agifia set.pmd -


agifia set.pmd -
Imänsâ ]«Ww Im¯ncnt¸msS
km_p aØmbn
]ªnkn‰n tIm˛Hm¿Unt\‰¿
]m ]ssiXyØm¬
XWpØpd™ anjnK¨
XSmIXocßfn¬ kphnti-jØns‚ DjvW°m-‰mbpw alm·n \mf߃ \n¿- Ω q- e am°nb \ni_v Z
sX-cphoYnIfn¬ Db¿∏ns‚ DZvt_m-[I\mbpw B`y¥cbp≤Øns‚ Bc-hmcØn¬ BizmkØns‚
Bhn¿`mhambpw amdnb
Un.F¬.aqUnbpsS \Kcw;
ASna \pI߃ XI¿ØpS®v, kzmX{¥y tkm]m-\ß-ƒ°v XpS°wIpdn®v A\mNmc߃°v Adp-Xnhcp-Øn BtLmjWw sNbvX
- F{_lmw en¶¨s‚
\mSv; sh¨taL]mfnIƒ
apJw t\m°p∂ IÆm-Snt]mse im¥hpw-kpµchpw hnimehpw kua-\kyw ]Icp∂Xpamb anjnK--¨- XSmIw. Cß-s\- Gdnb hntijXIfm¬ Aew- I rXamb jn°mtKm
]-´-Ww Akwªokv Hm^v
tKmUv C¥y s^temjn∏v
Hm^v t\m¿Øv Atacn°bpsS 19˛maXv ^manen tIm¨^d≥kn\v BXn-tYbacpfphm≥ XømdmIp-∂p.
2015 Pqsse amkw 16
apX¬ 19 hsc jn°mtKm
\KcØns‚ {]m¥-{]tZiamb ew_mSnep≈ D∂Xhpw ta¬Øchpw kuI-cy-
{]Zhpamb shÃn≥ (The
Westin Lombard York
Town Center) tlm´en¬
`m-hw Xs∂ \nßfnepw D≠mbncn°s´ (^n-en 2:5)
F-∂ {]-Xn]m-Zy-hn-j-bw
sX- c - s ™Sp- Ø n--c n- ° p∂
Cu kΩf\Øns‚ A-\p{Kl- Ø n- \ pw hn- P b- Ø n\pw th- ≠ n {]kn- U ‚ v
tPm-¿-Pv. sI. Ão-^≥
-- k-¨s‚ t\- X rXzØnep≈
\mjW¬ IΩn- ‰ nbn¬
sshkv {]-knU‚ v ]mÿ
Ipcy≥ imapth¬, sk{I´dn ^n-en∏v Um\ntb¬,
tPmbn‚ v sk{I´dn tPm¿Pv aØmbn, {Sjd¿ km_p tbml-∂m-≥, bqØv
tIm¿Un-t\‰¿ Binjv tP°_v F-∂n-h-cpw Imcy-£aam-b Hcp tem-°¬ I-Ωn‰nbpw {]-h¿-Øn-®p-h-cp∂p.
2014 Unkw-_-¿ 7˛mw
XnbXn jn-°m-tKm-bn-ep≈
{Inkv-Xy≥ A-kw- ª n- b n¬
- k
- ns‚ cPn-k-tv- {S-j≥ In-t°m^v sN-bv-Xp. \m-jW
-- -¬,
tem- ° - ¬ I- Ω n- ‰ n Aw- K ߃ A-Sß
-- n-b th-Zn-bn-¬
hnhn-[ Npa-Xe-Iƒ hln°p∂-h¿ C-Xph-sc-bp-≈
]p-tcmK-Xn-I-sf hne-bncpØn- X p- S ¿- ∂ p- ≈ {]h- ¿ Ø\ß-sf hni-Zo-I-cn°pIbpw sN-bv-Xp.
at\mlchpw hn-im-ehpamb Xma-kk
-- uIcy-߃°v ]pdsa kzmZn-jvSa
- mb
hnhn[-bn-\w `-£-Ww, Fb-¿t]m-¿-´-pI-fn-¬ \n-∂pw
bm-{Xm-ku-Icyw, Ir-Xyamb cPn-k-vt{Sj≥ F-∂n-h
- mb H-cpIq´w k-tlmZ-cok-tlm-Zc∑m-cm-¬ \S-Ø-s∏-Sp∂p.
Rev. George K. Stephenson
wish you all a
Happy New Year
and a Blessed
future. Thank
you all for your
genuine love and
support for the
upcoming AGIFNA conferencein Chicago. May
the Good Lord guide us in
all our pursuit to glorify
His Name.
