Beach - Hampton Historical Society
Beach - Hampton Historical Society
Th e BEACHCOMBER imm mm IT Fisherman Lands 61 lb. Cod Just O ff Hampton Shores Page 12 r t i w vrny to bo nothing is to |o nothing. - Gift Shop - 'SNOOPY NOOK" Keefe Av*. - End PARKING — of “I" st. 50c Vonox Fouillex Grrtryde Newcomb. Prop. Hampton Beach Garage 9 Aihworth Ave. on the Comor Attendant Parking Reasonable Rotes ICE Blocks or Bags W ashing » Polishing - Tire Service Tonic Headquarter* All Flovor* Buy a Caso and Save Rood Service - Call W A 6-3006 ESSO Three local men hit the “jack pot” recently as far as deep sen fishing goes. Joe Ferguson, Sr., Hampton, heads the list for the current fishing season of those who have brought in the real big ones. Fishing from a Smith-Gilmore boat, Ferguson caught a 61 lb. cod fish. Close behind him with iden tical catches of 35 lb. cod fish were Terry Bragg and Ray Gilmore, Hampton Beach. Gilmore, for the past several years, has skippered fishing boats for Smith-Gilmore during the summer months. During the winter, Ray teaches school. Terry Bragg, 16 year old Winnncunnet High school sopho more, was the latest of the three to make a big catch. 35 m . CODFISH QUALIFIES TERRY BRAGG, Hampton Beach, Terry is no stranger to fisher —Staff Photo men in the area as he has made for the Old Salts Club. H IG H TID E S several big catches prior to his latest achievement. He works on the Smith-Gilmore boats during the summer months. Terry used a Hopkins line with a rod and reel in pulling in his second 35 lb. cod fish. He said the fish didn’t give him too much of a fight but that it was very heavy coming in- Camera Club Holds Baiupict At Beach The Winnacunnet Camera club at Hampton held its an nual banquet Wednesday night, June 28, at the Ashworth hotel, Hampton Bench. President Mrs. Jack Dow was presented a gift of money from the club mem bers in appreciation of the hard work anti effort that she ha3 put into the club during the past year. Following dinner the annual club color slide competition wag held with Herb Babkirk of the Piseataqua Camera club acting as judge. First prize was won by Mrs. Nettie Leavitt for her color slide entitled, “ Buddha.” Grace1 Whitman took second prize with •Serious Business.” ‘.‘Chimney Pots” bv Mrs. Jack Dow wusJba third prize winner. Honorable mention went to Nettie Leavitt for “ Balinese,” to H arriet MacPhereoTT ‘ fcflf “Grand-daughter Nniu," and ft Muriel Fogg for “Lazy River.” Mrs. Dow also received a special award ribbon for the greatest number of points accu mulated during the year. VOL. XXXI, NO. 3 Delicious Gold Medal Flavors “The Special Rainbow" FERNCROFT RECREATION CENTER “A” STREET TEL. 6-3410 OPEN YEAR HAMPTON BEACH Ocean Blvd . & *C* Sf. W L OUR HEALTH ROUND 8.9 7.7 8.9 7.8 8.7 7.8 8.6 7.3 8.4 7.8 8.1 7.8 7.8 7.8 7.6 7.9 The largest crowd of the beach season filled the side- * walk and street in front of the bandstand Monday evening to view the first talent program of the year. A threat of rain the entire evening failed to disperse the large audience as it constantly expressed approval of the performances by bursting into shouts and applause. Eighteen entrants took part in the junior division aad 15 participated in the senior division. The first to gain top honors for the summer wa? a local girl, Denise Dupuis, 8, Winnacunnet road, Hampt*ft_ Beach. Denise, who has been dancing for only a yfrjug.j won with a- dance to Sweet Georgia Brown. Second place honors went to a trio from 5 Haven lane. Exeter. Donald Savage, 13, his sister, Eileen, 12, and their cousin. Shirleen Caron, danced to Heartaches. Peggy LeBIanc, 8, 107 Lafayette street, Burlington, Vt„ won the third place trophy. She danced to the tune of Stepping Out With My Baby. The senior division performers continued where their predecessors had left off in giving very capable p e rfo rm ^ ances. -- : = First place went to John Kotseos, 21. from 51 Schcjobr: street, Concord. He sang Wild in the Country. SNO KO NE Playland FREE 1 First Amateur Talent Show Attracts Biggest Audience Murray's 13 W EDNESDAY, JULY 12, 1961 HAMPTON HARBOR Daylight Saving Time Thursday 1 2: 1 1 a.m. July 13 12:46 p.m. Friday 12:48 a.m. July 14 1:22 p.m. Saturday 1:25 a.m. July 15 1:57 p.m. Sunday 2:02 a.m. July 16 2:34 p.m. Monday 2:40 a.m. July 17 3:13 p.m. Tuesday 3:20 a.m. July 18 3:53 p.m. Wednesday 4:04 a.m. 4:37 p.m. July 19 Thursday 4:51 a.m. 5:26 p.m. July 20 FIRST TALENT SHOW WINNERS of the J u n io r Division Monday night were, left to right. Denise Dupuis, 1st place, Shirleen Caron, Donald Savage. Eileen Savage, 2nd, and Peggy LeBlanc, 3rd. —Staff Photo The second place award ^ent to one of two bands • he SHOW (Continued On Page Seven) IS O UR BU SIN ESS BICYCLING 150 Bikes In Excellent Condition 20" - 24" - 26" BOWLING With Automatic Pinsetters Good Alleys Good Pins Courteous Friendly Service Air Cooled Tandems 3-Speeds ___ ______ _ Regulars Equipped with Lights at Night Strollers & Trikes for Tots OPEN ‘ Bowl to Stay Slim ” WEEKDAYS SUNDAYS BOV/LING BILLIARDS BICYCLES BOWLING BILLIARDS BICYCLES When In Exeter, Why Not Try EXETER BOWLING B IL L IA R D S Marina Haven For Weekend Cruisers In the Penthouse W ell Ventilated Fluorescent Lighted 7 Brunswick Pocket Tables Open Weekdays & Sundays 10.00 A.M. TO MIDNIGHT 7:30 A.M. TO MIDNIGHT PRESCRIPTIONS 1:00 P.M. TO M IDNIGHT 8:00 A.M. TO MIDNIGHT To compound your phy proscriptions w ith th© precision is tho primo i sib ility o f tho registered macist. LANES 10 Columbus Ave. Tel. PR 8-8948 Exeter, N. H OPEN ALLEYS EVERY DAY AND EVERY NIGHT “ PHARM ACY BOWLING’S GREAT FOR A DATE” NOW . . . Hampton Beach Marina was the home port for nine yachts from the Met ropolitan Yacht Club of Braintree, Mass, recently. The newly finished basin of the marina handled over 50 good sized yachts of all descriptions over the recent long holi day weekend. — Staff Photo Air Conditioned For Your Comfort Do n a l d i r p a lm er . b s S ic k R o o m RCG ph su p p u tt i g tot Page .2 THE STA N C H IO N ROOM Marsh Development Plan Wins Legislative Approval Th e Young Tom -12-13 Lb. Avg turkeys • Cf r. Reody To S lu fU d ft Gravy CHICKENS Ready To Eat Stuffed ft Gravy Holland Roll M A R Y A N N E T T E ’S B E A U T Y S A LO N Opp. Coast Guard Stotion Amusement Arcade Open Daily *Til 12 P.M . < t• ON TH E OCEAN FRO NT 11 v " % P zjU ^ *£ L4-:___ L ---- ' M a rg a re t M . Junkins C O TTA G E S Exeter Handkerchief Co. $ 1 1 ,5 0 0 BINGO Every Wednesday BRIDGE REALTY ; IN S U R A N C E } Service Alw ays 7 Ocean Boulevard . Offices W A ? A l Bogrctt 4. LEGION HALL • * Try our Hand-Dipped Chocolates 6 -3 174 or 6 -2 5 1 2 M A D E O N THE PREM ISES SEE IT MADE I MISS HAMPTON BEACH BEAUTY CONTF,ST entrants recently visited the Hampton Beach Marina. Left to right. Susan C. Smith, SaHvan Julian, and Patricia Hyde. . —Staff Photo .A SH W O R TH Across » • % « -• • FIVE SHOPPING LEVELS Air Conditioned for your shopping Comfort and Easily Accessible Parkin# Areas WHITE APPLIANCES H e u ito vu i - STEREOS - ress Afreet, Portsmouth Dont Risk Your Health During Your Vacation! You can depend on the skiU of your physician and the precision of Tobey’s Drug: Store in filling prescriptions — with the same assur ance you h a v e at home. TOBEYs DRUG STORE HAMPTON C E N TE R ^ DELIVERY “ w a 6-3861 Prescriptions — Not a Sideline but a Profession ft, H o t d — - -A - Four Lovely Girls Seek Beach Beauty Title July 25 W a lly Robinson Applications continue to com*?, office for the coveted Miss in to the.GhjintbtC$>f Commerce ;Hampton Beach beauty pageant. Rated as one of the prettiest contests of its kind on the Atlactic Seaboard, the beach pag eant should prove to be one of the best ever this year. The BEACHCOMBER, this P R E S C R IP T IO N S week, introduces four more of DRUGS — COSMETICS — FO U N TA IN H O TEL BLOCK the lovely contestants as they paused for a moment from their fA 6 -9 T9 4 * from Marine Memorial work and vacations to discuss the upcoming event. Sallyan Julian. 16, 231 Venton street, Manchester, heads this week’s list. Sallyan is a 5’3” blonde senior at Memorial High school, Manchester. She is a cheerleader at school and she likes to dance, swim and ski. Her ambition is to attend the University of Hawaii, but she feels she will probably have to settle for her home state Uni versity of New Hampshire. TITLE (Continued on Page Ten) D IN IN G R O O M - SEAFOODS A T THEIR BEST STEA KS - ROASTS - CHOPS A Hampton Beach Dining Tradition IN T R O D U C T O R Y OFFER Monday/-July 17 Prime Rib Rodgtgf Beefe • ~r S m ith ’s Pharmacy p CANDY M AILED OCEAN BOULEVARD c / t t (tA -L r C C A S IN O The Seacoast Area’s Most Complete Shopping Center \T* • DEEDED LAND FUN on a RAINY DAY GAURON Home M ade Candies • EXCELLENT LOCATION • TAKE SIMMER INCOME mm e Have Your Hair Styled With An Ocean View GREYSTONE HOTEL WA 6-2498 s i ocean Bivd.r Cor. *K' st. Open Year Round CASINO MARKET nC Shoppe REMNANTS -------------- € CAR HO P - 5 to 12 P.M , . , Cr Famous IMII» J«"el The N. H. General Court history. lb. 89c Butter lb. 64c An all night 24 hour and oh Link 'Sausage adjourned Saturday at 11:55 aminute session saw only HOME MADE PA STRIES ni. after what was believed to handful of weary lawmakers on have been the longest contin hand when House Speaker Stew Baked Twice Daily — 8 A.M. & 7 P.M, Enjoy Family Style Breakfast 99c uous session in the state Served Dolly 8 A M. till Noon art Lamprey banged his gavel l a r g e a s s o r t m e n t OF D O N U TS Dinners Served 5 - 8 :3 0 P.M. for the last time. Hon«y - Plain - Jelly - Cinnamon A C rullers FRIDAYS — Fish Fry Perhaps the most significant HELEN HORGAN S HOME MADE BREAD — W H IT E A O A TM EA L From 5 - 9 P M - $1.85 of the bills. HB 108, the legis 23c (Sliced) SATURDAYS lation creating the Hampton New England Smorgosbord $2.25 Municipal Development Author Served from 5-9 P.M. ity, was signed by Governor SUNDAYS Powell yesterday paving the W O M EN'S and CHILDREN'S Buffet Dinners $2.85 Featuring S. S. Pierce Company’s Groceries way for the authority, which Served from 5 until 8:30 APPAREL was first established by the Park In Front O f Market W hile You Shop WAverly 6-2 587 6 “ B " STREET 1959 Legislature as the Marsh Development Authority, to pro ceed with its work. The local bill ns amended, changes the method of bonding the town to require a customary two-thirds vote as is the case in all bonding issues where the TR IPS T W IC E D A IL Y faith and credit of the town are pledged. Another amendment provides COTTONS - WOOLENS - SILKS - SYNTHETICS that such votes must be taken • - •VfV? at a regular town meeting and • ;y •* | not at a special meeting as I "• : • originally planned. « .. caw . JT The authority would develop marshland in Hampton, within boundaries as amended by legis- 1 lative action, for residential and recreational purposes. Another bill which has long been advocated by Governor Near B&M RR Sta. Lincoln Si. Exeter | Powell and Director of Fores The Ric Roc, 40-Ft. Party Boat* try and Recrention, Russell Tobey, is the governor’s so-called $10 million “crash program’* to expand New Hampshire’s pub lic and private recreational NEW ENGLAND’S GREATEST facilities. This bill caused the principal dispute of the final ACROSS FROM TH E STA TE PARK day marathon session. I ’he measure was finally O N STATE PIER passed in a compromise form. 30 GAME_J?ARIY_ A portion of the bill is tenta SNACK BAR & TACKLE SHOP tively scheduled to include a LINES AND BA IT FU RN ISH ED $150,000 beach front project TO ILET FACILITIES and new band shell at Hampton Beach. FREE PARKING All Summer Games Start at 8 P.M. The compromise which was S H lt» T 6 SHORE RADIO finally agreed to provides that $9 million worth of the bonds Morning Trip Phone Afternoon Trip will be spent on the develop of the public park system TXETER ROAD 8:00 A.M. H A M PTO N ment W A 6-2469 1:30 P.M. with the projects to be desig Spectacular Door nated by Director Tobey. TWO BOATS: “ A l i c e G“ t "RIC ROC" Specials In a telephone call to Tobey . — Prizes • Wednesday, the UNION learned leave Casino at 7.00 P.M. — Free Busses ond Return offer Gome that if the measure is signed, PLENTY OF FREE PARKING — REFRESHMENTS AVAILABLE MARSH (Continued On Page Five) ----------------- --- Page 3 The Mt. Washington Gbserv- ing and the development of ;j atory paw the pioneer reKearrh ways to prevent fatal icing on in rain making and snow mak- airplanes. SA N D W IC HES - FRIEO CLAMS AT TH E BARN MOTEL Right In The Bom Opp. Coast Guard Stotion Jet. Pi 101-C ft No. Shore Blvd Smart •v T-C Barn Restaurant 3Vi-4 Lb. Avg. BEACHCOMBER • 4i • FdM-C'otm* C U rf'w r^ s2 ~ 95 Buffet Every Tuesday, 5-8:30 Bakery And Delicatessen Specials B A LLR O O M Roosts of AII Kinds — To Order BAR-B-QUE CHICKENS — COLD CUTS POTATO SALAD — COLE SLAW BAKED HAM HOT ROLLS ............... ................... 