Untitled - City of Victoria, TX
Untitled - City of Victoria, TX
BUILDING AND STANDARDS COMMISSION BUILDING AND STANDARD COMMISSION MEETING 700 MAIN CENTER Suite 205 (CONFERENCE ROOM UPSTAIRS) Thursday, February 4, 2016 5:30 p.m. MEMBERS PRESENT: MEMBERS ABSENT: Sherri Strickland Bobbye Thomas Nick Hinojosa Eric Mercer Harold Cade Rawley McCoy, Chairman Victor Marshall A: STAFF PRESENT: Grace Garcia, CEO Supervisor Juan Garcia, CEO Steven Solis, CEO Isaac Solis, CEO Thomas Gwosdz, City Attorney Allison Marek, Assistant City Attorney Rick Madrid, Building Official Dora Gomez, Development Specialist Denyce Beyer, Administrative Assistant CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order at 5:30 p.m. B: APPROVAL OF MINUTES FROM PREVIOUS MEETING: The minutes of the October 22, 2016 meeting were approved as delivered. Chairperson Rawley McCoy was not present at the meeting so Sherri Strickland presided over the meeting. She asked if there was any information from the staff before the meeting starts. Grace Garcia stated the next BSC Meeting is July 21, 2016. C: DISPOSITION OF THE FOLLOWING CASES: 1. 511 S MOODY BILLY OLIVER, PLATINUM HOME INVESTMENTS, LLC Grace Garcia stated on November 6, 2015 Code Enforcement conducted an inspection of this structure at the request of Building Official Rick Madrid. We observed some holes on exterior walls and portions of brittle stucco. We were unable to enter the interior of the structure. Ms. Garcia noted that on on December 12, 2015 Code Enforcement received the Inspection worksheet from Bldg Official Rick Madrid, containing the following inspection notes: • • 9/30/14 the building was proposed to be used as a Storage/Office bldg. Building Official Rick Madrid met with owner Billy Oliver and discussed the condition of the bldg. It was explained to Mr. Oliver that the he would need to repair the exterior walls because they show deterioration thru the studs and the wall crumbles with hand pressure. Mr. Oliver was instructed by the Building Official to expose exterior walls 2-3ft high to determine repairs. Also noted were roof leaks at the building juncture. A six month timeline was given to accomplish repairs. Since that meeting all attempts to Contact the owner have failed and no progress has been made. January 14, 2016, Code Enforcement arrived on site and posted the Public Hearing Notice and Red tag notice on site. The structure has been painted and has signs of being occupied. Advertising signs for ABCO Roofing & Construction are posted on the building and the structure was painted. The Findings of Facts are # 2,4,5,6, and 9. Ms. Garcia stated that Code Enforcement recommends the structure be declared unsafe and for the Commission issue an order to repair the structure as previously outlined by the Building Official. a) Public Hearing to Determine if Structure is Unsafe Ms. Strickland opened the Public Hearing. Billy Oliver, 1515 Martin Luther King, Beaumont, Texas, 77701, stated when he purchased the property it had been vacant for several years. He stated that he came and spoke with Mr. Madrid. Mr. Madrid stated the water and sewer could not be hooked up until we got a permit to do repairs. He stated he did what Mr. Madrid requested him to do. Mr. Oliver stated that he wants to remodel the building. He stated it is not going to fall down and it does not leak anywhere. The building is secure where you cannot get into it. He stated Mr. Madrid stated they would hook the water up if the electrical inspection was okay. The electrical was inspected and it did pass. He then noted that was then able to get water and electrical hooked-up. He stated that he does store supplies in the building. Mr. Oliver stated he does want to remodel the front of the building. He reported that the Fire Marshall came out before he was able to open and was told he had to repair a few things. He stated he had to put a fire extinguisher in the building and had to put locks on the doors. He stated his plans are to repair the building. He stated he then pulled permits to put signs on his business. He stated he would like to buy the property on the side of the building and behind it. Ms. Strickland asked Mr. Oliver if he disagreed with what the City’s findings were. He stated he disagreed if they said the building was dangerous. He stated there is no water getting into that building. Mr. Madrid stated when the inspection was done there was obvious signs of a roof leak. He stated all that should have been taken care of during repairs on the inside of the building. Mr. Oliver stated the building does have some problems. He stated the foundation is good. Mr. Madrid stated the problem with the structure is the things that have not been done. He stated that is to repair what Mr. Oliver said he was going to repair. Mr. Madrid stated there are cracks on all of the walls. Mr. Oliver needs to find out why the walls are cracking, repair them and then put the stucco over the cracks. He stated Mr. Oliver was given some time lines and the City was allowing him to occupy the building and to hang signs. Mr. Madrid stated Mr. Oliver was supposed to come and talk to him to find out how to repair those walls. Mr. Madrid stated what is wrong with the foundation in the walls is that at the bottom sill is completely rotten and usually the studs are rotten about 6 or 8 inches up. Mr. Madrid stated he could rip the studs out with his hand. Mr. Madrid stated the building is in a deteriorated condition, it does not meet code and it needs to be repaired or it will just get worse. He stated the building is just band-aided and it will just get back to where it was before because we are not addressing the structural part of it. He stated we need to get into it and expose from 18 inches to 2 foot and found out how we need to repair all of