We all have
concerns and worries about many
things in life due to
our past experiences and present
situation. Some of us are
concerned about our health
issues, future of our
children, progress about
our minis-tries etc.Jesus
mentioned, be not be
anxious at the beginning of
His ministry (Mathew
6:25-33) and also at the end
of His ministry (Luke
12:22-31). Jesus used to
express the feeling of
gladness, sadness and
madness but He never
exhibits any feeling of fear.
The main reason was that
unwanted fear is a spirit.
Jesus at the beginning of
His ministry mentioned
three things to overcome
this worry in Mathew 6:2533.
FIRST, Our God is a
Good God.Jesus gave an
example of feeding the
birds. Israel is the largest
bird’s migration nation in
the world. They have no
worry about the recession
or drought. They have no
Monday blues. They were
relentless to look for its not “Its father” taking care about the goodness of our
food yet it was worry free. of them. Look at the Father. The loving
(Contd... Pg.2)
Jesus said “Your father” different verses talking
Bobby John
The registration for the 19th
AGIFNA Conference is
underway. Many people are
already started registering for the
conference. We thank you for
your support and encourag
ements. You may download the
registration form from our
website www.agifna. comor use
the attached form with this
newsletter or register online. All
accommodations are arranged in
the Westin Hotel.
) Early Bird registration is
only $10.00 and ends on
April 30th, 2015. Registr
ation after the Early Bird
will be $20.00 per person.
) The subsidized hotel rate is
$69.00 per night. Minimum
2 adults or more with
) We are serving custom made
purchase of minimum two
adults’meals are required
for this rate until April 30th,
) Discounted hotel rate is
$99.00 per night without
purchase of meals until June
30th, 2015.
) After June 30th, 2015 the
regular and on-site hotel rate
will be $129.00 per night.
If you are unable to become
continental breakfast, Indian $2500.00 GOLD (8 PEOPLE) a sponsor, we encourage you to
Lunch, Coffee & Snack and $3000.00 PLUS
take the opportunity to make an
Dinner (American/Italian)
for $49.00 per day through
Westin Hotel certified
We have also made
arrangements for you to become
sponsors and support our
package are all-inclusive. Check
the form for full details. Four
types of sponsorships are
available and the rates are as
$1000.00 GENERAL (4
PEOPLE) $1500.00
kindness of God endures all day
long (Psalm 52:1b). You are
good and do well (Psalm 119:68)
The Lord is good to all, and His
mercies are over all His works.
(Psalm 145:9). The eyes of all
look to you, andyou give them
their food in due time (Psalm
145:15). Our God is a good God.
SECCONDLY, Our God is a
faithful and bountiful God. He
clothes the lilies. How much
more He will take care of us. See
the verses talking about our Gods
faithfulness. “Know therefore
that the Lord your God, He is
God, the faithful God, who keeps
His covenant and His loving
kindness to a thousand
generation with those who love
commandments; (Deuteronomy
7:9)...And faithfulness the belt
about His waist.(Isaiah 11:5b)
The Lord’s loving kindnesses
indeed never cease,for His
compassions never fail. They are
new every morning; great is
Your faithfulness. (Lamen
tations 3:22- 23). He has His
glory upon lilies. Look at the
provision of our God. “Things
which eye has not seen and ear
has not heard and which have not
entered the heart of man, all that
God has prepared for those who
love him ((I Cor. 2:9). InJohn
3:16, His love, Jer. 31:3.
Everlasting love, John 10:10, His
Abundant life. Sing “Jehovah
Jireh, My provider... all the days
of our life.
LASTLY, Our God (Our
Father) is an all knowing God.
Whatever may be our needs in
2015, He knows it. Daniel said
before the king of Babylon “It is
He who reveals the profound and
hidden things; He knows what is
in the darkness, and the light
dwells with Him”. Psalmist said
in Ps 139:3-4,“O Lord, You have
searched me and known me.You
know when I sit down and when
I rise up; You understand my
thought from afar. You scrutinize
my path and my lying down and
are intimately acquainted with all
my ways. Even before there is a
word on my tongue, Behold, O
Lord, You know it all.”
Look at the secret of success
of Job he said in Job 23:10" But
He knows the way I take; When
He has tried me, I shall come
forth as gold”. When we are in
trouble, worried about things
Jesus ask us to open your
windows and look the birds and
lilies in the valleys. Don’t act like
extra donation towards
AGIFNA along with your
registration. Please write all
checks payable to AGIFNA and
mail to the address listed in the
registration form.
I request your whole hearted
support and cooperation for the
success of this conference.
Please take advantage of the
subsidized & discounted rates to
register early and save.
