the conference program - Institute of International Education


the conference program - Institute of International Education
Institute of International Education
2015 Best Practices Conference
March 19-20 | New York City
Best Practices in
The Campus
Featuring the 2015 IIE Heiskell Awards
Thank you to the Conference Sponsors:
American Institute For Foreign Study (AIFS)
Chegg Enrollment Services
Education Division, Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in New York
Educational Testing Service (ETS-TOEFL)
ELS Language Centers
Opening Minds to the World ®
French Embassy in the United States-Higher Education-Campus France USA
Terra Dotta
University of Southern California Rossier School of Education
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Allan E. Goodman
Dear Colleagues,
On behalf of the Institute of International Education, I would like to welcome you to our 2015 Best Practices Conference and
presentation of the IIE Andrew Heiskell Awards for Innovation in International Education.
The goals of these awards are to foster innovative ideas that will help international education professionals create and sustain new
opportunities for students and faculty; to bring international education to the forefront of education policy; and to stimulate public
awareness of the benefits of international educational exchange. You will hear from the 2015 winners today, and we invite you to
read more about their excellent work and that of all of the winners from the past 14 years at We
hope they will inspire you.
Last March, IIE launched Generation Study Abroad, a five-year initiative that brings leaders in education, business and governments
together to take specific, measureable actions that will help reach the ambitious goal of doubling the number of U.S. college students
studying abroad. Nearly 500 partners joined in the first year, including more than 300 colleges and universities, 70 study abroad, K-12
education and social network organizations, 14 governments, and 17 education associations in 48 states and 32 countries.
This is great news, but it is simply not enough. The new Open Doors data released in November showed an increase of only 2% in
the number of students who studied abroad. We must do more to make sure that all students have an opportunity to get the international experience that will be necessary to succeed in 21st century careers. If you have not yet joined Generation Study Abroad,
we urge you to do so now. We encourage everyone here today to take significant action to make it possible for more students from
more diverse backgrounds to gain international experience through academic study abroad programs, teaching and conducting
research abroad, as well as through internships, service learning and non-credit educational experiences.
Opportunities like those offered by the Gilman International Scholarship Program and the Fulbright Program of the U.S. Department
of State, and the Boren Scholarships and Fellowships of the National Security Education Program further this vision and translate
into life-changing experiences for tomorrow’s leaders. IIE is honored to play a part in the success of these programs, as well as 200
other scholarship and training programs that served more than 36,000 students, educators and professionals from 156 countries in
the past year.
We would like to thank all the colleges and universities who have already joined Generation Study Abroad as commitment partners.
As we approach our Centennial in 2019, we would also like to thank all those who have played a role in IIE’s Scholar Rescue Fund and
the work that IIE has done throughout its history to enable future leaders from all backgrounds and in all sectors to gain access to
world-class education.
Finally, we extend our deepest gratitude to the strategic event sponsor, University of Southern California Rossier School of Education,
and other sponsors: American Institute For Foreign Study (AIFS), Chegg Enrollment Services, Education Division - Taipei Economic
and Cultural Office in New York, Educational Testing Service (ETS-TOEFL), ELS Language Centers, French Embassy in the United
States-Higher Education-Campus France USA, and Terra Dotta for their generous support.
