Economic Valuation Study of Batang Gadis Watershed Services
Economic Valuation Study of Batang Gadis Watershed Services
Economic Valuation Study of Batang Gadis Watershed Services Conservation International-Indonesia Economic Valuation Study of Batang Gadis Watershed Services Economic Valuation of Watershed Services Batang G adis N ational P ar k, Gadis National Par ark, Mandailing N atal, N or th SSumatra, umatra, IIndonesia ndonesia Natal, Nor orth umatra Corridor P Nor thern SSumatra orthern Prrogram Lelyana Midora Dessy Anggraeni Sugested citation: Midora,L & D. Anggraeni. 2006 Economic Valuation of Watershed Services Batang Gadis National Park, Mandailing Natal, North Sumatra, Indonesia. Conservation International - Indonesia. Jakarta. ISBN: 979-25-6294-X March 2006 CI Indonesia Jl. Pejaten Barat No. 16 A, Kemang, Jakarta 12550, INDONESIA Phone: (62 21) 7883 8626, 7883 8624, 788 32564 Fax: (62 21) 780 6723 http: www. i Conservation International-Indonesia Economic Valuation Study of Batang Gadis Watershed Services Table of Contents Cover –i Table of Contents –ii List of Table – iii Executive Summary –iv Chapter 1. 1.1 1.2 1.3 Introduction .......................................................................................................................1 Background .......................................................................................................................1 Objective of Study ................................................................................................................1 Structure of the Report ..........................................................................................................2 Chapter 2. 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 Area Description .................................................................................................................3 Batang Gadis National Park ..................................................................................................3 Geographical Conditions of Mandailing Natal District .............................................................4 Socio Economic Conditions in Mandailing Natal District .......................................................7 Batang Gadis Watershed ..........................................................................................................9 Chapter 3. 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 Methodology .....................................................................................................................12 Component of the Study ........................................................................................................12 General Approach and Methodology ....................................................................................13 Data Collection .....................................................................................................................14 Limitation and Focus Area of Study .......................................................................................16 Chapter 4. 4.1 4.2 4.3 Ecological Value of Watershed Services ..............................................................................18 The Natural Hydrological Cycle ...........................................................................................18 Relationship Between Land Use Changes and Hydrological Functions ........................................19 4.2.1 Forests and Hydrological Function ..............................................................................19 4.2.2 Impact of Landscape Management Practices on Water Balance .........................................21 4.2.3 Land Degradation and Rehabilitation ..................................................................24 Biodiversity Importance of Batang Gadis Watersheds ..................................................................25 Chapter 5. 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 Economic Value of Watershed Services ...............................................................................26 Definition of Economic Value ...........................................................................................27 Economic Valuation Techniques ...........................................................................................28 Assessing the Economic Values of Watershed Services Using Benefit Transfer Techniques ...............30 Net Present Value (NPV) ........................................................................................................32 Chapter 6. 6.1 6.2 Economic Valuation of Watershed Benefits ...............................................................................33 Direct Use of Watershed Services: Water Regulation and Supply ................................................33 6.1.1 Value of Water for Households’ Consumption ...........................................................33 6.1.2 Value of Water for Agriculture ..................................................................................34 6.1.3 Value of Water for Fishery .........................................................................................37 6.1.4 Total Direct Economic Value of Water Supply and Regulation from Batang Gadis National Park .......................................................................................................................38 In-Direct Use of Watershed Services: Flood, Landslide and Erosion Control ................................38 Chapter 7. 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 7.5 7.6 7.7 7.8 Incentive Mechanism for Watershed Services ....... .....................................................................42 The Objectives of Incentive Mechanism .................................................................................42 Type of Benefits from Watershed Services ................................................................................43 Beneficiaries of Watershed Services .........................................................................................44 The Basis of Valuation and Decision Making ...........................................................................45 Sources of Fund ..................................................................................................................47 Type of Incentive Mechanism for Watershed Services ................................................................48 Reviewing Initiatives of Incentive Mechanism for Watershed Services in Indonesia .......................50 Identifying Proposed Incentive Mechanism for Watershed Services in Batang Gadis National Park ...53 Chapter 8. Conclusion and Recommendation References ............................................................................................................................................. 60 .........................................................................................57 ii Conservation International-Indonesia Economic Valuation Study of Batang Gadis Watershed Services List of Table Table 1. Table 2. Table 3. Table 4. Table 5. Table 6. Table 7. Table 8. Table 9. Table 10. Table 11. Table 12. Table 13a. Table 13b. Table 14. Table 15. Table 15a. Table 15b. Table 16. Table 17a. Table 17b. Table 18. Table 19. Table 20. Table 21a. Table 21b. Table 22. Table 23. Table 24. Figure 1. Figure 2. Figure 3. Figure 4. Figure 5. Figure 6. Figure 7. Figure 8. Figure 9. Figure 10. Figure 11. Figure 12. Figure 13. Figure 14. Figure 15. Figure 16. Figure 17. Report Structure ..................................................................................................................2 Soil Type of Six Main Watersheds in Madina .......................................................................5 Basic of Geographic Profiles of Madina District ...................................................................6 Number of Villages in Each Sub-district in Madina District ..................................................7 Composition of Ethnics in Madina ......................................................................................8 Prioritized Area for Rehabilitation in Batang Gadis Watershed, Madina District (Ha) ...........11 List of Data .......................................................................................................................15 Distribution of beneficiary communities .............................................................................16 Composition of Vegetation in Batang Gadis National Park .................................................24 Estimates of Forest Ecosystem Value ................................................................................30 Estimates of National Park Ecosystem Value Indonesia .......................................................31 Number of people dependent on water supply from watersheds within the boundary of Batang Gadis National Park ..............................................................................................33 Variables to estimate household water consumption .........................................................34 Economic valuation of water resources for household’s consumption .................................34 Types of land use systems in Madina District .....................................................................35 Variables to estimate water value for agriculture .................................................................36 Water Requirement for Paddies Field .................................................................................36 Economic Valuation of Water for Agriculture ...................................................................36 Fishery Production of Madina District in 2004 ................................................................37 Variables to estimate water value for fishery ......................................................................37 Economic Valuation of Water for Fishery ..........................................................................38 Summary of total direct economic value of water supply and regulation from Batang Gadis National Park ..................................................................................................................38 Portrait of damage cost caused by flood in Riau, West Sumatra (January, 2003) ..................39 Impacts of flood in Madina District (November 2004) .......................................................40 Variables to estimate damage cost caused by flood in Madina District .................................40 Economic valuation of damage cost caused by flood in Madina ........................................41 Beneficiaries of Watershed Services in Some National Parks in Indonesia .........................44 Examples of Economic Incentives for Conservation ........................................................49 Matrix of Analysis to Identify Incentive Mechanism in Batang Gadis Watershed ...............54 Map of Batang Gadis National Park .....................................................................................3 Map of Mandailing Natal District .......................................................................................4 Map of Watershed in Mandailing Natal District ..................................................................9 Watershed System in Batang Gadis National Park ..............................................................10 Focus of Study Area ..........................................................................................................17 Hydrological Cycle ...........................................................................................................18 Water Balance on Plot Scale .............................................................................................20 Spatial Patterninf of Land Use Conversion: Linking Economics, Hydrology, and Ecology to Evaluate the Effects on Stream Ecosystems ........................................................................21 Impact of Flood in Madina District (November 2004) ......................................................22 Irrigation System in Batang Gadis Watershed ....................................................................23 Total Economic Value of Watershed Ecosystem .................................................................27 Calculation of Water Price ...............................................................................................46 Determination of Water Value .........................................................................................46 Types of Incentive Mechanism of Watershed Services .......................................................48 Incentive Mechanism in Gede Pangrango Watershed ..........................................................51 Incentive Mechanism of Watershed Services in West Lombok ............................................52 Proposed Incentive Mechanism of Watershed Services in Batang Gadis National Park ........55 Chart 1. Contribution of Each Economic Sector to Regional GDP of Madina District (1999-2002) Conservation International-Indonesia iii .............8 Economic Valuation Study of Batang Gadis Watershed Services Executiv ummar ecutivee SSummar ummaryy B atang Gadis National Park is part of larger critical watershed area (with the size of 386,455 ha or about 58,8% of total district). Within Batang Gadis National Park itself, there are 6 important sub-watersheds, which supply water to the entire Madina district. They are Batang Gadis Sub-Watershed, Batang Natal Sub-Watershed, Batahan Sub-Watershed, Aek Pohon Sub-Watershed, Hulu Pungkut Sub-Watershed, and Muara Sada Sub-Watershed. Batang Gadis Sub-Watershed is the biggest and the longest watershed in Madina District. It flows 137,50 km, with a breadth of of 45,00 meter and average volume of water of 30,937,50 km3. This watersheds is extremely valuable, supplying water to almost 400,000 people (for domestic needs) and more than 42,100 ha of paddy fields and 108,320.12 ha commercial crops such as coffee, rubber, cinnamon, cacao, palm oil, clove, ginger, etc. This highlights the function of the national park has significant regional water regulator that supplies water to support the continuity of living and main economic activities of the society, especially agriculture. This economic valuation study limited the analysis of water resource benefits to Madina District only. Although the benefits of water quantity and quality spread to downstream users in many areas and sectors, we have focused the calculations for direct value of watershed services originated from domestic needs for people, irrigated and non-irrigated agriculture and fishery sector solely in Madina District. From the economic valuation, it is found that the economic value of watershed services in supplying water for domestic consumptions (such as cooking, washing, bathing, drinking, etc) is about Rp 7 billion per year (net present value Rp 63 billion over 25 years, discount rate 10%). Meanwhile, the water value for agriculture is Rp. 2.6 billion per year (net present value Rp 23.3 billion over 25 years, discount rate, 10%). This figure could arguable be significantly higher since this study only calculated on water value for irrigated paddy field, and the production of other crops that would produce different benefits that are not valued here. In addition to that, the calculation of the water value for fisheries is Rp. 10.7 billion per year (or net present value about Rp 97 billion over 25 years, discount rate at 10%). Based on the calculation above, the total values associated with water resources from Batang Gadis National Park are in the range of 19.6 billion rupiah per year (net present value Rp 184 billion over 25 years, at discount rate as 10%). Besides direct value of watershed services, the study also tries to estimate the indirect value of watershed services. It is estimated that indirect value of watershed services in terms of preventing flood, lands slide and erosion that are generated from particular environmental damage that has already taken place (damage cost) is about Rp 24.8 billion or the net present value is about Rp 225 billion over 25 years (at discount rate at 10%). However, watershed services provided by Batang Gadis National Park mostly benefit the external stakeholders (in this case the downstream communities) and there is no market or institutional conditions that allow the local people living in and surrounding the national park area to benefit from such environmental services. Therefore, there are no (if not very little) economic incentives from local community to protect their area, especially when they have alternatives to change land use practices to less environmentally friendly systems (e.g. commercial plantation, logging, mining, etc). This study attempted to identify types of incentive mechanism that can possibly be used to provide the benefits to people living in and surrounding the national park. Such an incentive mechanism is needed to maintain continuous support for communities living adjacent to the protected area to develop conservation friendly activities (including promote sustainable utilization of forest resources, improving the management of a protected area, etc). To manage a conservation fund and implement the program, a Batang Gadis Watershed Forum could be established to, with the specific tasks to disburse the conservation fund to implement the program based on agreement from members of the Forum; facilitate fundraising efforts; ensure participation of local community; perform monitoring and evaluation; and develop accountability reports. iv Conservation International-Indonesia Economic Valuation Study of Batang Gadis Watershed Services Chapter 1. IIntr ntr oduction ntroduction 1.1 B ackgr ound Backgr ackground The Batang Gadis forests were declared as a National Park on December 31, 2003 in a letter signed by local leaders, the heads of the local government and parliament, the police, and the Ministry of Forestry. Subsequently, The Ministry of Forestry formally declared Batang Gadis as a National Park on April 29, 2004, which allows it to receive national government funding. This declaration is significant not only for its immediate impact of establishing a legal mechanism to protect key habitats in Batang Gadis, but also because it serves as an example of a new legal framework for local governments to support the creation of a National Park. Most parks in Indonesia have been declared in a very “top down” process initiated by the national government. This has resulted in protected areas that lack of support from local government and other stakeholders who often oppose rather than assist in park management efforts. Demonstrating the success of this model could open up new opportunities for other local government officials and communities to replicate the Batang Gadis National Park (BGNP) model and significantly would increase the Indonesian protected area network. Conservation International Indonesia’s (CII) approach to date has been building strong partnerships to conserve the forests of Batang Gadis within a new National Park. CI has worked with all levels of governments such as Mandailing Natal District (Madina) authorities, the provincial government of Northern Sumatra, and the national government, particularly the Ministry of Forestry (MOF). CII’s preliminary needs assessment of protected area development identified raising awareness among communities about the BGNP, especially on the potential benefits of conservation, as a priority. CII believes that the value of ecosystem services provided by the park is a particularly important message to be conveyed. The BGNP is part of a larger critical watershed area (with an area of 386,455 ha or about 58,8% of the total district area) that serves the whole Mandailing-Natal district. This watershed is extremely valuable, supplying water to almost 400,000 people and more than 42,100 ha of paddy fields (BPS Madina 2002) and 46,817.8 ha of coffee and rubber plantations (Crops Division 2005). At this moment there is no study that quantifies the value of this watershed function. This study aimed at addressing this. tudy bjectiv 1.2 O bjectivee of SStudy Objectiv The overall objective of this study is: to develop and implement an analytical methodology concerning economic valuation for the entire forest ecosystem and environmental services, which is provided by the protected area, especially in watershed services. Since those environmental services give benefits largely to external stakeholders (in this case downstream communities), and there is no market institutional conditions that allow local people to obtain benefits from such environmental services, and there is no economic incentive from local community to protect their area, and can opt to change land management to less environmentally friendly practices (e.g. plantation, logging, mining, etc), this