Ultimately, your participation,
cooperation, contributions and
prayers will determine the
success of this conference. Let
us work together for the glory
of our Master.
gentiles who have no father in
Heaven. But we have a good,
loving, faithful and an all
knowing God. Jesus concluded
His teaching by telling His
listeners not to be anxious about
tomorrow. We are to focus on
only on the actual troubles that
we face today rather than
worrying over possibilities for
the future. We can trust that
seeking the Kingdom of Our
Father we will be receiving
continually His care. We freed to
live in the present moment and
let us leave the future in His
Hand. So seek His Kingdom by
allowing accomplishing His plan
and purposes in our daily life.
May God bless you all.
^nen∏v Zm\ntb¬
\mjW¬ sk{I´dn
Hcp ]£nbpsS c≠p NndIpIƒt]mse GtIm]n∏n®v Nen®m¬
G-Xv BXvaoI {]h¿Ø\hpw
h≥ hnPbambn amdpw. thZ]pkv-XIhpw Ncn{Xhpw AXmWv
\tΩmSv km£n°p∂-Xv. 19 maXv
AGIFNA \mjW¬ tIm¨^d≥kv AXpt]msebm-Ipsa∂v R߃ {]Xo£nbv°p∂p.
tIm¨^d≥kns‚ apJy{]kw-KI\mbn dh.B-¬´¨ Kmcnk¨ (Assistant Superintendent of
A.G., Springfield) IS∂phcp∂p.
At±lsØ IqSmsX C¥ybn¬
\n∂pw t\m¿Øv Atacn°bpsS
]e `mKßfn¬ \n∂pw a‰v
ssZhZmk∑mcpw ip{iqjn°pw.
kwKoX ip{iqjbv°v am‰pIq´phm\mbn {_Z¿ CΩm\pth¬
sl≥dnbpw kwLhpw HØptNcp-∂p. Akw_vfokv Hm^v
tKmUv iXm_vZn BtLmjn°p∂ thfbn¬ jn°mtKmbn¬
\S°p∂ Cu tIm¨^d≥kn¬
{]tXyIm¬ ko\nb¿ an\ntÃgvkn-s\bpw tPmenbn¬ \n∂pw
hncan® t\gvkpamscbpw BZ-cn°phm≥ B{Kln°p∂p. t\m¿Øv Atacn°bn¬ ]m¿°p-∂
F√m F.Pn. hnizm-knIsfbpw
an-\n-tÃ-gvkns\bpw jn°mtKmbn¬ \S°p∂ Cu iXm_vZn
B-tLmjØnte°v kzmKXw
ssZhhN\ip{iqjbv ° pw
Bcm[\bv°pw ap≥Xq°w \¬In-bmWv CØhW tIm¨^d≥kns‚ Hmtcm skj\pIfpw
Bkq{XWw sNøp∂Xv. ap≥
h¿jßfn¬ \n∂pw hyXykvXambn ]eXpsIm≠pw ]pXpa \nd™Xmbncn°ptºmƒ X- s ∂
apXn¿∂h¿°pw bphP\-߃°pw {]tXyI ao‰nwKpIƒ {IaoIcnbv°p∂p≠v. IS∂phcp-∂
Ip™p߃°pw tem°¬ Gcnb-bn-¬ \n∂pw hcp∂h¿-°pambn hn._n.Fkv Cu Znhkß-fn¬ πm≥ sNøp∂p.
tIm¨^d≥kn¬ CXp-hscbp-≈ Hcp°ßsf∏‰n hni-ZoIcn°s´. tIm¨-^d≥-kn\m-bn
Xncs™Sp°s∏´ shÃn≥
tlm-´¬ 4 Ãm¿ \nehmcap-ffXpw hnimeamb Im¿ ]m¿°nwKv kuIcyap≈XmWv. F√m apdnIfnepw 2 Izo≥ s_Upw
knwKnƒ dqw th≠h¿°mbn InwKv s_Upw {IaoI-cn®n-cnbv-°p∂p. IqSpX¬ \S°msX tlm´ens‚ Xmsg-bpw apIfn-epambmWv ao‰nwKpIfpw Blm-cw Ignbv°phm\pw Xmakn-°p-hm-\pap≈
{IaoIcW߃ Hcp°nbncn-°p∂-Xv. t{_°v-^m-Ãv, e©v, Cuh\nwKv kv\m-Ivkv F∂nh-bpw
ao‰nwKn-\p tijw Un∂dpw {IaoIcn-®n-cn-°p-∂p. cp-NnIcam-b
Atacn-°≥, C-¥y-≥, C‰menb≥
coXn-bn-ep-≈ `£-Wa
- mbncn-°pw
tIm¨-^d≥kn-¬ \¬Ip-∂-Xv.
tIm¨-^d≥kn-\m-bn hcp-∂
F√mh¿°pw sh-Ãn-≥ tlm-´-en¬ Xs∂bm-bn-cn-°pw Xm-akkuIcy߃ Hcp-°p-∂-Xv.
cPn-k-vt{Sjs\∏‰n Aev]w:G{]n¬ 30 \v apºv (Earlybird)
c-Pn-ÿ sNøp∂h¿°v cPnkvt{S-j≥^o 10 tUmf¿ BWv.
apdnI-ƒ 69 tUmfdn\v e`yamWv.