4 P.M. Doily Dancing Every Night A Complete Line of Bakery Products In the Delicatessen IN P E R S O N F R ID A Y , J U L Y 14 LOUIS ARMSTRONG This Week Next Week FREDDIE SATERIALE TED HERBERT Wednesday Afternoons RECORD HOP Up T * 14 Y#art » f Ag« 50c Thursday Evenings TEEN AGE RECORD HOP 1 0 .3 0 - 1 2 :0 0 D o ttin g to Th# Orchestra of Bob BatcheWor 75c We Have a New Lo o k . . . . . . But we have not changed our old policy of dis pensing prescription and other medicines of the same quality. . . and at the same prices . . . as in our Boston store. DONOVAN & FALLON C O R P Hampton Beach's O R A T I O N PHARMACY Since Just South of The Casino on Ocean Boulevard 1926 Th e B E A C H C O M B E R T h e B E A C H C O M B E R ___ The only way to get the best f- Vacation Pleasure! V o llT v>*■-«* ro r io u - CASINO McNIFFS BEAUTY SALON OPP. ba n d BARBER sta n d Opposite Marine Memorial WA 6-5076 Open Daily 8 A M. - 6 P.M. Expert Borbcr Service Donald McNIff. Prop. Specializing in All Types of Beauty Culture f \ banoconcebts \ f f & i . , , . M , 12 Him AW »* >«. « " * sl,“ U July 4. Mondays. 8:30 p.m. host) AT THE WHISPERING P'NES MOTEL “Best on Beach” BEACH CALISTHENICS Classes on the beach behind the Bandstand « »' 10:30 a.m. (Except Saturdays, Sundays, and ) GET Putt-A -R ound the Beach Itself f ir e w o r k s TALENT SHOW Mondays from the Bandstand. Finals to be heW tetter p art of August. Junior Division, 7:00 p.m. Senior Division, 8:J0 p.m MINIATURE GOLF as famous as Tuesday through Sunday. Afternoons 2-3, 4-5 p.m. '-U S 30-0:30 U Organ concert Monday 3-4 p.n, SHOP Highland Av». and Ocean Blvd. (Next ro Employment office) d l, F0UrEdi " Mahoney’s bea c o n Submarine Sandwiche Cor. Blvd. Sir*# F O R M A L W EAR Casino Ballroom (request ticket from you, O F AU. TYPES © SA LES OR REN TA LS Nationally Advertised under Thursday-7:30-10:00 p.m. — Casino Ballroom — Ages 16 and DEEP SEA FISHING "I" M E N ’S & PREPS SPO RTSW EA R over & CLOTHING COMMUNITY SINGS Friday evening, 7:00 p.m. — Bandstand — Jack Bogarty, M.C. SQUARE DANCING Fridays, 8:30 p.m. — Humpton Beach State Park Golden Agers - H I-F I (Continued from Page Six) Lines and Bait Furnished — Toilet Facilities FREE PARKING PARTY BOATS Leave Hampton River Daily 8 :0 0 A.M. ond 1 :30 P.M. ROW BOATS FOR RENT Tackle Shop ber of the Athol, Mass. Golden Age Club. The final award of the d a y went to Guiseppe Lanzar, 81. oldest man present. Mr. Lanzar is a member of the Leominister, Mass., Golden Age club. I Mr. Elliot, of the Chamber of Commerce, noted that the Cha mber hopes to make the event New England wide next year. Due to the success since being j sponsored by the Chamber, offi cials felt it wise to invite all I clubs in the New England area. — Smith & Gilmore Pier Hampton Beach Tel. WA 6-3503 HAMPTON BEACH MARINA B u y N o w - Save Up To 5 0 % For Imported 100% Cashmere C O A T S reg. $99 plus S&H Green Stamps Free — SUM M ER DRESSES Val. to $17 95 Folders — all sizes — Giant Cards — plus S&H Green Stamps Free GRAD’S Panoramas printed on 10 pt. Kromekotc Stock 87 Merrimack Street Haverhill, Mass. 2 G O O D G A M ES WilliA Ms CAMERAS Night Golf U S. Roulo 9 HIGH STREET 1 and S U P P L IE S HA M PTO N, Commercial Photography Always FIRST in Color „ , ne„. 7 :3 0 in dining out . . . . 3 0 Gam es Sunday N ight Buffet 5:30 ft° 7 P-m- every Sunday °nly $2.75 per person JACKPOTS — Sa tu rd a y s Sponsored George Chapman at the organ Call fo r Reservations market by Seabrook Firemen s Association * Boiled To Orde, Fool of Bridge at Smith S Gilmore W horl BIG Native Lobsters. - Clams and Fish FRESH DAILY l W A 6 -5 5 6 1 AND Welcome , c ., tO r *11. Business Reply Cards fo r more information — w rite or c a ll: A Famous Urn in v ite • Ali- e - s5 8 . A Store Full O f Other Values, Too! Business Cards — d in e PAYOFFS SPECIAL GAMES Q I N G O Tuesdays 7 :3 0 3 0 Games ter r a c e ro ° m Spoken by Post £ 7 0 American Legion — DOOR PRIZES OPEN 7 0 AY$ A WEEK Tel. (Hamptonl WA 6-3424 — m°US'nn ln A Lovely Colonial Setting * Exeter, N. H. • Tel. PR 2-5901 Mrs. Roland Bragg, 156 Ash worth avenue, Hampton Beach, held open house for her daugh ter, Mrs. Byron L. Curtis, Jr., who is visiting here from Co coa. Florida with her f o u r children and her brother, John W. Snider. j Former classmates attending were Mrs. Neil Harvey, North Hampton; Mrs. Ronald Freeze, Seattle, Washington; Mrs. Wil liam Bassett, Fremont: Mrs. Stanley Stonesifer, Hampton f Falls; Mrs. Jameison Holway. Rye; Mrs. Glenn MacDonald. Derry; Mrs. Dean Stevens. North Hampton; Mrs. Harold Tanner, Hampton Falls; Mrs. Donald Tobin and Mrs. Robert Wallace of Hampton. The first 74-gun “line o f : battle" ship ordered by the Continental Congress for the new American Navy was the “America", designed and built by James Hackett at Ports mouth. FOR SALE Continental Mark III Convertible - $2400 Call W A 6-2246 T. V. Rentals DAY - W EEK - MONTH D O W N ER APPLIANCE CO. S E A B R O O K FIRE S TA TIO N Free B u t Leaves Toboy's Drug Store, Hampton Conler QUALITY UNSURPASSED Open House Held For Mrs. Curtis Sponsored IN OUR NEW French NEW! Loo k A t These Specials! Service Stations . . . Automobile Dealers Hampton f is h ALTERATION SA LE plus S&H Green Stamps Free Retail Store Announcements North pound Starts Thurs. - 9 A. Day & - lobster We Have It Product Manufacturers and Jobbers G O LF Located at the South end of Hampton Beach."West of Ashworth Ave- and Ocean Blvd. a\ed launching ramp — slip rentals — marine gas oline and diesel fuel _ marine hardware and paint — boat and motor repairs and storage — propeUer and LOBSTER COMPANY — Motels . . . Restaurants . . . Hotels Post Cards — PAR 3 PITCH & PUTT 36 Full Size Greens 25 Driving Range Tees 18 Hole Miniature Golf Course Professional Lessons Relocation of the Federal Air The claim of Wolfeboro to in 1768 built the first known Traffic Control Center to Nash M a r s h — being the “oldest summer re summer home in the Unitedua from Boston in the near future will add an annual pay (Continued from Page Two) sort in America" is based on the States on the shores of Lake roll of $3 million to the Granite fact that Gov. John Wentworth Wentworth. among other projects that will State economy. be recommended by the Fores T try and Recreation department