fur or leather (wholesale) 47710 52422 Clothing accessories, children’s, other than of fur or leather (retail) 47710 52424 Clothing accessories, men’s, other than of fur or leather (retail) 47710 52423 Clothing accessories, women’s, other than of fur or leather (retail) 46420 51429 Clothing exporter (wholesale) 47510 52410 Clothing fabrics (retail) 46420 51429 Clothing importer (wholesale) 23990 26821 Clothing made of asbestos (manufacture) 14200 18300 Clothing made of sheepskin (manufacture) 46420 51429 Clothing outfitter (wholesale) 14190 18249 Clothing pad (manufacture) 46410 51410 Clothing textiles (wholesale) 10511 15511 Clotted cream (manufacture) 01280 01139 Clove growing 01190 01110 Clover growing 32300 36400 Clubs (manufacture) 28150 29140 Clutch (not for motor vehicle) (manufacture) 29320 34300 Clutch and parts for motor vehicles (manufacture) 23990 26821 Clutch linings made of asbestos (manufacture) 46690 51870 Clutches and shaft couplings including universal joints (excluding motor vehicles) (wholesale) 29100 34100 Coach (manufacture) 25940 28740 Coach bolts and screws (manufacture) 29100 34100 Coach engine (manufacture) 49390 60231 Coach hire with driver 49390 60231 Coach services (non‑scheduled) 13960 17542 Coach trimming (manufacture) 85510 92629 Coaches of sport 26 SIC 2007 SIC 2003 Activity 29201 46120 46719 47789 19100 05101 34201 51120 51519 52489 23100 10101 Coachwork for motor vehicles (manufacture) Coal (commission agent) Coal (wholesale) Coal and coke (retail) Coal carbonisation (manufacture) Coal cleaning, sizing, grading and pulverising (hard, deep mined) Coal cleaning, sizing, grading and pulverising (hard, opencast) Coal contractor (opencast) Coal cutter (manufacture) Coal depot (wholesale) Coal factor (commission agent) Coal merchant (wholesale) Coal mine (deep or drift) Coal or rock cutters and tunnelling machinery (wholesale) Coal plough (manufacture) Coal preparation (deep mined) Coal preparation (opencast) Coal preparation plant (manufacture) Coal pumping station Coal recovery from dumps, tips etc. Coal recovery of from culm banks Coal site (opencast) Coal stockyard for land transport activities Coal stockyard for water transport activities Coal tar (crude) from gas works Coal tar (crude) from manufactured fuel plants (manufacture) Coal tar (refined) (manufacture) Coal tar distillation (manufacture) Coal tar naphtha (manufacture) Coal tar pitch, articles thereof (manufacture) Coal washing (deep mined) Coal washing (opencast) Coast guards administration and operation Coastal defence construction Coastal water transport (freight) Coastal water transport for passengers Coat and hat racks made of wood (manufacture) Coat hangers made of plastic (manufacture) Coat hangers made of wood (manufacture) Coated abrasives (manufacture) Coated electrodes for electric arc‑welding (manufacture) Coated or cored wire (manufacture) Coated roadstone production Coated tarmacadam production Coating machine for bookbinding or paper working (manufacture) Coating machinery for textiles (manufacture) Coating of purchased garments (manufacture) Coating woollen weaving (manufacture) Coating worsted weaving (manufacture) Coats for men and boys (manufacture) Coats for women and girls (manufacture) Coat stand (non‑domestic) (manufacture) Co‑axial cable and co‑axial conductors for domestic use (wholesale) 05102 10102 05102 28921 46719 46120 46719 05101 46630 10102 29521 51519 51120 51519 10101 51820 28921 05101 05102 28921 49500 05102 05102 05102 52103 52101 35210 19201 29521 10101 10102 29521 60300 10102 10102 10102 63129 63129 40210 10103 20140 20140 20140 23990 05101 05102 84240 42910 50200 50100 16290 22290 16290 23910 25930 24140 24140 24140 26829 10101 10102 75240 45240 61102 61101 20510 25240 20510 26810 28730 25930 08120 08120 28990 28730 14210 14210 29560 28940 13300 13200 13200 14131 14132 31010 46439 29540 17300 17220 17230 18221 18222 36120 51439 Indexes to the UK Standard Industrial Classification of Economic Activities 2007 – UK SIC(2007) SIC 2007 SIC 2003 Activity SIC 2007 SIC 2003 Alphabetical Index Activity 46690 51870 Co‑axial cable and co‑axial conductors for industrial use (wholesale) 24450 27450 Cobalt (manufacture) 07290 13200 Cobalt mining and preparation 16240 20400 Cock made of wood (manufacture) 03110 05010 Cockle gathering 28140 29130 Cocks for industrial use (manufacture) 31090 36140 Cocktail cabinet (manufacture) 10821 15841 Cocoa (manufacture) 46370 51370 Cocoa (wholesale) 10821 15841 Cocoa bean roasting and dressing (manufacture) 01630 01139 Cocoa beans, peeling and preparation 10821 15841 Cocoa butter (manufacture) 10821 15841 Cocoa fat (manufacture) 01270 01139 Cocoa growing 10821 15841 Cocoa oil (manufacture) 10821 15841 Cocoa powder (manufacture) 10821 15841 Cocoa products (manufacture) 10390 15330 Coconut flakes including desiccated but (not sugared) (manufacture) 01260 01139 Coconut growing 10410 15420 Coconut oil refining (manufacture) 93210 92330 Coconut shy 10410 15420 Cod liver oil refining (manufacture) 10832 15862 Coffee (manufacture) 46370 51370 Coffee (wholesale) 10832 15862 Coffee and chicory essence and extract (manufacture) 10832 15862 Coffee bags (manufacture) 56102 55302 Coffee bar, room or saloon (unlicensed) 10832 15862 Coffee blending (manufacture) 10832 15862 Coffee essence and extract (manufacture) 10832 15862 Coffee extracts and concentrates (manufacture) 10832 15862 Coffee grinding and roasting (manufacture) 01270 01139 Coffee growing 46110 51110 Coffee husks and skins (commission agent) 27510 29710 Coffee or tea makers (electric) (manufacture) 27510 29710 Coffee percolator (electric) (manufacture) 10832 15862 Coffee processing (manufacture) 28930 29530 Coffee processing machinery (manufacture) 10832 15862 Coffee products (manufacture) 10832 15862 Coffee roasting (manufacture) 10832 15862 Coffee substitutes (manufacture) 31090 36140 Coffee table (manufacture) 46370 51370 Coffee, tea, cocoa and spices exporter (wholesale) 32110 36210 Coin striking (manufacture) 92000 92710 Coin‑operated gambling machine establishments 93290 92729 Coin‑operated games arcade (other than gaming machines) 32110 36210 Coins (manufacture) 47789 52485 Coins (retail) 46719 51519 Coke (wholesale) 35210 40210 Coke gas 46719 51519 Coke merchant (wholesale) 46120 51120 Coke or semi‑coke of coal (commission agent) 19100 23100 Coke oven gas (manufacture) 19100 23100 Coke oven products (manufacture) 19201 23201 Coke petroleum (manufacture) 19100 23100 Coke production (manufacture) 10410 15420 Cola oil refining (manufacture) 11070 15980 Cola production (manufacture) 25990 28750 Colanders made of metal (manufacture) 22290 25240 Colanders made of plastic (manufacture) 26110 32100 Cold cathode valve or tube (manufacture) 25730 28620 Cold chisel (manufacture) 24340 27340 Cold drawing or stretching of steel wire (manufacture) 24310 27310 Cold drawn steel bars (manufacture) 24310 27310 Cold drawn steel sections (manufacture) 24310 27310 Cold finished steel bars (manufacture) 24330 27330 Cold formed steel angles (manufacture) 24330 27330 Cold formed steel channels (manufacture) 24330 27330 Cold formed steel sections (manufacture) 25500 28400 Cold pressing of base metals (manufacture) 24320 27320 Cold reduced steel slit strip <600 mm (manufacture) 24100 27100 Cold reduced steel slit strip >600 mm (manufacture) 24100 27100 Cold reduced wide steel strip >600 mm (cold reduced coil) (manufacture) 24320 27320 Cold rolled narrow steel strip <600 mm (manufacture) 24100 27100 Cold rolled narrow steel strip >600 mm (manufacture) 24100 27100 Cold rolled steel plate (manufacture) 24100 27100 Cold rolled steel sheet (manufacture) 24100 27100 Cold rolled steel slit strip >600 mm (manufacture) 24100 27100 Cold rolled wide steel strip >600 mm (cold rolled wide coil) (manufacture) 25500 28400 Cold stamping of base metals (manufacture) 28250 29230 Cold storage equipment (manufacture) 52102 63121 Cold store for air transport activities 46370 51370 Coffee, tea, cocoa and spices importer (wholesale) 52101 63121 Cold store for water transport activities 30110 35110 24330 27330 Cold‑folded ribbed sheets and sandwich panels (manufacture) Coffer‑dam construction (manufacture) 32990 20510 Coffin board (manufacture) 13100 17120 Coffin cloth (manufacture) 13960 17542 Coffin frilling (manufacture) 32990 20510 Coffins (manufacture) 96020 93020 Coiffeur 52103 63121 Cold store for land transport activities 24330 27330 Cold‑formed ribbed sheets and sandwich panels (manufacture) 30120 35120 Collapsible boat (not inflatable dinghy) (manufacture) 16240 20400 Collapsible box made of wood (manufacture) 29310 31610 Coil ignition (manufacture) 32990 36639 Collar stud (manufacture) 25930 28740 Coil springs (not for motor vehicle suspension) (manufacture) 14190 18249 Collars for men and boys (manufacture) 28990 29560 Collating machine for bookbinders (manufacture) 24440 27440 Coils made of copper (manufacture) 28230 30010 Collating machinery (manufacture) 32401 36501 Coin operated games (manufacture) 18140 22230 Collating of books, brochures, etc. (manufacture) 28230 30010 Coin sorting, wrapping and counting machines (manufacture) 46770 51570 Collecting, sorting, separating, stripping of used goods to obtain reusable parts (wholesale) 27 C Alphabetical Index SIC 2007 C SIC 2003 Indexes to the UK Standard Industrial Classification of Economic Activities 2007 – UK SIC(2007) Activity 65120 66031 Collecting society 38110 90020 Collection and removal of non hazardous debris and rubble 38120 23300 Collection and treatment of radioactive nuclear waste 38120 90020 Collection of bio‑hazardous waste 86900 85140 Collection of female human urine for hormone extraction 38110 90020 Collection of non hazardous construction and demolition waste 38110 90020 Collection of non hazardous recyclable materials 38110 90020 Collection of non hazardous waste output of textile mills 38120 90020 Collection of nuclear waste 36000 41000 Collection of rain water 38110 90030 Collection of refuse in litter bins in public places 38120 90020 Collection of used oil from shipment or garages 36000 41000 Collection of water from rivers, lakes, wells 46499 51479 Collectors stamps and coins (wholesale) 85320 80220 College of agriculture 85320 80220 College of art 85421 80302 College of higher education (degree level) 85320 80220 College of music 85410 80301 College of nursing 85320 80220 College of technology 46120 51120 Colloidal precious metals (commission agent) 18129 22220 Collotype printing (manufacture) 20420 24520 Colognes (manufacture) 26511 33201 Colorimeters (electronic) (manufacture) 26513 33202 Colorimeters (non‑electronic) (manufacture) 32500 33401 Colour filter (unmounted) (manufacture) 20120 24120 Colour lake (manufacture) 26110 32100 Colour television tubes (manufacture) 23110 26110 Coloured glass (manufacture) 46750 51550 Colouring matter (wholesale) 20120 24120 Colours for food and cosmetics (manufacture) 20120 24120 Colours in dry, liquid or paste form (manufacture) 25110 28110 Column (fabricated structural steelwork) (manufacture) 25300 28300 Column (process plant) (manufacture) 01110 01110 Colza growing 10410 15410 Colza oil production (manufacture) 28940 29540 Comb for textile machinery (manufacture) 13100 17120 Combers’ shoddy for woollen industry (manufacture) 13940 17520 Combination rope (manufacture) 28302 29320 Combine harvester (manufacture) 81100 70320 Combined facilities support activities 82110 74850 Combined office admin. Services (e.g. Reception, billing, record keeping, personnel, mail services) 82110 74850 Combined secretarial activities 13100 17130 Combing and slubbing of wool on a commission basis (manufacture) 15110 19100 Combing leather (manufacture) 28940 29540 Combing machinery for textiles (manufacture) 27510 29710 Combs (electric) (manufacture) 32990 36639 Combs (other than of hard rubber, plastic or metal) (manufacture) 22190 36639 Combs of hard rubber (manufacture) 25990 36639 Combs of metal (manufacture) 22290 36639 Combs of plastic (manufacture) 46499 51479 Combs, hair‑slides, hairpins, curling pins (wholesale) 28 SIC 2007 SIC 2003 Activity 47781 73110 41201 81210 77390 17230 78200 52486 74402 45211 74701 71340 22220 74500 Commercial art gallery (retail) Commercial artist Commercial buildings construction Commercial cleaner Commercial machinery rental and operating leasing Commercial notebooks (manufacture) Commercial or industrial workers (supply) (temporary employment agency) Commercial printed matter printing (manufacture) Commercial school Commercial services administration and regulation (public sector) Commercial stationery (manufacture) Commercial stationery binders (manufacture) Commercial stationery business forms (manufacture) Commercial stationery registers (manufacture) Commercial vehicle (light) hire (without driver) Commercial vehicle (medium and heavy type) contract hire (without driver) Commercial vehicle (medium and heavy type) hire (without driver) Commercial vehicle hire with driver Commercial vehicle park Commercial vehicles (manufacture) Comminution plant for effluent treatment (manufacture) Commission mending of textiles (manufacture) Commissioners of northern lighthouses Commodities dealing for investment purposes Commodity and transport capacity exchanges for gaseous fuels Commodity contracts brokerage Commodity contracts exchanges administration Common (local authority or municipally owned) Commonwealth Armed Forces Commonwealth Government Service Commonwealth Institute Commonwealth Secretariat Commonwealth War Graves Commission Communication centre (civil air) Communication devices using infrared signal (e.g. Remote controls) (manufacture) Communication equipment rental and operating leasing Communication lines construction Communication services administration and regulation (public sector) Communications telemetry Community amenity services administration (public sector) Community and neighbourhood activities (charitable) Community and neighbourhood activities (non‑charitable) Community centre Community dental service clinics Community health service Community heating plant Community homes for children (charitable) Community homes for children (non‑charitable) Community medical service clinics Community organisations 18129 22220 85320 80220 84130 75130 17230 17230 17230 17230 77120 77120 22220 22220 22220 22220 71219 71219 77120 71219 49410 52219 29100 28290 60249 63210 34100 29240 13300 52220 64991 35230 17300 63220 65233 40220 66120 66110 93290 99000 99000 99000 99000 99000 52230 26301 67122 67110 92729 99000 99000 99000 99000 99000 63230 32201 77390 71340 42220 45213 84130 75130 61900 64200 84120 75120 88990 85321 88990 85322 94990 86230 86900 35300 87900 87900 86900 94990 91330 85130 85140 40300 85311 85312 85140 91330 Indexes to the UK Standard Industrial Classification of Economic Activities 2007 – UK SIC(2007) SIC 2007 SIC 2003 Activity SIC 2007 86900 26400 47430 18201 85140 32300 52450 22310 59200 46431 84230 66190 66110 69202 26511 26513 26513 26513 69201 43320 26520 28990 20590 22140 51431 75230 67130 67110 74122 33201 33202 33202 33202 74121 45420 33500 29560 24660 71200 23990 16290 18130 15110 10910 46210 20150 20530 74300 26821 20520 22240 19100 15710 51210 24150 24630 Community psychiatric nurse (NHS) Compact disc players (manufacture) Compact disc players (retail) Compact disc reproduction from master copies (manufacture) Compact disc sound recording publishing Compact discs (recorded) (wholesale) Companies court Company promoting Company registration agent Company secretary Comparators (electronic) (manufacture) Comparators (non‑electronic) (manufacture) Compass (drawing) (manufacture) Compass (magnetic) (manufacture) Compilation of financial statements Completion of ceilings Components for clocks and watches (manufacture) Composing room equipment (manufacture) Composite diagnostic or laboratory reagents (manufacture) Composition and purity testing and analysis Composition asbestos (manufacture) Composition cork (manufacture) Composition for printing (manufacture) Composition leather (manufacture) Compound animal feed (manufacture) Compound feed stuff (wholesale) Compound fertiliser (manufacture) Compound flavour (blended flavour concentrates) (manufacture) Compound plasticisers and stabilisers for rubber or plastics (commission agent) Compound plasticisers for rubber or plastics (manufacture) Compounds of rare earth metals (wholesale) Compounds of rare earth metals, yttrium or scandium (commission agent) Compounds of yttrium and scandium (wholesale) Compounds with nitrogen functions (commission agent) Comprehensive schools Compressed air production and distribution Compressed industrial gases (manufacture) Compressibility testing equipment (non‑electronic) (manufacture) Compression ignition engines for industrial use (manufacture) Compressor engine (manufacture) Compressor for air or other gas (manufacture) Compressor for refrigerators (manufacture) Compressor parts (manufacture) Compressors for refrigerating equipment (wholesale) Compressors for use in civil aircraft (wholesale) Compulsory social security administration concerning family and child benefits Compulsory social security administration concerning government employee pension schemes Compulsory social security administration concerning permanent loss of income due to disablement 84300 75300 Compulsory social security administration concerning retirement pensions 84300 75300 Compulsory social security administration concerning unemployment benefits 84300 75300 Compulsory social security administration of sickness, maternity or temporary disablement benefits 26200 30020 Computer (electronic) (manufacture) 26200 30020 Computer (manufacture) 62020 72100 Computer audit consultancy services 62020 72220 Computer consultancy (software) 96090 93059 Computer dating agency 26800 24650 Computer discs and tapes (unrecorded) (manufacture) 46140 51140 Computer equipment (commission agent) 62030 72300 Computer facilities management activities 47410 52485 Computer games (retail) 62011 72220 Computer games design 58210 72210 Computer games publishing 62020 72100 Computer hardware acceptance testing services 72190 73100 Computer hardware research and experimental development 18203 22330 Computer media reproduction (manufacture) 46620 51810 Computer numerically controlled (CNC) machine tools (wholesale) 28410 29420 Computer numerically controlled (CNC) metal cutting machines (manufacture) 26200 30020 Computer peripheral equipment (manufacture) 47410 52482 Computer peripheral equipment (retail) 17230 21230 Computer print‑out paper (manufacture) 26200 32300 Computer projectors (video beamers) (manufacture) 62090 72600 Computer related activities (other) 85320 80220 Computer repair training 62020 72100 Computer site planning services 26200 30020 Computer store (manufacture) 26200 30020 Computer system (manufacture) 26200 30020 Computer terminal unit (manufacture) 18130 22240 Computer to plate CTP processing of plates for relief printing (manufacture) 18130 22240 Computer to plate CTP processing of plates for relief stamping 85590 80429 Computer training 46620 51810 Computer‑controlled machine tools (wholesale) 46640 51830 Computer‑controlled machinery for sewing and knitting machines (wholesale) 46640 51830 Computer‑controlled machinery for the textile industry (wholesale) 47410 52482 Computers and non‑customised software (retail) 46120 51120 20590 24660 46750 51550 46120 51120 46750 51550 46120 51120 85310 35300 20110 26513 80210 40300 24110 33202 28110 29110 28110 28132 28132 28132 46690 29110 29122 29122 29122 51870 46690 51870 84300 75300 84300 75300 84300 75300 SIC 2003 Alphabetical Index Activity 46510 51840 Computers and peripheral equipment (wholesale) 77330 71330 Computing machinery and equipment rental and operating leasing 10910 15710 Concentrated animal feed and feed supplements (manufacture) 10519 15519 Concentrated dried milk (manufacture) 90040 92320 Concert halls operation 32200 36300 Concertina (manufacture) 90010 92311 Concerts production 23690 26660 Concrete articles n.e.c. (manufacture) 28990 29560 Concrete block making machinery (manufacture) 25610 28510 Concrete coating of metals (manufacture) 23630 26630 Concrete dry mix (manufacture) 49410 60249 Concrete haulage by a unit which is (not the manufacturer) 29 C Alphabetical Index C Indexes to the UK Standard Industrial Classification of Economic Activities 2007 – UK SIC(2007) SIC 2007 SIC 2003 Activity SIC 2007 28923 28923 28131 28923 43999 29100 06200 20160 29523 29523 29121 29523 45250 34100 11100 24160 10511 25300 25300 28250 15511 28300 28300 29230 28250 25990 10840 25930 29230 28750 15870 28730 23320 23320 10822 47110 26400 26400 15842 52111 46170 10822 46360 28930 51170 15842 51360 29530 10821 10822 94110 68310 68202 82302 17290 32990 90010 43210 15841 15842 91110 70310 70201 74874 36639 36639 92311 45310 94990 94920 94920 46499 38110 28923 41201 46630 77320 91330 91320 91320 51477 90020 29523 45211 51820 71320 Concrete mixer (manufacture) Concrete placing machinery (manufacture) Concrete pumps (manufacture) Concrete surfacing machinery (manufacture) Concrete work (building) Concrete‑mixer lorries (manufacture) Condensate extraction Condensation, polycondensation and polyaddition products (plastic material) (manufacture) Condensed milk (manufacture) Condenser (steam) (manufacture) Condenser (vapour) (manufacture) Condenser for air conditioning equipment (air or water cooled) (manufacture) Condenser unit for refrigerator (manufacture) Condiment set made of metal (manufacture) Condiments (manufacture) Conductor cable made of steel reinforced aluminium (manufacture) Conduits made of ceramic (manufacture) Conduits made of clay (manufacture) Confectioner’s novelty (manufacture) Confectioners, tobacconists and newsagents (CTN’s) (retail) Confectionery (commission agent) Confectionery (medicated) (manufacture) Confectionery (wholesale) Confectionery machines and processing equipment (manufacture) Confectionery made of chocolate (manufacture) Confectionery made of sugar (manufacture) Confederation of British industry Conference centre letting (not self‑owned) Conference centre letting (self owned) Conference organisers Confetti paper (manufacture) Conjuring apparatus (manufacture) Conjuror Connecting of electric appliances and household equipment, including baseboard heating Conservation and Preservation Society Conservative and Unionist Party Conservative Association Construction and constructional toys (wholesale) Construction and demolition waste collection Construction equipment (manufacture) Construction factories Construction machinery (wholesale) Construction machinery and equipment rental (without operator) Construction machinery and equipment rental with operator Construction machinery exporter (wholesale) Construction machinery importer (wholesale) Construction materials (retail) Construction materials (wholesale) Construction materials from demolished buildings (wholesale) Construction materials made of glass (commission agent) Construction model (manufacture) 41201 45211 Construction of airport buildings 41201 45211 Construction of arts, cultural or leisure facilities buildings 41201 45211 Construction of assembly plants 42990 45213 Construction of chemical plants (except buildings) 42210 45213 Construction of civil engineering constructions for long‑distance and urban pipelines 41201 45211 Construction of commercial buildings 41202 45212 Construction of domestic buildings 30110 35110 Construction of drilling platforms, floating or submersible (manufacture) 41201 45211 Construction of hospitals 41202 45212 Construction of housing association and local authority housing 41201 45211 Construction of indoor sports facilities 42990 45213 Construction of industrial facilities (except buildings) 42210 45240 Construction of irrigation systems (canals) 41202 45212 Construction of multi‑family buildings, including high‑rise buildings 30110 35110 Construction of non‑recreational inflatable rafts 41201 45211 Construction of office buildings 42110 45230 Construction of other vehicular and pedestrian ways 42990 45230 Construction of outdoor sports facilities (except buildings) 43999 45211 Construction of outdoor swimming pools 41201 45211 Construction of parking garages 41201 45211 Construction of primary, secondary and other schools 42210 45213 Construction of pumping stations 42990 45213 Construction of refineries (except buildings) 41201 45211 Construction of religious buildings 41202 45212 Construction of residential buildings: 42210 45213 Construction of sewage disposal plants 42210 45213 Construction of sewer systems 41202 45212 Construction of single‑family houses 42130 45213 Construction of tunnels 42120 45230 Construction of underground railways 42220 45213 Construction of utility projects for electricity 42220 45213 Construction of utility projects for telecommunications 41201 45211 Construction of warehouses 41201 45211 Construction of workshops 84130 75130 Construction services administration and regulation (public sector) 32409 36509 Construction sets (manufacture) 25110 28110 Construction site huts made of metal (manufacture) 71111 74201 Construction supervision 42990 45213 Constructional engineering 32409 36509 Constructional toy (manufacture) 99000 99000 Consular office 84210 75210 Consular services abroad administration and operation (public sector) 71129 74204 Consultant civil or structural engineer 71121 74205 Consultant design engineer 71129 74204 Consultant engineer (civil or structural) 71121 74205 Consultant engineer (other than civil or structural) 94990 91330 Consumer associations 64921 65221 Consumer credit granting company (other than banks or building societies) 94990 91330 Consumers’ association 32500 33401 Contact lens (manufacture) 43999 45500 46630 46630 47520 46730 46770 51820 51820 52460 51530 51570 46130 51130 32409 36509 30 SIC 2003 Activity Indexes to the UK Standard Industrial Classification of Economic Activities 2007 – UK SIC(2007) SIC 2007 SIC 2003 Activity SIC 2007 SIC 2003 Alphabetical Index Activity 47782 52487 Contact lenses (retail) 27900 31300 Contacts and other electrical carbon and graphite products (manufacture) 15120 19200 Container for typewriter, radio, etc. Made of leather (manufacture) 28220 29220 Container handling crane (manufacture) 52241 63110 Container handling services for water transport activities 23190 26150 Container made of glass tubing (hygienic and pharmaceutical) (manufacture) 22220 25220 Container made of plastic for closed transit (manufacture) 77390 71219 Container rental 30110 35110 Container ship (manufacture) 17219 21219 Containers and canisters made of cardboard n.e.c. (manufacture) 46690 51870 Containers designed for carriage by one or more means of transport (wholesale) 29202 34202 Containers for carriage by one or more modes of transport (manufacture) 25290 28210 Containers for compressed or liquefied gases made of metal (manufacture) 29202 34202 Containers for freight (manufacture) 17219 21219 Containers made of corrugated paper or paperboard n.e.c. (manufacture) 25920 28720 Containers made of foil (manufacture) 23130 26130 Containers made of glass or crystal (manufacture) 25290 28210 Containers made of metal of a capacity exceeding 300 litres (manufacture) 17219 21219 Containers made of paper and paperboard n.e.c. (manufacture) 17219 21219 Containers made of solid board n.e.c. (manufacture) 23130 26130 Containers made of tubular glass (manufacture) 46130 51130 Containers made of wood (commission agent) 16240 20400 Containers made of wood (manufacture) 65120 66031 Contingency insurance 85590 80429 Continuation school 87300 85311 Continuing care retirement communities (charitable) 87300 85312 Continuing care retirement communities (non‑charitable) 24100 27100 Continuous cast products made of steel (manufacture) 24420 27420 Continuous cast rod made of aluminium (manufacture) 24440 27440 Continuous cast rod made of copper (manufacture) 24450 27450 Continuous cast rods of other base non‑ferrous metals (manufacture) 20600 24700 Continuous filament yarn of man‑made fibres (manufacture) 28921 29521 Continuous miner (manufacture) 17230 21230 Continuous stationery (manufacture) 46460 51460 Contraceptive chemical preparations based on hormones or spermicides (wholesale) 77110 71100 Contract car hire (self drive) 81210 74701 Contract cleaning service 86101 85111 13300 17300 Contract cutting of textiles (not self‑owned) (manufacture) 01630 01410 Cooling and bulk packing of crops for primary market 46630 51820 Contractors’ plant (wholesale) 87900 85311 87100 85140 87900 85312 94910 85310 25400 29203 91310 80210 29600 34203 30110 28910 31090 27110 26200 46690 35110 29510 36110 31100 30020 51870 22290 25240 28220 29220 28220 29220 15120 13960 22210 22190 28302 28921 28220 10130 47220 27510 27520 27520 27520 10720 27520 19200 17542 25210 25130 29320 29521 29220 15139 52220 29710 29720 29720 29720 15820 29720 27520 29720 28930 29530 27520 29720 28930 29530 10420 15430 24420 27420 46690 51870 25990 28750 22290 25240 16290 20510 Convalescent home (public sector providing medical care) Convalescent home without medical care (charitable) Convalescent homes Convalescent homes without medical care (non‑charitable) Convent (not school or orphanage) Convent schools at secondary level Conventional missiles (manufacture) Conversion of complete vehicles to motor caravans (manufacture) Conversion of ships (manufacture) Converters for hot metal handling (manufacture) Convertible furniture (manufacture) Converting machinery (electrical) (manufacture) Converter for computer (manufacture) Converters, ladles, ingot moulds and casting machines (wholesale) Conveyer belts made of plastic (manufacture) Conveying plant (hydraulic and pneumatic) (manufacture) Conveyor and feeder (not for agriculture or mining) (manufacture) Conveyor bands made of leather (manufacture) Conveyor belting (woven) (manufacture) Conveyor belts made of plastic (manufacture) Conveyor belts made of rubber (manufacture) Conveyor for agricultural use (manufacture) Conveyor for underground mining (manufacture) Conveyors (manufacture) Cooked and preserved meat (manufacture) Cooked meats (retail) Cooker (electric) (manufacture) Cooker (gas) (manufacture) Cooker (oil) (manufacture) Cooker (solid fuel) (manufacture) Cookies (manufacture) Cooking and heating appliances for domestic use (gas) (manufacture) Cooking and heating appliances for domestic use (solid fuel) (manufacture) Cooking appliance for commercial catering (non‑electric) (manufacture) Cooking appliances for domestic use (non‑electric) (manufacture) Cooking equipment for commercial catering (electric) (manufacture) Cooking fat (compound) (manufacture) Cooking foil made of aluminium (manufacture) Cooking or heating equipment for non‑domestic use (wholesale) Cooking utensils made of metal (manufacture) Cooking utensils made of plastic (manufacture) Cooking utensils made of wood (manufacture) 30300 35300 Control surfaces for aircraft (manufacture) 28250 29230 Cooling equipment for non‑domestic use (manufacture) 26200 30020 Control units for computers (manufacture) 47300 50500 Cooling products for motor vehicles 26120 32100 Controllers interface cards (manufacture) 28250 29230 Cooling tower for air conditioning (manufacture) 86101 85112 28290 29240 Cooling towers and similar for direct cooling by means of re‑circulated water (manufacture) Convalescent home (private sector providing medical care) 31 C Alphabetical Index C Indexes to the UK Standard Industrial Classification of Economic Activities 2007 – UK SIC(2007) SIC 2007 SIC 2003 Activity SIC 2007 SIC 2003 Activity 01629 16240 16240 16240 26511 17290 17290 20160 46720 47789 07290 07290 01429 20400 20400 20400 33201 21259 21259 24160 51520 52489 13200 13200 56210 84230 32500 26701 85590 55520 75230 33401 33402 80429 90030 18129 24440 24440 02100 10410 16290 28230 59200 92319 22220 27440 27440 02010 15410 20510 30010 74879 94120 69109 73110 03110 23990 13990 13990 13940 47789 11070 20510 26301 13200 91120 74111 74402 05010 26821 17542 17542 17520 52489 15980 24610 32201 17210 Coop cleaning Cooper’s products (manufacture) Cooper’s products reconditioning (manufacture) Cooper’s wood (manufacture) Co‑oxymeters (electronic) (manufacture) Cop paper (manufacture) Cop tube (manufacture) Co‑polymer plastics (manufacture) Copper (wholesale) Copper goods (retail) Copper mining and preparation Copper ore and concentrate extraction and preparation Copper plate engraver (artistic) Copper plate printing (manufacture) Copper refining (manufacture) Copper smelting (manufacture) Coppice and pulpwood growing Copra (coconut) crushing (manufacture) Cops made of wood (manufacture) Copying machine (xerographic) (manufacture) Copyright acquisition and registration for musical compositions Copyright protection society Copyrights preparation Copywriter Coral gathering Cord made of asbestos (manufacture) Cord made of elastic (manufacture) Cord made of elastomeric material (manufacture) Cordage made of textile material (manufacture) Cordage, rope, twine and nets (retail) Cordial (non‑alcoholic) (manufacture) Cordite (manufacture) Cordless telephones (except cellular) (manufacture) Corduroy weaving from yarn spun on the cotton system (manufacture) Core preparation and analysis activities Core sampling for construction Core spun yarn spun on the cotton system (manufacture) Coriander growing Cork goods (retail) Cork goods (wholesale) Cork life preservers (manufacture) Cork products (except cork life preservers) (manufacture) Corporate hospitality catering Correctional services Corrective glasses (manufacture) Correlator (optical) (manufacture) Correspondence college (not leading to degree level qualifications) Correspondence college specialising in higher education courses (degree level) Corrosion engineering activities Corrugated packing case (manufacture) Corrugated paper (manufacture) Corrugated paper board (manufacture) Corrugated plate, sheet or strip made of aluminium (manufacture) Corrugated sheets made of fibre‑cement (manufacture) Corrugated sheets made of steel (manufacture) Corselet (manufacture) Corset (manufacture) Corset belt (manufacture) Corset cloth weaving (from yarn spun on the cotton system) (manufacture) Corset lace (manufacture) Corsetiere (retail) Cosmetic soap (manufacture) Cosmetics (commission agent) Cosmetics (manufacture) Cosmetics (retail) Cosmetics (wholesale) Cosmetology and barber schools Cost accountant Cost accounting programmes design Cost draughtsman (legal) Cost draughtsman (quantity surveyor) Costume designing Costume jewellery (manufacture) Costume or imitation jewellery (manufacture) Costumes for women and girls (manufacture) Cot blanket (manufacture) Cot frame (manufacture) Cot mattress (manufacture) Cot quilt (manufacture) Cots (textile machinery accessory) (manufacture) Cottages and cabins without housekeeping services, provided in holiday centres and holiday villages 71122 74206 43130 45120 13100 17110 01280 47599 46499 32990 16290 01139 52440 51479 20520 20520 85421 80302 71129 17219 17211 17211 24420 74204 21213 21211 21211 27420 23650 26650 24100 14142 14142 14142 13200 27100 18232 18232 18232 17210 13990 47710 20420 46180 20420 47750 46450 85320 69201 70221 69201 74902 74100 32130 32130 14132 13923 31090 31030 13923 28940 55201 17542 52423 24511 51180 24520 52330 51450 80220 74121 74142 74121 74203 74872 36610 36610 18222 17403 36140 36150 17403 29540 55231 55201 55231 Cottages in holiday centres and holiday villages (provision of short‑stay lodging in) 02300 02010 Cork, gathering from the wild 55209 55232 Cottages, not in holiday centres, holiday villages, youth hostels (self catering short‑stay lodging) 46210 51210 Corn (wholesale) 25940 28740 Cotter pin (manufacture) 46210 51210 Corn chandler (wholesale) 46210 51210 Cotton (wholesale) 46110 51110 Corn exchange (commission agent) 46110 51110 Cotton broker (commission agent) 46110 51110 Corn factor (commission agent) 13100 17110 Cotton carding (manufacture) 46210 51210 Corn merchant (wholesale) 13100 17110 Cotton combing (manufacture) 10620 15620 Corn oil (manufacture) 13300 17300 Cotton cord and velveteen finishing (manufacture) 10611 15611 Corn or other cereal grains (manufacture) 13100 17110 Cotton doubling (manufacture) 10612 15612 Cornflake (manufacture) 13100 17110 Cotton drawing (manufacture) 10611 15611 84230 75230 Coroners court 13300 17300 Cotton fabric bleaching, dyeing or otherwise finishing (manufacture) 66120 67122 Corporate finance companies 01630 01410 Cotton ginning 32 Cornflour (manufacture) Indexes to the UK Standard Industrial Classification of Economic Activities 2007 – UK SIC(2007) SIC 2007 SIC 2003 Activity 28940 29540 Cotton gins (manufacture) 01160 01110 Cotton growing 13100 17110 Cotton lap, sliver, rovings and other intermediate bobbin (manufacture) 10410 15410 Cotton linters production (manufacture) 13100 17110 Cotton opening (manufacture) 13923 17403 Cotton patch quilt (manufacture) 46770 51570 Cotton rags (wholesale) 13100 17110 Cotton reeling (manufacture) 10410 15410 Cotton seed crushing including delinting or cleaning (manufacture) 10410 15410 Cotton seed oil production (manufacture) 10410 15420 Cotton seed oil refining (manufacture) 46750 51550 Cotton size (wholesale) 13100 17110 Cotton sorting (manufacture) 13100 17110 Cotton spinning (manufacture) 28940 29540 Cotton spreaders (manufacture) 13100 17160 Cotton thread mill (manufacture) 52102 63129 Cotton warehouse for air transport activities 52103 63129 Cotton warehouse for land transport activities 52101 63129 Cotton warehouse for water transport activities 13100 17110 Cotton warp (manufacture) 46770 51570 Cotton waste (wholesale) 13300 17300 Cotton waste bleaching, dying or otherwise finishing (manufacture) 13100 17110 Cotton waste spinning (manufacture) 13200 17210 Cotton weaving (manufacture) 32500 24422 Cotton wool and tissues (manufacture) 13100 17110 Cotton yarn (manufacture) 13100 17110 Cotton yarn doubling (manufacture) 13300 17300 Cotton yarn gassing (manufacture) 13300 17300 Cotton yarn polishing (manufacture) 13300 17300 Cotton yarn printing (manufacture) 13100 17110 Cotton yarn twisting (manufacture) 13100 17110 Cotton yarn warping (manufacture) 13100 17110 Cotton yarn winding (manufacture) 13923 17403 Cotton, silk, etc. embroidering (except lace and apparel) (manufacture) 17110 21110 Cotton‑linters pulp (manufacture) 01110 01110 Cottonseed growing 13200 17210 Cotton‑type fabrics (manufacture) 13100 17110 Cotton‑type yarn (manufacture) 31090 36110 Couch (manufacture) 85590 80429 Council for Accreditation of Correspondence Colleges 85421 80302 Council for National Academic Awards 13923 17403 Counterpane (manufacture) 31010 36120 Counters for shops (manufacture) 28230 30010 Counting and dating machines (manufacture) 26513 33202 Counting instruments (non‑electric) (manufacture) 84230 75230 County court 29320 34300 Coupling for articulated motor vehicle (manufacture) 24200 27220 Couplings and flange adapters made of iron or steel (manufacture) 01130 01120 Courgette growing 79901 63303 Courier (travel) 53201 64120 Courier activities (other than national post activities) licensed 53202 64120 Courier activities (other than national post activities) unlicensed Alphabetical Index SIC 2007 SIC 2003 Activity 93199 84230 84230 84230 84230 82990 10730 13922 22230 01110 01410 28940 25300 94990 47789 25730 28220 77320 25990 77320 29100 30200 30920 28150 28150 92629 75230 75230 75230 75230 74850 15850 17402 25239 01120 01210 29540 28300 91330 52489 28620 29220 71320 28750 71320 34100 35200 35420 29140 29140 28110 16240 28290 14190 14200 28922 28922 32990 10511 46330 10511 34300 20400 29240 18249 18300 29522 29522 36631 15511 51331 15511 10511 15511 10511 28930 11070 10511 28990 15511 29530 15980 15511 29560 Coursing Court of appeal Court of protection Court of session (Scotland) Court of the Lord Lyon Court reporting services Couscous (manufacture) Covers made of waterproofed canvas (manufacture) Coving made of plastic (manufacture) Cow pea growing Cows’ milk (raw) production Crabbing machinery for textiles (manufacture) Cracker for process plant (manufacture) Craft and collectors’ clubs Craftwork (retail) Cramp (manufacture) Crane (manufacture) Crane hire (without operator) Crane hook (manufacture) Crane lorries rental (without operator) Crane lorry (manufacture) Crane vans (manufacture) Crank wheel for pedal cycle (manufacture) Cranks (manufacture) Crankshaft (not for motor vehicle engine) (manufacture) Crankshaft for motor vehicle (manufacture) Crates made of wood (manufacture) Crating and de‑crating machinery (manufacture) Cravats (manufacture) Cravats made of fur (manufacture) Crawler loader (manufacture) Crawler tractor (manufacture) Crayon (manufacture) Cream (sterilised) (manufacture) Cream (wholesale) Cream from fresh homogenized liquid milk (manufacture) Cream from fresh pasteurized liquid milk (manufacture) Cream production (manufacture) Cream separator for industrial use (manufacture) Cream soda (manufacture) Creamery (not farm or retail shop) (manufacture) Creasing machine for bookbinding (manufacture) 73110 74402 Creating and placing advertising 73110 74402 Creation of stands and other display structures and sites 88910 85321 Crèche (charitable) 88910 85322 Crèche (non‑charitable) 88990 85321 Credit and debt counselling services (charitable) 88990 85322 Credit and debt counselling services (non‑charitable) 82912 74871 Credit bureau 64921 65221 Credit card issuer (sole activity – requiring full payment at end of credit period) 66190 67130 Credit or finance broking 82912 74871 Credit rating 47990 52630 Credit trader (retail) 64921 65221 Credit unions 33 C Alphabetical Index C Indexes to the UK Standard Industrial Classification of Economic Activities 2007 – UK SIC(2007) SIC 2007 SIC 2003 Activity SIC 2007 SIC 2003 Activity 96030 96030 96030 20140 13200 17120 01130 20140 20160 13200 32300 93120 84240 17120 10720 14390 13910 13910 47599 77299 01610 01630 01610 93030 93030 93030 24140 17240 21120 01120 24140 24160 17210 36400 92629 75240 21120 15820 17720 17600 17600 52440 71409 01410 01410 01410 Cremation board Cremation services Crematorium Creosote (manufacture) Crepe weaving (manufacture) Creped paper (manufacture) Cress growing Cresylic acid (manufacture) Cresylic resins (manufacture) Cretonne weaving (manufacture) Cricket ball and equipment (manufacture) Cricket club Criminal investigation department Crinkled paper (manufacture) Crispbread (manufacture) Crocheted articles (manufacture) Crocheted fabric (manufacture) Crocheted fabrics (manufacture) Crockery (retail) Crockery hire Crop and grass drying plant operation by contractor Crop drying and disinfecting for primary market Crop establishing for subsequent crop production, on a fee or contract basis Crop growing in combination with farming of livestock Crop harvesting and preparation Crop preparation for primary market (cleaning, trimming, grading, etc.) Crop production support activities Crop spraying on a fee or contract basis Crop treatment on a fee or contract basis Crop wax covering, polishing and wrapping for primary market Cropping machinery for textiles (manufacture) Croquet club Cross linking adhesive (manufacture) Crossbows (manufacture) Cross‑talk meters (electronic) (manufacture) Crown agents for overseas governments and administrations Crown cork (manufacture) Crown corks and stoppers (wholesale) Crown court Crown prosecution service Crucibles made of fireclay (manufacture) Crucibles made of fireclay or graphite (manufacture) 06100 06100 06100 06100 46711 06100 19201 06100 06100 11100 11100 11100 11100 51511 11100 23201 11100 11100 10410 10710 94910 20120 28930 08110 28921 28923 38320 15410 15810 91310 24120 29530 14110 29521 29523 37200 Crude oils obtained by decantation processes Crude oils obtained by dehydration processes Crude oils obtained by desalting processes Crude oils obtained by stabilisation processes Crude petroleum (wholesale) Crude petroleum extraction Crude petroleum jelly (at refinery) (manufacture) Crude petroleum production Crude petroleum production from bituminous shale and sand Crude vegetable oil production (manufacture) Crumpet making (manufacture) Crusaders’ union Crushed pigment colours (manufacture) Crusher (food or drink machinery) (manufacture) Crushing and breaking of stone Crushing machine for mining (manufacture) Crushing plant (not for mines) (manufacture) Crushing, cleaning and sorting of demolition waste to obtain secondary raw materials Crushing, cleaning and sorting of glass Crushing, cleaning and sorting of glass to produce secondary raw materials Crustacean and mollusc canning (manufacture) Crustacean and mollusc preservation by drying (manufacture) Crustacean and mollusc products (manufacture) Crustacean and mollusc salting (manufacture) Crustacean freezing (manufacture) Crustacean preservation (other than by freezing) (manufacture) Crustaceans (retail) Crustaceans (wholesale) Crustaceans cultured in sea water Crutches (manufacture) Crystal articles (manufacture) Crystallised fruit (manufacture) Crystalliser for chemical industry (manufacture) CT scanners (manufacture) Cucumber growing Cue for billiards or snooker (manufacture) Cuff link (not of, or clad in, precious metal, or of precious/semi precious stones) (manufacture) Cuffs for men and boys (manufacture) Culinary glassware (manufacture) Culm (wholesale) Cultivator (manufacture) Cultivator tine (manufacture) Cultural associations Cultural education Cultural organisation (professional) Cultural organisations (hobby) Cultural services administration (public sector) Cumene (manufacture) Cupboard (manufacture) Cupboards for kitchens (manufacture) Cups and saucers made of china or porcelain (manufacture) Cups made of paper (manufacture) Cups made of plastic (manufacture) 01500 01300 01610 01410 01630 01410 01610 01610 01610 01630 01410 01410 01410 01410 28940 93120 20520 32300 26511 99000 29540 92629 24620 36400 33201 99000 25920 46690 84230 84230 23200 23200 28720 51870 75230 75230 26260 26260 23200 26260 Crucibles made of graphite (manufacture) 23200 26260 Crucibles made of refractory ceramic (manufacture) 19100 23100 Crude benzole from coke ovens (manufacture) 19100 23100 Crude coal tar from coke ovens (manufacture) 19100 23100 Crude coal tar production (manufacture) 06200 11100 Crude gaseous hydrocarbon production (natural gas) 20411 24511 Crude glycerol (manufacture) 20150 24150 Crude natural phosphates (manufacture) 46711 51511 71122 Crude oil (wholesale) 74206 Crude oil exploration 06100 11100 Crude oil extraction 19201 23201 Crude oil refining (manufacture) 34 38320 37200 38320 37200 10200 15209 10200 15209 10200 10200 10200 10200 15209 15209 15201 15209 47230 46380 03210 32500 23130 10822 28990 26600 01130 32401 32130 52230 51380 05020 33100 26130 15842 29560 33100 01120 36501 36610 14190 23130 46719 28302 28302 94120 85520 94120 94990 84120 20140 31090 31020 23410 18249 26130 51519 29320 29320 91120 80429 91120 91330 75120 24140 36140 36130 26210 17220 21220 22290 25240 Indexes to the UK Standard Industrial Classification of Economic Activities 2007 – UK SIC(2007) SIC 2007 SIC 2003 Activity SIC 2007 10512 28940 47789 27510 01250 66120 26511 15512 29540 52489 29710 01139 67130 33201 Curd production (manufacture) Curing machinery for textiles (manufacture) Curios (retail) Curlers (electric) (manufacture) Currant growing Currency broking Current checking instruments (electronic) (manufacture) Curry powder (manufacture) Currying of fur skins and hides with the hair on (manufacture) Curtain cleaning Curtain cleaning (not lace dressing) Curtain hooks, rings and runners made of plastic (manufacture) Curtain loop (manufacture) Curtain material (retail) Curtain rail and runners made of metal (manufacture) Curtain rail, rollers and fittings made of plastic (manufacture) Curtain walling made of metal (manufacture) Curtains (made‑up) (manufacture) Curtains (retail) Curtains, drapes and interior blinds (commission agent) Cushion covers (manufacture) Cushioning for upholstery made of rubber (manufacture) Cushions (manufacture) Custard powder (manufacture) Custodians and settlement services Custom software development Custom tailored outerwear for men and boys (manufacture) Custom tailoring for men and boys (manufacture) Custom tailoring for women and girls (manufacture) Customs administration Customs clearance agents activities Customs co‑operation council Cut flowers and flower bud production Cut soles for footwear (manufacture) Cut, make and trim on a fee or contract basis (manufacture) Cut, make, trim of fire‑resistant and protective safety clothing, fee or contract basis (manufacture) Cutlasses (manufacture) Cutlery (commission agent) Cutlery (electro plated nickel silver) (manufacture) Cutlery (manufacture) Cutlery (retail) Cutlery (wholesale) Cutlery case (not leather or plastics) (manufacture) Cutlery case made of wood (manufacture) Cutlery for domestic use (manufacture) Cutlery handles made of horn, ivory, tortoise shell, etc. (manufacture) Cutlery hire Cutlery made of plastic (manufacture) Cutlery made of precious metal (manufacture) Cutter for dental use (manufacture) 28490 29430 Cutter for wood (manufacture) 25730 28620 Cutting blades for machines or mechanical appliances (manufacture) 28990 29560 Cutting machine for bookbinding (manufacture) 28410 29420 Cutting machine for metal (manufacture) 28940 29540 Cutting machine for textile fibres (manufacture) 28921 29521 Cutting machinery for coal or rock (manufacture) 28940 29540 Cutting machinery for textile fabrics (manufacture) 25620 28520 Cutting of metals by laser beam (manufacture) 19209 23209 Cutting oil (manufacture) 28490 29430 Cutting torch (manufacture) 18140 22230 Cutting, cover laying, gluing, collating books, brochures, magazines, catalogues etc. (manufacture) 23700 26700 Cutting, shaping and finishing of stone for use as roofing (manufacture) 23700 26700 Cutting, shaping and finishing of stone for use in cemeteries (manufacture) 23700 26700 Cutting, shaping and finishing of stone for use in construction (manufacture) 23700 26700 Cutting, shaping and finishing of stone for use on roads (manufacture) 46750 51550 Cyanides, cyanide oxides and complex cyanides (wholesale) 20520 24620 Cyanoacrylate adhesive (manufacture) 21100 24410 Cyclamates (manufacture) 47640 52485 Cycle accessories (retail) 47640 52485 Cycle agent (retail) 15120 19200 Cycle bags made of leather (manufacture) 93120 92629 Cycle club 30920 35420 Cycles (non‑motorised) (manufacture) 46499 51479 Cycles (wholesale) 30920 35420 Cycles and parts (manufacture) 30910 35410 Cycles fitted with an auxiliary engine (manufacture) 20140 24140 Cyclic alcohols (manufacture) 20140 24140 Cyclic hydrocarbons (saturated and unsaturated) (manufacture) 46750 51550 Cyclic hydrocarbons (wholesale) 20140 24140 Cyclohexane (manufacture) 30920 35420 Cyclometer (manufacture) 28930 29530 Cyclone separators (manufacture) 27900 31620 Cyclotron (manufacture) 18130 22240 Cylinder engraving for gravure printing (manufacture) 18130 22240 Cylinder etching for gravure printing (manufacture) 28120 29122 Cylinder for hydraulic equipment (manufacture) 28120 29122 Cylinder for pneumatic control equipment (manufacture) 28110 29110 Cylinder heads for industrial engines (manufacture) 28110 29110 Cylinder inserts for industrial engines (manufacture) 28110 34300 Cylinder liner for motor vehicle (manufacture) 28110 29110 Cylinder liners for industrial engines (manufacture) 17290 21259 Cylinder made of hardened paper (manufacture) 17219 21219 Cylinders made of board (open ended for posting documents) (manufacture) 28150 29140 Cylindrical roller bearing (manufacture) 26511 33201 Cytometers (electronic) (manufacture) 10910 15710 Dairy concentrate (animal feed) (manufacture) 46610 51880 Dairy farm machinery (wholesale) 01410 01210 Dairy farming 47290 52270 Dairy grocer’s shop (retail) 28930 29530 Dairy industry machinery (manufacture) 10840 15870 15110 18300 96010 93010 96010 93010 22290 25240 13990 17542 47530 52440 25720 28630 22290 25240 25120 13921 47530 46160 28120 17401 52440 51160 13921 17401 22190 25130 13921 10890 66120 62012 14131 17401 15899 67122 72220 18221 14131 14132 84110 52290 99000 01190 15200 14190 18221 18222 75110 63400 99000 01120 19300 18243 32990 18243 25710 46150 25710 25710 47599 46499 15120 16290 25710 32990 28750 51150 28610 28610 52440 51440 19200 20510 28610 36639 77299 22290 32120 32500 71409 25240 36220 33100 SIC 2003 Alphabetical Index Activity 35 D Alphabetical Index SIC 2007 D SIC 2003 Indexes to the UK Standard Industrial Classification of Economic Activities 2007 – UK SIC(2007) Activity 46690 51870 Dairy machinery (not farm) (wholesale) 28930 29530 Dairy machinery and plant (not agricultural) (manufacture) 77390 71340 Dairy machinery rental (non agricultural) 28930 29530 Dairy moulding machinery (manufacture) 10512 15512 Dairy preparation of cheese and butter (manufacture) 10511 15511 Dairy preparation of milk and cream (manufacture) 10519 15519 Dairy preparation of milk products n.e.c. (manufacture) 46330 51331 Dairy produce exporter (wholesale) 46330 51331 Dairy produce importer (wholesale) 46330 51331 Dairy produce n.e.c (wholesale) 47290 52270 Dairy products (retail) 47290 52270 Dairyman (retail) 42910 45240 Dam construction 66210 67200 Damage evaluators activities 13200 17210 Damask weaving (not woollen or worsted) (manufacture) 13200 17220 Damask woollen weaving (manufacture) 13200 17230 Damask worsted weaving (manufacture) 43999 45220 Damp proofing of buildings 90010 92311 Dance band 93290 92341 Dance hall 90010 92311 Dance productions 85520 92341 Dancing academy (ballroom) 85520 92341 Dancing master 85520 92341 Dancing school 85520 92341 Dancing schools and dance instructor activities 10832 15862 Dandelion coffee (manufacture) 26702 33403 Dark room equipment (manufacture) 32401 36501 Dart (manufacture) 32401 36501 Dartboard (manufacture) 29310 31610 Dashboard instruments (electric) (manufacture) 62012 72220 Data analysis consultancy services 62090 72220 Data archiving and backup services 60100 92201 Data broadcasting integrated with radio 60200 92202 Data broadcasting integrated with television 63110 72300 Data conversion 18130 22240 Data files preparation for multi‑media printing on CD‑ ROM (manufacture) 18130 22240 Data files preparation for multi‑media printing on internet applications (manufacture) 18130 22240 Data files preparation for multi‑media printing on paper (manufacture) 61100 64200 Data network management and support services (wired telecommunications) 63110 72300 Data preparation services 63110 72300 Data processing 26200 30020 Data processing equipment (electronic (other than electronic calculators)) (manufacture) 28230 30010 Data processing equipment (non‑electronic) (manufacture) 63110 72400 Data storage services 61100 64200 Data transmission (via cables, broadcasting, relay or satellite) 26301 32201 Data transmission link line (manufacture) 63110 72400 Database running activities 62012 72400 Database structure and content design 32990 36631 Date sealing stamps (manufacture) 32990 36631 Date stamp and accessories (manufacture) 36 SIC 2007 SIC 2003 Activity 01220 96090 88910 88910 88100 01139 93059 85321 85322 85321 Dates growing Dating services Day care for disabled children (charitable) Day care for disabled children (non‑charitable) Day centres for the elderly, the physically or the mentally ill (charitable) Day centres for the elderly, the physically or the mentally ill (non‑charitable) Day continuation school Day nursery (charitable) Day nursery (non‑charitable) De‑aeration plant for water treatment (manufacture) Dealer in stocks and shares on own account Dealing in finance markets for others (e.g. Stock broking), related activities (not fund management) Dealing in securities on behalf of others Debt collector Debt purchasing De‑caffeinated coffee (manufacture) Decal printing (manufacture) Decatising machinery for textiles (manufacture) Deck arresters for aircraft (manufacture) Deck chairs made of wood (manufacture) Deck for oil platform (manufacture) Decking for ships (manufacture) Decompression chamber (manufacture) Decontamination and cleaning up of surface water following accidental pollution Decontamination of industrial plants or sites Decontamination of nuclear plants and sites Decontamination of soil and groundwater Decontamination of soils and groundwater at the place of pollution using biological methods Decontamination of soils and groundwater at the place of pollution using chemical methods Decontamination of soils and groundwater at the place of pollution using mechanical methods Decontamination of surface water Decontamination services Decorated building stone (manufacture) Decorating of buildings Decorative restaurant carts, dessert cart, food wagons (manufacture) Decorative tile made of glazed earthenware (manufacture) 88100 85322 85590 88910 88910 28290 64991 66120 80429 85321 85322 29240 65233 67122 66120 82911 64992 10832 18129 28940 28990 31090 30110 30110 28990 39000 67122 74871 65222 15862 22220 29540 35300 36110 35110 35110 29560 90030 39000 39000 39000 39000 90030 90030 90030 90030 39000 90030 39000 90030 39000 81222 23700 43341 31010 90030 74704 26700 45440 35500 23310 26300 22210 25210 Decorative unsupported polyvinyl chloride film and sheet (manufacture) 20520 24620 Decorators’ size (manufacture) 61100 64200 Dedicated business telephone network services (wired telecommunications) 25990 28750 Deed box (manufacture) 69109 74119 Deeds preparation 05101 10101 Deep coal mines 27510 29710 Deep freeze unit for domestic use (manufacture) 84220 75220 Defence activities 29310 31610 Defrosting and demisting equipment for vehicles (manufacture) 13100 17120 Degreasing and carbonising of wool (manufacture) 43999 45250 De‑humidification of buildings 10390 15330 Dehydrating fruit for human consumption (manufacture) Indexes to the UK Standard Industrial Classification of Economic Activities 2007 – UK SIC(2007) SIC 2007 SIC 2003 Activity SIC 2007 SIC 2003 Alphabetical Index Activity 86230 85130 Dentist 47190 52120 Department stores (retail) 20420 24520 Depilatory (manufacture) 46750 51550 Depleted uranium and thorium and their compounds (wholesale) 66190 67130 Deposit broker 09100 11200 Derrick erection in situ, repairing and dismantling 28220 29220 Derricks (manufacture) 46690 51870 Derricks, cranes, mobile lifting frames (wholesale) 19201 23201 Derv (manufacture) 28290 29240 Desalination plant for water treatment (manufacture) 36000 41000 Desalting of sea or ground water to produce water 20590 24660 Desiccants (chemical) (manufacture) 23190 26150 Desiccator made of glass (manufacture) 71129 74204 Design consultant for civil and structural engineering 71121 74205 Design consultant for industrial process and production 71129 74204 Design office for civil and structural engineering 71121 74205 Design office for industrial process and production 90030 92319 Designing (artistic) 62011 72400 Designing of structure and content of an interactive leisure and entertainment software database 62012 72400 Designing of structure and content of business and domestic software databases 28940 29540 De‑sizing machinery for textiles (manufacture) 25990 28750 Desk tray made of metal (manufacture) 31010 36120 Desks (manufacture) 26200 30020 Desktop computers (manufacture) 10519 15519 Desserts with a milk base (manufacture) 27900 31620 Detection apparatus (manufacture) 84230 75230 Detention centres 20411 24511 Detergent (soapless, formulated) (manufacture) 20411 24511 Detergent (synthetic) (manufacture) 20510 24610 Detonating fuse (manufacture) 20510 24610 Detonator (manufacture) 41100 70110 Developing building projects for commercial buildings hotels, stores, shopping malls, restaurants 43120 45110 Development and preparation of mineral properties and sites 64303 65235 Development capital company 68209 70209 Development for building projects for own operation 41100 70110 Development of building projects for residential buildings 32990 36639 Devotional article (manufacture) 10110 15113 De‑woolling (manufacture) 10620 15620 Dextrin (manufacture) 20520 24620 Dextrin based adhesive (manufacture) 10620 15620 Dextrose (manufacture) 10860 15880 Diabetic food (manufacture) 21200 24421 Diagnostic reagents (manufacture) 46180 51180 Diagnostic reagents and other pharmaceutical products (commission agent) 46460 51460 Diagnostic reagents n.e.c. (wholesale) 26301 32201 Dial for telephone (manufacture) 61900 64200 Dial‑up internet access provision 32500 33100 Denture (manufacture) 28290 29240 Dialysis plant for water treatment (manufacture) 20420 24520 Denture fixative preparations (manufacture) 46180 51180 20420 24520 Deodorant (manufacture) 32120 36220 Diamond cutting (manufacture) 20412 24512 Deodoriser for household use (manufacture) 43999 45250 Diamond drilling of concrete and asphalt 20412 24512 Deodorisers (manufacture) 23910 26810 Diamond impregnated disc and wheel (manufacture) 24420 27420 Deoxidiser made of aluminium (manufacture) 25730 28620 Diamond tipped tool (manufacture) 10390 15330 Dehydrating of vegetables for human consumption (manufacture) 30300 35300 De‑icing equipment for aircraft (manufacture) 20590 24660 De‑icing fluid (manufacture) 26301 31620 Delay lines and networks (manufacture) 47290 52270 Delicatessen shop (retail) 22190 25130 Delivery hose made of rubber (manufacture) 28131 29121 Delivery pump (manufacture) 30920 35420 Delivery tricycles (non‑motorised) (manufacture) 29310 31610 Demisters (electrical) (manufacture) 43110 45110 Demolition contracting 43999 45500 Demolition equipment rental with operator 43110 45110 Demolition or wrecking of buildings and other structures 20140 15920 Denatured ethyl alcohol (manufacture) 13200 17210 Denim weaving (manufacture) 16210 20200 Densified wood (manufacture) 26511 33201 Density measuring optical equipment (electronic) (manufacture) 26513 33202 Density measuring optical equipment (non‑electronic) (manufacture) 86230 85130 Dental activities in operating rooms 32500 33100 Dental brush (manufacture) 32500 24422 Dental cement (manufacture) 32500 33100 Dental chair (manufacture) 20420 24520 Dental cleansing preparation (manufacture) 86230 85130 Dental clinic 86230 85130 Dental clinic (health service) 85421 80302 Dental college or school 32500 33100 Dental drill engines (manufacture) 32500 24422 Dental filling (manufacture) 86101 85112 Dental hospital (private sector) 86101 85111 Dental hospital (public sector) 86900 85140 Dental hygienist 32500 33100 Dental instrument (manufacture) 32500 29240 Dental laboratory furnaces (manufacture) 32500 33100 Dental laboratory instruments and equipment (manufacture) 32500 33100 Dental mirror (manufacture) 86230 85130 Dental practice activities 86230 85130 Dental receptionist 84120 75120 Dental service administration (public sector) 86230 85130 Dental surgeon (not employed full time by a hospital) 32500 33100 Dental surgical instruments and equipment (manufacture) 86900 85140 Dental therapist 20590 24660 Dental wax (manufacture) 32500 24422 Dental wax and other dental plaster preparations (manufacture) 46120 51120 Dental wax and other preparations for use in dentistry with a basis of plaster (commission agent) 20420 24520 Dentifrices (manufacture) Diamond broker (commission agent) 37 D Alphabetical Index D Indexes to the UK Standard Industrial Classification of Economic Activities 2007 – UK SIC(2007) SIC 2007 SIC 2003 Activity SIC 2007 32120 96010 28131 28140 18129 32500 08990 28230 58110 25730 28910 24530 24540 24540 25730 25500 25730 18130 18140 36220 93010 29121 29130 22220 33100 14500 32300 22110 28620 29510 27530 27540 27540 28620 28400 28620 22250 22230 Diamond working (manufacture) Diaper supply services Diaphragm pump (manufacture) Diaphragm valves (manufacture) Diary printing (manufacture) Diathermy apparatus (manufacture) Diatomite bed Dictating machines (manufacture) Dictionary publishing Die (press tool) (manufacture) Die casting machines for foundries (manufacture) Die casting of aluminium (manufacture) Die casting of copper or copper alloy (manufacture) Die casting of non‑ferrous base metal (manufacture) Die for machine tools (manufacture) Die forging of ferrous metals (manufacture) Die pellet (manufacture) Die sinking of stationery (manufacture) Die sinking or stamping finishing activities (manufacture) Die stamping machines (metal forming) (manufacture) Die stamping of stationery (manufacture) Dielectric heating equipment (manufacture) Diesel electric locomotive (manufacture) Diesel engines for industrial use (manufacture) Diesel fuel (wholesale) Diesel locomotive (manufacture) Diesel oil (manufacture) Dietary foods for special medical purposes (manufacture) Dietetic food (excluding milk based) (manufacture) Dietetic food with a milk base (manufacture) Dietetic foods (wholesale) Diethyl phenylamine diamine sulphate (chlorine tablets) (manufacture) Differential unit for motor vehicle (manufacture) Diffraction apparatus (electronic) (manufacture) Digger (elevator and shaker) (manufacture) Digital computer (manufacture) Digital imposition (manufacture) Digital machines (manufacture) Digital mapping activities Digital photographic cameras (manufacture) Dimensional survey activities Dinghy made of rubber (manufacture) Dining chair (manufacture) Dining room (unlicensed) Dining table (manufacture) Dinnerware flatware hollowware of base metals clad with precious metals (manufacture) 28210 29210 Direct arc furnace (manufacture) 27110 31100 Direct current (dc) generator sets (manufacture) 27110 31100 Direct current (dc) motors and generators (manufacture) 20120 24120 Direct dye (manufacture) 82190 74850 Direct mailing 47990 52630 Direct selling of firewood to the customers premises (retail) 47990 52630 Direct selling of fuel to the customers premises (retail) 47990 52630 Direct selling of heating oil to the customers premises (retail) 25400 29600 Directed energy weapons (manufacture) 46690 51870 Direction finding compasses and other navigational instruments and appliances (wholesale) 46520 51860 Direction finding compasses, other navigational instruments and appliances (electronic) (wholesale) 90020 92349 Direction, production and support activities to circus performances 09100 11200 Directional drilling services 24100 27100 Directly reduced iron (manufacture) 58120 22110 Directories and compilations (in print) publishing 90020 92311 Directors (theatre) 18129 22220 Directory printing (manufacture) 30300 35300 Dirigibles (manufacture) 93199 92629 Dirt track racing 86900 85140 Disablement services centres 88990 85321 Disaster relief organisations (charitable) 88990 85322 Disaster relief organisations (non‑charitable) 29320 34300 Disc brakes (manufacture) 28490 29430 Disc cutting machines for stone, ceramic, asbestos cement and similar (not portable) (manufacture) 28240 29410 Disc cutting machines for stone, ceramics, asbestos‑cement or similar (portable) (manufacture) 28302 29320 Disc harrow (manufacture) 26702 33403 Discharge lamp (electronic) and other flashlight apparatus (manufacture) 27400 31500 Discharge lamp (manufacture) 87900 85311 Discharged prisoners’ hostel (charitable) 87900 85312 Discharged prisoners’ hostel (non‑charitable) 56301 55401 Discotheques (licensed to sell alcohol) 64992 65222 Discount company (e.g. Debt factoring) 64191 65121 Discount houses (monetary intermediation) 32200 36300 Discs for automatic mechanical instruments (manufacture) 24420 27420 Discs made of aluminium (manufacture) 23910 26810 Discs made of bonded abrasives (manufacture) 28410 29420 18130 28210 30200 28110 46711 30200 19201 10860 22250 29210 35200 29110 51511 35200 23201 15880 10860 10860 46380 20140 15880 15880 51380 24140 29320 26511 28302 26200 18130 26200 71122 26702 71122 30120 31090 56102 31090 32120 34300 33201 29320 30020 22240 30020 74206 32300 74206 35120 36110 55302 36140 36220 28921 29521 Dinting machine for mining (manufacture) 26110 32100 Diode (manufacture) 46520 51860 Diodes, transistors, thyristors, diacs and triacs (wholesale) 46120 51120 Diols, polyalcohols, cyclical alcohols and their derivatives (commission agent) 46750 51550 Diols, polyalcohols, cyclical alcohols and their derivatives (wholesale) 99000 99000 Diplomatic missions 38 SIC 2003 Activity 24440 27440 Discs made of brass (manufacture) 17290 21259 Discs made of cardboard (manufacture) 24440 27440 Discs made of copper (manufacture) 28290 29240 Dish washing machine parts (industrial type) (manufacture) 46690 51870 Dish washing machines for commercial use (wholesale) 46439 51439 Dish washing machines for domestic use (wholesale) 13923 17403 Dish‑cloths and similar articles (manufacture) 17220 21220 Dishes made of paper (manufacture) 22290 25240 Dishes made of plastic (manufacture) 16290 20510 Dishes made of wood (manufacture) 27510 29710 Dishwasher for domestic use (manufacture) 28290 29240 Dishwashing machine for commercial catering (manufacture) Indexes to the UK Standard Industrial Classification of Economic Activities 2007 – UK SIC(2007) SIC 2007 SIC 2003 Activity SIC 2007 20411 20200 46120 20200 24511 24200 51120 24200 Dish‑washing preparations (manufacture) Disinfectant (manufacture) Disinfectants (commission agent) Disinfectants for agricultural and other use (manufacture) Disinfecting of dwellings and other buildings Dismantling of automobile wrecks for materials recovery Dismantling of automobiles, computers, and other equipment for re‑sale of usable parts (wholesale) Dismantling of computers for materials recovery Dismantling of large‑scale machinery and equipment (manufacture) Dismantling of ship wrecks for materials recovery Dismantling of televisions for materials recovery Dismantling of wrecks for materials recovery Dispensing chemist (retail) Dispensing ophthalmic optician (retail) Dispensing optician (retail) Dispensing optometrist (retail) Disperse dye (manufacture) Dispersions of synthetic resin (manufacture) Display cabinet (refrigerated) (manufacture) Display cabinet for domestic use (manufacture) Display cases for shops (manufacture) Display components (plasma, polymer, LCD) (manufacture) Display stand (manufacture) Disposable baby napkins made of paper or cellulose wadding (manufacture) Disposable bed linen made of paper or cellulose wadding (manufacture) Disposable clothing (manufacture) Disposal of non‑hazardous waste by combustion or incineration or other methods Disposal of nuclear waste Disposal of sick or dead animals (toxic) Disposal of used goods such as refrigerators to eliminate harmful waste Dissecting instrument (manufacture) Dissolving chemical wood pulp (manufacture) Distemper (manufacture) Distemper brush (manufacture) Distilled water (commission agent) Distilled water (manufacture) Distilled water (wholesale) Distillery draft production (manufacture) Distilling machinery for potable spirits (manufacture) Distilling or rectifying plant (manufacture) Distilling or rectifying plant (wholesale) Distilling or rectifying plant for beverage industries (manufacture) Distilling or rectifying plant for chemical industries (manufacture) Distilling or rectifying plant for petroleum refineries (manufacture) Distribution and supply of gaseous fuels of all kinds through a system of mains Distribution of water through mains, by trucks or other means Distribution services administration and regulation (public sector) 86210 85120 District community physician 86900 85140 District nurse 31030 36150 Divan bed (mattress and mattress support) (manufacture) 14132 18222 Divided lightweight skirt (dress made) (manufacture) 28490 28620 Dividing heads and other special attachments for machine tools (manufacture) 52220 63220 Diving contracting (non leisure) 28990 29560 Diving equipment (excluding breathing apparatus) (manufacture) 09100 11200 Diving services incidental to oil and gas exploration 22190 25130 Diving suit made of rubber (manufacture) 47520 52460 DIY equipment (retail) 47520 52460 DIY materials (retail) 28940 29540 Dobbies (textile machinery) (manufacture) 52220 63220 Dock authority 28220 29220 Dock leveller (manufacture) 28220 29220 Dockside cranes (manufacture) 86210 85120 Doctor (unspecified) 86210 85120 Doctors receptionist 28230 30010 Document copying equipment (manufacture) 82190 74850 Document copying service 28230 30010 Document handling machine (manufacture) 82190 74850 Document preparation 28230 30010 Document shredder (manufacture) 18129 22220 Documents of title printing (manufacture) 10920 15720 Dog biscuit (manufacture) 93199 92629 Dog breeding (for greyhound racing) 10920 15720 Dog food (manufacture) 15120 19200 Dog lead made of leather (manufacture) 93199 92629 Dog racing 20411 24511 Dog soap (manufacture) 80100 74602 Dog training for security purposes 96090 93059 Dogs’ home 17220 21220 Doilies made of paper (manufacture) 22290 25240 Doilies made of plastic (manufacture) 13923 17403 Doilies made of textiles (manufacture) 77299 71401 Do‑it‑yourself machinery and equipment hire 32409 36509 Dolls (manufacture) 46499 51477 Dolls (wholesale) 32409 36509 Dolls and doll garments, parts and accessories (manufacture) 46499 51477 Dolls’ carriages (wholesale) 32409 36509 Dolls’ clothes (manufacture) 32409 36509 Dolls’ cots (manufacture) 32409 36509 Dolls’ houses (manufacture) 81291 74703 38310 37100 46770 51570 38310 37100 33200 28520 38310 38310 38310 47730 47782 47782 47782 20120 20160 28250 31090 31010 26110 37100 37100 37100 52310 52487 52487 52487 24120 24160 29230 36140 36120 32100 16230 20300 17220 21220 17220 21220 14190 18249 38210 90020 38220 23300 38220 90020 38220 90020 32500 17110 20301 32910 46120 20130 46750 20140 28290 28290 46690 28290 33100 21110 24301 36620 51120 24130 51550 15920 29240 29240 51870 29240 28290 29240 28290 29240 35220 40220 36000 41000 84130 75130 SIC 2003 Alphabetical Index Activity 32409 36509 Dolls made of rubber (manufacture) 32409 36509 Dolls’ prams (manufacture) 23700 26700 Dolomite (ground) (manufacture) 22230 25239 Dome lights made of plastic (manufacture) 78200 74500 Domestic agency (temporary employment agency) 46150 51150 Domestic electrical appliances (commission agent) 47540 52450 Domestic electrical appliances (retail) 47599 52440 Domestic furniture (retail) 25990 28750 Domestic hollow ware made of metal (manufacture) 46499 51479 Domestic ironmongery (wholesale) 46439 51439 Domestic machinery (wholesale) 27520 29720 Domestic non‑electric cooking equipment (manufacture) 39 D Alphabetical Index SIC 2007 D SIC 2003 Indexes to the UK Standard Industrial Classification of Economic Activities 2007 – UK SIC(2007) Activity 27520 29720 Domestic non‑electric cooking ranges (manufacture) 27520 29720 Domestic non‑electric heating equipment (manufacture) 25990 28750 Domestic utensils made of aluminium (manufacture) 16290 20510 Domestic woodware (manufacture) 93120 92629 Domino clubs 30990 35500 Donkey‑carts (manufacture) 25720 28630 Door and window catches (manufacture) 25720 28630 Door fittings made of metal (manufacture) 25120 28120 Door frames made of metal (manufacture) 22230 25239 Door frames made of plastic (manufacture) 16230 20300 Door frames made of wood (manufacture) 22230 25239 Door furniture for buildings (handles, hinges, knobs, etc.) Made of plastic (manufacture) 25720 28630 Door hardware for buildings, furniture and vehicles (manufacture) 25120 28120 Doors (other than safe doors) made of metal (manufacture) 47520 52460 Doors (retail) 46730 51530 Doors (wholesale) 30300 35300 Doors for aircraft (manufacture) 29320 34300 Doors for motor vehicles (manufacture) 22230 25239 Doors made of plastic (manufacture) 16230 20300 Doors made of wood (manufacture) 47990 52630 Door‑to‑door sales (retail) 20590 24660 Doped compounds for use in electronics (manufacture) 28131 29121 Dosing and proportioning pump (manufacture) 28290 29240 Dosing plant for water treatment (manufacture) 32200 36300 Double bass (manufacture) 10511 15511 Double cream (manufacture) 47520 52460 Double glazing (retail) 25120 28120 Double glazing made of metal (manufacture) 22230 25239 Double glazing made of plastic (manufacture) 23140 26140 Doubled glass fibre (manufacture) 23140 26140 Doubled yarn made of glass fibre (manufacture) 28940 29540 Doubling machinery for textiles (manufacture) 28930 29530 Dough dividers (manufacture) 28930 29530 Dough making machinery (manufacture) 16290 20510 Dowel pin (manufacture) 13100 17170 Down of vegetable origin (manufacture) 10120 15120 Down production (manufacture) 74202 74813 Downhole photography services 09100 11200 Downhole‑fishing services 09100 11200 Downhole‑milling services 13200 17210 Downproof cloth weaving (manufacture) 26513 33202 Drafting tables and machines (manufacture) 46690 51870 Drafting tables and other drawing, marking out or mathematical calculating instruments (wholesale) 93199 92629 Drag hounds 28220 29220 Drag scraper (manufacture) 28922 29522 Dragline excavator (manufacture) 43120 45110 Drainage of agricultural or forestry land 09100 11200 Draining and pumping services incidental to oil and gas extraction, on a fee or contract basis 46740 51540 Drainpipes (wholesale) 23320 26400 Drainpipes and fittings made of clay (manufacture) 22210 25210 Drainpipes and fittings made of plastic (manufacture) 37000 90010 Drains maintenance 47510 52410 Draper (retail) 40 SIC 2007 SIC 2003 Activity 46410 96010 93120 32409 71121 28410 25730 31010 20590 26513 16290 51410 93010 92629 36509 74205 29420 28620 36120 24660 33202 20510 28410 28940 17120 25930 24420 24440 23110 30110 42910 42910 42910 14132 14190 29420 29540 21120 28730 27420 27440 26110 35110 45240 45240 45240 18222 18249 13990 13200 14190 13200 13200 47510 14190 47710 13100 31020 14132 15110 17542 17210 18249 17220 17230 52410 18249 52423 17140 36130 18222 18300 15120 19200 13990 14142 14141 15110 13300 17542 18232 18231 19100 17300 Draper (wholesale) Drapery cleaning Draughts clubs Draughts set (manufacture) Draughtsman for industrial process and production Draw bench (metal forming) (manufacture) Draw knife (manufacture) Drawers (non‑domestic) (manufacture) Drawing ink (manufacture) Drawing instrument (manufacture) Drawing instruments case made of wood (not containing instruments) (manufacture) Drawing machine (metal forming) (manufacture) Drawing machinery for textiles (manufacture) Drawing paper (manufacture) Drawing pin (manufacture) Drawn products made of aluminium (manufacture) Drawn products made of copper (manufacture) Drawn sheet glass (manufacture) Dredger (manufacture) Dredging contractor Dredging for water projects Dredging of waterways Dress and jacket knitted ensemble (manufacture) Dress belts (not made of leather or leather substitute) (manufacture) Dress binding (manufacture) Dress fabric (woven (not wool)) (manufacture) Dress gloves made of fabric (manufacture) Dress goods woollen weaving (manufacture) Dress goods worsted weaving (manufacture) Dress materials (retail) Dress shield (manufacture) Dress shop (retail) Dressed line made of flax (manufacture) Dressers for kitchens (manufacture) Dresses for women and girls (manufacture) Dressing and dying of furskins and hides with the hair on (manufacture) Dressing case made of leather or leather substitute (manufacture) Dressing gown cord and girdle (manufacture) Dressing gown for women and girls (manufacture) Dressing gowns for men and boys (manufacture) Dressing of leather (manufacture) Dressing of textiles and textile articles, including wearing apparel (manufacture) 31090 36140 Dressing table (manufacture) 47710 52423 Dressmaker (retail) 14132 18222 Dressmaking (manufacture) 10890 15899 Dried egg (manufacture) 46380 51380 Dried fish (wholesale) 01190 01120 Dried flower production 10390 15330 Dried fruit (except field dried) (manufacture) 46380 51380 Dried fruit (wholesale) 10390 15330 Dried fruit cleaning (manufacture) 10840 15870 Dried herbs (except field dried) (manufacture) 01110 01110 10519 15519 Dried leguminous vegetables growing Dried milk (manufacture) Indexes to the UK Standard Industrial Classification of Economic Activities 2007 – UK SIC(2007) SIC 2007 SIC 2003 Activity SIC 2007 10390 10130 28240 28921 28302 24200 25730 13200 15330 15139 29410 28620 29320 27220 28620 17210 09100 28921 28410 20590 28490 11200 29521 29420 24660 29430 09100 30110 28240 28930 11200 35110 29410 29530 Dried vegetables (except field dried) (manufacture) Dried, salted or smoked meat (manufacture) Drill (powered portable) (manufacture) Drill bits for well drilling (manufacture) Drill for agricultural use (manufacture) Drill pipe made of steel (manufacture) Drill tools (interchangeable) (manufacture) Drill weaving from yarn spun on the cotton system (manufacture) Drilling contractor for offshore oil or gas well Drilling jars for mining (manufacture) Drilling machine (metal cutting) (manufacture) Drilling mud (manufacture) Drilling or milling machines for stone, ceramics, asbestos‑cement and similar articles (manufacture) Drilling services to oil and gas extraction wells Drilling ship (manufacture) Drills and hammer drills (manufacture) Drink processing including combined processing and packaging or bottling machinery (manufacture) Drinking chocolate (manufacture) Drinking glass (manufacture) Drinks mixed with distilled alcoholic beverages (manufacture) Dripping (manufacture) Drive shaft for motor vehicles (manufacture) Driving belts made of leather (manufacture) Driving elements (manufacture) Driving instruction Driving school activities Driving schools for occupational drivers e.g. Of trucks, buses, coaches Drop forging of ferrous metals (manufacture) Drop hammers (manufacture) Drop stamping of base non‑ferrous metals (manufacture) Drop stamping of ferrous metals (manufacture) Droving services Drug (medicinal) (manufacture) Drug and narcotic crops growing Drug store (retail) Druggist (retail) Druggists’ sundries (wholesale) Druggists’ sundriesman (wholesale) Drugs (retail) Drugs (wholesale) Drum (musical instrument) (manufacture) Drums (containers) made of plastic (manufacture) Drums and similar packings made of wood (manufacture) Drums made of aluminium (manufacture) Drums made of iron or steel (manufacture) Dry bakery products (manufacture) 28930 29530 Dryers for agriculture (manufacture) 28990 29560 Dryers for wood, paper pulp, paper or paperboard (manufacture) 46690 51870 Dryers for wood, paper pulp, paper or paperboard (wholesale) 28990 29560 Drying machine for the chemical industry (manufacture) 28940 29540 Drying machinery (commercial) for textiles (manufacture) 28940 29540 Drying machines for laundries or dry cleaners (manufacture) 46690 51870 Drying machines with a capacity exceeding 10 kgs (wholesale) 13300 17300 Drying of textiles and textile articles, including wearing apparel (manufacture) 16100 20100 Drying of timber (manufacture) 43999 45250 Drying out of buildings (incl. Water damage) 13923 17403 Duchesse set (manufacture) 10120 15120 Duck (fresh, chilled or frozen) slaughter and dressing (manufacture) 01470 01240 Duck farming 01470 01240 Duck raising and breeding 13200 17210 Duck weaving (manufacture) 25300 28300 Duct of heavy steel plate (manufacture) 22230 25239 Ducting made of plastic (manufacture) 18130 22250 Dummies for presentation (manufacture) 29100 34100 Dump truck (manufacture) 28922 34100 Dumpers for off road use (manufacture) 14120 18210 Dungarees (manufacture) 20590 24660 Duplicating ink (manufacture) 28230 30010 Duplicating machines (excluding copiers) (manufacture) 77330 71330 Duplicating machines rental and operating leasing 17230 21230 Duplicating paper (cut to size) (manufacture) 82190 74850 Duplicating service 17230 21230 Duplicator stencils ready for use (manufacture) 13923 17403 Dust cloths (manufacture) 28250 29230 Dust collector for air conditioning equipment (manufacture) 13923 17403 Dust sheet (manufacture) 24430 27430 Dust, powder and flakes made of zinc (manufacture) 25990 28750 Dustbins made of metal (manufacture) 22290 25240 Dustbins made of plastic (manufacture) 13923 17403 Duster (cleaning cloth (not of bonded fibre fabric)) (manufacture) 38110 90020 Dustman 25990 28750 Dustpan made of metal (manufacture) 22290 25240 Dustpans made of plastic (manufacture) 84110 75110 Duty and tax collection 13923 17403 Duvet (manufacture) 59132 92120 Dvd distribution 47430 52450 Dvd players (retail) 26400 32300 Dvd recorders and players (manufacture) 77220 71405 Dvd rental 46431 51431 Dvds (recorded) (wholesale) 47630 52450 Dvds (retail) 68100 70120 Dwellings buying and selling 68209 70209 Dwellings letting 20120 24120 Dye (manufacture) 28940 29540 Dye cycle controller (textile machinery) (manufacture) 15110 18300 Dyed lamb including beaver lamb (manufacture) 10821 15841 23130 26130 11010 15910 10110 29320 15120 28150 85530 85530 85320 15112 34300 19200 29140 80410 80410 80220 25500 28400 28410 29420 25500 28400 25500 01629 21200 01280 47730 47730 46460 46460 47730 46460 32200 22220 16240 28400 01429 24421 01110 52310 52310 51460 51460 52310 51460 36300 25220 20400 25920 28720 25910 28710 10720 15820 27200 31400 Dry battery (non‑rechargeable) (manufacture) 96010 93010 Dry cleaner 28940 29540 Dry cleaning machinery (manufacture) 46690 51870 Dry cleaning machines and laundry type washing machines (wholesale) 42910 45240 Dry dock construction 27510 29710 Dryers (electric) (manufacture) SIC 2003 Alphabetical Index Activity 41 D Alphabetical Index D Indexes to the UK Standard Industrial Classification of Economic Activities 2007 – UK SIC(2007) SIC 2007 SIC 2003 Activity SIC 2007 28940 13100 28230 96010 46750 20120 29540 17120 30010 93010 51550 24120 Dyeing machinery for textiles (manufacture) Dyeing of wool fleece (manufacture) Dyeline copying machine (manufacture) Dyer and cleaner Dyes (wholesale) Dyes and pigments from any source in basic or concentrated forms (manufacture) Dyes for food, drink and cosmetics (manufacture) Dyes modified for dying acrylic fibres (manufacture) Dyesprings (textile machinery accessory) (manufacture) Dyework (manufacture) Dyke construction Dykes and static barrages construction Dynamite (manufacture) Dynamo (not for vehicle) (manufacture) Dynamo for vehicle (manufacture) Dynamo lighting set for cycles (manufacture) Ear and noise plugs (e.g. for swimming and noise protection) (manufacture) Ear, nose and throat hospital (private sector) Ear, nose and throat hospital (public sector) Ear, nose and throat specialist (private practice) Ear, nose and throat specialist (public sector) Earphone (manufacture) Earth boring machine (manufacture) Earth colours and fluorspar mining Earth leveller (manufacture) Earth mover (construction equipment) (manufacture) Earth moving equipment rental with operator Earth moving excavation Earth moving machinery (manufacture) Earth sciences research and experimental development (other than biotechnological) Earthenware (retail) Earthenware (wholesale) Earthenware for domestic use (manufacture) Earthmoving contractor Earthmoving equipment hire (without operator) Easel (manufacture) Ebonite, vulcanite or hard rubber goods (manufacture) Echo sounders (manufacture) Echocardiographs (manufacture) Ecological movements Economic aid missions accredited to foreign governments (public sector) Economic and social planning administration (public sector) Economic and Social Research Council Economic boiler (manufacture) Economic services administration and regulation (public sector) Economics, research and experimental development 01250 01139 Edible nuts growing 10110 15112 Edible offal (processed) production (manufacture) 28930 29530 Edible oil and fat processing machinery (manufacture) 46330 51333 Edible oils and fats (wholesale) 46330 51333 Edible oils and fats exporter (wholesale) 46330 51333 Edible oils and fats importer (wholesale) 46330 51333 Edible oils and fats of animal or vegetable origin (wholesale) 03210 05020 Edible seaweed growing 10110 15112 Edible tallow production (manufacture) 96090 93059 Educational agency 94120 91120 Educational association 85600 74149 Educational consulting 85600 74149 Educational guidance counselling activities 17230 22220 Educational notebooks (manufacture) 72200 73200 Educational research and experimental development 84120 75120 Educational services administration (public sector) 17230 22220 Educational stationery (manufacture) 17230 22220 Educational stationery binders (manufacture) 17230 22220 Educational stationery business forms (manufacture) 17230 22220 Educational stationery registers 46900 51900 Educational supplies (except furniture) (wholesale) 85600 74149 Educational support activities 85600 74149 Educational testing activities 85600 74149 Educational testing evaluation activities 02300 02010 Eel grass gathering 56103 55303 Eel pie shop 47230 52230 Eels (retail) 46380 51380 Eels (wholesale) 28290 29240 Effluent treatment plant (manufacture) 16240 20400 Egg box made of wood (manufacture) 25990 28750 Egg boxes made of metal (manufacture) 17290 21259 Egg boxes made of paper (manufacture) 22220 25220 Egg boxes made of plastic (manufacture) 28302 29320 Egg cleaning, sorting and grading machines (manufacture) 16290 20510 Egg cup made of wood (manufacture) 22290 25240 Egg cups made of plastic (manufacture) 10890 15899 Egg drying (manufacture) 46330 51332 Egg grading and packing (wholesale) 01470 01240 Egg hatchery 46330 51332 Egg packing station (wholesale) 10890 15899 Egg pickling (manufacture) 01130 01120 Egg plant growing 01470 01240 Egg production 01470 01240 Egg production from poultry 46330 51333 Egg products (wholesale) 10890 15899 Egg products and egg albumin (manufacture) 10890 15899 Egg substitute (manufacture) 17290 21259 Egg trays and other moulded pulp packaging products (manufacture) 10890 15899 Eggs (powdered or reconstituted) (manufacture) 20120 24120 20120 24120 28940 29540 13300 42910 42910 20510 27110 29310 29310 32990 17300 45240 45240 24610 31100 31610 31610 36400 86101 86101 86220 86101 26400 28921 08910 28922 28922 43999 43120 28922 72190 85112 85111 85120 85111 32300 29521 14300 29522 29522 45500 45110 29522 73100 47599 46499 23410 43120 77320 31010 22190 52440 51440 26210 45110 71320 36120 25130 26511 26600 94990 84210 33201 33100 91330 75210 84110 75110 72200 73200 25300 28300 84130 75130 72200 73200 SIC 2003 Activity 25300 28300 Economisers (manufacture) 47290 52270 Eggs (retail) 70229 74143 Economist 46330 51332 Eggs (wholesale) 10110 46330 51332 Eggs exporter (wholesale) 15112 Edible fats of animal origin rendering (manufacture) 10612 15612 Edible nut flour or meal production (manufacture) 46330 51332 Eggs importer (wholesale) 47210 52210 Edible nuts (retail) 13923 17403 Eiderdowns (manufacture) 46310 51310 28131 29121 Ejector pump (manufacture) 42 Edible nuts (wholesale) Indexes to the UK Standard Industrial Classification of Economic Activities 2007 – UK SIC(2007) SIC 2007 SIC 2003 Activity 30300 35300 Ejector seat for aircraft (manufacture) 13910 17600 Elastic and elastomeric fabric (manufacture) 13960 17542 Elastic fabric (not more than 30 cm wide) (manufacture) 13910 17600 Elastic or elastomeric knitted or netted fabric more than 30 cm wide (manufacture) 26513 33202 Elasticity testing equipment (non‑electronic) (manufacture) 13960 17542 Elastomeric fabric (not more than 30 cm wide) (manufacture) 24200 27220 Elbows made of steel (manufacture) 27200 31400 Electric accumulators including parts thereof (manufacture) 28210 29210 Electric and other industrial and laboratory furnaces (manufacture) 28210 29210 Electric and other industrial and laboratory incinerators (manufacture) 28210 29210 Electric and other industrial and laboratory ovens (manufacture) 27900 31620 Electric bells (manufacture) 46439 51439 Electric blankets (wholesale) 27320 31300 Electric cable (manufacture) 27120 31200 Electric control and distribution boards (manufacture) 28410 29420 Electric discharge metal working tool (manufacture) 27400 31500 Electric fireplace logs (manufacture) 28210 29710 Electric household heating equipment (permanently mounted) (manufacture) 28210 29210 Electric household type furnaces (manufacture) 27400 31500 Electric insect lamps (manufacture) 27400 31500 Electric lanterns (manufacture) 27400 31500 Electric lighting equipment (manufacture) 27110 31100 Electric motors, generators (manufacture) 27120 31200 Electric power switches (manufacture) 30200 35200 Electric rail locomotives (manufacture) 28210 29210 Electric swimming pool heaters (permanently mounted) (manufacture) 27510 29710 Electric tea makers (manufacture) 27510 29710 Electricaire unit (manufacture) 71129 74204 Electrical and electronic engineering design projects 29310 31610 Electrical and electronic equipment for motor vehicles (manufacture) 46690 51870 Electrical apparatus for line telephony or telegraphy (wholesale) 27120 31200 Electrical apparatus for switching or protecting electrical circuits (manufacture) 27510 29710 Electrical appliances for domestic use (manufacture) 47540 52450 Electrical appliances, accessories and fittings (retail) 46690 51870 Electrical appliances, accessories and fittings for industry (wholesale) 27900 31620 Electrical base metal conduit and fittings (manufacture) 27900 32100 Electrical capacitors (manufacture) 26110 32100 Electronic condensers (manufacture) 27900 31620 Electrical carbon (manufacture) 23430 26230 Electrical ceramic fittings (manufacture) 27900 32100 Electrical condensers and similar components (manufacture) 24200 27220 Electrical conduit tube made of steel (manufacture) 27900 31620 Electrical conduit tubing, base metal (manufacture) 43210 45310 Electrical contractor (construction) 77299 71409 Electrical domestic appliance rental and leasing SIC 2007 SIC 2003 Alphabetical Index Activity 27900 31620 Electrical door opening and closing devices (manufacture) 29310 31610 Electrical equipment for engines and vehicles (manufacture) 29310 31610 Electrical equipment for vehicles and aircraft (manufacture) 46439 51439 Electrical heating appliances (wholesale) 46439 51439 Electrical household appliances (excluding radios, televisions, etc) (wholesale) 47540 52450 Electrical household appliances (retail) 46439 51439 Electrical installation equipment for domestic use (wholesale) 23430 26230 Electrical insulating components made of ceramic (manufacture) 27900 31620 Electrical insulators (except glass or porcelain) (manufacture) 46690 51870 Electrical insulators and insulating fittings for electrical machines or equipment (wholesale) 23190 26150 Electrical insulators made of glass (manufacture) 46690 51870 Electrical machinery and apparatus and materials for professional use (wholesale) 46690 51870 Electrical motors (wholesale) 27330 31200 Electrical outlets or sockets (manufacture) 17120 21120 Electrical paper (manufacture) 27900 31620 Electrical pedestrian signalling equipment (manufacture) 71121 74205 Electrical power systems instrumentation design activities 27120 31200 Electrical relays (manufacture) 47599 52482 Electrical security alarm systems e.g. Safes and vaults (not installed or maintained) (retail) 24100 27100 Electrical sheet steel (not finally annealed) (manufacture) 27900 31620 Electrical signs (manufacture) 27900 29430 Electrical soldering equipment (manufacture) 24100 27100 Electrical steel (manufacture) 27900 31620 Electrical traffic lights (manufacture) 27900 29430 Electrical welding equipment (manufacture) 43210 45310 Electrical wiring of buildings 29100 34100 Electrically powered commercial vehicles (manufacture) 35130 40130 Electricity distribution 27120 31200 Electricity distribution and control apparatus (manufacture) 35130 40130 Electricity distribution operations by lines, poles, meters, and wiring 35110 40110 Electricity generation 35110 40110 Electricity generation by gas turbine 26511 33201 Electricity meter (electronic) (manufacture) 26513 33202 Electricity meter (non‑electronic) (manufacture) 35140 40130 Electricity power agents 35140 40130 Electricity power brokers 35110 40110 Electricity production 35110 40110 Electricity production from diesel and renewables generation facilities 35110 40110 Electricity production from hydroelectric generation facilities 35110 40110 Electricity production from thermal generation facilities 35140 40130 Electricity sales 35140 40130 Electricity sales agents 35140 40130 Electricity sales to the user 35120 40120 Electricity transmission 43 E Alphabetical Index SIC 2007 SIC 2003 Activity SIC 2007 SIC 2003 26600 26600 26600 25710 28210 24100 26600 33100 33100 33100 28610 29210 27100 33100 Electro medical equipment (manufacture) Electro medical pacemaker (manufacture) Electro medical stimulator (manufacture) Electro plated nickel silver cutlery (manufacture) Electro slag furnace (manufacture) Electro zinc coated sheet steel (manufacture) Electrochemical apparatus for industrial use (manufacture) Electrochemical metal working machine tools (manufacture) Electrocoats paint (manufacture) Electrodes for welding (manufacture) Electro‑diagnostic apparatus (manufacture) Electro‑diagnostic apparatus for medical use (wholesale) Electro‑encephalographs (manufacture) Electrolysis specialist Electrolytic chemical process plant (manufacture) Electrolytic chromium/chromium oxide coated steel (manufacture) Electrolytic copper (manufacture) Electrolytically metal coated sheet steel (manufacture) Electro‑magnetic pumps (manufacture) Electro‑magnetic‑pulse (magnetic‑forming) metal forming machines (manufacture) Electromagnets (manufacture) Electromyographs (manufacture) Electron microscope (manufacture) Electron tubes (manufacture) Electronic active components (manufacture) Electronic aircraft engine instruments (manufacture) Electronic and telecommunications equipment and parts (wholesale) Electronic apparatus for testing physical and mechanical properties of materials (manufacture) Electronic automotive emissions testing equipment (manufacture) Electronic bulletin board services (wireless telecommunications) Electronic components (wholesale) Electronic connectors (manufacture) Electronic counter (manufacture) Electronic crystals and crystal assemblies (manufacture) Electronic design consultant Electronic environmental controls and automatic controls for appliances (manufacture) Electronic equipment for household use renting leasing Electronic filter (manufacture) Electronic flame and burner control (manufacture) Electronic flight recorders (manufacture) Electronic games (domestic) (manufacture) Electronic GPS devices (manufacture) Electronic humidistats (manufacture) Electronic hydronic limit controls (manufacture) Electronic instruments and appliances for measuring, testing, and navigation (manufacture) Electronic integrated circuits (manufacture) Electronic integrated circuits and micro‑assemblies (wholesale) 26511 33201 Electronic laboratory analytical instruments (manufacture) 33201 Electronic laboratory incubators and sundry laboratory apparatus for measuring, testing (manufacture) 51860 Electronic machinery, apparatus and materials for professional use (wholesale) 64200 Electronic mail services (wired telecommunications) 22240 Electronic makeup (manufacture) 64200 Electronic message and information services (wireless telecommunications) 33201 Electronic metal detectors (manufacture) 32100 Electronic micro‑assemblies of moulded module, micromodule or similar types (manufacture) 31620 Electronic miscellaneous unspecified equipment (manufacture) 33201 Electronic motion detectors (manufacture) 36300 Electronic musical instrument (manufacture) 32100 Electronic passive components (manufacture) 33201 Electronic physical properties testing and inspection equipment (manufacture) 33201 Electronic pneumatic gauges (manufacture) 33201 Electronic polygraph machines (manufacture) 22110 Electronic publishing of books 33201 Electronic pulse (signal) generators (manufacture) 31620 Electronic scoreboards (manufacture) 33201 Electronic tally counters (manufacture) 33201 Electronic testing equipment (manufacture) 33500 Electronic timer (not clock or watch) (manufacture) 36509 Electronic toys and games with replaceable software (manufacture) 32100 Electronic tube (manufacture) 51860 Electronic tubes (wholesale) 32100 Electronic valve (manufacture) 51860 Electronic valves (wholesale) 74300 Electrophoresis 28510 Electroplating (manufacture) 31620 Electroplating equipment (manufacture) 30010 Electrostatic copying machine (manufacture) 29240 Electrostatic precipitator (manufacture) 33100 Electrotherapeutic equipment (manufacture) 29710 Electro‑thermic appliances for domestic use (manufacture) 51439 Electro‑thermic hair‑dressing or hand drying apparatus (wholesale) 22240 Electrotyping (manufacture) 24110 Elemental gases (manufacture) 45213 Elevated highways construction 60213 Elevated railways (scheduled passenger transport) 29220 Elevator (manufacture) 19200 Elevator bands made of leather (manufacture) 25130 Elevator belting made of rubber (manufacture) 29320 Elevator for agricultural use (manufacture) 29521 Elevators with continuous action for underground use (manufacture) 99000 Embassy 22250 Embossing (manufacture) 36631 Embossing devices (hand operated) for labels (manufacture) 29540 Embossing machinery for textiles (manufacture) 29550 Embossing machines for working paper and board (manufacture) 28410 29420 E Indexes to the UK Standard Industrial Classification of Economic Activities 2007 – UK SIC(2007) 20301 27900 26600 46460 24301 31620 33100 51460 26600 96020 28490 24100 33100 93020 31620 27100 24440 27440 24100 27100 28131 29121 28410 29420 27900 26600 26511 26110 26110 26511 46520 31620 33100 33201 32100 32100 33201 51860 26511 33201 26511 33201 61200 64200 46520 26110 26511 26110 51860 31200 33201 32100 71121 26511 74205 33201 77299 71409 27900 26511 26511 26400 26511 26511 26511 26511 31620 33201 33201 36509 33201 33201 33201 33201 26110 32100 46520 51860 44 26511 46520 61100 18130 61200 26511 26110 27900 26511 32200 26110 26511 26511 26511 58110 26511 27900 26511 26511 26520 26400 26110 46520 26110 46520 71200 25610 28490 28230 28290 26600 27510 46439 18130 20110 42130 49311 28220 15120 22190 28302 28921 99000 18130 32990 28940 28950 Activity Indexes to the UK Standard Industrial Classification of Economic Activities 2007 – UK SIC(2007) SIC 2007 SIC 2003 Activity SIC 2007 SIC 2003 Alphabetical Index Activity 21200 24421 Embrocation (manufacture) 13923 17403 Embroidering on made‑up textile goods (manufacture) 13100 17160 Embroidery cotton (manufacture) 13990 17541 Embroidery lace (manufacture) 47510 52410 Embroidery making materials (retail) 13300 17300 Embroidery on made up textile goods 23910 26810 Emery cloth (manufacture) 08990 14500 Emery extraction 23910 26810 Emery paper (manufacture) 23910 26810 Emery wheel (manufacture) 96090 93059 Emigration agency (not of foreign government, etc.) 65300 66020 Employee benefit plans 94110 91110 Employers organisations 78200 74500 Employment agency (temporary) 78109 74500 Employment consultants 78109 74500 Employment placement agencies 88990 85321 Employment rehabilitation centre (charitable) 88990 85322 Employment rehabilitation centre (non‑charitable) 01490 01250 Emu raising and breeding 28131 29121 Emulsion (gas lift) pumps (manufacture) 20520 24620 Emulsion adhesive (manufacture) 20301 24301 Emulsion paint (manufacture) 20160 24160 Emulsions of synthetic resin (manufacture) 20301 24301 Enamel (manufacture) 23190 26150 Enamel glass in the mass (manufacture) 23310 26300 Enamelled tile (glazed) (manufacture) 25610 28510 Enamelling of metals including vitreous enamelling (manufacture) 38220 23300 Encapsulation, preparation and other treatment of nuclear waste for storage 23310 26300 Encaustic tile (manufacture) 58110 22110 Encyclopaedia publishing 28410 28620 End mill (manufacture) 13300 17300 Ending and mending of textiles (manufacture) 86230 85130 Endodontic dentistry 26600 33100 Endoscopes (manufacture) 21200 24421 Enema preparations (manufacture) 11070 15980 Energy drinks (manufacture) 74901 74206 Energy efficiency consultancy activities 84130 75130 Energy services administration and regulation (public sector) 28110 34300 Engine block for motor vehicle (finished) (manufacture) 46770 51570 Engine cleaning waste (wholesale) 29100 34100 Engine for motor vehicle (manufacture) 23990 26821 Engine packing made of asbestos (manufacture) 77390 71340 Engine rental and operating leasing 94120 91120 Engineering associations 23320 26400 Engineering brick (manufacture) 71129 74209 Engineering contractor responsible for complete process plant 46690 51870 Engineers’ plant and stores (wholesale) 25500 28400 Engineers’ stampings and pressings of base non‑ferrous metals (manufacture) 25500 28400 Engineers’ stampings and pressings of ferrous metals (manufacture) 29100 34100 Engines (internal combustion) for motor vehicles (manufacture) 30910 35410 Engines (internal combustion) for motorcycles (manufacture) 28110 29110 Engines and parts for marine use (manufacture) 28110 29110 Engines and parts for railways (manufacture) 28110 29110 Engines for agricultural machinery (manufacture) 30300 35300 Engines for aircraft (manufacture) 46690 51870 Engines for aircraft (wholesale) 28110 29110 Engines for combine harvesters (manufacture) 28110 29110 Engines for construction equipment (manufacture) 28110 29110 Engines for forklift trucks (manufacture) 28110 29110 Engines for industrial application (manufacture) 28110 29110 Engines for lawn mowers (manufacture) 28110 29110 Engines for locomotives (manufacture) 28110 29110 Engines for marine use (manufacture) 30910 34100 Engines for motorcycles (manufacture) 28110 29110 Engines for railway vehicles (manufacture) 90030 92319 Engravers 32120 36220 Engraving (personalised) on precious metal (manufacture) 18130 22240 Engraving for printing (manufacture) 32120 36220 Engraving of personal non‑precious metal products (manufacture) 80300 74879 Enquiry agency 20130 23300 Enriched thorium (manufacture) 46120 51120 Enriched uranium and plutonium and their compounds (commission agent) 20130 23300 Enriched uranium production (manufacture) 46719 51519 Enriched uranium supply to nuclear reactors (wholesale) 14132 18222 Ensembles (manufacture) 93290 92349 Entertainment activities n.e.c. 26301 32201 Entrance telephones (manufacture) 82190 74850 Envelope addressing service 28950 29550 Envelope making machine (manufacture) 28230 30010 Envelope stuffing machine (manufacture) 82190 74850 Envelope stuffing, sealing and mailing service including for advertising 17230 21230 Envelopes and letter‑cards (manufacture) 71129 74204 Engineering design activities for the construction of civil engineering works 94990 91330 Environmental movements 71121 74205 Engineering design services for industrial process and production 16290 20520 Envelopes for bottles made of straw (manufacture) 23190 26150 Envelopes made of glass (manufacture) 23190 26150 Envelopes made of glass for light bulbs and electronic valves (manufacture) 71129 74204 Environmental consultants 26513 33202 Environmental controls and automatic controls for appliances (non‑electronic) (manufacture) 71129 74204 Environmental engineering consultancy activities 72190 73100 Environmental pollution research and experimental development 74901 74206 Environmental project consultancy activities 58110 22110 Engineering drawing publishing 84120 75120 Environmental services administration (public sector) 72190 73100 Engineering research and experimental development 46750 51550 Enzymes (wholesale) 24100 27100 Engineering steel (manufacture) 46120 51120 71121 74205 Engineers’ draughtsman Enzymes and other organic compounds (commission agent) 45 E Alphabetical Index SIC 2007 E SIC 2003 Indexes to the UK Standard Industrial Classification of Economic Activities 2007 – UK