Nonmotorized Transportation Pilot Program


Nonmotorized Transportation Pilot Program
Nonmotorized Transportation Pilot Program
Summary of 2008 Tabling and Outreach
December 2008
Prepared for:
County of Marin
Department of Public Works
Contact: Craig Tackabery and Dan Dawson
(415) 499-6287
Prepared by:
Alta Planning + Design
2560 9th Street, Suite 212
Berkeley, CA 94710
(510) 540-5008
NTPP 2008 Tabling Outreach Summary
Table of Contents
Table of Contents...............................................................................................................................................................................................i
1. Introduction.....................................................................................................................................................................................................1
2. Summary of Individual Tabling Events.................................................................................................................................................1
2.1. Marin County Fair ....................................................................................................................................................................1
2.2. Marin County Farmer’s Markets..........................................................................................................................................2
2.3. Biketoberfest...............................................................................................................................................................................2
2.4. Lights On + Share the Path...................................................................................................................................................3
3. Future Events..................................................................................................................................................................................................4
4. Appendix..........................................................................................................................................................................................................7
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NTPP 2008 Tabling Outreach Summary
1. Introduction
Walk Bike Marin is an initiative by the County of Marin to
help make Marin more healthy, livable, and environmentally
sustainable by encouraging walking and bicycling as
everyday transportation. This initiative was catalyzed by a
recent $25 million federal grant to fund the Non-motorized
Transportation Pilot Program (NTPP). The majority of
these funds, coming from the federal transportation budget,
were earmarked for non-motorized infrastructure
improvements, such as pedestrian and bicyclists tunnels,
sidewalk improvements, and construction of multi-use
paths. However, infrastructure alone is insufficient to
change a community’s personal transportation habits if the
community is unaware of the existence of the improved
infrastructure. To help Marin County residents rely less on
personal automobiles and more on non-motorized
transportation, encouragement and educational programs
are crucial.
A family at the county fair learns about the NTPP program
Of the allocated NTPP funds, $1 million were allocated for programs designed to reach out to citizens, encourage,
and educate them about utilizing non-motorized transportation, as well as to inform them of existing facilities and
facilities that will be constructed in the near future. These programs range from community-based travel planning
programs to mobile repair clinics and safety campaigns. This report outlines the public tabling efforts put forth during
the summer of 2008 by Walk Bike Marin staff at various community events throughout Marin.
From farmer’s markets to bicycle festivals, and along bike paths in Tiburon, Corte Madera, and Mill Valley, Walk Bike
Marin staff conducted outreach campaigns to educate residents of the overall scope and design of the NTPP and to
encourage them to bicycle or walk for healthy and relaxing daily transportation.
2. Summary of Individual Tabling Events
2.1. Marin County Fair
Public outreach events began with the Marin County Fair, where Walk Bike Marin shared a corner of the Marin
County Parks and Open Spaces tent. Two or more staff members wearing Walk Bike Marin tee shirts greeted visitors
as they walked into the Walk Bike Marin area or booth. The booth consisted of a bicycle on display next to a bike rack
and bicycle route signage, a computer terminal and table, and a large colorful wall mounted display. The display
consisted of local photos, brochures, and two large Marin County maps- one illustrating existing Marin nonmotorized infrastructure and the other illustrating the planned infrastructure improvements planned for
implementation as part of the NTPP. On a desk nearby, a folder contained fact sheets for each planned improvement
within the NTPP scope. Walk Bike Marin staff distributed promotional materials (listed in the table on page 4) to
booth visitors. During the Fair, Walk Bike Marin staff explained the source of the NTPP funding, the NTPP’s goals
and projects, as well as the timeframes expected for individual projects’ completion.
During the Fair, information about Marin residents’ bicycling and walking habits was gathered via a survey that
garnered 456 individual responses. The number of responses was
greatly augmented by the lure of a free bicycle, displayed on a u-shaped
bike rack, and bicycle pathway finding signage. Fair attendees could
enter to win the bicycle by completing the bicycling and walking survey.
One fortunate participant won the Trek bicycle, worth over $800.
During this event, literature was handed out describing Walk Bike
Marin, including placards and stickers with the website address, and
safe routes to school literature, bicycle maps of Marin, free pens, and
bicycle tube patch kits. The most successful aspects of the tabling
events at the Fair were the quantity of people that visited the booth
The Walk Bike Marin county fair display
and the wide range of demographics that Walk Bike Marin staff
interacted with during the event.
