continental titles 1608–1898


continental titles 1608–1898
July 12, 2016
The Lawbook Exchange, Ltd.
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30 Continental Titles, 1608-1898
A Scarce Collection of Legal Opinions
Relating to Cases in Civil and Canon Courts in Tuscany
1. Altogradi, Lelio [16th/17th C.].
Consiliorum Sive Responsorum, Et Rerum Super Iis Iudicatarum. Nunc Primum in Lucem Editus. In quo Plures Arduae Iuris Quaestiones tam Circa
Iudicia, Quam Contractus, & Ultimas Voluntates. Aliaq[ue] in Usu Forensi Frequentiora et Utiliora. Iuxta Veras, Et Receptas Doctorum Sententias.
Solidis Argumentis, Ac Perspicua Elocutione Resoluuntur. Opus Omnibus Iuris Professoribus, Praesertim in Foro Versantibus Apprime Necessarium.
Additionibus, Argumentis & Copioso Verborum & Sententiarum Indice Exornatum. Lucca: Ex Typographia Balthassaris de Iudicibus, 16431654. Two volumes. [xii], 752, [68]; [xii], 671, [61] pp. Main text in parallel columns. Folio (13-1/2" x 9").
Contemporary vellum, gilt fillets and recent thong ties to boards, gilt fillets and early hand-lettered titles to spines, hinges reinforced,
speckled edges. Light rubbing to extremities, spine ends and corners lightly bumped. Title pages, both with large copperplate vignettes,
printed in red and black, woodcut head-pieces. Some toning to text, occasional light browning, faint dampspotting in a few places, vellum
just beginning to crack through pastedowns, internally clean. Ex-library. Bookplates to front pastedowns. A well-preserved set. $1,500.
* First edition. Altogradi, a nobleman, was a prominent jurist and state official in Lucca. His Consiliorum, a vast collection in two volumes, relates to cases
heard in various Tuscan civil and canon courts. A second edition was published in 1700. Both are very scarce. OCLC locates 6 copies of the first edition in
North America, 3 in law libraries (Columbia, Harvard, Library of Congress). Pazzaglini and Hawks, Consilia A-21, A-22.
The Lawbook Exchange, Ltd. 30 Continental Titles, 1608-1898
Item 2
July 12, 2016
Item 3
Domicile, Jurisdiction and Sacred Space in Roman and Canon Law
2. Antonelli, Giovanni Carlo [d. 1694].
Tractatus de Loco Legali in Tres Libros Distributus, In Quibus Nedum Utriusque Iuris Controversiae Difficiliores, & In Foro Frequentiores, Quoad
Locum Singulariter Tractantur, & Resoluuntur. Opus Omnibus tam in Scholis, Quam in Palatiis Versantibus, Theoricis, & Practicis Apprime Utile,
& Necessarium. Argumentis, Summariis, & Diversis Indicibus, & Praesertim Materiarum Decoratum. Venice: Apud Nicolaum Pezzana, 1687.
[xii], 306, [32] pp. Main text in parallel columns. Folio (13" x 9").
Contemporary calf, raised bands, early varnishing and traces of gilt ornaments to spine, small early repair to head. Moderate rubbing to
extremities, corners bumped, two large scuffs, one to each board, front joint cracked, negligible worming to pastedowns and hinges, split in
text block between front free endpaper and half-title. Title page printed in red and black, woodcut head-pieces, tail-pieces and decorated
initials. Moderate toning to text, faint dampstaining to a few leaves, internally clean. Ex-library. Bookplate to front pastedown. $850.
* Second edition. Antonelli was Cardinal Antonio Barberini's chief curate and protonotarius (scribe). He went on to become the Cardinal of Ferranto.
Tractatus de Loco Legali deals with domicile, jurisdiction and the definition of sacred space in canon law. First published in 1671, it went through three later
editions, the last in 1744. All are scarce. OCLC locates 4 copies of the 1687 edition in North American law libraries (Harvard, UC-Berkeley, University of
Michigan, Yale). Not in the British Museum Catalogue or The Canon Law Collection of the Library of Congress.
An Impressive Synthesis
3. Barrigue de Montvallon, Andre de [1678-1779].
Traite des Successions, Conformement au Droit Romain et aux Ordonnances du Royaume, Contenant ce qui Concerne les Successions ab Intestat, Les
Legitimes, Heritiers, Heritages, Benefices d'Inventaire, Testamens, Legs, Substitutions, Fideicommis, Quartes Falcidie et Trebellianique, Viriles,
Portions Viriles, Institutions Contractuelles & Droit de Reversion & Retour. Aix-en-Provence: Chez Jan-Balthazard Mouret Fils, 1780. Two
volumes. xvi, 715; viii, 564 pp. Quarto (9-3/4" x 7-3/4").
Contemporary sprinkled calf, gilt spine with raised bands and lettering pieces, edges rouged, binding shellacked. Some rubbing to extremities
with chipping to heads of spines, a few minor scuffs to boards, corners bumped, front joint of Volume I cracked, other joints starting at ends,
all hinges cracked. Offsetting to endleaves, light toning to text, heavier in places, negligible light foxing in a few places, internally clean. Exlibrary. Bookplates to front pastedowns, date-due sheets to rear. A solid copy. $400.
The Lawbook Exchange, Ltd. 30 Continental Titles, 1608-1898
July 12, 2016
* First edition. Montvallon was a notable jurist, scholar and counselor of the parlement of Aix-en-Provence. His Traite des Successions organizes the laws of
inheritance and succession according to principles of Roman law revised to conform with contemporary royal edicts. It is an impressive feat of synthesis. A
second edition was published in 1786. Both are scarce. OCLC locates 5 copies of the first edition in North America, 3 in law libraries (George Washington
University, Harvard, UC-Berkeley), none of the second. Camus, Bibliotheque Choisie des Livres de Droit 1536.
Item 4
Item 5
Rare Seventeenth-Century
Treatise on Inheritance and Succession
4. Bottigliero, Carlo Antonio.
De Successionibus ab Intestato, Tractatus Elaboratissimus in Quo Sororum Exclusiones a Parentum Successione per Fratrum Existentiam Novissime
Explicantur. Rome: Typis Bartholomaei Lupardi, 1680. [xxxiv], 594, [44] pp. Main text in parallel columns. Folio (12-3/4" x 8-1/2").
Somewhat later quarter vellum over marbled boards, lettering piece to spine, endpapers renewed. Light rubbing to extremities, corners and
spine ends bumped. Moderate toning to text, occasional light foxing, title page partially detached but secure, internally clean. Ex- library.
Bookplate to front pastedown. An attractive copy. $750.
