2011 Annual Report


2011 Annual Report
2011 Annual Report
Table of Contents
3 Our Mission & Vision
5 President’s Message
6 Evangelism
7 Discipleship
10 Ministry to the Poor
14 Financial Information
15 Board of Trustees & Administration
16 Our Ministry Partners
Our Mission
Baptist Medical & Dental Mission International exists under the Lordship of Jesus Christ to evangelize
the lost, disciple the saved and minister to the needs of the poor.
Our Vision
We are dedicated to ensuring that the priorities of Christian witness and spiritual development continue
to lead forth as our volunteers and staff reach out in Christian love to those in great need. Though
historically our ministry has focused on Honduras and Nicaragua, we envision sending short-term
mission teams and full-time missionaries to developing countries around the world reaching people for
Simply stated, the volunteers, missionaries and staff of BMDMI provide effective, life-changing ministry
for the poor. Since 1974, BMDMI has provided spiritual and physical healing to more than 1.5 million
people living on the fringes of society in Central America. When the concept of short-term mission team
ministry was in its infancy, BMDMI was already blazing the trail.
The highest standards of integrity and honor remain at the forefront of the Mission. The value we place
on transparency in regard to finances and relationships with foreign governments helps make BMDMI
the agency of choice for thousands of Christian volunteers seeking to put their faith in action. When
volunteers have only one week to give, organization and planning are key to a positive and fruitful
experience – no other mission agency does that better than BMDMI.
 Ministry Programs in Honduras & Nicaragua
 Administrative Expenses
 Fundraising Expenses
“And other sheep I have, which are not of this fold: them also I must bring, and they shall hear my voice; and there shall be one
fold, and one shepherd.” John 10:16
In 2011, because of your faithful support, BMDMI volunteers, missionaries and staff were able to sustain and even
expand efforts to evangelize the lost, disciple the saved, and minister to the needs of the poor. We praise God
for the generosity of our volunteers and supporters—your contributions and assistance helped make this growth
possible, even in the midst of tough economic times. As we have worked throughout Honduras and Nicaragua to
reach those Jesus sought to bring to Him, we have seen thousands healed, ministered to, and, most importantly,
we have seen the lost brought forth to hear the Good News and accept Jesus as their Lord and Savior!
At BMDMI, our commitment to faithful stewardship has positioned us to make the most of your support. Our
missionaries and staff provide the most and best ministry possible with the resources entrusted to us. This past
year, over 96 cents of every dollar donated to BMDMI went directly to support the ministries on the mission field!
This high level of efficiency is extraordinary and reflects our commitment to the highest standards of ministry.
As a result of our stewardship efforts, we have once again received the
4-star rating from Charity Navigator—their highest rating. We have been
awarded this prestigious ranking for 9 out of the past 10 years; only a
handful of other charities can make that distinction.
I hope you will enjoy reading our Annual Report and seeing what you
have been a part of this past year. As you read through these pages, please
pray for the missionaries and staff who are on the field accomplishing this
great work; pray for our pastors in Nicaragua and Honduras as they lead
and disciple their church members; but most importantly, pray for the
people to whom BMDMI ministers.
Thank you very much for your prayers and financial support of
our ministry in 2011.
Jason C. Green
“I heard the voice of the Lord, saying, Whom shall I send, and who will go for us? Then said I, Here am I;
send me.” Isaiah 6:8
An often-asked question that arises with short-term mission team ministry is: “Wouldn’t it be better to
send the money you spend on flights and supplies to the poor?”
If our goal were only to share physical resources with the poor then perhaps it would be more costefficient to send a check. But at BMDMI, we know that all the medicine, clothes, food and money we
provide to the poor will one day be used up, worn out, consumed and spent. However, one’s personal
relationship with God through Jesus Christ will last forever. Our primary focus is on spiritual health. In
the midst of life’s most challenging difficulties, it is this relationship with God that makes life worth
living. God commands us to go and share the Good News personally!
To reach people with the Gospel, our organization:
holds evangelistic worship services for those that come to receive medical and dental
treatment from short-term mission teams
plants indigenous churches and trains pastors to reach people in their communities
holds evangelistic campaigns and revivals
holds chapel services and Bible Clubs at our Christian Schools
provides a Christian environment in our Children’s Homes where residents learn of God and
His love for them
Do our Evangelistic Efforts Have Fruit?
Yes! Our volunteers, missionaries, churches and staff were blessed to see more than 9,000 Hondurans
and Nicaraguans come to know the Lord in 2011 through the efforts of the short-term mission teams
alone. We thank God for each soul that was saved and for allowing us to be a part of this miracle.
BMDMI is truly More than Medicine!
Making Disciples
“Go ye therefore and teach…” Jesus Christ
To follow Jesus Christ is to grow in faith and love. At BMDMI, we long for people to grow
in their personal relationship with God. And how can they grow unless they are fed and
Working together, our volunteers and staff provide opportunities for spiritual growth. A
strong, well-informed believer will multiply our efforts to reach others for Christ.
At the heart of our discipleship efforts are our churches; we recognize that pastors and
church members have the most and best opportunities to spread God’s word consistently.
And so we continue to invest time and resources to make our churches as strong and
effective as possible.
>>> Making Disciples Continued
Bible Institutes
BMDMI operates Bible Institutes in Las Crucitas,
Honduras and Diriamba, Nicaragua. These Institutes
offer a variety of programs for pastors, deacons and
other church leaders. Full-time and part-time programs
of study, both on campus and at regional locations,
provide flexibility for the students. Our goal is to
maintain a continuous learning cycle that will keep
students’ Biblical knowledge fresh and will encourage
them in their service for the Lord. In 2011, we were
blessed to graduate 25 students from programs that
Ladies Retreats
had a combined enrollment of 202 men and women.
Missionaries and staff also offer retreats each year for
Each student received valuable training from Central
the women of our churches. Because of the crucial
and North American pastors and teachers.
roles that women play in our churches, the ladies
retreats focus on spiritual and personal growth. They
In Honduras, the Thomas Herrington Bible Institute
spend time in Bible study, prayer and group activities.
hosted its first graduation in the newly rebuilt chapel
For most of these ladies, these retreats are the only
that had suffered complete destruction several years
time they have to relax and focus on their own well-
earlier during a storm. Because of the generosity
being. In total, seven retreats were held in 2011. This
of many supporters, we are able to worship, host
past year in Nicaragua, retreat leaders taught on the
graduation services and celebrate other special
role of women in churches as well as a program on
occasions indoors!
“Living the Transformed Life.”
In addition to regular classes, the Bible Institute in
Nicaragua was the site of four excellent conferences
in 2011. Topics included studies on marriage, men’s
ministry, the book Knowing and Experiencing the Will
of God, and purpose-driven preaching.
The Bible Institutes are key to church development
and the equipping of God-called leaders to do the
work of the ministry.
Association of Churches
Many years ago, BMDMI facilitated the founding of
autonomous Church Associations in Honduras and
Nicaragua. These Associations meet regularly to
provide leadership and guidance for its 161 churches/
new church plants and pastors. They also offer
additional training through Pastor Conferences.
Provision of Discipleship
Unfortunately, printed discipleship materials are
too expensive for most churches in Honduras and
Nicaragua. In light of this, several BMDMI missionaries
take on the challenge of making these materials more
readily available. The greatest challenge undertaken
in 2011 (as in previous years) was to strengthen the
Sunday School ministry. However, the encouragement
and training provided by our missionaries and staff is
having tangible results:
“We have been able to deliver Sunday school materials
for the churches that are already well organized with
While we may not think of construction as a form of
their Sunday school program. I praise the Lord for the
discipleship, many of these projects help facilitate our
great increase in churches opening their doors faithfully
discipleship efforts. BMDMI missionaries, staff and
every Sunday. God has been so good to us as our pastors
teams were busy with construction projects in 2011!
have a better understanding of Sunday school. Pastor
López, who has been struggling with his Sunday school
program for many years called me and said, ‘Sister, last
• Completion of new chapel at the Thomas
Herrington Bible Institute
• Classrooms at the Thomas Herrington Bible
• Roof on the second story of the church in
• Church building in La Cienega
• Parsonage in Morocelí
• Church building in Guaimaca
• Church roof in Rillito
• Church roof in Cerro Bonito
• Beds and cabinets for students at the Thomas
Herrington Bible Institute
• Tile floor in the kitchen/dining room at the
Baptist Hospital
night I talked to my church about our responsibilities
with Sunday school. We all agreed we need to start
making changes and organize our program. Would you
please provide the Sunday school materials for us?” My
answer was ‘Praise the Lord, Brother! That is what we
have been waiting to hear from you and your church.’”
Marina Calderón, Missionary to Honduras
• Completed the church building in El Carmen,
• High School library at Mount of Olives
Christian School in Diriamba
• Warehouse and latrines at the church en La
• Three latrines at the church en Mata de
Caña, Rivas
To The Poor
“He that hath pity upon the poor lendeth unto the LORD; and that which he
hath given will he pay him again.” Proverbs 19:17
We cannot convey adequately the breadth of support, encouragement and
relief that is given to Nicaraguans and Hondurans in need by the BMDMI
family of volunteers, missionaries, staff and churches. For individuals working
alone, it would be impossible to do all this; however, working together the
BMDMI family makes a manifest difference in the lives of thousands of people
each year. What follows is a testimony of God working through His people.
Short-term Mission
Team Ministry
In 2011, more than 2,500 volunteers traveled from the
U.S. to serve the needs of thousands of Nicaraguans
and Hondurans. They sacrificed their personal time and
resources to serve, but you will often hear from them that
they received more of a blessing than they gave.
Though we are not in ministry “for the numbers,” our
teams’ statistics from 2011 capture the fruit of their
efforts and investment:
Medical Patients Seen:
Dental Patients Seen:
Prescriptions Filled:
Surgeries Performed:
Eyeglasses Distributed:
Rice & Beans Distributed:
43 tons
Animals Treated:
While teams ministered to these physical needs, the
Gospel of Jesus Christ was shared. By year’s end, 9,115
people made a profession of faith and 35,570 Bibles were
given away.
Short-term teams are at the heart of our ministry to the
poor. The first team traveled to Honduras in 1974 with a
total of 7 volunteers. In 2011, BMDMI coordinated the
ministry of 75 teams.
>>> Ministering to the Poor Continued
Children’s Homes
To serve the needs of countless children living on the
streets or in dangerous situations, BMDMI operates two
Children’s Homes. The Emmanuel Home of Protection
(EHP) in Diriamba, Nicaragua is a safe haven for young
girls that have been sexually abused. At the EHP,
these girls count on a loving, Christian environment
and are able to focus on rebuilding their lives through
counseling, schoolwork, motherhood preparation and
vocational training. In 2011, the EHP was home to 33
young girls and 5 precious babies born to several of
them. The EHP continues to grow in numbers as well
as scope of ministry.
Education is fundamental to raising the standard
of living of the poor. The Good Shepherd Christian
Academy in Zamorano, Honduras provides a quality
In 2011, the Good Shepherd Children’s Home (GSCH)
education to the residents of the Children’s Home
in Zamorano, Honduras was home for 130 children
as well as children from the surrounding community.
removed from terrible living conditions by the
Continued budget shortages in 2011 required the
Honduran child welfare agency. At the GSCH, these
Academy to layoff faculty and other personnel as
kids learn what it means to be loved and cared for,
well as close grades 7 through 9 (children from those
receiving all the basic necessities of life – safe shelter,
grades were instead sent to a local Honduran school).
food, clothing, medical/dental care and a quality
However, enrollment at the Good Shepherd Christian
education. Their lives are transformed from dread and
Academy in 2011 remained fairly strong at about 150
fear to hope and faith.
Over the past several years, the leadership at GSCH
The Mount of Olives Christian School (MOCS) in
has worked diligently to “balance the budget” due to
Diriamba, Nicaragua had another banner year in 2011.
rising costs of caring for so many children. And while
Though government-mandated changes to teacher
funding for this ministry still falls short of where we
salaries and benefits in Nicaragua put a financial strain
would like for it to be, the GSCH ended 2011 on a
on the school, enrollment continued strong at about
more solid financial footing which helps ensure that it
345 students from preschool through high school. Dr.
will continue to be a beacon of hope into the future.
Wendell Wyatt returned in 2011 for his sixth year of
training math teachers at the MOCS. Dr. Wyatt has
literally transformed the school’s math program and
has provided invaluable insights for the math program
and the school in general, pulling from his 46 years
of experience as a high school math teacher and
university professor.
Vocational Training
BMDMI’s educational offerings include adults as well.
In 2011, BMDMI graduated 79 students from its six
sewing schools in Nicaragua; our highest number of
graduates yet! The skills these students learn provide a
means of supporting their families and local churches.
The encouragement they receive from the Christian
instructors is a boost to their self-esteem and selfworth as well.
Project Life®
When our missionaries, staff and short-term mission
teams encounter Hondurans and Nicaraguans with
significant medical needs, they are referred to BMDMI’s
Project Life® program which arranges for specialized
treatment. Project Life® is often the difference
between life and death for patients who have nowhere
else to turn.
During the 2011 calendar year, 174 patients received
treatment through the Project Life® program in
Honduras. These 174 patients reflect an investment
of $35,290 for their care. In Nicaragua, 80 patients
received treatment through this program with a total
cost of $23,697.81.
Guaimaca Ministries
Baptist Hospital
2011 was the second full year of operation of the
Baptist Hospital Ministries in Guaimaca, Honduras
under the leadership of BMDMI. In 2011, BMDMI
hosted a total of 17 teams to serve in the Guaimaca
Ministries providing life-giving surgery for hundreds
of patients and basic health care for more than a
thousand patients in the hospital clinic, many of
which come from our own Project Life® program.
The Guaimaca Ministries include a number of other
benevolent services including food and water
activities, construction, and evangelism. BMDMI has
great hopes for continued growth in the Guaimaca
Ministries in coming years.
Financial Information
Year End 2011
Statement of Financial Position
Donor Report
We are thankful for the people God leads to support our
mission work. They are an important part of our team and
we appreciate the sacrifices they make to help BMDMI serve
in the name of Christ. Our goal is to use every donation as
wisely as possible. Below, you will find the total number of
donors for each level of giving.
Cash and cash equivalents
Certificates of Deposit
Pledges receivable, net
Other assets
Total Number of Donors in 2010 by Giving Level
Team Travel Deposits
Property and Equipment, net
Donor Category
# of Donors
Total assets
Covenant Group $100,000+
Herrington Group $50,000 – $99,999
Liabilities and net assets
The 1974 Group $25,000 – $49,999
$5,000 – $24,999
President’s Group
$1,000 – $4,999
Accounts payable
Accrued payroll and withholdings
$500 – $999
$250 – $499
Mission Partners
$100 – $249
$1 – $99
Net assets
Temporarily restricted
Total net assets
Total liabilities and net assets
$ 7,523,262
Year End 2011
Statement of Activities
Temporarily Restricted
Revenues, gains, and other support
$ 17,638,156
$ 18,903,311
Interest income
- 2,907
Net assets released for satisfaction
of program restrictions 1,072,965 (1,072,965)
Total revenues, gains, and other support 18,714,028
192,190 18,906,218
Honduras operations 12,169,880
Nicaragua operations 5,775,989
Fund raising
Management and general
Total expenses 18,660,237
- 18,660,237
Change in net assets
Net assets at beginning of year 5,895,754
Net assets at end of year
$ 5,949,545
$ 7,214,700
2011 Board Of Trustees
Glenn Galey (Chair)
Terry Lowe
Bob May (Vice Chair)
Leigh Murphy
Bill Fesler (Secretary)
Wilson Nelson
Rod Pollard (Treasurer)
Linda Popham
Jimmy Abbott
Brandon Porter
Mark Brashier
Linda Reynolds
Jim Brewer
John Rinkliff
Richard Churchman
William “Butch” Russum
John Clardy
Mac Walters
Julia Daily
Dennis Whitehead
Michael Day
Denyse Williams
Lewis Griffin
Gene Williams
Jim Hayes
Bobby Willoughby
Carolyn Hood
Dwight Carr, BMDMI President, ex-officio
David Lauen
Carolyn Herrington, BMDMI Founder, ex-officio
2011 U.S. Administrative Staff
Dwight Carr President
Carolyn Herrington Special Assistant to the President, Founder
Margaret Carr Assistant to the President
Hunter Godsey Vice President
Christy Draughn Accountant/Office Manager
Carrie Foster Bookkeeper/Accounts Payable
Jane Stansell Honduras Team Activities Coordinator
Will Holder Nicaragua Team Activities Coordinator
Seletta Lee Sponsorship Coordinator/Mailing Clerk
Sandra Davis Administrative Assistant
Our Ministry Partners
Following is an alphabetical listing of all donors making a contribution to BMDMI in 2011. To each person who contributed,
we give our heart-felt thanks. Together we are making a difference in the lives of thousands of people in need in Honduras
and Nicaragua.
40 to 50 Something Bible Study Class
Agricultural Development Foundation, Ltd.