2.2. Marin County Farmer’s Markets
During the peak summer months, tabling efforts were made at a variety of farmer’s markets in Marin County. Markets
were attended in Fairfax, San Rafael, Sausalito, Larkspur, and Ross. The design was similar to the county fair, with
many of the same maps, brochures, and giveaways displayed upon a folding table. The discussions with residents were
similar to those at the fair, but farmer’s markets were characterized by a more personal, individualized interaction with
residents. At farmer’s markets in Fairfax, Larkspur, San Rafael, and Ross the tabling staff reached fewer individuals on
an hourly basis in comparison to the Fair but were able to discuss various projects and designs in more detail. Adding
to the handouts given away during the County Fair, staff had Walk Bike Marin branded bicycle bells and water bottles
to hand out.
2.3. Biketoberfest
The final Walk Bike Marin tabling event took place in Fairfax at the Biketoberfest festival on October 18th.
Biketoberfest was a well-attended event that focused on the
appreciation for mountain bicycling, with many attendees going
back and forth between the event and the local trail system, and
visiting various vendor booths. The majority of the booths were
beer vendors, bicycle and bicycle component vendors, and food
vendors. Due to the pro-bike nature of the Walk Bike Marin
program, the crowd in attendance was the most receptive and
engaged of any tabling event crowd. Many festival attendees
stopped to take five or ten minutes to discuss planned NTPP
improvements for Marin, various commuting routes, and
possible improvements and ways they would like to see the
Biketoberfest drew many interested Marin Cyclists
county improve its non-motorized transportation system. This
event catalyzed support for the NTPP, and approximately 25-
NTPP 2008 Tabling Outreach Summary
percent of people who visited the table, walked away having learned about the Walk Bike Marin and its proposed
projects and programs.
2.4. Lights On + Share the Path
In November, following the daylight savings time change to shorter days and longer nights, the Lights On campaign
was launched. This campaign took place exclusively on class one multi use paths in Marin. The three areas utilized
were the Northern end of the Mill Valley-Sausalito pathway, near East Blithedale Road, Corte Madera Creek pathway
at Bon-Air Road, and the Tiburon pathway near Blackie’s Pasture.
During this campaign, Walk Bike Marin staff distributed free front and rear bicycle lights and encouraged Marin
residents to bring their bicycles to an event to have staff install the lights. They also worked to explain the law as it
applies to riding a bicycle at night, and distributed forms explaining the laws in both Spanish and English. These
forms are in the Appendix. This program was popular and many residents made trips out of their way to the
published giveaway locations to receive the lights. One highlight from this program was the proximity of both the Mill
Valley and Corte Madera booth locations to local elementary schools resulting in staff members installing a large
number of lights onto schoolchildren’s bicycles. The locations were advertised through both the Walk Bike Marin
website as well as the Marin Independent Journal.
Walk Bike Marin staff also conducted a Share the Path program, aimed at encouraging safe and conscientious use of
Marin’s multi-use paths by all users. These programs took inspiration from the Burma Shave roadside campaigns of
the 1940’s and 50’s. Burma Shave, a popular shaving lotion in that era, would set up small, similar signs, with a rhyme
and punchline at intervals along American highways. As speed limits and automobile speeds increased, the small signs
had a difficult time being read, and were eventually phased out. However, this type of signage is perfectly suited
towards the slower speeds of bicyclists and pedestrians along a flat multi-use path.
Modeled after Burma Shave signs, these signs above were placed approximately 60 feet apart on Marin’s pathways. The whiteboard
surface allows for a different slogan each time.
The unique nature of the sign campaigns caused many a smile, and upon stopping at the path side table, path users
could pick up brochures encouraging them to share the path (included in the Appendix), a fruit or energy bar snack,
any of the handouts available, and generally learn about the NTPP program. The blank sides of the signs were
adorned with Walk Bike Marin logos.
3. Future Events
Through 2009 and 2010, Walk Bike Marin will continue these outreach campaigns in an effort to increase the overall
number of residents utilizing and learning about the non-motorized transportation network. We will continue
representing the NTPP at the County Fair and other events in the county. The first year of the tabling programs only
had a few Share the Path events due to the change of seasons and daylight savings. In the next two years, this program
will be conducted in the summer months to take advantage of increased use of the multi-use paths.
A summary of the event locations, dates, and interactions are included in the following table.