will be the self - liquidating, Hampton Beach front expansion A Year Round Coun program. c? try Casual Clothing Representative Herbert CasHAMPTON FAILS, N. H. ^ assa noted yesterday that $25,and G ift Shop In A 000 has been included in the 2 0 0 Yeor Old Bam capital budget for the preven — On Rt. 1, South tion of erosion at Boar's Head. of Hampton Center. Originally labeled SJR 9 and calling for $50,000 in state funds to erect a “rip rap" type (HAVERHILL STORE ONLY) wall around Boar's Head as recommended by Army engin Open Daily Except Sundays Until 9:00 P.M. The carpenters go to work next Monday — we eers, the appropriation was cut j must clear out the space at once — can’t wait ’til to $25,000 during the final days August fo r our summer mark downs— everything of legislation and was added to the state budget, Summer Dresses by The Villager, Glen of goes on Sale Now! islature, yet to be signed, is one Michigan, Serbin, Midge Grant, Muriel that will directly affect the ....................... $10.95 & up Ryan, Branigan | Hampton areaa. The redistrict ing of New Hampshire’s state Men’s Short Sleeve Sport Shirts $3.95 & up Senate for the first time in 18 A Double Saving years, is almost a reality, W e now give S&H Green Stamps Free with j Hampton is slated to be in new District 23 which will include all cash purchases. 2 & 3 BEDROOM IWards 1 and 2 of Portsmouth i and will include the towns of COTTAGES Greenland, Hampton, Hampton Falls, Newington, North Hamp ton, and Stratham. The r e - , 2 PC. COTTON SUITS $ 5 . 9 9 districting will cost Manchester Regular $10.98 a seat and will add one to Rock ingham county. plus S&H Green Stamps Free HB 638, which would allow the sales of alcoholic beverages) $ 3 - 9 9 in licensed first-class hotels to BERM UDA SHO RTS reg. $6.98 residents of the town in which they are located, was approved plus S&H Green Stamps Free by the Senate during the final week of work. This bill was Famous Make 5 |.9 9 vigorously opposed by many lo SHIRTS & BLO USES reg. $3.98 cal residents. Direct Mail Advertising Restaurant OUTBOARDS FOR RENT CO LO R You Need It Tho Mary Had A Little Lamb Houue, located in Guild, N. H., is-where Widow Sarah Josephn Buell Hale taught school and is suid to have written the famous jingle. Come In And Browse Around Wednesday — 2:00 p.m. Bandstand — Top tune of week drawing Wednesday — 2:30-5:00 p.m. — Casino Ballroom — Ages 16 and 5 Miles North of Hampton Center & a c q u a in t e d d a n c e s t e e n age record h o ps Located on Route £ 1 Ocoan Page 5 A t 6 :3 0 and Hampton Beach At 6 :4 0 Easy Financing — Small Down Payment . W A 6 -2 3 4 0 . • DEEDED LAND LARGE LOT TOWN SEWERAGE & WATER TILE FLOORS 2 & 3 BEDROOMS PRICED TO SELL $7,500. Jacques Real Estate AND INSURANCE Sales — Rentals — Insurance 89 Ocean Blvd. Hampton Beach 822 LA FA YETTE ROAD HA M PTO N , N. H. * Between “J ” & “ K” Streets Tel. W A 6 -5 5 0 5 Lake Winnipesaukee naviga tion maps are available at the office of the Lakes Region as sociation m Wolfeboro. M. J. Doyle & Son T R A D IN G PO ST Murmy s KINGS HIG HW AY at 7th Street COTTON CANDY Gum & Life Savers (NEXT TO PLAYLAND) gorge R- Murray EILEEN'S Blvd near "C ” Street Sportswear Cen ter to Laundri-Mat At Hampton beacn Corner A shw orth A \*e. & "C ” Beach Road Si NO W PLAYING Hudon s Restaurant 0)1 The Boardwalk Standish G ift Shop Excellent Food The winners were awarded trophies and the losers were given boxes of candy kisses from the beach merchants. St. 12 “ I” Street Rentals and Sales TV RENTALS — mb Presents Reservations: WAverly 6-3073 Now Thru July 15 THE PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS Or "The Birth of Bundling" The oldest member rpreser: Mrs. M argaret Welch, 84, frtr. Worcester, Mass., received i trophy symbolizing thelAchitf ment Award of 1961. She is i member of the Happy* HourSenior Citizens group Of cester. Curtain 8:40 inc, Runner-up and also receivit a trophy was Mrs. Mary Sha’ from Athol, Mass. This was he second trip to the bandstand l she celebrated her 50th Wed: ing Anniversary at the beatjust six years ago. She was p ned on the bandstand by hr husband. Mrs. Shaw is a mez GOLDEN AGERS ( Continued On Page Four) NOW THRU SATU RD AY, JU LY 15 " A t The Rotary Shows 2 - 7 - 9 P. M — His name'is and it's all yours! LILLI CLAMS — Breakfast - Sea Foods Ita lia n Foods E A T IN OR TA K E Y U M Y U M TR E E ” N ow Th ru Soturdoy ■m y r n a l o y CLAUDE D A U P H IN i “ TH E M A R R IA G E G O -RO UN D ” Wed. f Fri. 2 :4 5 £ves:Mon.-Sot. 8 :3 0 SECRET PARTNER PRETTY SANDRA CALO will take part in the Miss Hampton Beach beauty pageant on July 25. —Staff Photo □ The Mt. Washington Carriage k J L V fillip F n r ad. m year* okJ in 1961. *s| A S K r a ( C * aAUC r 0 F Canadian Currency Hampton Police Relief Association vsir. Casino Ba llroom AUG. 1, 1961— Fred Saterial and His Orchestra Tickets $2.00 per couple 2 SHOWS NITELY and SUNDAY * & 11:30 COMING 16 — July TAB BOATS LEAVE 8 A.M. and 1 P.M NO W TUESDAY, JU tY 18 J e rry S U N D A Y -T U E S D A Y , JU LY 1 6 - 1 8 L a d iQ ? Man’?? JOSEPH L LEVINE 7** Technicolor* Orange and Green BuikW TeL GKovor 1-3461 N O W TH RU SATURDAY PAUL ANKA Foxhole In Cairo AMESBURY-5AUSBURY BOULEVARD ROUTE IIP AMUSEMENT ARCADE PO RTSM O UTH ’S ’So*»p*»si WMLUiiflR Sun., Mon., Tues., July 16-17-18 Governor Wesley Powell, last Held Over — Sunday, Monday, Tuesday Friday, ordered all state-oper “PARRISH” ated vacational facilities to Igrith Troy Dorvo+iy * - Cloud*tip Colbert - Connie Stereos accept the Canadian currency And Co - H it a t face value despite a current "PO RTRA IT OF A M OBSTER" differential favoring the Amer w ith Roy Donton and Vic Morrow ican dollar. Governor Powell said, “I feel W e d n e s d a y , July 19 good will is worth many, many ---------"HOODLUM PRIEST" times over the few dollars we w ith Don M urray and Cindy Wood may lose." At a directors* meeting of the Hampton Beach Chamber of “ MAGNIFICENT SEVEN” Commerce Tuesday evening, it starring Y ul Brynner and Steve McQueen was learned that the Canadian money was already being hon ored in most instances at Hampton Beach. The directors went on record as favoring! every possible means of satisfy ing their Canadian neighbors ( and will recommend to the businessmen of the town that • they honor the money at face value wherever possible. No vote was taken by the Chamber of Commerce