Ninjas Mini Puzzle Unit
Ninjas Mini Puzzle Unit
Ninjas Mini Puzzle Unit By: Annette @ In All You Do 2015© Thank you for visiting In All You Do and finding a resource you’d like to use! Please feel free to use these files for your own personal use or for your own classroom. I provide them free of charge to bless others, so please do not spread them around the internet or host them on any sites – including but not limited to your own blog, Facebook and Google+. If you want to share, you may share these forms with others by sharing a link to my blog or the direct blog post. Please do not share just the PDF files (the link you are at now). It is my prayer that others are blessed through my blog and any files I share!!! I would love to know if you’ve used these files and if you enjoyed them. Send emails to with your post link ,if you blog, or pictures of the resource being used. I would love to feature you on my blog so others can see the resource in action! Clip art in this pack was purchased and downloaded from the Dorky Prints. I do not own any images, nor claim any right to them. However, all writing, puzzles and ideas in my printables are original, which are copyrighted. No portion of these printables may be copied or distrubuted for use other than personal or classroom. **If you ever notice a typo, please let me know, a few slip by me now and then and I certainly want to fix them! Blessings, Annette Ninja Terminology chunin - an average ninja with some experience fukiya - poison dart blowgun jonin - a high ranking ninja with much experience kaginawa - a grappling hook and rope used to climb more efficiently kasarigama -A sythe with a ball and chain attached to it. kunai - A small knife used in hand-to-hand combat and for throwing. metsubishi - The "eye closer"; a hollowed out egg filled with sand, sawdust and broken glass is flung at an enemy's face. ninja - a covert agent or mercenary in feudal Japan ninjato - A short sward used primarily by ninjas. ninjutsu - The art of the ninja. It includes stealth, acrobatics, fighting and specialized weapons training. shinobi - Another name for the ninjas meaning "steelers in." shonobi shozoku - the black outfit worn by most ninja Shuriken - A small star shaped bladed throwing weapon sometimes dipped in poison. Tetsubishi - Spikes designed to be thrown on the floor so one spike always points up. They are used to slow persuers. Definitions found on ©2015 Ninjas Word Search Kindergarten + Words can be found forwards, up, down and diagonal. E C C P E W A N J N I D R P C K U N A I I N S B P T E N S H I N O B I X I G O M M F J J Q T B J A X T E O U A A S I E L V Q C W T K F T X C N P J E H S H I J O N I N Y Y L U J U Y T H S S S E K T N E S A E S F C C E O B I P S Q C M T L S R E F N N I C D R L A O E Word Bank ninja chunin shinobi ninjutsu ninjato kunai fukiya jonin 2015 © Z G L P E W P D N Y S P Ninjas Word Search Words can be found forwards, backwards, up, down and diagonal. E H N L T T V K R V I I R R M Y U E N S H Q V L R F W X S K G F X N N E M N I N J A D E O C A J U I L T E O S B O N I D T P M B R E E N O F U K I Y A N A S A Q E S N P I E M I N I N M J R G E E G O Z A C P E A H U P N E I I T K M H R I E S C S K I I M R A E M A P J S H U R I K E N C A U O I E G O I H R I B O N I H S S U H Q N I H S I B U S T E T A T G A S H I N O B I S H O Z O K U J O N I N O A E I T L P I E Q J F A S F S G K W A E C H U N I N I N E I E S Q B A M G A M O V I X E Z R B T S E M S F D O E C N Word Bank ninja chunin shinobi ninjutsu ninjato kunai fukiya jonin kaginawa Shuriken kasarigama Tetsubishi metsubishi shinobi shozoku 2015 © Ninjas Word Scramble Puzzle Kindergarten - 1st Unscramble the following words. Scramble Answer 1 yfakiu 2 inhcun 3 intsuunj 4 snhoiib 5 njnoi 6 tonnija 7 akinu 8 nnjia WORD BANK ninja chunin shinobi ninjutsu ninjato kunai fukiya jonin 2015 © Ninjas Word Scramble Puzzle Unscramble the following words. Scramble Answer 1 anaikwag 2 otnjnia WORD BANK 3 iuyfak ninja chunin 4 jnina 5 asakagiram ninjutsu 6 utninsju ninjato 7 reunhSik fukiya 8 eisihtsbum jonin 9 nisobih 10 cnuhni kasarigama 11 akuin Tetsubishi 12 osbsoio nikuzhh 13 oinnj 14 bTsuisihet shinobi kunai kaginawa metsubishi Shuriken shinobi shozoku 2015 © Ninjas Crossword Puzzle (Kindergarten+) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Across 1. small knife used in hand-to-hand combat 4. art of the ninja 5. high ranking ninja with much experience 6. poison dart blowgun 7. another name for ninja Word Bank ninja chunin shinobi ninjutsu ninjato Down 2. covert agent 3. average ninja with some experience 4. a short sward used primarily by ninjas 2014 © kunai fukiya jonin Ninjas Crossword Puzzle 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Across 1. the art of the ninja 5. spikes designed to be thrown on the floor to slow persuers 6. a sythe with a ball and chain attached to it 7. poison dart blowgun 8. short sward used primarily by ninjas 9. another name for the ninjas, meaning "steelers in" 11. black outfit worn by most ninja 12. covert agent in feudal Japan 13. small knife used in hand-to-hand combat for throwing Down 2. high ranking ninja with much experience 3. small star-shaped bladed throwing weapon 4. the "eye closer" 6. a grappling hook and rope used to climb more efficiently 10. average ninja with some experience 2014 © Word Bank ninja chunin shinobi ninjutsu ninjato