SIC(2007) Activity 20140 24140 Enzymes and other organic compounds (manufacture) 94910 91310 Episcopal Church in Scotland 26702 33403 Episcope (manufacture) 20520 24620 Epoxide adhesive (manufacture) 20160 24160 Epoxide resins (manufacture) 20140 24140 Epoxides (manufacture) 20301 24301 Epoxy paint (manufacture) 28923 29523 Equipment for concrete crushing and screening roadworks (manufacture) 28290 29240 Equipment for dispersing liquids or powders (manufacture) 26520 33500 Equipment for measuring and recording (manufacture) 28290 29240 Equipment for projecting liquids or powders (manufacture) 28290 29240 Equipment for spraying liquids or powders (manufacture) 26513 33202 Equipment for testing physical and mechanical properties of materials (non‑electronic) (manufacture) 71121 74205 Equipment layout and other plant design services 22190 25130 Eraser rubber (manufacture) 42110 45230 Erection of roadway barriers 43910 45220 Erection of roofs 28220 29220 Escalator (manufacture) 13922 17402 Escape chute for aircraft (manufacture) 96090 93059 Escort agency 46750 51550 Essential oils (wholesale) 20530 24630 Essential oils and essence (other than turpentine) (manufacture) 46120 51120 Essential oils and mixtures of odiferous substances (commission agent) 46750 51550 Essential oils merchant (wholesale) 68310 70310 Estate agent 29100 34100 Estate car (manufacture) 68209 70209 Estate company (owning and managing) 20140 24140 Esters (but (not polyesters)) (manufacture) 20140 24140 Esters of methacrylic acid (manufacture) 90030 92319 Etchers 18130 22240 Etching for printing (manufacture) 20140 24140 Ethane diol (excluding anti‑freeze mixtures) (manufacture) 06200 11100 Ethane extraction from natural gas 19201 23201 Ethane production by refining (manufacture) SIC 2007 SIC 2003 Activity 94910 10511 25300 28250 43120 28922 79110 50100 91310 15511 28300 29230 45110 29522 63301 61101 Evangelists Society Evaporated milk (manufacture) Evaporator (manufacture) Evaporator for refrigeration machinery (manufacture) Excavation Excavator (manufacture) Excursion agency Excursion, cruise or sightseeing boat operation (except for inland waterway service) Excursion, cruise or sightseeing boats operation (inland waterway service) Executive and legislative administration (public sector) Executive employment placement and search activities Executive personnel (supply) (temporary employment agency) Executive recruitment consultant Exfoliated vermiculite (manufacture) Exhaust pipes for motor vehicles (manufacture) Exhaust sales and fitting centre (retail) Exhaust systems and components for motor vehicles (manufacture) Exhaust valves for internal combustion engines (manufacture) Exhibition centre letting (not self‑owned) Exhibition centre letting (self owned) Exhibition contracting and organising Exhibition stand (manufacture) Exhibition stand design Exhibition stand hire Expanded clay (manufacture) Expanded metal (manufacture) Expanded vermiculite (manufacture) Expansion analysers (electronic) (manufacture) Expansion joints made of rubber (manufacture) Expansion meter (non‑electronic) (manufacture) Expansion tank made of metal exceeding 300 litres (manufacture) Exploration for gas or oil Explorer Explosive signalling flares (manufacture) Explosives (manufacture) Explosives (wholesale) Export confirming house, general or undefined (commission agent) Export consultant Export credit guarantee department Export finance company (other than in banks’ sector) Export packer Export purchasing, general or undefined (commission agent) Exposure meter (electric) (manufacture) 50300 61201 84110 75110 78109 74500 78200 74500 78109 23990 29320 45320 29320 74500 26829 34300 50300 34300 28110 29110 68310 68202 82301 16230 82301 82301 23990 25930 23990 26511 22190 26513 25290 70310 70201 74873 20300 74873 74873 26829 28730 26829 33201 25130 33202 28210 71122 72190 20510 20510 46750 46190 74206 73100 24610 24610 51550 51190 73200 65120 64929 52290 46190 74130 66031 65229 63400 51190 20140 15920 Ethyl alcohol (non‑potable) obtained by fermentation (manufacture) 26511 33201 20140 24140 Ethylene (manufacture) 27900 31300 Extension cords made from purchased insulated wire (manufacture) 20140 24140 Ethanol (synthetic) (manufacture) 46120 51120 Ethers, organic peroxides, epoxides, acetals and hemiacetals and their compounds (commission agent) 46750 51550 Ethers, organic peroxides, epoxides, acetals and hemiacetals and their derivatives (wholesale) 94990 91330 Ethnic and minority group organisations 20140 24140 Ethylene glycol (excluding anti‑freeze mixtures) (manufacture) 20160 24160 Ethylene polymers (manufacture) 49390 60211 Express coach service on scheduled routes 27900 31300 Extension cords with insulated wire and connectors (manufacture) 99000 99000 European Communities Representatives and Information Office 81229 74709 Exterior cleaning of buildings 99000 99000 European Community 43310 45410 Exterior plaster application in buildings or other constructions incl. related lathing materials 99000 99000 European Free Trade Association 46 43341 45440 Exterior painting of buildings Indexes to the UK Standard Industrial Classification of Economic Activities 2007 – UK SIC(2007) SIC 2007 SIC 2003 Activity 43310 45410 Exterior stucco application in buildings or other constructions incl. related lathing materials 81291 74703 Exterminating of insects, rodents and other pests (except agricultural) 10890 15139 Extracts and juices of meat, fish, crustaceans or molluscs (manufacture) 20530 24630 Extracts of aromatic products (manufacture) 24440 27440 Extruded products made of copper (manufacture) 24420 27420 Extruded sections made of aluminium (manufacture) 24420 27420 Extruded tubes made of aluminium (manufacture) 28960 29560 Extruder for rubber or plastics (manufacture) 28940 29540 Extruding machinery for textiles (manufacture) 46640 51830 Extruding, drawing, texturing or cutting machinery for man‑made textile materials (wholesale) 20160 24160 Extrusion compounds (plastics) (manufacture) 24420 27420 Extrusion ingots made of aluminium (manufacture) 24420 27420 Extrusions made of aluminium (manufacture) 86101 85112 Eye hospital (private sector) 86101 85111 Eye hospital (public sector) 86220 85120 Eye specialist (private practice) 86101 85111 Eye specialist (public sector) 25990 28750 Eyelet (manufacture) 94920 91320 Fabian Society 23990 26821 Fabric made of asbestos (manufacture) 28940 29540 Fabric processing machinery (manufacture) 17240 21240 Fabric wallcoverings (manufacture) 25110 28110 Fabricated structural steelwork for buildings (manufacture) 47510 52410 Fabrics (retail) 46410 51410 Fabrics (wholesale) 13960 17549 Fabrics coated with gum or amylaceous substances (manufacture) 13960 17549 Fabrics impregnated, coated, covered or laminated with plastics (manufacture) 20420 24520 Face powder or cream (manufacture) 96020 93020 Facial massage 81100 70320 Facilities management 26301 32201 Facsimile transmission apparatus (manufacture) 20170 24170 Factice (manufacture) 64992 65222 Factoring company (buying book debts) 49390 60219 Factory bus service 81210 74701 Factory cleaning contractor 68209 70209 Factory letting 56290 55510 Factory or office canteens 29100 34100 Factory rebuilding of motor vehicle engines (manufacture) 94120 91120 Faculty of actuaries 82301 74873 Fair organiser 93210 92330 Fairground activities 32200 36300 Fairground organs (manufacture) 28990 36639 Fairground rides (manufacture) 93290 92330 Fairs and shows of a recreational nature 28940 29540 Faller (textile machinery accessory) (manufacture) 32990 36639 False beard (manufacture) 32990 36639 False eyebrow (manufacture) 86210 85120 Family doctor service 86900 85140 Family Planning Association clinics (not providing medical treatment) 88990 85321 Family Planning Associations (not clinics) 86220 85120 Family planning centre providing medical treatment without accommodation Alphabetical Index SIC 2007 SIC 2003 Activity 88990 27510 22190 28250 23190 85321 29710 25130 29230 26150 77210 47789 46499 14310 15120 17120 10710 28250 28250 46439 71401 52489 51478 17710 19200 21120 15810 29710 29230 51439 Family Welfare Association Fan (electric, domestic) (manufacture) Fan belts for motor vehicles (manufacture) Fan coil unit (manufacture) Fancy articles and goods made of glass (manufacture) Fancy dress hire Fancy goods (retail) Fancy goods (wholesale) Fancy hosiery (manufacture) Fancy leather goods (manufacture) Fancy paper (manufacture) Fancy pastry (manufacture) Fans (domestic) (manufacture) Fans (non‑domestic) (manufacture) Fans and ventilating or recycling hoods for domestic use (wholesale) Farinaceous products (manufacture) Farm animal boarding and care (except pets) Farm animal feeds produced from slaughter waste (manufacture) Farm animal pound Farmhouse short stay accommodation Farmyard manure spreader (manufacture) Farriers, on a fee or contract basis Fashion (manufacture) Fashion agent Fashion artist Fashion designing Fashion jewellery (manufacture) Fashion photography Fashion printing (manufacture) Fast food outlet with restaurant (unlicensed) Fasteners made of metal (manufacture) Fast‑food restaurants, licensed Fast‑food restaurants, unlicensed Fat of marine animals production (manufacture) Fat recovery from knackers (manufacture) Fat splitting and distilling (manufacture) Fats (edible) (manufacture) Fatty acid (manufacture) Fatty amines and quaternary ammonium salts (manufacture) Fax machines (manufacture) Feather curling (manufacture) Feather duster (manufacture) 10730 15850 01621 01421 10910 15710 01621 55209 28302 01629 14132 82990 82990 74100 32130 74209 18129 56102 25940 56101 56102 10410 10110 20140 10420 20140 21100 01421 55239 29320 28520 18222 74879 74879 74872 36610 74819 22220 55302 28740 55301 55302 15410 15112 24140 15430 24140 24410 26301 32201 32990 36639 32910 36620 32990 36639 Feather ornament (manufacture) 10120 15120 Feather production (manufacture) 32990 36639 Feather purifying (manufacture) 32990 36639 Feather sorting (manufacture) 46900 51900 Feathers (wholesale) 94110 91110 Federations of business and employers’ membership organisations 10910 15710 Feed supplements for animals (manufacture) 28930 29530 Feeders (manufacture) 08990 14500 Feldspar mining and quarrying 10110 15113 Fellmongery (manufacture) 13990 17549 Felt (manufacture) 46640 51830 Felt finishing machinery (wholesale) 47 F Alphabetical Index F Indexes to the UK Standard Industrial Classification of Economic Activities 2007 – UK SIC(2007) SIC 2007 SIC 2003 Activity SIC 2007 SIC 2003 Activity 14190 14190 14190 23990 23140 28940 18241 18241 18241 26821 26140 29540 32990 17120 22190 28940 36631 21120 25130 29540 13921 16210 16210 23650 13940 01160 32910 26701 27310 17401 20200 20200 26650 17520 01110 36620 33402 31300 01610 43290 22230 25930 16230 16290 01130 02300 26110 24100 01410 45340 25239 28730 20300 20520 01120 02010 31100 27100 24100 24100 43999 24100 24100 24100 24100 24100 24100 24100 24100 24100 27100 27100 45250 27100 27100 27100 27100 27100 27100 27100 27100 27100 32990 20600 93120 93110 01610 01220 23110 23190 20600 24340 28410 25730 31010 25990 36631 24700 92629 92619 01410 01139 26110 26150 24700 27340 29420 28620 36120 28750 24100 24100 24100 24100 24100 46720 46720 27100 27100 27100 27100 27100 51520 51520 Felt hat bleaching and dying (manufacture) Felt hat body making (manufacture) Felt hat finishing (manufacture) Felt made of asbestos (manufacture) Felt made of glass fibre (manufacture) Felt or non‑woven fabric production or finishing machines (manufacture) Felt tipped pen (manufacture) Feltboard including felt paper (manufacture) Felting made of rubber (manufacture) Felts or non‑wovens production and finishing machines (manufacture) Fencing by agricultural contractor Fencing contractor (not agricultural) Fencing made of plastic (manufacture) Fencing made of steel wire (manufacture) Fencing made of wood (assembled) (manufacture) Fenders made of cork (manufacture) Fennel growing Fern collecting, cutting, gathering Ferrite parts for electronic apparatus (manufacture) Ferro alloys (high carbon ferro manganese) (manufacture) Ferro aluminium (manufacture) Ferro chromium (manufacture) Ferro concrete bar bending and fixing contractor Ferro molybdenum (manufacture) Ferro nickel (manufacture) Ferro niobium (manufacture) Ferro phosphorus (manufacture) Ferro titanium (manufacture) Ferro tungsten (manufacture) Ferro vanadium (manufacture) Ferro zirconium (manufacture) Ferro‑alloys (except high carbon ferro‑manganese production) (manufacture) Ferrosilicon (manufacture) Ferrosilicon chromium (manufacture) Ferrosilicon manganese (manufacture) Ferrosilicon titanium (manufacture) Ferrosilicon tungsten (manufacture) Ferrous and non‑ferrous metal ores (wholesale) Ferrous and non‑ferrous metals in primary forms (wholesale) Ferrous and non‑ferrous semi‑finished metal products n.e.c. (wholesale) Ferrous metal foundry (manufacture) Ferrous products production by reduction of iron ore (manufacture) Ferry (manufacture) Ferry transport for passengers (inland waterway service) Fertiliser (manufacture) Fertiliser distributor or broadcaster (manufacture) Fertiliser minerals mining Fertilisers (commission agent) Fertilisers (retail) Fertilisers (wholesale) Fertilizing plough machinery (manufacture) Festive, carnival or other entertainment articles, conjuring tricks and novelty jokes (wholesale) 46720 51520 24510 27510 24100 27100 30110 35110 50300 61201 20150 28302 08910 46120 47760 46750 28302 46499 48 24150 29320 14300 51120 52489 51550 29320 51477 28290 47300 94990 22210 29240 50500 91330 25210 52102 52103 52101 59131 74203 59120 59131 59131 59120 59131 91011 59131 22210 22210 22210 22210 22210 22210 74203 59120 59111 63129 63129 63129 92120 74814 92119 92120 92120 92119 92120 92510 92120 25210 25210 25210 25210 25210 25210 74814 92119 92111 Festoon blinds (manufacture) Fibre board (manufacture) Fibre building board (manufacture) Fibre cement (manufacture) Fibre core for wire rope (manufacture) Fibre crop growing Fibre dressing for brushes (manufacture) Fibre optic apparatus (manufacture) Fibre optic cable for data transmission or live transmission of images (manufacture) Fibre tipped pen (manufacture) Fibrillated yarn (manufacture) Field and track clubs Field and track stadium Field preparation on a fee or contract basis Fig growing Figured glass (manufacture) Figurines made of glass (manufacture) Filament tow (manufacture) Filament wire made of steel (manufacture) Filament wire spiralling machines (manufacture) File (hand tool) (manufacture) Filing cabinet (manufacture) Filing cabinet made of metal (not designed to be placed on the floor) (manufacture) Filling and sealing compounds for painters (manufacture) Filling machinery (manufacture) Filling station (motor fuel and lubricants) Film and photo clubs Film and sheet of decorated unsupported polyvinyl chloride (manufacture) Film bonded warehouse for air transport activities Film bonded warehouse for land transport activities Film bonded warehouse for water transport activities Film broker Film copying (not motion picture) Film cutting activities Film distribution Film distribution rights acquisition Film editing Film hiring agency Film lending and storage Film library Film made of cellophane (manufacture) Film made of plastic (manufacture) Film made of polyethylene (manufacture) Film made of polypropylene (manufacture) Film made of polythene (manufacture) Film made of polyvinyl chloride (PVC) (manufacture) Film processing Film processing activities Film producer (own account) 59111 92111 Film production for projection or broadcasting 20301 24303 28940 29540 Film reader for textile machinery (manufacture) 59131 92120 Film rental 59120 92119 Film sound track dubbing and synchronisation 59111 Film studios 92111 59120 92119 Film title printing Indexes to the UK Standard Industrial Classification of Economic Activities 2007 – UK SIC(2007) SIC 2007 SIC 2003 Activity 13922 17402 Filter cloth (made‑up) (manufacture) 13960 17549 Filter cloth weaving (manufacture) 28120 29122 Filter for pneumatic control equipment (manufacture) 17290 21259 Filter paper and paperboard (cut to size) (manufacture) 17120 21120 Filter paper stock (manufacture) 28930 29530 Filtering and purifying machinery for the industrial preparation of food or drink (manufacture) 28290 29240 Filtering or purifying machinery parts (manufacture) 46690 51870 Filters for oil, petrol and air for internal combustion engines (not motor vehicle) (wholesale) 22290 25240 Filtration elements made of plastic (manufacture) 46690 51870 Filtration equipment and apparatus (wholesale) 28290 29240 Filtration equipment for hydraulic equipment (manufacture) 28290 29240 Filtration equipment for the chemical industry (manufacture) 64929 65229 Finance corporation for industry 64921 65221 Finance house activities (non‑deposit taking) 66190 67130 Financial advisor 82912 74871 Financial and credit reporting 64991 65233 Financial futures, options and other derivatives dealing in on own account 64999 65239 Financial intermediation n.e.c. 64910 65210 Financial leasing 70221 74142 Financial management consultancy services (except corporate tax) 66110 67110 Financial markets administration 84110 75110 Financial services (public sector) 66190 67130 Financial transactions centre 32130 36610 Findings and stampings made of base metal for jewellery (manufacture) 32120 36220 Findings and stampings made of precious metals for jewellery (manufacture) 90030 92319 Fine art expert 85520 80429 Fine arts schools (except academic) 12000 16000 Fine cut tobacco (manufacture) 01490 01220 Fine or coarse animal hair, not including sheep or goats wool 13100 17120 Fingering wool (manufacture) 03220 05020 Fingerling production, freshwater 03210 05020 Fingerling production, marine 80100 74602 Fingerprinting services 20590 24660 Finings (manufacture) 26110 24660 Finished or semi‑finished dice, semiconductor (manufacture) 26110 24660 Finished or semi‑finished wafers, semiconductor (manufacture) 46120 51120 Finishing agents, dye carriers and similar industrial chemical products (commission agent) 28490 29430 Finishing and polishing machine tools for optical, spectacle or clock or watch faces (manufacture) 28940 29540 Finishing machinery for textiles (manufacture) 31090 36110 Finishing of chairs and seats 13300 17300 Finishing of leather wearing apparel (manufacture) 13300 17300 Finishing of wearing apparel n.e.c. (manufacture) 18140 22230 Finishing services for CD‑ROMS (manufacture) 27510 29710 Fire (electric) (manufacture) 27520 29720 Fire (gas) (manufacture) 27520 29720 Fire (oil) (manufacture) 26301 31620 Fire alarm and system (manufacture) SIC 2007 SIC 2003 Alphabetical Index Activity 77390 71340 Fire alarm hire 26301 31620 Fire alarm systems, sending signals to a control station (manufacture) 71122 74206 Fire and explosion protection and control consultancy activities 84250 75250 Fire authorities 84250 75250 Fire brigades 29100 34100 Fire engine (manufacture) 28290 29240 Fire extinguisher (hand held) (manufacture) 46120 51120 Fire extinguisher charges and preparations (commission agent) 46690 51870 Fire extinguishers (excluding motor vehicle) (wholesale) 28290 29240 Fire extinguishing apparatus (excluding hand operated chemical extinguishers) (manufacture) 20590 24660 Fire extinguishing chemicals (manufacture) 84250 75250 Fire fighting and fire prevention 65120 66031 Fire insurance 16290 20510 Fire logs and pellets, of pressed wood, or of coffee or soybean grounds and the like (manufacture) 24440 27440 Fire refined copper (manufacture) 32990 18100 Fire resistant and protective safety clothing of leather (manufacture) 31090 36140 Fire screen (manufacture) 84250 75250 Fire service activities 29100 34100 Fire tender (manufacture) 25400 29600 Firearms for hunting, sporting or protective use (manufacture) 46690 51870 Firearms, sporting, hunting or target shooting rifles (wholesale) 23200 26260 Firebrick and shape (manufacture) 08120 14220 Fireclay mine or quarry 32990 18249 Fire‑fighting protection suits (manufacture) 32990 36639 Firelighter (manufacture) 81223 74705 Fire‑places cleaning 43290 45320 Fireproofing work 32990 18249 Fire‑resistant and protective safety clothing (manufacture) 47789 52489 Firewood (retail) 20510 24610 Firework (manufacture) 93290 92349 Firework displays 46120 51120 Fireworks (commission agent) 25300 28300 Firing plant for boilers, etc. (manufacture) 46180 51180 First aid boxes (commission agent) 46460 51460 First aid boxes (wholesale) 85421 80302 First‑degree level higher education 84110 75110 Fiscal services (public sector) 47230 52230 Fish (retail) 46380 51380 Fish (wholesale) 56103 55303 Fish and chip shop 56103 55304 Fish and chip stand 10410 15410 Fish and marine mammal oil extraction (manufacture) 10200 15209 Fish and other aquatic animal meals and solubles unfit for human consumption (manufacture) 16240 20400 Fish boxes made of wood (manufacture) 03220 01250 Fish breeding, freshwater 03210 05020 Fish breeding, marine 10200 15209 Fish cakes (manufacture) 10200 15209 Fish canning (manufacture) 10200 15209 Fish curing (other than by distributors) (manufacture) 49 F Alphabetical Index F Indexes to the UK Standard Industrial Classification of Economic Activities 2007 – UK SIC(2007) SIC 2007 SIC 2003 Activity SIC 2007 SIC 2003 Activity 10850 10850 46380 10200 25710 46170 03220 15209 15209 51380 15209 28610 51170 05020 47640 30110 47230 46380 32300 52485 35110 52230 51380 36400 03210 10200 10850 03220 03210 03220 05020 15209 15209 05020 05020 05020 93130 46740 31010 31010 31010 31010 92629 51540 36120 36120 36120 36120 03210 03220 03210 32300 10410 10410 10200 10410 10200 24100 24100 25930 10200 05020 05020 05020 36400 15410 15420 15209 15410 15209 27100 27100 28740 15209 Fish dish (prepared) production (manufacture) Fish dishes, including fish and chips (manufacture) Fish distribution (wholesale) Fish drying (manufacture) Fish eater (manufacture) Fish factor (commission agent) Fish farming in fresh water, including farming of freshwater ornamental fish Fish farming, marine Fish fillet production (manufacture) Fish fingers (manufacture) Fish fry production, freshwater Fish fry production, marine Fish hatcheries and farms service activities, freshwater Fish hatcheries and farms service activities, marine Fish hatcheries, freshwater Fish hatcheries, marine Fish hook (manufacture) Fish liver oil (unrefined) production (manufacture) Fish liver oil refining (manufacture) Fish meal (manufacture) Fish oil (crude) production (manufacture) Fish paste (manufacture) Fish plates (hot rolled) (manufacture) Fish plates and sole plates (non‑rolled) (manufacture) Fish plates for arches made of steel (manufacture) Fish preservation (other than by freezing) (manufacture) Fish preservation by freezing (manufacture) Fish processing (not freezing) (manufacture) Fish processing machines and equipment (manufacture) Fish products (manufacture) Fish salting (manufacture) Fish stall (retail) Fish stock management consultancy services Fish, crustacean and mollusc cooking (manufacture) Fish, crustacean and mollusc preparation and preservation, by immersing in brine (manufacture) Fish, crustacean and mollusc smoking (manufacture) Fishing (recreational) Fishing boats (manufacture) Fishing by line, except for recreation or sport Fishing for shellfish Fishing gear (retail) Fishing in ocean, sea, coastal or inland waters Fishing line (manufacture) Fishing net (manufacture) Fishing net mending (manufacture) Fishing net yarn made of cotton (manufacture) 31010 31010 31010 31010 36120 36120 36120 36120 31010 31010 24510 24510 22190 24200 26309 20590 13200 13922 23310 23310 46730 08110 23610 24420 24440 10390 36120 36120 27210 27210 25130 27220 32202 24640 17220 17402 26300 26300 51530 14110 26610 27420 27440 15330 Fishing tackle (retail) Fishing vessel (manufacture) Fishmonger (retail) Fishmonger (wholesale) Fitness centre equipment and appliances (manufacture) Fitness centre operation Fittings and fixtures (wholesale) Fittings and furnishing for hotels (manufacture) Fittings and furnishings for banks (manufacture) Fittings and furnishings for bars (manufacture) Fittings and furnishings for laboratories (manufacture) Fittings and furnishings for libraries (manufacture) Fittings and furnishings for museums (manufacture) Fittings and furnishings for offices (manufacture) Fittings and furnishings for public houses (manufacture) Fittings and furnishings for restaurants (manufacture) Fittings and furnishings for shops (manufacture) Fittings for tubes made of cast iron (manufacture) Fittings for tubes made of cast steel (manufacture) Fittings made of rubber (manufacture) Fittings made of steel (manufacture) Fixed transmitters (manufacture) Fixer for photographic use (manufacture) Flag fabric (woollen) (manufacture) Flag making up (manufacture) Flags made of clay (manufacture) Flags made of non‑refractory ceramic (manufacture) Flagstone merchant (wholesale) Flagstone quarry Flagstones made of precast concrete (manufacture) Flake made of aluminium (manufacture) Flake made of copper (manufacture) Flaked coconut including desiccated but (not sugared) (manufacture) Flaked maize (manufacture) Flame and burner control (non‑electronic) (manufacture) Flame throwers (manufacture) Flange jointing sets (manufacture) Flanges made of steel (manufacture) Flannel (manufacture) Flannel ending (manufacture) Flannel filling (manufacture) Flannel finishing (manufacture) Flannel preparing (manufacture) Flannel scouring (manufacture) Flannel shrinking (manufacture) Flannelette raising and finishing (manufacture) Flannelette weaving (manufacture) Flaps, diaphragms and other parts of hydraulic and pneumatic valves (manufacture) Flare stack and flareboom erection work Flash lamp case (manufacture) Flashcubes (manufacture) Flashlight apparatus (manufacture) Flashlights (manufacture) Flat glass (manufacture) 10200 15201 10200 15209 28930 29530 10200 10200 47810 70229 10200 10200 15209 15209 52620 05010 15209 15209 10200 93199 30110 03110 03110 47640 03110 13940 13940 13940 13100 15209 92629 35110 05010 05010 52485 05010 17520 17520 17520 17110 03120 05010 Fishing on a commercial basis in inland waters 03110 05010 Fishing on a commercial basis in ocean and coastal waters 46499 51479 Fishing rods, line fishing tackle and articles for hunting or fishing (wholesale) 03110 05010 Fishing service activities 84130 75130 Fishing services administration and regulation (public sector) 32300 36400 Fishing tackle (manufacture) 50 10611 15611 26513 33202 25400 25930 24200 13200 13300 13300 13300 13300 13300 13300 13300 13200 28120 29600 28740 27220 17220 17300 17300 17300 17300 17300 17300 17300 17210 29130 43999 27400 27400 26702 27400 23110 45250 31500 31500 33403 31500 26110 Indexes to the UK Standard Industrial Classification of Economic Activities 2007 – UK SIC(2007) Alphabetical Index SIC 2007 SIC 2003 Activity SIC 2007 SIC 2003 Activity 47520 46730 68209 68310 24320 52460 51530 70209 70310 27320 Flat glass (retail) Flat glass (wholesale) Flat letting Flat letting agency Flat rolled steel products in coils or straight lengths <600 mm (manufacture) Flat rolled steel products in coils or straight lengths >600 mm (manufacture) Flat trailer (motor drawn) (manufacture) Flat ware made of base metal (manufacture) Flats in holiday centres and holiday villages (provision of short‑stay lodging in) Flats, not in holiday centres, holiday villages or youth hostels (self catering short‑stay lodging) Flatwork for sport and recreational installations (commercial buildings) Flatwork machine for laundry (manufacture) Flavourings (wholesale) Flax (wholesale) Flax carding (manufacture) Flax deseeding (manufacture) Flax dressing (manufacture) Flax growing Flax hackling (manufacture) Flax preparing (manufacture) Flax roughing (manufacture) Flax sorting (manufacture) Flax spinning (manufacture) Flax tow (manufacture) Flax type yarns (manufacture) Flax woven cloth (manufacture) Flax yarn bleaching, dyeing or otherwise finishing (manufacture) Flax‑type fibre preparation and spinning (manufacture) Fleet tender (manufacture) Flexible paper packaging (manufacture) Flexible plastic foam (manufacture) Flexible shaft drive tool (manufacture) Flexible ventilating ducting made of textiles (manufacture) Flexographic ink (manufacture) Flexographic printing (manufacture) Flexographic printing machine (manufacture) Flexographic printing on labels or tags (manufacture) Flight recorder (electric) (manufacture) Flight simulator (electronic) (manufacture) 30110 30110 20130 46410 13200 23140 17120 42910 35110 35110 24130 51410 17210 26140 21120 45240 Floating landing stages construction (manufacture) Floating tanks construction (manufacture) Flocculating agents (chemical) (manufacture) Flock (wholesale) Flock made of cotton (manufacture) Flock made of glass fibre (manufacture) Flong paperboard (manufacture) Floodgates, movable barrages and hydro‑mechanical structures construction Floor and quarry tiles made of unglazed clay (manufacture) Floor and wall tiles made of concrete and terrazzo (manufacture) Floor cleaning equipment for industrial use leasing Floor cleanser (manufacture) Floor covering laying Floor coverings (hard surface) (manufacture) Floor coverings (retail) Floor coverings (wholesale) Floor coverings made of plastic (manufacture) Floor coverings made of printed vinyl (manufacture) Floor coverings made of rubber (manufacture) Floor coverings made of supported vinyl (manufacture) Floor coverings of natural cork (manufacture) Floor polish (manufacture) Floor polisher (electric) (manufacture) Floor rugs made of jute (manufacture) Floor screeding Floor seal (manufacture) Floor sweepers (hand operated mechanical) (manufacture) Floor tiles (not ceramic) (retail) Floor units made of precast concrete (manufacture) Flooring contractor Flooring made of rubber (manufacture) Flooring made of wood (not parquet flooring) (manufacture) Flooring made of wood (unassembled) (manufacture) Flooring systems made of metal (manufacture) Floppy disk (manufacture) Floppy disk drives (manufacture) Florist (retail) Flotation vessel of steel, for oil platform (manufacture) Flour (manufacture) Flour (wholesale) Flour and meal manufacturing machinery (manufacture) Flour confectionery (manufacture) Flour confectionery (retail) Flour confectionery (wholesale) Flour confectionery machinery (manufacture) Flour milling (manufacture) Flour mixes and prepared blended flour and dough for biscuits (manufacture) Flour mixes and prepared blended flour and dough for bread (manufacture) Flour mixes and prepared blended flour and dough for cakes (manufacture) Flour mixes and prepared blended flour and dough for pancakes (manufacture) 24100 27100 29202 34202 25990 28750 55201 55231 55209 55232 41201 45230 28940 46750 46210 13100 13100 13100 01160 13100 13100 13100 13100 13100 13100 13100 13200 13300 29540 51550 51210 17140 17140 17140 01110 17140 17140 17140 17140 17140 17140 17140 17250 17300 13100 17140 30110 17290 22210 28290 13922 35110 21259 25210 29430 17402 20302 18129 28990 18121 26511 30300 24302 22220 29560 21251 31620 35300 08120 14210 Flint bed, pit or quarry 23910 26810 Flint cloth (manufacture) 32990 36639 Flint for lighters (manufacture) 08120 14210 Flint grit production 23910 26810 Flint paper (manufacture) 23110 26110 Float glass (manufacture) 52220 63220 Floating bridge company 92000 92710 Floating casinos 30110 35110 Floating crane (manufacture) 30110 35110 Floating docks construction (manufacture) 09100 11200 Floating drilling rig operation for petroleum or natural gas exploration or production 30110 35110 Floating harbour (manufacture) 23320 26400 23610 26610 77390 20412 43330 22230 47530 46730 22230 22230 22190 22230 71340 24512 45430 36639 52481 51479 25231 25231 25130 25231 16290 20412 27510 13939 43999 20412 32910 20520 24512 29710 17519 45250 24512 36620 47530 23610 43330 22190 16100 52481 26610 45430 25130 20100 16100 25110 26800 26200 47760 30110 10611 46380 28930 20100 28110 24650 30020 52489 35110 15611 51380 29530 10710 47240 46360 28930 10611 10611 15810 52240 51360 29530 15611 15611 10611 15611 10611 15611 10611 15611 51 F Alphabetical Index SIC 2007 F SIC 2003 Indexes to the UK Standard Industrial Classification of Economic Activities 2007 – UK SIC(2007) Activity 10611 15611 Flour of cereal grains production (manufacture) 10612 15612 Flour of dried leguminous vegetables production (manufacture) 10612 15612 Flour or meal of roots or tubers (manufacture) 10110 15112 Flours and meals of meat (manufacture) 26513 33202 Flow measuring and control instrument (non‑electronic) (manufacture) 26511 33201 Flow meters (electronic) (manufacture) 26513 33202 Flow meters (non‑electronic) (manufacture) 46220 51220 Flower and plants exporter (wholesale) 46220 51220 Flower and plants importer (wholesale) 01190 01120 Flower growing 22290 25240 Flower pots and tubs made of plastic (manufacture) 23490 26250 Flower pots made of clay (manufacture) 23690 26660 Flower pots made of concrete, plaster, cement or artificial stone (manufacture) 46220 51220 Flower salesman (wholesale) 01190 01120 Flower seed growing 47760 52489 Flowers (retail) 46220 51220 Flowers (wholesale) 77299 71409 Flowers and plants rental and leasing 28120 29122 Flowline assembly (hydraulic equipment) (manufacture) 32910 36620 Flue brush (manufacture) 23320 26400 Flue tiles made of clay (manufacture) 28120 29122 Fluid power equipment (manufacture) 28120 29122 Fluid power systems (manufacture) 22190 25130 Fluid seals made of rubber (manufacture) 09100 11200 Fluid‑displacement services 27110 31100 Fluorescent ballasts (i.e. Transformers) (manufacture) 20120 24120 Fluorescent brightening agent (manufacture) 27400 31500 Fluorescent tube (manufacture) 26511 33201 Fluorimeter (electronic) (manufacture) 26513 33202 Fluorimeter (non‑electronic) (manufacture) 20130 24130 Fluorine, hydrofluoric acid and fluorides (manufacture) 46760 51560 Fluorspar (wholesale) 08910 14300 Fluorspar mining 22230 25239 Flushing cisterns made of plastic (manufacture) 17120 21120 Fluting paper (manufacture) 46120 51120 Flux (commission agent) 20590 24660 Flux (manufacture) 32300 36400 Fly dressing (manufacture) 20200 24200 Fly paper (manufacture) 93120 92629 Flying club 85320 63230 Flying school (for airline pilots) 85530 80410 Flying school activities (not type rating) 85320 63230 Flying schools for commercial airline pilots 85530 80410 Flying schools not issuing commercial certificates and permits 85320 80220 Flying training for professional pilots 28150 29140 Flywheel (not for motor vehicle engine) (manufacture) 46690 51870 Flywheels and pulleys including pulley blocks (wholesale) 13300 17300 Foam backed fabric finishing (manufacture) 13300 17300 Foam backing (single textile material) (manufacture) 13300 17300 Foam backing (texture material sandwich) (manufacture) 22190 25130 Foam rubber (manufacture) 52 SIC 2007 SIC 2003 Activity 23990 46210 01190 28302 01190 20510 30200 25990 25920 24420 24420 26829 51210 01110 29320 01110 24610 35200 28750 28720 27420 27420 Foamed slag (manufacture) Fodder (wholesale) Fodder maize and other grass growing Fodder preparing equipment (manufacture) Fodder root growing Fog signal (manufacture) Fog signalling equipment (manufacture) Foil bags (manufacture) Foil containers made of aluminium (manufacture) Foil laminate made of aluminium (manufacture) Foil made of aluminium (decorated, embossed or cut to size) (manufacture) Foil made of aluminium (not put up as a packaging product) (manufacture) Foil made of brass (manufacture) Foil made of copper (manufacture) Foil made of plastic (manufacture) Foil packaging goods, made of aluminium (manufacture) Foil stock made of aluminium (manufacture) Folding bed (manufacture) Folding boat made of rubber (manufacture) Folding boxboard (manufacture) Folding boxes made of board (manufacture) Folding machinery for paper and board (not for office use) (manufacture) Folding paperboard containers (manufacture) Folding perambulator (manufacture) Follow‑up milk (manufacture) Follow‑up milk for infants (manufacture) Fondant (manufacture) Food (commission agent) Food (general) (retail) Food (non‑specialised) (wholesale) Food and beverage machinery (wholesale) Food and drink preparation and manufacturing machinery for industrial use (wholesale) Food and drink press (manufacture) Food bottling and packaging on a fee or contract basis Food for particular nutritional uses (manufacture) Food freezer for domestic use (manufacture) Food freezer over 12 cubic feet capacity (manufacture) Food hygiene testing activities Food mixer (electric) (manufacture) Food n.e.c. including fish, crustaceans and molluscs exporter (wholesale) Food n.e.c. including fish, crustaceans and molluscs importer (wholesale) Food preparation in market stalls Food preparation machinery for hotels and restaurants (manufacture) Food processing equipment (industrial) (manufacture) Food processing machinery incl. combined processing, packaging or bottling machinery (manufacture) Food products enriched with vitamins or proteins (manufacture) Food supplements (manufacture) Food, beverage and tobacco industry machinery (wholesale) 24420 27420 24440 24440 22210 24420 27440 27440 25210 27420 24420 31090 30120 17120 17219 28950 27420 36140 35120 21120 21219 29550 17219 30920 10860 10860 10822 46170 47110 46390 46690 46690 21219 36639 15880 15880 15842 51170 52113 51390 51870 51870 28930 29530 82920 74820 10860 15880 27510 29710 28250 29230 71200 74300 27510 29710 46380 51380 46380 51380 56103 55304 28930 29530 28930 29530 28930 29530 10890 15899 10890 15899 46690 51870 Indexes to the UK Standard Industrial Classification of Economic Activities 2007 – UK SIC(2007) SIC 2007 SIC 2003 Activity SIC 2007 SIC 2003 Alphabetical Index Activity 46390 51390 Food, beverages and tobacco (non‑specialised) exporter (wholesale) 46390 51390 Food, beverages and tobacco (non‑specialised) importer (wholesale) 10860 15880 Foods for persons suffering from carbohydrate metabolism disorders (manufacture) 10860 15880 Foods to meet the expenditure of intense muscular effort, especially for sportsmen (manufacture) 42990 45230 Foot and cycle path construction 86900 85140 Foot clinic (NHS) 86900 85140 Foot clinic (private) 32500 33100 Foot support (manufacture) 93199 92629 Football Association 32300 36400 Football case made of leather (manufacture) 93120 92629 Football clubs 93110 92619 Football ground 92000 92710 Football pools 93110 92619 Football stadium 46160 51160 Footwear (commission agent) 15200 19300 Footwear (manufacture) 47721 52431 Footwear (retail) 46420 51423 Footwear (wholesale) 46420 51423 Footwear exporter (wholesale) 46420 51423 Footwear importer (wholesale) 15110 19100 Footwear leather preparation (manufacture) 23990 26821 Footwear made of asbestos (manufacture) 14190 18249 Footwear made of textile fabric with applied soles (manufacture) 14190 17710 Footwear made of textiles without applied soles (manufacture) 28940 29540 Footwear making or repairing machinery (manufacture) 46640 51830 Footwear manufacturing and repairing machinery (wholesale) 22290 19300 Footwear parts and accessories made of plastic (manufacture) 77299 71409 Footwear rental and leasing 46210 51210 Forage (wholesale) 28302 29320 Forage harvester (manufacture) 01190 01110 Forage kale and similar forage products growing 01190 01110 Forage plants seed production including grasses 01190 01110 Forage production 10130 15139 Forcemeat (manufacture) 99000 99000 Foreign armed forces 84210 75210 Foreign economic aid services administration (public sector) 99000 99000 Foreign embassy 66120 67130 Foreign exchange broker 99000 99000 Foreign government service 02100 02010 Forest enterprises 02200 02010 Forest harvesting residues, gathering of these for energy 28302 29320 Forest machinery (manufacture) 02400 74149 Forest management consulting services 46610 51880 Forestry machinery, accessories and implements (wholesale) 02400 02020 Forestry service activities 84130 75130 Forestry services administration and regulation (public sector) 02400 02020 Forestry support services 02100 02010 Forests and timber tract planting, replanting, transplanting, thinning and conservation 24100 27100 Forged bars (manufacture) 24100 27100 Forged rail accessories (manufacture) 24100 27100 Forged sections (manufacture) 24100 27100 Forged semi‑finished products (manufacture) 25730 28620 Forges (manufacture) 25500 28400 Forging (manufacture) 24420 27420 Forging bars made of aluminium (manufacture) 28210 29210 Forging furnace (manufacture) 28410 29420 Forging machine (metal forming) (metal working) (manufacture) 25710 28610 Fork (cutlery) (manufacture) 28220 29220 Forklift truck (manufacture) 46690 51870 Forklift trucks (wholesale) 22290 25240 Forks made of plastic (manufacture) 20140 24140 Formaldehyde (manufacture) 28410 29420 Forming machine (high energy rate) (manufacture) 28990 29560 Forming machine for glass working (multi‑head) (manufacture) 28960 29560 Forming machine for rubber or plastics (manufacture) 58190 22150 Forms publishing 20200 24200 Formulated pesticide (manufacture) 43999 45250 Formwork (civil engineering) 93210 92330 Fortune telling (fairground) 96090 93059 Fortune telling (not fairground) 52290 63400 Forwarding agents 14142 18232 Foundation garment (manufacture) 43999 45250 Foundations construction 24540 27540 Founding of non‑ferrous base metal (manufacture) 24420 27420 Foundry alloy made of aluminium (manufacture) 20590 24660 Foundry bonding clays (manufacture) 19100 23100 Foundry coke (manufacture) 20590 24660 Foundry core binder (manufacture) 20590 24660 Foundry facing (manufacture) 24420 27420 Foundry ingot made of aluminium (manufacture) 16290 20510 Foundry moulding pattern made of wood (manufacture) 28990 29560 Foundry moulds (for rubber or plastic) production machines (manufacture) 28990 29560 Foundry moulds forming machinery (manufacture) 24100 27100 Foundry pig iron (manufacture) 20590 24660 Foundry preparation (manufacture) 32990 36631 Fountain pen (manufacture) 02400 02020 Forest pest control 45111 50101 Four wheel drive vehicles with a weight not exceeding 3.5 tonnes (new) (retail) 45111 50101 Four wheel drive vehicles with a weight not exceeding 3.5 tonnes (new) (wholesale) 45112 50102 Four wheel drive vehicles with a weight not exceeding 3.5 tonnes (used) (retail) 45112 50102 Four wheel drive vehicles with a weight not exceeding 3.5 tonnes (used) (wholesale) 02100 02010 Forest tree nursery operation 02400 02020 Forestry fire protection 02400 02020 Forestry inventories 43120 45110 32990 36631 Fountain pen nib (manufacture) 46499 51479 Fountain pens, Indian ink drawing pens, stylograph pens and other pens (wholesale) Forestry land drainage 77310 71310 Forestry machinery and equipment rental and leasing (without operator) 53 F Alphabetical Index F Indexes to the UK Standard Industrial Classification of Economic Activities 2007 – UK SIC(2007) SIC 2007 SIC 2003 Activity SIC 2007 28950 09100 28490 30910 30910 30920 30920 16290 31090 29550 11200 29430 35410 35410 35420 35420 20510 36140 22230 74909 28230 94990 90030 30920 68209 94990 08110 28250 25239 74879 30010 91330 92400 35420 70209 91330 14110 29230 Fourdrinier (manufacture) Fracture/stimulation services Frame and carcass cramps (manufacture) Frame for motor tricycle (manufacture) Frame for motorcycle (manufacture) Frame for pedal cycle (manufacture) Frame for pedal tricycle (manufacture) Frames for artists canvases (manufacture) Frames for mattress support made of wood (manufacture) Frames made of plastic (manufacture) Franchisers Franking machine (manufacture) Fraternities Freelance journalist Free wheel for pedal cycle (manufacture) Freeholder of leasehold property Freemasons Freestone mine or quarry Freezing industrial equipment, including assemblies of components (manufacture) Freight air transport (non‑scheduled) Freight air transport (scheduled) Freight air transport equipment operational leasing (without operator) Freight aircraft rental services with crew (non‑scheduled) Freight broker Freight container hire Freight contractor Freight ferry (domestic or coastal) Freight ferry (river or estuary) Freight ferry (sea going) Freight ferry transport (inland waterway service) Freight forwarding Freight land transport equipment rental (without driver) Freight shipping service (except for inland waterway service) Freight shipping service (sea and coastal) Freight transport by animal‑drawn vehicles Freight transport by inter‑urban railways Freight transport by man‑drawn vehicles Freight transport on mainline rail networks Freight transport operation by road Freight vessel rental with crew (inland waterway service) Freight water transport equipment leasing (without operator) French chalk production French polish (manufacture) French polishing (manufacture) Frequency converter (not power) (manufacture) Frequency meter (electronic) (manufacture) Frequency meter (non‑electronic) (manufacture) Fresh fruit (wholesale) Fresh pastry (manufacture) Freshwater aquatic animal taking Freshwater crustacean and mollusc taking Freshwater crustaceans, bivalves, other molluscs and other aquatic animals, culture of 03120 05010 Freshwater fishing 03120 05010 Freshwater materials gathering 23990 26829 Friction material and unmounted articles thereof, with a mineral or cellulose base (manufacture) 23990 26829 Friction material made of non‑metallic mineral (manufacture) 56103 55303 Fried fish shop 65110 66011 Friendly society (not collecting society) 13200 17220 Frieze cloth (manufacture) 13960 17542 Frilling (manufacture) 13960 17542 Fringe (textile material) (manufacture) 03220 05020 Frog farming 46630 51820 Front‑end shovel loaders (wholesale) 52102 63121 Frozen and refrigerated goods storage services, for air transport activities 52103 63121 Frozen and refrigerated goods storage services, for land transport activities 52101 63121 Frozen and refrigerated goods storage services, for water transport activities 47110 52113 Frozen food store (retail) 10850 15139 Frozen meals based on meat (manufacture) 10320 15320 Fruit and vegetable concentrates (manufacture) 46310 51310 Fruit and vegetable exporter (wholesale) 46310 51310 Fruit and vegetable importer (wholesale) 46341 51341 Fruit and vegetable juices (wholesale) 46341 51341 Fruit and vegetable juices exporter (wholesale) 46341 51341 Fruit and vegetable juices importer (wholesale) 46310 51310 Fruit and vegetable market porterage (wholesale) 46170 51170 Fruit and vegetables (commission agent) 46310 51380 Fruit and vegetables (processed) (wholesale) 46310 51310 Fruit and vegetables (unprocessed) (wholesale) 01130 01120 Fruit bearing vegetables growing 16290 20510 Fruit bowls made of wood (manufacture) 10710 15810 Fruit cake baking (manufacture) 28302 29320 Fruit cleaning, sorting or grading machines (manufacture) 11070 15980 Fruit cordial (manufacture) 11070 15980 Fruit drinks (non‑alcoholic) (manufacture) 20200 24200 Fruit dropping compound (manufacture) 10390 15330 Fruit freezing (manufacture) 10390 15330 Fruit jelly (preserve) (manufacture) 10320 15320 Fruit juice (manufacture) 28930 29530 Fruit juice preparation machinery (manufacture) 10710 15810 Fruit loaf baking (manufacture) 10390 15330 Fruit or vegetable food products (manufacture) 01630 01410 Fruit packing, for primary market 10822 15842 Fruit peel preserving in sugar (manufacture) 10390 15330 Fruit pickling (manufacture) 10710 15810 Fruit pie making (manufacture) 10390 15330 Fruit preserving (manufacture) 10822 15842 Fruit preserving in sugar (manufacture) 10390 15330 Fruit processing and preserving (except in sugar) (manufacture) 51210 62209 51210 62109 77352 71239 51210 62209 52290 77120 52290 50200 50400 50200 50400 52290 77390 63400 71219 63400 61102 61209 61102 61209 63400 71219 50200 61102 50200 49410 49200 49410 49200 49410 50400 61102 60249 60109 60249 60109 60249 61209 77342 71229 08990 20301 31090 27110 26511 26513 46310 10710 03120 03120 03220 54 14500 24301 36140 31100 33201 33202 51310 15810 05010 05010 05020 SIC 2003 Activity 28930 29530 Fruit processing machines and equipment (manufacture) 10390 15330 Fruit pulp (manufacture) 46310 51310 Fruit salesman (wholesale) 01250 01120 Fruit seed growing 20200 24200 Fruit setting compound (manufacture) 47210 52210 Fruit shop (retail) Indexes to the UK Standard Industrial Classification of Economic Activities 2007 – UK SIC(2007) Alphabetical Index SIC 2007 SIC 2003 Activity SIC 2007 SIC 2003 Activity 11070 47810 11070 01610 15980 52620 15980 01410 Fruit squash (manufacture) Fruit stall keeper (retail) Fruit syrup (manufacture) Fruit tree and vine trimming, on a fee or contract basis Fruit waxing Fruit wines other than cider and perry (manufacture) Fruit, nuts or vegetables preserved by immersing in oil (manufacture) Fruit, nuts or vegetables preserved by immersing in vinegar (manufacture) Fruiterer (retail) Fruiterer (wholesale) Frying pans (electric) (manufacture) Frying pans (non‑electric) (manufacture) Fuel (commission agent) Fuel additive (manufacture) Fuel bunkers leasing Fuel bunkers made of metal exceeding 300 litres (manufacture) Fuel burner (other than oil or gas) (manufacture) Fuel elements for nuclear reactors production (manufacture) Fuel for motor vehicles and motorcycles Fuel heavy fuel oil (manufacture) Fuel injection equipment for industrial engines (manufacture) Fuel oil (manufacture) Fuel oil bulk distribution (wholesale) Fuel oil for household use (retail) Fuel pump for industrial engine (manufacture) Fuel pump for internal combustion piston engine, for aircraft (manufacture) Fuel services administration and regulation (public sector) Fuel tank for motor vehicle (manufacture) Fuel tanks for aircraft (manufacture) Fuel wood (retail) Fuel wood production Fuels (other than petroleum) (wholesale) Fuels exporter (other than petroleum) (wholesale) Fuels importer (other than petroleum) (wholesale) Fuller’s earth pit Fulling mill (manufacture) Fulminates, cyanates and thiocyanates (wholesale) Fume cupboards (manufacture) Fumigating block (manufacture) Fumigation services Fun fair Function room (licensed) Fund management activities 96030 23700 32401 32401 20200 46120 93030 26700 36501 36501 24200 51120 Funeral furnishing Funerary stonework (manufacture) Funfair articles (manufacture) Funfair games (manufacture) Fungicide (manufacture) Fungicides, rodenticides and similar products (commission agent) Fungicides, rodenticides and similar products (wholesale) Funicular railway Funnels made of plastic (manufacture) Fur animal raising Fur articles (wholesale) Fur broker (commission agent) Fur clothing for adults (wholesale) Fur dressing (manufacture) Fur dressing and dyeing (manufacture) Fur farming Fur merchant (wholesale) Fur skin assemblies including dropped fur skins, plates, mats and strips (manufacture) Fur skin production from ranching operation Furnace (electric) (manufacture) Furnace block and pot (manufacture) Furnace burners, mechanical stokers and grates and mechanical ash dischargers (wholesale) Furnace cleaning Furnace for strip processing line (manufacture) Furnace, furnace burner and industrial oven parts (manufacture) Furnaces and furnace burners (manufacture) Furnaces, ovens, incinerators, for industrial or laboratory use (excluding bakery ovens) (wholesale) Furnishing articles (made‑up) (manufacture) Furnishing contractor (wholesale) Furnishing fabric (woven (not wool or worsted)) (manufacture) Furnishing fabric worsted weaving (manufacture) Furnishing fabrics woollen weaving (manufacture) Furnishing lace (manufacture) Furniture (commission agent) Furniture (wholesale) Furniture components made of wood (manufacture) Furniture covers (manufacture) Furniture designing Furniture exporter (wholesale) 01630 01410 11030 15949 10390 15330 10390 15330 47210 46310 27510 25990 46120 20590 77390 25290 52210 51310 29710 28750 51120 24660 71340 28210 28210 29210 20130 23300 47300 50500 19201 23201 28131 29121 19201 46711 47789 28131 28131 23201 51511 52489 29121 29121 84130 75130 29320 30300 47789 02100 46719 46719 46719 08120 13300 46750 31090 20200 81291 93210 56101 66300 34300 35300 52489 02010 51519 51519 51519 14220 17300 51550 36140 24200 74703 92330 55301 67121 84110 75110 Fundamental research administration (public sector) 46750 51550 49319 22290 01490 46420 46160 46420 15110 15110 01490 46420 14200 60219 25240 01250 51429 51160 51421 18300 18300 01250 51421 18300 01490 28210 23200 46690 01250 29210 26260 51870 81223 74705 28210 29210 28210 29210 28210 29210 46690 51870 13921 17401 46470 51471 13200 17210 13200 13200 13990 46150 46470 31090 13921 74100 46470 17230 17220 17541 51150 51471 36140 17401 74872 51471 31090 36140 Furniture finishing (except chairs and seats) (manufacture) 25720 28630 Furniture fittings made of metal (manufacture) 22290 25240 Furniture fittings made of plastic (manufacture) 31090 36140 Furniture for bedrooms (other than mattresses and mattress supports) (manufacture) 84300 75300 Funding and administration of government provided retirement pensions 31010 36120 Furniture for churches (manufacture) 84300 75300 Funding and administration of government provided sickness, work‑accident and unemployment insurance 31010 36120 Furniture for drawing offices (manufacture) 31010 36120 Furniture for cinemas (manufacture) 31090 36140 Furniture for gardens (manufacture) 82990 74879 Fundraising organisation services on a contract or fee basis 31020 36130 Furniture for kitchens (manufacture) 96030 93030 Funeral and related activities 31010 36120 Furniture for libraries (manufacture) 96030 93030 Funeral direction 31090 36140 Furniture for living rooms (manufacture) 31010 36120 Furniture for laboratories (manufacture) 55 F Alphabetical Index SIC 2007 G SIC 2003 Indexes to the UK Standard Industrial Classification of Economic Activities 2007 – UK SIC(2007) Activity SIC 2007 SIC 2003 Activity 46720 25610 26513 92000 47220 46320 10120 51520 28510 33202 92710 52220 51320 15120 01490 01700 32409 47650 46499 47650 32401 01250 01500 36509 52485 51477 52485 36501 32401 92000 92000 77390 21200 46730 08990 52219 68209 16230 45112 46690 23650 36501 92710 92710 71340 24421 51530 14500 63210 70209 20300 50102 51870 26650 38110 13940 47760 31090 25730 25120 16230 22190 31090 47760 25730 77299 25730 94990 47520 46610 81300 90020 17520 52489 36110 28620 28120 20300 25130 36110 52489 28620 71401 28620 91330 52460 51880 01410 66110 67110 Futures commodity contracts exchanges administration 01130 14200 23910 28940 14190 01120 18300 26810 29540 18249 Galvanised sheets (wholesale) Galvanising (manufacture) Galvanometer (manufacture) Gambling activities Game (retail) Game (wholesale) Game bird (fresh, chilled or frozen) dressing or preparation (manufacture) Game bird farming Game propagation Games and toys (manufacture) Games and toys (retail) Games and toys (wholesale) Games apparatus (retail) Games for professional and arcade use (manufacture) Gaming (automatic slot) machines (manufacture) Gaming board for Great Britain Gaming club Gaming machine hire Gammaglobulin (manufacture) Ganister (wholesale) Ganister extraction Garage (parking) Garage letting (lock up) Garage made of wood (manufacture) Garage selling used motor vehicles (retail) Garage tools (wholesale) Garages made of asbestos cement and concrete (manufacture) Garbage collection Garden and horticultural net (manufacture) Garden centre (retail) Garden chairs (manufacture) Garden fork (manufacture) Garden frames made of metal (manufacture) Garden frames made of wood (manufacture) Garden hose made of rubber (manufacture) Garden seating (manufacture) Garden seeds and plants (retail) Garden shears (manufacture) Garden tool hire Garden trowel (manufacture) Gardening clubs Gardening tools (retail) Gardening tools (wholesale) Gardens and sport installations, planting and maintenance on a fee or contract basis Garlic growing Garments made of rabbit fur (manufacture) Garnet abrasives (manufacture) Garnetters (manufacture) Garter (manufacture) 13200 17210 Gabardine (cotton) weaving (manufacture) 47789 52489 Gas (bottled) (retail) 15200 19300 Gaiters made of leather (manufacture) 35230 40220 Gas agents (mains gas) 10130 15139 47599 52440 Gas appliances (retail) 32500 33100 Furniture for medical, surgical, dental or veterinary use (manufacture) 31010 36120 Furniture for museums (manufacture) 31090 36140 Furniture for nurseries (manufacture) 31010 36120 Furniture for offices (manufacture) 46650 51850 Furniture for offices (wholesale) 31010 36120 Furniture for public houses (manufacture) 31010 36120 Furniture for restaurants (manufacture) 31010 36120 Furniture for schools (manufacture) 46650 51850 Furniture for schools (wholesale) 31010 36120 Furniture for ships (manufacture) 31010 36120 Furniture for shops (manufacture) 31010 36120 Furniture for workrooms (manufacture) 46470 51471 Furniture importer (wholesale) 31090 36140 Furniture kit (manufacture) 31090 36140 Furniture made of bamboo (other than seating) (manufacture) 23690 26660 Furniture made of concrete, plaster, cement or artificial stone (manufacture) 23650 26650 Furniture made of fibre‑cement (manufacture) 31090 36140 Furniture parts made of wood (manufacture) 20412 24512 Furniture polish (manufacture) 49420 60241 Furniture removal 77299 71409 Furniture rental and leasing 52102 63129 Furniture repository for air transport activities 52103 63129 Furniture repository for land transport activities 52101 63129 Furniture repository for water transport activities 14200 18300 Furrier (manufacture) 47710 52421 Furrier (retail) 46420 51421 Furrier (wholesale) 46160 51160 Furs (commission agent) 14200 18300 Furskin articles (manufacture) 14200 18300 Furskin assemblies (manufacture) 14200 18300 Furskin pouffes, unstuffed (manufacture) 01700 01500 Furskin production (from hunting) 46240 51241 Furskins (wholesale) 46240 51241 Furskins exporter (wholesale) 46240 51241 Furskins importer (wholesale) 02100 02010 Furze collecting, cutting or gathering 27120 31200 Fuse and fusegear (power) (manufacture) 20510 24610 Fuse for explosives (manufacture) 25400 29600 Fuse for shells and bombs (manufacture) 24440 27440 Fuse wire (manufacture) 27120 31200 Fusebox for domestic use (manufacture) 20590 24660 Fusel oil (manufacture) 30300 35300 Fuselage for aircraft (manufacture) 27120 31200 Fuses for domestic use (manufacture) 46690 51870 Fuses, relays and apparatus for protecting electrical circuits (wholesale) 28940 29540 Fusing presses (manufacture) 13200 17210 Fustian weaving (manufacture) Galantines (manufacture) 13960 17542 Galloon ribbon (manufacture) 46719 51519 15200 19300 Galoshes made of rubber (manufacture) 35230 40220 Gas brokers (mains gas) 24100 27100 Galvanised sheet steel (manufacture) 28210 29210 Gas burner (manufacture) 56 Gas bottling and distribution (wholesale) Indexes to the UK Standard Industrial Classification of Economic Activities 2007 – UK SIC(2007) Alphabetical Index SIC 2007 SIC 2003 Activity SIC 2007 SIC 2003 Activity 26513 28250 28131 28132 28140 06200 27400 06200 09100 28290 25400 27400 27510 52219 52220 23200 13960 33202 29230 29121 29122 29130 11100 31500 11100 11200 29240 29600 31500 29710 11100 11100 26260 17549 30910 28150 30920 28410 35410 29140 35420 29420 28131 28150 28150 28150 46690 29121 29140 29140 29140 51870 32990 26511 26513 15120 42210 19201 46719 28290 24200 35210 23200 49500 28110 33100 33201 33202 19200 45213 23201 51519 29240 27220 40210 26260 60300 29110 01470 20590 20590 20510 08990 96090 96090 81210 94120 46900 25620 86101 86101 33120 01240 24620 24620 24610 14500 93059 93059 74701 91120 51900 28520 85111 85111 28520 86210 86101 94120 86210 86101 52102 85120 85111 91120 85120 85112 63129 28110 28110 35210 82990 46719 46711 28290 46690 23990 46711 27400 19201 13300 16230 28140 25120 26301 28990 26511 26513 23190 32990 32500 13200 28150 29320 29110 29110 40210 74879 51519 51511 29240 51870 26821 51511 31500 23201 17300 20300 29130 28120 32201 29560 33201 33202 26150 18249 24422 17210 29140 34300 Gas chromatograph (manufacture) Gas cleansing plant (manufacture) Gas combustion pumps (manufacture) Gas compressor (manufacture) Gas cylinder outlet valves (manufacture) Gas desulphurisation Gas discharge lamp (manufacture) Gas extraction (natural gas) Gas extraction service activities Gas generators (manufacture) Gas guns (manufacture) Gas lanterns (manufacture) Gas lighter (electric) (manufacture) Gas liquefaction for land transportation purposes Gas liquefaction for water transportation purposes Gas mantle ring and rod (manufacture) Gas mantles and tubular gas mantle fabric (manufacture) Gas masks (manufacture) Gas meter (electronic) (manufacture) Gas meter (non‑electronic) (manufacture) Gas meter diaphragm made of leather (manufacture) Gas offshore pipeline laying Gas oil (manufacture) Gas oil (wholesale) Gas or water generator parts (manufacture) Gas pipes made of steel (manufacture) Gas production for the purpose of gas supply Gas retort and kiln lining (manufacture) Gas transport via pipelines Gas turbine (excluding turbo‑jets and turbo‑propellers) parts (manufacture) Gas turbine (industrial engine) (manufacture) Gas turbine for marine use (manufacture) Gas works Gas, water and electricity meter reading Gaseous fuels (other than petroleum) (wholesale) Gaseous petroleum fuels (wholesale) Gasket (manufacture) Gaskets (excluding motor vehicle) (wholesale) Gaskets made of asbestos (manufacture) Gasoline (wholesale) Gasoline lanterns (manufacture) Gasoline motor fuel (manufacture) Gassing yarn (manufacture) Gate made of wood (manufacture) Gate valves (manufacture) Gates made of metal (manufacture) Gateways for telecommunications (manufacture) Gathering machine (paper working) (manufacture) Gauge (electronic) (manufacture) Gauge (non‑electronic) (manufacture) Gauge glass (manufacture) Gauntlet (protective) (manufacture) Gauze (surgical) (manufacture) Gauze weaving (manufacture) Gear box (not for motor vehicle) (manufacture) Gear box for motor vehicle (manual or automatic) (manufacture) Gear box for motorcycle (manufacture) Gear cutting (not for motor vehicle) (manufacture) Gear for pedal cycle (manufacture) Gear making or finishing machines (metal cutting) (manufacture) Gear pumps (manufacture) Geared motor unit (manufacture) Gearing (manufacture) Gears (manufacture) Gears, gearing, ball screws, gear boxes, other speed changers (excluding motor vehicles) (wholesale) Geese farming Gelatine (manufacture) Gelatine derivatives (manufacture) Gelignite (manufacture) Gem stones mining and quarrying Genealogical organisation services Genealogist General cleaning of houses or apartments General Council of the Bar General dealer (wholesale) General engineering (manufacture) General hospital (public sector) General hospital psychiatric unit (public sector) General mechanical maintenance and repair of machinery (manufacture) General medical consultant (private practice) General medical consultant (public sector) General Medical Council General medical practitioner General medicine consultant (private sector) General merchandise warehouses for air transport activities General Nursing Council General personnel administration and operational services (public sector) General printing (manufacture) General public administration activities General store with predominant sale of food beverages or tobacco products (licensed) (retail) General store with predominant sale of food beverages or tobacco products (unlicensed) (retail) General stores in which the sale of food beverages or tobacco products is not predominant (retail) General‑purpose machinery parts (manufacture) Generating sets (wholesale) Generating station Generator engine (manufacture) Generator set (manufacture) Generators (dynamos and alternators) (manufacture) Genito‑urinary specialist (private practice) Genito‑urinary specialist (public sector) Geodetic surveying activities Geographical publishing Geological and prospecting activities Geological surveying for petroleum or natural gas (not geological consultancy) Geological test drilling, test boring and core sampling Geologist (consultant) Geophysical consultancy activities (engineering related) 94120 91120 84110 75140 18129 22220 84110 75110 47110 52112 47110 52113 47190 52120 28290 46690 35110 28110 27110 29310 86220 86101 71122 58110 71122 71122 29240 51870 40110 29110 31100 31610 85120 85111 74206 22110 74206 74206 43130 45120 71122 74206 71122 74206 57 G Alphabetical Index SIC 2007 SIC 2003 26511 33201 Geophysical instruments and appliances (electronic) (manufacture) 33202 Geophysical instruments and appliances (non‑electronic) (manufacture) 45120 Geophysical test drilling, test boring and core sampling 74206 Geophysical, geologic and seismic surveying 74204 Geotechnical engineering consultancy activities 85112 Geriatric hospital (private sector) 85111 Geriatric hospital (public sector) 85111 Geriatrician (public sector) 27450 Germanium (manufacture) 31200 GFCI (ground fault circuit interrupters) (manufacture) 01120 Gherkin growing 15330 Gherkin pickling (manufacture) 52489 Gift shop (retail) 22230 Gilding (printing service) (manufacture) 28510 Gilding of metals (manufacture) 19100 Gill leather (manufacture) 36610 Gilt (manufacture) 17542 Gimp (manufacture) 15910 Gin (manufacture) 15420 Gingelly oil refining (manufacture) 15410 Gingelly seed crushing (manufacture) 15980 Ginger beer (manufacture) 01139 Ginger growing 17210 Gingham weaving (manufacture) 91330 Girl Guides Association 91330 Girls’ Brigade 91330 Girls’ Friendly Society 19100 Glace kid (manufacture) 24410 Gland extracts (manufacture) 24410 Gland processing (manufacture) 51180 Glands and other organs, extracts thereof and other human or animal substances (commission agent) 51460 Glands, other organs and their extracts and other human or animal substances n.e.c. (wholesale) 52460 Glass (retail) 26150 Glass ball (manufacture) 26150 Glass ball, bar, rod and tube for processing (manufacture) 28620 Glass cutter (manufacture) 29430 Glass cutting (shaping) machines for faceting or for cut‑glass articles (cold glass) (manufacture) 29430 Glass cutting machines of the wheel or diamond type (cold glass) (manufacture) 29430 Glass engraving machines of the grinding wheel or diamond type (manufacture) 33100 Glass eyes (manufacture) 26140 Glass fibre spinning and doubling (manufacture) 17250 Glass fibre woven fabric (manufacture) 26140 Glass fibres (manufacture) 26150 Glass in the mass (manufacture) 26130 Glass inners for vacuum flasks and other vacuum vessels (manufacture) 26120 Glass mirrors (manufacture) 26120 Glass mirrors for motor vehicles (not further assembled) (manufacture) 26810 Glass paper (manufacture) 24512 Glass polish (manufacture) 29430 Glass polishing machines (manufacture) 26513 43130 G Indexes to the UK Standard Industrial Classification of Economic Activities 2007 – UK SIC(2007) 71122 71129 86101 86101 86101 24450 27330 01130 10390 47789 18140 25610 15110 32130 13960 11010 10410 10410 11070 01280 13200 94990 94990 94990 15110 21100 21100 46180 46460 47520 23190 23190 25730 28490 28490 28490 32500 23140 13200 23140 23190 23130 23120 23120 23910 20412 28490 58 Activity SIC 2007 SIC 2003 Activity 20301 77299 23120 46770 23140 28990 24301 71409 26120 51570 26140 29560 Glass powder (manufacture) Glass rental and leasing Glass shaping and processing (manufacture) Glass waste (wholesale) Glass wool (manufacture) Glass, glassware and glass fibre or yarn production machinery (manufacture) Glasshouses with metal frame (manufacture) Glassine paper (manufacture) Glassware (hygienic and pharmaceutical) (manufacture) Glassware (retail) Glassware (wholesale) Glassware for domestic use (manufacture) Glassware for laboratory, hygienic or pharmaceutical use (manufacture) Glassware for technical use (manufacture) Glassware used in imitation jewellery (manufacture) Glazed fireplace brick (manufacture) Glazed rice (manufacture) Glazed tile (manufacture) Glazed tiles for fireplaces (manufacture) Glazes and engobes and similar preparations (manufacture) Glazing Glazing bars (manufacture) Glazing contractor Glider (manufacture) Glider club Gliders and hang‑gliders (wholesale) Globe valves (manufacture) Globes (manufacture) Globes made of glass (manufacture) Glove cleaning Glove leather preparation (manufacture) Gloves (other than knitted) (manufacture) Gloves (wholesale) Gloves and gauntlets of unstitched rubber (manufacture) Gloves for children (manufacture) Gloves made of cloth (manufacture) Gloves made of fur (manufacture) Gloves made of fur or leather (retail) Gloves made of fur or leather (wholesale) Gloves made of leather (not sports) (manufacture) Gloves made of textiles for household use (manufacture) Gloves made of unstitched plastic (manufacture) Gloves, children’s, other than of fur or leather (retail) Gloves, men’s, other than of fur or leather (retail) Gloves, women’s, other than of fur or leather (retail) Glow plugs (manufacture) Glucose (manufacture) Glucose syrup (manufacture) Glue (manufacture) Glue laminated wood (manufacture) Glueing of books, brochures, etc. (manufacture) Glue‑laminated and metal connected prefabricated wooden roof trusses (manufacture) Glues (commission agent) 25110 28110 17120 21120 23190 26150 47599 46440 23130 23190 52440 51440 26130 26150 23190 23190 23310 10612 23310 23310 20301 26150 26150 26300 15612 26300 26300 24301 43342 25120 43342 30300 93120 46499 28140 32990 23190 96010 15110 14190 46420 22190 45440 28120 45440 35300 92629 51479 29130 22110 26150 93010 19100 18249 51429 25130 14190 14190 14190 47710 46420 14190 14190 18249 18249 18249 52421 51421 18249 18249 22290 47710 47710 47710 29310 10620 10620 20520 16210 18140 16230 25240 52422 52424 52423 31610 15620 15620 24620 20200 22230 20300 46120 51120 Indexes to the UK Standard Industrial Classification of Economic Activities 2007 – UK SIC(2007) SIC 2007 SIC 2003 Activity SIC 2007 28990 28490 10620 10860 46120 20411 46460 29560 29430 15620 15880 51120 24511 51460 Gluing machinery for bookbinders, etc. (manufacture) Gluing machines (manufacture) Gluten (manufacture) Gluten‑free foods (manufacture) Glycerol (commission agent) Glycerol (manufacture) Glycoside, vegetable alkaloids and their salts, ethers, esters and other derivatives (wholesale) Glycosides and their salts, ethers, esters and other derivatives (manufacture) Glycosides, vegetable alkaloids, their salts, ethers, esters and other derivatives (commission agent) Goat farming Goat milk (raw) production Goat raising and breeding Goggles (manufacture) Gold (manufacture) Gold and other precious metals (wholesale) Gold and silver braid (manufacture) Gold and silver bullion (manufacture) Gold and silver embroidery (manufacture) Gold and silver mounting (manufacture) Gold blocking (manufacture) Gold laceman (manufacture) Gold leaf (manufacture) Gold mining and preparation Gold rolled onto base metals or silver production (manufacture) Gold stamping (manufacture) Goldbeaters’ skin or bung (manufacture) Goldsmiths’ articles (manufacture) Goldsmiths’ articles of base metals clad with precious metals (manufacture) Goldsmiths’ articles of precious metals (manufacture) Golf ball (finished) (manufacture) Golf ball core (manufacture) Golf carts (manufacture) Golf club Golf club (manufacture) Golf course construction Golf courses Golf links Goliath type crane (manufacture) Goods agent (not transport authority) Goods handling operations Goods handling station operation Goods n.e.c. exporter (wholesale) Goods n.e.c. importer (wholesale) Goods van for railways (manufacture) Goods vending machines (manufacture) Goods wagon for railways (manufacture) 72190 73100 Government research establishment (other than biotechnological) 85320 80220 Government training centre 14132 18222 Gowns (manufacture) 14120 18210 Gowns for academic, legal or ecclesiastical use (manufacture) 26513 33202 GPS devices (non‑electronic) (manufacture) 28922 29522 Grab (manufacture) 28922 29522 Grader (manufacture) 46630 51820 Graders and levellers (wholesale) 85421 80302 Graduate school for business studies 23190 26150 Graduated glassware (manufacture) 46210 51210 Grain (wholesale) 28302 29320 Grain auger (manufacture) 46110 51110 Grain broker (commission agent) 28930 29530 Grain brushing machines (manufacture) 28302 29320 Grain cleaning, sorting and grading machines (manufacture) 28302 29320 Grain drier (manufacture) 01630 01410 Grain drying 01110 01110 Grain maize growing 10611 15611 Grain milling (manufacture) 28930 29530 Grain milling industry machinery (manufacture) 24100 27100 Grain oriented electrical sheet steel (manufacture) 28930 29530 Grain processing machinery and plant (manufacture) 52102 63123 Grain silos operation for air transport activities 52103 63123 Grain silos operation for land transport activities 52101 63123 Grain silos operation for water transport activities 52102 63123 Grain warehouse for air transport activities 52103 63123 Grain warehouse for land transport activities 52101 63123 Grain warehouse for water transport activities 46210 51210 Grain, seeds and animal feeds exporter (wholesale) 46210 51210 Grain, seeds and animal feeds importer (wholesale) 85310 80210 Grammar schools 26400 32300 Gramophone (manufacture) 26400 32300 Gramophone accessory (manufacture) 26400 32300 Gramophone cabinet (manufacture) 59200 22140 Gramophone record publishing 18201 22310 Gramophone record reproduction from master copies (manufacture) 18201 22310 Gramophone records (except master copies) including blanks for cutting) (manufacture) 47630 52450 Gramophone records (retail) 46431 51431 Gramophone records (wholesale) 46431 51431 Gramophone records, recorded tapes, CDs etc. and equipment for playing them, exporter (wholesale) 46431 51431 Gramophone records, recorded tapes, CDs etc. and equipment for playing them, importer (wholesale) 52102 63123 Granary for air transport activities 52103 63123 Granary for land transport activities 52101 63123 Granary for water transport activities 46730 51530 Granite (wholesale) 08110 14110 Granite quarrying (rough trimming and sawing) 21100 24410 46180 51180 01450 01450 01450 32500 24410 46720 32120 24410 32120 32120 18140 32120 32120 07290 24410 01220 01220 01220 33401 27410 51520 36220 27410 36220 36220 22230 36220 36220 13200 27410 18140 15110 32120 32120 22230 19100 36220 36220 32120 32300 22190 29100 93120 32300 42990 93110 93110 28220 52290 52290 52219 46900 46900 30200 28290 30200 36220 36400 25130 34100 92629 36400 45230 92619 92619 29220 63400 63400 63210 51900 51900 35200 29240 35200 10120 15120 Goose (fresh, chilled or frozen) slaughter and dressing (manufacture) 01470 01240 Goose raising and breeding 01250 01139 Gooseberry growing 25730 28620 Gouge (wood frame) (manufacture) 42990 45213 Government department (building and civil engineering works division) 91012 75140 Government records and archives maintenance and storage (public sector) SIC 2003 Alphabetical Index Activity 23700 26700 Granite working (manufacture) 94990 91330 Grant giving activities by membership organisations or others 94990 91330 Grant making foundations 28990 29560 Granulator for the chemical industry (manufacture) 01210 01131 Grape production 01230 01139 Grapefruit growing 59 G Alphabetical Index SIC 2007 G SIC 2003 Indexes to the UK Standard Industrial Classification of Economic Activities 2007 – UK SIC(2007) Activity 74100 74872 Graphic designer 26200 30020 Graphics tablets and other input devices (manufacture) 23990 26829 Graphite (manufacture) 08990 14500 Graphite (natural) mining 28990 29560 Graphite electrodes production machinery (manufacture) 23990 26829 Graphite products (other than block and crucible) (manufacture) 96090 93059 Graphologist 25990 28750 Grapnel (manufacture) 28210 29210 Grates (mechanical) (manufacture) 27520 29720 Grates for domestic use (non‑electric) (manufacture) 32500 33401 Grating (mounted, (not photographic)) (manufacture) 32500 33401 Grating (unmounted, optical) (manufacture) 46730 51530 Gravel (wholesale) 08120 14210 Gravel and sand breaking and crushing 09900 14210 Gravel and sand pit support services provided on a fee or contract basis 09100 11200 Gravel packing services 08120 14210 Gravel pit or quarry 24540 27540 Gravity casting of non‑ferrous base metal (manufacture) 20302 24302 Gravure ink (manufacture) 28990 29560 Gravure printing machine (manufacture) 18121 21251 Gravure printing on labels or tags (manufacture) 10840 15870 Gravy (manufacture) 01629 01429 Grazing 19209 23209 Grease formulation outside refineries (manufacture) 17120 21120 Greaseproof paper (manufacture) 19201 23201 Greases (at refinery) (manufacture) 46719 51519 Greases (wholesale) 47210 52210 Greengrocer (retail) 16230 20300 Greenhouse made of wood (manufacture) 18129 22220 Greeting card printing (manufacture) 46499 51479 Greeting cards (wholesale) 58190 22150 Greeting cards publishing 47620 52470 Greetings cards (retail) 25400 29600 Grenade (manufacture) 17120 21120 Grey board (manufacture) 93110 92619 Greyhound racing stadium 93110 92619 Greyhound track 93199 92629 Greyhound training 16290 20510 Grids made of wood (manufacture) 25120 28120 Grilles made of metal (not cast) (manufacture) 27510 29710 Grills (electric) (manufacture) 25930 28730 Grills made of wire (manufacture) 27510 29710 Grinders (electric) (manufacture) 25610 28510 Grinding (metal finishing) (manufacture) 28923 29523 Grinding and other mineral processing machinery (manufacture) 28410 29420 Grinding machines (metal cutting) (manufacture) 28990 29560 Grinding machines for glass (manufacture) 28302 29320 Grinding mill for agricultural use (manufacture) 28930 29530 Grinding mills (manufacture) 23910 26810 Grinding paste (manufacture) SIC 2007 SIC 2003 Activity 28490 29430 Grinding, smoothing, polishing and graining machines for stone, ceramics, asbestos 23910 26810 Grindstones made of bonded abrasives (manufacture) 10611 15611 Grist milling (manufacture) 28290 29240 Grit extraction plant for effluent treatment (manufacture) 28923 29523 Gritting machine (manufacture) 10611 15611 Groats production (manufacture) 47110 52112 Grocer with alcohol licence (retail) 47110 52113 Grocer without alcohol licence (retail) 47810 52620 Grocery stall (retail) 96090 93059 Grooming of pet animals 16100 20100 Grooved wood (manufacture) 10832 15862 Ground coffee (manufacture) 30300 35300 Ground effect vehicles (manufacture) 30300 35300 Ground equipment for spacecraft (excluding electronic or telemetric equipment) (manufacture) 30300 35300 Ground flying trainers (manufacture) 46690 51870 Ground flying trainers (wholesale) 26309 32202 Ground station for relay satellite communication (manufacture) 42110 45230 Ground work contracting 68209 70209 Ground, landlord 10410 15410 Groundnut crushing (manufacture) 01110 01110 Groundnut growing 10410 15420 Groundnut oil refining (manufacture) 22190 25130 Groundsheet made of rubber (manufacture) 93110 92619 Groundsman 22190 25130 Grout packers (manufacture) 43999 45250 Grouting contractor (building) 43999 45250 Grouting contractor (civil engineering) 02300 02010 Growing materials, gathering from the wild 01250 01139 Growing of berries 01230 01139 Growing of citrus fruits 02100 01120 Growing of forest tree seeds 01260 01110 Growing of oleaginous fruits other than olives 46750 51550 Guano (wholesale) 08910 14300 Guano mining 80100 74602 Guard activities 55209 55239 Guest house (licensed) 55209 55239 Guest house (unlicensed) 96090 93059 Guide (other than tourist) 25400 29600 Guided weapon airborne delivery system, not intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) (manufacture) 26511 33201 Guided weapon launching gear and launch control post (electronic) (manufacture) 25400 29600 Guided weapon warheads (manufacture) 25400 29600 Guided weapon, except intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) (manufacture) 94110 91110 Guilds and similar organisations 01470 01240 Guinea fowl production 01470 01240 Guinea fowl raising and breeding 32200 36300 Guitar (manufacture) 23610 26610 Gullies made of concrete (manufacture) 20520 24620 Gum (manufacture) 17230 21230 Gummed paper ready for use (manufacture) 28240 29410 Grinding tools (powered portable) (manufacture) 46750 51550 Gums (wholesale) 28490 29430 Grinding wheel cutting and dressing machines (manufacture) 25400 29600 Gun carriage mounting or platform (manufacture) 60 25400 29600 Gun (manufacture) Indexes to the UK Standard Industrial Classification of Economic Activities 2007 – UK SIC(2007) SIC 2007 SIC 2003 Activity 15120 19200 Gun cases made of leather (manufacture) 20510 24610 Guncotton (manufacture) 26511 33201 Gunnery control instrument (electronic) (manufacture) 26513 33202 Gunnery control instrument (non‑electronic) (manufacture) 26701 33402 Gunnery control instrument (optical) (manufacture) 20510 24610 Gunpowder (manufacture) 16290 20510 Gunstock made of wood (manufacture) 32990 36639 Gut for musical instruments and sports goods (manufacture) 32990 36639 Gut scraping and spinning (manufacture) 22190 25130 Gutta percha goods (manufacture) 22230 25239 Gutter and fittings made of plastic (manufacture) 93110 92629 Gymnasium 46499 51479 Gymnasium and athletic articles and equipment (wholesale) 32300 36400 Gymnasium equipment and appliances (manufacture) 85510 92629 Gymnastics instruction 86220 85120 Gynaecologist (private practice) 86101 85111 Gynaecologist (public sector) 08110 14120 Gypsum mine or quarry 23520 26530 Gypsum plaster (manufacture) 23620 26620 Gypsum plaster products (manufacture) 28990 33202 Gyroscope (manufacture) 13960 17542 Haberdashery (narrow fabrics) (manufacture) 47510 52410 Haberdashery (retail) 46410 51410 Haberdashery (wholesale) 25730 28620 Hacksaw blades (manufacture) 07100 13100 Haematite quarry 86101 85111 Haematologist (public sector) 10130 15139 Haggis (manufacture) 10110 15112 Hair (animal by‑product) from knackers (manufacture) 32910 36620 Hair brush (manufacture) 27510 29710 Hair clippers (electric) (manufacture) 25710 28610 Hair clippers (manufacture) 22290 36639 Hair comb made of plastic (manufacture) 22290 36639 Hair curler made of plastic (manufacture) 32910 36620 Hair dressing for brushes (manufacture) 13100 17170 Hair dressing for upholsterers (manufacture) 27510 29710 Hair dryer (electric) (manufacture) 13300 17300 Hair dyeing (textile) (manufacture) 25990 36639 Hair grips and pins made of metal (manufacture) 20420 24520 Hair lacquers (manufacture) 14190 18249 Hair nets (manufacture) 14190 18249 Hair nets made of lace (manufacture) 32990 36639 Hair pad making (manufacture) 22190 36639 Hair pins of hard rubber (manufacture) 32990 36639 Hair preparation for wig making (manufacture) 20420 24520 Hair preparations (manufacture) 22190 36639 Hair rollers and similar of hard rubber (manufacture) 32990 36639 Hair slides (manufacture) 13200 17210 Haircord weaving (manufacture) 46450 51450 Hairdressers’ sundriesman (wholesale) 96020 93020 Hairdressing activities 29320 34300 Half shaft (manufacture) 87900 85311 Halfway group homes for persons with social or personal problems (charitable) SIC 2007 SIC 2003 Alphabetical Index Activity 87900 85312 Halfway group homes for persons with social or personal problems (non‑charitable) 87900 85311 Halfway homes for delinquents and offenders (charitable) 87900 85312 Halfway homes for delinquents and offenders (non‑charitable) 31090 36140 Hall stand (manufacture) 55900 55239 Halls of residence 46120 51120 Halogen or sulphur compounds of non‑metals (commission agent) 46750 51550 Halogen or sulphur compounds of non‑metals (wholesale) 20140 24140 Halogenated derivatives of hydrocarbon (manufacture) 20130 24130 Halogens and halides (inorganic) (manufacture) 10130 15131 Ham boiling (manufacture) 10130 15131 Ham cooking or preparing in bulk (manufacture) 10130 15131 Ham curing (manufacture) 10130 15131 Ham production (manufacture) 10130 15131 Ham smoking (manufacture) 25730 28620 Hammer (manufacture) 28240 29410 Hammer (portable, powered) (manufacture) 25500 28400 Hammer forging of steel (manufacture) 46740 51540 Hammers (wholesale) 13940 17520 Hammocks (manufacture) 93290 92729 Hampton Court Gardens and Park 01490 01250 Hamster raising and breeding 13300 17300 Hand block printing of textiles (manufacture) 77390 71219 Hand cart hire 20420 24520 Hand cream (manufacture) 47510 52410 Hand knitting yarns (retail) 46410 51410 Hand knitting yarns (wholesale) 15120 19200 Hand luggage made of leather (manufacture) 17120 21120 Hand made paper (manufacture) 46410 51410 Hand mending yarns (wholesale) 46690 51870 Hand or foot operated air pumps (wholesale) 28131 29121 Hand or foot operated pumps (manufacture) 32990 36631 Hand printing sets (manufacture) 32990 36639 Hand riddles (manufacture) 32990 36639 Hand sieves (manufacture) 25730 28620 Hand tools (manufacture) 46740 51540 Hand tools (wholesale) 28240 29410 Hand tools with non‑electric motor parts (manufacture) 28240 29410 Hand tools with self contained motor or pneumatic drive (manufacture) 13923 17403 Hand towel (manufacture) 28220 35500 Hand truck made of metal (manufacture) 47722 52432 Handbags (retail) 46499 51479 Handbags (wholesale) 15120 19200 Handbags and the like of composition leather (manufacture) 15120 19200 Handbags made of leather or leather substitutes (manufacture) 30990 35500 Handcarts (manufacture) 26200 30020 Hand‑held computers PDA (manufacture) 16290 20510 Handicraft articles made of wood (manufacture) 47789 52489 Handicrafts shop (retail) 14190 18249 Handkerchief folding (manufacture) 14190 18249 Handkerchief hemming (manufacture) 17220 21220 Handkerchief made of paper (manufacture) 61 H Alphabetical Index SIC 2007 SIC 2003 Activity SIC 2007 14190 30910 30920 16290 18249 35410 35420 20510 Handkerchief made of textile material (manufacture) Handlebar for motorcycle (manufacture) Handlebar for pedal cycle (manufacture) Handles and bodies for brooms made of wood (manufacture) Handles and bodies for brushes made of wood (manufacture) Handles and bodies for tools made of wood (manufacture) Handles for canes, umbrellas and similar (manufacture) Handles for furniture made of plastic (manufacture) Handles made of wood (manufacture) Handling plant (hydraulic and pneumatic) (manufacture) Hand‑operated lifting capstans (manufacture) Hand‑operated lifting hoists (manufacture) Hand‑operated lifting jacks (manufacture) Hand‑operated lifting pulley tackle (manufacture) Hand‑operated lifting winches (manufacture) Handsaw (manufacture) Hand‑woven tapestries (manufacture) Hang glider (manufacture) Hanging or fitting wooden wall coverings Harbour authority Harbour construction Harbour operation Hard coal agglomeration (manufacture) Hard coal mining (opencast) support services, provided on a fee or contract basis Hard coal mining (underground) Hard coal mining (underground) support services, provided on a fee or contract basis Hard coal recovery from tips Hard coke (manufacture) Hard coke breeze (manufacture) Hard disk drives (manufacture) Hard drive media (manufacture) Hard hats and other personal safety equipment of plastics (manufacture) Hard metal tipped tools (manufacture) Hard soap (manufacture) Hardboard (manufacture) Hard‑coal briquettes (manufacture) Hardness testing instrument (non‑electronic) (manufacture) Hardware (commission agent) Hardware (retail) Hardware consultancy Hardware disaster recovery services Hardware equipment and supplies (wholesale) Hardware installation services 32200 36300 Harmoniums with free metal reeds (manufacture) 15120 19200 Harness (manufacture) 15110 19100 Harness and saddlery leather preparation (manufacture) 15120 19200 Harness front and rosette made of leather (manufacture) 32200 36300 Harpsichord (manufacture) 28302 29320 Harrow (manufacture) 28302 29320 Harvesters (manufacture) 46610 51880 Harvesters (wholesale) 28302 29320 Harvesting or threshing machinery harvesters, threshers, sorters (manufacture) 15110 19100 Hat and cap leather preparation (manufacture) 13960 17542 Hat bands (manufacture) 15120 19200 Hat box made of leather or leather substitute (manufacture) 14190 18241 Hat lining (manufacture) 46420 51429 Hat materials (wholesale) 14190 18241 Hat pad (manufacture) 14190 18241 Hat shape (manufacture) 28990 29560 Hatch cover (mechanically operated) (manufacture) 25730 28620 Hatchet (manufacture) 14190 18241 Hats made of cloth (manufacture) 14190 18241 Hats made of felt (manufacture) 14190 18241 Hats made of fur (manufacture) 14190 18241 Hats made of fur fabric (manufacture) 17290 36639 Hats made of paper (manufacture) 14190 18241 Hats made of silk (manufacture) 14190 18241 Hats made of wool (manufacture) 14200 18300 Hatters’ fur (manufacture) 49410 60249 Haulage in tanker trucks by road 49410 60249 Haulage of automobiles by road 49410 60249 Haulage of logs by road 77120 71219 Haulage tractors rental (without driver) 28921 29521 Hauling engine for mining (stationary) (manufacture) 13922 17402 Haversack (manufacture) 46210 51210 Hay (wholesale) 28302 29320 Hay making equipment (manufacture) 77320 71320 Hazard warning lamp hire 38120 90020 Hazardous waste collection (e.g. Batteries, used cooking oils, etc.) 01250 01139 Hazelnut growing 70100 74154 Head office of catering company 70100 74153 Head office of construction company 70100 74155 Head office of motor trades company 70100 74159 Head office of other non‑financial company 70100 74158 Head office of production company 70100 74157 Head office of retail company 70100 74156 Head office of service trades company 70100 74152 Head office of transport company 70100 74151 Head office of wholesale company 32300 36400 Headgear for sports (manufacture) 23990 26821 Headgear made of asbestos (manufacture) 14190 18241 Headgear made of furskins (manufacture) 22290 25240 Headgear made of plastic (manufacture) 28921 29521 Heading machine for mining (manufacture) 26400 32300 Headphones (manufacture) 26400 32300 Headset (not telecommunication type) (manufacture) 14190 18249 Headsquare (manufacture) 28940 29540 Heald (textile machinery accessory) (manufacture) 16290 20510 16290 20510 16290 36639 22290 25240 16290 20510 28220 29220 H Indexes to the UK Standard Industrial Classification of Economic Activities 2007 – UK SIC(2007) 28220 28220 28220 28220 28220 25730 13923 30300 43330 52220 42910 52220 19201 09900 29220 29220 29220 29220 29220 28620 17403 35300 45430 63220 45240 63220 10103 10102 05101 10101 09900 10101 05102 19100 19100 26200 26800 32990 10102 23100 23100 30020 24650 25240 25730 20411 16210 19201 26513 28620 24511 20200 10103 33202 46150 47520 62020 62020 46740 62020 51150 52460 72100 72100 51540 72100 46740 51540 Hardware, plumbing and heating equipment (wholesale) 46740 51540 Hardware, plumbing and heating equipment and supplies exporter (wholesale) 46740 51540 Hardware, plumbing and heating equipment and supplies importer (wholesale) 16220 20300 Hardwood flooring strip (manufacture) 46730 51530 Hardwoods (wholesale) 32200 36300 Harmoniums (manufacture) 62 SIC 2003 Activity Indexes to the UK Standard Industrial Classification of Economic Activities 2007 – UK SIC(2007) SIC 2007 SIC 2003 Activity Alphabetical Index SIC 2007 SIC 2003 Activity 84220 75220 Health activities for military personnel in the field 71122 74206 Health and safety and other hazard protection and control consultancy activities 84120 75120 Health care services administration (public sector) 86900 85140 Health centre 93130 93040 Health clubs 96040 93040 Health farm 47290 52270 Health foods (retail) 65120 66031 Health insurance 86900 85140 Health visitor 26600 33100 Hearing aid (electronic) (manufacture) 47741 52321 Hearing aids (retail) 46460 51460 Hearing aids (wholesale) 30990 35500 Hearses drawn by animals (manufacture) 32910 36620 Hearth brush (manufacture) 23310 26300 Hearth or wall tiles made of non‑refractory ceramic (manufacture) 23310 26300 Hearth tile made of clay (unglazed) (manufacture) 43220 45330 Heat and air‑conditioning installation 27520 29720 Heat emitter (space heating equipment) (non‑electric) (manufacture) 46690 51870 Heat exchange units and machinery for liquefying air and other gases (wholesale) 28250 29230 Heat exchange units for air conditioning (manufacture) 25300 28300 Heat exchanger for process plant (manufacture) 46740 51540 Heat insulated tanks for central heating (wholesale) 23200 26260 Heat insulating ceramic goods made of siliceous fossil meals (manufacture) 23990 26829 Heat insulating materials (other than asbestos) (manufacture) 26511 33201 Heat meters (electronic) (manufacture) 26513 33202 Heat meters (non‑electronic) (manufacture) 23130 26130 Heat resisting glassware for cooking purposes (manufacture) 22290 25240 Heat sensitive adhesive tape made of plastic (manufacture) 28940 29540 Heat setting machinery for textiles (manufacture) 28210 29210 Heat treatment furnace (manufacture) 10390 15330 Heat treatment of fruit and vegetables (manufacture) 10511 15511 Heat treatment of milk (manufacture) 20590 24660 Heat treatment salts (manufacture) 27510 29710 Heater for motor vehicle (manufacture) 02100 02010 Heath collecting, cutting or gathering 27520 29720 Heating and cooking appliances for domestic use (oil fired) (manufacture) 43220 45330 Heating and plumbing contracting 27520 29720 Heating appliances for domestic use (non‑electric) (manufacture) 43220 45330 Heating engineering (buildings) 46740 51540 Heating equipment and supplies (wholesale) 46719 51519 Heating oil (wholesale) 27510 29710 Heating resistors (electric) (manufacture) 43220 45330 Heating service contracting 49410 50200 25930 28230 28240 81300 60249 61102 28730 30010 29410 01410 28302 22190 95230 15200 28131 25930 28490 29320 19300 52740 19300 29121 28740 29430 28131 30300 51210 51102 30300 46690 43999 46210 13100 13100 13940 13100 13100 13200 18140 18140 90030 46170 47210 10831 47210 20200 46750 01130 46310 77390 01629 46330 10410 46380 13200 46410 46120 20140 46750 18129 29121 35300 62209 62201 35300 51870 45250 51210 17170 17170 17520 17170 17170 17250 22230 22230 92319 51170 52210 15861 52210 24200 51550 01120 51310 71340 01429 51333 15420 51380 17250 51410 51120 24140 51550 22220 Heavy haulage by road Heavy lift vessel services Heavy wire (manufacture) Hectograph (manufacture) Hedge trimmers (powered portable) (manufacture) Hedge trimming on a fee or contract basis (except as an agricultural service activity) Hedgecutter for agricultural use (manufacture) Heel and sole made of rubber (manufacture) Heel replacement services (while you wait) Heels made of leather (manufacture) Helical rotor pump (manufacture) Helical springs (manufacture) Helical‑wire cutting machines for stone, ceramics, asbestos‑cement or similar (manufacture) Helicoidal pumps (manufacture) Helicopter (manufacture) Helicopter freight services (non‑scheduled) Helicopter passenger services (non‑scheduled) Helicopter rotors for aircraft (manufacture) Helicopters (wholesale) Helideck erection work Hemp (unprocessed) (wholesale) Hemp carding (manufacture) Hemp dressing (manufacture) Hemp rope, cord or line (manufacture) Hemp sorting (manufacture) Hemp spinning (manufacture) Hemp weaving (manufacture) Heraldic chasing and seal engraving (manufacture) Heraldic engraving (manufacture) Heraldic painting Herb infusions (commission agent) Herb seller (food) (retail) Herb tea (manufacture) Herbalist (food) (retail) Herbicide (manufacture) Herbicides and insecticides (wholesale) Herbs (culinary) growing Herbs (wholesale) Herd leasing Herd testing services Herring oil (wholesale) Herring oil refining (manufacture) Herrings (wholesale) Hessian (manufacture) Hessian (wholesale) Heterocyclic compounds (commission agent) Heterocyclic compounds (manufacture) Heterocyclic compounds (wholesale) Hexachrome printing (manufacture) 46110 51110 Hide and skin broker (commission agent) 71129 10110 15111 Hide degreasing (manufacture) 28140 29130 Heating taps (manufacture) 10110 15111 Hide pickling (manufacture) 28140 29130 Heating valves (manufacture) 46240 51249 Hides (wholesale) 28210 29210 Heating/melting high frequency induction or dielectric equipment (manufacture) 28940 29540 Hides and skins preparation, tanning, working or repairing machinery (manufacture) 25500 28400 Heavy forging (manufacture) 10110 74204 Heating systems for buildings design activities 29100 34100 Heavy goods vehicle (manufacture) 15111 Hides and skins production from abattoirs (manufacture) 63 H Alphabetical Index H Indexes to the UK Standard Industrial Classification of Economic Activities 2007 – UK SIC(2007) SIC 2007 SIC 2003 Activity SIC 2007 SIC 2003 Activity 10110 15111 10110 15111 46240 46240 26400 47430 24100 51249 51249 32300 52450 27100 23320 24510 24420 25990 26400 27210 27420 28750 84230 84230 84230 24100 20600 75230 75230 75230 27100 24700 85410 85422 85421 81299 42110 25720 01430 64921 94990 91020 96090 91030 93290 93120 32300 93110 25730 28220 28220 80301 80303 80302 90030 45230 28630 01220 65221 91330 92521 93059 92522 92729 92629 36400 92619 28620 29220 29220 Hides and skins production from knackers (manufacture) Hides and skins production from slaughterhouses (manufacture) Hides, skins and leather exporter (wholesale) Hides, skins and leather importer (wholesale) Hi‑fi equipment (manufacture) Hi‑fi equipment (retail) High carbon ferro‑manganese (carbon over 2%) (manufacture) High Court of Justice High court of Justice in Bankruptcy High Court of Justiciary (Scotland) High speed tool steel (manufacture) High tenacity yarn made of viscose rayon (manufacture) Higher education (sub degree level) Higher education at post‑graduate level Higher education at the first degree level Highway cleaning of snow and ice Highway construction Hinge (manufacture) Hinny farming and breeding Hire purchase company (other than in banks’ sector) Historical club Historical museums Historical research Historical sites and buildings preservation Hobby instructor (own account) Hockey club Hockey stick (manufacture) Hockey, cricket, rugby stadiums operation Hoe (manufacture) Hoists (electric wire or chain) (manufacture) Hoists (hand operated pulley and sheave block) (manufacture) Hoists, hydraulic, mechanical, pneumatic (not builders, hand operated and electrical) (manufacture) Holding company activities for banks Holding company in agricultural sector Holding company in catering sector Holding company in construction sector Holding company in financial services sector Holding company in motor trades sector Holding company in production sector Holding company in property sector Holding company in retail sector Holding company in transport sector Holding company in wholesale sector Holding company n.e.c. Hole punches (manufacture) Holiday and other short stay accommodation, provided in holiday centres and holiday villages Holiday camp Holiday centres and villages Holiday home (not charitable) Holiday information centre Hollow bars made of steel (manufacture) Hollow drill bars made of steel (manufacture) Hollow glass (manufacture) 22290 23200 87300 87300 87300 87300 87300 87300 88100 88100 86900 86900 86220 21200 87300 25240 26260 85311 85312 85311 85312 85311 85312 85321 85322 85140 85140 85120 24421 85311 Hollow partition made of clay (manufacture) Hollow profiles of cast‑iron (manufacture) Hollow sections made of aluminium (manufacture) Hollow ware (domestic) made of metal (manufacture) Hollow ware made of plastic (manufacture) Hollow ware made of refractory (manufacture) Home for the blind (charitable) Home for the blind (non‑charitable) Home for the disabled (charitable) Home for the disabled (non‑charitable) Home for the elderly (charitable) Home for the elderly (non‑charitable) Home help service (charitable) Home help service (non‑charitable) Home nurse (NHS) Homeopath (not registered medical practitioner) Homeopath (registered medical practitioner) Homeopathic preparations (manufacture) Homes for the elderly with minimal nursing care (charitable) Homes for the elderly with minimal nursing care (non‑charitable) Homes for the elderly with nursing care Homogenised food preparations (manufacture) Homogenised fruit and vegetables (manufacture) Homogenised milk production (manufacture) Homogenisers (manufacture) Hones (bonded) (manufacture) Honey (wholesale) Honey and beeswax production Honey processing and packing Honing machine (metal cutting) (manufacture) Hook and eye (manufacture) Hooks and coupling devices (manufacture) Hoops made of wood (manufacture) Hoopwood production Hooves from knackers production (manufacture) Hop bitters (manufacture) Hop cones growing Hop extracts (manufacture) Hops (wholesale) Horizontal drilling services Hormonal contraceptive medicaments (manufacture) Hormone (not plant hormone) (manufacture) Hormones and their derivatives (commission agent) Hormones and their derivatives (wholesale) Horn and tortoise shell working (manufacture) Horn pressing (manufacture) Horns (musical) (manufacture) Horns for motor vehicle (electric) (manufacture) Horse box trailers (manufacture) Horse breeding society Horse clipping Horse collars made of leather (manufacture) Horse drawn trailer (manufacture) Horse drawn truck (manufacture) Horse farming and breeding Horse race betting levy board 28220 29220 64205 64201 64209 64203 64205 64204 64202 64209 64204 64209 64204 64209 28230 55201 65234 74159 74154 74153 65239 74155 74158 74159 74157 74152 74151 74159 30010 55231 55201 55201 55209 79909 24200 24100 23130 55231 55231 55232 63309 27220 27100 26130 64 87300 85312 87100 10860 10390 10511 28930 23910 46380 01490 01490 28410 25990 30200 16240 02100 10110 11070 01280 10890 46210 09100 21200 21100 46180 46460 32990 32990 32200 29310 29202 94990 96090 15120 30990 30990 01430 92000 85140 15880 15330 15511 29530 26810 51380 01250 01250 29420 28750 35200 20400 02010 15112 15980 01110 15899 51210 11200 24421 24410 51180 51460 36639 36639 36300 31610 34202 91330 93059 19200 35500 35500 01220 92710 Indexes to the UK Standard Industrial Classification of Economic Activities 2007 – UK SIC(2007) Alphabetical Index SIC 2007 SIC 2003 Activity SIC 2007 SIC 2003 Activity 93199 15120 02300 46210 13100 13100 13100 13100 13100 92000 46230 46610 77310 22210 13300 92629 36639 02010 51210 17170 17170 17170 17170 17170 92710 51230 51880 71310 25210 17300 24100 24100 24100 24100 24100 24100 24100 24100 24100 24100 24100 24100 24100 24100 24100 24100 27100 27100 27100 27100 27100 27100 27100 27100 27100 27100 27100 27100 27100 27100 27100 27100 22210 22190 13960 14310 46420 14310 13300 28940 13300 13300 13300 13300 86101 86101 86101 86101 32500 65120 96010 65120 85100 85310 87900 87900 55900 30300 25610 24100 24100 56103 24200 28990 20520 28910 25210 25130 17542 17710 51429 17710 17300 29540 17300 17300 17300 17300 85112 85111 85112 85111 33100 66031 93010 66031 80100 80210 85311 85312 55239 35300 28510 27100 27100 55304 27220 29560 24620 29510 24100 24100 24100 24100 24100 24100 24100 24100 24100 27100 27100 27100 27100 27100 27100 27100 27100 27100 27510 25500 24100 24100 24100 24100 24100 24100 29710 28400 27100 27100 27100 27100 27100 27100 Horse training (racehorse) Horse whips (manufacture) Horse‑chestnut gathering Horsehair (wholesale) Horsehair curling (manufacture) Horsehair dressing (manufacture) Horsehair hackling (manufacture) Horsehair sorting (manufacture) Horsehair teasing (manufacture) Horserace totalisator board Horses (wholesale) Horticultural machinery (wholesale) Horticultural machinery hire (without operator) Hose and pipe fittings made of plastic (manufacture) Hose bleaching, dyeing or otherwise finishing (manufacture) Hose made of plastic (manufacture) Hose made of rubber (manufacture) Hosepiping made of textiles (manufacture) Hosiery (knitted and crocheted) (manufacture) Hosiery (wholesale) Hosiery blank (manufacture) Hosiery finishing (manufacture) Hosiery knitting machinery (manufacture) Hosiery printing (manufacture) Hosiery scouring (manufacture) Hosiery shrinking (manufacture) Hosiery trimming Hospice (private sector) Hospice (public sector) Hospital activities (private sector) Hospital activities (public sector) Hospital beds with mechanical fittings (manufacture) Hospital contribution scheme Hospital laundry Hospital saving association Hospital schools at nursery and primary level Hospital schools at secondary level Hostel for the homeless (charitable) Hostel for the homeless (non‑charitable) Hostels (not social work) Hot air balloons (manufacture) Hot dip coating (metal finishing) (manufacture) Hot dip metal coated sheet steel (manufacture) Hot dip zinc coated sheet steel (manufacture) Hot dog vendor Hot finished steel tube (manufacture) Hot glass working machinery (manufacture) Hot melt adhesive (manufacture) Hot metals handling machinery and equipment (manufacture) Hot plates (electric) (manufacture) Hot pressing of ferrous metals (manufacture) Hot rolled steel angles (l‑sections) (manufacture) Hot rolled steel base plates (manufacture) Hot rolled steel beams (manufacture) Hot rolled steel bearing piling (manufacture) Hot rolled steel channels (manufacture) Hot rolled steel columns (manufacture) Hot rolled steel cut lengths (manufacture) Hot rolled steel fish plates (manufacture) Hot rolled steel flat bars (manufacture) Hot rolled steel heavy sections (manufacture) Hot rolled steel hexagonal bars (manufacture) Hot rolled steel h‑sections (manufacture) Hot rolled steel i‑sections (manufacture) Hot rolled steel joists (manufacture) Hot rolled steel light sections (manufacture) Hot rolled steel narrow strip (manufacture) Hot rolled steel plate (manufacture) Hot rolled steel quarto plate (manufacture) Hot rolled steel railway materials (manufacture) Hot rolled steel reversing mill plate (manufacture) Hot rolled steel round bars (manufacture) Hot rolled steel sections for mining frames (manufacture) Hot rolled steel sheet (manufacture) Hot rolled steel sheet piling (manufacture) Hot rolled steel sole plates (manufacture) Hot rolled steel special bars (manufacture) Hot rolled steel special sections (manufacture) Hot rolled steel square bars (manufacture) Hot rolled steel t‑sections (manufacture) Hot rolled steel u‑sections (manufacture) Hot rolled steel wide strip (hot rolled wide coil) (manufacture) Hot spraying electrical machines (metal or metal carbides) (manufacture) Hot stamping of ferrous metals (manufacture) Hot water bottles made of rubber (manufacture) Hot water engineer Hot water heaters (wholesale) Hot water production and distribution Hotel (licensed with restaurant) Hotel (unlicensed with restaurant) Hotel without restaurant Hot‑tap operation services House agent House building and repairing House furnisher (retail) House insurance House letting (private) House letting agency House shoe (manufacture) Houseboat (manufacture) Housecoats (manufacture) Household and personal hygiene paper (manufacture) Household articles and equipment n.e.c. (retail) Household articles made of metal (manufacture) Household cellulose wadding paper products (manufacture) Household furnishing articles made of textile materials (retail) Household furniture (retail) Household goods (commission agent) Household goods hire Household goods n.e.c. exporter (wholesale) Household goods n.e.c. Importer (wholesale) 28290 29430 25500 22190 43220 46740 35300 55100 55100 55100 09100 68310 41202 47599 65120 68209 68310 15200 30120 14132 17220 28400 25130 45330 51540 40300 55101 55102 55103 11200 70310 45212 52440 66031 70209 70310 19300 35120 18222 21220 47599 52440 25990 28750 17220 21220 47599 52440 47599 46150 77299 46499 46499 52440 51150 71409 51479 51479 H 65 Alphabetical Index H Indexes to the UK Standard Industrial Classification of Economic Activities 2007 – UK SIC(2007) SIC 2007 SIC 2003 Activity SIC 2007 46410 47599 46499 47190 13923 13923 47510 46410 47599 25990 22290 16290 77299 41100 41202 68201 84120 30110 50100 51410 52440 