study also aimed: to identify the types of incentives mechanism that can possibly be used to provide the benefits to the people living surrounding the national park, thus giving the people a tangible incentive to conserve their forest. In addition, results from this study will be used for conservation awareness by showing the benefits from conservation to local stakeholders and giving inputs to decision making processes from the values obtained. This input will hopefully enable a better understanding of the tradeoffs between alternate resource allocation decisions where competing uses are involved. Conservation International-Indonesia 1 Economic Valuation Study of Batang Gadis Watershed Services 1.3 SStr tr uctur epor tructur ucturee of the R Repor eportt This report contains of 6 chapters, which from each enclosed some outline numbers, those outlines are elaboration from the main subject. To see what each chapter tells about, the summarized of report structure is provided in Table 1. Table 1. R epor tr uctur Repor eportt SStr tructur ucturee Content Chapter Chapter 1: Describes the background of this study as well as its objectives. Chapter 2: Describes the area of study, including site location of Batang Gadis National Park; geographical and socio economic conditions of Madina District; and Batang Gadis watershed system. Chapter 3: Explains the methodology, including components of study and approaches used; limitations, focus area of study, and list of data collection. Chapter 4: Presents literature reviews concerning hydrological systems and land use change related to water resources, natural processes and biodiversity issues of the Batang Gadis watershed. Chapter 5: Presents literature reviews concerning economic valuation of watershed services. Chapter 6: Presents the results of economic valuation of watershed benefits services in Batang Gadis watershed. Chapter 7: Presents a proposed incentive mechanism that can possibly be applied to provide benefits to the people living adjacent to the national park. Chapter 8: Presents recommendations and conclusions of the study based on the economic valuation carried out. 2 Conservation International-Indonesia Economic Valuation Study of Batang Gadis Watershed Services Chapter 2. D escription of SStudy tudy Ar Description Area ea 2.1 B atang G adis N ational P ar k Batang Gadis National Par ark Geographically, Batang Gadis National Park (BGNP) is located in between 99° 12’ 45" to 99° 47’ 10’’east longitude and 0° 27’ 15" to 1° 01’ 57" north latitude. This park is located in Mandailing Natal (Madina) District, Northern Sumatra Province. There are around 68 villages within 10 sub-district located on the boundary of the national park. Currently, the border of the national park has not yet designated by the Ministry of Forestry. The name Batang Gadis originates from the main river that flows and divides Madina District. BGNP covers an area of 108,000 ha or about 26% of total forest area in Madina District and 16.3% from the total area of Madina (662,070 Ha). The park is located at 300 to 2,145 meter above sea level, with the volcanic Mt. Sorik Merapi the highest point. In terms of forest use, the park consists of protection forest, restricted production forest and permanent production forest. The production forest is a logged over area of the former PT. Gunung Raya Utama Timber (Gruti) company and another ± 1,000 ha is also a logged over area of formerly PT. Aek Gadis Timber. Designation of the park has needed land-use changes. One of the purposes of this land use change (from production forest to conservation area) is to give opportunity to the forest for habitat recovery. ational P adis N ap of B atang G ar k Par Batang Gadis National Map Figur iguree 1. M ark igur F Conservation International-Indonesia 3 Economic Valuation Study of Batang Gadis Watershed Services Batang Gadis National Park has high biodiversity of flora and fauna. Biodiversity research conducted by CI Indonesia in 2004 shows that there are at least 225 species of plants, 222 species of vascular plants or almost 1% from total number of flora in Indonesia (around 25,000 vascular plant species in Indonesia) was found in a 200 square meter plot (CI 2004). These include rare endemic species such as Padma (Rafflesia sp.) and unique carnivorous “pitcher plants” (Nephentes sp.). There are at least 42 species of mammals in Batang Gadis, 15 of which are IUCN endangered species (CR, EN and VU) - Sumatran tiger (Panthera tigris), marbled cat (Pardofelis marmorata), golden cat (Catopuma temmincki), Asian wild dog (Cuon alpinus), tapir (Tapirus indicus), sun bear (Helarctos malayanus), mountain goat (Naemorhedus sumatraensis), sambar deer (Cervus unicolor), common barking deer (Muntiacus muntjac) five species of primates and two species of otters 2.2 G eographical Conditions of M andailing N atal D istrict Geographical Mandailing Natal District Madina District was previously a part of Southern Tapanuli District before declared as a new district on the 23rd of November 1998 under the Indonesian Law No 12, Year 1998. The central governance of Madina District is located in Panyabungan. It has a strategic position being situated in the middle of Madina and readily accessible. atal D istrict andailing N ap of M District Map Mandailing Natal iguree 2. M Figur F igur 4 Conservation International-Indonesia Economic Valuation Study of Batang Gadis Watershed Services Madina District with the size of 6,620.70 km2 or about 662,070 ha (around 9.23% from total area of Northern Sumatra) is located in the southern part of Northern Sumatra Province. Geographically, the district is located between 0o10’ – 1o 50’ north latitude and 98o50’-100o10’ east longitude, and bordered by Southern Tapanuli District in the north, West Sumatra Province in the southeast, and Indian Ocean to the west. Madina District consists of 17 sub-districts and 335 villages (BPS Madina 2003). Topographically, Madina District is divided into three parts, namely: 1) low downhill area (with the slope of 0o2o) in the west seashore covering approximately 160,500 ha or about 24.23% of total district; 2) flat area (with the slope of 2o-15o) covering 36,385 ha or about 5.49% of total district; and 3) highland area (with the slope of 7o-40o) that is divided into hilly and mountainous area. With the area dominated by highlands and mountains, many river streams are frequently found in the district, the largest being Batang Gadis, Batahan, Batang Natal, Kunkun, and Parlampungan Rivers. Batang Gadis River is the longest river in Madina with the length of 137,50 km. The average temperature in Madina District ranges from 23oC to 32oC with an average humidity around 8085%. The maximum rainfall (in 2003) is 2,137 mm (in November) while the minimum one is 50 mm (in February). The six main watersheds in Madina contain several soil types. Each type has its own characteristic. The dominant soil type is latosol covering 310,404.61 ha of 716,652.92 ha total area. The other soil types in the watershed system in Madina District are complex podzolik, red yellow latosol, latosol and red yellow podzolik, regosol, organosol and clay organic litter, andosol, red yellow podzolik, alluvial, complex podzolik, brown podzolik. Soil type in Madina is summarized in Table 2 below. Table 2. SSoil oil Types of SSix ix M ain Watersheds in M adina Main Madina Soil Type (Ha) Watershed/sub-watershed Batang Gadis Batahan Aek Pohon Ulu Pungkut Muara Sada Natal 1,150.79 36,754.50 22,967.84 Total Complex Podzolik Red Yellow Latosol 24,772.20 1,335.02 9,420.76 Latosol and Podzolik Red Yellow 60,110.35 27,251.37 876.76 88,238.48 2,896.43 607.33 1,659.37 5,163.13 28,862.48 26,458.14 6,787.73 15,235.90 Latosol 132,901.18 24,945.63 37,600.98 87,619.17 Andosol 10,782.19 729.19 10,781.87 6,484.80 Red Yellow Podzolik 41,187.26 Regosol Organosol and clay Organic Litter Alluvial Complex Podzolik Brown Podzolik Total 77,344.25 7,679.02 19,658.63 310,404.61 28,778.05 41,187 3,926.67 3,926.67 35,660.52 7,925.64 133.72 5,885.24 15,604.24 341,099.28 81,326.68 54,947.38 99,685.55 57,106.49 Source: Forestry Office of Madina District Conservation International-Indonesia 96,401.11 5 65,209.36 82,487.54 716,652.92 Economic Valuation Study of Batang Gadis Watershed Services According to Sitorus (1989) in Hamzah 2003, characteristics of latosol are low in organic matter and react to acid. Organic matter favors the formation of a stable structure in the soil through a close association of clays with the organic matter. It increases the water holding capacity as it can absorb water to a ratio of three to five times its own weight, which is very important in the case of sandy soils. Organic matter increases the retention of soil nutrients in a form available to the plant due to its capacity to exchange cations (the CEC of humus ranges from some 1 to 5 meq/g). Other literature says that latosol is characterized by a thin 0 horizon, the presence of a laterite layer, and a deeply weathered profile. Latosol has profile improvement with size of layer is >2 m, it has brown to red color, the difference from horizon A to horizon B in latosol stage is not clear, it has pH between 5.5 - 6.5, has smooth texture, and has loose soil structure, level of fertility is in the average.1 In many of soil studies, latosol type is generally used as rice field; this condition is also happen in Madina where most of people are farmers and cultivating their land as paddy field. Table 3. B asic G eographic P adina D istrict Basic Geographic Prrofiles of M Madina District No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Sub-district Batahan Batang Natal Bukit Malintang Kotanopan Lembah Sorik Merapi Lingga Bayu Muara Batang Gadis Muara Sipongi Natal Panyabungan Panyabungan Barat Panyabungan Selatan Panyabungan Timur Panyabugan Utara Siabu Tambangan Ulu Pungkut Topography Flat to undulating Undulating to hilly Flat to hilly Hilly to mountainous Hilly to mountainous Undulating to hilly Flat to undulating Hilly to mountainous Flat to undulating Flat to hilly Flat to hilly Hilly to mountainous Hilly to mountainous Flat to hilly Undulating to hilly Hilly to mountainous Hilly to mountainous Elevation (m above sea level) Rainfall (mm/year)* 0-300 500-700 250-400 400-800 400-600 500-700 0-600 800-1,000 0-500 250-800 400-800 400-800 250-800 250-800 250-800 400-600 600-800 2,294 2,838 3,583 3,899 2,273 2,334 2,386 Distance from sub-district capital to district capital (km) Area (Ha) Area % of Madina 124 48 12 40 20 78 173 61 113 0 16 13 15 4 19 25 65 66,971 65,151 12,744 32,515 3,473 34,539 143,502 22,930 93,537 25,977 8,722 8,760 39,787 17,994 34,536 21,414 29,519 10.12 9.84 1.92 4.91 0.52 5.22 21.67 3.46 14.13 3.92 1.32 1.32 6.01 2.72 5.22 3.23 4.46 Total 662,071 100.00 *Measured based on administrative boundaries prior to 2002 split Source: Madina in Figure (2003) in Napitupulu (2005) With mountainous segment covering 36% of total area and considering the characteristic of soil type related to land use, as well as high rainfall, Madina District is considerably vulnerable from erosion and landslides. Based on those facts, cutting the forests in the Batang Gadis National Park could increase the risks of disaster with high impacts. It is possible that the second Bahorok disaster could happen in this area. Bahorok disaster happened in North Sumatra after heavy rain caused a flash flood that killed hundreds and destroyed infrastructure. The flood was excerbated by illegal felling of the forests. In Madina District, during the rainy season at the beginning of November 2004, there was big flood that destroyed main bridge, which transports people from and to West Sumatra, and damaged several houses. It is very likely that, the Batang Gadis National Park plays important role in preventing natural disaster caused by landslide, erosion and flood. 1 See more at Dharmawijaya, 1992 at 6 Conservation International-Indonesia Economic Valuation Study of Batang Gadis Watershed Services 2.3 SSocio ocio E conomic Conditions in M andailing N atal D istrict Economic Mandailing Natal District The total population of Madina (BPS 2003) is 380,546 people, (187,225 male and 193,321 female) with 82,563 households. Population density in the district is 56 people/km2. The population growth reached 1.61% during 1990 to 2000 and slightly declined to 0.96% during 2000 to 2003. About 13% of the population lives in urban areas where the rest 86% live in rural areas. Almost 81% of people in Madina District work in the agricultural sector with the remainder working in manufacture (2%) and service sectors (17%). Madina has been divided into 17 sub-districts, consists of Panyabungan, Kotanopan, Siabu, Muara Sipongi, Batang Natal, Natal, Batahan, Muara Batang Gadis, Panyabungan Utara, Panyabungan Barat, Panyabungan Selatan, Panyabungan Timur, Bukit Malintang, Lembah Sorik Marapi, Tambangan, Ulu Pungkut, and Lingga Bayu. Total number of villages according to BPS data in 2003 is 335 villages. Number of village in each sub district is presented in in Table 4 below. istrict in M adina D istrict ub-D Table 4. N umber of Villages in Each SSub-D District ub-District Madina Number No. Sub-District Number of Vilage No. Sub-District Number of Vilage 1. Lembah Sorik Merapi 9 10. Ulu Pungkut 13 2. 3. Bukit Malintang Tambangan 12 28 11. 12. Siabu Kotanopan 23 36 4. 5. Natal Panyabungan Timur 25 12 13. 14. Muara Sipongi Muara Batang Gadis 19 11 6. 7. Panyabungan Barat Panyabungan Utara 9 20 15. 16. Batang Natal Lingga Bayu 24 28 8. 9. Panyabungan Selatan Panyabungan 9 33 17. Batahan Total 24 335 Source: BPS Madina 2003 Bitra Consortium (2005) has carried out a study on socio-economic conditions of Madina in ten key villages located in the boundary of the national park. The study noted that community livelihoods in Madina heavily depend on agriculture sector. Most people work as farmers, but few of them work on their own land - most of them work in rented land and share the harvesting products with the land’s owner. Aside from agriculture, there are also some economic alternatives being developed in order to find other sources of income for local people. These include animal husbandry, home industry for handicraft, tourism and “manau” rattan collecting that can be found in Batahan Village. In other villages such as Sapo Tinjak, Aek Nangali, Roburan Dolok, wild honey becomes one of the main commodities. Bamboo industries have also been well developed in Sibanggor Julu and Sibanggor Jae. The total regional GDP of Madina District has been growing gradually during the period from 1999 to 2002. In 1999, the total GDP was about Rp 1.1 trillion and in 2002 increased to Rp 1.6 trillion (BPS Madina 2003). The agriculture sector contributed the largest portion (about 57%) of total regional GDP (Gross Domestic Product) during the period 1999 - 2002.The second most important economic sector is trade, hotel and restaurant with almost 20% of total GDP. Meanwhile, economic sectors that contribute the smallest portion of total regional GDP is mining and quarrying (contributing less than 0.3% of total GDP) and electricity, gas and water supply (also contributing less than 0.3% of total GDP). Chart 1 below shows the contribution of each economic sector to regional GDP in Madina District during the period 1999 to 2002. Conservation International-Indonesia 7 Economic Valuation Study of Batang Gadis Watershed Services istrict adina D egional GDP of M ector to R conomic SSector Char District Madina Regional Economic Chartt 1. Contribution of Each E (1999-2002) Source: processed from BPS Madina District (2003) There are four languages used in Madina District. This shows that indigenous people of Madina come from different ethnic groups, including Lubu and Natal Ethnics. Different cultures have very different ways to manage their land. For example most of people in Siabu Sub-district or about 50,173 people comes from Mandailing Ethnic and work as farmers. This ethnic is dominant in some other sub-districts in Madina. The main language used in Madina is Bahasa Mandailing and majority of people in Madina are Moslem. Table 5 shows more information on the composition of ethnics in Madina. thnics in M adina Ethnics Madina Table 5. Composition of E Sub-district No. Ethnics A 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Melayu Karo Simalungun Toba Mandailing Pakpak Nias Minang Cina Aceh Others Total Note: A) Batahan B) Batahan Natal C) Kotanopan D) Muara Sipongi 4,021 11 26 647 7,700 5 49 3,208 0 4 78 29,018 B 217 7 1 663 42,188 0 395 66 0 32 603 45,817 C D E F 749 8 1 384 66,287 0 15 137 0 49 1,301 69,233 135 15 0 78 12,118 0 15 51 0 8 97 12,565 170 21 7 3,551 104,516 12 76 517 0 92 4,786 115,344 11.357 43 21 498 1,533 3 92 15 0 15 216 18,724 G 7,566 0 0 2 4,094 0 4 0 0 7 137 11,827 H TOTAL 40 9 1 5,057 50,173 0 291 87 0 37 753 57,324 24,255 114 57 10,880 288,609 20 937 4,081 0 244 7,971 359,849 F) Panyabungan G) Natal H) Muara Batang Gadis H) Siabu Source: Ethnic and Religion Statistic Data 2000, BPS Northern Sumatra in Bitra Consortium 2005. 8 Conservation International-Indonesia Economic Valuation Study of Batang Gadis Watershed Services 2.4 B atang G adis Watershed Batang Gadis There are large and small rivers flow all the way through districts and villages in Madina. The catchment area, which is Batang Gadis National Park forest, flow its water resources through Batang Gadis River. The forest has important function as water catchment area that regularly supplies water to support the continuity of living and main economic activities of the society, especially agriculture. Batang Gadis Watershed flows to 137.50 km along way, with length of 45 meter and average volume of water of 30,937.50 km3 (BPS Madina, 2002). It is the biggest and the longest watershed in Madina. The watershed covers 386, 455 ha or about 58.8% of Madina District (see Figure 3). More than 400,000 people in Madina District depend on agriculture sector, especially the 71 villages within 13 sub-districts situated in the boundary of the national park. Generally, the rivers in Madina are used for irrigation, transportation, washing, bathing, and others. andailing N atal D istrict ap of Watershed in M Mandailing Natal District Map Figur iguree 3. M F igur Conservation International-Indonesia 9 Economic Valuation Study of Batang Gadis Watershed Services Within Batang Gadis National Park itself, there are 6 important sub-watersheds, which supply water to the entire Madina district. They are Batang Gadis Sub-Watershed, Batang Natal Sub-Watershed, Batahan Sub-Watershed, Aek Pohon Sub-Watershed, Hulu Pungkut Sub-Watershed, and Muara Sada Sub-Watershed (See Figure 4). ational P adis N atang G ystem in B ar k Par National Gadis Batang iguree 4. Watershed SSystem Figur ark igur F This proves that the national park gives a function as regional water regulator. The existence of the national park also preserves the quality and quantity of water supply for domestic needs (drinking, cooking, washing,), irrigation for 42,100 ha paddies field and 108,320.12 ha commercial crops such as coffee, rubber, cinnamon, cacao, palm oil, clove, ginger, etc (BPS Madina, 2002). Other locations outside Madina District, including Southern Tapanuli District, Pasaman District, Western Sumatra Province and Rokan Ulu, Riau Province also depend on the forest canopy in Batang Gadis National Park. As mentioned above the forest canopy in Batang Gadis National Park has important role for some districts in Sumatra, which means as water regulator Batang Gadis forest controlling the hydrological cycle through its watershed system. The longest and the biggest watershed called “Batang Gadis” mainly passes by this forest. Forest canopy reduce the kinetic energy from the rainfall, it is also keep the water (ground water) and flow all the way down through the surface as runoff or water spring. The main function of watershed system is controlling the water flow; if the watershed system could not accumulate the water flow it is precariously for the flood to be happened. 