Hcp apdnbn¬ Ipd™Xv 2 t]¿
F-¶n-epw Xmakn°pIbpw `£Ww FSp°pIbpw thWw. G{]n--¬ 30 \v tijw cPnkvt{S-j≥ ^o 20 tUmfdmbpw apdnIƒ
99 tUm-fd
- mbpw h¿-≤n-°pw. `£Ww F-Sp°mØ-h¿-°v tlm´¬
td‰v 129 tUmf¿ Bbncn°pw.
Hcp Znh-ksØ `£WØn\v (4
ao¬kv) 49 tUmfdmbncn°pw.
cPnkvt{S-j≥ t^mw sh_vssk‰n¬ \n-∂pw Uu¨temUv sNøpI-tbm Hm¨sse≥ hgn cPnÿ sNøp-Itbm \SØmhp-∂Xm- W v . Ir- X y- a - m bn t]bv s at‚msS e`n-°p∂ t^mapIƒ°v
hniZ- a mbn I¨t^¿taj≥
se‰¿ Csabn-¬ hgn Abbv-°p∂p≠v. ]m´p ]pkvXIØn¬ ]cky߃ tN¿°m≥ B{Kln-
°p∂-h¿ AXXv tÉv sd{]-kt‚-‰o-hn-s\tbm FIvkn-Iyq´ohns\tbm k-ao]nbv°Ww. kuIcy{]- Z am- b n cPnkv t {Sj≥
t^m--apIƒ ad°msX ]qcn∏n-°phm≥ CXn-t\m-sSm∏w (Printed
copies only) sh®n- c nbv - ° p∂
t^mapIƒ D]tbm-Kn-°pat√m.
Nn°mtKm Fb¿t]m-¿´p-If
- n¬ \n∂pw tIm¨^d≥- k v
sk‚dnte°v Zqcw 15 an\n‰v BWv. F√m 2 aWn°qdnepw Fb¿t]m¿´n¬ \n∂v {^o j´n¬
kuIcy߃ {IaoIcn-°p-∂p. Sn°- ‰ v _p°v sNøp- ∂ h- ¿ sh-
_v s sk‰n¬°qSn B hnh- c w
]pdImse Rßsf Adnbn°mhp∂XmWv. tlm´ens‚ sN°n≥ kabw 3 aWnbpw sN-°u´v kabw Rmbdmgv® D® Ign™v 4 aWnbpw BbXn-\mepw
F√m aWn°qdpIfnepw ^vssf‰pIƒ ]e Zn°pIfnte°pw
t]mIp∂Xn\mepw kabw X°Øn¬ D]tbmKn°pat√m.
tIm¨^d≥kns\°p-dn®p≈ IqSpX¬ hnhc߃ Zbhmbn or www. F∂o ssk‰n¬
\n∂pw e`nbv°p∂XmWv.
“There is more hunger for love and appreciation
in this world than for bread”
-Mother Teresa of Calcutta
tkh\w \nkvXpeyw
knÿ F¬kn tPmkv
]q¿Æ BtcmKyhpw tcmKim¥nbpw \evIn \sΩ kuJy-am°pIbpw kXyØnt‚bpw kam[m-\Øns‚bpw kar≤n \Ωn¬
shfns∏SpØpIbpw sNøp∂
tbipI¿Ømhns‚ ÿm\-]XnIfmbn BXpc- t kh\- Ø n¬
G¿s∏´ncn°p∂ ktlm-Z-cnamsc BZcn°phm≥ AG-IFNA
Xocp-am\n®ncn°p∂Xv «mL\obamWv.