* Second edition. This treatise on inheritance and succession in Roman law and the civil law of the Papal States was first published in 1653, its third and final
edition in 1688. This is a rare title. OCLC locates no copies of the first or third edition in North America, 3 copies of the second (George Washington
University Law School, Princeton University and UC-Berkeley Law School). Not in Camus. This edition not in the British Museum Catalogue.
A Curious Hybrid of Encyclopedia, Treatise and Reform Tract
5. [Bretonnier, Barthelemy-Joseph (1656-1727)].
Recueil Par Ordre Alphabetique des Principales Questions de Droit, Qui se Jugent Diversement dans les Differens Tribunaux du Royaume. Avec des
Reflexions pour Concilier la Diversite de la Jurisprudence, & la Rendre Uniforme dans tous les Tribunaux. Paris: Chez Emery, 1718. lxxii, 463,
[18] pp. Octavo (6-1/2" x 3-3/4").
Contemporary sheep, gilt spine with raised bands and lettering piece, edges rouged. Moderate rubbing to extremities with wear to spine ends
and corners, joints starting at ends. Woodcut head and tail-pieces. Some toning to text. Early annotations to verso of front free endpaper, two
early struck-through signatures to title page, interior otherwise clean. $750.
The Lawbook Exchange, Ltd. 30 Continental Titles, 1608-1898
July 12, 2016
* First edition. Organized alphabetically, this guide to French law and judicial administration is a curious hybrid of encyclopedia, treatise and reform tract.
As the title indicates, it outlines different jurisdictions in order to advance an argument for a comprehensive uniform court system. The "questions" relate,
for the most part, to tricky aspects of family law. Some of the topics its covers are the marriage of wives of absent husbands, dowries, bastards, the passing on
of jewelry, the marriage of minors, second marriages, subrogation, wills, and wards. Bretonnier was an avocat of the Paris Parlement. First published in 1718,
his treatise went through five editions, the final appearing in 1783. All are scarce in North America. OCLC locates 3 copies of the first edition in North
America, 2 in law libraries (Harvard, University of Michigan). This edition not in Camus.
Two of Bynkershoek's Most Important Works
6. Bynkershoek, Cornelius van [1673-1743].
Conradi, Franz Karl [1701-1748], Editor.
Opuscula Varii Argumenti, Nunc Primum Collecta Atque in Duos Tomos Distributa. Cum Praefatione D. Francisci Caroli Conradi. Halle:
Sumtibus Ern. Gottl. Crugii, 1729. Two volumes. [iv], 5-28, [6], [5]-424, [24]; [ii], 3-407, [29] pp.
[Bound with]
Bynkershoek, Cornelius van.
Heineccius, Johann Gottlieb [1681-1741].
Observationum Juris Romani Libri Quatuor. In Quibus Plurima Juris Civilis Aliorunque Auctiorum Loca Explicantur & Emendantur. Frankfurt:
Apud Ernest. Gottl. Krugium, 1723. [xlix], 446, [30] pp.
Quarto (8" x 6-1/2"). Contemporary vellum, early hand-lettered title to spine, edges rouged. Light rubbing and soiling, small vertical tear to
head of spine, vellum beginning to crack through pastedowns. Title pages of Opuscula, Volume I, and Observationum printed in red and
black, woodcut head-pieces, tail-pieces and decorated initials. Light toning to text, somewhat darker in places. Early owner annotations in
tiny hand to front free endpaper, interior otherwise clean. Ex-library. Shelf-label residue to spine, small inkstamps to title page and verso. A
nice copy. $650.
* Later editions. Bynkershoek was a renowned Dutch jurist who founded the positive school of international law, which held that usage and practice were
more important than doctrines drawn from natural law. His works are still consulted today. First published in 1719, Opuscula, an essay collection on Roman
law, addresses topics in maritime and international relations, the legal rights of unwanted and abandoned children, abortion and infanticide. The essays on
children reflect Bynkershoek's debate on this topic with his distinguished contemporary Gerard Noodt [1647-1725]. The notoriety of this exchange, which
became acrid and lasted several years, did much to promote their circulation. First published in 1710, Observationum, a summation of his studies on Roman
civil and criminal law, was a standard reference in Dutch universities until the nineteenth century. Heineccius, the editor of the present edition, was a
prominent German jurist and a professor of jurisprudence and philosophy at Halle. A companion volume was issued in 1733. "Bynkershoek was
undoubtedly a man of rare intellectual attainments and a great force of character (,) [a] very great authority on the law of Holland and on Roman law.":
Roberts, A South-African Legal Bibliography 69-70. Dekkers, Bibliotheca Belgica Juridica 15 (9, 10).
The Lawbook Exchange, Ltd. 30 Continental Titles, 1608-1898
July 12, 2016
Rare Seventeenth-Century Treatise on Remedies
7. Costa, Giovanni Battista (Juan Battista) [16th/17th c.].
Tractatus de Remediis Subsidiariis. Primae Sedis Antecessoris; In quo Methodice Explicantur Variae, Atq[ue]; Multiplices Materiae, Tam
Canonicae, Quam Civiles, Criminales Quoq[ue]; & Alique Theologicae, Ex Ipsis Legum, Canonum, Bullarum, Statutorum; Ac Constitutionum
Fontibus Exhaustae, Necnon Indicati Consignantur Complures Casus Conciliares, Quatenus in Subsidium Dumtaxat Prodita Remedia Utrinque
Comperiuntur, Quae Postea ad Quotidianam Praxim pro Ultimo Praesidio, Ac Refugio Frequentius Revocantur. Cum Indice Rerum, Atq[ue];
Sententiarum Fatis Copioso Iuxta Seriem Alphabeticam Disposito. Pavia: Ex Typographia Petri Bartoli, 1608. [lxxx] 365, [2] pp. Main text in
parallel columns. Copperplate portrait (to verso of title page). Folio (12" x 8").
Contemporary limp vellum with lapped edges, early hand-lettered title to spine, ties lacking. Light rubbing to extremities, faint staining to
boards, minor worming to hinges and pastedowns. Title page, with large copperplate arms, printed in red and black, woodcut head-pieces,
tail-pieces and decorated initials. Moderate toning to text, somewhat heavier on places, faint dampstaining to preliminaries and a few other
leaves, early owner signature partially excised from foot of title page, internally clean. $950.
* First edition. This treatise deals with civil and criminal remedies in Roman, canon and feudal law. Little is known about Costa. The title page identifies him
as a highly placed canon lawyer attached to the Vatican. The presence of a portrait frontispiece, with a cartouche bearing his arms, indicates that he was an
important man. Costa is not to be confused with the French jurist Jean Lacoste (de la Coste) [1560-1637]. Costa's treatise went thought two later editions
in 1629 and 1630. All three are rare. OCLC locates 2 copies in North America, both 1629 editions (at the Library of Congress and UC-Berkeley Law
School). Not in Camus, Roberts or the British Museum Catalogue.
The Lawbook Exchange, Ltd. 30 Continental Titles, 1608-1898
July 12, 2016
Collected Works of the "Bartolus Hispanus"
8. Covarrubias y Leyva, Diego de [1512-1577].
Brederode, Pieter Cornelis van [d. 1593], Editor.
Uffel, Johann, Editor.
Opera Omnia, Cum Authoris Tractatu in Tit. De Frigidis & Maleficiatis, Septem Quaestionibus Distincto, Quibus an Matrimonium cum hoc
Impedimento Constare Possit, Accurate Explicatur. Multis in Locis a Cl. Ic. Cornelio Brederodio Auctus, Illustratus, Ut Passim Hac Nota []
Designatur; Accesserunt hac Postrema Editione Ioannis Uffeli Ic. Patricii Bruxellensis In Variarum Resolutionum Libros Notae Uberiores. Cum
Duplici Indice, Capitum & Rerum Locupletissimo, Suis Numeris Restituto. Antwerp: Apud Viduam & Haeredes Petri Belleri, 1614. Two
volumes bound as one. [xii], 610; [viii], 548, [69] pp. Main text in parallel columns. Folio (14-1/2" x 9-1/2").
Somewhat later three-quarter vellum over marbled boards, hand-lettered title to spine, edges rouged. Light soiling, moderate rubbing to
extremities with some wear to board edges and corners, some loss along junction of vellum and paper on rear board, a few minor wormholes
to pastedowns. Title page of Volume I printed in red and black, large copperplate title vignettes, woodcut head-pieces, tail-pieces and
decorated initials. Light browning to text, somewhat heavier in places, small tear to head of title page. Faint early owner signatures and
annotations to title page, interior otherwise clean. Ex-library. Small inkstamps to title pages, a few annotations to that of Volume I. A
handsome copy of a scarce title. $1,500.
* Later edition. Covarrubias y Leyva, Archbishop of Santa Domingo, later Bishop of Ciudad Rodrigo and of Segovia, was a canonist, theologian and leader of
the Salamanca School. One of the foremost jurists of his time, he was called the "Bartolus Hispanus." Opera Omnia, the definitive collection of his work on
Roman and canon law was first published in 1559 and went through numerous editions into the eighteenth century. Roberts says it was an important
authority among Roman-Dutch jurists. Our edition is notable for its editorial contributions by Brederode, the notable Dutch jurist and diplomat. All
editions are scarce in North America. OCLC locates 2 of the 1614 edition in North American law libraries (Columbia, Harvard). Roberts, A South African
Legal Bibliography 97 (citing other editions).
The Lawbook Exchange, Ltd. 30 Continental Titles, 1608-1898
Item 9
July 12, 2016
Item 10
With Sections Devoted to Portugal's Colonies
9. Delgado de Carvalho, J.I.
Manual do Processo Criminal Moderno. Coimbra: Imprensa da Universidade, 1897-1898. Two volumes. 351, [1]; 382 pp. Octavo (8-1/2" x
Contemporary speckled calf, lettering pieces and gilt fillets and ornaments to spine. Some rubbing with light wear to extremities, corners
lightly bumped, a few minor scuffs to boards, which are slightly bowed, hinges starting, partial crack in text block between front endleaf and
title page, upper corner from pp. 515-16 of Volume I lacking with minor loss (to page numbers). Light browning to text, faint dampstaining
in a few places. Author dedication inscriptions to half-titles, early owner signatures to title pages, later owner bookplates to front endleaves.
Annotations and underlining in pencil in places, texts otherwise clean. $950.
* Only edition. This treatise on criminal law and procedure has sections devoted to Portugal's colonies. OCLC locates 1 copy in North America (at Harvard
Law School).
Handsome Copy of a Rare
Seventeenth-Century Treatise on Ecclesiastical Benefices
10. Delvaulx (Del Vaulx), Andre [1569-1636)].
De Beneficiis Libri IV. Quibus Tum ea Quae Theoriam Concernunt, Tum Maxime Quae in Iudiciis Practicantur, Solide Enucleantur. Cum Indice
Omnium Rerum & Materiarum Locupletissimo. Opera Iuris-Consultis, Iudicibus, Advocatis, Ac Aliis Curiarum Utriusque Fori Practicis, &
Theologis Utilissimum. Mechelen: Typis Roberti et Viduae Henrici Iaye, 1646. [xxxiv], 612, [84] pp. Copperplate pictorial title page, full-page
coat-of-arms and author portrait. Quarto (7-1/2" x 5-3/4").
Contemporary vellum with lapped edges, hand-lettered spine (with later retouching), edges rouged, recent thong ties. Some darkening to
spine, light spotting to boards, some wear to board edges and corners, rear pastedown just starting to detach along edges. Light toning to
text, internally clean. A handsome copy. $1,500.
* First edition. Andre del Vaulx, also known as Vallensis, taught canon Law at the University of Louvain. De Beneficiis is a treatise on ecclesiastical benefices.
A second edition was published in 1758. Both editions are rare. Concerning the first edition, OCLC locates 4 copies, 1 in North America (at UC-Berkeley
Law School). Not in Ferreira-Ibarra.
The Lawbook Exchange, Ltd. 30 Continental Titles, 1608-1898
July 12, 2016
Rare Eighteenth-Century Treatise on Military Law
Bound With an Annotated Constitutio Criminalis Carolina
11. Dolffer, J[ohann] A[nton].
Processus Juris Militaris Informativus. Worinn Nicht nur alle Kriegs-Richter, Als Praesides, Assessores und Auditores, Auch Alle Hohe und Niedrige
Officirer, Eine Vorhin noch nie Gehabte Voellige Information Finden, Wie sie Sich zu Denen Abhaltenden Kriegs-Gerichten, Habilitiren und
Geschickt Machen Mogen, Und sonst ein Jeder, Der Peinliche Sachen Tractiret oder zu Tractiren Bedacht Ist, In Denen Latere Sequenti
Verzeichneten Materiis den Selbst Verlangenden Unterricht Finden Kan. Leipzig: In Verlegung Hieron. Friederich Hoffmann 1702. [iv], 315 pp.
[Bound with]
Stephani, Matthaeus [1576-1646], Editor.
[Charles V [1500-1558], Holy Roman Emperor].
Caroli Quinti, Imperatoris Invictissimi, & Gloriosissimi Principis, Constitutiones Publicorum Judiciorum: Cum Jure Communi Collatae; Ex Eoque
Latius Declaratae, & Utilissimis Additionibus, Observationibusque Practicis Illustratae. Articulorum Carolinarum Constitutionum, Intemq[ue]
Rerum Praecipuarum, Elenchus Duplex Adjectus Est. Hannover: Sumptibus Gothofredi Freytagii, u. Rudolstadt, Urban 1702. [xx], 243, [5] pp.
Quarto (7-1/2" x 6"). Three-quarter calf over speckled boards, gilt spine with raised bands and lettering piece, edges rouged. Moderate
rubbing to boards, light rubbing to extremities with some wear to spine and corners, edge of lettering piece just beginning to peal away. Title
page of Processus printed in red and black. Moderate toning, somewhat heavier in places. Early initials to title page of Processus, early
underlining and notes to a few pages in Constitutiones. An appealing volume. $2,500.
* Processus: only edition; Constitutiones: sixth and final edition. The Processus is a comprehensive guide to the laws that apply to European soldiers. It is a
digest of positive law and conventions established by treaty. Each point is illustrated with a case study. The work reflects both the greater destructive power
of eighteenth century armaments and the Enlightenment-inspired movement to civilize the rules of military engagement. "Von der Section und Inspection
des Coerpers," its eleventh chapter, is especially interesting. An early example of medical jurisprudence, it discusses methods to distinguish signs of torture
or other unacceptable deeds on the corpses of soldiers or civilians. Constitutiones, a commentary on the great 1502 Constitutio Criminalis Carolina of Holy
Roman Emperor Charles V, was first published in 1626. A standard work, it went through further editions in 1661, 1665, 1670, 1678 and 1702. The owner
of this copy added a few references in the index concerning the sections on torture. Provisions for the liberal use of torture was one of the most controversial
aspects of this code. There are very few copies of either title in North America. OCLC locates 1 copy of Processes (at Harvard Law School) and a few copies
of Constitutiones, 1 of the 1702 edition (at Harvard Law School). Processus: Verzeichnis der im Deutschen Sprachraum Erschienenen Drucke des 18. Jahrhunderts
10336591; Constitutiones: this edition not in VD18.
The Lawbook Exchange, Ltd. 30 Continental Titles, 1608-1898
Item 12
July 12, 2016
Item 13
A Useful Guide to the Two Legal Systems of the Ancien Régime
12. Du Rousseaud de La Combe, Guy [d. c. 1749].
Recueil de Jurisprudence du Pays de Droit Ecrit et Coutumier, Par Ordre Alphabetique. Paris: Chez Mesnier, Libraire-Imprimeur, 1736. [vi],
476, [2] pp. Main text in parallel columns. Quarto (10" x 7-3/4").
Contemporary speckled calf, gilt spine with raised bands, marbled endpapers, title page printed in red and black. Moderate rubbing to
extremities, a few light stains to boards, spine ends and corners worn, boards beginning to separate, but secure, front free endpaper and
following endleaf partially detached, upper corners excised from title page and following leaf. Some toning to text, later owner signatures to
front endleaf and title page, which also has a small bookseller stamp at foot, annotations and underlining to a few leaves. A solid copy. $75.
* First edition. At the time of this treatise parts of France, mostly in the south, were governed by civil law, the rest by customary law. Recueil is a handbook
that reconciles the two systems. A durable work, it went through eight more editions, the last one in 1785. Not in Camus.
Commentary on the Coutumes of Hainault
13. Dumées, Antoine Francois Joseph [1722-1765], Editor.
La Jurisprudence du Haynaut Francois, Contenant les Coutumes de la Province et les Ordonnances de nos Rois dans Leur Ordre Naturel, Avec les
Formules des Principaux Actes. Douai: Chez Jacques-Fr. Willerval, 1750. [i], 448, [6] pp. Quarto (10" x 8").
Recent period style quarter calf over marbled boards, raised bands, gilt ornaments and lettering piece to spine, endpapers renewed. Title
page printed in red and black. Light soiling to preliminary and terminal leaves, some toning, occasional finger smudges, faint dampstaining in
places. Early owner signature to foot of title page, interior otherwise clean. $400.
* Only edition. This is an analytical commentary on the coutumes of Hainault, which is now divided between France and Belgium. The editor was "Procureur
du Roi de la Ville d'Avesnes," and the author of Annales Belgiques. Gouron & Terrin, Bibliographie des Coutumes de France 1023.
The Lawbook Exchange, Ltd. 30 Continental Titles, 1608-1898
Item 14
July 12, 2016
Item 15
Important Treatise on Administration
and Other Topics with Decisions of the Rota Romana
14. Escobar, Francisco Munez de [fl. 1618].
De Ratiociniis Administratorum et Computationibus Variis Aliis Tractatus Praegnantissimus. Omnibus Juri Operam Dantibus, Tam in Theorica,
Quam Praxi, Utilis, Judicibus, Et Advocatis Pernecessarius. Cum Indice Capitum et Materiarum, Et S. Rotae Romanae Decisionibus. Lyons:
Sumptibus Fratrum de Tournes, 1757. 250, 93 pp. Main text in parallel columns. Folio (13-1/2" x 8").
Full contemporary tree calf, gilt spine with lettering piece, marbled endpapers and edges. Some rubbing to extremities, front joint cracked
but secure, corners bumped and somewhat worn, front hinge starting. Title page printed in red and black, attractive woodcut printer device,
head-pieces and decorated initials. Occasional toning, light foxing in a few places. A nice copy of an uncommon title. $350.
* Later edition of a work first published in 1606. With subject and title indexes. Escobar's treatise deals with financial administration, executors and
administrators and criminal law as practiced in Spain. This edition is enhanced by a selection of relevant decisions by the Rota Romana. Little is know about
Escobar's life and reputation, but Roberts observes that he was cited often by Roman-Dutch jurists of the eighteenth century. Ratiociniis seems to have been
a well-respected work; it went through several editions and imprints throughout Europe into the eighteenth century. OCLC locates three copies of this
edition (two in Spain, one at Harvard Law School). Roberts, A South African Legal Bibliography 115.
A Rare Seventeenth-Century Treatise on Civil Actions
15. Fernandez De Otero, Jerónimo.
Tractatus de Actionibus; Et Illarum Origine, Natura, Et Effectu. Cagliari: Ex Typographia Doctoris Antonii Galcerin, Apud Bartholomaeum
Gobettum, 1628. [xxiv], 290, [30] pp. Quarto (7-3/4" x 5-1/2").
Contemporary limp vellum, faint early hand-lettered title to spine, ties partially lacking. Light soiling, some rubbing to spine ends and
corners, vellum just beginning to crack through pastedowns, front hinge cracked. Large copperplate vignette to title page (arms of Pope
Urban VIII, with lady justice with scales and sword). Light toning to text, faint dampspotting and minor worming to margins in a few places,
faint staining, edgewear and a few minor chips to title page and following leaf. Early struck-through owner signature to title page, interior
otherwise clean. Ex-library. Bookplate to front pastedown, inventory label to rear pastedown. A nice copy of a rare title. $950.
* Only edition located. Dedicated to Pope Urban VIII, this treatise presents a systematic overview of civil actions in Roman law, canon law and the law of
the Kingdom of Sardinia. OCLC locates 5 copies, none in North America. British Museum Catalogue (Compact Edition) 9:164.
The Lawbook Exchange, Ltd. 30 Continental Titles, 1608-1898
Item 16
July 12, 2016
Item 17
By an Important Catalonian Jurist
16. Ferrer y Nogues, Francisco.
Commentaria Sive Glossemata ad Utiliorem Quandam ex Constitutionibus Principatus Cathaloniae Incipientem, Los Impubers, Sub Rubro de
Pupillaribus, & Alijs Substitutionibus. Opus Sane in quo Universus Tractatus de Successione Impuberum, Ex Testamento, Ab Intestato, ad Ius
Commune, & Patriae Dilucide Enodatur. Lleida: Apud Ludovicum Menascal, 1618. [ii], 206, [4] ff. Main text in parallel columns. Folio (111/4" x 8").
Contemporary limp vellum, early hand-lettered title to spine, fragments of thong ties, small later owner bookplate to front pastedown. Light
soiling and edgewear, spine somewhat darkened, text block detached. Large woodcut arms of Catalonia to title page. Moderate toning to
text, browning and light foxing in places. Early owner signature to title page, interior otherwise clean. $2,500.
* Only edition. An encyclopedic study of inheritance and succession in Catalonian law and the ius commune by one of Catalonia's greatest jurists. Lleida,
then the intellectual center of Catalonia, is the home of the third oldest university in Spain. OCLC locates 2 copies in North American law libraries
(Harvard, University of Iowa). Palau, Manual del Librero Hispano-Americano 90537.
Guidance for Catalonian Notaries
17. Gali et Ramon, Hieronymus.
Opera Artis Notariae, Theoricam Simul, Et Practicam Eruditionem Complectentia. Barcelona: Ex Typographia Hyacinthi Andreu, 1682. [xii],
672 [i.e. 674], [16] pp. Folio (12" x 8").
Contemporary limp vellum, early calligraphic title to spine, ties lacking, endpapers renewed. Light soiling, spine slightly darkened, minor
spotting to boards, some wear to spine ends and corners, two tiny chips to front joint. Title page, with woodcut vignette, printed within
typographical border, woodcut typographical head-pieces. Light toning to text, somewhat heavier in places, faint dampspotting, mostly to
margins, faint dampstaining to heads of preliminaries and the next few leaves, internally clean. Ex-library. Bookplate to front pastedown. A
nice copy of a rare title. $1,000.
* First edition. In the civil and canon law systems of seventeenth-century Europe notaries occupied an important place in the legal hierarchy analogous to a
present-day British solicitor. Ramon's handbook addresses the needs of a canon-law notary in Catalonia. It is an excellent source of information about
notarial practices in that part of Spain. A second edition was published in 1684. Including both edition, OCLC locates 3 copies in North America, 1 in a law
library (Harvard, which has a first edition). Palau, Manual del Librero Hispano-Americano 96728.
The Lawbook Exchange, Ltd. 30 Continental Titles, 1608-1898
Item 18
July 12, 2016
Item 19
Exhaustive Seventeenth-Century Treatise on Ecclesiastical Benefices
18. Garcia, Nicolaus [d. 1645].
Tractatus de Beneficiis Amplissimus: Continens Duodecim Partes Divisas. Cum Duplici Indice Altero Partium & Capitulorum, Altero Rerum &
Materiarum. Volume I: Saragossa (Zaragoza): Apud Ioannen Antonium & Ioannem Baptistam Tavannum, 1609; Volume II: [Madrid:
Apud Ludovicum Sanchez, 1613 (i.e.1613)]. Two volumes. [xii], 821 [i.e. 815], [69]; [x] (of xii), 319, [63] ff. Title page of Volume II
lacking. Main text in parallel columns. Folio (11" x 7").
Contemporary vellum, early hand-lettered titles to spines, ties lacking, endpapers renewed. Some rubbing to extremities, a few minor chips
to spine ends, light wear to corners, rear hinge of Volume I starting, title page of Volume I mounted, repairs to margins of a few leaves, a few
partial cracks to text blocks. Volume I title page printed in red and black, woodcut decorated initials. Moderate browning and spotting to
text, internally clean. Ex-library. Bookplates to front pastedowns. $300.
* Third edition. First published in 1608, this is an exhaustive treatise on ecclesiastical benefices (irrevocable church appointments that provide incomeproducing properties) with an emphasis on the Church in Spain and its possessions. It was a durable work that went through several editions and reissues
into the mid eighteenth-century. Palau, Manual del Librero Hispano-Americano 98122, 98123.
One of the Great Authorities on Roman-Dutch Law
19. Huber, Ulrik [1636-1694].
De Ratione Juris Docendi & Discendi Dialogus. Franeker: Ex Officina Joh. Gyselaar, 1684. [vi], 111, [1] pp. Copperplate portrait frontispiece
of the Duke of Nassau.
[Bound with]
Huber, Ulrik.
De Jure Civitatis Libri Tres. Editio, Plus Tertia Parte, Nova Faciem Operis Oratio Praemissa & Argumenta Capitum in Calce Subjecta Exhibent.
Franeker: Apud Johannem Gyselaar, 1684. [xxxviii], 605, [37] pp.
Octavo (6-1/4" x 3-3/4"). Contemporary calf, raised bands to spine. Moderate rubbing with light wear to extremities, corners bumped,
joints starting at head, front hinge cracked, later owner bookplate to front pastedown. Woodcut title vignettes, woodcut head-pieces, tailpieces and decorated initials. Light toning to text. Faint early owner annotations to endleaves, title page of Ratione Juris and a few other
leaves in both works. Ex-library. Bookplate to front pastedown. $750.