10 Conservation International-Indonesia Economic Valuation Study of Batang Gadis Watershed Services The Batang Gadis watershed have been divided into several land uses and Forestry Office of Madina District has also evaluated and defined prioritized area for rehabilitation (See Table 6). Table 6. P rioritiz ed Ar ea for R ehabilitation in B atang G adis Watershed, M adina D istrict (H a) Prioritiz rioritized Area Rehabilitation Batang Gadis Madina District (Ha) NON FOREST AREA FOREST AREA Forest Cover PERMANENT FOREST (PF) Production Protected/ Conservation HL KSA-KPA HP HPT Total PF Conservation Production Forest Total Forest Area (HPK) Total Prioritized Area for Rehabilitation APL I 19,021.88 0.00 1,837.48 9,830.11 30,689.47 1,304.59 31,994.06 14,034.79 46,028.85 II 5,397.89 0.00 12,756.47 18,031.16 36,185.52 1,081.53 37,267.05 5,417.29 42,684.34 182.12 0.00 2,548.36 2,731.58 5,462.06 0.00 5,462.06 5,133.39 10,595.45 24,601.89 0.00 17,142.31 30,592.85 72,337.05 2,386.12 74,723.17 24,585.47 99,308.64 III Total Note: Forest Cover Forest area I II III HL KSA-KPA HP HPT HPK APL : Bushes area, opened land, dry land farming : Secondary forest land, secondary swamp area, secondary mangrove forest : Dry land farming, agriculture land, mining, settlement : Protection forest : Conservation Area : Permanent Production Forest : Limited Production Forest : Converted Production Forest : Area for Other Purposes Source: Forestry Office of Madina District 2004 From the data above we can see that protection forest in Madina District that need to be rehabilitated covers 49,203.78 hectare or 24.8 % from total prioritized area for rehabilitation. This indicates that protection forest in Madina has been severely degraded and therefore has to be rehabilitated. In the conservation area there is no rehabilitation activity suggested. This probably means that these areas are still in good condition. Batang Gadis National Park fits into the conservation area so this confirms us that the forest condition in Batang Gadis National Park is still good - therefore it is necessary to keep its sustainability for the future. Conservation International-Indonesia 11 Economic Valuation Study of Batang Gadis Watershed Services Chapter 3. M ethodology Methodology 3.1 Component of the SStudy tudy This study consists of 4 components as follows: vices wing the ecological literatur evie Component 1. R services literaturee of watershed ser eviewing Revie The study began with a brief literature review of the impacts of land use change on hydrological function such as sedimentation, water yield, seasonal flows, flooding, etc. On this hydrological overview, a simple theoretical presentation would formally present the linkages between land use, hydrology and individual utility. In addition, this section included a review of the biodiversity importance of Batang Gadis, in particular, to highlight the key species that depend on the watershed or hydrological system for their survival. vices wing economic literatur evie Component 2. R services literaturee of watershed ser eviewing Revie This study continued by reviewing types of economic values provided by watershed services and economic impacts from changes hydrological services that are, in turn, related to changes in land use (conservation vs. other land use types). The literature was used to demonstrate the range of impacts that can be caused by land use on hydrological functions, and discuss the magnitude of these impacts. This also included economic valuation techniques or approaches that can be used to estimate benefits from watershed services. Component 3. Estimating watershed benefits fr om B atang G adis F or ests from Batang Gadis For orests The study was based on secondary environmental statistic data that describe the hydrological situation in Batang Gadis Forests and also socio economical survey data from the Batang Gadis society. In this component some data were required to evaluate the economic benefit from the watershed services, which included; a. Forest hydrology, species richness and soils data to index the watershed service. b. Technical production data to link to the index of watershed services in economic activities (including domestic water needs; such as drinking, cleaning, cooking, etc, for agriculture; such as irrigation, livestock husbandry sector, fishery, and for industry). c. Economic preference and price data are necessary to quantify the changes in production possibilities and the value of watershed services. Component 4. IIdentifying dentifying the types of incentiv incentivee mechanism This study was trying to identify types of incentive mechanisms that can be used to provide benefits to people living surrounding the national park. This could also be tangible incentive to conserve the forest. In as far as was possible, the study highlighted how the proposed incentive mechanisms would be able to catalyze local stewardship of the watersheds and how this could contribute towards maintaining the watershed functions upon which the critical species are dependent. The study would also identify potential risks and challenges associated with these incentive mechanisms, and existing institutional and policy barriers to implement these incentives. 12 Conservation International-Indonesia Economic Valuation Study of Batang Gadis Watershed Services 3.2 Specific Valuation M ethodology Methodology 2. Estimation of watershed benefits: This study only estimate the environmental benefits derived from the ‘use value’ of watersheds. Use value of watershed is divided into direct use (outputs directly consumable) and indirect use (functional benefits). Direct use includes water supply and indirect use includes flood control, landslide, erosion resistant, etc. Dir ect use of watershed ser vices: irect services: The role of Batang Gadis NP as a water catchment area for surrounding villages should be categorized as a service provided by the park and expressed in monetary terms. Although not all of these water use values can be attributed to the continuing presence and management of the national park, the values derived here help to provide some perspective on the environmental services secured by the forest cover and natural area preserved in the park. The basic environmental services and their value to downstream users, to households, and to agricultural production needs to be better recognized and understood so that the protected areas of the upper watershed are properly managed and protected. This analysis also helps to highlight some of the impacts and costs that might occur if the forest and ecosystem of the park were somehow damaged or reduced in size. Components to be analyzed for calculating direct use value of watershed services (water supply) are: 1. Value of water to domestic use (households) • Number of people (primary and secondary beneficiary villages) • Volume of water treated annually • Value per unit of water provided 2. Value of water for agriculture (irrigated and non irrigated land) • Area of land irrigated by waters arising from Batang Gadis Watershed • Production levels and economic value of crops and plantation • Level of benefits derived annually from irrigated and non irrigated agriculture 3. Value of water for livestock and other animal protein sources • Level of annual benefits derived from fish stock and value of livestock inventories The characteristics of hydrological cycles observed in this study were concentrated on the physical attributes of flow rather than water quality. The annual flow, for instance, will indicate the change of Batang Gadis watershed and land use in the river basin. Indir ect U se of Watershed SSer er vices: ndirect Use ervices: This is to estimate the indirect use values of watershed benefit services in terms of their contribution to watershed protection for erosion prevention, flood and landslide control. For ecological function value such as erosion, sedimentation, flood control and watershed protection, Benefit Transfer Method was used in this study in order to get estimated value. The value was estimated based on the data, which is available in other areas that have similar characteristics to the research area. Conservation International-Indonesia 13 Economic Valuation Study of Batang Gadis Watershed Services 3.2 Data Collection Based on approach and methodology described above, some data were needed to elaborate the study. The data was divided in two categories; primary data and secondary data. Primary data is a data which is collected directly due to its importance in this study, and it has not been collected before in another study. Secondary data is a data that is available to be accessed through the institution or any other research organizations and it has been collected before this study. Some data was collected through interview and used to strengthen the statistic data from BPS, for instance data about people perceptions in conservation, nature, forest, and ecosystem services. Table 7 below shows list of data to be collected in this study. 14 Conservation International-Indonesia Economic Valuation Study of Batang Gadis Watershed Services Table 7. List of D ata Data Session Subject SStudy tudy I II III Backgr ound IInformation nformation ackground of SStudy tudy Ar ea Area Linkage betw een land between esour ces esources use and water rresour Dir ect U se of watershed irect Use vices services ser IV Indir ect U se of Watershed ndirect Use vices services ser Note: Primary data searched by CI Conservation International-Indonesia Data N eed Need Map of Batang Gadis Watershed (size of watersheds, hydrological delineation) Biophysical Setting: 1. Hydrological system 2. Contour/slopes 3. Elevation 4. Land suitability 5. Erosion rate 6. Sedimentation rate 7. Vegetation cover 8. Forest cover 9. Annual precipitation 10. Temperature 11. Potential and actual evapotranspiration 12. Run off 13. Nutrient and chemical Outflows 14. Seasonal Flow 15. Annual Rainfall 16. Grown Water Recharge 17. Surface Debit General Condition of Study Area Socio Economic Setting: 1. Land Use 2. Economic activities 3. Population distribution 4. Agricultural land (productivity, 5. Livestock 6. Number of industries 7. Income per capita Data Collection Techniques Primary data Secondary data Secondary data Interview Floods impact (floods impact in term of money value) Domestic Water Needs (drinking, cleaning, cooking,etc): 1. Number of population 2. Number of households 3. Population distribution 4. Water consumption/households(m3/year) 5. Water price (Rp/m3) Secondary data Irrigation/consumption/benefit fishery 1. Agriculture area (ha)/number of HH 2. Water requirement for agriculture area (m3/ha)/consumption (m3/HH) 3. Water price (cost for providing water) Secondary data Water price PDAM standard Water Consumption PDAM standard Secondary data Secondary data Sediment control Flood control Erosion Control Enhanced soil quality Increase in total water yield Stabilization in stream flow distribution Benefit transfer Replacement Cost Method 15 Economic Valuation Study of Batang Gadis Watershed Services 3.4 Limitation and F ocus Ar ea of SStudy tudy Focus Area The study was limited by the following factors: 1. The study was limited to focus on the analysis of water resource benefits to Madina District only. Although the benefits of water quantity and quality spread to downstream users in many areas and sectors, we have focused the calculations on irrigated and non-irrigated agriculture in Madina District only. 2. To provide an estimate of the benefits of good quality water to households, we have dividend the households into: • Primary beneficiary communities: communities that fully depend on Batang Gadis NP as water sources • Secondary beneficiary communities: communities that partly depend on Batang Gadis NP as water sources. Table 8. D istribution of beneficiar Distribution beneficiaryy communities Type of beneficiary communities No of villages No of people No of households Primary beneficiary communities 71 54,926 11,814 264 314,765 68,398 335 369,691 80,212 Secondary beneficiary communities TOTAL Source: BPS Northern Sumatra (2003) Assumptions: Followings are some critical assumption in this study: • No overlap of primary and secondary beneficiary communities • Household level water consumption and agricultural production are relatively uniform across the study area. 16 Conservation International-Indonesia Economic Valuation Study of Batang Gadis Watershed Services ocus of SStudy tudy Ar ea iguree 5. F Focus Area Figur Conservation International-Indonesia 17 Economic Valuation Study of Batang Gadis Watershed Services Chapter 4. E er vices cological Value of Watersheed SSer ervices Ecological This chapter presents some key components and theories extracted from literature study, focusing on the relationship between hydrological function and the ecological value of watershed services. These basic theories were used as assumptions for the valuation of the local condition in Batang Gadis Sub Watershed and other main sub watersheds in Madina District. atural H ological C 4.1. The N Natural Hyydr drological Cyycle The presence of forests in watersheds generally result in higher quality water when compared to other land uses (such as agriculture, industry and settlement- which are likely to increase the amount of pollutants entering headwaters. In some cases forests also help to regulate soil erosion and hence reduce sediment load, although the extent and significance of this will vary (Aylward 2000 in IUCN 2004). Loss of forests has been blamed for everything from flooding to aridity and for catastrophic reductions in water quality. In fact, the hydrological role of forests is complex and the precise impact on water supply varies dramatically between places and can also vary in one place depending on such factors as the age and composition of the forest. The hydrological cycle (system of water circulation) is the main key to the balance nature within any one place.As important as total water is constancy of flow, the amount of water in this earth does not change but its role could be changed by uncontrolled nature process, mostly caused by human being, e.g. over cutting, over mining, land conversion, etc. Figure 6 pertains to simplified illustrative cases - the real conditions in any given river basin may be much more complex (Tognetti et al, 2003). Figur ological C iguree 6. H Hyy dr drological Cyycle Source: Tognetti, et. al (2003) 18 Conservation International-Indonesia Economic Valuation Study of Batang Gadis Watershed Services In a natural system, (as illustrated in Figure 6 above), meteorological water flows from the atmosphere to the fresh and saline water resource and to the land resource carrying dissolved gases, dust particles, smoke particles, bacteria, salt nuclides and dissolved solids. Water returns to the atmosphere through evaporation from water bodies and the soil and other surfaces (carrying salt nuclides) or through evapotranspiration from vegetation, (carrying dust and organic particles). Silt, organic debris, soluble and particulate products of biodegradation of organic matter, silica, mineral residues of earth materials, bacteria, dissolved gases and soil materials are carried from the land resource to the surface water resource by surface runoff. Likewise, dissolved minerals from surface debris and primary rocks and dissolved gases are carried from the land resource to groundwater by infiltration. Flood waters and springs return silt and other materials and minerals from the surface and groundwater resource to the land resource. The interchange between tidal water and continental saline water and freshwater increases the salinity of the latter. At the same time, this interchange carries dissolved gases, dust particles, smoke particles, bacteria, salt nuclides, dissolved solids surface debris and primary rocks and dissolved gases and surface debris, primary rocks, dissolved gases plus organic debris from the freshwater resource to the saline water resource through river and groundwater discharge. Saline water intrusion increases salinity of the land resource and beach erosion carries soil and vegetation from the land resource to the saline water resource. Finally, biochemical unstable matter from life processes of animals and from death of plants and animals are accumulated as solid residues on the land resource and may again find their way to the water resources, both fresh and saline. One of the main components in hydrological cycle is rainfall. Rainfall is one of the most important climatic factors influencing soil erosion. Runoff volume and velocity depend on the intensity, duration and frequency of the rainfall. Of these factors, the intensity is the most important. Erosion losses increase with higher rainfall intensities. The duration of the rainfall is a complementary factor. The rainfall frequency also influences the soil erosion losses. 4.2 unctions ological F se Changes and H een Land U etw Functions drological Hyydr Use etween Betw Relationship B 4.2.1 For ests and H ological F unction orests Hyydr drological Function Forests and other habitats play important roles in the hydrological cycle; the structure of the habitat greatly infuences water flow through its vegetation in a number of ways.The vegetative cover of forests shelters soil from the force of rain (thus reducing its kinetic energy) while roots help hold soil in place and reduce soil erosion (Myers in Krieger 2001). Forests and vegetaion help rainwater to inflitrate down into the ground water body. Forests also contribute to water quality by filtering pollutants from water. The interaction of vegetation and soils also filters other contaminants from water. Clean water from forest ecosystems is particularly important to the many municipalities that obtain their water from forested watersheds (Krieger 2001). Therefore, land use conversion may influence the stability of the soil, for instance if forest land has converted to other land use such as agriculture, mining, etc and appropriate measures have not been been taken or resources are over exploited soil degradation will result such as floods, landslides, erosion, abrasion, salination intrusion and many others. Forests also influence water quantity – both total quantity and seasonal variation in flows – through a number of interrelated processes. Whilst the forest itself uses water and releases it to the atmoshere through evapotranspiration, forests can also increase rainfall through the so-called ‘albedo’ effect. This refers to the process by which forest vegetation increases evaporation of water from the earth’s surface to cause increased cloud formation and rainfall locally. Forest ecosystems also act as sponge, soaking up and storing water when it is abundant and releasing steadily from the ground water even during drier periods. This process serves to even out annual water flows from forested watersheds and reduce impacts of downstream flood/drought cycles (Myers in Krieger 2001). Therefore, land use practices in limited areas upstream can have a significant impact on downstream areas. Conservation International-Indonesia 19 Economic Valuation Study of Batang Gadis Watershed Services Specifically, to understand water balance on vegetation as the basis later flow it is a required to know its process in the first pace. The water balance at the plot scale, embedded in a landscape context that provides run-on and sub surface lateral in flow is shown in Figure 7. alance on P lot Scale iguree 7. Water B Balance Plot Figur Source: Ranieri, (2004) The water balance at the plot scale can be represented by equation: ∆S = P – (I + R + L + E + T + D) Where ∆S = change in water storage in the soil (mm/day), P = precipitation (mm/day), I = interception by plant canopies followed by evaporation (mm/day), R = runoff – run on (mm/day), L = subsurface lateral flows (out-in) (mm/day), E = evaporation from the soil surface (mm/day) and D = drainage below the root zone (mm/day). The term R and L above represent lateral flows at plot scale and can modify the T and E terms (and hence plant production). At the landscape scale, the drainage term D eventually generates a lateral flow. Water moves vertically through the unsaturated soil layers at a rate determined by the soil’s hydraulic conductivity. When water reaches an impermeable or low-conductivity layer, the soil becomes saturated above that layer. At this point the water moves laterally down slope in or below rooted soil layers of adjacent (down slope) vegetation and may emerge at the soil surface in valleys in the form of springs. Forests and partial tree cover in agricultural landscapes have important implication for the water balance of a catchment. Trees, on average, use more water than any other form of land cover and intercept more rainfall on their canopies than shorter plants. Many studies have shown a strong often linear, relationship between the clearing of trees and an increase in total river flow and recharge to groundwater (George et al. 1997 in Ranieri 2004). In Indonesia, even though there has been no research yet, the bamboo plant suspected as potential plant to increase water debit in the river. People in Madina believe if the Bamboo grows well the water debit in the surrounded area will be increased. Therefore, a research about this myth is recommended to carry out in order to proof the fact. 20 Conservation International-Indonesia Economic Valuation Study of Batang Gadis Watershed Services 4.2.2 anagement P ractices on Water B alance Management Practices Balance IImpact mpact of Landscape M To be able to estimate the value of watershed services, it is important to have correct expectations of impacts of landscape management practices on the water balance. UN FAO (2002) in Tognetti, et al (2003) suggested categories of land use impacts on aquatic ecosystem and processes as follows: 1. Impacts of land use on the hydrological and sentiment-related processes: • Mean surface runoff • Peak flow/floods • Base flow/dry season flow • Groundwater recharge • Soil moisture recharge • Erosion and sediment load 2. Impacts of land use on water quality: • Nutrients and organic matters • Pathogens • Pesticides and other persistent organic pollutants • Salinity • Heavy metals • Changes in thermal regime Another review of the literature (Aylward 2002 in Tognetti, in 2003) generally confirms that land use change, especially the loss of forest cover, results in: increases in sediment yield as well as the flow of chemicals and nutrients; increases in water yield and peak flows; either increases or decreases in dry season base flow and also groundwater recharge, depending on the outcome of interactions among site specific processes that determine the net effect of changes in evapotranspiration and infiltration. Figure 8 below shows the linkages between hydrological function and land use change. Figur patial P atterning of Land U se Conv ersion: Linking E conomics, H ology cology to E iguree 8. SSpatial Patterning Use Conversion: Economics, Hyydr drology ology,, and E Ecology Evvaluate the E ffects on SStr tr eam E cosystems Effects tream Ecosystems Land Use Change agriculture suburban urban impervious surfaces Sediment regime Vegetation (channel resistance) Geomorphology Hydrology Peak flow Base flow Flow variability Water quality Light levels Riparian Vegetation Suspended sediments Nutrient regimes Ecology Species Diversity Nutrient consentration Nutrient uptake Stream metabolism OM dynamics Source: Palmer (2004) Conservation International-Indonesia 21 Particle size Channel form Bad mobility Economic Valuation Study of Batang Gadis Watershed Services The linkages between expected changes in the water balance and common points of interest that are regarded as watershed services is also described as follows: lo w Yield: Flo low 1) Total F Key parameters that affect Total Flow Yield are Actual Evapotranspiration and Precipitation. Actual Evapotranspiration is linked to the type of landscape vegetation, and the seasonal fluctuations of the energy and water budget in the system. Precipitation on a river catchment depends on continental scale factors but deposition volumes may be impacted at the local scale by interception or condensation of rain or cloud water by vegetation cover. Although associations between presence of forests and total rainfall at the local scale cannot be entirely ruled out, even if and when these exist, they are likely to be exceeded by increased evaporation from the vegetation in tropical climates. It is also possible that the presence of forests can have impact on regional climatic patterns and therefore on total rainfall at continental scales. 