that so the walls will quit deteriorating so the structure can be repaired. Mr. Mercer stated our job is to determine if the building is safe or not. Mr. Madrid stated if the building meets certain criteria it can be considered unsafe. He stated it is in deteriorated shape and it is an eyesore and he stated later on it will be in front of this board. Thomas Gwosdz, City Attorney stated the first determination this board has to make it whether the building is safe or not. He stated you use the Staff’s recommendation and their findings in order to make that determination. He stated what we appear to have here today is a factual dispute between the property owner and staff as to whether or not the building is unsafe. He stated that Mr. Oliver needs to look at the findings of facts that have been made and then the committee needs to make a decision as to whether or not you agree with the findings of the facts and if the building is safe or unsafe. Mr. Oliver stated his intention here is he wants to repair the building. He stated he wants to do everything possible to make the building safe. He stated he wanted to work with the City and noted he wanted to remodel the building. Mr. Madrid stated the work is not getting done. He stated that the building is unsafe. He stated if the bottom seals are gone, that is what anchors the building down and the building is in the flood zone. Mr. Madrid stated that the structure needs to be repaired. Mr. Mercer asked Mr. Madrid what he would like this committee to do. Mr. Madrid stated he would like some timelines that Mr. Oliver needs to follow. Ms. Strickland closed the public hearing. b) Public Hearing to Determine if Structure is Unsafe Mr. Mercer made a motion that the building is unsafe. Mr. Hinojosa seconded the motion. Motion carried. Mr. Mercer made a motion that the building is less than 50% damage. Mr. Hinojosa seconded the motion. Motion carried. c) Consideration of Orders to Issue Mr. Cade made a motion that the owner start repairs within 90 days and submit a detailed plan to the Development Center and obtain a permit. If the repairs are not completed in 90 days the owner must return to the next Building and Standards Meeting (July 21, 2016). Mr. Mercer seconded the motion. Motion carried. 2. 703 FORREST (705) GEORGE VELASQUEZ ETUX, ROSIE YBARRA VELASQUEZ, INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE, ATTORNEY GENERAL, EXCALIBUR II LLC Mr. Solis stated that on October 30, 2015 Code Enforcement observed the deteriorated roof in need of complete replacement. Deteriorated rafters are especially visible on the side of the home including the interior ceilings which are also water damaged due to lack of roof covering. Holes in the roof has caused weather damage to the fascia and there are also broken and unsecured windows. Mr. Solis noted on December 12, 2015 we received an office visit from the property owner, Mr. Velasquez. He stated that Contractor Jose Leal would be going by to look at the structure to give an estimate for the repairs. Mr. Solis stated on January 15, 2016 we received another office visit from the property owner Mr. Velasquez. He was inquiring if there is anything he can do on this structure to avoid it from being torn down. Mr. Velasquez was provided a Building and Standard Commission, (BSC) Detailed Plan packet to fill out for all the repairs that need to be performed to the structure. It was explained to Mr. Velasquez that the envelope of the structure needs to be repaired/secured from all elements and then the inside can be repaired as long as proper permits are obtained. It was also explained that if he needs more than 90 days to repair the structure, he must provide a detailed plan to the board members. Mr. Solis stated today at 10:09 a.m., we observed all windows had been boarded and secured. No progress on the repairs to the roof or structure. Yesterday, on February 3, 2016, the property owner pulled a permit for repairs. Code Enforcement recommends the structure be declared unsafe and for the Commission to issue an order to demolish. The Findings of the Facts are #1,2,5,7,9, and 10. (a) Public Hearing to Determine if Structure is Unsafe Ms. Strickland opened the public hearing. George Velasquez, 708 E Church, stated he took pictures yesterday and then presented a plan to the committee. He stated he plans to remodel the structure. He stated no one can get into the structure and the floor is still good. He stated he is going to put on a new metal roof. He also noted he had his permits and license to start repair. Ms. Strickland then closed the public hearing. Mr. Gwosdz stated you can table this and take it up at the next meeting to see if there is any progress on the structure. He stated he would encourage the committee asked the Code Enforcement Staff about that and if they think the building is likely to endure the spring. He stated if the staff thinks it is in an unsafe condition, then you may want to take action now. Ms. Strickland stated she thinks the owner has a great plan. She stated if the owner follows his plan she feels it would be fine. (b) Consideration of Orders to Issue Mr. Mercer made a motion that the structure is unsafe. Mr. Cade seconded the motion. AYES: Thomas, Mercer, Cade NAYES: Hinojosa Mr. Mercer made a motion that the structure is less than 50% damaged. Mr. Cade seconded the motion. Motion carried. Mr. Mercer made a motion that the owner follow the time frame of the detailed plan for repairs that was submitted. The owner must communicate with Development Services on the progress of repairs. Mr. Cade seconded the motion. Motion carried. 3. 