Ms. Mary Catherine Anderson
Ms. Candice Ashburn
Mr. Jim Aaron
Aimwell Baptist Church
Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Anderson
Mr. and Mrs. Victor E. Ashby
Mrs. Tina Aaron
Airtight Insulation of MS. LLC
Dr. and Mrs. Robert Anderson
Ms. Peggy Ashman
Mr. Danny Abbott
Mr. and Mrs. Johnny D. Akers
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Anderson
Mr. and Mrs. Toby Asplin
Mr. and Mrs. James Abbott
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Alday
Mr. and Mrs. Troy Anderson
ABC Physical Therapy
Ms. Glenda Aldridge
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Andrews
AT&T United Way/Employee
Giving Campaign
Ms. Maryola Abdulhadi
Mrs. Lee Ann Alexander
Mr. Tommy Andrews
Mrs. Patricia Abercrombie
Ms. Laura Alford
Ann Walker’s Sunday School Class
Ms. Caroline Abernathy
Mrs. Rosie Alford
Dr. Randel S. Abrams
Alford Heights Baptist Church
Mr. Darryl Anthony
Mr. Damon Abshire
Alice Bell Baptist Church
Antioch Baptist Church (Florien, LA)
Abundant Life Church (Waynesboro, MS)
All Proclaim, Inc
Antioch Baptist Church (Hattiesburg, MS)
Ms. Paula E. Acuff
Dr. and Mrs. Bob Allardyce
Antioch Baptist Church (Yatesville, GA)
Acxiom Corporation
Ms. Amanda Allbritton
Mr. Bill Adams
Mr. Nathan Allbritton
Antioch Baptist Church W.M.U.
(Yatesville, GA)
Mr. Chaz Adams
Ms. Ann Allen
Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Adams
Mr. Charles Allen
Mr. Evan Adams
Mr. Clayton Allen
Mrs. Heather Adams
Ms. Dorcas Allen
Mr. and Mrs. James Adams
Mr. and Mrs. Jack L. Allen
Mr. and Mrs. James S. Adams
Mr. Jimmy Allen
Mr. and Mrs. Jim D. Adams
Ms. Lauren Allen
Mr. and Mrs. John D. Adams
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Allen
Mr. and Mrs. Ken Adams
Mr. and Mrs. Marty Allison
Mrs. Linda Adams
Mrs. Margaret Allman
Dr. Steve Adams
Ms. Ann Allred
Mrs. Susan Adams
Mrs. Donald Allred
Adult 2 Ladies Sunday School Class
Alton J Head Adult III Sunday Class
Adult 2 Sunday School Class
Mrs. Victoria Alverson
Adult 3 & 4 Sunday School Class
Amelia Plantation Chapel, Inc.
Adult 5 Sunday School Class
Mrs. Sandra Ammons
Adult III Sunday School Class
Anchor of Hope Baptist Church
Adult III Sunday School Department
Anchor Sunday School Class
Adult IV Sunday School Class
Dr. and Mrs. Mark D. Andersen
Adult Men Sunday School Class
Ms. Allison Anderson
Adult Sunday School Class of
Ms. Amanda Anderson
Community Baptist Church
Mr. and Mrs. David Anderson
Affinity Properties, LLP
Ms. Janice Anderson
Afternoon Bible Study Group
Mr. Jim Anderson
Agape Sunday School Class
Mr. Keith Anderson
Mr. Ryan Agre
Ms. Lisa Anderson
Antioch Baptist Medical-Dental
Miss Rebecca Arbuckle
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Arceneaux
Ms. Pat Arceneaux
Mrs. Cheri Ardoin
Mr. R. Jason Ardoin
Mr. John Arend
Ms. Ariane Argentieri
Miss Rachael Arias
Ms. Maryann Arlen
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Armistead
Mr. and Mrs. Sammy Arms
Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Armstrong
Ms. Denise L. Armstrong
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Armstrong
Ms. Maxine Armstrong
Mrs. Cassie Arnold
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Arnold
Ms. Patricia Arnold
Mrs. Karen Arriaga
Mr. and Mrs. William R. Arrington
Arrow Pest Control
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Arthur
Ms. Johnnie Arthur
Asbury Cemetery Association
Asbury United Methodist Church
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Atchison
Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Atchison
Dr. Thomas J. Attaway
Mr. Steve Austin
Austin and Austin, Inc
Auto Definitions of Claremore, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Aycock
Mr. Dalton Aydell
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher H. Ayers
Mr. Jacky Ayers
Ms. Joyce Aymond
Mrs. Mary Jo Ayres
Drs. George and Deborah Azar
Mr. Ahmed Baali
Mr. and Mrs. John Babbitt
Dr. Phillip R. Bacilla, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry F. Bagby
Mrs. and Mr. Kay Bagby
Ms. Connie Bailey
Mrs. Dorothy Bailey
Ms. Meghan Q. Bailey
Dr. Michael L. Bailey
Mr. and Mrs. Ty Bailey
Mr. and Mrs. Chris Baird
Mr. David Baird
Ms. Jean Baird
Mr. and Mrs. Brock Baker
Mr. and Mrs. Chris Baker
Mrs. Flora Baker
Mr. James Baker
Mr. and Mrs. Lemuel Baker
Mr. and Mrs. Ken Baker
Ms. Margie C. Baker
Ms. Tammy Baker
Miss Amy E. Balch
Mr. and Mrs. James Baldwin
Mrs. Sharon Balfanz
Mrs. Melanie Baysinger
Ms. Pauline Bethel
Mr. Wayne Blevins
Ms. Judith Ball
Mrs. Frankie Beaird
Bethel Baptist Church (Newell, IA)
Blinds Etc
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Banks
Mr. Wayne N. Beall
Bethel Baptist Church (Pleasant Grove, AL)
Mr. and Mrs. Dick Blodgett
Ms. Beth Bankston
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Beard
Bethel First Presbyterian Church
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Blodgett
Baptist Collegiate Ministries (Farmville, VA)
Mrs. Ruth K. Beasley
Mr. Alfred Bettis
Mr. Mitchell Blom
Baptist Medical & Dental Missions
(DeRidder, LA)
Mrs. Linda Beason
Betty & Bob Foundation, Inc.
Miss Heather L. Blythe
Mrs. June Beassie
Beulaville Baptist Church
Ms. Marie D. Bobbett
Mr. and Mrs. Sim Beaty
Mr. and Mrs. Farron Bevis
Mr. Nelson Bogaard
Ms. Sheryl Beaulieu
Mr. and Mrs. Jackie Bevis
Mrs. Pam Bogue
Mr. and Mrs. Randy Beaver
Mrs. Gail Beyer
Mr. Tom Bolan
Mr. Mike Barbarick
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Beaver
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Beyer
Mr. Kendall Boles
Mr. and Mrs. William Barbee
Ms. Carla Beck
Bible Baptist Church (Bradenton, FL)
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Boleware
Mrs. Corrine Barber
Dr. Michael L. Beckish
Bible Baptist Church (Gulfport, MS)
Mrs. Jeanie Bolin
Mrs. Linda Barber
Dr. and Mrs. Richard M. Bedinghaus
Bible Discovery Class
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey D. Bolin
Mr. and Mrs. Matt Barbier
Mr. Arden Beeler
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Belcher
Bible Study Class of Valley View
Baptist Church
Mr. Sam Bolt
Mr. and Mrs. Earl R. Barham
Ms. Genola D. Barlow
Ms. Ann Belk
Rev. and Mrs. Charlie Barnard
Dr. and Mrs. Andy Bell
Ms. Angela Barnes
Ms. Christina E. Bell
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Barnes
Ms. Gail Bell
Mrs. Connie Barnes
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Bell
Ms. Elizabeth Barnes
Rev. and Mrs. Jack Bell
Ms. Kathy Barnes
Mr. and Mrs. O K. Bell
Mrs. Marilyn Barnes
Mr. and Mrs. Ryan Bellaw
Dr. and Mrs. Marty Barnes
Bellfield Baptist Church
Mr. Ronald Barnes
Mr. and Mrs. Rusty Bellue
Mrs. Sara N. Barnes
Ms. Viola Beltz
Mr. and Mrs. Thad Barnes
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Belvin
Dr. and Mrs. Will Barnes
Mrs. Karol L. Bembrick
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Barnett
Mr. Keith W. Benefield
Mr. and Mrs. Keith Barnett
Mr. and Mrs. Joel Bennett
Mrs. Teresa R. Barnett
Ms. Melissa J. Bennett
Mr. and Mrs. David Barragy
Mr. Robert Bennett, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Barrett
Mr. Richard Benton
Mr. Carl Barrington
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas U. Berch
Mr. Flenoy Barrow
Mr. and Mrs. Gean Berg
Mr. and Mrs. Homer Bartlett
Mr. Kenneth L. Bergquist
Bartlett Baptist Church
Berkeley Baptist Church
Ms. Martha E. Barton
Ms. June Berneking
Ms. Rebecca S. Basanda
Mr. Todd Bernhagen
Mr. and Mrs. Billy Baskins
Ms. Betty Berry
Ms. Cheryl Baskins
Ms. Cheryl D. Berry
Dr. and Mrs. Charles P. Bass
Ms. Dorothy Berry
Dr. Kyle Bass
Mrs. Dorothy E. Berry
Ms. Mary Anna Bastin
Mr. Leonard E. Berry
Ms. LeAnn Bates
Mrs. Elizabeth Besenbach
Mr. William Batson
Mr. Craig Best
Mr. and Mrs. John Baugh
Mr. Gene A. Best
Mrs. Sandra Bayman
Ms. Lizette Bethea
Baptist Medical Missions
(Lake Charles, LA)
Baptist Medical Missions Teams
(Lake Charles, LA)
Mrs. Renee Biermann
Ms. Jaunita Bigbie
Mr. Steven Bigbie, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. David Biles
Ms. Jean F. Bird
Mr. Jeffrey P. Birk
Mrs. Lucy Bishop
Mrs. Peggy K. Bishop
Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Bishop
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Bitterling
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Bittinger
Ms. Janis L. Bivins
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Black
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Black
Mrs. Lynn Black
Ms. Melanie Black
Mr. Russell Black
Blackford Baptist Church
Mr. Bob Blackwell
Mrs. Emily M. Blackwell
Mrs. Lynn Blackwell
Mr. Steve Blackwell
Dr. and Mrs. Mark Blackwood
Mr. Bill Blain
Dr. and Mrs. Bob Blair
Mr. and Mrs. Doug A. Blair
Mr. Carter Blaisdell
Mr. and Mrs. William Blaisdell
Ms. Ethel Blaise
Rev. and Mrs. Allen D. Blanton
Mr. Daniel Blazek
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Blevins
Mrs. Shirley Blevins
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Bolton
Mrs. Laura A. Bolton
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Bond
Mr. and Mrs. Tim Bonn
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Bonner
Mr. George P. Bonvillain, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Joel Booher
Mr. Arie Boot
Boots Jordan Sunday School Class
Ms. Mary Borne
Mr. Charlotte Boss
Mrs. Rhonda Bossart
Mr. and Mrs. Doug Botts
Boulevard Baptist Church
Mr. Bill Bounds
Mr. James Boutwell
Bovina Baptist Church
Dr. Andrew C. Bowe
Mr. and Mrs. Irwin Bowen III
Mr. John Bowen, III
Mr. and Mrs. Dale Bowerman
Mrs. Kerry Bowler
Dr. and Mrs. John Bowman, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Bowman
Ms. Janna Boyd
Mr. Nathan K. Boyd
Mrs. Janet Boyette
Ms. Tami Bradford
Mr. and Mrs. Craig Bradley
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Bradley
Mr. J. Craig Bradley, III
Dr. Patrick Brady
Mrs. Evelyn N. Bramlett
Ms. Casey Branch
Mr. Mike Branch
Mr. Curtis L. Brown
Dr. James Burke
Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Campbell
Branches Christian Fellowship
Mrs. Cynthia E. Brown
Dr. and Mrs. Pat S. Burke
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Campbell
Ms. Rachel Brand
Dr. and Mrs. David T. Brown
Ms. Linda Burks
Mr. Joe Campbell
Ms. Elaine Brannan
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Brown
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Burns
Mr. Marcellus Campbell
Mr. and Mrs. Lanny Branstetter
Jean J. Brown
Ms. Susan B. Burns
Ms. Marianna Campbell
Mr. and Mrs. Rex E. Brasher
Mr. Jess Brown
Mr. Bennie D. Burris
Ms. Robin Campbell
Mr. and Mrs. Mark T. Brashier
Miss Julia E. Brown
Mrs. Barbara Burton
Ms. Mitzy Cannady
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Brassfield
Mrs. Kelly Brown
Mr. Carl Burton
Mr. Jim Brassfield
Ms. LaBeth Brown
Ms. Haley Burton
Mrs. Mary E. Carby
Mr. and Mrs. Karl Brassfield
Mr. Lois Brown
Ms. Pam Burton
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Cardin
Mr. and Mrs. Ken Brassfield
Ms. Marinn D. Brown
Mr. Daniel Busby
Mr. and Mrs. Michael K. Cardwell
Mr. and Mrs. Jason Braswell
Ms. Rachel Brown
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Bush
Mrs. Tammie S. Carey
Mrs. Carrie Brauer
Ms. Rebecca Brown
Dr. Lisa Bushardt
Rev. and Mrs. Frank H. Carlburg
Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Bray
Mr. Ricky Brown
Mr. John Butler
Mr. Lilburn Carlisle
Ms. Meredith Breckenridge
Mr. and Mrs. Rob Brown
Ms. Kathy Butler
Mr. Tommy K. Carlton
Mr. Bobby Brewer
Ms. Sandra Brown
Mrs. Leah Butler
Miss Heidi Carman
Mr. Curtis and Dr. Susan Brewer
Mr. and Mrs. William Brown, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Pat Butler
Mr. and Mrs. Eric Carpenter
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Brewer
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Browning
Ms. Patricia Y. Byars
Mr. and Mrs. Joel Carpenter
Ms. Nohemy Brewer
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Browning, Jr.
Dr. William D. Byars
Ms. Lissette Carpenter
Brian Payne Custom Homes, LLC
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Browning
Mr. and Mrs. Tommy Byers
Mr. and Mrs. Dwight G. Carr
Brice’s Creek Bible Church
Miss Rachel Browning
Mr. Eddie Byles
Mr. Edgar Carr
Ms. Katherine E. Bridgeman
Mr. and Mrs. Frankie L. Bruce
Mrs. Leah Byles
Ms. Karen Carr
Mr. James R. Bridgers
Mrs. Tiffany Bruce
Mr. Michael Byram
Mrs. Margaret Carr
Mr. Bobby Bridges
Brushy Creek Baptist Church
Mrs. Jessica L. Byrd
Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy H. Carringer, Jr.
Mr. Terrell Bridges
Mr. Jeff Bruxvoort
Mr. Josh Byrd
Mrs. Betty Carson
Mr. and Mrs. Maurice F. Bridgman
Dr. Robert J. Bruxvoort
Dr. and Mrs. Tony Byrd
Mr. and Mrs. Barry Carter
Mr. Tucker Bridwell
Mr. and Mrs. Brad Bryan
Mr. Martin Byrley
Mr. and Mrs. George L. Carter
Mr. and Mrs. Carl F. Briggs
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Bryant
C2M Inc
Mr. and Mrs. George W. Carter
Mr. and Mrs. Jay Briggs
Ms. Marilyn Bryant
Mr. Clifton Cabell
Mr. and Mrs. Greg Carter
Mr. Tony Briggs
Ms. Marion C. Bryant
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cabra
Dr. and Mrs. Henry Carter
Mr. and Mrs. John Brindley
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Bryant
Mrs. Beverly Cain
Mr. Jerry Carter
Ms. Paige Brinke
Ms. Renee Bryant
Mr. and Mrs. J. Douglas Cain
Drs. John and Frances Carter
Ms. Lyndsey N. Brinson
Ms. Tammy Bryant
Dr. Jeremy Cain
Mr. John Carter
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Brinson
Mrs. Wanda M. Bryant
Mr. and Mrs. Don Caldwell
Mr. Mark Carter
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Brister
Bryant Engineering, Inc
Mr. Jack Caldwell
Ms. Martha Carter
Ms. Betty Britt
Ms. Kathryn S. Bryowsky
Mrs. Georganna Calfee
Carterville Baptist Church
Mrs. Katherine Brock
Ms. Joanne L. Bucholz
Ms. Anissa Calhoun
Carterville Keen Agers
Mr. and Mrs. Rodney Brock
Mrs. Vickie Buckman
Ms. Diane Callaham
Ms. Summer Cartette
Ms. Mary R. Brooks
Mr. James W. Bufkin
Mr. and Mrs. Carter Calongne, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Carver
Mrs. Patricia Brooks
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Bullard
Dr. and Mrs. Ron Caloss
Ms. Louise B. Carver
Ms. Rebecca Broome
Ms. Kelly L. Bullington
Calvary Baptist Church (Bessemer, AL)
Ms. Janie Casey
Mrs. Becky Brosius
Ms. Julie Bullock
Calvary Baptist Church (Clanton, AL)
Ms. Shelby Casey
Mr. Michael Broughton
Ms. Sandy Bunch
Calvary Baptist Church (Florence, SC)
Mrs. Mary June Cashman
Mr. and Mrs. Adam Brown
Ms. Paulette Bunn
Calvary Baptist Church (Seminary, MS)
Mrs. Robin Castaneda
Ms. Alice Brown
Dr. and Mrs. Timothy Burandt
Calvary Baptist Church (Shallotte, NC)
Mrs. Sherry Castile
Ms. Alicia Brown
Ms. Amy K. Burge
Calvary Baptist Church (Riverton, WY)
Mr. and Mrs. Rolando Castillo
Mrs. Becky Brown
Dr. Duane Burgess
Camden Baptist Church
Mr. Benjamin Brown
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Burgess
Mr. Kenneth Cameron
Caswell Springs UMC High
School Class
Mr. Bobby Brown
Dr. and Mrs. Charles Burke
Mr. Leroy Cameron
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Cate, Sr.