51479 52120 17403 17403 52410 51410 52440 28750 25240 20510 71409 70110 45212 70209 75120 35110 61101 25400 61100 96030 21200 70229 78300 29600 64200 93030 24421 74149 74500 Household linen (wholesale) Household non‑electrical appliances (retail) Household non‑electrical appliances (wholesale) Household stores (retail) Household textile made‑up articles (manufacture) Household textiles (manufacture) Household textiles (retail) Household textiles (wholesale) Household utensils (retail) Household utensils made of metal (manufacture) Household utensils made of plastic (manufacture) Household utensils made of wood (manufacture) Housewares rental and leasing Housing association (building houses for later sale) Housing association (building work) Housing association (social housing for rental) Housing services administration (public sector) Hovercraft (manufacture) Hovercraft operator between UK and international ports (passenger) Howitzer (manufacture) Hull telephone service Human or animal corpse burial or incineration Human plasma extract (manufacture) Human resources management consultancy services Human resources provision on a long term or permanent basis Human waste water collection and transport by sewers, collectors, tanks and other means of transport Humanities research and experimental development Humidifier for air conditioning equipment (manufacture) Humidistats (non‑electronic) (manufacture) Hunt kennels Hunt stables Hunting and trapping (commercial) promotion activities Hunting for sport or recreation Hunting or trapping of animals for food Hunting or trapping of animals for fur Hunting or trapping of animals for pets Hunting or trapping of animals for skin Hunting or trapping of animals for use in research Hunting or trapping of animals for use in zoos Hunting requisites (manufacture) Hunting services administration and regulation (public sector) Hunting, trapping and related service activities Hurdles made of wood (manufacture) Huts made of wood (manufacture) Hybrid computer (manufacture) Hybrid integrated circuits (electronic) (manufacture) 28220 29220 Hydraulic and pneumatic handling plant (manufacture) 28120 29122 Hydraulic and pneumatic hoses and fittings (manufacture) 28120 29122 Hydraulic and pneumatic power engine and motor parts (manufacture) 46690 51870 Hydraulic and pneumatic power engines and motors (wholesale) 28120 29130 Hydraulic and pneumatic valves (manufacture) 20590 24660 Hydraulic brake fluid (less than 70% petroleum oil) (manufacture) 46120 51120 Hydraulic brake fluids (commission agent) 28410 29420 Hydraulic brakes (manufacture) 43999 45240 Hydraulic construction (subsurface work) 71129 74204 Hydraulic engineering design projects 28120 29122 Hydraulic equipment for aircraft (manufacture) 28120 29122 Hydraulic exhauster (manufacture) 22190 25130 Hydraulic hose made of rubber (manufacture) 15110 19100 Hydraulic leather (manufacture) 23520 26520 Hydraulic lime (manufacture) 19209 23209 Hydraulic oil formulation outside refineries (manufacture) 28120 29122 Hydraulic power engines and motors (manufacture) 35300 40300 Hydraulic power production and distribution 72190 73100 Hydraulic research station 28120 29140 Hydraulic transmission equipment (manufacture) 20590 24660 Hydraulic transmission liquids (manufacture) 28110 29110 Hydraulic turbine (manufacture) 28110 29110 Hydraulic turbine and water wheel parts (manufacture) 28110 29110 Hydraulic turbines and parts thereof: (manufacture) 46690 51870 Hydraulic turbines and water wheels (wholesale) 55209 55239 Hydro (accommodation) 35110 40110 Hydro electric power station 28120 29122 Hydro pneumatic device (manufacture) 46120 51120 Hydrocarbon derivatives (commission agent) 20140 24140 Hydrocarbon derivatives (sulphated, nitrated or nitrosated) (manufacture) 06200 11100 Hydrocarbon liquids mining, by liquefaction or pyrolysis 20140 24140 Hydrocarbons (not fuels) (manufacture) 20130 24130 Hydrochloric acid (manufacture) 30110 35110 Hydrofoil (manufacture) 20110 24110 Hydrogen (manufacture) 46120 51120 Hydrogen chloride (commission agent) 37000 90010 72200 73200 28250 29230 26513 93199 93199 94990 33202 92629 92629 01500 93199 01700 01700 01700 01700 01700 01700 32300 84130 92629 01500 01500 01500 01500 01500 01500 36400 75130 01700 16290 16230 26200 26110 01500 20510 20300 30020 32100 SIC 2003 Activity 46750 51550 Hydrogen chloride (wholesale) 20130 24130 Hydrogen peroxide (manufacture) 46750 51550 Hydrogen peroxide (wholesale) 46120 51120 26511 Hydrogen, argon, nitrogen, oxygen and rare gases (commission agent) 33201 Hydrographic instrument and apparatus (electronic) (manufacture) 26513 33202 Hydrographic instrument and apparatus (non‑electronic) (manufacture) 26200 30020 Hybrid machines (manufacture) 71122 74206 Hydrographic surveying activities 93290 92729 Hyde Park 71122 74206 Hydrologic surveying activities 23520 26520 Hydrated lime (manufacture) 26511 33201 Hydrological instrument (electronic) (manufacture) 28120 29122 Hydraulic and pneumatic components (manufacture) 26513 33202 Hydrological instrument (non‑electronic) (manufacture) 28220 29220 Hydraulic and pneumatic conveying plant (manufacture) 28120 29122 Hydraulic and pneumatic cylinders (manufacture) 66 26511 33201 Hydrometers (electronic) (manufacture) 26513 33202 Hydrometers (non‑electronic) (manufacture) Indexes to the UK Standard Industrial Classification of Economic Activities 2007 – UK SIC(2007) SIC 2007 SIC 2003 Activity 46690 51870 Hydrometers, non‑medical thermometers, pyrometers, barometers, hygrometers and the like (wholesale) 26513 33202 Hydronic limit controls (non‑electronic) (manufacture) 28120 29122 Hydrostatic transmissions (manufacture) 20130 24130 Hydrosulphite (manufacture) 81299 90030 Hygiene contracting 22190 25130 Hygienic articles made of rubber (manufacture) 23190 26150 Hygienic glassware (other than containers) (manufacture) 17120 21120 Hygienic paper (uncut) (manufacture) 32500 33100 Hyperbaric chambers (manufacture) 09100 11200 Hyperbaric welding services 47110 52112 Hypermarket selling mainly foodstuffs with alcohol licence (retail) 47110 52113 Hypermarket selling mainly foodstuffs without alcohol licence (retail) 46750 51550 Hypochlorites, chlorates and perchlorates (wholesale) 32500 33100 Hypodermic syringe and equipment (manufacture) 35300 15980 Ice (for human consumption) 35300 40300 Ice (not for human consumption) 31090 36140 Ice box made of wood (manufacture) 52220 63220 Ice breaking services 31090 36140 Ice chest made of wood (manufacture) 10520 15520 Ice cream (manufacture) 46360 51360 Ice cream (wholesale) 28250 29230 Ice cream conservator (manufacture) 56103 55303 Ice cream parlour 10520 15520 Ice cream powder (manufacture) 56103 55303 Ice cream retailer (take away) 56103 55304 Ice cream vans 93120 92629 Ice hockey club 93110 92611 Ice skating rink 93110 92619 Ice‑hockey arenas operation 32300 36400 Ice‑skates (manufacture) 10810 15830 Icing sugar (manufacture) 08110 14110 Igneous rock quarry 29310 31610 Ignition coil (manufacture) 29310 31610 Ignition equipment (other than coils and magnetos) (manufacture) 29310 31610 Ignition magnetos (manufacture) 23190 26150 Illuminated glassware (manufacture) 27400 31500 Illuminated signs and nameplates (manufacture) 46690 51870 Illuminated signs and name‑plates (wholesale) 22290 25240 Illuminated street furniture made of plastic (manufacture) 27400 31500 Illuminated traffic signs (manufacture) 90030 92319 Illuminating (illustrating) 26110 32100 Image converters and intensifiers (manufacture) 26702 33403 Image projectors (manufacture) 18130 22240 Image setting for letterpress processes (manufacture) 18130 22240 Image setting for offset printing processes (manufacture) 61100 64200 Image transmission via cables, broadcasting, relay or satellite 60200 72400 Image with sound internet broadcasting 13200 17210 Imitation fur (woven long pile fabrics) (manufacture) 13910 17600 Imitation fur obtained by knitting (manufacture) SIC 2007 SIC 2003 Alphabetical Index Activity 13200 17220 Imitation fur of long pile fabrics made on the woollen system (manufacture) 32130 36610 Imitation jewellery (manufacture) 46480 51474 Imitation jewellery (wholesale) 46480 51474 Imitation jewellery exporter (wholesale) 46480 51474 Imitation jewellery importer (wholesale) 14110 18100 Imitation leather clothes for men and boys (manufacture) 14110 18100 Imitation leather clothes for women and girls (manufacture) 32130 36610 Imitation pearls (manufacture) 46480 51474 Imitation pearls (wholesale) 27510 29710 Immersion heater (electric) (manufacture) 46439 51439 Immersion heaters (wholesale) 16100 20100 Immersion treatment of wood (manufacture) 21200 24421 Immunoglobin (manufacture) 28131 29121 Impeller pumps (manufacture) 91020 92521 Imperial War Museum 20412 24512 Impregnated cleaning and polishing cloth (manufacture) 13300 17300 Impregnating purchased garments (manufacture) 90010 92311 Impresario 16210 20200 Improved wood (manufacture) 82200 74860 Inbound call centres 13960 17549 Incandescent mantle (manufacture) 20510 24610 Incendiary composition (manufacture) 38220 90020 Incineration of hazardous waste 28210 29210 Incinerator (manufacture) 81223 74705 Incinerator cleaning 47791 52501 Incunabula (retail) 82990 74879 Independent auctioneers 60100 92201 Independent Broadcasting Authority (radio broadcasting) 66190 67130 Independent financial advisors (not specialising in insurance or pensions advice) 29320 34300 Independent suspension units for motor vehicles (manufacture) 17230 21230 Index card (manufacture) 20590 24660 Indian ink (manufacture) 29310 31610 Indicating measuring instrument for vehicles and aircraft (electric) (manufacture) 27900 31620 Indicator panel (manufacture) 46750 51550 Indigo (wholesale) 32409 36509 Indoor game (manufacture) 28210 29210 Induction furnace (manufacture) 46690 51870 Induction or dielectric heating equipment for industrial or laboratory use (wholesale) 28250 29230 Induction unit for air conditioning equipment (manufacture) 26110 31100 Inductor (electronic) (manufacture) 20520 24620 Industrial adhesives (manufacture) 25300 28300 Industrial air heater for boilers (manufacture) 22190 25130 Industrial belting made of rubber (manufacture) 19201 23201 Industrial benzole (manufacture) 32910 36620 Industrial broom and mop (manufacture) 32910 36620 Industrial brush (manufacture) 56290 55520 Industrial canteen (run by catering contractor) 28990 29560 Industrial carpet sweeper (manufacture) 20590 24660 Industrial catalyst (manufacture) 46120 51120 Industrial chemicals (commission agent) 46750 51550 Industrial chemicals (wholesale) I 67 Alphabetical Index I Indexes to the UK Standard Industrial Classification of Economic Activities 2007 – UK SIC(2007) SIC 2007 SIC 2003 Activity SIC 2007 SIC 2003 Activity 81210 20590 14120 96010 71121 71121 71121 70229 46750 28110 46140 81299 68209 46120 46750 20110 46750 23190 65120 28140 15120 14110 46900 74701 24660 18210 93010 74205 74205 74205 74149 51550 29110 51140 74709 70209 51120 51550 24110 51550 26150 66031 29130 19200 18100 51900 Industrial cleaning Industrial cleaning preparation (manufacture) Industrial clothing (manufacture) Industrial clothing hire from laundries Industrial consultants Industrial design consultants Industrial design service Industrial development consultancy services Industrial dyes (wholesale) Industrial engine parts (manufacture) Industrial equipment (commission agent) Industrial equipment cleaning (non‑specialised) Industrial estate letting Industrial fatty acids (commission agent) Industrial fatty alcohols (wholesale) Industrial gases (manufacture) Industrial gases (wholesale) Industrial glassware (not container) (manufacture) Industrial insurance Industrial intake taps (manufacture) Industrial leather (manufacture) Industrial leather welders aprons (manufacture) Industrial materials (general or undefined) (wholesale) Industrial mixing equipment for the chemical industry (manufacture) Industrial monocarboxylic fatty acids (commission agent) Industrial monocarboxylic fatty acids and acid oils from refining (wholesale) Industrial non‑refractory ceramic products (manufacture) Industrial ossature in metal (manufacture) Industrial ovens erection Industrial paper (manufacture) Industrial polishing cloths made of fur (manufacture) Industrial process control equipment (electronic) (manufacture) Industrial process control equipment (non‑electronic) (manufacture) Industrial protective headgear (manufacture) Industrial quality stones (manufacture) Industrial regulating valves (manufacture) Industrial robots for multiple uses (manufacture) Industrial salt (wholesale) Industrial soap (manufacture) Industrial spark and compression ignition engine (manufacture) Industrial special purpose trucks (manufacture) Industrial spirit from petroleum (manufacture) Industrial taps (manufacture) Industrial timer (manufacture) Industrial tractor (manufacture) Industrial transformer (electronic) (manufacture) Industrialised building component made of timber (manufacture) Inedible flours, meal and pellets of fish, crustaceans and molluscs production (manufacture) Inert gases such as carbon dioxide (manufacture) Infant food (milk based) (manufacture) Infant food (other than milk based) (manufacture) 10860 85200 47710 46420 86101 86220 86101 86101 86101 22290 30120 46499 22190 30120 30120 22190 30120 22290 15880 80100 52422 51422 85111 85120 85111 85112 85111 25240 35120 51479 25130 35120 35120 25130 35120 25240 30120 46499 28131 84210 35120 51479 29121 75210 82990 79909 26200 63990 62020 74879 63309 30020 74879 72220 62020 27400 26301 26701 28910 24440 24440 24100 24100 64302 28960 72220 31500 32201 33402 29510 27440 27440 27100 27100 65232 29560 65120 20590 32990 16290 50400 50300 30200 66031 24660 36631 20510 61209 61201 35200 Infant formulae (manufacture) Infant schools Infants’ clothing (retail) Infants’ clothing (wholesale) Infectious disease hospital (public sector) Infectious disease specialist (private practice) Infectious disease specialist (public sector) Infirmary (private sector) Infirmary (public sector) Inflatable air bed made of plastic (manufacture) Inflatable boats (manufacture) Inflatable boats for pleasure or sports (wholesale) Inflatable cushion made of rubber (manufacture) Inflatable dinghy made of rubber (manufacture) Inflatable liferaft made of rubber (manufacture) Inflatable mattress made of rubber (manufacture) Inflatable motor boats (manufacture) Inflatable plastic products (excluding playballs) (manufacture) Inflatable rafts (manufacture) Inflatable vessels for pleasure or sports (wholesale) Inflator for cycle type tyres (manufacture) Information and cultural services abroad administration and operation (public sector) Information bureau (not tourist) Information bureau for tourists Information processing equipment Information search services on a fee or contract basis Information systems strategic review and planning services Information technology consultancy activities Infrared lamps (manufacture) Infrared remote controls (manufacture) Infrared systems for night vision (manufacture) Ingot mould and bottom (manufacture) Ingots made of brass (manufacture) Ingots made of copper (manufacture) Ingots of stainless steel (manufacture) Ingots of steel (manufacture) In‑house trust activities Injection moulding equipment (for rubber or plastic) (manufacture) Injury insurance Ink for impregnating ink pads (manufacture) Ink pad (manufacture) Inlaid wood (manufacture) Inland water transport (freight) Inland water transport (passenger) Inland waterways signalling, safety or traffic control equipment (manufacture) Inlet valves for internal combustion engines (manufacture) Inner tube for tyre (manufacture) Inns of Court Inns with letting rooms (short‑stay lodgings) Inorganic acid (manufacture) Inorganic acids (commission agent) Inorganic bases (manufacture) Inorganic chemical (manufacture) Inorganic compounds (manufacture) 28990 29560 46120 51120 46750 51550 23440 26240 25110 43999 17120 14200 26512 28110 45250 21120 18300 33301 26514 33302 32990 32120 28140 28990 46750 20411 28110 18241 36220 29130 29560 51550 24511 29110 28220 19201 28140 26520 28220 26110 16230 29220 23201 29130 33500 29220 31100 20300 10200 15209 20110 24110 10860 15880 10860 15880 68 28110 29110 22110 94120 55209 20130 46120 20130 20130 20130 25110 91120 55239 24130 51120 24130 24130 24130 Indexes to the UK Standard Industrial Classification of Economic Activities 2007 – UK SIC(2007) SIC 2007 SIC 2003 Activity SIC 2007 80300 01490 20200 46750 46120 74879 01250 24200 51550 51120 18130 15200 70221 43320 22250 19300 74142 28120 Inquiry agency Insect raising Insecticide (manufacture) Insecticides (wholesale) Insecticides, herbicides, plant growth regulators and anti‑sprouting products (commission agent) Insetting (manufacture) Insoles made of leather (manufacture) Insolvency management Installation (erection) work of self‑manufactured builders’ ware of metal Installation (erection) work of self‑manufactured builders’ ware of plastic Installation (erection) work of self‑manufactured builders’ ware of wood Installation and repair of electronic locking devices with monitoring Installation and repair of electronic safes security vaults with monitoring Installation and repair of mechanical locking devices with monitoring Installation and repair of mechanical safes and security vaults with monitoring Installation in buildings of fittings and fixtures n.e.c. Installation of accumulators, primary cells and primary batteries (manufacture) Installation of aerials and residential antennas Installation of agricultural and forestry machinery (manufacture) Installation of air conditioning equipment and ducts Installation of air conditioning plant Installation of airport runway lighting Installation of assemblies and sub‑assemblies and the like, into motor vehicles (manufacture) Installation of automated and revolving doors Installation of bearings, gears, gearing and driving elements (manufacture) Installation of blinds and awnings Installation of bowling alley equipment (manufacture) Installation of builders carpentry and joinery (roofing materials) Installation of built‑in furniture Installation of burglar alarm systems Installation of cables Installation of car telephones (retail) Installation of catering equipment (manufacture) Installation of ceilings Installation of ceramic pipes, conduit, guttering and pipe fittings (manufacture) Installation of clocks (manufacture) Installation of coldrooms Installation of compressors (manufacture) Installation of computer network cabling and other telecommunications system cables Installation of cooling towers Installation of crash barriers Installation of doors Installation of drilling platforms and the like (manufacture) Installation of duct work Installation of earth‑moving and excavating equipment (manufacture) 33200 31100 Installation of electric motors, generators and transformers (manufacture) 43220 45310 Installation of electric solar energy collectors 33200 31610 Installation of electrical equipment for engines and vehicles n.e.c. (manufacture) 43220 45310 Installation of electrical heating systems (except baseboard heating) 43210 45310 Installation of electrical systems in cable television wiring, including fibre optic 43210 45310 Installation of electrical systems in computer network, including fibre optic 43210 45310 Installation of electrical wiring and fittings 33200 31200 Installation of electricity distribution and control apparatus (manufacture) 33200 32100 Installation of electronic valves and tubes and other electronic components (manufacture) 43290 45310 Installation of elevators 33200 29110 Installation of engines and turbines (except aircraft, vehicle and cycle) (manufacture) 33200 29523 Installation of equipment for concrete crushing and screening and roadworks (manufacture) 43290 45310 Installation of escalators 33200 28750 Installation of fabricated metal products (manufacture) 33200 28520 Installation of factory assembly lines (manufacture) 43330 45430 Installation of false floors and computer floors 33200 28740 Installation of fasteners, screw machine products, chain and springs (manufacture) 43210 45310 Installation of fire alarms 80200 45310 Installation of fire and burglar alarm systems if together with monitoring of the same systems 43220 45330 Installation of fire sprinkler systems 43220 45330 Installation of furnaces 33200 29210 Installation of furnaces and furnace burners (manufacture) 43320 45420 Installation of furniture 43220 45330 Installation of gas fittings 43220 45330 Installation of gas heating systems 43220 45330 Installation of gas meters 33200 29240 Installation of general purpose machinery n.e.c. (manufacture) 43342 45440 Installation of glass 43220 45330 Installation of heating and ventilation apparatus 43210 45340 Installation of illuminated road signs and street furniture 43210 45340 Installation of illumination and signalling systems for roads, railways, airports and harbours 33200 33100 Installation of industrial irradiation and electromedical equipment (manufacture) 33200 28110 Installation of industrial machinery and equipment (manufacture) 33200 30020 Installation of industrial mainframe and similar computers (manufacture) 33200 33201 Installation of instruments and apparatus for measuring, checking, testing, navigating (manufacture) 33200 31300 Installation of insulated wire and cable (manufacture) 43210 45310 Installation of intelecommunications wiring 43320 45420 Installation of joinery 33200 28220 Installation of large scale central heating boilers e.g. For large residential blocks (manufacture) 43220 45330 Installation of lawn sprinkler systems 33200 29220 Installation of lifting and handling equipment (except lifts and escalators) (manufacture) 43320 25239 43320 20300 80200 74602 80200 74602 80200 74602 80200 74602 43290 45340 33200 31400 43210 45310 33200 29320 43220 43220 43210 33200 45330 45330 45340 34100 43290 45310 33200 29140 43290 45340 33200 36501 43910 20300 43320 43210 43210 47421 33200 43320 33200 45420 45310 45310 52488 29530 45420 26400 33200 43220 33200 43210 33500 45330 29122 45310 43220 42110 43320 33200 45330 45230 45420 35110 43220 45330 33200 29522 SIC 2003 Alphabetical Index Activity 69 I Alphabetical Index SIC 2007 SIC 2003 Activity SIC 2007 43290 43210 43290 33200 33200 45310 45310 45310 28630 29420 Installation of lifts Installation of lighting systems Installation of lightning conductors Installation of locks and hinges (manufacture) Installation of machine tools (metal working) (manufacture) Installation of machine tools (other than metal working) (manufacture) Installation of machinery for bookbinding (manufacture) Installation of machinery for food, beverage and tobacco processing (manufacture) Installation of machinery for metallurgy (manufacture) Installation of machinery for mining (manufacture) Installation of machinery for paper and paperboard production (manufacture) Installation of machinery for printing (manufacture) Installation of machinery for textile, apparel and leather production (manufacture) Installation of machinery for working rubber or plastics and making products of these (manufacture) Installation of mainframe and similar computers and peripheral equipment (manufacture) Installation of medical and surgical equipment and apparatus (manufacture) Installation of metal grilles and gates Installation of metal partitioning Installation of metal shutters Installation of metal tanks (manufacture) Installation of millstones, grindstones, polishing stones and the like (manufacturing) Installation of mirrors Installation of motor vehicle parts and accessories (not as part of production process) Installation of motor vehicle parts and accessories, not part of the manufacturing process Installation of movable wooden partitions Installation of non‑domestic cooling and ventilating equipment (manufacture) Installation of non‑domestic machinery for drying wood, paper pulp etc. (manufacture) Installation of non‑electric solar energy collectors Installation of non‑electronic instruments and appliances for measuring, testing, etc. (manufacture) Installation of non‑illuminated road signs, bollards etc. Installation of office machinery (manufacture) Installation of office switchboards and telephone lines Installation of offshore pipelines from oil or gas wells Installation of oil heating systems 43220 45330 Installation of plumbing 33200 32300 Installation of professional radio, television, sound and video equipment (manufacture) 33200 29121 Installation of pumps (manufacture) 33200 32202 Installation of radio and television transmitters (manufacture) 47430 52450 Installation of radios in motor vehicles (retail) 43220 45330 Installation of refrigeration 43210 45340 Installation of roadway traffic monitoring and guidance equipment 43220 45330 Installation of sanitary equipment 43210 45310 Installation of satellite dishes 33200 36110 Installation of seats in aircraft, ships, trains and the like 43210 45310 Installation of security alarms 43290 45320 Installation of sound insulation 33200 29560 Installation of special purpose machinery n.e.c. (manufacture) 43220 45330 Installation of sprinkler systems 33200 28300 Installation of steam generators (not central heating boilers) incl. related pipework (manufacture) 43220 45330 Installation of steam piping 33200 28710 Installation of steel drums and similar (manufacture) 43210 45340 Installation of street lighting and electrical signals 43320 45420 Installation of suspended ceilings 33200 29130 Installation of taps and valves (manufacture) 43210 45310 Installation of telecommunications wiring systems 33200 32201 Installation of telecommunications equipment 43210 45310 Installation of telephone lines 43290 45320 Installation of thermal insulation 33200 28620 Installation of tools (manufacture) 33200 26150 Installation of tubes and pipes of glass, including installation of glass pipe (manufacture) 33200 25210 Installation of tubes, pipes and hoses, of plastics (manufacture) 33200 33401 Installation of unmounted lenses (manufacture) 43290 45310 Installation of vacuum cleaning systems 43220 45330 Installation of ventilation 43290 45320 Installation of vibration insulation 33200 29600 Installation of weapons and weapon systems (manufacture) 43320 45420 Installation of windows made of any material 33200 28730 Installation of wire products (manufacture) 43320 45420 Installation of wooden door‑frames 43320 45420 Installation of wooden fitted kitchens 43320 45420 Installation of wooden shop fittings 43320 45420 Installation of wooden staircases 43320 45420 Installation of wooden wall coverings 10832 15862 Instant coffee (manufacture) 20590 24640 Instant print film (manufacture) 46439 51439 Instantaneous or storage water heaters (electric) (wholesale) 46439 51479 Instantaneous or storage water heaters (non‑electric) (wholesale) 33200 29430 33200 29560 33200 29530 33200 29510 33200 29521 33200 29550 33200 29560 33200 29540 I Indexes to the UK Standard Industrial Classification of Economic Activities 2007 – UK SIC(2007) 33200 29560 33200 30020 33200 33100 43320 43320 43320 33200 33200 45420 45420 45420 28210 26810 43342 45440 45200 50200 45200 50200 43320 45420 33200 29230 33200 29560 43220 45330 33200 33202 42110 45230 33200 30010 43210 45310 42210 45213 43220 45330 33200 33402 Installation of optical precision instruments (manufacture) 33200 31620 Installation of other electrical apparatus (manufacture) SIC 2003 Activity 43290 45340 Installation of outdoor pumping or filtration equipment 32500 33100 Instep support (manufacture) 43210 45340 Installation of outdoor transformer and other outdoor electrical distribution apparatus 94120 91120 Institute of Actuaries 94120 91120 Institute of British Water Colour Painters 94120 91120 Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales 94120 91120 Institute of Chartered Accountants of Scotland 94120 91120 Institute of Civil Engineers 62090 30020 Installation of personal computers and peripheral equipment 33200 33403 Installation of photographic and cinematographic equipment (manufacture) 70 Indexes to the UK Standard Industrial Classification of Economic Activities 2007 – UK SIC(2007) Alphabetical Index SIC 2007 SIC 2003 Activity SIC 2007 SIC 2003 Activity 94120 94120 94120 94120 85320 85510 16290 26520 46520 91120 91120 91120 91120 80220 92629 20510 33500 51860 Institute of Cost and Management Accountants Institute of Hygiene Institute of Incorporated Photographers Institute of Mechanical Engineers Instruction for chefs, hoteliers and restauranteurs Instructors of sport Instrument case made of wood (manufacture) Instrument panel clock (manufacture) Instruments and apparatus for measuring electrical quantities (electronic) (wholesale) Instruments and apparatus used for medical, surgical, dental or veterinary purposes (manufacture) Instruments and appliances for dental science (wholesale) Instruments and devices for doctors and hospitals (wholesale) Instruments for educational or exhibition purposes (manufacture) Instruments for measuring flow, level, pressure etc. of liquids or gassed (electronic) (wholesale) Instruments for measuring or checking flow, level, pressure etc. of liquids or gases (wholesale) Instruments for testing physical and mechanical properties of materials (electronic) (manufacture) Insulated cabinets made of wood (manufacture) Insulated ceramic fittings (manufacture) Insulated electrical cable (manufacture) Insulated fittings made of glass (manufacture) Insulated mains cable for power distribution (manufacture) Insulated monolithic, hybrid and passive circuit (manufacture) Insulated plastic fittings (manufacture) Insulated winding wire (wholesale) Insulated wire (manufacture) Insulated wire and cable made of aluminium (manufacture) Insulated wire and cable made of copper (manufacture) Insulated wire and cable made of steel (manufacture) Insulating (heat and sound) sheet, tiles, blocks and granules made of plastic (manufacture) Insulating cloth tape (manufacture) Insulating contractor (buildings) Insulating fittings (other than ceramic for vehicles and aircraft) (manufacture) Insulating material made of glass fibre (manufacture) 66220 66220 66210 26110 67200 67200 67200 32100 Insurance brokers activities Insurance consultancy services Insurance risk evaluators activities Integrated circuits (analogue or digital) (manufacture) Integrated circuits (wholesale) Integrated engineering activities for turnkey projects Integrated mechanical and electrical system testing and analysis Intensifier for hydraulic equipment (manufacture) Intensifier for photographic use (manufacture) Intensifier for pneumatic control equipment (manufacture) Inter Varsity Fellowship of Evangelical Unions Interbank (worldwide financial telecommunications society) Interchangeable tools for dies (manufacture) Interchangeable tyre flaps for retreading tyres (manufacture) Interchangeable tyre treads for retreading tyres (manufacture) Inter‑city coach services on scheduled routes Intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBM) (manufacture) Inter‑dealer brokers Interface cards (manufacture) Interior decor design Interior decorator activities Interior designers Interior painting of buildings Interior plaster application in buildings or other constructions incl. related lathing materials Interior sprung mattress (manufacture) Interior stucco application in buildings or other constructions incl. related lathing materials Interlining weaving from yarn spun on the cotton system (manufacture) Intermediate bulk containers (other than drums made of plastic) (manufacture) Intermediate goods of mined or quarried non‑metallic minerals e.g. Sand, gravel, clay (manufacture) Intermediation in buying selling and renting of real estate 32500 33100 46460 51460 46460 51460 32990 36639 46520 51860 46690 51870 26511 33201 31090 23430 27320 23190 27320 36140 26230 31300 26150 31300 26110 32100 22290 46690 27320 27320 25240 51870 31300 31300 27320 31300 27320 31300 22230 25239 22190 25130 43290 45320 29310 31610 23140 26140 22190 25130 Insulating material made of rubber (manufacture) 16290 20520 Insulating materials made of cork (manufacture) 46520 51860 71129 74209 71200 74300 28120 29122 20590 24640 28120 29122 94910 91310 66190 67130 25730 28620 22110 25110 22110 25110 49390 60211 30300 29600 64991 26120 74100 74100 74100 43341 43310 65233 32100 74872 74872 74872 45440 45410 31030 36150 43310 45410 13200 17210 22230 25239 23200 26260 68310 70310 29100 34100 Internal combustion engine for motor vehicles (manufacture) 28110 29110 Internal combustion engines and parts (manufacture) 30910 35410 Internal combustion engines for motorcycles (manufacture) 19201 23201 Insulating oil (at refineries) (manufacture) 29100 34100 Internal combustion engines for tractors (manufacture) 19209 23209 Insulating oil formulation outside refineries (manufacture) 28110 29110 Internal combustion piston engines (manufacture) 43290 45320 Insulating work activities 23990 26821 Insulation made of asbestos (manufacture) 28110 29110 Internal combustion piston marine engines (manufacture) 23430 26230 Insulators made of ceramic (manufacture) 28110 29110 Internal combustion piston railway engines (manufacture) 23190 26150 Insulators made of glass (manufacture) 99000 99000 International Labour Office 65120 66031 Insurance (non‑life) 99000 99000 International Monetary Fund 66220 67200 Insurance agent (not employed by insurance company) 99000 99000 International organisation (e.g. United Nations, International Labour Office) 66220 67200 Insurance agents activities 84210 75210 International peace keeping forces contribution including assignment of manpower 66220 67200 Insurance broker (not employed by insurance company) 80300 74601 Internet abuse monitoring 71 I Alphabetical Index SIC 2007 J SIC 2003 Indexes to the UK Standard Industrial Classification of Economic Activities 2007 – UK SIC(2007) Activity 61200 64200 Internet access providers (wireless telecommunications) 47910 52630 Internet auctions (retail) 45112 50102 Internet car auctions 60100 72400 Internet radio broadcasting 47910 52610 Internet retail sales (retail) 74300 74850 Interpreter 10620 15620 Inulin (manufacture) 30920 35430 Invalid carriage (electrically propelled) (manufacture) 30920 35430 Invalid carriage (manually propelled) (manufacture) 30920 35430 Invalid carriage (power operated) (manufacture) 30920 35430 Invalid carriage parts and accessories (manufacture) 47749 52329 Invalid carriages with or without motor (retail) 46460 51460 Invalid carriages with or without motor (wholesale) 10860 15880 Invalid food (milk based) (manufacture) 10860 15880 Invalid food (other than milk based) (manufacture) 10810 15830 Invert sugar (manufacture) 80300 74601 Investigation activities 66190 67130 Investment advisory services 66120 67122 Investment broking 28910 29510 Investment casting equipment (manufacture) 64301 65231 Investment fund activities 64301 65231 Investment trusts activities 95290 52740 Invisible mending 64992 65222 Invoice discounting 28230 30010 Invoicing machine (manufacture) 20130 24130 Iodine and iodides (manufacture) 28290 29240 Ion exchange plant for water treatment (manufacture) 20160 24160 Ion‑exchangers based on polymers (manufacture) 24410 27410 Iridium (manufacture) 46120 51120 Iron (commission agent) 27510 29710 Iron (electric) (manufacture) 24100 27100 Iron (manufacture) 46720 51520 Iron (wholesale) 24510 27510 Iron foundry (manufacture) 24100 27100 Iron of exceptional purity production by electrolysis or other chemical processes (manufacture) 07100 13100 Iron ore beneficiation and agglomeration 07100 13100 Iron ore calcining 07100 13100 Iron ore crushing 07100 13100 Iron ore mine or quarry 09900 13100 Iron ore mining support services provided on a fee or contract basis 07100 13100 Iron ore preparation 07100 13100 Iron ore sintering 07100 13100 Iron ore washing 24100 27100 Iron powder production (manufacture) 08910 14300 Iron pyrites extraction (not for iron production) 20130 23300 Iron pyrites roasting (manufacture) 28921 29521 Iron roughnecks (manufacture) 24100 27100 Iron shot (manufacture) 46720 51520 Iron yard (wholesale) 27510 29710 Ironing machine for domestic use (electric) (manufacture) 28940 29540 Ironing machine for non‑domestic use (manufacture) 47520 52460 Ironmonger (retail) 46740 51540 Ironmonger (wholesale) 46150 51150 72 Ironmongery (commission agent) SIC 2007 SIC 2003 Activity 26600 28930 42210 01610 33100 29530 45240 01410 Irradiation equipment (manufacture) Irradiators (manufacture) Irrigation system construction Irrigation systems operation on a fee or contract basis Isinglass (manufacture) Isolating and make or break switches (electronic) (manufacture) Isolating gases (manufacture) Isolation hospital (public sector) Isotopes and compounds thereof (commission agent) Isotopic separation machinery or apparatus (manufacture) Issuing house Ivory working (manufacture) Jack for motor vehicle (manufacture) Jacket leg of steel plate for oil platform (manufacture) Jacket substructure design and other foundation design services Jackets for men and boys (manufacture) Jackets for women and girls (manufacture) Jacks (other than for motor vehicles) (manufacture) Jacks and hoists of a kind used for raising vehicles (wholesale) Jacquard machinery for carpet making (manufacture) Jacquard textile machinery (manufacture) Jam (manufacture) Jam pot covers made of plastic (manufacture) Janitorial services Japanning (metal finishing) (manufacture) Jars made of ceramic (manufacture) Jars made of fibre‑cement (manufacture) Jars made of glass (manufacture) Jars made of plastic (manufacture) Jeans cloth weaving (manufacture) Jeans for men and boys (manufacture) Jeans for women and girls (manufacture) Jellied eel shop Jelly (table) (manufacture) Jelly powder (manufacture) Jerry can made of plastic (manufacture) Jerseys (knitted) (manufacture) Jerusalem artichoke growing Jet engine (manufacture) Jet mine Jet ornaments and jewellery (manufacture) Jet pump (manufacture) Jet ware (pottery) (manufacture) Jewel case (not wood or metal) (manufacture) Jewellers’ materials (wholesale) Jewellers’ rouge (manufacture) Jewellery (commission agent) Jewellery (gilded and silvered) (manufacture) Jewellery (gold or silver plated) (manufacture) Jewellery (retail) Jewellery (wholesale) Jewellery containing imitation gem stones (manufacture) Jewellery designing 20590 24620 26110 31200 20110 86101 46120 28990 24110 85111 51120 29560 66190 32990 28220 30110 67130 36639 29220 35110 71129 74204 14131 14132 28220 46690 18221 18222 29220 51870 28940 28940 10390 22220 81210 25610 23490 23650 23130 22220 13200 14131 14132 56103 10390 10390 22220 14390 01130 30300 08910 32120 28120 23410 15120 46499 20120 46180 32130 32120 47770 46480 32130 29540 29540 15330 25220 74701 28510 26250 26650 26130 25220 17210 18221 18222 55303 15330 15330 25220 17720 01120 35300 14300 36220 29121 26210 19200 51479 24120 51120 36610 36220 52484 51473 36610 74100 74872 Indexes to the UK Standard Industrial Classification of Economic Activities 2007 – UK SIC(2007) SIC 2007 SIC 2003 Activity 32120 36220 Jewellery engraving (not distributive trades) (manufacture) 46480 51473 Jewellery exporter (wholesale) 46480 51473 Jewellery importer (wholesale) 32130 36610 Jewellery made of ceramic (manufacture) 23190 26150 Jewellery made of glass (manufacture) 32120 36220 Jewellery made of platinum (manufacture) 32120 36220 Jewellery made of precious metal (manufacture) 32120 36220 Jewellery made of semi‑precious stones (manufacture) 32120 36220 Jewellery of base metal clad with precious metal (manufacture) 32120 36220 Jewellery polishing (manufacture) 77299 71409 Jewellery rental and leasing 32120 36220 Jewellery with precious stones (manufacture) 88990 85321 Jewish board of family and children’s services 94910 91310 Jewish synagogue 32409 36509 Jigsaw puzzle (manufacture) 28290 29430 Jigs (manufacture) 46620 51810 Jigs and gauges (wholesale) 96010 93010 Job dyeing 18129 22220 Job printing (manufacture) 96090 93059 Jobbing waiter 93199 92629 Jockey 93120 92629 Jockey club 94110 91110 Joint organisation of employers and trade unions 28290 29240 Jointing (precision component) (manufacture) 23990 26821 Joints made of asbestos (manufacture) 32990 36639 Jokes and novelties (manufacture) 58142 22130 Journal and periodical publishing 77210 71401 Journal rental 90030 92400 Journalists 94120 91120 Journalists associations 84230 75230 Judge 84230 75230 Judge advocates 93199 92629 Judges of sport 27510 29710 Juice squeezers (electric) (manufacture) 10822 15842 Jujube (manufacture) 77210 71401 Juke boxes leasing 26400 32300 Jukeboxes (manufacture) 14390 17720 Jumpers (knitted) (manufacture) 27330 31200 Junction box (manufacture) 85200 80100 Junior schools 10519 15519 Junket powder (manufacture) 84230 75230 Justice of the Peace 13300 17300 Jute calendering (manufacture) 13200 17250 Jute cloth (manufacture) 13300 17300 Jute fabrics bleaching, dyeing or otherwise finishing (manufacture) 13200 17250 Jute sacking (manufacture) 13100 17170 Jute sorting (manufacture) 13100 17170 Jute spinning (manufacture) 01160 01110 Jute textile bast fibre growing 13100 17170 Jute tow (manufacture) 13200 17250 Jute weaving (manufacture) 13100 17170 Jute winding (manufacture) 13100 17170 Jute yarn (manufacture) 87900 85311 Juvenile correction homes (charitable) 87900 85312 Juvenile correction homes (non‑charitable) Alphabetical Index SIC 2007 SIC 2003 Activity 47710 08120 10410 10410 13100 26400 30120 29100 52422 14220 15410 15420 17170 32300 35120 34100 Juvenile outfitter (retail) Kaolin mining Kapok seed crushing (manufacture) Kapok seed oil refining (manufacture) Kapok willowing (manufacture) Karaoke machines (manufacture) Kayak building (manufacture) KD sets for cars at least 50% of value of complete vehicle (manufacture) KD sets for commercial vehicles at least 50% of value of complete vehicle (manufacture) KD sets for vehicles if the value is less than half the value of the complete vehicle (manufacture) Keene’s cement (manufacture) Kegs made of aluminium (manufacture) Kegs made of iron or steel (manufacture) Kegs made of plastic (manufacture) Kegs made of wood (manufacture) Kelp collecting, cutting and gathering (uncultivated) Kenaf and other textile bast fibre growing Kennel master Kennels (not racing) Kennels and garages (racing) Kensington Gardens Kerbs and edging made of pre‑cast concrete (manufacture) Kerbstone (not concrete) (manufacture) Kernel crushing (manufacture) Kerosene (manufacture) Kerosene (wholesale) Kerosene lanterns (manufacture) Ketchup (manufacture) Ketone and quinone function compounds (commission agent) Ketone and quinone function compounds (wholesale) Ketones (manufacture) Kettle (electric) (manufacture) Kettles (non‑electric) (manufacture) Kew gardens Key (manufacture) Key blank (manufacture) Key cutting services (while you wait) Key tags and cases made of leather (manufacture) Keyboard instruments (manufacture) Keyboard pipe organs with free metal reeds (manufacture) Keyboard stringed instruments (manufacture) Keyboards for computers (manufacture) Kiln furniture (manufacture) Kiln lining (manufacture) Kindergartens Kipper (manufacture) Kitchen cloth made of paper (manufacture) Kitchen foil made of aluminium (manufacture) Kitchen knife (manufacture) Kitchen linen (manufacture) Kitchen seating (fitted) (manufacture) Kitchen towels made of paper (manufacture) Kitchen units (retail) 29100 34100 29320 34300 23510 25920 25910 22220 16240 03110 01160 93199 96090 93199 93290 23610 26510 28720 28710 25220 20400 05010 01110 92629 93059 92629 92729 26610 23700 10410 19201 46719 27400 10840 46120 26700 15410 23201 51519 31500 15870 51120 46750 51550 20140 27510 25990 91040 25720 25720 96090 15120 32200 32200 24140 29710 28750 92530 28630 28630 52740 19200 36300 36300 32200 26200 23200 23200 85100 10200 17220 24420 25710 13923 31020 17220 47599 36300 30020 26260 26260 80100 15209 21220 27420 28610 17403 36110 21220 52440 73 K Alphabetical Index L Indexes to the UK Standard Industrial Classification of Economic Activities 2007 – UK SIC(2007) SIC 2007 SIC 2003 Activity SIC 2007 SIC 2003 Activity 23410 23130 22290 16290 77299 30300 46160 01250 26110 14142 25710 27510 28140 25710 96090 14190 14190 14132 14132 13910 14190 13300 13300 13300 13300 13300 14190 14141 14142 26210 26130 25240 20510 71409 35300 51160 01139 32100 18232 28610 29710 29130 28610 93059 18241 18249 18222 18222 17600 18249 17300 17300 17300 17300 17300 18249 18231 18232 Kitchenware made of ceramics (manufacture) Kitchenware made of glass (manufacture) Kitchenware made of plastic (manufacture) Kitchenware made of wood (manufacture) Kitchenware rental and leasing Kite (not toy) (manufacture) Kits for embroidery, etc. (commission agent) Kiwi fruit growing Klystron (manufacture) Knickers (manufacture) Knife (cutlery) (manufacture) Knife sharpener (electric) (manufacture) Knife valves (manufacture) Knife with folding blade (manufacture) Knifegrinder (travelling) Knitted bonnet (manufacture) Knitted bootees (manufacture) Knitted dress and jacket ensemble (manufacture) Knitted dresses for women and girls (manufacture) Knitted fabrics (manufacture) Knitted gloves (manufacture) Knitted goods finishing (manufacture) Knitted goods printing (manufacture) Knitted goods scouring (manufacture) Knitted goods shrinking (manufacture) Knitted goods trimming (manufacture) Knitted mittens and mitts (manufacture) Knitted nightwear for men and boys (manufacture) Knitted nightwear for women and girls (manufacture) Knitted or netted elastic over 30 cm wide (manufacture) Knitted outerwear for men and boys (manufacture) Knitted outerwear for women and girls (manufacture) Knitted scarf (manufacture) Knitted shawl (manufacture) Knitted skirts (manufacture) Knitted suits for women and girls (manufacture) Knitted swimwear (manufacture) Knitted swimwear for infants (manufacture) Knitted ties (manufacture) Knitted underclothing for infants (manufacture) Knitted underwear for men and boys (manufacture) Knitted underwear for women and girls (manufacture) Knitted vests for men and boys (manufacture) Knitted vests for women and girls (manufacture) Knitting machine (manufacture) Knitting machines (retail) Knitting machines (wholesale) Knitting needles made of metal (manufacture) Knitting needles made of plastic (manufacture) 25730 25730 25730 25730 22290 22290 13939 28940 28620 28620 28620 28620 25240 25240 17519 29540 Knives for horticultural use (manufacture) Knives for industrial use (manufacture) Knives for machines (manufacture) Knives for tradesmen (manufacture) Knives made of plastic (manufacture) Knobs for furniture made of plastic (manufacture) Knotted carpets (manufacture) Knotted net, tulle, lace, braid etc. making machines (manufacture) Knotted netting of twine, cordage or rope (manufacture) Kraft wrapping and packaging paper (manufacture) Labelling machine for office use (manufacture) Labelling machinery (not for office use) (manufacture) Labelling, stamping and imprinting on a fee or contract basis Labels (manufacture) Labels (not self‑adhesive) made of plastic (manufacture) Labels (printed) made of gummed paper (manufacture) Labels (printed) made of paper (manufacture) Labels (unprinted) made of gummed paper (manufacture) Labels (unprinted) made of paper (manufacture) Labels made of textiles (manufacture) Labels made of woven fabric (manufacture) Laboratory analytical instruments (non‑electronic) (manufacture) Laboratory benches, stools, and other laboratory seating (manufacture) Laboratory furnace (manufacture) Laboratory furniture, cabinets and tables (manufacture) Laboratory incubators and sundry lab apparatus for measuring, testing (non‑electronic) (manufacture) Laboratory non‑refractory ceramic products (manufacture) Laboratory sterilisers (manufacture) Laboratory type distilling apparatus (manufacture) Laboratory type sensitive balances (electronic) (manufacture) Laboratory type sensitive balances (non‑electronic) (manufacture) Laboratory ultrasonic cleaning machinery (manufacture) Labour affairs services administration and regulation (public sector) Labour organisations Labour party Labour recruitment Lac gathering Lace (manufacture) Lace and embroidery in the piece, in strips or in motifs (manufacture) Lace bleaching (not on commission) (manufacture) Lace bleaching, dyeing and dressing (on commission) (manufacture) Lace cleaning and mending (not net mending) Lace clipping (manufacture) Lace curtains (manufacture) Lace designing 13910 17600 14131 14132 18221 18222 14190 14190 14132 14132 14190 14190 14190 14190 14141 14142 18249 18249 18222 18222 18249 18249 18249 18249 18231 18232 14141 14142 28940 47540 46640 25930 22290 18231 18232 29540 52450 51830 28730 25240 47510 52410 Knitting yarn (retail) 13100 17120 Knitting yarn made of wool (manufacture) 13100 17130 Knitting yarn made of worsted (manufacture) 13100 17110 Knitting yarns (cotton) (manufacture) 13100 17110 Knitting yarns (man made fibres) (manufacture) 14390 17720 Knitwear (manufacture) 74 13940 17520 17120 21120 28230 30010 28290 29240 82920 74820 13960 17542 22290 25240 18121 21251 18121 21251 17290 21252 17290 13960 13960 26513 21252 17542 17542 33202 31010 36120 28210 29210 31010 36120 26513 33202 23440 26240 32500 29240 32500 29240 26511 33201 26513 33202 32500 29240 84130 75130 94200 94920 78109 02300 13990 13990 91200 91320 74500 02010 17541 17541 13990 17541 13300 17300 96010 13990 13921 74100 93010 17541 17401 74872 Indexes to the UK Standard Industrial Classification of Economic Activities 2007 – UK SIC(2007) Alphabetical Index SIC 2007 SIC 2003 Activity SIC 2007 SIC 2003 Activity 13990 13990 13990 13990 13990 13990 13990 13990 13990 13990 13990 13923 13990 13990 25610 31090 17541 17541 17541 17541 17541 17541 17541 17541 17541 17541 17541 17403 17541 17542 28510 36140 Lace drawing (manufacture) Lace dressing (manufacture) Lace dyeing (not on commission) (manufacture) Lace edging (manufacture) Lace embroidery (manufacture) Lace ending (manufacture) Lace finishing (manufacture) Lace flouncing (manufacture) Lace mending (manufacture) Lace net (manufacture) Lace scalloping (manufacture) Lace tablecloth (manufacture) Lace trimming (manufacture) Laces for boots and shoes (manufacture) Lacquering (metal finishing) (manufacture) Lacquering, varnishing and gilding of furniture (manufacture) Lacquers (retail) Lactones (coumarin, methylcoumarins and ethylcoumarins) (manufacture) Lactones (other than coumarin, methylcoumarins and ethylcoumarins) (manufacture) Lactones (wholesale) Lactose production (manufacture) Ladder hire Ladder tape (textile material) (manufacture) Ladders made of metal (manufacture) Ladders made of metal for fire‑fighting vehicles (manufacture) Ladders made of wood (manufacture) Ladies fan (manufacture) Ladies handbags made of leather (manufacture) Ladies’ outfitter (retail) Ladle (manufacture) Ladles for handling hot metals (manufacture) Lager brewing (manufacture) Lagging rope made of asbestos (manufacture) Lake (pigment) (manufacture) Lake steamer service Lambskin clothing (manufacture) Laminaria (manufacture) Laminate made wholly of plastics and/or transparent regenerated cellulose film (manufacture) Laminated glass (manufacture) 23190 27330 28990 27400 27400 23190 27400 47599 22290 26150 31200 29560 31500 31610 26150 31500 52440 25240 68310 41100 68100 28922 70310 70110 70120 29522 43120 41100 68209 43120 84130 42990 45110 70110 70209 45110 75130 45230 71122 71122 68310 43120 38210 30300 32300 52220 30110 55900 68209 71112 81300 81300 81300 85590 74206 74206 70310 45110 90020 35300 36400 63220 35110 55239 70209 74202 01410 01410 01410 80429 72200 10410 28410 13300 25730 26200 20301 46330 10110 10410 10110 26701 73200 15410 29420 17300 28620 30020 24301 51333 15112 15410 15112 33402 Lamp chimneys made of glass (manufacture) Lamp holder (electric) (manufacture) Lamp making machine (manufacture) Lamps (manufacture) Lamps for cycles (manufacture) Lamps made of glass (manufacture) Lampshades (not of glass or plastics) (manufacture) Lampshades (retail) Lampshades, reflectors, covers and diffusers made of plastic (manufacture) Land agent Land and building company Land buying and selling Land clearing equipment and machinery (manufacture) Land drainage contractor Land investment company Land letting Land reclamation work Land registry Land subdivision with land improvement (e.g. Adding of roads etc.) Land surveying activities Land surveyor (not valuer) Land valuer or surveyor Landfill for construction Landfill for the disposal of refuse and waste Landing gear for aircraft (manufacture) Landing nets (manufacture) Landing stage Landing stage (floating) (manufacture) Landlord (boarding house) Landlord of real estate Landscape architecture Landscape contracting Landscape gardening Landscape measures for protecting the environment Language instruction and conversational skills instruction Languages research and experimental development Lanolin recovery (manufacture) Lapping machine (metal cutting) (manufacture) Lapping of textiles (manufacture) Lapping tools (manufacture) Laptop computers (manufacture) Lacquer (manufacture) Lard (wholesale) Lard from knackers (manufacture) Lard oil (manufacture) Lard refining (manufacture) Laser (excluding complete equipment using laser components) (manufacture) Laser cutting or welding machine tools (metal working) (manufacture) Laser printers (wholesale) Laser surgical apparatus (manufacture) Lasts made of wood (manufacture) Latch (manufacture) Latex foam (manufacture) Lathe (metal cutting) (manufacture) 47520 52460 20140 24140 21100 24410 46460 10519 77320 13960 25990 25990 51460 15519 71320 17542 28750 28750 16290 14190 15120 47710 25710 28910 11050 23990 20120 50300 14200 32500 22210 20510 18249 19200 52423 28610 29510 15960 26821 24120 61201 18300 24422 25210 23120 26120 22210 25210 Laminated plastic film (manufacture) 22210 25210 Laminated thermosetting plastics sheet (manufacture) 16210 20200 Laminated veneer wood (manufacture) 16210 20200 Laminated wood products (manufacture) 17120 21120 Laminates and foils laminated with paper or paperboard (manufacture) 22210 25210 Laminates made of plastic (manufacture) 24420 27420 Laminates of aluminium foil with other materials (manufacture) 28410 29420 18130 22250 Laminating (manufacture) 46510 32500 16290 25720 22190 28410 28230 30010 Laminating machine for office use (manufacture) 28950 29550 Laminating machinery (paper working) (manufacture) 13300 17300 Laminating of textile material (manufacture) 16210 20200 Laminboard (manufacture) 51840 33100 20510 28630 25130 29420 75 L Alphabetical Index L Indexes to the UK Standard Industrial Classification of Economic Activities 2007 – UK SIC(2007) SIC 2007 SIC 2003 Activity SIC 2007 SIC 2003 Activity 28410 25730 50200 30300 28990 96010 96010 20120 32910 28940 96010 10620 46690 29420 28620 61102 35300 35300 93010 93010 24120 36620 29540 93010 15620 51870 58141 94120 85590 77400 22130 91120 80429 74879 77400 46110 46240 15120 74879 51110 51249 19200 22230 13923 03210 03210 69109 84240 85421 58190 72200 94120 69109 28302 47520 46610 20150 69102 43330 25239 17403 05020 05020 74119 75240 80302 22150 73200 91120 74119 29320 52460 51880 24150 74113 45430 Lathe chuck (manufacture) Lathe tool (manufacture) Launch barge services Launch vehicle for spacecraft (manufacture) Launching gear for aircraft (manufacture) Launderette Laundry Laundry blue (manufacture) Laundry brush (manufacture) Laundry machinery (manufacture) Laundry receiving office Laundry starch (manufacture) Laundry‑type washing and dry‑cleaning machines (wholesale) Lavatory pans made of plastic (manufacture) Lavatory seat cover (manufacture) Laver gathering (cultivated) Laver growing Law agent Law and order administration and operation Law college Law publishing Law research and experimental development Law Society Law writing Lawn mower (manufacture) Lawn mowers (retail) Lawn mowers however operated (wholesale) Lawn sand (manufacture) Lawyer Laying or fitting carpets and linoleum floor coverings including of rubber or plastic Laying or fitting other wooden floor coverings Laying out the dead Laying tiling or fitting marble, granite or slate floor coverings Laying tiling or fitting terrazzo, marble, granite or slate wall coverings Laying, tiling, hanging or fitting ceramic wall or floor tiles Laying, tiling, hanging or fitting concrete stone wall or floor tiles Laying, tiling, hanging or fitting cut stone wall or floor tiles Laying, tiling, hanging or fitting floor and wall covering Layouts for presentation (manufacture) Lead (manufacture) Lead (wholesale) Lead acid batteries (manufacture) Lead coated steel sheet (manufacture) Lead mining and preparation Lead ore and concentrate extraction and preparation Lead paint (manufacture) 15120 14110 47710 46420 15110 15110 15110 15200 14110 14110 15110 46160 15120 47722 46499 14110 15110 15120 15110 15110 14110 28940 46640 19200 18100 52421 51421 19100 19100 19100 19300 18100 18100 19100 51160 19200 52432 51479 18100 19100 19200 19100 19100 18100 29540 51830 Learned journal publishing Learned societies Learning centres offering remedial courses Leasing of intellectual property and the like (not copyrighted works e.g. Books and software) Leasing of non‑financial intangible assets Leather (commission agent) Leather (wholesale) Leather articles for use in machinery or mechanical appliances (manufacture) Leather belting for use in machinery (manufacture) Leather clothes (manufacture) Leather clothing for adults (retail) Leather clothing for adults (wholesale) Leather dressing (manufacture) Leather dying (manufacture) Leather enamelling (manufacture) Leather fillings (manufacture) Leather garments for men and boys (manufacture) Leather garments for women and girls (manufacture) Leather gilding (manufacture) Leather goods (commission agent) Leather goods (not industrial) (manufacture) Leather goods (retail) Leather goods (wholesale) Leather industrial work accessories (manufacture) Leather proofing (manufacture) Leather shoe‑laces (manufacture) Leather tanning and dressing (manufacture) Leather trimmings (manufacture) Leather wearing apparel (manufacture) Leather working machine (manufacture) Leather, hides and skins working machinery (wholesale) Leathercloth (manufacture) Leathercloth made of polyvinyl chloride (manufacture) Leavers lace (manufacture) Leaves for springs (manufacture) Lectern (manufacture) Lecturers Leek growing Left luggage lockers (manufacture) Legal activities n.e.c. Legal Aid Society Legal associations Legal documentation and certification activities Legal examiner activities Legal sciences research and experimental development Legal services in connection with the disposal of assets by auction Legation Leggings and gaiters made of cloth (manufacture) Leggings made of leather (manufacture) Leguminous crops growing Leisure centres Leisure craft made of rubber (manufacture) Lemon growing Lemonade powder (manufacture) 43330 45430 96030 93030 43330 45430 43330 45430 43330 45430 43330 45430 43330 45430 43330 45430 18130 24430 46720 27200 24100 07290 07290 20301 22250 27430 51520 31400 27100 13200 13200 24301 24430 27430 Lead wire made by drawing (manufacture) 23190 26150 Leaded light (manufacture) 25930 28740 Leaf springs (manufacture) 58110 22110 Leaflet publishing 01130 Leafy or stem vegetables growing 01120 71200 74300 Leak testing and flow monitoring activities 76 13960 17549 13960 17549 13990 25930 31010 90010 01130 25990 69109 94990 94120 69109 69109 72200 17541 28740 36120 92319 01120 28750 74119 91330 91120 74119 74119 73200 69109 74119 99000 15200 15200 01110 93110 30120 01230 11070 99000 19300 19300 01120 92619 35120 01139 15980 Indexes to the UK Standard Industrial Classification of Economic Activities 2007 – UK SIC(2007) Alphabetical Index SIC 2007 SIC 2003 Activity SIC 2007 SIC 2003 Activity 11070 91011 91011 91011 13200 32500 23190 15980 92510 92510 92510 17210 33401 26150 Lemonade production (manufacture) Lending and storage of books, periodicals Lending and storage of CDs, DVDs Lending and storage of maps music Leno fabric weaving (manufacture) Lens (mounted, (not photographic)) (manufacture) Lens (pressed or moulded, unworked, (not coloured glass for traffic signals)) (manufacture) Lens (unmounted) (manufacture) Lens made of coloured glass for rail and road signals (not optically worked) (manufacture) Lenses (except ophthalmic) (manufacture) Lentil growing Lentil splitting, grinding or milling (manufacture) Leprosaria (public sector) Lessee of tolls Letter card (manufacture) Letter file (manufacture) Letter opening machine (manufacture) Letter or resume writing Letterpress ink (manufacture) Letterpress printing (manufacture) Letterpress printing machine (manufacture) Letterpress publishing Lettuce growing Level crossing control gear (manufacture) Level gauges (electronic) (manufacture) Level gauges (non‑electronic) (manufacture) Level measuring and control instruments (electronic) (manufacture) Level measuring and control instruments (non‑electronic) (manufacture) Levellers (manufacture) Levelling and grading of construction sites Levels (manufacture) Liability insurance Liberal democrat party Libraries Library access to IT facilities including internet Library training courses (IT, information literacy, basic skills) Librettist Licensed bars (independent) Licensed bars (managed) Licensed bars (tenanted) Licensed carriers Licensed porter Licensed victualler (independent) Licensed victualler (managed) Licensed victualler (tenanted) Licensing for the right to reproduce, distribute and use computer software Lichen gathering Life assurance Life re‑insurance Life sciences research and experimental development (other than biotechnological) Life vests (manufacture) Lifebelts (manufacture) Lifebelts made of cork (manufacture) 30110 32990 30110 85590 32990 13922 32990 30110 28220 28220 28220 49390 49390 28220 46690 28220 46690 35110 20520 35110 80429 25130 17402 20520 35110 29220 29220 29220 60239 60239 29220 51870 29220 51870 Lifeboat (manufacture) Lifebuoy made of cork (manufacture) Lifebuoy made of rubber (manufacture) Lifeguard training Lifejacket (manufacture) Lifejacket made of canvas (manufacture) Lifejacket made of cork (manufacture) Liferaft (not rubber inflatable) (manufacture) Lift (manufacture) Lift and escalator maintenance (manufacture) Lift for motor vehicle (manufacture) Lift operating company Lift operator Lifting and handling equipment (manufacture) Lifting and handling equipment (wholesale) Lifting and handling equipment parts (manufacture) Lifts, skip hoists, escalators and moving walkways (wholesale) Light bulb (manufacture) Light bulbs including fluorescent and neon tubes (manufacture) Light emitting diodes (LED) (manufacture) Light emitting diodes (wholesale) Light fittings made of plastic (manufacture) Light fuel oil (manufacture) Light metal containers (wholesale) Light metal packaging (manufacture) Light motor vehicle (not exceeding 3.5 tonnes) renting or leasing Light outerwear for women and girls (manufacture) Light pens (manufacture) Light, medium and heavy petroleum oils (commission agent) Lighter (ship) (manufacture) Lighter fuel in containers not exceeding 300 cc (liquid or liquefied gas) (manufacture) Lighter lessee or owner Lighterage activities Lighthouse activities Lighthouse Authority Lighting equipment (manufacture) Lighting equipment (retail) Lighting equipment (wholesale) Lighting equipment for aircraft (manufacture) Lighting equipment for boats (manufacture) Lighting equipment for motor vehicles (manufacture) Lighting fitting (other than glassware) (manufacture) Lighting fittings parts made of plastic (manufacture) Lighting fixture of table lamps (manufacture) Lightning arresters (manufacture) Lightship 32500 33401 23190 26150 26701 01110 10612 86101 52219 17230 17219 28230 82190 20302 18129 28990 58190 01130 30200 26511 26513 26511 33401 01110 15612 85111 63210 21230 21219 30010 74850 24302 22220 29560 22150 01120 35200 33201 33202 33201 26513 33202 28922 43120 28290 65120 94920 91011 91011 91011 29522 45110 33202 66031 91320 92510 92510 92510 90030 56302 56302 56302 53201 96090 56302 56302 56302 58290 92319 55402 55404 55403 64120 93059 55402 55404 55403 72210 02300 65110 65201 72190 02010 66011 66012 73100 32990 25130 32990 25130 32990 20520 27400 31500 27400 31500 26110 46520 22290 19201 46690 25920 77110 32100 51860 25240 23201 51870 28720 71100 14132 18222 26200 30020 46120 51120 30110 35110 32990 36639 52220 52220 52220 52220 27400 47599 46470 27400 27400 27400 27400 22290 27400 27330 52220 63220 63220 63220 63220 31500 52440 51439 31610 31610 31610 31500 25240 31500 31200 63220 30110 35110 14132 Lightship (manufacture) 18222 Lightweight jackets for women and girls (manufacture) 05200 10200 Lignite (brown coal) mining including mining through liquefaction methods 19201 10200 Lignite fuel briquettes (manufacture) 05200 10200 Lignite mining 09900 10200 Lignite mining support services provided on a fee or contract basis 77 L Alphabetical Index SIC 2007 L SIC 2003 Indexes to the UK Standard Industrial Classification of Economic Activities 2007 – UK SIC(2007) Activity 46120 51120 Lignite or peat (commission agent) 19100 23100 Lignite tars production (manufacture) 05200 10200 Lignite washing, dehydrating, pulverising etc. To improve quality or facilitate transport or storage 86900 85140 Limb fitting centre 20150 24150 Lime (ammonium nitrate) (manufacture) 23520 26520 Lime (manufacture) 01230 01139 Lime growing 28210 29210 Lime processing kiln (manufacture) 23700 26700 Limestone (ground) (manufacture) 46730 51530 Limestone (wholesale) 08110 14120 Limestone including dolomite mine or quarry 08110 14120 Limestone quarrying, crushing and breaking for constructional purposes 23700 26700 Limestone working (manufacture) 09900 14120 Limestone, gypsum and chalk quarrying support services provided on a fee or contract basis 25940 28740 Linchpin (manufacture) 17240 21240 Lincrusta (manufacture) 26301 32201 Line apparatus (carrier, duplex and repeater) (manufacture) 24200 27220 Line pipe made of steel (manufacture) 26301 32201 Line telegraphy apparatus (manufacture) 46520 51860 Line telegraphy or telegraphy apparatus (wholesale) 26301 32201 Line telephony apparatus (manufacture) 13100 17140 Line yarn made of flax (manufacture) 13940 17520 Line yarn made of hard fibre (manufacture) 46690 51870 Linear acting (cylinders) hydraulic and pneumatic power engines and motors (wholesale) 32990 19200 Linemen’s safety belts and other belts for occupational use (manufacture) 46410 51410 Linen and linen goods (wholesale) 13200 17250 Linen and union cloth (manufacture) 13300 17300 Linen bleaching (manufacture) 13960 17549 Linen buckram weaving (manufacture) 13300 17300 Linen dyeing (manufacture) 96010 93010 Linen hire (associated with laundry service) 13300 17300 Linen printing (manufacture) 13200 17250 Linen weaving (manufacture) 30110 35110 Liner (ship) (manufacture) 28921 29521 Liner hanger equipment (manufacture) 22220 25220 Liner made of non‑woven polyethylene (manufacture) 14142 18232 Lingerie (manufacture) 72200 73200 Linguistics research and experimental development 14190 18241 Linings for hats (manufacture) 25930 28740 Link chain (welded) (manufacture) 47530 52481 Lino tiles (retail) 22230 36639 Linoleum (manufacture) 46730 51479 Linoleum (wholesale) 43330 45430 Linoleum laying 10410 15410 Linseed crushing (manufacture) 01110 01110 Linseed growing 10410 15410 Linseed oil production (manufacture) 10410 15420 Linseed oil refining (manufacture) 46180 51180 Lip make‑up and eye make‑up preparations (commission agent) 20420 24520 Lipstick (manufacture) 09100 11100 78 Liquefaction and regasification of natural gas for transport SIC 2007 SIC 2003 46120 51120 20110 24110 20110 24110 20110 24110 46711 11010 46342 46120 46750 19201 10832 46690 28120 28131 46719 06200 20301 20110 46499 51511 15910 51342 51120 51550 23201 15862 51870 29121 29121 51519 11100 24301 24110 51479 46711 19201 20411 24100 10810 26513 82920 49500 10822 28230 74909 94990 27200 20590 18130 23700 90030 20302 18129 18121 18130 18130 32500 51511 23201 24511 27100 15830 33202 74820 60300 15842 30010 74879 91330 31400 24640 22240 26700 92319 24302 22220 21251 22240 22250 33100 Activity Liquefied gas for motor purposes (commission agent) Liquefied or compressed industrial gases (manufacture) Liquefied or compressed industrial or medical refrigerant gases (manufacture) Liquefied or compressed medical gases (manufacture) Liquefied petroleum gases (wholesale) Liqueurs (manufacture) Liqueurs (wholesale) Liquid and compressed air (commission agent) Liquid and compressed air (wholesale) Liquid butane gas (manufacture) Liquid coffee (manufacture) Liquid dielectric transformers (wholesale) Liquid elevator parts (manufacture) Liquid elevators (manufacture) Liquid fuels (other than petroleum) (wholesale) Liquid hydrocarbon fractions draining and separation Liquid lustres (manufacture) Liquid or compressed air (manufacture) Liquid or liquefied‑gas fuels for lighters in containers (300 cc or more) (wholesale) Liquid petroleum fuels (wholesale) Liquid propane gas (manufacture) Liquid soap (manufacture) Liquid steel (manufacture) Liquid sugar (manufacture) Liquid supply meter (non‑electronic) (manufacture) Liquids bottling on a fee or contract basis Liquids transport via pipelines Liquorice (manufacture) Listing machine (manufacture) Literary agency Literature and book club Lithium batteries (manufacture) Litho plate making (sensitized) (manufacture) Litho plate making (unsensitized) (manufacture) Litho stone working (manufacture) Lithographic artist (own account) Lithographic ink (manufacture) Lithographic printing (manufacture) Lithographic printing on labels or tags (manufacture) Lithographic stones and wood blocks (manufacture) Lithography (manufacture) Lithotriptors (manufacture) 38110 90020 Litter box refuse collection (public) 46230 51230 Live animal exporter (wholesale) 46230 51230 Live animal importer (wholesale) 46110 51110 Live animals (commission agent) 46230 51230 Live animals (wholesale) 46230 51230 Live poultry (wholesale) 28220 29220 Live storage rack (manufacture) 14120 18210 Livery (manufacture) 46230 51230 Livestock (wholesale) 65120 66031 Livestock insurance 71200 74300 Lloyd’s Register of Shipping 65120 66031 Lloyd’s underwriter (non‑life) Indexes to the UK Standard Industrial Classification of Economic Activities 2007 – UK SIC(2007) SIC 2007 SIC 2003 Activity SIC 2007 26120 26120 28921 52243 52242 32100 32100 29521 63110 63110 Loaded electronic boards (manufacture) Loaded printed circuit boards (manufacture) Loader for mining (manufacture) Loading and unloading of freight railway cars Loading and unloading of goods travelling via air transport Loading and unloading of goods travelling via rail transportation Loading and unloading of goods travelling via water transport Loading and unloading of passengers’ luggage travelling via air transport Loading and unloading of passengers’ luggage travelling via water transport Loading and unloading passengers’ luggage travelling via rail transportation Loading shovel (manufacture) Loading slings (manufacture) Loan company (other than in banks’ sector) Lobbying activities Lobe pump (manufacture) Lobsterling production, freshwater Lobsterling production, marine Local authority art galleries and museums Local authority baths (hot water and sauna) Local authority canal services Local authority car parks Local authority cemeteries Local authority citizen’s advice bureau Local authority civil engineering department Local authority community homes (children) Local authority concert halls and theatres Local authority crematoriums Local authority docks and harbours Local authority drainage services Local authority engineer’s department Local authority fire brigade services Local authority football and other sports grounds Local authority freight ferry services on rivers, canals and lakes Local authority funeral services Local authority highways construction and maintenance Local authority home help service Local authority homes for the disabled and the elderly Local authority house building and maintenance Local authority leisure centres Local authority lighthouse service Local authority lodging houses Local authority municipal airport Local authority observation and assessment centres Local authority or new town direct labour department (domestic dwellings) Local authority parks and gardens Local authority passenger ferry services on rivers, canals and lakes Local authority pest control department Local authority probation service Local authority recreational facilities Local authority refuse disposal 56102 55302 Local authority restaurants, cafes, snack bars, etc. (unlicensed) 42110 45230 Local authority road construction and major repairs 49319 60219 Local authority road passenger transport services 84240 75240 Local authority school crossing patrols 56290 55510 Local authority school meals service 37000 90010 Local authority sewage services 88990 85322 Local authority social services department 93110 92619 Local authority sports facilities (incl. Football and other sports grounds, swimming baths, etc.) 43210 45340 Local authority street lighting 93110 92619 Local authority swimming pool 84240 75240 Local authority traffic wardens 49319 60219 Local authority transport department 84110 75110 Local government administration 60100 92201 Local radio station (broadcasting) 25720 28630 Lock (manufacture) 42910 45240 Lock construction 25720 28630 Lock for motor vehicle (manufacture) 25110 28110 Lock gates (manufacture) 25940 28740 Lock washer (manufacture) 31010 36120 Locker (manufacture) 13910 17600 Locknit fabric (manufacture) 46740 51540 Locks (wholesale) 25720 28630 Locksmiths (manufacture) 30200 35200 Locomotive (manufacture) 30200 35200 Locomotive parts and accessories (manufacture) 46690 51870 Locomotives (wholesale) 01250 01139 Locust bean growing 94990 91330 Lodge activities 87900 85312 Lodging house (local authority) 55900 55239 Lodging house (private) 28490 29430 Log decorticators (manufacture) 16100 20100 Log sawing (manufacture) 16100 20100 Log slicing, peeling or chipping (manufacture) 02400 02020 Log transport within the forest 01250 01139 Loganberry growing 46730 51530 Logged timber (wholesale) 02200 02010 Logging 02400 02020 Logging service activities 91020 92521 London Museum 16290 20520 Loofah articles (manufacture) 28940 29540 Loom (manufacture) 16290 20510 Loom made of wood (manufacture) 28940 29540 Loom winder (manufacture) 13921 17401 Loose cover for furniture (manufacture) 23140 26140 Loose glass fibre (manufacture) 17230 22220 Loose leaf binder (manufacture) 84230 75230 Lord Chancellor’s Department 94910 91310 Lord’s Day Observance Society 45190 50101 Lorries (retail) 45190 50102 Lorries (used) (retail) 45190 50102 Lorries (used) (wholesale) 45190 50101 Lorries (wholesale) 29100 34100 Lorry (manufacture) 28220 29220 Lorry loader (manufacture) 66210 67200 Loss adjuster 92000 92710 Lottery ticket sales 26400 32300 Loudspeaker (manufacture) 52243 63110 52241 63110 52242 63110 52241 63110 52243 63110 28922 13940 64921 70210 28131 03220 03210 91020 96040 52220 52219 96030 88990 42990 87900 90040 96030 52220 37000 42990 84250 93110 50400 29522 17520 65221 74141 29121 05020 05020 92521 93040 63220 63210 93030 85322 45213 85312 92320 93030 63220 90010 45213 75250 92619 61209 96030 93030 42110 45230 88100 85322 87300 85312 41202 93110 52220 87900 52230 84230 41202 45212 92619 63220 85312 63230 75230 45212 93290 92729 50300 61201 81291 88990 93110 38210 74703 85322 92619 90020 SIC 2003 Alphabetical Index Activity 79 L Alphabetical Index SIC 2007 M SIC 2003 Indexes to the UK Standard Industrial Classification of Economic Activities 2007 – UK SIC(2007) Activity 11050 15960 Low and non‑alcoholic beer (manufacture) 11020 15932 Low and non‑alcoholic wine based on concentrated grape must (manufacture) 11020 15931 Low and non‑alcoholic wine from fresh grapes and grape juice (manufacture) 24100 27100 Low carbon ferro manganese (carbon 2% or less) (manufacture) 10860 15880 Low energy and energy‑reduced foods (manufacture) 29202 34202 Low loader trailer (manufacture) 10860 15880 Low sodium foods (manufacture) 19100 23100 Low temperature carbonisation solid fuel (not ovoid or briquettes) (manufacture) 10860 15880 Low‑sodium or sodium‑free dietary salts (manufacture) 82990 74879 Loyalty programme administration 10822 15842 Lozenge (medicated) (manufacture) 10822 15842 Lozenge (not medicated) (manufacture) 46719 51519 Lubricants (wholesale) 19209 23209 Lubricating grease formulation outside refineries (manufacture) 19201 23201 Lubricating oil (at refinery) (manufacture) 20590 24660 Lubricating oil additive (manufacture) 19209 23209 Lubricating oil formulation outside refineries (manufacture) 46120 51120 Lubricating oils (commission agent) 46719 51519 Lubricating oils and greases (wholesale) 47300 50500 Lubricating products for motor vehicles 28131 29121 Lubricating pump (not for internal combustion engine) (manufacture) 28290 29240 Lubricator (manufacture) 15120 19200 Luggage and the like of leather (manufacture) 15120 19200 Luggage handbags made of paperboard (manufacture) 15120 19200 Luggage made of leather or leather substitute (manufacture) 30990 35500 Luggage trucks (hand propelled) (manufacture) 30200 35200 Luggage van for railway (manufacture) 15120 19200 Luggage, handbags made of plastic sheeting (manufacture) 15120 19200 Luggage, handbags made of textile materials (manufacture) 20120 24120 Luminophores (manufacture) 56101 55301 Luncheon bar (licensed) 56290 55510 Luncheon club 82990 74879 Luncheon voucher company 01110 01110 Lupin growing 20130 24130 Lyes (manufacture) 90030 92319 Lyric author 46460 51460 Lysine and glutamic acid and salts thereof (wholesale) 46180 51180 Lysine, glutamic acid and their salts (commission agent) 10730 15850 Macaroni (manufacture) 28930 29530 Macaroni, spaghetti or similar products machinery (manufacture) 46140 51140 Machine broker (commission agent) 13922 17402 Machine covers (manufacture) 25400 29600 Machine gun (manufacture) 16290 20510 Machine parts made of wood (manufacture) 13300 17300 Machine printing of textiles (manufacture) 33200 28520 Machine rigging (manufacture) 80 SIC 2007 SIC 2003 Activity 25730 28620 Machine tool interchangeable tools (manufacture) 28490 29430 Machine tool special attachments (excluding for metal working) (manufacture) 28410 29420 Machine tools (ultrasonic) (metal working) (manufacture) 46620 51810 Machine tools (wholesale) 46620 51810 Machine tools exporter (wholesale) 28490 29430 Machine tools for cork, bone, hard rubber, hard plastics or similar hard materials (manufacture) 28490 29430 Machine tools for working cold glass (manufacture) 28410 29420 Machine tools, for working metals (manufacture) 28410 29420 Machine tools, for working metal, plasma arc (manufacture) 28410 29420 Machine tools, for working metals, ultrasonic waves (manufacture) 28410 29420 Machine tools, for working metals, using a laser beam (manufacture) 28410 29420 Machine tools, for working metals, using a magnetic pulse (manufacture) 28490 29430 Machine tools, for working wood (manufacture) 46620 51810 Machine tools importer (wholesale) 77390 71340 Machine tools rental and operating leasing 46140 51140 Machinery (commission agent) 28290 29240 Machinery (not containing electrical connectors) n.e.c. parts (manufacture) 46900 51900 Machinery (undefined) (wholesale) 15120 19200 Machinery accessories made of leather (manufacture) 46690 51870 Machinery and apparatus for filtering or purifying gases (wholesale) 46660 51850 Machinery and equipment for offices (wholesale) 77299 71409 Machinery and equipment used by amateurs or as a hobby e.g. Home repair tools rental and leasing 71121 74205 Machinery and industrial plant design 13960 17542 Machinery belting (woven) (manufacture) 15120 19200 Machinery belting made of leather (manufacture) 28290 29240 Machinery for cleaning or drying bottles and for aerating beverages (manufacture) 77390 71340 Machinery for industrial use rental and operating leasing 28250 29230 Machinery for liquefying air or gas (manufacture) 28490 29430 Machinery for making wooden clogs, soles and heels for shoes (manufacture) 28921 29521 Machinery for treating minerals by screening, sorting, separating, washing, crushing (manufacture) 46690 51870 Machinery n.e.c., for use in trade, navigation and other services (wholesale) 46690 51870 Machinery n.e.c., for industrial use (except mining, construction, textile) (wholesale) 46690 51870 Machinery n.e.c., for industrial use (except mining, construction, textile) exporter (wholesale) 46690 51870 Machinery n.e.c., for industrial use (except mining, construction, textile) importer (wholesale) 46900 51900 Machinery stockist (undefined) (wholesale) 46690 51870 Machines and appliances for testing the mechanical properties of materials (wholesale) 28302 29320 Machines for cleaning, sorting or grading eggs, fruit (manufacture) 28990 29560 Machines for the assembly of electric or electronic lamps, tubes (valves) or bulbs (manufacture) 26200 30020 Machines for transcribing data media in coded form (manufacture) 28410 29420 Machining centre (metal working) (manufacture) 28290 33202 Machinists precision tools (manufacture) Indexes to the UK Standard Industrial Classification of Economic Activities 2007 – UK SIC(2007) Alphabetical Index SIC 2007 SIC 2003 Activity SIC 2007 SIC 2003 Activity 14131 14132 62012 13922 13922 17120 18129 58142 46499 77210 01490 84230 23200 24450 08910 26800 26200 26200 26513 26800 26200 26200 46690 26200 46510 26400 26600 18221 18222 72400 17402 17402 21120 22220 22130 51479 71401 01250 75230 26260 27450 14300 24650 30020 30020 33202 24650 30020 30020 51870 30020 51840 32300 33100 Mackintoshes for men and boys (manufacture) Mackintoshes for women and girls (manufacture) Made‑to‑order software Made‑up filter cloth (manufacture) Made‑up goods of sailcloth (manufacture) Magazine paper (manufacture) Magazine printing (manufacture) Magazine publishing Magazines (wholesale) Magazines rental Maggot breeding Magistrates’ court Magnesite chrome shape (manufacture) Magnesium (manufacture) Magnesium sulphates (natural kieserite) mining Magnetic card (manufacture) Magnetic card readers (manufacture) Magnetic card storage units (manufacture) Magnetic compass (manufacture) Magnetic disc (unrecorded) (manufacture) Magnetic disk drives (manufacture) Magnetic flash drives (manufacture) Magnetic lifting heads (wholesale) Magnetic or optical readers (manufacture) Magnetic or optical readers (wholesale) Magnetic recording head (manufacture) Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) equipment (manufacture) Magnetic storage devices for computers (manufacture) Magnetic tape (unrecorded) (manufacture) Magnetic tape recorders (manufacture) Magneto (manufacture) Magneto‑dynamos (manufacture) Magnetometric (subsurface ) surveying activities Magnetron (manufacture) Magnetrons, klystrons and microwave tubes (wholesale) Magnifying glass (manufacture) Magnolia metal (manufacture) Mail distribution and delivery Mail handling machines (envelope stuffing, sealing, addressing; opening, sorting) (manufacture) Mail order (retail) Mail order sales of motor vehicle parts and accessories (retail) Mailbox rental Mailing finishing services such as customisation, envelope preparation (manufacture) Mailing lists (in print) publishing Mailing pre‑sorting Mainframe computers (manufacture) Maintenance of graves Maintenance of mausoleums Maintenance of motor vehicles Maisonettes letting Maize (flaked) production (manufacture) Maize flour and meal production (manufacture) Maize starch (manufacture) Make‑up and beauty treatment 20420 71111 24510 11060 10890 11050 10890 10620 26600 62030 24520 74201 27510 15970 15899 15960 15899 15620 33100 72300 70229 70229 85320 93110 01230 24450 27200 07290 20120 24450 24450 01220 01190 22230 74143 74143 80220 92619 01139 27450 31400 13200 24120 27450 27450 01139 01110 25239 Make‑up preparation (manufacture) Making of architectural maquettes Malleable castings (manufacture) Malt and malt products (manufacture) Malt extract (manufacture) Malt liquors (manufacture) Malted milk production (manufacture) Maltose (manufacture) Mammographs (manufacture) Management and operation on a continuing basis of data processing facilities belonging to others Management audits consultancy services Management consultancy activities Management training establishment Managing and providing the staff for sports facilities Mandarin growing Manganese alloys (manufacture) Manganese dioxide cells (manufacture) Manganese mining and preparation Manganese oxide (manufacture) Manganese production and refining (manufacture) Manganese wire made by drawing (manufacture) Mango growing Mangold growing Manhole or access covers made of plastic (manufacture) Manicure and pedicure preparations (commission agent) Manicure and pedicure preparations (manufacture) Manicure and pedicure sets (manufacture) Manicure case made of leather (manufacture) Manicurist Manifold for industrial engine (manufacture) Man‑made fibre (not glass fibre) (manufacture) Man‑made fibre bulking (other than in man‑made fibre producing establishments) (manufacture) Man‑made fibre crimping (other than in man‑made fibre producing establishments) (manufacture) 26200 30020 26800 26400 29310 29310 71122 26110 46520 24650 32300 31610 31610 74206 32100 51860 26701 24430 53100 28230 33402 27430 64110 30010 47910 52610 45320 50300 82190 64110 18140 22230 58120 82190 26200 96030 96030 45200 68209 10611 10611 10620 96020 22110 74850 30020 93030 93030 50200 70209 15611 15611 15620 93020 46180 51180 20420 25710 15120 96020 28110 20600 13100 24520 28610 19200 93020 29110 24700 17150 13100 17150 13300 17300 Man‑made fibre fabric bleaching, dyeing, printing or otherwise finishing (manufacture) 13100 17150 Man‑made fibre texturing (other than in man‑made fibre producing establishments) (manufacture) 13100 17150 Man‑made fibre texturing, bulking, crimping in man‑made fibre producing establishments (manufacture) 46180 51180 Man‑made fibre waste (commission agent) 13200 17210 Man‑made fibre weaving from yarns spun on the cotton system (manufacture) 13200 17220 Man‑made fibre weaving of fabrics from yarns spun on the woollen system (manufacture) 13200 17230 Man‑made fibre weaving of fabrics from yarns spun on worsted and semi‑worsted systems (manufacture) 13300 17300 Man‑made fibre yarn bleaching, dyeing or otherwise finishing (manufacture) 46120 51120 Man‑made fibres and yarns (commission agent) 13100 17110 Man‑made fibres spinning on the cotton system (manufacture) 13100 17120 Man‑made fibres spinning on the woollen system (manufacture) 13100 17130 Man‑made fibres spinning on the worsted and semi‑worsted systems (manufacture) 81 M Alphabetical Index SIC 2007 SIC 2003 13100 17110 13100 17120 13100 17130 13100 17110 13100 17120 13100 17130 13100 17110 13100 17120 13100 17130 20600 24700 28940 29540 M 20600 26511 26513 68209 30990 24100 25990 14200 84130 24700 33201 33202 70209 35500 27100 28750 18300 75130 46750 28302 46610 18129 58110 91011 18129 47620 10810 46730 23700 08110 23190 10420 46330 42910 93290 03110 51550 29320 51880 22220 22110 92510 22220 52470 15830 51530 26700 14110 26150 15430 51333 45240 92629 05010 10410 15410 03210 52220 52220 71200 74909 05020 63220 63220 74300 74206 03110 05010 19201 23201 84250 75250 82 Indexes to the UK Standard Industrial Classification of Economic Activities 2007 – UK SIC(2007) Activity SIC 2007 SIC 2003 Activity Man‑made fibres twisting on the cotton system (manufacture) Man‑made fibres twisting on the woollen system (manufacture) Man‑made fibres twisting on the worsted and semi‑worsted systems (manufacture) Man‑made fibres warping on the cotton system (manufacture) Man‑made fibres warping on the woollen system (manufacture) Man‑made fibres warping on the worsted and semi‑worsted systems (manufacture) Man‑made fibres winding on the cotton system (manufacture) Man‑made fibres winding on the woollen system (manufacture) Man‑made fibres winding on the worsted and semi‑worsted systems (manufacture) Man‑made staple fibres, not carded, combed or otherwise processed for spinning (manufacture) Man‑made textile fibre or yarn producing machinery (manufacture) Man‑made tow (manufacture) Manometers (electronic) (manufacture) Manometers (non‑electronic) (manufacture) Mansions letting Manually propelled trucks (manufacture) Manufacture of hot‑rolled rods of steel Manufacture of metal combs (manufacture) Manufacturing furrier (manufacture) Manufacturing services administration and regulation (public sector) Manure (wholesale) Manure spreader (manufacture) Manure spreaders, seeders (wholesale) Manuscript book (manufacture) Map and plan publishing Map lending and storage Map printing (manufacture) Map seller (retail) Maple syrup (manufacture) Marble (wholesale) Marble masonry working (manufacture) Marble quarrying (rough trimming and sawing) Marbles made of glass (manufacture) Margarine (manufacture) Margarine (wholesale) Marina construction Marinas Marine and freshwater crustaceans and molluscs gathering Marine animal crude oil and fat production (manufacture) Marine aquaculture Marine cargo lighterage Marine cargo superintendent Marine cargo surveyor Marine consultant (other than environmental consultancy) Marine crustacean and mollusc gathering Marine diesel oil (manufacture) Marine fireboat services 03110 05010 Marine fishing 03110 05010 Marine fishing vessels engaged in processing and preserving of fish 65120 66031 Marine insurance 71200 74300 Marine insurance survey activities 28110 29110 Marine non‑propulsion engines (manufacture) 25300 28300 Marine or power boiler parts (manufacture) 20301 24301 Marine paint (manufacture) 46690 51870 Marine propulsion engines (wholesale) 52220 63220 Marine salvage 25990 28750 Marine screw propeller (manufacture) 46770 51570 Marine store waste (wholesale) 71200 74300 Marine surveyor 50200 61102 Marine tow out services 93290 92349 Marionette show 52290 63400 Maritime agent 84220 75220 Maritime search and rescue (military) 28230 36120 Marker boards (manufacture) 32990 36631 Marker pen (manufacture) 73200 74130 Market research agency 73200 74130 Market research consultant 73200 74130 Market research organisation 73200 74130 Market, social and economic research services 73110 74402 Marketing campaigns 70229 74149 Marketing management consultancy activities 20590 24660 Marking ink (manufacture) 08110 14120 Marl mining 10390 15330 Marmalade (manufacture) 13922 17402 Marquee (manufacture) 77210 71401 Marquee hire 88990 85321 Marriage and family guidance (charitable) 88990 85322 Marriage and family guidance (non‑charitable) 96090 93059 Marriage bureau 10822 15842 Marshmallow (manufacture) 85510 92629 Martial arts instruction 10822 15842 Marzipan sweets (manufacture) 10310 15310 Mashed potatoes (dehydrated) production (manufacture) 26600 33100 Mask and respirator (not medical) (manufacture) 43999 45250 Mason (building) 86900 85140 Mass radiography service 32500 33100 Massage apparatus (manufacture) 96040 93040 Massage salons 24440 27440 Master alloys of copper (manufacture) 96090 93059 Master of Ceremonies 20301 24303 Mastics (manufacture) 46730 51530 Mastics and sealants (wholesale) 30120 35120 Masts and spars for pleasure boats (manufacture) 30110 35110 Masts and spars for ships (manufacture) 23140 26140 Mat made of glass fibre (manufacture) 20510 36639 Match (manufacture) 46499 51479 Matches (wholesale) 25730 28620 Matchet (manufacture) 01270 01139 Maté growing 46210 51210 Materials, residues and by‑products used as animal feed (wholesale) 86900 85140 Maternity and child welfare services 86900 85140 Maternity clinic 86101 85112 Maternity hospital (private sector) Indexes to the UK Standard Industrial Classification of Economic Activities 2007 – UK SIC(2007) SIC 2007 SIC 2003 Activity 86101 85111 Maternity hospital (public sector) 26513 33202 Mathematical instrument (non‑electronic) (manufacture) 72190 73100 Mathematical research and experimental development 59200 22140 Matrice for record production 13939 17519 Mats and matting made of coconut fibre (manufacture) 13939 17519 Mats and matting made of coir (manufacture) 13939 17519 Mats and matting made of sisal (manufacture) 14200 18300 Mats and rugs made of fur (manufacture) 16290 20520 Mats made of cork (manufacture) 13939 17519 Mats made of jute (manufacture) 22190 25130 Mats made of rubber (manufacture) 24440 27440 Mattes made of copper (manufacture) 24450 27450 Mattes of nickel production (manufacture) 16290 20520 Matting made of cane (manufacture) 16290 20520 Matting made of rushes (manufacture) 22230 25231 Matting made of woven plastic (manufacture) 25730 28620 Mattock (manufacture) 31030 36150 Mattress base (manufacture) 23140 26140 Mattress made of glass fibre (manufacture) 31030 36150 Mattress made of plastic foam (manufacture) 31030 36150 Mattress made of sponge (manufacture) 31030 36150 Mattress support made of metal (manufacture) 10720 15820 Matzos (manufacture) 10840 15870 Mayonnaise (manufacture) 93120 92629 MCC 11030 15949 Mead (manufacture) 10611 15611 Meal from grain (manufacture) 10612 15612 Meal of dried leguminous vegetables production (manufacture) 56290 55520 Meals on wheels catering 77390 71340 Measuring and controlling equipment rental and operating leasing 26511 33201 Measuring instruments and appliances (electronic) (manufacture) 26513 33202 Measuring instruments and appliances (non‑electronic) (manufacture) 46690 51870 Measuring instruments and equipment (wholesale) 28290 33202 Measuring rods and tapes (manufacture) 28290 33202 Measuring rule (manufacture) 28290 33202 Measuring tape (manufacture) 10110 15111 Meat (except poultry meat) processing and preserving (manufacture) 46320 51320 Meat (wholesale) 10110 15112 Meat and bone meal from knackers (manufacture) 46390 51390 Meat and fish market porterage (wholesale) 47220 52220 Meat and meat products (retail) 46320 51320 Meat and meat products exporter (wholesale) 46320 51320 Meat and meat products importer (wholesale) 47220 52220 Meat and meat products in specialised stores (retail) 10130 15139 Meat and poultry meat processing (other than bacon and ham) (manufacture) 10130 15139 Meat and poultry meat products (manufacture) 10130 15139 Meat canning, cooking and preserving (manufacture) 10110 15111 Meat chilling or freezing for human consumption (manufacture) 47220 52220 Meat dealer (retail) 10130 15139 Meat extract (manufacture) 46380 51380 Meat for domestic animals (wholesale) Alphabetical Index SIC 2007 SIC 2003 Activity 10130 10110 10130 56103 10130 46320 28930 10110 15139 15112 15139 55303 15139 51320 29530 15111 10130 10130 46320 71129 15139 15139 51320 74204 Meat juices (manufacture) Meat meal (ground meat) (manufacture) Meat pate (manufacture) Meat pie shop Meat pies and puddings (manufacture) Meat porter (wholesale) Meat processing machinery (manufacture) Meat production (fresh, chilled or frozen) in carcasses or cuts (manufacture) Meat pudding (manufacture) Meat rillettes (manufacture) Meat salesman (wholesale) Mechanical and electrical installation for buildings design activities Mechanical ash dischargers (manufacture) Mechanical crushing of metal waste (cars, washing machines, etc.) with sorting and separation Mechanical crushing of metal waste from used bikes Mechanical engineering (general) (manufacture) Mechanical industrial robots for lifting, handling (manufacture) Mechanical leather preparation (manufacture) Mechanical lifting manipulators (manufacture) Mechanical manipulators (manufacture) Mechanical power transmission bearing housings (manufacture) Mechanical power transmission camshafts (manufacture) Mechanical power transmission chain (manufacture) Mechanical power transmission cranks (manufacture) Mechanical power transmission crankshafts (manufacture) Mechanical power transmission plain shaft bearings (manufacture) Mechanical power transmission plant (manufacture) Mechanical power transmission shafts (manufacture) Mechanical reduction of large iron pieces such as railway wagons into secondary raw materials Mechanical shovels (manufacture) Mechanical shovels, shovel loaders, excavators, with 360 degree revolving superstructure (wholesale) Mechanical stokers (manufacture) Mechanical woodpulp (manufacture) Mechanical, industrial and systems engineering design projects Mechano‑therapy appliances (manufacture) Medals (new) (retail) Media entertainment equipment renting and leasing Media for sound or video recording (unrecorded) (manufacture) Media representation Medical and biological photography Medical and dental instruments and supplies (manufacture) Medical and paramedical equipment (e.g. crutches) rental and leasing Medical appliances (manufacture) Medical associations Medical consultant (public sector) Medical diagnostic preparations, including pregnancy tests (manufacture) Medical goods (commission agent) 28210 29210 38320 37100 38320 37100 25620 28520 28220 29220 15110 28220 28220 28150 19100 29220 29220 29140 28150 29140 28150 29140 28150 29140 28150 29140 28150 29140 28150 29140 28150 29140 38320 37100 28922 29522 46630 51820 28210 29210 17110 21110 71129 74204 32500 47789 77291 26800 33100 52485 71403 24650 73120 74401 74202 74813 32500 33100 77299 71409 32500 94120 86101 21200 33100 91120 85111 24421 46180 51180 83 M Alphabetical Index SIC 2007 SIC 2003 Activity SIC 2007 SIC 2003 Activity 47749 46460 86210 21200 52329 51460 85120 24421 32500 86900 26600 32500 19201 78200 33100 85140 33100 33100 23201 74500 Medical goods (retail) Medical goods (wholesale) Medical group practice Medical impregnated bandages, dressings, gauze and wadding (manufacture) Medical instrument (non‑optical) (manufacture) Medical laboratories Medical laser equipment (manufacture) Medical nucleonic apparatus (manufacture) Medical paraffin (manufacture) Medical personnel (supply) (temporary employment agency) Medical research establishment not attached to hospital (other than biotechnological) Medical rubber dressings (manufacture) Medical rubber goods (not dressings) (manufacture) Medical school Medical sciences research and experimental development (other than biotechnological) Medical thermometers (manufacture) Medical, surgical, dental and veterinary furniture (wholesale) Medical, surgical, dental or veterinary examination tables (manufacture) Medical, surgical, dental or veterinary operating tables (manufacture) Medicaments (manufacture) Medicaments containing alkaloids or their derivatives (wholesale) Medicaments containing hormones (wholesale) Medicaments containing hormones but (not antibiotics) (commission agent) Medicaments containing penicillins or other antibiotics (commission agent) Medicaments containing penicillins or other antibiotics (wholesale) Medicated confectionery (manufacture) Medicated dressings (manufacture) Medicinal active substances to be used for their pharmacological properties (manufacture) Medicinal feed additives (veterinary) (manufacture) Medicinal pumps (manufacture) Medicine (manufacture) Medicine dealer (retail) Medium density fibreboard (MDF) and other fibreboard (manufacture) Medium fuel oil (manufacture) Megaphone (manufacture) Melamine (manufacture) Melamine resins (manufacture) Melanges and similar spreads (manufacture) Melon growing Melting furnace (manufacture) Membership organisations n.e.c. Memory store for computers (manufacture) Menagerie Mending of textile articles, including wearing apparel (manufacture) Men’s bespoke tailor (retail) Men’s clothier and outfitter (retail) Men’s clothing (retail) Men’s clothing (wholesale) 47710 47710 86101 86220 86101 86101 86101 85590 28940 13300 52424 52424 85111 85120 85111 85112 85111 80429 29540 17300 13300 18140 46410 50200 27200 27400 13100 22220 53201 53201 53202 53202 46770 17300 22230 51410 61102 31400 31500 17130 25220 64120 64120 64120 64120 51570 Men’s outfitter (retail) Men’s wear dealer (retail) Mental disability (public sector) Mental health specialist (private practice) Mental health specialist (public sector) Mental hospital (private sector) Mental hospital (public sector) Mentally disabled adult training Mercerising machinery for textiles (manufacture) Mercerising of textiles and textile articles, including wearing apparel (manufacture) Mercerising yarn (manufacture) Merchandising display finishing (manufacture) Merchant converter (textiles) (wholesale) Merchant Navy Mercuric dioxide cells (manufacture) Mercury vapour lamp (manufacture) Merino yarn spinning (manufacture) Mesh bags made of plastic (manufacture) Messenger licensed Messenger service licensed Messenger service unlicensed Messenger unlicensed Metal and non‑metal waste and scrap and materials for recycling (wholesale) Metal badges and metal military insignia (manufacture) Metal broker (not scrap) (commission agent) Metal coating of plastics Metal cutting machine (numerically controlled) (manufacture) Metal cutting machine tool (manufacture) Metal detectors (non‑electronic) (manufacture) Metal dinnerware bowls (manufacture) Metal dinnerware platters (manufacture) Metal drum reconditioning (manufacture) Metal etching (manufacture) Metal finishing Metal forging, pressing, stamping and roll‑forming (manufacture) Metal forming machine (numerically controlled) (manufacture) Metal framed upholstery for seating (manufacture) Metal frameworks for blast furnaces (manufacture) Metal frameworks for construction of bridges (manufacture) Metal frameworks for construction of masts (manufacture) Metal frameworks for construction of towers (manufacture) Metal frameworks for lifting and handling equipment (manufacture) Metal goods for office use (manufacture) 72190 73100 32500 32500 85421 72190 25130 25130 80302 73100 32500 33202 46460 51460 32500 33100 32500 33100 21200 24421 46460 51460 M Indexes to the UK Standard Industrial Classification of Economic Activities 2007 – UK SIC(2007) 46460 51460 46180 51180 46180 51180 46460 51460 10822 15842 32500 24422 21100 24410 21100 28131 21200 47730 16210 24410 29121 24421 52310 20200 19201 26400 20140 20160 10420 01130 28210 94990 26200 91040 13300 23201 32300 24140 24160 15430 01120 29210 91330 30020 92530 17300 47710 47710 47710 46420 52424 52424 52424 51429 84 25990 28750 46120 51120 22290 25240 28410 29420 28410 26513 25990 25990 25910 18130 25610 25500 29420 33202 28750 28750 28710 22240 28510 28400 28410 29420 31090 36110 25110 28110 25110 28110 25110 28110 25110 28110 25110 28110 25990 28750 25990 28750 Metal hair curlers (manufacture) 25990 28750 Metal hollow ware pots (manufacture) 25990 28750 Metal hollowware kettles (manufacture) 25500 28400 Metal objects production directly from metal powders by heat treatment (manufacture) 46120 51120 Metal oxides, hydroxides and peroxides (commission agent) 46750 51550 Metal oxides, hydroxides and peroxides (wholesale) Indexes to the UK Standard Industrial Classification of Economic Activities 2007 – UK SIC(2007) SIC 2007 SIC 2003 Activity SIC 2007 20590 25990 20412 20301 25990 46690 28910 24660 28750 24512 24301 28750 51870 29510 24100 25110 25110 25110 25990 25610 28290 46720 25110 27100 28110 28110 28110 28750 28510 29240 51520 28110 20590 25990 25990 46120 43320 28410 24660 28750 28750 51120 45420 29420 28410 25920 46120 46750 20301 15110 13960 46120 46750 19100 71200 28910 46120 46720 46720 46720 46499 29420 28720 51120 51550 24301 19100 17549 51120 51550 23100 74300 29510 51120 51520 51520 51520 51440 Metal pickling substances (manufacture) Metal plates (manufacture) Metal polish (manufacture) Metal pre‑treatment paint (manufacture) Metal road signs (manufacture) Metal rolling mills (wholesale) Metal rolling mills and rolls for such mills (manufacture) Metal sand for sandblasting (manufacture) Metal skeletons for bridges (manufacture) Metal skeletons for masts (manufacture) Metal skeletons for towers (manufacture) Metal spinning Metal spraying (manufacture) Metal spraying machine (manufacture) Metal stockholder (wholesale) Metal structures and parts of structures (manufacture) Metal treatment chemical (manufacture) Metal umbrella handles and frames (manufacture) Metal vacuum jugs and bottles (manufacture) Metal waste and scrap (commission agent) Metal window fixing Metal working machine tool (physical process) (manufacture) Metal working machine tool parts (manufacture) Metallic closures (manufacture) Metallic halogenates (commission agent) Metallic halogenates (wholesale) Metallic paint (manufacture) Metallised leathers (manufacture) Metallised yarn (manufacture) Metalloids (commission agent) Metalloids (wholesale) Metallurgical coke (manufacture) Metallurgist (private practice) Metallurgy machinery (manufacture) Metals (commission agent) Metals (wholesale) Metals and metal ores exporter (wholesale) Metals and metal ores importer (wholesale) Metalware for domestic use (wholesale) 26511 33201 Meteorological instruments (electronic) (manufacture) 26513 33202 Meters for liquid supply (non‑electronic) (manufacture) 26511 33201 Meters for petrol pumps (electronic) (manufacture) 26513 33202 Meters for petrol pumps (non‑electronic) (manufacture) 26511 33201 Meters for water (electronic) (manufacture) 26513 33202 Meters for water (non‑electronic) (manufacture) 06200 11100 Methane extraction from natural gas 20140 24140 Methanol (manufacture) 46750 51550 Methanol (wholesale) 94910 91310 Methodist Church 20140 15920 Methylated spirits (manufacture) 32200 36300 Metronome (electronic or mechanical) (manufacture) 49311 60213 Metropolitan area passenger railway transportation by underground, metro and similar systems 84240 75240 Metropolitan Police Commissioners Office 49319 60219 Metropolitan scheduled passenger land transport other than underground, metro and similar systems 23990 26829 Mica goods (manufacture) 08990 14500 Mica mining and quarrying 23990 26829 Mica slab and sheet processing (manufacture) 26200 30020 Mice, joysticks and trackballs (manufacture) 21100 24410 Microbiological cultures, toxins, etc. (manufacture) 26110 32100 Microchip (manufacture) 46520 51860 Microchips (wholesale) 26110 32100 Microcircuit (manufacture) 26200 30020 Micro‑computers (manufacture) 26702 33403 Microfiche readers (manufacture) 26702 33403 Microfilm equipment (manufacture) 26702 33403 Microfilm readers (manufacture) 74202 74813 Micro‑filming activities 26513 33202 Micrometer (manufacture) 71122 74206 Micropalaeontogical analysis activities 26400 32300 Microphone (manufacture) 26702 33402 Microphotography equipment (manufacture) 26110 32100 Microprocessors (manufacture) 26702 33402 Microprojection equipment (manufacture) 46690 51870 Microscopes (except optical) and diffraction equipment (wholesale) 26513 33202 Microscopes (other than optical) (manufacture) 26110 32100 Microwave components (manufacture) 27510 29710 Microwave ovens (manufacture) 46439 51439 Microwave ovens (wholesale) 26110 32100 Microwave tube (manufacture) 85200 80100 Middle schools deemed primary 86900 85140 Midwife (NHS) 86900 85140 Midwife (private) 55900 55239 Migrant worker accommodation 84210 75210 Military aid missions accredited to foreign governments (public sector) 86101 85111 Military base hospitals 25400 29600 Military carbine (manufacture) 14120 18210 Military clothing (manufacture) 85421 80302 Military college 84220 75220 Military defence administration 30400 29600 Military fighting tanks (manufacture) 30400 29600 Military fighting vehicles (manufacture) 86101 85111 Military hospital (public sector) 84220 75220 Military logistics 91020 