Allan E. Goodman
IIE President and Chief Executive Officer
The 2015 Andrew Heiskell Award Winners
Internationalizing the Campus
Texas Christian University, Discovering Global Citizenship
Accepted by: John Singleton, Director of International Services
Purdue University, International Integration Initiative
Accepted by: Michael Brzezinski, Dean of International Programs
National Research University Higher School of Economics, Russia;
Internationalization Program
Accepted by: Sergei Erofeev, Vice Rector for Internationalization
Study Abroad
The State University of New York at New Paltz,
Study Abroad for Educational Opportunity Students
Accepted by: Bruce Sillner, Dean, Center for International Programs
University of Minnesota, Bridging Loan Program
Accepted by: Martha Johnson, Assistant Dean, Learning Abroad
International Partnerships
Auburn University Partnership with Keimyung University,
Auburn-Keimyung Korea Center
Accepted by: Andrew Gillespie, Assistant Provost for International Programs
The Ohio State University One Health Ethiopia Partnership with
Addis Ababa University, University of Gondar and Ethiopian Public Health Institute
Accepted by: Wondwossen Gebreyes, Director, Global Health Programs
Internationalizing the Community College
Madison Area Technical College, Community College Sustainable
Development Network
Accepted by: Geoff Bradshaw, International Education Director
Miami Dade College, Diasporic Knowledge Remittance Study Abroad Program
Accepted by: Tatiana Mackliff, Executive Director of International Education
Spokane Falls Community College, 2020 Global Vision
Accepted by: Allison Blizzard, Associate Dean of Global Education
About the IIE Andrew Heiskell Awards
The Institute of International Education created these awards in 2001 to promote and honor the most
outstanding initiatives being conducted in international higher education by IIENetwork member
institutions. The goals of IIE's Heiskell Awards are: to foster innovative ideas that will help international
education professionals create and sustain new opportunities for students and faculty; to bring international education to the forefront of education policy; and to stimulate public awareness of the benefits
of study abroad and international educational exchange.
For more information, please visit
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Meet With the Faculty Chair:
March 19, 2015
12:30 p.m.
At the registration table
March 20, 2015
11:15 a.m. and 4:00 p.m.
At the registration table
Conference Sponsors
Study Abroad
Conference Program
8:30-9:00 am
9:00 am
Daniel Obst, Deputy Vice President, International Partnerships, Institute of International Education
Allan E. Goodman, President and CEO, Institute of International Education
9:20 am
Strategic Event Sponsor Remarks
Mark Robison, Co-Chair, Global Executive EdD Program,
University of Southern California Rossier School of Education
9:30-10:00 am
Opening Keynote
James B. Milliken, Chancellor,
The City University of New York
10:00-10:05 am
Plenary Sponsor Remarks
Emilienne Baneth-Nouailhetas, Higher Education Attaché,
Embassy of France in the United States
10:05-11:15 am
Best Practices in Expanding Participation in Study Abroad
Daniel Kramer, Director, Fulbright U.S. Student Program, Institute of International Education
Christian Wilwohl, Study Abroad Program Director, SUNY New Paltz (Heiskell Winner, Study Abroad)
Martha Johnson, Assistant Dean, Learning Abroad Center, University of Minnesota
(Heiskell Honorable Mention, Study Abroad)
Geoff Bradshaw, International Education Director, Madison College/Director, Community College
Sustainable Development Network (Heiskell Winner, Internationalizing the Community College)
11:15-11:30 am
Coffee Break
11:30-12:45 pm
Strategic Planning for Comprehensive Internationalization:
Best Practices for Internationalizing the Campus
Betsy Glans, Vice President, Student Exchanges, Institute of International Education
Jane Kucko, Director, Center for International Studies, Texas Christian University
(Heiskell Winner, Internationalizing the Campus)
Michael Brzezinski, Dean of International Programs, Purdue University
(Heiskell Honorable Mention, Internationalizing the Campus)
Sergei Erofeev, Vice Rector for Internationalization, National Research University
Higher School of Economics, Russia (Heiskell Honorable Mention, Internationalizing the Campus)
1:00-2:15 pm
Networking Lunches
2:30-3:15 pm
Presentation of the 2015 IIE Andrew Heiskell Awards for
Innovation in International Education
Presented by Allan E. Goodman, President and CEO, Institute of International Education
3:15-4:00 pm
Afternoon Keynote
Anthony Koliha, Director, Office of Global Educational Programs, U.S. Department of State
4:00-4:10 pm
Coffee Break
4:10-5:30 pm
New Strategies for Global Engagement and Partnerships
Mark Lazar, Vice President, Global Scholarship and Learning Programs,
Institute of International Education
Andrew Gillespie, Assistant Provost for International Programs, Auburn University
(Heiskell Winner, International Partnerships)
Wondwossen Gebreyes, Professor of Molecular Epidemiology;
Director, Global Health Programs, College of Veterinary Medicine, The Ohio State University
(Heiskell Honorable Mention, International Partnerships)
Vera Galante, IIE Representative in Brazil
5:30 pm
Closing Remarks
Peter Thompson, Executive Vice President, Institute of International Education
Invitation to Reception Sponsored by American Institute For Foreign Study (AIFS)
William Gertz, President & Chief Executive Officer, American Institute For Foreign Study (AIFS)
Speaker Bios
Geoff Bradshaw
Director, Center for International Education
Madison Area Technical College
Geoff Bradshaw is the Director of International Education at Madison Area Technical College (Madison College) in Wisconsin and Director of
the Community College Sustainable Development Network (CCSDN). Dr. Bradshaw has more than 15 years of experience in international
education. He has served in leadership positions related to international education at state, regional, and national levels including: Executive
Director of the Wisconsin Institute for Peace and Conflict Studies, Chair of the Wisconsin Technical College System Global Education Committee, Co-Chair of the NAFSA-AACC Joint Task Force on Community College Collaboration, and Community College Representative for the
Wisconsin Association of International Educators. He has been recognized by Community Colleges for International Development (CCID)
with the Werner Kubsch Award for outstanding achievement in international education and currently serves on the editorial advisory board
for International Educator magazine.