BtcmKy]cn]m- e \cwKsØ \s´√mWv t\gvkv kaqlw. tcmKnIfmbn InS°sb
A`bw {]m]n®v AicWcmbn
hcp∂h¿°v tbiphns‚ kvt\lw ]I¿∂psImSpØv, Bflm¿∞-XtbmSpw, A¿∏W t_m[tØmSpw ip{iqjn°ptºmƒ \nß-ƒ F¥psNbvXmepw, hm-°n\mtem, {Inbbmtem ssZ-hØns\--∂ hÆw sNøphn≥ F∂
- N\w \nhrØn°-s∏-SpIbmWv.
tbipI¿Ømhv kz¿§whn´v
XmWndßn h∂Xpw ip{iqj
sNøn∏m\√ ip{iqjn°m\pw
At\I¿°pth≠n Xs‚ Poh\pw a‰pw hnebmbn sImSp-∏m\pw At{X. ]pcpjmcsØ CSb\n-√mØ BSpIsft∏mse Ipg™- h cpw Nn∂nbhcpambn
I≠n´p a\ en™ I¿Ømhv
Xs‚ ip{iqjbn¬ DS\ofhpw
Xs∂ Adkv‰v sNøptºmgpw
{Iqin¬ thZ\b\p`-hn°ptºmƒ t]mepw a‰p≈hsc ip{iqjn°p-hm-\pw IcpXphm\pw ad∂n√. Cu tbiphns\ amXrIbm°p∂ t\gvkv ktlmZcnam¿ Hmtcm tcmKnIsfbpw ip{iq-jn°ptºmƒ Ah¿°v ssZhoI
kvt\lw ]I¿∂psIm-Sp°phm\pw Ahsc I¿Ømhns‚ ]mXbntebv°v \bn°phm\pw Ahsc kzm[o\n°m\pw Zn\w{]Xn
Ahkc߃ e`n°pIbmWv.
h¿j߃°p apºv kz¥w
\m-Sns\bpw IpSpw_ßtfbpw
hn- ´ v Atacn°≥ sFIy\mSpIfntebv°v tPmenbv°mbn
IpSntbdnb t\gvkv ktlmZcn-
Being part of our Centennial Celebration of AG in Chicago, we are
honoring our retired nurses of Indian origins and appreciate the current
workforce for their dedication. In order for you to become a recipient in this
celebration, you must send us a short bio-data about your beginning,
memorable experience you may encountered, any achievement you may
have hadand the date of your retirement from service by May 31, 2015.
If you need further information about this event or would like to speak
to someone, please forward your request to our National Ladies Coordinator
Joyce Stephenson or our Local Ladies Coordinator Elsy Joseph at or call (516) 279-0626
ZcnamcpsS IpSpw_w ChnsSbp≈ aebmfn s]¥t°mkvXp Iq´mbvaIƒ XpSßm≥ apJm¥-cam-bn, AtXmsS k Iƒ DSseSp°phm≥ ImcWam-bnØo¿∂p.
{]h¿Ø\߃, {]m¿∞\
ao‰nw-Kp-Iƒ, k¨tU kvIqƒ
So®nwKv, {SmIvSv Unkv{Sn_yqj≥
apXembhbneqsS t\gvkvktlmZcnam¿ {]h¿Øn®phcp∂p. hy‡nIfpsSbpw IpSpw_ß-fp-sSbpw imcocnI, am\koI,
Bflob hnSpXen\pw A\p{KlØn\pw apJm¥cambn Xocp∂ t\gvkpamsc The Gallup annual Honesty & Ethics professions poll result ¬ Ign™ Nne
h¿-jßfmbn s]mXpP\w G‰hpw hnizkv X cmbn AwKoIcn°p∂ s{]m^j≥ Bbn sXcs™SpØncp∂p.
CØ- c pW- Ø n¬ \ΩpsS
\gvkv ktlm-Zcn-amsc BZcnt°- ≠ Xv Hcp A- [ n- I ∏‰√.
]s£ A\nhmcyamWv.
Joyce Stephenson
am-¿ hfsc XymK߃ A\p`-hn®n-´p≠v. CWßnt®cm≥ hnapJX-bp≈ Imemhÿbpw Cw-•ojv `mjbpw Atacn°≥ kwkvImchpw sh√phnfnbmbn \n∂
km- l Ncyßfn¬ {]Xn_‘߃ XcWw sNbvXv apt∂-dphm≥ Ahscklmbn®Xv I¿Ømhn-ep≈ B{ibhpw hnizmkhpw AhcpsS {]m¿∞\bpw klnjvWpXbpamWv.