Copies of informative brochures handed out at the Share the Path and Lights-On events are located in the Appendix
NTPP 2008 Tabling Outreach Summary
NTPP 2008 Tabling Summary
Marin County Fair
Marin County bicycle maps, reflective leg bands,
patch kits, pens, SR2S and NTPP brochures
Marin County Fair
Marin County bicycle maps, reflective leg bands,
patch kits, pens, SR2S and NTPP brochures
Marin County Fair
Marin County bicycle maps, reflective leg bands,
patch kits, pens, SR2S and NTPP brochures
Marin County Fair
Farmer's Market:
Farmer's Market:
Farmer's Market:
San Rafael
Farmer's Market:
Farmer's Market:
Lights On + Share
the Path: Corte
Share the Path:
Lights On + Share
the Path: Sausalito
Share the Path:
Corte Madera
Share the Path:
Share the Path:
Corte Madera
15 dates
Items handed out
Marin County bicycle maps, reflective leg bands,
patch kits, pens, SR2S and NTPP brochures
reflective leg bands, patch kits, pens, SR2S and
NTPP brochures, bicycle bells, water bottles, Walk
Bike Marin Stickers
reflective leg bands, patch kits, pens, SR2S and
NTPP brochures, bicycle bells, water bottles, Walk
Bike Marin Stickers,
reflective leg bands, patch kits, pens, SR2S and
NTPP brochures, bicycle bells, water bottles, Walk
Bike Marin Stickers
reflective leg bands, patch kits, pens, SR2S and
NTPP brochures, bicycle bells, water bottles, Walk
Bike Marin Stickers, rear bicycle lights
reflective leg bands, patch kits, pens, SR2S and
NTPP brochures, bicycle bells, water bottles, Walk
Bike Marin Stickers, rear bicycle lights
reflective leg bands, patch kits, pens, SR2S and
NTPP brochures, bicycle bells, water bottles, Walk
Bike Marin Stickers, rear bicycle lights
reflective leg bands, patch kits, pens, SR2S and
NTPP brochures, bicycle bells, water bottles, Walk
Bike Marin Stickers, front and rear bicycle lights
reflective leg bands, patch kits, pens, SR2S and
NTPP brochures, bicycle bells, water bottles, Walk
Bike Marin Stickers
reflective leg bands, patch kits, pens, SR2S and
NTPP brochures, bicycle bells, water bottles, Walk
Bike Marin Stickers, front and rear bicycle lights
reflective leg bands, patch kits, pens, SR2S and
NTPP brochures, bicycle bells, water bottles, Walk
Bike Marin Stickers
reflective leg bands, patch kits, pens, SR2S and
NTPP brochures, bicycle bells, water bottles, Walk
Bike Marin Stickers
reflective leg bands, patch kits, pens, SR2S and
NTPP brochures, bicycle bells, water bottles, Walk
Bike Marin Stickers
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NTPP 2008 Tabling Outreach Summary
4. Appendix
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Unless you only ride on the brightest & sunniest of days, you need to have lights.
· Flashing LED lights for both the front & rear of your bike are inexpensive and invaluable pieces of safety equipment. They’re good to have on those gray days, too!
· If you ride in an area where there’s not much in the way of street lights, a solid beam
front light that illuminates the road can be a good investment.
Did you know? It’s the law…
EVERY bicycle operated on ANY road during darkness must be equipped with a minimum of:
· A WHITE LIGHT which illuminates the road & is visible from 300 ft in front and from the sides
· A RED REFLECTOR on the rear of the bicycle, visible from 500 ft, and
· A WHITE OR YELLOW REFLECTOR on each pedal visible from 200 ft, and A WHITE OR RED REFLECTOR on each
side, behind the center of the bicycle.
Unless you only ride on the brightest & sunniest of days, you need to have lights.
· Flashing LED lights for both the front & rear of your bike are inexpensive and invaluable pieces of safety equipment. They’re good to have on those gray days, too!
· If you ride in an area where there’s not much in the way of street lights, a solid beam
front light that illuminates the road can be a good investment.
Did you know? It’s the law…
EVERY bicycle operated on ANY road during darkness must be equipped with a minimum of:
· A WHITE LIGHT which illuminates the road & is visible from 300 ft in front and from the sides
· A RED REFLECTOR on the rear of the bicycle, visible from 500 ft, and
· A WHITE OR YELLOW REFLECTOR on each pedal visible from 200 ft, and A WHITE OR RED REFLECTOR on each
side, behind the center of the bicycle.