1605 GOODWIN NCS PROPERTIES INC, VOLUNTEERS OF VICTORIA INC (FKA MILLENNIUM HOUSING, INC), BAYVIEW LOAN SERVICING LLC Mr. Briones stated that on July 23, 2015 this structure was presented for a second time to the Building and Standards Commission, (BSC). The Board declared the structure unsafe and less than 50% damaged. The Board issued an order for the owner to meet with the City Building Official and the Assistant Director of Development Services to define the scope of the existing permit and identify all the substandard and unsafe issues of the building within 10 days. The owner was to also obtain a list of all repairs needed for the structure to meet code. Once the owner obtained the list from the City, the Order also required for a signed copy of the scope and timeline be submitted to the board, along with a status update at the next meeting. On August 4, 2015 Assistant Director Julie Fulgham and Building Official Rick Madrid met with Property Owner Noel Smith. Mr. Smith was presented a City of Victoria hand out for repairs of dilapidated structures. Also discussed were the repairs to the numerous dilapidated housing conditions. On October 22, 2015 this structure was presented for a third time to the Building and Standards Commission. The Board accepted Staff recommendation of the structure to be declared unsafe and for the Commission to issue an order to continue to repair and return to the next BSC Meeting. On January 14, 2016 Code Enforcement observed repairs to wash rooms and siding had been completed, but there has been no progress in repairing the roof. Mr. Briones stated that the Findings of the Facts are #2,5,7, and 10. Mr. Briones stated that Building Official Rick Madrid met with the property owner’s wife. He stated that the siding, windows and exterior have all been approved. The wash rooms, roof areas that need repair, decking and entire replace of roof covering the structure is required. Mr. Briones stated that Code Enforcement recommends the structure be declared unsafe and for the Commission to issue an order to continue repairs. (a) Public Hearing to Determine if Structure is Unsafe Ms. Strickland opened the Public Hearing. Cindy Smith, 417 Stehle Road, Victoria, Texas, stated that she pulled the permit a week ago to start with the wash room roof and then the other roof. Ms. Strickland asked the property owner if they have ever submitted a plan. She stated her husband typed one out he was going to do last year. The owner stated that they were going to do the windows and siding first before they did any of the other repairs. Ms. Garcia stated everything has been approved but the roof. Ms. Thomas asked Ms. Garcia when the first time was Mr. Smith came before the board. Ms. Garcia stated April 23, 2015. in July. Mr. Mercer asked how long they would need to complete the entire roof. Ms. Smith stated by the meeting There being no more comments, Ms. Strickland closed the public hearing. (b) Consideration of Orders to Issue carried. Mr. Mercer made a motion that the building is still unsafe. Ms. Thomas seconded the motion. Motion Mr. Mercer made a motion that the building is damaged less than 50%. motion. Motion carried. Mr. Hinojosa seconded the Mr. Mercer made a motion that the roof repairs need to be completed up to City Code by next Building and Standards Meeting (July 21, 2016). If not completed by then, the building will need to be vacated until proper repairs can be made. Ms. Thomas seconded the motion. Motion carried. 4. 1602 ALVIN MATTIE TODD c/o MEL M ALLEN, MARGIE GIRDY, JOHNNY MAC TODD Steven Solis stated on June 4, 2015 Code Enforcement observed yellow caution tape around the structure. Smoke and fire damage was visible to the front siding of home directly under the fascia of the roof. We walked around to the back side of the home facing S Laurent and observed heavy fire damaged. We determined this was the possible point of origin of fire. All windows and doors have been secured. On May 5, 2015, we received the Fire report, the following are excerpts from the report: • • • • Victoria Fire Department arrived to find a single story, single family dwelling with fire and smoke at the rear of the building. The fire created its own vent hole in the rear of the structure. The dining room is listed as the area of fire origin. Heat source, item first ignited, type of material first ignited, and factor contributing to ignition are all listed as undetermined. As of January 14, 2016 there has been no progress. Mr. Solis stated the Findings of Facts are # 1,2,5,7,8,9, and 10. Mr. Solis stated that Code Enforcement recommends the structure be declared unsafe and for the Commission to issue an order to demolish. (a) Public Hearing to Determine if Structure is Unsafe closed. Ms. Strickland opened the Public Hearing. No one was present to speak, the public hearing was then (b) Consideration of Orders to Issue Ms. Thomas made a motion that the structure is unsafe. Mr. Cade seconded the motion. Motion carried. Mr. Mercer made a motion that the structure is more than 50% damaged. Mr. Hinojosa seconded the motion. Motion carried. The structure will be demolished. 5. 