directors following the lengthy discussion as it was hoped that the mer chants and businessmen of the area will use the so-called “honor system" in following Governor Powell’s advice. The greater P o r t s m o u t h Chamber of Commerce, early this week, endorsed the Gover nor’s suggestion and voted to recommend it to all Portsmouth merchants. Kxruaxj a»3HD ttOjuKUUXS J The Bay Who Stole A Million DRIVE-IN Mats tea x or. r HiCS'IDS l6ARflBRU.CHNUERUGfiES^ — MORGAN TH E PIRATE O UT Wed. Night Fishing 5:30 ’til dark SEABROOK END OE HAMPTON BKIDGB Seakraok Beach, N. H* Tickets Sold at \ Co - H it NO W TH RU TUESDA Y “ U N D ER TH E PALM SR H U N TER and Pa rrish *# threo loves l S C O n McKAY In NOV/ THRU TUESDAY, JULY 18 D A IG L E ’S Shows 2 - 7 - 9 : 1 5 DRIVE-IN THEA TRE U.S. Rte. 1, KiHery Me S U SA N O LIV ER Several clubs, mostly frep Massachusetts, spent the day i the beach. Cloudy skies faile to hamper the spirits of th* who attended. The highlight of the day wi fp m ila r pt pi the reading of a fpmilar age written by former Genen Douglas MacArthur.on growi: old. It was read by- Bill Elli. of the Chamber erf jComerce ; a prelude to the awards whit were given. The gyst of tl reading was the .►fact that person may grow ’ oTu in bod; but he’s as young as his hear makes him. The GtVtyen A2 members gave Mr. Elii}>t a tn mendous ovation for his effor. following, the reading. ^ The second outing of the young beach season for the ol der age group was heid Sunday at the beach. Golden Age Club day was sponsored, for the second str aight year, by the Hampton Scale ol Prices: Monday - Friday, 52.70 , $2.25 , $1.80 , Saturday Evening, $2.99/ $ 2 .7 0 , $2.00 , tax inc. * * , IVITTERY-Y0R|V Ju ly 17 th th ru 22nd New England’s Finest Summer Theater Always Free Parking The first place winners will be given the opportunity to JACKS presented trophies Sunday by Willi* Left to right, M argaret Welch, Ellk —Staff Ph* Winnacunnet Rd., Hampton, N. H. CINEMASCOPE 1-A Salisbury, Mass. Tel. HO 5-0952 AND DRY CLEANING TRY HAMPTON BEACH’S LEADING Sportswear Store Ocean Blvd. at "A DRIVE-IN THEA TRE Co-Hit! * In Color! PRISONER OF TH E VOLGA Motlnees Doily at 2 :0 0 Eves. Coat, from 6 :3 0 Sat. & Sun. Cant from 2.-00 Starts Wednesday, July I f •GIDGET GO€S H A W A IIA N " Ih e B tA C J IC O W J I* Cnjrti'Jnhn Mason, founder of I »r "■> r r ,f Newfoundland from 1616 to | »h * ^ ^ ,621 . -* • county with Kr 2 ° H n a m «fr 'a'&CC* 'm 'Sr 5A NO W IC HES — D IN N ERS Booth - Counter - Take-O ut Services Beamy P»?eanK 2 ? fW - K Ocean Boulevard Between ‘J f & K* St. by P i - « ■ £ t T * - * * * t- i M|fg Miss Uniuni- The ottjicneu attached from pujiton s2 ‘*«•> M iss' Universe as folio''*** 'X '- s i o i n e d i i t U o g n n a i r - ^ O t.o n Blvd. Vermont. • - l, lt........t- comerce. ExcolUnt Horn* Cook«d F#od Some Hospitality Since 1940 Tested by Duncan Hines Special Family Dinners by A r rangement Meals Served ol Regular Hour* i*. I*-» Booth fcfcj Storage and Hoad Service portheby“ Mi“'" 7 - 'ine't Bt s a n l S S i l e P.n 'o f the Miami ChumMiss Hom plon BOARS HEAD INN Great Boars Head A UTO REPAIRS t $r*X S i- 5 R O S S GARAGE Humpton Commerce Page 9 Near the town of Greenville, N. H., is the original “Uncle Sam House/' where Uncle Sara Wilson lived. Wilson supplied the U. S. Army with pork dur ing the War of 1812. He stamp ed the barrels “Government. U. S.” and the contents later became known as “Uncle Sam's Pork". SEA FO O DS * Hampton Beach S W * * £ wTS ” ! Featuring A Complete Assortm ent O f 5c to $ 1 .0 0 M erchandise & Beach Needs -JZrr.r. Specializing in Miss Diane E. U p - STAPLES Alice M a h o n e y ’: Off To <1 Th e B E A C H C O M B E R A rth u r Bickford Tel. W A 6-3338 . . J K i ' ... i » « r e 1 THE MARILYN Dining Room cosmetics 6 Transistor Top Line 27 * T ' 5t., Homplon trlhur J. Lobonlt. Mgr Tel- WA 6-2456 FAST 8:30-11 A.M. • :R 5.00-7 P M . . Home Cooked Foods ri on Porle Fioncoil MARGARET Complete with Battery. Eorphone S HAMPTON BEACH BEAUTY SAION & Carrying Caie INDIVIDUAL HAIR STYLING and 1 4 - 1 6 B STREET AT THE BEACH M PA R E THESE VALUES! c u t t in g J; V ' l actually being pariiglly •u , ib>.. the sponsored tnt local Chamber, ... All eyes at Hampton Bench U,erefore. be on Miami Beach for the vest of the week. Gifts were forwarded on be half of Governor Powell to be given to the Governor of Flor ida and officials of the host state. Miss Upson will be staying at ] the Roney Plaza Hotel in Mi ami. This is one of three hotels being used during the ten days of the pageants. Each girl will be constantly chaperoned. The girls are not required to show talent but are tested for mental alertness. Titov will nprform in both bath- IN A L L D IR E C T IO N S .......... a s s o c ia t e s t o r e Where Your Dollars Go Further! • • • • • SPO RTIN G GOODS BEACH GOODS CAMPING BO A TIN G e q u ip m e n t • BICYCLES • FISH IN G EQ U IPM EN T • APPLIANCES Aihworlh Ave. Homplon Be WA 6-5441 to y s Research at the Mt. Washing ton Observatory in New Hamp shire took the first steps in the development of radar. Edward J. Bradley, Jr Accounting and Tax Service Specializing Associate Store 10 “ C” Street Hampton Beach Hotels. in Motels ond Restaurants Also At Hampton Center Call FA 3-6884 Or W rite fashions with Imagination 3 4 9 BAKER STREET Owned and Operated W EST RO XBURY, MASS by Stan Brown BEACH SKIN DIVING SHOP OWNERS Bill F d k . . . |rf,. „ a r „ rl, ht with friend, Terry Hragg, after a spear fishing expedition. Catch includes eight Tautogs. » . • i'7 Limited neither by lock of Skin Divers Set Up Shop Inrite you to profitably use the Skin diving enthusiasts, both local and visiting, in the Seacoast area will be pleased to learn th at a complete new skin diving equipment shop has been opened at Hampton Beach. A few years ago, Bill Fel lows started skin diving as a hobby off the coast of Cuba while he was serving with the armed .forces in 1955. When Bill returned home, he encour aged Ray Gilmore to try the The Hampton Beach Divers sport. Eventually Ray started shop, the latest store to open in I960 and out of this friend for business a t the beach, is ship grew the new business. located a t 2 Bailey avenue at the Hampton river bridge. The Both men are young and have new enterprise was started by been brought up on the water, two local men, William Fel so to speak. However, they lows, High street, Hampton, both feel such a thrill and and ‘.Ray Gilmore, Hampton fascination while under water ton Beach. that they will almost guarantee FREE ALL W O OL HAND HOOKED RUGS APRO NS - JAM S 4 f - - - *-**- Company e$rABLiskte UU • tom *, new h£j/jsh :re PARKING JELLIES Alcmler Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation CALL GR 4-3863 WARRENS STOP SW IFT’S PREMIUM — BLOCK STYLE m Featuring Roait Meats ond Specialty Food. / Z 2 5 CO FFEE laTouraw 2 C H ILD REN $1.50 lb . t i n $ 1 . 1 9 &*■*£<*-**WJfr* COFFEE Far Misses Junior Misses Half Sizes Reservations Call Hampton WA 6-3 6T6 CHUCK ROAST POLAR CLUB - Asst. Flavors • 5 Famous Dining Rooms Moderate Prices - Open To TO P M. HAMPTON BEACH TONI C PROTEX • 32 Modern Motel Units THE BRADFORD SHOPS of Bradford, Mass. BATHROOM F & P — #2'/. Cons U. S. AT. 1 HAM PTO N, N. H . ---- F R U IT C O C K TA IL W ELC H A D E 1 0 c Full Pound O pen 9 T i l 9 1 Located Vi Mile North OREO CREAMS and Hampton Beach Full Quart TISSUE N.B.C. 125 Soulh Main Str>et i FOR SALE ond progressive bank. Enjoy the Saving of ' BARRENS supermarkets SPECTACULAR PRICES! SHOALS ROOM Darlene reshapes your shore line with slimming Swiss lace panels. Darlene’s full fashioning knits the fit right in endowing you with a sleeker silhouette. The priceless fabric is Dartex, exclusive quick-dry blend of Ban-Lon and lastex th at molds, holds, fashions your sun-days i anew. In radiant new cruise hues. Between “ B” & “ C” Street that once a person starts diving, he will never stop. A visit to the shop and a chat with these fellows will almost fascinate one to the point of donning a suit and trying the sport. DIVERS (Continued on Page Ten) modern facilities of this strong CHECKING ACCOUNTS SAVINGS ACCOUNTS T R U S T A N D AGENCY D E P A R TM E N T PERSONAL C RED IT D E P A R TM E N T COMMERCIAL LOANS MORTGAGE LOANS SAFE DEPO SIT Y A U L TS While You’re in Hampton SWISS MISS LOVES OLD SOL ^____ OCEAN BOULEVARD foresight nor desire to serve. W t • • • , • | • • • -89c , Of Traffic Light 29c 1 LafayeHe Road Hampton Center -89c | w EN WHERE SHOPPING IS A Pleasure Th e B E A C H C O M B E R the impression that spear fish T e d Williams Visits Page 10 the Scuba tank which holds the ing is illegal and that it is im Friends Beach air for breathing. This equip- possible to catch fish by spear imcnt contains nn underwater in the Hampton area. The boys Former Red Sox star, Ted note that both of these philoso llbrcathing device which reguWilliams, finished fourth in the (ContinuedJrom Page yine) Bought Antiques Sold ‘— "••naciire ns phies are unfounded. Bill I Frontier Week Fishing contest TTie shop, itself, is small but 1,1e‘l,t," re CHINA - GLASS thoroughly equipped. Both wet compared to e w P ** * caught seven Tautog in an hour 1held in Maine this past week. DECORATIVE ACCESSORIES suits and dry suits ore carried. T*ie s,mn** ,an. \ ? • ht of spear fishing recently. While enroute to enter the The wet suits, used by appounds on shore but are weightW H IT E S A IL S They also dive for profit and OVIIW -wTftev 1IUU, „ _____ The wet suits, ofused by ap- Pou,lu" .......... S53 O rra n H l\d . - N e ar R orky Bend ‘"R'rtrrroncV contest, the/ popular baseball proximate* nil persons 0f n are available for emergency H am pton Bench - ■« ------player spent some tune a t skm divine, allows w ater to m. T oi some tvue The plnin purposes. They do a »roat deal purposes, j ■*- - ^ Hampton Beach visiting with of salvage work in Hampton friends. • iiz a l harbor. imustw c u v i l In the fishing tourney, the There arc special masks for Hampton Bay I lltIMVi ? u»c They note that many people **—• —au,_ frl— ,,r<' Anecial foi water is heated by the body those who have trouble with skin dive for the thrill of dis contestants fished lakes and ritemperature and continues to the ears. There is also a spe covering the realities of an vers in northern Maine and Swimming School New Brunswick during the cial mask with n Persian de remain warm. other world. They carry under For A ll Ayes — Young vice to drain the water should water cameras at the shop for week, climaxing the affair with The dry suits are water tight W " U,V / K" 1 '’^ to dram u., a *- »-Children a Specialty IIIIV Uiv ...----nro I ? ‘ a body T a tPLABn T «» into the mask, those persons who would like an awards banquet in Calais, Fins nrp arc u(cd used to ,propel the to record their underwater ex 1Maine, Friday night. nro also used a great deal by j Fjns Contort B ill Gilllgan, 5 " Q " St. a water and Top winners were Norman person through -the Hampton Beach W A 6-3 270 peditions. I Hath way of Brewster, Me.; weights arc used to carry the Although neither young man diver beneath the water. Boots is a qualified instructor, they Dave Roberts, Cincinnati En and mittens are also used. All are available for minor in quirer sports w riter; John Fel equipment is attached with struction. The shop provides ton, a Philadelphia, Penn.; lawj special quick release buckles in complete repair and other case of emergency. service including refilling of The young shop owners enjoy tanks with compressed air. the sport for fishing purposes. The shop also handles equip (Continued from Page Three) Many persons seem to be under ment for children including Our second girl is dark haired snorkels and surface tanks for Susan C. Smith, 17, 45 Memor surface breathing. This is a ial road, Somerville, Mass. simulated tank used by skin Susan recently graduated from We’re Famous For divers to enable children to Somerville High school and •‘SNOOPY NOOK” become used to breathing while plans to attend Massachusetts Our Chicken Pies K eefe A ve. - End o f * T ’ 51. on the surface. College of A rt in Boston. She Some of the fish caught by was also a cheerleader in high Made On Order Vener Fouillex TAM ILY S H E these young men by spear fish- school and was a member of the Gertrude Roujiecu Newcomb, To Serve 6 jing have been Tautog, Pollock, a rt club. She enjoys swimming, Prop. $3.00 Codfish, and Catfish. badminton and golf. Auburn haired, 18-year-old Patricia L. Hyde is the third entry of the week. Patricia ^ & S C r ttlr % lives a t 145 Wilmington road, Burlington, Mass. She was a 377 Ocean Blvd. W A 6-3347 Hampton Beach Restaurant high school cheerleader at Bur and Cocktail Lounge lington High school from which BAR - B - QUE C H IC K E N S 1»• - $ 1 . 3 9 ee. she recently graduated. She is now Worthy Advisor of her 2 ib. cvg. 99c ea. Hoi All Day long flM t local chapter of Rainbow Girls. 25c Home Made Pork Pies She hopes to attend Dale Beau Old Fashioned ~ ty Academy in the fall. Birthday Cakes Made To Order Sandra Calo, 21, 73 Gtrodwin New England Breakfasts . . . . 7 & 0 - 11:30 A.M. street, Manchester, N. H., is the Extra Birthday Cakes On Hand At All Times — f a m o u T bu ffet final entrant of the week. San No Waiting -r dra, a 5 ft. 6 in., auburn haired Now Being Served at Noon . . . 12:00.2:30 P.M. Special Rolls of All Kinds Made To Order beauty, graduated from Ana I - — P M I ^ heim High school in California. DINNER • W HITE BREAD - CHEESE BREAD From Our New Menu . . 5 :0 0 - 10:30 P.M. She was captain of th£:,drum. majorette team in high school 100% WHOLE W HEAT BRE^D.—' Complete A ssortm ent-«f Imported W ines and also worked on the school V-10 HEALTH BREAD - OATMEAL BREAD newspaper. She was vacation For Reservations Call Seabrook 'G R 4 - 3 76+^ ing a t the beach from her job as Seabrook, N . H. U.S. Route # 1 Cinnamon Bread and Raisin Bread a secretary when she signed up for the contest. Mr. Henry Hamel, promotion director for the Chamber of Commerce, noted th at there are stilL several openings left for entrants to the pageant. Any girl who is interested in taking p art is asked to contact Mr. Hamel a t the Chamber office. Playhouse Comedy DreouilI,K Miss Barbara's ^ s. , * =s BEAUTY SALON i» «.■»*«, Hair S tylist - Title - Gift Shop 3 - sl ! * A talented group of actors from top billing to bit roles has given the production a smooth and balanced performance aid ed by one of Robert Green’s fine stage settings and color ful authentic Revolutionary costumes. See Tern Bakery featuring famous % SWEATERVILLE Color Specialist Dial: W A 6-2131 O U R B A F ^ IM G 'S a treat BEACHCOMBER Give two actors with star abil- Laws" throughout the play. It Poge 11 ity a minor role and you get a is a timely reference in the liTumble Down Dick mountain i located in the town of Brook star performance. ght of present troubles over and Copple Crown mountain are | field, New Hampshire. Good Family Fare ■ Fred Hoskins as th* v these ancitnt laws' in the Bay A State. 44 The Pursuit of Happiness’*, a highly amusing comedy of . pfe f' t tm* . excellent nIt is tne of the is family the sort sortcan of play play that the ,‘n • ,in nol„ther minor ] entire enjoy.that There manners and morals, especially concerned with the a rt of bund, is enough "corn ball" comedy to ing’* which has long since been van, * P, sheriff and de- keep the young people amused! replaced by the parked car, pro , 0 I "iu,ant share Mtauft v of +JA the V IIt and a balanced serving of seril a u o r i s . The I h o two a Sons of Liberty 1 laughs. vides the entertainm ent menu a t the Hampton Playhouse this were Ed Witherall and Phil ous drama to satisfy the think week with Katherine Helmond, Growick. ers. The in - betweeners can Located In The Avon Hotel Joel Thomas and Peter Bosche The Pursuit Happiness" -find . . , #v of - entertainment „ n .. of. -T plenty heading a strong cast. is not a “rock 'em - sock' cm” | throuKhout the P^V“ B ” Street Hampton Beach If you wish to ju st relax and comedy. The first act moves 1 y y enjoy the entertaining lines and quite slowly but continues to J C L C K IC o situations, the piny will give build up throughout the next tdaw ei A r c k ir v you many opportunities for two acts so that it booms into pleasure. However, if you wish a fast moving final act. There TRAVEL AGENCY is no question th at the bundling FRED HALL, Prop, to have the play penetrate Open Daily 9 - 6 Closed Sundays more deeply, you will find it a scene is the most memorable of Hampton Booth, N. H. 1 8 2 Otocn Boulevard biting criticism of America's the evening and Massachusetts failure to fulfill the promises residents will thoroughly enjoy W A 6-2393 found in the Declaration of In the liberal reference to "Blue _ _ _ dependence. We have made progress - but the declaration th at all men are created equal and th at there will be equal opportunity for all for life, liberty and the pur suit of happiness is far from reality. The barbed lines in this play sink in deeply irrita ting our unfulfilled responsibil ities. At Divers — Th e A new comer - Katherine Helmond - immediately captur ed the hearts of the audience with her charming portrayal of Prudence. Opposite her in a very ptrong lead is Joel Tho mas, as Max, and the bundling scene between these two fine thespians is one of the best bits of acting seen for some tim e.1 Tt' is played delicately with just the right amount of nai vete and tenderness enchanting the* audience with its lovliness. Peter Bosche and Maggie Owens, teamed up most effect ively as Aaron and Comfort Kirkland and Trent Knepper added much to the performance with hjs interpretation of the Virginia colonel. In quite opposite roles, two old scene stealing favorites did just that when Ailsa Dawson, as the boy crazy maid, and Dennis: Drew as the bluenosed preacher, claimed the audience whenever they were on stage. money, See how easy it is to breeze through this cool air-con ditioned store on every shopping trip. Everything you heed for summer- housekeeping is yours at the modern, streamlined First National supermarket. FAIRYLAND SWEATERS SPORTSWEAR How To Reach Sweaterville, U.S.A F ro m H a m p to n C a n te r p ro ceed R o u te 1. I ' m P o rte m o a th b y - p * » i to M ain e. Ju&t b e fo re T o ll b rid c a p tM to m e m d ire c tio n . P ro c ee d left on M aplew ood A venue. HA M PTO N METHODIST CHURCH *C St., Hampton Beach Specializing in All Types of Beauty Culture W A 6-3351 In The Dudloy Building Sat,July 15 for the Entire Family • w QUALITY AT LOW ■LOW PRICES! th Mills Factory Store :NUE FAIR B eauty Salon PORTSM OUTH, N. During Your Vacation Here! H. 1 P .M . Silver Tea 1 P.M. Baby (Contest 3 P.M. Baked Ham Supper 5:30 P.M. Adults $1.50 Children 50c 9 Ashworth Avc. on the Corner Reasonable Rales Z Blocks or Bags - Polishing - Tire Servico Tonic Headquarters A ll Ravars Buy a Case and $avo Road Service - Call W A 6 -3 0 0 6 ESSO adjacent to Lamie’s Tavern H IG H TID ES Heavy FogAlongSeacoast Page 12 AS THE ONLY STORE AT DIRECTLY WITH THE EASTMAN KODAK Keeps Coast Guard Bus YOU THIS , Alr ~ .hich cnvclThe heavy f»ff wnK , oped the entire se men the