Unless you only ride on the brightest & sunniest of days, you need to have lights.
· Flashing LED lights for both the front & rear of your bike are inexpensive and invaluable pieces of safety equipment. They’re good to have on those gray days, too!
· If you ride in an area where there’s not much in the way of street lights, a solid beam
front light that illuminates the road can be a good investment.
Did you know? It’s the law…
EVERY bicycle operated on ANY road during darkness must be equipped with a minimum of:
· A WHITE LIGHT which illuminates the road & is visible from 300 ft in front and from the sides
· A RED REFLECTOR on the rear of the bicycle, visible from 500 ft, and
· A WHITE OR YELLOW REFLECTOR on each pedal visible from 200 ft, and A WHITE OR RED REFLECTOR on each
side, behind the center of the bicycle.
A menos que solo monta bicicleta en los días mas brillantes, hay
que tener luces.
• Luces LED para enfrente y detrás de su bicicleta son artículos
de seguridad baratas e importantes. Se sirven también en días
• Si montas en áreas donde no hay muchos faroles, una luz que
ilumina la calle le puede servir, si no salvar!
Se Sabe usted? Es la ley…
CADA bicicleta en CUALQUIER calle en la noche tiene que ser equipado con un mínimo de:
• UNA LUZ BLANCA ilumina la calle y que sea visible desde 300 ft en frente y desde al lado.
• UN REFLECTOR ROJO al detras de la bicicleta, visible de 500 ft, y
• UN REFLECTOR AMARILLO O BLANCO en cada pedal, que sea visible desde 200
ft, y un REFLECTOR ROJO O BLANCO a cada lado, detrás del centro de la bicicleta.
A menos que solo monta bicicleta en los días mas brillantes, hay
que tener luces.
• Luces LED para enfrente y detrás de su bicicleta son artículos
de seguridad baratas e importantes. Se sirven también en días
• Si montas en áreas donde no hay muchos faroles, una luz que
ilumina la calle le puede servir, si no salvar!
Se Sabe usted? Es la ley…
CADA bicicleta en CUALQUIER calle en la noche debe ser equipado con un mínimo de:
• UNA LUZ BLANCA ilumina la calle y que sea visible desde 300 ft en frente y desde al lado.
• UN REFLECTOR ROJO al detras de la bicicleta, visible de 500 ft, y
• UN REFLECTOR AMARILLO O BLANCO en cada pedal, que sea visible desde 200
ft, y un REFLECTOR ROJO O BLANCO a cada lado, detrás del centro de la bicicleta.
A menos que solo monta bicicleta en los días mas brillantes, hay que
tener luces.
• Luces LED para enfrente y detrás de su bicicleta son artículos de
seguridad baratas e importantes. Se sirven también en días
• Si montas en áreas donde no hay muchos faroles, una luz que
ilumina la calle le puede servir, si no salvar!
Se Sabe usted? Es la ley…
CADA bicicleta en CUALQUIER calle en la noche debe ser equipado con un mínimo de:
• UNA LUZ BLANCA ilumina la calle y que sea visible desde 300 ft en frente y desde al lado.
• UN REFLECTOR ROJO al detras de la bicicleta, visible de 500 ft, y
• UN REFLECTOR AMARILLO O BLANCO en cada pedal, que sea visible desde 200
ft, y un REFLECTOR ROJO O BLANCO a cada lado, detrás del centro de la bicicleta.
Be Respectful of All Users
Slower Traffic Has The Right Of Way
do not litter, use trash cans
control dogs, scoop all poop
Use Lights When Dark
Use Audible Warnings When Passing
use safe speeds at all times
Keep Right, Unless To Pass
Obey All Trail & Road Signs
do not block trail
Share the Path
Share the Path
arin County’s pathways
are treasured by
residents and visitors alike.
Throughout the year, thousands
of walkers, joggers, bicyclists,
skaters, and others use them for
work and recreation.
The “Share the Path” program
is part of Marin County’s NonMotorized Transportation Pilot
Program, a federally-funded
program in four communities
nationwide. “Share the Path” is
designed to improve the saftey
and usefulness of Marin’s
pathways. Our Path Ambassadors
will be on Marin’s pathways
offering advice and handing out
this brochure.
Marin County Non-Motorized
Transportation Pilot Project
County of Marin Public Works Department