92521 Military museums 26513 33202 Meteorological instruments (non‑electronic) (manufacture) 26701 33201 Meteorological optical instruments (electronic) (manufacture) 26513 33202 Meteorological optical instruments (non‑electronic) (manufacture) 22230 25239 Meter housing boxes made of plastic (manufacture) 82990 74879 Meter reading on a fee or contract basis 28131 29121 Metering pump (manufacture) 26511 33201 Meters (other than for electricity and parking) (electronic) (manufacture) 26513 33202 Meters (other than for electricity and parking) (non‑electronic) (manufacture) 26511 33201 Meters for electricity (electronic) (manufacture) 26513 33202 Meters for electricity (non‑electronic) (manufacture) 26511 33201 Meters for liquid supply (electronic) (manufacture) SIC 2003 Alphabetical Index Activity 85 M Alphabetical Index SIC 2007 SIC 2003 Activity SIC 2007 SIC 2003 Activity 84220 25400 85320 84230 46330 56103 10860 10821 25920 25910 10821 49410 28930 11070 10511 10519 25990 28930 10519 28930 10511 75220 29600 80220 75230 51331 55303 15880 15841 28720 28710 15841 60249 29530 15980 15511 15519 28750 29530 15519 29530 15511 Military ports Military rifle (manufacture) Military school Military tribunals administration and operation Milk (wholesale) Milk bar Milk based baby food (manufacture) Milk chocolate (manufacture) Milk churns made of aluminium (manufacture) Milk churns made of iron or steel (manufacture) Milk cocoa (manufacture) Milk collection by tanker Milk converting machinery (manufacture) Milk drinks (flavoured) (manufacture) Milk homogenising (manufacture) Milk or cream in solid form (manufacture) Milk pan (manufacture) Milk pasteurisation plant (manufacture) Milk powder (manufacture) Milk processing machinery (manufacture) Milk production (evaporated, condensed, etc.) (manufacture) Milk products other than liquid milk and cream, butter, cheese n.e.c. (manufacture) Milk roundsman (not farmer) (retail) Milk shake base (manufacture) Milk sterilising (manufacture) Milk ultra heat treatment (manufacture) Milking machine (manufacture) Milking machines (wholesale) Milkman (not farmer) (retail) Mill board (manufacture) Millboard made of asbestos (manufacture) Millet growing Millinery (wholesale) Millinery dealer (retail) Millinery importer (wholesale) Millinery made of felt (manufacture) Milling cutter (manufacture) Milling machine (food processing) (manufacture) Milling machine (metal cutting) (manufacture) Milling machinery for textiles (manufacture) Millstone and grindstone cutting (manufacture) Millstones made of bonded abrasives (manufacture) Mincemeat (manufacture) Mine case and component (manufacture) Mine detectors (electronic) (manufacture) Mine detectors (non‑electronic) (manufacture) Mine detectors, pulse (signal) generators; metal detectors (manufacture) Mine sinking Minefield clearance 19209 06100 19201 84130 23209 11100 23201 75130 71122 11070 46341 46341 11070 46341 23990 28921 27400 27120 29100 45111 74206 15980 51341 51341 15980 51341 26829 29521 31500 31200 34100 50101 45111 50101 45112 50102 45112 50102 Mineral oil blending (manufacture) Mineral oil extraction Mineral oil refining (manufacture) Mineral resource services administration and regulation (public sector) Mineral surveyor Mineral water bottling (manufacture) Mineral water exporter (wholesale) Mineral water importer (wholesale) Mineral water production (manufacture) Mineral waters (wholesale) Mineral wool (manufacture) Minerals treatment machinery (manufacture) Miners’ lamp (manufacture) Miniature circuit breaker (manufacture) Minibus (manufacture) Minibuses with a weight not exceeding 3.5 tonnes (new) (retail) Minibuses with a weight not exceeding 3.5 tonnes (new) (wholesale) Minibuses with a weight not exceeding 3.5 tonnes (used) (retail) Minibuses with a weight not exceeding 3.5 tonnes (used) (wholesale) Mini‑computers (manufacture) Mining and quarrying of residual class 08990, support services provided on a fee or contract basis Mining engineering design projects Mining equipment rental and operating leasing Mining locomotives and mining rail cars (manufacture) Mining machinery (manufacture) Mining machinery and equipment (wholesale) Mining of non‑ferrous metal ore Mining research establishment Mining services administration and regulation (public sector) Mining site preparation and overburden removal Mining timber (sawn) (manufacture) Mining tool (bit) (manufacture) Mining tool (powered portable) (manufacture) Ministry of Defence (civilian personnel) Ministry of Defence (forces personnel) Ministry of Defence Headquarters Ministry of Defence research and development (other than biotechnological) Mint herb infusions maté (manufacture) Mint sauce (manufacture) Mirror frame made of wood (manufacture) Mirror glass (manufacture) Mirrors for medical use (manufacture) Mirrors for motor vehicles (manufacture) 10519 15519 M Indexes to the UK Standard Industrial Classification of Economic Activities 2007 – UK SIC(2007) 47990 11070 10511 10511 28302 46610 47990 17120 23990 01110 46420 47710 46420 14190 25730 28930 28410 28940 23910 23910 10390 25400 26511 26513 26513 52630 15980 15511 15511 29320 51880 52630 21120 26821 01110 51429 52423 51429 18241 28620 29530 29420 29540 26810 26810 15330 29600 31620 33202 31620 43999 45250 39000 90030 21100 24410 Mineral and pharmaceutical nutritional ingredients for food and feeding stuff (manufacture) 20120 24120 Mineral colours (manufacture) 28921 29521 Mineral cutter (manufacture) 28921 29521 Mineral dressing plant (manufacture) 26200 30020 09900 14500 71129 74204 77390 71340 30200 35200 28921 46630 07290 72190 84130 29521 51820 13200 73100 75130 43120 16100 28921 28240 84220 84220 84220 72190 45110 20100 28620 29410 75220 75220 75220 73100 10831 10840 16290 23120 32500 23120 15861 15870 20510 26120 33100 26120 25400 29600 Missiles (guided weapons), except intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) (manufacture) 94910 91310 Missionary Society 26513 33202 Mitre (manufacture) 11030 15949 Mixed beverages containing fruit wines (manufacture) 23990 26829 Mineral insulating materials (manufacture) 47190 52120 Mixed business retailing both food and non food goods but non‑food predominating (retail) 23990 26829 Mineral insulation products (manufacture) 01500 01300 Mixed farming 86 Indexes to the UK Standard Industrial Classification of Economic Activities 2007 – UK SIC(2007) SIC 2007 SIC 2003 Activity 20110 24110 Mixed industrial gases (manufacture) 28960 29560 Mixing machine for working rubber or plastic (manufacture) 29203 34203 Mobile bank (not self propelled) (manufacture) 29203 34203 Mobile canteen (not self propelled) (manufacture) 28220 29220 Mobile crane (manufacture) 56103 55304 Mobile food carts 68209 70209 Mobile home letting (residential) 29100 34100 Mobile library (not trailer) (manufacture) 28220 29220 Mobile lifting frames (manufacture) 26301 32202 Mobile telephone (manufacture) 61200 64200 Mobile telephone services 47421 52488 Mobile telephones (retail) 47421 52488 Mobile telephones for motor vehicles (retail) 33110 28520 Mobile welding repair of fabricated metal products (not of machinery) (manufacture) 29100 34100 Mobile x‑ray unit (not trailer) (manufacture) 32409 36509 Model kit (manufacture) 93290 92349 Model railway installations 30110 35110 Model ship made by shipbuilder (manufacture) 46120 51120 Modelling pastes (commission agent) 20590 24660 Modelling pastes (manufacture) 32990 36639 Models for educational or exhibition purposes (manufacture) 32990 36639 Models for geographical use made of wax or plaster (manufacture) 32409 36509 Models for recreational use (manufacture) 22290 36639 Models for window display made of plastic (manufacture) 32990 36639 Models made of plaster (manufacture) 32990 36639 Models made of wax (manufacture) 26120 32100 Modem interface cards (manufacture) 26301 32201 Modems (manufacture) 25110 28110 Modular exhibition elements made of metal (manufacture) 30110 35110 Modules for oil platform (manufacture) 13100 17120 Mohair spinning on the woollen system (manufacture) 13100 17130 Mohair spinning on the worsted system (manufacture) 13200 17220 Mohair woollen weaving (manufacture) 13200 17230 Mohair worsted weaving (manufacture) 10910 15710 Molassed feeding stuff containing more than 30% molasses (manufacture) 10810 15830 Molasses (manufacture) 01610 01410 Mole catching by contractors 28921 29521 Moles for mining (manufacture) 14200 18300 Moleskin finishing (manufacture) 01490 01250 Mollusc farming, except aquatic molluscs 10200 15209 Mollusc preservation (other than by freezing) (manufacture) 10200 15201 Mollusc preservation by freezing (manufacture) 20200 24200 Molluscicides (manufacture) 47230 52230 Molluscs (retail) 03210 05020 Molluscs and other aquatic animals cultured in sea water 46380 51380 Molluscs distribution (wholesale) 24450 27450 Molybdenum (manufacture) 07290 13200 Molybdenum mining and preparation 94910 91310 Monastery 66120 67130 Money changer Alphabetical Index SIC 2007 SIC 2003 Activity 64921 64191 26110 80200 65221 65121 31300 74602 Money lender Money order activities Monitor cables (manufacture) Monitoring activities by mechanical or electrical protective devices Monitoring equipment for radio and television (manufacture) Monitoring of electronic security alarm systems Monitors for computers (manufacture) Monitors for videos (manufacture) Mono and polycarboxyclic acids including acetic acid (manufacture) Monocle (manufacture) Monocular (manufacture) Monofilament or strip (manufacture) Monohydric alcohols (commission agent) Monohydric alcohols (manufacture) Monohydric alcohols (wholesale) Monolithic integrated circuits (manufacture) Monopod tower made of steel plate (manufacture) Montejus (compressed air chamber elevators) (manufacture) Monumental stonework (manufacture) Mop (manufacture) Moped (manufacture) Moped sales (retail) Moped sales (wholesale) Mops for household use (manufacture) Moquette (not woollen) weaving (manufacture) Moquette woollen weaving (manufacture) Morbid anatomy specialist (private practice) Morbid anatomy specialist (public sector) Mordant dye (manufacture) Mortar (ordnance) (manufacture) Mortar bomb (manufacture) Mortar mixers (manufacture) Mortar spreaders (manufacture) Mortars (manufacture) Mortars (powdered) (manufacture) Mortars made of refractory (manufacture) Mortgage agent Mortgage broker activities Mortgage corporation for agriculture Mortgage finance companies’ activities (other than banks and building societies) Mortising machines (manufacture) Mortuary Mosaic cube (manufacture) Mosaic cubes made of glass (manufacture) Mosaic glazed tiles (manufacture) Mosque Moss collecting, cutting or gathering Moss litter (manufacture) Moss litter (wholesale) MOT testing station Motel (licensed with restaurant) Motel (unlicensed with restaurant) Motel without restaurant Motion compensation equipment for oil drilling rigs (manufacture) 26309 32202 80200 26200 26400 20140 74602 30020 32300 24140 32500 26701 20600 46120 20140 46750 26110 25110 28120 33401 33402 24700 51120 24140 51550 32100 28110 29121 23700 32910 30910 45400 45400 32910 13200 13200 86220 86101 20120 25400 25400 28923 28923 23640 23640 23200 66190 66190 64929 64922 26700 36620 35410 50400 50400 36620 17210 17220 85120 85111 24120 29600 29600 29523 29523 26640 26640 26260 67130 67130 65229 65223 28490 96030 23310 23190 23310 94910 02300 23990 46760 71200 55100 55100 55100 28921 29430 93030 26300 26150 26300 91310 02010 26829 51560 74300 55101 55102 55103 29521 87 M Alphabetical Index M Indexes to the UK Standard Industrial Classification of Economic Activities 2007 – UK SIC(2007) SIC 2007 SIC 2003 Activity SIC 2007 26513 74203 59131 59120 59111 77390 33202 74814 92120 92119 92111 71340 59140 59131 59120 52219 45320 45310 46120 49320 30120 49319 29100 29100 49390 49390 28120 28120 19201 27110 45190 45190 65120 45200 30910 19201 46711 27120 30910 45190 22290 92130 92120 92119 63210 50300 50300 51120 60220 35120 60219 34100 34100 60231 60231 29122 29122 23201 31100 50102 50102 66031 50200 35410 23201 51511 31200 35410 50102 25240 49410 71121 29310 29310 60249 74205 31610 31610 Motion detectors (non‑electronic) (manufacture) Motion picture developing Motion picture distribution activities Motion picture film laboratory activities Motion picture production Motion picture production equipment rental and leasing Motion picture projection Motion pictures distribution to other industries Motion pictures post‑production activities Motive power depot (railway) Motor accessories dealer (retail) Motor accessories dealer (wholesale) Motor and aviation spirit (commission agent) Motor bike taxi service Motor boats (manufacture) Motor bus scheduled passenger transport Motor car (manufacture) Motor coach (manufacture) Motor coach service Motor coach with driver (private hire) Motor for hydraulic equipment (manufacture) Motor for pneumatic equipment (manufacture) Motor fuel (manufacture) Motor generator sets (manufacture) Motor homes (used) (retail) Motor homes (used) (wholesale) Motor insurance Motor repair depot Motor scooter (manufacture) Motor spirit (manufacture) Motor spirit distribution (wholesale) Motor starting and controlling gear (manufacture) Motor tricycle and parts (manufacture) Motor vehicle (used) exporter Motor vehicle accessories, fittings and parts made of plastic (manufacture) Motor vehicle collection Motor vehicle design Motor vehicle electrical generators (manufacture) Motor vehicle electrical ignition wiring harnesses (manufacture) Motor vehicle electrical power window and door systems (manufacture) Motor vehicle painting and body repairing Motor vehicle parts and accessories (retail) Motor vehicle parts and accessories (wholesale) Motor vehicle purchased gauges into instrument panels (manufacture) Motor vehicle reconditioning by manufacturer (manufacture) Motor vehicle servicing Motor vehicle spraying Motor vehicle with a weight not exceeding 3.5 tonnes (new) exporter Motor vehicle with a weight not exceeding 3.5 tonnes (new) importer Motor vehicle with a weight not exceeding 3.5 tonnes (used) importer Motor vehicles (manufacture) Motor vehicles certification 29100 34100 Motor vehicles for commercial use (manufacture) 45111 50101 Motor vehicles with a weight not exceeding 3.5 tonnes (new) (retail) 45111 50101 Motor vehicles with a weight not exceeding 3.5 tonnes (new) (wholesale) 45112 50102 Motor vehicles with a weight not exceeding 3.5 tonnes (used) (retail) 45112 50102 Motor vehicles with a weight not exceeding 3.5 tonnes (used) (wholesale) 30910 35410 Motorcycle (manufacture) 45400 50400 Motorcycle exporter (wholesale) 77390 71211 Motorcycle hire 45400 50400 Motorcycle importer (wholesale) 30910 35410 Motorcycle parts and accessories (manufacture) 45400 50400 Motorcycle parts and accessories (retail) 45400 50400 Motorcycle parts and accessories (wholesale) 77390 71211 Motorcycle rental 45400 50400 Motorcycle sales (retail) 45400 50400 Motorcycle sales (wholesale) 45190 50101 Motorhomes (retail) 45190 50101 Motorhomes (wholesale) 29100 34100 Motorised caravans (manufacture) 46690 51870 Motorised tanks and other armoured fighting vehicles (wholesale) 94990 91330 Motorists’ organisation (not road patrol or touring service) 52219 50200 Motorists’ organisation (road patrol) 79110 63301 Motorists’ organisation touring department 30300 35300 Motors and engines of a kind typically found on aircraft (manufacture) 30300 35300 Motors for aircraft (manufacture) 42110 45230 Motorway and other dual carriageway construction 52219 63210 Motorway maintenance unit 56102 55302 Motorway services cafeteria (unlicensed) 47300 50500 Motorway services petrol filling station 25730 28620 Mould (engineers’ small tools) (manufacture) 25730 29560 Mould for foundry (manufacture) 23200 26260 Mouldable refractory (manufacture) 27120 31200 Moulded case circuit breaker (manufacture) 22190 19300 Moulded rubber bottoms for footwear (manufacture) 16230 20300 Moulded skirting board made of wood (manufacture) 28930 29530 Moulders for bakery (manufacture) 28960 29560 Moulders for rubber or plastic (manufacture) 29310 31610 45200 45320 45310 29310 50200 50300 50300 31610 29100 34100 45200 50200 45200 50200 45111 50101 45111 50101 45112 50102 29100 34100 71200 74300 88 SIC 2003 Activity 25730 29560 Moulding boxes for any material (manufacture) 20160 24160 Moulding compounds (plastics) (manufacture) 28960 29560 Moulding machine for rubber or plastic (manufacture) 28490 29430 Moulding machine for wood, etc. (manufacture) 25730 29560 Moulding machine for working rubber or plastics (manufacture) 28930 29530 Moulding machines for dairies (manufacture) 22190 25130 Mouldings for upholstery made of rubber (manufacture) 23200 26260 Mouldings made of magnesite (manufacture) 22290 25240 Mouldings made of plastic (manufacture) 16230 20300 Mouldings made of wood (manufacture) 23200 26260 Moulds made of silica (manufacture) 46690 51870 Moulds, moulding boxes for metal foundries, mould bases and moulding patterns (wholesale) Indexes to the UK Standard Industrial Classification of Economic Activities 2007 – UK SIC(2007) SIC 2007 SIC 2003 Activity SIC 2007 17290 93199 55202 32300 26110 46520 17290 20520 32200 32200 26520 28220 28302 28302 21259 92629 55210 36400 32100 51860 21259 24620 36300 36300 33500 29220 29320 29320 Mount cutting (manufacture) Mountain guides Mountain refuges Mountaineering equipment (manufacture) Mounted piezo‑electric crystals (manufacture) Mounted piezo‑electric crystals (wholesale) Mounting paper on linen (manufacture) Moutant (manufacture) Mouth blown signalling instruments (manufacture) Mouth organ (manufacture) Movements for clocks and watches (manufacture) Moving walkways (manufacture) Mowers for agricultural use (manufacture) Mowers for lawns, parks and sports grounds (manufacture) Mud logging services Mudline suspension and tie‑back equipment (manufacture) Muffles (refractory product) (manufacture) Muffs made of fur (manufacture) Mulberry growing Mule farming and breeding Multicellular glass block (manufacture) Multi‑disciplinary research and development (not biotechnological or social sciences and humanities) Multi‑disciplinary research and development predominantly on social sciences and humanities Multi‑function office equipment (manufacture) Multigraphing Multi‑layer paper obtained by compression (manufacture) Multiple insulating glass (manufacture) Multiple‑walled insulating units of glass (manufacture) Multiplexers for telephone exchanges (manufacture) Multipurpose development project services administration (public sector) Multi‑wall paper sack (manufacture) Mungo (carded or combed) (wholesale) Municipal bus service Museums of all kinds Museums of furniture, costumes, ceramics, silverware Museums of jewellery Mushroom (wild) gathering Mushroom growing (cultivated) Mushroom spawn growing 90030 92319 Music composer 59200 22140 Music tape publishing 18201 22310 Music tape reproduction from master copies (manufacture) 85320 80220 Music teacher (own account) 32200 36300 Musical box (manufacture) 32200 36300 Musical instrument parts and accessories (manufacture) 77210 71401 Musical instrument rental 32200 36300 Musical instrument tuners (electronic) (manufacture) 46180 51180 Musical instruments (commission agent) 47591 52450 Musical instruments (retail) 46491 51475 Musical instruments (wholesale) 46491 51475 Musical instruments exporter (wholesale) 46491 51475 Musical instruments importer (wholesale) 32200 36300 Musical instruments including electronic (manufacture) 77299 71409 Musical instruments rental and leasing 47591 52450 Musical scores (retail) 90010 92311 Musicians 13300 17300 Muslin clipping (manufacture) 13300 17300 Muslin dressing (manufacture) 13300 17300 Muslin ending (manufacture) 13300 17300 Muslin finishing (manufacture) 13300 17300 Muslin gassing (manufacture) 13300 17300 Muslin mending (manufacture) 13200 17210 Muslin weaving (manufacture) 03110 05010 Mussel gathering 03220 05020 Mussel production, freshwater 03210 05020 Mussel production, marine 10840 15870 Mustard (manufacture) 10840 15870 Mustard flour and meal (manufacture) 10410 15410 Mustard oil production (manufacture) 28930 29530 Mustard processing machine (manufacture) 10410 15410 Mustard seed crushing (manufacture) 01110 01110 Mustard seed growing 66300 67121 Mutual funds management 32500 33100 Myograph (manufacture) 56290 55510 NAAFI canteen 56302 55404 NAAFI clubs 56290 55520 NAAFI headquarters 47110 52112 NAAFI shop with alcohol licence (retail) 47110 52113 NAAFI shop without alcohol licence (retail) 30300 35300 Nacelles for aircraft (manufacture) 25930 28730 Nail (not wire) (manufacture) 32910 36620 Nail brush (manufacture) 25710 28610 Nail file (manufacture) 20420 24520 Nail preparation (cosmetic) (manufacture) 28490 29430 Nailing machines (manufacture) 25930 28730 Nails made of steel wire (manufacture) 46740 51540 Nails, tacks, drawing pins and staples (wholesale) 25990 28750 Nameplates made of metal (manufacture) 22290 25240 Nameplates made of plastic (manufacture) 90030 92319 Music copyist and transcriber (own account) 13990 17541 Napery lace (manufacture) 59200 72400 Music downloads (on‑line publishing with provision of downloaded content) 19201 23201 Naphtha (LDF) (manufacture) 90040 92320 Music hall 17220 21220 Napkin liners (manufacture) 18130 22240 Music plate engraving (manufacture) 17220 21220 Napkins made of paper (manufacture) 18129 22220 Music printing (manufacture) 13960 17542 Narrow fabric (not elastic or elastomeric) (manufacture) 09100 11200 28921 29521 23200 14200 01250 01430 23190 72190 26260 18300 01139 01220 26150 73100 72200 73100 26200 30020 82190 74850 17120 21120 23120 26120 23120 26120 26301 32201 84130 75130 17211 46760 49319 91020 91020 21211 51560 60219 92521 92521 91020 02300 01130 01300 92521 01120 01120 01120 47210 52210 Mushrooms (retail) 46310 51310 Mushrooms (wholesale) 59200 22140 Music (printed) publishing 32200 36300 Music box mechanisms (manufacture) 94990 91330 Music club 47591 52450 Music shop (retail) SIC 2003 Alphabetical Index Activity 20140 24140 Naphthalene (manufacture) 89 N Alphabetical Index SIC 2007 N SIC 2003 Indexes to the UK Standard Industrial Classification of Economic Activities 2007 – UK SIC(2007) Activity 93290 92729 Narrow gauge railway (recreational) 24100 27100 Narrow slabs of semi‑finished steel (manufacture) 13960 17542 Narrow woven fabrics, including weftless fabrics assembled by means of an adhesive (manufacture) 94990 91330 National council for civil liberties 72200 73200 National foundation for educational research 91020 92521 National galleries (Scotland) 91020 92521 National gallery 93120 92629 National greyhound racing club 85590 80429 National institute for adult continuing education 91011 92510 National library for the blind 91011 92510 National library of Scotland 91011 92510 National library of Wales 94120 91120 National maritime board 91020 92521 National maritime museum 72190 73100 National physical laboratory 91020 92521 National portrait gallery 64191 65121 National savings bank 88990 85321 National society for the prevention of cruelty to children 94990 91330 National trust (the) 91020 92521 National trust garden (property) 94990 91330 National union of students (not trading activities) 08910 14300 Native sulphur mining 46180 51180 Natural cork in plates, sheets, strips, crushed, granulated or ground (commission agent) 72190 73100 Natural environment research council 35220 40220 Natural gas booster/compression site 06200 11100 Natural gas condensates separation 35220 40220 Natural gas distribution 71122 74206 Natural gas exploration 06200 11100 Natural gas production well 35220 40220 Natural gas storage 91020 92521 Natural history museum 20530 24630 Natural material used in flavours or perfumes (manufacture) 03110 05010 Natural pearls gathering of 72190 73100 Natural sciences research and experimental development (other than biotechnological) 32990 36639 Natural sponge preparation (manufacture) 46120 51120 Natural uranium and plutonium and their compounds (commission agent) 24460 23300 Natural uranium production (manufacture) 96090 93059 Naturalisation agent 91040 92530 Nature reserves including wildlife preservation 26513 33202 Nautical instrument (non‑electronic) (manufacture) 85320 80220 Nautical school 71121 74205 Naval architect 30110 35110 Naval dockyard (shipbuilding and repairing) (manufacture) 30110 35110 Naval ships of all types (manufacture) 52220 63220 Navigation activities 46690 51870 Navigation machinery (wholesale) 26511 33201 Navigational instruments and appliances (electronic) (manufacture) 26513 33202 Navigational instruments and appliances (non‑electronic) (manufacture) 10410 15420 Neatsfoot oil (manufacture) 14190 18249 Necktie (manufacture) 14190 18249 Neckwear for women (manufacture) 90 SIC 2007 SIC 2003 Activity 01240 28150 28140 13990 01139 29140 29130 17549 13939 13939 13939 13939 13939 13990 17519 17519 17519 17519 17519 17549 13939 47510 28940 25930 32500 46410 26702 94110 20200 20110 27400 13910 17519 52410 29540 28730 33100 51410 33403 91110 24200 24110 31500 17600 Nectarine growing Needle roller bearings (manufacture) Needle valves (manufacture) Needlefelt (other than carpet underlay) (manufacture) Needlefelt carpet underlay (manufacture) Needleloom and bonded fibre rugs (manufacture) Needleloom and bonded fibre tiles (manufacture) Needleloom carpet (manufacture) Needleloom carpeting (manufacture) Needleloom felt (other than carpet underlay) (manufacture) Needleloom felt carpet underlay (manufacture) Needles for sewing (retail) Needles for sewing machines (manufacture) Needles made of metal (manufacture) Needles used in medicine (manufacture) Needles, etc. for sewing (wholesale) Negatoscopes (manufacture) Negotiations of business and employer organisations Nematocide (manufacture) Neon (manufacture) Neon tube (manufacture) Net and window furnishing type fabrics (manufacture) Net curtaining knitted or crocheted fabric (manufacture) Net curtains (retail) Net fabrics in the piece, in strips or in motifs (manufacture) Nets for horticulture (manufacture) Netted fabric (manufacture) Netting made of plastic (not woven or knotted) (manufacture) Netting made of steel wire (manufacture) Netting made of wire (manufacture) Netting products (manufacture) Network interface (manufacture) Network interface cards (manufacture) Neuropath Neutral spirits production (manufacture) Newmarket Heath News agency activities News clipping service News ink (manufacture) Newspaper printing (manufacture) Newspaper publishing Newspapers (retail) Newspapers (wholesale) Newsprint (manufacture) Newsvendor (retail) NiCad batteries (manufacture) Nickel (manufacture) Nickel alloys (manufacture) Nickel mining and preparation Nickel silver (manufacture) Nickel wire made by drawing (manufacture) Nicotine preparation (manufacture) Niger seed growing Night safe (manufacture) 13910 17600 47530 52440 13990 17541 13940 17520 13910 17600 22290 25240 25930 25930 13940 26200 26120 86900 20140 93110 63910 63990 20302 18110 58130 47620 46499 17120 47890 27200 24450 24450 07290 24440 24450 20200 01110 25990 28730 28730 17520 30020 32100 85140 15920 92619 92400 92400 24302 22210 22120 52470 51479 21120 52620 31400 27450 27450 13200 27440 27450 24200 01110 28750 Indexes to the UK Standard Industrial Classification of Economic Activities 2007 – UK SIC(2007) Alphabetical Index SIC 2007 SIC 2003 Activity SIC 2007 SIC 2003 Activity 56301 14142 32990 14190 14141 14142 27200 25730 46750 20150 46120 46120 55401 18232 36639 18249 18231 18232 31400 28620 51550 24150 51120 51120 07290 07290 24450 65202 65202 38320 13200 13200 27450 66032 66020 37200 20150 20510 13960 20110 20150 20301 20140 24150 24610 17549 24110 24150 24301 24140 Night‑clubs (licensed to sell alcohol) Night‑dresses for women and girls (manufacture) Nightlight (manufacture) Nightwear for infants (manufacture) Nightwear for men and boys (manufacture) Nightwear for women and girls (manufacture) NiMH batteries (manufacture) Nippers (manufacture) Nitrate of soda importer (wholesale) Nitrates and nitrites of potassium (manufacture) Nitrates of potassium (commission agent) Nitric acid, sulphonitric acid and ammonia (commission agent) Nitric and sulphonitric acid (manufacture) Nitro glycerine (manufacture) Nitro‑cellulose coated textile fabric (manufacture) Nitrogen (manufacture) Nitrogen products (manufacture) Nitrogen resin type paint (manufacture) Nitrogen‑function organic compounds including amine (manufacture) Nitrogenous straight fertiliser (manufacture) Nitrogenous, phosphatic or potassic fertilisers (manufacture) Nitrous oxide (manufacture) Nodular pig iron (manufacture) Noil (wholesale) Noils (woollen industry) (manufacture) Noise control consultancy activities Nominee company Non electronic calculators (manufacture) Non‑alcoholic beverages (commission agent) Non‑alcoholic beverages (retail) Non‑alcoholic flavoured and/or sweetened waters (manufacture) Non‑alloy pig iron (manufacture) Non‑alloy steel (manufacture) Non‑compound animal and cattle feed (not from grain milling or oilseed cakes and meal) (manufacture) Non‑current carrying plastic junction boxes (manufacture) Non‑current carrying plastic pole line fittings (manufacture) Non‑ferrous metal ore quarrying Non‑ferrous metal ores mining and preparation Non‑ferrous other metals production (manufacture) Non‑life reinsurance Non‑life reinsurance related to pension funding Non‑metal waste and scrap recycling into secondary raw materials Non‑metallic mineral substances, articles thereof (manufacture) Non‑military aid programmes to developing countries (public sector) Non‑oriented electrical steel sheet (manufacture) Non‑residential buildings letting Non‑return, reflux and check valves (manufacture) Non‑scheduled air transport of passengers Non‑scheduled passenger transport n.e.c. Non‑specialised painting of metal structures (including ships) Non‑store auctions (retail) Non‑store commission agents (retail) Non‑vulcanisable thermoplastic elastomers (manufacture) Non‑wood products, gathering from the wild Non‑woven bonded fibre fabrics (manufacture) Non‑woven liners made of polyethylene (manufacture) Non‑woven sacks made of polyethylene (manufacture) Non‑wovens (manufacture) Non‑wovens and articles made from non‑wovens (manufacture) Noodle (manufacture) Notary activities Notary public Notched bars made of aluminium (manufacture) Notepad (manufacture) Notice plates made of plastic (manufacture) Nottingham lace (manufacture) Nougat (manufacture) Novelties made of plastic (manufacture) Novelty goods made of leather (manufacture) Nozzle for gas turbine aero engine (manufacture) Nozzles made of refractory ceramic (manufacture) Nuclear fired boiler (manufacture) Nuclear fuel (except enrichment of uranium or thorium) (manufacture) Nuclear fuel plant (manufacture) Nuclear fuel processing (except enrichment of uranium or thorium) (manufacture) Nuclear magnetic resonance apparatus (manufacture) Nuclear plant certification Nuclear power station Nuclear reactor parts (manufacture) 20150 24150 20150 24150 20110 24100 46760 13100 74901 66190 28230 46170 47250 11070 24110 27100 51560 17120 74206 67130 30010 51170 52250 15980 24100 27100 24100 27100 10910 15710 27330 25240 27330 25240 27330 25240 Non‑current carrying plastic switch covers (manufacture) 10890 15899 Non‑dairy milk and cheese substitutes (manufacture) 10410 15410 Non‑defatted flour production (manufacture) 28250 29230 Non‑domestic cooling and ventilation equipment parts (manufacture) 28210 29720 Non‑electric household heating equipment (permanently mounted) (manufacture) 28210 29210 Non‑electric household‑type furnaces (manufacture) 26513 33202 Non‑electrical apparatus for testing physical and mechanical properties of materials (manufacture) 46470 51479 Non‑electrical lamps and light fittings (wholesale) 23990 26829 84210 75210 24100 68209 28140 51102 49390 43341 27100 70209 29130 62201 60239 45440 47990 52630 47990 52630 20160 24160 02300 02010 13950 17530 22220 25220 22220 25220 13950 17530 13950 17530 10730 69109 69109 24420 17230 22290 13990 10822 22290 15120 30300 23200 25300 24460 15850 74119 74119 27420 22220 25240 17541 15842 36639 19200 35300 26260 28300 23300 25300 28300 24460 23300 32500 33100 71200 74300 35110 40110 25300 28300 25300 28300 Nuclear reactors (manufacture) 27400 31500 Non‑electrical lighting equipment (manufacture) 26511 28290 29430 Non‑electrical welding and soldering equipment (manufacture) 32500 33100 Nucleonic medical apparatus (manufacture) 33201 Nucleonic instrument (manufacture) 86101 85112 24540 27540 Non‑ferrous metal foundry (manufacture) 32990 36631 Numbering stamps (manufacture) 09900 13200 Non‑ferrous metal ore mining of class 07290, support services provided on a fee or contract basis 26511 Nuffield Hospital Trust 33201 Numerical control and indication equipment for machine tools (electronic) (manufacture) 91 N Alphabetical Index SIC 2007 O SIC 2003 Indexes to the UK Standard Industrial Classification of Economic Activities 2007 – UK SIC(2007) Activity 26513 33202 Numerical control and indication equipment for machine tools (non‑electronic) (manufacture) 47789 52485 Numismatist (retail) 14120 18210 Nuns’ clothing (manufacture) 86900 85140 Nurse (private) 01300 01120 Nursery (horticulture) 32300 36400 Nursery equipment (manufacture) 85100 80100 Nursery schools 13923 17403 Nursery square (manufacture) 14120 18210 Nurses’ uniforms for men (manufacture) 14120 18210 Nurses’ uniforms for women (manufacture) 78200 74500 Nursing agency (supplying nurses) (temporary employment agency) 87100 85140 Nursing care facilities 86900 85140 Nursing co‑operative 86102 85113 Nursing home with medical care (under the direct supervision of medical doctors) 87100 85140 Nursing homes 94120 91120 Nursing society 25940 28740 Nut (manufacture) 10822 15842 Nut and bean confectionery (manufacture) 10390 15330 Nut foods and pastes (manufacture) 10822 15842 Nut preserving in sugar (manufacture) 10390 15330 Nut processing and preservation (except in sugar) (manufacture) 28930 29530 Nut processing machines and equipment (manufacture) 10390 15330 Nut shelling, grinding and preparing (manufacture) 01280 01139 Nutmeg, mace and cardamoms growing 10390 15330 Nuts preserved by freezing (manufacture) 02300 01139 Nuts, gathering from the wild 21100 24410 O‑acetylsalicylic acids (manufacture) 10720 15820 Oat cake (manufacture) 10611 15611 Oat flour and meal (manufacture) 10611 15611 Oat grinding, rolling, crushing or flaking (manufacture) 10611 15611 Oats (manufacture) 01110 01110 Oats growing 26701 33402 Observation telescopes (manufacture) 88100 85322 Occupation and training centre for the mentally disordered (non‑charitable) 88100 85321 Occupation and training centres for the mentally disordered (charitable) 86900 85140 Occupational therapist (private) 26511 33201 Oceanographic or hydrological instruments (electronic) (manufacture) 26513 33202 Oceanographic or hydrological instruments (non‑electronic) (manufacture) 08910 14300 Ochre pit 20120 24120 Ochres (pigments) (manufacture) 20530 24630 Odoriferous products (manufacture) 47250 52250 Off licence (not public house) (retail) 10110 15111 Offal (edible) preparation (i.e. removal, freezing, packing, etc.) (manufacture) 46320 51320 Offal salesman (wholesale) 41201 45211 Office and shop construction 17219 21219 Office box files and similar articles (manufacture) 81210 74701 Office cleaning contractor 77390 71320 Office container renting 47410 52482 Office equipment (retail) 77330 71330 Office equipment hire 92 SIC 2007 SIC 2003 Activity 47599 46650 77330 46140 28230 28230 77330 77330 52482 51850 71330 51140 30010 30010 71330 71330 Office furniture (retail) Office furniture (wholesale) Office furniture hire Office machinery (commission agent) Office machinery (manufacture) Office machinery and equipment (manufacture) Office machinery and equipment leasing Office machinery and equipment rental and operating leasing Office of High Commissioner Office or desk articles of base metals clad with precious metals (manufacture) Office seating (manufacture) Office supplies (retail) Office supplies made of plastic (manufacture) Office support personnel (supply) (temporary employment agency) Office systems made of paper and board (manufacture) Officers’ messes Offices letting Official receiver Official solicitor Off‑road motor vehicles with a weight exceeding 3.5 tonnes (new) (retail) Off‑road motor vehicles with a weight exceeding 3.5 tonnes (new) (wholesale) Off‑road motor vehicles with a weight exceeding 3.5 tonnes (used) (retail) Off‑road motor vehicles with a weight exceeding 3.5 tonnes (used) (wholesale) Off‑road motor vehicles with a weight not exceeding 3.5 tonnes (new) (retail) Off‑road motor vehicles with a weight not exceeding 3.5 tonnes (new) (wholesale) Off‑road motor vehicles with a weight not exceeding 3.5 tonnes (used) (retail) Off‑road motor vehicles with a weight not exceeding 3.5 tonnes (used) (wholesale) Offset litho printing machine (manufacture) Offset printing (manufacture) Offset sheet fed printing machinery for offices (wholesale) Offshore floating drilling rig (manufacture) Offshore natural gas pipeline operation Offshore oil pipeline laying Offshore oil pipeline operation Offshore positioning services Offshore supply vessel services Offshore support vessel (manufacture) Off‑track betting Ohmmeter (manufacture) Oil (edible) (manufacture) 99000 99000 32120 36220 31010 47620 22290 78200 36110 52470 25240 74500 17219 21219 56290 68209 84230 84230 45190 55510 70209 75230 75230 50101 45190 50101 45190 50102 45190 50102 45111 50101 45111 50101 45112 50102 45112 50102 28990 29560 18129 22220 46660 51850 30110 49500 42210 49500 52220 50200 30110 92000 26513 10410 35110 60300 45213 60300 63220 61102 35110 92710 33202 15420 20590 24660 Oil additive (manufacture) 09100 11200 Oil and gas exploration in connection with oil and gas extraction, including traditional prospecting 09100 11200 Oil and gas extraction service activities provided on a fee or contract basis 09100 11200 Oil and gas field fire fighting services 09100 11200 Oil and gas well casing, cementing, tubing and lining services 09100 11200 Oil and gas well cementing services Indexes to the UK Standard Industrial Classification of Economic Activities 2007 – UK SIC(2007) SIC 2007 SIC 2003 Activity 09100 11200 Oil and gas well coiled‑tubing wellwork 09100 11200 Oil and gas well conductor driving services 09100 11200 Oil and gas well cutting, casing and abandonment services 09100 11200 Oil and gas well pipe refurbishment services 09100 11200 Oil and gas well sleeving repair services 19209 23209 Oil based lubricating oils (manufacture) 23990 26829 Oil based sealants (manufacture) 46210 51210 Oil cake (wholesale) 20411 24511 Oil dispersant (manufacture) 09100 11200 Oil extraction service activities 77390 71340 Oil field equipment rental and operating leasing 28290 29240 Oil filter for motor vehicle (manufacture) 28210 29210 Oil fuel burner (manufacture) 10410 15410 Oil kernel meal production (manufacture) 47789 52489 Oil merchant (retail) 46719 51519 Oil merchant (wholesale) 10410 15410 Oil nut meal production (manufacture) 01260 01110 Oil palms growing 49500 60300 Oil pipeline terminal operating (for petroleum) 30110 35110 Oil platform fabrication of steel plate (manufacture) 06100 11100 Oil platform operation 30110 35110 Oil platform structural sections (manufacture) 43999 45250 Oil production platform (fixed concrete or composite steel/concrete) construction 06100 11100 Oil production well or platform operating 19201 23201 Oil refinery (manufacture) 28290 29240 Oil refining industry machinery (other than plant) (manufacture) 28290 29240 Oil seal (manufacture) 10410 15410 Oil seed cake and meal (manufacture) 10410 15410 Oil seed crushing (manufacture) 46210 51210 Oil seeds (wholesale) 01110 01110 Oil seeds growing 06100 11100 Oil shale mine 06100 11100 Oil shale retorting 39000 90030 Oil spill clearance on land 39000 90030 Oil spill pollution control services 39000 90030 Oil spills at sea containment, dispersion and clean up services 06100 11100 Oil stabilisation plant operation 25290 28210 Oil storage tank made of metal for domestic use exceeding 300 litres (manufacture) 46120 51120 Oil trading (commodity broking) (commission agent) 10410 15410 Oilcakes and other residual products of oil production (manufacture) 46410 51410 Oilcloth (wholesale) 28131 29121 Oil‑cushion pumps (manufacture) 50200 61102 Oil‑rig transportation by towing or pushing 20590 24660 Oils and fats (chemically modified) (manufacture) 46750 51550 Oils and other products of distilling of high temperature coal tar, pitch and pitch tar (wholesale) 14131 18221 Oilskins for men and boys (manufacture) 14132 18222 Oilskins for women and girls (manufacture) 23910 26810 Oilstones (bonded) (manufacture) 21200 24421 Ointment (manufacture) 88100 85321 Old age and sick visiting (charitable) 88100 85322 Old age and sick visiting (non‑charitable) 87300 85311 Old people’s sheltered housing (charitable) 87300 85312 Old people’s sheltered housing (non‑charitable) SIC 2007 SIC 2003 Alphabetical Index Activity 87300 85312 Old persons’ home (local authority) 87300 85311 Old persons’ warden assisted dwellings (charitable) 87300 85312 Old persons’ warden assisted dwellings (non‑charitable) 46210 51210 Oleaginous fruits (wholesale) 20140 24140 Oleic acid (manufacture) 20140 24140 Oleine (manufacture) 20301 24301 Oleo resinous paint (manufacture) 10410 15410 Oleo stearin (manufacture) 01260 01139 Olive growing 10410 15410 Olive oil (crude) production (manufacture) 10410 01139 Olive oil from self produced olives (if value of production exceeds that of growing) (manufacture) 10410 15420 Olive oil refining (manufacture) 10390 15330 Olive preserving in salt or brine (manufacture) 25990 28750 Omelette pan (manufacture) 45200 50200 Omnibus repair depot 49319 60219 Omnibus service 74203 74814 One hour photo shop (not part of camera shop) 01130 01120 Onion growing 58190 72400 On‑line advertising material publishing 58110 72400 On‑line book publishing 58190 72400 On‑line catalogue publishing 58210 72400 On‑line computer games publishing 58120 72400 On‑line database publishing 58120 72400 On‑line directory publishing 78109 74500 On‑line employment placement agencies 58190 72400 On‑line forms publishing 58190 72400 On‑line greeting cards and postcards publishing 58142 72400 On‑line journal (other than learned journals) and periodical publishing 58141 72400 On‑line learned journal publishing 58120 72400 On‑line mailing list publishing 58130 72400 On‑line newspaper publishing 58190 72400 On‑line publishing n.e.c. 58190 72400 On‑line publishing of posters and reproductions of works of art 58190 72400 On‑line publishing of statistics and other information 58190 72400 On‑line publishing photos and engravings 58290 72400 On‑line software publishing (except computer games on‑line publishing) 20301 24301 Opacifiers and colours (manufacture) 21200 24421 Opacifying preparations for x‑ray examinations (manufacture) 91020 92521 Open air museums 24330 27330 Open sections made of steel formed on a roll mill (manufacture) 85421 80302 Open University 05102 10102 Opencast coal disposal point 05102 10102 Opencast coal site 05102 10102 Opencast coal working 64304 65237 Open‑ended investment companies 90040 92320 Opera house 90010 92311 Opera production 32500 33100 Operating tables (manufacture) 49319 60219 Operation of aerial cableways as part of urban, suburban or metropolitan transit 93290 92341 Operation of dance floors 35140 40130 Operation of electricity and transmission capacity exchanges for electric power 93 O Alphabetical Index SIC 2007 O SIC 2003 Indexes to the UK Standard Industrial Classification of Economic Activities 2007 – UK SIC(2007) Activity 38220 90020 Operation of facilities for treatment of hazardous waste 49319 60219 Operation of funicular railways as part of urban, suburban or metropolitan transit 36000 41000 Operation of irrigation canals 38210 90020 Operation of landfills for the disposal of non‑hazardous waste 52212 63210 Operation of rail passenger facilities at railway stations 93290 92629 Operation of recreational transport facilities e.g. marinas 93290 92729 Operation of ski hills 49390 60239 Operation of teleferics, funiculars 38110 90020 Operation of waste transfer facilities for non‑hazardous waste 38120 90020 Operation of waste transfer stations for hazardous waste 81100 75140 Operational services of government owned or occupied buildings (public sector) 86900 85140 Ophthalmic clinic 32500 33401 Ophthalmic eyeglasses (manufacture) 86101 85112 Ophthalmic hospital (private sector) 86101 85111 Ophthalmic hospital (public sector) 32500 33100 Ophthalmic instrument (manufacture) 46690 51870 Ophthalmic instruments (wholesale) 32500 33401 Ophthalmic lenses ground to prescription, safety goggles (manufacture) 47789 52482 Optical and precision goods (retail) 20120 24120 Optical bleaching agent (manufacture) 26200 30020 Optical CD‑RW, CD‑ROM, DVD‑ROM, DVD‑RW disk drives (manufacture) 26701 33402 Optical comparators (manufacture) 26511 33201 Optical density measuring equipment (electronic) (manufacture) 26513 33202 Optical density measuring equipment (non‑electronic) (manufacture) 26200 30020 Optical disk drives (manufacture) 32500 33401 Optical element (mounted, (not photographic)) (manufacture) 32500 33401 Optical element (unmounted) (manufacture) 23190 26150 Optical elements made of glass (not optically worked) (manufacture) 27310 31300 Optical fibre cables for coded data transmission (manufacture) 46690 51870 Optical fibre cables made up of individually sheathed fibres (wholesale) 27310 33402 Optical fibres, optical fibre bundles and cables (manufacture) 26701 33402 Optical fire control equipment (manufacture) 23190 26150 Optical glass (manufacture) 46439 51479 Optical goods (wholesale) 26701 33402 Optical gun sighting equipment (manufacture) 26701 33402 Optical instruments and appliances (other than photographic goods) (manufacture) 26701 33402 Optical machinist’s precision tools (manufacture) 26701 33402 Optical magnifying instruments (manufacture) 26800 24650 Optical media (manufacture) 26701 33402 Optical microscope (manufacture) 26701 33401 Optical mirrors (manufacture) 26701 33402 Optical positioning equipment (manufacture) 26701 33402 Optical projector (meteorological) (manufacture) 26511 33201 Optical type measuring and checking appliances and instruments (electronic) (manufacture) 94 SIC 2007 SIC 2003 Activity 26513 33202 Optical type measuring and checking appliances and instruments (non‑electronic) (manufacture) 26600 33100 Optometer (manufacture) 46180 51180 Oral and dental hygiene preparations including denture fixative pastes and powders (commission agent) 21200 24421 Oral contraceptives (manufacture) 20420 24520 Oral hygiene preparations (manufacture) 86230 85130 Oral pathology 01230 01139 Orange growing 11070 15980 Orangeade production (manufacture) 30300 35300 Orbital stations (manufacture) 90010 92311 Orchestras 25400 29600 Ordnance (manufacture) 46120 51120 Ores (commission agent) 46720 51520 Ores (wholesale) 32200 36300 Organ tuning (manufacture) 13200 17210 Organdie weaving (manufacture) 20140 24140 Organic acids and their esters and halogenated, nitrosated and sulphonated derivatives (manufacture) 20140 24140 Organic base chemicals (manufacture) 23910 26810 Organic bonded abrasives (manufacture) 24100 27100 Organic coated steel sheet (manufacture) 20301 24301 Organic composite solvents (manufacture) 20140 24140 Organic compounds including wood distillation products (manufacture) 20411 24511 Organic surface‑active agents (manufacture) 66190 67130 Organisation and development of electronic money circulation 99000 99000 Organisation for economic co‑operation and development 99000 99000 Organisation of oil producing and exporting countries 85600 74149 Organisation of student exchange programmes 90010 92311 Organist (own account) 46750 51550 Organo‑sulphur and other organo‑inorganic compounds (wholesale) 20140 24140 Organo‑sulphur compounds (manufacture) 47789 52489 Oriental goods (retail) 16210 20200 Oriented strand board (OSB) and other particle board (manufacture) 09900 14110 Ornamental and building stone quarrying support services provided on a fee or contract basis 08110 14110 Ornamental and building stone, breaking and crushing 13960 17542 Ornamental braids (manufacture) 23410 26210 Ornamental ceramic ware (manufacture) 23310 26300 Ornamental earthenware glazed tiles (manufacture) 03220 05020 Ornamental fish farming, freshwater 03210 05020 Ornamental fish farming, marine 01300 01120 Ornamental tree and shrub growing 13960 17542 Ornamental trimmings (manufacture) 43390 45450 Ornamentation fitting work 23130 26130 Ornaments made of glass (manufacture) 22290 25240 Ornaments made of plastic (manufacture) 32120 36220 Ornaments made of precious metal (manufacture) 16290 20510 Ornaments made of wood (manufacture) 32120 36220 Ornaments that are gold or silver plated (manufacture) 87900 85311 Orphanages (charitable) 87900 85312 Orphanages (non‑charitable) Indexes to the UK Standard Industrial Classification of Economic Activities 2007 – UK SIC(2007) SIC 2007 SIC 2003 Activity 86230 85130 Orthodontic activities 32500 33100 Orthopaedic appliances (not footwear) (manufacture) 47749 52329 Orthopaedic appliances (retail) 32500 33100 Orthopaedic footwear (manufacture) 46460 51460 Orthopaedic goods (wholesale) 86101 85112 Orthopaedic hospital (private sector) 86101 85111 Orthopaedic hospital (public sector) 32500 33100 Orthopedic and prosthetic devices (manufacture) 26511 33201 Oscilloscope (manufacture) 16290 20520 Osier articles (manufacture) 02200 02010 Osier growing 16290 20520 Osier preparation (manufacture) 25110 28110 Ossature in metal for construction (manufacture) 86900 85140 Osteopath (not registered medical practitioner) 86220 85120 Osteopath (registered medical practitioner) 01490 01250 Ostriches raising and breeding 85590 80429 Other adult and other education n.e.c. 24100 27100 Other alloy steel (manufacture) 46760 51560 Other intermediate products exporter (wholesale) 46760 51560 Other intermediate products importer (wholesale) 31090 36140 Other plastic furniture (manufacture) 56290 55510 Other ranks’ messes 01220 01139 Other tropical and subtropical fruit growing 31090 36110 Ottoman (manufacture) 82200 74860 Outbound call centres 27400 31500 Outdoor and road lighting (manufacture) 31090 36140 Outdoor furniture (non‑upholstered) (manufacture) 31090 36140 Outdoor furniture made of metal (manufacture) 43999 45450 Outdoor private swimming pools 31090 36110 Outdoor seating (manufacture) 81299 90030 Outdoor sweeping and watering of parking lots, streets, paths, public spaces etc. 14190 18249 Outerwear for infants (manufacture) 14131 18221 Outerwear for men and boys (manufacture) 14131 18221 Outerwear for men and boys made of stitched plastic (manufacture) 14132 18222 Outerwear for women and girls made of stitched plastic (manufacture) 29201 34201 Outfitting of all types of motor vehicles (except caravans) (manufacture) 29203 34203 Outfitting of caravans (manufacture) 29202 34202 Outfitting of tankers and removal trailers for transport of goods (manufacture) 29202 34202 Outfitting of trailers and semi‑trailers for transport of goods (manufacture) 27330 31200 Outlet boxes for electrical wiring (manufacture) 96090 93059 Outside porter 28930 29530 Oven (food processing) machine (manufacture) 27510 29710 Ovens (electric) (manufacture) 28210 29210 Ovens for industrial use (except bakery) (manufacture) 46499 51479 Ovens, cookers, cooking plates, boiling rings, grills and roasters (non‑electric) (wholesale) 46439 51439 Ovens, cookers, cooking plates, boiling rings, grills and roasters (electric) (wholesale) 23130 26130 Ovenware made of glass (manufacture) 70229 74143 Overall planning, structuring and control of organisation consultancy services 14120 18210 Overalls for boys (manufacture) 14120 18210 Overalls for domestic use (manufacture) Alphabetical Index SIC 2007 SIC 2003 Activity 14120 14120 14120 15200 43120 18210 18210 18210 19300 45110 13200 14131 14132 30300 17220 18221 18222 35300 Overalls for girls (manufacture) Overalls for men and boys (manufacture) Overalls for women and girls (manufacture) Overboot (manufacture) Overburden removal and other development of mineral properties and sites Overcoating woollen weaving (manufacture) Overcoats for men and boys (manufacture) Overcoats for women and girls (manufacture) Overhaul and conversion of aircraft or aircraft engines (manufacture) Overhead line construction Overhead line fittings (manufacture) Overhead media foils and other forms of presentation (manufacture) Overhead projection foils production (manufacture) Overhead runway (manufacture) Overhead transparency projectors (manufacture) Overshoes made of rubber (manufacture) Ovoid solid fuel production (manufacture) Oxfam (not shops) Oxirane (ethylene oxide) (manufacture) Oxygen (manufacture) Oxygen breathing equipment for medical use (manufacture) Oxygen compounds of non metals (excluding carbon dioxide) (manufacture) Oxygen therapy apparatus (manufacture) Oxygen‑function compounds (dual or poly) (manufacture) Oxygen‑function compounds including aldehydes (manufacture) Oyster bar (licensed) Oyster cultivation, freshwater Oyster cultivation, marine Oyster fishery, freshwater Oyster fishery, marine Oyster spat production, freshwater Oyster spat production, marine Oysters (wholesale) Ozone therapy apparatus (manufacture) Pacemaker (electro medical) (manufacture) Pace‑makers (wholesale) Packaged tour sales Packaging activities on a fee or contract basis Packaging machinery (manufacture) Packaging machinery leasing Packaging of solids Packaging products for food e.g. aluminium foil, plastics foil, bags, etc. (retail) Packaging products made of ceramic (manufacture) Packaging products made of plastic (manufacture) Packer and shipper Packing cases made of fibre board (manufacture) 42220 45213 27320 31300 18130 22250 18130 28220 26702 15200 19201 88990 20140 20110 32500 22250 29220 33403 19300 10103 85321 24140 24110 33100 20130 24130 32500 33100 20140 24140 20140 24140 56101 03220 03210 03220 03210 03220 03210 46380 32500 26600 46460 79110 82920 28290 77390 82920 47789 55301 05020 05020 05020 05020 05020 05020 51380 33100 33100 51460 63301 74820 29240 71340 74820 52489 23490 22220 52290 17219 26250 25220 63400 21219 16240 20400 Packing cases made of wood (manufacture) 22220 25220 Packing goods made of plastic (manufacture) 28290 29240 Packing machinery (manufacture) 17120 21120 Packing made of cardboard (manufacture) 23990 26821 Packing made of woven asbestos (manufacture) 82920 74820 Packing of medicaments into edible capsules 95 P Alphabetical Index SIC 2007 P SIC 2003 Indexes to the UK Standard Industrial Classification of Economic Activities 2007 – UK SIC(2007) Activity 17120 21120 Packing paper (manufacture) 46770 51570 Packing, repacking, storage and delivery of waste and scrap without transformation (wholesale) 52290 63400 Packing service incidental to transport 13100 17170 Padding for upholstery (manufacture) 25720 28630 Padlock (manufacture) 86230 85130 Paediatric dentistry 26301 32201 Pagers (manufacture) 61200 64200 Paging activities and maintenance 61200 64200 Paging services 25910 28710 Pails made of steel (manufacture) 20301 24301 Paint (not cement based) (manufacture) 47520 52460 Paint and varnish (retail) 46730 51530 Paint and varnish (wholesale) 32910 36620 Paint brush (manufacture) 32910 36620 Paint pads (manufacture) 20301 24301 Paint removers (manufacture) 28290 29240 Paint spraying machine (manufacture) 20301 24301 Paint with cement base (manufacture) 46730 51530 Paint, varnish and lacquer (wholesale) 24100 27100 Painted steel sheet (manufacture) 90030 92319 Painters (artistic) 94120 91120 Painters and other artists associations 43341 45440 Painting contractor 31090 36140 Painting of furniture (manufacture) 45200 50200 Painting of motor vehicles 33150 35110 Painting of ships 46130 51130 Paints and varnishes (commission agent) 72190 73100 Palaeontologist (consultant) 02200 02010 Pale fencing production 24410 27410 Palladium (manufacture) 28220 29220 Pallet hoist (manufacture) 77390 71219 Pallet rental 28220 29220 Pallet truck (manufacture) 28220 29220 Palletizer (manufacture) 25990 28750 Pallets made of metal (manufacture) 22290 25240 Pallets made of plastic (manufacture) 16240 20400 Pallets, box pallets and other load boards made of wood (manufacture) 46130 51130 Pallets, pallet boards and other load boards made of wood (commission agent) 10410 15410 Palm kernel crushing (manufacture) 10410 15420 Palm kernel oil refining (manufacture) 46330 51333 Palm oil (wholesale) 10410 15410 Palm oil production (manufacture) 10410 15420 Palm oil refining (manufacture) 96090 93059 Palmist 18129 22220 Pamphlet printing (manufacture) 58110 22110 Pamphlet publishing 10720 15820 Pancake making (manufacture) 45200 50200 Panel beating services 28490 29430 Panel forming machines (manufacture) 29320 34300 Panels for motor vehicle bodywork, made of metal or fibreglass (manufacture) 23990 26821 Panels made of asbestos (manufacture) 23610 26610 Panels made of concrete (manufacture) 23650 26650 Panels made of fibre‑cement (manufacture) 23620 26620 Panels made of plaster (manufacture) 14142 18232 Panty (manufacture) 96 SIC 2007 SIC 2003 Activity 14310 01220 17120 47620 17120 17211 17240 17710 01139 21120 52470 21120 21211 21240 17120 21120 17120 21120 Pantyhose (manufacture) Papaya growing Paper (not sensitized) (manufacture) Paper (retail) Paper (uncut) for household use (manufacture) Paper and paperboard (corrugated) (manufacture) Paper and paperboard articles for interior decoration (manufacture) Paper and paperboard coating, covering and impregnation (manufacture) Paper and paperboard intended for further industrial processing (manufacture) Paper and paperboard processing (manufacture) Paper and paperboard production machinery (manufacture) Paper and paperboard production machinery (wholesale) Paper bag making machinery (manufacture) Paper bags (wholesale) Paper boards (wholesale) Paper clips made of metal (manufacture) Paper converting (unspecified) (manufacture) Paper creping (manufacture) Paper cut to size (not packaging products) (manufacture) Paper embossing (manufacture) Paper fasteners made of metal (manufacture) Paper in bulk (wholesale) Paper lace (manufacture) Paper made of asbestos (manufacture) Paper made of vegetable fibres for corrugated cardboard (manufacture) Paper making machinery (manufacture) Paper merchant (wholesale) Paper novelties (manufacture) Paper or paperboard cards for use on jacquard machines (manufacture) Paper patterns (manufacture) Paper perforating (manufacture) Paper shavings (manufacture) Paper staining (manufacture) Paper transfer for embroidery, etc. (manufacture) Paperhanging Papier mache works (manufacture) Parachute (manufacture) Parachutes and rotochutes (commission agent) Paraffin (manufacture) Paraffin (retail) Paraffin (wholesale) Paraffin for medicinal use (manufacture) Paraffin wax (manufacture) Parallel slide valves (manufacture) Para‑medical practitioner activities Parasol (manufacture) Parboiled or converted rice (manufacture) Parcel packing and gift wrapping on a fee or contract basis Parcels delivery service (not post office) licensed Parcels delivery service (not post office) unlicensed Parcels, distribution and delivery of, by the post office 17120 21120 28950 29550 46690 51870 28950 46760 46760 25990 17290 17290 17290 29550 51560 51560 28750 21259 21259 21259 17290 25990 46760 17220 23990 17120 21259 28750 51560 21220 26821 21120 28950 46760 17290 17290 29550 51560 36639 21259 17290 17290 17290 17240 17290 43330 17290 13922 46160 19201 47789 46750 19201 19201 28140 86900 32990 10612 82920 21259 21259 21259 21240 21259 45430 21259 17402 51160 23201 52489 51550 23201 23201 29130 85140 36639 15612 74820 53201 64120 53202 64120 53100 64110 Indexes to the UK Standard Industrial Classification of Economic Activities 2007 – UK SIC(2007) Alphabetical Index SIC 2007 SIC 2003 Activity SIC 2007 SIC 2003 Activity 17120 21120 15110 28490 93290 81300 19100 29430 92729 01410 28220 50300 50100 50100 50300 77390 29220 61201 61101 61101 61201 71211 42110 52219 82990 52219 26520 69109 43330 16220 01130 01130 27900 16210 45230 63210 74879 63210 33500 74119 45430 20300 01120 01120 31620 20200 25120 31010 74909 28490 28120 36120 74879 31620 Parchment and imitation parchment paper (manufacture) Parchment made of leather (manufacture) Paring and slicing machines (manufacture) Park (local authority or municipally owned) Park laying out, planting and maintenance on a fee or contract basis Parking lot markings painting Parking lot operation Parking meter coin collection services Parking meter services Parking meters (manufacture) Parliamentary agent Parquet floor laying (not by manufacturer) Parquet flooring (manufacture) Parsley growing Parsnip growing Particle accelerator (manufacture) Particleboard agglomerated with non‑mineral binding substances (manufacture) Partitioning made of metal (manufacture) Partitions (non‑domestic) (manufacture) Partnership agent Parts and accessories for electroplating machinery (manufacture) Parts and accessories for machine tools for working hard materials e.g. wood, stone (manufacture) Parts and accessories for stationary drills, machines, riveters, sheet metal cutters (manufacture) Parts and accessories for stationary machine tools for nailing, stapling, glueing etc. (manufacture) Parts for electric lamps and electronic valves made of glass (manufacture) Parts for motor vehicles (not electric) (manufacture) Parts for portable hand held power tools (manufacture) Parts of bearings, gearing and driving elements (manufacture) Parts of coats for men and boys (manufacture) Parts of coats for women and girls (manufacture) Parts of ensembles for women and girls (manufacture) Parts of jackets for men and boys (manufacture) Parts of jackets for women and girls (manufacture) Parts of milking machines and dairy machinery, n.e.c. (manufacturing) Parts of skirts for women and girls (manufacture) Parts of suits for men and boys (manufacture) Passenger conveyor (manufacture) Passenger ferry (river or estuary) Passenger ferry between UK and international ports Passenger ferry on domestic or coastal routes Passenger ferry transport (inland waterway) Passenger land transport equipment self drive rental (other than motor vehicles) Passenger scheduled land transport (other than interurban railways or inter‑city coach services) Passenger shipping service (sea and coastal) Passenger terminal services Passenger transport by animal‑drawn vehicles Passenger transport by inter‑city rail services Passenger transport by inter‑urban railways (other than inter‑city services) Passenger transport by man‑drawn vehicles Passenger vessel building (manufacture) Passenger water transport equipment leasing (without operator) Passport photography Passport printing (manufacture) Pasta products, canned or frozen (manufacture) Pasta, cooked, stuffed or otherwise prepared Pastas (manufacture) Paste brush (manufacture) Paste made of aluminium (manufacture) Paste made of asbestos (manufacture) Pastel (manufacture) Pasteurized fresh liquid milk (manufacture) Pastille (manufacture) Pastrami and other salted, dried or smoked meats (manufacture) Pastry (retail) Pastry and buns (preserved) (manufacture) Pastry brush (manufacture) Pastry roller food preparation machinery (manufacture) Patent agent Patent broker Patent fuel (wholesale) Patent fuel production (manufacture) Patent leather (manufacture) Patent medicines (wholesale) Patents preparation Pâtés (manufacture) Pathological laboratory Pattern card (manufacture) Pavement artist Pavement light (manufacture) Paving blocks made of glass (manufacture) Paving blocks made of wood (manufacture) Paving contractor Paving machinery (manufacture) Paving made of non‑refractory ceramic (manufacture) Paving slabs made of concrete (manufacture) Paving stone (manufacture) Paving tiles made of unglazed clay (manufacture) Pawnbroker (principally lending money) Pawnshops (principally dealing in second‑hand goods) (retail) 28490 29430 28490 29430 28490 29430 23190 26150 29320 34300 28240 29410 28150 29140 14131 14132 14132 18221 18222 18222 14131 18221 14132 18222 28302 29530 14132 14131 18222 18221 14132 18222 Parts of suits for women and girls (manufacture) 14131 18221 Parts of trousers for men and boys (manufacture) 14132 18222 Parts of trousers for women and girls (manufacture) 79110 63301 Passage agent 79110 63301 Passenger agent (not transport authority) 51102 62201 Passenger air transport (non‑scheduled) 51101 62101 Passenger air transport (scheduled) 51101 62101 Passenger air transport over regular routes 51102 62201 Passenger aircraft rental services with crew (non‑scheduled) 30110 35110 Passenger cargo liner (manufacture) 30200 35200 Passenger carriage for railways (manufacture) 29100 34100 Passenger cars (manufacture) 49319 60219 50100 52220 49390 49100 49100 61101 63220 60239 60101 60109 49390 60239 30110 35110 77341 71221 74201 18129 10730 10850 10730 32910 20301 23990 32990 10511 10822 10130 74812 22220 15850 15850 15850 36620 24301 26821 36631 15511 15842 15139 47240 10720 32910 28930 52240 15820 36620 29530 69109 74909 46719 19201 15110 46460 69109 10130 86900 17290 96090 23190 23190 16230 42110 28923 23310 23610 23700 23310 64921 47799 74111 74879 51519 10103 19100 51460 74111 15139 85140 21259 93059 26150 26150 20300 45230 29523 26300 26610 26700 26300 65221 52509 97 P Alphabetical Index SIC 2007 SIC 2003 Activity SIC 2007 SIC 2003 Activity 84220 66190 69202 56103 01110 28930 10612 01240 14190 10390 01110 01240 32120 03110 32120 32120 46719 08920 19201 08920 08920 09900 75220 67130 74122 55303 01120 29530 15612 01139 18241 15330 01110 01139 36220 05010 36220 36220 51519 10300 10300 10300 10300 10300 Pay and personnel agency (armed forces) Paying agent Payroll bureau Pea and pie vendor Pea growing Pea splitters (manufacture) Pea splitting, milling or grinding (manufacture) Peach growing Peak cap (manufacture) Peanut butter (manufacture) Peanut growing Pear growing Pearl drilling (manufacture) Pearl gathering Pearl stringing (manufacture) Pearls production (manufacture) Peat (wholesale) Peat agglomeration Peat briquettes (manufacture) Peat cutting and digging Peat extraction Peat extraction support services, provided on a fee or contract basis Peat products (pots or for chemical use, etc.) (manufacture) Peat, preparation to facilitate transport or storage Peat, preparation to improve quality Pebble dredging Pecuniary loss insurance Pedal bins made of metal (manufacture) Pedal bins made of plastic (manufacture) Pedals for bicycles (manufacture) Pedestrian ways construction Pedicure Pedometers (electronic) (manufacture) Pedometers (non‑electronic) (manufacture) Peeled or cut vegetables, mixed fresh salads, packaged (manufacture) Peeled, cut fresh vegetables, mixed salads, packed (manufacture) Pelmets made of plastic (manufacture) Pelt from fellmongery (manufacture) Pen nibs (manufacture) Pencil (manufacture) Pencil leads (manufacture) Pencil‑making machinery (manufacture) 65300 66300 65300 65300 84230 25300 28140 75000 66020 67121 66020 66020 75230 28300 29130 85200 10840 01280 10840 46170 15870 01120 15870 51170 Pension fund (autonomous) Pension fund management Pension funding except compulsory social security Pension funds and plans Pensions appeal tribunal Penstock made of steel (manufacture) Penstock valves (manufacture) People’s dispensary for sick animals (not animal care units) Pepper (ground) (manufacture) Pepper growing Pepper substitute (manufacture) Peptic substances, mucilages and thickeners (commission agent) Peptone derivatives (manufacture) Peptones (manufacture) Peptones/protein substances and derivatives (commission agent) Peracetic acid (manufacture) Perambulator (manufacture) Perambulator awning (manufacture) Perambulators (retail) Perambulators (wholesale) Perchlorate explosive (manufacture) Perchloroethylene (manufacture) Percolator (electric) (manufacture) Percolators made of metal (non‑electric) (manufacture) Percussion cap (manufacture) Percussion instrument (manufacture) Perforated metal (manufacture) Performance testing of complete machinery Performers associations Performing arts schools (except academic) Performing arts schools providing tertiary education Performing arts support activities Performing Rights Society Perfume (manufacture) Perfume (retail) Perfume (wholesale) Perfume compounds (blended perfume concentrates) (manufacture) Perfumery and flavour synthetic chemicals (manufacture) Perfumery, cosmetic and toilet and bath preparations (commission agent) Perfumes and cosmetics exporter (wholesale) Perfumes and cosmetics importer (wholesale) Periodical printing (manufacture) Periodical publishing Periodicals lending and storage Peripheral equipment for computer uses including card punches and verifiers (manufacture) Periscopes (manufacture) Perishable food preparations of bread, pastry or cake (manufacture) Perishable prepared fruit and vegetables (manufacture) Perishable prepared salads; mixed salads (manufacture) Perishable prepared tofu bean curd (manufacture) 23990 26829 P Indexes to the UK Standard Industrial Classification of Economic Activities 2007 – UK SIC(2007) 08920 08920 08120 65120 25990 22290 30920 42110 96020 26511 26513 10390 10300 10300 14210 66031 28750 25240 35420 45230 93020 33201 33202 01410 10390 51310 22290 10110 32990 32990 32990 28490 25240 15113 36631 36631 36631 29430 28230 30010 Pencil sharpeners (manufacture) 28230 30010 Pencil‑sharpening machines (manufacture) 47620 52470 Pencils (retail) 46499 51479 Pencils, crayons, leads, drawing charcoals, writing or drawing chalks and tailors chalk (wholesale) 19209 23209 Penetrating oil (manufacture) 32990 36631 Penholder (manufacture) 13922 17402 Pennants (manufacture) 47620 52470 Pens (retail) 32990 36631 Pens for writing or drawing (manufacture) 55900 55239 Pension (accommodation) 66290 67200 Pension consultancy services 66290 67200 Pension consultants (own account) 98 20590 24660 20590 24660 46120 51120 20140 30920 13922 47789 46499 20510 20140 27510 25990 24140 36639 17402 52489 51479 24610 24140 29710 28750 20510 32200 25500 71200 94120 85520 85421 90020 94120 20420 47750 46450 20530 24610 36300 28400 74300 91120 80429 80302 92311 91120 24520 52330 51450 24630 20530 24630 46180 51180 46450 46450 18129 58142 91011 26200 51450 51450 22220 22130 92510 30020 26701 33402 10890 15810 10390 15330 10390 15330 10390 15330 Indexes to the UK Standard Industrial Classification of Economic Activities 2007 – UK SIC(2007) SIC 2007 SIC 2003 Activity 10390 15330 Perishable prepared vegetables, packaged peeled or cut (manufacture) 28131 29121 Peristaltic pumps (manufacture) 03110 05010 Periwinkle gathering 23440 31620 Permanent magnets (ceramic and ferrite) (manufacture) 25990 31620 Permanent magnets (metallic) (manufacture) 46690 51870 Permanent magnets and electro‑magnetic couplings, clutches and brakes (wholesale) 29203 34203 Permanent residential caravan (manufacture) 24100 27100 Permanent way material (except rails production) (manufacture) 20130 24130 Peroxides (inorganic) (manufacture) 11030 15941 Perry (manufacture) 26200 30020 Personal computers and workstations (manufacture) 65120 66031 Personal injury insurance 32990 28750 Personal safety devices of metal (manufacture) 18129 22220 Personal stationery printing (manufacture) 30120 35120 Personal watercraft (manufacture) 30400 29600 Personnel carrier (armoured fighting vehicle) (manufacture) 78200 74500 Personnel provision (temporary employment agency) 01610 01410 Pest control in connection with agriculture 81291 74703 Pest control services (except agricultural) 81291 74703 Pest destruction service (not especially for agriculture) 20130 24130 Pesticide inorganic chemicals (excluding formulated preparations) (manufacture) 20140 24140 Pesticide organic chemicals (excluding formulated preparations) (manufacture) 20200 24200 Pesticides and other agrochemical products (manufacture) 01490 01250 Pet animal breeding, other than fish 10920 15720 Pet animal feeds produced from slaughter waste (manufacture) 46380 51380 Pet animal food (wholesale) 47760 52489 Pet animals (retail) 01490 01250 Pet bird raising and breeding 10920 15720 Pet fish feeds (manufacture) 47760 52489 Pet food (retail) 10920 15720 Pet food including canned (manufacture) 10920 15720 Pet foods (manufacture) SIC 2007 SIC 2003 46120 51120 46750 51550 28921 71122 19201 19201 46120 29521 74206 23201 23201 51120 71122 74206 19201 23201 19209 23209 46120 51120 19209 23209 19201 46711 19201 19209 09100 09100 71122 14142 31090 24430 25990 26511 26513 26511 21100 47730 46460 01280 23190 23201 51511 23201 23209 11200 11200 74206 18232 36110 27430 28750 33201 33202 33201 24410 52310 51460 01110 26150 46180 46460 46460 21200 32500 51180 51460 51460 24421 24422 94120 21200 47730 20140 20160 46750 91120 24421 52310 24140 24160 51550 26600 33100 Pet scanners (manufacture) 47760 52489 Pet shop (retail) 96090 93059 Pet sitting services 13960 17542 Petersham ribbon (manufacture) 28290 29240 Petro‑chemical industry machinery (other than plant) (manufacture) 19201 23201 Petro‑chemical industry products (manufacture) 19201 23201 Petrol (manufacture) 47300 50500 Petrol filling station 28110 29110 Petrol industrial engines (manufacture) 28131 29121 Petrol station pump (manufacture) 46120 51120 47789 52485 26120 32100 09100 11200 Petroleum and natural gas mining support activities 46711 51511 Petroleum and petroleum products exporter (wholesale) 46711 51511 Petroleum and petroleum products importer (wholesale) 19201 23201 Petroleum briquettes (manufacture) 19201 23201 Petroleum coke (manufacture) 18129 08910 20150 46120 20150 22220 14300 24150 51120 24150 Alphabetical Index Activity Petroleum coke, bitumen and other residues of petroleum (commission agent) Petroleum coke, bitumen and other residues of petroleum oils (wholesale) Petroleum drilling equipment (manufacture) Petroleum exploration Petroleum feedstock (manufacture) Petroleum gas (manufacture) Petroleum gases and gaseous hydrocarbons (excluding natural gas) (commission agent) Petroleum geologist Petroleum grease (at refinery) (manufacture) Petroleum grease formulation outside refineries (manufacture) Petroleum jelly and paraffin wax (commission agent) Petroleum jelly formulation outside refineries (manufacture) Petroleum product (at refineries) (manufacture) Petroleum products distribution (wholesale) Petroleum refining (manufacture) Petroleum societies without refineries (manufacture) Petroleum test well drilling Petroleum well drilling Petrophysical interpretation activities Petticoat (manufacture) Pew (manufacture) Pewter (manufacture) Pewter ware (manufacture) Ph meters (electronic) (manufacture) Ph meters (non‑electronic) (manufacture) Ph/gas blood analysers (electronic) (manufacture) Pharmaceutical chemicals (manufacture) Pharmaceutical chemist (retail) Pharmaceutical chemist (wholesale) Pharmaceutical crops growing Pharmaceutical glassware (other than containers) (manufacture) Pharmaceutical goods (commission agent) Pharmaceutical goods exporter (wholesale) Pharmaceutical goods importer (wholesale) Pharmaceutical medicament products (manufacture) Pharmaceutical non‑medicament products (manufacture) Pharmaceutical society Pharmaceuticals for veterinary use (manufacture) Pharmacy (retail) Phenol (manufacture) Phenolic resins (manufacture) Phenols, phenol‑alcohols and derivatives of phenols (wholesale) Phenols, phenol‑alcohols and phenol derivatives (commission agent) Philatelist (retail) Phonecards and similar cards containing integrated circuits (smart cards) (manufacture) Phonetic printing (manufacture) Phosphates (natural) mining Phosphates of ammonium carbonates (manufacture) Phosphates of triammonium (commission agent) Phosphates of triammonium carbonates (manufacture) 99 P Alphabetical Index SIC 2007 P SIC 2003 Indexes to the UK Standard Industrial Classification of Economic Activities 2007 – UK SIC(2007) Activity 20150 24150 Phosphatic straight fertiliser (manufacture) 46750 51550 Phosphides, carbides, hydrides, nitrides azides, silicides and borides (wholesale) 46120 51120 Phosphides, carbides, hydrides, nitrides, azides, silicides and borides (commission agent) 46120 51120 Phosphinates, phosphonates, phosphates and polyphosphates (commission agent) 46750 51550 Phosphinates, phosphonates, phosphates and polyphosphates (wholesale) 46750 51550 Phosphoric esters and esters of other inorganic acids and their derivatives (wholesale) 46120 51120 Phosphoric esters and esters of other inorganic acids, their salts and derivatives (commission agent) 20130 24130 Phosphorous compounds (excluding phosphatic fertiliser) (manufacture) 58190 22150 Photo and engraving publishing 26110 32100 Photo diode (manufacture) 26110 32100 Photo electric cell (manufacture) 26702 33201 Photo electric exposure meter (manufacture) 18130 22240 Photo engraving (manufacture) 18130 22250 Photo lithography (manufacture) 47789 52482 Photo pick‑up services (retail) 26110 32100 Photo semi‑conductor device (manufacture) 26110 32100 Photo‑cathode valves or tubes (manufacture) 18129 22220 Photocopier printing (manufacture) 47410 52482 Photocopiers (retail) 82190 74850 Photocopying 46660 51850 Photo‑copying apparatus (wholesale) 28230 30010 Photocopying machinery (manufacture) 28990 29560 Photo‑engraving machine (manufacture) 27400 31500 Photoflash bulb (manufacture) 26511 33201 Photogrammetric equipment (electronic) (manufacture) 26513 33202 Photogrammetric equipment (non‑electronic) (manufacture) 74203 74814 Photograph colouring 74203 74814 Photograph copying 74203 74814 Photograph developing 74203 74814 Photograph enlarging 74203 74814 Photograph finishing 17290 21259 Photograph mount (manufacture) 74203 74814 Photograph mounting 74203 74814 Photograph printing 17120 21120 Photographic base paper (manufacture) 20590 24640 Photographic chemicals (manufacture) 74203 74814 Photographic colour printing 20590 24640 Photographic developer (manufacture) 26702 33403 Photographic enlarger (manufacture) 46180 51180 Photographic equipment (commission agent) 26702 33403 Photographic equipment (manufacture) 77210 71401 Photographic equipment hire 20590 24640 Photographic film (sensitized) (manufacture) 22210 25210 Photographic film (unsensitized) (manufacture) 26702 33403 Photographic film instrument (manufacture) 20590 24640 Photographic film plate (sensitised) (manufacture) 59120 92119 Photographic film processing activities (for the motion picture and television industries) 46439 51476 Photographic flashbulbs and flashcubes (wholesale) 47789 52482 Photographic goods (retail) 46439 51476 Photographic goods (wholesale) 46439 51476 Photographic goods exporter (wholesale) 100 SIC 2007 SIC 2003 Activity 46439 26702 96090 46180 20590 46180 51476 33201 93051 51180 24640 51180 74201 20590 22210 74209 74812 24640 25210 74819 Photographic goods importer (wholesale) Photographic light meters (manufacture) Photographic machines (coin‑operated) Photographic paper (commission agent) Photographic plates (manufacture) Photographic plates and film and instant print film (commission agent) Photographic studio Photographic unexposed film (manufacture) Photographic unsensitized film (manufacture) Photographing of live events such as weddings, graduations, conventions, fashion shows, etc. Photography for commercials, publishers or tourism purposes Photography schools (except commercial) Photogravure machine (manufacture) Photogravure printing (manufacture) Photojournalists Photolitho machine (manufacture) Photolithography equipment for the manufacture of semi‑conductors (manufacturing) Photometers (electronic) (manufacture) Photometers (non‑electronic) (manufacture) Photomicrography Photosensitive semi‑conductor devices (manufacture) Phototypesetting (manufacture) Phthalic anhydride (manufacture) Physical culture expert Physical or chemical analysis instruments and apparatus (non‑electronic) (wholesale) Physical properties testing and inspection equipment (non‑electronic) (manufacture) Physical sciences research and experimental development Physical well‑being activities Physicist Physics research and experimental development Physiologist Physiotherapist (private) Physiotherapy clinic Piano (manufacture) Piano hire Piano teachers and other music instruction Piano tuning Piano wire made of steel (manufacture) Pianofortes (retail) 74209 74819 85520 28990 18129 74209 28990 28990 80429 29560 22220 92400 29560 33403 26701 26513 74202 26110 18130 20140 93199 46690 33201 33202 74813 32100 22240 24140 92629 51870 26513 33202 72190 73100 96040 71200 72190 86220 86900 86900 32200 77210 85520 95290 24340 47591 93040 74300 73100 85120 85140 85140 36300 71401 80429 52740 27340 52450 10390 15330 Piccalilli production (manufacture) 25730 28620 Pick (manufacture) 26400 32300 Pick‑up arm and cartridge for record player (manufacture) 28302 29320 Pick‑up baler (manufacture) 02200 02010 Pickets (of wood) production 15120 19200 Picking bands made of leather (manufacture) 10390 15330 Pickle including beetroot and onion (manufacture) 10390 15330 Pickling of fruit and vegetables (manufacture) 46120 51120 Pickling preparations (commission agent) 20590 24660 Pickling preparations for metal treatment (manufacture) 74209 92400 Picture agency 16290 20510 Picture frame made of wood (manufacture) Indexes to the UK Standard Industrial Classification of Economic Activities 2007 – UK SIC(2007) Alphabetical Index SIC 2007 SIC 2003 Activity SIC 2007 SIC 2003 Activity 17290 47789 18129 47789 90030 26301 47510 46410 13300 22190 21259 52489 22220 52489 92319 32201 52410 51410 17300 25130 24100 52220 52220 25500 10720 26110 46120 20140 46750 01460 46230 01460 01110 20301 46230 10720 13931 13931 13931 13931 13931 27100 63220 63220 28400 15820 32100 51120 24140 51550 01230 51230 01230 01120 24301 51230 15820 17511 17511 17512 17511 17512 13923 21200 52220 13923 25730 01220 25710 25930 32401 24440 24440 15120 23990 17403 24421 63220 17403 28620 01139 28610 28730 36501 27440 27440 19200 26821 25730 24420 24440 24510 28990 32200 22190 25300 28620 27420 27440 27210 29560 36300 36639 28300 13931 13931 13931 43999 28923 13300 13910 13931 13931 17511 17512 17511 45250 29523 17300 17600 17511 17511 Picture frame mount (manufacture) Picture framing (retail) Picture postcard (manufacture) Picture postcards (retail) Picture restoring Picture transmitter (manufacture) Piece goods (retail) Piece goods (wholesale) Piece goods dyeing (manufacture) Piece goods made of unsupported rubber sheeting (manufacture) Pieces roughly shaped by forging (manufacture) Pier operation (not amusement) Pier owner or authority (not amusement) Piercing of base metal (manufacture) Pies (other than meat) (manufacture) Piezo electric crystal (manufacture) Piezo‑electric quartz (commission agent) Piezo‑electric quartz (manufacture) Piezo‑electric quartz (wholesale) Pig farming Pig jobber (wholesale) Pig raising and breeding Pigeon pea growing Pigments (prepared) (manufacture) Pigs (wholesale) Pikelet making (manufacture) Pile carpet mat weaving (manufacture) Pile carpet weaving (manufacture) Pile carpets of cotton, tufted (manufacture) Pile carpets of cotton, woven (manufacture) Pile carpets of man‑made fibres, tufted (manufacture) Pile carpets of man‑made fibres, woven (manufacture) Pile carpets of wool, tufted (manufacture) Pile carpets of wool, woven (manufacture) Pile driving Pile driving equipment (manufacture) Pile fabric bleaching and finishing (manufacture) Pile knitted fabric (manufacture) Pile rugs and mats of cotton, woven (manufacture) Pile rugs and mats of man‑made fibres, woven (manufacture) Pile rugs and mats of wool, woven (manufacture) Pile rugs, mats and tiles of cotton, tufted (manufacture) Pile rugs, mats and tiles of man‑made fibres, tufted (manufacture) Pile rugs, mats and tiles of wool, tufted (manufacture) Pile‑drivers (manufacture) Pile‑extractors (manufacture) Pilfer‑proof metal caps (manufacture) Piling (building) Piling contractor (civil engineering) Pilings (of wood) production Pilings (tubular welded) (manufacture) Pillars made of ceramic (manufacture) Pillion seats for motorcycles (manufacture) Pillow (manufacture) 12000 08120 71200 42210 42210 71129 49500 25110 23320 23320 23990 22210 29320 24420 23650 23320 23610 24440 23650 23200 22190 24200 24510 23190 13200 28940 01250 25400 16000 14220 74300 45213 45213 74204 60300 28110 26400 26400 26829 25210 34300 27420 26650 26400 26610 27440 26650 26260 25130 27220 27210 26150 17210 29540 01139 29600 Pillow case (manufacture) Pills (medicinal) (manufacture) Pilotage activities Pin cushion (manufacture) Pincers (manufacture) Pineapple growing Pinking shears (manufacture) Pins made of metal (manufacture) Pin‑tables (manufacture) Pipe and pipe fittings made of brass (manufacture) Pipe blanks made of copper (manufacture) Pipe case (not leather or plastic) (manufacture) Pipe covering sections made of asbestos (manufacture) Pipe cutters (manufacture) Pipe fittings made of aluminium (manufacture) Pipe fittings made of copper (manufacture) Pipe fittings of cast‑iron (manufacture) Pipe making machinery (manufacture) Pipe organ (manufacture) Pipe stems of hard rubber (manufacture) Pipe system construction for steam generators (manufacture) Pipe tobacco (manufacture) Pipeclay pit Pipeline and ancillary equipment testing activities Pipeline construction Pipeline contracting Pipeline design activities Pipeline operator Pipeline supports (manufacture) Pipes and conduits made of clay (manufacture) Pipes and fittings made of ceramics (manufacture) Pipes and fittings made of pitch fibre (manufacture) Pipes and fittings made of plastic (manufacture) Pipes for motor vehicles (manufacture) Pipes made of aluminium (manufacture) Pipes made of asbestos cement (manufacture) Pipes made of clay (manufacture) Pipes made of concrete (manufacture) Pipes made of copper (manufacture) Pipes made of fibre‑cement (manufacture) Pipes made of refractory ceramic (manufacture) Pipes made of rubber (manufacture) Pipes made of steel (manufacture) Pipes of cast‑iron (manufacture) Pipettes made of glass (manufacture) Pique weaving (manufacture) Pirns (textile machinery accessory) (manufacture) Pistachio growing Pistol (manufacture) 13931 17511 13931 17512 13931 17512 13931 17512 28923 28923 25920 43999 43999 02200 25110 23200 30910 13921 29523 29523 28720 45250 45250 02010 28110 26260 35410 17401 28110 29110 Piston for industrial engine (manufacture) 28110 34300 Piston for motor vehicle engine (manufacture) 28110 29110 Piston ring for industrial engine (manufacture) 28110 34300 Piston ring for motor vehicle engine (manufacture) 28110 29110 Piston rings for all internal combustion engines (manufacture) 28110 29110 Pistons for all internal combustion engines (manufacture) 101 P Alphabetical Index P Indexes to the UK Standard Industrial Classification of Economic Activities 2007 – UK SIC(2007) SIC 2007 SIC 2003 Activity SIC 2007 28921 02200 46730 19100 32200 46630 10720 10850 94920 28150 28940 16290 13300 16290 29521 02010 51530 24140 36300 51820 15820 15820 91320 29140 29540 20520 17300 20520 25990 18129 25730 25730 28923 30300 28410 28490 28750 22220 28620 28620 29523 35300 29420 29430 16100 28490 77390 01300 01300 01300 01300 20200 46750 77320 43999 20200 10822 01300 25110 28302 81300 20100 29430 71340 01120 01120 01120 01120 24200 51550 71320 45500 24200 15842 01120 28110 29320 01410 47760 52489 46220 51220 01160 01110 Pit bottom machinery (manufacture) Pit props (of wood) production Pit props (wholesale) Pitch and pitch coke (manufacture) Pitch pipes (manufacture) Pit‑head winding gear (wholesale) Pizza (manufacture) Pizza, frozen or otherwise preserved (manufacture) Plaid Cymru Plain bearing (manufacture) Plaiting machinery for textiles (manufacture) Plaiting material preparation (manufacture) Plaiting of textiles (manufacture) Plaits and products of plaiting materials (manufacture) Plan chests made of metal (manufacture) Plan printing (manufacture) Plane (manufacture) Planer tool (manufacture) Planers for road surfacing (manufacture) Planetary probes (manufacture) Planing machine (metal cutting) (manufacture) Planing machine for wood (not portable powered) (manufacture) Plank (manufacture) Plank glueing machines (manufacture) Plant and equipment for industrial use hire Plant growing for bulbs Plant growing for cuttings and slips Plant growing for roots Plant growing for tubers Plant growth regulators (manufacture) Plant growth regulators (wholesale) Plant hire for construction rental (without operator) Plant hire for construction rental with operator Plant hormone (manufacture) Plant parts preserving in sugar (manufacture) Plant propagation Plant support of fabricated steelwork (manufacture) Planter for agricultural use (manufacture) Planting, laying out and maintenance of gardens, parks and green areas for sports installations Plants (retail) Plants (wholesale) Plants bearing vegetable fibres, retting of 01300 01120 Plants for planting or ornamental purposes 01280 01110 Plants used chiefly in pharmacy or for insecticidal, fungicidal or similar purposes 32409 36509 Plastic bicycles and tricycles designed to be ridden (manufacture) 32910 36620 Plastic brush (complete) (manufacture) 24100 27100 Plastic coated steel sheet (manufacture) 13940 17520 Plastic coated twine, cordage rope and cables of textile fibres (manufacture) 25610 28510 Plastic coating of metals (manufacture) 96090 52740 Plastic coating services of identity cards, etc. (while you wait) 27330 25239 Plastic electrical conduit tubing (manufacture) 32409 36509 Plastic game (manufacture) 22290 25240 Plastic headgear (other than hard hats) made of plastic (manufacture) 46760 51550 Plastic materials in primary forms (wholesale) 27330 25240 Plastic non‑current carrying face plates (manufacture) 28230 30010 Plastic office‑type binding equipment or tape binding (manufacture) 46760 51560 Plastic packaging (wholesale) 28960 29560 Plastic product making machines (manufacture) 22210 25210 Plastic semi‑manufactures (manufacture) 31090 36110 Plastic shell upholstery (manufacture) 18140 22230 Plastic wire binding and finishing of books and brochures (manufacture) 20160 24160 Plastics in primary forms (manufacture) 28960 29560 Plastics working machinery (manufacture) 23110 26110 Plate glass (manufacture) 65120 66031 Plate glass insurance 18130 22240 Plate making for printing (manufacture) 20412 24512 Plate polish (manufacture) 18130 22240 Plate processes direct to plate (also photopolymer plates) (manufacture) 18130 22240 Plate setting for letterpress processes (manufacture) 18130 22240 Plate setting for offset printing processes (manufacture) 27510 29710 Plate warmers for domestic use (electric) (manufacture) 27520 29720 Plate warmers for domestic use (non‑electric) (manufacture) 24420 27420 Plates made of aluminium (manufacture) 23410 26210 Plates made of ceramic for domestic use (manufacture) 17220 21220 Plates made of paper (manufacture) 22210 25210 Plates made of plastic (semi‑manufactures) (manufacture) 22290 25240 Plates made of plastic (tableware) (manufacture) 22190 25130 Plates made of rubber (semi‑manufactures) (manufacture) 24430 27430 Plates, sheets, strip and foil made of lead (manufacture) 24430 27430 Plates, sheets, strip and foil made of tin (manufacture) 24430 27430 Plates, sheets, strip and foil made of zinc (manufacture) 33110 28220 Platework repair of central heating boilers and radiators (manufacture) 30110 35110 Platform for drilling rig (manufacture) 29202 34202 Platform trailer (motor drawn) (manufacture) 25610 28510 Plating (metal finishing) (manufacture) 24410 27410 Platinum (manufacture) 24410 27410 Platinum group metals (manufacture) 07290 13200 Platinum mining and preparation 32409 36509 Playballs made of rubber (manufacture) 23520 26530 Plaster (manufacture) 46730 51530 Plaster (wholesale) 23620 26620 Plaster articles for use in construction (manufacture) 32500 24422 Plaster bandages (manufacture) 32990 36639 Plaster cast (manufacture) 23520 26530 Plaster of Paris (manufacture) 23620 26620 Plaster products for construction purposes (manufacture) 23620 26620 Plasterboard (manufacture) 46730 51530 Plasterboards (wholesale) 43310 45410 Plastering contractor 102 SIC 2003 Activity Indexes to the UK Standard Industrial Classification of Economic Activities 2007 – UK SIC(2007) Alphabetical Index SIC 2007 SIC 2003 Activity SIC 2007 SIC 2003 Activity 32300 88910 88910 32409 46499 90030 30120 93290 36400 85321 85322 36509 51477 92319 35120 92629 Playground equipment (manufacture) Playgroup (charitable) Playgroup (non‑charitable) Playing cards (manufacture) Playing cards (wholesale) Playwright Pleasure and sporting boats (manufacture) Pleasure boat hiring as an integral part of recreational facilities Pleasure boat rental with crew (e.g. for fishing cruises) (except for inland waterway service) Pleasure boats rental Pleasure ground Pleasure pier Pleasure port construction Pleasure steamer caterer Pleated paper (manufacture) Pleating and similar work on textiles (manufacture) Pleating of textiles (manufacture) Pliers (manufacture) Plough (manufacture) Plough disc (manufacture) Ploughs (wholesale) Plug (electronic) (manufacture) Plug and socket (electric) (manufacture) Plug valves (manufacture) Plugging and abandoning oil and gas wells Plugs, sockets and other apparatus for protecting electrical circuits for domestic use (wholesale) Plugs, sockets and the like, for switching or protecting industrial electrical circuits (wholesale) Plum growing Plumbers’ merchant (wholesale) Plumbing and pipe fittings made of metal (not cast) (manufacture) Plumbing contractor Plumbing equipment and supplies (wholesale) 22110 15120 15120 25710 26520 26520 13200 90030 94990 30200 28230 26200 25110 19200 19200 28610 33500 33500 17210 92319 91330 35200 30010 30020 26511 26513 32500 02200 02200 84240 88990 71200 84240 70229 20412 10612 20412 20412 20412 20412 20412 20412 25610 13923 33201 33202 33401 02010 02010 75240 85322 75240 75240 74143 24512 15612 24512 24512 24512 24512 24512 24512 28510 17403 28990 32910 20412 23910 29560 36620 24512 26810 Pneumatic tyres (manufacture) Pochette made of leather (manufacture) Pocket book made of leather (manufacture) Pocket knife (manufacture) Pocket timer (manufacture) Pocket watch (manufacture) Pocketing weaving (manufacture) Poet Poetry club Point locks (manufacture) Point of sale unit (manufacture) Point‑of‑sale (pos) computer terminals not mechanically operated (manufacture) Polarimeters (electronic) (manufacture) Polarimeters (non‑electronic) (manufacture) Polarising elements (manufacture) Pole fencing production Poles (of wood) production Police authorities Police court mission Police laboratories Police records maintenance Policy formulation consultancy services Polish (manufacture) Polished rice (manufacture) Polishes and creams (manufacture) Polishes and creams for leather (manufacture) Polishes and creams for wood (manufacture) Polishes for coachwork (manufacture) Polishes for glass (manufacture) Polishes for metal (manufacture) Polishing (metal finishing) (manufacture) Polishing cloths and pads, made of unprepared, non‑bonded fibre fabric (manufacture) Polishing machine for glass (manufacture) Polishing mop (manufacture) Polishing paste and powder (manufacture) Polishing stones made of bonded abrasives (manufacture) Political organisations Pollution measuring Pollution standards, dissemination and information services (public sector) Polony (manufacture) Polyamide compounds (manufacture) Polyamide man‑made fibre (manufacture) Polyamides (manufacture) Polyamides in primary forms (commission agent) Polyamides in primary forms (wholesale) Polycarbonates, alkyd and epoxide resins (commission agent) Polyester adhesive (manufacture) Polyester man‑made fibre (manufacture) Polyester paint (manufacture) Polyester resins (manufacture) Polyesters (manufacture) Polyethers (manufacture) Polyethers and polyesters (commission agent) Polyethers, polyesters, polycarbonates, alkyd and epoxide resins (wholesale) 50100 61101 77210 93290 93290 42910 56290 17290 13300 13300 25730 28302 28302 46610 26110 27330 28140 09100 46439 71401 92729 92729 45240 55520 21259 17300 17300 28620 29320 29320 51880 31200 31200 29130 11200 51439 46690 51870 01240 01139 46740 51540 25990 28750 43220 45330 46740 51540 13200 17240 Plush silk (manufacture) 13200 17220 Plush woollen weaving (manufacture) 13200 17230 Plush worsted weaving (manufacture) 20130 23300 Plutonium processing (manufacture) 65120 66031 Pluvium insurance 94920 91320 71200 74300 84120 75120 16210 20200 Plywood (manufacture) 46730 51530 Plywood (wholesale) 28490 29430 Plywood press (manufacture) 28220 29220 Pneumatic and hydraulic conveying plant (manufacture) 28220 29220 Pneumatic and hydraulic handling plant (manufacture) 46690 51870 Pneumatic and other continuous action elevators and conveyors for goods or materials (wholesale) 28120 29122 Pneumatic equipment and systems for aircraft (manufacture) 26513 33202 Pneumatic gauges (non‑electronic) (manufacture) 28240 29410 Pneumatic nailers (manufacture) 28120 29122 Pneumatic power engines and motors (manufacture) 28240 29410 Pneumatic power tools (portable) (manufacture) 28240 29410 Pneumatic rivet guns (manufacture) 28960 29560 Pneumatic tyre making or retreading machines (manufacture) 10130 20160 20600 20160 46120 46760 46120 15139 24160 24700 24160 51120 51550 51120 20520 20600 20301 20160 20160 20160 46120 46760 24620 24700 24301 24160 24160 24160 51120 51550 103 P Alphabetical Index SIC 2007 SIC 2003 Activity SIC 2007 20160 26513 80100 20160 46760 24160 33202 74602 24160 51550 Polyethylene (manufacture) Polygraph machines (non‑electronic) (manufacture) Polygraph services Polymers (manufacture) Polymers of ethylene and styrene in primary forms (wholesale) Polymers of ethylene in primary forms (commission agent) Polymers of propylene and other olefins in primary forms (commission agent) Polymers of styrene in primary forms (commission agent) Polymers of vinyl acetate, other vinyl esters and vinyl polymers in primary forms (commission agent) Polymers of vinyl chloride and other halogenated olefins in primary forms (commission agent) Polymers of vinyl chloride and other halogenated olefins in primary forms (wholesale) Polypropylene (manufacture) Polypropylene fabrics (manufacture) Polystyrene (manufacture) Polytechnics Polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) (manufacture) Polyurethane adhesive (manufacture) Polyurethane coated textile fabrics (manufacture) Polyurethane paint (manufacture) Polyurethanes (manufacture) Polyvinyl acetate (PVA) (manufacture) Polyvinyl acetate and co‑polymer adhesives (manufacture) Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) (manufacture) Pome fruit growing Pomelo growing Pomfret (pontefract) cakes (manufacture) Pompons (manufacture) Pontoons construction (manufacture) Pony Club Poodle clipping Pop group Poplin weaving (manufacture) Pork (salted or pickled) (manufacture) Pork butcher (retail) Pork butcher (wholesale) Pork pie (manufacture) Porosimeter (manufacture) Port Authority Port guards administration and operation Port of London Authority Portable building metalwork (manufacture) Portable forges (manufacture) Portable lamp (electric) (manufacture) Portable power tool parts (manufacture) Portable road sign hire for construction 74201 74812 Portrait photographer 74201 74812 Portrait photography 28120 29122 Positioner for pneumatic control equipment (manufacture) 28131 29121 Positive displacement pump (reciprocating) (manufacture) 46180 51180 Posphoaminolipids (commission agent) 46460 51460 Posphoaminolipids, amides and their salts and derivatives (wholesale) 53100 64110 Post activities 53100 64110 Post office regional headquarters 28490 29430 Post peeling machines (manufacture) 18140 22230 Post press services in support of printing activities (manufacture) 59120 92119 Post production film activities 30200 35200 Post van for railways (manufacture) 28230 30010 Postage franking machines (manufacture) 28230 30010 Postage meters (manufacture) 18129 22220 Postage stamp perforating (manufacture) 18129 22220 Postage stamp printing (manufacture) 64191 65121 Postal giro and postal savings bank activities 53100 64110 Postal headquarters 53100 64110 Postal sorting office 58190 22150 Postcard publishing 17230 21230 Postcards (plain) (manufacture) 53100 64110 Poste restante 73110 74402 Poster advertising 18130 22250 Poster aerographing (manufacture) 18129 22220 Poster printing (manufacture) 58190 22150 Poster publishing 18130 22240 Poster writing (manufacture) 85422 80303 Post‑graduate college 01630 01410 Post‑harvest crop activities 02200 02010 Posts (of wood) production 23610 26610 Posts made of precast concrete (manufacture) 85410 80301 Post‑secondary non‑tertiary vocational education 08910 14300 Potash mine 20150 24150 Potassic straight fertiliser (manufacture) 20130 24130 Potassium compounds (manufacture) 20150 24150 Potassium salts (manufacture) 08910 14300 Potassium salts (natural) mining 10310 15310 Potato chip production (frozen, raw, steamed or boiled) (manufacture) 10310 15310 Potato crisp (manufacture) 10910 15710 Potato dehydrating for animal feed (manufacture) 10310 15310 Potato flour and meal (manufacture) 01130 01110 Potato growing 46120 51120 46120 51120 46120 51120 46120 51120 46120 51120 46750 51550 P Indexes to the UK Standard Industrial Classification of Economic Activities 2007 – UK SIC(2007) 20160 13200 20160 85421 20160 20520 13960 20301 20160 20160 20520 24160 17250 24160 80302 24160 24620 17549 24301 24160 24160 24620 20160 01240 01230 10822 13960 30110 93120 96090 90010 13200 10130 47220 46320 10130 26513 52220 84240 52220 25110 25730 27400 28240 77320 24160 01139 01139 15842 17542 35110 92629 93059 92311 17210 15131 52220 51320 15139 33202 63220 75240 63220 28110 28620 31500 29410 71320 SIC 2003 Activity 28302 29320 Potato harvester and sorter (manufacture) 10310 15310 Potato peeling (industrial) (manufacture) 10310 15310 Potato processing and preserving (manufacture) 46310 51380 Potato products (wholesale) 10310 15310 Potato puff (manufacture) 27510 29710 Portable space heaters (manufacture) 10310 15310 Potato snacks production (manufacture) 16230 20300 Portable wooden buildings (manufacture) 10620 15620 Potato starch (manufacture) 28220 29220 Portal and pedestal jib cranes (manufacture) 10310 15310 Potato stick (manufacture) 11050 15960 Porter brewing (manufacture) 10310 15310 Potato straw (manufacture) 96090 93059 Porters 10310 15310 Potatoes (prepared frozen) production (manufacture) 66300 67121 Portfolio management services 47210 52210 Potatoes (retail) 23510 26510 Portland cement (manufacture) 46310 51310 104 Potatoes (wholesale) Indexes to the UK Standard Industrial Classification of Economic Activities 2007 – UK SIC(2007) SIC 2007 SIC 2003 Activity 26511 33201 Potentiometric recorder (electronic) (manufacture) 26513 33202 Potentiometric recorder (non‑electronic) (manufacture) 23490 26250 Pots made of ceramic (manufacture) 23130 26130 Pots made of glass (manufacture) 17220 21220 Pots made of paper (manufacture) 22220 25220 Pots made of plastic (not flower pots) (manufacture) 10130 15139 Potted meat. (manufacture) 10200 15209 Potted shrimp (manufacture) 08120 14220 Potters’ clay mine or quarry 47599 52440 Pottery (retail) 46440 51440 Pottery (wholesale) 23410 26210 Pottery for domestic use (manufacture) 23410 26210 Pottery made of stone (manufacture) 28990 29560 Pottery making machinery (manufacture) 77299 71409 Pottery rental and leasing 20150 24150 Potting soil mixtures of natural soil, sand, clays and minerals (manufacture) 20150 24150 Potting soil with peat as main constituent (manufacture) 15120 19200 Pouch for tobacco (manufacture) 15120 19200 Pouch made of leather or leather substitute (manufacture) 17230 21230 Pouches containing an assortment of paper stationery (manufacture) 13921 17401 Pouffe (manufacture) 13200 17210 Poult weaving (manufacture) 10120 15120 Poultry (fresh, chilled or frozen) production (manufacture) 46320 51320 Poultry (wholesale) 47220 52220 Poultry and game (retail) 10130 15139 Poultry canning (manufacture) 01629 01429 Poultry caponising 10850 15139 Poultry dishes (manufacture) 10120 15120 Poultry dressing (manufacture) 01470 01240 Poultry farming 10120 15120 Poultry fat (edible) rendering (manufacture) 10910 15710 Poultry grit (manufacture) 01470 01240 Poultry hatcheries 16230 20300 Poultry house made of wood (manufacture) 28302 29320 Poultry keeping machinery (manufacture) 10120 15120 Poultry meat preparation (manufacture) 10120 15120 Poultry meat production and preserving (manufacture) 10120 15120 Poultry packing (manufacture) 10130 15139 Poultry potting (manufacture) 28930 29530 Poultry processing machines and equipment (manufacture) 01470 01240 Poultry raising and breeding 10120 15120 Poultry slaughtering (manufacture) 46210 51210 Poultry spice (wholesale) 46610 51880 Poultry‑keeping machines (wholesale) 22290 36639 Powder compact made of plastic (manufacture) 24420 27420 Powder made of aluminium (manufacture) 24440 27440 Powder made of copper (manufacture) 20301 24301 Powder made of glass (manufacture) 25500 28400 Powder metallurgy (manufacture) SIC 2007 SIC 2003 Alphabetical Index Activity 10890 15891 Powdered soup containing meat or vegetables or both (manufacture) 10810 15830 Powdered sugar (manufacture) 24430 27430 Powders and flakes made of lead (manufacture) 24430 27430 Powders and flakes made of tin (manufacture) 20590 24660 Powders and pastes used in soldering, brazing or welding (manufacture) 46180 51180 Powders for cosmetic or toilet use (commission agent) 30120 35120 Power boats of all types (manufacture) 30300 35300 Power control for aircraft (manufacture) 27110 31100 Power generators (manufacture) 42220 45213 Power line construction 35110 40110 Power station 25110 28110 Power structural steelwork (manufacture) 27110 31100 Power supply unit for electronic applications (manufacture) 27120 31200 Power switching equipment (manufacture) 28240 29410 Power tool (portable) (manufacture) 28240 29410 Power tools (portable electric) (manufacture) 28240 29410 Power‑driven buffers (manufacture) 28220 29220 Power‑driven cranes (manufacture) 28240 29410 Power‑driven grinders (manufacture) 28240 29410 Power‑driven impact wrenches (manufacture) 28220 29220 Power‑driven lifting capstans (manufacture) 28220 29220 Power‑driven lifting hoists (manufacture) 28220 29220 Power‑driven lifting jacks (manufacture) 28220 29220 Power‑driven lifting pulley tackle (manufacture) 28220 29220 Power‑driven lifting winches (manufacture) 28220 29220 Power‑driven loading and unloading derricks (manufacture) 28220 29220 Power‑driven mobile lifting frames (manufacture) 28240 29410 Power‑driven planers (manufacture) 28240 29410 Power‑driven powder actuated nailers (manufacture) 28240 29410 Power‑driven routers (manufacture) 28240 29410 Power‑driven shears and nibblers (manufacture) 28240 29410 Power‑driven staplers (manufacture) 28220 29220 Power‑driven straddle carriers (manufacture) 28922 29522 Powered barrow (manufacture) 28921 29521 Powered roof support for mining (manufacture) 13923 17403 Pram blanket (outside knitting or weaving establishment) (manufacture) 23610 26610 Precast cement articles for use in construction (manufacture) 23610 26610 Precast concrete articles for use in construction (manufacture) 