Michael A. Brzezinski
Dean, International Programs
Purdue University
Michael A. Brzezinski is Dean of International Programs at Purdue University. Brzezinski both studied and worked in China for seven years
during the 1980s. For five of those years he served as the chief representative in China for an American educational company. Brzezinski
completed his educational doctorate at the University of Houston in 1993 while working in UH’s international student office. Brzezinski was
instrumental in spearheading a funding model at Purdue that led to the creation of nine positions allocated across campus that focus on
providing various services for the international undergraduate population which now totals more than 5,000 students. Brzezinski and his
leadership team recently created a four person sub-unit within his office that focuses on integrating international students and American
peers. He also played an integral role in the creation of campus-wide study abroad initiatives highlighted by student scholarships and
financial incentives for participating academic units.
Sergei Erofeev
Vice Rector for Internationalization
National Research University Higher School of Economics, Russia
Since October 2015, Dr. Sergei Erofeev has been the Vice-Rector of HSE University (Higher School of Economics). He coordinates international relations and internationalization of the Moscow and other university campuses. First trained as a professional pianist (Kazan Conservatoire, Russia), he proceeded to study the sociology of music and cultural sociology, completing a degree in the UK in the early 1990s.
Dr. Erofeev has extensively contributed to the internationalization of higher education and research in Russia. (With the support from international foundations, between 1994 and 2007 he directed a number of international research and curriculum development projects in social
sciences based on the Center for the Sociology of Culture which he established at Kazan Federal University, Tatarstan.) From 2008-13 he
worked as the dean of International Programs at the European University at St. Petersburg where he also lectured in Russian Studies. Sergei
Erofeev was also the head of the International Office of Kazan Federal University Federation (2003-2007) and a Hubert Humphrey fellow
(2007-08). He has authored books and articles on the problems of sociology of culture and ethnicity and organized various specialized
courses and summer schools in the UK, Belgium and Russia.
Vera Galante
Institute of International Education Representative in Brazil
Vera Galante, former senior cultural affairs specialist and Fulbright liaison at the U.S. Embassy in Brasilia, has been named the Institute of
International Education Representative in Brazil. Ms. Galante is working with IIE at a time when the Institute is expanding its work with
Brazil, and Brazil-U.S. academic exchange is growing. Ms. Galante has extensive experience in educational exchange. During her 19 years
with the United States Embassy to Brazil, she worked on numerous education initiatives, including developing partnerships between U.S. and
Brazilian higher education institutions, recruiting students for U.S. government scholarship and fellowship programs, and conducting higher
education missions to the United States. Her portfolio also included programs that promote free trade, justice, intellectual property rights
and social and racial inclusion. Ms. Galante has a Master’s degree in American Studies from the College of William and Mary in Williamsburg,
Virginia, and a Bachelor’s degree in Letters, Portuguese/English from UNICEUB – Brasilia.