203 MARVELLE (INCLUCING ACCESSORIES) ARABELA CEDILLO, AREBELA S CEDILLO, LVNV FUNDING LLC, AMANDA AGUIRRE (a) Public Hearing to Determine if Structure is Unsafe (b) Consideration of Orders to Issue Grace Garcia stated on November 16, 2015, Code Enforcement observed deteriorated front paneling on the home. The foundation had signs of shifting and there was damage on the roof at the rear and south side of the home. The exterior envelope of the structure needed repair where the siding, window trims, porches, sills, and girder (beam) are deteriorated and possibly termite infested. There are accessory structures on site which also have foundation, roof, and siding deterioration. Due to legal issues listed below, the structure has not been repaired and the property is not being maintained. • • • • • May 24th 2014 - Code Enforcement presented this structure before the Building and Standard Commission, (BSC). The appraised value of this property in 2014 was $17, 670 (Homesite Value); $980 (Land)=$18,650; but the current value is now assessed at $40,530 (Homesite Value); $980 (Land)=$41,510. The building was declared unsafe and an order was issued to Secure and obtain proper permits within fourteen (14) calendar days (August 7, 2014). The structure was secured within fourteen days but no permits obtained. The property owner's granddaughter, Lisa Rodriguez, was present at the meeting and informed she retained a lawyer to have the title switched into her and her husband's name and would then began repairs. August 8, 2014, Code Enforcement received a call from Mr. Rodriguez informing there is another heir (cousin), and he is refusing to sign the property transfer The Findings of the Facts are: #1,4,5,6,7,9, and 10. Ms. Garcia stated that Code Enforcement recommends the structure be declared unsafe and the Commission issue an order to demolish including the accessory structure. (a) Public Hearing to Determine if Structure is Unsafe Ms. Strickland opened the Public Hearing. No one was present to speak. Ms. Strickland closed the Public Hearing. (b) Consideration of Orders to Issue carried. Mr. Mercer made a motion that the structure was unsafe. Ms. Thomas seconded the motion. Motion Mr. Mercer made a motion that the structure was more than 50% damaged. Ms. Thomas seconded the motion. Motion carried. The structure will be demolished. 6. 2402 BRAZOS (ACCESSORY ONLY) KEVIN R GRAHMANN, KEVIN GRAHMANN, CPL EASEMENT, HOUSTON PIPE LINE COMP, Mr. Briones stated on March 26, 2015 Code Enforcement observed an accessory structure in the back yard with no roof covering and rotting beams and joists. On January 5, 2016 Code Enforcement received a phone call from property owner Kevin Grahmann and Mr. Grahmann stated he would have the accessory structure demolished. As of January 15, 2016 there has been no progress. The Findings of Facts # 1,2,4,6,7,8, 9, and 10. Mr. Briones stated that Code Enforcement recommends the accessory structure be declared unsafe and for the Commission to issue an order to demolish. (a) Public Hearing to Determine if Structure is Unsafe Ms. Strickland opened the Public Hearing. No one was present to speak. The Public Hearing was closed. (b) Consideration of Orders to Issue carried. Mr. Mercer made a motion to declare the building unsafe. Mr. Hinojosa seconded the motion. Motion Mr. Hinojosa made a motion that the structure was more than 50% damaged. Mr. Mercer seconded the motion. Motion carried. The structure will be demolished. 7. 1805 POLK MICHAEL G RIVERA, NOELIA ANDRADE Steven Solis stated that on October 15, 2016, Code Enforcement observed that the structure had major fire damage. The fire damage appeared to be more than 50% of the interior of the home. The roof of the garage was severely damaged and the structure was unsecured. On December 3, 2015, Code Enforcement observed all but the roof, which is covered by a tarp, had been secured. A permit was posted on the window for remodel and repair which expired October 24, 2016. On January 14, 2016, there had not been any repairs to the structure. Mr. Solis stated that today at 1:31 pm they went to the property and observed the property owner working on roof repairs on the northwest side where it had fire damage. The front door was fully secured and able to lock; windows that were broken out were replaced and are able to close and are secured. The roof repairs are temporary just to secure and will take off and repair it properly. Steven Solis stated the property owner stated they will start working on the inside repairs first and work their way out when ready to complete. The property owner obtained a contractor license to soda blast the smoke damage frame. All doors are fully secured. Code Enforcement recommends the structure be declared unsafe and for the Commission to issue an order to continue repairs for the duration of the permit. The Findings of the Facts are: #1,2,5,7,8,9, and 10. (a) Public Hearing to Determine if Structure is Unsafe Mr. Michael Rivera, 1807 E Polk, stated that the fire started in October 3, 2015. He stated that there were tenants there at the time and the Fire Marshal found a bad cord. He stated what is slowing the process down is that he could not get insurance on the house. He stated he did get liability on the home. He stated he spent two months just cleaning the house. He stated he found a company that soda blasts. He stated it neutralizes the smell plus it takes the soot off of the wood. It then exposes the wood that is good. Ms. Strickland asked Mr. Rivera if he had a plan. He stated he does not have a list to hand out, but he does have a plan. He then presented his plan to the committee. Mr. Mercer asked Mr. Rivera if he could finish the home before the permit ends in October. He stated he could do the wiring and get it sheet rocked up, but did not know if he would be completed with the fixtures. Mr. Mercer stated as long as the outside of the structure is secure and the building is safe that is the concern of the committee. Mr. Solis stated the reason the structure is unsafe is because of the temporary repair on the roof. Mr. Solis stated everything else is secured. Mr. Mercer asked Mr. Madrid if the structure looked safe. Mr. Madrid stated yes. Ms. Strickland then closed the public hearing. (b) Consideration of Orders to Issue Mr. Mercer made a motion to declare the building safe and continue with the work. Mr. Hinojosa seconded the motion. Motion carried. 8. 