Atacn°bnep≈ aebmfnItfmSv Fßs\ ChnsS FØn
F∂p tNmZn®m¬ an°hmdpw AXp sN∂p \n¬°p∂Xv Hcp
ktlmZcnam¿ aptJ\ hy‡n-
Elsy Joseph
Ifpw IpSpw-_ßfpw kapZmbßfpw {Kmaßfpw cmPy-ßfpw
A-\p{K-ln°s∏´n-´p≠v. tIcfob hnizmk kaqlØn- s ‚
BXvaob km-aqlnI, `uXnI,
hnZym`ym- k D- ∂ - a \Øn- \ v
t\gvkv ktlm-Zcn-am¿ hln-®n´p≈ ]¶v hepXmWv. Zmcn{ZyØn¬ InS∂ At\Iw IpSpw_ßfpsS ]´nWn am‰m≥ ssZhw t\gvkpamsc D]tbm-Kn®p. \m´nep≈ _‘p-an{Xm-ZnIsf kvt]m¨k¿ sNbvXp Atacn-°-bntebv°v sIm≠ph-cp∂p. \m´nep≈
_‘p°fpsS Ip- ™ pßsf
]Tn∏n°phm\pw h- n hmlw
sNbvXp sImSp- ° phm- \ pw
hgnbn√mØh¿°v hoSpIƒ ]WnXp sImSp°phm\pw kmºØn-I klmb߃ Bhiy-amb kmlNcyßfn¬ AXp \evIn klmbn°m\pw t\gv-kvam-¿
]pdØpw hnhn[ XcØn¬ an\nkv{SnIƒ XpSßphm≥ ssI-ØmßepIƒ sImSp°phm-≥, Hm¿^t\Pv, N¿-®pIƒ, ss__nƒ
s{S-bn-\nwKv C≥Ãn‰yq´v, kvIqfpI--ƒ, sSbv-ednwKv C≥Ãn‰yq´v F∂n-h XpSßm≥ t\gvkv ktlmZcn-amcpsS IpSpw_߃ ap≥ssI FSp°p∂p≠v.
ChnsS h∂ t\gvkv ktlm-
2002˛¬ Terminal Stage Pancreatic cancer icocØn¬
F√m- b nS- Ø pw _m[n®v
Npcpßs∏´psh∂v tUmIvS¿
hn[n]d™bnSØp \n∂v
I¿Ømhv tcmKkuJyw
\evIn hnSphn®v 40˛¬]cw
cmPyßfn¬ I¿Ømhns‚
km£nbmbn Ip-Spw_ambn
t]mIphm\pw a‰p hn- h n[
coXnIfn¬ I¿Øm-hn\m-bn
I¿Øm- h v Ir] sNbv X p. \gvknwKv
]co£bn¬ tIcf-Ønse 3
bqWnthgv - k n‰n- b nepap- ≈
hnZym¿∞nIfn¬ G‰hpw
Db¿∂ am¿°p hmßn
UnÃnwKvjt\mSpIqSn ^Ãv
dm¶v t\Sn (1988¬) C¥y≥
{]-knU‚ns‚ Ahm¿Un\¿lam- b n.
bmt°m_m-b hn-izm-kØn¬
\n∂pw 1996˛¬ Ip-Spw_ambn
I¿Ømhv sIm≠ph-∂p.
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CXphscbpff tIm-¨^d≥kns‚ ]ptcmKXnIsf hnebncp--Øp-tºmƒ Cu tIm¨-^d≥- kv hf-sc {]m[m\yw A¿ln°p- \S-Øs∏Sp∂p F∂p≈ hnti∂p. jn°mtKmbn¬ BZyambn jX-bv°∏pdØv Cu IqSnhchn¬ IS∂v hcphm\p≈ ssZhP-\Ø
- n-s‚ Xm¬]cyw t{]m’ml-\-P\IamWv.
Pr. Wilson W. Abraham
k`m, kwLS\m ]cn[nILocal Youth Secretary
ƒ°v AXoXambn ssZh-kvt\l-Øns‚ sImSn°ogn¬ sFIyXtbmsS H∂v tNcp∂psh¶n¬
ssZh{]kmZØns‚ {]Imi\w
\ΩpsS PohnXØn¬ Cu tIm¨^d≥kv apJm¥cw CSbmIpw F∂v Rm≥ ]q¿Æambn hnizkn°p∂p.
Conference is coming close!
tPm¿÷v aØmbn
tPmbn‚ v sk{I´dn
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hnhn[Xcw Imbn-I ]cn]m-SnIƒ
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\mw H∂n®v A-hs‚ \masØ
Rev. Sunny Mathew
National Prayer Coordinator
As we enter into this New
Year, the AG Conference is
closer than ever before! There
is a great excitement among the
youths in the city of Chicago
regarding this conference.
Youth from various churches
are actively participating in
preparation for this conference.
Igniting a passion for
mission and evangelism (at
school and university level) is
one of the motivating factors
for the youth side of the
conference. Our goal is to set a
stage for the servants of God
come and place a vision in the
hearts and minds of our
youngsters. In the United States
we live in a society where people
from all over the world come to
live and work. The mission field
is next door to us! It is important,
therefore, to prepare and equip
our generation to reach this
mission field.