2) R egulation of SStr tr eam flo w: tream flow: Regulation Regulation of stream flow implies managing for dry season flow (base flow component of stream flow) or storm flow (runoff component of stream flow). Base flow and runoff also have linkages to actual evapotranspiration and precipitation. w: Watershed services play role in sustaining stream flows during the dry season, that is, eason F lo a. Dr y SSeason Flo low: prolonging the base flow. It is a period when water is scarce and is often the limiting factor for production to small-scale irrigators (who have limited hydraulic structures for water storage), and other users. A sustained dry season flow is also generally the key to managing the biological health of a stream. Base flow, which comes from shallow ground water storage, depends on the geomorphology and land use of the catchment. Therefore, land use management in aquifer recharge areas is the principal variable, which can be targeted so as to improve the recharge of the shallow aquifer that contributes to stream flow, while minimizing losses to evapotranspiration. b. Storm flo w: Storm flow (or storm runoff ) produces peaks in the stream that can result in flooding or flow: erode stream banks, and is dependant on rainfall intensity and duration, land use, and geomorphology of the catchment. In the case of Madina District, the catatrophic flood that occurred during the rainy season in November 2004, destroyed local facilities such as mosques, school buildings, bridges, houses, and irrigation system. The flood caused heavy sedimentation and destroyed the fertility of farming land especially for paddy fields. This was a several long-lasting negative impact for agriculture sector in the area. Figure 9 shows the impacts of this disaster. Foto: © CII/Diah Sulistiowati (2004) Figur mpacts of F lood in M adina D istrict (N ovember 2004) iguree 9. IImpacts Flood Madina District (No 22 Conservation International-Indonesia Economic Valuation Study of Batang Gadis Watershed Services ol: edimentation Contr uality and SSedimentation 3) Water Q Control: Quality The water quality constituent for stream impairment is sediment. Sedimentation or flooding problems caused by degradation in an upstream watershed may affect a country downstream. Batang Gadis NP plays an important role in sediment control and protection in the upstream areas because slopes with a 40-60% steepness dominating the terrain within Batang Gadis Watershed with an area of in 99,247.96 Ha (Forestry Office of Madina, 2004) this area has a high potential for erosion that could create sedimentation problems downstream in the lower Batang Gadis River. As the most important watershed in Madina, Batang Gadis Sub-Watershed should be protected. Erosion and sedimentation in Batang Gadis Sub-Watershed needs serious attention. According to the measurement in Erosion Level Risk (TBE), annual sedimentation in Batang Gadis watershed is 0.08 to 2,695 ton/ha/year, this compared to the Level 5 of TBE (heavy) with average Risk Erosion Index (IBE) of about 458.71 ton/ha/year (Forestry Office of Madina, 2004). This condition proves that conserving the Batang Gadis forests, which is the heart of the Batang Gadis watershed, is required. 4) P ersity and living aquatic rresour esour ces: Prrotection of biodiv biodiversity esources: Natural flow regimes are critical to the protection of biodiversity and living aquatic resources at the level of ecosystems, which are associated with landscape processes. Components of the flow regime are the natural patterns of variation in the quantity and timing of the flow of a river, including natural disturbances, which are associated with basin climate, geology, topography, soils and vegetation. For example, wetlands, riparian habitats, mangroves, and coastal zones, which also support many direct uses, may all rely on regular flood pulses and transport of normal sediment loads for their maintenance. There are some kinds of fish in Madina that have become main commodities. Most of these fishes live in freshwater ecosystem, such as ikan mas (carp / goldfish), ikan nila/sepat,iIkan jurung/mera (garfish), and ikan lele (freshwater catfish). The Fishery Office of Madina District has also developed cultivated aquatic resources. The local government has built a weir for irrigation system and it is has also help to cultivate fish in the river and swamp system created. In 2004, the fish harvest in the river, swamp, and irrigation system was 531.1 tons, and 730.8 ton from cultivation in the pond, Minapadi, and Keramba. The aquatic resources are not only enriching the biodiversity in Madina but also contributes for economic life in Madina. Figure 10 below shows the irrigation system in Batang Gadis watershed. Foto: © CII/ Lelyana Midora (2005) Figur rrigation SSystem ystem in B atang G adis Watershed iguree 10. IIrrigation Batang Gadis Conservation International-Indonesia 23 Economic Valuation Study of Batang Gadis Watershed Services ehabilitation egradation and R 4.2.3 Land D Rehabilitation Degradation According to Pagiola (1999) land degradation can cause problems at three levels: • At field level, land degradation can result in reduced productivity. • At the national level, land degradation can cause problems such as flooding and sedimentation. • At the global level, land degradation can contribute to climate change, and to damage to biodiversity and international waters. The forest vegetation in Batang Gadis National Park contributes to regulate water supply in some rivers in Madina. These rivers are linked to one another through the watershed system, which means that degradation happening in the Batang Gadis forest could impact other areas in the corridor as well. Based on satellite imagery, forest covers almost 93 % from total area of Batang Gadis National Park. The 93% forests within Batang Gadis National Park have to be conserved since it acts as a beneficial water regulator and suppler to the whole of Madina and its surrounding districts. The comparison between forest and other land uses is that the forests have to be larger than other land uses because it is balancing the hydrologic cycle through its vegetation. Detail of vegetation cover in Batang Gadis National Park can be seen on Table 9 below. k adis N ational P ar atang G Table 9. Composition of Vegetation Co Par ark National Batang Gadis Covver in B No. Vegetation Cover 1 2 3 4 5 6 Primary Dry Land Forest Secondary Dry Land Forest Dry Farming Land Mixed Dry Farming Land Shrubs Land Opened Land Total Size (Ha) 87,970.77 18,513.69 3,698.38 1,776.92 3,001.73 53.41 115,014.90 Source: Forestry Office of Madina District (2005) The Forestry Office of Madina District has been designing a program in forest rehabilitation and soil conservation namely RTKL (Rencana Teknik Konservasi Lahan) or Land Conservation Technical Plan. This is a conservation program that aims to improve the forest function as a controller of erosion, sedimentation, and flooding, and to also increasing watershed debit during the dry season, and develop a healthy, balanced environment. This program will address some recommendations for conservation treatment that should implemented through a one-year program. The recommendation itself is based on the data analysis including forest slope, rainfall intensity, rainfall density, erosion level, soil type, etc. Area to be addressed in this program is critical land (heavily degraded and open lands, formerly forested), which is vulnerable to soil erosion. This is shown by the Erosion Level Risk (TBE) that consists of average, heavy, and very heavy level TBE. Batang Gadis Sub-Watershed is considered as heavy level TBE, which means that forest rehabilitation and soil conservation is urgently needed to protect Madina from the floods and erosion. 24 Conservation International-Indonesia Economic Valuation Study of Batang Gadis Watershed Services 4.3 tance of B atang G adis Watersheds iodiversity importance Batang Gadis Biodiv ersity impor Natural flow regimes in watershed ecosystem, which are critical to the maintenance of biodiversity at the landscape ecosystem level, support a number of direct and indirect values. These include maintenance of critical habitats for both freshwater and marine fisheries and wildlife that may be important for both subsistence and commercial purposes, shoreline stabilization which can reduce coastal storm damage, recreational and aesthetic values important for ecotourism, and biodiversity, which is linked to direct uses and may justify provision of funding from external sources based on global benefits that cannot be captured locally. For the case of Batang Gadis, the watershed is very important in maintaining habitats for wildlife such as Sumatran tiger (Panthera tigris), marbled cat (Pardofelis marmorata), golden cat (Catopuma temmincki), Asian wild dog (Cuon alpinus), tapir (Tapirus indicus), sun bear (Helarctos malayanus), mountain goat (Naemorhedus sumatraensis), and sambar deer (Cervus unicolor), common barking deer (Muntiacus muntjac), five species of primates and two species of otter. Cattle farming such as buffalo, cows and other livestock are also dependent on the watershed system. Batang Gadis watershed as the longest watershed in Madina flowing and passing many villages where most of the people work as farmer and they utilize cow and buffalo to cultivate their farming land. Previous survey done by CI Indonesia in the Batang Gadis National Park found about 42 species of mammals, 247 bird species, 16 Dipterocarp, 168 Non Dipterocarp, and 1,500 species of endofitic microbe which are potential for medicine materials. It is believed that more species could be found in Batang Gadis National Park. CI Indonesia is currently observing the richness of biodiversity in Batang Gadis, particularly for Sumatran tiger using Camera Trapping Method. All these animals are dependent on water resources from watershed. Conservation International-Indonesia 25 Economic Valuation Study of Batang Gadis Watershed Services Chapter 5. Economic Value of Watershed SSer er vices ervices This chapter presents some key components and theories extracted from study literature, focusing on types of economic values provided by watershed services. This also included economic valuation techniques or approaches that can be used to estimate benefits from watershed services that can be applied for Batang Gadis National Park. Some estimates of economic values of watershed services in some national parks in Indonesia are also presented here for comparison. 5.1 Definition of E conomic Value Economic Economists contend that unreliable information regarding the value of services from tropical forest can partly cause the rapid disappearance of the world’s natural forest cover and therefore endanger the flow of useful goods and services. Mitigation of floods, droughts and soil erosion can be provided by protection of tropical forests and an examples of unpriced and undervalued life support services’ resulting from natural ecosystem functions (Freeman 1996 in Pattanayak 2004) that can serve as beneficial inputs to economic livelihoods in the tropics (Dixon 1997 in Pattanayak 2004). The mainstream environmental economics literature broadly classifies the benefits of environmental and natural alues and non-use vvalues alues. The use values are further classified resources into two major categories, namely, use vvalues ect use vvalues alues and indir ect use vvalues alues (Turner, et. al 1993). direct indirect into two categories namely, dir In the case of watersheds, direct use values include provision of freshwater for consumptive uses (drinking, agricultural and industrial) and non-consumptive uses (hydropower generation, cooling water and navigation). Apart from these direct use values, watersheds generate indirect use values such as erosion control, enhanced soil quality, and improved water yield, regulation of stream flows. It should be noted that the size and the composition of these two forms of values might differ among different watersheds. The scope of environmental benefits in the environmental economics literature expanded after the concept of option value, bequest value and existence value were introduced and are now important components of environmental benefits. Option vvalue alue refers to the amount that the individuals would be willing to pay for using a particular resource in future, in addition to the their expected consumer surplus (Smith 1987 in Venkatachalam 2000). Option value is equal to the premium that the individuals would be willing to pay to ensure the future availability of an amenity. Bequest vvalue alue refers to values of leaving uses and non-use values to future generation (an environmental legacy). Existence vvalue alue refers to individuals’ willingness to pay for the mere existence of a resource irrespective of their use - including the possible future use (Krutilla 1967 in Venkatachalam 2000). Figure 11 below shows the components of Total Economic Value of Watershed Ecosystem. 26 Conservation International-Indonesia Economic Valuation Study of Batang Gadis Watershed Services cosystem conomic Value of Watershed E Figur Ecosystem Economic iguree 11. Total E Total E conomic Value of Watershed E cosystem Economic Ecosystem USE VALUES NON USE-VALUES se Value: irect Use Dir ect U Outputs/services that can be consumed directly Indir ect U se Value: ndirect Use Functional benefits enjoyed indirectly O ption Value: Future direct and indirect Use Bequest Value: Use and Non-use value of environmental legacy Existence Value: Value from knowledge of continued existence Examples: Timber, fuel wood, non-timber forest products (rattan, nuts, resin, etc), agricultural production, recreation, tourism, water supply Examples: Flood control, absorption of waste, recycling nutrients, protecting soil quality, erosion resistance, carbon fixing, climate regulation Examples: Biodiversity, conserved habitat Examples: Habitats, species, climate regulation, ‘way of life’ connected to traditional use Examples: Habitats, genetic pool, source of scientific data, habitat for flora and fauna Source: adopted from Pearce, (1995) Total Economic Value will be then calculated by sum up all use and non-use value of selected goods and services produced in the Batang Gadis watershed ecosystem as follows. Total Economic Value = Use Value + Non Use Value TEV = (DUV + IUV + OV) + (BV + EV) Where: TEV DUV IUV OV BV EV = Total Economic Value = Direct Use Value = Indirect Use Value = Options Value = Bequest Value = Existence Value Conservation International-Indonesia 27 Economic Valuation Study of Batang Gadis Watershed Services It is also important to note that the “value” of watershed ecosystem services depends on stakeholder confidence in access to benefits, without which they cannot properly be considered “services”. Ecosystem processes cannot be considered “services” unless they also have economic significance, directly or indirectly, which also implies actual access to benefits (Tognetti, et al 2003). The challenge for the environmental economist now is how to value the benefits discussed above, in monetary terms. In the case of marketed goods and services, the economic value is reflected through the market price determined mainly by the demand and supply of the goods and services concerned. However, many of the environmental goods and services are either “non-marketed” in nature or traded in imperfect markets and therefore, their true opportunity cost has to be estimated properly for efficient resource allocation (Barbier 1998). Barbier (1998) also argued that neglecting the importance of non-market values would result in depletion, degradation and overexploitation of the environmental resources and eventually lead to loss of social welfare since these resources form the basis for the basic livelihood of a considerable number of households in developing countries. This has larger implications for the re-distribution of income as well. This is one of the major reasons why economic valuation of environmental resources assumes paramount importance especially in developing countries. 5.2 Economic Valuation Techniques The extensive literature on economic valuation techniques – classified into revealed preference and stated preference methods “ that are being applied in the area of non-market economic valuation (Bateman 1993) suggests that using different methods for a specific environmental good/service would lead to different kinds of answers consequently leading to the central question of which is the true economic value. The implication is that the economic values derived from different valuation techniques lack precision (Turner 1993), even though considerable amount of progress has been made and is being made to improve the sophistication of the economic valuation techniques in estimating the non-market values of environmental resources. 1. R ev ealed pr efer ence methods Rev evealed prefer eference The revealed preference methods basically rely on the information about the individual preferences for the environmental and natural resources that are revealed either through direct market or through surrogate markets. Some of the important revealed preference methods are (Bateman 1993): (a) Trav el cost method: ravel The travel cost method is a revealed preference method by which the consumer’s preferences for environmental amenities are estimated on the basis of the travel cost incurred in relation to enjoying the benefit of a natural resource. This method, though widely used for valuing the improved amenities of national parks, could be used to estimate the opportunity cost of time spent on collecting fuel wood and fodder in the watershed areas and this value would be used as a lower-bound value of benefits/costs of change in the watershed management. (b) Hedonic pricing method: The hedonic pricing approach is based on the assumption that the environmental factors are attributes of goods or factors of production that are traded in the market. Based on this assumption, the improvement in economic benefits of say, improved watersheds, could be captured through the market prices of the related goods. 