5003 KINNEY (MOBILE HOME ONLY) CHARLES A & JOSEPHINE A MC CLAUGHERTY, CHARLES A MC CLAUGHERTY SR., JOSEPHINE A TAM MC CLAUGHERTY, MIDLAND FUNDING LLC, VICTORIA COUNTY TAX ASSESSOR, EASEMENTS: CPL The structure has been demolished. D: ITEMS FROM BUILDING AND STANDARDS COMMISSION - None E: ITEMS FROM STAFF Ms. Garcia introduced the new Assistant City Attorney, Allison Marek. F: ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 7:35 p.m. Approved:_____________________________________________ Sherri Strickland, Vice-Chairperson Approved:_____________________________________________ Jared Mayfield, Secretary Director of Development Services Agenda Item #: C-1 July 21, 2016 CASE: 1500879 ROBLES (ACROSS 3602 ROBLES) Legal Description: JEWETT LOT 49 BLOCK 4 PID #: 52037 Land Use: RESIDENTIAL Owner(s): GUADALUPE L & SAN JUANA F HERNANDEZ c/o JOSEPHINE H CANO Staff Contact: ISAAC SOLIS, CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFICER LOCATION MAP: Agenda Item #: C-1 Pg. 2 CASE HISTORY: On March 10, 2015 Code Enforcement observed the exterior of this structure has deteriorated siding, rafters, ceiling joists, and roof covering. A large portion of the roof has caved in and several pieces of deteriorated wood siding have fallen off. Staff was unable to view the interior of the structure due to the collapsed portions of the structure. On March 19, 2015 Code Enforcement received an office visit from the property owners daughter, Josephine H Cano. She stated that her father is in the hospital and the neighbor maintains the property because they use it. Mrs. Cano said that she was told there is program that might be able to help her with the demolition of the structure. We advised her to inquire with Darlah Simms in Development Services to see if the building would qualify for demolition through the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) program. Mrs. Cano returned to our office after speaking with Darlah and said that it would not qualify. We supplied a list of demo contractors and Mrs. Cano said that they would work on getting the structure demolished. On April 10, 2015 we were contacted by Contractor Clinton Hammonds that he was contacted by the property owner concerning the demolition and would keep us posted. On April 30, 2015 we received an additional office visit from Mrs. Josephine Cano that her father passed away and they are unsure what to do with this property. Mrs. Cano informed that she went to talk to the neighbors next door that had been helping themselves to her dad's lot the past 15 years. She said she told the neighbors they could continue using the lot, but with the stipulation that they knock the structure down and maintain it. The neighbor became verbally belligerent, so Mrs. Cano informed them that they needed to remove all of their stuff. She said that the contractors we gave her had not contacted her either. Mrs. Cano asked what would happen if they just let the property go. We explained to her that if we mow and demo the structure a bill would be assessed and if not paid in 60 days we would place a lien on the property. Mrs. Cano inquired about the city just taking the piece of land. We advised her to contact and consult with our Legal dept in regards to that. We also advised her to check with the Tax Office to see if maybe they could give it away to the County. Staff also explained to her that the legal owner of record is her mother, so they could even check into her mother gift deeding the property to the neighbor or to the County. As of June 29, 2016, There has no progress in the demolition of the structure. Findings of Facts # 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8, 9, and 10 to be signed by Chairman: • The building, structure or any part thereof is liable to partially or fully collapse. • The structure or any part thereof was constructed or maintained in violation of any provision of the City’s Building Code, or any other applicable ordinance or law of the city, state or federal government. • Any walls or other vertical structural members list, lean, or buckle to such extent that a plumb line passing through the center of gravity falls outside the middle third of its base. • The foundation or the vertical or horizontal supporting members are 25% or more damaged or deteriorated • The non supporting walls, ceilings, roofs, or floors are 50% or more damaged or deteriorated. • The structure has improperly distributed loads upon the structural members or they have insufficient strength to be reasonable safe for the purpose used • The structure or any part thereof has been damaged by fire, water earthquake, wind vandalism, or Agenda Item #: C-1 • • • Pg. 3 other cause to such an extent that it has become dangerous to the public health, safety and welfare. The structure or any part thereof has inadequate means of egress as required by the City's Building Code. The structure does not have adequate light, ventilation, or sanitation facilities as required by the City’s Building Code and Plumbing Code. The structure or any part thereof is a fire hazard, or is substandard, dilapidated, or otherwise unfit for human habitation, and is a hazard to the public health, safety and welfare CASE DETAILS: Taxes Owed: $48.34 Historic Value: None VCAD Value: $360 (LAND) $1,350 (HOMESITE VALUE) TOTAL: $1,710 STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Code Enforcement recommends the structure be declared unsafe and for the Commission to issue an order to demolish. PHOTOGRAPHS: Agenda Item #: C-1 Pg. 4 Agenda Item #: C-2 July 21, 2016 CASE: 1503677 1007 S EAST Legal Description: Land Use: VICTORIA, BLOCK 225, S 1/2 OF LOT 1, PID #: 63952 RESIDENTIAL Owner(s): JUAN & SABINA GONZALES Staff Contact: ISAAC SOLIS, CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFICER LOCATION MAP: Agenda Item #: C-2 Pg. 2 CASE HISTORY: On November 13, 2015 Code Enforcement observed the front door and door to the rear of the structure were unsecured. On the exterior, staff also observed deteriorating floor