past weekend kop * an) o f' the Hampton Coast Guard busier than usual. T h c f t f W j pod boats at sea and hampe seach for the disabled vessels^ A report of a 16 - foot skill with two persons aboard being overdue started a busy Sunday evening for the Coast Guard. The local Const Guard cutter was sent to senrch for the craft which was two hours overdue While on routine search the Coast Guard found t h e Lady Mar II, with three persons on board, disabled southeast of Hampton. The 1 8 -foot cabin cruiser, operated by Eugene Carter of Woburn, Mass., was taken in tow to Hampton har bor. ’ ■ . The Cpast Guard cutter re turned to sea to continue the Fktachrome film Movie and other Kodaehrome and Hartachro. left with us for developing is rushed *u* J**N«w e x t r a o r d in a r y SERVICE: York. It is returned to us just 48 hours later, excluding Sundays. B lack-and-W hite film is processed locally within 21 ours. DONOVAN & FALLON C O R P O Hampton Beacfh’s R A T I O N PHARMACY Since 1926 Just South of the Casino on Ocean Boulevard /fpr >.:rry search for the overdue skiff. However the search was apain interrupted --- 26 foot imriiupvv.. when *----- the cruiser, Dee - Art, was found lost at sea in the fop. Upon towing: the Dee - Art to shore, the Coast Guard learned that the missing skiff had tur ned up safely a t Seabrook. Still another call took the Coast Guard cutter to Hampton Beach where Robert Silver of North Shore boulevard report ed sighting an object, which appeared to be a mine, floating towards shore. The Coast Guard, however, found it to be a deep sea fishing troll buoy. They took this to Hampton Beach. Mrs. Oscar Page of Fremont reported th a t the cruiser Jean Marie with her husband aboard was four hours overdue from a trip to the Isles of Shoals. The cruiser was eventually found and escorted to the Ham pton pier. On Saturday, the Hampton Coast Guard was sent two and one half miles out to sea m response to an urgent radio mesage from the Anne Jos ephine. a party fishing boat. Elizabeth Laugon of Will ia ms town, Mass, had become ill and requested help. She was transferred to the cutter and brought ashore a t State pier. The fire departm ent was lead ed and responded with the resuscitator. However, the Coast Guard reported th at when she reached dry land, the woman refused medical assistance. She told them she would see her own physician. VOL. XXXI, NO. 4 hJ Z Z '^ L , . WEDNESDAY, JULY 19, 1961 SNO KONE Delicious Gold Medal Flavors "Th e Special Rainbow" FERNCROFT RECREATION CENTER A” STREET T E L 6-3410 Playland Ocean B lv d . & *C 51. HAMPTON BEACH OUR HEALTH IS O UR BUSIN ESS 150 Bikes ' In Excellent Condition In the Penthouse Automatic Pinsetters Tandems PHP W/imhC 3 - s Pe e d s Regulars Equipped with Lights at Night Strollers & Trikes for Tots * .'S Well Ventilated Good Alleys Good Pins Courteous Friendly Service Air Cooled ' Bowl to Stay Slim " Fluorescent Lighted 7 Brunswick Pocket Tables Open Weekdays & Sundays BOWLING 1 J ^r 1^ b il l ia r d s 10:00 A.M. TO M IDNIGHT 7:30 A.M. TO M IDNIGHT BICYCLES BOWLING BILLIARDS 1:00 P.M. TO M IDNIG HT 8:00 A.M. TO M IDNIGHT BICYCLES When In Exeter, Why Not Try EXETER ^ U E Y S BOWLING EV ER? o M To compound your physician » prescriptions w ith the utmost precision is tho prime re*?®0 ' sib ility o f the registered phar macist. LANES EVERY N I G ^ UNG S GREAT FOR A DATE ° W . . . Air Conditioned For Your Comfort PHARM ACY DONALD R PA IM C R.B* RCG PH Invalid e, $ick Room supplies h ig h st p*rkjn$Loi -Hs^pto^ ►C ^ t c W A 6 - 3 3 4 4 7.6 7.9 7.4 8.0 7.3 8.2 7.4 8.6 7.6 9.L 8.0 9.6 8.4 10.1 8.8 10.4 30 Lovely Girls Seek Title Of Miss Hampton Beach July 25 M urray's 13 FREE HAMPTON HARBOR Daylight Saving Time 4:51 a.m. Thursday 5:26 p.m. July 20 Friday 5:42 p .m . 6:12 p.m. July 21 6:38 a.m. Saturday 7:06 p.m. July 22 Sunday 7:37 a.m. 8:00 p.m. July 23 8:35 a.m. Monday 8:56 p.m. July 24 Tuesday 9:33 a.m. 9:41 p.m. July 25 Wednesday 10:28 a.m. 10:45 p.m. July 26 11:22 a.m. Thursday 11:39 p. m. July 27 "INAL FOUR CONTESTANTS to enter the Miss Hampton Beach pageant are these lovely Hisses. Left to right. Nancie Whitworth. 18. Aidovcr, Mass.. Barbara A. Jordon. 17. Ereretf. lass., K. Lorayne Hickey, 19, Peabody. Mass. an. Peggy F. Harkins \\ altham, Mass. Miss Hampton Beach of 1961 will be chosen Tues day1evening, July 25, at 8:30 p.m. in the Casino ball room. The annual highlight, of the many beach fes tivities planned for the summer visitors, will find one lucky girl from over 30 contestants being chosen to reign over the many events at Hampton Beach for the coming year. It is expected that several of the girls who have won the event in past years will be on hand to greet the new winner. Heading the long list of personalities who are ex pected to attend Is former winner Carolyn Komant. Carolyn was signed to a long term contract by W arner Brothers after competing in the 1958 Miss Universe contest. She has completed 45 telecasts on such pro grams as Hawaiian Lye, W Sunset Strip and others. She recently finished her first moving picture which is nearly ready for release. Last year’s winner. Diane L. Jezak. Dracut, Mass, is expected to be on hand to relinquish her crown to the new winner. Miss Diane E. Lipson, 1959 winner, who represented New Hampshire at the Miss Universe contest at Miami last week is also expected to attend. Five outstanding judges will have the difficult CONTEST (Continued on Page Eleven) 200 Air Force Cadets Relax At Beach The 817th Air Division, Pease Air Force Base, was host to some 300 Air Force Academy cadets from Colorado Springs, Class of 1964, for five days this past week. More than 200 of the youths spent Thursday afternoon at Hampton Beach in a half day of relaxation from their train ing trip which is taking them to a host of Air Force military installations. Major Mazuzan of Pease was in charge of the athletic pro gram of the youths while they were at the Portsmouth base. A portion of the program con sisted of the trip to Hampton Beach. Air police and an air corps ambulance accompanied the five bus loads of cadets on the outing. The trip to Pease gave the CADETS (Continued on Page Twelve) —AND THE CADETS CAME TUMBLING DOWN. About to break their human pyramid arc a group of Air Cadets, Class of 1964, from the Air Force Acad emy, Colorado Springs, Colo., who visited Hampton Beach last week. —Staff Photo