28 Conservation International-Indonesia Economic Valuation Study of Batang Gadis Watershed Services 2. (a) Production function appr oach approach The production function approach, another variant of revealed preference method, basically establishes a relationship between the environmental input and resulting output and then utilizes the (current) market price of the output to value the environmental input (Markandya 1998). More precisely, estimating the economic value of change in the environmental resource input is to quantify the change in the output due to change in the input of environmental resource while other priced inputs remain the same, and multiply this change in output with the market price of that output (Maler 1991 in Venkatachalam 2000). This approach is valid only if the change in the input of environmental resource is such that it cannot allow the entire production function to alter. (b) Defensiv efensivee expenditur expendituree method: The defensive expenditure method or averting behavior approach is a simple valuation technique used mainly for estimating economic value of environmental damage costs (Hueting 1990 in Venkatachalam 2000). This method basically looks at the amount of expenditure required for either averting a particular environmental damage or restoring a damage that has already taken place and treat that level of cost as the damage cost. Nowadays, this method is being widely used in developing countries to estimate the economic damages at the macro-level. One of the problems with this method is that since it is only a cost based method, the estimated value could be used only as a lower-bound value. Stated pr efer ence methods prefer eference In the case of stated preference method, the Contingent Valuation Method (CVM) is the one, which is being widely used for estimating the non-market economic values of natural resources. The contingent valuation method, according to Portney (1994), is an economic valuation method that utilizes sample surveys or questionnaires to elicit the respondents’ willingness to pay for hypothetical projects or programs. The value elicited through this method is dependent on the nature of the hypothetical or simulated market conveyed to the respondents. Using Willingness To Pay (WTP) for the tangible aspects of watershed services is sufficient to justify the added cost of conservation actions when they are compared with opportunity costs of foregone land uses. These refer to services that have more direct use values, that are more likely to motivate local action and that can be somehow captured in market transactions. Examples would include water for direct consumption of water, flows needed to support ecotourism and recreational uses, differences in property values that can be attributed to aesthetics or, insurance against potential damages. Finally, valuation of watershed services ultimately implies the consideration of trade-offs among multiple uses, interests and objectives, so as to inform a process of conflict resolution and negotiation among stakeholders regarding land use options. It provides stakeholders with an opportunity to reconsider their values and priorities in light of new information and to reconcile conflicting objectives. This study also considers watershed services as producer goods, the values of watershed services are calculated in terms of increases in user incomes or savings (for households, industries and agricultural sector). In the case of Batang Gadis watersheds, water is one of the most important services perceived by the people in Madina District. Interviews with people in some villages in Madina District regarding National Park status discovered that most of people recognize the importance of the park for ensuring the sustainability of water supply. Most of water resources used by local for agriculture activities and domestic needs (such for drinking, washing, and cooking) come from springs and rivers in the watershed area. Meanwhile, less tangible values, such as those associated with non-use values of biodiversity, tend to rely on policy measures and on external funding sources, e.g., NGOs, governments and multilateral donors. Watershed functions may also benefit from complementary values, such as maintenance of existing forested areas for purposes of carbon storage. Conservation International-Indonesia 29 Economic Valuation Study of Batang Gadis Watershed Services 5.3 Assessing the E er vices U sing B enefit Transfer conomic Values of Watershed SSer ervices Using Benefit Economic Techniques Under certain conditions, value estimates for ecosystem goods and services in one location or setting can be used to estimate value in other location or setting. This approach is called benefit transfer. The validity of the benefit transfer approach depends on the quality of the original estimation and how closely the valued good and valuation setting match the new setting (Boyle and Bergstor, 1992 in Krieger, 2001). Benefits transfer is widely used approach because it is relatively easy and inexpensive to apply. As an example, Table 10 below shows estimation of tropical forest ecosystem values cosystem Value Table 10. Estimates of F or est E For orest Ecosystem Ecosystem good or services Market nature of servicea Climate regulation Disturbance regulation NM NM Water regulation Water supply NM M, NM Erosion control and sediment retention Soil formation NM NM Nutrient cycling Waste treatment NM NM Biological control Food production NM M Raw materials Genetic resources M M, NM Recreation Cultural M, NM NM TOTAL Global values ($/acre)b 90.2 2.0 2.4 3.2 99.1 4.0 373.1 35.2 n.a 12.9 127.5 16.6 45.3 0.8 812.2 Note: a b “NM” denotes a good and service that is primarily non-market in nature. “M” denotes a primarily market good or service. “M, NM” denotes a good and service that has significant market and non market characteristics Calculated from the $/hectare estimates of Constanza et al. (1997) based on conversion factor of 2.471 acres/hectare. All values are in US. 1994 dollars. Source: Adopted from Krieger, 2001. As for the case of Indonesia, Table 11 below shows economic values of some selected functions of watershed in different study sites. 30 Conservation International-Indonesia Economic Valuation Study of Batang Gadis Watershed Services ational P ar kE cosystem Value IIndonesia ndonesia National Par ark Ecosystem Table 11. Estimates of N Functions Source of Value Estimates Economic Valuation Techniques Research Site Size of the Site Total Economic Value Tourism Wiratno, Virza S, Harry, (2003) CVM (WTP) – travel expenditure Gunung Gede Pangrango National Park 15,000 ha Rp 1.76 billion/year Water Regulation(for irrigated agriculture and households consumption) Wiratno, Virza S, Harry, (2003) Productivity approach and benefit transfer Gunung Gede Pangrango National Park 15,000 ha Rp 2.95 billion/year Tourism Achmad Rahardjo (2001) Travel Cost Methods and Contingent Valuation Methods (WTP) Tawangmangu Forest Park 64.30 ha US$ 7.51 million/year Tourism Widada (2002) Travel Cost Methods and Contingent Valuation Methods (WTP) Gunung Halimun National Park 40,000 ha Rp 1.2 billion/year Water Supply Widada (2002) Travel Cost Methods and Productivity Approach Gunung Halimun National Park 40,000 ha Rp 5.2 billion/year Carbon Storage Widada (2002) Benefit Transfer Gunung Halimun National Park 40,000 ha Rp 429.8 billion/year Ecological Function Effendi, et al (2001) Assumptions Kerinci Seblat National Park 27 ha Rp. 955.8 billion/year Biodiversity Effendi, et al (2001) Assumptions Kerinci Seblat National Park 27 ha Rp. 477.9 billion/year Water Supply Pieter J.H van Beukering, et al (2002) Empirical Assumptions Leuser National Park 792,695 ha US $ 699 million/year Tourism Pieter J.H van Beukering, et al (2002) Contingent Valuation Methods (WTP) Leuser National Park 792,695 ha US$ 171 million/ year Hydro-power Pieter J.H van Beukering, et al (2002) Empirical Assumptions Leuser National Park 792,695 ha US$ 252 million/year Reduce Sedimentation Emily Fripp, et al (2002) Hedonic Pricing Method Manapeu-Tanadaru National Park 87,984 ha Rp. 415 million/year Protection of watershed and water quality Emily Fripp, et al (2002) Assumptions Manapeu-Tanadaru 87,984 ha National Park Rp. 2,992 million Protection of fresh fish habitat Emily Fripp, et al (2002) Assumptions Manapeu-Tanadaru 87,984 ha National Park Rp 107 million Conservation International-Indonesia 31 Economic Valuation Study of Batang Gadis Watershed Services 5.4 N et P (NPV)) Net Prresent Value (NPV Natural resource use and management involves decision making over time. Net Present Value is used in economic valuation study to estimate the value in the future since economic analysis tends to assume that a given unit of benefit or cost matters more if it is experienced now than if it occurs in the future. The lowering of the importance that is attached to gains and losses in the future is known as discounting. Many environmentalists, and some economists, regard discounting as immoral simply because it does appear to be inconsistent with the ideas of conservation and sustainability because the higher the discount rate the lower the importance attached to the future, and hence the less likely we are to honor the idea of conserving the natural capital stock. Yet discounting turns out to be an everyday occurrence. We therefore need to understand its basis (Pearce 1990). One of the main purposes of obtaining the economic value of Batang Gadis watershed ecosystem and using cost benefit analysis (CBA) is to get some numbers on the table for policy discussions. This analysis is used to compare and finally decide which projects or options (in this case conservation vs. other land use option) that give higher rate of return than the alternative. According to Curry, et al (2000) the total costs and benefits of a project can be added up over the full project life; however, this would assume that all resources used up or generated in different years are valued equally so that the investment resources committed in the first year are of equal value to the benefits generated in the 20th year, for example. Conventionally, resources used up or generated in earlier years are valued more highly than resources in later years. The process of discounting applies a weight to the resources in different years to convert them to a common basis. Usually, the base year to which they are related is the period in which the investment decision is being made, denoted year 0, at the beginning of the project statement. The weight applied in different years is known as the discount factor, and it depends upon a chosen rate of discount, which measures the fall in value of net benefits over time. If the same levels of costs incurred in two years will be given a lower value relative to the same costs in the first year. This lower value can be specified by multiplying the second year’s costs by a factor of the following form: Discount factor = 1/ (1 + r) Where r is the rate of discount expressed in decimals The costs and benefits of a project can be weighted to give an equivalent value in the base year. Costs and benefits in subsequent years are weighted by the discount factor relevant to each year, where: General discount factor = 1/ (1 + r) t And it is the number of years after year 0 The discounted net benefits are smaller in later years and for a higher rate of discount. This follows from the character of the general discount factor. The discount rate has only to be moderately high, say 15 per cent, for the discount factor to become very small after a few years, and hence for discounted costs and benefits to be reduces to a negligible value. When discounting is applied so that all resources are valued relative to year 0, the re-valued resources are called present values Net pr esent vvalue alue is a valuation method based on discounted cash flows. NPV is calculated by discounting of a present series of future cash flows, and summing the discounted amounts and the initial investment (a negative amount). Net Present Value can thus be calculated by the following formula, where t is the amount of time (usually in years) that cash has been invested in the project, N the total length of the project (in this case, five years), i the weighted average cost of capital and C the cash flow at that point in time. N NPV = Ct / (1+ i) t – Initial Investment t=0 32 Conservation International-Indonesia Economic Valuation Study of Batang Gadis Watershed Services Chapter 6. Economic Valuation of Watershed B enefits Benefits As mentioned in the methodology, this study only estimated the environmental benefits derived from the ‘use value’ of watersheds. Use value of watershed is divided into direct use (outputs directly consumable) and indirect use (functional benefits). Direct use included water regulation and supply and indirect use included flood control, and erosion resistant. 6.1 egulation and SSupply upply ect U se of Watershed SSer er vices: Water R Dir ervices: Regulation irect Use 6.1.1 Value of Water F or H ouseholds For Households ouseholds’’ Consumption Most of the world’s drinking water comes from surface waters (rivers, lakes, or artificially constructed reservoirs) or from underground aquifers (IUCN 2004). The study found out that most of households in Madina District directly depend on water springs located in nearby mountain to meet their domestic water needs such as for drinking, washing, cooking, and many other uses. Different village has different source of water, depending on the distance from the village to the source of water available. People living close to the mountain transport water from the hill to their villages using long pipelines directly linked to the housings. Other people living further from the mountain use water resource from the closest source, such as river, artesian wells. Bamboo is also commonly used to transport water from the sources to the villages. Activities such as washing and bathing are done in the rivers, so it is difficult to estimate water consumption for these specific needs. To provide an estimation of the value of water for households’ consumption, we divided the households into: 1. Primary beneficiary communities: communities that fully depend on Batang Gadis NP as water sources. 2. Secondary beneficiary communities: communities that partly depend on Batang Gadis NP as water sources. Table 12. N umber of people dependent on water supply fr om watersheds within the Number from G adis N ational P ar k Gadis National Par ark boundar atang boundaryy of B Batang No of villages No of people No of households 71 54,926 11,814 Water spring in the watershed/ sub watershed Secondary beneficiary communities 264 314,765 68,398 Watersheds/sub watershed TOTAL 335 369,691 80,212 Type of beneficiary communities Primary beneficiary communities Access to clean water Note: Based on the available data, the average number of people in one household in Madina District is above is 5 people per household. Conservation International-Indonesia 33 Economic Valuation Study of Batang Gadis Watershed Services Table 13a Below shows variables to estimate households’ water consumption in Madina District. Table 13a. Variables to estimate household water consumption Variable Data Unit Source of Data Liter/day/person Ministry of Internal Affairs Instruction No. 8 Year 1998 300 Liter/day/household Ministry of Internal Affairs Instruction No. 8 Year 1998 Total water consumed by primary beneficiaries 1,293,633,000 Liter/year/household Calculation Total water consumed by secondary beneficiaries 7,489,581,000 Liter/year/household Calculation Total water consumed per year 8,783,214,000 Liter/year/household Calculation Rp/m3 Rp/liter Based on PDAM data (2003): clean water distributed in Madina District was 191,000 m3 with the value of Rp. 153,124,000. Average of water consumption per person per day 60 Average of water consumption per household per day Water price 802 0.8 Using these estimates, we then calculated the economic value of water resources for households’ consumption in Madina District as shown on Table 13b. Table 13b conomic vvaluation aluation of water rresour esour ces for household 13b.. E Economic esources household’’s consumption Figure Water demand Calculation Result Average of water consumption per day/household x number of household x 365 days Water price 8,783,214,000 litre 0.8 Rp/ litre Value of water Water demand x water price 7,026,571,200 Rp/year NPV Over 25 years, 10% discount rates, constant price 63,780,467,873 Rp/year The economic value of watershed services in supplying water for domestic consumptions (such as cooking, washing, taking a bath, drinking, etc) is about Rp 7 billion per year or the net present value is about Rp 63 billion over 25 years (at discount rate as 10%). This number could possibly be higher since the quantity of water for households’ consumption in Madina District is predicted to be more than what officially estimated by the government. 6.1.2 or Agricultur For Agriculturee Value of Water F Based on survey with local community in the boundary of the national park, it is noted that the farmers use water from the watersheds to irrigate their land. Watersheds provide water supply to agriculture system in Madina District. Farming areas especially the ones located in the border of river bodies depend on water supply from watershed system in Batang Gadis. At present, farmers distribute water from the river streams to their agricultural land by using bamboo pipelines. This method, namely “village irrigation” is widely used for irrigation system in Mandailing Natal. As a result of continuous water supply from surrounding watersheds, most of farmers plant paddy in two seasons. Table 14 presents type of irrigation and agriculture systems in Madina District. 34 Conservation International-Indonesia Economic Valuation Study of Batang Gadis Watershed Services Table 14. Types of land use systems in M adina D istrict Madina District No. 1 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 2 a. 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 2.9 b. 2.1 2.11 2.12 Land Use In One year (Ha) Two seasons cultivated One season cultivated Paddy F ield Field Technical Irrigation Partly Technical Irrigation Basic Irrigation Village Irrigation/Non PU Rainfall Tide Lebak Polder and other fields Total Non P addy F ield Paddy Field Dr y Land Yard land Dry Land Cultivation/garden Unirrigated agriculture field/Huma Savanna Non cultivated Social Forest National Forest Plantation (crops) Others Others Swamp Fishpond/embankment Pond/tebat/dam 1,240 1,744 4,152 8,730 299 16,165 29 2,467 791 3,287 Total 1,240 1,744 4,152 8,759 2,766 791 19,452 15,738 17,346 4,562 3,112 21,344 41,551 353,616 61,842 72,769 50,003 743 Total Ar ea of M adina Area Madina 662,070 642,617 Source: Agriculture Office, Madina (2004) According to the GIS analysis, farming land located within Batang Gadis NP boundary is about 5,475 ha (consist of 3,698 ha of dry land farming and 1,777 ha of mixed dry land farming), covering only 5% of total park area. Total farming land located outside the park is 19,452 ha. Total farming land in Madina District is around 24,927 ha or covering only 4% of total district. Irrigated farm land both within the park and outside the park is 21,370 ha. Table 16a below presents some data on water resources used for agriculture. Conservation International-Indonesia 35 Economic Valuation Study of Batang Gadis Watershed Services Table 15. Variables to estimate water vvalue alue for agricultur agriculturee Variable Water requirement for paddy field Irrigated area of paddy field Cost of providing water Data Units 125,000 21,370 0.48 Source of Data m3/ha/season Dumairy (1992), Widarti (1995), Wiratno (2003) predicted that water requirement for paddy field is 125,000 m3/hectares/season ha Irrigated Farming land outside the park (15,895 ha)+ Farming land within the NP (5,475 ha) Rp/m3 Widarti (1995), Wiratno (2003) predicted Rp 0.27m3 in 1999. Taking 10% growth in expenditure 10% per year, the water price would be Rp 0.48/m3 Table 15a. Water R equir ement for P addies F ield Requir equirement Paddies Field Variable Data Units Water requirement for paddy field 125,000 m3/ha/season One season cultivation 29 Ha Two seasons cultivation 21,370 Ha Cost of providing water 0.48 Rp/m3 Note: Assumed that farming land inside the national park (5,475 ha) using two seasons cultivation system. conomic Valuation of Water for Agricultur 15b.. E Economic Agriculturee Table 15b Figure Calculation Result Annual Water Demand Area of paddy field x season (s) x water requirement (21,370 x 2 x 125,000) + (29 x 1 x 125,000) 5,346,125,000 m3 Annual value of water Water demand x water price (5,346,125,000 x 0,48) 2,566,140,000 Rp/year NPV (10%) Over 25 years, constant price 23,292,955,472Rp From the calculation the water value for agriculture is Rp. 2.6 billion per year or the net present value is about Rp 23.3 billion over 25 years (at discount rate as 10%). This number could possibly be higher since this study only calculated water value for irrigated paddy field. Production of other crops would produce other benefits that are not valued here. 36 Conservation International-Indonesia Economic Valuation Study of Batang Gadis Watershed Services 6.1.3 Value of Water F or F isher For Fisher isheryy To estimate the value of water for fishery, we used Hedonic Pricing Method, based on the assumption that the environmental factors are attributes of goods that are traded in the market. Based on this assumption, the benefits due to improvement in economic benefits of improved watersheds could be captured through the market prices of the related goods, in this case fishery products. There is a unique traditional fishery system in Madina District called “Lubuk Larangan”. Lubuk Larangan is a traditional system where local people are not allowed to catch fishes from the river for some period of time. They believe that doing this, the sustainability of fishery resources can be maintained and that over fishing can be avoided. Areas for Lubuk Larangan system are marked with wires. After some period, the chief of village will legally open this area for fishing. Local people also agree that they should pay certain amount of money to catch and sell the fishes to the market. Unfortunately, there is no data yet on total catch and income from this fishery system over the years. Therefore calculating the value of watershed benefit service in fishery sector, this study used an approach from the fishery production data in 2004 provided by the Fishery Office of Madina District as presented on Table 16 below. Table 16. F isher adina D istrict in 2004 Fisher isheryy P Prroduction of M Madina District Sources Quarter I Quarter II Quarter III Quarter IV Total ultivation Cultiv ation ((T Ton) ((T Ton) ((T Ton) ((T Ton) ( Ton) Pond Minapadi Keramba General Waters River Swamp Irrigation channel Sea Catch 105.6 30.3 19.5 99.5 33.6 18.4 158.4 42.1 32.6 105.3 56.2 29.3 468.8 162.2 99.8 99 59 1.6 3,635 58.2 52 1.9 3,204 54.6 65 1.8 3,768 98 39 1 3,922.90 309.8 215 6.3 14,530 Source: Fishery Office of Madina District,(2004) From this table, it is obvious that fishery sources that heavily depend on watershed service include pond, minapadi, keramba (basket put in the river), river, swamp and irrigation channel. From these sources, total fishery production in 2004 was 1,261.9 ton. Using official average fish price from Trading and Industry Office of Madina District (July 2005) for freshwater category – i.e. ikan mas (golden fish), ikan lele (freshwater catfish), ikan nila/sepat and ikan jurung/mera- also applied in this study was Rp 8,500 per kg as the lowest average of fish price. Table 17a. Variables to estimate water vvalue alue for fisher fisheryy Variable Data Total Fishery Production per year 1,261,900 Fish Price Annual revenue from fishery Units 8,500 Total fishery production per year x fish price 1,261,900 x 8,500 = 10,726,150,000 Conservation International-Indonesia 37 Source of Data kilograms Fishery Office of Madina District (2004) Rp/kilogram Trading and Industry Office of Madina District (2005) Rp/year Calculation Economic Valuation Study of Batang Gadis Watershed Services Table 17b conomic Valuation of Water for F isher 17b.. E Economic Fisher isheryy Figure Calculation Results Annual Revenue from Fishery Total fishery production per year x fish price 1,261,900 x 8,500 10,726,150,000 Rp/ year NPV Over 25 years, 10% discount rates, constant price 97,361,692,792 billion Rp 6.1.4 Total D ir ect E conomic Value of Water SSupply upply and R egulation fr om B atang G adis N ational P ar k Dir irect Economic Regulation from Batang Gadis National Par ark The results from calculation above can be summarized on Table 19 below. Table 18. SSummar ummar ect economic vvalue alue of water supply and rregulation egulation fr om B atang G adis N ational ummaryy of total dir direct from Batang Gadis National k ark Par No. Functions Total Value Per Year (Rp/year) Total Value/ha (Rp/ha)* Users 1. Water for households’ consumption 7 billion 64,814 People in Madina District, government 2. Water for irrigated agriculture 2.6 billion 24,074 Farmers in Madina District, government 3. Water for fishery 10 billion 92,592 Fisherman in Madina District, government TOTAL 19.6 billion 181,481 Note: * total value per ha was obtained by dividing total value per year with the size of Batang Gadis National Park. Based on the calculation above, the total values associated with water resources from Batang Gadis National Park are in the range of 19.6 billion rupiah per year or the net present value is about Rp 184 billion over 25 years (at discount rate as 10%). 6.2 er vices: F lood, Landslide and E ol Indir ect U se of Watershed SSer Use ervices: Flood, Errosion Contr Control ndirect For the purpose of this study, the indirect use of watershed services will be limited on ecological functions of watersheds for flood, landslide, and erosion control. These three components are considered to be related to each other and in this study they are integrated to one function, namely flood control. Soil erosion can be defined as a process of soil detachment and movement by mass flows of air or water (i.e. flood). In the latter case, raindrop impacts that overcome the coherence of aggregates at the soil surface are the main cause of detachment (Ranieri, et al., 2004). 38 Conservation International-Indonesia Economic Valuation Study of Batang Gadis Watershed Services As mentioned in previous chapter, with more than 70% of the areas dominated by highlands and mountains, the 40-60% land slope covers 46,400 ha of the district, and also considering the characteristic of soil type related to land use, and high rainfall, Madina District is considerably vulnerable from flood, erosion and landslides. Therefore, good forest condition in Batang Gadis National Park plays important role in preventing natural disaster caused by landslide, erosion and flood. To estimate the indirect value of watershed services in terms of preventing flood, lands slide and erosion, the defensive expenditure method or averting behavior approach is used in this study. This method is a simple valuation technique used mainly for estimating economic value of environmental damage costs (Hueting 1990 in Venkatachalam 2000). This method basically looks at the amount of expenditure required for either averting a particular environmental damage or restoring a damage that has already taken place and treat that level of cost as the damage cost. Given that floods are often followed by landslide and erosion, for the purpose of this study the damage cost caused by flood also assumed to include the damage cost by landslide and erosion. To give example of damage cost caused by flood in Sumatra, WALHI (2003) has presented the following data based on flooding that occurred in Riau, Sumatra as shown on Table 19 below. umatra ((JJanuar trait of damage cost caused bbyy flood in Riau, SSumatra Table 19. P or anuaryy, 2003) Por ortrait No Type of impact 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Paddy Field Corn field (Ha) Chili field (Ha) Fish Pond (unit) Keramba (unit) Chicken Goat Cow House Road (km) Bridge (unit) School building (unit) Public Health Clinic (unit) Religious building (unit) Harbor (unit) Number of damage (ha)/unit 5,104 195.5 66 350 479 80,000 332 107 5,993 62 63 74 5 77 7 Total Cost (Rp million) Cost per ha/unit (Rp million) 23,000 513.19 239.25 175 359.25 1,000 166 200 90,000 7,700 393.75 2,200 50 770 7 4,51 2.63 3.63 0.50 0.75 0.01 0.50 1.87 15.0 124 6.25 29.7 10 10 1 Note: This Figure has not included the multiplier effect Source: WALHI Riau (2003) As mentioned on previous chapter, during a rainy season in November 2004, there was big rain caused terrible flood occurred in Madina District that destroyed local facilities (bridges, houses, school buildings, etc). Unfortunately, the damage caused by this disaster is not well documented. Interview with local authority and community has revealed some data on impacts of that flood as presenting from Table 21a.below. Conservation International-Indonesia 39 Economic Valuation Study of Batang Gadis Watershed Services Table 20. IImpacts mpacts of flood in M adina D istrict (N ovember 2004) Madina District (No No Types of infrastructure Impacts Total Damage (unit or km) A 1 2 3 4 Building Bridge House House School Washed away Washed away Affected Washed away 2 2 12 1 B 1 2 3 Land Paddy field Other crops Road Washed away Washed away Damaged Unknown Unknown Unknown Source: Interview with local authority and local community Based on these very rough data, we attempted to estimate the damage cost by using some assumption and data of damage cost per unit generated by WALHI (2003). Table 21a. below shows some variables to estimate damage cost caused by flood in Madina District. Table 21a. Variables to estimate damage cost caused bbyy flood in M adina D istrict Madina District Variable Data Units Source of Data Total bridges damaged 2 unit Interview with local community/authority Total houses damaged 14 unit Interview with local community/authority Total schools damaged 1 unit Interview with local community/authority Total paddy field damaged Total other crops damaged Total road damaged Damage cost of bridge 5 % x total paddy field 5% x 24,927 = 1,246.35 ha Assuming that only 5% of total paddy field was affected by flood 5% x total other crops 5% x 61,842 = 3,092.1 ha Assuming that only 5% of total other crops was affected by flood 5% x length of road 5% x 1,495 = 74.75 74.75 Assuming that only 5% of total road was affected by flood 6.25 million Rp/unit WALHI (2003) Damage cost of houses 15 million Rp/unit WALHI (2003) Damage cost of schools 29.7 million Rp/unit WALHI (2003) Damage cost of paddy field 4.51 million Rp/ha WALHI (2003) Damage cost of other crops 3.13 million Rp/ha Average damage cost of corn and chili field from WALHI (2003) million Rp/km WALHI (2003) Damage cost of road 124 Note: It is assumed that there is no difference in term of damage cost for all damage conditions (washed away, damaged or affected). 40 Conservation International-Indonesia Economic Valuation Study of Batang Gadis Watershed Services Based on variables above, the economic value of environmental damage costs caused by flood is presenting on Table 21b. below. Table 21b conomic vvaluation aluation of damage cost caused bbyy flood in M adina 21b.. E Economic Madina Figure Calculation Results Total damage cost of bridges 2 unit x 6.25 million Rp/unit 12.5 million Rp Total damage cost of houses 14 unit x 15 million Rp/unit 210 million Rp Total damage cost of schools 1 unit x 29.7 million Rp/unit 29.7 million Rp Total damage cost of paddy field 1,246.35 ha x 4.51 million Rp/ha 5.6 billion Rp Total damage cost of other crops 3,092.10 ha x 3.13 million Rp/ha 9.6 billion Rp Total damage cost of road 74.75 km x 124 million Rp/km 9.2 billion Rp Total damage cost of infrastructure and land NPV 24.8 billion Rp Over 25 years, 10% discount rates, constant price 225 billion Rp From the results above, it is estimated that indirect value of watershed services in terms of preventing flood, lands slide and erosion that are generated from particular environmental damage that has already taken place (damage cost) is about Rp 24.8 billion or the net present value is about Rp 225 billion over 25 years (at discount rate as 10%). This number is just based on the amount of expenditure required for restoring a damage that has already taken place and treats that level of cost as the damage cost. Therefore, this number is considerably lower than the real economic value of ecological functions of watersheds for flood, landslide, and erosion control. Conservation International-Indonesia 41 Economic Valuation Study of Batang Gadis Watershed Services Chapter 7. Incentiv echanism for Watershed SSer er vices ncentivee M Mechanism ervices Watershed services provided by Batang Gadis National Park mostly benefit external stakeholders (in this case the downstream communities) and there is no market or institutional conditions that allow the local people living in and surrounding the national park area to benefit from such environmental services. Therefore, there are no (if not very little) economic incentives from local community to protect the area, especially when economic incentive to exploits the natural resources exist (e.g. commercial plantation, logging, mining, etc). This chapter tries to identify types of incentive mechanisms that can possibly be used to provide the benefits to people living in and surrounding the national park so they will have tangible incentives to conserve the forest. This chapter also presents and reviews some incentive mechanisms that have been planned or performed in some other areas in Indonesia such as West Lombok, Singkarak Lake, Mt. Gede Pangrango, Mt. Halimun, etc. 7.1 The O bjectiv es of IIncentiv ncentiv echanism Objectiv bjectives ncentivee M Mechanism The fundamental problem in conservation is that more people earn greater immediate benefits from exploiting natural resources than they do from conserving them. To the extent that resource exploitation is governed by the perceived self-interest of various individuals or groups, behavior affecting maintenance of biological diversity can best be changed by providing new approaches to conservation which alter people’s perceptions of what behavior is in their self-interest. Since self-interest today is defined primarily in economic terms, conservation needs to be promoted through the means of economic incentives (McNeely, 1988). In other words, local people will support conservation effort if the benefits to them outweigh the costs of conservation to thenm personally. What follows are several observations that support the basic idea of providing incentives for the people live in and surrounding the protected area: • Increases in threats, especially from extractive activities (e.g. logging, mining, large scale plantation, etc) provide more tangible benefits in short run compared to ecological benefits provided by watersheds. • Social and environmental benefits of conserving natural resources are often intangible, widely spread, and not fully reflected in market prices. The environmental benefits provided by protected area are mostly enjoyed by external stakeholders, who may be downstream users of water, and in the case of carbon storage, humanity as a whole. • Despite attempts to establish market mechanisms that place financial value on environmental services, most environmental goods such as clean air, fresh water and biodiversity remain principally public goods – and often international public goods. In most cases, there is no market mechanism to provide benefits to the local people who maintain these goods. • Governments seldom have sufficient capital or labor to manage the protected area in an optimum way. Therefore, additional innovative funding mechanism for supporting incentives including charging of entry fees to protected areas, implementing water use charges for the water produced by protected areas and seeking support from international conservation organization, etc are needed. A major objective of using incentives mechanism is to smooth the uneven distribution of the costs and benefits of conserving natural resources. They improve the status quo by rewarding the local people who assume externalities through which the larger public benefits. In correcting market failures, incentives provide a policy tool for overcoming the major constraints to conservation activities such as reforestation and protected areas management. This incentive for conservation is intended to incite or motivate governments, local people and international organization to conserve biological biodiversity (McNeely, 1988). In other words, an incentive is a specific inducement designed and implemented to influence government bodies, business, non-governmental organization, or local people to conserve biological diversity or to use its component in a sustainable manner. Incentive measures usually take the form of a new policy, law or economic or social program’ (UNEP/CBD/ COP/3/24 in EU 42 Conservation International-Indonesia Economic Valuation Study of Batang Gadis Watershed Services Forest conservation by local people in Batang Gadis National Park benefits people in Madina District by providing hydrological services and potential ecotourism revenue. It also benefits the planet by providing carbon fixation and by preserving biodiversity. Therefore, a mechanism should exist that allows national and international beneficiaries to compensate local people for the benefits they safeguard. The purposes of such an incentive mechanism for people living in and surrounding Batang Gadis National Park can be described as follows: • to maintain continuous support from communities adjacent to protected area to develop conservation friendly activities (including promotion of sustainable utilization of forest resources, improve management of the protected area, etc); • to insure delivery of watershed services; • to create a steady flow of funding for management of the park to ensure the conservation effectiveness 7.1 Type of B enefits fr om Watershed SSer er vices Benefits from ervices McNeely (1988) suggested that water resources development could often provide effective incentives for conserving biodiversity. By identifying types of benefits provided by watershed services, a water services payment mechanism can be designed. Watershed services are products of ecosystem functions or processes that provide direct and indirect streams of benefits to humans. Watershed services encompass soil protection and regulation of water flows. Therefore, conservation of a dense vegetation cover is needed in the upper parts of a watershed to avoid erosion and sedimentation, as well as to store water from rains and to regulate its flow to the lower parts of watershed, limiting the incidence of extreme droughts and floods. According to Tognetti, (2003), services that are provided by watershed processes associated with: • Total water yield • Maintenance of dry season flows; • Attenuation of peak runoff of storm flow; • Protection of water quality – through reduction of inputs of nutrients and salinity levels, and allowing normal rates of sediment flow; • To protect biodiversity • To protect wildlife habitat In the case of Batang Gadis National Park, we can use determination of main benefits derived from protected areas by MacKinnon, et. al (1986) in Mc Neely (1988) as follows: • Stabilizing hydrological functions • Protecting soils • Contributing to stability of climate • Conserving renewable harvestable resources • Protecting genetic resources • Preserving breeding stocks, population reservoirs and biological diversity • Maintaining the natural balance of the environment • Supporting tourism and recreation • Creating employment opportunities • Providing facilities for research, education and monitoring Conservation International-Indonesia 43 Economic Valuation Study of Batang Gadis Watershed Services 7.3 er vices ervices Beneficiaries of Watershed SSer Tognetti, (2003) suggested that access to benefits provided by watershed services is primarily determined by various forms of property rights, which define rights to particular streams of benefits as well as responsibilities for their provision. Thus they determine who has access to particular resources, and whether those who pay the costs of management practices have access to any of the benefits, and therefore have an incentive for conservation. Meanwhile Gouyon (2002) proposed several cases to be considered as regards the beneficiaries of environmental services, as follows: • A limited, well-defined number of stakeholders benefiting directly from the service. This often occurs in watershed conservation: a bottled mineral company reaps direct benefits from watershed conservation services resulting from conservation friendly practices in the upward part of the river basin (case of well-identified individual beneficiaries of the service). • A more loosely defined group of stakeholders, who may benefit in varying degrees and in a non-obvious way from environmental services. For example, all the population and industries in the downstream part of the basin are likely to benefit from resulting conservation of water flow and quality (case of public goods or services). • An even more indirect case is when the beneficiaries are the whole of mankind, as is the case in carbon sequestration (case of international public goods). • Table 22 below presents examples of beneficiaries of watershed services in some conservation area in Indonesia. Table 22. B eneficiaries of