joists, rafters, and roof covering. The interior of the structure appeared to be in sound condition except for water spots on the ceiling from the deteriorated roof and there was some scattered debris and materials inside. On June 27, 2016, Code Enforcement received an office visit from Sabina Gonzales inquiring about the notices they received. She only speaks Spanish so Code Enforcement Supervisor Grace Garcia explained the notices, the BSC detailed plan form, and the importance of attending the BSC meeting. Mrs. Gonzales stated that they have secured the structure in all areas that were open, including siding; They plan to place a new roof on the structure in August. Their plans also include the remodel of the entire structure including: repair of the rotted floor joists around the foundation, windows, electric, plumbing, driveway, mechanical and cosmetic repair. Mrs. Gonzales stated that she was informed that the permits they would need to obtain would be $300. Mrs. Gonzales also requested info on Waste Management to inquire about renting a dumpster to place the debris from the re-roof. Waste Management information and their phone number was provided. As of June 29, 2016, there has not been any progress in repairing the structure. Findings of Facts # 1,2,6,7,8, 9, and 10 to be signed by Chairman: • The building, structure or any part thereof is liable to partially or fully collapse. • The structure or any part thereof was constructed or maintained in violation of any provision of the City’s Building Code, or any other applicable ordinance or law of the city, state or federal government. • The structure has improperly distributed loads upon the structural members or they have insufficient strength to be reasonable safe for the purpose used • The structure or any part thereof has been damaged by fire, water earthquake, wind vandalism, or other cause to such an extent that it has become dangerous to the public health, safety and welfare. • The structure or any part thereof has inadequate means of egress as required by the City's Building Code. • The structure does not have adequate light, ventilation, or sanitation facilities as required by the City’s Building Code and Plumbing Code. • The structure or any part thereof is a fire hazard, or is substandard, dilapidated, or otherwise unfit for human habitation, and is a hazard to the public health, safety and welfare CASE DETAILS: Taxes Owed: $0.00 Historic Value: None VCAD Value: $1,380 (LAND) $18,240 (HOMESITE VALUE) TOTAL: $19,620 Agenda Item #: C-2 Pg. 3 STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Code Enforcement recommends the structure be declared unsafe and for the Commission to issue an order to demolish. PHOTOGRAPHS: Agenda Item #: C-2 Pg. 4 Agenda Item #: C-3 July 21, 2016 CASE 1503654 511 S MOODY Legal Description: VICTORIA TIF 12500 E 1/2 OF S 1/2 OFLOT 1 BLOCK 63 1/2 PID #: 62828 Land Use: COMMERCIAL Owner(s): BILLY OLIVER Staff Contact: GRACE GARCIA, CODE ENFORCEMENT SUPERVISOR/RICK MADRID, BUILDING OFFICIAL LOCATION MAP: Agenda Item #: C-3 Pg. 2 CASE HISTORY: On February 4 2016, Code Enforcement presented a report to the Building and Standards Commission on this property, at the request of the Building Official, Rick Madrid. The Building Official presented his case comments to the board members, regarding the December 12, 2015 Inspection Report provided to Code Enforcement. The report stated that on September 30, 2014; the Building Official reported that the owner Mr. Oliver, proposed to use the structure as a Storage/Office building. The Building Official explained to Mr. Oliver that the exterior walls show deterioration through the studs and would need to be repaired because the wall crumbles with hand pressure. He was also instructed by the Building Official to expose exterior walls 2 to 3 feet high to determine the extent of repairs needed. Also noted on the report were roof leaks. A six month timeline was given to accomplish repairs, which have not been started. Mr. Oliver continues to occupy the structure and advertising signs for ABCO Roofing & Construction remain posted on the building. The order issued by the Commission gave the owner ninety (90) days to get started with repairs; which included the requirement to submit a detailed plan to Development Center, and obtain a permit; or return to the July 21, 2016 meeting if the owner did not comply with the order. The owner has not complied, and as of May 27, 2016, the Building Official reported that he met onsite with Mr. Oliver (owner) and, as suspected, the studs in the walls of the front stucco structure are rotted and need to be replaced. Mr. Oliver was also advised that an asbestos survey is required prior to any work performed on the wall(s). Mr. Oliver contacted Axis Demolition and received a quote for the asbestos inspection, but no additional progress has been made. On June 7, 2016, Code Enforcement observed that there is deterioration around the front window frames and door. Although the structure has been covered with stucco, the walls have extensive cracking; especially on the south side of structure. There is foundation or support issues that have caused large cracks on the south east corner of the building including to the edge of the roof, also on the south side. Findings of Facts # 2,4,5,6, and 9, to be signed by Chairman: • • • • • The structure or any part thereof was constructed or maintained in violation of any provision of the City’s Building Code, or any other applicable ordinance or law of the city, state or federal government. The foundation or the vertical or horizontal supporting members are 25% or more damaged or deteriorated. The non supporting covering of walls, ceilings, roofs, or floors are 50% or more damaged or deteriorated Has improperly distributed loads upon the