MyGeiger 2.1 with SD Card Writer
MyGeiger 2.1 with SD Card Writer
MyGeiger 2.1 with SD Card Writer Custom Enclosure Installation Procedures Because the space is limited inside this case, you will need to remove the display header and solder wires directly to the board and to the display shield. You will need to add this wire band which I included in your kit. (Optional) Remove Small SMD LED Hot Glue the display shield inside Only these two standoffs are needed – + MISO CKL CS MOSI CS DI Vcc CLK GND DO You will need to add these wires which I included in your kit. RQ PS Plug onto the jumper here CD WP COM 2 3 4 1 Assuming that you have an assembled kit then follow all of these procedures. If you have an unassembled kit, then install everything on the kit except the 3 tactiles, 2 LEDs, Speaker, Display header, Power switch 5 ALERT SWITCH For the bottom panel, first attach the Geiger Bot module to the panel and solder the purple wire to the Gbot spot on the board and the white wire to ground. Then with the standoffs on the board, insert the upside down USB plug into the USB hole. Insert the red LED from the inside to peak out the bottom panel then apply a hot glue line connecting the board to the back panel an also to keep the red LED in place. POWER + – When using hotglue on this case, be careful as too much heat may cause the case to warp or have a noticeable texture caused by too much heat. Just apply a little at a time, allow to cool and add more. – OK ALERT 47 OHM RESISTOR MyGeiger 2 with SD datalogger + 4 Remove all 3 tactiles. 2 – + – + + – + – The piezo needs to be mounted on the inside of the case top so the holes line up. Wire included in kit. OK 3 – Remove & move + – – + SBM-20 atomic.dave RADIATION DETECTOR CHARGE/LOG GBOT BOTTOM PANEL I have already added wire to the switches and LEDs, so following this color coded wire diagram will guide you where to solder the wires to the board. You will also need to connect the SD card writer and the PCB to the display shield with the supplied color coded cable. Follow this diagram to solder the wires into the correct places. + OBO Both LEDs on the board need to be removed. Replace with LEDs installed on the case. The display shield has a SMD LED that can be removed and replaced with the green one to the right of the SD card insert opening on the upper left side of case. ALERT PIEZO 5 Geiger Bot Module 1 .1 uF Cap Remove & Discard POWER SWITCH 39K OHM RESISTOR 3.9K OHM RESISTOR + – PIEZO To keep the piezo as low as possible to avoid any contact with the board below it, solder the included wire very close to the bottom of the leads then cut the excess lead away. Then you can add a bead of hot glue on top of the soldered areas. to board