23610 26610 Precast concrete products (manufacture) 46730 51530 Precast concrete products (wholesale) 32120 36220 Precious and semi‑precious stones in the worked state production (manufacture) 24410 27410 Precious metal foil laminates (manufacture) 07290 13200 Precious metal ores mining and preparation 24410 27410 Precious metals production (manufacture) 32120 36220 Precious stone cutting (manufacture) 46760 51560 Precious stones (wholesale) 26513 33202 Precision balance (non‑electronic) (manufacture) 28150 29140 Precision chain (manufacture) 13990 36639 Powder puff (manufacture) 26513 33202 Precision drawing instrument (manufacture) 10890 15891 Powdered broth containing meat or vegetables or both (manufacture) 24200 27220 Precision tube made of steel (manufacture) 25940 28740 Precision screw (manufacture) 105 P Alphabetical Index SIC 2007 SIC 2003 Activity SIC 2007 SIC 2003 Activity 86101 86101 25110 46730 23610 85112 85111 28110 51530 26610 Pre‑convalescent hospital (private sector) Pre‑convalescent hospital (public sector) Prefabricated building metalwork (manufacture) Prefabricated buildings (wholesale) Prefabricated buildings and components made of concrete (manufacture) Prefabricated buildings made of metal (manufacture) Prefabricated buildings made of plastic (manufacture) Prefabricated buildings made of wood (commission agent) Prefabricated buildings made of wood (manufacture) Prefabricated buildings or elements thereof made of wood (manufacture) Prefabricated constructions (civil engineering) assembly and erection Prefabricated constructions (commercial) assembly and erection Prefabricated constructions (domestic) assembly and erection Prefabricated roof timbers (manufacture) Prefabricated structural parts for construction, of cement, concrete, artificial stone (manufacture) Premier jus (manufacture) Preparation and linkage of digital data (manufacture) Preparatory schools Prepared additives for cement (manufacture) Prepared binders for foundry moulds or cores (commission agent) Prepared culture media for micro‑organisms (manufacture) Prepared dyes (manufacture) Prepared feeds for farm animals (manufacture) Prepared feeds for farm animals (wholesale) Prepared meat dishes (manufacture) Prepared pigments, opacifiers and colours (commission agent) Prepared rubber accelerators (commission agent) Prepared typewriter ribbons (manufacture) Prepared waxes (manufacture) Preparing the dead for burial or cremation Pre‑press data input electronic make‑up (manufacture) Pre‑press data input optical character recognition, electronic make‑up (manufacture) Pre‑press data input scanning (manufacture) Pre‑primary education Pre‑recorded tape, except master copies for records or audio material (manufacture) Presbyterian Church Presbyterian Church of Wales Preservation society for historic houses Preserved cream (manufacture) Preserved fruit (wholesale) Preserved fruit and vegetables (retail) Preserved meat (manufacture) Preserved pastry goods and cakes (manufacture) Preserved railway operation Pre‑shave lotion (manufacture) Press (hydraulic) (metal forming) (manufacture) Press (mechanical) (metal forming) (manufacture) Press (metal forming) (manufacture) 28410 63990 13200 63990 28490 28930 28960 29420 92400 17220 92400 29430 29530 29560 74209 25990 25730 28930 92400 36639 28620 29530 17120 13990 13990 28490 21120 17549 17549 29430 32990 25990 96010 25500 96010 36639 36639 93010 28400 93010 17120 32990 25990 24540 21120 36639 28750 27540 Press (pneumatic) (metal forming) (manufacture) Press clipping service Press cloth (manufacture) Press cutting agency Press for chipboard (manufacture) Press for food and drink (manufacture) Press machinery for working rubber or plastics (manufacture) Press photographers Press stud (manufacture) Press tool (manufacture) Press used to make wine, cider, fruit juices, etc. (manufacture) Pressboard (manufacture) Pressed felt (not paper or roofing) (manufacture) Pressed wool felt (manufacture) Presses for the manufacture of particle board (manufacture) Press‑fasteners (manufacture) Press‑fasteners made of metal (manufacture) Pressing and valeting Pressing of base metal (manufacture) Pressing of wearing apparel on a fee or contract basis Presspahn (manufacture) Press‑studs (manufacture) Pressure cooker (manufacture) Pressure die casting of non‑ferrous base metal (manufacture) Pressure forming machines for rubber or plastic (manufacture) Pressure measuring and control instrument (electronic) (manufacture) Pressure measuring and control instrument (non‑electronic) (manufacture) Pressure pipes made of pre‑stressed concrete (manufacture) Pressure reducing valves (manufacture) Pressure sensitive adhesive tape made of plastic (manufacture) Pressure sensitive cloth‑tape (manufacture) Pressure switch (electronic) (manufacture) Pressure treatment of wood (manufacture) Pressurised containers certification Pre‑stressed concrete products (manufacture) Pretzels whether sweet or salted (manufacture) 25110 28110 22230 25239 46130 51130 16230 20300 16230 20300 42990 45213 41201 45211 41202 45212 16230 20300 23610 26610 10110 18130 85200 20590 46120 15112 22240 80100 24660 51120 20590 24660 P Indexes to the UK Standard Industrial Classification of Economic Activities 2007 – UK SIC(2007) 20301 10910 46210 10850 46130 24301 15710 51210 15139 51130 46120 32990 20412 96030 18130 51120 36631 24512 93030 22240 18130 22240 18130 22240 85100 80100 18201 22310 94910 94910 91030 10511 46310 47210 10130 10720 93210 20420 28410 28410 28410 106 91310 91310 92522 15511 51380 52270 15139 15820 92330 24520 29420 29420 29420 28960 29560 26511 33201 26513 33202 23610 26610 28140 29130 22290 25240 13990 26511 16100 71200 23610 10720 17549 33201 20100 74300 26610 15820 86101 85111 Preventoria providing hospital type care (public sector) 85200 80100 Primary and pre‑primary education 27200 31400 Primary battery (manufacture) 27200 31400 Primary cells (manufacture) 46439 51439 Primary cells and primary batteries for domestic use (wholesale) 46690 51870 Primary cells and primary batteries for industrial use (wholesale) 24440 27440 Primary copper (manufacture) 85200 80100 Primary education 24100 27100 Primary products of stainless steel (manufacture) 85200 80100 Primary schools 41201 45211 Primary, secondary and other schools construction 27120 31200 Prime mover generator sets (manufacture) Indexes to the UK Standard Industrial Classification of Economic Activities 2007 – UK SIC(2007) SIC 2007 SIC 2003 Activity SIC 2007 25400 20301 84220 13200 18130 26110 46520 22230 18121 13960 17230 29600 24301 75220 17210 22250 32100 51860 25231 21251 17542 22220 58190 17211 18140 18140 26110 26110 26200 26200 26200 26200 22190 17230 18130 26200 20302 13200 18129 17230 22150 21211 22230 22230 31300 31300 30020 30020 30020 30020 25130 21230 22250 30020 24302 17210 22220 21230 Primer for cartridge (manufacture) Primer paint (manufacture) Princess Mary’s RAFNS Print cloth weaving (manufacture) Print colouring (manufacture) Printed circuit (manufacture) Printed circuits (wholesale) Printed felt base floorcovering (manufacture) Printed labels (manufacture) Printed labels of textile materials (manufacture) Printed matter for accounting and technical use (manufacture) Printed matter publishing Printed paper bags (manufacture) Printed paper or board finishing (manufacture) Printed sheets finishing (manufacture) Printer and monitor connectors (manufacture) Printer cables (manufacture) Printer ink cartridges (manufacture) Printer ink cartridges (refilling) Printer servers (manufacture) Printers and plotters (manufacture) Printers’ blankets made of rubber (manufacture) Printers’ cards (manufacture) Printers’ designing (manufacture) Printers for computers (manufacture) Printers’ varnish (manufacture) Printers’ weaving (manufacture) Printing (undefined) (manufacture) Printing and writing paper ready for use (manufacture) Printing block and plates preparation and production machinery, equipment and apparatus (wholesale) Printing by computer printers (manufacture) Printing by duplication machines (manufacture) Printing by embossers (manufacture) Printing by quick printing (manufacture) Printing devices (hand operated) (manufacture) Printing directly onto ceramics (manufacture) Printing ink (commission agent) Printing ink (manufacture) Printing ink (wholesale) Printing machine or press (manufacture) Printing machinery (wholesale) Printing machinery for textiles (manufacture) Printing machines (sheet fed office type offset) (manufacture) Printing of banknotes Printing of magazines appearing less than four times a week (manufacture) Printing of other security papers (manufacture) Printing of periodicals appearing at least four times a week (manufacture) Printing of smart cards (manufacture) Printing of sound tracks Printing on labels or tags (manufacture) Printing onto glass (manufacture) Printing onto metal (manufacture) Printing onto plastic (manufacture) 18129 21220 Printing onto sanitary goods and toilet requisites of paper (manufacture) 18129 22220 Printing onto textiles (manufacture) 18129 22220 Printing onto wood (manufacture) 17120 21120 Printing paper (manufacture) 18130 22240 Printing plate engraving (manufacture) 18130 22240 Printing roller engraving (manufacture) 32500 33401 Prisms (mounted, (not photographic)) (manufacture) 23190 26150 Prisms (pressed or moulded, unworked) (manufacture) 32500 33401 Prisms (unmounted) (manufacture) 84230 75230 Prison administration and operation 86101 85111 Prison hospitals 84230 75230 Prisons (excluding naval and military) 26301 32201 Private branch exchange (PBX) equipment (manufacture) 86220 85120 Private consultants clinics 80300 74601 Private detective 49320 60220 Private hire car with driver 86101 85112 Private hospital 80300 74601 Private investigator activities 55900 55239 Private lodging house 80100 74602 Private security activities 85590 80421 Private training providers 84230 75230 Probate registry 88990 85322 Probation and after care service 18130 22240 Process block making (manufacture) 26514 33302 Process control equipment (electric) (manufacture) 26512 33301 Process control equipment (electronic) (manufacture) 28140 29130 Process control valves (manufacture) 46690 51870 Process control valves, gate valves, globe valves and other valves (wholesale) 71129 74209 Process engineering contractor 18130 22240 Process engraving (manufacture) 25300 28300 Process heater (manufacture) 19201 23201 Process oil refining (manufacture) 19201 23201 Process oils (manufacture) 25300 28300 Process pipework (manufacture) 18130 22240 Process plate engraving (manufacture) 25300 28300 Process pressure sphere (manufacture) 25300 28300 Process pressure vessel (manufacture) 69109 74119 Process server 26520 33500 Process timers (manufacture) 46690 51870 18129 18129 18129 18129 32990 18129 46120 20302 46750 28990 46690 28940 28230 22220 22220 22220 22220 36631 22220 51120 24302 51550 29560 51870 29540 30010 18129 22220 18129 22220 18129 22220 18110 22210 18129 59200 18121 18129 18129 18129 22220 92119 21251 22220 22220 22220 SIC 2003 Alphabetical Index Activity 23990 26821 Processed asbestos fibre (manufacture) 10512 15512 Processed cheese (manufacture) 46380 51380 Processed fruit (wholesale) 46320 51320 Processed meat and meat products (wholesale) 46380 51380 Processed vegetables (wholesale) 38320 37200 Processing cleaning, melting, grinding of plastic or rubber waste to granulates 38320 37200 Processing of food, beverage and tobacco waste and residual substances into secondary raw materials 38320 37200 Processing of used cooking oils and fats into secondary raw materials 46690 51870 Producer gas or water gas generators (wholesale) 35300 40300 Production and distribution of cooled air 46690 51870 Production line robot (wholesale) 70229 74149 Production management consultancy services (other than for construction) 107 P Alphabetical Index SIC 2007 SIC 2003 Activity SIC 2007 SIC 2003 Activity 38210 24100 35300 35300 59113 90020 27100 40300 15980 92111 28921 28921 85590 94120 22210 29521 29521 80429 91120 25210 Production of compost from organic waste Production of granular iron Production of ice for cooling purposes (manufacture) Production of ice for food (manufacture) Production of theatrical and non‑theatrical television programmes Production riser tensioners (manufacture) Production riser tie‑back equipment (manufacture) Professional examination review courses Professional organisations Profile shapes of plastic materials (rods, tubes, etc.) (manufacture) Profile shapes of rubber (manufacture) Profiled steel sheet (manufacture) Profit improvement programmes consultancy services Programmer for textile machinery (manufacture) Programming services Project management Projection screen (manufacture) Projector (photographic or cinematographic) (manufacture) Projector for cinema (manufacture) Projector lamp (manufacture) Promotion of sporting events Proof reading Propagation, growth and output of animals, promotion service activities Propane (manufacture) Propane extraction from natural gas Propane gas (wholesale) Propellant powder (manufacture) Propellant powders and prepared explosives (commission agent) Propeller for aircraft (manufacture) Propeller rotor blades (manufacture) Propeller shaft for motor vehicle (manufacture) Propelling or sliding pencils (wholesale) Propelling pencil (manufacture) Propergol fuels and other propellant powders (manufacture) Property consultant (own account) Property developer Property insurance Property investment company Property leasing (other than conference centres and exhibition halls) Property management (as agents for owners) Property owners’ association Property unit trusts Props made of ceramic (manufacture) Propulsion engine for marine use (manufacture) Propylene (manufacture) Propylene oxide (manufacture) 15200 32500 32990 32990 32990 10910 10910 20590 94990 26511 46210 65110 65120 46170 87300 19300 33401 18249 18241 18241 15710 15710 24660 91330 33201 51210 66011 66031 51170 85140 Protective footwear made of plastic (manufacture) Protective glasses (manufacture) Protective gloves for industrial use (manufacture) Protective headgear (manufacture) Protective headgear for industrial use (manufacture) Protein (synthetic) for animal feed (manufacture) Protein concentrates (animal food) (manufacture) Protein substances (manufacture) Protest movement activities Proton microscope (manufacture) Provender (wholesale) Provident fund (life) Provident fund (non‑life) Provision exchange (commission agent) Provision of residential care and treatment for the elderly and disabled by paramedical staff Provision of supplies for domestic emergency use in case of peacetime disasters Provisions (wholesale) Provitamins, vitamins and their derivatives (commission agent) Provitamins, vitamins and their derivatives (manufacture) Provitamins, vitamins and their derivatives (wholesale) Pruning knife (manufacture) Pruning shears (manufacture) Psychiatric clinic Psychiatric day hospital Psychiatric unit (private sector) Psychiatrist (private practice) Psychological testing apparatus (manufacture) Psychologist Psychology research and experimental development Psychology testing apparatus (manufacture) Psychometry Public address equipment (wholesale) Public address system (manufacture) Public administration of education programmes Public administration of environment programmes Public administration of health programmes Public administration of housing programmes Public administration of recreation programmes Public administration of research and development policies Public administration of social services programmes Public administration of sport programmes Public analyst Public baths Public broadcasting equipment (manufacture) Public debt services administration Public fund services administration Public health laboratory Public houses (independent) Public houses (managed) Public houses (tenanted) Public opinion polling Public order and safety administration, regulation and operation Public park 22190 25130 24330 27330 70229 74143 P Indexes to the UK Standard Industrial Classification of Economic Activities 2007 – UK SIC(2007) 28940 62012 71129 26702 26702 29540 72220 74209 33403 33403 26702 27400 93199 82190 01629 33403 31500 92629 74850 01429 19201 06200 46711 20510 46120 23201 11100 51511 24610 51120 30300 30300 29320 46499 32990 20510 35300 35300 34300 51479 36631 24610 68310 41100 65120 41100 68209 70310 70110 66031 70110 70209 68320 94110 64305 23200 28110 20140 20140 70320 91110 65238 26260 29110 24140 24140 20160 24160 Propylene polymers (manufacture) 18140 22230 Prospectus finishing (manufacture) 18129 22220 Prospectus printing (manufacture) 46460 51460 Prosthesis and orthopaedic appliances (wholesale) 14120 18210 Protective clothing for industrial use (manufacture) 43341 45440 Protective coatings application work 108 84240 75240 46390 51390 46180 51180 21100 24410 46460 51460 25710 25730 86900 86900 86101 86220 32500 86900 72200 32500 93290 46690 26400 84120 84120 84120 84120 84120 84120 28610 28620 85140 85140 85112 85120 33100 85140 73200 33100 92729 51870 32300 75120 75120 75120 75120 75120 75120 84120 84120 71200 96040 26400 84110 84110 86900 56302 56302 56302 73200 84240 75120 75120 74300 93040 32300 75110 75110 85140 55402 55404 55403 74130 75240 93290 92729 Indexes to the UK Standard Industrial Classification of Economic Activities 2007 – UK SIC(2007) SIC 2007 SIC 2003 Activity SIC 2007 82990 70210 70210 85310 49319 90010 85590 82990 66190 42990 74909 58190 74879 74141 74141 80210 60219 92319 80429 74850 67130 45213 74879 22150 18140 59200 58290 58290 58190 22230 22140 72210 72210 22220 58110 10611 10612 10612 10110 28150 28220 16290 28220 46690 28150 14390 17110 28950 17110 31010 02100 26513 22110 15611 15612 15612 15113 29140 29220 20510 29220 51870 29140 17720 21110 29550 21110 36120 02010 33202 Public record searching Public relations and communication Public relations consultant (not advertising agency) Public schools Public service vehicle operator Public speaker Public speaking training Public stenography services Public trust office Public works contractor Publicans’ broker Publishers (other than of newspapers, books and periodicals) Publisher’s case making (manufacture) Publishing of music and sheet books Publishing of software for business Publishing of software for operating systems Publishing of stamps, banknotes, advertising material, catalogues and other printed matter n.e.c. Publishing on CD‑ ROM Pudding mixture (manufacture) Puffed rice (manufacture) Puffed wheat (manufacture) Pulled wool production (manufacture) Pulley (manufacture) Pulley block (manufacture) Pulley made of wood (manufacture) Pulley tackle (manufacture) Pulley tackle and hoists (wholesale) Pulley wheel (manufacture) Pullovers (knitted or crocheted) (manufacture) Pulp for paper (manufacture) Pulp making machinery (manufacture) Pulping recycled paper (manufacture) Pulpit (manufacture) Pulpwood production Pulse (signal) generators (non‑electronic) (manufacture) Pulses (wholesale) Pulverising machinery (not for mines) (manufacture) Pulverising machinery for the chemical industry (manufacture) Pumice extraction Pumice stones (bonded) (manufacture) Pump (not for hydraulic or for internal combustion engine) (manufacture) Pump for hydraulic equipment (manufacture) Pump leather (manufacture) Pump parts (manufacture) Pump stations operation Pumping of oil and gas wells 28410 29420 Punch presses (manufacture) 26200 30020 Punchcard readers (manufacture) 17120 21120 Punched card and punched paper tape stock (manufacture) 28230 30010 Punched card machine (other than for computer use) (manufacture) 25730 28620 Punches for hand tools (interchangeable) (manufacture) 25730 28620 Punches for machine tools (interchangeable) (manufacture) 28410 29420 Punching machine (metal forming) (manufacture) 22190 25130 Puncture repair outfit made of rubber (manufacture) 16290 20520 Punnets made of cork, straw or plaiting materials (manufacture) 30120 35120 Punt (manufacture) 32409 36509 Puppet (manufacture) 93290 92349 Puppet shows 61200 64200 Purchase of wireless access and network capacity 28290 29240 Purifying machinery (manufacture) 15120 19200 Purses made of leather or leather substitute (manufacture) 30920 36639 Push chair (manufacture) 32409 36509 Push toy on wheels (manufacture) 20301 24303 Putty (manufacture) 32409 36509 Puzzles (manufacture) 46499 51477 Puzzles (wholesale) 20160 24160 PVC polyvinyl chloride as a raw material (manufacture) 13990 17542 Pyjama cord (manufacture) 14141 18231 Pyjamas for men and boys (manufacture) 14142 18232 Pyjamas for women and girls (manufacture) 43999 45250 Pylon erection 23610 26610 Pylons made of precast concrete (manufacture) 20140 24140 Pyridine base (manufacture) 08910 14300 Pyrites and pyrrhotite extraction and preparation 26513 33202 Pyrometer (non‑electronic) (manufacture) 20510 24610 Pyrotechnics (manufacture) 74909 74149 Quality assurance consultancy activities 71200 74300 Quality control 74902 74203 Quantity surveying activities 23320 26400 Quarry floor brick (manufacture) 23320 26400 Quarry tile made of clay (manufacture) 26110 32100 Quartz crystal (manufacture) 08990 14500 Quartz mining and quarrying 21100 24410 Quaternary ammonium salts and fatty amines (manufacture) 46180 51180 Quaternary ammonium salts and hydroxides (commission agent) 46460 51460 Quaternary ammonium salts and hydroxides (wholesale) 84220 75220 Queen Alexandra’s RANC 84220 75220 Queen Alexandra’s RNNS 69101 74112 Queen’s counsel 10390 15330 Quick freezing of fruit and vegetables (manufacture) 46390 51390 Quick frozen foods (wholesale) 23520 26520 Quicklime (manufacture) 13923 17403 Quilt (filled) (manufacture) 13923 17403 Quilt fringing (manufacture) 13200 17210 Quilt weaving (manufacture) 01240 01139 Quince growing 20140 24140 Quinones (manufacture) 46310 51310 28923 29523 28990 29560 08990 14500 23910 26810 28131 29121 28120 15120 28131 49500 09100 29121 19200 29121 60300 11200 46690 51870 Pumping plant (wholesale) 28131 29121 Pumps and parts (non‑electric) for oil, gas, petrol or water on motor vehicles (manufacture) 46630 51820 Pumps for concrete (wholesale) 46690 51870 Pumps for liquids (excluding motor vehicles) (wholesale) 28131 29121 Pumps for liquids whether or not fitted with measuring devices (manufacture) 93290 92349 Punch and Judy show SIC 2003 Alphabetical Index Activity 109 Q Alphabetical Index SIC 2007 SIC 2003 Activity SIC 2007 01490 01490 01610 10110 01490 10110 93110 93191 93199 92000 93199 92000 49319 32300 31010 25110 01250 01250 01410 15120 01250 15120 92619 92621 92629 92710 92629 92710 60219 36400 36120 28110 93120 46520 26511 61900 28131 23200 25210 92629 51860 33201 64200 29121 26260 28220 Rabbit and other fur animal raising Rabbit breeding Rabbit destroying and trapping on agricultural land Rabbit meat preparation (manufacture) Rabbit skin sorting Rabbit slaughtering (manufacture) Racecourse operation Racehorse owner Racehorse trainer Racing pool Racing stables Racing tipster Rack railway Racket and racket frames (manufacture) Racking (manufacture) Racking systems for large scale heavy duty use in shops, workshops and warehouses (manufacture) Racquet club Radar apparatus (wholesale) Radar equipment (manufacture) Radar station operation Radial flow pump (manufacture) Radiant for gas and electric fire (manufacture) Radiant panel (space heating equipment) (manufacture) Radiation equipment and detection instruments (non‑electronic) (manufacture) Radiation measuring and detection instruments (electronic) (manufacture) Radiator (electric) (manufacture) Radiator for motor vehicle (manufacture) Radiator for space heating equipment (manufacture) Radiator grill for motor vehicle (manufacture) Radiators and boilers for central heating (manufacture) Radio (domestic) hire Radio and television masts made of metal (manufacture) Radio beacons (manufacture) Radio broadcasting station Radio cabinets made of wood (manufacture) Radio cases made of leather (manufacture) Radio communications equipment (manufacture) Radio despatch offices for taxis, bicycle couriers etc. Radio direct sales (retail) Radio equipment for professional use, rental and operating leasing Radio frequency booster stations (manufacture) Radio navigational aid apparatus (manufacture) Radio navigational aid apparatus (wholesale) Radio programme transmission Radio receiving set (manufacture) Radio relay service 46439 51439 Radio, television and electrical household goods n.e.c. importer (wholesale) 20130 23300 Radioactive compounds production (manufacture) 21200 23300 Radioactive in‑vivo diagnostic substances (manufacture) 20130 24130 Radioactive isotopes (other than of uranium, thorium or plutonium) (manufacture) 20130 23300 Radioactive isotopes of uranium, thorium and plutonium (manufacture) 46750 51550 Radioactive residues (wholesale) 71200 74300 Radioactivity measuring 86900 85140 Radiographer (private) 71200 74300 Radiographic testing of welds and joints 86101 85111 Radiologist (public sector) 46439 51439 Radios and televisions (wholesale) 26309 32202 Radio‑telephony apparatus (manufacture) 86101 85111 Radiotherapist (public sector) 86220 85120 Radiotherapy treatment centre 16290 20520 Raffia goods (manufacture) 16230 20300 Rafters (manufacture) 46770 51570 Rag and bone dealer (wholesale) 13300 17300 Rag bleaching (manufacture) 18130 22250 Rag book making (manufacture) 13300 17300 Rag dyeing (manufacture) 46770 51570 Rag merchant 08110 14110 Ragstone quarry 52211 63210 Rail freight terminals operation 30200 35200 Rail locomotives (manufacture) 49100 60109 Rail transport (inter‑urban) 30200 35200 Railbrakes (manufacture) 25120 28120 Railings made of metal (manufacture) 16230 20300 Railings made of wood (manufacture) 77390 71211 Railroad passenger vehicles rental 24100 27100 Rails of iron, steel or cast iron (manufacture) 52290 63400 Railway agent (not transport authority) 30200 35200 Railway and tramway coaches (manufacture) 30200 35200 Railway and tramway locomotives and specialised parts (manufacture) 30200 35200 Railway and tramway rolling stock (manufacture) 30200 36110 Railway car seats (manufacture) 30200 35200 Railway coach (manufacture) 42120 45230 Railway construction 56101 55301 Railway dining car or buffet (licensed) 49100 60101 Railway dining cars operated as an integrated operation of railway companies 77390 71219 Railway freight vehicle hire 30200 35200 Railway locomotives and rolling stock (manufacture) 46690 51870 Railway or tramway coaches, vans and wagons (wholesale) 30200 35200 Railway or tramway not self‑propelled passenger coaches, goods vans and other wagons (manufacture) 77390 71211 Railway passenger vehicle hire 52219 63210 Railway running shed 30200 35200 Railway self‑propelled car (manufacture) 27900 31620 Railway signalling equipment (electric) (manufacture) 30200 35200 Railway signalling equipment (mechanical) (manufacture) 23610 26610 Railway sleepers made of pre‑cast concrete (manufacture) 16100 20100 Railway sleepers made of wood (manufacture) 26513 33202 26511 33201 27510 29320 25210 29320 25210 29710 34300 28220 34300 28220 77291 71403 25110 28110 R Indexes to the UK Standard Industrial Classification of Economic Activities 2007 – UK SIC(2007) 26309 60100 26400 15120 26309 52219 47910 77390 32202 92201 32300 19200 32202 63210 52610 71340 26309 26511 46520 60100 26400 61200 32202 33201 51860 64200 32300 64200 26511 33201 Radio remote control apparatus (manufacture) 46520 51860 Radio remote control apparatus (wholesale) 47430 52450 Radio sets and equipment (retail) 60100 64200 Radio station (telecommunications) 60100 92201 Radio studio 46439 51439 Radio, television and electrical household equipment n.e.c. exporter (wholesale) 110 SIC 2003 Activity Indexes to the UK Standard Industrial Classification of Economic Activities 2007 – UK SIC(2007) SIC 2007 SIC 2003 Activity Alphabetical Index SIC 2007 SIC 2003 Activity 49100 60101 Railway sleeping cars operated as an integrated operation of railway companies 55900 55239 Railway sleeping cars when operated by separate units from the transport provider 52219 63210 Railway station operation 30200 35200 Railway test wagon (manufacture) 30200 35200 Railway track equipment (mechanical) (manufacture) 25990 28750 Railway track fixtures of assembled metal (manufacture) 42120 45213 Railway tunnelling contractor 42120 45213 Railway tunnel construction 30200 35200 Railway wagon (manufacture) 52290 63400 Railway wagon agent 30200 35200 Railway wagon axle box and axle lubricator (manufacture) 20510 24610 Rain rocket (manufacture) 37000 90010 Rain water collection and transportation by sewers, collectors, tanks and other means of transport 14131 18221 Raincoats for men and boys (manufacture) 14132 18222 Raincoats for women and girls (manufacture) 14132 18222 Raincoats for women and girls made of stitched plastic (manufacture) 14131 18221 Rainproof garments for men and boys (manufacture) 14132 18222 Rainproof garments for women and girls (manufacture) 28940 29540 Raising machinery for textiles (manufacture) 25730 28620 Rakes for garden use (manufacture) 16290 20510 Rakes made of wood (manufacture) 01160 01110 Ramie and other vegetable textile fibre growing 13200 17250 Ramie weaving (manufacture) 23200 26260 Ramming material made of refractory (manufacture) 86101 85111 Rampton Hospital 26701 33201 Range finder (optical) (manufacture) 26513 33202 Range finders (non‑electronic) (manufacture) 26513 33202 Range finders (optical non‑electronic) (manufacture) 26701 33201 Range finders (optical) (manufacture) 28921 29521 Ranging drum shearer for mining (manufacture) 01110 01110 Rape growing 10410 15410 Rape oil production (manufacture) 10410 15420 Rape oil refining (manufacture) 10410 15410 Rape seed crushing (manufacture) 20110 24110 Rare gases (manufacture) 13990 17541 Raschel lace (manufacture) 25730 28620 Rasp (manufacture) 01250 01139 Raspberry growing 81291 74703 Rat catcher (not especially for agriculture) 01610 01410 Rat destroying and trapping on agricultural land 10730 15850 Ravioli (manufacture) 10110 15112 Raw bones from knackers (manufacture) 13300 17300 Raw cotton bleaching, dyeing or otherwise finishing (manufacture) 46120 51120 Raw earth metals (commission agent) 01490 01250 Raw fur skin production 13300 17300 Raw silk dyeing (manufacture) 25710 28940 25300 27110 25300 32500 91011 62011 28610 29540 28300 31100 28300 33401 92510 72220 Razor set (manufacture) Reaching‑in machinery for textiles (manufacture) Reactor column (manufacture) Reactor shunt and limiting (manufacture) Reactor vessel (manufacture) Reading glasses (manufacture) Reading room (library) Ready‑made interactive leisure and entertainment software development Ready‑made software publishing (except computer games publishing) Ready‑mixed concrete (manufacture) Ready‑mixed wet mortars (manufacture) Real estate agencies Real estate buying and selling Real estate escrow agents activities Real estate investment trusts Real estate management on a fee or contract basis Real estate owner Real estate photography Real estate project development Real‑time closed captioning Reamer (manufacture) Reaper twine (manufacture) Rear digger (manufacture) Rear digger unit (manufacture) Rebated wood (manufacture) Receiver or amplifier valves or tubes (manufacture) Receivers for radio broadcasting (manufacture) Receivers for television (manufacture) Receiving royalties or licensing fees for the use of brand names Receiving royalties or licensing fees for the use of franchise agreements Receiving royalties or licensing fees for the use of mineral exploration and evaluation Receiving royalties or licensing fees for the use of patented entities Receiving royalties or licensing fees for the use of trademarks or service marks Reception apparatus for radio telephony or telegraphy for professional use (wholesale) Reception apparatus for radio‑telephony or radio‑telegraphy (manufacture) Reciprocating compressor (manufacture) Reciprocating displacement compressors (wholesale) Reciprocating positive displacement pumps for liquids (wholesale) Reclaiming metals out of photographic waste, e.g. Fixer solution or photographic films and paper Reclaiming of chemicals from chemical waste Reclaiming of rubber to produce secondary raw materials Record cutters (manufacture) 46210 51210 26400 32300 Record player accessories (manufacture) Raw wool (wholesale) 58290 72210 23630 23640 68310 68100 68310 64306 68320 68100 74209 41100 82990 25730 13940 28922 28922 16100 26110 26400 26400 77400 26630 26640 70310 70120 70310 65231 70320 70120 74819 70110 74879 28620 17520 29522 29522 20100 32100 32300 32300 74879 77400 74879 77400 74879 77400 74879 77400 74879 46520 51860 26309 32202 28132 29122 46690 51870 46690 51870 38320 37100 38320 37200 38320 37200 26110 32300 91011 92510 Record lending and storage 20600 24700 Rayon (manufacture) 26400 32300 Record player cabinets made of wood (manufacture) 27510 29710 Razor (electric) (manufacture) 26400 32300 Record players (manufacture) 25710 28610 Razor (not electric) (manufacture) 47430 52450 Record players (retail) 25710 28610 Razor blade (manufacture) 46431 51431 Record players (wholesale) 25710 28610 Razor blade blanks in strips (manufacture) 26400 32300 Record playing mechanism (manufacture) 111 R Alphabetical Index SIC 2007 R SIC 2003 Indexes to the UK Standard Industrial Classification of Economic Activities 2007 – UK SIC(2007) Activity 46431 51431 Recorded audio and video tapes, CDs, DVDs and the equipment on which these are played (wholesale) 32200 36300 Recorders made of plastic or wood (manufacture) 59200 92201 Recording studio (radio) 60200 92202 Recording studio (television) 77220 71404 Records rental 47630 52450 Records, compact discs and tapes (retail) 13100 17120 Recovered wool (mungo and shoddy) (manufacture) 30400 29600 Recovery vehicle (tracked military type) (manufacture) 93290 92729 Recreational activities n.e.c. 77210 71401 Recreational and sports goods renting and leasing 14131 18221 Recreational clothing for men and boys (waterproofed) (manufacture) 14132 18222 Recreational clothing for women and girls (waterproof) (manufacture) 94990 91330 Recreational organisations 84120 75120 Recreational services administration (public sector) 55300 55220 Recreational vehicle parks and trailer parks 77120 71219 Recreational vehicles renting and leasing 14131 18221 Recreational weatherproof clothing for men and boys (manufacture) 14132 18222 Recreational weatherproof clothing for women and girls (manufacture) 24200 27220 Rectangular hollow steel section (manufacture) 11010 15910 Rectified spirits (manufacture) 26110 31100 Rectifier plant (electronic) (manufacture) 27900 32100 Rectifier, solid state (manufacture) 28290 29240 Rectifying plant (manufacture) 27900 32100 Rectifying valve and tube (manufacture) 17110 21110 Recycled fibre pulp (manufacture) 88990 85321 Red Cross Society 01250 01139 Redcurrant growing 09100 11200 Redrilling oil and gas wells 32409 36509 Reduced‑size (scale) models (manufacture) 32409 36509 Reduced‑size scale model electrical trains (manufacture) 32409 36509 Reduced‑size scale models construction sets (manufacture) 26702 33403 Reducer (photographic) (manufacture) 96040 93040 Reducing and slimming salon activities 28140 29130 Reducing valves (manufacture) 28990 29560 Reduction gear for marine use (manufacture) 28940 29540 Reed (textile machinery accessory) (manufacture) 16290 20520 Reed articles (manufacture) 02300 02010 Reed collecting, cutting and gathering 32200 36300 Reed for musical instrument (manufacture) 16290 20520 Reed preparation (manufacture) 13100 17150 Reeling and washing of silk (manufacture) 28940 29540 Reeling machinery for textiles (manufacture) 22220 25220 Reels made of printed polypropylene (manufacture) 16290 20510 Reels made of wood (manufacture) 69109 74119 Referees legal activities 20140 24140 Refined coal tar (manufacture) 46711 51511 Refined petroleum products (wholesale) 46120 51120 Refined sulphur (commission agent) 46750 51550 Refined sulphur (wholesale) 19201 23201 Refinery gas (manufacture) 30120 35120 Refitting of pleasure craft (manufacture) 30110 35110 112 Refitting of ships (manufacture) SIC 2007 SIC 2003 Activity 32500 25300 26511 26513 23200 33100 28300 33201 33202 26260 23200 23200 23200 23200 08120 23200 23200 23200 23200 23200 23200 23200 56290 56290 56102 20110 49410 29100 28250 30200 52102 26260 26260 26260 26260 14220 26260 26260 26260 26260 26260 26260 26260 55510 55520 55302 24110 60249 34100 29230 35200 63121 Reflectors used in medicine (manufacture) Reformer (manufacture) Refractometers (electronic) (manufacture) Refractometers (non‑electronic) (manufacture) Refractory articles containing magnesite, dolomite or chromite (manufacture) Refractory blocks (manufacture) Refractory castable (manufacture) Refractory cement (manufacture) Refractory ceramic goods (manufacture) Refractory clays mining Refractory concretes (manufacture) Refractory goods (manufacture) Refractory hollow ware (manufacture) Refractory jointing cement (manufacture) Refractory mouldable (manufacture) Refractory ramming material (manufacture) Refractory tiles (manufacture) Refreshment club Refreshment contracting Refreshment room (unlicensed) Refrigerant gases (manufacture) Refrigerated haulage by road Refrigerated lorry (manufacture) Refrigerated service cabinet (manufacture) Refrigerated wagon for railway (manufacture) Refrigerated warehouses operation for air transport activities Refrigerated warehouses operation for land transport activities Refrigerated warehouses operation for water transport activities Refrigerating and freezing equipment and heat pumps (commercial) (wholesale) Refrigerating and freezing equipment parts (manufacture) Refrigerating equipment (manufacture) Refrigerating or freezing equipment for industrial use (manufacture) Refrigerator cabinets made of wood (manufacture) Refrigerator for commercial use (manufacture) Refrigerator for domestic use (electric) (manufacture) Refrigerators (gas) (manufacture) Refrigerators and freezers for domestic use (wholesale) Refugee and hunger relief programmes abroad Refugee camp (charitable) Refugee camp (non‑charitable) Refugee services (charitable) Refugee services (non‑charitable) Refuse collection by local authority cleansing department Refuse disposal plant (manufacture) Refuse disposal plant or tip (local authority or municipally owned) Refuse disposal service (not especially for agriculture) Refuse disposal tip operator Refuse disposal vehicle (manufacture) Regent’s Park and Primrose Hill Regional crime squad Register printing (manufacture) 52103 63121 52101 63121 46690 51870 28250 29230 28250 29230 28250 29230 28250 28250 27510 27520 46439 29230 29230 29710 29720 51439 88990 88990 88990 88990 88990 38110 75210 85321 85322 85321 85322 90020 28290 29240 38210 90020 38210 38210 29100 93290 84240 18129 90020 90020 34100 92729 75240 22220 Indexes to the UK Standard Industrial Classification of Economic Activities 2007 – UK SIC(2007) SIC 2007 SIC 2003 Activity SIC 2007 75000 84230 29320 51102 86101 86101 84230 28210 43999 23610 22190 65202 26309 26309 26110 85200 75230 34300 62201 85112 85111 75230 29210 45250 26610 25130 66032 32202 32202 31200 18140 28140 94910 47789 85590 94910 94910 84120 58110 10840 84230 45200 39000 22230 29130 91310 52489 80429 91310 91310 75120 22110 15870 75230 50200 90030 24420 24100 24100 41202 27420 27100 27100 45212 Registered veterinarian Registrars Office (Courts of Justice) Registration plate for motor vehicle (manufacture) Regular charter flights for passengers Rehabilitation hospital (private sector) Rehabilitation hospital (public sector) Rehabilitation services for prisoners Re‑heating furnace (manufacture) Reinforced concrete engineer (civil engineering) Reinforced concrete products (manufacture) Reinforced hose made of rubber (manufacture) Re‑insurance company (non‑life) Relay link apparatus (manufacture) Relay transmitters (manufacture) Relays for electronic and telecommunications use (manufacture) Relief stamping (manufacture) Relief valves (manufacture) Religious funeral service activities Religious goods (retail) Religious instruction Religious organisations Religious retreat activities Religious services administration (public sector) Religious tract publishing Relish (manufacture) Remand centres REME workshop Remediation activities and other waste management services Remelt ingots made of aluminium (manufacture) Remelting ferrous waste or scrap Remelting scrap ingots of iron Remodelling or renovating existing residential structures Removal by road transport Removal contractor Removal of ink from waste paper and subsequent manufacture of pulp (manufacture) Rendering of lard and other edible fats of animal origin (manufacture) Rennet (not artificial) (manufacture) Renovating of hats Rent collecting agencies Rental of lavatory cubicles Rental of pleasure boats with crew for inland water transport Rental of vessels with crew for coastal freight water transport Rental of vessels with crew for sea freight water transport 95290 52740 Repair and alteration of clothing 09100 11200 Repair and dismantling services of derricks 33110 28520 Repair and maintenance for pipes and pipelines (manufacture) 42220 45213 Repair and maintenance of above‑ground telecommunication lines 33120 72500 Repair and maintenance of accounting machinery (manufacture) 33160 35300 Repair and maintenance of aero‑engine parts and sub assemblies (manufacture) 33160 35300 Repair and maintenance of aero‑space equipment (manufacture) 33120 29320 Repair and maintenance of agricultural machinery (manufacture) 33120 29310 Repair and maintenance of agricultural tractors (manufacture) 33160 35300 Repair and maintenance of air cushion vehicles (manufacture) 33160 35300 Repair and maintenance of aircraft (manufacture) 33130 33201 Repair and maintenance of aircraft engine instruments (manufacture) 33160 35300 Repair and maintenance of aircraft engines of all types (manufacture) 33170 35500 Repair and maintenance of animal‑drawn buggies and wagons (manufacture) 45200 50200 Repair and maintenance of auto electricals 95110 30020 Repair and maintenance of automatic teller machines (ATMs) 33130 33201 Repair and maintenance of automotive emissions testing equipment (manufacture) 33110 28300 Repair and maintenance of auxiliary plant for steam collectors and accumulators (manufacture) 33110 28300 Repair and maintenance of auxiliary plant for use with steam condensers (manufacture) 33110 28300 Repair and maintenance of auxiliary plant for use with steam economisers (manufacture) 33110 28300 Repair and maintenance of auxiliary plant for use with steam generators (manufacture) 33110 28300 Repair and maintenance of auxiliary plant for use with steam superheaters (manufacture) 95110 30020 Repair and maintenance of bar code scanners 33150 35120 Repair and maintenance of boats (manufacture) 95120 32201 Repair and maintenance of carrier equipment modems 33120 72500 Repair and maintenance of cash registers (manufacture) 95120 52740 Repair and maintenance of cellular telephones 33190 26400 Repair and maintenance of ceramic pipes, etc. And systems thereof in industrial plants (manufacture) 33130 33500 Repair and maintenance of clocks in church towers and the like 95120 32202 Repair and maintenance of commercial TV cameras 45200 50200 Repair and maintenance of commercial vehicles 49420 60241 49420 60241 17110 21110 10110 15112 10519 95290 68320 81299 50300 15519 52740 70320 90030 61201 50200 61102 50200 61102 SIC 2003 Alphabetical Index Activity 95120 32202 Repair and maintenance of commercial video cameras 68201 70209 Renting and operating of housing association real estate 33120 29240 Repair and maintenance of commercial‑type general purpose machinery (manufacture) 68209 70209 Renting and operating of self‑owned or leased real estate 95120 32201 Repair and maintenance of communications transmission bridges 43999 45500 Renting of cranes with operator 95120 32201 Repair and maintenance of communications transmission modems 93290 92729 Renting of leisure and pleasure equipment as an integral part of recreational facilities 43999 45500 Renting of other building equipment with operator 95120 32201 Repair and maintenance of communications transmission routers 43991 45250 Renting of scaffolds and work platforms with erection and dismantling 33120 29122 Repair and maintenance of compressors (manufacture) 113 R Alphabetical Index SIC 2007 SIC 2003 Activity SIC 2007 95110 95110 95110 95110 33120 30020 30020 30020 72500 29522 Repair and maintenance of computer monitors Repair and maintenance of computer projectors Repair and maintenance of computer servers Repair and maintenance of computing machinery Repair and maintenance of construction machinery (earth moving type) (manufacture) Repair and maintenance of construction machinery (except earth moving type) (manufacture) Repair and maintenance of containers for freight (manufacture) Repair and maintenance of dedicated computer terminals Repair and maintenance of desktop computers Repair and maintenance of domestic air conditioning Repair and maintenance of domestic boilers Repair and maintenance of domestic cookers Repair and maintenance of domestic ovens Repair and maintenance of domestic ranges Repair and maintenance of earth‑moving and excavating equipment (manufacture) Repair and maintenance of electric lighting equipment (manufacture) Repair and maintenance of electrical signalling equipment (manufacture) Repair and maintenance of electricity distribution and control apparatus (manufacture) Repair and maintenance of electricity meters Repair and maintenance of electrocardiographs (manufacture) Repair and maintenance of electromedical endoscopic equipment (manufacture) Repair and maintenance of electronic equipment for measuring, checking, testing, etc. (manufacture) Repair and maintenance of elevators and escalators Repair and maintenance of engines and turbines (except aircraft, vehicle and cycle) (manufacture) Repair and maintenance of equipment for concrete crushing and screening and roadworks (manufacture) Repair and maintenance of fax machines Repair and maintenance of firearms and ordnance (manufacture) Repair and maintenance of fluid power machinery (compressors) (manufacture) Repair and maintenance of fluid power machinery (pumps) (manufacture) Repair and maintenance of forestry and logging machinery (manufacture) Repair and maintenance of furnaces and furnace burners (manufacture) Repair and maintenance of gas meters Repair and maintenance of gas meters (non‑electronic) (manufacture) Repair and maintenance of gas turbines (manufacture) 33120 29230 Repair and maintenance of industrial refrigeration equipment, air purifying equipment (manufacture) 33130 33500 Repair and maintenance of industrial time measuring instruments and apparatus (manufacture) 33120 29230 Repair and maintenance of industrial type air conditioning (manufacture) 95110 30020 Repair and maintenance of internal and external computer modems 33170 35430 Repair and maintenance of invalid carriages (manufacture) 33130 33100 Repair and maintenance of irradiation apparatus (manufacture) 95110 30020 Repair and maintenance of keyboards 95110 30020 Repair and maintenance of laptop computers 33120 29220 Repair and maintenance of lifting and handling equipment (manufacture) 33120 29220 Repair and maintenance of lifting, handling equipment, elevators, moving walkways etc. (manufacture) 33120 29220 Repair and maintenance of lifts and escalators (not in buildings or civil engineering) (manufacture) 33120 29560 Repair and maintenance of machinery for bookbinding (manufacture) 33120 29530 Repair and maintenance of machinery for food, beverage and tobacco processing (manufacture) 33120 29510 Repair and maintenance of machinery for metallurgy (manufacture) 33120 29521 Repair and maintenance of machinery for mining (manufacture) 33120 29550 Repair and maintenance of machinery for paper and paperboard production (manufacture) 33120 29560 Repair and maintenance of machinery for printing (manufacture) 33120 29540 Repair and maintenance of machinery for textile, apparel and leather production (manufacture) 33120 29560 Repair and maintenance of machinery for working rubber or plastics (manufacture) 95110 30020 Repair and maintenance of magnetic disk drives 95110 30020 Repair and maintenance of magnetic flash drives and other storage devices 33130 33100 Repair and maintenance of magnetic resonance imaging equipment (manufacture) 33120 29110 Repair and maintenance of marine engines (manufacture) 33130 33201 Repair and maintenance of materials’ properties testing and inspection equipment (manufacture) 33130 33100 Repair and maintenance of medical and surgical equipment and apparatus (manufacture) 33140 33100 Repair and maintenance of medical equipment, electrical (manufacture) 33130 33100 Repair and maintenance of medical ultrasound equipment (manufacture) 33120 29420 Repair and maintenance of metal cutting or metal forming machine tools and accessories (manufacture) 33120 29523 33110 34202 95110 30020 95110 43220 43220 95220 95220 95220 33120 30020 45330 45330 52740 52740 52740 29522 33140 31500 33140 31620 33140 31200 35130 33202 33130 33100 33130 33100 33130 33201 43290 29220 33120 29110 33120 29523 95120 32201 33110 29600 R Indexes to the UK Standard Industrial Classification of Economic Activities 2007 – UK SIC(2007) 33120 29122 33120 29121 33120 29320 33120 29210 35220 33202 35220 33202 33120 29110 SIC 2003 Activity 33120 29240 Repair and maintenance of general purpose machinery n.e.c. (manufacture) 33120 29420 Repair and maintenance of metal working machine tools (manufacture) 33190 26150 Repair and maintenance of glass tubes, etc. And systems thereof in industrial plants (manufacture) 33130 33201 Repair and maintenance of meteorological instruments (manufacture) 95110 95110 30020 Repair and maintenance of hand‑held computers (PDA’s) 30020 Repair and maintenance of mice, joysticks, and trackball accessories 33130 33100 Repair and maintenance of hearing aids (manufacture) 33190 26810 Repair and maintenance of millstones, grindstones, polishing stones and the like (manufacture) 33160 35300 Repair and maintenance of helicopters (manufacture) 45400 50400 Repair and maintenance of motor cycles 33120 29210 Repair and maintenance of industrial process furnaces (manufacture) 33140 31100 Repair and maintenance of motor generator sets (manufacture) 114 Indexes to the UK Standard Industrial Classification of Economic Activities 2007 – UK SIC(2007) SIC 2007 SIC 2003 33110 28220 Repair and maintenance of non‑domestic central heating boilers (manufacture) 29230 Repair and maintenance of non‑domestic cooling and ventilating equipment (manufacture) 29560 Repair and maintenance of non‑domestic machinery for drying wood, paper pulp, etc. (manufacture) 33202 Repair and maintenance of non‑electronic measuring, checking, testing etc. equipment (manufacture) 28300 Repair and maintenance of nuclear reactors (manufacture) 72500 Repair and maintenance of office machinery (other than computers) 45330 Repair and maintenance of office, shop and computer centre air conditioning 29521 Repair and maintenance of oil and gas extraction machinery (manufacture) 30020 Repair and maintenance of optical disk drives (CD‑RW, CD‑ROM, DVD‑ROM, DVD‑RW) 33402 Repair and maintenance of optical precision instruments (manufacture) 29430 Repair and maintenance of other machine tools (except metal working) (manufacture) 29420 Repair and maintenance of other machine tools (metal working) (manufacture) 25130 Repair and maintenance of other rubber products (excluding tyres) (manufacture) 33100 Repair and maintenance of pacemakers (manufacture) 29550 Repair and maintenance of papermaking machinery (manufacture) 28300 Repair and maintenance of parts for marine or power boilers (manufacture) 72500 Repair and maintenance of photocopy machines (manufacture) 29560 Repair and maintenance of plastic and rubber working machinery (manufacture) 25210 Repair and maintenance of plastic tubes etc. And systems thereof in industrial plants (manufacture) 35120 Repair and maintenance of pleasure and sporting craft (manufacture) 30020 Repair and maintenance of point‑of‑sale (pos) terminals 31400 Repair and maintenance of primary and storage batteries (manufacture) 30020 Repair and maintenance of printers 29710 Repair and maintenance of professional electric appliances (manufacture) 33403 Repair and maintenance of professional photographic and cinematographic equipment (manufacture) 32300 Repair and maintenance of professional radio, television, sound and video equipment 29121 Repair and maintenance of pumps (manufacture) 33201 Repair and maintenance of radiation detection and monitoring instruments (manufacture) 33120 33120 33140 33110 33120 43220 33120 95110 33130 33120 33120 33190 33130 33120 33110 33120 33120 33190 33150 95110 33140 95110 33130 33130 95120 33120 33130 Activity 95120 32202 Repair and maintenance of radio and television transmitters 95120 32201 Repair and maintenance of radio telephony apparatus 33170 35200 Repair and maintenance of railway cars (manufacture) 33120 29110 Repair and maintenance of railway diesel engines (manufacture) 33170 35200 Repair and maintenance of railway locomotives (manufacture) 33170 35200 Repair and maintenance of railway rolling stock (major) (manufacture) SIC 2007 SIC 2003 Alphabetical Index Activity 33140 31200 Repair and maintenance of relays and industrial controls (manufacture) 33120 72500 Repair and maintenance of reprographic machinery 33140 31620 Repair and maintenance of road and other non‑domestic exterior lighting equipment (manufacture) 52219 63210 Repair and maintenance of rolling stock (minor) 95110 30020 Repair and maintenance of scanners 33110 35500 Repair and maintenance of shopping carts (manufacture) 95110 30020 Repair and maintenance of smart card readers 33160 35300 Repair and maintenance of spacecraft (manufacture) 33120 29560 Repair and maintenance of special purpose machinery n.e.c. (manufacture) 33110 29600 Repair and maintenance of sporting and recreational guns (manufacture) 33110 28300 Repair and maintenance of steam generators (manufacture) 33110 28300 Repair and maintenance of steam or other vapour generators (manufacture) 33120 29110 Repair and maintenance of steam turbines (manufacture) 33130 33201 Repair and maintenance of surveying instruments (manufacture) 33140 31200 Repair and maintenance of switchgear and switchboard apparatus (manufacture) 33110 28210 Repair and maintenance of tanks, reservoirs and containers of metal (manufacture) 33120 29130 Repair and maintenance of taps (manufacture) 95120 32300 Repair and maintenance of telephone answering machines 95120 32201 Repair and maintenance of telephone sets 95120 32201 Repair and maintenance of telex machines and other line telephony or telegraphy equipment 45200 50200 Repair and maintenance of trailers and semi‑trailers 33170 35200 Repair and maintenance of tramway rolling stock (manufacture) 33170 35200 Repair and maintenance of transmissions and other parts for locomotives (manufacture) 95120 32202 Repair and maintenance of two‑way radios 42220 45213 Repair and maintenance of underground communication lines 33120 29130 Repair and maintenance of valves (manufacture) 33120 29240 Repair and maintenance of vending machines (manufacture) 95110 30020 Repair and maintenance of virtual reality helmets 33110 29600 Repair and maintenance of weapons and weapon systems (manufacture) 33120 29240 Repair and maintenance of weighing equipment (manufacture) 33140 31200 Repair and maintenance of wiring devices for wiring electrical circuits (manufacture) 33190 20510 Repair and maintenance of wooden products n.e.c. (manufacture) 33150 35110 Repair and maintenance or alteration of ships (manufacture) 33190 36300 Repair and rebuilding of organs (in factory) (manufacture) 95290 36300 Repair and reconditioning of musical instruments (except organs and historical musical instruments) 95240 36110 Repair and restoration of chairs and seats 95240 36140 Repair and restoration of furniture n.e.c. 95240 36150 Repair and restoration of mattresses 95240 36130 Repair and restoration of other kitchen furniture 115 R Alphabetical Index SIC 2007 R SIC 2007 SIC 2003 Activity 95240 36120 Repair and restoration of other office and shop furniture 90030 92319 Repair and restoration of works of art 33140 31100 Repair and rewiring of armatures (manufacture) 33150 35120 Repair and routine maintenance performed on boats by floating dry docks (manufacture) 33150 35110 Repair and routine maintenance performed on ships by floating dry docks (manufacture) 45200 50200 Repair and servicing in garages, of motor vehicles 24200 27220 Repair clamps and collars, made of iron or steel (manufacture) 22190 25130 Repair materials made of rubber (manufacture) 43290 28120 Repair of automated and revolving doors in buildings and civil engineering works (manufacture) 95290 52740 Repair of bicycles 33130 33402 Repair of binoculars (manufacture) 95290 52740 Repair of books 95230 52710 Repair of boots 33120 72500 Repair of calculators (manufacture) 33190 17402 Repair of camping goods made of canvas (manufacture) 45200 50200 Repair of car bodies 45200 50200 Repair of car electrical systems 45200 50200 Repair of car electronics 33170 34203 Repair of caravans 95210 52720 Repair of CD players 95250 52730 Repair of clock cases and housings of all materials 95250 52730 Repair of clock movements and chronometers 95250 52730 Repair of clocks 95220 52720 Repair of clothes dryers 95110 30020 Repair of computers and peripheral equipment 95210 52720 Repair of consumer electronics: 95120 32201 Repair of cordless telephones 33110 28610 Repair of cutlery (manufacture) 95290 52740 Repair of cycles 95210 52720 Repair of domestic audio and video equipment 95220 52720 Repair of domestic electrical appliances 95290 52740 Repair of domestic lighting articles 95210 52720 Repair of dvd players 33130 33301 Repair of electronic industrial process control equipment (manufacture) 33130 33402 Repair of electronic optical equipment (manufacture) 33130 31100 Repair of electronic transformers (solid state), coils, chokes, and other inductors (manufacture) 33130 32100 Repair of electronic valves and tubes and other electronic components (manufacture) 33190 17520 Repair of fishing nets (manufacture) 95230 52710 Repair of footwear and leather goods 45200 50200 Repair of fuel injection systems for motor vehicles 95220 52720 Repair of garden edger 95220 52720 Repair of garden trimmers 33120 29140 Repair of gearing and driving elements (manufacture) 95220 33110 95230 33110 33130 33130 95120 45200 45200 45200 45200 45200 45200 13940 33130 29320 28630 52710 28110 33402 31620 52740 50200 50200 50200 50200 50200 50200 17520 33302 Repair of lawnmowers Repair of locks and hinges (manufacture) Repair of luggage Repair of metal structures (manufacture) Repair of microscopes (manufacture) Repair of mine detectors (manufacture) Repair of mobile telephones Repair of motor cars (except roadside assistance) Repair of motor vehicle parts Repair of motor vehicle seats Repair of motor vehicle windows Repair of motor vehicle windscreens Repair of motor vehicles (except roadside assistance) Repair of nets and ropework (manufacture) Repair of non‑electronic industrial process control equipment (manufacture) Repair of non‑professional photographic equipment Repair of other power‑driven hand‑tools (manufacture) Repair of photographic equipment (manufacture) Repair of pianos (in factory) (manufacture) Repair of pinball machines and other coin‑operated games (manufacture) Repair of plexiglas plane windows (manufacture) Repair of prisms and lenses (manufacture) Repair of radios Repair of refrigerators Repair of rigging (manufacture) Repair of room air conditioners Repair of ropes (manufacture) Repair of sails (manufacture) Repair of sewer systems Repair of shoes Repair of snow and leaf blowers Repair of sporting and camping equipment (except tents) Repair of steel shipping drums (manufacture) Repair of stoves Repair of tarpaulins (manufacture) Repair of telescopes (manufacture) Repair of televisions Repair of tents Repair of tools (manufacture) Repair of toys Repair of typewriters (manufacture) Repair of tyres and inner tubes by specialists (manufacture) Repair of tyres and tubes (fitting or replacement) Repair of umbrellas Repair of valves for machinery (manufacture) Repair of video cassette recorders (VCR) 95230 52710 Repair of handbags 95220 52720 Repair of washing machines 33130 32300 Repair of heads (pickup, recording, read/write, etc.), phonograph needles (manufacturing) 95250 52730 Repair of watch cases and housings of all materials 95290 52740 Repair of household textile articles 95210 52720 Repair of household‑type video cameras 33190 20400 Repair or reconditioning of wooden pallets, shipping drums or barrels (manufacture) 95250 52730 Repair of jewellery 45200 50200 Repair to bodywork of motor vehicles 33130 29240 Repair of laboratory distilling apparatus, centrifuges, ultrasonic cleaning machinery (manufacture) 33140 31100 Repair, maintenance and rewinding of electric motors, generators and transformers (manufacture) 116 SIC 2003 Indexes to the UK Standard Industrial Classification of Economic Activities 2007 – UK SIC(2007) Activity 95290 52740 33120 29410 33130 33403 33190 36300 33190 36501 33190 33130 95210 95220 33190 95220 33190 33190 42210 95230 95220 95290 25240 33401 52720 52720 17520 52720 17520 17402 45213 52710 52720 52740 33110 95220 33190 33130 95210 95290 33110 95290 33120 22110 28710 52720 17402 33402 52720 17402 28620 52740 72500 25120 45200 95290 33120 95210 50200 52740 29130 52720 95250 52730 Repair of watches and clocks Indexes to the UK Standard Industrial Classification of Economic Activities 2007 – UK SIC(2007) SIC 2007 SIC 2003 Activity SIC 2007 90010 52101 82990 18130 58190 82190 18130 18130 18130 18130 15110 01700 01490 72190 92311 63129 74879 22240 22150 74850 22250 22250 22250 22250 19100 01500 01250 73100 72110 73100 72110 73100 72110 72110 73100 73100 72110 73100 72110 73100 72110 73100 72190 72190 72190 72190 30110 28120 28120 81222 42210 23650 25290 73100 73100 73100 73100 35110 29122 29122 74704 45240 26650 28210 Repertory company Repository for water transport activities Repossession services Reproduction and composing (manufacture) Reproduction of works of art publishing Reprographic activities (other than printing) Reprographic dummies production (manufacture) Reprographic lay‑outs production (manufacture) Reprographic products production (manufacture) Reprographic sketch production (manufacture) Reptile leather (manufacture) Reptile skin production (from hunting) Reptile skin production from ranching operation Research and development consultants (other than biotechnological) Research and experimental development on bioinformatics Research and experimental development on cell and tissue culture and engineering Research and experimental development on DNA/RNA Research and experimental development on gene and RNA vectors Research and experimental development on nanobiotechnology Research and experimental development on process biotechnology techniques Research and experimental development on proteins and other molecules Research association (other than biotechnological) Research chemist (private practice) Research institution (other than biotechnological) Research laboratory (other than biotechnological) Research vessel (manufacture) Reservoir (hydraulic) (manufacture) Reservoir (pneumatic) (manufacture) Reservoir and tank cleaning Reservoir construction Reservoirs made of fibre‑cement (manufacture) Reservoirs made of metal exceeding 300 litres (manufacture) Reservoirs made of plastic (manufacture) Reservoirs, tanks and containers of metal (not for central heating) (300 litres or more) (wholesale) Reservoirs, tanks and containers of metal for central heating (300 litres or more) (wholesale) Residential care (paramedical) in group homes for the emotionally disturbed (charitable) Residential care (paramedical) in mental health halfway houses Residential care (paramedical) in mental disability facilities Residential care (paramedical) in psychiatric convalescent homes Residential care (social) in group homes for the emotionally disturbed (charitable) Residential care (social) in group homes for the emotionally disturbed (non charitable) Residential care (social) in mental health halfway houses (charitable) Residential care (social) in mental health halfway houses (non‑charitable) Residential care (social) in mental disability facilities (charitable) 87200 85312 Residential care (social) in mental disability facilities (non‑charitable) 87200 85311 Residential care (social) in psychiatric convalescent homes (charitable) 87200 85312 Residential care (social) in psychiatric convalescent homes (non‑charitable) 87200 85140 Residential care activities (paramedical) for mental health 87200 85140 Residential care activities (paramedical) for mental disability 87200 85140 Residential care activities (paramedical) for substance abuse 87200 85311 Residential care activities (social) for mental health (charitable) 87200 85312 Residential care activities (social) for mental health (non‑charitable) 87200 85311 Residential care activities (social) for learning difficulties (charitable) 87200 85312 Residential care activities (social) for learning difficulties (non‑charitable) 87200 85311 Residential care activities (social) for substance abuse (charitable) 87200 85312 Residential care activities (social) for substance abuse (non‑charitable) 87300 85311 Residential care activities for the elderly and disabled (charitable) 87300 85312 Residential care activities for the elderly and disabled (non‑charitable) 87300 85311 Residential care home for epileptics (charitable) 87300 85312 Residential care home for epileptics (non‑charitable) 87300 85311 Residential care home for disabled children (charitable) 87300 85312 Residential care home for disabled children (non‑charitable) 87200 85311 Residential care home for the mentally disabled (charitable) 87200 85312 Residential care home for the mentally disabled (non‑charitable) 87200 85311 Residential care home for the mentally ill (charitable) 87200 85312 Residential care home for the mentally ill (non‑charitable) 87200 85112 Residential care in alcoholism or drug addiction treatment facilities (private sector) 87200 85111 Residential care in alcoholism or drug addiction treatment facilities (public sector) 87200 85112 Residential care in rehabilitation centres (private sector) 87200 85111 Residential care in rehabilitation health centres (public sector) 68209 70209 Residential chambers letting 22230 25239 46690 51870 46740 51540 87200 85140 87200 85140 87200 85140 87200 85140 87200 85311 87200 85312 87200 85311 87200 85312 87200 85311 SIC 2003 Alphabetical Index Activity 68209 70209 Residential mobile home sites operation 87900 85311 Residential nurseries (charitable) 87900 85312 Residential nurseries (non‑charitable) 87100 85140 Residential nursing care facilities 87100 85113 Residential nursing care facilities (not directly supervised by medical doctors) 81100 70320 Residents’ property management 22290 25240 Resin bonded glass fibre mouldings (excluding for motor vehicles) (manufacture) 02300 02010 Resin gathering 20530 24630 Resinoids (manufacture) 20160 24160 Resins for paint (manufacture) 20160 24160 Resins made of urea formaldehyde (manufacture) 26511 33201 Resistance checking instruments (electronic) (manufacture) 117 R Alphabetical Index SIC 2007 R SIC 2003 Indexes to the UK Standard Industrial Classification of Economic Activities 2007 – UK SIC(2007) Activity 26110 32100 Resistor (electronic) (manufacture) 27900 32100 Resistors including rheostats and potentiometers (manufacture) 20520 24620 Resorcinol formaldehyde adhesive (manufacture) 32500 33100 Respirator and mask for medical use (manufacture) 87100 85140 Rest homes with nursing care 87300 85311 Rest homes without nursing care (charitable) 87300 85312 Rest homes without nursing care (non‑charitable) 56101 55301 Restaurant (licensed) 56102 55302 Restaurant (unlicensed) 74203 74814 Restoration, copying and retouching of photographs 33190 36300 Restoring of organs and other historical musical instruments (manufacture) 84230 75230 Restrictive Practices Court 32500 33100 Resuscitation equipment (manufacture) 47799 52630 Retail auction house, second‑hand goods other than antiques (except internet auctions) (retail) 47791 52630 Retail sale of antiques including antique books in retail auction houses (except internet auctions) 65300 66020 Retirement incomes provision 65300 66020 Retirement plans 46120 51120 Retort carbon (commission agent) 43999 45250 Retort setting 23200 26260 Retorts made of fireclay, silica and siliceous (manufacture) 23200 26260 Retorts made of graphite (manufacture) 23200 26260 Retorts made of refractory ceramic (manufacture) 18129 22220 Review printing (manufacture) 58142 22130 Review publishing 46690 51870 Revolution and production counters (wholesale) 26511 33201 Revolution counters (electronic) (manufacture) 26513 33202 Revolution counters (non‑electronic) (manufacture) 25400 29600 Revolver (manufacture) 46690 51870 Revolvers, pistols and other firearms and similar devices (wholesale) 25120 28120 Revolving doors made of metal (manufacture) 90010 92311 Revue company 33140 31100 Rewind electric motor (manufacture) 27110 31100 Rewinding of armatures on a factory basis (manufacture) 24410 27410 Rhodium (manufacture) 32990 36631 Ribbon (inked) (manufacture) 13960 17542 Ribbon made of textile (manufacture) 10612 15612 Rice cleaning (manufacture) 10612 15612 Rice flaking (manufacture) 10612 15612 Rice flour production (manufacture) 01120 01110 Rice growing 28930 29530 Rice hullers (manufacture) 10612 15612 Rice husking (manufacture) 10612 15612 Rice milling (manufacture) 10890 15899 Rice pudding (canned) (manufacture) 10612 15612 Rice rolling (manufacture) 10620 15620 Rice starch (manufacture) 01610 01410 Rice transplanting 01610 01410 Rice transplanting, on a fee or contract basis 93290 92729 Richmond Park 13922 17402 Rick cloths and covers (manufacture) 32990 18241 Riding caps (manufacture) 15120 36639 Riding crops (manufacture) 85510 92629 Riding school 118 SIC 2007 SIC 2003 Activity 93199 93110 25930 28940 26800 22210 22290 92629 92629 28730 29540 24650 25210 25240 25930 28940 22190 23990 32130 28740 29540 25130 26821 36610 28922 28921 36000 42910 25940 22290 42110 19201 29522 29521 41000 45240 28740 25240 45230 23201 49410 49410 08120 28921 28923 46630 22290 42110 29100 29202 29100 77120 29320 52219 71200 52219 08120 46120 46750 27510 10890 14120 60249 60249 14210 29521 29523 51820 25240 45230 34100 34202 34100 71219 34300 63210 74300 50200 14210 51120 51550 29710 15899 18210 Riding stables Rifle butts Rigging for ships (manufacture) Rigging machinery for textiles (manufacture) Rigid magnetic disk (manufacture) Rigid plastic foam (manufacture) Ring binders and folders made of plastic (manufacture) Ring spring (manufacture) Ring traveller for textile machinery (manufacture) Rings and washers made of rubber (manufacture) Rings made of asbestos (manufacture) Rings, bracelets, necklaces made from base metals plated with precious metals (manufacture) Ripper (manufacture) Riser connector apparatus (manufacture) River management River work construction Rivet (manufacture) Road cones made of plastic (manufacture) Road construction and repair Road coverings derived from crude petroleum or bituminous minerals (manufacture) Road haulage contracting for general hire or reward Road haulage contractor Road metal production (crushed and processed) Road ripper for mining (manufacture) Road roller (manufacture) Road rollers (wholesale) Road signs made of plastic (manufacture) Road surface markings painting Road tanker (not trailer) (manufacture) Road tractor trailer (manufacture) Road tractor unit (manufacture) Road trailer hire Road wheels for motor vehicle (manufacture) Roads operation Road‑safety testing of motor vehicles Roadside assistance for motor vehicles Roadstone (coated) production Roasted iron pyrites (commission agent) Roasted iron pyrites (wholesale) Roasters (electric) (manufacture) Roasting of nuts (manufacture) Robes for academic, legal and ecclesiastical use (manufacture) Robots designed for lifting and handling in industry (manufacture) Robots for multiple industrial uses (manufacture) Rock climbing equipment (manufacture) Rock cutting machinery (manufacture) Rock drill (portable) (manufacture) Rock drilling and earth boring interchangeable tools (e.g. Augers, boring bits, drills) (manufacture) Rock drilling machinery (manufacture) Rock removal Rock salt production Rocker shovel for mining (manufacture) Rocket (aerospace) (manufacture) Rocket launch systems (manufacture) 28220 29220 28990 32300 28921 28240 25730 29560 36400 29521 29410 28620 28921 43120 08930 28921 30300 25400 29521 45110 14400 29521 35300 29600 Indexes to the UK Standard Industrial Classification of Economic Activities 2007 – UK SIC(2007) Alphabetical Index SIC 2007 SIC 2003 Activity SIC 2007 SIC 2003 Activity 30300 23410 23990 81291 01610 20200 93290 24420 24440 24440 23190 22190 24100 24100 25930 35300 26210 26829 74703 01410 24200 92349 27420 27440 27440 26150 25130 27100 27100 28730 23610 23320 31090 25120 26610 26400 36140 28120 10200 28960 23110 24420 24440 28940 28150 13922 16290 22190 22190 28302 32990 13300 32300 93110 15120 13923 32910 24420 15209 29560 26110 27420 27440 29540 29140 17402 20510 25130 25130 29320 36631 17300 36400 92611 19200 17403 36620 27420 28910 16290 30200 32200 29510 20510 35200 36300 Rocket motor (manufacture) Rockingham ware (manufacture) Rockwool (manufacture) Rodent destroying (not agricultural) Rodent destroying and trapping on agricultural land Rodenticide (manufacture) Rodeos Rods made of aluminium (manufacture) Rods made of brass (manufacture) Rods made of copper (manufacture) Rods made of glass (manufacture) Rods made of rubber (manufacture) Rods made of steel (in coils) (manufacture) Rods of stainless steel (manufacture) Rods or wires (coated/covered with flux) for gas welding, soldering or brazing (manufacture) Roe production (manufacture) Roll mill for rubber or plastic (manufacture) Rolled glass (manufacture) Rolled products made of aluminium (manufacture) Rolled products made of copper (manufacture) Roller (textile machinery accessory) (manufacture) Roller bearing (manufacture) Roller blinds made of canvas (manufacture) Roller blinds made of wood (manufacture) Roller coverings made of rubber (manufacture) Roller covers made of rubber (manufacture) Roller for agricultural use (manufacture) Roller pens and refills (manufacture) Roller printing of textiles (manufacture) Roller skates (manufacture) Roller skating rink Roller skin (cut) made of leather (manufacture) Roller towel (manufacture) Rollers for paint (manufacture) Rolling ingots and slabs made of aluminium (manufacture) Rolling mill for metals (manufacture) Rolling pins made of wood Rolling stock (manufacture) Rolls for automatic mechanical instruments (manufacture) Rolls made of alloy or steel forgings (manufacture) Rolls made of iron or steel (manufacture) Rolls made of metal for cable, hose, etc. (manufacture) Roman blinds (manufacture) Roman Catholic Church Roof covering Roof covering erection Roof insulation contractor Roof lights made of plastic (manufacture) Roof struts (manufacture) Roofing tiles made of precast concrete (manufacture) Roofing tiles made of unglazed clay (manufacture) Room divide system (manufacture) Room partitions made of metal, for floor attachment (manufacture) Rooming and boarding houses Root crop harvesting and sorting machinery (manufacture) Root vegetable growing Rooter (not agricultural) (manufacture) Roots and tubers growing Roots and tubers with a high starch or inulin content Rope (new) (wholesale) Rope and cables of textile fibres (manufacture) Rope lagging made of asbestos (manufacture) Rope made of cotton (manufacture) Rope made of rubber (manufacture) Rope made of wire (manufacture) Rope making machines (manufacture) Rope or cable fitted with metal rings (manufacture) Rope products (manufacture) Rope slings (manufacture) Rope walk (manufacture) Rope, cord and line made of sisal (manufacture) Rope, cord or line made of jute (manufacture) Rope, cord or line made of manila (manufacture) Rope, cord or line made of man‑made fibre (manufacture) Rosin size (manufacture) Rotary clubs Rotary displacement compressors (single or multi shaft) (wholesale) Rotary piston lobe‑type pumps (manufacture) Rotary positive displacement pumps for liquids (wholesale) Rotary tables (manufacture) Rotating compressors (manufacture) Rotor blades for aircraft (manufacture) Rough terrain industrial trucks (manufacture) Rough trimming and sawing of building and monumental stone Round Table Roundabout for fairground (manufacture) Rounds of semi‑finished steel for seamless tube production (manufacture) Roundwood production (untreated) Roundwood production for forest‑based manufacturing industries Routers for telecommunications (manufacture) Roving frames (manufacture) Rowing boat (manufacture) Rowing club Royal Academy of Arts Royal Academy of Dramatic Art 25500 28400 28910 29510 25990 28750 13921 94910 43910 43910 43290 22230 16230 17401 91310 45220 45220 45320 25239 20300 55900 55239 28302 29320 01130 28922 01130 01130 46410 13940 23990 13940 22190 25930 28990 13940 13940 13940 13940 13940 13940 13940 13940 01120 29522 01110 01110 51410 17520 26821 17520 25130 28730 29560 17520 17520 17520 17520 17520 17520 17520 17520 20140 24140 94990 91330 46690 51870 28131 29121 46690 51870 28921 28132 30300 28220 08110 29521 29122 35300 29220 14110 94990 91330 28990 36639 24100 27100 02200 02010 02200 02010 26301 28940 30120 93120 94120 85320 32201 29540 35120 92629 91120 80220 28921 29521 Roof support (hydraulic) (manufacture) 94120 91120 Royal Aeronautical Society 25110 94120 91120 Royal Agricultural Society of England 28110 Roof trusses made of metal (manufacture) 23610 26610 Roof units made of precast concrete (manufacture) 84220 75220 Royal Air Force Establishments (civilian personnel) 25940 28740 Roofbolts, plates and accessories (manufacture) 84220 75220 Royal Air Force Establishments (service personnel) 43910 45220 Roofing contractor 94990 91330 Royal Automobile Club headquarters 23320 26400 Roofing tiles made of ceramic (manufacture) 52219 50200 Royal Automobile Club road patrols 119 R Alphabetical Index S Indexes to the UK Standard Industrial Classification of Economic Activities 2007 – UK SIC(2007) SIC 2007 SIC 2003 Activity SIC 2007 SIC 2003 Activity 79110 91040 94120 94120 94120 94120 50200 94120 94990 94120 94120 84220 88990 32110 84220 84220 72190 93290 94990 91020 94120 94120 94990 94990 63301 92530 91120 91120 91120 91120 61102 91120 91330 91120 91120 75220 85321 36210 75220 75220 73100 92729 91330 92521 91120 91120 91330 91330 94120 94120 94120 22190 91120 91120 91120 25130 46760 20590 20520 20301 13940 51550 24660 24620 24301 17520 47510 96010 13931 13931 93199 93199 13939 47530 46470 13939 13939 14200 14200 28290 22290 28990 11010 29320 16290 10720 96040 31090 10611 10611 10611 01110 10611 10611 20140 22220 13922 46410 13922 17211 46160 52410 93010 17512 17511 92629 92629 17519 52481 51479 17519 17519 18300 18300 33202 25240 29560 15910 34300 20520 15820 93040 36140 15611 15611 15611 01110 15611 15611 24140 25220 17402 51410 17402 21211 51160 25610 22190 32500 46690 20590 22190 22190 13960 28510 25130 25130 51870 24660 25130 25130 17542 Royal Automobile Club touring department Royal Botanical Gardens Royal College of Midwives Royal College of Nursing Royal College of Physicians Royal College of Surgeons Royal Fleet Auxiliary Royal Geographical Society Royal Horticultural Society Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors Royal Institute of Public Health Royal Marines Royal Masonic Benevolent Institute Royal Mint (manufacture) Royal Navy establishments (civilian personnel) Royal Navy establishments (service personnel) Royal Observatory Royal Park Royal Scottish Automobile Club Royal Scottish Museum (Edinburgh) Royal Society Royal Society for Health Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (not animal hospitals or homes) Royal Society of Medicine Royal Statistical Society Royal United Services Institution Rubber (vulcanized, unvulcanized or hardened) (manufacture) Rubber (wholesale) Rubber accelerators (manufacture) Rubber based glues and adhesives (manufacture) Rubber based paint (chlorinated) (manufacture) Rubber coated twine, cordage rope and cables of textile fibres (manufacture) Rubber coating of metals (manufacture) Rubber compounds (manufacture) Rubber gloves (medical) (manufacture) Rubber or plastics working machinery (wholesale) Rubber processing chemicals (manufacture) Rubber products (manufacture) Rubber thread (uncovered) (manufacture) Rubber thread and cord, textile covered, coated or sheathed with rubber or plastics (manufacture) Rubber thread or cord covered with textile material (manufacture) Rubber trees growing for harvesting of latex Rubber tyres for furniture and other uses (manufacture) Rubber tyres for mobile machinery (manufacture) Rubber tyres for toys (manufacture) Rubber working machinery (manufacture) Rubberised fabrics (manufacture) Rubberised hair (manufacture) Rubberised textile fabric (manufacture) Rubberising of purchased garments (manufacture) Rubber‑like gums (balata, etc.) (manufacture) Rubbing stone mine, pit or quarry Rubbish collection 13922 13922 13922 17120 22220 17402 17402 17402 21120 25220 Rug making materials (retail) Rug shampooing Rug tufting (manufacture) Rug weaving (not travelling rug) (manufacture) Rugby League Rugby Union Rugs (other than woven or tufted) (manufacture) Rugs (retail) Rugs (wholesale) Rugs made of coir (manufacture) Rugs made of rag (manufacture) Rugs made of sheepskin (manufacture) Rugs made of skins (manufacture) Rule (measuring) (manufacture) Rulers made of plastic (manufacture) Ruling machinery for printing (manufacture) Rum distilling (manufacture) Running gear for motor vehicles (manufacture) Rush matting (manufacture) Rusk making (manufacture) Russian baths Rustic furniture (manufacture) Rye (manufacture) Rye flaking (manufacture) Rye flour and meal (manufacture) Rye growing Rye milling (manufacture) Rye rolling (manufacture) Saccharin tablet (manufacture) Sachets made of plastic (manufacture) Sacks (woven) (manufacture) Sacks and bags (wholesale) Sacks and bags made of noil (manufacture) Sacks and bags made of paper (manufacture) Sacks and bags used for packing of goods (commission agent) Sacks for coal (manufacture) Sacks made of canvas (manufacture) Sacks made of jute (manufacture) Sacks made of kraft paper (manufacture) Sacks made of non‑woven polyethylene (manufacture) Sacks made of paper (manufacture) Sacks made of plastic (manufacture) Sacrificial anodes made of zinc, magnesium or other non‑ferrous metal (manufacture) Saddle horse (manufacture) Saddlery (manufacture) Saddlery (retail) Saddlery and harness made of leather (manufacture) Saddlery and leather goods (wholesale) 13960 17542 01290 01110 22110 25110 22110 22110 28960 22190 22190 22190 13300 20170 08990 38110 120 25110 25110 29560 25130 25130 25130 17300 24170 14500 90020 17211 21211 22220 25220 25990 28750 15120 15120 47722 15120 46499 19200 19200 52432 19200 51479 30910 35410 Saddles for motorcycles (manufacture) 30920 35420 Saddles for pedal cycles (manufacture) 25990 28750 Safe (manufacture) 52103 63129 Safe deposit company 30300 35300 Safety belt or harness for aircraft crew or passengers (manufacture) 29320 34300 Safety belts for cars (manufacture) 15200 19300 Safety boots (manufacture) Indexes to the UK Standard Industrial Classification of Economic Activities 2007 – UK SIC(2007) SIC 2007 SIC 2003 Activity 28301 29310 Safety frame for tractors (manufacture) 20510 24610 Safety fuse (manufacture) 46120 51120 Safety fuses, detonating fuses, caps, igniters and electric detonators (commission agent) 23120 26120 Safety glass (manufacture) 32990 28750 Safety headgear made of metal (manufacture) 32990 25240 Safety helmets made of plastic (manufacture) 25930 28730 Safety pins (manufacture) 25710 28610 Safety razors (manufacture) 28140 29130 Safety valves (manufacture) 01110 01110 Safflower seed growing 23200 26260 Saggar (manufacture) 10612 15612 Sago grinding or milling (manufacture) 32300 36400 Sailboards (manufacture) 30120 35120 Sailboat building (manufacture) 46499 51479 Sailboats for pleasure or sports (wholesale) 13200 17250 Sailcloth weaving (manufacture) 30120 35120 Sailing boats less than 100 gross tons (manufacture) 14131 18221 Sailing clothing for men and boys (weatherproof) (manufacture) 14132 18222 Sailing clothing for women and girls (weatherproof) (manufacture) 85530 80410 Sailing schools not issuing commercial certificates and permits 30300 35300 Sailplane (manufacture) 13922 17402 Sails (manufacture) 46499 51479 Sails (wholesale) 46180 51180 Sails for boats, sailboards or landcraft (commission agents) 01190 01110 Sainfoin growing 11030 15949 Sake (manufacture) 10840 15870 Salad cream (manufacture) 10840 15870 Salad dressing (manufacture) 10130 15139 Salami (manufacture) 47810 52620 Sale of food beverages and tobacco via stalls and markets (retail) 35230 40220 Sale of gas to the user through mains 96030 93030 Sale of graves 47890 52620 Sale via stalls and markets of books (retail) 47890 52620 Sale via stalls and markets of carpets and rugs (retail) 47820 52620 Sale via stalls and markets of clothing 47890 52620 Sale via stalls and markets of consumer electronics (retail) 47820 52620 Sale via stalls and markets of footwear (retail) 47890 52620 Sale via stalls and markets of games and toys (retail) 47890 52620 Sale via stalls and markets of household appliances (retail) 47890 52620 Sale via stalls and markets of music and video recordings (retail) 47820 52620 Sale via stalls and markets of textiles (retail) 78109 74500 Sales management recruitment consultant 46180 51180 Salicylic acids, o‑acetylsalicylic acid and their salts and esters (commission agent) 21100 24410 Salicylic medicaments (manufacture) 21100 24410 Salines (manufacture) 03220 05020 Salmon and trout fishery (hatchery), freshwater 03210 05020 Salmon and trout fishery (hatchery), marine 03110 05010 Salmon netting 08930 14400 Salt crushing, purification and refining by the producer 08930 14400 Salt extraction SIC 2007 SIC 2003 Alphabetical Index Activity 08930 14400 Salt, extraction of, from underground including by dissolving and pumping 08930 14400 Salt mine 08930 14400 Salt preparation (not at salt mine or brine pit) 08930 14400 Salt production 08930 14400 Salt production by evaporation of sea water or other saline waters 09900 14400 Salt production support services provided on a fee or contract basis 08930 14400 Salt works 10840 14400 Salt, processing of into food‑grade salt, iodised salt (manufacture) 10720 15820 Salted crackers (manufacture) 46120 51120 Salts of oxometallic or perometallic acids (commission agent) 52220 63220 Salvage activities supporting water transport activities 30110 35110 Salvage vessel (manufacture) 94910 91310 Salvation army 96090 93059 Salvation army emigration department 87900 85311 Salvation army shelter (charitable) 23410 26210 Samian ware (manufacture) 18140 22230 Sample card finishing (manufacture) 15120 19200 Sample case made of leather (manufacture) 18140 22230 Sample mounting in support of printing activities (manufacture) 86101 85112 Sanatoria providing hospital type care (private sector) 86101 85111 Sanatoria providing hospital type care (public sector) 46730 51530 Sand (wholesale) 46730 51530 Sand and gravel merchant (wholesale) 43999 45250 Sand blasting for building exteriors 28290 29240 Sand blasting machines (manufacture) 25610 28510 Sand blasting of metals (manufacture) 24540 27540 Sand casting of non‑ferrous base metal (manufacture) 08120 14210 Sand dredging 08120 14210 Sand extraction and dredging for industrial use 28990 29560 Sand handling, mixing, treatment or reclamation plant for foundries (manufacture) 08120 14210 Sand pit 08120 14210 Sand quarry 15200 19300 Sandals (manufacture) 43390 45450 Sandblasting of buildings 28490 29430 Sanding and polishing machines for wood (not portable) (manufacture) 81299 90030 Sanding or salting of highways, etc. 28240 29410 Sanding tool (powered portable) (manufacture) 23910 26810 Sandpaper (manufacture) 08110 14110 Sandstone mine, pit or quarry 56103 55303 Sandwich bar 10720 15820 Sandwich cake baking (manufacture) 24330 28110 Sandwich panels of coated steel sheet (manufacture) 10840 15870 Sandwich spread (manufacture) 10890 15512 Sandwiches with cheese filling (manufacture) 10890 15899 Sandwiches with egg filling (manufacture) 10890 15209 Sandwiches with fish, crustacean and mollusc filling (manufacture) 10890 15139 Sandwiches with ham or bacon filling (manufacture) 10890 15139 Sandwiches with meat or poultry filling, other than ham or bacon (manufacture) 121 S Alphabetical Index SIC 2007 S SIC 2003 Indexes to the UK Standard Industrial Classification of Economic Activities 2007 – UK SIC(2007) Activity 10890 15330 Sandwiches with vegetable filling (manufacture) 13300 17300 Sanforising of textiles and textile articles, including wearing apparel (manufacture) 20412 24512 Sanitary cleanser (manufacture) 43220 45330 Sanitary engineering for buildings 47520 52460 Sanitary equipment (retail) 23420 26220 Sanitary fixtures made of ceramic (manufacture) 46740 51540 Sanitary installation connections, rubber pipes (wholesale) 46740 51540 Sanitary installation equipment (wholesale) 46740 51540 Sanitary installation taps, t‑pieces (wholesale) 46740 51540 Sanitary installation tubes, pipes, fittings (wholesale) 46730 51530 Sanitary porcelain (wholesale) 28140 29130 Sanitary taps (manufacture) 17220 21220 Sanitary towels made of paper (manufacture) 17220 17549 Sanitary towels made of textile wadding (manufacture) 28140 29130 Sanitary valves (manufacture) 46730 51530 Sanitary ware (wholesale) 25990 28750 Sanitary ware and fittings made of metal (manufacture) 23420 26220 Sanitary ware made of ceramics (manufacture) 23420 26220 Sanitary ware made of fireclay (manufacture) 22230 25239 Sanitary ware made of plastic (manufacture) 23420 26220 Sanitary ware made of vitreous china (manufacture) 13940 17520 Sash line (manufacture) 15120 19200 Satchels made of leather (manufacture) 13200 17210 Sateen weaving (manufacture) 61300 64200 Satellite circuit rental services 51220 62300 Satellite launching 46520 51860 Satellite navigation (wholesale) 26309 32202 Satellite relay (manufacture) 61900 64200 Satellite terminal stations 61900 64200 Satellite tracking 30300 35300 Satellites (manufacture) 13200 17240 Satin weaving (manufacture) 17120 21120 Saturated and impregnated base paper (manufacture) 10840 15870 Sauce (manufacture) 25990 28750 Saucepan (manufacture) 25990 28750 Saucepans made of aluminium (manufacture) 96040 93040 Saunas 47520 52460 Saunas (retail) 16230 20300 Saunas made from wood (manufacture) 10720 15820 Sausage filler made of cereal (manufacture) 10130 15139 Sausage meat (manufacture) 10130 15139 Sausage rolls (manufacture) 46320 51320 Sausage skins (wholesale) 10110 15112 Sausage skins and casings (natural) (manufacture) 10130 15139 Sausages (manufacture) 10130 15139 Saveloys (manufacture) 64191 65121 Savings bank 28490 28620 Saw blades for machines including wood cutting (manufacture) 46770 51570 Sawdust (wholesale) 28410 29420 Sawing machine (metal cutting) (manufacture) 28490 29430 Sawing machine for wood (manufacture) 28490 29430 Sawing machines for stone, ceramics, asbestos‑cement or similar materials (manufacture) 02200 02010 Sawlog production 122 SIC 2007 SIC 2003 Activity 16100 16100 25730 28240 25730 46740 46740 20100 20100 28620 29410 28620 51540 51540 25110 77320 43991 24200 43991 28110 71320 45250 27220 45250 46499 28290 28290 28290 28290 46120 28990 26200 14190 14190 90030 46690 51477 29240 29240 29240 29240 51120 29560 30020 18249 18249 92319 51870 90020 77210 51102 90030 32990 46750 49390 13990 85600 85600 49390 56290 56290 84240 86900 55900 85310 86900 86900 86210 85320 85410 85530 85320 74201 92311 71401 62201 92319 36639 51550 60211 17541 93059 93059 60219 55510 55520 75240 85140 55239 80210 85140 85140 85120 80220 80301 80410 80220 74812 Sawmilling (manufacture) Sawn fencing (manufacture) Saws (hand tools) (manufacture) Saws (powered portable) (manufacture) Saws and sawblades (manufacture) Saws and sawblades (wholesale) Saws, screwdrivers and similar hand tools (wholesale) Scaffolding (manufacture) Scaffolding hire (without staff) Scaffolding hiring and erecting Scaffolding tubes made of steel (manufacture) Scaffolds and work platform erecting and dismantling Scale models (wholesale) Scales (platform) (manufacture) Scales for domestic use (manufacture) Scales for postal use (manufacture) Scales for shop use (manufacture) Scandium, yttrium and mercury (commission agent) Scanner (printing machinery) (manufacture) Scanners for computer use (manufacture) Scarf (lace or knitted) (manufacture) Scarf (not lace or knitted) (manufacture) Scenario writer Scene lighting, road lighting and other lighting (not domestic) (wholesale) Scene shifters and lighting engineers Scenery rental Scenic and sightseeing flights Scenic artist Scent sprays (manufacture) Scents (wholesale) Scheduled long‑distance bus services Schiffli embroidery (manufacture) Scholastic agent School agent School bus service School canteen School canteen (run by catering contractor) School crossing patrols School dental nurse School dormitories School examination board School health service School medical clinic School medical officer School of arts and crafts School of languages School of motoring School of speech and drama School photography 17230 22220 School stationery (manufacture) 22290 25240 School supplies made of plastic (manufacture) 91020 92521 Science museums 72190 73100 Science research council 26513 33202 Scientific laboratory equipment (non‑electrical or non‑optical) (manufacture) 77390 71340 Scientific machinery rental and operating leasing Indexes to the UK Standard Industrial Classification of Economic Activities 2007 – UK SIC(2007) SIC 2007 SIC 2003 Activity 32990 36639 Scientific models for educational and exhibition purposes (manufacture) 94120 91120 Scientific organisation 32500 33100 Scintigraphy apparatus (manufacture) 26600 33100 Scintillation scanners (manufacture) 28220 29220 Scissor lift (manufacture) 25710 28610 Scissors (manufacture) 10720 15820 Scone baking (manufacture) 32409 36509 Scooters for children (manufacture) 86900 85140 Scottish Ambulance Service 94920 91320 Scottish Nationalist Party 41202 45212 Scottish Special Housing Association (building work) 25990 28750 Scourers made of metal (manufacture) 28940 29540 Scouring machinery for textiles (manufacture) 25990 28750 Scouring pads made of metal (manufacture) 20412 24512 Scouring paste or powder coated paper (manufacture) 20412 24512 Scouring pastes (manufacture) 20412 24512 Scouring powder (manufacture) 94990 91330 Scout Association 46770 51570 Scrap (wholesale) 46770 51570 Scrap iron (wholesale) 46770 51570 Scrap leather (wholesale) 46770 51570 Scrap merchant (general dealer) (wholesale) 46770 51570 Scrap metal (wholesale) 38320 37100 Scrap metal recycling into new raw materials (except remelting of ferrous waste and scrap) 28922 29522 Scraper (earth moving equipment) (manufacture) 25730 28620 Scraper (hand tool) (manufacture) 46630 51820 Scrapers (wholesale) 15110 18300 Scraping of fur skins and hides with the hair on (manufacture) 43999 45250 Screed laying 26702 33403 Screen for cinema (manufacture) 18129 22220 Screen printing (except silk screen printing on textiles and apparel) (manufacture) 18129 22220 Screen printing (manufacture) 18129 22220 Screen printing of logos (manufacture) 13300 17300 Screen printing of textiles (manufacture) 18129 22220 Screen printing on glass or pottery (manufacture) 20302 24302 Screen process ink (manufacture) 28290 29240 Screening plant (not for mines) (manufacture) 28290 29240 Screening plant for effluent treatment (manufacture) 31010 36120 Screens (non‑domestic) (manufacture) 16290 20520 Screens made of plaiting materials (manufacture) 25920 28720 Screw caps made of metal (manufacture) 28132 29122 Screw compressor (manufacture) 25940 28740 Screw machine products (manufacture) 28131 29121 Screw pump (manufacture) 25730 28620 Screwdrivers (manufacture) 46740 51540 Screwdrivers (wholesale) 28410 29420 Screwing machines (metal cutting) (manufacture) 25940 28740 Screws (self tapping) (manufacture) 22290 25240 Screws made of plastic (manufacture) 25940 28740 Screws of all types made of metal (manufacture) 13200 17250 Scrim weaving from flax, hemp, ramie and man‑made fibres processed on the flax system (manufacture) 69109 74119 Scrivenery 28250 29230 Scrubber for air conditioning equipment (manufacture) Alphabetical Index SIC 2007 SIC 2003 Activity 32910 46499 90030 13100 25730 50100 52290 30110 36620 51479 92319 17140 28620 61101 63400 35110 01700 08930 94990 03110 36000 47230 28930 01500 14400 91330 05010 41000 52230 29530 01700 23990 23990 20301 01500 26829 26829 24303 28290 09100 46499 32990 32990 22190 24520 29240 11200 51479 36631 36631 25130 27520 Scrubbing brush (manufacture) Scuba diving breathing equipment (wholesale) Sculptors Scutching of flax (manufacture) Scythe (manufacture) Sea ferry (passenger) Sea freight forwarder activities Sea going luxury yachts of 100 gross tons or more (manufacture) Sea mammal catching Sea salt production Sea scout association Sea urchin hunting Sea water desalination Seafood and seafood products (retail) Sea‑food processing machines and equipment (manufacture) Seal catching Sealants (bituminous) (manufacture) Sealants (oil based) (manufacture) Sealants (other than bituminous or oil based) (manufacture) Sealing machinery (manufacture) Sealing of oil and gas wells Sealing or numbering stamps (wholesale) Sealing stamps (manufacture) Seals for use with sealing wax (manufacture) Seals made of rubber (manufacture) Seamless pipes of steel by centrifugal casting (manufacture) Seamless tubes of steel by centrifugal casting (manufacture) Search light (manufacture) Seasoning (manufacture) Sea‑squirt hunting Seating (manufacture) Seating for office or school (manufacture) Seating made of metal (not for road vehicle or aircraft) (manufacture) Seats for aircraft (manufacture) Seats for cinema (manufacture) Seats for motor vehicles (manufacture) Seats for ships and floating structures (manufacture) Seats for theatre (manufacture) Seat‑sticks (manufacture) Seaweed collecting, cutting and gathering (uncultivated) Seaweed processing (manufacture) Secateurs (manufacture) Secondary battery (manufacture) Secondary copper (manufacture) Secondary level education Secondary modern schools Secondary schools Second‑hand books (retail) Second‑hand clothing (retail) Second‑hand furniture (retail) Second‑hand general goods (retail) Secretarial college Sectional coldroom (manufacture) 24520 27520 27400 10840 03110 31090 31010 31090 31500 15870 05010 36110 36110 36110 30300 31010 29320 30110 31010 32990 03110 36110 36110 36110 36110 36110 36639 05010 10200 25730 27200 24440 85310 85310 85310 47799 47799 47799 47799 85320 28250 15209 28620 31400 27440 80210 80210 80210 52509 52509 52509 52509 80220 29230 123 S Alphabetical Index SIC 2007 S SIC 2003 Indexes to the UK Standard Industrial Classification of Economic Activities 2007 – UK SIC(2007) Activity 24330 27330 Sections cold formed from flat steel products (manufacture) 30110 35110 Sections for ships and floating structures (manufacture) 24420 27420 Sections made of aluminium (manufacture) 24440 27440 Sections made of brass (manufacture) 24440 27440 Sections made of copper (manufacture) 24100 27100 Sections of stainless steel (manufacture) 66120 67122 Securities broking 64991 65233 Securities dealer on own account 66120 67122 Securities dealing on behalf of others 66110 67110 Securities exchanges administration 64999 65239 Securitization activities 80100 74602 Security activities (not government) 26301 31620 Security alarms and systems (manufacture) 66120 67122 Security and commodity contracts dealing activities 74909 74602 Security consultancy for industrial, household and public services 80100 74602 Security delivery of prisoners 80100 74602 Security guard services 82920 74820 Security packaging of pharmaceutical preparations 17120 21120 Security paper (manufacture) 18129 22220 Security printing (manufacture) 25110 28110 Security screens made of metal (manufacture) 80100 74602 Security shredding of information on any media 80200 74602 Security systems service activities 80100 74602 Security transport of valuables and money 28290 29240 Sedimentation plant for effluent treatment (manufacture) 10410 15410 Seed and nut crushing (manufacture) 28302 29320 Seed cleaner or pre‑cleaner for agricultural use (manufacture) 01640 01110 Seed cleaning and treating (cereals and other crops) 01640 01410 Seed cleaning and treating (fee or contract basis) 01640 01139 Seed cleaning and treating (fruit, nuts, beverage and spice crops) 01640 01120 Seed cleaning and treating (vegetables, horticultural specialties and other nursery products) 28302 29320 Seed cleaning, sorting or grading machines (manufacture) 20200 24200 Seed dressing (manufacture) 01640 01110 Seed drying (cereals and other crops) 01640 01410 Seed drying (fee or contract basis) 01640 01139 Seed drying (fruit, nuts, beverage and spice crops) 01640 01120 Seed drying (vegetables, horticultural specialties and other nursery products) 01640 01110 Seed genetically modified, treatment of these (cereals and other crops) 01640 01410 Seed genetically modified, treatment of these (fee or contract basis) 01640 01139 Seed genetically modified, treatment of these (fruit, nuts, beverage and spice crops) 01640 01120 Seed genetically modified, treatment of these (vegetables, horticultural and other nursery products) 01640 01110 Seed grading (cereals and other crops) 01640 01410 Seed grading (fee or contract basis) 01640 01139 Seed grading (fruit, nuts, beverage and spice crops) 01640 01120 Seed grading (vegetables, horticultural specialties and other nursery products) 01640 01110 Seed post harvest processing (cereals and other crops) 01640 01410 Seed post harvest processing (fee or contract basis) 124 SIC 2007 SIC 2003 01640 01139 01640 01120 46210 51210 01640 01110 01640 01410 01640 01139 01640 01120 01190 01120 22290 28302 47760 46210 23910 71122 26511 26513 30200 10611 22290 17230 30200 25240 29320 52489 51210 26810 74206 33201 33202 35200 15611 25240 21230 35200 56101 55301 56102 55302 17110 21110 17110 21110 17110 21110 17110 21110 17110 19100 26110 26110 21110 23100 32100 31100 46520 51860 26110 24660 22190 25130 24100 27100 24440 24450 24450 24450 85320 27440 27450 27450 27450 80220 Activity Seed post harvest processing (fruit, nuts, beverage and spice crops) Seed post harvest processing (vegetables, horticultural specialties and other nursery products) Seed potatoes (wholesale) Seed processing for propagation (cereals and other crops) Seed processing for propagation (fee or contract basis) Seed processing for propagation (fruit, nuts, beverage and spice crops) Seed processing for propagation (vegetables, horticultural specialties and other nursery products) Seed production for flowers, fruit or vegetables (not for oil) Seed trays made of plastic (manufacture) Seeders (manufacture) Seeds (retail) Seeds (wholesale) Segment bonded abrasive (manufacture) Seismic surveying for petroleum Seismometers (electronic) (manufacture) Seismometers (non‑electronic) (manufacture) Self‑propelled railway car (manufacture) Self‑raising and patent flour (manufacture) Self‑adhesive tapes made of plastic (manufacture) Self‑copy paper ready for use (manufacture) Self‑propelled railway or tramway coaches, vans, maintenance or service vehicles (manufacture) Self‑service restaurant (licensed) Self‑service restaurant (unlicensed) Semi‑bleached paper pulp made by chemical dissolving (manufacture) Semi‑bleached paper pulp made by mechanical processes (manufacture) Semi‑bleached paper pulp made by non‑dissolving processes (manufacture) Semi‑bleached paper pulp made by semi‑chemical processes (manufacture) Semi‑chemical woodpulp (manufacture) Semi‑coke (manufacture) Semi‑conductor (not power) (manufacture) Semi‑conductor control equipment (converters) (manufacture) Semi‑conductor devices (wholesale) Semi‑finished dice or wafers, semiconductor (manufacture) Semi‑finished products made of rubber (manufacture) Semi‑finished products of stainless steel (manufacture) Semi‑manufactures made of copper (manufacture) Semi‑manufacturing of chrome (manufacture) Semi‑manufacturing of manganese (manufacture) Semi‑manufacturing of nickel (manufacture) Seminary 08990 14500 Semi‑precious stones extraction 29202 34202 Semi‑trailers (manufacture) 45190 50101 Semi‑trailers (retail) 45190 50102 Semi‑trailers (used) (retail) 45190 50102 Semi‑trailers (used) (wholesale) 45190 50101 Semi‑trailers (wholesale) Indexes to the UK Standard Industrial Classification of Economic Activities 2007 – UK SIC(2007) Alphabetical Index SIC 2007 SIC 2003 Activity SIC 2007 SIC 2003 Activity 13100 10611 20590 20590 17130 15611 24640 24640 Semi‑worsted yarn spinning (manufacture) Semolina milling (manufacture) Sensitized cloth (manufacture) Sensitized emulsions for photographic use (manufacture) Sensitized paper (manufacture) Sensor for electric process control equipment (manufacture) Separation terminal operation (natural gas) Separators for the grain milling industry (manufacture) Septic tanks emptying and cleaning Sera (manufacture) Sergeants’ messes Serum albumin (manufacture) Servers and network servers (manufacture) Service activities incidental to air transportation Service activities incidental to space transportation Service flat letting Servicing of agricultural machinery (manufacture) Servicing of clothes dryers Servicing of domestic electrical appliances Servicing of garden edger Servicing of garden trimmers Servicing of lawnmowers Servicing of motor vehicles Servicing of refrigerators Servicing of room air conditioners Servicing of snow and leaf blowers Servicing of stoves Servicing of washing machines Serviettes made of paper (manufacture) Serving dishes made of base metal (manufacture) Sesame oil refining (manufacture) Sesame seed crushing (manufacture) Sesame seed growing Sett quarry Settee (manufacture) Settlement plant for water treatment (manufacture) Sewage farm Sewage treatment consultancy activities Sewage treatment plant (manufacture) Sewage works Sewerage construction Sewerage system maintenance and operation Sewing machine (manufacture) Sewing machine heads (manufacture) Sewing machinery for bookbinding (manufacture) Sewing machines (retail) Sewing machines (wholesale) Sewing needles (manufacture) Sewing thread (retail) 25990 23190 28150 28150 43999 43999 19201 01130 20420 46180 28750 26150 29140 29140 45250 45250 23201 01120 24520 51180 11070 24100 28410 66120 64991 61100 15980 27100 29420 67122 65233 64200 Shackle (manufacture) Shades made of glass (manufacture) Shaft bearings (manufacture) Shaft couplings (manufacture) Shaft drilling (civil engineering) Shaft sinking Shale oil refining (manufacture) Shallot growing Shampoo (manufacture) Shampoos, hair lacquers and permanent waving