For the sport enthusiasts
among us, we have already found
a great venue for the various
sporting events, which would be
hosted during this conference.
Teams from different states have
already pledged to come in for
the tournament.
We look forward to a
successful conference in the
city of Chicago. No conference
would be a success without
prioritizing Prayer. We have an
ongoing prayer-line dedicated
for this cause, and youth from
various states are participating
in it. We urge you to pray for
this conference and make it a
priority to come to the beautiful
city of Chicago with your
family and friends.
We are expecting great
things from God!
“Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find;
knock, and it shall be opened unto you.” (Matthew 7:7).
Prayer is essentially a relationship with God, and it is this
relationship that is at the heart of the Christian faith. God who
created all that we see around us in the universe wants you and
me to be in regular touch with him.
We are all praying for our upcoming conference in Chicago.
Especially, we set a special time on every Sunday evening
from 8 PM through 9 PM (Central Time) to pray for the coming
conference and the conference needs. I am glad to see and hear
that many people are joining our Prayer Line on Sunday. May
God continue to bless each and every one of you.
Those of who like to join our Prayer Line
in the coming weeks, please dial
(619) 326-2772 - Access Code 5534459#
Pastor Willy Abraham
Good Shepherd Fellowship, Chicago
It is a matter of great joy that AGIFNA 19th
National Conference is going to be held at Chicago
in July 2015. On behalf of Good Shepherd Fellowship, I would like to extend our best regards and
support for the success of this conference. I believe
it is going to be a great blessing on the basis of four
major facts:
Location: It is according to God’s plan and purpose
the conference is scheduled to be here in Chicago
this year. Chicago is a beautiful and a wonderful
City. Those who never came to Chicago should
come and experience the natural beauty and the
Leadership: It is an excellent team (National and
Local) that is formed under the leadership of Pastor
George K. Stephenson.
Honoring our
Senior Ministers
“Remember those who rule over you,
who have spoken the word of God to you,
whose faith follow, considering the
outcome of their conduct.” – Hebrews 13:7
Past History: In the history of Chicago all the
previous conferences including PCNAK, IPC, Sharon
and other get-together have been very successful.
Back-up Support: There is a sense of good and
efficient back up support from the local congregations
and the youths of Chicago.
Therefore, let us join our hearts and minds to pray
and to support this event. Let us pray that God may
reveal His glory through this conference that we may
be able to witness a great breakthrough and revival
in this land. I personally encourage everyone to stand
together for the cause of the Gospel, regardless of
denominational differences, considering this as an
opportunity to serve God together.
The flourishing growth of the Assemblies of God
Churches in North America that we see now has been
enabled by the tireless efforts of the servants of God
who dedicated their lives for the expansion of God’s
Kingdom. As we thank God for His goodness upon
our fellowship over the past decades, it is important
that we honor those ministers who have given their
lives, finances, and energy to build our fellowship.
As part of the Centennial celebrations of the
establishment of the Assemblies of God movement,
we are planning to honor our senior ministers who
have served the Lord in North Americaat our
upcoming 19thAGIFNA Conference in Chicago from
July 16-19, 2015. Few guidelines have been set up
for this special recognition as follows:
The minister should have faithfully served
the Lord for at least 35 years in any capacity in India
or North America.
The minister must have good testimony
among men and our Lord.
The ministers who are selected for this special
recognition will be honored by Reverend L. Alton
Garrison, the Assistant Superintendent of the
Assemblies of God, along with other servants of God.
Ministers may submit a brief introduction (maximum
10 sentences) to the National Representatives of the
AGIFNA Conference or email it to agifna2015 before May 31, 2015.
If you need more information or
further details, please contact Mr.
John C. Rajan at johncrajan@ or 914-826-5209.