Wondwossen A. Gebreyes
Professor, Molecular Epidemiology; Director, Global Health Programs
The Ohio State University
Dr. Gebreyes is professor of molecular epidemiology, Director of Global Health Programs at The Ohio State University, College of Veterinary
Medicine and Chair of the Ohio State Global One Health Task Force. He completed his Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (DVM) at Addis Ababa
University and his PhD at North Carolina State University. Dr. Gebreyes is the principal investigator of the National Institute of Health (NIH)
Fogarty International Center, Global Infectious Diseases program on Molecular epidemiology of Foodborne pathogens for eastern Africa
including Ethiopia, Kenya and Tanzania. He is engaged in various global capacity building efforts including teaching annual courses on the
molecular epidemiology of infectious diseases in Brazil and Ethiopia, which are currently online on iTunesU. He also directs the Infectious
Diseases Molecular Epidemiology Laboratory (IDMEL). Dr. Gebreyes published more than 120 peer-review scientific manuscripts. He
currently serves as president of International Congress on Pathogens at the Human Animal Interface (ICOPHAI). He also serves in scientific
advisory capacities globally including the Canada Research Chairs Program; Austrian Scientific Competency Center (COMET); Poland Scientific Advisory (POMOST) and others. Dr. Gebreyes is a recipient of several awards including the Pfizer Research Award; American Society for
Microbiology (ASM) International Professorship Award among others.
Andrew R. Gillespie
Assistant Provost for International Programs
Auburn University
Dr. Gillespie, Assistant Provost for International Programs, currently serves as the senior international officer for Auburn University, located
in Auburn, Alabama, USA. He oversees Auburn’s programs in international student and scholar services, study abroad, English as a Second
Language instruction, and international recruitment, development, research and outreach. He also facilitates Auburn’s international partnerships around the globe. He is a Professor of Forestry and Wildlife Sciences, a Fulbright Scholar, and has conducted research in alternative
food and forest production systems in developed and developing countries, focusing on the knowledge systems of indigenous peoples. He
previously served as Associate Dean for International Programs at Purdue University.
Betsy Glans
Vice President, Student Exchanges
Institute of International Education
As Vice President in IIE's Department of Student Exchanges, Betsy Glans has responsibility for the U.S. Student Programs as well as Departmental financial management. The Department of Student Exchanges oversees IIE's administration of the Fulbright Student Program, the
Brazil Scientific Mobility Program, the National Security Education Program, other ECA and privately funded activities. The Department's
programs offer opportunities for foreign and U.S. students to pursue undergraduate, graduate and non-degree study around the world. Ms.
Glans has worked at IIE in different capacities and times since 1987. From 1994-1997 she was the World Area Manager for East Asia & Pacific
in the Foreign Fulbright Programs Division. After nine years of living, working and studying in Singapore and Australia, she returned to IIE to
serve as the Director of Program Planning and Budget for the Department of Student Exchanges. Her first position at IIE in 1987 was working
with the Foreign Language Teaching Assistant program. From there she went on to work at Columbia University's Center for U.S.-China Arts
Exchange and assisted in some of the early exchanges of influential artists from China which gave them their first exposure to culture
outside of the PRC. Ms. Glans has a Master's in Public Administration from Columbia University's School of International and Public Affairs
with a focus on nonprofit management. In addition, she holds a bachelor degree in Chinese Studies from Wellesley College. Upon graduation,
she won an exchange scholarship from Wellesley and spent two years studying in the People's Republic of China while also teaching English
in both Beijing and Shanghai.
Allan E. Goodman
President and CEO
Institute of International Education
Allan E. Goodman, PhD, is the sixth president of IIE, the leading not-for-profit organization in the field of international educational exchange and
development training. He oversees IIE’s many programs, including research on international academic mobility and administration of the Fulbright
program sponsored by the United States Department of State, as well as over 250 other corporate, government, and privately sponsored programs. Previously, he was Executive Dean of the School of Foreign Service and a professor at Georgetown University. He is the author of books on
international affairs published by Harvard, Princeton, and Yale University Presses. Dr. Goodman served as Presidential Briefing Coordinator for the
Director of Central Intelligence and as Special Assistant to the Director of the National Foreign Assessment Center in the Carter Administration.