structural members, or they have insufficient strength to be reasonably safe for the purpose used. The structure does not have adequate light, ventilation, or sanitation facilities as required by the City’s Building Code and Plumbing Code. Agenda Item #: C-3 Pg. 3 CASE DETAILS: Taxes Owed: $0 Historic Value: None VCAD Value: $4,800 (LAND) $6,560 (HOMESITE VALUE) TOTAL:$11,360 STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Code Enforcement recommends the structure be declared unsafe and for the Commission to issue an order to repair the structure as previously outlined by the Building Official . PHOTOGRAPHS: Agenda Item #: C-3 Pg. 4 Agenda Item #: C-4 July 21, 2016 CASE: 1601605 713 JUAN LINN Legal Description: Land Use: VICTORIA TIF 12950 PT OF LOT 4 BLOCK 216 PID #: 63897 RESIDENTIAL Owner(s): GEORGE A VELASQUEZ Staff Contact: ISAAC SOLIS, CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFICER LOCATION MAP: Agenda Item #: C-4 Pg. 2 CASE HISTORY: On May 26, 2016 Code Enforcement observed the east side wall is leaning due to a collapsed roof. Staff observed, through the window, daylight coming through the remains of the roof. It appears that the steel wall is bent toward the inside of the structure and the foundation lining is starting the pull apart. At the rear of the structure, the metal siding has fallen from the wooden framing. On June 21, 2016, Code Enforcement observed a hole in the wall in front of the structure, which gave view to the inside of the structure. Staff also observed junk items inside damaged by water and other elements. There are deteriorated rafters and more than 50% of the roof has collapsed. On May 27, 2016, property owner obtained a permit for repair which expires October 17, 2016. Findings of Facts # 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8, 9, and 10 to be signed by Chairman: • • • • • • • • • • The building, structure or any part thereof is liable to partially or fully collapse. The structure or any part thereof was constructed or maintained in violation of any provision of the City’s Building Code, or any other applicable ordinance or law of the city, state or federal government. Any walls or other vertical structural members list, lean, or buckle to such an extent that a plumb line passing through the center of gravity falls outside the middle third of its base. The foundation or the vertical or horizontal supporting members are 25% or more damaged or deteriorated. The non supporting covering of walls, ceilings, roofs, or floors are 50% or more damaged or deteriorated. The structure has improperly distributed loads upon the structural members or they have insufficient strength to be reasonable safe for the purpose used. The structure or any part thereof has been damaged by fire, water earthquake, wind vandalism, or other cause to such an extent that it has become dangerous to the public health, safety and welfare. The structure or any part thereof has inadequate means of egress as required by the City's Building Code. The structure does not have adequate light, ventilation, or sanitation facilities as required by the City’s Building Code and Plumbing Code. The structure or any part thereof is a fire hazard, or is substandard, dilapidated, or otherwise unfit for human habitation, and is a hazard to the public health, safety and welfare CASE DETAILS: Taxes Owed: $0.00 Historic Value: None VCAD Value: $4,230 (LAND) $26,360 (HOMESITE VALUE) TOTAL:$ 30,590 STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Code Enforcement recommends the structure be declared unsafe and for the Commission to issue an order to demolish. Agenda Item #: C-4 PHOTOGRAPHS: Pg. 3 Agenda Item #: C-4 Pg. 4 Agenda Item #: C-5 July 21, 2016 CASE: 1503607 703 E FORREST (705 FORREST) Legal Description: Land Use: VICTORIA E 84' OF LOT 8 BLOCK 219 PID: 63921 RESIDENTIAL Owner(s): GEORGE VELASQUEZ ETUX Staff Contact: ISAAC SOLIS, CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFICER LOCATION MAP: Agenda Item #: C-5 Pg. 2 CASE HISTORY: On October 30, 2015 Code Enforcement observed the deteriorated roof in need of complete replacement. Deteriorated rafters are especially visible on the side of the home including the interior ceilings which are also water damaged due to lack of roof covering. Holes in the roof has caused weather damage to the fascia and there are also broken and unsecured windows. On February 4, 2016, we received a detailed plan outlining the schedule of repairs. The following are excerpts from the plan: • Obtained a Permit for repairs • 2-16-16 Secure House • 3-30-16 Start to level the structure. • 4-30-16 Repair roof to get ready for new roof R-22 panels, metal roof. • 6-30-16 For inside cleaning prep work. • 7-15-16 Bath & kitchen sink E-R Plumbing Mr. Rudy Ramos • 7-30-16 Bring electric to Par 3-C to Electrical Mr. Cano As of June 21, 2016, there has not been any further progress on the repairs or securing of the structure. Code Enforcement observed new construction in the rear of the structure. There is wooden framing, but floor bearers or floor joists have not been added. Findings of Facts # 1,4,5,8, 9, and 10 to be signed by Chairman: • • • • • • The building, structure or any part thereof is liable to partially or fully collapse. The foundation or the vertical or horizontal supporting members are 25% or more damaged or deteriorated. The non supporting covering of walls, ceilings, roofs, or floors are 50% or more damaged or deteriorated The structure or any part thereof has inadequate means of egress as required by the City's Building Code. The structure does not have adequate light, ventilation, or sanitation facilities as required by the City’s Building Code and Plumbing Code. The structure or any part thereof is a fire hazard, or is substandard, dilapidated, or otherwise