Cathey’s Creek Baptist Church
Ms. Rachel Caviness
CDS Home Care, Inc.
Mr. Stanley Cecil
Cedar Bay Baptist Church
Cedar Grove Baptist Church
Cedar Grove General Baptist Church
Centerview Baptist Church
Central Baptist Church
Central Point Baptist Church
Chadron Vision Center
Ms. Debra C. Chafin
Ms. Julia Champion
Mr. Brandon Chancellor
Mr. and Mrs. David Chancellor
Dr. John Chandler
Mrs. Leigh Ann Chandler Poole
Mr. Tim Chaney
Dr. and Mrs. David Chang
Ms. Gina Channell
Mr. Wesley Chaplin
Ms. Candice E. Chapman
Ms. Emma Chapman
Ms. Mildred Chapman
Mr. Wesley B. Chapman
Mrs. Patti Chasteen
Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Chavis
Mrs. Helen Cheek
Mr. Hugh Cheek
Ms. Patty Cheek
Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Cheeley
Mr. Frank Chenault
Mrs. Dana Cherry
Mrs. Wanda Cherry
Mr. and Mrs. Sandy Cheves
Mr. Charles Chien
Mr. Ron Childerston
Mr. and Mrs. Randall R. Childres
Rev. and Mrs. Billy Childs
Chilton Christian Academy
Ms. Linda Chism
Dr. Joel Cho
Dr. Daniel H. Chong
Mr. and Mrs. Gilroy Chow
Ms. Lauren A. Chow
Chris Beauty College, Inc
Christ Community Church
Mr. Tom Christenberry
Christian Community Church
Christian Medical & Dental
Christian Tabernacle Church
Mr. Timothy R. Christopher
Church Of God Of Prophecy
Dr. and Mrs. Richard Churchman
Ms. Betty Cichowski
Circle M Ranch
Citgo Petroleum Corporation
Mrs. Betty E. Clanton
Mr. Ottis Clanton
Dr. and Mrs. John Clardy
Clardy Contact Lens Center
Mrs. Beverly Clark
Mrs. Jackie B. Coleman
Mrs. Barbara J. Counts
Mr. and Mrs. Marvin L. Collins
Couples Class of Providence
Baptist Church
Mr. Roy Collins
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Collins
Colonial Hill Foundation
Mr. Jimmie Colston
Columbia Christian Church
Mrs. Barbara Colville
Mr. and Mrs. Benjie Colvin
Mr. B J Colvin
Mr. Richard Colvin
Community Baptist Church Of GA
Community of Grace
Rev. and Mrs. Charles E. Clark
Companions for Christ Bible
Study Group
Mr. and Mrs. Chuck Clark
Compass Fellowship Church
Ms. Dawn Clark
ConAgra Foods Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. James Clark
Mr. and Mrs. Pat Conerly
Mr. and Mrs. Joey Clark
Mr. Jamey Congleton
Mr. Robert Clark
Mr. Jeremy D. Conklin
Mr. Roger Clark
Ms. Mary Conklin
Mr. and Mrs. Tommy Clark
Ms. Benette Cook
Mr. Wayne Clark
Billie Cook
Dr. and Mrs. Stan Clarke
Mr. Donnie Cook, Sr.
Ms. Halley Claudel
Mr. and Mrs. David Cooke, Jr.
Ms. Sandra Clay
Ms. Barbara Cooper
Mr. and Mrs. Kenny Clayton
Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Cooper
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Clear
Mr. and Mrs. Tim Cooper
Clear Springs Assembly of God Church
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Cope
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin C. Clearman
Mrs. Piper W. Cordrey
Mr. Mike Clem
Rev. and Mrs. William J. Cordrey
Mr. Bill Clements
Ms. Kristin R. Corey
Mr. and Mrs. Barry O. Clemmer
Mr. Frank Corley
Ms. Barbara A. Cleveland
Mrs. Denice Cornell
Mr. Steven Clifton
Cornerstone Baptist Church
Sunday School Class #5
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Clinkscales
Mr. John Cobb
Mr. James Cochran
Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Cochran
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Cochran
CoEd 20s and 30s
Ms. Ladeidre Coffey
Mr. Jack Coker, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry N. Cole
Ms. Laura Cole
Dr. and Mrs. Tim Cole
Mr. Alan W. Coleman
Mr. Barry Coleman
Mrs. Billie Coleman
Couples III Class
Ms. Jennifer M. Courtney
Covington-Jeff Davis Baptist
Cowlitz Way Baptist Church
Ms. Cheryl Cox
Mrs. Christine C. Cox
Ms. Freida M. Cox
Mr. Kelvin Cox
Mr. and Mrs. Sean Cox
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Crabtree
Mr. and Mrs. David Crabtree
Mr. Jeff Crabtree
Craft Land And Timber, Inc.
Mrs. Colleen G. Crafton
Ms. Susan Crago
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Crain
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Crain
Mrs. Janeiro L. Cranage
Dr. and Mrs. Dewitt Crawford
Ms. Mary Crawford
Mrs. Melva Crawford
Mrs. Carol J. Creamer
Creative Internatinoal Ministries, Inc.
Mr. Connie Creel
Dr. and Mrs. Randy Creel
Dr. Wayne Creel
Ms. Jean Crews
Mr. John Crews
Mr. Shane Cribbs
Mr. Clayborn Crick
Cristo Vive Baptist Church
Ms. Linda Crittenden
Cornerstone Church (Purvis, MS)
Ms. Janet Crocker
Cornerstone Church (Sand Springs, OK)
Mrs. Patricia Crocker
Mr. Chris Cornett
Mr. and Mrs. Bennie Crockett, Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. Daryl Cornett
Mr. and Mrs. James Croft
Mr. Robert M. Cornett
Dr. David W. Cromer
Cosmopolitan Club
Mr. Roger Cromwell
Mr. and Mrs. Ronnie Cosper, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Crook
Rev. and Mrs. Denny Costner
Dr. Sid Crosby
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas N. Cothron
Ms. Barbara Cross
Dr. and Mrs. Paul Cotten
Mr. and Mrs. Adrian Cross
Mrs. April Coulter
Cross Roads Baptist Church
(Seymour, TN)
Rev. and Mrs. Harold Council
Council Road Baptist Church
Crossgates Baptist Church
Country Woods Baptist Church
Crossroads Baptist Church
(Fort Myers, FL)
Crossroads Fellowship (Tulsa, OK)
Mrs. Sherry Crowe
Mr. and Mrs. Chester Crowl
Mr. Mitchell Crowley
Ms. Constance Crull
Dr. and Mrs. David Crump
Crusaders Sunday School Class
Ms. Etta Culley
Mr. and Mrs. David Culpepper
Mr. Keith Culpepper
Cumberland Lake Shell, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Cummings
Rev. and Mrs. Ricky Cummings
Mrs. Michele Cummins
Mr. and Mrs. Ladd Cunningham
Rev. and Mrs. Chris Cupp
Mr. Phillip Cureton
Miss Madeira Curry
Mrs. Natalie Curry
Mr. Ronald Curry
Mr. Stephen Curtiss
Mrs. Linda K. Cusimano
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Cutshaw
D Holmes Lawn Service
Mrs. Julia B. Daily
Ms. Marian Daily
Ms. Dianne Dale
Mr. and Mrs. Sebe Dale, Jr.
Ms. Tamara Dallefeld
Dr. Chris Dalton
Dangerfields’ Welding & Machine
Mr. and Mrs. Barry Daniel
Mrs. Becky V. Daniel
Dr. and Mrs. Bill Daniel
Dr. and Mrs. Timothy K. Daniels
Ms. Patti Dant
Mr. Randy Darby
Darby’s Tire and Auto Service LLC
Mr. and Mrs. Michael W. Darnell
Mr. and Mrs. Roy M. Daves
Mrs. Charlotte D. Davidson
Mr. and Mrs. Dale Davidson
Mrs. Maryanne Davidson
Dr. William R. Davidson
Mr. Bill Davis
Ms. Cindy Davis
Ms. Dianna Davis
Mr. Glenn and Dr. Debra Davis
Capt. and Mrs. Morris DeSimone, III
Dry Valley Baptist Church
Mr. and Mrs. Jason E. Davis
Mr. and Mrs. Donald DeWaard
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth D. Duckett
Ms. Joan Davis
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd M. Dewberry
Ms. Barbara J. Duke
Ms. Johnnie R. Davis
Mrs. Sharon B. Dewitt
Ms. Deann Duke
Ms. Lorraine E. Davis
Diane King Sunday School Class
Rev. and Mrs. Teddy A. Duke
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Davis
Ms. Jackie Dichiara
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Dukette
Mr. and Mrs. Tony Davis
Ms. Megan Dickinson
Ms. Frances L. Dunaway
Dr. and Mrs. Randy Davis
Dr. Ross H. Dies
Ms. Sonja S. Duncan
Mr. Robert Davis
Miss Lesley Dillard
Ms. Tekeshia M. Duncan
Ms. Rowena Davis
Dr. Andy Dillon
Mr. and Mrs. Bobby Dunlap
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Davis
Mr. and Mrs. Matt Dillon
Mrs. Amber L. Dunlevy
Mr. and Mrs. William Davis
Ms. Suzanne Dils
Ms. Jean Dunn
Ms. Kitty A. Dawson
Mrs. Jean Dinkins
Mr. and Mrs. John Dunn
Ms. Sylvia Dawson
Ms. Trula Dinkins
Mr. Stephen Dunn
Mr. Matt Day
Ms. Betty Dirnbeck
Mrs. Linda Dunnaway
Dr. Mike Day
Dr. David E. Disbrow
Mr. Ryan Dunsbergen
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Day
District Eight Baptist Convention
Mr. and Mrs. Sonny Duplantis
Dayspring Baptist Church
Mr. Jade Dix
Dupont Baptist Church WMU
Daystar Church Ministries
Ms. Jane Dixon
Dr. and Mrs. Murray Duren, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph De Haan
Mrs. Jennifer D. Dixon
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Durham
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Deal
Dr. and Mrs. Jim Dobbs
Mr. and Mrs. Kerry Durr
Ms. Joy Deal
Mr. Ron Dobbs
Mrs. Marilyn Dusek
Ms. Barbara Dean
Ms. Mindy Dodge
Mr. and Mrs. Curtis W. Duvall
Mr. Frank D. Dean
Ms. Jean Dodson
Ms. Kathy J. Duvall
Mr. Lloyd Dean
Ms. Ann Doig
Ms. Marjorie R. Dye
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Dean
Mrs. Carol A. Dolan
Mr. and Mrs. Jason Dyer
Mrs. Ann W. Deane
Dr. Bob Dolven
Ms. Glenda Eads
Mr. and Mrs. Silas Deane
Mr. Fernando Dominguez
Dr. Patrick Eakes
Mr. and Mrs. Joy Dearman
Don Lenz Sunday School Class
Ms. Maria Earl
Mr. Brent DeBoef
Don Smith Sunday School Class
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Earley
Mr. Mark DeCook
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Donelson, Jr.
Ms. Leanne Earney
Mr. and Mrs. Ken Deems
Dorsett Drive Christian Church
Mrs. Shelly G. East
Ms. Jackie Dees
Mr. James W. Dotson, Sr.
East Fork Baptist Church
Ms. Patricia Dees
Ms. Jo Ann Dotson
East Ridge Baptist Church
Mr. and Mrs. Stan DeFehr
Mr. Pete Dotson
Eastside Baptist Church
Mrs. Jamie DeGroot
Mr. Bennie Dove
Ms. Kayla M. Eaton
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Delas
Mr. and Mrs. George T. Dowdy
Mr. and Mrs. Andy Eddins
Rev. and Mrs. Larry G. DeLay
Downingtown Area School District
Mrs. Judy Eddins
Mr. Mike DeLay
Mrs. Emily Downum
Mr. and Mrs. Terry Eden
Mr. Smith Deline
Mr. Robert Doyle
Dr. Don Edgerton
Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Delk, Jr.
Dr. Frank Holston Baptist Medical
& Dental Team
Mr. and Mrs. William Edmonson
Mr. and Mrs. Walter T. DeLong
Mr. Jack Dendy
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Denning
Mr. and Mrs. Skip Dent
Mr. Joshua DePauw
Ms. Tria L. DePauw
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff DeRosia
Mr. and Mrs. Paul DeShotel
Dr. Tony Byrd’s Sunday School Class
Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Drake
Mr. Mark Draper
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Draughn
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffery Draughon
Mrs. Roma Dravis
Mr. and Mrs. Johnny Drew
Dr. Daniel P. Edney
Edney Medical Services, Inc
Ms. Alicia Edwards
Dr. Charles Edwards II
Ms. Edwinna Edwards
Mr. J. J. Edwards
Mr. James Edwards
Mr. James H. Edwards
Ms. Marjorie Edwards
Ms. Mary Evers
First Baptist Church (Callahan, FL)
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Edwards
Mr. and Mrs. David Ezell
First Baptist Church (Center Star, AL)
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Edwards
Ms. Martha Fachko
First Baptist Church (Choctaw, OK)
Mr. Jim Eleazer
Fairfield Baptist Church WMU
First Baptist Church (Claremore, OK)
Electric Wholesale Supply
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Fairley
First Baptist Church (Claysville, PA)
Mrs. Nell K. Elkins
Faith Baptist Church (Brookneal, VA)
First Baptist Church (Converse, LA)
Mrs. Susan E. Elleman
Faith Baptist Church(Claremore, OK)
First Baptist Church (Davison, MI)
First United Methodist Church
Project Life
Ms. Allison Elliott
Faith Sunday School Class
First Baptist Church (Dawson, GA)
First United Methodist Men
Mr. and Mrs. R.C. Elliott
Faithful Servants Sunday School Class
First Baptist Church (Fayette, MO)
Dr. Frederick Fisher
Mr. Shellie Elliott
Family Builders Sunday School Class
First Baptist Church (Florien, LA)
Mrs. Jackie Fisher
Ms. Alicia A. Ellis
Mrs. Patricia A. Fanger
First Baptist Church (Fort Jessup, LA)
Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Fisher
Mr. and Mrs. Danny Ellis
Mr. and Mrs. Richard V. Farrell
First Baptist Church (Gillis, LA)
Fishers of Men Sunday School Class
Ms. Kenille Elmore
Mr. and Mrs. Rob Farris
First Baptist Church (Haleyville, AL)
Ms. Pamela J. Elrod
Mrs. Rubylee W. Fash
First Baptist Church (Hattiesburg, MS)
Flat Lick Cumberland Presbyterian
Mr. Robert Elsner
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Faulkner
First Baptist Church (Hilliard, FL)
Mrs. Jamie Ely
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Faulkner
First Baptist Church (Hornbeck, LA)
Mrs. Dorese Embry
Mr. Joshua Faulkner
First Baptist Church (Jackson, AL)
Emerald Bay Community Church
Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Faulkner
First Baptist Church (Jasper, TX)
Emmanuel Community Church
Mr. Bill Fears
First Baptist Church (LaGrange, GA)
Mr. William Emmons
Dr. and Mrs. Kurt R. Feighner
First Baptist Church (Macon, GA)
Encompass Cares
Mr. and Mrs. Spencer Felder
First Baptist Church (Maplewood, LA)
Encourager East Sunday School Class
Ms. Ansley C. Felker
First Baptist Church (Mary Esther, FL)
Encouragers Sunday School Class
Mr. Tony Fell
First Baptist Church (Mayo, SC)
Mr. David G. England and Mrs.
Deedee Borges
Fellowship Baptist Church
(Lenoir City, TN)
First Baptist Church (Mendenhall, MS)
Englewood Baptist Church
Fellowship Baptist Church
(Willow Spring, NC)
Mr. Charles E. English
Envision Church
Mr. Cecil Epperley
Mr. and Mrs. Duke Epperson
Governor Stephanie Erdman
Ms. Lauren Erion
Mr. Lon Erwin
Drs. Margaret and Harry Eskew
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Essary
Mrs. Becky Estridge
Mr. and Mrs. Bobby W. Etheridge
Mrs. Carol Etheridge
Mr. and Mrs. Russ Etheridge
Etter Baptist Church
Eubank Baptist Church
Mr. and Mrs. Buddy Evans
Ms. Emily Evans
Mr. H. D. Evans
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Evans
Mr. and Mrs. John Evans
Mr. George Everett III
Ms. Susan Everett
Rev. and Mrs. Toby Everett
Fellowship Class
Ms. Barbara A. Felts
Mr. John C. Ferguson
Mrs. Sherry Ferguson
Mr. Tyler Ferguson
Fern Creek Baptist Church
Mr. Orville A. Fesler
Dr. and Mrs. William L. Fesler
Mr. John Feuchtenberger
Mr. and Mrs. William A. Fickling, Jr.
Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund
Mr. and Mrs. Phil Fiedler
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Field
First Baptist Church (Merryville, LA)
First Baptist Church (Milan, TN)
First Baptist Church (Moncks Corner, SC)
First Baptist Church (Moore, OK)
First Baptist Church (Mount Olive, MS)
First Baptist Church (Mustang, OK)
First Baptist Church (Olive Branch, MS)
First Baptist Church (Runnelstown, MS)
First Baptist Church (Sapulpa, OK)
First Baptist Church (State Line, MS)
First Baptist Church (Tuscaloosa, AL)
First Baptist Church (Walters, OK)
First Baptist Church (Westwood Lake, FL)
First Baptist Church of Franklin
Sunday School Class
First United Methodist Church
(Talladega, AL)
First United Methodist Church
(Tuscumbia, AL)
First United Methodist Church
(Wagoner, OK)
Mrs. Ann Fletcher
Mr. and Mrs. Les Fletcher
Ms. Linda Fletcher
Mr. and Mrs. Wyndham Fletcher
Mr. Ronald J. Flowers
Mr. Stevie R. Flowers
Mr. Anthony L. Floyd
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Floyd
Ms. Mollie W. Floyd
FOCUS International
Mr. and Mrs. Michael P. Foley
Ms. Vonna Foley
Mrs. Jackey Folz
Ms. Shirley Fontenot
Mr. and Mrs. Brad Ford
Mr. Brian E. Ford
Mr. and Mrs. Kendall Ford
Mr. Lloyd Ford
Miss Suzanne K. Ford
Ms. Pat Foreman
Forest Grove Baptist Church
Forrest General Hospital
Mrs. Frances H. Forrester
Dr. Melanie Forrister
Mr. Linda Forsee
First Methodist Church Honduras
Mrs. Dedra Fortenberry
Mr. Frank Fields
Mrs. Betty Fikes
First Original Free Will Baptist Church
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Fortney
Mr. Ray Finchum
First Southern Baptist Church of
Prescott Valley
Mrs. Carrie Foster
First United Methodist Church
(Indianola, MS)
Mrs. Patricia P. Foster
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Fink
First Assembly of God Church
First Baptist Church (Alma, GA)
First Baptist Church (Bartlesville, OK)
First Baptist Church (Benton, AR)
First United Methodist Church
(Magee, MS)
First Baptist Church (Bonifay, FL)
First United Methodist Church
(Moultrie, GA)
First Baptist Church (Byram, MS)
First United Methodist Church (Murphy, NC)
Miss Bekah Fortney
Mr. Nathan A. Foster
Mr. Stephen Foster
Ms. Teri Fostvedt
Mr. and Mrs. Philip W. Fowler
Dr. Creed Fox
Mrs. Brenda Foxworth
Ms. Mirian Garcia
Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Gilliland
Grace Baptist Church (Wilmington, NC)
Rev. and Mrs. Kennon T. Francis
Gardendale Baptist Tabernacle
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry G. Gilliland
Franklin Crossroads Baptist Church
Ms. Faye Gardner
Mr. Johnny Gilliland
Grace Community Baptist Church
(Moncks Corner, SC)
Mr. and Mrs. David L. Franks
Mr. Lee Gardner
Dr. and Mrs. Martin E. Gilliland
Mr. Roger Frazier
Ms. Brenda Gargis
Ms. Jayne T. Gimber
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Free
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Garland
Ms. Linda Ginn
Dr. and Mrs. Paul Freel
Mr. and Mrs. John Garner
Mr. Randall Ginn
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Freeland
Mr. Phillip Garner
Ms. H. Denise Gipson
Mr. Jack Freeman
Mr. William Garnett
Mr. Gustavo Giral
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry A. Freeman
Mrs. Kym Garraway
Ms. Juanita Girardeau
Mrs. Kimberly K. Freeman
Ms. Kristen F. Garrett
Dr. and Mrs. M. Glenn Girod
Mr. Ray Freeman
Mrs. Marva Garrett
Ms. Pamela Givhan
Mrs. Cheryl Fregin
Dr. Bud Garrison
Gladeville Baptist Church
Ms. Leva Fremin
Mr. David Gaston
Gleaner’s Bible Study Class
Mr. Roger Z. Frick
Mr. and Mrs. James L. Gaston, Jr.
Glen Iris Baptist Church
Mr. Russell G. Frick
Mr. James W. Gaston
Dr. and Mrs. Earl Glenn
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Friedlob
Gaston International, Inc.
Mr. Stephen J. Glenn
Mr. Benjamin C. Friedman
Ms. Bettye Gates
Ms. Barb Glissman
Mrs. Deborah Friedman
Dr. Robert L. Gates
Ms. Cheryl Glover
Ms. Anne Friend
Mr. Jimmy Gaw
Mr. Daniel K. Glover
Friendship Class (Terry, MS)
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Gay
Go Global
Friendship Class (Tyler, TX)
Mrs. Pattye Gay
Mr. and Mrs. Floyd N. Goar
Friendship Class (Vicksburg, MS)
GDF Enterprises Inc
Mrs. Sarah Gochenour
Friendship Sunday School Class
(Kirksey, KY)
Mr. Aubrey Geary
Mrs. Lou Ann Goding
Mr. and Mrs. B J Geddie
Mr. I. Hunter Godsey
Mr. Hubert Gee
Mr. and Mrs. J. Max Godsey
Mr. Andrew Geeslin
Dr. and Mrs. Kirby Godsey
Mr. Alan Geetings
Mr. Rodney and Dr. Carol Goff
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Geetings
Mr. and Mrs. Zane Goggin
Mr. and Mrs. Dick Geisking
Mrs. Daphne Golden
Mr. Scott Gentry
Ms. Debbie Golden
Mr. James Geoghagan
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas Golden
Ms. Deborah Gersch
Golden Sunshine Club
Getwell Road United Methodist Church
Mr. Joaquin Gonzalez
Ms. Laura Giannak
Mr. Tyler Goodwyn
Ms. Eleanor Gibbs
Mr. Wallis Gordin
Ms. Lucy Gibson
Mrs. Amelia Gordon
Mr. and Mrs. John Gibson
Mr. Brian Gordon
Mrs. Gladys Giddens
Ms. Dixie M. Gordon
Mr. J. D. Giddens
Mr. Travis Gosnell
Mr. Sam Giffin
Mr. Robert Goudy
Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Gilbert
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Gould
Dr. and Mrs. Jerry Q. Gilder
Mr. Philip Gould
Miss Julie Giles
Mrs. Frances Gowen
Mr. and Mrs. Kory L. Gill
Mr. and Mrs. William Gower
Mrs. Staci Gill
Miss Michelle Grace
Mr. Stanley T. Gill
Grace Baptist Church (Alpine, TN)
Mr. Robert Gillette
Grace Baptist Church (Monroe, GA)
Mr. and Mrs. Phil Gilley
Grace Baptist Church (Wetumpka, AL)
Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Frisbee
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel E. Frizzell
Mr. and Mrs. Tony Frock
Dr. Gay Fulkerson
Rev. and Mrs. Dean Fulks
Mr. and Mrs. Don Fuller
Mrs. Linda Fuller
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Fuller
Mr. Benny Funderburk
Mr. and Mrs. Chris Funderburk
G & J Development, Inc.
G & K Farms
Dr. and Mrs. Sabry Gabriel
Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Gaddis
Ms. M Gaggini
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Galey
Mr. Joseph Gallagher
Mr. Bill Gamble
Mr. and Mrs. Brad Gamble
Mr. and Mrs. Ron Gambrell
Mr. Josh Gammill
Mr. John Gamradt
Mrs. Lori Gamradt
Dr. James Garb
Grace Community Church (Bartlesville, OK)
Grace Fellowship Church (Stanford, KY)
Grace Sunday School Class
Grace United Methodist Church
Mr. Johnny Graf
Mrs. Kathy Graham
Mr. Kinney R. Graham
Mr. Terry Graham
Mr. and Mrs. John Grandia
Mr. Jared Grant
Koyene Grant
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Grant
Ms. Tammy Grant
Mr. and Mrs. Travis N. Grant
Mr. Robert Gravley
Ms. Charlene Gray
Mr. and Mrs. John Gray
Ms. Lucille Gray
Mr. and Mrs. Stan Gray
Great Commission Church
Mrs. Cathy Green
Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Green
Mr. and Mrs. Jason C. Green
Ms. Sharon Green
Dr. and Mrs. Walt Green
Green Oak Baptist Church
Ms. Cynthia Greene
Mr. Greg Greenhill
Greensburg Baptist Church
Ms. Lindsey Greer
Ms. April Gregg
Ms. Betsy Gregory
Mr. Bob Gregory
Mr. and Mrs. Clifford D. Gregory
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Greiner
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Gress
Mr. Charlie Gressman
Mr. and Mrs. David Greving
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Greving
Ms. Beth Grider
Mr. Clyde Griffin
Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Griffin
Mrs. Sally Griffin
Griffin Architecture
Mrs. Christy Griffith
Mr. Glynn Griffith
Rev. James P. Griffith
Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Hamilton
Mr. Maurice Hartman
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Henderson
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry C. Griffith
Mr. Shanon Hamilton
Mr. Zachery Harts
Ms. Hannah Henderson
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Grimes
Mrs. Heidi Hammack
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Harvell, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Henderson
Mr. and Mrs. Benny Grissom
Dr. Scott Hammack
Mrs. Cheryl Harvey
Mrs. Patricia W. Henderson
Ms. Suzanne Grissom
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Hammer
Ms. Elizabeth Harvey
Mr. Todd Henderson
Dr. Matthew A. Gritters
Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. Hammett
Ms. Maggie Harvey
Mr. Joe Hendon
Ms. Edwina Groover
Mr. Junghyn Han
Mrs. Janet Harwick
Ms. Janice Hendricks
Dayle and Joann Grose
Mr. Timothy Han
Mr. Dave Harwood
Ms. Patty Hendricks
Growing Christians Sunday
School Class
Mr. Don Hancock
Dr. Robert B. Hash
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Hendrix
Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Hancock
Ms. Heather Hastings
Mrs. Melanie Hendrix
Mr. Matthew N. Hancock
Ms. Hope Hastings
Mrs. Jacque Henley
Mr. and Mrs. Ray B. Hancock
Mr. John E. Hatcher
Mr. and Mrs. Sean Hennessy
Ms. Linda Hand
Dr. and Mrs. Randy Hathorn
Ms. Nancy Henry
Miss Heather Hankins
Ms. Kathryn Hatten
Heritage Baptist Church
Ms. Gail Hanks
Dr. and Mrs. Lewis E. Hatten
Heritage United Methodist Church
Dr. and Mrs. Wayne Hanna
Hattiesburg Community Church
Ms. Mara Hernandez
Mr. Ronald Hannah
Mrs. Teresa Haubold
Mrs. Marilyn Herriman
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Hanold
Ms. Diane Haugh
Mrs. Carolyn Herrington
Ms. Bobbie J. Harbin
Haven Woods Baptist Church
Mrs. L. A. Herrington
Mrs. Marcia Harden
Mr. Timothy Havens
Mr. Robert Herrington, Jr.
Mr. Phillip W. Hardy
Mrs. Mindy Havlish
Mr. Robert R. Herrington III
Ms. Wendy E. Hardy
Mr. and Mrs. John Hawkins
Ms. Christal M. Herron
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald W. Hargett
Ms. Barbara Haworth
Mrs. Sara F. Hersman
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Hargrove
Ms. Marlene Haworth
Ms. Debra Herzig
Ms. Gloria Harman
Haws Run Church of the Nazarene
Dr. and Mrs. Gary L Hester
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F. Harmon
Dr. and Mrs. William E. Hay
Mr. Newland Hester
Mr. and Mrs. Russ Harmon
Ms. Joceline Hayden
Mr. and Mrs. Rhodes Hester
Mr. and Mrs. Stack Harmon
Miss Courtney E. Hayes
Mr. and Mrs. Rodney Hester
Harmony Baptist Church
Rev. and Mrs. James Hayes
Ms. Hazel Hibbard
Mr. and Mrs. David Harper
Mr. Jerry Hayes
Ms. Janis Hickle
Mr. Glenn A. Harper
Ms. Sandra Haygood
Mr. J. Christopher Hickman
Dr. and Mrs. Chuck Harrell
Mr. and Mrs. William Haynes
Mr. Joe Hickman
Mrs. Jessica L. Harrelson
Haywood Road Animal Hospital
Mrs. Sara Jean Hickman
Mr. Michael E. Harrington
Hazel Creek Sunday School Class
4 - 6 Grade
Mrs. Beth Hieb
Guaranteed Labels, Inc.
Rev. and Mrs. Stephen Guarneros
Mr. Danny Guice
Mr. Kevin Guice
Mr. and Mrs. Eric Guidry
Ms. Karen Guidry
Ms. Lucille Guidry
Dr. and Mrs. David Guillott
Mr. and Mrs. Hayword Gunnin
Ms. Joy Guthrie
Ms. Susan Guthrie
Dr. Heather M. Gutwein
Mr. Jamie Gyolai
Mr. Christopher A. Hagan
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Hagan
Mrs. Beth Hagerman
Mr. and Mrs. Roger Hagmann
Mr. Jerry Hale
Mrs. Sharon Hale
Mrs. Mary Hales
Mrs. Dorothy J. Haley
Mr. Allen Hall
Mr. David Hall
Ms. Jane Hall
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Hall
Dr. Justin Hall
Mrs. Marian Hall
Ms. Mary Hall
Ms. Rhonda Hall
Mr. Richard Hall
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Hall
Mr. and Mrs. Shelton G. Hall
Hallgren Contractors Corporation
Hallmark Baptist Church
Ms. Cindy Haltom
Ms. Kristin Halverson
Mrs. Jena E. Hamby
Mr. D. George Hamilton, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hamilton
Mrs. Carolyn Harris
Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Harris
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Harris
Ms. Marie Harris
Dr. Robert C. Harris
Mr. and Mrs. Stan Harris
Mr. and Mrs. Tim Harris
Harris Creek Missionary Baptist Church
Harrisburg Christian Church
Ms. Barbara Harrison
Mrs. Regina Harrison
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Harriss
Mr. Kurt Harthoorn
Ms. Jane M. Hartley
Mr. Marty Hartman
Mr. and Mrs. Alton J. Head
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Head
Mrs. Julie Healy
Mrs. Angelena M. Heard
Dr. Joel Hearn
Mr. John M. Heasley
Heaven Bound SS Class
Mr. Ken Hebert
Ms. Ann Hedden
Mr. Dan Hedgespeth
Ms. Judy Helms
Mr. and Mrs. Darrell Heltsley
Mr. and Mrs. Alton Hemphill
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Henderson
Mrs. and Mr. Emily Hieb
Mr. Marvin Hieb
Mr. Paul Hietbrink
Dr. Irma Higginbotham
Ms. Stephanie Higginbotham
Mr. Daniel R. Higgins
Dr. Bart High
Highland Baptist Church
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hight
Ms. Rachael Hight
Mr. and Mrs. Brett Hightower
Mr. and Mrs. Lynwood Hightower III
Dr. and Mrs. Frederick Hilburn II
Mr. and Mrs. Allen Hill
Ms. Amanda R. Hill
Ms. Constance Hill
Mr. Harvey Holm
Mr. Dennis Hubbard
Mr. W. Bret Jackson
Mr. and Mrs. Hardy Hill
Ms. Connie Holmes
Ms. Joyce Hubbard
Jacksonville Bible Church
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffery P. Hill
Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Holmes
Mrs. Denay Huddleston
Mrs. Cheryl Jacobs
Mrs. Jennifer HIll
Mrs. Melinda E. Holmes
Dr. Allison L. Huebert
Mr. Bentley Jagst
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hill
Ms. Lori D. Holt
Mr. and Mrs. David Huebert
Mrs. Glenda Jambon
Mrs. Sandy Hill
Homemakers Sunday School Class
(Columbia, SC)
Mrs. Michelle Huerkamp
Mr. Dean James
Mr. Mason Huerter
James 1:22 Sunday School Class
Mrs. Helen Hughes
Mrs. Ruth Janssen
Ms. Margie Hughes
Dr. and Mrs. Daniel Jarboe
Mr. Dixon Huiet
Mrs. Kathryn Jarboe
Mr. and Mrs. Billy Hulgan
Mrs. Frances Jarman
Ms. Joyce Hull
Ms. Janet Jarriel
Ms. Mary Humphries
Mr. Kenny Jarvis
Mrs. Sandra Humphries
Ms. Judy Jenkins
Mr. Doug Hundt
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Jennings
Mrs. Analeta Hunnicutt
Mr. and Mrs. Troy Jennings
Mrs. Martha Hunnicutt
Mr. Audel Jernigan
Mr. and Mrs. Chip Hunt
Rev. Blake Jessie
Mr. Ted Hunt
Dr. and Mrs. Stan Jett
Ms. Vanessa Hunt
Mr. and Mrs. Tony Jewell
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hurst, Jr.
Mrs. Pamela Jimerson
Mr. John Hurt
John’s Love
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Husted
Mr. Allen Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Loy Hutcheson
Ms. Audra Y. Johnson
Mr. Matt Hutchinson
Ms. Betty Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. James Hutto
Rev. and Mrs. Bruce Johnson
Ms. Rena Hutto
Mr. and Mrs. Dan’l Johnson
Ms. Nelda Hutzler
Mr. Darell Johnson
Mr. Bill Hyde
Mr. and Mrs. Darrel Johnson
Hyman Paper & Chemical Co
Mr. David Johnson
Ignite Class
Ms. Deborah Johnson
Mrs. Bethany A. Iler
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Johnson
Ms. Diana Iles
Mr. Edwin Johnson
Mr. Kevin J. Inglish
Mr. and Mrs. Finest Johnson
Inner Circle Mktg., Inc
Mrs. Jill Johnson
Mr. John P. Irby
Mr. Jonathan K. Johnson
Ms. Faye Isbell
Mrs. Judith M. Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Todd Isbell
Mrs. Kim M. Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Billy Ivitts
Ms. Laurie Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Larry J. Ivy
Mrs. Lori Johnson
Miss Natalie Izral
Ms. Lynn Q. Johnson
J & T Service Center, Inc
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Johnson
JaBo Services LLC
Dr. Mark W. Johnson
Dr. and Mrs. Andrew Jackson
Mr. and Mrs. O. R. Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Corley Jackson, Jr.
Ms. Patsy Johnson
Ms. Denise Jackson
Mr. and Mrs. Perry Johnson
Mrs. Gail Jackson
Mr. Rickey Johnson
Ms. Glenda Jackson
Rev. and Mrs. Robert B. Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Jackson
Mr. and Mrs. Roland Johnson
Hillcrest Baptist Church
Mrs. Paige Hillman
Mr. Jonathan Hillman
Hillview Missionary Baptist Church
Mrs. Jill Hindman
Ms. Mary Hinely
Mr. and Mrs. Brett Hines
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Hines
Ms. Jeanette Hines
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Hinnant
Mr. George Hinnant, Jr.
Ms. Margie Hinson
Ms. Mollie J. Hinton
Ms. Virginia G. Hite
Mr. and Mrs. Don Hix
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Hobler
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Hodge
Mrs. Erin Hodges
Mrs. Kristie Hodges
Mr. Marcus S. Hodges
Mr. and Mrs. David Hoekstra
Dr. James E. Hoffman
Rev. and Mrs. Leland M. Hogan
Dr. and Mrs. Marcus Hogan
Mrs. Sallie Hogg
Ms. Lanie Holbrook
Miss Sarah Holcombe
Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Holden
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel H. Holder
Mr. and Mrs. Russell L. Holder
Mr. Scotty Holder
Mr. and Mrs. Will Holder
Mr. James Holifield
Mrs. Cathy Holland
Mr. and Dr. J. Curtis Holland
Dr. and Mrs. John Holland
Mr. and Mrs. Leigh Holland
Michael and Sally Holland
Ms. Joan Holleman
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Holliman
Ms. Frances Hollinger
Mrs. Delaine Hollingshead
Mr. and Mrs. Norman L. Hollis
Homemakers Sunday School Class
(Sheffield, AL)
Dr. and Mrs. Neil Honea, Jr.
Mrs. and Dr. Jenny Hong
Mr. Mark Hood
Warren and Carolyn Hood
Mr. Wren Hood
Hook Street Baptist Church Alabama
Mr. Gene Hooks
Mr. Donald F. Hooper
Hoops for Christ Basketball Camp
Hope Point Church
Hopewell Baptist Church (Landrum, SC)
Hopewell Baptist Church (Quinton, AL)
Hopewell Baptist Church (Springfield, TN)
Hopewell Presbyterian Church
Mr. Rodney Hopkins
Ms. Nicolet Hopper
Mr. A C and Mrs. Emma Horn
Mr. Benjamin C. Horne
Ms. Margrete E. Horne
Mr. and Mrs. Myron Hosier
Mr. David Hotchkiss
Mr. and Mrs. John H. Hotchkiss
Ms. Lynne Houston
Mr. and Mrs. Kirk E. Houston
Mrs. Julie Howard
Mr. Richard E. Howard
Mr. and Mrs. Rick Howard
Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Howard
Howardtown Baptist Church
Mr. Bobby Howell
Mr. Charlie Howell
Rev. and Mrs. Glenn Howell
Mr. Jeffry Howell
Dr. and Mrs. John Howell
Ms. Lauren Howell
Mr. Philip M. Howell
Ms. Rose Howell
Mr. and Mrs. Judson Howry
Mrs. Kathleen Hoyt
Colomba Hribik-Portello
Mr. Matthew Hua
Ms. Shirley Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Karabian
Mr. Harmon King, Jr.
Dr. Michael Kulovitz
Mrs. Sue B. Johnson
Mr. John Kaukola
Mr. Jason King
Mr. Jonathan Kutnink
Ms. Teri Johnson
Ms. Cathey Kavanaugh
Mr. Scott King
Mr. John C. Kylin
Mr. Thomas Johnson
Dr. Judith Kayloe
Mrs. Sharon King
Ms. Annette La Lande
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Johnson
Mrs. Mary Kea
Mr. Stewart King
Dr. Robert La Pata
Mr. Y T. Johnson
Ms. Jean Keeble
Ms. Susan King
Mrs. Karen LaBarbera
Mr. Daniel Johnston
Mrs. Ava Keen
Mr. and Mrs. Tab King
Mr. and Mrs. Tim Lacey
Mr. and Mrs. David Johnston
Mr. Brian H. Keen
Mr. and Mrs. Tom King
Mr. and Mrs. Roger Lack
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Johnston
Ms. Jennifer Keenum
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne King
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Lacy
Mr. Milton Johnston
Mr. Dennis Keller
Mr. Jacob Kingery
Mr. and Mrs. Ramon Johnston
Mr. and Mrs. John Keller
Rev. and Mrs. Frank Kirby
Ladies II Sunday School Class
(Mendenhall, MS)
Mr. Roger Johnston
Keller Farm
Mr. and Mrs. Jace M. Kirk
Mr. Roy C. Johnston
Mr. Paul Kellerhals
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kirkland
Johnstone Supply
Mr. and Mrs. B.J. Kelley
Mrs. Tracy Kirkley
Ladies Sunday School Class
(Sapulpa, OK)
Joint Heirs Sunday School Class
(Simpsonville, SC)
Ms. Brenda Kelley
Kirksey United Methodist Church
Lagos Int’l Ministry
Mrs. Janie Kellogg
Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Kiser
Lagro United Methodist Church
Ms. Christine Kelly
Mr. and Mrs. Bennie Kissam
Mrs. Kelli Laiche
Mr. Jeffery Kelly
Mr. Wes Kissinger
Lake Spring Church
Dr. Ken Kelly
Mrs. Dee B. Kitchings
Lakeside Baptist Church
Mr. Paul Kelly
Mr. Nick E. Kitzmiller
Lakeview Baptist Church
Mrs. Effie H. Kemp
Ms. Jane Klaity
Ms. Edna Lamb
Mr. Michael Kemp
Lance Klein
Mr. and Mrs. Donald E. Lambert
Ken Caryl Baptist Church
Ms. Beverly Klyce
Mrs. Opal Lambert
Mr. and Mrs. Holland Kendall
Mrs. Dawn Knight
Dr. Stephen C. Lambert
Dr. and Mrs. Ronald Kent
Mr. and Mrs. Charles B. Knight
Mr. and Mrs. William Lambert
Mrs. Maxine Keoughan
Mrs. Cindy Knight
Mr. Steve Lampton
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth C. Kern
Ms. Deborah Knight
Mr. Josh Lancaster
Rev. Scott Kerr
Mrs. Nancy Knight
Mr. Larry Lancaster
Ms. Rebecca S. Kesler
Mr. Kenny Knotts
Rev. and Mrs. Malcolm L. Lance
Mr. and Mrs. Bart Kessler
Ms. Bobbie L. Knowles
Ms. Lea Landers
Lee Ketner
Dr. and Mrs. Jim Knowles
Mr. Robert Landis
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel A. M. Ketola
Mr. Roger Knudsen
Landmark Baptist Church
Ms. Margaret Kibler
Mr. David Ko
Ms. Lisa B. Landrum
Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Kicklighter
Mr. Jeff Koele
Mr. and Mrs. James E. Lane
Kid Konnection of FBC Jasper
Miss Leesa Marie Koestler
Mrs. Janice Lane
Mr. and Mrs. Joey Kieffer
Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Kohler
Dr. and Mrs. Larry Lane
Mrs. Jan Kier
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kolbe
Cmdr. Timothy Lane
Ms. Cheryl Kile
Mr. Jimmy Koo
Mrs. Janine M. Langston
Ms. Rachelle E. Kilgo
Mr. Darren Kooistra
Ms. Nora Langston
Ms. Tandy Killian
Ms. Taylor Kooken
Ms. Barbara Lanier
Ms. Wanda Killian
Ms. Nicole Kordus
Mrs. Brenda Lanier
Ms. Rose Kilmon
Korean - American Calvary
Baptist Church
Mr. and Mrs. William D. Lanier, Jr.
Joint Heirs Sunday School Class
(Sulphur, LA)
Mr. John D. Jolly
Mr. Alfred Jones
Rev. Bobby G. Jones
Mr. and Mrs. Cecil W. Jones
Mrs. Connie Jones
Mr. and Mrs. D. Michael Jones
Mr. David Jones
Ms. Erin Jones
Mr. Gregory L. Jones
Mr. and Mrs. Imon Jones
Dr. James E. Jones
Ms. Jimmie Jones
Ms. Jo Ann Jones
Mr. and Mrs. Mike E. Jones
Dr. R W Jones, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Robbie Jones
Mr. Terry Jones
Ms. Angela K. Jordan
Mr. Dean Jordan
Ms. Nancy Jordan
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Jordan
Joyce Phillips’ Sunday School Class
Mr. William Julian
Mr. Daniel Jussely
Ms. Salene Justice
K & K Freight, Inc.
K & M Properties
K L Management & Construction, II, LLC
K.A. Farmer’s Septic Tank Service
Mr. and Mrs. William Kalin
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Kaneshiro
Mr. and Mrs. Dudley Kilpatrick
Eunyoung Kim
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Kimm
Mr. Daniel E. Kinder
Mrs. May Kindle
Mrs. Diane King
Ms. Gwen R. King
Dr. Dane Kovach
Mr. Steve Kraayenbrink
Mr. Rob Kretzinger
Dr. Gregory P. Kroeger
Mr. David Krulak
Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Krumwiede
Ladies Sunday School Class
(Bartlesville, OK)
Mrs. Laura L. Largen
Rev. and Mrs. Emilio C. Lartigue
Mr. and Mrs. John M. Lassetter, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. James Latham
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Latham
Mr. and Mrs. Darren Lathan
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Lathrop
Ms. Doris Latimer
Mr. Howard Lei
Ms. Marty Livers
Mrs. Susan M. Magee
Laton Hill Baptist Church
Leighton Baptist Church
Living Hope Baptist Church
Magnolia Baptist Church
Lauderdale United Methodist Church
Mr. Robert LeMay
Mr. and Mrs. Don Livingston III
Mrs. Callie Mahaffey
Mr. and Mrs. David Lauen, Sr.
Ms. Donna LeMonier
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffry P. Livingston
Mr. and Mrs. Todd Mains
Mrs. Dana Lauer
Mr. and Mrs. Don Lenz
Miss Rachel E. Livingston
Mrs. Bonnie Majors
Mr. and Mrs. Darin Lauer
Mr. and Mrs. Jason B. Lenz
Mrs. Starr E. Livingston
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Mallet
Mrs. Mary Laughery
Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Lenz
Ms. Virginia H. Lloyd
Dr. and Mrs. James E. Mallette, Jr.
Mr. Stan Laukhuf
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Leonard
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Locke
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Mallory
Mrs. Lisa Lauyans
Ms. Mary S. Leonard
Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Lockett
Mrs. Ruby S. Mallory
Mr. Tony Law
Mr. Michael Lepson
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Loftin
Mr. Bennie R. Malone
Mrs. Amy Lawrence
Mr. Thomas Leshe
Mr. Charles Lofton
Ms. Betty Malone
Ms. Estelle Lawrence
Mrs. Carol A. Lesley
Mr. Jim Logan
Mr. and Mrs. Chris Malone
Mr. Jerry P. Lawrence
Mr. Danny Leslie
Ms. Cathy Logue
Ms. Mary Malone
Mr. Larry Lawrence
Ms. Jan Leslie
Mrs. Gene Logue
Ms. Susan C. Malone
Mr. and Mrs. Maxwell Lawrence
Miss Helen Lester
Mrs. Katie Lombardino
Maness Memorial Baptist Church
Mr. Lowell Lawson
Ms. Mary Leverett
Lone Star Rodeo LLC
Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Mangham
Mrs. Margaret Lawson
Ms. Trixy Levi
Ms. Jesslyn B. Long
Ms. Rita Mangham
Ms. Jena Layne
Ms. Melbia Levy
Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy N. Long
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Mann
LBC Honduras Fund
Mr. and Mrs. Jodel Lewellen
Mr. Jody Long
Col. and Mrs. T. Raleigh Mann
Le Claire Manufacturing Co.
Mrs. Brandy Lewis
Mr. Terry Long
Ms. Eunice Manning
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Leach
Ms. Estelle Lewis
Mr. and Mrs. Philip Losch
Mr. Keith Manning
Mr. Ken Leach
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Lewis
Mr. and Mrs. Derek Lott
Mrs. Rebecca Manuel
Leake County WMU Association
Ms. Judith Lewis
Mr. Reese Lott
Maranatha Baptist Church
Mr. and Mrs. Marty Lebo
Ms. Kaylon A. Lewis
Love Sunday School Class
Ms. Fannie Marchetti
Mr. Patrick Lebo
Mr. and Mrs. Richard S. Lichtenberg
Mrs. Traci Lovelace
Mr. and Mrs. Bobby Marcum
Mrs. Louise LeCroy
Lickville Presbyterian Church
Mr. and Mrs. Purdom Lovett
Ms. Edith Marcum
Mrs. Natalie G. Ledbetter
Dr. and Mrs. Hal T. Liddell
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Lowe
Ms. Lisa Mardis
Mr. and Mrs. Roger Ledoux
Ms. Jesika Liechty
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen C. Lowe
Mr. Justin Marids
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Lee
Mrs. and Mr. Sheila Liechty
Dr. and Mrs. Terry R. Lowe
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph T. Mariner
Mr. Brian Lee
Life Building Ministries, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Lowery
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Marinos
Mr. D. Anthony Lee
LifePoint Church
Dr. and Mrs. Bradley Lowery
Marion Baptist Church
Rev. Daniel S. Lee
Dr. and Mrs. Stephen Lim
Mr. Jeff Lowery
Marion County Bank
Mr. Dave Lee
Mr. Jack L. Limore
Loyal Ladies Sunday School Class
Mr. and Mrs. Craig Marsh
Mr. and Mrs. David H. Lee
Ms. Wendy Lin
Ms. Carolyn Lozier
Dr. and Mrs. Dan Marsh
Rev. David I. Lee
Mr. C. J. Lindsey
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Lubben
Mrs. Dana Marsh
Mrs. and Mr. Demaris Lee
Drs. Jason and Melanie Lindsey
Mrs. Alyene G. Lucas
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Marshall
Mr. Don Lee
Mr. and Mrs. Tommy Lindsey
Mr. and Mrs. James Luckett
Mrs. Levita Marshall
Ms. Doris Lee
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Lingenfelter
Mr. Brian L. Lumpkin
Ms. Robin Marshburn
Mr. James R. Lee
Mr. David Lingerfelt
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Lusk
Ms. Ann Martin
Mrs. Juanita Lee
Mrs. Helen Lingerfelt
Ms. Linda Lynch
Mrs. Annette Martin
Dr. and Mrs. Michael Lee
Mr. George H. Lipe
Dr. Kathy C. Lynn
Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Martin
Mrs. Mary Lee
Mr. Hulbert Lipe
Lynnville Friends Church
Dr. and Mrs. Dick Martin
Mrs. Paula Lee
Mr. Troy Lippert
Ms. Jean Lyon
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Martin
Mr. Randy Lee
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Lister
Mr. Timothy A. Mach
Mrs. Donna E. Martin
Ms. Rebekah Lee
Mr. Charlie Little
Miss Kara Mackender
Mr. and Mrs. DeWayne Martin
Mrs. Seletta R. Lee
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Little
Mr. Frank Madden
Ms. Ginger Martin
Ms. Sheri Lee
Mr. Curtis Littrell
Mrs. Debbie Maddox
Mr. and Mrs. Leon Martin
Mrs. Vonda L. Leer
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Lively
Mrs. April L. Madigan
Jackie B. Martin
Mr. John Leggett
Mr. Jeremy Lively
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Madison
Ms. Lisa M. Martin
Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Martin
Ms. Elizabeth McCarley
Mr. and Mrs. Ben McIlwain
Mrs. Margaret Merritt
Ms. Patti Martin
Ms. Nita McCarter
Dr. and Mrs. Ron McIlwain
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mickle
Mrs. Paula Martin
Mr. and Mrs. James A. McCarty
Mr. and Mrs. Kenney McIlwean
Microsoft Matching Gifts Program
Mr. Randy Martin
Dr. W.A. McClanahan
Mr. Albert McKay, Jr.
Dr. Philip and Dr. Alegra Midgley
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Martin
Ms. Lynn McClary
McKeel Equipment Co., Inc
Mr. Paul M. Midkiff
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Martin
Ms. Linda M. McClelland
Mrs. Julie McKenzie
Midwest Metro
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Martin
Mr. Claude McClendon
Mr. and Mrs. Tim McKenzie
Ms. Katherine Mielbrecht
Mrs. Sylvia Martin
Mr. Geoff McClendon
Rev. and Mrs. Johnny F. McKinney
Ms. Debbie Mier
Dr. and Mrs. George Martinez
Mrs. Katie R. McClendon
Mr. Jay McKinstrey
Ms. Arlene R. Miers
Mary Ann Sanders Ross Estate
Ms. Kathryn McCormick
Mr. James McLean
Mrs. Jaime Milam
Mary Willis Missionary Circle
Ms. Katherine McCown
Mr. and Mrs. Michael H. McLendon
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Milam
Dr. Franklin G. Mason
Mr. Dewayne F. McCullough
Mr. and Mrs. Roger McLendon
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Miles
Mrs. Gloria Mason
Mr. and Mrs. Roger McDaniel
Mr. William C. McMahan
Mr. and Mrs. Alan Miller
Mr. Chris Massenburg
Mr. and Mrs. Scott McDaniel
Mr. and Mrs. James D. McManus
Mrs. Amanda M. Miller
Ms. Gayla Massey
Ms. Suzanne McDaniel
Ms. Joy McNeel
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Miller
Ms. Martha Massey
Mr. and Mrs. Tommy McDaniel
Ms. Faye McNeill
Ms. Carol Miller
Mr. Michael Matera
Mr. B.J. McDonald
Mr. and Mrs. Jim McNorrill
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Miller
Mr. and Mrs. John B. Matheney
Mrs. Billie McDonald
Mrs. Georgia Ann McPherson
Mr. Lloyd Miller
Ms. Jessica Matherne
Mr. and Mrs. Dale McDonald
Mrs. Hannah McPherson
Mrs. Marilyn Miller
Mr. Gary Mathes
Mr. Michael McDonald
Ms. Melissa McQueary
Mr. Michael Miller
Mr. Kyle Mathis
Mr. R. W. McDonald
Mr. and Mrs. William McRoberts
Mr. Patrick Miller
Mrs. Libby Matthews
Mr. and Mrs. Fred S. McDuffie
Rev. and Mrs. Thomas McSwain, Jr.
Mrs. Samantha Miller
Ms. Sandy Matthews
Mr. Randy McDuffie
Mr. Chris McWhorter
Ms. Teresa Miller
Ms. Beverly Mattli
Ms. Laura J. McElhaney
Mr. Frank McWhorter
Mrs. Tiffany Miller
Ms. Mildred Mattson
Ms. Ruth McElhaney
Mr. Keith McWhorter
Dr. and Mrs. Francis Mills
Dr. Barbara Mauldin
Ms. Dodie McElmurray
Mr. and Mrs. John H. McWilliams
Mr. Isaiah Mills
Dr. Steven C. Maurstad
Mr. David McFarland
Mr. Bob Mead
Mrs. Judy Mills
Dr. and Mrs. Charles B. Maxwell
Ms. Marilyn J. McFerrin
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Meade
Mrs. Gloria Milton
Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Maxwell
Mr. and Mrs. James E. McGahey
Mr. and Mrs. John C. Meador
Milts of Amelia, Inc
Dr. and Mrs. Bob May
Ms. Betty P. McGee
Meadville Methodist Church
Ms. Ruth Minetree
Mr. and Mrs. Frank May
Ms. Sylvia McGee
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Medders
Mr. Barry Mitchell
Mr. and Mrs. Larry B. May
McGee Valley Baptist Church
Mrs. J. P. Medford
Mr. and Mrs. Claude Mitchell
Mr. Mark May
Mr. and Mrs. Gary McGill
Medical Plaza Building, Inc
Ms. Hollie E. Mitchell
Mrs. Roberta May
Ms. Jeanette McGinnes
Medtronic, Inc
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Mitchell
Mrs. Joan Maybee
Mrs. Evelyn C. McGivney
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur L. Meeks
Mr. Johnny L. Mitchell
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Mayberry
Mr. William S. McGoodwin, Jr.
Ms. Patsy Meeks
Ms. Margaret Mitchell
Mr. P.C. Mayberry
Ms. Hettie McGough
Mr. G C Meese
Mr. R. James Mitchell
Mr. Matthew Mayfield
Mrs. Marilyn J. McGowan
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Mefford
Mrs. Wanda R. Mitchell
Mr. and Mrs. William Mayhall
Mr. and Mrs. James M. McGrane
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony L. Meggs
Mize United Methodist Church
Ms. Pamela Mayhew
Mr. and Mrs. Ray McGrath
Ms. Mary Meier
Mr. Walker Mizell
Mr. Gary Mayo
Mr. and Mrs. Charles S. McGraw
Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Meitzler
Mizell Development, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Tommy Mayo
Ms. Marsha McGraw
Mr. Simon P. Mejia
Mr. and Mrs. Corey Moffet
Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Maze
Ms. Martha McGuffey
Ms. Leslie Melvin
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew R. Mofield
Mrs. Carolyn McAfee
Dr. David McGugan
Memorial Baptist Church, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Mone
Mr. and Mrs. Jack McAlister
Ms. Betty J. McGuire
Dr. and Mrs. Stephen Mendoza
Ms. Emma Montgomery
Mr. Mark McBride
Mr. Chris McGuire
Mrs. Judith A. Menninga
Mr. Gray Montgomery
Mr. and Mrs. Walter McBroom, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Jim McGuire
Men’s II Class
Mr. J. Wales Montgomery
Mrs. Kay McCall
Ms. Lisa McGuire
Mercer University School of Medicine CMA
Mr. and Mrs. Jimmie R. Montgomery
Dr. and Mrs. James P. McCann
Mr. Richard McGuire
Mr. and Mrs. Ken Mercier
Ms. Sarah Montgomery
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Moody
Mr. Hunter Moon
Ms. Jana Moon
Mr. Yong Moon
Mrs. Betty J. Moore
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Moore
Dr. Doyle Moore
Dr. Ed Moore
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Moore
Mrs. Linda Moore
Ms. Lisa Moore
Mrs. Peggy Moore
Ms. Tiffany B. Moore
Mr. Timothy Moore
Ms. Sarah Moreland
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Morgan
Mrs. Cristy Morgan
Mr. and Mrs. Don Morgan
Ms. Florene Morgan
Ms. Hattie Morgan
Mr. Larry and Dr. Lora Morgan
Mr. Luther Morgan
Mrs. Patty Morgan
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Morgan
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Morgan
Pat Moriarity
Morningside Baptist Church
Mr. and Mrs. David Morris
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Morris, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Gip Morris
Mr. and Mrs. Larry P. Morris
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Morrison
Mrs. Sharon L. Morrison
Ms. Eowyn Morrow
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Morton
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Morton
Mrs. Kay Morton
Mrs. Mick Moseley
Dr. Tracy J. Moser
Mr. and Mrs. David Mosier
Dr. and Mrs. David Moss
Mr. and Mrs. Robbie Mossman
Mr. and Mrs. James H. Motley
Ms. Cynde Z. Mott
Mount Carmel Baptist Church
(Buena Vista, GA)
Mount Carmel Baptist Church
(Florien, LA)
Mount Hope Baptist Church
Mount Pleasant Baptist Church
(Blountsville, AL)
Mount Pleasant Baptist Church
(Laurens, SC)
Mount Springs Church
Mount Zion Baptist Church
Mount Zion Baptist Association
Mountain View Baptist Church
Ms. Zanice Muckler
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Mueller
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mulder
Ms. Diane Muller
Mrs. Laura Mullinax
Mr. Ray Mullinax
Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Mullins
Mrs. Norma Kay Mullis
Mr. Glen Murks
Dr. and Mrs. D. Leigh Murphy
Ms. Eileen Murphy
Ms. Gina Murphy
Mr. James Murphy
Mr. James Murphy
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Murphy
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Murphy
Murphy First Baptist Church
Murphy Rotary Club
Mrs. Lori Murray
Mr. Timothy E. Musick
Dr. and Mrs. Denny Myers
Dr. Michael D. Myers
Mr. Jimmy Myhan
Mr. and Mrs. William Nadeau
Ms. Cassandra L. Nagel
Mr. Patrick Nally
Mr. Mark Nash
Mrs. Martha Naylor
Mr. Larry Neal
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Nealey
Mr. Colten Neath
Mr. Rich Neath
Mrs. Lisa Neeley
Mr. and Mrs. Vince Neely
Mr. Jose Negroni
Nellie Head Baptist Church
Mr. and Mrs. Kyle Nelson
Mr. Raymond Nelson
Rev. and Mrs. Wilson Nelson
Mr. and Mrs. Chuck Nesmith
Mrs. James Netherton
Dr. and Mrs. Ron Neuberg
Ms. Marisa Nevarez
North Park Trinity Baptist Church
Ms. Paula Nevels
North Sabine Baptist Association
New Assembly Church
Ms. Betty Northcutt
New Creation Baptist Church
Mr. Lance Northcutt
New Era Baptist Church
Northeast Florida Baptist Association
New Haven Baptist Church
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Norton
New Hope Baptist Church
Mr. Jim Norwood
New Life Baptist Church (Claremore, OK)
Mr. Stacey Norwood
New Life Baptist Church (Equality, AL)
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Nowell
New Life Baptist Church (Paducah, KY)
Mr. and Mrs. Kerry Nowell
New Life Christian Community
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Nunley
Newbern Baptist Church
Mr. Drew Nunn
Mr. Christon Newkirk
Dr. and Mrs. George W. Nunn
Mr. and Mrs. Derrell Newman
Ms. Carolyn Nunnikhoven
Ms. Laverne Newman
Oak Hill Baptist Church
Ms. Rebecca Newman
Oakhurst Baptist Church
Dr. and Mrs. Baron B. Newton, Jr.
Mrs. Margaret Ochoa
Mr. and Mrs. Doug Newton
Mrs. Faye L. O’Dell
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Newton
Mr. and Mrs. Tom O’Dell
Mr. and Mrs. William Newton
Mrs. Julie O’Donnell
Ms. Myhanh Nguyen
Mr. Jack R. Ogden
Ms. Rosa Nicaeisco-Patino
Mrs. Frances Ogletree
Mr. and Mrs. Pat Nichols
Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Ojala
Mr. James Nicholson
Mr. Jack O’Kelley
Nicholson Physical Therapy, PLC
Old Fashion Baptist Church
Mr. Steve Nickel
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Oldham
Mrs. Regina Nickle
Mr. and Mrs. Ron Olive
Mr. Chad Nightingale
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Oliver
Mr. Amit Nihalani
Olivet Baptist Church
Ms. Betty Nikkel
Mr. Alan Olson
Mr. Jared Nikkel
Mr. Andy Olson
Mr. Randy Nikkel
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Olson
Mr. Ron Nikkel
Mrs. Angela S. Olt
Mr. Ed Niles
Mr. and Mrs. Larry O’Mealey
Mr. Robert Nisley
Mr. Charles O’Neal
Mr. John Nix
Mr. and Mrs. Hollis R. O’Neal, Sr.
Mr. Ken Nix
Ms. Sian G. Ong
Mr. and Mrs. William Nix
Orchard Street Baptist Church
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Nobles
Order of Eastern-Star Martha
Chapter #246
Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy F. Noblit
Mr. Larry W. Nordmann
Mr. Roger Norman
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Norris
Ms. Krystal R. Norris
Ms. Clarice Norsworthy
Ms. Dorys Norsworthy
Mr. Wade Norsworthy
Mr. and Mrs. Olin L. North
North Greenville University
Mr. Scott Orndorff
Mrs. Jami Orr
Ms. Maria Osborn
Mr. David Oswald
Otis Davis & Associates
Mr. Elmer Ott
Capt. James Outland
Outreach Sunday School Class
Mr. and Mrs. David Overstreet
Mr. Lawrence Overstreet
Mr. Dale Payne
Pierce Park Baptist Church
Mr. James R. Portrey
Mr. Lee Owen
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Payne
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas G. Pigg
Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Postlewait
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Owens
Payne, Ross and Associates
Mr. Charles Pilcher
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Potteiger
Ms. Addie Pace
Mr. Buddy Payton
Ms. Christie Pilcher
Ms. Peggy Potter
Mr. Greg Pace
Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Peace
Mr. Marty Pilkilton
Mrs. Heather Potts
Pacesetter Claims Service, Inc.
Ms. Carol Peace
Mr. Dave and Dr. Cheryl Pilkington
Mr. John Powell
Mr. M.C. Paget
Ms. Rebecca Peace
Mr. Thomas Pillen
Ms. Karen Powell
Ms. Eunice Paik
Ms. Ashley Pearce
Mr. Norman Pine
Mr. Mills Powell
Pairs & Spares Sunday School Class
Dr. John Pearson
Pine Grove Baptist Church
Mrs. Nell Powell
Ms. Jo Paley
Mrs. Mary Beth B. Pearson
Pineland Presbyterian Church
Ms. Patricia K. Powell
Mrs. Amy T. Palmer
Mr. and Mrs. William Pearson
Piney Baptist Church
Mrs. Mary Prather
Miss Autumn Palmer
Mrs. Iris Peavy
Mrs. Rene Pingel
Mrs. Kim Pratt
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence D. Palmer
Ms. Charlotte Peebles
Mr. Bob Pinkerton
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Pratt
Mr. and Mrs. David L. Palmer
Ms. Emily Peebles
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Pinkston
Mr. W. Dale Pratt
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Palmer
Mrs. Lorie Peeler
Mr. and Mrs. Horace Pippin
Prayer Warriors Class
Ms. Jessie Palmer
Mrs. Angie Pelaez
Mr. Floyd Pittard, Jr.
Precision Distributors Inc
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Palmer
Pella Area Teams to Honduras
Mr. David Pittman
Mrs. Lacy Pregler
Mr. and Mrs. Prescott Palmer
Mr. and Mrs. Frank A. Pemper
Mr. and Mrs. Barron Pitts
Premier Womens Healthcare of Abilene
Ms. Sandy L. Palmerton
Mr. Israel Pena
Mr. and Mrs. Kerry Pitts
Prentiss United Methodist Church
Mr. and Mrs. Hercules Papadeas
Mr. R. Neil Pendygraft
Ms. Lynn Pitts
Ms. Carolyn Preston
Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Park
Mr. Ty Pennington
Mr. and Mrs. René Pizzati
Mr. Franklin Preston
Ms. Yong Lim Park
Penny Community Friends & Neighbors
Mr. John Plaso
Mr. Billy Prewitt
Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Parker
Mrs. Kelly E. Peoples
Mr. and Mrs. J. Glen Platt
Mrs. Angelyn Price
Mr. George R. Parker
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Pepping
Mr. Wayne Pleasant
Mrs. Barbara Price
Mr. John Parker
Mr. William Perkins III
Dr. Daniel M. Perry
Pleasant Hill Baptist Church
(Campbellsville, KY)
Mr. Michael Price
Ms. Judy Parker
Pleasant Hill Baptist Church
(Martin, GA)
Prince Avenue Bapitst Church
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Parkinson
Ms. Deborah H. Perry
Mr. and Mrs. Ric Parks
Mr. and Mrs. Jimmie Perryman
Parkway Baptist Church
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Petarra
Parkway Heights United Methodist
Mr. and Mrs. James Peters
Pleasant Valley Community of Prayer
& Praise
Dr. and Mrs. Douglas R. Peterson
Mrs. Kathleen Plum
Mrs. Margaret Propester
Mr. and Mrs. Joshua Peterson
Mr. and Mrs. Cleve Pogue
Dr. and Mrs. H. Sidney Prosser
Mr. Sam Peterson
Mr. Lewis Poindexter
Mr. William S. Prosser
Ms. Ella Petz
Miss Inna Poliyanskaya
Pfizer Foundation Volunteer Program
Ms. Jennifer Polk
Providence Baptist Church
(Hattiesburg, MS)
Mrs. Anna Phelan
Ms. Kari Polk
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Philley
Mr. P W. Polk, Jr.
Ms. Carey Phillips
Mr. Steven Polk
Mrs. Carolyn G. Phillips
Mr. and Mrs. William Polk
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Phillips
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Pollard
Mrs. Gail G. Phipps
Mr. and Mrs. Rod Pollard
Ms. Esther Phizacklea
Ms. Anna Pollock
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Piacentini
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Pool
Ms. Ashley M. Pianki
Ms. Suzanne Poole
Rev. and Mrs. Bill Pianki
Ms. Betty Pope
Ms. Cynthia Picar
Mr. and Mrs. David Pope
Mrs. Rebecca Pickett
Mr. George and Rev. Linda Popham
Mr. and Mrs. John Pierce
Mr. and Mrs. Norm Poppy
Mr. and Mrs. Tony Pierce
Mr. David Porter
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Parnell
Ms. Dena Parris
Mr. Joel Parris
Mr. Michael Parris
Ms. Ansley Partain
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Partridge
Pastor’s Couples Sunday School Class
Pat Durham - Jeanette Conner Sunday
School Class
Mrs. Dena Pate
Mr. Lee Patterson
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas Patterson, Jr.
Dr. Stephen D. Patton
Mrs. Doris J. Paul
Paul Jackson Men’s Sunday
School Class
Ms. Leah Paullus
Mr. Andy Payne
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Payne, Jr.
Pleasant Hill United Methodist Church
Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Pritchard
Mrs. Marian Privette
Mr. Marvin M. Privette
Products Plus
Providence Baptist Church (Seymour, TN)
Mr. Bob Pruett
Ms. Gayle Pruett
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Pruitt
Mr. Jeff Puckett
Mr. and Mrs. Andy Pugh
Ms. Patsy Pugh
Mr. James Pulver
Ms. Jennifer Purdom
Mrs. Fredna Purkey
Mr. Darrell Pursiful
Mrs. Evelyn Putt
Pyerian Baptist Church
Mr. Billy Pyle
Mr. David Pyle
Mr. Rod Rentz
Mrs. Kimberly K. Roberts
Mrs. Sarah Rounsaville
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Quade
Mr. Mike Reuschling
Ms. Meagan Roberts
Ms. Blonzenia Rouse
Ms. Tawna Quinatoa
Mrs. Ina C. Reynolds
Rev. Wallace E. Roberts
Ms. Virgnia Roush
Mr. Kevin Quinn
Mr. James Reynolds
Ms. Carla Robertson
Dr. and Mrs. Morgan Rousseau
Ms. Megan R. Quinn
Ms. Kathy Reynolds
Mrs. Gloria L. Robertson
Mr. Chris Routh
Mrs. Gloria B. Quinn-Giesenschlag
Mr. and Mrs. K.D. Reynolds
Mrs. Nancy Robey
Ms. Shelia Routh
Mr. and Mrs. Larry J. Quinton
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Reynolds
Mr. Charles Robinson
Mr. and Mrs. Donnie Routt
Mrs. Amy Rager
Mr. and Mrs. Tony Rheaume
Rev. and Mrs. Dan Robinson
Dr. and Mrs. Edd Rowell
Dr. Jim Rahn
Mr. Richard Rhett
Mr. Ed Robinson
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Rowland
Mr. Erin Rainey
Ms. Rebecca Rhinehart
Ms. Harriet Robinson
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Rowland
Rev. Ryan Ramey
Ms. Sherry Rhodes
Dr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Robinson, Jr.
Ms. Freddie Rowland
Mrs. Mercedes Ramirez-Dietrich
Mr. and Mrs. Adam K. Rice
Mrs. and Mr. Martha D. Robinson
Dr. William Rowlett
Mrs. Amy Rampy
Rice Bowls
Mrs. Norma Robinson
Roy Inc.
Mrs. I. C. Ramsey
Ms. Suzanne M. Richards
Mr. and Mrs. Shairod N. Robinson
Mr. and Mrs. Jason Rozenboom
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Rankin
Mrs. Nina K. Richardson
Mr. William Robinson
Ms. Sheryl Rozenboom
Mrs. Angela W. Ransom
Mr. Robert Richardson
Rock Creek Community Church
RTG Books/Echoes Online
Dr. Skip Rath
Mr. Ronny Richardson
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Richardson
Rock Island Community Freewill
Baptist Church
Mr. Michael B. Ruff
Dr. David Rathkamp
Mrs. M. Isabel Ratliff
Mrs. Cheryl Raulerson
Mrs. Diana Rawls
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Ray
Mrs. Shirley Ray
Mr. and Mrs.Toney Ray
Mr. and Mrs. William O. Ray, Jr.
Raymond Wilson Memorial SS Class
Rev. and Mrs. Troy Rayner
Mrs. Pamela N. Reagan-Rice
Mr. Robert Rector
Red River Cowboy Church
Mr. and Mrs. William Redden
Mr. and Mrs. Bobby Redding
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Redmond
Ms. Brenda Reed
Mrs. Cynthia A. Reed
Mr. Jeffrey and Dr. Sherryl Reed
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Reed
Mrs. Mary Jo Reed
Mrs. Robin Rees
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Reese
Ms. Nancy Rehberg
Ms. Rosemary Reid
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Reid
Ms. Shirley A. Reid
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Reier
Mr. John Reiss
Renaissance Counters & Surfaces, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Ryan Rendleman
Ms. Lois Rensch
Richardson Chapel Women’s
Sunday School Class
Rockfield United Methodist Church
Mr. James Rodgers
Mr. and Mrs. Marlin E. Ruhl
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Ruhnke
Dr. and Mrs. David Rumph, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Justin Richmond
Ms. Judy Rodriguez
Ms. Lennis Richmond
Ms. Willa Roe
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Ricker
Mr. and Mrs. Dave Rogers
Ridgecrest Baptist Church
Mr. and Mrs. David J. Rogers
Mrs. Holly J. Rietveld
Mr. and Mrs. Duke Rogers
Ms. Donna Rigdon
Mr. and Mrs. James T. Rogers
Mr. and Mrs. Adam Rigney
Mr. Max Rogers
Mr. Gary Rigsby
Dr. Milton Rogers
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Rikard
Mrs. Patsy Rogers
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Rikel
Mr. Rick Rogers
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Riley
Mr. and Mrs. Gustavo Romero
Mrs. Gayle Riley
Dr. and Mrs. Robert Romines
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Riley
Mr. and Mrs. Jeremy Rooks
Dr. and Mrs. John Rinkliff
Mrs. Meg Rooney
Mr. William Risher, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Roose
Mr. and Mrs. Josh Ritchie
Mr. Michael Roozeboom
Ruth Sunday School Class
(Olive Branch, MS)
Dr. Peter A. Ritchie
Mr. Douglas Rorbach
Ruth Sunday School Class (Vicksburg, MS)
Mr. Joe Ritzert
Mr. and Mrs. Glen Rose
Mrs. Alice Rutter
Mr. and Mrs. David Rivera
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Rose
Mr. James Rycek
Mr. Andrew G. Rivers
Dr. and Mrs. Sammy Rose
Mr. and Mrs. Doyle Rivers
Dr. and Mrs. Walter H. Rose
S. & B. Marshall Medicine
Professional Corporation
Riverside Baptist Church
Rose Eye Clinic, Inc
Mr. and Mrs. Bobby Robb
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Roseberry
Mrs. Diane Robbins
Ms. Crystal Ross
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Robbins
Dr. and Mrs. Joe Ross
Robbinsville Methodist Church
Mr. Lenard H. Ross, Sr.
Robert S Hall United Methodist
Men’s Club
Ms. Lorrie Ross
Mr. and Mrs. Darryl Roberts
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Roberts
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Rougeau
Mr. and Mrs. Tony Roughton
Mrs. Mary F. Rumph
Dr. and Mrs. Darrel L. Rupe
Ms. Eleanor Rupp
Mr. and Mrs. J.D. Rushing
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Rushing
Mr. Todd Rushing
Mr. Donald Russ
Mr. Kerry W. Russ
Mr. and Mrs. Alton Russell
Mr. Donald Russell
Mr. and Mrs. H. Keith Russell
Mr. and Mrs. Ricky Russell
Dr. and Mrs. Butch Russum
Ruth Sunday School Class (Callahan, FL)
Sabine Veterinary Hospital
Sageeyah Baptist Church
Ms. Kit M. Saliba
Mr. Joseph R. Salle
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Sallee
Mr. and Mrs. John A. Salter
Mr. Justin Salter
Mrs. Susan Saltzman
Samaritans Purse
Mr. Art Sanchez
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Seabolt
Ms. Bess Shirley
Mrs. Carol Skaggs
Mr. Juan Sanchez
Mrs. Diane Seal
Dr. Eugene H. Shively
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Skaggs
Mrs. Kimberly A. Sanchez
Mrs. Jennifer Seale
Shoals Relief Services, Inc
Mrs. Mary Sledge
Ms. Darlene Sanders
Mr. Joshua C. Seales
Rev. and Mrs. Keith Shown
Mr. Jonathan Slemenda
Mr. Stephen Sandridge
Mrs. Linda Seay
Mr. Jim Shults
Slices Pizzeria
Sandy Hill Farms
Second Baptist Church (Cabool, MO)
Mr. Joel Shumaker
Ms. Arlene Small
Ms. Holly Sanford
Second Baptist Church (La Porte, TX)
Ms. Jean Shuman
Mr. H. Alan Small
Mr. and Mrs. Leon Sanford
Second-Ponce de Leon Baptist Church
Mr. Mark Shuman
Mrs. Geraldine M. Smarr
Santee Circle Community Church
Mr. and Mrs. Emmett F. Secrest
Ms. Dorothy Shumate
Mr. and Mrs. Claude D. Smart
Ms. Mariah Sappington
Sedona Properties, LLC
Drs. Buddy and Kay Shurden
Mr. and Mrs. Greg Smelcer
Mrs. Jean E. Sarchet
Ms. Diane Seeger
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Siddon
Mr. Jack Smelcer
Mr. and Mrs. Roger L. Sarchet
Seekers Sunday School Class
(Jasper, TX)
Mrs. Martha Sides
Dr. Laura Smelter
Katie B. Siemers
Ms. Alice Fay Smith
Dr. and Mrs. Michael P. Sievert
Ms. Ashton L. Smith
Mrs. Deborah Sills
Ms. Barbara Smith
Siloam Baptist Church
Mr. and Mrs. Ben Smith III
Mr. Arlys Silva
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Simmons
Ms. Brittany L. Smith
Mr. Clyde D. Simmons, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Cary Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Dick Simmons
Ms. Chelsea Smith
Mrs. Isabel Simmons
Ms. Cynthia B. Smith
Mr. and Mrs. John D. Simmons
Dr. Dane E. Smith
Mrs. Karol Simmons
Mr. Darrell Smith
Dr. W D Simmons
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Simon
Mr. and Mrs. Don Smith
Mr. Curtis L. Simone
Mrs. Faye Smith
Mr. Pat Simonet
Mr. Freddie Smith
Miss Allison Simpson
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Smith
Mrs. Elizabeth A. Simpson
Mrs. Helen D. Smith
Ms. Nancy Simpson
Dr. and Mrs. Ken Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Simpson
Mr. and Mrs. Kenny M. Smith
Mrs. Alison Sims
Ms. Kim Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Bud Sims
Ms. Kimberly A. Smith
Ms. Linda Sims
Miss Kristin Smith
Ms. Lola Sims
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Sims
Mr. and Mrs. Luell Smith
Dr. and Mrs. Suthern Sims
Mr. and Mrs. Mark S. Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Sinclair
Drs. Matt and Page Smith
Ms. Reagan Sinclair
Mr. and Mrs. Parker R. Smith
Singles III Sunday School Class
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Smith
Mrs. Caroline W. Singletary
Mr. Robert Smith
Mrs. Lula Singletary
Mr. and Mrs. Russell Smith
Ms. Patsy Singleton
Mr. and Mrs. Steve W. Smith
Mrs. Faye Singley
Mr. Steven D. Smith
Mr. Jonathan M. Sipe
Ms. Tiffany Smith
Mr. Steve Sipe
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Smith
Ms. Helen Sitter
Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Smith
Nolan Sittig
Mr. and Mrs. Weston Smith
Geraldine Sizemore
Smithville Baptist Church
Sardis Baptist Church
Ms. Georgina Sartin
Mr. Perry Sattler
Dr. and Mrs. Clark Sauls
Mr. Jacob Sauls
Mr. Marshall Sauls
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Saunders
Mr. Harry Saxton
Ms. Jackie Saxton
Mr. and Mrs. Al Scarbrough
Rev. William Scarbrough
Miss Savannah Scardo
Mr. Charles Schaible
Mr. James Scher
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Schinman
Mr. Richmond L. Schmidt
Mr. and Mrs. Billy Schmoll
Mr. and Mrs. Lonny Schraeder
Ms. Sarah E. Schraeder
Mr. Seth Schreur
Mrs. Leatrice Schroeder
Mrs. Jina Schubert
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Schuette
Mr. Darin Schuknecht
Ms. Tracey Scolaro
Mrs. Carolyn Scott
Mrs. Charity Scott
Mr. Derrick Scott
Mr. Grant Scott
Mr. John Scott
Mr. and Mrs. Matt Scott
Ms. Melissa C. Scott
Mrs. Rebecca Scott
Ms. Sharon L. Scott
Ms. Susan Scott
Mr. and Mrs. William F. Scott
Mr. and Mrs. William L. Scott
Seekers Sunday School Class
(Olive Branch, MS)
Dr. and Mrs. Matt Sellers
Selph Made Designs
Ms. Susan Selzer
Senior Adult Sunday School Class
Mr. John Senn
Mr. Jayme A. Seppala
Ms. Catherine Settle
Dr. Larry A. Severidt
Ms. Lucille V. Sewell
Mr. and Mrs. David M. Shade
Mrs. Jody Shade
Shakertown Baptist Church
Ms. Amanda Shanks
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Shannon
Sharon Bible Church
Mr. and Mrs. David Sharp
Mr. and Mrs. Walter S. Shaver
Ms. Rori B. Shaw
Dr. William J. Shaw, Jr.
Mrs. M. Ruth Shealy
Ms. Susan Sheedy
Mr. and Mrs. James Sheetz
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Sheetz
Mr. and Mrs. Brian K. Sheffield
Dr. and Mrs. Paul Sheffield
Mr. and Mrs. James Shephard
Mrs. Kathleen Shepherd
Mrs. Stephanie Shepherd
Ms. Jane B. Sherer
Mrs. Margaret Sherrell
Mr. Steven R. Sherwood
Mr. Bill Shetley
Mrs. Brittnay Shiminski
Mrs. Mary Shipley
Shipley Do-Nuts
Mr. Allen Smoak
Ms. Carol E. Staeger
Mr. and Mrs. Tim L. Stover
Mr. Marty Szabo
Dr. Douglas H. Snow
Mr. Alan Stafford
Ms. Fern Strahan
Miss Christina M. Sztendera
Mr. and Mrs. John Snow
Mr. and Mrs. James H. Stahler III
Mr. Rick Strait
Mr. Jerry Sztendera
Ms. Sara Snowden
Mr. Harold Stamps
Mrs. Jewell L. Strange
T.I.M.E. For Christ, Inc
Ms. Melody So
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Standard
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen H. Streeter
Mr. Timothy Tabor
Social Springs Baptist Church
Mr. and Mrs. Billy W. Stanford
Mr. and Mrs. Philip E. Strevey
Mrs. Celia Talbot
Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Sockwell
Mrs. Shirley G. Staniland
Mrs. Juaneil Strickland
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Talley
Mr. David Sockwell
Mrs. Frank Stankowicz
Mrs. Ann Stringer
Dr. John E. Tallman
Mr. Joel Sockwell
Ms. Laura Stanley
Mr. and Mrs. Everett A. Stringer
Mr. Nicholas Tallman
Rev. Daniel K. Son
Stanley Black & Decker Inc
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Stringer
Ms. Lynda Talmadge
Dr. Jerry A. Songer
Stanley Filter Company LLC
Mr. Tommy Strong
Dr. Jessica C. Tan
Sonshine Class
Mrs. Heide Stanphill
Strong Wall Construction, LLC
Dr. Ken and Dr. Joanna Tan
Sonshine Tours Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Brent Stansell
Mr. James G. Stuart
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas S. Tandy
Ms. K. Sue Sorensen
Mrs. Pam Stanton
Stuart Agency Inc.
Tanglewood Baptist Church
Ms. Fay Sorrells
Mr. Jack Staples
Major Jean Stubbs
Mr. Dennis Tanis
Soul Searchers/MA-1 Class/B. Harmon
Ms. Martha Staples
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Studebaker
Tar Landing Baptist Church
Mr. and Mrs. Jim South
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Stapleton
Ms. Melinda Stumm
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Tarnabine
South Beauregard High School
Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Stapleton
Mr. Michael D. Sturgeon
Mr. Jim Tate
South Central Mfg. Corp
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Starr
Mr. and Mrs. Lovick Suddath
Ms. Kim Tatum
South Ridge Baptist Church Mission
Ms. Carolyn A. Stauffer
Mr. Douglas K. Sudduth
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Taube
South Tulsa Baptist Church
Mr. and Mrs. Bobby Steeley
Sugar Steel Corporation
Mr. and Mrs. Bailey Taylor
Ms. Sarah Southerland
Dr. Don Steen
Mr. Glenn Suggs
Mr. Chris Taylor
Ms. Peggy Southern
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Steers
Mr. Clifton W. Sullivan
Mrs. Debra G. Taylor
Southern Tower Service, Inc.
Mr. Robert Stemen
Ms. Cyndy W. Sullivan
Ms. Jenny Taylor
Southland Baptist Temple
Mr. and Mrs. Phil Stephens
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Sullivan
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Taylor
Southside Baptist Church (Glasgow, KY)
Steppin Out
Mr. John Sullivan
Mr. John M. Taylor
Southside Baptist Church (Henderson, TX)
Mr. Andy Stetelman
Ms. Kay Sullivan
Ms. Linda Taylor
Southtown Baptist Church
Mrs. Laurie Stetelman
Ms. Pat Sullivan
Mr. Mahlon Taylor
Spares & Pairs Sunday School Class
of FBC Jackson, AL
Mrs. Laura Stevens
Sullivan Enterprises
Mrs. Michelle Taylor
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Stevens II
Mr. and Mrs. Donnie Sultan
Mr. and Mrs. Roger Taylor
Dr. and Mrs. Norman Stevens III
Mr. Steven and Dr. Kelli Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Ron Taylor
Ms. Kimlyn Sparks
Rev. Stephen L. Sparks
Mr. Donald Spates
Mrs. Varion H. Spear
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Speights
Ms. Theresa E. Speights
Mrs. Angie Spell
Ms. Kristine Spence
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Spencer
Mr. and Mrs. David Spencer
Mr. Arie R. Spitzfaden
Sports Spine & Industrial, Inc
Mr. Paul Spottswood
Mrs. Evelyn Spring
Spring Creek Baptist Church (DeRidder, LA)
Spring Creek Baptist Church (Rome, GA)
Mr. Bobby Srygler
St. Everett Sunday School Class
Ms. Roberta Stacey
Ms. Nancy Steward
Mr. Jerald Stewart
Dr. Jon Stewart
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Stewart
Ms. Debra Stidham
Mr. Robert C. Stillwell
Mr. and Mrs. Duke Stinnett
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Stockstill, Jr.