Subsequently, he was the first American professor to lecture at the Foreign Affairs College of Beijing. He helped create the first U.S. academic
exchange program with the Moscow Diplomatic Academy for the Association of Professional Schools of International Affairs, and developed the
diplomatic training program of the Foreign Ministry of Vietnam. He is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations, a founding member of the
World Innovation Summit for Education, Co-President of the Partner University Fund Grant Review Committee, and a member of the Thomas R.
Pickering Foreign Affairs Fellowship Program and the Jefferson Scholarship selection panels. Dr. Goodman has a PhD in government from Harvard,
an MPA from the John F. Kennedy School of Government, and a BS from Northwestern University.
Martha Johnson
Assistant Dean, Learning Abroad
University of Minnesota
Martha Johnson is the Assistant Dean for Learning Abroad at the University of Minnesota and oversees one of the largest education abroad
offices in the United States, currently sending over 3500 students abroad annually. She has worked in international education since 1991 for
organizations and institutions in the U.S., Ireland, and the United Kingdom. Her experience includes on-site program management, teaching
of short-term programs, program development and marketing, and management of a large university education abroad office. Martha has
presented on numerous sessions and workshops at national and international conferences, consults with universities internationally, has
served in a variety of leadership positions in NAFSA and the Forum on Education Abroad, and authored numerous articles and publication
chapters on topics relating to international education.
Anthony Koliha
Director, Office of Global Educational Programs
U.S. Department of State
Anthony Koliha is the Director of the Office of Global Educational Programs at the U.S. Department of State, where he oversees a portfolio
of international teacher, professional, and global mobility programs and services across four branches. Prior to joining ECA, he was the
Director of International Programs in the College of Arts and Sciences at Indiana University, Bloomington, where he helped successfully
launch a new School of Global and International Studies. Mr. Koliha previously held joint posts as Director of the Fulbright Program in Russia
and International Director of the Russia/Eurasia office for the Institute of International Education. He holds degrees from Kenyon College
and Indiana University, Bloomington.
Daniel Kramer
Director, Fulbright U.S. Student Program
Institute of International Education
Prior to his new role of Director of Fulbright U.S. Student Program at IIE, Daniel Kramer was an Assistant Professor of German at Washington
and Lee University, where he also directed the study abroad program to Germany. Dr. Kramer did his undergraduate work at St. John’s
University in Minnesota and received his masters from the University of Wisconsin, Madison before acquiring his PhD from Harvard. As a
faculty advisor and member of the Graduate Fellowships Committee, he advised students on a range of study abroad options and guided
them to the successful attainment of fellowships and internships in Europe, Africa, and the Caribbean. As a former Fulbrighter and Fulbright
Association member, Daniel brings a personal passion for the program and study abroad as a whole.
Jane Kucko
Director, Center for International Studies: TCU Abroad; Associate Dean of University Programs
Texas Christian University
Jane Kucko, Ph.D., currently serves as Director for the Center for International Studies: TCU Abroad where she oversees the development of
international opportunities for students and faculty. As Associate Dean for University Programs, she assists with other interdisciplinary programs such as Women & Gender Studies, Intensive English and the Institute of Ranch Management. She also serves as Academic Leader for
the campus-wide initiative Discovering Global Citizenship. Her most recent work centers around the TCU Global Academy—an interdisciplinary approach to study abroad. Kucko was selected as TCU’s Ferrari Award for Distinguished Leadership and Service in 2012. Other areas of
scholarship include narrative research on North Texas quilt makers. Jane Kucko is also a quilter and has won various awards at North Texas
quilt shows.
Mark Lazar
Vice President, Global Scholarship and Learning Programs, Institute of International Education
Mark S. Lazar, Vice President for Global Scholarship and Learning Programs at IIE, supervises the scholarship and training programs that the
Institute administers on behalf of corporations, foundations, individuals, international organizations and U.S. government agencies. He also
oversees IIE's Global EducationUSA Services division that supports educational advising development, outreach and training activities
around the globe. Prior to this position, Mr. Lazar served as Vice President for Scholarship Programs and International Operations, Executive
Director of Scholarship and Training Programs, Director for International Operations and Assistant Director for Development at the Institute.