Watershed SSer er vices in SSome ome N ational P ar ks in IIndonesia ndonesia Beneficiaries ervices National Par arks No Location Type of Services Beneficiaries 1 Gunung Halimun Salak NP Water Regulation and Water Supply Society in Bogor, Sukabumi, Lebak, and Jakarta 2 Gunung Gede Pangrango NP Water Supply PDAM, society and private sector 3 Ciremai NP Water regulation for agriculture, fishery, drinking water, and industries PDAM, society and private sector 4 Bromo Tengger Semeru Water supply for dam/ reservoir for drinking water Society, PDAM, hotels 5 Baluran NP Water regulation Bottled water company, hotels, society 6 Leuser NP Water regulation Society 7 Danau Sentarum Water regulation Society 8 Rinjani NP Water regulation Society 9 Bukit Tiga Puluh NP Water regulation Society 10 Bukit Baka Bukit Raya Water regulation Society Note: PDAM is Perusahaan Daerah Air Minum or Water Enterprise Source: Director of Environmental Service and Ecotourism Utilization (2005) 44 Conservation International-Indonesia Economic Valuation Study of Batang Gadis Watershed Services It has been noted from Table 19 in Chapter 6 that there is no well-defined number of stakeholders benefiting directly from the watershed service provided by Batang Gadis National Park (e.g. bottled mineral company). In fact, beneficiaries of watershed services provided by the park are considered to be more loosely defined group of stakeholders, such as society (people in Madina District, including farmers and fishermen) and local government. The study has not found any industries in downstream that use water supply from Batang Gadis NP. More indirect beneficiaries are the global community, as is the case in carbon storage and biodiversity. asis F or Valuation and D ecision M aking 7.4 The B Basis For Decision Making In order to develop incentive mechanism of watershed services, one has to be clear on: • Who will pay for the services? • How much is the price of the services? • How to calculate? • To whom the payment is done? • What can we get from the payment? Faced with uncertainty about costs and benefits of watershed protection, Tognetti, (2003) suggested that establishing actual value of protecting the services provided by watersheds becomes in part of value judgment and a matter of policy, as are most decisions of a public nature. Trade-offs tend to be evaluated and prices paid based on: • the opportunity costs of forgone land uses; • cost of implementing management plans; • individual wiliness to pay in the form of user fees and purchase of products; • political willingness to pay as indicated by national budget allocation of tax revenue. In the case of Indonesia, Director of Environmental Services and Ecotourism Utilization (2005) proposed an approach to estimate the price of watershed services, which is by using management cost needed to maintain sustainability of the services. In order to ensure delivery of watershed services, the following conditions must be obtained: • No logging in catchment area • Rehabilitation of catchment area – reforestation (if already degraded) • No destructive activities in the upstream catchment area • No commercial infrastructure development in catchment area To achieve the above conditions, there is the need to develop and implement effective management of the watershed area (protected area). Inevitably, this initiative will cause significant management costs to implement, including: • Management plan of conservation area • Effective protection of conservation area from illegal poaching, logging, etc • Community development • Development of supporting infrastructure (e.g. ecotourism, etc) As an illustration, MacKinnon (1986) in McNeely (1988) examined conditions of water catchments of 11 irrigation projects in Indonesia for which development loans were being requested from the World Bank. By using standard costings for the development of the protected area, reforestation if necessary, and any resettlement of families required, the costs of providing adequate protection for the catchment was estimated. These ranged from less than 1 per cent of the development costs of the individual irrigation project in cases where the catchment was more or less intact to 5 per cent where extensive reforestation were required. Overall these costs were trivial compared to the estimated 30 percent to 40 percent drop in efficiency of the irrigation system expected if catchments were not properly safeguarded. In addition, economic incentives in the form of water pricing or allocation of water rights would clearly improve efficiency and equity of water use as well as generate funds to maintenance of the irrigation system and protection and management of the watershed, with additional Conservation International-Indonesia 45 Economic Valuation Study of Batang Gadis Watershed Services environmental benefits in terms of conservation of tropical forests and endangered species (Panayotou 1987 in McNeely 1988). Another approach to estimate the price of water supply proposed by ESP (2005) can be seen on Figure 12 below: rice iguree 12. Calculation of Water P Price Figur Conser Conservvation Cost Operational Cost PRICE = Rehabilitation Cost Production Cost ----------------------------------Total Volume of Water Number of Water Users Total Yield of Water Note: In Medan, there is also a suggestion to allocate Rp 10/m3 of water produced for conservation cost. Source: ESP (2005) Up until now, PDAM has to pay ground and surface water taxes to local government, which is 20% of water value. Figure 13 below shows the existing condition of estimating water value by PDAM (local water enterprise). etermination of Water Value iguree 13. D Determination Figur Rp = 20% X Volume of Water Produced Water Value Fixed Water Price X Raw Water Price Factors of Water Value • Water resource component • Compensation for Recovery • Compensatiuon for management Exploitation and investment coast to produce the water (determined by local government) Source: Decree af Minister of Mineral and Energy Resources No 1451/10/MEM/2000 in ESP (2005) 46 Conservation International-Indonesia Economic Valuation Study of Batang Gadis Watershed Services 7.5 unds for E nvir onmental SSer er vices ((Who Who P ays?) ources Funds Envir nvironmental ervices Pays?) Sour ces of F Ideally, in a perfect market theory, each stakeholder should pay for the share of environmental services used that is derived from protected areas or conservation activities. Yet, given the general difficulties in valuing environmental services and the lack of related property rights and markets, the present situation is very far from reality. Gouyon (2002) suggested that in practice for the moment, direct and indirect payments for that environmental services are likely to originate from four types of sources, going from the more public to the more private: 1. Public budgets In most cases, payments originate from public budgets. This is the case when the externalities of particular environmental damage or service are borne by the whole regional, national or even international community of inter-government donors. In this case, the payments originate from the community of regional, national or international tax-payers, as well as international financial institutions. They are supposedly channeled to the rural poor such as through community development projects. 2. Polluters A particular case is the one where the payments originate from polluters, i.e. from stakeholders wanting to conserve the right to emit waste of harmful gases, and ready to pay other parties to compensate for their emissions, at lower cost that if they had to reduce their own. This is the case of tradable emission permits and the Clean Development Mechanism. 3. Concerned individuals and institutions There are many concerned individuals and institutions, especially in rich countries, who consider that public expenditures, as of now, are not sufficient to meet the costs of a number of environmental targets. They place a sufficient value on environmental services to be ready to contribute to the cost of promoting them beyond their tax-payers duty. This is also the case of all projects financed through private donations to environmental NGOs. A related case is when private companies finance environmental and povertyalleviation scheme to improve their image. 4. Directly affected stakeholders There is the case where payments originate from directly affected stakeholders or group of stakeholders, who have a direct interest because they directly bear the externality cost or benefit of the environmental practices of other parties. This is typically the case in watershed conservation: for example in Indonesia, the Aqua mineral water group finances community development and environmental conservation activities in the watersheds which are needed to sustain mineral water flow. Meanwhile, Tognetti (2003) suggested sources of funds as follows: • User fees – these usually works best when it is possible to limit benefits to those who pay. Examples include fees added to existing charges for water delivery that are specifically designated for financing conservation activities, and licensing of activities that reduce stream flow. • Taxes – these may be necessary when benefits cannot be limited to a specific group of beneficiaries as a way to overcome free-riding, or for policy reasons, it is considered fair that payments be made mandatory and responsibility be more widely shared; examples might include reduction of flood damages and protection of biodiversity and indirect uses associated with it. For example, in Colombia, watershed management is funded through a 6% tax on the revenue of large hydroelectric plants, of which 3% is transferred to autonomous regional corporation who have authority for catchment management, and 3% to municipal government, partly for the purposes of basin protection and sanitation projects. • Donations – these may be more appropriate for more globalized benefits, such as protection of biodiversity, to address root causes of problems that are beyond the control of local stakeholders, such as those associated with hydropower infrastructure and commercial logging concessions driven by national and international level interest. However, external sources of funding will be harder to sustain and may be more appropriate for sponsoring activities needed to develop an initiative. Conservation International-Indonesia 47 Economic Valuation Study of Batang Gadis Watershed Services In the case when the externalities of particular environmental service are borne by the whole international community of inter-government donors, then the environmental, conservation or trust funds could be considered as blunt financial instruments. They can be valuable where environmental services (especially biodiversity or natural habitats) contribute a great deal to the public good, and where the core for economic incentives or regulation is limited. International funding instruments are an important mechanism to capture the global ‘willingness to pay’ for conservation and sustainable use approaches, and to ensure that global benefits arising from biodiversity are met with global funding. One of best-known case of international treaties that is paying for the “global commons” is the Global Environmental Facility (GEF). Created in 1991 and funded mostly by voluntary contribution from rich countries GEF mandate is to support developing countries’ provision of global commons. The GEF is also the permanent or temporary financing mechanism for international agreements on biodiversity, climate change, protection of ozone layer and persistent organic pollutants (Gutman, 2003). Figure 14 shows type of incentive mechanism of watershed services. Benefit from the Ecosystem (US$ or US$/ha) er vices ncentiv echanism of Watershed SSer Figur Mechanism ervices ncentivee M iguree 14. Types of IIncentiv Conservation Grants Increased biodiversity conservation Payments for Water Services Increased downstream water services Visitor Fees Increased Recreation Reduced Extraction of Forest Products Conser Conservvation Fund Cost of Conservation Sources: Pagiola at al. (1999) As mentioned before, there is no well-defined number of stakeholders benefiting directly from the watershed service provided by Batang Gadis National Park. Thus, it is not easy to introduce a user fee mechanism (payment for water services) since we cannot limit stakeholders benefits at present from specific services provided by the park. Beneficiaries of watershed services provided by the park is considered to be a more loosely defined group of stakeholders, such as the society in Madina District and even global community for the case in carbon storage and biodiversity. Therefore, public budgets (originated from government budget, as well as international financial institutions), donations (originated from concerned individuals or institutions) and visitor fees (originated from ecotourism and park entrance fee) are considered to be appropriate funding sources for the case of Batang Gadis National Park. These sources of fund could possibly be managed through conservation fund. 48 Conservation International-Indonesia Economic Valuation Study of Batang Gadis Watershed Services 7.6 ncentiv echanism for Watershed SSer er vices ncentivee M Mechanism ervices Types of IIncentiv McNeely (1988) suggested incentives can be divided into: 1) direct incentives – either in cash or in kind – that are applied to achieve specific objectives, such as improving management of protected area; and 2) indirect incentives – that do not require any direct budgetary appropriation for biological resource conservation, but apply fiscal, service, social and natural resource policies to specific conservation problems. Table 23 below shows examples of economic incentives for conservation. es for Conser xamples of E conomic IIncentiv ncentiv Table 23. E ncentives Conservvation Examples Economic No Type of Incentive To Local Community To Local Government I DIR ECT INCENTIVES 1 In Cash Wages from working in the park, subsidies for reforestation Direct contribution to government revenue, investing in national park management 2 In Kind Goods (seedlings, equipment, vehicles, etc) to promote sustainable livelihoods options Small scale infrastructure or utilities to promote sustainable development options – mostly interest to local communities (e.g. ecotourism, etc) II INDIRECT INCENTIVES 1 Fiscal Measures Micro finance (sources of loans for small scale enterprise/business), marketing support Promote investment, production and employment related to sustainable use of the biological resources (e.g. through debt swaps, foreign assistance, etc) 2 Provision of Services Community development (education, healthcare, etc), training, etc Capacity building for government staff 3 Social Factors Improve quality of life, support spiritual and cultural value, conservation education Source: modified from McNeely (1988 ) Conservation International-Indonesia 49 Economic Valuation Study of Batang Gadis Watershed Services Meanwhile, Conservation Stewards Program of CI (2005) proposed a different type of incentive mechanism that will result in benefits to local people, including: • Direct payments for biodiversity conservation (financial rewards) • Payment for ecosystem services • Investment in development (health, education, improved access to resources and markets, infrastructure, etc) • Assistance in protecting locally valuable resources er vices in evie wing IInitiativ nitiativ es of IIncentiv ncentiv echanism for Watershed SSer 7.7 R ervices Revie eviewing nitiatives ncentivee M Mechanism Indonesia The Government of Indonesia has initiated some policies and efforts to protect and manage watershed area in Indonesia (Director of Environmental Service and Ecotourism Utilization, 2005). These include: • Declaring prioritized and super prioritized watershed to be managed; • Developing GNRHL (land rehabilitation) program to rehabilitate prioritized and super prioritized critical watershed throughout Indonesia; • Issuing Act No.7 2004 concerning water resources and following this up by developing drafts of government regulation concerning irrigation, rivers, watershed management financing, etc; • Working with other institution in conducting research to design environmental services payment (for examples with RUPES/ICRAF in PDAM Mataram NTB, Management of Jasa Tirta I in Brantas, East Java and Jasa Tirta II in West Java and PT. Krakatau Steel in Cidanau Dam, Serang). The Director of Environmental Services and Ecotourism Utilization (2005) also noted that until recently, there is no single formal regulation concerning incentive mechanisms for environmental services in conservation areas in Indonesia. However, there are some existing basic laws and regulations that can be used to support this kind of mechanism including: • Law No.5 1990 concerning Natural Resources and Ecosystem Conservation; • Law No. 41 1999 on Forestry; • Government Regulation no. 68 1998 concerning Conservation and Nature Reserve Area; • Government Regulation no. 34 2002 concerning Forest Landscaping and Forest Planning, Forest Management and Forest Use. Based on the above mentioned laws and regulations, the strategic directions of utilization of services provided by watershed area are as follows: 1. Initiate funding sources for sustainable development through effective management of watershed services; 2. Promote the improvement of people welfare through effective management of watershed services; 3. Maintain the availability of water resources in the forested watershed areas, especially in conservation area. Followings are some examples of incentive mechanism of watershed services that have been initiated or implemented in some sites in Indonesia, including Gede Pangrangro watershed, West Lombok (Rinjani and Gili Matra), Cidanau (Banten Province), and Gunung Ciremai National Park. angrango Watershed ede P Gunung G Pangrango Gede Gunung Gede Pangrango Watershed is one of the prioritized areas for Environmental Service Program (ESP) under USAID. ESP (2005) defined environmental services payments as a payment to producers or sellers of environmental services by users or buyers that enjoy the provided services through practices and efforts to ensure the ecosystem sustainability and its recovery. The existing condition is that PDAM has to pay tax for ground water to the local government (maximum of 20% of total value of water). The payment mechanism proposed for Gede Pangrango Watershed can be seen on Figure 15 below. 50 Conservation International-Indonesia Economic Valuation Study of Batang Gadis Watershed Services Figur ncentiv echanism in G ede P angrango Watershed iguree 15. IIncentiv ncentivee M Mechanism Gede Pangrango CO2 Industries, PLTA, PDAM, plantation, hotels, downstream communities Carbon, Water, scenic beauty Rp Forest WSM Forum US$ MOU, Perda, Perdes, Perbup Owner/ Forest Management Unit/ BTNGP, villages networks Source: ESP (2005) West Lombok (Rinjani and G ili M atra) Gili Matra) In the case of West Lombok (Rinjani and Gili Matra), the initiative has been to develop a payment system through the district revenue mechanism (PAD/APBD) by creating an incentive to local stakeholders (Government of West Lombok,, 2005). This mechanism is then presented in the Local Regulation (Perda). Seventy percent of total revenue collected from payment system will be given back to implement conservation activities which agreed by key stakeholders. An independent organization (consists of supervisory board and executive board) manages this conservation fund. The special tasks of this organization are: • The disbursement of conservation funds based on detailed needs assessment; • Conducting relevant studies; • Performing monitoring and evaluation; and • Developing accountability reports. There are two types of environmental services that have to be paid by the users, namely: ecotourism and water supply. The mechanism is as follows: • An additional entry fee in several potential ecotourism areas (from Rp 25,000 to Rp 35,000 for foreign visitors and from Rp 2,500 to Rp 3,500 for local visitors). • Agreements for water payment (initiated by WWF, PDAM, and Customer Association in West Lombok). Conservation International-Indonesia 51 Economic Valuation Study of Batang Gadis Watershed Services Figure 16 below shows the incentive mechanism of watershed services in West Lombok. Figur ncentiv echanism of Watershed SSer er vices in West Lombok iguree 16. IIncentiv ncentivee M Mechanism ervices Perda (Local Regulation) on Environmental Services Payments - Rp Social Service Independent Body Users of Environmental Services (downstream communities) Compaign and Awareness Upstream community Quality Control Conservation Activities Natural Resources Functions of the Forest Ecosystem Source: Government of West Lombok, (2005) Cidanau (B anten P (Banten Prrovince) Cidanau Watershed is one of the important watersheds in Banten Province, covering an area of 22,042 ha. The Cidanau River collects water from 17 large and small streams, and flows into the Sunda Strait that separates the islands of Java and Sumatra. The Cidanau watershed is home to an active farming community and 30% of the area has been converted to paddy rice fields. The area has two main roles in the economic development of the western area of Banten Province, specifically Cilegon city. Firstly, it is the only water reservoir with adequate discharge in this area to provide water for heavy industrial activities and domestic uses, and secondly, Cidanau watershed includes the Rawa Danau Nature Conservation Area (2,500 ha – 9% of the total catchment area), which is the only remaining mountain swamp conservation site in Java and contains several endemic species of plants and animals. PT. Krakatau Tirta Industri, a water company, is authorized to manage distribution of the water to the all industries in Cilegon and for domestic use in Serang and Cilegon. It supplies 1,000 liter per second and pays a water tax to Government and Cilegon. This company also conducts various works for rehabilitation of Cidanau River. 