Ms. Mariane Stockton
Ms. Melissa Stoltzfus
Mr. Barrett Stone
Mrs. Donna L. Stone
Mr. James D. Stone
Stonewall Baptist Church
Mr. James Story
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Storz, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Adam Stout
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald T. Stovall
Ms. Amanda Sun U
Sunbright First Baptist Church
Mr. Daryl Sutherland
Mrs. Norma Sutherland
Mrs. Pamela Sutherland
Mr. Clifford Sutton
Mr. Ted R. Swaim, Jr.
Mr. Ed Swanson
Swanson Dentistry
Mrs. Joyce Swart
Swartz-Ward Bible Class
Mr. and Mrs. Jimmie Sweatt, Sr.
Mr. Jimmie L. Sweatt, Jr.
Mr. Steve Sweet
Ms. Rosemary Taylor
Mr. and Mrs. Tommy Taylor
Mr. and Mrs. Tuffy Taylor
Ms. Vera Taylor
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Taylor
Mr. and Mrs. David Teague
Ms. Karla Telle
Ms. Madelyn Temoshchuk
Temple Baptist Church
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Tenney
Ms. Lynne Thacker
Mr. and Mrs. Garry Tharp, Sr.
The Church of Christ
The Comerica Charitable Trust
Mr. and Mrs. Joshua H. Swindoll
The Community Foundation For
Greater Atlanta
Mr. Nathan S.
The Dwelling Place Church Inc
Ms. Sara Sykes
The Kirksey School Group
The Kroger Co. Foundation
Topsy Baptist Church
Mr. and Mrs. Terry Tyner
Mrs. Tereasa Van Zee-Seieroe
Therapy Associates
Toro Baptist Church
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Tyre
Mrs. Patti Vance
Ms. Makenzie Theus
Towaliga Baptist Women
Mr. and Mrs. David L. Uhlman, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Vancil
Mrs. Robyn J. Thiede
Mrs. Joyce Townsend
Mr. Kipp Ulferts
Mrs. Joan Vande Krol
Mr. Bob Thies
Mr. Mike Townsend
Ms. Pamela Ulrich
Mr. Sam Vande Weerd
Mr. and Mrs. Nick Thies
Rev. and Mrs. Mike L. Townsend
Mr. Chuck Underwood
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Vander Horst
Third Reformed Church
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Townsley
Mr. and Mrs. Randy Underwood
Mr. David Vander Werff
Dr. Mark Thng
Ms. Maria R. Trattler
Underwood Baptist Church
Mr. Richard Vann
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Thomas
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Travillian
Mr. David Unger
Ms. Steffani Vann
Ms. Joyce A. Thomas
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Travis
Union Baptist Church
Variety Sunday School Class
Mrs. Pam Thomas
Rev. and Mrs. W. Eric Trawick
Union West Baptist Church
Mrs. Dianna Varnes
Miss Phoebe R. Thomas
TRC Holding Inc.
Unique Realty of Amelia, Inc.
Dr. Edward G. Vaughan
Mr. Terrill L. Thomas
Mr. and Mrs. Barry D. Treas
United Bank
Mr. and Ms. Clyde H. Vaughn
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Thomas
Rev. George Treutlein
United Fellowship Baptist Church
Mrs. Margarita Vaughn
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Thomas
Trinity Baptist Church (Henderson, TX)
United Methodist Mens Fellowship
Ms. Pat Vaughn
Mr. Jack Thomasson
Trinity Baptist Church (Thomaston, GA)
Unity Baptist Church
Mrs. Bernadene Vazquez
Dr. Amy Thompson
Trinity Baptist Missions
University Baptist Church (Boise, ID)
Mr. and Mrs. Ross Vego
Ms. Barbara Thompson
Ms. Lacy Triplett
Mr. and Mrs. James Veit
Dr. and Mrs. Beau Thompson
Ms. Lisa Triplett
University Baptist Church
(Hattiesburg, MS)
Mrs. Doris Thompson
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Tritinger
Ms. Emily P. Thompson
Mr. and Mrs. Chris Trotter
Ms. Jo Ann Thompson
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Trousdale
Mr. Joel Thompson
Mr. and Mrs. David L. Troutt
Mr. and Mrs. Matt Thompson
Mr. and Mrs. Todd Troutt
Ms. Norma J. Thompson
Mr. Harry Troyer
Mrs. Patricia G. Thompson
Ms. Lynda Trussell
Ms. Patricia S. Thompson
Mr. and Mrs. John Tryner
Dr. Ruth and Mr. Clayton Thompson
Mr. and Mrs. James Tucker
Mr. Tim Thompson
Mr. Kenneth E. Tucker, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Thompson
Mrs. Nicki Tucker
Ms. Virginia Thompson
Mr. and Mrs. Rex Tucker
Mr. and Mrs. Ryan Thoreson
Mrs. Elizabeth Tullis
Mrs. Victoria I. Thorne
Mrs. Debbie Tupin
Mr. J.W. Thrasher
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon R. Tupper
Three Springs Baptist Church
Mrs. Angela Turk
Mrs. Brenda Thurman
Mr. and Mrs. Binnie Turnage
Mr. Del Tichnell
Ms. Ann Turner
Ms. Aloyesse Tidwell
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Turner
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Tidwell
Mr. Brad and Dr. Jessica Turner
Mr. and Mrs. John Tilmon
Mr. and Mrs. Chuck Turner
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Tindill
Ms. Donna Turner
Mrs. Shirley Tinstman
Mrs. Jessica L. Turner
Today’s Cellular, LLC
Ms. Kate Turner
Mr. and Mrs. Bobby Todd
Ms. Patricia Turner
Mr. Joseph Todd
Mr. Randy Turner
Mr. Roger Tolliver
Mrs. Tanya Turner
Ms. Joreen Tomlin
Mr. David Turpin
Mr. Danny O. Tompkins
Mrs. Denise L. Turpin
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Toombs
Mr. and Mrs. Ricky L. Tyler
University Baptist Church (Houston, TX)
Unum Group
Mrs. Donna R. Upton
Mr. Kerry Upton
Ms. Patty Upton
Dr. Manuel Urbina, II
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth D. Utley
Valley Grove Baptist Church
Mr. and Mrs. Pete Verhey
Ms. Bernice Vermeer
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Vermeer
Mrs. Nancy Vermeer
Mrs. Roma Veuleman
Mr. John Viani
Ms. Crystal Vick
Mr. John E. Vick, Jr.
Valley View Baptist Church
Victory Baptist Church
(Jacksonville, NC)
Ms. Bonnie Van Den Broek
Victory Baptist Church (Jemison, AL)
Mr. Lionel Van Der Westhulzen
Victory Sunday School Class
Mr. Eric Van Dusseldorp
Mr. Noah Villanueva
Mr. Glenn Van Dyke
Mr. Scott Vincent
Mr. and Mrs. David Van Gorp
Mrs. Brunhilde Vinson
Mr. Ronald Van Houten
Visiting Orphans Incorporated
Dr. and Mrs. Kurt K. Van Hulzen
Mr. Alberto Vivero, Jr.
Mr. Jeffrey Van Maanen
Miss Hannah Vogler
Mrs. Lucia Van Maanen
Mrs. Brenda Volz
Mr. Tim Van Maanen
W.A. Moser Golden Circle SS Class
Mr. Steven Van Ness
Wabash Friends Church Missions
Mr. Duane Van Rees
Dr. and Mrs. George Waddell
Mr. Bruce Van Sant
Mr. Gerald Waddell
Mr. David Van Soelen
Dr. John P. Waddell
Mr. Larry C. Van Zante
Mr. and Mrs. Danny R. Wade
Mr. Ben Van Zee
Mr. Andrew Wagen
Mr. Lawrence Van Zee
Mrs. Lana Waggoner
Mr. Mike Van Zee
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Wagner
Mr. Myron Van Zee
Ms. Saundra Wagner
Mr. Steve Van Zee
Mr. Bryan Wagoner
Ms. Tricia Van Zee
Mr. and Mrs. Tony Waits
Mr. and Mrs. Al Walcott
Mr. and Mrs. Rob Webb
Mr. J. Carson Whittington
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Waldrup
Mr. Scott Webster
Dr. and Mrs. John M. Whittington
Mr. Bobby Walker
Mrs. Lori Weekley
Mr. Kevin Whittle
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Walker
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Weeks
Ms. Linda Wickham
Ms. Francine Walker
Rev. and Mrs. Warren Weeks
Mr. and Mrs. Tony Widner
Ms. Mandy J. Walker
Ms. Wanda Weidemann
Ms. Maxelin L. Wiebe
Mrs. Patricia G. Walker
Mr. Edwin Weihenmayer, III
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Wiehardt
Mrs. Ruth Walker
Mr. and Mrs. George Weissinger
Mr. Jonathan Wies
Mr. and Mrs. Ted Walker
Dr. Betsy R. Welch
Mr. Larry Wiggins
Dr. and Mrs. Theron Walker
Mr. Frank and Dr. Cacia Welch
Dr. and Mrs. Charles Wikle
Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Walker
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Welch
Ms. Linda M. Wilcox
Ms. Virginia A. Walker
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Welch
Wildwood Evangelical Free Church
Mr. Wayne Walker
Ms. Jean Weldon
Wildwood Farm
Mr. Mike Wall
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Weldon
Mr. Danny Wilfong
Ms. Nickie Wall
Mr. Stephen L. Weldon
Mr. James B. Wilhite
Dr. and Mrs. Felder E. Wallace
Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Wells
Mr. and Mrs. David T. Wilkerson
Dr. and Mrs. Joseph Wallace
Dr. James R. Wells
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Wilkins
Mr. and Mrs. Glen Walls
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Wells
Mrs. Jan Wilkinson
Mr. Leland Walls
Dr. Leslie Wells
Ms. Lucy Willard
Mrs. Susan Walls
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Wendelken
Mrs. Darlene Willhoite
Mr. Garry Walsh
Mr. Dick Wendt
William Carey University
Mr. Peter Walter
Ms. Amy West
Ms. Almonese Williams
Walter Hardee S S Class
Mrs. Anne West
Mrs. Beverly Williams
Mr. and Mrs. Eric Walters
West Point Baptist Church
Mr. and Mrs. Billy H. Williams
Mr. and Mrs. Mac A. Walters
Westminster Presbyterian Church
Mr. and Mrs. Cary Williams
Mr. Albert Wang
Westside Baptist Church
Mr. and Mrs. Chad Williams
Ms. Susan Wang
Westwood Baptist Church
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Williams
Ms. Joyce Ward
WFLA Properties LLC
Mr. and Mrs. Chris Williams
Mrs. Martha Ward
Ms. Sharon Wheeldon
Mrs. and Mr. Elvira Williams
Mr. David L. Warden, Jr.
Ms. Angela M. Wheeler
Dr. Gena K. Williams
Ms. Barbara Ware
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Wheeler
Mr. and Mrs. Gene Williams
Ms. Beth Ware
Ms. Lauren Wheeler
Mr. and Mrs. Hal M. Williams
Ms. Kathryn Warf
Mr. and Mrs. Tim Whetstine
Ms. Hannah Williams
Mrs. Debbie Waricka
Mr. Jack Whicker
Rev. James E. Williams
Mr. and Mrs. John Warner
Mrs. Anita Whitaker
Ms. Katherine Williams
Dr. and Mrs. Bob Warren
Mr. Glen Whitaker
Ms. Loretta Williams
Dr. Calvin G. Warren, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Bobby White
Mr. and Mrs. Marc Williams
Mr. Clayton Warren
Mr. Danny White
Ms. Nellie Williams
Mr. and Mrs. Wes Warren
Mr. Charles White, III
Mr. and Mrs. Pierce Williams
Mr. and Mrs. Charles K. Wascom
Dr. Paige White
Mr. Ralph Williams
Mr. Adel A. Wassef
Mr. Richard G. White
Mr. Randy Williams
Waterford Baptist Church
Rev. and Mrs. Robert White
Mr. Robert Williams
Ms. Jean Watkins
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Whitehead
Dr. Scott E. Williams
Mr. and Mrs. John H. Watson
Ms. Shirley Whitehead
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Williams
Ms. Sylvia Watson
Mrs. Joy A. Whitehouse
Mr. William E. Williams
Mrs. Teresa Watwood
Mr. Walter Whitehurst
Miss Maria Williamson
Mr. and Mrs. Nick Waugh
Ms. Pamela L. Whitt
Mrs. Laura S. Weathers
Mr. and Mrs. Chad Whitten
Willing Workers & Ex Sunday School
Class (Murray, KY)
Mr. and Mrs. John Weaver
Mr. George Whitten
Willing Worker’s Sunday School Class
(Honea Path, SC)
Willing Worker’s Sunday School Class
(Vicksburg, MS)
Mr. and Mrs. Chip Willingham
Mr. David Willingham
Mr. and Mrs. John Willis
Mr. and Mrs. Bobby G. Willoughby
Dr. Gene D. Wills
Mrs. Carolyn T. Wilson
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wilson
Miss Hayley R. Wilson
Mr. J. Donald Wilson
Mr. and Mrs. James M. Wilson
Mr. and Mrs. James R. Wilson
Mr. John W. Wilson
Ms. Kitty Wilson
Dr. Marcus Wilson
Ms. Pamela J. Wilson
Ms. Patty Wilson
Mr. and Mrs. Robbie Wilson
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Wilson
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Wilson
Dr. Terri M. Wilson
Mr. Tim Wilson
Wilson Avenue Baptist Church
Wilson Homeplace LLC
Mr. and Mrs. Johnnie Wimberley
Mr. Wade Wineman, Jr.
Mrs. Mary E. Wingold
Mrs. Wendy Wingrove
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Winn
Winnetka Heights Baptist Church
Mr. Jacob Winscott
Mrs. Janet Winstead
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Winstead
Mr. Michael Winters
Mr. John Wisse
Mr. and Mrs. Barney Withers
Ms. Sarah Withers
Mr. Aaron Witten
WMB, Inc.
WMU (Florien, LA)
WMU’s Circle Group - Lydia Group
Mr. Darin Wogen
Women of Faith Sunday School Class
Women On Mission - Day Group
Ms. Diana Wong
Ms. Winnie K. Woo
Mr. Barry Wood
Dr. Gene Wood
Mrs. Robbie L. Yerkey
Mr. Jim Wood, III
Dr. Min Yi
Mr. and Mrs. Robbie Wood, Jr.
Mrs. Karen Yim
Mr. W. Lee Wood, Jr.
Mrs. Amber P. Yoder
Wood Saw Company
Mr. and Mrs. Andy Yoo
Woodburn Baptist Church
Mr. Greg and Dr. Lori York
Woodland Heights Baptist Church
Ms. Donna Young
Woodlawn Baptist Church (Petal, MS)
Mr. Robert D. Young
Woodlawn Baptist Church
(Vicksburg, MS)
Dr. and Mrs. Tommy Young
Mrs. Mary Woodrum
Ms. Anna Woods
Rev. and Mrs. Jim Woods
John and Tina Woods
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Woods
Mrs. Rhonda Woods
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald C. Woods
Rev. and Mrs. William L. Young
Young Adult Sunday School Class
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Youngblood
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Zantingh
Ms. Carolyn Zauche
Ms. Yanhui Zeng
Ms. Paula Zick
Zion Baptist Church
Ms. Glenda Woodson
Dr. Al Woodworth
Ms. Carol Wooldridge
Dr. Stephen S. Wooten
World Cataract Foundation
World Reach Ministries
Ms. Alice J. Worthington
Mr. Charles Wright
Mr. David Wright
Dr. and Mrs. Jonathan Wright
Mrs. Judith Wright
Mr. and Mrs. Larry A. Wright
Mr. and Mrs. Ricky O. Wright
Mrs. Melinda J. Wuebker
Mr. and Mrs. John Wurn
Mr. and Mrs. J. Wendell Wyatt
Mrs. Sherry Wyatt
Dr. and Mrs. Wayne Wyatt
Mr. and Mrs. Barry Wylie
Mr. Sidney H. Wynn
Wynndale Baptist Church
Xenos Christian Fellowship
Mr. Tom Yan
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Yankee
Dr. Andrew W. Yap
Dr. and Mrs. John Yarbrough
Mrs. Peggy Yarbrough
Mr. and Mrs. George Yates
Mr. and Mrs. Ricky Yates
Mr. and Mrs. Tommy Yates
Kevin and Linda Yeager
Mr. Ronald Yeh
2011 Annual Report
And Jesus went about all the cities and villages . . .
preaching the gospel of the kingdom, and healing every
sickness and every disease among the people.
- Matthew 9:35
Baptist Medical & Dental Mission International
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Suite 200
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478-330-5610 (phone)
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Centro Comercial “Villas del Sol”
Final Bulevar FFAA, Salida hacia Danlí
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