He was also Regional Director of IIE's office for Central and Eastern Europe, based in Budapest, Hungary from 1995-98. Before joining IIE in
1994, he served as a program coordinator for the Soros Foundations and the Central European University. Mr. Lazar holds Master's degrees
from New York University in Urban Planning and Columbia University in European History. He has a Bachelor's degree in History from University of Wisconsin-Madison.
Daniel Obst
Deputy Vice President, International Partnerships, Institute of International Education
Daniel Obst is Deputy Vice President for International Partnerships at the Institute of International Education in New York. Mr. Obst provides
strategic leadership in the creation and implementation of international academic partnerships, and oversees all the activities of IIE’s network
of 1,400 member institutions. He also oversees IIE’s print publications and online directories, conference and seminars, and strategic communications. He is executive editor of IIE’s Global Education Research Reports series, and editor of Global Perspectives on International Joint and
Double Degree Programs and Developing Strategic International Partnerships: Models for Initiating and Sustaining Innovative Institutional Linkages.
In 2003, Mr. Obst was appointed to serve on the U.S. National Commission for UNESCO. He received his BA in international relations from
The George Washington University and holds an MA in European Studies from the London School of Economics.
Peter Thompson
Executive Vice President, Institute of International Education
Peter Thompson, Executive Vice President, was until recently a private investor and Chairman of Jaypeco Partners, having retired from
PesiCo in 2006. During his thirty years with PepsiCo, Mr. Thompson held positions in general management and finance, including CFO of
Latin American operations, Treasurer overseeing the PepsiCo's international expansion and management of risk. Previously, Mr. Thompson
worked on Wall Street with J.P. Morgan and as an aerospace engineer with the UK Department of Defense. Mr. Thompson is a graduate of
Cambridge University and studied further at London University and the University of Pennsylvania. He has been a director of several Latin
American consumer goods companies and remains active in a number of sports and non-profit organizations. Mr. Thompson was elected to the
Board of Trustees of the Institute of International Education in 2000 and appointed to Chair of the Audit Committee. Most recently he was
Chair of the Budget and Finance Committee but stepped down on December 31, 2010 to accept the position of IIE’s Executive Vice President.
Christian F. Wilwohl
Study Abroad Program Director, SUNY New Paltz
Christian F. Wilwohl is the study abroad program director at SUNY New Paltz where he joined the Center for International Programs staff in
2012. Christian manages the institution’s study abroad program and advises students for national level study abroad scholarships. As an undergraduate, Christian studied abroad in Switzerland and later taught English in France and Japan. He completed his Master’s degree at the
University of London and is currently working on his doctorate in international education at the University of Minnesota. His academic and
professional interests include teacher education, campus internationalization, intercultural development, and underrepresented students in
education abroad.
About IIE
San Francisco
New York
New Delhi
Hong Kong
Mexico City
Addis Ababa
Kuala Lumpur
4 IIE Office
4 IIE Office and REAC
4 IIE Affiliate Office
Rio de Janeiro
Regional Educational Advising
Coordinators (REACs)
IIE Global Network
IIE Global Network
19 Offices and Affiliates
650 Staff
1,400 Member Institutions
IIE Administered Programs
35,000 Participants
200+ Programs
185 Countries
Opening Minds to the World
Peace and prosperity around the world depend on increasing the capacity of people
to think and work on a global and intercultural basis. As technology opens borders,
educational and professional exchange opens minds.
Institute of International Education
An independent not-for-profit founded in 1919, IIE is among the world’s largest and most
experienced international education and training organizations. IIE is committed to
delivering program excellence to a diverse range of participants, sponsors, and donors.
Our Mission
Promoting closer educational relations between the people of the United States
and those of other countries
Strengthening and linking institutions of higher learning globally
Rescuing threatened students and scholars and advancing academic freedom
Building leadership skills and enhancing the capacity of individuals and
organizations to address local and global challenges
Copyright © 2015 Institute of International Education, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
All photos courtesy of the
2015 IIE Andrew Heiskell Award Winners and
Honorable Mention recipients.
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