52 Conservation International-Indonesia Economic Valuation Study of Batang Gadis Watershed Services In the newly created province of Banten integrated management of the Cidanau watershed is a priority. Decree Number 124.3/Kep.64-Huk/02 of the Banten Governor, dated May 24th 2002, formally established the Forum Komunikasi DAS Cidanau – FKDC (Cidanau Watershed Communication Forum). FKDC as the intermediary is now in the process of establishing an alternative financial institution, which will collect all the ‘rewards’ and channel them to the providers of the environmental services. The FKDC intends to develop a proper reward mechanism through collaboration among capable stakeholders and to integrate various stakeholders both internal and external that potentially have capabilities in conducting RUPES mechanisms (quoted from http:// k emai N ational P ar Gunung Cir Par ark Ciremai National Gunung Ciremai National Park with the size of 15,500 ha is the highest mountain in West Java (3,078 m above sea level). Besides its high biodiversity, this area also acts as catchment area for downstream areas, including Kuningan, Majalengka and Cirebon Districts. The watershed in Gunung Ciremai National Park also has significant contribution to provide water supply for domestic consumption, fishery, agriculture, drinking water (PDAM) and industries. In addition to that, this area is also potential for ecotourism. There are two private companies that have been utilized water supply from Gunung Ciremai watershed, they are: 1. PT. Indocement Tunggal Prakarsa Tbk This company has developed reservoir using water supply from Telaga Remis and distributes the water by using pipe. Currently, this company has to pay compensation fund to government of Kuningan District as much as Rp 400 million per year. 2. PDAM (Local Water Enterprise) Water utilization by PDAM has been conducted by using horizontal pipe producing water supply as much as 700-liter water/second. PDAM has to pay Rp 1.75 billion for compensation fund plus Rp 420 million for tax per year to the government of Kuningan District (Hamzah, 2005). In addition to above initiates, currently, Environmental Services Program (ESP)-USAID also has been developing a five year environmental services program (started from December 2004 to September 2009) covering West Sumatra, North Sumatra, DKI Jakarta, West Java, East Java, Balikpapan-East Kalimantan, Manado- North Sulawesi, Manokwari and Jayapura-Papua. This program consists of: 1. Watershed management and biodiversity conservation (to protect the water resources) 2. Environmental services (to improve the access to clean water and sanitation) 3. Environmental services financing (to mobilize funding and improve efficiency and funding for new connection) er vices in B atang echanism for Watershed SSer ncentiv 7.4 Identifying P ervices Batang ncentivee M Mechanism Prroposed IIncentiv ational P ar k Gadis N National Par ark In order to develop such an effective and achievable incentive mechanism, there should be: • Clear boundaries of watershed areas and stakeholders in the area • Identifiable and quantifiable type of services provided by the watershed area • Identifiable beneficiaries/users of those services • Identifiable benefits resulting from the incentive mechanism • Identifiable beneficiaries of the incentive mechanism • Incentive that are relatively easy to implement • Incentive scheme that are financially affordable Conservation International-Indonesia 53 Economic Valuation Study of Batang Gadis Watershed Services Table 24. M atrix of Analysis to IIdentify dentify IIncentiv ncentiv echanism in B atang G adis Watershed Matrix ncentivee M Mechanism Batang Gadis No Type of Services Beneficiaries Potential Incentive Mechanism Constraints/Opportunities 1 Water supply for households’ consumption Society (local people): • Primary beneficiary communities (11,814 households) • Secondary beneficiary communities (68,398 households) 2 Water supply and regulation for agriculture Society (farmers) User fee Lack of awareness of ecosystem services and conflicting land use options No market mechanism No regulation 3 Water supply and regulation for fishery Society (fishermen) User fee No market mechanism 4 Biodiversity Global community Conservation Grants Limited funding opportunity 5 Carbon storage Global community Subsidies for reforestation Limited funding opportunity 6 Supporting tourism and recreation Local, regional, national and global community Visitor Fee Undeveloped tourism sector 7 Non Timber Forest Products Local community Retribution from non timber forest products Undeveloped NTFPs Lack of awareness of ecosystem services and conflicting land use options No market mechanism No regulation Based on the above conditions in Batang Gadis National Park, it seems that conservation or trust funds could be considered as potential financial instruments for implementing incentive mechanism of watershed services in the park. The funding sources of this conservation fund could be originated from various sources, such as: • Allocation from government budget to implement the park management • Visitor fee from ecotourism activities • Payments from non timber forest products • International/global funding 54 Conservation International-Indonesia Economic Valuation Study of Batang Gadis Watershed Services A Batang Gadis Watershed Forum could be established to manage conservation fund and implement, with the specific tasks as follows: • disbursing the conservation fund to implement the program based on agreement from members of the Forum; • facilitating fundraising efforts; • ensuring participation of local community; • performing monitoring and evaluation; and • developing accountability report. Figur ncentiv echanism of Watershed SSer er vices in B atang G adis N ational P ar k iguree 17. P Prroposed IIncentiv ncentivee M Mechanism ervices Batang Gadis National Par ark Maintain sustainability of watershed services Watershed Services from Batang Gadis National Park Biodiversity Conservation Water Supply and Regulation Conservation Grant from government budget, interested individuals/private sectors or conservation organizations User Fees from water users, government budget Carbon Storage Tourism and Recreation Conservation Grant from interested individuals/ private sectors Entry Fee NTFPs Payments Conservation Fund Batang Gadis Watershed Forum • Park management • Forest rehabilitation • Community Development • Land and Water Conservation • Conservation Campaign Awareness • Sustainable Use Options • Fundraising: identify other innovative funding sources • Monitoring and Evaluation Conservation International-Indonesia 55 Park management units, local community, local government, etc Rp/US$ Economic Valuation Study of Batang Gadis Watershed Services Although an incentive mechanism of watershed services has advantages for conserving biodiversity and improving human welfare, they are not easy to implement. There are several principal issues to be considered to implement this initiative, such as: policy and legal framework, institutional design, financing and strategic behavior by potential beneficiaries. The following are some of the factors the help to ensure enabling conditions for effective incentive mechanism of watershed services that need to consider for the development of an incentive mechanism in Batang Gadis National Park: 1. Available Data. In the process of developing incentive mechanism, there is the need to reliable data on: definition and quantity of services, beneficiaries of those services, distribution of costs and benefits, etc. 2. Effective laws and regulation. To function effectively, incentives require some degree of regulation, enforcement and monitoring. There should be clear policy that avoids different perception among stakeholders. Local agreement or regulation needs to be set up to manage the process of incentive mechanism. 3. Stakeholders awareness and involvement. In the development phase of incentive mechanism, the key challenge is to gain confidence and collaboration of stakeholders. Stakeholders need to be aware of ecosystem services, including awareness of conflicting land use options and implications of their loss for livelihoods and quality of life if the watershed ecosystem damaged. 4. Sufficient and reliable sources of funding. One of the biggest challenges in developing such an incentive mechanism is sources of funding. 5. Effective management plans. Effective management plan (including monitoring and enforcement) is needed to insure the effectiveness of park management and insure stakeholder access to benefits, and equitable payment arrangements as an incentive for implementation 6. Strong and effective intermediary institution. Given the large number of stakeholder involved in watershed protection, payments need to be channeled through intermediaries for pooling funds from a group of beneficiaries and/or collecting user fees. 7. Effective coordination among sectors: there should be effective coordination among sectors from developing the regulation, planning, and implementation to monitoring stage. Coordination among sectors are also needed to refine of fee/tax/retribution/sharing benefit 8. Capacity of local community to benefit from incentives. The effectiveness of a package of incentives aimed at a specific community depends on number of factors, including: capacity of community to absorb the incentive (villages with well-developed institutions will usually be able to absorb incentives more effectively than poorly organized villages), level of motivation of the community (communities which are eager to cooperate and take advantage of opportunities such as tourism are quite different from communities which need to be convinced that cooperation is in their own best interest; in the latter case, an initial promotion campaign may be required. The proposed incentive mechanism for watershed protection and services in Batang Gadis National Park above is still a preliminary draft that needs to be discussed and refined by broad range of stakeholders involved in Batang Gadis watershed use and protection. 56 Conservation International-Indonesia Economic Valuation Study of Batang Gadis Watershed Services Chapter 8. Conclusion and R ecommendation Recommendation Conclusion: The economic valuation aims to provide adequate information and justification to stakeholders and decision makers to be considered in land use and development decision making process in certain area. One of the approaches to obtain this information is by assessing the Total Economic Value (TEV) of ecosystem goods and services currently derived from the area and see their distribution among the different stakeholders that share the ecosystems. For this study, the economic valuation is limited on analysis of water resource benefits to Madina District only. The study has successfully revealed the direct and indirect economic value of watershed services derived from Batang Gadis National Park. From the study, it is very obvious that Batang Gadis National Park plays important role in supporting the sustainable economic activities and development in the surrounding areas. The watershed in this area provides the environmental benefits derived from the ‘use value’ of watersheds that divided into direct use (outputs directly consumable) and indirect use (functional benefits). Direct use includes water supply and indirect use includes flood control, landslide, erosion resistant, etc. This watershed is extremely valuable, supplying water to almost 400,000 people (for domestic needs) and more than 42,100 ha of paddy fields and 108,320.12 ha commercial crops. The study also revealed that watershed services provided by Batang Gadis National Park mostly benefit the external stakeholders (in this case the downstream communities) and there is no market or institutional conditions that allow the local people living in and surrounding the national park area to benefit from such environmental services. Therefore, there are no (if not very little) economic incentives from local community to protect their area, especially when they have alternatives to change land use practices to less environmentally friendly systems (e.g. commercial plantation, logging, mining, etc). This study therefore also attempted to identify types of incentive mechanism that can possibly be used to provide the benefits to people living in and surrounding the national park so they will have tangible incentives to conserve the forest resources and it watershed protection function. Such an incentive mechanism is needed to maintain continuous support for communities living adjacent to the protected area to develop conservation friendly activities (including promote sustainable utilization of forest resources, improving the management of a protected area, etc); to insure delivery of watershed services; and to create a steady flow of funding for management of the park to ensure the conservation effectiveness. It has been noted that there is no well-defined number of stakeholders benefiting directly from the watershed service provided by Batang Gadis National Park (e.g. bottled mineral company). In fact, beneficiaries of watershed services provided by the park are considered to be more loosely defined group of stakeholders, such as society at large (people in Madina District, including farmers and fishermen) and local government. The study has not found any industries in downstream that use water supply from Batang Gadis National Park. Indirect beneficiaries include the society in Madina District, to the global community. Thus, it is not easy to introduce user fee mechanisms (payment for water services) since we cannot limit stakeholder benefits from specific services provided by the park. Therefore, public budgets (originated from government budget, as well as international financial institutions), donations (originated from concerned individuals or institutions) and visitor fees (originated from ecotourism and park entrance fee) are considered to be appropriate funding sources for the case of Batang Gadis National Park. These sources of fund could possibly be managed through conservation fund. The funding sources of this conservation fund could originate from various sources, such as: allocation from government budget to implement the park management; visitor fee from ecotourism activities; tax payments from non-timber forest products harvested; and international/global funding. Conservation International-Indonesia 57 Economic Valuation Study of Batang Gadis Watershed Services To manage a conservation fund and implement the program, a Batang Gadis Watershed Forum could be established to, with the specific tasks to disburse the conservation fund to implement the program based on agreement from members of the Forum; facilitate fundraising efforts; ensure participation of local community; perform monitoring and evaluation; and develop accountability reports. The proposed incentive mechanism for watershed protection in Batang Gadis National Park in this study is still a preliminary draft that needs to be discussed and refined by broad range of stakeholders involved in Batang Gadis watershed use and protection. Therefore several next steps are proposed as follows. Next steps: 1. Conduct technical focus group meeting to: - fully utilizes the data and knowledge of local decision-makers and stakeholders; - maximizes the involvement and feedback from partners and counterparts to develop and improve the resource valuation analyses and approach; - raises awareness among all valuation participants of: the need for economic valuation of resource use; the kind of information that valuation can provide; and the way in which valuation can be carried out. 2. Conduct stakeholders workshop to: - present the result of the economic valuation study to decision makers - discuss and agree upon types of incentive mechanism for watershed services 3. Refine the final report based on inputs from above series of meeting Recommendation: • Such an incentive mechanism is needed to maintain continuous support for communities living adjacent to the protected area to develop conservation friendly activities (including promote sustainable utilization of forest resources, improving the management of a protected area, etc); to insure delivery of watershed services; and to create a steady flow of funding for management of the park to ensure the conservation effectiveness. • Indirect beneficiaries include the society in Madina District, to the global community, as is the case in carbon storage and biodiversity. Thus, it is not easy to introduce user fee mechanisms (payment for water services) since we cannot limit stakeholder benefits from specific services provided by the park. Therefore, public budgets (originated from government budget, as well as international financial institutions), donations (originated from concerned individuals or institutions) and visitor fees (originated from ecotourism and park entrance fee) are considered to be appropriate funding sources for the case of Batang Gadis National Park. These sources of fund could possibly be managed through conservation fund. The funding sources of this conservation fund could originate from various sources, such as: allocation from government budget to implement the park management; visitor fee from ecotourism activities; tax payments from non-timber forest products harvested; and international/global funding. • To manage a conservation fund and implement the program, a Batang Gadis Watershed Forum could be established to, with the specific tasks to disburse the conservation fund to implement the program based on agreement from members of the Forum; facilitate fundraising efforts; ensure participation of local community; perform monitoring and evaluation; and develop accountability reports. The proposed incentive mechanism for watershed protection in Batang Gadis National Park above is still a preliminary draft that needs to be discussed and refined by broad range of stakeholders involved in Batang Gadis watershed use and protection. 58 Conservation International-Indonesia Economic Valuation Study of Batang Gadis Watershed Services Next steps: 1. Conduct technical focus group meeting to: - fully utilizes the data and knowledge of local decision-makers and stakeholders; - maximizes the involvement and feedback from partners and counterparts to develop and improve the resource valuation analyses and approach; - raises awareness among all valuation participants of: the need for economic valuation of resource use; the kind of information that valuation can provide; and the way in which valuation can be carried out. 2. Conduct stakeholders workshop to: - present the result of the economic valuation study to decision makers - discuss and agree upon types of incentive mechanism for watershed services 3. Refine the final report based on inputs from above series of meeting Conservation International-Indonesia 59 Economic Valuation Study of Batang Gadis Watershed Services Refer ence eference .J.H., H.S.J. Cesar anssen. 2002. Economic Valuation of the Leuser National Park on Sumatra, P.J.H., Cesar,, M.A. JJanssen. Beukering, P Indonesia. Ecological Economics 44 (2003) 43-62. ELSEVIER. Barbier arbier,, E. B. 1998. Environmental Project Evaluation in Developing Countries. Bateman, I.J. 1993. Valuation of the Environment, Methods and Techniques: Revealed Preference Methods. In: Turner R, K (ed). Sustainable Environmental Economics and Management: Principles and Practice. Belhaven Press. London. Bitra Consor tium. 2005. Dari Hutan Rarangan ke Taman Nasional: Potret Komunitas Lokal di Sekitar Taman Consortium. 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