unfit for human habitation, and is a hazard to the public health, safety and welfare CASE DETAILS: Taxes Owed: $0.00 Historic Value: None VCAD Value: $2,350 (LAND) $36,080 (HOMESITE VALUE) TOTAL:$38,430 Agenda Item #: C-5 Pg. 3 STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Code Enforcement recommends the structure be declared unsafe and for the Commission to issue an order to demolish. PHOTOGRAPHS: Agenda Item #: C-5 Pg. 4 Agenda Item #: C-5 Pg. 5 Agenda Item #: C-6 July 21, 2016 CASE: 1601272 2304 N DEPOT Legal Description: Land Use: QUEEN CITY W 1/2 OF LOT 2 BLOCK 8 PID #: 59259 RESIDENTIAL Owner(s): LEONA STOVALL Staff Contact: GRACE GARCIA, CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFICER LOCATION MAP: Agenda Item #: C-6 Pg. 2 CASE HISTORY: On April 22, 2016 Code Enforcement arrived onsite and observed a deteriorated addition to the back of the structure. The addition was filled with junk, trash, and covered with overgrown brush. It appears to be deteriorating to the point of collapsing. Staff also observed the roof was is buckling and appears to bow in the center. There was also signs of cracking of the foundation on the northeast side of the structure. On May 2, 2016, staff received information from the property owners daughter, Michelle Peoples, stating that they have made contact with the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Coordinator Darlah Sims. We have learned that on June 21, 2016 Mrs. Peoples has signed all required documents for the CDBG demolition. She was also advised that she would still need to attend the BSC meeting. Findings of Facts # 1,2, 4, 7,8, 9, and 10 to be signed by Chairman: • • • • • • • The Building structure or any part thereof is liable to partially or fully collapse The structure or any part thereof was constructed or maintained in violation of any provision of the City’s Building Code, or any other applicable ordinance or law of the city, state or federal government. The foundation or the vertical or horizontal supporting members are 25% or more damaged or deteriorated. The structure or any part thereof has been damaged by fire, water, earthquake, wind, vandalism, or other cause to such an extent that it has become dangerous to the public health, safety and welfare. The structure or any part thereof has inadequate means of egress as required by the City’s Building Code. The structure does not have adequate light, ventilation, or sanitation facilities as required by the City’s Building Code and Plumbing Code. The structure is substandard, dilapidated, and otherwise unfit for human habitation. The structure or any part thereof is a fire hazard, or is substandard, dilapidated, or otherwise unfit for human habitation, and is a hazard to the public health, safety and welfare CASE DETAILS: Taxes Owed: $0.00 Historic Value: None VCAD Value: $5,000 (LAND) $8,670 (HOMESITE VALUE) TOTAL: $13,670 (HOMESTEAD CAP LOSS) -$4,826 TOTAL ASSESSED VALUE: $8,844 Agenda Item #: C-6 Pg. 3 STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Code Enforcement recommends the structure be declared unsafe and for the Commission to issue an order to demolish. PHOTOGRAPHS: Agenda Item #: C-7 July 21, 2016 CASE: 1601174 103 ANTELOPE CIRCLE Legal Description: Land Use: STEPHENSON SEC III, BLOCK 4, LOT 13 PID #: 60863 RESIDENTIAL Owner(s): NINO MARIA SANJAUNITA Staff Contact: STEVEN SOLIS, CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFICER LOCATION MAP: Agenda Item #: C-7 Pg. 2 CASE HISTORY: Code Enforcement performed an onsite inspection on April 22, 2016 and observed an unsecured mobile home on the property. There are portions of the floor that are missing on the south east side of the trailer. There is a section of the trailer home with exposed drywall repairs and insulation and the porch (on the east side entrance) was dilapidated. The sliding glass doors were also open and staff was able to view remodeling being performed in the kitchen, living room area, and other rooms. On June 29, 2016, Code Enforcement received an office visit from the property owner, Maria Nino, stating that she received the notice of substandard building conditions.. Staff advised her of the meeting and explained that the immediate action that needs to be taken is to completely secure the structure. Staff also gave the information to present a detailed plan of the repairs needed. Findings of Facts # 2, 5, 7, 8, 9, and 10 to be signed by Chairman: • • • • • • The structure or any part thereof was constructed or maintained in violation of any provision of the City’s Building Code, or any other applicable ordinance or law of the city, state or federal government. The non supporting covering of walls, ceilings, roofs, or floors are 50% or more damaged or deteriorated. The structure or any part thereof has been damaged by fire, water, earthquake, wind, vandalism, or other cause to such an extent that it has become dangerous to the public health, safety and welfare. The structure or any part thereof has inadequate means of egress as required by the City’s Building Code. The structure does not have adequate light, ventilation, or sanitation facilities as required by the City’s Building Code and Plumbing Code. The structure is substandard, dilapidated, and otherwise unfit for human habitation. The structure or any part thereof is a fire hazard, or is substandard, dilapidated, or otherwise unfit for human habitation, and is a hazard to the public health, safety and welfare. CASE DETAILS: Taxes Owed: $0.00 Historic Value: None VCAD Value: $14,520 (LAND) $2,650 (HOMESITE VALUE) TOTAL: 17,170 Agenda Item #: C-7 Pg. 3 STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Code Enforcement recommends the structure be declared unsafe and for the Commission to issue an order to secure and repair. PHOTOGRAPHS: