@ RC Durr YMCA 2015 Parent Handbook


@ RC Durr YMCA 2015 Parent Handbook
Camp Outback & Summer Programming
@ RC Durr YMCA
2015 Parent Handbook
Includes: Preschool, Day, Teen, LIT Camps & Sport/Specialty Programming
5874 Veterans Way
Burlington, KY 41005
859-534-5700 (Welcome Center)
859-334-6514 (Senior Program Director)
859-815-9179 (Camp Hot Line)
859-534-5777 (Fax)
Updated: 3.15.15
_______________________Table of Contents
Program Overview.....................Pages 3-5
Camp Life – What to Expect.........Pages 14-20
Mission Statement
Lost and Found
Program Philosophy
Swimming Policy
Program Goals
Swim Authorization & Swim Tests
ACA Accredited
Swim Bands
Family Involvement & Feedback
Add-On Swim Lessons
Sensitive Issues
Miscellaneous Pool Information
Meet-n-Greet Open House
Food Information
Parent/Staff Communication
Staff & Staff Structure
Staff to Participant Ratios
Staff Babysitting Policy
Family Friday / Kona Ice
Enrollment Policies.......................Page 6
Registration & Enrollment Policies
Permanent Withdrawals/Changing Your Registration
Payment Procedures................. Pages 7-8
Registration Fees & Deposits
Program Fees
Late Payment Policy & Fees
Late Pickup Fees
Credit and Refunds
Field Trips & Excursions
Field Trip Arrival & Departure Times
Field Trip T-Shirt Policy
Field Trip Meal Policy
At-A-Glance Backpack Checklist.........Page 22
Inside the Backpack
Leave At Home
Preschool Camp...........................Pages 23-25
Financial Assistance
Preschool Camp
Tax Information
Fees & Schedule Information
Payment Receipts & Billing Accounts
Preschool Camp Programs
Code of Conduct........................ Pages 9-10
Code of Conduct
Rules Campers Must Live By
Daily Tribe Schedules
Description of Activities
Day Camp....................................Pages 26-28
Cell Phone Policy
Day Camp
Fees & Schedule Information
Suspension/Expulsion Policies
Day Camp Program
Camper Safety........................... Pages 11-13
Procedures for Emergencies/Accidents
Emergency Transportation Authorization
Daily Tribe Schedule
Description of Activities
Teen Camp………………………………….. Page 29
In the case of General Emergency
Teen Camp
In the case of Accident/Illness
Fees & Schedule Information
In the case of Child Abuse & Neglect
Teen Camp Programs
Incident/Accident Reports
How Teen Camp is Different from Day Camp
Illness Policies
Management of Illness
Isolation Precautions
Lice Policy
Health Concerns
Sunscreen Policy
Camp Life – What to Expect.........Pages 14-21
Sign In/Out Policy
Self Sign Out Policy
Valet Drop Off & Pickup Program
Early Pickup, Late Drop Off Policy
Late Pick Up Policy
Verify Absences
Camper Orientation
What to Wear
Outdoor Vs. Indoor Activities
LIT Program…………………….............Pages 30-32
Leaders in Training
LIT Fees & Schedule Information
LIT Application Process
LIT Specifics
LIT Uniform
LIT Training
LIT Responsibilities & Assignments
Child Protection Policy
Sport & Specialty Programs.........Pages 33-36
Sport & Specialty Programs
Combo Packs
Fees & Schedule Information
Sport & Specialty Program Schedule
Description of Programs
At-A-Glance Checklists.......................Page 37
Registration & Enrollment Process
Program Overview
YMCA of Greater Cincinnati Mission Statement
The mission of the YMCA of Greater Cincinnati is to put Christian principles into practice through programs that
build healthy spirit, mind and body for all. The Y is about…
Youth Development: Children need caring adults to provide support, guidance and encouragement as they
grow. All kids deserve the opportunity to discover who they are and what they can achieve.
Healthy Living: Wellness in spirit, mind and body strengthens our very being and enhances our
interactions with others.
Social Responsibility: We truly are in this together and together we can harness our individual
strengths and bring about positive change around us. The Y is dedicated to building healthy, confident, secure
and connected children, families and communities.
Program Philosophy
The purpose of YMCA youth programs is to meet the developmental needs of children and to provide families with
quality care, whatever their needs. Our programs, under the guidance of nurturing and caring staff, focus on
facilitating the child’s sense of industry, promoting a sense of competence, and creating an environment conducive
to positive peer interaction; all of which encourages initiative and supports the growth of self-direction and free
choice. This is done in a setting built with acceptance, respect and encouragement. We believe in building positive
self-esteem and strong character, striving to work in cooperation with educational efforts with parents and
Program Goals
Our program provides:
A safe environment
Emotional support and warmth
Responsive adults who serve as good role models and exceptionally good listeners
Opportunities to play, learn and build confidence through games, role play and exercise
Freedom of choice in an environment full of age-appropriate materials
Freedom to work and play individually or with peers
Encouragement to be creative and imaginative
Time and space to engage in reading activities and arts programming with math and language integration
Time and appropriate space for rest or quiet time
Encouragement to accept one’s own abilities
Opportunities to learn about diversity and inclusion
Opportunities to learn about nutrition and other components of a healthy and safe lifestyle
Opportunities to develop personal discipline including: taking responsibility for one’s own actions, setting and
accepting limits, respecting rights and property of others, forming friendships, and using community resources
ACA Accredited
ACA Accreditation means that our camp cares enough to undergo a thorough review
(over 300 standards) of its operation by the American Camp Association – from staff
qualifications and training to emergency management. For over 50 years the ACA
accreditation process has grown to keep pace with changes in the camp industry,
expectations of the public, and the challenges of operating a business in today's
highly regulated society. ACA collaborates with experts from the American Academy
of Pediatrics, The American Red Cross and other youth service agencies to assure
that camp practices reflect up-to-date research based standards in camp operation.
Our partnership with ACA helps promote summers of growth and fun in an
environment committed to safety!
Program Overview
Family Involvement & Feedback
Family involvement and input are essential to our program! Maintaining an open relationship with all family
members ensures better care for children. Parents are welcome and highly encouraged to participate in any
special activities planned for the children by the staff or to volunteer their time, talents, special interests and skills.
Chaperones: Volunteers are especially welcome on field trips. Please notify the Camp Director a minimum of 4
days prior to any field trip you plan on attending as a chaperone. All chaperones must review and fill out a Summer
Camp Excursion form for Chaperones/Volunteers with a Camp Director.
Any parent/guardian concerns will be addressed with care and concern by our staff. Our program has an “Open
Door Policy.” Conferences with a Camp Director are welcome and available upon request. Parents can also contact
the Y Senior Program Director, Lindsay Hoefker at 859-334-6514.
The YMCA believes that activities designed to involve parents in their child’s development should be included in a
summer program. Parents will be notified of events through newsletters and other oral/written communications.
Family Friday: Who says only kids can have all the fun?! Join your camper on Family Friday for lunch and a camp
activity! Each week campers and their guest can purchase Pizza for Family Friday! (Lunch must be pre-ordered
thru the Camp Director by Thursday!) More information is on page 20 of this handbook!
We also appreciate any overall suggestions or feedback that families may have concerning their experience with
our programming. Each week, parents will be emailed a Camp Evaluation form. (Hard copies will be provided to
those families without internet services.) We strongly encourage you and your camper to complete and submit
these weekly evaluations so that we may make ongoing changes based on your feedback and also continue to
provide services that are important to you and your camper. YOU COULD WIN: Each week one lucky winner will
be randomly selected from completed evaluations. Winners will receive $20 in Camp Bucks that can be applied to
any camp program!
Sensitive Issues
The YMCA is aware that many children and families encounter sensitive issues or events. Sensitive issues are
handled on an individual basis to the best of the staff’s ability and training. Staff will involve parents in this
process and provide resources for support.
Any problems your child may be having at home may affect their behavior at the YMCA program.
Please keep us informed so that we can be sensitive to your child’s needs. We would like to work as a team with
the family to provide the best environment for your child’s growth and development. It is very important that
parent’s talk with the staff and the staff will keep parents informed as well.
Parents/Guardians must provide any legal documents concerning any custody agreements/ arrangements made
within the court system regarding who can or cannot pick up the child/children.
Meet & Greet Open House
Families are asked to attend the Meet & Greet. This Open House session will give you and your child time to
meet his/her counselors and other campers, ask questions, turn in or pick up enrollment paperwork, verify your
child’s registration & when enrollment is complete, receive your camp T-shirt before the start of camp.
Join us for
some fun,
meet new
camp friends
and gather
information all at the
same time!
Hope to see
you there!
Don't forget to
pick up your
Camp T-shirt
Meet & Greet Open House
@ RC Durr YMCA
May 17th
12:00 - 1:00 pm
Program Overview
Parent/Staff Communication
Your child's safety and security is our number one priority! Please keep the Camp Director informed of any
changes during the summer so we can keep our records updated. These changes may include, but are not
limited to, family changes, medical history, address, phone numbers, email address, etc.
Weekly Camp Newsletters will be emailed to the address provided on the Summer Camp Registration form the
Friday before the start of each week of camp. A copy of this newsletter is also available upon request. Please be
sure to keep the Camp Director updated on any changes to your email address or if you do not receive
the email transmission. Our Camp Outback Newsletter is a great way to kick off your upcoming week and be
informed of special events, activities, helpful hints, change in schedules, etc.
Parent feedback has reflected the importance of communicating with parents on how their camper’s day is going!
Our goal is to keep you in the know! Read the weekly Camp Newsletter, be sure to watch for program
updates via our text messaging system, and like us (RC Durr Y) on Facebook! All will be full of information
and insight on what your child has been involved in during the day and what you need to know to keep your
camper smiling through the week!
Our staff is made up of dedicated individuals with degrees in education and/or
training who provide a quality recreational program and provide special care and
warmth for each child as well. Prior to hiring, each staff member completes a
personal interview session, has reference checks, and a background check
Each summer program site has a Director who is responsible for program plans
and staff supervision.
YMCA staff members receive Child Protection training as part of employment.
Lead staff are given the opportunity to become CPR/First Aid certified.
ACA Recommended
Staff to Camper Ratios
2 - 5 years
6 - 8 years
9 -14 years
Good-day Mates!
Sorry to inform you that
YMCA policy prohibits
staff members from
babysitting children met
through any YMCA
Staff Structure
Junior Counselors
Camp Counselors
Lead Counselors
Camp Director
Senior Program Director
Associate Executive Director
Executive Director
Staff to Participant Ratios
Maintaining an appropriate Staff to Camper ratio, is an
important component to help ensure campers are having fun
and staying safe! During any scheduled swimming activity a
certified lifeguard or water instructor will be on duty at all
times. A child staff ratio maximum of 1:18 for school aged
children and 1:10 for preschool children will be maintained at
all times in the pool.
The staff to child ratio during all other camp activities will
never be higher than 1:18 with the exception of preschool
age children. Staff to preschool age children ratio will be no
higher than 1:12.
However, the YMCA strives to be in
accordance with American Camp Association (ACA) guidelines
recommended staff to camper ratios.
Please provide your email
address! It helps us stay
green and is the most
common form of
communication the Camp
program utilizes!
Enrollment Policies
Registration and Enrollment Policies
It is unlawful for the YMCA to discriminate in the enrollment of children upon the basis of race, color, religion, sex
or national origin. The YMCA summer programs are not drop-in programs and registration must be
completed in advance. Program sessions have limited enrollment and registration is on a first-come, first-served
basis. Registration and enrollment can be completed in three easy steps!
Families may reserve a spot for specific weeks of camp or summer programming by completing a
Registration Form and submitting a $10 deposit for each week they wish to attend. A
registration fee will also be applied at this time. Please note that the deposit and registration fee
are non-refundable and non-transferable. Please be sure to retain a copy of your completed
Registration Form. You are financially held responsible for all weeks registered for.
(See below for policies on changing your original registration needs and page 7 of this handbook for payment information.)
Upon registration, you will receive an Enrollment Packet. This packet must be completed in full and
returned prior to the start of the first registered week of camp. The packet requests pertinent
information such as contact information, medical history, individual concerns, parent authorizations,
permission for emergency transportation, etc. As part of the enrollment process, an up-to-date
Immunization Certificate must also be turned in prior to the start of camp. The Enrollment Packet
with attached Immunization Certificate should be turned in no later than the Friday before
the start of the first week of programming selected. A camper may NOT attend the
program without a completed Enrollment Packet on file!
Your remaining payment for each selected week of camp and/or summer programming - including
any supply fees or add-on programming fees - will be charged to your credit/debit card on file
the Friday prior to the week attending. (The $10 deposit paid for the week will be subtracted out.)
All registration and enrollment paperwork and payments
must be returned and paid in full BEFORE your child is
permitted to attend any YMCA program.
Permanent Withdrawals/Changing Your Registration
Parents/Guardians will be held financially responsible for all registered weeks. If you need to change or
withdraw your child from a selected week of camp or summer programming from what you originally registered for,
you must complete a Change of Camp Form and return it no later than the Thursday before the start of
the selected week you wish to update or
phone withdrawals or changes are accepted.
you will be charged the full fee.
No verbal or over the
If you cancel a week of camp, the non-refundable and non-transferable deposit and/or supply fees that
have been paid will be forfeited. These monies will not transfer to a new week that you would like to add or
switch to. It is also important to remember that when switching/adding a week of camp, the deposit is due
for the new selected program with the Change of Camp form. Always keep your duplicate copy of the Change of
Camp Form with your files to serve as a receipt.
The YMCA reserves the right to permanently withdraw a program participant at any time. Reasons for permanent
withdrawal may include, but are not limited to: non-payment or habitual insufficient funds, continued disciplinary
actions with a participant, parental or participant abuse of staff members, actions or behaviors by a participant that
has or could severely harm themselves or another participant or any other reason that is deemed fit by the Camp
Director and/or other supervisory staff.
Please note that even in cases where a camper is on suspension from a program, all fees are still due
and no refunds/credits will be issued.
Payment Information
Registration Fees & Deposits
Registration reserves a spot for your child. Registration fees and the $10 deposit for each selected week of camp or
summer programming is payable by check, money order or credit card at the YMCA. No cash will be accepted. All
personal checks and money orders are to be made out to the YMCA. If paying by check or money order, please
write the child’s name and what you wish the check to be applied to.
All fees and deposits are due upon registration. Fees and deposits will be processed through billing upon
receipt. The registration fee is not subject to any discounts and is due even if scholarship or state
assistance is applied. Registration fees, forms, and deposits may be dropped off at the Member Services front
desk or to a Camp Director.
Program Fees
A valid credit/debit card must be on file to pay for weekly camp and/or summer programming fees. (This
includes fees for tuition, lunch fees, camp swim lessons, supply fees for Sport & Specialty programming, etc.)
Please be sure to notify the billing department or your Camp Director if your credit card number changes!
Program fees are charged weekly on the Friday prior to the week your child is registered for. Fees are
charged regardless of the total number of days your child attends camp during the week. There is no refund for
absences. Even if a child is absent due to suspension from the program, full tuition payment is still expected.
Fees will not be prorated when there is a scheduled day off during the week for holidays. In order to keep costs
down we have adopted even billing for all of our childcare programs. We calculate how much it costs to run the
program per child and divide it by the number of weeks it is offered. Fees are a set amount that is due weekly and
we do not prorate under any circumstance!
Registration will be denied to any individuals who have any outstanding Y balances from last year's camp, childcare
programming or from any other additional YMCA programming. All outstanding balances must be paid in full
before a registration can be processed. A child may not attend a new week of camp until all past balances have
been paid in full.
Late Payment Policy & Fees
If your credit/debit card payment was unable to be processed, you will be notified and full payment for the
upcoming week is expected prior to your child attending the program. Parents should be in the habit of
checking their email or phone messages for failure to pay notifications on Fridays for each upcoming week.
If you receive a notification, full payment can be made at the Member Services front desk over the weekend or be
made upon check-in on the first day of the camp week.
Campers cannot stay in/attend the program with outstanding fees! If full payment for the
week is not received by the end of the camper's first day, an additional $20 late payment fee will also be added to
the overdue weekly payment and in addition, the child may not return to the program until the weekly fee
and late payment fee is received and all balances are paid in full. Please note that ongoing payment issues
could result in your child being withdrawn from the program for the summer.
There is a $25 penalty fee for returned checks. After one returned check, only money orders will be accepted,
made payable to YMCA.
Late Pickup Fees
A late fee of $1.00 per minute per child will be charged if the child/children are not picked up on time. The
individual picking up the child will be asked to sign a late fee slip to acknowledge charges and the parent's
credit/debit card on file will be charged. Please note that ongoing payment issues could result in your child being
withdrawn from the program.
Credit and Refunds
If you cancel a week of camp, the non-refundable and non-transferable deposit and/or supply fees that
have been paid will be forfeited. In addition, these monies will not transfer to a new week that you would
like to add or switch to. In order to receive a credit/refund for any other programming fees paid - including weekly
tuition, lunch, and camp swim lessons, etc. -
a Change of Camp form must be submitted the
Thursday prior to the week in question. We will not issue refunds/credits after the Thursday deadline.
Payment Information
There are a number of ways to save! We offer two types of discounts, which are described below. Discounts can
not be applied to registration fees, Y Lunch, add-on swim lessons or additional fees charged for some Sports &
Specialty programs. In addition, discounts cannot be applied to those individuals receiving state or
scholarship assistance.
PIF Discount: If you pay in full for 6 weeks or more of camp or summer programming (per child) prior to
the start of camp, you can save 10%!
Multiple Child Family Discounts: We also provide a multiple child discount, which allows families to save
10% for each additional child/children! Parents/Guardians pay full price for one child, and a 10% discount
will be subtracted for each additional child.
Member Discount: There are substantial savings in camp fees when you are a Y member! Speak to a
Member Services representative to register for Y membership!
Financial Assistance
The YMCA believes that no child should be excluded from an activity due to the inability to pay. Some families can
receive assistance through the Commonwealth of Kentucky’s Childcare Assistance program. To determine if your
family is eligible and for application assistance, contact a Boone County Child Care Assistance agent at:
Questions about your state assistance eligibility?
Contact: 1-800-809-7076
If you are not eligible for state assistance, childcare payment assistance may be available to your family through
the YMCA’s Annual Support Fund. A Membership for All Program Application (MFA) is available at the Member
Services Welcome Center or through a Site Administrator. All applications must be submitted to the Y
Childcare/Camp Billing Department for review. Scholarship enrollments are limited, therefore we encourage early
application. Please note on average it takes two weeks to review/approve applications after all of the
documentation has been received.
Tax Information
A tax statement for each child will be mailed out by January 31.
you have a change of address, please contact the billing department to
update your information or contact the billing department for camp.
# 31-0537178
If more than one party is sharing program payment responsibilities for child/children and for tax purposes you
need the tax statement to reflect separate payments made by each party, you must communicate this in
advance. Separate billing accounts can be set-up upon registration. We cannot separate accounts to reflect
payments made by different parties for a child/family after your child starts the program.
Payment Receipts & Billing Accounts
To request copies throughout the summer on your weekly receipts you must notify the billing department in
advance. If you need to request a receipt for a specific payment, we will be happy to print you one, however you
must allow up to three business days from your request to process.
Financial Assistance or Billing Questions? Contact:
RC Durr Y Childcare/Camp Billing Department
Jennifer Walker
Code of Conduct
Code of Conduct
The YMCA has a clear responsibility to protect the children in our programs and to promote the YMCA mission that
includes practicing programs based on principles that build healthy spirit, mind, and body. In support of this
responsibility, our Code of Conduct governs the behavior of all participants in YMCA programs.
Adults must always treat each other professionally, with respect, and act as role models for the children. In
addition, the Code of Conduct identifies unacceptable behaviors by staff, parents, visitors, program participants
and campers while in any space designated for YMCA programming. Misconduct includes, but is not limited to the
Threats, intimidation, or harassment
Mental or bodily harm
Disruption or obstruction
Disturbing the peace
Dishonesty or misrepresentation
Violation of criminal law
Anyone found in violation of the YMCA
Code of Conduct is subject to termination
of services, dismissal, and/or
criminal charges.
Possession of weapons
Dressing inappropriately
Possessing illegal substances (including alcohol, tobacco and other drugs)
Engaging in sexual activity, harassment or other sexual display or conduct
Misusing photographic devices
Bullying or any other form of physical or verbal abuse
Rules Campers Must Live By
The following is a list of rules that all campers must adhere to at all times:
Keep your hands to yourself
Keep rocks, sticks, and dirt on the ground (What’s on the ground, stays on the ground!)
Use appropriate language
Respect all campers and staff
Follow directions
Stay with your group
Keep all toys and games at home
Leave electronic devices at home (See cell phone policy below)
Leave money at home
Keep pets out of program area
Wear appropriate footwear (no flip flops, crocks, sandals, mules, etc.)
Cell Phone Policy
Cell phones are not encouraged; however we understand
that some families are more comfortable in the knowledge
that their child has access to their cell phone. However,
please note the following policies:
Cell phones must be kept in the campers backpack
at all times during the program. If a staff member
sees the phone it will be confiscated.
No texting is allowed during the program.
Cell phones may not be used to take pictures of
other campers/staff.
No postings on social media sites by campers/staff
concerning camp/campers/staff is allowed.
If a parent needs to get a hold of their child, they must
call the Y Camp phone @ 859-815-9179
Code of Conduct
In youth programs, we strive to meet the needs of all children without ignoring the demands of any individual. It is
necessary in organizing and maintaining a large group of children to set limits and guidelines. When those limits and
guidelines are broken, it is essential to enforce established disciplinary actions.
The YMCA Discipline Policy
Each child is treated with respect and concern for his/her developmental needs. Guidance and discipline are positive,
non-punitive, appropriate to the situation, and to each child’s individual development. Verbalization of feelings,
redirection, and problem-solving techniques are the methods used by the staff to guide children’s behavior. Below are
other discipline guidelines we follow:
No cruel, harsh, corporal or unusual punishment (including but not limited to punching, pinching, shaking,
spanking, or biting) is ever permitted. Physical exercise is never used as a punishment or discipline method.
No child is ever isolated from the program, placed in a locked room, or confined in an enclosed area as a form
of discipline.
In case of physical fighting among children, restraint by the staff may be used for the safety of the children
involved, but no form of physical restraint is ever used as a punishment.
Discipline is never imposed for failure to eat or toileting accidents, nor is food, drink, rest, or bathroom breaks
ever withheld as a means of discipline. (LIT’s will not be placed in a supervisory position or administer
discipline at any time.)
No child is ever humiliated, subjected to profane language or other verbal abuse, neglected, or abused while in
the care of the YMCA. No child is ever shamed, humiliated, or frightened by any form of discipline.
Children are never permitted to discipline one another. An entire group will not be disciplined due to the
unacceptable behavior of an individual.
“No” is used only if followed by an explanation. We utilize redirection and time-out as methods of dealing with
negative behaviors.
Suspension/Expulsion Policies
Unfortunately, there are times when usual guidance techniques are not effective and despite working with parents,
inappropriate behaviors may continue. When this happens, the YMCA supervisors can exercise the option to suspend a
child from the program. If problems continue despite the suspension and no progress is demonstrated, the child will
be subject to expulsion from the program.
Examples of inappropriate behaviors that are grounds for suspension and/or expulsion from the program include but
are not limited to:
Verbal or physical aggression or incidents toward staff or other children
Exhibiting behavior that endangers the safety of oneself and/or other children or staff
Racism and/or any type of discrimination
Attempting to leave the program or intentionally going to unauthorized areas without staff permission
Consistently disregarding the rules and authority of the staff
Possession or pretending to possess weapons of any kind or verbally threatening staff/peers
Defacing YMCA or other children's property
Cell phone usage
It is helpful for staff to also be aware of any behavioral, processing, or sensory concerns, so that they may
better work with your child. Please be sure to indicate these concerns on your child's Enrollment Packet and/or speak
with your Camp Director.
If a child engages in the types of behaviors, the parent will be notified prior to any action taken by the staff. As we
state in our program goals, our program promotes “opportunities to develop personal discipline including taking
responsibility for one’s own actions, setting and accepting limits, respecting the rights and property of others.” We
strive to help each child reach his or her full potential as a productive, responsible human being. Please note that
even if a camper is on suspension for the program, all fees are still due and no refunds/credits will be
Camper Safety
Procedures for Emergencies or Accidents
All efforts to ensure safety are made at all times. Although all children will be supervised at all times by staff, an
emergency incident/accident may occur. The following general policies are in place to help ensure safety of all
program participants.
All camp programs have a telephone available for emergencies as well as for communication with parents. The
Camp Hotline number is: 859-815-9179. The RC Durr YMCA Welcome Center number is 859-534-5700.
Preschool also has an additional line in their room: 859-334-6522.
A First Aid Kit is located in the program area’s primary space and each group will carry their own kit.
YMCA personnel will NOT transport children in their personal vehicles, even in an emergency situation.
Emergencies and accidents will be handled as requested by the parent(s) indicated on the Emergency Medical
Authorization section of the Enrollment Packet.
Enrollment Packets containing information concerning children's medical
and health concerns, emergency transportation authorizations, program
activity authorizations, emergency contacts, etc. are kept in a
administrative area at the RC Durr YMCA. Copies of these forms are
made available to counselors and are always on hand, including when
children are transported on scheduled field trips.
Please remember to keep your
Camp Director up to date with
any needed changes to your
child’s information!
Emergency Transportation Authorization
We are unable to accept enrollment for families who refuse to grant permission for their child/children to be
transported for emergency medical or dental treatment. Upon registration, you will receive an Enrollment Packet that
requests important information that must be completed and kept on file, including documentation of your Emergency
Transportation Authorization.
In the Case of a General Emergency
The staff will follow the procedures by the YMCA of Greater Cincinnati Association in regard to general emergencies.
General emergencies include: threats to the safety of children due to environmental situations or threats of violence,
natural disasters such as fire, tornado, flood, and loss of power, heat or water.
In any event where there would be loss of power or water, we would contact parents to notify them that their children
are to be picked up and removed from the program. In the event of a fire, tornado or flood, we would follow our
procedures outlined in our emergency action plan. In the event of a threat of violence, the program immediately goes
on lock-down, which includes relocating the children to a designated space in the building depending upon the
If camp has to be evacuated for any reason, all emergency contact paperwork will accompany the participants and
staff. Once children are in a safe place, staff will alert parents of their whereabouts and the emergency situation at
hand. Staff will be with the children at all times and no one will be left unsupervised.
In the Case of Accidents/Illness
In the case of minor accidents such as cuts, bruises, scrapes, bumps to the head etc., the child will be treated by a
qualified staff member. In the case of minor illnesses (outlined on page 12) the child will visit the designated first aid
station and a parent will be contacted to pick up their child.
In the case of serious accidents/illnesses a Camp Director will attend to the child as other staff members keep the
area clear and supervise other participants. If a child is injured or becomes severely ill at camp the parents/guardians
will be contacted first. If the situation requires transportation to a hospital or practitioner, the staff will call 911, and an
emergency squad will transport the child to the appropriate facility.
Emergencies and accidents will be handled as indicated on the Emergency Medical Authorization section of the
Enrollment Packet. A staff member will accompany the child until a parent or guardian arrives. The staff member will
take a copy of the signed Emergency Medical Authorization, as well as any other vital medical information in the child’s
file with them, if transportation is necessary.
Camper Safety
In the Case of Child Abuse or Neglect
Staff members are trained to observe children on a daily basis for a variety of signs of child abuse and/or neglect. The
YMCA and the camp program itself have a number of policies and procedures in place designed to help safeguard and
protect children from abuse and neglect. The Director and each employee of the program are required by law to report
any suspicion of child abuse or neglect to Child Protection Services.
Incident/Accident Reports
If a child is involved in an incident or accident during camp, the staff will complete an Incident/Accident Report. Staff
will also use this form if they are suspicious of abuse or neglect. Incidents or injuries that require an Incident/Accident
Report include but are not limited to: accident or injury which requires first aid treatment, a bump or blow to the
head, unusual or unexpected event which jeopardizes the safety of children or staff, etc. One copy of the report will be
given to the Metro Office and one copy will be retained on file. We cannot provide families with a copy of this report;
however a Parent Communication Form documenting the incident/accident can be requested. In the event of a minor
illness, a Parent Communication Form will be filled out and provided to the parent.
Illness Policies
All staff members are trained to recognize the signs of communicable diseases and other illnesses. A trained staff
member will observe each child as he or she enters the program. All children will be required to wash their hands upon
entering the program area and prior to eating and/or using the restroom.
Any child who develops the following symptoms while in our program will be isolated immediately in the designated first
aid area until discharged to his/her parent or guardian. They may only return with a doctor’s note stating that the
child’s condition is not contagious. The symptoms include:
Temperature of at least 100°F when in combination with any other sign or symptom of illness.
Severe coughing, causing the child to become red or blue in the face or to make a whooping sound.
Difficult or rapid breathing.
Yellowish skin or eyes.
Redness of the eye, obvious discharge, matted eyelashes, burning, itching of the eyes.
Unusually dark urine and/or gray or white stool.
Stiff neck with elevated temperature.
Vomiting more than once or when accompanied by any other sign or symptom of illness.
A child exhibiting other symptoms will be isolated and discharged and may be readmitted to the program after
he/she is free from all symptoms for 24 hours. These symptoms include:
Diarrhea (three or more abnormally loose stools within a twenty-four hour period).
Evidence of untreated lice, scabies or other parasitic infestations.
Untreated infected skin patches, unusual spots or rashes.
Sore throat or difficulty in swallowing.
Management of Illness
For the safety of all children in the program, we cannot allow ill children to attend. Even “mildly ill” children
should not be in attendance. A mildly ill child is defined for example, as someone who is experiencing minor cold
symptoms. Note that our employees will also abide by the same communicable disease policies as the children. This
means that no employee shall be permitted to work if they display any symptoms listed in our illness policy.
If a child is ill, he/she should remain at home. A child who becomes ill during the day will need to be
picked up. They cannot stay within their group or “hang out” in the shelter for the day. An ill child will be discharged to
the care of his/her parent or guardian as promptly as possible. If the parent or guardian is unable to pick up the child,
the staff will discharge the ill child to the person who has been designated by the parent. The YMCA should be informed
of the nature of any illness your child may contract.
In the case of exposure to a communicable disease, parents will be notified by email or newsletter.
Camper Safety
Isolation Precautions
A child isolated due to a suspected communicable disease (or symptoms listed under the Illness Policy of this handbook)
shall be:
Within sight and hearing of an adult at all times.
Cared for in another room, portion of a room, or the camp shelter - away from other children.
Made comfortable in an area. The area will be disinfected with a germicide, or if soiled with blood, feces,
vomit or other body fluids, the area shall be cleaned with soap and water and then disinfected.
Lice Policy
It is our policy that if your child is found with lice or nits/eggs, the child may not attend camp. If we find nits/lice
while the child is attending the program, you will be contacted and your child will need to be picked up immediately.
Children will not be able to return to the program until they have been checked and cleared by the Camp Director or
Y Senior Program Director.
Health Concerns
Pertinent information regarding any special medical issues, special needs and allergies must be clearly noted in the
Health History section of your child’s Enrollment Packet. It is important to keep staff aware of any allergies your child
may have such as possible allergic reactions to bee stings, peanuts, other food allergies, etc. If you know your child
is allergic to something, please note this information on his/her health history and note the severity of a
possible reaction.
Administration of medication (over the counter – including cough drops, medicated lip balm, ointments, etc. and/or
prescribed) or special diets will only be undertaken by the program, after receipt of a completed, Request for the
Administration of Medication Form, signed by a parent/guardian. This form can be obtained from the Camp Director or
the Member Services front desk. This request must be filled out annually. Sorry, we cannot use a form from
last year’s camp or a form from another program, such as from the school year! No verbal or over the
phone medication requests will be accepted! Also, each new medication needs its own form.
Pertinent information regarding any special medical issues, special needs, behavioral or sensory
consideration, allergies, etc. must be clearly noted in the Health History section of your child’s Enrollment
Application. If a child is allergic to something, it must be noted on his/her health history section of the Enrollment
Packet. Noting the severity of a possible reaction to bee stings, peanuts, food allergies, etc., is vital to proper care.
Parents need to provide any emergency medications (ie:
bee sting kits, Epi pens, inhalers, etc.) for their child. All
inhalers and other emergency medications are readily available
to program staff members who are working with your child that
may need such items. Parents also have the option of providing
a second backup emergency medication that would be locked
up in the Medication Box that stays with the Camp Director.
Parents will be notified if emergency medications are used. The
Camp Director (in a confidential log) will note all
administrations of medications.
All medications must be received in their
original container/packaging with properly
labeled information such as child’s name,
address, dosage, method of administration,
etc.; medications must also be placed in a
Ziploc freezer bag to help protect labeling!
Did you know
that sunscreen
lotions are
categorized as a
topical lotion?
Sunscreen is an
important part of
However parents must
provide authorization
for staff to assist with
application as
(Please review and
complete the
Authorization to
Participate section of
the Enrollment Packet)
Camp Life: What to Expect
Arrival to Camp
As each child arrives for the program, the parent is required to sign them in by initialing and noting the time of dropoff
with a camp staff member. This does include ALL campers – including those enrolled in the LIT program. Please note that the
check-in table for arriving campers does move throughout the morning. We appreciate your patience during transition times when
campers and the sign-in table are on the move to their next location!
Camper Arrivals
Preschool (Crocodiles)
Drop Off Time
Check-in Location
Valet Dropoff / Preschool Rooms
6:30 – 8:00 a.m.
Optional Valet Drop Off by Senior Center available for Preschoolers age 3+!
Parents may also walk Preschool Camper to assigned Preschool room
Age 2/Non-potty trained campers report to Room 1 Preschool
Pre Camp Arrivals
Preschool Rooms
8:00 – 8:45 a.m.
Age 2/Non-potty trained campers report to Room 1: Preschool
Age 3+/ Potty-trained campers report to Main Room: Preschool
Preschool Rooms
8:45 - 9:00 a.m.
Campers can arrive as early as 8:45 am and not pay Pre Camp rate!
Age 2/Non-potty trained campers report to Room 1: Preschool
Age 3+ / Potty-trained campers report to Main Room: Preschool
YMCA Lobby / Room 1 Preschool
Preschool Arrivals
9:00 - 9:10 a.m.
Age 3+/ Potty-trained campers check-in @ camp table by outdoor pool
entrance from inside the building!
Age 2/Non-potty trained campers report to Room 1: Preschool
Outdoor Pool Gate / Room 1 Preschool
9:10 - 10:45 a.m.
Age 3+/ Potty-trained campers check-in with staff @ camp table
by outside pool gate!
Age 2/Non-potty trained campers report to Room 1: Preschool
Late Arrivals
Day, Teen, LIT
Preschool Room
After 11:00 a.m.
If campers on excursion, check in at Front Desk for a
staff member to be contacted; (Please note that campers and the
sign in table transition to the Preschool from 10:45 - 11:00am)
Drop Off Time
Check-in Location
Valet Dropoff / Senior Center until 7:30am
6:30 – 8:00 a.m.
Optional Valet Drop Off by Senior Center available
Parents may also walk Camper into the building
Pre Camp Arrivals
YMCA Lobby @ Gym
7:30 – 8:45 a.m.
Check-in @ camp table by the Gym / Enter building from front doors!
Remember: Can use Valet Dropoff until 8am!
8:45 - 9:10 a.m.
Campers can arrive as early as 8:45 am and not pay Pre Camp rate!
YMCA Lobby @ Interior Pool Door
Check-in @ camp table by outdoor pool entrance from inside the building!
Day, Teen, LIT Arrivals
9:10 - 10:45 a.m.
Late Arrivals
Sport & Specialty
S&S Program Participants
Outdoor Pool Gate
Check-in with staff @ camp table by outside pool gate!
Park Shelter #1
After 11:00 a.m.
Campers who arrive after 11:00 am can check in with
staff at the playground shelter @ the park. (Please note that campers and the sign
in table transition to the Park Shelter from 10:45 - 11:00)
Drop Off Time
12:50 p.m.
Lobby Area by Gym
Camp Life: What to Expect
Departure from Camp
When leaving the program, parents/guardians must also sign their child out with a camp staff member by
initialing and noting the time of departure. The only exception to this is for those students who meet requirements
and have a Self-Sign Out Permission Form on file with the Camp Director. (See below for more specific information on
this option.)
The YMCA staff is unable to deny a parent access to their child unless legal documentation is on file with the Program
Director, which may include but is not limited to a custody agreement. No child will be released to anyone other than
the parents, legal guardians, or other persons specifically indicated in the Enrollment Application. We require that
parents give advance, written notification to the Camp Director when changes regarding this information occur.
Staff will ask for verification of Code Words and/or identification before releasing a child. This information is noted on a
camper’s Enrollment Packet paperwork, which must be submitted prior to your child starting camp!
Camper Departures
Pick Up Time
Half Day Preschool
12:00 p.m.
Full Day Preschool
4:00 p.m.
Day, Teen, LIT
4:00 p.m.
Curbside Valet Service @ Senior Center
Sports & Specialty
4:00 p.m.
Curbside Valet Service @ Senior Center
Post Camp
Departures *
* Also includes
campers with families
who are late picking
up their child by 4:00.
LATE FEES will be
applied when picking
up your child late!
Preschool Rooms
Curbside Valet Service @ Senior Center
Age 2/Non-Potty Trained Campers in Rm 1: Preschool
Age 2/Non-Potty Trained Campers @ Room 1 Preschool
All Other Campers @ Boone Woods Playground Area
AKA: Shelter #1
4:00 - 6:00 p.m.
During inclement weather, Post Campers can be picked up @
the Senior Center; If Post Campers are in the Senior Center, it
will be noted on the large outdoor board sign placed in the
parking lot entrance as you drive into the Y parking lot!
Self-Sign Out Policy
Children who are at least 9 years old AND a member of the YMCA have the ability to sign themselves out of camp at
4:00 pm with a signed permission form. This policy does not apply to children who are enrolled in the Post
Camp program. If your child wants to sign-out at 4pm, they CANNOT be registered in the Post Camp
Children can only sign out during scheduled dismissal times. Children must stay on YMCA property and be
unsupervised no longer than 2 hours.
Children signing themselves out must follow all rules. The YMCA reserves the right to revoke this privilege at any time.
The Self-Sign Out Permission Form is available upon request. No verbal or over the phone authorization will be
Camp Life: What to Expect
& Out Policy
It is our policy that all campers (including LIT’s) must be signed in and out of the program – with the time noted - by
a parent/guardian or a person they have designated on the Camper Enrollment Packet. (The only exception to this
policy is if a camper qualifies for the Self Sign Out program.) Families who utilize the curbside valet drop
off/pickup services must still adhere to this policy! Please note that another sibling in the program may not sign
in or sign out their brother/sister. The designated person for pickup/drop off must at least be 18 years of age.
Curbside Valet Drop Off & Pickup Service
This convenient service allows parents to drop off and pick up their child(ren) without ever getting out of their car! The
option of curbside valet style drop off services is only available to our Pre Camp families who have pottytrained campers at least 3 years of age – and only before 8:00 a.m.!
During service hours, simply drive around to the side of the building near the Senior Center entrance to meet
camp staff. There you will sign your child into or out of the program. Quick, fast, and easy! Once your signature is
obtained and the time noted, a staff member will take care of walking your child into the building to start their camp
day or assist them getting into your car. As always, if you prefer to come in instead, you may do so as well!
Valet services are NOT available to parents who have outstanding payment balances or paperwork issues.
If there is an issue, you will be asked to park your car and walk into the building with your child to speak with the
Camp Director to resolve the issue. Valet services are also NOT available to our age 2/non-potty trained
Preschool campers.
Drop Off
6:30 – 8:00 a.m.
This service is available Monday - Friday for Day, Teen, LIT, and
age 3+/potty-trained Preschoolers!
4:00 – 4:15 p.m.
This service is available Monday - Friday for Day, Teen, LIT, and
age 3+/potty-trained Preschoolers!
Parent Information
Early Pick-up / Late Drop-Off Policy
If arriving or departing the program other than the scheduled times, staff must be notified in advance – preferably in
writing. Parents are responsible for communicating this information in advance so that counselors can ensure the
camper(s) are ready and waiting at the appointed time and designated location.
Late Pickup Policy
If you are more than 10 minutes late picking up your child, we will attempt to contact the parent/guardian or
emergency contacts. If pick up is more than one hour late, Child Protective Services will be contacted to care
for the child until the parents can be contacted.
A late fee of $1.00 per minute, per child will be charged if the child/children are not picked up on time. The
individual picking up the child will be asked to sign a late fee slip to acknowledge charges and the parent's credit/debit
card on file will be charged. Excessive late pickups may result in the child’s dismissal from the program. The late
pickup fee must be paid in full before the child will be allowed back into the program and/or parents are
able to use Valet Drop Off services. Please note: If a parent does not make 4:00 pickup, their camper will join the
Post Campers, until a parent can be reached.
Verify Absences
When a child will be absent from the program, it is important to notify the camp staff. Parents must call the
Camp Hotline to notify the Camp Director (859-815-9179) in the case of an absence. This is an important
safety issue that we appreciate your due diligence in assisting with!
Every effort will be made to contact parents/guardians by telephone if a child has not arrived for camp and we have
not received any notification. However, in the interest of time and safety, please call if your child will not be
attending the program. Please note that there are no refunds for absences.
Camp Life: What to Expect
Camper Orientation
Campers will receive an orientation on their first day of attendance to review rules, policies, and procedures. Parents
and campers are also invited to attend a Meet & Greet in May before camp starts.
What to Wear
Your child will get dirty! It is important that campers dress appropriately for any weather and that they are
comfortable. On rainy days, campers will still go outside, and may need to pack a light wind jacket or extra set of
clothes for them to change into.
Weather allowing, campers spend their morning at the outdoor pool. Campers should arrive at camp already
prepared to swim. Children should arrive to camp with their swimsuit and sunscreen on under their day
clothes. Please remember to pack appropriate undergarments for your child.
No sandals, flip-flops, mules, crocs or dress shoes are allowed! All children must wear tennis shoes with socks!
If your child arrives in inappropriate footwear they may remain ONLY IF arrangements are made for tennis shoes to
be dropped off before the children are finished with swim time. If campers arrive after swim time in inappropriate
footwear or appropriate shoes are not brought by the conclusion of swim time – the camper cannot stay! (Children
may wear flip flops for swim time; however tennis shoes with socks must be in their camp bag.)
Outdoor vs. Indoor Activities
Camp Outback is based outdoors and weather permitting most campers are outside all day! Day, Teen, and LIT
campers and/or participants in the Sports programs are primarily outside. The Crocodiles (aka: Preschool Camp)
enjoy a mix of indoor and outdoor activities. However, Specialty programs are typically held indoors. Please keep in
mind that due to our love of nature, we may not go indoors during a quick and light summer shower.
The staff maintains daily contact with local weather services and monitors for weather signals and storm watch.
However, predicting the weather can sometimes be difficult. At the discretion of YMCA staff, the program participants
may be moved to their alternate indoor weather site as the weather changes. If a downpour of rain should occur,
campers will be kept in a sheltered location until they can be safely moved to an indoor facility. In the event of
inclement weather, such as severe storms, winds, or in the event of extreme high or low temperatures, alternate
indoor activities will go into effect.
Camp Outback’s alternative indoor locations include the RC Durr YMCA facility or in the neighboring IHM school.
Campers will be engaged in a variety of indoor activities if we have to move our location inside. This will include, but
is not limited to: organized games such as kickball, basketball, tag, developmentally appropriate group games, board
games and individual activities.
If a parent is picking up early in inclement weather and needs to know at which alternative site to find the group, the
Camp Director can be reached at 859-815-9179 (Camp Hotline). Parents/Guardians can also look for the posted
camper location sign that is placed by the entrance to the Y parking lot!
Lost and Found
It is important to label each child’s possessions. All campers’ possessions should be labeled with their last
name. (Sharpies® work great!) This vastly improves the chance that the items will be returned if they are misplaced.
The YMCA is not responsible for lost, damaged or stolen items brought to camp. We encourage families not
to buy new/expensive items for their child for camp! Some children are more prone to “leaving things behind” and
many younger children do not remember what their possessions look like! The YMCA staff will do their best to remind
campers to pick up their items daily – but it is the camper’s responsibility to manage their possessions.
Lost and found items will be kept for the week at which point unclaimed items will be donated to Goodwill®.
Camp Life: What to Expect
Swimming Policy
Staff members will always accompany and supervise children at swimming sites. Staff members review all of the
center’s swimming rules with campers before each opportunity to go swimming. Staff/child ratios will be maintained.
Staff members will ensure that the “buddy system” is in place at all times during swimming activities and will take
head counts on a regular basis. We will only use pools and water parks that are staffed with certified lifeguards with
CPR and first aid training. During all recreational swimming activities, certified lifeguards will be present at all times.
A ratio of camp counselors will swim with their groups to provide additional supervision.
All potty-trained children should arrive at camp prepared to swim. Campers who would like to enjoy pool
time should be sure to arrive by 9:00am – ready to go! Children should be in their swimsuit and have
sunscreen on upon arrival. Please remember to pack appropriate undergarments for your child. Note: Age 2
campers and any non-potty trained campers will be engaging in water sensory/outdoor games by the outdoor garden
instead of going into the pool.
Swim Authorization & Swim Tests
Parents/guardians must complete the Swim Authorization section of the Enrollment Packet to give written
permission for a child to swim and/or otherwise participate in water play activities. Parents may also opt to limit
swim to only the zero depth entry or disallow swimming altogether. Children without a completed swim authorization
will not be allowed to swim. For supervision purposes, all potty-trained Preschool Campers are NOT tested
and automatically are limited to the splash/zero depth areas of the pool.
In addition to parental permission, a child must complete a swim test in order to access
Swim tests are administered on Monday’s (or a camper’s first day of camp)
evaluate a child’s skill level. Swimmers are re-tested every year and swim bands do
year. Depending on the swim skills demonstrated, campers might be limited to a specific
what a parent gave permission for.
specific depths in the pool.
between 9-9:30 a.m. to
not transfer over from last
area of the pool lower than
A child can re-test at any time they feel they are ready. A child will not be able to retest for a swim level that
is higher than what a parent/guardian gave permission for in the Swim Authorization section of the
Enrollment Packet. If at any time you wish to change the level of permission you must notify the Camp Director in
writing using the Swim Authorization Update form.
Swim Bands
There are four varying levels of parental permission for swimming. In addition to the levels listed below,
parents/guardians always have the option of not allowing their camper to swim or enter the pool. These campers will
be allowed on the pool deck, but may not enter the water. (Age 2/non-potty trained campers NOT allowed in the pool.)
Pool Depth
Zero Depth
0 to 2.5 ft.
Intermediate Depth
0 to 4 ft.
Swim Band
No Band
Deep Water Depth
O to 5 ft.
Passing Swim Test Requirements
Camper is NOT allowed in the pool; not even to get their feet wet!
No test required (Includes Crocodile Preschool Campers that are potty-trained)
Swim across the shallow end of the pool (15 to 20 ft.) once.
Float horizontally and move from a facedown to a face up position.
The swimmer must then stand up and regain a vertical position.
Swim across the shallow end of the pool (15 to 20 ft.) once.
Jump into the water that is over the individual’s head and return to the
Swim one length of the deep end of the pool (25 yds.) unassisted and
without rest.
Tread water for at least one minute, then turn onto back and float
Swim (on front or back) to a ladder or the side of the pool and exit the
Swimmer may not touch the side of the pool at any point in order
to pass the swim test!
Camp Life: What to Expect
Add-On Swim Lessons
Does your child need to improve their swimming skills or learn how to swim? All potty-trained campers can “add
on” Swim Lessons to their Camp experience! Swim Lessons are $20 per week, per child and include four, 30
minute sessions. Lessons are conducted with a certified aquatic instructor in small groups and are held in the indoor
pool of the RC Durr Y facility. Parents/Guardians will receive a Swim Lesson Progress Report at the conclusion of
the week long lesson.
Campers who are registered for Add-On Swim Lessons must be signed in no later than 8:50 am due to
the fact that most sessions begin at 9:00 am. Be sure your camper arrives at camp ready for their lessons! They
should already be in their swim suit and have a towel!
Slide Requirements
In order to go on the
slide, camper must be
band swimmer AND at
least 48” tall;
Must have both
requirements met
to gain access!
Red band swimmers
cannot have access to
the slide!
Did you know that
goggles can be
purchased thru
Member Services at
the front desk!
Severe Weather
During severe
all pools – indoor
and outdoor – are
Swim Bands
Swim Bands are
based on BOTH
parental permission
and on tested
swimmer skill level!
All campers
must be
to swim in the
Swim Bands
ALL swimmers in the pool must wear a swim
band on their wrist! Swim bands will be
administered through each child’s camp
counselor each day.
Again, a child can retest when they feel they
are ready!
Add-On Swim Lessons
Register early for these
popular classes and avoid
the wait list!
Payment for swim lessons
will not be charged until the
Friday before the week of
Registration for these
sessions are on a first come,
first serve basis. If you
register for Add-On Swim
Lessons and classes are full,
you will be placed on a wait
list for that week!
Add-On Swim Lessons fees
are non-transferrable and
non-refundable! If you wish
to withdraw from any
programs you are registered
for, you must do so in
writing using the CHANGE
OF PROGRAM form no
later than the THURSDAY
before the week in question.
If not, full payment is
required and no
refunds/credits will be given!
Camp Life: What to Expect
Food Information
Nutrition plays a vital role in a camper’s day. Staff and children spend quality group time together in a relaxed
atmosphere to enjoy eating and snacking. A child’s lunch and snacks should be nutritious and help fulfill a child’s
recommended daily dietary allowances. Parents are asked to inform staff of any special dietary needs of their child.
For safety reasons, we have a strict policy that food and beverages are not allowed to be traded/shared
among campers.
Breakfast is one of the most important meals of the day! A cereal breakfast is included with the Pre Camp program
during designated times. If your child is not registered for Pre Camp or they are unable to attend during
breakfast hours, please ensure they have a nutritious breakfast prior to their arrival! Breakfast line closes
5 minutes prior to end of breakfast time! Camper must be checked in at least 5 minutes prior to close of
breakfast in order to be served breakfast! No food is allowed in the gym!
• Preschool Pre Campers: Breakfast is served 7:00 – 8:00 a.m. (Breakfast served in Preschool Room)
• All other Pre Campers: Breakfast is served 7:00 – 7:30 a.m. (Breakfast served in Senior Center)
Campers have two options when it comes to lunch: (1) Campers may either pack their lunch or (2) parents/guardians
may purchase the Y Lunch program. Information about lunch on field trip days can be found on page 21 of this
handbook. All campers should pack a refillable water bottle. It’s hot out there and our campers have a very
active day! It is important to keep hydrated and we will take breaks throughout the day to do so! Helpful Hint:
Campers will often accidently leave lunch containers, lunch boxes, water bottles, etc. Be sure to clearly label any items
with its owners name to assist in identify missing items. (See Lost and Found policy on page 17).
1. Packing Lunch: If packing, campers should bring a sealed container with a nutritious lunch, containing
foods from all food groups. All lunches should be ready to eat, with no need for refrigeration, cooking or
microwaving. It is recommended to pack lunches in insulated containers with a freezer pack to keep items
cold. Lunches will be kept outside with the campers, please be aware that there is no refrigeration so
pack accordingly.
2. Buying Lunch: Take the hassle out of planning and packing your campers lunch! Parents may choose to
purchase the “Y Lunch” program. Our Y Lunch offers parents an easy and convenient method of ensuring a
child has a nutritious meal with a beverage. The Y lunch program is $20 per week. It’s a great way of
relieving the stress of finding time to pack lunches, figuring out what to pack, and remembering to bring a
lunch bag to camp! If you choose this option, you must check the Y Lunch section on your Registration Form
for each week your child will attend. Our Y Lunch program is only available for the full week and must
be paid for with your weekly fee; we do NOT offer a part-time or daily lunch option! In order to meet the
caterers’ ordering deadline, all Y Lunch registrations must be received the Thursday prior to the week
in question!
Throughout the week, lunch is a mix of cold and hot meals provided by Phoenix Catering. A lunch menu is
available from the Camp Director and will also be emailed weekly to all camp families. Purchasing lunch does
include Family Friday’s lunch which is Pizza Friday! It also includes box lunches for all field
trip/special event days.
Family Friday Lunch
Fridays are Pizza Day! Parents of Preschool, Day, Teen and LIT campers (not registered for Y Lunch) can choose to turn
in $4.00 (per week, per child) to order a Family Friday Lunch. All orders AND payments must be received by
Thursday no later than 9:00 am in order to make the ordering deadline. NO EXCEPTIONS! Pizza Day Fridays will
include pizza, chips, and a drink. Campers may choose not to participate in Family Friday’s Lunch, in which case they
must bring their own lunch and drink.
Family Friday – Kona Ice Visits
As a continued fundraising effort for our Y Annual Support Fund Campaign, Kona Ice will be available on Family
Fridays. This is an optional program for all of our campers! The cost of an ice is $2.00 (per week, per child) and
payment is due the morning of Kona Ice Day! NO EXCEPTIONS! Kona Ice is one size only, and campers will have
their choice of available flavors.
Camp Life: What to Expect
Day, Teen, and LIT campers should pack a nutritious snack to enjoy during our designated snack time. Campers
enrolled in full day Preschool, will receive a nutritious snack as part of their day. Snack times are noted in the
Daily Tribe Schedules in this handbook.
Campers registered for Post Camp will have an additional designated snack time at 4:00 pm. Snack will be
provided during Post Camp! Post camp snack time will also include a beverage! Campers can always pack an
additional snack if they would like! (Be sure to discuss with your child what is packed for “lunch” versus what is packed
as their “snack” so they don’t eat everything in one sitting!
Field Trips / Excursions
Parents/guardians must complete the Authorization to Participate section of the Enrollment Packet to give written
permission for a child to attend any excursions or field trips away from the program site. (This includes all campers.)
All campers and summer program participants engage in walking excursions near and around the RC Durr
YMCA facility, including Boone Woods – and parents must provide permission for this type of activity!
Day, Teen and LIT campers have the opportunity to attend offsite field trips. The YMCA shall only use a reputable
bus service for offsite field trips. These vehicles undergo regularly scheduled maintenance to ensure our participants’
safety. YMCA staff members cannot transport children in personal vehicles under any circumstance. A list of scheduled
field trips can be found on page 26 of this handbook. Please note all field trips and special events are subject to
Preschool camp does not attend offsite field trips. In addition, participants who are only enrolled in a Sport or
Specialty program do not attend offsite field trips unless otherwise noted.
Copies of Enrollment Packet with health history and complete emergency information for each child are kept with the
camp staff member of each group at all times. A complete first aid kit will be taken as well. All camp staff members
have radio communication with each other at all times. Attendance will be taken multiple times during travel and while
offsite. All participants will adhere to all bus rules and safety guidelines during transport.
Field Trip Arrival/Departure Times
Unless otherwise noted, all Day, Teen and LIT campers must be signed in by 8:45 a.m. on field trip days. Busses
pull out of the RC Durr YMCA program at 9:00 am. In some cases, in order to have enough time to enjoy the field trip
and account for travel time, some trips require an early departure time and/or extended day. Be sure to check out
the weekly Camp Newsletter for any changes to the normal schedule and/or signup for our text messaging
Note: If a child misses the bus on field trip day, they will not be able to attend the field trip and you will
need to secure childcare. All staff members attend the field trip. Children may not be dropped off or picked
up at the field trip site!
Field Trip T-Shirt Policy
All campers will receive one camp shirt. These are distributed at the Meet & Greet in May or are provided to the
child on their first day of camp. Camp shirts must be worn for every off site field trip to aid in supervision of
the group. If your child does not wear the shirt on field trip day, the parent/guardian is required to (a) purchase
another shirt ($7.00) to be worn for the day or (b) find alternative childcare arrangements. Students cannot
attend a field trip without a Y camp shirt! Payment will be expected upon purchase of an additional camp shirt.
Field Trip Meal Policy
For field trip days, unless you have purchased the Y Lunch program for your camper, please only send lunch in
disposable bags. Food may not be purchased at the field trip.) Plastic grocery bags work great to carry lunch and a
beverage in! This will make it easier for campers to transport lunches, throwing things away, etc. In addition, campers
will not have to worry about losing containers, freezer packs, etc. (Note: Y Lunch Program does apply on field trip
days!) If packing, be sure your child’s lunch bag is clearly marked with their last name!
At-A-Glance Backpack Checklist
Inside the Backpack
Each camper should have a backpack or other easy-to-carry bag filled with items they will need to have a successful
Remember to
label ALL of
your camper’s
Nutritious lunch in a sealed container
Field trip days, please send disposable bags only
Remember there is no refrigeration available
Drink for lunch
Snack item
Refillable water bottle
YMCA Camp shirt on designated days
Don’t forget to bring
cash/check on Thursday
mornings during sign-in
for Family Friday’s Lunch
& Kona Ice!
Check your child’s
backpack each day
for important
information, arts &
crafts projects, etc.
coming home!
Goggles and nose plugs
Hat for sunny days
Jacket/sweatshirt for cool days
An extra pair of socks or undergarments
$4 for Family Friday: Pizza Day
(Excludes those who purchased Y Lunch Program)
$2 for Family Friday: Kona Ice
Age 2/Non-Potty Trained
Preschool Campers:
Need to supply diapers, wipes and
change of clothes for their
What Should My Camper Leave At Home?
Under no circumstances should children bring the following items to camp. If children do so, staff reserves the right to
confiscate it and return it to a parent at the end of the day.
Cell phones
Electronics (Game boys, CD players, DS systems, video watches, etc.)
Playing/Trading cards
Stuffed Animals
Arts & Crafts
Makeup and nail polish
New or expensive clothing and shoes
Please remember that ALL
campers must be in tennis
shoes! Campers may NOT
stay in the program
without proper footwear!
This is safety issue!
NO flip-flops, mules, crocs,
sandals, open toe shoes,
etc. are allowed!
Preschool Camp
Preschool Camp
Preschool Campers are known as Crocodiles! Preschool camp is designed for children ages
NEW THIS SUMMER: We accept children as young as 2, even if they are not yet potty trained!
We have half day and full day programs. The full day program also has the option of both part time (1 to 3
days) and full time (4 to 5 days) options. (Note: There is no part time, half day option!) Pre and Post camp hours
are available for families who need care before and/or after regular camp program hours.
Fees & Schedule Information
(FT = Full Time (4 to 5 days) / PT = Part Time (1 to 3 days)
Rates Per Week/Per Child
FT Half Day
9:00 am – 12:00 pm
$80 Members
$110 Program Members
FT Half Day w/Pre Camp
6:30 am – 12:00 pm
$90 Members
$120 Program Members
9:00 am – 4:00 pm
$100 Members
$130 Program Members
PT Full Day
Part Time/Full Day campers needing Pre and/or Post Camp do NOT pay an additional fee.
Pre & Post camp is included in the part time rate. However, campers must indicate Pre/Post Camp at the
time of registration for staffing purposes. (Fees will be adjusted).
FT Full Day
9:00 am – 4:00 pm
$140 Members
$175 Program Members
FT Full Day w/Pre Camp
6:30 am – 4:00 pm
$150 Members
$185 Program Members
FT Full Day w/Post Camp
9:00 am – 6:00 pm
$155 Members
$190 Program Members
FT Full Day w/Pre & Post
6:30 am – 6:00 pm
$165 Members
$200 Program Members
Preschool Camp Programs
We have 11 weeks’ worth of exciting camp for your preschooler! Pick and choose the weeks you would like, or choose
them all! Please note the below information is subject to change! Please also note we follow the BC School District
Calendar – if there is school, there is NO Camp program!
Dress Up
Special Events
(Typically Wed or Fri)
The last day for Boone County Schools & the YMCA Preschool/Ext. K programs are still TBD.
May 26-30
Boone County Schools still in session part of this week;
We will offer an SDO/Camp Extension during this week.
(Closed Mon 5.25)
June 1-5
Preschool Camp Musical
Crazy Hair Day
Dance Show
June 8-12
Journey to the Jungle
Camo Green Day
Camp Relays
June 15-19
Travel Around the World:
Planes, Trains, Wheels
Wear Your Shades
Obstacle Course
June 22-26
Pet Parade
Inside Out Day
Cincinnati Circus Company
June 29-July 3
Community Heroes
Red, White & Blue
Crocodile Sing-a-Long
July 6-10
Rainbow Blast
Tie-Dye Mania
Water Color Banner Fun
July 13-17
Barnyard Bonanza
Mis-Match/Odd Sock
Animal Shelter Visit
July 20-24
Sports of All Sorts
Favorite Team Shirt
Farmer’s Market Garden Harvest
July 27-31
Garden Gang – Farmer’s
Wacky Shoe Day
Cool Critters
August 3-7
Journey into Space
Crazy Hat Day
Water Color Spray Bottle Fun
Thursday is "Wear Your Summer Camp T-Shirt!" All preschoolers will be provided with one Summer Camp
T-Shirt. Additional T-shirts will be available for purchase at $7.00.
Preschool Camp
Daily Tribe Schedule
Each week, camp centers on a different theme. However, campers and parents will find comfort in knowing the
schedule of activities remains basically the same each day except on event days. A camper’s day will consist of:
Location & Misc. Notes
Preschool Pre Camp Hours
Preschool Room / Preschool Room 1
Includes: Free play, breakfast, organized group activities, etc.
(Room 1 is for age 2/ non-potty trained campers)
8:30 - 8:45
Early Bird Circle Time
Preschool Rooms
8:45 - 9:00
Transition to Swim/Outdoor Activities
9:00 - 10:00
Swim and/or Outdoor Activities
6:30 – 9:00
Outdoor Pool (Splash Pool) / Outdoor Garden
- Camper must be dressed for swim prior to arrival
- Campers must be potty-trained to go in the pool
10:00 - 10:15
10:15 – 10:20
Opening Ceremonies
Preschool Rooms
10:20 – 10:35
Activity Period #1:
Weekly Themed Craft
Preschool Rooms
10:35 – 10:50
Activity Period #2:
Games, Music, Story Time
Preschool Rooms or Outdoor Area
10:50 – 11:05
Activity Period #3:
Academic Lesson / Sensory Table
Preschool Rooms or Outdoor Area
11:05 - 11:15
Bathroom Break / Wash Hands
11:15 – 11:45
Preschool Rooms
11:45 - 12:00
Closing Circle
Preschool Rooms
12:00 – 12:15
Departures & Transition
Departing campers can be picked up in
the Preschool Rooms
12:15 – 1:15
Activity Period #4:
Science, Math, Fitness
Preschool Rooms or Outdoor Area
1:15 – 2:00
Camper’s Choice
Preschool Rooms or Outdoor Area
2:00 – 2:30
Activity Period #5:
Water Activity
Outdoor Area
2:30 – 2:45
2:45 – 3:30
Snack and Play
Preschool Rooms or Outdoor Area
3:30 - 3:45
Closing Camp Ceremony
Preschool Rooms
- Non-potty trained campers will do water
sensory/outdoor play by the Outdoor Garden
4:00 Curbside Valet Pick-ups move to Senior Center
3:45 – 4:00
Age 3+ Post Camp Campers move to Park
Age 2/Non-potty trained campers stay in Rm 1 Preschool
4:00 – 6:00
Senior Center / Rm 1 Preschool
Preschool Post Camp Hours
Playground in the Park (Age 3+) or
Preschool Rm. 1 (Age 2 yr./non-potty trained)
Includes: Free play, organized activities, etc.
Parents picking up Preschool Campers age 3+ at 4:00 pm can do so without ever getting out of their car! We provide
a convenient Curbside Pick-up Valet service. Simply drive around to the side of the building near the Senior Center
entrance to meet camp staff. There you will sign your child out and a staff member will ensure they get in your car.
Quick, fast, and easy! As always, if you prefer to come in and pick up your child in the Senior Center you may do that
as well!
If inclement weather forces our Post Camp Preschoolers indoors, you may pick your child up from the main Preschool
room located in the lower level of the YMCA facility.
Preschool Camp
Description of Activities
Below is a brief description of activities indicated on the Daily Tribe Schedule and/or Program descriptions:
Activity Periods
Activity Period #1: Themed Craft
Daily Art painting/pasting projects, related to weekly themes. All crafts go home daily!
Activity Period #2: Games, Music, Story Time
Large-motor games played daily (typically outside), music, instruments, camp songs, and
stories. Also includes library bus visits.
Activity Period #3: Academic Lesson & Sensory Table
Learning fun with daily lessons on ABC’s, numbers, shapes, and colors. A sand and water
play sensory table is also used daily.
Activity Period #4: Science, Math, Fitness
A number of science lessons will be completed in our very own Community Learning
Garden! Daily science lessons in the garden will range from bugs, to caring for our plants, to
discussing how things grow!
Hands on Math lessons are an important part of camp! What are the numbers and the words
that match? Is the string long, short, tall or small? The order of small, medium or large?
We’ll review it all!
Healthy Living is part of the Y Mission. Our campers will stay active and participate in large
motor lessons daily!
Activity Period #5: Water Activity
Keeping cool on hot days is fun at camp! Campers will enjoy sensory table lessons (while
learning pouring, filling, and measuring skills), spray water bottles, play with boats and
enjoy bubble play!
Family Fridays
Parents/Guardians are welcome to join their camper each Friday to experience camp! Join
your camper during lunch (11:15 am) and stay for a fun camp activity! Family Friday is
pizza day! If you would like to have lunch with your child you can either brown bag it or
purchase lunch during Thursday’s check in! On Family Fridays we also offer Kona Ice
(2:00pm). We ask that you let the Camp Director know no later than 9:00 am
Thursday mornings if you will be attending any portion of Family Friday and if you
will need to purchase lunch or Kona Ice.
Lunch/Snack &
Free Time
Staff and children spend quality group time together in a relaxed atmosphere to enjoy lunch
and snacking. Campers are encouraged to use this time to visit, rest, etc. with their peers.
Opening &
The ceremonies consist of songs, celebrations of themes, and highlights of the day at camp.
Fridays is also Camper Awards during the closing ceremonies. (Parents are welcome to
attend on Fridays!) Ceremonies are in the Preschool room or weather permitting on the hill
by the Y Community Garden.
Dress Up
On Fridays campers will be asked to participate in Dress Up Friday to end their week in true
camper spirit! This is designed to enhance the camping experience and often includes
special events. Be sure to check your weekly Camp Newsletter for details!
Swim time includes free play and the chance to socialize. All potty-trained Preschool
Campers age 3 and up will participate in daily swimming activities in the splash/zero depth
end of the outdoor pool. Campers who are age 2/non-potty trained will enjoy water sensory
and outdoor play by the Outdoor Garden.
Transition includes campers walking from one activity sight to the next. Transition time
always starts with campers applying sunscreen! It is also an opportunity to refill their
water bottle!
Day Camp
Day Camp
Day camp is designed for children ages 5-11. We have both part time (1 to 3 days) and full time (4 to 5
days) options. Pre and Post camp hours are also available for families who need care before and/or after regular
camp program hours.
Fees & Schedule Information
(FT = Full Time (4 to 5 days) / PT = Part Time (1 to 3 days)
9:00 am – 4:00 pm
PT Day Camp
Rates Per Week
$100 Members
$130 Program Members
Part Time Day campers needing Pre and/or Post Camp do NOT pay an additional fee. Pre & Post camp is included in the
part time rate. However, campers must indicate Pre/Post Camp at the time of registration for staffing purposes.
FT Day Camp
9:00 am – 4:00 pm
$140 Members
$175 Program Members
FT Day w/Pre Camp
6:30 am – 4:00 pm
$150 Members
$185 Program Members
FT Day w/Post Camp
9:00 am – 6:00 pm
$155 Members
$190 Program Members
FT Day w/Pre & Post Camp
6:30 am – 6:00 pm
$165 Members
$200 Program Members
Day Camp Programs
We have 11 weeks’ worth of camp fun planned for your child. Pick and choose the weeks you like, or choose them
all! Please note the below information is subject to change! Also note we follow the Boone County School District
Calendar. If there is school – there is NO Camp program!
Spirit Day
Field Trips
Field trips occur off site
Event Visits
Event visits occur
here at YMCA
The last day for Boone County Schools & the SACC programs are still TBD.
May 26-30
Boone County School still in session this week; We will offer an SDO/Camp Extension
(Closed Mon 5.25)
June 1-5
June 8-12
Game Show
June 15-19
KY Horse Park (WED)
Dress Like a Nerd
Outback Game Show
Mania and Dance
Party with Music
Concierge (FRI)
Around the
Dress from
Another Country
Zoo Safari
June 22-26
Under the Big
Dress Like a Clown
Cincinnati Circus
Company (FRI)
June 29-July 3
Scallywags &
Dress Like a Pirate
Land Ho! Coney Island
July 6-10
Wear Your Shades
July 13-17
Pioneers &
Dress Like a Pioneer
Heritage Village &
Sharon Woods (WED)
July 20-24
Red, White,
& Blue Day
Florence Freedom
July 27-31
Gross Me Out
Crazy Hair Day
August 3-7
Space – The
Final Frontier
Dress Like an
Mis-Match Day
Coco Keys
Cool Critters
Campers must wear their YMCA Summer Camp shirt on all off site Field Trip days. All campers will be
provided with one Summer Camp T-Shirt. Additional T-shirts will be available for purchase at $7.00.
Day Camp
Daily Tribe Schedule
Each week, camp centers on a different theme. However, the schedule of activities remains basically the same each
day, from week to week. Remember that the schedule will be different on Field Trip/Event Visit days. Please note
that we do our best to stay on our time guidelines, but they are subject to change! A camper’s day will consist of:
6:30 – 8:45
Pre-Camp Hours
Includes: Free play, breakfast, quiet activities,
group games, etc.
Location & Notes
6:30 – 8:00 Valet Dropoff
6:30 – 7:30 Campers in Senior Center
7:30 – 8:45 Campers in Gym
YMCA Lobby / Transition to Pool
8:45 – 9:10
Check-in &
Attendance Taken
9:10 - 10:45
10:45 - 11:00
11:00 - 11:15
Opening Ceremonies
Boomerang Ring
11:15 – 11:55
Lunch & Reading Time
Outdoor Group Area
11:55 – 12:05
12:05 – 12:45
Activity Period #1
Outdoor Group Area
12:45 – 12:55
(Campers attending a Sport/Specialty Program
move to their new program area)
12:55 – 1:40
Activity Period #2
Outdoor Activity Areas
1:40 – 1:50
1:50 – 2:15
Snack & Free Time
2:15 – 2:25
2:25 – 3:05
Activity Period #3
3:05 – 3:15
3:15 – 3:30
Closing Camp Ceremonies
3:30 - 3:45
Campers in gym until they transition to the Outdoor Pool
Outdoor Pool
4:00 – 6:00
9:00 am Swim Add-On Program (Indoor Pool) /
Swim Lesson participants must sign in by 8:50 am!
Outdoor Activity Areas
Outdoor Group Area
Boomerang Ring
Camper Pick Up
Departing Campers can be
picked up at the Senior Center
Post Camp Hours
Departing Campers can be picked
up at the Playground in the Park
Includes: Organized group activities, play ground,
snack wagon, etc.
Parents picking up campers at 4:00 pm can do so without ever getting out of the car! We
provide a convenient Pick-up Valet service. Simply drive around to the side of the building
near the Senior Center entrance to meet a camp staff member. There you will sign your child
out and a staff member will ensure they get in your car.
If inclement weather forces our Post Campers indoors, children will be picked up in the Senior
Center. Please look for the outdoor sign near parking lot entrance of YMCA facility for
weather related location changes!
Day Camp
Description of Activities
Below is a brief description of activities indicated on the Daily Camp Schedule and/or Program descriptions. Be sure
check out the weekly Camp Newsletter for changes on event and activity dates!
Campers enjoy a variety of organized group activities. Activities could include:
Sports - returning favorites and new sports
Nature Programs – activities focused on helping the environment
Activity Periods
Arts & Crafts – designed to match the weekly camp theme
Water Activities – Games and activities involving water to help cool off
All Camp Activities – Games and activities for the whole camp to enjoy
STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math) – Activities and Applications
that make learning fun and exciting.
Who says that only kids get to have all the fun? Parents/Guardians are welcome to
join their camper each Friday to experience camp! Join your camper during lunch
(11:15 am) and stay for a fun camp activity! We ask that you let the Camp Director
know no later than Thursday 9am if you will be attending.
Family Fridays
Family Friday is also Pizza Day! The OPTIONAL Family Friday Pizza Deal must be
purchased no later than 9am Thursday from the Camp Director. (Parents and/or
campers can purchase the pizza meal deal.) Parents or campers not interested in
pizza can always brown bag their lunch for the day!
It’s Kona Ice Day! As a continued fundraising effort for our Y Annual Support Fund
Campaign, Kona Ice will be available on Family Fridays around 2:00pm. This is an
optional program for all of our campers! The cost of an ice is $2.00 (per week, per
child) and payment must be received by your Camp Director the morning of the
Kona Visit Friday. NO EXCEPTIONS! Kona Ice is one size only, and campers will
have their choice of available.
Lunch/Snack &
Free Time
Staff and children spend quality group time together in a relaxed atmosphere to
enjoy lunch and snacking. Campers are encouraged to use this time to visit, rest,
play games, etc. with their peers.
Opening & Closing
Boomerang Ring is our daily meeting place where we gather to start and end our
day, with camp songs, cheers and updates.
Passport Session
The Y is proud to focus on youth development, healthy living, and social
responsibility. The Search Institute has identified 40 developmental assets that,
when present in a child's life, contribute to healthy decision making. We will offer
Passport Sessions during camp to help promote these 40 assets. Session categories
include: DEAR (Drop Everything & Read, support, constructive use of time,
empowerment, commitment to learning, positive identity, boundaries and
expectations, positive values and social competence.
Campers will participate in daily swimming activities at the outdoor pool. This
includes free play and the chance to socialize.
Spirit Days
On Thursdays campers will be asked to participate in Spirit Days. This is designed to
enhance the camping experience and often includes special events or campers being
asked to wear particular items to show their spirit! Be sure to check your weekly
Camp Newsletter for details!
Transition includes campers walking from one activity sight to the next. Transition
time always starts with campers applying sunscreen! It is also an opportunity
to refill their water bottle!
Teen Camp
Teen Camp - ACES
Our Teen Campers are known as the “Aces.” Teen camp is designed for children ages 12-15. We have both part
time (1 to 3 days) and full time (4 to 5 days) options. Pre and Post camp hours are also available for families
who need care before and/or after regular camp program hours.
Note for Teens Ages 13-16: Interested Teens may also apply for the LIT program instead of registering for Teen
Camp. See LIT section on page 30 for more information.
Fees & Schedule Information
(FT = Full Time (4 to 5 days) / PT = Part Time (1 to 3 days)
Rates Per Week
PT Teen Camp
9:00 am – 4:00 pm
$100 Members
$130 Program Members
Part Time Teen campers needing Pre and/or Post Camp do NOT pay an additional fee. Pre & Post camp is included in the
part time rate. However, campers must indicate Pre/Post Camp at the time of registration for staffing purposes.
FT Teen Camp
9:00 am – 4:00 pm
$140 Members
$175 Program Members
FT Teen Camp w/Pre Camp
6:30 am – 4:00 pm
$150 Members
$185 Program Members
FT Teen Camp w/Post Camp
9:00 am – 6:00 pm
$155 Members
$190 Program Members
FT Teen Camp w/Pre & Post
6:30 am – 6:00 pm
$165 Members
$200 Program Members
Teen Camp Programs
Teen Camp follows the same 11-week dates and themes as Day Camp. Please refer to the Day Camp section of this
handbook to pick and choose the weeks you like, or choose them all! Please note that all schedules and events are
subject to change.
How is Teen Camp different from Day Camp?
Though the themes are the same as Day Camp, teens that are
part of the Aces will be responsible for planning their weekly
activities and daily tribe schedule. This is done with the
assistance of their Camp Counselor and by following specific
guidelines that focus on leadership development, social group
dynamics, cultural awareness and self-worth!
Teen camp is still very structured, but allows for the members
to have more autonomy into how their day is spent as a group.
This collaboration is an important team building life skill!
LIT Program
Leaders in Training
Our LIT program is designed for teens ages 13-16. A Leader in Training, or LIT, is a vital part of the YMCA’s
summer camp program. This position is designed to develop future camp counselors. Teens in this program will have
the opportunity to develop their leadership skills, communication skills, and embrace the philosophies of
volunteerism. These valuable life skills will help prepare young campers for the future. We believe the LIT program
builds positive self-esteem and strong character development in young adults by focusing on the 40 Developmental
Leaders in training are placed in leadership roles with campers from the ages of 2 to 10. LIT’s assist summer camp
staff with various activities, including general and specialized sports, games, arts and crafts, meals, cleaning, and
general supervision of participants. An LIT is someone who is dependable and is willing to work hard while having a
great time! This program is designed to be fun, exciting and challenging, but it is also a great opportunity to develop
growth and maturity in young people who are our leaders of tomorrow.
Please note that LIT’s must be available for at least 6 weeks of camp! LIT candidates can interview for
half-day positions, however the rates are the same! LIT's go through a more involved registration and enrollment
process and must also complete LIT training.
Fee & Schedule Information
Rates Per Week
LIT Camp
9:00 am – 4:00 pm
$40 Members
$75 Program Members
LIT Camp w/Pre Camp
6:30 am – 4:00 pm
$50 Members
$85 Program Members
LIT Camp w/Post Camp
9:00 am – 6:00 pm
$55 Members
$90 Program Members
LIT Camp w/Pre & Post
6:30 am – 6:00 pm
$65 Members
$100 Program Members
Teens interested in the LIT
(Leaders in Training) program
must apply and interview
for this position!
Applications are available at the
Member Services desk or from a
Childcare/Camp Site Administrator.
Interviews will be held during the month
of April/May. We will not process
Registration/Enrollment forms for the
LIT program until a candidate has been
officially accepted!
Lindsay Hoefker, Senior Program Director at
LIT Application Process
The Application & Enrollment Process:
Before you can register and enroll as an LIT, you must be accepted into the program. This includes an
application and interview process. The below checklist provides a quick and easy outline of the application process
and notes important steps that must be followed to officially get registered and enrolled in the LIT program. All in
five easy steps!
To apply for the LIT position, a candidate must complete an application packet and submit it to Lindsay Hoefker,
Senior Program Director. The Application Packet includes:
LIT Application
Program Policy Signoff Sheet
(2) Personal Reference Forms
(2) Personal Reference Forms
must be completed by a non-relative
and received before you can be
accepted into the program!
Once your application is received, you will be contacted to set up an interview. After the interview and review of
your references, the Camp Director and Senior Program Director will make a determination on acceptance. If
accepted into the program, applicant will then need to register for camp as an LIT. You will be notified of your
acceptance or rejection into the program.
Registration is a quick method for a parent to “hold a spot” for
their child for a desired week of a specific camp. Parents/guardians
will need to complete and turn in the following in order to register:
2015 LIT Program Summer Camp Registration Form
$10 Deposit payment for each selected camp
Registration Fee payment ($25 a child or $50 per family)
An LIT can only register after being
accepted into the program.
An LIT must register for a minimum
of 6 weeks of camp!
The enrollment process includes obtaining and communicating important information! Forms need filled out,
authorizations need to be obtained, signatures need to be given, etc. Parents/guardians will need to complete and
turn in the following prior to the start date of the first camp the child is to attend:
2015 LIT Enrollment Application Packet
Certified copy of child’s up-to-date immunizations
A child is not officially enrolled in camp until the registration form, all the enrollment paperwork, and payment has
been received. Tuition fees are charged the Friday prior to the first day of camp. Families must be paid in full in
order to attend camp!
Payment by credit/debit card on file
LIT Specifics
LIT Uniform
LIT’s must wear their camp shirt daily; this will quickly identify them as a LIT. You will be given your camp shirt(s)
upon acceptance into the program. LIT’s are role models – and this includes modeling appropriate dress for this
position and camp. It is important to follow all clothing and attire summer camp guidelines. These guidelines
include, but are not limited to:
Tennis shoes only! (No sandals, crocs, flip flops, mules, dress shoes, etc. are allowed)
No skirts / Pants or shorts only (Shorts must be mid-thigh, no shorter than your fingertips)
No bikinis / one piece bathing suit required for swim time
Dress to get messy (You will be outside and participating in outdoor activities)
Extra shirts are available for purchase at $7 each. Please speak to your Camp Director if interested in ordering
additional shirts.
LIT Training
All LIT’s are required to attend LIT training no matter what six weeks they are registered for. LIT's are trained in
child protection policies, camper code of conduct, and basic LIT responsibilities. LIT’s must also participate in the
open house style Meet & Greet.
Meet & Greet Open House
LIT Training
May 17th
12:00 - 1:00 pm
(Will be based on the updated Boone
County school schedule for this year!)
LIT Responsibilities & Assignments
LIT’s are expected to help out with their camp location as designated by the staff. A Leader in Training should be
willing to go beyond what is asked of them to help the camp run smoothly. LIT’s should act respectfully when job
duties are assigned and follow them as requested. Leaders in Training are expected to stay with their assigned
camp unless otherwise instructed. Camp assignments are determined weekly.
LIT’s will assist with a variety of tasks depending on the age group of campers they have been assigned. Leaders in
training can be placed in leadership roles with campers who are of preschool age through 10 years old. Every
effort will be made to utilize LIT’s in their areas of interest and talent that they indicated on their application.
LIT’s will engage and lead campers in various daily activities including sports, games, reading, arts and crafts,
meals, cleaning, etc. They also help with the general supervision of campers. LIT’s are under the direct supervision
of a Camp Counselor at all times.
Child Protection Policies
To protect the people in our care, as well as the staff members and volunteers who serve them, we follow strict
policies and procedures on abuse prevention. Child protection information is part of the LIT training program. It is
here that LIT’s will learn about strict policies dealing with appropriate touch, not entering a bathroom with a
camper, what to do if they suspect abuse, etc.
All volunteers and employees of the YMCA are trained in Child Protection.
Sport & Specialty Programs
Sport and Specialty Programs
Sport and Specialty programs are designed for children ages 6-12. These programs promote development and
provide an opportunity for campers to receive additional instruction and technique in a favorite area of interest!
All Sport and Specialty programs are half-day sessions, meet four days a week unless otherwise noted and are
scheduled from 1:00 - 4:00 pm. Post camp hours are available for families who need care after program hours. Please
refer to the outline on the following page for program descriptions and dates the programs are in session.
Children who only attend a Sport or Specialty program do not participate in lunchtime, so they must eat a nutritious
meal prior to their arrival.
Combo-Pac (S&S Program + Camp)
The vast majority of our participants who register for a Sports or Specialty program are also registered as Full Time
Day or Teen campers. (Because Sport & Specialty programs meet four days – no part time rates are available!)
Combining S&S with camp allows campers to attend a full day of camp, attend all field trips and special events and still
experience a specialized area of interest.
To utilize this option, parents must register their child for both Day/Teen camp and a selected Sport or Specialty
program on the Summer Camp Registration Form. The fees for that week’s camps would be adjusted to account for
only being at Day/Teen camp for part of the day. (See the fee and schedule information below for details.) Parents
may also opt to register their child who attends full day for pre and/or post camp hours as well.
Fee & Schedule Information
Rates Per Week
Sport or Specialty Program
1:00 pm - 4:00 pm
$80 Members
$110 Program Members
Sport or Specialty Program w/
Post Camp
1:00 pm - 6:00 pm
$95 Members
$125 Program Members
Sport or Specialty Program w/
Day Camp
9:00 am – 4:00 pm
$155 Members
$210 Program Members
Sport or Specialty Program w/
Teen Camp
9:00 am – 4:00 pm
$155 Members
$210 Program Members
Sport or Specialty Program w/
Pre Camp and Day Camp
6:30 am – 4:00 pm
$165 Members
$220 Program Members
Sport or Specialty Program w/
Pre Camp and Teen Camp
6:30 am – 4:00 pm
$165 Members
$220 Program Members
Sport or Specialty Program w/
Day Camp and Post Camp
9:00 am – 6:00 pm
$170 Members
$225 Program Members
Sport or Specialty Program w/
Teen Camp and Post Camp
9:00 am – 6:00 pm
$170 Members
$225 Program Members
Sport or Specialty Program w/
Day Camp and both Pre & Post Camps
6:30 am – 6:00 pm
$180 Members
$235 Program Members
Sport or Specialty Program w/
Teen Camp and both Pre & Post Camps
6:30 am – 6:00 pm
$180 Members
$235 Program Members
Additional Fees
To help cover added supply and transport costs, there is an additional fee if you register for the following: Basketball,
Let’s Cook!, Sugar Art, Go Fish!, and Swim. The additional fee is due with your weekly payment. See the
Description of Programs outline on page 35-36 to determine the amount of the additional fee.
Sport & Specialty Programs
Sport and Specialty Programs Schedule
Dates Program is
in Session
Sport & Specialty Programs Available
Sport Program
Specialty Program
May 27 - 30
No S&S Programming Available
June 1 - 5
No S&S Programming Available
June 8, 9, 10, 11
(No program on Friday 6.12.15)
June 15, 16, 18, 19
(No program on Wednesday 6.17.15)
June 22, 23, 24, 25
(No program on Friday 6.26.15)
June 29-July 3
July 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 - Swim
July 6, 7, 9, 10 - Dodgeball
July 13, 14, 16, 17
(No program on Wednesday 7.15.15)
July 20, 21, 22, 24
(No program on Thursday 7.23.15)
July 27, 28, 29, 30
(No program on Friday 7.31.15)
August 3 - 7
Field Sports
Let’s Cook!
Sports Mania
No S&S Programming Available
(No program on Wed. 7.8.15)
On July 8 - Participants must arrive by
8:45 am for Field Trip on Wednesday 7.8.15
Sugar Art
Go Fish!
No S&S Programming Available
Note: Some weeks have two different programs being offered during the week; however, participants may only
register for one because programs are all offered at the same time of day. Please carefully note which program your
child is registering for on the Summer Camp Registration form and what days of the week the program is in session!
Sport & Specialty Programs
Description of Programs
Below is a brief description of specific Sport and Specialty programs. These programs can be conducted from a variety
of locations, including but not limited to the YMCA facility, Boone Woods, indoor/outdoor of IHM, the park behind the
YMCA, etc.
Please note however, that Sports or Specialty participants are NOT to be dropped off or picked up at the
above mentioned locations for safety and security reasons! Always follow the guidelines outlined in the
"Arrival/Departures" section of this handbook.
Available Week 9 of Summer Camp; Meets on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday
An additional $10 Supply Fee is associated with this program!
This program is a slam dunk! Basketball is designed for participants to learn about the
game and to improve their overall skills in playing basketball. Former UK player Patrick
Barnette and his company Foundation for Success will be running the camp. The emphasis
during the program will be on teaching players how to warm their bodies up properly for
practices and games, working on basic ball handling skills, demonstrating the concept of
spacing and balance on the floor, providing basic shooting instruction, and practicing basic
defensive positioning.
Available Week 3 of Summer Camp
Week 3: Meets on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday
Rah- Rah! Have a future cheerleader in your home? This program is about sharing spirit,
learning cheers, practicing basic tumbling techniques, and sharpening dance skills. Your
child will leave full of energy, spirit, confidence and lots of new friends. They will be
cheering for the games at the end of the week!
Available Week 8 of Summer Camp; Meets on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday
I've got the music in me! Participants will learn a variety of modern dance movements
choreographed to today’s popular music! Campers will get an opportunity to strengthen
their dance techniques and skills, get great exercise, and have lots of fun! It’s sure to be a
hit with your son or daughter who loves to shake it up!
Available Week 7 of Summer Camp; Meets on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday
It’s an age-old favorite – which your parents used to play! Children will learn the basic
concepts of the game and work to improve on their game playing abilities. The program
will focus on teaching players how to warm up before playing, reviewing official dodgeball
rules, and practicing safe techniques that can be used to be successful while playing the
game. We won’t just pay one type of dodgeball; there will be many variations of it,
doctor-dodgeball, bowling pin dodgeball, four way dodgeball, wall dodgeball, leg dodgeball
and maybe even a combination game of all these variations!
Available Week 4 of Summer Camp; Meets on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday
Field Sports
Do you love the outdoors and enjoy putting play in your day? Join us for our field sports
program and you will learn and play a lot of new and different sports, not just the ones you
are used to. In our four days of fun we will learn and play kickball, ultimate Frisbee,
archery, capture the flag, team handball, baseball and many more. We will also be having
a very exhilarating relay race.
Available Week 3 of Summer Camp; Meets on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday
Are you ready for some football? Participants will learn the basics about the game of Flag
Football. Instructors will concentrate on showing players how to warm up their bodies
properly before practices and games, teaching the wide receiver passing routes, explaining
the offensive concepts and sharing how to play good flag defense. Go team!
Sport & Specialty Programs
Description of Programs, continued
Available Week 10 of Summer Camp; Meets on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday
An additional $35 Supply & Transport Fee is associated with this program!
Go Fish!
Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you feed him for a
lifetime. Join us for our newest sports camp – fishing! During this program, participants will
explore the world of fishing, how to be safe on the water, learn about fish habitat and of
course - catch a lot of fish. Campers will be able to keep their supplied rod and reel at the
end of their week! This program is off site at Camp Ernst in Burlington, KY. Participants will
be transported to this location on the Camp Ernst Y Bus.
Available Week 5 of Summer Camp; Meets on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday
Tumble, flip, and twist! This camp is for both boys and girls eager to learn the sport of
gymnastics. Experienced gymnasts will teach your camper the techniques they need to know
and help them develop their skills to improve their current performance. Campers should
come ready to flip and twist all week long.
Available Week 4 of Summer Camp; Meets on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday
An additional $10 Supply Fee is associated with this program!
Let’s Cook!
This interactive, cooking and tasting experience is sure to be a hit with your camper!
Campers will experience their own adventure “Around the World” as they try new types of
food. We will travel to China, Mexico, Italy and end with foods from America. Bring your
sense of adventure and be ready to have fun.
Available Week 8 of Summer Camp; Meets on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday
It’s known around the world as football – but it’s soccer to those of us living here in the
states! Participants will have the opportunity to learn the basic concepts of the game and will
work to improve their overall skills. Instructors will focus on teaching kids how to properly
warm up before practices and games, demonstrate basic ball handling techniques, discuss
the importance of field spacing, and allow campers to sharpen their techniques.
Available Week 5 of Summer Camp; Meets on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday
Sports Mania
Are you crazy about sports? Well this program is for you! Each day you will learn and play a
new sport. You will learn the skills, rules and have lots of fun! These four will include; soccer,
basketball, flag football and baseball. Kick, shoot, run and hit like the pros!
Available Week 7 of Summer Camp; Meets Monday thru Friday
An additional $10 Field Trip Fee is associated with this program!
Knowing how to be safe and have fun out in the sun and by the water is an important life
skill. Participants will learn about water safety and equipment, how to be a better swimmer
with our stroke development sessions and everyone will get to experience the fun of
engaging in water fitness! Beyond personal growth and practicing swimming skills,
participants will also participate in a number of fun aquatic games. What a great way to have
fun and stay cool!
This program also includes a field trip to CoCo Key Waterpark! Participants must
arrive no later than 8:45 am on field trip Wednesday to catch the bus! On Field Trip
day, don't forget to pack a lunch unless you are registered for the Y Lunch program.
Available Week 9 of Summer Camp; Meets Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday
An additional $10 Supply Fee is associated with this program!
Sugar Art
Bring on the sweets & treats! This camp is designed to introduce creative young people to
the world of sugar arts. We will concentrate on the tools and skills needed to decorate
cookies, cupcakes, and cakes. The focus of this camp will be to inspire creativity and sharpen
design skills as we explore the world of edible art! (We will not be baking or learning how to
make flowers! This camp is about exploring a new art canvas!)
At-A-Glance Parent Checklist
The Registration/Enrollment Process:
It’s as easy as 1-2-3! This At-A-Glance Checklist provides parents a quick and easy outline of the registering process
and notes important dates and steps that parents must follow to officially get their child/children enrolled in camp.
Registration is a quick method of “holding a spot” for your child/children for a desired week of a specific camp.
Parents/guardians will need to complete and turn in the following in order to register:
2015 Summer Camp Registration Form
Registration Fee payment ($25 a child or $50 per family)
$10 Deposit payment for each selected camp (per week/per child)
The enrollment process includes obtaining and communicating important information! Forms need to be completed,
authorizations need to be obtained, signatures need to be given, etc. Parents/guardians will need to complete the
forms in full and turn them in prior to the first day of camp that the child is to attend:
2015 Summer Camp Enrollment Application Packet
Certified copy of child’s up-to-date immunizations
A child is not officially enrolled in camp until the registration form, all the enrollment paperwork, and payment has
been received. Tuition fees are charged the Friday prior to the first day of camp. Families must be paid in full in order
to attend camp!
Payment by credit/debit card on file
The following forms are available upon
request and are due during the
enrollment process:
Meet & Greet
Open House
May 17, 2013
12:00 – 1:00 pm
Self Sign Out Permission Form
Change of Camp Form
Administration of Medication Form
LIT Application