or straightening preparations (commission agent) Shandy (manufacture) Shapes of stainless steel (manufacture) Shaping machine (metal cutting) (manufacture) Share dealer on behalf of others Share dealer on own account Shared business telephone network services (wired telecommunications) Sharpening stones made of bonded abrasives (manufacture) Shave hook (manufacture) Shaver (electric) (manufacture) Shavers and hair clippers with self‑contained motors (wholesale) Shaving brush (manufacture) Shaving cream (brushless) (manufacture) Shaving cream (manufacture) Shaving preparations (manufacture) Shaving preparations, personal deodorants and antiperspirants (commission agent) Shaving soap (manufacture) Shawls (manufacture) Shea butter (manufacture) Shea nut crushing (manufacture) Shearing and plucking of fur skins and hides with the hair on (manufacture) Shearing machine (metal forming) (manufacture) Shearing machinery for textiles (manufacture) Shears for agricultural or horticultural use (manufacture) Shears for garden use (manufacture) Sheath contraceptives made of rubber (manufacture) Sheath knife (manufacture) Sheds made of metal (manufacture) Sheds made of wood (manufacture) Sheep (wholesale) Sheep agisting (grazing) Sheep and cattle dressings (manufacture) Sheep and lambskin pulling (manufacture) Sheep dip (manufacture) Sheep farming Sheep milk (raw) production Sheep net (manufacture) Sheep raising and breeding Sheep shearing on a fee or contract basis Sheep shears (not power) (manufacture) Sheep skin preparation (manufacture) Sheet glass merchant (wholesale) Sheet hemming (textiles) (manufacture) Sheet metal forming machine (manufacture) 20590 24640 26514 33302 09100 11200 28930 29530 37000 21200 56290 21200 26200 52230 52230 68209 28302 95220 95220 95220 95220 95220 45200 95220 95220 95220 95220 95220 17220 25990 10410 10410 01110 08110 31090 28290 37000 71122 28290 37000 42210 37000 28940 28940 28990 47540 46640 25930 47510 90010 24421 55510 24421 30020 63230 62300 70209 29320 52720 52720 52720 52720 29320 50200 52720 52720 52720 52720 52720 21220 28750 15420 15410 01110 14110 36110 29240 90010 74206 29240 90010 45213 90010 29540 29540 29560 52450 51830 28730 52410 13100 17160 Sewing thread made of cotton (manufacture) 16290 20510 Sewing thread reels and similar articles of turned wood (manufacture) 46410 51410 Sewing thread, etc. (wholesale) 22190 36639 Sex articles of rubber (manufacture) 26511 33201 Sextant (electronic) (manufacture) 26513 33202 Sextant (non‑electronic) (manufacture) 23910 26810 25730 28620 27510 29710 46439 51439 32910 20420 20420 20420 46180 36620 24520 24520 24520 51180 20420 14190 10410 10410 15110 24511 18249 15420 15410 18300 28410 29420 28940 29540 25730 28620 25730 22190 25710 25110 16230 46230 01629 32500 10110 20200 01450 01450 13940 01450 01629 25730 15110 46730 13923 28410 28620 25130 28610 28110 20300 51230 01429 24422 15113 24200 01220 01220 17520 01220 01429 28620 19100 51530 17403 29420 125 S Alphabetical Index SIC 2007 SIC 2003 Activity SIC 2007 18129 25620 47591 18129 24100 23990 22220 28520 52450 22220 27100 26821 Sheet metal printing (manufacture) Sheet metal working (manufacture) Sheet music (retail) Sheet music printing (manufacture) Sheet piling production (manufacture) Sheeting made of non‑woven asbestos/rubber composite (manufacture) Sheeting made of plastic for roofing and cladding (manufacture) Sheeting weaving from flax and man‑made fibres processed on the flax system (manufacture) Sheeting weaving from yarn spun on the cotton system (manufacture) Sheets and sheeting made of woven asbestos (manufacture) Sheets made of aluminium (manufacture) Sheets made of brass (manufacture) Sheets made of cellophane (manufacture) Sheets made of concrete (manufacture) Sheets made of copper (manufacture) Sheets made of cork (manufacture) Sheets made of fibre cement (manufacture) Sheets made of glass fibre (manufacture) Sheets made of laminated thermosetting plastic (manufacture) Sheets made of plaster (manufacture) Sheets made of plastic (manufacture) Sheets made of polyethylene (manufacture) Sheets made of polypropylene (manufacture) Sheets made of polyvinyl chloride (PVC) (manufacture) Sheets made of rubber (manufacture) Sheets made of textiles (retail) Sheets of square corrugated steel (manufacture) Shell boiler (manufacture) Shell case (manufacture) Shell fish processing machines and equipment (manufacture) Shellac varnish (manufacture) Shellfish (retail) Shellfish (wholesale) Shellfish freezing (manufacture) Shellfish preserving (not freezing) (manufacture) Shelter (the charity) Shelving (non‑domestic) (manufacture) Sheriff’s Court (Scotland) Sheriff’s officer Shingle dredging Shingles and shakes (manufacture) Ship disinfecting and exterminating activities Ship fumigating and scrubbing Ship hire for freight (without crew) Ship hire for passengers (without crew) Ship licence tuition (not commercial certificates) 22230 25239 Shiplap cladding made of plastic (manufacture) 52290 63400 Shipping agent or broker 85530 80410 Shipping schools not issuing commercial certificates and permits 46140 51140 Ships (commission agent) 46690 51870 Ships and boats for the carriage of passengers or goods (wholesale) 46690 51870 Ships and boats propellers and blades (wholesale) 20301 24301 Ship’s bottom composition (manufacture) 71200 74300 Ships certification 46900 51900 Ships chandler (wholesale) 13940 17520 Ship’s fenders (manufacture) 27320 31300 Ship’s wiring (manufacture) 94990 91330 Shire Horse Association 96010 93010 Shirt and collar pressing 14190 18249 Shirt front (manufacture) 14190 18249 Shirt neckband (manufacture) 13200 17250 Shirting weaving from flax and man made fibre processed on the flax system (manufacture) 13200 17210 Shirting weaving from yarn spun on the cotton system (manufacture) 14120 18210 Shirts for industrial use (manufacture) 14141 18231 Shirts for men and boys (manufacture) 14142 18232 Shirts for women and girls (manufacture) 29320 34300 Shock absorber for motor vehicle (manufacture) 30200 35200 Shock absorbers; bodies; etc. of railway or tramway locomotives or of rolling stock (manufacture) 46760 51560 Shoddy (carded or combed) (wholesale) 32910 36620 Shoe brush (manufacture) 20412 24512 Shoe dye (manufacture) 13990 17542 Shoe laces (braided) (manufacture) 22290 25240 Shoe lasts made of plastic (manufacture) 16290 19300 Shoe parts made of wood (manufacture) 20412 24512 Shoe polish (manufacture) 96090 93059 Shoe shiners 13960 17542 Shoe trimmings made of textile materials (manufacture) 15200 19300 Shoes (manufacture) 47721 52431 Shoes (retail) 46420 51423 Shoes (wholesale) 15200 19300 Shoes made of wood (manufacture) 16290 20510 Shoetrees made of wood (manufacture) 93120 92629 Shooting clubs 93290 92349 Shooting galleries 28990 36639 Shooting galleries (manufacture) 43320 45420 Shop fitter 31010 36120 Shop fixtures for display and storage of goods (manufacture) 25120 28120 Shop fronts and entrances made of aluminium (manufacture) 16230 20300 Shop fronts made of wood (manufacture) 68209 70209 Shop letting 15120 19200 Shopping bags made of plastic (designed for prolonged use) (manufacture) 15120 19200 Shopping bags made of stitched plastic (manufacture) 30990 35500 Shopping carts (hand‑propelled) (manufacture) 52220 63220 Shore base (sea transport) 82190 74850 Shorthand writing 28230 30010 Shorthand writing machines (manufacture) 49200 60109 Shortline freight railways 22230 25239 13200 17250 13200 17210 23990 26821 S Indexes to the UK Standard Industrial Classification of Economic Activities 2007 – UK SIC(2007) 24420 24440 22210 23610 24440 16290 23650 23140 22210 27420 27440 25210 26610 27440 20520 26650 26140 25210 23620 22210 22210 22210 22210 26620 25210 25210 25210 25210 22190 47510 24330 25300 25400 28930 25130 52410 27330 28300 29600 29530 20301 47230 46380 10200 10200 87900 31010 84230 69109 08120 16230 81291 81291 77342 77341 85530 24301 52230 51380 15201 15209 85311 36120 75230 74119 14210 20300 74703 74703 71229 71221 80410 64922 65223 Ship mortgage finance company 25990 28750 Ship propellers (manufacture) 25990 28750 Ship propeller blades of metal (manufacture) 77341 71221 Ship rental for passengers (without operator) 71200 74300 Ship surveyor 30110 35110 126 Shipbuilding (manufacture) SIC 2003 Activity Indexes to the UK Standard Industrial Classification of Economic Activities 2007 – UK SIC(2007) SIC 2007 SIC 2003 Activity SIC 2007 14131 25610 43390 28922 25730 31010 18129 22230 25990 73110 38320 10200 03220 03210 03110 46380 28940 13300 18221 28510 45450 29522 28620 36120 22220 25239 28750 74402 37100 15209 05020 05020 05010 51380 29540 17300 32500 13922 25110 16230 25120 22230 16230 28940 28940 25730 28220 31090 30910 28930 28930 26701 49390 43210 25990 30200 27900 20510 30200 17403 17402 28110 20300 28120 25239 20300 29540 29540 28620 29220 36140 35410 29530 29530 33402 60231 45340 28750 35200 31620 24610 35200 Shorts for men and boys (manufacture) Shot peening of metals (manufacture) Shotblasting of buildings Shovel loaders (manufacture) Shovels (manufacture) Show case (manufacture) Showcard (manufacture) Shower baths made of plastic (manufacture) Shower cabinets made of metal (manufacture) Showroom design Shredding of metal waste, end‑of‑life vehicles Shrimp preserving (not freezing) (manufacture) Shrimp production (post‑larvae), freshwater Shrimp production (post‑larvae), marine Shrimping Shrimps (wholesale) Shrinking machines for textiles (manufacture) Shrinking of textiles and textile articles, including wearing apparel (manufacture) Shroud and cerement (manufacture) Shutes made of canvas (manufacture) Shuttering made of steel (manufacture) Shuttering made of wood (manufacture) Shutters made of metal (manufacture) Shutters made of plastic (manufacture) Shutters made of wood (manufacture) Shuttle (textile machinery accessory) (manufacture) Shuttle changing machinery (manufacture) Sickles (manufacture) Side loader (manufacture) Sideboard (manufacture) Sidecars for motorcycles (manufacture) Sieving belts (manufacture) Sifters (manufacture) Sight telescopes (manufacture) Sightseeing buses Sign (electric) erection and maintenance Sign plates made of metal (manufacture) Signal box equipment (manufacture) Signal generator (manufacture) Signal rocket (manufacture) Signalling equipment for airports, inland waterways, ports, roads and tramways (manufacture) Signalling equipment for railways (electro mechanical) manufacture Signalling equipment for road traffic (electric) (manufacture) Signalling flares, rain rockets, fog signals and other pyrotechnic articles (commission agent) Signalling glassware (manufacture) Signalling, safety and traffic control equipment for railways (manufacture) Signalling, safety or traffic control equipment (electrical) (manufacture) Signs made of plastic (manufacture) Signs made of wood (manufacture) Signwriting Silage making machinery (manufacture) Silencer for motor vehicle (manufacture) Silica stone extraction or quarrying 46750 51550 Silicates, borates, perborates and other salts of inorganic acids or peroxoacids (wholesale) 08990 14500 Siliceous fossil meals mining 24100 27100 Silico manganese steel (manufacture) 46120 51120 Silicon and sulphur dioxide (commission agent) 46750 51550 Silicon and sulphur dioxide (wholesale) 20160 24160 Silicones (manufacture) 46120 51120 Silicones in primary forms (commission agent) 46760 51550 Silicones in primary forms (wholesale) 13300 17300 Silk bleaching (manufacture) 13100 17150 Silk creping (manufacture) 13300 17300 Silk dyeing (manufacture) 13300 17300 Silk finishing and weighting (manufacture) 13300 17300 Silk printing (manufacture) 13300 17300 Silk screen‑printing on wearing apparel (manufacture) 13100 17150 Silk throwing (manufacture) 13100 17150 Silk twisting (manufacture) 13200 17240 Silk type fabrics (manufacture) 13100 17150 Silk warping (manufacture) 13100 17150 Silk waste noil spinning (manufacture) 13100 17150 Silk winding (manufacture) 01490 01250 Silk worm cocoon production 01490 01250 Silk worm raising 13200 17240 Silk woven cloth (manufacture) 13100 17150 Silk yarn (manufacture) 46410 51410 Silk yarn and fabrics (wholesale) 25290 28210 Silos made of steel exceeding 300 litres (manufacture) 16230 20300 Silos made of wood (manufacture) 20160 24160 Siloxanes (manufacture) 24410 27410 Silver (manufacture) 32120 36220 Silver burnishing (manufacture) 07290 13200 Silver mining and preparation 07290 13200 Silver ore and concentrate extraction and preparation 27200 31400 Silver oxide cells (manufacture) 24410 27410 Silver rolled onto base metals production (manufacture) 32120 36220 Silversmiths’ work (manufacture) 47789 52489 Silverware (retail) 02100 02010 Silviculture and other forestry activities 27900 31620 Simulator (battle) (manufacture) 27900 31620 Simulator (driving) (manufacture) 30200 31620 27900 31620 46120 51120 23190 26150 30200 35200 30200 31620 22290 16290 73110 28302 29320 08990 25240 20510 74402 29320 34300 14500 SIC 2003 Alphabetical Index Activity S 27900 31620 Simulator (other training (except flying trainers)) (manufacture) 28940 29540 Singeing machinery for textiles (manufacture) 90010 92311 Singer (own account) 10910 15710 Single feeds, unmixed, for farm animals (manufacture) 24340 27340 Single strand wire made of steel (manufacture) 20600 24700 Single yarn of man‑made continuous fibres, including high tenacity and textured yarn (manufacture) 28921 29521 Sinking machine for mining (manufacture) 23420 26220 Sinks made of ceramic fireclay (manufacture) 23650 26650 Sinks made of fibre cement (manufacture) 25990 28750 Sinks made of metal (other than cast iron) (manufacture) 22230 25239 Sinks made of plastic (manufacture) 25500 28400 Sintering of metals (manufacture) 127 Alphabetical Index SIC 2007 S SIC 2003 Indexes to the UK Standard Industrial Classification of Economic Activities 2007 – UK SIC(2007) Activity 29310 31610 Sirens for motor vehicles (manufacture) 01160 01110 Sisal growing and other textile fibre of the genus agave growing 43120 45110 Site preparation 85310 80210 Sixth form colleges 28990 29560 Size reduction equipment for the chemical industry (manufacture) 28990 29560 Size separation equipment for the chemical industry (manufacture) 28940 29540 Sizing machinery for textiles (manufacture) 32300 36400 Skateboards (manufacture) 29202 34202 Skeletal trailer (motor drawn) (manufacture) 18130 22250 Sketches for presentation (manufacture) 49390 60239 Ski and cable lifts operation 32300 36400 Ski bindings and poles (manufacture) 85510 92629 Ski instructor (own account) 28220 29220 Ski lifts (manufacture) 14190 18249 Ski suits (manufacture) 20412 24512 Ski wax (manufacture) 32300 36400 Ski‑boots (manufacture) 25930 28740 Skid chain (manufacture) 30120 35120 Skiff building (manufacture) 32300 36400 Skiing equipment (manufacture) 20420 24520 Skin care preparations (manufacture) 10110 15111 Skin drying (manufacture) 10110 15111 Skin pickling (manufacture) 10110 15111 Skin production from slaughterhouses (manufacture) 10110 15111 Skin sorting (manufacture) 46240 51249 Skins (wholesale) 38110 90020 Skip hire (waste transportation) 28921 29521 Skip plant for mining (manufacture) 15120 19200 Skips made of leather (manufacture) 22230 25239 Skirting boards made of plastic (manufacture) 16100 20100 Skirting boards made of unmoulded wood (manufacture) 14132 18222 Skirts for women and girls (dressmade) (manufacture) 32300 36400 Skis (manufacture) 77210 71401 Skis renting and leasing 93110 92629 Skittle alley 25120 28120 Skylights made of metal (manufacture) 24440 27440 Slabs made of brass (manufacture) 24440 27440 Slabs made of copper (manufacture) 16290 20520 Slabs made of cork (manufacture) 23140 26140 Slabs made of glass fibre (manufacture) 14132 18222 Slacks for women and girls (manufacture) 23510 26510 Slag cement (manufacture) 23990 26829 Slag wool (manufacture) 23520 26520 Slaked lime (manufacture) 46730 51530 Slate (wholesale) 08110 14130 Slate mine or quarry 23700 26700 Slate polishing (manufacture) 09900 14130 Slate quarrying support services provided on a fee or contract basis 23700 26700 Slate slab and sheet cutting and preparation (manufacture) 46730 51530 Slate slabs (wholesale) 23700 26700 Slate working (manufacture) 46730 51479 Slates and boards (wholesale) 32990 36631 Slates for writing (manufacture) 128 SIC 2007 SIC 2003 Activity 16290 10110 28930 10110 20510 15111 29530 15111 Slats for the manufacture of pencils (manufacture) Slaughterhouse (manufacture) Slaughterhouse machinery (manufacture) Slaughterhouses killing, dressing or packing meat (manufacture) Slaughterhouses killing, dressing or packing poultry (manufacture) Sledges (hand‑propelled) (manufacture) Sleepers (cross ties) made of iron or steel (hot rolled) (manufacture) Sleepers (wholesale) Sleepers made of wood (manufacture) Sleeping bag (manufacture) Sleeping bags (commission agent) Sleeves made of steel (manufacture) Slicers for bakeries (manufacture) Slide and negative duplicating Slide fasteners (manufacture) Slide fasteners made of metal (manufacture) Slide fasteners made of plastic (manufacture) Slide mounting Slide projector (manufacture) Slide rules (manufacture) Slipper soles (manufacture) Slippers (manufacture) Slips (manufacture) Slitting machine for paper (manufacture) Slitting machinery for textiles (manufacture) Slitting saw (manufacture) Sliver can (textile machinery accessory) (manufacture) Sliver dyeing of wool (manufacture) Sliver knitted fabric (manufacture) Sloe growing Slot machine rental Slotting machine (metal working) (manufacture) Slow speed diesel engine for marine use (manufacture) Slub dyeing (manufacture) Slubbing dyeing of wool (manufacture) Sludge vessel (manufacture) Slugs made of aluminium (manufacture) Sluice gates made of steel (manufacture) Slurry transport via pipelines Small arms (manufacture) Small metal hand‑operated kitchen appliances and accessories (manufacture) Small ware bleaching (manufacture) Small ware dyeing (manufacture) Small ware made of textiles (manufacture) Smallpox hospital (public sector) Smart card readers (manufacture) Smart cards (manufacture) Smelting furnace (manufacture) Smoke detection equipment (electronic) (manufacture) Smoked meat (other than bacon and ham) (manufacture) Smoked salmon, trout and herring production (manufacture) Smokers’ requisites (manufacture) Smokers’ requisites (retail) 10120 15120 30990 35500 24100 27100 46730 16100 13923 46180 24200 28930 74203 32990 25990 22290 74203 26702 26513 15200 15200 14142 28950 28940 25730 28940 13100 13910 01240 77390 28410 28110 51530 20100 17403 51180 27220 29530 74814 36639 36639 36639 74814 33403 33202 19300 19300 18232 29550 29540 28620 29540 17120 17600 01139 71340 29420 29110 13300 13100 30110 24420 25110 49500 25400 25990 17300 17120 35110 27420 28110 60300 29600 28750 13300 13300 13990 86101 26200 26120 28210 26511 10130 17300 17300 17542 85111 30020 32100 29210 33201 15139 10200 15209 32990 36639 47260 52260 Indexes to the UK Standard Industrial Classification of Economic Activities 2007 – UK SIC(2007) SIC 2007 SIC 2003 Activity 32990 36639 Smoking pipes (manufacture) 46499 51479 Smoking pipes and cigarette and cigar holders (wholesale) 46439 51439 Smoothing irons (electric) (wholesale) 27510 29710 Smoothing irons (manufacture) 56103 55303 Snack bar 10720 15820 Snack products of puffed or extruded farinaceous or proteinaceous materials (manufacture) 10720 15820 Snack products whether sweet or salted (manufacture) 01490 01250 Snail farming 32990 36639 Snap fasteners (manufacture) 93120 92629 Snooker club 81299 90030 Snow and ice clearing of highways, etc. 28923 29523 Snow blowers (manufacture) 29100 34100 Snow mobiles (manufacture) 28923 29523 Snow ploughs (manufacture) 46499 51479 Snow skis, ice skates and roller skates (wholesale) 46690 51870 Snow‑ploughs and blowers (wholesale) 12000 16000 Snuff (manufacture) 20411 24511 Soap (manufacture) 46450 51450 Soap (wholesale) 46180 51180 Soap and organic surface‑active products and preparations for use as soap (commission agent) 20411 24511 Soap chips (manufacture) 20411 24511 Soap flakes (manufacture) 28990 29560 Soap making machinery (manufacture) 20411 24511 Soap or detergent coated felt, paper and wadding (manufacture) 20411 24511 Soap powder (manufacture) 94990 91330 Social club (not licensed to sell alcohol) 56301 55401 Social clubs (licensed to sell alcohol) 94920 91320 Social Democratic and Labour Party 86220 85120 Social medicine specialist (private practice) 86101 85111 Social medicine specialist (public sector) 72200 73200 Social Science Research Council 72200 73200 Social sciences research and experimental development 88990 85322 Social Services Department 88990 85321 Social welfare society (charitable) 88990 85321 Social work activities for immigrants (charitable) 88990 85322 Social work activities for immigrants (non‑charitable) 87900 85311 Social work activities with accommodation (charitable) 87900 85312 Social work activities with accommodation (non‑charitable) 88990 85321 Social work activities without accommodation (charitable) 88990 85322 Social work activities without accommodation (non‑charitable) 88990 85321 Social worker (charitable) 88990 85322 Social worker (non‑charitable) 94120 91120 Society of Apothecaries 94120 91120 Society of Arts 94910 91310 Society of Friends 72200 73200 Sociology research and experimental development 25730 28620 Socket set (manufacture) 27330 31200 Sockets (electric) (manufacture) 14310 17710 Socks and stockings (knitted) (manufacture) 14310 17710 Socks for children (manufacture) 14310 17710 Socks for men (manufacture) Alphabetical Index SIC 2007 SIC 2003 Activity 14310 23990 15200 46750 11070 20130 46120 46750 27400 31090 31090 31090 11070 10519 47250 46341 46341 46341 28930 13921 17710 26821 19300 51550 15980 24130 51120 51550 31500 36110 36110 36110 15980 15519 52250 51341 51341 51341 29530 17401 Socks for women and girls (manufacture) Socks made of asbestos (manufacture) Socks made of leather (manufacture) Soda (wholesale) Soda water (manufacture) Sodium and sodium compounds (manufacture) Sodium nitrate (commission agent) Sodium nitrate (wholesale) Sodium vapour lamp (manufacture) Sofa (manufacture) Sofa sets (manufacture) Sofabeds (manufacture) Soft drinks (manufacture) Soft drinks (milk based) (manufacture) Soft drinks (retail) Soft drinks (wholesale) Soft drinks exporter (wholesale) Soft drinks importer (wholesale) Soft drinks machinery (manufacture) Soft furnishing articles, made‑up, of knitted or crocheted fabrics (manufacture) Soft furnishing articles, made‑up, of textile material (manufacture) Soft furnishings (manufacture) Soft furnishings (retail) Soft goods (commission agent) Soft toys (manufacture) Software (non customised) (wholesale) Software (non‑customised) (retail) Software (ready‑made) publishing (except computer games publishing) Software consultancy Software copyright consultancy activities Software disaster recovery services Software house Software installation services Software reproduction from master copies (manufacture) Software systems maintenance services Soil fumigant (manufacture) Solar panels (photovoltaic cell type) (manufacture) Solar panels, domestic (other than photovoltaic cell type) (manufacture) Solar panels, non‑domestic (other than photovoltaic cell type) (manufacture) Solariums Solder (manufacture) Soldering irons (electrical, hand‑held) (manufacture) Soldering machines (electric) (manufacture) Soldering machines (gas) (manufacture) Sole leather preparation (manufacture) Sole plates (hot rolled) (manufacture) Solenoids for electronic apparatus (manufacture) Solicitor (own account) Solid fuel briquettes production (manufacture) Solid fuels (wholesale) Solid fuels production (manufacture) Solid sections made of aluminium (manufacture) Solid smokeless ovoids and briquettes preparation (manufacture) 13921 17401 13921 47599 46180 32409 46510 47410 58290 17401 52440 51180 36509 51840 52482 72210 62020 69109 62090 62012 62090 18203 72220 74111 72220 72220 72220 22330 62012 20200 26110 28210 72220 24200 32100 29720 28210 29720 96040 24450 27900 27900 28290 15110 24100 26110 69102 19201 46719 19201 24420 19201 93040 27450 29430 29430 29430 19100 27100 32100 74113 10103 51519 10103 27420 10103 129 S Alphabetical Index SIC 2007 SIC 2003 Activity SIC 2007 SIC 2003 Activity 27900 26110 27900 27900 10832 10620 10831 20120 28290 31100 32100 31100 31100 15862 15620 15861 24120 29240 Solid state battery chargers (manufacture) Solid state circuit (manufacture) Solid state fuel cells (manufacture) Solid state inverters (manufacture) Soluble coffee (manufacture) Soluble starch (manufacture) Soluble tea (manufacture) Solvent dye (manufacture) Solvent extraction equipment for the chemical industry (manufacture) Solvent recovery equipment for the chemical industry (manufacture) Sonar (manufacture) Song writer Sorbet production (manufacture) Sorghum growing Sorting and pelleting of plastics to produce secondary raw material for tubes, flower pots, pallets Sorting and pelleting of plastics to produce secondary raw materials Sorting, grinding and mixing machinery for earth, stones and other mineral substances (manufacture) Sound absorbing materials (manufacture) Sound equipment rental Sound heads (manufacture) Sound insulating materials (manufacture) Sound interface cards (manufacture) Sound or visual signalling equipment for cycles and motor vehicles (manufacture) Sound recording and reproducing equipment (manufacture) Sound recording publishing Sound recording reproduction (manufacture) Sound recording studios Sound transmission via cables, broadcasting, relay or satellite Soup containing meat or vegetables or both (manufacture) Sour cherry growing Souvenirs (retail) Soya bean crushing (manufacture) Soya bean grinding (manufacture) Soya bean milling (manufacture) 25730 10730 10730 25730 28410 28620 15850 15850 28620 29420 Spade (manufacture) Spaghetti (manufacture) Spaghetti canning (manufacture) Spanner (manufacture) Spark erosion machines (metal working) (manufacture) Spark ignition and compression ignition engines (except motor vehicle and outboard) (wholesale) Spark ignition engines for industrial use (manufacture) Sparking plug (manufacture) Sparkling wine (manufacture) Spas Spats made of leather (manufacture) Speaker systems (manufacture) Speakers (after dinner etc.) Special hospital (private sector) Special hospital (public sector) Special purpose caravans (manufacture) Special purpose machinery n.e.c. (wholesale) Special purpose paper (manufacture) Special purpose railway wagon (manufacture) Special schools at primary and pre‑primary level Special schools at secondary level Special sports footwear such as ski boots (wholesale) Special steelworks crane (manufacture) Specialised cleaning of tanks and reservoirs Specialised pollution control activities Specialist (not employed full time by a hospital) Specialist medical consultant (private practice) Specialist medical consultation and treatment Specialist physician and surgeon (private practice) Spectacle cases made of leather (manufacture) Spectacle frames (manufacture) Spectacle glass (manufacture) Spectacle lens (manufacture) Spectacle mounts (manufacture) Spectacles (manufacture) Spectacles (retail) Spectrofluorimeter (electronic) (manufacture) Spectrofluorimeter (non‑electronic) (manufacture) Spectrograph (electronic) (manufacture) Spectrograph (non‑electronic) (manufacture) Spectrometers (electronic) (manufacture) Spectrometers (non‑electronic) (manufacture) Spectrophotometer (manufacture) Spectrum analysers (manufacture) Speech therapist (NHS) Speech therapist (own account) Speed changers (manufacture) Speed indicators and tachometers (wholesale) Speed reading instruction 28290 29240 26511 90030 10520 01110 38320 33201 92319 15520 01110 37200 38320 37200 28923 29523 23990 77210 26400 23990 26120 29310 26829 71401 32300 26829 32100 31610 26400 32300 59200 18201 59200 61100 22140 22310 92119 64200 10890 15891 S Indexes to the UK Standard Industrial Classification of Economic Activities 2007 – UK SIC(2007) 01240 47789 10410 10612 10612 01139 52489 15410 15612 15612 10410 15410 Soya bean oil (crude) (manufacture) 10410 15420 Soya bean oil refining (manufacture) 10612 15612 Soya flour and meal (manufacture) 01110 01110 Soya growing 27520 29720 Space heaters (gas) (manufacture) 27520 29720 Space heaters (oil) (manufacture) 27510 29710 Space heaters for domestic use (electric) (manufacture) 46439 51439 Space heating and soil heating apparatus (electric) (wholesale) 46690 51870 28110 29110 29310 11020 96040 15200 26400 90010 86101 86101 29203 46690 17120 30200 85200 85310 46499 28220 81222 39000 86220 86220 86220 86220 15120 32500 23190 32500 32500 32500 47782 26511 26513 26511 26513 26511 26513 26511 26511 86900 86900 28150 46690 85590 31610 15931 93040 19300 32300 92319 85112 85111 34203 51870 21120 35200 80100 80210 51479 29220 74704 90030 85120 85120 85120 85120 19200 33401 26150 33401 33401 33401 52487 33201 33202 33201 33202 33201 33202 33201 33201 85140 85140 29140 51870 80429 26511 33201 Speedometers (electronic) (manufacture) 30300 35300 Space shuttles (manufacture) 26513 33202 Speedometers (non‑electronic) (manufacture) 51220 62300 Space transport 93199 92629 Speedway racing 51220 62300 Space transport of freight 46720 51520 Spelter (wholesale) 51220 62300 Space transport of passengers 38120 40110 Spent (irradiated) fuel elements (cartridges) of nuclear reactors 51220 62300 Space vehicle launching 30300 35300 Spacecraft (manufacture) 130 20130 23300 Spent nuclear fuel re‑processing (manufacture) Indexes to the UK Standard Industrial Classification of Economic Activities 2007 – UK SIC(2007) Alphabetical Index SIC 2007 SIC 2003 Activity SIC 2007 SIC 2003 Activity 86900 10410 28150 24100 10840 10840 46370 46170 01280 24100 16290 27510 01130 28940 85140 15420 29140 27100 15870 15870 51370 51170 01139 27100 20510 29710 01120 29540 Sperm banks Sperm oil refining (manufacture) Spherical roller bearings (manufacture) Spheroidal graphite pig iron (manufacture) Spice (ground) (manufacture) Spice (purifying) (manufacture) Spice (wholesale) Spice broker (commission agent) Spice crops growing Spiegeleisen (manufacture) Spills made of wood (manufacture) Spin dryer Spinach growing Spindles (textile machinery accessories) (manufacture) Spindles and spindle flyers (manufacture) Spinning and manufacture of yarn for weaving, for the trade or for further processing (manufacture) Spinning and manufacture of yarn or sewing thread, for the trade or further processing (manufacture) Spinning lathes (metal working) (manufacture) Spinning machinery for textiles (manufacture) Spinning machines (manufacture) Spinning on the cotton system (manufacture) Spinning on the flax system (manufacture) Spinning on the woollen system (manufacture) Spinning on the worsted and semi‑worsted systems (manufacture) Spinning wheels made of wood (manufacture) Spiral binding and finishing of books and brochures (manufacture) Spirit distilling and compounding (manufacture) Spirit level (manufacture) Spirit of turpentine (manufacture) Spirits (wholesale) Spiritualist church Spiritualists’ activities Splints (manufacture) Split pole production Split poles, pickets and other products (manufacture) Splitting or cleaving machines for stone, ceramics, asbestos‑cement or similar (manufacture) Splitting, stamping and fragmenting machines (manufacture) Splitwood production Spoke shave (manufacture) Sponge bleaching (manufacture) Sponge dressing (manufacture) Sponge gathering Sponge importer (wholesale) Sponge iron (manufacture) Sponge trimming (manufacture) Sponges made of rubber (manufacture) Spool (textile machinery accessory) (manufacture) Spooling machinery for carpet making (manufacture) Spools made of paper (manufacture) Spools made of wood (manufacture) Spoons made of metal (manufacture) Spoons made of plastic (manufacture) Spoons made of wood (manufacture) 14190 85510 42990 32300 46160 25400 46180 25400 25400 32300 18249 92629 45230 36400 51160 29600 51180 29600 29600 36400 85510 42990 93110 15120 15120 46420 93120 32300 77210 93110 15200 32300 32300 47640 46499 15120 65120 93199 13940 47640 93199 93199 14131 14132 27400 28940 28290 29100 28302 28290 31090 28290 25930 29320 25930 92629 45230 92629 19200 19200 51429 92629 36400 71401 92619 19300 36400 36400 52485 51479 19200 66031 92629 17520 52485 92629 92629 18221 18222 31500 29540 29240 34100 29320 29240 36140 29240 28740 34300 28740 Sporran (manufacture) Sport and game schools Sport facilities construction Sport fishing requisites (manufacture) Sport nets (commission agent) Sporting carbine (manufacture) Sporting goods (commission agent) Sporting gun (manufacture) Sporting rifle (manufacture) Sports and outdoor and indoor games, articles and equipment (manufacture) Sports and recreation education Sports and recreation grounds, laying out Sports arenas Sports bags made of fabric (manufacture) Sports bags made of leather (manufacture) Sports clothes (wholesale) Sports club Sports equipment made of plastic (manufacture) Sports equipment rental Sports facilities operation Sports footwear (manufacture) Sports gloves (specialist) (manufacture) Sports goods (manufacture) Sports goods (retail) Sports goods (wholesale) Sports goods carrier (manufacture) Sports insurance Sports leagues and regulating bodies Sports nets (manufacture) Sports outfitter (retail) Sports referees Sportsmen and sportswomen Sportswear for men and boys (manufacture) Sportswear for women and girls (manufacture) Spotlight (manufacture) Spotting table (manufacture) Spray guns (manufacture) Spraying lorry (manufacture) Spraying machine for agricultural use (manufacture) Spraying machinery parts (manufacture) Spraying of furniture (manufacture) Spring balance (manufacture) Spring presswork (manufacture) Spring suspension for motor vehicles (manufacture) Spring washer (manufacture) 28940 29540 13100 17160 13100 17160 28410 28940 28940 13100 13100 13100 13100 29420 29540 29540 17110 17140 17120 17130 16290 20510 18140 22230 11010 26513 20140 46342 94910 96090 32500 02200 16100 28490 15910 33202 24140 51342 91310 93059 33100 02010 02010 29430 28490 29430 02200 25730 32990 13990 03110 46210 24100 32990 22190 28940 28940 17290 16290 25710 22290 16290 02010 28620 36639 36639 05010 51210 27100 36639 25130 29540 29540 21259 20510 28610 25240 20510 31030 36150 Spring wire mattress (manufacture) 25930 28740 Springs (manufacture) 25930 28740 Springs for upholstery (manufacture) 25930 28740 Springs made of steel for upholstery (manufacture) 28290 29240 Sprinklers for fire extinguishing (manufacture) 28150 29140 Sprocket chain (manufacture) 09100 11200 Spudding in for oil wells 93120 92629 Squash club 11070 15980 Squash drink (manufacture) 32300 36400 Squash racket (manufacture) 32910 36620 Squeegees (manufacture) 28490 29430 Squeeze presses (manufacture) 131 S Alphabetical Index S Indexes to the UK Standard Industrial Classification of Economic Activities 2007 – UK SIC(2007) SIC 2007 SIC 2003 Activity SIC 2007 86900 93290 86900 28990 20590 85140 92729 85140 29560 24660 20590 26110 28220 42990 93110 56290 27400 90010 90020 93110 24660 32100 29220 45230 92629 55520 31500 92311 92311 92629 20301 23120 24100 25720 16230 16230 02200 47789 18129 17290 25500 28410 47789 32990 50200 20600 24301 26120 27100 28630 20300 20300 02010 52485 22220 21259 28400 29420 52485 36631 61102 24700 28230 28230 25930 25990 20600 28490 28490 28230 10620 46380 20520 30010 30010 28730 28750 24700 29430 29430 30010 15620 51380 24620 St Andrew’s ambulance brigade St James’s park St John’s ambulance brigade Stabiliser for ship (manufacture) Stabilisers and extenders for PVC processing (manufacture) Stabilisers for rubber or plastics (manufacture) Stabilising valve (manufacture) Stacking machines (manufacture) Stadium construction Stadium operation Staff canteen (run by catering contractor) Stage lighting (manufacture) Stage productions Stage set designers and builders Staging of sports events by organizations with their own facilities Stain (manufacture) Stained glass (manufacture) Stainless steel (manufacture) Stair rods made of metal (manufacture) Stair rods made of wood (manufacture) Staircase made of wood (manufacture) Stakes (of wood) production Stamp dealer (retail) Stamp embossed paper (manufacture) Stamp hinges (manufacture) Stamping of base metal (manufacture) Stamping or pressing machine tools (manufacture) Stamps (retail) Stamps made of rubber (manufacture) Standby vessel services Staple fibre of acetate, synthetic or viscose production (manufacture) Staple removers (manufacture) Staplers (manufacture) Staples (not wire) (manufacture) Staples for office use (manufacture) Staples of man‑made fibre (manufacture) Stapling machines (machine tools) (manufacture) Stapling machines for industrial use (manufacture) Stapling machines for office use (manufacture) Starch (manufacture) Starch (wholesale) Starch based adhesives (manufacture) 17230 21230 Stationery paper (manufacture) 84110 75110 Statistical services (public sector) 23690 26660 Statuary made of concrete, plaster, cement or artificial stone (manufacture) 25990 28750 Statuettes and other ornaments made of base metal (manufacture) 46150 51150 Statuettes and other ornaments made of wood (commission agent) 23410 26210 Statuettes made of ceramic (manufacture) 22290 25240 Statuettes made of plastic (manufacture) 16290 20510 Statuettes made of wood (manufacture) 28490 29430 Stave and cask croze cutting machines (manufacture) 28490 29430 Stave jointing, planing, bending machinery (manufacture) 16240 20400 Staves made of wood (manufacture) 56101 55301 Steak houses (licensed) 25300 28300 Steam accumulator (manufacture) 28110 29110 Steam and other vapour turbine parts (manufacture) 46690 51870 Steam and sand blasting machinery and appliances (excluding agricultural) (wholesale) 96040 93040 Steam baths 25300 28300 Steam boiler (manufacture) 43999 45250 Steam cleaning for building exteriors 28290 29240 Steam cleaning machines (manufacture) 43390 45450 Steam cleaning of buildings 25300 28300 Steam collector (manufacture) 28110 29110 Steam engine (manufacture) 25300 28300 Steam generator (manufacture) 25300 28300 Steam generator parts (manufacture) 46690 51870 Steam generators (wholesale) 35300 40300 Steam production, collection and distribution 28120 29121 Steam pulsators (pulsometers) (manufacture) 30200 35200 Steam rail locomotives (manufacture) 28110 29110 Steam turbine (not marine or for electricity generation) (manufacture) 28110 29110 Steam turbine for marine use (manufacture) 28110 29110 Steam turbines and other vapour turbines (manufacture) 28940 29540 Steaming machinery for textiles (manufacture) 13300 17300 Steaming of textiles and textile articles, including wearing apparel (manufacture) 20140 24140 Stearic acid (manufacture) 20590 24660 Stearin (manufacture) 08990 14500 Steatite (talc) mining and quarrying 46720 51520 Steel (wholesale) 43999 45250 Steel bending 43999 45250 Steel elements (not self‑manufactured) erection 46750 51550 Starch derivatives (wholesale) 29310 31610 Starter motor for vehicle (manufacture) 68100 70120 Static caravan sales 46690 51870 Static converters (wholesale) 25110 28110 Static drilling derricks (manufacture) 29100 34100 Station wagon (manufacture) 28490 29430 Stationary machines for nailing, glueing or otherwise assembling wood, cork bone, etc. (manufacture) SIC 2003 Activity 24520 27520 Steel founders (manufacture) 24100 27100 Steel in primary form, from ore or scrap, production (manufacture) 24100 27100 Steel making pig iron (manufacture) 23200 26260 Steel moulder’s composition (manufacture) 24100 27100 Steel powders (manufacture) 24100 27100 Steel sheet (not finally annealed) (manufacture) 28490 29430 Stationary rotary or rotary percussion drills, filing machines, sheet metal cutters (manufacture) 24100 27100 Steel shot (manufacture) 46499 51479 Stationers’ sundries (wholesale) 25990 28750 Steel wool for domestic use (manufacture) 46180 51180 28210 29210 Steelmaking furnace (manufacture) Stationery (commission agent) 46720 51520 Steel stockholder (wholesale) 47620 52470 Stationery (retail) 43999 45250 Steelwork erection (building) 46499 51479 Stationery (wholesale) 43999 45250 Steelwork erection (civil engineering) 132 Indexes to the UK Standard Industrial Classification of Economic Activities 2007 – UK SIC(2007) Alphabetical Index SIC 2007 SIC 2003 Activity SIC 2007 SIC 2003 Activity 25110 25110 25110 25110 25110 25110 25110 25110 25110 25110 25110 25110 25110 25110 25110 25110 43999 29320 30920 28110 28110 28110 28110 28110 28110 28110 28110 28110 28110 28110 28110 28110 28110 28110 28110 45250 34300 35430 Steelwork for agricultural buildings (manufacture) Steelwork for bridges (manufacture) Steelwork for buildings (manufacture) Steelwork for commercial buildings (manufacture) Steelwork for distribution depots (manufacture) Steelwork for docks (manufacture) Steelwork for domestic buildings (manufacture) Steelwork for exhibition centres (manufacture) Steelwork for factory buildings (manufacture) Steelwork for glass roofs (manufacture) Steelwork for harbours (manufacture) Steelwork for hospital buildings (manufacture) Steelwork for jetties (manufacture) Steelwork for school buildings (manufacture) Steelwork for tunnels (manufacture) Steelwork for viaducts (manufacture) Steeplejacking Steering box for motor vehicle (manufacture) Steering column and gear for powered invalid carriage (manufacture) Steering column for motor vehicle (manufacture) Steering equipment components for motor vehicles (manufacture) Steering gear for marine use (manufacture) Steering wheels for motor vehicle (manufacture) Stemmed drinking vessels made of glass (manufacture) Stencil basepaper (manufacture) Stencil duplicating (manufacture) Stencil duplicating machines (manufacture) Stencil paper in large sheets (manufacture) Stencil paper in rolls (manufacture) Stenography machines (manufacture) Stentering machinery for textiles (manufacture) Step ladders made of wood (manufacture) Steps made of metal (manufacture) Steps made of wood (manufacture) Stereo systems (manufacture) Stereotyping (manufacture) Sterilisation equipment for food and drink (manufacture) Sterilisation of objects or premises (e.g. operating theatres) Sterilised bone flour (not for fertilisers) (manufacture) Sterilised cream (manufacture) Sterilisers for medical, surgical or laboratory use (wholesale) Sterilising equipment for medical use (manufacture) Sterilizers (manufacture) Stern gear (manufacture) Steroids used primarily as hormones (commission agent) Steroids used primarily as hormones (wholesale) Sterro metal (manufacture) Stevedoring Stewpans (manufacture) Sticking plaster (surgical) (manufacture) Stiffened textile fabrics (manufacture) Stillage made of metal (manufacture) Stillage made of wood (manufacture) 28220 23200 84230 46640 28990 18140 18129 82990 66110 64991 59120 49410 63910 66110 29220 26260 75230 51830 29560 22230 22220 74879 67110 65233 92119 60249 92400 67110 Stillage truck (manufacture) Stilts made of ceramic (manufacture) Stipendiary magistrates Stitch bonding machinery (wholesale) Stitching machine for bookbinding (manufacture) Stitching of books, brochures, etc. (manufacture) Stochastic printing (manufacture) Stock control activities Stock exchange activities Stock exchange money broker activities Stock footage, film library activities Stock haulage by road Stock market reporting service Stock or commodity options exchanges administration Stock preparation plant for paper and board (manufacture) Stockinette goods (manufacture) Stockings (manufacture) Stockings for women and girls (manufacture) Stoles made of fur (manufacture) Stone articles for use in construction (manufacture) Stone carving Stone chippings production Stone dust production Stone fruit growing Stone furniture (manufacture) Stone setting Stone walling Stone working (manufacture) Stonemasonry (building) Stones (wholesale) Stones for sharpening or polishing (manufacture) Stoneware for domestic use (manufacture) Stonework cleaning and renovation Stop watch (manufacture) Stopcocks for domestic use (manufacture) Stopper insets made of cork (manufacture) Stoppers made of cork (manufacture) Stoppers made of glass (manufacture) Stoppers made of metal (manufacture) Storage cabinets for domestic use (manufacture) Storage facilities n.e.c. for air transport activities Storage facilities n.e.c. for land transport activities Storage facilities n.e.c. for water transport activities Storage heaters (manufacture) Storage of goods in foreign trade zones for air transport activities Storage of goods in foreign trade zones for land transport activities Storage of goods in foreign trade zones for water transport activities Storage tanks made of heavy steel plate exceeding 300 litres (manufacture) Storage tanks made of plastic (manufacture) Storage tanks operation for air transport activities Storage tanks operation for land transport activities Storage tanks operation for water transport activities Store detective activities Storing yarn (manufacture) 29320 34300 29320 34300 28990 29560 29320 34300 23130 26130 17120 17230 28230 17120 17120 28230 28940 16290 25990 16290 26400 18130 28930 21120 21230 30010 21120 21120 30010 29540 20510 28750 20510 32300 22240 29530 81222 74704 10110 15112 10511 15511 46460 51460 32500 32500 28990 46180 33100 33100 29560 51180 46460 24450 52241 25990 32500 13960 25990 16240 51460 27450 63110 28750 24422 17549 28750 20400 28950 29550 14310 14310 14310 14200 23610 43999 08120 08120 01240 23700 43999 43999 23700 43999 46730 23910 23410 43390 26520 28140 16290 16290 23130 25920 31090 52102 52103 52101 27510 52102 17710 17710 17710 18300 26610 45250 14210 14210 01139 26700 45250 45250 26700 45250 51530 26810 26210 45450 33500 29130 20520 20520 26130 28720 36140 63129 63129 63129 29710 63129 52103 63129 52101 63129 25290 28210 22230 52102 52103 52101 80100 13300 25239 63122 63122 63122 74602 17300 133 S Alphabetical Index SIC 2007 SIC 2003 Activity SIC 2007 SIC 2003 Activity 11050 27520 27520 27520 81223 25610 27520 28921 28220 46690 15960 29720 29720 29720 74705 28510 29720 29521 29220 51870 25990 15120 24100 43999 43999 25110 23610 28750 19200 27100 45250 45250 28110 26610 25110 28110 25110 28110 10390 10390 13960 25930 15330 15330 17549 28730 Stout brewing (manufacture) Stove (gas) (manufacture) Stove (oil) (manufacture) Stove (solid fuel) (manufacture) Stove cleaning Stove painting (manufacture) Stoves for domestic use (non‑electric) (manufacture) Stowing machine for mining (manufacture) Straddle carrier (manufacture) Straddle carriers and works trucks fitted with a crane (wholesale) Strained fruit (manufacture) Strained vegetables (manufacture) Straining cloth (manufacture) Stranded un‑insulated wire made of copper (manufacture) Stranded wires, cables, plaited bands, slings and the like (not electrically insulated) (wholesale) Strap paste for transmission belts (manufacture) Straps made of leather (manufacture) Strategic business plan consultancy services Straw (wholesale) Straw and felt hats (wholesale) Straw articles (manufacture) Straw hat blocking (manufacture) Straw hats (manufacture) Strawberry growing Strawboard (manufacture) Strawpaper (manufacture) Street car (scheduled passenger transport) Street cleaning and watering Street construction Street furniture (manufacture) Street lighting fixtures (manufacture) Street musician or singer Street patrol Street photographer Street sweepers (manufacture) Street sweeping lorry (manufacture) Strength and failure testing Stretch covers for furniture (manufacture) Stretchers made of canvas (manufacture) Striking of medals (manufacture) String (manufacture) String bag (manufacture) String made of asbestos (manufacture) Stringed instruments (manufacture) Strings for musical instruments (manufacture) Strip flooring made of hardwood (manufacture) Strip processing line furnace (manufacture) Strips made of aluminium (manufacture) Strips made of brass (manufacture) Strips made of copper (manufacture) Strips made of plastic (manufacture) Strips made of rubber (manufacture) Stroboscope (manufacture) Stroboscopes (wholesale) Strong box (manufacture) Strong room (manufacture) 43310 01430 25930 01629 94990 94910 55900 55900 94990 31090 85421 45410 01220 28740 01429 91330 91310 55239 55239 91330 36110 80302 32409 10840 32990 26400 20140 20160 53100 36509 15870 36631 32300 24140 24160 64110 30110 27320 28131 26301 27110 35110 31300 29121 32201 31100 Strong room door (manufacture) Strops made of leather (manufacture) Structural steel (manufacture) Structural steelwork erection (building) Structural steelwork erection (civil engineering) Structural steelwork for buildings (manufacture) Structural wall panels made of precast concrete (manufacture) Structures for buildings made of aluminium (manufacture) Structures for civil engineering made of aluminium (manufacture) Stucco application in buildings Stud farming Stud link chain (manufacture) Stud services on a fee or contract basis Student associations Student Christian Movement Student house accommodation Student residences Student Union Studio couch (manufacture) Study leading to a one year post graduate certificate of education (PGCE) Stuffed toy (manufacture) Stuffing (manufacture) Stylographic pen (manufacture) Stylus for record player (manufacture) Styrene (manufacture) Styrene polymers (manufacture) Sub post office (principally devoted to post office business) Submarine (manufacture) Submarine cable (manufacture) Submersible motor pump (manufacture) Subscriber apparatus (telephone) (manufacture) Substation transformers for electric power distribution (manufacture) Sub‑surface surveying activities Subsurface work Suburban area passenger railway transportation by underground, metro and similar systems Suburban scheduled passenger land transport other than by underground, metro and similar systems Subway construction Suction and discharge hose made of rubber (manufacture) Suet (manufacture) Sugar (wholesale) Sugar and chocolate and sugar confectionery exporter (wholesale) Sugar and chocolate and sugar confectionery importer (wholesale) Sugar beet growing 46690 51870 S Indexes to the UK Standard Industrial Classification of Economic Activities 2007 – UK SIC(2007) 19209 15120 70229 46210 46420 16290 14190 14190 01250 17120 17120 49319 81299 42110 25990 27400 90010 80100 74209 29100 29100 71200 13921 13922 25990 13940 13940 23990 32200 32200 16220 28210 24420 24440 24440 22210 22190 26513 46690 25990 25990 134 23209 19200 74143 51210 51429 20520 18241 18241 01139 21120 21120 60219 90030 45230 28750 31500 92311 74602 74819 34100 34100 74300 17401 17402 28750 17520 17520 26821 36300 36300 20300 29210 27420 27440 27440 25210 25130 33202 51870 28750 28750 71122 74206 43999 45240 49311 60213 49319 60219 42120 45213 22190 25130 10110 15112 46360 51360 46360 51360 46360 51360 01130 01110 28302 29320 Sugar beet harvester (manufacture) 01130 01110 01140 01110 Sugar beet seed production Sugar cane growing 10822 15842 Sugar confectionery (manufacture) 47240 52240 Sugar confectionery (retail) 28930 29530 Sugar confectionery making machinery (manufacture) Indexes to the UK Standard Industrial Classification of Economic Activities 2007 – UK SIC(2007) SIC 2007 SIC 2003 46180 51180 28930 10810 10810 10810 29530 15830 15830 15830 10810 15830 10810 15830 10810 15830 10810 15830 25720 28630 15120 19200 16240 13200 13200 14131 14132 17110 19100 20400 17220 17230 18221 18222 21110 23100 35210 46750 17110 17120 46180 21100 46460 20130 46750 20120 20130 13922 32990 46499 20420 40210 51550 21110 21120 51180 24410 51460 24130 51550 24120 24130 17402 36639 51479 24520 10410 10410 01110 01110 10410 23190 32500 13100 32990 32990 65300 25300 47110 15420 15410 01110 01110 15410 26150 33401 17170 36639 36639 66020 28300 52112 47110 52113 20150 24150 23510 26510 47110 52112 Alphabetical Index Activity SIC 2007 SIC 2003 Activity Sugar ethers, sugar esters and their salts and chemically pure sugar (commission agent) Sugar making and refining machinery (manufacture) Sugar milling (manufacture) Sugar refining (manufacture) Sugar substitutes refining and production (manufacture) Sugar sucrose and sugar substitutes from cane, manufacture or refining (manufacture) Sugar sucrose and sugar substitutes from maple, manufacture or refining (manufacture) Sugar sucrose and sugar substitutes from palm, manufacture or refining (manufacture) Sugar syrups (manufacture) Suitcase fittings made of metal (manufacture) Suitcases made of leather or leather substitute (manufacture) Suitcases made of wood (manufacture) Suiting woollen weaving (manufacture) Suiting worsted weaving (manufacture) Suits for men and boys (manufacture) Suits for women and girls (dressmade) (manufacture) Sulphate and soda woodpulp (manufacture) Sulphate of ammonia from coke ovens (manufacture) Sulphate of ammonia from gas works Sulphides, sulphites and sulphates (wholesale) Sulphite woodpulp (manufacture) Sulphite wrapping paper (manufacture) Sulphonamides (commission agent) Sulphonamides (manufacture) Sulphonamides (wholesale) Sulphur (manufacture) Sulphur (wholesale) Sulphur dye (manufacture) Sulphuric acid (manufacture) Sun blinds (manufacture) Sun car (manufacture) Sun umbrellas and garden umbrellas (wholesale) Sunburn prevention and sun tan preparations (manufacture) Sunflower oil refining (manufacture) Sunflower seed crushing (manufacture) Sunflower seed growing Sunflower seed production Sunflower‑seed oil production (manufacture) Sunglass blank (manufacture) Sunglasses (manufacture) Sunn hemp (manufacture) Sunshade (manufacture) Sun‑umbrellas (manufacture) Superannuation fund (autonomous) Super‑heaters (manufacture) Supermarket (selling mainly foodstuffs) with alcohol licence (retail) Supermarket (selling mainly foodstuffs) without alcohol licence (retail) Superphosphate (manufacture) Superphosphate cements (manufacture) Superstore (selling mainly foodstuffs) with alcohol licence (retail) 47110 52113 Superstore (selling mainly foodstuffs) without alcohol licence (retail) Supper bar or room (unlicensed) Supply and provision of personnel (temporary employment agency) Supply line (third rail) for railway construction Support activities to performing arts e.g. stage set‑up, costume and lighting design etc. Support for defence plans and exercises for civilians Supreme court of judicature Surface active chemicals (excluding finished detergents and scouring powder) (manufacture) Surface active preparations (manufacture) Surface mining of hard coal Surface tempering machines (manufacture) Surface tension instruments (electronic) (manufacture) Surface tension instruments (non‑electronic) (manufacture) Surface work on elevated highways, bridges and in tunnels Surface work on streets, roads, highways, bridges or tunnels Surfboard (manufacture) Surge damper for hydraulic equipment (manufacture) Surge suppressors (manufacture) Surgeon (private practice) Surgeon (public sector) Surgery (doctor’s) Surgical and dental instruments and appliances (wholesale) Surgical appliances (retail) Surgical bandage (manufacture) Surgical belts (manufacture) Surgical boot (manufacture) Surgical corset (manufacture) Surgical drapes and sterile string and tissue (manufacture) Surgical dressing (manufacture) Surgical equipment (manufacture) Surgical gauze (manufacture) Surgical goods made of rubber (manufacture) Surgical gut string (manufacture) Surgical hosiery (manufacture) Surgical implants (manufacture) Surgical instrument (manufacture) 56102 55302 78200 74500 42120 45213 90020 92320 84220 75220 84230 75230 20590 24660 20411 05102 28410 26511 24511 10102 29420 33201 26513 33202 42110 45230 42110 45230 32300 28990 27900 86220 86101 86210 46460 36400 29560 31200 85120 85111 85120 51460 47749 32500 32500 32500 32500 32500 52329 24422 33100 33100 33100 17403 32500 32500 32500 32500 32500 32500 32500 32500 24422 33100 24422 25130 24422 33100 33100 33100 32500 24422 Surgical lint (manufacture) 32500 24422 Surgical sutures (manufacture) 32500 33100 Surgical truss (manufacture) 32500 24422 Surgical wadding (manufacture) 14120 18210 Surplice (manufacture) 80100 74602 Surveillance activities 73200 74130 Survey analysis and other social and economic intelligence services 73200 74130 Survey design services 71122 74206 Surveying activities (industrial and engineering) 26511 33201 Surveying instruments (electronic) (manufacture) 26513 33202 Surveying instruments (non‑electronic) (manufacture) 26513 33202 Surveying instruments (optical non‑electronic) (manufacture) 135 S Alphabetical Index SIC 2007 T SIC 2003 Indexes to the UK Standard Industrial Classification of Economic Activities 2007 – UK SIC(2007) Activity 26701 33201 Surveying instruments (optical) (manufacture) 46690 51870 Surveying, hydrographic, oceanographic, hydrological and meteorological instruments (wholesale) 71122 74206 Surveyor (other than valuer) 68310 70310 Surveyor and valuer (real estate) 85590 80429 Survival training 14142 18232 Suspender (manufacture) 14142 18232 Suspender belt (manufacture) 28220 29220 Suspension railway (manufacture) 29320 34300 Suspension shock absorbers for motor vehicle (manufacture) 29320 34300 Suspension springs for motor vehicle (manufacture) 28410 29420 Swaging machine (metal forming) (manufacture) 64999 65239 Swaps, options and other hedging arrangements 01130 01120 Swede growing 10720 15820 Sweet crackers (manufacture) 01130 01120 Sweet marjoram growing 01130 01110 Sweet potato growing 10519 15519 Sweetened skimmed whey production (manufacture) 47240 52240 Sweets (retail) 10822 15842 Sweets (sugar confectionery) (manufacture) 46499 51479 Swimming and paddling pools (wholesale) 93110 92619 Swimming baths 93120 92629 Swimming clubs 85510 92629 Swimming instruction 81299 74709 Swimming pool cleaning and maintenance activities 93110 92619 Swimming pools 41201 45230 Swimming pools construction 14190 18249 Swimwear (manufacture) 01460 01230 Swine farming 01460 01230 Swine raising and breeding 28990 36639 Swings (fairground equipment) (manufacture) 32300 36400 Swings for playgrounds (manufacture) 13990 17541 Swiss embroidery (manufacture) 27330 31200 Switch (electric) (manufacture) 27330 31200 Switch boxes for electrical wiring (manufacture) 93210 92330 Switchback (fairground) 26301 32201 Switchboard for telecommunications (manufacture) 46690 51870 Switches (wholesale) 26110 31200 Switches and transducers for electronic applications (manufacture) 27120 31200 Switchgear (power) (manufacture) 52219 60109 Switching and shunting 52219 60101 Switching and shunting on railways 26301 32201 Switching equipment for telegraph and telex (manufacture) 25710 28750 Sword (manufacture) 46690 51870 Swords, cutlasses, bayonets, lances and similar arms (wholesale) 71200 74300 Sworn timber measurer 71200 74300 Sworn weigher 94910 91310 Synagogue 20140 24140 Synthetic alcohol (manufacture) 46120 51120 Synthetic and organic colouring matter, colouring lakes and preparations (commission agent) 10910 15710 Synthetic animal feed protein (manufacture) 20140 24140 Synthetic aromatic products (manufacture) 20411 24511 Synthetic detergent (manufacture) 20120 24120 Synthetic dyestuffs (manufacture) 136 SIC 2007 SIC 2003 Activity 20140 20600 17110 20140 20120 20140 24140 24700 21110 24140 24120 24140 Synthetic ethyl alcohol (manufacture) Synthetic fibre (manufacture) Synthetic fibre woodpulp (manufacture) Synthetic glycerol (manufacture) Synthetic iron oxide (manufacture) Synthetic or reconstructed precious or semi‑precious stones (manufacture) Synthetic or reconstructed precious or semi‑precious unworked stones (commission agent) Synthetic or reconstructed precious or semi‑precious unworked stones (wholesale) Synthetic organic colouring matter and colouring lakes and preparations based on them (wholesale) Synthetic organic pigment (manufacture) Synthetic precious and semi‑precious stones (manufacture) Synthetic resin (wholesale) Synthetic resin adhesive (manufacture) Synthetic resin adhesive (unformulated) (manufacture) Synthetic resins (manufacture) Synthetic rubber (commission agent) Synthetic rubber (manufacture) Synthetic rubber (wholesale) Synthetic rubber and natural rubber mixtures (manufacture) Synthetic, organic or inorganic tanning extracts and preparations (commission agent) Syphons made of glass (manufacture) Syringes (manufacture) Syringes, needles, catheters and cannulae (wholesale) Syrup (sugar) (manufacture) System maintenance and support services System software acceptance testing consultancy services Systems analysis (computer) Systems and technical consultancy services Table jelly (manufacture) Table linen (manufacture) Table linen (retail) Table mats made of textiles (manufacture) Table or parlour games (manufacture) Table runner (manufacture) Table tennis ball (manufacture) Table tennis equipment (manufacture) Table water (manufacture) Table‑cloths (retail) Table‑cloths made of paper (manufacture) Tables for casino games (manufacture) Tables for domestic use (manufacture) Tables for office or school (manufacture) Tables for turn‑tables (manufacture) 46120 51120 46760 51550 46750 51550 20120 24120 32120 36220 46750 51550 20520 24620 20160 24160 20160 46120 20170 46760 20170 24160 51120 24170 51550 24170 46120 51120 23130 26130 32500 33100 46460 51460 10810 15830 62012 72220 62020 72220 62012 62020 10390 13923 47510 13923 32409 13923 32300 32300 11070 47510 17220 32401 31090 31010 26400 72220 72220 15330 17403 52410 17403 36509 17403 36400 36400 15980 52410 21220 36501 36140 36120 32300 25730 29560 Tableting and pelleting press for the chemical industry (manufacture) 46150 51150 Tableware and kitchenware made of wood (commission agent) 25990 28750 Tableware made of base metal (manufacture) 23410 26210 Tableware made of ceramic (manufacture) 23130 26130 Tableware made of glass (manufacture) 23130 26130 Tableware made of lead crystal (manufacture) Indexes to the UK Standard Industrial Classification of Economic Activities 2007 – UK SIC(2007) Alphabetical Index SIC 2007 SIC 2003 Activity SIC 2007 SIC 2003 Activity 22290 32120 77299 17290 28230 63110 26511 26513 25930 13200 13200 19201 28220 14131 14132 25240 36220 71409 21259 30010 72300 33201 33202 28730 17240 17220 23201 29220 18221 18222 07290 28140 13300 28230 28290 28230 26400 13200 29130 17300 30010 33202 30010 32300 14132 32990 32990 22290 14190 25710 46770 56103 56103 08990 20420 46760 26513 46630 17220 18222 36631 36639 36639 18249 28610 51570 55303 55304 14500 24520 51560 33202 51820 21220 17220 30920 01230 30110 29202 30200 30400 17549 35420 01139 35110 34202 35200 29600 Tableware made of plastic (manufacture) Tableware made of precious metal (manufacture) Tableware rental and leasing Tabulating machine cards (manufacture) Tabulating machines (manufacture) Tabulating service Tachometer (electronic) (manufacture) Tachometer (non‑electronic) (manufacture) Tack made of metal (not wire) (manufacture) Taffeta made of silk (manufacture) Taffeta woollen weaving (manufacture) Tail gas (manufacture) Tailboard lift (manufacture) Tailored outerwear for men and boys (manufacture) Tailored outerwear for women and girls (manufacture) Tailored skirts (manufacture) Tailors’ chalk (manufacture) Tailors’ dummy (not plastic) (manufacture) Tailors’ dummy made of plastic (manufacture) Tailors’ pad (manufacture) Tailors’ shears (manufacture) Tailors’ trimmings (wholesale) Take away food shop Take‑out eating places Talc mine or quarry Talcum powder (manufacture) Tallow (wholesale) Tally counters (non‑electronic) (manufacture) Tamping machines (wholesale) Tampons made of paper and cellulose wadding (manufacture) Tampons made of textile wadding (manufacture) Tandems (manufacture) Tangerine growing Tanker (ship) (manufacture) Tanker trailer (motor drawn) (manufacture) Tanker wagon for railway (manufacture) Tanks (tracked armoured fighting vehicles) (manufacture) Tanks and other fighting vehicles (manufacture) Tanks made of galvanised steel exceeding 300 litres (manufacture) Tantalum mining and preparation Tap parts (manufacture) Tape bleaching (manufacture) Tape dispensers (manufacture) Tape measure (manufacture) Tape office‑type binding equipment (manufacture) Tape player and recorder (audio and visual) (manufacture) Tape pre‑recording, except master copies for records or audio material (manufacture) Tape reader for computers (manufacture) Tape recorder cabinets made of wood (manufacture) Tape recorders (retail) Tape streamers and other magnetic tape storage units (manufacture) Taped radio programming production Tapered roller bearings (manufacture) Tapers and the like (manufacture) Tapes (music and video) lending and storage Tapes (recorded) (wholesale) Tapes made of asbestos (manufacture) Tapes made of non‑elastic and non‑elastomeric textile materials (manufacture) Tapestry (not woollen or worsted) (manufacture) Tapestry making materials (retail) Tapestry woollen weaving (manufacture) Tapioca (manufacture) Tapioca grinding (manufacture) Taps (manufacture) Taps and valves made of plastic (manufacture) Taps for domestic use (manufacture) Tar acids (manufacture) Tar laying plant (manufacture) Tar processing plant (manufacture) Tar spraying contractor (civil engineering) Tarmacadam laying contracting Tarmacadam laying plant (manufacture) Tarmacadam processing plant (manufacture) Tarmacadam (coated) production Tarpaulins (manufacture) Tarpaulins (retail) Tarpaulins (wholesale) Tarpaulins, awnings, sunblinds and circus tents (commission agent) Tarragon growing Tarts (manufacture) Tassels made of textile material (manufacture) 30400 29600 25290 28210 23190 26150 Tanks made of glass (manufacture) 25290 28210 Tanks made of metal exceeding 300 litres (manufacture) 25290 28210 Tanks made of metal for domestic storage exceeding 300 litres (manufacture) 18201 22310 26200 26400 47430 26200 30020 32300 52450 30020 59200 28150 32990 91011 46431 23990 13960 92201 29140 36639 92510 51431 26821 17542 13200 47510 13200 10620 10620 28140 22230 28140 20140 28923 28923 42110 42110 28923 28923 08120 13922 47510 46410 46160 17210 52410 17220 15620 15620 29130 25239 29130 24140 29523 29523 45230 45230 29523 29523 14210 17402 52410 51410 51160 01130 01120 10710 15810 13960 17542 91020 92521 Tate Gallery 22230 25239 Tanks made of plastic (open and closed) (manufacture) 96090 93059 Tattooist 46690 51870 Tanks, casks, drums, cans, boxes and similar containers (excluding for gas) (wholesale) 56302 55404 Taverns (managed) 20120 24120 Tanning agents (synthetic) (manufacture) 28990 31620 Tanning beds (manufacture) 56302 55402 Taverns (independent) 56302 55403 Taverns (tenanted) 69203 74123 Tax consultancy Tax violation investigation services Taxation schemes 15110 19100 Tanning leather (manufacture) 84110 75110 15110 18300 Tanning of fur skins and hides with the hair on (manufacture) 84110 75110 18129 22220 Taxation stamps printing (manufacture) 15110 19100 Tanning of hairless skins and hides (manufacture) 29100 34100 Taxi (manufacture) 46750 51550 Tanning preparations (wholesale) 49320 60220 Taxi cab service 24450 27450 Tantalum (manufacture) 32990 36639 Taxidermy activities (manufacture) 137 T Alphabetical Index T Indexes to the UK Standard Industrial Classification of Economic Activities 2007 – UK SIC(2007) SIC 2007 SIC 2003 Activity SIC 2007 26511 26513 46690 10831 46370 47290 10831 56103 10831 16240 46170 10831 56102 01270 47290 46370 10831 33201 33202 51870 15861 51370 52270 15861 55304 15861 20400 51170 15861 55302 01139 52270 51370 15861 28930 56102 25990 13923 52102 52103 52101 85590 85510 94120 32990 78200 29530 55302 28750 17403 63129 63129 63129 80429 92629 91120 36639 74500 25990 23410 32120 02300 28940 28750 26210 36220 02010 29540 22190 71200 90030 85320 25130 74300 92319 80429 Taximeters (electronic) (manufacture) Taximeters (non‑electronic) (manufacture) Taximeters (wholesale) Tea (packing into tea bags) (manufacture) Tea (wholesale) Tea and coffee grocer (retail) Tea and maté blending (manufacture) Tea bar Tea blending (manufacture) Tea chests made of wood (manufacture) Tea exchange (commission agent) Tea extract and essence (manufacture) Tea garden (unlicensed) Tea growing Tea merchant (retail) Tea merchant (wholesale) Tea or maté based extracts and preparations (manufacture) Tea processing machinery and plant (manufacture) Tea room or shop (unlicensed) Tea sets made of base metal (manufacture) Tea towels (manufacture) Tea warehouse for air transport activities Tea warehouse for land transport activities Tea warehouse for water transport activities Teacher n.e.c. Teachers of sport Teachers’ Registration Council Teaching aids (electronic) (manufacture) Teaching personnel (supply) (temporary employment agency) Teapots made of base metal (manufacture) Teapots made of ceramic (manufacture) Teapots made of precious metal (manufacture) Teasel growing Teasel rod (textile machinery accessory) (manufacture) Teats made of rubber (manufacture) Technical and non‑destructive testing services Technical and training manual authors Technical and vocational adult education (excl. cultural, sports, recreation education and the like) Technical and vocational education Technical and vocational secondary education Technical assistance and training programmes abroad (public sector) Technical automobile inspection activities Technical ceramic products (manufacture) Technical college Technical inspection services of buildings Technical organisations Technical tallow (manufacture) Technical testing of bridges and other engineering structures Technical testing of lifting and handling equipment Technical toy (manufacture) Technical white oil (manufacture) Technological museums Telecommunication instruments and apparatus (wholesale) 61100 64200 Telecommunication network maintenance (wired telecommunications) 71122 74206 Telecommunications consultancy activities 46520 51860 Telecommunications equipment (wholesale) 47429 52482 Telecommunications equipment other than mobile telephones (retail) 46520 51860 Telecommunications machinery, equipment and materials for professional use (wholesale) 61900 64200 Telecommunications resellers 61300 64200 Telecommunications satellite relay station 27320 31300 Telecommunications wire (manufacture) 61100 64200 Teleconferencing services (wired telecommunications) 28220 29220 Teleferics (manufacture) 61100 64200 Telegram service 26301 32201 Telegraph apparatus (manufacture) 61100 64200 Telegraph communication 16100 20100 Telegraph poles (manufacture) 26511 33201 Telemetering instruments (manufacture) 26511 33201 Telemetric equipment (manufacture) 26301 32201 Telephone (manufacture) 46520 51860 Telephone and communications equipment (wholesale) 61900 64200 Telephone and internet access in public facilities 26301 32300 Telephone answering machines (manufacture) 26301 32201 Telephone apparatus (manufacture) 63990 74879 Telephone based information services 58120 22110 Telephone books (in print) publishing 25110 28110 Telephone booths made of metal (manufacture) 81222 74704 Telephone cleaning and sterilising service 61100 64200 Telephone communication (wired telecommunications) 47910 52610 Telephone direct sales (retail) 61100 64200 Telephone exchange 26301 32201 Telephone exchange equipment (manufacture) 26301 32201 Telephone exchanges (manufacture) 26301 32201 Telephone handset (manufacture) 77390 71340 Telephone hire (other than by public telephone undertakings) 61100 64200 Telephone service (wired telecommunications) 61100 64200 Telephone service operation of 0898 numbers 81222 74704 Telephone sterilising 26301 32201 Teleprinter (manufacture) 26701 33402 Telescope (manufacture) 26701 33402 Telescopic sights (manufacture) 61100 64200 Teletext and other electronic message and information services (wired telecommunications) 77291 71403 Television (domestic) hire 60200 92202 Television broadcasting station 26400 32300 Television cabinets made of wood (manufacture) 26309 32202 Television camera (manufacture) 26702 33403 Television camera lens (manufacture) 26110 32100 Television camera tubes (manufacture) 46439 51439 Television cameras for domestic use (wholesale) 46520 51860 Television cameras for professional use (wholesale) 60200 92202 Television channel programme creation from purchased and/or self produced programme components 47910 52610 Television direct sales (retail) 59133 92202 Television distribution rights acquisition 77390 71340 Television equipment (not domestic) rental and operating leasing 85320 80220 85320 80220 84210 75210 71200 23440 85320 71200 94120 10410 71200 74300 26240 80220 74300 91120 15410 74300 71200 32409 19201 91020 46520 74300 36509 23201 92521 51860 138 SIC 2003 Activity Indexes to the UK Standard Industrial Classification of Economic Activities 2007 – UK SIC(2007) Alphabetical Index SIC 2007 SIC 2003 Activity SIC 2007 SIC 2003 Activity 47430 26400 26110 59120 59133 59113 60200 26309 60200 26110 60200 47430 59113 26309 26301 26301 61100 88990 56102 26513 52450 32300 32100 92202 92120 92202 64200 32300 64200 32100 92202 52450 92202 32202 32201 32201 64200 85321 55302 33202 Television goods (retail) Television monitors and displays (manufacture) Television picture tube (manufacture) Television post‑production activities Television programme distribution activities Television programme production activities Television programmes transmission Television receiver (manufacture) Television relay service Television scan coil (manufacture) Television service Television sets and equipment (retail) Television studio Television transmitter (manufacture) Telewriter (manufacture) Telex machine (manufacture) Telex service (wired telecommunications) Temperance association Temperance buffet Temperature measuring and control instrument (non‑electronic) (manufacture) Temperature regulators (manufacture) Temple (for worship) Temporary accommodation for the homeless (charitable) Temporary accommodation for the homeless (non‑charitable) Temporary employment agency activities Temporary homeless shelters (charitable) Temporary homeless shelters (non‑charitable) Tenders (manufacture) Tennis ball core (manufacture) Tennis balls (finished) (manufacture) Tennis club Tennis court Tennis courts construction Tennis racket (manufacture) Tension strapping tool (manufacture) Tensional steel strapping (manufacture) Tent poles made of wood (manufacture) Tents (manufacture) Tents (wholesale) Tents and other camping goods (commission agent) Terminal equipment for telegraphic and data communications (manufacture) Terminal facilities operation (air transport) Terminal facilities operation (land transport) Terminal facilities operation (water transport) Terminals for electronic apparatus (manufacture) Terminals for issuing of tickets and reservations (manufacture) Terneplate (manufacture) Terracotta ware (manufacture) Terrazzo work (building) Territorial Army Terry fabrics (manufacture) Terry towelling (manufacture) Tertiary college Tessellated glazed pavement tiles (manufacture) Tesserae made of earthenware (manufacture) 26511 26513 43130 09100 43130 23190 30200 71200 33201 33202 45120 11200 45120 26150 35200 74300 26511 33201 Test benches (electronic) (manufacture) Test benches (non‑electronic) (manufacture) Test boring for construction Test boring incidental to oil and gas extraction Test drilling for construction Test tube (manufacture) Test wagons for railway (manufacture) Testing and measuring of environmental indicators: air and water pollution Testing instruments and appliances (electronic) (manufacture) Testing instruments and appliances (non‑electronic) (manufacture) Testing machines and equipment (electronic) (manufacture) Testing of calculations for building elements Testing of composition and purity of minerals Testing of physical characteristics and performance of materials Testing or analysing laboratory Tetrachloroethylene (manufacture) Textile binding and mending (manufacture) Textile bleaching (manufacture) Textile calendering (manufacture) Textile chemical auxiliaries (manufacture) Textile converter (wholesale) Textile dressing or impregnating machinery (manufacture) Textile dyeing (manufacture) Textile embossing (manufacture) Textile ending and mending (manufacture) Textile fabric making machinery (manufacture) Textile fibre preparation machinery (manufacture) Textile fibre preparation machinery (wholesale) Textile fibres (wholesale) Textile finishing (manufacture) Textile industry machinery (wholesale) Textile lacquering (manufacture) Textile machinery (manufacture) Textile material cordage (manufacture) Textile or wallpaper printing designing Textile packing incidental to transport Textile part of electric blankets (manufacture) Textile plants growing Textile printing machinery (manufacture) 28140 29130 94910 91310 87900 85311 87900 85312 78200 87900 87900 30200 22190 32300 93120 93110 42990 32300 25730 25990 16290 13922 46499 46180 26301 74500 85311 85312 35200 25130 36400 92629 92619 45230 36400 28620 28750 20510 17402 51479 51180 32201 52230 52213 52220 26110 28230 63230 63210 63220 31200 30010 24100 23410 43330 84220 13910 13200 85320 23310 23310 27100 26210 45430 75220 17600 17210 80220 26300 26300 26513 33202 26511 33201 71200 74300 71200 74300 71200 74300 71200 20140 13300 13300 13300 20590 46410 28940 74300 24140 17300 17300 17300 24660 51410 29540 13300 13300 13300 28940 28940 46640 46760 13300 46640 13300 28940 13940 74100 52290 13923 01160 28940 17300 17300 17300 29540 29540 51830 51560 17300 51830 17300 29540 17520 74872 63400 17403 01110 29560 46110 51110 Textile raw materials (commission agent) 20411 24511 Textile soap (manufacture) 20411 24511 Textile softeners (manufacture) 46640 51830 Textile spinning, doubling or twisting machinery (wholesale) 28940 29540 Textile unreeling, folding, or pinking machinery (manufacture) 17220 17549 Textile wadding and articles of wadding (manufacture) 17240 21240 Textile wall coverings (manufacture) 17240 21240 Textile wallpaper (manufacture) 46770 51570 Textile waste (wholesale) 46640 51830 Textile weaving machinery (wholesale) 13960 17542 Textile wicks (manufacture) 46640 51830 Textile winding or reeling machinery (wholesale) 139 T Alphabetical Index SIC 2007 T SIC 2003 Indexes to the UK Standard Industrial Classification of Economic Activities 2007 – UK SIC(2007) Activity 13960 17549 Textile yarn impregnated, coated or sheathed with rubber or plastic (manufacture) 28940 29540 Textile yarn preparation machinery (manufacture) 46160 51160 Textiles (commission agent) 47510 52410 Textiles (retail) 46410 51410 Textiles (wholesale) 20590 24660 Textiles and leather finishing materials (manufacture) 46410 51410 Textiles exporter (wholesale) 46410 51410 Textiles importer (wholesale) 77299 71409 Textiles rental and leasing 20600 24700 Textured single yarn (manufacture) 28940 29540 Texturing and softening machinery for textiles (manufacture) 43910 45220 Thatching 93191 92621 The seeking of sponsorship, appearance money and prize money for horse racing 58110 22110 The Stationery Office 90040 92320 Theatre halls operation 79909 92320 Theatre ticket agency 74909 74879 Theatrical agency 14190 18249 Theatrical costumes (manufacture) 77299 71409 Theatrical costumes leasing 77210 71401 Theatrical costumes rental 90010 92311 Theatrical presentations (live production) 77299 71409 Theatrical scenery leasing 90010 92311 Theatrical touring company 93210 92330 Theme park operation 26511 33201 Theodolite (electronic) (manufacture) 26513 33202 Theodolite (non‑electronic) (manufacture) 85421 80302 Theological college specialising in higher education course 94910 91310 Theosophical Society 46690 51870 Therapeutic instruments and appliances (wholesale) 23140 26140 Thermal and sound insulating material made of glass fibre (manufacture) 26110 32100 Thermionic valves or tubes (manufacture) 28990 29560 Thermo forming machines (manufacture) 18129 22220 Thermocopier printing (manufacture) 26600 33100 Thermographs (manufacture) 26511 33201 Thermometer (electronic) (manufacture) 26513 33202 Thermometer (non‑electronic) (manufacture) 20160 24160 Thermoplastic resins (manufacture) 20160 24160 Thermosetting resins (manufacture) 26511 33201 Thermostat (electronic) (manufacture) 26513 33202 Thermostat (non‑electronic) (manufacture) 20301 24301 Thinners for paint and varnish (manufacture) 20160 24160 Thiourea resins (manufacture) 07210 12000 Thorium ores mining 46410 51410 Thread (wholesale) 26701 33402 Thread counters (manufacture) 13100 17160 Thread for sewing and embroidery, made of cotton (manufacture) 28940 29540 Thread guide (textile machinery accessory) (manufacture) 13100 17160 Thread made of hemp (manufacture) 13100 17160 Thread made of jute (manufacture) 13100 17160 Thread made of linen (manufacture) SIC 2007 SIC 2003 Activity 28410 46740 25940 25730 28410 25730 46610 01610 28302 26110 27900 92000 79909 79909 79110 17290 28230 77330 18129 28230 79909 79909 13200 32130 29420 51540 28740 28620 29420 28620 51880 01410 29320 32100 32100 92710 92349 92320 63301 21259 30010 71330 22220 30010 92629 92729 17210 36610 13200 47710 46420 14190 14310 28990 17240 52424 51429 18249 17710 29560 Thread rolling machines (manufacture) Threaded and non‑threaded fasteners (wholesale) Threaded fasteners (manufacture) Threading die (manufacture) Threading machine (metal cutting) (manufacture) Threading tap (manufacture) Threshers (wholesale) Threshing by contractor Threshing machine (manufacture) Thyratron (manufacture) Thyristor (manufacture) Tic tac person Ticket agencies for other entertainment activities Ticket agencies for theatre Ticket agencies for travel Ticket cutting and punching (manufacture) Ticket issuing machine (manufacture) Ticket machine hire Ticket printing (manufacture) Ticket punch (manufacture) Ticket sales activities for sports events Ticket sales for other recreational activities Ticking weaving (manufacture) Tie pin (not of, or clad in, precious metal, or of precious/semi precious stones) (manufacture) Tie silk (manufacture) Ties (retail) Ties (wholesale) Ties made of silk (manufacture) Tights (manufacture) Tile making machine (not plastic working) (manufacture) Tiles (other than floor tiles made of plastic) (manufacture) Tiles (wholesale) Tiles and construction products, made of baked clay (manufacture) Tiles for wall or floor made of ceramic (retail) Tiles laying or fitting Tiles made of asphalt thermoplastic (manufacture) Tiles made of ceramics (manufacture) Tiles made of concrete (manufacture) Tiles made of cork (manufacture) Tiles made of felt (manufacture) Tiles made of fibre cement (manufacture) Tiles made of glass (manufacture) Tiles made of glazed earthenware (manufacture) Tiles made of needleloom carpet (manufacture) Tiles made of plaster (manufacture) Tiles made of slate (manufacture) Tiles made of tufted carpet (manufacture) Tiles made of vinyl asbestos (manufacture) Tiles made of woven asbestos (manufacture) 22230 25239 46730 51530 23320 26400 47520 43330 22230 23310 23610 16290 13939 23650 23190 23310 13939 23620 23700 13931 22230 23990 52460 45430 25231 26300 26610 20520 17519 26650 26150 26300 17519 26620 26700 17512 25231 26821 43330 45430 Tiling contractor (floors and walls) 22190 25130 Tiling made of rubber (manufacture) 18140 22230 Tillot and seal making (manufacture) 13100 17160 Thread made of silk (manufacture) 46130 51130 Timber (commission agent) 28410 29420 Thread rollers or machines for working wires (manufacture) 46130 51130 Timber broker (commission agent) 02400 02020 Timber evaluation 140 Indexes to the UK Standard Industrial Classification of Economic Activities 2007 – UK SIC(2007) SIC 2007 SIC 2003 Activity SIC 2007 02200 02100 46730 71200 46730 46730 26520 26520 26520 63110 26520 26520 93199 26520 79909 68209 18129 58190 22190 24430 24430 07290 27510 07290 18129 24430 25730 10890 10130 10130 10890 24100 46720 25920 23110 25730 28220 29320 02010 02010 51530 74300 51530 51530 33500 33500 33500 72300 33500 33500 92629 33500 63309 70209 22220 22150 25130 27430 27430 13200 29710 13200 22220 27430 28620 15891 15131 15139 15891 27100 51520 28720 26110 28620 29220 34300 16290 23140 17120 24450 20120 46750 18129 25990 27510 96090 46170 47260 46210 46170 46210 12000 20520 26140 21120 27450 24120 51550 22220 28750 29710 93059 51170 52260 51250 51170 51250 16000 Timber felling Timber growing Timber importer (wholesale) Timber measurer Timber merchant (wholesale) Timber yard (wholesale) Time clock (manufacture) Time lock (manufacture) Time recorder (manufacture) Time sharing services (computer) Time switch (manufacture) Time/date stamps (manufacture) Timekeepers of sport Timer for industrial use (manufacture) Time‑share exchange services Timeshare operations (real estate) Timetable printing (manufacture) Timetable publishing Timing belt for motor vehicles (manufacture) Tin (manufacture) Tin foil (manufacture) Tin mining and preparation Tin openers (electric) (manufacture) Tin ore and concentrate extraction and preparation Tin printing (manufacture) Tin wire made by drawing (manufacture) Tinman’s snips (manufacture) Tinned broth (manufacture) Tinned ham (manufacture) Tinned meat (other than tinned ham) (manufacture) Tinned soup (manufacture) Tinplate (manufacture) Tinplate (wholesale) Tins for food products (manufacture) Tinted glass (manufacture) Tip for cutting tool (manufacture) Tipper (manufacture) Tipping gear and parts thereof for motor vehicles (not hydraulic) (manufacture) Tips made of cork (manufacture) Tissue made of glass fibre (manufacture) Tissue paper (uncut) (manufacture) Titanium (manufacture) Titanium dioxide (manufacture) Titanium oxide (wholesale) Title document printing (manufacture) Toast racks made of base metal (manufacture) Toaster (electric) (manufacture) Toastmaster Tobacco (commission agent) Tobacco (retail) Tobacco (unmanufactured) (wholesale) Tobacco broker (commission agent) Tobacco exporter (unmanufactured) (wholesale) Tobacco for use in pipes and rolled cigarettes (manufacture) Tobacco growing Tobacco importer (unmanufactured) (wholesale) Tobacco leaves, drying and preparation 46350 51350 Tobacco merchant (wholesale) 46690 51870 Tobacco preparation and making‑up machinery (wholesale) 28930 29530 Tobacco processing machinery (manufacture) 12000 16000 Tobacco products (manufacture) 46350 51350 Tobacco products exporter (wholesale) 46350 51350 Tobacco products importer (wholesale) 46110 51110 Tobacco refuse (commission agent) 12000 16000 Tobacco stemming and redrying (manufacture) 12000 16000 Tobacco substitute products (manufacture) 12000 16000 Tobacco, homogenised or reconstituted (manufacture) 47260 52260 Tobacconist (retail) 46350 51350 Tobacconist (wholesale) 46350 51350 Tobacconists’ sundriesman (wholesale) 22290 19300 Toe puff (manufacture) 10822 15842 Toffee (manufacture) 23410 26210 Toilet articles made of ceramic (manufacture) 22290 25240 Toilet articles made of plastic (manufacture) 32120 36220 Toilet articles of base metals clad with precious metals (manufacture) 32910 36620 Toilet brush (manufacture) 15120 19200 Toilet case (fitted) made of leather (manufacture) 47750 52330 Toilet goods (retail) 13923 17403 Toilet linen (manufacture) 17220 21220 Toilet paper (cut to size) (manufacture) 17120 21120 Toilet paper (uncut) (manufacture) 20420 24520 Toilet preparations (manufacture) 46450 51450 Toilet preparations (wholesale) 20420 24511 Toilet soap (manufacture) 20420 24520 Toilet water (manufacture) 20420 24520 Toiletries (manufacture) 46730 51530 Toilets (wholesale) 52219 63210 Toll bridge, road or tunnel 20140 24140 Toluene (manufacture) 01130 01120 Tomato growing 26600 33100 Tomographs (manufacture) 26400 32300 Tone arms (manufacture) 20120 24120 Toner (pigment) (manufacture) 28230 30010 Toner cartridges (manufacture) 20590 24640 Toner for photographic use (manufacture) 16100 20100 Tongued wood (manufacture) 11070 15980 Tonic water production (manufacture) 11020 15932 Tonic wine production (manufacture) 28302 29320 Tool bar for agricultural use (manufacture) 16290 20510 Tool handles made of wood (manufacture) 28490 29430 Tool holder (manufacture) 15120 19200 Toolbags made of leather (manufacture) 47520 52460 Tools (not machine tools) (retail) 25730 28620 Tools (precision) (manufacture) 46740 51540 Tools (wholesale) 25730 28620 Tools except power driven hand tools (manufacture) 77320 71320 Tools for construction hire (without operator) 77390 71340 Tools for mechanics or engineers hire 16290 20510 Tools made of wood (manufacture) 27510 29710 Tooth brush (electric) (manufacture) 32910 36620 Tooth brush (not electric) (manufacture) 46499 51479 Tooth brushes (wholesale) 20420 24520 Tooth powder (manufacture) 01150 01110 46210 51250 01630 01110 SIC 2003 Alphabetical Index Activity 141 T Alphabetical Index SIC 2007 SIC 2003 Activity SIC 2007 20420 32990 43120 13100 46760 27400 25400 25930 92000 23120 79120 29203 94990 70229 79909 84130 24520 36639 45110 17130 51560 31500 29600 28740 92710 26120 63302 34203 91330 74149 63309 75130 79909 79909 79901 85320 13100 13940 13923 96010 27510 96010 13200 47510 17220 25110 16230 52219 52219 13940 52220 63309 63309 63303 80220 17140 17520 17403 93010 29710 93010 17210 52410 21220 28110 20300 50200 63210 17520 61209 Toothpaste (manufacture) Toothpicks made of bone (manufacture) Top soil stripping work Topmaking (wool) (manufacture) Tops (wholesale) Torch (manufacture) Torpedo (manufacture) Torsion bar spring (manufacture) Totalisator Toughened glass (manufacture) Tour operator activities Touring caravan (manufacture) Touring clubs Tourism development consultancy services Tourism promotion activities Tourism services administration and regulation (public sector) Tourist assistance activities n.e.c. Tourist board or information service Tourist guide activities Tourist guide instruction Tow of flax (manufacture) Tow yarn made of hard fibres (manufacture) Towel (manufacture) Towel hire Towel rail (electric) (manufacture) Towel supply company Towelling weaving (manufacture) Towels (retail) Towels made of paper (manufacture) Tower made of steel (manufacture) Tower made of wood (manufacture) Towing and road side assistance Towing away of vehicles Towing rope (manufacture) Towing services for distressed freight vessels in inland waters Towing services for distressed freight vessels on sea and coastal waters Towing services for distressed passenger vessels in inland waters Towing services for distressed passenger vessels on sea and coastal waters Town and city planning Town crier Town gas distribution Town gas production Town‑to‑airport transport by bus Town‑to‑airport transport by rail Town‑to‑station transport by bus Town‑to‑station transport by rail Toxic waste treatment service Toy animal (manufacture) Toy balloon (manufacture) Toy car circuit (electric) (manufacture) Toy cars (electric) (manufacture) Toy cars (pedal) (manufacture) Toy furniture (manufacture) Toy guns (not operated by compressed air) (manufacture) 32409 36509 Toy musical instruments including electronic (manufacture) 32409 36509 Toy perambulators and pushchairs (manufacture) 32409 36509 Toy push cart (manufacture) 32409 36509 Toy trains (electric) (manufacture) 46499 51477 Toy trains and accessories (wholesale) 32409 36509 Toy wheelbarrow (manufacture) 32409 36509 Toys (mechanical) (manufacture) 47650 52485 Toys (retail) 46499 51477 Toys (wholesale) 32409 36509 Toys and games (electronic) with fixed (non replaceable software) (manufacture) 46499 51477 Toys and games exporter (wholesale) 46499 51477 Toys and games importer (wholesale) 32409 36509 Toys and games made of paper (manufacture) 32409 36509 Toys and games made of wood (manufacture) 32401 36501 Toys for professional and arcade use (manufacture) 32409 36509 Toys made of cardboard (manufacture) 32409 36509 Toys made of metal (manufacture) 32409 36509 Toys made of plastic (manufacture) 32409 36509 Toys made of rubber (manufacture) 13300 17300 Tracing cloth (textile finishing) (manufacture) 13960 17549 Tracing cloth (woven) (manufacture) 13960 17549 Tracing cloth weaving (manufacture) 17120 21120 Tracing paper (manufacture) 28923 29523 Track laying and other tractors used in construction (manufacture) 28921 29521 Track laying tractors and other tractors used in mining (manufacture) 29320 34300 Track rods for motor vehicles (manufacture) 14190 18249 Tracksuits (manufacture) 27200 31400 Traction battery (rechargeable) (manufacture) 27110 31100 Traction motors with or without associated control equipment (manufacture) 32500 33100 Traction or suspension devices for medical beds (manufacture) 28301 29310 Tractor (half track) (manufacture) 28301 29310 Tractor (pedestrian controlled) (manufacture) 28301 29310 Tractor (skidded unit) (manufacture) 28301 29310 Tractor (wheeled) (manufacture) 28301 29310 Tractor for agricultural use (manufacture) 28301 29310 Tractor for forestry use (manufacture) 77310 71310 Tractor hire for agriculture (without driver) 28302 29320 Tractor hoe (manufacture) 28301 29310 Tractor parts for wheeled and half‑track tractors (manufacture) 28302 29320 Tractor plough (manufacture) 28922 29522 Tractor shovel (manufacture) 28922 29522 Tractor winch (manufacture) 46610 51880 Tractors (wholesale) 46610 51880 Tractors for agricultural use (wholesale) 29100 34100 Tractors for semi‑trailers (manufacture) 46690 51870 Tractors of a type used on railway station platforms (wholesale) 46610 51880 Tractors used in forestry (wholesale) 94110 91110 Trade association 18140 22230 Trade binding (manufacture) 82301 74873 Trade centre 18129 22220 Trade journal printing (manufacture) 58142 22130 Trade journal publishing 69109 74111 Trade mark agent 52220 61102 52220 61201 52220 61101 T Indexes to the UK Standard Industrial Classification of Economic Activities 2007 – UK SIC(2007) 71112 96090 35220 35210 49319 49311 49319 49311 38220 32409 32409 32409 32409 32409 32409 32409 142 74202 93059 40220 40210 60219 60213 60219 60213 90020 36509 36509 36509 36509 36509 36509 36509 SIC 2003 Activity Indexes to the UK Standard Industrial Classification of Economic Activities 2007 – UK SIC(2007) SIC 2007 SIC 2003 Activity SIC 2007 94200 82301 94200 25730 82990 18129 30200 91200 74873 91200 28620 74879 22220 31620 71129 29310 84240 84240 29202 45190 45190 45190 45190 29202 28302 74204 31610 75240 75240 34202 50101 50101 50102 50102 34202 29320 77120 81299 81291 32990 71219 74709 74703 36639 93199 59111 96090 93199 59112 49319 42120 74300 82190 92629 92111 93059 92629 92111 60219 45230 74850 74850 Trade unions Trades exhibition organiser Trades union congress Tradesmen’s knife (manufacture) Trading stamp activities Trading stamp printing (manufacture) Traffic control equipment for roads and inland waterways (manufacture) Traffic engineering design projects Traffic indicators for motor vehicles (manufacture) Traffic regulation administration and operation Traffic wardens Trailer (motor drawn) (manufacture) Trailers (new) (wholesale) Trailers (retail) Trailers (used) (retail) Trailers (used) (wholesale) Trailers and semi‑trailers (manufacture) Trailers and semi‑trailers for agricultural use (manufacture) Trailers and semi‑trailers rental Train cleaning (non‑specialised) Train disinfecting and exterminating activities Trainer (electronic training equipment) (manufacture) Trainer (racehorse or greyhound) Training film production Training of pet animals Training stables Training video production Tramway (scheduled passenger transport) Tramways construction Transcribing services from tapes, discs, etc. Transcription of documents, and other secretarial services Transfer moulding press for rubber or plastics (manufacture) Transfer printing (manufacture) Transformer (generator, transmission system and distribution) (manufacture) Transformer for electronic apparatus (manufacture) Transformer for industrial use (manufacture) Transformer oil (at refineries) (manufacture) Transformer oil formulation outside refineries (manufacture) Transformers (wholesale) Transfusion apparatus (manufacture) Transfusion pods (manufacture) Transistors (manufacture) Translation activities Transmission and distribution voltage regulators (manufacture) Transmission apparatus for radio‑broadcasting (manufacture) Transmission belting made of rubber (manufacture) Transmission belts made of plastic (manufacture) Transmission chain (manufacture) Transmission equipment for telephone and telegraph (manufacture) Transmission kit for radio‑telephony and telegraphy, radio or television broadcasting (wholesale) 42120 45213 Transmission line construction 60100 92201 Transmission of aural programming via over‑the‑air broadcasts, cable or satellite 13960 17542 Transmission or conveyor belts or belting, made of textiles (manufacture) 27330 31200 Transmission pole and line hardware (manufacture) 28150 29140 Transmission shafts (manufacture) 22190 25130 Transmission v‑belts made of rubber (manufacture) 26309 32202 Transmitter‑receivers (manufacture) 26309 32300 Transmitting and receiving antenna (manufacture) 86900 85140 Transplant organ banks 28302 29320 Transplanter for agricultural use (manufacture) 26309 32202 Transponders (manufacture) 50200 61102 Transport by towing or pushing of barges (except inland waterway) 52290 63400 Transport documents issue and procurement 46690 51870 Transport equipment (except motor vehicles, motorcycles and bicycles) (wholesale) 81299 74709 Transport equipment cleaning (non‑specialised) 65120 66031 Transport insurance 50200 61102 Transport of freight over seas and coastal waters (whether scheduled or not) 50400 61209 Transport of freight via canals 50400 61209 Transport of freight via lakes 50400 61209 Transport of freight via ports 50400 61209 Transport of freight via rivers 49500 60300 Transport of gases slurry via pipelines 50100 61101 Transport of passengers over seas and coastal waters 50100 61101 Transport of passengers over water (except for inland waterway service) 50300 61201 Transport of passengers over water (inland waterway service) 50300 61201 Transport of passengers via canals 50300 61201 Transport of passengers via inside harbours 50300 61201 Transport of passengers via lakes 50300 61201 Transport of passengers via ports 50300 61201 Transport of passengers via rivers 49410 60249 Transport of waste and waste materials 49500 60300 Transport of water via pipelines 52290 63400 Transport operations arranging or carrying out by air 52290 63400 Transport operations arranging or carrying out by road 52290 63400 Transport operations arranging or carrying out by sea 84130 75130 Transport services administration and regulation (public sector) 49500 60300 Transport via pipeline 28220 29220 Transporter (manufacture) 38110 90020 Trash collection 27510 29710 Trash compactor for domestic use (electric) (manufacture) 46499 51478 Travel accessories (wholesale) 47722 52432 Travel accessories made of leather and leather substitutes (retail) 79110 63301 Travel agency activities 28960 29560 18129 22220 27110 31100 26110 27110 19201 19209 31100 31100 23201 23209 46690 32500 32500 26110 74300 27110 51870 33100 33100 32100 74850 31100 26309 32202 22190 22290 28150 26301 25130 25240 29140 32201 46520 51860 SIC 2003 Alphabetical Index Activity 46499 51478 Travel and fancy goods exporter (wholesale) 46499 51478 Travel and fancy goods importer (wholesale) 47722 52432 Travel goods (retail) 15120 19200 Travel goods made of leather or leather substitute (manufacture) 65120 66031 Travel insurance 26520 33500 Travelling clock (manufacture) 143 T Alphabetical Index SIC 2007 T SIC 2003 Indexes to the UK Standard Industrial Classification of Economic Activities 2007 – UK SIC(2007) Activity 28220 29220 Travelling crane (manufacture) 29100 34100 Travelling libraries, banks, etc. (not trailers) (manufacture) 13923 17403 Travelling rug making‑up (outside weaving establishment) (manufacture) 13923 17403 Travelling rugs made of wool (manufacture) 90010 92349 Travelling show 16240 20400 Travelling trunks made of wood (manufacture) 26110 32100 Travelling wave tube (manufacture) 28990 29560 Trawl door (manufacture) 30110 35110 Trawler (manufacture) 25990 28750 Trays made of base metal (manufacture) 17220 21220 Trays made of paper (manufacture) 22290 25240 Trays made of plastic (manufacture) 16290 20510 Trays made of wood (manufacture) 10810 15830 Treacle (manufacture) 25730 28620 Treadle operated and other non power‑operated tools (manufacture) 25610 28510 Treatment and coating of metals (manufacture) 38220 90020 Treatment and disposal of foul liquids (e.g. leachate) 38220 90020 Treatment and disposal of hazardous waste 38210 90020 Treatment and disposal of non‑hazardous waste 38220 23300 Treatment and disposal of nuclear waste 38220 90020 Treatment and disposal of radioactive waste from hospitals, etc. 38220 90020 Treatment and disposal of toxic live or dead animals and other contaminated waste 38220 23300 Treatment and disposal of transition radioactive waste 37000 90010 Treatment of human waste water by means of physical, chemical and biological processes 38210 90020 Treatment of organic waste for disposal 37000 90010 Treatment of waste water (human, industrial, from swimming pools etc.) by various processes 36000 41000 Treatment of water for industrial and other purposes 38220 23300 Treatment, disposal and storage of radioactive nuclear waste 01290 01110 Tree growing for extraction of sap 01300 01120 Tree nurseries 02100 02010 Tree nursery (not fruit or ornamental trees) 81300 01410 Tree pruning, replanting, on a fee or contract basis (except as an agricultural service activity) 02200 02010 Treefelling (own account) 25990 28750 Trellis work made of metal (manufacture) 16230 20300 Trellis work made of wood (manufacture) 43120 45110 Trench digging 28922 29522 Trencher (manufacture) 84230 75230 Tribunals 96020 93020 Trichologist 30920 35420 Tricycles (including delivery tricycles) (manufacture) 30920 35420 Tricycles and parts (manufacture) 32409 36509 Tricycles for children (manufacture) 18140 22230 Trimming of books, brochures, etc. (manufacture) 14200 18300 Trimmings made of fur (manufacture) 15110 19100 Trimmings made of leather (manufacture) 20510 24610 Trinitrotoluene (TNT) (manufacture) 52220 63220 Trinity House 47220 52220 Tripe (retail) 10110 15112 Tripe dressing (manufacture) 49390 60239 Trishaw (cycle rickshaw) taxi service 29100 34100 Trolley bus (manufacture) 144 SIC 2007 SIC 2003 Activity 49319 30400 14190 93120 23650 14132 14120 14131 14132 25730 29100 49410 77120 77120 60219 29600 18241 92629 26650 18222 18210 18221 18222 28620 34100 60249 71219 71219 Trolley bus (scheduled passenger transport) Troop carrier (armoured) (manufacture) Tropical helmet (manufacture) Trotting Club Troughs made of fibre cement (manufacture) Trouser suits for women and girls (manufacture) Trousers for industrial use (manufacture) Trousers for men and boys (manufacture) Trousers for women and girls (manufacture) Trowel (not garden) (manufacture) Truck (commercial vehicle) (manufacture) Truck rental (with driver) Truck rental (without driver) Trucks and other heavy vehicles exceeding 3.5 tonnes renting and leasing True hemp growing Trueing and grinding machines for cold working of glass (manufacture) Truffles growing Truffles, gathering from the wild Truncheons and night sticks (manufacture) Trunk handles made of leather (manufacture) Trunks made of leather (manufacture) Truss rafter (manufacture) Trust territory programme administration (public sector) Trustee, fiduciary and custody services on a fee or contract basis Trustees Trusts preparation T‑shirts for men and boys (manufacture) Tube (electronic) (manufacture) Tube blanks made of copper (manufacture) Tube containers made of plastic (manufacture) Tube coupling and equipment for pneumatics (manufacture) Tube fittings made of aluminium (manufacture) Tube fittings made of copper (manufacture) Tube fittings made of glass for electric lights (manufacture) Tube fittings made of paper (manufacture) Tube fittings made of steel (manufacture) Tube hollows made of steel (manufacture) Tube mill plant (manufacture) Tube shells made of copper (manufacture) Tuberculosis hospital (public sector) Tuberous vegetable growing Tubes (valves) or bulbs producing machinery (manufacture) Tubes and fittings made of cast iron (manufacture) Tubes made of aluminium for packaging (collapsible) (manufacture) Tubes made of brass (manufacture) Tubes made of canvas for ventilating purposes (manufacture) Tubes made of cardboard (not for packing) (manufacture) Tubes made of centrifugally cast steel (manufacture) Tubes made of cold drawn steel (manufacture) Tubes made of concrete (manufacture) Tubes made of copper (manufacture) 01160 01110 28490 29430 01130 02300 25400 15120 15120 16230 84110 01120 01120 29600 19200 19200 20300 75110 66190 67130 66120 69109 14141 26110 24440 22220 28120 67122 74119 18231 32100 27440 25220 29122 24420 27420 24440 27440 23190 26150 17290 24200 24200 28910 24440 86101 01130 28990 21259 27220 27220 29510 27440 85111 01110 29560 24510 27210 25920 28720 24440 27440 13922 17402 17290 21259 24510 24200 23610 24440 27210 27220 26610 27440 Indexes to the UK Standard Industrial Classification of Economic Activities 2007 – UK SIC(2007) Alphabetical Index SIC 2007 SIC 2003 Activity SIC 2007 SIC 2003 Activity 23650 23190 25920 22210 23200 22190 24200 24200 24430 26650 26150 28720 25210 26260 25130 27220 27220 27430 Tubes made of fibre cement (manufacture) Tubes made of glass (manufacture) Tubes made of metal (collapsible) (manufacture) Tubes made of plastic (manufacture) Tubes made of refractory ceramic (manufacture) Tubes made of rubber (manufacture) Tubes made of seamless steel (manufacture) Tubes made of steel (manufacture) Tubes, pipes, tube and pipe fittings made of lead (manufacture) Tubes, pipes, tube and pipe fittings made of tin (manufacture) Tubes, pipes, tube and pipe fittings made of zinc (manufacture) Tubing made of glass (manufacture) Tubing made of plastic (manufacture) Tubing made of rubber (manufacture) Tubing made of steel (manufacture) Tubs made of plastic (manufacture) Tubs made of wood (manufacture) Tubular containers made of aluminium (manufacture) Tubular containers made of glass (manufacture) Tubular containers made of metal (manufacture) Tubular modules for oil rigs (manufacture) Tubular rivets (manufacture) Tufted carpet (manufacture) Tufted fabrics (other than household textiles) (manufacture) Tufting blankets (manufacture) Tufting household textiles (manufacture) Tufting machinery (wholesale) Tufting machinery for carpet making (manufacture) Tug (manufacture) Tug boat service for inland waterways Tug boat service for offshore installations Tug boat service for sea barge or off‑shore well Tug boat service for sea barges on domestic coastal routes Tug lessee or owner for inland waterways service Tug owner or lessee for in port service or salvage Tugs and pusher craft (wholesale) Tuition for ships’ licences for commercial certificates and permits Tulip bulbs (wholesale) Tulles and other net fabrics (manufacture) Tulles in motifs (manufacture) Tulles in one piece (manufacture) Tulles in strips (manufacture) Tumble dryer for domestic use (manufacture) Tumblers made of glass (manufacture) Tuner (audio separate) (manufacture) Tuner for radio and television (other than audio separates) (manufacture) Tung oil extraction (manufacture) Tungsten (manufacture) Tunicate hunting Tuning fork (manufacture) Tuning of musical instruments Tunnel oven refractory (manufacture) Tunnelling machine for mining (manufacture) 52219 16240 09100 27110 77390 28110 28110 27110 46690 30300 30300 92000 92000 01300 01470 01470 96040 10822 16290 28410 28490 63210 20400 11200 31100 71340 29110 29110 31100 51870 35300 35300 