The Westin Lombard York Town Center
Year/ Venue
1995-New York
Rev.Kunjumon Daniel
Rev.Wilson Jose
Rev.Baby Daneil
1997-New York
Rev.Kunjumon Daniel
Rev.Wilson Jose
Benny Cherian
Rev.Rajan K.George
1999-New York
Stanley George
Thomas Varghese
James George
Rev.Wilson Jose
Thompson Pallil
Joseph K.Rajan
Thomas Varghese
Rev.Kurien Samuel
Rev.Manual Johnson
Jacob C.Kochummen
Thompson Pallil
2002-Dallas, TX
Rev.Jaocb Vargehse
Rev.Daneil Koshy
Jacob C.Kochummen
Binu Mathew
Koshy Zachariah
2003-New Jersey
Rev.Baby Daniel
James George
Johnson David
George Abraham
2004-New York
Rev.Wilson Jose
Rev.George V.Thomas
Joseph K.Rajan
Santhosh Abraham
John Samuel
Rec.Kurien Samuel
Thompson Pallil
Geroge Abraham
Santhosh maccadon
2006-New York
Rev.George P.Chacko
Rev.John Thomas
Saji George
Joemon Geevargehse
Mathew T.Sam
Rev.Kunjumon Daniel
Rev.Rajan Philip
Thompson Pallil
Joemon Geevarghese
Binu Mathew
Rev.Daneil Koshy
Rev.John Thomas
Thomas Varghese
Alwin Jacob
Santhosh Abraham
Rev.George V.Thomas
Rev.Roy Cherian
Mathew T.Sam
Jacob C.Kochummen
Rev.Roy Cherian
Rev.Liju Pannicker
Thompson Pallil
Shaji John
James George
2011-New York
Rev.Rajan Philp
Rev.George K.Stephenson
John Samuel
Binu Mathew
Kochummen Varghese
Rev.Jacob George
Rev.George K.Stephenson
Biju Daneil
Rev.Sajan George
Cherian Varghese
2013-New York
Rev.George P.Chacko
Rev.Thomas Abraham
Joemon Geevarghese
Rev.George Thomas
George T.Chacko
George Abraham
Mathew Thomas
Rev.George K.Stephenson Rev.Kurian Samuel
Philip Daniel
George Mathai
Sabu Yohannan
Ashish Jacob
National Youth Coordinator
As the days are nearing for
the big event, we are excited
and equally encouraged to host
the AGIFNA 2015 conference
in Chicago in the month of
July. The preparations are
already started and we believe
that God is going to do greater
things through our young
people in the coming days and
this conference will be a spark
in the lives of many.
A group of young men and
women are tirelessly working
behind the scenes to make this
conference a great success. Their
passion and commitment for this
is really appreciated as all of
them share the same vision and
commitment to glorify the Lord.
In this conference you will
have a life changing experience,
as we are committed to bring
truly anointed servants of God to
minister through word and
worship and also this conference
will witness a very different
pattern of events for the small
kids to young adults.
We are preparing a theme
based VBS for the young kids
this year for 3 days which will
be a totally different spiritual
experience for the small kids and
the team is all set for that.
Our worship and sports
coordinators are working to
make this year’s conference a
great success.
This year we will be having
separate sessions for married
couples and to be married people
one -to -one interaction with
I want to once again
welcome you to the city of
Chicago in the month of July
for truly a life changing four
days of spiritual experience.
Please connect with us through
Facebook, twitter and other
medias for more updates in the
coming days. Pray, Plan and
prepare ahead of time. Come
and be blessed.
Let’s glorify the name of
the Lord together.
Kevin Joseph
2015 AGIFNA Sports Coordinator
It is my privilege to serve
as the Sports Coordinator for
the 19 th annual AGIFNA
conference in my hometown of
Chicago, IL. I look forward to
this challenging responsibility,
but will eagerly embrace this
opportunity and look forward
to meeting the expectations set
forth by the standards of this
For this years tournaments
we are looking forward to
having men’s basketball, co-ed
volleyball, and for the first time teams that register, we will wait
men’s soccer. We have already to decide on the most feasible
booked the venue for the
tournament and the location will
be approximately 20 minutes
away from the conference center.
Schaumburg Park District:
Sport Center
1141 West Irving Park Road,
Schaumburg, IL 60193
The tournament and game
formats have not been posted.
Since there is usually a
fluctuation with the amount of
format once registration is near
I encourage you to visit this
site frequently for any updates
that become available. If you
have any questions or concerns,
I may be reached via email at I
will respond to emails in a timely
Keeping with that spirit and
for God’s continued blessings
upon this conference, please
support us in prayer and
financially as we look to serve
the Lord the best way we can.
We should all strive towards the
motto for our conference: “Let
the same mind be in you that
was in Christ Jesus.” We’ll see
you soon.
AGIFNA National Conference is moving forward with new vision every year. Our goal is to provide
sound, biblical teaching and fellowship in an age of compromise and confusions. This conference
offers unique opportunities to fellowship with your fellow believers from around the country. We
offer separate meetings for ministries, men, women and children, combined family service, praise &
worship by talented singers, various sports activities for our youths and evenings filled with topnotch energizing Christian speakers.
If you are thinking about attending (and we know you are), you can use this site for up-to-date
information about registration, speakers, sessions, lowest airfare from your cities and other important information. Please check back often as early bird special rate ends on April 30th and you will
have access to the discounted hotel rooms and early registration feed.
Local Committe Members
Printed, and Published by AGIFINA, Chicago Conference, Editor : Philip Daniel, Newyork Typesetting : Art Windows, Perumbavoor Ph: 9446139597.