The Lawbook Exchange, Ltd. 30 Continental Titles, 1608-1898
July 12, 2016
* Ratione Juris, first edition; Jure Civitatis, third edition. Huber was a well-known Dutch jurist and professor at the Universities of Franeker, Utrecht and
Leyden. He was also a judge in Friesland and the author of numerous legal works on Roman and Roman-Dutch law including Heedendaagse Rechtsgeleertheyt
(1686), which was later translated as The Jurisprudence of My Time. He was as important in his day as Grotius. Huber's work was renowned for his
humanism and knowledge of life. It remains influential in South African law. Ratione Juris is an essay on legal reasoning. A second edition was published in
1688. First published in 1672, his influential Jure Civitatis examines public law through perspectives drawn from jurisprudence and political science. As one
would expect, Roman, canon and natural-law principles play a leading role. The laws of the Dutch states are also considered, though less extensively.
Dekkers, Bibliotheca Belgica Juridica 86 (5, 11).
Item 20
Item 21
Administrative Law in the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies
20. [Kingdom of the Two Sicilies].
Statuti Dell'Amministrazione Civile in Sicilia. [N.p.: S.n., c.1827]. [ii], 275 pp. Eight folding tables. Octavo (7-3/4" x 4-1/2").
Contemporary quarter calf over marbled boards, lettering piece and gilt fillets to spine. Moderate rubbing to boards and extremities with
some wear to spine ends and corners, joints partially cracked, a few partial cracks to text block. Some toning to text, occasional faint
dampspotting, internally clean. $250.
* Second edition (?). The Kingdom of the Two Sicilies, which encompassed the lower half of Italy as well as the island of Sicily, was the largest of the states
of Italy before the Italian unification. Apparently a handy reference for state officials, this is a digest of the kingdom's administrative law. The earliest edition
we were able to locate was issued in 1818, updated editions were issued periodically. All are rare. OCLC locates no copies of our edition, and one copy of
issues from 1818 and 1821, neither in North America. Not in the British Museum Catalogue.
Eighteenth-Century French Treatise on Practice
21. Lange, Francois [1610-1684].
La Nouvelle Pratique, Civile, Criminelle Et Beneficiale. Ou le Nouveau Praticien Francois, Reforme Suivant les Nouvelles Ordonnances. Avec un
Traite du Droit d'Indult, Et un Traite de la Jurisdiction Ecclesiastique, Trouvez dans les Manuscrits de l'Auteur. Et un Nouveau Stile des Lettres de la
Chancellerie, Suivant l'Usage qui se Pratique a Present, Par M. Pimont. Corrigee & Augmentee Considerablement par M. *** Ancien Avocat au
Parlement avec des Formules de Prononciations en Matiere Civile, Criminelle & Beneficiale, Dans Toutes les Cours & Jurisdictions du Royaume, Des Modeles
d'Ecritures d'Avocat, & Les Edits, Arrets & Reglemens qui ont Ete Rendus sur ces Matieres Jusqu'a Present Paris: Chez Theodore Legras, 1741. Two volumes.
Quarto (10" x 7-1/2").
The Lawbook Exchange, Ltd. 30 Continental Titles, 1608-1898
July 12, 2016
Contemporary mottled calf, gilt spines with raised bands and lettering pieces, marbled edges and endpapers. Some rubbing to extremities, minor chipping
to heads of spine, corners bumped and lightly worn, some gatoring to boards, front joint of Volume I starting at ends. Title pages printed in red and black,
woodcut head-pieces and tail-pieces. Light toning to text, negligible foxing in some places, internally clean. $250.
* Fourteenth edition. One of numerous editions of this long standard work on practice, its durability as a modernized text owing to the editorial efforts of
Francois Lange and his successors. The first edition under Lange's name appeared in 1681, but Lange is said also to have prepared four editions prior to the
ordonnances of 1667 and 1670, in which he revised the work of Gastier, whose lineage in turn can be traced to 16th and early 17th century texts by several
earlier authors. Under various editors Lange's Practice reached a 15th edition by 1755. Camus, Bibliotheque Choisie des Livres de Droit 1691.
Synodal Decrees from a Tumultuous Period in the History of the Low Countries
22. Le Mire, Jean.
Decreta Synodi Dioecesanae Antverpiensis, Mense Maio Anni M.DC.X. Celebratae. Antwerp: Ex Officina Plantaniana, 1610. [xvi], 30, 154, [3]
[Bound with]
Moretus, Balthasar.
Decreta et Statuta Synodi Provincialis... Antwerp: Ex Officina Plantiniana Balthasaris Moreti, 1634. 84, [2] pp. [And]
Hovius, Matthaeus.
Decreta et Statuta Synodi Provincialis Mechliniensis…. Antwerp: Ex Officina Plantiniana Balthasaris Moreti, 1633. 127, [1] pp.
Hovius, Matthaeus.
Decreta et Statuta Synodi Dioecesanae Mechliniensis: Die Quinta Maji Anni Millesimi Sexcentesimi Noni Inchoatae, Et die Sexta Eiusdem Anni et
Mensis Absolutae. Antwerp: Ex Officina Plantiniana Balthasaris Moreti, 1634. 76, [1] pp.
Octavo (6-1/2" x 4"). Contemporary vellum with lapped edges and later thong ties (one lacking), early hand-lettered title to spine. Light
soiling, corners and spine ends bumped. Copperplate vignette to title page of Decreta Synodi Dioecesanae Antverpiensis, woodcut Plantin
devices to rear endleaves or title pages of other titles, woodcut decorated initials. Moderate toning to texts, early owner signature to front
free endpaper. Ex-library. Bookplate to front pastedown. $750.
The Lawbook Exchange, Ltd. 30 Continental Titles, 1608-1898
July 12, 2016
* This volume collects four volumes of statutes and decrees enacted at synods of the (Catholic) diocese of Mechelen, Belgium, all printed by the Plantin
Press. La Mire, Moretus and Hovius were the presiding bishops. All of these took place during the Dutch War of Independence and reflect its religious,
political and social consequences. In effect, they offer official statements of doctrine during this troubled period. None of these titles are listed in the British
Museum Catalogue.
A Rare Guide to the Danske Lov
23. Leth, Christian.
Register Over Kong Christian Den Fentes Danske Lov og de Tilhorende Kongelige Forordninger. Copenhagen: Paa Autors Egen Bekostning, 1735.
[562] pp. Folding table. Quarto (8" x 6-1/4").
Contemporary paneled calf, gilt spine with raised bands and lettering piece, marbled edges. Some rubbing to extremities, small chip to head
of spine, front hinge partially cracked. Woodcut head-piece featuring Lady Justice. Light toning, offsetting to margins of preliminaries and
final index leaves, some edgewear to folding table. Early owner inscription to front free endpaper, interior otherwise clean. Ex-library.
Bookplate to front pastedown. A handsomely bound copy of a rare title. $750.
* Only edition. Enacted by King Christian V in 1683, the Danske Lov (or Danish Code)was a comprehensive restatement of Danish legislation, some of it
dating back to the thirteenth century. The fruit of seven successive over a 22-year period, it attracted a good deal of positive attention and was translated
into English, Latin, German and Russian. It was the basis of the nearly identical Norwegian Code of 1687, which also applied to Norway's dependencies: the
Faroe Islands, Iceland, and Greenland. (Leth's Register is a companion to the Danske Lov. Primarily a comprehensive index, it also contains crossreferences and additional citations to later legislation. OCLC locates 5 copies, all in Denmark. Not in the British Museum Catalogue.
The Lawbook Exchange, Ltd. 30 Continental Titles, 1608-1898
Item 24
July 12, 2016
Item 25
A Classic Treatise on Roman Criminal Law
24. Matthaeus, Antonius [1601-1654].
De Criminibus ad Lib. XLVII. et XLVIII. Dig. Commentarius. Adjecta est Brevis & Succincta Juris Municipalis Interpretatio, Cum Indice Triplici;
Titulorum, Rerum & Verborum, Nec non Legum, Qua Strictius, Qua Fusius Explicatarum. Amsterdam: Johannis Waesberge, 1661. [xvi], 902,
[38] pp. Quarto (7-1/2" x 6").
Contemporary vellum with lapped edges, early hand-lettered title to spine. Some soiling and rubbing to extremities, spine ends lightly
bumped, vellum just beginning to crack through pastedowns. Title page printed in red and black. Light toning to text, somewhat darker in
places, faint dampstaining in a few places. Early annotations to preliminaries, interior otherwise clean. Ex-library. Inkstamp to title page, a few
annotations and another stamp to verso. $250.
* Second edition, one of two issues, the other printed in Utrecht. Antonius Matthaeus, the progenitor of a line of noted jurists, first published his De
Criminibus in 1644. It is a commentary on Books 47 and 48 of Justinian's Digest with an additional treatise on the municipal law of Utrecht. Distinguished
for its critical use of original sources, rather than later commentaries, it was one of the first modern commentaries on Roman criminal law. It was a
successful, widely circulated treatise; it reached its fifteenth edition in 1761. Dekkers, Bibliotheca Belgica Juridica 111 (4).
Criminal Activities Classified
25. Oliveira, Eduard.
Compendium Bullae Cruciatae Lusitaniae Concessae. Coimbra: Ex Typographia in Regali Artium Collegio Societatis Jesu, 1712. [xvi], 245,
[35] pp. Main text in parallel columns. Quarto (7-1/2" x 5-3/5").
Contemporary speckled calf, raised bands, gilt title and gilt ornaments to spine. Light rubbing to extremities, a few minor nicks and worm
holes, small chip to head of spine, corners bumped and lightly worn, negligible minor worming to pastedown, endleaves and a few text leaves.
Small woodcut Jesuit device to title page and two head-pieces, a few decorated initials and typographical ornaments throughout text. Light
toning, early readership marks to margins in a few places, interior otherwise clean. $1,750.
* First edition. A rare commentary on the powers and effects in Portugal of a papal bull for a crusade. The book includes discussion of 32 types of criminal
activity, whether they can be classified as cases reserved for episcopal jurisdiction and whether a defendant can be absolved with submission to the bull.
These crimes include sorcery and invocation of demons, homicide, abortion, clandestine marriage, failure to pay church taxes, sex with non-Christians and
cases involving subjection to slavery and the slave trade. Specific notes are given for individual dioceses, including those (160-161) of Bahia (Brazil), pp.
160-61, and Angola, pp. 161-62. The book includes a detailed descriptive index. OCLC locates no copies in North America. Not in Backer-Sommervogel.
The Lawbook Exchange, Ltd. 30 Continental Titles, 1608-1898
July 12, 2016
Commentaries on the Code of
Justinian by an Important Humanist Scholar
26. Sichard, Johannes [1499-1552].
Hertzog, Samson, Editor.
Sichardus Redivivus. Clarissimi Viri Ioannis Sichardi, Celeberrimi Iureconsulti Germani, Et in Alma Tubingensi Academia Quondam Ordinarii
Iuris Civilis, Dictata & Praelectiones in Codicem Iustinianeum. Ex Collatione Operosa Manuscriptorum Codicum, Restitutis Primo quam Plurimis
Haud Parvi Momenti Defectibus. Deinde Negativis Desideratis Additis: & Abundantibus Demtis. Tertio Amplius Quingentis Iurium Allegationibus
Redintegratis. Quarto Sublatis Plusquam Mille Aliis Erratis, Hactenus non Animadversis. Nunc Demum Post Modianam Recognitionem et Anni
LXXXVI. Editionem Francofurtensem, A Samsone Hertzog, Auctiores, & Emendatiores Editae. Opus Plane Frugiferum, Et Tam Foro, Quam Scholis
(Quod Evidentialia Titulorum & Legum, Id Est, Vocabula & Phrases Artis Singulari Diligentia Excutiat,) Accommodatum. Cum Praefatione
Amplissimi Collegii Facultatis Iuridicae in Predicta Academia; Necnon Summariis & Indice Locupletissimo. Frankfurt: Ex Officina Hoffmanniana,
Sumtibus Ionae Rhodii, 1613-1614. [xx], 617, [1]; 12, [8], 641-1145 (i.e 1175), [47] pp. Two volumes in one book. Main text in parallel
columns. Folio (14" x 8-1/2").
Contemporary paneled pigskin, raised bands to spine, ties lacking. Moderate rubbing to extremities with wear to head of spine, some
soiling, a few nicks and scuffs, boards slightly bowed, front joint just starting at foot, corners bumped and lightly worn. Title page of Volume
printed in red and black, woodcut title-page devices, head-pieces, tail-pieces and decorated initials, Volume I has large woodcut printer's
device and colophon and, above the dedication, the arms of the Price of Wurtemberg, dedicatory poem in Volume II followed by woodcut
arms of Sichard. Moderate toning to text, light browning in places, occasional faint dampstaining to outer margins of fore-edges, light soiling
to title page of Volume I, which has a few early owner signatures. Early underlining, brief annotations and other markings in a few places,
interior otherwise clean. $2,000.
The Lawbook Exchange, Ltd. 30 Continental Titles, 1608-1898
July 12, 2016
* Third and final edition. Sichard, or Sichardt, was a notable German humanist and professor of law at the University of Tubingen. A pupil and protege of
Ulrich Zasius, he was an outstanding editor and interpreter of Roman law. Sichardus Redivivus is based on his celebrated lectures on the Code of Justinian,
one of the four components of the Corpus Juris Civilis. First published in 1565, this lavishly produced edition indicates the importance of Sichard's lectures
and his high posthumous reputation. Few copies of any edition are held in North American law libraries; OCLC locates no copies of the third. Das
Verzeichnis der im Deutschen Sprachraum Erschienenen Drucke des 17. Jahrhunderts 3:615067N.
Learned Study of Roman and Dutch Agricultural Law
27. Trotz, Christian Hen[drik] [1703?-1773].
Jus Agrarium Foederati Belgii. Franeker: n.p., 1751-1754. Three volumes. Printed on very wide-margined paper. Quarto (10" x 8").
Contemporary vellum, early hand-lettered titles to spines. Light soiling to boards, somewhat heavier soiling to spines, extremities lightly
bumped with minor wear, vellum just beginning to crack through pastedowns of Volumes II and III, recent bookseller (or auction)
description pasted to front pastedown of Volume I. Woodcut title page devices, head-pieces, tail-pieces and decorated initials. Later
bookplate to front pastedown of Volume I. Some toning, light foxing and browning in places. Stuck-through early owner signatures to front
endleaves of Volumes II and III, interiors otherwise clean. $600.
* Only edition. Still an important historical work on agricultural law and the law concerning dikes and watercourses, it examines Dutch law in Volumes I and
II. The final volume, which is titled Jus Agrarium Romanum, examines Roman law. This study is based on a series of public debates (disputationes) he
sponsored at the University of Freneker, where he was a professor of law. Born in Germany and educated at the universities of Halle, Leipzig, Marburg and
Utrecht, Trotz was an important scholar of public and constitutional law. A prolific author, Jus Agrarium is his most important work. OCLC locates 3 copies
in North American law libraries (Harvard, UC-Berkeley, Yale). We located another copy at the Library of Congress. Dekkers, Bibliotheca Belgica Juridica
172 (8).
The Lawbook Exchange, Ltd. 30 Continental Titles, 1608-1898
Item 28
July 12, 2016
Item 29
Statutes of Valladolid, 1763
28. [Valladolid].
[Mosquera de Molina, Juan, Compiler].
Ordenanzas con que se Rige y Govierna la Republica de la Muy Noble y Leal Ciudad de Valladolid, En las Quales se Declaran Todos los Articulos
Tocantes al pro Comunde Ella. Valladolid: Imprenta de Thomas de Santander, 1763. [x], 183, [4] pp. Quarto (8" x 5-1/2").
Contemporary mottled sheep, gilt fillets to boards, raised bands and gilt ornaments to spine, edges rouged. Light rubbing to extremities,
corners and spine ends bumped, minor wear along joints. Title printed within woodcut typographical border, large title vignette of the arms
of Villadolid. Light offsetting to margins of endleaves, interior notably fresh. Ex-library. Bookplate to front pastedown. A very well-preserved
copy. $1,000.
* Once the capitol city of the Kingdom of Castile, later of united Spain and briefly of Habsburg Spain, Valladolid remained an important city in eighteenthcentury Spain. The 1763 collection of Ordenanzas offers an interesting perspective on the city at this time. OCLC locates 5 copies worldwide and 1 copy in a
North American law library (Harvard). Bibliografia de Autores Espanoles del Siglo 18: Anonimos 2:1498.
Two Great Jurists Analyze Excerpts from the Corpus Juris Civilis
29. Van Leeuwen, Simon [1626-1682].
Vinnius, Arnoldus [1588-1657].
De Origine & Progressu Juris Civilis Romani, Authores & Fragmenta Veterum Jurisconsultorum, Cum Notis Arn. Vinnii, & Variorum. Que Hisce
Continentur Sequens Docebit Pagina. Leiden: Apud Arnoldum Doude, 1672. [xvi], 850, [10] pp. Main title page preceded by copperplate
pictorial title page. Octavo (6-1/2" x 4-1/4").
Contemporary vellum, early hand-lettered title to spine, large gilt arms of Arnhem to boards. Light soiling, chip to head of spine, upper
corners bumped and somewhat worn, front endleaves lacking. Light toning to text, internally clean. Ex-library. Bookplate to front pastedown,
stamps to top edge, bottom edge and rear endleaves. A nice copy. $350.
* Second edition. Two of the greatest Dutch jurists of their day, Van Leeuwen and Vinnius were perhaps the most widely read Dutch jurists during the lateseventeenth and eighteenth century. De Origine is a collection of annotated excerpts from the Corpus Juris Civilis and essays. The first essay, "De Origine
Juris" is by Vinnius. Van Leeuwen compiled the excerpts and wrote two of the essay. Both authors provide annotations and cite additional annotations from
other authors. It was first published in 1671, its third and final edition in 1762. Dekkers, Bibliotheca Belgica Juridica 99 (12).
The Lawbook Exchange, Ltd. 30 Continental Titles, 1608-1898
July 12, 2016
Scarce Italian Treatise on Debtor and Creditor
30. Zanchi, Carlo [fl. 1770].
Tractatus de Praelatione Creditorum in Foro Utilissimus, & ad Quotidianas Concursus, Seu Graduationis Quaestiones Accommodatissimus, in Sex
Exercitationes Divisus, In Quibus Privilegia Creditorum Omnia, Quae a Legibus, Statutis, Consuetudinibus, Necnon Pontificiis Constitutionibus
Descendunt, Late, Erudite, Diligenterque Expenduntur. Rome: Typis, Et Sumptibus Generosi Salomoni, 1766. viii, 628 pp. Main text in parallel
columns. Folio (12-3/4" x 9").
Contemporary vellum with later rebacking, gilt-title to spine, endpapers renewed, speckled edges. Light rubbing to extremities, a few minor
stains to boards, spine ends and corners bumped, gilding oxidized or worn away. Light toning to text, light foxing in places. Early owner
initials to foot of title page, interior otherwise clean. Ex-library. Bookplate to front pastedown. An appealing copy. $1,250.
* First edition. A second edition of this notable treatise on debtor and creditor, with an emphasis on insolvency and the priority of claims and liens, was
published in 1839. Both are scarce. OCLC locates 3 copies of the first edition in law libraries (Columbia, Harvard, UC- Berkeley), 3 copies of the second
(Columbia, Harvard, Yale). Not in Roberts or the British Museum Catalogue.
The Lawbook Exchange, Ltd.
Antiquarian Bookseller and Publisher
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