kunai fukiya jonin kaginawa metsubishi kasarigama Tetsubishi Shuriken shinobi shozoku How many words can you make from NINJATO __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ 2015 © How many words can you make from sHINOBI __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ 2015 © How many words can you make from KASARIGAMA _________________ _________________ ________________ _________________ _________________ ________________ _________________ _________________ ________________ _________________ _________________ ________________ _________________ _________________ ________________ _________________ _________________ ________________ _________________ _________________ ________________ _________________ _________________ ________________ _________________ _________________ ________________ _________________ _________________ ________________ _________________ _________________ ________________ _________________ _________________ ________________ _________________ _________________ ________________ _________________ _________________ ________________ _________________ _________________ ________________ 2015 © How many words can you make from sHINOBI SHOZOKU _________________ _________________ ________________ _________________ _________________ ________________ _________________ _________________ ________________ _________________ _________________ ________________ _________________ _________________ ________________ _________________ _________________ ________________ _________________ _________________ ________________ _________________ _________________ ________________ _________________ _________________ ________________ _________________ _________________ ________________ _________________ _________________ ________________ _________________ _________________ ________________ _________________ _________________ ________________ _________________ _________________ ________________ _________________ _________________ ________________ 2015 © Ninjas Simple Sudoku Puzzles Complete the puzzles by placing only one of each picture in each colomn/row. 2015 © Ninjas Simple Sudoku Puzzles Complete the puzzles by placing only one of each picture in each colomn/row. 2015 © Ninjas Simple Sudoku Puzzles Complete the puzzles by placing only one of each picture in each colomn/row. 2015 © Ninjas Simple Sudoku Puzzles Complete the puzzles by placing only one of each picture in each colomn/row. 2015 © Ninjas Simple Sudoku Puzzles Complete the puzzles by placing only one of each picture in each colomn/row. 2015 © Ninjas Simple Sudoku Puzzles Complete the puzzles by placing only one of each picture in each colomn/row. 2015 © 2015 © 2015 © Matching Can you match the word to the correct picture? kunai Shuriken Side kick Ninja Fighting Sticks 2015 © Matching Can you match the word to the correct picture? Ninja Fighting sticks kunai Shuriken Front Kick 2015 © Ninjas Matching Tiles Cut apart the pictures on the following pages to play a simple and fun game of matching. Print on cardstock for more durability. Laminate them for longevity. Have fun and ENJOY!! 2015 © 2015 © 2015 © 2015 © 2015 © Ninjas Word Scramble Answers Kindergarten - 1st Unscramble the following words. Scramble Answer 1 yfakiu fukiya 2 inhcun chunin 3 intsuunj ninjutsu 4 snhoiib shinobi 5 njnoi jonin 6 tonnija ninjato 7 akinu kunai 8 nnjia ninja WORD BANK ninja chunin shinobi ninjutsu ninjato kunai fukiya jonin 2015 © Ninjas Word Scramble Answers Unscramble the following words. Scramble Answer 1 anaikwag kaginawa 2 otnjnia ninjato WORD BANK 3 iuyfak fukiya ninja chunin 4 jnina ninja 5 asakagiram kasarigama ninjutsu 6 utninsju ninjutsu ninjato 7 reunhSik Shuriken fukiya 8 eisihtsbum metsubishi jonin 9 nisobih shinobi 10 cnuhni chunin kasarigama 11 akuin kunai Tetsubishi 12 osbsoio nikuzhh shinobi shozoku 13 oinnj jonin 14 bTsuisihet Tetsubishi 2015 © shinobi kunai kaginawa metsubishi Shuriken shinobi shozoku Ninjas Crossword Answers (Kindergarten+) 1 4 5 6 F 7 U K I Y S H I N N I N J A T O K U I N O N B I 2 Across 1. small knife used in hand-to-hand combat 4. art of the ninja 5. high ranking ninja with much experience 6. poison dart blowgun 7. another name for ninja N I N J A A I N I 3 U T Word Bank ninja chunin shinobi ninjutsu ninjato Down 2. covert agent 3. average ninja with some experience 4. a short sward used primarily by ninjas 2014 © S kunai fukiya jonin C H U N I N Ninjas Crossword Answers 1 N I N 4 6 7 F U Y 9 S H I N 12 N I 13 I K O B N J K U N K A G I N A W A M 5 T E T T A S A U B I 11 S H H I I S U B I S H R I G A M A 2 J U O N I N 3 S U H U R I K E 8 N I N J C H O U N I N T A T O 10 I N O B I S Across 1. the art of the ninja 5. spikes designed to be thrown on the floor to slow persuers 6. a sythe with a ball and chain attached to it 7. poison dart blowgun 8. short sward used primarily by ninjas 9. another name for the ninjas, meaning "steelers in" 11. black outfit worn by most ninja 12. covert agent in feudal Japan 13. small knife used in hand-to-hand combat for throwing Down 2. high ranking ninja with much experience 3. small star-shaped bladed throwing weapon 4. the "eye closer" 6. a grappling hook and rope used to climb more efficiently 10. average ninja with some experience 2014 © Z O K U Word Bank ninja chunin shinobi ninjutsu ninjato kunai fukiya jonin kaginawa metsubishi kasarigama Tetsubishi Shuriken shinobi shozoku