92710 92710 01120 01240 01240 93040 15842 20510 29420 29430 01130 26400 03110 13200 13200 14390 13940 46410 13100 13960 25730 28940 24430 28990 18130 46690 01120 32300 05010 17220 17210 17720 17520 51410 17170 17542 28620 29540 27430 29560 22240 51870 28230 15120 77330 32990 46499 47410 46660 82190 30010 19200 71330 36631 51479 52482 51850 74850 Tunnels operation Tuns made of wood (manufacture) Turbine drilling services Turbine for electricity generation (manufacture) Turbine rental and operating leasing Turbine‑generator sets (manufacture) Turbines and parts thereof (manufacture) Turbo alternator (manufacture) Turbo‑compressors (wholesale) Turbo‑jets and parts for aircraft (manufacture) Turbo‑propellers and parts for aircraft (manufacture) Turf accountant Turf commission agency Turf for transplanting Turkey farming Turkey raising and breeding Turkish baths Turkish delight (manufacture) Turned wood products (manufacture) Turning machine (metal cutting) (manufacture) Turning, engraving, carving, etc. machines for stone, ceramics, and similar (manufacture) Turnip growing Turn‑tables (record decks) (manufacture) Turtle hunting Tweed (manufacture) Twill weaving (manufacture) Twin sets (knitted) (manufacture) Twine (manufacture) Twine (wholesale) Twine made of paper (manufacture) Twist cord (fabric) (manufacture) Twist drill (manufacture) Twisting machinery for textiles (manufacture) Type metal (manufacture) Type setting machine (manufacture) Typesetting and phototypesetting (manufacture) Type‑setting machinery, equipment and apparatus (wholesale) Typewriter (manufacture) Typewriter case made of leather (manufacture) Typewriter rental and operating leasing Typewriter ribbons (manufacture) Typewriter ribbons (wholesale) Typewriters (retail) Typewriters (wholesale) Typing, word processing and desk top publication service Tyre alignment and balancing equipment (except wheel balancing) (manufacture) Tyre cord (cotton system) (manufacture) Tyre cord fabric made of high‑tenacity man‑made yarn (manufacture) Tyre cord fabric of high‑tenacity man‑made yarn (manufacture) Tyre dealer (retail) 24430 27430 24430 27430 23190 22210 22190 24200 22220 16240 25920 23130 25920 30110 25940 13931 13990 26150 25210 25130 27220 25220 20400 28720 26130 28720 35110 28740 17512 17549 13923 13923 46640 28940 30110 52220 52220 52220 52220 17403 17403 51830 29540 35110 63220 63220 63220 63220 52220 52220 46690 85320 63220 63220 51870 63220 46210 13990 13990 13990 13990 27510 23130 26400 26400 51210 17541 17541 17541 17541 29710 26130 32300 32300 10410 24450 03110 32200 95290 23200 28921 15410 27450 05010 36300 52740 26260 29521 28990 29560 13100 17110 13960 17549 13960 17549 45320 50300 13960 17549 Tyre fabric woven from yarn spun on the cotton system (manufacture) 22110 25110 22110 25120 Tyre rebuilding and retreading (manufacture) Tyre flaps (manufacture) 145 T Alphabetical Index SIC 2007 SIC 2003 Activity SIC 2007 SIC 2003 Activity 22190 22110 22110 22110 22110 22110 22110 22110 22110 22110 22110 22110 22110 27900 25130 25120 25110 25110 25110 25110 25110 25110 25110 25110 25110 25110 25110 31620 Tyre repair materials and kits (manufacture) Tyre retreading (manufacture) Tyres (manufacture) Tyres for aircraft (manufacture) Tyres for cars or vans (manufacture) Tyres for commercial vehicles (manufacture) Tyres for cycles (manufacture) Tyres for industrial use (manufacture) Tyres for motorcycles and mopeds (manufacture) Tyres for scooters (manufacture) Tyres for tractors (manufacture) Tyres made of rubber (manufacture) Tyres made of solid rubber (manufacture) Ultrasonic cleaning machines (except laboratory and dental) (manufacture) Ultrasonic diagnostic equipment (manufacture) Ultrasonic sounding instruments (electronic) (manufacture) Ultrasonic sounding instruments (non‑electronic) (manufacture) Ultra‑violet and infra‑red apparatus for medical use (wholesale) Ultra‑violet lamps (manufacture) Umbrella (manufacture) Umbrella trimmings made of textile material (manufacture) Umbrellas (retail) Umbrellas (wholesale) Unbleached paper pulp made by chemical dissolving (manufacture) Unbleached paper pulp made by mechanical processes (manufacture) Unbleached paper pulp made by non‑dissolving processes (manufacture) Unbleached paper pulp made by semi‑chemical processes (manufacture) Uncooked pizza (manufacture) Undenatured ethyl alcohol (manufacture) Underclothing for infants (manufacture) Underground railways (scheduled passenger transport) Underground train cleaning (non‑specialised) Underskirt (manufacture) Undertaking Underwater photography services Underwater swimming suit made of rubber (manufacture) 32990 14120 14120 25930 18241 18210 18210 28730 27900 13200 94920 28410 31620 17250 91320 29420 46770 51570 Uniform helmets (manufacture) Uniforms for men and boys (manufacture) Uniforms for women and girls (manufacture) Uninsulated metal cable or insulated cable not useable as a conductor of electricity (manufacture) Uninterruptible power supplies (UPS) (manufacture) Union cloth (cotton/linen) (manufacture) Unionist parties Unit construction and transfer machine (metal working) (manufacture) Unit furniture (non‑upholstered) (manufacture) Unit seating for domestic use (upholstered) (manufacture) Unit trust activities Unitarian Church United Nations and affiliated organisations (not United Nations Association) United Nations associations United Reform Church United Society for Christian Literature Universal ac/dc motors (manufacture) Universal joints for motor vehicles (manufacture) Universities’ Central Council on Admissions University University canteen University college University dining halls University halls of residence University medical or dental school Unlicensed carriers Unloading cushions (manufacture) Unrecorded media for sound recording or similar recording of other phenomena (commission agent) Unwrought aluminium (manufacture) Unwrought brass (manufacture) Unwrought bronze (manufacture) Unwrought cadmium copper (manufacture) Unwrought copper (manufacture) Unwrought cupro‑nickel (manufacture) Unwrought delta metal (manufacture) Unwrought German silver (manufacture) Unwrought gun metal (manufacture) Unwrought manganese bronze (manufacture) Unwrought naval brass (manufacture) Unwrought red metal (manufacture) Upholstered base for mattress (manufacture) Upholstered furniture (other than chairs and seats) (manufacture) Upholsterer (not repair and maintenance) (manufacture) Upholsterer (repair and restoration) Upholsterers’ trimmings (textile material) (manufacture) Upholsterers’ trimmings (wholesale) 13100 17170 Upholstery hair fibre and filling (manufacture) 26600 33100 26511 33201 26513 33202 46460 51460 27400 31500 32990 36639 13960 17542 47789 52489 46420 51429 17110 21110 U Indexes to the UK Standard Industrial Classification of Economic Activities 2007 – UK SIC(2007) 17110 21110 17110 21110 17110 21110 10890 11010 14190 49311 15899 15920 18249 60213 81299 14142 96030 74202 22190 74709 18232 93030 74813 25130 14141 18231 Underwear for men and boys (manufacture) 14142 18232 Underwear for women and girls (manufacture) 17220 21220 Underwear made of paper (manufacture) 65110 31090 36140 31090 36110 64302 65232 94910 91310 99000 99000 94990 94910 94910 27110 29320 85421 85421 56290 85421 56290 55900 85421 53202 13940 46180 91330 91310 91310 31100 34300 80302 80302 55510 80302 55510 55239 80302 64120 17520 51180 24420 24440 24440 24440 24440 24440 24440 24440 24440 24440 24440 24440 31030 31090 27420 27440 27440 27440 27440 27440 27440 27440 27440 27440 27440 27440 36150 36140 31090 36110 66011 Underwriter (life insurance) 65120 66031 Underwriter (non‑life insurance) 64999 65239 Underwriter (stock and share issues) 66220 67200 Underwriting brokers 98100 96000 Undifferentiated goods producing activities of private households for own use 95240 36110 13960 17542 98200 97000 Undifferentiated services producing activities of private households for own use 15110 20590 24640 Unexposed materials (manufacture) 15110 23320 26400 Unglazed building brick (manufacture) 20130 23300 Uranium (enriched) (manufacture) 14190 18241 Uniform hats and caps (manufacture) 07210 12000 Uranium and thorium ore concentration 146 19100 Upholstery leather preparation (manufacture) 31090 36110 Upholstery of chairs and seats (manufacture) 19100 Upper leather (manufacture) Indexes to the UK Standard Industrial Classification of Economic Activities 2007 – UK SIC(2007) SIC 2007 SIC 2003 Activity 09900 12000 Uranium and thorium ore mining support services provided on a fee or contract basis 24460 23300 Uranium metal production from pitchblende or other ores (manufacture) 07210 12000 Uranium ore mining 24460 23300 Uranium smelting and refining (manufacture) 49311 60213 Urban area passenger railway transportation by underground, metro and similar systems 49319 60219 Urban area scheduled passenger land transport other than by underground, metro and similar systems 42220 45213 Urban communication and powerlines construction 42210 45213 Urban pipelines construction 71112 74202 Urban planning activities 20140 24140 Urea (not for use as fertiliser) (manufacture) 20150 24150 Urea for use as fertiliser (manufacture) 46120 51120 Urea, thiourea and melamine resins in primary forms (commission agent) 46750 51550 Urea, thiourea and melamine resins in primary forms (wholesale) 20140 24140 Ureines (manufacture) 23420 26220 Urinals made of ceramic, fireclay, etc. (manufacture) 32500 33100 Urine bottle holders and other accessories for medical beds (manufacture) 21200 24421 Urological reagents (manufacture) 86220 85120 Urologist (private practice) 86101 85111 Urologist (public sector) 26110 31300 USB cables (manufacture) 16100 20100 V‑jointed wood (manufacture) 21200 24421 Vaccine (manufacture) 27510 29710 Vacuum cleaners for domestic use (manufacture) 28990 29560 Vacuum cleaners for industrial and commercial use (manufacture) 32990 36639 Vacuum flask (complete) (manufacture) 23130 26130 Vacuum flask inners (manufacture) 28990 29560 Vacuum forming machine (manufacture) 32990 36639 Vacuum jar (manufacture) 28131 29121 Vacuum pump (manufacture) 46690 51870 Vacuum pumps (wholesale) 16100 20100 Vacuum treatment of wood (manufacture) 32990 36639 Vacuum vessels for personal or household use (manufacture) 13923 17403 Valances (manufacture) 96090 93059 Valet car parkers 96010 93010 Valet service 74909 74879 Valuer (any trade except real estate) 68310 70310 Valuer (real estate) 28140 29130 Valve actuators (electrical (other than electric motors)) (manufacture) 28120 29130 Valve actuators (hydraulic and pneumatic) (manufacture) 28140 29130 Valve parts (manufacture) 26110 32100 Valves (electronic) (manufacture) 22290 25240 Valves for aerosols (moulded components) (manufacture) 28120 29130 Valves for hydraulic equipment (manufacture) 28140 29130 Valves for industrial use (manufacture) 28110 34300 Valves for motor vehicle engines (manufacture) 28120 29130 Valves for pneumatic control equipment (manufacture) 28140 29130 Valves for tyres (manufacture) 29100 34100 Van (manufacture) Alphabetical Index SIC 2007 SIC 2003 Activity 77120 77110 24450 07290 28131 01280 19201 25300 74909 90010 20301 20301 47520 46730 18130 32500 19201 23410 23690 71219 71100 27450 13200 29121 01139 23201 28300 74879 92311 24301 24301 52460 51530 22250 33100 23201 26210 26660 23130 22290 20120 16240 20590 20590 10390 26130 25240 24120 20400 24660 24660 15330 10390 15330 46170 51170 Van hire (exceeding 3.5 tonnes without driver) Van rental (self drive not exceeding 3.5 tonnes) Vanadium (manufacture) Vanadium mining and preparation Vane pump (manufacture) Vanilla growing Vaporising oil (manufacture) Vapour generators (manufacture) Variety agency Variety artiste (own account) Varnish (manufacture) Varnish removers (manufacture) Varnishes (retail) Varnishes (wholesale) Varnishing (manufacture) Vascular prostheses (manufacture) Vaseline (at refinery) (manufacture) Vases made of ceramic (manufacture) Vases made of concrete, plaster, cement or artificial stone (manufacture) Vases made of glassware (manufacture) Vases made of plastic (manufacture) Vat dye (manufacture) Vats made of wood (manufacture) Vegetable‑based bio diesel (manufacture) Vegetable‑based biodiesel (manufacture) Vegetable dehydrating for human consumption (manufacture) Vegetable dishes (manufacture) Vegetable down (manufacture) Vegetable fats or oils extraction or preparation machinery (manufacture) Vegetable fibre pulp (manufacture) Vegetable growing (except potatoes) Vegetable hair gathering Vegetable harvesting and sorting machinery (manufacture) Vegetable juice (manufacture) Vegetable materials used for plaiting growing Vegetable milling (manufacture) Vegetable oil processing: blowing, boiling, dehydration, hydrogenation (manufacture) Vegetable oil refining (manufacture) Vegetable or resin product derivatives (commission agent) Vegetable or resin product derivatives (wholesale) Vegetable pickling (manufacture) Vegetable plaiting material growing Vegetable preparation and preserving (manufacture) Vegetable processing machines and equipment (manufacture) Vegetable quick freezing (manufacture) Vegetable saps and extracts (commission agent) 01130 Vegetable seed growing 10850 15330 13100 17170 28930 29530 17110 01130 02300 28302 21110 01120 02010 29320 10320 02100 10612 10410 15320 02010 15612 15420 10410 15420 46120 51120 46750 10390 01290 10390 28930 51550 15330 01110 15330 29530 01120 20120 24120 Vegetable tanning and dyeing extracts (manufacture) 47210 52210 Vegetables (retail) 46310 51310 Vegetables (unprocessed) (wholesale) 46310 51310 Vegetables (wholesale) 47290 52270 Vegetarian foods (retail) 147 V Alphabetical Index SIC 2007 V SIC 2003 Indexes to the UK Standard Industrial Classification of Economic Activities 2007 – UK SIC(2007) Activity 64921 65221 Vehicle fuel credit card services 27400 31500 Vehicle lamps (bulb and sealed beam unit) (manufacture) 82990 75130 Vehicle licence issuing on a fee or contract basis 26513 33202 Vehicle motors testing and regulating apparatus (non‑electronic) (manufacture) 30990 35500 Vehicles drawn by animals (manufacture) 13990 17541 Veiling (not silk) (manufacture) 13200 17240 Veiling made of silk (manufacture) 15110 19100 Vellum (manufacture) 26511 33201 Velocity measuring instruments (electronic) (manufacture) 26513 33202 Velocity measuring instruments (non‑electronic) (manufacture) 13200 17210 Velvet (manufacture) 13300 17300 Velvet cutting and shearing (manufacture) 13300 17300 Velvet dyeing (manufacture) 13200 17210 Velveteen (manufacture) 13300 17300 Velveteen cutting and shearing (manufacture) 13300 17300 Velveteen dyeing (manufacture) 28290 29240 Vending machine (manufacture) 47990 52630 Vending machine sales (retail) 46690 51870 Vending machines (wholesale) 16210 20200 Veneer (manufacture) 16100 20100 Veneer log sawing (manufacture) 28490 29430 Veneer press (manufacture) 28490 29430 Veneer shearing machines (manufacture) 16210 20200 Veneer sheet (manufacture) 28490 29430 Veneer splicing machines (manufacture) 28250 29230 Ventilating fans (manufacture) 27510 29710 Ventilating or recycling hoods (manufacture) 28250 29230 Ventilating unit (manufacture) 81222 74704 Ventilation ducts cleaning 46740 51540 Ventilation equipment (wholesale) 28250 29710 Ventilation equipment for domestic use (manufacture) 28250 29230 Ventilation equipment for non‑domestic use (manufacture) 90010 92311 Ventriloquist 64303 65235 Venture and development capital companies and funds activities 10730 15850 Vermicelli (manufacture) 81291 74703 Vermin destroying (not agricultural) 01610 01410 Vermin destroying and trapping on agricultural land 11040 15950 Vermouth (manufacture) 25300 28300 Vertical boiler (manufacture) 10831 15861 Vervain herb infusions (manufacture) 52220 63220 Vessel laying up and storage services 52220 63220 Vessel registration services 46499 51479 Vessels for pleasure or sports (wholesale) 10200 15209 Vessels only engaged in processing and preserving fish (other than by freezing) (manufacture) 10200 15201 Vessels only engaged in processing and preserving fish by freezing (manufacture) 14120 18210 Vestments for clerical use (manufacture) 14141 18231 Vests for men and boys (manufacture) 14142 18232 Vests for women and girls (manufacture) 75000 85200 Veterinary activities 75000 85200 Veterinary assistants or other auxiliary veterinary personnel 21100 24410 Veterinary biologicals (manufacture) 148 SIC 2007 SIC 2003 Activity 46460 32500 21100 75000 21200 21200 75000 42130 23130 64999 25730 91020 26309 18202 47430 26400 47410 46499 32409 46499 51460 33100 24410 85200 24421 24421 85200 45213 26130 65239 28620 92521 32202 22320 52450 36509 52482 51477 36509 51477 26120 59120 59112 59112 26400 77291 47430 26400 32100 92119 92111 92111 32300 71403 52450 32300 26309 59112 59132 59140 18202 77220 47630 59132 74209 32202 92111 92120 92130 22320 71405 52450 92120 74819 Veterinary drugs (wholesale) Veterinary equipment (manufacture) Veterinary feed additives (medicinal) (manufacture) Veterinary laboratory Veterinary medicines (manufacture) Veterinary pharmaceuticals (manufacture) Veterinary surgery Viaduct construction Vial (manufacture) Viatical settlement company activities Vices (manufacture) Victoria and Albert Museum Video conferencing equipment (manufacture) Video disc reproduction (manufacture) Video equipment (retail) Video game consoles (manufacture) Video game consoles (retail) Video games (wholesale) Video games machines (manufacture) Video games of a kind used with a television receiver (wholesale) Video interface cards (manufacture) Video post‑production activities Video producer (own account) Video production Video projector (manufacture) Video recorder/player (domestic) hire Video recorders (retail) Video recording or reproducing apparatus including camcorders (manufacture) Video signalling equipment (manufacture) Video studios Video tape and dvd distribution rights acquisition Video tape projection Video tape recordings reproduction (manufacture) Video tape rental Video tapes (retail) Video tapes distribution to other industries Videoing of live events such as weddings, graduations, conventions, fashion shows, etc. Videos (recorded) (wholesale) Village general store (selling mainly foodstuffs) with alcohol licence (retail) Village general store (selling mainly foodstuffs) without alcohol licence (retail) Vinegar processing machinery (manufacture) Vinegars (malt, spirit, wine, acetic acid) (manufacture) Vineyards Vinyl acetate (manufacture) Vinyl acetate polymers (manufacture) Vinyl chloride polymers (manufacture) Vinyl floor covering (homogeneous and printed) (manufacture) Vinyl paint (manufacture) Vinyl‑coated wall coverings (manufacture) Vinyl‑coated wallpaper (manufacture) Viola (manufacture) Violin (manufacture) Violin case (not wooden) (manufacture) 46431 51431 47110 52112 47110 52113 28930 29530 10840 15870 01210 20140 20160 20160 22230 01131 24140 24160 24160 25231 20301 17240 17240 32200 32200 15120 24301 21240 21240 36300 36300 19200 Indexes to the UK Standard Industrial Classification of Economic Activities 2007 – UK SIC(2007) SIC 2007 SIC 2003 Activity SIC 2007 16290 92000 26200 26511 26513 28230 79909 55201 20510 92710 30020 33201 33202 30010 63309 55231 26200 20301 20301 46130 30020 24301 24301 51130 Violin cases made of wood (manufacture) Virtual gambling web site operation Virtual reality helmets (manufacture) Viscometers (electronic) (manufacture) Viscometers (non‑electronic) (manufacture) Visible record computer (tabulator) (manufacture) Visitor assistance services Visitor flats and bungalows provided in holiday centres and holiday villages Visual display unit for computer (manufacture) Vitreous enamel frits (manufacture) Vitrifiable enamels (manufacture) Vitrifiable enamels and glazes, englobes, liquid lustres and glass frit (commission agent) Vitrified bonded abrasives (manufacture) Vocational education at post‑secondary non‑tertial level Vocational rehabilitation (charitable) Vocational rehabilitation (non‑charitable) Vodka distilling (manufacture) Voile weaving (manufacture) VOIP (voice over internet protocol) provision Voltage checking instruments (manufacture) Voltage limiters (manufacture) Voltage regulators for vehicles (manufacture) Voltmeter (electronic) (manufacture) Voltmeter (non‑electronic) (manufacture) Volumetric glassware (manufacture) Voting machines (manufacture) Vulcanized and unvulcanized rubber and articles thereof (commission agent) Vulcanized fibre (manufacture) Vulcanizing machines for working rubber and plastics (manufacture) Wadding made from yarn spun on the cotton system (manufacture) Wafer biscuits (manufacture) Waffle irons (manufacture) Waffles (manufacture) Wagon and locomotive frames (manufacture) Wagon cover (manufacture) Wagon timber (sawn) (manufacture) Waistcoats and other similar articles (knitted) (manufacture) Waistcoats for men and boys (manufacture) Walking draglines (manufacture) Walking sticks (manufacture) Walking sticks and seat sticks (wholesale) Walking sticks made of wood (manufacture) Wall boards (wholesale) Wall covering Wall coverings made of plastic (manufacture) Wall mountings made of metal (manufacture) 17230 21230 Wallets containing an assortment of paper stationery (manufacture) 15120 19200 Wallets made of leather or leather substitute (manufacture) 47530 52489 Wallpaper (retail) 46730 51440 Wallpaper (wholesale) 17240 21240 Wallpaper and lining paper (manufacture) 17120 21120 Wallpaper base (manufacture) 43330 45430 Wallpaper hanging 01250 01139 Walnut growing 01700 01500 Walrus catching 25400 29600 War ammunition (manufacture) 94990 91330 War veterans’ associations 31090 36140 Wardrobes (manufacture) 31090 36140 Wardrobes made of metal (manufacture) 52102 63129 Warehouse (general) operation for air transport activities 52103 63129 Warehouse (general) operation for land transport activities 52101 63129 Warehouse (general) operation for water transport activities 27520 29720 Warm air generator (non‑electric) (manufacture) 13100 17120 Warp dressing (woollen) (manufacture) 13910 17600 Warp knitted fabric (manufacture) 13300 17300 Warp knitted fabric dyeing and finishing (manufacture) 13910 17600 Warp knitting (manufacture) 13100 17130 Warp sizing and dressing (worsted) (manufacture) 10620 15620 Warp starch (manufacture) 28940 29540 Warpers for preparing textile yarns (manufacture) 28940 29540 Warping machinery (manufacture) 30110 35110 Warship (manufacture) 25990 28750 Wash basins made of metal (manufacture) 22230 25239 Wash basins made of plastic (manufacture) 23420 26220 Wash basins or sinks made of ceramic, fireclay, etc. (manufacture) 46730 51530 Washbasins (wholesale) 15120 19200 Washers made of leather (manufacture) 25940 28740 Washers made of metal (manufacture) 22190 25130 Washers made of rubber (manufacture) 96010 93010 Washing and cleaning of fur products 96010 93010 Washing and dry cleaning of clothing 96010 93010 Washing and dry cleaning of textile products 28940 29540 Washing machines (laundry) (manufacture) 28940 29540 Washing machines (textile) (non‑domestic) (manufacture) 27510 29710 Washing machines for domestic use (manufacture) 20411 24511 Washing powders and preparations in solid or liquid form (manufacture) 46440 51440 Washing products (e.g. washing powder) (wholesale) 46770 51570 Waste (wholesale) 46180 51180 Waste and scrap (commission agent) 46770 51570 Waste and scrap exporter (wholesale) 46770 51570 Waste and scrap importer (wholesale) 38110 90020 Waste collection 38110 90020 Waste collection centre 13100 17110 Waste cotton yarn (manufacture) 38210 90020 Waste disposal 27510 29710 Waste disposers (manufacture) 23130 26130 Waste glass resulting from glass container production (manufacture) 23910 26810 85410 80301 88100 88100 11010 13200 61900 26511 27120 29310 26511 26513 23190 28230 46120 85321 85322 15910 17210 64200 33201 31200 31610 33201 33202 26150 30010 51120 22210 25210 28960 29560 17220 17549 10720 27510 10710 30200 13922 16100 14390 15820 29710 15810 35200 17402 20100 17720 14131 28922 32990 46420 16290 46730 43330 22230 25990 18221 29522 36639 51429 36639 51530 45430 25239 28750 23610 26610 Wall panels for structural use made of precast concrete (manufacture) 23310 26300 Wall tiles (glazed) (manufacture) 23310 26300 Wall tiles made of unglazed clay (manufacture) 31090 36140 Wall unit (manufacture) 91020 92521 Wallace collection 47722 52432 Wallets (retail) SIC 2003 Alphabetical Index Activity 149 W Alphabetical Index SIC 2007 W SIC 2003 Indexes to the UK Standard Industrial Classification of Economic Activities 2007 – UK SIC(2007) Activity 23190 26150 Waste glass resulting from glass product production (other than glass container) (manufacture) 25300 28300 Waste heat boiler (manufacture) 38210 90020 Waste incineration 46770 51570 Waste paper (wholesale) 46770 51570 Waste rubber (wholesale) 46770 51570 Waste string (wholesale) 13300 17300 Waste textile dyeing (manufacture) 38210 90020 Waste treatment by composting of plant materials 46760 51550 Waste, parings and scrap of plastic (wholesale) 46120 51120 Waste, parings and scrap of rubber (commission agent) 26520 33500 Watch (manufacture) 46499 51479 Watch and clock movements (wholesale) 15120 19200 Watch bands of non‑metallic material such as fabric, leather or plastic (manufacture) 26520 33500 Watch case (manufacture) 23190 26150 Watch glass (manufacture) 15120 19200 Watch straps (non‑metallic) (manufacture) 15120 19200 Watch straps made of leather or leather substitute (manufacture) 32130 33500 Watch straps, bands and bracelets made of non‑precious metal (manufacture) 32120 33500 Watchbands, wristbands and watch straps, of precious metal (manufacture) 47770 52484 Watches and clocks (retail) 46480 51479 Watches and clocks (wholesale) 26520 33500 Watchmakers’ jewels (manufacture) 80100 74602 Watchman activities 36000 41000 Water authority (headquarters and water supply) 11070 15980 Water bottling (manufacture) 22290 25240 Water butts made of plastic (manufacture) 25400 29600 Water cannon (manufacture) 23420 26220 Water closet bowls made of ceramic, fireclay, etc. (manufacture) 36000 41000 Water collection, purification and distribution 36000 41000 Water company 36000 41000 Water conservation 71122 74206 Water divining and other scientific prospecting activities 77342 71229 Water freight transport equipment rental (without operator) 27520 29720 Water heaters (gas) (manufacture) 27510 29710 Water heaters for domestic use (electric) (manufacture) 27520 29720 Water heaters for domestic use (non‑electric) (manufacture) 10520 15520 Water ices (manufacture) 42210 45213 Water main and line construction 71129 74204 Water management projects design 71200 74300 Water measuring related to cleanness 26513 33202 Water meters (non‑electronic) (manufacture) 77341 71221 Water passenger transport equipment rental (without operator) 42910 45240 Water project construction 22290 25240 Water sensitive adhesive tapes made of plastic (manufacture) 28290 29240 Water softening plant (manufacture) 32300 36400 Water sports equipment (manufacture) 22230 25239 Water stop and bar made of plastic (manufacture) 50100 61101 Water taxis operation (except for inland waterway service) 150 SIC 2007 SIC 2003 Activity 50300 25110 52220 50400 20590 28290 42210 25300 42210 22190 50200 61201 28110 63220 61209 24660 29240 45240 28300 45250 25130 61102 01130 22290 01130 17120 13922 43999 13300 46499 01120 25240 01120 21120 17402 45220 17300 51479 42910 52220 28110 28110 45240 63220 29110 29110 32300 26511 26513 27900 20420 36400 33201 33202 31620 24520 20412 93290 74909 22230 24512 92349 63400 25239 Water taxis operation (inland waterway service) Water tower made of steel plate (manufacture) Water transport (supporting activities) Water transport of freight inside harbours and docks Water treatment chemicals (manufacture) Water treatment plant (manufacture) Water treatment plant construction Water tube boilers (manufacture) Water well drilling Waterbed mattresses of rubber (manufacture) Waterborne freight transport (except for inland waterway service) Watercress growing Watering cans made of plastic (manufacture) Watermelon growing Waterproof paper (manufacture) Waterproofed covers made of canvas (manufacture) Waterproofing of buildings Waterproofing of purchased garments (manufacture) Water‑skis, surf‑boards, sail‑boards and other water‑sport equipment (wholesale) Waterway construction Waterway locks operation Water‑wheels (manufacture) Waterwheels and regulators and parts thereof (manufacture) Waterwings made of rubber (manufacture) Watt meter (electronic) (manufacture) Watt meter (non‑electronic) (manufacture) Wave form generator (manufacture) Waving and hair straightening preparations (manufacture) Wax (manufacture) Waxworks Way‑bills issue and procurement WC seat and cover units made of plastic (manufacture) Weapons (manufacture) Weapons (retail) Wearing apparel and clothing accessories made of fur (manufacture) Wearing apparel rental and leasing Weather forecasting activities Weather insurance Weather protective industrial clothing (manufacture) Weatherboard (manufacture) Weatherboarding made of plastic (manufacture) Weatherproof jackets for men and boys (manufacture) Weatherproof jackets for women and girls (manufacture) Weatherproof outerwear for infants (manufacture) Weatherproof outerwear for men and boys (manufacture) Weatherproof outerwear for women and girls (manufacture) Weatherproof skiing clothing (manufacture) Weaving (woollen) (manufacture) Weaving (worsted) (manufacture) Weaving machinery (looms) (manufacture) Weaving machines (manufacture) 25400 29600 47789 52489 14200 18300 77299 74909 65120 14120 16100 22230 14131 71409 74206 66031 18210 20100 25239 18221 14132 18222 14190 18249 14131 18221 14132 18222 14190 13200 13200 28940 28940 18249 17220 17230 29540 29540 Indexes to the UK Standard Industrial Classification of Economic Activities 2007 – UK SIC(2007) SIC 2007 SIC 2003 Activity 13200 17210 Weaving of cotton and man‑made fibres (manufacture) 13922 17402 Web equipment making‑up (manufacture) 63110 72300 Web hosting 62012 72220 Web page design 63120 72400 Web search portals 13960 17542 Webbing made of non‑elastic and non‑elastomeric (manufacture) 13960 17542 Webbing weaving (manufacture) 56210 55520 Wedding catering 74209 74819 Wedding photography 26701 33402 Wedge (optical) (manufacture) 20200 24200 Weed killer (manufacture) 13910 17600 Weft knitted fabric (manufacture) 13300 17300 Weft knitted fabric dyeing and finishing (manufacture) 28290 29240 Weighbridge (manufacture) 52219 63210 Weighbridge services 28290 29240 Weighing machine (manufacture) 96090 93059 Weighing machine operation (coin operated) 46690 51870 Weighing machines and scales for commercial use (wholesale) 28290 29240 Weights for weighing machine (manufacture) 24100 27100 Welded sections of iron and steel (manufacture) 24200 27220 Welded tubes (manufacture) 27900 31620 Welding electrode (manufacture) 27900 29430 Welding machines (electric) (manufacture) 28290 29430 Welding machines (gas) (manufacture) 25930 28730 Welding rods (coated/covered with flux) made of steel (manufacture) 28290 29430 Welding torch (manufacture) 24340 27340 Welding wire (uncoated) made of steel (manufacture) 88990 85321 Welfare and guidance activities for children and adolescents (charitable) 88990 85322 Welfare and guidance activities for children and adolescents (non‑charitable) 88990 85321 Welfare service (charitable) 88990 85322 Welfare service (non‑charitable) 23190 26150 Well and bulkhead glass (manufacture) 28921 29521 Well drilling equipment (manufacture) 09100 11200 Well logging 43999 45250 Well sinking (except gas or oil) 28921 29521 Wellhead running tools (manufacture) 28921 29521 Wellheads (manufacture) 15200 19300 Wellington boot (manufacture) 09100 11200 Well‑perforating services 94910 91310 Wesleyan reform union 27200 31400 Wet cell batteries (manufacture) 10620 15620 Wet corn milling (manufacture) 47230 52230 Wet fish (retail) SIC 2007 SIC 2003 Activity 03110 52220 10611 01110 10611 10611 10611 10620 26511 26513 05010 63220 15611 01110 15611 15611 15611 15620 33201 33202 30920 77390 28220 28220 28220 30920 33170 32409 46499 35430 71219 35500 35500 35500 35430 35430 36509 51477 46610 29320 30910 30920 10519 51880 34300 35410 35420 15519 Whaling Wharfinger Wheat flake (manufacture) Wheat growing Wheat milling (manufacture) Wheat offal (manufacture) Wheat pellets (manufacture) Wheat starch (manufacture) Wheel balancing machine (electronic) (manufacture) Wheel balancing machine (non‑electronic) (manufacture) Wheel chair (manufacture) Wheelbarrow hire Wheelbarrows made of metal (manufacture) Wheelbarrows made of plastic (manufacture) Wheelbarrows made of wood (manufacture) Wheelchair (manufacture) Wheelchair repair and maintenance (manufacture) Wheeled toys designed to be ridden (manufacture) Wheeled toys designed to be ridden by children (wholesale) Wheeled tractor (wholesale) Wheels and hubs for motor vehicles (manufacture) Wheels for motorcycles (manufacture) Wheels for pedal cycles (manufacture) Whey (sweetened skimmed) production (manufacture) ‘While‑you‑wait’ printing of textile articles (manufacture) Whinstone quarry Whips (manufacture) Whips and riding crops (wholesale) Whisky (manufacture) Whisky blending (manufacture) Whisky distilling (manufacture) Whistles (manufacture) White boards (manufacture) White chocolate (manufacture) White currant growing White lead (not in paste form) (manufacture) White lead in paste form (manufacture) White metal (manufacture) White salt production White spirit (manufacture) White sugar (manufacture) Whitewash brush (manufacture) Whiting and prepared chalk production Wholesale grocer (wholesale) Wholesale of a variety of goods without any particular specialisation (wholesale) Wicker baskets (manufacture) Wicker furniture (manufacture) Wickerwork (manufacture) Wickerwork (wholesale) Wickerwork goods (retail) Wicks for lamps, stoves or candles (manufacture) Wide cut gasoline (manufacture) Wide slabs made of semi‑finished steel (manufacture) Wig (manufacture) 13300 52740 08110 15120 46499 11010 11010 11010 32200 28230 10822 01250 20130 20301 24450 08930 19201 10810 32910 08110 46390 46900 14110 36639 51479 15910 15910 15910 36300 36120 15842 01139 24130 24301 27450 14400 23201 15830 36620 14120 51390 51900 20520 36140 20520 51479 52440 17542 23201 27100 30110 35110 Whaler (manufacture) 16290 31090 16290 46499 47599 13960 19201 24100 10110 Whales processing on land or on specialised vessels (manufacture) 32990 36639 46380 51380 Wet fish dealer (wholesale) 22190 25130 Wet suits of rubber (manufacture) 46330 51333 Whale oil (wholesale) 10410 15410 Whale oil production (manufacture) 10410 15420 Whale oil refining (manufacture) 32990 36639 Whalebone cutting and splitting (manufacture) 15111 Alphabetical Index 151 W Alphabetical Index SIC 2007 SIC 2003 Activity SIC 2007 SIC 2003 Activity 91040 02100 69109 13931 13200 28220 46690 46630 92530 02010 74119 17511 17210 29220 51870 51820 35110 32200 28110 28220 28921 28940 27320 28220 47599 22230 40110 36300 29110 29220 29521 29540 31300 29220 52440 25239 03110 28302 28930 93110 93120 16240 32910 25930 28990 25930 46690 24420 24440 46740 24410 05010 29320 29530 92619 92629 20400 36620 28730 29560 28730 51870 27420 27440 51540 27410 81221 13940 73110 25720 23650 25120 22230 16230 13910 23110 23120 18129 29320 74702 17520 74402 28630 26650 28120 25239 20300 17600 26110 26120 22220 34300 Wildlife preservation services Willow growing Wills preparation Wilton carpet (manufacture) Winceyette weaving (manufacture) Winch (manufacture) Winches and capstans (wholesale) Winches specially designed for use underground (wholesale) Wind farms Wind instrument (manufacture) Wind turbines (manufacture) Winding device (manufacture) Winding machine for mining (manufacture) Winding machine for textiles (manufacture) Winding wire and strip (manufacture) Windlass (manufacture) Window blinds (retail) Window blinds and accessories made of plastic (manufacture) Window cleaning Window cord (manufacture) Window dressing Window fittings made of metal (manufacture) Window frames made of fibre‑cement (manufacture) Window frames made of metal (manufacture) Window frames made of plastic (manufacture) Window frames made of wood (manufacture) Window furnishing knitted fabric (manufacture) Window glass (not cut to size) (manufacture) Window glass cut to size (manufacture) Window ticket (manufacture) Window winding gear for motor vehicles (not electric) (manufacture) Windscreen replacement services Windscreen wipers (manufacture) Windscreen wipers for motor vehicles (non‑electric) (manufacture) Windscreens made of glass (manufacture) Windsor Great Park Wine (of own manufacture) blending, purification and bottling (manufacture) Wine (purchased in bulk) blending, purification and bottling (manufacture) Wine and spirit merchant (retail) Wine and spirit merchant (wholesale) Wine and spirits (retail) Wine based on concentrated grape must (manufacture) Wine importer (wholesale) Wine making machinery (manufacture) Wine making preparations (excluding yeast) (manufacture) Wine production from fresh grapes and grape juice (manufacture) Wine production from self produced grapes Wine racks made of wood (manufacture) Wine, cider, fruit beverage production machinery (wholesale) Wine, cider, fruit juice, etc. press (manufacture) Wings for aircraft (manufacture) Winkle gathering Winnower for agricultural use (manufacture) Winnowers for milling (manufacture) Winter sport arenas and stadiums Winter sport clubs Wire and cable drums made of wood (manufacture) Wire brush (manufacture) Wire cable made of steel (manufacture) Wire coiling machine (manufacture) Wire fabric made of steel (manufacture) Wire for industrial use (wholesale) Wire made of aluminium (manufacture) Wire made of copper (uninsulated) (manufacture) Wire netting (wholesale) Wire of precious metals, made by drawing (manufacture) Wire products (manufacture) Wire products made of uninsulated copper (manufacture) Wire rods made of copper (manufacture) Wire rods made of steel (manufacture) Wire rope making machine (manufacture) Wire strands made of aluminium (manufacture) Wire weaving machine (manufacture) Wire, switches and other installation equipment for industrial use (wholesale) Wirebar made of aluminium (manufacture) Wired glass (manufacture) Wireless telecommunications activities Wires and switches for domestic lighting use (wholesale) Wiring accessories (manufacture) Wiring devices (manufacture) Wiring sets (manufacture) Witherite mine Withy growing Wolfram (manufacture) Women’s bespoke tailor (retail) Women’s clothier and outfitter (retail) Women’s clothing (retail) Women’s clothing (wholesale) Women’s clothing accessories (retail) Women’s hats (retail) Women’s hosiery (retail) Women’s outfitter (retail) Women’s Royal Air Force Women’s Royal Army Corps Women’s Royal Naval Service Women’s Royal Voluntary Service Women’s tailor (retail) Women’s wear (retail) Wood (commission agent) Wood (wholesale) 45200 50200 29310 31610 29320 34300 23120 26120 93290 92729 11020 15931 11020 51342 47250 46342 47250 11020 W Indexes to the UK Standard Industrial Classification of Economic Activities 2007 – UK SIC(2007) 52250 51342 52250 15932 46342 51342 28930 29530 20590 24660 11020 15931 11020 01131 16290 20510 46690 51870 28930 29530 30300 35300 152 25930 28730 25930 28730 24440 24100 28990 25930 28490 46690 27440 27100 29560 28730 29430 51870 24420 23110 61200 46470 27420 26110 64200 51439 27330 27330 29310 08990 02200 24450 47710 47710 47710 46420 47710 47710 47710 47710 84220 84220 84220 88990 47710 47710 46130 46730 31200 31200 31610 14500 02010 27450 52423 52423 52423 51429 52423 52423 52423 52423 75220 75220 75220 85321 52423 52423 51130 51530 18130 22240 Wood blocks for printing (manufacture) 25730 28620 Wood boring bit (manufacture) 16290 20510 Wood carving (manufacture) 46750 51550 Wood charcoal (not fuel) (wholesale) 46120 51120 Wood charcoal for fuel (commission agent) 16100 20100 Wood chip (manufacture) Indexes to the UK Standard Industrial Classification of Economic Activities 2007 – UK SIC(2007) SIC 2007 SIC 2003 Activity 16210 20200 Wood chipboard agglomerated with non‑mineral binding substances (manufacture) 25730 28620 Wood chisel (manufacture) 16100 20100 Wood creosoting, impregnation, preservation, spraying, varnishing and drying (manufacture) 16100 20100 Wood drying (manufacture) 90030 92319 Wood engraver (artistic) 16100 20100 Wood flour (manufacture) 02200 02010 Wood gathering and production, for energy 16100 20100 Wood grooving, milling, planing, sawing etc. (manufacture) 16100 20100 Wood impregnation (manufacture) 46730 51530 Wood in the rough (wholesale) 02200 02010 Wood in the rough production (untreated) 02200 02010 Wood logging, etc. within forestry site 16100 20100 Wood machining (manufacture) 16290 20510 Wood marquetry (manufacture) 16100 20100 Wood mill (manufacture) 16100 20100 Wood particles (manufacture) 16230 20300 Wood partitions (manufacture) 16100 20100 Wood planing (manufacture) 16100 20100 Wood preservation (manufacture) 46730 51530 Wood products of primary processing (wholesale) 17110 21110 Wood pulp (manufacture) 17290 21259 Wood pulp vessel (manufacture) 16100 20100 Wood sawing (manufacture) 28490 29430 Wood sculpturing and engraving machines (manufacture) 16100 20100 Wood shavings (manufacture) 16100 20100 Wood spraying (manufacture) 20301 24301 Wood stain (manufacture) 20140 24140 Wood tar chemicals (manufacture) 16100 20100 Wood varnishing (manufacture) 16210 20200 Wood veneers (manufacture) 16100 20100 Wood wool (manufacture) 81291 74703 Wood worm preventative treatment service 46730 51530 Wood, construction materials and sanitary equipment exporter (wholesale) 46730 51530 Wood, construction materials and sanitary equipment importer (wholesale) 16290 20510 Wooden articles n.e.c. (manufacture) 16230 20300 Wooden beams for the construction industry (manufacture) 28490 29430 Wooden button making machinery (manufacture) 16290 20510 Wooden cases for jewellery (manufacture) 16230 20300 Wooden goods intended to be used primarily in the construction industry (manufacture) 16220 20300 Wooden parquet floor blocks assembled into panels (manufacture) 16220 20300 Wooden parquet floor strips assembled into panels (manufacture) 47599 52440 Wooden ware (retail) 46499 51479 Wooden ware (wholesale) 46760 51560 Woodpulp and paper making materials (wholesale) 81291 74703 Wood rot preventative treatment service 32200 36300 Woodwind instruments (manufacture) 28490 29430 Woodworking machinery (manufacture) 10110 15113 Wool (fellmongery) (manufacture) 01450 01220 Wool (raw) production 46110 51110 Wool broker (commission agent) 28940 29540 Wool carbonisers (manufacture) Alphabetical Index SIC 2007 SIC 2003 Activity 13100 13100 13100 13100 13300 46110 13100 14190 17120 17120 17120 17120 17300 51110 17120 18241 46110 46760 13100 13300 13100 28940 13100 13100 13100 52102 52103 52101 13300 51110 51560 17120 17300 17120 29540 17120 17120 17130 63129 63129 63129 17300 13200 47510 46410 46770 13100 13100 13100 13100 13100 13100 13100 13100 13100 13100 13100 13100 13100 13100 13100 13100 46410 13200 13100 17220 52410 51410 51570 17120 17120 17120 17120 17120 17120 17120 17120 17120 17120 17120 17120 17120 17120 17120 17120 51410 17220 17120 13200 13100 28230 77330 17220 17120 30010 71330 31090 28490 28490 77320 36140 29430 29430 71320 Wool carbonising (manufacture) Wool carding (manufacture) Wool cleaning (manufacture) Wool condensing (manufacture) Wool dyeing (loose) (manufacture) Wool exchange (commission agent) Wool extracting (manufacture) Wool felt and fur felt hood and capeline (manufacture) Wool grease including lanolin (commission agent) Wool merchant (wholesale) Wool opening and willeying (manufacture) Wool printing (manufacture) Wool recovery (manufacture) Wool scourers (manufacture) Wool scouring (manufacture) Wool sorting (manufacture) Wool topmaking (manufacture) Wool warehouse for air transport activities Wool warehouse for land transport activities Wool warehouse for water transport activities Woollen and worsted fabric bleaching, dyeing, or otherwise finishing (manufacture) Woollen cloth weaving (manufacture) Woollen draper (retail) Woollen flock (wholesale) Woollen rag (wholesale) Woollen rag carbonising (manufacture) Woollen rag carding (manufacture) Woollen rag garnetting (manufacture) Woollen rag grinding or pulling (manufacture) Woollen waste breaking (manufacture) Woollen waste garnetting (manufacture) Woollen waste grinding (manufacture) Woollen waste opening and willeying (manufacture) Woollen yarn carding (manufacture) Woollen yarn condensing (manufacture) Woollen yarn reeling (manufacture) Woollen yarn sizing (manufacture) Woollen yarn spinning (manufacture) Woollen yarn twisting (manufacture) Woollen yarn warping (manufacture) Woollen yarn winding (manufacture) Woollens (wholesale) Woollen‑type fabrics (manufacture) Woollen‑type fibre preparation and spinning (manufacture) Woollen‑type weaving (manufacture) Woollen‑type yarns (manufacture) Word processing machines (manufacture) Word processing machines rental and operating leasing Work benches made of wood (manufacture) Work holders (engineers’ small tools) (manufacture) Work holders for machine tools (manufacture) Work platform rental without erection and dismantling Work uniforms rental from laundries Work with specialist access requirements necessitating climbing skills and related equipment 96010 93010 43999 45250 153 W Alphabetical Index SIC 2007 SIC 2003 Activity SIC 2007 SIC 2003 Activity 32120 23990 85590 55900 70221 36220 26829 80429 55239 74142 17230 28230 74202 26600 26600 26600 22220 30010 74813 33100 33100 33100 94990 56301 47781 85320 28220 46690 30200 46160 14120 14120 99000 01490 03210 13100 13100 13100 13100 13100 13100 13100 13200 13100 91330 55401 52486 80220 29220 51870 35200 51160 18210 18210 99000 01250 05020 17130 17130 17130 17130 17130 17130 17130 17230 17130 13200 13100 13200 13960 13200 13200 13300 17230 17130 17250 17542 17250 17250 17300 31090 13960 13200 13960 17120 36140 17542 17210 17542 21120 Worked pearls (manufacture) Worked peat, articles thereof (manufacture) Workers’ Educational Association Workers’ hostels Working capital and liquidity management consultancy services Working men’s club (not licensed to sell alcohol) Working men’s clubs (licensed to sell alcohol) Works of art (retail) Works school (if separately identifiable) Works trucks (manufacture) Works trucks (wholesale) Workshop wagon for railways (manufacture) Workwear (commission agent) Workwear (manufacture) Workwear clothing for women (manufacture) World bank Worm (other than marine) farming Worm farms, marine Worsted carding (manufacture) Worsted doubling (manufacture) Worsted spinning and twisting (manufacture) Worsted waste grinding (manufacture) Worsted yarn reeling (manufacture) Worsted yarn warping (manufacture) Worsted yarn winding (manufacture) Worsted‑type fabrics (manufacture) Worsted‑type fibres preparation and spinning (manufacture) Worsted‑type weaving (manufacture) Worsted‑type yarns (manufacture) Woven cloth made of polypropylene (manufacture) Woven conveyor belting (manufacture) Woven elastic over 30 cm wide (manufacture) Woven elastomeric over 30 cm wide (manufacture) Woven fabric bleaching, dyeing, printing or otherwise finishing (manufacture) Woven fibre furniture (manufacture) Woven machinery belting (manufacture) Woven pile cotton‑type fabrics (manufacture) Woven trimmings (manufacture) Wrapping and packaging paper including coated (manufacture) Wrapping foil made of aluminium (manufacture) Wrapping machinery (manufacture) Wrapping paper cut and packed in ready to use sheets or rolls (manufacture) Wreck raising Wrecking bars (manufacture) Wrench (manufacture) Wrestling clubs Wrist watch (manufacture) Writer to the signet Writers associations Writing compendiums (manufacture) Writing implement sets (wholesale) Writing ink (manufacture) Writing instrument sets (manufacture) Writing on metal by laser beam (manufacture) Writing paper (manufacture) Writing paper pads (manufacture) Xerographic copying machines (manufacture) X‑ray and other speciality photography activities X‑ray apparatus for industrial use (manufacture) X‑ray apparatus for medical use (manufacture) X‑ray diffraction or fluorescence apparatus (manufacture) X‑ray or alpha, beta or gamma radiation apparatus (manufacture) X‑ray tubes (manufacture) X‑ray, alpha, beta or gamma radiation apparatus (wholesale) Xylene (manufacture) Yacht chandler (retail) Yacht club Yacht building (manufacture) Yachts (wholesale) Yam growing Yarn (commission agent) Yarn (core spun on the cotton system) (manufacture) Yarn (rubberised) (manufacture) Yarn (wholesale) Yarn bleaching, dyeing or otherwise finishing (manufacture) Yarn finishing (manufacture) Yarn gassing (manufacture) Yarn made of asbestos (manufacture) Yarn made of glass fibre (manufacture) Yarn made of paper (manufacture) Yarn mercerising (manufacture) Yarn of cotton (manufacture) Yarn polishing (manufacture) Yarn storing (manufacture) Yeast (wholesale) Yeast and vegetable extract (manufacture) Yeast preparation (manufacture) Yeasts and prepared baking powders (commission agent) Yellowcake production Yellowcake to uranium tetrafluoride and hexafluoride conversion (manufacture) YMCA hostel Yoga instruction Yoghurt (manufacture) Yoghurt (wholesale) Young offender centres Young people’s auxiliaries associated with a political party Young persons associations Youth centre Youth club Youth hostel 24420 27420 28290 29240 17290 21259 X Y Z Indexes to the UK Standard Industrial Classification of Economic Activities 2007 – UK SIC(2007) 52220 25730 25730 93120 26520 69109 94120 17230 46499 20590 32990 25620 17120 154 63220 28620 28620 92629 33500 74119 91120 21230 51479 24660 36631 28520 21120 26600 33100 26600 33100 46520 51860 20140 47789 93120 30120 46499 01130 46160 13100 22190 46410 13300 24140 52489 92629 35120 51479 01110 51160 17110 25130 51410 17300 13300 13300 23990 23140 13100 13300 13100 13300 13300 46380 10890 10890 46170 17300 17300 26821 26140 17170 17300 17110 17300 17300 51380 15899 15899 51170 07210 12000 24460 23300 55900 85510 10519 46330 84230 94920 55239 93059 15519 51331 75230 91320 94990 94990 94990 55202 91330 91330 91330 55210 94990 91330 YMCA (not hostel) 17210 Zephyr weaving (manufacture) 32500 33100 Zimmer frames and other walking aids (manufacture) 24430 27430 Zinc (manufacture) 46720 51520 Zinc (wholesale) 07290 13200 Zinc mining and preparation 20120 24120 Zinc oxide (manufacture) Indexes to the UK Standard Industrial Classification of Economic Activities 2007 – UK SIC(2007) Alphabetical Index SIC 2007 SIC 2003 Activity SIC 2007 SIC 2003 Activity 46750 20301 24430 94990 51550 24301 27430 91330 Zinc oxide and peroxide (wholesale) Zinc paint (manufacture) Zinc wire made by drawing (manufacture) Zionist organisation 25990 22290 24450 91040 36639 36639 27450 92530 Zip fasteners made of metal (manufacture) Zip fasteners made of plastic (manufacture) Zirconium (manufacture) Zoological gardens Z 155 Alphabetical Index SIC 2007 156 SIC 2003 Activity Indexes to the UK Standard Industrial Classification of Economic Activities 2007 – UK SIC(2007) SIC 2007 SIC 2003 Activity Part 2 Numerical Index Part 2 Numerical Index UK SIC UK SIC Activity 2007 2003 SIC 2007 SIC 2003 Activity 01110 01120 01120 01110 01120 01120 01120 01120 01120 01120 01120 01120 01120 01120 01120 01120 01120 01120 01120 01120 01120 01120 01120 01120 01120 01110 01120 01110 01110 01120 01120 01110 01110 01120 01120 01110 01120 01120 01120 01110 01120 01120 01120 01120 01120 01110 Capers growing Carrot growing Cassava growing Cauliflower growing Chervil growing Chicory growing Courgette growing Cress growing Cucumber growing Egg plant growing Fennel growing Fruit bearing vegetables growing Garlic growing Gherkin growing Herbs (culinary) growing Jerusalem artichoke growing Leafy or stem vegetables growing Leek growing Lettuce growing Melon growing Mushroom growing (cultivated) Onion growing Parsley growing Parsnip growing Potato growing Root vegetable growing Roots and tubers growing Roots and tubers with a high starch or inulin content Shallot growing Spinach growing Sugar beet growing Sugar beet seed production Swede growing Sweet marjoram growing Sweet potato growing Tarragon growing Tomato growing Truffles growing Tuberous vegetable growing Turnip growing Vegetable growing (except potatoes) Vegetable seed growing Watercress growing Watermelon growing Yam growing 01110 01120 01120 01110 01110 01120 01110 01110 01120 01110 01110 01110 01120 01110 01110 01110 01110 01110 01110 01110 01110 01120 01110 01120 01110 01110 01110 01110 01110 01110 01110 01110 01110 Growing of cereals (except rice), leguminous crops and oil seeds Barley growing Bean growing Broad bean growing Castor bean growing Cereal grains growing, except rice Chick pea growing Colza growing Cottonseed growing Cow pea growing Dried leguminous vegetables growing Grain maize growing Groundnut growing Leguminous crops growing Lentil growing Linseed growing Lupin growing Millet growing Mustard seed growing Niger seed growing Oats growing Oil seeds growing Pea growing Peanut growing Pigeon pea growing Rape growing Rye growing Safflower seed growing Sesame seed growing Sorghum growing Soya growing Sunflower seed growing Sunflower seed production Wheat growing 01120 01110 Growing of rice Rice growing 01130 Growing of vegetables and melons, roots and tubers Alliaceous vegetable growing Artichoke growing Asparagus growing Aubergine (egg‑plant) growing Beetroot growing Broccoli growing Brussel sprout growing Bulb growing Cabbage growing Cantaloupe growing 158 01120 01120 01120 01120 01120 01120 01120 01120 01120 01120 01140 01110 Growing of sugar cane Sugar cane growing 01150 01110 Growing of tobacco Tobacco growing Indexes to the UK Standard Industrial Classification of Economic Activities 2007 – UK SIC(2007) UK SIC UK SIC Activity 2007 2003 SIC 2007 SIC 2003 Activity 01160 01110 01110 01110 01110 01110 01110 01110 01110 01110 Growing of fibre crops Abaca and other vegetable textile fibre growing Cotton growing Fibre crop growing Flax growing Jute textile bast fibre growing Kenaf and other textile bast fibre growing Plants bearing vegetable fibres, retting of Ramie and other vegetable textile fibre growing Sisal growing and other textile fibre of the genus agave growing Textile plants growing True hemp growing 01139 01139 01139 01139 01139 01139 01139 01139 01139 01139 01139 Cherry growing Cider apple growing Nectarine growing Peach growing Pear growing Plum growing Pome fruit growing Quince growing Sloe growing Sour cherry growing Stone fruit growing 01190 01110 01110 01110 01120 01120 01120 01120 01110 01110 01110 01110 01110 01110 01110 01120 Growing of other non‑perennial crops Alfalfa growing Beet seed growing Clover growing Cut flowers and flower bud production Dried flower production Flower growing Flower seed growing Fodder maize and other grass growing Fodder root growing Forage kale and similar forage products growing Forage plants seed production including grasses Forage production Mangold growing Sainfoin growing Seed production for flowers, fruit or vegetables (not for oil) 01210 01131 01131 Growing of grapes Grape production Vineyards 01220 01139 01139 01139 01139 01139 01139 01139 01139 Growing of tropical and subtropical fruits Avocado growing Bananas and plantain growing Dates growing Fig growing Mango growing Other tropical and subtropical fruit growing Papaya growing Pineapple growing 01230 01139 01139 01139 01139 01139 01139 01139 01139 01139 Growing of citrus fruits Clementine growing Grapefruit growing Growing of citrus fruits Lemon growing Lime growing Mandarin growing Orange growing Pomelo growing Tangerine growing 01240 01139 01139 Growing of pome fruits and stone fruits Apple growing Apricot growing 01110 01110 01250 01139 01139 01139 01139 01139 01139 01139 01139 01120 01139 01139 01139 01139 01139 01139 01139 01139 01139 01139 01139 01139 01139 Numerical Index Growing of other tree and bush fruits and nuts Almond growing Blackberry (cultivated) growing Blackcurrant growing Blueberry growing Cashew nut growing Chestnut growing Currant growing Edible nuts growing Fruit seed growing Gooseberry growing Growing of berries Hazelnut growing Kiwi fruit growing Locust bean growing Loganberry growing Mulberry growing Pistachio growing Raspberry growing Redcurrant growing Strawberry growing Walnut growing White currant growing 01260 01139 01110 01110 01139 Growing of oleaginous fruits Coconut growing Growing of oleaginous fruits other than olives Oil palms growing Olive growing 01270 01139 01139 01139 01139 01139 Growing of beverage crops Beverage crop growing other than wine grapes Cocoa growing Coffee growing Maté growing Tea growing 01280 Growing of spices, aromatic, drug and pharmaceutical crops Anise growing Aromatic crops growing Badian growing Basil growing Bay growing Chilli growing Chillies and peppers capsicum sop. Growing Cinnamon growing 01139 01139 01139 01139 01139 01139 01139 01139 159 Numerical Index Indexes to the UK Standard Industrial Classification of Economic Activities 2007 – UK SIC(2007) UK SIC UK SIC Activity 2007 2003 SIC 2007 SIC 2003 Activity 01139 01139 01110 01139 01110 01139 01120 01110 01110 01220 01220 01220 01220 Sheep farming Sheep milk (raw) production Sheep raising and breeding Wool (raw) production 01139 01139 Clove growing Coriander growing Drug and narcotic crops growing Ginger growing Hop cones growing Nutmeg, mace and cardamoms growing Pepper growing Pharmaceutical crops growing Plants used chiefly in pharmacy or for insecticidal, fungicidal or similar purposes Spice crops growing Vanilla growing 01290 02010 01110 01110 01110 Growing of other perennial crops Christmas tree growing Rubber trees growing for harvesting of latex Tree growing for extraction of sap Vegetable plaiting material growing 01300 01120 01120 01120 01120 01120 01120 01120 01120 01120 01120 01120 Plant propagation Mushroom spawn growing Nursery (horticulture) Ornamental tree and shrub growing Plant growing for bulbs Plant growing for cuttings and slips Plant growing for roots Plant growing for tubers Plant propagation Plants for planting or ornamental purposes Tree nurseries Turf for transplanting 01410 01210 01210 01210 Raising of dairy cattle Buffalo milk, raw Cows’ milk (raw) production Dairy farming 01420 01210 01210 01210 Raising of other cattle and buffaloes Bovine semen production Buffalo raising and breeding for meat Cattle farming 01460 01230 01230 01230 01230 Raising of swine/pigs Pig farming Pig raising and breeding Swine farming Swine raising and breeding 01470 01240 01240 01240 01240 01240 01240 01240 01240 01240 01240 01240 01240 01240 01240 01240 01240 Raising of poultry Chicken farm (battery rearing) Chicken raising and breeding Duck farming Duck raising and breeding Egg hatchery Egg production Egg production from poultry Geese farming Goose raising and breeding Guinea fowl production Guinea fowl raising and breeding Poultry farming Poultry hatcheries Poultry raising and breeding Turkey farming Turkey raising and breeding 01490 01250 01250 01250 01250 01250 01250 01250 01220 Raising of other animals Angora rabbit breeding Animal rearing for medical research Bee keeping Bird raising, other than poultry Bird skin production from ranching operation Cat and dog raising and breeding Emu raising and breeding Fine or coarse animal hair, not including sheep or goats wool Fur animal raising Fur farming Fur skin production from ranching operation Game bird farming Hamster raising and breeding Honey and beeswax production Honey processing and packing Insect raising Maggot breeding Mollusc farming, except aquatic molluscs Ostriches raising and breeding Pet animal breeding, other than fish Pet bird raising and breeding Rabbit and other fur animal raising 01250 01250 01250 01250 01250 01250 01250 01250 01250 01250 01250 01250 01250 01250 01250 Rabbit breeding 01250 Rabbit skin sorting 01450 Raising of sheep and goats 01220 Goat farming 01250 Raw fur skin production 01250 Reptile skin production from ranching operation 01220 Goat milk (raw) production 01250 Silk worm cocoon production 01220 Goat raising and breeding 01250 Silk worm raising 01210 Cattle raising and breeding for meat 01430 Raising of horses and other equines 01220 Animal hair (not carded or combed) including horsehair production 01220 Ass farming and breeding 01220 Hinny farming and breeding 01220 Horse farming and breeding 01220 Mule farming and breeding 01220 Stud farming 01440 Raising of camels and camelids 01250 Camelid raising and breeding 160 01250 Camels (dromedary) raising and breeding Indexes to the UK Standard Industrial Classification of Economic Activities 2007 – UK SIC(2007) Numerical Index UK SIC UK SIC Activity 2007 2003 SIC 2007 SIC 2003 01429 Stud services on a fee or contract basis 01250 Snail farming 01250 Worm (other than marine) farming 01500 Mixed farming 01300 Crop growing in combination with farming of livestock 01300 Mixed farming 01610 Support activities for crop production 01410 Agricultural contracting 01410 Agricultural land maintenance in good agricultural and environmental condition 01410 Agricultural machinery and equipment rental with operator 01410 Beet thinning on a fee or contract basis 01410 Crop and grass drying plant operation by contractor 01410 Crop establishing for subsequent crop production, on a fee or contract basis 01410 Crop harvesting and preparation 01410 Crop production support activities 01410 Crop spraying on a fee or contract basis 01410 Crop treatment on a fee or contract basis 01410 Fencing by agricultural contractor 01410 Field preparation on a fee or contract basis 01410 Fruit tree and vine trimming, on a fee or contract basis 01410 Irrigation systems operation on a fee or contract basis 01410 Mole catching by contractors 01410 Pest control in connection with agriculture 01410 Rabbit destroying and trapping on agricultural land 01410 Rat destroying and trapping on agricultural land 01410 Rice transplanting 01410 Rice transplanting, on a fee or contract basis 01410 Rodent destroying and trapping on agricultural land 01410 Threshing by contractor 01410 Vermin destroying and trapping on agricultural land 01621 Farm animal boarding and care 01421 Farm animal boarding and care (except pets) 01421 Farm animal pound 01629 Support activities for animal production (other than farm animal boarding and care) n.e.c. Agistment services on a fee or contract basis Animal production support activities other than farm animal boarding and care Animal propagation, growth and output – activities to promote these, on a fee or contract basis Animal rearing for production of serum Artificial insemination activities on a fee or contract basis Coop cleaning Droving services Farriers, on a fee or contract basis Activity 01630 Post‑harvest crop activities 01139 Cocoa beans, peeling and preparation 01410 Cooling and bulk packing of crops for primary market 01410 Cotton ginning 01410 Crop drying and disinfecting for primary market 01410 Crop preparation for primary market (cleaning, trimming, grading, etc.) 01410 Crop wax covering, polishing and wrapping for primary market 01410 Fruit packing, for primary market 01410 Fruit waxing 01410 Grain drying 01410 Post‑harvest crop activities 01110 Tobacco leaves, drying and preparation 01640 01110 01410 01139 Seed processing for propagation Seed cleaning and treating (cereals and other crops) Seed cleaning and treating (fee or contract basis) Seed cleaning and treating (fruit, nuts, beverage and spice crops) 01120 Seed cleaning and treating (vegetables, horticultural specialties and other nursery products) 01110 Seed drying (cereals and other crops) 01410 Seed drying (fee or contract basis) 01139 Seed drying (fruit, nuts, beverage and spice crops) 01120 Seed drying (vegetables, horticultural specialties and other nursery products) 01110 Seed genetically modified, treatment of these (cereals and other crops) 01410 Seed genetically modified, treatment of these (fee or contract basis) 01139 Seed genetically modified, treatment of these (fruit, nuts, beverage and spice crops) 01120 Seed genetically modified, treatment of these (vegetables, horticultural and other nursery products) 01110 Seed grading (cereals and other crops) 01410 Seed grading (fee or contract basis) 01139 Seed grading (fruit, nuts, beverage and spice crops) 01120 Seed grading (vegetables, horticultural specialties and other nursery products) 01110 Seed post harvest processing (cereals and other crops) 01410 Seed post harvest processing (fee or contract basis) 01139 Seed post harvest processing (fruit, nuts, beverage and spice crops) 01120 Seed post harvest processing (vegetables, horticultural specialties and other nursery products) 01110 Seed processing for propagation (cereals and other crops) 01410 Seed processing for propagation (fee or contract basis) 01139 Seed processing for propagation (fruit, nuts, beverage and spice crops) 01120 Seed processing for propagation (vegetables, horticultural specialties and other nursery products) 01429 01429 01429 01429 01429 01429 01429 28520 01429 Grazing 01429 Herd testing services 01429 Poultry caponising 01429 Propagation, growth and output of animals, promotion service activities 01429 Sheep agisting (grazing) 01700 Hunting, trapping and related service activities 01500 Animal hunting and trapping 01429 Sheep shearing on a fee or contract basis 01500 Bird skin production (from hunting) 161 Numerical Index Indexes to the UK Standard Industrial Classification of Economic Activities 2007 – UK SIC(2007) UK SIC UK SIC Activity 2007 2003 SIC 2007 02300 02010 02010 02010 01139 02010 02010 02010 02010 02010 02010 02010 02010 01120 02010 01139 02010 02010 02010 01120 02010 Gathering of wild growing non‑wood products Acorn gathering Balata gathering Balsam gathering Berries, gathering from the wild Cork, gathering from the wild Eel grass gathering Fern collecting, cutting, gathering Growing materials, gathering from the wild Horse‑chestnut gathering Lac gathering Lichen gathering Moss collecting, cutting or gathering Mushroom (wild) gathering Non‑wood products, gathering from the wild Nuts, gathering from the wild Reed collecting, cutting and gathering Resin gathering Teasel growing Truffles, gathering from the wild Vegetable hair gathering 02400 74149 02020 02020 02020 02020 02020 02020 02020 02020 Support services to forestry Forest management consulting services Forest pest control Forestry fire protection Forestry inventories Forestry service activities Forestry support services Log transport within the forest Logging service activities Timber evaluation 03110 05010 05010 05010 05010 05010 05010 05010 Marine fishing Algae gathering Cockle gathering Coral gathering Fishing by line, except for recreation or sport Fishing for shellfish Fishing in ocean, sea, coastal or inland waters Fishing on a commercial basis in ocean and coastal waters Fishing service activities Kelp collecting, cutting and gathering (uncultivated) Marine and freshwater crustaceans and molluscs gathering Marine crustacean and mollusc gathering Marine fishing Marine fishing vessels engaged in processing and preserving of fish Mussel gathering Natural pearls gathering of Pearl gathering Periwinkle gathering Salmon netting Sea urchin hunting Sea‑squirt hunting Seaweed collecting, cutting and gathering (uncultivated) Shrimping 01500 01500 01500 01500 01500 01500 01500 01500 01500 01500 01500 01500 01500 02100 02010 02010 02010 02010 02010 02010 01120 02010 02010 02010 02010 02010 02010 02010 02010 Furskin production (from hunting) Game propagation Hunting or trapping of animals for food Hunting or trapping of animals for fur Hunting or trapping of animals for pets Hunting or trapping of animals for skin Hunting or trapping of animals for use in research Hunting or trapping of animals for use in zoos Hunting, trapping and related service activities Reptile skin production (from hunting) Sea mammal catching Seal catching Walrus catching Silviculture and other forestry activities Coppice and pulpwood growing Forest enterprises Forest tree nursery operation Forests and timber tract planting, replanting, transplanting, thinning and conservation Fuel wood production Furze collecting, cutting or gathering Growing of forest tree seeds Heath collecting, cutting or gathering Hoopwood production Pulpwood production Silviculture and other forestry activities Timber growing Tree nursery (not fruit or ornamental trees) Vegetable materials used for plaiting growing Willow growing 02200 Logging 02010 Charcoal production in the forest using traditional methods 02010 Forest harvesting residues, gathering of these for energy 02010 Logging 02010 Osier growing 02010 Pale fencing production 02010 Pickets (of wood) production 02010 Pilings (of wood) production 02010 Pit props (of wood) production 02010 Pole fencing production 02010 Poles (of wood) production 02010 Posts (of wood) production 02010 Roundwood production (untreated) 02010 Roundwood production for forest‑based manufacturing industries 02010 Sawlog production 02010 Split pole production 02010 Splitwood production 02010 Stakes (of wood) production 02010 Timber felling 02010 Treefelling (own account) 02010 Withy growing 02010 Wood gathering and production, for energy 02010 Wood in the rough production (untreated) 02010 Wood logging, etc. within forestry site 162 SIC 2003 05010 05010 05010 05010 05010 05010 05010 05010 05010 05010 05010 05010 05010 05010 05010 Activity Indexes to the UK Standard Industrial Classification of Economic Activities 2007 – UK SIC(2007) Numerical Index UK SIC UK SIC Activity 2007 2003 SIC 2007 SIC 2003 Sponge gathering Tunicate hunting Turtle hunting Whaling Winkle gathering 05020 Oyster spat production, freshwater 05020 Salmon and trout fishery (hatchery), freshwater 05020 Shrimp production (post‑larvae), freshwater 03120 05010 05010 05010 05010 05010 Freshwater fishing Fishing on a commercial basis in inland waters Freshwater aquatic animal taking Freshwater crustacean and mollusc taking Freshwater fishing Freshwater materials gathering 10101 10101 10101 10101 10101 10101 03210 05020 05020 01250 01250 05020 05020 05020 05020 05020 05020 05020 05020 05020 05020 05020 05020 05020 05020 Marine aquaculture Aquaculture in salt water filled tanks or reservoirs Aquaculture in sea or brackish waters Bait digging Bait production Bivalves cultured in sea water Crustaceans cultured in sea water Edible seaweed growing Fingerling production, marine Fish breeding, marine Fish farming, marine Fish fry production, marine Fish hatcheries and farms service activities, marine Fish hatcheries, marine Laver gathering (cultivated) Laver growing Lobsterling production, marine Marine aquaculture Molluscs and other aquatic animals cultured in sea water Mussel production, marine Ornamental fish farming, marine Oyster cultivation, marine Oyster fishery, marine Oyster spat production, marine Salmon and trout fishery (hatchery), marine Shrimp production (post‑larvae), marine Worm farms, marine 05010 05010 05010 05010 05010 05020 05020 05020 05020 05020 05020 05020 05020 03220 05020 05020 01250 05020 05020 05020 05020 05020 05020 05020 05020 05020 05020 05020 Freshwater aquaculture Aquaculture, freshwater Fingerling production, freshwater Fish breeding, freshwater Fish farming in fresh water, including farming of freshwater ornamental fish Fish fry production, freshwater Fish hatcheries and farms service activities, freshwater Fish hatcheries, freshwater Freshwater crustaceans, bivalves, other molluscs and other aquatic animals, culture of Frog farming Lobsterling production, freshwater Mussel production, freshwater Ornamental fish farming, freshwater Oyster cultivation, freshwater Oyster fishery, freshwater 05101 05102 10102 10102 10102 10102 10102 10102 10102 10102 10102 10102 10102 10102 Activity Mining of hard coal from deep coal mines (underground mining) Coal cleaning, sizing, grading and pulverising (hard, deep mined) Coal mine (deep or drift) Coal preparation (deep mined) Coal washing (deep mined) Deep coal mines Hard coal mining (underground) Mining of hard coal from open cast coal working (surface mining) Coal cleaning, sizing, grading and pulverising (hard, opencast) Coal contractor (opencast) Coal preparation (opencast) Coal recovery from dumps, tips etc. Coal recovery of from culm banks Coal site (opencast) Coal washing (opencast) Hard coal recovery from tips Opencast coal disposal point Opencast coal site Opencast coal working Surface mining of hard coal 05200 Mining of lignite 10200 Lignite (brown coal) mining including mining through liquefaction methods 10200 Lignite mining 10200 Lignite washing, dehydrating, pulverising etc. To improve quality or facilitate transport or storage 06100 11100 11100 11100 11100 11100 11100 11100 11100 11100 11100 11100 11100 11100 Extraction of crude petroleum Bituminous or oil shale and sand extraction Crude oil extraction Crude oils obtained by decantation processes Crude oils obtained by dehydration processes Crude oils obtained by desalting processes Crude oils obtained by stabilisation processes Crude petroleum extraction Crude petroleum production Crude petroleum production from bituminous shale and sand Mineral oil extraction Oil platform operation Oil production well or platform operating Oil shale mine 11100 Oil shale retorting 11100 Oil stabilisation plant operation 06200 11100 Extraction of natural gas Butane extraction from natural gas 11100 Condensate extraction 11100 Crude gaseous hydrocarbon production (natural gas) 11100 Ethane extraction from natural gas 11100 Gas desulphurisation 163 Numerical Index Indexes to the UK Standard Industrial Classification of Economic Activities 2007 – UK SIC(2007) UK SIC UK SIC Activity 2007 2003 SIC 2007 SIC 2003 11100 11100 11100 11100 11100 11100 11100 Gas extraction (natural gas) Hydrocarbon liquids mining, by liquefaction or pyrolysis Liquid hydrocarbon fractions draining and separation Methane extraction from natural gas Natural gas condensates separation Natural gas production well Propane extraction from natural gas 14110 14110 14110 14110 14120 14110 14120 14120 07100 13100 13100 13100 13100 13100 13100 13100 13100 Mining of iron ores Haematite quarry Iron ore beneficiation and agglomeration Iron ore calcining Iron ore crushing Iron ore mine or quarry Iron ore preparation Iron ore sintering Iron ore washing 07210 12000 12000 12000 12000 Mining of uranium and thorium ores Thorium ores mining Uranium and thorium ore concentration Uranium ore mining Yellowcake production 07290 13200 13200 13200 13200 13200 Mining of other non‑ferrous metal ores Aluminium ore (bauxite) mining or preparation Chrome ore mining and preparation Cobalt mining and preparation Copper mining and preparation Copper ore and concentrate extraction and preparation Gold mining and preparation Lead mining and preparation Lead ore and concentrate extraction and preparation Manganese mining and preparation Mining of non‑ferrous metal ore Molybdenum mining and preparation Nickel mining and preparation Non‑ferrous metal ore quarrying Non‑ferrous metal ores mining and preparation Platinum mining and preparation Precious metal ores mining and preparation Silver mining and preparation Silver ore and concentrate extraction and preparation Tantalum mining and preparation Tin mining and preparation Tin ore and concentrate extraction and preparation Vanadium mining and preparation Zinc mining and preparation 13200 13200 13200 13200 13200 13200 13200 13200 13200 13200 13200 13200 13200 13200 13200 13200 13200 13200 08110 14110 Quarrying of ornamental and building stone, limestone, gypsum, chalk and slate Alabaster mine 14120 Anhydrite mine or quarry 14110 Basalt mine 14110 Blackstone quarry 14110 Blue pennant stone quarry 14120 Chalk pit or quarry 164 Crushing and breaking of stone Flagstone quarry Freestone mine or quarry Granite quarrying (rough trimming and sawing) Gypsum mine or quarry Igneous rock quarry Limestone including dolomite mine or quarry Limestone quarrying, crushing and breaking for constructional purposes 14110 Marble quarrying (rough trimming and sawing) 14120 Marl mining 14110 Ornamental and building stone, breaking and crushing 14110 Ragstone quarry 14110 Rough trimming and sawing of building and monumental stone 14110 Sandstone mine, pit or quarry 14110 Sett quarry 14130 Slate mine or quarry 14110 Whinstone quarry 14120 Whiting and prepared chalk production 08120 Activity 14220 14220 14220 14220 14220 14220 14220 14210 14210 14220 14210 14210 14220 14210 14210 14220 14210 14220 14220 14220 14210 14210 14210 14210 14210 14210 14210 14210 14210 14210 08910 14300 14300 14300 14300 Operation of gravel and sand pits; mining of clays and kaolin Ball clay extraction (mine or opencast working) China clay (ground) production China clay pit China stone mine Clay extraction for brick, pipe and tile production Clay mining Clay quarrying Coated roadstone production Coated tarmacadam production Fireclay mine or quarry Flint bed, pit or quarry Flint grit production Fuller’s earth pit Gravel and sand breaking and crushing Gravel pit or quarry Kaolin mining Pebble dredging Pipeclay pit Potters’ clay mine or quarry Refractory clays mining Road metal production (crushed and processed) Roadstone (coated) production Sand dredging Sand extraction and dredging for industrial use Sand pit Sand quarry Shingle dredging Stone chippings production Stone dust production Tarmacadam (coated) production Mining of chemical and fertiliser minerals Alum mine Barium sulphate (natural) mining Barytes mine Borates (natural) mining Indexes to the UK Standard Industrial Classification of Economic Activities 2007 – UK SIC(2007) UK SIC UK SIC Activity 2007 2003 SIC 2007 SIC 2003 Activity 14500 14500 14500 14500 14500 14500 14500 Rubbing stone mine, pit or quarry Semi‑precious stones extraction Silica stone extraction or quarrying Siliceous fossil meals mining Steatite (talc) mining and quarrying Talc mine or quarry Witherite mine 14300 14300 14300 14300 14300 14300 14300 14300 14300 14300 14300 14300 14300 14300 14300 14300 14300 Carbonate (barytes and witherite) mining Celestine pit Chalk (ground) production Chemical minerals mining Earth colours and fluorspar mining Fertiliser minerals mining Fluorspar mining Guano mining Iron pyrites extraction (not for iron production) Jet mine Magnesium sulphates (natural kieserite) mining Native sulphur mining Ochre pit Phosphates (natural) mining Potash mine Potassium salts (natural) mining Pyrites and pyrrhotite extraction and preparation 08920 10300 10300 10300 10300 10300 Extraction of peat Peat agglomeration Peat cutting and digging Peat extraction Peat, preparation to facilitate transport or storage Peat, preparation to improve quality 08930 14400 14400 14400 14400 14400 14400 14400 14400 14400 14400 14400 14400 14400 Extraction of salt Brine pit Brine production Rock salt production Salt crushing, purification and refining by the producer Salt extraction Salt mine Salt preparation (not at salt mine or brine pit) Salt production Salt production by evaporation of sea water or other saline waters Salt works Salt, extraction of, from underground including by dissolving and pumping Sea salt production White salt production 08990 14500 14500 14500 14500 14500 14500 14500 14500 14500 14500 14500 14500 14500 14500 14500 14500 Other mining and quarrying n.e.c. Abrasive materials mining and quarrying Asbestos mining and quarrying Asphalt (natural) mining and quarrying Asphaltites and asphaltic rock mining and quarrying Bitumen mining and quarrying Chert quarry Diatomite bed Emery extraction Feldspar mining and quarrying French chalk production Ganister extraction Gem stones mining and quarrying Graphite (natural) mining Mica mining and quarrying Pumice extraction Quartz mining and quarrying 09100 Numerical Index Support activities for petroleum and natural gas extraction Derrick erection in situ, repairing and dismantling Directional drilling services Diving services incidental to oil and gas exploration Downhole‑fishing services Downhole‑milling services Draining and pumping services incidental to oil and gas extraction, on a fee or contract basis Drilling contractor for offshore oil or gas well Drilling services to oil and gas extraction wells Floating drilling rig operation for petroleum or natural gas exploration or production Fluid‑displacement services Fracture/stimulation services Gas extraction service activities Gravel packing services Horizontal drilling services Hot‑tap operation services Hyperbaric welding services Liquefaction and regasification of natural gas for transport Mud logging services Oil and gas exploration in connection with oil and gas extraction, including traditional prospecting Oil and gas extraction service activities provided on a fee or contract basis Oil and gas field fire fighting services Oil and gas well casing, cementing, tubing and lining services Oil and gas well cementing services Oil and gas well coiled‑tubing wellwork Oil and gas well conductor driving services Oil and gas well cutting, casing and abandonment services Oil and gas well pipe refurbishment services Oil and gas well sleeving repair services Oil extraction service activities Petroleum and natural gas mining support activities Petroleum test well drilling 11200 11200 11200 11200 11200 11200 11200 11200 11200 11200 11200 11200 11200 11200 11200 11200 11100 11200 11200 11200 11200 11200 11200 11200 11200 11200 11200 11200 11200 11200 11200 11200 Petroleum well drilling 11200 Plugging and abandoning oil and gas wells 11200 Pumping of oil and gas wells 11200 Redrilling oil and gas wells 11200 Repair and dismantling services of derricks 11200 Sealing of oil and gas wells 11200 Separation terminal operation (natural gas) 11200 Spudding in for oil wells 11200 Test boring incidental to oil and gas extraction 11200 Turbine drilling services 11200 Well logging 11200 Well‑perforating services 165 Numerical Index Indexes to the UK Standard Industrial Classification of Economic Activities 2007 – UK SIC(2007) UK SIC UK SIC Activity 2007 2003 SIC 2007 SIC 2003 Activity 09900 15111 15111 15111 15111 15112 15112 15112 15111 15112 15111 15112 15111 15111 15113 15112 15113 15120 15120 15112 15112 15112 15113 15111 15111 15111 15111 15111 15111 15112 15112 15112 Hide pickling (manufacture) Hides and skins production from abattoirs (manufacture) Hides and skins production from knackers (manufacture) Hides and skins production from slaughterhouses (manufacture) Hooves from knackers production (manufacture) Lard from knackers (manufacture) Lard refining (manufacture) Meat (except poultry meat) processing and preserving (manufacture) Meat and bone meal from knackers (manufacture) Meat chilling or freezing for human consumption (manufacture) Meat meal (ground meat) (manufacture) Meat production (fresh, chilled or frozen) in carcasses or cuts (manufacture) Offal (edible) preparation (i.e. removal, freezing, packing, etc.) (manufacture) Pelt from fellmongery (manufacture) Premier jus (manufacture) Pulled wool production (manufacture) Rabbit meat preparation (manufacture) Rabbit slaughtering (manufacture) Raw bones from knackers (manufacture) Rendering of lard and other edible fats of animal origin (manufacture) Sausage skins and casings (natural) (manufacture) Sheep and lambskin pulling (manufacture) Skin drying (manufacture) Skin pickling (manufacture) Skin production from slaughterhouses (manufacture) Skin sorting (manufacture) Slaughterhouse (manufacture) Slaughterhouses killing, dressing or packing meat (manufacture) Sterilised bone flour (not for fertilisers) (manufacture) Suet (manufacture) Tripe dressing (manufacture) 15111 Whales processing on land or on specialised vessels (manufacture) 15113 Wool (fellmongery) (manufacture) 14300 14220 14210 10102 10101 13100 10200 14120 14500 13200 14110 10300 14400 14130 12000 10110 15111 15112 15112 15112 15112 15112 15112 15112 15112 15112 15112 15112 15112 15112 15111 15112 15112 15113 15112 15112 15112 15112 15112 15113 15112 15112 15111 166 Support activities for other mining and quarrying Chemicals and fertiliser minerals mining support services provided on a fee or contract basis Clay and kaolin mining support services provided on a fee or contract basis Gravel and sand pit support services provided on a fee or contract basis Hard coal mining (opencast) support services, provided on a fee or contract basis Hard coal mining (underground) support services, provided on a fee or contract basis Iron ore mining support services provided on a fee or contract basis Lignite mining support services provided on a fee or contract basis Limestone, gypsum and chalk quarrying support services provided on a fee or contract basis Mining and quarrying of residual class 08990, support services provided on a fee or contract basis Non‑ferrous metal ore mining of class 07290, support services provided on a fee or contract basis Ornamental and building stone quarrying support services provided on a fee or contract basis Peat extraction support services, provided on a fee or contract basis Salt production support services provided on a fee or contract basis Slate quarrying support services provided on a fee or contract basis Uranium and thorium ore mining support services provided on a fee or contract basis Processing and preserving of meat Abattoir (manufacture) Animal grease (manufacture) Animal offal (inedible) production (manufacture) Animal offal processing (manufacture) Bile processing by knackers (manufacture) Bladder processing (manufacture) Bone boiling by knackers (manufacture) Bone crushing by knackers (manufacture) Bone degreasing by knackers (manufacture) Bone flour from knackers (manufacture) Bone meal (manufacture) Bone meal from knackers (manufacture) Bone scraping by knackers (manufacture) Bone sorting by knackers (manufacture) Bovine hides and skins production from knackers (manufacture) Bristles from knackers (manufacture) Casings for sausages (manufacture) De‑woolling (manufacture) Dripping (manufacture) Edible fats of animal origin rendering (manufacture) Edible offal (processed) production (manufacture) Edible tallow production (manufacture) Fat recovery from knackers (manufacture) Fellmongery (manufacture) Flours and meals of meat (manufacture) Hair (animal by‑product) from knackers (manufacture) Hide degreasing (manufacture) 10120 15120 Processing and preserving of poultry meat Chicken cuts (fresh, chilled or frozen) (manufacture) 15120 Down production (manufacture) 15120 Duck (fresh, chilled or frozen) slaughter and dressing (manufacture) 15120 Feather production (manufacture) 15120 Game bird (fresh, chilled or frozen) dressing or preparation (manufacture) 15120 Goose (fresh, chilled or frozen) slaughter and dressing (manufacture) 15120 Poultry (fresh, chilled or frozen) production (manufacture) 15120 Poultry dressing (manufacture) 15120 Poultry fat (edible) rendering (manufacture) 15120 Poultry meat preparation (manufacture) 15120 Poultry meat production and preserving (manufacture) Indexes to the UK Standard Industrial Classification of Economic Activities 2007 – UK SIC(2007) UK SIC UK SIC Activity 2007 2003 SIC 2007 10200 15120 15120 15120 10130 15139 15131 15131 15131 15139 15139 15139 15139 15139 15131 15139 15139 15139 15139 15139 15139 15139 15139 15139 15131 15131 15131 15131 15131 15139 Poultry packing (manufacture) Poultry slaughtering (manufacture) Slaughterhouses killing, dressing or packing poultry (manufacture) 15139 15139 15139 15139 15139 15139 15139 15139 15139 15139 15139 15131 15139 Production of meat and poultry meat products Andouillettes (manufacture) Bacon curing (manufacture) Bacon production (manufacture) Bacon smoking (manufacture) Beef extract (manufacture) Beef paste (manufacture) Beef pickling (manufacture) Black pudding (manufacture) Blood pudding (manufacture) Boiled ham production (manufacture) Bolognas (manufacture) Brawn (manufacture) Calves’ foot jelly (manufacture) Chicken paste (manufacture) Cooked and preserved meat (manufacture) Dried, salted or smoked meat (manufacture) Forcemeat (manufacture) Galantines (manufacture) Haggis (manufacture) Ham boiling (manufacture) Ham cooking or preparing in bulk (manufacture) Ham curing (manufacture) Ham production (manufacture) Ham smoking (manufacture) Meat and poultry meat processing (other than bacon and ham) (manufacture) Meat and poultry meat products (manufacture) Meat canning, cooking and preserving (manufacture) Meat extract (manufacture) Meat juices (manufacture) Meat pate (manufacture) Meat pies and puddings (manufacture) Meat pudding (manufacture) Meat rillettes (manufacture) Pastrami and other salted, dried or smoked meats (manufacture) Pâtés (manufacture) Polony (manufacture) Pork (salted or pickled) (manufacture) Pork pie (manufacture) 15139 Potted meat. (manufacture) 15139 Poultry canning (manufacture) 15139 Poultry potting (manufacture) 15139 Preserved meat (manufacture) 15139 Salami (manufacture) 15139 Sausage meat (manufacture) 15139 Sausage rolls (manufacture) 15139 Sausages (manufacture) 15139 Saveloys (manufacture) 15139 Smoked meat (other than bacon and ham) (manufacture) 15131 Tinned ham (manufacture) 15139 Tinned meat (other than tinned ham) (manufacture) SIC 2003 15209 15209 15209 15209 15209 15209 15201 15209 15209 15209 15209 15209 15209 15209 15209 15209 15209 15201 15209 15209 15209 15209 15209 15209 15209 15209 15209 15201 15209 15209 15209 15201 15209 15209 15209 15209 15201 Numerical Index Activity Processing and preserving of fish, crustaceans and molluscs Caviar (manufacture) Caviar substitute (manufacture) Crustacean and mollusc canning (manufacture) Crustacean and mollusc preservation by drying (manufacture) Crustacean and mollusc products (manufacture) Crustacean and mollusc salting (manufacture) Crustacean freezing (manufacture) Crustacean preservation (other than by freezing) (manufacture) Fish and other aquatic animal meals and solubles unfit for human consumption (manufacture) Fish cakes (manufacture) Fish canning (manufacture) Fish curing (other than by distributors) (manufacture) Fish drying (manufacture) Fish fillet production (manufacture) Fish meal (manufacture) Fish paste (manufacture) Fish preservation (other than by freezing) (manufacture) Fish preservation by freezing (manufacture) Fish processing (not freezing) (manufacture) Fish products (manufacture) Fish salting (manufacture) Fish, crustacean and mollusc cooking (manufacture) Fish, crustacean and mollusc preparation and preservation, by immersing in brine (manufacture) Fish, crustacean and mollusc smoking (manufacture) Inedible flours, meal and pellets of fish, crustaceans and molluscs production (manufacture) Kipper (manufacture) Mollusc preservation (other than by freezing) (manufacture) Mollusc preservation by freezing (manufacture) Potted shrimp (manufacture) Roe production (manufacture) Seaweed processing (manufacture) Shellfish freezing (manufacture) Shellfish preserving (not freezing) (manufacture) Shrimp preserving (not freezing) (manufacture) Smoked salmon, trout and herring production (manufacture) Vessels only engaged in processing and preserving fish (other than by freezing) (manufacture) Vessels only engaged in processing and preserving fish by freezing (manufacture) 10310 Processing and preserving of potatoes 15310 Mashed potatoes (dehydrated) production (manufacture) 15310 Potato chip production (frozen, raw, steamed or boiled) (manufacture) 15310 Potato crisp (manufacture) 15310 Potato flour and meal (manufacture) 15310 Potato peeling (industrial) (manufacture) 15310 Potato processing and preserving (manufacture) 15310 Potato puff (manufacture) 15310 Potato snacks production (manufacture) 167 Numerical Index Indexes to the UK Standard Industrial Classification of Economic Activities 2007 – UK SIC(2007) UK SIC UK SIC Activity 2007 2003 SIC 2007 SIC 2003 15330 Perishable prepared vegetables, packaged peeled or cut (manufacture) 15330 Piccalilli production (manufacture) 15330 Pickle including beetroot and onion (manufacture) 15330 Pickling of fruit and vegetables (manufacture) 15330 Quick freezing of fruit and vegetables (manufacture) 15330 Strained fruit (manufacture) 15330 Strained vegetables (manufacture) 15330 Table jelly (manufacture) 15330 Vegetable dehydrating for human consumption (manufacture) 15330 Vegetable pickling (manufacture) 15330 Vegetable preparation and preserving (manufacture) 15330 Vegetable quick freezing (manufacture) 15310 Potato stick (manufacture) 15310 Potato straw (manufacture) 15310 Potatoes (prepared frozen) production (manufacture) 10320 15320 15320 15320 Manufacture of fruit and vegetable juice Fruit and vegetable concentrates (manufacture) Fruit juice (manufacture) Vegetable juice (manufacture) 10390 Other processing and preserving of fruit and vegetables Banana ripening and conditioning (manufacture) Canning of fruit and vegetables (except fruit juices and potatoes) (manufacture) Chutney (manufacture) Coconut flakes including desiccated but (not sugared) (manufacture) Dehydrating fruit for human consumption (manufacture) Dehydrating of vegetables for human consumption (manufacture) Dried fruit (except field dried) (manufacture) Dried fruit cleaning (manufacture) Dried vegetables (except field dried) (manufacture) Flaked coconut including desiccated but (not sugared) (manufacture) Fruit freezing (manufacture) Fruit jelly (preserve) (manufacture) Fruit or vegetable food products (manufacture) Fruit pickling (manufacture) Fruit preserving (manufacture) Fruit processing and preserving (except in sugar) (manufacture) Fruit pulp (manufacture) Fruit, nuts or vegetables preserved by immersing in oil (manufacture) Fruit, nuts or vegetables preserved by immersing in vinegar (manufacture) Gherkin pickling (manufacture) Heat treatment of fruit and vegetables (manufacture) Homogenised fruit and vegetables (manufacture) Jam (manufacture) Jelly (table) (manufacture) Jelly powder (manufacture) Marmalade (manufacture) Mincemeat (manufacture) Nut foods and pastes (manufacture) Nut processing and preservation (except in sugar) (manufacture) Nut shelling, grinding and preparing (manufacture) Nuts preserved by freezing (manufacture) Olive preserving in salt or brine (manufacture) 15330 15330 15330 15330 15330 15330 15330 15330 15330 15330 15330 15330 15330 15330 15330 15330 15330 15330 15330 15330 15330 15330 15330 15330 15330 15330 15330 15330 15330 15330 15330 15330 15330 Peanut butter (manufacture) 01410 Peeled or cut vegetables, mixed fresh salads, packaged (manufacture) 51310 15330 Perishable prepared fruit and vegetables (manufacture) 15330 Perishable prepared salads; mixed salads (manufacture) 15330 Perishable prepared tofu bean curd (manufacture) 168 Peeled, cut fresh vegetables, mixed salads, packed (manufacture) Activity 10410 Manufacture of oils and fats 15410 Animal fat and oil production (non‑edible) (manufacture) 15420 Animal oil refining (manufacture) 15410 Benniseed crushing (manufacture) 15420 Benniseed oil refining (manufacture) 15410 Bone oil (manufacture) 15420 Castor oil processing (manufacture) 15410 Castor seed crushing (manufacture) 15420 Coconut oil refining (manufacture) 15420 Cod liver oil refining (manufacture) 15420 Cola oil refining (manufacture) 15410 Colza oil production (manufacture) 15410 Copra (coconut) crushing (manufacture) 15410 Cotton linters production (manufacture) 15410 Cotton seed crushing including delinting or cleaning (manufacture) 15410 Cotton seed oil production (manufacture) 15420 Cotton seed oil refining (manufacture) 15410 Crude vegetable oil production (manufacture) 15410 Fat of marine animals production (manufacture) 15410 Fish and marine mammal oil extraction (manufacture) 15410 Fish liver oil (unrefined) production (manufacture) 15420 Fish liver oil refining (manufacture) 15410 Fish oil (crude) production (manufacture) 15420 Gingelly oil refining (manufacture) 15410 Gingelly seed crushing (manufacture) 15410 Groundnut crushing (manufacture) 15420 Groundnut oil refining (manufacture) 15420 Herring oil refining (manufacture) 15410 Kapok seed crushing (manufacture) 15420 Kapok seed oil refining (manufacture) 15410 Kernel crushing (manufacture) 15410 Lanolin recovery (manufacture) 15410 Lard oil (manufacture) 15410 Linseed crushing (manufacture) 15410 Linseed oil production (manufacture) 15420 Linseed oil refining (manufacture) 15410 Marine animal crude oil and fat production (manufacture) 15410 Mustard oil production (manufacture) 15410 Mustard seed crushing (manufacture) 15420 Neatsfoot oil (manufacture) 15410 Non‑defatted flour production (manufacture) Indexes to the UK Standard Industrial Classification of Economic Activities 2007 – UK SIC(2007) Numerical Index UK SIC UK SIC Activity 2007 2003 SIC 2007 SIC 2003 Activity 15420 15410 15410 15410 15410 15410 15511 15511 15511 15410 15410 01139 15511 15511 15511 15511 15511 Homogenised milk production (manufacture) Milk homogenising (manufacture) Milk production (evaporated, condensed, etc.) (manufacture) Milk sterilising (manufacture) Milk ultra heat treatment (manufacture) Pasteurized fresh liquid milk (manufacture) Preserved cream (manufacture) Sterilised cream (manufacture) 15420 15410 15420 15410 15420 15410 15420 15410 15410 15420 15410 15420 15410 15410 15410 15420 15420 15420 15410 15410 15410 15410 15420 15420 15410 15420 10420 15430 15430 15430 15430 10511 15511 15511 15511 15511 Oil (edible) (manufacture) Oil kernel meal production (manufacture) Oil nut meal production (manufacture) Oil seed cake and meal (manufacture) Oil seed crushing (manufacture) Oilcakes and other residual products of oil production (manufacture) Oleo stearin (manufacture) Olive oil (crude) production (manufacture) Olive oil from self produced olives (if value of production exceeds that of growing) (manufacture) Olive oil refining (manufacture) Palm kernel crushing (manufacture) Palm kernel oil refining (manufacture) Palm oil production (manufacture) Palm oil refining (manufacture) Rape oil production (manufacture) Rape oil refining (manufacture) Rape seed crushing (manufacture) Seed and nut crushing (manufacture) Sesame oil refining (manufacture) Sesame seed crushing (manufacture) Shea butter (manufacture) Shea nut crushing (manufacture) Soya bean crushing (manufacture) Soya bean oil (crude) (manufacture) Soya bean oil refining (manufacture) Sperm oil refining (manufacture) Sunflower oil refining (manufacture) Sunflower seed crushing (manufacture) Sunflower‑seed oil production (manufacture) Technical tallow (manufacture) Tung oil extraction (manufacture) Vegetable oil processing: blowing, boiling, dehydration, hydrogenation (manufacture) Vegetable oil refining (manufacture) Whale oil production (manufacture) Whale oil refining (manufacture) Manufacture of margarine and similar edible fats Cooking fat (compound) (manufacture) Fats (edible) (manufacture) Margarine (manufacture) Melanges and similar spreads (manufacture) Liquid milk and cream production Clotted cream (manufacture) Condensed milk (manufacture) Cream (sterilised) (manufacture) Cream from fresh homogenized liquid milk (manufacture) Cream from fresh pasteurized liquid milk (manufacture) 10512 15512 15512 15512 15512 15512 15512 15512 15512 15512 10519 15519 15519 15519 15519 15519 15519 15519 15519 15519 15519 15519 15519 15519 15519 15519 Butter and cheese production Butter blending (manufacture) Butter milk (manufacture) Butter oil (manufacture) Butter production (manufacture) Butterfat (manufacture) Cheese (manufacture) Curd production (manufacture) Dairy preparation of cheese and butter (manufacture) Processed cheese (manufacture) Manufacture of milk products (other than liquid milk and cream, butter, cheese) n.e.c Casein production (manufacture) Concentrated dried milk (manufacture) Dairy preparation of milk products n.e.c. (manufacture) Desserts with a milk base (manufacture) Dried milk (manufacture) Junket powder (manufacture) Lactose production (manufacture) Milk or cream in solid form (manufacture) Milk powder (manufacture) Milk products other than liquid milk and cream, butter, cheese n.e.c. (manufacture) Rennet (not artificial) (manufacture) Soft drinks (milk based) (manufacture) Sweetened skimmed whey production (manufacture) Whey (sweetened skimmed) production (manufacture) Yoghurt (manufacture) 10520 15520 15520 15520 15520 Manufacture of ice cream Ice cream (manufacture) Ice cream powder (manufacture) Sorbet production (manufacture) Water ices (manufacture) 10611 15611 15611 15611 Grain milling Barley meal production (manufacture) Barley milling (manufacture) Barley processing (blocked, flaked, puffed or pearled) (manufacture) 15511 15611 Bran (manufacture) 15511 Cream production (manufacture) 15611 Cake mixture (manufacture) 15511 Creamery (not farm or retail shop) (manufacture) 15611 15511 Dairy preparation of milk and cream (manufacture) Cereal grains, flour, groats, meal or pellets (manufacture) 15511 Double cream (manufacture) 15611 Corn or other cereal grains (manufacture) 15511 Evaporated milk (manufacture) 15611 Cornflour (manufacture) 15511 Heat treatment of milk (manufacture) 15611 Flaked maize (manufacture) 169 Numerical Index Indexes to the UK Standard Industrial Classification of Economic Activities 2007 – UK SIC(2007) UK SIC UK SIC Activity 2007 2003 SIC 2007 SIC 2003 Activity 15611 15611 15611 15611 15611 15611 15612 15612 15612 15612 15612 15612 15612 15612 15612 Rice flour production (manufacture) Rice husking (manufacture) Rice milling (manufacture) Rice rolling (manufacture) Sago grinding or milling (manufacture) Soya bean grinding (manufacture) Soya bean milling (manufacture) Soya flour and meal (manufacture) Vegetable milling (manufacture) 15611 15611 15611 15611 15611 15611 15611 15611 15611 15611 15611 15611 15611 15611 15611 15611 15611 15611 15611 15611 15611 15611 10612 Flour (manufacture) Flour milling (manufacture) Flour mixes and prepared blended flour and dough for biscuits (manufacture) Flour mixes and prepared blended flour and dough for bread (manufacture) Flour mixes and prepared blended flour and dough for cakes (manufacture) Flour mixes and prepared blended flour and dough for pancakes (manufacture) Flour of cereal grains production (manufacture) Grain milling (manufacture) Grist milling (manufacture) Groats production (manufacture) Maize (flaked) production (manufacture) Maize flour and meal production (manufacture) Meal from grain (manufacture) Oat flour and meal (manufacture) Oat grinding, rolling, crushing or flaking (manufacture) Oats (manufacture) Pudding mixture (manufacture) Rye (manufacture) Rye flaking (manufacture) Rye flour and meal (manufacture) Rye milling (manufacture) Rye rolling (manufacture) Self‑raising and patent flour (manufacture) Semolina milling (manufacture) Wheat flake (manufacture) Wheat milling (manufacture) Wheat offal (manufacture) Wheat pellets (manufacture) Manufacture of breakfast cereals and cereals‑based foods Almond grinding (manufacture) Bean grinding (manufacture) Bean milling (manufacture) Bean splitting (manufacture) Breakfast cereal (cooked) (manufacture) Breakfast cereal (uncooked) (manufacture) Cereal breakfast foods (manufacture) Chicory root drying (manufacture) Cornflake (manufacture) Edible nut flour or meal production (manufacture) 10620 15620 15620 15620 15620 15620 15620 15620 15620 15620 15620 15620 15620 15620 15620 15620 15620 15620 15620 15620 15620 Manufacture of starches and starch products Arrowroot (manufacture) Corn oil (manufacture) Dextrin (manufacture) Dextrose (manufacture) Glucose (manufacture) Glucose syrup (manufacture) Gluten (manufacture) Inulin (manufacture) Laundry starch (manufacture) Maize starch (manufacture) Maltose (manufacture) Potato starch (manufacture) Rice starch (manufacture) Soluble starch (manufacture) Starch (manufacture) Tapioca (manufacture) Tapioca grinding (manufacture) Warp starch (manufacture) Wet corn milling (manufacture) Wheat starch (manufacture) 10710 Manufacture of bread; manufacture of fresh pastry goods and cakes Bakery (baking main activity) (manufacture) Bread and flour confectionery baking (manufacture) Bread baking including rolls (manufacture) Bread rolls (manufacture) Cakes (manufacture) Crumpet making (manufacture) Fancy pastry (manufacture) Flour confectionery (manufacture) Fresh pastry (manufacture) Fruit cake baking (manufacture) 15810 15810 15810 15810 15810 15810 15810 15810 15810 15810 15810 Fruit loaf baking (manufacture) 15810 Fruit pie making (manufacture) 15810 Tarts (manufacture) 15810 Waffles (manufacture) 15612 15612 15612 15612 15612 15612 15612 15612 15612 15612 15612 Flour of dried leguminous vegetables production (manufacture) 15612 Flour or meal of roots or tubers (manufacture) 15612 Glazed rice (manufacture) 15612 Lentil splitting, grinding or milling (manufacture) 10720 15612 Meal of dried leguminous vegetables production (manufacture) Manufacture of rusks and biscuits; manufacture of preserved pastry goods and cakes 15820 Biscuits (manufacture) 15612 Parboiled or converted rice (manufacture) 15820 Cakes (preserved) (manufacture) 15612 Pea splitting, milling or grinding (manufacture) 15820 Cereal for sausage filler (manufacture) 15612 Polished rice (manufacture) 15820 Cookies (manufacture) 15612 Puffed rice (manufacture) 15820 Crispbread (manufacture) 15612 Puffed wheat (manufacture) 15820 Dry bakery products (manufacture) 15612 Rice cleaning (manufacture) 15820 Matzos (manufacture) 15612 Rice flaking (manufacture) 15820 Oat cake (manufacture) 170 Indexes to the UK Standard Industrial Classification of Economic Activities 2007 – UK SIC(2007) Numerical Index UK SIC UK SIC Activity 2007 2003 SIC 2007 SIC 2003 Activity 15841 15841 15841 15841 15841 15841 15841 15841 15841 15841 15841 15841 Chocolate couverture (manufacture) Cocoa (manufacture) Cocoa bean roasting and dressing (manufacture) Cocoa butter (manufacture) Cocoa fat (manufacture) Cocoa oil (manufacture) Cocoa powder (manufacture) Cocoa products (manufacture) Confectionery made of chocolate (manufacture) Drinking chocolate (manufacture) Milk chocolate (manufacture) Milk cocoa (manufacture) 15820 15820 15820 15820 15820 15820 15820 15820 15820 15820 15820 15820 15820 Pancake making (manufacture) Pastry and buns (preserved) (manufacture) Pies (other than meat) (manufacture) Pikelet making (manufacture) Pizza (manufacture) Preserved pastry goods and cakes (manufacture) Pretzels whether sweet or salted (manufacture) Rusk making (manufacture) Salted crackers (manufacture) Sandwich cake baking (manufacture) Sausage filler made of cereal (manufacture) Scone baking (manufacture) Snack products of puffed or extruded farinaceous or proteinaceous materials (manufacture) 15820 Snack products whether sweet or salted (manufacture) 15820 Sweet crackers (manufacture) 15820 Wafer biscuits (manufacture) 10730 15850 15850 15850 15850 15850 15850 15850 15850 15850 15850 10810 15830 15830 15830 15830 15830 15830 15830 15830 15830 15830 15830 15830 15830 15830 15830 15830 15830 15830 15830 10821 Manufacture of macaroni, noodles, couscous and similar farinaceous products Couscous (manufacture) Farinaceous products (manufacture) Macaroni (manufacture) Noodle (manufacture) Pasta products, canned or frozen (manufacture) Pastas (manufacture) Ravioli (manufacture) Spaghetti (manufacture) Spaghetti canning (manufacture) Vermicelli (manufacture) Manufacture of sugar Beet pulp (manufacture) Beet sugar (manufacture) Castor sugar (manufacture) Icing sugar (manufacture) Invert sugar (manufacture) Liquid sugar (manufacture) Maple syrup (manufacture) Molasses (manufacture) Powdered sugar (manufacture) Sugar milling (manufacture) Sugar refining (manufacture) Sugar substitutes refining and production (manufacture) Sugar sucrose and sugar substitutes from cane, manufacture or refining (manufacture) Sugar sucrose and sugar substitutes from maple, manufacture or refining (manufacture) Sugar sucrose and sugar substitutes from palm, manufacture or refining (manufacture) Sugar syrups (manufacture) Syrup (sugar) (manufacture) Treacle (manufacture) White sugar (manufacture) Manufacture of cocoa, and chocolate confectionery 15841 Chocolate (manufacture) 15841 Chocolate confectionery (manufacture) 10822 15842 15842 15842 15842 15842 15842 15842 15842 15842 15842 15842 15842 15842 15842 15842 15842 15842 15842 15842 15842 15842 15842 15842 15842 15842 15842 15842 15842 15842 15842 15842 15842 Manufacture of sugar confectionery Boiled sweet (manufacture) Butterscotch (manufacture) Cachous (manufacture) Candied peel (manufacture) Caramel sweets (manufacture) Chewing gum (manufacture) Clear gum confectionery (manufacture) Confectioner’s novelty (manufacture) Confectionery (medicated) (manufacture) Confectionery made of sugar (manufacture) Crystallised fruit (manufacture) Fondant (manufacture) Fruit peel preserving in sugar (manufacture) Fruit preserving in sugar (manufacture) Jujube (manufacture) Liquorice (manufacture) Lozenge (medicated) (manufacture) Lozenge (not medicated) (manufacture) Marshmallow (manufacture) Marzipan sweets (manufacture) Medicated confectionery (manufacture) Nougat (manufacture) Nut and bean confectionery (manufacture) Nut preserving in sugar (manufacture) Pastille (manufacture) Plant parts preserving in sugar (manufacture) Pomfret (pontefract) cakes (manufacture) Sugar confectionery (manufacture) Sweets (sugar confectionery) (manufacture) Toffee (manufacture) Turkish delight (manufacture) White chocolate (manufacture) 10831 15861 15861 15861 15861 15861 15861 15861 15861 15861 Tea processing Chamomile herb infusions (manufacture) Herb tea (manufacture) Mint herb infusions maté (manufacture) Soluble tea (manufacture) Tea (packing into tea bags) (manufacture) Tea and maté blending (manufacture) Tea blending (manufacture) Tea extract and essence (manufacture) Tea or maté based extracts and preparations (manufacture) 15861 Vervain herb infusions (manufacture) 171 Numerical Index Indexes to the UK Standard Industrial Classification of Economic Activities 2007 – UK SIC(2007) UK SIC UK SIC Activity 2007 2003 SIC 2007 10832 Production of coffee and coffee substitutes 15862 Coffee (manufacture) 15862 Coffee and chicory essence and extract (manufacture) 15862 Coffee bags (manufacture) 15862 Coffee blending (manufacture) 15862 Coffee essence and extract (manufacture) 15862 Coffee extracts and concentrates (manufacture) 15862 Coffee grinding and roasting (manufacture) 15862 Coffee processing (manufacture) 15862 Coffee products (manufacture) 15862 Coffee roasting (manufacture) 15862 Coffee substitutes (manufacture) 15862 Dandelion coffee (manufacture) 15862 De‑caffeinated coffee (manufacture) 15862 Ground coffee (manufacture) 15862 Instant coffee (manufacture) 15862 Liquid coffee (manufacture) 15862 Soluble coffee (manufacture) 10860 10840 15870 15870 15870 15870 15870 15870 15870 15870 15870 15870 15870 15870 15870 15870 15870 14400 Manufacture of condiments and seasonings Catsup (manufacture) Condiments (manufacture) Curry powder (manufacture) Dried herbs (except field dried) (manufacture) Gravy (manufacture) Ketchup (manufacture) Mayonnaise (manufacture) Mint sauce (manufacture) Mustard (manufacture) Mustard flour and meal (manufacture) Pepper (ground) (manufacture) Pepper substitute (manufacture) Relish (manufacture) Salad cream (manufacture) Salad dressing (manufacture) Salt, processing of into food‑grade salt, iodised salt (manufacture) Sandwich spread (manufacture) Sauce (manufacture) Seasoning (manufacture) Spice (ground) (manufacture) Spice (purifying) (manufacture) 15870 15870 15870 15870 15870 15870 Stuffing (manufacture) 15870 Vinegars (malt, spirit, wine, acetic acid) (manufacture) 10850 Manufacture of prepared meals and dishes 15330 Bottling of fruit and vegetables (manufacture) 15880 15880 15880 15880 15880 15880 15880 15880 15880 15880 15880 15880 15880 15880 15880 15880 15880 15880 15880 15880 15880 15880 10890 15899 15899 15620 15899 15899 15899 15891 Activity Manufacture of homogenised food preparations and dietetic food Baby foods (manufacture) Baby foods (milk based) (manufacture) Diabetic food (manufacture) Dietary foods for special medical purposes (manufacture) Dietetic food (excluding milk based) (manufacture) Dietetic food with a milk base (manufacture) Follow‑up milk (manufacture) Follow‑up milk for infants (manufacture) Food for particular nutritional uses (manufacture) Foods for persons suffering from carbohydrate metabolism disorders (manufacture) Foods to meet the expenditure of intense muscular effort, especially for sportsmen (manufacture) Gluten‑free foods (manufacture) Homogenised food preparations (manufacture) Infant food (milk based) (manufacture) Infant food (other than milk based) (manufacture) Infant formulae (manufacture) Invalid food (milk based) (manufacture) Invalid food (other than milk based) (manufacture) Low energy and energy‑reduced foods (manufacture) Low sodium foods (manufacture) Low‑sodium or sodium‑free dietary salts (manufacture) Milk based baby food (manufacture) Manufacture of other food products n.e.c. Apple pomace and pectin (manufacture) Artificial concentrates (manufacture) Artificial honey (manufacture) Bakers’ yeast from distillery (manufacture) Baking powder (manufacture) Blancmange powder (manufacture) Broth containing meat or vegetables or both (manufacture) Canned broth containing meat or vegetables or both (manufacture) Canned soup containing meat or vegetables or both (manufacture) Caramel (not sweets) (manufacture) Cider pectin (manufacture) Custard powder (manufacture) Dried egg (manufacture) Egg drying (manufacture) Egg pickling (manufacture) Egg products and egg albumin (manufacture) Egg substitute (manufacture) Eggs (powdered or reconstituted) (manufacture) Extracts and juices of meat, fish, crustaceans or molluscs (manufacture) 15891 15891 15620 15899 15899 15899 15899 15899 15899 15899 15899 15139 15899 Food products enriched with vitamins or proteins (manufacture) 15139 15209 Fish dish (prepared) production (manufacture) 15209 Fish dishes, including fish and chips (manufacture) 15209 Fish fingers (manufacture) 15139 15850 Pasta, cooked, stuffed or otherwise prepared 15899 Food supplements (manufacture) 15820 Pizza, frozen or otherwise preserved (manufacture) 15899 Hop extracts (manufacture) 15139 Poultry dishes (manufacture) 15899 Malt extract (manufacture) 15139 Prepared meat dishes (manufacture) 15899 Malted milk production (manufacture) 15330 Vegetable dishes (manufacture) 15899 Non‑dairy milk and cheese substitutes (manufacture) 172 Chicken ready to eat meals (manufacture) SIC 2003 Frozen meals based on meat (manufacture) Indexes to the UK Standard Industrial Classification of Economic Activities 2007 – UK SIC(2007) UK SIC UK SIC Activity 2007 2003 SIC 2007 11010 15910 15910 15910 15910 51342 15810 Perishable food preparations of bread, pastry or cake (manufacture) 15891 Powdered broth containing meat or vegetables or both (manufacture) 15891 Powdered soup containing meat or vegetables or both (manufacture) 15899 Rice pudding (canned) (manufacture) 15899 Roasting of nuts (manufacture) 15512 Sandwiches with cheese filling (manufacture) 15899 Sandwiches with egg filling (manufacture) 15209 Sandwiches with fish, crustacean and mollusc filling (manufacture) 15139 Sandwiches with ham or bacon filling (manufacture) 15139 Sandwiches with meat or poultry filling, other than ham or bacon (manufacture) 15330 Sandwiches with vegetable filling (manufacture) 15891 Soup containing meat or vegetables or both (manufacture) 15891 Tinned broth (manufacture) 15891 Tinned soup (manufacture) 15899 Uncooked pizza (manufacture) 15899 Yeast and vegetable extract (manufacture) 15899 Yeast preparation (manufacture) 10910 Manufacture of prepared feeds for farm animals Alfalfa (Lucerne) meal and pellets (manufacture) Animal compound feed (manufacture) Animal feed supplement (manufacture) Chicken food (manufacture) Compound animal feed (manufacture) Concentrated animal feed and feed supplements (manufacture) Dairy concentrate (animal feed) (manufacture) Farm animal feeds produced from slaughter waste (manufacture) Feed supplements for animals (manufacture) Molassed feeding stuff containing more than 30% molasses (manufacture) Non‑compound animal and cattle feed (not from grain milling or oilseed cakes and meal) (manufacture) Potato dehydrating for animal feed (manufacture) Poultry grit (manufacture) Prepared feeds for farm animals (manufacture) 15710 15710 15710 15710 15710 15710 15710 15710 15710 15710 15710 15710 15710 15710 15710 Protein (synthetic) for animal feed (manufacture) 15710 Protein concentrates (animal food) (manufacture) 15710 Single feeds, unmixed, for farm animals (manufacture) 15710 Synthetic animal feed protein (manufacture) 10920 Manufacture of prepared pet foods 15720 Bird food (manufacture) SIC 2003 15910 15910 15910 15910 15910 15910 15910 15910 15920 15910 15910 15910 15910 Numerical Index Activity Distilling, rectifying and blending of spirits Alcoholic distilled potable beverage (manufacture) Aperitif (spirit based) (manufacture) Blending and bottling of whisky (manufacture) Blending of distilled spirits (manufacture) Blending of distilled spirits by wholesalers (manufacture) Brandy (manufacture) Cherry brandy (manufacture) Drinks mixed with distilled alcoholic beverages (manufacture) Gin (manufacture) Liqueurs (manufacture) Rectified spirits (manufacture) Rum distilling (manufacture) Spirit distilling and compounding (manufacture) Undenatured ethyl alcohol (manufacture) Vodka distilling (manufacture) Whisky (manufacture) Whisky blending (manufacture) Whisky distilling (manufacture) 11020 Manufacture of wine from grape 51342 Buying wine in bulk with blending, purification and bottling of wine (manufacture) 15932 Low and non‑alcoholic wine based on concentrated grape must (manufacture) 15931 Low and non‑alcoholic wine from fresh grapes and grape juice (manufacture) 15931 Sparkling wine (manufacture) 15932 Tonic wine production (manufacture) 15931 Wine (of own manufacture) blending, purification and bottling (manufacture) 51342 Wine (purchased in bulk) blending, purification and bottling (manufacture) 15932 Wine based on concentrated grape must (manufacture) 15931 Wine production from fresh grapes and grape juice (manufacture) 01131 Wine production from self produced grapes 11030 Manufacture of cider and other fruit wines 15949 Apple wine making 15949 Beverages made of fermented fruit n.e.c. (manufacture) 15941 Cider (alcoholic) (manufacture) 15941 Cider perry (manufacture) 15949 Fruit wines other than cider and perry (manufacture) 15949 Mead (manufacture) 15949 Mixed beverages containing fruit wines (manufacture) 15941 Perry (manufacture) 15949 Sake (manufacture) 15720 Cat food (manufacture) 15720 Dog biscuit (manufacture) 15720 Dog food (manufacture) Manufacture of other non‑distilled fermented beverages 15950 Beverages (non‑distilled, fermented) (manufacture) 15720 Pet animal feeds produced from slaughter waste (manufacture) 15950 Vermouth (manufacture) 15720 Pet fish feeds (manufacture) 15720 Pet food including canned (manufacture) 11050 Manufacture of beer 15960 Ale brewing (manufacture) 15720 Pet foods (manufacture) 11040 15960 Beer (non‑alcoholic) (manufacture) 173 Numerical Index Indexes to the UK Standard Industrial Classification of Economic Activities 2007 – UK SIC(2007) UK SIC UK SIC Activity 2007 2003 SIC 2007 SIC 2003 16000 Tobacco, homogenised or reconstituted (manufacture) 15960 Beer brewing (manufacture) 15960 Black beer brewing (manufacture) 15960 Brewery (beer and other brewing products) (manufacture) 15960 Lager brewing (manufacture) 15960 Low and non‑alcoholic beer (manufacture) 15960 Malt liquors (manufacture) 15960 Porter brewing (manufacture) 15960 Stout brewing (manufacture) 11060 Manufacture of malt 15970 Barley malting (manufacture) 15970 Malt and malt products (manufacture) 11070 15980 15980 15980 15980 15980 15980 15980 15980 15980 15980 15980 15980 15980 15980 15980 15980 15980 15980 15980 15980 15980 15980 15980 15980 15980 15980 15980 15980 12000 16000 16000 16000 16000 16000 16000 16000 16000 16000 174 Manufacture of soft drinks; production of mineral waters and other bottled waters Aerated water (manufacture) Carbonated soft drink (manufacture) Cider (non‑alcoholic) (manufacture) Cola production (manufacture) Cordial (non‑alcoholic) (manufacture) Cream soda (manufacture) Energy drinks (manufacture) Fruit cordial (manufacture) Fruit drinks (non‑alcoholic) (manufacture) Fruit squash (manufacture) Fruit syrup (manufacture) Ginger beer (manufacture) Hop bitters (manufacture) Lemonade powder (manufacture) Lemonade production (manufacture) Milk drinks (flavoured) (manufacture) Milk shake base (manufacture) Mineral water bottling (manufacture) Mineral water production (manufacture) Non‑alcoholic flavoured and/or sweetened waters (manufacture) Orangeade production (manufacture) Shandy (manufacture) Soda water (manufacture) Soft drinks (manufacture) Squash drink (manufacture) Table water (manufacture) Tonic water production (manufacture) Water bottling (manufacture) Manufacture of tobacco products Cheroot (manufacture) Chewing tobacco (manufacture) Cigar (manufacture) Cigarette (manufacture) Cigarillo (manufacture) Fine cut tobacco (manufacture) Pipe tobacco (manufacture) Snuff (manufacture) Tobacco for use in pipes and rolled cigarettes (manufacture) 16000 Tobacco products (manufacture) 16000 Tobacco stemming and redrying (manufacture) 16000 Tobacco substitute products (manufacture) 13100 17120 17130 17170 17130 17130 17120 17130 17120 17110 17120 17130 17120 17120 17130 17110 17110 17110 17110 17110 17110 17110 17110 17110 17110 17160 17110 17110 17110 17110 17110 17110 17110 17110 17120 17170 17140 17120 17160 17120 17110 17140 17140 17140 17140 17140 17140 Activity Preparation and spinning of textile fibres Alpaca and mohair spinning on the woollen system (manufacture) Alpaca and mohair spinning on the worsted system (manufacture) Bast fibres preparation and spinning (manufacture) Blending of fibres on the worsted system (manufacture) Botany spinning (manufacture) Camel hair spinning on the woollen system (manufacture) Camel hair spinning on the worsted system (manufacture) Carded sliver preparation for textiles industry (manufacture) Carpet pile yarn spun on the cotton system (manufacture) Carpet pile yarn spun on the woollen system (manufacture) Carpet pile yarn spun on the worsted and semi‑worsted systems (manufacture) Coffin cloth (manufacture) Combers’ shoddy for woollen industry (manufacture) Combing and slubbing of wool on a commission basis (manufacture) Core spun yarn spun on the cotton system (manufacture) Cotton carding (manufacture) Cotton combing (manufacture) Cotton doubling (manufacture) Cotton drawing (manufacture) Cotton lap, sliver, rovings and other intermediate bobbin (manufacture) Cotton opening (manufacture) Cotton reeling (manufacture) Cotton sorting (manufacture) Cotton spinning (manufacture) Cotton thread mill (manufacture) Cotton warp (manufacture) Cotton waste spinning (manufacture) Cotton yarn (manufacture) Cotton yarn doubling (manufacture) Cotton yarn twisting (manufacture) Cotton yarn warping (manufacture) Cotton yarn winding (manufacture) Cotton‑type yarn (manufacture) Degreasing and carbonising of wool (manufacture) Down of vegetable origin (manufacture) Dressed line made of flax (manufacture) Dyeing of wool fleece (manufacture) Embroidery cotton (manufacture) Fingering wool (manufacture) Fishing net yarn made of cotton (manufacture) Flax carding (manufacture) Flax deseeding (manufacture) Flax dressing (manufacture) Flax hackling (manufacture) Flax preparing (manufacture) Flax roughing (manufacture) Indexes to the UK Standard Industrial Classification of Economic Activities 2007 – UK SIC(2007) Numerical Index UK SIC UK SIC Activity 2007 2003 SIC 2007 SIC 2003 17140 17140 17140 17140 17140 17170 17170 17170 17170 17170 17170 17170 17170 17170 17170 17170 17170 17170 17170 17170 17170 17120 17130 17110 17110 17140 17150 17150 17150 17150 17110 17120 17130 17110 17120 17130 17110 17130 Mohair spinning on the worsted system (manufacture) 17120 Noils (woollen industry) (manufacture) 17170 Padding for upholstery (manufacture) 17120 Recovered wool (mungo and shoddy) (manufacture) 17150 Reeling and washing of silk (manufacture) 17140 Scutching of flax (manufacture) 17130 Semi‑worsted yarn spinning (manufacture) 17160 Sewing thread made of cotton (manufacture) 17150 Silk creping (manufacture) 17150 Silk throwing (manufacture) 17150 Silk twisting (manufacture) 17150 Silk warping (manufacture) 17150 Silk waste noil spinning (manufacture) 17150 Silk winding (manufacture) 17150 Silk yarn (manufacture) 17120 Sliver dyeing of wool (manufacture) 17120 Slubbing dyeing of wool (manufacture) 17160 Spinning and manufacture of yarn for weaving, for the trade or for further processing (manufacture) 17160 Spinning and manufacture of yarn or sewing thread, for the trade or further processing (manufacture) 17110 Spinning on the cotton system (manufacture) 17140 Spinning on the flax system (manufacture) 17120 Spinning on the woollen system (manufacture) 17130 Spinning on the worsted and semi‑worsted systems (manufacture) 17170 Sunn hemp (manufacture) 17160 Thread for sewing and embroidery, made of cotton (manufacture) 17160 Thread made of hemp (manufacture) 17160 Thread made of jute (manufacture) 17160 Thread made of linen (manufacture) 17160 Thread made of silk (manufacture) 17130 Topmaking (wool) (manufacture) 17140 Tow of flax (manufacture) 17170 Twine made of paper (manufacture) 17110 Tyre cord (cotton system) (manufacture) 17170 Upholstery hair fibre and filling (manufacture) 17170 Vegetable down (manufacture) 17120 Warp dressing (woollen) (manufacture) 17130 Warp sizing and dressing (worsted) (manufacture) 17110 Waste cotton yarn (manufacture) 17120 Wool carbonising (manufacture) 17120 Wool carding (manufacture) 17120 Wool cleaning (manufacture) 17120 Wool condensing (manufacture) 17120 Wool extracting (manufacture) 17120 17120 Wool opening and willeying (manufacture) 17130 17120 Wool recovery (manufacture) 17120 Wool scouring (manufacture) 17120 Wool sorting (manufacture) 17130 Wool topmaking (manufacture) 17120 Woollen rag carbonising (manufacture) 17120 Woollen rag carding (manufacture) 17120 Woollen rag garnetting (manufacture) 17120 Woollen rag grinding or pulling (manufacture) 17120 Woollen waste breaking (manufacture) 17120 Woollen waste garnetting (manufacture) 17110 17120 17130 17130 17120 Flax sorting (manufacture) Flax spinning (manufacture) Flax tow (manufacture) Flax type yarns (manufacture) Flax‑type fibre preparation and spinning (manufacture) Hair dressing for upholsterers (manufacture) Hemp carding (manufacture) Hemp dressing (manufacture) Hemp sorting (manufacture) Hemp spinning (manufacture) Horsehair curling (manufacture) Horsehair dressing (manufacture) Horsehair hackling (manufacture) Horsehair sorting (manufacture) Horsehair teasing (manufacture) Jute sorting (manufacture) Jute spinning (manufacture) Jute tow (manufacture) Jute winding (manufacture) Jute yarn (manufacture) Kapok willowing (manufacture) Knitting yarn made of wool (manufacture) Knitting yarn made of worsted (manufacture) Knitting yarns (cotton) (manufacture) Knitting yarns (man made fibres) (manufacture) Line yarn made of flax (manufacture) Man‑made fibre bulking (other than in man‑made fibre producing establishments) (manufacture) Man‑made fibre crimping (other than in man‑made fibre producing establishments) (manufacture) Man‑made fibre texturing (other than in man‑made fibre producing establishments) (manufacture) Man‑made fibre texturing, bulking, crimping in man‑made fibre producing establishments (manufacture) Man‑made fibres spinning on the cotton system (manufacture) Man‑made fibres spinning on the woollen system (manufacture) Man‑made fibres spinning on the worsted and semi‑worsted systems (manufacture) Man‑made fibres twisting on the cotton system (manufacture) Man‑made fibres twisting on the woollen system (manufacture) Man‑made fibres twisting on the worsted and semi‑worsted systems (manufacture) Man‑made fibres warping on the cotton system (manufacture) Man‑made fibres warping on the woollen system (manufacture) Man‑made fibres warping on the worsted and semi‑worsted systems (manufacture) Man‑made fibres winding on the cotton system (manufacture) Man‑made fibres winding on the woollen system (manufacture) Man‑made fibres winding on the worsted and semi‑worsted systems (manufacture) Merino yarn spinning (manufacture) Mohair spinning on the woollen system (manufacture) Activity 175 Numerical Index Indexes to the UK Standard Industrial Classification of Economic Activities 2007 – UK SIC(2007) UK SIC UK SIC Activity 2007 2003 SIC 2007 SIC 2003 17120 17120 17120 17120 17120 17120 17120 17120 17120 17120 17120 17120 17130 17130 17130 17130 17130 17130 17130 17130 17130 17110 17170 17110 17210 Cloth made of cotton and similar man made fibres (manufacture) 17220 Coating woollen weaving (manufacture) 17230 Coating worsted weaving (manufacture) 17210 Corduroy weaving from yarn spun on the cotton system (manufacture) 17210 Corset cloth weaving (from yarn spun on the cotton system) (manufacture) 17210 Cotton weaving (manufacture) 17210 Cotton‑type fabrics (manufacture) 17240 Crepe weaving (manufacture) 17210 Cretonne weaving (manufacture) 17210 Damask weaving (not woollen or worsted) (manufacture) 17220 Damask woollen weaving (manufacture) 17230 Damask worsted weaving (manufacture) 17210 Denim weaving (manufacture) 17210 Downproof cloth weaving (manufacture) 17210 Dress fabric (woven (not wool)) (manufacture) 17220 Dress goods woollen weaving (manufacture) 17230 Dress goods worsted weaving (manufacture) 17210 Drill weaving from yarn spun on the cotton system (manufacture) 17210 Duck weaving (manufacture) 17220 Flag fabric (woollen) (manufacture) 17220 Flannel (manufacture) 17210 Flannelette weaving (manufacture) 17250 Flax woven cloth (manufacture) 17210 Flock made of cotton (manufacture) 17220 Frieze cloth (manufacture) 17210 Furnishing fabric (woven (not wool or worsted)) (manufacture) 17230 Furnishing fabric worsted weaving (manufacture) 17220 Furnishing fabrics woollen weaving (manufacture) 17210 Fustian weaving (manufacture) 17210 Gabardine (cotton) weaving (manufacture) 17210 Gauze weaving (manufacture) 17210 Gingham weaving (manufacture) 17250 Glass fibre woven fabric (manufacture) 17210 Haircord weaving (manufacture) 17250 Hemp weaving (manufacture) 17250 Hessian (manufacture) 17210 Imitation fur (woven long pile fabrics) (manufacture) 17220 Imitation fur of long pile fabrics made on the woollen system (manufacture) 17210 Interlining weaving from yarn spun on the cotton system (manufacture) 17210 Jeans cloth weaving (manufacture) 17250 Jute cloth (manufacture) 17250 Jute sacking (manufacture) 17250 Jute weaving (manufacture) 17210 Leno fabric weaving (manufacture) 17250 Linen and union cloth (manufacture) 17250 Linen weaving (manufacture) 17210 Man‑made fibre weaving from yarns spun on the cotton system (manufacture) 17220 Man‑made fibre weaving of fabrics from yarns spun on the woollen system (manufacture) 17230 Man‑made fibre weaving of fabrics from yarns spun on worsted and semi‑worsted systems (manufacture) 17220 Mohair woollen weaving (manufacture) 13200 17220 17230 17210 Woollen waste grinding (manufacture) Woollen waste opening and willeying (manufacture) Woollen yarn carding (manufacture) Woollen yarn condensing (manufacture) Woollen yarn reeling (manufacture) Woollen yarn sizing (manufacture) Woollen yarn spinning (manufacture) Woollen yarn twisting (manufacture) Woollen yarn warping (manufacture) Woollen yarn winding (manufacture) Woollen‑type fibre preparation and spinning (manufacture) Woollen‑type yarns (manufacture) Worsted carding (manufacture) Worsted doubling (manufacture) Worsted spinning and twisting (manufacture) Worsted waste grinding (manufacture) Worsted yarn reeling (manufacture) Worsted yarn warping (manufacture) Worsted yarn winding (manufacture) Worsted‑type fibres preparation and spinning (manufacture) Worsted‑type yarns (manufacture) Yarn (core spun on the cotton system) (manufacture) Yarn made of paper (manufacture) Yarn of cotton (manufacture) Weaving of textiles Alpaca woollen weaving (manufacture) Alpaca worsted weaving (manufacture) Apparel cloth woven from yarns spun on the cotton system (manufacture) Awning cloth weaving (manufacture) Bagging cloth (manufacture) Bandage cloth weaving (manufacture) Bast fibres and special yarns weaving (manufacture) Bedford cord (not worsted) weaving (manufacture) Bedford cord worsted weaving (manufacture) Belting duck weaving (manufacture) Book cloth weaving (manufacture) Brocade weaving (manufacture) Bunting made of cotton (manufacture) Bunting woollen weaving (manufacture) Calico weaving (manufacture) Cambric weaving (manufacture) Camel hair woollen weaving (manufacture) Camel hair worsted weaving (manufacture) Canvas weaving (manufacture) Carbon and aramid thread weaving (manufacture) Casement cloth weaving (manufacture) 17250 17250 17210 17250 17210 17230 17210 17210 17210 17210 17220 17210 17210 17220 17230 17250 17250 17210 17220 Cashmere woollen weaving (manufacture) 17230 Cashmere worsted weaving (manufacture) 17210 Cellular cloth weaving from yarn spun on the cotton system (manufacture) 17210 Chenille (manufacture) 17210 Chiffon weaving from yarn spun on the cotton system (manufacture) 17210 Chintz weaving from yarn spun on the cotton system (manufacture) 176 Activity Indexes to the UK Standard Industrial Classification of Economic Activities 2007 – UK SIC(2007) Numerical Index UK SIC UK SIC Activity 2007 2003 SIC 2007 SIC 2003 Activity 17230 17210 17220 17210 17210 17220 17210 17240 17220 17230 17210 17250 17210 17210 17220 17210 17210 17210 17250 17250 17210 17240 17250 17230 17230 17250 17250 17250 17210 17210 Worsted‑type fabrics (manufacture) Worsted‑type weaving (manufacture) Woven cloth made of polypropylene (manufacture) Woven elastic over 30 cm wide (manufacture) Woven elastomeric over 30 cm wide (manufacture) Woven pile cotton‑type fabrics (manufacture) Zephyr weaving (manufacture) 17250 17210 17250 17210 17240 17240 17220 17230 17240 17220 17210 17220 17210 17210 17240 17210 17220 17210 17250 17240 17210 17210 17210 17220 17230 17210 17210 17220 17220 17220 Mohair worsted weaving (manufacture) Moquette (not woollen) weaving (manufacture) Moquette woollen weaving (manufacture) Muslin weaving (manufacture) Organdie weaving (manufacture) Overcoating woollen weaving (manufacture) Pique weaving (manufacture) Plush silk (manufacture) Plush woollen weaving (manufacture) Plush worsted weaving (manufacture) Pocketing weaving (manufacture) Polypropylene fabrics (manufacture) Poplin weaving (manufacture) Poult weaving (manufacture) Press cloth (manufacture) Print cloth weaving (manufacture) Printers’ weaving (manufacture) Quilt weaving (manufacture) Ramie weaving (manufacture) Sailcloth weaving (manufacture) Sateen weaving (manufacture) Satin weaving (manufacture) Scrim weaving from flax, hemp, ramie and man‑made fibres processed on the flax system (manufacture) Sheeting weaving from flax and man‑made fibres processed on the flax system (manufacture) Sheeting weaving from yarn spun on the cotton system (manufacture) Shirting weaving from flax and man made fibre processed on the flax system (manufacture) Shirting weaving from yarn spun on the cotton system (manufacture) Silk type fabrics (manufacture) Silk woven cloth (manufacture) Suiting woollen weaving (manufacture) Suiting worsted weaving (manufacture) Taffeta made of silk (manufacture) Taffeta woollen weaving (manufacture) Tapestry (not woollen or worsted) (manufacture) Tapestry woollen weaving (manufacture) Terry towelling (manufacture) Ticking weaving (manufacture) Tie silk (manufacture) Towelling weaving (manufacture) Tweed (manufacture) Twill weaving (manufacture) Union cloth (cotton/linen) (manufacture) Veiling made of silk (manufacture) Velvet (manufacture) Velveteen (manufacture) Voile weaving (manufacture) Weaving (woollen) (manufacture) Weaving (worsted) (manufacture) Weaving of cotton and man‑made fibres (manufacture) Winceyette weaving (manufacture) Woollen cloth weaving (manufacture) Woollen‑type fabrics (manufacture) Woollen‑type weaving (manufacture) 13300 17300 17300 17300 17300 Finishing of textiles Binding and mending of textiles (manufacture) Bleach works (manufacture) Bleaching and dyeing of fabrics (manufacture) Bleaching and dyeing of textile articles, including wearing apparel (manufacture) Bleaching and dyeing of textile fibres (manufacture) Bleaching and dyeing of yarns (manufacture) Bleaching of jeans (manufacture) Bleaching of wool cop, hank, warp, etc. (manufacture) Block printing of textiles (manufacture) Bonding of fabric to fabric (manufacture) Calendering of textiles (manufacture) Calico printing (manufacture) Chintz glazing (manufacture) Cloth beetling (manufacture) Cloth crease resisting treatment (manufacture) Cloth degreasing (manufacture) Cloth dressing (manufacture) Cloth dyeing (manufacture) Cloth embossing (manufacture) Cloth ending and mending (manufacture) Cloth finishing (manufacture) Cloth fireproofing (manufacture) Cloth mercerising (manufacture) Cloth piece goods printing (manufacture) Cloth proofing (manufacture) Cloth rot proofing (manufacture) Cloth shrinking (manufacture) Cloth waterproofing Coating of purchased garments (manufacture) Commission mending of textiles (manufacture) Contract cutting of textiles (not self‑owned) (manufacture) Cotton cord and velveteen finishing (manufacture) Cotton fabric bleaching, dyeing or otherwise finishing (manufacture) Cotton waste bleaching, dying or otherwise finishing (manufacture) Cotton yarn gassing (manufacture) Cotton yarn polishing (manufacture) Cotton yarn printing (manufacture) Dressing of textiles and textile articles, including wearing apparel (manufacture) 17300 17300 17300 17300 17300 17300 17300 17300 17300 17300 17300 17300 17300 17300 17300 17300 17300 17300 17300 17300 17300 17300 17300 17300 17300 17300 17300 17300 17300 17300 17300 17300 17300 17300 17300 Drying of textiles and textile articles, including wearing apparel (manufacture) 17300 Dyework (manufacture) 17300 Embroidery on made up textile goods 17300 Ending and mending of textiles (manufacture) 17300 Finishing of leather wearing apparel (manufacture) 17300 Finishing of wearing apparel n.e.c. (manufacture) 177 Numerical Index Indexes to the UK Standard Industrial Classification of Economic Activities 2007 – UK SIC(2007) UK SIC UK SIC Activity 2007 2003 SIC 2007 SIC 2003 Activity 17300 17300 17300 17300 17300 17300 17300 17300 17300 17300 17300 17300 17300 17300 17300 17300 17300 17300 17300 17300 17300 17300 17300 17300 17300 17300 17300 17300 17300 17300 17300 17300 17300 17300 17300 17300 17300 17300 17300 17300 17300 17300 17300 17300 17300 17300 17300 17300 17300 17300 17300 17300 17300 17300 17300 17300 17300 17300 17300 17300 17300 17300 17300 17300 17300 17300 17300 17300 17300 17300 17300 17300 17300 17300 17300 17300 17300 52740 17300 Mercerising of textiles and textile articles, including wearing apparel (manufacture) 17300 Mercerising yarn (manufacture) 17300 Muslin clipping (manufacture) 17300 17300 17300 17300 Muslin dressing (manufacture) 17300 Muslin ending (manufacture) 17300 Pleating of textiles (manufacture) Rag bleaching (manufacture) Rag dyeing (manufacture) Raw cotton bleaching, dyeing or otherwise finishing (manufacture) Raw silk dyeing (manufacture) Roller printing of textiles (manufacture) Rubberising of purchased garments (manufacture) Sanforising of textiles and textile articles, including wearing apparel (manufacture) Screen printing of textiles (manufacture) Shrinking of textiles and textile articles, including wearing apparel (manufacture) Silk bleaching (manufacture) Silk dyeing (manufacture) Silk finishing and weighting (manufacture) Silk printing (manufacture) Silk screen‑printing on wearing apparel (manufacture) Slub dyeing (manufacture) Small ware bleaching (manufacture) Small ware dyeing (manufacture) Steaming of textiles and textile articles, including wearing apparel (manufacture) Storing yarn (manufacture) Tape bleaching (manufacture) Textile binding and mending (manufacture) Textile bleaching (manufacture) Textile calendering (manufacture) Textile dyeing (manufacture) Textile embossing (manufacture) Textile ending and mending (manufacture) Textile finishing (manufacture) Textile lacquering (manufacture) Tracing cloth (textile finishing) (manufacture) Velvet cutting and shearing (manufacture) Velvet dyeing (manufacture) Velveteen cutting and shearing (manufacture) Velveteen dyeing (manufacture) Warp knitted fabric dyeing and finishing (manufacture) Waste textile dyeing (manufacture) Waterproofing of purchased garments (manufacture) Weft knitted fabric dyeing and finishing (manufacture) ‘While‑you‑wait’ printing of textile articles (manufacture) Wool dyeing (loose) (manufacture) Wool printing (manufacture) Woollen and worsted fabric bleaching, dyeing, or otherwise finishing (manufacture) Woven fabric bleaching, dyeing, printing or otherwise finishing (manufacture) 17300 Muslin finishing (manufacture) 17300 Muslin gassing (manufacture) 17300 Yarn bleaching, dyeing or otherwise finishing (manufacture) 17300 Muslin mending (manufacture) 17300 Yarn finishing (manufacture) 17300 Piece goods dyeing (manufacture) 17300 Yarn gassing (manufacture) 17300 Pile fabric bleaching and finishing (manufacture) 17300 Yarn mercerising (manufacture) 17300 Plaiting of textiles (manufacture) 17300 Yarn polishing (manufacture) 17300 Pleating and similar work on textiles (manufacture) 17300 Yarn storing (manufacture) 178 Flannel ending (manufacture) Flannel filling (manufacture) Flannel finishing (manufacture) Flannel preparing (manufacture) Flannel scouring (manufacture) Flannel shrinking (manufacture) Flannelette raising and finishing (manufacture) Flax yarn bleaching, dyeing or otherwise finishing (manufacture) Foam backed fabric finishing (manufacture) Foam backing (single textile material) (manufacture) Foam backing (texture material sandwich) (manufacture) Fulling mill (manufacture) Gassing yarn (manufacture) Hair dyeing (textile) (manufacture) Hand block printing of textiles (manufacture) Hose bleaching, dyeing or otherwise finishing (manufacture) Hosiery finishing (manufacture) Hosiery printing (manufacture) Hosiery scouring (manufacture) Hosiery shrinking (manufacture) Hosiery trimming Impregnating purchased garments (manufacture) Jute calendering (manufacture) Jute fabrics bleaching, dyeing or otherwise finishing (manufacture) Knitted goods finishing (manufacture) Knitted goods printing (manufacture) Knitted goods scouring (manufacture) Knitted goods shrinking (manufacture) Knitted goods trimming (manufacture) Lace bleaching, dyeing and dressing (on commission) (manufacture) Laminating of textile material (manufacture) Lapping of textiles (manufacture) Linen bleaching (manufacture) Linen dyeing (manufacture) Linen printing (manufacture) Machine printing of textiles (manufacture) Man‑made fibre fabric bleaching, dyeing, printing or otherwise finishing (manufacture) Man‑made fibre yarn bleaching, dyeing or otherwise finishing (manufacture) Mending of textile articles, including wearing apparel (manufacture) Indexes to the UK Standard Industrial Classification of Economic Activities 2007 – UK SIC(2007) Numerical Index UK SIC UK SIC Activity 2007 2003 SIC 2007 SIC 2003 Activity 13910 17600 17600 17600 17600 17402 17402 17402 17402 17402 17402 17402 17402 17402 17402 17402 17402 17402 17402 17402 17402 17402 17402 17402 17402 17402 17402 17402 17402 17402 17402 17402 17402 17402 17402 Escape chute for aircraft (manufacture) Filter cloth (made‑up) (manufacture) Flag making up (manufacture) Flexible ventilating ducting made of textiles (manufacture) Haversack (manufacture) Lifejacket made of canvas (manufacture) Machine covers (manufacture) Made‑up filter cloth (manufacture) Made‑up goods of sailcloth (manufacture) Marquee (manufacture) Parachute (manufacture) Pennants (manufacture) Perambulator awning (manufacture) Rick cloths and covers (manufacture) Roller blinds made of canvas (manufacture) Sacks (woven) (manufacture) Sacks and bags made of noil (manufacture) Sacks for coal (manufacture) Sacks made of canvas (manufacture) Sacks made of jute (manufacture) Sails (manufacture) Shutes made of canvas (manufacture) Stretchers made of canvas (manufacture) Sun blinds (manufacture) Tarpaulins (manufacture) Tents (manufacture) Tubes made of canvas for ventilating purposes (manufacture) Wagon cover (manufacture) Waterproofed covers made of canvas (manufacture) Web equipment making‑up (manufacture) 17600 17600 17600 17600 17600 17600 17600 17600 17600 17600 17600 17600 17600 17600 Manufacture of knitted and crocheted fabrics Crocheted fabric (manufacture) Crocheted fabrics (manufacture) Elastic and elastomeric fabric (manufacture) Elastic or elastomeric knitted or netted fabric more than 30 cm wide (manufacture) Imitation fur obtained by knitting (manufacture) Knitted fabrics (manufacture) Knitted or netted elastic over 30 cm wide (manufacture) Locknit fabric (manufacture) Net and window furnishing type fabrics (manufacture) Net curtaining knitted or crocheted fabric (manufacture) Netted fabric (manufacture) Pile knitted fabric (manufacture) Sliver knitted fabric (manufacture) Terry fabrics (manufacture) Warp knitted fabric (manufacture) Warp knitting (manufacture) Weft knitted fabric (manufacture) Window furnishing knitted fabric (manufacture) 13921 17401 17401 17401 17401 17401 17401 17401 17401 17401 17401 17401 17401 17401 17401 17401 Manufacture of soft furnishings Austrian blinds (manufacture) Blinds (soft furnishings) (manufacture) Bolster (manufacture) Curtains (made‑up) (manufacture) Cushion covers (manufacture) Cushions (manufacture) Festoon blinds (manufacture) Furnishing articles (made‑up) (manufacture) Furniture covers (manufacture) Lace curtains (manufacture) Loose cover for furniture (manufacture) Pillow (manufacture) Pouffe (manufacture) Roman blinds (manufacture) Soft furnishing articles, made‑up, of knitted or crocheted fabrics (manufacture) 17401 Soft furnishing articles, made‑up, of textile material (manufacture) 17401 Soft furnishings (manufacture) 17401 Stretch covers for furniture (manufacture) 13922 17402 17402 17402 17402 17402 17402 17402 Manufacture of canvas goods, sacks etc. Awnings (manufacture) Bags made of canvas (manufacture) Bags made of canvas or cotton cloth (manufacture) Banner (making up) (manufacture) Blinds made of canvas (manufacture) Brattice cloth (manufacture) Buckets made of canvas (manufacture) 13923 Manufacture of household textiles (other than soft furnishings of 13.42/1) Art needlework (manufacture) Baby napkins made of towelling (manufacture) Bath towel (manufacture) Bed linen (manufacture) Bedspread (manufacture) Bedspreads made of lace (manufacture) Blanket making up, outside weaving or knitting establishment (manufacture) Blankets including travelling rugs (manufacture) Blankets made of cotton and man‑made fibres (manufacture) Blankets made of wool (manufacture) Bolster case (manufacture) Cleaning cloth (not of bonded fibre fabric) (manufacture) Cot blanket (manufacture) Cot quilt (manufacture) Cotton patch quilt (manufacture) 17403 17403 17403 17403 17403 17403 17403 17403 17403 17403 17403 17403 17403 17403 17403 17403 Cotton, silk, etc. embroidering (except lace and apparel) (manufacture) 17402 Bunting (making‑up) (manufacture) 17402 Camping goods (manufacture) 17403 Counterpane (manufacture) 17402 Canvas goods (manufacture) 17403 Dish‑cloths and similar articles (manufacture) 17402 Car loose covers (manufacture) 17403 Doilies made of textiles (manufacture) 17402 Cart cover made of canvas (manufacture) 17403 Duchesse set (manufacture) 17402 Covers made of waterproofed canvas (manufacture) 17403 Dust cloths (manufacture) 179 Numerical Index Indexes to the UK Standard Industrial Classification of Economic Activities 2007 – UK SIC(2007) UK SIC UK SIC Activity 2007 2003 SIC 2007 SIC 2003 Activity 17512 17512 17512 17511 17512 17512 17511 Pile rugs, mats and tiles of man‑made fibres, tufted (manufacture) Pile rugs, mats and tiles of wool, tufted (manufacture) Rug tufting (manufacture) Rug weaving (not travelling rug) (manufacture) Tiles made of tufted carpet (manufacture) Tufted carpet (manufacture) Wilton carpet (manufacture) 17403 Dust sheet (manufacture) 17403 Duster (cleaning cloth (not of bonded fibre fabric)) (manufacture) 17403 Duvet (manufacture) 17403 Eiderdowns (manufacture) 17403 Embroidering on made‑up textile goods (manufacture) 17403 Hand towel (manufacture) 17403 Hand‑woven tapestries (manufacture) 17403 Household textile made‑up articles (manufacture) 17403 Household textiles (manufacture) 17403 Kitchen linen (manufacture) 17403 Lace tablecloth (manufacture) 17403 Lavatory seat cover (manufacture) 17403 Nursery square (manufacture) 17403 Pillow case (manufacture) 17403 Pin cushion (manufacture) 17403 Polishing cloths and pads, made of unprepared, non‑bonded fibre fabric (manufacture) 17403 Pram blanket (outside knitting or weaving establishment) (manufacture) 17403 Quilt (filled) (manufacture) 17403 Quilt fringing (manufacture) 17403 Roller towel (manufacture) 17403 Sheet hemming (textiles) (manufacture) 17403 Sleeping bag (manufacture) 17403 Table linen (manufacture) 17403 Table mats made of textiles (manufacture) 17403 Table runner (manufacture) 17403 Tea towels (manufacture) 17403 Textile part of electric blankets (manufacture) 17403 Toilet linen (manufacture) 17403 Towel (manufacture) 17403 Travelling rug making‑up (outside weaving establishment) (manufacture) 17403 Travelling rugs made of wool (manufacture) 17403 Tufting blankets (manufacture) 17403 Tufting household textiles (manufacture) 17403 Valances (manufacture) 13931 17511 17511 17511 17511 17511 17512 17511 17512 17511 17512 17511 17511 17511 17511 17512 180 Manufacture of woven or tufted carpets and rugs Axminster carpet (manufacture) Brussels carpet (manufacture) Carpet weaving (manufacture) Pile carpet mat weaving (manufacture) Pile carpet weaving (manufacture) Pile carpets of cotton, tufted (manufacture) Pile carpets of cotton, woven (manufacture) Pile carpets of man‑made fibres, tufted (manufacture) Pile carpets of man‑made fibres, woven (manufacture) Pile carpets of wool, tufted (manufacture) Pile carpets of wool, woven (manufacture) Pile rugs and mats of cotton, woven (manufacture) Pile rugs and mats of man‑made fibres, woven (manufacture) Pile rugs and mats of wool, woven (manufacture) Pile rugs, mats and tiles of cotton, tufted (manufacture) 13939 Manufacture of carpets and rugs (other than woven or tufted) n.e.c. 17519 Bonded fibre carpets (manufacture) 17519 Carpets (other than woven or tufted) (manufacture) 17519 Carpets and rugs, other than woven or tufted (manufacture) 17519 Carpets made of jute (manufacture) 17519 Floor rugs made of jute (manufacture) 17519 Knotted carpets (manufacture) 17519 Mats and matting made of coconut fibre (manufacture) 17519 Mats and matting made of coir (manufacture) 17519 Mats and matting made of sisal (manufacture) 17519 Mats made of jute (manufacture) 17519 Needlefelt carpet underlay (manufacture) 17519 Needleloom and bonded fibre rugs (manufacture) 17519 Needleloom and bonded fibre tiles (manufacture) 17519 Needleloom carpet (manufacture) 17519 Needleloom carpeting (manufacture) 17519 Needleloom felt carpet underlay (manufacture) 17519 Rugs (other than woven or tufted) (manufacture) 17519 Rugs made of coir (manufacture) 17519 Rugs made of rag (manufacture) 17519 Tiles made of felt (manufacture) 17519 Tiles made of needleloom carpet (manufacture) 13940 17520 17520 17520 17520 17520 17520 17520 17520 17520 17520 17520 17520 17520 17520 17520 17520 17520 17520 17520 17520 17520 Manufacture of cordage, rope, twine and netting Agricultural twine (manufacture) Baler twine (manufacture) Binder twine (manufacture) Cable made of textile materials (manufacture) Cargo sling (manufacture) Combination rope (manufacture) Cordage made of textile material (manufacture) Fibre core for wire rope (manufacture) Fishing line (manufacture) Fishing net (manufacture) Fishing net mending (manufacture) Garden and horticultural net (manufacture) Hammocks (manufacture) Hemp rope, cord or line (manufacture) Knotted netting of twine, cordage or rope (manufacture) Line yarn made of hard fibre (manufacture) Loading slings (manufacture) Nets for horticulture (manufacture) Netting products (manufacture) Plastic coated twine, cordage rope and cables of textile fibres (manufacture) Reaper twine (manufacture) Indexes to the UK Standard Industrial Classification of Economic Activities 2007 – UK SIC(2007) Numerical Index UK SIC UK SIC Activity 2007 2003 SIC 2007 SIC 2003 17520 17520 17520 17520 17520 17520 17520 17520 17520 17520 17520 17520 17520 17520 17520 17520 17520 17520 17520 17520 17520 17520 17520 17520 17549 Fabrics coated with gum or amylaceous substances (manufacture) 17549 Fabrics impregnated, coated, covered or laminated with plastics (manufacture) 17549 Filter cloth weaving (manufacture) 17542 Frilling (manufacture) 17542 Fringe (textile material) (manufacture) 17542 Galloon ribbon (manufacture) 17549 Gas mantles and tubular gas mantle fabric (manufacture) 17542 Gimp (manufacture) 17542 Haberdashery (narrow fabrics) (manufacture) 17542 Hat bands (manufacture) 17542 Hosepiping made of textiles (manufacture) 17549 Incandescent mantle (manufacture) 17542 Labels (manufacture) 17542 Labels made of textiles (manufacture) 17542 Labels made of woven fabric (manufacture) 17542 Ladder tape (textile material) (manufacture) 17549 Leathercloth (manufacture) 17549 Leathercloth made of polyvinyl chloride (manufacture) 17549 Linen buckram weaving (manufacture) 17542 Machinery belting (woven) (manufacture) 17549 Metallised yarn (manufacture) 17542 Narrow fabric (not elastic or elastomeric) (manufacture) 17542 Narrow woven fabrics, including weftless fabrics assembled by means of an adhesive (manufacture) 17549 Nitro‑cellulose coated textile fabric (manufacture) 17542 Ornamental braids (manufacture) 17542 Ornamental trimmings (manufacture) 17542 Petersham ribbon (manufacture) 17549 Polyurethane coated textile fabrics (manufacture) 17542 Pompons (manufacture) 17542 Printed labels of textile materials (manufacture) 17542 Ribbon made of textile (manufacture) 17542 Rubber thread and cord, textile covered, coated or sheathed with rubber or plastics (manufacture) 17542 Rubber thread or cord covered with textile material (manufacture) 17542 Shoe trimmings made of textile materials (manufacture) 17549 Stiffened textile fabrics (manufacture) 17549 Straining cloth (manufacture) 17542 Tapes made of non‑elastic and non‑elastomeric textile materials (manufacture) 17542 Tassels made of textile material (manufacture) 17542 Textile wicks (manufacture) 17549 Textile yarn impregnated, coated or sheathed with rubber or plastic (manufacture) 17549 Tracing cloth (woven) (manufacture) 17549 Tracing cloth weaving (manufacture) 17542 Transmission or conveyor belts or belting, made of textiles (manufacture) 17542 Twist cord (fabric) (manufacture) 17549 Tyre cord fabric made of high‑tenacity man‑made yarn (manufacture) 17549 Tyre cord fabric of high‑tenacity man‑made yarn (manufacture) 17549 Tyre fabric woven from yarn spun on the cotton system (manufacture) 13950 Repair of nets and ropework (manufacture) Rope and cables of textile fibres (manufacture) Rope made of cotton (manufacture) Rope or cable fitted with metal rings (manufacture) Rope products (manufacture) Rope slings (manufacture) Rope walk (manufacture) Rope, cord and line made of sisal (manufacture) Rope, cord or line made of jute (manufacture) Rope, cord or line made of manila (manufacture) Rope, cord or line made of man‑made fibre (manufacture) Rubber coated twine, cordage rope and cables of textile fibres (manufacture) Sash line (manufacture) Sheep net (manufacture) Ship’s fenders (manufacture) Sports nets (manufacture) String (manufacture) String bag (manufacture) Textile material cordage (manufacture) Tow yarn made of hard fibres (manufacture) Towing rope (manufacture) Twine (manufacture) Unloading cushions (manufacture) Window cord (manufacture) Manufacture of non‑wovens and articles made from non‑wovens, except apparel Articles made from non‑wovens (manufacture) Bonded fibre fabric (manufacture) Cleaning cloth (non‑woven) (manufacture) Non‑woven bonded fibre fabrics (manufacture) 17530 17530 17530 17530 17530 Non‑wovens (manufacture) 17530 Non‑wovens and articles made from non‑wovens (manufacture) 13960 Manufacture of other technical and industrial textiles 17549 Artists’ canvases (manufacture) 17549 Artists’ tracing cloth (manufacture) 17542 Automotive trimmings (manufacture) 17542 Badges (textile) (manufacture) 17549 Bolting cloth (manufacture) 17542 Braid made of elastic (manufacture) 17542 Braid made of elastomeric (manufacture) 17542 Braid made of non‑elastic (manufacture) 17542 Braid made of textile material (manufacture) 17549 Buckram (manufacture) 17549 Buckram and similar stiffened textile fabrics (manufacture) 17549 Canvas prepared for use by painters (manufacture) 17542 Carding of trimmings (manufacture) 17542 Coach trimming (manufacture) 17542 Coffin frilling (manufacture) 17542 Conveyor belting (woven) (manufacture) 17542 Elastic fabric (not more than 30 cm wide) (manufacture) 17542 Elastomeric fabric (not more than 30 cm wide) (manufacture) Activity 181 Numerical Index Indexes to the UK Standard Industrial Classification of Economic Activities 2007 – UK SIC(2007) UK SIC UK SIC Activity 2007 2003 SIC 2007 SIC 2003 Activity 17549 17542 17541 17541 17542 17542 36639 17541 17549 17541 17541 17541 17541 17541 Pressure sensitive cloth‑tape (manufacture) Pyjama cord (manufacture) Raschel lace (manufacture) Schiffli embroidery (manufacture) Shoe laces (braided) (manufacture) Small ware made of textiles (manufacture) Sponge dressing (manufacture) Swiss embroidery (manufacture) Tufted fabrics (other than household textiles) (manufacture) Tulles and other net fabrics (manufacture) Tulles in motifs (manufacture) Tulles in one piece (manufacture) Tulles in strips (manufacture) Veiling (not silk) (manufacture) 17542 Umbrella trimmings made of textile material (manufacture) 17542 Upholsterers’ trimmings (textile material) (manufacture) 17542 Webbing made of non‑elastic and non‑elastomeric (manufacture) 17542 Webbing weaving (manufacture) 17542 Wicks for lamps, stoves or candles (manufacture) 17542 Woven conveyor belting (manufacture) 17542 Woven machinery belting (manufacture) 17542 Woven trimmings (manufacture) 13990 17549 17542 17542 17549 17542 17542 36639 36639 17542 17542 17542 17542 17542 17542 17541 17549 17541 17541 17541 Manufacture of other textiles n.e.c. Baize (manufacture) Banding (woven) (manufacture) Bias binding (manufacture) Billiard table cloth (manufacture) Binding (woven) (manufacture) Boot lace (manufacture) Button carding (manufacture) Button covering (manufacture) Cord made of elastic (manufacture) Cord made of elastomeric material (manufacture) Corset lace (manufacture) Curtain loop (manufacture) Dress binding (manufacture) Dressing gown cord and girdle (manufacture) Embroidery lace (manufacture) Felt (manufacture) Furnishing lace (manufacture) Lace (manufacture) Lace and embroidery in the piece, in strips or in motifs (manufacture) Lace bleaching (not on commission) (manufacture) Lace clipping (manufacture) Lace drawing (manufacture) Lace dressing (manufacture) Lace dyeing (not on commission) (manufacture) Lace edging (manufacture) Lace embroidery (manufacture) Lace ending (manufacture) Lace finishing (manufacture) Lace flouncing (manufacture) Lace mending (manufacture) Lace net (manufacture) Lace scalloping (manufacture) Lace trimming (manufacture) Laces for boots and shoes (manufacture) Leavers lace (manufacture) Napery lace (manufacture) Needlefelt (other than carpet underlay) (manufacture) 17541 17541 17541 17541 17541 17541 17541 17541 17541 17541 17541 17541 17541 17541 17542 17541 17541 17549 17549 Needleloom felt (other than carpet underlay) (manufacture) 17541 Net fabrics in the piece, in strips or in motifs (manufacture) 17541 Nottingham lace (manufacture) 36639 Powder puff (manufacture) 17549 Pressed felt (not paper or roofing) (manufacture) 17549 Pressed wool felt (manufacture) 182 14110 Manufacture of leather clothes 18100 Imitation leather clothes for men and boys (manufacture) 18100 Imitation leather clothes for women and girls (manufacture) 18100 Industrial leather welders aprons (manufacture) 18100 Leather clothes (manufacture) 18100 Leather garments for men and boys (manufacture) 18100 Leather garments for women and girls (manufacture) 18100 Leather industrial work accessories (manufacture) 18100 Leather wearing apparel (manufacture) 14120 18210 18210 18210 18210 18210 18210 18210 18210 18210 18210 18210 18210 18210 18210 18210 18210 18210 18210 18210 18210 18210 18210 18210 18210 18210 18210 18210 18210 18210 Manufacture of workwear Aprons for domestic use (manufacture) Aprons for industrial use (manufacture) Battledress for men (manufacture) Battledress for women (manufacture) Boiler suit (manufacture) Cassock (manufacture) Chefs’ clothing (manufacture) Clerical vestment (manufacture) Dungarees (manufacture) Gowns for academic, legal or ecclesiastical use (manufacture) Industrial clothing (manufacture) Livery (manufacture) Military clothing (manufacture) Nuns’ clothing (manufacture) Nurses’ uniforms for men (manufacture) Nurses’ uniforms for women (manufacture) Overalls for boys (manufacture) Overalls for domestic use (manufacture) Overalls for girls (manufacture) Overalls for men and boys (manufacture) Overalls for women and girls (manufacture) Protective clothing for industrial use (manufacture) Robes for academic, legal and ecclesiastical use (manufacture) Shirts for industrial use (manufacture) Surplice (manufacture) Trousers for industrial use (manufacture) Uniforms for men and boys (manufacture) Uniforms for women and girls (manufacture) Vestments for clerical use (manufacture) Indexes to the UK Standard Industrial Classification of Economic Activities 2007 – UK SIC(2007) Numerical Index UK SIC UK SIC Activity 2007 2003 SIC 2007 SIC 2003 Activity 18222 18222 18222 18222 18222 18222 18222 18222 18222 18222 18222 18222 18222 18222 18222 18222 18222 18222 18222 18222 18222 18222 18222 18222 18222 18222 18222 18222 18222 18222 18222 18222 18222 18222 18222 18222 18222 18222 18222 18222 Dressmaking (manufacture) Ensembles (manufacture) Fashion (manufacture) Gowns (manufacture) Housecoats (manufacture) Jackets for women and girls (manufacture) Jeans for women and girls (manufacture) Knitted dress and jacket ensemble (manufacture) Knitted dresses for women and girls (manufacture) Knitted outerwear for women and girls (manufacture) Knitted skirts (manufacture) Knitted suits for women and girls (manufacture) Light outerwear for women and girls (manufacture) Lightweight jackets for women and girls (manufacture) Mackintoshes for women and girls (manufacture) Oilskins for women and girls (manufacture) Outerwear for women and girls made of stitched plastic (manufacture) Overcoats for women and girls (manufacture) Parts of coats for women and girls (manufacture) Parts of ensembles for women and girls (manufacture) Parts of jackets for women and girls (manufacture) Parts of skirts for women and girls (manufacture) Parts of suits for women and girls (manufacture) Parts of trousers for women and girls (manufacture) Raincoats for women and girls (manufacture) Raincoats for women and girls made of stitched plastic (manufacture) Rainproof garments for women and girls (manufacture) Recreational clothing for women and girls (waterproof) (manufacture) Recreational weatherproof clothing for women and girls (manufacture) Sailing clothing for women and girls (weatherproof) (manufacture) Skirts for women and girls (dressmade) (manufacture) Slacks for women and girls (manufacture) Sportswear for women and girls (manufacture) Suits for women and girls (dressmade) (manufacture) Tailored outerwear for women and girls (manufacture) Tailored skirts (manufacture) Trouser suits for women and girls (manufacture) Trousers for women and girls (manufacture) Weatherproof jackets for women and girls (manufacture) Weatherproof outerwear for women and girls (manufacture) 18210 Weather protective industrial clothing (manufacture) 18210 Workwear (manufacture) 18210 Workwear clothing for women (manufacture) 14131 Manufacture of men’s outerwear, other than leather clothes and workwear Anoraks for men and boys (manufacture) Blazers for men and boys (manufacture) Breeches (manufacture) Climbing clothing for men and boys (weatherproof) (manufacture) Cloaks for men and boys (manufacture) Coats for men and boys (manufacture) Custom tailored outerwear for men and boys (manufacture) Custom tailoring for men and boys (manufacture) Jackets for men and boys (manufacture) Jeans for men and boys (manufacture) Knitted outerwear for men and boys (manufacture) Mackintoshes for men and boys (manufacture) Oilskins for men and boys (manufacture) Outerwear for men and boys (manufacture) Outerwear for men and boys made of stitched plastic (manufacture) Overcoats for men and boys (manufacture) Parts of coats for men and boys (manufacture) Parts of jackets for men and boys (manufacture) Parts of suits for men and boys (manufacture) Parts of trousers for men and boys (manufacture) Raincoats for men and boys (manufacture) Rainproof garments for men and boys (manufacture) Recreational clothing for men and boys (waterproofed) (manufacture) Recreational weatherproof clothing for men and boys (manufacture) Sailing clothing for men and boys (weatherproof) (manufacture) Shorts for men and boys (manufacture) Sportswear for men and boys (manufacture) Suits for men and boys (manufacture) Tailored outerwear for men and boys (manufacture) Trousers for men and boys (manufacture) Waistcoats for men and boys (manufacture) 18221 18221 18221 18221 18221 18221 18221 18221 18221 18221 18221 18221 18221 18221 18221 18221 18221 18221 18221 18221 18221 18221 18221 18221 18221 18221 18221 18221 18221 18221 18221 18221 Weatherproof jackets for men and boys (manufacture) 18221 Weatherproof outerwear for men and boys (manufacture) 14132 Manufacture of women’s outerwear, other than leather clothes and workwear 18222 Anoraks for women and girls (manufacture) 18222 Blazers for women and girls (manufacture) 18222 Climbing clothing for women and girls (weatherproof) (manufacture) 18222 Cloaks for women and girls (manufacture) 18222 Coats for women and girls (manufacture) 18222 Costumes for women and girls (manufacture) 18222 Custom tailoring for women and girls (manufacture) 18222 Divided lightweight skirt (dress made) (manufacture) 18222 Dress and jacket knitted ensemble (manufacture) 18222 Dresses for women and girls (manufacture) 14141 18231 18231 18231 18231 18231 18231 18231 Manufacture of men’s underwear Briefs for men and boys (manufacture) Dressing gowns for men and boys (manufacture) Knitted nightwear for men and boys (manufacture) Knitted underwear for men and boys (manufacture) Knitted vests for men and boys (manufacture) Nightwear for men and boys (manufacture) Pyjamas for men and boys (manufacture) 183 Numerical Index Indexes to the UK Standard Industrial Classification of Economic Activities 2007 – UK SIC(2007) UK SIC UK SIC Activity 2007 2003 SIC 2007 SIC 2003 Activity 18249 18249 18241 18241 18241 18249 17710 18249 18249 18249 18249 18249 18249 18249 18249 18249 18249 18249 18249 18241 18241 18241 18241 18241 18241 18241 18241 18241 18241 18249 18241 18249 18249 18249 18249 18249 18249 18249 18249 18249 18249 18241 18241 18249 18249 18249 18249 18241 18249 18249 18249 18249 18249 18249 18249 18241 Dress gloves made of fabric (manufacture) Dress shield (manufacture) Felt hat bleaching and dying (manufacture) Felt hat body making (manufacture) Felt hat finishing (manufacture) Footwear made of textile fabric with applied soles (manufacture) Footwear made of textiles without applied soles (manufacture) Garter (manufacture) Gloves (other than knitted) (manufacture) Gloves for children (manufacture) Gloves made of cloth (manufacture) Gloves made of fur (manufacture) Gloves made of leather (not sports) (manufacture) Gloves made of textiles for household use (manufacture) Hair nets (manufacture) Hair nets made of lace (manufacture) Handkerchief folding (manufacture) Handkerchief hemming (manufacture) Handkerchief made of textile material (manufacture) Hat lining (manufacture) Hat pad (manufacture) Hat shape (manufacture) Hats made of cloth (manufacture) Hats made of felt (manufacture) Hats made of fur (manufacture) Hats made of fur fabric (manufacture) Hats made of silk (manufacture) Hats made of wool (manufacture) Headgear made of furskins (manufacture) Headsquare (manufacture) Knitted bonnet (manufacture) Knitted bootees (manufacture) Knitted gloves (manufacture) Knitted mittens and mitts (manufacture) Knitted scarf (manufacture) Knitted shawl (manufacture) Knitted swimwear (manufacture) Knitted swimwear for infants (manufacture) Knitted ties (manufacture) Knitted underclothing for infants (manufacture) Ladies fan (manufacture) Linings for hats (manufacture) Millinery made of felt (manufacture) Necktie (manufacture) Neckwear for women (manufacture) Nightwear for infants (manufacture) Outerwear for infants (manufacture) Peak cap (manufacture) Scarf (lace or knitted) (manufacture) Scarf (not lace or knitted) (manufacture) Shawls (manufacture) Shirt front (manufacture) Shirt neckband (manufacture) Ski suits (manufacture) Sporran (manufacture) Straw hat blocking (manufacture) 18231 18231 18231 18231 14142 18232 18232 18232 18232 18232 18232 18232 18232 18232 18232 18232 18232 18232 18232 18232 18232 18232 18232 18232 18232 18232 18232 18232 18232 18232 14190 Shirts for men and boys (manufacture) T‑shirts for men and boys (manufacture) Underwear for men and boys (manufacture) Vests for men and boys (manufacture) Manufacture of women’s underwear Blouses for women and girls (manufacture) Brassiere (manufacture) Briefs for women and girls (manufacture) Corselet (manufacture) Corset (manufacture) Corset belt (manufacture) Dressing gown for women and girls (manufacture) Foundation garment (manufacture) Knickers (manufacture) Knitted nightwear for women and girls (manufacture) Knitted underwear for women and girls (manufacture) Knitted vests for women and girls (manufacture) Lingerie (manufacture) Night‑dresses for women and girls (manufacture) Nightwear for women and girls (manufacture) Panty (manufacture) Petticoat (manufacture) Pyjamas for women and girls (manufacture) Shirts for women and girls (manufacture) Slips (manufacture) Suspender (manufacture) Suspender belt (manufacture) Underskirt (manufacture) Underwear for women and girls (manufacture) Vests for women and girls (manufacture) Manufacture of other wearing apparel and accessories Athletic clothing (manufacture) Babies garments (manufacture) Baby clothing (manufacture) Baby linen (manufacture) Balaclava helmet (manufacture) Beachwear for women and girls (manufacture) Beret (knitted) (manufacture) Beret (not knitted) (manufacture) Braces (not made of leather or leather substitute) (manufacture) Braces made of leather (manufacture) Buckram shape (manufacture) Capeline felt (manufacture) Caps made of cloth (manufacture) Clothing accessories (manufacture) Clothing pad (manufacture) 18249 18249 18249 18249 18241 18249 18241 18241 18249 18249 18241 18241 18241 18249 18249 18249 Collars for men and boys (manufacture) 18249 Cravats (manufacture) 18249 Cuffs for men and boys (manufacture) 18243 Cut, make and trim on a fee or contract basis (manufacture) 18249 Disposable clothing (manufacture) 18249 Dress belts (not made of leather or leather substitute) (manufacture) 184 Indexes to the UK Standard Industrial Classification of Economic Activities 2007 – UK SIC(2007) Numerical Index UK SIC UK SIC Activity 2007 2003 SIC 2007 SIC 2003 Activity 17720 17720 17720 17720 17720 17720 Jerseys (knitted) (manufacture) Jumpers (knitted) (manufacture) Knitwear (manufacture) Pullovers (knitted or crocheted) (manufacture) Twin sets (knitted) (manufacture) Waistcoats and other similar articles (knitted) (manufacture) 18241 18249 18249 18249 18249 18249 18241 18249 18241 18249 18249 18241 14200 18300 18300 18300 18300 18300 18300 18300 18300 18300 18300 18300 18300 18300 18300 18300 18300 18300 18300 18300 18300 18300 18300 18300 14310 17710 17710 17710 17710 17710 17710 17710 17710 17710 17710 17710 17710 17710 14390 Straw hats (manufacture) Swimwear (manufacture) Tailors’ pad (manufacture) Theatrical costumes (manufacture) Ties made of silk (manufacture) Tracksuits (manufacture) Tropical helmet (manufacture) Underclothing for infants (manufacture) Uniform hats and caps (manufacture) Weatherproof outerwear for infants (manufacture) Weatherproof skiing clothing (manufacture) Wool felt and fur felt hood and capeline (manufacture) Manufacture of articles of fur Apparel made of fur (manufacture) Artificial fur and articles thereof (manufacture) Capes made of fur (manufacture) Clothing made of sheepskin (manufacture) Cravats made of fur (manufacture) Fur skin assemblies including dropped fur skins, plates, mats and strips (manufacture) Furrier (manufacture) Furskin articles (manufacture) Furskin assemblies (manufacture) Furskin pouffes, unstuffed (manufacture) Garments made of rabbit fur (manufacture) Hatters’ fur (manufacture) Industrial polishing cloths made of fur (manufacture) Lambskin clothing (manufacture) Manufacturing furrier (manufacture) Mats and rugs made of fur (manufacture) Moleskin finishing (manufacture) Muffs made of fur (manufacture) Rugs made of sheepskin (manufacture) Rugs made of skins (manufacture) Stoles made of fur (manufacture) Trimmings made of fur (manufacture) Wearing apparel and clothing accessories made of fur (manufacture) Manufacture of knitted and crocheted hosiery Bedsock (manufacture) Fancy hosiery (manufacture) Hosiery (knitted and crocheted) (manufacture) Hosiery blank (manufacture) Pantyhose (manufacture) Socks and stockings (knitted) (manufacture) Socks for children (manufacture) Socks for men (manufacture) Socks for women and girls (manufacture) Stockinette goods (manufacture) Stockings (manufacture) Stockings for women and girls (manufacture) Tights (manufacture) Manufacture of other knitted and crocheted apparel 17720 Cardigans (knitted) (manufacture) 17720 Crocheted articles (manufacture) 15110 Tanning and dressing of leather; dressing and dyeing of fur Box and willow calf leather (manufacture) Buckskin (manufacture) Cattle hide leather (manufacture) Chamois leather (manufacture) Chrome tanning (manufacture) Combing leather (manufacture) Composition leather (manufacture) Currying of fur skins and hides with the hair on (manufacture) Dressing and dying of furskins and hides with the hair on (manufacture) Dressing of leather (manufacture) Dyed lamb including beaver lamb (manufacture) Footwear leather preparation (manufacture) Fur dressing (manufacture) Fur dressing and dyeing (manufacture) Gill leather (manufacture) Glace kid (manufacture) Glove leather preparation (manufacture) Goldbeaters’ skin or bung (manufacture) Harness and saddlery leather preparation (manufacture) Hat and cap leather preparation (manufacture) Hydraulic leather (manufacture) Leather dressing (manufacture) Leather dying (manufacture) Leather enamelling (manufacture) Leather gilding (manufacture) Leather proofing (manufacture) Leather tanning and dressing (manufacture) Leather trimmings (manufacture) Mechanical leather preparation (manufacture) Metallised leathers (manufacture) Parchment made of leather (manufacture) Patent leather (manufacture) 19100 19100 19100 19100 19100 19100 19100 18300 18300 19100 18300 19100 18300 18300 19100 19100 19100 19100 19100 19100 19100 19100 19100 19100 19100 19100 19100 19100 19100 19100 19100 19100 19100 Reptile leather (manufacture) 18300 Scraping of fur skins and hides with the hair on (manufacture) 18300 Shearing and plucking of fur skins and hides with the hair on (manufacture) 19100 Sheep skin preparation (manufacture) 19100 Sole leather preparation (manufacture) 19100 Tanning leather (manufacture) 18300 Tanning of fur skins and hides with the hair on (manufacture) 19100 Tanning of hairless skins and hides (manufacture) 19100 Trimmings made of leather (manufacture) 19100 Upholstery leather preparation (manufacture) 19100 Upper leather (manufacture) 19100 Vellum (manufacture) 185 Numerical Index Indexes to the UK Standard Industrial Classification of Economic Activities 2007 – UK SIC(2007) UK SIC UK SIC Activity 2007 2003 SIC 2007 SIC 2003 15120 19200 Luggage, handbags made of plastic sheeting (manufacture) 19200 Luggage, handbags made of textile materials (manufacture) 19200 Machinery accessories made of leather (manufacture) 19200 Machinery belting made of leather (manufacture) 19200 Manicure case made of leather (manufacture) 19200 Novelty goods made of leather (manufacture) 19200 Picking bands made of leather (manufacture) 19200 Pipe case (not leather or plastic) (manufacture) 19200 Pochette made of leather (manufacture) 19200 Pocket book made of leather (manufacture) 19200 Pouch for tobacco (manufacture) 19200 Pouch made of leather or leather substitute (manufacture) 19200 Pump leather (manufacture) 19200 Purses made of leather or leather substitute (manufacture) 19200 Radio cases made of leather (manufacture) 36639 Riding crops (manufacture) 19200 Roller skin (cut) made of leather (manufacture) 19200 Saddle horse (manufacture) 19200 Saddlery (manufacture) 19200 Saddlery and harness made of leather (manufacture) 19200 Sample case made of leather (manufacture) 19200 Satchels made of leather (manufacture) 19200 Shopping bags made of plastic (designed for prolonged use) (manufacture) 19200 Shopping bags made of stitched plastic (manufacture) 19200 Skips made of leather (manufacture) 19200 Spectacle cases made of leather (manufacture) 19200 Sports bags made of fabric (manufacture) 19200 Sports bags made of leather (manufacture) 19200 Sports goods carrier (manufacture) 19200 Straps made of leather (manufacture) 19200 Strops made of leather (manufacture) 19200 Suitcases made of leather or leather substitute (manufacture) 19200 Toilet case (fitted) made of leather (manufacture) 19200 Toolbags made of leather (manufacture) 19200 19200 19200 19200 19200 19200 19200 19200 19200 19200 19200 19200 19200 19200 19200 19200 19200 19200 19200 19200 19200 19200 19200 19200 19200 19200 19200 19200 19200 19200 19200 19200 19200 19200 36639 19200 19200 19200 19200 19200 19200 19200 19200 19200 19200 19200 186 Manufacture of luggage, handbags and the like, saddlery and harness Army accoutrement made of leather (manufacture) Art leather work (manufacture) Attaché case made of leather or leather substitute (manufacture) Bags made of leather or leather substitute (manufacture) Belts made of leather or leather substitute (manufacture) Billfolds made of leather (manufacture) Bridle cutting (manufacture) Brown saddlery (manufacture) Brush case (not of leather or plastics) (manufacture) Buff and mop made of leather (manufacture) Buffalo pickers made of leather (manufacture) Cases for cutlery (not wooden) (manufacture) Cases for jewellery (not wooden) (manufacture) Cases for musical instruments (not wooden) (manufacture) Cases made of leather for cutlery, instruments, etc. (manufacture) Check strap made of leather (manufacture) Container for typewriter, radio, etc. Made of leather (manufacture) Conveyor bands made of leather (manufacture) Cutlery case (not leather or plastics) (manufacture) Cycle bags made of leather (manufacture) Dog lead made of leather (manufacture) Dressing case made of leather or leather substitute (manufacture) Driving belts made of leather (manufacture) Elevator bands made of leather (manufacture) Fancy leather goods (manufacture) Gas meter diaphragm made of leather (manufacture) Gun cases made of leather (manufacture) Hand luggage made of leather (manufacture) Handbags and the like of composition leather (manufacture) Handbags made of leather or leather substitutes (manufacture) Harness (manufacture) Harness front and rosette made of leather (manufacture) Hat box made of leather or leather substitute (manufacture) Horse collars made of leather (manufacture) Horse whips (manufacture) Industrial leather (manufacture) Jewel case (not wood or metal) (manufacture) Key tags and cases made of leather (manufacture) Ladies handbags made of leather (manufacture) Leather articles for use in machinery or mechanical appliances (manufacture) Leather belting for use in machinery (manufacture) Leather goods (not industrial) (manufacture) Leather shoe‑laces (manufacture) Luggage and the like of leather (manufacture) Luggage handbags made of paperboard (manufacture) Luggage made of leather or leather substitute (manufacture) Activity 19200 Travel goods made of leather or leather substitute (manufacture) 19200 Trunk handles made of leather (manufacture) 19200 Trunks made of leather (manufacture) 19200 Typewriter case made of leather (manufacture) 19200 Violin case (not wooden) (manufacture) 19200 Wallets made of leather or leather substitute (manufacture) 19200 Washers made of leather (manufacture) 19200 Watch bands of non‑metallic material such as fabric, leather or plastic (manufacture) 19200 Watch straps (non‑metallic) (manufacture) 19200 Watch straps made of leather or leather substitute (manufacture) 36639 Whips (manufacture) 15200 Manufacture of footwear 19300 Athletic footwear (manufacture) 19300 Ballet shoe (manufacture) Indexes to the UK Standard Industrial Classification of Economic Activities 2007 – UK SIC(2007) Numerical Index UK SIC UK SIC Activity 2007 2003 SIC 2007 SIC 2003 Activity Beach footwear (manufacture) Boot (manufacture) Boot closing (manufacture) Boot stiffener (manufacture) Boot upper (manufacture) Clog (manufacture) Cut soles for footwear (manufacture) Footwear (manufacture) Gaiters made of leather (manufacture) Galoshes made of rubber (manufacture) Heels made of leather (manufacture) House shoe (manufacture) Insoles made of leather (manufacture) Leather fillings (manufacture) Leggings and gaiters made of cloth (manufacture) Leggings made of leather (manufacture) Overboot (manufacture) Overshoes made of rubber (manufacture) Protective footwear made of plastic (manufacture) Safety boots (manufacture) Sandals (manufacture) Shoes (manufacture) Shoes made of wood (manufacture) Slipper soles (manufacture) Slippers (manufacture) Socks made of leather (manufacture) Spats made of leather (manufacture) Sports footwear (manufacture) Wellington boot (manufacture) 20100 20100 20100 20100 20100 20100 20100 20100 20100 20100 20100 20100 20100 20100 20100 20100 20100 20100 20100 V‑jointed wood (manufacture) Wagon timber (sawn) (manufacture) Weatherboard (manufacture) Wood chip (manufacture) Wood creosoting, impregnation, preservation, spraying, varnishing and drying (manufacture) Wood drying (manufacture) Wood flour (manufacture) Wood grooving, milling, planing, sawing etc. (manufacture) Wood impregnation (manufacture) Wood machining (manufacture) Wood mill (manufacture) Wood particles (manufacture) Wood planing (manufacture) Wood preservation (manufacture) Wood sawing (manufacture) Wood shavings (manufacture) Wood spraying (manufacture) Wood varnishing (manufacture) Wood wool (manufacture) 20200 20200 20200 20200 20200 20200 Sawmilling and planing of wood Bargeboard (manufacture) Beaded wood (manufacture) Bent timber (manufacture) Boxboard (manufacture) Chamfered wood (manufacture) Drying of timber (manufacture) Flooring made of wood (not parquet flooring) (manufacture) Flooring made of wood (unassembled) (manufacture) Grooved wood (manufacture) Immersion treatment of wood (manufacture) Log sawing (manufacture) Log slicing, peeling or chipping (manufacture) Mining timber (sawn) (manufacture) Plank (manufacture) Pressure treatment of wood (manufacture) Railway sleepers made of wood (manufacture) Rebated wood (manufacture) Sawmilling (manufacture) Sawn fencing (manufacture) Skirting boards made of unmoulded wood (manufacture) Sleepers made of wood (manufacture) Split poles, pickets and other products (manufacture) Telegraph poles (manufacture) Tongued wood (manufacture) Vacuum treatment of wood (manufacture) Veneer log sawing (manufacture) 20200 20200 20200 20200 20200 20200 20200 20200 20200 20200 20200 20200 20200 20200 20200 20200 Wood chipboard agglomerated with non‑mineral binding substances (manufacture) 20200 Wood veneers (manufacture) 19300 19300 19300 19300 19300 19300 19300 19300 19300 19300 19300 19300 19300 19300 19300 19300 19300 19300 19300 19300 19300 19300 19300 19300 19300 19300 19300 19300 19300 16100 20100 20100 20100 20100 20100 20100 20100 20100 20100 20100 20100 20100 20100 20100 20100 20100 20100 20100 20100 20100 20100 02010 20100 20100 20100 20100 16210 Manufacture of veneer sheets and wood‑based panels Battenboard (manufacture) Blockboard (manufacture) Building boards made of fibre (manufacture) Building boards made of wood waste (manufacture) Cellular wood panel (manufacture) Chipboard agglomerated with non‑mineral binding substances (manufacture) Densified wood (manufacture) Fibre board (manufacture) Fibre building board (manufacture) Glue laminated wood (manufacture) Hardboard (manufacture) Improved wood (manufacture) Laminated veneer wood (manufacture) Laminated wood products (manufacture) Laminboard (manufacture) Medium density fibreboard (MDF) and other fibreboard (manufacture) Oriented strand board (OSB) and other particle board (manufacture) Particleboard agglomerated with non‑mineral binding substances (manufacture) Plywood (manufacture) Veneer (manufacture) Veneer sheet (manufacture) 16220 Manufacture of assembled parquet floors 20300 Hardwood flooring strip (manufacture) 20300 Parquet flooring (manufacture) 20300 Strip flooring made of hardwood (manufacture) 20300 Wooden parquet floor blocks assembled into panels (manufacture) 20300 Wooden parquet floor strips assembled into panels (manufacture) 187 Numerical Index Indexes to the UK Standard Industrial Classification of Economic Activities 2007 – UK SIC(2007) UK SIC UK SIC Activity 2007 2003 SIC 2007 16230 16240 20400 20400 20400 20400 20400 20400 20400 20400 20400 20400 20400 20400 20400 20400 20400 20400 20400 20400 20400 20400 Manufacture of other builders’ carpentry and joinery Bannister rails made of wood (manufacture) Beading made of wood (manufacture) Beadings and mouldings made of wood (manufacture) Beams (manufacture) Blinds made of wood (excluding shop blinds) (manufacture) Bridges made of wood (manufacture) Builders’ carpentry and joinery made of wood (manufacture) Builders’ woodwork such as window frames etc. (manufacture) Display stand (manufacture) Door frames made of wood (manufacture) Doors made of wood (manufacture) Exhibition stand (manufacture) Fencing made of wood (assembled) (manufacture) Garage made of wood (manufacture) Garden frames made of wood (manufacture) Gate made of wood (manufacture) Glue‑laminated and metal connected prefabricated wooden roof trusses (manufacture) 20300 20300 20300 20300 20300 20300 20300 20300 20300 20300 20300 20300 20300 20300 20300 20300 20300 20300 Greenhouse made of wood (manufacture) 20300 Huts made of wood (manufacture) 20300 Industrialised building component made of timber (manufacture) 20300 Moulded skirting board made of wood (manufacture) 20300 Mouldings made of wood (manufacture) 20300 Paving blocks made of wood (manufacture) 20300 Portable wooden buildings (manufacture) 20300 Poultry house made of wood (manufacture) 20300 Prefabricated buildings made of wood (manufacture) 20300 Prefabricated buildings or elements thereof made of wood (manufacture) 20300 Prefabricated roof timbers (manufacture) 20300 Rafters (manufacture) 20300 Railings made of wood (manufacture) 20300 Roof struts (manufacture) 20300 Saunas made from wood (manufacture) 20300 Sheds made of wood (manufacture) 20300 Shingles and shakes (manufacture) 20300 Shop fronts made of wood (manufacture) 20300 Shuttering made of wood (manufacture) 20300 Shutters made of wood (manufacture) 20300 Silos made of wood (manufacture) 20300 Stair rods made of wood (manufacture) 20300 Staircase made of wood (manufacture) 20300 Tower made of wood (manufacture) 20300 Trellis work made of wood (manufacture) 20300 Truss rafter (manufacture) 20300 Window frames made of wood (manufacture) 20300 Wood partitions (manufacture) 20300 Wooden beams for the construction industry (manufacture) 20300 Wooden goods intended to be used primarily in the construction industry (manufacture) 188 SIC 2003 20400 20400 20400 20400 20400 20400 20400 20400 20400 20400 20400 20400 20400 20400 20400 16290 20520 20520 20520 20520 20510 20510 36639 20510 20510 20510 20510 20510 20510 20510 20510 Activity Manufacture of wooden containers Barrels made of wood (manufacture) Box pallet (manufacture) Boxes made of wood (manufacture) Boxes made of wood (wirebound) (manufacture) Buckets made of wood (manufacture) Bungs made of wood (manufacture) Cable drums made of wood (manufacture) Cask heads made of wood (manufacture) Casks made of wood (manufacture) Chests made of wood (manufacture) Churns made of wood (manufacture) Cigar box made of wood (manufacture) Cock made of wood (manufacture) Collapsible box made of wood (manufacture) Containers made of wood (manufacture) Cooper’s products (manufacture) Cooper’s products reconditioning (manufacture) Cooper’s wood (manufacture) Crates made of wood (manufacture) Drums and similar packings made of wood (manufacture) Egg box made of wood (manufacture) Fish boxes made of wood (manufacture) Hoops made of wood (manufacture) Kegs made of wood (manufacture) Packing cases made of wood (manufacture) Pallets, box pallets and other load boards made of wood (manufacture) Staves made of wood (manufacture) Stillage made of wood (manufacture) Suitcases made of wood (manufacture) Tea chests made of wood (manufacture) Travelling trunks made of wood (manufacture) Tubs made of wood (manufacture) Tuns made of wood (manufacture) Vats made of wood (manufacture) Wire and cable drums made of wood (manufacture) Manufacture of other products of wood; manufacture of articles of cork, straw and plaiting materials Agglomerated cork (manufacture) Bamboo preparation (manufacture) Baskets made of materials (other than plastic) (manufacture) Basketware (manufacture) Beads made of wood (manufacture) Beehives made of wood (manufacture) Blocks for the manufacture of smoking pipes (manufacture) Bobbins made of wood (not textile accessory) (manufacture) Boot or shoe lasts and trees made of wood (manufacture) Breadboards made of wood (manufacture) Broom handles made of wood (manufacture) Brush back made of wood (manufacture) Brush head made of wood (manufacture) Brush top made of wood (manufacture) Brush wood ware (manufacture) Indexes to the UK Standard Industrial Classification of Economic Activities 2007 – UK SIC(2007) Numerical Index UK SIC UK SIC Activity 2007 2003 SIC 2007 SIC 2003 Activity 20510 20510 20520 20520 20510 20520 20520 20510 20520 20520 20510 20520 20520 20510 20510 20510 20520 20520 20510 20520 19300 20510 20510 20520 20510 20510 20510 20510 20510 20510 20510 20510 20520 20520 20520 20510 20520 20520 20510 20510 20510 20510 20510 36639 20520 20520 20510 20510 20510 20510 20510 Mirror frame made of wood (manufacture) Ornaments made of wood (manufacture) Osier articles (manufacture) Osier preparation (manufacture) Picture frame made of wood (manufacture) Plaiting material preparation (manufacture) Plaits and products of plaiting materials (manufacture) Pulley made of wood (manufacture) Punnets made of cork, straw or plaiting materials (manufacture) Raffia goods (manufacture) Rakes made of wood (manufacture) Reed articles (manufacture) Reed preparation (manufacture) Reels made of wood (manufacture) Roller blinds made of wood (manufacture) Rolling pins made of wood Rush matting (manufacture) Screens made of plaiting materials (manufacture) Sewing thread reels and similar articles of turned wood (manufacture) Sheets made of cork (manufacture) Shoe parts made of wood (manufacture) Shoetrees made of wood (manufacture) Signs made of wood (manufacture) Slabs made of cork (manufacture) Slats for the manufacture of pencils (manufacture) Spills made of wood (manufacture) Spinning wheels made of wood (manufacture) Spools made of wood (manufacture) Spoons made of wood (manufacture) Statuettes made of wood (manufacture) Step ladders made of wood (manufacture) Steps made of wood (manufacture) Stopper insets made of cork (manufacture) Stoppers made of cork (manufacture) Straw articles (manufacture) Tent poles made of wood (manufacture) Tiles made of cork (manufacture) Tips made of cork (manufacture) Tool handles made of wood (manufacture) Tools made of wood (manufacture) Trays made of wood (manufacture) Turned wood products (manufacture) Violin cases made of wood (manufacture) Walking sticks made of wood (manufacture) Wicker baskets (manufacture) Wickerwork (manufacture) Wine racks made of wood (manufacture) Wood carving (manufacture) Wood marquetry (manufacture) Wooden articles n.e.c. (manufacture) Wooden cases for jewellery (manufacture) 20520 Buoyancy apparatus made of cork (except cork life preservers) (manufacture) 20520 Cane preparation (manufacture) 20520 Cane splitting and weaving (manufacture) 20520 Cane working (manufacture) 20510 Cases made of wood, for musical instruments (manufacture) 20510 Caskets (except burial caskets) and cases made of wood (manufacture) 20510 Clothes hangers made of wood (manufacture) 20510 Clothes horse made of wood (manufacture) 20510 Clothes pegs made of wood (manufacture) 20510 Coat and hat racks made of wood (manufacture) 20510 Coat hangers made of wood (manufacture) 20520 Composition cork (manufacture) 20510 Cooking utensils made of wood (manufacture) 20510 Cops made of wood (manufacture) 20520 Cork products (except cork life preservers) (manufacture) 20510 Cutlery case made of wood (manufacture) 20510 Dishes made of wood (manufacture) 20510 Domestic woodware (manufacture) 20510 Dowel pin (manufacture) 20510 Drawing instruments case made of wood (not containing instruments) (manufacture) 20510 Egg cup made of wood (manufacture) 20520 Envelopes for bottles made of straw (manufacture) 20520 Fenders made of cork (manufacture) 20510 Fire logs and pellets, of pressed wood, or of coffee or soybean grounds and the like (manufacture) 20520 Floor coverings of natural cork (manufacture) 20510 Foundry moulding pattern made of wood (manufacture) 20510 Frames for artists canvases (manufacture) 20510 Fruit bowls made of wood (manufacture) 20510 Grids made of wood (manufacture) 20510 Gunstock made of wood (manufacture) 20510 Handicraft articles made of wood (manufacture) 20510 Handles and bodies for brooms made of wood (manufacture) 20510 Handles and bodies for brushes made of wood (manufacture) 20510 Handles and bodies for tools made of wood (manufacture) 36639 Handles for canes, umbrellas and similar (manufacture) 20510 Handles made of wood (manufacture) 20510 Household utensils made of wood (manufacture) 20510 Hurdles made of wood (manufacture) 20510 Inlaid wood (manufacture) 20510 Instrument case made of wood (manufacture) 20520 Insulating materials made of cork (manufacture) 20510 Kitchenware made of wood (manufacture) 20510 Ladders made of wood (manufacture) 20510 Lasts made of wood (manufacture) 20520 Loofah articles (manufacture) 20510 Loom made of wood (manufacture) 20510 Machine parts made of wood (manufacture) 20520 Mats made of cork (manufacture) 20520 Matting made of cane (manufacture) 20520 Matting made of rushes (manufacture) 17110 21110 21110 Manufacture of pulp Bleached paper pulp made by chemical dissolving (manufacture) Bleached paper pulp made by mechanical processes (manufacture) 189 Numerical Index Indexes to the UK Standard Industrial Classification of Economic Activities 2007 – UK SIC(2007) UK SIC UK SIC Activity 2007 2003 SIC 2007 SIC 2003 Activity 21110 21110 21110 21110 21110 21110 21110 21110 21110 21110 21120 21120 21120 21120 21120 21120 21120 21120 21120 21120 21120 21120 21110 21110 21120 21120 21120 21110 21110 21110 21110 21110 21110 21110 21120 21120 21120 21120 21120 21120 21120 21110 21120 21120 21110 21120 21110 21110 21110 21120 21120 21120 21120 21120 21120 21120 21120 21120 21120 21120 21120 21120 21120 21120 21120 21120 Filter paper stock (manufacture) Flong paperboard (manufacture) Fluting paper (manufacture) Folding boxboard (manufacture) Glassine paper (manufacture) Greaseproof paper (manufacture) Grey board (manufacture) Hand made paper (manufacture) Hygienic paper (uncut) (manufacture) Industrial paper (manufacture) Kraft wrapping and packaging paper (manufacture) Laminates and foils laminated with paper or paperboard (manufacture) Magazine paper (manufacture) Mill board (manufacture) Multi‑layer paper obtained by compression (manufacture) Newsprint (manufacture) Packing made of cardboard (manufacture) Packing paper (manufacture) Paper (not sensitized) (manufacture) Paper (uncut) for household use (manufacture) Paper and paperboard coating, covering and impregnation (manufacture) Paper and paperboard intended for further industrial processing (manufacture) Paper and paperboard processing (manufacture) Paper made of vegetable fibres for corrugated cardboard (manufacture) Parchment and imitation parchment paper (manufacture) Photographic base paper (manufacture) Pressboard (manufacture) Presspahn (manufacture) Printing paper (manufacture) Punched card and punched paper tape stock (manufacture) Sacks made of kraft paper (manufacture) Saturated and impregnated base paper (manufacture) Security paper (manufacture) Special purpose paper (manufacture) Stencil basepaper (manufacture) Stencil paper in large sheets (manufacture) Stencil paper in rolls (manufacture) Strawboard (manufacture) Strawpaper (manufacture) Sulphite wrapping paper (manufacture) Tissue paper (uncut) (manufacture) Toilet paper (uncut) (manufacture) 17120 21120 21120 21120 Bleached paper pulp made by non‑dissolving processes (manufacture) Bleached paper pulp made by semi‑chemical processes (manufacture) Chemical woodpulp (manufacture) Cotton‑linters pulp (manufacture) Dissolving chemical wood pulp (manufacture) Mechanical woodpulp (manufacture) Pulp for paper (manufacture) Pulping recycled paper (manufacture) Recycled fibre pulp (manufacture) Removal of ink from waste paper and subsequent manufacture of pulp (manufacture) Semi‑bleached paper pulp made by chemical dissolving (manufacture) Semi‑bleached paper pulp made by mechanical processes (manufacture) Semi‑bleached paper pulp made by non‑dissolving processes (manufacture) Semi‑bleached paper pulp made by semi‑chemical processes (manufacture) Semi‑chemical woodpulp (manufacture) Sulphate and soda woodpulp (manufacture) Sulphite woodpulp (manufacture) Synthetic fibre woodpulp (manufacture) Unbleached paper pulp made by chemical dissolving (manufacture) Unbleached paper pulp made by mechanical processes (manufacture) Unbleached paper pulp made by non‑dissolving processes (manufacture) Unbleached paper pulp made by semi‑chemical processes (manufacture) Vegetable fibre pulp (manufacture) Wood pulp (manufacture) 21120 21120 21120 21120 21120 21120 21120 21120 Manufacture of paper and paperboard Abrasive base paper (manufacture) Bank note paper (manufacture) Base paper for printing and writing paper (manufacture) Bible paper (manufacture) Bituminised building board (manufacture) Blotting paper (manufacture) Boot and shoe board (manufacture) Bristol board (manufacture) Building boards made of paper (manufacture) Carbon paper in large sheets (manufacture) Carbon paper in rolls (manufacture) 21120 Carbonising base paper (manufacture) 21120 Cardboard (manufacture) 21120 Case making materials (manufacture) 21120 Tracing paper (manufacture) 21120 Cellulose fibre webs (manufacture) 21120 Wallpaper base (manufacture) 21120 Cellulose wadding (manufacture) 21120 Waterproof paper (manufacture) 21120 Cigarette paper (uncut in rolls) (manufacture) 21120 21120 Creped paper (manufacture) Wrapping and packaging paper including coated (manufacture) 21120 Crinkled paper (manufacture) 21120 Writing paper (manufacture) 21120 Drawing paper (manufacture) 21120 Electrical paper (manufacture) 21120 Fancy paper (manufacture) 21120 Feltboard including felt paper (manufacture) 190 17211 21211 Manufacture of corrugated paper and paperboard; manufacture of sacks and bags of paper Bags made of paper (manufacture) Indexes to the UK Standard Industrial Classification of Economic Activities 2007 – UK SIC(2007) Numerical Index UK SIC UK SIC Activity 2007 2003 SIC 2007 SIC 2003 21220 Disposable bed linen made of paper or cellulose wadding (manufacture) 21220 Doilies made of paper (manufacture) 21220 Handkerchief made of paper (manufacture) 21220 Household and personal hygiene paper (manufacture) 21220 Household cellulose wadding paper products (manufacture) 21220 Kitchen cloth made of paper (manufacture) 21220 Kitchen towels made of paper (manufacture) 21220 Napkin liners (manufacture) 21220 Napkins made of paper (manufacture) 21220 Paper lace (manufacture) 21220 Plates made of paper (manufacture) 21220 Pots made of paper (manufacture) 21220 Sanitary towels made of paper (manufacture) 17549 Sanitary towels made of textile wadding (manufacture) 21220 Serviettes made of paper (manufacture) 21220 Table‑cloths made of paper (manufacture) 21220 Tampons made of paper and cellulose wadding (manufacture) 17549 Tampons made of textile wadding (manufacture) 17549 Textile wadding and articles of wadding (manufacture) 21220 Toilet paper (cut to size) (manufacture) 21220 Towels made of paper (manufacture) 21220 Trays made of paper (manufacture) 21220 Underwear made of paper (manufacture) 17549 Wadding made from yarn spun on the cotton system (manufacture) 21211 21211 21211 21211 21211 21211 21211 17219 21213 21213 21214 21214 21214 21213 21215 21215 21213 21213 21214 21214 21213 21213 21213 21214 21214 21219 21219 21219 21219 21219 21213 21219 21219 21219 21219 21219 21219 21219 Corrugated paper (manufacture) Corrugated paper board (manufacture) Multi‑wall paper sack (manufacture) Paper and paperboard (corrugated) (manufacture) Printed paper bags (manufacture) Sacks and bags made of paper (manufacture) Sacks made of paper (manufacture) Manufacture of paper and paperboard containers other than sacks and bags Boxes made of corrugated cardboard (manufacture) Boxes made of corrugated paper (manufacture) Boxes made of non‑corrugated cardboard (manufacture) Boxes made of non‑corrugated paper (manufacture) Boxes made of rigid board (manufacture) Boxes made of rigid corrugated board (manufacture) Cartons and similar containers for carrying liquids (unwaxed) (manufacture) Cartons and similar containers for carrying liquids (waxed) (manufacture) Cartons made of corrugated board (manufacture) Cartons made of corrugated paper (manufacture) Cartons made of non‑corrugated board (manufacture) Cartons made of non‑corrugated paper (manufacture) Cases made of corrugated cardboard (manufacture) Cases made of corrugated fibreboard (manufacture) Cases made of corrugated paper (manufacture) Cases made of non‑corrugated cardboard (manufacture) Cases made of non‑corrugated paper (manufacture) Cigarette packets (manufacture) Containers and canisters made of cardboard n.e.c. (manufacture) Containers made of corrugated paper or paperboard n.e.c. (manufacture) Containers made of paper and paperboard n.e.c. (manufacture) Containers made of solid board n.e.c. (manufacture) Corrugated packing case (manufacture) Cylinders made of board (open ended for posting documents) (manufacture) Folding boxes made of board (manufacture) Folding paperboard containers (manufacture) Letter file (manufacture) Office box files and similar articles (manufacture) Office systems made of paper and board (manufacture) Packing cases made of fibre board (manufacture) 17220 Manufacture of household and sanitary goods and of toilet requisites 21220 Beakers made of paper (manufacture) 21220 Cake board (manufacture) 21220 Cellulose wadding products (manufacture) 21220 Cleansing tissues (manufacture) 21220 Cups made of paper (manufacture) 17230 22220 21230 21230 21230 21230 21230 21230 22220 22220 22220 22220 22220 21230 21230 21230 21230 22220 22220 22220 22220 22220 Activity Manufacture of paper stationery Account books (manufacture) Adhesive paper ready for use (manufacture) Boxed stationery (manufacture) Carbon paper ready for use (manufacture) Carbon paper stencil ready for use (manufacture) Carbonless copy paper ready for use (manufacture) Card cutting for index cards (manufacture) Commercial notebooks (manufacture) Commercial stationery (manufacture) Commercial stationery binders (manufacture) Commercial stationery business forms (manufacture) Commercial stationery registers (manufacture) Computer print‑out paper (manufacture) Continuous stationery (manufacture) Duplicating paper (cut to size) (manufacture) Duplicator stencils ready for use (manufacture) Educational notebooks (manufacture) Educational stationery (manufacture) Educational stationery binders (manufacture) Educational stationery business forms (manufacture) Educational stationery registers 21230 Envelopes and letter‑cards (manufacture) 21230 Gummed paper ready for use (manufacture) 21230 Index card (manufacture) 21220 Dishes made of paper (manufacture) 21230 Letter card (manufacture) 21220 Disposable baby napkins made of paper or cellulose wadding (manufacture) 22220 Loose leaf binder (manufacture) 22220 Notepad (manufacture) 191 Numerical Index Indexes to the UK Standard Industrial Classification of Economic Activities 2007 – UK SIC(2007) UK SIC UK SIC Activity 2007 2003 SIC 2007 SIC 2003 21259 Paper cut to size (not packaging products) (manufacture) 21259 Paper embossing (manufacture) 36639 Paper novelties (manufacture) 21259 Paper or paperboard cards for use on jacquard machines (manufacture) 21259 Paper patterns (manufacture) 21259 Paper perforating (manufacture) 21259 Paper shavings (manufacture) 21259 Paper transfer for embroidery, etc. (manufacture) 21259 Papier mache works (manufacture) 21259 Pattern card (manufacture) 21259 Photograph mount (manufacture) 21259 Picture frame mount (manufacture) 21259 Pleated paper (manufacture) 21259 Spools made of paper (manufacture) 21259 Stamp hinges (manufacture) 21259 Tabulating machine cards (manufacture) 21259 Ticket cutting and punching (manufacture) 21259 Tube fittings made of paper (manufacture) 21259 Tubes made of cardboard (not for packing) (manufacture) 21259 Wood pulp vessel (manufacture) 21259 Wrapping paper cut and packed in ready to use sheets or rolls (manufacture) 21230 Postcards (plain) (manufacture) 21230 Pouches containing an assortment of paper stationery (manufacture) 22220 Printed matter for accounting and technical use (manufacture) 21230 Printers’ cards (manufacture) 21230 Printing and writing paper ready for use (manufacture) 22220 School stationery (manufacture) 21230 Self‑copy paper ready for use (manufacture) 21230 Stationery paper (manufacture) 21230 Stencil duplicating (manufacture) 21230 Wallets containing an assortment of paper stationery (manufacture) 21230 Writing compendiums (manufacture) 22220 Writing paper pads (manufacture) 17240 21240 21240 21240 21240 21240 21240 21240 21240 21240 17290 21259 21259 21259 21259 21259 36639 36639 21259 21259 36639 21259 21259 21259 21259 21259 21259 21259 21259 36639 21252 21252 21259 21259 21259 21259 192 Manufacture of wallpaper Fabric wallcoverings (manufacture) Lincrusta (manufacture) Paper and paperboard articles for interior decoration (manufacture) Paper staining (manufacture) Textile wall coverings (manufacture) Textile wallpaper (manufacture) Vinyl‑coated wall coverings (manufacture) Vinyl‑coated wallpaper (manufacture) Wallpaper and lining paper (manufacture) Manufacture of other articles of paper and paperboard Articles made of paper and paperboard n.e.c. (manufacture) Blinds made of paper (manufacture) Bobbins made of paper and paperboard (manufacture) Bobbins, spools and cops made of paper and paperboard (manufacture) Bonbon paper (manufacture) Christmas cracker (manufacture) Christmas decorations made of paper (manufacture) Cigarette paper in booklets (manufacture) Cigarette tube (manufacture) Confetti paper (manufacture) Cop paper (manufacture) Cop tube (manufacture) Cylinder made of hardened paper (manufacture) Discs made of cardboard (manufacture) Egg boxes made of paper (manufacture) Egg trays and other moulded pulp packaging products (manufacture) Filter paper and paperboard (cut to size) (manufacture) Flexible paper packaging (manufacture) Hats made of paper (manufacture) Labels (unprinted) made of gummed paper (manufacture) Labels (unprinted) made of paper (manufacture) Mount cutting (manufacture) Mounting paper on linen (manufacture) Paper converting (unspecified) (manufacture) Paper creping (manufacture) Activity 18110 Printing of newspapers 22210 Newspaper printing (manufacture) 22210 Printing of periodicals appearing at least four times a week (manufacture) 18121 21251 21251 21251 21251 21251 21251 21251 18129 22220 22220 22220 22220 22220 22220 22220 22220 22220 22220 22220 22220 22220 22220 22220 22220 22220 22220 Manufacture of printed labels Flexographic printing on labels or tags (manufacture) Gravure printing on labels or tags (manufacture) Labels (printed) made of gummed paper (manufacture) Labels (printed) made of paper (manufacture) Lithographic printing on labels or tags (manufacture) Printed labels (manufacture) Printing on labels or tags (manufacture) Printing (other than printing of newspapers and printing on labels and tags) n.e.c. Advertising catalogue printing (manufacture) Advertising printed matter printing (manufacture) Album printing (manufacture) Almanac printing (manufacture) Amusement guide periodical printing (manufacture) Atlas printing (manufacture) Bank note printing (manufacture) Book printing (manufacture) Braille printing (manufacture) Brochure printing (manufacture) Business form printing (manufacture) Calendar printing (manufacture) Chart printing (manufacture) Cheque book printing (manufacture) Christmas card printing (manufacture) Collotype printing (manufacture) Commercial printed matter printing (manufacture) Copper plate printing (manufacture) Indexes to the UK Standard Industrial Classification of Economic Activities 2007 – UK SIC(2007) Numerical Index UK SIC UK SIC Activity 2007 2003 SIC 2007 SIC 2003 Activity 22220 22220 22220 22220 22220 22220 22220 22220 22220 22220 22220 22220 22220 22220 22220 22220 22220 22220 22220 22220 22220 22220 22220 22220 22220 22220 22220 22220 22220 22220 22220 22220 22220 22220 22220 22220 22220 22220 22220 22220 22220 22220 22220 22220 22220 22220 22220 22220 22220 Stamp embossed paper (manufacture) Stochastic printing (manufacture) Taxation stamps printing (manufacture) Thermocopier printing (manufacture) Ticket printing (manufacture) Timetable printing (manufacture) Tin printing (manufacture) Title document printing (manufacture) Trade journal printing (manufacture) Trading stamp printing (manufacture) Transfer printing (manufacture) Window ticket (manufacture) 22220 22220 22220 22220 22220 21220 22220 22220 22220 22220 22220 22220 22220 22220 22220 22220 22220 22220 22220 Decal printing (manufacture) Diary printing (manufacture) Directory printing (manufacture) Documents of title printing (manufacture) Fashion printing (manufacture) Flexographic printing (manufacture) General printing (manufacture) Greeting card printing (manufacture) Hexachrome printing (manufacture) Job printing (manufacture) Letterpress printing (manufacture) Lithographic printing (manufacture) Magazine printing (manufacture) Manuscript book (manufacture) Map printing (manufacture) Music printing (manufacture) Offset printing (manufacture) Pamphlet printing (manufacture) Passport printing (manufacture) Periodical printing (manufacture) Personal stationery printing (manufacture) Phonetic printing (manufacture) Photocopier printing (manufacture) Photogravure printing (manufacture) Picture postcard (manufacture) Plan printing (manufacture) Postage stamp perforating (manufacture) Postage stamp printing (manufacture) Poster printing (manufacture) Printing (undefined) (manufacture) Printing by computer printers (manufacture) Printing by duplication machines (manufacture) Printing by embossers (manufacture) Printing by quick printing (manufacture) Printing directly onto ceramics (manufacture) Printing of banknotes Printing of magazines appearing less than four times a week (manufacture) Printing of other security papers (manufacture) Printing of smart cards (manufacture) Printing onto glass (manufacture) Printing onto metal (manufacture) Printing onto plastic (manufacture) Printing onto sanitary goods and toilet requisites of paper (manufacture) Printing onto textiles (manufacture) Printing onto wood (manufacture) Prospectus printing (manufacture) Register printing (manufacture) Review printing (manufacture) Screen printing (except silk screen printing on textiles and apparel) (manufacture) Screen printing (manufacture) Screen printing of logos (manufacture) Screen printing on glass or pottery (manufacture) Security printing (manufacture) Sheet metal printing (manufacture) Sheet music printing (manufacture) Showcard (manufacture) 18130 22250 22250 22250 22240 22240 22240 22240 22240 22240 22240 22240 22250 22250 22240 22250 22240 22240 22250 22240 22240 22240 22240 22250 22250 22250 22240 22240 22250 22240 22240 22250 22250 22240 22250 22240 22240 22240 22240 Pre‑press and pre‑media services Aerographing (manufacture) Blocking (printing) Ceramic transfer litho engraving (manufacture) Composition for printing (manufacture) Computer to plate CTP processing of plates for relief printing (manufacture) Computer to plate CTP processing of plates for relief stamping Cylinder engraving for gravure printing (manufacture) Cylinder etching for gravure printing (manufacture) Data files preparation for multi‑media printing on CD‑ ROM (manufacture) Data files preparation for multi‑media printing on internet applications (manufacture) Data files preparation for multi‑media printing on paper (manufacture) Die sinking of stationery (manufacture) Die stamping o
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Indexes to the UK Standard Industrial Classification of Economic
Palgrave Macmillan
This publication first published 2009 by Palgrave Macmillan.
Palgrave Macmillan in the UK is an imprint of Macmillan Publishers
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